mercurygray · 1 year
I'm grateful for getting the last bottle of RIT sage green dye today. Somewhere between tying shirts, bringing them home, dying them, washing them, drying them, and bringing them back to school, I LOST one shirt... Matthew's... and I can't find it! So I drove ran around this afternoon to find the last bottle of dye! And I'm doing a shirt for myself, so if it's a little different from the other batch, at least he and I will match.
I am SUPER GRATEFUL the universe got you what you needed today!! That sounds really stressful, but I'm sure your students will love their shirts. What a fun end of school project!
[Leave a message in my inbox with some appreciation for another user on this site or something you’re grateful for today and I’ll post it.]
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curiositysavesthecat · 2 months
*this poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. if you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post)
**edit: admin had no idea they were brothers. never played or watched Mario
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aimeedaisies · 4 months
Court Circular | 3rd February 2024
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal, Patron, Scottish Rugby Union, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, this afternoon attended the International Rugby Match between Wales and Scotland at Principality Stadium, Westgate Street, Cardiff, and was received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of South Glamorgan (Mrs Morfudd Meredith).
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pleasuremehere · 1 month
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mytearsrichochet18 · 6 days
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geraldofallon · 7 months
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Romance in the Neath: Captivating Princess
Can an artist capture even a fraction of her radiance?
“People will cry when I pass by,” she informs you, “You will become used to it.”
She is mesmerising.
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pourablecat · 1 year
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Young Havelock is taller than his aunt only if he's on tiptoes.
I had so many more ideas for Night Watch Princess Maker, so I tried for something in the style of the sprites from the original - I'm learning as I go; so don't judge. My pixel art skills may evolve drastically, or I might forget everything I already know.
Madam gets a cool hat (with plumes, gasp), naturally, and a muff. Alternate designs I'm considering include Madam in lilac and white (instead of black), Madam with a ridiculous tall hairdo that grows five pixels every time she appears, until it's taller than her and covered in fruit and model ships etc., and flapper Madam. Gosh, I love her! I also drew her with a cat, but the colors are all wrong.
In all his early appearances/cameos Vetinari's face will always be partially covered despite the fact that pixel sprite faces all look the same. So it's face in shadows/hair blowing into face/view from the back, etc. etc. Drawing him in non-blacks felt somewhat wrong. Maybe it's the shade of green. I should change it.
For credit, the pose designs both come from Olive in the dancing contest in Princess Maker 2 - although Vetinari's hair blowing in his face came from Katana Terror. Next I'm making some sprites for Rosie, Dr. Lawn, young Vimes and young Sybil!
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hi mr. ryomen! how're you doing? hope you've had a productive day xx nice to finally meet you, handsome <3 I'm 23 and a Sagittarius :D
- princess <3
Well hello, Princess. It’s nice to meet you too. I’m doing well, been a bit caught up with life recently so I haven’t been around as much lately. But yes, my day has been relatively productive.
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spirit-lanterns · 26 days
I’m genuinely stalking ur posts for Perv Robin..
(please feed me more, I’m getting hungry:(
Wow, you guys really like Pervert! Robin, huh? 😅
Don’t worry, I like her too! I like to imagine that Robin has a lot of secret incognito tabs on her phone that are just open to PornHub 24/7. Sometimes when she’s on her breaks in the middle of rehearsals, she’ll hole herself up in her private room and watch them with such an intense, lustful focus that she doesn’t notice you creeping up behind her…
Then, when the people in the PH video are about to orgasm, you grab Robin’s phone out of her hands and cause her to squeak while panicking, whipping her head around faster than the speed of light because she didn’t expect her girlfriend to catch her.
Reader, reading off the title of the video: Halovian dommy mommy eats out pillow princess? Didn’t know you were into that Robin…
Robin: *squawking and covering her face with her wings*
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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The Box.
my masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here!
authors note - don’t ask me what this is because my brain has some weird ideas and has the weirdest inspiration.
word count - 1.5k
in which, your husband is ready to go on stage for fifteen out of fifteen nights at the kia forum, and the crew team come up with a way for him to get to the stage unnoticed, but his three year old daughter wants to get involved as-well.
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Tonight was one of the shows that your husband had to postpone due to the flu. It was his fifteenth out of fifteen shows at the Kia Forum and this time, he was determined to fulfil all of his fans' dreams of seeing him.
Whether it was the first, second, third or tenth time. He always wanted to make them happy.
You stand backstage in the bustling atmosphere of the Los Angeles venue, excitement coursing through your veins as you hold your three-year-old daughter, Amelia, in your arms.
The tour crew rushes around, ensuring everything is in place for the show. Your husband stands nearby in his eccentric yet stunning outfit - silver trousers, a pink open jacket adorned with silver tassels on the shoulder pads, and a pair of pink Adidas Gazelles on his feet. He looks every bit the rockstar he is, and you can't help but smile proudly.
"Mommy, is Daddy going to sing for the people?" Amelia asks, her big curious eyes fixed on her father.
"Yes, sweetheart," you reply with a soft grin, nuzzling your cheek into her brunette curls. "Daddy is about to go on stage and sing his songs for all the fans."
"Wow!" Amelia gasps in awe.
Her gasp of awe alerted her father, who instantly made his way over to the two of you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, and hugged the two of you close to him, the feeling of his rings cool against your skin.
"Hey, m’loves," Harry greets, planting a gentle kiss on Amelia's forehead. "Are y’excited t’see Daddy perform?"
Amelia nods enthusiastically, hugging her small arms around his neck. "I love you, Daddy!"
"I love you too, princess," Harry nods, his eyes full of adoration as he holds his little girl close.
Your cute family moment is soon interrupted by the backstage door opening up and seeing the familiar bald head of the backstage crew manager, Steve.
He enters the room, looking a bit flustered. "Harry, it's almost time. You need to make your way towards the stage."
