#is it a serious issue though. i looked and i was like hehehe
guideaus · 2 years
ok, looking at fashion cancelled, i cant tell if im attracted to the person wearing the clothes or i want to wear their clothes
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rttnpnkpmpkn · 2 months
💗🌷🌼 ✨This is the you are amazing award. Send it to ten bloggers you think are wonderful or just take a moment to bask in your own awesomeness! ✨ 🌼🌷💗
Aww thank you! Sorry that this ask took so long, mostly because I had to really sit down and meditate on how I want to answer this, especially when it comes to naming the wonderful people who helped made my online experience worth staying for ^^ I can't really pinpoint just a few people because it's pretty unfair to the others who come and go my way and had a part in my character development lolol.
I want to thank my online friends who we've made it through thick and thin whenever something catches on fire. (Y'all know who you are 💖). I had serious anxiety and trust issues, and I still continue working on it but my friends helped provide the breakthrough I needed to get to where I am today. They're my pillar whether they realized it or not and I hope I don't do them much disservice in the future *sweat*. Thank you for all the laughs and everything you do! I know my interactions come off as lukewarm (I'm very introverted, so my battery is busted as hell) compared to how you chat with others, but it's been an enjoyable experience from my POV regardless. Y'all get a huge boop from me!
I'm also sorry that it didn't work out with those in which we left on unamicable terms, they do also have a part in building more to my worldview and life lessons learned after all this. Life is short to hold grudges and stress, so I will wish that they too meet their peace along the way, even in separate rooms. I also have my moments where my handling and problem-solving skills need work, and I can only move forward and improve on the next with my communication skills. I really can't blame others for having a negative view on me because I know I could've handled things better. The answer just had to come later after that point 😓. Take care and may time be kinder to y'all.
I very much want to thank you and every random peep who took their time to comment and like my works! I cannot reply tp all of them because sometimes my energy be too drained to catch up with them all but it really makes me smile reading them! I'm taking notes from y'all~ xD
There are a whole lot of reasons but I'm making stuff to have something to look forward to. So many disappointments in life and circumstances beyond control, I was thinking," it doesn't matter if it's gonna be lost to time, if nobody is making this SHIZZ happen NOW, I'll do it myself!! (though that's too overconfident of myself since I lack the skills to do it justice lol) ." So even if it's been a waste of time in hindsight, it won't feel that way *during* it lol. I didn't realize then it would have resonate and be enjoyed by fellows on the same boat. Even if the campfire is small, the quality of company is better than the quantity. Though the only benefits to offer are inside jokes if you've been there heheh...
TLDR: It's been quite a journey to get to where I am. I have many people to thank for helping me learn, and thanks for being what I want to see in a community. Be well and have a nice one! 🥰🙏
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seospicybin · 1 year
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Han x reader. (s,f)
Synopsis: It's the first time you take your best friend Han to spend Christmas holiday with your family and to also announce a great news but the more he knows the more he's doubting himself.
Preview under the cut! (It's more like a pilot hehehe)
Marry your best friend.
Han ever heard that line before, either from a movie or an advertisement, he couldn't remember. What he's trying to say is he has no problem with it but he's having a hard time making sense of it.
How can you marry your own best friend? Wouldn't that be weird? Isn't it going to feel like marrying your second cousin or something?
"If we don't find love then we'll just marry each other."
You once said it as a joke or he thought it was.
Han isn't opposed to the idea, he is pretty much given up searching for love because what's the use though if it would only end up in heartbreak and misery?
On the other side, you got tired of going on blind dates your father set for you in order to find you the one, or in your words 'the one' your father approved.
Just like tonight, it seems like you've just gone on another one and you come to his place afterward like you always do, either to vent about the date, your father and how you only obey him because of his stubbornness.
Han would intently listen to your rant with a can of beer in hand. Except, you seem so calm and he takes it that the date went well.
"You're working on something?" You asked from the doorway of his bedroom while taking your cardigan off.
"Just keeping myself busy," he answers, a bit stammering at the sight of you in a red dress that makes you look so radiant.
He clears his throat before asking, "what's up?"
You lean the side of your body against the doorframe, looking a little distracted like something is bothering you, then you softly sigh, "can we talk?"
Everyone would agree with him that those three words are anxiety-inducing he immediately thinks if he has done something wrong to you.
You take two canned drinks out of his fridge and hand the beer to him while you have your favorite peach-flavored drink in your hands.
"How was the date?" He asks because it seems like what you're going to talk about is something related to it.
"It was alright," you answered.
That convinced him that the date went well just as he guessed, and he feels relieved that he can finally pop open his can of beer, then takes a long gulp.
You sit next to him on the couch and take a sip of your drink as well while looking at the tree outside, changing its leaves at the turn of the season.
"You remember I once said that if we don't find love, we'll just marry each other?" You asked out of the blue.
Han laughs in response and takes another sip of his beer.
You put your drink away and shift on your seat to face him, "I think it's time," you said.
You do this all the time, keeping a straight face so that he can't tell the difference whether you're telling a joke or being serious. But it must be the former, right?
"Yeah, sure," he half-heartedly replies with a dry laugh.
You put your hand on his forearm and it feels cold that he turns his head at you, you look a little distressed like something is bothering your head.
"Why are you so nervous?" He bluntly asks because he has never seen you like this.
For him, you always have been the happy-go-lucky kind of girl, it's like you bring your own sun wherever you go and spread the warmth to everyone around you.
You put on a small smile before speaking, "Listen, Han, I'm getting tired of my father setting me up with these people I barely knew."
He acknowledges the issue because you have told him enough to know that you're just so done with all of it.
"I figured that if I'll ever marry someone, it's not going to be someone my father chooses for me," you said.
He nods while intently listening to you, putting his hand over yours to show he's taking your side on the matter.
"And I choose you," you said.
It takes him more than a minute to process those words, because a) he didn't expect the talk would lead to b) implying that you choose him and c) to marry you?
He bursts out laughing because he doesn't know how else to react to this.
"You're joking right?" He asks because you always keep a straight face when you're telling a joke.
You shake your head, "No, I'm not," you shortly replied.
His laughs slowly die down and are replaced by anxiety, "but we're friends," he innocently remarks.
"And isn't that just great?" You exclaimed.
That's not the answer he expected, you seem rather delighted by this fact.
"We've been friends for years and we know each other the best and we're comfortable around each other," you listed all of the things that would favor the union.
If you put it that way then yes, it doesn't weird at all to marry your best friend.
"Come on! Let's get married!" You cheerfully said with your shoulder bumping him.
Yet Han is still not convinced by the idea, he was just minding his business a few minutes ago and the next thing he knows his best friend proposed to him. Anyone can understand how confusing this situation is for him.
"But– but, we're fri– we're not—" he is at a loss for words.
As a friend of his for years and grow a telepathic connection with him, you understand what he's trying to ask you.
You take his hand on his lap and clasped it, "Marriage is not always about love. I just think that if I want to spend the rest of my life with someone, I want it to be with my best friend," you explained.
And five years of friendship proves nothing but he does have those feelings for you but not in a romantic way.
Maybe it's possible after all, to marry your best friend with no love involved, but another question pops into his head.
"What about your father?" He asks.
You lean in closer and look him in the eyes, "I did this because I do want this. Not because of my father or anyone else for that matter. I want this," you emphasize how much you meant your words to him.
You don't need to do all that, he sees right through you, you crinkle your nose when you lie and all he can see right now is the sincerity in your eyes.
There are so many rhetorical questions appearing in his head and just like any other human being, he keeps being haunted by his own failures of his past romantic relationships that he can't help but ask you this one question.
"What if it doesn't work out?" He meekly asks.
You put on a smile and ask him back, "What if it works out?"
And he likes that about you, how you always see the world through a different view, how you always look on the brighter side of things, and how you can easily infect him with your confidence.
That's what he needs in his life, confidence and you help him build it in him over time.
That's only one of the many good things you've done for him, if he should list everything, it would take him forever.
You shake the hand on his lap to snap him out of his head, "Han, you know you're free to say no, there's no pressure," you reminded him.
He takes a shaky breath and awkwardly massages his temple, "it's just... so sudden," he admitted.
You crack a laugh, "I know, right? Just take your time," you assured him.
You take your hand off of him and grab your drink, walking away to the kitchen to give Han space and time to think.
He thinks it all over in his head, listing every pros and cons of marrying you.
Everything you said is fair and sensible.
You indeed know him best to the point that he doesn't have to hide his true self from you and the idea of having, living in that safe space for the rest of his life won him over almost immediately.
He looks at you as you return to the couch with a new can of drink, put the drink on the table then all of sudden, kneels on the floor in front of him.
"Whoa! What are you doing?" He asks in shock.
"Properly proposing you," you casually answer and take the ring tab from the empty can of your drink.
You look up at him with a smile on your face, "Han Jisung, will you marry me?"
Never in a million years he thought that his best friend would be on her knee and proposed to him!
He's in his black sweater and sweatpants, his hair is unruly from staying the night up finishing a track and he is aware of the mess in his small apartment, the dishes piling on the sink, and a basket full of dirty laundry in the corner of the room.
And he's certain that he doesn't have it in him to be a husband.
Yet here you are, kneeling in front of him and asking him to marry you.
He takes a deep breath, taking a moment to try to verbalize his thoughts into words even though everyone knows that's an impossible thing to do.
In the end, he settles with a simple answer, "let's do this!"
There is a deep crease between your eyebrows, "what do you mean by that?"
"Let's do this!" He repeats, "let's get married!"
"Are you saying yes?" You asked with your breath hitched at the end of the sentence.
"I am, yes, yes I do!" He says, softly laughing at how your face was all tensed and pale.
You break down on the floor and he thought you are about to faint, but you propped your hands behind you, "oh fuck!"
