#italian traditional tattoo
federicaferrera · 2 years
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godblooded · 4 months
gale has a blue μάτι (evil eye) embroidered by his mother on the left sleeve of his robe. when he was a baby, he was gifted a gold bracelet with a simple μάτι in white enamel by his godfather. it’s traditional for the godparents to buy a μάτι baby bracelet for their godchild and it must always be worn on your left wrist. it’s not to be taken off, and if it breaks it means it protected you from ill intent and must be replaced. the μάτι wards off all evil and must be a gift bought by someone else. the reasoning for this is the μάτι is imbued with the good energy and love of the giver (this goes for all jewelry too) and therefore cannot be acquired by you, as is also tradition for any μάτι one purchases or acquires. his baby bracelet no longer fits him, and he’s never acquired an ‘adult’ μάτι, as he hasn’t yet found the perfect one that’s caught his eye.
all the trouble and crisis and mystra took him away from the possibility of such a mundanity, the simple promise of an imperative touch of memory, self. he wants his mother to buy him his adult μάτι, the one he will always wear on his left wrist. she embroidered the one in his robe. when he can, when it’s right, he wants to find her one fitting of one so spectacular as herself to craft for her. by his own hands or the meticulous hands of another, any mastery will do, but the beauty must be immaculate. perhaps an enchantment.
he still has his baby bracelet, which he cherishes as it has never broken. gale often makes sure to keep it tucked away on his person (always in the left pocket of a rucksack, always in the left inseam of his robe). he keeps it close, as its enchantment is all its own. he thinks of it as a talisman, a shield, as a boon to his courage; the strength of his family and all that came before them remembered in a trinket.
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justmystyles · 10 months
With this Ring
read my other work here!
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 1.1k
summary: Harry takes his commitment to you to a new level.
a/n: watching everyone go nuts over that tattoo reminded me of a Harry head canon that i've been sitting on, and i felt like this would be a great time to put it out there. this story takes place in the NYIML timeline, but that story is so far from a wedding, so they'll get their proper wedding eventually. just act surprised when this happens again at some point, eventually.
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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You study Harry’s expression as he examines the selection of rings in front of him. He doesn’t seem particularly taken by any of them, and you’re pretty sure you know why. 
In just a few weeks, you and Harry are finally getting married. A quiet celebration with your closest family and friends at your villa in Italy. Today, you were selecting your wedding bands. Yours was an easy choice, you selected a simple, understated white gold band that complimented your engagement ring perfectly. Harry however, was having a more difficult time making a decision.
Harry already had an extensive collection of rings. A large gold ‘H’ usually occupies his left ring finger, but he was looking at simple gold bands to replace it, for you. You knew he would never complain, or say anything to you about it, but you were sure that a part of him wasn't thrilled about the change. 
“Harry?” You get his attention when the jeweler steps out back to grab some more options. Your fiance looks up at you and hums in response. “You don’t have to get a wedding ring, you know.” 
Harry furrows his brow. “What do you mean? We’re getting married, of course I do.” He reaches out, placing his hand over yours. 
“You already have a ring for that finger. Besides, you don’t need to wear a piece of jewelry to prove that you're mine. It’s an antiquated tradition.” You shrug.
“Ha!” Harry’s hands quickly covered his mouth at the bark of laughter that escaped him. “Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “Baby, I’ve never seen someone plan a more traditional wedding, and now you’re telling me that one of the main components is antiquated?” 
“I just want you to be happy, and I feel like one of these boring basic bands wouldn’t do that.” 
“Princess,” he takes your face in his hands, looking deep into your eyes. “You make me happy, and I can’t wait to be your husband and show the whole world I belong to you. If I could tattoo ‘property of Y/N’ across my forehead without looking completely insane, I would do it in a heartbeat.” He pulled your face to his, as the two of you kissed, it was as if a lightbulb went off in his head. He knew the perfect solution. 
“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride.” The officiant announced as Harry pulled you into him, dropping his lips down to meet yours in a passionate kiss as your friends and family cheered. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, for the first time ever, Mister and Misses Harry Styles!” The two of you turned, facing the crowd, Harry raising your joined hands in the air victoriously as you made your way down the aisle with the italian sunset setting the most romantic backdrop you could have possibly dreamed of. 
The two of you stepped back into your villa, Harry tugging your arm and pressing you against the wall. “My wife,” he sighed happily before crashing his lips against yours. He pulled back, resting his hand on the side of your neck, brushing your cheek with his thumb. “My beautiful wife. I love you so much.” 
“I love you too, husband.” You giggle, pulling his left hand to your mouth and kissing the simple gold band that now adorned his left ring finger. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” You asked. He gave you a mischievous smirk, and you furrowed your brow. “What?” 
“I may have had an idea after our talk at the jewelry store.” He chuckled at your curious expression. “Come with me, Mrs. Styles.” 
He took you by the hand and led you to the bridal suite area. When you stepped inside, there was a table, wrapped in plastic with a chair on either side, and a large man setting up supplies. 
“Harry?” You asked curiously. 
He smiled at you, kissing the wrinkle that formed between your eyebrows. “I thought about what you said, about how I already had rings, and you didn’t want me to have to give them up. I figured out a way that I could have both. I’m going to have your name tattooed around my ring finger.” He announced proudly. “That way, I have my wedding ring on all the time, even if I’m wearing my H.” 
