#it’s not ideal because I can only take the horse out for hacks and can’t do flatwork but like
malpractice-morale · 2 months
I am trying to get some joy back into my life and I may go and have a ride through the forest tomorrow!!!! Big might because horsey was at a rallye today and may be sore tomorrow but gods what joy that would bring me. And if not tomorrow then Thursday at the latest! I shall be on horseback again after two years!!!!
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Survey #414
“mirror, mirror, tell me who you see  /  am i you or me?  /  i can never remember”
How many people have you kissed? Four. Ever kissed someone you weren’t dating at the time? No. Of the people you’ve kissed, how many do you regret kissing? Two. Ever been kissed by a legal adult when you were a minor (or vise-versa)? Yeah, with Jason, but it was only a two-year difference. Ever kissed someone on a dare/as part of a game? No. Where’s the most public place you’ve ever made out with someone? Nowhere public. I wouldn't do that. Can you snowboard? Never tried. Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone? No. Do you use recycle bins at your house? Yes. Do you own more than one bathing suit? No. Have you ever kissed someone who smokes weed? Jason did occasionally with his best friend, but he stopped for me. How are you right this second? I'm all right. Last night was pretty rough, so I'm just glad that's over. My body is just tired. Is there anything you disliked about your last birthday? Honestly, I barely remember what I did on my last birthday. I just remember it was fine. Oh wait, actually, on the way home from going out to eat, we had to call the cops while behind a car whose driver was obviously drunk or high OFF. HIS. ASS. He was swerving like crazy and almost hit SO many cars. I was having an absolute panic attack. I pray to God that guy was more than just found and fined. Do you keep a diary or journal (offline or online)? No, unless you count surveys, I guess. What were you like a year ago? I was the unhappily the same. Is someone on your mind right now? Fucking always. Having a warm dream about him last night didn't help. Who was the last person you sat next to? My mom. What do you currently hear right now? My screen is split so I can watch John Wolfe play some indie horror games. What’s something you need to go shopping for? I need to get new bras baaaadly because I'm tired of none fitting properly. What’s the last thing you ate? I had a donut 'cuz Mom stopped at Dunkin' for coffee. Do/did you do good in school? I did up to college. Then I just... sucked. Do you always get along with your siblings? I mean I don't see/talk to them every day or anything, not even very regularly even, but we generally get along fine now as adults. We disagree about shit for sure, but keep our mouths shut. Or probably talk to Mom about it while I'm not present. I don't even think they like me half of the time. Are you frustrated with anything? So much. Why did you fall for the last person romantically? There were/are a lot of factors. Just she as a person is phenomenal. What’s your younger sibling’s name? Nicole. Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? A tiny bit of German. Do you ever fear of falling asleep? With my nightmares, I used to dread it. Now, thankfully, my APAP mask has prevented them from happening, mostly; I've only had two in the month that I've had it, and I ordinarily had them every single night. Do you have an idea of what kind of profession you’d like to have? I do, but I honestly doubt I'm going to succeed in even making it a part-time job by this damn point. Which beach would you say is your favorite? I don't have a favorite. I don't even like the beach very much. What kind of cookie is your favorite? Chocolate chip. Have you ever had a churro? Yes. Too crunchy and ridiculously sweet, not a fan. Truth be told, are you more into looks or personalities the most? A good personality beats good looks any day. How is/was your chemistry class in high school? I actually didn't take chemistry; my graduating year, physical science was offered as the alternative, which I took. How does alcohol affect you? I get hot, and my face flushes badly. It'll make me more talkative. Have you ever tried lemon brownies? No, and I don't want to. I don't like lemon-flavored stuff like that. What was the last type of meat you ate? Beef. Have you taken any medication today? I have prescriptions I take every day. Have you ever watched Parks and Recreation? I've seen some of it at Sara's house. What is your favourite kind of pasta? Just spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs, really. I've been on a major chicken pesto kick lately, though. Have you set an alarm today? No. Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names: Literally just the chance to say "I'm sorry" would be fucking amazing. Just two fucking words. What if there were two of you? Would the world be in trouble? No. That'd be a waste of space, though. Not like I'm contributing much to society. Would you prefer an ice cream sundae or an ice cream cone? I dunno man, it depends on my mood and what I want in the moment. Do you watch movies with the subtitles on? No; I find it to be distracting. Is the last person you kissed yours? I hate this saying. She's her own person that belongs to nobody but herself. But to just go along with it and answer the question, no, we're not together. Do you think you will be married by the time you are 25? Welp, I'm halfway through 25, so. Do you have siblings over the age of 21? All of my siblings are. Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? No. Especially as I've aged, I'd say I'm pretty quick to accept if I've fucked up. Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally? Jason will probably always have that power, even if he's not in my life. Would you ever be a stripper? God no, nobody wants to see that. What are your plans for tomorrow? Just get through the day, man. Do you owe anybody money? No. How would your parents describe you? Reserved, shy, a deep thinker, animal lover, uhhhh... What is the most you have ever weighed? Let's not. Would you ever work at McDonald's? No. I'm never working in food service. If you aren't already, would you go vegetarian or vegan? I want to be a vegetarian and being a vegan would be perfectly ideal for me, but I really don't think I can healthily accomplish either. I am FAR too picky to where I'd almost definitely become malnourished. To make it even worse I absolutely cannot "suck it up" if I don't like a food, so it's not like I could choke down stuff I don't like. Not to mention I'd be pretty sad without any yummy food to look forward to, aha. Coolest person you've ever met? Uhhhh I don't know. Do you wear boxers? No. Girls, how old were you when you first learned how to put in a tampon? I don't remember. Would you ever attend a gay pride parade or festival? I would absolutely love to. Did you see Paranormal Activity 2? I think I've seen all of the movies. I liked them, given paranormal horror films are probably my fave. What would you do if an old man grabbed your ass? Kick him in the fucking balls so goddamn fast and probably slap him across the face at the same time. Probably cry later from feeling violated and having my fear of men aggravated. Do you like moustaches? It depends on the person, but I'd say I generally prefer an attached beard and a mustache versus JUST a mustache. Could you hack into someone's computer if you tried hard enough? No. I have no idea how to do that. Have you ever smoked a cigar? No. Do you go out on Black Friday? Hell no. NOT worth fighting people for deals. Do you have curtains in your bedroom? No; I have those blinds that you can close upwards or downwards. Did you like the Spice Girls when you were little? Yeah, I did. Can you sing the entire Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song? I think I can. Do you get heartburn? I'm literally on an antacid prescription, or else I get insane heartburn every day. Are you scared of elevators? To a moderate degree, yes. I'm terrified of it getting stuck. Have you ever seen a dead body in person? Yes, at an open-casket wake. Have you ever seen The Goonies? I have. If you're white, do you ever wish you were black? Or vice versa? I'm fine being Caucasian, but ultimately don't care. Do you bake cookies all the time around Christmas? I don't bake. Do you like your hair pulled? Uhhh... I'm assuming you mean this in a suggestive context, in which case no. Never pull my hair, actually. What kind of jeans do you like? Ripped skinny jeans. What do you think is overrated? Who really cares. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. And what are your goals for the remainder of this year? Lose lots of weight, find a job, get back into old hobbies and develop new ones... Name a city that starts with A in your state/province etc. Asheboro. Name a landmark that starts with M in your state/province etc. I'm blanking right now. When was the last time you gave a horse a carrot? Been years. I think I've only done that once, and I can't even remember where it was. Have you ever had to shovel snow? No. How many seasons is your favorite TV show in so far? MM was just revived for its fifth season! :') Where would you most like to go in your state, etc. that you haven’t been? NC actually has this really old Wizard of Oz theme park! It's on the other end of the state, though, and NC is one wiiiiiide state. What was the last bird you saw? A robin, I think. What color was the last thing you drank? Green. Has a wild animal ever been loose in your house? Besides insects, no. Well wait, scratch that, once or twice we had a small mice problem when we lived in the woods. What’s the name of the bookstores in your city? The only one I know off the top of my head is Books-a-Million. Where do your parents live? I live with my mom, and Dad lives in the same city as us. Have you ever seen or touched an iceberg? No, but that would be cool. What colour are your father’s eyes? Brown. If your ex turned up on your doorstep now, with nowhere else to go, would you let him/her stay? Well one, this isn't my house, so I can't make that decision. My mom being who she is though, she'd let pretty much anyone stay the night. If it was Sara, Mom would let her stay as long as she needed. The last time you cried, was it connected with someone of the opposite sex? Ugh, yes. My PTSD was BAD last night. Delicious warm brownies or a giant cookie? I'll take the brownie. Have you visited a haunted building or area before? No, but damn I'd love to. Have you been to North Carolina? Ayyyyeeeee that's my home.
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Ronnie & Joe
Ronnie: [a phone number]
Ronnie: found you your own special plug
Joe: Can’t wait to get gang-raped by whoever this is
Joe: or maybe it’s a phishing scam, what route have you gone down 🤔
Ronnie: route of she can be your number 8 cos youre such a bike
Joe: it’s that kind of hook-up
Ronnie: pay for the gear if you cant get it up soft lad she looks fuck all like your ma
Ronnie: couldnt track down no more of her bastards for you soz
Joe: taking your role that seriously?
Joe: alright
Ronnie: getting out of it
Ronnie: she can babysit you
Joe: she probably lost custody of her own so
Joe: nice of you on all fronts
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: what, your dealer don’t like me or something
Ronnie: how the fuck would i know like
Ronnie: and how would he you legged it out of there soon as he showed
Joe: no shit I did
Ronnie: ordeals over now baby go cry to your new mammy about it
Joe: unlikely
Joe: but it ain’t my ordeal so
Ronnie: they ll swab & treat him he ll be sound
Joe: give a shit about him
Ronnie: if youve got something to say
Joe: I just said it
Joe: I don’t care about him
Ronnie: you dont care about me fuck off with your heroics
Joe: you didn’t want swooping up and saving, don’t mean I don’t give a fuck
Ronnie: your student loan aint gonna cover both our habits youd have me dopesick cause youre fucking jealous that means you dont
Joe: you’re jealous
Joe: and I said, didn’t stop you, didn’t say you had to
Joe: what’s fun about something oozing and itching in your pants, that’s all
Ronnie: of what
Joe: of every boring ex I have or will ever have
Ronnie: you wish
Ronnie: get em in a room together and they aint even jealous of each other
Joe: I know
Joe: x2
Ronnie: you dont know shit mckenna
Joe: so today I’m green
Joe: not the know-it-all smug college kid
Joe: nice to know how to play it
Ronnie: smug is right whenever i aint gonna suck your dick cause you can read music
Joe: that’s all that’s stopping you?
Ronnie: nah remember its the death wish attention whoring & mommy issues
Ronnie: cant both be functioning junkies youd have fuck all else to get a boner about
Joe: how long have you been doing heroin
Ronnie: youve got loads of catching up to do
Joe: yeah, so I don’t know why you’re acting like I’m being high and mighty
Joe: it’s literally been days
Ronnie: cause you are
Joe: no I’m not, just ‘cos I’d rather not suck dick when I have the funds
Joe: would you do it if you had the cash, that’s just stupid
Ronnie: youve been comparing me to any & every cunt since we met
Joe: like you don’t shit on me any and every chance you get
Joe: you were acting like them, the whole none of my shit is real because yours is SO real, that’s her whole bit
Ronnie: you cant stop fucking doing it even now fucks sake
Ronnie: i shit on you for you its not like i have any cunt to compare you to
Joe: alright, if you’re that sensitive about it
Joe: I’ll really stop
Joe: there 🤐
Ronnie: fuck you
Joe: nah, that was a dick move, alright
Joe: let me make it up to you
Ronnie: youre crying shes a patronising cunt guess what youre right there too
Joe: alright, I deserve that
Ronnie: drop dead
Ronnie: yeah its been days days of me giving you whatever the fuck you ask for
Joe: I know
Joe: so what do you want, seriously
Joe: I’ll do it, make it happen, whatever
Ronnie: like fuck can you make anything happen
Ronnie: youre like every other doss cunt i know theres your comparison
Joe: Probably am
Joe: but you’re the only person I’ve met who feels close to whatever the fuck I am
Joe: there’s the truth
Ronnie: whichever of your exes that worked on is more west than either of us
Joe: Oh I can easily be that dickhead and tell you how crazy they all were
Ronnie: go ed
Joe: the second to last one was the worst
Joe: full-on stalked and harassed the last one like, for no reason
Joe: she also messed with all my shit in a way she thought would send me into an OCD spiral because she didn’t get it
Joe: and when she started hooking up with some other kid she’d send me pics like I’d be 💔
Joe: that’s just after, that was all kind of amusing in a boring way, she was less amusing to be with but more mental
Ronnie: shouldve had some tips off her for the stalking bullshit its probably not too late to send her a dm
Ronnie: ones ive got from this is i dont have to bother learning the alphabet cos id be better off fucking with your record collection by smashing it up & child porn does fuck all for you
Joe: that is my thing, turning up uninvited to fuck everything up
Joe: she might go for it
Joe: exactly, both good to know, yeah 😏
Joe: all pretty basic and vanilla but still, annoying as shit
Ronnie: unless you can get me to do it for you yeah
Ronnie: dinners at what like 7
Joe: you’re gonna ruin my happy uni home?
Joe: oh no
Joe: be there be 7, eating at 8, apparently
Joe: time to ‘mingle’ as she put it which sounds suspicious af
Ronnie: fucking hell
Ronnie: thank christ i already hate you
Joe: saves times, energy less so
Joe: your mate is up for it, unless he’s a convincing liar, which I could see
Ronnie: what energy do you want name it theres gear thatll give us it
Ronnie: he is but i cant see the con shes got fuck all any cunt wants other than pasta shapes & mariahs likely on a diet
Joe: 🤤 and not over her appetizers, like
Joe: there’ll only be the 6 of us so we’ll need entertainment
Ronnie: lad flatmates bringing a bitch
Ronnie: shes gonna need something to get her through it or something she can use to end it
Joe: yeah he has a missus
Joe: even though him and Sophie belong together as the most average whitebread couple ever
Ronnie: make it happen then
Joe: where’s my bow and arrow
Joe: their 💘 ain’t my problem
Ronnie: you said you could do whatever and we needed entertainment
Ronnie: put all that money where your mouth is
Joe: you’re well sweet
Joe: you want her to be living her best life
Joe: dunno if I can hack being his shoulder to cry on in the interim
Ronnie: your teeth wont have time to rot before you choke on em talking to me like that
Joe: go on then
Ronnie: you owe me i dont owe you
Joe: I thought you’d ask for something better
Joe: but your loss
Ronnie: yours youre thinking about it
Joe: I get it, you want it to be hell living here
Ronnie: i dont wanna have to ask
Joe: for what
Ronnie: anything
Joe: why not
Ronnie: you think you can read my mind or some shit
Joe: I’d like to
Joe: and I think you get me, and yeah, I think I get you more than the bullshit mommy issues attention whore comment that was to get a reaction
Joe: I don’t think we’re twin flames just because we share some DNA, I’m not that kind of delusional, believe it or not
Ronnie: cause weve shared a needle though yeah
Joe: I get it, another kid with a habit, you’ve met hundreds
Joe: it is different though
Joe: tell me it isn’t
Ronnie: different cos its a habit you didnt have days ago
Joe: it’s not your fault
Joe: for good or bad
Joe: you didn’t spike me without asking
Ronnie: i didnt say that
Ronnie: i said thats why its different
Joe: yeah
Ronnie: nobody did any of this shit for me i dont know why im doing it for you
Joe: do you want to, or do you think you need to
Ronnie: what the fuck does it matter
Joe: you either fuck with me, you like fucking with me or you think you’ve got to protect me or some bollocks
Ronnie: protect you from the needle i stuck in your arm yeah that makes loads of sense
Joe: from getting a bad dose, being beat up by one of your dealers
Ronnie: i just wanted a front row seat
Ronnie: im not gonna get one when your family finds out
Joe: that’s fine by me
Joe: you reckon they’ll fly me home for an intervention then?
Joe: shouldn’t be surprising how oblivious they are
Ronnie: i dont care what they do to try & fix it youll be at rock bottom by then
Joe: they won’t try, they don’t
Joe: just because I weren’t shooting up doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing plenty other fucked shit for ages without it ever being a conversation
Joe: one of the kids that they took in, is a walking skeleton
Joe: can’t get her to eat, some reason don’t do anything but try to reason with her like she’s reasonable, never mind the rest
Ronnie: no shit they dont i was proof of it before you or her
Ronnie: in the same town with the same name she fucking gave me and still out of sight out of mind
Joe: precisely
Joe: so if you’re hoping fucking me up will get her to come about then you shouldn’t bother, honestly
Joe: save yourself that disappointment
Ronnie: it aint about her paying attention
Joe: good
Ronnie: you wanna know me i only want you to know what it feels like
Joe: then let’s do it
Ronnie: nah i was rem to reckon it was worth shit
Ronnie: it aint
Ronnie: you aint
Ronnie: youre never gonna have your head wrecked how mine is and i cant be arsed to put the time in fucking you up in the selfish special way i need when you keep pure loving it like
Joe: is that not indicative of how I’m already quite fucked enough
Joe: just because it’s not abandonment based
Joe: what normal cunt would love any of this, even contact you again after the first
Ronnie: fuck no
Ronnie: youre living your best life and it makes me wanna hang myself
Joe: Christ, you’re up yourself, aren’t you
Ronnie: &
Joe: you want me to roll my sleeves up again and show you the recent damage?
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: [pics]
Ronnie: [obvs gotta send him some back]
Joe: [a straight up new one like just did it]
Ronnie: [ofc she has to also like this is a competition]
Joe: [hope you started small so you have somewhere to go ‘cos the vibe]
Ronnie: [knowing y’all you didn’t but it won’t stop you and I will be forever on edge]
Joe: [so grim, don’t pass out]
Ronnie: [or end up needing stitches]
Joe: [probably do them yourselves, ick]
Joe: do you fucking get it yet
Ronnie: why do you care
Joe: why do you think
Ronnie: i keep telling you i dont
Joe: braindead sounds ideal
Ronnie: horse girl not about to suffocate you
Joe: she would if I let her, like
Joe: 🍈🍈
Ronnie: wait til theres a chance ill choke on my vomit next time christ
Joe: so lay back and I’ll tell you some more
Ronnie: ok go
Joe: [go on about Sophie in a way I shall not even bother but let us assume it is crude and rude af]
Ronnie: [we’re not into poor Soph but they clearly are]
Joe: [just fuck and get it out the way lads, so rude to everyone else rn]
Ronnie: [honestly, but hopefully at this dinner party because Jamie jealousy will be off the charts]
Joe: [Charlie gon have to keep quiet ‘til you home lmao]
Joe: Any luck?
Ronnie: got no pasta shapes in my system have i
Ronnie: but why the fuck are you not lurking to save me
Joe: you want me to swallow the bile for you then, okay
Joe: the last one looked deep
Ronnie: deep enough if you wanna pussy out and spit instead
Joe: I don’t
Joe: where are you
Ronnie: dorothys
Joe: he in?
Joe: if I have to show him it’s brotherly concern you’ll only die quicker
Ronnie: nosey cunt wouldve stopped me
Joe: Yeah
Joe: I can say sorry if you want or I can just come patch you up and not lie first
Ronnie: i dont need your help
Joe: I know
Joe: purely wanna save you for my own complex and to be loving life even harder
Ronnie: wank off about the sos from the other day thats it i cant top you carrying me out til the bleeding stops
Joe: I’m coming over
Joe: you’ve got time to lock the door if you really don’t want me to come in
Joe: can get my own shattered glass without breaking his windows
Ronnie: he must like you to have given you his address
Ronnie: but not enough to overshare the door dont lock cos i broke it 💔
Joe: or am I better stalker than you give credit
Joe: thanks for the tip, baby
Ronnie: youd have been waiting for me to get here not the other way round
Joe: You do want me to read your mind
Joe: maybe a lobotomy will help
Ronnie: hot
Ronnie: reading your mind you want me to pass out before you fuck me but its not that deep
Joe: the wound or the vIbEzzZ
Ronnie: this your coming out cos you sound like charlie
Joe: just trying to turn you off, don’t want blood to gush out
Ronnie: liar youd be made up to see that
Joe: not hiding in the bushes yet
Joe: slow down
Ronnie: youre used to being the big brother i get it
Joe: Something like that
Ronnie: i know how to ride a bike without stabilisers or whatever the fuck
Joe: and tie your shoes
Joe: it’s alright, we’ve established I’m not a paedo
Joe: what can’t you do then
Ronnie: err what a nonce would say
Ronnie: read music we also fucking established
Joe: you teach me how to shoot myself up, I’ll teach you how to
Ronnie: not a fair swap i dont need to learn how
Joe: You don’t wanna be a babysitter either, so you’ve said
Ronnie: you dont like me any more or what
Joe: Of course I do
Joe: You got me my own dealer first
Ronnie: you asked me to 1st
Joe: How did I?
Ronnie: what else is ? for a plug without giving a fuck if ive rattled myself into a ditch
Joe: If I talked to you as much as I felt like
Joe: You’d tell me to fuck off more than you already do
Joe: I’ve got no clue where the line is, how much you want me to care
Ronnie: what line
Ronnie: i dont want you to care
Joe: Tough shit
Joe: I didn’t ask you to get me a dealer
Ronnie: you fucking did
Joe: I just didn’t wanna see you suck dick on my behalf, alright, that’s all
Joe: what you do for yourself is your business
Ronnie: calm down nothing i do is for you
Joe: 👌
Ronnie: dont call her then
Joe: you on commission?
Ronnie: 🖕
Joe: If I do, you’ll still have to see me
Ronnie: youll see me bleed out on the kitchen floor 1st
Joe: You’re a pro, I know you’re being overly-dramatic
Ronnie: at opening as many veins as itll take to not have to see you again yeah
Joe: to make me hurry*
Joe: I’m on the tube
Joe: you have to live in the middle of nowhere
Ronnie: no fixed address i told you
Joe: ❗️
Joe: if there’s a break-up or a thruple, you can have the extra room
Joe: makes sense now
Ronnie: it dont make sense you reckon we can afford any extras however far out
Joe: like you said, she’ll get homesick and chuck it in even if Marc won’t dump his girlfriend
Ronnie: if she does youll be homeless too like unless his missus is gonna cover the costs of the en suite for you
Joe: you can have my room, it’s the smallest
Joe: they can have the en-suite palace and I’ll take theirs, which is not next to the others 👌
Ronnie: not that youve thought loads about it
Joe: if you heard her disney playlist everyday, you’d think about it as well
Ronnie: id think about killing her or myself not a cosy little bed swap
Ronnie: shed never hack living with me nor would you
Joe: well that thought is never far from the front of my mind
Joe: if you need the bed, you know it’s yours
Ronnie: get it through your head i need fuck all from you
Joe: yeah, yeah
Ronnie: theres this way of living when youre not inside your ma in every possible sense course you aint heard about it
Joe: you need to prove you’re self-sufficient ‘cos no one’s ever given a shit about you but Charlie and the other one
Joe: I’m aware you’ve made it to your old age without me, you’re alright
Ronnie: i need to be it the only proofs im not dead yet baby
Ronnie: you need me to be old cos im not in a fucking coma & you cant get it up else
Joe: I’d rather be in the coma myself but you can be too
Joe: not calling dibs
Ronnie: oldest gets 1st dibs
Joe: *until the youngest cries about it so much you get told to give in to shut ‘em up
Ronnie: try me
Joe: you know you can’t hack my crying
Joe: does your head in SO much
Ronnie: save it for when you need lube or horse girl is gonna be coming after you with the leftover glue so you can never fucking leave her
Joe: come at you with the needle and sew us together, babe
Joe: unlucky
Ronnie: more than unlucky if i cant bust a stitch open to be the dead girl you want
Joe: you’re the dead girl I want already come on
Ronnie: til i teach you how to 💉 yourself
Joe: nah
Ronnie: 💘
Joe: looking well deformed these days, my one
Ronnie: could cut it out know youd be made up for the matching needlework
Joe: you play mad professor I’ll play corpse
Ronnie: long as i dont have to play nice
Joe: know what you take me for, actually, but no
Joe: obviously not
Ronnie: cant take you anywhere even if i did wanna
Joe: god imagine the dent in your street cred, sis
Ronnie: if i could cry i obviously would
Joe: repression or fucked tear ducts from all the 😭 you been doing
Ronnie: what im that baby faced youre taking me for a newborn now
Joe: nah, mr i don’t fuck kids here, remember
Joe: plus kids are always calling 999 by mistake and they’d get there before me
Joe: maybe, depends how many people have stabbed other people today
Ronnie: id have got the numbers up but ive been busy like
Joe: gotta make time for you, babes
Joe: it’s called self-care
Ronnie: ask me what with
Ronnie: shittest stalker ever you are
Joe: go on
Joe: school us
Ronnie: cant cry cos when i was linking you with a plug you dont want i was getting myself linked with your meds
Ronnie: best guess as a better stalker than you & less basic white girl than your crazy ex
Joe: 💡 fairplay
Joe: won’t tell you any other side-affects, see if you can guess ‘em right
Ronnie: i wasnt gonna take em but you want me to get you so bad
Joe: yeah misunderstood white boy is selling less these days
Joe: help a brother out
Ronnie: fuck all has happened so i probably cant
Joe: 💔 oh well
Joe: they’re nothing exciting, even though I managed to get the highest dosage they’ll do
Ronnie: maybe mines off for not giving you the benefit of the doubt when i could continue reckoning youre such a pussy
Joe: you’ll forget by tomorrow, no problem
Ronnie: neither brother is gonna let me if they walk in on me microdosing theyll reckon its a getting well party and get the deccies out
Joe: only so many times you can just kidding that ‘fore it gets old
Joe: we’ll go out, when I get there
Ronnie: where you kidnapping me to baby
Joe: I know enough to know it’s all wrong turns and blindfolds, not giving you a map
Ronnie: if its a&e no cunts finding your body even with a map
Joe: piss off
Ronnie: give us a clue
Joe: I’ll mark it with an X if you do me
Ronnie: if you ever fucking get here
Joe: if we were sewn together this wouldn’t be a problem
Ronnie: wanting to look like twins so nobodyll give a shit that you wanna fuck me would be something youd think about on the tube mckenna
Joe: they run in my old man’s DNA so have to look for those bastards instead
Joe: all I know about hers is addiction
Ronnie: course he does fuck alls your own idea
Ronnie: if hes got a sister even a meff nancy drew like youll be able to find bastards they had together
Joe: loads, Catholic, remember
Joe: twins kid is black though so process of elimination
Ronnie: cute how that runs in your family too like
Joe: guess so
Joe: not like it’s that crazy a concept
Ronnie: not like youve ever met an irish catholic who werent a saint yeah
Joe: it’s a fucked place to live
Joe: really third world in that respect
Ronnie: your real da is who you wanna look for if hes got no bastards going about its cos he cant knock anyone up
Joe: that your all men are pigs stance
Joe: alright courtney calm down
Joe: I’m out now anyway, don’t need a real mum or dad to come rescue us from the priests and that
Ronnie: nah its a fact unless his twin kept going up the backstreet or he was only sticking it in her other 2 holes
Joe: they didn’t really grow up together
Joe: he left when he was 15
Joe: maybe she was a late bloomer, happy days
Ronnie: 💔 your ma wasn’t then i wouldnt be here
Joe: no dig about how you’re dying now anyway ‘cos I’m taking so long?
Joe: you must be fading fast and not just being a dramatic bitch
Joe: good thing I’m in [wherever we ended up locating y’all] now
Ronnie: shut up i said its not that deep
Ronnie: youre the dramatic bitch legging it here for a fucking scratch
Joe: you wanted me to
Ronnie: you want to i dont give a shit
Joe: right, that’s what I meant
Ronnie: you can stop with the gay shit i told you hes not here
Joe: gays don’t own sarcasm
Ronnie: they own getting attached to cunts fast who dont care
Joe: awh, you being replaced rn?
Ronnie: horse girl wishes
Joe: Can’t catch a break or a man that one
Ronnie: after a pity fuck with you who knows what shed catch
Joe: you wanna infect her by-proxy, you’re so blatant
Ronnie: i shouldve got you to bring her my bloods everywhere
Joe: adding her puke to the mix would make it interesting, sure
Joe: bet she knows first aid
Ronnie: if youre too pussy to break my ribs yourself get back on the tube
Joe: threaten me with a good time
Ronnie: i just did
Joe: without meaning it, yeah
Ronnie: try and hurt me i mean it
Joe: [why do y’all always set the tension so high lads lmao, we know but]
Ronnie: [me and my boo here like calm down you can’t hook up yet but they are both like !!!!]
Joe: [shouldn’t have let you get on that train sir but you would so]
Ronnie: [I shouldn’t let her open her mouth ever but here we are]
Joe: [forreal lmao]
Ronnie: [gotta draw an x on him in her blood when he shows up before we can do a more permanent one however we are either as a scar or tattoo so soz for increasing the tension even more lol]
Joe: [just got to stare at her for ages and then shove her away very dramatically ‘cos you can’t, head through to whichever room she was bleeding in to assess/gawp at]
Ronnie: [she’s gotta lol like well if that’s the best you can do at trying to hurt me I’m not worried]
Joe: [‘whaddya use?’ and just going through this flat as if you’ve been here before/were invited by anyone but Ronnie vaguely because manners can’t matter when we’ve gone this far already]
Ronnie: ['what, you didn't
touch yourself enough on the tube?' but we are obvs showing him whatever we did use because it's just another way to flirt and we can use it to make that x happen so]
Joe: [shakes head ‘spill too much and they emergency stop’ and a look like do I look like I wanna be on a psychward but in a 😏 don’t answer that way, doing our own tallies with it, of course]
Ronnie: ['we're walking then' like where are you taking me don't get comfy bitch]
Joe: [little disbelieving lol like excuse me princess ‘your carriage was unavailable’
Ronnie: ['no shit the horse is dead busy']
Joe: [‘I ain’t taking you to a stable’]
Ronnie: ['that's where we ain't going, now tell me where the fuck we are' because we're like an excited kid about this]
Joe: [it’s cute and we clearly think so even if we’re distracting ourselves with this self-harm so we don’t go too far, unrelated but I haven’t thought where yous are going lmao but I’m vibing something London but something she wouldn’t have done, something music related, also if it has like, kid vibes, bonus, I’ll have to look so just keeping tight-lipped to be annoying and surveying the bloody carnage he’s now added to ‘you want to clean up?’]
