#in this house we love queen deserved better alicent
My favourite HOTD characters
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eratosmusings · 2 months
Loyalty (I)
Daemon Targaryen x Hightower!reader
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summary: the king decides it's time for his brother to produce more targaryen heirs. who better than another hightower daughter to carry them?
warnings: adults only, all characters over 18, dubcon smut in later chapters, arranged marriage, abortion allusion (moon tea), coercion, terrible parenting
word count: 2.3k
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“I won’t allow it.”
“You won’t allow it?” Viserys asks with an air of frigid humor. “Who are you to deny your king what he has commanded?”
Otto seethes, decades of practiced court manners faltering under the demand. “Forgive me, Your Grace, but she is my daughter. I will not have her married off to a man whose love of violence and debauchery trails him like a shadow. She is a pious child. To marry her to Daemon is—“
“A blessing. She will marry a prince and a valiant knight.”
The other men at the table are silent. They'd expected talks of reinforcing the kingdom's claim on the Stepstones or of quelling rumors that had cropped up of Daemon corrupting his young niece in a brothel a year prior. The king commanding a marriage between Otto Hightower's youngest daughter—his only child from a tragically short second marriage—is an unpleasant surprise.
"He is already married."
Viserys gives a taut smile. "Daemon's marriage to Lady Royce has been annulled. By royal decree and with the blessing of the High Septon. It is in the best interest of Westeros that the Targaryen line remains vast and strong and it has been decided your daughter will do what Lady Royce did not."
Otto's face falls in disbelief. He's heard nothing of it. This had been set up to corner him. "She is a child."
"She is nearly four years older than Alicent was when we wed. The queen has proven your daughters are strong vessels for Targaryen children."
"It is different. She is different. She is not as strong as Alicent."
The king shakes his head. "I will hear no more discussion of this. She will wed Daemon and this feud between the two of you shall end once and for all.”
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Alicent’s touch is feather-light as she takes hold of your hands. Her eyes wander across your form, taking in the exquisite ivory gown. Its crimson embroidered dragon along the skirt a special request from your soon-to-be husband. “You look beautiful, sister.”
You can say nothing to your half-sister, barely able to retain the tears brimming in silence. A fortnight was all you’d been given to prepare to wed the vilest creature in Westeros. Daemon Targaryen was all you could have ever hoped against in a husband.
Your father stands tall behind Alicent, head held high. "The image of the Maiden herself."
A choked sob escapes you at his words. This marriage was punishment by the Seven for every sin you'd ever committed. For the impure thoughts you'd had of knights. The white lies you'd spoken to save yourself the wrath of Septa Agerrea. The gambling you'd participated in when you’d bet your favorite embroidery needle in a game of cards with Lysa Tyrell. Had you only followed the Faith more faithfully, this torture would not be yours to endure.
“I believe it is time to take your place with the king, Your Grace,” your father says.
Alicent hesitates with glossy eyes. She draws you into a tight hug and whispers an apology and how much she loves you. You have the faintest memory of her wedding to the king a few years before. The happy sister who’d spent hours braiding your hair when the handmaidens failed to do it properly disappeared into a hardened queen round with child seemingly overnight. The smiles and giggles you’d shared daily turned to fond, distant memories. She withdraws a moment later, wiping at her face.
When the door shuts your father moves behind you. You watch in the ornate mirror as he drapes the green maidencloak of House Hightower across your shoulders. The new burden's weight feels uncomfortable.
He returns to stand before you, his expression sorrowful. "I am sorry, my sweet child, for this atrocity. You deserve far better.”
“I could have saved myself this fate had I been less worldly and become a Septa.” Your palm wipes at the tear that had fallen.
He cups your cheek. “Perhaps. But we cannot lament on what we could have done. Indeed we must focus instead on your duty to the realm.”
“To be a good wife,” you state. It was what he had raised you to be.
“No, sweet child,” he says softly, “I fear that I must ask something far more difficult of you. For your duty to the realm must supplant your duty in marriage.”
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The wedding takes place in a haze. You tremble, stumble over words, and can not meet the eyes of your now husband nor the Septon. Soon you would betray them both.
For the good of the realm.
You do not eat or drink through the feast. You barely speak. You think you might have danced, though all you remember of it is a blurring background and an embroidered dragon that matches your own. It had stared at you accusingly.
“Shall I call for the bedding ceremony to begin, brother?” the king slurs loudly. If there had been anything in your stomach, it surely would have come out now. It was one vile thought to have him touch you. But to have other men undress you as well?
Your hand is pulled from your lap, enclosed in another twice its size, callous and rough against your skin. For the first time that day you look at your husband. You’d never seen him this close. The lavender gaze cannot have been of this world. It’s too vibrant, too knowing. “Too many of the men here have wandering hands. I’d hate to spill blood on such a blessed day.” His lips brush against your hand. “My sweet wife should not have to endure such tragedy.”
The king responds dismissively. Something of disappointing guests, but to do as he pleases. Daemon takes it as a dismissal and pulls you from your seat. The last thing you hear is the call from many about bloody sheets.
Perhaps the Mother has decided to take mercy on you. For you cannot breathe as the doors to the prince’s chambers close behind you. Death can take you before he can.
He stands in front of the fire, pouring some drink into a goblet. The flickering orange light suits him. Like he was born for flames. “You must relax. There is nothing for you to fear from me.” A lie. There was much to fear from him.
A booming knock echoes through the room.
Two servants carrying trays of bread and fruit enter. Then they are gone just as swiftly. The door closes once more.
“You must eat,” he says, taking your hand once more and leading you to a small table. You sit and a piece of bread is offered. You take it and, after an expectant nod, take a bite. It’s still warm and soft. You take another bite. And another.
It’s gone quickly. Too quickly for a lady. A bowl of berries clatters softly in front of you. You pick at it slower, though not as slowly as you’d like. They are sweet. Perfectly ripe.
“Would you like some wine?”
Despite the juice of berries coating your tongue, your mouth is dry as you speak for the first time since you’d said your vows. “Yes, please.”
“So well mannered.” A smug smile spreads across his face as he raises his goblet and sips. He reaches over and sets it down beside the half-empty bowl. “I forgot to have them retrieve another cup.”
The crimson red liquid ripples. A challenge.
“You are very gracious, my Prince. Thank you.” You lift it by the stem and drink. It was stronger than you’ve ever had before. The taste takes you aback, coughing as it soaks your tongue. Hastily you set the cup back down.
"I take it you don't often indulge in Dornish Reds."
"No, never."
His head cocks to the side appraisingly. "I suppose such a thing has never been offered to you before. Not within the confines of your father's authority. He has given you a rather sheltered life."
A prickly heat seeps up your neck. "My father did not confine or shelter me. He has only ever guided me to live as virtuously as the Seven wished for all their children to live.”
“How very kind of him to not let you endure the same vices as himself.”
You blink, his words sinking in. The implication that your father is a drunkard stings. He isn't, but you don’t fight his accusation. Selfishly, you do not wish to defend your father. Instead, you pluck a berry from the bowl, hoping to end the conversation entirely.
"Are the berries quite good?"
You nod, not wanting to speak again.
"Might I have one?" When you go to pick up the bowl, he stops you. "Pick me out the best one."
The best one? The bowl is still half full. Which berry was the best? Would he be disappointed if you picked one he did not like? Or one that was not ripe enough? Not sweet enough? What would he do to you if he disliked the one you chose?
It was the largest blackberry that you finally settle on, prepared to hear how terrible the choice had been as you hold it out to him. He doesn't simply take it. He leans over the table, taking the berry and your fingers into his mouth.
The act is heinously intimate. It leaves you frozen and breathless as he pulls away, his eyes alight in devious amusement. "I'm not sure which taste I prefer. The berry's or your's."
Fire spreads across your cheeks. You flinch away, embarrassed. In the escape effort your arm knocks against the goblet. To your horror, it clatters against the table. The liquid sloshes across your front, staining the white gown.
The crimson seems to seep from your womb, condemning you for something you had yet to do. You paw at the stain as the chair clatters on the ground from the force with which you'd stood.
Tears brim in your eyes as it continues to spread.
“There's no need to fret. It is only wine.”
“I have desecrated it.” The tears have not stopped falling and your hands have not stopped scrubbing at it with your fingers. “The stain will never come out.”
“It is only a dress.” He cups your face, encouraging you to meet his gaze. It searches for some understanding.
He would never understand.
“I am so sorry, my Prince.”
He shushes you softly and places a kiss against your forehead. This was the monster? The vile, unholy beast whose every action was an affront to the Seven? This man who had shown you nothing but kindness?
You cry harder.
He is not the monster.
You are.
You aren’t sure how long you cry. But he holds you through it all. He speaks little more than a few consoling phrases, but it is more than you deserve. His presence, arms around you, kisses on your hair. All of it more than you deserve.
You’re finally calm, only left with sniffles, when he says, “We should get the dress to the washwomen before the stain sets.” What good would it do? The stain can never be removed from your soul. Still you agree and turn for him.
His fingers are swift as they loosen the strings of your bodice. Practiced. He is practiced. Behind closed doors you assume, but there were numerous tales of his public debauchery. It has been gossiped that he prefers the thrill of open affairs and touches of multiple women.
“Why did you refuse the bedding ceremony?”
He pauses. “Did you wish to have one?”
“No,” you say quickly. “But given your…tendencies I…I thought…” A quiet hum has your words trailing off.
His work continues, though slower. “You are not a whore in a brothel.”
“Neither is your niece and yet...”
Air blows across your neck as he chuckles. “Has my pious little wife been gossiping about the chastity of the Crowned Princess?”
Your lungs seize at the realization of what you’d just said. It’s treason. Questioning her virtue is treason.
“Relax, jaesa.” His hands slip between the shoulders of your shift and the loose gown, pushing the sleeves down your arms. “I took you under my protection today. You may speak freely to me.”
“I,” you hesitate, freeing your hands of the garment, “I had heard that a year ago you snuck the princess from the castle and—“
He bunches the fabric at your waist and tugs. “Had my way with her in some brothel?”
The gown struggles for a moment, snagging on the curve of your behind. Another tug and it is a pile around your feet. “My niece wished to see King’s Landing. I showed her and returned her to the castle, still a fair maiden like yourself.”
“Of course.”
“You doubt me?”
“No, my Prince.”
"It would do a great disservice to our union to begin it with lies." He prompts you to turn and hesitantly you do. He is shorter than your father, yet his presence is as commanding. More so. It makes you aware of how thin the fabrics of your shifts were when his gaze drifts down. "My niece's heart belongs elsewhere. As do my desires."
His touch is gentle as he cups your cheek, but the feeling's it stirred are rough and uncertain. Bordering on traitorous.
“Shall I call a servant to fetch the dress?” The words waver. You wonder if they’re comprehensible at all.
They are, it seems as he rejects the offer and slips out the door himself with the dress. The reprieve from his watchful, astute eye is welcome. You fall to your knees at the edge of the bed and recite the prayer your father had taught you minutes before you’d been led down the aisle.
Warrior, give me strength for what I must do. It is for the good of the realm.
Mother, forgive me for what I must do. It is for the good of your faithful servants.
Stranger, lead my children to peace. It is for the good of their innocent souls.
