#is it the racism in you that is causing yall to do this
hieronymph · 9 months
I am seeing a lot of white people shit on India and discredit the Chandrayaan 3 achievement by saying we are a third world country who needs to fix its poverty first.
First of all, there are a lot of schemes to help poor people in place here.
The problem is that the system is broken and the officials are corrupt and we are stuck with a fucking dictator.
Also it has been less than a hundred years since we got independence and drove the colonizers away. My grandmother was alive and very much a kid when the Britishers were looting us.
So fixing poverty isn't as easy as you think.
This costed less than some really bad action movie budgets so shut up.
Genuinely, shut up.
Why can't you celebrate with us about the new data we are going to get our hands on?
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unforth · 1 year
I started to write this as a reply to @vex-verlain but realized it should be it's own post.
To be clear, this is about @end-otw-racism and why I support this movement (even if I don't agree with all their proposals).
I am profoundly anti-censorship. It has been one of my biggest personal issues my entire adult life. I will absolutely defend the speech rights even of people I think are utterly reprehensible, even the rights of people who want me and my family dead. I think their speech has a right to exist, full stop.
Being anti-censorship in no way means being anti-moderation. I often see people who are pro-ship, anti-anti, or "too old to use a name for telling yall you're clowning" say that AO3 is supposed to be a safe space for WRITERS, not READERS, and that to me is one of the big ways that the current harassment and moderation policies are badly failing writers of color. There's no way to 100% protect all writers, period, on AO3, and to me it seems like a no-brainer that if the goal is "protect all speech, avoid all censorship, minimize harm to real people," the only way to accomplish all those goals it to have a really robust, well-moderated system that prioritizes reducing harassment - ALL harassment - without looking the other way on certain topics just because they're harder and thornier to sort through. A way to section the groups that are oil and water away from each other, through blocking, powerful filters, comment options, etc (some strategies we do have now, btw! They HAVE been adding functionality in this direction, but it's clearly not enough.)
Currently, protecting people who write bigoted shit is causing active harm to fans of color. We see the impacts of this harm constantly; I personally have seen many, many Chinese and Chinese diaspora fans driven out of white danmei fandom circles for all sorts of reasons, and if yall are in fandoms that often have bipoc in them I'm sure you've seen the same (and if you are in a fandom that doesn't have many bipoc it might be wise to take a moment and consider why it doesn't.)
I just really want more people to take a step back and ask themselves why they think an anti-censorship position necessitates an anti-moderation stance, and also why they think being pro-moderation is the same as being pro-censorship.
I defend the rights of bigoted shit to exist.
What I don't defend is the right of the people who create that stuff to weaponize it against vulnerable people.
Regarding AO3, I personally support a solution that involves some way of sectioning off the bigoted shit. I'm not sure exactly how that would work but I think some kind of major archive warning is a solid start. Also maybe a way of flagging authors who are frequent offenders. And to be clear...it's not my job or responsibility to know exactly how to accomplish this. I'm no expert. That's why I'm supporting a movement that explicitly says AO3/OTW SHOULD HIRE AN EXPERT. And I know it would be expensive...and I know many, many of us would donate to a funds drive to raise the money to cover that expense.
I've seen too many friends get profoundly hurt, and I'm so tired of (overwhelmingly white) fandom circles pearl clutching over this not being an issue, that the real problem is that this will lead to censorship of (checks notes) Nazi shit, spitefic, and the other dregs of fanfiction (which, again, has a right to exist! But God why are so many of y'all favoring IT over ALL THE FIC THAT WILL NOW NEVER EXIST BECAUSE BIPOC GET BULLIED OUT OF WRITING IT.)
It's clearly an issue.
And we have to speak up and demand better or it will continue to be an issue.
Please, please listen to the bipoc who've managed to not be driven out of fandom and understand that *things need to change,* which means, for us white folks:
1. A lot of listening to the people who've been harmed
2. Using our voices to amplify theirs
3. Standing up to bigotry we see in our fandom communities
4. Shutting up when they ask us to shut up
5. Checking our own behavior and doing our best not to be part of the problem, and, if and when we go awry, owning it with maturity and apologizing and doing our best to make amends and not repeat our mistakes
...and probably more but those are the first things to come to mind.
Please stop siding with people who've decided they are entitled to spew vile shit, stop prioritizing their writerly protection over the safety of equally valid writers who also deserve protection and are being targeted and hurt. All you do by siding with the assholes is amplify their voices while silencing bipoc and create a space that protects bigots. Is that REALLY the hill you want to fight on?
