#it plays more like sonic with a gun than shadow to me. even if i enjoy it its not what ive been looking for
faggotsonic · 4 months
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Translation: I’m back and I’m making it everyone’s problem
So yes, I saw the new pages, and as it turns out I was right about Sonic! As suspected, he’s hiding how he really feels about his new bodily features, and I think he’ll continue to do so for the rest of the comic. The finale for this series is right around the corner, and this issue is gonna have a lot of Eggman fighting, so based on what we already know… Yeah. Unless Sonic’s development is intended to be kinda rushed or last-minute, I don’t think he’s going to stop faking his optimism. It also has to be remembered that Sonic doesn’t always have to fake said optimism because he is at heart a hero and a snarky little gremlin. During the earlier days of the comic, Sonic was seen being elated at the prospect of Shadow willingly keeping a secret for him. Bro danced and sang all the way home just because someone was being nice to him. But even still, he’ll most likely continue faking his true emotions at least until the very end of the comic when things go back to normal for him. Because at the end of the day, Sonic is a happy little guy who just does what’s best for him and his friends, and that is that.
About the secret base, I honestly find it so funny and so realistic that the Chaotix have to basically beg for new cases in order to pay for their home and the secret base. It’s like families who thought they’d have enough for two homes but then a year or two goes by and they’re like “Oh crap, we’re broke.” It makes so much sense and it’s so funny to me! Meanwhile the others just appreciate the fact that they have a secret base and not the fact that they pay for both homes. 🤣
Chaotix: 🥲 Yeah yeah we’re fine we’re not broke we’re totally alright 👍🥲
OH AND HERE IS SOMETHING I JUST THOUGHT OF. There is of course a reason why the Chaotix have a secret base, and I wondered for a second why they would need it in the first place. They’re detectives, journalists, problem-solvers. In their field of work, it doesn’t take too much effort to become targets of the government. So, in case they got noticed by either GUN or some other important people, they have a back-up place where they could continue their work in secret. I think they specifically anticipated GUN, because they make a point to mention them in their explanation in the newest page. Probably not something SuperEm thought too hard on, but uh. I did. So… Guess I did their job for them???? idk I thought it would be cool to flex my worldbuilding skillz
Now I wanna talk about Rouge here. She, along with Amy, know far more than they let on and I’m wondering if that will have a part to play in Sonic’s story moving forward. In the newest page, we see him standing awkwardly and trying to grasp the fact that his friends knew about him for a while! He figured Tails might have taken the hint a while ago because he knows Tails better than anyone, but Amy?? That’s a different story. The two haven’t properly interacted in a while, almost 2 years (Or maybe 1 year I’m terrible at this) in our time and a week or two in their time. Amy and Rouge have been investigating Dark Gaia and Sonic’s new form for probably a month or so, meaning that they’ve known for a long, long time! I think Knuckles and the Chaotix were the only ones left in the dark the longest. So if Sonic were to find out about this, how would he react?? I’m thinking it wouldn’t be too different to his reaction about Tails and everyone else knowing, but him and Amy have had a rocky relationship status over the years, so it could also be different. I doubt we’ll get to see anything since it doesn’t make much of a difference to the blue blur at this point in the comic, but if we do I’m excited to see how he’ll react!
Now I’m going back to Sonic for a bit because I noticed something intriguing about him in the newest page. In the first panel, we see him standing awkwardly with his hands tied behind his back, fidgeting with his fingers impatiently. Then we see him immediately walk over to Shadow, who’s waiting for him outside. When he opens the curtain, we see him squint upwards towards the sky, a warm light seeping onto his face and his whole stature seeming softer. (For lack of a better word) Thematically, this sequence of movement/expressions is used to indicate a character’s growth, or to just show that they are willing to become better. I mean, that’s my takeaway from that. I’m not a theatre/film professional. All I do is stare at animations and talk about each frame as if I know stuff. But for me that’s the kind of vibe I’m getting from this page, that Sonic is learning or growing, and that he’s willing to step out into the light and be fine with who he is. Earlier on in the comic, he would’ve requested for Shadow to come inside or for him to not be seen by others, but now that he’s been through quite a lot and after being appreciated by the small snowy village, he feels much better about himself and is thus willing to just. Walk outside for a bit and talk to someone. Sonic is learning how to be around people again, learning to trust others with his secrets, and I love that for him.
Again this most likely is not SuperEm’s intention and I highly doubt those were the actual the thematically correct rules, so if anyone is reading this and is a film/comic geek, please Please PLEASE correct me via a reblog or a comment. I need some correction desperately please. I don’t wanna spew incorrect information.
Now, I would go ahead and talk about Shadow because he clearly has a lot going on in his brain, but OH MY GOD THIS THING IS HUGE. PROBABLY THE BIGGEST ASK IVE EVER WRITTEN HERE ON THIS FINE WEBSITE CALLED TUMBLR. So please do yourself a favor and give your eyes a break because holy crap I did not skip any corners for this one. Your pupils will thank you later, I promise. Go read a real book or go outside or something, please.
Anywhizzle, thank you so so so much for reading this whole thing, and have a good day/night!
(Also SuperEmeralds, just know that I adore your outdoor backgrounds so so much and they are not being overlooked. Your background skills are amazing and I’m so hype for what you have in store for the next few pages)
i think it is interesting how split the opinions are on sonic having learned nothing throughout the story and sonic finally having accepted his flaw and adapting. the mirror snap has divided the thoam theory community like no other askfjhasjkfhajk
who says they're paying for that run down place though? trust me i think super hard about literally everything, im sometimes embarrased abt it bc literally no one ever points most of my little details out but it makes me happy to connect dots so i just keep doing it
though sonic already reacted in a way, he knows everyone knew. granted the explaination happened off screen because quite frankly i didnt want the same conversation to happen twice back to back with the end of issue 8 and the beginning of issue 9, its better to just fill in the blanks yourself with everything.
the way i wrote sonic's emotions after waking up hopefully convey everything going through his mind well. there's a whole lot more pages to this so rest assured it's not over! your interpretation definitely makes sense! though i'd def disagree with the idea that in an earlier state of the comic sonic would've called for shadow to come inside? if his secret came out earlier in the comic he would still have reacted similarly and learned his lesson equally. the difference with the way it is in the comic is that he learned more about himself, and shadow, by dragging out the resolution to his (non)problem
thanks btw i love drawing environments and ur gonna get a good view of some really cool stuff soon ^_^
btw i have a name.. u can call me talaka, it's a little awkward to be called by my @ lol
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chaosnightmare · 1 year
fire emoji shadow´s characterisation
ohhhh my god hydrogen bomb of an ask okay
shadow's character was not "derailed" until the 2010s, in some cases not even then. shth did not kill shadow's character he actually stayed pretty consistent throughout the game (with a few exceptions, most of which are localization problems) and for years onwards
shadow's characterization in sonic chronicles was actually a lot of fun, a long time ago i reblogged a post that said it was awful because i had never played the game before and didn't know any better and i regret it daily because i really really like it actually
shadow's new characterization is NOT "fun in its own way" imo its literally unacceptable and so unbearable it keeps me from revisiting some things he's in
shadow has always been edgy shth didn't change literally anything about his style it just gave him a gun and let him curse
i like his writing more in sonic prime than i did in sonic x and we havent even seen him for that long in prime
i don't like that new writers try to pretend like sonic and shadow were enemies this whole time and are coming to terms with eachother because they literally were not enemies before they changed everything. i think it ties somewhat into the new notion of shadow not having any friends because its kind of hard to have a deathmatch rivalry with a guy you have mutual friends with but i don't like it i don't really think its cute or funny it's just a kick in the teeth to people who cared enough about these characters before they went wacko bizarro twilight zone mode with everything to know that somethings off
HE DOES NOT LISTEN TO SWIFT i do not CARE how gay it makes him sound
i don't really like when people assert that shadow was all polite and calm before shth like in sa2 theres the part where he realizes rouge is trapped and runs back to rescue her, but before he has his flashback his intial reaction is to laugh and keep walking
he was better when humphrey voiced him. i know that means less than nothing coming from the guy who is REALLY normal about david humphrey but he just did his emotions and cadances better idk
i don't like when either official media or fan media gives him weird "but thats my family" feelings about the black arms. probably mostly out of projection (i think its badass that he just kills them like its NOTHING) but they weren't even family to him in the shth endings where he sides with them. black doom sort of acts like that but thats solely because he's attempting to foster a sense of belonging in shadow to further isolate him and continue radicalizing him. why are we acting like its noble or angsty somehow
okay sorry. hi
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bexorok · 25 days
Poorly written Sonic Movie 3 pitch/outline pt. 4
Amy meets the crew! Yay!
Cut to a ring opening up somewhere in the city. Amy Rose steps out.
Amy: Alright, this planet is way bigger than I thought it would be. I was hoping I would find some sort of clue about the emeralds by now, but no matter where I go or who I ask, people give me weird looks. These guys have no idea what the emeralds even are.
She steps into an alleyway to avoid being seen by a couple turning the corner.
Amy: (sighing) How can I find someone connected to the emeralds when no one on this planet knows about them?
She turns her head to the other side of the ally, where a cafe can be seen on a street corner. Through the window is a television tuned into the national news channel. A crowd is gathered around to watch the story that's being covered. Curious, Amy walks into the cafe to get a glance at what has everyone’s interest.
Scarlet: This is Scarlet Garcia with an update on the events unfolding today. After further investigation, Police have released footage of what appears to be “a humanoid hedgehog” fleeing from military pursuit.
The video cuts to security footage of shadow inside the government building, followed by him standing on top of the building. In his hands is what looks like a green chaos emerald. Amy’s gasp is drowned out by the noise of the crowd.
Scarlet: Shortly after losing sight of this figure, GUN agents found and arrested Sonic the Hedgehog, who was found near the scene.
Muffles of outrage can be heard from the surrounding people.
Scarlet: This comes as a complete shock to everyone, as Sonic and his friends, Tails and Knuckles, have been hailed as heroes after stopping the efforts of Doctor Robotnik and saving the small town of Green Hills. Not only that, but many are pointing out that the perpetrator in the footage released looks strikingly different from Sonic. For one, the fur in the footage looks black with red highlights, while the beloved hero’s fur is an iconic blue. Secondly, the spikes of this individual appear to be sticking upwards, while Sonic’s quills point down. When questioned, GUN agents stated that “Sonic is the only known extraterrestrial hedgehog that is currently residing on earth. He is the only possible individual that fits the description of the perpetrator.”
The video cuts to footage of Sonic being loaded onto a military helicopter.
Scarlet: After his arrest, Sonic temporarily escaped, but was shortly found and captured again, this time restrained.
A picture of an island with a large prison building is shown on screen.
Scarlet: He is currently being held in maximum security in the most isolated government prison in the country, Prison Island. We will be covering more of this story as it plays out. Stay tuned.
The crowd erupts into chattering.
Voice 1: That clearly wasn’t Sonic in that video! How could they just arrest him?
Voice 2: Well, do you know any other hedgehogs that can run that fast? Who else could it have been?
Voice 3: It must be a trick!
Voice 4: Still, what are the odds of another alien hedgehog just showing up all of the sudden?
Amy quietly steps away before she’s noticed by any of the patrons.
Amy: That's… probably him.
She returns to the ally to avoid any one that might be watching.
Amy: Those people we’re right, those two hedgehogs don’t look anything alike! I can’t believe that lame excuse for arresting him like that!
She takes a ring out from her pocket.
Amy: Prison Island, huh? I guess it's the first step to sorting all of this mess out.
She throws the ring, and a portal is opened. On the other side is the same image of Prison Island that was shown on the news.
