#it's a little short but that's okay 👌
jellifysh · 2 years
Getting Back Into the Swing of Things (extra!)
Or, You've fallen back in love with your ex (and his boyfriends, too!)
Ot7 x reader (fluff, a few years later, mentions of pregnancy and babies)
A/N: until I finish the next chapter of Ride With You, I'm gonna upload other stuff I had been working on <333
"Ah, honey, you're home!" Jin smiled widely at you from the kitchen, a bowl propped up on his hip. "I've made the most delicious foods for you, come sit at the counter." He said, gesturing to the shiny marble countertop. You smiled, taking a step towards him.
"But she can't eat without washing her hands!" Taehyung responded, beckoning you towards the bathroom. "Come wash your hands before you eat, dove." He called your attention towards him instead and you turned towards him, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
Before you could even say a word, your attention was pulled into another direction, Hoseok taking your hand and spinning you towards soft chairs, making you giggle. "No, angel, come sit with me on the patio."
Namjoon heaved a big sigh, standing in the middle of all their childishness and rubbing the brow of his nose. His feet tapped against the stone flooring of the department store as he scolded them. "Boys, please, we're here to get lighting fixtures for the nursery, not to play house."
"But Joonie, you can't tell me this kitchen unit doesn't look incredible." Jin said, stepping out of the model kitchen display. "This color countertop would be perfect for our house, wouldn't it?" He stepped up to Namjoon, placing a hand on his shoulder, begging with his eyes for him to agree.
Namjoon leveled him with an unimpressed look. "You try to buy a new kitchen everytime we come to IKEA. We're here for one thing and one thing only."
"I don't know, I'm with Hoseok hyung on this one," Jungkook piped up, feet propped up on the low table as he reclined on the model patio set, getting comfy on the cushions like it was his own. "I think the baby would like a comfy patio couch."
"The baby won't even be able to sit for like, four months." Jimin scoffed. "Anyways, if we're taking anything, I think it should be this rocking chair. Look at how comfy it is!" He practically melted into the chair, sinking into the soft pillows.
"We already have a rocking chair. You picked it out yourself. We don't need another rocking chair." Namjoon stated, trying his best to keep from going home with twenty more things the house didn't need.
"I think we definitely need more paint." Taehyung said, finally done messing around with the fake bathroom. "The mural we're painting is bigger than we thought, and we're low on forest green."
"Alright, you guys go get more paint, and only paint, and me, Jin, and Yoongi..." Namjoon spun in a circle. "Where's Yoongi?"
"I can go look for him," you piped up. Immediately, the boys were shaking their heads, Jungkook motioning for you join him on the patio couch.
"You shouldn't be doing too much walking, bunny, you'll put too much stress on your ankles." He chided, taking your hands and pressing kisses to your knuckles.
You stayed standing, however, rolling your eyes. "I'll be fine. I've barely done any walking in the last couple months. The store isn't that big, and I'll sit once we get home."
"Still, you shouldn't go on your own." Jimin frowned in concern, hands raising to hold your hips, one moving up to rub your belly. It hadn't been long since you started showing but it was quickly becoming obvious. You'd been holding back on buying too many maternity clothes so early, though the boys seemed bent on buying you a whole wardrobe's worth. The sundress you were wearing mostly concealed your bump, but your loves seemed to focus on it no matter what you wore.
"Once I find Yoongi, I won't be alone." You argued back playfully. You pecked him on the lips and pulled away from him while he was stunned. That was something you loved, that even after dating all these years, you could still kiss them and they would react like it was the first time. "Good luck finding light fixtures!" You chirped, practically skipping away down the aisles before they could chase after you.
You strolled down the halls, idly humming and rubbing your belly, looking at all the things being sold. It was crazy how there were so many items in each unit, it was like everything someone could ever want in a room was here. Wall mounted decorations, various rugs, you even saw small garden fountains in their outdoor section. You had to keep yourself from going and just watching the water drip, the serenity would keep you trapped for hours.
Where was Yoongi? You wondered, walking around and turning corner after corner, no sign of him. He had been very hands on in the construction of the baby's room, so you figured the hardware or electrical sections would be his most likely location. But he wasn't there, and considering the other boys weren't in the lighting aisle either, you guessed they had gotten distracted again on the way there.
Giggling to yourself, you continued on. Maybe Yoongi was by the baby furniture, where the cribs and mobiles were, he had gotten pretty hands on with the crib, insisting on making one himself, but you didn't find him there either, just more things you added to your mental wishlist.
You were quickly becoming unsure of where he was and you considered going to find the other guys and giving up, or even just calling Yoongi, but you kept going, checking one more aisle.
And there he was, by the IKEA stuffed sharks. You sighed in relief upon seeing him, shaking your head with a smile. "And I thought you were staying on task." You teased, walking up to him.
He didn't turn around to look at you as you walked towards him, just wrapping an arm around your waist when you stood next to him. His eyes were fixed on the plastic ones of the IKEA shark's, as if it was telling him something telepathically.
"Do you think she would like a shark?" He said, quietly.
You smiled widely, thinking of your baby in her crib with a stuffed shark's three times her size. "I think she would love it." You responded just as softly, leaning your head onto his shoulder. "But then again, she'll probably love anything until she's about two or three. Then she'll develop her own personality and likes and interests."
He let out a small puff of air, a sound you had come to recognize as his way of chuckling. "When you say like that, it feels like it'll go by so fast." He murmured.
"It might," You shrugged. "Or maybe it'll be a crawl. Or a combination of both. Either way we'll be doing it together." You turned your face up towards him, and he turned to look at you finally, mirroring the same soft look in your eyes.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, his hand moving to cup your stomach. "Do you think we could have one?"
"A baby? We are having one."
"No, I know, but I mean like..." he stopped, choosing his words carefully. "One thats ours. One that looks like you and me."
"You have a long line," you chuckled, thinking of how the others had wanted the same thing. "Taehyung keeps saying, 'when we have a baby' this and 'our baby' that. And Jin is already planning to add more rooms to the house."
"I can wait." He smiled, his cheeks and eyes soft.
"Then yes, I think we can have one." You nodded, picking up a shark. "Eventually." You tucked the shark under your arm, taking your phone to call the guys and see if they were ready to leave. Yoongi took the shark from you and held your free hand, walking you towards the front. You looked up at him and smiled, phone to your ear as you listened to the dial tone. You had been surrounded with nothing but love for so long and were soon going to share it with another loving being, one growing in your belly. Sometimes you worried you would mess up somehow.
Hoseok picked up the phone, loud laughter coming through the line as they messed around wherever in the store they were. "Everything okay, angel?" He said, immediately worring over you. Even the sound of his voice coming through the phone reassured something deep in your soul along with the laughter of your loves. You knew that no matter what you'd be fine.
Because you were with them.
Taglist: @sunshinehobissunshine @pb-n-juju @bunnyrhe @7soulsbts @tinyoonsblog @royalchickens @urvirtualgfteehee @tazzi-baby @deathincarnation @alngelias @not-all-are-the-same @btsizlyfe @justsomoneliving @purplelady85 @just-me-and-myselfs @thinkaholicer @kookstempo @kosmicbomb @squishyturtle @fuckinglittlekitten @canarystwin @scuzmunkie @stupendousliteraturewritingoaf @sugarrush-blush @bt21chim @maries110911 @bjoriis @creatorspalace @highinhopess @little-dark-empress @onlythebest-106 @cestlabellemort @rapunzel76 @kamen-tenshi @totallynoanalien @singukieee @gingerupset @sunshinee0-0 @avadakadabra93 @lvrseok @musicismyoxygen @missinggot7 @silscintilla @jcrml @embrace-themagic
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catcze · 8 months
OKAY BUT how about matching jewellery with Wriothesley?? You could both wear a necklace or a choker to match his vibe or maybe earrings? (The fact he's wearing some is sending me 😩 His style is really good tbh, def would let him choose my clothes) And if they're embedded with each other's initials? Even better, let the world know you belong to him, the same way he belongs to you (was inspired by your other collar drabble don't mind me 🥺👌)
AAAAA that is SO cute wtf ?!?! And so true, his style is honestly immaculate !! I got inspiredddd and wrote this (even tho it's a little more 'secret relationship for now, but wearing little tokens of each other until we make it public' kind of thing tee hee)
warning for vv slight leaks (Wriothesley's birthdate) and a slightly ooc Wrio !!
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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"Your grace?"
"Yes, Sigewinne?" Wriothesley hums, not looking up from his morning paper. He holds a teacup in his other hand, the scent of freshly brewed English Breakfast filling the room.
Sigewinne is staring hard at him, head tilted as she examines the change in the Duke's wardrobe. "I can't seem to place my finger on it but your new necklace looks rather—"
Wriothesley promptly chokes on his drink, loud coughing breaking the quiet of his office as he thumps his chest, sputtering and frantically moving his paper out of the range of fire of his choking.
Sigewinne hands him a handkerchief, which he takes with a wheezed word of thanks. She's squinting at him in suspicion, antennae twitching as she watches the duke squirm.
"I'm afraid I don't follow," Wriothesley coughs one last time into the handkerchief, clearing his throat in an attempt to get rid of the roughness in his voice. It doesn't work. "Perhaps you're mistaken, Sigewinne. Are you certain that you haven't just seen someone around the fortress using something similar? Or maybe you saw it in fashion on the surface."
Sigewinne is sure she hasn't. She just hums in thought, placing her hands on her hips as she continues to evaluate the necklace, while Wriothesley pointedly does not meet her gaze.
It's a simple thing, really. A silver circle on a thin silver chain, and from this distance Sigewinne can barely make out what looks like two letters and a date carved on it. It's this simplicity, actually, that makes it stand out amidst the Duke's otherwise chunky and bold accessories.
Sigewinne keeps staring, trying to remember just where oh where had she seen something like that before, and why does it nag her so much that she can't recall. Wriothesley doesn't offer up any information, however, having chosen to pour himself another cup of tea and resuming reading his paper.
Eventually, the nurse relents and turns to head down the staircase to leave his office with a word of farewell thrown over her shoulder, still bothered by the mystery that she just can't solve, but knowing what the Duke is like when he clams up.
"Oh! Hi, Sigewinne!" You greet, almost running into her as she descends, while you yourself are on your way up. You reach out a hand to steady her lest she roll down the rest of the way. "Leaving already? Everything alright?"
"Everything is fine," she says kindly, patting your arm in thanks as she looks up to your face. "Some patients to check on, but otherwise nothing particularly noteworthy. His Grace just refuses to answer any of my questions, however..."
But then her eyes catch on something shiny on your neck. Something shiny, and looking awfully like the object of her interest just a few short minutes ago. She glances at it, and as close as she is, she can make out what is carved on the pendant around your neck: A simple W and the date November 23 written underneath it.
She pauses mid-sentence, turning to glance over her shoulder.
Wriothesley is still reading his paper, but from here even she can see how he's trying to subtly glance over it in your direction. His fingers clench the sheets in anticipation and how his boot has started to tap on the floor despite his show of nonchalance. She looks at the pot of tea he had put out earlier, notices just how much tea there still seems to be in it, and the extra teacup that she had asked about earlier when she had first come in.
Just in case a guest stops by, he had told her, and nothing after that. Suddenly, she has a pretty good guess of what is written on his grace's necklace.
"Nevermind," she corrects, trying not to smile too widely. "But I certainly have to be going. Enjoy your... meeting with his grace. I'll see you later!"
You blink at her abrupt departure. "Oh? Okay. Uh... Bye, Sigewinne. See you soon!"
She nods, hurriedly excusing herself in an attempt to give you two some privacy, finally letting her happy little grin show once she was no longer in sight. She shuts the doors behind her and takes a moment, then practically skips her way back to the infirmary, her steps light and joyful.
I'm glad. They deserve to be happy together.
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lipglossanon · 11 months
⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹
stepbro!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader (beach one shot)
this went in a weird direction but instead of scrapping it, I’m posting so 🤷‍♀️ enjoy lmao lots of smut 👌
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, protective Leon, perv Leon, kissing, dirty talk, nipple play, teasing, grinding, public sexual situations lol, car sex, unprotected sex, creampie
not proofread
Title from Someday by Sugar Ray ☀️
⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹
This place is warm without a care
We'll take a swim in the deep blue sea
I go to leave and you reach for me
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
"Quit pushing!"
"But you're in my space!"
"If you guys don't behave, I will turn this car around!"
The squabbling in the back seat cut short as Leon glares you. 
He leans over and flicks your arm when you’re not looking; you hiss at the sting, smacking him on the forearm in retaliation. 
"Leon," his dad warningly calls out from the driver’s seat, looking at him through the rear view mirror. 
"What?" he glares at you still, rubbing the smarting skin, "she literally started it, I was just paying her back.”
