#it was a huge lesson i needed to learn i guess but i don't think ive taken it in a very healthy or conducive way
suedemotion · 1 month
my last "relationship" taught me that u could be gaslit and also gaslight urself into believing ur in love with someone. so that's just something i've been processing and choking on for the past few years every now and then. how to reconcile with that and trust myself again idrk. my life has been so stagnant since then because im simply so sick of people.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 1 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Your Step Father would like to introduce you into high society but you're required to take lessons to learn how to play the part and from your instructor's perspective it seems like you have a lot of catching up to do. Pairing: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: Explicit Language, not really anything else at this point lol a/n: Planning on turning this into a short series so please let me know what you think <3 p.s. this is horribly edited and was written in one sitting lol
"Why do I have to suffer the consequences of the decisions you made for this family?" I say chasing after my mother as she walks down the main hallway in our new home. "Y/n becoming a debutant is not a consequence" she says, making her way into the main living room.
"To me it is" I complain, dreading this entire ordeal already. "The whole process only lasts about a year so-" "A year? You expect me to be parade around in pretty dresses and entertain people I have absolutely no interest in just because you decided to marry a rich man? Yeah, no I'm not doing it" I say, watching as she takes a seat on the couch waiting for me to tell her my grievances, knowing that I won't back down easily. 
"It's not a huge commitment I promise. You'll have etiquette lessons twice a week, go to a fitting every once in a while and take dance lessons once a week. I'm sure you can sacrifice a few hours out of your week for this. "Your father wa-" "Step father" I cut her off, making my stance on the man known. "Your step father wants to introduce you as his daughter and the best way to do so would be having you come out at a debutant ball" she explains hoping to show me their reasoning behind it. "Oh I'm straight so don't worry I won't be needing a coming out event or anything like that" I say teasing her. 
"Very funny" she says clearly unamused, "I would really appreciate it if you just did this for us, and if you don't want to do it for us then do it for you, for your future. Do you know how pivotal this moment could be for you? A lot of important people go to these balls so if you want to make a name for yourself in this city then that's a great place to start" she says hoping to entice me, showing how this could benefit me as well. "Just think about it, okay?" she says standing up to leave the room and placing a hand on my shoulder as a sign of reassurance, leaving me conflicted. 
A few days later at the breakfast table I finally decide to give them my answer. "Um, dad" I say hoping to get his attention. "Yes honey?" he says putting down the newspaper that he had just been flipping through. "I think I want to go through with the whole debutant thing if you still wanted me to" I say playing with my sleeve, still unsure of the choice I've made but I guess theres no going back now. "That's great! I'll contact the agency and get all of your lessons set up straight away" he says quickly texting his assistant, asking them to get things set in motion.
"Would you prefer private lessons or would you like to take them with some of the other girls that are preparing to come out as well?" he questions, still looking down at his phone. "Oh it's okay don't worry about getting her pri-" "Private lessons would be great" I say cutting my mom off. The less interactions I can have with these spoiled rich kids, the better. I send her a tight lipped smile, telling her to back off before I change my mind and she does just that. 
"Alright, I have Matthew working on it now so we could probably get everything set up by the time your classes end. You finish up at four right?" he asks, catching me off guard, "You know my class schedule?" I question. "Of course I do! What kind of father would I be if I didn't pay attention to my daughter's academics?" he says, giving me a warm smile before taking one last sip of his coffee, standing up to go. 
"I've gotta head off, love you" he says giving my mother a quick peck and then coming over to me to give me a kiss on the top of my head. "Have a good day you two" he says to us as his final adieu, heading out to where his driver is waiting for him. "Thank you" my mother says, happy with the effort I'm putting into assimilating our family. "I'm doing this for you guys, but I'm also doing this for me like you had said, I guess I'll just have to suffer through it for the next year" I say, already questioning myself. 
"I promise you won't regret it!" she reassures me, reaching out for my hand across the table and I mirror her action. 'I sure hope not' I say to myself and give her a pained smile before leaving to head off to class. 
"You're what?" my friend Jesse say, not believing a word I just said. "I'm gonna start taking lessons to become a debutante" I say, repeating myself, hoping he'll just take in the information so we can move past it. "So you're blowing me off so you can go to Barbie school?" he says, still in disbelief. "It's not Barbie school" I say rolling my eyes at him before sitting down at the table we usually hang out at during our breaks. 
"Aren't they going to be dressing you up and making you all girly so you can go to tea parties and balls?" he questions, sitting across from me. "Yes..." I say trailing off not being able to prove him wrong. "Barbie school" he says satisfied with himself, taking a bite out of the apple he had just bought for dramatic affect. "Whatever" I say crossing my arms across my chest. "So when do you start?" he asks, suddenly curious about the topic. "Matthew sent me a text with the address I'm supposed to go to for my first etiquette lesson so I guess I'll be headed there after class. 
"And Matthew is...?" he questions, "My dad's assistant, I've told you this like five times already" I say rolling my eyes at him. "I'm sorry okay, there have been a lot of changes in your life and brand new characters added to the cast so it's hard to keep it all straight" he explains. "Name one other person besides Matthew that I've told you about" I say with a raised brow, curious as to who these 'new characters' might be. "Your step dad" he says proudly, not elaborating further. 
"Anyone else?" I ask, rolling my eyes at the cop out answer he gave me and he decides to sit in silence after putting little to no thought into anyone else I might've told him about. "Do you even know his name?" I scoff, feigning irritation. "Scott? No Thomas!" he says confident in his second answer. "It's James" I say standing up and grabbing my stuff so I can walk towards my next class. 
"I'm sorry, you know I have shit memory" he says throwing his arm around my shoulder after catching up to me, having only been a few steps behind. "I know" I shake my head laughing it off, "It's funny how clueless you are sometimes" I say, shrugging his arm off of me. "Hey!" he whines, semi offended. "It's okay though, I still love you" I say waving him off as we part in different directions and blowing a kiss at him which he bats off to the side, rejecting my love. "Later loser" he says and we head off to our respective classes.
After the lecture is finally over my professor calls me to the front. "Yes?" I question, waiting for what he has to tell me. "I read your paper last night" he starts, "I'm sorry Professor I had some other assignments due at the same time so I wasn't able to put in as much effort as I wanted to" I confess feeling guilty about putting that assignment on the back burner. "Well I was actually going to tell you that I was rather impressed with it" he says looking up at me from his seated position at his desk, fixing his glasses. 
"Really?" I question, surprised that it was good enough for him to even single out. "I wanted to ask if you would be interested in participating in this writing contest at the end of next month" he proposes and hands me the flyer showing all of the details. "You really think my writing is good enough?" I question, not even having considered signing up for something like this. "I wouldn't be speaking to you about it if I didn't think it was" he says laughing at my reactions. 
"This would be amazing thank you!" I say starting to skim through the details real quick. "You can take that with you if you'd like" he offers and at that I nod in thanks and say my goodbyes before walking out and heading out towards my car. 
"Now where exactly is this place?" I ask myself aloud, pulling up the text I got and putting the address into my gps. "45 minutes?" I say in astonishment, now slightly panicked seeing that even if I leave now I'll still be 10 minutes late. "What the hell Matthew?" I curse and put my seatbelt on, speeding out of the parking lot and down the street, praying that I'll be able to somehow shave a few minutes off the eta to make it in time.
"Punctuality is one of the most important aspects of proper etiquette" I hear the man say to me with his back turned as I walk into the area of his home he has dedicated to these lessons. "I'm very sorry I did not realize how far these lessons would be in relation to my University" I apologize hating that I've already made a bad impression which has clearly started us off on the wrong foot. 
"Proper planning is also something you must consider to be able to maintain a certain sense of decorum before arriving to your intended destination" he says still with his back to me. "I apologize again Mr. Jeon it won't happen again" I say using what I hope is the proper way he would like to be addressed. "See that it doesn't" he says finally turning around to face me. I nod my head in acknowledgement and he gives me a sour look showing he's displeased with my response. 