Amy: Sonic, was it? I’m glad the cards sent me here. You need all the help you can get.
She jumps through the portal and it closes behind her, leaving us with the view of the alley way.
Prison Break Scene
Exterior: Prison Island
We see tails and knuckles step out of the tornado and take cover in the forest. They stealthily make their way to the back gates of the prison.
Tails: alright, lets go over the plan one more time.
Knuckles: worry not fox, I have a near perfect memory. You use your magical techno thing to blind the watchful eyes of the guard bots, then we will make our way as quickly as possible without being seen. If any robots come to us, they will meet their end at my fists!
Tails: (Smiling) I think you’ve got the gist of it. Remember, we only have one chance at this, so let's make it count.
Knuckles: (grinning) One chance is all I need.
Meanwhile, on the other side of prison island
exterior: prison island main building
We see shadow and eggman standing outside of what looks like a back exit to the main facility. Eggman is inside his mech with Stone in the backseat while Shadow faces them. They are hiding in cover from the surrounding jungle trees.
Robotnik: We hopefully all know the plan by now, but I’ll go over it again for Stones sake.
Stone: Your evil plans are even better the second time I get to hear them.
Robotnik: Yes, my trusty parasite, the best evil plans are always repeated before execution. Now, while Stone and I cause the main diversion, you sneak into the facility and steal the chaos emerald. Before you leave, be sure to plant this bomb in the artillery room. The timer is set for 10 minutes, giving us plenty of time to give them the slip before this place blows like Mount Vesuvius!
Stone: Do we just keep fighting bots out here?
Robotnik: Worry not, Stone, we won't be simply idling outside while shadow gets to have all the fun. We’ll do a bit of sight seeing in the facility, perhaps even find the prison cell my grandfather was held in. I’ve been wanting to connect with my family roots.
They break their cover, Robotnik brings the mech in the line of sight of the cameras, only to shoot them down easily, followed by blasting down the door. Shadow speeds by while stone and Robotnik draw in the attention of security bots and start blasting them down.
Cut back to the other side of Prison Island.
Tails presses the button on the same gadget seen from the beginning of the movie. The cameras scanning the area suddenly stop moving, and the two run to the door. Tails brings out another gadget and quickly uses it to decode the door. It opens and they rush inside before it closes and the cameras begin to move again.
Inside the building, security officers notice the temporary malfunction in their cameras, but quickly have their attention turned away at the blaring of a siren.
We cut back to Tails and Knuckles, now surrounded by glowing red alarms.
Tails: That shouldn’t have triggered anything!
Knuckles: It seems we must do this the warriors way. The best way I know how.
Tails: your right Knux, but I just don’t understand what tripped the alarm.
A second later something crashes through the wall directly next to them. They ready themselves for a fight before the dust settles and the figure of Amy holding her hammer appears.
Amy: (coughing) darn, this isn’t the right way.
Tails: um… Hey there.
Amy turns to them, hammer held in anticipation.
Knuckles: Another hedgehog? And a formidable looking foe at that.
Amy: wait! I think I’m on your side!
Tails: You think? Why would you say that?
Amy puts down her hammer and lifts her hands in the air.
Amy: This is going to sound weird, but are you guys trying to break out that blue hedgehog?
Tails: Yeah! How do you know Sonic?
Amy: Okay, this is the weird part. I don’t actually “know” him, I just know of him. And I know he needs help.
Knuckles: This makes no sense. Why would you be here if you only know of him? And how did you know where to find him?
A group of robots turn the corner.
Amy: Look, I promise I’ll explain later, but now really isn’t the best time.
Knuckles runs towards the robots, punching the first into a row of them, destroying them instantly.
Knuckles: We prefer to talk on the run. We have no time to waste waiting for moments of peace to speak.
Amy runs to meet him, hitting another robot rounding the corner. She grins.
Amy: Alright then, I don’t have a problem smashing bots while talking.
Knuckles smiles, and Tails rushes to catch up.
Tails: Let's get moving then!
They all make their way down the corridor. Tails blasts oncoming bots as Amy and Knuckles take turns taking swings at them. The conversation continues as they fight.
Amy: My name is Amy Rose. I’m from Mobius, like you guys I’m guessing.
Knuckles: I no longer consider myself Mobian. I have wandered too long for it to be my home.
Amy: Well, I know it's the original home of the echidnas, and I figured you guys don’t really look like the people on this planet.
Tails: Fair enough.
Amy: We’ll, rumor has it that someone found the master emerald here on earth. Lots of people have been talking about it.
Tails: Already? I knew it wouldn’t be a secret for long, but how did they find out so soon?
Amy: Word travels fast, plus the energy signature of chaos was picked up all the way from Mobius.
Tails: Just like how I found Sonic!
Amy: Stick with me on this. Earlier today I got a message that someone related to the chaos emeralds would need my help.
Knuckles: and how per se did you receive this message?
Amy: It was… From a fortune.
Tails: A fortune? I didn’t think that practice was even around any more.
Amy: It was important for a lot of clans, including mine. I’m one of the only few that still uses it.
Tails: But aren’t they supposed to be super vague? How did you know what you needed to help with?
Amy: I still don’t exactly know. I just knew that if the chaos emeralds were on earth, then there must be someone connected to them on earth as well.
Tails: But how did you know to come *here* to this island?
Amy: Oh, your friend is all over the news. They showed a picture of the prison and I just used the rings to get here.
Knuckles: I like this one. She has strong instincts and follows them.
Tails: Look, it's not that I’m ungrateful for the help, but I kind of think we could have taken care of the prison break part ourselves. We were doing fine until the alarm went off.
Amy: Yeah, sorry about that. But I don’t think the prison break part is what the fortune meant by “help”.
Knuckles: and what is that supposed to mean?
Amy: It means I think I need to help you guys figure out the emeralds. I’ve studied them and know their history when almost everyone thought they were a myth.
Knuckles: How presumptuous.
Amy: Look, I’m just saying, I might know stuff about the emeralds that you guys don’t.
Tails: I guess she makes a good point. You know a lot about the master emerald, but we don’t have a lot of information on the chaos emeralds. That's part of the reason why we can’t find any, and why we don’t know how they disappeared in the first place.
Knuckles takes a moment to think while punching a door down.
Knuckles: I suppose more warriors are always better. And she does fight quite well.
Amy: So you guys trust me?
Tails: That depends. You wouldn’t happen to be working for any mustached, bald doctor, would you?
Amy: I literally got to this planet today.
Tails: Okay, if you really think this is what your fortune meant, and if this is what you want to do, then you can help us.
Amy: Thank you guys! You’ll see, I’ll be the best teammate ever!
She runs up ahead and destroys a line of 3 bots.
Tails: well she’s excitable.
Knuckles: still, the possibility remains that she is deceiving us. I already learned my lesson with Robotnik and do not wish to repeat the same mistake.
Tails: I know, but it feels like she genuinely wants to help. Maybe there’s something else in it for her that she didn’t mention, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Knuckles: I will work with the pink one for now, but if she double crosses us I will not hold back on my revenge.
Tails: I’m sure you won’t, Knux.
They rush to catch up with Amy, who’s approaching a final security door
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blackhakumen · 8 months
Mini Fanfic #1142: Transformational Support (SSBU X Sonic X Hat in Time)
5:34 p.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.........
Shadow: (Sitting Next to the Snatcher on the Sofa While Wearing the Phantom of Opera Costume) Not interested.
Snatcher: Oh come on, man. You'll be a perfect candidate for the job! (Leans in and Whispers into Shadow's Ears) Hell, if you do a good enough job and not die, I'll might be generous enough to make you twice as powerful than you are already~
Shadow: (Slowly Pushes the Snatcher's Face Away From his Ear) Again, I'll pass. I'm not in desperate need of any power, nor I want to be associated with a shameless con artist like you.
Snatcher: (Glares at Shadow) Hey, that's shamelessly negotiator to you, pal! (Crosses his Arms While Turning Away) 'Been in this business for eons now and I never ONCE done a scam of any kind.
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyes) Tell that to your so called "employees", if you even still have any left....
Snatcher: ('Tch') Please. I have plenty left. I mean, I had to let a few chumps go here and there.
Countless upon countless souls are screaming on the top of their lungs in agony, as they continously fall down into a nightmarish filled abyss.
Back to the Mansion
Snatcher: But I ain't THAT empty-handed. (Forms a Sly, Conniving Smirk on his Face) Although, we COULD use a few more hands if you- ('Sigh') Oh I dunno~ (Summons a Piece of Paper In Thin Air) Sign this normal looking contract right her-
The Snatcher looks up to see Peach, dress in her Sword Fighter costume glaring down at the shadowy figure.
Peach: Snatcher.
Snatcher: (Casually Waves to Peach) Hey there, your highness. (Makes the Contract Disappear with the Snap of his Finger) How's it going?
Peach: Oh, I'm doing fine. Just getting ready for Halloween. And making sure you're not trying anything suspicious in here with my son.
Snatcher: Oh will you relax? Shadie and I were only having a normal conversation here.
Shadow: Don't ever call me that.
Peach: That's right. (Points at Herself) Only WE'RE allowed to call him that!
Shadow: NO ONE is allow call me that. Ever.
Peach: (Place her Hand on her Chest as her Eyes Starts Sparkling a Little) Even me?~
Shadow: Yes, mother, even you. Nicknames like that doesn't fit my style and image all that well.
Snatcher: But using a gun is? When you're supposed to be this all mighty Ultimate Lifeform that you pobably made up to make yourself look cool-
Shadow: (Pushes the Snatcher's Face Away From Him Once More) Anywho.....
Shadow: (Turns Back to Peach) Has sister and father got themselves ready yet?
Peach: (Turns Away While Grabbing her Chin) I'm not sure. It's been a few minutes since I've last checked up on- (Eyes and Mouth Begins to Widened at What is in Front of Her) t-t-t-t-t-them?~
Shadow and Snatcher and turns to see Mario slowly walking into the room wearing a bright red dress and long, brown hair while carrying a parasol in his hands, much to their surprise.
Mario: Greetings, one and all~ A wonderful evening we're having, is it not?~
Snatcher: ......Huh.
Peach: (Almost at a Loss For Words) Mario.....I-Is that really you?
Mario: (Flips his Hair to Side in an Elegant Fashion) Indeed it is, my dear hero!~ I figured it would be fitting for Hat Kid and I to play the role as princesses for the night.
Hat Kid: (Happily Reveals Herself From Behind Mario While Wearing a Purple Dress of her Own) Ta-Da!~
Peach: (Eyes Starts Sparkling Again as She Places her Hands Onto Both her Cheeks and Proceeds to Gush at the Elegent Duo) Oh my gosh, you two are the most loveliest princesses ever!~
Shadow: I couldn't say it any better myself really.
Snatcher: Can't believe I'm saying this, but you two don't look half bad.
Mario: (Smiles Brightly) Why, thank you~ (Pushes Up the Side of his Hair While Hat Kid Gimmicks his Movements) It's not everyday you get to be as divine and delicate as the two of us right now~
Hat Kid: (Nodded in Agreement) Uh-huh~
Snatcher: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) I wouldn't go that far......
Sonic: (Quickly Rushes Himself Inside While Wearing a Thriller's Costume) Hey, guys, I- (Eyes Begins to Widened at What In Front of his Point of View) Woah. Dad, is that really you?
Mario: Indeed it is~ I am but a humble, fairest princess in this very mansion. (Puts on an Elegant Like Pose) Impressive, no?~
Sonic: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, you great. (Turns to Hat Kid) You too, sis. Love the tiara.