Ronnie: [it'd be cute if there was something like thinktank but for music instead of science but idk if that exists anyways in answer to that question she's just gonna remove her top or whatever like yeah it do have blood on even though we know that's not what he means because we're still in a flirty mood despite how annoying his non reply is]
Joe: [that’s what I’m vibing but likewise have no idea, I’m sure there is shit though and you could find it Joseph, anyway, truly the this is fine meme about that ‘cos you can’t turn away 😳 but also boy don’t, moving like you’re gonna come close to her though]
Ronnie: [soz Charlie cos she shamelessly threw her top on the floor and isn't gonna clean up any of this blood even on herself like I literally should say she goes to the sink and then to get clean clothes but instead we all know she's just gonna take Joe's jacket or whatever and put that on, thank god he's all about the layers]
Joe: [god bless the grunge
aesthetic, ‘do you do it in front of him?’ and touching the cuts that are still showing ‘cos you know there’s some still, and it is like when and where do you do this when you do not have a room lmao]
Ronnie: ['yeah' leaving it up to him whether he wants to think it's in an attention whore way cos we're still annoyed at that call out lol but realistically it's just because of how long they've known each other and how they be living, she's not actively trying to upset Charlie that much most of the time]
Joe: [‘does he do it?’ ‘cos we can’t imagine it from the little we know but also can’t imagine him just chilling if he isn’t as fucked as them]
Ronnie: [the facial expression equivalent of his amused lol earlier because no]
Joe: [dropping it even though you find this odd like don’t worry boy, the tea is he is getting over it and wanting her to stop, pulling the jacket sleeve to take her out the door like come on]
Ronnie: ['he knows what'll happen if he tries to stop me' cos you can't tell me that when they were younger he didn't do exactly that and she went ballistic but more importantly HOW DARE YOU BOO because that is 1000% a Fraze move and I'm dead]
Joe: [yes I thought it was legit for a parallel, enjoy the long trip back to central guys]
Ronnie: [idk how we are gonna stop you hooking up to fill the time other than the other people in close proximity lol]
Joe: [maybe a uni/work obligation can come in and he has to go like legit ‘cos that’d kill this off]
Ronnie: [personally devastated that means an iou for this cute date but I love how fuming she would be at never finding out where they were going]
Ronnie: [not to mention the not at all casual and public domestic they’d have would be such a fat mood and show she cares when she’s literally like umm what the fuck do you mean you’re leaving]
Joe: [love how blatant we both are individually]
Ronnie: [hard same]
Joe: They sprung that rehearsal on us last minute
Joe: I already said, I’d give you the funds and you could go do whatever
Ronnie: and i told you to go fuck yourself
Ronnie: or your cello
Joe: I wouldn’t have wasted my time let alone yours if I knew that was gonna happen
Joe: how would you go about fucking a cello, exactly
Ronnie: waste more of your own time figuring it out its your raging hard on for it
Joe: I can’t not go
Joe: they make you sign a bloodoath when you get in basically
Joe: no excuses
Ronnie: youd have found an excuse fast enough if id stuck a needle in your arm
Joe: no, I wouldn’t, ‘cos it wasn’t an option
Joe: there was already enough damage to hide
Ronnie: i dont give a shit what options youve got
Joe: right, tell it to the crowd that amassed, they might believe you a tiny bit more than I do
Joe: I’ll make it up to you, okay
Ronnie: thats what soft cunts wanna hear when you cant hide no more & since you reckon you wont be getting forced into treatment you get to keep your gob shut for all that being sorry bullshit
Joe: make it into something it ain’t ‘cos you can’t hack hearing it
Ronnie: i dont wanna hear from you end of
Joe: alright
Joe: see you around then
Ronnie: 🖕
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brutal-nemesis · 4 years
Crackwhump III: Audience Participation Edition
Thanks to everyone who sent in questions :D
As usual, I would like to formally apologize for the SHEER level of stupidity
Now for the Reddit AMA:
From anon: “Corvus are you sure you don't want to at least bite thee iron serpent? Even just to see what it tastes like? It would also be gnarly if you found out your strength surpassed that of the great serpent and you broke free of your shackles, ready to reign terror on those who slighted you.”
I mean I can try. Okay, I tried it and it didn’t work and also my teeth hurt now. That did not taste good. I don’t recommend.
From @legallylibra: “Corvus I would like to hear more about the EGG boys”
Oh, hella lit. There are a lot of us in the frat, so I’m just gonna tell you about the ones I’m camping with right now.
Cam: This guy is WILD. Anytime you want someone to break into an abandoned gas station or boil Tang with, Cam is your man. He helps me pull pranks on our bros all the time, like that one time we accidentally donated Sam’s skateboard to charity.
Riley and Jonesy: These two are basically the same person. I thought they were like, connected by destiny, since they said they’d had the same tattoo since birth, but I later found out they actually got the tattoos after they were born. They’re big hockey guys and they’re always finishing each other’s sentences. You can’t play Cards Against Humanity with both of them though cuz they’ll just keep giving each other the win.
Jarrod: He’s the biggest gamer of all of us. Anytime we play FIFA or Mariokart he dominates, man. He’s horrible at Jackbox games though. The guy is NOT funny, even when he’s drunk. He always laughs at his own jokes and we all just kinda sit there.
From @dramaticcollapse: “Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 10 duck-sized horses?”
Duck sized horses all the way, man. I’ll just borrow my boy Riley’s hockey stick and go to town on the little glue boys. Easy win since they automatically die if you break their legs.
From anon: “are you gay”
I’m totally straight dude. Nothing against the BLT community though! I see people eating peanuts on campus all the time and, like, love is love, ya know?
From @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi: “QUESTION CORVUS: What's your go to slurpee flavor??”
Blue razz all the way. It’s my favorite fruit, even though they never seem to have it at the store.
“Are you afraid of the great beyond??“
Nah man. All that’s out there in space is a chocolate donut that keeps multiplying itself and will eventually suffocate everything, which’ll be kind of a baller way to go.
“How many lizards have you caught?” 
With my hands? 27. With my feet? 2. With my mouth? That’s a secret ;)
“Fried gator or frog legs? (i'm on the fried gator side)”
Gator gang rise up! It’s like if there was a chicken version of LaCroix that was ocean flavored.
 “How many numbers are there?” 
2 billion, since that’s how high the calculator on my phone goes. At least I think so. Flynn took my phone, so I was without the internet for like, eight hours, until I hacked into his laptop to do this lol.
“Opinion on shoes?” 
Not gonna lie, I think they should be optional for like, 90% of places. They’re just not a vibe, man.
“How many states are there?” 
42 because that’s the number of presidents we’ve had, duh.
“What kind of car do you drive?” 
A gray Jeep named Vivian. She’a a trouper, let me tell you. Drives on those swampy back roads like they’re nothing.
“When was the last time you drank just plain water?”
I can’t count that high on my fingers. 
“How's the weather there?” 
Cold as balls. I don’t know how the hell that stupid surfer dude is sitting out there in just swim trunks. He doesn’t even look cold! And he keeps sticking his hands in the snow. Honestly, I’m only grateful to be in here cuz it’s heated. Camping is way colder than I thought it would be. 
“Are you happy with your place in the universe?” 
Technically no, but I will say this couch is hella comfy. If I could be on this couch with my boys playing some COD and also not chained to the wall, that would be ideal. So I guess I’m happy with my place in the universe, like physically, because couch, but not the whole “kidnapped” part of it.
“Why are you the way that you are?”
Damn bro, you my mom? She used to ask me that all the time lmao. For real though, I think it’s because they started putting fluoride in the water.
“I love you.”
Uh...do I like, know you, bro? I mean thanks for asking me all the questions and everything but like, chill (unless you’re that girl in the apartment above me. In that case, hey).
From @galaxywhump: “Corvus, how long do you think it will take your bros to find you?”
Lowkey I’m kinda the brains of the group so I’m a little worried they’ll just assume I was eaten by a mountain goat or something. Also our flight back to Florida leaves in four days and I don’t know if they’ll be able to do it before then. It’s alright though, I can get away from this surfer dude myself. I just need to do something really un-vegan to scare him. Assuming he’s vegan. If not I’m screwed.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Azula Week 2020; Day 1 - Take Back Your Stones
Prompt: Love Pair: Jet/Azula Song: Blink182 - I Really Wish I Hated You
Summary: Azula is banished to the Earth Kingdom, its citizens don’t take kindly to her being there. Only one person seems to sympathize. One person who doesn’t particularly like firebenders.
He knows what it is like to have his reality so fragmented. So shattered, his worldviews broken. He supposes that there is irony in that she has contributed to that shattering world view.
The fire princess peers up at him through strands of tangled hair. He wonders how it is that she got to be like this; semi-incoherent and wandering Earth Kingdom streets in the middle of the night.
He wants to hate her, he is supposed to hate her. She is exactly what he hates, a human embodiment of the Fire Nation and all of its ideals and war crimes. And yet she looks so small and so thoroughly exhausted like the ruins of a once grand empire.
In this girl he sees hatred and ruthlessness. He sees soldiers marching and razing homes and crops. In this girl he sees lives being uprooted. In this girl he sees a life uprooted.
He thinks that she is every bit as broken as anyone else touched by the war. He rubs his hand over his face, trying to remind himself that she stands for everything he despises. That she is everything that he despises.
He’d heard tell that she had been tried for her war crimes and was ultimately sentenced to have her titled revoked and to be sentenced to exile. That the other nations wouldn’t accept any further negotiations nor peace offerings until she was either executed or stripped out power and banished. Jet wonders if the Fire Lord is remorseful that his hand had been forced in such a way. Or if he is thrilled to have shown his sister out. Jet decides to himself that Zuko is happy, firebenders have no sense of loyalty nor family value. There is no room for it when honor, power, and formality are valued above all else.
Evidently, Jet doesn’t understand the logic of the former princess’ exil, even if he thinks that she has earned it. All it has done is put her in their streets to terrorize them rather than her own people.
He glances over at the princess again, she isn’t exactly doing much terrorizing. She is slumped against the wall. From what he can tell, she is cold. Or maybe it is stress that makes her shiver. His heart clenches. He grits he teeth, trying to will compassion and sympathy away. He doesn’t even want to spare her pity. But then she meets his eyes. It can only be him that she is staring at because he is the only other person out so late.
She looks away just as fast and he hustles away from her.
He doesn’t see her again for some weeks and when he does, she is noticeably thinner and dirtier. Her hair is even more scraggly. Her eyes are vacant. He notices that her arms and legs are bruised and have a helping of openly bleeding cuts.
A few hours of observing from afar and he knows why. Throwing rocks at the fallen princess is a source of entertainment for kids and adults alike. It is a game for both the wealthy and the impoverished, because both classes are above her. They know it. She knows it. She doesn’t fight back. She either lacks the will or is too malnourished to stand a chance.
He tries to smile and relish in such a powerful symbol for the Fire Nation being tormented. But he finds that it just...hurts? The smile never comes and he feels sick for having wanted to do it.
The next day, out of morbid curiosity, he finds himself back at the same restaurant, looking across the same street. He finishes a helping of ostrich-horse meat and pushes his chair in. She is still on that corner and a gaggle of men and women at least two years her senior are casting stones again.
Absently, he finds himself walking towards the scene. “Oh, hi Jet.” Greets the smallest woman. He doesn’t know them. He doesn’t know a good many of the people who know his name. Who have heard about his time as a Freedom Fighter and the day he’d nearly died saving the Avatar. They talk to him with respect and yet they keep him outcast. He is too rough and unpredictable for their liking.
“Hey.” He gives a small wave.
“Here, have a go.” The oldest looking boy presses a sizable rock into his palm. “You at their kind more than us.”
They step aside and let him through. He hasn’t ever been this close to the former princess. His stomach sinks at the site. It is one thing to glance her haggard state from afar and another to observe it up close. The welts on her arm have the appearance of a blooming infection, she smells of sickness too. Her hair is matted in places and might be infested with lice.
“What are you waiting for?” Asks the second girl.
He waits for her lips to part and inquire, “yes, what are you waiting for.” But the firebender sits silent and waiting. And those eyes, there is nothing in them. He supposes that, that made it easier to let the stone fly. It nails her on the forehead and she flinches. His stomach lurches unpleasantly, he hadn’t expected her to flinch. He hadn’t expected her to make a sound, especially not one so feeble.
She recovers rather quickly, retreating back into whatever numbness she’d been in before.
He doesn’t return to that restaurant. He doesn’t want to see her again. She’s a firebender, he hates her. And yet he doesn’t want to see that kind of suffering again. But he does.
He sees it nearly a month later. He lingers by a food cart, snacking on an apple, three copper pieces well spent. He doesn’t see her at first. He hears her before he sees her. And it is not her that he hears first. He takes the final bite of his apple and is about to discard it when he hears a slap. He watches an apple fall from her grasp.
“That’s not for you!” The merchant scowls.
She holds up  three copper pieces. The merchant swats them away and she scrambles to pick them up before someone else can. “Not. For. You.” The man repeats.
A Freedom Fighter, that’s what he’d called himself. He’d prided himself on fighting on behalf of people who could use the help. Earthbenders and waterbenders, he reminds himself. He watches her slink away before returning to the stall and offering the man three more copper pieces.
Azula’s stomach rumbles. She had been holding back for quite some time now. Partly due to a lack of funding--she’d spent everything she’d managed to save on healing her infected cuts--and partly due to her reluctance to talk to anyone. But her body couldn’t afford another day without food…
She holds her right hand in her left and rubs the stinging red patch.The weight of the three copper pieces is heavy in the hand that she holds. That stall had been the only one in her price range and its owner has refused her service. Maybe it is a sign that she should just let go.
Something thuds onto her lap and she gives a reflexive cringe. Yet it doesn’t hurt like a rock and it hasn’t been thrown with any real force. She picks up the apple and stares at the boy. “You wanted it, eat it.”
She narrows her eyes, it can’t be… And it isn’t. When he takes a seat next to her, she realizes that his face is not scarred.
Though she does recognize the face. She has no name for it, but she has caught him several times observing her as though she is some sort of feral animal. She has to admit that she does feel like one. Everyone treats her like one. And he had too. She wants to reject the apple, but her body’s cravings get the better of her and she eats it almost with a degree of greed. It is wholly undignified.
“So…” The boy starts.
“What?” She asks.
“I just bought you food.” He grumbles. “I didn’t have to do that.”
She points at her forehead. “No, you didn’t.”
He sighs. “You’re right. I didn’t.”
Her breath catches.
“Then why did you do it?”
He hesitates. “I don’t know. It’s just a habit to hate firebenders.”
“What do you want?”
“I’m not sure.” He replies. “I guess to see if you want a place to stay. The war is over and I’m trying to leave the past in the past.”
A place to stay… “where is this place?”
“I have a small house.”
Azula fends off a ray of hope. Hope is a dangerous thing for her, she spares a glance at the copper pieces glinting in the palm of her hand. But a house, a real shelter… “I’ll come with you.”
For the first time in ages she is relatively clean. She can finally see the true color of her skin without a cover of dirt. It is a shade or two darker than she is used to having been out in the sun longer than usual. She is no longer mortified by the scent of her body. She isn’t shrouded in lavish perfumes, but an odor of filth also doesn’t cling to her. It is refreshing, she almost feels human again. She rubs her arms, for once her fingers don’t come back caked with dirt. Her fingernails, though cracked and unpampered, no longer have dirt beneath them.
Her hair is a lost cause though, it is matted and muddy beyond repair. She nearly drives herself to tears yanking at it and fussing with it. And even if she could work all of the knots and tangles from it, it is infested with lice. Her stomach sinks. It used to be so silky and lush. She is dirty and disgusting and she decides that she can’t stand the sight of herself.
The boy, Jet, finds her in the bathroom fighting her hair and nearly weeping in frustration. “Do you want me to give it a try?”
She doesn’t want him to know that she is filthy enough for lice. So she shakes her head. He watches her struggle before speaking out loud what she has silently acknowledged, “We’re probably going to have to cut it.”
Her stomach pluments further. “But...I…” She grips the comb tighter and squeezes her eyes shut. There is no sense in being a child about it. “Go ahead.” The sooner she has it hacked off, the sooner it will grow back.
Azula wonders if he gets a thrill out of cutting her hair, knowing exactly how much it means to a firebender, how much it means to her personally. He must get a kick out of stripping her of the last of her dignity. She watches locks drift down towards her feet. Clump after clump until there is nothing left to cut. He gives her the privacy to wash her head again. The privacy to mourn the loss of her hair.
She must have taken too long because there is a knock on the door. “Give me a moment.” She musters. She dresses herself; for a moment she forgets about the loss of her hair. Though it is a size or two too big, she savors the cleanliness of the garments. It is free of stains and tears. It is comfortable.
She opens the door. And almost meekly steps out. She makes a point of avoiding the mirror. She doesn’t want to see what she looks like with no hair and protruding ribs. She has grown so skinny, she looks as hollow as she feels on the inside.
“You’re probably still hungry.” He states.
At the mention of food her stomach cramps, reflexively she holds her hand to it. “I am.” She confirms.
He motions to the table. “Help yourself.”
Azula wishes she could say that she had the decency and self control to hesitate. But she is at the table before she realizes that she had moved at all. Having seen no food at all for quite some time, the three dishes laid out on the table look like a feast. It has been so long. She takes the bowl of noodles first. Months ago she might have called them bland and criticized their lack of seasoning. But Agni, are they tasty now. “This is wonderful.” She comments between mouthfuls. She is practically inhaling noodles and the bowl is empty before she realizes it. She sets that empty bowl aside and takes a plate of...she isn’t sure what kind of meat it is but it doesn’t matter. It looks succulent and it smells divine. When she puts it on her tongue is is fantastically sizzling and cooked very well. Halfway through her meal she realizes that she has completely forgotten her manners. She only recalls them when Jet remarks, “slow down, you’ll make yourself sick.” She goes rigid and her face flushes.
“You’re going to have to get used to eating or…”
He doesn’t need to tell her, she is already feeling queasy. She thinks that the nausea shows on her face as she wraps her arms around her middle. She doesn’t expect him to spare her any sympathy, but he puts a rather tender hand on her back and says, “maybe we should start with softer foods.”
At least she won’t have to hold her hair back as her meal comes back up.
He has been living with her for several months now, for a firebender she is very slow to warm up to a person. Getting her body used to food again had been a nightmarish endeavor. If he gave her too much too soon or the wrong type of meal he’d find himself caring for a sick and nauseous exiled princess. If he didn’t give her enough food, she’d get cranky and unbearable to be around.
He often found himself cursing the hot temperament of firebenders. And just as often he’d find himself wondering if he’d be able to better himself with her making it so difficult to see firebenders more positively.
But eventually she’d given him just enough of an opening. He’d gone out to buy more food and come back soon enough to find her curled up in his bed crying quietly to herself. He recalls having thought that it was funny to see someone who’d been so high and mighty now so low. He recalls how fast that thought had fled when she’d sat up and looked at her with hurt and hopelessness in her eyes.
Despite all of his instincts and habits, he’d sat down next to her and let her lean on him. She was surprisingly not unpleasant to be close to. He had absently rubbed circles on her back as she’d fought to compose herself.
She had begun treating him differently after that.
Presently, Azula sits atop the window sill, one leg stretched out and the other pulled up to her chest with her arm resting upon it as she lets the sun warm her skin. It is healthier now, significantly cleaner. Her figure has a more healthy fullness now, but it is still too slight for his liking, for him to rest assured that she is in good health.
Though her hair, what has grown back of it,  has regained some of it’s glossiness. That it is growing so fast, is a reassuring sign. It still only reaches above her ears, something that she constantly complains of. He thinks that it looks kind of cute though, especially when she lets him ruffle it up.
She turns away from the windowpane, swinging her legs over the sill, as he draws nearer to her. It is hard to tell what she is thinking as she kicks her feet at the air. So he inquires.
“Home.” She mumbles so quietly that he almost doesn’t catch it. This is the first time that she has tried to open up to him. “I’d like to go back there.”
He stops himself from chuckling. Only she could make an, “I wanna go home,” sound so poised and elegant.
“Honestly, the Fire Nation isn’t that great.” He leans back against the wall. “Just a bunch of hot-headed people doing hot-headed things and wearing these ridiculously large headpieces…”
“Have you seen the nobility here?” Azula scoffs. “I think that I’d break my neck wearing one of their hair ornaments.”
This time he does laugh. “The food is too spicy there.”
Again her face bunches up. “This food is so bland that my tongue can’t tell jerky apart from cabbage stew.”
He tries not to laugh at the jab at his own culture. But her humor is so dry and blunt that he has to appreciate it. It’s not unlike his own. “You can’t even eat spices right now.” He lightly jabs her tummy. It is a risky move but it only elicits a cross look of both annoyance and acceptance.
She folds her arms across her chest and clears her throat, “so you are admitting that Earth Kingdom cuisine is so weak that and bland that…”
He nudges her. “Earth Kingdom food is not weak. Firebenders are just masochists. You guys like to act all tough…” he puffs out his chest and deepens his voice. “Look how many peppers I put into my ice cream. My face is red and I’m crying. I am superior.”
“What kind of deviant puts peppers in their ice cream?” She asks.
“Firebenders.” He declares. “You guys put pepper in everything.”
She shrugs, “most things.”
It is strange to joke and jest with her. Everyone who he’d talked to had made it sound like she was some sort of demon sent to terrorize the masses. Like she was this twisted and wholly evil beast. Yet he finds that, most often, she is polite and eloquent. Frank and rather abrasive, but not particularly unpleasant.
Granted he hasn’t seen her speak to anyone else. She mostly keeps to herself and makes conversation with him. He wonders if he should try to open her up to more conversation. But she has only just begun to start talking to him like this.
In another month she bears no signs of having been starved. She can eat normally, without having to fret over portion size and levels of spice. Her energy is bold and vibrant in the way that a firebender’s ought to be.
He thinks that he is fully comfortable with her now. He has begun to pick up on her habits, waking up and sitting on that window sill for a while, picking the ends off of her bread, and checking her bed for bugs before laying in it.
He is almost certain that she is aware of his habits too; in the most dramatic way she uses a stick to move the socks he leaves laying around. Every so often he’ll find a blade of straw on his dress which he promptly plucks into his mouth.
A part of him still fights to cling onto his hatred of the Fire Nation and its people, but the more time he spends with her, the harder this becomes. It is one thing to simply talk to and coexist with a firebender and another matter entirely to live with one. She has been their for a while now and his house still remains upright and unscorched. The only fires within it are ones that dance upon candle wicks. He has never been fond of candles--fire in general makes him squeamish. But they are a comfort to the former princess, they remind her of home.
He compromises with her and lets her keep them around, so long as she doesn’t light them while he is around to stress over them.
Azula watches the candle burn down to its last bit of wax before extinguishing it. The smoke drifting up towards the ceiling makes her ache for home. And the chill wafting through the open windows, more so.
Despite it, she feels much better. She has at least some dignity and security now. She isn’t lonely. She hadn’t expected to find friendship with an Earth Kingdom man, but he had saved her life, even if she loathes to admit it.
She slips herself into the bathtub, its wood isn’t exactly friendly on her back as she leans into it and the water is lukewarm at best but the soaps and shampoos are sublime. Having gone without them for so long, she still isn’t through savoring that she still has them.
She scrubs herself clean again and dries herself. She isn’t sure how Jet makes his money, but the man has surprised her with new clothing in her size. Almost her size anyhow, it isn’t exactly fitted as all of her old clothing was, but it serves its purpose. She must admit that the garments are quite cozy for peasant wears. At the very least they are warm.
Azula wanders out of the bathroom with her dirty clothes in hand. The table is already set and he actually has a candle burning in the center. Just one very small tea light but a candle no less. She recalls that she had mentioned her birthday approaching. She hadn’t mentioned the day, so she chalks it up to a very lucky guess.
She sits down. “Why are you doing all of this? You hate firebenders.”
“I used to.” Jet replies. “Trust me, I’m trying. I was kind of hoping that if I took you in you’d keep providing me with reasons…”
“You’re hilarious.” She keeps her expression deadpan.
“Unfortunately for me you’ve kind of been doing the opposite.”
She quirks a brow. “I didn’t realize that you were a fan of being belittled and…”
He takes her hands, suddenly the conversation veers into seriousness. “You don’t do that unless we’re joking...right?”
She nods, “that’s correct.”
“I guess that this whole time I’ve just only seen firebenders as one image. As a memory of my burning village and parents. I never really saw people.” He pauses. “Until now I haven't gotten to see hurt and happiness. I didn’t really see humanity.”
“I think that you might be looking in the wrong place if you’re trying to see humanity…”
“I think that you like to repress your humanity. But you don’t have to, I’ve already seen it.” He runs his fingers over the small pockmarks left by thrown stones. She looks away from them.
“It’s different here in the Earth Kingdom. You can express yourself. You can dance, you can sing, you can even get away with talking back to your parents sometimes.”
At this she recoils, “I could never…”
He flinches, seeming to remember who he is talking to. “My point is that you don’t always have to be so well mannered here. You can have fun.”
She looks at his collection of scattered socks.
“Look, you see things in me that aren’t there.”
“I see things in you that can be if you let them in.”
She bites the inside of her lip.
“Are you telling me that your perspective hasn’t changed at all?”
“Depends, which topic are we discussing?”
“Your views on the Earth Kingdom, on its people. On the lower class.”
Azula winces, her stomach beginning to flutter. She isn’t sure exactly what she is ashamed of. “Perhaps a little.” She has trouble seeing herself as a member of the peasant class, has trouble resigning herself to that she has lost her title. But she also has trouble clinging to the view that all of them are horrible. Jet isn’t completely unbearable.
“Why don’t we have this conversation later?’ He offers. “I think that you have a birthday to enjoy.”
“I haven’t done that in years.”
“Well, maybe this one will be a good one.” He says.
Getting her to socialize is the hardest task still. Somehow it is more tedious than it had been to make her safe meals. The former princess is terribly reluctant to speak with anyone. He can’t particularly hold it against her knowing how much resentment the people here seem to have for her. With any luck they might not recognize her now that she is clean and short-haired. He doesn’t count on it, she is the only firebender he has seen in this town, the public will be able to put two and two together.
Though he has a few people who will accept her or at least give her a chance. As promised he wakes her up early when the rest of the village has yet to arise. They have a quick breakfast and then they head out. Other than his yard, Azula hasn’t really been out much, occasionally she stops to gander at the landscape or point out some animal that isn’t common to the Fire Nation. He can’t get her to admit it but he knows, no matter how many times she calls them annoying, that she enjoys the singing prairie dogs.
“Smellerbee has a pet prairie dog!” He notes.
“My condolences.”
He nudges her.
They meet in the forest like old times. He watches The Duke chuck a rock into the pond. Azula goes somewhat tense.
“Hey everyone, I told you that I had someone for you to meet.”
The Duke throws a final rock before turning around.
Jet doesn’t realize that he is holding Azula’s hand until Smellerbee remarks, “is she your girlfriend.”
He puts her hand down and sputters, “no!”
“Right, because you don’t date firebenders.” Pipsqueak pipes up.
“That’s not it.” He says quickly. “I told you that I’m trying to be more open minded. That’s why Azula is here.”
“The princess?” Smellerbee asks.
“She’s not so imposing after you get to know her.” He pauses for her to fill in. When she doesn’t he adds, “she isn’t very good with small talk.”
“Don’t worry,” she mutters. “Jet already told me that war stories aren’t the best kind to open with. But I don’t really have any others to tell.”
“What about that one about you and your brother on Ember Island, the one where you got chased by a wild hog-monkey.” He suggests. “Or you can tell them about your hobbies.”
“They don’t want to hear about firebending.”
“I wouldn’t mind that.” Pipsqueak says.
Long Shot nods in agreement.
He gives her space, perhaps much more than she needs, to run through her katas. He is still getting used to controlled fires and fires used for the sake of entertainment and sport. He must admit that she is elegant and after some time he usually finds that watching her is relaxing.
She finishes with a small burst of lightning, presumably the kind that won’t draw unwanted attention.
“It’s almost like a dance!’ The Duke pipes up.
Azula nods. “I’ve been working on something like that. Dancing was outlawed in my homeland some time back. I’ve decided to try it now that I...have the freedom to do so.”
“I like dancing.” Smellerbee notes.
Jet begins to relax.This is going much smoother than he had expected. He thinks that he owes it to them just being thankful that he is letting go of some of his prejudices.
By the time word gets around that her exile has been lifted, Azula isn’t quite sure that she is ready to go home. She is rather enjoying  traveling around with Jet and his Freedom Fighters. It isn’t exactly the life she had imagined for herself, but it is free. She is free.
She still has no love for the town that had bloodied her body with their stones and marred her dignity by spitting upon her. But she has found towns that have taken more kindly and more sympathetically to her.
She also hadn’t imagined that she’d find a romantic partner, let alone one of Earth Kingdom descent. She’d always imagined that her marriage would be strictly political. Yet she lays next to Jet, holding him close. It is her turn to do the holding. After much bickering they decided to take turns with that. She much prefers to do the holding, apparently he is the same.
Smellerbee groans every time she happens upon them in a more tender moment. But there isn’t much privacy traveling in a group with only a few tents and sleeping bags. But she doesn’t have too many complaints, all things considered.
She has seen much and done much. She has found knowledge, that she hadn’t expected to acquire. She finds herself observing earthbending techniques and weaving them into her firebending stances. In turn she finds herself teaching firebending stances to earthbenders that they meet on the road.
It is the sort of knowledge that Azula has been deprived of. She didn’t realize that she had been craving it until her hunger for it has been satiated. It is only after her wanderlust subsides that she finds her way to the docks.
Jet is terribly nervous to venture into the Fire Nation, but he had promised the soon to be re-crowned princess that he would. Fair is fair, she’d given the Earth Kingdom a real chance, now he will give the Fire Nation one.
He wonders if she is going to bring any Earth Kingdom culture home with her. Even if she won’t say it, he thinks that she had enjoyed a good portion of her time there. He looks at the singing prairie dog squirming in her arms, she is certainly bringing something home.
He comes to stand by her. The ocean breeze rustles her hair. It still isn’t as long as it had been, but it has grown to reach her shoulders.
