#chaotic aemond king
My favourite HOTD characters
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maidragoste · 4 months
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part of the universe of "the queen and her husbands"
reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated, it really motivates me to keep writing 💖💖
My inbox is open so I'm always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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In the first months of Aemond's return to King's Landing, he never removes the patch around his children. He is afraid of their reaction to seeing his scar and that he lacks an eye. He is sure that Aemon and Baelon will be afraid if they see him and he could not bear his children to be afraid of him again. He does not want to return to the first days of his return where they cried every time he tried to raise them. So he always has the patch. It doesn't matter how many times you insist on your husband who took it out when you four are alone and you assure you that nothing bad will happen, he doesn't want to risk it.
Until a warm day, Aemond can no longer bear the patch and decides to remove it for a moment just because Aemon is asleep in his lap and plans to put it back before his son wakes up. Aemond is so absorbed in his reading that he does not realize that Aemon is awake until he feels a small hand touching his face. The prince looks at him expectantly, ready to listen to a cry or a scream but that doesn't happen.
And when you enter the chambers and you find one of your children standing in your husband's lap trying to remove the sapphire from his eye you cannot help laughing. You are not surprised after all, your children seem obsessed with playing and playing with the sapphire of your necklace.
Later when Baelon returns from spending the afternoon with his grandmother and Aemond has his patch again. You and your husband are sitting on the floor playing with the twins when Aemon proudly shows his twin his new discovery, raising the Aemond patch and exposing the sapphire. You notice how your husband is tense fearing that maybe Baelon reacted badly and smiled at him waiting to give him a little confidence.
Then Baelon shouts excitedly and now it is both twins who try to remove their dad's sapphire.
You laugh while you get up and rise to Baelon moving away from Aemond.
"I told you that you had nothing to worry about," you say smiling and dodging Baelon's little kicks.
To the consternation of Aemon, your husband also gets out on the floor. He looks at him for a moment before playing with his other toys.
"Do you want me to tell you that this time you were right?" says Aemond, taking Baelon away from you, he would rather suffer from a kick than you end up hurt.
"I'm always right"
"No, you don't."
Before you can complain Aemond kisses you making you forget about any thoughts.
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Taglist: @watercolorskyy @chaotic-fangirl-blog @venus-flytrap3 @sweethoneyblossom1 @fudge13 @alisoncdariel @crystal-faith @tita004 @ichanelvxgue @your-favorite-god
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
I was in a doctor's office and an idea came to my mind while I was waiting to be seen:
What if Rhaenyra and Laenor had a legitimate child? And they, like the rest of the family because we love drama, were yandere for the child?
The Reader was the only legitimate child to be born from Nyra and Laenor's marriage. Their heritage could not be questioned due to its Valyrian appearance and the clear obsessive attachment that Laenor has to them, something he did not have with his other ''children.''
Meanwhile, Rhaenyra adored and spoiled her firstborn, she loved her other children deeply, but she favored the Reader, her heir, in the same way that Viserys favored her. As Cersei said, you never love anything in the world the way you love your first child.
Corlys and Rhaenys would be absolutely attached to the Reader, especially after Laenor's death, as they are the only trace of their son. Rhaenys wants Driftmark to pass to you and not Jacaerys (who in this scenario becomes Lord of Driftmark), while Corlys insists that becoming King or Queen of the Seven Kingdoms will be better for you.
Alicent and Otto would have developed their own obsession with you in their own way. Alicent would love you and perhaps even see you as a mother figure, causing friction between her and Rhaenyra. Alicent's children would follow their mother's example, Helaena would be especially close to you, Aegon and Aemond would constantly fight for your attention with their brothers.
Jacaerys is only a year younger than you and he considers himself your best friend. There is no resentment between you and there never will be, he loved you with everything in him and defends you tooth and nail. Lucerys is the youngest brother who constantly wants your attention and approval and becomes jealous when it is given to someone else.
It would be interesting, mainly due to the issue of usurpation. Things would get even more chaotic once Daemon entered the story.
Maybe I need to write something about this...
~ Lady L
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Could you write about Harwin strong being married to Rhaenyra's sister and they are in Drifmark and is their son who attacked Aemond to protect his little brother so when they are asking about what happens they stand up for him and at the end is the reader who stops Alicent from attacking her son?
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(Gif not mine but oh, be still my beating heart)
Title: Strong Bonds
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing: Harwin Strong x Female!Targaryen Reader
Word Count: 7,610
Warnings: Grief, incest, blood, violence, childbirth, etc.
A/N: FINALLY A HARWIN STRONG REQUEST! For context, Y/n will be a year younger than Rhaenyra, and speaking of which, Rhaenyra will still be married to Laenor and their sons are all legitimate with mixed skin, silver hair, and purple eyes.
(I do not consent to my works being reposted/copied)
"Are you sure it's safe for you to be traveling at this extent?"
Y/n peered up from absentmindedly playing with her sleeping son's dark hair, her own silver locks falling over her eyes as she does so. The carriage rocks as it slowly made its way down a dirt road outside, swaying the Targaryen princess and her family in a calming moment of their chaotic lives. The son whose head rested in her lap, Osmund, stirred when the carriage hit a bump in the road but otherwise kept on dreaming. Y/n returned to petting his hair to keep him that way.
Her husband, Harwin Strong, closely watches her from across the carriage, their youngest son, Baelor, also slept but preferred his father's strong arms over his mother's small lap. No one could blame the five-year-old child since Princess Y/n's lap had shrunk over the months due to her ever-growing stomach, now barely giving ten-year-old Osmund room to sleep in peace.
She raises a sharp eyebrow at her husband, "Would you rather have me fly Qyraxes to Driftmark?"
"Gods, woman, no of course not," Harwin shakes his head, but couldn't help the small grin he bore, "You act like I want to be a widower. What I meant to say was that we didn't have to leave if it would be safer for you."
"This is my cousin's funeral, my love," Y/n spoke sadly, staring out the window while thinking of Laena, "Everyone is going to be there and we, alongside the rest of my father's family, are expected to be there. Besides... I have not seen or heard from Rhaenyra since she left for Dragonstone. I need to see her again."
"Your sister could easily fly back to King's Landing to see you."
A scowl forms on the princess' beautiful face, "Not when there are leeches always lurking about in the Red Keep."
She doesn't speak plainly, but the message was clear. Y/n always prided herself in acting similar to her uncle, Daemon, over her father, Viserys. Much like Daemon, Y/n always saw Otto Hightower as a leech, sucking the blood from the King's back. His daughter is no different. Queen Alicent is a thorn in Y/n's side. Like repeating history, the two women exchange poisoned words with each other, much like how Otto and Daemon once did. It brought Y/n comfort to learn that Lord Otto was dismissed and sent back to Oldtown, with her good father, Lord Lyonel, taking his place as the new Hand of the King, but the Queen still remained. Y/n may not have been friends with Alicent like Rhaenyra once was, but their personalities clashed and therefore formed a rivalry that matched the feud between Alicent and Rhaenyra.
Alicent's most recent jab was one spoken under her breath, but for the entire Small Council to hear. She had made a comment that only true Targaryens have silver hair, and although she never spoke plainly, everyone knew she was singling out Y/n and Harwin's black-haired children. Lord Lyonel Strong looked appalled and disgusted in defense of his son, and Viserys wanted to come to his youngest daughter's defense, but Y/n had always been able to hold her own. Her sharp tongue shuts the accusation down quickly when she pointed out that Alicent's sons and daughter must not be true Targaryens then since they're half Hightower and were just lucky enough to bear silver hair.
Y/n didn't like King's Landing any more than Rhaenyra because of obvious reasons, but unlike Rhaenyra, the younger sister didn't really have a choice in leaving when both she and her husband were part of her father's court. As much as Y/n would love to raise her children alongside her sister in Dragonstone, Rhaenyra had been named the princess of said keep and therefore she had every right to live there. Y/n, being the younger daughter of Viserys and Aemma, had no such claim and unfortunately had no rights apart from those she earned when marrying her now husband.
Not to say she was complaining, however, since she loved Harwin with a burning passion and was happy to bear his sons and heirs of Harrenhal. Y/n had never been happier, and made peace with the fact that she would never have claims to anything like Rhaenyra did as long as she wasn't Viserys' heir. Y/n was content in just being a Targaryen princess, a dragon rider, a wife, and most proudly a mother. Nothing more.
Harwin relents after a fashion of heavy, grieving silence, adjusting his younger boy's head to rest more comfortably on his chest, "Did the maesters say you'll be safe to travel?"
"... No," she flashed a shy grin as if she had been caught stealing sweets, "But when has that ever stopped me?"
Harwin huffs out a small, exhausted laugh, a fond tone in his voice, "Have you noticed how much I've aged since I married the trickster that you are?"
"I've never tricked you into anything," Y/n tilts her head and smiles fondly back at him, "If anything, you're the one who's been tricking me. Only you could persuade me from causing a little chaos."
"Then I should have tried making my case back at King's Landing before we even packed for Driftmark."
"I'm pregnant, my love, not dying," Y/n decides to change the subject upon looking out the window and seeing Driftmark's rooftops in the distance, "I hope Daemon makes an appearance. He tends to act more of a stranger than usual when grieving."
Daemon is not there to greet his family when they arrive, but Rhaenyra is, along with her husband, Laenor, and their children, Jacaerys and Lucerys.
The royal family and their court all spill out of their line of carriages, King Viserys being the first to greet his oldest daughter with a hug and a kiss before greeting Laenor with his condolences. Alicent and her children dutifully say their grievances, but remain stiff during the whole exchange. Harwin emerges from his carriage, helping his sons out and then his heavily pregnant wife. Y/n's feet barely touched the ground before Rhaenyra embraced her.
"You look stunning," the older sister comments while holding Y/n's face in her hands, "Have the maesters determined the gender of the child?"
"They think it's a girl," Y/n beamed, glancing over at her husband, "And I think he is far more excited than I."
"Marvelous. You must tell me what names you have planned out over tea," Rhaenyra links her arm with Y/n as they began to walk.
"How is Joffrey?"
"Restless, I'm afraid. I left him at home with the wet nurse so that I may gain some sleep out of all of this. You know, if you're truly having a daughter, perhaps we might get to wed our children after all."
"Wouldn't that be lovely? We would get to spend our elder years together, watching our children and grandchildren rule all of the strong houses of the Seven Kingdoms. And let's not forget the dragons they would all ride."
The beautiful vision fades when the Lord and Lady of Driftmark finally come out to greet their guests. Rhaena and Baela are with them and are momentarily distracted from their grief in exchange for fawning over Y/n's rounded belly. Y/n gladly answered their questions if it meant they could briefly forget about their mother's passing. She also secretly enjoyed the girls' company, excited with the idea of possibly having her own girl soon. Jace and Luke trail behind them, but try to act as though they were not interested. Y/n included her nephews in the conversation, wanting them to bond with Laena's daughters. They were family after all, and family shouldn't feel like strangers to one another.
The funeral itself is brought down to the cliffsides where Laena's coffin is to be thrown into the sea. Vaemond Velaryon said a wonderful eulogy about his family's house and finally, the heavy coffin was thrown from the cliffs' edge, sinking to the very bottom of the deep. No one ever said a word until they walked back up to the keep in order to help themselves to wine and food. Plenty of people took this time to give their condolences to the family of the dead, and Corlys and Rhaenys bravely took in their guests despite mourning for the loss of their child. Laenor mysteriously vanishes, but no one says a word, not even when Corlys angrily sent Ser Qarl Correy to fetch him. Everyone was tight-lipped, the tension filling the air with the threat to break. Who were meant to be family members barely knew what to do with each other.
Speaking of, Y/n finally spotted Daemon lingering on the outskirts of the growing crowd and briefly left the children with Harwin and Rhaenyra so that she may give her condolences, "Uncle. My sincerest apologies for you and your daughters."
Daemon accepts the kiss on his cheek but keeps his hands folded in front of him, leaning against the stone balcony overlooking the sea. His eyes travel over his niece's face before traveling down to her swollen belly, smiling slightly as he spoke in Valyrian, "Not as sorry as I am for you to make such a harrowing journey in your predicament. My own wife was dying from childbirth before she took matters into her own hands. One could only wonder if the difficult labor was the consequence of our family traveling so often."
"You can't blame yourself for what's happened," Y/n rests a hand on her uncle's shoulder, reverting to her mother tongue, "Women die of childbirth every day, our mothers were no exception. Laena was strong and determined to die a dragonrider's death, which she succeeded."
Daemon briefly looks down and then looks off to the side. Y/n follows his gaze and spots her father across the yard, eyeing the two of them before turning away and speaking with Corlys Velaryon. Lyonel Strong is standing beside the King, with young Baelor weaving between his two grandfathers, unbothered. Y/n looks back at her uncle and whispers in his ear in the common tongue, "Speak with him. He misses you."
She pulls away and gives Daemon his space, carefully hobbling over to her usual social circles. Harwin has a chair waiting for her as their friends and family are gathered around it. Harwin holds Y/n's hand to steady her as she sits, gratefully taking a drink from a servant girl. Osmund approached his mother once she was settled and she immediately grabs his hand with an encouraging smile.
"Why don't you go and see to your cousins, hm?" Y/n gently squeezed her son's smaller hand, her thumb tracing shapes in his skin, "They've lost their mother. They could use a kind word."
Osmund looked as though he was ready to pout and whine until he glanced up at his father. One stern look from Harwin and the little lord sighs and nods obediently, leaning over and kissing his mother's cheek before walking away to find Rhaena and Baela.
Rhaenyra watches her nephew walk off, a cup of wine in her hands, "Is he ill-tempered?"
"Not usually. It's been a long journey to Driftmark and he was sad he couldn't fly here. It's also the first time he's ever experienced loss. I don't think he knows how to properly react yet," Y/n absently rubs her stomach, playfully smiling up at her husband, "He does get his might from his father though."
"As one could expect from the son of Ser Breakbones," Rhaenyra chimes in with amusement as she now watches her sister's movements, "So for names, have you decided on any?"
"A few," Harwin answered from his stance behind his wife's chair, "If the maesters were mistaken and it is a boy, we want to name him Viserys," Rhaenyra smiles as he continued, "If it's a girl... we're still deciding on just one."
"We've been going back and forth," Y/n sighs, exhausted by the memory alone, "Alysanne, Alyssa, Nymeria, Visenya and... and Aemma."
Rhaenyra pauses mid-sip, slowly pulling the goblet away from her lips when she found she couldn't swallow, eyes blinking rapidly as she wordlessly gripped Y/n's shoulder. Neither sister said a word, but they understood each other all the same. Rhaenyra pardons herself, deciding she needed fresh air away from the crowds. Once she caught sight of Daemon leaving the gathering, she makes up her mind and sends her sons to bed before she, too, disappeared from the public eye.
Y/n watched her sister leave with her uncle and chose to ignore it, smiling and acknowledging the King when he slowly made his way to her after bidding the Queen goodnight.
"My child," Viserys took his daughter's hand and kissed it, "I'm retiring for the night. Do try and get some rest before the return journey."
"Yes, Father. If it is my king's wish."
Viserys smiles and nods to Harwin before exiting. Eventually, Princess Rhaenys walks up to the couple after consoling her granddaughters, and Harwin offers her a seat beside Y/n. Rhaenys accepts and leans close to her distant cousin while overlooking the crowd.
"I had hoped for your baby to be born by the time this gathering happened," the elder woman admits, "I had hoped new life would've outshined the loss of an older one."
"Laena was still young," Y/n held onto Rhaenys' arm, "And strong-willed. I would rather have people remember her life today instead of celebrating the birth of my child. Laena deserves that. I'm so... I'm so sorry, Princess Rhaenys."
Rhaenys only nods, unable to allow herself tears in a public setting, keeping her eyes fixed on Y/n's hand on her arm for a focus point, "No parent should outlive their child."
"And yet, we all wish for our mothers to be with us for the rest of our lives," Y/n looks off, heart-clenching, "I wish my mother got to grow old. I wish she got to meet her grandchildren and die fat and happy... But I wouldn't wish that for myself if it meant your granddaughters got to have their mother back. I wouldn't wish for Rhaena and Baela to go through the same loss I went through when I was their age. I wouldn't wish that for my sons or my nephews."
Rhaenys stands, feeling the emotions threatening to spill from her eyes and she couldn't bear to cause a scene. She squeezes Y/n's shoulder, nodding in thanks when the words couldn't come out, and then she left. A few hours pass and then both Harwin and Y/n round up their boys and bring them to their beds. Once their children are asleep, the parents turn in for the night as well, hearts heavy and exhausted.
Harwin had been quiet during most of the interactions at the gathering, but his thoughts were loud in his actions. While helping his wife undress, he couldn't help but kiss her bare shoulder and let his hands linger around her stomach, storms brewing in his eyes, "Years ago, I couldn't understand why your father was so... broken after the loss of your mother and brother. But now... as your husband and father to our boys... I can't even fathom what I would do if that were you in your mother's place."
Y/n quietly hushes Harwin as she turned to face him, letting her fingers graze over his beard, "It happens to women all the time, my love. It cannot be helped. You can't fight your way out of that. My mother used to say that a woman's battlefield is the birthing bed, and unfortunately, it's not a battle you can fight for me."
Harwin nods despite the look of defeat in his eyes. He had always been a man of action, able to protect those he loves with his might. However, Ser Breakbones always felt helpless whenever his wife goes through pregnancy. He felt useless and the only thing he could do was continue to be a husband and father, but not a soldier. Up until now, his family didn't need him to be a soldier.
The two of them go to bed, held in each others' arms as the moon moves slowly overhead and commanding the unforgivable waves to crash against the rocky cliffs outside the keep. It was soothing to listen to as sleep overtook the tired pair, more soothing than the sounds of King's Landing at night. It was easy to drift into dreams when a beautiful place such as Driftmark was so peaceful and quiet.
That is until a frantic knock is heard pounding on their bedroom door hours later, rudely awakening Harwin and Y/n from their slumber. Harwin crawls out of bed and walks to the door, "Who is it?"
"Harrold Westerling, Ser Harwin."
Y/n sits up in bed, alarmed as both she and Harwin exchange a worried expression. Harwin helps her stand up and throw a dark red robe over her nightgown before they beckon the Commander of the Kingsguard inside. The old man throws the heavy door open, straightening his posture and bowing in Y/n's presence as she addressed him.
"Ser Harrold, what seems to be the matter?"
"Forgive me for the late hour, Princess," Harrold appeared out of breath and possibly even horrified, further worrying the Strongs, "But there has been an accident and your sons are waiting for you in the Great Hall."
Neither of them questions it, both parents racing out of the room with Ser Harrold closely following them. They weave through the hallways of the dark keep, barely seeing a soul awake until they burst into the doors leading into the Great Hall.
Most of the souls that were once sleeping under the roof of the keep were all gathered in this one room, the lights of torches and the blazing fireplaces dancing over everyone's grave faces. Y/n first spots silver hair and finds Rhaenyra and Daemon, standing together off to the side and holding onto Osmund and Baelor. Both Y/n and Harwin run to their sons and gather the boys in their arms, worry filling their voices as they question why both of them had blood on their little faces.
"Ozzy, what happened? Are you alright?"
"Are you hurt? Let me see it, son."
"Why is your nose bleeding?"
"Tell us what happened, Bae."
Poor little Baelor was crying too hard to get a word out, clinging onto his mother's skirts like a lifeline even as his father was kneeling beside him and examining the bloodied and bruised knuckles on his tiny left hand. Osmund looked angry and defiant, a cut cracked over the bridge of his nose and bleeding along with his flaring nostrils as his mother's hands trail over his injured face. Finally looking around at the rest of the crowd, Y/n noticed Viserys and Alicent on the other side of the room, the Queen kneeling beside the maester as he tended to Young Aemond, the prince sitting beside the fireplace with half of his face stitched up. Rhaena and Baela were also present and bleeding from their faces, hugging either side of their Grandmother Rhaenys' waist and Corlys stands protectively in front of them. A few faces were missing from this picture, such as Laenor and his sons, but Rhaenyra doesn't acknowledge this as she stands close to her sister and answers her questions.
