#is this the start of a resident evil twilight au?
closetcoffincasket · 4 months
Wanted to make my own infection au! Long post!
The AU is inspired by Resident Evil 2, with Shining Armor and Leon S Kennedy being similar. A virus outbreak in Canterlot and Ponyville is spreading violently, primarily through direct contact with bodily fluids. Communication is limited, and Shining Armor and the Apple family are the main focus in Ponyville. In Canterlot, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are the main characters, with side characters occasionally appearing.
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Shining Armour and Flurry Heart:
Alive, the main character of the Ponyville segment, visited Ponyville with his daughter to visit Twilight and Flurryheart. Despite feeling anxious and stir-crazy, he arrived after 48 hours of an outbreak. While confirming his arrival, he witnessed an accident and lost connection with Cadence. He tried to call Twilight but her voice was barely audible as she told him to seek shelter.
Alive, but missing, currently attempting to find the cause of the outbreaks. She is with Spike in a bunker. Had initially been waiting for her brother to bring Flurryheart to see her. Has made Seven unsuccessful attempts at communication with her friends.
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Rainbow Dash:
Alive, touched down in Ponyville shortly after the outbreak started. Currently looking for Fluttershy, she's very unaware of the gravity of the situation. She got an anxious call from Fluttershy telling her to reconsider visiting. This made her worried and she immediately went to check up on her friend only to find Fluttershy's home empty. She managed to find Scootaloo hiding in the school, no telling where everyone else was though.
Alive, but trapped in the back room of a store. She had been attempting to buy food for her animals when the outbreak happened. The entire store was overrun before she had any means to escape. So to prevent herself from being attacked or bitten she locked herself in an empty staff room. She's hoping that something will buy her enough time to escape.
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Severely injured, but alive nonetheless. She is currently sheltered with Sweetie Belle in her Boutique. She has tried to patch herself up but it isn't going well. She is incredibly frightened but alive and hopeful. She's attempted to contact her parents numerous times but to no avail. Scared and skittish but still just as generous despite it all
Pinkie Pie:
Alive, but trapped in Sugarcube corner. She had been eagerly prepping some sort of party for Flurry Heart’s arrival, only for the outbreak to happen; she thought it was some sort of prank at first before she realized what happened. She shut herself off in her room. She doesn't know where Mr and Mrs Cake are, as they had to fly out to Canterlot with their children for something important. Despite her fear, she is still willing and able to make people laugh whenever possible regardless of the circumstances.
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Alive, but distraught. She is devastated after having to put down Granny. Has worked with Macintosh to secure the farm and keep their family safe. She's a bit worried about Macintosh's mental state as he's become more and more paranoid. She's frightened and a tad despondent but still honest hard-working and willing to lend a hand.
Macintosh or Mac:
Mac found Granny in the barn, having lured him and his siblings. He fought her off but was thrown backward and injured by a few tools. He's quieter, irritable, and less easygoing, making Applejack worried. She's taking up keeping watch to prevent his state from affecting his trigger discipline.
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Celestia is desperately attempting to maintain a grip on order. Not only is the infection doing disastrous things to Canterlot's infrastructure, but it is also making the people of the city paranoid. She is aware that the capital of Equestria's people is not well suited to times of desperation and strife. It is the city of Blue Bloods and nobility, she is unfortunately aware of how incapable they are.
Similarly to Celestia, she is desperately attempting to maintain a hold on order by any means necessary. She has made herself in charge of any defensive means against the infected. Including mandated quarantines and the study of potential sources for the outbreak. She is frustrated and exhausted and continually attempts to reassure the surviving people of Canterlot that things are being done.
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Princess Cadence had come to Canterlot for governmental reasons. Before the outbreak, she noticed that Shining Armor seemed troubled. He mentioned something about feeling stir-crazy and desperately wanting something to do. Despite her saying that he did have things to do, a daughter was enough, wasn't it? However, she was aware that he was used to doing more, he didn't like having a lot of downtime, she figured it would be good for him to be out of the house because she was tired of seeing him invent new chores for himself.
It was only then that she received a frantic phone call from her husband telling her about an accident he'd seen on the road. She realized something was wrong when his voice seemed to glitch and fade in and out. She frantically asked if he or her daughter was injured only to realize that it was the phone line gradually dying. Eventually, after spare few minutes, the phone line went dead. She lost all connection with her husband and daughter. She couldn't phone her sister-in-law and her family, except for Celestia and Luna were unreachable.
For now, she is trying to keep the general public calm, which is hard as wealthy Nobles are somewhat incapable of being reasoned with when their precious treats and privileges are suddenly no longer available to them.
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birb-boyo · 7 months
So what's this about and I'll quote yourself here “EVERYONE DIES IN THE END” loz au?
Sounds traumatic give us the details
In this AU, the Links go on their adventure together, but the mastermind behind it all is Demise.
Now you may be wondering, “How did that happen if Demise is dead?”
And I say this:
When Sky killed Demise, Demise was sent to “God Hell” I haven’t came up with a name for it and I’m tempted to call it Tartarus.
However, even as Demise was being tortured in that Hell, he was able to fight and crawl his way out, that was when all the disasters started.
Hylia called on her heroes, making them unite in order to fight Demise.
But when the time came to end it, they didn’t win. They all died gruesome deaths.
Not very gory picture but pretty gruesome description and other stuff under the cut (:
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(I can’t draw, please be nice)
Demise was out for the Hero of the Skies’s blood, slitting open his abdomen and then bombarding him with lightning and anything else he could summon.
(I tweaked Time’s death)
As he had seen the devastation Demise could create, he donned on the mask of the Fierce Deity, but not even that was enough to stop the rampaging god. Demise stabbed him through his chest, making him falter and fall. Then Demise jabbed his fingers through the hero’s good eye and yanked. The Hero of Time died a slow, agonizing death.
The Hero of Twilight may have died the fastest. Maybe he falls in second, with the Hero of the Wild being first. Demise torn of the hero’s arm, when the boy started to scream, Demise cut off his head.
The Hero of Winds, such a young boy, was stabbed through his chest and left to bleed out.
The Hero of Warriors fell to the same fate, bleeding to death, except that his arms were ripped from their sockets.
The Hero of Legend was stabbed through his throat and left to choke on his blood, begging for help that never came.
The Hero of the Four Swords met a…complicated end. We only know how the one called “Red” was slain. His leg was ripped off.
As far as we know, the Hero of Hyrule never fell in that battle. We only found the severed hands and blood pooled around them.
The Hero of the Wild might’ve died fast. We sure hope so. It was a clean cut straight through. It started at his right shoulder and ended at his left hip. He was cut in half.
The souls of these poor heroes reside inside the medallions the Demon Lord concealed them in, waiting for the next unfortunate soul to free them.
[End Bit]
Hundreds of years ago, Demise slayed the nine heroes of Hylia. All in a single fight. The legends say that, when Demise was slain by the hands of the Hero of the Skies, he was sent to an underworld like no other. In that underworld, it had tormented and tortured him.
When the Demon King had escaped, nothing, not even the sacred sword sword to destroy his evil, could stop him.
The goddess had assembled her heroes to defeat him, but they failed. And in their failure, their souls were tied to necklaces, the Courage Medallions, by Demise.
There, in the medallions, the great heroes still rest. Every medallion has been found. Those who found them worshiped the medallion they found, making statues and building villages around their hero’s medallion.
Demise, fresh with his victory, took over the Hero of the Wild’s world, murdering the queen and taking her crown.
The world has been red since then. Not many Hylians roamed and those who did stayed within their village of their hero.
With power to travel through the eras, Demise reeked revenge upon the fallen heroes. He took the Hero of Time’s wife, dragged her into his fortress and made his son. He then slaughtered the woman after she had borne his son. His last revenge was the name on which he gave his son.
He named his son Link.
I am Link.
[End Bit]
The MC here is Demise’s kid🥰🥰🥰
And I have a whole plot that I’m working on
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lilacline001 · 2 years
I, too, am obsessed with Nocturne, so here's Five Facts about my current WIP.
It actually started as a Ponyo AU Originally, I wanted to do three things (1) write a Byler AU where Will is magic (2) practice general plotting - building rising action, working towards a climax, etc. (3) write 30 - 40k words. I think I'll meet & exceed that word count no problem btw To reach these three goals, for some reason, Ponyo popped in my brain, and I researched fish folktales for daysss. To a certain degree, Ponyo was prefect; I would just have to make it a lot darker. Ponyo/Will's mother would actually be Vecna and the UD coded (evil). Will would cling to Mike and the human world, eventually give up the sea/UD to stay with him. But something was just off, I couldn't connect all the dots in my brain. However, I was really obsessed with writing a scene where Ponyo/Fish/Will would drink Mike's blood and turn into a human. So I kept trying to force the Ponyo AU. I brainstormed and brainstormed. Until I had a moment of clarity - if I was so obsessed over the drinking blood part, I should just write a vampire fic. When I tell you the Heavens parted and everything in my head clicked into place. It truly was such a fun epiphany. Will instantly became a bat in my head, and the rest was history. The Ponyo AU idea scraped in favor of vampires.
Rabies and Mike's anxiety surrounding contracting the illness are a metaphor for AIDs (very loosely) "Unfortunately, he's only able to sleep for a little while, dreams too close to reality for them to be comfortable. Mike dreams of an incurable illness, a revealed horror, and evil-eyes stalking him in daylight. His dream isn't a dream. It's a nightmare. A nightmare that could become reality, if Mike ever slips." here the "incurable illness" could be AIDs or rabies, "a revealed horror" is him be outed as queer, and "evil-eyes stalking him in daylight" are the residents of Hawkins finding out he's queer
Karen Wheeler is a great mother - not perfect, but great. Karen Wheeler manages her own depression by focusing on her children, and in caring for them she finds purpose, fulfillment, and sometimes even joy. So, when she notices Mike's, she helps in the best way she knows how. Karen makes Mike promise to take Holly to school and to pick her up - hopeful that Mike will find purpose and fulfillment in feeling useful, in being needed. (And if you've read the fic you know that it helped a great deal actually.)
Will is NOT going to SPARKLE. Along with this, I was going to make El a psychic, but I thought Nocturne might then resemble Twilight. I mean, they're both about vampires, but I really don't want to write a Twilight au. I said vampire au for a reason. In the end, I thought El deserves a break in this universe, so she's just a regular girl in this one.
My goal was to have 30 - 40k words, and have the fic complete by Halloween (RIP) ahahahhaha, yeah. that didn't happen. I decided to get in Mike Wheeler's head, and that thing grew substantially. But I still have the fic plotted, and I'm still really excited to have certain scenes pay off later.
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mishwanders · 2 years
Thinking about our twilight convo yesterday and so here’s the personality description of Emmett Cullen -
“Emmett is a naturally cheerful and childish character. He loves to laugh and make jokes, and would try to lighten up tense situations with his sense of humor. In Midnight Sun, Edward angrily says: Trust Emmett to find the humor in the destruction of my life. Unlike some of his family members, he never hesitates to speak his mind, which makes Edward very comfortable to be around him. He appears to be thoughtless, impatient, reckless, makes rash decisions and allow his instincts to take over, but also optimistic and never worries about things beyond his control.
He also has a competitive nature. When Bella was being hunted by James in Twilight, Emmett is upset that he wouldn't be going with her, until she points out that he would have a better chance to fight James if he went with Edward. He also displayed no hesitation at the possibility of killing James to ensure Bella's safety after Edward revealed that James would probably hunt her relentlessly, even stating that it was "an option". Despite his tendency to fight, he would sometimes willingly miss out on such an opportunity to protect those he loves.”
yeah no, Chris Redfield would be very much Emmett in a probable twilight au 👀👀
See, I wasn’t wrong - even if it did start out as making fun of Emmett 🤣 they’re both big beefy bois - and we love them here 💕
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coughsyrep · 2 years
Summary: Donna Beneviento is just a shy eighteen-year-old who moved to a new town with her older sister Claudia after a tragedy in Romania. There she meets the Dimitrescu family, and the most intriguing of them, Bela, seems just as interested in Donna as she is in her. But when you fall for someone in a family with secrets as dangerous as the Dimitrescu's, then surely your life's on the line.
Or the AU which started as Twilight but then turned into this AU that only has some semblances of Twilight.
Chapter 8: Bela
3077 Words
Link to AO3 if you prefer that format:
Sunrise - Chapter 8 - traviswrites - Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) [Archive of Our Own]
If you'd prefer to read it here:
“I’m going to lock you in the freezer, Daniela!” A shriek followed by mad laughter follows as Daniela flits throughout the trees of their estate, always just out of reach of Bela’s grasp. “Give me my phone!”
“I’m not done writing your love letter! Cassie, what would go well after proclaiming that Donna has taken hold of our dear sister’s heart?”
“You’re not sending that!” She stumbles when she hears Cassandra hum, cursing quietly when the fabric that had been between her fingertips escapes.
“That she wishes she’d take hold of her-”
“No!” The two youngest cackle, Daniela’s never fast enough to give away her location while Cassandra’s is quiet yet stationary as she watches the two from a balcony. It wasn’t until Bela was finally able to tackle Daniela, phone in hand and ready to gloat when they smell the motor oil. The two quickly help each other up, Cassandra joining them just a moment before a man in a worn trench coat and a hat that was more fray than brim walked out of the woods, an arrogant smirk on his lips.
“If it isn’t my favorite nieces.” The three stiffen in his presence, Bela’s hand wrapping around Daniela’s bicep when she hears her growl faintly. “How long has it been? A few decades now?”
“Not long enough,” Cassandra scoffs, and the man brings a hand over his chest, feigning hurt. “What do you want, Heisenberg?”
“Well now, from what I recall your mother’s the one who called for me. Although with all this hostility, I’m sure the old crow would understand if I were to walk away right now…”
“She’s in her study.” All three of them look towards Bela, who holds a stoic face despite the fire in her eyes. “I shall escort you.” She squeezes Daniela’s arm before letting go, turning on her heel and walking quickly back to the house. She hears her sisters’ growl as Heisenberg follows her, his snickers only spurring them on. She has to hold in one of her own when she reaches the door, waiting as he walks as if taking a leisurely stroll rather than answering an urgent call from her mother.
“You lot sure haven’t changed much,” he says when he finally enters, raising a brow at her, “always so stiff. Stuck up. Like you’re above the rest of us.” She has to stop herself from rolling her eyes, the retort of how it wasn’t hard to be above him on her tongue. “Must be a lonely life like that.”
“As lonely as playing King Lycaon in a factory that’s only seconds away from crumbling.” He snorts, tossing a throw pillow between his hands. She grimaces at the oil streaks that his fingers leave behind.
"Touché,” he murmurs, continuing down the hall and touching anything he could leave a smudge on. She could only grit her teeth at his actions, following behind closely until they reach her mother’s study. He looks back at her, and with a wink flings the doors open, his voice booming as he calls out his mother’s name. Bela’s scoff is covered by the snarl her mother lets loose, and she follows him in.
“You could at least learn the common courtesy of knocking, surely you mutts heard of the concept?”
“Mutts? You’re comparing my kind to feeble-minded dogs, yet you’re out here as cliché as can be with your white carpets and lipstick that’s just red enough to hide your eating habits?”
“Dark lip color is a fashion choice, Heisenberg, not that you’d know anything outside of the ‘rip off Indiana Jones’ aesthetic.”
“Oh, so this is how you talk to those who you,” he points a finger at her, “need help from. I see, however I don’t take this type of mistreatment, so if you’ll excuse…”
“Wait.” He pauses, balancing on the ball of a foot, the other still raised in the air. Bela’s eyes dart between the two of them, her confusion evident on her face and pride taking a blow when her mother concedes, waving a hand to the chair across from the desk as she moves to sit in her own. Heisenberg’s own grin widens as he takes a seat, kicking one foot up over the arm of the chair and slouching low, pulling out a cigar and lighting it.
“Bela, I’d like you to be here for this discussion as well. Cassandra, Daniela, if you’d like to stop eavesdropping, you two as well.” Bela’s hair flies forwards when her sisters join her, one at each side, Daniela looking around excitedly while Cassandra’s angry gaze never leaves Heisenberg. “The reason I called you hear, Heisenberg, was because a resident was attacked by a Lycan several weeks ago. My girls have since found numerous tracks and dead animals with marks resembling those of Lycan attacks. I thought we agreed that the less… desirable of your species wouldn’t be found on our territory.”
“We did, we did.” He waves a dismissive hand, taking his time with his next puff before speaking again. “This is on the old crow’s orders though.” Alcina’s posture straightens impossibly more, Bela and her sisters looking between each other.
“Why would Mother Miranda give you those types of instructions?” Her tone was demanding, and although Heisenberg scoffed, he lets his leg drop, leaning forward so he could look head on at her.
“You remember The Connections? Their promises that seemed to align with Miranda’s, that they’d help protect monsters like us only to try to end up making new and worse ones?” He takes a puff, Bela watching as his empty fist clenches and unclenches. “Well, they’re back. Found a family to experiment on, and now they’re loose. They were in Louisiana, but ran off. My boys tracked them to somewhere around here, give or take a fifty-mile radius.”
“Even so, must your Lycans be so close to the town’s perimeters?” Heisenberg gives a loud sigh, rolling his neck to one side a producing a loud crack.
“If the family would stay away, then yeah, I could keep my boys away. Issue is the son likes going into town, fucking with the folks in it a bit. So if my boys catch a fresh scent of him, it doesn’t matter to them where he might be, or who might get in their way.” Bela feels herself tremble with anger, lip curling into a snarl. She hadn’t even realized she was moving forwards until her claws were digging into Heisenberg’s shoulders, the chair he once sat in now launched across the floor as she slams him into one of her mother’s bookcases.
“How long until you find them?” She yells in his face, not caring about the spittle the lands in his beard. “How long until you can get your fucking dogs out of here?” Her growls grow louder when she feels an arm around her throat, pulling her violently away. She spins, rearing her head back and sinking her fangs into the bicep that had tried to constrict her, barely noticing the yowl of her middle sister when she catches sight of Heisenberg trying to get out of the corner she had him in. She rushes forwards, arms outstretched when she huffs, a weight slamming into her side and sending her sprawling onto the ground. Just before she’s able to kick herself back up, two sets of hands grab onto her, each putting her into an armlock that despite her thrashing she couldn’t get out of. She screamed in rage, blackened eyes glaring up at a perplexed Heisenberg, a concerned Alcina just to the side of him.
“Don’t let them near her! You don’t fucking let them near her again!”
It wasn’t until his scent had started to fade that Daniela’s power began to have any effect on Bela. Even then, it took the combination of her powers, her gentle words, and Cassandra’s firm but grounding grip on her arms that were still restrained that eventually allowed her to have some semblance of a clear mind, her head now hung in shame at her reaction. At their mother’s footsteps they all stiffen, Daniela’s once soothing aura now mixed with slight panic when the woman ducks slightly into the door. Her golden eyes look into Bela’s still dark ones, worry still written on her face.
“Heisenberg has decided that until this situation with The Connection is over, he will not be visiting the estate again.” Bela nods, her head dipping down again. “Unfortunately, as this order was one made by Mother Miranda, the Lycans do need to stay. He agreed to stay within the area to try to control their actions better,” Cassandra grumbles lowly from behind Bela, “however he says that he can not completely control their actions.”
“So what about the residents? They’ll just continue to be threatened?” Their mother turns towards Daniela, pursing her lips.
“The threat is higher than usual, yes. I told him that we will continue to hunt them if they enter the designated perimeter, however we agreed that we will not actively track them unless there are signs of them within a ten-meter perimeter of the town’s perimeter.”
“We just get to wait? Let the mutts take care of the issue?” Alcina shakes her head, holding up a manila folder.
“Mother Miranda has asked that we join the search for the mutations. Their pictures and known information are in here. We will be setting up a perimeter each night, with each of us taking a portion of the inner city while Heisenberg and his Lycans take the outside perimeter and woods. They don’t seem to infiltrate the town during the day, however I shall be making a few calls so that surveillance will always be available.” She hands the folder to Daniela, and Cassandra releases Bela, the three leaning over to look at the folder.
On the front are the words Baker Family written in black sharpie. Daniela flips it open to the first image of a balding man with a gaunt face, a pair of thin wire frame glasses covering dull eyes and his face stern and emotionless. On a sheet under his photo, his name is listed as Jack. He was described as being extremely violent with super strength and seemingly impervious to pain, rarely flinching to even gunshots.
The second photo was a woman with a manic smile and thin wild hair. Her skin was far paler than most humans, high cheekbones only accentuating her starved look. Her name is listed as Marguerite, and was listed as having cannibalistic tendencies alongside the powers her husband possessed, though the strength seemed less than his. She also appeared to have a weakness to pyrethroids unlike her husband, who seemed to have no weaknesses, and it was suggested those who engaged with her carry wasp spray for this reason.
The next was a man with a crazed look in his eye like the woman, though his face was a certain kind of unhinged that made Bela’s skin crawl. His hair was covered by a hoodie, though he did show growing facial hair. His name is Lucas, and he was noted as dangerous not because of powers, but because whatever The Connections did to him enhanced any psychopathic traits he had before. He was also known as a gifted inventor, his traps laying waste to anyone who tried to find the family as long as they weren’t kidnapped and forced to play his sadistic games.