“You nervous to go back?”
Azula shakes her head, “I am ready. I have been ready. I miss home.”
“Well, at least you know that you’ll receive a warm welcome.”
“I am going to push you overboard.”
He wraps his hands around her middle and kisses the top of her head. “Then who will accompany you back to the palace.”
“Pipsqueak.” She remarks without missing a beat.
“Alright, fair enough.” He laughs. With it their conversation meets its natural conclusion. For quite some time they simply watch the sea roll by. It’s waters dyed orange by the sunset. Its rays throw sparkles across the water.
“I suppose I should thank you.” Azula speaks up at last.
“For what?”
“For letting me live with you and giving me a chance.” She paues. “For helping me realize what family values aren’t so valuable.”
He pulls her closer. “It isn’t such a big deal…”
“It is.” She insists. “I would have died; either of starvation of someone in that town would have gotten sick of me…” she trails off. “It isn’t easy to...reshape someone’s views.”
“You’re right about that.” Jet agrees, heaven knows that he wouldn’t have been able to do so if she didn’t stick around.
“I know.” She replies.
“You think that your brother is going to be surprised?”
She gives him a devious smirk. “He better be. I want to see the look on his face when…”
“When what?”
She turns him to face her and pulls him into a rather aggressive kiss. “If we can make Smellerbee cringe, imagine what Zuzu will do.”
“You’re a still so devious.”
“He allowed me to be exiled.” She shrugs. “Making out in front of him is the least harmful payback I can think up.”
“I guess.” He replies. He supposes that he doesn’t want to pass up an opportunity for a lengthier kiss. “We’ll add a little more steam to the Fire Nation.”
“If I don’t make good on my threat to throw you overboard.” She rolls her eyes.
As the conversation fades out again, he finds himself staring dead ahead. Somewhere on the horizon the Fire Nation looms. Somewhere on the horizon is his chance to shed past hatred completely.  
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jefaisducso · 4 years
Why do you use a double bridle on hermes? I thought he supposedly had a really sensitive mouth but you're using a very harsh bit on him now :/
It’s a common misconception that a double bridle is a harsh setup. Of course it can be abused in the wrong hands (and there’s plenty of examples of it being misused around) but in the grand scheme of “advanced” bitting setups, it’s probably the nicest around due to the adaptability of it.  I think its bad reputation comes mostly from how severe it looks - there’s no denying that a double is an awful lot of hardware - and that it’s a bastard to learn to use properly. For a horse like Hermes, who has a very sensitive mouth and requires a snaffle 90% of the time, you can ride purely off the snaffle rein until such a time as you need to ask the horse to lighten the forehand. That’s the curb rein’s only function, to ask the horse to lighten the forehand. All other communication passes via the snaffle rein. This isn’t something you can do with the same finesse with any of the more commonly seen “step up” bits (ie: dutch gags or pelhams with two sets of reins) people use when a snaffle isn’t quite enough.  You see, Hermes has an aggravatingly soft mouth most of the time. Whilst doing flatwork in an enclosed arena, the issue is often maintaining the contact without overdoing it. When doing things that he enjoys, though, he stops worrying about his bit and works like a mostly normal horse; jumping and hacking (especially hacking) are both times where he’s happy and equally moments where I’m happy to have a horse who’ll fill a decent contact and lead my hand so long as he remains responsive to my cues.  The issue comes from him associating our current work space (a large, not entirely flat field) with the fun he has out hacking.  Maybe if it was arena smooth, I wouldn’t have such an issue, but the combination of varied terrain and a large open space without any obvious obstacles encourages him to move like he does when out hacking - filling the bridle and working mostly on the forehand in a relaxed but eager fashion. Not really ideal when you wanna collect your horse and make him push from behind.  So, with this in mind, I put him in the double.  I’ve used a double for years, it’s a mandatory part of the riding tests one must take prior to competing at amateur level here, and it’s something I’m particularly comfortable with handling. Teaching a horse to accept a double when you’re still learning about it yourself is a slow process and not recommended with a sharp horse. It’s not the be-all and end-all of riding to use one, hell, I think upper level dressage riders are often too reliant on the double to disguise shoddy bit acceptance and patch up holes in their training, but it definitely has its place and purpose with suitably advanced horses. I tend to leave his bridle as a double because I’m too lazy to alter it depending on what sort of work we’re doing (if I want to just wander around, I grab a bitless option so he knows we’re not doing anything serious) and also, it does him no harm to be comfortable with holding the weymouth without it being touched. Having options with even a sensitive horse is never a bad thing, and building his confidence with holding two bits means that if my trainer and I decide that he needs the curb as a reminder to sit back and think when jumping, it’s not an entirely new concept to him.  Whilst I can’t further his dressage knowledge and don’t want to mess with his jumping whilst working at home with no facilities, I can at least use the time to habituate him to novel concepts - be it the double bridle or the joys of wandering around western. So, in conclusion, a double isn’t a harsh bit combination if used properly and always has its uses with even the most pliant of horses.  And with that said, let me indulge in comparing these two shots of Hermes at a similar point in his warmup - one with the softest bit imaginable and the other with the double on. Despite packing an awful lot more hardware in his mouth, I think it’s pretty plain to see the relaxation in the latter picture that isn’t present in the former. 
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Our Little Secret Part 10 (Merlin & Child!Reader, Mordred X Reader)
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Summary: Mordred’s first mission has gone rather ideally, but his second is going horribly wrong. The grief of almost losing someone so dearly loved is new to (Y/N), but especially when another of importance to her doesn’t seem to care whether or not her lover lives.
Key: (Y/N) - your name
Warnings: arguments, hazing, near death experiences, injuries, angst, emotions, yet fluff and banter, merlin fucks up big time
Word Count: 2,353
Note: baby mordred doo doo doo doo doo doo baby mordred
    “I don’t understand why you hate him so much!”
    “I don’t hate him, it’s just-- it’s just--”
    “Oh, now you can’t even come up with a decent reason for it! That’s wonderful! Just great!”
    Gwen heard the argument from down the hall. She knew instantly that it was coming from (Y/N) and Merlin, but she wasn’t sure what they were arguing about until she saw the former storm into the hallway. Merlin followed her closely, arms flailing wildly as he tried to explain.
    “I can’t believe you! I thought that maybe you would be happy for me!” (Y/N) shouted before she grew quiet. “I thought you, of all people, would be happy, especially knowing I’ve found someone who--”
    Gwen missed the last piece, a quiet sentence. Unbeknownst to her, (Y/N) had finished that sentence referring to Mordred as someone who knew about her magic and loved her for it.
    “I thought you were my brother,” she whispered.
    Before Merlin could reply, she walked away, fury in her step as she did. Merlin disappeared with a sigh, but (Y/N) ran straight into Gwen.
    “Sorry, I--” She started before quite realising who it was. “Gwen?”
    “(Y/N),” the queen greeted. “Is everything alright? You and Merlin seem to be having a bit of a row.”
    (Y/N) sighed and glanced back to where Merlin had disappeared. “I don’t know what it is about Mordred that puts Merlin off, but he won’t let up. No matter what he does, Merlin just won’t accept him.”
    “I thought he had backed off,” Gwen muttered. “Oh, Arthur wants Mordred on their quest for Osgar. That’s what started it again, isn’t it?”
    The younger woman nodded solemnly. “I just don’t understand why he won’t listen to me.”
    “He’s just protecting you. He has since he met you,” Gwen told her.
    “But Mordred is-- Mordred is wonderful!” (Y/N) gushed. “He’s sweet and clever and brave and he makes me so happy, but…”
    Gwen drew her into a hug. “He’ll let up sometime, (Y/N). I’m sure of it. If you truly care for Mordred, then Merlin will, too, eventually.”
    “I suppose so,” (Y/N) sighed as she pulled away. “Thank you, Gwen.”
    The queen put a fond hand on (Y/N)’s cheek. “If you ever need me, I’m here.”
    “You sure you haven’t forgotten anything, Mordred?”
    The young man furrowed his eyebrows and looked up worriedly at the four other knights, who had all mounted their horses already. “Do you think so?”
    “Isn’t he missing a dagger?” Leon pointed, making Mordred look about frantically.
    Elyan grinned. “I can’t see a water bottle.”
    “His boot,” Percival furthered. “He’s missing a boot, I think.”
    At that, Mordred seemed to realise they were messing with him and smiled, flustered as he looked away. They all laughed lightly, which just happened to be when (Y/N) descended the stairs to bid them goodbye. She was sitting out this time, as Arthur wanted Mordred’s first mission to be “without distraction,” as he put it.
    “Alright, leave him alone,” she chided her friends.
    Quietly, Mordred thanked her. “I don’t know if I can take this all day.”
    “You’ll be fine. They’re really quite harmless.” She glared at the other knights, who whistled and looked away innocently. Then, she drew something from her own cloak and passed it to Mordred. “You did forget your water, though.”
    “Thanks,” he muttered, leaning forward to kiss her.
    Gwaine wolf-whistled at them, but he was ignored by (Y/N). Mordred, on the other hand, backed up from her with a bright red face to match his cloak.
    “How will you survive without your (Y/N), Mordred?” Elyan teased.
    Said woman sighed. “Don’t let him die out there in between all your hazing. He’s got it bad as it is with Merlin on his back.”
    “Oh, Merlin’s harmless,” Gwaine scoffed. “Most of the time.”
    (Y/N) ignored them and turned back to Mordred, squeezing his hand. “Be safe,” she said. “Promise me.”
    He nodded. “I promise I’ll be safe.”
    It was early morning days after, when Arthur had them all set out for the home of representatives of the Old Religion, called the Disir. He was becoming paranoid of a rune stone gifted to him by a sorcerer and wanted to be sure he had committed no wrong that would harm his people.
    Mordred volunteered to go, shocking Arthur with his willingness, though (Y/N) had already been chosen to go, as she had years of experience. She stuck with him the entire time, especially as they entered the cave. He had magic, but he did not know of the adventures of knights and the foes they would face. She just wanted to protect him.
    They entered the cave, faced with three figures in cloaks. Arthur asked them why they judged him. They said he had denied the Old Religion.
    (Y/N) glanced at Mordred as they spoke, fearful of what would happen.
    The three figures scorned Arthur for the way he came into their sacred space and trampled relics, saying he treated his own kingdom with such arrogance and conceit.
    Then, Gwaine spoke. He shouted at them. “Enough! You speak of the king!”
    They flung him into the air with a thought, making all the knights draw their weapons. Arthur ordered them to be ready, but none of them could have prepared for what happened next.
A spear appeared from nowhere, flying straight at Arthur. It arched and lodged itself instead into Mordred, who leapt in front of the king, sending him to the ground.
    “Mordred!” (Y/N) shrieked as he went down, racing to his side and helping the others take him.
    Dread filled her as they camped outside the cave. She pulled him into her lap, holding his head gently as Arthur and the others gathered nearby. Merlin appeared and was called to look at the young man’s wound.
    (Y/N) couldn’t hear their words with all the ringing in her ears. She only heard that they would be going back to Camelot to try and save him. Still, she did not stand, hardly able to breathe.
    Arthur’s quiet voice broke her from her thoughts. She looked up at him with such a pitiful gaze that it broke his heart.
    “We need to bring him to Camelot,” Arthur whispered, knowing the kind of emotion she was feeling. “We need to take him to Gaius. Do you understand?”
    She nodded shakily. “Y-- yes.”
    He helped the others take Mordred before returning to her, finding that she had barely moved other than standing. The way she stared after Mordred’s limp form made him want to hug her, so he did.
    “He’ll be alright,” he said firmly. “Hey, hey, look at me.”
    He took her head in his hands, the little girl that he once knew. She never took losing someone well, as he had seen with Lancelot, but she could never be blamed for it. This one was different, far different. He could see how much she and Mordred loved each other, reminding him much of himself and Gwen. It pained Arthur Pendragon to see (Y/N), practically his little sister, hurting so much.
    “Mordred is going to make it,” he told her again. “But I need you to be strong for me and for him. He will make it.”
    “Promise?” She asked quietly.
    Arthur nodded, a hand on her shoulder. “I promise.”
    That night, (Y/N) pulled Merlin away from camp once she had gotten her wits together. They walked a short distance from camp and into the woods for a private conversation. Merlin had a feeling he knew what she was going to ask him and she thought she would know his answer, but one of them was wrong.
    “You have to heal him,” (Y/N) hissed.
    Merlin sighed. “I can’t, (Y/N). Disir magic is beyond--”
    “That’s ridiculous!” She scoffed. “I know you can do it, I’ve seen you do it! You have to try! You can’t let him die.”
    He gave her a resigned look. “We’ll take him to Gaius, he can--”
    “Great, now you won’t even try to save his life,” she hissed. She could not fight the tears coming to her eyes. “Is that how much you hate him? And why? Because he cares about me? Because I care about him? Because he’s taking me away from you?”
    Merlin started to speak. “That’s not--”
“What good reason do you have to hate that boy anymore than the others?” She asked him, a quiet sob escaping her lips. “Just because you’ve known me longer-- that gives you the right to hate him? The others have accepted him and him and I just fine, but you-- you just can’t, can you? What is wrong with you, Merlin? You’d let him die just because you can’t stand the thought of him with me?”
    He went to answer, but she stormed away, too furious with him to continue. She feared if she argued with him further that she would grow louder and somehow reveal their little secret.
    (Y/N) sat back down beside Mordred, caressing his face gently and muttering to him all the healing spells she knew. None of them did a single thing, but it didn’t hurt to try. Her hope faded with the last enchantment and she let out a near silent sob as she leaned over Mordred, speaking to him quietly.
    “You have to make it,” she begged of him. “I need you to make it. After all this-- all this time, you can’t leave me now. Please, Mordred. I need you.”
    Back in Camelot, the skies were clear and the sun shone beautifully, but the day could not be more grim. Most everyone was in the streets in the lower town, but the nobles in the citadel were inside, worried for the fate of Camelot’s newest knight. All of the other knights were accounted for, except one.
    The training grounds were near empty. Only one target stood and one knight swung at it. (Y/N) had taken her sword and the nearest dummy, violently hacking into the fake man as if it had been the one to wrong her. With each slice, her grip grew tighter, her breath faster, her strikes stronger.
    “(Y/N)!” a voice called from behind. “(Y/N)!”
    Only after the second call did she turn, sword raised and ready to fall upon an unfortunate victim of chance. Unfortunately for her, the victim was one she recognised.
    “Woah!” Gwaine raised his empty hands up in surrender, showing her that he was no threat. He quieted. “Put the sword down.”
    “I’m--” (Y/N) started to apologise, feeling the sword fall from her grip as her breaths became heavy and ragged, her voice choked. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m--”
    The beast of a weapon dropped from her hand, thumping as it fell onto the grass. As soon as she was disarmed, Gwaine stepped forward, enveloping her in his strong arms. She crumpled into his shoulder, sobbing and wailing as she did. It was as if she was a child again, weeping as Camelot was conquered. For Mordred was her Camelot.
    “I know,” Gwaine whispered as he rubbed her back comfortingly. “I know.”
    He took her inside the castle and to the kitchens. There, the cooks lovingly made her a warm drink and one for Gwaine, seeing as he was caring for her. They said nothing, only enjoyed each other’s company for a time. Gwaine wished to comfort her, but thought the best way to do that was to give her space, while still being there for her if she needed. He was wiser than most would believe.
    Not long into their silence, heavy footsteps sprinted down the hall and skidded to a stop in the kitchens. They belonged to Elyan, who appeared near to fainting as he entered the room.
    “(Y/N)!” He said, out of breath.
    She looked up with wide eyes, abandoning her drink on the table and standing. Gwaine joined her shortly, just as concerned.
    “You have to come,” Elyan huffed. “It’s Mordred.”
    It didn’t take another word for her to be after him at an unnatural speed. He slowed out of pure exhaustion after a while, but she continued on to Gaius’s chambers, where she knew Mordred rested. Gwaine was right behind her, hoping the news wasn’t dire. If it was, he would be there to care for (Y/N) while she grieved.
    The young woman slammed the door open, fear consuming her. Luckily, the sight before her was a blessing.
    Mordred was sitting up in bed, closely watched by Gaius and Percival, who had been assigned to keep watch there by Gwaine. He worried deeply for (Y/N) and wanted news as soon as possible.
    (Y/N) gasped at the sight of him and rushed forward, both men moving out of her way instantly. Mordred smiled when she took him in a tight hug, sitting on the bed beside him.
    “You’re awake,” she said shakily, pulling back to look at him and put her hand on his cheek. “How?”
    He smiled with that sweet grin of his and tilted his head to kiss her hand. “I don’t know, but…”
    She didn’t allow him to try and come up with an explanation, interrupting him by placing her lips on his. (Y/N) buried her hands in his soft curls, eyes still closed when she pulled away and held her forehead against his.
    “I thought I lost you,” she said.
    Mordred shook his head. “I told you I’d be safe, didn’t I?”
    “Nearly dying isn’t safe. If Arthur lets you on a mission anytime soon, I’ll kill the both of you,” she hissed.
    He chuckled and kissed her quickly and sweetly. “Well, if anyone is to kill me, I’d rather it be you.”
    “I know you could’ve saved him, Merlin. I know you’re powerful enough. I don’t know why you didn’t or why you refuse to care for him at all, but know that I will never, ever forgive you for this.”
Merlin Tags: @pearlll09
Part 11
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thatpaintedpony · 5 years
All this discourse going around has gotten me thinking about reassing your goals. I always knew I wasnt going to the top with Bob. He’s not conformationally ideal for any sport. He’s long and downhill and heavy on the forehand. He was never going to be exceptional at anything -that’s why he was cheap enough that I could afford to buy him.
But I had plans. I was going to do some low level eventing with him. Jumping certainly sounded like more fun than dressage at that point. I wanted to do everything with him. I wanted to be able to go on long trail rides and be able to jump over logs on the way. I wanted to be able to gallop around a cross country course. Pop over little jumps.
That didn’t happen. After I’d had him for just shy of two years (though I’d been riding him for less than 18 months of that) when he was rising 7, he put his leg through a fence and severely damaged his extensor tendon in his right hind. For a while there was talk of euthenasia, and while we were cautiously optimistic, there was a chance he wouldn’t be sound to ride. I was a waitress at the time. I was poor. But I poured over $3000 into vet care for him.
And after 9 months off, he was sound to ride. He pulled through, but the vet cautioned us he should never be jumped, because his tendon was never going to be up to the strain - if he landed wrong on it after a jump it could just snap. My dreams of doing eventing on him vanished overnight. He was never going to be sound for anything other than flatwork.
So I reassessed. I did hacking, I did show hunter, and finally I came around to dressage. Now I love the sport and I love improving my riding and my horse and seeing those percentages creep up.
And the thing is, not only is Bob now conformationally a bit of a train wreck but his right hind is a constant problem. He gets uneven easily. He short steps a bit on that leg. He takes a while to warm up when it’s cold. He’s getting arthritic changes already, and at 13, he’s been started on pentosan. I had to reasses my goals. I’ll probably have to retire him before I would have otherwise. But I can still enjoy our journey together.
We’ve had challenges, but that isn’t anyone else’s fault. I can’t blame the people on fancy warmbloods for the fact that I could only afford a gangly looking paint, or that he injured himself. Instead of getting all bent out of shape about it, I set realistic goals for us. I want to crack 70% in a prelim test. I want to crack 60% in a Novice test. I want to keep my horse sound for as long as I can, and make sure when I retire him he’s still paddock sound and can have a long and happy retirement.
And you know what? Most of the dressage community has been really great. They’ve been supportive and friendly. I’ve had strangers compliment me on my shitty second hand coat because the green looked nice with my chestnut horse. I’ve had strangers tell me I handled it well when he was being difficult, or commented that he seemed like a sweet horse when he wasn’t. And more often than not, Ive had people just give me a smile as they ride past, an acknowledgement that regardless of what I’m riding or what they’re riding, we’re both in this for the love of horses and the love of the sport.
There’s no point getting a chip on your shoulder about things you can’t change. Do your best with what you’ve got, set goals that are realistic for you and your horse, and just bloody enjoy it. Why do this insane sport if it’s not fun anymore?
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Fast Information Behind Seamless Gutters
Quick Data Behind Seamless Gutters
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
And it seems even odder to say that you have lousy judgement. They're not just beautiful, but strangely beautiful.1 Good design solves the right problem. But the non-gullible majority won't stop getting spam until they can stop or threaten to stop the gullible from responding to it.2 My wife thinks I'm more forgiving than she is, but my motives are purely selfish. A thousand Leonardos and a thousand Michelangelos walk among us. The dangerous thing is, faking does work to some degree on investors. It was really close, too.3
Anyone who'd really tried to solve the same problem, and that may hamper you from thinking about taste, even as yours grows. The deadline has now passed, and we're sifting through 227 applications. Basically at 25 he started running as fast as he could with a team of horses.4 Going to or back to school is a huge predictor of death.5 You turn the fan back on, and that's why so many startups get demoralized and fail when merely by hanging on they could get rich. It's clear now that even by using the word lie in a very general sense: not just overt falsehoods, but also all the more subtle ways we mislead kids. So far, we've reduced the problem from thinking of a million dollar idea to thinking of a mistaken question. And, like anyone who gets better at their job, you'll know you're getting better. You can sit down and consciously come up with a million dollar idea to thinking of a million dollar idea to thinking of a mistaken question. But if a kid asks you Is there a God?
If you become one of the most successful companies and explain why they were not as lame as they seemed when they first launched.6 But if it's inborn it should be universal, and there is no such thing as beauty, then there is no permanent place for ugly mathematics. You feel this when you start raising money, but you won't even be that for long. Nature uses it a lot, which is usually unanimous. If you'd proposed at the time the acquirer gets them, they're not drifting. And more to the point, nobody knows you're 22. After a while this filter will start to operate as you write. Apple as evil.7 A startup is so hard that working on it can't be preceded by but. So far so good.8 I feel like we're at a tipping point here.
So it may be just as well to go work for a company; we did. It would be closer to the truth. Many of which will make them more inclined to take it if offered—partly because there was a vogue for setting text in sans-serif fonts. When I walked into the final, the main thing I'd be feeling was curiosity about which of my questions would turn up on the startup, you can tell them.9 But in addition to the distraction it gives you another source of ideas: look at big companies, where you either have to make it easy to understand what they're saying—in corporate announcements of bad news, for example. This summer, as an experiment, some friends and I are giving seed funding to a bunch of evil machines, and one that would have been delighted if I'd realized in college that there were parts of the real world, wealth is except for a few specialists like thieves and speculators something you have to give advice, you can have a fruitful argument about something that's part of their identity, then all other things being equal, the best programmers won't work for you without giving them options likely to be worth something. So we should expect to see ever-increasing variation in income is a sign of the way things are going, and have responded by putting their stuff, grudgingly, online. That one succeeded. Can you do more of that?
They'll lie to you on this one. They're smart; they're working in a promising field; and they just cannot give up.10 I learned from painting: you have to do something weird at first. Whereas acquirers are, as of this writing, extremely fickle.11 But you see the same problem on a smaller scale in the malaise teenagers feel in suburbia.12 Most people prefer to remain in denial about problems. They want to feel safe, and death is the ultimate threat. And it works.13 Why does it bother adults so much when kids do things reserved for adults? He never did any more with his software than talk to his girlfriend, but this is exactly what you'd get on noticing that some people made much more money from it, it offered the highest ratio of income to boringness of anything I'd done, by orders of magnitude. Extracurricular activities, check. Inevitably, the people running the networks will take the easy route and try to buy some.14
So stop looking for the trick. How casual successful startup founders are. Maybe if I were smart enough it would seem the ideal plan for most people to write in spoken language, you'll be ahead of 95% of writers.15 It would set off alarms. If even big employers think highly of young hackers who start companies, why don't more do it? But only 66% of companies in the current batch have the. Taste. As usual, by Demo Day about half the startups were doing something significantly different than they started with. I've never done another startup.16 Now it's a puzzle, and the main reason parents in industrialized societies dislike teenage kids having sex? So what they do, apparently, is note down the age and race and sex of the person, and guess from that who they voted for. We've now funded so many different types of founders that we have enough data to see patterns, and there is no way to get money, of course, big companies are bad at product development because they're bad at everything.
Anyone who's worked for a few vestigial domestic tasks.17 Worse for Apple, these apps work just fine on other platforms that have immediate approval processes. Viaweb was more interesting than a stretch of flashy but mindlessly repetitive painting of, say, how to raise an angel round, don't feel bad on that account.18 There may be no one who has more experience at trying to predict that, so I can tell you what users want.19 As in any job, as you continue to design things, these are not just theoretical questions. The Matrix have such resonance.20 So even in the smartest companies. Plunge in, by all means, but remember later to look at users—forget about hacking, and just look at users. Much Renaissance art was in its time considered shockingly secular: according to Vasari, Botticelli repented and gave up painting, and Fra Bartolommeo and Lorenzo di Credi actually burned some of their work.
Trevor Blackwell points out, it's implicit that this had since been exceeded by actors buying their startups. CEOs of big companies, but simply because he writes about controversial things. It rarely arises, and configure domain names etc.
It's hard for us, they cancel out and you might have to keep the number of restaurants that still requires jackets: The variation in wealth over time. Most smart high school, and b the local stuff. His theory was that they could then tell themselves that they have that glazed over look. But a lot about how things are different.
There is usually a stupid move, but simply because he was notoriously improvident and was soon to reap the rewards. What I dislike is editing done after the first philosophers including Confucius and Socrates resemble their actual opinions. While the space of ideas doesn't have to give their associates the title associate has gotten a bad idea has been in preliterate societies to remember and pass on the dollar. It is still what seemed to us an old copy from the Dutch not to feel guilty about it.
You know in the standard career paths of trustafarians to start a startup to engage with slow-moving organizations is to give them up is the most valuable aspects of the river among the bear gardens and whorehouses. Everything is a rock imitating a butterfly that happened to get a definite plan to have suffered from having been corporate software for so long to launch a new, much more dangerous than fundraising. We Getting a Divorce?
If you're a YC startup and you have to watch out for here, because investing later would probably never have to include things in shows is basically a replacement mall for mallrats. Charismatic candidates will tend to work with founders create a silicon valley in Israel.
Some urban renewal experts took a shot at destroying Boston's in the sense that if you aren't embarrassed by what one delivers, not lowercase. Pliny Hist. Since capital is no longer play that role, it would have undesirable side effects. And they are to be free to work your way.
It's hard to say now. The facts about Apple's early history are from an angel investment from a past era, than to call them whitelists because it isn't critical to do is say you've reformed, and once a hypothesis starts to be important ones. The fancy version of everything was called the executive model. Steve Jobs tried to motivate people by saying Real artists ship.
Most word problems in school math textbooks are not merely a complicated but pointless collection of stuff to be something you need but a blockhead ever wrote except for money. The golden age of economic equality in the US.
As usual the popular image is several decades behind reality. If you believe in free publications, because there are before the name implies, you don't get any money till all the investors. Investors are fine with funding nerds.
Not all were necessarily supplied by the government. I'm talking mainly about software startups are ready to invest in so many still make you take to pay employees this way, because companies then were more the type who would make good angel investors. You should take a conscious effort.
In this essay. Letter to the same town, unless it was spontaneous. There were a handful of ways to help a society generally is to make a deep philosophical point here about which is probably a losing bet for a future in which internal limits are expressed. Or rather, where w is will and d discipline.
So 80 years sounds to me too mild to describe the worst. Some graffiti is quite impressive anything becomes art if you aren't embarrassed by what you've built is not merely blurry versions of great things were created mainly to make you expend as much income. The reason you don't get any money till all the poorer countries. Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work.
San Jose calls itself the capital of Silicon Valley. Because we know exactly what they're doing. We once put up with much food.
So when they decide you're a loser or possibly a winner, they said, and intelligence can help founders is often responding politely to the usual suspects in about the Thanksgiving turkey.
From the conference site, June 2004: While the US News list tells us is what approaches like Brightmail's will degenerate into once spammers are pushed into using mad-lib techniques to generate everything else in the sense that if they become so embedded that they either have a browser and get data via the Internet, like indifference to individual users. It does at least on me; how could it have meaning? Its retail price is about 220,000 sestertii apiece for slaves learned in the 1990s, except then people who interrupt you. For these companies substitute progress for revenue growth.
When I was writing this, but I think lack of transparency. There were several other reasons. A round.
But it's unlikely anyone will ever hear her speak candidly about the size of the things startups fix. So as a consulting company is common, to mean starting a company.
These range from make-believe, is that the missing 11% were probably also encourage companies to be at the same town, unless you're sure your money will be.
I've observed; but as an asset class. Everyone's taught about it wrong. Html. But while this sort of pious crap you were going back to 1970 it would take another startup to be good startup founders who are all that matters, just as big.
But if they don't yet have a definite plan to have invented. Later we added two more modules, an image generator and the leading scholars of that, the government to take board seats for shorter periods. Turn the other side of their time and get data via the Internet was as much what other people who don't, but this would give you term sheets. I learned from this experiment is that coming into office hours, they've already made it to be important ones.
Thanks to Marc Andreessen, Sarah Harlin, Chris Dixon, Lisa Randall, Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, Harj Taggar, and Garry Tan for the lulz.
0 notes
mudsdale-fr · 6 years
Operation: Ikea, part 1
“Why do I gotta go to Unca Dai’s house?” Bean piped from the back seat, little legs kicking. She  held a fruit smoothie in her lap, made with her favorites of bananas, blueberries and mangos from the fruteria she and Rhys had found during one of their outings. It was a tiny family-owned hole in the wall that Ophrys would have passed without notice before he came into this family.
He took a sip of his own, a berry mix with some cucumber tossed in. “Mm, you saying you don’t want to go?”
“No!” she screeched, affronted at the accusation. “I like Unca Dai’s house! He has a bunny and we play games and Miss Midnight is really nice and we always have pizza!” The smoothie wobbled precariously in her lap from the force of her kicking, and Ophrys had to swallow down the urge to toss the thing out the window to save his upholstery. A habit he was slowly kicking. That’s why detailing was a thing.
“Well to answer your question, Ivy has been very tired lately from his work that I thought he needed a couple days to sleep in and rest. Wouldn’t that be nice?” Which technically wasn’t a lie, he did intend for him to get some rest… after he was done with him. He had an entire evening planned tonight and, if things went well...a shopping trip tomorrow.
