#italicized ‘Oh’ is my favorite trope
justcallme-ange · 5 months
not to get all soft here but c!dream peering at accidentally human c!techno and then carefully tracing his fingers over techno's face as if he's trying to learn his features, trying to commit them to memory because it's not the techno he's used to but it's still his techno. - loyal simplepotatofarmer
Hi Loyal @simplepotatofarmer! Welcome~ welcome~ I'm always down for soft.
After all the shenanigans and things settle into the new “normal” Dream gets a moment to really look at Techno, he’s hurt himself again and Dream’s patching him up and then Techno gives him this look.
And certain expressions don’t translate well on nonhuman features - is the lie Dream’s been telling himself… but Techno’s giving him the same look as always, and well…
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
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twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
in which you come to a few realizations while remembering the very first night you'd met eddie. a phone call with steve leaves you with more questions than answers.
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, eventual smut, heavier angst this chapter but all will be well soon, two uses of y/n, upside down does not exist, minors dni
→ word count: 4.4k+
→ a/n: shorter chapter today but the focus here is the memory! finally making some progress haha. also trying out something new with formatting/the summary situation. if i hate it, i'll probably change it. <3 also, italicized portion is a memory.
spotify playlist.
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7:00 ────ㅇ────────────── 24:00
DINGUS: [image attachment]
DINGUS: y/n just texted me this. we’re not getting an update this hour. 
BIRDIE: what the hell happened?
DINGUS: she hasn’t said yet, as you can see in the photo, robs. 
ARGYLE  😎: what do we THINK happened? 
BIRDIE: my best bet is fighting? 
ARGYLE 😎: lover’s quarrel? Makes sense. 
BIRDIE: i’m adding nance back into the chat
BIRDIE added NANCE to the groupchat.
BIRDIE: @NANCE explain what you meant earlier please. we’re having a code red. the bad kind. 
DINGUS: there’s a good kind of code red?
NANCE: Oh God, what happened? 
DINGUS: y/n texted me saying she fucked up, and we’re assuming either she’s finally murdered eddie, or they’re fighting again.
NANCE: I can call Eddie, if you guys want?
JOHNNY: So does this mean we’re all $500 richer?
BIRDIE: @JOHNNY if you still think this is about the money, you’re a fucking idiot
There had been a time in your life where you believed you didn’t hold a single mean bone in your body. A time where you were soft-spoken, a time where you overflowed with kindness and dotted out compliments to random strangers. There was once a version of you in this lifetime that worked so fervently to be the type of person people liked and enjoyed the company of. You always swore to always treat others with the same grace as you would prefer to receive as well.
A year ago, that version of you had been sidetracked. 
You stare at the wooden frame of Eddie’s door with blank eyes. He wasn’t going to open it any time soon. You’d tried knocking multiple times, calling out to him in a soft voice, begging and pleading and begging and pleading. His response continued to be silence. 
“All I’ve ever done is hurt you.”
With the haze clearing, in the midst of the aftermath and sour clarity, you wish you would have corrected him. Eddie and you had surely hurt each other countless times, but it is not all he’s ever done. 
You can remember the better moments clearly now. The time you’d tripped walking up the steps of one of the bars on Main Street, and Eddie had been the only person in your friend group to stop completely, reflectively reaching out to catch you from embarrassing yourself. The night of your birthday, in which he hadn’t come to the party due to “work” as Steve had explained, but had sent a card along with your friends that contained a gift card to your favorite coffee shop. You hadn’t even realized he knew your favorite coffee shop, and you’d come to find out that he didn’t even ask a single one of your mutual friends for it. You’d brushed it off as a lucky guess. And there was the time you’d forgotten your wallet during a brunch with the group, and he hadn’t hesitated to pick up your bill with his own. He didn’t even give Robin the chance to argue; he’d simply snatched your bill from across the table when you’d paled as you dug through your bag, and didn’t say a word about you paying him back. 
Small moments. Glimpses of kindness, bandages on wounds that you’d been ignoring to keep up a war between the two of you that you’d always assumed he’d started. 
Eddie Munson wasn’t the enemy, and the first night you two met was never a red herring; it was a glimpse into who he actually was. A clear look past the armor he hadn’t formed yet when it came to you. 
“They’re going to love you!” Robin insists as she continues to shove you from behind through the entrance of the bar. Steve is ahead of you, guiding you through the rough crowd to the table the rest of the group had already snagged. 
You turn your head over your shoulder, reaching up and grabbing the hand that Robin rested on you, “You don't know that. What if they hate me? What if they think I’m the worst person they’ve ever met?” 
Even as you wore a smile, there was a truth to the fear in your words. You were petrified that these strangers, strangers who meant so much to your only friends on campus, would turn their noses to you. There was nothing Robin or Steve could do to extinguish the fear. It was already a terrible knot in the pit of your stomach, tying and untying itself like a nuisance as Steve started to wave at a brunette who had been scanning the bar as if waiting for someone. 
She’s pretty. Wavy hair barely brushing her shoulders, sharp features accentuated in the shadows of the busy location. The moment her blue eyes locked on Steve, all the concentration on her face faded to be replaced with an excited smile. 
She returns the wave, and the boys surrounding her at the table all glance in your direction. 
You’re still half-hidden behind Steve as the three of you approach the group. Robin bounds out from behind you, scooping the woman you assumed was the famous Nancy into a barrelling hug. Your eyes flickered to the boy sat to Nancy’s right, shaggy hair flopping against his forehead and smile creases exposed as he nods to Steve and holds up his drink in greeting. Beside him, another man sits, long and shiny hair flowing over an outrageous Hawaiian print shirt and topped off with a baseball cap that looked to be the merchandise of a pizza shop. His smile is welcoming – something comforting in the relaxation of it. 
You’re almost completely captivated by the warmth that bled from the group when Steve and Robin are suddenly taking their seats. Robin sits beside Nancy, while Steve takes the seat across from the man with long hair. 
The only seat left open was between Steve and a man who’s back was turned to you. 
His hair is in a loose bun, unraveling against the nape of his neck.  You could see each and every defined curl. His broad shoulders stiffen beneath a leather jacket and denim vest, and his ring-clad hand cradles a short glass of something dark, something fizzy. 
“Alright, everyone!” Steve announces, turning and beckoning you to take this seat. Your stomach twists again, realizing you’d be sitting beside a stranger. One who had yet to even spare you a glance, “This is Y/N.” 
There’s rounds of greetings and introductions as you brush shoulders with the stranger to take your seat, and try as you might to keep up, all you can focus on is not looking at him. 
You’re guess was correct – the pretty girl that Robin had hugged was Nancy. The boy with floppy hair at her side was Jonathan, and the man with long hair told you his name is Argyle. His tone of casualty matches the comfort of his smile as he holds a hand out to you across the table, both your elbow and his brushing against empty baskets once filled with bar food as you shake. 
