#im sleeping the entire car ride when we leave i do not wanna even look at her
sporkberries · 2 months
you would have to actually pay me money to get me to live with my sister long term this has only been a week and im so fucking angry i literally cannot even talk to her
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milkybonya · 4 years
hello smiling anon here :) can i request nct 127 as boyfriends? ur astro as boyfriends post was so cute :)
Anonnie im sorry i made you wait so long TT this is the busiest week of the year so far and i had to stay focused to prepare for it, but i hope you enjoy~
NCT 127 as boyfriends ♡
link to Astro version
Warnings: food mentions
what i listened to while writing: To My Youth by BOL4
sweet to the MAX
always singing around the house and serenading you
multiple movie nights with you in one week where you eat a whole bunch of junk food together and cuddle the entire time ;3;
becomes flustered very easily when you reach for his hand or hug him because he doesn't like skinship
but strangely with you, his heart skips a beat??
helps you when you're stressed by enveloping you in a hug and not letting go until you feel better
not overly clingy but not distant either - he's the perfect bf !!
knows when to give you space and when he needs to invade your space and give you lots of kisses >:)
not big on fancy dates, just wants to bask in your presence
wherever he is, as long as you're there, he's happy
i don't know why but i imagine his hand getting clammy when you hold it because he's so nervous,, then he gets all shy and embarrassed about it :")
always taking photos of you
literally has a folder in his phone named '[y/n]'
so whipped for you omg he literally giggles any time you lock eyes
so EMBARRASSING cause of all the bad jokes he cracks and how tough he tries to act
"[y/n] do you wanna feel my arm muscles?"
waking up next to him each morning would involve you thinking he’s asleep and staring at him until he pulls you closer into his chest and presses his lips to your forehead ;3;
takes you on really creative dates like going to markets, going for drives, walks through unknown paths
if y’all are not seeing each other in person, he’ll constantly be texting or calling you
always sends you photos of things that remind him of you
the type to pretend he’ll give you your coat, then he doesn’t, but then he does because he loves you :”)
quite clingy in the sense that he always wants to be near you, holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you, whatever it may be
such a sweet and loving bf :”)
the type to buy you flowers and be that classy, romantic boyfriend
he’ll leave handwritten notes around the house and will send you good morning texts if you guys are apart from one another
the two of you are definitely the cool couple
but you’re also the couple who laughs hard about the most random things
like Taeil, knows when to give you space and when he should be there for you
will respect your sense of independence and root for you to succeed in your own things!
but also gets clingy sometimes and just wants a few hugs and kisses :”)
acts cute and pouts in front of you a lot 
but only in front of you, never in public or in front of anyone else
listens carefully whenever you’re sad and lets you rest your head on his shoulder, cry all over him - he lets you do whatever you need to do to be happy again, and he’ll try his best to cheer you up too :D
loves reading with you, it’s one of his favourite things to do :”)
sometimes just ends up staring at you which leads to him pulling you towards him which leads to cuddling while reading and for him to kiss the top of your head an infinite amount of times
omg he will let you braid his hair or play with it or do all kinds of things to it
painting each other’s nails !! and searching for unique accessories in stores!
he’ll just buy an accessory and give it to you like “i just know this will look good on you, please try it on!”
i feel like he’ll be very honest with you about everything
so you both have nights when you talk for hours about your thoughts
and in the morning forget all about it by watching something while in bed hehe
will like exercising with you from time to time so you both stay healthy!