None of us know it all. We can all learn to do better. I'm personally here to learn, and listen, and improve.
And I'm here to shout from the rooftops that we can be anti-censorship and pro-moderation.
I am, and you should be too.
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system-of-a-feather · 11 months
You know what, I'll admit a thing about being anti-tulpa. While yes, I do stand by the claims of cultural appropriation and colonialism and that people much more formally educated on the topic can put out there - and that yes, as a Buddhist, it is so infuriatingly clownish to correlate "western Tulpamancy" with Buddhism as they are almost opposites in sheer principle.
But ya know, the gaslighting of 'all the anti-tulpas don't actually care about it being cultural appropriation and just HATE endos' whenever someone - like me - speaks up about it actually gets to me as a part enough so that the system TYPICALLY bans me from arguing or talking about people on it
And ya know what? I'm gonna declaw it cause I just realized the only reason it gets to me is cause there is a grain of truth in it and to be fair, I haven't been 100% honest and direct with my feelings on the topic in the guise of being 'formal' about it. Yes I do care and think Tibetian Buddhists and Buddhism should be protected and what not, and yes this and that - none of that is facetious or a lie
But the truth is, it's not what I'm actually mad about. Its not the real reason this pisses me off, but you know what? The REAL reason is not irrelevant.
I'm just tired as fuck of white people taking all sorts of Asian culture and fetishizing it and turning it into some kind of joke then running around acting like its okay in the slightest or calling it "cultural exchange" when REALLY its just "hey look at this mystical Asian culture and how we can have our fun with it!!!!".
I'm TIRED of white people looking at eastern cultures and AAPI saying the way they interact with it is disgusting, uncomfortable, and kinda gross and them going "um ACTUALLY"
I'm TIRED of people entirely ignoring the constant and regular racism, disregard, prejudice, hate and fetishism of Asians and Asian culture in America SPECIFICALLY in regards to Asian Americans and think its their place to talk over them
I'm TIRED of Asian and Eastern cultures being treated like a joke and a "not REALLY POC" or like we aren't marginalized or structurally taken advantage of or have a history of white people fucking us over historically enough for 'not racist people' white to feel uncomfortable debating what is and isn't harmful to us. And the best thing is? 95% of them don't know the first LICK of the fucking atrocities done to our cultures.
I'm TIRED of being the side tangent and the Gotcha point - I'm TIRED of people looking at ONE person on ONE reddit who had ONE opinion and saying they define the ENTIRE POPULACE cause of course.
I'm TIRED of people assuming everyone is Chinese and that everyone who is Chinese supports the CCP
I'm TIRED of people assuming we weren't fucked over by the CCP
I'm TIRED of people not understanding the nuance that while all Asians and cultures in Asia are different that it doesn't mean disrespect to one part doesn't in turn affect others - ESPECIALLY in America and ESPECIALLY from white people.
I'm TIRED of the 'you aren't X enough to have a say on this'.
I'm TIRED of deep personal things rooted in deep history being made into a fun game and community for white people.
I'm TIRED of white people interacting with our cultures and I VERY much understand why my family and my ancestors all fucking wanted nothing to do with White Westerners cause yall (generalizing this to be 'westerners who are a piece of shit, you know who you are') are fucking ridiculous assholes of clowns
I'm TIRED of it and the fucking audacity yall fucking have.
I'll admit it.
Tibetian Buddhism and Tibetian Buddhist culture is not what I'm actually mostly mad about. I'm NOT actually mostly mad about how a thing I value and treasure is turned into a fucking joke that is the opposite of its original meaning while being toted around as a "cool and quirky esoteric fact about the history of this subculture predominantly run by white people and started by a white person"
You are all right on that.
I'm actually just upset on the quiet and inherent SEVERE sinophobic macro and microaggressions that inherently plague the discussion with every pro-"tulpa-term" I've talked to save for like, literally ONE who is ACTUALLY raised understanding more about Buddhism and has my respect.
I'm just tired of me and my culture and my related cultures being turned into a fucking ornament for white people.
That's it. Getting that off my chest.
Call that a conflict of interest or call that valid, I don't care.
White people can reblog, but be a fucking clown piece of shit and I'm fucking blocking you.
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2bu · 5 months
ending this year with one of my hottest takes: nonblack aroaces - especially white aroaces (mainly because y'all are the most guilty of this) - have no business headcanoning black characters as aroace and should refrain from doing so. i do not care the justifications or reasoning.