You and Amelia follow Harry and the tour crew to where the entrance to the stage is. The area is buzzing with excitement, and you can hear the cheers of the fans beyond the backstage barriers. Harry glances back at you, his eyes slightly apprehensive about the upcoming task of walking outside in the midst of the eager crowd.
Steve, the crew member, approaches with a couple of other guys and a sly grin on his face. "Don't worry, Harry. We've got a plan to get you through the fans incognito."
Harry raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh, really? What's the plan?"
"We're going to wheel you in this," Steve tells him , pointing to a large black box labelled 'Soft Goods.' "It's going to be like transporting a precious piece of equipment."
Amelia's eyes widen with curiosity as she looks at the box. "Daddy, are you going to hide in there?"
Harry chuckles and kneels down to her level. "Yes, princess. Daddy's going t’hide in here so that he can sneak past the fans without them noticing."
Amelia giggles, finding the idea amusing. "That's silly, Daddy!"
"It might be silly, but it'll work," you chime in, giving your husband of five years an encouraging smile. "It's a creative way to keep a low profile and ensure you get to the stage safely."
Harry glances at the box and then back at you. "I don't know, it seems a bit risky."
Steve interjects, "Trust me, Harry, it'll be fine. We've done this before, and it's worked like a charm. Besides, it's all part of the fun and excitement."
Harry looks at Amelia, who gives him an excited nod, and he finally relents. "Alright, let's do it."
As the crew prepares to put Harry inside the box, Amelia suddenly squirms in your arms, her little face contorting with determination. "Mommy, put me down! I wanna go with Daddy!"
You lower her down gently, and she runs straight over to her father, her tiny arms reaching out for the box. "Daddy, I wanna go in with you!"
Harry looks down at her, his eyes full of love and understanding. "Oh, sweetheart, I know y’want to be with me, but it's not safe f’y’t’be in there. Y’have t’stay with mommy and watch from outside, okay?"
Amelia's bottom lip quivers, and tears start streaming down her cheeks. "But Daddy, I don't want you to be scared by yourself!"
Harry crouches down to her level, trying to comfort her. "I won't be scared, love. I promise I'll be fine. It's just a little adventure I have t’take t’get t’the stage."
"I don't care! I wanna be with you!" Amelia sobs, her little heart breaking at the thought of being separated from her father.
You step closer, placing a hand on Amelia's back. "Sweetie, it's important for Daddy to do this on his own. But he's going to be back before you know it, and then we can all be together again."
Amelia turns to look at you, her tearful eyes pleading. "Mommy, can't I just go in for a little while?"
"I'm sorry, love, but it's not safe," you reply gently, trying to soothe her.
Harry gives you a reassuring nod before addressing his little mini-me. "Y’know what, princess? Next time I have t’go in the box, y’can come with me, okay? We'll have a secret adventure together."
Amelia's tears begin to subside, and she looks at Harry with hope in her eyes. "Really, Daddy?"
"Really," Harry affirms with a smile, wiping away her tears. "But f’now, y’have t’stay with mommy, alright? She'll take good care of you."
Amelia reluctantly nods, but her little arms are still reaching out for her father. "Okay, Daddy. But hurry back!"
"I will, I promise," Harry assures her, giving her one last hug.
He looks over Amelia's shoulder to where you're standing and gestures for you to come forward. You step closer, and he leans in, giving you a peck on the lips. "I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too," you reply, feeling the warmth of his love even in this brief moment.
You pick Amelia up, but she still tries to reach out for her father. "I don't want you to go, Daddy!"
"I have to, princess," Harry says softly. "But I'll be back soon, and we'll have the best time together."
As Harry crawls inside the box, the crew members gently close the lid, and you can hear Amelia's cries getting louder. Harry's muffled voice calls out from inside, "I love you, Amelia! Be good for mommy!"
Amelia's tears continue to flow as she clings tightly to you, watching the box with a mix of worry and anticipation. "I want Daddy to come back!"
"He will, sweetheart," you reassure her, holding her close. "He'll be back before you know it, and he'll be so happy to see you again."
With the plan in place, the crew members start wheeling the box towards the stage entrance, and you and Amelia follow closely behind. As you step outside, the cheers and excitement from the fans grow even louder.
Amelia tugs at your hand, looking up at you with wide eyes. "Mommy, where's Daddy?"
"He's right in there, sweetheart," you say, pointing to the box. "He's having a little adventure, and we'll see him on the stage very soon."
The crew members skillfully navigate through the crowd, Some fans do glance at the box with curiosity, but the clever disguise seems to work like magic, and nobody questions it further.
"Look, Mommy! It's the stage!" Amelia exclaims, pointing ahead.
You smile as you approach the stage entrance, where Harry will soon emerge. The crew members position the box strategically, right next to the stage lift that your husband and baby daddy will soon be stood on, ready to be elevated onto the stage, and you can feel the anticipation building in the air.
A few moments later, the box is opened,and from where your stood slightly down the hallway, Amelia’s head rested on your shoulder, and stood out of the way so you don’t get in the way of everything that’s going on, the two of you watch as Harry pops out, laughing as he dusts himself off.
"That was quite the ride!"
The crew members congratulate him on a successful journey, and Harry gives them a playful salute. "Thanks, guys. That was surprisingly fun."
Amelia squirms in your arms for the second time in the last ten minutes and instantly rushes towards him, hugging his legs tightly. "Daddy, you made it!"
"I sure did, princess," Harry grins, lifting her into his arms as well as he can given the limited space, pressing a kiss to her curls before lowering her back down.
He walks Amelia back over to you and presses one last kiss to your lips before making his way over to the stage lift, As the crowd roars in anticipation, your husband takes a deep breath, ready to step onto the stage and deliver another unforgettable performance. You stand behind him, holding Amelia's hand, and together, you watch him shine as he brings joy to the thousands of fans cheering his name.