Hat Kid: (Smiles Brightly) Thank you!~
Sonic: (Starts Shaking his Head Before Going Back on Topic) A-Anyways, we have a bit of problem right now.
Mario: (Eyes Widened a Bit) You do? What is it?
Peach: And where's Amy? Is she okay?
Sonic: Yeah, she's fine. She here with me, in fact. But uhh....Something happened along the way and....You might wanna see this.
Sonic walks over to the door as everyone else follows behind.
'Door Opens'
Peach: Amy, is everything okay out- ('Gasps') Oh my gosh!
Amy: (Nervously Does a Little Jazz Hands in her '80s Rockstar Outfit....as a Werehog) Surprise.........
Mario: (Eyes Widened at What is in Front of Him and the Others) Amy, you became a werehog now?
Snatcher: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) A were what now?
Shadow: A werehog. They're hedgehog's version of werewolves but more bulker in comparison. (Turns Back to Amy) How were you able to gain access to that transformation in first place?
Mario: Yeah, I thought only Sonic could do that.
Amy: (Sighs Heavily While Flailing her Arms Down) I don't knoooow!.....One minute I was getting myself ready for treak-or-treating tonight and the next I was turned to THIS.....big, dumb, HIDEOUS thing!!
Sonic: (Softly Glares at his Girlfriend as He Gently Grabs Hold to One of her Hands) Hey! Amy, we've been over this. Nothing about you is stupid or hideous.
Peach: (Firmly Nodded in Agreement) He's right. You're just as wonderful as you've always been regardless of what you look like. (Gently Place her Hand Onto Amy's Shoulfer) Now, just take a deep and calm yourself down a bit. We'll figure something out.
Amy: (Does as She Was Told and Takes a Very Deep Breath) Right. I'm sorry, it just.....This has been stressing me out since we left the house to get here and I couldn't think straight since.
Shadow: (Casually Shrugs) I wouldn't worry too much about it really. It does tend to happen to the best of us on some occasions.
Amy: True. (Lower her Ears Down a Bit) I just don't wanna end up ruining the night for everyone here.........
Mario: You're not going to ruin anything tonight, not even us.
Sonic: Yeah, and anyone who has a problem with you will have me to answer. I'll always have your back 100%, Ames.
Amy: (Heart Begins to Melt as She Pulls her Boyfriend into a Very Loving Hug) Oh Sonic, I love you so freaking much!~
Sonic: (Winces a Bit in Pain Before Smiling a Bit) Yeah. Love you too, Ames.
Peach lowers herself down and starts whispering into Mario's ear for a couple of seconds before the two nodded in agreement as the supposed princess in red begins to rush back inside with the bottom front of his dress lifted up a little.
Amy: Mr. Mario?
Peach: (Gives Amy a Reassuring Smile on her Face) Will be back in a sec, dear. In meantime, just try and keep staying calm for us, ok?
Amy: ('Sigh') Yes, ma'am.
Snatcher: Ah cheer up there, kid. Look on the bright side. With that new werehog form of yours, you could be able to scare people into giving you free candy. You like candy, right?
Amy: I mean, there's a select few I like, yeah. But I don't wanna get in the habit of scaring them too much, you know?
Snatcher: Hey, I get it. Self-control is important and whatnot. Though, if you ever feel the need putting it to good use, you could just.....('Clicks') Oh I dunno~ (Summons a Piece a Paper Once Again with a Sinister Grin on his Face) Sign this perfectly made contract riiight he-
Peach: (Quickly Gets in Front of Amy Along with Everyone Else) DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, SNATCHER!
Soic: Keep your contacts away from my girlfriend, pal.
Shadow: We're not doing this tonight.
Hat Kid: Bad Snatcher.
Snatcher: ('Groans in Annoyance') FINE! Fine! I'll quit it with the business deals! (Makes the Contract Disappear with One Snap of his Finger....Again) I swear I can't have shit in this place......
Mario: (Rushes Bacl Outside While Holding an Elephant Looking Fruit) I'm back with the- WooOOoah! (Accidentally Steps on the Front of his Dress and Trips Down on the Floor)
Mario: Mamma.......
Peach: Mario! (Rushes Over to her Boyfriend's Side) Are you okay, honey?
Mario: ('Sigh') Yeah.....I'll be fine. I forgot how hard it is to run in dresses like these.
Peach: (Giggles Softly) Now you know how I feel ever time I wear one~
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, no kidding. (Smirks a Bit Seductively) Though, I must say, you do look very dashing in that costume of yours, my hero~
Peach: (Smirks Back) And you look very pretty yourself, your majesty~ So much so that I can just eat you up!~ (Starts Kissing All Over Mario's Face)
Mario: (Starts Laughing Ticklishly by Peach's Kisses) Peheheheach!~Stooooop!~
Snatcher: (Watches the Doting Couple in Disgust) ('Uggh') (Turns to Shadow) Are they always like this?
Shadow: (Already Covering Hat Kid's Eyes) For the most part. ('Clears Throat')
Mario and Peach immediately stops everything that what they were doing before blushing and giggling softly
Peach: We gotten a bit overboard there haven't we?~
Mario: Pretty much. (Gives Peach a Peck on this Cheek) Wanna continue this later on tonight?~
Peach: (Giggles Some More as She Helps Mario Back Up on his Feet) Sounds like a plan!~ (Picks the Eleberry Up From the Ground and Walks Towards the Middle of the Door Entrance) Everyone! Stand back a little. I might need some room.
As everyone follow through with her request, the heroine in blue takes a very deep breath before taking one bite off of the fruit she's holding as she begins to transform into a pink colored elephant.
Amy: (Eyes Widened in Awe at What She and the Others are Looking At) Wooah......
Hat Kid: Pretty.......
Shadow: So this is the new power up everyone here mentioned.......
Sonic: Hm. Neat.
Snatcher: (Points at the Fruit in Question) So that elephant looking thing can turn you into one with one bite?
Peach: (Happily Nodded) Yep! That's an Eleberry for ya. A bit of a misuse for the power up for certain, but I figured if I could be in this form for the rest of the evening, everyone in town, wouldn't have to set their eyes to only Amy.
Amy: Wait, time-out. You're telling me you're doing all of this.....(Eyes Begins to Sparkle) For me?
Peach: (Gives Amy a Soft, Motherly Smile) Of course, dear. Halloween is supposed to be a fun, thrilling night for all of us to enjoy and the last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable and more stressed out than you already are right now. So if I have to share the burden of being looked and point at all night, then so be it. We're in this together no matter what.
Amy: (Heart Begins to Melt as Tearfully Guves Peach a Tight Hug) Momma Peach, thank you sooo much!~ ('Sniff') You didn't have to do all of that for me....
Peach: (Happily Hugs Amy Back) It's no problem at all, dear. You're just as part of this family as Sonic is. I'd do anything for those I care abou-
The gang turns to see Bowser holding a flower bonquet while smirking seductively at the elephant princess.
Bowser: Princess!~ I almost didn't recognized you with cute face of yours there~
Peach: (Pinches the Bridge of her Nose in Pure Annoyance and Disgust While Letting Out a Heavy Sigh) I can't believe we're doing this right now.....What do you want, Bowser?
Bowser: Ohhh nothing of the sort~ I was just walking by and couldn't help but notice how irresistible you looking right now~
Snatcher: Okay, I get the feeling that you're a lovestruck idiot and everything, but you realize she's an elephant now, right?
Amy: (Glares at Bowser with her Hands on her Hips) And is happily taken by Mr. Mario currently?
Bowser: Who? (Points at an Anrgy Mario Behind Him) You mean that mess of a drag show over there? Yeah, she picked a reeeal winner alright.
Mario silently flips the bird at Bowser.
Bowser: And do you seriously think I care all that much about how a princess looks?
Everyone: YES!
Bowser: Yeah, well, too bad! (Wraps his Arm Around Peach's Shoulder) You're wrong! Here's a bit of trivia you should learn about me, folks: In some cases, I like my women big, round, and chunky in alllll the right are-
Before he even thinks about finishing that sentence, Bowser suddenly gets knocked straight inside the mansion with one punch and a het spray of water.
Peach: (Walks Up to a Beaten Bowser) Don't forget your flowers. (Throws the Bonquet at Bowser) Creep. (Takes Another Deep Breath Before Calming Down and Walking Back to the Gang) Alright, everyone! Let's finally get this Halloween Night started!~
Everyone (with the exception of Shadow) cheers in rejoice as the door begins to close behind them, leaving Bowser in his pitiful lonesome.
Bowser: ('Groans in Pain')
Ganondorf: (Walks Over to a Beaten Bowser) Let me guess: you tried to be smooth and win Peach over, only for it to backfire in end.
Bowser: (Sadly and Painfully Nodded) Mmhmmm........
Ganondorf: And now you're gonna cry about it all night. Am I right?
Bowser: ('Sniff') Mmhmmm....I...
Ganondorf: ('Sigh') Okay. (Turns to the Other Side of the Room) Hades! You and the fellas meet me at the living room! (Drags Bowser to the Living Room by the Tail) Gonna watch a movie or two before the party starts tonight.
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Sonic Movie 1 Rewatch Live Reaction
Gonna do it
Gonna watch the first Sonic movie and post aaallllll my reactions below
Below a read more because I don’t hate my followers
Okay so first off I love these movies I love Sonic but the fact that Tom is a cop fucking SUCKS his plotline in the movie sucks because it is about him being a cop and it is not nuanced and I doubt they will handle it well in the third movie. I’m not going to be covering the issues with it too in depth because a) white person here and b) gotta be honest I don’t know a lot about cop depictions in media. I’m mostly just going to be repeating what everyone else has already said, there are better sources than me when it comes to covering the issuesTM. 
Okay, unpleasant bit over.
Movie beginning
Had to take a five second break to autism bounce around my room
Still love the use of rings for the Paramount logo....
Sonic started talking and I started squealing
Of course he calls himself handsome
I love him doing the lil rewind sounds with his mouth he’s so silly he’s so goofy
Sonic refers to Green Hill Zone as an “island” hmmm interesting. I can easily see it being like Mobius in the movies is a bunch of islands that are all different zones and Mushroom Hill is just different I guess
Oh so many thoughts about Longclaw she is so accidentally interesting on the movies part
Boy sure hope those echidnas won’t come back hahaha
Symbolism much
So it was definitely Knuckles’ dad that shot Longclaw down
“the only way to stay safe is to stay hidden” literally how much damage did she inadvertently do to Sonic with just those words
Longclaw is such a warrior cat’s ass name and I love it
God I forgot that they imply Sonic’s mom gets brutally murdered and then cut to the movie title
Tom being a cop sucks but him using the speedomoter on the turtle/tortoise, joking loudly about it, and then apologizing is pretty funny
Sonic going 300 interests me. I very much doubt that he hasn’t broken the speed barrier at some point in these movies (especially in the second one when he runs on water) but I don’t think we’ve specifically heard a Sonic boom yet
Sonic talking avidly to the turtle is so so cute but also. Concerning. Considering the only other person he talks to is himself
Oh my god he traumatized that poor turtle
Hmmm something something Longclaw being Sonic’s protector something something him immediately latching onto the “protector” of Green Hill
Boy there is so much that is wrong with you (affectionate)
Something something Sonic’s only human contact being a man trying to capture him something something the echidna trying to catch him something something GUN
Screw it AU where Sonic gets captured by GUN immediately and meets, or at least sees Shadow and ends up learning what happened on the ARK
Do you think baby Sonic ever got caught in a trap :(
This hog is traumatized. But he can always get even more traumatized
Sonic’s favorite movie being R-Rated canonically is so so funny to me
There are probably better actors. But it would be so so funny if Keanu Reeves played Shadow
Tom and Maddie’s relationship is so sweet I’m sorry
Me when I’m autistic
The thing about them getting two cakes just in case is so sweet as well
Okay so in the first movie Tom says that he’s still using the neighbor’s wifi but in the second we see that the house is pretty far away from the town. Conclusion: they moved after the first movie. Probably for Sonic
BASEBALL SCENE. THE FOCUS ON THE IDEALIZED AMERICAN DREAM (which as of the second movie ending Sonic has, two parents, middle class lifestyle, three kids, etc.) SONIC T HEDGEHOG THERE IS SO MUCH WRONG WRONG WITH YOU
FORGOT TO MENTION IT WAS ABSOLUTELY A WACHOWSKI THAT SHOT MARIA. MADDIE SAID ‘there’s been a Wachowski protecting Green Hills for over 50 years” that CANNOT be a coincidence
OHTHE BASEBALL FREAKOUT. @neurotypical-sonic knows way way more about BPD than I do but this is screaming BPD to me. He definitely needs mood stabilizers and therapy
What do his powers run on? Emotions? If that’s the case then boy howdy is the third movie gonna put him through the wringer
Everytime media mentions IQ I have to laugh so hard. I took an IQ test and got like 140 or something and I’m the dumbest motherfucker I know. It’s so stupid
While I do think the worst part of the movies is the cop thing, I don’t think the movies are pro-military overall. The military is introduced as sending in the main villain of the movie who apparently destroyed a whole country(?) in to a small town, letting him break a fuck ton of laws both legally and morality wise
Jimbotnik is so fucking insane I love him. Him and Agent Stone are so funny. “Excuse me Major what was your name? NOBODY CARES!”