"One must verbally respond to properly communicate with one another" he says, placing his hands behind his back and interlocking his fingers while walking towards me and stalking around me like a predator sizing up his prey. "Understood" I respond and once he finally comes back around facing me he looks me up and down one last time before uttering another word. 
"For your next lesson be sure to come in a dress or skirt that sits at the knee as well as stockings and heels of some sort and a blouse of course to pair with the skirt. If one wants to act like a lady, one must dress like a lady" he says and turns away to grab something in the corner of the room. "Noted" I say under my breath already exasperated, "What was that?" he questions looking over his shoulder at me, sorting through a few books to bring over. "Understood Mr. Jeon" I say, trying to play along and follow his rules.
"Seeing as we need to start from the very beginnings of the art of etiquette I need you to read these books by this time next week" he says handing me five very large books weighing my arms down and requiring me to stumble back to regain my balance. "All of them in a week? That's almost a book a day!" I say surprised by the workload I've been given after not even starting the actual lesson yet.
"I was not aware of the fact I would be required to teach you everything from the very start so let's just say we both have a lot of work to do" he says and motions towards a place I can set my purse down along with my five new headaches for this next week.
"Take a seat here please" he now motions to a chair that he has placed in the middle of the room waiting for me to do as he says. I walk up cautiously and take a seat, sitting on it like I normally would, knowing that he's meant to critique how I sit to change it. "Sit up straight, roll your shoulders back" he says taking in my posture at all angles while I follow along with his orders. "Loosen the tension in your back and shoulders" he says placing his hands on my shoulders from behind making me tense up even more from the unexpected contact. 
"You've done the opposite of what I've asked you to" he says and I can hear how fed up with me he continues to be. "You startled me, I didn't realize you were going to do that" I say under my breath but loud enough for him to hear. "One must never mumble or talk back to anyone no matter the circumstances. Especially aimed to or in front of an authority figure" he says and walks back around to face me again. "So you see yourself as an authority figure to me?" I question, curious to see what his answer might be.
"I see myself as someone who deserves your respect and obedience" he says and tilts my chin up with his pointer finger maintaining purposeful eye contact. "And you will treat me as such". 
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nicoscheer · 28 days
Miles Kane, What It's Like to Play as a 'One Man Band'
We met Miles Kane as a founding member of important bands such as the Last Shadow Puppets with Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys and the Rascals. In the last several years, the Liverpudlian has been on a solitary path, as the name of his recent release suggests. We spoke with him shortly before his long-awaited return to Athens, at "Arch Club", on Friday 5/17.
How has your tour been going so far?
The concerts so far are incredible. I'm excited to play by myself, so I'm very happy. I think people are relating and connecting with the songs on my new record and it's taking me to places I haven't seen in a long time. And Greece is one of those places.
Can you tell us a few words about how you wrote "One Man Band", your most chart-topping album to date?
The album was created in Liverpool. We worked on it with my cousin James Skelly, who used to be a member of The Coral. We went back home and that gave birth to the desire to make a completely straight album. Writing songs is what I do best, not thinking too much, just talking about my feelings, my worries and how I want to be better. I guess life in general is what "One Man Band" is all about, stomping on some rock'n'roll, surf music. We had a clear idea of ​​what the album and its sound should be and we followed it to the end. This is also the reason why it is my favorite work of all that I have released so far. I feel very proud!
You started a great career by participating in various bands, such as Last Shadow Puppets. What motivated you to follow a more solitary path in recent years?
I've been doing solo stuff since I was 22 and I'm 38 now. I learned so much from the bands I was in, the Rascals and the Little Flames. Being on my own and free to work with whoever I want and do whatever I want – even if it sounds selfish – I think suits me best.
And what's the biggest lesson you've learned from playing as a "One Man Band"?
Not playing with a band is completely different for me. It's a huge challenge and not many could pull it off to be honest. It has made me improve my performance as a guitarist, as a singer and as a performer.
What is the most important experience from this journey?
It may sound cliche but I really had a lot of good times in my career. But I feel that who I am today as a person in life and on stage gives me new meaning and life. At all these smaller concerts where I meet new fans, I realize that the younger generation brings a whole different energy to it all. I feel that the phase I am in now is the happiest of my life. I feel more connected and hope to stay on this "path".
Are you excited to be back in Athens ("Arch Club", 5/17)?
Yes! I think I can't remember the last time I visited Greece because it's been so many years. I hope people come because I plan to give you the best night of your life.
What constitutes a successful live?
A great outfit, some "golden" dance moves and an audience! I need to feel like people want to be involved as much as I want to be. This is the only way we can go to the next level.
What are your plans for the future?
I'm trying to write something new and prepare a new album, but I'm having a hard time doing it right now. I don't want to stop the flow of things. I'm quite a simple person and I know what I like in life... Music. Maybe next year I'll be ready for a new release.
Is there another side project in the works?
We're not working on anything with Alex. [Turner], like Last Shadow Puppets. But I have this new little side project going on called The Evils and it's an instrumental surf idea. We'll see how this goes... [s.s. In the time between the interview and its publication, Kane along with Oscar Sholto Robertson and Dave Bardon released the E.P. "Miles Kane & The Evils".]
Miles Kane's albums in his own words
"Colour of the Trap" (2011)
"The beginning of the adventure, when I was still searching for who I am. This album opened the way for me. You can hear all the different sides of me in it."
"Don't Forget Who You Are" (2013)
"Probably one of the best songs I've ever written [inc. the title]. Something keeps me coming back to it. It's like coming home to the roots for me. Sometimes in life you can get sidetracked and forget who you are. This song defined me as an artist and as a person."
"Coup de Grace" (2018)
"An intense rock'n'roll, punk period! Coming out with such an aggressive album is not as easy as you think."
"Change the Show" (2022)
"My chance to show my love for Northern Soul and Motown...Growing up I listened to everything from Diana Ross and the Four Tops to whatever was on the radio."
Full Greek article
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faghubby · 5 months
Virgin Cuckold
It was 1992 I met Mary I was 19. And still a virgin. Mary 17 was still in high school. After a few dates. Mary asked how many woman I had been with. I lied and told her some crazy inflated number to sound like a stud. I guess I went too high because it worried Mary. Since she had told me she had been with four guys. It didn't scare her enough to break uo with me just wait to have sex. I missed the signs when she was ready to have sex a few weeks later. I must of missed a bunch because she finally confronted me.
"Paul, you haven't been with anyone have you?" She asked I really liked her. And I confessed that I had lied.
"I can't believe you lied to me" she said crying she left. It was a few days when I heard from her again. She just appeared at my door. I was so happy to see her.
"You can never lie to me" Mary told me. "But before we get back together I have to tell you. I met up with my ex the night I left. I was frustrated and mad at you." She told me.
"You slept with him?" I asked almost crying.
"No I fucked him, he was always good at making me cum" she told me. "Now why don't we restart this relationship. If you can be honest with me I will be honest with you" Mary told me.
"Yes, I would love that" I told her.
"Good, now have you ever even scene a woman naked?" She asked. I confessed I had not really ever scene a woman naked. She took off her shirt and stood before me in her simple white bra.
"Now we are going to go slow. Because you are so behind. I showed my breast to Bobby. In 7th grade. She then unhooked her bra. And for the first time I saw a real full on set of tits. They where big but not huge. I later learned a D cup. She let me touch them kiss them she told me how she liked them caressed not squeezed and her nipples nibbled a little but not bit. She allowed me to "play with then while we made out. But no further.
Later as she got dressed.
"You got me so horny now, I am going to meet up with Allen (the ex) and have him satisfy me" she stated.
"What? You aren't serious?" I said getting loud.
"Of course I am, you have no idea how to satisfy me. And I want to cum not have a teaching lesson. Today you learned breasts" she told me. She squeezed my erection thru my jeans. "Besides you seem to like it" she kissed me and turned around. I grabbed her arm. She spun around the look on her face scared me she was mad.
"Don't you ever grab me like that again" she said getting right in my face. "I will deal with this later" and she left.