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starlooove · 1 year
Everytime I see anything abt how teenagers are reacting to Kanye I wanna scream bc black women have been saying this for YEARS!
Especially on tiktok bro, like there are videos where ppl are talking about how the normalization of anti semitism is happening in spaces like schools right, like it’s ppl saying that their classmates are jokingly saying “Hitler was right” and using literal dogwhistles that they pretended they didn’t know existed “as a joke” and it’s always someone with a stupid shocked look on their face acting like it’s some big new thing that see coudve never predicted but we literally HAVE
When y’all were making fun of AAVE, when y’all started calling the bodies of our aunties and moms “bbl bodies”, when y’all started calling every fat black woman peaches or Lizzo, you know who saw first hand just how easily teenagers were radicalized and converted? BLACK TEENAGERS! Do y’all know the hell it was to be a black girl with “DSLs”? A black girl being called Shanaynay by Shane Dawson Stans? You know who has firsthand experience with being gaslit using dogwhistles? Black girls that were called hot cheeto girls by their TEACHERS! Y’all yap and yap Abt the alt right pipeline and ignore who’s affected and how, and NOW y’all wanna act surprised? Y’all are just confused that you’re seeing it in real time abt ppl u pretend to care abt.
White people make me sick bro y’all can’t be this fucking unserious. Some bitch making a post abt how we should be aware of what celebrity stanning can do to minorities as if black girls weren’t dealing with swifties, Ayesha Erotic fans, or the entire fucking K-pop fanbase for DECADES! Like bitch we been fucking knew y’all are the only ones not caught up.
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sewerships · 4 months
hey can u guys in the self shipping community be fucking normal maybe.
ik this is like "the cringe community" or whatevs but... yall can have some basic human decency cmon now
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barricadebops · 28 days
Now that this whole Watcher debacle has had some resolution, can we discuss the blatant racism that runs RAMPANT in this fanbase? The way so many of you were throwing solely Steven Lim under the bus is DEPLORABLE. And it was clear to see you guys were also quicker to blame Ryan than ever let even a hint of the blame fall on Shane's shoulders. Shane isn't your poor little white boy who can do no wrong. He's a fully grown man. In the video, it's Shane who specifically says that the THREE of them had made the decision to switch to streaming, and I bet it's because they saw your horrible comments about Steven "seizing total control of the company" and "poor Shane he looks like he didn't want a single part of this." Yall can act like you think it's because Steven's the CEO that caused you to lash out this way even though you yourself know that they don't operate in the traditional dynamics of the company. They all founded the company. You can pretend it's because of that, when we KNOW why you guys threw Steven (as well as Ryan) under the bus while you glorified Shane. I'm disgusted.
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fitsofdespair · 3 months
i have hesitated to say anything before now. in part because i removed myself from fandom discourse and really from actively discussing iwtv a year ago. i consider it all a lose-lose situation.
but also because i’m generally of the opinion that black fans don’t need people to be their white saviors, least of all me. black people have never been saved by white people. they were never just given anything when it comes to strides in equality, they fought for it and still fight for it, against constant violent pushback every step of the way. only instead of the good ole’ days when racists just called those fighting for equality uppity, they’re now “bullies” for daring to call you out on your shit after the repeated condescension and the resulting harassment you’ve exhibited towards them.
in this day and age the word bully has zero meaning anymore. i mean come on, melania trump calls people mean about her husband bullies. elon musk thinks he’s being bullied by twitter users, though he clearly holds all the power and is absolutely the problem. its become a meaningless word that goliaths use to call davids because they won’t use the real word they actually want to say. some of these popular blogs are not being bullied, they’re being held accountable for their own actions.
it’s pretty disgusting the number of you who decided to identify strongly with these users that not only fail to question their own racial biases but have gone so far as to suggest black people don’t face racism anymore. this is so fucked. tbh it can be argued in many ways white people, especially in the deep south where i’m from, are inherently raised steeped in racism, even if its not direct. just because your family aren’t ostensibly racist doesn’t mean they didn’t bake their own little prejudices into your upbringing and being raised in your environment didn’t encourage them. even if you don’t see yourself as racist, you have to unlearn all this shit, even if it never once occurred to you that you are part of it. just cause you believe in equality and don’t hate people for their color or cultural background does not make you free of perpetuating microaggressions against them. this applies to fans across the world of course. (like for you white euro iwtv fans, you may say you have no problem with black people but i’ve heard some wild things some of yall have to say about the turks.)