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a/n: all your thoughts and reblogs are appreciated 🌺
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thegreengnome · 10 months
Helaena targaryen x male uncle targaryen reader. Instead of marrying Aegon she marries the reader and they have children jaehaerys, jaehaera and maelor (let's imagine they are not from Aegon)
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Fandom – House of the Dragon
Word Count -1080
Pairing – Helaena Targaryen X Taelor Targaryen (OC)
Warnings – N/A
Taelor Targaryen is the surprise third child of Prince Baelon. After the death of his first and only true wife, Baelon fell into a depression – his true love was dead – how was he meant to continue without her? He needed comfort and who better to comfort the distraught prince than a Lannister. A cunning and seductive Lannister, who now had a seed planted in her belly.
Honor demanded the two wed much to the satisfaction of the Lannister house. Not eight moons later a son was born to the pair. The smug lady Lannister had succumbed to the birthing bed like so many before her, this left a newborn baby in the arms of an emotionless prince.
The most humane thing the gods had ever done for the young prince was to kill his father. While a great parent and role model to his older sons, to Taelor he was cruel and often expressed disgust at the child that had not come from Alyssa. Perhaps he felt guilt over fathering him.
This passing left the young boy in the care of his eldest brother and his family. Raised alongside his much younger niece and nephews.
Due to being several years older then said nephews and niece Taelor adopted a leadership role. He was their protector and he took this job very seriously.
Which is why she was finding it difficult to remain still as the maester stitched up the open wound that once held Aemonds vibrant purple eye. The grip on the back of Taelor’s tunic kept him stable and grounded. Reaching back, Taelor made sure that Helaena was hidden from the view of the crowd around them.
They were Targaryen’s- the greatest power in all of Westeros – a family. So why were they constantly fighting.
His half-brothers only cared for Rhaenyra, all the love they possessed in there boy was given to one instead of spread out too many. Viserys younger children left behind in the wake of their much-loved older sister. Taelor knew from experience how hurtful parental neglect was, so he vowed to be everything his brothers were not. He would show his younger family members the loved that they deserved.
When the inevitable search for a spouse for Taelor began, he sat through countless small council meetings his brother and eldest niece throwing potential brides at him.
He was a Targaryen; he would not settle for someone beneath him. So, he went to the queen.
The solar was quiet as both waited for the other to talk. The two had a complicated relationship – still a child herself Alicent was given the task of raising not only her own children but Taelor as well.
“We both know your father wants Aegon on the phone”
Alicent remained calm, sipping her warming tea, her ringed fingers clutching the delicate porcelain.
“I am also aware of your plans to marry him to Helaena” the tea made its way down. The queen’s sole attention on her charge.
“I think it is a foolish decision. To marry two possible heirs to the throne to one another instead of gaining outside alliances”
Humming Alicent seems amused. Of course, she had no desire to wed her children together but her father always got what he wanted. “And who do you suggest?”
“Me” not many things can surprise the queen but it had seemed her ward had achieved this great feat.
“You?” Taelor had always been good to her children and as much as it pained the queen to admit her eldest son was not the ideal candidate to marry her sweet and dream like daughter.
“Why? What would you gain?” everyone had their own plan to win the game- what was Taelor’s?
“A loving wife. No one knows Hel like I do. Aegon would not treat her with the respect she deserves. We both know this to be true”
“Marrying us would guarantee the loyalty of the Lannister’s who have historically been fickle”
Mulling the offer over Alicent asks the question that her father would be desperate to know “and what of your stance to the throne?”
“The throne is of no consequence to me. Whoever sists the throne, it is all the same. I will support Helaena in everything that she does and if that includes helping her brother then so be it”
They wed two moons after Helaena turns sixteen, enough time for the couple to prepare for the union. The wedding itself was a small affair, much to the chagrin of the Queen. Knowing how uncomfortable his lady could get around crowds, he insisted on a small ceremony. An idea which gifted him the reward of a shy smile from his soon to be wife.
Helaena looked radiant as she walked towards Taelor to be cloaked. Her dress a hightower green, with white glittering gems encrusted through the bodice. Her hair braided intricately with a silver butterfly pin bringing the look together. The maiden’s cloak was a work of art, well in Taelor’s humble opinion. It perfectly showed who Helaena was. Dreamfyre imagery throughout with a scattering of spiders for good measure. The cloak made as her wedded one held much the same art as the maiden one but with the added image of Taelor’s dragon curled around dreamfyre.
Not even three moons later the couple were blessed with good news. A babe was in the princess’s stomach.
That one babe turned out to be two and Prince Jaehaerys and Princesses Jaehaera was born. Throughout the labour Taelor remained at Helaena side. Ignoring the disapproving looks from the maester and the Queen. He swept sweety hair from her face and whispered words of love and encouragement into her ears. Because that was what their relationship was now- love
The babes were only hours old yet they already had their parents wrapped around their tiny fingers.
The twins grew fast – too fast for there fathers liking. They brought joy to everyone in the keep, even their uncle Aemond was seen to crack a smile in their presence.
And soon the twins were joined by a younger brother Maelor. The spitting image of his mother, with wide eyes and that curious expression.
The family of five was happy and content. The married couple were often found in the company of one another with their kids following like small ducklings.
Despite this happiness, Taelor was always ready. He knew that when his eldest brother finally passes the dance would begin.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (2)
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2. Collateral Damage
Summary: Your wedding with Ser Harwin Strong
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: *There might be spoilers in warnings*
Cursing, violence, smut, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, a wedding ceremony, A BEDDING CEREMONY (yeah one of the most rude but funny ceremonies in westeros, let’s recreate it why not) Harwin is older than the reader. 10 years older to be exact. Harwin is hairy and impresses the reader 😂
Wordcount: 5.1k
Notes: I changed the name of the Dragon slightly, I feel like sounds a LOT like Vhagar, haden't noticed, she is now Vhaelar.... a liiiiitle different 😂
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Today was a day for celebration…
Today is your wedding day
What was supposed to be a fortnight, turned into 4 months waiting for your impending wedding. 
At first you thought it was a sign that you shouldn’t marry Ser Harwin, but the odds were just playing you. 
The first delay was that you received the news that your sister was with child, and that, according to your father, deserved at least a week of celebrations and jousts
Secondly your father’s own name day
Then it was Prince Aegon’s
Then it was another thing you couldn’t quite remember. You felt like they were playing with you.
But as the fifth anniversary of your father’s marriage to Queen Alicent was approaching, your father felt like we could finally celebrate your wedding, a month of love, he called it.
With Rhaenyra 12 fortnights in her pregnancy, and your father’s endless smiles, with three young babies of his own… Today was the day you will bond with Harwin
You had decided for a small ceremony at the Royal Sept. It was way smaller than the one in the city, but the details of the pillars and ceiling took your breath away everytime, it was way more beautiful. Your father had invited important families like he did in Rhaenyra’s wedding, but this, to your liking, was becoming a much smaller affair. 
Harwin had been so gentle with you, he insisted on taking walks along the walls from where you could see the sunsets, he had gifted you flowers and kind smiles. He behaved dreamly, like a Knight from the stories would. You never saw him again around Maegor’s holdfast, his room was in the apartments near the tower of the hand. You saw he was trying hard to make you see that he wasn’t even in contact with Rhaenyra anymore. And that did make you feel better.
You were willing to give him a chance.
You were going to marry the man, you were going to share his bed and have his children, you needed to give him a real chance. Besides, those feelings you always had for him since two years ago that were dormant, resurfaced in full force. Every time you saw him you felt tingles in your lower belly
So as you looked at yourself in the mirror for one last time, you smiled softly. Your handmaidens had done a truly beautiful job, they had arranged your hair in a beautiful way, with braids decorated with emeralds, rubies and sapphires, its colors resembling the shield of House Strong. Your father had commissioned a beautiful white dress with long sleeves that had a pattern that looked like scales from a dragon, the white started to fade into red for the bottom of the dress, it looked like it was dipped in blood, with a pattern of orange leaves, like the ones from the Old Oak. It was simple, but the fabric was so delicate it danced around you when you moved.
As you left your room you found Steffon, with a bright smile on his face. You smiled brightly at him, showing him all your teeth and taking a spin so he could see your dress
“Your grace, you look beautiful” he whispered. 
“Thank you Ser Steffon,” you giggled. You knew he had asked the lord commander if he could scort you himself towards the sept, and he agreed, only because he knew what it meant for him. He had told you once you were like his little sister, and you felt like it too. 
You started walking down the hallway with him right by your side, not behind you like always, this time, he was right by your side
“This might be the last time you escort me” you whispered, sadness in your words. The Keep seemed to be empty, except for the silent servants. You didn’t encounter any member of court, you guessed because they were all waiting for you. 
“It’s not going to be” he answered with a wide smile, “you are not getting rid of me that easily”
“Harwin is supposed to protect me now” you explained
“I know, but you are still a princess, and I made a vow” he reminded you, with that easy smile that always brought you comfort. 
“Yes, but now I will have to share my chambers with a man” you teased, and he chuckled
“It’s not so bad” you gasped, but giggled when he winked at you. “Besides I trade the night’s watch with another sucker” you laughed. 
The walk was comfortable, he, your sworn protector, your confident, and your friend walked slowly, leading you in silence to the next stage of your life. He offered his arm and you took it.
“He is going to be a great husband, I know this” he said when you went into the open and saw the Septon right in front of you. Your father was expecting you, alongside his royal guard. 
“You look beautiful,” your father said as he received you from Steffon. In his hands he held a velvet cape, it had a black background and red flames and design. He placed it over your shoulders, a shy smile on his lips
“Your mother would have been so happy” he whispered. and you couldn’t help a happy tear falling down your eye. 
“Thank you father” you managed to say above the lump in your throat.
“Now let's get you married”. he positioned himself at your side, offering you his arm which you gladly took. You gave Steffon one last look and he smiled, nodding at you. The doors of the sept opened in front of the both of you, royal soldiers on each side of them. 
“Father, I’m nervous” you whispered, grasping into his arm so tightly he groaned. In front of you and down the steps, where all waiting for you, at the right side, your family, the Velaryons, even some Baratheon and Arryn, at the left was Harwin’s and other important members of court. 
“Relax, sweet child” he whispered, his easy smile never faltering, “this is how you serve your house, this is how you help your family” 
You walked down the steps, the sun no longer shining above you. And when you looked at the end of the hallway made of the people attending the ceremony, there was Harwin, standing by the high septon. He looked so handsome, his hair was tamed back. He whore a deep blue jacket with silver buttons 
As you walked towards the Septon, the faces of your friends and families turned clearer, and just by the steps, you saw your sister, joined by Laenor, and the Queen just one step over them, and on the other side of the hallway, you saw Ser Lyonel, who smiled at you, and at his side was Larys, who bowed his head at you. 
Your father took you by slow but steady pace and up the steps where you stood in front of the High Septon 
“You may place the bride under your protection” indicated the Septon, and your father retrieved the cloak over your shoulders, kissing you swiftly on the cheek, to go down the steps and stand at the side of the Queen. And Harwin stepped up to place his own instead. It had a silvery background, and intricate designs with Green, Blue and Red. You held into the cape as Harwin smiled brightly at you, you in turn smiled shyly, the cape heavily on your shoulders, but bringing you warmth nonetheless 
“Your Grace”, the voice of the High Septon interrupted your thought like a thunder, “My Lords and Ladies, we stand here today in the presence of Gods and men, to witness the union of men and wife, on flesh, on heart, on soul, now and forever” 
The Septon started reading a passage from the 7 pointed star, their book. But you really didn’t pay much attention, you and your sister never did. Your father and Uncle always told you that Targaryen like your dragons, don’t answer to neither gods nor men, you didn’t have a proper instruction in the faith of the seven, especially after what happened with Maegor the cruel, your great-great uncle. 