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official-fedex · 3 months
ATTENTION CORPO BLOGS. I need everyone pronouns for my fic so like just reblog with your pronouns please
@totally-bing @totally-official-yahoo @totally-microsoft @the-true-internet-explore @the-tumblur-searchbar @the-real-google @subway-offical @speedway-official-unofficial @realsafari @official-fedex @samsung-music-official @nasa-real @yahoo-official @waffle-house-unofficial @the-official-apple @im-pandora-i-promise @the-tumblur-searchbar @us-costco-official @america-runs-on-dunkin @burger-king-unofficial @burgerking-official @yandex-search-fr @duothelingo @tim-hortans-official @indisputably-ihop @definitely-wikipedia @the-one-and-only-duckduckgo @firefox-official @youtube-music @totally-geico @actually-amazon @whataburger-unofficial @definitely-tor-browser-official @yahooo-official @undeniably-chevron @jack-in-the-box-official @bingle-official @walmart-the-official @disney-the-official @totally-mcdonalds @costa-official @asda-real
@totally-real-quotev-promise @the-real-twitter-bird @real-target @x-official @centers-for-disease-control @the-real-honda @bonafide-browser-brave @totally-germany @true-opera-gx@operagxreal @amazon-officialblog @the-mcdonalds @barnes-and-noble-official @official-the-united-states @russia-totallyofficial @scotland-forever @totally-france @officialtheunitedkingdom @genuinely-germany @claires-unofficial @real-firefox @real-vivaldi-browser @chick-fil-a-unofficial @the-actual-real-android @the-real-ups @applebees-honestly @pub-subs-forever @big-mayo-official @fr-winn-dixie @i-swear-im-nokia @tgi-thursdays @def-bjs-guys @sony-official @the-mcdonalds @mcdonalds @totallyinnout @speedron @firehouse-subs-fr @unofficial-ihop @mcgeese @unofficial-copilot @asda-real @clippy-unofficial @costa-official @definitely-quicktrip @definitely-spencers-gifts @im-the-real-roblox-i-swear @incognito-mode-official @its-target-official @jollibee-real @kfcfingerlickingood @krita-the-artprogram @not-really-discord @officially-ikea @pinterest-real @real-sephora @the-official-princess-club @the-real-honda @acually-history
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mav3nrick · 2 years
Let’s burn the world down together | Namor X NonHuman!Reader
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                           Namor the Submariner x nonhuman!Reader
Context : Talokan and Wakanda are on the edge of waging a war on. They are not the only hidden realms ( before Wakanda reveals itself to the world). Your realm has been hidden as well, scattered across the world. Centuries ago, the most powerful nations decimated your kind, only for you and your people to hide underground. Your people grew tired of hiding, angry for revenge. Maybe, the sake of the princess will gladly lead you to join the war. Will your hunger for revenge be stronger than one of the most powerful forces this world has borne ?
Counts : 5 444 words
Warning : Black Panther 2 spoilers, self-hatred, overthinking, smut, soulmates, english isn’t my mother tongue, so there must have some syntaxes or spelling mistakes i apologize for it,,
Your people are quite some sort of spies. You were always hiding from the surface world as you called them. They took you everything : your lands, your home, your trees, your ressources, your everything. For centuries you have lived underground waiting for the moment you will reveal yourself again. For centuries, the surface world has believed your people were only legends but now with all these superheroes crossing the whole world and coming from the universe, things dramatically changed. Your time has come.
Night visions to see through your realm galleries and pointed ears to hear far away. Your people might be one of the fiercest Mother Nature has borne. You were nightmares on your own. Dangerous fighters you were. You were fearsome of your own. Pretty lullabies about your kind when you could kill for fun, only to see the humans suffer as you have suffered for centuries.
Your people’s name has been rumored all over the world in fantasy books. But one must know you were real. This is mostly one of the reasons she came to you. You thought you had been careful when you came to the surface world but unfortunately for you, she had found you too easily for your people’s sake. You only can be mad at yourself for that terrible mistake. You should be more precocious. You have always known that. Your head advisor would remind you that everyone knew this kind of mistake would have happened and you’d have just rolled your piercing eyes again and again. You had heard those words too much for your own good. You were reckless and couldn’t care less. No one could stop you when you had a goal to score. This thought mostly made you smirking.
Your new goal was to discover more lands than you had done in the last five centuries. This is why you were on that aircraft. This thing from hell made you quite sick. Well, this was your first time and your pride self couldn’t allow anyone to notice it. To be honest, your friends knew what was going on and you could see her face being crossed by that mocking smile. They were holding their laughs. You were about to break the bench as your hands held it too strongly for its own good. Your eyes were sending gentle dead threats to your friends. You hated that fucking plane.
“ We have arrived, Princess. “
You hear the pilot talking to one of your friends. Shuri seemed relieved to finally land on her motherland soil. Your eyes were shocked by the magnificentness of the place. Stars crossing your sage green eyes. This was way beyond what you could ever have imagined. It is far away from the old and dirty galleries you lived in. You knew some of this world's inventions when you walked incognito on the surface world. You had already come into these places they called libraries. You read books about everything that could be useful for your people to know. It was mostly about weapons, technologies and wars. This is what your people live now. Even if you were hiding for centuries, waiting for your time to come. You had never been at peace since that day. You may have barely known your former realm but from what the elders say it was beyond everything the world has seen. Golden trees, magic in its purest form living through every being, harmony and peace all over your realm until the humans’ population grew too much. They were your enemies the moment they crossed your realm’s borders. War destroyed everything as it has happened in Wakanda.
Shuri had explained to you the whole situation with that Namor guy. You were on her side as she came to reach you first. To be true to yourself, you understood Namor’s point of view about the surface world. No doubt you would burn the world down too. Will you let someone else take your biggest dream or will you join him ? No one knows. You wanted to know what she wants from you. It is certain she didn’t know everything about you and your people. The curse people. From magnificent elves to dark elves you fall deep down into obscurity. Literally and figuratively. It was funny to you to see the pure princess coming for darkness to invade her darkening heart. You knew you were drawn to her. You knew you could do something incredible with her. You had waited too long to use the entirety of your power.