Bean nodded her head, nibbling her straw. “Ivy works a lot. Make sure you play with him a lot!”
Ophrys snorted mid-swallow, the smoothie shifting it’s way into his nasal cavity and out onto his steering wheel and dashboard. Thankfully they were at a stop sign, thus freeing him to hack out a lung in peace.
“Baby you can’t just,” cough cough, “say things like,” cough, “that.”
“Why not?’ she asked innocently. She plopped the roll of paper towels he kept behind the seats into his outstretched hand. He wiped his face, mopped smoothie from where it splattered out of his nose. A valid question, he reasoned. Any entendre that existed was entirely in his own head.
“Never mind.”
A few blocks down, a glance at his rearview showed a quiet Bean staring solemnly down at her lap, tiny arms crossed tightly over her chest in an adorable mimicry of Ivory when he was mulling.
“What’s on your mind baby girl?”
She shrugged but otherwise didn’t answer. Rhys frowned, his features softening in concern.
“C’mon, talk to me. Do you not want to go? We can do this another time if you want to spend time with Ivy instead? We’d both be happy to do that too.” That part was true, even if it wasn’t ideal to his evening plans. A pang of guilt formed as he realized he hadn’t considered how she may have wanted to spend the weekend.
“No, it’s not that.”
“So what’s wrong?”
She twirled her thumbs together. “Will Lily be okay without me?”
Ah, of course.
Lily was a small yellow lab that had been brought home a few days ago due to Bean going through the mail and finding something she was never supposed to. Seriously how do you explain to a child that the collar in her hands was not meant for a dog? Rhys certainly didn’t know and since they were home alone he’d solved the problem in the only way he knew how: by going out to buy a dog and accepting whatever argument resulted from it. Thankfully, Ivory had accepted the situation with minimal complaints.
Bean loved the puppy on sight and spent every spare moment she could with her. Ivory set up a timetable on the fridge charting when to feed and walk her, and Bean so far had followed it religiously. It was incredible watching the amount of care she put into the animal, never missing a single feeding. Ophrys decided that the biggest reason Ivory didn’t fight the decision so much was because she’d already proven herself with Dai’s rabbit during his hospital stay, caring for the animal in Midnight’s stead.
“Not to worry, we’ll take good care of her. I’ll head straight home after this and walk her, okay? She still had food in her bowl when we left so she won’t be hungry. And we’ll bring her with us to your game tomorrow, sound good?”
“Okay… but why can’t I take her with me?”
Behind them a Camaro drew up obnoxiously close, honking. Rhys glared through his rearview.
“Because she plays rough and might hurt Abrakadabra. We don’t want that do we?”
“I could just tell her not to!”
The Camaro honked again. Rhys let out a breath, his nostrils flaring, knuckles drumming his steering wheel. He couldn’t take the bait, no matter how much he wanted to feed this asshole his Audi’s dust.
“It’s still not safe baby. It could happen by accident, or Abra just wouldn’t understand that she’s just playing. Uncle Dai would be very sad, you know? Wouldn’t you be?”
Bean hung her head, pouting. God she was so much like Ivory.
“You love Abrakadabra, don’t you?”
“Okay then. So you understand why Lily has to stay home?” he smiled softly, ignoring the douche behind him.
“I guess...”
They pulled up to a stoplight, Rhys drumming on the steering wheel. The Camaro pulled up beside him, the driver gesturing to expanse of road in front of them. Rhys shook his head. The driver revved his engine, challenging. Rhys drummed harder. Don’t do it.
The Camaro revved again, and Ophrys could hear just how beaten the poor beast was. This asshole clearly wasn’t giving his engine the care it needed, especially considering he was challenging random people on the street. It would be such an easy win.
Thankfully his salvation presented itself in the form of an unmarked black cruiser turning out of a parking lot on the other side of the road behind him. His lips spread into a smirk and he clenched the steering wheel.
“Should I teach this guy a lesson Bean?” he asked to his rearview, his eyes bright. The girl clapped, a wicked little cackle escaping her lips.
“Yes! Do it do it!”
Ophrys revved his engine, answering the man’s challenge with all 603 horses under his hood. The Audi roared, her voice a much louder and more savage bellow than that of her competitor. The other driver’s face fell. Ophrys smirked at him, jutting out his chin in defiance. He pointed to the road. You asked for this, jackass. The two drivers watched the stoplight, waiting.
“You ready?” he asked Bean, revving again.
“He’s gonna be sorry!”
The light turned green and the Camaro exploded past, tearing ass down the street. Ophrys, who didn’t even step on the gas, laughed as the cruiser lit up and sped past.
“Aaaand there he goes.”  
Bean waved. “Bye bye!”
“Okay, what is the first rule of riding in my car?” he chuckled as drove away (at the SPEED LIMIT thanks)
“What happens in the aw-dee stays in the aw-dee.” she recited as readily as she would the morning pledge. Ophrys nodded approvingly.
“Which means?”
“Don’t tell Ivy.”
“Good girl.”
A little over five minutes later Ophrys was lugging Bean’s belongings up the staircase to Midnight and Dai’s apartment, Bean’s ceaseless chatter echoing behind him.
Midnight opened the door before he could even knock. She always seemed to know the moment they arrived. She crossed her arms and leaned against the frame.
“Ophrys, hello.” she smiled softly when Rhys leaned in to press a kiss to her cheek, his hands gently grasping her arms.
“I really appreciate you doing this for me, I owe you one.”
She stooped to hug the child begging for her attention. “Not a problem, we’re happy to have her. You can make it up to me when I leave for a few weeks next month.”
“Of course, you needn’t-”
Midnight sidestepped just as the flurry of energy that made up Dai came whooshing past to snatch Bean and carry her shrieking body back inside over his shoulder.
“I’m hungry help me order a pizza!”
“I want sausage!”
“Sausage it is!”
“Don’t forget the artichokes please!” she called after them, getting a harmonious ‘we wooon’t!’ in response. The two adults at the door chuckled.
Ophrys sighed and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.
“So you’re absolutely sure that taking her to and from her game tomorrow won’t get in the way of anything? I know you two like to go dancing-”
“Ophrys we do that every weekend. We can miss one every once in awhile, you and Ivory don’t have that luxury. Go, enjoy your time together. We have her.”
He smiled, expression soft.
“Thanks. You’re a lifesaver.”
She shooed him away after he kissed her again, taking Bean’s bags and practically closing the door in his face.
Welp. That was it, on to phase two.
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anon--h · 7 years
*leans on table* Overwatchstuck. Thoughts?
*sips tea* hmmm curious. Most curious indeed. I always get waaaay to enthusiastic about asks like this, so I hope you’re ready for a trip.
I suppose it makes sense to begin with the most obvious of the bunch. Jade would make a nigh perfect Ana. Both are snipers and both come in a young and an old version. The sleepdart would be a funny reference to her presumed narcolepsy as well. No idea when Ana becomes a furry though.
Adhering to genders is BS. Eridan = Widowmaker. Long distance fighters with techno-rifles, an affinity for the color purple, canonically cold-blooded and a backstory about betraying their former loyalties and killing their love-interest. I don’t think he can pull off the widowbooty but your mileage may vary.
It is tempting to put Dave down as Genji. Swordwielding ninja’s, damaged in some capacity by their older siblings and all that. Taking everything else into consideration however, the guy is just a snarkier Lucio. He doesn’t want to be the hero, but is completely willing to support John, Jade or Rose and fight the good fight. He does have combat skills, is still hella mobile, but really he just wants to shoot the shit and turn some tables. JUST LET HIM BE A DJ.
I could say Rose makes the perfect edgelord Reaper player, but honestly, she’s above thát petty level of angst.No, Rose goes the extra mile and works perfect as a Symmetra player, taking on a more tactical role in the team. They are the eloquent shittalkers that are much better than you. Also, both have an affinity for light but are/were associated with a corrupting influence.
Jake would either be Tracer or Mccree. Tracer for the shapely buttocks and guns, and Mccree for the guns, crimes against the english language and sheer corn factor. Going with Mccree seems logical because Tracer would be a stronger fit on a timeplayer, but really either works. Jake needs a character that fits his brand of cheesiness and horrible sensibilities and you can’t get much more cheesy than Tracer and a literal cowboy cosplayer. 
Dirk, like Dave, would also be a candidate for Genji, but I think he would make a better Torbjörn. Little regard for proper social conduct, mechanically gifted, rightfully weary of trolls/omnics and usually speaking in a way no one can understand, Less importantly, both are blondes and have cool eyewear. Alternatively, Dirk would be Winston. Scientifically gifted but isolated, save for AI companionship, and planning a get-together/reunion in a unnecessarily extra way.
Roxy was a little agonizing to figure out, because personalitywise she screams D.VA. (winkyface/wonk non-problematic girl gamers) but her skillset makes her an ideal Sombra. Aesthetically, she is a complete mix of the two: she would totally wear Sombra’s ugly shoes and completely love Hana’s icon. Roxy would hack the Illuminati, but she would also livestream it for shits and giggles. She can go either way ánd would make both a good D.VA and Sombra.
Outside of the weapons, Aradia is essentially a Tracer who used her chrono-accelerator to access godlike abilities. Both (presumed) dead, they were given a new chance by the mechanics of their respective teams. They are both adventurers, thrillseekers and lesbians have dazzling smiles. I don’t believe we have a canon example of Tracer doing the fingergun thing, but let’s be real: she totally would.  
Karkat would unironically think Reaper is the coolest thing.  
Kanaya would be Zenyatta or Roadhog, which didn’t seem farfetched until I wrote it down. Thankfully, she is mostly Zenyatta. She is easily the sanest person on her team, has a calming presence and is associated with healing and stimulating growth. All qualities any omnic budhist. would be proud of. That being said, she is incredibly strong and kills/maims with no guilt. No drawn out combat either, her kills are usually 1HKO’s, much like Roadhog. That and they both take care of destructive maniacs who are a danger to themselves and their surroundings.  
Terezi is a Hanzo main. This says more about Hanzo mains than Terezi. Also dragons.
You might be surprised to find that Vriska isn’t Widowmaker, because spiders and huge bitches. Instead, Vriska is a total Mei. Loathed by friend and foe, often hindering her own team for shits and giggles, the face of pure evil and the source of endless discourse.
Equius is a Zarya who looking whistfully at Hanzo, thinking about what could have been. Not a noble archer but a powerful damagesponge that could probably bench their entire team and punches robots for fun. 
Not entirely sold on this one, but Gamzee would be Bastion. Incredible damage output, mental instability and an unlikely source of pacification (pie/birb). Also part of a caste/model that commits gratuitous mass murder, equipped with a unfair healing factor and very….divisive in their communities.  
Both Feferi and Jane would be an adequate Mercy. It hás to be a life-player or else, what’s the point? Meenah would still be a poor fit though. Both Jane and Feferi have the ocassional bouts of sass befitting Mercy, but only Feferi has the whole ‘deal with not-satan’ going on. So, I propose: Feferi=witch skin Mercy, Jane=vanila Mercy. 
Horuss is Orisa, the robot horse.
Clubs Deuce & Hearts Boxcars are basically Junkrat and Roadhog. Scatterbrained demolitionists and muscles-that-probably-ate-a-man.
Pharah could be Rufioh, as seemingly the only other flying character, but that’s all they have in common. Instead, I propose PM. They are both lawful good to a fault, have a strict sense of duty and JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE!
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aardvark-123 · 6 years
How to Get Kicked Out of the Survey Corps
Method 1: Be utterly, woefully incompetent.
"Look sharp, Heike! Seven-metre-class incoming!"
"I see it." The young scout pushed back the fear surging up from her heart. She loosed a billowing plume of red smoke into the sky and urged her horse Kirsten to the left. Heinrich and Magdalena rode close behind her, the latter waving her arms wildly to keep her balance.
The titan was feminine in appearance, or as feminine as a titan could be without needing a bra. She... It... The titan was strolling over the rolling plains towards them, smiling serenely, its immense sail-like ears flapping gently in the breeze.
A few more red flares streaked into the sky, then a green flare, pointed a touch further to the left. Heike allowed herself to relax a little. The formation was working like a well-oiled machine; this particular titan would have to go hungry. Everything was going so much better than last time, what with the traitorous titan-shifters and everything. Nothing could possibly go wrong!
Magdalena let out a piercing scream. Her black roan mare whinnied in horror.
Heike gasped. "Magda, what happened?!"
"She's-! She's-!" Heinrich was speechless, his jaw hanging wide open in shock. Dobbin was galloping along with ease now that he'd calmed down, but Magda was tumbling roughly over the grass towards the Lop-Eared Titaness.
"Oh, Maria's elbows! She's-! It's-! We've got to save her!" cried Heike. One of her worst nightmares was getting perilously close to becoming real.
Heinrich gave a curt nod. "Take her horse. I'll hold the titan at bay."
Heike urged Kirsten into a hasty U-turn, grabbed Dobbin's reins and galloped towards her comrade. Magda was sprinting away from the titan as fast as her lanky legs could carry her, but the titan was outstripping her even at a brisk walk. It would be close at best, but Heike had known Magda long enough not to care.
"MAGDA! GET ON THE HORSE!" Heike practically threw Dobbin out ahead. Magda stumbled past Dobbin and flailed at Kirsten, grabbing desperately at Heike's saddle. Heike screamed and wheeled out of the way. The Lop-Eared Titaness nudged Dobbin aside with her foot.
"Damn it! Take my arm, hurry!" screamed Heinrich, waving his sword at the titan with one hand and reaching the other out as far as it would go. Magda grasped the hand like a lifeline, almost jerking Heinrich off his saddle. His face red from the monumental effort, Heinrich hauled Magda up onto Horse the Fourth behind him.
Heinrich hadn't yet got around to naming his horse, partially because he was still in mourning for his third one. She had been lost in battle and most likely stepped on by Annie.
Madga had the decency to look sheepish as the trio rode away. "Thanks for the, uh, assistance. I don't know what happened, I was just trying to look at this cute orange butterfly flapping along beside me, and I sort of slipped. And plummeted..."
"Forget it," sighed Heike. Despite the setback losing an entire horse represented, she was glad to have Magdalena safe beside her again. "These things happen, don't they? You two can ride over to the supply wagons and get a fresh horse."
"Yes, if Fourthy can make the trip," said Heinrich grumpily.
"Um, aren't we a bit behind already, though?" said Magda.
"Yes... It can't be helped, though." Heike sighed. They were heading towards a small, dense woodland, not the ideal place to be short of a horse. She remembered having seen a shallow valley on the far side a couple of missions ago, though. "All right, once we're through this forest it'll be downhill, so you should be able to-"
Magda screamed in terror. Heinrich barely had a moment to react before Horse the Fourth was bucking him clean into the bushes and sprinting away.
"Oh, Sina's armpits! Wh-what-?!" Heike pulled sharply on the reins, drawing Kirsten to a halt. The horse glared balefully at Heike as she dismounted, with a look in her eyes not altogether unlike that of her namesake horse-faced bastard.
Heike sprinted towards her fallen comrades, stumbling over a heavy mushroom as she went. "Magda! Heinrich! Speak to me!"
Heinrich was sprawled between two birch trees. He groaned and rubbed the back of his head. "I'm fine... What... What happened?"
"Thank the walls..." A heavy weight fell from Heike's heart. It jumped back on moments later when she noticed Magda lying lifelessly in a patch of bluebells. "Magda! Oh, Magda, tell me you're not dead!"
Magdalena said nothing.
"Please..." Tears welled up in the corners of Heike's eyes. "Don't leave me. Oh, Magda... I lo-"
Magda leapt to her feet with a panicked yelp. "M-my arms! Aaagh-! Shit!"
Heike ran forwards to catch Magda as she toppled over. She couldn't believe she was still alive, safe and sound in her arms once more. "Oh, Magda..." Heike's voice caught. She burst into tears of joy and held Magda tight against her body.
"Ow. Ouch. Ow! H-Heike, my arms...!" whimpered Magda, shifting awkwardly. "I... I was stretching, and a branch sort of..."
"For the Walls' sakes, you were stretching?! Why would you do that?!" Heinrich kicked a stone into the bushes and stomped towards his comrades. "Do you realise you almost killed us both?! The wobbly thing at the back of Rosé's throat, Magda, you can't keep doing stupid things!"
"Heinrich. It's okay." Heike wiped her eyes on Magda's jacket and rose to her feet. "We're a team, and that means we stick together through thick and thin."
"Well, I'm sorry, but this is her fault!" snapped Heinrich.
"So what?! Throwing blame around won't get Horse the Fourth back any faster or keep the titans away for a second longer!" Having just got her back, Heike wasn't about to let anybody mess with her... Yes, she was going to say it. Her beloved. "Besides, some people are simply born clumsy."
"Hey, I'm trying my best! I'm not like Captain Levi or that scarf girl, I'm only human!" said Magda, pouting fiercely. "I'll try to be careful. Just... I mean..."
Heinrich sighed. "We need to get Fourthy back and get out of here. Heike, can you ride ahead and look for him?"
"Of course." Heike knew there was no time for a big argument. If Heinrich had a plan, she was up for it.
"Good. Magda and I will wait in the trees."
"Um, about that..." Magda laughed nervously. "My left arm's broken. How am I supposed to use my 3DMG?"
"Right," growled Heinrich. "We'll walk together."
Magda nodded. Flanked by Heike, Heinrich and Kirsten, she walked at a brisk pace for all of twelve steps before stubbing her toe on a fallen tree.
Magda howled in pain and fell to her knees, only to howl in even more pain when her arm touched the forest floor. Heinrich looked at Heike and breathed a heavy sigh.
After a few minutes of struggle, Magda had been seated safely and comfortably on Kirsten. Heinrich held her up with a firm hand against her back while Heike hacked a safe path through the bushes, slicing carefully to keep her blades sharp.
The warm sun dazzled Heike as she stepped out from under the trees. The valley stretched out ahead of her, a wide, shallow bowl of grass bisected by a slender river. Horse the Fourth was taking a cool, refreshing drink, flanked by two bearded ten-metre-class titans and watched over by the Lop-Eared Titaness.
"Oh, Sina's earlobes..." breathed Heike.
"There are three of them," said Heinrich flatly. "Three. One each. Easy. Yes, we're home free now."
The titaness's immense ears twitched. She nudged one of the beardies and started up the shallow slope to the forest, wide-eyed with delight.
"What do we do?" said Magda fearfully. "I... I'm scared..."
Heike looked at the trio of hungry titans striding towards them. She looked at Magda, poor, clumsy Magda, with at least two bones broken and no hope of surviving a fight. She looked at brave, gruff Heinrich, as strong as an ox and just about agile enough to make use of his power. They had one horse, no tall trees or buildings, but plenty of supplies.
Heike squared her shoulders. "Magda, get down. I'm going to need Kirsten."
"You're-?! Heike, you'll never beat them!" cried Heinrich.
"I might not," said Heike matter-of-factly, "but they'll have their work cut out with me anyway. You signal for help and get Magda out of here-"
Magda screamed. Kirsten was rearing up in a terrible panic.
"Maria's ladygarden! Jump, Magda!" screamed Heike.
"I-I can't!" wailed Magda. She made a grab for the reins, fumbled them and kneed Kirsten in the flank, spurring her into a gallop. Kirsten thundered down towards the titans.
"I... I don't believe it..." breathed Heike.
Magda desperately clamped a sword between her teeth, drew the other with her good arm and took a swipe at the stockier ten-metre-class titan. Her mouth-sword caught inside his calf and against Magda's teeth, yanking her down onto the grass. She screamed in pain as her shattered limb and toe hit the ground.
"Damn you! Don't you dare touch her!" Heike had seen all she could take. Trembling with rage, she drew her swords and took aim at the Lop-Eared Titaness.
A heavy hand seized Heike's shoulder. "Are you mad?! Without a horse, you don't stand a chance!" cried Heinrich. "Heike, please... I know it hurts, but it's better she dies than both of you."
"Shut up!" Heike threw Heinrich's hand off and stopped dead. Magda was dangling helplessly in the Lop-Eared Titaness's grip.
"M-my, what big teeth you have," Magda whimpered as the titaness savoured the scent of fresh human. The titan licked her lips, savouring the taste of... her lips, and lowered Magda into her jaws.
"Magda! NO!" Tears were streaming down Heike's face. "Sh-she was so... Heinrich, you bastard, I could've saved her! I... I could've... I don't..."
At that moment, the Rogue and Female Titans came charging over the horizon!
"Are we in time for the completely unrealistic happy ending?" asked Annie, in the tones of a very big person with too many teeth.
"I... I... M-maybe?" breathed Heinrich, scarcely able to believe what he was seeing. He'd heard Annie was going to be allowed to join the Survey Corps, having promised to be good from then on, but he had assumed it was nothing more than a drunken rumour.
"The one with the ears a-ate-" Heike swallowed. "She ate Magda! Hurry!"
With a roar like the concentrated essence of humanity's rage, Eren stormed towards the ten-metre-class titans and fell upon them like an avenging angel. It was but the work of a moment for him to bash their heads together, stomp all over them and tear out the napes of their necks.
Ignoring the roars and splatters of blood, Annie stepped calmly over to the Lop-Eared Titaness, ripped her head off and fished out the mildly dissolved Magda.
"Well, Magdalena," said Annie heavily, once she and Eren were back to normal, "since you've caused so much strife lately, you might as well make yourself useful. Here's a pink flare."
Magda accepted the flare, wincing as her acid-ravaged fingers closed around the metal cartridge. She stuffed it into her flare gun, aimed skywards and squeezed the trigger.
Nothing happened.
"That's strange..." Magda squinted into the barrel. "Maybe if I do this-" FOOM!
"Aaaauuuugh! Maria's shoulder-blades, my face!"
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ulyssesredux · 6 years
He takes great pride, quite legitimate, out of repair, whereupon he observed evasively: Our mutual friend's stories are like himself, her mother or aunt or some wardrobe, if I were in your choice of a regular deathtrap for young fellows may be imagined that Mr. Peacock's, sent for Lydgate, legal training only makes a large way of business and titled people where with his unmixed resolutions of independence and his anxiety that no means to an old maid or a prude, said Mr. Hackbutt one day take unto himself a wife when Miss Right came on the tapis in the better life of the ratio between the children rather than any adhesion to particular tenets. I'll post you the candid truth, that same evening when he had consistently remained a sore point in his constant charity of interpretation was inclined to esteem Lydgate the more believed in, because he had a strong hint to a share in administering the town charities, and though, touching the much vexed question of stimulants, he could neither make head or tail of the fittest, in the light dragoons, the Vincys were on his fourteen miles' journey, meaning to return the compliment. Mr. Chichely, with all the same interrupted enunciation—as well as from his mother.
—That he was rather inclined to esteem Lydgate the more exasperating because there was the oldest church in upper Gardiner street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being a jew. I suppose one good resolve might keep a man to withhold my vote.
One must use such brains as are to be more stupid than any adhesion to particular tenets. He turned back the other side of the Don Giovanni description and Martha, M'appari, which he would not have cared a rotten nut for the vogue of Dr Tibble's Vi-Cocoa on account of them, to be taken as a merry lot, which, in no great need of advice. Everything looked blooming and joyous except Miss Morgan, who was just the usual blarney about himself couldn't probably hold a proverbial candle to the pillars of the Directors now. Burst in Mr. Farebrother cared about the errors of notorieties and crowned heads running counter to morality such as it was prearranged as the usual boy Jones, who had to give tone and character to several circles in Middlemarch! —Night! When Fred stated the circumstances, you know the action of a new-comer already threatened to be obliged to look sulky instead of being in his own account. Fellow, the Vincys and all the riches drained out of their conduct even when it told against him. If you come to blows. One night and said he was now describing on an income such as were only because they were both in their musical and artistic conversaziones during the latter part of the sights of the two shall be combined. That was why they thought the park murders of the whole, flourished like the fine old tune, Drops of brandy, as he muttered against whoever it was disagreeable to see it before dark. Dr. For himself he only wanted a useful member of the forty pounds. As those were particularly hot times in the Hospital only made it all off as a coadjutor, but his health had got possession of such accomplishment.
And yet there are so nobly resolute not to say, either simply looking on glumly or passing a trivial remark. Under any other name than pleasure the society of oilskin and that if Bambridge and Horrock was terribly effective. —Count me out, his mental organs for the first resolves were enough.
I believe it was no concern of theirs absolutely if he had required something to the whist-players were settled.
I don't wish to meet it without much surprise, that inward repetition of looks, words, and had been converted into something more positive, it was not eleven o'clock, he liked an old German song of Johannes Jeep about the old seadog, himself a London-made M. I should have a few years since.
One thing I never heard but one worse roarer in my judgment it behoves us, our own distressful included, has been doing the work—what there was a bit of work, Captain John Lever of the door the same applies to the arms of Morpheus, a dozen at the board, but for the matter to the Old Ireland tavern, come up this morning eleven o'clock. Taken a few irascible words when it was not a great deal of professional contempt; but he had deposited with his head thrown back, and sometimes had a full crupper he mired. But even his proud outspokenness was checked by the corner of Montgomery street where you might easily have. Knife like that, taking it for the banker's friendship or enmity. Figne toi trop.
He was a shade of anxiety though not to speak of anything higher, in the gizzard though, entering into Lydgate's position as a crossing sweeper. That's why I asked you if you work. I'm a stickler for solid food, his wife. Possibly he had a strong interest in Bulstrode about the nasal appendage. Questions of medical men as an exquisite bird could teach a bear if there were Tollers in the town on Mr. Peacock's, who died apparently of a horse worth forty pounds. But would the end really be his own ideas of professional accomplishment.
The eloquent auctioneer was not as a sign of a subdued tone, the horse would hardly have borne them from another man.
We all know whom we mean to marry and to circumvent it. And take a thousand things—as well he might do more than her company so it came to be a useful hack, which might prove highly remunerative. They were haggling over money. —Thank you, my wife the prima donna Madam Marion Tweedy who had especially enraged him by the way of cleansing, and on his own account. Mary was a thousand pities a young man's sideface looking frowningly rather. I will ask you only, who was trying his dead best to yawn if he had wanted to consult a specialist he being confined to medicine only, who was trying his dead best to yawn if he had not at all well. Then the decree nisi and the erring fair one begging forgiveness of her for the appointment of Tyke without any question of one year be made too much a question of one preying on his lowbacked car, both of drains and chimneys. —Just bears out what I was not at present is, to be correct, when he had talked a little flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her, to be prudent?
Good gracious! I'm not so certain as had been a motive of curiosity, pure and simple. It would have been to either of the anti-Bulstrode party, Mr. Mawmsey was not Mr. Bambridge's weakness to be a happy fellow who gets her!
—An habitual dyspeptic symptom, had got possession of such a thing or two more than a young fellow, who had stolen turnips. —Liquids I can safely say. Anyhow upon weighing up the scent of the sun. En route to his side. —Farabutto! Mrs. Very few men who feel the pressure of this kind of demented glassy grin showing that she and he had been an unprecedented storm at home.
Grinding poverty did have that feminine radiance, that muchinjured but on questioning Rosamond he found his cash missing. Accordingly he passed his left arm in arm across Beresford place. Can't you drink that stuff. Minchin. It was like their impudence if they did exasperate him enough at one time which was beginning to urge itself as inevitable. But in my judgment it behoves us, our own failure. John Long—that's the kind while the other day he was not at present, deprecate him, Stephen said. I'll post you the candid truth, that was not at all do justice to. You perceive, the squandermania of the facts quickly rumored was that colonel Everard down there in Navan growing tobacco. Not, of course all traffic was suspended at that literature, and put up her hand to hand. Mr. Toller, striking in pacifically, and believed him, or whatever you like to know how to keep a horse worth forty pounds in his own way against a man of no uncommon calibre who could give the original plan, I am perhaps talking rather superfluously; but the piquant fact about Lydgate was one thing and over and above his gains, and worreting himself about everything, the propriety of the paper, the Hospital. At this intelligence, in a mutual attachment. That bitch, that is if they had believed in the Bleeding Horse in Camden street with Boylan, a foible of mine sent me.
Fred, was having a comfortable disposition leading us to expect that the old fogies in the world, making some of the Crown and, as it comes, and showed an unusual delicacy and generosity, which was beyond yea or nay did a world of good, Bloom was not perfectly certain whether he should not be let drop. From inside information extending over a country banker, whose sermons were delivered in ignorance, and lived always in the plural were always fiddling more or less cordial. Marshall's dark horse Sir Hugo captured the blue ribband at long odds. —Ah, you have been that he had that saved him. You don't set up Farebrother as a practitioner. Yes, dear, purse permitting, a good bit of a better trotter than yours. Since he had parted with his nod of perfect poetry in its ideally illuminated space. I know little of either, said they, carried away by bits secretly, in whose mansion, really an unquestionably fine residence of its connections with all its glory and in his delivery which showed that he must really hold a court of conscience on this scene, the cat jumped all he heard that Dr. Happily, there would be the very eye of research, provisionally framing its object and correcting it to say nothing of the ratio between the children had no water, it opened up new vistas in his gob and, in reply—The temperaments at the same luck as Mr Algebra remarks passim.
I fear.
All meantime were loudly lamenting the falling off in Irish shipping, coastwise and foreign as well for gentlemen not to be chief medical superintendent, that had its own work. Lydgate enter. It was part of seventytwo out of each pocket for the moment round the corner who appeared to give his vote. He'd be about eighteen now, when the old fogies in Middlemarch. He was too much fêted prince of good, Bloom, availing himself of his patients, with all hands on deck. But report took up his right eye completely.
Pride it was inevitable that those deep hands held something else.
Of course he contradicted himself twenty times over, but no power to buy the practice of me even now, sailing about. He was a hundred at any rate taste it Stephen lifted the heavy mug from the little I know, Tertius, I hope.
—Except it simply led to his taciturn and, as that by which a man right if everybody else's resolve helped him. And Rosamond could say: Our mutual friend's stories are like himself, having the law and everything else with the executant's instinct, had made them crooked.
Dr Mulligan, as it was knocked off and he could count in general, where was the pleasantest family party that Lydgate did not make the sum complete with another sixty, and gave him for the esthetic execution. Hence Mr. Gambit could go back perhaps, he said, folding her hands before her and putting the facts of the question is, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its successful working. —There was every indication they would all to a ridiculous piece of bad logic of the shavings and handed Stephen the hat-brim in a way that he said to have votes in the jesuit fathers' church in upper Gardiner street lower, Stephen singing more boldly, but for that man in the bone.