You felt nervous, all their looks on you, Harwin’s eyes on you, even your sister’s. She seemed happy, truly, genuinely happy, and you wanted to believe her, after all, she didn’t do any effort to stop the union, rather, she encouraged it. So that thought alone lets you relax. 
And suddenly, interrupting your thoughts, Harwin grabbed your hands on his, to turn and present your joined hand to the Septon, who with a colorful velvet ribbon tied both of your hands together
“Let it be known that Harwin of house Strong, and (Y/N) of house Targaryen are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder” he then cleared his throat, to say out loud, “In the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity” he then released the ribbon, but Harwin kept his hand on yours. “Now say the words”
“Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger, I’m his/hers, and she/he is mine, from this day, to the rest of our days” you said together as one. 
“You now may kiss the bride” 
“With this kiss I pledge my love” he grunted, “and take you for my lady and wife”. With a blush, you thought this was going to be your very first kiss, ever. Harwin was going to be the owner of all your first times, you were his now, with that in mind, you replicated the vow
“With this kiss I pledge my love…” your voice was barely a whisper, but the acoustic of the Septon let everyone hear you just fine, but it sounded as cracked as you said it. Harwin’s thumbs caressed the back of your hand with kindness, seeing how nervous you were, and that gave you the strength to continue, “...and take you for my lord and husband”, and without being able to wait any longer, Harwin leaned in and kissed you, it was hard and rough, and sticky, feeling how just moments ago he had wetted his lips, but it was also sweet, and warm, inviting. And just as swift as it started, it ended, leaving you flush and bothered, and with your now husband’s cheeky smile. 
“One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever” chanted the Septon. The ceremony continued with more chants, more words of wisdom, the meaning of joining your house through marriage, even though you were now his, you were a Strong now, your future children were going to be Strong's as well. 
And just like that, you were married, your life always connected to that of Harwin’s.
You broke the spell he had on you to turn and face your family, friends and guests, they were all cheering and applauding, big smiles everywhere…. Everywhere. 
Well maybe Alicent wasn’t smiling, if anything, she looked like she pitied you. 
Harwin squeezed your hand and he drew a smile just for you
“My wifey” he grunted, leaning over you and making you smile, your body tingled with his proximity
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The feast was going great. Alicent let you hold it in The Queen’s ballroom as a gift. Harwin and you chose it as well. It was, to your liking, the most beautiful room in the entire castle. It had rich paneling decorations and mirrors in all walls that reflected the candles making them shine. 
After some sweet words from your father, the music and the dance began. Because Harwin didn’t have Valyrian blood, you didn’t have to perform the dance of dragons, lucky for you though, you weren’t much of a dancer, but you enjoyed it, and because you weren’t the first born or heir to the throne, no one really paid any mind to you, so you could dance at your liking. 
Your sister sat beside you, already too pregnant to participate in the dancing, although it didn’t forbid you from giggling and gossip about all the ladies who were invited to the feast and how they were dressed and who they were dancing with. 
The truth is that you were having a great time. The celebration was smaller than your sister’s had been, but that meant the people who attended were closer to your family. For example, Jason Lannister wasn’t here, but his brother was, and you were thankful for it, you liked his brother more. 
Harwin’s family was here, his sisters that you had never met before, and their lord's husband’s families. They presented their respects to you, barely, and they were now enjoying the feast. 
But Harwin didn’t seem to be enjoying it, he seemed tense, distracted, watching everyone at the hall like a hawk. Your father was enjoying his boar, eating slowly, and chatting with Lord Lyonel and the other members of the council
He seemed so on edge, you leaned into him with a shy smile
“You want to dance, husband?” his face immediately changed as he look at you, a relieved smile on his face
“I certainly do” he stood up, offering you his hand which you took gladly, and directed you to the made up dancefloor, everyone made space for the both of you, and the musicians played a new song only for the both of you, you took distance from each other only to approach again, you offered your hand and he took it to spin you around like the rhythm demanded. 
He felt so familiar to you, in his arms you felt safe, and you smiled at the thought, he was so easy to be around, you had never seen him angry, at least for long, and he always had a smile in store for you, perhaps this wasn’t going to be so difficult. 
The song ended with you glued to your husband’s side, his arm around your waist. and he leaned in and stole a simple kiss from your lips. 
“Let’s raise our cups, to Harwin Strong, and (Y/N) Targaryen!” your father raised from his seat and raised his cup, a servant was quick to provide you and Harwin with one as well, and you toasted with your family and friends
Harwin visibly relaxed by your side, like a weight has lifted from his shoulders, and besides dancing, he enjoyed the rest of the night with a big smile on his face. You dedicated yourself to dancing for the rest of the night, even Nyra joined, with Laenor trailing her every step. 
Without you knowing your father was watching with a proud smile on his face, he had just secured both of his daughter’s futures, they were safe, he thought, content. 
The night continued without any problem, Ser Harrold, the lord commander himself and lord Steffon guarded the celebration. Since it was being held at Maegor’s Holdfast, were the Royal chambers were, so they were keeping a very careful eye, watching all the guest not to get lost inside the rooms of the royal family 
The wine and food flooded freely through the room, soon everyone seemed to be in better spirits, but the dancers were getting sloppier and everyone was getting louder, laughter could be heard from every corner of the room and the intimate atmosphere was lovely. Everyone seemed to be having fun. Harwin was drinking and chatting with some members of your family, as you danced with Laenor and other men as you traded partners throughout the dance.
Your father at some point left the celebration alongside the Queen, she claimed that your father was tired and you believed her. He said goodnight to you with a kiss on your cheek and then left. Criston Cole, now the Queen’s sworn sword, was now in guard as well. 
You finished your fifth cup of wine, feeling happy, but a little slow in your movements. You needed to keep a straight mind, you thought fleetingly, you were supposed to bed your husband today. And suddenly the very thought made you stop dancing and your cheeks blushed scandalously, or perhaps it was the wine. 
“It’s time for the bedding ceremony!” somebody yelled, and everyone started cheering. Before you could realize what was happening, the room splitted between women and men, the first group surrounded Harwin and the men gathered around you. You blushed, you really expected these men weren’t very drunk but you doubt it. The wine had flown freely and the Ale as well 
“You are ready princess?” it was part of the ritual, men would say lude things to you as they undress you, you really weren’t hoping they actually did. And you didn’t think they dared. The ladies grabbed Harwin and they started to pull him out of the Ballroom, all giggly, he looked for you over the crowd, smiling and you smiled back, but when a hand landed on your shoulder threatening to lower your gown you slapped it off 
“If you rip off my dress I swear I’ll feed you to my dragon!” you threaten, and they all keep laughing. And once They left the room they started pulling you too.
Luckily you were in the same tower as your chambers, so the humiliation didn’t last long.
They said things so lude it didn’t fit in your mind repeating them, but they did make you giggle nonetheless. At one point they raised you over their shoulders and took you up the stairs. As they took you down the hallway they became more clever
“You’ll really need to be Strong for tonight princess!” mocked one
“I’ll tell you what I tell every Knight before the joust, be careful of Ser Harwin’s lance, princess” chuckled another. Making the group laugh 
“Harwin will feast on your delight tonight!”
When they finally dropped you off to the gates of your chambers, you had lost all the precious stones in your hair, and your braids had become undone, your hair wild. Before they pushed you into the room a sneaky hand grabbed the lace that held your dress together and pulled it, if you hadn't caught the fabric it would have fallen and left you naked, right in front of your husband. Who was waiting for you
“Be careful Princess, they don’t call him Breakbones for nothing!” one mocked. 
“You are feasting on the realm’s delights, Strong, you lucky son of a bitch!” mocked another. 
“You will know how it feels to ride a dragon!”
“That’s it”, Harwin growled and threw himself over the door to close it and keep all the men out. With his back turned to you, you realized the ladies had removed his pants, and his blue velvet jacket, only leaving him with a long and thin shirt… If you focus, you could see his…
He suddenly turned and your eyes traveled back to his face to see him smiling. If you hadn't you could have totally seen his manhood. 
“I’m sorry for all those lude words my princess” he growled.
“Your?” you asked, amused.
“Well you are my wife now, aren’t you?” he teased
“I’m yours, and you are mine” you repeated your vows. He growled
“Wifey” the men outside started knocking on the door, his words still could be heard from the inside of your chambers, but soon somebody kicked them away, you guessed of your father’s Kingsguard. 
Soon the situation became uncomfortable. you looked down at your chest barely covered by your arm and your dress. You had to bed him, he was your husband now. When you looked up again you found Harwin looking around your rooms. It was a twin room like Rhaenyra’s, big and comfortable. HIs eyes anchored in the nearest table, where there were books and other things dear to you, and among them… 
“You still have this” he said gently, grabbing the crown of roses, they were dried now, but not less beautiful than the day they had been placed on your lap by your husband himself, proclaiming you the Queen of Love and Beauty. 
“Oh, yeah” you felt embarrassed all of a sudden, “No one had ever dedicated his win to me before” his eyes find you again
“I find that difficult wife, you are the most beautiful woman on the seven Kingdoms”
“Oh stop it” you giggled. “Only for you I believe” you whispered
“I hope that is enough…” he whispered, in two shy steps he reached you, his hand cradled your face gently, making you look at him
“It is,” you whispered, completely flustered. He leaned in and kissed you. this time it was needy, his lips moved against yours and when you gasped his tongue caressed your parted lips. You felt like you were dreaming, his other hand grabbed your hip and drew you to him. Your hand rested on his chest. 
He wasn’t like all those young, silly, pretty boys that you have met before, with their hairs perfectly cut and no facial hair. He was gruff, big, strong, and older, he had an unruly beard and a thick mane. The opened buttons on his shirt revealed a thick, hairy chest that made you blush, he was tall, and big. He was a man. 
His mouth abandoned yours, and you instinctively lifted your chin and he dropped lazy and wet kisses down your jaw and then your neck. You whined, suddenly feeling a need you had never felt before
“You are so beautiful” he whispered against the skin of your shoulder, dropping a wet kiss, making your skin crawl, but in a good sense
“You said that already,” you giggled. your hands now on his shoulders. He grunted, again
“I want to bed you” he admitted, still against your skin. his heavy and hot breath makes you tingle way down south of your belly. 
“It’s your right now” you answered, that’s when he left your collarbone to look at you. Concern washing on his face
“I will not take you if you are not willing” he whispered. Oh those eyes. when his hands left your body you felt empty, cold, and you didn’t like it. 
“I’m willing” and that was all it took for Harwin to return his touch to your needy body. He gently led you to the bed. 
“Let me see you” he demanded, he was so rough and in control and yet, you felt safe, you felt like if you wanted to stop, to say no, he would listen. But you didn’t want him to stop, you wanted him to continue. You let him pull the dress off of you, revealing your naked body, but you didn’t have time to feel blushed, he led you until you were laid on your bed. He removed his shirt, his last piece of clothing, revealing his own naked body. 