“There’s one more, who’s named Zoe, but she’s been cooperative.” The three look up at their mother, who stares down at the folder. “Those three, however, are unhinged and dangerous. Had I known of them before, we would have been searching for them. But of course that fool Heisenberg thought that he could handle it himself,” she spat, gritting her teeth.
“Shall patrols start tonight?” Cassandra asks, practically buzzing at the thought at the hunt. Alcina nods, holding her hands in front of herself.
“Cassandra, Daniela, I shall assign you two a section of the town to patrol. Bela,” Bela looks up to see her mother giving her a soft look, “perhaps it’d be best for you to relax tonight. You’ve had a difficult day.”
“I can do my part, Mother,” Bela says quickly, pausing when her mother holds up a hand.
“This is not up for discussion. I don’t want you out there with so much on your mind.” A hand reaches down, and Bela nuzzles into Alcina’s hand once it reaches her cheek. “Rest for tonight, dragoste. You’ll have time to help us, yes?” Bela nods, sighing as her mother kisses her forehead. She straightens, and with a tight hug from Daniela and a shoulder squeeze from Cassandra, the three others walk out, Bela listening as Alcina explains where they’ll all be positioned. She looks down at her hands, toying with her nails as she hears them take off in different directions, the silence in the house making her feel more alone than before.
She could only read the same page of a book she’d read six times before for so many hours before she felt like she was suffocating. Tossing it on her bed, she stands, pacing her room as she drags her fingers through her hair, trying to soothe herself. A vibration from her phone catches her eye catches her attention, and her not-beating heart can’t help but immediately hope it’s Donna when she looks at it. She groans when she sees it was only a spam email, but quickly sends a text to her, not letting herself think about it.
‘How’re you doing?’
She tosses it down, sitting at her desk and taking a deep breath, rubbing the back of her neck. Her foot begins tapping on the floor when her phone vibrates again a few minutes later, and she nearly lunges for it, excitement flooding her body.
‘A bit tired. Can’t sleep?’ She looks at the time, cursing under her breath when she sees that it’s past midnight.
‘Yeah, I didn’t realize the time. I’ll let you get back to bed.’ She leans back in the chair, cursing again at waking Donna up. And at letting herself start thinking about Donna. And feeling the need to talk to Donna. She looks back over when her phone vibrates again, surprised that she got a response.
‘It’s okay. If you need to, you can come over?’ She should say no. She should say no. She should absolutely say no.
‘Okay, give me a few.’ Shit.
She clears her throat as she bounces on the balls of her feet, standing outside of Donna’s door. She had lifted her hand to knock several times, only to psych herself out and drop it back down. She knew she was thinking too much about this; Donna just invited her over because she couldn’t sleep, and Donna was friendly like that. It wasn’t anything more.
“Come on Bela,” she whispered, raising her hand one more time only to startle when she hears the front door unlock. She drops her hand, trying to look casual when she sees Donna standing at the door, giving her a shy smile, inviting her in with a nod of her head. They walk up to her room quietly, Donna leaving the door open and sitting on her bed, Bela on her desk chair.
“What’s got you up?” She asks, sleep making her voice huskier than usual. Bela can’t help but feel lucky in that moment that she was undead, lest her cheeks would be burning.
“Just… a family argument.” Bela feels proud of the excuse, but then Donna tilts her head, and Bela wants to tell her everything. “My uncle came over, and told us about… some news, relating to our family. And I just,” she shakes her head, blowing out air, trying not to spill everything, “he can just be so infuriating! It’s like he doesn’t actually care about anything, always having a laissez-faire attitude about everything except for his little experiments, and it’s just…” She throws her hands up in frustration, shaking her head. “And then this news is affecting my family and the people I care about, but he doesn’t get it but he doesn’t care about anything!”
“And then Mother doesn’t think I can handle myself right now, so she’s just adding extra responsibility for Cass and Dani which isn’t fair, because I’m the oldest and I should be able to handle it…”
“It’s just, how am I supposed to protect the people I care about if I’m not even allowed to do my own duty?”
“Hey.” Bela holds back a gasp when she feels a warm hand envelope her own, and looks up into Donna’s dark eyes. They don’t hold the concern that she had grown both accustomed to and annoyed with, but rather a gentleness that she hasn’t experienced in some time. The hand gently pulls her up, which Bela willingly follows, taking her to the dresser and letting her go as Donna turns, opening the drawers.
“What are you doing?”
“I think you need a little time away,” Donna says, not turning around as she pulls out a shirt, “so you’re staying the night here.” Bela feels another faux blush climb its way up her cheeks, looking away when Donna closes the last drawer and turns back with a tee-shirt and sweatpants. “The pants are a little big on my, so hopefully they’ll be long enough.”
“You don’t have to do this for me,” Bela whispers, but Donna pushes the clothes into her arms anyways.
“I know.” She smiles sweetly, stepping away. “I’ll be outside the door. Call me when you’re done.” When the door shuts, Bela tries to get dressed at a human pace, but still waits a moment before calling her back in. She tries not to pay attention to the blush Donna wears when she steps back in, and follows her to the bed, only joining her when Donna pulls the covers back for her. They lay facing each other, and when Bela notices Donna’s racing heartrate, she reaches over, letting her fingers run through her dark hair. The repetitive motion slows her heart until Donna’s eyes close, her breathing evening out, and when she’s sure she’s asleep, Bela closes her eyes as well, imaging that she’s human, that she’s asleep as well, that Donna’s heartbeat is her own.
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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We recently received a request for enemies and lovers recs. We already have an enemies to lovers fic rec list here, but after looking at that list, we realized we had much more to add to it and therefore decided to make a part two.
Happy reading!
1) I Couldn’t Get Away From You | Mature | 5185 words
Suddenly in the heat of the moment, Harry’s eyes turned darker as he pushed Louis’ back more and more towards the wall. “Fine.” He plants his lips on Louis’ and begins to roughly kiss him, soon enough turning it into a make-out session.
“Fuck you, Styles,” Louis moans and grips onto Harry’s shoulders, hands trailing up to the taller’s hair and gripping that as well.
“We’ll see about that.”
2) There's More Than One Place To Call Home | Explicit | 8416 words
Harry never asked for much from his neighbors - he didn't care about barking animals during the day or loud talking during the night.
The only thing he needed was silence when he was writing. And that was the only thing his new neighbor wouldn't give him.
Deciding to confront the loud guy who lived next door, Harry found himself ringing his doorbell one night. And that decision just may be the best thing that's ever happened to Harry.
3) Make A Run, Cause Some Rebellion | Explicit | 8824 words
As a general rule, kitten hybrids are small and disinterested in what other people want them to do, slightly evil and at least a little manipulative. Louis prides himself on being all of those things to varying degrees, but especially on being uninterested in what other people tell him to do. He’s still human goddammit, despite his pointy ears and penchant for curling up in the sun and taking naps.
He’s going about his daily business, knocking things over where he sees fit and leaving a trail of mess in his wake. As exasperated as it makes Liam he’s used to it by now, having shared a flat with Louis for almost three years now, and if Louis whines enough he’ll even clean up after him. It’s a great life, really.
With the exception of Liam’s stupid, broad shouldered, entirely too big mate, the one who always comes over to watch sports with him. Louis hates that guy. His hair is always greasy and he brings weird hipster beer with him when he comes that tastes like shit. And he won’t even let Louis have any of it, either. The only reason Louis even knows what it tastes like is because one time he stole a bottle from the fridge and fled to his room before Harry could catch him.
4) Something To Prove | Explicit | 9425 words
Louis is the first and only omega to work at Red Valley Medical Center. Despite being more than qualified, he still faces prejudice for his career choice everyday. From patients refusing his treatment to condescending alpha doctors intervening with his work, practicing medicine in Boston is more challenging than Louis had ever thought it would be.
5) Where Do We Go Now | Explicit | 10617 words
Louis goes off to college ready to start a fresh life away from the oppressive alphas of his pack.  The odds aren't in his favour when his new dorm mate turns out to be an alpha.  Louis hates alphas.
6) Enjoy The Ride | Not Rated | 11103 words
The one where Louis, an omega more than tired of being treated as lesser than alphas, is forced on a road trip by his beta besties only to meet Harry who might just be the alpha he never knew he wanted.
7) I Didn’t Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) | Explicit | 20681 words
These days Louis tends to steer clear of dating alphas. He’s dated too many knotheads in his time, and he’s ready to just focus on school and his friends and his pet monitor lizard, of course.
Too bad the alpha next door won’t take a hint and stop using the worst pick up lines of all time on him. He’s really got to stop laughing with him--and talking to him and walking to class with him and letting him bring him coffee and tea and gifts for his lizard and watching Netflix together and...
8) Written In The Stars (That’s You And Me) | Explicit | 22632 words
Louis pushes himself up on one elbow and stretches enough to just barely trace his fingertips over Harry’s jawline. Harry’s eyes drop to track his movements as he does it again. “D’you feel that?” he whispers.
To him, it feels like all of the universe’s magic lives just beneath his skin when he touches Harry with intent. It feels like something special. Louis watches Harry’s lips part and wants to touch that too. He almost does, but then Harry shakes his head. “Feel what?”
6) Middle Ground | Explicit | 23516 words
Note: This fic has been locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry moves to a new town for work where he meets the enigma that is Louis Tomlinson.
10) When It’s Late At Night | Mature | 25597 words
The Late Late prompt that we all need to get through this excruciatingly hard time.
11) Supposed To Be | Explicit | 26100 words
The Geek Charming AU where Harry's a film geek, Louis' a popular jock, and they both need each other to get what they want.
12) Magical Soup | Explicit | 28850 words
Slytherin prefect Louis Tomlinson's seventh year at Hogwarts takes an immediate turn for the worse when he's made to be potions partners with Harry Styles, Hufflepuff's resident heartthrob and class clown.  Louis has always considered Styles to be a terrible show-off who coasts by on his charm and good looks, but the more they work together, the more he questions that idea.  As term goes on, will Louis be able to admit to himself that he might actually like Harry Styles after all... and maybe, just maybe, as more than a friend?
13) Building Me Up (But Buttercup, You Lied) | Explicit | 31007 words
Harry’s mouth felt dry just saying those words. What he had with Louis was so much more than a simple ‘fuck buddies’ situation. It was slow kisses in the morning between soft sheets and shy smiles, it was holding hands in the afternoon while walking and eating ice cream. It was breakfast for dinner, laughing and licking honey from each other’s lips as they shared goals and even some secrets, it was happiness, it was glow.
To Harry, what he had with Louis meant everything. Until Louis decided it meant nothing.
14) You’ve Set On Me | Explicit | 31100 words
Louis' in an obscure band. Harry's an international popstar. Their paths aren't meant to cross, not like this, but when Louis' band signs on as Harry's opening act, both Harry and Louis are forced to confront the open wounds of their shared past.
15) Nicotine | Explicit | 32245 words | Sequel
"We're two different types of people, Liam. He likes sex and drugs, I like theater and tea. Trust me, we'd never date." Except they would, they do, and neither of them plans on letting go anytime soon.
16) Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat | Explicit | 34572 words
Harry is 98% sure Louis hates him. So he feels like his bewilderment is justified when the omega offers to help him through his rut.
17) Close To Nowhere | Explicit | 34589 words
Louis and Harry are psychics who kind of hate each other. They go to Tennessee to investigate a haunting.
18) Make This Feel Like Home | Explicit | 42032 words
The house on West 28th Street in London is twice the size of Louis', more expensive than the price of all of his house and car payments combined, and is falling apart at the seams.
19) Strangers in Love | Explicit | 42207 words
Louis wakes up to find himself in a marriage with the last man he thought he'd ever end up with.
10) Why Can’t It Be Like That | Explicit | 63567 words
A fashion AU with a royal twist, where Louis doesn't need a stylist, Harry's thrilled to have a real life Barbie doll, and they're both very wrong about each other.
21) I Want You So Much (But I Hate Your Guts) | Mature | 83648 words
AU in which Louis gets accepted to play for the Manchester University Alpha-Beta Football Team. The only problem: Louis is actually an Omega. He is determined to make it big in the football world, though, and he can't do that bound to an Omega team. With the help of a faked doctor's certificate and some pretty strong suppressants he is ready to fight for his dream.
That Harry Styles (Alpha, second year and youngest football captain of the A-B team in ages) doesn't seem to like him complicates matters, though.
22) For Reasons Wretched and Divine | Explicit | 94655 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Ten years ago, Harry Styles was just a nerdy kid with one friend and a debilitating crush on the captain of his school’s football team. He thought the stars were smiling down on him the day he and Louis Tomlinson were paired for their end-of-term Literature project. But because Harry’s life is decidedly not a fairytale, the budding friendship quickly leads to the least happy ending of all time.
Now, Harry Styles is a household name. Barely twenty-seven with two Grammy nominations to his name, the singer-songwriter is poised to take the music industry by storm with his highly anticipated third album. So, what happens when the best producer in the business is also the only person Harry’s vowed never to speak to again?
23) You Drive Me Crazy (But It Feels Alright) | Explicit | 102306 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
“Harry is not short for Harold,” he corrects, his voice as thick as molasses. He lowers his eyes to Louis’ sequined lapels, rubbing one between two fingers. “Is this small or extra small? It looks lovely.”
Louis breaks away from his grip with a petulant huff and pushes him back with two fingers.
“You’re mocking me. Again.”
Harry smiles and it's a real honest swoop of his lips this time. Louis’ stomach swoops with them.
24) Tainted Saints And Velvet Vices | Mature | 126056 words
A self-fulfilling Hogwarts AU in which Louis is new to seventh year and Harry is the resident devil-may-care Slytherin set to make his entire experience a living misery. Due to less than favourable circumstances they're forced to forge an unwilling, tentative relationship for their own survival. Repressed emotions, decidedly unromantic ballroom dancing, Triwizard Tournament tasks, creative jinxes and twilight flying above the Forbidden Forest ensue.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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mothmansrevolt · 4 years
LU Girl Scout AU (and subsequent PTA AU)
LU au where they have to pretend to be girl scouts because Time has to prove a point to the pta board and to the Karen Squad Its basically a bunch of highschoolers and singular college student pretending to be girl scouts because of both friendship and Time just shoved some sashes in their hands and said Y'all are all now girlscouts and offered to get them Chipotle as payment.
Twilight is in college(online). Warriors in a senior. Legend and Sky are juniors. Hyrule and Wild are sophmores. Four and wind are freshmen. Four is homeschooled by his grandfather though.   All are in a specila branch called hylia scouts (creative i know). This means they get set uniforms and competitions with other troops over cookie selling boundaries since hylia scout troops are usually very close to eachother. There are two troops in their area including them. Troop 4296 (the Links) and 6669 (the Karen Squad) They are troop 4296 because Time wouldnt let them have either 420 or 6969
Time--a pta mom--rivals with the Karens--tired as all hell but will not hesitate to prank the karens--troop leader and/or chaperone depending on the situation--He has a million bumper stickers supporting his "girls"--honestly he's just here for the cookies--someone get this man a coffee--has two sons according to the law, but has eight in spirit--you mess with his children he will not hesitate to murder you--all his sons are arsonists and he doesn't understand why--will call the links his "daughters". half the town can't tell what children he actually has--loves coupons and discounts "Malon said I'm not allowed to start fights at the pta meetings but I will not hesitate drag her here if you insult my beautiful brats again." Twilight­--Time's eldest son--only in this because he doesn't want his friends to get hurt and he loves his parents--a good boy--loves animals and will not hesitate to educate you on them--he wears overalls and if forced will wear a skirt over the overalls--he cant sell cookies for shit because nobody believes that he is a girlscout--sometimes has to duck down behind Four if certain people are around because they'll get suspicious--it does not work--He pretends to be everyone's big brother and they love him for it--perpetually confused by Wolfie "I have command over an army of teenagers and goats, nothing can stop me but gas money and my gpa." Wild--Time's second son--can pass as a girl pretty well--he destroys stuff during craft time--hot glues patches to sash--He has every one of the cooking patches and than some--Often seen with the camera photographing everything--Will help create new badges--give this boy a scavenger hunt and he will find you just about anything--has a tendency to ride on wild animals--isn't legally allowed to drive a car nor own a license. nobody knows why--second most convincing for this whole thing "This is just a glorified gang and honestly I am living for it." Four--from the neighboring farm but Twilight and Malon babysits him sometimes. he is a staple--the karens keeps trying to steal him because he is 'innocent' and 'a little lady'--this leads to ridiculous hijinks--he is small, quiet, not very mentally sound but he tries his best and is brave as all hell--owns the most badges--will rock the skirt always--fashionista or fashion disaster, there is no in-between--he's the most committed besides legend and warriors but is the most convincing--best cookie seller--Often seen handling sharp tools and knives for some reason, who gave this child a weapon?!--tends to befriend bad people--the only one with the fire safety badge even though, he to, is an arsonist--wears a vest because the sash is too big, Malon made it for him--has a bird named Ezlo who sits on his head "Sorry Miss Karen but I've been bribed with my first born child so kindly fuck off." Legend--salty and sassy--will always rock the skirt--also a fashionista and knows accessories--he's really only in this because of a running bet with warriors--he has a soft on the inside sometimes--he will get into cat fights--The other girlscouts from a rival troop HATE him because they will always lose arguments against him--knows the most about girl scouts, won't say how--Often seen blinged out with the jewelry he wins at the local chuck-se-cheese with his buddy Ravio "I have command over an entire troop of shortstacks and will not hesitate to order a strike against your fucking kneecaps. Do NOT question the authority of this skirt." Warriors--pretty boy--in a bet with Legend--also a fashionista--he is a big brother tho-- protection squad and trying his best--he is on student counsel and is a good leader--stand in when Time is busy--Often seen with a sports bag in one hand and a girl scout sash in the other--all the troops think he is a major lesbian because he keeps flirting with the other scouts--he gets more numbers as a girlscout, not that he could ever admit this "I'm a known lesbian among the girl scouts and honestly that is my crowning achievement." Sky--is here because his friends are here--He is the mom friend--second best at selling cookie because of his sweetness--He often tag teams with Four for selling cookies--is slightly confused but he's here to make sure nobody gets hurt--honestly just naps during meeting-- Often seen with blanket and a comforting hug--rival troops actually have scouts seeking out to befriend him--always forgets his skirt and is often seen borrowing his girlfriend Zelda's "Guys, please stop fighting you are all beautiful young women. Karen, you shut the frick up." Hyrule--the camper and nature boy of the group--he loves and has earned every patch for exploration and camping--tends to get lost--needs navigation patch--its been revoked from him twice--Humble and nice--often sleeps over at other peoples houses--nobody knows where he lives--it confuses the shit out of them--He is buddies with Four because Four knows the backwoods and roads the best--Often not seen due to being lost "Legend duck taped a gps to me arm and I think its lost to :(" Wind--baby boy--not as innocent as the others think--he absolutely loves being a girlscout--will play pranks on the other troops during jamborees and campouts--lives by the sea, slightly far away form everyone else--He helps with the nautical patches--hangs with the resident young delinquents, Tetra's gang. she thinks this is hilarious--he owns the troop wagon that they all use--its named King of the Red Lions or just Dave depending on the hour--only here because Twilight babysits him and his sister--also wears a vest because he thinks its cooler--Often seen with a telescope and covered in sand--someone give this child a bath "My first love may be the sea, but my second is that damned burrito, hand me the fucking skirt!" Wolfie--troop mascot--a giant half wolf half god knows what--has his own vest and patches-- has a tendency to just show up--Nobody knows where he comes from nor where he goes--he is the town cryptid and it isn't uncommon to see him pulling the troop wagon with the boys in it--Four still rides on his back--it counts as the horse back riding patch--Twilight is perpetually confused by him and its become a running gag that Wolfie is his fursona--loves cookies, sadly the cookies do not love him--can vaguely say curse words "arf" Shadow and Dark(I'm not sorry)--in karen's troop 6669 (for fun? for rivalry? who knows. they don't)--brothers--edgy bastards who are in a band together--Shadow is best friends with Four, Dark thinks he's pretty rad--Often seen with Four and the other edgy teens--both sassy, both easily pissed but trying to be kind of nice--Shadow is the only one who has achieved this--no those are not their real names, its Link and Link like everyone else in this goddamned town--HI MY nAME IS ebONY DArknESS DEMENTIA RAveN WAY--Dark is the author of My Immortal--both suck at selling cookies--tag team with Four to try and help their sales--rivals of troop 4296, they despise each other--both wear vests because Shadow wanted to match Four and Dark decided he can trick out the vest "Our mother may be a bitch and a dumbass, but at least we aren't petty white boys." "Wait Dark we are petty white boys" "FUCK" Karen Ganondorf Smith, Kaaren Link Johnson, Carhaen Reese--bitches and pta moms--runs the pta--the karen squad--Reese's daughter named Betghyani who is very nice and likes troop 4296--Johnson is mother of Shadow and Dark--they are fucking nuts y'all--they represent the three evils of the pta: the enforcer, the healthy diet extreme, and the bitch against disabled children (quiet hands!!!)--despite popular belief, Four (Link Smith) is in no way related to Karen Smith (legally at least. Karen thinks they are and it doesn't end pretty sometimes)--they all hate Time with a burning passion because he is not afraid to call them out on their bullshit "I've brought up so many stances and rules into this pta and will not have some farming hooligan upstaging the careful work me and the other heads have created!" Malon--couldn't be on pta because she almost murdered a karen with kindness--sweet and kind but can still kick ass--helped make and fix uniforms--acts as chaperone when needed and finds this all completely hilarious--she makes snacks with Wild for the meetings--has adopted all of these children--actively enforces Wind and Four to eat more because whY ARE ALL YALL SO TINY--can lift a cow "Don't talk to me or my husband or my son or my son or my eight fake sons or my lovely eight fake daughters ever again."