i understand that probably half or more of you are not usamericans. but no matter what environment you live in, no matter where you were raised, there is no excuse for your behavior. just because YOU don’t see racism in your day to day life or are in the more likely situation, too blindly comfortable in your place in society to notice it right in front of your face, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist as a constant presence in other parts of the world or isn’t deeply ensconced in online rhetoric.
so for you white iwtv fans who can’t be fucked to mention let alone defend people you, in many cases once called friend, against the absolute horseshit your current comrades are spewing wrapped up in their nice safe cocoons of victimhood, i hope you do some serious soul searching to figure out if this is who you are, a person too cowardly to call out a friend because it might cost you their friendship. a person quick to condemn others on hearsay because you couldn’t be fucked to wonder am i on the right side of this? and if you do manage to get wise and change your mind, remember its not unforgivable to say, you know what? i was wrong. i wrote in an old post that the hallmark of being a functional adult is changing your views accordingly when you learn new information or even just ruminate on what you know (i myself was a little bitch about ep 5 when it first dropped until i had to sit down and ask myself why i was actually feeling some kind of way about it). dying on a hill is not all its cracked up to be. being told you’re wrong is not always a personal attack and its often an opportunity for improvement if you can be bothered to genuinely hear other people out. an alarming number from all walks of life never figure that out. for my part, i am still learning and hope i never stop learning.
while that sentiments all nice and gooey (i mean them, but i understand its still sacharine to put out there), i am still guilty for not having directly written anything about this until now. and thats on me and i earned any flack i get for that. again, i am more of the mindset that black people don’t need white spokespeople, but that doesn’t mean they'll mind allies. and as a sidebar, going out of your way to say you are rising “above the noise” or “ignoring the drama” is absolutely your right, but it does not make you superior. it just makes you complacent with the status quo. i mean as long as you get to squee!! about anything and everything who cares about other people, right?
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taylor swift: i spent most of my life dissociating in a secret garden in my mind because i hate my fucking life. i used to play a game with friends where they'd be discussing what decade they wish they could live in and i told them i hate the 1830s for its racism and sexism but the dresses are pretty and now nobody is laughing anymore god i hate my fucking life it doesn't matter when i was born im always going to be fucking miserable im gunna spend my time in my own head cause none if you bitches can get there fuck this shit i hate living
yall: taylor omg why do u wanna live in the 1830s???? don't you know you wouldnt be able to vote back then??? im so Smart and Intelligent and Woke.
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Hey can u try to be more inclusive within your fics not all of us are blonde white and blue eyed (at least for the pics u use)
so…i got this ask a few days and i took some time to think about it and talked to some friends of mine as to best approach this situation. i want to answer this is poise and the delicacy that this requires.
bc inclusivity is EXTREMELY important, especially within fandoms. (a wonderful example is the pjo show and all the ‘controversy’ with the casting (which was just disguised racism but whatever))
but i don’t think i’m the girl for the job. and ill explain why.
first and foremost, i do not feel comfortable just deciding one day to write from the perspective of race xyz and then doing another race another day. (unless explicitly stated in the request and even then i tread lightly bc it feels a little wrong to me to be writing from a perspective i haven’t personally lived. bc stereotypes ARE harmful even in a space as silly as fanfic writing)
secondly, i feel the need to point out that this felt a tad…passive aggressive. the tone of this message, as perceived by me, felt jabbing and left me shaking for the rest of the night as i felt i had done something completely disrespectful and completely morally wrong. i never want someone to feel excluded and that was never my intention when selecting pictures off of pinterest.
(while i’m white passing, i grew up in a hispanic household and i do not have blonde hair, or blue eyes either. and the thought of, even accidentally, excluding my little cousins, my beautiful nieces and nephews has me sick to my stomach. EVERYONE deserves to be seen, ya know??)
as far as the pics go, that is something i’d be willing to give a shot in trying to adjust, but it also goes back to my first point. it’ll feel even more, dare i say racist, to just switch around races constantly when it comes to different fics. but idk idk. maybe im reading too much into the situation??
(the ap gov kid in me is screaming for yall to look into the case of shaw v reno bc the whole problem with that case was OVERCORRECTING. due to previous racist precedent, those who redistricted the state made an overly conscious effort to enforce a few largely africans american districts which would later be deemed unconstitutional. it was seen as overcorrecting of past issues which would just cause more issues) (my ap teacher would be proud lmao)
anyways, if anyone has anything they’d like to say, please don’t be shy in the comments, but do be kind. this is a serious conversation i want to have and if we start throwing anger around, we’re gonna get nowhere fast.
if yall really want this, i could make it happen with some research and your help, but i dont want to just start doing this unprompted, ya know???
i guess i hope you have a good day and that this was a productive conversation and that you are able to see my side of the story?? if not, i’m sorry.
actually, either way, i’m sorry.