Your eyes start to water as you take in his words. He studies your face, worry creeping into his expression. “Are you… is that okay?”
You throw yourself into his arms, burying your face in the crook of his neck. “Baby, that’s amazing. Are you sure? A tattoo is a forever thing.” 
Harry chuckles, pulling you back so he can look you in the eyes. “So are we, princess. Remember like five minutes ago when we got married?” He wiped a stray tear off your cheek. 
“Yeah of course,” you say with a light laugh.
“C’mon,” he tugs on your hand and brings you over to the table. “I want my wife with me while I do this.” 
He takes a seat at the table, pulling you onto his lap as he lays his left hand onto the table. The tattoo artist confirms that Harry is ready before dipping the tattoo pen in the ink and begins to write your name in small letters across Harry’s finger as your wedding photographer takes pictures, her assistant shooting a video of the moment. Your eyes travel from Harry’s face to the work being done on his finger. His eyes meet yours and he puckers his lips, you lean in to kiss him softly. 
“Are you… does it hurt? It seems like that would be a painful spot.” 
“Nothing hurts with you by my side.” He smiled, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
“Ugh,” you groaned. “So corny. But I guess I can let it slide today. I mean, you are getting my name permanently etched on your body.” 
“My wife is so merciful,” he said, his thumb absentmindedly running across your hip. 
After a few more minutes, the tattoo was finished and Harry held his left hand up to admire the work. You grasped his wrist and moved it in front of your face. “Hmm… that’s not how you spell my name.”
“What?!” Harry pulled his hand out of your grip and held it up close to his eyes. “Wait, yes it is.” 
“I know, I was just messing with you.” You laughed. “It’s perfect Harry, I love it.” 
“And I love you, my wife.” 
“I love you too, husband.” 
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foursaints · 3 months
I'm usually a lurker on here, but I adore ur blog in epic (the Greek kind) quantities. I would like to consume it whole on a rainy day in a dim but warmly lighted cafe with a coffee and cigarettes, to stare into the abyss thinking about non-existent people and with no further obligations in the day (provided that the hems of my pants didn't get wet).
Since I'm already here, I thought I would share a few inquiries.
Firstly, can u elaborate on the Barty being from Dubrovnik thing? Seeing that somewhere in the tags was an absolute jumpscare (Croatia mentioned RAAA🦅🦅🦅). Not to say that I can't see it necessarily, it was just so funny to me and I am curious as to what aspects of your Barty made u associate him with Dubrovnik in some way.
Secondly, do you think that at some point the Rosier twins might have had a form of idioglossia and/or Cryptophasia? Recently, I fell into a rabbit hole of twin case studies (I highly recommend looking up the case of Poto and Cabengo and June and Jennifer Gibbons if you're interested) and I couldn't help but think of your portreyal of the twins.
I definitely see that happening and lingering throughout their adolescent years, especially if they have been neglected and left to their own devices and each other for most of their childhood and if they suffered from additional trauma.
Anyways, sorry for the long ask!
Hope u have a good day. <3
Hello!! never apologize for a long ask this was downright enchanting to read..
firstly i have zero connection to the balkans. barty just doesn’t feel italian to me whatsoever and i love the idea of him being yugoslavic in canon-era. i picked croatia bc of the traditional tattoos lmfao but!! croat followers weigh in
the twins having idioglossia/cryptophagia (their own secret language) is very canon to me, and i think it’s most interesting in the context of magic and spell creation. they’re both inventors, and their private language is part of that.
i believe they grew up inventing spells in a language only the two of them shared, and that magic was stronger but more unpredictable & volatile. they move away from it with schooling, but it comes out in moments of distress
pandora was using their language to spellcast when she blew herself up, and evan was using their language to spellcast when he took moody’s nose
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mamichula93 · 6 months
Hispanic Copia Headcanons
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This is my first time doing headcanons on here so please be nice jajaja 😅
Copia/Papa IV is Spaniard, but absolutely adores the latinos(a)
He LOVES Mexican culture, "Dia De Los Muertos" is his favorite
Was a bullfighter before he worked for the ministry- he was known as "El Temerario" for he would do crazy stunts that others were afraid to do
Has a rat named "Toro"
He has long curly hair that reaches to his shoulders, he also has a hipster stache- which he shaved off when he became papa but he did grow a goatee, he also cuts his long curly hair
He drinks Inca Kola (it's my favorite soda so now it's his lol)
He calls his ghouls "chupacabras"
Dreamed of being in a mariachi band but never happened
He wears a sombrero sometimes
He listens to la musica while cooking and cleaning
He is in love with pizza empanadas (he's half italian, half spanish, so..)