"Yeah, but you know better," his dad sighs before moving his attention to you, “please let’s all just get along and enjoy our day.”
You smile, “Of course,” turning your attention to Leon you bat your eyelashes, “I am so sorry, big brother.” 
"Whatever," he rolls his eyes, flipping you off once his dad turns back to the road.
Your mom claps her hands, “Look alive kids, we’re here!”
"Finally," Leon breaths out, opening the passenger door and slipping out once his dad parks the car. 
Everyone piles out of the vehicle and makes their way to the back hatch. Your stepdad opens it and pulls out the coolers holding food and drinks.
"Here make yourself useful,” Leon sneers as he shoves a tote full of towels and sunblock into your arms. 
Your mom pats you on the back, “I got the beach umbrella so we’ll go find a spot!”
You stick your tongue out at Leon and turn along with your mom to walk along the boardwalk to the sandy beach below. It doesn’t take long to find a decent spot, staking down the umbrella and tossing the beach blanket down onto the sand. Leon sets down the coolers near the side while his dad hands out the beach chairs to be setup. 
Once everything is in order, you sit back on your haunches with a sigh. Rooting around through your own bag, you grab a few things and stand up. 
“I’m heading over to the changing rooms,” you jerk your thumb behind you, to the wooden building, “shouldn’t take long.”
Your mom nods, “Okay, make sure to lock the door. Actually Leon, walk with her. You never know these days.”
You roll your eyes and walk backwards, “I’m totally fine mom, you can see the building from here.”
Leon’s dad nods at him, “Just maybe walk over that way with her and if it seems fine just mosey on back.”
Leon smirks at you, “You heard’em, little sis.”
He gets up from the blanket and walks over to you; spinning you around, he gives you a gentle push to walk forward.
“I don’t need the help,” you snip at him, elbowing his side so there’s more space between you.  
“Hey I’m just following orders. Besides,” he leans more into your space with a leer, “maybe I just wanted to see what kinda bathing suit you picked out.”
You roll your eyes, tamping down the heat that washes over you from his words. 
“Whatever, perv,” you climb the wooden steps and find an empty room. 
Hesitating, you look back at Leon before stepping inside, “Are you going to be out here?”
His arms are crossed as he leans against the banister, a deadpan expression in his face.
“Unless you want me in there with you, yeah I’ll be out here.”
Nodding, you completely step into the changing room and shut the door. It’s pretty nondescript but just something about it is giving you the ick. A low noise comes from behind the wall, probably just from someone changing in the next room. 
You tug your shirt off, already wearing a bathing top underneath— you just wanted to swap it for the more colorful one you brought along. A weird sound next door has you jumping in place. 
“Yeah?” you can hear his muffled voice on the other side of the door. 
Another raspy noise comes from the other side of the wall giving you goosebumps. You swing your door open and gesture him inside. His mouth opens, probably about to make fun of you, when the look on your face cuts him short. 
He enters the changing room with you, keeping quiet as you hold your finger up to your lips. The strange noise happens again but louder, making you press into Leon’s side, hands gripping onto his thin tee shirt until your knuckles blanch. 
You both stand still, ears cocked and listening as that weird noise happens again. Leon reaches out and raps his hand hard on the wall. The noise stops and you both hear something scurry away from the wall. 
“Don’t change in here. We can go to the car,” Leon whispers to you, eyes serious, “definitely gonna report this to whoever’s on duty. Fucking creep.”
“Leon,” you whisper back, relief making tears prick your lash line, “thank you.”
“Hey, of course,” he murmurs softly, warm palms coming up to cup your jaw, “you’re okay. I won’t let anything happen to you, promise.”
You nod in his hold, pressing into his body even further. Your hands come up to wind in his hair and pull him down. He takes the hint and presses your lips together, kissing you softly. 
Leon pushes until your back is flat against the wall, never breaking his kiss. 
“You’re my girl,” he growls as he kisses a hot trail to your ear, tongue dipping inside, “no one gets to see you but me.”
“Leon,” you whimper, tugging on his hair as he nips at your neck before kissing down to your clavicle.
“Wish I could do more right now,” he murmurs into your skin, dragging his mouth down to the swell of your breasts in your bathing suit top, “just gonna get a little taste and we’ll head back, okay?”
Nodding, you have no idea what you’re agreeing to, when Leon noses the fabric covering one of your breasts over until he can suck your nipple easily into his hot mouth. 
“Just a taste, princess,” he whispers, moving over to the other hard bud and suckling.
He keeps you pressed to the wall as he lathes and sucks on your nipples until they’re hard and swollen. Your bathing suit bottoms are soaked with slick when he finally pulls back, eyes dark and heated. 
He slips his fingers under your top and pulls it upright, letting go with a snap. You cry out from the sting on your puffy nipples as your top now covers them. 
“C’mon, we need to head back before they come looking.”
He grins at you, teeth gleaming, “What is it? Is my little sis feeling needy?”
You nod your head, “Please, big brother, I’m so wet.”
His fingers dip beneath the band of your shorts and bottoms to glide across your slippery clit. You cry out and bury your face in his chest. 
“Oh? She is,” he coos, “she needs me so bad huh, princess?”
He dips his head lower, whispering filth in your ear and making you rock against his fingers as they circle your pudgy clit. 
“Mmm I’d love to get on my knees and kiss your pretty pussy all over,” he licks the shell of your ear, “she loves getting kissed by big brother, always so fucking wet after I makeout with your cunt, isn’t that right?”
“Uh huh,” you whine, “feels good. Big brother makes my pussy so wet.”
“Fuck,” he grits out, fingers circling and pinching your clit over and over, “when we get home, I’m pushing you down and railing your little princess pussy, got that? I’m gonna use you all fucking night, so you’ll just have to keep that hole wet and ready for me. Can you do that for big brother, huh?“
“Yes, yes, please, want that,” you slur, thighs tensing as your orgasm winds tighter in your belly, “want big brother to fill me up.”
“Don’t worry, I will,” he laughs meanly, “you can only get off if I’m creaming in this tight cunt anyways.”
You whine and hump down into his fingers, “Love it, love getting your creampies.”
“God damn, princess,” his fingers slide across your clit roughly, “cum for me, get my fingers soaking wet.”
“Oh, Leon, I’m—“
You shudder in his arms, muffling your moans in his shirt as you shake apart on his fingers. Riding out the soft tremors, Leon finally slips his hand away and laps up the clear slick webbing across his fingers. 
“So fucking juicy,” he growls, free hand coming up to twist one of your nipples making you whine, “can’t wait til we get home.” 
He kisses you one last time before opening the door, letting you leave first. You both look around but luckily the whole area is deserted. He gives you a little push toward the stairs. 
“Go catch up with them, I’m gonna look around for whoever’s in charge and file that report.”
You watch Leon’s broad back as he walks around the corner and warmth flutters in your chest as you make your way back over to your mom and stepdad. 
“Finally, thought you two got lost,” your mom smiles, patting the blanket, “let me put sunblock on your back and shoulders and you can skedaddle.”
Your stepdad looks over at you and then glances around, “Where’d Leon get off to?”
“He said he’d be back, needed to do something.”
He nods and goes back to his book. Your mom finishes up with the sunblock and puts it back in her bag. 
“Make sure to drink plenty of water.”
“I know, mom,” you roll your eyes good naturedly, “I’m gonna go wade for a bit, see if I can find any cool shells.”
“Have fun,” she plops her big sun hat on her head and lays out on the blanket. 
You wander down the beach until your toes meet the small waves kissing the shore. Wading out into the warm water, you take in all the people. It’s really nice and peaceful even with all the racket; easy to let it fade into the background with the sound of the ocean echoing in your ears. 
“You wanna build a sand castle?”
Leon’s voice behind you makes you jump, quickly turning to face him.
“You serious?” you squint at him, still feeling out of depth with the whole fiasco earlier. 
“Yeah, let’s go build one,” his eyes are something else with the ocean reflecting off the already prismatic blue, “I know where the good sand is.”
You smile, reaching your hand out to see if he’ll take it. Surprisingly, he does. He leads you back away from the water but not too far in order to reach the ‘better sand’. 
"This is a lot of fun," you murmur, brushing shoulders with Leon as you try to dig out a moat.
"Yeah even if you’re complete shit at it,” he smirks, side eyeing you. 
"Hey," you push his shoulder, leaving a damp hand print on his shirt, "I’ve made like three sandcastles in my life, so lay off.”
"Doesn’t matter,” Leon shrugs then laughs, “I'm going to absolutely destroy this when we're done.”
You frown, "But why?"
“It’ll just wash out with the tide otherwise.”
You roll your eyes, “Such a dork. Think I might go for a swim since it’s gotten hotter just sitting here.”
"I'll go with you," he stands up and slips his shirt off making your mouth feel dry, "don’t want you to drown while my back is turned”
You mock salute him while trying not to stare at his chest, "Aye, aye, captain."
Leon ruffles your hair, "Last one in the water is a rotten egg."
He takes off running with you right behind him. 
“You’re such a cheater! You didn’t even countdown!”
"Snooze ya lose, princess,” he laughs, splashing into the ocean before whirling on you and grabbing you around you waist. 
“Hold your breath,” he murmurs hotly in your ear before he’s pulling you under with him. 
You’re not under long and Leon brings you both back up to the surface with you holding onto his biceps for dear life. 
“You’re such a jerk!” you yell, salt water running into your eyes making them sting, “I’m going to murder you!”
“Like to see you try,” he laughs loudly, faking like he’s going to dunk you before yanking you back to his chest. 
Your hands wrap around his neck while your legs wrap around his waist, squeaking as he fakes dipping you both under again. 
“You’re so mean,” you pout as he wraps his hands around your hips. 
“What else is new, princess,” he laughs, shaking the water from his hair. 
He eases out a little further, holding you in his arms as he treads water. 
“Can’t wait to get home,” he murmurs, kissing your neck. 
“Leon,” you whine, “anyone can see us.”
“Yeah? We’re too far off for them to know what’s happening. Just kiss me, little sis.”
You sigh as he places more soft kisses on your neck.
“You got me?”
Giving him a puzzled look, you nod, “Yeah…”
He slowly lets go of your hips and once you stay buoyant, he grins. 
“Since the waters up to our shoulders,” he smirks, hands coming up to grope and squeeze your breasts, “I’m gonna have some fun.”
“No, don’t,” you squirm, but don’t let go; letting him touch you like this is exciting. 
“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re lying.”
He pulls the cups of your bathing top down exposing your breasts to his greedy hands. Pulling and tugging on your nipples has you rocking into him with a moan. 
“Leon,” you keen, head laying against his shoulder, “we’re gonna get caught.”
“Fuck,” he groans, pinching your nipples extra hard, “I’d love that, love to see someone know that you’re getting off on big brother playing with your sexy tits.”
You whimper and press your chest harder into his hands, “Gonna get in trouble.”
“No we won’t,” he chuckles, letting his fingers tease across the swell of your breasts and circle your hard buds, “‘long as you can sit pretty and take it, I’ll play with these cute fucking tits the rest of the day.”
That visual alone makes you rut against his chubbed cock with a moan. 
“Like that?” he laughs and pinches your nipples too hard making you squeal.  
“Think you can cum like this? Rubbing that hot pussy all on me while I suck on your nipples?” his voice rumbles in your ear
“Uh huh,” you shudder nails digging into his back.
“So hot,” he turns his back to the beach and shifts you up higher so can dip his head and latch onto a swollen bud.
You lose track of time, letting Leon suckle and bite at your nipples til they’re puffy and sore as you rub off on him, cumming twice before he even pulls away. 
“Probably need to go back in,” his voice is hoarse while his eyes are nearly dilated black, “been out here for awhile.”
Your brain is total slush at this point and you agree wholeheartedly. 
“Thirsty,” you mutter into his neck as he fixes your top.
“There’s water in the cooler,” he double checks to make sure you’re both presentable before wading back to the beach.
Once the water’s waist high you drop your legs and walk next to him, pushing your shaking muscles to keep you up. Once you get back to the blanket, your mom is reading and your step dad’s conked out with sunglasses on his face. 
You smile and flop down next to Leon who hands you a cold water. 
“Thank you,” you keep your voice low.
He shrugs and cracks open his water and drinks it in like two seconds. 
“You kids about ready to go?” 
Your mom’s voice sounds sleepy. 
“Seems like you two are,” you tease making her laugh and she taps your stepdad’s arm. 
He jostles awake with a snort making you giggle as Leon grins. 
“We’re ready to go honey,” your mom kisses his cheek. 
“Of course,” he stretches and yawns, “Leon you feel like loading up?”
“Can do,” he stands up and starts bundling things in his arms. 