He holds out his hands to help you get up from the floor, he uses all of his strength to pull you up so that you crashed against him on the couch.
"I didn't know how nerve-wracking a marriage proposal is until now," you said while clutching your chest and then putting your arms around his neck, hugging him so tight.
"Thank you for saying yes," you said.
"You're welcome, I guess?" He gets flustered because it should be him kneeling on the floor for you, not the other way around.
When you let go of the hug, he sees your eyes brimming with tears.
"Are you crying?" He asked in pure confusion.
"No," You said while hurriedly wiping the tears that rolled down one side of your cheek.
"I'm just so happy, I guess?"
Han didn’t know you needed his answer that badly but at the same time, he can’t explain why he’s just as happy.
Full fic will be released tomorrow!
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avionvadion · 2 years
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Hehe... hehehe... not me avoiding drawing his armor in any way that I possibly can... hehe... 
Anyways! Have some Iliana and Toga! I wasn’t going to name their daughter Shion- I purposefully looked up a list of, like, four hundred names and their meanings to avoid doing so, but, alas, I love the name and it works so well. So their daughter is gonna be named Shion. She is a feral gremlin that takes after her mama in personality who wants all the hugs but looks so much like her daddy. 
Legit, the second Iliana finds out the random demon she saved turns out to be Toga she is trying to patch him up as quickly as possible to get him to leave so she doesn’t ruin the timeline, but whooops guess what-? Timeline’s ruined now, most certainly. Sesshomaru is about have a younger, and Inuyasha an older, half-sister. 
Will Iliana and Sesshomaru ever meet in the earlier stages of the story? Probably not, because she would be freaking obliterated on the spot because of his daddy issues and human hate. Shion and Sesshomaru, though? Hells yeah. She would try to hug him because “Big brother!” and Sesshomaru would try to kill her. And it just continues. An endless cycle. 
The plot is destroyed. Chaos ensues. Inupapa goes into a slumber instead of dying, and Sess gets pissed because that means his dad has just been playing dead all these years- it wasn’t his fault, sir, tenseiga saved him at the last second because of lasting regrets- and the second he wakes up Sess goes after him and Toga is just kind of tired dad sighing like, “Really, son?” 
I still don’t have certain time travel shenanigans figured out, but. It’s so fun. 
Everything is chaos. Forest Deep is so serious but this one is just. Absolute silliness with the very tiniest dash of angst. 
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Here's some more in-depth Yuuko trivia before polls start!
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 “…Hehehe. What are you doing here? Weren’t you on your little jaunt in that hotel? Though, I won’t tell you to go running back just yet. I can entertain you for a while~”
-She is a fictional character in-universe. Her creator, Bellhop, wrote Yuuko as a self-insert for her novel about a girl in the Otherworld. And yes, she was written to become a villain.
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 < – Bellhop (alias), she/her!
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(She’s kind of an airhead compared to Yuuko, and she sleeps often.)
- The setting for the overarching story is a dream realm where fictional characters can exist. (Yuuko’s kind of a special case, coming from the Otherworld.) This realm is connected to the Otherworld and dreaming people can end up falling into it, which puts them in a comatose state.
- Bellhop is half japanese, so that’s why Yuuko’s based on japanese folklore. Also, Bellhop is trans, and Yuuko is as well (Bellhop wanted to write a future of herself who could freely transition). Other choices on Yuuko’s design were just because Bellhop thought it’d look cool/cute. - Seriously cute, she’s the shortest adult character in the story at 5'2.
- You can probably imagine but she has pretty bad identity issues. How much of her personality is real and how much is her acting out what her character is supposed to do? How much of it is just Bellhop? If she could, would she be different? She tries not to think about it too much. If only there was a therapist around here.
- Yuuko’s the one who gave Bellhop the idea of running a hotel in the dream realm, so Bellhop trusts her. Yuuko likes her company and causes her a lot of trouble on purpose, but deep down feels a little guilty that she’s been keeping a real person in a coma for ages.
- Her primary targets are the residents of Bellhop’s hotel. They all have their reasons why they stay there (Bullying, jealousy, stress, loneliness etc.), so she loves to give her special brand of therapeutic advice. And slyly causing trouble in other ways, like letting birds out of their cages and unplugging the lights systems. Thanks to Bellhop’s negligence she has never been caught.
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- Her manipulation doesn’t work on the beings in the Otherworld. She carries around a metal bat  that’s tied with a red bow when she’s not in Bellhop’s hotel to play with them… well, they’re essentially in limbo anyway.
- The only person she’s genuine to is the one she works under, Dr. Leo-Worth (she calls him dear Doctor affectionately). Both being eldritch-like beings, they understand each other deeply. 
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- Yuuko and Dr. Leo-Worth speak an eldritch language. They only really use it to intimidate people and talking to each other about serious things.
- Her playlist is here (It’s mostly vocaloid though…)
I think maybe there’s a lot of stuff in the lore that’s confusing so feel free to ask me any questions you have! Vote Yuuko and maybe follow my main @tlvq if you like the story concept!
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molochka-koshka · 1 year
So this ended up being a lot longer than I planned, and I'm probably going to do another chapter or two at some point, but I made a site to host all my WotR and other fanfics s o
Check that out here
This fic is borrower au Tristiel (which is what I'm calling Tristo x Sosiel from now on because I'm lazy and don't want to type all that out heheh) because I'm a sucker for size difference even when it's unrealistically drastic 😌
I'm also going to add the fic below the cut, but it's long so it may be easier to read it over there??? No clue tbh!
Title: The Devil's in the Details Pairing: Tristo (knight commander) x Sosiel Vaenic Words: 2933 CWs: Significant size difference (Sosiel is a few inches tall)
Tristo crouches beside the torn bag of rice, thumb hooking into the small opening and running along the cut (not ripped) section of burlap of the hole.  The young guard who’d alerted him to the pest issue had made it sound much worse than this–the younger aasimar (peri-blooded as well but nicer about it than Tristo) had rushed into the fort, sprinting upstairs (nearly knocking Nenio over in the process), and had come to Tristo like rats were the greatest enemy to the Crusade,
Tristo can’t fault him for that at least, even if it’s not a real problem–yet.  Rats and other pests could spell out life or death for the crusaders if the problem goes unchecked.  Regill and Melies both had suggested that this was beneath him, and could be more easily solved by someone else, but he’d disagreed.  He wants to endear himself to the crusaders, at least a little bit, even if it’s not immediately pragmatic to do so.  It will pay off in time.
Now, in the food stores, Tristo is faced with a dilemma.  These are very neat rats.  Usually rats gnaw and tear, but whatever pest did this cut it so cleanly that if it weren’t such a small opening Tristo would think a knife had done it.  And maybe one had, after all, nobody is terribly meticulous around here unless they’re being closely observed.  It could have been an accidental knick. “Is that it,” he asks the anxious guard, standing up straight again.
“N-no…” the guard says, shifting slightly on his feet.  “Um–”
Tristo casts a firm, serious look at him.  He wants to tell him to spit it out, but he’s trying to control his temper.
“I noticed something the other night, stealing some fresh fruit.”
Fresh fruit is expensive to import in this gods forsaken part of the world, so that’s more of a cause for concern than a tiny hole in a twenty pound bag of rice, but it’s how the guard words it that makes Tristo pause, his brows knitting together in mild confusion.
“I think it was a fey or something,” the guard continues.  “It looked almost human, but it was tiny, rat sized, I mean.”
“Then why didn’t you say that upfront,” Tristo asks, jaw tightening.
“I didn’t want to sound stupid–”
“You sound stupid now that I know you lied to the Knight Commander of the crusade.”
The guard falls silent, golden eyes going wide at Tristo’s reproachful tone.
Tristo lets out a slow breath, closing his own dimly glowing eyes, before turning to look at the stores again.  Fey would make this a lot more difficult to deal with than rats, even if it’s something small like a pixie.  They’re more intelligent than rats, sure, but reasoning with them is out of the question usually.  A magical trap to catch the next one that tries to steal food from the crusade would be the best bet to stop this thief.
There are plenty of skilled mages in the crusade, wizards like Nenio and witches like Ember, who’d be useful for something like this.  Tristo doesn’t care.  It’d look good if he took care of this personally, like he’s just like any other soldier.  More than that though, he wants to hold down whatever fey has been stealing from them and send it back to the first world screaming and begging for his mercy, and he doesn’t trust the others to be able to handle that with the same level of finesse as him.  Even if Daeran were an option (he isn’t, Tristo still doesn’t want to speak to him after the incident with the roses), Tristo doesn’t think he could handle it in the way that he wants it handled.
Being in the Order of the Gate has its perks, and knowledge of magic is only one of them.  Tristo was born a sorcerer before he became a Hell Knight, gifted with a mixed bloodline that gave him access to very useful spells innately, and the Order had only honed his skills to a fine edge.  A deadly edge, at that.  Invisibility is an easy thing to attain, if you know magic, and as he sits perched on top of a wooden crate, sitting and watching the room closely, he knows that he won’t be noticed unless the fey is looking for him.  He hopes that’s the case, anyway, unfortunately knowledge of the fey is an area that he’s admittedly lacking in.
A sound catches his attention, and he whips his head around to focus on it.  It’s not a fey.  He rises to his feet and lunges at the small figure, hand wrapping roughly around it.  It’s small, only a few inches tall, and writhes furiously in his grasp as the invisibility spell fades away.
Tristo doesn’t understand what he’s looking at, until the man in his hand starts nervously babbling up at him in common, not in any strange fey language.  Even then, he doesn’t really understand what he’s seeing.  A reduce person spell wouldn’t make someone this small, not as far as Tristo would know anyway.  The worst part of this is that the man is handsome, and Tristo actually feels guilty for being so rough with him.  It doesn’t change the fact that this is a thief though, and he squeezes the man in his grasp slightly.