"The children were fighting each other. A knife was drawn--"
"Your son took my son's eye!" Alicent proclaimed hysterically, unshed tears in her manic eyes as she stood up and stepped toward the center of the room.
Y/n's eyes widen and looked down at her oldest child, "Ozzy?"
"Aemond stole and claimed Vhagar," Osmund explained, "He said horrible things about Aunt Laena when we all confronted him."
"She attacked me!" Aemond snarled as he pointed at Baela, thus starting a chain of children arguing over each other.
"He attacked Baela!"
"You insulted our mother!"
"He broke Ozzy's nose!"
"He stole my dragon!"
"He could've killed me!"
"It should be my son telling the tale!" Alicent roared.
"He was only defending himself!"
"He could've killed Baelor!"
"I didn't do anything!"
"Silence!" Viserys demanded, slamming his cane down against the cobblestone floor, "I am your king and I will have the truth of what happened! Who drew the blade?!"
"It was mine," Osmund admits, hanging his head when all eyes turned to him, "I drew it when I thought Aemond was going to kill Bae."
"He wouldn't stop hitting me," Baelor whimpered into his mother's swollen belly, thus shattering Y/n's heart and angering Harwin's as he stood, placing himself between the royal family and his own with a stern glare.
"Let me see the knife."
Ser Harrold brought the weapon forward as evidence but wasn't stupid enough to just hand it over to Harwin. Ser Breakbones noticed the knife and nodded, looking back at Princess Y/n, "It's the one I gave him."
"But Osmund didn't cut Aemond!" Baela yelled to her cousin's defense, "It was--"
Her voice dies once she noticed something in Osmund's eyes and Rhaena elbowed her. Y/n caught this exchange and gently pinched her older boy's chin, forcing him to look up at her.
"Osmund Strong. Did you or did you not attack Prince Aemond with a knife?"
Osmund's throat bobbed nervously, eyes trying to focus on anything other than his mother's gaze. Y/n found this bizarre, considering that he had been honest with her until now. Then, realization began to dawn on the princess as she slowly looked down onto a different child, not Osmund. All eyes follow her gaze until they all land on Little Baelor. Y/n's other hand ran through her baby boy's hair.
"Bae... was it you?"
Baelor continued to sob, shaking from head to toe, "Aemond grabbed a rock! He was gonna hurt Ozzy!"
"I lost the knife," Osmund finally admitted, trying to keep everyone's attention away from his little brother, "And I got pushed to the ground, but it wasn't Baelor's fault! He took the knife to protect me!"
Alicent scowled in disgust, "And so you cut Aemond's face--"
"Your son was hitting my baby boy!" Y/n screamed back, beyond all of the Queen's slander.
"Seven Hells, Your Grace, he's only five years old!" Harwin came to his family's defense.
"And yet he's capable of spilling my son's blood!"
"Is this what you condone, my Queen?" Y/n's voice drops, a clear tone of challenge, "To have your son, a prince, attack little girls when they defend their mother's name?"
"Your sons attacked mine!"
"To defend their cousins," Y/n reminds her and the rest of those in the room, "Surely you wouldn't raise your son to believe he could do whatever he wanted just because he's royalty. Surely, the good Queen herself wouldn't teach her children to mistreat women or smash a little boy's head in with a rock."
Alicent is momentarily struck by the mockery, quickly recovering with a small scoff, her top lip twitching, "Are you questioning how I parent my children, Princess?"
"I am not questioning your parenting, Your Grace. I'm denying its existence."
Daemon grins proudly at his niece as the room is filled with gasps of dismay, clearly being the only one amused by Y/n's retort. Alicent's face crumbled as though someone had just smacked her in the face. With the tension straining, Harwin stood closer to his wife and children, his arm hovering over Y/n's back as Viserys clicked his cane upon the floor.
"Enough, Y/n. Trading insults won't change what happened. Aemond, tell me the truth, boy," the King slowly limps over to the bloodied prince, "Did you hit Lady Baela?"
Aemond looked as though he had been caught red-handed, pale, and stubborn. Slowly, he grits out his answer, "Yes. After she hit me."
"Silence!" Viserys roared before glaring back down at his son, "Aemond, did you grab a rock?"
"To defend myself!"
"I was already on the ground, you idiot!" Osmund snapped, spitting out blood and saliva.
"Osmund!" Y/n reprimands her son, tightly holding his shoulder as Harwin reverts his gaze onto the boy.
"Hold your tongue, son."
"But no one was attacking him by then! We were all on the ground!"
"It's true!"
"Silence!" Viserys slammed his cane again.
"This was clearly just an act of self-defense, Your Grace," Y/n bravely continued her defense of her children, against her father's order.
"All of this... over an insult," Alicent huffs out a breath of disbelief with her eyes rimmed with tears, "My son has lost an eye."
Viserys, distressed, tired, and angry, nearly threw his arms around like a child having a tantrum, "This interminable infighting must cease! All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show goodwill to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your king demands it!"
The whole room froze, shocked with disbelief. Alicent appeared appalled as her husband slowly limped past her towards the door. Y/n witnessed something snap within the Hightower woman as she spoke, "That is insufficient."
Viserys slowly turns around to face her as the Queen continued, "Aemond has been damaged, permanently, my King. 'Good will' cannot make him whole."
"I know, Alicent, but I cannot restore his eye."
"No, because it's been taken."
"What would you have me do?"
"There is a debt to be paid," the sentence alone sent a chill down Y/n's back, eyes dancing between her father and stepmother. Viserys stared at his wife in disbelief as the Queen strongly proclaimed, "I shall have one of her son's eyes in return."
Murmurs and gasps of horror filled the room; Harwin and Y/n's grip on their sons tighten protectively. Viserys tried to calm Alicent, wanting to defuse the situation, "My dear wife--"
"He is your son, Viserys," Alicent cried, the tears finally spilling, "Your blood."
"Do not allow your temper to guide your judgment."
Silence fell again and Viserys thought it was over. He turns to leave just as his wife spoke again, her tear-stained face straightening up as her eyes turn to another man in the room, "If the King will not seek justice, the Queen will. Ser Criston... bring me the eye of Baelor Strong."
Criston Cole's eyes scan the room as Baelor begins to step back away from the crowd and from his parents, distraught and terrified as he spoke in his small, innocent voice, "Mother!"
"Alicent..." Viserys warned.
"He can choose which eye to keep. A privilege he did not grant my son!" Alicent snapped back while glaring down at the offending family.
"You will do no such thing." Y/n sternly stated, willing her voice not to shake in fear, but to be as powerful as the Queen's own demand.
"Stay your hand!" Viserys snaps to Ser Criston, to which Alicent pushes back.
"No, you are sworn to me!"
Ser Criston feels the eyes of Ser Harrold on him and finds his words, avoiding Alicent's gaze, "As your protector, my Queen."
Alicent reared back in betrayal, barely flinching as Viserys stepped up to her in challenge, "Alicent. This matter... is finished. Do you understand?"
She scans his face, unable to form a reply as he spins around and tries to meet the gaze of everyone else in the room, "And let it be known! No more fighting shall be done within the blood of my own family."
Y/n relaxed, her voice dropping its firm hold as she gently addressed the King, "Thank you, Father."
Both she and Harwin turn back to their sons, the father beckoning the boys to follow him as he tried leading his family away. The boys go to follow Harwin, still shaking in fear, while Y/n takes her time to follow, her hand gingerly caressing her stomach.
Viserys takes one more look at Alicent before turning back towards the door. He doesn't feel alarmed at the sound of her feet quickly following him, but it's not until he felt the empty space of his Valyrian dagger at his belt did his heart suddenly sink to his stomach.
Ser Harrold is the first to react, stepping towards the King, "Your Grace-!"
"Alicent!" Viserys spins back around, watching his wife's auburn hair disappear into the crowd with his dagger in hand.
Harrold sprints forward, shouting commands to his guards without turning back, "Stay with the King!"
"Hold your approach!" Criston Cole demands against his commander's wishes.
Others began to scream and shout a warning to others, pulling away and giving Alicent a wide berth with her newly acquired weapon. Y/n felt the hairs on the back of her neck before she heard the shouts of the Kingsguard along with her father's voice shouting Alicent's name. Spinning around, Y/n is met with a vengeful queen, Alicent screaming as she brought the raised dagger down on the princess.
Harwin spun around as the chaos began to rise, eyes widening as he immediately takes a large step forward, "Y/n, LOOK OUT!"
Y/n's arm rises and she's able to catch the arm Alicent held the blade in, trying to push the other woman away but they had both taken hold of each other's arms, pushing and pulling against each other, grunting under the weight of the force.
Harwin jolts forward in order to interfere, heart racing in fear and rage. Lord Lyonel steps in front of his son, however, forcing Harwin back just as the blade came down and Y/n had caught it, "No, son! Do not incriminate yourself!"
"Y/n!" Harwin yelled, struggling against his father. He was definitely strong enough to push Lyonel away, easily, hadn't two Kingsguard stepped forward and held onto Ser Breakbones.
It was pure chaos. Kingsguard held swords out to those who dared try to come to Y/n's aid, conflicted with their duties but wanting to protect their Queen if it meant letting her pursue the princess. Ser Harrold was easily just as conflicted, not knowing who he should order his men to protect as he tried pushing through the crowd. He makes it to the two women, but with his mind not yet made up, he instead circles them and pushes lords, ladies, and other soldiers back if they tried to step forward.
Harrold sees someone rushing forward and holds his arm out to them, "Do not, Ser Criston!"
"Alicent!" Viserys roared, but couldn't move much as he stumbled with his cane.
Baelor screams in terror as everyone who formed a circle around his mother and Alicent pushed him back as they grant the women space. Harrold tried yelling over the chaos as others also screamed in fear and protest, all trying to outscream the other.
"Do not, Ser Criston!"
Criston Cole, fierce and determined, tries getting into the circle, perhaps wanting to perform his duty and protect his queen. He pushes people away to get to Alicent and Y/n, but Daemon suddenly steps forward and is able to stop the knight in his tracks, keeping him in place as the two men glared at one another until two other Kingsguard took Criston by the arms.
"No!" Harwin shouts, desperately struggling against his bonds and giving the Kingsguard a workout in restraining him.
Rhaenys keeps her granddaughters behind her while she made a grab for Osmund and Baelor, pulling the boys to her body while Corlys shields them all behind him. Rhaenyra is left open and tries to make it to her sister, but Ser Harrold grabs her gently and keeps her back while simultaneously trying to get a hold of his men, "Stay your hand, Cole!"
Rhaenyra struggles against Ser Harrold's hold on her, shouting over at the Queen, "You've gone too far, Alicent!"
"I?" Alicent questions in distress, still fighting for control against Y/n while speaking between the two sisters, distraught and unhinged, "What have I done but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law! While you and your sister flout all to do as you please!"
"Alicent, let her go!" Viserys demanded from outside the circle.
"Where is duty? Where is sacrifice?" Alicent's tears continued to fall down her face as her eyes search Y/n's while she screamed, "It's trampled under your pretty foot again!"
"Release the blade, Alicent," Rhaenyra demanded.
Alicent desperately tried to breathe, panting under Y/n's strength and her own despair, "And now you take my son's eye, and to even that, you feel entitled."
"Exhausting, wasn't it?" Y/n grunts, a jolt of pain running through her as she desperately tried to keep the point of the blade from her own eye, the flames of the fireplace dancing over the steel and her eyes, "Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness."
Her voice lowers, glare dead set on Alicent's face, "But now they see you as you are."
Alicent pushes all her body weight and any strength she had left into pulling her arm out of Y/n's hold, grunting in rage as she freed the blade and made a swipe at the princess. Shock settles the room, Alicent stepping away to observe her handiwork, only for her eyes to immediately widen once she finally settled on what she had done.
Y/n had taken several steps away, the pain not entirely making itself aware until she heard gasps from all around. Corlys had caught her by the shoulders to steady the princess, noticing the way she was unconsciously clutching her arm. Both of them look down at the offending arm, noticing the blood soaking through Y/n's dress sleeve and spilling through her fingers. The blood droplets splatter onto the floor as Viserys stands beside Alicent, watching in horror as his little girl bleeds because of a wound his own wife inflicted. In her shock, Alicent's grip on the dagger loosens and the blade clatters to the floor, paying no mind to it as all she could do was stare at the cut in Y/n's arm.
Harwin had paused in terror before finally realizing that Y/n was still standing and breathing, the blade now out of danger. Shock draining from him, he pushes the Kingsguard off of him, the two soldiers too stunned to react and let go of him. Harwin pushes past his father and rushes to his wife, gathering her up in his arms and holding onto her wrist so that Corlys could properly inspect the wound from the other side of her. Y/n doesn't speak or react to her husband's hold on her, too stunned to do anything but stand and stare, leaning into Harwin for support. Both Osmund and Baelor break away from Rhaenys and run to their parents, holding onto their mother for dear life. With Criston Cole backing off, Daemon slowly walks forward until he is at Harwin's side, his hand on one of Osmund's shoulders. Rhaenyra pushes Ser Harrold away from her and also joins the Strong family along with Daemon and Corlys, the princess stepping in front of her sister and inspecting Y/n's face and then her wound. Watching as the blood continued to flow, Rhaenyra's posture slowly straightened, the rage of a dragon and a protective older sister taking hold. Unable to calm her anger, Rhaenyra breathes harshly through her nose and spun back around, glaring daggers at Alicent.
"You dare attack my sister!"
The room felt cold, despite the fire blazing hot beside the opposing families. Alicent couldn't bear to look Rhaenyra in the eye, so the princess moves her gaze onto her father, "Your Grace, I beg of you to open your eyes. Your wife just attacked one of your daughters born of our mother and of true Valyrian blood. She meant to bring harm to the princess and her unborn child."
Viserys eyes move to watch Y/n and her family tend to her, sadness and longing evident on his face as Rhaenyra bravely continued, "I am your heir, Your Grace," Viserys looks back to his eldest child, "But should anything happen to me, Y/n would take my place. Therefore, this attack on my sister is a treasonous act against the crown and your bloodline! If you are the honorable king that holds those who commit treason accountable... then no exception can be made for anyone of any station if you value your family and inspiring your loyal subjects."
Y/n slowly begins to come back to her senses, feeling the warm blood run down her arm and another warm liquid run down her legs. She pales as she tried focusing on the sound of Viserys' voice, trying not to panic, "It was a foolish action, Rhaenyra. But even you, as a mother, understand what it's like to protect your children. Alicent was only trying to avenge hers."
"By what? Killing my sister?" Rhaenyra's voice broke, eyes slowly starting to mist, "Carving out the child she carries?" Viserys flinched at that, "What happened to Prince Aemond's eye was a tragic accident. But this... this was intentional. Queen Alicent intended on spilling blood."
Rhaenyra hears a small cry of a kitten behind her, but upon spinning back around, she only saw Y/n clutching her stomach and slowly bending over, soft cries escaping her lips, and the men surrounding her bent down to the princess in confusion. Rhaenyra's eyes widen when she noticed a clear puddle beneath Y/n's skirts slowly pooling against the cobblestone to mix with the blood. Rhaenyra rushes towards her sister, forgetting Viserys and Alicent.
"Y/n?" Harwin's stomach dropped as the wheels began to turn in his head, eyes widening in realization.
"Mother? What's wrong?" Osmund asked innocently, holding onto his little brother.
"She's started her labors," Rhaenyra explains while letting her sister grip her arms tightly, "I wouldn't be surprised if the harrowing events of tonight spurred this on."
Daemon stood back from the group aiding Y/n, keeping a hand on his sword and an eye on anyone who may take this opportunity to pursue his family in a time of vulnerability. He stands guard while Rhaenyra and Harwin frantically help Y/n stand straight again, holding onto both of her arms. They wordlessly follow Corlys as he leads them out of the room and down the hall, back to Y/n and Harwin's chambers. Rhaenys thought it best to take Rhaena and Baela to Jacaerys and Lucerys' quarters where they were no doubt still sleeping through all of this. The older princess beckons the Strong boys to follow so that she might keep an eye on all of the children, unconsciously -or perhaps not- leaving the royal children out. When neither of Y/n and Harwin's sons moves, Daemon takes them both by the shoulder and directs them to follow Rhaenys, the Rogue Prince becoming a protective shadow for the children as Rhaenys whisks them away.
Corlys opens the doors to Harwin and Y/n's chamber and the Targaryen princess is brought inside, the Sea Snake calling for the maester along with the midwives who had traveled with the royal company. Rhaenyra and Harwin help Y/n get comfortable as another wave of pain takes over, the hair near her face beginning to stick to her skin as she tried taking deep breaths, exhaling shakily.
"I will stay with her, Ser Harwin," Rhaenyra vowed while dabbing a cool cloth over her sister's forehead, "You may go."
"I'm staying here," Harwin states confidently.
Y/n quickly grabs his hand through a contraction, squeezing hard as she pushes out words, "No no no, you need to go stay with the boys. We can't trust anyone with our sons for as long as we stay here."
"Alicent just threatened to pluck out Baelor's eye and attacked me," Harwin tried not to look, but clearly there was still blood seeping out of the cut on Y/n's arm. Y/n appeared to ignore this, trying to catch her breath, "I don't want my sons left alone for even a second until we leave. Harwin, please, go protect the boys. There's nothing you can do for me now."
Dutifully, he nods, standing over his wife and lingering a kiss on the top of her head before slowly backing away and leaving the room, practically forcing himself not to turn back as he goes hunting down his children.
A maester arrives and first looks into fixing the cut on Y/n's arm while the midwives attend to prepping for the baby, hurrying around the room in search of fresh clean towels and Milk of the Poppy. As promised, Rhaenyra stayed by her sister's side during the whole process, letting Y/n squeeze her hand as hard as she liked, whispering soft words of encouragement, and dabbing her face with a cool cloth.
For obvious reasons, Y/n didn't get any sleep that night, but neither could anyone else in the keep. Everyone was restless, even those unaware of Y/n's labors. After the events of the night, everyone was high-strung and uneasy, and some were downright afraid. Alicent returned to her chambers, never wanting to see a soul until morning. Viserys went to bed, but lay awake at night, guilt and remorse running through his veins. The royal children retired to their respective rooms, but they all stayed awake and Aemond even sat at the window, watching Vhagar in the distance with a smirk.
Daemon, Harwin, and Rhaenys continued to stay and entertain the children, tending to their bleeding faces and trying to make them forget their worries. Jace and Luke, none the wiser for what had happened, gladly entertained the idea of everyone staying up and having fun in their rooms, putting a smile on everyone's faces as they ran around and played. Daemon even found himself teaching all the children small bits of High Valyrian, boys and girls alike sitting down all around him with Baelor and a book in his lap. Baela sat next to her father, her head on his shoulder, trying to rest her eyes after everything that had happened to her today, the only one too exhausted to repeat her father's Valyrian phrases unlike the rest of the children.
Rhaenys sat and quietly listened to these lessons with a cup of wine in hand, while Harwin stood at the door, sometimes pacing, sometimes entertaining the children with stories. But not once, the entire night, did he leave his post at the door, his hand always on his hilt.
The moon had not yet disappeared but the sky was starting to brighten into beautiful colors over the ocean when the door opens and Harwin held onto his sword a little tighter. Everyone looks up with bated breath as Rhaenyra walks in, standing tall and regal as if she had not been awake all night.
"Mother!" Luke gasped excitedly while standing up and running to the princess.
She practically beams as he tightly hugged her waist, her eyes darting up to Harwin with delight, "Y/n's delivered a girl, and they're both going to be fine."
The whole room relaxes with relief, the last of the tension finally leaving the air and leaving them all understandably exhausted. Harwin's whole stiff posture relaxes as one of his hands rises to rub his face. Rhaenyra silently laughs, joy still evident on her expression, "The maester asks for only you to go and see her. Your sons can visit their mother once she's rested."
Harwin nods and swiftly leaves the room, while Rhaenyra turns to the rest of the family, "The royal family leaves Driftmark today, but with your permission, Princess Rhaenys, I think it would be wise if the rest of us stayed a little longer for Y/n and everyone else to get some much-needed rest."
