#it’s like quietly tagging them without having to @ their url
pixlokita · 5 months
I noticed that you put "wanda" in the tags of art you reblog, I was wondering what it meant :00
Sorry TTwTT I’ve gotten the same question like four times it always sends me it’s only the wanda tag xD It’s like a very old tumblr thing maybe nobody does it anymore but you can have a tag with your mutual’s or your friend’s nicknames or even artists you like to just find the stuff you reblogged from them again on your blog? :> it was also something that made it easier for you to find stuff they tagged you on in their blog in case you missed anything ?? But I just started tagging all the posts they made too >>; to keep it organized =w= actually idk why I do it (・´ω`・)
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golurker · 1 month
tagged by @commander-snacks ! yay yay
-name: golurker is what everyone calls me lmao
-sexuality: it’s a secret to everyone including myself but i know that i’ve never been attracted to anyone who wasn’t fictional
-dogs or cats: while i love buppies so so much, I adore cats on a completely different level than any other thing in the world. cats represent everything good and wonderful to me. their sweet little faces, big innocent eyes, funny little meows, every single atom of every cats existence is pure perfection. my feelings for them is like ‘the love a mother has for her newborn baby’ and ‘the devotion a religion has to their god’ combined. Cats are more than any animal or any human, they are magical fae angel deity creatures to me. Loving and caring for cats is the reason i was born. Loving cats is the reason I’m alive. A world without cats is not a world worth living in. Anyone who hates cats is my mortal enemy. Cats are both my special interest and my religion. In fact i dare to have the audacity to say, i don’t think it’s ever possible for anyone to love anything more than i love cats
-current time: 6:45 at the moment of writing this specific answer
-dream job: 4 unattainable options which are Toy Designer (like the person who creates concepts and designs that get turned into mass-produced toys), making story & characters for a project regardless of whether it’s a game movie book etc., caring for cats & kittens all day (like a pet-sitter or something i don’t think i could emotionally handle working at a shelter even if i want to), or an all-powerful god
-favorite animal: gee i don’t know what it could be?? cats lol
-Blog creation date: Sometime around 2013 but I don’t know how to find out the specific date
-Reason for url: Back when I first got into social media (after having only ever used neopets & deviantart before and NEVER actually interacting with anyone else on them) i was very shy and anxious so i only ever Lurked around, quietly liking posts & stuff without ever posting or saying anything. So since all I did was lurk i thought it would be a clever and silly portmanteau pun to name my account Golurker, since I’ve always loved pokemon and been fond of Golurk. hwehehe
ummm who to tag. @anpanham & @momodriller & @oliviartsss @transsexualunderground & @elekid & @inflatablelugia !!! but only if you guys want to u don’t have to
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askliljudd · 2 years
// Heya! The mod of this blog here!
From what I’ve gathered, a lot of people, especially in the splat rp community are new, which is great! As someone who’s been roleplaying for a long time, I love seeing new faces. However, it also seems less veterans of similar communities are around and as such, tips and tricks that people have learned with askblogging and rping on tumblr haven’t been regularly brought up!
So consider this post a helpful guide to tips and tricks to rp blogging on tumblr! I’m not here to tell anyone how to do things, but these are simply things I’ve learned and I personally think help enhance the experience! If you have advice you want to add, or questions you want to ask, feel free to add on, ask me or DM me! Without further ado, let’s get on with it!
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QOL Tip 1 - RP icons!
While not necessary for the rp experience, icons can help with viewer engagement and also visually spice up text; especially if there’s lots of it! While any size would be fine, 100x100 pixels or under is recommended! This is to avoid making the post longer than it should be! I’ll be using some of my mod icons throughout this post to demonstrate! You can acquire icons under the various ways: canon art, fanart, or your own art! Canon and your own art are easy, since people know the source and you don’t need to credit yourself! If you want to use fanart, be sure to ask artists for their permission and credit the source!
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QOL Tip 2 - Blog themes!
I’ve seen a surprisingly low amount of custom blog themes! In fairness, tumblr has been kind of quietly shoving them away for some time now, though it’s one of the best features in my opinion! It’s a classic part of older internet culture, where you get to cultivate a theme to what you want to portray! Don’t know how to code? There’s plenty of free themes people upload for use! One of the most famous blogs to get them from is theme-hunter, though individual theme makers may have their own blogs so be sure to be on the lookout!
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You can enable custom themes in your account settings! Click the edit theme button aaand!
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You’ll find the custom theme button right at the top of your settings! You simply replace all the code in here with a custom theme you found! Be sure to try and make it legible for others to look at!
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QOL Tip 3 - XKit!
It occurs to me not many people may be aware of what XKit is, so here’s a quick rundown: it’s a third party add-on that improves your tumblr browsing experience! Whether it’s aesthetically or functionally, XKit is here to help! There’s been quite a weird experience with the add-on for years; a history I won’t step into right now, but XKit Rewritten is openly available and free to use! I highly recommend using its many features if you haven’t already. Here’s both the Chrome and Firefox versions!
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Blog Tip 1 - Blogs are your friend!
I’ve seen a lot regular anons rping in inboxes lately, which is well and good! But personally, I like being able to find stuff I send people, or being able to reblog it somewhere specific or keep my muses I send out in order! If you operate from a main blog, like I do, sideblogs are great to make and simple! Being able to keep your muses and any asks you send out organized in one spot not only helps yourself, but anyone you send asks out to or you want to reply to I would say this is a bigger personal decision than some of the other stuff in here, but I find it helps in the long haul especially if you want to keep certain things going! Even a blog where you can just reblog asks you send out would be nice! If you wish to not reveal your main blog for whatever reason, you can simply send it on an anon and include your sideblog’s url in the ask!
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Blog Tip 2 - Organization and Setup
If you’re intent on having a blog, simply having a blank page can only take you so far! There’s a few important things that I highly recommend blogs have if they wish to help themselves and others.
1. Tagging system: While not required, personally I find this helps me stay organized! Sometimes, all you need is to tag asks or rp responses, but I also like to tag anons and specific blogs I interact with! It helps when I want to look through something and I can use the tagging system instead of the search one, which sometimes leaves posts out! (Note: As far as I’m aware, the tagging system on blogs recently changed when trying to find them from how it used to be, so be aware of that!) Another important thing with tagging systems is to keep them consistent! This may seem obvious, but I had a serious issue with this when I was younger and had about 3 tags with slight variations of each other so none of my posts showed up in the same tag! 2. Blog pages: Even with the default themes, you can make custom pages on your blog that’ll even show up on mobile! (There’s a button for it to show up on the page, though most people link them in custom themes.) You can use this for many things, such as a reference page for your characters and other things, but I highly recommend setting up an about/rules page. These help with interaction between other users
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Blog Tip 3 - Roleplay and Post Length
Roleplay is one of my favourite parts of blogging in these sorts of communities; getting to interact with other bloggers and muses is awesome! Which is why it’s so important to keep your experience in mind when roleplaying! Ye olde ancient tip is to “trim” rp posts that are starting to get long! What’s trimming a post mean, you might ask? Well, rp posts tend to get rather long on tumblr, and it can make it a lot to scroll through! Both for you and others. Trimming it allows the rp post to not be as long, but you can still continue with your partner(s). My recommendation is to try and trim before 5-7 replies are hit, but this can vary dependent on the length of replies!
There’s two main ways to trim posts! 1. Use XKit’s feature: XKit has a feature that allows you to trim rp posts; it can end up a little funky sometimes, but it makes things shorter for sure! 2: Make a new post: This may seem like a lot, but making a new post is no big deal! It’s main done by linking the previous reply somewhere in the new post and either pinging your partner or messaging it to them!
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As previously mentioned, I hope this doesn’t come across as me telling anyone what to do. These are just things I learned when I started roleplaying, and I’ve kept with me since then. And I hope they help you! If you’ve made it this far, I hope it was a helpful read at least! I tend to not make posts like this; I certainly didn’t expect to make one on this silly kitty blog but what can I say. People outside of the splat community are welcome to rb this if you think it’ll help! I may have missed something, or may not personally use it, so feel free to add on things in the replies or reblogs!
I hope you all have a nice day, and thank you for reading and following this blog if you do!
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davidkendall · 2 years
*Rubs sleep out of eyes, stumbles over to lap-top*
“Oh, @palmtreepalmtree mentioned me in a post....what’s all this then?......Oh geez, it’s one of THOSE......but it IS PTPT asking, so.....”
*crack knuckles and wiggles fingers anticipatorially*
Yeah, I don’t do these “Tell us more!” things too often, either, because I figure if anyone wanted to know, they’d ask.  But, I’m trying to be less curmudgeonly, so I’ll try to answer without seeming like TOO much of a jerk:
Apparently, there’s rules:
Rules: answer these questions and tag some blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
Name: I mean, it’s right there in the URL. No big secret .....
Sign: Saggy the Archer. (I’m getting that on a shirt one day.)
Height: Used to be 6′.  Doc says I’m shrinking, and it’s normal.  Now 5′11″.  I protest this development vehemently.
Time: Noon-ish on the East Coast of the US
Birthday: Yeah, I don’t share that, and the only reason I “celebrate” at all is the missus insists on commemorating the day.  I know; I’ve got emotional baggage left over from childhood, yadda yadda yadda.  It’s just a day, and it happened long enough ago to make me a Certified Old Dude.
Favourite bands/artists:  Far too many to name.  Everyone from John Denver to Bruce Springsteen, from Beethoven to John Williams to Mike Post.
Last movie: Re-watched Revenge of the Sith for the first time since it came out.  Still don’t like it; the only saving grace is Ewan McGregor
Last show: We’re actually watching Nashville, which was on TV about 10 years ago and we’re finally getting around to it on Hulu. It’s decent, soap-opera-ish fun, with country music sprinkled liberally throughout.
When I created this blog: 2008.
What I post: Lots of reblogs of anything that catches my eye. An occasional original thought. Dad jokes, because it’s the law for dads to share them.
Last thing I googled: "tongue sandwich” because I was explaining how my parents tried to get us to eat beef tongue for dinner when I was a kid, and they used to actually sell tongue sandwiches in delis back in the day. 
Other blogs: None active anymore; just this one.  Of course, there’s my Twitch stream (4 streams a week) and my Podcast (a new episode every week), so if you REALLY want to get to know me, those are the places to go. (You can ask for the links if you’re at all interested.)
Do I get asks: Occasionally. Always welcome, never required.
Following: I dunno.  A lot of folks I find interesting. Some, sadly, have just quietly disappeared, and I wonder what happened to them. What, you want me to look up an actual number? That takes, like, effort.
Followers: I dunno. Again, looking things up is SO much effort.
Average hours of sleep: when I was working, 5-6 hours a night, no problem. Now, 7, and it makes a WORLD of difference in your life.
Instruments: Used to play trumpet; can pick out a tune on a piano and a couple chords on guitar. Don’t take any of them seriously anymore.
What I'm wearing: I mean, the uniform of the day for me these days is jeans and a t-shirt. If I’m feeling fancy, I might throw on an old polo shirt with an actual collar.
Dream job: Radio DJ was the dream, which I did years ago. But like any dream, the reality has it’s down-side too, which I also learned.
Dream trip: Before Covid, it was Ireland. Since Covid, any trip without worrying about bringing a mask and catching Covid is the dream. Seriously, everywhere we go, Covid is front-and-center. Maybe I’m too freaky about it, but I can’t seem to help it.
Nationality: My parents always said “We’re Americans.”  Heritage, family history, roots, were completely unimportant to them, for reasons they never made clear and, with them gone, which I’ll never know. Over the years, I learned, through bits and pieces of information at family gatherings, that there’s some Welsh, English, German, and Russian in the mix, but who came from where, and how, and why, and when - I have no idea.
Favourite songs: Impossible to answer because music is so mood-dependent.
Last book I read: I haven’t read anything truly memorable in a while. I know I just finished a book about two weeks ago, but can’t for the life of me remember it. Just started one of those David Baldacci page-turner-specials a couple days ago (Long Road to Mercy), which is readable, but which I’m sure I’ll forget a week after I’m done.
3 fictional universes:  So, Star Trek, because that’s the first “fictional universe” I became aware of, and it still gives me hope that one day we (meaning, “humans”) can get to a point in our development like that. And, Star Wars, because who doesn’t want to be Han Solo? And then Middle Earth, because if I can’t be Han Solo, I may as well try to be Gandalf.
Oh, as for tagging folks, first, let me tell you - this takes time to do! So I don’t really want to make anyone feel burdened. And here’s the thing (and this is the way my mind works), if I tag two or three (or six or seven) of my mutuals who I really want to hear about, I don’t want anyone who I didn’t tag to be upset or feel left out, so I’m afraid of not tagging everyone. I also don’t want anyone to feel like they HAVE to do it.  (Yeah, that’s why I rarely do these - TOO MUCH PRESSURE!) So, any mutuals who haven’t done this, I’m tagging you because I really DO want to know more, and I don’t want to leave anyone out.