You stand and start collecting the little things he doesn’t have the hands for; you both walk over to your mom’s SUV and Leon sets his stuff down and grabs your armload. 
“Go grab them and the blanket and we should be set.”
“You don’t want—“
“I got it,” he pushes you with a shit eating grin on his face, “trust me.”
You squint at him suspiciously but listen and go grab your parents and the folded up beach blanket. 
When you get back, you see Leon somehow finagled the beach stuff in such a way that you end up sitting in his lap on the drive home cause there just isn’t enough room otherwise. 
His dad pokes fun at him, “Must’ve gotten too much sun eh son?”
Leon rolls his eyes as he tugs you onto his lap in the third row seating, “Like I haven’t heard that before.”
Your mom laughs, “Well just make sure to be safe back there.”
“Will do,” you and Leon chime in at the same time making her laugh again. 
As soon as your stepdad leaves the parking lot, Leon’s hands are under your shirt plucking and tweaking your overstimulated nipples. You twist in his lap, placing your legs on either side of his seat, facing him to eagerly makeout. It’s not long before you’re grinding against his bulge. 
He fishes his dick out, grabbing your hand and guiding you to jerk him off. 
“That’s it,” he whispers, “stroke it. Fuck wish I was in your mouth.”
“Me too,” you kiss him sloppily as he pinches your nipples hard. 
“Y’wanna suck big brother off? Mmm but our parents would hear it wouldn’t they? That tight throat choking on me.”
“Mmhmm, I’d gag so much,” your hand eagerly strokes his dick, “you’re just too big for my mouth.” 
“But not for that pussy”, he growls, moving one hand from your nipples to slide under the leg of your shorts and swim bottoms to tease along your slit.   
You have to kiss him to stop the moan from giving you both away. 
Once he pulls back, Leon smirks at you, “Gotta keep quiet or they’ll find out what a slut you are.”
You pout, “Just feels so good.” 
“Let me stick it in,” he whispers in your ear, “just let me slip the tip in, ‘m so hard it hurts, princess.” 
“Just the tip,” you agree, slipping your shorts and bottoms off. 
He pulls the foreskin back on his fat tip to spank against your clit making you bite your lip hard. Pressing into your soaked cunt, the head stretches you open making you sigh.  
“Don’t you want the rest?” he coos sarcastically.  
“You said just the tip,” you mumble against his mouth. 
Leon listens for about half a minute before he grabs your hips and forces you to sink down. Force is a strong word as you easily go along with it. 
“So bad, taking me all the way into this tiny pussy,” he teases, mouth pressed against your ear, “making me stretch you out on my cock like you just can’t help it, princess.”
You rock down on him muffling your sounds by pressing your face into his chest. Your body is ramped up and ready for another orgasm easily, the coil of arousal tight in your belly already. 
“Mmm, sucking me in,” he hisses, hands digging into the meat of your hips hard, “been fucking edged all day, so this is gonna be messy, princess. Cute pussy’s bout to be filled to the brim.”
You lift your head and let your hazy eyes meet his making him curse under his breath. 
“You’re cockdrunk,” he laughs meanly, “gonna make me cum cause a’your needy fucking face.”
He grinds up harshly into your fluttering walls as his thumb swipes over your hot, swollen clit. 
“Want it, big brother,” you whimper, eyes teary as your orgasm begins to reach its peak, “please, want you to cum inside me.”
“You’re getting a nice load princess don’t worry,” his grip on your hip keeps you in place as he ruts into your pussy and circles your clit with his thumb, “squeeze me, squeeze down on my cock and I’ll give you want you want.”
You kiss him messily, tongue licking into his smirking mouth as your climax shakes your body to pieces. You feel as your pussy tightens down on his cock so hard it must hurt but Leon likes it if his groan’s anything to go by. Your fluttering walls milk his cock as he ruts up one last time and spills inside your clenching pussy. 
You pull away from his mouth, both of you panting against each others lips, just sharing the same space as you cum together.  His cock kicks and throbs as sticky jizz fills your cunt, hot rope after rope of cum shooting from his fat tip. 
Your pussy pulses and clamps rhythmically, aftershocks making your thighs shake as your hands grip onto the upholstery of the seat. 
“Hope you’re not too tired,” he grins, “told you I’m gonna rail you when we get home and I still mean it.”
You rock down on him with a mewl, “Can’t wait, big brother.”
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beefrobeefcal · 9 months
Um okay so Javier Peña? Stubborn as fuck. Put on a little weight and he refuses to get new fucking clothes. Thinking season 3 Javier where he has a private office.
Well it’s after a wicked long day, stressful day. His work pants are already tight enough to be bugging him, and he’s sitting at his desk and only him and the receptionist or whatever are still there doing work.
Javier thinks he’s safe - sure he can unbutton his work pants just to catch his breath. He takes a sip of his whiskey and begins to unbutton and unzip his pants - tummy jumping forward - finally able to take a deep breath. He slumps back in his chair and palms his tummy gently, thinking to himself he absolutely either needs to start eating better & drinking less, or give up and buy a new suit.
Only for the receptionist to knock on his door and come in, which Pedro fidgeting to cover his open pants. The receptionist thinks he’s being dirty behind his desk - until they’re getting ready to fuck on their first date and she asks him what all that was about. He has a wicked blush all over his face and neck when he has to admit his pants were squeezing the absolute life out of him.
UNF. Nonnie. We thank thee for this bountiful feast we're about to receive.
Beefro 👌🥩💜
Beefro proudly presents:
a Chubby!Peña one shot
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Javier Peña & his Sweetheart: An HR Nightmare
Pairing: Javier Peña x Fem!Reader (Sweetheart!)
Summary: Javier quit booze, informants, and cigarettes. All he's left with is a pissy mood, food and you.
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI)
Word Count: 5,748
Content Warning: Smutty smutty smut smut, fingering (f receiving), p in the v - unwrapped (don't be silly, cover you willy, kids!), belly appreciation, ill-fitting clothes, semen on clothing, hard candty throwing
Author's Notes: This is a long time coming. Blessed be the Nonnie who submitted this, and a major special thanks to @rebel-held & @theywhowriteandknowthings who read draft after draft and @neverwheremoonchild & @toxicanonymity for their smutty support. Shout out to the TDS for their unhinge thirst on twitter.
Final draft not beta'd, so enjoy my typos. TA DA!
Javier Peña was an all or nothing kind of guy. Work? Women? Cigarettes? Booze? He threw himself into them all headfirst, consequences be damned. But as he got older, a new item was added to that list – food.
You were hired as his secretary once he was promoted to the head of the department. You were leery, knowing his reputation for being a womanizer, but he turned out to be moodier than anything else, especially since he quit smoking your first week. While he admired your sharp wit and appreciated your honesty, he rarely showed it. The only time he seemed to be anything other than pissy was when you offered him some of the candy you hid in your desk for him.
Quitting smoking was harder than all Javier’s other habits to break, given it wasn’t just the nicotine that he craved, it was an oral fixation, too. He felt he constantly needed something in his mouth, and you were more than happy to provide him with anything sweet to keep his mood in check.
The long hours he worked in his new position meant that there was little time to sate his other vices; while he did still enjoy whiskey from time to time, the hangover he was graced with when he hit the bottle hard as he got older wasn't worth it. And now that he wasn’t the one with informants, women were not as easily obtainable as they once were.
He went from satiating his boredom and hunger with cigarettes and whiskey to actually eating something in the evenings. Then the snacking throughout the day started.
In short, Javier Peña was coping with food.
The one night that changed everything happened after a particularly grueling day. Meeting after boring meeting, back-to-back all day, he stopped by his favourite take out place, placed a ridiculously large order out of sheer hunger and frustration, and went home with enough food for a family of four. He laid out all the food in front of him and just started to eat. Halfway through, he had to open his pants and unbutton his shirt in order to finish. Once done, he hauled his stuffed belly to bed and slipped into a food coma.
You watched him come in the morning after, looking a little sluggish and slightly bloated. You figured he had tied one off late into the night to blow off steam, but as it happened more often, you knew it wasn’t alcohol or women. He’d slipped up and told someone about this take-out pace that he’d been ordering from, and you put two and two together pretty quicky.
His affinity for take-out and the candy you hid in your desk resulted in his middle filling out. It wasn’t too noticeable at first, but after nearly a year of his new habits, Javier Peña was growing quite the belly. Despite this, he’d refused to change his wardrobe, fairly certain that his new bulk wasn’t that noticeable.
Because of this, Javier sometimes looked like an unmade bed version of himself. Regardless, you desperately wanted to keep feeding him and feel his belly get bigger, among other things.
Javier woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He was craving a cigarette in the worst way, and he was out of gum. All that he had to take his mind off smoking was a pile of leftovers in the fridge. He ate the whole lot, then fought to get his pants done up. Still refusing to acknowledge that he needed to upgrade his wardrobe, he ignored the feeling under his belly as he tightened his belt; he had to suck in his stomach as hard as he could to get the buttons done up on his shirt, and once he relaxed, the buttons were pulling, although not enough to gape or pop. This was becoming an issue more and more often, but Javier was stubborn. He was in a bad enough mood already, and he didn’t want to give a single thought to his clothing.
He stormed into the office and stood in front of your desk, huffing as he reviewed the contents of a file folder. It was your first day back after a three-week holiday and he was impatiently waiting for you to get off the phone. You turned in your chair and smiled coldly at him, and when his eyes went back down to the file, yours wandered down to his middle.
You almost choked and had to hide it in a cough so the person on the other line and Javier wouldn’t ask what was wrong. His already tight pants had become tighter, especially now that the front of his pants had to bow under his belly, and his shirt, while it was buttoned, wasn’t long enough. You could see a sliver of skin peeking out between his belt and the front corners of his shirt. And it took every ounce of strength to not reach out and touch it.
You’d noticed he was filling out a bit more before you left, but his was an entirely new development. Javier eyed you when you coughed, but you continued to pretend to be listening to what the other person was saying while you imagined what you needed to do to get those buttons to pop.
“How was your vacation?”, Javier scowled after you hung up.
“Great. I’m so glad to be back.”, you responded politely.
“Don’t need to lie to me.”, he huffed and rolled his eyes.
“Well, gee, Peña. It’s nice to see you and your mood, too.”, you snarked back. “Looks like you've kept yourself preoccupied.”
You nodded towards his fuller midsection with a smirk, and his face flushed. He stood up straighter and tried to suck in his belly.
You snickered at his attempt to hide the evidence of his decadence. “It’s good to be back and to get your office back on track. I’ve been sifting through all the files that you didn’t bother to deal with the last three weeks.”
He rolled his eyes again as he snarled sarcastically, “I’m so sorry you have to do your job.”
“Jesus, you are in a snit today.”, you sighed, holding up your candy dish. “Here, take the edge off pretend you are actually happy to see me. Maybe then I’ll give you the gift I picked up for you.”
He rolled his eyes and tossed the file folder on your desk and held his hand out for his gift.
“Not if you’re not happy to see me, Peña.”, you warned.
“Fucking tease.”, he muttered, popping a Werther’s caramel into his mouth.
“Oh, did I put you in a worse mood?”, you mockingly pouted, opening a drawer and pulling out a few boxes of chocolate coated macadamia nuts, then stated in a firmer tone, “You be nice today and you might get one of these boxes. Got it?”
He sighed and shook his head, and warned you in a low growl, “Watch it, sweetheart.”
And there it was, that nickname. Sweetheart. One of his subordinates called you that as a joke when you started giving Javier candy to temper his mood, but Javier took it and ran. Anyone else calling you that name caused your temper to flare, but when he did it? Your heart felt like it was trying to jump out of your mouth and flee from the room. You knew he used to be a flirt, and you shouldn’t let it get to you, but being your first day back and the sight you were greeted with, your guard was down. You swallowed hard and nodded back at him, opening one of the boxes and offering him a nut.
The day went quickly for you due to the catch up you were playing all day with the files that needed sorting. Javier spent most of the day in his office, being that his mood was still, well, terrible and his clothes were feeling far too tight; he felt uncomfortable and bitchy.  You were in and out, taking and leaving documents from his desk and trying so hard to remain focused on your tasks that you didn’t notice Javier eyeing you up and down at every opportunity. While he was discreet, he allowed himself the chance to check you out, noting the tan that warmed your skin tone, the way your skirt clung to your tight, little frame, and the way your blouse flowed and bounced with your tits. Javier figured that you were not interested in a workplace affair, something he knew all too well the dangers of. That, or you weren't interested in him. He remembered the way your body tensed when he would touch you and brush past you, and the last thing he wanted was to make you uncomfortable and lose you because he was a horny, lonely man. You were too valuable and important to him to take a chance; you were one of the few who was able to put up with him and his attitude. All that and he thought you were fucking hot.