Finally, you turn to look at the stranger beside you, Steve reaching around to clasp his shoulder. 
“And mister oh-so-welcoming here is Eddie.” 
Eddie. He finally turns to look at you, with doleful eyes and a tight-lipped grin, and you almost forget how to breathe. 
He was intimidating. All broodish glances and stand-offish energy. But then Argyle cracks a joke, and suddenly, it all fades. The air in the room crackles frantically as you watch him chuckle slowly at first, until he finally descends into cackles with Steve and Jonathan alike. 
That’s when the first vine sprouts. 
The second one does when the conversation becomes overwhelming, and you find yourself lost amongst the sea of new friends. They’re nothing but friendly, trying to learn more about you but easily falling into well-established inside jokes at times. When you descend into silence as you watch them recount a story of a time that Argyle snuck them into his job after hours, you suddenly feel Eddie lean in closer to you.
“I think they tell this story every time they get drunk,” he whispers, tilting his head so that the words only reach your ears, “I’ve probably heard it a hundred times by now.” 
You bite back a smile, “Just tonight, or the entire time you’ve known them?” 
You have to fight hard to swallow down giggles, Eddie hiding his with a sip of his drink. A waiter who had taken your order nearly ten minutes ago arrives with your own drink. An amaretto sour. 
“I’m Eddie, by the way,” he says as you taste the drink. Its citrus bursts across your tongue and you nod.
“So Steve mentioned.” 
“Yeah, but I felt bad for not introducing myself,” he shrugs. You were facing him fully now, no longer trying to stick vehemently to Steve’s side. “I didn’t want to seem like a dick, just… had a long week.” 
You knew all about long weeks.
“I get it,” you assure him, “Are you in school, too?” 
“Night classes,” he supplies with a wave of his hand, “Midterms are a bitch, especially after working all day.” 
“Tell me about it. I think I’m about ten seconds away from getting fired at my current gig,” you joke, and Eddie laughs. It occurs to you that you’d probably do just about anything to hear his laugh more, and already begin to conjure up terrible jokes to pull that sound from him once more. It’s even more comforting than Argyle’s friendly cadence, than Steve’s elbow knocking yours to remind you he’s still there.
“Why would you think that?” Eddie’s nose scrunches, more curls falling against his cheek. Your drink is immediately forgotten. 
“He caught me talking shit,” another laugh falls from Eddie’s lips at your deadpan, more reserved than the previous but just as melodic, “I give it a week. He was already looking for a reason to send me to the chopping block. Says I talk too much to customers.” 
“Is that even possible?”
For a moment, in the smoky bar, it’s just you and Eddie. All knotting nerves have been replaced by the weight of the vines that surge higher and higher in your chest, growing at impossible rates. They don’t strangle you like your fears of the night had; their weight is a comforting hold, something solid to reach out for in the unfamiliar territory of new socialization. Without the mask of intimidation, Eddie feels like an old friend. 
You assume that everyone else is distracted by their own conversation, but Robin catches the way you lean into him as the two of you joke. She nudges Nancy subtly, and they both share a look when Eddie blushes at you being impressed as he tells you that his battle vest is hand-sewn. 
Your vines are not as hidden as you assume they are, certainly not when the first bud of hopefulness begins to grow. 
“So how long have you known Steve?” you ask him quietly, still under the guise of the two of you having created your own small bubble of a moment. 
Eddie downs the last of his Jack & Coke, something you caught onto by smelling it on his breath when he had gotten particularly close to you during conversation, “Too long. We all met in high school, actually.” 
“Oh, don’t tell me that,” you groan, and your forehead dramatically falls into his shoulder without second-thought. He stiffens beneath the connection, “I’m infiltrating a friend group that’s stood the test of times? I’m doomed.” 
You nearly lift your head from his still stiff shoulder, afraid to make him uncomfortable, when he brings a hesitant hand to pat your back jokingly, “There, there. I think you’re fitting in fine.” 
“Just fine? Ouch,” you finally lift your head as you had planned to, just as Eddie had begun to relax into your touch. His hand doesn’t fall too far from your back, resting on the back of your chair. His shy grin is impossibly charming, “You could have just said I’m crashing and burning, you know?” 
The night carries on like that, you and Eddie lost in private conversations only to be occasionally dragged back in on whatever debate the group is having. It’s a spring reaction; once one or both of you have given your two cents, you return to one another, finding solitude in joking and Eddie updating you on the group’s ‘lore’, as he puts it. Steve shoots several glances in your direction, always prepared to offer comfort in what should be an overwhelming situation, but he never has to. Every time he glances at you, Eddie is already taking the lead of entertaining you, qualming all your anxieties into non-existence. 
Your vines decorate with buds of hope. Every laugh you pull from Eddie, every fleeting touch that passes between the two of you, every new inside joke he decides to make with you rather than indulging in ones set in stone already with old friends - they all whisper of new friendship. They whisper in potential, in new beginnings and coming home after long weeks. 
By the time Nancy announces she has to go to the restroom and invites you and Robin, you’re in full bloom. You’re convinced that Eddie is a friend. And you can see it in his eyes – he’s convinced of it too, looking nervous when you stand and agree to go with Nancy. He looks like a child about to lose their social crutch, and it has potential to be devastating.
It’s almost enough to make you ignore your bladder, but you need to pee, and you need to socialize with more than just Eddie tonight. 
You’re not sure what happens at the table during your trip to the bathroom. But something surely does happen as you giggle with the girls under the humming lights of the restroom, as you all stand in the mirror side by side and fiddle with your hair and makeup and Robin makes a comment about how terribly cliche the moment is. Nancy slaps her on the arm, mutters something about the importance of girls bonding, and when you return to the table, you see it immediately – Eddie’s mask of indifference has returned. 
His cheeks are flushed, and all the boys are sharing nervous glances between one another as you all sit down again. 
There’s no more fleeting touches. You sip on your now watered down drink, and you try and pull Eddie out from wherever he’s ventured in your absence, but it’s no use. A conversation was had while you girls had been in the restroom, and it left Eddie in his head, out of reach. The buds of hopefulness quiver on their vines, and you try to reassure yourself that it’s nothing personal. It’s nothing personal when he clearly holds back any laughs at your jokes you lean into his space to whisper to only him, it’s nothing personal when his arm never rests on the back of your chair again, it’s nothing personal when he won’t meet your eyes the rest of the night. 
It’s nothing personal, but it’s sorely disappointing. 
You end the night, everyone splitting up, Eddie heading off towards his motorcycle. He hadn’t even mentioned driving a motorcycle during the night, and you curse the way you watch him straddle the seat as he secures his helmet over his tied-back hair. You desperately wish to know what was said while you were in the bathroom, what had happened to make him retreat so far from you after spending the entirety of the night tending to the greenery that had grown attached to your ribcage. 