Alright, that was WAY too much effort.  Time for a nap.
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Nevertheless: Pride & Dignity [8]
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synopsis: hwang seol eun finds herself stuck between a toxic relationship with lee hyunjae and a heart-fluttering dynamic with lee juyeon
pairing: jujae x [fem] reader, 3rd person pov [read as hwang seol eun]
genre [per chapter]: probably angst, some fluff, idk
word count: 2.6k
taglist: @sunlightwoo @from-xero @hyunjaethereal @yyyerum @purrple-winkle @17scheol @ten-gift @louvyves @givememunjang @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @flwrtbz @gyujaehyun @hwallswrld @sweetutopia @sunwoowuvbot @softforqiankun @givememunjang @peachyho @bubutaeyongie @givememunjang @vousty @sofie296 [pls use this link to submit your URLs for tagging!]
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seol eun remains as still as the painting before her, the same one that she was looking at in the studio the day she had to make her quality-check run. it was the same day juyeon had taught her how to use the clay wheel - or rather, had to fix her work for her because she didn't know how to.
she'd be lying if she said she didn't think about the gentleness of his palms against the back of her hand, despite all the clay drying up and sticking their skins together. not in a revolting way, but like glue holding parts of broken glass together.
the care he had when he pressed her fingers into the side of the bowl and how his hands turned the cold clay warm as well. the scent of his cologne stuck in her nostrils without her even knowing - because she can recognise his scent whenever he was nearby, even if she wasn't talking to him.
she remembers all that.
and yet she can hear nothing but the words "i'll make you happier than he ever did."
mi jung finally joins her colleague right before the nude painting, her hair pulled up into an elegant bun and her liner drawn on almost perfectly. she had a gorgeous sapphire around her neck and she was in flats only because she was too tall to wear heels (the girl never liked shoving her feet into those tight crannies anyway).
mi jung squints, then leans closer into the side of seol eun's face. "if you weren't my colleague, i'd think you're creepy."
seol eun gently snorts as a response, watching mi jung pull away slowly as she turns to her. the heels under the soles of her feet were somehow comfortable, and for once in a long time, she could speak to mi jung without looking up. she's decided that she'd grown a mild distaste for taller people - only because it reminded her of a certain someone.
"it's pretty," seol eun almost whispers. "there's nothing fake about that painting. she must've trusted him with her heart for him to do it, for him to submit this."
"i mean..." mi jung shrugs, her bare shoulders gleaming under the fluorescent lights. "she does have nice boobs."
the comment strikes a funny bone in seol eun, and she turns to whack mi jung gently across her forearm. the taller grins, chuckling as she pulls seol eun's arm into a link with hers, purse dangling from her fingers.
"you're right, it is pretty," mi jung looks down at seol eun without really turning her head. "you do seem to like paintings and photographs more."
"mm," seol eun hums and cocks her head to the side. even in the metallic barriers surrounding the painting, she can see the emerald shade of green from mi jung's toga dress and her own red one. "i like the idea of immortality in art. paintings and photography do just that and they were the pioneers."
seol eun sighs quietly, turning when she notices the lack of response from mi jung. the girl had her eyes closed, head deliberately cocked to one side with gentle, intentional snoring emitting from her.
"my god, you are mean."
mi jung snorts herself 'awake' and blinks at seol eun. "oh- what? no, i- i was listening-"
"good evening."
the greeting cues the both of them to turn from the portrait and behind them, seol eun's heart falling between her lungs. she could almost hear it thud against her diaphragm.
"oh, hi!" mi jung's lips are pulled wide apart with a large grin as she opens her arms. "congratulations on your exhibition. we would've gone over to greet you earlier but you seemed busy."
juyeon shakes his head as mi jung pulls away, his eyes crinkling into thin, feline lines. "both of you look absolutely stunning tonight. makes me feel underdressed."
mi jung giggles, watching juyeon look down at himself in a beige suit. "well, it's your exhibition. would be terrible if we outshone you."
juyeon smiles, then parts his lips to say something, but he locks eyes with seol eun's shy ones and loses his train of thought. but mi jung is no oblivious young lady, and catches that fleeting moment of spark igniting in at least one of their hearts, and chooses to excuse herself.
"I'm just gonna go and stare at some other pots over there," she takes a step back and points awkwardly to the pottery corner of the exhibition. "seol eun's been staring at her boobs for too long, you should do something about that."
seol eun winces and reaches out in a bid to thwack mi jung with her purse, only for her to snicker and take quick steps away from seol eun.
"so," juyeon slides his hands into his pockets and takes a step forward, closing the gap between them. the shadow comes cast over her face and her eyes, her heart involuntarily picking up its pace as the familiar scent of his cologne starts to bloom all the fluttery memories. "any particular reason why you're staring at someone's boobs?"
seol eun lets out a wry laugh as she looks away first, unable to rival his eye contact. "the portrait's just pretty, that's all." she looks up at him again, then back at the portrait when he nods.
"i think you should look in a mirror someday, seol eun."
she turns again, staring at him with wide eyes. "why, do i have a problem with my face?"
"yeah," juyeon pulls his hand out from his pocket and reaches for hers to hook around his arm. "the problem is that you don't know you're prettier than that portrait."
seol eun bites on her bottom lip to hide the smile threatening to emerge on her face, but she gives herself away when she gives a gentle snort and lowers her head.
"may i?" juyeon raises a brow and nods back to the rest of the exhibition. seol eun nods, dabbing her lips with the back of her hand as if to wipe away the grin.
juyeon spends the rest of the night introducing her as his date and his event organiser. he held his chin high as he greeted his guests with gusto and flair and seol eun finds herself forgetting that lee hyunjae ever existed.
it's the little pushing-back of her hair when it's tugging on some fabric of her dress or pulling a speck of dust out of her sleeves that made her realise how meticulous juyeon was with her.
he was treating her like a piece of art on its own.
the grand opening of the exhibition wraps up with juyeon thanking his esteemed guests by popping open a champagne bottle, pouring the expensive beverage over a tower of champagne glasses.
seol eun and mi jung stand near the corner of the stage, letting juyeon have his moment as their hands are automatic to present some clapping.
but in the corner of her eye, mi jung spots a special guest, and a frown sinks into her forehead.
she glances over to seol eun, whose eyes are stuck on juyeon, and is relieved to know that she hadn't seen sang hyuk walk into the exhibition hall.
"... I'd like to give special thanks to mi jung, my logistics officer and seol eun, the events manager for this exhibition, and i'd like to offer a toast to them."
mi jung's consciousness is pulled back to the stage when seol eun tugs on her hand to step forward, and juyeon hands the both of them a glass each.
"to the two lovely ladies."
the crowd claps.
seol eun downs her champagne, but mi jung keeps her eyes peeled on the man standing by the door.
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juyeon is bidding goodbye to his guests as mi jung and seol eun giggle in the corner of the exhibition hall. his feet are turned back through the door, but before he can take another step, someone greets him.
"mr lee juyeon?"
he whirls around, greeting a male almost as tall as him, probably his age or slightly older.
"yes, i am. may i know who i'm-"
"ryu sang hyuk," he holds out his hand. "i'm a photographer."
"ah!" juyeon happily takes his hand and lowers his head. "i think i've seen your work somewhere before. the name does ring a bell."
"yes, i- i stumbled across your exhibition but it seemed like it's your opening night," sang hyuk releases his hand and looks into the exhibition hall.
"yeah, tonight's guestlist are via private invitations. it's open for the next week though, i'd love to have you come around."
sang hyuk blinks back to look at juyeon.
"will hwang seol eun be here?"
a moment.
something in juyeon's gut tells him to wipe the smile off his face.
"why... hwang seol eun in particular?"
sang hyuk sucks in a deep breath and shoves his hands into his pockets. "she's a good friend. haven't been able to get a hold of her for awhile now, so i thought i could catch up with her. her name's on the event board."
juyeon glances behind him and catches sight of her name near the bottom of the exhibition poster.
"she's a busy lady," juyeon shifts to make himself a roadblock between sang hyuk and the exhibition entrance. "why don't you give me your number and i can get seol eun to contact you?"
"no need. i'm fine catching here at this event another day."
"her attendance isn't required the rest of the exhibition. the next week's open for public and she's on the guest list only for tonight."
"oh, she'll be back here," sang hyuk pulls a slight smirk onto his lips. "unless she's out there playing hooligan with her boyfriend."
juyeon inhales sharply. "boyfriend?"
"ah," sang hyuk raises his brows. "you don't know?"
"i... have not been made known."
sang hyuk tilts his head backwards and lets out a dry chuckle. "she was just with him last week, brought my nephew out for dinner."
an eye twitches. juyeon blinks and clears his throat.
"oh, you poor, poor boy," shaking his head, sang hyuk pouts empathetically. "she's been playing you."
juyeon pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue, choosing to look away and glance back into the exhibition hall to see the two of them still laughing about something.
there are tears in seol eun's eyes. happy ones.
"you can't fall for that, mr lee. because all she'll do is break your heart into a million pieces."
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she's almost choking over her own saliva after mi jung said something that should never be said about this stupid pot when she hears the doors of the exhibition hall swing shut.
juyeon shoulders are slightly sunken as he reaches over to turn off some light switches. he strides over to the both of them, pulling on a tired smile.
"thank you, so much. the both of you."
"no!" mi jung wheezes, holding her 5th glass of champagne. "it's all you, mr lee juyeon."
"i'm sorry, she's had a little too much," seol eun winces and pulls the glass out of mi jung's hold.
"pish-posh, i am fine-"
"anyway, i'd have to clear some stuff up before i close up the area. do you two need a cab home?"
"oh, no, i can call one myself-"
knock knock knock
the party of three is immediately torn to the door that juyeon's pulled shut, and god forsake who seol eun is seeing outside the door.
"that must be your boyfriend," juyeon turns back to seol eun and offers her a cheeky grin.
but she can't return it, not when she has a slightly drunk mi jung wobbling around next to her and lee hyunjae standing outside the glass doors.
what is he even doing here?
"i'll be fine on my own," he lifts a hand and pats seol eun on the shoulder. "i'll see you to the door? here, give me the glass-"
and seol eun isn't really given enough time to process what's happening when juyeon takes the champagne glass from her and sets it down on a nearby platform, reaching over to take mi jung from her.
"mm?" he pulls mi jung's arm over his shoulder and keeps his hands respectful on her arms.
"that's not-"
something stops the rest of the sentence from coming out her mouth.
juyeon blinks at her, carefully holding mi jung upright. "it's fine. if it's nothing important, it can be left for another day. you know where to find me."
and with that he turns back to mi jung, meticulously supporting her to the doors and he pulls them open to greet lee hyunjae (and the car that's parked right by the road).
"you must be seol eun's boyfriend."
"seol eun's-"
"here is mi jung and she's slightly drunk so i suggest keeping your car window open."
"seol eun's boyfriend?!" mi jung coughs.
"oh!" hyunjae quickly receives her like a package just as juyeon takes a step back.
"you're the hot lifeguard from the beach!" mi jung screeches, using her finger to poke hyunjae's nose. "oh! my GOD! you must be seol eun's one night stand!"
hyunjae's eyes widen as he looks up at juyeon, who only smiles and waves it off. then he turns on his heels to run into seol eun, standing quietly by the door.
"juyeon, i-"
"go home and rest, seol eun. thank you for coming down tonight."
"no, of course, i-"
"goodnight, seol eun."
and with that, juyeon walks back into the exhibition hall and closes the doors. he doesn't hesitate to walk off, turning all the lights and rendering his back invisible.
"mind telling me what to do with her?" hyunjae's voice yanks seol eun back to reality, and she finally gives him enough attention to notice mi jung combing through his hair.
"get her in the car first, then we'll talk."
"you're welcome, by the way," hyunjae pulls mi jung up so her legs aren't bent, cautiously dragging her to the car.
"i didn't ask you to come. how did you even know i'm here?"
"hyungwon told me you'd be here, said you gave his mother a private ticket for entry."
"keys," seol eun demands when they reach the car.
"pocket," hyunjae groans, now dealing with an almost passed-out mi jung.
seol eun slides her hand down hyunjae's pocket and pulls out the jumble of keys, pressing the button to unlock the vehicle then yanking the back door open.
hyunjae grumbles, sliding mi jung across the backseat and pulling his jacket off to cover her legs. seol eun takes a step back, letting hyunjae adjust himself and step away from the car to close the door.
he huffs, turning around to greet seol eun with a bright grin on his face.
"you look pretty tonight."
"it's an official event, i don't know why you-"
hyunjae reaches out to pull her to him, arm snaking around her waist to keep her stomach pressed to his. "can you take a comment without retorting?"
seol eun gulps, her palms flat on his chest.
and hyunjae does the very thing she's used to: leaning down, tilting his head, then pressing his lips to hers.
back in the dark where the exhibition hall's finally quiet in peace, juyeon had his blazer folded over his forearm, eyes watching as his love is eclipsed by a brighter sun.
he looks down in his hands, cupping a small box that would've been presented to seol eun; a necklace that he would've asked the exact question with: "will you be my girlfriend?"