By the end of the night, you’d decided that you were going to leave, get some dinner, then return to finish what you needed to be fully caught up. Assuming that Javier would be gone by the time you returned, you didn’t let him know you would be back.
“Have a good night, Agent Peña.”, you said, popping your head in his office.
He waved you off in a flat tone, not looking up from his file, “Night, sweetheart. Thanks for coming back.”
You rolled your eyes with a sigh and headed out. Javier lifted his head as you turned and watched you leave, his mind wandering to things he knew better than to allow.
With him having more things to get done, he’d organized earlier in the day to have his favourite take-out place deliver his usual order to the office around dinnertime. It arrived soon after you left, and he enjoyed most of the meal in silence, having to undo his belt and pants to accommodate all the food in him. He sat back in his office chair, picking his teeth, hand on his swollen middle.
You’d returned over an hour later, surprised to see a light on in his office.
“Agent Peña?”, you called out, walking towards his office, smelling take-out wafting in the air, figuring he ordered in because he was staying late.
Javier scrambled to sit up and tried not to look guilty while trying to suck in his belly. He tossed some paperwork over what was left of his dinner as you walked into his office, leaning forward in his chair to hide his open pants and looking at his flushed face, knowing you interrupted something.
“Oh... I thought you’d be gone by now.”, you said, leaning against the door frame with a smirk.
“Oh, no... I have some things... I need to get done and...”, he cleared his throat, his middle aching to be let back out. “I decided to stay late. What are you doing back?”
“I have some things I need to do to be caught up for tomorrow, so I came back after dinner.”, you said, trying not to smile even more. His guilty expression and flushed face had you thinking you’d just interrupted him jacking off, but knowing he was more than likely eating at his desk.
He finally had to give in and sit back but he pulled an open file over his lap to hide his open waistband. His belly was pulling his shirt taut across his middle, buttons threatening to give way, and his breathing was heavy.
“Have you eaten yet, Agent Peña?”, you asked coolly with a grin, your eyes scanning down and noting his middle looked fuller. Javier noticed your stare and cleared his throat. He looked at the blush creeping up your body and the look in your eyes, and he felt a rush of uncertainty.
“I got some food already.” he said, trying to keep his tone even.
“Right...”, you nodded with a smile. “You sure you don’t want another chocolate covered macadamia nut? You were being pretty nice to me today…”
“Maybe in a bit. Finish what you need and then maybe...”, he waved you off in a cold tone, desperately wanting to end this awkwardness for himself.
You nodded and turned, sauntering back to your desk. Javier watched you then sighed, letting his belly relax further and push out, his shirt buttons coming dangerously close to popping.
You sat at your desk, trying to concentrate on the files in front of you, but your mind kept slipping back to what he was doing when you walked in. He was filling out that stomach of his even further and you’d caught him. You’d also noticed the way his eyes roamed over you and the matching flush that crept up his face as you stood in his doorway. You smiled to yourself.
Javier sat at his desk and wondered how long you would be. It was a struggle that morning to do his pants up, and now that he was even more bloated and full, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get them done up again. He sat back in his chair and sucked in his belly and tried to get them done up, not realizing how loud his grunting had gotten as he struggled.
You heard him, and you grabbed the open box of chocolates, got up, and went to the doorway. At first, you weren’t sure what you were watching, all you knew was you wanted to be a part of it. It dawned on you that Javier was struggling to get his pants done up, belly heaving and pulling on those poor buttons on his shirt. Catching him in such a vulnerable position had you feeling confident with the upper hand in this situation.
“Need some help, Agent Peña?” You barely recognized the honey-toned voice that came from your mouth.
He sat back up and looked at you while he panted, and his face went red.
“I... uh... I just... fuck.”, he sputtered.
His eyes were wide looking at you, almost pleading, and you swore you were no longer in control of your own body as you walked into his office and around his desk, leaning on it while you faced him.
“You need to get some better fitting clothes, Agent Peña.”, you cooed.
He scowled back at you and huffed, “Sweetheart...”, he said in a warning tone.
“Agent Peña.”, you cooed again. “… your shirt’s getting snug and those pants aren’t happening.”
He eyed you, and from the angle he was sitting at, he could see the swell of your breast between the buttons of your blouse, and he licked his lips. He sat back and looked at you. You raised your brow at him as you saw how distended his belly really was.
“Oh my… you weren’t whistling dixie when you said you already ate.”, you pointed out in a teasing tone, poking him with the box of chocolaty nuts. “You too full or you want some chocolate?”
He looked at you and scowled again, his tone sounding irritated, “Hey! You don’t get to come in here and - “
You cut him off by pushing one of the chocolates in his mouth. He grunted in response but made no move to stop you.
“Don’t get cranky, Peña. I’ll leave you be.”, you cooed and gave him a wink as you got up, tossed the box of chocolate on his desk and walked out of his office. You went back to your desk and collected your jacket and purse.
“See you in the morning, Agent Peña.”, you called out as you walked out the door.
Javier sat at his desk stunned for a few moments. He thought whatever holiday you had brought you back a new woman. He shoved a few chocolates in his mouth and groaned at his full belly and hard, aching cock.
The next few weeks went on as normal; neither of you being brave enough to talk about the events of that evening and acted as though nothing had happened. He continued to delve into his habit with food and you continued to feed him candy and other sweets. It wasn’t until the day before a black-tie event was taking place that Javier brought in his tuxedo for you to take to the dry cleaners.
“Peña are you sure you want to wear this tux?”, you asked in an unsure tone, folding the garment bag over your arm.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”, he asked, not looking up from his desk.
“Well... are you sure it still fits?”, you raised an eyebrow as you asked.
His eyes shot up at you, and he barked, “Yes… Why the fuck wouldn’t it?”
You stared back at him, shaking your head and closing his office door before walking towards his desk.
“Peña. None of your clothes fit anymore.” Your tone was firm and direct.
“What does that mean?! My clothes fit just fine!”, he snapped, a flush creeping over his face.
“Stand up.”, you commanded as you put the garment bag over the back of the chair.
He gave a frustrated groan and huffed, then stood up. You looked him over, seeing the evidence of his food habits clearly around his middle even more than before. His waistband was strained under his protruding middle, and shirt was pulled tight over his belly, gaping between the buttons showing peeks of the undershirt below it.
You walked around the desk and stood in front of him, crossing your arms and giving him an irritated look.
“My clothes fit fine.”, Javier snapped.
“You’re really going to make me do this?”, you asked with a huff.
“Do what?”, he huffed back.
“Agent Peña, the shirt that is currently being pushed to its limit on you right now is a relaxed fit. The tux you want to wear is fitted. There is no way you’re going to get into it.”, you said, stepping forward as if to challenge him.
“It will fit me fine!”, he warned, taking a step towards you. “I’m not in the mood for your bullshit!”
“Really? You’re gonna fit this”, you motion towards his belly, “into that tux?”, you spat back, taking another step towards him.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re really treading on thin fucking ice.”, he growled in a low voice, taking one final step towards you.
You were standing close enough that you could feel the heat emanating off of him. You refused to back down, keeping your arms crossed.
“Fine, Peña. Show me. Prove me wrong.”, you challenged him.
“Jesus... sweetheart, you’re a real pain in my fucking ass!”, he growled.
“This pain in your ass is making sure you look presentable tomorrow night, asshole!”, you spat back, dropping your hands to your side and clenching your fists. “Go on. Put it on.”
“Knock it off, sweetheart.”, he warned, glaring at you.
“Or what?”, you challenged, your lips curling in a sneer.
Javier’s eyes narrowed at you. Despite how enraged he was at your insubordination he couldn’t help but look you over: your heaving chest, your pouted lips in a frown, your adorable scowl. Fuck.
You saw his eyes shift over you and you shook your head and laughed, enraging him. You saw the vein in his neck twitch as he clenched his fists.
“Peña, you’re one meal away from popping out of that shirt.”, you sneered with a grin, poking his belly.
“Sweetheart…”, he growled, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards him, your faces inches apart.
Before you can respond, there’s a knock at his door.
“This isn’t over, Sweetheart.”, he hissed as you scowl at him before leaving his office.
The rest of the day goes on with you both casting glances at one another’s direction. Javier occasionally looks at the garment bag you left on the back of the chair, debating whether it would be worth it to prove you wrong.
Finally, after going back and forth in his mind, he sighs and shuts his office door. He grabbed the garment bag and pulled out the jacket, putting it on. Sure, the arms feel a bit tight, as do the shoulders, but it’s nothing too bad. He smiles to himself as he pulls the rest of the tux out.
You sat at your desk, working quietly when you heard his office door close. You didn’t think much of it being more than a private phone call until you looked at your switchboard. His line was open; he wasn’t on a call. Javier was not one to close his door unless he had a reason to; you’d told him his mood was enough of a closed door to keep people out and he laughed, agreeing with your observation.
You thought better than to interrupt him and went back to work. Twenty minutes later, you got a page on your intercom.
“Yes, Agent Peña?”
“Get in my office. Now.”, he barked over the intercom.
You felt your mouth go dry, and the other people in the vicinity looked nervously away from you. You hesitated and cleared the documents from your desk.
You heard him bark “FUCK!” through the walls of the office, then his voice roared over the speaker again. “Get in my fucking office!”
You turned off the intercom and grabbed a bag of candy from your desk drawer – just in case – and headed to his office.
You knocked quietly at the door before you let yourself in. You saw the tux on the floor in front of his desk and Javier sitting with a face like a thunderclap behind his desk in his chair. His clothes looked like he’d thrown them on quickly, with his dress shirt being unbuttoned to show his white undershirt and tie open around his shoulders. 
“So… should I ask what happened?”, you questioned with a slight nervous tone at his dangerous-looking mood.
“Just… goddammit… fuck!”, he barked as he stood up. “Where the fuck is the candy?!”
“Oh my god, Peña!”, you yelled exasperated, whipping a hard candy from the bag in your hand at him. It hit him in the chest and bounced down to his desk.
“Did you just throw that at me?!”, he roared, suddenly seeming a lot more aggressive and intimidating than he’d ever been.
Your eyes went wide, realizing that you literally hucked a piece of candy at your boss.
“Shit…”, you murmured to yourself.
“Agent Peña, I…”, you started to apologize but his attitude made you rethink it, snapping at him, “Yes! Yes, I did throw candy at you!”
You both stare at each other again, and he looks like he’s going to fly into a rage at any moment.
“Jesus, you’re a fucking brat.”, he growled.
Looking at him indignantly, figuring you were already going to receive a demerit or worse, be fired. “No more than you are, you fucking asshole!”, you laughed nastily, sitting in one of the armchairs across from him.
His eyes raged like wildfire as he stared down at you sitting casually on the other side of the desk.
“Watch. Your. Mouth.”, he growled, pointing at you.
“No, you watch it, Peña.”, you smirked, enjoying this more than you should.
He stomped around the desk and stood in front of you. His stomach pulling his undershirt taut enough to see the indentation of his belly button in the stretched fabric. God, what you wouldn’t give to run your hands over it...
“You’re really trying my last fucking nerve, sweetheart.”, he said in a low, menacing growl.
“I think you’re just hungry, Peña…”, you cooed mockingly with a curled lip, deciding to go for broke. “You should eat something. Really make sure you don’t fit into that tux.”
“You’re so fucking mouthy…”, he growled again.
As much as he wanted to deny it, when you looked at him like that, it set his chest on fire and made his dick hard. It reminded him of the stress relieving properties of casual sex and made him imagine what he would do to get you whimper and cry out his name. All this because his tux didn’t fit, and he really wanted a fucking cigarette… and he really wanted you.
“So what? You know I’m right. You been eating real well, haven’t you, Peña. Too well even…”, you purred in response, looking at his belly with a raised brow. His glare grew darker.
You unwrapped one of the candies from the bag. “Here, have your candy.”, you cooed, holding it out to him.
He paused as he scowled at you, refusing to allow you the upper hand. He leaned forward, putting his hands to the arms of the chair, his face was dangerously close to yours. You could smell the fruit punch Lifesavers on his breath and your heartbeat in your throat, your cunt clenched.
“I’m not going to tell you again, sweetheart.”, he said in a low, dangerous voice. “Watch your mouth.”
You looked up at him through your lashes. “Or what?”, you breathed out, voice shaky.
He tightened his mouth and narrowed his eyes at you. “I’m gonna have to do something about that attitude of yours.”
You sucked in a breath, trying to retain your composure. You didn’t want him knowing he could have this kind of control over you, and you growled back, “Fuck you, Peña … you fat, fucking – “
He yanked you out of your chair and pushed you face down on his desk. You let out a yelp as one of his hands held you down at the base of your neck and the other hiked up your skirt around your waist.
You let out a moan, “Peña… Peña!”