I called her later that night to apologize. We talked she openly talked about how Allen had pleased her. And about how well I had done exploring her breasts. I also got scolded when I referred to them as tits. And told to never call them that again.
We meet up again two days later. Where she allowed me to see her in just her panties. We made out and rubbed against each tpother she made me keep my pants on. And hands above her panties. We dated as a normal couple. Hanging out, movie, dinner. But when alone she taught me about sex and a woman's body. Slowly painfully so. Next time I was allowed to take off my pants. And show her my dick. Which she played with alittle but didn't let me cum. Instead she spoke about how I was kinda on the small side. Although she did this in a almost compassionate way. Next she let me see her completely naked. But it was like a science class. She spread her legs and explained the different parts and where to kiss, and lick. Rub even nibble. Told me how she even liked when her asshole was kissed. Slowly she let me taste, and try different things. She was still fucking Allen almost every night. But I was the one getting her time and affection. Allen was an asshole. In her words.
It had been two weeks since this all started when she allowed me to make her cum with my tounge. I was beaming with pride. And recieved heavy praise.
"Do you think now you could?" I asked looking down at my throbbing dick.
"Well we need to take care of some things first and I wasn't sure exactly how to do that till recently." Mary told me. "You see you have never been punished for lying, and I know you been cheating on me. Rushing home to jerk off after we make out" Mary continued
"Have you ever been spanked by your father?" She asked. A bit confused
"Yeah, I got the belt quite a few times growing up" I told her.
"Good, give me your belt" Mary said
"You are going to spank me?" I asked
"Yes I am" she said calmly. Taking my belt. I was naked still.
"Lean over the desk" Mary told me
"Mary, I don't think" I pleaded
"Lean over the desk now" she ran the belt along the side of my dick. I did as she said.
"As soon as I did she bought the belt down hard. I jumped and ran to the corner.
"Get back here. Or get out" Mary stated she was dead serious. I dropped my head and leaned back over the desk.
"That really hurt" I wimpered as I did the belt again stung across my ass.
"You will never lie to me again" she stated and another blow. "You will ask before you play with your little penis" followed by another blow.
"No more whining about Allen or anyone else I choose to fuck" followed by another blow. "I don't want you looking or even thinking about another woman" again another blow. My ass was on fire. She dropped the belt.
"Come here" she said softly. "I am sorry but i have to teach you there are consequences to lieing" she cooed as I sat next to her she reached down and jerked me off with two fingers. This time she let me cum. As she held me.
Mary continued to "teach me" how to please her. How to behave around her. How to treat her. After a few weeks I stopped pestering her about sex. Instead spent time pleasing her. And very happy when she decided to please me. With her hand. But most often allowed me to masterbate in front of her. She didn't mention Allen but I knew she was still fucking him.
My parents loved Mary they swore I was better with her. I never swore any more. And would never talk back or start an argument with anyone. Actually everyone loved Mary. My friends where jealous. She was really hot and just so nice. My family thought of her as a daughter.
I never refused her anything. I didn't have alot of money but she didn't care she was happy to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie on Saturday night.
I took her to her prom where she went off and spent half the night getting fucked by two boys she went to school with. As I just sat in the corner not knowing anyone listening to the music. I had rented a limo. And as we left she asked me.
"Would you make me cum with your tounge?" I pulled up her dress she wore no panties and I saw cum leaking from her.
"Mary I cant" I said looking in her eyes.
"Yes you can, try" she said lovingly. I went back down and kissed all around avoiding where she wanted me. She grabbed my head and pushed my face into her messing pussy. Cum smeared across my face.
"Do it now or I will spank you with the limo driver watching" she told me. I knew I wouldn't win and surrendered liking this guy's cum.
"See I knew you could do it" Mary told me as she massaged my head as I consumed her pussy. Not stopping until she came twice.
"That was wonderful, I hope you do that everyday" she told me kissing me she tasted both hers and the two men's fluids.
After that she stopped even leading me on about having sex with me ever. For the next two years I spent several nights a week licking her used pussy. She asked me to marry her, well more like told me I was going to marry her. On our wedding night she took my ass with a strapon. Now as we are about to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. She wants me to learn to get men's cum from the source. We are also expecting our first child. Mary laughs that I will be the first virgin father.
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riseofamoonycake · 4 months
So, I have an university exam in two weeks and even if I am a grown adult I would like to start crying like a baby, then I created this thing to give me energy.
Students of every level, it is all dedicated to us.
RoR characters dealing with a student!reader
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Exigent and paternal at the same time. He wants you to do your best and sometimes keeps repeating to you to study study and study again... but he is also the type to sit near you and stay by your side while listening at you repeating the lesson, reassuring and comforting you, giving you a lot of advices to learn better and faster.
He surely brings you to the glory.
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Very calm, he doesn't push you to do anything and smiles at you often, especially if he sees you nervous about the test. With every page you turn he showers you with sweets, pats on the head and back and reassurances. He asks you questions specifically to make you think and rewards you every time you know the answer. With him you come prepared to the exam… and probably saturated with sweets.
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The cheerleader. Confucius is always by your side to cheer you up: he brings you water and snacks, gives you a shoulder massage, asks you if everything is okay, if you are ready, if you feel calm, if something hurts… In the end, you have to gag and tie him up so you can study. And he even accepts, if he can still stay by your side and give you all his support. A good boy certified.
Also, the day of the exam, he nearly cries and screams your name like a mad man. A bit embarassing, but totally sweet.
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He does the lucky dances to help you, and the funny thing is that they work: or at least, they make you laugh so much that all the anxiety goes away and you find yourself learning everything without difficulty, with tranquility and quickly. The test goes great, and you had already guessed this, and now a new challenge presents itself: trying to slow down Shiva, because now he gives himself all the credit for the victory and doesn't want to listen to reason.
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This golden child sits by your side and keeps you company every time you study, bobbing up and down with his adorable ponytail and baby-like smile as he listens to you repeat patiently. He often corrects you even if you say something wrong, or comments on your words and gives you an opinion on how you do repeat, if everything is clear or if you need to be more confident. A calming presence… but remember to take care of yourself, or he will tear you away from the books, dragging you away as soon as he gets tired and then forces you to follow him elsewhere.
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Loki and Anubis
These two threaten professors and teachers that if they don't let you pass the exam, then they will be the ones who won't pass the night. Because of the study you cannot give them the attention they deserve, and this is already a huge affront; even more, if the professors don't let you pass, then they really asked for the war, and then the difficult thing will be to avoid a massacre and keep everyone safe.
Good luck.
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Bishamonten and Benzaiten
Bishamonten is inflexible: he wants you to do your duty and well, he monitors your progress and questions you at the end of the day; however, once you have done your work, it allows you to relax and doesn't make you pull all-nighters, because he knows it is counterproductive, and rather pushes you to give your best during the moments when you are most active. Benzaiten, on the other hand, would do nothing but cuddle you and is sorry to see you bent over books for hours, so, like a good Goddess of Knowledge, she stands by you gently and gives you the energy you need. Often she and Bisha get into arguments because they have different visions of the matter, and then goodbye to study.
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The Science Crew
Confucius pt. 2, especially Edison and Einstein, but there is also the ingenious component: together they do their utmost to teach you everything they know, repeat it a thousand times and make you learn it in a uncountable ways, until you know everything perfectly and, above all, you have learned it by reasoning. It will take time and in fact they are not in a hurry, what matters is that you understand the subject thoroughly and it is not something you learn just because you have to, and in this they prove to be excellent teachers, patient and proud. Whatever happens.
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He is proud of you regardless, whether you pass the exam or not. He doesn't care that much, nothing, nothing could make him lose the respect he has for you. Studying isn't everything in life and not all of us have to succeed, for him it is enough to see your commitment, and how it goes, without too much drama.