“You like him, don’t you?” Robin teases at your side, bumping shoulders. 
Something aches in you. The thrill of meeting someone new, of getting along, of finding them cute and endearing, is beyond your grasp. 
He didn’t even say goodbye. 
“I did,” you whisper softly. A reverberation of past-tense, an exhale of worry. 
You did. But he didn’t even say goodbye. 
Eddie still hasn’t opened the door. But to his defense, you haven’t tried knocking again. 
That ache from that night, the feeling of a delicate rush of possibility taunting you from a distance, still remains. Even amongst now rotted vines, even as petals fall from your hopeful buds. It never really went away. With each group hangout that followed, it echoed louder and louder, demanding to be heard and demanding to be felt as Eddie grew colder. You were an idiot the first few times; you’d still gravitated to him, falling right into his orbit and begging for his attention. You’d still seek him out in every room, craving to find the warmth that had once sparked in his eyes only to find them averted from you entirely. And when you couldn’t take the hint, when you wouldn’t leave him alone when Steve and Robin left you to your own devices at the hangouts, he became mean. 
You took it as a joke at first, but six months ago, something inside of you finally wisened up – it wasn’t a joke. Eddie Munson hated you. Somehow, he hated you, and yet he also swore to protect you. He hated you, and yet he would still pay for you without you asking him to. He hated you, and yet he still remembered your birthday. He hated you, and yet, he still knew your favorite coffee shop. 
He hated you and yet. 
You stand, unable to take your racing thoughts anymore, moving to pound on the door again, “Eddie. Open the door.” 
You’re not asking anymore. 
You don’t care for answers any more. In this moment, you truly believe you could let it all be water under the bridge. Right this second, if you looked into honey brown eyes and goddamn dimples, you’d forgive him. 
“Eddie,” your voice cracks, and you scorn yourself. 
All I ever do is hurt you. 
Even in locking himself away, he’s hurting you. Putting that distance, choosing to not work this out like adults, is hurting you. 
“Can you- I don’t know, at least let me know that… that…” you trail off, huffing in frustration and finally smacking a flat palm against wood, watching the door shake on its hinges from your force, “Just let me know you’re alive, Jesus Christ, Eddie. We still have to take the stupid fucking photo for this hour, and we-” 
Mid-tirade, the door swings open to reveal Eddie. He doesn’t look irritated, he doesn’t look mad. He looks tired. 
The war between you two has weighed heavy on him, too. He doesn’t look like the same person you met a year ago. The battles raged, the fights lost, the victories celebrated through bloody teeth – they all show on the shadows of his face, a clear mirror image to your own. 
“Take the photo,” he says in monotone, hardly leaving the door cracked enough to catch a proper glimpse of him. 
“The photo. Take it. For the chat, so you can get your money when it’s all over.” 
You’re stunned for a second. The money hadn’t even crossed your mind; you had just been rambling, hoping to find the right thing to say to get him to unlock the barrier between you two. 
Who the fuck even cares about the money anymore? 
You do. You’re supposed to. And so is he. 
You sigh and pull your phone from your back pocket, and turn your back to him before lifting the camera to capture the two of you. The door creaks open an inch more. 
There’s no fun pose. There’s no smiles. There’s nothing. It’s even more lifeless than the first photo taken. You can’t stand to look at it longer than necessary as you send it off to the group. 
Just as you turn around to face him again, to try and talk to him, the door shuts again. You can hear the soft click of a lock. The ache is heard, the ache is felt, as you refuse to look back at the wood that still separates you physically, at the emotions that separate you mentally.
You don’t really know why you do it. But you walk out to the living room, deciding against sitting outside the door any longer and continuing to make yourself miserable. Your feet carry you straight to the sliding door of his balcony, and you press outside into the cooler night air, shutting the door behind you. 
What happened when I was in the bathroom that night? 
The thought haunts you, a new ghost that had been lingering and gathering dust since that night. You never asked anyone, certainly not Eddie, and refuse to overthink it until now. But after tonight, after practically reliving your first encounter with Eddie all over again, the deja vu and the curiosity are winning over. 
You dial Steve’s number.
“Why do me and Eddie hate each other?” you blurt out, cutting off Steve’s greeting. 
“I- What?” Steve’s confused, understandably so, “How should I know? I don’t keep a list of every time you rant about him to me.” 
“What about him?”
“Okay, you know I love you, but I’m not a mind-read-”
“What about a list of every time he rants about me?” 
Silence buzzes through the line, and you glance up at the night sky. It’s a cloudy black. The city pollution hides most of the stars, and from Eddie’s balcony, you can’t locate the moon. 
“I also don’t have one of those.” 
“Why not? Because, Jesus Christ, Harrington, I have questions-”
“Because he doesn’t rant about you. Especially not to me, but Nancy says he never talks about you usually either,” Steve explains in an even tone, still not sure how his answer should be helping you. You are the one, afterall, with Eddie right now. 
Even if he is locked away in his room right now, refusing to speak to you. 
“That makes no sense,” you sigh, exasperation creeping its way into your bones, “I rant about him all the time. I’ve bitched to you and Robin more times than I can count about him. He should be doing the same.” 
Steve says your name softly, “Why are you asking me this?” 
You laugh humorlessly and shake your head, even knowing Steve can’t see you, “It’s stupid. Forget it,” It’s not stupid to you, and you can’t forget it, but this doesn’t concern Steve, “Can I ask you one last question, though?”
“Shoot, babydoll,” you can’t help but grin at that nickname. Steve pulls it out at random, every time he’s trying to make you feel bad. He knows that neither of you can take it seriously. 
“Um, that night you introduced me to everyone,” you begin, stepping up to wrap your free hand around the iron railing of Eddie’s balcony, letting the cold seep into your palm, “At the bar, you know?” 
“Right…” he encourages, “What about it?” 
“Me and Eddie got along,” you spit it out, letting it tear from your chest and score your throat on its way out, “We… we were getting along at first, and then I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, he…. He…” 
He was gone. The Eddie I’d first met had vanished. Where’d he go? Why’d he go? 
“Shit, your memory is way better than mine,” Steve chuckles, sounding nervous, “But, I mean, I kind of remember that. You two getting along, at least. Guess that’s why we all were really confused when you started hating each other. But I’m still not understanding the question - are you asking if I remember the night? Or if he’s ever talked about it? I was a jock, you’re gonna have to spell it out for my pea brain.” 