“So fucking tired of you… parading this tight little body around the office… you’re a fucking tease… a mouthy, fucking tease… just begging to be fucked…”, he snarled as his fingers deftly pushing your soaked panties to the side and ran a finger through your folds.
“Oh… oh fuck you, Peña!”
He leaned forward and huskily snarled in your ear as he ripped his tie off his shoulders and shoved it in your mouth, then Javier grabbed your knee and lifted it onto his desk, opening you up further to him.
“You call me Javi when I’m gonna fuck you, sweetheart.”
He plunged a finger into you then quickly added another, thumb pressing your clit. The expertise of his fingers, the only sounds in the room were your cries muffled by the silk tie and the vulgar, wet sounds he was pulling out of your sopping cunt.
“That’s right, sweetheart… that shut your smart mouth up… you’re so fucking wet… Jesus, baby… that’s it… pussy’s been begging for me… so fucking tight… so fucking needy… listen to yourself… fucking pathetic that all I had to do was bend you over my desk and finger fuck you… and you finally shut up… finally do what I say… and not give me so much fucking grief… maybe I shouldn’t let you come…”.
You were close, but the spell was broken when he removed his fingers and hissed a cruel laugh, and you were furious. Catching him off guard, you pushed your body up and turned quickly, shoving him back. He fell into the armchair with a grunt.
“What the fuck?!”, he roared, moving to try and get up.
You brought your heeled foot to his chest and shoved him back down, ripping the tie from your mouth and throwing it on the desk.
“Sit, Peña.”, your voice low and commanding.
He let out a shaky breath and a low groan. The look he gave you was feral and challenging, and as he raised his hand to hold your ankle as if to test how much in control you really were.
“Sweetheart,”, he crooned dangerously, sitting forward and pushing against your foot. “You call me Javi when I – “
“Fuck you, Peña…”, you snapped, pushing him back once more with your foot.
He let out a dark laugh, and you dragged your heeled foot down his front, over his belly, to sit on the chair right in front of his sizable bulge in his dress pants. You nudged your foot forward gently, and Javier let out a breathy grunt and eye briefly fluttered. You raised an eyebrow and put your foot against his belly and pushed in slightly.
“Fucking cuck…”, you sneered. “Getting soft and round, Peña. Gonna keep you fat and docile… gonna - ”
He glared darkly at you and huffed out a grunt, grabbing your ankle harshly and shoving it away, causing you to fall backward against his desk, and he stood up.
Towering over you, he grabbed your thigh and hoisted you to sit on his desk, then moved a hand to the back of your neck, gripping your hair. His eyes looked black as his face came close to yours.
“I’m your fucking boss… I tell you what to do… don’t ever forget that, sweetheart.”, he growled through gritted teeth before he pushed his mouth on yours in a punishing kiss.
You grabbed his shoulders and matched his ferocity. Teeth, tongues, messy, feral, wet.
Both of you began to melt into each other’s mouths, your rage slipping into passion, into need. You grabbed at one another, not getting enough out of it, needing more connection. Bringing your hand down between your bodies, palming his belly. Feeling the softness covering the firm weight he was carrying around made you moan into his mouth as he sucked in a breath. Your hand moved further down and gripped his crotch.
Your closed eyes felt like they were going to roll back in your head with what you felt in your hand: heavy, thick, and hard, his cock felt divine. He grunted and pulled back and both of you were breathing heavily. You opened your eyes, and his face was still feral, but his eyes were softer.
“Peña…”, you moaned. “Fuck me…”
He let out a shaky chuckle and moved a to open your blouse buttons with one hand, then palmed your lace-clad tit.
“You know your manners… ask me again nicely… come on, sweetheart… not Peña, baby… you beg Javi to fuck you… beg me…”, he grunted as he rutted against your hand and slipped his hand under your lacy bra, teasing your nipple.
“Oh, fuck… Peña… Javi… please… please…fuck me, Javi… please… need – fuck! – need you… please fuck me…”
Pulling his hand out, he stood back and hoisted you back onto the desk.
“So needy… so fucking good when you remember your place, sweetheart…”, he purred.
You reached out and slid your hands down, lifting his belly slightly to unbuckle his belt and then his pants, his eyes never leaving yours. When his cock sprung free, hitting the underside of his stomach, you let out a small whimper.
“You gonna be quiet, sweetheart?... or you gonna run your mouth while I fuck you?... huh?... or will I be too much for your pretty pussy to handle?”, he grunted as you spat in your hand and began to stroke him. “Do I have to stuff your fucking mouth again?”
You were about to talk back, but his raised eyebrow with his hand fisting his cock was enough to leave you just shaking your head.
“Good girl.”
He kissed you roughly, pulling your hand off him. He pushed your panties to the side and rubbed the head of his cock through your folds. You panted a whimper, and he began to push into you. You cried out and his hand went over your mouth.
“I know, I know… you can take it, sweetheart… come on, baby… take it all… fuck… relax, sweetheart… so fucking tight… oh jesus… take it… take it… oh baby girl… yeah, honey… that’s it…”
When he was fully seated in you, he panted and grunted, trying to compose himself. You held onto his shoulders while he gripped your hips. Javier began to rock into you, slowly at first, then picked up speed. You cried out and his eyes watched out from under heavy lids as his mouth curled into a lupine sneer.
“Tell me, sweetheart… tell me… how bad you needed this… tell me… fuck… I needed you so fucking bad… always looking so good… so pretty… god… wanted you so bad… needed you, sweetheart…”
“Javi… the first time you – oh fuck! –  first time you called me sweetheart… I was fucked… I was yours… oh god, Javi!... keep going – fuck oh fuck! – right there…yes… yes…oh god… yes…… oh god… pl-please… J-Javi… need… fuck… so full…”
“Sweetheart… baby… wh-where do you want me?”
“On the pill… come in me… Javi… fucking come in me.”
He kissed you hard and your orgasm came crashing down hard. The grip your cunt had on him made him feel like you were choking his cock, and he threw his head back and let out a strangled grunt, chasing his own release.
He groaned and his thrusts became more sporadic. He came with a few husky grunts, and you fell back on the desk, Javier on top, both of you panting. His weight was pressing you down hard, your combined release was slipping out onto his desk and to the tuxedo on the floor.
“Peña…”, you panted after a few moments. “Peña… need you to get up.”
He huffed a laugh and moved off you with a groan.
He helped you up, and you both began to fix your clothing. Javier flopped into his desk chair and popped a candy into his mouth. You put his errant tuxedo back into the garment bag.
“Peña,”, you smiled. He looked up at you, his eyes warm in his post-coital haze.
You dropped the garment bag over the armchair and walked around his desk. He turned his chair to look at you and you sat sidesaddle on his lap. His hand came up to your waist.
“About the tux…”
He shook his head and pressed a kiss to your decolletage. “I know… I know, sweetheart.”
You nodded and leaned into him, running your hands over his belly with your head on his shoulder.
“I mean, I can’t wear a cum-stained tuxedo to this gala…”
“Jesus, Peña! No you can’t wear a tux that doesn’t fit you!”
You pushed on his belly, and he laughed out loud.
Read the Mini-Scene requested by @toxicanonymity here
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imagine--if · 2 years
A Light In This Darkness
A/N: Dedicated to @riddlers-den; check out their post because omd the analysis is just 👌 I'm sorry in advance if this makes anyone cry 😂😂 Warnings: Slightly graphic images/descriptions? Mostly comfort 💚 Words: 768
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He gets like this sometimes, the darkness in his mind swirling and hurling up, as if they're alive, tearing him apart. The flakes of his past torment him, and the only way you can tell is when he freezes up, green eyes stilled and unfocused, a fraction wider as he stares into space. Everything floods his mind at once, and then Edward jumps up, running to the bathroom just in time, clearing his head somewhat after he throws up.
You wake up groggily at the sound of coughing and sputtering from the bathroom down the short, cramped hallway of Edward's apartment, the long night dragging on outside, darkness coating the room. He's not laying next to you as you roll over, and you frown in confusion and concern, sitting up and craning your neck to look out at the gap in the doorway.
Your tentative call is left unanswered for a few moments, before the man shuffles weakly to the bedroom door, looking so small and hopeless as he stands, gazing at you apologetically. Your heart sinks with sadness and adoration, and you smile sympathetically, opening your arms up wide. That's all the motivation he needs to quickly go over to you in bed, heavy arms winding around your neck as his face buries under your chin. You rub up and down his back soothingly, a hand reaching up to rake your fingers gently through his sandy brown hair, and Edward shivers, pressing himself into you as close as he can get. Your top gradually feels wet where his face is, and you almost feel like crying too, hugging him back just as hard.
"Poor baby," you whisper to yourself, and he hears, head lifting to look up at you with a spark of hopefulness amidst his downcast expression. Your smile grows slightly, as it always does when he eagerly responds to any bit of loving attention you give him. He treats you like an angel, like something so precious and lovely and perfect. Now you can do the same.
"You're not alone, Eddie," you murmur softly, your thumb grazing his cheek, and he closes his eyes, slumping forwards into you again with a shaky sigh of content. "You're not invisible. You could never be invisible to me."
Edward's grip tightens around you in response, looking back up at you in tired wonder. You take his hands and squeeze them affectionately, then slip out of bed, and he grabs at you with a desperate whine, attempting to pull you back to him.
"I'm just gonna get you some water, okay?" Eddie dithers, not letting go of your hand, and after a second, you tug at it lightly. "Come on."
So he trails after you forlornly, letting you grab a cup from the small kitchen area and fill it with water, handing it to him. He sips at it gingerly, and you wrap an arm around his waist encouragingly, using your free hand to brush back strands of hair stuck to his forehead.
"Okay? Feel a bit better now?" you ask him when he finishes, and Edward nods, leaning into your side as you take the cup off him and put it in the sink. "Let's go back to bed, okay?"
He's still quiet as he settles back into reality, clinging onto you needily, and you let him take all the time he needs, pulling the blankets over your heads and tangling your legs with his, Ed shifting closer from lying opposite you, resorting to studying your face and body with a small, thoughtful smile.
"Hey," a sudden idea comes to you, and you hold back a grin as Edward meets your eye attentively. "Hey, why did the lovestruck couple end up in prison?
He blinks, perking up a little at your try of a riddle, and stares at you expectantly.
"They stole each other's heart."
Edward snorts with amused laughter, and you beam at the sound, watching as he crawls onto you and nuzzles his nose against your cheek, breathing evenly now, his eyes focused instead of dangerously far away.
"You're a light," he says quietly into your ear, "a- a light, in this darkness. Thank you. Thank you so much..."
You smile, pulling him down to rest properly and kiss his cheek, an action which visibly makes Eddie melt, his sleepy stare clouded with that intense adoration he always shows you rather than despair and fear. You watch it until a more peaceful sleep finally overtakes him, and then you're asleep too, greeted with the same look in the morning. Guess you're both going to prison.
.・ Taglist: ・.
@simestandswithtaylorswift-blog @carley-carley-carley @lostbunn @dencchan @dragovegogrimborn @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @r4iner @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @vaylordd @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
That moment when Katsuki finally has you. He’s been in love with you for so long…so that moment when y’all are tangled up in each other, hot and heavy, tongues swirling, lots of grinding…
That moment, finally? Especially if he’s a virgin, thrusting his hips desperately against you? Top fuggin’ tier oml 👌👌👌
And of course he cums in his pants like a horny teenager hehe
It’s not his fault, everything just feels so intense— it’s all too much and he can’t hold back🥺 he’s probably super embarrassed it happens the first time too and gets all grumpy and standoffish so you have to convince him that it’s okay🥺
He probably makes himself cum before he meets you again the next time you’re maybe going to be intimate, just so he can try to last a little longer around you (it doesn’t always work)
But imagine he cums in his pants, and he’s shy about it, immediately trying to shove you off his lap. But you don’t budge, instead grinding yourself against one of his muscular thighs as you run your fingers through the short hairs of his undercut and use him to get yourself off.
You gotta show this man that there’s more to sex than just sticking it in, there’s so much more you can both do together👀
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hael987 · 2 years
I love a destined lovers storyline just as much as the next person, I really do. Fated love spanning lifetimes is fantastic, but for me sometimes there’s just something special about ordinary, not fated lovers. The insecure lovers, unsure of what they’re doing or supposed to do and what it all means, figuring it out together, taking their first wobbly steps into their first foray into love. That vulnerability in the uncertainty of the path is just 👌 *chef’s kiss*
Despite the fact that the universe hasn’t predetermined it, no cosmic certainty, but you’re still lucky enough to find someone that matches and soothes your soul. How against all odds, you still manage to find someone who makes you feel better, who makes you feel safe and whole. And then the worry of figuring out what it all means.