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He doesn't care if you pass your test or not, but this god wants you not to forget to take care of yourself; therefore, while you study, he styles your hair, keeps you tidy, puts on your make-up, arranges your clothes, intersperses observations with beauty advice, and when necessary he lifts you by taking you under the armpits, takes you off the table and forces you to take a walk in nature, to regenerate yourself and let you breathe beneficial air. Every day he checks that you get enough sleep, that you don't forget to eat and drink, and that you take a relaxing bath to reward yourself. And if you don't, well, then he steps in. And at this point there's nothing you can do against him-
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dreamonminecraft · 3 months
THANK YOU SO MUCH for being the FIRST person ive seen to admit that the punz and george situations shouldn’t have been aired publicly. there is entirely too much grey area and he-said-she-said for the community to have any sort of constructive conversation. it’s not protecting anyone from patterns of behavior like with wilbur, its airing out dirty laundry on a huge platform when it could have EASILY been handled privately.
If at all, honestly. I don't think either party in either situation gets any clarity from trying to discuss this publicly or privately. I guess George may learn a lesson about drinking with strangers and who to trust- maybe being extra careful about verifying the ages of people he chooses to be intimate with (something he should have been careful with to begin with), but ultimately he was careful of her body language and aware of non-verbal consent indicators. I don't think Caiti would gain the attention she feels like she wants from a private conversation. I think she's been told by her friends that she didn't want whatever happened and now she feels the need to be validated in those feelings. She needs therapy, not internet points. Clearly she has no interest in talking to George privately, and I don't think that her memory of that night can be untainted. She believes whatever story she has been told by people that were not there. Punz and Andi don't like each other and don't agree on the things that happened. I don't care how often they had sex and I don't want to read an essay about it on Twitter or on Tumblr. I think they should both move on but at the end of the day, if someone is going to air your shit out publicly, you have a right to defend yourself. I just don't care.
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mansionofhaunts · 1 month
I do wonder exactly how much of this lore Brennan has had in the tank since freshman year, because I doubt he's had all the specifics completely worked out. That's not a diss or a criticism: when Fantasy High first launched, they had to have had zero idea that Dimension 20 was even going to have another season, let alone another season of Fantasy High, and one of the earliest lessons you learn as a DM is that you never plan too much, because sometimes that's wasted time and energy.
From my own, comparatively modest experience DMing, I look at Porter and Jace being weird, and the Nightmare King crown as...seeds you plant, thinking, "hey, maybe I'll get to that later, but I can lay some groundwork down now, right?" I've got stuff in my own campaigns like that, where I'm like, "I maybe might not ever get to this, but: I'm putting a character here, right now, that thirty sessions from now, I can expand upon," you know? And I have ideas for those characters and what they might be up to, and how it interacts with the entirety of the world I've built, but I don't know the specifics, and I won't work on those until maybe it starts being more relevant.
My guess is: Brennan didn't have the full history of Ankarna sorted out in Freshman Year, but he did have an idea for something like that, and knew that you need to plant some noticeable NPCs around to come back around to later, maybe. Did he know that Porter was going to work with other students to ascend to godhood? Probably not in freshman year.
I think he did start to lock that stuff in in Sophomore Year, however, because that's where he had to commit to building out the Nightmare King lore. That's also where there was considerably more time between sessions, and I think where he got to spend more time just...existing in the world. But yeah, like...Porter transferring Kalina to Ragh? Gotta believe that Brennan was locking in on what he wanted to do with Porter then, for sure.
There's one other aspect of this that's important here: the rest of the crew's contributions to the story absolutely shifted the direction of what Porter's plot was probably going to be, because while, as a DM, you kind of know some tricks you're gonna pull and some twists you want to use, the players are also going to do that. The direction Ally took Cassandra in in particular had to have a massive impact on what he was planning, because Ally played such a huge role in defining who Cassandra would ultimately be in the campaign.
This is a lot of words, I guess, but the sort of long term planning that DMs have to do while not committing overly hard is so fascinating to me, and I wonder if he'll get into this on Adventuring Party. It's such a specific skill, and Dimension 20's format is a unique application of that skill.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
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"Well, it's 100% official! I'm detransitioning! Just got the email from my college insurance provider. The first two years I was here they actually upped my estrogen to 8mg a day and gave me an aphrodisiac to keep my libido up, so I can stay super feminine and have the sex drive of a lot of cis girls at my sorority. My college offered to give me implants, encouraging me to go bigger than this, but I declined.... My poor cock shrunk to a couple inches. I was so happy with my results. I mean, it was pretty normal for me, I've been socially transitioning since I was a kid, went on blockers, all that. So I never really got to experience being a boy. Guess I have no choice now!
It's not uncommon for these community college insurance plans to change medication. My last roommate was put on Femruptarin.... I'll leave you to guess why she's not my current roommate! lol I got up a few days ago to fill my script, they said it was denied. I read my insurance update and it said I'm due for a doctor's visit. I needed approval for a new script. Like..... oh boy, I know where this is headed! Went to the doctor and got a new guy, he called me by male pronouns to his nurse, who giggled every time. He said my body desperately needs testosterone, and it's 'embarrassing' what my parents did to me. He said I need to join the frat house and clear up this mistake immediately that I was allowed to enroll as a girl. He told me I need to go on a high dose of T, steroids, AND dick growth pills, and to start hitting the gym so I can shed my ridiculous-looking, girly body. He gave me the usual spiel you hear trans girls say on TikTok, that I'm not a girl and I need to embrace being a guy. That I don't pass as a girl at all and it was very obvious I was male.....
I looked up the drugs he put me on and it's such a high dose of T and steroids it would turn anyone into a sex-crazed lunatic. At least I know what I'm getting myself into, I guess. Every TikTok I looked up about this stuff was some super gorgeous trans girl turning into a pea-brained muscled-up jock. Sitting around jerking off to porn all day, unable to say anything to girls except extremely inappropriate, perverted stuff. Looks like my poor girly brain will be warped into a guy that only thinks with his cock, unable to think or have any interests outside of fucking pretty college girls with big bellies full of kids and huge milky tits. I dunno, sounds kind of fun. I've been a girl since forever so this might be fun! Plus, it'll be nice to not be on the receiving end of getting my brains fucked out for once. I swear I can barely sit down some days in class these dudes fuck me so hard.....
So, wanna watch me shoot up my first T shot? I know you do. This is soooo exciting. I can't believe I'm actually getting detransed like all those girls you see online in those super hot before and afters! Well, maybe I was kind of hoping I'd get detransed, just a bit. Just hearing that doctor call me a confused boy with plastic-stuffed pecks was one of the biggest turn ons of my life. I just nodded and agreed with everything he said, blushing as he and the nurse made fun of me for pretending to be a girl. I've learned my lesson, I can't wait to savor this wonderful shot of T, then maybe hit the gym. I've got a lot of dumb, girly curves to burn off and lots of muscle to put on! Oooo, and guess what? My implants are getting removed this weekend. No more boobies, oh well! Not that I ever passed all that well, as the doctor the doctor reminded me! I'm just a delusional boy with implants stuffed in my pecks, not a girl in the slightest.... God, why does saying that make my cock so hard? Guess it proves his point. Mmmmm! Well, sit back and watch me as I shoot this T into my chubby, girly thigh..... In a few months nobody will ever know I lived as a girl for over a decade..... I bet no one will even believe me after I start taking all this stuff and bulking up. The fifteen inch cock will certainly help. ❤️"
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collectionoftulips · 25 days
One thing about the writing of the show and Colin... (spoilers for part 1 of season 3). I'm not hating on Colin but I have some thoughts about how he is being written, so I'm being a bit critical, but it's towards the writers rather than the character or actor.
One thing that really stands out to me in part one of the third season, in my opinion, is that I think the characterisation of Colin isn't that consistent? Like one of the joys of each character having their own season is that we get to see facets to them that we haven't seen before and get more of a sense of how they work on a deeper level.