“ We don’t have enough time. Riri, this is [ Y/N ]. The one I told you about. “
Shuri introduced you to a younger black woman. Your head moved to greet her. No word leaving your mouth. You had never been a great talker.
“ So she’s the one they want ?  “
You asked, finally breaking your own silence. Riri seems to be happy that you know about her work. To be true, you had heard about her machine being able to find vibranium. As awful as it could sound, you were glad that the surface world had all their eyes focused on vibranium rather than one of your people’s precious metals. Galleries are maybe a good opportunity to lose your enemies and to hide but the moment they will surround your realm, you will be dead. Your people may be one of the fiercest fighters, you could not win over enemies that know all of your hidden doors. You would be doomed.
“ Apparently, yes I am “
The genius inventor said, embarrassed by the whole situation she pulled Wakanda in. She may have the best intentions in the world, she needs to be more careful. You scoffed at this thought that reminds you of someone you knew the most : yourself.
“ When are we going to fight ? “
You asked eager to cross your swords with Talokan’s weapons. You had heard they were one of the most powerful weapons. The ones you couldn’t break. It would be lies to say you didn’t want to try them.
“ We are going to attack first. This way we will have the advantage. We will be in the middle of the ocean. He would not touch Wakanda again. “
Shuri spoke like the true queen she was. She had taken the throne days ago after Namor killed her mother. It wasn’t her who told you this but one of her spies. Nakia if you remembered her name well and your memory was really good. You could remember almost everything from your long life. This was your salvation but mostly your curse. As said, everyone gathered to go to this war. Each soldier from each tribe walks to the battleship. And now, set sail. May the show begin.
While the fight was occurring on the ship, you helped Shuri to capture the Feathered Serpent God. She didn’t need any help at that point. Her hatred for the man who had killed her mother took control over her body. The winged man was trying to destroy the aircraft he was imprisoned in. She made him mad as hell. So did he. Another smile crossed your face as you watched the two of them. Maybe you just should stay to watch them fighting. It was a delicious spectacle to watch.
What you couldn’t say was that your eyes were only watching the submariner man. He had piqued your curiosity. Something in you wanted to know much more about him. He must have feel the weight of your eyesight on him as he was now watching you. His eyes were full of anger but you seemed to have caught him off guard. A smirk on your face, you were enjoying this. 
As things went worse on the ship and mostly because you did nothing useful on the aircraft, Shuri asked you to go back on the said ship. Her voice was full of anger. Your darkness enjoyed it a bit too much. You said nothing but agreed and went there. You didn’t like what was going on but you couldn’t say anything. Your powers only grew stronger each time you were close to all of these people who let their hatred and rage took over their bodies. War has always been something you fed from. It was your little secret. 
As you land on the infamous ship, the aircraft flies to the closest continent. Talokan fought really hard. So does Wakanda. You wish your people could be part of it. Things would have been way too easy.
Soon enough, the fight was over. Namor submitted it to Shuri. Talokan lost. Wakanda wins. Both returning to their lands, healing their soldiers and rebuilding their towns. Celebrating for some, plotting for the others. You were quite frustrated. You thought Shuri would fall deeper into darkness but her will and morality were too strong for you to win. Maybe it was better this way than the other. You have to be realistic. If it wasn’t her, then you would find someone else. You already knew who this person would be.
After some goodbyes to your new friends, wishing them the best, you left Wakanda for another secret place. Only if they knew, they wouldn’t be so happy and eager to meet you again. You could feel Okoye’s suspicious look on your back. The one you had felt during your journey with them.
You follow Nakia’s indications about the cave’s location. You had overheard her when she was explaining to Okoye where she found the princess, now queen of Wakanda. Due to this, you were now at the edge of a very small village on the Yucatan peninsula between the forest and the sea. In no time, you had found the infamous cave. You weren’t a quite good swimmer. You
“ The Moon will always respond to the Ocean’s call. You know this more than anyone else. ”
You said to the Ocean King, in your dark military outfits while he was in his golden ornaments robe. Only the moonlight that crossed the cave’s walls was reflecting through your elvish gold sword. She never left you on any occasion. She was the last thing you had from your past civilization.
“ You were on Wakanda's side. And now you are here before me, trying to get an alliance. “
The mutant responded, with wrath controlling his voice tone. His jaw was tense. You were quite amused by this even if you really deserved it. Your eyes couldn’t leave the man’s face. There was something mesmerizing about him. Something appealing. Something you couldn’t resist.
“ Maybe if you had come first, I'd be by your side now. “
You confessed nonchalantly. You had always been attracted by the most interesting offers people can propose to you. Your allies' choices were never fixed exceptionally in this kind of situation where both reasons were to listen and discuss. Listening to people’s darkness made you choose your camp. His politics were relatable to you. You could do the same things for your own people.
“ What do you want from my people ? You came here without us inviting you. “ “ I mean have overheard your location, sorry not sorry. You already hated the surface people too much. So do I. “
You cut him off. A playful smirk was seen above your face making his face tensing up. You could see a tint of curiosity crossing his eyes. He was suspicious about you and he must be.
The meeting was quite interesting. You had the chance to learn more about his people. He explained this to you as a sort of a warning. He wanted to be sure you knew where you had fallen as he had done it with Shuri weeks ago. He wanted you to know how powerful he was. You had seen him and his people fighting against Wakanda forces. You know what they are made of. You knew how great warriors they were and you showed him how you respect his people. More you listened to him, the more you grew curious about the king and his realm. As a mark of mutual trust - as little it was - you told him about your people and what you’ve been through. Both of you understood quickly how similar you were at some points.