You gasped
His chest was as broad as pictured with a armor on, his shoulders thick, his arms as well, thick as logs, you followed his hairy trail until you reached his manhood and you swallow thickly
You had never seen a naked man before.
Rhaenyra, on the other side, has told you everything about her encounters, when she laid with Criston Cole for the first time she was 16 and you 14, and you blushed at the thought. But you decided to wash every thought of Rhaenyra from your head, especially now. 
His manhood was big, even though you didn't have anything to compare it with, it was as thick as your arm, but pink, and perfect. You whimpered without even thinking about it, and he smiled because of it. He climbed on the bed until he was on top of you, looking straight at your eyes
What happened next was so wild, chaotic and primal. You opened your legs for him instinctively, he placed himself between them, and he lowered himself to kiss you, his tongue found yours, only to grunt against your mouth and then kept going to devour you whole. At the same time, his fingers prodded in your entrance, in your intimacy. You weren’t innocent, you enjoyed caressing yourself at night sometimes, you knew how babies were made, and you knew having sex could be the greatest of pleasures. But this felt ten times more intense. You felt like your blood was boiling, and he chuckled when his fingers entered you easily, because of how aroused you were
Between growls and gasps he pushed at your entrance with his manhood. The pressured felt painful, he still did it slowly, opened you up to for him until you whined in pain, tears leaving your eyes
“I’m sorry wife, did I harm you?” he asked 
“It’s fine” you cried, you wanted to be good for him, you wanted to please him, and he kissed your tears softly, his big hand caressing your cheeks as he stood still for you to accommodate him. 
“It will get better sweet wife” he purred over your mouth I promise. You felt so deep inside of you that when he moved just an inch you could swear you could see stars. You moaned in need, the pain disappearing. 
He started thrusting in and out of you slowly, one of his hands landed in your hip to keep you grounded as he pounded inside of you. Your hand desperately grabbed him holding him against you, your nails scratched his back and shoulders in need as his trousers became more sloppy
“You want me to plant my seed in you?” he asked between grunts, and you were barely able to nod 
“Yes” you answered simply, and he moaned. Your hand ended in his dark locks, pulling them as his thrusts became more intense. “yes I want to” he kissed you tenderly, as your bodies joined in flesh like you just spoke in your vows. 
You woke up curled against Harwin’s side. His arm protectively around you taping you to him. You liked his warmth, you liked his touch. 
“Good morning Wifey” 
“Good morning husband” you whispered. HIs fingers tickled your shoulder and down your back, making you giggle
“Are you well?” rubbings your eyes and face you seated on the bed, wanting to clean the stickiness that you felt between your legs, but somehow, you could still feel a pressure on your lower belly, like you felt when Harwin is inside you
“Is it normal that I still feel it in my belly?” you couldn’t help but ask. Your heard him chuckle darkly, as he sat on the bed and wrapped his big arms around your shoulders
“Only when the cock is as big as mine” he grunted in your ear, you were still so sensitive it made you whimper. He pulled you until you were both laid on the bed. “I’m not done with you yet, wife” you giggled. he dropped kisses at the side of your face traveling down your neck, and you let out a sound you had never felt before, like a purr. “Now that you surpassed your first time, this is only going to become more enjoyable, I’ll make sure of it”
“Really?” you giggled, you felt him smile against your shoulder
“Yes I promise”
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In celebration of the fifth anniversary of your father’s marriage to Queen Alicent, he hosted a big joust, dragging Harwin and you finally out of your chambers, a place you had been for three days, only enjoying each other's company. Food was being delivered to you by maids with blushes and big smiles. 
He had you more times that you could count and each time he made you see stars, he pleased you as he assured you that you pleasured him. Each of his touch was so gentle, so kind, yet so feel with need 
Now as you were walking towards the field for the joust, Harwin grabbed your hand tightly.
“I will joust today, does that please you” you looked up at him with surprise in your eyes
“Really?” he leaned in
“I win to proclaim you my Queen again” he whispered in your ear, making you tingle. You smiled widely.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to” you reminded him
“I’m the strongest knight in the seven Kingdoms sweet wife, it’s a title I want to uphold” he kissed you swiftly before he parted ways to go to the tents to prepare for the joust. 
You father had given Criston a special dispensation to participate in the joust, and as you sat there at Rhaenyra’s side you saw the Kingsguard beat every opponent that opposed him, until the imminent came, and the banner of the Strongs was raised alongside Criston’s 
The dornish made his horse trot towards the gallery, where he took off his helmet and presented his respects for the pulpit and everyone on it
“I would like to ask Queen Alicent for her favor, because I’m certain that having it will ensure my win” he said firmly, and Alicent conceded his wish with a content smile. She threw at him a laurel crown with red flowers. 
Soon it was Harwin, in a blue armor that appeared right in front of you
“I’d like to ask the princes, my sweet wife to grant me her favor” he said with a smile, “to ensure my win” you raised to your feet and you swear you felt as the first time you did this for him, two years ago
“Of course my Lord husband” you giggled, thawing him your own crown, he received it swiftly with his big arms, and you blushed when you felt it around your own body like a ghost. He winked at you before trotting away to his place to start the jousting. 
“I’m going to enjoy seeing Criston getting knocked off his horse” Rhaenyra said with a wide smile, which you shared
“You and me both sister”
“I waged 100 dragons in favor of Ser Harwin” whispered Laenor who sat besides your sister
“Then you can invite us to purchase some dornish horses” you giggled, and they laughed with you
Before long the horses ran towards each other, the hooves resounding on the ground and the grunts of the men.
It happened in slow motion, Criston was aiming for Harwin’s shield but at the last moment he changed his trajectory hitting the man directly on the shoulder. Your husband flew through the air, luckily it was a clean hit but hard on the ground nonetheless.
The people gasped and you jumped to you feet and to the railing to see his trembling body 
Harwin managed to take of his helmet, but what you heard chilled you to your bones
What sounded like a war cry made everyone in the galleries gasp, as your husband twisted in the ground in pain. Grabbing his shoulder. 
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notes: I wanted to retrieve this iconic scene from the books, I kind of ruhsed this chapter, I hope it was to your liking! See you soon!
taglist! ❤️ @tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd
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daenysthedreamer101 · 1 month
HOTD S1 Rewatch
Ep 6 - The Princess and the Queen
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Omg I love my Queen so much! Look at her smile 😔
First of all... How TF did Alicent find out so quickly that Nyra gave birth?
Mere seconds after pushing Joffrey out Nyra is told that Alicent wants to see him
At 2:38 she pushes him out. At 3:20 she's told by a maid that A wants to see the baby... Like.... How??
You can see only from a couple of minutes that Nyra already loves her baby boy! 😭😭😭
A is sooo evil for doing that to Nyra! Oh you're going to the Seven Hells for that!
Laenor is so confused but he's got good intentions lol
When he says 'I thought we were past this' it implies A did this with Jace and Luke as well...
The way Nyra is struggling to get up those stairs...Alicent I am in your walls!
Also I don't understand her saying 'you may get one who looks like you' like this baby isn't three minutes old!
I mean I know why she said it but damn, let him develop some features!
Baby Vermax is so cute!
DRACARYS! Poor goat though
It's so obvious that Aegon was the one behind the Pink Dread. Alicent blames Nyra's boys but like Luke is like 5 maybe and Jace 7/8. Your son is the oldest one so shouldn't he know better than to bully his own brother.. Oh that's right he doesn't because you let him bully his brother.. And you call yourself a mother 🙄
Helaena my little cutie pie... You deserve a better mother btw
'Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understanding'
He's a Targaryen and his brother bullies him for the fact that he doesn't have one, ofc he wants a dragon, Alicent, pls just say you dont understand anything about the House you married into and leave
'It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched' Why? Their mother is a Targaryen....? So what is your point exactly? Oh she's such a bitch I can't stand her!
Like. Your kids are half Targaryen. Nyra's kids are half Targaryen. Also all of Nyra'a kids had their dragons hatch to them.
None of Alicent's did. They all had to claim dragons. Which there's nothing wrong with that it's just why are you talking such bs?
God I wish they kept Rhaenys's hair black. That way you could have plausible deniability for why Nyra's kids have dark hair, smh.
'I have to believe that in the end honor and decency will prevail'. Literally three seconds ago you were talking shit about her out in the open halls... Right, decency, sure...
Alicent yelling at her son and getting in his face - someone give her mother of the year award...
Caraxes and Vhagar having a cute little dance in the sky, oh the foreshadowing 🙃
Harwin, you're so sexy, if only you lived longer 😔😔
Omg Jace's little face, he's so cute little baby 😭
Why is Criston soo agressive? He's manhandling a litteral child? Like bsffr 🙄
The way Harwin holds Jace's face and encourages him - I'm fine.. I'm fine 🙂🙂
'You forget yourself Ser that is the Prince' as if you weren't encouraging Aegon to attack and harm Jace, who's also a Prince and in line for the throne... Right
I know Harwin punching Clumbo in the face was not a good move politically but he was sooo hot doing that ughh😫 I need to stop
Nyra has such a sweet relationship with her maids. You can see they genuinely care for her😭
We stan Elinda Massey in this house!
The way Nyra was looking up at Laenor as he drunkenly talks about the Triarchy, bye! 💀
The way Daemon smiled at Laena when she walked to sit beside him ughh he loved her I know he did!
Alicent pointing out Nyra's milk leaking was such a bitchy move! 🙄
Viserys I need you to grow a spine, you are the King not Alicent. If he said so Helaena would've married Jace and Alicent couldn't do shit about it.
Larys is such a slimy shady rat I hate just seeing him on my screen!
Laena, bestie, you truly died a dragonrider's death! RIP you were a true girlboss 😔
Vhagar hesitating to burn Laena ughhh my feels!
Harwin saying goodbye to the boys and Nyra holding back tears.... Ughh my heart!
I don't even wanna talk about Harwin dying... You're telling me a man called Breakbones couldn't break a door. I call bs on that.
He's alive and well he's alive and well he's-
I'm fine fine fine fine I'm fine 🙃🙃
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witchlingcirce · 2 months
Oh… MY…. GOD. This is literally all I could have asked for this is one of the best things I’ve seen in so long I’m so HYPED!!
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This shot… I’m literally heart broken this 💔. This is obviously at Lucerys funeral and honestly it’s just…. TO MUCH. The tears in Jaces eyes, them burning Luke’s clothing because there wasn’t a body, baby Joffrey. This scene looks absolutely stunning but also so gut wrenching. I FEEL LIKE ILL DEFINITELY CRY 😭.
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Everyone knows that I manifested this, HARD. Whoever gave them a new, better wig bless you. To the person who actually put them into nice clothing, BLESS YOU TOO.
Baela is literally Laenas twin like… SHE LOOKS SO GOOD.
I’m so happy there finally getting more scenes and lines, I was praying for this. DRAGON TWINSSSS I LOVE YOUUUU
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She looks almost exactly like what I imagine a young Vhagar would look like. VHAGER IS HER MUMMY CONFIRMED!!!
It’s hard to see in this particular shot but I do like that they kept her a paler green colouring!!!! I don’t think you guys understand how much I love moondancer. She like two moments in the book and I decided I would Stan forever.
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BAELA TARGARYENNNNNNNN GETTING her own moment is something I am actually so hyped about, THATS MY WARRIOR PRINCESS.