“Look what came out of my Eggsack”
“half eaten cantaloope” EDNOS EDNOS EDNOS
THE FCAT THAT HE DOESNT SAY “goodbye home” HE SYS “goodbye cave”
Tom and Sonic’s first meeting is so funny
Ough I love that Sonic is depicted as having actual quills cus like in the games he is just a blue shape
“I’m not in the mood to get probed” “You think you’re worried? I’m not even wearing pants!”
Sonic is only the second weirdest person Tom has met today
“I was spitting out formulas while you were spitting up formulas.” “I was breastfed actually.” “Nice. Rub that in my orphan face.”
“Worse than death?”
Oh he actively talks to himself
“I had kind of an embarrassing lunch” EDNOS
Robotnik just screaming when he sees Sonic is actually very funny
And so begins the tradition of Tom punching people
Agent Stone and Robotnik are SO funny
“So, as I crashed into the wet, dark water of the Pacific-” I love that line
Movie Sonic is gonna think Shadow is the coolest person on Earth lmao
Tom just hanging up on Robotnik is so funny
“You just sit there and be you.... sless.”
Who is the lady agent that’s with Robotnik I want to know her name I’m gay
He’s soooooo me coded
Watching Mike’s Mic has ruined my vocabulary
Shannon Chan Kent hiiiii helllow love you love your Amy she’s so good
Sonic’s horrified gasp when the biker dude called him a hipster is hilarious
I’m going wit h the first option for my fic. Is more fun that way
“We’re not best friends.” “You tucked me in last night.”
He’s so splitting. I don’t even know a lot about splitting but he’s SO splitting
Ngl I unironically like the flossing
“HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?!” “I have no idea :D!”
“I think that tank just had a baby.” Does. Does Sonic know how kids work. He didn’t know what a payphone was earlier in the movie.
“Ever wonder where your tax dollars are going?”
“Aw, this one is cute, let’s keep him :D”
“Nailed it!” dies
That’s it movie over sequel cancelled Sonic’s dead
“Pin yourself to wall.” excuse me
Rachel is iconic
Ngl the song that plays while Robotnik is doing tech stuff is a whole bop I love it
“Of course I want a latte. I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM.”
“It talks.” “Almost constantly.”
Oh my god I forgot we technically see Sonic’s feet in this movie. Imagine this scene but with ugly Sonic
“As long as I’m here, I put everyone in danger” not me thinking of my runaway Sonic AU immediately
“It’s the government nutjob who keeps trying to kill us- UNSUCCESSFULLY”
Do you think Sonic got grounded for shoving them off the roof
God I remember me and an irl friend laughing so hard when we first saw that
Oh man the timezones in this movie make NO sense
“Oh my god my sister”
Oh this movie can be so personal if you have family issues of any kind actually. Even if I personally have mommy issues more than daddy ones
The government was so angling to kidnap Sonic since the end of the first movie 
“You guys are SO uncool”
How did they get everything from Sonic’s cave to the attciAAAAAa
Literally never gonna forget this ending scene
“Welcome home” I’m fucking sobbing
“my grasp on sanity remains... absolute”
This ending absolutely SLAPS people angry about it are either just lame or racist about rap being in Sonic for some reason
And here it is, the ending scene that made me lose my fucking mind
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beevean · 8 months
What are things you like and dislike about the ShTH morality system and 10 potential endings that come from them? On the one hand I myself like the fact you at least get to explore the various ways the people around Shadow impact him and his actions, but on the other hand, it feels a bit... cheap(?) that canonically the True Hero ending is canon and that is that. There's far too many interesting things Shadow learns about in other stories that do not get brought up in that specific ending, as far as I am aware, but you know more about the game than I do, so what is your opinion on it?🍀
I like the sheer replay value that ShTH has. You can play the game in 326 different ways, and have slightly different experiences every time! That is a big number - I'm not even up to 140 paths played! It's a very cool idea :D a massive improvement over Heroes.
I also find fun to come up with stories for each plot! Like there are 3 paths where you help all of the Chaotix. There are 3 paths where Black Doom takes Shadow to the Black Comet without Shadow having helped him once, which I find hilarious. You can play a path where you help Eggman as many times as you can. You can write a scenario where Shadow rebels against Black Doom's manipulation (The Doom Neutral) to backstab him in the end out of retailation (GUN Fortress Hero) - I had a WIP based on this concept. You can make Shadamy canon :P
The Dark path is a genuinely good story that shows Shadow's tragic corruption at the hands of the player, in my opinion lost among the general ridiculousness of the writing.
I don't like how you have to start from Westopolis again every time. I wish you could select where to branch off. The paths overall are fairly short, depending on the mission they take me around an hour each, but still.
I also don't like how the game never reflects your choices. When you help Black Doom in Lethal Highway and Death Ruins, and he still sics the Black Bull on you, "immersion killing" doesn't begin to describe it. And need I say anything about Shadow suddenly deciding he's n android after Air Fleet Hero and Space Gadget Dark, where he never learns about Shadow Androids? Imagine if Black Doom lost patience with you ask you keep acting heroic, imagine Sonic or Rouge being wary around you if you keep acting evil. If I could remake this game, this would be one of my priorities, along with fixing the enemies' AI so that they only attack you if you deliberately oppose them.
I'm torn on the canonicity of the True Ending. I see the point that it makes the whole game kind of pointless because it basically means none of what you played actually happened (not unlike '06 erasing its own events lol)... but I kinda like it? It's like. a fanfic simulator lmao 😂 yes, Shadow would never go evil again... but what if he did? What events would lead him to that? What if Shadow exiled himself on the ARK, why would he do that? And then you ask yourself, what then? What would happen if Shadow deluded himself into believing he's an android? Those are prompts! We are sitting on a treasure trove of fanfiction but no one cares because huehuehue stupid game with guns!
Anyway, that's the short of it. It's a flawed execution, for sure, but I find it fascinating and perfect for Shadow in particular :)
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thelediz · 25 days
You conveyed Aleena as you described her really well— watching her make the same mistakes again that endangered her country the first time is like watching a train wreck. And if you have a Shadow rant locked and loaded I’d love to hear it lol
You're an enabler and I appreciate you.
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I will preface this by saying I'm not really a Shadow fangirl. I like him, but Edgy the Hedgie is not a character I have ever spent long hours trying to crawl into the headspace of. WITH THAT SAID...
The thing I love about Shadow is that he is a character that was explicitly made by artificial means, but is entirely defined by his self-determination. And that, despite all character development and an entire game about it, remains in flux to this day and it is SO COOL as a character conceit.
His whole thing is "This is Who I Am", but the very fact that he needs to decide that and announce it... He is constantly having to question that fact, because he--more than any character in the franchise--does not know if what he is doing is his design or his choice. He IS artificial, but in a world with sentient robots that have emotions, WHAT DOES THAT ACTUALLY MEAN?
In Shadow the Hedgehog (the game), there is ONE easily missed line that confirms he's even the original Shadow - if you don't finish every storyline and the True Ending and hear that one line from Eggman while you're busy trying not to die, there is a lot of doubt that implies the Shadow we know now is just an android clone. And in those other endings, Shadow angsts and dramatises and then carries on anyway, because that does not define him.
And whether he is or not, there's still an awful lot of subtext that implies the original Shadow was designed after the Echidna prophecy of Super Sonic. And when we first meet him in Sonic Adventure 2, he is very much defined by Sonic, even though he's ostensibly unrelated. He had to die lose his memory and find himself to become his own character, and I personally think they played that arc out SO WELL in the games. He is now Shadow, he is separate, he is his own character, with his own family and motivations, but he will never fully escape the fact that he was made to be something else, and can never fulfil that role.
Maria died.
He failed before he even had a chance to try and save her.
So. When I bring Shadow in for the Lost Prince, I am absolutely smacking him with the fact he was made to be an artificial version of a prophecy he wasn't around for. Sonic up and dealt with both Eggman (in the Sonic 3 & Knuckles version of said prophecy) and Chaos (in the Adventure version) before Shadow even woke up.
And that's HORRIBLE. Being reminded that you were made for something, you were made in someone's image, and to then meet that person and realise you never had a chance of being anything like them?
Of COURSE Shadow resents Sonic, even if he kind of likes him, and I could spend another however long this has been talking about their relationship. Sonic is so secure in himself, in his choices. He never questions who or what or why he is. He never feels a need to. He is always confident that what he's doing is right, even when everyone around him is telling him he's wrong. He's so visibly loved by everyone, while Shadow...
Shadow has Rouge. He has Omega. He has Sonic himself, in a strange way. But is that enough?
To me, Shadow is in this constant battle with himself. Whether he's good or evil or right or wrong or whether he serves GUN or if he's making his own choices, or if he's Rouge's friend, or her subordinate, or an alien, or a human, or (in the Lost Prince) a mobian, or nothing at all.
And in this fic, the one constant he has, that he is not Sonic... when Sonic too was supposed to be raised and moulded and built into something almost mechanical... that's been called into question, and... how does one deal with that?
But anyway. Shadow is so complex, and so interesting, and I basically love to poke him.
And it's hilarious that he's going to be voiced by Keanu Reeves, I CANNOT WAIT.
(thank you for giving me excuses to rant)
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antirepurp · 4 months
I know it's supposed to be dubious which ending of ShTH is canon (but I think we all know its the true good one, it's the only one where Shadow fully remembers everything and unless the Black Aliens return later then they are all dead), but alot have extremely good ideas and concepts for future storyline.
My favourite are 'ARK protecter' and 'Ultimate Hedgehog' endings. What would happen to the storyline if Shadow stayed on the ARK? How would that effect the story of 06? Or even Forces since Shadow wouldn't have been around to fight Infinite the first time around?