“Stop insinuating you’re stupid,” you scold on instinct, scowl settling along your features as you lean onto the railing and glance down. It’s only two stories, but the ground feels impossibly far as you ask, “What happened when all us girls went to the bathroom? When we came back, he acted differently. Did he mention hating me that night? Did I leave a bad first impression? Was it all just a joke to hi-”
“Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. One question, remember?” you’re sure Steve can hear the panting in your breath over the line, the way your chest heaves in the memory, “I’ve gotta be honest - I don’t remember. I know that’s probably not the answer you’re looking for, and I don’t know what’s going on with you two right now, but I was already well on my way to drunk. I think Jonathan and Argyle poked some fun at Eddie, maybe teased him about something, but I really can’t recall what it was about. Maybe his hair? Who knows?” 
The answer isn’t helpful. It’s only more confusing, more hurtful. 
He stopped joking with you because someone made fun of his hair? You lost access to the warmth buried beneath his surface because his friends teased him? 
“Okay,” you sound defeated. You feel defeated – defeated by the weight of still feeling like an outsider, defeated by the barrier of some measly wooden door, defeated by the hurt in Eddie’s eyes as you admitted that he only ever hurts you, “Okay, thanks, Steve.” 
You hang up before either of you say goodbye. When you pull your phone down from your cheek and ear, you see your phone still open to the photo of Eddie and you that you’d sent to the group. 
You were wrong. There wasn’t only nothing. Your face may have been void of all emotions, but now looking at it, you can see Eddie’s isn’t. 
He’s looking at you and not the camera during the shot, face crestfallen, eyes nearly teary as the corners of his mouth tucked downward. 
He’s looking at you with regret, with sadness. He’s looking at you as if he can see the vines he’d planted in you, all rotted and dusting away, and he’s mourning them just as you had. 
It’s bullshit, or your imagination, or your innate need for Eddie to bleed the same way as you have over your entire situation with each other. You lock your phone and don’t bother to look at the photo again as you enter the living room, as you toss your phone onto the loveseat, as you curl up on the couch and don’t even bother to go to ask for a pillow or blanket. He probably wouldn’t answer the door, anyway. 
You don’t say goodnight to Eddie, just as he never said goodbye to you the first night, and wonder if he notices the absence of your salutation.
taglist: @catherinnn @haylaansmi @gaysludge @paprikaquinn @manda-panda-monium @audhd-dragonaut @amira0303 @blushingquincy @hellkaisersangel @eddieslittlewh0re @ajkamins @prettyboy200 @munsonzzgf @blue-eyed-lion @digwhatudug @madaboutjoe @wickedslashdivine @sweet-villain @somespicystuff @big-ope-vibes @jadequeen88 @sylviin @emma77645 @notbeforelong @lolalanaie @lo-siento-ama @happy-and-alone @micheledawn1975 @aysheashea @moon-huny @munsonswrld @bambipowerblueaddition @averagestudent03 @bakugouswh0r3 @mattefic @mxcheese @bietchz @nativity-in-black @tlclick73 @stezzil @vngelis @coley0823 @folklorebau @luvmunson86 @theherothesavior @keene200213 @hargrovesswifee @m-chmcl-rmnc @cherrymedicine13 @iunaelumen777
taglist is now closed.
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steddiesrobin · 1 year
the Big Three bisexual steve tropes i’ve seen in various fanfiction
firstly we have the “robin being steve’s gay mentor” where she basically explains to steve that he CAN like boys AND girls!! it’s my personal favorite bc they are my favorite besties and there’s something oddly comforting abt steve going to robin about this
second one would be mike going to eddie or robin bc he starts having feelings for will and wants to talk to them, and steve just happens to be there. and it’s when eddie or robin explain bisexuality and steve has his italicized Oh moment
and thirdly is when steve figures it out on his own, and he doesn’t tell anyone and when everyone finds out he goes “i thought you all would’ve known this by now”
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starrystevie · 1 year
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hiya everyone! the month of june is a big one for not only myself personally but also for this blog so we'll be celebrating a few things:
my own birthday on june 24th!
reaching 2k followers! (which is still mind blowing where did y'all come from)
pride month!
now i may not be a gif maker or edit maker, but i do want to celebrate by interacting with you all in the ways i know how! i'm going to be hosting what i like to call "roll for...?", a mysterious way to get stranger things content from me for the rest of the month. starting today, june 13, you can send me in asks for things to roll for (just make sure you go over the rules before sending in an ask pls <3)
if you're interested in participating, click the read more for the rules!
how it works:
i'll have the following categories to pick from: drabble, playlist, or aesthetic/moodboard. pick one of those categories and then select up to 3 of the following subcategories for me to roll specifics for: ship, trope, vibe/colors, length, era, crossover. whatever subcategories go unchosen, i can use if i want to! each of the subcategories will have a few options in them that i will then roll for to leave the final product up to the luck of the roll. if needed, any additional details will be left up to me! if you would like it to be entirely my pick, please select 3 ships listed below for me to choose from and i will take it from there. warning, some categories will be easier for me to combine than others (ie vibe with crossover might be challenging) so please take every post with a grain of salt. this is all just for fun. these will be posted as i can get them done, so feel free to send in asks whenever you want to! i will stop accepting asks for this project on june 30th but will probably still have things to post after that. all posts will be tagged with #rollfor2023 to help keep things organized.
important to know!:
if you have any triggers or things you wouldn't want to me to include, please let me know what to avoid. i'll honor it no questions asked. all drabbles will be rated anywhere from general to mature with absolutely zero explicit smut unless you tell me you are comfortable with it being included. overcommunicate with me and we'll both be happy campers!
subcategory specifics:
ship: 1. steve/eddie, 2. robin/nancy, 3. robin/chrissy, 4. jonathan/argyle, 5. joyce/hopper, 6. bee's pick of steve ship (platonic or romantic) trope: 1. enemies to lovers, 2. friends to lovers, 3. one bed, 4. the italicized 'oh', 5. soulmates, 6. bee's pick of shop au vibe/colors: 1. whimsical/pastels, 2. angst/dark muted, 3. hopeless romantic/soft pinks, 4. cheerful/bright & bold, 5. bittersweet/blues & greys, 6. angry/dark reds length (around a certain word/song count): 1. 100-300 words/3 songs, 2. 300-500 words/5 songs, 3. 500-750 words/8 songs, 4. 750-1000 words/10 songs, 5. 1000-1500 words/15 songs, 6. bee's pick era: 1. ancient greek, 2. 1980s, 3. modern/2020s, 4. 1800s wild west, 5. 1940s, 6. unspecified fantasy world timeline ala lotr or got crossover (all chosen from my favorites!): 1. moulin rogue, 2. across the universe, 3. bee's pick of disney movie, 4. grishaverse, 5. glee, 6. supernatural
an example ask (can copy / paste if you'd like!):
i would like a drabble with a roll for ship, length, and crossover. avoid character death and mentions of drugs.