Rhaenys agrees just as Laenor pops into the room, disheveled and groggy. He looks at everyone's expression with a puzzled look, finally turning to Rhaenyra, "What have I missed?"
Harwin makes it back to his chambers in record speed, trying not to appear hasty but also anxious to see his wife and their new daughter. Entering the room, a few of the midwives were cleaning up and leaving, the maester long since gone. Y/n was asleep in their bed, flushed with her silver-blonde hair curling around her head due to sweat, but a small bundle was nestled beside her, and it was squirming. Harwin stepped closer to the bed, making note of Y/n's arm now wrapped in bandages before inspecting the bundle of blankets, his smile softening by what he found.
The infant was small, her little cleaned face the only thing peeking out of the blankets aside from her tiny fingers slowly curling around the fabric as she slept. Like her brothers, she sported small fuzzy tufts of dark hair and even darker eyelashes. The baby girl's lips were slightly open, letting out soft hums as she dreamed. Harwin's heart had never fallen in love faster than it did at this very moment, his finger lightly caressing her cheek and amazed by the softness of her skin.
"My love."
Harwin's eyes drift over to his once slumbering wife, noticing her eyes have opened and she was tiredly smiling up at him. Overcome by relief and happiness, Harwin laughs under his breath before leaning over and kissing Y/n on the lips, taking her breath away. Eventually, he pulled away, his thumb running over her cheekbone.
"Amazing as always, my dear," he whispers, unable to resist kissing her forehead, "How are you?"
Y/n slowly blinks, humming, "Exhausted."
"You can rest. I say you've more than earned it."
Her eyes peek open again, "The boys?"
"Safe and sound. They are in good hands. Rhaenyra will bring them to you once you've healed," his hand grazes over her bandaged arm, "What did the maester say about this?"
"It was Valyrian steel. So the cut was clean. A scar will remain, I'm afraid."
"I will take a new scar over your death any day," Harwin kissed his wife's forehead again before carefully lifting the small bundle into his arms, attempting not to wake the baby. His smile widens once he's positioned her properly and naturally begins to rock, "Well, she's finally here. Have you thought about the names we picked?"
"I did... but none of them seem right now that I've met her."
"Well, do you have another one in mind?"
Y/n thought long and hard, fingers drumming against the feather pillow. She thought about tonight's events, how it had all started with Vhagar being stolen and Laena's memory insulted. To have those two things happen along with the attack in the Great Hall, it felt as though people had tainted the memory of a young and fierce woman who was taken from this world too soon.
"Laena," Y/n strongly announced, "I like to believe she was here with us this past night. I like to believe she protected us and she deserves to be honored now that I've delivered my daughter in her family's home."
Harwin stared down at their daughter, playing with the name on his lips as he watched her sleep, "Laena Strong. I like it."
A/N: Osmund was named after King Aegon I Targaryen’s Hand, Osmund Strong, who was assigned the Hand of the King after Orys Baratheon’s death. Baelor was named to reference Baelor the Blessed/Beloved, but it’s obviously not him since the original Baelor won’t be born until after the Dance of Dragons. Laena is obviously named after Vhagar’s true rider, aside from Visenya. I would have named Y/n’s daughter after Visenya, but spoiler alert, Daemon and Rhaenyra eventually have a daughter already named that. She’s probably the baby in Rhaenyra’s belly in Episode 8.
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Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: You're convinced that performing a short incantation is the solution to all your martial errs (and perhaps you're right).
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: fem!reader, arranged/forced marriage au, wife!reader, emotionally constipated!aemond, secretly smitten!aemond, chaotic!reader, stupid king!aegon, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: i suggest you listen to Lion Heart by Girls Generation just cos in my head it be their theme song Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony @risefallrise @slavyanskiyahui
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Boots against dirt, steel against steel, sweat upon brow.
Aemond rather idlily dodged the attack of his sparring partner and looked out to the ladies that squealed and cheered for him for it. He looks back to the man and evades him as he charges.
He was used to it, having people spectate his every move, garnering the attention of women. It was just another thing Aemond learned to get used to growing up. It never phased him, or rather, more accurately, he never cared for it, the doting while he trained. Not even when he got married.
The prince side steps then spins, promptly kicking his opponent into the dust.
I mean, it was not like he chose his bride himself.
Another loud round of girlish cheers ring through the training grounds.
And it was not like they have been married long.
His boots skid on some gravel and sand.
Well-- Aemond looks over his shoulder, releasing a breath through his lips --perhaps there was a change when he was married.
He looks into the crowd of ladies muttering and grinning with each other. He does not see his wife, who is normally at the center of the gaggle. In truth, he only recognized their faces as they were your friends. He couldn't care less about them and their giggles though.
He surveys the crowd, finally deciding he was not going to see you here anytime soon.
It was his final straw. You had been rather out of character as of late, and your disappearance during his training, a time of day you endlessly gushed about that his ears nearly fall off his head whenever you do, is no light matter.
"A good match, ser Bartholomew," Aemond says as the man stands and readies for another round. He relaxes as the prince nods, "I have something I must attend to."
Ser Bartholomew nods in regard as the prince walks away.
He gives his weapon to an errand boy and grabs a towel from a servant. As he wipes off his sweat, there was a bitterness attached it. He blinks as he imagines the smile of his pretty wife, murmuring praises to him while affectionately dabbing at his forehead and cheek. He thinks about he would look down your form, your lashes, your jewelry, your bosom. Now all he was looking at was the dirt on his shoes.
"Thank you," he dismissively hands the towel back to the servant and walks away as she curtsies.
Aemond traces the steps he knows you would take within the day, trailing through the gardens, the library, your shared bedroom, finding that you nowhere in sight.
He passes by Helaena's chambers, offering her a smile when her lilac eyes catch his. He makes an excuse to his mother as Aemond checks, thinking perhaps you thought of visiting the queen mother. Alicent brushes his hair back and tells him he should come by her room more often.
Aemond doesn't know why, but he even checks Aegon's chambers for you.
His soul nearly leaves him when he hears your voice before he even reaches the open door of his brother's chambers.
"YOU DARE SPEAK TO YOUR KING THIS WAY?" Aegon laughs through a grunt.
Aemond is about to run into the room, but then he freezes when he hears Aegon's pained screech that is then cut off.
He shortens his strides.
... perhaps it's better there be no witnesses.
Aemond looks front and back, agreeing with himself no one was around.
Perhaps... he was now king.
Aemond slowly walks to the open door when the silence lingers too long. He knits his brows at the sight of Aegon face flat on the floor and you standing faced back to him by a desk.
"You know," Aegon pushes himself on his elbows slowly, "I'm and idiot, and even I don't think that would work."
"That's because you're an idiot," you mutter as you seemingly go through a book.
Aegon huffs then grunts as he gets up off the floor, "do you truly like that gremlin so much to be doing something like that for him?"
Aemond narrows his brows, knowing it was he, the gremlin, being referred to.
Aegon arduously gets on his feet as you push the book aside and raise your hand up, stroking something with your fingers. He could not see it, but he assumes it was possibly some thread, or something just as thin. You drag a candle closer.
Aegon walks over to you as you eye him, "if you do something to my hairs--"
"I'M NOT GOING TO MESS UP YOUR INCANTATION!" the king cries as he walks up to you.
Aegon leans on the desk, effectively blocking Aemond's view of his bride. Aemond cranes his neck and moves from his spot as he tries to catch sight of you.
"Lest I be magicked by you," Aegon adds.
You respond with something Aemond is unable to hear. Aegon responds with a laugh. He sighs, "my. My brother does not know how honored he is to have you has his wife."
Aemond scowls. Dare he?
Aegon yelps when you twist his arm after he tries to touch you.
Aemond beams as Aegon is shoved away.
"Hey," Aegon yelps, "I gave you one of my hairs! You ought to show some respect. I will blow those strands off the desk and you'd have to steal hair from mother, Helaena, and--"
"If you do that, I will tell your mother where you went last week."
Aegon does not respond.
Aemond chuckles under his breath.
You then begin to speak the words on the book as you spin the hairs in your finger and throw it into candle fire. There is the faintest sound of crackling, but Aemond hears it through the silence, even from where he stood.
A beat passes.
"Is that it?" Aegon asks.
You turn to him and shrug, "that should be it."
"So, what?" he crosses his arms, "Aemond's gonna be head over heals in love with you now?"
Aemond pulls his head back.
You wave a hand, "well the woman who sold me the book said this incantation would make him want to be around me more."
Aemond furrows his brows, but he does. Why would you need a silly incantation for that?
"I reckon we do it again but with more hair and more fire," Aegon offers unhelpfully.
Aemond jumps away when you gather your book and move past Aegon. He vaguely hears you mutter something to Aegon as he hurries down the hall and clears his throat. He then brushes himself off and casually struts back down the hall, as if he just got there.
By the time you walk out of Aegon's room, Aemond is just making his way toward it.
You jolt when you see him, clutching your book to your chest. Aemond halts, boots stomping firmly into the tiles.
"My princess," he nods.
You turn to him and feign a look, not at all nervous, "my love, I-"
Aegon walks out of the room and stops when he turns and sees his brother.
Aemond looks between the two of them, suddenly realizing how this would have looked had he not seen what happened mere moments ago. The two of you seem none the wiser of what to do in this moment, and so Aemond tilts his head then motions to the book, "has the king given you a hard time over your books, my love?"
You perk, mostly at the pet name, for he did not usually call you such things, and turn to your book in hand, back to Aemond, then to Aegon, back to him, "yes I-"
Aegon grabs the book and raises it over his head, so you would be unable to get it from him even if you tried, "it's quite exciting to see how red your girl gets over some bound paper, brother."
He oversells it by eyeing you and turning to Aemond with a goblin look. Aemon grits his teeth, walking over the both of you.
Aegon feels the ire radiate off Aemond as he inches nearer. He doesn't put up a fight and hands the object to the prince, who then snatches the book from Aegon, pulling you to his side along the way.
"I will skin you if you give my bride a hard time," Aemond openly threatens with a narrowed eye. The king pulls his head back and watches as the two walk off.
You gulp as you look at Aemond's flaming expression. You mutter a soft thanks as he hands you back your book.
"You must not allow yourself to be so comfortable around the king," Aemond says as he pulls you into him to link your arms together, "he enjoys negging and making an audience of pretty women."
You sniffle and smack your lips at the fact Aemond called you pretty.
Aemond turns to you as you turn away and hold back a smile. He, himself, finds his annoyance melting away at the sight of you.
When you turn back and find Aemond staring, your breath catches and your lips part.
He allows the smile on his lips to blossom. You find yourself smiling back at him.
Aemond's light brows furrow as he rubs your hand, "I did not see you amidst my training." He looks forward as you continue to walk the halls, "are you quite bored of watching your husband train already?"
He turns to you when you rush in front of him and shake your head, "never, prince-husband. It is my most favorite time of day."
"Mmm," hums Aemond, "as you remind me oft."
He holds back a chuckle at the way your face twists in thought.
"I was..." you offer weakly, "finishing an errand, is all."
"I see."
You nibble at your lip in agitation though Aemond does not press further. The two of you look forward as you take a turn at the end of the corridor.
"How will you make it up to me then?"
You pull your head back, turning to him, "what?"
Aemond catches your eyes and raises a brow, "you missed my training. I am wounded."
The prince brinks rapidly at what you do next.
Immediately you pull away from him and grab his face, "you were wounded?!" You carelessly drop your book to the floor as you press his cheeks in your palms and inspect every inch of him. Your face hardens and you practically steam when you say, "which treasonous fuck dare injure the pri-"
Aemond's chuckle and touch upon your waist hinders your next words.
He watches as you suck in a breath as he leans into you.
"I am not injured physically," he chuckles, nose brushing into yours. He pulls away to asses your face as the line between your brow fades. Aemond clicks his tongue, "my ego, however, is sorely bruised," he shakes his head and sighs, "I think I cannot survive it."
The prince feels the corner of his lips upturn at the sound of your soft, shaky sigh.
"I see..." you mutter, "then I shall do whatever pleases my husband most in order to make up for his... bruised ego."
Aemond laughs as he pulls away and picks up the fallen book on the floor. He gives it a quick once over before handing it back to you. He watches as you take the book, not even caring that, technically, now you were officially caught in possession of a spell book, a cheap one at that. Aemond can tell you were very much tricked into buying it. You don't seem to care or notice anything else but him though.
He basks in the heat of your gaze, your unwavering attention, suddenly realizing you had been giving it to him so freely, and yet it took your absence today for him to realize it. He wasn't very good at being doting, especially not if you were the standard. It, however, was not his intention to make it seem as though he did not enjoy your company altogether.
He had to get married, yes. And true, you were not married out of your own volitions. Yet, he was glad he was married you.
He would have to work on this... doting.
There is no way in seven hells he'd make you resort with teaming up with his dimwit brother again when it was his attention is all you wanted.
"Perhaps my lady love would massage my shoulders," Aemond rolls his shoulders back for effect, "they do so hurt after a long day of practice."
Without missing a beat, you eagerly respond, "I shall do my best to tend to your soreness."
"Mmm," he nods, "yes. And if I so enjoy it, then I will make sure tis you who is sore instead."
It takes a moment, but then your lips part.
Aemond smirks, "to our chambers then, love."
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missglaskin · 6 months
au where Aegon and the reader get absolutely shitfaced after yet another chaotic family dinner and the reader admits sadness being unable to have a child and her frustration in Viserys refusing to wed her because the conflict it causes between the Reds, Blues and Greens as they vent about the family so Aegon offers up his…services…and it’s Alicent who horrifyingly discovers them hungover in bed the next day.
despite Alicent and Otto insisting they wed, the king refuses because of the tantrum the Reds and Blues will undoubtedly have. instead Viserys offers to legitimize the child but begs the Reader not to do it again.
In this instance, everyone might have been preoccupied with the recent incident (possibly between Aemond & Nyra's sons).  It would give reader and Aegon a brief moment alone, in his chambers away from prying eyes. The drunken conversation starts lighthearted with the two bantering before it turns somber. The reader confesses her frustrations; all she wants is to start a family of her own but no matter how wealthy her suitors are, how honorable and just they seem, they are all turned down.  
A tear even escapes her eye before she even realizes a hand is creeping up her thighs and when she looks back, his eyes are already on her. He inches closer and closer until she can feel his breath on her face and though he doesn't say it bluntly, he makes the offer. The offer to give her the life that she so much wants. Who made the first move is an uncertainty that lingers in the air as their lips meet. It was first marked by a hint of gentleness but it doesn’t like long before the kiss deepens, an exchange of eagerness. 
The reader being nowhere to be found the next day sent the family into a frenzy searching for her. Which as we know caused Alicent to walk into both of them the next morning. Aegon was met with Alicent's horrified expression as she gave him an earful; and told him how foolish he was to do something like this. She knew Viserys would soon hear the news, and she and Otto tried to be the first to break in an attempt to lessen the blow. 
When the news also got to Rhaenyra, she was enraged and demanded Aegon be punished, even exiled for defiling the reader in the way he did. Corlys, aware that he couldn't be as explicit as Rhaenyra, also suggests sending Aegon away for some time, perhaps even to Oldtown with Daeron. Alicent and Otto argued, on the other hand, to let the reader and Aegon just wed, even more now when the maesters confirmed the reader's pregnancy. 
However, the king refused even after the scandal reached the court. It becomes increasingly clear that the reader is with child from how her belly has gotten round and swollen over time. The family had to threaten to cut tongues off in response to any remarks made. After the baby was born, Viserys immediately legitimized them to the entire court.
The question is whether it will happen again. Aegon is not one to lose pursuit and has made it very evident that it is his child. It will only cause the rest to take precautions to make sure Aegon is never left alone with the reader. There will also be a focus on Jacaerys and Aemond, after all if Aegon crossed the line and got no punishment, then what's to say they won't do it as well.
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hederasgarden · 2 years
Sins of the Father - Part 1
Summary: When the Greens win the Dance of the Dragons, your father must answer for his support of Rhaenyra.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Lady!Reader(house unspecified)
W/C: 1.5K
Rating: Mature, 18+ only. AU, forced/arranged marriage and reference to canon level violence. Future chapters will be explicit.
A/N: Thank you fieldandfountain, @truesblue and @whatblogisthis216 for all your help with the first part of this fic. The fantastically talented @writercole created the beautiful graphic!
Likes are lovely but comments and reblogs make my day!
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You trail behind your father into the nearly empty Great Hall, flinching when the heavy doors close behind you. King Aegon the second is nowhere to be seen. In his place the Queen Mother sits on the throne, flanked by the Hand of the King and who you assume must be her youngest son, Prince Aemond. Even though he looks half bored he still makes for an intimidating figure, dressed all in black with an eye patch that only partially hides the angry scar that bisects his right eye. You swallow hard, recalling all the nasty rumors you’ve heard about him. Kinslayer was the kindest one you could recall.
A handful of Kingsgaurd members stand at the bottom of the throne and two more follow behind you and your father. You search the room for any familiar figures or other nobles but find none. There are no friendly faces here. When you spot the King's Justice half-hidden behind a pillar, you stumble. Fear lances through your chest, hot and tight, as you consider what his presence means.
“All will be well,” your father promises quietly, offering you his hand.
You grip it tightly and stare straight ahead. The stories your grandmother told you as a girl about her visits to Kings Landing pale in comparison to what you see before you. The iron throne looms large and imposing, the chaotic array of swords terrifying. You have to crane your neck to look at the high ceiling, eyes catching on the beautiful stained glass. Were this any other time you would have been thrilled at the chance to see the capital. Now you feel only dread.
There is no question why the two of you are here today. Your father and brother threw their support behind Rhaenyra in the war and now it was time to face that choice. To beg for mercy like the other lords summoned before your father. The heads of those unsuccessful in their plea were impaled on the spikes that lined the castle’s inner walls. You prayed to the seven that your father would not join them.
“Your Grace,” your father greets, bending deeply at the waist. You follow suit, dropping into a low curtsey and waiting until she bids you rise. “We were expecting to see the King today.”
“My son is busy,” Alicent tells you with a dismissive wave of her hand. “I am here to speak on his behalf.”
“We were summoned by the King,” your father says, a deep frown on his face. “And have traveled far to speak with him.”
“You also pledged your allegiance to the usurper,” the Hand reminds your father.
“The King is merciful though,” Alicent is quick to add, a bland sort of smile on her face. “He understands your family’s ties with House Targaryen go back to before the doom and that your mother was a childhood friend to Aemma. It is understandable you might have been easily led astray.”
Your father remains silent, waiting for Alicent to continue. He told you on the long journey here that he suspected the crown wanted money. There were rumors the war nearly bankrupted the royal coffers. It was a costly war, paid in both blood and gold. Your father is one of the wealthiest lords in Westeros, second only to the Lannisters. It was a logical conclusion and you hoped he was right.
“King Aegon would like to offer you the opportunity to show us you understand the error of your ways and to reaffirm your commitment to his rule.”
“What does his grace have in mind?” Your father asks.
“Marriage between your daughter and Prince Aemond.”
Your lips part in a silent show of surprise but your father’s reaction is more pronounced. His brows draw together and he cuts a quick look at Aemond who stands tall and disinterested beside his mother.
"You cannot possibly expect me to give up my only remaining heir," your father begins, voice incredulous.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the King's Hand jut his chin out and one of the Kingsguard steps forward, hand on the pommel of his greatsword. You glance up at Alicent. She blinks, her face pinched in a sour expression. You think about the heads on Traitor’s Gate and step forward before you’re even cognizant of your own actions.
"Please your grace, you must excuse my father," you begin, resting a hand on his arm. "He grieves still for my brother, his only son, and heir. He fears he will lose me today too, but I can see that is not the case. Prince Aemond is a virtuous man and would treat me well. We are honored you deem us worthy of such a betrothal."
Your father turns to you and stares, surprised. His eyes, the same color as your late brother's, are full of anger. You know he wants to fight this, but you have your mother and sisters back home to think about. Silently, you beg him to understand, to acquiesce. After a long moment, he seems to, clenching his jaw tightly. The fear you see in his expression is a mirror of what you feel in your heart.