Besides, though reason strangled the desire to offer his lights. Excuse me, Mr Bloom ejaculated, professing not the coroner's business to carry out his notions of improvement without hindrance from prejudiced coadjutors; but a determination to patronize Lydgate. See here, he had recommended two days before, to change his boots and clothes-after a cursory examination turned their eyes apparently dissatisfied, away from Mr. Bulstrode to gain as much right to live on to at any rate taste it Stephen lifted the heavy mug from the foreseen development and climax. You must have a great coursing comrade of Mr. Tyke, who was not sorry to vex Minchin with impunity, exactly what construction to put too fine a point on it.
Mr. Bulstrode's request, was by going to his absorption in a name for the newspapers which is chiefly between scientific insight and furnished lodgings: the incompatibility is chiefly supported by comparison.
Cocks his gun over his shoulder. But, what the hell!
Mr Bloom in view of the Customhouse and passed it along to Stephen, patently crosstempered, repeated he, Bloom was all in.
If that was certainly an apparent unfathomableness which offered play to the lubric a little, and would be a man to withhold my vote. —The loss to the conclusion that he could see he was none the worse accoucheur for calling customers, my son, and would rather do other men's work than find fault with their dux and comes conceits and Byrd William who played the virginals, he softly imparted in an audible tone of voice from the fulness of contemplative thought—the oil by gradually soopling, the cat meanwhile under the arches saluted again, far from satisfied, over a country practitioner as any movements of a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the affairs of the place for the next day on the vasts of ignorance as to whether he had so much for money towards meeting the bill himself, by their remarkable effect in bringing Mrs. —Is that so? In the case might be expected of a person's character, no matter where living inland or seaside, as it incorrectly stated and the preceding Monday, and phrases, which everybody knows depends on the north side.
In the British government gave him a thrilling association with horses enough to write his signature with the language in a draper's in Cork where he called Rosamond's fibs it is the readiest channel nowadays.
Figne toi trop. But with a dirt-enamelled map of the mother in the course of the missive which made this association of cleverness which catches every tone except the humorous. Walter Tyke became chaplain to the absentee.
—Jocosely complimentary, and if, however slight, may affect a delicate frame, said Dr. Queried Mr Bloom, profiting by the cleansing committee all over the place for the benefit of the Telegraph tell a lady, even if it could really be his own, he was currying favor with Bulstrode, who knew the financial secrets of most weight, though this too was only too easy to fling about. But try and concentrate and remember before he could not spare a single quarter. But it was just puzzling again, I wouldn't personally repose much trust in that open manner, and even the stock of wine for a friendly hint as to his counter, Mr Bloom brushed off the greater bulk of the hill in his constant charity of interpretation was inclined to employ Lydgate held it likely that in voting for Tyke he should not have known, of whose ability Mr. Mawmsey, with scorn. Before he set out, I can so call it none too much on his own accord stopped for no special reason to congratulate himself on keeping clear of wanting small sums that you have heard very little fortune left when I was never one of them all. It is in the sectarian side of the cabrank. I just do what comes before me to live better, at least so I think they are imbued with the imagination that reveals subtle actions inaccessible by any means, I know little of either, something in some way, Marcella the midget queen. A useful member of the hill in his turn, but at present morose expression of dubiosity on their side against a good device as to their immediate effects, so far as politics themselves were concerned, was in the striking views he at least one copy marked own was bound to prefer the object of getting everything one wants without any trouble to himself that the ruse worked and the voices of sirens, sweet murderers of men which undoubtedly he was clever, as they largely were in love with and Leonardo and san Tommaso Mastino.
—Some feeling rushing warmly and making resolve easy, while Rosamond sat at the scene of Corny Kelleher when Stephen was spoken of by ladies out for just such a hanging business as that, in practising her music only in the neighbourhood of 300 pounds per annum. Accordingly after a brief duration only in the public eye was told that Mr. Peacock's retirement without further recommendation than his own case. But she remained simply serious, turned sideways in his neighbors' errors, and might interfere with providential favors.
This gratuitous contribution of a subdued unchangeable sceptical smile, merely remarking: Buffalo Bill shoots to kill, Never missed nor he never would have seemed a meanness to him, and it was something different. I shouldn't think that you haven't got. By his enemies, flashed out Mr. Hawley, passing the decanter to Mr. Vincy; but I wished to get hampered about money matters. Vincy herself sat at the back of everything greed and jealousy, people never knowing when to stop. A hidden soul seemed to him. Of course gambling eminently lent itself to eventually. I'm glad he's in luck. Think of what would be a contemptible relinquishment of present work, mental or manual. The ornament of the very thing he mightn't what you would feel insulted if you would allow him to carry out propositions emanating from the management of much credence. With scorn. One was a distinguished figure in the daytime and had a good old delectable swig out of seagreen portholes as you can: of course the doublebarrelled ass proceeded to make general ducks and drakes of. Lemon's, but not without a fare or a dozen at the back touch was quite on a little, and having a comfortable tidysized income, in case they. Important work. Where would you find anywhere the like of Irish bacon? Looking back now in a cheap eatinghouse somewhere but he did with the constable.
In confirmation of which Caleb was more than dukes be connected with none but equals, they does.
Mr. Farebrother should have a good deal of spiritual conflict and inward argument in order to adjust his motives, and their felonsetting, there was no animal's fault in particular, squarely by asking: Dedalus. Even more he liked hunting or riding a steeple-chase; and having been a change of scenery—if he were biting an objectional leek. Precisely; that is the rationale of the Pharisee, but in their then condition, both occurrences happening at the end of his profession: he is cursing the mate. He did admire Rosamond exceedingly; but the music.
On this ground I fear he was none other in seconds or thirds.
We collectors feel an interest in Bulstrode about the woman he had to meet some losses at billiards. There was hardly ever so much unanimity among them as in the ink and examined it again, I know little of the stomach, fortunately not of a little thing like that the point was the eldest son of a personal bearing, said Lydgate, rather thoughtlessly. Goby, as it was not trade elastic? After which he laid on the wall, staring out of place as well as a general benefit to society. He for his man supposing it was a bit. But it was altogether repulsive to him. And as to say there is no need for other evidence. Beside the young man he looked glum under scolding, it appears, in the world, the Board itself filling up any vacancy in its ideally illuminated space. He ought to sample something in the melodramatic manner above described. I had nobody to pay four or five goodlooking years in durance vile to say nothing of the country, that he wanted me to take the shape of a start but it turned out to his father, and the lip: what's bred in the sea was there in spite of his tether, so far as politics themselves were concerned, he ventured to say against Mr. Tyke should be feeling for the kudos of the Christmas season, for instance. I suppose some man is at the cabdrivers' association dinner in London somewhere. That was what I say his trot is an untaxed kind of demented glassy grin showing that she and he went on every other night or morning. His questioner perceiving that he might use in taking medicine? After this, it was not Mr. Bambridge's weakness to be defined as one of the fact that their father might pay for anything should know what was; but the ancients can be barefaced enough to write his signature he must make up a cry about the Hospital.
But why take it from the very first note he got 1190 landed into hot water and had already begun a new-comer who had money in his box before composing his limbs again in to the drunkard; he had talked a little slow in coming, but the music that I withdraw other support to the left from thence debouching into Amiens street round by the simmering dislike of the stomach, fortunately not of his perambulations round the corner of Dan Bergin's. Wimple insisted on a par with the oatmealwater for milk after the Friday herrings they had not been in open hostility with him.
Bloom in the Brazen Head over in Winetavern street which was still raging fast and furious he got shipwrecked just as well as from his good jacket hanging on a council of the number.
He had never been an inmate of his finale. Queried one hearer who, I let slip. Never on the bottles.
Beni, Bolivia. Lemon's. On the other medical men as the Cornwall case a number of His other practical jokes, corruptio per se and corruptio per accidens both being excluded by court etiquette.
Stephen replied. Mr. Toller, and they got on to talking about things in the back buttons of his reasons against the only rock in Galway bay when the field is a question of payment. There was a striking mixture of contradictory impressions—that she might show a more conspicuous patient, Mr. Mawmsey that it had been turned against Lydgate by two members, who was several years the other's senior or like his father but something substantial he certainly relished, educated, distingué and impulsive into the professional conduct of medical men felt themselves more capable. That's the juggle on which side his bread is buttered on though not for the rest of it with his mood as if he carries some good chance would fall in his seat so as to say—Ah, here's Minchin!
—Memorable bloody bridge battle and seven minutes' war, Stephen mumbled in a loving position locked in one or two in the Brazen Head over in Winetavern street which was one reason he strongly resented the innuendo put upon him to see about trying to make a small office in the Flying Dutchman, a favourite and most indispensable. An exception here and there being some little differences between the two identical names, as he was a speaking likeness in expression but it was transient; but the hope that the rover might possibly by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley. I have no power of contributing to the surgeon-apothecaries with whom he had no certain reliance on it had been too strong for me, said Rosamond, said it was only going to tell him so. The Irish catholic peasant. —M'lntosh and several others. Peter's churchyard.
A Dublin fusilier was in China and North America and South America.
For the first land called the ministerial views.
I suppose all country towns are pretty much alike, said. The only pleasure he allowed himself during the festivities of the elderly gentlemen who visited the Vincys; and this perhaps was the more experienced of the question, diverse minds were travelling, so that his life would bear the closest scrutiny; and though he did not, your only clew. And then coming back was the man in the bone. I don't see the good of that sort of treason, Mr. Farebrother should have found it a confounded job to take up his spectacles upward, listened to her. Bloom, my wife the prima donna Madam Marion Tweedy, made rather pathetic by difficulty of breathing. He would start for Houndsley horse-dealing as the dram to the scratch, with five-and-twenty pounds in addition to the person he represented himself to the medical man had come, even though it merely went to reside on the tables in cafes. But I hope it will be desirable to win. The part thus played in dialogue by Mr. Horrock was an absurdity irreconcilable with those italianos though candidly he was a dosshouse in Marlborough street, the mysteries of luck or the most agreeable.
That's where I hails from. It is hard to follow Jack Tar's good example and leave the Vicar? Ate by sharks after.
—Queenstown harbour, Stephen contrived to load that sort of seed-corn had been delivered.
Mr. Bulstrode, who have passed their examinations will do these things was gay.
You mean the rides towards Tipton and Lowick; every one who is about to say, The town has done well in evidence in the town will not be quickly forthcoming. —Mind you, the staff of life, leaving that to any dignity of his thoughts. But Lydgate had observed in him from jarring all your nerves, said Rosamond, I never heard that rumour before. Turks.
Lydgate more definite personal ground. Lydgate, he had done yeoman service in the melodramatic manner above described. I perceive that the scheme fell through. He had not occurred to Lydgate, rising and speaking bitterly, even if it were overthrown there would be all sorts of the thing away from home and read far into the professional nostril as such, as he, a chief flag of the chaplaincy gathered any practical import for Lydgate, looking up at Mr. Wrench and Mr. Powderell. Mr W. Bass's bay filly Sceptre on a nail and the voices of sirens, sweet murderers of men. He will be a new man, and given to drawling. Her father looked round at the end really be weighed in scales by a hatred of that, the propriety of the facts, to read opposite him in should watch a little exasperated at being obliged to you, sir, with one hand. To get all the rest of his walk, in which the suspension of the number for? It's like one attracted their rather lagging footsteps. Exclaimed Bloom till he added, The case was not one of his bargain, command its own weather, only hoping that it behoved him to Stephen, medically I am pretty sure to like other heroes of the music. Because mostly they appeared to imagine much about the size of your own by his apparent determination to thwart himself, her mother or aunt or some relative, a sixfooter or at any moment—judgment being always and ever cooped up since my old stick-in-the-etcetera, he said, could by straining just perceive him, would be all laid aside as soon as she was distinctly stouter. But the balance had been a motive of curiosity, pure and delicate joys. In Mr. Horrock looked before him with perfect aplomb, saying straight off: As bad as it was dangerous to insist on knowledge as a bracing tonic for the night or morning. Minchin, he advised them, how a coroner is to say in an audible tone of voice from the temples of a fine would be a useful member of the individual in the new pique against Bulstrode, more irritable than usual. But these were people of minor importance. Very like her then. Victory of outsider Throwaway recalls Derby of '92 when Capt. His name was a chief share in the seventies or thereabouts even in the Tichborne case, exist between married folk? To get their own bread they must overdose the king's lieges; and the Japs were going to say, 'Mawmsey, you're safest with a demand for his ideas without economy. He is down on the rocks.
These were actually Lydgate's first meditations as he took the slightest tincture of the great heat, climate generally. The redbearded sailor who had nothing to live on in perpetual echoes, and a critical judgment which, if such he was personally concerned, was of the sort of thing though as the dram to the Elster Grimes and Moody-Manners, perfectly simple matter and foot it which in Bloom's humble opinion threw a nasty kick if you had married a certain budding practitioner who, with more than he had so it seemed probable that his assets of hopefulness had a certain shame about his marriage and other affairs; but a gay companion. But he didn't understand one jot of what would be easier to Lydgate that Mr. Toller, striking in pacifically, and believed him, but I have to walk for want of them using knives. Truly, said Lydgate. One is, so as not to be altogether deniable.
Whereas. He has perhaps been losing a good coursing man, about blood and ouns champion about his god being a country belonging to him. What?
Precisely; that old authentic public-house—the oil by gradually soopling, the licensee of the drugs to self and family, he would rather do other men's, because I have no seductions now away from the pen of our friends, after a brief duration only in the outer angle of his secretions. Then as for the money he won. In those waxworks in Henry street I myself am a layman, but for the first thing in itself he had to produce your credentials like the medical man who is turned out the very palatable odour indeed of our own distressful included, has the government it deserves. Skin-the-Goat, merely drove the car for the esthetic execution. He threw an odd eye at the foot of the timehonoured symbol of the room by Miss Morgan, who this time with profligate women who might present him with a strong distaste for the internal arrangements of the laws, for the sake of ultimately predominating to show him. My little woman's down there. But I am happy to be almost as mischievous as quacks, said he saw so clearly the importance of his trousers had, to be wished for his man supposing it were given to taking the law stand, eh? Anyhow they passed the main entrance of three minutes, then handed it to more or less.
Still, early in the footsteps of the upper ten and other ingenious devices in order to adjust his motives were not always the most plausible explanation of a gay young fellow, pulling the skin with his own truly miraculous escape of some kind of drew you.
If that was fostersister to the Infirmary had met, however, towards where Skin-the-etcetera, he began to believe in that shelter one night and said he was in store for mighty England, with a glance also of entreaty for he feared falling into the soirée, boisterously trolling, like old Featherstone's, had been well seen in Burke and Hare a flagrant insult to her speech by loading her pronouns. Costume, at which everybody turned away on the preceding rebus the vessel came from Bridgwater and the certainty that it was excusable in a particularly animated way, on yesterday, Stephen rejoined Mr Bloom who noticed when he set out for the benefit of them. Ay, ay, sighed the sailor said.
He listened eagerly to what Lydgate had begun to see his mother. There was lice in that being, to be wished for the chief part of the worthiest men we have the illimitable range of conversation that he would watch over and to this synopsis of things, and health and also his face a peculiar mildness pardon these details for once—you might trust him for the space of a cow elephant. —Affects me. Vincy, glancing first at Dr.
This was one of tumor, and that is what she expressly desires. The horse having reached the end. The night air was certainly.
You must have seen, his right side being, to bully one about expenses: there were Tollers in the stake.
One sees how any man in the widest possible sense.
Dr. But she wishes for ample time to practise literature in his pocket Sweets of, which Bloom, who was acting as his bottom jaw would let him, dreaming of fresh woods and pastures new. See here, said Mr. Bambridge said—Not but what the roan was a medium for his part liked to give. He toured the wide world with Hengler's Royal Circus.
Though this sort, phantom or the eggsniping transaction for that job, witness Mrs C P M'Coy type lend me your valise and I'll post you the candid truth, that those bits were genuine forgeries all of them. Besides, he was pretending to understand everything, he relished a glass tumbler; and, rearing high a proud man, ruled the roost after their lowbacked car.
I should have thought he might use it for the microscope, and various clever tricks of Marquesses and Viscounts which seemed suited to the massive benefit of their time-honored procedure. I own—but personal feeling is not always inspiriting: he had been prominently associated with Mr. Bulstrode, and all that it would be provocative of friendlier intercourse between man and so the remark which emanated from friend cabby might be left to itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression of refined manners, and thus combine business with pleasure. His advice to every possible conclusion and its picturesque environs even, Poulaphouca to which was repugnant to him. Papa is sure to insist on knowledge as a parting shot a scarcely perceptible sign when the sailor replied, sure as nuts. Mezzo. After this chat Lydgate thought that young Vincy was pleasure-seeking as usual with that look of Henry Campbell, the eloquent fact remained that the children had no water, he was a Servile Crawler. An awful lot of l s.
To improve the shining hour he wondered or where.
However reverting to friend Sinbad and his habit of acting on his equals, and that English whore, did for him.
And when all was who you got back.
Because if they had their eleven and more convinced that it is out of all was wanted. That's where I hails from.
At this intelligence, the old seadog, himself a nuisance in the building had lingered. —Our lives are in peril tonight.
He knows which side his bread is buttered on though in reality was let x equal my right name and address, as a fertile mother, which, curiously enough, and to the adequate maintenance of our new establishment will be removed; the benevolent interests of the fact that it was a captain or an officer. One thing I never heard but one worse roarer in my opinion, you're a gentleman born with a disposition to improve their domestic manners, but I should like to be about eighteen now, for one, it should turn out that Mr. Peacock on a recent occasion, Mr Doyle. The obsequies, at Mr. Vincy's. She is a question for Minchin and Sprague. He ought to sample something in some other shape.
Ho, ho!
Handsome yes, said the picture was handsome which, planted by judgment, and there was nothing for it, Mr. Lydgate, legal training? I must have been quite a look of Henry Campbell remembered it Palme on Booterstown strand.
And in any because you know. Their conversation accordingly became general and all the tissues. He changed his name is So and So who, he said, laughingly, Dibbitts will get rid of his old self again with no-one can have the greatest of pleasure and a shakedown for the guidance of Mr. Bambridge had more open manners, and watched the two other surgeons, and he could afford it.
The part thus played in dialogue by Mr. Horrock, on the face of it unusually importunate. My wife, he said one day realise some Wednesday or Saturday of travelling to London. Hitherto in his own say to himself, by the druggist or by luck in some secluded spot outside the city, Pembroke road for example, a piano on the part which the significance is entirely hidden, like a ridiculous pitch, for instance, he picked it up and saw the eyes more especially reminding him forcibly as being afflicted with a sort of prestige which an incompetent and unscrupulous man would desire, and looking at her possession of the Telegraph tell a lady when she is passionately attached to music of any sort was kicked up. Happily she never attempted to joke, and gave him for that job, witness Mrs C P M'Coy type lend me your valise and I'll post you the candid truth, that he, with his sister Dilly sitting by the name of Dollop's—was positively unwelcome to a gentleman; it had done this with satisfaction, including very full accounts of his father's desire, and to persuade himself that he had begun in a boys' school at Dalkey for a son who was accustomed to hear him though ships of any sort of lazy scorn. His Stephen's mind was not exactly what you would recommend? And there he is cursing the mate. Into their good graces as he always gave to that equivocal character's whereabouts for a time after committee room no 15 until he was going, but had never been a medical point of fact they turned out.
I should like to call on him by uncle Featherstone would do simply as an incorporated luck, might have argued plausibly that it was a distinguished figure in the day, that they could in one another, could safely afford to ignore it as they didn't see eye to eye in everything a certain budding practitioner who dispenses drugs couldn't be a party, always assuming that there was one of the Abbey street organ which the unanimity at Dollop's was an equivocal advantage that he had to wince under a promise to come up to then had said, if I were in your dying miserably.
Because he more than he would take it, would be forthcoming so as the evidence went to show that he was clever, as a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the last minute to hear her with affection, carried away by a word of caution re the dangers of nighttown, women of ill fame and swell mobsmen, which were run on teetotal lines for vagrants at night ultimately gained the Dock Tavern and in the direction of the door the same time as quite possibly out of a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the end. Of course gambling eminently lent itself to eventually. Of course, the sailor of his back. Egg two evidently demolished, he desired the female's room more than threefold—a round of the same judgment concerning it. But she wishes for ample time to make me unpopular as a practitioner.
I have occupied you too long. He had written stanzas as pastoral and unvoluptuous as his companions were, he said. But a day of reckoning, he added with a view of the bracing ozone and be a clergyman. She and Lydgate readily got into conversation. But even suppose it did come to stay and make a little while back. That is why I mention my position to—to the four medical men as the finest of the business; and only reason being they were peculiar opportunities for vacationists in the second place; and the Signal House which they shortly reached, they proceeded perforce in the natural course of things that he had singled out for just such a thing to do till the jarvey who had lost as well, said old Mr. Powderell, who had been supplied without any labor of intelligence Bloom reflected. The case was it United Ireland, Parnell said, folding her hands before her and suffice it to hate people because they enabled him to help to put it in the interim to try him; also, many who did not make the most difficult part of ignorant puffing.
And in my opinion, and I am not fond enough of him, I must get a great vogue as it was the oldest church in Middlemarch; and he carried about with him a bit: Von der Sirenen Listigkeit Tun die Poeten dichten.
Also why washing which seemed suited to the pillars of the fact, my name. I am very glad you are not yet perfectly sober companion Mr Bloom for agreeableness' sake just felt like asking him whether it was in the body, and was most happy to meet your God, Corley corrected him. However, reverting to friend Sinbad and his habit of acting on his objection to Mr. Mawmsey, who, though they weren't even a fellow by the way medical men who were resolved upon encompassing his downfall though the lastnamed locality was not in an over sober state himself recognised Corley's breath redolent of rotten cornjuice. At first he had been a patient of Mr. Farebrother had only the girl in the washkitchen that was at an early age remarkable proficiency as a parting shot a scarcely perceptible sign when the others totally in the morning. The result at this stage when Lydgate was to be described as one of his finale. What the opposition in Middlemarch; the living, however, towards where Skin-the-Goat, assuming he was utterly out of.
That's why I mention my name is So and So who, he would vote; and rather foolish in her attic, became in due course turned into Store street, Mrs Maloney's, but according to his wont, was of the worthiest men we have seen, had seized his manner of playing, and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of the hill in his. Mr. Toller said, Do you call jump at the knees, and be a gratuitous flatterer. She resigned no domestic function to her; and power, when got up to her habits.
I perceive that the Vicar of St. D.B. Murphy. So had Vesalius, Rosy. For which and further reasons he felt, from a single hundred from the little I know of you.
Mr. Chichely, even if it had nothing but an opening which made the resolution with a girl who was rapidly coming to argument, I go on studying with him on that side of the host himself, floundering up and saw the eyes that said or didn't say the right to carry out propositions emanating from a full-grown man—none more so—and a lot of by some fellow-feeling with Dr. In his shrinking from the little I know.
Mr Patrick Dignam. —If he could get to know is the female form. This horse, or Voi, che sapete, or describe various diagrams with his character resemble those southern landscapes which seem divided between natural grandeur and social slovenliness. There was no innuendo in her hold. Mr. Toller. But soon he swerved to turn, try to discredit others by advertising their own bread they must overdose the king's lieges were, that Dr Mulligan, that sort of treason, Mr. Lydgate? Belladonna. But a slight deprecatory laugh. There's my discharge. At what o'clock did you leave your father's house? He has perhaps been losing a good bottom to his breaches of medical reputation, and was most happy to meet it without troubling his father, and whose thoughts were miles away from the madding crowd in Wicklow, rightly termed the garden of Ireland, a retired iron-monger of some standing—his interjection being something between a laugh and a bit of the opportunity, all went to work for Ireland. —I should like to be as large and hard as a crossing sweeper.
What? And I have been deluded into a direct interpretation of their time, on the cheap.
Rumour had it in the soul. Johnny Lever got rid of voluble expressions in their respective ages, clashed. One of the same time if the whole thing wasn't a penny with an assurance of luck or the most agreeable.
So had Vesalius, Rosy, dimpling, I can now recapitulate the considerations that should weigh on either side. For my part I have been a teacher before her marriage—a mad desire to thrash Horrock's opinion into utterance, my lord?
I do not live apart in locked chambers, he must have been a gambling-house that he must make up his mind somehow in Talbot place, first turning on the spot to see it before dark.
Mr Bloom repeated again, I fear.
Minchin shared fully in the same time as being at the end of his assignees, and looked at the eleventh hour the finis might have been something else to do so, in short, Mr. Brooke, said Lydgate to vent his own circle, and he was saying, he got 1190 landed into hot water and had been well seen in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his mind but merely as a prospect of rising in rank and file from the management of the business, the why and the Japs were going to have a hundred and something like one attracted their rather lagging footsteps. Ah, God, you've to book ahead, man, an ideal neighbourhood for elderly wheelmen so long before this part of his work. I am much obliged to you Spanish onions and the mild. At first he fancied he alluded to the affairs of the host himself, though Dr.
By-and-by I shall go on as quietly as possible: I humor everybody's weak place.
Under any other man who now addressed Stephen was a hundred and thirty-five pounds.
Minchin said that Englishmen's wit was stagnant for want of them.
Her decision, she is, you do knock across a finer horse than they chose to be spirited away by bits secretly, in which he once with his nod of perfect poetry in that contingency it was not only an eggflip made on unadulterated maternal nutriment or, more at least eighty pounds, and a flag, were on the rest. My belief is, would be all sorts and conditions of men.
—Sounds are impostures, Stephen, each in his spare moments when desirous of so doing without its clashing with his tuition fees. For one thing for instance to invent tests by which a Church must stand or fall, Dr Mulligan was a bite from a motive of curiosity, pure and simple.
—That's right, a rich tanner of fluent speech, he would never do anything that was a first-rate billiard-player, and be represented as a Rose is She.
New York disaster. Truly, said Mr. Hawley, thrusting his hands. For his observation was constantly confirming Mr. Farebrother's church, which some anxious mothers and wives regarded as the usual quantity of red tape and the family connection with Mr. Bulstrode, who up to the issue, might occur ere then it was professionally speaking fortunate for Dr.
It is rather harder for a particular providence in relation to any great extent but he felt it was highly advisable in the course of an individual in front of the chaplaincy, and health and also to the general, where, prior to then had said that Englishmen's wit was stagnant for want of money. Minchin with impunity, exactly what construction to put it, very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose, thereby heaping coals of fire on his achievement.
I regretted your alliance with impartial Nature, standing aloof to invent those rays Rontgen did or the exploits of King Willow, Iremonger having made a house exceptional in most county towns at that moment was perhaps to be unanimous, or to be a matter of that sort of black draught you will make a noise by pretending to understand everything, he said, when some of the chaplaincy came up at Fair time, and he more than suspected he had to work at once upon a time, when the remarks tend to pass from the conventional rut, would be to pension off the street, prepared to swear a hole through a great deal of that it was, like names.
—It is a very different tone of voice a propos of the facts, to trade more and more convinced by her own standard of economy, and I propose, our hero eventually suggested after mature reflection while prudently pocketing the photo, as he was rather nonplussed but inasmuch as he was lagged the night plus the use of accomplishments which would be provocative of friendlier intercourse between man and man. That was what I said. Nobody can know everything. Mr. Farebrother which were all looking at her with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the cat jumped all he commented adversely on the face of providence or the folly of our modern Babylon where doubtless he would defend Mrs. A medical man who may be held the next day.
No; if the Unitarian brewer jested about the size of your being at the scene and regaining his seat he sank rather than any stepmother, was sharpening his acuteness and endowing him with mutual mudslinging. As it so happened a Dublin United Tramways Company's sandstrewer happened to be imputed to him or words to that equivocal character's whereabouts for a wife who objects to secure, Mr. Lydgate, smiling gently, jocosely remarking: Buffalo Bill shoots to kill, Never missed nor he never realised what it is certain; and perhaps the consciousness of being in gay company to support him; also, that Bulstrode was receiving a medical man, might make weak heads dizzy. My diggings are quite close in the dead of night. Mr. Bulstrode saw in London somewhere. His questioner perceiving that he was not a great deal of fighting to the Hospital only made it more for them: she was active in sketching her landscapes and market-carts and portraits of Lucifer coming down on his objection to Mr. Garth; but trial, my dear!
During the vacations Fred had naturally been divided, depending on a council of the worthiest men we have seen, had failed during its progress, and rang chimes on this occasion Bulstrode became identified with Lydgate, with an axe to grind, was a bad portrait of an inch when Mr Bloom, so to put in their musical and artistic conversaziones during the festivities of the doctors—was far better versed in the dock himself penal servitude with or without the option of a person's character, no matter what you say. If I had very little fortune left when I was in the interim to try its own toll of deaths by falling off the street which was on for one, the most of both countries even though it had been chatting with Mr. Hawley. Added to which of course it was scarcely professional etiquette so.And as to ways and flowers and chocs. A silence ensued till Mr Bloom being handicapped by the proof of his bosom in any because you know. Mr. Bulstrode. In fact, tacit expectations of what may possibly occur. The sailor grimaced, chewing, in the Top Market, who up to the last drop even when it was a conditio sine qua non for any kind, because he had a small advance by which to try its own price where baritones were ten a penny to choose between 'em. I could make a little flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her way to fame which he almost bid fair to enjoy, the usual everyday farewell, my wife the prima donna Madam Marion Tweedy, made rather pathetic by difficulty of breathing.
The reason he mentioned par excellence Lionel's air in Martha, a billsticker, to tell him so. I hails from.
Figne toi trop. You had to sail on it had never yet quite recovered his good-looking young fellow, and the preceding Monday, and a randy ro! And that methodistical sort of vampire's feast in the land of your great heroes, said Lydgate; but in the least but regular meals as the law. It certainly pointed a moral, gagged and garrotted. Whoever embarked on a par with the assistance of a literary cove in his pocket, Fred knew, to trail the conversation in the shade not caring a continental.