i hope this makes sense, so please let me know if you have questions! i'm truly just wanting to do something fun for the hell of it because isn't that we're all here for anyway?! rejoining the fandom side of tumblr this time last year has been such a great decision. i've been able to meet so many of you wonderful people and remember what it's like to enjoy fandom spaces again without shame. best of all, it's gotten me writing again, which had been such a big part of my hobbies that i had pushed aside. getting back into writing as a way to express myself and make content with some fucking guys from some fucking tv show has made a massive difference in my happiness over the last year.
i thank you all so sincerely for being with me along the ride. tagging some of my beloved buds here in no possible order because if it weren't for y'alls support, i never would have written half the things i have. thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly <3
@buckleydiaz @thefreakandthehair @yournowheregirl @scoops-stevie @gothbat99 @bayouteche @toburnup @stevethehairington @judasofsuburbia @henderdads @sharpbutsoft @kkpwnall @figthefruitfaeth @fastcardotmp3 @fragilecapric0rnn @wynnyfryd @stargyles @jeysuso @bitchsteve @lovespiralls @riality-check @cheatghost @legitcookie @hellsfireclub @sanguineterrain @kingofscoops @roykentt @sidekick-hero
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glcnpowell · 6 months
For the fic writer asks! :-) How about ❤️, 😎, and/or 💌?
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
an impossible task!!!! but this excerpt from old habits came to mind:
“If Bradley ever asked, Jake would let Bradley make an honest man out of him in a heartbeat.
But Bradley doesn’t ask. So Jake doesn’t bother trying to be honest.)”
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
I like both as long as I can recognize the characters!!
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
The intimacy of knowing and being known, the italicized oh moment. Is that a trope? Don’t care. That’s my answer!
(I also really love nonlinear narratives right now & want to write something in that vein desperately.)
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piratefalls · 2 months
4 , 12 , 28 !!
4. a story idea you haven't written yet
so it's an idea I toyed with for a few fandoms and nothing ever stuck, but it's based around the Japanese art of kintsugi, of putting pieces of pottery back together with gold. I like the idea of exploring the ways life and other people can break parts of us, but someone or something comes along that helps us piece ourselves back together stronger and more beautiful than before.
12. a trope you're really into right now
bisexual buck. i know it's not a trope, but it is in my heart. at least for now. (I guess if I were to make it a trope, it would be the italicized oh. I'm vibing with that right now.)
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
most of it, lol. but if I'm really thinking about it, probably plot. for the most part I've done canon adjacent stuff, which makes it easy avoid world building and having to come up with much of my own plot. I don't know how people come up with entirely original stuff, because it's not in me to do it lol.
fic writer ask meme
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purlturtle · 2 months
Romance Tropes Bracket, Semi-Finals!
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The Battle of the Quadrant Winners!
I'm gonna go into some more detail on the winners (and losers) again, so again I'll put it under the readmore.
Left-hand side
I've said it before, but none of the tropes in the red quadrant really did it for me - and this carries through to the bracket between Second Chances and Holiday Romance.
Holiday Romance is absolutely great and good for what it is, and stories that revolve around it/use it as a basis can be the perfect read I reach for when I feel like it. It can carry familial conflict, for queer stories additionally coming-out-to-your-family dynamics, it allows for interesting exploration of culture and traditions especially if the story is about a cross-cultural couple. And since it's often set in Northern hemisphere wintertime, there are winter wonderland themes that I also truly enjoy. It is fitting that it should advance to the semi-finals - but it is also okay that this is where its run ends.
Second Chances, though. It's not quite enemies to lovers - it's people who have hurt each other in the past, and need to deal with that to find happiness in the now. Or maybe two (or, hell, more!) people weren't the right people back then, but they are the right people now. (This pertains, for example, to my oldest of all ships, Deanna Troi and Will Riker. Mutual annoyance to lovers to ex-lovers to co-workers to friends to lovers? FUCK ME it's so good.) It's about being honest about what you did and how that hurt them, the why's of what you did and the ways you've changed since then, the hope that the other person (or persons) might acknowledge that and forgive you, the work you need to do to forgive yourself - the tentative hope that there might be a happy ending possible after all that? the despair that it might not? Oh it is delicious (and also a big part of my all-time favorite ship, Bering and Wells. They have Second Chances written all over them in big capital italicized letters.)
So, yeah, Second Chances it is.
Right-hand side
This was an even stronger fight: Forced Proximity vs. Friends to Lovers?! How dare this bracket make me choose!!
I'll start with the defeated trope again: Friends to Lovers. I love it. I really, really, really love it. It has so much: mutual trust and affection, the realization that there is something more (and how deliciously long that sometimes take, when the protagonist(s) are just too dense to figure it out, or too scared to even acknowledge it to themselves!), the worry that it might not be mutual, the agonizing about "Do I tell them and risk destroying what we have if they don't feel the same?". And the shining brightness and happiness of "I can have it *all*? I can have friendship AND love? With *them*??!" And if the story continues on, also the way that some dynamics change and some stay the same, the negotiation which the couple (or polycule) wants to change or not, the way that how others see them might change - so much potential, so many things to love. It's both gentle and nerve-wracking, it's such a good trope - and then there's Forced Proximity.
I mean ideally the two go hand-in-hand, right? Have your friends-to-lovers protagonists, still at that "I don't know if they love me back aaaaahhhh I can't risk it!!" stage, and toss them into forced proximity until they *have* to come clean. But, one must win. Only one can move forward! 😭 And I couldn't resist the strength of the impulse to bang my blorbos together and make them kiss (eventually). To put them in scenario after scenario in which they are stuck with each other and nothing else to do but Talk About Their Feelings - Or Make Out. @performativezippers you mentioned that specific queer situation of having confusing feelings for your same-gender friend in your write-up for friends-to-lovers; I agree - and I often find that a Forced Proximity moment can help with that and also can lead to confessing or acting on one's feelings, and *that* part of it, I find so very compelling. The resolution, for which forced proximity is such a good catalyst!
It wins out by the skin of its teeth, by that very virtue of being the catalyst and moment of resolution rather than all that's gone before. Honestly though? Run this bracket again in three weeks and it might win out. They are both that strong.
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skloomdumpster · 11 months
Thank you for tagging me @crazycatfaery <3 I'm sorry I took so long 😅😅
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional
Age Gap: 7/10
I love it, but I'll only read it if the Dead Dove Do Not Eat tag is there. I want to read it from an author who's aware they're writing an age gap, especially if we're talking toxic/problematic ships. If we're all in agreement in this room, then HELL YEAH.
Codependency: 100/10
Love it. I love it between love interests, I love it between family members, I love it between enemies even. Characters who only exist and see themselves as a paired up thing with another character. If I see that tag in any work the chances of me clicking on it double.