And Shadow getting all 7 Chaos Emeralds just to prove he's stronger than Sonic, what's the game plan? He doesn't say anything about planning to save the world or even planning to taking it over so was his plans just to beat up Sonic and prove he could?
afaik the canon ending of shth is the 11th one you have to unlock, the other 10 are more speculative "what if" cases that exist for character exploration purposes. i don't think the canonity of that is very dubious since only one of the total 11 ends has you fight a unique boss and lets you go super while at it, though i guess you could make arguments for the pure hero endings if you wanted to. the rest are imo much too final in where they leave shadow, with semi-hero/cosmic fall endings implying that he either remains on the ark alone or kills himself, pure dark/GUN fortress endings either pinning shadow as the universe's ultimate overlord or have him destroy the earth, and so on. some are more difficult to continue from than others, but in most of the cases the picture shadow has of himself is incomplete and thus not a productive point to leave off the game that is about shadow and him finding out who he is. in a way you can only get the complete version of shadow by playing reaching every one of these endings - which then culminates as you get access to the 11th ending where shadow can finally find peace. it's hard for me to say much on this yet because i still have 5 more endings to reach, but i wouldn't be surprised if any one of the 10 routes could serve as a basis for the true end (though i somewhat doubt it's presented as such, sounds like making an already ambitious and complicated game even more complex)
that said i agree that the different endings pose interesting possibilities for AUs and the like, and im kind of surprised that more people haven't jumped into the meat of this game and picked a path to continue from, especially with the cosmic fall endings that i know would absolutely feed into some folks' thirst for angst. even as thought experiments in isolation from the later games i find the concepts they present delightful to consider and elaborate on
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redlerred7 · 4 months
Favourite Sonic games?
I can respond to this question in three ways and here they are:
2D Sonic Game
3D Sonic Game
3D Sonic Fangame
I'll explain myself under the cut
1. Favorite 2D Sonic Game
Sonic Advance 2 for the GBA.
There are a lot of reasons to like the gameplay of Sonic games and Sonic Advance 2 hard-focused on two of those reasons, to the detriment of almost everything else: Routing and execution. Let me explain.
Routing is the act of memorizing a level layout and figuring out the most efficient route to accomplish an objective. For the most part, SAdv2's objective is simply getting to the end of a level, though sometimes you're asked to also collect things on the way to getting to the end.
Anyway, the levels in SAdv2 are massive, tricky to traverse, and expect you to be moving through them at speeds up to 1280 pixels per second. For reference, the width of a GBA screen is 320 pixels. There are five playable characters in SAdv2, and each of them have abilities that allow them access to different parts of a level, inherently changing their routes. Not only that, executing an optimum route is difficult, so you either need to get good enough at the game so that you're able to take those routes, or figure out a different route that's within your skill level.
It's really satisfying, blazing through the levels and executing the routes you've come up with yourself. Fun game.
Other 2D Sonic games that also do this, particularly the Sonic Rush series for the Nintendo DS, but I enjoy the controls of this one much more.
2. Favorite Official 3D Sonic Game
Sonic Adventure 2 for the Dreamcast, GameCube, and various other platforms, including Windows PCs.
SA2 has three main gameplay styles based on the characters you're playing as. Sonic and Shadow have the same high speed platforming that Sonic is known for. Eggman and Tails have slower-paced platforming while piloting a mech that guns down robots with multi-lock missiles. Finally, Knuckles and Rouge have scavenger hunts for three mcguffins hidden around a large, vertical level, densely-packed with hiding places.
As a child, I became quite competent in all of them. Over the years, I also learned a bunch of tricks to make much of SA2's jank easier on me.
For example, you can homing attack towards a trail of rings and then spam the action button to enter a light dash without accidentally somersaulting or using a bounce attack. Another one is that Tails' and Eggman's mechs can move very quickly in a straight line on the ground, but have low acceleration and need to jump in order to take turns without losing speed. Finally, there are 100 possible placements for the different mcguffins you're asked to find in Knuckles' and Rouge's treasure hunting stages, and the hints given for each placement are consistent enough that memorizing the hints first hint is the equivalent to memorizing the placements as well.
Even though I'm no longer as good at the game now as I used to be, the muscle memory I have from when I was still good, plus my journey of getting good when I was a kid, elevates the experience to much higher than it would be if I played it today for the first time.
And finally
3. Favorite 3D Sonic Fangame
Sonic World DX for Windows PC.
Technically this is my favorite Sonic game of all time, but I'm wary of saying that without some caveats and clarifications. First and foremost, it's not officially licensed by SEGA. Despite having "Sonic" in the title and featuring all of the common elements of Sonic games, including Sonic the Hedgehog himself, I can't in good conscience lump it in with other officially licensed Sonic games. Second is that I'm part of the development team for SWDX, so of course I'd like it the most. Still, it feels a little wrong to say it's my favorite without disclosing my personal involvement in it.
Anyway, Sonic World DX is a fan-made Adventure-style platforming and sandbox game that allows you to play user-made Sonic levels and even create your own. There are over a dozen characters with unique playstyles based on their playable appearances in official Sonic games. The starting roster of 5 characters include Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Cream, with additional characters becoming unlocked by playing more of the game or using in-game cheat commands to unlock the whole roster all at once. Every download of the game also comes bundled with over a dozen stages, each with side missions that change the level objective, the level layout, or both. Overall, the game has a lot to offer.
As for why I consider it the best, I have three reasons.
The first reason is how the characters control. Generally speaking, Sonic characters have low acceleration and high top speeds, with the slopes and inclines of a level helping or hindering their movement on the ground. In the air, there also exists simulated air-drag, which slows down character movement and dampens the amount of control you have. In SWDX, acceleration is relatively high compared to most other Sonic games, giving it a sort of stiff yet slippery feeling. It also has a much milder air-drag that makes air movement just as twitchy as on the ground. Most people would consider this a bad thing. To me, it's a positive because it allows a level of control in the air that is simply unmatched by any other Sonic game. This control further exacerbated by the different abilities that characters have.
Which leads to my next point: character abilities. Every character has their own set of movement and/or combat skills which they can use to traverse a level, such as launching characters forward, slowing your descent, or literally flying. The use of these abilities at the right time and in the right order allows a player to bypass difficult platforming or gain access to parts of a level that are normally inaccessible. A character like Sonic, for example, has an aerial kick attack that launches him forward, which can be jump-cancelled to gain additional horizontal distance, after which he can use a homing attack for even more horizontal distance. All of that, on top of air control with similar responsiveness to grounded movement, makes it feel like Sonic is able to fly without explicitly having said ability.
And finally, there's the custom levels.
Long before Sonic World DX was BlitzSonic, an open-source fangame that SWDX is built off of. BlitzSonic is also a sandbox that allows people to make levels. And through BlitzSonic, I discovered my love for seeing amateur and hobbyist game devs creating small projects for others to play. I also discovered my own love of level design through BlitzSonic, which continues to this day as I help work on SWDX.
There also exists nearly 15 years' worth of user-made levels for BlitzSonic. Quality varies between them, only a fraction of them are compatible with Sonic World DX, but that's still a lot of levels. Plenty to look at and play if you feel a lack of content. That fact alone makes me so happy.
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ow-the-hedge · 1 year
A lil fanfic prototype
This is a Sonic fanfic I started a few years ago and kept as a w.i.p. until I finished a bit of it for my college writing class recently.
Trigger warnings: brief mentions of suicidal ideation and usage of guns
Summary: Rouge helps Shadow reunite with his beloved old friend (Shadow & Rouge’s relationship is completely platonic).
Difficult is the life of a man burdened by the perpetual obligation to labour. And yet, it was the type of burden that to Shadow seemed like a blessing. 
 Only a mind free of personal thoughts and hands occupied by the assigned tasks could bring him any relief from the past he chose to abandon. Glimpses of old mistakes often lingered in his mind whenever an opportunity arose. Soon Shadow found out that those opportunities could be destroyed through methods extreme yet sufficiently effective. There is no time to dwell on the past when his mission must be completed. No time to think when a loaded gun is inches away from his head.  
 Shadow had frequently wondered if maybe all those dodged bullets could have been the best remedies for his guilt. The idea was beginning to resurface in his mind when a faint buzzing of a phone reminded Shadow that he possessed such a device. He walked over to it, ready to hang up, when the name “Rouge” appeared on the screen.  
 “I have something for you, same place as always,” was all she said. 
 Usually  Shadow would pay no mind to sudden calls outside of work, nor would he bother to go anywhere without being given exact details and reasoning. The one person he made exceptions for was Rouge. The bond they shared had been meticulously formed over years and calls of such cryptic nature were common for them. 
 Although neither of them refrained from spiting or mocking the other on many occasions, both of them had learnt how to recognize when a situation is serious. Shadow set out shortly after the call ended as he sensed that Rouge’s invitation was not to be ignored. In no time his car's engine growled before Rouge's garage. 
 She awaited him on her porch, her arms resting on the railing. Steam hovered above a cup of coffee held in her right hand. Her gaze followed Shadow as he got out of the car to greet her. 
 "Stay right there," Rouge said, reaching for her pocket. 
 "Nice to see you too," Shadow replied unbothered.  
 In response, Rouge threw a small object into Shadow's hands. His increasingly perplexed expression prompted Rouge to gesture towards the garage. 
 Shadow took slow steps towards the garage door, carefully inspecting the object he received from Rouge. A smile grew on her face when he realised he had been given motorcycle keys.  
 "You called me here to give me the old keys you stole from me?" He asked baffled. "When did you even take them?"  
 Although her reasons were unclear, Rouge's sneakiness impressed Shadow more than it angered him. The keys he held previously had been collecting dust somewhere in his room. He recognized them immediately; those were the keys to his old motorcycle, lovingly nicknamed “Dark Rider”. His eyes widened while gazing at Rouge, eager to find out how she would explain the situation.  
 "You're talking to a professional thief, Shadow," Rouge responded slyly. "It's as if you've never seen me work. How dare you question my abilities?" She theatrically raised her hand to her chest.  
 In response Shadow only snickered at his partner's usual act. He couldn't form any counters to her comment as his mind flooded with racing thoughts. Rouge wasn't the type of person to play tricks this elaborate. Surely she wouldn't invite Shadow over just to mock him with the old keys and an empty garage. But could she really find the motorcycle he had abandoned months ago? 
 Shadow had last used Dark Rider during one of his missions. When the time came to escape, bullets flying over his head discouraged him from risking failure just to find the motorcycle. Begrudgingly, he left the Dark Rider to escape with his partner's car. After the escape there was no possibility to enter the enemy's territory again. Ever since then he believed his esteemed machine was simply no more.  
 He found it difficult to believe that an old vehicle could simply be found after so long. His admiration for Rouge’s abilities grew just as fast as his concerns. Shadow's eyes focused on the garage doors, his body still unmoving.  
 "Go on!" Rouge encouraged him before finishing her coffee. 
 Her voice brought Shadow back to reality. A few seconds passed before he stepped forward and swung the doors open. Sunlight peeking from behind him greeted the floor, dusty racks, boxes, tools and a dark motorcycle.  
 Shadow walked closer, carefully analysing the vehicle. He eventually knelt beside it to inspect every detail.  Rouge jumped over the railing and walked towards the garage to witness Shadow’ reaction up close. She smiled when his hands began to wander all over the motorcycle, feeling for little features distinguishing his Dark Rider from the same models.  
 A small dent, a few scratches, the finish chipping away at the edges. Each familiar mark Shadow found reassured him until he finally needed no more evidence to believe that his beloved machine was standing right there before him.  
 “How?” Shadow asked. “And, how much?” He added, eager to repay tenfold of the price his partner spent to obtain his treasure. 
 “Can you not think about this for a moment?” Rouge replied calmly. “I simply have my methods. And you can forget about repaying,” she added with a stern tone. 