always thinking about you and your health, both mental and physical
you might be able to convince him to get a couple outfit :o
Like Johnny, likes taking photos of you but does it a bit more shyly
puts on a cool front all the time but he’s quite shy ;-;
loves to bake with you and actually takes it quite seriously
he’ll chase you around if you smudge batter on his face >:)
makes home dates fancy by lighting so many scented candles that the smell actually becomes unbearable
when you go on walks together, he’ll hide behind you every time he sees a dog, and you always have to apologize to the dog owners on his behalf because he’s scared :”D
likes to lie on top of you when you cuddle, with his weight on his legs which are on either side of you so he’s not crushing you, just so he can trace the shape of your face with his fingertips
if you cry, he cries and if you laugh, he’ll laugh - i feel like that’s how he’ll comfort you, by empathizing :”)
likes to go on car rides with you where the two of you are just singing songs 
always makes sure you’re eating your meals and staying hydrated - brings you food if you’re busy or forget
gets you really thoughtful gifts for special days but also throws a few meme gifts in there
that bf who invites you to watch him play basketball just so he can take off his shirt in the middle of the game and watch as your face turns red
i feel like he’ll tease you in that ^ way a lot - he’s always trying to fluster you
he likes peaches so imagine going peach picking with him !! you’ll take such cute photos together and if he’s taller than you, he’ll pick all the peaches that you can’t ;3;
always trying to cheer you up whenever you’re sad - why can i picture him doing aegyo TT
this one time it rained when you were on a late night walk with him and he took off his jean jacket, held it above your heads as you ran home, but you ended up wet anyway :”)
super comforting whenever you’re sick or don’t feel good
constantly complimenting you and shows you lots of physical affection
always hugs you when he sleeps because if you’re not there, he’d just be hugging the blanket instead
not incredibly sentimental but always tries his best to show his love for you
tried to make breakfast in bed for you and dropped a whole bunch of cutlery on the floor :D
went through your phone and saved his name as ‘peach’ in it
(this is from WayV as boyfriends, that’s why it looks a little different <3)
did i mention he’s soft?
always worried about you 
genuinely cares about your feelings
a lot of “are you okay?” and “you’re not mad at me, right?”
if you’re ever in a bad mood, he’ll run to the store real quick and grab your favourite food for you
he doesn’t like skinship but loves to hold you :’)
too shy to show affection in public tho
will hold your hand at the most
even if he does that, he’ll hold your hand in your pocket because he’s so shy
pls protecc him at all costs
is willing to do anything for you
sometimes you have to ask him how he genuinely feels about something
because he can’t say no :(
please make sure you tell him you love him regularly, or he’ll be sad :(
a lot of stay-at-home dates like watching movies
watchiNG ANIME (if you like it, of course)
“let’s just do whatever you want”
“i beat you! now give me a kiss >:)”
if you also like to eat, y’all will have the most epic food dates omg
literally travelling to countries just to try the food there - that’s what it will be like
most of your dates involve food, but also a lot of walking dates so you can burn it off :”)
yet also many movie nights on the days where you don’t want to walk
he’ll learn your speaking habits and will imitate you whenever you get annoyed or angry 
likes to play soccer with you, even if you’re bad at it (so he can tease you), but if you’re good then he’ll enjoy trying to beat you
he’s the one who roasts you the most yet also cares for you the most
likes to kiss your neck because he can smell your natural scent, but if you hate it then he’ll do it to tease you or he’ll stop if you seriously tell him to
imitates kdrama male actors and actually makes your heart flutter by doing those things
and when you see the actors kissing in a drama,,,, you already know what he’s about to do
when you’re upset, he’ll hug you tightly and stay with you until you feel better
y’all have a shared playlist that you always add songs to so you can listen to it during car rides or when cuddling 
he keeps everything and anything you give him, whether it be a candy wrapper, flowers, a belt, shoes, anything
prepares really sweet gifts for you - a lot of songs or meaningful things
claims that you’re his muse and sometimes just stares at you for 5 minutes whenever you drop by his studio
“you’re my sun, i’m photosynthesizing so just stay right there”
he’s shy and gets flustered easily when you kiss or hug him, even when you just hold his hand
you have a tradition with him each fall where you go to a park, gather all the leaves to make a pile so you can dive into it
usually ends with you falling on top of him and the two of you just laying there for a long time
voice calls that last for more than 8 hours will become a thing when you date him :”)
always jokes about things related to marriage like ‘wow imagine if we had our wedding here’ and laughs awkwardly but he’d actually love to marry you 
takes you on trips that he claims are for him to get inspiration for music writing but he really just wants to spend time with you
you already know what you’ve signed up for, right? chaos, absolute chaos - but in the best way
super clingy, always holding onto your arm or hand
whines when you don’t give him hugs or attention
bought a big plushie that reminded him of you so he can hug it when you’re not there and he misses you
he’s such a baby omg he’ll love being babied by you
makes hand crafted, diy gifts that clearly have his entire heart and soul in them
likes singing karaoke songs with you because if too you’re shy to sing alone, at least when he sings with you, he can hear a bit of your voice
cannot live if you’re sad or upset - he’ll do anything to help you feel better
cuddling is his favourite thing on this planet and he’ll wrap his legs around you so the two of you become an entangled mess, yet somehow are still comfortable
texts you random things like ‘i just saw a dog’ but also says stuff like that out loud to you
acts strong and cool sometimes like when you’re watching horror movies but fails miserably :(
ah, have you made it to the bottom? thank you for reading <3 were you by any chance looking for a sign? because this is it, this is your sign. i wish you luck with whatever it is that you must or must not do ;3;
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sorio99 · 3 years
Deltarune Chapter 2: Live Thoughts
So, since the new chapter of Deltarune came out, I've played it all the way through, so, here are my thoughts as I had them. Basically a live-blog, but, not live anymore, I wrote these in my notes app before.