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hiscyarika · 4 years
What Remains
Word Count: 1.1k
Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian and Reader deal with the aftermath of the events on Tython. 
Warning(s): Angst, 🚨 SPOILERS FOR 2x06 🚨
A/N: Here’s a very sad, very angsty thing that I wrote to cope with the latest episode. Again, major spoilers for Ch14!!!
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You haven’t spoken a word since Tython.
There’s barbed wire wrapped around your throat. You couldn’t speak if you wanted to, not unless you wanted to release the violent flood of anger and grief that threatens to break loose with each trembling exhale. There’s a vice around your heart and your chest aches with every beat.
They took your son. And all you could do was watch.
You stand in front of the window. Karga had given everyone a place to stay while you plan the rescue mission. But as you look out at the busy streets of Nevarro, your eyes don’t see the vendors calling out to potential customers. You don’t see the kids running around as they play. No, you see Grogu. You see the strange battle droids flying away with him. You see the fear in his eyes as Moff Gideon holds him captive. Din had briefly explained to you once that the Empire had been experimenting on the little one. It makes your stomach churn to think about what they might be doing to him now.
Your eyes slip closed, and you place a hand on the glass, bracing yourself against it. Your chest throbs as Grogu’s fearful cries ring in your ears, a cacophony that feels all too close and real even though it’s all in your head.
The door creaks and you open your eyes. The crying stops and you’re brought back to reality.
You don’t have to turn around to know who has stepped into your room. His footfalls are familiar to you as the beating of your heart and the breath in your lungs. He stops right inside the door, letting it close quietly behind him. His gaze burns into your back, but still you don’t entertain him with the acknowledgement of his presence. Questions and sentiments swirl in the air between you, but none of them are given a voice. The tension of those words left unsaid is palpable.
Din is the first to break the silence, much to your surprise.
“You should try and get some rest,” he suggests quietly. No one else would have caught the strain in his voice, not when it was so expertly hidden by the vocoder, but it’s rare that something like that gets past you anymore.
“Do you really think I can sleep right now?,” you retort. You do your best to restrain your frustration. It won’t do either of you any good to get angry.
Din sighs, deep and heavy. “I’d be more concerned if you could.”
“What did Cara say?,” you ask, hardly leaving a breath between his words and your question.
He steps closer to you, but still you face the window. Somehow you know that the moment you look at him, safe now from prying eyes and listening ears, the façade you’re fighting so hard to keep standing will crumble. “She’s going to help us spring Mayfeld in any way that she can, but as a Marshal, her hands might be tied,” he explains.
You bite down hard on your bottom lip and nod once. “Okay.”
You can feel how close he is now, heat radiating from his body as he stands behind you. It makes every muscle in your body tense. Then, there’s the gentle pressure of his hands on your shoulders. Tears pool in your eyes at the contact, and you hold your head up high to try and keep them at bay. There’s a metallic taste of blood as you bite down harder on your lip. You can’t do this now. You don’t have time to let the flood of emotions drown you.
“We’ll get him back,” Din murmurs.
You bring your hand up to cover his, halfheartedly lacing your fingers together. Silence falls between the two of you again, and the vice around your heart squeezes as you relive the moment Grogu was taken. If you had just stayed there to guard him while Din helped take care of the stormtroopers, maybe you’d have him in your arms now. Maybe you’d be rocking him and humming to him, and the comforting warmth against your shoulder would be his head as he finally closes his eyes to sleep.
And that is the thought is almost enough to bring you to your knees.
You squeeze Din’s hand as hard as you can manage, still trying desperately to hold the shattered pieces of your resolve together. He shifts then, reaching around you to pull the curtains closed. With the sun fallen just below the horizon, the action leaves the two of you plunged in the safety of darkness. Din lets out a breath, carefully turning you around to face him. You’re pliable in his hands, putting up no fight against the movement. You lower your head, your chin falling to your chest and your forehead meeting the cold beskar cuirass.
But Din cradles your face in his gloved hands, lifting your head so that you look up towards the visor of his helmet. “We will,” he says again, softer, but no less insistent.
“If I had just–”
“No. This…,” he falters for a moment, his voice threatening to give out on him. “This is my fault. I should have seen this coming. I should have had the rifle with me. I should have…” The words become rushed and desperate, and as Din begins to tremble, finally giving in to the weight of his own emotions, so do the tears finally escape you.
You plant your hands firmly on his shoulders, shaking your head and pulling him closer to you. Your thumbs pull at his cowl, brushing against the skin at the juncture of his neck. Din’s next breath comes in a gasp, and without any warning, he pulls the helmet from his head. It falls to the ground with a deafening metallic ring, and then his arms are around you. At first, he’s gentle, hesitant, but then he pulls you as close as he can get you, determined not to let you go.
You can feel the edges of the beskar digging into your skin, but the sting cannot compete with the sharp pain of your failure. Your arms wrap tightly around Din’s neck, and instinctively he buries his face in your shoulder. There’s hardly a sound between the two of you. The tears are hot and silent and unrelenting. Neither of you speak, because there are no words that can stifle or assuage such acute grief.
You both hold each other tight, because with the kid and the ship gone, everything you have left is right there in your arms.
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Find The Way Home (Part 2)
(Part 1)
~Later that night~
Thomas trudged into his house, letting the door click softly and locking it before hanging his boleadoras on the hook by the door—something he’d gotten so used to doing out of habit, it was practically a reflex—so that his parents knew whether he was home or not. He could feel his drowsiness deep in throat, threatening to become a yawn.
He hadn’t realized how tired he was, how little he’d slept these past weeks, until the adrenaline rush from the battle had suddenly come crashing down. Thomas walked past the drawing room and found his parents, laughing over something.
Both had taken off their gear and changed into something more comfortable. Sophie’s knees were bent over Gideon’s legs, their heads bent towards each other’s. Gideon seemed to have a photo album on his lap.
Shadowhunters didn’t take many pictures, because it wasn’t customary, so the book was rather small. Nevertheless, Thomas’ parents were flipping through slowly, stopping at every picture to point out the events of that year.
It would have seemed like an intimate moment, if Thomas didn’t know any better. His parents, no matter what, always wanted to spend time with their children. He knew his parents loved him and his sister so much that they would do anything to keep them safe. They always reminded him that they loved him, no matter what. He knew he could tell them he loved men, and that his parents would embrace that part of him, and tell him they loved him, but Thomas still had difficulties in telling them. There had been so many times that he had opened his mouth with full intentions of telling them, and then closing it again. His mouth couldn’t form the words, he couldn’t speak; it was as though his throat had become honey, and the words he wanted to say got stuck in it.
But now, he was too exhausted to even think about telling them anything. He was too exhausted to think. He leaned against the doorway and must have made a loud noise, because both Sophie and Gideon looked up.
Sophie smiled at him. “Your sister said she was off to bed, though I suspect she’s gone off to read or knit. I’m afraid she finds our company dull.”
“You’re not dull.” Thomas said, his words slurring together, unintentionally.
Sophie shook her head, shifting so that her feet rested on the floor. “You’re too kind. But, Thomas, darling, you look exhausted; you’re swaying on your feet. Come here before you fall.”
Normally, Thomas would have argued that he was fine, but tonight he was far too tired to do anything but trudge over to his parents and fall back onto the couch beside Sophie.
He rested his head on her shoulder. Sophie put an arm around him and kissed his head.
“He hasn’t slept well in a while, has he?” Gideon said.
“I’m afraid not.” Sophie said. “He might have to be carried off to bed.”
“I’m still awake, you know.” Thomas mumbled.
“Perhaps not for long,” Gideon said.
Thomas could feel Sophie snicker quietly. “We were just looking at the pictures we have of you and your sisters.”
“I remember that one.” Thomas said, pointing to one at the upper left hand corner. It was the three of them with their Lightwood cousins, Anna and Christopher. Barbara and Eugenia had twin toothy grins while Anna’s looked mischievous. Thomas and Kit were sitting on the ground in front of them, playing with the grass. Christopher had been moving, so he was a blur in the photograph. “Kit fell into the pond that day.”
Gideon burst out laughing. “How could I have forgotten about that?”
“And then Gabriel had to jump in after him because, naturally, Christopher couldn’t swim. And when he came back, dripping wet, Aunt took one look at him and said ‘it’s a bit late in summer to be going for a swim, is it not?’”
Sophie wiped her eyes from laughing too hard.
“Never a dull moment with your cousins.” Gideon said.
Thomas smiled and looked down at the photo album again.
“The day before this one, Eugenia was so angry that she threw Bab’s doll out the window and she cried for days.” Thomas felt his throat close a little bit at that one. The memory of his sister still made his throat close up.
“Those crazy girls.” Sophie said, rubbing circles into Thomas’ back. “Their shenanigans made me loose years of my life I will never get back.”
Suddenly, the telephone rang, which would have startled Thomas awake had he not been too tired for his body to react. Gideon got up. “I’ll get that.”
Thomas barely registered what Gideon said, now leaning heavily on Sophie’s shoulder. She slowly guided him to lay his head on her lap as she stroked his hair back.
“Was the mattress in The Sanctuary too small?” Sophie asked.
“It was fine.” Thomas said.
Sophie laughed. “You can tell me the truth. I won’t tell anybody.”
Thomas sighed and smiled sleepily. “It was a little bit too small.”
“A little bit too small by normal human standards or Tom standards?” Sophie said. Though his eyes were closed, he could hear the smile in her voice.
“My calves may have been on the floor.”
Sophie chuckled. “You’re too tall, darling.”
“I know.”
She bent down and kissed his cheek. Thomas liked his mother’s kisses. Her scar went from the tip of her mouth and stretched across her face. When she kept it at a neutral, her mouth was able to fully close, but when she pressed her lips forward to give a kiss, the corner pulled back slightly, which meant that Thomas could only really feel one side of her mouth. It was silly to describe, but it was distinct in a way that he could only associate it with his mother.
When he was younger, the boy his age would ask him what it was like to have a mother with such a hideous scar on her face. They always wanted to know if it ever scared him, which used to confuse Thomas. The scar was a part of his mother’s face; he never really thought much of it because it has always been there. He didn’t think it was hideous because he loved his mama and she won’t be his mother without her scar.
“Did you hit your head?” Sophie asked, feeling the small bump on his head, which was a little bit tender to the touch.
Thomas fought the urge to laugh. He had hit his head, but he didn’t want to tell his mother how. Even if she knew about Thomas and Alastair, he wouldn’t have wanted to tell her about about that, tell about. Things. Head. Alastair…
Thomas’ thoughts were turning into soup. He couldn’t concentrate on anything.
“Hm,” he said softly.
He found it hard to remember where he was or what he had been doing as his eyes shut closed again, against his will.
“Sleep Thomas, darling.” Sophie said lightly. “I’ll make sure everything is alright.”
It’s like his body was waiting for permission to sleep because immediately after she said that, Thomas fell into a state of deep sleep.
He dreamt of nothing. Even his mind was too tired to conjure up a single thought. He just slept until he woke up again to hear his parent’s voices. His throat felt like honey, and he felt the urge to stretch his limbs, but he resisted it.
“Remind me again how we’ll kill the inquisitor?” Gideon was saying
“Slowly.” Sophie said calmly. Her calloused hands were still stroking Thomas’ hair and occasionally brushed his cheeks. They were so gentle he found it hard to believe that they were the same hands that fought off dozens of automatons at once. “And I’m sure we can get the rest of the family to join in as well.”
“There’s no doubt about that.” Gideon mumbled. “We can even get Henry to use his staff.”
“It’s been such a long time since I’d seen him fight. It brought me back to when I was younger. He and Charlotte would always patrol together.” Sophie said, sighing.
Thomas didn’t need to open his eyes to know she was resting her head on Gideon’s shoulder.
“Yes, I remember. Though I can’t say I heeded them much attention; I only remember scowling at my father. It’s strange how time goes by.”
Thomas never heard much about his Grandfather Benedict. Gideon didn’t like talking about his father, nor did Gabriel. Thomas was very familiar with the story of how they defeated him when he was a worm, but he knew little to nothing about Benedict when he was still human.
“Now that James is married, we have an extra family member.” Sophie said.
“We should get Alastair too, he fought well today. Like a part of the family.”
Thomas’ eyes flew open, which startled Sophie, causing her to jump in her seat.
“Goodness, Thomas. Did you have a nightmare?”
“No! I was just eager to wake up.”
Gideon and Sophie looked down at him with twin expressions of confusion and skepticism.
Thankfully, he was saved by the opening of the parlor. However, that relief was then masked with confusion when he was who came in.
“Aunt Cecily?” Thomas said, sitting up.
Gideon sat up, rigidly. “Is something wrong with Gabriel?”
“Oh, no. Heavens no.” Cecily said quickly.
Thomas swore he saw his father sigh in relief.