 “And owe you a debt instead?” Shadow rose up to meet Rouge’s eyes. “Just name your price.” 
 Rouge walked away from annoyingly serious Shadow to grab one of her own motorcycle helmets from a nearby shelf. Its brand new finish shimmered upon meeting the sunlight. 
 “I won’t name or explain anything until you go for a ride,” she said, turning to him.  
 In response Shadow glared at her. Unfortunately for him, his eyes still full of awe reminded Rouge of a grumpy little puppy rather than an intimidating gun for hire. She giggled at his attempt to seem angry.  
 “You don’t have to worry about the price,” Rouge began with a smile. “Consider it a thank-you gift for all the times you’ve saved me”. 
 “Well then,” Shadow said and grabbed the motorcycle’s handles while trying to hide the abashment caused by Rouge’s words, “I’ll be expecting answers when I come back”. 
 Rouge walked out of the garage to allow Shadow to push the Dark Rider forwards. He moved past his car and sat on the motorcycle right before the opened gate. She stopped him from putting in the keys by handing Shadow the helmet. He took it with care and focused his gaze on the ground.  
 “Thank you,” Shadow said, not daring to look up. “I had no idea that it could’ve been found again”. 
 Rouge sensed melancholy in his words. Although she made a career out of obtaining precious items, rarely by legal means, she never valued any object she possessed even half as much as Shadow valued the Dark Rider. 
 “That’s why I was the one who found it,” Rouge retorted. “And don’t give me your thanks just yet,” she added, finally making Shadow look at her, “there’s still one more surprise under the seat, make sure to check it somewhere during your trip.”  
 Shadow attempted the menacing glare again, annoyed by Rouge sharing this information after he had sat down. He looked away from her amused grin to put on the helmet and started the engine.  
 Soon after that Rouge was left alone on her driveway, only settling dust keeping her company. She stood there, listening to the Dark Rider roaring in the distance until she could no longer hear it. 
 Shadow had to ride for just a few seconds to finally believe that his mechanical monster was truly back. He firmly gripped the handles, still surprised by the sudden return. His gentle smile proved his gratitude for Dark Rider’s miraculous survival. At that moment it didn’t matter how Rouge managed to find it in a near perfect state. The thing that did matter was the familiar growl of the engine, finally blessing his ears again.  
 It wasn’t speed that Shadow loved the Dark Rider for; it was the handling, the satisfying screech it made with every sharp turn, the way it soared through the streets. The chance to escape it all.  
 Shadow had no idea how much he missed this feeling.  
 The thrill of a one-man race, where the finish line was indefinite, the whole city played the role of his track. Tarmac was left scorched under his vehicle’s wheels, engine’s roars’ volume rivalled only his pounding heart which burned with excitement, and the entire world resembled only a colourful blur as he sped through streets. 
 All he saw were the edges of the road, guiding him towards the unknown, his instincts and reflexes took care of the rest. Dark Rider’s aggressive howl became a soothing murmur, drowning out every other sound. For a moment, the whole world whispered just for him.  
 Upon reaching the city centre, the sounds of the traffic reached Shadow’s ears and brought him back to reality. He began to slow down and looked to the side to find a suitable spot to park. He passed a few parking lots, unwilling to take a break, until he finally forced himself to occupy an empty spot.  
 He relaxed his grip and slid his hands off the handles to stop the engine. Still in the seat, he closed his eyes and took a big breath as if he hadn’t used his lungs since leaving Rouge’s driveway.  
 Shadow exhaled and finally got off. He remembered Rouge’s words and opened the cubby under the seat to find what she mentioned.  
 Inside he found a sheet of paper folded in half. Shadow unfolded it and saw Rouge’s handwriting filling a small portion of the page.  
 He didn’t need to read through it all to understand what message she was conveying. He closed his eyes and bowed his head before letting out a quiet chuckle. Shadow folded the paper without much care, threw it back into the cubby and closed it to get back onto the Dark Rider.  
 Shadow finally understood why Rouge emphasised that she didn’t want any money. Although she demanded no monetary payment, it was clear to him that she didn’t give a location and an objective to her usual partner in crime for no reason.  
 Shadow sped towards Rouge’s home, eager to discuss the details of their next heist. 
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lethal-highway · 4 months
After having thought about it, here are my predictions for Sonic Shadow Generations. My predictions are mostly about what stages will be introduced for Shadow, since the standard stages in Sonic Generations will most likely already be included as implied by it being a remaster. It seems like this game largely exists as a lead up to Sonic Movie 3, which will be a play on the events of Sonic Adventure 2 (interesting that they're skipping the first Adventure title, by the way.)
It's probably to make Shadow marketable again, like with Knuckles. If this succeeds, he may very well become even more popular than ever before.
Main Prediction: Backstory Level Pack + Playable Character After unlocking him, Shadow becomes a playable character in Modern Sonic stages. Pretty straightforward, but they might add a few things to the stages in order to utilize some unique mechanics of his. You can see him teleporting in place of a homing attack in the few seconds of gameplay they show, so it's possible.
In addition, I predict for there to also be a smaller sum of levels for Shadow in order to sum up his backstory before heading into a conflict with a resurrected Black Doom. For this prediction, I'm selecting 1 per game.
Shadow Stage 1: Radical Highway That city stage in the trailer could easily be Radical Highway given the red siding on the roads. Plus, it's Shadow's first stage ever, it's very iconic, and Sonic Team loves to use the stage theme as a musical motif for Shadow. If they don't include Radical Highway in some form, I'll be shocked.
Shadow Stage 2: Final Chase This one's a gimme if you watched the trailer. His debut title is Sonic Adventure 2, and we get a brief glimpse of him on that very stage attacking GUN robots. It's only natural, since it looks like it'd get followed up with that reimagining of the Biolizard boss fight, which was the culmination of Shadow's arc in SA2. Shadow Stage 3: Hang Castle/Mystic Mansion His next appearing title is Sonic Heroes. I'll admit, this one's wishful thinking- there's not much evidence for it, since all four teams go through every stage in Heroes. It means none of them really have any special meaning to or association with Shadow, as a character. I love these Halloween stages, though. Sue me, I named myself after the fucking month of Halloween.
Shadow Stage 4: Westopolis His next chronological installment is Shadow the Hedgehog. To tell the truth, I'm torn between Westopolis (the first stage, and the one you have to do on every playthrough, ugh) and Final Haunt (the only stage that comes close to being good, a stage taking place in the alien landscape of the Black Comet, home of the Black Arms and Black Doom.) The trailer's city stage could still be Westopolis, though, given that red fog, which looks very similar to the fog in the hilarious opening cutscene of Shadow the Hedgehog, so I suppose my hands are tied. But my earnest desires are for Lethal Highway (gee, wonder why,) and Final Haunt.
Shadow Stage 5: Radical Train His next installment is Sonic 06. Normally, I'd not include one from this title, but Crisis City is literally in Sonic Generations. Anyway, Radical Train is the only stage anyone likes, so let's root for it. It's also the stage associated with the cutscene where Shadow roundhouse kicks Silver, and that one is truly legendary.
Shadow Stage 6: Mystic Jungle - Eggman's Facility This one was difficult: his most recent appearance in a mainline title was Forces, as a DLC character, with three stages for a short story explaining his involvement with Infinite, a prominent villain in that title. There's not much to go on here. Ultimately, I've picked this stage, as it's the most distinct of the three, involving infiltrating one of Eggman's bases. Nobody wants a second Green Hill stage.
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aquillis-main · 1 year
Ignoring Jehtt's parody for a sec
-It was 200 years of Iblis. I legit don't think there's a profit to scamming people into thinking they can save the future. 2-3 gens directly tied to the Great Disaster already are dead, and GUN seems gone too
-We already beat Iblis only to see him reincarnate again. We can already infer Silver beat him many times with no difference. In fact, he legit considers giving up in frustration
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-Mephiles wouldn't even be the first suspect. Blaze's fire powers scared survivors, but Silver stood by her (sadly this is in bios)
-The intro CG cutscene notes the generational divorce from the event. No one knew where Iblis came from cuz it's been so long, only that it ravaged the planet for eons. Silver is noted to question the origin, getting nothing
So yeah, I'll take hearing this shifty stranger's new theory, cuz repeatedly killing Iblis 3 million times is doing nothing but exhaust me, regardless if I die to this stranger or not. It's not like I can make this worse (in my context)
Other things;
-Silver's reaction to Meph saying to time travel:
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Not "oh yeah I immediately believe you" like 90% of parodies, it's him gauging interest after dismissing the first prompt
Even to Meph saying "Oh yeah, I can time travel" it's more dismissal (though tinged with amazement)
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when Meph notes the Iblis Trigger the first time, both Blaze and him just ponder a sec before hesitating to ask if killing him would save the world, their first true mistake. But again, better than just mindlessly killing Iblis over and over
Then Meph bothers bringing articles on screen showing the Egg Carrier's crash and release of Iblis, then the Emerald showing Sonic's visage in the fire (glares slightly more angry), Blaze being perturbed cuz she knows of one, and Meph immediately time traveling them before much of anything can be said in protest
If it were me, I'd have them question how he found this info, with him revealing that he stumbled upon a Chaos Emerald that showed him the image of a blue hedgehog (which he'll show to Silver like OG, only with Sonic expressing better than wood), leading him to do research on him, and finding the article of Elise dying in a crash despite his chase. He'll then note research of time travel done in GUN logs of when they checked Eggman's base after the crash, noting the process being risky. Silver and Blaze can ask why he can't do it, which...I mean look at him, he's deformed and barely hobbling (interestingly nowhere as much as the Shadow release scene, or later twirl), likely frail as heck (we know he isn't if we the audience played Shadow's story first). He'll attract unwanted attention outside supposed fraility, vs how the powerful Blaze/Silver look a smidge more stable. They'll admit having nothing to lose/repetition, then Meph warps them
But otherwise, I feel the Silver bias is glossing events a wee bit too much, and parodies aren't helping. It's legit wanting to break useless repetition that drives most of Silver's hasty actions
"But he looks evil"
The entire world is homeless. Being remotely not brazen is an anomaly if anything (Blaze at least has an excuse)
Also what's he gonna do, jump the guy that has psychokinesis? He looks weak as hell
I still think that Silver shouldn't have jumped to follow Mephiles so easily when the latter spouted out shit about 'Chickens and eggs', especially since it seems he and Blaze just willingly follow Mephilies into his crack den of info he shouldn't have. I'm sorry, but I feel Silver just hopped on a little too quickly. If there was a scene of him and Blaze arguing with each other about going to follow, I'd buy it a lot more than it is now. However, since the cutscenes skip that moment and have Silver and Blaze immediately follow Mephiles to his crack den without thinking, it still comes across to me as Silver and Blaze being stupid, not naive.
I appreciate you trying to help clear out some aspects of this, but without the key moment of Silver and Blaze arguing about going to listen to Mephiles or not, it comes across as an idiot kid being taken by a guy with a white van to me, especially since the only time Silver stops to consider his decision is when Amy tells him to not kill Sonic and dashes off. After that, he doesn't ever really question if he's doing the right thing, and just blindly trusts the guy that showed him a vision of Sonic in fire with a really pissed off look, and not much other information besides anecdotal evidence.
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black-arms-hivemind · 2 years
Rank every stage in Shadow the Hedgehog (Yes, every single one) from worst to best.
Oooooh what fun~! I'd love to!