You didn’t know how long your conversation lasted but it felt like none of you wanted it to end. He had offered you to visit his realm and to lend you a submarine suit they had stolen from that american team who started this whole war between the two vibranium possessor nations. With a little laugh, you had shown him how useful your control over darkness could be used to. You had seen the mesmerizing look in his eyes. Something had shifted. Something was wrong. You couldn’t find any word to put on. You were attracted to this man. It was too much to bear it alone. Your shoulders would break faster than those last centuries have tried to. You could feel his body heat crossing yours as he was so close to you. Chest against chest. Your hands on his muscular chest. His hands holding your hips. His lips brushing against your. You deeply wanted him to press them against yours and you wanted to slap yourself for this thought. You wouldn't think about anything else as his dark piercing eyes were locked into yours. He wasn’t going better than you. Both tensed and attracted to each other. You were rising something that was buried deep inside him, in a place he thought unable to unlock. Not like he wanted to.
Finally, his lips took possession of yours. Both dancing with roughness and an unknown passion. Both fighting for dominance. Both being made for each other. You didn’t want this to end, nor will he. His hands were desperately all over your body. Your fingers were pulling his black hair. Pleasure was running through your veins. You couldn’t fight against and you didn’t want to. You were too needy for him so he was for you. You wanted him to take away this unpleasant feeling while your body was burning. Heatwaves broke on your inner core. You needed him to do something. You could feel his neediness against your lower abdomen. Soon, the black leather corset above your jetblack long sleeve shirt and the latest will leave you too quickly for your taste. His gold ornament robe left his body too quickly for his own taste. Both of you were already panting without knowing why.
As things were becoming hotter every second that passed, you finally used your powers to be sure no one would interrupt or hear you. Like Wanda’s hex, your own barrier made with darkness will isolate the both of you from his realm. A devilish smile on his face, he seems to approve.
Soon enough, his lips were all over your body. They were giving hot kisses on your neck and your shoulders. Love bites against your hot skin. You were moaning softly his name. It wasn’t enough for him. He needed more. Still kissing your neck and playing with your hardening nipples, he led you to his bed. You let yourself fall on it when your knees tripped over the mattress. In your fall, you took him with you. He was above your whole body. You love this feeling a bit too much. Your legs encircled his waist, making your lower self thrusting against his hardening self. You snatched a deep moan from him. His eyes full of lust met yours once again. Oh yes, you will burn the world down for him.  
“ Please do something …”
You needily whispered to his ears making him shivered. Without wasting more time, he took off your training pants and boots, throwing them somewhere else in the little room. Both of you couldn’t care less at this very moment.
“ Anything my queen wants. “
He said using his deep voice, full of lust and neediness. As said, he continued his kissing trails down to your inner core. You started being a moaning mess and he hasn’t touched you yet. A powerful shiver stroke your body at the thought of him doing whatever he wants with his sinful mouth. His tongue against your sensitive core was one of the most skillful things you have ever met. You couldn’t think but only moaning his name again and again. Your eyes were closed and tense. He could enjoy the show as he lifted his own eyes to watch over you. His tongue was still eating you out. His fingers were playing with your burning inside. Oh yeah, he was proud of the effects he was creating in you. Soon or later, he will be too addicted to it. It will be fatal for him as it will for you. He must protect you.
As he felt your orgasm coming, he decided to stop everything, making you moaning in complain. He laughed at your reaction. You will soon be served what you want. He couldn’t wait to bury his hardening self deep inside your burning core. His body was all above yours. His hands were from both sides of your head as he placed himself between your shaking legs.
A part of you was surprised to see how gentle and careful he was with you, as if he could break you in one move. He was reckless, eager for revenge. He could put the whole world in fire and ashes. He could kill without hesitation just to be sure his people were out of danger. You were just like him. Maybe this was what drew you to him and him to you.
Your drowning thoughts were cut as he entered your inner core. A concerned look was on his face as you came back to your body, moaning. His own moaning joining yours. He let you adjust to his size and when it was done, his rough thrusts started. They threw you to the stars in a few seconds. Your nails were dug into his muscular back. His hand next to your head held him still above you while the other one was running one your body before meeting your burning nerves ball. You were a moaning mess.
Pleasure in its purest and strongest form. None of you lasted so long. Soon enough, both of you reached your powerful orgasms, him filling you deep inside. Your body will be full of bruises and love bites as his body will be full of scratches.
Now, both of you were panting next to each other, a happy and relieved smile on both your faces as your eyes were locked into his. You were over the edge from what he gifted you. You were over the edge to be the unique person able to see this side of him. He was over the edge to be the unique person able to see this side of you.
Now, he had to go back to his duties and so do you. His cold and cruel attitude was back on his face. The God ruler of Talokan gave you a last kiss on your forehead before dressing himself again and leaving to accomplish his royal duties. The barrier you created formerly was lifted. Darkness coming back to your body and to wherever you stole them. It could be from people, places, animals or vegetables. You didn’t care. You only needed them to be powerful. You laid there a quite long time, your mind playing with you again.
After your encounter with Namor, you came back to your realm. You didn’t want to leave at first. You knew he didn’t want to. His eyes spoke for him as he let you go back to the cave’s waters. A goodbye kiss was the only thing you could give him. His hands were holding your cheeks. His thumbs sweetly cherished your skin. He was too sweet to be real. You were drowning into the sadness of his eyes. Something inside you was breaking. You didn’t know what but could only imagine what. 
You would do anything to meet him again. It was really strange for you who had never listened to your heart’s whispers. They were too strong. He raised things you had never known possible and hidden deep inside your being. Two of the strongest rulers of the world are weak for each other. It was quite funny as you thought of it. If it was to be known by your enemies, they will use it against both of you. They will raise an inhuman rage that no one has ever known yet. You felt what Namor could do to this world. His darkness spoke to you, telling you his deepest and darkest desires. You wanted to do anything to make them come true.