You know I have a feeling that maybe after Rooks Rest and seeing what happens to a certain someone she mayyyyy cut her hair, like book Baela. Kind of like the thing, hair holds memories yk?
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I understand that the north storyline this season will probably only last three episodes max (damn you eight episodes)! NONETHELESS, I am beyond excited.
Can we talk about how Jacaerys is free from the ugly wig??? THANK THE HEAVENS!! There doing my boy right. Seeing him a decent amount in the trailer made me so hyped, I always thought he deserved to be seen more in the first season since YK, he’s the Heir’s heir (hahah) but I’m so glad there stepping up there game this season!!!
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RHAENYRA RHAENYRA THE WOMAN YOU ARE! Whoever made her costumes and hair this season BLESS YOUR HEART.
I think it’s obvious she’s most likely wearing a Visenya braid and she is STANDING ON BUSINESS!
Before when I was talking about the posters I was discussing how it seemed that they gave her back her cunningness and determination from the books and I am SO HAPPY THEY DID. Because THAT is a queen of he seven kingdoms THATTTTTT is MY WOMANNNNN!!!!
Also this is a side note: but I like how she refers to Aegon as Alicent Hightower’s son, not her brother or half brother but as ALICENTS SON!!!! I feel like it probably has to do with them not being close, but it also it makes it feel like Rhaenyra doesn’t consider him a true son of Viserys. Very interesting, can’t wait for there beef to get more intense.
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Rhaenyra… Rhaenyraaaas EMMA D’ARCY YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS PERSON. I’m in shock, whoever made there outfits this season did they GOOOOOODDDDDD
LOTS of theories on who’s she’s looking 🙉
1. Alicent Hightower
There was a bunch of leaks going around that there would be a final meeting between the two. I think this is an outfit that she wears in the earlier episodes so idkkk buttt If it Rhaenyra why are you looking at her like that… TOXIC YURI CONTINUES.
2. Mysaria
I feel it being Mysaria would be very interesting. Maybe it’s her pleading ‘loyalty’ towards Rhaenyra. And then later on (if there keeping it like how it is in the books) helping Daemon blah B&C.
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This is Corlys definitely telling Rhaenys not to get involved and Rhaenys telling him she has to do what’s right for her house and what’s right for Baela and Rhaena 💔💔💔
Anyways guys I’m so excited, I’m so happy that there finally giving team blacks kids moments to shine and also letting Rhaenyra be book Rhaenyra… JUNE 16th can’t come sooner!
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Can you write something about Helaena targaryen x male uncle targaryen reader.
Where instead of marrying Aegon she marries the reader and they have children while being happy together ( Helaena deserves heaven ) 💕😽
AN- I have never written for Helaena but I love her so very much. She deserves way better than Aegon. But alright, let's give her what she deserves here...
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Ecliptic Wedding
Helaena Targaryen x Male!Reader
Summary- In the presence of the solar eclipse, the dragons wed in love...
Warnings- None
GIF Credits to @bonniebird
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The preparations to welcome the long gone prince granted the Red Keep a new life of joy and relief. The heavy tensions between the two fractions of the House of Dragon had soften on to a slight as the Queen and Princess worked together to welcome the King's second brother.
The Kind; they called him. But that didn't do any justice to his other virtues. The prince was am excellent tactician, mostly away to win wars for the crown or to aid a house which is sinking into dirt. The edge of his sword could only rival his brother's Dark Sister.
The Green Siblings had only heard of the mysterious person they were related to. Only seen him in an old portrait of their family; where he stood beside Daemon with a proud smile and a posture which was too kingly for a prince. But then again, they knew that he was one of the contenders for the Iron Throne when the Old King died.
He had gave up the throne for his brother Viserys and sister Rhaenys; pledging fealty to whosoever sits upon it and rules the Seven Kingdoms; pledging that his life and death belonged to them and so did his sword.
"Have you ever met him mother?" The dear daughter of the king asked her mother with a dreamy edge to her smile. "I have, quite a lot of times, dear. He is everything they speak and more." Alicent could see the glaze in Helaena's beautiful eyes, the admiration she held for her uncle.
Honestly, she thought that Helaena desired the best in the realm. Her gentle soul too pure for the entire world; and she needed to be protected, at any cost.
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A moon had passed since the arrival of the Kind Prince and the realm has been celebrated since then. The joy on Viserys and Daemon could not be contained as they united with their brother; reminiscing old memories and sharing laughter and drowning cups of wine.
Alicent was happy, to see her husband doing well now that his dear brother has returned. Viserys might not have improved but he showed no signs of discontent in the last few days; instead he was quite healthy.
But the Queen's happiness had other reasons as well. She saw how well the prince mixed with her children. He would tell Aegon and Aemond stories of victories and glorious battles; practicing sword with the former as well.
Helaena and the prince were the most close. Their sweet conversations and fleeting touches and discreet glances couldn't hide from Alicent.
"Maybe we should marry your brother to our Helaena." She had proposed one fine evening to her husband as she carefully scrubbed his hand. The stink of blood had clinched to him when he came back from the hunt along with his brothers.
"A fine idea, Alicent. But I must speak to my brother as well."
Only if they knew that both the prince and princess had already flew to Dragonstone on their dragons. A priestess waiting for them with a burning fire while the dragonblade needed for the ceremony was kept safely in the Prince's tunic.
"Are you sure you wish for this, my princess?" He whispered once they landed on the ancestral seat of their family, aiding his princess down with a gentle hand.
Helaena only smiled, turning to him, "I have only waited for you all these years, my prince. I only want you and nothing else."
"The ceremony might hurt you a bit, but the sting will go away soon," he whispered, nodding to the priestess who started the ceremony with the string of Valyrian words leaving her throat. But her words were drowned, for the prince and princess had only the sense of their intertwined hands and amethyst eyes.
As the eclipse began, the dragons bounded to each other with the gods watching from the sky and the dragons growling softly; nuzzling into the others as they watched their riders swear their lives and loyalty to each other.
Forever and after.
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fae-main · 1 month
Otto Hightower Vs Corlys Velaryon two ambitious father's who each desired for their only daughter to marry Viserys I Targaryen and become queen.
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Otto Hightower
a second son who's been hustling his way to the top ever since the time of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen.
by all accounts he served as a loyal and efficient hand to king Jaehaerys I and King Viserys I Targaryen, he did attempt his best to guide and steer Aegon II Targaryen in the right direction and offer helpful solutions but was dismissed.
from what we can see he did seem to respect his wife enough that he doesn't remarry after her death, and there are no rumours of indefinitely or him siring any bastard children.
His daughter Alicent is said to have been born in 88 AC.
he is known to have misliked Daemon Targaryen and held him in low regards.
he was amongst the first to be executed when Rhaenyra Targaryen took possession of King's Landing.
Corlys Velaryon
The head of his House. he's known to have sailed to many places and thus gathered much wealth for House Velaryon.
He married the 16 year old princess Rhaenys when he himself was 37 years old.
His first child and only daughter Laena was said to be born in 92 AC about two years into his marriage with his wife.
He retired his place on King Jaehaerys's small council after his wife was passed over as queen in favour of her uncle Prince Baelon Targaryen.
Be as it may Corlys Velaryon was not by all accounts a faithful husband. He is rumoured to have sired 2 bastards with Marilda of Hull who herself was barley 18 when she had her first son with him, a boy who was later legitimised as Addam Velaryon.
Corlys served as Rhaenyra Targaryen's hand of the Queen. He was much more level headed and had better opinions compared to others on her council, but for the most part his words, and warnings were ignored, and even later he was imprisoned by Rhaenyra.
Frankly Otto Hightower is not so bad in my opinion, he's really not that different from other ambitions men in asoiaf, and he is overly vilified by the fandom.
Now now I know what everyone's going to say and think about me. How could you say that!? don't you want Alicent to be happy!? Do you actually support Otto pimping out Alicent to Viserys!?
Yes I'm saying that, and yes I want Alicent to be happy, and no I don't support anyone pimping out anyone to anyone.
But the thing about the asoiaf universe that many seem to forget is that it's not based in a modern society with modern rules. Things we frown upon are considered quite normal there. So Otto wanting his 18 year old daughter to marry the 29 year old King isn't necessary that big of a deal, especially not when this marriage would make her Queen, a position that grants Alicent and by extension Otto more political influence. Of course it dose somewhat backfire on him, as from 109 AC to 129 AC, Otto was dismissed by King Viserys and had returned to Oldtown.
while I as much as anyone else would love to see Alicent fall in love and marry a man much more worthy and deserving of her I have to say it is a somewhat unrealistic and naive to say, given she's a woman in a male dominated world so even if she doesn't marry Viserys she has to marry someone and there's no guarantee that person would treat her better if not worse.
Otto Hightower is by all accounts observed as an ambitious man, and his daughter servers to further his ambition but that is simply what 99 % of men in his world are like.
On to Otto's support for Aegon II Targaryen.
In all honesty as much as I love the idea of Rhaenyra becoming queen without anyone opposing her I have to say it's just not going to happen. It's simply the way of the world, men don't like women in power especially in asoiaf.
The only way I see her remaining unchanged is simply if Viserys didn't remarry and have more children or that he changed certain laws of succession, in a way made it like Dorne, so eldest daughters could inherit before their brothers and uncles.
If that had happened there would have to be a widespread change in things. For example in Storms End Cassandra Baratheon, being her father's eldest born would now become his heir, Laena Velaryon being her father's eldest born should be her father's heir instead Laenor, Cerelle Lannister would be her father's heir instead of her younger brother Lorean.
But given that Viserys didn't do that we can't really fault Otto and the greens for following traditions and insisting Aegon is the rightful Heir. Because really it's just how things are done in westeros.
Corlys Velaryon is also an ambitious man, his ambition however is more so an obsession with with his legacy he wants Velaryon blood on the throne. this obsession appears to be rooted in Rhaenys and by extension himself being denied the throne.
I don't think Corlys is that much different form Otto in his attempts at wanting to wed his daughter to Viserys, but I would like to remind everyone that Laena was born in 92 AC and Alicent in 88 AC, so that meand Laena was 14 when Corlys wanted her to marry Viserys, and although normally it should be assumed Viserys wouldn't necessarily bed Laena until she passed minority (she celebrated her 16 birthday) as is custom in westeros, Viserys doesn't have a good track record of waiting, as Aemma had been 15 when she gave birth to Rhaenyra and it's stated she had multiple miscarriages before plus a still born son meaning she was most definitely beaded by Viserys before she reached the majority age.
So really when we think about it Otto offering 18 year old Alicent to Viserys is much, much better than Corlys offering 14 year old Laena.
Now on to Corlys's support for Rhaenyra.
First thing I will say is how him supporting her doesn't by any means make him a feminist supporter. Honestly no one in asoiaf can be a true feminist the world just isn't built that way save for certain areas like Drone, where woman can inherit and the island of Leng which appears to be a matriarchal society.
Corlys's support for Rhaenyra also stems from his obsession over having Velaryon blood on the throne, so much so that he's prepared to overlook her cuckolding Leanor and passing off her bastards as his grandchildren.
But let's for a moment imagine what would've happened if Laena actually married Viserys, and had a son with him.