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goodganon · 5 years
Good Ganon Part 1
Okay so this is just an Au idea that I couldn't get out of my head and I wanted to share it with everyone.
Mainly this will consist of headcanons and also weird game mechanics that I personally would like if this story could become a game.
So without further adieu let's get on to the plot!
So if this would be placed anywhere on the timeline it would be sometime after the Ocarina of Time/Twilight princess.
Basically my idea stems from the idea that Hyrule resets alot, every game we have a new Hyrule with not being able to go much or at all back to the previous Hyrule.
Then there is also the thing I realized in Breath of the wild, it's always seal Ganon.
Not destroy, not kill, but seal.... Why would they seal him? They could just destroy him right? Well at least if they had the power.
(Okay small note I've been told that Ganon can't be killed no matter what😅 hence why he is sealed but I think my idea still stands, I hope.)
So what if Ganon wasn't meant to be destroyed, what if he was created to help in the resetting of Hyrule?
I couldn't get the idea out of the three goddesses, Din, Farore, Layranu are the cause of this.
You see they created the world where Hyrule resides in, and Hyrule itself is filled with smart creatures.
This results in Hyrule becoming quite advanced and if left alone with no evil Ganon to interrupt its growth; Hyrule would quickly be in a more modern society like us if not more advanced. But with moving forward in technology and in a civilization comes knew beliefs, knew religions etc.
The goddesses feared to be forgotten, they knew that people would believe in them in this advance society, but it wouldn't be enough.
So they created Ganon, a puppet of power created by Din to help reset Hyrule when it becomes to advanced.
But of course with a powerful being you need someone to stop him and contain him, this is were Zelda and Link come in.
Respectively they were created by Layranu and Farore to help seal Ganon. This way Ganon wouldn't do to much damage but still enough to stall the growth of Hyrule.
So with every new Hyrule we get our Triforce people (Ganon,Link, and Zelda) reincarnated to follow the steps the goddesses give them.
But Ganon is a little bit different, you see unlike Link and Zelda, Ganon has two forms.
His beast form and his human form, it will vary from what the goddesses need if he will be one or the other.
And maybe I should correct myself, Ganon actually has a different way to come back all the time. It might not actually be considered reincarnation 😅
When a new Hyrule is made they need Ganon to start off on a clean slate aka a clean soul. This is so they can either mold him to their will or into a mindless beast.
You see all of the souls of the previous Ganons both human and beast are trapped in a hidden temple accessed only by the goddesses and the Gerudo tribe.
Din will take a bit of their essence from all the Ganons and plant it into an unborn child of the Gerudo tribe. (Unless it is meant to be beast Ganon) But this isn't just a one time thing this is done multiple times throughout Ganondors childhood, this helps in him becoming more and more corrupted.
Ganon is never evil on his own, he is pushed to be evil or like in Ocarina of Time feels he is entitled to being a ruler.
Though one thing I wanna make clear is that the human souls of Ganon if they could live again would still make the choice to be evil. Yes they hate how they were puppets but they still have ambitions they want to fulfill and so would continue do so if they could.
Okay now this is were it comes into with good Ganondorf, or as I like to call him Gan.
Gan like the others before him at the age of twelve begins his corruption process. This is disguised as a ritual to becoming the chief of the Gerudo tribe.
Though before it can be completed a few of the human Ganondorf souls interrupt the ritual, they can't stand to have another Ganondorf become a puppet so they reveal the truth to Gan.
He runs away of course, and after about two or more weeks of being on the run he finally ends up in land of green.
Soon he finds himself Inaforest and the deeper and deeper he goes into said this forest he eventually finds a little Link training with a wooden sword and shield.
Upon finding the other Gan collapses due to lack food and water, and Link takes him to his home.
He then ends up staying with Links family living a very peaceful life... At least for for now until he is 19.
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thdorkmagnet · 4 years
The Seven Marcos (Star is Snow White AU part 2)
Summary: A series of one-shots and multi-chapters proving why Star Butterfly should be considered a Disney Princess, as Star and company take over the roles of all your favorite Disney Princess characters! (Starco inevitable)
Check out my other stuff on Fanfiction! 
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters are owned by Daron Nefcy and Disney. Snow White belongs to Disney. All rights go to their respective owners.
Part 1 here
The forest was dark and foreboding, everything within bathed in shadows, the air alive with tension and malice. Few dared venture this far into the woods, even the bravest adventures would find a hard time crossing through the dimly lit jungle. There were many whispered rumors about the place some believing it to enchanted by a witch and that any who passed through would suffer a grim curse.
This didn't seem all that unbelievable, many things playing into its notoriously disturbing rumor, which only added to the fear. For one thing, strange and frightening noises could always be heard echoing through the treetops, as if some unknown creature was watching you just out of sight... waiting. Not to mention the fact that everything within the woods was creepy and distorted, even the trees were mangled in bizarre looking shapes, even sort of faces could be made out of the rough bark, grimly sending fear into the hearts of any who passed. Yes, it seemed the whole place gave off an unignorably eery feeling, as if there were some kind of dark magic at work there, making any who entered uncomfortable.
And it only grew worse the deeper in you went.
The particular stretch of forest Star entered was no different, the princess having walked for quite a while, the forest growing darker and colder the further in she went. She paused for a moment, wiping some stray leaves that had clung to her, before she looked up at the trees that surrounded her on all sides. They all seemed to have evil, sinister faces on them, glaring at her with wooden fangs pocking out of the bark, their sharp branches spread out like claws about to grab at her, the little light poking through the dark treeline above accenting the terror of the non-living creatures in front of her.
Suddenly, Star rolled her eyes, scoffing to herself, as she waved the trees off, saying in a semi-laugh, “Please you're gonna have to try harder than that to scare me.” She then, walked past them without a second thought, going even deeper into the woods, humming a happy tune as she did. Just as she disappeared out of sight, the trees all seemed to wilt, their scary looking faces shifting into sad, almost disappointed frowns.
Star continued on for several hours, going deeper and deeper into the heart of the woods, as the day slowly drew itself to a close, mostly just wandering aimlessly, thinking to herself and trying to fight off the horrible case of boredom she was suffering from. She was really starting to wish she could come across something, anything, other than stupid trees, Star even finding herself wanting to see something actually scary just to give her something to do. But even that hope was dashed, as she apparently had reached an end to the woods creepy section, the girl now wandering in a fairly beautiful and peaceful haven hidden at the dark forest's center, its bright and colorful nature the exact opposite to its dark and shadowy counterpart that lied just beyond the treeline, a hidden gem in a sea of shadows and gray.
Even as twilight began to creep in and the sun began to set, the sky turning a delightful and enchanting shade of red as it bathed the land below it in its soft glow, marking an end to another day, the forest still seemed alive with positive energy. Star could hear birds singing and chittering away in the treetops, as well as see other woodland critters happily grazing the lush landscape, a babbling brook running through the area creating a comforting melody.
But Star was far from feeling peaceful, her boredom beginning to make her feel frustrated. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, Star had reached her limit, as she groaned loudly, slumping herself back in a pouty manner, ignoring the comforting sensation she was getting from the soft object she was currently laying on. “Ugh, so borrreed,” she moaned to herself. “No wonder nobody ever comes out here, there's literally nothing to see.”
“Well, other than that cottage over there,” the pink cloud spell named Cloudy (that Star was currently riding on) said cheerfully.
Star sat up immediately, curiously looking around her. “What? What cottage?” Star asked eagerly, overjoyed for something new to see, hearts once again appearing on her cheeks, beating once, before vanishing. Now that she was looking she spotted it quickly, Star indeed surprised she had missed it in the first place. It was a nice little two-story cottage, tucked in a fairly peaceful and secluded clearing, a dirt path Star couldn't believe she had missed leading to the country house, the place homey and appealing to the young princess. Though Star was surprised to see it there, under the impression that nobody ever entered this deep into the woods, much less lived there. But it seemed she was wrong. “Good catch, Cloudy,” Star praised her happy-go-lucky spell. “Now let's go see if anybodies home.”
“Sure thing, Star,” the cloud responded immediately, flying quickly over to the cottage in an attempt to try and fill his master's request faster.
Once Star and Cloudy were close enough to the cottage, Star slid off of the floating pink fluffball, finding it easy enough to walk the rest of the way. She turned back to the living cloud for a second saying cheerily, “Thanks, Cloudy, but I think I can take it from here.”
“You're welcome, Star,” the spell responded, its eyes twinkling. “I love you!”
“I love you too,” Star whispered in embarrassment, her cheeks turning pink, as she raised her wand in the air, undoing her spell. Cloudy screamed in pain, before it vanished from existence, its cry fading out a second later. Star, however, seemed unaffected by this, as she skipped off toward the cottage without a second thought.  
Once Star reached the door to the cozy cottage she knocked on the firm, wood frame. She waited for someone to come answer the door, humming to herself and rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. But after a while, no one came.
Star frowned, before knocking again, this time a bit harder. “Helloooo!” she called, hoping to draw their attention. She waited once more for someone to let her inside, crossing her arms, her foot tapping away impatiently. But again, there was no reply.
Star groaned in frustration, before knocking as hard on the door as she could, waiting with clenched fists, this time not expecting much. And her suspicion was correct, once again the door left untouched and unopened.
Finally, she stepped around to a nearby window, pressing her face against it as she squinted inside. Though it was dark, Star could see that the house was empty at the moment, Star unable to make out any movements or signs of life from within. “Nobodies home,” she said to herself.
Star thought for a second trying to decide what would be the best course of action. Should she go in or not? With nobody there, this meant that Star would be intruding on someone else's private property and if she was caught she could be labeled a creep by the only other apparent resident of the spooky forest. But on the other hand, Star needed a place to stay, really not wanting to be wandering around alone in the dark. Star felt indecisive, leaning against the country house, with a tired groan. Then, her stomach growled, making up her mind for her, as she said, “That's it,” before marching back around to the front door.
There was a loud explosion as the door to the house was blasted off its hinges, landing inside the house, burnt and broken, followed by Star saying, “Oops.” She stepped inside with her now-smoking wand a guilty look in her eyes, the wand still a little more potent than she was used to. She looked around to make sure no one had seen anything, before picking the door back up and propping it half-haphazardly against its frame, before calling it good enough. She turned on her heels so she could get a good look at the home she had broken in t- err, she had entered. Or at least she would have, if the room wasn't pitch black. “Ugh, why is it so dark in here?” she groaned.
She waved her wand, doing a graceful spin, chanting cheerily, “Luminescent Glowworm Lightshow!” Suddenly, the room was covered in smiling, floating glowworms making it far easier to see everything. “There, that's better,” she said, giving a small nod, allowing herself a successful smile.
“Hi Star!!” all the luminescent creatures called as one.
“Hi guys!” she replied, equally joyfully. With the house now well-lit Star could see that the place was just as homey on the inside as it was on the outside, Star feeling quite comfortable already in there, though she did notice that the house was kept absolutely spotless, the floors scrubbed clean to perfection, everything organized and put in its prospective place, and not a speck of dust or cobwebs anywhere to be seen. Whoever did the cleaning there was an exceptionally tidy person, borderline obsessive. “Wow, someone really likes cleaning,” Star said to herself, as the distinct scent of soap drifted to her nose, even though that seemed rather unlikely considering the house had probably been abandoned all day.
This was when she noticed the next thing about the house, it wasn't owned by merely one person, in fact she figured it was instead shared by seven people, due to the fact that that number kept popping up over and over again, all throughout the home. Everything in the house had been divided up perfectly for seven people, from the number of chairs they had to sit in, to the number of cups they had setting in their cupboard, and so on and so forth. Seven, seven, seven.
“Huh? So this place must belong to seven people, then?” she concluded, thoughtfully, walking up the steps that led to the second floor. “Well hopefully they won't mind taking in one more house guest.”
She paused in the doorway of the bedroom, staring in at the seven neatly made beds, not a wrinkle in sight. “Oh, great,” she dead-panned. “They all are super tidy.” She herself was not the most organized person in the world, but she would have to be extra careful about making messes from this point on to ensure that she stayed on whoever lived there's good side. She just hoped she could convince them to let her stay, Star figuring a lot of begging would be involved, especially after what she had accidentally done to their door (She should probably try and fix that actually, before they got back). Still, there was no point in stressing about it now, she would just cross that bridge when she got there... or when they got back... or whatever.
She was just about to head downstairs, when suddenly, a wave of exhaustion flooded over her, her whole body feeling as heavy as a brick, causing her to yawn. She rubbed at her now-heavy eyelids, Star really struggling to stay awake all of a sudden. She had no idea what had brought her sudden fatigue on, Star realizing she must have been more worn out by everything than she had thought. Who would have figured that being almost killed by an assassin sent by your adopted mother bent on taking over your throne would take so much out of you?
Without realizing it, she found herself laying down on the nearest bed, still yawning, settling easily into the comfy pillow and soft sheets, now bathed in their warmth. She knew she should try and stay awake, so she could greet the owners when they got back but she had no idea when that would be or even if it would be anytime soon. For all she knew they would be gone all night, so she concluded to take a tiny nap, just to get her energy back. “I'll just close my eyes for one minute,” she mumbled half-asleep, her heavy eyelids already shut, as she gave in to her exhaustion and allowed herself to rest.
A moment later, the girl was snoring, already fast asleep.
Not too far off from the country cottage, seven young boys all wearing bright red hoodies marched through the woods in a line, all of them ready to get back home after a long day of work. Though they all wore the same exact outfit their choice in fashion was not the only similarity the boys all shared. In fact, they were mostly identical, the same brown hair, same brown eyes and tanned skin, even the same mole on all of their left cheeks. They were all spitting images of each other, the similarities between them too many to count. They even shared the same name: Marco Ubaldo Diaz. Though there were some noticeable differences, too, all of them slightly altering their appearances just enough that that they could be told apart to help make it less confusing.
The one in the lead, who wore a brown sweater vest ontop of his hoodie and a pair of glasses, held up a lantern to light his path, as he guided his matching companions through the dark woods. He smiled as he spotted a familiar sight just up ahead, their cottage looking quite welcoming after a long day in the mines. “Hey guys, I can see the house up ahead. We're almost home.”
“'Bout time,” The Marco behind him mumbled, annoyed. He wore a black leather jacket over his hoodie, a pair of fingerless black gloves, a purple beanie laying over his messy, unkept hair, and a random band-aid on his cheek. He had his hands tucked deep in his pockets, walking forward with a noticeable slump and an angry frown on his face.
“Yeah we made it!” another one of the boys cheered, pumping his fists excitedly in the air, a bright smile permanently engraved on his face and his eyes always shining with unsuppressed joy. His hoodie was tied around his waist, showing off his white undershirt that had a picture of a yellow sun on it. “Isn't that great, Marco?!”
He turned to look at another of the Marco's, who gave a short little nod and a thumbs up. There seemed to be no noticeable difference in the boy's choice of clothing in comparison to the others, wearing just his hoodie, black slacks and green sneakers like the rest. The only difference for him came from the fact that he never spoke a word, having to gesture any emotion he wanted to relay.
The hyper boy picked up his pace so he could give his scowling counterpart a playful nudge with his elbow, to his obvious annoyance. “Told you we would make it back!”
The leather-wearing Marco rolled his eyes, snapping in irritation, “Whatever?” He roughly shoved the cheerful boy away from him without a second thought. “Would have gotten here sooner if someone hadn't gone the wrong way.” He gave the Marco in the lead a knowing look, the smugness on his face unmistakable.
The glasses-wearing boy came to a stop as he shot him a glare at the comment. “Hey that's not my fault,” Marco said defensively. He pointed to another one of the hooded boys. “He's the one who made us go the 'safe route'.” He did air-quotes on the last phrase to demonstrate his point. The others all sighed.
“What?!” the Marco in question cried, looking quite offended by their negative behavior, looking between them all with a frown. His choice in fashion was more safety-inclined, wearing a blue helmet, a safety vest over his hoodie, as well as a fanny pack which was for, in his words exactly, “just in case”.  
“The way our leader wanted to go was known for bear attacks! Forgive me if I wanted to keep everyone from getting eaten.” He crossed his arms in a pouty gesture. “And we made it back, anyways, didn't we? And with all our limbs attached. So really you should all be thanking me.”
“Thanking you?” leather-clad Marco asked knowingly, raising a cryptic eyebrow.
“You're welcome,” the other boy shot back, giving him a smug smile.
“Hey guys,” another voice whispered shyly from the back of the line, this one wearing his hood up at all times, his face always covered slightly by shadows. He blushed as all eyes were drawn to him, looking away from them and slowly shrinking a bit into himself.
“What? What is it, Marco?” the smiling Marco said, moving closer so he was leaning in to his face, which only made the other more nervous and unsure.
“Umm, well I-I...” the boy stuttered out, his voice getting softer with every word, tapping the tips of his pointer fingers together nervously.
Finally, the black-clothed Marco let out an annoyed sigh, before snapping, “Just get to the point!”
The blushing boy gulped, before blurting in a still-quiet tone, “Well, I just noticed that there are lights on in the house is all.”
All the Marco's turned to look back at the cottage, seeing that their shy counterpart was right, though it was faint and far away, there was a noticeable light seen seeping from the windows, even from that distance. “Okay who's turn was it to put out the candles this morning?” the glasses-wearing Marco asked, looking between the others accusingly.
His gaze, as well as most of the others halted on the final Marco, who was looking sheepishly around him, noticing everyone now staring at him. He was more unkept than the others, his hair messy and his clothes slightly disheveled with little rips in the hoodie and jeans here and there. He also had a large band-aid on the top of his forehead, but unlike the other boy's, who’s seemed more for show, his seemed to be serving its actual, intended purpose. “Uhhh, well technically that would be me,” he said guiltily, raising a finger in the air.
“Of course it was,” leather-wearing Marco scoffed, rolling his eyes. The others all shook their heads, all of them well aware of how accident-pron the boy could be sometimes... or a lot of times.
“You need to be more careful,” cautious Marco cut in, wagging a scolding finger in the air. “The whole house could have burnt down. Do you have any idea how easy it is for a house to catch fire from an unsupervised flame?”
“But I swear I remembered to do it this time, you gotta believe me,” the boy shot back, shooting them all an innocent smile, his eyes pleading. “Just ask Marco, he'll vouch for me.” He pulled the silent teen in front of him, who nodded his head in agreement to what his counterpart was saying.
“Well someone left the lights on,” the safe boy said, putting his hands to his hips. “And since it was your job that means it had to be you!”
“But I didn't!”
“Actually I saw him, too,” the blushing Marco whispered shyly, but he was vastly ignored by the others as the two Marco's continued to go at it. “Oh okay, never mind,” he muttered, rubbing a hand up and down his arm.
“Come on guys, let's not fight,” the leader of the Marco's said, literally stepping between the two, trying to quell the argument before it could get out of hand. “We're all Marco's here.”
“Debatably,” leather-clad Marco spoke up, shooting the smiling boy next to him a glare, while, sliding his hands expertly into his pockets.
But the perky boy seemed unfazed by the insult, as he slung an arm happily around the glaring teen, while pocking him in the shoulder with his free hand, “Oh come on, Marco. You know you love me.”
“You are literally the worst,” the rebellious boy snapped, pulling out of his grasp. “Can't believe I was ever this perky! And stop poking me, you're gonna mess up my jacket.”
This caused their leader to tiredly pinch the bridge of his nose, releasing an exasperated sigh. “Can we just... go home please, before the whole place burns down?” he asked flatly, too overwhelmed to deal with the situation any further, already walking off toward the cottage.
“Okay let's go!” the happy-go-lucky Marco exclaimed in joy, already racing off toward the house, three other Marco's following after, the shy boy keeping his head down so as not to attract attention, the safe Marco watching him and the others closely to make sure they didn't trip on anything, and the black-clothed teen following with an annoyed scowl, looking like he clearly had better things to do.
That left only the clumsy Marco and the silent Marco alone, watching the others go, clumsy Marco looking more and more distressed by the second. “Wait, guys, I really didn't do it!” he shouted after them, but they were either too far away to hear or just didn't care to listen anymore. He sighed loudly, a hurt look in his eyes as he turned to his silent partner. “You believe me, right?”
The mute gave a sad look, patting him on the shoulder to show he understood.
The closer the five got, the brighter the lights became, until the glasses-wearing Marco put out his lantern, finding its light unnecessary, the forest now well-lit by the glow from their country home. Eventually, the Marcos found themselves standing in front of their home, all of them relieved to finally be back. They all stared up at the country cottage, examining it closely as they walked to their front door, able to easily make out the features of their lovely home from the bright lights still being cast out the windows within, lighting up the whole area. “Geez, how many candles did the idiot light?” the black-leathered teen observed in annoyance, feeling a little confused how a few measly candles could be creating so much luminosity.