NOTE: Obviously there are going to be ALL THE SPOILERS for Deltarune Chapter 2 in this, as well as Chapter 1. Reader discretion is advised.
Wow, okay, so I was wrong about it being immediately explained.
Various descriptions have changed, and I’m not sure if it’s because of the change to a new game, or the one to a new chapter.
I feel like Berdly is definitely a m’lady guy.
Okay, so, we’re not skipping class this time.
I really wish we could call Toriel and tell her we’re gonna be late again, but I couldn’t see an option for that. Maybe Kris told her on the ride to school.
Okay, so, Noelle is definitely adorable, and a huge lesbian.
Susie seems lovestruck too, kinda.
Okay, honestly wasn’t expecting the closet to work again.
Fricking LOVE the new transition.
Okay, so, Ralsei knows about, the real world? How, why, and what?
Oh, that, makes, a little sense? But also, if we hadn’t brought the toys over to the closet then, would they all be, dead?
Okay, but I love the new town.
Holy shit, save points have storage, AND a spare list? Hell yeah.
So, we’re all level 2 now. I guess they moved from EXP based (or, execution point based?) to Milestone.
Love the basement for bad guys, with K. Round standing guard.
Bitch said “Child abusers live in Hamster Cage”.
Wait, he uses the hamster wheel?
I don’t know if I believe the king about his “bluff” or not. I think not, but, I don’t know.
I can see the “Susie moves to Ralsei’s castle to escape her abusive home” fic already.
And of course, the moss call-back.
Oh god, Susie just said “My own room, huh.” and my heart is ready to shatter.
This girl has one actual food item in her fridge, and it’s just salsa
Oh, scratch that, there’s ice, crumbs, and jawbreakers in there too?
Oh, okay, Ralsei did give her actual food.
Entering Lancer’s room gives the cartoon Splat sound effect from Chapter 1, and his bedroom is identical to Chapter 1.
And the sound effect, plays in reverse when leaving? Okay.
So, explore until we’re ready to leave, huh? Seems, suspicious.
Oh my god, I just realized, the LightCandy is literally the chalk Noelle gave Susie. What the fuck.
So, for giving the Top back his cake, we get regenerating SpinCake that heals everyone for 140. Nice.
Battle challenges, huh? This should be interesting.
So, we can get a ClubsSandwich, $100, or…Jigsaw Joe’s entire life savings. Okay.
Aw, Clover has separate heads in their dialogue box!
Just realized this “dojo” also has their bed. Odd.
Alright, let’s take these challenges!
Oh, so if we act with Kris, than spare with Ralsei or Susie…got it!
He has a mercy meter. There’s a mercy meter now. I love this.
Oh, of course his life savings is exactly one dollar.
I can already tell the Graze challenges are gonna be the biggest bitches.
Okay, so, being able to rematch bosses, with different gimmicks and attacks, but based on the same logic? Always amazing.
I love the little cut-ins from the other characters with certain lines, like Susie and Lancer revealing “for a price” means zero dollars.
“Cookie and Wife”?
The Blacksmith runs a bakery where he can fuse items…okay.
Imma get a Silver Card.
What the fuck, Mr. Society?
Okay, so, we’re “leaving” through the way we came in, so “surely” we’re going back “home” to the “real world” and our “family”. Sure.
LANCER was added to your key items.
Oh was he now?
And so was Rouxls, “even though no one wanted that.”
Oh, we, actually went back to the light world. Huh. Actually wasn’t expecting that.
Jack of Spades, and the Rules Card. Makes sense.