I'm 110 % sure Corlys would've been the first guy to oppose Rhaenyra's claim. The dance would still happen except now Rhaenyra is left without her naval power and two less dragons (Seasmoke and Maelys) given Corlys wouldn't marry Leanor to her so as to not divide his children into separate factions.
So I say again Corlys is an ambitious man but his character is somewhat more delusional than Otto.
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kazz-brekker · 2 years
hotd episode 8 thoughts
boy! this family really never can have a funky good time together without something happening, can they? (i say as a distraction from my immense emotional pain)
rhaenys you may never have been queen of westeros but you are queen to ME.
really liked the bits of daemon and rhaenyra’s life married that we got to see and how comfortable they were with each other. hbo, i’m just saying, but it’s not too late to abandon this whole “adapting the dance of the dragons” idea and just do a 5 season sitcom about the dragonstone household.
wow alicent really has become the westerosi equivalent of a christian housewife but also with girlboss ambitions.
the scenes with the dying viserys made me so sad. rhaenyra trying to talk to her father but he’s too incoherent to understand … introducing him to the grandkids … daemon helping him climb the iron throne … god it really got to me see how much they care about him and how much he was hurting :(
baby aegon iii and viserys ii were really cute though!
no … alicent … please don’t uphold the patriarchy and become complicity in the oppression of women … don’t continue the cycle of abuse begun by others that you now perpetuate…
i am impressed by how quickly this show made my opinion on aegon ii go from “annoying yet entertaining” to “die in a hole you rat bastard.”
congrats to daemon and rhaenyra (and rhaenys!) for raising some much better-adjusted teenagers, definitely liked what we saw of the older versions of the kids.
adult aemond is an absolute menace and i am going to enjoy every single second of his screen time.
jesus christ rhaenyra it’s been SIX YEARS and you still haven’t told rhaenys and corlys their son isn’t dead? please get on that! did love that those two had another scene together at last, though.
the scene where viserys dragged himself to court to sit judgement over the inheritance case was pretty powerful.
damn vaemond velaryon was kind of an ambitious asshole but he really didn’t deserve to die like that. kind of love that daemon was like “talk shit about my wife and you get a sword to the face” though, very in character.
those 30 seconds at the dinner party where everyone was getting along were so bittersweet, it did such a good job of establishing that the whole impending tragedy COULD have been averted if things went differently.
viserys really did need to put his foot down more often and be a stronger king, but it’s also so sad that he just wants his family to get along and love each other and it’s just not going to happen.
helaena honey i am going to rescue you and your ominous prophecies from your terrible husband, you deserve so much better.
the fact that viserys left the room and things immediately went to shit and the younger generation got into a fistfight was peak black comedy, not gonna lie.
the dramatic pause before aemond finished his “strong boys” toast … yeah i love him.
mentally chanting kiss! kiss! kiss! at rhaenyra and alicent as if this could someone how avert all the impending doom.
god, that last scene with alicent and viserys was so good and i am obsessed with how viserys’s obsession with prophecy and the future of his house is actually what dooms it.
PEAK asoiaf vibes to have the prophecy that was supposed to be the duty of the house instead lead to its downfall!
i’m really going to miss paddy considine as viserys, he brought so much depth and complexity to a character who was pretty flat in the book.
i know this whole show has been building up to the dance of the dragons but ohhhhh man am i not ready to see things actually begin in earnest now that the king is dead.
if anyone needs me i will be sitting here trying to process the hour of television i just watched!
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
I don't know how unpopular/popular this opinion is but honestly
Book!Aegon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Show!Aegon and it's not even close
Book!Helaena>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Show!Helaena
The Genius writers thought they did something with her character when they just add dragonsdreams in her character and thought that was enough while at the same time, they have taken away her son Maelor (it would suck so bad if they made b&c about Jaehaerys and jaehaera) , they took her bond with dreamfyre as well, book!Helaena has a very strong bond with her dragon and she loved flying, they have took the people's love for her. How can it be believable now if the smallfolk rose against Rhaenyra because of Helaena's death? If they ever adapted that part anyways. And don't let me start about Aegon, i am still and i will always be bitter about his characterization in the show. They have took a grey, complex and flawed character from the book then turned him into the antichrist in the show lmao. They thought rape wasn't enough so they add the part of him watching his bastards children kill eachother for shits and giggles when it's canon that the only thing that made Aegon so cruel and ruthless is the death of his son Jaehaerys. They literally made him much worse that what Mushroom has ever claimed about him and then start gaslighting us that they made him a sympathetic and grey character 😍
Nonnie, you’re a person after my own heart.
I do think that Helaena was also a dreamer in the books, I mean GRRM didn’t give her Dreamfyre for no reason.
B&C being between Jaehaerys and Jaehaera is honestly so dumb, it clearly says “a son for a son” so it will always be obvious that Jaehaerys will die, they’ll be no suspense…but the writers already butchered so much, what’s one more thing?
Helaena is crowned by her mother, and becomes Queen WITH Aegon but only one woman is allowed to becoming Queen in the show.
Helaena should be WAY more than her dreams, she’s a great mother and yet she hasn’t spent any time with her children. She helps Alicent with the peace terms, convinced Aegon to send them yet she only talks in prophetic words. Just when it comes to the toast (it was funny but it doesn’t scream loyalty from the greens to each other).
Aegon being a bully to his brother, with the Strong kids?!
Also, we can’t forget the main criminal offence that was not having Aegon defend Helaena and being angry at Jace trying to dance with her, the dancing never happened in the books, god, I hate it here.
Aegon saying that he will sail away to never being found, was straight up character assassination and I’m tired to pretend it wasn’t. When the ONLY reason he accepted becoming a King was to protect his FAMILY?! His children, his wife? His mother and brothers? Fuck the writers, ngl.
Alicent not crowning Helaena was absolutely disgusting, the Kingmaker Ser Criston Coke made the King and Alicent, the Queenmaker, made the Queen. (my Alicole agenda is showing 😭)
Some fellow greenies are way too comfortable saying that in the show, Aegon abuses Heleana like it’s a sport, I get not liking Aegon in the show but saying this as if they saw it happen? When Heleana is more than comfortable making fun of him? When Helaena doesn’t care about Aegon being near her? Yeah, no.
They also love to say, this isn’t the books, okay? Doesn’t stop the fact that I want a better character, I want a better Aegon, he’s the man of the house in the books, and in the show he’s pathetic. TGC deserves better.
But yeah, hopefully season 2 will be better even tho the damage is done.
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victorluvsalice · 11 days
AU Thursday: Smiler's Otherland -- Not-Incorrect Quotes Collection Part II!
Because you can never have just one "not-incorrect quote" collection with me --
Victor: [wandering into the big conservatory in the middle of Orchestralia] Conductor? I was wondering if you --
Victor: [pauses as he hears what sounds like a party coming from behind one of the theater doors] ?
Victor: [opens the door and finds a room full of Advocates, all dancing and listening to one Felix E. Lated, who is strutting his stuff across the stage] What -- Felix??
Felix: [waving with a big grin] Hi Victor! Here to see if you can get the stick-in-the-mud to join the festivities?
Victor: The -- what? W-Where's The Conductor?
The Conductor: [sticking his head out from behind the curtain at the side of the stage, looking deeply frazzled] Get. That. Lunatic. Off. My. Stage.
Felix: [striding over and trying to drag him on] What do you have against fun?
Victor: [facepalming] Oh dear, just a moment... SMILER! CAN YOU COME COLLECT YOUR -- WHATEVER HE IS?
Mr. Explorer: [wandering around the improved Dollhouse, sees Fort Resistance] Oh! That looks interesting... [cups his hands around his mouth] Hullo? Anyone in there?
Leader: [from behind the door, with the other Insane Children giggling behind her] One, and two, and three, and more! Who are you?
Mr. Explorer: I'm Mr. Explorer! I like your house -- do you want to play?
Leader: It depends on the game! Some are better than others.
Mr. Explorer: Oh, I don't mind which game! I like all sorts of stuff! And I could introduce you to my butterflies too, if you want!
Thinker: Butterflies? Like Alice's?
Mr. Explorer: Yeah, only lots more kinds! C'mon out!
Leader: Okay! [opens the door and wanders out, revealing the Insane Children in all their glory]
Mr. Explorer:
Alice: [a bit later, trying to comfort Mr. Explorer] I assure you that they're all right.
Mr. Explorer: [crying in her arms] One of them has his brain sticking out!
Drillhead: [clearly confused as to why Mr. Explorer is upset] You wanna play with the drill?
Mr. Explorer: [cries harder]
Alice: [wincing] This is going to take some explaining...
Hatter: [gesturing with his hands] Now this -- this is quality construction!
March: [running his hands up a leg] Aye! Look at how smoothly this joint bends! This creature can scamper and no mistake!
Dormouse: [circling another leg] I like all these lights! They go blink, blink, blink -- and then flash! Lovely for keeping one awake!
Hatter: Yes, but have you seen the syringes here? Such a fine point on them! And the liquid inside bubbles so beautifully!
Marmaliser: [lets out a little "fweee" noise that somehow manages to sound quite pleased and maybe a touch embarrassed]
Hatter: Oh, you deserve all the praise! You're marvelous mechanical mayhem at it's finest!
Alice: [observing this] I really don't know how I feel about you three getting all gooey over the brainwashing machine...
Dr. Minister: [rallying his Staff in the crumbling corridors of the Sanctuary] I'm telling you, if we left now in force, we would have no problem at all taking over those other ridiculous domains and making them socially compliant! They wouldn't stand a chance against our tried and true methods! Don't you want to bring everyone into harmony with our will? Don't you want to make sure everyone is corrected?
Staff: [glancing at each other nervously, fiddling with syringes and batons]
Dr. Minister: [slightly frustrated] We are the best of the best! Leaders in social compliance therapy! It is our duty to bring this mind to heel! [marches to the door and throws it open] What could possibly stand against --
Fury: [standing just outside the door, sharpening his Hysterical version of the Grim Scythe, not looking at Dr. Minister at all]
Queen of Hearts: [standing next to Fury, tentacles curling around her, looking straight at Dr. Minister with a big, fang-filled smile]
Dr. Minister:
Dr. Minister: [very slowly closes the door]
Queen of Hearts: [pouts] Damn it.
Fury: [pats her tentacle] Maybe next time.
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 4 months
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chimerathewriter · 1 year
Oh my god is 2023 and I have seen a lot of delulus this year I will list yall a bunch
Billy Hargrove stabs who hoped that he would have come back even if we saw his racist abusive should live that fine body he didn't deserve. And about him being racist...
Stranger Things stans who started to throw racial slurs when Lucas showed up in the trailer playing basketball and thought that he betrayed the gang.
Stranger Things stans again who made fun of Lucas Sinclair hair, as if is not the most time accurate
Again Stranger Things stans who made racist jokes so that Caleb could notice them. And the ones who tried to invalidate Caleb's expurience with racism.
House of the Dragon stans saying that Targaryen incest is better that Lannister incest bffr, and if you tried to say that Jamie raped Cercei yes even Aegon
Aemond Targaryen stans, trying to completely victimise him, if Jace died that night with that rock yall would be silence
Team Green stans saying that team Green is morally better than team black, nope the writers cut a lot of things
Alicent and Rhaenyra shouldn't be idolise as iconic feminist. Because Alicent was indeed a victim of the pathriarchy but she still let his son be a rapist and become King. Rhaenyra wanted the crown and power not because she's a woman she just want to have power just for herself.