“Did you think you wouldn’t get caught?” He asks, cutting him off.
The man looks up at him and barks out a nervous laugh after a pregnant pause, like he’d expected something else to happen.  “Honestly, I’ve been doing this for months and haven’t been caught yet, so… Yeah.”
Tristo looks over the stores.  Usually with pests, where there’s one there’s a whole colony.  The stores don’t look like they’ve been picked over by a colony of… Whatever this man is.  Tristo hums softly, and relaxes his grasp slightly.  The man sucks in a breath, and casts his brown eyes up at Tristo’s face.  When Tristo meets his gaze, he recoils slightly.
“So,” the man asks, voice trying so hard to be calm, steady.  “Is this the end then?”
Tristo thinks for a moment, then shakes his head slightly.  “No, it’s not.  Not of your life anyway, which is what I assume you mean.”
“It is.  Small blessings, I guess.”
Tristo grins, and the man’s deep brown cheeks flush slightly at that.  Small.  Tristo wants to make sure that he’s aware of just how small he is.  He hears the door to the stores starting to open, and he quickly wraps his fingers firmly around the small man in his fist, hiding him by tucking him quickly into his pocket.  A cold breeze blows in with the same aasimar guard from earlier.
“Did you see anything, Knight Commander,” he asks, ever so professionally.
Tristo regards him, then shakes his head.  “No,” he says resolutely.  “Nothing.”
The young man seems to deflate, shoulders slumping.
“I don’t doubt that you saw something, though,” he assures him as he approaches.  The other man shrinks back from him slightly–it’s a small, subtle motion, but Tristo knows that he has that sort of effect on people.  Tristo smiles.  “Keep an eye out for it, for me?”
“Yes sir– I mean yes, Knight Commander, sir.”
Tristo takes his time getting back to his quarters, surprised that the figure tucked away in his pocket is so calm–he’s not trying to escape, as far as Tristo can tell.  It could be the cold evening air that whips around them–a storm brewing no doubt, it could be the small thing accepting its fate (which Tristo has not totally decided yet).
He’s not sure what to do with him.  He could kill him–a swift and merciful option, send him back to the First World or whatever plane he’s from–but Tristo doesn’t want to.  He could keep him, but that too doesn’t feel quite right.  The just thing to do would be to imprison him, but why would he want to do that?  Really, it’d be almost comedic seeing the tiny man slip through the bars of the cells in the prison.  There’s cages, too, he thinks.  That’s an option, if he decides that the thief needs to be punished, but there’s also the issue of the volume of things stolen.  It’s nothing.  A meaningless amount.  Whatever this man eats in a year is probably less than what a single crusader eats in a week.
The walk to his quarters passes quickly, quietly, uneventfully, and when he starts to remove his heavy black scarf he pauses.  He sets the scarf aside slowly, and reaches a hand into his pocket, the man inside flinching away from his cold skin.  At least he was warm in there, Tristo thinks begrudgingly.  He glances back to the closed door behind him, considering it for a moment before deciding to cross the room again and lock it.  He doesn’t look at the man resting on his open palm while he does this, trying to ignore him actually.  He’d seen enough of him in the stores to know that he’s handsome, but it had been so dim in there–Tristo doesn’t want to see what he knows he’ll see when he looks down.
“Hey,” the man says, voice soft, kind.  “Are you alright?  Your hands are so cold.”
The statement surprises Tristo.  He sounds worried still, a hint of a nervous edge to his voice, but he sounds like he’s trying so hard to be thoughtful, concerned.  Tristo looks down at him and draws in a small, short breath through his nose.  It catches as he stares down at him.  He’s not just handsome, the creature–the man–he holds in his hand is beautiful.  His skin is dark and smooth and his eyes are so full of concern that Tristo thinks their roles should really be reversed.
“I’m fine.  A few minutes out in the cold is the least of what I’ve been through.”
“I can see that,” the man responds and Tristo glares down at him, eliciting a growing tension in the man’s muscles, like he’s waiting for an opportunity (and an excuse) to escape.
“I don’t need you to pity me,” Tristo snaps back, keeping his voice down still despite his anger.
“I don’t,” the man replies quickly, hands raised in a supplicating gesture.  “I don’t, really, it just looks like you’ve seen more of this war than I have.”
Tristo relaxes slightly, looking away from the man as he crosses the room again and sets him on the wooden surface of his desk, pushing papers and books out of the way.  “How much of it have you seen,” he asks the man, unable to hide his curiosity.
“None, really.  I hitched a ride here from Andoran in a saddle bag.  I think the humans I traveled with maybe ran into trouble once, but we were able to stay out of it.”
The mention of a we makes Tristo wonder if there really is a whole colony of tiny, apparently attractive, men running around Drezen, and he also wonders if that’s necessarily a bad thing for him.  The man continues speaking before Tristo can voice his concerns.
“I’ve been lucky.  I don’t need much, so I really only borrow a few things here and there usually.  Authin is just very observant, compared to other guards.”
Tristo stares at him blankly, trying to figure out where he’s heard that name before.
“Authin,” the man repeats.  “The aasimar that saw me?  He told you about me?”
“Ah.  Authin,” Tristo repeats.  “How’d you know his name?”
“I listen.  And watch.  I just have a good memory for people.”
“So you’re a spy,” Tristo says, mostly joking, a small smile barely tugging at the scarred corner of his mouth.
“No, not like that,” the man replies again, nervous, but at least seeming to understand that Tristo had been joking.  “I wouldn’t make a very good spy, the only things I manage to learn are simple things.  Peoples’ favourite foods, who loves who, names, ages, where people are from.  It’s all things that anybody could find out by just asking the person, but I really can’t do that.  Authin likes porridge with blackberry jam and honey because it reminds him of his grandmother in Kenabres, and he bites the insides of his cheeks when he’s focused on something.”
Tristo sits finally, realizing that he’s been looming over the man, hands pressed flat to the desk on either side of him as he leans forward slightly.  He leans back in the wooden chair, tall frame filling it.  “And what have you learned about me, if anything?”
The man regards him for a moment, drinking him in, blushing.  “Not much,” he admits, but Tristo feels like it’s a lie.  “You’re a Hell Knight,” he starts, and Tristo recognizes a hint of disguised (or suppressed) disdain in his tone.  “From Cheliax.  You use more magic than some of the others I’ve seen around Drezen though, like when you use a light spell instead of matches.  You always look tense, like you’re in pain or like you’re worried.  You know that people are afraid of you, but I don’t think you mind it.  You scowl so often, but when you smile it’s–... It’s a lot.”
Tristo waits a moment, watching him, letting him sit with his answer.  “And?”
“A… And what?”
“What’s my favourite food?”
The man lets out a small relieved sigh, mixed with a nervous laugh.  “The only time I’ve seen you actually react to something was when you had a fresh baked cinnamon roll.  You’re harder to read than most.”
Tristo nods approvingly.  “With some training you could make yourself useful.  Signifiers like myself–especially in my Order–aren’t opposed to the use of spies when necessary.”
The man shakes his head vehemently, taking a step back (as if he could escape).  “I’m not going to be a Hell Knight.”
“Of course not, you wouldn’t last five minutes as one.  I meant in the crusade.  But it’s just a thought.  You’re a criminal first and foremost, and I have to decide what to do with you still.”
“I suppose letting me go and forgiving me for stealing some rice and grapes is out of the question?”
Tristo pauses, thinks, shakes his head.  “It’s not out of the question, it’s just not an idea I’m fond of,” he answers honestly.  “You’re lucky enough to have survived as long as you have, why not stay with me?  You’d be well cared for here, nobody would risk harming you if they know you’re mine.”
The man blanches at Tristo’s possessive tone, shaking his head.  “I can take care of myself, thanks.”
Tristo considers grabbing him again–it’d be so easy–but decides against it quickly.  “What’s your name,” he asks finally, softly.
“Sosiel Vaenic.”
“Sosiel,” Tristo starts.  “Could I see you again?  If I decide to let you go.”
It’s Sosiel’s turn to hesitate now, like Tristo’s asking a lot of him by just asking to see him again.  “Yes,” he answers finally, drawing out the word slightly.  “But I should leave soon.  It’s late, I need to get home while I still have a chance.  I risk being seen by people far less kind than you if I wait too long.”
Tristo nods, standing again and offering Sosiel a hand.  Sosiel pauses, then walks onto Tristo’s palm, a sensation that feels unnatural but necessary to both of them.  “Just set me on the floor, if you want.  I can find my way.”  
Tristo crouches, and sets his hand on the floor for Sosiel to hop off of it.  Sosiel leaves quickly and quietly, walking towards a wall and slipping deftly into a crack in the masonry–it’s over so quickly that for a moment Tristo thinks that he’s been drugged and had hallucinated the whole thing.  He watches the crack for a moment longer, then decides that whether that was real or not will be decided if and when Sosiel decides to visit again.  Tristo removes his clothes and slips into bed, head swimming with thoughts of what had just happened until he dozes off into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Tristo wakes up with the dawn, the fingers of early morning light barely reaching in through his window through a dense layer of clouds overhead.  He rolls over onto his side, drawing in a long, slow breath, readying himself for the day ahead–when he sees something move on the pillow beside him.  He sits up slightly, plucking up a small scrap of paper between his fingers.  It’s a scrap of old paper, about half the size of his palm, and on it is a drawing of him.  He’s sleeping in it, and it’s just his upper body and head, but it’s undeniably him.  The attention and care paid to detailing him is an act of love, even if it’s a small one–that much he’s sure of, even if it’s unfamiliar to him.
It would be unsettling, knowing that someone had watched him sleep, if he didn’t have his suspicions about who had done this.  He smiles slightly, pocketing the drawing after he bathes and dresses for the day.  When he’s walking down the streets of Drezen, heading for the gate, he passes by a familiar young aasimar, and a group of other recruits.