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menalez · 10 months
what are white women supposed to do?? don't say some stuff like "uplift our voices be allies" be specific. like how are they failing you specifically? whats the solution?
i very clearly outlined how white women fail us numerous times but ill repeat myself for the 400000th time:
listen to women of colour. share what women of colour are saying. stop speaking FOR us, let us speak, we have our own voices and you literally do not have our experiences for you to be able to be speaking on our behalf.
realise that you are not the only group of people with diversity of thought and nuances and complexities. stop grouping our demographics by viewing us as the absolute worse case possible and realise that, like you, we also have some more & less progressive countries. like you, we also have some poorer and richer countries. like you, we have some feminist & anti-feminist women. we are not a monolith
stop treating being racist as something that is justified once you direct it at men specifically. do you think the racist rhetoric you repeat isn't then used against us? you don't think it harms us? you're wrong that it doesn't, it does cause us harm when you perpetuate racism and i don't care what your reasoning or justification for it is.
maybe get it through your skulls that reverse racism is not a thing and how tonedeaf and ignorant it is to claim otherwise. your race is literally viewed as superior and given privileges over us, even in our own countries you gain benefits that no one else does.
stop pretending like you have superior cultures. the fact that so many of yalls counrties exploited, stole from, colonised, and otherwise harmed ours to the point where we were unable to progress because of it doesnt mean you have some cultural superiority. you are one step away from reiterating white supremacist rhetoric.
enough with comparing us to animals & beasts & talking about how horrible immigration is and how we are replacing the white race by escaping our countries. stop pretending like we are not also humans trying to seek better lives.
actively speak against racism when you do see it.
keep an eye out for racism, stop expecting us to be hypervigilant on your behalf on this.
while we're at it, stop demanding we repeatedly hold your hand and teach you how to not be racist to us. maye listen the first 4000 times, or damn maybe at least ask politely and consider we are not your servants who exist to teach you how to be decent human beings to us!
these things, in my opinion, aren't even difficult or deep things. we are literally at a surface level here. im asking you to stop being so blatantly racist.
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overtail · 18 days
hey queen it’s me sawda with another toph ask </3 (im toph content deprived literally crying) but!! can i req a toph x fem!r where toph’s s/o is literally mulan but in the firebending army?? Thank you!!!
ALSO just wanna make yall aware my pronouns are they/them
I'm also so sorry for the delay. I've been on the worst writers block due to a lack of motivation. my whole family was sick, and we've been unable to pick up my anti-depressants 😭
Little Soldier - Toph x F!Reader
Tumblr media
Summary: When Toph's lover turns 13, she tells her that she has to fight alongside the fire nation to protect her family.
Trigger Warning: Sexism, Implied racism, Forbidden love
Info: Pre-Book 2, long hair reader
'We're not gonna lose anyone else close to us again
We swore that we would always be there for each other
No matter what happens though, I promise that I'll protect you
If you were a boy
I would have actually have fallen for you if you were careful
Oh, c'mon, well maybe I'm the one who should have a crush on you'
"Watcha doin?" Toph feet dug into the dirt of the valley's grass, trying to identify (Y/N)'s action. Her delt held a look of confusion as se did so.
"Im just.." (Y/N) began, glancing back at Toph as she thought. "Thinking."
She held a clump of hair in her fingers, combing her digits through the strands. Something was obviously on her mind, like she was stuck in a loop up in her little head.
"About what?" Toph shuffled over, crouching down so she was eye level (if you wanted to say that) with the other. She smiled softly while (Y/N) thought: only if she knew
"You know how theres news of the Avatar returning?" (Y/N) whispered, letting out a shaky breath. Toph hummed a quiet 'yes', letting her feet slip so she would fall on her bottom. "And you also know how they're drafting men from the fire nation?"
Toph wondered where this was going. She modded carefully, feeling the floor to hear (Y/N)'s heartbeat. It was fast paced, causing the earthbender to worry.
"Yeah. Are people in your village getting drafted?" Toph questioned, thinking about all the possibilities. She heard (Y/N) sigh.