There’re many reasons I love WinTeam, and that bedroom scene and conversation shows one of the reasons why - it’s that level of vulnerability and uncertainty in their conversation and the strength it takes to express and then overcome that and believe things will be okay.
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The eye contact, the sincerity, the understanding 😭
The extra effort put in to make sure the sincere message and feeling is known and understood, how they’re all the more careful because it’s all the more delicate (as firsts usually are).
Unsure of what to say or do, but trying their best in their own ways to let the other know. Communication 🙌. They open up vulnerabilities, pose questions, and voice uncertainties. But because of that uncertainty they also strive all the more - the parts they can make clear, they do. What they’re able to offer, they do. It’s so earnest.
It may fall a little short (with uncertainties still left unaddressed) but they’re new to it all - it’s realistic. They’re figuring it out, it’s their first times so they’ve never had to before. Yes, the communication falls short because Win currently isn’t able to express (in words) how he feels about that particular point. But they’ll learn about it together as they grow.
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Okay so I'm gonna make you pick 1 😂🤣
- Slow and sensual, deep measured thrusts lovemaking with Steve in the morning, that will lead to him taking you on kitchen counter as well because everybody is else is on the mission. 🤭
A hot celebratory shower sex with Steve after one of Tony’s party that continues through the night and leaves you sore in good possible way in the morning.
Pick 1 😂
Oh my god this is such a hard one!! (Pun intended 😉) can’t I have both?
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But if I had to pick one it would be slow and sensual morning sex 👌
And of course I couldn’t not write a little something 😉
Slow Mornings - Steve Rogers x Reader
A/N: I’ve decided to make this a little bonus/extension to The Demigod from Asgard, but if you haven’t read that series don’t worry because there isn’t gonna be much plot to this 😂
Word count: not a clue 🤷‍♀️
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI! Fluff!
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There was nothing better than waking up in Steve’s arms on a cosy December morning. It had been pretty cold and icy out recently so Steve hasn’t been going on his usual morning runs. A fact you were taking full advantage of, and you may also be using your powers to make sure it stayed icy for longer than normal.
Not that you’d ever admit that.
It had been a quiet few days at the Avengers tower, Bruce and Tony were away at some conference or something, Nat and Clint were on a mission, and Thor was off somewhere in the nine realms. Meaning you and Steve had the entire tower to yourself to do whatever you pleased
So it wasn’t surprising when you woke up to the sensation of Steve repeatedly pressing kisses along your shoulders and up your neck. Your whole body hummed in content, a smirk growing on your face when you did a little wiggle and felt just how awake he was.
As you rolled to face him, he moved to cover your body with his. Kissing you deeply before his lips moved south and he began worshiping your whole body. Every move he made was slow and sensual. Neither of you had anywhere to be or anything to do so you were going to savour this moment.
Slowly but surely with deep measured thrusts Steve coaxed you to completion. Only allowing himself to finish once you had. You smiles lazily up at him, reaching up to run your fingers then his hair just how he liked it.
Getting out of bed was a slow process, especially when Steve took every opportunity to wrap his arms around you and press kisses to any exposed skin he could find. By the time you made your way to the kitchen you were barely even dressed. You wore one of his plaid shirts and nothing else, while he just wore grey sweatpants giving you the perfect view of his chiselled chest.
No point covering up when there was no one else around.
You should have known Steve wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of you. You had only started making french toast when he pounced, unable to whole himself back any longer. And who could really blame him, you were magnificently teasing in his shirt.
He easily pulled you away from the hob, lifting you up and setting you down on the kitchen island. He stood between your thighs as he ripped the shirt you wore open, buttons flying off and pinging against the counter and cupboards.
Your fingers tugged at his short strands of hair as he nipped and licked your chest. Tongue swirling around your sensitive peaks, making sure to give them equal attention. His hips rutted against yours as you dug your heels into the small of his back, pulling him closer.
It wasn’t long until his sweatpants were pushed low enough to free his erection and he was once again sliding home inside you. Just like before it was slow, passionate and sensual. All the love you felt for each other being communicated without the need for words. Your hips rolling to meet his in the same slow rhythmic tempo.
You both finished almost simultaneously, Steve’s arms wrapping around you securely as you slumped against his chest. He pressed kisses to your shoulder as you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, exhausted and basking in the afterglow.
As you lifted your head from his shoulder, your hands cupped his cheeks smiling as you kissed the tip of his nose before kissing his pink plush lips. All you could hear was your laboured breathing and beating hearts, all you could smell was the scent of your arousal and…. Something strange….
Peaking over Steve’s should your eyes widen when you see what was causing the strange smell. The french toast you’d been cooking on the hob was now in flames.
“Shit, shit, shit” you curse sending a blast of cold air towards the pan to extinguish the flames, pushing Steve away so you could run over and chuck the pan in the sink to be safe.
Steve looked over in shock “fuck how did we miss that?” He mutters.
“Sorry Sir, I’d noticed it but thought best not to interupt” JARVIS then said making Steve face turn beet red.
“No, no that’s okay JARVIS” you mutter shaking your head “just delete any footage there is and make sure Stark or anyone doesn’t find out” you add as Steve buried his face in his hands and lets out an embarrassed groan.
“Already deleted it Miss” JARVIS responds.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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tangy-sweetlove · 1 year
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“First Meeting”
More of my Swords and Bones ship (yes this is the ship name I gave to Jesmon x Craniamon. It just works so well 😩👌) but this time when they are kids! Honestly for my own stuff, I do imagine that Jes and Crania met a long time ago when they were kids back during Jes’ and Gankoo’s travel days with the Sistermons. While it would be a short time they got to known each other the two would have hit off really well, even getting Kotemon a new long term goal of becoming a Royal Knight just like his new and first friend (Also maybe to impress this cool mon a little bit if they met again in the future 👀) The two did make a promise that they would see each other again and if destiny allows it, comrades as new Royal Knights. Though it isn’t something that went exactly like that as Crania ended up as Knight earlier( he worked hard to achieve all of his evolution allowing him to evolve more earlier to his later evos than most in his evolution line) once he hit his Mega Evolution.
Another thing I wanted to share is that I LOVE the idea of back when Jesmon was an Hackmon he would collect old and disowned Royal Knight Merchandise or old books/magazines as he wasn’t able to get any new ones easily, and usually would ask Gankoo or the Sistermons if he could keep them (if not he would leave it alone but sad about it. If given the okay he would gleefully grab it and loudly proclaim he will take really good care of it). But despite that he absolutely treasured the items and always made to sure to keep them in shape, even if it means DIYing it to repair any damage done to it over time with tapes or even Bandaids. Jesmon still does this to this day of making sure all of his items are in peak form and even carefully putting them away or putting them in extra protection.
Anyways hope you guys enjoy this piece!
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Can I pls request a day in Joker's life while taking care of baby Ellis from your previous work? I keep rereading that particular writing of yours because of the delicious angst 👌 I'd like to see how he takes care of his baby while leading a circus troupe and caring for his sick wife at the same time, while actively having to follow the Baron's orders. Just pile on the fluff and angst as much as u want to. Thank you ❤️
ohohoho what a compliment! <3
listen, y'all are supposed to say angst me mommy when you request shit like this... but... I guess I'll let it slide ;P
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JOKER’s days start earlier than ever now.
The one solace is that he gets to sleep in the same bed as his wife and wake up next to her in the morning. He gets to roll over, pressed against her, and give her a kiss… cuddle with her for a precious few minutes before the day truly begins. He gets to murmur that he loves her so much, lips painting those words onto her skin, because sometimes he worries that with all the hours he spends away from her, she might not know if he didn’t say it.
He gets to rise and greet his little baby, who’s nearing three months old now. Still just as darling as the day he was born. Although (Name) is getting stronger as she recovers on the treatment plan that the Baron’s doctor gave her, most of the time she only gets up for a few minutes to feed Ellis in the morning.
Joker likes to let her sleep in. He gets up before sunrise, and it’s not fair that she should have to do the same.
Thankfully, Ellis is much less fussy after eating breakfast… and Joker has learned, the hard way, not to bounce the infant on his knee for at least an hour after he eats. (To be fair, Peter also learned that the hard way whilst trying to get Ellis to stop wailing after feeding him a bottle. The fast-paced, busy nature of being a ringleader means that his child has been briefly left with each of the other troupe members at least once, so at least he’s not the only one who’s been spit up on.)
Once he’s made sure Ellis has a quick bath and is wearing clean clothes, it’s time to head over to the fairground. The small bag he carries during the morning is packed fast ― a few nappies and safety pins, a can of Mellin’s that the Baron oh-so graciously provides, a bottle, and a toy in case Ellis needs entertainment.
Then comes the hardest part; leaving (Name). Despite the fact that he’s only going to be gone for the morning, he’ll come home for a brief tea and to drop Ellis off… it still hurts to leave. It feels like he sees so little of her during the day. He almost wishes he didn’t have to go run the circus. One of these days he’s just going to say fuck it all, leave one of the others in charge for a day, and spend the whole morning here at the manor with his wife and child.
He perches himself on the bed with Ellis cradled against his chest in his good arm, and leans down to give his wife a kiss. A soft murmur of, “’Ey, darlin’, I’m off tae work wit’ Ellis now, alrigh’? I’ll be back this afternoon. Love ye,” falls from his lips against hers.
She returns the sentiment with a groggy smile and gives him her usual reply of, “Mmh, okay, sweetheart. See you then. I love you more.”
It kills him to leave. He does anyway… only after carefully tucking the covers back around her to replace how he moved them when he got up. The baby bag is slung over his shoulder, and he looks down at Ellis. “C’mon, wee lad. Let’s let y’r mama sleep ‘n’ we’ll go start our day. Get tae see all y’r aunts ‘n’ uncles.”
With that, he slips out the bedroom door and through the estate’s back exit, and he heads toward the fairground.
By the time he gets to the mess tent to grab a bite, the rest of the first-stringers are nearly done with breakfast. Thank God he gets to spend a short while with them before the hectic rush of the day sets in, or else he’s sure he’d never survive till afternoon. As soon as he sets the bag down and takes a seat, his free hand starts to dig in to the plate the others have fixed for him. “Mornin’, all. How’s ev’ryone doin’?”
As his family all mumble variations of, “Jus’ fine, not bad,” Freckles squeals and reaches over to take Ellis. “Aaaaah, y’ brought the baby!! Oiii, Ellis, sweet boy, c’mere ‘n’ spend some time with y’r Auntie Freckles while Papa eats!”
Sitting next to them, Wendy reaches over to ruffle Ellis’ little mop of auburn hair. “Joker, y’ gotta tell this kid t’ stop growin’. ‘e was jus’ a li’l, tiny thing, then we turn round ‘n’ ‘e’s gettin’ so big already.”
Peter beside her scoffs. “Oi, yeah, at this rate ‘e’s gonna end up taller’n us. Tell ‘im t’ cut it out; I don’t need someone thir’y years younger’n me towerin’ over me like some giant!”
“Aw, would y’ shut y’r yap? It’s big enough t’ make up f’r the rest’a y,” Freckles giggles, leaning down simply so Ellis can grab and play with their hair. “We should be ‘appy ‘e’s growin’! Look at ‘im, ‘e’s jus’ perfect.” When the baby coos and laughs at them, with a fistful of their hair in his hand, they look up at the ringleader almost pleadingly. “Oh, my God, Joker, I want one!!”
Joker has to pause to take a drink so he doesn’t choke on the last bite he took. God, they’re so funny… and yet, he knows they desperately want to start a family like he has. He almost feels bad that he ‘beat’ them to doing so. “Hah! Well, then, ye better find a beau an’ get busy, Doll, ‘cause that one’s mine!”
Dagger nudges Freckles in the ribs with his elbow. “Yeah, I think (Name) would ‘ave somethin’ t’ say ‘bout y’ takin’ ‘er baby!”
“Oh, yeah?” The fact that Ellis tugs on their hair apparently doesn’t dissuade them from wanting to keep him. They just grin bigger. “Bring ‘er ‘ere, I’ll fight ‘er! Winner takes ‘im!”
Everybody shares a laugh, and soon it tapers off into more subdued chatter as the meal is finished. It’s a welcome few moments before the day begins in full.
Joker lets Freckles keep holding the baby, making sure they’re fine to watch him for a few minutes as he makes his morning rounds. Of course, they don’t mind a bit. They’re probably disappointed they don’t get to spend more than a few minutes with him.
Things are always bustling in the morning, bright and full of activity when he walks around the tents. The second-stringers are heading to get breakfast now that the first-stringers are done, and the rest of his little family are practicing or getting ready to do so. He sees some of the newer members hurrying back from the mess tent, food in hand, to gather round Jumbo; as he often does during downtime, he’s started to play his harmonica.