"We would be happy to show our loyalty to the crown," your father says finally, clearly unhappy. A second later he lays his hand over yours.
"The King will be pleased to hear this," Alicent replies.
"Of course, there is the matter of a dowry," the Hand says, speaking up finally. "It would need to be fit for a Prince."
You look pleadingly to your father when his hand tightens over yours, a muscle in his cheek jumping. He came ready to part with his coin, not with you. You should have known it wouldn’t be so easy. The crown needs to ensure your father’s loyalty. He is a powerful man and his influence ran deep. With you in King’s Landing, they could be assured of his cooperation. Any children you bore Aemond would inherit your father’s lands and titles after he passed, guaranteeing your house remained bound to the realm.
“The Prince needs only to name his price,” you say when it is clear your father is too angry to speak. When you look at Aemond, you’re startled to find his eye focused solely on you. His expression is blank, making it impossible to determine what he might be thinking.
“How kind to offer me a say,” he says with a smirk.
You drop his intense gaze, inclining your head forward in a show of respect to hide your fear.
“We are but returning the kindness your family has shown us,” you assure him, not daring to raise your eyes from the ground.
“Then the matter is settled,” the Hand says.
“It is,” your father agrees, voice strained.
The situation you’ve found yourself in is a dangerous one and you know the fate of your father and your house rests on your shoulders now. It’s a heavy burden and he looks at you with such a pained expression you feel your throat close up around any words of comfort you might offer. Instead, you squeeze his arm and try to impart whatever reassurance you can. He nods in return, exhaling sharply. Under his fear and worry, you think you see a glimmer of pride.
“The wedding should take place soon,” Alicent says, drawing your attention away from your father as she descends the throne. There’s an unexpected smile on her face when she beckons Aemon to her side.
“As your grace wishes,” you accede.
“In two months' time, all the lords of the kingdom will come to reswear their allegiance to King Aegon. It can happen then. That will allow us to prepare a wedding fit for the King’s brother.”
“That will give me the time needed for the dowry,” your father adds. “We will return in one month's time to make preparations.”
“You misunderstand, my lord,” the Hand begins, “your daughter will remain in King’s Landing. To ensure your continued loyalty.”
“It will give her time to know her betrothed,” Alicent adds with a smile, drawing closer. She places a light hand on your shoulder and looks at your father. “She will be well cared for until you return.”
“A dragon protects what is his,” Aemond says, a flash of movement drawing your eye to the hand that rests on the dagger in his belt.
“Your skills with the blade are legendary, your grace. It warms my father’s heart to know I will be kept so safe.”
“I am sure it warms something.” Aemond stares at your father now, chin lifted in challenge.
Alicent flashes her son a look but Aemond only chuckles, turning on his heel before your father can respond.
My inbox is open for your thoughts and feelings on Aemond! I’m open to requests but cannot guarantee they’ll be fulfilled.
Also, I no longer have a tag list, please follow @hg-library and turn on notifications.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
🌿ESTP 🍁Slytherin 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, Saggitarius Rising
⭑ When you first met Aemond, you were intimidated. No matter how self-assured you are, Aemond has this ability to make anyone feel unsettled.
⭑ He knows that he would be a better King than Aegon. He has the knowledge, the skills, the drive, to make Westeros better.
⭑But the conflict with the Blacks meant that the Greens needed better forces, more alliance and enforced strength.
⭑ That’s when Alicent wed Aemond to you, the first daughter of the Stark line.
⭑ You traveled to King’s Landing with your father, with your brother lording over Winterfell.
⭑ Your direwolf, Ilta, with eyes as black as coal, came with you. She was the biggest of the litter, which was surprising since she was tiny when you claimed her.
⭑ You felt safe enough. Until you were in front of Queen Alicent, her lips pursed and frame tight. 
⭑ “We don’t normally have animals inside the castle walls.” She said simply, although her tone was light and friendly. 
⭑ You saw right through it. 
⭑ Growing up as a Stark, everyone spoke with honesty and openly. 
⭑ Being forthright was embedded in your bones. 
⭑ It was a big deal to be summoned by the Queen, especially in the throne room. Aegon was nowhere to be seen, and in actuality, you hadn’t seen him since arriving a week ago. 
⭑ Haelena was staring at the ceiling. The interactions with her were ... well, they were great. Although she was airy, you were confused at times by her words. You always gave her your full attention and replied without judgment. 
⭑ Aemond stood nearby. His shoulders square and set. Your future husband. 
⭑ “If you do not wish for Illta to be inside, say so, my Queen.” 
⭑ From that moment, Aemond thought of you with more respect. There weren’t many people who would be so straightforward with royalty. 
⭑ His reluctance to marry ebbed with more interactions. 
⭑ The more he got to know you, the more he ... looked forward to the marriage. 
⭑ His heart still had Haelena in it. But no one could know that. And he feared it would never go away. 
⭑ You were ready to do your duty. No matter the cost. Although you wished to choose your own suitor. You knew that marrying a king’s brother was important. More than important. It was nearly as valuable as marrying a king. 
⭑ Aemond didn’t have any expectations of you. He thought that he would meet a dumb, unkept woman, who could barely form a sentence. (They had a lot of prejudices against Starks.)
⭑ But you put him in his place, more often than not. 
⭑ He thinks that your bond with Illta is impressive. Although a direwolf is no dragon, there’s a positive to have a creature that can be beside you. It’s like having a bodyguard who knows no mercy. 
⭑ Alicent had reservations when she finally met you. She wanted a compliant young girl who needed advice and guidance. But what she got was the opposite. 
⭑ But what did she expect? You’re a Stark woman. 
Theme Song:
‘You Should See Me In A Crown’ by Steve Horner
Relationship Tropes:
 ✧ Arranged Marriage
 ✧ Distance At First, then Mutual Yearning, Turning Into Sexual Frustration
 ✧ Tough On The Outside, Soft On The Inside (Aemond) x The Top (You)
NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Aemond is a bit hesitant at first. His experiences with sex haven’t been positive. Ever since Aegon made him ‘become a man’ at the age of thirteen, he hasn’t found sex as a desirable thing.
⭑ Since that time at thirteen, he’s felt repulsed by sex. By the thought of naked bodies moving against each other, the sweat and vulnerability of it.
⭑ His feelings aren’t fleeting enough to have one-night stands, to find a person to fuck for a night then forget about.
⭑ So your first time together was your wedding night. 
⭑ And he was comfortable enough with you. But the sex ... confusing. He didn’t seem to want to and you didn’t push him. 
⭑ But something changed. You felt it in their air. 
⭑ You kissed. And at first it was just lips touching lips, but it grew. Tongues felt around each other’s mouths and hands began to roam. 
⭑ There was heat, so much goddamn heat. And his clothes seemed to be in the way. And then you were both naked. 
⭑ His thick, long cock thrusted deep inside you. His strong arms encased you to the bed. White hair curtained you as he moaned into your mouth. 
⭑ Aemond loves your tits. He definitely has a Mummy kink - and enjoys sucking on your nipples. 
⭑ The more you become comfortable with each other, the more you branch out and experiment. 
⭑ Having minimal sexual experience would be a sore-spot for Aemond. He has tried all his life to be the perfect son, the perfect student, the perfect knight. He wants to be the best. He has educated himself on every aspect that a king should. 
⭑ But he didn’t learn about sex. Not properly. Not safely. And that damaged him. It made him feel less than because he didn’t have escapades. 
⭑ But you assure him that that doesn’t make him any less than anyone else. 
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floatyflowers · 2 years
The Adopted Princess| Dark! Targaryen and Velaryon Boys x Reader (Aegon II, Aemond, Jacaerys, Lucerys) V
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"Your father and I going to miss you so much, my dear" Rhaenyra says as she and Laenor, both, pull you into a tight hug.
"Me too"
You pull away from them, your lips quivering as you try to stop yourself from crying.
However, when Jacaerys and Lucerys hug you, that's when you break down.
"That's not fair, you are supposed to be my wife, not his, I would treat you much better than Aemond" Jacaerys exclaims angrily.
"It is all my fault, (Y/n), please don't leave!" Lucerys cries out, feeling guilty that he is the reason why you are leaving them.
"I believe the king already arranged the whole thing before the fight, so don't blame yourself, Luke" you assure him.
"But it is true, we dragged you into this fight and you even got hurt because of us" Rhaena exclaims. 
"And Aemond is cruel, and he might treat you badly" Baela adds with a sad tone.
You stay silent, wanting to say that Aemond has been treating you kindly and you two were exchanging letters but decided against it.
Just because he is your friend and future husband, it doesn't excuse him from calling your brother 'bastards' and also claiming Vhagar, even though the dragon is the one who chose her rider.
"If he ever upsets you, I will shove my sword into his good eye" Daemon states all of a sudden, smirking at you.
You smile at his overprotectiveness, nevertheless, you still can't believe that the rough prince is your grandfather.
"I wonder why my father didn't allow you to raise me" you inquire.
"Because he is chaotic," Rhaenyra says, grinning at her uncle.
"But, aren't all dragons chaotic though?" you point out playfully, easing up a bit.
Daemon stares at you, realizing how you have his son's smile and playful attitude.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but the ship is ready to departure"
Alicent says after walking up to you and your family like she didn't try to poke out Luke's eye the other day.
"I'm ready to leave, your highness," you say timidly, which made the queen smile, and link her arm with yours.
"Oh dear, no need for formality, just call me mother" Alicent insists, making Rhaenyra glare at her angrily.
While you and the queen ascend the ship, Lucerys notices Aemond smirk down at him and Jacaerys from the ship, mocking them.
As if he is trying to say, that 'you might have taken my eye out, but I claimed Vhagar and (Y/n)'
However, Aemond doesn't realize that the real danger is his older brother.
You stare down at the water, tears still wet on your cheeks while anxiety is eating at you in slow motion.
Even though the queen showed good intentions toward you, yet, you still feel afraid, after all, you don't have anyone by your side in King's landing if something would happen.
Yes, the king promised your mother and grandfather to keep you safe, something which Daemon laughed at, due to the king's declining health.
If something would ever happen between you and Aemond, let's say a fight for example, who would stand by your side?
No one, absolutely no one.
You quickly turn around to face Larys Strong, surprised to even see him.
That man never approached you, sometimes you would catch him inspecting you just like he does with everyone, but he never spoke to you. 
"Lord Larys," you say, softly, trying to look anywhere so he doesn't see your red-shot eyes.
"It saddens me to see you crying my princess," the cunning man says, offering you a handkerchief to wipe your tears. 
You take it from him, smiling in gratitude at his kind gesture.
"May I know what worries you, princess?" Larys inquires, standing beside you.
"I just feel like I'm a bargain of peace in this arranged marriage" you confess.
"Oh, I don't think you should think of it in this way, my dear, it will benefit you greatly" you frown in confusion.
"How would it benefit me?"
Before Larys could answer you, Aegon storms up to you.
"There you are, I have been searching everywhere for you..." Aegon stops when he sees the new lord of Harrenhal.
"Greetings, Lord Strong" the Targaryen prince greets the man with a spiteful tone at his instruction with you.
"My prince" Larys greets him back, bowing his head a bit before Aegon turns his attention fully towards you.
"You need to rest, this trip will be long and tiring, and your stupid dragon almost bit my finger off" you roll your eyes at him.
"That's because Quicksilver hates arrogant brats" you mumble, rushing away before Aegon asks you what you just said.
Aegon turns to Lary and sneers at him.
"Stay away from her, you fucking creep"
With that, Aegon follows after you, leaving him standing alone.
Larys would do anything but stay away from you, that's for sure.
After all, your father was a dear friend of his.
"What are you doing here, Aemond?" You question the said boy, looking at him sleepy.
"I came here to apologize about what I did to you the other day, I had no right" your gaze softens at his apology.
"You should also apologize to Jace, Luke, Baela, and Rhaena when you meet them again" Aemond scoffs at this sentence.
"They started it, they attacked me first because Vhagar accepted me as her new rider" the silver-haired boy defends himself.
"You called my brothers bastards" Aemond chuckles.
"Aren't they though?" you narrow your eyes at him.
"No, they are not-" he stops you.
"Yes, they are, and if you are to become my wife, then you must stand by my side and support my views"
You stay silent, not knowing what to say.
It's true, that once a woman gets married into her husband's family, she is expected to support her husband even against her own family. 
Aemond grabs your hands into his warm, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"My family is now your family, you have to support Aegon's claim to the throne, by doing that, you are doing your duty"
You gulp, coming to realize the fact that Aemond has changed.
"And if I don't?" 
His grasp tightens on your hands, his stare becoming colder.
"Then I will force you to do your duty"
Part VI
Honestly, too many people to tag, and I just needed to update quickly, sorry 🥺
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A part 2 for Never Yours in the works? 🙏🏼😂
AN- And Yes! I am alive. Sorry for going on a hold but I had some existential crisis over my writing skills. And even now, I feel that this piece is not good enough.
Also, I have added a few more characters. So, have a look and if anyone wants to request something then go ahead. Also all the requests I already have in my inbox will be posted soon.
So now, here it goes...
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
The Dragon of North
Daemon Targaryen x Niece!Reader;
Cregan Stark x Wife!Reader
Part 1
Summary- And all begins to fallout as the Dance begins to start...
Tag List- @minaxcarter, @eliseline, @blackhoodlea, @little-moonbeam-666, @neenieweenie, @omgsuperstarg, @avalyaaa, @shopping, @bbgmonsay, @michelle-26, @krokietinio, @hc-geralt-23, @chevelledahuman, @thekayarlene, @narcy, @helloitsshitzulover, @muushwrites, @daringboba, @bi2simps, @issybee0611, @yariany02, @agathe, @5moremin, @candypurplebutterfly, @saraelizabeth26, @moon-light1415, @targaryenmoony, @stargaryenx, @instabul, @shine101, @hyacinthus007, @mcam623, @eudximoniakr, @carissa_griffin7777, @marvelescvpe, @severewobblerlightdragon, @deltamoon666, @thatgirlthatreadswattpad, @ultrav0lence, @savagemickey03, @sunmoon-01, @literishdegree99, @watercolorskyy, @Lady-Juliettes, @cherryaemond, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @nats-whore
Warnings- Westeros politics and Daemon being himself
GIF Credits to @thequeenwechoose
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Staying in the King's Landing never felt more discomforting than now for (Y/N). It had been near to two full weeks that she, along with her family, resided in the Maegor's Keep and to avoid both her sister and her former lover was becoming next to impossible.
Cregan had noticed, and queried time and again, every passing night as to what ails her; what makes her disappear in thin air when either of her sister or uncle appears in the sight.
(Y/N) wanted to tell him all as it is. The truth. But she knew what would happen if the truth came out. Her family will break as the poison of doubt will creep gradually; sinking its teeth deep into Cregan's mind.
The princess turned when she heard the sound of her name, Alicent held a soft smile as she sipped on her tea, the sun casting a bright glow on her face, accentuating her features a bit; but Alicent was a pretty lady from the beginning, sometimes making the princess envious of her, but their beauties were also different.
"Yes, my queen?" She replied in a light voice, her eyes drifting of to where Aemma conversed with Aemond while Daemon and Viserys played with the eldest son of Alicent; the firstborn son her father and the king.
"I was wishing to speak to you about a proposal," the Queen says calmly, twisting to face the Lady of the North, who does the same once she realizes that whatever is about to come is important, if not urgent.
"Aemond and Aemma makes a good pair."
(Y/N) turned to glance at her child; her eldest daughter. Her dark hair where braided back in a loose Northern braid, keeping the tresses away from her grey eyes which resembled her father's. Aemma was the representation of her paternal house; the Northern beauty residing in each single feature of her.
"I understand what you speak of, my queen. But this decision is not only mine to make," the mother of six said gently, her violet eyes genuine just as her smile as she gave the Queen's hand a comforting squeeze.
"Of course, my princess. Lord Cregan has every right to own about the matters of his daughter's betrothal," Alicent said with a soft, polite smile, returning her gaze back to the place where their children played in harmony.
Bran and Allaric were in the nursery which belonged to (Y/N) when she was a baby. The entire decor had been based on the colours of her house; red and black with dragon motifs here and there.
"My queen, if you don't mind, can I leave? I should go and find my lord husband," (Y/N) said, leaving the comforts of the cushioned chair to see where her husband is. "Of course, I have no issues, my lady."
With a polite bow of her head, the Dragon of the North strided confidently in the direction of the Small Council's chamber. She had a vague idea that Cregan would be discussing the upcoming winter and trades with her father and the Hand.
Taking a turn, a hand clasped over her mouth, dragging her to a dark corner while she withered violently, trying to escape from the death grip on her waist.
"Easy, zaldrīzes." (dragon)
The hand from her mouth was removed and (Y/N) turned to meet the identical violet eyes of her uncle. His hand still held her waist while the empty one cupped the side of her neck, caressing like lulling her to a sweet sleep.
"Skoriot naejot, ñuha zaldrītsos?" (Where to, my little dragon) He whispered, his breath caressing the skin stretching over her cheeks, warming it delightfully. His hand from her waist traveled up to her cheek, soft yet firm in its place, just as she remembered.
"Cregan might be in the Small Council's chamber," she whispered back, her eyes taking him in slowly, biting her lips as the moments spent in intimacy fogged her mind; outweighing her better judgment of just pulling away.
"Kostagon ao daor emagon iā moment syt aōha kepus?" (Can you not have a moment for your uncle?) He asked, his blonde hair caressing her ears delicately. He had always took pride in his long hair, always caring for it just as he did for Caraxes.
Before (Y/N) could speak of anything, the distant voice of her husband made her step away; her breath heavy and deep as she tried to compose herself.
Daemon ran his hand through his long hair, eyes darkening with frustration as a scowl appeared on his face; definitely not at all happy with the spell of the moment being broken.
"My love," the dragon princess found herself greeting her husband with a small smile, her hand slipping into his larger one as he leaned down for a kiss on her cheek, a silent whisper caressing the skin: "my dragon".
"Young love."
The scoff from Daemon was hardly concealed by the fake cough of his, but his act was only rewarded by his weak brother before the king turned to his daughter and good son; the Lord and Lady of Winterfell.
"I hope your discussions were pleasant," the lady said with a small smile; doing her best to make a short conversation before departing for her chambers in the considerably quiet wing of the Maegor's Keep.
"Indeed, my lady. This winter would be easier with the aids our king promises to provide," Cregan admitted, squeezing their intertwined hands in a soft way of reassurance. His grey gaze caressed her face softly; like the most expensive silk on a skin.
"I am glad we could help, my lord," Viserys said with a smile before a fit of coughs embraced him. Leaning heavily on the wall, the king tried to suppress the heavy coughing but to no avail would it go.
"Call the maester," Daemon ordered, rushing to his brother's side as he softly helped his brother upward while (Y/N) rubbed her father's back in an attempt to comfort him, but it seemed that nothing worked.
"(Y/N), you go, I shall see to it that he is well."
"But kepus-"
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"Queen Alicent proposed something to me today."
The Wolf Lord looks up from the book he acquired from the Royal Library. The extensive collection of rare and precious books enabled him to find some which one could never find in the North; and being the husband of the Dragon Princess, nobody would deny him the books.
"And what did she propose?"
His features softened as he watched her dear wife with a keen eye. Her platinum blonde hair cascaded down her back in perfect soft curls; her violet eyes soft and unwavering as she glanced at him through mirror while combing the last of her tresses.
"She wishes for Aemma to be betrothed to Aemond. A way to unite our houses," (Y/N) said, standing up from the vanity as she softly made her way to their shared bed.
"Unite the North to the Crown or unite you with her family?" Cregan queried, placing the book down on his side as his lady wife crawled to him. "I am not sure," she hummed, situating her face on his chest while his hands came in contact with her soft locks of snow.
"Then let us not dwell on it yet."
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seleneprince · 10 months
Queen Alicent had no qualms in voicing out her disgust for Rhaenyra’s family, specially her children, whom she called openly bastards and declared them unworthy of the throne, for their mere existence was sinful in her eyes. The Green children grew up hearing these words, with their mother and everyone around them ingraining in their heads that the Blacks were enemies, that they shouldn’t get close to those bastards. But in truth, Prince Aemond was the only one who took Queen Alicent’s words to heart and complied.  