One of his people talked to him in a tongue you didn’t know. His face changed when he saw the warriors and by the name he said, you knew it was Namora. You kinda like this woman. She was fierce and ruthless. Then, he told you it was time for you to leave. His voice was cold. He didn’t want you to leave nor did you do. Both had to act as nothing was going on. 
As soon as you left the undersea cave that leads to his temple, you found a bus that was going to the closest airport to get a plane to go back to [ Your Continent ] undergrounds where your people are hiding. Sadly for you, your people weren’t located near the sea. Mountains have been the best place you could have found. When cities became too huge for you to stay underground, most of your kind moved to the countryside. Galleries were built throughout mountains.
The truth was that you tried to comeback home. He would never know. You were sure of that. Things went really wrong the very moment your feet landed on the airport soil as a surprise was waiting for you there. Something you had thought about. The Americans were on your back. They were waiting for you. How could you be surprised when they had almost all the superheroes under control at some point. You didn’t fight when they arrested you. There is always something else at the back of your mind. Your actions were always too calculated for your own good. Evil must always be prepared. Let them believe they got you. Your people's hatred will only be bigger as days pass with you being imprisoned at the Raft. A prison on the sea when Darkness is the Ocean’s most beloved person.
As much as you wish to hope, you couldn’t count on someone you had barely met. You were too old to trust people based on the first impression they gave you. Whatever happens between the both of you, you couldn’t. A part of you wishes too. Maybe you should have kept that seashell. You hated yourself for not stealing it. Now, you will stay there for how long the Old Gods know. Your wicked game will cost you everything. You will have all your time to think about a revenge plan. When you won’t be hating yourself for your stupidity and your humans’ worlds ignorance. You were sure : you hated them more than anything else. The surface world must be burned down.
You were locked for four months into that damn glass cell on that damn Raft. You were alone there. An army of skillful soldiers were guarding you. An army of the Earth enemies were backing you. Oh you could use their inner darkness to break free from this ugly place. Only if they hadn’t some sort of bracelet blocking your powers. The moment they put them on your wrist, you felt empty. An emptiness that could break the whole universe. Hatred filled your arching heart.
There was something else that made you unable to attack. A little gift Namor has granted you before leaving. You had been feeling sick a few days after you arrived there. You knew at that very moment. Something had changed deep inside you. From this moment, you were much more on your guard. You needed to be sure no one knows but the scientists there were on the lookout for every change. You knew they were testing whatever they created in that laboratory on the prisoners. You prayed everyday they wouldn’t come for you. You could lose that little gift. You needed to escape. You needed to go back to Namor. It wasn’t time to panic. Your hormones were making a mess of your emotions and you already hated it.
You were laying on your back on your miserable bed. Your hands were resting on your red shirt with its white sleeves. You were zoning out. You were sent deep inside your thoughts. You were your own darkness prisoner. Once again. Eyes looking at the gray and white ceiling until the Raft’s sirens were ringing throughout the prison. It seemed there was an attack here, you thought. You had no energy to move. Your curiosity couldn’t make you move. Screams were heard all over the prison. Laughs were heard too. You knew from who they were - the other prisoners. They seemed to enjoy the attack too much. A part of you wanted to know what was going on and especially who was attacking the most famous impenetrable prison. A part of you was hoping Namor would come to save you but how could he know ? Finding this prison on the sea was the easiest part of the game for the ocean’s ruler. His people had barely escorted you to the surface when you had left the cave. They were all over the ocean, maybe some had seen something. Maybe you had too much hope. You had barely created an alliance with the Feathered Serpent God.
As screams became louder and louder, you knew they were close to your cell. You couldn’t know how close exactly they were and now you were afraid they would come for your child. Your protective hands were holding your belly that was barely showing. You finally decided to move from your bed and stand up. Your cell was bigger than anyone in a real prison could see. You had to walk for almost three meters to reach the translucent glass that nothing could break.
One of your hands left your belly to hold you against the glass. You tried your best to stretch out yourself to see what was going on. Lights were shut down. Only the red one was going on and off. Bodies were scattered across the corridor. You flinched and gasped when something hit your cell’s glass. Then a face you hadn’t seen in months was presented to you. Rage could be seen on that face before they could see how shocked your face was. A worried look was on that face. It didn’t stop the shock from crossing your body. You couldn’t feel such intense emotion. You were too scared that something could happen. Tears rushes down your face. You couldn’t control them. How could you at that very moment ?
Then, the tall man asked you to shift your place for a safer one - it wasn’t that easy due to the tiniest cell you were in - and he tried to break the glass with his superstrength. He was in a hurry. He has to save you from this place. He has to be quick. He won’t leave with you and both of you know this. As it didn’t work, he tried to break the
“ Tell me you are safe and sound. Please tell me this. “
His voice betrayed his cold and angered face. The only thing you could do was running your hands all over his cheeks. You need to feel him close to you. You needed to be sure he really was there. You needed to be sure it wasn’t a dream or one of your darkness’ games. Some weight was lifted from your shoulders. It wasn’t the time for this kind of sweet reunion. Time was urging you to leave as soon as you could. Backups would come soon. If it wasn’t one of these superheroes the surface world has. Even if usually you were curious to meet them, today there wasn’t any time for this.
“ [ Y / N ]... We must leave this place now. I’ll protect you. There’s no fear to have. Now come with me.. “
You didn’t respond but followed him as he took your hand into his wet and rough hand. You tried to follow his footsteps but with your condition - he still didn’t know about - and your powers stolen from you, you couldn’t be as quick as he was. Your stamina - that traitor - had already left you to be hidden somewhere else.