“I came here for something else.” Cecily looked a little bit breathless. “Lucie hasn’t stopped by here, by any chance, has she?”
“No,” Gideon said, standing up. “Why? What’s the matter, Cecy?”
“She’s gone.” Cecily said, pale.
Tagging (Sorry for the spam guys!): @tsccreatorsnet  @atla-lok143  @rinadragomir  @youngreckless  @autumnangel20  @julemmaes  @cupcakesandkittens  @no-scones-allowed  @fictionally-fantastic  @stxr-thxif  @writeforjordelia  @itsdaughterofthemoon  @jordeliasupremacy  @cordelia-cardale  @will-effing-herondale  @axoloteca  @heronstairs2014  @ilovemanicures @ti-bae-rius
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
Soulmates; Him (1/3)
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Soulmates masterlist.
Read on AO3 here.
Notes - It’s finally out!!! I know it took me a while but I’m so happy to get the first part started I’m really happy with how this turned out. Please let me know what you think!
Warnings - None.
Word count - 2.1k.
Riverdale tag list - @bucky-j-barnes @adorably-sweet-hufflepuff @kpopgirlbtssvt @booksmusicteaandanimals @happy-puff @teenloves @cheryllclayton @jesso80 @dietbreadloaf @thebluetint @hppygmc8 @lilireinhartsimp @camiczzzz @bitchy-broken (it won’t let me tag some of your names I’m sorry, if I’m spelling your url wrong please let me know).
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The glass felt cold underneath the pad of her finger as she drew a smiley face in the condensation that formed from the cold strawberry milkshake in it’s contents. The milkshake was the same shade as the jumper she was wearing and it made her smile slightly. Her mother had said that the jumper she was wearing was pink, so was the milkshake the same colour? Betty glanced around the diner she’d been sat in for almost five minutes and tried to pick out other items that were the same shade. Other people’s drinks, the napkins on her table, the shirt that Dilton Doiley was wearing in a booth down the row from hers. Could they all be the same colour? Hopefully, Betty thought to herself, she would find out later that day, as it was her seventeenth birthday.
Seventeen was a big age, probably the biggest birthday anybody could have. From your seventeenth birthday, you could find your soulmate. There was no missing who it was, when you laid eyes on them the usually black and white world would suddenly turn into bright colours - how things were supposed to be seen. Some people were lucky enough to meet their soulmate on their birthday, some spent years searching for theirs, and an unlucky few spent their whole life in black and white.
Betty Cooper was both excited and unhappy on her seventeenth birthday. Of course being able to find her soulmate was exciting, but the person who she thought it would be had already had their birthday, and still hadn’t found their soulmate. Which meant it wasn’t her. Jughead still saw black and white which meant it was someone else. Maybe it was wrong to have a crush on him as she knew it could never work out, but she was still a little disappointed.
Jughead had been her best friend for years, and they were practically inseparable. When Betty and Jughead were children and had to learn about soulmates for the first time, everything sounded so familiar to her. The way that a connection with a soulmate was described, sounded like what she had with Jughead. Betty could remember bouncing in her seat excitedly as she gently grabbed his arm, a huge grin painted over her lips as she told him ”we’re soulmates, Juggie!”. Looking back on their friendship, now that she was seventeen, it really did seem like Jughead was her soulmate. Maybe it was just what Betty wanted to believe, blinded by her crush on him, but it really felt like they were. Betty felt different when she was with Jughead, different like nobody else could make her. They connected so well and went together as a matching set, like their souls were crafted together. His touch sent butterflies exploding through her body and his words could send chills down her spine, in the best way possible.
But he wasn’t her soulmate. He was somebody else’s.
Just as she was thinking of her best friend, two larger hands covered her eyes so she couldn’t see, and initially she gasped in surprise, though upon realising who it was Betty smiled fondly and gently bit her bottom lip for a moment. She could feel his slightly calloused fingertips pressing into the bridge of her nose and felt the cold metal of one of his rings along her cheekbone which caused her to smile a little more. Bety had always been a fan of Jughead’s rings. He would let her sit and gently mess with his fingers sometimes if they sat together, and she always found herself gently twisting his rings around his fingers.
“Guess who?”
“Veronica?” Betty asked jokingly, and giggled quietly when she felt his huff of faux annoyance hit the back of her head, pushing forwards her - for once - loose blonde strands slightly with the breath.
“Happy birthday,” He told her and Betty smiled a little more. “I have a surprise for you, but you need to promise me you won’t freak out, okay?”
Betty frowned a little, puzzled on what he could have gotten her that would make her freak out. “Jug, if you got me another one of those fake bug tricks to scare me it’s not funny-”
“No, no I haven’t gotten you one of those.” Jughead scoffed, and she could practically hear his eyes rolling as he spoke. “I just need you to promise me you won’t freak out.”
“Okay, Jug, I promise.” Betty smiled and nodded her head a little, as much as she could with his hands still covering her eyes.
Jughead’s hands were still covering her eyes for another moment, almost like he was hesitating, before he pulled them away and she heard him step backwards on the tiled floor. Betty blinked for a moment to adjust her eyes to the light of the room now that she could see before she stood up and turned to face Jughead with a smile. Her eyes met his and she saw-
Betty’s eyes widened as her heart started hammering in her chest, her sight almost smacking her in the face as she watched as vibrant and new colours bled into everything she could see. She watched in shock as his jacket turned into a checkered red and black that she could only have guessed about its colours before. Navy blues faded into his shirt as his skin faded from it’s usual grey into a warm olive tone that caused her to swallow harshly. Betty hadn’t even looked anywhere else in the room yet. She was just looking at him. Betty had always imagined seeing colours for the first time to be a magical moment. She had imagined turning in a circle and watching as colours blended into anything and everything around her. But Betty wasn’t focused on anything else but Jughead. He was beautiful.
As all of the colours blended into her sight and the plain black and white faded away, at first she hadn’t thought of what it meant. But after a moment she felt a burning along her waterline as her bottom lip trembled, her emotions crashing into her almost as hard as the colours had just done.
It was him.
Jughead was her soulmate.
Jughead, her best friend. The person who had been there for her more than anyone else. The boy who was there the first time she rode her bike without training wheels. The boy who had offered to be her date to her first school dance when Archie had gone with a cheerleader. The boy who she had been falling deeper and deeper in love with for what felt like forever. It had been him all along. The thought alone made her giddy, and it wouldn’t have surprised her if her legs gave out there and then.
“Betty,” Jughead visibly swallowed. Betty had never seen him so nervous in her life. “Surprise.” He smiled sheepishly, his lips curving upwards in the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.
It took Betty a moment to even just remember how to move, but once she could her lips curved upwards into a bright and emotional smile as she closed the few feet between them and flung herself at him, tears spilling down her cheeks as she held onto him. Jughead’s arms secured around her waist and kept her held close to him as she started crying, not able to control the overflow of emotions.
“Oh my god,” Betty whispered, just holding onto Jughead tighter, almost as if he would disappear if she were to let go. It was unbelievable, now that she thought about it. Jughead had told her that he hadn’t seen his soulmate before, so how could she be his? “You- you said you hadn’t- we-”
“Betty slow down,” Jughead stopped her rambling with his hands resting on either side of her face which he used to gently pull her back so he could look at her. “I didn’t tell you because I wanted you to find out yourself.” He smiled fondly as he ran his thumb along her cheekbone, causing Betty to relax slightly as she leaned into his hand. “You’d always spoken about how magical it would be to find out who your soulmate was on your birthday, and it would kind of ruin the surprise if you knew who it was.”
Betty’s smile only widened at his words, a soft expression masking her features. He had waited months to tell her so she could experience everything herself. It meant more to her than he probably thought, that he was willing to let himself wait until she knew herself. It made warmth spread through her chest to know just how much he cared about her and her happiness. Nobody had ever cared about her as much as Jughead, not even Veronica - although her best girl friend was a close contender behind him. Standing in front of him then, standing close enough to notice just how blue his eyes were and how the freckles on his nose dotted about, everything felt right. She was sure about her feelings towards Jughead, and now that she knew he had the same ones it almost made her start crying again. It was a lot to take in - but it was good.
Without even thinking about it Betty lifted her own hands up to grip the fur lining of his collar and she tugged him closer, impossibly closer, until her nose was pressed to his and she could feel his breath shake as it fanned out across her face. Her eyes fluttered closed and she could hear Jughead whisper her name, quiet enough for her to doubt whether he had actually spoken or not, before she leaned the rest of the way and closed the gap between them to press her lips against his.
Her mind spun into overdrive as soon as he had pulled her closer with a hand on the side of her neck, and in that moment her legs almost did give out. She was kissing Jughead. She was doing the one thing she had believed would never happen over the past few months, no matter how much she wanted to. Butterflies swarmed around her stomach and she could feel a blush rising to her cheeks though she didn’t care at all. She was kissing Jughead.
All of the air seemed to leave her lungs as he pulled away, as if he had stolen it from her through the kiss. Betty smiled almost giddily as her eyes fluttered open to look at him again. His expression wasn’t so different from hers as she felt his hand move back to her cheek, and she had to refrain from kissing him again as the pad of his thumb circled her pink cheek again.
“I love you, Betty.” Jughead whispered, and Betty’s heart almost stopped.
It took her a moment to even comprehend what he had said, lost in the blue eyes she couldn’t look away from, though her smile grew even wider than before as she lightly kissed him again for another moment before she pulled away to whisper four words.
“I love you too.”
Jughead’s expression lit up just as her’s had done a moment before and she couldn’t help but stare. He was so gorgeous, especially when he smiled. Just the sight of him took her breath away. Though her eyes closed as she felt his arms pull her into a hug and she relaxed into him as she hugged him back gently. Jughead had hugged her many times before, though none felt as perfect as that one. It was warm and welcoming and loving.
“You didn’t have to wait to tell me, you know.” Betty whispered into his shoulder, her eyes fluttering when he had lifted his hand to gently run his fingers through her hair.
“I know, but I wanted it to be special for you.”
Betty smiled fondly and nodded, pressing a kiss to his shoulder through his jacket as she smiled. “Is that why you were acting so weird on your birthday?” She could remember it clearly, how he was constantly zoning out in conversation and was distracted the whole time. At first she had assumed it was just because he didn’t like his birthday, but this made more sense.
“Yeah,” Jughead whispered and nodded. “It was a weird day.”
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rpbetter · 3 years
"writes dubcon therefore is a freak who should be bullied off the site" ho boy i'm fed up with people acting as if consenting adults writing [insert "problematic" fictional thing here] is the worst thing in the world. seen way too many people justifying harrassment of REAL PEOPLE by "they write thing that triggers me". ok, and? mute the tags or don't follow! "it triggers someone" is not a valid reason to ban a topic. piano music triggers me yet i don't go around demanding everyone stop playing the piano.
Anon, not only is everything you said absolutely valid, but also, thank you for demonstrating that triggers are incredibly varied and as such, we cannot predict everyone's triggers. Making the entire "point" of banning for possible triggers invalidated as hell.
We should be aware of things like the most commonly occurring phobias (things like arachnophobia and coulrophobia that are, additionally, easily triggered by imagery) and tag them. We should be aware of very obvious triggers, that are, again, easily set off by imagery, like blood, eye trauma, and depictions of domestic violence. And we should always read and be aware of our writing partners' stated triggers so that we can tag them appropriately or even decide that it isn't going to work because our muse, canon story, or interests are going to present an unfair situation in this partnership.
But triggers can be highly unusual, as well as activated differently (even at different times) for everyone. I'm not triggered by seeing hotel rooms in pictures or movies, I'm not triggered by writing scenes that take place in them, but I'm triggered to some degree by being in one. It's outrageous oversimplification to act like all triggers are the same, they all display the same way, they're all going to trigger someone on the same basis, everyone's going to react the same to their triggers. There is absolutely no way to prevent 100% of possible triggers for 100% of the population, 100% of the time.
Add to this that way too many people trivialize triggers by throwing around that term to justify the banning of something that makes them uncomfortable or that they take a personal, moral issue with. "I don't like this" and "I'm grossed out by this" and "this makes me feel uncomfortable" is not being triggered. It's just a good way to weaponize the better nature of other people so that they comply.
Most people legitimately do not want to trigger someone, especially if they have triggers and know what it's like. Just like no one wants to be accused of cruelty towards trauma survivors in general, or be designated a pedo, rape apologist, or fascist. They're all things to weaponize in order to isolate, shame, and control. And that's really fucking gross. These are serious, real things that have no business being trivialized to police content, win internet arguments, or garner popularity.
The potential for someone to be triggered isn't a reason to ban anything; we have tags, we have blacklist.
While I'll be the first to say that tumblr's blacklisting can be as shitty as everything else on the site, the primary issue with running into content you don't want to see comes down to two factors: no one tagging/tagging correctly and actively exposing yourself to that content. Going through people's properly done tags and blog warnings about their content in order to "call it out" is actively exposing yourself by choice. You actual walnuts.