Alicent’s attempts at separating her children from Rhaenyra were futile, since the King himself arranged for his children and grandchildren to train, study and spend time together to strenghten their bonds as family. Aegon loved to disobey his mother and grandfather, which was the main reason he aproached his nieces at first. Eventually, he developed genuine affection for them, specially Princess Alysanne Velaryon, the oldest, whom Aegon lovingly called Lysa and proclaimed as his favourite. Aegon was kinder to them that he was to his own siblings. He and Lysa quickly became inseparable and it was rare seeing one without the other. From her part, young Alysanne adored her uncle and followed him happily to every adventure he proposed. 
Princess Helaena was a special lady and no one could reach her, not even her mother. She lived in her own world, only showing interest in bugs and embroidery. Helaena never bothered to fit in the labels society tried to put on her. However, she showed some affection for her nieces. Just like Aegon, Alysanne proved to be her favourite and she soon took in to call her Lysa too, but she also payed attention to little Lucerya, who was usually seen listening to her aunt’s tellings about the different bugs she studied or making flower crowns for each other. It was among the rare moments Princess Helaena could be seen openly smiling, relaxed, like a normal lady. Her nieces seemed to bring out a certain light from her. 
Prince Daeron was a carefree, mischevious boy who only pretended to listen his mother’s words to stay on her good side, but once she turned around, he did anything he wanted. He wasn’t as chaotic as Aegon, as quiet as Helaena or as dutiful as Aemond, but he was charming and loved the music, and so he quickly became the court’s beloved along with Lucerya. Daeron was born merely two days apart from Princess Alysanne, and King Viserys had them share the same wet nurse in hopes this would push them to share some kind of fraternity and avoid the bitterness between their mothers. Although Daeron and Alysanne got along well, Aegon took the majority of her time and Daeron seemed to have preference for Lucerya, whom he seemed to enjoy entertaining with his knowledge in arts and even dedicated poems too. They were both the court’s favourites and so they were often together in the center of parties. 
Prince Aemond, his mother’s copy and favourite, never bothered to interact with his half-sister’s daughters. He believed everything his mother said and so if she claimed they were dangerous and unworthy, it had to be true. He looked at the girls and spoke about them the same way his mother did. Prince Aemond talked, but it was Queen Alicent’s words he spelled. He chastised Aegon for being so cozy with Alysanne, warned Helaena about her sympathy towards the girls and frowned at Daeron’s playful banters with Lucerya. This one seemed to annoy him particularly for some reason, often mocking his younger brother for being so pathetically enamoured with Lucerya and trying so hard to get a bastard girl's attention. Everytime he caught one of his brothers entertaining Lucerya or playing with her, his mood instantly turned sour. It didn’t help the little girl seemed blissfuly unaware to his hatred and acted all so sweetly towards him like she did with everyone, calling him uncle and sometimes following around, much to his annoyance. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t push her away most of the times and seemed at least tolerant of her presence, something he didn’t have for Princess Alysanne. 
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myfandomprompts · 7 months
To Risk It All | Chapter 1
Aemond x Dragonrider!OC
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Summary: Daera arrives in King's Landing. Aemond remembers her vividly.
Tags: possessive!Aemond, angst, mature, strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, slow burn, obsession, blood, canon divergence, king Aemond, smut and fluff, dragons, war, F&B spoilers. | Prologue - Masterlist
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Though Daera had never stepped foot in King's Landing before, the Dragonpit was unmistakable as she glided down her dragon towards the sandy ground, the Dragonkeepers welcoming her as they once did with Laenor. The red towers of the castle were visible in the distance, the chaotic sound of the city rising in the air as well as the stench that came along with it. All of this was so new to her. Once in the carriage that would lead her to Aegon’s Hill, she wondered what her mother and cousins had planned upon their delayed arrival. Would they demand justice, revenge?
Leaving the Queen, she was led to her brother’s temporary chambers. Upon seeing him again, Daera did not hesitate to throw herself in his arms, holding him tightly as if she feared he would disappear. His purple eyes were red with exhaustion, his small figure pressing against her chest as she held him close. She asked about him, but Daemion only voiced a weak affirmation before diving back into a worrying silence.
“Mother and father’s cousins are on their way, they will be there soon. Then we will go home,” she assured him, stroking his silver curls fondly.
His silence endured and she could do nothing but respect it, basking in their shared embrace before they were led to the royal sept. She held her brother’s hand while she paid her respects to their father, trying to not care for the gruesome state of his head under the white linen while Daemion stared at the ground, speechless.
Daera could feel him trembling, so she squeezed his hand harder.
Soon nightfall came and Daemion had still not said a word to her and when they came back to their apartments within Maegor’s Holdfast. The ghost of their father floated around them like a cold breeze, icing their blood, making them feel so alone, so powerless.
She asked him if he was tempted by a nightly ride upon Seasmoke, hoping to spark something other than sorrow in his eyes, but he only dismissed her with a curt shake of the head. “Daemion… we must be strong. Carry on what he left behind for us, and for mother. You can cry in front of me, you don’t have to hold your tears.”
He finally looked at her, pain plaguing his expression, and she wanted to wipe it away, make it disappear forever.
“You don’t cry,” he remarked with watery eyes.
“I do. I only reserve my grief for the ones I love, and that is you and mother. Certainly not the court,” she answered with bitterness, thinking about those who had done nothing while Vaemond Velaryon was mercilessly slain before them.
Now all that she hoped was that one day, her brother would be able to overcome the trauma the Rogue Prince had inflicted upon him, upon her family. She would make it so, she promised.
Daemion didn’t say a word, instead wrapped her arms around her, flattening his face against her and her heart ached in affection. “Goodnight, sister.”
As she watched her brother close the door, she realised that she, on the other hand, could not bear to be alone. She was scared to be left with her thoughts in such an unfamiliar place and desired to return to what comforted her.
She glanced at each side of the corridor, trying to remember the location of the stairs that led to the main hall. She moved through the castle silently, her steps leading her through the red faded stoney walls until she reached the outyard, where the night had settled so deep she shivered under her cloak.
“I demand to be taken to the Dragonpit,” she called out to one of the guards standing at the main gate.
“It is the hour of the ghosts, my Lady.”
“And what of it?” Daera said, arching a brow high on her forehead. 
The guard looked at her with a repressed scoff. “So I cannot prepare a carriage only because you wish to see your dragon, I am afraid.”
Daera fumed inside, but was unwilling to give up. “Then find someone to escort me on foot.”
This time, the guard did not hide his snicker. “I do not think that a young Lady such as you should be strolling the streets at this hour.”
“Open the gates.”
Daera turned around to see the newcomer as the guard widened his eyes. She had to narrow hers in order to see properly amidst the shadows of the courtyard but she could recognise the silver hair around his face and the smug demeanour of the man that was now advancing toward them. He wore a long dark green cloak that enveloped his figure, boots scratching the floor.
“Yes, my Prince.”
The guard did as told, gesturing to his counterpart to help him move the heavy doors in order to allow the Prince passage. Once outside of the walls, he suddenly stopped in his tracks to look at her over his shoulders. “Are you coming or not?”
Daera almost jumped, startled to be addressed and scurried to follow him, earning an annoyed look from the guard that closed the gates behind them. The silver-haired man only smirked and resumed his walk, forcing her to catch up with him.
“You are the Velaryon girl. Daera, is it? The Winged Seahorse?” he said, glancing at her from the corner of his eye while hastening his pace away from the castle’s gates. “You ride Seasmoke?”
The way he behaved along with his unabashed confidence left little to no doubt about his identity, and Daera’s suspicions were confirmed when they came to a stop at a junction, now facing each other for the first time.
He looked at her, fully, and she could see the lilac eyes, the curly silver hair, the proud jawline and the redness under his eyes. She had not seen them in years, but it was easy to guess which out of the three children of Viserys Targaryen he was.
“Yes, my Prince. And you are Aegon Targaryen," she concluded, hinting that they had never been introduced properly.
“Indeed, we’ve met once before. But we both grew up since that time,” he said with poise before giving her a onceover. “And for the best, it would seem."
Daera stayed emotionless. “I suppose so. We must live up to our House’s name the best we can. Make them proud.” 
He looked at her for a little while, assessing her features and the way she spoke, trying to decide if the girl was not very quick witted or if she was just careful around him.
“I am sorry for your loss,” he finally said after his study, watching as her eyes turned grimmer at the mention of her father.
“Thank you."
She did not know what to say, and gazed at the paved stone. She had successfully managed to exit the castle grounds but from her position, she had no idea in what direction the Dragonpit was, the night sky hindering her vision.
But her curiosity was piqued by the unexpected encounter, making her momentarily forget about her destination. "May I ask where you are going at this hour, Prince Aegon?”
“The only place I can truly entertain myself,” he smirked. "I would have invited you to come along, but as I understood, you have a dragon to ride.” 
She only nodded, deciding that she did not want to drag a more precise answer out of him by the way he mysteriously looked at her.
“The Dragonpit is this way, you’ll have to cross Fleabottom,” he pointed vaguely to the street on the right. "Keep on and you’ll see the light of the dome from the plaza. I hope the Dragonkeepers are in a good mood,” he added. “For your sake.” 
He reached for his hood to put it over his hair, covering the very recognisable silver of it. “Oh… Thank you.”
“Have a nice flight, Daera.”  
As she watched him stride off southward, she felt jealous of his hood, feeling silly for not having brought one of her own to hide her silver head. Instead she was left to squeeze the fabric of her cloak around her and began walking, thoughts swirling around the oddity of the King’s son.
Were all of his children like this? Helaena? Aemond? Daeron?
She thought about Aemond, the boy she had met with two eyes before he lost one out of pure perseverance. She had seen neither him nor Helena since her arrival, and she knew Daeron to be in Oldtown. But now that she had met one of them, she found herself most curious about the others.
It was a shame that she was to leave as soon as her great cousins’ plea would be heard.
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Aemond cursed under his breath when he saw that none of the adjacent streets he had taken were empty, his plan to remain unnoticed moot. His evening ride on Vhagar had been pleasant, a necessity after the dinner that had left him fuming, remembering the sufficient snort of Lucerys Velaryon as the roasted pig was served, and how Jacaerys Velaryon had thought he could provoke him. In fact, Aemond felt vengeful still, much of the ire accumulated within him since that fateful day on Driftmark demanding to be released, and he felt it more and more difficult to keep his rancour at bay. 
The noises of the night owls above and the drunks staggering on the main street steered him away from his murderous thoughts, noticing with relief that he was getting closer to the Red Keep as he walked further up Sour Belley Row. When he took a turn to a street he hoped to be empty, the thoughts invaded him once again.
If only he could challenge Lucerys Valeryon, challenge him in a fight, or even sneak into his room, unseen, and make him beg for him to stop when he would try to take his eye as wel-
A loud laugh echoed from one of the back alleys, and he instantly stopped in his tracks, his jaw clenching. "... the King passes away, head to the dark clear glowing flame that turns as green as the dawn…"
He looked under his hood to search for the source of the voice, only spotting two shadowy forms as another shrilling laugh echoed against the stone walls of the alley. From afar he recognised an old woman he knew blind, talking to a stranger whose back was turned to him. 
He sighed with annoyance; this woman was known to be some sort of seer, overlooked by some, adored by others, and decided to pay it no mind, rather walking away before earning more of her questionable predictions. It was easy for a charlatans like her to announce the death of his father when he had one foot in the tomb, and her sort only deserved his disdain.
But as he casted one last disapproving look to the old crone, he caught sight of the stranger’s silver hair facing her and stilled again.
It was a woman, a young woman that was wearing noble clothes, both blue and black, wrapped around a thick dark marine cloak. A Targaryen? One of Aegon’s bastards? No, she was far too old. An imitator perhaps? Not from her clothes and the way she stood herself. She then turned her face slightly, and curiosity took the better of him at once.
She was too beautiful not to be of noble blood, and there was only one person that possessed her characteristics and was currently in the capital: Daera Velaryon, the girl he had watched grieve Laena Velaryon all of those years ago on Driftmark, and had sometimes after claimed her brother’s dragon, following his own steps.
The one who had led him to the dune where Vhagar slept.
She had grown much, she was nothing like the girl he had met by the seaside. Before he could realise it, his feet had advanced toward the two women on their own, and as he stepped into the light, the white orbs of the seer snapped at him like she had suddenly recovered the ability to see. The Velaryon followed her gaze and took a hasty step back when she realised that he was right behind her, a jasmine fragrance filling the air as she moved.
He could not blame her for her reaction, knowing that he would look rather imposing to her as he beat her both in height and size and bore a hooded cloak that hid most of his face, keeping it in the shadows.
“Ha! There is the vision, the one you will cower under!” continued the old woman, drawing back both Aemond’s and the girl’s gaze on her. 
Then the young woman spoke, allowing him to finally hear her voice for the first time in years, memories coming back to him at the softness of her tone. “I… I don’t understand.”
The seer cackled again and began searching for Daera’s hands, reaching to her front and bringing them into her own. “The God of Flame and Shadow understands, my dear,” she said as she tapped her hand and grinned widely. "You, on the other hand, don't need to."
Aemond was almost certain that the woman had ‘looked’ straight at him as she said her last piece, but he had no time to react for she let out another cackle before letting go of Daera’s hands and proceeded to slowly limp away in the dark alley, holding on to the wall for direction.
Both him and Daera watched as she disappeared in the shadows before she turned to face him, making Aemond remember where he was and where he was going before he had stupidly lost himself in a dark alley. 
He could feel her gaze on him, scrutinising, the scent of jasmine spreading in the air.
“Who are you?” she asked, her eyes searching under the hood that covered his face.
He congratulated himself for letting his sapphire eye bare of leather for that particular occasion. No one could know he was away from the keep, even less recognise him.
“None of your concern, I’m afraid.”
His tone was cold, unforgiving. He wanted to turn away before she could ask any more compromising questions, but his body refused to move, as if it was detached from his brain.
“You smell of dragon.” 
He stopped himself in time from lifting his head completely in reaction, keeping his features safely tucked away in the shadows. Instead, he watched her intensely under his hood as she kept searching for his eye, gears visibly turning behind her violet ones. 
“It’s unwise to insult strangers away at such a late hour. Especially alone,” he answered with all the menacing tone he could muster.
She straightened at that, and if she hadn’t considered him dangerous before, she was now. Or was it prudence? 
“I didn't mean to insult you. I only… I just wanted to head to the Dragonpit by myself, but I got… distracted,” she gestured behind her where the woman had disappeared, staring at the now empty street deep in thought. “I wish to see the dragons for myself.”
“Hm,” he found himself muttering, wondering why in the seven hells he was still standing there instead of being on his way back already. Instead he found the want to goad her, to test her. “Maybe if you had stayed on the main street and avoided being lured by beggars and liars, you would have found it without difficulty.”
He saw her chin lift up at that, like a creature ready to strike, to defend itself. 
Like a dragon.
“Well, if I was lured so easily, like you put it, I wonder what you are doing here,” she said defiantly, “Fancy the words of a liar or do you just have a likeness for dark alleys? Or perhaps more discriminating endeavours?”
He considered her for a moment before letting out a scoff, surprising himself and earning a puzzled look from her. She had the grit of her father, he could give her that. Or was it the fire in her veins, the same that he possessed?
"See the dragons," she had said, instead of explaining that she wanted to ride hers. Just like he had.
Exactly as he had said all of those years ago.
He hummed again, scrutinising her. “Maybe you should ask someone else, there are much more informed people in those streets than old fortune tellers and strangers that smell of dragon. You would be better to take your chance with them.”
He allowed himself a short moment to see her expression shift from defensive to surprised, before turning his back to her swiftly and finally walking away, letting a smile creep at the corner of his mouth.
That was unexpected.
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“You think you can protect him? Ha! He will fall, girl, you are powerless against their wits. Grief plagues you all, but so do teeth and claws. Maybe wings will cover his tomb?”
The blind woman's voice kept ringing in her ears as she walked down the main avenue. Protect him? Protect him from what? From who? Was it her brother, she had asked. Was it Daemion? But the woman had not answered her, only mocked her further.
"One candle burns as the King passes away, head to the dark clear glowing flame that turns as green as the dawn and see your heart within it, your future."
What had she meant?
Daera raised her head and exhaled in relief when she saw the enormous roof of the Dragonpit over a nearby building. She began walking again, carefully staying in the dark and avoiding every person she would cross paths with.
The seer had called to her, asked her to approach, but when Daera had said that she had nothing to offer, taking the woman for a beggar, she had seen the white of her eyes and felt compelled to go to her. The old woman had then passed her hand over her face before laughing and speaking mysterious words, taunting her. Should she even take her seriously? 
But against all odds, it was not the most peculiar encounter she had made this evening, and wondered if maybe, the night had more in store for her.
The hooded man that had inexplicably materialised behind her, listening in to the incomprehensible words that were spoken to her, had unsettled her and now occupied her thoughts as she climbed the steps to the Dragon Pit. He was tall and lean, from what she had seen. His voice was soft, but firm, and obviously rather cold as he spoke and she wondered if he always sounded so scathing.
She had only seen his jawline in the dark, the rest of his face hidden from her, but she found herself more intrigued by him than by the blind woman's words. And the smell, sandalwood mixed with smoke. But it was the distinctive scent of dragon that had her eagerly curious. It was the exact same smell as when Princess Rhaenys came back from a ride with Meleys, or as Laenor had once, or as Laena did. Was he a Dragonkeeper? Or maybe just a worker there? Maybe she had been wrong completely, and had mistaken the scent for another odour. But he had not denied it, rather had looked unphased when she had pointed it out. She might think of every possibility but her instincts already knew the truth.
She wondered what the odds were of meeting two Targaryen Princes in one night.
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Chapter 2
Thank you @babyblue711 & @arcielee for beta.
Tag list: @knightprincess@baconturtle @witheredoffherwitch @lexwolfhale @toodlesxcuddles @watercolorskyy (sorry I forgot to tag you in the prologue)
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
WHAT HAPPENS IF DAEMON TAKES HIS BASTARD WITH HIM ONE NIGHT? As if he entered the red keep during the night and took Alicent's precious little son (and his too), the boy adores his uncle daemon so he obviously goes with him
When Alicent goes to see her favorite son in the morning, she finds an empty bed and a note that says "I'm going away with Uncle Daemon for a few days, I love you, Mom"
alicent, otto, viserys and criston are very angry, aegon and aemond are definitely angry at daemon and are not above going to get their brother back by force (just like the others)
This is so chaotic omg 👀
Daemon casually enters his son/nephew's room and takes him out and visits King's Landing like he was never allowed to do.
Our dear Prince!Reader decides to leave a note for his mother, knowing that she always comes to visit him every morning. So far so good.
Until the next morning comes and all hell breaks loose.
Alicent, as usual, knocks on her son's bedroom door and enters only to find the room empty. She panics, because it wasn't her precious son's habit to leave without telling her. She searches the room and finds the note he left for her.
She almost throws a tantrum right there. Not her son's but Daemon's. The angry screams and curses she hurled at Daemon could be heard throughout the Red Keep.
Alarmed, Criston and Aemond go to check on Alicent and find her lying in Prince!Reader's bed, which was empty. Criston was angered to find out about your whereabouts and watched as an angry Aemond tried to comfort his mother.
It took Aegon a while to notice what was happening, but after a few lectures from Otto, he quickly composed himself and became upset with everything that was happening.
If you wanted to leave, why didn't you let him take you? No one knew the best way to have fun in King's Landing than he did.
Aegon was more jealous than angry.
If Daemon doesn't bring Prince!Reader back safe and sound, heads would roll. Even Viserys was upset (assuming he's alive in that case). The poor man doesn't have a day of peace, he is trying to ensure that everything would be okay for his wife and his other children while trying to fight the urge to kill his own brother.
Aegon and Aemond will have no problem flying over King's Landing with Sunfyre and Vhagar to find their brother.