You did your best. His people were fighting harder and harder against the Raft’s soldiers. When you reached the edge of the prison, he placed a respiratory mask on your face. You knew what would happen next. With a concerned look on his face, he asked you if you were ready to go. Deep inside him, he knew something had happened for you to react this way. You looked at your back and saw his people coming back to the waters. It was time for both of you to leave. They wouldn’t go before their king and his lover were safe in the ocean. So, without any hesitation, you gave a little pressure on his hand that hasn't left you. He took you into his arms and plunged into the cold water. You wish you had your powers to protect you from this intense coldness. You wouldn’t last long enough in the cold sea. Your eyesight started to see darkness before your eyes were shut down. Now, you were panting unconscious into Namor’s arms. You were too far away to hear his war threats to the surface world. He finally might have seen the powers blocker bracelets.
You remembered nothing. You didn’t know how long you had slept. It wasn’t a peaceful sleep. Nightmares have taken control over your sleep. Sometimes - when you were sleeping - you could feel a soft pressure on one of your hands. At some moment, you finally emerged from your sleep. Fear was the first thing that crossed your mind as your hands automatically held your belly. A chuckle was heard near you. You should have looked around in the first place.
“ You are safe. You're okay and so they are, my dear. “
  As surprise came across your face, you turned to look at the voice. It was at that moment that you realized you were in Namor’s temple on the ground. The said man was sitting next to you, laying onto his own bed, in his golden ornaments and robe. He was shining something you had really seen but in the moonlight. This made you sighed in relief. It was finally over. Everything was over. You were safe. Both of you were.
“ I am glad both of you are safe. Attuma has checked on both of you. “ “ How did you know where I was ? “ “ I… “
For the first time, the submarine mutant was hesitating. This hesitation was quickly replaced by a small smirk as he ran a hand into his dry hair.
“ I have ears all over the whole coast. It took me time but I finally came to you. I was right to do so. I was right to listen to my instinct only. And here you are in full flesh. “
As the King was looking at you, he placed one of his hands on your belly. When his healer had told him about your condition, he was at the same time worried, happy and angered. His hatred for the surface world was behind comprehension. It was reinforced by what they had done to you. Soon you had learned that Namora, who was skeptical about your comeback among them at first, was willing to drown the world. You were caring for their king’s heir. A half-blood child. Looking at both your powers, they will rule the surface world one day. All of his people were sure of that as the rumors broke all over his realm.
“ Let’s burn the world down together when our child will be born “ Now you needed a way to bring your people there. You couldn’t stay too long from them. You couldn’t abandon them. Both your realm together,the more powerful you will be. The surface world wasn’t going to be ready. But for now, there are better things for you to think about like enjoy the rest of your pregnancy with your submarine king.
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sinimake · 7 months
Part 3 of my Johnshi headcanons !!!
In my previous headcanon, i said Kenshi loves nature and hiking so Johnny often takes them on vacations around the world for Kenshi to enjoy and he even bought a private jet so that Sento doesn't have to go throught TSAs
Johnny has many big celebrity friends and it specially amazes Raiden and Kung Lao like what do you mean you know Lady Gaga? Fyi, We had a game night at her place last month
Johnny learns japanese. While he's not entirely fluent, his accent is immaculate. Locals always get shocked to see a very handsome white guy speaking their language like he's born to do that
^ also Johnny does the most of talking to strangers in Japan bc people get scared when Kenshi approaches them
They both try to go incognito on the streets but Johnny gets always stopped by people, not bc he's recognized, but people are just mesmerized by him
^ one time, a salesman tried to hire him at those male maid cafes and Johnny called Kenshi Ojousama (princess) for whole day to tease him
Johnny and Kenshi at Hanabi festival! Wearing yukatas! Playing matsuri games! And watching fireworks! Kenshi even wins prizes for Johnny in the festival games bc that's what couple do, and Kenshi has never done it for anyone before
Kenshi has a sister, Akane! She operates as the head of their clan and also a skilled swordswoman.
^ Johnny and Akane are menace combined. Kenshi cannot have a minute of peace when they visit his home
While Kenshi's family is always pleasant. Johnny's is not so much. Johnny mom is a shrewd looking woman, and Kenshi was nervous to meet her first bc of her being a cop and him being an ex gangster. But they came to like each other later. Johnny's dad is distant and obviously judgemental of both of them, but he's apprehensive of Kenshi's past enough to hold his tongue for unwanted comments. On the flip side, Johnny's brother? Not so much. He can hope to god that he won't run into the wrong side of Sento, accidentally
They have a small private wedding that represents both of their culture. Liu Kang is their wedding officiant bc he's literally their creator n everything but Johnny and Kenshi thought it would be funny since Liu Kang has put so much effort in them that he's essentially their wingman
Obviously, Kung Lao is Johnny’s bestman and Raiden is Kenshi's
They had to beg Baraka for at least 5 months to come to their wedding, and he finally concedes when Kenshi tells him how much of a good friend and companion he was during their mission to Outworld and they can't imagine their special day without him
They both walk down the aisle, holding hands, and Smoke cried real tears at that
Johnny's manager worked overtime to make sure there will be no paparazzi, and the only official pictures to public are posted on Johnny's instagram. Those are the first ever pics of Kenshi's face valiantly shown, and he's smiling at Johnny with so much love
Johnny's vow includes: "You saved my life. It's yours to keep now."
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Let's talk about Mal
Malina is a ship that I absolutely loathe. It is one of the worst possible ships to exist and it should not have been in the canon. This does not mean I hate friends to lovers as a trope. But Malina is toxic on so many levels and Mal's traits should not be portrayed as an act of love, in a YA novel no less.
Character Breakdown:
Characteristics/ Background Info:
Gifted First Army Tracker/ Third Amplifier.
Conventionally handsome.
Opiniated(Considering the century the story takes place in.)
Beds other women often.
18-19 years old.
Was raised together with Alina.
How Alina sees Mal till she is taken away
Alina has an unhealthy codependency with Mal. She follows him around not just in the orphanage but in the army as well. She pictures them as husband-wife since they were children. She is extremely jealous and is just waiting for Mal to see her and pick her. But she is discovered as the Sun Summoner and taken away to the Little Palace.