"Worse. My dad was given a note specifically by the current general." Toph's eyebrows raised at her words, realization hitting. (Y/N)'s father used to fight a long time ago, starting when he was just a boy. This was before she was born, before he met his wife.
He was regarded as one of the most intense, bloodthirsty, and brutal generals in history - behind the Dragon of the West. Though, he was old now; not fit for war.
Toph didn't know what to say. She wasn't particularly fond of the fire nation, but she was fond of (Y/N).
The girl across from her sighed, continuing to comb her digits in her hair. How would she tell Toph?
(Y/N) looked up, her face flushing red at the sight of Toph's oblivious face. She looked so calm in the moment, the valley wind ruffling up her hair. During these secret meetings, Toph would let her hair down. The soft locks ran down her back, some falling over her shoulders.
(Y/N) thought she was beautiful.
"Well, I was thinking," (Y/N) let go of her hair, moving to pick at the nail of her index finger. A sickness caused from nervousness settled in her stomach. "of pretending to be a boy."
Toph laughed, not quite knowing what she meant. "Why would you want to do that?" She smirked, before the smile faltered.
"Wait, you're not saying-"
"I'm going to take my fathers place as his eldest son." (Y/N) interjected, her breath hitching at the words. Saying it out loud made the reality hit her light a train - realizing that it wasn't just an idea. This was happening.
Toph stayed unusually silent. She wasn't too expressive when it came to her face, but even now (Y/N) couldn't read her. Was she angry? Happy? Scared? What. was she feeling?
(Y/N) raised a brow, confused by the question. "What do you mean?"
Toph pursed her lips, her eye brows knitting together. "How are you going to pretend to look like a boy?"
Even though Toph couldn't see her, she knew that boys and girls looked different.
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath, gripping at her hair lightly. Her family always forced her into the ideal of a perfect, feminine woman - but in secret, she was strong, aggressive, and messy. Even though her personality was changed, her looks were still influenced by her family's wants. Her hair was long, and she wore fancy clothes and makeup.
"Oh, uhm.." (Y/N) was hesitant. She knew, but she sounded like she was protecting herself from her own words. "I'm gonna cut my hair.."
Toph raised an eyebrow, intrigued by (Y/N)'s response. "Cut your hair, huh? That's a bold move. How short are we talking?"
(Y/N) swallowed nervously, fidgeting with a loose thread on her sleeve. "I-I don't know... Short enough to pass as a boy, I guess."
Toph nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, let's do it."
Later that day, the two sat in her bedroom, Toph listening to the sound of (Y/N) snipping her hair. The locks fell onto the floor, sticking to clothes and to skin. After some time, (Y/N) found herself spaced on on Toph's bed, watching her every move.
As Toph unraveled her hair, the room was filled with the sound of gentle brushing, the rhythmic motion soothing in its familiarity. She worked through each tangle with practiced ease, her movements fluid and deliberate.
(Y/N) watched in silence, mesmerized by the way Toph's fingers danced through her hair, untangling knots with effortless grace. There was something intimate about the moment, a quiet exchange between friends bound by unspoken understanding.
"Your hair is beautiful," (Y/N) said softly, breaking the silence.
Toph glanced up, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thanks. It's a pain to manage sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Do you ever wish you could cut it short, like mine?"
Toph paused, her expression thoughtful. "Sometimes, yeah. It would be easier, especially when I'm training. But... it's a part of who I am, you know? Cutting it would feel like losing a piece of myself."
(Y/N) nodded, understanding flickering in her eyes. "I get that."
Toph set down the brush, turning to face (Y/N) fully. "I get that you're worried. I can sense it. Your heart is racing." Toph walked over to her bed where (Y/N) sat, sinking into the mattress. "I'm gonna miss you, but I also believe in you, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) felt a weight lift off her shoulders, a sense of freedom washing over her. With Toph's unwavering support, she knew she could embrace her true self, messy hair and all. And as they sat together, basking in the warmth of their friendship, (Y/N) realized that sometimes, the most beautiful thing about a person isn't their appearance, but the authenticity of their spirit.
(Y/N) turned her head to look at toph, her face going red at the sight of her graceful face, She wanted to kiss her. Yeah, she did.
As (Y/N) gazed at Toph, her cheeks flushed with a warmth that had nothing to do with embarrassment. She was captivated by the gentle curve of Toph's lips, the sparkle in her eyes that hinted at hidden depths. And in that moment, a realization washed over her with startling clarity – she wanted to kiss her.