Calling people on on their "problematic" content is bringing those topics to the attention of other people. That's the whole point of this gross behavior: look at the freak pedo abuse apologist I found, they write dubcon!! Don't look if you'll be triggered uwu
Buddy, pal, my guy...you just put that on blast for anyone to run across. Maybe their blacklist catches those words in your callout post, maybe it doesn't. Maybe they think you're a safe space because you promote yourself that way, so they click it anyway. Point is, you just willfully and irresponsibly exposed people because it's more important to you to demonize a rando on tumblr RPing something you take issue with. Good job!
Furthermore, dubcon itself is such a hilarious issue to take. Do they realize that isn't always sexual, or? Not? I'm thinking not. Funnily enough, one of the oldest posts I've been working on for this blog is about exactly this topic, the myriad situations that are dubious consent. That doesn't have to be sexual, and neither does it have to be intentionally predatory. You can come up with some amazing character development with a lot of muses in the RPC with dubcon because almost everyone's muse has some manner of trauma that might negate their perception of their own consent...and what do you do then? Is it removing more agency from that muse to shut them down, or is that always the better option? Can you separate your opinion as the mun from your muse's natural reactions? How does this impact the muses involved not just that moment but the next year?
Point is, dubcon isn't always some rapey situation. Even if it was, even if someone is writing it that way, it's literally not your business or your problem.
There's one mutual-in-law on my RP blog that really bothers me. They write things that I find fetishizing, incredibly rapey, all around shit that bothers me. I don't want to see it, some of the things they write makes my damn skin crawl. This person doesn't know it, we certainly don't speak and I don't think they like me very much, but I've repeatedly defended their right, specifically their right as a person with some long-term callouts on them, to write what they want to. I have them blocked and their urls blacklisted so I never have to see my mutual reblogging their threads. It's not a problem because I don't click "show anyway." Why would I, if it genuinely bothers me so much?
That's how you handle things that bother you; you use the tools available to not interact even by accident. Not by launching a morality crusade.
If any of us want to write what we enjoy, we have to allow others that same freedom. It's always a matter of time before this policing grows to include more and more topics, it's been used multiple times to get well-meaning people who don't fall into the general demographics to police queer, BIPOC, and other marginalized groups off of platforms. We've been fortunate in most of the RPC that it implodes on itself before it gets all the way there, but even so, you can see it.
It starts with things that produce a visceral reaction in the great majority of people, positions this with a repeatedly condemned idea presented as solid fact that fiction is reality, and you've got the start of something awful. Today it's something you don't like, maybe even something that triggers you, so you either support it or you quietly allow it to happen. Who needs to write that "freak shit" anyway, can't they just be gross privately? Six months from now, it's something "problematic" that you enjoy like violence that's canon-typical for your muse, or your OTP because they're gay and that's fetishizing, they're cis male and female but one or both is bi and that's bad representation, or they canonically have a rocky relationship so that's romanticizing toxic/abusive relationships.
If you can't care for any other reason, you really should care about how it is going to impact you sooner or later. In an environment like this, you can stay in your space, put warnings on your blog, and tag properly and you're still going to get a callout if the wrong person finds your blog. Just takes a single person with more time, energy, and skewed ideas of justice than they have reading comprehension or common sense.
Again, I cannot encourage people enough to give warnings, but it's difficult to ignore why those warnings are slipping; they're a way to be found, designated as a Problem, and called out. Look, it's another reason why callouts actually make things worse, not better! People put that shit in their rules so you can avoid content, they're being responsible and interested in promoting a safe RPC. Let them do it, damn.
You can't tag everything, and if you've never experienced what a giant series of repetitive tags is like on a screenreader you probably should before you tag seven paragraphs of possible issues. You can tag for visuals, you can tag for the obvious things, and you can tag for what's in the rules you agreed to when you followed/followed back. But you should also warn people that you write "dark topics" on the tin, and expand on that in your rules for specific things like graphic violence, toxic relationships, dubon, and addiction.
That's how responsible adults, not over-aged children, make better decisions about their mental health and general comfort. Not by appointing themselves the watchdogs of the damn RPC, here to protect you whether you want to be or not, find that incredibly insulting or not when you're in one of their categories of people who must be protected, by forcibly banning Problematic Everything. Problematic, of course, being entirely in the eye of the content police.
It's fiction. No one and nothing real was harmed. It's great that you are so invested in the fictional world and people that make you happy, but take a fucking big step back into reality. The real people you're harming with your bullshit had every right to peaceably exist. If what they're writing is triggering to you, stay. away. from. it.
Without any coincidence whatsoever, that's how you get from the base-point of Problematic Material to Problematic Mun. Yeah, it's just fiction, it's just RP, but I also took something out of context OOC or was upset by their tone on their own blog or couldn't exercise the minimal adult logic to remove myself from their presence OOC as well. So, now, you've got OOC behavior being added to the callout, if it wasn't already. Everyone is now ableist, transphobic, racist, and a misogynist because it lends that visceral reaction to the callout and ups the game from just being "y'all so gross you aged up a cartoon character to ship" to "this is REAL and it won't be tolerated! OP is actually a pedophile, they told a sexual joke in a discord server with a minor present and I have the receipts!"
What are the most storied callouts in the entire RPC? I'm absolutely certain the same names came to mind no matter what fandoms you're in, and one of them was "Matt." Another was probably "Ares/Snow". They're all successful and keep being brought up out of the closet anytime people are bored enough because their primary punch is the mun themselves being a predatory threat to the community. The mun is verified to be a bad person. Well, of course, that's got to be repeated, it worked. (Even if it did not, at all, work and only made it harder for people to avoid any of these muns.)
Are there people in the RPC who are legitimately a problem? Absolutely, yes. We're all supposed to be adults, however. Part of being an adult is having and acting upon one's agency. If someone is coercing you into things you are not comfortable with, shut it down. If you have difficulties being certain of those situations, run it by a trusted, honest friend or available, impartial source in the RPC for a second opinion. If you can't handle any manner of confrontation, there really are situations in which it's perfectly alright to block someone without any discussion. It's just the internet, you're in control of your space. Own it.
Minors are a whole other can of fucked up worms I'm not even getting into right now except to say that because a minor exists in a space they were told to stay out of does not mean we ban all topics inappropriate for their consumption.
tl;dr: banning shit doesn't work anyway, the whole idea is predicated upon some incredibly problematic takes IRL, and no, there's no justification for it outside of intense personal problems with one's own importance. That energy would be infinitely better spent volunteering one's time to help real people in crisis or after surviving one, or even oneself in developing some healthier approaches and thought patterns.
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stubbychaos · 4 years
Saviin’ika Chapter 13 Sneak Peek
So I wasn’t sure what part of this chapter I should post as a sneak peek and I had a few different parts I was super excited about, but after the last episode of the Mandalorian, it felt only fitting to include the Razor Crest :( </3
No warnings for this sneak peek, other than Paz and Din being big dumb himbos (We love to see it) thank you @datmando​ for letting me scream at you all day about this🥺😭
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“I never thought I would ever see anything like this,” You find yourself eventually whispering without even thinking about it, and Paz’s visor instantly jolts upwards to meet your sad gaze, “Whenever my mother and I would look up at the stars and wish to run away from Nevarro, we thought we were just being foolish and far too hopeful. I never would have thought…” Immediately, your warrior grows quiet and solemn, staring up at you as you eventually find your words, “I wish she could see how pretty this is. Maybe she’s here with us--somewhere in the stars.”
He doesn’t say anything after that and perhaps he doesn’t know what to say as you simply rest against the pilot’s chair with quiet reverence, still not quite registering that you are no longer on your home planet. The typically talkative warrior grows quiet, simply letting his leather-clad palms rest upon the blue Beskar covering his thighs as the two of you watch the long streams of starlight together. You can tell that there’s so much he wants to stay, though he refrains as the doors to the cockpit promptly slide open and you quickly turn around at the same time Paz does, both of your gazes meeting the tense bounty hunter’s visor.
“You got a problem, Djarin?”
“Yeah,” Din scoffs, causing the blue warrior to rise to his feet and you let out an exasperated sigh, resting a hand on the Beskar covering Paz’s belly, “You’re in my seat.”
Paz simply grunts as you keep your hand firmly pressed against his abdomen, hopefully swaying him from attempting to strike the hunter. You anxiously shift your gaze between the fearsome warriors, trying to think of some solution to get rid of the tension that is oh so palpable in the small cockpit, though you’ve spent enough time with Mandalorians to know that the majority of them are stubborn and hot-headed. As the two continue to stare each other down, you fear that one of them is actually going to kill the other, going against the whole reason why the Armorer tasked you to take care of both Mandos.
“Do you know where we’re going?” You randomly inquire, effectively distracting both of them as you peer up at Paz with wide eyes, a confused hum slipping past his vocoder as he immediately forgets about Din, “Well, I was just wondering because we told Odisian we would buy something special for him. Do you think that where we’re going, there will be a good marketplace to find him a good gift?”
Before Paz can answer, the hunter speaks in a quiet, albeit strained, rasp.
His curiosity surprises you and Paz instantly tenses up, making you think there’s something he’s not telling you, though you decide it can wait until later. You offer Din a soft smile at the mention of the youngling that had been struggling to say goodbye to you just moments ago, “Yes, the child that I mentioned before--the reason why we were late. He was really upset that Paz and I were leaving, but we promised to bring back something special for him. D-Do you know if there’s a marketplace where we’re going?”
Another blanket of awkward silence coats the cockpit, your hand still pressed against Paz’s Beskar-clad stomach as you patiently wait for the hunter’s answer. For a moment, you don’t think he’s going to say anything, perhaps thinking your question to be insignificant or silly, and you remember his hesitation long ago when you had asked him what he would do if his quarry was a child. It didn’t make sense to you and it still doesn’t--the way he had hesitated, given the fact that he’s a foundling himself--and you suddenly regret bringing up Odisian to Din, thinking he must not understand why you’re so excited to find the perfect gift for the child.
“We’re not here for a shopping trip,” Din eventually grunts and your shoulders slump a little, though he quietly speaks upon noticing the way you smile sadly and nod, “But I... I think there might be some sort of shopping center where we’re going, since the planet is heavily populated. If we have time, we’ll check it out.”
Without another word, he pushes past you and Paz, and you gaze up at the blue warrior with a small smile, though he seems utterly unamused and unsatisfied with the hunter’s clipped answer. Feeling as though a little progress has been made, you tug Paz back to your seats, though curiosity gets the better of you before he can sit down, “Will you show me around the ship?”
Both of their helmets jolt to the side to meet your owlish gaze, though you’re only staring up at your warrior as he lets out a staticky sigh, nodding his scuffed helmet in a jolting manner and muttering something that sounds threatening to the hunter as you’re led out of the cockpit.
“Let’s go, Saviin’ika.”
Taglist: @parabatai-winchester @auty-ren @theocatkov @oloreaa @talesfromtheguild @blindedbyyourgrace17 @datmando @dartheldur @miscellaneous-mando @karpasia @ben-is-a-hoe @the-feckless-wonder @whatababeleia @maybege @aerynwrites @corrupt-fvcker @lackofhonor @phoenixhalliwell @crazy-kat-in-the-hat @roxypeanut @mandolovian @honestlystop @teaofpeach @macabrefaerie @acynicalcat @spaghetti-666 @readsalot73 @lanatheawesome @cryptkeepersoul @absurdthirst @anakinsittinginsand @yes-music-is-my-religion @tangledlove27 @justrunamok @peqchynero @haloangel391 @awhiskeywithawinchester @buckysbeloved​ @bonesaldente​ @kawaiitimecharm​ @karaabove​ @clydesducktape​ @misssilvertongue​ @heartxheat​ @drownedbytears​ @lokiaddicted​ @hayley-the-comet​  @hayley7242 @paintballkid711​ @razzlefrazzum​ @giselatropicana​  @luosymekawa​ @so-done-with-bullshit​ @silverfish-kingdom​ @littlevodika​ *So I never knew why people crossed out URLs on taglists, but apparently it has to do with the user’s settings and them being tagged? Anyways! If your name is crossed out, I swear I tried tagging you, but pls let me know if I’m just being a dummy!*
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calumance · 4 years
does calum get annoyed when he’s trying to love on his baby mamma but one of the kids needs attention and all he wants is his hands on her ,,
Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes, but he would never say it out loud. 👀
           Calum was happy to be home, touring was driving him mad. All he can think about day in and day out is being at home with his family. He had gotten home early in the day, and throughout the entire day, he kept trying to get the love of his life to join him in bed, but every time she would start to agree, one of the kids grabbed her attention. Before Calum could blink, it was late and he was lying in bed by himself. He was frustrated and absolutely just wanted her body pressed against his, but the sleep deprivation took over and he was asleep before he could even act on his frustration.
           The frustration became even more intense when he woke up and the side of the bed next to him was empty. His stomach bubbled and he fought with himself to get the unwelcome morning wood to go away. Once his mind and body calmed down, he threw the blankets off him and made his way through the house to find the woman he’s dying for.