Maybe he’s become soft, too soft, after Ellis’ birth, but Joker lets himself linger for a moment. He puts a hand on the newbies’ shoulders and sings along to the harmonica’s tune. Makes a few puns, gets a couple of laughs. Smiles at everyone. As much as he considers only the other first-stringers, his wife, and child his real family, he’s started to feel more and more like a father to the new members, especially the young ones.
After all, every single one of them was somebody’s child once. Don’t they all deserve to feel loved and protected like that?
His heart leaps into his throat when he thinks about his own baby. He remembers what he must have been thinking when he agreed to the Baron’s deal after Ellis was first born; Joker feels everything so intensely, just the hint of a future grief trying to raise his little boy without his wife was more than he could bear. Because Ellis is his, because (Name) is his, he can’t help but feel like they deserve all that love and protection more than anyone else.
Is he selfish for thinking that? Is he, or is that how everyone feels about their wives and children?
His voice trails off before he knows it, mind haunted by the shadow of future grief replaced by a future in which he’s eaten alive by guilt.
Soon enough, he disappears, shaken by his own thoughts, and collects his baby from Freckles. They give Ellis kisses on the head and pout when they have to relinquish him. The infant giggles in response; tugging a few strands of their hair in his little hand.
As Joker takes Ellis back against his own chest, he looks at Freckles. He hopes they get their own baby someday, someday soon if they meet the right person, and he prays they don’t make the same mistakes he’s made.
The day passes as normally as any day has passed by this point. Joker is sure it’s funny to watch him rehearsing whilst holding Ellis. Although he never moves around too much like this, it must be a sight to see him moving and pointing and gesturing with his bad arm with a baby nestled up in the crook of his good arm.
Not only that, Ellis makes all manner of little baby sounds. Which, while quite normal, are amusing additions to whatever Joker himself happens to be saying. In one breath he’s suggesting a change to the trapeze routine, and the next, Ellis is laughing at the sight of Peter missing his cue in such a way that his hat hits Wendy in the face. (Really. It’s entertaining in itself that not even a troupe full of troubled circus performers can resist laughing along after a baby starts to laugh. Even Peter and Wendy join in laughing.)
Despite the fact that his work is never really done, Joker has to leave shortly after they’ve all had tea. He’ll be back for the evening show, but now that Ellis has been fed, he’s been awake for long enough to start fussing because he’s sleepy. So it’s back to the Baron’s to put the baby down for a nap. Several hours of being fawned over and cooed at is tiring when you’re not very old, after all.
Besides… if Joker doesn’t go back for a short while, he won’t see (Name) again till he crawls into bed after midnight. He needs a few moments with her.
Thankfully, his darling wife is awake by afternoon. Even though she still gets tired easily, she’s usually regained some of her strength after being able to rest in the mornings. She’s not so weak anymore that just feeding the baby drains her, at least, and that means she’s in better spirits. Once Joker puts Ellis down, she’ll be able to stay up to watch him for the rest of the day.
Seeing her always perks him up. Just being able to kiss her and hold her in his arms for a couple of minutes is enough to get him through the rest of the day’s drudgery. Her smile, the sparkle of her eyes when she looks at him, the loving way she cradles Ellis before Joker sets him down in the crib… he still doesn’t know how he got so lucky.
Even though he wants to stay, he forces himself to slip out. One last kiss for his wife, one last kiss to the crown of his son’s head, and he has to head back to the fairground. If he doesn’t, he’ll just get greedy enough to not leave at all.
He’s at least resolved to get through the night once he returns to the circus. He keeps his memories close, and they drive him.
The show is a success. It always is. They all make sure to give the audience something spectacular to look at… and despite the fact that they’re certainly not getting rich, they manage to scrape by. They survive, they earn just enough so that no one has to go hungry. If nothing else, Joker can be proud of that.
Everyone is tired by the time night falls, but the first-stringers still have more to do. They all leave Snake to watch over everyone else, and they gather a short distance away from all the tents.
They all make their last adjustments — Freckles grumbling as they fidget with their parasol, Dagger trying to work out the kinks in his bad leg, Peter and Wendy quietly bickering in the affectionate way only siblings can. Joker’s almost unaware he’s been lost in thought until suddenly Beast is tightening his scarf like she thinks he’s about to catch his death of cold.
“Y’ need ta get some sleep,” she sighs.
He tilts his head, and he’s certain the smile he gives doesn’t meet his eyes. She can see right through it, at least. “Oi, I get ‘s much sleep as the rest’f ye lot.”
She scoffs. “No, y’ don’t. Ellis ain’t old enough t’ sleep through the night, which means you ain’t sleepin’ through the night. Y’re the only one’a us who’s got a baby. Wish y’d let (Name) come back ‘ere with ‘im. Maybe the two’a y’ might get some sleep if we take turns watchin’ ‘im at night.”
It’s painful for all of them. Beast feels guilty, too, he knows that; she also misses (Name)’s company. He knows everyone would be happier if she could have stayed here, especially after giving birth. Things just… didn’t work out that way. There would have been none of her staying here with how sick she got after Ellis was born. She might have died.
And now that she’s getting better… can he even bring her and Ellis back here? Everything is so different, so much worse.
“Soon,” he says softly, even though he’s not sure he means it. He gently brings Beast’s hand down, a silent reassurance that for right now, he’s fine. “She’s startin’ ta feel better… maybe she can come back soon.”
Beast huffs, and her eyes soften, and she shakes her head, and that’s the end of it. Distractions won’t serve them right now.
When they move into the streets, Joker notices that he still hesitates. Every move he and the others make, it puts him in physical pain. To do the things they’re doing, the things the Baron orders them to do… fuck. It makes him hate himself more than ever.
Least of all because if he doesn’t follow orders, then that’s it. His life is over.
If he talks back, if he shows regret, if he does anything that implies he’s questioning his ‘father’… then the Baron will cut off the medicine that’s been helping (Name) to recover. And he’s so done with Joker’s second guessing, he’s been threatening to pull out every little bit of security he’s affording the entire troupe.
If he doesn’t do these things that make him sick, his wife will die. His family will wither. Any chance at saving anything that’s meaningful to him disappears into thin air.
Once they’re all done for the night, once everyone else has returned to their tents, Joker has to stop on the way back to the Baron’s manor. He has to brace himself against a building and struggle to catch his breath.
He doesn’t know whether his body is trying to make him vomit or cry, but whichever it is, tears of strain and sorrow burst to life at the edges of his eyes regardless.
His throat is raw by the time his body decides to stop tormenting him. So his voice comes out raspy as he settles into bed, murmuring, “Jus’ me, darlin’,” when he puts his arms around (Name). He could barely look at Ellis upon walking into the room, his sweet baby fast asleep, after everything he’s done tonight.
He worries about both of them when he isn’t here. But they both seem alright, and his wife was just awake enough to be waiting for him. She rolls over to greet him, to kiss him goodnight, to snuggle in against his chest.
And he holds her, as tight as he possibly can without hurting her. Like she’s the one thing keeping his head above water.
He never sleeps well these days. He closes his eyes all the same, tired from the weight of this life he’s been living.
Tomorrow, he has to get up and do it all over again.
He knows he’s going to wake up more exhausted than he is falling asleep now.
His mind taunts him. How much longer can you keep all this up, Joker?
He doesn’t have an answer.
He just buries his face in (Name)’s neck, tells her one more time that he loves her, and lets sleep take him.
For the millionth time, he knows he will wake up to unanswered prayers.
At least, he thinks, he still has his family, his wife, and his child.
So for the millionth time, because of them, he prays anyway:
Please, God. Let things be better in the morning.
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flatoutin-eaurouge · 6 months
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Look at his hair flopping around! 😭😭 Flopping around like angel wings! And his little tongue sticking out in concentration!!! 😭
This is insane! Look at his tight shorts and his SOCKS! What a baller! 😭👌
HELP he is SO CUTE! Thank you for this pic 💕💕
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whereismyhat5678 · 8 months
okay, one more headcanon, have you ever thought about the age of the characters? (I already saw something similar from you) anyway, based on the bald spot on the top of Peppino’s head, he may have lost his hair either due to stress or due to old age, and it’s also possible that he was in a war or something similar, in short, I think that Peppino is about 50 years old or a little older, now, Gustavo. I think he is younger than Peppino and he is about 45 years old, mr. stick..about 60 years old? (don't judge me please) and about the bosses, the vigilante is somewhere between 40 years old, noise and noisette is about 32 years old, and pepperman is 36 years old. (fake peppino has no age or he is the same age as peppino)
Pillar brothers have no age, they are "almost" immortal until they are destroyed. Well that's all, I'm done :)
Honestly I’m pretty sure I did make a post about that but I can’t remember at the moment 😅
Either way I like this idea! And I completely agree with Vigilante being 40, my guy looks like a tired old man so that fits indubitably- 👌
And love the 60 year old Stick, I can’t help but laugh that’s too funny- (And could make sense of why he’s such a cranky man- I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I HAD TOO-)
And finally Gerome and John is so perfect, it fits and would make sense just by the way they look and they do kind of remind me of those types of characters that, all though yeah they look like a good age like 30 or maybe even 40 but they’re ACTUALLY 100 SOMETHING YEARS OLD- I love that idea too much-
Love these ideas 👏👏
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lipglossanon · 11 months
I’m With You
roommate!Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader
This one’s a little self indulgent on my part 😌 also the last one I have planned for roommate Leon as he’s going on hiatus as I work on other WIPs 👌
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, hurt/comfort, softness 😌, slight dirty talk, praise, unprotected sex, creampie, Leon being his dorky self 🤭
Not proofread ✍️
Title from I’m With You by Avril Lavigne
“Whatcha up to?”
You raise your head up from laying on your palm, turning your attention away from the tv to Leon walking towards you. 
Stepping up to the couch, he presses a quick kiss to the top of your head. 
“Rough day?” he asks softly noticing the show playing on the screen. 
You nod, head sinking back down to rest on your hand, “Yeah, just trying to forget about it.”
He strokes the back of your neck. 
“Be right back,” he murmurs, kissing you again before walking to his room. 
You turn back to the tv, letting the comfort of childhood wash over you, lessening your anxiety. After a few minutes, Leon joins you on the couch. You notice he changed out of his work clothes into some comfy looking loungewear. 
“C’mere, honey,” he grabs a blanket from the back of the couch and holds it open in his arms, “come snuggle with me.”
You give him a watery smile and scooch over until he’s wrapping you up like a burrito and cuddling you to his chest as you lay on your sides to watch TV. 
“Wanna talk about?” his low voice whispers in your ear. 
“Just a shitty day,” you whisper back, snuggling further into the fuzzy blanket and his arms. 
A comfortable quiet settles as you both just relax in each other’s company. A few episodes later and you feel yourself drifting to sleep but you shift and squirm trying to fight it. 
“Shh, I got you,” Leon presses a kiss to your ear, “it’s okay.”
You nod off, listening to the sound of Leon’s even breathing and the faint voices coming from the speakers. 
You wake some time later to a different show playing on the television, sound turned down so low it’s barely noticeable. Leon’s hands are petting across your body and you sigh as you nuzzle against him. 
“Mmhmm,” you press a kiss to his chest, “thank you.”
“Sometimes y’just need to take a breather,” he presses a kiss to your hairline. 
You squirm a little, “Yeah, thank you. It helped me relax some.”
“Good,” his hands stop moving as he takes a quick breath, “I’ve got sort of an unorthodox way to help you relax more. If you want.”
“Like what?”
“Sex,” he states bluntly making you laugh softly. 
“I mean it,” he grins as you tilt your head up to look at him, “it’s good for relaxation.”
“You’re such a dork.”
“It’s just an offer.”
“I never said no,” a shy smile steals over your face, “I’m not opposed to it.”
Leon pushes the back of the blanket up just enough to reach a hand underneath. He slips it between your thighs and slowly teases your pussy through your shorts. 
“Just need to relax, honey,” he soothes, tongue licking the shell of your ear, “let me make you feel good.”
“Leon,” you whimper, trapped in your burrito blanket so you can only wiggle against him. 
“I know,” he whispers, voice heavy against your sensitive neck, “let me dick you down baby. Stuff this little cunt til you can’t think anymore.”
You whine and he moves his fingers underneath the band of your shorts and panties to tease along your pussy lips to circle your clit.  
Slick is oozing from your hole dripping into your panties making it easy for Leon to circle your slippery clit with his fingers. 
“Leon,” you sigh, pushing your hips down into his hand.
“I’ve got you,” he murmurs, kissing you sweetly as his middle and ring finger press into your clenching heat. 
You moan into his mouth as he scissors you open before slowly sliding his fingers deeper into your wet pussy.  He lets his palm slap against your clit with every thrust up into your cunt as you sloppily suck on his tongue. 