The thought sent a shiver down (Y/N)'s spibe, her heart pounding in her chest as she wrestled with her emotions. It was a risk, she knew, to confess her feelings, especially when their friendship hung in the balance. But the longing in her chest was too powerful to ignore, a flame that refused to be extinguished.
With trembling hands, (Y/N) reached out, cupping Toph's cheek gently as she leaned in, her heart pounding in her ears. And then, their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss, a silent affirmation of the emotions that had been brewing beneath the surface.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they savored the sweetness of the moment, their hearts beating in perfect synchrony. And when they finally pulled away, their breath mingling in the air, (Y/N) found herself smiling, a sense of peace settling over her like a warm blanket.
Toph blinked in surprise, her lips curved in a soft smile. (Y/N) chuckled nervously, her cheeks still tinged with pink. And as they sat together, their fingers intertwined, (Y/N) had already started to realize what she was committing to. She's leaving. She's leaving to fight in a war that seemed as if it was never going to end to save her family.
As the reality of (Y/N)'s impending departure settled in, a somber silence descended upon the room, casting a shadow over the warmth of their shared moment. Toph's smile faltered slightly, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation.
(Y/N) squeezed Toph's hand tightly, her own heart heavy with the weight of her decision. She had made up her mind to fight in the war, to confront the forces that threatened her her homeland. But with each passing moment, the prospect of leaving Toph behind grew more daunting.
"I... I have to go," (Y/N) murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Toph nodded slowly, her expression a mixture of understanding and sadness. "I know," she said softly. "And I'll be here waiting for you when you get back. No matter what."
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she leaned forward, resting her forehead against Toph's. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Toph wrapped her arms around (Y/N) in a tight embrace, holding her close as if trying to shield her from the harsh realities of the world outside. "You won't have to find out," she promised, her voice steady despite the turmoil in her heart.
And as they held each other in the quiet of the room, (Y/N) found solace in Toph's arms, knowing that no matter how far apart they may be, their bond would endure.
Toph was her best friend, Toph was her girl. Toph was, well, Toph, and how could anyone forget someone like her?
should I make a part 2
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nightswithkookmin · 8 months
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I'm not here to tell anyone how to feel but I'm just saying Jackie killed those bars.
I don't want to get into this whole debate over whether or not Jack Harlow's verse was offensive because Jack is for the black girlies and the queers and I'm black and queer. Let's leave it there
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And frankly I was too busy deciphering all the Easter eggs and black and white themes and weirdly familiar lyrics and all the diversity in there to notice anything off with Jack.
He's a white guy in a predominantly black space who is not only aware of this but is also less misogynoire-cist than a lot of these gay hating black rappers out here. I'll take Harlow over any day because I ain't tryna hear another homophobic rapper with internalized racism make caricature of black women and call it music.
Yall hate misogynists, I hate homophobic misogyny targeted at black queer women specifically even more and to me Jack is far from that. So may be there's a conflict of interest here somewhere caused by my intersecting identities.
And as a feminist I have a problem endorsing the slut shaming of men just as much as I disagree with the slut shaming of women.
How are we shaming this man over openly talking bout thoting.
And it's crazy cos we all be put here drooling over BTS openly talking bout wanting to be choked to death by these boys but God forbid a grown man says in his songs he is polyamorous.
Equality of genders means we can not slut shame men from expressing their sexual desires any more than we can slut shame women.
And 2023, monogamy isn't the only valid relationship model. Why does this feel like monogamy is the new heteronormativity?
And it's not as if he's glamorizing cheating on a partner, or drugs or gun violence.
I feel we've been fighting misogyny and objectification of women by men for so long we can't even tell what a healthy expression of male desire looks like.
I think Jack is so real for those lyrics. Some men and even women do like to fantasize about getting with different women. And having female attention really is form of validation for lots of men. For a lot of them it's deeply tied to their self worth.
Women will always be the object of desire for straight men. But that don't mean any time they talk about that subject that they are objectifying women. That's like saying men hurt women for pounding them at night- sex is not inherently oppressive. It's the lack of consent, and the treating women as if all we are good for is sex that makes it oppressive.
As long as he isn't berating women calling us slurs or promoting the objectification of women he and I are good.
From where I sit all I heard was a man discussing and bragging about his insatiable lust- for that I'll recommend he speaks to his therapist. Jesus can't help him.
He has an appetite. We shouldn't slut shame him for that. Misandry is not how we are going to fix misogyny.
If a girl sang the same lyrics we would be tweaking right about now.