“Hello Authin,” he says politely, familiarly, as he passes.
“Hello Knight Commander,” Authin replies, a look of shock and worry on his face.  Tristo passes briskly though, not stopping even when he hears the excited (surprised) whispers of the others as he goes by.
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fruity-boy-bruno · 8 months
Have u done Wayne headcanons?
I have not done a post of him yet hehehe
This took me awhile bc I have so many things..
Personally I think Wayne and Decres are two separate people (but loovvee seeing hcs where they're the same person) and I think Wayne uses he/they pronouns and is trans masc.
I could and probably will make a separate post about the Waynes as a species at some point but I'll dive into it some here. To me I think that they're kinda scorpion like, and that the tips on old Wayne's tail are the stingers! They don't start out with the stingers and grow them over time... Wayne doesn't have any yet. Wayne also has the chest legs left over from his larva stage as well as a tail, but I also think he has hoves of some kind (bc of Herdingflowers, they're also the one I got gorma ideas from!! I finally checked lol) I can't let that man have people feet that'd be wrong!! He also has boobs because I said so idc if that makes sense or not (he doesn't have nipples though) he's also fuzzy like a bug, but he's got thicker hairs in some areas :)
Biggest one is his ass is from the moon. The Waynes were a moon species and they got displaced to hylicworld after it blew up! Which is why Wayne's living with them in the second game. Why's Wayne away from the rest from them in the first game? Banished from the moon of course! Why's he banished from the moon? He's Gibby's ex-husband and a former "co-ruler" (just in title Gibby didn't let him do jack shit) Why did they get divorced? That was part of the being banished for treason! He did treason? Yes, he did, he tried to orchestrate an overthrowing but got snitched on by someone in his group!
That's why he is alone and away from other people in the first game, he's got serious trust issues and is hesitant to be close to and rely on anyone (other than his beloved horse ofc) the spell of madness being his last straw in why he decided to go and beat Gibbys ass. (I think that if you also follow Gloopdimension you can see how many of my ideas started from them lol)
Also his ass it a pot head, look at that man and tell me he's drug free? I also think he's majorly depressed (for obvious reasons) and he's inclined to kill himself and just go to the afterlife rather than deal with certain inconveniences if he isn't with other people. Just grabs his horns and twists his head like a squeezable apple sauce. Got a little bit of a cold coming on? Kills himself. Surrounded by tyros? Kills himself. You get it. And he's like "I'll literally come back it doesn't matter"
I almost absolutely sure I can come up with more but I think this is enough for one post hehehe
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marinerainbow · 9 months
//I just remembered there's a random weasel who helps a dark haired human girl out in the Roger Rabbit comics and he looks suspiciously like Smartass in a red suit. Even has the tie diamond and everything. He's doing it for ulterior motives though 😆 So he can get a gossip columnist to make it look like Roger cheated on Jessica with a fan. Now I'm just wondering if that's a regular case the Toon Patrol take on. The image of them standing on each others shoulders to do Eddie's photography job in the movie is so funny 😂
"Move your ass!"
"I can't see!"
"Hold still!"
"Ayyyy caramba if I could play those legs."
Oh really? I haven't seen that comic yet. Wh8ch issue was it? Can you send me a picture of this funky guy? Maybe it IS Smartass 👀 (probably not, but that won't stop me from headcannon that Snartass has a rainbow wardrobe XD)
Oh my lord 😅😂 I'm loving this so much. You can tell which weasel is which just by their line! I'm pretty sure the weasels' jobs vary. Some more serious and illegal than others. And they've definitely done this before XD
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hangmanbradshaw · 11 months
I came back as promised! I also realised that I’m late on my commentary of IWBYILMF (is that the right abbreviation?) but thats what happens when SOMEONE only puts out chapters when it’s 1 am for me 😠 (ily). I hope you enjoy this commentary
Chapter 11:
It’s so sad that Jake thought he was gonna get broken up with, my poor baby 😭. Seriously, it’s heartbreaking that Jake didn’t have his family’s support and love and how he expects everyone to abandon him. I’m glad Bradley is there for him now!
“Holy shit. If this is what you made for me, I’d kill to know what you make when you bring your dates here.” - Are you stupid Jake 🙄? YOU ARE HIS DATE!!! That man is so in love with Jake, he’s the only one who can’t see it. Me thinks it’s because of his abandonment issues 🤔. Excellent recipe choice though 😉
“No, uh…seats on the Cowboys home side should be fine. Lower bowl somewhere. Then some pre and post game passes.” - That’s a shitty family if I’ve ever seen one
“I’d go for Jake.” - ❤️🥺😭🥰
Jake’s family is the worst! How are you not gonna support your child!?!! FUCK THEM 🖕!!!
He noticed they were all wearing Giants jerseys with 17 printed proudly on it - Thats what a real family looks like🥹!
“We were worried sick.” - 😭
“Okay. What do I need to monitor for?” - hihihi 🤭
“Everyone’s gonna expect it to be me anyways.” - of course, that’s the only reason🤥. Definitely not because he cares, no 🙅‍♀️
“They’re the ones who aren’t good enough for you.” - Damn right!
Chapter 12:
A new sort of heat lit in his head, making him feel floaty. - 🤭
Bradley was a friend now. There was no room for…that. - of course there is!
“We’ve been having an issue with some of the electrical wiring at the restaurant, and the jackass they sent us to look at it is being difficult.” - the foreshadowing! I wanna kiss your brain you genius!
“Good. He likes to act all rough and tough, but boy’s a worrier at heart.” - awn 🥹
“Alright, you ready to make a jail break?” - Carole to the rescue!
“Apart from that little guy. Still working on getting him to trust us” - just like Jake 🥺
“To hell with it, I’m in.” - YAY!!!! Big man small dog combo
“It’s….cute, I guess.” - stop pretending you don’t like him Bradley Bradshaw
“Brisket it is.” - BRISKET ❤️🥹!!!
“I think Brisket wants to hear a story.” - hehehe
“Laugh all you want now, Bradshaw, but I saw you in Dallas when our favorite pain in the ass went down, how you-“ - Stephanie, you better have plans to add this scene in the Bradley POV story YOU ARE going to write, no buts 🙅‍♀️
I’ll came back later for the rest, I promised it would be long. I love you, you are a genius 🫶💋!
yeah or if you want to shorten it you can do IWTBY (I am aware I love an annoyingly long title but I had REASONS haha)
I'm just trying to keep your 1ams interesting, you're welcome <3
HE'S GONNA FIND HIS FAMILY AND HIS HOME AND ALL OF THAT and it's gonna be so satisfying. He's just taking the long road there.
Heheheh I LOVE some good foreshadowing. Every chap I'm out here like trying to keep my mouth shut and not be like 'did everyone notice this random line for absolutely no reason' hahah
Oooh okay you full named me too so I know it's serious. So we all wanna see Bradley's POV when Jake got knocked out yeah? *jotting that down*
Thank you. Kicking my feet & blushing over here.
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bloombird · 1 year
What kind of relationship does Troposcan and Bugertron have? And who fell first our was it love at first sight for both of them (btw i love your aus especially this one because bugertron has a good boyfriend and not a toxic girlfriend)
Hi, oh wow! Thank you for asking that- This is gonna be a long post, sorry in advance!
Btw in Outsiders AU, Burgertron and Ulf broke up like in a mutual way since ehh, that really wasn't great. Thank goodness they broke up before the disaster happened bc that really would've been even messier and worse. Anyway-
Originally, it's supposed to be Needle Knit being the boyfriend. Needle Knit acts caring underneath all that seriousness but he has self-worth issues on being a hero due to his backstory(I wanted to add more about his backstory but I don't wanna clutter this up- Sorry!)
Needle Knit fell first due to how brave and caring Burgertron is underneath all that arrogance. It was a slow-burn romance. Just Burgertron teaching Needle Knit on how to have fun and Needle Knit teaching him how to fight (sparring and training galore!). Both of them listening to their troubles and then sneaking in around Junk City
I even have a scene planned for him to knit an over-sized cloak and wraps Burgertron on it just to make him go unnoticed in the outside world. (Bonus thing to comfort him!)
Burgertron looks up at him, wide-eyed in awe after Needle Knit carefully wraps the cloak around him. Needle Knit smiles softly for a split second and then turned away and sighed. "Don't look at me like that.. I'm not even a hero. Just.. be careful on finding your friends."
But Troposcan though.. hmm.. It sounds nice! He's a brash and reckless flyer! But he can be really serious at times and is very loyal to his botbot kind. Anything to get them safe!!
Hehehe, he would carry Burgertron and fly off just to scare the s##t out of him for being so annoying. Ahh, being brash and teasing Burgertron..
When he opens up, he can be cheeky and endearing at times.. Pretty protective! And- oh my gosh! Oh no! What am I gonna do?! I like them both!! Ahhhh-
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seawherethesunsets · 2 years
[re: cheer up]
I thought Yoomin was dead. I loved her scenes before she actually showed up. The scene where she gets hit by the light and the scene where (in ep1 or ep2) Jung Woo goes to his office, sees her, the sound of squeaky door and boom she gets hit again... I loved the edit of these two. In terms of suspense, these two and the ending of ep1 were great to me (sound effects and video editing were good👍) and made me excited about the potential death issue. But not anymore. Now I'm unexcitedly waiting for immature/jealous villain(s) to be revealed so that we can move on. :D
Romance is a bit rushed, too. I wasn't comfortable with the captain taking her out to for a drink as an apology (I loved how she was staring at him on the bus stop tho~~~). I'd be totally okay if there was no romance. I think he is fine as a captain and being so already inspires Dae Yi a lot. Crush is cute, too. Finally she has something that flutters her heart-- other than food and money. Mutual feelings would follow a bit later. But now they're at it, I want to see Jung Woo to fully accept and have feelings, I'm curious~~
I'm also curious about how he will handle the policy issue. Please, writers, don't make it boring.