For whatever reason, so far with Colin, that isn't happening for me. It is true for Penelope, but not for Colin. I think a huge thing for me is that I never had a particularly clear sense of who Colin is based on the show other than he likes travelling. I haven't read his and Penelope's book, so I'm relying a lot on the show telling who Colin is and as a casual viewer I'm not entirely sure. Anthony is the 'responsible older brother', Benedict is 'the artist', Eloise is 'the feminist' etc, but I never had much of a sense of Colin except maybe as 'the traveller', maybe? But unlike his siblings, we never actually see him do any of the things that define him. He talks about his travels once he is back, sure, but we don't actually see him have any of the supposedly important revelations and lessons from his travels as they happen off screen (and then he alludes to them without articulating any of them).
But I think the most telling thing, for me, this season is that I feel like the writing isn't fully set on who Colin is either. We start the season with Colin getting his now standard 'Bridgerton male lead' makeover and in that process, he's been on another bit of travel but generally seems to now espouse a lot of the opinions that I would expect out of Benedict, but in a lighter way. So to some degree, he starts off Part 1 to me seeming a bit Benedict-lite. He's now not caring about society, he tells us, and he listens only to his own inclinations etc etc (I'm paraphrasing). Personally, I didn't really see any behaviour from him when in society during part 1 that would indicate that sentiment being prevalent, but I guess some things can be internal revelations and/or I missed something.
But then there was that conversation with Violet, which I in broad terms generally liked. But in that, we are again told via Violet, that apparently Colin the most sensitive of her children and always put the needs of others before his own. It was at this point I was absolutely confused, personally, because - again - as far as I'm aware we have not seen any indication of this general pattern within his family in the three seasons of this show. The estimation about putting other people's needs before his own reads to me as more of an Anthony characteristic that is now being ascribed to Colin. Especially as I cannot get the 'putting others needs before one's own' to match with him travelling to 17(!!!!) different cities in four months(!!!!) (I can't get the maths to maths on that one - by modern travel that would be bananas and by regency travel times, it is downright mythical) and last season when he added a bunch of destinations to his travels last minute (causing Anthony stress about the expense). That seems to me to be indications of someone who does have boundaries about who they are and does do things for themselves and their own enjoyment.
I suppose I'm saying all of this because I am surprised that we are seemingly halfway through the season and I'm still very confused about who Colin actually is, despite him proclaiming that he has learned who he is. I also think there might be - if the pattern holds for part two - a really interesting conversation to be had about what the writers imagine a 'Bridgerton male lead' to be, because so far the remit of that role and what they are imagining that to be seems very narrow. There could have been a really interesting storyline about Colin trying to figure out his own identity, who is he is and what he wants, but the show seemingly decided to forgo that really interesting journey and instead give him a male lead experience much more similar to S1 and S2.
I'm not making this post to start anything, but if I'm missing some crucial context or information, please do share, or let me know if you've had similar experiences watching season three?
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Ace Trappola Apprentice Chef Personal Story: Part 2
"Master Chef"
(Part 1) Part 2
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Master Chef ― Ace Version ~ Let's Make Minestrone 2~
[chop, chop…chop!]
Ace: Aaaargh… My arms are at their limit… Chef~ I've finished chopping everything~…
Ghost Chef: Thank you~ Good job!
Ace: I'd cut and I'd chop and it didn't feel like the pile was getting any smaller… I thought it'd never end.
Ghost Chef: Ahahah, you're such a dramatic kid. Let me see the vegetables you cut… Yep, everything's been cut properly.
Ghost Chef: At this point, you're already mostly done. Ace-kun, this is your last spurt!
Ace: I always feel like I can't really trust whenever someone says something like "we're mostly done."…
Ghost Chef: Come on, move your hands, not your mouth! If you drag your feet, you won't finish in time for the judging!
Ace: 'Kaaay…
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Ghost Chef: Once you add a can of stewed tomatoes and let it simmer for 20 minutes, you'll be done. Make sure you scoop out the top layer of soup scum from time to time.
Ace: Whew… I finally made it to the last step…
Ace: Now I just gotta wait 20 minutes… He didn't say I had to stay with the pot the whole time, so I guess I'll do a bit of washing up.
Ace: I'm so tired from all the vegetable chopping… I wanna hurry and get back to my dorm and flop on my bed…
[clatter, clatter… spraying water]
Ace: Kay, dishes're done! Next… I guess I'll prepare the soup bowl and spoon.
[clatter, clatter, clatter]
Ace: Oh… I have to scoop out the scum layer. Ooh, it's really starting to look like a minestrone.
Ace: I still have a little bit of time before its done, so… I guess I'll put away the kitchen utensils I washed a earlier, while I'm at it.
Ghost Chef: You seem to have a grasp of the essentials, Ace-kun. A beginner wouldn't be able to do this so easily.
Ace: Ahahah, thank you very much!
Ace: Sigh… I just want to get back to my dorm, already…
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[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Lilia: I wonder if my minestrone is ready yet? As a veteran chef, I'll have to make sure to judge with a keen eye.
Ace: Ah, are you my judge, Lilia-senpai? Please take it easy on me...
Lilia: Well, that's a difficult request… Hm? Ace, you seem to be sporting such an exhausted countenance.
Ace: Well… Between you and me, I took this class so I could avoid doing some of the annoying dorm duties…
Ace: But since this was a one-on-one instruction course, I didn't get any chance to relax. More like, it was way too much work.
Lilia: Oho, I'm sorry it didn't go as planned. Well, that's just another lesson learned.
Ace: Haah, yeah I totally screwed that up. But anyway, here's the minestrone I made with my blood, sweat, and tears.
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Lilia: Kufufu, then, I suppose I should try it before it gets cold. Now, let's see how it tastes…
[bite, chew, chew…]
Lilia: Hm, it's okay. Not bad for a beginner.
Ace: Eh, is that it? I feel like you could have something else to say, you know.
Lilia: It's not spectacularly tasty, or anything. If that makes you distraught, then you should try again a little harder.
Lilia: Hm… This must have been some kind of fate to be chosen as your judge. I shall step in here and teach you a better recipe―
Ghost Chef: No, no, I'm Ace-kun's mentor! And anyway, Lilia-kun, you haven't earned your class credits yet either!
Lilia: Here comes someone to butt in. But you don't need to hesitate, Ace. You can ask me to teach you anytime.
Ace: Nah, I think I'll pass… I worked so hard and just got an "okay," so… It's totally not worth it!
Ghost Chef: Regardless, you've passed the judgement. Congratulations, Ace-kun!
Ghost Chef: There's still much for you to learn. Make sure to keep up the hard work!
Ace: I'm glad I passed, but, I have this vague feeling that I'm going to be made to chop up more vegetables.
Ace: Haah… If this is what I was going to have to go through, I should have just stayed and done my duties in the dorm…
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(Part 1) Part 2
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circusd0g · 2 years
A Notion
a mini fic based on @madame-mongoose and @sycopomp 's Our Orbit is Elliptical (OOIE), a real life experience, and the song attached below
i havent even finished chapter one but the DEATHGRIP this had on me
A child walked up to you, catching your attention as you were wiping down one of the outside pillars in the play structures. She was young, couldn't have been over 6 years. She held a Chica plush in her arms, close to her chest like it would protect her against the world. Suzie, you remembered.
A few moments passed where the two of you just stared at each other. "Why are you wiping the tunnels?" she asked in a small voice. "Because they're dirty," you responded. Turns out another kid had been listening, a 7 year old boy named Jeffrey, who had glasses. "But you've been wiping the same spot for like an hour! Why don't you do the rest?"
Glancing down at where your hand had been moving the sanitizing wipe in circles, you realized you had been there for a bit. "Well," you started, "Um." You actually didn't have a response for this. You thought you had been better at hiding your anxiety and spacing out, but I guess you were just off your game.
In fact, it seemed you had been off your game since you got the job at the Superstar Daycare, fumbling things often and having to have someone else, typically the Daycare Attendant, Sun, to come and clean up whatever mess you'd made. Every time you failed to satiate some child's needs and they turned to the one thing all children do, crying, Sun was always right there to swoop in and mend whatever had upset the child and carry them and the other surrounding kids to another game; somewhere else where they won't be bothered by you just trying to do your job, and failing.
Wait. You're getting sidetracked again.