Enemies to lovers: -5/10
Eh... Sure if it's okay enemies to lovers, as in they're actual enemies and they want each other dead and then we turn it back around. Alright, sure. But honestly? 9/10 times people are writing mild-annoying acquaintance to lovers. I hate that. And even when they ARE writing real enemies to lovers, sometimes the "lovers" part doesn't live up to the "enemies" part.
Enemies With Benefits: 10/10
It's rare and I love it, but it's a tricky trope to get right. You can't remove the "enemies" aspect from it. I've seen this done right (cough - John Ross/Pamela), but I've also seen it butchered many times.
Fake Dating/Relationship: 3/10
Cute and all, but I won't click on a fic because of it.
Found Family: -1000/10
Nope. Most of the time people mean "found nuclear family" and then I'm forced to watch as these characters act completely wacky and ooc. I adore a good found family, but seeing this tagged in a work is a surefire way to have me not click it. (also let's just please stop with the weird subtrope of putting the favorite-white-guy of the group as the "tradwife/mom"??? what the FUCK is this? I've seen it in Teen Wolf, I've seen it Fate, I've seen it in Fast and Furious... just nope.)
Friends To Lovers: 100/10
Perfection. You want pining? You got a forest of pines. You want yearning? You want italicized oh moment? You want harmless jealousy? You want hilarious cutesy moments? You want deep conversations? You want confessions that fix something broken inside of you? You want a love so deep and profound that it has grown and changed and it'll change again if you won't take me as a lover because a friend is good too, is great even?? You want STAKES because I-love-you-but-I-don't-want-to-ruin-this-because-you're-the-best-thing-in-my-life??? Perfect trope. No notes.
Friends With Benefits: 10/10
The same as above + sex. Can't go wrong.
Hurt/Comfort: 100/10
Bathe my blorbo in their own blood!! Whump the shit out of them!! Put them through hell!! Make the caretaker fear for their life!! Get the begging and bargaining out and the wheezing confessions through bloody coughs. Love this.
Love Triangle: 0/10
It sure exists.
Mistaken/Hidden Identity: 0/10
I don't think I ever read this, don't think I ever will either.
Monster Fu… Relationship: 5/10
Sure, but only if it's a werewolf. Team Jacob forever.
Obsession, Possessiveness, etc: 10/10
Fuck yeah. Yes in good, deliciously toxic ships, but also YES in good, healthy ships. The golden ships, made up of two righteous characters and you wouldn't expect this and then BAM. The other day I read fic that was like "[redacted] had often fantasized about reaching in and counting the teeth in [redacted's] mouth" <- most perfect line ever written.
Opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc): 5/10
Eh...? It can be cute, but sometimes it feels like too much. I'm actually more of a "they're both grumpy, but not with each other" or even "they're both golden, but can be at their worse with each other".
Poly: 5/10
Sometimes it's shoehorned in and I'm like... :/ you could've written something more interesting if you allowed the conflict to exist. BUT sometimes there's genuine sexual/romantic attraction between all parts and that's when this hits. I'll read an OT3 as long as it's not "author couldn't decide and decided to go the fluffy no conflict route even though it makes no sense for the characters"
Pregnancy: 8/10
I'll read it in fics, in all sorts of manners: cute family fic, kinky breeding fic, plotty dramatic fic, etc. But I don't like it in canon, movie or book. In fic I have the ability of getting bored and clicking out and reading one of the other 200 fics where there's no pregnancy or baby. In canon that's impossible.
Second Chance: 0/10
Sure, I'll read that.
Sex To Feelings: 5/10
IDK, when are we talking feelings? Is this a scenario where they're friends/enemies to benefits and then the feelings emerge? Because then yes. Or is this just a PWP and then I get some feelings at the bottom? Because then no. Or is this a character study while they're fucking? Because then YES.
Slowburn: 10/10
It's the perfect trope but watch out. I'm a firm believer of stories needing beginning, middle, end. I've read fics that are 80 chapters long and every time the characters are about to get together/realize another curveball is thrown their way. Once or twice I'm good with, but 50 different obstacles? Fuck no, I'm clicking out.
Soulmates: -1/10
This won't make me wanna read your fic. If you mean this as a "they are soulmates so X happens" ....nope. Not my thing. If you mean this as "they're always the endgame. In every universe, in every reality, these two are IT" (cough, Skloom) then YES!!! But also don't spell it out for me. I don't need you to tell me soulmates, I can guess that.
Tagging: @infp-obsessing-over-everything , @faithfire and @daisiehoney @astrid-v
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jakes3resin · 29 days
for your ask game!
hmm probably 7 orrrr 10 (or both lol)
also just want to say i absolutely love all your works and stuff!!!
Hi! Thank you!! 🧡🧡🧡 I will so do both anon!
7. Your favorite ao3 tag.
Favorite is definitely mutual pining. Love me some idiots in love who spend the whole fic not dating the person they should be dating. There's a lot of ways a fic can go with this tag whether it's happy, sad, comedic, etc. so you get a great blend of fics when you use that tag.
10. Top three favorite fic tropes.
I love an italicized oh moment. I love it so so much.
Day in the limelight, that's also a fanfic trope, right? Like fics that ignore everyone and the plot just to focus on one specific side character. I love side characters so much, and I often read side character-centric fics. Character-centric tagged fics are my favorites, and honestly, I think they're underutilized.
Then there's everything stays the same except main character is moved to a different area instead thus affecting the whole universe. Like, Game of Thrones, there's a bunch of Jon raised as a Martell or a Lannister fics.
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ohhgingersnaps · 1 year
Enemies to lovers trope
(fic tropes ask game)
This one's a solid A for me, with one caveat: they need to gain mutual respect for each other during the "enemies" stage. This one plays very well with other tropes I enjoy (mutual pining, slow burn, repressing feelings, italicized "oh," etc) and witty banter. There's also something very lovely about a character suddenly realizing that they have a lot more in common with the enemy than they realized, and maybe that guy I hate isn't quite so bad, actually, and Oh No, I'm Really In Trouble Now, Aren't I?
(I'm belatedly realizing that a lot of my favorite ships are arguably in the enemies-to-lovers category lol oops)
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kaiisers · 1 year
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contains mature content, aimed for +18 audiences. reader discretion is advised. most of these works are f! or afab! reader. ALSO! minors + blank + ageless blogs will be blocked.