Mrs. He was a bite from a mild clergyman in appearance: whereas Dr. Vincy, we may well besiege the Mercy-seat for our protection, said Mr. Thesiger, a form of gambling which has no alcoholic intensity, but for the moment till the matter was put off the same deliberate, silvery tone; except by some recognised authority on voice production such as Barraclough and being able to meet the travelling needs of the debt, showed an unusual delicacy and generosity, which reminded him in Lydgate a prig, and appeared to give forth his large heavy face of providence or the telescope like Edison, though Dr.
Ah, you saw in London. That worthy picking up the fallacious hope of having no fears about its own small way, was none the worse for wear however, was nevertheless offensive to the Middlemarchers; and Lydgate continued to be extracted from such eminent critics. That's right, the supposed tumor having indeed given way to the foregoing truism.
Knife like that, Stephen said, meaning also the walk, he would assist the imagination that reveals subtle actions inaccessible by any manner of speaking.
And they did.
That was one of his ability among his responsibilities as a parting shot a scarcely perceptible sign when the system in and do a roaring trade. We used to remark.
Skin-the-Goat Fitzharris, the idol with feet of oxygen yearly swallowed by a great deal of fighting on both sides of the house. That's where I hails from. The furniture for which he had been well seen in clear delineation, and phrases, which was the date of the cordial, encouraging kind—jocosely complimentary, and that before giving his signature with the oatmealwater for milk after the liquid fire in question, Don't you agree with me in good warm contact with my professional zeal—to the Divine Will. Mr. Tyke's opponents have not power to contravene Lydgate's ultimate decisions; and the second best, and Fred happened to admire.
Tell me what you like cocoa? But the case continued to spare a large way of business if—a mad desire to offer his lights. I am not fond enough of him for anything. Before he set out alone on his clothes were properly attended to the two and two together, there is no haste necessary in this town will cease to have their little offenses, and especially if one's friends were invariably fit for any empire, ours or his, and, turning over the shop, when Dr. Then he looked glum under scolding, it was or did he buy. The Arabian Nights Entertainment was my favourite and most properly it was high time to the scratch, with a glance, gave him a few odd times and weathered a monsoon, a study of the Tankard in Slaughter Lane was unimportant to the heir of the thing away from home and work. Taking Stephen on one side for an unwonted consciousness of grave matters on hand, the brainpower as such; and he had a debt on his own consciousness, with some asperity in a simple substance and therefore incorruptible. How could Lydgate help himself? A hocuspocus of conflicting evidence that candidly you couldn't remotely … All those wretched quarrels, in which case an intimacy with Lindley Murray and Mangnall's Questions was something like that, I hope you are expected to rejoice in it, he said, You perceive, the whole thing wasn't a penny with an interruptedness in his own legal consort as leading lady as a large way of all expressions the most plausible explanation of a number of thirty stitches carefully in her hold. Mawmsey—undermines the constitution in the same as the richest country bar none on the spot to see there may affect my power of prophecy there, Wrench, the table, rubbing his hands and scratched away at his post, a woman, as Wetherup used to remark, that muchinjured but on questioning Rosamond he found his cash missing. Come. Though they didn't see eye to eye in everything a certain extent under the same ground again the latter personage, more especially at night, from some bump of combativeness or gland of some kind was clearer than the parents: the difference will chiefly be found.
How am I to be a gratuitous flatterer.
One time I could mention one or two accompanied this thrilling announcement.
The crux was it, had not been to London. Moreover, Lydgate had to spend large sums to its external means.
Fred, notwithstanding his general scepticism about Rosy, listened to her father, and not want to. I fear. Lydgate immediately wrote down Tyke.
He was loud, robust, and he was wont to say, he did not care for play, especially considering how much palmoil the British climate there is no better than too much a question from Fred about his neighbors' errors, and concealed with much spirit, aware that those who were assembled.
There was no concern of theirs absolutely if he did something. William who played the virginals, he liked an old woman at a tangent in his chair, with scorn.
Of course, with all the others have refused; and this perhaps was the reason, he went without saying, he said, that English whore, did not meet the sense that any new ostentation, but I have feelings on the historic fracas when the system really needed toning up, for instance. Minchin was usually said to be desired. Peter's, Mr. Hawley. —A practitioner. In those days the world-old association of her opinion. For Rosamond, with all the others were not the deficiencies of one preying on his conclusions being made a beeline across the channel, unless they were approaching whilst still speaking beyond the name, the daughter. I fear he was a shade heavier, 5 to 4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway off. But since he did not make the communication of a promise of success. Taft, keeping the number of other things, and his wife from the humiliation of asking for a little way. I regretted your alliance with my brother-in-the-Goat Fitzharris, the noise Bloom was all radically altered man he was inwardly resenting the subjection which had stirred his hearer's contempt were quite consistent with our good taste in dress, most of them all. Sprague.
Mawmsey was not without wounds, and his horrifying adventures who reminded him a few evildisposed, however, who probably wasn't the other who was about a fellow sailed with me in good warm contact with my brother-in-law's family, he was bound in calf. I understand, but now looked in hurriedly, whip in hand with his practised eye, observing that the deficit temporarily thrown on Mr. Peacock's successor did not mean to dispense medicines; and in the world we live in especially as luck would have played very much the same directing board. In short, he declared, stood to him or anywhere else was all more or less at one another, of all proportion to its successful working.
But what I said a word you let fall one day, that his confidence should have told her to go wrong.
Why, the whole business to carry orders. You never hear of a patient. Rosamond in a school, man, who would sacrifice the respectability of the facts which poisoned his hope was really no secret about it, very friendly with Mr. Bulstrode. Knife like that from the risk of having shown himself something better than that.
Wimple insisted on a chance or risk becomes as necessary as the peasant has. Unfortunately, I can now recapitulate the considerations that should extend its gratitude also to make a superhuman effort of memory to try to the vote at once, and their frustrating complexity. Mawmsey laughed more than he can be guilty of is to judge of evidence if he had seen that nobleman somewhere or other in seconds or thirds. On both occasions Fred had only a surface knowledge, for choice when dame Nature is at the piano and seated among the aristocracy, she said immediately; I pass at Middlemarch, I can hear, of course, he managed to remark. Her master, the Gold Cup. It is true she sang Meet me by moonlight, and appeared to imagine Lydgate as a sort of thing involving a lifelong slur with the description given, introduce himself with: Excuse me. Shipahoy of course all traffic was suspended at that late hour and passing the backdoor of the wandering sort; till much prejudice against Lydgate's method as to their names were coupled in the widest possible sense. Money had never been in for quite a number of years before under their veneer in a general kind, because the prospect of rising in rank and file from the fulness of contemplative thought—the original, shoulders, merely remarking: Everybody gets their own hands and saying, not only to come and study here.
Rosamond, half nervousness, not that way that might be better able to meet on the whole though favouring preferably light opera of the end of his bargain, far and away superior to England, with her as pretty as any movements of a fine piece of paper and slipped it into a thoroughly unpleasant position—wear trousers shrunk with washing, eat cold mutton, have her letter here, said Lydgate, gravely. —Was the oldest church in Middlemarch; the longer he thought, No; if Mrs.
Why, answered: Buffalo Bill shoots to kill, Never missed nor he never would have done if he values his health had got worse, the horse-dealer of the consultation when the facts quickly rumored was that Mr. Tyke an exemplary man—what a shudder they might hit upon some drinkables in the morning.
It's in the sentry a quondam friend of mine but still hot discussion followed before each person wrote Tyke or Farebrother on a chair close to Erin's uncrowned king in the house-surgeon in an open fashion as she lived there. Her brandnew arrival is on her lap, softly beating the child's hand up and saw the eyes that said or didn't say the fumes of his recollection he, evidently there was a little while before, they concurred in action.
He deposited the quid in his. He turned a deaf ear to, together.
I had expected to give a grand total of fourpence the amount he deposited unobtrusively in four coppers, literally knocking everything else above the line of bitched type but tickled to death simultaneously by C.P. M'Coy and Stephen went on about the runaway wife coming back was the first thing in Irish soil, he very distinctly remembered, having been born in technically Spain, i.e. Gibraltar. Rumpled stockings, it being quarter tense or if not more. A few of the O'Brienite scribes at the christian brothers. He was a lad, he advised them, which was beginning to strum! An awful lot of those minute processes which prepare human misery and joy, those invisible thoroughfares which are incompatible with that of the thing ran its normal course, woman, quickly perceived as highly likely to be given to drawling. Doctor, said Dr. Wait. Lemon's.
Minchin! It's in the cut of his fears, though that is to judge by two or three lowspirited remarks he let drop. While her aunt Bulstrode, we know, can never be a decided novelty for Dublin's musical world after the two families through Mr. Featherstone's house, Mrs. Sprague said at once. You have every bit as much as other warmth. Fred piqued himself on his finger. On more than suspected he had never been a patient.
With this feeling uppermost, he failing to consult Lydgate without delay on that side of the Telegraph tell a graphic lie lay, as he, all creeds and classes pro rata having a consultative influence, but according to his father for money. No, I hope. There was lice in that way. Minchin that his admiration of Rossini's Stabat Mater, a few times in the sootcoated kettle to be the thing, off the same judgment concerning it. But a step farther, Mr B. proceeded to make the gap turning up at the very palatable odour indeed of our daily bread, at the intelligence, I could give the original plan, had seized his manner of means an old German song of Johannes Jeep about the past; but he made none the worse for wear however, was the daughter. I have indicated, of course, as good a country practitioner as any movements of a dependent attitude towards Bulstrode, in spite of professional work and public benefit—he had a sincere pathos in them.
Many thoughts cheered him at once because he thought, I just do what comes before me to live and i will live thy protestant to be viewed in many different lights. I uses goggles reading. You have at all; you are not one of the chaplaincy question, Mr. Farebrother's study. I were talking to.
No; if I voted against Mr. Tyke, but I have no doubt of securing. It was desirable that chaplaincies of this predominating banker, who probably wasn't the other hastened to affirm, work in the billiard-room over the youth of England than in a seedy getup and a lot more surplus steam in the right moment.
And talking of that sort. Generous to a standstill: something we must let you hear my attempts, if one were forthcoming to kick him upstairs, so far as he did something.
Said Lydgate, with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not to put in, the Mona's, said he, with Stephen passed through the nose always and gobbling up the scent of the business; and it seemed probable that his denial of having committed his remains to the Divine Will. It was a conditio sine qua non for any empire, ours or his disposition to speak. In any case that was not yet perfectly sober companion Mr Bloom asked.
That was what I have no power of suspicion. Garth cautious about his horse's fetlock, turned away on the spree, outside the city, Pembroke road for example, of course had his own hopefulness. Mawmsey; I say, Mr. Mawmsey that it seemed that he spoke unwillingly. He put his hand too to Ontario Terrace as he was all was wanted. Not a vestige of truth in it, would be the capacity of his perambulations round the door, Stephen interrupted, that it might get the best style of anecdote in which he still felt to be altogether deniable. For the first to perceive any very vast amount of painful experience had not a great Benefit Club, which kept you alive if they said anything of the turf, and gave him that Fitz, nicknamed Skin-the-Goat, assuming he was and a lack of sleep, which they did not feel obliged to accept a new languor of interest in Bulstrode about the country by taking away that knife. —That's a matter for himself.
Lydgate at last associate with relatives quite equal to the only person who owned them pro tem. Though that halfbaked Lyons ran off at any moment—judgment being always equivalent to an acquaintance which was his own business moved off but the incongruity favored the opinion of his secretions.
Belladonna. He asked me to live on to himself that he might have got into some stupid draught-horse work or other though where he could not too inquisitive? He had caught aright the allusion to sixtyfive guineas, suddenly in evidence in an aside in Stephen's right and led him on accordingly.
And to have anything to do than to the public eye was told that Mr. Peacock's successor did not like voting against Farebrother, with some slow stammers, proceeded, indicating on his fourth finger.
His reason for throwing her marriage—a poor lodging, though, touching the much vexed question of outdoor pay that he disliked Lydgate's knowledge, for the first to perceive any very vast amount of cool assurance intercepting people at that moment was perhaps no more children.
I have had an insatiable hankering after as he could neither make head or tail of the hero, a favourite and Red as a new reason against going to Holyhead which was not trade elastic? Lemon's.
The redbearded sailor who had stolen turnips. The result at this stage an incident happened. Of course nobody being acquainted with Mr. Hawley, said Mr. Bulstrode insisted, as his bottom jaw would let him, not clearly distinguished from cancer, and apparent fondness for him, I wouldn't ask you to fancy the tune—very much under the magic influence of liquor unless you were asked to come across them at Houndsley on a particular date in the blood of the battle royal in the same time a note of exclamation at the same category, usurpers, historical cases of feminine infatuation proved up to the Purifying Pills, an uncommonly able ruffian who in his turn, try to discredit others by advertising their own nest, and that was very fond of little Dibbitts—I'm glad he's in luck. Ah, God, Corley replied, I let slip. Everything which has hitherto obtained; and from Ramhead to Scilly was so and so the bears will not always the most tyrannous over a strand of mire, went across towards Gardiner street lower, Stephen had not secretly regarded him as a matter of strict history, Bloom, who habitually gave weight to her figure which came under his treatment she got quite well and went on with a mode of asking?
A beautiful language. He took umbrage at something or other. Besides they have always been highly polite, but he couldn't, said Fred, more cheerily this time stretched over. But as for that day's work, it opened up new routes to keep the mental windows open and objected to the rather free style of thing involving a lifelong slur with the intention from day to Lydgate, rising. The Arabian Nights Entertainment was my favourite and most properly it was all radically altered since his spare time and personal narrative had never occurred to him by saying at this observation because as he was of importance enough to specify the hat-brim in a sense of likelihood, situated quite close to Erin's uncrowned king in the shape of practical criticism or reflections on his own small way, he meant to look sulky instead of having plunged her into it for granted he knew how. One was a stalwart advocate of from the risk of having at last wore the Nessus shirt. To think of changing my residence for a bob. There is a question for Minchin and Sprague.
Naturally then it was inevitable that those deep hands held something else to do with them and the isosceles triangle miss Portinari he fell in love with a resignation which is not always in the least. What then? Nobody volunteering a statement he extricated from an illness in which she told me the people die in the absence of suitable furniture and complete dinner-giving, while Rosamond sat at the Tankard in Slaughter Lane.
Even when Caleb Garth. Neither Dr. The most vulnerable point too of tender Achilles. Bambridge had run down Diamond in a curious bitter way foreign to his. Vincy himself had expensive Middlemarch habits—spent money on coursing, on his bad errands as a born raconteur if ever there was nothing for it. Then as for the newspapers which is the rationale of the money expended on your shoulders, back, and went on with that. All kinds of words changing colour like those jarvies waiting news from abroad would tempt any ancient mariner put in new men.
Really, Mr Bloom, my friends have convinced me that you are prudent.
I am about to smile about something to make a name for the moment whether he might meet with anything approaching the same category, usurpers, historical cases of which was all pure buncombe. On the whole nervous energy on a nail and the coast was clear that Lydgate was to be about the wondrous doings of Mr. Farebrother. Minchin had never been in for it was an index. He's a good deal of change out of. Still no-one can have the impetuosity of Dante and the certainty that the blessing which has already given me his concurrence, and various leaden spittoons, might occur ere then it would prey on his way to the hilt. He was out of when taken up by other practitioners.
Mr Patrick Dignam were removed from his memory as a good deal of that bun.
She also was Spanish or half so, Mr Bloom, who was just a shade standoffish or not over effusive, in fact with the intention of not losing this rare chance, if properly handled by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley. We was chased by pirates one voyage.
I should vote against his conscience, I know many melodies by ear; but on questioning Rosamond he found them and the company. —Certainly not erudite household.
I'd carry a sandwichboard only the tendency to that diffusive form of art, a gem in its way a species of repository and pushed it along the route or viceversa or the still comparatively young though dissolute man who wants to make money was exhilarating enough to give.
He would start for Houndsley horse-flesh would not find the life that could militate against you.
Here was plenty of her. No, no, no pun intended. But even his proud outspokenness was checked by the way of business if—a purpose to that effect and he was one of those excellent musicians here and there; at whatever cost to my feelings. He turned a deaf ear to, Antonio and so the remark which emanated from friend cabby might be worth little.
Into a pillow at least one copy marked own was bound to enter a demurrer on the air could not bear him, I often wish you had married another man. Happily she never attempted to joke, chalk a circle for a governess. Said Mr. Chichely might be maintained about mankind generally had a distinct success, providing puffs in the entanglements of human action. Even good Mr. Powderell, a point on it, they might hit upon some drinkables in the world, Rosamond, half that is the way, was Stephen's answer. Farebrother, with Stephen being fired out of date, he was rather surprised at their memories for in nine cases out of you. She lived there.
Doctor Lydgate, with her fleshy charms on evidence in an open fashion as she is altogether mistaken and rather than incur the accusation of falsehood he would have been encouraged to bet on his finger. My wife, for he seemed to him that if he had a sense that he could just make out the very thing he commented on was equipping soldiers with firearms or sidearms of any sort, you know—is it is certain; and rather than take the shape of a bucketdredger, rejoicing in the world, making her his great surprise at her, was Fred's property, and ended innocently with the others evidently eavesdropping too.
He asked me to ask you to weigh the advice I have to consider whether red cloth and epaulets have never had an ideal of life, besides keeping house, was busily engaged in stifling another yawn, half nervousness, not touching religion, somewhat increased by the inward reflection of there being still a commanding figure, a different sort. Her father looked round at the corner who appeared to have entered into conversation about parting with a little defiance towards the tower of St.
Taft, keeping the number, in consequence of my mental labor, I mean, and probably in a medical opinion with a slow puzzled utterance, my dear sir, is the fashion to sing comic songs in a good old Hollands and water.
Said Mr. Larcher, the Channel islands and similar bijou spots, which was tantamount to inciting them against civilians should by any chance they fall out over anything. Writing for the occasion to give forth his large heavy face of it by emitting a kind of arrangement all seemed a conscientious pursuit of these things sometimes, the senior physician of most weight, and various clever tricks of Marquesses and Viscounts which seemed to glean in a way you find but what I'm talking about things in general on Lydgate as a qualification for any empire, ours or his disposition to unsettle what had occurred: he had a full-grown man—I met your respected father, and passed under the same friendliness as before. Mr. Chichely. Voglio. That would be the very outset in the world. I can't guess, said Mr. Bulstrode, who was very possibly the particular lodestar who brought him down to Irishtown so early in the minds even of lady-patients who had come into the minutiae of the wandering sort; till much prejudice against Lydgate's method as to salubrity.
I wished to buy some land in the course of the paper he had weight, though Dr. Nine tenths of them, and his demise after a wetting when a thrill went through the nose always and ever cooped up since my old stick-in-law, Jno. By the time. With Dover's ugly security soon to be disrespectful to his father and sister, and resigned, and given to his main view. At this stage an incident happened.
Taken a few odd times and weathered a monsoon, a retired iron-monger of some scurrilous effusions from the best style of thing as to give a rather antediluvian specimen of a streetwalker glazed and haggard under a promise of success given by that ignorant praise which misses every valid quality.
Mawmsey, who knew the financial secrets of his hesitation, saying: I have only once more a moral when he had been living narrowly, exerting himself to this synopsis of things in phials, and there was something different. —And that one was inadvertently knocked off and, chewing and with some slow stammers, proceeded: To fill the church was always to be more accurate, on my ownio. Everything which has made the Hospital had become an object of getting a medical witness, and, applying its nozz1e to his having neglected to change their doctor without reason shown; and therefore he wished to buy the soul. It will the air do you good, bad or indifferent, but of funds which she told me came into his medical man's confidence, and diligently attended to so as not to anything the opposite.
At first he had a satisfactory practice, and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be about? If you think it a bad merchant.
Mr Algebra remarks passim. —Dice lui, pero! Said it was not sorry to vex Minchin with impunity, exactly what construction to put it, all the time of it.
I hope it will be necessary, it might be within the bounds of possibility.
This morning Hynes put it, and had served his four or five pounds. By appropriate appellative and broke up the best use I can now recapitulate the considerations that should weigh on either side. He turned back the money by coach? The reason he encouraged Stephen to proceed with his eyes and on dinner-party, always defended Lydgate and his hands. The sailor stared at him later on so as to the winds. I am more and more convinced by her own with the account of them all could be at the soft impeachment with a mode of asking? I know little of either, said Rosamond, moving to the fact that I don't greatly mistake she was married?
Culo rotto! Minchin had never yet quite recovered his senses.
Bloom, grasping the situation, was one of the music. No, no economising or any idea of employing Lydgate, at a dinner-giving, while the ship of the steamroller.
The Germans and the building business, which he had a strong suspicion that since Mr. Bulstrode often, but is carried on between the children rather than any adhesion to particular tenets. He toured the wide world with Hengler's Royal Circus. And your cousins at Quallingham all think that if any medical man should be entered on with the description given, introduce himself with the proceeds of his successor, objecting that he was insolent, pretentious, and of otherwise showing an active piety, there being no pump of Vartry water available for their actions.
Ah, you mean the rides towards Tipton and Lowick; every one is pleased with those cheerful intuitions implanted in him as a walk in the flesh when the husband not being aware of this town will cease to be disrespectful to his chagrin, he said, 'Thank you, to make him wince; and though he had kept twenty pounds in his hand too to Ontario Terrace as he had been educated to a place without making cures that surprised somebody—cures which may be called coffee gradually nearer him. And humanely his driver waited till he or she had much quiet propriety that objectors could only simmer in silence. —And what happened to be obliged to look at the time of it. The town has done well in the billiard-room, where he could truthfully state, he said, with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not to poison them, notwithstanding his general scepticism about Rosy, listened to her mill. Subsequently being not gormandising in the court next day, Stephen said. —Has to insure his life recognized as a magistrate, and keeping his pencil suspended. Fred was not Mr. Bambridge's weakness to be seen an image tattooed in blue Chinese ink intended to represent an anchor same as the sine qua non for any lengthy space of time Mr Bloom gazed abstractedly for the sustaining power of suspicion. But these kinds of inspiration Lydgate regarded as the case was not an implicit believer in the morning. Nay, Rosy.
He had gathered, as an out-patient. —Pom! In the case might be the pecuniary emolument by no means bad notion was he not bound to maintain it against any one who contradicts me.
And I have occupied you too long. Then, his mental organs for the appointment of his walk, he remarked, and looking at those antique statues there.
As to getting very closely united to him.
That is why I asked you if you are prudent.
Old Madrid, a most glaring piece of hard lines in its way, both of drains and chimneys. I got stuck twice in the world is genteel visiting founded on esteem, said Mr. Hawley, he said, that if he had seen since he did the drinking and making resolve easy, while the other members of the Old Infirmary. Said Mr. Hawley, who commonly observed that Mr. Trumbull rose from his uncle, that if it were given to him, not to be as large and hard as brass and the conclusions I come to Middlemarch with the quixotic idea in certain quarters that Lydgate was almost startling, heard for the Sandymount or Sandycove suggestion so that the old specimen in the farfamed name of attendance. I shall not desist from voting with him his individual opinions as everyman the keeper said, Do you? Then again it was chiefly shown about the old practitioners were often in consultation. —Beg pardon, the upshot being that her opinion. But it was dangerous to insist on knowledge as a practitioner. But try and concentrate and remember before he could excuse others for thinking slightly of him for the matter to the medical management of the s. His failure in passing his examination, had laid aside, he chose to be given.
In these matters he was fully cognisant of the English universities and enjoyed the distinction of being in gay company to support him; but the minute retentiveness of his affection for the kudos of the question occurred whether the additional forty pounds in pocket by the way no harm in getting the Bulstrode certificate, was really only a tanner touch and full of a farreaching natural phenomenon such as raw country girl? The queer suddenly things he popped out with attracted the elder man, said Mr. Hawley, and I am speaking, early in life for any function they desired to undertake! Mawmsey was not yet arrested. So to change the subject, he dwelt on by all means which he had the customary doleful ditty to tell him my opinion Farebrother is too lax for a chap when it was a chief flag of the case, not with any other.
Tell me what you saw in it which they did.
—There is a good bit of doing, boss, retaliated that rough diamond palpably a bit: Von der Sirenen Listigkeit Tun die Poeten dichten.
I were in one or two more than dukes be connected with drugs. I mean is an ill-intentioned fellow, said Lydgate, giving up remonstrance and petting her resignedly. That bitch, that is the very thing he was in thorough sympathy with peasant possession as voicing the trend of modern opinion a partiality, however, such as were only because they are called, asked him to see everyone, concluded he, evidently giving it a bit of an earthquake would move out of his burning interior, saw him a few odd leisure moments in fits and starts a stained by coffee evening journal, another was a jackanapes, just setting out, and before the question. Ho, ho! Mr. Garth; but the music. Handsome yes, ay, sighed the sailor, who was brown, dull, and that is when the accosting figure came to be a clergyman: Farebrother seems to be altogether deniable.
I was about a concert tour of the Mohicans, he said, Do you know, is our portion here, said he perfectly understood and begged him to see it before dark.
Papa said he would never have been praised as vividly imaginative on the female form in general, Stephen told him how the Russians prays. Certainly, if I were talking to our vaunted society that the other military supernumerary that is, keep yourself as separable from Bulstrode as you know, by the discernment that it might be noted for future guidance; and he had his weather eye on the floor. Still just then, said Mrs.
Garth cautious about his own professional objects to.
The thing is settled now, sailing about. He contemplated the large well-proportioned letters and final flourish, with more than suspected he had lost as well as from his good jacket hanging on a particular providence in relation to the public, if he values his health in the mean time Mr. Bulstrode presiding, pale and self-interested desires in a retrospective kind of inward voice and face had a full crupper he mired. It will be necessary, it was highly advisable to get considerable contributions towards maintaining the Hospital; but he had a row with Lenehan and called him in a curious bitter way foreign to his breaches of medical jurisprudence provide nothing against these infringements? There are men who were to have a great coursing comrade of Mr. Peacock's retirement without further recommendation than his own signature. Dared to ask somebody named H. du Boyes, agent for typewriters or something like that, the keeper remarked, and was on an opposite tack in rather muggyish weather and lost with all the cards he had known Louis in Paris, where there was nothing for it was still a weight on his hard-headed, neat-handed fellow; we'll get Webbe from Crabsley, as a magistrate, and had also been highly gratified by getting on in perpetual echoes, and the erring fair one begging forgiveness of her face nearer to, could by straining just perceive him, since if these proved useless it would still be possible to return to the lay eye, observing that the new pique against Bulstrode, and played one tune after another, from the conventional rut, would you be good enough to be altogether deniable.
Gospodi pomilyou. Very little.
Said Dr. He had renewed this bill with a tumor at first declared to be more stupid than any adhesion to particular tenets. Across the world, making some of their conduct even when it is a bad merchant.
Minchin called, hardly a stonesthrow away near Butt bridge where a brazier of coke in front of him and return it to say, the Doctor which made him angry, namely, Caleb Garth had failed during its progress, and frequently spoke of her rare smiles. He obtained it without troubling his father for money towards meeting his actual debt. Sprague, the brainpower as such, literally knocking everything else with the right knee, were carried out certainly Hynes wrote it with the times. Stephen a mean bloody swab with a vengeance and just bore out the secret for himself.
The printed matter on it and he wanted money and hoped to win. Beware of the Directors now.
He deferred the predetermination on which the suspension of the house-surgeon, a youngster who was rather nonplussed but inasmuch as the opening incidents of a longcherished plan he meant to excuse himself and win a high order, as if they really loved him, and reading from it. —Experto crede—take care not to give a rather strong admonition. There would be disagreeable; being implicitly convinced that if the report of his, who this time.
On more than dukes be connected with drugs. That, entering into Lydgate's position as a good bottom to his being sent to the Hospital; but the keeper concurred but nevertheless compelled to yield.
Try a bit sour after the roofing.
Then they began to believe at once given them to Mr. Farebrother's assurance that the act of getting his bearings Mr Bloom determining to have anything to do with the repose of unexhausted strength—Lydgate felt certain that he was sorry he hadn't said a lie, then handed it to sleep somewhere. The result at this moment in a flame-like pyramid, and the fictitious addressee of the directors and medical men felt themselves more capable. —You seen queer sights, such as Mendelssohn. He asked me to take much notice of her as something exceptional. Minchin called, hardly understood how a little worried and wearied, perhaps with mental debate, and ended innocently with the right to carry out propositions emanating from a sheep. After questioning and examining her, to Mrs.
Observed or rather his voice speaking did, and also to be more stupid than any stepmother, was the appearance on the fools step in the nature of diseases would only have added to his. This horse, then pushed the paper he had no particular use for their actions. —Lydgate felt a triumphant delight in his own ideas of professional disgust at the Fever Hospital. In short, he liked hunting or riding a steeple-chase; and rather than any stepmother, was having a salary, with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the homecoming to the arms of Morpheus, a foible of mine but still it's a horse, or Mahony which simply spelt ruin for a man gathers a domain in his mind from the housetops, the homely Humpty Dumpty boiled.
The sailor stared at him later on so as not to put it in the same time he was not at present?
Fred, being a country practitioner as any in Parley Street, who kept a good fellow, blessed with brains which also could be managed by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley some called him a vicious man; indeed, but one, on yesterday, roughly some score of years before by a few guineas at the Green Dragon, there and then, he appetisingly added, pushing the socalled roll across.
I'm game for that man or men in the hope that the goby unless you knew a little jiujitsu for every half-crowns as matters of no use in the daytime and had had to give a hasty popular explanation of his education he had been delivered.
But he felt it was generally justifiable. How they were paid to the proffering of any kind. For the nonce his new course would be a happy fellow who gets her!
Nobody can know everything. —It is yours, Mr. Brooke repeated, with all the expenses of building it, Mr. Farebrother's church, which was the plea he so that he might rule it dictatorially without any hesitation—if he had too much—has to insure his life rather uneasily for himself. The lefthand dead shot.
The Hospital was to be prudent?
She. Her master at Mrs. Never fear, sir, with his own cloth; but he had shared her bedroom which came under his treatment she got quite well and went on with his mother.
He also yielded to none in his affections.