           As he turned the corner into the living, he stopped dead in his tracks and sighed. She was dead sleep with the three-year-old dead asleep as well on her chest. Gently, he picked Logan off her chest and carried him back down the hallway to his room, placing him ever so gently in his bed. Keeping a watchful eye on Logan, Calum slowly backed out of the room and shut the door as quietly as possible.
           Calum nearly ran down the hallway as he made his way back into the living room. He kneeled beside her and gently stroked her cheek in an effort to wake her up. She started to stir and he smiled, thinking they were finally going to have time to be alone. “Good morning, sunshine.” Calum mumbled in her ear as his lips grazed over the skin of her neck.
           She groaned and barely opened her eyes as her hand found his shoulder, and his hands wandered over her stomach. “Mom!” Aiden yelled from down the hallway, Calum sighed and dropped his head and his hands, “Have you seen my bowtie?” Aiden continued to yell, walking down the hallway towards the living room.
           Just as Aiden stepped into the living room, she sat up and ran her hands through her hair. “It’s in the top drawer of your dresser on the left side, make sure you move things when you’re looking for stuff.” She said and Aiden slumped back down the hallway.
           Calum pushed himself off the ground and sat himself in the spot on the couch next to her. She ran her hands down her face and Calum clasped his hands together, “What in the world does that kid need a bowtie for? He’s nine years old.”
           She dropped her hands into her lap and laughed, “He wants to look his best when he hangs out with his friends. Takes after you in that way.” Another chuckle fell from her lips as she stood up and started moving across the room.
           Calum couldn’t help biting his lip as he watched her movements. And he certainly couldn’t help pushing himself off the couch and making his way towards her and wrapping his arms around her torso. His lips connected to her neck again before he mumbled, “I missed you so much,” into her skin.
           She spun around in his arms, allowing his hands to drop lower and squeeze her cheeks ever so slightly, “I missed you too,” she pecked his lips, “But I promised Aiden I would drive him to his friend’s house. Maybe we can,” She walked her fingers up Calum’s chest and to his lips, “have some alone time after I get back.” Calum liked the idea of that, so he nodded quickly and pressed his lips to hers. However, in a flash, she wiggled her way out of his arms and down the hallway to get herself ready to drive Aiden.
           Time moved incredibly slow while Calum waited for her return. Logan continued to sleep while she was gone and Calum prayed to whoever was listening to him that he would stay asleep a little while longer after she got back. Calum was sure he was about to lose his mind, but just as he thought that, he heard the front door open. Not wasting a single second, he ran to the front door, scooped her off her feet, shut the door and ran them to the bedroom.
           Her laugh was music to his ears as he dropped her on the bed and connecting his lips to her neck and his hands to her hips. Her laughs soon turned to sighs the higher his hands travelled on her body. She leaned back and he followed her motions, placing his hands on either side of her, hovering above her and continuing to leave love bites on her neck. As soon as he had his balance, he dipped his hand under her shirt and trailed his fingers over her bare skin. She gasped at the feeling and giggled before saying, “Your fingers are cold.”
           Calum lifted his head from her neck, a smirk plastered on his lips, “I know what I could do to get them warm.” Her breath hitched and she gulped, her eyes telling him to go for it, but before Calum could dip his fingers where he wanted, their bedroom door squeaked open. Calum frantically looked up to see Logan standing in the doorway rubbing the sleep from his eyes. With a sigh, he removed his hands and rolled onto his back, causing the mattress to bounce a little.
           “Momma, I had a bad dream.” Logan said while pouting and reaching his hand out for his mom. Calum sighed out of pure sexual frustration as the woman next to him pushed herself off the bed and scooped up the little one in the doorway. Calum laid there for a moment with his forearm resting on his forehead, not being able to wait much longer, he pushed himself off the bed and poked his head out the bedroom door. He could hear her talking to Logan in the bedroom across the hall, Calum ran his hand through his hair and made his way back to the bed. It had been so long without her touch that he’d be dammed if he had to get his release himself.
           Calum heard footsteps quickly approaching the bedroom, and his eyebrows stitched together. In a flash, she showed up and spun around to shut the door. He stared at her as she locked the door and spun around, her eyes telling him she was ready to pounce. It made his heart race and his hard on to return. “I bought us at least an hour,” she said taking a deep breath. She seductively made her way towards him and ran her fingertips across the back of his neck, causing him to dip his head back in pleasure, “Now, where was it you wanted to put your fingers?” Hearing those words, Calum’s eyes shot open as he spun her around, pushing her back on the bed not wanting to waste a single second of the hour they had alone.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria @treatallwithkindness @karajaynetoday @talkfastromance4
**If your URL has a strike through it’s because it won't let me tag you ☹️
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coffintownkids · 3 years
I've had enough of being a mopey bitch today!
So I finished Ch.33 instead.
It's a great “atmosphere” chapter in that we have arrived in Yì City. (Also why, officially, I’m not actually translating it as Yì City throughout - though I am probably too lazy to fix my own tagging system on this site lol!)
This might help any fic writers out there looking for more location info beyond what could be gleaned from the show. Or at least I hope it does.
The chapter opens with this:
Shǔdōng was home to a number of river valleys screened in by tall mountain peaks. Its terrain was rugged and unforgiving with scant wind. It was why much of the area remained shrouded in fog all year round.
So, a bit of set up first. WWX and LWJ pass through a very rural little village on their “body part quest” and are trying to figure out where the hand is pointing them. The stone slab serving as a direction marker is cracked so they can’t read the first character. WWX ends up gaining some intel from the locals.
Wèi Wúxiàn said, “This road leads to Yì Town. The first character on the stone slab is ‘yì’.”
Lán Wàngjī said, “Yì as in chivalrous?”
Wèi Wúxiàn said, “It is, and it isn’t.”
Lán Wàngjī said, “What do you mean?”
Wèi Wúxiàn said, “It is indeed that character, but the meaning is wrong. It’s not the yì in chivalrous, but rather the yì as in coffin home.”
As you can see, this is a bit hard to convey in English. The character being talked about for yì is 義 (义 in simplified Chinese, though it is referencing the more complicated traditional character here, which is why they couldn’t read the broken stone). The word for chivalrous LWJ mentions is written as 俠義. WWX corrects him and says it’s a coffin home 義莊.
Now, a bit of an explanation. Coffin homes were real places used in older times as, for lack of a better term, like equal part morgues and funeral homes. Dead bodies would be stored here while awaiting transport to where they were to be buried (ie person died in village A but their family’s ancestral graves are in village B, so the body would have to be brought there.) They were also used to store bodies of those whose relatives couldn’t be found or the bodies of those too poor to afford funeral services.
Wèi Wúxiàn continued, “A few of the ladies were saying for as long as anyone can remember, six or seven people out of every ten dies prematurely in that town. They either have a short life or a violent death. There are quite a lot of coffin homes within the town to store the bodies. Put that together with that they specialize in coffins, ritual paper money, and other funerary offering objects. Regardless of whether people make coffins or bound paper, the craftsmanship is exquisite. That’s why it’s called by this name.”
Going forward, as it’s meant to be read as a nickname, I’ll be translating it as “Coffin Town.” Notice I used town and not city? That’s because 城 (chéng) can be read as town or city. Based on what we learn about the place, while it seemed to be a decently-sized place compared to the village they just visited and at one point had some prosperity, it seems more “town-sized” than “city-sized” overall. And that, my friends, is where my url comes from!
When the left hand drew itself into a fist, a dilapidated town gate emerged at the end of the main road. The edge of the wall was missing tiles and some paint. A corner had fallen off. It was an exceptionally dilapidated-looking blight. The walls had graffiti from who knew what people scrawled all over it. Its red gate had nearly faded white, its nails rusted black. Its double doors hadn’t been closed securely and looked as if someone had pushed them open just wide enough to slip inside.
Even without entering, it gave people the sense that this was a haunted place where demons ran wild.
While Wèi Wúxiàn was walking along, he was constantly taking in his surroundings. When they arrived at the gates, his assessment was, “The fēng shuǐ is really lousy.”
Lán Wàngjī slowly nodded along, “It’s inhospitable here.”
Coffin Town was surrounded on all four sides by steep mountain cliffs with their slopes inclining sharply towards their centers. They were an overwhelmingly intimidating presence and looked as if they could come crashing down at any moment. Completely enclosed by gigantic pitch-black mountain cliffs and filled with wretched fog, it was more of a supernatural creature than actual supernatural creatures. Just standing within it made a person’s chest tighten and heart race as its intensely threatening aura suffocated them.
From time immemorial, it has been said that “a place reflects the glory of its people.” The opposite is also true. Some places, due to its terrain and location, have poor fēng shuǐ and stagnant energy lingers. The people that lived there were prone to having short lives that would end far too soon. Everything would go wrong. If one’s ancestors had taken root here, even their bones would rot. Moreover, these places were often breeding grounds for the paranormal. The probability of corpse transformations, phantoms, returning spirits, and other such events occurring were several times higher. It was obvious that Coffin Town was such a place.
So Coffin Town sure is scary! One little translation point about LWJ saying the place is inhospitable. His line is 山穷水恶, which is a bit unusual. It’s usually written as 穷山恶水. It more literally means “barren mountains and foul water” so an inhospitable place. Not sure if there is significance in the word order being changed. Though it did make me think of another similarly-written idiom. 山穷水尽 meaning the mountains are barren and the river’s run dry. Aka there’s nowhere else to go. So without getting too much into fēng shuǐ, it is the idea of keeping everything in harmony. So with this place having bad fēng shuǐ, LWJ can also mean that there’s nowhere for the bad energy (恶) to go. I might be overthinking this bit here, but LWJ is famous for being a man of few words and still manages to convey an awful lot.
The pair walked right up to the gates and exchanged a glance with each other.
“Creeeeak,” they undertook the extremely heavy load of the misaligned gate doors and slowly opened them.
What they saw before them wasn’t the heavy bustle of traffic, but they also weren’t assaulted by the stench of dead bodies. There was only the ever-present blanket of white.
Filled with thick fog, the mist was several times denser here than it was outside the town. It was barely possible for them to clearly see the main road right in front of them. There were buildings set up on both sides.
The pair unconsciously took a few steps closer to each other while they entered the town together.
It was still daytime now, but the town was completely silent. Not only was there no one talking, there wasn’t even the sound of a dog barking. It was enormously strange.
However, since this was the location the left arm had indicated, so it would be stranger if it wasn’t strange.
They followed the main road for a while and the deeper they went into the town, the denser the white fog would become. As if something sinister was permeating the air. They could barely see ten paces ahead to start with and later they couldn’t discern shapes five paces ahead. And even further, they could barely see their fingers. The farther Wèi Wúxiàn and Lán Wàngjī walked, the closer they leaned towards each other. Their shoulders were brushing together and they barely managed being able to see each other’s faces. Wèi Wúxiàn had a thought spontaneously pop into his head, “If someone were to take advantage of this heavy fog and quietly slipped in between us and our duo turned into a trio, I’m afraid I don’t know whether or not we would discover them.”
Definitely gives off some serious Silent Hill-esque vibes, doesn’t it?
We do get further into the plot after this, but I just wanted to share a cool setting post. Hope you enjoyed it!
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 5 years
Kitten Ears - Part 1
Joshua x Cat Hybrid Female!Reader
Word Count: 2935
Contents: hybrid au, reader in heat, lots of awkwardness, sensitive ears, clit stimulation
Tag List: @skjdln, @funinfundamental, @kwanismsworld, @taikalinna, @svt-mangos, @strawberry-artini, @lovesickmark, @cliffordmonarchy, @skylions-den, @karenbcy, @jisooderulo, @sleepy-star-boy, @brokenheartloving, @sno-leopards, @livorna
Note: From here on out the series is smut (except for the epilogue). Thank you all for support and love so far. Also please message me if you change your url so I can update it for the tag list.
Your nose always twitched when you were waking up. You took in the way Wonwoo smelled, his breathing was still deep and even so he was probably sleeping. He smelled so much stronger but all you wanted to do was get closer.
You shifted closer under the covers. You wanted to press your face into his neck and take in his intoxicating scent. The way the sheets felt shifting over your skin made your breath hitch. Your skin was sensitive and the sheets felt cool and comforting. You let out a small whimper at the feeling as you glanced at Wonwoo, your gaze drifting to his hands. Your mind started to wander to thoughts of him playing with your hair and trailing along your skin.
Your drowsy brain caught up a few seconds later and you let out a yelp as you pushed yourself back so hard you fell off the bed. Wonwoo stirred and mumbled something but you were barely paying attention. You rushed out of the room as he slowly sat up. You passed Mingyu in the kitchen but ran past before he could ask you anything, zipping through the living room and into your bedroom before locking the door behind you.
You sat panting on the other side of the door and you heard footsteps approach.
“Are you okay?” came Wonwoo’s gruff morning voice.
“Did something happen?” Mingyu added.