About Dae Yi's brother... Wow, he is a hidden gem :D Hope to see him more! My guess is that she had a call from her mother about his brother and she rushed outside for him (though she didn't look much stressed when Jung Woo finally found her). We'll see tomorrow.
There are too many jealous and immature people in this drama, it gets boring. Especially, Min Jae. The character doesn't have to be made this annoying. I feel upset about it. He probably will a have ~redemption~ through socializing and receiving love etc. But yeah, still boring.
The twins! I like So Yoon, her random comments and English! :D She also looks like she needs a bit more socializing like Min Jae (but doesn't throw tantrums -_-). I can't wait to see more about her story.
See, there is a lot to discuss!
Buddyyyyyyyyy 🌻😘
look at you going off with all the details. obviously you pay more attention and use more brains than me and I love that for you! I'm just watching it, head empty lolol. First off , thank you for all these cos it does reminded me of scenes that I put behind the back of my head.
That first 2 eps of showing yoomin and the spooky vibes got me but then they keep saying she never contacted so I was like oh she's not dead yet and knew she was gonna appear somehow to either be added for suspense or the boring route would be to be a love rectangle now (?) lmao.
I think the romance part is okay for me, pace wise haha. We know jungwoo doesnt like her in that way yet, he cares and worries for her a lot. So yes! curious to see how he'll embrace it when he's sure he likes her likes her hehehe. generally im not that fond of the drinking culture there, but it is their culture and seems like drinking solves all issues in dramas hahha.
Same! I think she received a call from her mom about her brother injured, nothing too serious since she was calm when jungwoo found her. but i wanna know her brother's story! hope they showed more. we have 16 eps more than ample time lol.
Minjae is a petty child, sunbae is annoying hahahha i am curious to know who is the suspicious person tho. But I hope it's not dragged half heartedly till the very end. i dont have high hopes, i just wish it would stay fun until then.
The twins are cute! very rare for a drama to make sure every character they introduced to have a nice coverage of their arcs :\ so we'll see~~
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Werewolf - 8 [END]
Writer: Nishioka Maiko
Season: Summer
Proofreading: 310mc (JP)
Translation: Bella & hyenahunt
Natsume: No. I didn't want to press the issue unless you wanted to tell ME. You told me on stage you wanted to smile and be happy with ME… So I decided I'd believe in YOU, and that I'd wait until you were ready to TALK.
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[Location: Seisou Hall Common Room]
Natsume: Sora.
Sora: Master~... Did... Arashi-oneesan tell you everything?
Natsume: No. I didn't want to press the issue unless you wanted to tell ME.
You told me on stage you wanted to smile and be happy with ME… So I decided I'd believe in YOU, and that I'd wait until you were ready to TALK.
Sora: …...
Arashi: My my… Sora-chan, I know I’m the one who made us promise about this, but say, maybe it's about time we told everyone what's up?
Hiyori: A promise you made?
Arashi: Yep. I didn't think it'd turn out to be such a big deal, though… It was totally careless of me. Sorry, Sora-chan.
Sora: Arashi-oneesan didn't do anything wrong! Sora's the one who didn't do this properly.
Having to lie to his precious Master was really… really painful for Sora.
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Arashi: Mmmhmm, so don't stress over it anymore. Let's tell everyone exactly what's been going on.
Sora: ...Okay. The truth is, on that day, we found a lost kitten in the courtyard.
It was just a little thing, yanno~? Sora thought if he just left it alone, the crows might find it and give it a hard time.
But if Sora picked it up… It would've been safe from any danger, but then it'd be separated from its family.
Sora was totally at a loss. He felt really, really sad thinking about if he ever got separated from Master and Senpai.
So Sora decided to reunite the kitten with its family.
Arashi: That's right. Did you know? Stray cats are awfully sensitive creatures.
They're totally not used to people, right? But if anyone happened to touch the kitten, they'd get their human scent on it.
And if the mama cat finds a human hanging around when she comes looking for her child, she might just leave and never return.
Because of that, Sora-chan asked if I could help him out, so I told him:
“Let’s secretly hide it here and not tell a soul until its mother comes back.” Well, Mama happened to come by and find out, though.
That's why Sora-chan tried so hard to keep his promise to me.
Natsume: I see… So the milk and the bottled water from that night were for the kitTEN.
Arashi: Mmhmm, exactly.
Sora: If Master ever asked, Sora thinks he would've just ended up telling him everything… That's why Sora made sure to stay away from Master as best he could.
Natsume: So that's all it WAS?
Ah… I'm so GLAD. It's such a relief to know you weren't actually wrapped up in something WEIRD.
Sora: Master...
Arashi: Well, I'm glad that we solved this little misunderstanding between you two ♪
Jun: Hmm, aren't we kinda intruding on their little moment?
Ohii-san, maybe we oughta leave 'em to it and bounce?
Hiyori: ......
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Jun: Huh? What're you so lost in thought for?
Hiyori: Say, Jun-kun. The cat we saw earlier in the courtyard... Could that have been the kitten's mother?
Jun: Ah! Now that you mention it...
Arashi: Really!? You're like, super serious!?
I'm gonna go see how the little kitten's holding up!
You two take good care of Natsume-chan and Sora-chan, okay? ♪
Jun: Huh? You're dumping this on us just as we were on our way out?
Hiyori: Well, there's nothing wrong with that, is there? Great detectives and great investigators alike must see things through to the end, after all!
Jun: Are you still going on with that...?
Sora: Sora really is sorry… Master...
Natsume: You've got nothing to apologize FOR. Just because I was worried about you doesn't mean I was MAD.
Sora: That's not it… Sora was being such a coward...
Natsume: A coWARD…? What do you MEAN?
Sora: Sora wanted to return the kitten to a warm family, like Master and Senpai are to him.
But from a different perspective, it might've seemed like Sora was just abandoning it...
And then, what if Master thought Sora meant to leave the kitten all on its lonesome? What if he'd hate Sora for it? Sora was just so scared of that, and it gave him another reason to keep it a secret.
Sora's such a scaredy-cat...
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Natsume: How stuPID..
Sora: Uh-huh, Sora really was stupid… Do you think less of him now, Master…?
Natsume: That's not what I MEANT...
What's stupid is worrying that I'd ever hate YOU.
I would never think less of YOU, Sora. Even if there comes a day when the whole world becomes your eneMY, I can say with full confidence that I will always be on your SIDE.
What I would think of is praising you a whole lot after hearing your side of the STORY, but I would never, ever think badly of YOU, or consider you a coWARD.
Sora: ...Really? Master'd praise Sora…?
Natsume: Of course I WOULD. But I was lonely when you ran from ME.
You don’t have to do that anymore, RIGHT? I'd be much happier if I could just hug you like I normally DO.
Sora: Master…! Sora's super sorry he made you feel so lonely…!
Natsume: There THERE ♪ You did your BEST… You're such a good BOY, Sora.
Hiyori: Heheh. And with that, this case is closed! Here's the thrilling conclusion!
Arashi: Hold on right there! It's a little too early for the curtain call!
Sora-chan, Sora-chan! The kitten's mama's come to pick it up!
Sora: Really!?
Arashi: It's such a moving scene! We can sneak a peek out from the window in the hallway! But we've gotta totally hurry!
Sora: Okay! Let's go!
Hiyori: What a fine weather ☆ Let's go have a look too, Jun-kun!
Jun: Alrighty~
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[Location: Seisou Hall 1st Floor Passage]
Sora: Master, you oughta come see too! Hurry, hurry!
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Natsume: Wh— hey, come ON!? D-Don't grab my hand so suddenLY, Sora! I'd come along anyWAY, you really don't need to worRY!
Sora: No way, Master~! Sora never wants to separate from Master again! And he doesn't want to lie to him again either!
Sora was never really meant to be a lying werewolf after all, huh~?
Sora’s the same as Dazzling-oniisan! — Sora loves, loves, loves happy endings too!
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roanniee · 3 years
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Let's try this again🤸🏻
Also Idil vibes strong on this one. I can't say Gil bc Gil calls Ate Sel smth specific like she does with me.
Ship the @mythos-blogs Crew
ps. here's the server <3
Baby Sam is very hard working and focused on whatever she's doing that sometimes, she forgets to take care of herself. So, I see Sugawara Koushi with her perfectly, someone caring and understanding, but knows better than to let her overwork and tells her when enough is enough. The both of you do struggle with a few things, and when you fight or have insecure moments, you sit down to talk about it instead of shouting at each other. Overall, a really good match I say.
Baby Sam also kins Oikawa and I ship Oikawa hardcore with Suga LMAO
Me. That's my wife <333
Okay but for realsies. I ship Idil with Bokuto Koutarou. Bokuto and Idil would be just... soft love. I see dancing in the rain, bathtub relaxation hours together and cuddling in bed. Idil knows that Bokuto is a busy man, and Bokuto knows he is a busy man. But that doesn't mean that they were gonna let the relationship go. Oh no. Those two will hold on like a cat with his claws on the couch. A really really soft, supportive and strong love.
I actually had a hard time with Ms. Zizi. See, I haven't interacted with her much. But, based on the interactions of hers that I see on my tl, I can see that she is very playful but also can be serious. Hence, why I say that she'd be amazing with Kuroo Tetsurou. Kuroo is playful and an overall gremlin, but he's very caring ang knows exactly when to be serious and how serious. He'll help her with anything he can help her with, but he also knows when no to because it's something Zizi needs to do for herself. Likewise, Zizi knows when to be cheery to make Kuroo smile, but also when to sit and talk to Kuroo about a delicate matter. They'd both ground each other, while matching the same playful energy.
anyways hehe. Gly. Lovely, sweet, Gly. She's very caring, but my god does she also enjoy chaos. Hence, I'm putting her with Hoshiumi Korai. We all know Hoshiumi is a little gremlin with a heart of gold. The way these two are together would be immaculate. They're chaos together, but even with all the chaos, they have time to look at the other to make sure they're okay. PLUSSS! Hoshiumi will always unconsciously be touching Gly, just to make sure that she's there. Gly would unconsciously make sure that Hoshiumi is in her peripheral vision too.