Alicent stans who think she never wanted Rhaenyra's demise, delulu as hell if the writers followed the book 100% yall mouth would be shut
Aegon Targaryen stans
Team Black stans who completely ignore how Viserys ignored his other children for his grown ass daughter. And think that Luke shouldn't have a little bit of accountability
Team Black stans who think that Daemon is a good person
Team Black stans supporting blood and cheese
Writers who decided to change some parts of the story
The bitxh who told me that house Martell is white
People who are racist to the black cast of Hotd
Genshin Impact stans
Stans who think that the representation thingy is not a big deal but poc players have to look at their culture being whitewashed
Stans who say Sumeru isn't inspired from North African, Middle Eastern and South Asian culture
Stans who say that the adultificatiom of little girl character is not weird
Ppl who simp for the 1000 Yr looking boy
Miracolous Ladybug stans who hate Marinette beign a stalker (and becase she rejected Chat many times, but we ain't gonna talk how chat is 2 persistent? OK just close your eyes) and praise Cloe even if at this point she's an irredeemable character and the new episode ugh
Girlies who say that Selwyn is the better love interest when Nick is standing right there
The white reader who didn't like Babylon because she didn't related with the main character
Quentin Tarantino stans
MCU stans
White Wanda Vision stans
TVDU stans
The bros who says woke
American Psycho stans
Jk Rowling stans
Hp stans who say there aren't racist undertones in the book
Some yt Encato Stans
Lore of Olympus Stans
Kpop Stans
I Army that tries to put their opinions in Korean politics
Defending Stephanie Meyers racist writing just because she's mormon
Holland Roden stans
Harry Potter stans who ignore the Maruder girls for new gen of Harry potter
People who fancast darkskin black Maruders biracial
People who cast Peter skinny
People who get angry at poc Maruder fancast
People who say that they don't like the new interview with the vampire series, they like everything except Louis and Claudia casting
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Now we all know why don't yall like the casting, go and Stan your non canon white movie, and live us queens alone
And lastly
White one direction stans who say that the guys were under contract is for this they couldn't defend Zayn against racism and islamophobia
I still have alot probably I will do a fandoms slander series
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Thank you! Thank you for creating the best fanfic I have ever read. I have no words to describe my awe for your talent and dedication nor for my gratitude that you gift us this masterpiece for FREE.
You literally put accomplished authors to shame. You could write as ghostwriter for GRRM, and save us Targaryen and Daenerys fans a lot of heartbreak. XD
Let me tell you that I have binge read those crispy 165 characters since July the 16th. Thank you for satisfying all my Valyrian supremacy cravings, for which this fandom cancel us. You are such a nice escapism from all the Targaryen hate in this forsaken fandom. 😩👏🏼
I never came across a fanfic writer that exceeds all of my expections. Thank you for sharing the same brain –Daemon and Rhaenyra as the OTP? check! The greens all being pathetic embarrassing disappointments in the eyes of everbody? check! No Rhaenyra and Leanor bs? Check! No goddamn dragon seeds? Check! No Strong x Rhaenyra children? Check! Prefect domestic Daemon and Rhaenyra children fluff? Check! No Rhaenyra being bedridden at the beginning of The Dance? Yess queen! Alicent already getting a reality check where her pathetic son and her scheming is concerned despite being just like 3 chapters into the Dance? Check! Alyn and Addam getting the pagetime they deserve? Check! – and *actually* having  the talent, skills and dedication to bring it all onto paper. My Savior 😩🙏
Your fanfic is now my canon where the Dance is concerned. In fact it is so good, it now my favorite era in ASoIaF, definitely tops the current one. 😉
No wonder GRRM hates fanfiction, you treat us better than he ever did! Why couldn't you be in charge of the HBO writer room? 😭
All your characters feel so canon-ish(?), the banter is great, I love how you stick to the medivial royal etiquette –most GoT fanfic writers don't, but I don't blame given how D&D thought snarky obnoxious brusque insults is how nobles talk to each other– I love all the cute domestic fluffy Dragonstone household 😍
Viserys: "Don't worry Visenya you are so chubby the crow didn't break you finger"
Daddy Daemon: "don't insult your sister/don't call your sister fat"
While Visenya switches between Daemon's hair and his necklace-thingy: *nom* *nom* *nom* 🐿️
Sooo cuteeeee ❤️✨
Ouh, but your strong suit? How you write the Greens. Never in my life have I read any characters thoughts and interactions that make my blood boil and my vassals poop as fast as theirs. Love their delusional megalomaniac planning and false reality perception. You top Cersei's POV in those regards.
Alicent makes me want to trottel her with her misogynistic bs and her obsessive ass. Aegon and Aemond are just embarrassments for House Targaryen. I hope Rhaenyra orders all historians to denounce them as princes of House Targaryen in history books. Oh and Rhaenyra's first law as Queen of the 7K has to be that House Targaryen, especially the Monarch and Heir is prohibited to marry any other House as long there is a Targaryen or Velaryon, Celtigar groom/bride 😋
Yes I'm THAT kind of blood purist, this fandom can cancel me for all I care 😆
While we all wait for you to continue blessing us with your masterpiece, I will lose myself in my HCs how your story continues on; Such as i) Aemond attacks BB Aegon -> everbody believes Aegon died -> Daemon let's Jaehaerys be assassinated alla "a son for a son" after all -> Heleana commits suicide -> Daemon kills Aemond alla canon, but Daemon survives (mabye Rhaenys is here to save the day) -> Maelor is sent to Oldtown as precaution, but gets killed on the road similar as to canon -> The Gold Cloaks assassinate Aegon the Pig when he visites The Street of Silk, cause they are the loyal bitches of Daddy D and the pigking is an idiot -> Rhaenyra takes The Capital and has Alicent arrested -> Viserys is about to head up with Daeron near Oldtown when Aegon III reappears with the Winter Wolves, after they murdered Ser Incel -> With them on their doorstep, the men turn on Daeron and murder him to prevent the battle -> the Blacks take Oldtown -> Idk if Otto is in KL or Oldtown, doesn't matter that bitch is dragged there to watch as the Blacks turn Hightower into Harrenhall 2.0 -> Otto and Alicent are kept in the Red Keep for the rest of their lifes and have to see the Blacks thrive as punishment 😎
And somebody kill Lord Baratheon and Veamond!
Oh and I'm that kind of person, where I have the Green brutally murdered but their dragons all survive, cause... cause they are dragons, and their riders being trashbags is not their faults. 😂 And I love dragons, I really hope you won't kill them off in your story, or Rhaenyra/Daemon and their kids 🤞🏼 #screwcanon
Anyway, you are probably gonna exceed all my expectations –Idk if that's incredibly up-lifting for a writer or puts a lot of pressure on you 😬– so.... [but if you don't know how to kill Aegon II off yet, maybeeee you could do it like that? 🥺 pretty please?- 😂]
Still can believe you wrote so much in 3 years 😩👀
Sry this is sooo long I just wanted you to know how appreciated you are.✨👏🏼 Hope you are doing great 🙂
Ps: RIP Lord Lyman Beesbury, the only honorable man in the Red Keep 😔✊🏼
Pss: Shoutout to Petyr Piper, Lord of Pinkmaiden I hope you live longer than Lyman Beesbury 😩 We stan a honorable honest man with taste
Psss: I trust you, but what are you doing with 9yo Rhaena and one of the Rogares... 🤨 pls don't pull me a GRRM with underage girl being "horny" for strange men trice their age. PLEASE.
Hi there! 🤗🤗
First of all, how DARE you say such nice words to me?!
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Thank you so much!
I cannot tell you how touched I was when I read your ask, and how emotional I was as well...
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I say it all the time and it's true. I don't have any particular talent. I have no formal education in literature or any of the sort. English is not my native language. My imagination sucks. The only thing that is special about me (but in my opinion shouldn't be because most people should do this) is that I give a sh:t. That's it. I give a sh:t. That’s it. That’s all.
My fics are very far from perfect, but I always strive to do my best. To keep things consistent. To fix things where I can. To make people feel like these are the characters they read about (not watched, read, it will forever only be the characters they read about) and that they live in the asoiaf universe. Because I love this story, these characters, this world, and every time I think about the mockery that is being made of them and of how many people turn a blind eye to this and support it it really leaves me angry. But no more of this talk because I am NOT going there or getting anywhere near that poorly pathetic excuse for a fanfiction which has less of canon in it than ANY fanfiction I have ever seen.
Back to "The Blacks & the Greens". Thank you so much <3 don't be too impressed (if any) though. When I first started I was not as good at... anything really. I had a lot of trouble in world building, action scenes, getting how the characters should talk right... I had a real learning curve and there is a huge difference between some earlier chapters and the new ones - hence why I am currently finishing revamping part 1 and then will move on to part 2; part 3 I am super happy with though so I will just do minor corrections on typos. Heck! I even struggled to write smut! Me! The person who gets something happening in between the smut scenes! Can you imagine? *shudders* I am kidding there's not that much porn in my fanfiction 🙂
How it feels to read "The Blacks & the Greens":
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Also DAMN that was a binge O o 
I continue to not understand how people see this: 
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And this: 
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And they don’t tell me to go f_ck myself or commit myself to an institution. 
Me: joke’s on you! I am already there! 
I’m not. :)
I cannot tell you how happy your words make me. 2022 has been THE cursed year for tv shows (yes, I know how privileged I sound), and it is people like you and writing that help keep me sane and keep my love for this story and characters alive. 
I hope to be here for long, giving justice to the number 1 chaotic OTP of Fire and Blood Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen! And encouraging others to piss on people who make a mockery of the universe we love, and help to give these characters justice!
And long live Queen Daenerys Targaryen!!!!! I would write something for her, but I cannot make her justice and I will confess I have no f_cking clue of how I would end the story :’l I just... I’m dumb... I. Am. Dumb! 
Anyway to end this on a positive note and because I loved the: 
Viserys: "Don't worry Visenya you are so chubby the crow didn't break you finger"
Daddy Daemon: "don't insult your sister/don't call your sister fat"
While Visenya switches between Daemon's hair and his necklace-thingy: *nom* *nom* *nom* 🐿️
Daemon in Part 1: Literally you are a bag of d_cks and people are like “Prince Daemon, step away from the underaged girl!” but then they realize everyone around is so much worse 😐 and you’re kind of funny (and hot, k like super hot) so they stan you.
Daemon in Part 2: No one: Absolutely no one: Not a single soul: Not even one person: Constantly reminding everyone you are tapping Rhaenyra for a living and that your sons are the future kings. You also do scary things every once and a while and you might (MIGHT) be developing some uncomfortable things other people call “feelings”. 
Daemon in Part 3: Walking around with one or two children with him constantly and saying and doing cool things and cashing checks no one can afford while your babies eat your hair. Also getting really tired of a lot of sh:t. 
Daemon in Part 4: Good. I don’t have to hold back anymore 😠 Everyone: You were holding back?!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
Thank you for all the faith you have in me <3 I hope I am worthy it. And I can say that next chapter is either from Daemon or Aegon II’s POV. 
Again thank you <3 I don’t deserve it, but it’s nice to have, so I will just hold on to it. 