Loves salsa dancing, if he catches you on the dance floor then you're his for the night
Watches a LOT of telenovelas, would sometimes quote them if he felt like it
Would speak spanglish just to screw with his brothers
He wears traditional Spanish and Mexican clothing
He would have his papal paint themed as day of the dead
Loves futbol (soccer) and he watches La Liga, his favorite team is Real Madrid
Not that this was obvious, but he takes pride in being hispanic
Would chant "baila, baila, baila" during Dance Macabre
He likes to be called "papi chulo" it makes him very happy
He has a back tattoo of a bull's head with "El Temerario" written on top
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grntaire · 4 months
Yoooo I really love the choral music you’ve recently shared. I’m not really that familiar with it as a genre of music and don’t normally seek it out? but occasionally a piece will find its way to me (like at a funeral or now your blog), and I find it arrestingly beautiful. maybe partly because it’s a strange and unfamiliar medium to me. Do you have any favorites you would recommend for further exploration? 🩷
hi this is maybe the most hyped i've been for an ask ever bc i go fucking crazy for choral music so YES i do have recs for you. i will try to limit my little thoughts however i am very annoying so it will not go well
gibbons' hosanna to the son of david goes insanely hard. so jovial and fun and i had a blast singing this in undergrad! i love renaissance polyphony and this is a prime example of it!
poulenc's o magnum mysterium is truthfully wacky in the best most french way ever. and imo poulenc's queerness is so clear and present in his music so anything by him i love. my beautiful fruity catholic with a disorder <3
chesnokov's spaseniye sodelal is russian orthodox perfection fr. when my choir in undergrad read thru this i was stood between two low basses and at THAT part (1:32) i felt like i was being punched from the inside out. also the text means "salvation is created in the midst of the earth" and i think that's like. so fucking sick
stacey gibbs' arrangement of ezekiel is THE american spiritual arrangement to me. i once sang this in an italian church under a mexican conductor and then later we all sang it drunkenly for the owner at the hotel we were all staying at it was wild and so so so fun. such a beautiful and massive example of a joyful american spiritual also it's straight up a banger honestly. could talk ad nauseum abt how badass black choral scholars are and how grateful i am for all of the work that they've done and for inviting ppl to learn abt and experience it <3
holst's i love my love is one of my favs of all time. unfortunately england fucking devours when it comes to their choral tradition and this piece does one of my fav things where the way the composer sets the text changes its meaning! it's abt a woman named nancy who is in bedlam bc her love died at sea and it effectively broke her. while there, he comes to her, alive, breaks her out and they get married. while the poem itself shows a happy ending, the way holst plays w tempo and texture makes me go hmmm. 90% sure he did not show up and she's experiencing a delusion of sorts to cope w her grief (the i love my love's in the sopranos & altos at 1:24 kind of emulate a rocking motif, almost as if she's rocking herself back and forth in a soothing gesture, or the rocking of the ship he died on) and that tenor entrance in the melody after almost emulates her love coming to rescue her. god this whole piece makes me feel like my skin is on fire and i think it's a devastating portrayal of mental illness and you can rip it from my cold dead hands
stanford's beati quorum via is literally just gorgeous front to back. again unfortunately the english stay slaying
jake runestad's a silence haunts me literally does fucking haunt me and it changed the way i think about choral music. it's a setting of an unsent letter of beethoven's where he talks about losing his hearing and how afraid he is of losing it. this one you def have to watch bc there's a visual element to it! no spoilers but holy shit it shuts my brain down it's brutal and beautiful. i saw its premiere in 2019 and the entire hall was sobbing. like i have the words "be well" tattooed on me bc of it. the way the piano quotes moonlight sonata and his 9th symphony and the tensions emulating his tinnitus. OUGH
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always-coffee · 6 months
food is love
Everything I learned how to cook or bake is a spiraling tattoo of those I have loved or love. Those here and gone. Every learned skill or recipe is a love letter of a sort.
I learned how to cook from my mother. I make marinara sauce from scratch and meatballs, and when I do, it reminds me of her. Of a kitchen that smelled of garlic cooking in olive oil, of sauce that simmered all day.
Growing up, holidays were all about food and togetherness, so I carry on those traditions for my dad and two siblings. Christmas Eve is always seven different kinds of fish, spaghetti, and antipasto. It's all a roadmap, a history.
I learned how to make jalapeno ramen, because of a restaurant in Montreal that @lizleeillustration took me to. I learned how to make gumbo, from scratch, after living in the south. Every time I make it, I think of my friends there.
I make hot chocolate the way a childhood friend did. I taught myself how to make my grandmother's Italian cheesecake from barely half a recipe and years of experience. It didn't even have a pan size. Ingredients were missing. Those that were present were written as a little bit of milk or a can of ricotta. Ricotta, it should be noted, doesn't come in a can. At least, not as long as I've been alive.
But I perfected that recipe for my dad, by request, for his birthday. Because to me, food is love. And I love taking care of people. That's honestly one of the truest things about me. And I will learn how to make your favorite dish. And I have absolutely delighted in cooking for friends, and you can absolutely summon me for a weekend, if there's coffee and a couch. Because to me, the best times really aren't fancy dinners (which I love), but cozy bits of stolen time with good food and conversation. I love the intimacy of a shared meal and a bottle of wine. I often joke that I am a kitchen witch, but at this point, I genuinely mean it.
There's magick in a good meal, whether it's a winter stew or a lasanga or baked fish. I love the smell of a meal as it's progressing. The way it warms the room and the heart. I love the chaos of it, too, the timing, the feeling of getting it right. The dog being underfoot just hoping for an error.
Recently, I made meals for my best friend, who had several surgeries. For her, I taught myself how to make white chicken spinach lasagna with bechamel. And by taught, I mean found a recipe, realized I could make it better, and now I have a brilliant new meal in my rotation. I can't make the surgeries easier, but food? Food I can do.