TLDR version:
(Dis)honorable Mention: The Last Way
#22. (WORST) The Doom
#21. Lost Impact
#20. Mad Matrix
#19. Circus Park
#18. The Ark
#17. Lava Shelter
#16. Iron Jungle
#15. GUN Fortress
#14. Westopolis
#13. Space Gadget
#12. Prison Island
#11. Glyphic Canyon
#10. Central City
#9. Digital Circut
#8. Lethal Highway
#7. Death Ruins
#6. Cosmic Fall
#5. Cryptic Castle
#4. Sky Troops
#3. Air Fleet
#2. Final Haunt
#1. (BEST) Black Comet
Below the cut is my explanations for each ranking/reviews of each level
(Dis)honorable Mention: The Last Way
I've never played this level, because I know what comes after it. Idc how good or bad this stage actually is - you end up fighting Devil Doom no matter what you do, and as a Black Arms; I'd rather not thanks
#22 (the WORST one): The Doom
Congrats on being the only stage in ShTH I have yet to complete in ANY sense! This level is such a maze that I found myself unable to complete ANY of the missions! So yeah - awful job SEGA
#21: Lost Impact
I may have at least finished this one, but this level is just as much of a confusing maze as The Doom, being set in the same location (just altered slightly) and all. I personally think that the critique of "No Sonic level should ever tale more than 10 minutes to complete!" just because that's how Classic Sonic worked is pretty dumb, and low key is why now in games like Forces, the levels go by so stupidly quick, BUT
ShTH actually reasonably tows this line for most of the levels, each of them taking around 10-15 minutes if you know what you're doing, depending on the mission that you're doing of course. Lost Impact and The Doom taking at least 30 minutes to finish the level in any capacity sticks out, in a bad way. They feel like utter slogs compared to the rest of the game. Also I'd like to point out that the secret door reward in Lost Impact is an armored car, which is COMPLETELY USELESS! You can't even use it for that long if you want to actually get somewhere in the level due to it's mechanics!
Okay, from here on out, I like these levels to at least some extent. I do willing play these levels, even if they're ranked low! The Doom and Lost Impact really do suck in my eyes, and we can only go up from here!
#20: Mad Matrix
As I said, I like this level! It can be quite a lot of fun! But while the Hero and Neutral missions are relatively a breeze and bring in quite tasteful sprinkling ins of puzzle elements, the Dark mission for this stage can get quite tedious! Mad Matrix's Dark mission suffers for the same reason that make The Doom and Lost Impact downright insufferable - the lack of an in-game map. The lack of a readily available map can make you really feel like an idiot at times as you aimlessly travel through cyberspace looking for bombs (I know, ShTH is a strange game, I love that about it), and that's mainly what drags this level down for me. At least the game is aware of this - it's surprisingly easy to get an A rank on this level's Dark mission as long as you have a low enough hero score.
#19: Circus Park
Again, I enjoy this level, I LOVE the cutscene that plays before it - "Where's that DAMN fourth Chaos Emerald?" is truly an iconic line! But am I alone in feeling that this level feels... out of place? Like, ShTH has TONS of weird levels - take Mad Matrix and Digital Circut for example! You go INSIDE OF THE INTERNET! But this level feels like a good Sonic game level, but not really a Shadow game level. It feels almost like a scrapped Heroes level that got thrown into ShTH last second. The level's still good, but it just would probably shine brighter in another Sonic game, that's all.
#18: The Ark
I feel like putting this one as low as it is feels kinda mean, but the exact same I completely understand how this level could very easily become boring and monotonous to some players.
This levels has you traverse through it almost exclusively by flying on top of a Black Volt, which is an advanced version of an element of gameplay in previous levels - the Black Hawk flying sections in some levels, and is generally a pretty fun part of the game! But since that's really ALL the level is, especially if you're going for the Neutral mission, it can absolutely become stale after a while!
#17: Lava Shelter
Oh Lava Shelter... I love your theme and aesthetic.... but you do have issues. Let's talk about them.
Lava Shelter and The Ark both have incredibly prominent gameplay gimmicks that may or may not become too much for the player. While The Ark hinges on the flying mechanic, Lava Shelter hinges on the grinding mechanic. What Lava Shelter has over The Ark, however, is that there's more going on in Lava Shelter that breaks up the constant rail grinding.
The other major issue of Lava Shelter is that... your choice doesn't really matter here. Whether you pick the Hero or Dark mission, you're gonna fight the Egg Dealer. All the difference in mission does is determine whether Omega joins you in the fight or not...
Which makes it a no brainer to go for the Hero mission, Omega is awesome and absolutely should join forces with you.
#16: Iron Jungle
... This list is gonna be way harder than I thought it'd be, huh. I really like this level, but it is VERY linear, which isn't bad! Not at all! But hey, not everyone can be first place! This level's linear nature makes it lose a good bit of replay value, which is detrimental for a ShTH level, since the game hinges on replayablity. But hey, Omega is great as always and this level's track slaps. The Shadow Androids are a bitch to deal with though, even more so than in Lava Shelter if I'm honest.
#15: GUN Fortress
Yes, this level's theme sounds like fancy elevator music, we all know the joke by now. Though, what do I mean by "fancy elevator music"?
GUN Fortress doesn't JUST sound like elevator music, it has this inate sense of dread, of hopelessness to it. The Earth as we know it is about to end, everything is in shambles... any attempt from GUN, or anyone else to salvage the situation is futile...
Which, while incredible at setting an atmosphere, really calls into question the point at doing the Hero mission for this level, at all. While you might at least get a different boss as the end, has anything truly changed from you deciding to play hero last second? Have you saved anyone, anyone at all, by changing your ways so late into the game?
Also this level in general is pretty mid I guess lol
#14: Westopolis
A fine level, a fine first level, even. This level does a pretty great job at introducing the player to just how this game works! Though weird how it showcases a falling mechanic at not just the beginning of the level, but a second time if you go past the goal ring, that I'm pretty sure is ONLY in this level.
But that isn't the main issue with Westopolis. The main problem is that it doesn't really offer much for repeated playthroughs, which is already not great for a ShTH level, but it's practically a DEATH SENTENCE to Westopolis specifically, as it's the FIRST level of the game, which you'll be playing through no matter what route you take.
#13: Space Gadget
This level does a great job at referencing SA2 in a tasteful and fun way, and the Dark mission reveals a whole different path that make the level feel more well-rounded and full of things to do!
So what's the problem?
The main issue with Space Gadget is the sheer amount of automation in the level. Sure, it isn't nearly on the level of Forces in terms of automation, but it certainly is there - and it can get kinda boring sometimes.
That's all, it's a really good level other than that.
#12: Prison Island
This and the next level on the list are both great levels with just one thing that really grinds my gears about them.
With Prison Island, you might be thinking - "Oh, it's the constant use of the air saucer" or "Oh, didn't Prison Island get blown up in SA2?" But no,
#11: Glyphic Canyon
... I fucking hate those tornadoes.
Also did you know that this level has quite a few lines from Black Doom that were meant for ot but went unused for some reason? Weird.
#10: Central City
I was stuck on the Dark mission for this level for the longest time! I didn't know that you had to blow up that one building at the beginning to get to those two bombs! The game didn't tell me anything of that sort!
But otherwise pretty banger level with a banger track - that middle section of the song where it breaks down into individual instrument solos? Chef's kiss 👌 And the part at the end where it does that breakdown again but with the main melody still going? That really tickles the neurons. But we aren't rating the tracks, we're rating the levels themselves
#9: Digital Circut
That one worm can be super fucking annoying but hey, at least Rouge is here! That makes it all okay :) (She's also in GUN Fortress but, ya know.)
Also there's no bomb searching in this one. Solid 8/10!
#8: Lethal Highway
WHY is this the only level you can ride a motorcycle in. That thing was all over the promotional material and ALSO it's just plain fun. Like yeah the other levels have cars but WHERE'S THE BIKE S E G A-
Also this level and Westopolis do a similar thing to Iron Jungle and Lava Shelter in that Lethal Highway really does feel like Westopolis Zone Act 2, having the same Hero and Dark characters as Westopolis and all. which I don't fully get doing in a multi route game where you can absolutely end up not playing Act 2 (Lethal Highway/Lava Shelter) even if you play Act 1 (Westopolis/Iron Jungle). I get that it's carry over from Sonic Heroes, in a very similar way to how Circus Park, Cryptic Castle and Death Ruins feel like Casino Park/Bingo Highway Act 3, Hang Castle/Mystic Mansion Act 3, and Frog Forest/Lost Jungle Act 3 respectively. I like that ShTH takes notes from Heroes overall, I love Heroes, and ShTH is a direct follow-up to Shadow's arc in that game!
Also somewhat unrelated as this is just the mini boss that comes after this level and Death Ruins - but oh my Doom the Black Bull is such a big baby I want to sleep on top of it.
#7: Death Ruins
So you know how I said that this level feels like Frog Forest & Lost Jungle? That I PURELY in the level design and setting departments - this level's theme is SO much better than either of those level's themes. Death Ruins' theme is an unapologetic HEADBANGER. The intro part is utterly immaculate. The level itself is a great level but the theme is carrying the whole package here. While Sky Troops' and Air Fleet's themes do slightly better in the atmosphere department, Death Ruins is by FAR the best track in this whole game FULL of bangers.
It's so good in fact that other people have apparently noticed reworked versions of it popping up in other pieces of mid 2000's media! Now that's an achievement!
#6: Cosmic Fall
While not my favorite Shadow the Hedgehog related thing with "Fall" in the title, this level is pretty damn solid, and easily deserves the reward of the BEST Ark themed level. "Find the Computer Room!" Is another truly iconic moment from ShTH. 8.5/10 level overall.
#5: Cryptic Castle
This really does remind me a good bit of Hang Castle and Mystic Mansion, honestly, just without the gravity mechanic from those levels.
None of the missions are a hassle really, and yet both the Hero and Dark missions require some effort be put into exploration, which is nice. Though, why doesn't Cream come with you to find Cheese? I think that would've been nice. Also assuming you're doing a full True Dark route run, what about working with Eggman the ONE time causes Shadow to want to steal Doom's throne rather than wanting to assist Doom in taking over the planet in the Semi Dark ending?
#4: Sky Troops
Glyphic Canyon grew up! Or, uh.. floated up. Into the sky.
I didn't talk about it in the Glyphic Canyon section, but holy fuck is it and Sky Troops jam packed with lore! It really does leave you with so many questions! Why did the Black Arms make this temple so long ago? What was it's purpose? Why do those gems power the temple in such a way that it's able to fly?! Why are the fucking statues LIVING?? WHY DOES DOOM CALL THE TEMPLE "HOLY"???
It does such that we don't get much in the way of answers - but that's what fanfic and headcanons are for, baby!
Also the theme slaps, as always.
#3. Air Fleet
Oh my Doom does this level succeed in atmosphere! (WITHOUT making any of the routes feel useless to do, GUN FORTRESS-) The music is intense - everyone fears for what comes after the sun sets - the Hero mission presents you with one Miles "Tails" Prower, a character who at this point in the series still holds the lesson they learned in SA1 dear, knowing how to fight on their own, amd they beg you to help, for the Black Arms have now put the very President's life in danger! (A point which is proven when you meet up with Doom's Eye, as he basically bluntly asks you to kill the fucking guy). This is honestly the only time the placement of the Hero mission character really feels important to the plot. I just don't think that Air Fleet would work as well if Tails wasn't the Hero mission character.
Another thing that makes this level basically the better version if GUN Fortress is that it isn't completely too late to turn back, to realize that you don't want to be the villain, and if you do - fuck, it makes a lot of sense story-wise! Up to this point the worst you've probably done for the Black Arms is destroy Eggman's fleet, and Eggman's already considered a bad guy! Killing the President... might just be a step too far for Shadow, so they retreat, whether that be by just running away (probably pretty fucking terrified yourself) to the goal ring or teaming up with Tails to put an end to the mess you started.