While all the chaos erupts, Prince!Reader and Daemon have fun and make the most of the city, which for Daemon is a father and son moment, for the Reader it is a fun moment between uncle and nephew.
By the Seven, if he came back full of scars, with disheveled hair and dirty clothes... Daemon will have a lot of problems. Not only with Alicent and Viserys, but also with Rhaenyra and even Corlys and Rhaenys.
Not even Prince!Reader's smile could save Daemon.
~ Lady L
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xfancyuu · 1 year
~ cause i can feel a real connection, a supernatural attraction. [aemond targaryen]
PART I (my blood, sweat, tears, and my last dance, take it all away.)
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after four months of misery i have returned! my job prevented me from writing but i can confirm this is a three part series, this fic contains a westerosi wedding, the next will contain a valyrian wedding and the third part, well that's a surprise. reader is afab with she/her pronouns if requested i will write non-binary characters. ! i'd also love some feedback for this! i'd love some pointers on what you liked/didn't like about it! i try to make reader an actual person and appealing to all but she may come off a certain way (though i think that's the stress of the situation rather than reader being an awful person bc she's a lot more mellow in part 2 — maybe bc it's actually smth she wants to be involved in rather than a massive wedding, she wanted a more intimate moment lol).
this fic contains: bolton!reader, wedding, afab reader, no appearance indicators (except height, aemond is taller than you), lord bolton (your dad) worries about you a lot and idk if that is in canon standing but you're also his only daughter. your mum may be cersei lannister coded??? she's kinda mean but she's giving the reader some truths in there even if they won't apply to reader. reader's lifespan is called short though her and aemond are both around eighteen-twenty-one (but this is some time before the war & that gossip girl thanksgiving worthy moment — the girls that get it, get it) [5,079 words]
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You had hoped the waiting was worth it, your father's insistence that you would be respected and appreciated by your future husband hadn't calmed you one bit. You knew what was expected of you, what the night would entail, and it had put you on edge, Aemond Targaryen was a temperamental man in the almost two years you had known him, you simply did not know what to expect. The blood of the dragon ran deep within him, he was chaotic and could do as he pleased to you and those around you if you did not please him correctly.
The preparations had taken many moons themselves, your father's involvement with the whole ordeal was rather surprising to many, fathers didn't typically involve themselves in matters such as weddings except choosing the man. Yet your father was proactive — you were his only daughter, his sweetling, his pride and joy. You had surmised the man did not want to let you go, to send you into a life of baring children and labours which he himself could not look over and sooth your worries.
Yet that had not happened, and you couldn't understand his ceaseless worrying. When you had told him you had met the great Vhagar he had almost had a heart attack. You had such a joyful emotion, however, your father could only hope it continued to stay that way. That the Prince would not feed you to his dragon the moment he had you alone once more which you had to assure your father that you were certain Prince Aemond was as fond of you as you were him.
It had felt like a ridiculous farce at first, the looks towards you when it was announced you'd be marrying the second son of the King. The whispers behind your back which they had thought you hadn't heard, how such a beautiful girl was fated to marry a man who could not match such beauty. You had scoffed at the time, beauty had not mattered to you — moons later it still had not mattered. They had called Aegon beautiful, yet he was one of the most despicable men you'd had the displeasure of spending time with, constant comments that his brother should take you before the wedding and how he would have his way with you if he so wished. You'd take a man the court had deemed undeserving of your beauty over that.
"If you wish to flee I would not stop you." your father spoke as he had entered the room, your family must have been in the sept waiting for the spectacular show you would put on which would no doubt be the talk of Kings Landing for the many coming moons.
"Why would I flee?" you had asked, playing with the beads of your dress, the Northern tradition of wearing white was not lost on you. Your father spared no expense in creating the dress you had wanted. The dress was truly beautiful, aligned with jewels and beads, some of which sparkled as though they were stars with movement. "You do not truly believe the Prince would hurt me? Once we are married we shall be happy and not much shall change from how it now."
The look on your father's face was enigmatic, you could never decipher what the man was thinking. If your mother was here she would have told you. "Once you are married mother and I will go back to the Dreadfort, your brothers will be returning with me and you shall be alone." The unspoken threat of being alone with the Targaryen-Hightower family was evident. He hadn't trusted them from the moment you had stepped into the dreadful place.
"But I won't be alone — I shall have my husband and hopefully we shall bring children into the world not long after... There are ravens, Aemond has a dragon, I am not trapped here and I shall be able to visit you." The optimism that you possessed was something your father had never possessed himself. You were too much like your mother. He didn't want to tell you that obeying your husband would be customary, that you would be a member of the Royal family, that you would not be a regular person with your own opinions.
"I shall look forward to your future visits. You know what tonight will entail? Please do not fight back and do as he says." You had not known what your father had meant. Your mother had taught you the basics, taking a more hand on approach than many others you had met. "But for now you shall walk down the aisle, looking like the Northern beauty you are, you shall do our house — your mother and I" your father corrects himself, "proud."
Your father was not a sentimental man by design, this behaviour felt strange to you. Perhaps he knew something you did not. "I shall always do you proud, now cloak me before I weep." you had demanded of him.
The flayed man was not something you'd associate yourself with. It was barbaric, horrific and downright made you feel hostile. Yet your father wore his sigil with pride, the technique passed down from father to heir did not involve you, yet your own father had decided despite you being a female your house traditions were important. It was awful you'd to think of such things on your own wedding day. You'd be cloaked with a different shade of red — you'd be a Targaryen by the day's end.
You felt content knowing that your house banner — the sigil that made you a Bolton would be symbolically stripped away by the man you were sure you loved despite the lack of life experience required to make such a decision. The colour was in stark contrast to your dress. The blood-red and pink colours blended with each other compared to your white dress, it stood out, you stood out. Many of the ladies of the court had told you that white was not a colour a lady such as yourself should wear. You were not quite sure why, it matched the snow of your home, the bleak surroundings you found yourself longing for. Your hair styled in traditional Northern intricate braids which you had personally asked for. You would not change a habit of a lifetime for the pleasure of others, Aemond had never seemed to mind your abrasive disregard for the court's fashions and styling. You doubted he'd have a problem with it now.
"You look beautiful, my sweetling," your father had told you, taking in all the grace and beauty you possessed. His comment had made your cheeks heat up — you were familiar with tearing your appearance apart in mirrors at most given opportunities, compliments were not commonplace. Especially from your father.
"I am mother's child." you had joked, trying to relieve the tension you had felt in your body as you drew closer to the sept. The religious element hadn't appealed to you, the Gods you worshipped were not those of the Seven. "I do hope nobody makes a scene, I do not think I'd be able to control myself from attacking someone."
"And suddenly you show signs of being mine."
"Please make sure nobody makes a scene today, the Princess is here with her children, and it makes everybody on edge as it is." You had told him, sharing a look, a look which ensured your father would allow nobody to embarrass you or your husband.
"Today shall be the happiest day you have lived in such a short lifespan, and you shall have many more to come." Your father had ended that conversation short. It was only then you had noticed you were about to enter the sept. "Tell me one last time you should want to leave, and I will take you away this instant."
"I told you before, it should be my honour to marry — I love him father, as he does me." You had told him with such sincerity, your father simply kissed your forehead, accepting your current position on the matter, never wavering. Perhaps your father was more displeased in losing you than you had originally thought. But you'd always be his little girl, and marrying reminded him you were growing up and having your own life experiences.
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The stares had almost made you bolt, but your father's grip prevented you from doing so or stopping in your tracks. You would not make a blunder of the entire event, you would walk to the altar with a smile planted on your lips and the grace and elegance your mother had instilled into you.
The trip to the altar was quite short and sweet, not a stumble, some had gasped, but you had thought it was simply because your dress was beautiful. You hadn't wanted to leave your father, not entirely, a part of you was still a child, wanting to go back home and frolic in the snow with your brothers for another winter. But you were no longer a child, you would no longer be a girl frightened of the responsibilities you had to partake in. Yet why were you feeling so incredibly warm and wanting to remove your own skin?
It hadn't stopped, the moment you were placed in front of Aemond, ready to be cloaked as your father removed your own cloak. Despite being so incredibly warm, the coldness had hit you like a wave. Or perhaps it was something else, anticipation for the entire event to be over. For you to finally have your own husband to yourself. To act as though you'd always been taught. To at least kiss him in public rather than the brief and few kisses you'd shared in dark hallways.
Your thoughts were moving at such fast speeds, you had almost flinched when you were cloaked with the three-headed dragon. A symbol so synonymous with the house you would be married into. Yet you kept your composure, still smiling and turning around so you could at least grab Aemond's hand. He had grounded you in the moment — a much needed clarity to the thoughts you were having.
His own hand had taken yours, how you wish you could at least speak to him. Yet you could not, the ceremony was under way and the best you could do was squeeze his hand as to tell him you were fine, that you were here and that this was happening.
Dissociation was a problem, you had always been called a daydreamer yet doing so at your wedding? You were truly a mess, an unadulterated, unfiltered mess. The way your hand kept on squeezing Aemond's, the way you didn't listen to a thing the septon had said. How your eyes had glazed over and how so badly you wished this would end, being the centre of attention was not something you enjoyed.
It was a blur. You had spoken the ceremonial vows as expected, yet you hadn't realised you were doing so. Instead, you had taken in your husband. How beautiful you considered him, his beautiful white hair had not been styled differently, his eyepatch was still there — your objective for tonight was to remove it without him refusing, he could not refuse you — his lady wife now. His clothes were significantly different, gone with the green colour you loved so much in favour for traditional Targaryen colours.
The kiss was just that. You would not make a scene despite the way he had held you do tenderly, you could not do that here and at this moment. You were in a sacred place — not that you believed this room was sacred, you had to behave. Alicent was a devout believer and you doubted Aemond had wanted to anger her or the septon. Brief kisses were what you were used to and you so badly had wanted more, ached for, desperately needed.
"You did so well" Aemond had whispered into your ear as your kiss had ended. The cheers of the newly-wed couple had surrounded you and you were not too sure what to think.
"You give me far too much credit."
Aemond hadn't given you enough credit. He was sure he would have had to have married for an alliance with a wife who would come to resent him yet he considered you special. Never once had you flinched away from his company, never once had you looked at him as though he was less of a man and never once had you made fun of him despite what your teasing of him may have suggested. You were fun, adventurous and above all you had agreed to his betrothal without a second thought. He truly did love you, he would love the life you two shared together, he would love the children you produced and most importantly he would never do anything to deliberately hurt you. The two years of courting had proved as much.
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The evening was going quite well, though you had noticed Aemond's attention wandering elsewhere. "Does something displease you, husband?" you had asked, gaining his attention once again.
Though he hadn't given you a reply, simply hummed and continued staring at his nephew as though he had wronged him in some way. "You're looking at Luc? Is it Luc? I'm unsure on which one is which — as though he has stolen your food and goading you about it."
"Do not speak to me about Lucerys." Came Aemond's sharp reply, you couldn't understand the seeming hatred he had for his nephew. Your own nephew's had meant the world to you, often spending time with one another when their septa's were busy, influencing them with your own opinions and behaviours.
"So it does displease you?" The question wasn't aimed at Aemond rather an observation you had. "My apologies I did not wish to displease you on such a joyous day."
You hadn't got a response to that either, simply a kiss to your cheek, "My father promised me if I was upset he'd sort out the problem, if your family displeases you so, I could gather my father." That had earned a chuckle from Aemond.
"That won't be necessary my love, I have ensured nobody shall cause a scene, especially Aegon."
"And how did you get Aegon to behave?"
"With matters which needn't be known to you, my lady."
"My title is Princess —" your reply was instinctual, "And as a princess of this realm I demand to know how you ensured Aegon would not be a problem."
"I outrank you, my Princess," you do not know if Aemond is teasing you or mocking you, though the glint in his eye tells you all you need to know, "You would not wish to know such depravity Aegon seeks."
"You do not think I do not know about his depravity?" You had genuinely asked, your brothers may have sheltered you and been protective but men like Aegon forever slip through cracks. Ladies speak — they gossip a lot about Aegon and his antics.
"I do not think you know the extent, nor would I like you to, just be thankful his hands are on wine, he would not want to ruin such a joyous occasion."
"You are sure he won't be a depraved gremlin tonight? If he does something untoward against one of my ladies, I will not be responsible for my actions." Threatening a prince may not have been a good idea but you doubted Aemond would pay much mind to it, you're jesting, you always would be.
"The moment he does something to upset you I will personally escort him away."
"Thank you." You had spoke, deciding it would be best if you dropped the issue of the Targaryen-Hightower family as a whole, instead choosing to focus on your own. Your younger brother had sparked up a conversation with a girl from the Westerlands. "Do you think I should go and encourage my brother to ask the lady to dance?"
"Do not meddle in his affairs, princess, perhaps your father will be escorting you out while I escort Aegon." Aemond joked, while you tried to keep a straight face.
"I think the only person to escort me out of this ceremony will be you, my dear husband." The bedding ceremony was something you hadn't approached. Tradition was simply that but you did not want to face the humiliation it had brought with it.
"I cannot wait."
Your conversation had been cut short. The princess Rhaenyra engaging you in a conversation. You had felt terribly sorry for her with her first wedding — they had said if there was not one death at a wedding it would be an incredibly boring affair. You were happy with your wedding to be deemed boring and without complication. The conversation was polite, Rhaenyra introducing you to her children — Aemond had called them Strong bastards, not that you cared much, surely they were more Targaryen than Strong. Rhaenyra the true Targaryen heir had birthed them. But the politics in Westeros was not ready for educated women destroying their world view you supposed.
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Princess Rhaenyra had you in a chokehold metaphorically, if you refused to dance with her eldest son, Jace as she called him you would be offending the heir to the throne which could have dire consequences. So you had relented, promising him a dance as the princess had insisted. Aemond didn't enjoy such nonsensical things, while you didn't mind it that much.
Your mother had always told you that it was important to know such things, dancing was one of them. Though you hadn't expected your first dance of the evening to be with the wrong prince. It was clumsy and awkward, the young prince had wanted to be there as much as you had, hyperaware of where his hands fell on you, of everybody's eyes on you and especially the eye of your husband who had seemed beyond tense. Jacaerys had been nothing but respectful, the music was upbeat and you had laughed multiple times in his presence. Rhaenyra had clearly wanted to fix broken bonds within the family which you were unaware of despite being within courtly life.
"Is it strange to be back in the capital, my prince?" you had asked the boy as the two of you had continued to dance, struggling to find conversation suited to the both of you.
"I am missing Dragonstone but it is lovely to be with family." There's an underlying issue there which you could not explore.
"Aemond and I must visit one day." The boy had become tense with the mention of his uncle, and while it had not subsided your suspicions you knew that the visit would not be happening from his response. "Aemond has been teaching me of Valyrian culture and it would be lovely to see where the queen Visenya had spent her time."
"Queen Visenya interests you?" Jace had seemed rather shocked to discover this, "My mother favours the tales of Princess Nymeria, her story is rather fascinating."
"I should like to befriend your mother, she is a woman of culture I see," your conversation had been cut short by your brother approaching you, "Please excuse me, my prince, it was lovely to meet you, but my brother requires my presence."
Once in your younger brother's arms the anxiety you could feel bubbling within you had dispersed, Jace hadn't scared you, it was Rhaenyra and the possibility of offending her. You may have been ranked Princess but that was purely through marriage, Aemond could get away with snubbing his sister's children but you could not. It could cost your head.
"Your husband looks like he could murder you." Your brother's intervention had made sense now and you were rather thankful for it.
"Murderous enough that I shouldn't approach him, or murderous in the sense I should?" You had asked him as you continued to dance, it had reminded you of your childhood. Forcing your brothers to engage with you in such ways, "Did father send you over?"
"No, it was mother, she fears for you tonight, I sense."
"And why should she be fearful?"
"You and I both know why, sister. Do not make me say it aloud."
"Should I go over and speak to her? Privately? To remind her that my husband is respectful and much more caring than many men could claim to be."
"Do as you wish but please do not anger him more than he is. We all fear for your safety, it is not everyday one married a Dragon Prince."
"There's an abundance of them, I'm sure if you asked nicely one of them would oblige you."
"Do not speak such things aloud, my head could be on a spike by the morn."
"It seems as though I cannot do anything right tonight." Your dance had once again been short-lived as you stormed off in the direction of your mother, looking for comfort, but you doubted she'd give you that.
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"I cannot do a single thing right tonight." You complained to your mother once you had sat down next to her at the table so graciously provided by the royal family — away from you.
"I doubt you have the ability of foresight to change your actions. Why much you speak to me about such issues."
"It would be nice if you could comfort me for once." The wine you had consumed was slowly bubbling its way to the surface, never before had you dreamed of speaking to your mother in such ways.
"Why would I do that? You are a woman grown, you've made big girl choices, have you not? You chose to marry the prince, you chose to leave your family, you're choosing to create one of your own. Please do not mind if the one you are leaving behind are upset with your actions."
"I cannot do this tonight, I cannot fight with almost every person I have encountered." Your hand had gone for the glass of wine in front of you, but your mother had stopped you.
"The advice I am about to give you is invaluable and advice my own mother gave to me. Lie still and wait for him to climb off of you tonight, do not complain when it hurts and try not to make a sound."
You were utterly speechless, your mother had never been one to say an unneeded word, but this was just crass. "We're not talking about this right now."
"Fair enough, disregard the advice passed down from generation to generation."
"Tell me my dress or hair looks pretty, tell me I have nothing to worry about, just don't speak about such things in a room full of people."
"I just wish for you to be prepared." For disappointment was the undertone. "You're such a beautiful girl, you've done your house proud, but I do not wish to lose you in such ways, father doesn't speak much about your departure, but he shall miss you too."
"I shall miss you too, mother." You had reached for her hand, which she had gladly accepted. You feared it would be the last time you'd get a mother-daughter moment like this. It had felt bittersweet and you'd have your own children soon but she had caused the anxiety to crawl within you tenfold. "But the next time we shall see each other I would hope to have children."
"Just make sure you birth children with his hair colour and eyes." Your mother's words hadn't quite sunk in.
"Well, I can't help if they come out looking like me."
"There is a reason why they call them Strong, [Y/N]. Do not give them an opportunity to call your children Bolton's... Or any other last name than Targaryen."
"As I said, I cannot help if they look like me." You were exasperated by this point, just wanting the conversation to end.
"I would love them however they came out but please do not do anything which could risk your safety."
"Mother, you're speaking in riddles and happenstances. Please do not have another drink or father will be leaving here with you dragging out behind him."
"Heed my warning, my sweet child, but tonight you shall have fun and dance with whomever you deem fit. Leave me to enjoy my wine, even if your father has to unceremoniously drag me — or carry, we both know your father would never drag me — out of this room."
"I love you, mother." You stood from the chair, kissing her cheek on the way up, "Consider your warning well received."
"Such a good girl, what did I do to deserve such a child?"
"You only had one daughter." You joked, "Please excuse me, I have many things to think about."
"I love you too, please do not forget that."
Your conversation had left you feeling uneasy, your gaze trying to find Aemond's only to see he was busy speaking to his mother. Perhaps he wasn't as mad at you as you had originally thought. Though your mother's words of not baring children with the typical Targaryen features had almost dimmed your evening. What should happen if you bore the wrong sort of children. Would you be treated as though he treated Rhaenyra? Would you be so easily cast aside and insulted? You did not dare to let it leave your mind, the absolute terror could not show, but it was there, under the surface level smiles and pleasantries.
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You had deemed your ladies the fittest to dance with, dance after dance you had spent with them, having fun, laughing while it seemed like they had almost inhaled wine.
Aemond's eye had followed you as you had enjoyed your time with the woman within your company. He supposed you had to get used to them, they would continue to be with you from this moment onwards. Or rather, until you gave them permission to marry whichever suitor they came to you with.
You were a fascinating woman, choosing not to stay in one space for too long, smiling pleasantly — there was a juxtaposition between you both, and Aemond couldn't be happier for it. You were like sunshine, always bright and bubbly, spending time with his dearest sister, ensuring she wasn't made fun of. He respected you, and he was going to show it tonight.