I think good food eases a broken heart. I think good food conjures love. I think a shared meal and a long walk are two of the best joys in life, and you won't ever convince me otherwise.
If we are friends, chances are I will try to feed you. That's who I am. It's also how I show affection or care, whether it's platonic or romantic. Because love in its myriad forms means food, more than occasionally in the form of baked goods. And now that's it's turning toward winter, baked goods can easily be shipped. So, maybe I'm plotting.
And I do take requests.
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divinekangaroo · 4 months
Just A Prompt!
Characters: Tommy Shelby, Alfie Solomons. Also I love Polly so any inclusion/mention of her would be a bonus.
Phrase: The blind leading the blind
No limits, sex is fine, gen is fine
Happy holidays!! Love your writing.
Dear Anon - I gave in -- because after well over a week I keep micro editing this part and not getting on with the rest of the words, so am hoping to move on to completion by anchoring this bit with a post. Hope you enjoy (progressively!)
death is a tree you plant in my chest (Ch 1/3) - pettiot - Peaky Blinders (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Primarily set in the evening of S4-E4, Tommy invites Alfie to dinner after they finish establishing terms regarding Bonnie's debut fight. Flashbacks between S3 and S4, Alfie's youth, and Alfie's war experience.
Might be the last time they don't fuck, Alfie thinks. Why not.
Tommy Shelby/Alfie Solomons, Tommy Shelby & Alfie Solomons, Alfie Solomons/George Sage, Polly Gray, Charles Solomons, Many Other Contemporaneous Gangster Mentions, Solomons Family, Various Italians, Sabini | Unrequited Something-Something, Violence Fetish, Masochism, Chronic Pain, The Intersection of Kink Masochism and Chronic Pain, Longing, Fear of Death and Incapability, Cancer Diagnosis, Diagnosis Repercussions, Shock, Flashbacks, Not Coping Despite Appearances, Theatrical References, Backstory, Hand Jobs, Fantasising, Fisting, Fucking, Frottage, Dinner Date, Terrible Humour, Humiliation, Gangs, Jewish Rituals and Traditions, Unreliable Narrator, Internal Monologue, Mass Animal Death, Death Fetish, War Trauma, Class Issues, Ethnic Slurs, Slaughterer Trauma, Attempted Gangrape, Rape, Crossdressing, The Book of Leviticus, A Surprising Amount of Procreation Imagery, Deep Friendship, Deep Hurt, Prostitution, Complicated Relationship with Religion, Piercing, Tattoos, Dehumanisation
Shout out to @dandelionfool's tommy x alfie artwork which has a mood and vibe which has greatly inspired me!
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teaboot · 2 years
Top 5 (non contemporary) artists
Raphael (1443-1520): I actually dont like his paintings very much but I love his sketches. Something about the way he shaded in rolling, folding skin is very solid and satisfying.
Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939): Czech painter, stunning art nouveau, bold and crisp yet fragile and ethereal. Fairylike. Like looking at stained glass.
Artemesia Gentileschi (1593-1653): Italian Baroque painter. Her work is incredibly visceral and real to look at. I love how expressive and human her work is. Started painting at 15 and was apparently encouraged to dial it back.
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890): At this point enjoying Gogh is as basic bitch as it gets, but some things are popular for a reason. A fascinating man with an enviable mastery over color and expression.
Sailor Jerry (1911-1973): Probably too recent to be considered 'non-contemporary' but I'm shoehorning him in anyway. While American traditional isn't my personal favorite tattoo style, the man's contributions to tattoo art and culture are worthy of high respect, and he seemed like a neat dude to boot.
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Parker Luciani Headcanons
been thinking WAY too much about this man recently, looks like I just got another hyperfixation about to last a while
Heavy dad energy, has a large collection of horrendous dad jokes that he tends to pull out at any time, and nobody is safe.
Tries to DIY everything, has a workshop of his own situated inside his garage.
Type of guy to sleep till the afternoon and not move a muscle, unless he absolutely has to wake up earlier.
Love language is both physical touch and gift-giving; he’ll often go and buy small gifts for his friends at any time, and often takes them out for food, always insisting on paying every time.
Gives the best hugs, teddy bear kinda energy. Will always embrace a friend after meeting them.
Speaks fluent Italian and English.
Absolutely amazing cook. Absolutely loves cooking for his friends and family; if you come over to his house you’re getting fed before you leave and with stuff to take home too.
Has a tattoo of an anchor on his upper right arm.
Likes the bitter taste of herbs, will often chew on a basil or an oregano leaf while he’s cooking.
Loves black coffee and herbal teas, especially chamomile. Has an espresso machine of his own, and always makes coffee in the morning for himself.
Really likes the smell of rose and lavender; it was the perfume a lot of his family wore inside his childhood home, and he often gets it now and then to remind him a little bit of home.
Attempts to teach Italian snippets to all his close friends, even just the basics
Loves sunsets and will often go outside to the porch with a hot drink to watch the sun go down
Favourite color is forest greens and shades of orange
Parker is huge on his cooking, and will more often than not bring like six different dishes to any shared meal, even if it’s just friends visiting. He isn’t the best baker, but he’s really good at cannolis and bombolonis, and is great at most traditional Italian foods. He had to cook at least one night a week growing up, which taught him how to cook and how to cook well, his aunties and family members around him constantly to show him what to do.
Likes to listen to music while he cooks.