The only critique I really have for this level is that the Dark mission... is a pain in the ass.
But overall this is a definite 10/10 level regardless!
... you can tell what the last two are.
Yes I'm biased.
No I don't give a shit-
#2: Final Haunt
The Black Comet has to be one of, if not the most GORGEOUS locations in all of the Sonic series. The mix of the dark purple and blues of the interior walls with the glowing lights of the floorboards, the wall decails, the fucking fruit bushes for Doom's sake! The deep black of the acid rivers from which giant worms spout from, and the railings along them that separate you from the various twisting towers in the distance. The Black Comet is a world that is much like our own, and yet, very different, in it's own twisted, messed up way. The familiarity comforts some, welcoming them into the Comet as if it's their home too... while it completely horrifys others, making them wonder just what turned a world, a civilization much like their own into such a murderous monstrosity of chaos amd horror...
Okay, that last bit was more my own headcanon, but anyway.
Final Haunt is definitely representative of these feelings, of this atmosphere, but it's not the full package. It's like a free trial. Nothing wring with that, none at all, but it's rather linear compared to Black Comet, leaving a bit more to be desired. 12/10.
#1 (the BEST one): Black Comet
Black Comet is everything that I said about Final Haunt, but even more. It's more open, letting you explore the place, truly take in the atmosphere, it's got more of a "final level" feeling, with there being a lot more of testing the skills you've gained throughout the game, with numerous sections of air saucer sections, flying sections, grinding sections, and of course, platforming and shooting. The music is laid back, but still has a tinge of suspense to it. This is the first time Shadow’s ever been here, they don't really know what to make of the place at first. Despite the presence of GUN, Doom is unafraid, calmly referring to them as mere rats, that he asks Shadow to remove from the premises. As you travel through the Comet, Shadow finds things about it that they've also seen back on Earth - the rails to grind on, and the various types of weapons. In the end, after GUN, and Sonic, is taken care of, Shadow is ready to accept themself as part of the Black Arms, and accepts the Black Comet as their home...
Or you could take the Hero route with Knuckles and then go fight the Egg Dealer which is here for seemingly no fucoing reason.
But why would you-
Actually, why IS Knuckles here? We fight Sonic (and Diablon) after the Dark mission, why isn't xe here instead??
Eh, whatever, I still love this level, and this game, to bits regardless.
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jupitercl0uds · 7 months
[this is from thursday i just kept forgetting to finish the transcript]
another recorded rant lmao
so my devilish little self decided to have one of these little rants again because i like to rant (and because i probably have ADHD) and, um, i'm home alone and this is what i do when i'm home alone, because i don't get to speak, because i don't like speaking, because i don't like interrupting people, being weird, people KNOWING i'm weird, or anything like that. even though my family are well aware of that, i don't want them hearing it.
anyway! i reckon i could probably do a fluttershy voice if i tried.
uhh... what's a thing fluttershy would say?
ok, this isn't a thing fluttershy would say. but it's on my mind.
[high pitched fluttershy voice] every day is the same. that's not. fluttershy. [fluttershy voice] every day is the same, wake up, look at the fire in the sky festival, be awesome, brood.
i'm so fucking high right now do you see my eyes? they are brrIIGGHt red. i haven't watched the shadow- i haven't watched the '06 dub in too long to remember this. i like doing this voice. i don't think it sounds like fluttershy but, y'know, it's got a bit of a wobble to it [dave the intern voice] it's more like dave the intern, really. i bruise like a delicate peeeach... [slight giggling]
i do love dave the intern- like, i can't lie, half of his lines are soooo bad... but the other half are absolute gold and i love them.
um... what else? suddenly, i want to sing ruler of everything, so get prepared for my awesome cover.
[for some reason this next bit gets really loud???]
I'M TAKING OVER YOUR WORLD! I'M TAKING OVER YOUR UNIVERSE! I'M TAKING YOUR TV! I'M GLITCHING IT! THEY- THEY CALL ME THE GLITCH! DO YOU KNOW WHY THEY CALL ME THE MOTHERFUCKIN' GLITCH? CAUSE I GLITCH YOUR TVs OUT! i'm taking the world by STORM. i'm gonna be dropping my latest album: CRACKIN' EGGS. [snapcube president voice] crackin' eggs? mm, ha. [sonic voice] hey mr president [president voice] SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, MY LONG LOST LOVE- sorry.
ok where would ruler of everything be? like- quickest one to- it would probably be in silly 4. i think it's like, first one- yeah.
[i don't know how to transcribe this part other than saying i'm singing 13 by tally hall in cursive??? and then i stop halfway??? btw 13 is instrumental] no im not playing 13
[ruler of everything starts playing] here we go.
ooh, yeah! juno was mad, he knew he'd been had so he shot at the sun with a gun shot at the sun with a gun shot at his wily one, only friend
yuh, YUH- sorry, i won't do that
in the gallows or the ghetto, in the town or the meadow, in the billows, even over the sun, every end of a time is another begun. you understand mechanical hands are the ruler of everything (ah) ruler of everything (ah) i'm the ruler of everything in the end
i should turn this down 👍
do you like how i dance? i got zirconium pants (i'm not singing these lines, they're too-) do you like how i walk? do you like how i talk? do you like how my face disintegrates into chalk? i have a wonderful wife, i have a powerful job she criticises me for being egocentric
you practice your mannerisms into the wall if this mirror were clearer, i'd be standing so tall i saw you slobber over clovers on the side of the hill i was observing the birds (circle in for the kill)
i've been you, i know you your façade is a scam you know, you're making me cry, this is the way that i am i've been living a lie, a metamorphical scheme (detective undercover brotherhood objective obscene)
oh, oh no, oh yeah
do you hear the flibberty jibberty jibber jabber with an 'oh my god i've gotta get out of here or i'll have another word to sell, another story to tell, another time piece ringin' the bell!' do you hear the clocks stop when you reach the end? no, you know it must be never-ending comprehend if you can but when you try to pretend to understand you resemble a fool, although you're only a man, so give it up and smile!
do you hear the flibberty jibberty jibber jabber with an 'oh my god i've gotta get out of here or i'll have another word to sell, another story to tell, another time piece ringin' the bell!' do you hear the clocks stop when you reach the end? no, you know it must be never-ending comprehend if you can but when you try to pretend to understand you resemble a fool, although you're only a man, so give it up and smile!
s-sorry! my voice kinda goes out of tune, cause i can't- yeah. bit fast, you know. yuh. oh i need to work on that british high school au.
you understand mechanical hands are the ruler of everything ruler of everything i'm the ruler of everything in the end
i should have sung this all an octive high- octave higher, by the way
without lookin' down, glidin' around like a bumbling dragon, i fly scrapin' my face on the sky oh, no, no, oh yeah.
hold on- let me just- hold on- i'm gonna try and sing that again, cause like, i usually sing it in a different key anyway
[octave higher] without lookin' down, glidin' around like a bumbling dragon, i fly
yeah, i dunno. both are kind of uncomfy. anyway, i think my parents are here, so byyyeee!
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maguro13-2 · 11 months
Miku.EXE : The Rebirth Pt.3
[Empty Space Out of Control 2 - Fumie Kumatani]
Shadow : Stupid Illusions! Get out of my way! Just what is this "God" doing all over in my head. It's she's playing with these illusions. It feels like that I'm trapped in some kind of nightmare!
Maria's Voice : Please hurry, Shadow!
Shadow : Tch! (Kicks the illusion) I better hurry before it's too late! Maria! I almost there!
??? [V/O] : Going somewhere? It doesn't matter how much you put your anger and hatred against the human who caused your pain and suffering. No matter what your heart does, no matter what you protect, everything you see here is all my illusions that I have played with your minds. This is what your past has been like this and it becomes nothing more than a curse from your "Father". When did you expect that you couldn't save anyone, or swore your revenge on the human race.
Shadow : If it wasn't for Gerald, he would've saved Sonic's world in the first place! It was Black Doom that caused Gerald to go insane and causing the doctor to suffer his loneliness! It was his fault! Wait a minute, it was their fault! It was the ancients' fault that they brought a mess to Mobius with those emeralds!
Shadow : UGHHHH! *panting* What? Hey, how did eneded up at the room where I was at? I guess all that anger and hatred had me worried to build up.
Maria : You're finally here, Shadow. I knew that you could make it in time.
Shadow : Maria, I'm glad that you're safe. You're not wounded are you?
Maria : No, why would I...? I'm still here at the place we where at.
[Reflection - Kenichi Tokoi]
Shadow : Maria...forgive what the professor has did all of us. Maybe if there was a safer haven on the planet, we will find the meaning of our new lives. Or perhaps, we could visit their one day and spend time on their. So, do you agree if we could leave the ARK together?
Maria : I would like to... Shadow. Of course I wanted to spend time with you on earth, we would get to a safer haven to find the meaning of New lives" of ours. It's a pretty idea for us to leave this place with you...and me... together.
Shadow : Maria...
Maria : ... But I'm afraid that I just couldn't. I'll probably be staying here outside the planet.
Shadow : No! But the planet is so clear, and persistent, and you, Maria, would come to the world as promised!
Maria : I would like to. But it's necessary to think about living at a place like this and earth as well.
Shadow : I understand now. I best that I'll leave you alone right now. (Maria turns to Shadow)
Maria (?) : Shadow wait. (Shadows stops before leaving)
Shadow : Hmm? What is it?
Maria (?) : But before you go, I have one more thing for you.
Shadow : (Walks up to Maria) Okay. Let it out on me.
Maria (?) : Sayonara...(in a distorted voice) Shadow the Hedgehog!
Shadow : Maria! NOOOOO!!
Shadow : Agh! My arm! Maria...why? Why are you attacking me!
Maria (?) : Sorry to disappoint you, Shadow. You're friend has been dead the entire time after the Heavy Dog pilot have convicted for the crimes of getting her killed. But the humans will face their judgement of Gerald's crimes against Mobian kind. As a matter of fact, that was Gerald and Black Doom's fault that they're the ones who messed up your entire life. Maria ended her life, Gerald ended his life, The Biolizard ended life, and even Black Doom, your father, ended his life by you! That's the real reason the Robotnik family have been fallen apart and Ivo has suffered his life of loneliness for 50 years of tragedy and despair.
Shadow : The Doctor's loneliness. Gerald caused all of this? You mean he did that to the put the blame on himslef? Now I finally understand what you are! You're the daughter of "God", aren't you?!
Maria (?) : correcto-mondo! You guessed for it!
(Maria's appearance changes to real herform; it is Miku.EXE the whole time)
Miku.EXE : No wonder why you let go of your past. It's only a dream that you are in! You're too slow, Shadow! You couldn't save Maria, nor you couldn't stop the humans. You couldn't save anyone, or anybody. Now it's your turn to draw your last breath, you worthless experiment. There's nothing that you can achieve the ultimate power I have accomplished.
Shadow : You! Are going to regret that! You are going to pay for messing my mind! You hear me?!
Miku.EXE : Maybe you're right. Well, come to think of it, I guess that having a messed up life is a small price to pay. But now you're just willing that you were created as the Ultimate Life form, So I bid you a farewell.
(Gun clicks)
Shadow : And that's what you meant by that. You the daughter of a "God" is going straight to hell!
Miku.EXE : No, but thank you for noticing that. It will be you that is going to hell, where Black Doom is currently at. You first, Ivo last. Say your prayers, faker. Or should I say "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog".
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