“Well, look on the bright side,” the hyper boy said cheerily, taking a second to chuckle at his unintentional pun before finishing. “At least it's still standing.”
“Yeah, thankfully,” cautious Marco mumbled, still a little peeved about his counterparts blatant disregard for safety. “He could have burnt the whole forest down with that many candles.”
“But he didn't,” happy Marco defended. “Everything is safe and sound, just like you like it.”
The other Marco sighed, before an almost relaxed smile graced his lips. “Yeah, I guess you're right. I mean it doesn't look like anything caught on fire.”
“That's the spirit, Marco!” the leader of the Marcos said, proud of his nervous counterpart for being positive for once in his life, turning to look at him and the others, as he reached out a hand to push the door open, saying reassuringly, “See, I told you there was nothing to be worried ab-”
But the boy never got to finish his sentence, as his hand carelessly brushed against the rough wood, the whole thing immediately falling over revealing the inside of the quiet cottage, making the boy stagger. Every single Marcos' mouth dropped open at the sight that greeted them within, the entire area coated in smiling, glowing worm-like creatures, which were floating in the air.
The startling creatures, all attracted to the loud noise, turned to look at the five boys who still stood agape in the doorway, huddled together in a small sea of bright red. For a few seconds there was just silence, as the five like-minded teens stared at the wondrous glowing creatures. Until finally, the boys seemed to have recovered from their shock all of them releasing a high-pitched scream, reminiscing that of a girl. The glowworms also screamed, before flooding out of the house, the Marcos having to jump out of the way to avoid getting hit by the stampede of floating worms.
Just as the creatures were exiting their home, the final two Marcos stepped out of the woods and into the clearing outside their house, both of them thrown off-guard by the creatures heading right toward them. Clumsy Marco tried to dodge out of the way, but ended up tripping, falling into his quiet friend causing them both to land hard on the floor, as the swarm of creatures flew over their heads. “Sorry!” the guilty boy screamed.
The others all just watched in awe as the glowworms disappeared into the night sky, heading off to who knows where as they panted, trying to recover from the shocking ordeal. Once he knew it was safe, the klutzy Marco helped his mute partner up, still muttering sheepish apologizes to him.
“What the heck was that?!” cautious Marco shouted.
“Uhhhh, I honestly have no idea,” their leader muttered in response, his eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “They looked like... worms or something.”
“Well whatever those things were, they're gone now,” leather-clad Marco pointed out.
“Yeah, but, something had to of let those things inside,” the leader said, sounding deep in thought. “Not to mention knock the door over. And since none of us were here than... it must have been somebody else.”
“What?!” cautious Marco exclaimed, instantly on guard, raising his hands in some sort of karate stance. “Like-like-like an intruder or-or a burglar?!”
“Don't know,” the boy replied, his voice soft and mysterious. His gaze slowly shifted to the broken shambles of what was once their door. “But whoever it was, packs a big punch.”
“But how could that be?” the clumsy boy pointed out, as he and his quiet partner caught up with the rest. “We're the only ones who live out here?”
“Apparently not anymore,” leather-clad Marco said, as he and the others all looked into the doorway.
“So, what do we do?” shy Marco asked, softly, looking to the leader.
“Move!” the safe kid shouted in concern, his suggestion met with a lot of eye-rolling from the others.
“Other than that,” leather-clad Marco said in a huff.
“Well one of us should go check out the house, just to make sure they're gone,” the leader said, adjusting his glasses.
“But how do we decide who that is?” the klutzy boy asked.
Nobody answered, as they all just looked amongst each other, nervously, casting weary glances at the doorway, none daring to volunteer for the crazy task, waiting for someone else to speak up instead. After a moment of anxious silence, happy Marco finally blurted out, “Not it!” to which the rest of the Marcos quickly reciprocated, all but the mute boy shouting out the same phrase, cementing themselves as free from having to traverse the now dangerous home.
“Well looks like it's all on you, Marco,” the leader said to his silent companion, the others trying to hide their sighs of relief.
The boy pointed to himself in shock.
“Yes you,” rebel Marco said, rolling his eyes, before sharply pointing his finger inside. “Now get in there.”
The silent boy took a step back, shaking his head vigorously. He looked around at all of them helplessly, his eyes pleading for them to not make him be the one to do it. He even did a little begging gesture with his hands, his eyes widening, giving them a sad puppy-dog look, but unfortunately the other Marcos were immune to the adorable stare. “Come on, Marco,” cautious Marco insisted. “You know the rules. You lost fair and square.” The boy put his hands on his hips, raising a knowing eyebrow.
“Okay, okay, so technically you couldn't really talk so it wasn't exactly fair,” the other Marco corrected himself. “But what do you want us to do about it?”
The quiet one released a soundless sigh, before taking on a brave face and marching into the house, having to step over the fallen door. The others waited in the doorway, watching him intensely.
The mute made quick work of the first story, checking in every area he could think an intruder would hide in within the living room and kitchen. But after a couple of second it became apparent he was alone, save for the six pairs of brown eyes watching his every movement. The boy looked around at the small one-story floor, tapping a finger to his chin, knowing that it would be unlikely any intruder would be down there. Most likely if they were still there they would have gone...
Marco looked up at the second floor, the door to the bedroom left wide-open. He did an “ah-ha” gesture, before turning to the others with a proud smile, pointing to the wooden staircase. He quickly went over, before slowly scaling up the creaky steps, trying to be as quiet as possible.
The others just watched in growing sadness, until the shy one of them said, “There goes one brave Marco.” The others all nodded.
“Well, looks like we're officially down to six,” the black-clothed teen said.
“Funny I always thought the clumsy one of us would have been the first to go,” happy Marco pointed out.
“Me too,” klutzy Marco exclaimed in joy, sounding just as surprised. He did a small little fist pump in celebration. “Yes, outliving expectations!”
Marco slowly peeked his head into the bedroom, his brown eyes searching the dark room thoroughly for any signs of an intruder. It didn't take long before he noticed the small figure laying on one of the beds. Though the boy couldn't tell anything about the shadowy figure currently on the timid Marco's bed, he could tell by their soft breathing that they were fast asleep, hearing the tell-tale sound of snoring every so often.
He hesitated for a second, unsure if he should risk waking the stranger, before he began to carefully tip-toe closer, until he was standing over the bed, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dark enough to inspect their trespasser. But once he did, the boy was shocked and amazed by what he saw, the person in front of him not some mad, crazy thief but a beautiful blond girl. She was about his age, her face looking gentle and peaceful as she slept, and the boy felt his cheeks flush instantly as he noticed how cute she was. It had been a long time since he or any of the others had seen anyone from outside the forest, all of them choosing to a life of seclusion from the rest of the world, so the boy couldn't remember how long ago it had been since he had last seen a girl. Much less one that pretty.
For a moment the boy was frozen in a blushing state of shock as he just watched the pretty blond sleep, his eyes shimmering as he was mesmerized by her simple act of breathing. For just a second he thought he saw pink hearts appear on her cheeks and he blinked caught off-guard by the sight. He rubbed his eyes, but when he looked again they were gone, Marco thinking it must have just been a trick of the light. Or maybe...
“Hey Marco did you find anything?!”
He cringed at the loud voice yelling from below, watching the girl wide-eyed for any reaction. But the girl was stuck deep in dreamland, simply rolling over, making a little moaning sound, before falling back to sleep and the boy released a silent sigh, putting a hand to his pounding heart. He quickly exited the room, before anyone could shout anything else to him, looking down over the railing to the bottom of the staircase where the rest of the Marcos had gathered, all of them seeming a little shocked to see him there.
“Marco, you're alive!” the cautious one shouted in relief. While behind him, the grumpy one of him handed over some cash to the smiling boy, who excepted the cash with an “I-told-you-so” look.
The silent boy just nodded, shooting them all a comforting smile.
“Did you see anyone up there?” the leader Marco asked, seriously.
Once again, the boy nodded and all the Marcos gasped.
“So someone is here,” the safe boy muttered, sounding fearful.
“Were they dangerous? Did they attack you?” glasses-wearing Marco asked, looking equally as panicked.
“Did you fight them off, at least?” the black-leathered teen asked, crossly.
The mute Marco waved his hands in front of him, shaking his head.
“Wait, so they didn't attack?” the cautious boy asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
“Did they seem like fun, then?” the happy Marco blurted, feeling far less weary of the stranger than the others, his scowling counterpart shooting him a glare. “What?” the boy asked innocently.
“Does it look like they took anything?” the leader tried, ignoring the outburst from the other.
Silent Marco thought for a second, before shrugging unsure, but the look in his eyes told them that he didn't think so.
“Huh? So then what are they still doing here?” the nervous boy asked, his eyes wide with freight.
Marco pretended to go to sleep, putting his hands together and laying his head against them.
“Sleeping?!” they all shouted in surprise.
Marco immediately put a finger to his lips, trying to tell them to keep their voices down, his eyes jumping to the still-opened door with a grimace. The other boys all started to talk at once, asking questions to the silent one, who kept opening his mouth and raising his hands to answer but was unable to, due to all the interruptions.
“Wait, what are they doing sleeping in our house?”
“What do they look like?”
“Who are they and what do they want?”
“Did you tell them to get lost?”
Finally, the boy sighed giving up on explaining, before waiting patiently for them all to quiet down. Eventually, they stopped, just watching the hooded boy. He gestured to them to follow him, before going back into the room, figuring it was better to just show them what they were dealing with. The others shared a look with each other, feeling unsure, before climbing up the staircase after their far braver counterpart, wearily.  
A minute later, all seven boys were gathered around the bed staring wide-eyed at the sleeping girl, all of them with slight blushes on their cheeks, though none worse than the shy ones, that particular Marco's face the brightest shade of red any of them had ever seen him, while he nervously muttered things to himself under his breath and looking at anything in the room other than his bed and the blond currently asleep on it.
“I-It's a girl!” the glasses-wearing Marco stuttered needlessly, adjusting his glasses as if afraid his eyes were playing tricks on him.
“We can see that genius,” the rebellious Marco growled though he also looked very thrown-off guard.
“But who is she?” the safe one asked, eying the girl suspiciously, despite the fast beating of his heart. “And what is she doing here?”
“S-She's in my bed,” the boy's heard a voice squeak behind them, all of them turning to see the bashful boy, who apparently had recovered enough to speak and who looked like he was on the verge of passing out, probably due to all the blood rushing to his face. “W-W-What is s-she doing in my bed?”
They all shared a look, knowing they had to do something to try and calm their counterpart down, as he went back to muttering under his breath, his whole body shaking. “Deep breaths, Marco,” the leader said in a soothing whisper, moving beside him, so he was patting the boy on the back, trying to get him to recover from all his worrying thoughts. “Deep breaths.”
“Yeah, it isn't that big of a deal, is it?” the smiling Marco tried, also patting his companion on the back, but far less gentle than the other, keeping his voice down to a semi-yell. “I mean, so what if there's some super pretty girl sleeping in our room...”
The boy's eyes widened as he seemed to of realized what he said, he and all the others simultaneously whipping their heads back toward the snoozing blond. “Guys,” glasses Marco breathed, his face turning redder and redder by the second. “Th-there's a girl.... in our room.”
“What do we do?” klutzy Marco asked, his hands unknowingly tugging at the strands of brown hair that were poking out of his helmet.
“Tell her to leave, of course,” rebel Marco stated as if the answer was obvious.
“Wait! We can't wake her up,” the safe kid said in a loud hiss.
“Why not?” the leather-clad teen argued. “It's still our house, after all.”
“Well, because...” the boy started, but drifted off into silence, unsure of the answer.
Rebel Marco huffed. “Look, pretty or not she still broke in and she has to go.” The boy realizing what he said, quickly looked away from the others, coughing into his hand to try and cover his blush. “Anyways, I'll bet she's nothing but trouble,” he added.
“Awww come on we don't know that,” the happy-go-lucky boy defended, sticking up for the girl.
Meanwhile, Star slowly began shifting more and more in her sleep, the sound of voices finally reaching her in her slumbering state, pulling her out of her peaceful dreams. The safe Marco seemed to of noticed this, as he said in a nervous whisper, “Uhhh guys, I think she's starting to wake up.”
The others immediately dropped their own conversations as they realized their paranoid counterpart was right, gasping in shock and backing away from the bed. “What do we do? What do we do?” shy Marco said in panic, looking around the room for a hiding spot. In the end he settled for hiding behind the glasses-wearing Marco, most of the others doing the same, all except the rebellious Marco who refused to hide behind anyone like a coward.
Finally, Star woke up completely, sitting up slowly, yawning and stretching, as she rubbed at her tired eyes. “Where am I?” she wondered to herself groggily, looking around at the unfamiliar dark room. That was when her eyes landed on the seven figures hovering close to her bed, the light from the doorway casting shadows on them, giving them a creepy look. She let out a startled scream, causing the boys to jump.
“Uhh, hi,” the lead one said, nervously, giving her an awkward smile and holding up a hand in greeting. “We-”
“Mega Narwhal Blast!” Star screamed, not giving the boy a chance to explain himself, as she instinctively held out her wand at the group of creeps.
“No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait!” the boy shouted, but it was too late as a giant shining narwhal appeared from nowhere, causing all the boys to scream in alarm, before it slammed into them. The next thing they knew, they were all thrown back out of their bedroom, still screaming, and into the cramped hallway.
Somehow all of them managed to remain standing, but poor clumsy Marco found himself dangling over the staircase, every other Marco pressed against him, coming dangerously close to falling over the lingering perch, his arms waving wildly as he tried to keep balance. But the hooded boy lost his fight against the force of gravity and the inevitable, as he and the others all tumbled down the stairs together, the narwhal following right after.
Star could hear the racket from the bedroom, a loud set of banging and cries of pain resulting as they painfully clattered against the wooden steps on their way down to the first story floor. Meanwhile, Star could only stare wide eyed at the opened doorway, still holding her smoking wand up, a look of fear on her face as she realized her mistake. Finally, the clattering stopped, the room going unbearably quiet for Star, the girl jumping off the bed and running out into the hallway. She leaned over the railing looking down at the pile of limbs and regret waiting at the bottom of what had probably felt like a really long staircase, the narwhal, of course, laying on top of them all, crushing the houses residents under its massive weight.
“Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!” she cried, running down the steps two at a time, going over to try and help the poor unsuspecting victims. She used her wand to reverse the spell, diminishing the heavy narwhal from existence. “I-I can't believe I just did that!” she exclaimed, guiltily. “I guess I just saw you all there and I just reacted- anyways I'm sooooo-”
Star's apology was cut short as she suddenly took notice of the seven boys in front of her, who were all rubbing at their different sore limbs from the rough fall. She was surprised to find that all of them looked unbelievable similar, apart from a few differences in their appearance here and there, the boys seemed to be exactly the same person, even down to the cute little mole under all their left cheeks.
But she heard one of the boys moan in pain and she quickly shook her head, snapping herself out of her stupor, as she said to him, “Oh right, here let me help you.” She hauled him to his feet, the boy opening his eyes and staring into the face of his rescuer. That was when the boy's face flushed, turning a brighter shade of red than his hoodie and his body began shaking uncontrollably. Star noticed this and asked in concern, “Are you okay?”
“I-I-I-I-” the boy squeaked out, unable to answer the worried princess, before he lowered his head so Star could no longer see his face. Star recognizing him being overcome with embarrassment mercifully released his arm, the boy immediately pulling away and hiding behind the nearest available look-alike, pulling his hoodie further and further over his eyes. The boy he had chosen, who wore a black leather jacket, stared at her with an icy glare, Star feeling the room grow colder at the hard look.
“Sorry I didn't mean to scare him,” Star apologized. She looked around the room at the equally weary and angry faces glaring back at her and she giggled nervously. “Sooo, are you guys all like... brothers or something?” she risked, hoping to break the ice.  
“Actually we-” one of them started, but he was interrupted as one of them jumped to their feet in a panic, clapping a hand over his mouth.
“Don't answer that!” he screamed, pulling the boy a step further away from her, Star taking note that this boy was wearing a helmet and safety vest. “She broke into our house, remember?! And she just used magic, so she must be some kind of witch!”
“I'm not a witch!” Star said, sounding quite offended at the accusation.
“Then how could you make all those weird and crazy creatures by using that stick thing?” the first boy asked, finally removing the hand from his mouth, though he sounded far less suspicious than the others, sounding almost mystified by Star's magical capabilities, his eyes shimmering with intrigue. He wore his hoodie around his waist, Star noticed.
“Well first of all it's called a wand,” she explained waving the object around a bit in her hand, which caused the helmeted boy to flinch and duck for cover behind his friend. “And secondly it's because I...” Star stopped mid-sentence, not sure if she should tell them about her true identity yet or not. “...I just can, okay,” she finished weakly, crossing her arms and giving them all a sour expression. “But that doesn't make me a witch.”
“Witttccchhh,” the smiling boy whispered loudly to the boy next to him.
Star huffed. “I'm not a witch, I'm a magic princess, okay?!” she said, angrily. Her eyes went wide as she realized what she just said, the others all looking at her with mixed levels of confusion and surprise.
“Wait what?” the glasses-wearing boy asked in shock.
“Uhhh nothing,” Star said quickly trying to dodge the subject. “I didn't say anything.”
“Yes you did, you just said you're a princess,” another one of the boys argued, this one looking far messier and unkempt, in comparison to the others that is.
“Nope, no princesses here,” Star answered anxiously. “Just a normal, ordinary, non-princess girl who can use a magic wand is all.” She chuckled nervously, sweat dripping down her face. The boys all gave her disbelieving looks.
“Rigggghhht,” the leathered teen huffed in anger, rolling his eyes. “Well whoever you are, just get out of our house already.”  He sharply pointed a finger to the still-gaping entrance to the home.
“Wait you guys can't kick me out!” Star cried, her eyes pleading as she held the wand up to her face.
“Uhhh, pretty sure we can,” the glasses-wearing boy stated. “Considering you broke in.”
“Yeah and you ruined our door,” the suspicious boy added, still hiding behind one of the others. He sighed, shaking his head in disgrace. “We just got that fixed too after the last person who destroyed it.”
“Hey I said I was sorry,” the disheveled of the set shouted, defensively.
“No, no, wait, wait,” Star said, rushing over to the entrance. She waved her wand over the empty frame as a new door appeared magically in its place, looking the same as the last one. “See, all better.” She chuckled nervously, giving them an anxious smile, and she took solace as some of the boys faces seemed to soften a little, though not much. “If you let me stay I swear I'll- I'll make it up to you,” she added.
“How?” the suspicious boy asked.
“Uhhh, well maybe I can, ummm, help clean your house,” she started, before looking around the spotless living room, as the others raised their eyebrows at her and she sighed. “Oh right, well there has to be something I can do.” The boys still didn't seem convinced, so she clapped her hands together in a pleading gesture, looking at them with the saddest puppy dog look she could. “I'll think of something, just please don't kick me out! Please, please, please.”
Everyone was silent for a moment and Star held a breath as they all looked amongst each other with varying levels of skepticism, none of them looking sure about letting the girl stay. That was until, the final of the boys stepped out, walking over to the girl and putting an arm around her to show he was on her side.
“Oh wait, don't tell us you actually trust her,” the grumpy one said, harshly.
The boy nodded his head, puffing his chest out to show his resolve.
“But we don't know anything about her,” the safe one added.
The boy shrugged as if to say, “So?”
“We don't even know her name,” the glasses-wearing teen said wearily.
“Well I don't know any of your names, either,” Star pointed out.
“Then how about this,” the hyper one suddenly spoke up. “If you tell us your name then we'll tell you ours.” He looked around at all the others. “That sounds fair, right?”
“I guess,” the cautious one muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
“No,” the leathered teen snapped.
“Great!” the happy one exclaimed, ignoring the other two. He turned to Star with an eager expression, impatiently waiting for her to tell them her true identity. Though, Star was grateful two boys had stuck up for her, they had just put her on the spot, leaving her no alternative for staying. She either told them the truth or get thrown out into the dark woods, meaning she had to make a decision... and fast.
“Okay fine,” she sighed, giving up. “My name is Star Butterfly,” she said, a bit more perkily.
The boys all gasped in shock at that. “As in... Princess Star Butterfly?” the glasses-wearing boy muttered in disbelief. “The heir to the throne, Princess Star Butterfly.”
“The one from the royal scrolls,” the perky one spoke up, holding up the paper in question, pointing to it.
“Yep. That's me,” Star replied, proudly. “Though those things do tend to over exaggerate some things,” she added, rolling her eyes.
“Wow, so you are a magical princess!” the hyper boy exclaimed, his eyes shining with joy. The others also looked quite overjoyed by the revelation, smiling amongst each other, all except for the rebellious teen, who still looked far from convinced and the safe kid who continued to cast weary glances her way.
“I can't believe I'm really meeting you for real!” the perky one continued, as he shot her a mind-numbingly wide smile. “I've always wanted to meet you! I've read all the stories about you!You sounded so amazing and cool!”