Ooooh Raya! Raya is so damn sweet and caring and uplifting. I love her sm. Hehehe anyway I ship her with Tsukishima Kei. The Tarot cards said so, and so did the zodiac signs. SKSKS Anyway! Yes, a really good match. Raya's got a really good head on her shoulders, but I see her watching all the chaos from the sidelines, much like Tsukishima. When they're together, they'd start the chaos and then sit back and eat popcorn as they watch the world burn.
Ate Laine? Some will definitely say Kita, because it's Ate Laine, but I say Hirugami Sachiro. Hirugami would be such a good man for Ate Laine. I imagine them sitting down in the living room, books spread out on the table. Just silence while studying, but every now and then, one of them would look up to look at the other, smile and then return back to what they were doing. Ate Laine makes sure that Hirugami takes breaks and Hirugami makes sure that Ate Laine isn't stressing so much. Just so cute honestly.
Ah, Adult Sam. Hmmm. Adult Sam is a whirlwind of chaos and sweet, sweet angst. I definitely see them with darling Yamaguchi Tadashi. I see them in bed, Sam on his laptop, and him just hugging them tight when something they were writing was choking them up. But, Sam is just overall an amazing person that they deserve someone so sweet and caring like Yamaguchi. Obvi, it is reciprocated, and I see such a sweet love in the works.
Oooh. Alice.
Melian and Matsukawa Issei would make a very interesting pairing. Both independent yet still co-dependent on each other. Melian knows how to calm Matsukawa after a tough day at work, and Matsukawa knows how to keep Melian from stressing. Matsukawa would also hype Melian up so much?? Like any outfit Melian wears, Matsukawa's right there telling them how good and amazing they look and how well they matched the outfit up. Honestly, just a very functional household and I love that.
oh oof Lavi. I want to say Meian but for reasons I cannot disclose, I won't say that for now. I will say though, that she will be so good with Dabi. Lavi has a few things she needs to work on, and Dabi is always there for her. Actually lbr, they both have issues to work on, but I feel like together, they'd overcome that. I feel like they'd?? Actually be so understanding of each other that it shocks and confuses others bc?? hello it's Dabi?? but yes, a really good match.
Me <3
Severus Snape. Ate Tes is chaotic. I'm sorry but her default in the server is chaos, especially with the bot around HAHAHAHA but anyway! Severus would be so good to ground Ate Tes, keep her from getting a little too chaotic BUT ALSO, he can help her when she's not taking care of herself. She also helpes him with his potions, and it makes the job easier on him. But of course, Severus is a slytherin, and most of the time he'd be the one inciting the chaos and we just don't know it. Anyway, Ate Tes is honestly so wonderful and I love her sm and she deserves someone to tame like the serious, bratty, angsty Severus Snape. <333
Nozel Silva. Nozel and Ate Sel. Oh gosh what a thought. Nozel is....arrogant, prideful, and he sees himself as someone more important than others. But, the man does know respect and he does care for people, especially Ate Sel. I have no doubts that Ate Sel can make that man kneel and follow her wishes, but I also know that Ate Sel would not let this man get away with his arrogance and pride. Nozel cares for her a lot. She's his partner, the carrier of the future of House Silva, and the only one that has caught his attention. He loves her, and that man would drop nearly everything for her.
Eris! Eribabe and Ojiro Aran. Idek why. But the vibes would be so immaculate. I see road trips and early morning dancing in the kitchen to an indie song one of them is hyperfixated on. I also see late night walks to the convenience store, holding hands and just silence? Basking in each other's prescence. Eris definitely steals Aran's sweaters to the point that Aran buys two of his sizes so he can interchange them. One to give to Eris when the one she took doesn't smell like him anymore. Love all over the place.
Mel. That's it.
Okay but also, I see Iwaizumi Hajime. I was thinking about Suna but the more I think back about the things I know about Ali and our interactions, I see Iwa. I feel like they'd understand each other so much. And the love isn't seen much, not because they don't love each other, but because it's something they need to say really. It's more shown in the touches and kisses and cuddling. They know that they love each each other, and that's enough for them.
Honestly I want to say Kuroo but.
Kozume Kenma. Gwennie works so hard and stresses so much. Her sleeping sched is unavailable lmao. Kenma would be so good for her because he knows how it is, to be stressed and not have an actual sleeping sched. I feel like they'd be good together. In all honesty, they'd probably take care of each other more than they would themselves but no one is complaining really.
I ship you with...
Azumane Asahi. Why? Because you remind me of Noya sometimes. Very energetic, a little bit of low moments and just a ball of sunshine in general. Asahi is perfect for you, Mija. He'd be able to just connect with her in ways others just don't understand. People would say that Asahi is too...soft? They'd say someone like Daicho or maybe Bokuto would be better for you, Mija, but really, he's perfect. Asahi and Gil. He balances her out in so many ways, even if no one else can see it.
Ushijima Wakatoshi. Really, the two of them are perfect. Stoic, quiet, can be chaotic. Very protective, even if the two deny it. Nia, you and Ushi are like...pillars? Support? Quiet, unmovable, but still, everyone knows you're both there, and you don't really leave people's minds. I see the two feeding off of each other's energy, especially when it comes to protecting others that they care about. (Looking at you, Lavi) I see hours where it's just her watching him playing in the background and he just looks at her, smiles, and then goes back to playing. It's really cute.
MAIA! HI! We haven't interacted much, I'm so sorry for that sweets. bUT BUT BUT!!!!
You're so sweet and caring and loving??? I really see you with Miya Atsumu! I see Tsumu bugging you to take a break and give him attention. BUT! I also see you?? Bugging him, telling him to get off the court or he's sleeping on the couch HAHAHA I feel like you two really just? Connect. Both playful, both caring, both are busy with their own things so there's not too much expectations that cannot be met for now. Idk I really see a love that's always there, no matter how busy they get.
I love Devon and their writing so much??? Omg. Yknow who would be amazing with them? Akaashi Keiji. Akaashi is very articulate and just overall book smart in my opinion, and I see that him and Devon would fit so well. He is Devon's personal beta reader HAHAHAH BUT!!!!! Devon also watches Akaashi edit and points out anything that he missed. I see days when they're just sitting there, talking softly to each other that the sound of typing was louder. But that's okay bc you both are content and happy and in love.
I just met you not even 24 hours ago hehehe HIIII
I will not lie.
I asked for help from Ate Sel HAHAHHAHA
But!!!! She says Ukai Keishin, and honestly I see it. The nsfw-rp channel is the reason why and I'm not saying more HAHAHAHA I see nights when it's Keishin and her just? Idk having fun and being kids bc lbr that man can be a kid sometimes. I also see them taking care of each other in unconventional ways, ways that would not be okay for others, but it's her love language with him. V v v domestic.
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Jeff- “Training Wheels”
As I said earlier, I headcanon Jeff as having some very severe traumatic relationship experiences, and so the reader comforts him and reassures him.
For those unaware “Training Wheels” by Melanie Martinez is about a man being scared of committing to a relationship while the woman is fully ready, and taking off your training wheels means you’re ready to commit.
Yes I cried while writing this. Because I wrote this also as a way to help me cope, it is inferred but not confirmed that the reader might also have had the same experiences.
CW for referenced past sexual abuse.
Jeff watched you intently, a deep fondness in his eyes as he watched you sway around the kitchen, scrubbing some stubborn dishes as you sang along to the music playing in the background. He leaned forward subconsciously, eyes sliding partly closed as he listened to your voice and enjoyed your presence.
"Love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do," You sang out, hips swaying as you scrubbed contently, "I wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you... I'll pull them off for you..." Your voice was strong but soft, and Jeff felt a deep emotion bubbling up within him.
"Would you pull off your training wheels for me?" He teasingly asked you as he watched you, and the smile you gave him when you turned your head had his breath catching in his throat.
"My training wheels have always been off for you." Your words were true and happy, but your smile faltered slightly as Jeff began to look increasingly nervous in front of you, looking as though tears were about to stream down his face.
"Well- I mean, I guess that's good to know, heheh..." He swallowed and averted his eyes, and you crept over to him, sitting next to him at the table. You left your hands out for him to grab if he chose, never forcing them to grasp his own, allowing his own comfort to come first.
"Jeff, is everything okay?" Your words were slow and calming, and he closed his eyes, swallowing again as tears finally broke free. He shook his head, face scrunching up in sadness.
"I just, I've never had someone that would have answered that question that way..." His voice wavered, and as he reached out to grasp onto your hands. You stroked across them calmly, and he shivered underneath your ministrations.
"Jeff, I have always been serious for you. I would never do anything that you weren't okay with, because I trust you, and I love you." Your last words had him shaking harder, tears increasingly falling freely down his face, now beginning to fall freely down your own.
"I wish I could go back in time and stop them from touching you, from hurting you- for violating you like that- I would do whatever I could for you, Jeff, and I'm sorry I can't." He shook his head and choked out a sob.
"Don't you dare apologize to me. Don't apologize for loving me, even if I don't understand why you do... I'm- I feel so disgusting in my skin, and I wish I could just get rid of this awful feeling but I can't." He wept out, and you raised one of your hands, hovering it near his face, and he leaned into it quickly, allowing you to card your fingers into his hair.
"I know how it feels, to feel disgusting in your own skin, like you can never be enough again," he sent you a look of sympathy as you cried out for him, "And I wish I could take away both of our feelings. I would give you the world if I could." You sniffled and gathered your breath before continuing.