Snapping back to the present, to the two kids standing in front of you as you wipe a pole continuously for an eternity, you shake your head, dismissing the thoughts and memories that are dragging through your head, sticking like goop against your brain, like peanut butter that refuses to let go of the blender blades during washing.
"It's just a nervous response," you say. Not entirely untrue, but not explanatory enough for children either, so you add something else. "Doing something over and over again calms me; it makes me feel better. And when I feel better, I can play better, too." There we go, add in a lesson about people with anxiety disorders. Make it a learning point. The kids seem to accept this. Suzie trots off with her plush, and Jeffrey runs off to join the other boys who were gathered around the toy car set. Crisis, if you could call it that, averted.
With the little ears out of range, you sigh out, "If Sun even lets me." You go back to wiping with a hopeless, sad feeling settling in your stomach. You don't try to hide your expression this time; no one here seems to care too much, anyways. And you don't have the energy for it anymore. That, too.
Unfortunately for you, you'd forgotten to keep tabs on where the Daycare Attendant was and failed to notice him climb in the tunnels with a group of younger kids, and failed to notice the bumps of movement that perpetuated among the play structures grow nearer and nearer and stop as it heard you speaking, evaluating you once again. He pushed it to the back of his mind, as something to think over when he wasn't orchestrating a huge room of children.
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mdhwrites · 2 months
This is a weirdly...personal thing to ask so feel free to ignore it. But when it comes to scenes involving reconciliation between characters, do you think the word 'sorry' is always neccessary?
I've seen such scenes play out with viewers saying 'X didn't even say sorry!' even if 'X' was demonstrably remorseful for what they did. Personally, if someone who wronged me was trying to make amends, and they couldn't muster a simple, singular word, 'sorry,' I'd come to the conclusion that they're not sorry at all, and that they don't really give a shit. But...do you think I'm being too harsh, thinking that way?
Sometimes, remorse for one's actions can come about in ways besides simply saying sorry. I mean, characters' expressions alone can convey apologies in ways words can't. So again, is the word 'sorry' always necessary for a reconciliation scene in stories to actually work?
Absolutely not. I have criticized characters before for barely remembering to apologize but that's because apologies are complicated. One of the first lessons a child learns after learning the word "Sorry" is not to say it if they don't mean it. This is why going "Sorry, but-" will immediately kill your apology. If you lead off with a huge excuse for why you were a colossal asshole, GUESS WHAT! You're still a colossal asshole because you only care about not feeling guilty, not being at fault, and NOT the other person's feelings. Just because you EVENTUALLY remember to say sorry doesn't fix that first you wanted to make it clear you hadn't done anything wrong.
An exceptional classic example of an apology that doesn't even need an "I'm sorry" is when someone breaks something they don't know the meaning of. The wronged person gets upset, the wrongdoer gets defensive, they both storm out, furious and hurt. Then the wrongdoer is told why the thing was important, understands the deeper meaning of what was done and goes out to replace it. Then when the victim sees it, they don't have to say sorry. In fact, "Sorry, I didn't know what it meant to you," is actually the weaker option here because it still includes an explanation. Now admittedly, that option allows the victim to also apologize for not explaining why they were so upset.
The better option is that when the object is seen, the wrongdoer asks about what made it important. "Someone told me your grandma was a hell of a woman. They made her sound preeeetty boring though."
"Oh yeah, then they didn't know her, just like you don't."
"Well, I'm all ears then. What was she like?"
That shows such a deeper understanding of the wrong done, and is genuinely better for showing that the character has understood why the other was hurt, than a simple, "I'm sorry." Using the default can work but if it just sounds like someone reciting what you're supposed to say when you're in trouble... It doesn't sound genuine, does it? Even if it's technically the right thing to say.
Hell, you want a GREAT breakdown on shitty apologies and how saying sorry can just make you sound like more of a douchebag? Pop music is FILLED with this problem and Todd in the Shadows has a great example of it. Check out the video if you have the time.
(Oh god, this is from EIGHT YEARS AGO)
To the general complaint though, it's a lot like how people view redemption arcs. "Did the person get forgiven?" "Are their crimes able to be redeemed from?" etc. like that. Claiming that reconciliation and apologies can only work if a character says sorry is trying to quantify these elements. To be able to check a list that then says whether or not an element empirically fails or not. To make it so someone cannot refute your argument.
That's not how writing works though. What works for one book won't work for all of them. It depends on context and skill. You could copy the greatest apology scene in media and if it doesn't work in your setting or with your characters, it will feel as hollow as a character being forced to say sorry because their parents told them to. Writing rules are fluid like this and we shouldn't try to say something has to, or can't, be included in a scene for it to work.
Sorry if you don't agree. evil grin
I got WAY too much enjoyment out of that last line. XD
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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paramorearchived · 2 months
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June 23, 2013
what's cooler than being cool?
..... being yourself. That's what.
I was just thinking the other day... Looking at random blogs, fashion sites, online zines... and I got sad. Mostly because I feel like a lot of the different subcultures that exist today, exist because at some point there was someone who felt like they didn't fit in. (Stay with me.)They had a movement of their own to live for. So they did and maybe at some later point, it caught on or somebody else felt like they could fight for those same things. Maybe it wasn't even a "fight", maybe it was just a way of living. Marching to the beat of their own drum. My Granny always told my sisters and I from a very young age... "You girls just march to a different beat". I didn't really get it back then and honestly, I'm glad I didn't because when I was that young I didn't see the point in pointing out people's differences. It was just a way of living. Still is, I suppose. Or at least, I hope.
I do get it though and I see it in other people now... mostly young people. My sisters, for sure. But in a lot of our fans, as well. Again, mostly in the younger ones. Cause when we're just young enough, we're not yet jaded or bothered by what's "cool". We're not quite as worried about fitting into some of society's little cliques or sub-genres of human beings. So, we just do whatever comes naturally to us. Funny how there's an entire part of our culture completely obsessed with youth and beauty - yet we forget the most essential ingredient to youthfulness is that clean slate, non-judgemental, wide-eyed curiosity. You can't be sold any of that.
Anyway, I got sad because within these subcultures and an entirely new breed of "too-cool kids"... there are likely some people who, at some point, didn't fit in, weren't "normal", and probably needed somewhere to go to feel like they could fully express themselves. I see it everywhere. These are the nerds from junior high that got bullied everyday but then ended up in a band and now they've turned their old loser status into a trophy of pretentiousness to beat everyone over the head with. The guys and girls who wouldn't be caught dead in a regular old mall where they once probably got made fun of for what they were wearing... but are now wearing unique and fun brands like UNIF or Lazy Oaf (which, to be extra clear, I love) and calling everyone else "basic". I'm just saying, why doesn't the cycle end with the people who should've learned their lesson? Why aren't the once regarded weirdos and freaks raising up a new generation of people who are more self-assured in their individuality? Why does it seem like some of the strange ones found their bit of success and now look down on anyone else who doesn't look, think, or have the way they do? It's like seniors who constantly give sophomores a hard time as if they weren't just sophomores themselves like 3 years ago. I was not the most popular person in school. And even when I did have friends I still felt a bit like a weirdo. I'm not threatened by that... It's something that I hope to encourage other people with. That's a huge part of the message behind Paramore. To lift up the people who feel ashamed that they're different. To tell them that that's probably the coolest part about them.
At this very moment, at 24 years old, sitting here in sweats and looking/feeling utterly disastrous (hey, i got my rights)... I have to say, I'm really proud that as a kid I never felt like I fit in with the popular crowd. And as an adult, I don't feel like I fit in with the self-righteously uncool crowd either. Honestly, it's nice to be on a real quest to just be me everyday. No matter what. It doesn't matter if I'm in Silverlake, CA - land of the upturned noses - or back home in Nashville. Doesn't matter if we're on a red carpet. I guess I just couldn't care less. I'm not saying it's always easy but it's always worth it to stay true to you.
