#it was funny (I cried so much)
potatobugz · 1 month
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here is a collection of riptide drawings that i made a while ago but never posted ^_^
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solarockk · 8 months
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Gege make these two interact i dare you
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oneluckydragon · 9 months
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BREAKING NEWS!!! Local idiot ghost absolutely blown away when boyfriend gives him a nickname for the first time, more info after this broadcast.
Bonus pet-name edition:
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(Yeah I know it's ooc for grovyle to EVER use the term "babe" but lets go ahead and assume he's done it accidentally a few times rather than intentionally. He's deeply in love with the dumb ghostman, ok. Sometimes it just slips out.)
Dusknoir is still recovering from hearing it. And when he finally calls grovyle "love" himself on accident a few days later, he falls deathly ill for two weeks cause his body couldn't handle the aftermath and started rapidly shutting down on a molecular level.
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merry-the-cookie · 1 year
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🥹 im okay 🥹
some more versions under the cut 🥹
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cool-thymus · 10 months
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Today i finished watching Naruto! And i found this gem in the ending credits: one pure team Minato hug! 💜🧡🩶
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randomminty · 2 years
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Just a buncha cynthias
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 months
Hello! I saw that you had a human design for the Tengu, and I wanted to ask: got any hcs for our bird demon as human? Or just hcs in general, wither will work
Hey! Bro- you won't believe it, but i literally was thinking about Humanized Tengu (for uh- reasons) when I opened tumblr just to see this ask, like deadass??? ad;kjdfdfsa Clearly it was a sign!
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But I don't have that many hc about him tbh?? He was a very spontaneous creation for that day, so like here have just some basic info:
the original design i did for ninjavember is kind of how Tengu looked at the prime of his powers in human form, when it/he faced First Ninja.
He is very unnaturally tall, has bone white (practically ashen) skin, with the end of his limbs being dark grey (like literal ash/burned). His body is covered in blue markings like tattoos (very inspired by Law from One Piece haha) and his hair is a mix of feathers and fur-like hair (like birds). He is usually dressed in rich clothes, with his wings acting like sort of cape.
He likes to smoke the pipe ;) its less of actual smoking leaf and more 'energy and fire itself' type of smoking.
He is kind of an asshole, but he greatly (if reluctantly) respects First Ninja because he managed to defeat him and use his powers for his own means. He despises having his powers used by others, but he also kinda respects that it is for a noble cause.
When it comes to Ninjas who came after, he kind of feels like a dad who was forced to take care of kids he never wanted, and those kids literally suck life force out of him, lol.
And that's about all I got for now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But thanks for the ask i loved a chance to doodle him ;)
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foultreenightmare · 10 days
Okay, but imagine Damian was like just raised in the league of assassins. Like Talia was a good mother, and Ra's was a good grandfather, but damian is still trained and still is amazing at almost basically everything, but he had a really loving family before he came with his father. So imagine how confused damian was when he found out that his new family wasn't as loving. But we also have to consider his personality and how it would have changed. Damian is very cold and mean because he isn't very loved in the league, and he has a lot of trauma. I think he would have been kinda the same, but just because he doesn't know these people and he wouldn't be very mean mean and he would act like a kid sometimes. I just think, what if Ra's wasn't all that mean and Talia showed more love to damian probably would have changed him.
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comradekatara · 1 year
my greatest flaw is that i would lowkey ship sokka/azula if i wasn’t so convinced that azula is a lesbian. bc just think about it. they’re both these hyper logical calculating masterminds with debilitating perfectionist complexes to hide their perceived worthlessness, so they’re constantly achieving, and while they never feel any real joy in winning, they get actually suicidal the second they fail at anything. they think everyone who can’t keep up with them is some sort of idiot because they refuse to live in a world where they are in fact more intelligent than most people, including the adults around them. they love making the most insufferable puns you’ve ever heard and get offended if no one laughs. they have daddy issues and mommy issues. they share so many of the things they have wrong with them. so like. just imagine how amazingly awful they would be as a couple. they would indisputably make each other worse , but in the most disastrously entertaining way possible.
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turtletoria · 1 year
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my favorite wordgirl character, jerma
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neil-kinnie · 1 month
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when todd says that neil’s father killed him, and neil wouldn’t do that. the thing is i don’t think neil ever fully understood how much his friends cared about him and needed him, especially todd. and because neil was so good at hiding how much he was struggling, no one really understood how close he was to giving up his life.
so when todd runs into the snow screaming neil’s name, it hurts more than the actual suicide scene. because neil had already finished grieving himself in a way. in that last conversation with his dad, he had let go and resigned himself to the fact that he would never be able to truly live under his parents’ control, so he was numb and emotionless in when he shot himself.
but todd and the rest of the boys were now left not only with the pain and grief of losing neil, but also feeling lost and bewildered because they never believed that neil was hurting so much that he would actually take his own life.
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ricksoo · 10 months
Anyways I don't have any gift for the moment because of... you know.
Oh well, I guess I'll only say this:
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Happy birthday Huey! 🎉🎂
Huey and Scarfy by @xxtc-96xx
(Thank you TC for showing me your awesome concepts ^^)
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ninjakirkki · 5 months
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I love them, I love them, I love them Ilovethemilove-
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snarkylinda · 5 months
Spencer looks like someone I, a 1.59cm woman, could take down with little struggle tbh. Like I am not talking about the actor's build but about the characters"s fucking energy.
"Even post-season 12 Spencer-" Especially post season 12 Spencer. Through emotional damage, let's see who starts crying first.
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jub1lee-mous · 9 months
moon shaped pool and in rainboes thom (i think)
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candyfloss-esophagus · 8 months
sorry it's just that im obsessed with noir calling hobie 'doll' and 'darling' and 'sweetheart' and hobie calling noir 'love' and 'treacle' and 'pete' bcs they're affording themselves these little pieces of adoration and softness that their respective worlds never bothered to offer them
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