Star smiled, finding delight in the boys praise, feeling her cheeks warm up. “Thanks,” she said, returning the smile with one of her own. She was shocked though as all the boy's mouths dropped open, Star looking between them with confusion for a moment. “What?” she asked.
“Your... cheeks,” the leader said, blinking.
Star put a hand to her cheek to see what all the fuss was about, finally noticing that her body had once again reacted to her emotions, as the hearts resurfaced onto her cheeks, beating in time to her pulse. “Oh yeah,” she said, nonchalantly. “They tend to do that sometimes. No big deal.”
“So then its true,” the safe one whispered, mystified. “You really are Princess Star.”
“But what are you doing out here in the middle of the woods?” the klutzy boy asked.
“Welllll,” Star said, sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. “It's kind of a long story.”
“Try us,” the leader said.
So Star told them the whole story, telling them every little detail of her day, finding the seven boys surprisingly easy to talk to, as she found herself rambling on and on about how big of a jerk her step-mother was, the boys all just listening in a saddened silence, even the previously suspicious one looking more and more sympathetic of the girl. Only the rebellious teen seemed unaffected by the tale, as he had resided to sulking in the corner, casting glares at the others every so often, while the rest just watched the girl intensely as she finished up her story. “And then I saw your cottage and decided to see if anyone was there, and I, uhh, accidentally knocked your door down, and then I fell asleep, and then you all came back and woke me up and then, well... you know the rest.”
“Wowww,” the clumsy boy said, in disbelief of the whole, crazy tale. “That's... horrible.”
“I can't believe the queen would do that,” glasses-wearing boy said, softly, looking at her woefully. “I'm so sorry, Star.”
The mute boy put a hand on her shoulder, looking at her with sad eyes, trying to relay his sympathy to her without being able to speak.
“Yeah, you're just so cool and fun,” the hyper boy said, his face an uncharacteristic frown. “Why would anyone want to hurt you?”
“Thanks guys, that's so sweet of you,” Star said, giving them each a grateful smile.
“But being attacked by a monster!” the cautious one said, his eyes wide with fear. “And with no monster repellant, you must have been so scared!”
“Not really,” Star said, bravely. “Buff Frog is actually pretty nice. I'm just lucky she didn't hire that Rusticore guy, now he would have been trouble.” She rolled her eyes at the thought of the ruthless huntsmen she had heard stories about.
“Well, if you really need a place to stay then...” the leader said, looking around at the other boys for their input, silently consulting them on their opinion on the matter. But seeing the resolve in their eyes he took a deep breath and said, “...we'd be happy to let you lay low here for a while.” The rest of the boys all nodded in agreement, wanting to help keep the young princess safe from her cruel step-mother, even the suspicious, cautious boy looking open to the idea.
“Really?!” Star exclaimed in joy.
“Yeah,” the boy said. “We'd all like you to stay.”
From the corner, the leathered teen loudly cleared his throat, clearly trying to draw their attention and the four-eyed boy frowned, before correcting himself, “Well, most of us would like you to stay.” He shot his look-alike a glare, before turning back to Star. “But he's outnumbered, so it doesn't matter.”
“Awww, you guys,” she gushed, her smile never wider. “Hugs!!” she cried, sweeping the six boys into a bone-crushing hug, not noticing as their faces blushed from the act. “This is gonna be so amazing!”
Suddenly a thought came to her, as she finally released the bright faced boys from the hug. “But wait, I just realized you never told me any of your names.”
The boys all looked amongst each other for a second, Star confused why they were all suddenly so hesitant. “What?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at them.
Finally, the safe one said, “Our names are... Marco Diaz.”
Star blinked, taking a second to process that information. “Okay wait, wait,” Star said, in clear confusion. “So your parents named all of you Marco, cause that's a little weird.”
“What? No, no!” the cautious Marco exclaimed immediately, realizing she didn't understand what they were getting at.
“We don't just share the same name,” the happy Marco helpfully supplied. “We're all the same person!”
“Whhhhaaat?!” Star shouted, her eyes wide in surprise.
“Well we used to be, until a few years ago a witch cursed us,” four-eyed Marco explained. “Or me, I guess,” he added, rolling his eyes, unsure, always finding explaining this super confusing, before continuing. “Anyways, she split us into different versions of the original Marco's personalities because she claimed I could never learn to live with myself.” He smiled before he said, “But it turns out I'm surprisingly easy to get along with.”
“Yeah!” the others exclaimed in unison, all simultaneously giving each other high-fives.
Star was more then taken aback by the unbelievable news, but she found the strength through her confused and befuddled mind to ask, “But why would she do that?”
“We don't remember,” the klutzy boy responded, sadly, the others hanging their heads in shame. “As a part of the curse she also stole all our memories of our life before.”
“And unless we can find a way to reverse the curse,” the smiling Marco added, his voice uncharacteristically tight. “Then we're stuck like this...” He gestured to the other look-alikes around him. “...with no memories of who we were.”
Star looked sadly between each of the Marcos, seeing the pain in each of their eyes, even the grumpy teen, looking hurt, staring intensely at his feet, his smug grin one of depression. Star thought for a second, wanting to find a way to help the boys, her own eyes slowly lowering to the floor. Until she spotted her wand and a small smile lit up her face as an idea came to her, light bulbs appearing on her cheeks for just a second. “Maybe I can find a way to fix your curse,” Star supplied.
The Marcos all looked at her in shock, stunned by the kind offer. “Really?” the leader asked, surprised she would do something for a group of boys she just met. “You think you could?”
“Well it's worth a try at least,” Star said, with a shrug. “My spell book has a lot of spells that talk about reversing curses maybe I can find one to help you guys.”
“You would do that for us?” the safe boy asked, putting a hand to his chest, feeling guilty for judging the girl so harshly when they first met, as his brown eyes shimmered with gratitude.
“Sure why not?” Star said, with a shrug. “I mean since you guys are letting me stay here it's the least I could do.”
“Awww, you are so nice!” the happy boy exclaimed, his joy returning full force as he swept the girl into a tight hug, the mute Marco doing the same. Star felt her cheeks flush for a second, no doubt her hearts returning for a brief instant, before they released her.
Star was surprised as the blushing Marco stepped closer to her, his cheeks still bright red and his hands twitching at his side. “Yes, Marco, what is it?” she asked.
“U-Um,” the boy stuttered, his eyes jumping around the room as he tried not to be nervous from the princess' stare focusing on him. “I-I-I just wanted to say thank you for-for helping us out.”
Star just smiled sweetly at him, happy he had finally spoken to her, those being his first words since they had met, celebrating the occasion with a quick hug, the boy going stiff at her soft touch. “Your welcome,” she said, cheerily, nuzzling his hot cheek for a second. Finally, she mercifully released him and he quickly went back to the other Marcos, hiding amongst their numbers, as his face flushed with more and more blood.
“Well welcome to our home then, Star,” the leader of the Marcos said, flashing her a warm smile.
“This is gonna be so much fun!” the joyful one exclaimed.
“Happy to have you here,” the safe one said, as well.
While the quiet boy gave her a thumbs up.
“Umm, thanks Marco...s,” she said, looking between them a little hesitantly, not sure how to address the very similar boys.
“Your welcome,” they all said simultaneously and Star looked between them wide-eyed.
“Okay well, this is just getting confusing,” Star said, crossing her arms in annoyance. She thought for a second, before saying, “Hey, I know, how about I come up with nicknames for all of you so I don't get you guys mixed up.”
The Marcos looked between one another, before shrugging, all except for the rebellious teen, who just continued to scowl unhappily.
“Eh, why not?” the glasses-wearing Marco said. “Having all of us being just Marco is getting a little old.”
Star clapped her hands together once in joy. “Okay then, let's see...”
She looked around at each of the Marcos thoughtfully, tapping her wand to her chin. “Hmmmm,” her gaze stopped on one of them and she pointed him out, the bashful boy immediately going beet red and shifting uncomfortably on his feet, looking at anything but Star. “You can be Shy Marco,” she said proudly, the newly-christened Shy Marco muttered something under his breath so quiet Star couldn't hear, while trying to bury himself in his hoodie, still hating being the center of attention, hoping she and the others looked away soon. Which she immediately did, turning to the Marco next to him, saying, “And you can be Quiet Marco, since you can't talk and all.” Quiet Marco just smiled and gave her a thumbs up to show her he liked the name.
“And you...” Her finger switched to the next Marco, who flinched, going into a karate stance on instinct. “You can be Safe Kid Marco.”
The others all chuckled at that, Safe Marco looking annoyed. “Laugh all you want, but there is nothing wrong with being safe,” Marco said defensively. He raised a finger into the air, before saying in a lecturing tone, “As a matter of fact-”
“Ooh, ooh, me next, me next!” the smiling Marco interrupted, enthusiastically, pushing Safe Marco out of the way, waving a hand wildly in the air.
“That's an easy one,” Star scoffed, smiling brightly. “You are the Fun Marco!”
“Yes!” Marco cheered loudly, pumping a fist into the air. “Fun Marco!” He and Star high-fived, Safe Marco coming up behind them.
“Why is he Fun Marco?” Safe Marco whined. “Being safe can be fun, too.”
“Yeah sure it can,” the grumpy teen muttered, rolling his eyes.
“At least I'm not a walking disaster area,” Safe Marco finished, looking over at the particular Marco knowingly.
“Hey that's not fair,” the boy in question said. “I'm not that bad.” He huffed, slamming his back into the wall behind him in frustration. But unfortunately, he had done so rougher than he had intended, causing a large crack to appear in the wall, which slowly crawled it's way up to the shelf above him, causing it to split in half and drop the pots and pans it held right on the unsuspecting Marco's head. A loud crash echoed through the cozy cottage, most of the Marcos and Star grimacing at the loud banging and rattling of the kitchenware hitting the floor, as well as the pained screams of the unfortunate teen. Once the dust had settled and the noisy clattering had ceased, the group just stared at the Marco who lay on the floor, groaning, rubbing his sore head, his bruised body covered in the metal pans. “Oww,” he groaned.
“Aw, you poor thing,” Star said sympathetically, walking over and offering him a hand up, which he eagerly accepted.
Once Star had pulled him to his feet and dusted his ripped hoodie off, Marco said in a sheepish tone, “So let me guess.” He pointed to himself. “Clumsy Marco.”
Star chuckled nervously. “Hehe, uhh, anyways, who's left,” she said quickly, dodging the question and scooting away from the now annoyed Marco.
“That would be me and Mr. Brooding over there,” the glasses-wearing Marco stated, pointing behind him at the still-scowling teen.
“Well I've got the perfect name for you...” Star said, in a sing-song voice, pocking him once in the chest, while flashing him a wide grin.
“And I think I know what it is,” Marco replied in the same tone, giving her a knowing look, smiling back at her.
“Dorky Marco!” Star screamed excitedly, Marco's smile immediately dropping.
He adjusted his glasses, saying matter-of-factly, “Uhh, I prefer the term Dr. Marco.”
“PhD,” Fun Marco added, raising a finger into the air.
“What does the PhD stand for?” Star asked the Marcos.
“Pretty Handsome Dude,” all of the Marcos said at once, causing Star to giggle.
“Okay then, Dr. Marco it is,” she said, flashing the boy a bright smile, Dr. Marco feeling his heart pound in response, fairly sure some of his brain cells fried from the adorable look. But before Dr. Marco could stutter a response, the last remaining Marco pushed him out of the way, closing in on the girl.
“Guess that just leaves me,” he said, giving the girl a smirk. “So what's it gonna be, princess?”
Star didn't like the way he said 'princess' but, she ignored it saying in a far-too-cheerful tone, “I think we should call you Grumpy Marco.”
All of the other Marcos burst into laughter at that, the leather-wearing Marco giving them each a chiding glare. “That's the perfect fit for you!” Fun Marco exclaimed, in between fits of laughter.
“Oh, shut up!” Grumpy Marco hissed, before turning back to the annoying girl, only to be surprised by the smug look she was giving, almost rivaling one of his own. Touche, the boy thought.
“Uh uh, no way am I going by that,” was what the boy actually said, in the harshest tone he could manage.
“But you are a bit of a grump sometimes,” Dr. Marco pointed out.
Grumpy Marco scowled at his nerdy counterpart. “I'm not a grump, I'm a bad boy,” he explained with annoyance. “If anything you can call me that.”
“Whatever you say, Grumpy Marco,” Star soothed, patting him on the shoulder, the boy giving her a narrowed glare.
“So,” Dr. Marco spoke up before the angered boy could say anymore, literally getting between the two before an argument could break out. “Now that everyone has been properly named, how about we all hit the sack and let our new guest get some rest.”
“Whatever,” Bad Boy Marco mumbled, rolling his eyes.
“That sounds awesome,” Star screamed, sounding as enthusiastic as ever. “And I have just the spell for the job.” She held out her wand, screaming, “Super Glitter-”
“Wait!” Safe Marco interrupted in a panic, running over and grabbing onto his wrist. “That's not safe!”
“Aww, relax, Safe Marco,” Star said soothingly, finding his concern sweet. “I'm a professional.”
“No, I mean, that for the time being you should try not to use your wand very much,” Safe Marco explained.
“What, why?” Star demanded, looking confused.
“You said yourself, the queen is looking for you so it's best if you try and lay low for the time being,” Safe Marco explained.
“But there's no one around for at least a hundred miles,” Dr. Marco pointed out, raising a quizzical eyebrow.
“Well you know,” Safe Marco mumbled, looking away from them all and sheepishly tapping his fingers together. “Just to be... safe.”
Bad Boy Marco rolled his eyes. “Of course.”
Star sighed loudly. “I guess your right,” she said, depressed. But the smile returned a second later in full force as she shrugged off the bad news. “Oh well, so I guess I'll just have to find a place to sleep here for tonight.” She looked around the room, thoughtfully humming to herself.
Quiet Marco elbowed Dr. Marco, giving the boy a knowing look as if urging him to speak up. “All right, all right,” he whispered quietly. He turned to the princess saying in a far louder voice, “Actually Star, why don't you take our room for tonight?”
Star cocked her head cutely to the side, asking, “Really?”
“Really?” Bad Boy Marco sighed at the same time.
“Yeah sure, why not?” Dr. Marco said with a shrug.
Star shook her hands in front of her, saying, “Oh guys, you don't have to do that.”
“Nonsense we insist,” Dr. Marco pushed, giving the girl an encouraging smile, all the rest of the Marcos, save for Bad Boy Marco, all nodding in agreement.
Star bit her lip, still not sure about taking advantage of their hospitality like that. “Wellll, if you're sure,” she said, hesitantly.
Star felt a hand on her shoulder looking beside her to see Quiet Marco, who gave a short encouraging nod and she smiled gratefully at him. But the moment ended, as soon as it began as Fun Marco quickly zipped between the two, practically pushing the startled Star up the stairs. “Don't worry about a thing, Star. You just go and get your beauty sleep. Tomorrow’s gonna be awesome!”
“And be careful on your way up,” Safe Marco pitched in as Star started up the stairs. “One of the boards is loose.”
“I can vouch for that,” Clumsy Marco said in agreement.
Star smiled as she waved to the seven Marcos, hearts lighting up her cheeks again. “Thanks, Marcos,” she said sweetly. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Star!” came the unanimous reply, as the blond made her way to the second floor.
Dr. Marco was startled by a tiny tap on his shoulder, turning around to see Shy Marco. “I have a question,” he said softly.
“What's that?” Dr. Marco asked.
“Well, if Star is staying in our room...” Marco held back a blush at the thought. “Then where are we going to sleep?”
None of the Marcos responded to that, as all of their eyes slowly turned to the couch, where a lone pillow sat waiting.
Star hummed happily to herself as she ascended the stairs, not hearing the clattering and crashing below, her mind elsewhere. She felt extremely lucky really that the seven Marcos had actually opened up their home to a complete stranger, especially considering how they met. And they all seemed really nice and sweet... well except for maybe Grumpy Marco, but she had no doubt she could wear him down with time.
Yep, she was really looking forward to getting to know them all better. After all, they did seem like a ton of fun. And with them around, Star would never have to worry about being bored ever again. She wondered what it was going to be like living with seven bizarrely one dimensional teenage boys. One thing was for sure, it certainty wouldn't be easy and possibly a little strange from this point on, but Star couldn't wait to see what kind of crazy, wild adventures awaited her and the seven Diaz boys.
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princeanxious · 6 years
The Gods of The Sky - Sanders Sides One-Off Fic(?)
Authors note: (Jebus, I’ve this idea for months after discovering this song and gosh I’m all over the place so I apologize for this random one-shot AU. Btw, I reccomend listening to the song AFTER reading this. I’m aware someone in our fandom may have done something similar to this day, dawn, dusk, night dynamic?? I know they have at least art in their own AU for it, but I know nothing of it past that, so concider this a seperate AU? Also expect art for this thing at some point. Im not going to be thorough in my spell-checking so i apologize for spelling errors!)
Warnings Include: Death Mention, Mentions of Self Sacrafice, Mentions of Blood, Arguements. (Let me know if I forgot anything!)
Shippings: none mentioned in this, other than some distant platonic moxiety
Snippet: “He himself was no dark god, but instead a God meant to roam in the dark while carrying the Sun’s light to keep mortals in his safety, why was that so hard for the Sun to understand? Why couldn’t the Sun see that the Moon just couldn’t do all that was asked of him?”
In the beginning, the world had known only three merciful gods to watch over the lands, and protect them from the evil darkness.
The strongest of them all twas the God of the Sun, the Day, of Creation and Life; An unwavering shield against the weaker gods of the shadows. The source of light and creation itself, a kind protector to drive off the sorrows and dangers of the Shadows.
Then there was the God of Dawn, of Birth and Beginnings; the soft glow of morning sunlight awakening the world, a sign to the mortal world that they had made it through the dark and perilous night and were once more safe in the light.
When days end comes, as it always did, forth comes the God of Dusk, of knowledge and truth, a sobering reminder that the Sunlight is not forever, and that it is time to tuck away into the safe depths until morning comes once again.
The Gods of the Shadows were evil little things, pushing and shoving their way to grasp at any power they could stand to get a grip on, wrecking whatever havoc they could upon the mortal beings of this world. They were vile and greedy, blinding those in the dark from safety until the sunlight finally moved them away, forced to chase their security while the gods of the sky could remain wherever they pleased.
The God of the Sun, Roman, had recently spent many days deep in thought, consulting with his follow friends, Patton of the Dawn, and Logan of the Dusk, how they might bring balance to their world from being forced into darkness. Roman thought long and hard, he truly wanted the perfect solution.
It came to him as he watched Dusk stand to take his place, leaving to warn the mortals of their world to hide and hide well to stay safe from the chaotic darkness. Roman had to figure out how to bring his light to the other side of the world that was cast in this darkness; a way to bring safety to their mortal following without disrupting their rest. A mirror, he thought, they could use a mirror of sorts to reflect the light, but how?
It became clear that an effort so big would require its own deity to attach to the mirroring rock of potential, just as the Sun attached to Roman, a deity would be required to guide light to mortals lost in the dark, to stand vigilant and protect those from the dark clutches of the shadows.
And so, The Moon would be born. At Roman’s command, the world wove the softest and strongest bands of light together, and thus would create the God who would lead it.
The God of the Moon was small and weak, his only purpose to be the guiding light in the darkness, to use the Sun’s light to run the darker gods into their corners and cracks and leave mortals safe from harm. No one would worship him, having been seen only as a gift from the Sun rather than a new god of his own. In his arrival, the Mortals cheered at their newly found safety.
The Moon would come to move with the darkness, his path wherever the Sun’s light became absent. Every day he would greet Dusk curtly, taking over his watch where the gods resided, while the other gods slept, and greet sweet loving Dawn shyly when his watch was done. The Twilight Gods had to admit that they had become rather fond of the little god, amazed at his new existence as well as taken by his ever worried personality hidden under a mask of fierce indifference.
The Moon was made to be a mirror, to carry the Sun’s light in the wake of Darkness, however, over time Roman had seemingly forgotten that all Virgil could do was carry Sunlight. The Moon was not graced with godly powers, and often required rest on his endless journey in darkness. In these moments of weakness, the Gods of the Dark often lashed out to try and cover the light, having realized how much lesser a threat the Moon really was. The Moon was a messenger, not a warrior, despite the strong fight that he often put up. The only nights that they were truly successful would come to be known as a New Moon. Even though he still brought light, these would be the nights the Moons exhaustion and the strength of the Darkness would overtake him. The mortals watched in terror as the Moon fought weakly with Darkness, an endless repetitive cycle of battles.
The Moon tried hard to hide his strife, in fear of the Sun's Wrath and the Twilight’s dual disappointment. He was truely under the impression that he was broken, unable to do his rightful job, and was trying his hardest to fight harder and better to amend that. However, it wouldn’t be long before a New Moon would fall over the reign of the Gods, and Dusk would watch as the Moon fell from his place unable to battle the shadows any longer without rest. Alarmed, Dusk would awaken the Sun, demanding him to fix what he had forgotten.
But the Sun could not yet see the error of his ways, shrouded in the dark of night. When Dawn would arise, and the Moon awaken, the Sun would demand an explanation for the Moon’s setback.
The two antithetical gods would finally clash. The Sun upset with his creation’s failure to live up to its purpose. The Moon, resentful and pressured, constrained to a purpose that he knew from the very start he could not fully sustain; he had seen so down to the very foundation of his existence.