“Leon, please,” you pull back, licking his spit off of your lips.
“Okay,” he soothes, shifting you down on the couch and onto your stomach.
He bunches up the blanket with one hand as he slides your panties and shorts off with the other. You whine to feel the cool air of the room but it’s soon replaced with Leon’s body heat as he grinds his bare cock against your wet pussy lips. 
“Ready?” he presses his cock against your clenching hole but waits til you nod before pressing in. 
You both moan as he slowly slides into your wet fluttering walls until he’s bottoming out in your cunt. 
“So good for me,” he grunts as he pulls out and snaps his hips back into your pussy, “such a good girl.”
You whine in reply, letting Leon’s heavy weight press you down into the couch, cocooned in the blanket, as he spears you open on his cock.  
“Shh, shh, let me do all the thinkin honey,” he coos, grinding deep into your spasming pussy to rub against your g-spot, “there we go, you just worry about feeling good.”
Your moans are muffled as he gently presses your face into the cushions. You let him rut his fat cock into your pussy for hours. He goes so slow and deep that you’re drooling all over the place, pussy feeling stretched and used—you love it, not able to think past the feeling of him buried in your guts. 
Leon hasn’t moved you from where he first pressed you down into the couch. The blanket is saturated with your slick, dribbling past Leon’s dick every time he he thrusts into your pussy. 
“Gonna have to do this every night huh,” he chuckles into your shoulder as he kisses the skin, “really feels like y’needed it.”
“Uh huh,” you reply dumbly, clenching around Leon harder at his voice in your ear. 
“Don’t worry,” he coos, grinding his tip against the opening of your womb making you kick your legs from the pleasurable pinch of pain, “you just need my cock emptying that silly brain, right honey?”
“Please, Leon.”
“Shh, shh,” he nips your neck before whispering in your ear, “that’s my good girl, perfect little pussy just taking my cock nice ‘n deep. Mmm so good for me.”
You’re whining louder now so Leon slows down even more, burying his cock into your soaked cunt with a sigh. 
“I need you to keep quiet, don’t want to wake the neighbors,” he chuckles as you try to buck back against him. 
You shiver and moan quietly, the syrupy pleasure trickling from your brain all the way through your body as the band of arousal winds tighter and tighter. Leon shifts his hips and presses his cock upwards to grind his drippy tip against your g-spot constantly. 
“Oh, oh, I’m gonna— oh Leon,” you try to let him know you’re about to cum, but your tongue feels thick and heavy in your mouth, brain slowly processing what you’re feeling much less words to go along with it. 
“C’mon, be a good girl and cream my cock, you can do it,” he rumbles low in his chest, voice smoky and warm, “want you squeezing on my dick so I can fill you up.”
“Fuck,” you gasp out a mewling cry as your pussy clamps down on Leon’s dick, walls pulsing and fluttering around him as that band snaps and your climax washes over your senses. 
“That’s it, my good girl,” Leon grunts, snapping his hips harder into your soaking wet hole, “take my load, honey, wanna watch it drip outta ya.”
With a few more harsh thrusts, Leon groans and buries his cock deep into your pussy, white hot cum spilling from his throbbing tip. He grinds himself even deeper as he finishes inside your fluttering cunt before slowly pulling out, a creamy mix of cum and slick oozing from your pussy. 
Leon chuckles softly and flops down on top of you, making you let out a breath as his weight smushes you into the couch cushions. 
“Leon,” your whine ends on a giggle as he blows a raspberry on your neck.  
“I know, I know,” he kisses the side of your head, “wanna join me in a shower?”
“Yes, please,” you wiggle and finally free yourself from the blanket to raise up on your knees, “I’m a mess.”
“Mmm, I’d say so,” he grins at you, slapping your ass as he stands up, “c’mon, you know how long these raggedy ass pipes take to heat up.”
You roll your eyes and swat his hands away before he can smack your ass again.
“I know, Leon, I live here too.”
“Never said ya didn’t,” his grin widens and he swings down to grab you up in a bridal carry, “this’ll be faster, sweet cheeks.”
“Oh my god,” you bury your face in his chest with a laugh, “you did not just say that. You’re such a dork, Leon.”
“Maybe, jury’s still out on that one.”
He drops a quick kiss to the top of your head as he gently carries you to the bathroom.  
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beefrobeefcal · 8 months
Listen Beefro I’m in the sluttiest mood ever and I just…..
Okay like, I can not. Get over. This thought.
Mouse slipping into bed with Frankie who’s half asleep, she slips in behind him and gives him a few kisses on the nape of his neck, runs her hand over his belly gently and just, gives it a cute little cheeky / teasing few pats. Just for Frankie to giggle and say “hey cut it out” and Mouse teases him just a smidge more for over doing it at dinner.
To Nonnie, Love Beefro
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fuck me, Nonnie... I am not strong enough to NOT take the bate.
Rose-tints-my-world-keeps-me-safe-from-my-trouble-and-pain regards,
Beefro 👌🥩💜
Beefro Proudly Presents:
a Chubby!Frankie Drabble
The Catfish & The Mouse: A Drunk Mouse Cometh
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Summary: Mouse returns home from a night out with Hannah.
Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI)
Word Count: 722
Content Warning: Drunk Mouse, smut talk, talk of eating, belly praise, belly stuffing, weight gain, overt dirty talk
Author's Notes: I know I said Frankie and Mouse were on hiatus but i am only human and I am weak for these two knuckleheads. Thank you, Nonnie!
You'd been out with your girlfriends that evening and had come home a little more than a little drunk.
In the hallway before you entered your bedroom, you kicked of your shoes. You were probably being louder than your drunk mind realized, and there was no way that Frankie was asleep.
Unbeknownst to you, Frankie had not fallen asleep. Even if he hadn't over done it to the extreme at dinner, then dessert, then bedtime snack, he wouldn't have been able to sleep, just in case you might call, needing a ride home.
His belly was big and bloated, and he was definitely full. As he laid in bed watching tv in just his sleep shorts, he absent mindedly rubbed his distended stomach. Frankie heard you stumble into the house, giggling and muttering in the hallway, banging against each surface you encounter. He smiled to himself at how not quiet his Mouse was being.
You flung the bedroom door open and stood wobbly at the door, grinning like a fool.
"Hey baby.", Frankie smiled sleepily at you. "You have fun?"
"So much fun... Hannah sung all the songs and I did a cartwheel in the bathroom." you slurred, staggering towards him.
"Oh really?", he grinned, reaching his hand out to you. "You wanna come to bed and tell me about it?"
Frankie knew the moment you fell into bed you would pass out and he had the makeup remover wipes at the ready on his bedside table.
You took his hand and flopped onto your side of the bed, continuing your story about your night out into your pillow.
Frankie was amused and nodded along with the properly timed oh's and uh-huh's. He rolled over to grab the makeup wipes and then felt you arm creep over his full, heavy stomach.
"Wha's this?", you cooed, gripping and poking his belly.
Frankie smiled but tried to sound serious as he grabbed the wipes. "I got your wipes. I'm gonna clean your face so you can go to sleep."
You giggled, pulling your body flush along his back and your hand feeling how much Frankie had indulged this evening.
"Mouse... baby... gotta move." he said softly. "Come on... move it. I can't roll over with you back there."
"Ate good tonight, Frankie... big boy...", you slurred, pressing kisses on the back of his neck.
You patted his belly and gave it a few squeezes.
"What'chu got in here, baby?... you over do it? ate too much? So fuckin' big... fuck...", you huskily growled as you licked and sucked along his neck. You flung your leg over his and try to grind on him.
He let out a giggle that turned into a moan. Frankie closed his eyes and prayed to any higher power to give him strength; he did not want to take advantage of you. You were way too drunk for him to try anything.
"Hey... Mouse, baby... knock it off... ", he huffed still smiling, as his hand moving to your ankle, gently letting his thumb rubs circles on it.
“…so fuckin’ full… tell me what’chu ate… so fuckin’… big boy getting’ fat… so hot… feel you getting’ bigger… fuck you while you stuff your fuckin’ face…”
Your audacity made his eyes go wide and him laugh out loud, completely bowled over by the slurred filth pouring out of your mouth as you grabbed and felt up his full belly.
“Jesus christ, Mouse - cut it out!”, he smiled, pushing you gently and rolling over. He laid on his side as you fought to keep your eyes open while continuing to make incoherent observations. He brought the wipe to your face and hushed you. Your hands came up and tried swatting him away, but he cleaned off your make up gently.
“Good girl… it’s bedtime, baby.”, he cooed softly with a warm smile.
Your musings became less and less intelligible and your hands dropped. Your eyes stayed closed and the last thing Frankie was able to decern from your mouth before you passed completely out was, “Ya fuckin’ hottie, Morales.”
He decided to take everything you said and tuck it away for later use after you’d recovered from the guaranteed hangover you were surely going to be struck with tomorrow.
“Night, princess.”, he whispered with a grin as he kissed your head.
@theywhowriteandknowthings @harryleatherfit @harriedandharassed @neverwheremoonchild @rebel-held @beee-haw @nevergoingbacknowshine @idolatrybarbie @v4vayha @lalocitos @xdaddysprincessxx @deathsholywaterr @heareball @lyssramscal @wintrwinchestr @blackfemalenerd @toxicanonymity @southernbe @starkeydaviss
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crayonfears · 17 days
@the-ace-friend asked:
Hello my dear old friend crayons who will probably die because of they age 🥲 (don’t worry I will make a good funeral with good music 😉) and now you have a curse on you for getting to much K-pop memes👹 Okay 👌 now for my question what do think about their childhood of those 2 was I mean now with the killing and finding out that Han Seok is a psychopath who’s possessive of his little brother or how Han Seok is more tamed in his adulthood than in his youth or why he even killed his victims? Did he killed them for a reason or just for fun and when for a reason then what kind of reason?? Anyways I’m always happy and glad for your response💕 and please take care of yourself so don’t overdo things If you need rest 👍 (I sound like a parent 💀 wtf ) but yeah take care and good luck with your next fics <3
hi there, friend! indeed, 'tis i, crayonfears, speaking from beyond the grave where they've buried me when i died of old age hahah and please i adore your little kpop memes but there's just too many in this particular ask and it just makes it super long haha. i'll have to ask you to keep it to a maximum 2-3 memes from now on if you still want to include them, i'm sorry ;;
for your question, if we go with canon, then iirc, he killed for the heck of it. for funsies, if you will. as a treat - love that for him. he also be killing cuz them kids be annoying him (so real of him), bragging about it after too. he was a real psycho back when he was younger - and god, what i wouldn't give to see more of that han seok than just a short glimpse of him admiring the watch he took off his victim (the fact he didn't take the watch off of the guy he killed in the container scene was suuuuuuuuuch a miss ugh 😤; let us see that young han seok is still there, that han seok never changed from his youth!!!!).
if we go beyond canon - well, the world is our oyster and all. i can see han seok killing kids cuz they got too close to han seo. i can see his delusional ass convincing himself just the world things about those kids and that's why he needed to kill them. it's the good for his dongsaeng - and you betcha ass he would tell han seo to thank him too, tell him what a favor he's done for him, "aren't you grateful, dongsaeng?". if we go with the psycho/psycho route, i can see han seo making up reasons - said those kids touch him wrong or whatever - to get han seok real mad. han seo never getting his hands dirty in the literal sense but stained with blood anyways is suuuuuch a delicious idea. i love a little secretly cunning han seo - i wish we got to see more of these moments of him in the show; rather than just him being the comic relief ;;
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daydreamersdomain · 10 months
okay so! my favs of all times are petscop (which isnt once again that much of an analog horror; more like digital horror with NO jumpscares; its also VERY old and just. great) and teeny toys (the same goes to it but it has absolutely different lore and way of telling)
also you can watch lacey games video!!! though i need to say it is VERY triggering sometimes. it includes a lot of things from csa to animal abuse and etc etc. but its lore just dropped and the creator of those videos makes their own little animated series that is a bit scary but also very goofy!
for cute style you can watch either motley mathouse or welcome home! (though welcome home is a website with the story behind it so if you don't want to explore it you prob can either watch people do so or forget abt it but the style pf it is SO GREAT)
also there is a channel called "i cant sleep" and it is not a horror by any means but a bunch of short animations with one same girl going though. a lot of bad and triggering stuff. usually it has almost no sound but the atmosphere is just SO HORRIFYING. it has a lot of body horror
and also ngl i cant wait for walten files to come back i miss my silly traumatised lesbians being that 👌 close to get to know so much shit about the past of one of them-
OMG thank you so much! I’m saving this into my phone to look up later.
BRO I didn’t even know that Sophie’s gay until I looked up the wiki. I was so fucking happy when I found out😭
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