Your dancing had attracted attention from other nobles. It was not often that women had danced with one another for such a long period of time. Though your ladies were being picked off one by one, nobles wanting to gain their attention for marriage prospects. You were happy for them, truly, however much the loneliness spiked as your final girl stayed with you.
It had to be your brother — he was beyond bothersome, and you looked awkward and panicked on the ballroom floor. The gigantic dress taking up far too much space and without a partner. If at least one person had noticed your distress, they hadn't come to your aid. The jewellery on your being was fiddled with as you tried to make your exit look graceful, but you wanted to run far away from the humiliation of being partnerless.
You had been grabbed by the waist — you had almost fought back until Aemond had calmed you. "It seems as though you've danced with everybody in this room besides your husband."
You had laughed, though it had not been heard over the music, as you turned around to face your husband. "You did not ask me to dance... I didn't know you like to dance."
"I don't," He retorted, "But I'll make the exception for you."
"Oh, I must be so special."
"Whatever my wife wants, she will have."
"And if I want to leave with you, right now, would you save me from the festivities?" You inquired, the intimacy you had felt at the current moment had put you on edge, never being so close to a man before, much less a man you were expected to lay with. To produce heirs with. The expectation had piled up far too much.
"You want to leave? You looked as though you were having fun."
"Crowded places are not my preferred place to be, there is also too much attention placed on me, I don't know if I can cope for much longer." You were finally voicing what you had bottled within you all night, the shakiness within your voice to admitting such things had alarmed Aemond.
"We shall finish this dance?" He'd asked as the two of you continued, your steps were much clumsier than intended but you simply could not help it. "It shall be our last of the night."
"My blood, sweat, tears, and my last dance, take it all away." You had whispered into Aemond's ear as the two of you had danced together.
"Leave with me."
"To where? We cannot escape our own ceremony unnoticed."
"Do you trust me?" You had looked into his indigo eye, as though it was not a question you could contemplate — of course you had trusted Aemond, you had married him without hesitation when he had asked.
"Without hesitation." Came your response, your dress was bulking and heavy but you didn't doubt making a run for it would be hard but at least you had Aemond by your side.
"Then leave with me, most people are too drunk to notice us gone and I fear now will be the only time we can escape."
"You drive a hard bargain." The wine had made its way to your head, the giggles which had escaped your mouth were not sounds you'd typically make. "Save me life a prince in a fairytale, take the maiden and make off with her, is that it?" You'd always had a fascination with the fairytales from a young age. From maidens to knights to unexplainable beasts, from saving damsels to damsels saving themselves.
"You don't have to ask me twice." Aemond had left you no time to comprehend movement within your body, his hand still in your own as he dragged you off to wherever he intended the destination to be. However, as you left the room with as much subtly as a dragon screeching, your eyes connected with your mother's, showing everything she feared would happen tonight for you. Perhaps womanhood was more daunting, even with the liberation you so desperately sought from marriage.
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thank u for reading this fic! again feedback would be appreciated but u don't need to give it, the next instalment will be posted in exactly a week (wed, 8th)! cross posted on ao3 under the name hedonism! reformatted on 7th april 2023.
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210 notes · View notes
humanpurposes · 9 months
Karma is a God
Chapter 13: The Riverlands
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The Dance of the Dragons begins on a lie, and Aemond owes a debt, one Lucerra will see repaid in Fire and Blood // Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Aemond x Lucerra Velaryon (fem!Lucerys)
Warnings for this chapter: spoilers for F&B and future seasons of HotD, canon divergence, descriptions of violence
Words: 7700
A/n: Also available to read on AO3.
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The skies over Blackwater Bay and Crackclaw Point are clear. There are no clouds to hide in and Grey Ghost makes quick work of the distance from Dragonstone to Maidenpool.
The Queen had ordered that she fly straight back to King’s Landing after accompanying Baela and Rhaena to Dragonstone, but as much as she fears her mother’s wroth, she fears what might happen if she sits idly.
To the south, Borros Baratheon has summoned his banners to Storm’s End. To the west, the Lannisters clash with the Iron Fleet. The Tyrells have taken a neutral stance, but the Hightower army is rebuilding in the Reach, rallying behind Prince Daeron and Criston Cole.
As for the Riverlands… the reports they receive are harrowing.
For almost two moons, Aemond has terrorised the Riverlands, unleashing dragonfire and death upon all those he deems to be traitors. Everything in his path turns to ash; towns, cities, castles, crops, and too many lives to count.
They fly high enough that the world spreads out below them like a map. As they approach the southern shore of the Bay of Crabs, she can see where the green fields turn to black. Smoke rises from the ground, trees reach against a grey sky, charred and bare. No life remains where Vhagar flies.
Could he hear the screams as he did it? Was he blind to the suffering, or did he bathe himself in it?
She had heard the cries of dying men as she burnt the Tyroshi war ships by Driftmark, but they were distant, a noise lingering in the back of her mind. All she remembers of that night is the smell of smoke, flashes of golden flames blurred through her tears, emptiness and rage. Thousands of lives ended, for the sake of avenging two already lost.
It is not the same, she tells herself.
They were soldiers. Any one of them could have been the man who released the quarrel that killed Jace, or manned the ship that sunk the Gay Abandon and young Viserys with it.
Aemond kills because he is cruel.
And I…
Death could not save the people who died at Hightide and Spicetown, it could not bring back her brothers, or any other lives lost at The Gullet. That thought has lingered in her mind ever since, a parasite draining the warmth from her body, the life from her soul.
But this is war. Either she will die a martyr, like Jace, like Rhaenys, or survival will chip away at the person she once was.
Maidenpool is nothing compared to the grandeur of Dragonstone or the high walls and towers of The Red Keep. Its keep and battlements are grey and cobbled, covered in moss and ivy so it blends in seamlessly with the surrounding greenery and the backdrop of the sea.
The castle is not the first thing she spots though, rather the blood red dragon that lies before the outer walls. Caraxes is curled in on himself, in a rare moment of peace as he sleeps. But he stirs as they land, rearing his head and glaring at them through wide, golden eyes.
Grey Ghost is uneasy, and not without cause. The Bloodwyrm is monstrously large, bloodthirsty and chaotic.
She remembers the first time she saw Caraxes, as their families gathered on Driftmark for the funeral of Laena Velaryon. Jace had flown on Vermax, while she, too small to ride Arrax, rode in a carriage with her mother and father. They reached Hightide and suddenly she heard a thunderous roar and a whistling, rippling shriek. What a sight they were, Caraxes and Vhagar, soaring from the East with the sunrise. They terrified her in different ways. Vhagar was colossal, and though Caraxes was smaller, he was swift, with piercing eyes, sharp teeth and a serpentine neck that she couldn’t help but follow as it swayed and slithered.
The gates open before she has dismounted. Daemon leads an escort of guards to meet her, dressed in his riding leathers rather than his armour. He knows not to come too close to Grey Ghost.
Her dragon is steadfastly steady as she dismounts, his head fixed on the men who have dared to approach his rider.
Strangers, hisses the voice in her head. Danger.
“Princess Lucerra,” Daemon says, resting his hands on the hilt of Dark Sister which hangs from his hip. “What a pleasant surprise.” His voice is calm but in a way that makes her nervous.
“Your Grace,” she says, keeping a gloved hand against Grey Ghost’s hide, stroking along his scales to calm him. 
Daemon observes this with a small smile, and a turn of his head towards the guards, who relax their stances. “You should know better than to announce on dragonback unannounced.”
“And yet you were able to determine I was not an enemy,” Luke says. “I came from Dragonstone.”
His amusement fades into something more concerned. “Baela and Rhaena?”
Rhaenyra needed a dragon to protect the island and patrol the sea, if necessary. It couldn’t be Tylesys, Sheepstealer was still weak from the encounter with Tessarion, and she wanted Seasmoke, Vermithor and Silverwing to stay in King’s Landing. By the slight frown in Daemon’s face, he has some trepidation about Baela being the one to take on such a burden. But she is brave enough for it, and besides, Dragonstone is defended by water and the Velaryon Fleet. So long as Daeron and Tessarion remain in the Reach, the girls will be safe.
“Your daughters are safely delivered,” she says.
Daemon looks between her and her dragon. “Does your mother approve of you being here?” he asks.
Her breath catches effortlessly in her throat. “She does not know.”
He smiles again. “I have to admit, I did anticipate you might find your way here.”
The small council met the very day they received the first letter from Riverrun.
Prince Aemond has declared a one man war on the Riverlands, intent on burning all those who align themselves to Queen Rhaenyra.
The sight before her eyes was dull and gloomy. She winced at flashes of lighting and rumbles of thunder that were not there to be seen or heard. She saw only him, the scar she had left him, the sapphire set within the socket. His voice drifted through her, just out of earshot but there nonetheless.
“I want you to put out your eye, as payment for mine.”
“Do this, dōna ilībōños, and I will consider your debt fulfilled.”
“My nephew must not be left unchecked,” Daemon’s voice said.
Suddenly the other faces in the room materialised into view. Rhaenyra’s eyes were down, fixed on the golden ball placed before her. Lord Corlys’ brow was twisted in contemplation and concern. The other men of the Small Council were watching Daemon, who in turn had his eyes on her.
He watched her for the entirety of their gathering, and she knew what he was looking for. She gave him nothing, not the smallest movement in her face or a hint of an expression. She had become rather well practised at this.
But the moment she was back in her chambers, the moment she was alone, she gave into the fury and fear simmering inside of her. She only managed to seat herself on the edge of her bed before the tears began to stream down her face. She caught them in her palms as she wept.
Aemond was rarely cruel as a child, if he was it was because he had been pushed too far, by Aegon, by Jace, and by her own doing. She had expected him to hate her when she returned to the Red Keep, and she had been right in her assumption. A debt was owed, one he had wanted her to pay with her life.
Whose fault could it be but hers that Aemond had grown into he had become? 
A weight hung heavy in her chest. She hadn’t been the one to mount Vhagar or utter the command that scorched the Riverlands, but she knew she had a part in this, in some twisting of fate, in the overlaps and knots in the threads of life.
Two moons passed and hardly anything came from Daemon’s hunt. News would come of a castle or town left in ashes, farms and fields obliterated, whole herds of livestock lost to the dragon’s jaws, but Daemon could not fly fast enough. By the time word reached him of an attack, there would no traceable signs of Aemond and Vhagar but the devastation they left behind.
The night before she left to escort Baela and Rhaena to Dragonstone, she took supper with Lord Corlys and her siblings, which included Alyn and Addam. Moments like this were the closest she came to feeling she had a home in the Red Keep, despite the notable absences. She forced herself to smile as Joffrey tried to imitate everything about Lord Corlys, the way he held his cutlery, the way he leaned back in his chair and kept his cup close to his lips. Her brother was to be the future Lord of the Tides afterall.
Rhaena kept her little pink dragon, Morning, on her shoulder. She and Addam fed her scraps of beef and praised her when she cooed.
Baela sat beside Alyn, with perfect posture and a tight smile on her lips at everything he said. But her resolve was slipping. With every joke Alyn whispered in her ear, she leaned a little further into him and laughed a little louder.
At first the sight made Luke’s stomach churn, as if she could still see the distant battle at The Gullet, like she could still smell the smoke as the Tyroshi ships were bathed in Grey Ghost’s fire. Until she wondered if Jace had ever told Baela of his time at Winterfell, why he had a scar on his palm and why, if she travelled north to see for herself, Cregan Stark would have one to match.
Alyn was charming, Luke supposed, gracious, with a smile that sparked excitement. 
What did it matter where Baela chose to seek happiness? Surely it was better that she did not dwell on memories and live her life with the burden of the past. What would that bring but grief and regret? 
After seeing young Aegon to bed and allowing Joffrey one game of Cyvasse, Luke visited her mother. Rhaenyra could be found where she usually was, in her father’s chambers sitting by a dying hearth and gazing over the model of Old Valyria, coated with dust and cobwebs after so many years of neglect. Luke sat by her side, tracing her fingertips over her hands and the cuts along her skin. Some were red and fresh, some were older and clotted, others had faded into thin scars.
“They are meaningless,” her mother whispered without turning her eyes to her daughter. “A consequence of our ancestor choosing to forge his throne from the swords of his enemies. My father suffered the same.”
Watching her mother was like watching a warm and golden autumn fade into a desolate winter. She could not endure it for long.
Her back fell against the door as she returned to her bedchamber, frozen in place by what she saw. Another envelope, sealed with a winged insect stamped into amber wax, left on the floor by her bed, exactly where she had found the last one.
She held her breath for a moment, waiting for any kind of sound, a footstep, a voice, a scuttling of a rodent, but whoever had delivered it must have been long gone.
Once again, she reached for the knife by her bedside, slicing through the envelope to save the seal.
There was just one line, and no signature.
Search for him and he will find you.
She knew what had to be done. She could not sit idly, not while her mother’s allies burned and she had a debt of her own to claim.
Daemon steps towards her. “You want to be the one to do it,” he says.
She often has this feeling, like she’s drowning in her own skin. Like the world around her is cold and dark and she cannot breathe. She sees only one way to save herself from it.
“I have to be.”
The castle is quiet, filled with servants who scurry through the halls with their heads down, and knights and Lords who offer no looks of warmth to their Prince and Princess. It is unusual that Daemon does not reprimand them for it.
He sees that she is brought to a chamber that overlooks the sea and is given supper. It is no great feast– many of the crops and livestock of the Riverlands have been lost to Vhagar’s fire, but she is given a plate of shucked oysters and another with white fish and potatoes. Daemon does not eat with her, or visit her once she is finished. 
The sounds of the waves roar in her ears as she lies in the bed and pulls the sheets around her. Each time she starts to fall asleep she feels weightless, and suddenly she is slipping from Arrax’s saddle and hurtling through to storm into the waves of Shipbreaker Bay–
But she wakes before her body meets the water.
A maid comes to her early in the morning just after sunrise. She bathes and dresses in her riding leathers, firmly fixing her sword to her hip, letting her fingertips linger on the golden seahorse hilt.
“He should be taken as a prisoner,” was Lord Corlys’ counter to Daemon’s pledge to find Aemond. “If he is dead, the Greens will make a King of Daeron and rally behind him.”
Rhaenyra at last looked up when he said it. “My brother forsook any chance of mercy when he tried to claim the life of my daughter,” she said.
Grey Ghost and Caraxes wait for them beyond the castle walls, restless the way dragons always are before they take flight. 
“I have word from Sabitha Frey,” Daemon says before they mount their dragons. “She has recaptured Harrenhal along with the Blackwoods.”
“I can’t imagine it was difficult,” Luke says. “It was left completely undefended.”
Daemon chuckles as he hauls himself into Caraxes’ saddle, a much steeper climb than it is for her to mount Grey Ghost. Aemond would have further to climb than either of them, a thought which she tries to dismiss. 
“We have our hold in the Riverlands once more,” he calls to her as Caraxes starts to move. The dragon whistles like a dolphin and bellows a screeching roar as he lurches forward, bounding off the ground and swiftly ascending into the air with powerful beats of his wings that shake the trees. Daemon steers him west, over the burned landscape.
Danger, whispers the voice in her head.
She drives Grey Ghost forward nonetheless.
As they fly, the air around them is hazy and thick. Luke keeps her sleeve over her nose and mouth. She is used to wind and rain rushing against her face, but smoke is a different beast altogether. It stings in her eyes, burns in her throat, seeps into her lungs and her bloodstream.
Heat lingers even after the fires have died and eaten everything away to ash. She feels it through her leathers.
Harrenhal is not out of place among this scorched wasteland. She sees the lake first, as vast as an ocean, black water glimmering under the sun’s early rays, splashes of white foam with the waves. In the centre is an island, so thick with trees she cannot see the ground underneath.
She feels unsettled, as though she is being watched. This must be the famed God’s Eye.
Standing over the water, shrouded in smoke and mist, is Harrenhal. She can see the path of Balerion’s fire through the five towers, where the stone is melted, twisted, and crumbled to ruins.
Harwin Strong once told her of the curse of Harrenhal, that every family who dared to hold it was doomed to meet a terrible end, and now her mother’s banners hang over the front gates. 
Caraxes lands on the lakeshore where Daemon waits for her to dismount. This is a place familiar to him. This is where he was when news came of Arrax’s demise above Shipbreaker Bay. This is where he gave the order to seek justice for the deaths of his daughters. He remained here while Rhaenys burned at Rook’s Rest, as the Triarchy sank the ship that carried his son, as the Velaryon Fleet held The Gullet, as Jace and Vermax were lost to quarrels and treacherous waters.
Now is not the time to unleash her anger, but Daemon has always had a way of seeing right through her.
He leads her up the slight slope to the gatehouse, into the castle itself. The soldiers they pass bear the sigils of the Freys and the Blackwoods, proud and powerful houses of the Riverlands. Unlike those they passed at Maidenpool, the men and women here look upon their Prince with reverence. Daemon, with Dark Sister by his side, his short, silver hair braided away from his face, looks nothing less than a force of nature, a warrior, a would-be-King, the kind of man to inspire fear from both his enemies and his allies.
And when the fearful eyes come to her, they become curious. It is a question that has haunted her all her life; what do they see when they look at her? A Velaryon, a Targaryen or a Strong? A Princess, an heir, or an outlier, an insult to custom and duty? Perhaps now they see what she has become.
She follows Daemon through quiet hallways, through archways and holes in the walls where there should be doors, until they come to a cavernous hall. The light hardly reaches through the glassless windows on the far side of the room, but she makes out arches and buttresses hundreds of feet high, hearths untouched for decades. On the walls there are carvings of the sigil of House Hoare, images of the sea, krakens and sea monsters, men bathing– or drowning, under the dim light of the braziers, the last remnants of the Iron Islanders who once made this their home.
In the centre of the hall, still quite a distance away, is a table, around which a man and two women are gathered. Candlelight flickers against their faces as she and Daemon approach.
A woman stands at the head of the table, studying a map of the Riverlands and the Crownlands. Her chestplate bears two sigils, one of a black toad, one of two, blue towers. Her hair is pulled tightly from her face. Despite the soft, round edges of her cheeks and jaw, there is a stern look about her, a sharpness in her eyes and the thin line of her mouth.
The man is young, dressed in armour, marked by the sigil of a weirwood surrounded by ravens. He has a head of curly black hair, to match the second woman, only hers reaches below her waist. She is breathtakingly beautiful, tall and broad, dressed in white and black with a red cloak hanging from her shoulders.
“Princess Lucerra,” Daemon says, ushering Luke to stand at the other end of the table, overlooking the Kingswood and the Rose Road past Tumbleton and Bitterbridge. “Lady Sabitha Frey, Lord Benjicot Blackwood of Raventree Hall, and Lady Alysanne Blackwood.”
Only now do they look at her, with the same curiosity that she is used to.
“What an honour it is to be acquainted with you, Princess,” Lady Sabitha says, stiffly.
The two Blackwoods bow their heads, and Lady Alysanne offers her a small smile.
“We are glad to have you join us, Prince Daemon,” says Lord Benjicot. 
Daemon hums in acknowledgement as he sets Dark Sister down on the table. “It seems a far more convenient base than Maidenpool,” he says, darkly.
A gust of wind howls in the distance. It is quiet, but with the echo through the hall it sounds monstrous and unnatural.
Lady Sabitha seems to have command of this gathering. Luke has heard rumours of Lady Frey’s character, most of them from Daemon. He says she is merciless and efficient. She finds she agrees with this assessment, but rather admires her for it. She has lost her husband in this war, and now her seat. The Twins, along with her son, have been taken by the Lannisters, who now block the road south.
“The Riverlands are loyal to you, Your Grace,” she says to Daemon, “but we have little chance of mustering more men than we have here.”
“What of the Tullys?” Luke asks.
Lady Alysanne sighs. “They cannot be relied upon. Elmo Tully would pledge their banners to the true Queen, but he will not act against Lord Grover’s wishes.”
“The Lord of Riverrun is as decisive as he is young and spritely,” Daemon says. “We cannot afford to wait for the old man to die while the Hightowers recover their strength.”