Has a collection of herbs on the kitchen windowsill, and a garden for cooking purposes that his Nonna taught him to maintain.
Favourite dishes to make is focaccia, a type of bread typically served with olive oil and different toppings, and ossobuco, a slow-cooked veal that’s typically very tender when fully cooked.
All his recipes were passed down from his Nonna, kept in a well-maintained book at the top of his shelf.
Decorates his home very well, prefers mood lighting over the harsh overhead lights
Knows simple sleight of hand, nothing too complex, just small tricks he learned to impress people. Plays a lot of card & board games. Very competitive.
Nickelback fan, loves rock in general
Likes to be around people, loves inviting friends to his place and often gathers them to bonfires and beer. At least every weekend there’s a gathering of some sort because he loves to be around people, but he doesn’t always get the chance.
Doesn’t let anyone touch the aux while he’s driving, if he’s driving it’s his playlist and nobody can argue differently.
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waru-chan8 · 5 months
Would you rather MotoGP Edition!
Okay this is a little game of would you rather... between the MotoGP (and others) series. Please feel free to add your own if your want (but please no F1-related) and share if you want. This is just for fun.
🎵 Would you rather let rather learn how to play piano with Pol, bass with Joe Roberts or guitar with Zarco?
💍 Would you rather let Luca organize your wedding (traditional/fairy tale) or Álex Rins (Party theme)?
🍴 Would you rather have a BBQ with the Binder brothers or Paella with the Márquez?
🏆 Would you rather third wheel a podium between Fermín&Alonso or Joan&Álex back in their Suzuki era?
🏄 Would you rather have surf lessons with Joe Roberts or windsurf with Dani Pedrosa?
🔄 Would you rather learn have a cooking class form Arón or a cross-snitch one from Pol?
💇 Would you rather learn Enea's or Bezz routine to keep their curls?
🏅 Would you rather learn martial arts with Raúl or learn sailing with Luca?
🛵 Would you rather train for a whole day with the VR46 Academy at the ranch or with Maverick (and Dani)'s band of misfits at the Rocco's ranch?
🎧 Would you rather let Bezz, Fabio or Jorge Martín DJ at your party?
👅 Would you rather learn languages with Dani (Spanish, Catalan, English, Italian, French and some Japanese) or with Miguel (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and English)? (I know there's a Moto3 rider that speaks up to 8 languages so if anyone knows who he is, I'll include it).
🛍️ Would you rather let go shopping for clothes with Taka or Dovi?
👗 Would you rather lend a dress to Rins, Bezz or Canet?
🐉 Would you rather let Fabio or Arón desing a tattoo for you?
🖼️ Would you rather let Vale, Marc or Aleix design a helmet for you?
🧨 Would you rather participate in a Estrella Galicia challenge with Joan Mir or in a Red Bull Jorge Martín?
⛷️ Would you rather go skiing/snowboarding with the KTM/Ajo Squat/Tech3 team or with the VR46 Academy?
🏖️ Would you rather go on family vacation with the Academy at Ibiza or with Aleix, Jorge M. and Fermín in Bali?
🏍️ Would you rather ride for an historic team (Honda, Yamaha or Aprilia) or for a new one (KTM)?
🐼 Would you rather use a shark or a bunny as your animal/brand?
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warningsine · 8 months
Iranian-American director Ana Lily Amirpour once said she conceived the idea for her debut film, the vampire thriller “A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night,” while skateboarding down West Coast streets one night. As her black chador whipped behind her like the wings of a bat, Amirpour had a vision of heroine: A young Iranian girl who skateboarded around the streets of the fictional Bad Town, her chador rippling behind her like a cape.
Through combining traditional and modern elements of Iranian culture, as well as including both Western and Eastern influences, Amirpour creates a masterpiece that transcends all previously drawn boundaries. “A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night” is a melting pot of influences, seen in the pairing of chador and fangs, seen in the Iranian tattoos on a crass pimp and, most importantly, seen in the soundtrack itself.
Contrasting the stark, noir aspect of the entirely black and white movie, the soundtrack of “A Girl” is an eclectic mash-up of Iranian songs, both old and new. Novel Iranian bands like Radio Tehran and Kiosk stand next to classic singers like Dariush; it’s a playlist that not only beautifully melds past and present, but also shapes the fictional world of “Bad Town.”
Much like its lack of color, “A Girl” lacks excessive dialogue, choosing instead to let its characters speak through the music that fills the negative space.
The main character, The Girl (played by Sheila Vand), is a pointed collection of contradictions: She is mostly silent, entrapped in shadows, yet the music that accompanies her pays homage to vibrant ‘80s synthpop. At the beginning of the film, The Girl dances alone in her room while Farah’s “Dancing Girls” plays; the song contains both Farsi and English lyrics, yet the techno wave of its background melody, along with the lone disco ball The Girl sways back and forth under, is reminiscent of American bands like a-ha and Blondie. Farah’s lyrics — “she’s just a normal girl / dancing to her favorite song” — create a sense of intimacy and vulnerability at odds with the fantastical vampire nightmare.
Even though the scene contains no dialogue, it speaks volumes about The Girl. Its contrasting components divulge a multi-dimensional character who moves past the flat trope of the stereotypical horror movie monster. Instead, we get a vampire who puts on makeup surrounded by muted fairy lights and saves abused prostitutes, then brutally murders an insolent pimp.