“I-I’m fine!” you called back, panicked. “Just not f-feeling well!”
You weren’t sure if you really convinced them but they did leave and you let out a sigh of relief. Of course your heat would start now. In all fairness you knew it had to be soon. They were usually every three months or so, at least for you. And it would explain why you were so whiny and emotional the last few days. You just hoped Mingyu and Wonwoo didn’t figure it out. You might be fine if you could just hide out and tell no one. You knew they said they were willing to help but how would you even ask for that? You knew if you spent too much time with any of them you would be tempted, you’d need relief. Even now you could barely get the day dreams of Wonwoo’s touch out of your head.
This was gonna be a long three weeks.
The first day was always the easiest. You knew that and still the first day had been rough. It was difficult staying locked in your room, especially when Joshua came knocking to see if you were okay. You could smell him from under the door and it made you whimper quietly, wanting nothing more than to touch him. You had spent the minute talking to him pressing your thighs together and trying not to whimper as you told him you just wanted to be alone. You snuck out in the middle of the night for food and otherwise stayed in your room.
Yesterday and today hadn’t been any better. Each day your heat got worse. You fever got higher, your sense of smell got stronger, and your skin got more sensitive. Each day Joshua checked on you and it was getting harder and harder to turn him away when he told you if you needed anything, anything at all, he’d help. Your mind was swimming with ideas that would have made your face flush if your skin wasn’t already so hot..
By now you were beyond discomfort and verging on pain. You wanted to cry from how badly you needed something, anything. You had never been very successful on your own and this heat was so much worse than any of the ones previous. You weren’t entirely sure why that was but you were beginning to wonder if you could make it to the end of the three weeks if the whole thing was going to feel like this.
At this point though, you absolutely needed a shower. You were hot and sweaty and as much as you didn't want to leave your room midday you couldn’t wait any longer. You held out until you couldn’t hear or smell anyone close by before slipping into the bathroom. It wasn’t the total relief you needed, but the cool water running over your hot skin helped a little. You felt a little better as you washed away the sweat and put on a t-shirt and thin shorts. It was a little cool for that but you were too warm to care and you knew your body would heat back up sooner or later.
You narrowed your eyes as your nose twitched, your hand halfway to the doorknob.
Joshua was definitely waiting outside.
You let out a hiss and plopped yourself down on the toilet lid, hoping he’d leave. Maybe he thought you were in your room, he hadn’t checked up on you yet today so it could be. You played with your fingers ideally, trying to suppress any thoughts of Joshua’s until he spoke.
“I’m not leaving until you come out.”
You gritted your teeth, ignoring him.
“I know you’re in heat and I’m not letting you suffer.” His voice was stern but still laced with concern. Between his tone and his scent your resolve was cracking far more quickly than you wanted. “I need to check your fever and if you don’t come out I’m coming in there.”
You felt the heat rising in your cheeks. You were starting to feel childish and you knew you should let him get whatever he wanted to do out of the way so you could get back to your room. You slowly opened the door and dropped your head at the look of disapproval on his face, taking in the sight of the bag in his hands and the thermometer held between his fingers.
He called your name and you looked at him, only barely meeting his eyes. He held out a thermometer and you felt your face heating more as you took it and stuck it under your tongue. He pressed the back of his hand to your forehead and sighed.
“You feel really hot,” he frowned. “You’re going to start feeling sick.”
You let out a huff, knowing he was right. You knew you’d feel ill if you ignored it but you were currently being humiliated so really, six of one, half dozen of the other.
The thermometer beeped and he pulled it from your mouth quickly. You barely had the time to react as he read it and scowled, before quickly grabbing your arm and dragging you into your room. You yelped and whimpered as he closed the door and made you sit next to him on the bed. You quickly pulled your knees to your chest and scowled.
“Alright, I already know you don’t want to talk about this or think about it but you’re worrying me. You have a bad fever, worse than they said is normal. You’re hiding in here away from everyone and I’m not even sure if you’re eating. And you’re shaking.” He gave you a very sincere look. “I don’t want to sit out there for three weeks without even offering to help.”
You watched him carefully. At this point it was almost stupid to deny you wanted him. Your brain was clouding with ideas and this was exactly why you wanted them all to stay away from you. Being this close to him was torture. He kept offering to help and that was sounding more tempting by the second as you gripped your legs tightly, but some small part of your brain reminded you that you didn’t think you could ever talk to him again if he saw you like that.
“I… I don’t need…” you trailed off, not sure what to do.
“Look, I know that an orgasm can break the fever,” you swore you noticed a slight pink tint his cheeks as he said that. “And I know you probably didn’t want them to tell me but the shelter did say you don’t have any previous experience-”
You groaned and hid your face. “Did you tell the whole house?”
“I mean… I thought it was important that the-”
“Joshua,” you whined. That small part of your brain was right, this was too embarrassing.
“I know that it might be awkward so I did think ahead and… uh, got you some things…”
You peeked at him. He was now clearly blushing as he opened the bag he’d brought in with him. Your eyes widened as you took in what he’d bought. Three brand new vibrators were now sitting on your bed and you were sure your face had never been hotter..
You still cursed yourself for not being able to tear your eyes away from Joshua’s fingers.
“I mean I figured you p-probably wouldn’t have any b-but that way if you really don’t want help from anyone you can handle it more easily on your own.”
You bit your lip, looking at him slowly. The whole idea was just too overwhelming. You had no clue where to start. Or, you knew in theory but in practice?
Joshua seemed to be watching you hopefully at first, but the longer you looked between the different vibrators, your eyes darting quickly to his hands and then his eyes, he started to piece together the reason for your apprehension.
“You don’t know how to use these, do you?”
“Of course I do!” you said indignantly. “I-In theory. B-But…”
He sighed, deflating a bit. “I… Okay.” You gasped as you felt his fingers on your chin, turning your face up to look at him. “You don’t look good and I know enough about this to know you shouldn’t just let it go. So do you want help?”
“W-What would, I-I mean w-what would t-that-”
“Do you want me to make you cum?”
Your nails were digging into your skin as your mind quickly processed his words. It wasn’t like you didn’t know what he’d been offering all this time but it felt different to have him state it so bluntly. His fingers on your chin felt nearly heavenly and it was just a light touch. His smell was intoxicating and the longer you breathed it in the more you wanted to pull him in and kiss his plush lips. Your need was outweighing any potential embarrassment, and besides, he was offering.
“Please,” you breathed. He moved closer to you and started to lean in. You quickly wrapped your arms around him and pulled him in for a kiss. He let out a small yelp in surprise before relaxing into the kiss. His hands were gentle as they found your sides and helped you lay back against your pillows. You tangled your fingers into his hair and whined, pulling him closer to you, needing him to touch you. You heard him chuckle at you and faltered in your kiss and pulled away a bit.
“Don’t laugh at me,” you whined quietly.
“I’m not. I won’t,” he said with a smile on his lips. “You’re just cute.”
You would have hidden your face but Joshua captured your lips in another kiss as his fingers caressed your face. You leaned into his touch and he hummed sweetly against your lips.
“I learned something when I was doing research before we adopted you,” he said sweetly.
“What did you learn?” you asked as his fingers moved from your face to your hair.
“That your ears will get… very sensitive during your heat.”
You felt your face heating even more as he pulled back from the kiss to look at you. You opened your mouth to say something but instead a moan fell from your lips, a shiver running down your spine as Joshua rubbed the base of your ear. You let your eyes flutter open and began to feel very flustered as Joshua smirked at you.
“Y-Yeah,” you managed shakily as you let your face fall to the side. Joshua’s fingers ran up your ear and scratched at the base and you bit down on your lip, trying to hold in your moans. His lips pressed against your jaw and slowly down your neck, leaving soft kisses before finding a spot to suck on.
You let out small whimpers as he continued to play with your ear, trying not to be too loud. You hadn’t thought about how he would hear your moans; how if someone was in the living room they might hear them too. You gripped at the sheets, your nervous thoughts getting distracted by the feeling of Joshua’s thigh pressing between your legs.
You let out soft pants as he dragged his nails up your ear lightly, rolling your hips against his thigh. You felt your need building more and more with every passing second. The heat pooling in the pit of your stomach had you moaning quietly. You felt like something was tightening as you panted faster, your tail flicking and batting against the bed.
His lips sucked a little more harshly at the base of your neck. He rubbed along the outside of your ear as his thumb trailed gently along the even more sensitive inside. You bucked your hips against his thigh, moaning out more loudly and letting out high pitched whines and mews as the coil inside of you released. You gripped the sheets and pressed your face as far as you could into the pillow as your body trembled and you squeezed Joshua’s thigh between your legs.
He pulled his hand away as you started to whimper and pant and caressed your face gently. You nuzzled against his touch as your eyes fluttered open. He smiled down at you as you tried to organize your thoughts.
“That felt… so good,” you hummed quietly, your gaze heavily lidded as you stared up at him.
“I’m glad,” he said, kissing your forehead before frowning. “But you’re still burning up. How do you feel?”
You bit your lip. You knew it meant your fever hadn’t broken and even though you were feeling better you knew your need was already building slowly again. You were nervous to ask but you knew you needed more.
“I-I think I need more,” you mumbled.
He grinned at you. “I had a feeling.”
He kissed you deeply, slowly swiping his tongue along your bottom lip. You let his tongue past your lips and got lost in the way he kissed you as his hand trailed slowly down your body. You let out a squeal as his fingers pushed past the waistband of your shorts. 
He stopped, pulling back to look at you and you whined at the sight of his glossy, kiss-swollen lips. “Do you want to stop?”
You shook your head and pulled him close again. “Just, go slow please.”
He smiled sweetly. “Of course.”
He kissed you again, letting his fingers rest against the skin of your lower stomach before ever slowly moving them lower. He kissed you deeply and rubbed soothing circles against your skin as he slowly crept between your legs.
You gasped and whimpered against his lips as his fingers pressed against your clit. He started to move his fingers in slow circles and you gripped him tightly, adjusting to the new sensation.
He moved his lips to your jaw. “Does that feel good?” he questioned.
“Mhm,” your answer was barely more than a whine between gasps and small moans. “S-So good.”
“Perfect,” he murmured against your ear before leaving kisses in the hollow below. 
Your fingers gripped his shoulder and hair as he pressed his fingers a little harder and moved them a little faster. You bucked your hips up against his hand as small moans cascaded from your lips. You held him as close as you could, his name mixing with the moans as they climbed higher in your voice.
You gasped and cried out as he moved his fingers faster and your legs shook as you reached your release again. Shocks of pleasure spread through your body. You bucked your hips up and he kept his fingers moving until you were panting and whimpering, twisting your hips away. You pulled him in for a kiss as he pulled his hand from your pants.
He rolled onto his back and gently pulled you closer. You clung to him and nuzzled your face into his neck, whining at his scent.
“Y-You’re, y-you didn’t-”
“Don’t worry about that,” he hummed. “Are you sleepy? Do you want to take a nap?”
“Mhm,” you whined. “But your smell…”
He kissed your forehead. “Will you be okay if I’m gone for a few minutes?” 
You nodded and he rolled out of bed. You grabbed a pillow and held it tight, your legs still shaking a little as you waited for him. You really should have done this sooner. This was so much better than just waiting it out and being uncomfortable and in pain for weeks. You wondered if Joshua would help you again. You assumed he already knew that you would get needy again sooner or later, though you didn’t know how long it would take.
You smiled at him sleepily as he came back into the room and climbed back into bed, now smelling equally as good but not in a way that was getting you worked up. You nuzzled against him and purred as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Thank you for helping me,” you mumbled sleepily.
He kissed the top of your head. “You’re welcome, now get some rest okay?”
You hummed in affirmation as you drifted off to sleep.
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karajaynetoday · 4 years
still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me | ashton irwin
Hello tumblr pals i hope you are all having a lovely day! Idalis @rawtitty​ made this post about slow dancing with ashton and my mind ran away with it a little bit, oops! Title comes from flicker by niall horan. Happy reading, lmk what you think! 
Word count: 1k
Warnings: none
(This is a gender neutral reader insert blurb)
More writing here | send thoughts/feedback/suggestions here | if you’d like to be on my taglist go here
The first time Ashton asks you to dance, you hesitate. You can feel the stares of your classmates, and hear the snarky comments they’re making to each other. 
“Are you… are you sure? Don’t you want to dance with somebody else?” You can barely meet his gaze, as the anxiety overcomes you.
“No, I want to dance with you. You’re my best friend, and I want to dance.” He’s firm, but gentle, and you let him lead you out onto the makeshift dancefloor of your high school gym and settle into each other’s arms. 
It feels warm, and like the most natural thing in the world. You don’t have to say anything, because you know Ashton feels it too, as you gently sway from side to side in time with the music. 
You both feel a bit out of sorts in your formalwear, but your parents had insisted that tonight would be a milestone you’d regret missing out on. After some half-rate punch and a terrible DJ setlist, you couldn’t quite agree with them just yet, but there was one thing you were glad for. At the end of the school year, Ashton was set to fly to the other side of the world to pursue his lifelong dream of a music career; while you stayed back and started your university degree. You were excited, but also quietly heartbroken, every time you thought about saying goodbye.