The Sun lashes out, daring to demand the Moon to take control of the darkness, as if he was supposed to have the ability to do so at all. He was supposed to keep the light upon the people indefinitely, some measly gods of the dark should not interfere with the Moon’s path.
The Moon, fed up with the Suns arrogance to see the flaws at hand, finally cracks his resolve and directs his bare thoughts at the Sun.
The Moon had not been made to battle, he had not been given power to protect the light and protect their people. He had no control over the dark gods, he was not given a way to combat the need to regain energy to supply for his perpetual state of travel, he could barely spare the energy to fend off the darker gods’ personal attacks. That it was a miracle the Moon could consistently shine anything at all, that despite the Moon trying his damnedest and faithfully looking up to the Gods who made him, he was still going to be blamed for the errors in his creation that he could not control!
He himself was no dark god, but instead a God meant to roam in the dark while carrying the Sun’s light to keep mortals in his safety, why was that so hard for the Sun to understand? Why couldn’t the Sun see that the Moon just couldn’t do all that was asked of him?
The Sun was silent as the Moon stormed out to return to the receding shadows, angry and forlorn but not foolish enough to abandon his endless duty.
The Twilight Gods conversed quietly amongst themselves before turning to the Sun, who hadn’t yet moved since the beginning of the Moon’s outburst.
It would be Patton to sooth Roman from his conflicted mind, and Logan to appoint the truth in the Moon’s words and guide Roman along the best path to fix his mighty error.
Little did the Gods of the Sky know, that the Darker Gods were planning something awful and sinnister. Upset with their spurned existence, they began to plot against the Sun. How dare he send in such an attempt at snuffing them out, to try and upset their balance by taking all of the land for themselves. The shadows were not going to stand for any of it. The Sky Gods and their disciple were to be blotched out of the sky with eternal darkness, and they had just the plan to do it.
The Moon was stubborn, and refused to fall easily to the shadows this time around, and it was very interesting. The Shadowed Gods poked and prodded at him, finding the Moon’s resentful nature towards the Sun intriguing, and a perfect lure to set their perfect plan into motion.
When the night came again amongst the Gods, the Sun awaited the Moon’s planned return. Except, as night passed on and the true moon passed overhead, their lunar disciple did not formally appear to greet the Sky Gods as he was supposed to.
When the next three nights set out the same pattern, the Sun would decide to head out to find the Moon on the fifth night.
The Moon was in the clutches of the Dark Gods, spending night after unending night being fed nightmares and lies while the shadows in return promised to leave his mortal’s light untouched. When the Sun found him, he begged and pleaded for the Sun to go, leave, and never come back for him. That the Sun was in danger. The Moon knew of the shadows plan, and despite his anger he could not bare to be the reason of his creator’s downfall. However, the Sun’s arrogance was again tested, and he refused to leave the Moon alone.
The Sun reached out into the shadows towards him, and the Shadows lunged.
The Moon watched, restrained, while the Sun collapsed to the ground, immediately banished into a deep slumber.
The shadows cackled and whistled in victory as they released the Moon, allowing him to rush to the Sun’s side. He held the Sun close as he silently sobbed, devastated at the loss. The Shadows, cocky in their victory, chanted their plans for all to hear, now that the Sun could not stop them. In one day and two nights, the Gods of the Sky would be solidly cursed to an eternal slumber, powerless to stop the darkness from taking over the mortal realm.
The Moon, numb from shock, plucked up the Sun's sleeping body and began the journey of bringing the Sun back into the God’s reign of Domain. The journey was not long, but brought sorrow and fear in its wake as mortals began to understand that this could very well be the end. When he gets arrives at the main temple, the worshipers are in a frenzy. He finds that Dawn and Dusk have both fallen into an unwakeable slumber as well, and have been laid out on long specially designed stone pedestal-like beds for private viewing. When presented with a bed for the Sun, he aids them in laying him down, and right after set straight for Dusk’s library.
In the short conversations they held when the Moon was early, they had talked extensively about Dusk’s gathered knowledge, and his library used to record it. If there was anything at all that could save them, it would be there.
It takes the Moon all of the first night and half of the second night to find it, but he does. A thick, ancient book on breaking curses and counter spells. It takes the second half of the day finding the curse, finding out how to break it, and gathering the needed supplies. It is the final nightfall and his Moon is high in the night sky, light trickling in from the open ceiling as the Moon begins.
There is no other way around breaking this spell, the Moon knows, he had double checked through the entire book to be sure. The only way to break a curse this strong is for a God’s essence to break through the dark and ignite their consciousness once more. Any normal God could fix so with the flick of the wrist, but the Moon was far from Normal. He was a God, yes, and had enough essence to give, but not the power or ability to give it, not when it would slowly kill him to try. He needed quick bursts of essence to break the spell, not a slow trickle. So, the only option was to die, to sacrifice every bit of his Godly essence to this spell, and free them. It was an easy choice, the Moon was not an important God, he believed he knew this well. The world could continue without him, the Sun would create a new Moon God, one better fit for the role than he himself was. The world could not live without the Sun or its Twilights, the balance would be lost on all of the mortal realm.
The Moon gently plucked up the sharpened blade and stood strong in the center. He began and sung the soft chant with melancholy as he stood before the four stone pedestal-like beds, the unoccupied fourth off to the side meant for his own body. As the song crescendoed, the Moon could feel his very being vibrating with energy, and knew this was the right choice.
As the chant reached its final verses, he stepped backward, closer to his own pedestal. As the final word left his mouth, he held the blade’s handle with both hands as it pointed at his chest, shaking. In those final seconds, with his ears roaring with power, he prayed that this would not be in vain.
A searing hot pain filled his senses before quickly silencing themselves as his life energy rocketed out of him, stumbling back against the pedestal before sliding down against the cold stone. He watched the final wisps of purple slipping towards the God’s heads as his vision faded. What remained of the Moon would be hidden in his place on the floor as he took his final breath.
Seconds pass as the temple goes deathly silent, monks watch as the light on the moon slowly dims as the time ticks down. Just as the final minute strikes, the Gods of the Sky awaken. Their eyes opening wide, sitting up abruptly and taking in their surroundings. Monks are by their side at a moments notice, and are quickly made aware of the situation. The Sun is furious and ready to deal with the Shadowed Gods for good, but as the trio are about to leave, they take notice of the fourth pedestal. The absence of a body placed upon it or awakening from it draws in curiosity, and the question of the Moon is brought up. No one can stop Patton in time before he circles around the pedestal and finds him, hands over his mouth as a choked sob leaves him. When Roman and Logan reach Patton, the Dawn is already cradling the tiny Moon in his arms, openly sobbing as he holds the eternally sleeping face. It is clear, as Dusk thickly points out the ancient tomb of a book resting open on the pedestal, that the Moon sacrificed his life to be their savior.
Slowly, the Sun kneels down and swiftly removes the blade from the Moon’s heart, despite the choked cry Dawn gives. Carefully, the Sun takes the Moon into his arms, and carries him close.
The distraught Twilights follow the Sun out of the temple and into the raising morning, ignoring the cheers of the gleeful mortals celebrating the God’s awakening. The body of the Moon is so small, now that the Sun takes time to notice it, the body feels light in the gods arms, the limbs weak, skin bruised. The Moon has purple bruises underneath his eyes and the Sun cringes as he realizes solidly, that the fault is his own. His steps carry them up the steps of the temple ground, onto the highest peak on a stone opening where meditation would have reigned during sunrise to sunset. The Sun turns his head up to the sky as his sun rises into it, greeting the silent moon with its light once more, but it isn’t enough.
Slowly, the Sun raises the Moon forward as he calls upon the light of creation itself once more, and watches as the Moon's body floats and awaits it’s change. This time Roman takes input from Patton and Logan, taking his time to weave the perfect light back into the Moon’s very soul, and to grace him with a true God’s power and light. Together as one, the Gods of the Sky breathe new life back into their newest true addition to the sky, Virgil, of the Moon.
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moltensunlight · 5 years
Master Terra AU
It turns out all I need to start posting story/au ideas is one (1) person ( @pandahero85 ) asking for more of said au, SO! Here’s a part of what I’ve been affectionately calling the Master Terra AU, though a more fitting title might be The Mark of Mastery AU, because it’s more like a story about Terra’s journey to becoming a master and achieving his dream after the events of kh3, of course with the help of a lot of friends~ 
This was the first snippet I wrote down that I thought was going to hit the main points of this story I wanted to explore, but going back and re-reading this, I realize that there actually needs to be another post to explain like,,,,, everything that I mention in the first paragraph, and towards the end it turns into more of a character commentary/analysis than anything alksflkajlfkjah but hey gotta start somewhere, right??
Terra has to learn to balance all the facets of himself - the light, the dark, and now the nothingness - if he wants to be accepted as a Keyblade Master, but learning anything other than strict, ruthless control over the undesirable parts of himself is something that even Master Aqua is unfamiliar with. To help better understand, support, and guide him, she reaches out to a certain group of former-Nobodies that now reside in Twilight Town and asks if their respective groups could meet up in Radiant Garden.
((Terra talks with her about his experience under Xehanort’s control, about the split lives he has memories of - though she always has to ask, he’ll never bring it up on his own - and the guilts and regrets he carries from his multiple personas. His lives as Apprentice Xehanort and Xemnas sit clearer in his mind than any other, the thousands of days of Lingering Will residing in the Keyblade Graveyard all blurring into one another, and the moments of clarity from within his prison of The Guardian few and far between. There are countless people he owes apologies to, and a specific group of 13 that he longs to reconnect with - though the latter is an admission that she has to pry out of him with careful, gentle words. (Does he even deserve to miss them, with how much he’s put them all through?) It takes even more support and encouragement to bring him to apologize, let alone visit Ansem’s apprentices again. (They’re certainly better off without him in the picture, right?) ))
Out of the four members of the Twilight Town Nobodies, Aqua finds the most insightful conversation actually comes from someone that Xemnas played no part in creating: Roxas. He has a unique perspective on light and darkness, duel-wielding them - in the most literal sense - from an entirely unbiased opinion towards either one. He didn’t grow up with the rhetoric that light was the greater of the two, or that because he wields a keyblade he should be the light’s defender. In the same vein though, he was also never taught that darkness reigned supreme, or that it was evil or bad or undesirable. To Roxas, light and darkness are simply two forces as natural as any other - fire, water, air, earth - and because of his entirely neutral stance, he’s neither championed a single one, nor fallen to either despite his proximity to them. It’s a fascinating position to be in, from Aqua’s perspective, and though he may not be a keyblade master, he may actually hold more insight into the true nature of both forces than someone who’s only ever fought for the light.
The other person Aqua recruits to her impromptu team of teachers is the first one to be touched by the legacy (or catastrophe) that Master Eraqus’ students left in their wake, and consequently the other person Terra’s been adamantly avoiding out of shame and guilt: Riku. Like Roxas, he has a unique perspective on light and darkness, but knows Terra’s strife and struggle in falling to the darkness more intimately than any of the current keybearers. He knows what it is to fall, and then to climb his way back out stronger than ever. If anyone could break through the rigid foundation of self-denial and self-criticism unintentionally created by Master Eraqus’ teachings, it would be the person that has most accepted and embraced both the light and the darkness, and himself.
If Roxas is the most removed and neutral party in his relationship to the light and darkness, Riku is the most drenched in them, close enough to both that it should be blinding - though both of them have found their respective balances, and both of them can offer Terra insight into finding his own unique balance.
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getallemeralds · 5 years
Fix-it Leo: Katie / KG
welcome to something im tenatively calling “fix-it leo”, where i take my really old OCs and try to make sense of them! i’ve previously done this with Shadowy, which you can read here. seeing as im redrawing & “bringing back” a few other old ocs i figured id make this a series of talking about things! unlike the Shadowy one this doesnt have pictures beyond the initial ref bc i dont want to murder my hand and im also not sure how to draw some of this
today’s subject: Katie! also known as KG.
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KG’s from 2010-ish, so some time after Shadowy but before the Shattered Worlds rework. to be as specific as possible, he’s from a RP setting that people that have known me closely have at least heard mentioned, if not seen snippets of it outright: KL, the massive crossover including any character and setting me & my friends wanted to RP.
as a self-insert character in crossover hell, Katie is VERY weird.
it was really hard for me to find info on Katie, because i actually had a bunch of OCs using that name that were my direct self-inserts for RP & story purposes both in and outside of KL. the unifying idea was that he was kinda just Me but in a fictional universe... and, apparently according to what info i DID find, all of the various Katies were. actually the same person, just in various conflicting situations with various conflicting backstories? so me stitching it all together got kinda weird. i did find a starting point though, so, uh... here we go!
as a general overview, Katie is pretty much just me. autistic, ADHD, likes videogames and art, bad social anxiety conflicting with desperately needing validation from everyone around him. he also has a very short temper and no volume control, which was usually a comedy thing but could also lead to him lashing out and doing/saying things he regrets, mostly hurting his friends. as a result he was kinda unpopular in his hometown... except for a small handful of friends he went to school with.
one night, he decides to go camp out with his friends to watch a meteor shower cause hes pretty fascinated by comets & shit like that. one of his friends, Elson, was acting pretty weird about it but Katie’s too excited to take much note of it up until the meteor shower “starts early” and Elson runs off into the woods. confused and startled, he gives chase. then, uh, the fucking apocalypse happens.
a lot of plot happens that im skipping over bc this is gonna be long enough as it is, but it gets revealed that Elson is actually an incognito alien named Elohim and an alien invasion is happening and wiping out civilization, and Katie is just. running out of sanity. being a main character SUCKS. he has a tragic backstory now, his friend (who he kind of had a crush on?) is an alien and is partially responsible for his tragic backstory, they join a rebellion after confirming “yeah your family’s dead as hell” and go to space, and finally find out that the leader of the aliens got a case of “jewelry makes you evil”.
they save the day obvs, with the help of some other people they ran into, and Katie has a moment of “well, fuck” bc his hometown is still extremely exploded and his family is still extremely dead and he’s like .5 miliseconds away from a mental breakdown. he then has a conversation that goes roughly like this:
person that helped them bust out of alien jail: hey, i think i know someplace you can stay katie: my house exploded person: cmon trust me
and then it turns out that that guy is actually Ninten and he’d just helped save the world with a fictional character, and before he has any opportunity to go “wait, what” he gets pulled through a portal by him and ends up somewhere totally different. more specifically, he’s now in the Earthbound universe, and his brain is going “[dial up noises]” a whole lot bc its not like his life was weird ENOUGH now he’s just... ditched his home reality??? with Ninten’s help??? and Ninten’s taking all of it in stride and ends up explaining the multiverse to him and that he’s one of the guys who ended up with the ability to worldhop and had stopped by Katie’s universe because he knew the possessed alien guy. he’s also apparently used to having to help people acclimate to massive paradigm shifts caused by multiversal fuckery.
so Katie’s just kinda trying to wrap his head around this, but takes Ninten up on his offer to go get to meet people and he goes to the Nowhere Islands! which was like, basically the hub location of KL. and then things get EXTRA surreal for Katie, because like... he used to write fanfic, and come up with story ideas that he daydreamed about a lot before everything exploded, and he bumps into Kurousu who is his OC. and there’s a lot of “UHHHH”-ing but he plays it off and befriends her, and its finally starting to sink in that yeah, he’s hanging out in this super weird crossover reality now, and he tries to make the most of it!
then some... weird things start happening. Tank, Joseph, and Vince make a jump to the Persona universe to do some plot stuff and run into Katie there, where he’s apparently joined SEES? except the last time they’d seen him, he’d been acting as a lackey to one of the arc villains because of a FMian from the Megaman universe screwing with him and taking advantage of his trauma to create a “new” Gemini Spark. and they start to write it off as “well i guess he’s like Tails where there’s some AUs of him running around” except... he recognizes them each time? but looks different and has different backstories and nothing really adds up. the next time a protagonist sees him, it’s Artemis post-getting turned into a Nobody finding Katie’s Nobody, Teixak, who apparently was very excited about getting to meet Roxas... despite, according to himself, having been living in Twilight Town for as long as he could remember. while also being very aware and very confused that that contradicts everything else about him.
teixak: eeee you mean i get to meet roxas?! he’s my favourite kingdom hearts character!! >w< rasemtix: ...you do realize you just told me youre from this universe, right? you were just explaining to me about how you lived here with leixand until the shadows attacked you two and stole your hearts. teixak: eh..? hm. ............Hm. but.... hm.
meanwhile on Katie’s end of things, he gets his heart stuffed back in his body and he reconciles with his externalized FMian-induced evil side and various other things from various other worlds, but everything feels weird and disjointed. he remembers attending school at Gekkougan, but also remembers living in Echo Ridge, but also remembers Twilight Town, but also remembers living in a boring world that got invaded by aliens where also all of this was just videogames and books and animes and OCs. and then things start getting weirder for him. he makes a joke to Artemis about “hey, remember when we got in a big fight cause i hit you with a sign?” and he doesn’t remember it. he teases Ninten about something personal and Ninten freezes up and asks him how he knows that, and Katie gets confused because he told him. he has an even more personal talk with T1, and then has  the same talk later but with slightly different words. and it’s starting to look like it’s not just “various Katies”, it’s Katie also dealing with various... varieties of everyone else, and he’s pretty much spinning a wheel on “what version of events am i in today?”
he finally gets an answer after a while-- something went really weird and really wrong when Ninten first brought him into the KL multiverse. the Katie that told Gomess about the Andromeda Key is the same Katie that joined SEES is the same Katie that got his heart stolen is the same Katie that got rescued from an apocalypse, but he’s sort of... existing simultaneously in different realities with slight “adjustments” to his personal history depending on what universe he’s encountered in. he also exists “outside of canon”, so some of the weirder memories he has are from rewrites or scrapped plotlines or noncanon moments that sometimes clip into canon when theyre not supposed to. apocalypse!Katie is the “primary”/original Katie, and that’s where all his weird meta knowledge comes from.
it’s... really confusing, and nobody really “gets” it, least of all Katie himself. he just knows that he’s ended up with a bunch of cool powers, although he’s not  really sure what he’s doing and has been a villain at least two universes. he also has a severe case of main character-itis (hence getting a Persona, getting his heart stolen, etc), and still isnt sure how to tell if he’s interacting with the “canon” versions of everybody or not. he’s at least unable to cause weird bizarre paradoxes by interacting with himself; trying to visit one of the universes he has an “echo” in just causes a perspective switch to the resident Katie. Katie also has access to all of his abilities as long as he’s not in a universe with a resident Katie; apocalypse!Katie has no abilities at all, starforce!Katie only has his FMian transformation, kh!Katie can only use his Keyblade, etc. this only starts being a thing after he “clicks” with his new existence.
he also has various outfits and aesthetics depending on universe, with the one i drew being his “outside canon“/default one. he gets cat ears! and Outsider eyes. Katie also has a bad habit of stealing things from universes he visits, and as a result has a collection of random things that he really shouldnt.
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(I've Really Wanted To Do This For Awhile, Mainly Because I'm Working On A Fic Series {No Promises} That Includes Most Of Bangtan's Ships. I Thought It'd Be Cool! If This Goes Well I might Make This Into A Series!
Taekook in Aladdin:
Jungkook as Jasmine & Taehyung as Aladdin.
●I really like the thought of Taekook with this one; they have really nice dynamics for it. I think I'm going to make Hoseok the Genie, but with much less blue. He and Taehyung would make a good duo in this. Honestly, though, I just really love the movie and want to write about the Taekook magic carpet ride. Also, Jungkook being sassy with Tae is such a concept, like Taehyung would be so whipped for it●
Yoonseok in Cinderella:
Yoongi as Cinderella & Hoseok as Prince Charming.
●I actually have have a plan for this one, and it's gonna be a little emotional, and I hope I can write it well enough. Just imagine Yoongi having cute, small animals as friends and Hoseok just loving them to death. It'd be so fluffy because Hoseok is literal sunshine that would do anything for Yoongi, I'm not crying you are. Hoseok would search day and night to find Yoongi, in any AU honestly.
Namjin in Beauty & The Beast:
Seokjin as Bell & Namjoon as The Beast (except instead of an animal type beast, I would put a different spin on it).
●Seokjin being the sassy softly he is would be perfect for this. I could really have fun with this AU and make it have a lot of fluff as well as some melancholy. Like, the thought of Namjoon being whipped for Jin but not doing anything about it because he's really self conscious is enough to make me cry●
Junghope in Robin Hood:
Jungkook as Maid Marian & Hoseok as Robin Hood.
●I just like the thought of Hoseok being really peppy and helping everyone so much. It's been a while since I've seen the movie so I'm basing off of old memories, but it still gives me a Junghope vibe. Like the part where they steal from the king, Hoseok would be so creative with it and dressing up as a girl wouldn't even be that hard of a feat, he's so pretty●
Vhope in Peter Pan:
Taehyung as Wendy & Hoseok as Peter Pan.
●Vhope is the epitome of childish, so this is the perfect AU for them. They're so perfect together, and so happy, I love it! Taehyung would always try to be more mature because he was raised to be like that, and his parents throw a fit over it a lot. So Hoseok takes it upon himself to show Taehyung how to be a kid. I just like emotionally constipated Taehyung, that's trying to do the right thing. It really gets to me.