The soundtrack is not just a voice for the characters, but a shape for the movie as a whole. The largely instrumental band Ferderale makes several appearances throughout the film. The American-based ensemble is heavily influenced by soundtracks from the ‘60s & ‘70s era of Italian “Spaghetti Western” genres and, through this, allows “A Girl” to transcend cultural boundaries. Songs like “Sarcophagus” and “Black Sunday” feature dramatic orchestral declarations, bringing to mind the theatrical standoffs of iconic Old Westerns, while the underpinnings of folk melodies speak to conventional Iranian films. A spectral woman’s voice is often intermittently added as a glossy layer over the entire compilation; its echoing European opera sound traces the barren desert setting in fine lines of elegance.
Ferderale’s “Sisyphus” narrates a relatively simple, but quintessential, scene within the film: An unnamed character in drag dances with a balloon to music in a courtyard. The fringe on her button-down shirt and ostentatious silver buckle of her belt is at odds with the hijab on her head. It’s a strange juxtaposition replicated in the song as it weaves together musical elements from a variety of different eras.
The band allows the fictional Bad Town to exist within multiple spheres, blurring the lines between distinct movie genres and distinct cultures. It’s a quiet gesture, this remix of convention to include input from other cultures, but a powerful one. With “A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night,” Amirpour constructs a story without limitations; instead, it masterfully traverses the rift between Eastern and Western ideals and finds a way to mend the disconnect.
What it means to me as an Iranian woman, more than just as a good horror movie, more than even a movie empowering Iranian women, is that it celebrates the power of opportunity. It’s doubtful Amirpour would have been able to create a movie of this magnitude if her family had remained in Iran, instead of taking the chance to immigrate to Europe and, later, to California.
Even though Iran’s culture is based predominantly around the arts — seen in the timeless impact of poets like Hafiz and Saadi — its current political climate has an iron grip around the advancement of artistic expression; it places tight restrictions over any creative production, not allowing for deviation from the established norm.
Many of the artists featured on this soundtrack, though Iranian-based, produce and perform their music outside of Iran; the radical socio-political commentary found in the lyrics of songs from bands like Kiosk or Radio Tehran is explicitly forbidden in Iran. Instead of remaining silent, they chose to immigrate to Europe, Canada and (mainly) the U.S, becoming the voice of a majority of Iran’s younger generation and permitting Iranian culture to continue to progress.
In light of President Donald Trump’s recent ban on travel on seven Muslim-majority countries (Iran being one of them), pieces of art like “A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night” and its soundtrack need attention: The future of Iran lies within the ideas of its youth. When young Iranian citizens emigrate to search for new prospects, they are not fleeing from the historic culture of their homeland. Rather, their innovative ideas push the culture to evolve in order to accommodate new perspectives, redefining what it means to be Iranian.
With its multifaceted soundtrack, “A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night” represents the endlessly creative potential of the Iranian youth.
It’s an ingenuity that I saw whenever I strolled the streets in Iran: Young artists with revolutionary ideas on the brink of looking to make a life for themselves, many of them exploring the option of moving to America.  And even though the ethnocentrism in the continuing view of America as “the land of opportunity” is a problem in itself, it does not draw away from the fact that, for many bright students, closed borders means closed opportunities as well. 
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karkanxholl · 8 months
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FULL NAME: ILLIR VORPSI » MEANING: Ilir [Albanian; Freedom or free. A character from Albanian mythology. ]; Vorpsi [The Vorpsi surname is a native Albanian surname/tribe of Tirana. It originates from the words vorbull and vorb, meaning 'whirlpool' and referring to the families' occupation was pottery. Another theory is from Maja e Vorbatines, a mountain range in north Albania which they could be related too, but the occupational surname theory is more credible.]
Adding coz KARKANXHOLL I guess doesn't literally translates to 'werewolf" but... It sounded cool so, Illir and I was like, YEP. In Albanian Mythos, The ‘’Karkanxholl’'  was that Culture’s ‘’Vampire’’ figure. However, unlike the ‘’traditional’’ Vampire Beings, The Karkanxholl was also part-Wolf. As such, They were often portrayed in A rt and Literature as being ‘’Humanoid’’ with the overall qualities of both ‘’Vampire’’ and ‘’Werewolf’’. The set-apart for The Being was that it was most shown as being ‘’Human’’, but wearing Chain Mail (a loose fitting Armor). Blood Drinkers, The Karkanxholl were most often Male in portrayal – and could be ‘’extinguished’’ like most traditional ‘’Vampires’’.
VERSE:  Sanguine, The Night Shift
AGE: 35-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 1989 April 8th, Sunday.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Tirana, Albania.
OCCUPATION: Businessman; heir to one of the oldest and successful pottery business in the Balkans and Europe. The business is expanding in some parts of Asia and Americas as well.
SPECIES: Werewolf.
POWERS: Possess the traits, attributes and/or abilities of, transform into, or be/is a werewolf. Healing, slow aging, super-strength.
WEAKNESSES: Paralytic venom, silver.
STRENGTHS: Courageous, Determined, Confident, Enthusiastic, Honest, Passionate.
WEAKNESSES: Impatient, Moody, Short-Tempered, Impulsive, Aggressive.
FACE CLAIM: Can Yaman.