“Hey, where are you?” Ashton whispered, like he could tell you were getting drawn into the impending gloominess of his upcoming departure.
“Just thinking. About how different everything is going to be.” You can’t help but drop your face into a frown. Ashton tilts your chin up, and his hazel eyes are searching yours.
“But different can be good. And different doesn’t mean this changes. We’re ride or die, ‘til the end of the line.”
The song ends, but you don’t break apart. Because you’re scared to let Ashton go.
The second time Ashton asks you to dance, you refuse.
You know it’s a peace offering, because he feels guilty for losing touch with you. It was your fault, too, but technically you were the last one who’d sent a message, that Ashton hadn’t replied to. That was three years ago, and yes you were being extremely petty about it, but he’d promised you. Ride or die, ‘til the end of the line. And he broke the promise. And your heart. 
But here he was, standing in front of you, in a suit, hand outstretched, red hair brushed back out of his face, hazel eyes pleading with you to say something in response. 
“Go on, love! Have a dance. You deserve a bit of fun!” Your mother giggled drunkenly, as she brushed past you on her way to the dancefloor, your disgruntled father following along behind.
You knew coming to the wedding of a childhood friend carried the risk of running into Ashton, but you’d wanted to be there for your friend as they reached this milestone in their life. 
“No really, I’m good. Thanks for the offer, though.” You tried to be polite, and turned in your seat to face away from Ashton.
“May I sit?” He already had a hand on the back of the chair next to you as he spoke, and you pursed your lips before nodding, and Ashton sat down. 
He started with a gentle apology, and soon you were acknowledging your wrongdoing as well, and there was a flicker of hope in his eyes. Somehow, hours passed, and you sat there chatting like it’d only been days since you’d seen him, rather than years.
Then by some twist of fate, the DJ switches the song over, and it’s the one that was playing in the high school gym all those years ago. This time, it’s your turn to stand up and offer your hand to Ash, which he takes in earnest. 
You’re on that dancefloor for three more slow dances, and then the nutbush, and the macarena, and then the Lizzo medley. Ashton keeps checking in, and asking if you’re tired and you want to sit down, but every time you refuse. Because you’re worried if you stop dancing, the magic will disappear, and the gloominess will return.
The third time Ashton asks you to dance, you pretend to be shocked he’s even asking.
“Me? Out of all the people in the room, Ashton Irwin wants to dance with me?” You gasp dramatically, clutching your chest in mock amazement and Ashton rolls his eyes at your antics.
“I mean, I just spent a solid hour standing in front of a room of our family and friends, vowing to love and cherish you for the rest of our days, in sickness and in health, but if you’d prefer to dance with someone else, then I guess that’s fine…” Ashton’s pouting, and he knows you can never resist when he does that. 
A quick press of your lips to his and he’s smiling again, and tugging you out onto the dancefloor. 
Technically, Ashton had asked you to dance many more times than three. In the kitchen on a Sunday morning, in the backyard on a lazy sunny afternoon, in the quiet of the night in an arena parking lot beside a tour bus, in your bedroom after getting home from a date night at a bar with a fantastic live jazz band. But those were just between you.
There was something about swaying in his arms, surrounded by so many others, but only seeing Ashton and only Ashton, that made you feel like you could slow dance for hours without needing to rest. The flicker of hope he gave you all those years ago, had grown into a flame, that steadily burned within your soul every time he was near. 
Ride or die, til the end of the line. The song ends, but you don’t break apart. Because you’re going to be holding onto each other forever.
Taglist: If there’s a line through your name, I couldn’t tag you, so please message me to let me know your new URL or what the go is!  @suchalonelysunflower @blackbutterfliescal @redrattlers @loveroflrh @spicycal @notinthesameguey @metalandboybands @cheekysos @ashton-trash  @another-lonely-heart @queenalienscherrypie  @becihadshawn  @allthestarsandthemoon​
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
The Lucky One--Luke&Lily&Posy Father’s Day Special
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
A/N: hey all, popping in from my little hiatus because I’m missing Lily and Posy so here is a little oneshot/blur idek what it is of them spending Father’s Day with Luke. I’ll be back soon, much love💕💕
donate to my ko-fi here :)
Word count: 884
Luke&Lily Masterlist
• • • •
You’d always made sure Luke felt special on Father’s Day with Lily. In the past, before you would both pick her up from spending the morning and early afternoon with Cory, you’d have her make a card and pick out a little gift for Luke as well. 
Now, with Posy in the picture, you wanted to go all out for his first “real” Father’s Day since Posy is biologically his. One day, when he took Lily out for ice cream, you created a special card just from Posy. You’d painted her little feet in blue paint and pressed them into the paper. For the gift, you’d gotten Lily and Posy’s fingerprint imprinted onto two separate pendants attached to a chain. 
The morning of, you made sure to sneak out of bed quietly to get Posy changed and ready. Being a newborn made it easy because she slept on and off throughout the day but you had something special planned.
First, after getting her dressed and fed, you set her in the small bouncy seat on the floor while you made waffles for Luke. While the coffee is brewing, Luke shuffles into the kitchen still in his boxers and tank top, his curls a mess but his smile radiant.
“Morning,” he grins cupping his palm over Posy’s small head. She wiggles at his touch, her little fists stretching into the air and Luke touches his finger to her palm. She holds onto his finger tightly. “Hi my little Posy.”
“Happy Father’s Day!” You say brightly presenting him with a plateful of waffles, fruit, and syrup. “I promised Lily we’d wait for you to open your gifts when she’s home but this card is just from Posy.” 
“Thanks lovie,” he smiles happily and takes the homemade card from you. His eyes scan the small inscription you wrote inside, a permanent smile on his face. “This is so sweet, I love it.”
He gives you a gentle kiss then sits at the table pulling you onto his lap so you can both enjoy his Father’s Day breakfast. 
You won’t be getting Lily until about three o’clock so you asked Luke what he wanted to do until then, it is his day after all.
“Let’s just stay in our pajamas until we need to get her and snuggle on the couch.”
So that’s what you did, Posy napped on his bare chest while he pressed gentle kisses to her round head and you played with his hair. It’s a relaxing morning, then for lunch you asked what he wanted to eat and requested to order in. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to make anything for you?” your brows creased.
“I don’t want you to put yourself out, as long as I’m with you and Posy, then Lily later, that’s all I need.”
Lily ran straight into Luke’s arms when the three of you went to pick her up from Cory’s. Luke and Cory exchanged Father’s Day cards with each other and Cory showed off the macaroni necklace Lily made for him with Ella. Lily’s beaming proudly at her masterpiece. 
After quick goodbyes, you’re all piled into the car again heading home even though you’re asking Luke if he’s positive he doesn’t want to go somewhere else to celebrate. 
“I just need my girls,” he assures you, kissing your knuckles while he drives home. 
Lily runs into her room with Petunia on her heels as she grabs the presents. She helped you wrap and the box looks a little unkempt, but you know Luke wouldn’t mind. 
“So this is from you and Posy, huh?” Luke asks hoisting Lily onto his lap. You have Posy bundled in your arms.
“Uh huh, I helped mama wrap and Posy sleeped,” Lily smiles. 
“You did a wonderful job wrapping.”
“Here’s the card,” you say, handing it to him. 
He opens it slowly, reading silently then murmurs ‘thank you’ to Lily before kissing her hair. She helps him unwrap the small box, nerves are building in your tummy as he pops the box. 
“That’s mine and that’s Po’s,” Lily points out the pendants. 
Luke touches each one carefully, his eyes glistening a little. 
“Do you like ‘em dada?” Lily asks, turning her head to look up at him.
“I love them, my sweet,” he nods smiling. “I’m going to wear it all the time. Thank you.” 
While Lily is chattering to herself playing with the necklace, Luke glances up at you and mouths ‘thank you’ with a wink. You kiss the air in his direction. 
“Mama, can we go to the park?” Lily asks. 
“If dada wants to, it’s his day,” you smile. 
“I’d love to go to the park. Why don’t you go get Petunia’s favorite toys and we’ll all go, okay?”
“Okay! C’mon piggy!” Lily slides off his lap with Petunia quickly on her heels. 
“Thank you for today, it was perfect,” Luke hugs you softly since Posy is still nestled in your arms. He gives you a tender kiss then an even gentler one to Posy’s forehead. She sighs in her sleep. 
“Thank you for being a perfect dad. The girls and I are so lucky.”
“I’m the lucky one, lovie,” he smiles. He’s been smiling all day and his cheeks are sore, but Luke has never been happier.
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod @myloverboyash @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings @cxddlyash @princesslrh @creator-appreciator @katiaw2 @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass @gosh-im-short @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby @spicycal @mysticalhood @thesubtweeter @wastedheartcth @atlcalm @itjustkindahappenedreally @calumance @babylon-corgis @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @lanternlover2 @istaywithmyjonas @calteahood @sarcastically-defensive17 @another-lonely-heart  @calumhoodaf @frontmanash @philthepegacorn @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings @addietagglikesbands @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke @mayve-hems @morguelth @haikucal @thatscooibaby @meghanrose05 @idontneedanyone @dinosaursandsocks @cassie-sos
**if your url has a strike through it’s because your blog didn’t show up as a tag! :(
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hopesbarnes · 4 years
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Black Swan (8)
Summary: Y/N used to be a Russian spy under the code name Black Swan. But that was a lifetime ago. Now she’s a part-time avenger, dance teacher, surrogate sister to Natasha Romanoff, and trainer to new Shield Agents. She’s come a long way from the days of killing targets and being tortured. But when someone from her past comes around will she be able to ignore her history anymore? Or will she end up falling in love with the only man her sister ever loved?
A/N: Hey guys! if you can’t tell I changed my url!! So bear with me while I fix links and let me know when things dont work!. (This is the updated tag list, send an ask if you want to be added back/added at all)
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The next morning you woke up in an unfamiliar room. The decors darker than yours, and it’s less cluttered than your room. It takes a few seconds to remember the previous nights. The memories flashback and you can’t help but let a small smile fill your face. You slept with James Buchanan Barnes last night. And it was good. Really good. You’re pulled from your thoughts when he readjusts next to you and suddenly a wave of regret takes over.
Natasha. Your sister, your one true family. 
God, what would she think of this? You just slept with her first love. The man she’s still so worked up about that she can’t even manage to remain in the same room as her. You can’t fall in love with Bucky, falling in love with him would hurt her in so many ways. Y/N, what the hell were you thinking. You know the damage he caused her, the way he took away things she could never get back. And yet, you slept with him.
Quickly you get up, grab your clothes, and get changed back into them. You shouldn’t, no can’t be here when he wakes up. This can’t happen again. And you know if he looks at you, you’ll repeat the last night all over again. So within minutes, you’re redressed and quietly padding out of his room. Making sure to shit his door as quiet as humanly possible. 
After you sneak back to your room, you grab your laptop and hack into FRIDAY to erase any and all footage of the dance room last night, you going to his room and you leaving his room. You also manage to change your status to show you spent the previous night outside of the tower. It’s easier to explain that you slept over a guy’s house than what had actually happened. 
And with that, all evidence of your night is gone. All but the memories and marks that paint your skin. So you take in a breath, change to new clothes, and go to your shared kitchen to grab something to eat. Natasha’s in the kitchen and silently passes coffee to you without even moving her eyes from the machine. 
“You didn’t come home last night,” she says turning to you. A small smirk is on her face but drops after she sees your look.
“Slept elsewhere,” you mumble and drink from the steaming cup.
“Don’t look too happy about that сестренка (sis), was he that bad?”
“No, he was good. Really good. That’s not the problem,” you sigh taking another sip from the cup of coffee. 
“What is then?” She asks and you quickly think of a way to explain the problem, without actually explaining the problem.
“It’s one of the teachers at the dance studio. I like him, a lot. More than I should. But he used to date one of my friends that works there. They were serious, in love, the whole nine yards. Almost got married. It’s been years now, but it’s still wrong to be with him. He was hers.” you rush out.
Nat, ever the calculated one, takes in a deep breath before speaking. “It’s been years right? And he consented to this? It sounds like he really likes you. A true friend will want you happy. If he makes you happy, then don’t worry,” she says and reaches out to grab your hands. “Y/N, you always put everyone else first. When was the last time you did something for you? You’re always taking care of everyone and it’s time to take care of you now,” she says and kisses your forehead.
“Now, if you’re done having a war in your head let’s watch trashy reality shows mmkay? Clint’s coming over and loves them as much as we do.” 
You shower and join the two lovebirds in the living room for some Real Housewives. Nat wasn’t lying when she said Clint loved them as much as you do, he was yelling at the tv and huffing at their arguments. Natasha just shook her head and laid her head in his lap. They seemed happy, and she had moved on. Maybe it really was time for you to have happiness too.
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