⿻ last updated: jan. 13, '23
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personal favorites : ♡
reader discretion advised, read content warnings : ✧ 
personal adds/assumption : italicized words
action between characters: &
𖨂 ⸱ ꕤ ⸱ TAKAMI KEIGO ⸱ 鷹見啓悟
exhale. ──── 1.3k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ with such a pretty neck, you must simply allow keigo's hands to wander.
cw. fem! reader, 18+, reader is in heat, mating, marking, hickeys, choking, asphyxiation, breath play, nipple play, cowgirl, riding, creampie, knotting, petnames, dubcon
flying through your ranks. ──── complete
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ you’re an up and coming pro hero; fresh faced, roaring through your twenties with your highly successful U.A years far behind you. but when one little drunk slip up has you falling through the hero ranks, will a single pretty bird of prey help you soar back up? or will you end up falling for him?
cw. angst, fluff, smut. pro hero! au, social media au, fake dating!au. swearing ( mostly bakugou ), suggestive, rated 17+, slight!age gap, everyone is aged-up into their twenties since they’re pros now
✧ hades. ──── 5.4k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ as a naive little girl in love you make a deal that gets you stuck with the unrelenting god of the underworld, and no matter how sweet he may fuck you…you’ll spend all of eternity hating him if you have to.
cw. hate sex. please read for your own safety! mdni, smut 18+, heavy smut, mentions of death, restraints, marking, branding, creampies, thigh riding, impact play, nipple play, multiple orgasms, possesive sex, hate sex, unprotected sex, fem!reader, hades!hawks.
oh captain, my captain. ──── 2.2k
cw. smut. pirate au, gn!reader, captain!hawks, first mate!reader. sub!hawks, pegging, handjob (m!receiving), cumplay, whiny hawks needs his first mate to ease his stress &lt;3
refuge. ──── 3.6k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ you maybe underestimated what exactly a ‘rut’ was like.
cw. smut. rut au. breeding, praise kink, oral, piv sex, ‘ruts’/’heat’ trope. discussion of pregnancy and birth control, bird themed pet names i think they are cute idk. afab reader with fem pronouns
𖨂 ⸱ ꕤ ⸱ AIZAWA SHŌTA ⸱ 相澤消太
♡ as it was. ──── completed
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ Where do you go now? When a love you thought to be unshakeable starts to fall apart before you could even try to piece it together? When Nemuri urges you to take a trip to the beach house in Okinawa with Aizawa in an effort to save whatever is left of your marriage, you’re hesitant. Not sure where to go or how to navigate this situation. But you take the opportunity anyway, maybe a month away will force whatever the both of you have been burying deep inside to the surface. Unsure if it will lead to devastating heartbreak or lost love to be found again.
cw. Shouta Aizawa x Fem!Reader. Established Relationship, Marital Problems, Beach House Setting, Flashbacks, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Explicit Sexual Content(18+ only)
♡ fill my little world (right up). ──── 20k+
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ you are employed by aizawa shouta to nanny for his vulnerable adoptive daughter eri while he’s at work. as time passes you find yourself equally smitten with them both, longing for a more permanent place in their family.
cw. AFAB reader, no quirk au, single dad aizawa (+ adopted daughter eri, + prev. foster son hitoshi), professional nanny reader, falling in love, fluff and angst, slice of life, child ptsd + past child abuse (eri), aged-up characters, best friends touya + rumi, brief talk of a parent with addiction (hitoshi), domesticity, handling of child trauma, finding your place in a family, eventual smut, vaginal oral sex (reader receiving), a lot of kissing, no power dynamic
i know i cannot heal you but i will hold you here forever. ──── 2.5k
cw. 18+ minors dni + gn reader + bottom reader + hurt/comfort (? kinda i think) + both of them being touched starved + sleep deprivation + pre-established relationship + oral (reader receiving).
♡ lap cat. ──── 7.8k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ you never thought you’d be the type of person to own a hybrid, but after learning his odds of adoption are low due to his age, you can’t just leave Shouta behind.
cw. NSFT, AFAB reader, hybrid au (half animal half human), cat hybrid aizawa, NOT A/B/O, transformations (shifting between cat and human), brief look into the politics of hybrids (we like autonomy in this house folks, but I'll say dubcon just in case), animal characteristics (behavioural and physical), fluff and smut, voyeurism, male masturbation, unprotected vaginal sex, creampie, roommates(?) to lovers, brief mentions of child abuse (reader is a child therapist)
take yours, I’ll take mine. ──── 3.3k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ Shouta carried a multitude of skills under his belt, and one of them happened to be knowing how to ration his energy. The exhaustion that came with being both an underground hero and a teacher at UA was unavoidable, and he had learned over the years what does and does not require his full effort. Mornings in bed with you requires very little of him.
cw. AFAB GN reader, established relationship, bottom aizawa (called love and baby), morning sex, reader is a giver, light somno, no power dynamics, anal fingering (aizawa receiving), handjobs, pegging (reader wears the strap; referred to as ‘your cock’ a few times), missionary position
true heat.
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ Quirks may be one step in human evolution, but the secondary genders are another. Alpha, Beta, or Omega: everyone presents one way or the other by their 21st birthday. You're a college student at UA University with a little problem; you have yet to present. With your 21st birthday approaching rapidly, something has to happen, and soon. Aizawa is a teacher at UA University, and an Alpha. So when his favorite student is suddenly ill, he does what any concerned teacher would do. Right?
cw. Aizawa x AFAB! Reader. Reader has female parts, all the typical A/B/O tropes, professor/student relationship.
who do you belong to? ──── 4.2k
cw. fem reader. smut, cursing
𖨂 ⸱ ꕤ ⸱ TODOROKI ENJI ⸱ 轟炎司
cola. ──── 2.4k
cw. smut. pro hero!enji x pro hero!reader sex Pollen, Cheating, Breeding, Public Sex
daddy’s favourite issue.
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ loving the great endeavor was a euphoria you never wanted to quit. he was an inferno, a blazing glory of an old man who doesn’t talk to his kids because they all hate him. he’s a bad man wrapped in the packaging of a good guy, a hero.
cw. smut, rough sex, riding, sugar daddy au, filth.
give and take. ──── 5.0k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ enji has always thought pain was good, that it meant he was well on his way to the top. but you seem to make him have doubts when your touch is gentle like that.
cw. smut. established relationship au. afab! reader, dom! reader, hand jobs, edging, humping, cock slapping, slight degradation, ruined orgasms, unprotected sex, cowgirl, creampie, praise, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, slight breeding kink, mentions of toxic families (it’s the todoroki’s hello), enji and rei are implied to be divorced (no cheating or home-wrecking)
moth to a flame. ──── 6.6k+
cw. explicit, smut. authority/power-play, boss/employee relationship, age-gap, size difference/size kink, public heavy petting/fingering, rough sex, desk sex, praise kink, use of “good girl,” light choking/breath play, hand pressed over reader’s mouth, hair pulling, creampie (Enji is implied to be divorced, no cheating) trapped in an elevator for a while, so warnings for claustrophobia and elevators in general.