How Mal sees Alina till she is taken away
A childhood friend who he thinks he has outgrown. He explores life beyond what the orphanage has offered him. He carries no romantic feelings for Alina(or going by the trope he has not realised his feelings for Alina). But till Alina is revealed and taken away to the Little Palace, she is not someone whom he associated with love or dreamt of sharing his life with. She was just a remanence of his past life.
How their relationship evolves after Alina becomes the Sun Summoner
After Alina was taken away, Mal 'realises' his feelings for her. And with no response to any of his letters, Mal is worried for her 'safety'. In an attempt to reconnect with her, he risks his life to locate the Stag. All noble and admirable so far.
Finally he sees her, he is more angry than relieved. Not to mention, it was her big debut. She had finally embraced her powers, had become healthy.
He claimed to be worried about her safety and was angry that she was safe(?). Once he realises his heroic act to rescue her is not needed he verbally bashes her for becoming who she was supposed to be(?) Practically calls her the Darkling's whore. See, I was a teenager once. I know that teenagers can be incredibly selfish sometimes. But if your bestie, whom you believed was being tortured, is safe and healthy, you don't bring them down, especially when you claim to love them. You will feel relieved. Yeah, it might sting a little to know that she has moved on without you and she is no longer the childhood bestie you grow up with. But, you support them and wish them well. However, Mal acts incredibly jealous and verbally lashes out unable to face his own inadequacy.
From here on it's red flag nation and classic abuser techniques and traits.
He finds runaway Alina. When you find your bestie whom you accused of being a cossetted princess a few days ago on the run, you become worried. But Mal is all 'I told you so'. His ego is soothed . The Darkling is bad just as he said.
He comments about Alina having an appetite. He has seen his friend sickly thin, with breathing issues, cold, hungry and suffering with an unknown illness for 8-10 years. And now he sees her finally healthy and eating and comments on it as if it is an inconvenience for him. This is were Alina should have had an awakening and walked away from him. But LB thinks this is cute and a healthy love. So Alina remains.
We skip to Siege and Storm, they are in incognito. Alina has wasting sickness again. But not a single concern from Mal. He doesn't question why she became healthy or why she becomes sick again. He is just happy that he got the girl he grew up with back.
When Alina is back in Ravka and with a prince no less. We see the absolute worst of Mal. He is jealous, once again of his own inadequacy, and takes it out on Alina. She is being thrust into a world of politics, in a country literally on the verge of civil war and all he can think of are ways to make Alina's new position about himself.
He throws tantrum anytime Alina has thoughts other than him. He doesn't allow her to focus on the war or grow into her new role. He hates that she is no longer the girl he grew up with. He hates that Nikolai is actually making her better, giving her autonomy, coaching her to the life of politics. He picks constant fights with her. Suffocating her more when she was already struggling under the pressure of leading an army.
Alina tries to establish herself as the leader and commander of the Second Army and he thwarts her attempts by telling the guards and soldiers under her direct command embarrassing stories from her childhood to 'humanize her'. She is the Sun Summoner, a living saint, someone who is being courted by a prince. But he cannot have that can he? He cannot let her raise to glory. He has to bring her down to his level to show her that she was no better than him. He does not want Alina to have anything that was not him or given by him. He punishes her for his inefficacy.
When Alina backs away from a kiss, he goes on to kiss Zoya and cheats on Alina and tells Alina she made him do it. This, right here, is how an abuser behaves.
I don't buy his redemption arc in Ruin and Raising. It was a switch up after the negative feedbacks to his characters and nothing more.
It doesn't matter in the end because, Alina's powers which were an integral part of her was ripped out and she ends up with Mal to become his wife. Mal gets his girl he grew up with, who has always been beneath him.
Mal was an anchor who did not allow Alina to move upward and succeeded in his attempts to sink her with him under the disguise of love.
LB portrays the Darkling as the evil guy and retcons the trilogy to show us how bad he was in the duology. But for an author who is so concerned about young girls falling for abusive men, she literally ignores the glaring, mile-long red flag in Mal and packages them as a destined lovers. For an author who is all about morality and opening young girls eyes to the viles of men, she is doing a disservice to her own readers. The chances of me as a woman, coming across an 'evil' shadow man like the Darkling or a literal Prince are zero(not even near zero.) But Mal is a regular guy. A guy whom we see in our everyday lives. You can see him in a friend who grows jealous of your growth and tries to sabotage your career or in a friend who carried torch for you and spreads rumours about you when he sees you with better men than himself or you can see him in a boyfriend who strings you along for a decade while he waits for his dream girl to come. My point is, men like Mal exist in the real world and the author cannot claim a moral high ground with the Darkling and ignore all the abhorrent things Mal did to Alina. I don't care if people reading this are pro Darkling or not but I care if someone calls Malina as a healthy ship.
Note: Please read books like 'Why Does he Do that?' by Lundy Bancroft or please watch the show 'Kevin can f* himself'. You will see the parallels and understand who Mal really is.
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galahadwilder · 1 year
I have decided to headcanon that, at least in some universes, Francois Dupont is a school for child celebrities or children of celebrities because both weathergirl candidates, the superhero blogger/journalist who is also the daughter of the head chef of a 5 star restaurant and the director of the Paris Zoo, Chloe and Adrien, Nino's been on TV as a DJ, the daughter of the director of the Louvre, Marinette's uncle is a world-famous celebrity chef and she's the babysitter for Paris' top newscaster--hell, they thought Juleka was normal and she ended up being Jagged Stone's secret daughter which makes me think Anarka was like "she'll be safe at this school if the secret gets out." There are probably betting pools in-school about which seemingly "normal" kid is going to turn out to be Picasso's nephew or something. (Current odds are 10-to-1 that Rose is an incognito actual princess of some tiny country or other.)
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