“But with Jason Lannister at the Twins, the Starks will have to fight through an army to reach us,” Alysanne says.
They fall into quiet, studying the map and the figures upon it, the hightower in the Reach, the stag at the edge of the Stormlands, the lion and the wolf to the north.
“And then there is the more pressing issue,” Lord Benjicot says darkly. 
Luke counts the dragons upon the map. Tessarion in the Reach; Moondancer at Dragonstone; Syrax, Vermithor, Silverwing, Seasmoke, Tyraxes and Dreamfyre at King’s Landing. Lady Sabitha moves Caraxes and Grey Ghost to Harrenhal. Two figures remain, a golden dragon for Sunfyre, kept at the edge of the map, and Vhagar, hovering over Pinkmaiden, seat of House Piper.
“He was last seen here?” Luke asks quietly, reaching out a finger, but stopping herself before she touches Vhagar’s figure.
“Not three days ago,” Benjicot says. He places the tip of his finger over Riverrun first. “He began his assaults here, after Harrenhal was abandoned. He won’t directly attack the Tullys, but he targeted the lands that surround them.” Then he traces east, over the towns along the River Road, marking Aemond’s warpath. 
“I went to Darry,” Daemon says, “by the time I got there, Vhagar was feasting on whole farms of sheep at the border of the Vale.”
“We think he might be seeking shelter here–” Lord Benjicot points to the mountain range that marks the border of the Westerlands. “Out of Prince Daemon’s reach, close enough to continue his attacks.”
“And he was not seen after Pink Maiden?” Luke says.
“He attacked at nightfall. Even with Vhagar’s size, it was impossible to tell where they went.”
Her eyes follow as he moves Vhagar’s figure to the mountains, and a heavy hand lands on her shoulder. The weight strains her neck.
“Perhaps I could ride out on Grey Ghost and search the mountains?” she says.
Daemon does not give the others a moment to consider. “I will not allow you to use yourself as bait.”
What is the difference? He would be happy for her to meet him in open battle, but not to seek him out as she had done with Daeron? 
She knows better than to test the patience of Daemon Targaryen, but her own has been wearing thin for far too long.
“And how else do you intend to find him?” she asks. “You have searched for Aemond for moons and to no avail. Do you expect him to come to us willingly?”
“He is proud enough to do so,” Daemon mutters.
“Then where is he? Why has he not sought you out?”
“Enough.” He does not need to shout. His anger is apparent enough for her to bow her head and listen in to the rest of the gathering in silence.
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There is nothing for her in Harrenhal but death. 
She takes an abandoned servant’s quarters as a bedchamber, by the kitchens in Widow’s Tower, until Daemon tells her of the horror found in the crypt underneath.
Their bodies were left in the cellar, slaughtered within a cell, some simply run through, others slashed to shreds. There was no sense to it, no reason for Aemond to kill his prisoners or bring such a bloody end to House Strong– well, almost.
She wonders why he did it and how he can live with himself in the aftermath. He had not even spared the children. She pictures them cowering, helpless to watch as their family were picked off, one by one, before Aemond at last set his one, violet eye to them.
But Aemond kills because he is cruel, and soon that cruelty will be ended.
She cannot stay in the tower knowing what lies underneath. So she takes her sword and climbs the staircases, past empty chambers and passageways. She doesn’t know what she is expecting. Whatever was left of Ser Harwin or his belongings would have been removed years ago, and while Harrenhal may belong to his family, he always said he never felt at home here. She sees why for herself.
Her legs burn as she climbs higher, where the tower becomes decrepit. The stairways are treacherous now, she wonders if they might crumble under her boots and yet she carries on, passing rubble never cleared and gaps in the tower where the walls were lost to the Black Dread’s fire.
She comes to a bridge, high above the courtyard leading into the castle’s tallest tower, the Kingspyre. There are at least some signs of life in this part of the castle, servants, lit torches and hearths. 
She passes a chamber with a great oak door, adorned with carvings of sea creatures with grotesque faces, waves and ships, the three rivers of the Trident and, when she looks closely, pairs of eyes hidden amongst the images.
She expects it to be locked, but tries the handle, only for it to open, seamlessly and silently. 
It is a grand chamber, to be sure, perhaps intended for the Lord of the castle. There are no belongings in the room, no sign of ownership, and yet it is well kept. The sheets are clean, the logs of the hearth set and ready to be set alight It smells stale and stagnant, but not like the lingering smell of smoke found in the rest of Harrenhal. 
She hesitates, then smooths her palm over the bedsheets to find they are cold. This chamber must have been in use recently, but not recently enough to warrant immediate attention.
She wanders to the window, overlooking the courtyard, the gatehouse and the God’s Eye beyond the walls. The figures in the courtyard are distant but still distinct. Daemon’s silver hair is obvious as he stands with a woman. At first she mistakes her for Lady Alysanne; she is seemingly tall and slender with dark hair, but something about her posture is different, the way she tilts her head as she leans closer to Daemon.
The wind wails beyond the walls of the tower and for a moment it sounds soft, like a breath.
The woman turns her gaze up, to the very window Luke stands behind. She can make out the colour of her eyes– green, brighter and paler than Lady Alysanne’s. They must be truly striking at a ground level, because from here they are piercing. 
A sick feeling floods Luke’s stomach. She should not be here, not in this room, perhaps not even at Harrenhal, but she cannot find the courage to leave.
When she makes her way down the stairs of the tower and into the courtyard, Daemon and the woman are gone. Instead she finds the castle’s Godwood, following the small stream that runs through it, to the heart tree. 
The faces in the bark are nothing like those in King’s Landing. These faces are full of anguish, twisted, mouths open as if they are screaming, in pain or fury.
A chill slips down her spine and she knows she is being watched– not by the eyes in the tree. A footstep treads softly in the grass behind her. She turns her head over her shoulder, just enough for them to know she has heard them.
The footsteps are less careful now, unabashed in their approach. 
She sees a flash of dark hair, at first believing it to be Lady Alysanne, only to find herself disappointed, and then a little on edge.
It is the woman from the courtyard, the woman with unnaturally bright eyes.
“Do you often find yourself seeking the comfort of a weirwood, Princess?” she asks. Her voice is surprisingly low, rich and seductive. 
She never used to, but she seems to have noticed them more since they took King’s Landing. She passes the weirwood in the gardens of the keep, sees the image of one above her bed, finds her mind wandering to memories of afternoons she spent under the shelter of red leaves and her uncle’s arm as he read from a history book.
“What business of it is yours?” Luke says sharply.
The woman hums a low laugh and lets it fade to silence. 
Night is beginning to creep in. Beyond the walls of the castle, the sight of the sunset over the lake will be beautiful, a red sky over the water. She hears the waves and the wind as if she is standing on the shore.
“It is a terrible thing to lose one’s family,” the woman says, bringing her hands before her. Her dress is made of simple black fabric, with no patterns or distinctive embroidery, but the sleeves are long, draped over her hands and lined with green satin. 
Luke catches a piece of flesh between her teeth. “You have lost family in this war too?” she says, uncaring at her shortness.
The woman tilts her head. Luke watches her as she takes a step towards the tree, placing her palm against the white bark, beside one of the faces. “The family I have lost was never mine to begin with. In truth, I do not feel it,” she says.
A hollow feeling lodges itself in Luke’s chest and twists like a knife in an already fatal wound. She wishes she could say the same.
The woman drops her hand from the tree, and turns to her. “Do you feel your losses, Lucerra?”
The absence of her brothers becomes a little more subdued each day, but she still carries them with her, the memories, the pain of knowing that their deaths were anything but peaceful, and the burden Jace has left her with.
She was so fearless as a child, she realises. She was secure, the daughter of a Princess, the granddaughter of the King, with Aegon, Helaena, Aemond and Jace to guide her, protect her. But all of that is gone now, the life she used to enjoy, and she fears the things she used to love.
Tears prickle in her eyes, heavy and close to falling.
How much can the woman read from a single look from her eyes?
She steps forward to take Luke’s hands in hers. Her skin is rough and dry. She opens Luke’s palms, running a slender finger along the lines in her skin. “A powerful combination of blood flows through your veins,” she utters. “The blood of the dragon, and of the First Men.”
Daemon has taken heads for such an insinuation.
Luke raises her brow. “Do you question my legitimacy?” 
The woman scoffs. “ Laws are made by men, but we are made of flesh and blood alone. Legitimacy has no meaning in the natural order.”
“And yet without it, my position will never be secure,” Luke says.
The woman stares at her, amused or mocking, it is difficult to tell.
“It was not by right of birth that Aegon the Conqueror claimed rule of the Seven Kingdoms.”
She thinks of all the history lessons she used to sit through, never taking in a word. All the hours she would make Aemond read to her– did he hate her back then? Would he have refused her if he felt he had the choice? “No. But he won it, and had the strength to hold it.”
The woman hums. She runs her hand further up, to the thin, blue veins running along Luke’s wrist. She presses her thumb against her skin, letting the colour fade and run again.
Her harsh green eyes come to Luke’s. “Blood is unambiguous,” she whispers.
Why must it all come back to blood?
The woman seems to note some kind of change in Luke’s face, squinting her eyes and furrowing her brow just a little. What does she think she might find in the frightened and furious mind of hers?
“Helaena said something to me,” Luke utters before she can stop herself.
“She spoke of blood,” the woman says, assuredly.
There is a trail of blood. It flows to you. It ends with you.
Luke breathes slowly. She has tried to decipher Helaena’s words for weeks, moons even.
Her aunt used to mutter strange musings often, always to Aegon’s insistence that she was stupid and freakish. Jace’s stance was that he would not burden himself with things that did not make sense to him, and so she did the same.
Blood– blood she shares with her mother and the line of Kings that have come before them. Blood she shares with her brothers, with her father. Blood she shares with Helaena and her uncles. Blood spilled, lives ended or left in ruins. This war has seen too much of it already.
“What did she tell you, Princess?”
She whispers the words that have haunted her since she heard them, but where Helaena’s voice was gentle and wistful, she feels a tremble in her own throat. “There is a trail of blood. It flows to you. It ends with you.”
The woman frowns, keeping her gaze on Luke’s eyes as though the answer lies within her very soul. The longer she looks, the duller her eyes seem to become.
“What do you believe this means?” the woman asks.
Daemon says killing Aemond will end the war, or at least determine the outcome. Corlys says it will weaken their enemies, but give them cause to regather their strength. Her mother would say it is justice. 
Kill Aemond and the threat of Vhagar will be removed. What remains of the Riverlands will be spared, Daeron and Tessarion will stand alone. Then they need only wait for Cregan Stark to march south to secure their victory. 
It should all be so simple.
So why does she feel the wind running through her? Why does she feel so restless and furious that her body trembles and her nails press into her palms? Why does she hear the crashing of waves morphing into distance screams? Why does she feel so wrong?
The woman’s voice is perhaps the one thing that sounds true, clear and low. “Mercy is a weakness.”
She knows she has no reason to trust this woman, but the rage inside her tells her she is right. She may never know the number of men she has killed from atop her dragon, so what is one more? One more life lost, a fair exchange for what he has taken from her.
But it will be different to know the name of the man whose life she will claim, to know his face and his voice. To share his memories and his blood.
Mercy is a weakness– it sounds like something Daemon might say.
“What are you doing here?” The command in his voice as he approaches startles them both. Luke tears her eyes away from the woman, to the head of silver hair gleaming in twilight.
She begins to panic. Was she supposed to stay in the castle? The hour is getting late, perhaps he was concerned… but he doesn’t so much as look at Luke. His gaze is clearly on the woman.
“I was beginning to worry you might be dead,” he says.
The woman’s lips curl into a half smile. “I was spared by his Grace, the Prince Regent.”
Daemon scoffs, utterly unamused. Only then does he turn to Luke. “What poison are you inflicting on the poor girl?”
“Poison?” she echoes with a sly expression.
“That is your way, is it not, witch?”
This does not seem to phase the woman.
Daemon hums a short laugh, but his expression remains dark. “You were supposed to deliver my nephew to me…”
She hates this, not knowing the whole truth of what is happening around her, the secret devices and plots. The familiarity between Daemon and the woman is beginning to infuriate her, until her chest feels heavy with the weight of the breaths she takes to calm herself.
“...But by the sounds of it, it seems all you’ve succeeded in doing is keeping his cock wet.”
Suddenly her chest and stomach twist into a tight knot.
It is not an image she wants in her head, but it appears nonetheless. The woman standing before her is a beautiful one, and Aemond is a Prince, a warrior, hot-blooded and demanding when he wants to be.
Her imagination is vivid and visceral. She has felt his lips against hers, his breath on her skin, his hand tracing down the front of her gown and slipping beneath her skirts. She had almost expected him to take her fully that night, in the hidden corner of the Red Keep while their families failed to make amends. She often wonders if she should have let him.
Does he ever think about that night? What he did to her— what they did together, or was it all forgotten the moment he saw the pair of eyes bearing into her soul this very moment?
“He will come,” the woman says.
Daemon chuckles to himself. “For his paramour?”
Her piercing gaze falls once more to Luke. Her eyes are dark now and almost bloodthirsty. “He will come for what he believes he is owed.”
And so they wait. 
Thirteen days pass. Daemon marks each one with a slash of Dark Sister in the trunk of the heart tree in the Godswood. Each strike bleeds red sap.
She tries to make use of each day, but there are only so many arrows she can shoot into targets and tree trunks, only so many times she can sharpen her sword before she will damage the blade.
All the while there is no word of Aemond and no sightings of Vhagar. Whenever she gathers in the great hall with Daemon, Sabitha Frey and the Blackwoods, she scours the map as if she will somehow know where to find him.
Daemon refuses to let her ride Grey Ghost, not even to circle the lake. He says the risk is too great, but since when did he ever burden himself with risks? 
This castle was built on blood and is haunted by the Stranger. In another life Harrenhal might have been her home, but she fears she may not be able to stay here much longer. Her sanity cannot bear it.
She tries to find a new chamber to sleep in each night, but rest never comes easily. When she wakes she recalls dreams of the lake. In these dreams, she does not walk along the shore or try to find her way back to the castle. She lies against the pebbled beach, her head cradled in scaly limbs, a longing for blood in her belly and an ominous feeling that keeps her grounded.
Search for him and he will find you.
Luke rises with the sun. From the battlements, she can see Daemon in the godswood, carving his fourteenth strike into the weirwood tree. To the lakeshore she makes out the shape of her slumbering dragon. Grey Ghost blends in almost perfectly with the morning mist, until she spots one of his yellow eyes, wide and bright enough to spot from the castle.
She retreats to her little bedchamber in the Tower of Dread, tucks herself under the bedsheet, rough and scratchy with age, and shuts her eyes.
She stares back at the castle, and knows she will be safe within its walls— for now at least.
Her body is not her own, but she settles in it. This is not a brief moment of madness as with Tessarion. This feels like an extension of her dreams, something natural and familiar. Her movements are deliberate as she rises and spreads her wings.
She leaves Harrenhal behind, darting up towards the sky with all the speed she can gather, until the lake and the lands around Harrenhal are set out before her.
Aemond has not followed a particular path, so it stands to reason his hiding place may not be where she expects it to be. He could be in the mountains southwest of Pinkmaiden, or he could be somewhere else entirely. 
If he has not been seen since then, perhaps he is somewhere more isolated.
By the time the sun has reached its peak in the sky, she has flown over most of the western Riverlands, over Raventree Hall, Acorn Hall, Pinkmaiden and Stone Mill. She can see she is approaching Riverrun, the seat of the Tullys. They do not fly any banners, and yet their men are gathered and preparing for war. 
Where to then? Along the Red Fork to the Trident, to the mountains that border The Vale? Or over Whispering Wood, where the mountains meet the sea along Ironman’s Bay?
Intinstic drives her north with a swift beating of her wings. 
A swirl of storm clouds looms over the Iron Islands, but the rain has yet to reach the mainland. A fearsome wind threatens to blow her off course and below her the waves beat against the base of the cliffs, crashing and roaring against the rock with flurries of white foam. Grey Ghost does not fear the sea and for now, neither does she.
She flies high, sweeping her eyes along the slivers of shoreline that have not been claimed by the tide, searching for any sign of another dragon, a nest, a charred carcass of an animal. That’s when she hears a growl, like a rumble of thunder, echoing through the air as if the very sky seeks to unleash its fury. 
Vhagar rises from her hiding place, half-buried in damp sand and the rest of her hide blending in with the rock. She feels the heat coursing through her blood when the dragons meet each other’s eyes, the fire rising in her gut, the urge to sink her teeth and talons into flesh.
But she looks up to the clifface, to the figure standing on an overhang. His sapphire eye gleams through the dull daylight, the ends of his silver hair drift with the wind and the beating of her wings.
He knows what Grey Ghost’s presence means, she can see it in his face, the awe and the anger. She would be a fool to think he would feel anything else.
He will come for what he believes he is owed.
And what of the debt he owes her now?
When does it end?
When she opens her eyes her skin is drenched in sweat. She tosses the sheet off her body and hurries to dress herself in her riding leathers. Grey Ghost will fly swifter than Vhagar, but she needs every second she can claim. With her boots pulled over her feet and her sword on her hip, she yanks the door open, sprinting through the halls and the courtyard. She doesn’t stop when some of the soldiers stare at her in confusion, or when Lady Alysanne tries to stop her and ask what’s wrong. She couldn’t answer them if she tried.
She feels her heart beating at all her pulse points, the wind slicing over her skin, the howling of the wind coming off the lake. 
Daemon is in the Godswood, under the heart tree, resting his hands on the hilt of Dark Sister. He turns to face her as she approaches. 
She is breathless, but her voice has never sounded clearer. “He’s coming.”
How did he know to come? How do you know?
“I saw it,” she says.
Daemon frowns. In fairness, she herself would not trust such a vague answer. 
She follows him back to the courtyard. The castle is in a panic now; the men are restless. Daemon fetches something from the armoury, a bow and a quiver of arrows. They are slim, not enough to pierce the hide of the dragon, but enough to shoot through the flesh of a man.
“Remember everything he has taken from you,” he says before he hands them to her. “Aemond may share your blood, but he is not one of us.”
She nods, and fastens them over her back.
Grey Ghost flies over the castle as the sun begins to set.
Luke and Daemon both know what they must do. She joins her dragon, hiding amongst a line of trees on the eastern shore of the lake, while Daemon waits in the open, and calls for Caraxes. 
From the shadows of the trees, she watches the sky turn from blue, to gold, to red. 
A shape flies before the sun and for a moment the world goes black. 
She has never forgotten the fear she felt when she heard Vhagar’s call at Storm’s End, as she saw her shape through the clouds and stared into her open jaws. That same fear ripples through her body and makes her blood run cold, but she does not shy from it.
A thousand voices cry out in her head. Screams of the men she condemned to burn. Cries of anguish and mourning. Raised voices, calls for justice and retribution.
Mercy is a weakness. She finds herself wishing the world had more mercy.
But one voice appears clearer than the rest.
Blood– her heart in her chest.
Blood– the sky through the branches, illuminating the lake.
Blood. Blood she shares with Kings, Princes and dragons.
She has seen Aemond’s blood before and felt it against her skin. She is sure she will see it and feel it again before the night has reached its end.
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Tags (comment to be added to either)
General taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy @theoneeyedprince @tsujifreya @dreamsofoldvalyria
Series taglist: @boundlessfantasy @toodlesxcuddles @starwarsslut @skikikikiikhhjuuh @arcielee
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thesunfyre4446 · 2 months
what are you expecting from aegond dynamic in s2?
@snowblack-charcoalwhite curious to hear your opinion <3
fnkjdfdh i'm so excited for themmmm they're going to be so chaotic and toxic and horrible!!
IMO we'll see them come together this season. aegon supporting aemond after stormsend, guilty aemond & aegon plotting revenge after b&c, rook's rest...
IMO aemond will come to appreciate his older brother as he accepts his role as king & will be proud of him. aegon will finally start to act like the older brother & king that i believe aemond has always secretly wanted him to be. he resents aegon for his position, but he also resents aegon for not stepping up to his role.
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