"Jeff, nobody has ever made me feel as loved and complete as you have. Nobody has been so kind to me, so accepting of me, so loving. You are always there when I need you, always helping me through my issues, always there to make me laugh. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you. Do not ever think any less of yourself, because you are everything I need."
Your words had him breaking in front of you, and he shook as he sobbed out. You slowly stood and gestured your hands out to him, and he took them, rising after you as you escorted him to your bed, laying on it and welcoming him into your arms. He quickly moved to lay across you, head resting on your chest as he coiled his arms around you.
"I love you... I love you so fucking much, and I'm the one that wouldn't know where they were if they hadn't met you. If I didn't have you I might- I might not even be here." He sobbed against you, and you stroked your hands through his hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"Jeff, no matter what you think about yourself, I will always love you. I will always be here for you, when you need to be lifted back up, I'm here to be your ladder." He looked up at you, and pressed his lips to yours, enveloping you in a soft kiss, one that both of you used to resolve your tension and stress. When you separated, he buried himself back into you, and you looked down at him, stroking his hair again.
"Love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do," You sang out again, voice wavering from tears, "I wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you... I'll pull them off for you..." You sang to him, and he took a deep breath along with you.
"Love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do," You sang together, smiling through the tears, "I wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you... I'll pull them off for you..." The two of you finished. He called your name, and he smiled up at you, a few more tears slipping down his face.
"My training wheels are off for you too." A couple more tears left your eyes, and you pressed another kiss to his forehead. "Always have been."
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 years
*kicks in the goddamn door*
Tell us about your OC! 🤩
hehehe you're the best, i won't say too much but i doubt an origin story will be written anytime soon, and it isn't a spoiler so HERE WE GO!
okay, here are some doodles first off so you kinda know what she looks like:
Tumblr media
yea!!!! alex time!!! pronouns sorta change later on (mainly when she meets some other ocs and stops being annoyed with rouge) but since i'm in baby mode, we'll stick to she/her for now :")
ALEX!!! so, she's one of my first ever ocs from when i was in elementary school, and because i'm back in the fandom online i might as well bring her back too (since i suck at ocs and i still like her, so it's my best shot)
she's not exactly a ship-kid for espave, but they are a thing when alex meets espio... however it's not a typical relationship. i would also like to say it's 10 yrs from the canon ages btw in case my writing is illegible on the doodle page!
the chaotix are now a branch of and collaborate with G.U.N, so they have better funding, resources, etc... and espio has a little flat of his own for when he needs space and to be closer to the G.U.N work building (but the chaotix are still very much together and have a shared, homey-HQ! they still use the old agency as a clubhouse/fun space).
espio is on his way to G.U.N's office to pick something up for rouge, gets annoyed with the front lobby, and decides to sneak in through the back of the building and scale the wall up (he's REALLY not in a chatty mood). what does he find? some feisty kid-bird trying to mouth off to the security cops that are trying to handcuff her, but her hands are too small and very punchy!
she sees espio, they make eye contact, he gives her a weird nod, and turns invisible. alex is pretty damn pissed because what the FUCK was that, until someone whispers "don't freak out" and suddenly shit is being thrown and knocked over around the bend of the building. the cops run to investigate all the noise and espio is back looking pretty smug, until he goes into serious mode and asks her what's going on. she fesses that she was trying to get into the building to find this agent she saw online (rouge) and ask her to help with her case but got busted. espio says not to worry, shows her his ID, and says he'll handle this and to just not say anything when the cops come back.
cops come back, tell espio that they've got this, before he finally lets off some steam. "do you have any idea who you're dealing with? this is rouge's personal client, i was supposed to meet her back here and escort her to their consultation myself, but i'm a bit late. what seems to be the issue?" and he squabbles with them for a bit and eventually wins. all the "rouge never takes on clients she's the commander " vs "oh yeah? i can call her right now, they were going to brunch" etc
espio and alex head to the front and she doesn't really know what to say and starts to leave before he goes "where are you headed? i wasn't lying about brunch, or being a detective. is denny's fine?" and she trusts him so they go and eat, she explains that she ran away but got separated from her little sister bc of the shitty foster system, etc, and he's trying not to get flashbacks of when vector took in him, mighty, ray, and charmy.
espio says he'll work on her case as soon as he can, but that he has some other stuff to do today. he can't leave her unaccommodated though, so they'll sort that out later, but she's welcome to hang around for now. alex (somewhat hesitantly) glues herself to espio for the day and sits in his office quietly, just watching and pretending not to observe the chameleon as he works.
espio gets a little too focused, now it's really late, and he totally forgot to ask vanilla if he could drop alex off (if the chaotix ever have minors in a case she watches and takes care of them because she's certified and loves to do it, and is a natural too). he contemplates calling her but alex is like "no i dont want to be a bother, i can stay here!" and is suddenly very panicky and shy, and not cold, blunt, or assholey (she was never rude to espio for the record, but her default aura is "leave me the fuck alone")
he can't keep her in the office overnight and assures alex that it's fine, vanilla is used to this, but alex is like "can i just stay with you for now?" and espio is like 🧍 because. yeah he has a guest room (1+1 apartment goals) and it's not an issue, plus he's background checked etc... but like. he feels weird plucking a homeless, troubled child off the street and instantly letting her sleep in his apartment, because it makes him feel creepy. still, alex seems pretty damn trusting of him for some uncharacteristic reason so fine, just for this one night (lmao bet)
alex doesnt end up going to bed, she sits in front of espio's door and ultimately falls asleep there. he senses something and wakes up and finds her, feels like shit, puts her on the couch instead, and watches tv quietly while sitting on the floor so she actually calms down and stays asleep.
whoops! now alex is fucking attached and will literally not leave espio alone. sitting in front of the washroom door is as far as he's permitted, and that means more and more of the sonic casts meets her over time because this bird is LITERALLY NOT GOING ANYWHERE.
alex hates sonic and vector and is particularly untrusting of anyone with the same charisma, opting to crush espio's arm and stand her ground, glaring at them. whelp! she finds shadow really cool, considers storm and jet weird cousin-uncles, thinks charmy fun but annoying, is wary of silver, but LOVES knuckles. a lot. because he punches stuff too and has a shiny thing (the master emerald) so he is instantly idolized and uncle-fied.
ok, so where does wave come in? well, wave is somewhat of the elephant in the room, because she does not like/want kids, and alex is basically the spitting image/character of wave (but if you gave her young espio's hotheadedness and knuckles' punching, plus other stuff.) no one even likes commenting on whatever the hell espio and wave have going on, it's a taboo topic, nevermind alex's relationship with her!
whenever alex meets a sonic character, glued to espio as always, everyone internally comments "oh wow, is she wave's kid?" and even though no one dares to say it, espio's calm-yet-pissed expression says it all: dont even fucking think about saying that, no one wants to hear you say it and i'll kill you dead if you try.
espio carefully introduces alex to wave (quite early on) and they're... really fuckin good together. alex is excited but scared to show it, and pretends to not get attached or instantly grasp onto wave, who is just as excited, but doesn't want to set alex's expectations too high and disappoint or hurt the kid (who clearly has severe attachment/abandonment issues). they'll go shopping, spend weekends together, work on projects, go skating, hit the weight room, etc... and it's cute. a weird mix of sisterly, auntly, and motherly in a found-family way.
i guess i just want to end by clarifying that alex isn't their daughter, or sibling, or any sort of label beyond found family! she's way too close in age with espio to be a daughter (13 years apart because alex has a late birthday and messed up her age by a year, but i still consider her that one year younger because the poor bird is traumatized, give her some wiggle room!)
espio is just her guardian and wave handles all the feminine and bird stuff, because espio doesn't know jack shit about styling feathers or how female clothing sizes work (no one does tbh) and bless his soul he needs to fucking SLEEP!
ok, this was long. i have lots more to say but yeah this is alex! she's fun and angry and not exactly purple (violetish, i'll colour her sometime) but she can still get along with my purple bisexuals :")
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holycow99 · 3 years
石田お寿司 12/9/21 stream translation Part 9
This is not the full translation of the stream. I only translated the parts I could understand & interpret or parts I found interesting/important. I’m still a beginner in Japanese, so the translations may not be accurate. If you want to repost, please repost at your own risk.
(t/n: ** means translation may not be accurate.)
I: How are the contents on Sushi’s channel? What should I do on my channel? I thought I wanted to just do as I please with this channel, but are there any contents I can do? I don’t mean I wanna do things to expand my subscribers or do projects (eg. 30,000 commemoration project) for my channel. Rather, is there anything interesting thing for me to do? Don’t youtubers always narrow down the type of contents they make in their channel? Some create sub channels. It’ll be suffocating for me if I do that, so I’ll create any kind of contents that I want. If you guys have any requests, I don’t mind doing it If I feel like it. If don’t wanna do it, I won’t. I think Q&A is a good idea. We’re going back to this topic. Everyone does Q&A, it can fill in the time as well. Ishida Sushi’s special life consultation feat. people die eventually. Something like ‘Special Life Consultation: People Die Eventually.” Hehehe. Something like that. A despair episode. But then, I’d look despair. But trouble consultation is quite heavy. If I received very serious questions then, I’ve no choice but to reject them. I want to answer as many questions as I can, but that kind of question is a bit…I don’t want people to take my words seriously regarding life and death. I don’t wanna be responsible for their lives.
*Someone commented that it’s better to put question box on insta story.
I: Really? They do that there? I see.
*Someone commented the title for the Q&A that Ishida had said and he pinned it.
Ishida Sushi’s life consultation: People die eventually.
I: The title is gonna be something like this. But then, there’ll only be questions related to this kind of stuffs. For example, suicide-related questions. “Don’t do it!” would be the only I answer I could give.