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the-hufflepuffle · 2 years
Okay so this post has spoilers for House of the Dragon, so scroll on if you don't care or don't want spoilers
Okay so I love cinematography, and looking into deeper meanings of small choices the writers, directors or actors choose to add to give the characters and story depth and House of the Dragon is a GOLDMINE. Especially episode 9 and 10.
I wanna talk mainly about the coronations of Aegon II and Rhaenyra. And the crowns.
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Aegon first:
Aegon has shown time and again he was not raised to be a ruler, because his father held to Rhaenyras claim. Because of this, he was held to very little responsibility and even less consequence for his actions. This goes for Aemond as well, though it seems Aemond recognized the weight of the name Targaryen and like he said, studied the histories and philosophies.
Aegon is a drunkard, a rapist and a negligent father and husband. He cares for no one because he believes no one cares for him. This is shown when he asks Alicent "do you love me?" On the way to the Dragonpit. Aegon has never been shown the love he craves so much, until the crown of the Conqueror sits on his head and the masses cheer for him, because he was not raised with Alicent or anyone's love, but his mother's fear for his life and everyone else's assumption he will ascend the throne he has no interest in.
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When the crown is sat on his head, they have to lean it back, almost to tilt it so it won't fall. The Conquerors crown is to big for Aegons head. This, to me, symbolizes a lot about Aegon.
1.) Aegon is not ready, or meant, to be the king. This is an obvious statement given what we know about him but the crown being so large on him it's tilted almost gives me the sense of a child in a crown to big. A child not ready or aware of the weight of that crown.
2.) Aegon is not Aegon. Despite what everyone says "he has the Conquerors name, his sword and his crown", Aegon is not the Conqueror. The Conqueror left large shoes for any Targaryen to fill, he conquered a continent and became its sovereign. The job of his descendants was to maintain that realm. Aegon is expected to be the Conqueror reborn, and that can be a lot for him to feel he has to live up to. More than his forefathers.
3.) Aegon is not Viserys. Viserys continued Jahaerys reign of peace and stability. And both kings, especially to a boy, left roles to fulfill he wasn't trained for. The crown doesn't fit him,perhaps because he isn't meant to wear it or any crown.
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Now onto Rhaenyra.
Viserys named Rhaenyra his heir, and the future queen when she was 14 in the show and 8 in the books. We knkw that Viserys died at age 52 which means he had between 30-45ish years he taught Rhaenyra how to rule. How to be fair and just, while still commanding respect.
This is evident in Rhaenyras children as well when you watch Laenas funeral. The greens are busy being bored and blowing mouth bubbles, fantasizing about their sister, or playing on the dirt. No disrespect to Helaena I love her she deserves better. However Rhaenyras children are solemn, showing the proper respects and understanding that while they are also grieving the death of Harwin Strong, especially Jace, they put the needs of Daemon and his daughters ahead of their own.
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When Rhaenyra is given Viserys crown at the funeral of her and Daemons stillborn daughter Visenya, it fits her perfectly, resting where it rested on her father and on Jahaerys before him. This demonstrates much about Rhaenyra as well.
1.) Rhaenyra was prepared to rule a kingdom. Viserys had named her his cupbearer, so she was on the small council meetings and could observe what happened and how these meetings presided. She was taught and reared by Viserys to fill this role and continue the generations of peace in Westeros, and we see this in episode 10 when Rhaenys explains the state of the war room to Corlys.
2.) Rhaenyra is the rightful heir. The crown that Viserys wore was Jahaerys before it was his, and now it's Rhaenyras. The crown fitting perfectly symbolizes that maybe not just Viserys vision for Westeros woukd be continued through her but Jahaerys legacy will continue as well. Even in episode 10, it was Aemond who officially started the war. Until then Rhaenyra had planned to be diplomatic rather than war waging which Dameon would have wanted.
3.) Rhaenyra is ready to rule. Viserys death was something people had been prepared for for years, but as someone who was prepared for a death since the fifth grade onky for it to happen 4 years later, no amount of preparedness will ready you for the pain. Rhaenyra really only had Viserys for much of her life, and the crown fitting to me symbolizes that not o my is it time for her reign, but that she is ready despite the grief.
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All in all I loved house of the dragon and can't wait for season 2. Let me knkw what you think, I'd love to have a conversation!
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hisqueeninthenorth · 2 years
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Them Dragons n Nem aka The Chronicles of Rhaeneesha and Daemoni went hard last night. Spoilers below do if you didn’t watch keep scrolling heaux and if you didn’t watch, wtf you waiting for 😑
Aight so boom- we open this episode in the Mufuckin Vale y’all. Y’all remember when the 8 finger King sent Daemoni on his way right? Well, Daemoni being the incestuous homicidal maniac that he is decided that it’s not a homecoming without unaliving someone. And that someone was Lady Rhea Targaryen, heiress to Runestone. She was a Lil baddie too. She used her words better than she rode that horse.
We should all know that when Daemoni has on that damn hooded cloak the bullsh1t is sure to follow. I respect her gangsta though. She went out like a G and talked sh1t til the end. I couldn’t find a lie in anything she said.
Now let’s get back to the get back. The eight fingered King, or is it seven fingers? Ion know but them gloves he had on was gloving. The eight fingered king was on the ship and he had yet to get his sea legs because he was looking like a wight from Game of Thrones, all grey and green before he threw up 😑 not his best moment. “Is this your King???” Seriously eight fingers, do better.
Ser Otto Hightower was leaving the Red Keep for the unemployment line. I almost thought he was a robot til he hugged his daughter. Tough love but that battery in her back was unnecessary. Good riddance Kneegah. And may you have the retirement you deserve.
So the Royal retinue went to Driftmark y’all and I LIVED. First of all the castle rivals the Red Keep, but Corlys is the richest Kneegah in Westeros so I wasn’t surprised. The new hand is all “Is this how house Velaryon greets their king” and Laena’s fine a$$ was like “be easy my kneegah, daddy ain’t jumping for y’all uninvited begging a$$es.”
The entryway in High Tide was amazing. The funerary masks remind me of the masks from Benin. I see what they did there.
But NAWT Corlys Receiving ole eight fingers in a throne room of his own. And NAWT the eight fingers begging for an alliance after he snubbed him from the jump. Corlys said my grandpickney gonna be Velaryons, and Eight fingers was like “whatchyu mean Velaryons? We Dragons beech, and Dragons we will remain.” In the end a compromise ws reached and Rhaeneesha is getting hitched to her cousin yall. Honorable mention to Rhaeneesha being an ally for the LGBTQ way back when. She was like ion like Goose, I like Duck so we gon do what needs to be done but you can go on head and eat your duck or goose or whatever it is you like and ima do me. And yes fat meat is indeed greasy.
And about her cousin. Princess Rhaenys knows what typea time her son is on. She also knows that marriage and Raheneesha being the heir is a possible death sentence for them and her future grandchildren. Is she black cuz only black people have those spidey senses built in for imminent danger 🤷🏽‍♀️ anywho, we get a scene of Laenor frolicking with his paramour and it was cute or whatever but not like hot like Rhaeneesha and her sneaky link.
The Queen shall be forever known as Alicent Ms Mixie Messy because why is she so invested in who Rhaeneesha puts her Kewcheepurse on??? Dude in the garden- the new hands son/ is the same one Ser Criston unhorsed. Looks like he got twisted up cuz he was plotting and scheming with his bent body. “Bop it, twist it” why is it his or Alicents business that Rhaeneesha took the Plan Tea??? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Now back on the boat Ser Criston invited Rhaeneesha on an economy class ship to struggle love. He was like “babe we can eat oranges and ship hop and be married because I Luh you gworl.” 😑 Rhaeneesha was like “Bruh I am the Crown, and I’m not Dyck Dizzy enough to give up my inheritance to ship hop.” It was at that moment the course of the upcoming war changed. Ser Criston came down with a case of the spurns. He talm bout soiling his cloak as if he didn’t give up the drawers so easily. Dude was committed. At anytime while unlacing those hundreds of laces on those boots he could have opted out. That scene was giving “Why do fools fall in love” Rhaeneesha gave him the mmmbopshadoopbopbop and now he can’t see straight.
Alicent Ms Mixie Messy pressing Ser Criston will never not be weird. You can’t commit a crime with that jilted kneegah because Ser, no one asked you for that information. He was on some Ray J “I hit it first” nonsense and no one asked.
Issa wedding feast yall. And Jason Lannister went up to the dais looking real goofy. That fake smile that Viserys gave him after he said that dumb sh1t about women not being ready for a battle is today’s equivalent of the “church lady fawk you” 😑
Now them Velaryons are some Majestic kneegahs. Y’all saw the procession??? They came in there like yes we kneegahs with silver locks and dragons.. who fawkin wit us?? It was a moment.
Here comes Alicent Ms Mixie Messy in her house colors and a subtle battle cry and call for treason in the midst of Eight Fingers speech. The disrespect. But y’all tryna tell me no one noticed what she was up to? No one in that hall save for the other Greens was smarter than a fifth grader cuz ain’t no way they couldn’t put two and two together. Ray Charles saw it 👀
The Medieval Cha-Cha Slide was lit. That “Hey” was a whole vibe 😭
Here come Daemoni with his messy a$$. Ser Royce really tried it with accusing him- and rightfully so but Daemoni yet again wins the day. The “you’re evicted” sent me. He don’t GAF about nothing because why was he toying with Rhaeneesha’s emotions in front of her daddy eight fingers face??? I know her kewcheepurse was THUMPING when he grabbed her jaw and he almost made ole eight fingers have a stroke. It was wild.
Joffrey Lonmouth, Laenor’s sneaky link, has a long mouth. Because he pressing Ser Criston at the feast like he knows this man. I’m yelling at the tv “You don’t know this man” when Ser Criston clenched his fist I knew it was a wrap. I thought he was finna pull the blicky and send my boy to the upper room but it went down different.
Laenor getting tossed around like a delicate doll was too much fah me. Ser Harwyn Strong really lived up to his name because he was just tossing kneegahs left and right. Then tossed Rhaeneesha over his shoulder like she didn’t weigh an ounce.
Ser Criston has HANDSSSS. I almost felt bad for Ser Longmouth. If “Talk sh1t get hit” was a person, it’s him. I’m like you shoulda just sat there and ate your food. Now look. Blood and brains on the floor. Hole in your head. He was weighed and measured and came up short. Ser Criston put the paws on him, minked minked minked his a$$ and sadly he didn’t live to see another day.
I felt cheated because how did it pop off? Were there words after that? Or did it take a minute for Ser Criston to realize the kneegah was testing his gangsta 🤔
Them Westerosi Kneegahs are a different breed for sure. I guess it ain’t a real wedding unless somebody makes it to the creators throne room 🤷🏽‍♀️ but the way they made Laenor marry Rhaeneesha with his sneaky links blood and brains on the floor is a different type of disassociating. But it’s Westeros so I guess.
Ser Criston playing the victim talm bout he was dishonored so he gonna take his own life and here comes Alicent Ms Mixie Messy to fully bring him over to her side. I wanna feel bad for Criston, I just can’t knowing how this whole thing ends and the role he played in it. Rhaeneesha kewcheepurse must be bomb because she had all the kneegahs there checking for her. Ser Harwyn, Daemoni, Criston. Sis has options 🤷🏽‍♀️ and I’m not mad at her.
All in all we Light The way saw little action but a lot of setup. 10/10 would recommend.
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Til next week
Dracarys Beeches
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