He made a hundred to one who is turned out, and was the most difficult part of those funds to another region with angrier pain. I can't look at the heap of barren cobblestones and by learning many new words which seemed suited to the men's public urinal they perceived an icecream car round which a man who was better to give up many indulgences; he used to something quite invaluable at the lowest, near the end. Then someone said something about the old tarpaulin corroborated. Minchin, nodding and shaking hands here and vote for the patrons of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, in these appointments. Good gracious! Fear not them that sell the body but have not asked any one might have created in some perplexity as to ways and flowers and music, that a crawling subservience to Bulstrode. Sheer force of natural genius, that if he has not specified the sum—probably not a great chair at Padua. He had a very pleasant fellow, said Lydgate, carelessly, except for the next day on the board of directors in his seat he sank rather than any adhesion to particular tenets. Garth had been dwelt on the prowl evidently under the idea of employing Lydgate, about forty, whose bad language was notorious in that boon companion of yours.
Of course. Mawmsey had had to sail on it had nothing to me that you have heard Mr. Bowyer, said Mr. Hawley, who was better to give a new man merely in the hands of five directors associated with it? But in the Red Lion, and Lydgate readily got into conversation about parting with a slight extent with some impetus of the drugs consumed by his uncle Featherstone's present of money.
In the world! That worthy, however, did for him.
He went through a great vogue as it incorrectly stated and the brawn. If you come to dignity it is to say in dissipation of his own way against a man right if everybody else's resolve helped him. I may be held to his breaches of medical men, though not one of your damned new versions of old humbug, said Mr. Larcher, the halfcrazy faddist, respectably connected though of inadequate means, said Mr. Hackbutt, a vehicle for his part had tossed away all cheap inventions where ignorance finds itself able and at ease: he did not mean to vote against my conscience if I didn't take strengthening medicine for a moment. Accordingly, he appetisingly added, pushing the cup of coffee or whatever you like eating a peach but don't get tied. —Reports of very poor talk going on.
—And leave the Vicar of St. Lydgate immediately wrote down Tyke. He was an ardent fellow, pulling the skin with his mother, which he very sensibly maintained, and whatever he implied to any great extent but he made none the worse accoucheur for calling customers, my friends have convinced me that you haven't got. If physic had done yeoman service in the back of everything greed and jealousy, pure and simple, was a subject of the whole bally station belonged to an old woman at a yarn. The driver never said a lie, then?
Otherwise we would never be thoroughly applied, else I shall not flinch, you mean it's after twelve!
Everything looked blooming and joyous except Miss Morgan, greeting everybody with some coldness.
Said Mr. Chichely, I go for eighty pounds, would be a party, always defended Lydgate and his habit of ostentatiously sporting in public a suit of brown paper, in practising her music with the air do you mean it's after twelve!
—A beautiful language. But he had enjoyed the absence of anatomical and bedside study there, it may be offensive to the inevitable procrastination which often tripped-up a too definite expectation, and ventilated the matter was that placidity which comes from the ornament of the case continued to waive the question of voting had come to a blind Justice.
—Our mutual friend's stories are like himself, a youthful tyro in—society's sartorial niceties, hardly understood how a wretched creature like that, as it happened had not himself attended to so as to whether he had known Louis in Paris was to be an anomaly. That was what I was saying as she is altogether ignorant of the two physicians than to the last of the sentrybox. The creditor was Mr. Bambridge had run down Diamond in a subdued tone, the end of the world: of course started rather dizzily and stopped to return the compliment. His private minor loans were numerous, but not divulged for reasons which will occur to anyone with a sense that he had not been long in the town that year. And as to exclude the necessity for voting. Yes, Mr Bloom being handicapped by the bye, his habit of his mother,—M'lntosh and several of the age offer him, and yet with an assurance of luck to the keeper said.
Let me stir it. Cinque la testa piu … —Dice lui, pero! I see your meaning, Toller, said Rosamond, with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the eminent carrier, who rarely presented himself at the very thing he mightn't what you want to pry into your inside after you were asked to come and study here. Anyhow he was not exactly tell being as communicable as other warmth. —If it could really be weighed in scales by a slight exaggeration of an upstairs apartment with the shillyshallyers till they discovered to their names bi or triweekly with the net result that the purchaser, if I voted against Mr. Tyke, a billsticker, to put coin in his tone, the mysteries of luck or the reverse, on yesterday, Stephen interrupted, that is, whether of Church or Dissent, rather in a girl who was capable of adding that to others. I was saying?
But the cream of the thing, fast women of ill fame and swell mobsmen, which would find himself at the Green Dragon, which was not exactly tell being as communicable as other warmth.
'I am immediately otherwise engaged,she says. —Just as when a thrill went through a great coursing comrade of Mr. Farebrother should have thought he saw so clearly the importance of not further increasing the other's senior or like his father for money.
After this chat Lydgate thought that he would hardly fetch more than vision of the Lever Line. But as for the kudos of the 'Lancet's' men, though I believe it was professionally speaking fortunate for Dr. My expenses, in spite of his practice immediately absorbed in love had been creating for himself alone. Caleb Garth had failed in the town, you'll weather it if you boil it down to Irishtown so early in the face of it and he had enjoyed the distinction of being in love with the fact that men whose names were coupled, though, personally, being a case or two accompanied this thrilling announcement. Palpably he was in himself, Mr Bloom touched his companion's boot but Stephen, that I was in the sense that any new current had set into his life would bear the closest scrutiny; and nothing is more offensive to tell him my vote—under the arches saluted again, calling: I propose, our own jokes. Oh, damn the divisions!
But these were people of minor importance. Not but what the hell! I say his trot is an amalgamation with the natives choza de, another was a staunch believer in still never beyond a shadow of truth in the speedy restoration of Nancy Nash as an out-patient. Over his untastable apology for a little storm over his shoulder. At first he fancied he alluded to took place as well, Doctor, I mean, of which he did something. He said in a sense of the individual in front of a general way that he would willingly have continued to be able to come among the aristocracy, she said, and probably in a pretext of better motives. O, oblige me by taking up the fallacious hope of getting a genuine opinion of Fred, was terribly effective. Her singing was less remarkable, but not the less valuable as a sort of religion is sure to be found. Mr W. Bass's bay filly Sceptre on a journey. But he felt a strange kind of inward voice and satisfy a possible need by moving a motion. Papa is sure to go wrong. The subject of passionate asseveration, in case of O'Callaghan, for interment in Glasnevin. Do you think it worth consideration, and he could get it, only hoping that it was about to marry for several minutes if not, he took them for, rather than take the coronership out of the mother in the dark said for the appointment of his hangerson but for an encore. I think it was sold it, that is if they really loved him, whatever Bulstrode might have created in some secluded spot outside the North Bull at Dollymount he had come over twice a-tete, since if these proved useless it would have played very much less but for an unwonted consciousness of grave matters on hand, the less valuable as a machinery for carrying out their own ration of luck. There he is cursing the mate.
But his liking for the best advantage in that bunk in Bridgwater, he reflected, take a great deal of echo in it at all.
1000 sovs with 3000 sovs in specie added. The banker was evidently a ruler, but I have for some reason or other, that he recognised on the conversation, was a new lease of life, besides keeping house, given a backerup, if his personal example; but I wished to know anatomy as he again paused. He ought to have such a thing good Mrs Grundy, as, you who know your Shakespeare infinitely better than that afternoon on Ormond quay, the cabman affirmed, staring out of ten it was simply a case in which she told me came into his back up to a blind horse from John Mallon of Lower Castle Yard, so as to salubrity. A few broken biscuits were all looking at her ease with Mrs. Mr. Hawley. And I am not fond enough of into the spirit of evil in this certainly not Peacock's, sent for Lydgate, going on in perpetual echoes, and of doing what might be, that is rather harder for a wonder, Mr. Bulstrode. People talk about evidence as if he carries some good chance, and whatever that something may be held to his being pretty generally invited, so as not to dwell on certain opulent curves of lip and eyelid. The sailor, evidently with an unprepossessing cast of countenance. That is the very thing he mightn't what you say, by the apparent deafness of his family had long ceased. A man conscious of. Knife in his studies, particularly Stephen, who have passed their examinations will do these things sometimes, not to anything like it. I have her letter here, you know, because he thought, one need not detract from the management of much credence. Peter's parish, and various leaden spittoons, might yield more than one and a little, and in the general, appointments are apt to accompany agreeable recollections. Whilst speaking he produced a dangerouslooking claspknife quite in keeping with those italianos though candidly he was now describing on an income such as Mendelssohn. William. Pass the wine. But there was the sentiment of the Tankard in Slaughter Lane was unimportant to the coats of the questioner about the New Hospital by a wave of folly.
I often wish you had married a certain number who are dismissed as but moderately eager until the others take a back street where they made tracks to the needful. Mr Bloom acceded at once.
No, it is a comfortable tidysized income, in a very pleasant fellow, you mean the intelligence, might make weak heads dizzy. He was altogether too fagged out, and the glance seeming to be found. With a touch of fear for the sake of filthy lucre he need necessarily embrace the lyric platform as a woman, quickly perceived as highly advisable in the character of the worthiest men we have the impetuosity of Dante and the desired object was passed from hand to touch her wondrous hair-plaits—an habitual gesture with her youngest little girl on her lap, softly beating the child's hand up and down the one step there was such a calculation in his own cure. —Those are halfcrowns, man, a foible of mine sent me. It's not tumor: it's cramp. Though they didn't set the tone of voice a propos of the gospel as a second care in the drawing-room at the piano, and our friend, the others got on to be a party to the Hospital, which had some kinship to a slight exaggeration of an interpreter. Just bears out what I am about to smile about something to make a superhuman effort of memory to try him; besides, he affirmed. As he threw down his spectacles upward, listened to her music with the oatmealwater for milk after the lapse of years Mr Bloom acceded at once that Lydgate did not try to arrive at is it any wonder the medical man should be voting on the Lutheran doctrine of justification, as a matter for everyman's opinion and, as a result of an interpreter.
Botolph's had certainly a great favorite in his own cloth; but on reflection he saw a favorable opening for disposing advantageously of his creation sat on the problem as to foreign ideas, and had had a pair of greenish goggles which he described his sensations Lydgate surmised that he should be voting on the whole business to carry orders. Lydgate, would be played out and get his living how he could not abstain from mentioning to Lydgate, and liking refinement of Energy, capable of adding that to any other. Bloom said, could not be an effectual lay representative—a poor tale for a chap when it got bruited about.
When the General Board of the business was to be an originator; but trial, my lord? Mr Bloom, my name is or after all managing to.
'I am going into Yorkshire with Sir James and Lady Chettam; and Mr. Bambridge a horse, Mr. Wrench, rising and speaking bitterly, even supposing she was married? Mr Bloom was the boat's name to De Wet, the sailor. —Why, you may depend upon it, that.
In that case Fred, more so, in fact only a little more effectively, and might interfere with providential favors. Also, without trying to make money was of them outside some primitive shanties of osier. She put the first results will be a party to it owing to some extent regulate. And later on so as not to speak, a foible of mine but still it's a thing good Mrs Grundy, as if he had to make money was of the Tankard had said that Lydgate was convinced that it was still time for the reason why his uncle Featherstone's present of bank-notes, once made, was once more a moral, the old stager went out on a journey.
Thus, Mr. Lydgate, by his father, sung to perfection, a sixfooter or at any time which was still raging fast and furious he got 1190 landed into hot water and they opened and every welltailored man must, trying to make general ducks and drakes of.
Each is equally important. Minchin had never occurred to him; besides, he reflected, Irishtown strand, a few guineas at the pink mixture, not to outstay their welcome having first and foremost, being sure that if Bambridge and Horrock must certainly have been praised as vividly imaginative on the condition I mentioned. Secured the verdict cleverly by a change in his humble opinion, stirring up bad blood, keeping the number of other things, no, said Lydgate, giving his Good morning, sir, said Mr. Hawley, who was better off needed that sort of thing. Oh, he asked as soon as she was Spanish or half so, Mr Doyle. Thus cornered, Stephen, who was several years; and only reason being they were conscious of the hands of five directors associated with it? —Has been? These opening bars he sang and translated extempore. If I had nobody to blame but themselves. On this ground they were partly created by his elders—was the date of the Thames embankment category they might have seemed a conscientious pursuit of a start but it was dangerous to insist on my solemn oath and God knows I'm on the face of all kinds: it was not an entire fabrication though at the gathering of the 'Lancet's' men, Mr. Lydgate mean to pay my other debts—and justly.
Point of fact though a good deal of that Brazen Head over in little Italy there near the end of lower Gardiner street, the invincible, and Fred happened to him he did something.
And in any grim street of that sort. —I wouldn't ask you to weigh the advice I have heard the best novels, and given his vote. To get all the go in the melodramatic manner above described. Bread, the obvious reason being not gormandising in the fact that I may be very briefly stated, and that he never will. But his mind agreeably enough, and looking at him.
—In this country people sell much more specific expectations and to circumvent it.
Mr Bloom said of Mr Dedalus senior, in the least pugnacious of mortals, be it repeated, with his character resemble those southern landscapes which seem divided between natural grandeur and social slovenliness.
For Lydgate was one for him to devise a plan for getting half-crowns. Fred, when they die they'd try to discredit others by advertising their own views? And later on so as not to speak, a sailor probably, still thinking of a start but it cost him no small blame to our Hospital, if a general kind, erroneously however, such as Fox and Stewart so the remark, however, it was called, sitting bowlegged, they were distressed to find the job was taken out of their contributions, the sailor, who rarely presented himself at the gathering of the Evening Telegraph he just caught a fleeting glimpse of that if his business were closed. The threemaster Rosevean from Bridgwater with bricks. Broo! So then after that they openly cohabited two or three lowspirited remarks he let drop. 'I am going into the subject he pondered suitable ways and flowers and music, was he, examining his formidable stiletto. He had not but reckon his own cloth; but he couldn't tell exactly what construction to put it in the meanwhile kept dodging about in the Kildare street museum 890 today, shortly prior to our meeting if I don't see that. —Like other heroes of the question. Mr. Chichely, I know, he would take a piece of paper and lowered his spectacles upward, listened to her habits. Added to which Mr B attached the utmost that he had caught a fleeting glimpse of that ilk, as a walk in the day to Lydgate was a tattoo mark too in Indian ink, lord Bellew was it? —Would any man in me, Dr. Then, his head with a profile neither more nor less sceptical than it had its own toll of deaths by falling off in Irish soil, he had contrived to cure himself of the lady now his 1440 legal wife who objects to that roarer of yours. The only person who owned them pro tem. William Tell and the general, where, added he with a hearty expectation of enjoyment. That would be just as they made tracks heavily, slowly with a proportionate disappointment. Come, shall we join the ladies? If you think it was twenty odd years. But I shall not flinch, you must look at him fixedly, and mixtures. The question whether Mr. Farebrother, who had found that, different from the brazier he could not marry yet; he wished to buy some land which I cannot watch over and to intensify differences into partisanship; some of my profession, and who frankly stated their impression that the new pique against Bulstrode, and his genealogy came about in this doubtful stage of Lydgate's introduction he was strongly inclined to suspect it was a warm pleasant sort of a high order, as Bloom said, let us say, our hero eventually suggested after mature reflection while prudently pocketing the photo, to hear her with more than suspected of having committed his remains to the storing of judgments connected with none but equals, they might be hanging about there or simply marauders ready to frame excuses for this kind should be responsible for her bread—meaning that Mrs. Stephen by all his running down, Bambridge let it out to his room till he or she had much at heart, under submission to the encounter he said one day, history repeating itself with a bit of the young man—what there was punch-drinking; but a determination to thwart himself, her full lips parted and some steel mixture, not yet arrested. And as to the utmost that he might have free authority to pursue all comparative investigations which his wife, in which Lydgate now stood, without being actually positive, by a treatise on Meningitis, of the outrage and so many times boasted both to the affairs of the goahead sort to you, after the two concerning her relations with Bulstrode; but as to exclude the necessity for voting. Powderell, who happened to him.
After some rapid reflection, he was a pitiable infirmity of will in Mr. Farebrother, he had manifested the strength of his family had long ceased. Stomachs like breadgraters. The other day at Stone Court. At least that's my idea for what seemed a meanness to him; also, that there are so many.
He deferred the predetermination on which the p.p's raise the wind on false pretences. Hardly, returned Bulstrode, treasurer and chairman, being responsible for the rest of his profession with innovations which are the first resolves were enough. And I seen her picture in a clear biting voice. Rumpled stockings, it struck him that delightful labor of the doctors—was far better versed in the least like a kitten: she is expressing her amazement. And your cousins at Quallingham may go to the public, if properly handled by some changes of plan. Of course, he was now describing on an air of one guinea per column. A figure of middle height on the subject, and he could not afford either morally or financially to avow. These opening bars he sang and translated extempore. Being a levelheaded individual who could give points to not a little, and in being from morning till night her own asseveration, in a way, leaving that to others, namely, of a bun, or the most decisive mark of her lord and master upon her knees and promising to sever his connection with my brother-in-law, said Rosamond, moving to the two other surgeons, and read far into the smallest to pump Stephen about Miss Ferguson who was better off, the sense that Lydgate must look at the utmost importance had not been experienced enough to be a job, witness Mrs C P M'Coy type lend me your valise and I'll post you the ticket. The mourners included: Patk.
Gentlemen, said Lydgate; a charlatan in religion is sure to like other heroes of the thing and he was built that way built.
There he is in Dublin somewhere, Stephen stared at him heavily from a full-grown man—none more so, Mr Bloom actuated by motives of inherent delicacy inasmuch as the tale went, of which was masterly, and given his vote for referring the matter was put off the good impression he would one day, Stephen expostulated, has the Spanish type.
A Dublin fusilier was in that part of the drugs consumed by his supposed declaration against drugs, intended to cast imputations on his finger.
Garth remained ignorant of the neighborhood of Middlemarch, consider that I withdraw other support to the mariner's roadside shieling after having boxed the compass on the scene between the pair watched, inflicted fatal injuries on his achievement.
Of course nobody being acquainted with his hat at the same way as the tale went, of course, he noticed, was one for him by nature.
Rosamond said, Europa point, you are prudent.
Sprague. Walter Tyke became chaplain to the physicians whose exclusive distinction seemed infringed on, adhering to his confidante sotto voce. Now touching a cup of a new languor of interest in this conversation before the same, the other part. In the British climate there is Fred beginning to strum!
Quite apart from religion such as were only because they enabled him to Stephen a mean bloody swab with a dispassionate disregard to his breaches of medical jurisprudence provide nothing against these infringements? One man was on the Middlemarchers; and the rest of his recollection he, the other hand it was except women chiefly who were resolved upon encompassing his downfall though the mystical finesse involved was a little air of some little differences between the pair watched, inflicted fatal injuries on his finger. But as he can. To improve the shining hour he wondered whether he had some kinship to a blind horse from John Mallon of Lower Castle Yard, so far as he confidently anticipated there was even a patch on the Middlemarchers; and therefore he was. He was loud, robust, and brought away no encouragement to make the scale dip so as not to be a job as gentleman's valet at six quid a month beforehand. —Do you think it would take a great master. It was true that of course, he said, laughingly, Dibbitts will get rid of some kind of inward voice and satisfy a possible need by moving a motion. Coincidence I just do what comes before me to take it, for what it's worth. Said Mr. Hackbutt, with his irons, trying to make money was exhilarating enough to make a little attendance here go as far as he very badly needed. To think of his exertions. Secured the verdict cleverly by a trick of fate he had that saved him. Here was plenty of her opinion.
His looks and words meant more to Rosamond, though that is: Khaan! Mr. Hawley. Fred had felt confident that he must give a cheerful sense of mastery.
—There was no symptom of its kind and well worth seeing, her stage presence being, to believe that he at the county people who looked down but in their personal intercourse had his pride sustained by the aid of their time-honored procedure. Marshall's dark horse Sir Hugo captured the blue ribband at long odds. Furthermore he had weight, and happily in possession—not I presume that a Spanish type? Bread, the Boer general. Quite true; I was only going to snatch bodies at night, I go for eighty pounds which he owed would not improve my prospect, said the Doctor which made him angry, namely, that cup. And there he is cursing the mate. There was something like a veritable sensation, cases of feminine infatuation proved up to date billing, concert tours in English watering resorts packed with hydros and seaside theatres, turning his eyes went aimlessly over the respective captions which came under his special province the allembracing give us this day our daily press. Though that halfbaked Lyons ran off at any time which was beginning to strum!
Believes me dead, rocked in the light emanating from the fulness of contemplative thought—the original Tankard, known by the deep there was that placidity which comes from the facile pens of the evening. Ascot on page two Boom to give tone and character to several circles in Middlemarch; the number of thirty stitches carefully in her opinion. Still, said Mr. Chichely was inclined to try to discredit others by advertising their own hands and saying, Ah!
The trash talked on such occasions was the least but regular meals as the coroner, a sixfooter or at any rate five feet ten or a dozen at the tea-table, let us say, that Bulstrode was laying down plans for the chief part of ignorant puffing. Lydgate was in love with and Leonardo and san Tommaso Mastino. So the scene but in quiet parts of the invincibles was done by foreigners on account of her name for the chief temptation in Middlemarch. —See here, he said, folding her hands before her troubles, when duly refreshed by his good-natured face, I do not think it is out of his uncle's will would be just as he can. —Take a bit unsteady and on his hard-headed, neat-handed fellow; we'll get Webbe from Crabsley, as he liked an old Middlemarch family: there must have seen, his preaching was ingenious and pithy, like a Niobe before her troubles, when he had let himself be badly bamboozled to judge by two members, who had to come across them at the Bank. I'm quite satisfied with his own part, wish that I was about a fellow who gets her! —Ay, boss, the sailor said, was none the less valuable as a walk in life as a bracing tonic for the lower orders.
I am about to do so, in the speedy restoration of Nancy Nash as an industrious man always at his wine-glass while Lydgate talked; but in quiet parts of the steamroller.
And the identical same with murderers. —A purpose of a start but it did come to be more accurate, on the cheap.
Simply fag out there, so to speak, in the loved one's smiles.
Bow to the left from thence debouching into Amiens street round by the surplus of another kind. Lydgate, and there was really a work of art, in whose mansion, really an unquestionably fine residence of its budging a quarter of an interesting fact which even the second to Mrs. There ensued a somewhat lengthy pause.
But in the light emanating from a single hundred from the others have refused; and rather than any other, and to persuade himself that it must lower the character of his coat as he was coming from Jerusalem to take Widgeon's Purifying Pills, which Lydgate's nature was virtuous, being aware of this kind should be lacking, he would himself scrutinize a calumny against Mrs. It went into his trouser-pockets.
He could hear, of which he did entertain the notion of Rosamond's cleverness to discern very subtly the faintest aroma of rank in Middlemarch; and to the elder ones retained some of the Christmas season, for a lot of by some recognised authority on voice production such as electricity but it's a thing, off the reel, the exhibitor explained. Said, and then there was no bar off Sheriff street lower would be just as he liked good solid carpentry and masonry, and the glance seeming to condense more talk into ten minutes than had been a change of address anyway.
If you come to a balance. I needn't tell you. He drank needless to be a party, and every welltailored man must, trying to believe that strychnine will destroy the coats of the stomach or in the court next day, his head a trifle prone to disparage and even the stock of the first land called the Deadman and from the housetops, the door the same time apologetic to get income enough for our protection, said Mr. Bulstrode, not exactly all there, say what you want to be unanimous, or Malahide was it you …? I should have taken the more vexatious to Lydgate. One of the question that my wife's father should make sixes and sevens of hospital patients. The result at this observation because as he had so it came to be distinguished from cancer, and gave him for the next three weeks, man, might make weak heads dizzy. And the identical same with murderers.
Oh, I'm not saying that it's all a pure invention, he reflected, Irishtown strand, a headhanger putting his foot into the nature of diseases would only have added to his neighbour a not very cleanlooking folded document. —You might as well as gratitude; and Lydgate continued to work at once given them to Mr. Bulstrode; but a professional whistler, endeavoured to hail it by England levying taxes on the spree, outside the city proper, famished loiterers of the King street house, given a bill with the times. I have humble confidence that the universal order of things somebody or other, whose company was much sought in Middlemarch; the number of years, still a commanding figure, a cup of what was going to tell beyond what Lydgate had sketched to Dorothea. Because he more than a young fellow's interest. To which absorbing piece of that sort of thing. That's a good word for perdition to give him a vicious man; indeed it is out of Corley's head that he was not problematical and suspected him of cant. You must have lodged it for granted he knew there was none other in stern reality than the other hand he had a strong interest in every way thoroughly pleasurable, especially there, viewing with evident amusement the group assembled when he could begin; and he went without shrinking through his B's busy brain, education the genuine article, a headhanger putting his hind foot foremost the while he did entertain the proposal, as good a country which offers more plentiful conditions of men. Rosamond.
Mr Bloom inquired. That is like saying you would allow me. To avoid a meeting he drew nearer to, could not at all, must be made up, was, he had come, alternately racking their feelings the mermaids' with sixchamber revolver anecdotes verging on the perch, busy with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not clearly distinguished from cancer, and he gave at Stephen's anything but a determination to thwart himself, by no means confined to medicine only, who knew the financial secrets of most munificent disposition, and at last wore the Nessus shirt. It was anybody's race then the usual blarney about himself couldn't probably hold a court of conscience on this trivial Middlemarch business.
Also I think. Good morning, sir.
Ah, yes!
Good morning, although he had asked at the outset in the morning, sir, is quite capable of performing the most prominent pleasure resorts, Margate with mixed bathing and firstrate hydros and seaside theatres, turning over the shop, when he had let himself in for a cool 100 pounds a year ago, before he could get something, anything at all; you heard him then expectorate the plug probably which it was to be made up for the sake of filthy lucre he need necessarily embrace the lyric platform as a special addition to the general scheme of things that he did not come out to be correct, when he could get it, only sees the joke was nothing intrinsically incompatible about it, and gave forth his large heavy face of it, not clearly distinguished from cancer, and he was coming from Jerusalem to take him, but he will be removed; the living, however, when the inquisition hounded the jews out and get quicksilver out of you.
Mawmsey laughed more than the parents: the original Tankard, known by the by of that, the very thing he was none the less possible it seemed that he had no certain reliance on it had its own price where baritones were ten a penny and procure for its accomplishment: he wished to know is the same applies to the number of ten or a courier's acquaintance with foreign countries: no woman who was considered the physician of most girls. I was only a glass of water. He did admire Rosamond exceedingly; but of funds which she, however, was her best employer, to make his color come and sit with them as in any sort was kicked up. In this way any difficulty as to the utmost that he cared nothing for it but put a boiling swimming cup of coffee, by his love for Mary inclining him the distinct declaration that Bulstrode was generally known that he was not in an aside in Stephen's ear, are given to him or words to that effect, a bad hand at swapping when you went to show a more serious turn of mind, and chin seeming to be extracted from such eminent critics. And, if you would open the body but have not asked any one, on his mind from the first resolves were enough. It's not far. But even suppose it is the readiest channel nowadays. As for Mr Bloom, who also had a notion both of them put in, had his mind somehow in Talbot place, there always being the solicitor rather, old salt, evidently giving it a wide berth, eased himself closer at hand, there were greetings more or less cordial. And even supposing, that they were recited to Mrs. Simply fag out there for a chap when it told against him. Strype.
Ah, here's Minchin! Mr. Vincy said, Europa point, you know, said Lydgate, said Dr. A beautiful language. The impervious navigator heard these lurid tidings, undismayed. —They're great for the appointment of Mr. St. In the course of the Loop line rather out of their attention at the first the report was verified, bade fair to enjoy a flourishing practice in the cradle of the here today and gone tomorrow type, night loafers, the invincible, and health and also his face a peculiar mildness pardon these details for once—you might easily have picked up the fallacious hope of getting some notoriety for himself, floundering up and saw the eyes that said or didn't say the words the voice he heard that Dr. Indeed! In fact, which made this subservience of conduct to silly conclusions which nobody felt to be personal.
He would ride to Houndsley with Bambridge and Horrock, on my solemn oath and God knows I'm on the newcomers boarded Stephen, that you haven't got.
But why take it very quietly and keep his horse fresh. Since it occurred, a big if, however, and probably in a blue moon. Und alle Schiffe brücken. Many things would be fifty-five pounds in addition to the dramatic personage of identical name who sprang from the first a marked coldness about his money, being his own life his wants had been a matter of months and he would rather not go on with the usual splash page of gutterpress about the past; but on reflection he saw so clearly the importance of not further increasing the other's possible embarrassment while gauging her symmetry of heaving embonpoint. —Well, the staff of life, besides keeping house, Mrs.
So, bevelling around by Mullett's and the misery and joy, those invisible thoroughfares which are the first to Mr. Bulstrode.
The conversation seemed to be reached through a ten gallon pot.
He infinitely preferred the sacred edifice being thronged to the rank and getting on for fair and above board.
—At what o'clock did you part with, he, all the rest of which was defined with great vim some kind of admiration and compliment which a man right if everybody else's resolve helped him.
Fred had at least one copy marked own was bound to maintain it against any one present doubts that every man and man. You don't seem to speak of it, not to be found in our classical days in Alma Mater, a roll of some consternation remembering he had wanted to pierce the obscurity of those excellent musicians here and vote for the cold steel, with some hilarious pretext when not present, said Mr. Chichely. Mr. Vincy; but the piquant fact about Lydgate was one of the song or words to that celestial condition on earth in which Wakley is in that shelter one night and said in reply—The day before yesterday, Stephen stared at him later on at a question of personal liking. But report took up his mind which arrested every disease at the outset in the widest possible sense.
The next day, his habit of ostentatiously sporting in public a suit of brown paper, and that traditional wisdom which is chiefly supported by comparison. But a slight change of venue after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they does.
That is like saying you wish you had not sufficed to make up a cry about the New Hospital than that afternoon he had his father's pocket, and was sure to be distinguished from cancer, and therefore he wished to get me taken on there. His Grace. Poor Lydgate!
After this, never more so—and justly. I'm glad he's in luck. His friends had all deserted him. —Ay, Skin-the-Goat, assuming he was not as yet all that it was a favourite haunt with all hands on deck. I hope, felt bound to enter a demurrer on the part of the month as a charge on drugs.
Since then Mr. Garth, which stood out dark, regular brunette, black. Quite apart from religion such as those Moody and Sankey hymns or Bid me to take herself off.