HEIGHT: 6′2 ft. [188]
WEIGHT: 165 lbs. [75 kg.]
BUILD: Muscular.
GAIT: Relaxed.
OVERVIEW: » SCARS: Plenty. A major one on his back which he got after a fight when he was a teenager. » TATTOOS: Yes. TBA.
HOMETOWN: Tirana, Albania.
RESIDENCES: Tirana, Albania; Istanbul, Turkey. He also has houses in Sanguine, Louisiana. New York, New York, and San Francisco in Cali. He also travels to Europe and has a flat in London.
FINANCIAL STATUS: Upper class. He's loaded, come love him.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Uni graduate.
DEGREES: In being a bad-ass alpha lycan king. I have no idea what I'm doing. He's got a business degree but I'm thinking he's into history stuff, too.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Illir is multilingual. He's very good with his tongue, WINK WINK. He's very well traveled since he was very little and lived in various countries. Aside from Albanian which is his mother-tongue, he speaks a couple of dialects. He's fluent in Turkish, Greek, Italian, and knows a lot of Arabic. He speaks English as well and some Spanish and French. He can understand Romanian but is very rusty.
PARENTS: Elira Vorpsi [m.]; Agron Vorpsi [f., deceased]
SIBLINGS: Half-brother, Hunter Krasniqi. [ The name "Krasniqi" is of Albanian linguistic origin. The exact historical origin and meaning of the surname "Krasniqi" can vary, but it's believed to be related to the Albanian word "kërsenik" or "kërseniku," which means "blackbird" or "thrush."]
PETS: A stray pitbull, Acimah.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: » Illir is to marry a mate but he has not found them.
FAMILY HISTORY: Illir is the eldest son and heir to the throne of a powerful lycan tribe in Albania. When Alpha Agron died, Illir who was in his early 20's took over.
Agron was not the best father and was known the bed a lot of women. It was said that Agron had many offspring but only Illir was the legitimate child and heir to the throne and family richest.
Illir is very much different from his father who he criticized a lot while he was living. Illir tried his best to support many known siblings of him by connecting with them and giving them jobs, etc. There is one particular younger sibling, Hunter, that he is in search for was born to a human mother who was part of their community.
Illir knew Hunter's mother and was fond of her when he was growing up. When she got pregnant by Illir's father, she was kicked out of the community.
Illir travels a lot for work and uses this opportunity to look for his younger brother whom he heard is struggling.
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Many hook-ups. Man whore.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Marcel the witch/brewer. He's addicted to Marcel's brew and often spends time at Serafine's when he's in Sanguine. Jesus doesn't like it.
THOUGHTS ON LOVE: “It'll happen when the time is right.”
PHOBIA(S): None.
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I made a one piece persona!
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their name is Jeanne Cattaneo and they're the captain of the Verdant Pirates.
Jeanne is 22 years old at the start of the series, and have been the captain of the Furia Fiorita for a year and a half.
They are a devil fruit user, and their fruit is the Bloom Bloom fruit. It gives the user the power to manipulate the growth of plants, as well as manipulating that plant's attributes.
the tattoo on their right shoulder is a stylization of the layout of their mamma's herb garden
They have a tendency to pick up stray orphans and criminals, so their crew is very... questionable. Moreso than that of a regular pirate ship.
Jeanne has a weak spot for some good Italian wine, and they can't go without at least a glass a day
They also make very questionable hair decisions when drunk, so at any given time their hair is probably going to look like it's been attacked by a raccoon with a blender.
Their current bounty is 50 mil, mostly because they're too lazy to cause any real problems.
Jeanne and co. usually bebop around the grand line with stolen log poses, nicking little shiny things and a metric fuckton of food
They tend to be loud and grabby and melodramatic and seem generally harmless, but when it comes down to it, they can probably beat your ass
would prefer not to, though.
The Furia Fiorita is very fast and very, very sturdy out of neccessity
They nearly run into the strawhats on basically every island but avoid them because
in the ship medic, Nonna's words, "they cause too much damn trouble."
Jeanne actually relies on Nonna for a lot of decisions regarding safety, because they don't have a good sense of self preservation.
The scars on their back are from when their village was raided by a group of particularly nasty marines for harboring pirates.
Jeanne got caught trying to fight a high ranking one, and instead of imprisoning them the marines decided to "let them off with a warning"
the warning was carving the initial of the man in charge of that group into Jeanne's back.
They've spent a lot of time getting used to it, and it doesn't matter to them anymore, but they don't tell anyone because it's a pain in the ass to get all that pity
They can fight, but not with traditional weapons. The gloves they're wearing are woven out of a special fibre with seeds in it, so during a fight they will literally grow their own spiked knuckles and start beating the shit out of anyone nearby
that's all I can think of right now but there's more in my brain
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wildchildvdm · 3 months
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How Charlie Dempsey inspired me
TW: Mention of DV and SA
Crying in my bed with a smile on my face. A lot of people would ask me: Valentina, whats the thing with Charlie? Honestly it all started when watched him on NXT UK and when I started to work in backstage for Sirius.
When I saw his debut with his birth name, Bailey Matthews, against Tyler Bate, when he returned as Charlie Dempsey at the end of summer. As I was looking at him I was telling myself: good Lord, that’s what I always wanted to do and I am missing. And this for giving up the first time when I was 16 to make everyone around me happy. Settle down, get married, have children. Expectations of an Italian woman. A good friend of mine also told me “Why did you give up? It’s not late!”