If anything, this could be a Back To The Future type of warning, to anybody who cares enough about this post, that high school ends but it never actually ends. There will still be people around who try to point at you and laugh. Who think you're not on some tip like they are. Who feel like their job, their shoes, their money, their boyfriend or girlfriend, their lifestyle ... is on some level that you haven't even ever heard of. The truth is that no one else could live your life. Nobody else - man or woman - could wake up and put on your shoes in the morning. Nobody else could pull it off. So own that. Cool is a lie. Cool doesn't matter and it never did. Merely perception.
In conclusion, you are your own torch carrier. Don't let anybody steal your light. Wear what you want. Think how you want. Challenge normal. And yes, even challenge what's "cool".
In total conclusion... We're really excited to be posting the video for "Anklebiters" in a couple of days. This is not an official single release, this is just a video we wanted to have done because of what the song has come to mean for our band. Thanks to all the people who came up on stage with us over the last tour and a half and sang it with us. This song is our way of contributing to the art of self-love and self-acceptance, no matter the odds.
We love you guys and we love you most when you're being yourself.
xxxxx h
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skippydiesposting · 1 year
okay jfc I have to write a post about why the idea of "intuitive eating" rubs me the wrong way as a solution to eating disorders
not saying that it can't be a helpful tool in getting people back in touch with their bodies and unlearning certain lessons of diet culture, but I think it still enforces the societal harm that is weight stigma and discrimination. Here's why:
1. Intuitive eating still moralizes food in a hugely uncomfortable way. The whole basis of intuitive eating is centered on the idea that "if you let yourself eat the 'bad food', eventually you will start to crave the 'good food'!"
There are no bad or good foods. They are all just food. The food you eat in your everyday life is not medicine, nor is it poison, no matter what food it is. Your body needs sugar. Your body needs carbs. Your body needs fats. It's just food. It's just a way to get nutrients into your body. There's no wrong way to eat.
2. Intuitive eating still moralizes body size and implies that thinness is the correct goal. One aspect of intuitive eating is the sometimes unspoken implication that "once you learn how to eat correctly, you might not lose weight...but maybe you will, which would be great!"
In practice this is still praising weight loss, even if it's unintentional weight loss rather than intentional. It still gives the message that thinness is superior to fatness, and that thinness is a healthy ideal to strive for. Like this essay says, "Celebrating weight loss, even when it is a result of intuitive eating and having more compassion for your body, is still a commitment to thinness and still perpetuates fatphobia and diet culture."
3. Intuitive eating puts too much emphasis on hunger and hunger cues. There's the idea that once you "learn how to eat better", your hunger cues will fall into place and you'll "only eat when you're actually hungry". But guess what? You need to eat even if you're not hungry.
There are so many people who no longer, or might have never had, completely functioning satiety signals. People who have spent so long doing dieting or restrictive eating or battling eating disorders, but also people who suffer from illness or chronic disabilities which might affect the regulation of hunger cues. Some people will never feel hungry. But they still need to eat.
I've heard far too many people say that they don't eat breakfast/lunch/et cetera because they aren't hungry in the morning. As someone with a form of dysautonomia who becomes completely nonfunctional if I don't eat frequently, this attitude gets under my skin. Food is not about desire--or not entirely, as I'll get to later in the post--or about what you want to do. Food is crucial, full stop, no matter what.
I think the fatphobic myth that weight is tied to health and is something that can be controlled has created this idea of food as something optional, something that is purely driven by desire. Diet culture has made us believe that eating is simultaneously an Evil™ force that can control you and take over your body while simultaneously praising behavior of restriction, and at its heart restriction is about choice. Eating is not a choice. Eating is an entirely mandatory, necessary part of life, the same way that sleeping is. It's regulatory. It keeps you alive. The best thing you can do for your body is eat regularly and consistently.
Sometimes it's really fucking hard to eat when you don't have an appetite, or when you're nauseous. I completely understand that. Just like it's really fucking hard to sleep when you have insomnia. But you still have to do it. Eating is not optional; it's not something you do when you want to. It needs to happen regularly, every day. It's a very basic part of being a human being with a body, and no matter the state of that body, it needs to be fed.
You don't need to feel hungry to eat. Some people will never feel hungry, and they still need to eat. And it's also okay to eat without hunger, even if your basic needs of satiation and nutrition have been met. This leads me to my next point:
4. Intuitive eating puts too much emphasis on "mindful" eating. By continuing to constantly monitor and overthink your own eating behavior, it becomes a chore; it becomes a pattern of overattention and scrupulousity; it becomes something moralized, the same way that it is moralized in diet culture.
By all means, we should all try to be more mindful and intentional in our lives. But eating is just a basic fact of life. We don't consider whether we're "mindfully" sleeping, or "mindfully" taking a shower. Eating is just a part of your day, just something you need to do, and I don't think we have to focus every moment of our attention thinking about what food is wrong or right to be eating, or how we're eating it. In fact, I think everyone deserves to be mindless sometimes: everyone deserves to zone out in front of the TV, or get sucked into a video game. And that includes mindlessly eating.
In addition to being something basic and mandatory about having a human body, eating is one of the great pleasures of life, like sex or sleep. And like those things, it's completely fine if you just want to snack! For no other reason besides desire! In absence of hunger or satiety, eating can be something completely neutral and comforting. Eating can be a form of stimming for sensory seeking people; it can be fun; it can be used as a way of connecting other people. In fact, eating with other people is one of the things that induces oxytocin--known as the "love hormone"--in our brains, along with sex, childbirth, lactation, and singing with other people.
Telling people to be "mindful" when eating has the same flavor as the ways we treat drugs or alcohol in our society: "drink responsibly". "Eat mindfully". As if food is actually something that could harm us, rather than simply being the nutrients that keep us alive.
I really don't think that teaching people to overthink their food choices or behaviors is going to help anyone. Instead it needs to be clear that there are no morals attached to eating, nor the foods themselves. Eat when you need to. And also, eat when you want to. Eat for fun, for connection with other people, for pleasure, for sensory stimulation. Eat without thinking about it. That's the only way you can normalize it.
You don't need to eat in the "right way". There is no "right way". You just need to eat.
ALSO: this is meant for everybody, not just people who struggle with eating disorders or have been harmed by diet culture, but this is ESPECIALLY for fat people. Fat people are shamed constantly for the extremely natural and necessary practice of eating regardless of their actual eating habits, and I fully believe that unless we center fat people and their experiences in the anti-diet conversation, we will be trapped in the same horror of moralizing bodies, food, and basic humans needs that we have been for centuries.
YOU ARE ALLOWED TO EAT. No matter what.
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goldenpinof · 1 year
We need wad berlin report!!
ooof, okay, i should stop delaying it :)
i'm comparing it to Warsaw, obviously, and Berlin can't win this battle, i'm sorry. audience-wise, the venue was almost dead. you could feel pauses when Dan was waiting for a reaction and there was none. and when people were actually responding it wasn't as funny as in Warsaw. i do think that the huge venue is partially to blame. it's big and round, and it wasn't full. i was sitting in the middle and i couldn't hear what people were screaming at the stands (the exact words) and i also was struggling to hear what was said in the 1st rows. somehow it felt like the chunk of the audience between the m&g rows and the stands was the one that didn't participate in the show at all. the majority of the noise was coming from right behind me, somewhere above me and the first 5-6 rows. people who moved to the side stands during the show were also quite engaging, Dan even responded to them a couple of times 😂 the hand thing and stripping didn't get as much reaction as it deserved. like, come on now! but during the "fire" thing the person who got to do the last one made such a strong swing towards Dan that for a second i thought they were gonna throw the gavel at him. that was truly amazing 😂 i think we forgot to actually fire jk rowling. we booed her so loudly when she appeared that Dan didn't even ask what we should do he fired her himself (correct me if i'm wrong but i don't remember screaming "fire"). towards the end of the show, we heard a noise similar to a notification sound coming from the left stands, but after it was repeated 3 times i thought it was security's walkie-talkie. it was so loud, i wanted to slap them.