Jihope in Sleeping Beauty:
Jimin as Aurora & Hoseok as Prince Phillip.
●This is really nice because while Hoseok is super silly and fun, he cares so much and would do anything for Bangtan, and it reflects in his actions. So, if prince Hoseok is the love of Jimin's life and has to kiss him and fight dragons, you bet he's going to do it. I think I'm to make thier pre-sleep story longer and emotionally attached than the original story of the Sleeping Beauty●
Jikook in The Little Mermaid:
Jimin as Ariel (because of the red hair lol) & Jungkook as Eric.
●I literally cry at the thought of this because it would be so beautiful. I know people project Jimin as really sexy and more of a playboy in fics, but I wouldn't mind making Jimin innocent and new to a lot of things with this, and just letting Jimin stumble a little a little through it all makes it feel more real. Something like this fits Jikook really well●
Sugakookie in Snow White:
Yonngi as Snow White & Jungkook as The Prince.
●I'd like to spin this with the real Snow White, and make Yoongibbe super pure but have a little bit too much of an attitude. I know it clashes with the real concept of Snow White, but I think it'd be a fun read. Jungkook would get suprised because he thought Yoongi was supposed to be gentle and perfect, but it has more depth if he falls in love with Yoongi despite him having a few flaws. Yonngi is still just as beautiful with a bad mouth on him on him, it adds character.
Vmin in Red Riding Hood:
Taehyung as The Wolf & Jimin as Red Riding Hood.
●This, uh, this why I have breathing problems. I know people always like the whole Little Red and timber cutter (that's what he was, right?), but I'd like for Jimin to fall with a flawed, struggling Wolf. Taehyung would try to project himself as strong and not very nice, and he doesn't make a lot of right choices. He uses his ability to be scary as a form of protection, and Jimin could be exactly what Tae needs to loosen up●
Taekook in Alice In Wonderland:
Taehyung as The White King & Jungkook as Alice.
●Jungkook falling down the rabbit hole is such a concept, but some would be like "JK is a bunny, so make him the white rabbit". I just he fits Alice a lot more. I could really go on for days about this AU, I love it so much. Jungkook making his way through Wonderland and getting help from Taehyung, The White King, makes me cry. Like, Tae would always let Jungkook stay in his palace and be really doting and make sure he's fine.. especially when Jungkook accidentally causes trouble and had to stay away from The Red King●
Yoonseok in Rapunzel:
Yoongi as Rapunzel & Hoseok as Flynn.
●Yoongi not knowing anything about the world is really dangerous, but imagine that cute face he does when he's suprised like a mix between a pout and he barely lets his mouth hang. It's really cute, but Hoseok would get addicted to it and try to show Yoongi absolutely everything in hopes of trying to get it out of him again. I could probably mix some really emotional things in with this, I know the actual movie had me devastated when I first watched it●
■If you've got any ideas for ships I've left out, please feel free to comment or message me. I'd like to get most of them even if I'm not a giant fan of them. These are just the ones I find myself enjoying the most lately, and I also have a lack of ideas of fairytales■
○BTS as The Walking Dead Characters:
>Jin as Maggie Rhee.
>Suga as Daryl Dixon.
>J-Hope as Glenn Rhee.
>Rap Monster as Rick Grimes.
>Jimin as Paul 'Jesus' Rovia.
>V as Carl Grimes.
>Kookie as Carol Peleir.
●BTS in Life Is Strange.
●BTS in Until Dawn.
●BTS in Friday The 13th bc.. why not!?
●BTS in The Purge.
●BTS in Black Swan.
●BTS in Superhero Movies- Jungkook as Spiderman & Taehyung as Deadpool.
●BTS in Outlast.
●BTS in Resident Evil 7 - Hoseok as Mia & Yoongi as Ethan.
●BTS in Pretty Little Lairs.
●BTS in Orange Is The New Black.
●BTS in How To Train Your Dragon - Hoseok as Hiccup & Yoongi as Astrid.
●BTS in Detroit Become Human.
●BTS in Telltale: The Walking Dead.
●BTS in Supernatural.
●BTS in Attack On Titan .
●BTS in Night In The Woods.
●BTS in Twilight.
●BTS in Harry Potter.
●BTS in IT.
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Breaking the Surface (Twilight)
This is posted in the “scraps and snippets” collection, even though it’s probably way too long to be called either. But. It’s something I haven’t touched in years, and am unsure if I have the motivation to come back to and write the last couple of “blocks” of text needed to make it a finished story. I know exactly what those blocks consist of, but I am very uncertain if it’d be worth it - does people even read Twilight fic anymore?
Anyway. 5+K behind the cut.
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, nor do I have wolves hiding under my bed (and not just because the dust bunnies would totally eat them alive). I only own this particular idea, the execution thereof and a set of books.
AN: Goes AU after Bella’s “infamous” cliff dive in New Moon. For this particular plot-line to work, Jacob was on his own when he pulled Bella out of the water – Sam was never present. Also Jacob and Bella never met Billy at the Black residence.
Snippets of text and dialog tweaked from New Moon.
Breaking the Surface
New Moon AU
Pressed against Jacob’s body I was almost able to forget how much I was hurting. It was as if his warmth somehow crept into not just my limbs but my soul as well, burning away the cold that had been suffocating me. He really was like a sun, and I soaked him up.
I was so focused on being warm, inside and out, that I didn’t notice us pulling into my driveway. All I could see, all I could hear, all I could feel was Jacob. Is this how he feels? I wondered. Is this how it is for him, with me? Am I the only thing in the world to him? He’d implied as much, and if that was the case – which I was getting pretty sure it was – then  I could see how he’d been willing to give so much for me. And for the first time I too felt some of that.
I could have this, I realized, not just now but always. Jacob didn’t push, never had, but he’d also never hidden the fact that he wanted to be more than my best friend. Would it really be that bad to be with Jacob, I asked myself. He loved me. Wanted me. I knew he would do anything to keep me happy and safe – and he had what it took to succeed.
Charlie would be happy, scratch that, ecstatic if I chose Jacob, and Billy would welcome me with open arms. Jacob wouldn’t leave me, and neither would his extended family. I would have a place with the pack and a sort of new sister – the word pained me, but not nearly as much as I would have thought – in Emily.
I would never be alone again.
All I needed to do was give up.
Give up every thought of my first love. Everything I had dreamed would be. Everything I had wanted. The future I had chosen. That was all. Not such an small thing when it came down to it. Hard as hell to even think about – harder still to actually do.
Still, if I did that I would have Jacob. I could choose a new future, with new dreams – and those dreams would come true.
How long had I sat there, deep in thought? I had no idea. I looked up at Jacob, questioningly, and tried to find something to say. But all words fled as Jacob’s eyes met mine and changed. He drew breath, sharply, and his gaze grew even more intense. Like my mother Jacob knew how to read me all too well. He’d understood some of what had been going on in my head, and decided to make his move.
As he leaned towards me, the intended kiss so strongly announced that it was already a fact, I panicked. I wasn’t ready for this!
It wasn’t that I doubted my choice – I didn’t – or even that I really thought there was one. I just wasn’t ready to admit it. I would choose Jacob, yes, but I needed time. After all, even though I had never had any reason to believe E– he would come back I had still held on to my end of the bargain – to love forever. I would need more than just the time it took to drive from La Push to Charlie’s house to leave that behind.
I wanted to explain this to Jacob, tell him to wait just a little longer – ask him to come back tomorrow and then I would be his – but I couldn’t. I could just sit there, hold my breath and hope he wouldn’t give up on me even if this ended less than perfectly.
And then he stiffened, jerked back and growled. I stared at him, eyes wide, and wondered what had gone wrong. Had he picked up on my reluctance? Had I finally managed to drive Jacob away, now that I no longer was going to try?
And then he exploded into furious shaking. I panicked – for some reason he was about to phase. Emily’s ruined face floated before my eyes, and I swallowed hard, trying to get rid off my sudden nausea. Was I to be the next victim of the volatile werewolf temper, the next to be “mauled by a bear”? Then again they would probably need to find another explanation this time. Will Jacob still love me if I’m covered with scars? A small whimper escaped my lips, and somehow that brought Jacob back to reality. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, and he started mumbling to himself. I strained to hear, and after a little while I started picking up words.
“Phase, or get her out of here?” A few repeats, and then he looked at me. “Right. Get you to safety. Hold on.” And my truck roared back to life.
“Jacob! What’s going on?” I was beginning to think I knew, but I could be wrong. Please, let me be wrong.
“A vampire.” Of course. “It’s not the redhead, at least I don’t think so, but she could have friends.”
Yeah. The wolves had taken care of Laurent, but there could be others. For all I knew Victoria could have made others, for the sole purpose of hunting me down. The thought drained me of all energy and I felt the world begin to spin.
Jacob’s driving didn’t help, although for once I didn’t complain as he made a sharp turn and floored it. I was too busy holding on and trying to not give in to the panic, trying not to faint. I didn’t want to die, and I definitely didn’t want Jacob to die. Sure, he was a werewolf, existing for the sole reason of killing vampires, but he was also so very human – and so very alone. On his own he might not be able to stop a vampire, and there was no way of telling how many waited for me.
And then I saw a flash of red across the street.
It brought back the memory of being in the water, of seeing fire dancing on the waves, the fire that had really been Victoria’s hair, and my throat constricted. She was here. I would die. Why wasn’t I dead already? Why... Wait.
“Stop!” I gasped. My brain had finally started working right again, connecting to my eyes. Instead of reacting I was seeing. The red wasn’t Victoria’s hair reflected in the light – it was a car, and to my surprise one I instantly recognized. I might be the furthest thing from an autophile – I don’t speak car and driver my memories supplied – but I knew that particular car. It was expensive and flashy – ostentatious my traitorous brain echoed, and god, how it hurt – just like its owner. Oh, I couldn’t be completely sure, of course, I didn’t know it that well, like for instance I knew my truck, or say a certain Volvo... But who would drive a car like that in Forks? Who, but Rosalie Hale Cullen?
“Wait!” I cried out, louder, since Jacob was still determined to get away as fast as my poor truck could crawl.
He was still shaking, still much too close to phasing for it to be safe, and I knew I should be afraid. In fact, I should be terrified, being this close to Jacob when he was like this – and when I was likely to upset him even more.
I wasn’t afraid though. Not, as usual, because it was Jacob, but because I was too busy focusing on the fact that Rosalie’s car was parked outside Charlie’s house.
“That’s not Victoria – I’m betting she wouldn’t be caught dead in a car. I know that car, Jacob, it’s Rosalie’s. Rosalie Cullen,” I added, knowing his complete non-interest in my former vampire friends.
“And you’re asking me to stop why?”
He was still angry, in fact just as I’d predicted he was even more angry now. No longer focused on keeping me safe from the evil leach out for my blood he was simply furious. At Rosalie, for hurting me by leaving, for coming back, for being a Cullen, for making me remember... And somehow almost angrier at me, for not wanting to leave. There was a sudden coldness about him now, one that burned like fire and cut like a switchblade. He was back to Sam’s Jake again.
“Do you want to go back to her?”
And that was the question. Did I? Did I want to see Rosalie? The answer was slow but sure; no, not really. Rosalie and I had never been friends, or even friendly, and I was pretty sure she’d been more than happy to leave me behind. That however made me wonder why she’d come back, and why she’d come back to see me. I could see no reason, except... And that meant that even though I didn’t want to see her I probably needed to.
“No, I don’t want to see her.” ‘Cause I really, really didn’t want to. No more than I thought she wanted to see me. And that closed the deal, so to speak.
“But I think I have to. I can’t think of a reason for Rosalie to be here, not by choice. She wasn’t exactly my biggest fan – Paul likes me a thousand times better. And Jake... If she’s here, if she came here to see me... That has to mean something. Carlisle must have more or less forced her to come, and he wouldn’t do that without a good reason. I’m guessing...” And my voice broke along with a piece of my battered heart. I tried again.
“I think Alice must have seen something. Maybe something to do with Victoria. Or something really bad happened, something I need to know. Whatever it is, if it’s important enough for Rosalie to come then I, no, we need to hear it.”
“We?” Jacob’s voice was full of unbelief. “You expect me to walk in there with you? No way, Bella. You do what you need to, but there’s not a chance in hell that I’m sitting down with my enemy, no matter what name she carries.”
“Jacob!” I could barely believe it. I knew he didn’t like the Cullens, but I hadn’t thought it was this bad.
“I need you Jacob, please! What if she’s here about Victoria? Can you afford not to listen? Also, I might need help kicking her out.” This got his attention.
“Kicking her out? Won’t the two of you be having a sleepover?” Sarcasm. I could deal with that. It was a lot better than icy cold and raw hatred. Still, dealing wasn’t exactly going to be easy.
“A sleepover?” I asked incredulously. “Did you loose your hearing or just your mind? Rosalie isn’t my friend. Didn’t you hear me? Paul likes me better. In fact, I’d say I’m a hell of a lot more likely to spend the night with Paul than with Rosalie. Besides, vampires don’t sleep.” I shook my head, that wasn’t the important thing right now.
“Look, Jacob. Not only am I not planning a sleepover with her, but I’m counting on you to help me get her out of the house. But if she refuses to leave, yeah, then I will be planning a sleepover – because then I’ll be occupying your couch!”
That got his attention, and with a curt nod he turned the truck around. I’d be getting my backup after all. That made me feel a little safer, at least until I thought about the fact that I was about to meet a member of the family that had ripped my heart to pieces, the family I had thought was mine, and those pieces began hurting again. My arms found their way around my chest on their own, knowing the way much too well by now, but unlike so many times before Jacob didn’t help make it better. He didn’t even try.
I could understand him, sort of, but it still hurt. And suddenly I was terrified that I would end up even more alone than I’d been after my birthday – that this would cost me Jacob, Jacob that just minutes ago I’d been thinking of giving myself to. I shook with fear and pain, yet I knew I could do no different.
Perhaps, I thought, Jacob would calm down once Rosalie had said whatever she’d come to say and left. Perhaps he’d give me another chance. And if he did, I decided, no longer wanting more time to think, I would give him what he’d wanted for so long now. I’d give him what was left of my heart and never again look back. After this, I swore, I would be done with vampires.
And a quiet voice whispered that I should be happy that it was Rosalie that had come, or I surely would never be able to keep that promise.
The front door was unlocked, just as I’d expected – the Cullens all knew where to find the key. I hesitated for a moment, one hand on the door handle, and looked over my shoulder at Jacob. He reminded me of a thunderstorm, huge and dark and menacing, and yet I felt comforted by his presence. I twisted my lips into a shaky smile and reached for him, touching his hand briefly, before whispering quietly:
“Thank you for doing this. Things will be back to what they should be soon.”
And then I opened the door and stepped into the dark house.
I turned on the light, and blinked to try and adjust to the change. My eyes scanned the room, surprised that Rosalie hadn’t already made her presence known. After all, wouldn’t she want to get what ever the reason for her visit over as quickly as possible so she could leave again? Just as I started questioning if Rosalie really was there I heard a melodic voice call out my name in an uncertain tone. So there was a vampire in my house – just not the one I had expected.
My eyes widened as I took in the tense – and startled – form of Jasper. He was the last one I’d expected to see here, considering what had happened the last time we were in the same room. It would even have surprised me less to see E– him waiting for me.
Could he be here to kill me? To get rid of me once and for all? I realized that I couldn’t decide on how I felt about it. If Jasper killed me I wouldn’t be hurting anymore, and I was fairly sure he’d make it less painful than whatever Victoria had planned for me. Also, I couldn’t find it in me to be blame Jasper. I was his natural food source, and not only that, I was also the reason his family had suffered.
At the same time there was Jacob to be considered, Jacob who’d try and protect me and might end up hurt – or dead. Could I persuade Jasper to let Jacob leave before–? Could I persuade Jacob to leave?
Jasper’s voice broke through my racing thoughts.
“Bella, I– How are you alive? Alice saw you jump off a cliff. You were drowning.” Oh.
“I was cliff diving, Jasper. And yeah, I wasn’t doing too well, but Jacob here pulled me out.” So Alice had a vision? Why now? And why hadn’t she seen me being pulled out? Why hadn’t she seen my zombie months? Had she seen my zombie months? “That still doesn’t explain why you’re here.” Why come when I was supposedly dead instead of when I needed them?
“Alice thought Charlie could use some support. She was going to come herself, but... Something came up. She asked me to go in her place, see what help Charlie might need and take care of it until she could come.” He was keeping something from me, I could tell. It didn’t matter what though, since he would soon be leaving. Not to mention the fact that I was pretty sure I knew what, or rather who, it was about.
“Well, that was... nice of her. It wasn’t necessary though, but I appreciate the thought. Now, if there’s nothing else...?” I didn’t finish that sentence, but it’d take an idiot not to catch my meaning, as in please get the hell away from here.
Neither Jasper nor Jacob were that stupid, and I could see the beginning of a smile on Jacob’s face as well as the shock on Jasper’s. Huh. That was twice in less than five minutes that I had managed to surprise him – twice more than I’d thought was possible at all.
“Bella, I...” Jasper looked so guilty, and I realized what he must think. The last time we’d been in the same room he’d tried to kill me. I hadn’t blamed him then, and I still didn’t, but he must believe otherwise.
“Look, Jasper, I’m sorry. This isn’t about my birthday, if that’s what you think. It isn’t even about you going to Denali with Alice and neither of you coming back, or contacting me. It’s...” about abandoning me, after telling me I was family, not even looking back long enough to say goodbye “I just don’t understand. But then I don’t need to, not really and not any more. Before, yeah, but now? Now, I just need you to leave.”
I was angry. Maybe I’d been angry all along, only unable to feel it through the hurt, or maybe it had come now. Whichever it was didn’t matter – I was working my way from angry to furious, and and doing it fast. Jasper was here because Alice had seen me jump off a cliff. Presumably she’d thought I was committing suicide – I didn’t think she’d believed I’d fallen (although I certainly was clumsy enough) or that she’d have thought cliff diving was something I’d do for fun.
But whatever Alice had thought didn’t matter. She had decided to come back because she thought I was dead. She hadn’t come back when my pain had turned me into something less than human, and worse than dead. She hadn’t come back when Laurent had,  or when Victoria had. She hadn’t come back when my life was on the line – she had waited until she saw me die.
That hurt.
I had loved Alice. Had seen her as my sister. I had honestly believed she loved me back. Even after she’d left, after they’d all left, I’d still believed in that love. That she never contacted me had hurt like hell, but I’d always blamed it on him, thinking he’d asked her not to look. That belief was shattered now, because Alice had seen. She still hadn’t come back, but she’d intended to, and she’d sent Jasper. Because she thought I was dead.
In that second I came to the conclusion that everything I had clung to, everything that I had created my dreams around had been a lie. Love had, once more, proven to be a lie.
All I had now was Jacob.
All I had – but he was more than enough.
“You’re angry.” It wasn’t a question. Jasper’s gift made sure he knew exactly how angry I was, and I was pretty sure it wasn’t comfortable. I knew it was petty of me, but I actually took pleasure in that discomfort.
“Yes. But that’s only an issue for as long as you stay here.” There. Let him interpret that as he wished. I had no desire to spare his feelings – showing up here like this, he’d done nothing to spare mine.
The fact that my obvious anger made it easier for Jacob – whom I could tell was struggling against his every instinct by staying calm, not to mention human – just added to my pleasure. I was taking a stand, on several counts, and it felt great. I was done being weak.
“I’m sorry. We never meant to hurt you, we would never want that. But Edward–” I cringed, my heart whimpered and Jacob put a warm hand on my back as support – he knew what that name did to me – while Jasper looked as if I’d slapped him. So that’s how bad my pain felt. Good something inside me whispered.
“It was decided that we were putting you in danger. That you would be better off without us here.”
I almost choked on the bitter laugh that forced its way out of my chest. “Better off”? The way I had felt, the way I had acted since their departure? That was supposed to be better?
“Are you serious? Jasper, please take this as seriously as I’m saying it: there have been times since your family left when I thought I would have been ‘better off’ had you killed me.”
And then I focused, relaxed my defenses, and let go of what control I had over my battered and broken feelings, trying with everything I had to make Jasper feel exactly how much better off I hadn’t been with them out of my life.
It was worth every ounce of pain to see Jasper reel back and sway on his feet as if he was going to faint. Maybe it wasn’t his fault, not completely, but it was time someone with at least some degree of responsibility suffered as well.
Everyone else had, after all.
“E-E, your brother told me I shouldn't be a part of your world, and I was too blinded by my feelings to believe him. I do now, though. I don't belong in your world, and you don't belong in mine. So please, Jasper, if you ever cared about me even a little? Leave. And don't come back. Don't let any of the others come back either.
“Tell Alice... Tell her I said goodbye.”
I could hear the bitter venom in my words, in that final barb, and reveled in it. I tried to be a good person, yes, but I would never be a saint. And I was definitely done being a doormat.
The Cullens might never have intended to treat me as such, but they had. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say that they had treated me like the child I realized I must seem like to them. To all of them. And that thought drove home the point even more: I did not belong with them. I was not ready to become unchanging – which was what the change really was. I was not done growing up, and chances were I never truly would should I join the Cullens.