I was in a relationship that didn’t sit right with me. It was toxic and DV was at the order of the day. I crying alone, crying in pain if it’s mentally or physically, never been good for his family, for friends that turned out to be fake. I was losing myself, but seeing Charlie, that’s made my clock ticking that I want to play by my own rules. I was 23 years old when I told myself: that’s enough. I am about to turn 25 in may. Breaking free from this relationship last year and the first thing I did is start my training. It has been one year and soon I am going to move away to the wXw, to take all to the top.
A family that is not happy with my decision and that I have to put everything on a scale. It’s either them or wrestling. If everything goes as planned I will spend two weeks a the GPWA. (My crush is there too lol Hello Baldie you sexy thing).
Bailey or better Charlie inspires me to keep it up with my work to get better and better. As I told my friend Jay during the chain wrestling training yesterday: I want to learn everything until my head explode. I will never stop learning. I have some fears inside the ring that I know I need to win.
If there is one thing I dream of in my life is to be taken under his wing and learn, I would learn for hours. If it’s either with him or his father. But I want to learn.
As I am writing this I am looking at my tattoo on my left arm: a flower. What has a flower to do? There is a tradition in South Korea that says: every person has a birth flower. This is a Carolina Allspice. Dec 30th.
I look at it when I feel I want to give up, when something isn’t going as I wished. Some people tells me that I would regret it. But for sure I don’t regret that.
Seeing him winning that cup makes my heart happy and jump. I never felt so proud as I feel right now. I was waiting years for this. And right now I am even more motivated. Even if there is a 3-1 Handicap Match between the 4 walls.
I wish he knows that he made the difference of this young woman with a dream.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hello! , if it is not a bother I was wondering if I could request number 9?
I’m mixed but am white (Italian, German, African American, Scottish). I currently reside in California but I moved around a lot in childhood from Maine to Massachusetts. I am neurodivergent with recognized depression, and anxiety. I play guitar, listen to music, doodle occasionally, play video games, write, study herbology, and love to engage in theoretical discussions about science and/or spirituality. My favorite colors are forest green, black and ice blue. I love all music except for trucks and drugs country music. I’m especially fond of Blondie, Hozier, The Buzzcocks, The Toy Dolls, No Doubt, Colter Wall, and 1950’s crooners. I love action films and noir films (James Stewart, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra..) I enjoy learning about history and where traditions come from, as well as herbology, and quantum mechanics. I love reading comics. I also enjoy watching Rick and Morty, South Park, and The Simpsons. I have both ear lobes pierced but rarely wear earrings, I also have my cartilage pierced. I want to get a tattoo of a horse for someone who was close to me, and a tattoo of Yellowstone National Park because my father would take me nearly every summer when I was a teenager. I am a natural brunette and tend to dye my hair whatever color I feel like, currently it’s “Starry Night.” A blueish black with highlights as it fades out. I have hazel brown eyes (they change color if the light hits them right and makes them a pretty ember.) I have a marking nearish my left kidney from a kidney stone procedure.
I apologize if I added too much, or if it is too much.
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ah i hope this wasn't too obvious of a pick but i truly think this is so right! and don't be sorry, this was perfect 💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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ok so first of all, the three states you've mentioned are all ones, for the most part, that i (as a non-american) associate with nature, especially maine and california for the forests and trees. so you have a connection with plant life
depression and anxiety, i feel ya on that one, and i think ivy would too? she takes on quite a burden and deals with it in a solitary fashion. i think he worries and fears stem from the world being cruel and unforgiving, mostly humanity, and that's true of a lot of people with anxiety or depression
your creative energy is so obvious, and i think that's something ivy would appreciate. gentle music, beautiful art, anything you could gift to her that came from your soul and was made organically. given that she's definitely the kind of girl who sends immense amounts of flowers for every gift, all grown by her of course, it makes sense that she'd love to receive a "home-grown" gift in return
pam is a scientist, and she's deeply spiritual at least in the sense that she's open to feeling nature and healing powers, so she'd be up for a debate on the subject, or even just long nights discussing it with you in depth, especially if you both agree or can offer some information or insights the other hasn't ever considered before
your favourite colours remind me of those precious dark sky spots within deep forests, where nature is untouched and you can see the stars clearly because there's very little civilisation around you. a perfect spot for spending time with pam, and the fact that your hair matches that is so neat!!
the crooners and the noir films are giving off so much romance and lovey-dovey vibes and i can't think of anyone more deserving of some genuine romance than ivy. i think along she'd be interested in older things, from a nostalgic point of view in relation to the aesthetics only, given that gotham is her home
ok so history, herbology and science are all very pam things! it's almost perfect, like you were made for each other! traditions, especially relating to preserving and appreciating nature, are close to her heart. and someone on the same intellectual level with her with regards to science would mean she has someone to talk to about those things, meaning she's not as alone anymore
a tattoo of a park??? are you kidding me? nature tattoos would be an exceptional edition to your already perfect self, and she'd appreciate it to no end. same with the little mark on your body from your procedure, anything that makes you unique and natural and a piece of art. and your eyes changing colour from the hues of the earth and of wood to the sun and the flowers would have her completely enamoured
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