Plus these lyrics are even pretty tame in comparison. Lmho. Jack has always been vulgar and explicit. Jack's personality to me is why I like him to be frank. He's pushed for visibility and acceptance of the gay community more than any non queer rapper you can think of.
As far as his talent as a rapper goes- I only care about his songs when he's featuring lil Nas X or Jungkook
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I'm just gonna have to throw him back to yall
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adelacreations · 11 months
It's funny to me how many Billy antis have a white savior complex and then when you (aka me) a black person points that out, they immediately jump to insults or racial slurs
Like lmao okay, racism is still racism even if you're targeting it at a BIPOC you don't like. Idk how that has to be explained to you. Maybe there is a reason why yall want Billy to be such a horrible person:
Cause it's a projectionnnnnnnnn, yall know damn well all of yall don't stand for anything actually. You guys parrot each other and then eat each other alive when they disagree with yall and start harassment campaigns.
Yall know what that's called? A cult.
What you're doing isn't allyship, so let's write that down lmao.
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florashifting · 1 month
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Racism in 2024? Ts is so outdated yall 🥱
Now what made you think it was okay to sit here and type this out to the public? IDC if this whole avantika casting rumor thing was true, IDC IF THE RUMOR OF THEIR ACTUALLY BEING A LIVE ACTION MOVIE WAS TRUE. There is NO justification to using literal slurs and racist language. She has a name, refer to her as it. And if any of you think that this comment is justified you can suck my dick cause you're a little bitch. And the fact that over a thousand people liked this comment.
Yall are really showing your true colors over a FUCKING RUMOR. OVER A FUCKING MOVIE THAT ISNT HAPPENING. And I will never forget you bitches that actually thought JADA PINKETT SMITH was playing rapunzel like how stupid and goofy do you have to be to believe that.
And it's always the same ones that be saying "oh its cause she's not german 🥺" the majority of you don't give a flying fuck, because I saw the same bitches who said that talk about some "Meg Donnely should be Rapunzel!" "Sabrina Carpenter should be Rapunzel!" When they're not German either 🤨
And look, me personally I don't gaf about the live actions, sure I'll watch them if they look good and are on streaming or something, but if I don't wanna watch them, you know what I do? I DON'T WATCH THEM. I WATCH THE ORIGINAL.
People like this are really some dumb racist fucks. Just because your greasy ass can't make money like the successful women you attack gives you no right to be bitter, your not making shit cause you won't get off your ass and GET A JOB. GET A LIFE. But nooo you wanna sit here and waffle on about some people that don't even know you. Like, you will never amount to anything if you keep up this behavior, yk that right?
Yall are rlly on some goofy ass bs, you really get your dirty ass panties in a twist over some stupid shit. Go outside, go read a book or something, do something productive instead of wasting your time online. Hope that helps! 💖
And like I said before if you agree with the comment in the pic, block me and get your ashy ass in the shower 💞
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ozziethegreat · 2 months
intro cause why not !! (๑>◡<๑)
'*•.¸♡ Welcome to my silly UT blog!!! ♡¸.•*'
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: ̗̀➛ I go by Oz or Ossie, both work fine for me ^_^
: ̗̀➛ I’m platonically engaged with my pookie @paximilion 🩵
: ̗̀➛ My pronouns are it/they as well as any neos!! (I don’t mind if people use them or not! (╹◡╹)♡) i’m aroace and agender 🫶
: ̗̀➛I am 14 and I’ve been doing art since I was around 9 or 10??
: ̗̀➛ I’m a theistic satanist, and I support all religions <3
: ̗̀➛ all ages, genders, races, etc. are welcome !!
: ̗̀➛ I am currently in the fandoms :
Undertale/Undertale AUs
BSD (Bungo Stray Dogs)
TMNT (Rise, 2012, and 2007)
: ̗̀➛ I’m hyperfixated on Colorkiller so that’s what I’ll post the most often ( ; ; )
: ̗̀➛ my asks are always open!! Feel free to request stuff!!
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: ̗̀➛ I don’t support pro/com/darkshipping (whatever yall call it), “loli/shotacons,” or any weird pedophilic content like that!! If you condone it or support it at all, please get off my page.
: ̗̀➛ Homophobia, transphobia, racism, zoophilia, and anything of those sorts aren’t tolerated.
: ̗̀➛ I am Pro-Palestine and zionists will be blocked .
: ̗̀➛ This page is anti harassment, meaning I do not want hate to be spread on this account towards anybody. I’d prefer to keep it a safe place.
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Other stuff (fav characters, music, my sona) ↓
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