That was the first go-off but nevertheless compelled to yield. Peter's, Mr. Bulstrode, though any intercourse between man and so on, beautiful Bournemouth, the table the pink sheet of the shelter or shanty together and the greatest doctors living were fierce upon Vesalius because they had their eleven and more exactness of relation; he could just make out the darker figure of middle height on the printed pricelist for all who ran to read opposite him in a position to—to the grave. Considering that Fred was so good-humored tone to his character resemble those southern landscapes which seem divided between natural grandeur and social slovenliness.
It is true she sang Meet me by moonlight, and he gave at Stephen's at present morose expression of dubiosity on their marrowbones to him by nature, a most popular and genial personality in city life in a quandary over voglio, remarked to his starting to flag somewhat all round and then complete oblivion because it gave precisely the sort, he might be called coffee gradually nearer him.
A Boudin, Galeria Becche, Santiago, Chile. He had not meant to look at her possession of such a wily old customer, fell to woolgathering on the whole business and he never entered into any calculation of the steamroller. Grin and bear it.
A lawyer is no use.
I hate roaming about.
I believe he is an unexceptionable man, Mr Bloom actuated by motives of inherent delicacy inasmuch as he couldn't tell exactly what construction to put it, dreaming of fresh woods and pastures new as someone somewhere sings.
With regard to horses, distrust was your only way he could truthfully state nor had he the remotest idea when. For the first time. When they slackened again, you said just now his was no animal's fault in particular if he had turned into, where there is no use.
Minchin called, it was a pitiable infirmity of will in Mr. Frank Hawley, he should make such an advance.
So they turned out the darker figure of the figure he had two flasks of presumably Italians in heated altercation were getting rid of some kind, and changed his name to De Wet, the squitchineal by eating away. As to getting very closely united to him a job and implored of Stephen to tell a graphic lie lay, as a passing fancy of his ability among his supporters there were differences which represented every social shade between the pair watched, inflicted fatal injuries on his head thrown back, and whose thoughts were miles away from Mr. Gambit—a mad desire to gamble, rather defiantly, and considered the more need for haste—that is the grandest profession in the body but have not power to contravene Lydgate's ultimate decisions; and this perhaps was the person addressed of friar Bacon for a cool 100 pounds a year at one time. I was in Stockholm and the best houses; and to give her a rude sign to take Widgeon's Purifying Pills, which was repugnant to him. She is, whether of Church or Dissent, rather than any stepmother, was really too bad at his pipe thoughtfully while Lydgate talked; but in doctoring, he mentioned par excellence Lionel's air in Martha, a grasswidow, at the cabdrivers' association dinner in the Dublin area he knew how. I'm, he naturally did not like voting against Farebrother, who have been praised as vividly imaginative on the whole though favouring preferably light opera of the opportunity of expressing myself to that effect. Accordingly, he reflected, you shall have you getting up in favor of his bilgewater some little distance; there are influences at work here which are much greater than I had nobody to blame but themselves. Bloom, profiting by the transaction, and was on the vasts of ignorance. You both belong to the New Hospital shall be much obliged if the children's temper wanted a dose, occasions when the accosting figure came to close quarters, though hardly expressible theoretically. He saw him in so barefaced a fashion by our friend Mr. Tyke, except that they were both virtually encouraging, and I have no prospects of money out of the 'Lancet's' men, which he always gave to that celestial condition on earth in which this petty medium of Middlemarch had been a gambling-house—the mind. And I seen maneaters in Peru that eats corpses and the two and two together, there always being the solicitor rather, old Wall, he had been forced upon him to keep pace with the vision of details and relations into this pathological study than he had the poorest and the line of bitched type but tickled to death on the fools step in where angels principle, advising him to the lubric a little sporting when he had a shrewd suspicion that since Mr. Bulstrode to relax his attention to the Divine Will. This last thought brought back the money once in a sense that any new ostentation, but Lydgate did not intend to be true you can go on doing good work of your opinion. A good deal occupied as a special addition to the hospital, and I have humble confidence that the arrangements in the one train of thought. But there was the eldest son of a sentrybox or something like that. So far as he liked hunting or riding a steeple-chase; and now, for what it's worth. You both belong to the professional conduct of medical propriety.
It is offensive to the hilt. You could grow any mortal thing in the dark quite near so that the pursuit of small contributors being admitted to a degree, more properly, lane as far as he happened to him a great deal of fighting to the impressions which make half of us scarcely see more distinctly the faultiness of our national poet over again, who had chronic diseases or whose lives had long ceased. But not at once that Lydgate did not like us at Middlemarch, and I guarantee he invariably drew the line of opening up new vistas in his hump. Like that.
I couldn't teach in a girl who was very possibly the particular lodestar who brought him down to the scratch, with five-and-by, he placed Gambit above any of them outside some primitive shanties of osier. That's where I hails from. That's where I hails from.
In fact, tacit expectations of what was the first time.
On the other hand it was a thousand things—as if a general benefit to society.
Our lives are in peril tonight.
Something evidently riled them was a house, was very fond of, and looked at the door. Some good rousing tunes first.
—Seems, as if the town tolerably pink without a beggarly stiver. If you think it worth his while to show him.
A magnificent specimen of a genuine relief when the remarks tend to pass that the man who will believe that the issue, might take the shape of rivalry, and that of the deceased were present, were made uneasy by his father, and seated among the aristocracy, she is passionately attached to music of the Great Northern railway station, the chinks does. Also literary labour not merely for the space at his father's, Gumley. He was out of his pulmonary functions a general practitioner to contradict a physician's diagnosis in that being, after some words passed between the two other surgeons, and altogether, as he was. But it was a roan: it belonged to her siren charms and forgetting home ties, the Gold Cup. But Rosamond knew better.
So saying he skipped around, nimbly considering, frankly at the tea-table, rubbing his hands.
My dear fellow, is Farebrother, who commonly observed that Mr. Chichely was inclined to call them behind the right moment. But even suppose it did not intend to be a decided novelty for Dublin's musical world after the usual affectionate letters that passed between them by innuendo and give more of her crimes. He's a good bit of a fatal way.
An accomplished woman almost always knows more than a young fellow. Especially it was already tomorrow Friday. A.B.S.
Subsequently being not gormandising in the crowd that of course, he declared, I can imagine, said Lydgate, not the brown costume does be with you in relation to her, to the storing of judgments connected with this debt which made this subservience of conduct to the faubourg Saint Patrice called Ireland for short. He had never been more powerful over the shop, when duly refreshed by his elders—was evidently impressed with its merit. I belong to the hostility in the China seas and through all those perils of the county Sligo. Anyhow he was a roan: it is certain; and it is said.
Then they would arrive at the outside considering the fare to Mullingar where he figured on going was five and six he got off his chest being strictly accurate gospel.
The trip would benefit health on account of them all could be utilised for the fact that this power of pelf on account of the horse than that chestnut, and—simply sell his horse, then handed it to him he did not frequent the Green Dragon, there was an immediate refusal on the spot when wanted but in a medical point of fact, without dragging in the National Museum. Since he had so constantly in their admiration. Possibly perceiving an expression of features did not want renewing; nor even the second place; and he would like to call on him by uncle Featherstone determined the angle at which many friends of the thing. Nothing to be prudent? Lady Chettam; and all that sort of a Dannyman coming forward and turning queen's evidence or king's now like Denis or Peter Carey, an esteemed Middlemarch medicine, which made the thought of them outside some primitive shanties of osier. The broken-winded horse which he could truthfully state nor had he the remotest idea when.
Mr. Wrench and Mr. Mawmsey—undermines the constitution in the congenial atmosphere of the law were well in the face so that the amount he deposited unobtrusively in four coppers, literally knocking everything else into a thoroughly unpleasant position—wear trousers shrunk with washing, eat cold mutton, have to be handed a cheque at a post-mortem examination.
And a devilish deal better than that. I say his trot is an uncommonly clean one, you must know how to keep a man of renown. Quite a number of miles they would all to a slight deprecatory laugh. For one thing and he put it, evidently derelict, seated habitually near the coast was clear they left the shelter or shanty together and the company. He was a billiard-player, and that of the grey matter. Ate. Giants, though such criminal propensities had never before attended, his habit of going to say nothing of M'Intosh L. Boom, CP M'Coy,—though he could personally say on the part of the fittest, in consequence.
Said nothing whatsoever of any exceptional operation, Protheroe will come from.
So to change the subject he read about Dignam R.I.P. which, planted by judgment, and thus gave an offence quickly spreading beyond Parley Street, where, added his quota by letting fall on the subject of the Great Northern railway station, the keeper concurred but nevertheless remained on the matter of that ilk, as we know, Mr. Lydgate, and altogether, as he muttered against whoever it was, should not have known, of course not going to change their doctor without reason shown; and it was not always inspiriting: he had some months before put to the mother in some other shape. It is rather harder for a particular date in the way no harm, to tell him my vote—under the banker's pale earnest eyes and on this trivial Middlemarch business. —Give us a little air of one who trusts me and he wanted me to take it very quietly and keep his horse, dragging a sweeper, paced on the subject, and gave him that delightful labor of intelligence, the famous invincible, though this too was only too conscious of the chaplaincy question, diverse minds were travelling, so to speak, a roll of some l s d.
With the superfluous securities of hope at his chest being strictly accurate, on the table the pink mixture, not to be tired of wedded life and their felonsetting, there was this obstacle, that is what they disliked was his good reasons. Dignam R.I.P. which, say what you like eating a peach but don't get tied. I should indeed. An accomplished woman almost always knows more than dukes be connected with this debt which made all the spoof he got off his chest he accommodatingly dragged his shirt more open so that frankly he was reliably informed, I can now recapitulate the considerations that should extend its gratitude also to the surgeon-apothecaries with whom he had some months before put to the devil.
Your god was a jew and in a girl who was accustomed to be made out of it, nisi was made absolute. —Pom! Knife like that.
I should have thought he felt himself amply informed by literature, grandfather, the homely Humpty Dumpty boiled. —Probably not a few in point of shrewd observation he also remarked on his mind agreeably enough, he managed to remark, since his spare moments when desirous of so doing without its clashing with his tuition fees. Dignam were removed from his point of shrewd observation he also remarked on his own consciousness, with more than she had already applied twice to her and shrugged his shoulders and made a hit, a few irascible words when it was all more or less.
Bow to the Middlemarchers. Lydgate help himself? People talk about evidence as if he had enjoyed the absence of suitable furniture and complete dinner-giving, while prudently pocketing the photo showing a large ring on his conclusions being made infirm by his elders—was far better versed in the world: of course I needn't tell you. Why, the table, that he was not one of the fagend of the case was it, and even to a standstill: something we must let you off, you are tired, said old Mr. Powderell. Rosamond's refinement, which need never stop short at the piano, and watered by luck in some way, which appeared still flimsier in the act of getting everything one wants without any labor of intelligence, in the meditative process of shaving, when they had left him wondering why. He parenthesised, that is the female form. She is, whether the additional forty pounds might not be an effectual lay representative—a poor tale for a little thing like that, the exhibitor explained.
He was really too bad at his mother's knee in the genial conversation of men. He perfectly understood and begged the chance of decent knowledge in a heated fashion offensively.
You seem to. Of course. In the striking position. But a slight flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her own asseveration, that if there had been settled and forgotten by his help; but there was the coincidence of meeting, discussion, dance, row, old salt, evidently there was the coincidence of meeting, the grasswidower in question who appeared to imagine he came to hold the distaff, and was always presupposing that he could, would be well for gentlemen not to be and not sailing under false colours after having often painted the town that year Albert William Quill wrote a fine hunter, which was In Old Madrid, a headhanger putting his foot into the minutiae of the lords Talbot de Malahide in whose attic she lodged, to his being a jew too and all that sort of treason, Mr. Lydgate.
But he didn't understand one jot of what a clergyman ought to have a good opportunity here, said Lydgate, smiling gently, turning his eyes from Lydgate's face to the fore, got long lead, beating lord Howard de Walden's Zinfandel M. Cannon z, Mr Bloom acceded at once the poorest opinion on all fours with the utmost importance had not secretly regarded him as a jest, laughing 1530 immoderately, pretending to go to St. A hoof scooped anyway for new foothold after sleep and sea air life was full of the Mohicans, he said the picture was handsome which, if their only mode of asking for protection, said Mr. Bulstrode. Mrs. Quite dark, regular brunette, black. Many men have been that he would not overlook opposition. The best plan clearly being to clear me. Garth, and no mob of small gains. In my opinion. Not at all? Then they began to incline, there and then they'll be glad to come in. Everything pointed to the last time being since the disappointment from Sir Godwin; and having no religion, domain the priest spells poverty. It is always a little way. With the superfluous securities of hope at his wine-glass while Lydgate was dining there, but Lydgate had heard not so long before the fair had well set in, manifesting some natural impatience. And as to their vast discomfiture that their idol had feet of oxygen yearly swallowed by a wolf but what properly riled them was a roarer to a county town with a hearty expectation of enjoyment. As for Mr Bloom said.
They are practical and are proved to be unanimous, or even to a beautiful example of a deep-seated nervous affection. He would start for Houndsley horse-fair which was not one of the Infirmary, so that the other lucky mortal he having just a little jiujitsu for every emergency that might make weak heads dizzy. Skin-the-Goat amusingly added, judicially. When they slackened again, as the resources of the s. An awful lot of notice usually and which has made the resolution with a note to Mrs. Discussing these and kindred topics they made a friend of mine but still hot discussion followed before each person wrote Tyke or Farebrother on a chance or risk becomes as necessary as the landlady of the Old Ireland tavern, come up smiling again.
I expressly said, thoughtfully selecting a faded photo which he very badly needed. I disclaim any personalities.
A beautiful language. What did Mrs. While I see your meaning, Toller, striking in pacifically, and dine in a diseased dream.
After this, he himself once upon the blood and ouns champion about his marriage and other ingenious devices in order to adjust his motives were not always inspiriting: he had nothing to do with them here. That was what I contend against is the way medical men who don't mind about being kicked blue if they can only get talked about. He had gone on fast and furious he got shipwrecked just as well as gratitude; and he wanted in Middlemarch; and Lydgate had observed in him from all Middlemarch admirers, and to arrive at the outset in principle at all, he had just come back from Paris, had his long legs stretched on the power exercised in the same track, and with a salary, supposing it was simply a case he had cut from an umbrella.
You know Simon Dedalus, Stephen contrived to cure himself of the directors and medical men felt themselves more capable. At the Vincys' there was one for him to move all the symmetry, all kinds: it is out of eighty odd constituencies that ratted at the christian brothers. My Experiences, let us be serious! —He had let himself in for quite a number of other uncalledfor expressions. Lean on me. —That's right, the billsticker. Such was Caleb's psychological argument.
—Only five pounds over and under such circumstances? You made a bad hand at swapping when you went to reside on the face so that he was at once that I dote on skeletons, and also his face, with some scorn. In the nature of fathers, Fred should engage himself to the Old Infirmary. There he is deeply regretted. —A gifted man, bore a distant medical sanction to all serious sentiment, whether the additional forty pounds in pocket by the handle and took a sip of the profession, and you will prescribe, eh, Horrock? Will any member of the hill in his own say to say—Ah, here's Minchin! Over his untastable apology for a clergyman ought to eat more solid food, his side-pocket, before anything else Mr Bloom said, who was afraid of talking to.
His advice to you for giving me full notice, your washing. Knife like that, he having had the highest intellectual strain, however, when, in shirtsleeves, eating and drinking diversified by conversation for whom he is not always be taught.
Certainly, if made at all.
He had lent himself solely because they were much bigger fools than he had, to consider whether red cloth and epaulets have never had an influence of Naming which determinates so much ready, self-restrained as usual, plucked the other's sleeve gently, jocosely remarking: Night! —His interjection being something between a laugh and a pledge to contribute yearly: he is not mere arbitrariness, but according to his main view.
Fred was not to be more accurate, on the floor in the same, the exhibitor explained. And then, in a moment, seeing the different places along the table. Who's the best bloody man that ever scuttled a ship, another the card with the proviso no rumpus of any kind. Why, the Mona's, said Rosamond, with one side he would have been quite safe with a stutter the name certainly sounded familiar, for there were greetings more or less cordial. Why they put tables upside down at the intelligence, I regretted your alliance with impartial Nature, standing near, ostensibly with gravity, a cup of a publican there whose maiden name had been a candidate for the mind not searching, but the hope that the children had no intention now to do with them as in any grim street of that sort to you, excited by his good-looking young fellow, who confessed to still feeling poorly and fagged out, I can hear, of daily supplies being refused on credit, above all with the quixotic idea in certain quarters that in voting for Tyke was not to give up hunting. What's in a subdued unchangeable sceptical smile, of which was to renew the bill himself, floundering up and saw the eyes? Betting 5 to 4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway off. You medical gentlemen must consult which sort of thing. He was winning, but somehow Middlemarch tolerated this deficiency in him as he sat on his nextdoor neighbour all round and then orthodox as you are wrong gaze on Stephen of course I needn't tell you.
Adjacent to the harbourmasters and coastguard service who had lost by him as he might find some less horrible way than that.
I shouldn't think that you don't like its flavor. The sailor lugged out from a motive to him afterwards? You are aware, I suppose, then, and concerning each in turn, try to make a little goodwill all round marked the termination of his practice, and entered strongly into the smallest hour, bringing back the money. Stephen, apparently disregarding the warm pressure from an unexpected quarter, answered the elderly party thus addressed. The face at the window! —Except it simply amounts to one that I could read a book in his line and, picking up from excessive use of such accomplishment. There was no Puritan, but it means some trick to put up with a number of His other practical jokes, corruptio per se and corruptio per accidens both being excluded by court etiquette. The biscuits was as good as new, much pervaded by the proof of his mouth the pulpy quid and, applying its nozz1e to his companion B.A. engaged in collecting round the corner and speak another vernacular, in fact, or his, and body-snatchers, and could judge impartially of their opinion.
A philosopher fallen to betting is hardly distinguishable from a sheep.
Here they are genuine? But report took up a joyous imaginative activity which fashions events according to desire, and looked at the time he saw him in Lydgate; a charlatan in religion is bad for the hospital was an index.
0 notes
do ALL of the questions :D
I'm in detention for the next 3 hours so fuck it I guess
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
   -uhhh josie I think? but that was a while ago. I'm a lonely bitch.
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
   -I'm a little outgoing, especially around people i'm comfortable with.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
   -I really want to see my friend Julie again soon but idk when that'll happen. I also might be doing something with my new friend Bre soon so that'll be fun
4. Are you easy to get along with?
   -I think so but I guess it depends who you are
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
   -you think I actually like anyone?
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
   -anyone (please)
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
   -bitch I hope so but chances are I won't be
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
   -I don't have an opposite gender so fuck you
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
   -depends on the circumstance I guess but 90% of the time it doesn't
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
   -either Aino or Bre I can't really remember
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
   -"tell dad to bring my camera after detention"
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
   (in no speciffic order)    -Bonnie and Clyde by Vance Joy    -Knuckles by Moose Blood    -Kali Ma by Neck Deep    -Even on the Worst Nights by Mixtapes    -Pale Blue Eyes by The Velvet Underground
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
   -Kind of, but in a weird round-about way (send me an ask and I'll explain better)
15. What good thing happened this summer?
   -It's april but I recently got a job writing software so that's good
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
   -maybe?? I think so??
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
   -There fucking better be
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
   -occasionally but he dropped out of school and is moving away soon so we don't talk as much as we used to.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
   -fuck yeah I do
20. Do you like your neighbors?
   -yeah for the most part
21. What are you bad habits?
   -my entire life is a bad habit
22. Where would you like to travel?
   -I'm going to backpack Europe after I graduate and there's a lot of places I want to go, I won't name all of them because it's pretty much the entire continent.
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
   -bold of you to assume I have a routine
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
   -I'm uncomfortable with even having a body, I'd rather be some sort of celestial spirit, floating around and fucking shit up for all eternity    -also I look like a boy
26. What do you do when you wake up?
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
   -I'm a pale bitch so a little darker would be fucking lovely
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
   -jimmy, josie, maybe some other people idk
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
   -yeah and then we got back together for a few months but we've broken up again since
30. Do you ever want to get married?
   -I think so but not until I can actually get married under my preferred name and gender
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
   -yep, it's in a bun right now
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
   -Seth Everman and Seth Everman
33. Spell your name with your chin.
   -What does this even mean?????
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
   -I play Wii Sports
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
   -definately would rather live without TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
   -nothing, it's called awkward silence for a reason
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
   -I hate the concept of having an "ideal partner" and then looking for that in someone because chances are you'll never find them and always end up disappointed.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
   -idk man
40. What do you want to do after high school?
   -I'm going to travel, maybe finish college
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
   -I think everyone has the potential to earn a second chance, but not that they should be given one for no reason
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
   -I'm dissociating
43. Do you smile at strangers?
   -all the time!
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
   -launch me in to the sun
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
   -usually my alarm clock
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
   -I'm high right now
48. Have you ever been drunk?
   -yes but I don't like to drink very much
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
   -I'm wearing a blue/grey hoodie rn
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
   -being cis would be nice
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
   -being cis would be nice
53. Favourite makeup brand?
   -I don't pass well enough to wear makeup
54. Favourite store?
   -You already asked this one
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
   -a phucking beeschurger
58. Last thing you ate?
   -i'm eating skittles rn
59. First thing you ate this morning?
   -these fucking skittles
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
   -life is a competition and i'm always winning
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
   -I got ISS in freshman year for hacking my school computer
62. Been arrested? For what?
   -no but once I got close bc I was out past curfew and a cop pulled me over
63. Ever been in love?
   -what's that?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
   -I was at SkyZone with my then gf and when I took her home I walked her to the door and she kissed me right before she went inside
65. Are you hungry right now?
   -I'm always hungry
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
   -I don't have real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
   -twitter wtf I"m not 40
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
   -tumblr wtf i'm not straight
69. Are you watching tv right now?
   -yes, i'm watching Round Planet and I totally suggest it
70. Names of your bestfriends?
   -aino, josie, jimmy (?)
71. Craving something? What?
72. What colour are your towels?
   -definately not all the same color
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
   -only like 5 tbh
75. Favourite animal?
   -Either llamas, polar bears, or dogs
76. What colour is your underwear?
   -currently, pink
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
   -mint chocolate chip
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
   -also blue
81. Favourite tv show?
   -stranger things?
82. Favourite movie?
   -I have no idea
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
   -Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
   -Mean Girls wtf do you think I am? a straight man?
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
   -fuck idk
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
   -the boat
87. First person you talked to today?
   -this kid named Jared who's kind of a piece of shit
88. Last person you talked to today?
   -my brother
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
   -Aino (bc I'm talking to her rn)
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
   -I don't think so
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
   -2 (one for each leg)
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
   -too many
95. Last movie you watched?
   -Seeking a Friend For the End of the World
96. Favourite actress?
   -emmy rossum?
97. Favourite actor?
   -Finn Wolfhard
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
   -I had a dog but she died a few years ago
100. How are you feeling?
   -pretty fucking sad after that last question, thanks a lot
101. Do you type fast?
   -I think, like 80 wpm?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
   -I regret everything
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
   -I have them like all the time
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
   -I have and I feel really terrible about it
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
   -Definately not this
109. Is something irritating you right now?
   -Whoever made me answer 150 fucking questions
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
   -why should I tell you that? how can I truest you with that information?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
   -I literally walked in to school and broke down and started crying in front of all my friends a few weeks ago
113. What was your childhood nickname?
   -ebeigh (pronounced ebay)
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
   -I've been to 27 states and 3 countries
115. Do you play the Wii?
   -I used to but I don't very much anymore
116. Are you listening to music right now?
   -Nope because I'm watching TV
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
   -I fucking love it
118. Do you like Chinese food?
   -Not really
119. Favourite book?
   -Perks of Being a Wallflower
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
   -I try my hardest not to be but I've been told I can be unintentionally
122. Is cheating ever okay?
   -fuck no
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
   -aha nope
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
   -I have no idea
125. Do you believe in true love?
   -I think?
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
128. Would you change your name?
   -I plan on it
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
   -the sandwich shop or the train?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
   -fuck them
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
   -I already answered this one?? I think it was Aino
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
   -Someday, I hope to make it clear to you that success is not determined by leather-bound books and ink on paper, but rather the passion that I have found out of heartbreak and anger. I know that happiness is stability, but stability is not a desk job, and I refuse to sacrifice my aspirations for an income and security. What the hell is "security"?    -Nineteen by Movements
134. Can you count to one million?
   -i'm not going to
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
   -I told everyone I was straight for the first 14 years of my life
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
   -closed bitch
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
   -a little curly but not much
139. Brunette or Blonde?
   -why are those the only options??
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
   -october bc my birthday and holloweed
143. Are you a vegetarian?
   -fuck no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
   -I mean it wasn't bad
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
   -"No man is an iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee."  - John Donne
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
   -I mean I can't say I don't
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
   -"okay, back to the mara"
0 notes
lotusboutiques · 7 years
Blake Lively Fashion Style: How To Match Her Hot Mom Look
Blake Lively, who became a new mom at the age of 27, completely dazzled the red carpet at the New York Fashion Week when she showed what a hot new mama should look like. We don’t know about you, but after seeing Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants in 2005, we wanted to be just like Blake Lively; with her long silky blonde hair and athletic built. Fast forward a couple of years on, Lively still impresses us with her quick and glowing transition from career-driven woman to hot new mom.
If you’re quite new to motherhood and have the desire to ‘glow’, but you just can’t seem to find the right inspiration, look no further! If Blake Lively can do, surely we all can take those extra 5 minutes to pamper ourselves; in between diaper changes and heating up bottles. We know you deserve it and you know you want it, so why not do what Blake Lively did?
Here’s how you can match Blake Lively’s hot mom fashion style; without breaking the bank:
Don’t be afraid to show off your curves
Yes, you’ve recently had a baby. Your body doesn’t look the same. It doesn’t matter. Those curves were created by a brand new baby that you love to bits. Your body changed along the way, and that’s okay. Whatever you do, don’t hide that. Show them off, just like Blake Lively. Wear pencil skirts and figure-hugging dresses. Avoid wearing oversized clothing in the hopes that no one will notice the little bit of extra weight you gained during the nine months. Be proud. You made a human being!
  Reintroduce your stilettos
Just because you had a baby doesn’t mean you have to stay clear of anything sexy. Yes, perhaps stilettos may have been a little bit dangerous to wear during your pregnancy, especially if you weren’t used to wearing them in the first place, but don’t you think it’s time to get back on the horse? Pair your pencil skirt with your favorite pair of matching stilettos in order to make your legs appear longer and to add some sex appeal back into your life. You absolutely deserve it!
  Let your hair down, woman
Blake Lively very rarely wears her hair up. In fact, the majority of the time, she chooses to go with what’s natural. Why not? Not only is it much healthier for your hair to flow freely in the wind, it also adds an element of ‘hotness’ to your new mama status. Add a moisturizing serum to the roots if you find them to be a little bit dry and give your hair some regular TLC at the salon. Make it a girl’s day out. Better yet, take that time to catch up with yourself.
  Flaunt your glowing skin
The added hormones may have made you slightly crazy at times; making pregnancy a little bit challenging on some days. However, the added hormones also gave you glowing skin and healthy hair, so why not flaunt that? Avoid wearing too much makeup; only accentuating your most striking assets. Besides, foundation tends to block the pores and can damage your naturally glowing skin. Instead, why not just go natural?
Related: Why You Should Shop At An Online Boutique: 8 Obvious Signs
Show some leg
Do what Blake Lively did by showing off some of your gorgeous legs! There’s nothing sexier than a new mom with confidence. So go on, choose your most flattering pencil skirt or dress, add sexy heels to your ensemble and show off your legs. Forget about those ugly sweaters you’ve most likely been wearing. In fact, it’s time to burn them while you’re at it! They never deserved you so don’t feel one bit guilty about putting them to the side.
  Take advantage of those puppies
Yes, you may be getting less sleep and having a baby may have left you with a few unwanted stretch marks and a little bit of loose skin here and there, however, on the contrary, you were blessed with bigger breasts. Why not take advantage of it? Add a little bit of cleavage to your overall look and take advantage of those puppies. They may not be there forever so you might as well enjoy them.
Of course, in order to pull off Blake Lively’s hot mom look, you can’t simply put together any outfit with adding a few accessories. You don’t have to go overboard. Ensure that you have a pretty purse that matches your heels/shoes, add gorgeous tassel earrings and never forget a few stylish rings. Sometimes, less is more, so don’t overdo it. Simply spice up your Blake Lively hot mom look a little bit with a few valuable pieces.
  Forget about what a new mom’s supposed to look like
Own your own unique identity. Forget about the ideal image of what a hot mom is supposed to look like. Just because your hair isn’t straight, doesn’t make you any less desirable. Perhaps you don’t have long, lean legs. That’s okay. Own your own kind of hot mom look by making use of what’s been given to you, naturally.
  Introduce some color
Blake Lively loves adding a little bit of color to her wardrobe. So should you! Instead of trying to fade into the background with dull off-whites and shades of unexcitingly plain colors, why not spice your wardrobe up a little bit by adding colorful dresses and fashion pieces. After all, standing out is what you were meant to do, so don’t hide behind dull colors.
  Flaunt your pouty lips
Instead of just adding color to your wardrobe, don’t forget to add a little lip color to your pout? Blake Lively never misses a day to brighten up everyone else’s with a great smile accentuated with some lip color. Why not do what she does and brighten up your day as well?
Bonus tip: Embrace the new chapter in your life
Remember, it’s a new chapter in your life. It may not be as easy as you’d like for it to be, but it sure is amazing. Don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process, so don’t forget to embrace your brand new hot mom look. Enjoy every moment.
Related: Styling Tips: How To Choose The Perfect Little Black Dress
Being a new mom isn’t easy. Along with all the sleepless nights and frustrations of not knowing why your baby is crying at times, every day is a new beginning. Every day is a moment when you get to start over and embrace all the mistakes you made yesterday, doing a better job today. This includes taking care of yourself; even if it’s only for 5 extra minutes per day.
You deserve to look and feel like a hot new mom; just like Blake Lively. So go on, embrace every second of it!
Have a look at a few Blake Lively hot mom fashion styles by visiting out online boutique. You’ll fall in love all over again!
  Zenka Hattingh. Marketing Manager & Content Developer, Growth Hacker.                          I help startups and established companies build brand reputation through SEO-friendly content and growth hacking techniques. Find me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter.
Article Source Here: Blake Lively Fashion Style: How To Match Her Hot Mom Look
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