script-wise. we got a few local jokes. we got Angela Merkel as i predicted (now, i wonder if Frankfurt got her as well). Dan spoke a bit of German and gibberish that sounded like German. he shitted on Austrians (bold move, considering that his bus has an Austrian license plate). he actually asked the audience if Germany had student loans! seeing how the joke didn't land in Poland he learned his lesson, and i was very impressed, ngl. we also got "i'm making negative money". (okay, hear me out. i know in Amsterdam it was "i'm losing money" and in LA it was also "negative money". in Warsaw it was more neutral but i don't remember the wording. in Ipswich that part of the show was completely different, so i wonder in what point he changed the script. if anyone remembers what happened during the "capitalism" section in Glasgow and London, please let me know 🙏)
random things. Warsaw had a better jumpsuit than Berlin. in Berlin he was also wearing a zip-up one, but it was different. as we collectively decided Warsaw got the best jumpsuit of all. his arms were out for the lads, don't worry. he was playing with the suit belt quite a lot. i couldn't see it myself but Katie said he wasn't spitting all over like he was doing in Warsaw. someone handed him flowers right after the standing ovations! TWO BOUQUETS! he sniffed one while exiting the stage (now, knowing wtf happened in Amsterdam with gifts, it feels like a big deal). during the show, he never actually went backstage so we couldn't make a "come out" joke, rip. the cubes were above the stage all the time and damn, that was so exciting. the gay lights! i wish i took a picture but no. the whole stage experience was so much better than in Warsaw. like, it felt more serious and fancy. so i guess, you get some, you lose some. when the elevator lifted him up it stopped too soon and no one realized that up until a few phrases later when they finally leveled it with the top stair and Dan looked down like, "eeh, okay 🤨😅". it was HILARIOUS. the ideal show would be Warsaw's audience with Berlin's stage 😂 those who went to both shows said that the acoustics and the sound were better in Berlin than in Warsaw. as a person who was sitting in the 17th row in Berlin and in the 4th row in Warsaw, i disagree 😅 i could hear Dan, but it wasn't better for sure, and just in general the venue was absorbing the sound, kinda. for me, it wasn't loud enough. like, i couldn't feel the music in my bones, unfortunately. maybe for those who were closer to the stage, it was actually better than in Warsaw (also close to the stage). i didn't see Sarah at the merch corner, but Luke was there with other people i don't really know. Sarah probably left before i got to the place, the queue was huge. after the show, i got out of the venue so quickly that i didn't even think of looking at what was going on with merch. my loss, i know :(
conclusion: for shows like this aka not an actual stand-up show, but a show with audience participation, smaller venues are much better. so the performer could hear the audience, people in the audience could hear themselves, and in general, no one would get an experience of "watching the downstairs audience watching the performer". side stands/balconies are in general a bad idea when you have more than one thing to focus on. and in our case, it's Dan and the people who are answering him.
phandom. i think wad got the best of us 😂 (even though i do miss some people who left after 2018 and i'd love to meet them or hear from them) i know i'm reaching and it's a very personal experience, but i don't remember that many random interactions between us during ii, for example. ofc it depends on the countries and platforms we're coming from. but right now it feels like we all know each other and if we're not actually friends or mutuals then we're friends of friends, you know. if i ask someone if they know some other phannie there's a high chance that they do. i talked to many of us randomly or intentionally and it wasn't awkward at all. even though we don't actually know each other, it feels like we do because we are here for the same thing and we experience the same thing. you're entering the venue and you're surrounded by your people. we got the sexy nuns phannies in Berlin, you know, those who objectively won wad m&g. i told them that they were amazing. i think i repeated it like 3 times because they fucking WERE. we do need to organise a phanniecon, dnp be dumped. it's just such a cool thing to have irl conversations, listen to people's opinions, and just support each other's creativity. in Berlin we left almost right after Dan's selfie but a lot of people stayed near the bus and i bet they had interesting things to say to each other just like us in Warsaw. idk how it ended considering that Dan had to leave for Amsterdam asap and people were literally on the bus way 😂 but if anyone was there, let me know at what time you left. after the show, our "Polish" gang, which is obviously not only Polish, went to have some drinks, and all in all, we stayed up till 4:30am just talking. it was amazing 🥺 i can't imagine having something like that after ii, like, i'm sorry the times were a bit different. considering our experience in phandom and outside it, we have a lot of things to talk about.
i probably forgot some major things about the show, so if i suddenly remember something at 3am, i'll add it. during the show i caught myself thinking "don't forget this!!" a couple of times and obviously i forgot half of it.
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A debate on the Accords would work better if anyone in the movies came from a position like this.
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There are three things in this comment I disagree with: OP's claims about Steve's stance, the "punishment" angle and their belief that sorcerers get away with their actions.
Steve wasn't against oversight, his main issue with the Accords is that Ross came to them only 3 days before the UN meeting and they didn't know anything about them.
Before Shield fell he had no problem working with Fury, he might have disagreed with him on his tactics but Steve doesn't necessarily have an issue with authority or having someone higher up making the decisions - but he needs to know who it is, what those decisions are and where they come from, and why. The Accords provided no answers whatsoever, they barely said: 'We make the rules, you follow them, and if you don't you're out.' It's not that he wanted the Avengers to rule themselves, he just wanted to make sure if someone was going to be given the power of leading them they would do a good job of it with no personal or political agendas involved.
Now, the punishment angle from OP's comment disturbs me. All the calls for accountability were no more than propaganda but I can let those slide. OP here is talking about punishment. They don't specify what kind but surely we understand that there's a huge difference between one of the heroes making a mistake and being reprimanded for it vs being punished for it. Are we talking prison time? Is this for every hero and enhanced person in the world or only the Avengers? Would a trial and attorney be involved or are we going the Accords route (straight to the Raft)? Who would be judging them?
Also, that line of "the Avengers doing bad things" is too vague. What bad things? Who? The entire team? Are we talking Sokovia, the NYC invasion, DC and the helicarriers....? They don't specify.
As for the sorcerers, it kinda sounds like OP is asking for them to be sent to prison which is unattainable. Their responsibility is enormous, hence their reasoning to not let just about anyone become a sorcerer. Wong is the Sorcerer Supreme and he sets the guidelines but what I get from the comment is that OP is almost saying when power is too great no one should wield it because they might make mistakes or misuse it... but would they say that about IW and EG as well? Or before that, what about Dormammu? Breaking the natural law would, I guess, be considered a terrible thing by OP but Stephen saved the entire universe with it, so which one is it?
In NWH, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of that spell. I think it's in-character for Stephen to cast it, I get NWH is Spidey's movie and it couldn't focus too much on Stephen and why he did it, but I agree it should have been addressed that he was basically brainwashing an entire planet for a minor inconvenience.
Back to the point though. I can understand the willingness to prevent mistakes from happening but you gotta be careful with how you attempt to do that because you either end up with a Minority Report situation where you're arresting people who haven't done anything in the belief that they will definitely do it in the future, or you end up with a device like Edith making people sacrifice freedom for safety. It sucks but as Steve said in TWS, punishment comes after the crime, it can never come before - if it does it becomes something else entirely.
It's somewhat similar to Wanda and the calls for punishment on her behalf, almost as if she doesn't end up with her ass in a prison cell then the accountability or responsibility for her actions is never addressed which I disagree wholeheartedly. People make mistakes all the time and that doesn't mean they need to be hurt or have their rights taken for them to learn the lesson. Wanda learnt hers when she had to kill her family to let everyone in Westview escape.
And it's kinda funny that when talking about "getting away" with their actions the OP says they're Team Stark, especially considering Stark has never faced any consequences for his actions in the MCU.
So how do you make sure the Avengers don't make mistakes? You don't. They're not perfect, they try to do what's best and they work to the best of their abilities but casualties are going to happen, this is true for any law enforcement team on the planet. If you want oversight you need something like Shield (without Hydra, if possible, thanks) with people who understand what's going on and are going to judge their actions in-context - you could never get something like that in the UN, much less with Ross. Mack, Daisy, May... those could do a good job with it, imo.
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