C: Everyone would look despair.
I: You’re right.
*Someone commented that Takahashi Kunimitsu did Q&A on instalive.
I: Seriously?! I wanted to see that! He received 100+ questions? Seems very tiring. I should not do it then. Seriously? Kunimitsu did something like that? I seriously wanted to see it. What kind of answers did he give? I seriously wanna see it! But it won’t be there anymore. Eh, really?! I wanted to see. What did he answer?
C: There’s a part of the live in insta highlight.
I: Really? How to see it? Tell me. I wanna see 2x.
C: He answered my question.
I: I see…
I: That’s nice. I want to consult him. I’d ask something like “People die eventually. What should I do about it?” He’d probably answer something like “Well, just live!” with a small laugh.
*Someone commented you can view the highlight on insta profile.
I: Insta profile! I see 2x. Can I take a look at it for a bit?
*Searching for Takahashi Kunimitsu’s insta.
C: Your keyboard sounds very nice. I also bought mechanical keyboard! (t/n: The comment was in eng.)
I: Yeah! It’s Elecom keyboard! It sounds nice! (t/n: He said this in eng.) I only use fixed keyboard buttons. The keyboard’s fn button is the one I definitely use. I made it fit my thumb. That’s the easiest way for me to use it.
*Someone commented about the adult website comment.
I: It’s here again? Yeah, it is! Thank you. Just let it pass by.
*Going back to searching for Mr. Takahashi’s insta.
C: Sensei, what to do when you’re so depressed?
I: That kind of thing happens. You can’t do anything about it. You can only struggle with it.
C: What made you start Choujin x? (t/n: this comment was in eng.)
*Ishida had trouble understanding the question.
I: Why did I start Choujin X? Is that what they meant?
*Ppl in the comment found Mr. Takahashi so easily.
I: Everyone is very good at searching. You guys searched it on insta? Really? It’s not a different person? I’ve been looking since forever.
*Looking through Osterreich’s insta.
I: How can I go to his insta?! I don’t know how to use insta! Damn!
*Finally found his account through google.
I: Is this it? Seems like it. It’s the real one! “I’m dead.” So dark! What is highlight? Is it this round thingy?
*Looking through Mr. Takahashi’s insta highlight.
I: Is it in writing? I thought he would talk in it. Is this the question box thingy in insta?
*Ishida reading Mr.Takahashi’s Q&A.
I: Let me read this for you guys. Haha. What a bad personality I have. “Have you ever felt loneliness? If you had, how do you deal with it?” “I have loneliness and I do feel lonely, but I don’t necessarily hate it. Being alone is very easy. If I’m in a very hard time, then I’ll call my friends.” So, he doesn’t hate that feeling. Since being alone is easy, he doesn’t hate it. I see. That’s a good answer.
*Someone commented that Mr.Takahashi talked about him.
I: He talked about me? What if he said awful things about me?
I: Ah, he skyped me today. I didn’t realise it. I just realise it now.  Wait, I’m gonna look through his insta.
*Keep reading the Q&A.
I: How about I show this to everyone? Hahaha. He must doesn’t like this! Can I? Hahaha. Wait a min. I’m gonna do the worst thing ever. This is not the worst thing ever. It’s fine. This is made public, after all. If I can’t, then…Wait a min.
I: Alright, I’m gonna expose it. He did this in insta so that people could see it, didn’t he? What do you guys think? Do you think this is awful?
*Everyone commented that it’s okay.
C: It’s not awful, I don’t know if it’s okay to show in on screen.
I: That’s right.
I: Just reading is enough, I guess.
*Keep reading stuff about his friend.
I: Is there anything interesting?
I: “I always watch Ishida sensei’s stream with you in it. I would like to hear you converse with him again.” Is this the one you’re talking about? “It was a good timing at that time. I don’t know whether there’ll be another one. We do hang out in our private time, so maybe there’ll be one.” He’s expecting another. I see.
*Still reading.
I: Alright, let’s do this! Ishida Sushi’s simultaneous worldwide stream. I’m only energetic the day after I finish my manuscript. Only currently. A melancholic day will begin tomorrow.
C: Did you have any recommendations from the movies you’ve watch recently?
I: The one I didn’t watch before, but thought it was fun after I’ve seen it is Truman Show. I think it’s quite an old movie. I think everyone who watches this will find it entertaining. It’s starring Jim Carrey. I remember he went into depression. Has he gotten out of it yet? Jima Carrey is a good actor, right?
*He’s talking about the ending with a fan that’s watched the movie.
I: Everyone, please watch it. The ending is good, isn’t it?
C: Do you watch western movies subbed or dubbed?
I: I watch them dubbed when I’m working so that I won’t have to look at the sub.  When I want to watch it leisurely, then subbed.
*Someone commented about eternal sunshine.
I: I’ve never seen that. I’ll memo it.
*Someone asked about shutter island.
I: I’ve watched that movie. (t/n: He’s giving spoiler, so I didn’t translate further.)
*Someone commented about Charlie’s angels.
I: I don’t watch it. I may have different view on shutter island if I watch in the present days. I was young at that time. I knew the ending so I watched the movie without enjoying it.** There are other highlights beside that, such as Leo’s acting. If we’re talking about Leo, I probably like Catch me if you can the most. I’ve only watched his movies when he’s already an old man. I’ve never even watched Titanic. I’ve only watched the older version of him, like Great Gatsby. I’ve never watched Inception, by the way. I’m thinking of watching it. I only know older Leo. Catch me if you can is a good movie, isn’t it? I’ve read the autobiography. When I read it, I found it to be questionable. I thought it was a fraudulent document. I kinda thought it was a forged document disguised as an autobiography.
*Someone asked about Harry Potter.
I: I’ve watched all of them. They are great, aren’t they? Harry Potter is a famous fantasy-genre masterpiece.
*Someone asked about Ocean Series.
I: I haven’t watched them, but I’m thinking of it. I’m gonna watch anything anyway.
I: People overseas have started joining the stream. As expected from a simultaneous worldwide stream.
C: Do you know SPEC? (t/n: SPEC is a Japanese drama.)
I: Yeah, I do know it.
C: Sirius Black is cool.
I: I don’t remember much about Sirius Black. Even though he played a central role in the story, I basically only remember Professor Snape. I hated Harry’s father to the max. He’s an unpleasant guy. That applies to Harry as well. He’s the kind of person who laughs at people’s failure. But the actor who played Sirius Black, Gary Oldman is cool. And then, I like Malfoy too. Malfoy’s a good character. Though he became a minor character towards the end. I can truly sympathise with him. I like his father too.
*Someone commented about Harry Potter’s Book ver. of Harry.
I: I see. So the Harry in the book is different. That happens.
*Someone commented about Narnia.
I: Oh yeah, there’s Narnia’s movie.
*Someone commented Professor McGonogall.
I: Professor McGonogall. What a name.
C: What manga did you read recently?
I: What was the title again? What manga did I read? But then, I watch movies and read books more than reading manga nowadays. I read the magazine issues as well. I used to be obsessed with Oshimi sensei’s Chi no Wadachi back then. Superior magazine has interesting stories.
*Someone commented Rod was in the chat.
I: Have a nice day. Oh, Rod is here? Hi Rod. Rod is here? Oh, he’s here. Hi Rod. Have a nice day.
*Someone commented that Rod has Saiko’s icon.
I: Oh, Rod has Saiko as his icon. I see. He’s said that before? Sorry. It’s hard for me to catch what he wrote because it’s in eng.
Rod: I will, you too.
I: I will. Oh, it’s true. The icon is Saiko. Did he draw that himself? Did you draw it? It’s a nice icon. I want to include Rod in my manga. Hahaha. I’ll make him an old passer-by in Choujin X.
Rod: Hi everyone.
I: Hahaha. What is this guy? Hahaha. Ultimately, what is he? I can explain him to everyone, but what is he actually? Basically, he’s someone who has been tweeting ‘Have a nice day’ to me for around 5 years. That’s Rod. He’s perhaps a Brazilian. If something happens to him, I wish he’d contact me. If he’s gone, it’ll be too sad. I’ll only offer my prayer to him if that happens. Take care of your health. Be careful of your health.
S******: If the tweets stopped, then something like that must’ve happened.
I: If the tweet didn’t come, I’d be wondering where he is. Then, I’d wait for his tweets for a bit. I tried tweeting him ‘Have a nice day’, but he didn’t reply back. Rod disappeared for like a year and a half. He probably had some mental health problem. He stopped tweeting to me, and then he came back a year after. I thought maybe he’s a bit down. It’s too heart breaking. Don’t you think so? He’s like an overseas friend to me. A pen pal. We’re connected in that way. I totally prefer Rod than Goubaru. (t/n: Their interaction is so wholesome.)
I: There’s a time when I couldn’t contact Goubaru. Everyone (probably the staffs) and I had promised to meet and hang out. We couldn’t reach Goubaru at all. I thought he’s already dead. Since he’s fat, he has a lot of health risks. I thought he might be dead. I thought that it’s unavoidable at that time. I was like “he’s gonna die? I see.” Well, you’ll die when it’s time.
*Someone commented that it’s good Goubaru’s still alive.
I: He’s alive but his some sort of a friend went to see him. There was a response when he rang the bell. That’s how we knew Goubaru’s alive. I seriously thought he’s dead. I thought that it couldn’t be helped because he looked like he’s dying. The rest of us was already gathered at the hang out place. We wondered what should we do. If we went to see him and found his dead body, we had to call the police. We already sent one person, but we wondered if we should send another one. The person who went to see him was a reliable one though. I thought we need to think about the people who already gathered. It’s not nice to just dismiss them, so we played games and had a good time. It was something like that. It has nothing to whether I like Goubaru or not. I was like “what should we do?” I was really scared. I thought he really might be dead.
Part 10
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