#imperial legion
Guilds ranked by how much internal fucking is going on
10. Dawnguard: none of these people are fucking each other because Isran is weirdly up in everyone's business.
9. Dark Brotherhood: The only ones getting any action are Astrid and Arnbjorn and only because they're married
8. Theives Guild: surprisingly not a lot of sex going on in the sewers of Riften. The members DO fuck, just not each other
7. Companions: I debated where to put them but I feel like the younger ones (Athis, Torvar, Ria, Njada) are definitely all over each other
6. Imperial Legion: analog to the roman legion so you KNOW there's a ton of gay shit going on in there
5. Bards College: like the thieves guild they mostly fuck people outside the college but there is a lot of shit going down in the dorms
4. Stormcloaks: I feel like there's some weird eugenics shit going on with them
3. Volkihar clan: duh
2. Thalmor: definitely some weird eugenics shit going on with them
1. College of Winterhold: these wizards are fucking each other like you wouldn't believe
Purposely left off the blades and the greybeards because ew
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The Last Dragonborn, rolling up to High Hrothgar to negotiate peace between Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius during Season Unending: Why are threesomes only for sex? Why can’t I join a couple’s argument if I want to?
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skyrim-forever · 1 year
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Alright which table you sitting at?
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Imperial helmet variations.
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Art by Adam Adamowicz
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h3raklion · 2 years
~low quality Skyrim memes~ 15th edition
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jasper-the-menace · 9 months
*=faction in this case being one that you can officially join from the get-go without mods
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stahlsonne · 24 days
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I continue the topic of useless talent - Hieronymus Flexx from oblivion
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He even looks like the original :D
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dramaticpandabear · 1 year
Alright time to create chaos and bloodshed by asking the ultimate question:
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philtothehill · 1 year
Husband calculating on war or sumthin' i dunno ❤️
My first intention was to also finish the background, but oh my moi lAeZiE
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matri4rch · 3 months
Journey to Riverwood pt1
♥️AO3 LINK♥️
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"I agree with him." Hadvar spoke, his eyes wide and still focused on the mountains. "We should find somewhere to rest. Away from that- whatever that was."
"Your suggestion is wise, soldier," the general replied, his gaze fixed on the mountains where the dragon had flown towards, his eyes betraying the calm of his voice. "We should set up camp for the night."
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Confession: It's easy to forget the most important thing the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks have in common: hating the Thalmor.
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General Tullius: Careful, Ulfric. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.
Ulfric Stormcloak: It’s courageous of you to imply that I would ever like you at all.
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skyrim-forever · 10 months
What your fav Skyrim Faction says about you!
(This is just for fun!!! It's a joke <3 and this is based off of all joinable factions as listed on the ES wiki)
Thieves Guild: Be gay do crime? No, be bisexual do crime
College of Winterhold: FUCKIN NERD
Bard's College: This is your fav as a meme
Imperial Legion: While you're bringing back the glory of Rome you should also take out that stack of dirty dishes by your computer.
Stormcloaks: You're either the worst type of person or the best
Dark Brotherhood: You use dark humour to cover up the fact you deeply crave connection
The Companions: Team Jacob
Dawnguard: You have a holier than thou attitude
Volkihar Clan: Don't cut yourself on all that edge 😛
Blades: This is no one's favourite
Greybeards: You read once about the existence of professional hermits in the 19th Century and have longed for that life ever since
Coven of Namira: Enjoyers of Cannibal by Ke$ha
Nightingales: You probably think Nocturnal is hot and the armour is sick. You are not wrong
House Telvanni: You are one of the cool nerds 😎
Tribal Orcs: The chillest people you'll ever meet
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Imperial Heavy Armor
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls: Online
Art by Corey Loving
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h3raklion · 1 year
The unhealthy amount of hours I've spent just looking at this man in Castle Dour are a testament to how mentally messed up I am.
The grumpy old man: ✨ Tullius ✨
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I am also aware he has grey hair. But this is young Tullius so fight me about it.
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agentldiddy · 10 months
The Skyrim Civil War Quest
I started playing Skyrim during the pandemic on my Nintendo Switch, and one questline I never did was the Civil War one. Back then, I was pure stormcloak because, well, the intro of the game, but now that I know more of THE LORE
I don't know which side I wanna support. The Stormcloaks are racist and xenophobic, and the Imperials are, well, Imperialistic and having to work with the Thalmor. I know there's more going on for both sides, but I can't accurately summarize both sides right now. The point is, neither side is the morally superior one, which I applaud Bethedsa for giving it some complexity but that makes it harder to choose a side on my behalf.
Until recently. I was having a bit of Skyrim brainrot recently, and I figured out the question I SHOULD be asking to decide which side to choose.
Which side's victory screws over the Thalmor the most?
Now I just need to find an answer to that question.
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