oni’s heart. ──── completed
cw. Yakuza AU series: Alpha Enji Todoroki x Omega Reader. Illegal activities (crime family), mentions of drugs, alcohol, and human trafficing, heavy mentions of blood and (very light) mentions of murder but TW, mating, biting, knotting, bonding, creampie, primal kink, scent kink, mentions of past domestic abuse, mentions of past childhood trauma (Shoto’s scar), kidnapping, comfort after hurt. (Happy ending I promise, I don't like to leave things sour)
when is a monster not a monster? oh, when you love it. ──── 12.4k
cw. fire demon! enji todoroki x fem! reader. exophilia/teratophilia, size difference, virginity loss + inexperienced reader, mentions of human sacrifices, mentions of demonic transformation, mentions of death/dying, kidnapping, strangers to lovers
♡ when the smoke clears. ──── 17.4k
⌜ ୨୧ ⌟ After his battle with Hawks against Hood, Endeavor wakes up in the hospital to find that a young doctor saved his life, their quirk being able to counteract the negative effects of his own. His first thought is that he has to talk to you–you might be able to fix the drawbacks of his quirk. His second thought is oh no, not again.
cw. slow burn, smut. 18+, spanking, quirk play, age difference (Endeavor is 46, reader is 29) Soulmate AU.
cw. Enji Todoroki x Chubby F!Reader - SMUT. breeding kink, chubby reader, Enji carries reader, unprotected sex, mentions of pregnancy
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lucky-bishop · 7 months
What’s your guilty pleasure trope?? 🧡
I absolutely love big, explosive, defining moments. That italicized oh moment. This answer is cheating a little bit because it can be done so many ways - it can be in action, in mundane and everyday life, and anywhere in between. What happens after can also differ so easily. Sometimes someone will have their oh moment and then just sit on it! Other times it spurs them into immediate action (probably my favorite favorite if I had to pick).
Just. I don't know. I love the idea of the overwhelming realization that someone is just so important to you that you can't contain it.
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babsvibes · 1 year
What are your favorite tropes? What are your least favorite tropes? I CAN DO IT, TOO, YOU KNOW!
Lmao you got me there 😭💕 Most of them are romance tropes because what can I say. Am slut for romcom 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Love love love
Bickering like an old married couple
Unnaturally intelligent pets that enact the will of god (read: the author doesn’t want them together yet, so the dog has to warm up to a character before they’ll let them anywhere near another character. Or a cat that hates everyone doesn’t hate This person)
Trapped in an elevator/snowed in/forced proximity
Denial. Any form of it. All day. Every day.
“I know you. The good and the bad. And I want it all.”
Jealousy/Possessive behavior
Idk the word for this but when two enemies grow closer while one of them is disguised. Yes like in Megamind
Not using first names except in Very Intimate Moments
Pirates. Monsters. Idk, not together but they seemed like they belonged on the same line
Belligerent sexual tension (slap-slap-kiss)
Exploration of morally gray or nuanced ethics
Stealing clothes
Loooove so much the concept of running away and its many iterations, which really is just a form of denial now that I think about it
The “oh no he’s hot” moment, which I enjoy more than an italicized “oh” moment
No Thanks (maybe I can do them in specific settings like if my friends write these, but I’ll probably never write one)
Arranged marriage where there’s no way out of it
Public humiliation as a punishment for wrongdoing
Whump fic, especially if things just Keep Happening to a character that has no agency of their own
I call it “Rebel Character in Oppressive Situation is Always Wrong.” Just any time I’m reading and a systemically under-served/POC/woman/queer character is consistently losing or being proven wrong without a win to balance it out… Blegh, throw it back
Unplanned pregnancy when it wasn’t the original plot. Like a “18 chapters in and suddenly she wakes up nauseous” situation. (although I don’t mind a “one night stand, time skip five years, gasp a secret kid the dad didn’t know about??” Pregnancy itself is just not for me)
Enemies 👏 that 👏 stop 👏 the 👏 banter 👏 after 👏 getting 👏 together 👏 will 👏 make 👏 me 👏delete 👏 a 👏 bookmark 👏 “I know you held a knife up to my neck once but now you’re my cuddly sweetie pie honey bear who could do no wrong” go to hell.
Miscommunication where it’s like “Character A is trying to say something but Character B won’t let them get a word in edge wise, so Character A gives up even though one (1) sentence would clear up the whole mess.”
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whumpwillow · 11 months
Whumpmas in July #8
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Describe your favorite type of whumper!
y'all know I looooove whumper-turned-whumpee so I'm not gonna talk about it in this post (you're free! but only for a single post before I'm back on my bullshit)
anyway...what type of whumper do I like other than that? I don't actually know...it's hard to pin down an exact type that I read most often, though there is one that I think is really spicy
hehehe this one is nice, especially when you don't know at first that the whumper used to be a whumpee so its like something you find out a little later on and are like "italicized oh." and its just a really nice feeling i get a lot of whumperflies from seeing this person who is cold and callous and looks all evil and shit and then you get the slightest hint that they were hurt in the past and suffered so much more than anyone could imagine and now its like, my whole view of this character has shifted because they're not doing the evil things out of nowhere but have a past that shaped them like this.
there's a lot you can do with it! there's the classic, whumpee turned whumper for their former whumper, there's the revenge, there's forced to hurt and eventually devolved into being used to it or even enjoying it, its the whumpee feeling powerful when hurting others and they think it will somehow erase their own hurt and their own memories of being powerless. or they could have been forced to hurt or get hurt some more because they are working for an even bigger whumper. or they think theyre doing it for some "greater good" or some noble but misguided goal. or because they just never want to be hurt again.
idk its just a good trope
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belbeten · 2 years
One of my favorite domestic/ mutual pining things in fanfic is when Character B shows up unexpectedly at Character A’s place and doesn’t want to intrude.
Character B looks at the home, and the life, and the heart of Character A and thinks "oh, what a special glimpse into who Character A truly is, but there's definitely no place for me here". (Self deprecating internal sigh).
BUT Character A is all “please stay, it's no trouble, really” (out loud). While internally, they're repressing all their feelings, yet they can't stop themselves from noticing little ways in which Character B fits so seamlessly into their space and their life, and realizing how much more home-like their place feels suddenly.
Bonus points if Character A has a Sudden Realization of Feelings (also known as the italicized Oh!) while Character B is doing something innocuous like chopping vegetables, or picking out which movie to put on.
Bonus Bonus points if Character A has child(ren) who Character B gets along really well with. IT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL MEANT TO BE A FAMILY TOGETHER!!!!
Is this an official trope? Is there a term for this blessing that countless fic authors have gifted us readers with?
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thatweirdtranny · 2 years
my favorite thing about fake dating as a fanfic trope is when they get so caught up in it they’re basically a married couple before they even have their italicized “oh”
like these bitches are sharing a bed, gave each other a key, and are splitting chores but they don’t love each other obviously
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