The insight was hitting me so hard, and making me feel so relieved, that it took me a while to realize Jasper wasn't responding to any of what I'd said. When I did, I frowned. It seemed out of character for Jasper to be so silent in the face of such uncharacteristic abuse.
I looked closer at Jasper, and suddenly my blood ran cold. There was something about him now that scared me, more so than my initial thought that he was here to kill me. He was planning something – and I knew without a doubt that whatever it was I wouldn’t like it.
“Do you have a valid passport, Bella?”
I just stared at him. I did, thanks to Renée’s canceled wedding plans, but why would Jasper care?
“Yeah. Yeah, I do, but why–”
“Good. I’ll explain on the way, just grab it and some essentials, we’ll buy whatever else you need at the airport or–”
“Jasper!” I was getting angrier again. Did he seriously expect that after just waltzing into my life he could start making demands? Did he really expect me to just fold, like nothing had happened? Like the past months had never happened?
From the look on his face I’d say that yes, that was exactly what he’d expected.
“If you think I’m just going to act like nothing and let you run my life as if nothing has changed, then you’re delusional. I’m not going anywhere with you. Now, if you’d please explain.”
“Alice is in Italy. She told me I shouldn’t come with her, that I should go here instead, and not to go after her when I was done. But that was when we thought you were dead. If I take you with me–”
“No.” Jasper stiffened, clearly still not expecting me to do anything but go along with his plans. Alice had been, I thought, his ace and he had played it, fully believing he’d win.
And why shouldn’t he think so? I’d never been this assertive before in the presence of any Cullen. If I had to guess I’d say it was happening now because the family had lost some of their allure – it had been burned away by my pain. Also, I had just realized that Jasper was here because I was presumed dead, and only because of that.
My pain, my zombie state, Victoria wanting to kill me... All that, all those perfectly good reasons for someone to return, had either not registered or mattered.
And of course, there was Jacob. His steady presence – and my new conviction regarding him – helped me a lot as well.
Finally, it was Jasper. With the exception of Rosalie he was the one Cullen least likely to sway me. Had it been Alice... Right. Suffice to say I had no desire to see my former friend, not with what I’d just concluded, and not since I knew she would be able to dazzle me into forgetting all doubt.
I was done being dazzled. I was done being weak, and under someone else’s control. I needed to relearn how to be strong, and that was an impossibility around the Cullens. They claimed to love me, but it was a stifling love that made me think of a caged pet. Oh, I hadn’t always, but my eyes were opening now. I wasn’t an equal to them, supposedly because I was so very breakable. Still. I should have been allowed to be equal when it came to the non-physical parts, like my emotions, and my life.
If I had, well, then they never would have walked out like they did. Would never have stayed away while I died inside.
The way Alice’s gift had been explained to me there were two options. Either she had seen – and not cared – or she’d found a way to “block” me. Until my supposed death, that was. Strangely enough I was pretty sure I’d prefer it to be the former, because if Alice had somehow blocked all visions of me... That would mean that she’d seen me jump because it somehow effected the Cullens – and that in turn meant they’d soon screw up my life again.
It felt safe to assume this, since that was what Jasper’s behavior was telling me. Something had happened, or would happen, to the Cullens and Jasper thought he could fix it by dragging me with him. To Italy of all places, and why did that resonate so badly to me? That was bad news for me.
“No, I’m not going anywhere, Jasper. Besides, even if I wanted to, which I don’t, you said Alice was in Italy. I definitely can’t go abroad. Aside from the fact that I have school, and tests, I can’t do that to Charlie.” He was still hurting over my sudden trip to Phoenix a year ago, even if my behavior since the Cullens’ departure overshadowed that.
I also had others to consider now.
“Alice left. I’m not going to hurt the ones that were here for me when I was hurting just to please her. Not any longer.
“Look, Jasper, I have no desire to see Alice. She left. I understand why, not that it would change anything if I didn’t, but the facts remain. She didn’t just leave, she stayed away. I needed her, and she pretended that we never even met. That I didn't exist.
“I’m better now. I don’t need her, or any of you, any longer. I’m finally okay with the whole ‘it’ll be like we never met’ plan, and there’s no reason for me to try and change anything now – especially not since you all will most likely just disappear into thin air again as soon as you’ve accomplished whatever it is you think will be accomplished by dragging me along.”
And now that I’d said it I could feel the truth in it. The Cullens had removed themselves from my life. Edw– He had sworn it would be like they never existed. Jasper being here was breaking that oath, but once he was done using me... Once he was done, things would return to the way he wanted them. And I would be back in that black pit once again.
And then I saw something that made me want to scream. Made me want to beg Jacob to phase and rip Jasper apart. I couldn’t be sure, of course, but. I still was. Something, some emotion had traveled across Jasper’s face – quickly, but not quickly enough – and I knew. If I went with him I’d never leave the vampire world again. I would not be given that option.
Most likely I wouldn’t be given the option of staying human either.
I didn't want that. I wanted to stay human. The strength of that truth hit me like the water had earlier, and I gasped. Jacob tensed, and I reached out to touch his arm, briefly, to calm him.
“Jasper. Please. I think it’s time you left. Even if I wanted to, and I don’t, I could never go with you. I told you, I can’t do that to Charlie. He’s still hurting over Phoenix, and I’m not going to hurt the ones that were here for me just to please Alice.
“I’m not a ‘vampire girl’ any longer, Jasper. I stopped being one when you all walked out on me.”
I took a deep breath, and said what none of us had believed me capable of saying:
“I don’t want to be one ever again.”
And I could clearly see how the truth of that statement hit Jasper, as well as feel how it affected Jacob next to me. I didn’t care about Jasper though, not beyond him being a potential threat, but Jacob... Oh, I cared very much about Jacob’s reaction. And he was glowing.
Jasper wasn't going to just give up though.
“Bella, please, I– I get that we made a mistake. Several. We shouldn’t have interfered with your life” and for the first time I agreed, except for the part where Tyler would have run me down otherwise, “but we did. And now, as a result, things have changed.
“I realize that I, that we, have no right to ask this, but we need your help. Rose told Edward about Alice’s vision, and now we can’t get in touch with him. The reason Alice went to Italy instead of coming here was to try and stop him.”
That’s when that nagging feeling of “why is this important” exploded into knowledge. Italy. Carlisle’s story, the vampire brothers, Edward telling me about making plans for if I didn’t survive James.
“That selfish bastard,” I hissed. “He’s going to try and get himself killed? Why? Why the hell would he do that to Esme?” Because no matter what, I couldn’t forget how Esme had treated me. She might have walked out on me, but while she was in my life she had been good to me.
Jasper just looked at me, like I was stupid, and waited. I waited too. He broke first, surprisingly.
“He loves you, Bella.”
Yeah, right. I had thought so, once, but never again. That belief had died in the forest that night, had perished not in flames but in ice. Frozen to death, like I almost had.
“He doesn’t. He told me that, you know, before he left. Told me how little I meant. And I, it just, it makes sense, okay. I get it. He tried, and then he got tired of it. Fine. He’s allowed to change his mind.” No matter how much it had hurt me.
“But this? Trying to commit suicide by Volturi, because somehow my supposed death made him think he was in love again? He’s read too many romance novels, clearly.”
The “you’re being stupid” look just intensified, and I was beginning to feel even more uncomfortable. It was time Jasper left.
“Bella, I don’t know what Edward told you, but he does love you. I’ve felt it. He left to protect you, to keep you from this life, because of how precious you are to him. When James had you... Being near Edward was painful. I’ve known since then that we would need to monitor him, should anything happen to you, but the others didn’t quite see it that way.
“Alice never took me seriously, because her visions still showed her a future where you were changed and a member of the family. They did up to the point where they showed you being dead.
“I sometimes envy her that faith, that conviction, that the visions give her. But I always remember that it can be a curse too. Alice... Sometimes she forgets that in order for her visions to come true certain things need to happen, that she might need to do something instead of just waiting – that by doing nothing she might cause the future she’s seen to unravel.”
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coughsyrep · 2 years
Summary: Donna, the new student, finds herself captivated by Bela, who holds a secret. As they get to know each other, Donna's life becomes more and more threatened.
Or the AU which started as Twilight but then turned into this AU that only has some semblances of Twilight.
Chapter 7: Donna
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Sunrise - Chapter 7 - traviswrites - Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) [Archive of Our Own]
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Drives with Bela were quiet. Relaxing. The anxiety of returning to school that first day dissipated when Donna first handed Bela the keys, which may be why these drives to school, and in turn back home, continued weeks after Donna was cleared to drive again.
Claudia was ecstatic to see Donna so close with someone, one who stayed over a couple of times a week to just do homework with. Donna was happy about it too. But Donna also noticed patterns with Bela that concerned her.
For one, she seemed to always be cold. She always wore clothes that were a tad bit warmer than necessary, rarely taking off her layers once indoors. Another, she never ate. Not at lunch, not when Claudia offered. Donna knew she had a special diet, but when she asked, Bela always changed the subject.
And her eyes. As much as she wanted to believe that they were just some beautiful shade of brown that could somehow shift from light honey to nearly black, she couldn’t.
“Everything alright?” Donna nearly jumps when Bela speaks from across her bedroom, though the thoughts still linger. Donna nods quickly and gives a small smile, swallowing hard when Bela raises an eyebrow. “You seem a bit distracted.”
“Just… I forgot the equation for this question,” she says, tapping on her paper with her pencil. Bela hums as she looks over.
“I’m not familiar with any equations that involve history.” Upon looking down, Donna blushes harshly, ducking down and erasing a line from her essay. 
“That would explain it,” she murmurs, heating up more when she hears Bela chuckle. She holds her breath when she hears Bela standing, footsteps light until she sits on the corner of the bed with her. Her hands freeze when Bela pulls her notebook from her lap, setting it away before turning back, head turned in curiosity.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She places a hand over Donna’s, stopping her from picking at her hangnails, cold hands soothing on her own burning skin. After a moment of hesitation, Donna nods, glancing up to see Bela’s concerned eyes.
“Just… overthinking?”
“About what?”
“Like how it’s too warm in this room for you to be wearing that jacket?” Bela snorts, pulling away with a shake of her head.
“I would happily take off my jacket, but your sister will be calling you for dinner soon.”
“How would you know-”
“Girls! Dinner!” Bela laughs at Donna’s look of disbelief, walking over to her backpack.
“I heard the oven while you were spacing out.” She sends a wink as she throws her bag over her shoulder, laughing again as Donna’s face gets redder. “Come on, I promised my sisters I’d be home before the sun sets.” Donna nods, walking around Angie and doing her best to ignore the look Claudia gives her before pausing at the front door.
“I’ll see you on Monday?” Despite both of them knowing that they definitely would, Donna can’t help but keep the hope out of her voice.
“You will. Enjoy your weekend.” Bela’s gentle but confident smile both contradicts yet matches Donna’s shy yet excited one, a brief pause following before Bela nods, walking out to her car.
“Someday you two are going to hug when part ways, right?” Claudia says as soon as the door shuts, and Donna flushes. “Or are you going for the whole secret relationship kind of vibe?”
“We’re not in a…” Claudia laughs when Donna groans, rubbing her hands over her face. “We’re friends.”
“Uh huh. Hey, does she have a big family? And are they all on her diet? I need to know how much to make when I cater your wedding.”
“I’m going to break your spaghetti in half.” Claudia turns, eyes burning as she glares at Donna.
“Che te pozzino ammazzÃ!” Donna snorts, sitting down at the table as Claudia angrily stirs at fettuccini sauce.
“Hey, you know that one girl at my school, Elena?” Claudia hums, her stirring already calming. “She invited me to go dress shopping with some of her friends tomorrow, out at the port. I was just wondering…”
“Of course!” Claudia’s carefree attitude immediately returns as she turns, smiling brightly. “That would be great for you, getting out with friends. Why are they going for dresses?” Donna sinks into herself, regretting asking. She had hoped by saying it was at the port Claudia would ask more questions or say no, but now she couldn’t imagine she’d be happy if Donna backed out.
“There’s some dance coming up…”
“You’re going to a dance?” Claudia nearly squeals, and Donna shakes her head quickly.
“No, no! She just asked, and I said I asked you. There’s actually a book shop out there that seems pretty cool, I kind of want to check it out too.”
“Oh, that sounds fun.” Claudia nods her head, her smile not dropping. “Wow, you’re really growing up, aren’t you? Going out with friends, finding a girlfriend-“
“Claudia!” She laughs, turning back to the sauce.
“Alright, I’ll stop. But I am proud.” She turns back one last time with a soft smile, one that Donna imitates.
Donna swore that she would spend at least twenty minutes in the dress shop with the others before going to the shop, but over an hour later she was sitting outside of the dressing room while two girls she recognized from their cafeteria table were giggling behind curtains.
“Donna!” She looks up at Elena, who gestures down at a peach floor length dress. “What do you think of this one?”
“It looks nice,” she says with a small smile, and Elena raises an eyebrow.
“You’ve said that about everything I’ve shown you.”
“They all look nice.” Elena hums, looking over at the floor length mirror, fluffing out the skirt.
“I don’t know, you’re sure it’s not too light for my complexion?” Donna shrugs as Elena turns, an amused look in her eye. “Did you want to try on any dresses?” She shakes her head, the sound of the curtain being pulled open making them both look back to one of Elena’s louder friends, snorting as she tugs strained fabric up her chest.
“Do you really think she’d be going to the dance, El?” Her eyes catch Donna’s before she can look away, looking her up and down. “Why’d you even come?”
“Ana, relax.” Elena gives an apologetic smile, yet her eyes hold a glint of curiosity. Donna looks towards the windows at the front of the store.
“There was a bookstore I wanted to see,” she said quietly, drawing another laugh from Ana. Elena steps into Donna’s view, making her look up.
“I can go over with you, if you’d like?” Donna’s mouth opens slightly, unsure if she’d want to say yes or no, when she hears Ana shout.
“You’re not going anywhere! You drove, remember? And I’m not about to go searching the city just because you feel bad for her!” Donna sucks in her bottom lip as Elena protests, giving a weak smile when she turns back towards her.
“It’s okay, I should be done before you all finish.” Elena bites her lip, brows furrowed, before nodding with a sigh.
“If not, just text me. We can meet by the car, next to the café?” Donna nods, waving as she walks out and pulls out a list of directions she had written down before leaving.
“Straight through the next two streetlights, left at the art gallery, another at the po… adult store…” She looks up halfway down the block to see a small shop, standing out without the flashy displays that those around it had. The only reason that she knew she wasn’t lost was the bookshelves that she could make out inside, and with a deep breath, she pushed her way in.
A small bell announced her arrival, and an older woman with beads in her hair gave her a friendly, though slightly deranged smile before looking back at the computer on the counter, using the keyboard with only an index finger and looking at the monitor with a squint every few seconds. She had to hide her smile at the endearing action, instead turning towards spines of books in various stages of wear, fingertips absentmindedly brushing against some. As she made her way around she paused, picking up a small leather one that could easily be mistaken as a wallet, flipping it open and furrowing her brow. It was entirely hand written, but in a language that Donna couldn’t understand, along with hand drawn pictures of humans and creatures alike. One of which she paused on, immediately recognizing the facial shape, the long uncared-for hair, the soulless eyes… And then she turned the page.
“Bela?” Her fingertips trailed along the lines of the near photorealistic sketch, taking in every detail that Donna has memorized and some she hadn’t. Her hands tremble, but before she can decide what to do, the journal is snatched from her hands, the older woman appearing right next to her.
“You best not worry of things you may come to regret,” she says, voice cracking from age as eyes filled with cataracts look into Donna’s. “Or, have you already found yourself doing so?” Donna keeps her mouth shut, not looking away as the woman gives her a smile, patting her on the arm. The bell chimes again and she looks away, letting Donna breathe when she hears her give a pleased shout before an angry growl.
“Bela, do not bring the rain in! Who’s to say it’s not acid?” Donna spins quickly to see Bela throw her head back and laugh, only to look confused when their eyes meet.
“Donna? What’re you doing here?” The old woman huffs, walking back to the counter, but not before Donna sees her tuck the journal into her shawl.
“I was… uhm…” she clears her throat, looking away from a now amused Bela, “…I was with Elena, her and her friends were dress shopping.”
“Do you not like to go shopping for clothes?” Donna looks up with a shrug.
“I guess I prefer making them.” Bela smiles at that, making Donna look away. “So I decided to come here instead.” Bela nods, walking over to her.
“Find anything you want?” Donna tries to hold back a wince, remembering the journal, but swears she can feel the gaze of the woman burning a hole in her back.
“Nothing I want to buy right now,” she says, looking back to the bookshelf. “Maybe another time.”
“There can be some real gems in here, I know I’ve found a few.” Donna glances up to see Bela looking directly at her with a smirk, quickly looking away when she heard her chuckle. At that moment her phone vibrates, and she quickly takes the momentary distraction only to groan.
‘Hey, we’re done.’
‘Where are you?’
‘We’re at the car.’
‘Are you ok?’
“Shit,” she murmurs, quickly typing back that she’ll be right there before pocketing it, sending Bela an apologetic smile. “I need to go meet up with Elena, it was nice seeing you.”
“How far away is she?”
“Not that far, she parked over by Snowfall Café.”
“Would it be alright if I walked you over there?” Donna tilts her head, who has a serious look in her eye. “It’s getting a little late and all.”
“But you just got here?” Bela gives a gentle smile, shrugging.
“I’m down here all the time, it’s no trouble at all.” She puts her hood up, raising an eyebrow. Donna bites her bottom lip before nodding hesitantly, following Bela out.
“Don’t let the acid eat your scalp!”
“It’s hardly even sprinkling!” Bela sighs as the door closes behind them, waiting for Donna to reach her side before continuing. They walk leisurely in silence, Donna taking in the stores she had missed the first time.
“That woman, does she know who you are?” Bela hums in affirmation, looking over at her. “Is it like, a customer-salesperson type of thing?”
“No,” she says with a laugh, “my family’s known for her for a long time.”
“How long?”
“Longer than I’ve been alive. I know that she’s done a lot for us, my family.” Bela shrugs, the two turning down another street. “Least we can do is keep an eye on her now.”
“That’s sweet,” Donna says quietly, confused as to how a woman Bela would describe that way would keep hand drawings of nightmares with her.
“Overthinking?” She turns to Bela, who looks at her concerned. She nods a little, looking down at the ground.
“Did they ever figure out what happened? In the woods?”
“They found tracks of a bear, hopefully they’ll be able to find its den before there are any more accidents.” Donna nods absentmindedly, turning when Bela does.
“And they’re sure it was a bear?”
“Positive.” Donna sighs, trying to feel reassured, but the drawing keeps resurfacing in her mind. It was just so… precise. Just like Bela’s picture.
“Donna!” She looks up at Elena’s voice, gasping when she feels arms around her. “We were worried! We even had some food, but we still hadn’t heard from you, and-” At the mention of food, Donna’s stomach rumbles, which she tries to hide by clearing her throat.
“Sorry,” she almost whispers, “I got a little distracted.” At this Bela steps beside her, smiling awkwardly.
“I’m sorry, I saw her at the bookshop and wanted to talk to her. It’s my fault, really.” Elena freezes before smiling back, nodding quickly.
“It’s not a problem, we were just wondering what had happened!” Looking around Elena, Donna saw Ana and the other looking at the three in annoyance rather than worry, and quickly looked down before they could catch her.
“Of course. I overheard you say you three ate though, and I know Donna didn’t. If you’d both be okay with it, I could drive her home so she can have something from here?” Elena and Donna both look up at her, then each other, Donna with wide eyes and Elena with a smirk.
“I’d be perfectly okay with it, and I’m sure Donna would be too. Right, Donna?” Donna gives her a glare, only to be returned with an innocent smile before looking back at Bela. “Thanks for looking out for her. See you both at school?”
“Of course.” Bela smiles at her before turning to Donna, gesturing towards the café and following her in.
“A chicken sandwich and water cup,” she says, looking over at Bela who just shakes her head, “and I guess that’s it.” She starts to pull out her wallet, but before she can take it out of her pocket Bela hands her credit card to the cashier, smirking at the look she received.
“What?” She says innocently, chuckling when Donna scoffs.
“You’re not allowed to pay for my food if you don’t even get anything to eat.” Bela takes her card and receipt from the cashier, holding the latter teasingly in front of her.
“I beg to differ,” she says, laughing when Donna grabs at it, pulling it just out of reach. “Here, is that table okay?” Donna nods, and they sit after she fills the water. “Does Claudia expect you home at a certain time?”
“Probably just before midnight or something, she’s not usually too picky.”
“What, don’t have a long list of ex-boyfriends that make her set a curfew?” Donna rolls her eyes as she shakes her head.
“Boys have never been much of a priority,” she says hesitantly, chastising herself for feeling giddy at the ghost of a smile that appears on Bela’s face. She opens her mouth, Donna’s heartrate speeding up when wondering what she would say next, when her name is called and she goes to pick up her food. When she sits back down, she eats too quickly to ask or answer any questions, and when they get in the car, she finds herself quickly falling asleep to Bela’s smooth driving and the quiet background music.
And if her head finds Bela’s shoulder before she’s completely unconscious, that’s her business.
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