Still LV 1 here, thankfully. No murder yet.
Okay, thankfully I can call Toriel now.
…Undyne, what the fuck?
Also? This, car horn music, I guess? Is, um…interesting.
Oh, the, computer lab. Where Toby was in Chapter 1. Okay. Makes sense.
“Guess this means we can’t start our project.” I’d say the biggest obstacle is more that we have no clue what the hell this project is supposed to be.
Hmm, we could use the computer at my house, or we could have a fun Toby Fox adventure…
My house!
I knew Susie wouldn’t allow it, also, you always wanna jump in big pits? That’s, worrying.
Computer lab time!
So, computer themed, maybe?
Rouxls jumped out, apparently. According to Lancer.
Okay, this build up is creepy, where’s the fluffy boy?!
Who is SHE?!
Was that Noelle’s chatter sound?
Asking for help?
And, I suppose, this must be, our queen.
Q5U4EX7YY2E9N. Sure. I’ll stick with Queen, yeah.
Oh, she’s a computer! That…that’s probably not, great?
Oh, those plugs are bad, brainwashers. Okay.
Okay, they’re both tired…but Ralsei isn’t here. Fuck.
Aiming at moving targets is hard.
2 Werewires spared, only 4 to go, I guess!
Fun Gang, back together, working to save Susie’s soon-to-be-girlfriend!
Rhythm game to start a new bumping song. Nice.
Might live blog less from here, since, you know, the game is starting proper.
God, I love Deltarune’s look and sound, it’s so clean? And expressive, and AAAGH, I just love it!
I love angry Ralsei.
First lose control laughing moment: Kris and Susie squishing Ralsei like a toothpaste tube, to play an arcade game.
Did, did I just play Punch-Out inside an Undertale?
Curing computer viruses with Syringes…sure.
Sweet is the rhythm guy! Nice to meet you, Sweet! You and Toby are great at this music thing.
Hey, Susie can act now! Awesome!
Ralsei too, because of bullying! Yay!
Now the whole gang’s dancing!
(This is where I took my first real break, to process stuff and relax, and also to sleep)
In between thought: it’s kinda interesting that, in Chapter 1, Susie basically had to be forced to care about Kris, Ralsei, and Susie, but as soon as Noelle is in the slightest bit of danger, she’s immediately like, “We have to save her or die trying”, huh?
“Reverse diss-tracks, where the vocalist puts themselves down and praises Queen…or noise music.” That’s some, interesting taste in music.
“All our songs are only 4 seconds long!” Damn, so you’re, like, Vine musicians?
So, the Knight is opening alternate fountains, that create dark worlds out of, more mundane places? Interesting…
So, someone new is leading the rebels. This, can’t go well.
Smorgasbord 2.
Oooh, a TP raising Item! Nice!
Oh, the guy who was already working for Queen is a Werewire now. Okay.
66 up arrows. Hmmm, I wonder if I can retry at some point…
Oh boy. Here’s the queens…wait what?
Oh my god.
Go kart time.
Noelle, you traitor! How could you!
Oh, okay. Berdly I believe more.
Also, “beloved”.
I love how Queen apparently didn’t even ask him.
“Light Nerds” Good one, Queen.
That’s one weird Check for Berdly.
Berdly, for God’s sakes, Noelle is a lesbian, you idiot.
You know, given this villain rant, I think I hate Berdly more than I do King. And I’ve dealt with both bullies AND abusive dads.
Oh god, Roller Coaster Tycoon murder (also Berdly is dead)
Garbage! Saved by it again.
Oh, this place looks glitchy.
Also, Susie, you’re not the king of the trash pile. You’re QUEEN of the trash pile.
Oh god, please don’t tell me she’s dying.
Okay, good, she just needed fluffy boy hug.
Fork in the path, advantageous to split up, huh? But there’s three of us, and, two paths probably.
Okay, I can either go with the Fluffy boy who might secretly be evil, or the mean girl who might get lesbian scenes…hmmm…
I’m flipping a coin.
Okay, Ralsei it is!
Oh, Susie is upset at me getting to pick.
Oh, they’re going together.
Oh, this can’t be good.
If I had a nickel for every indie game with a cat themed metropolis on my pc, I’d have two nickels. You can finish the meme.
I swear I just saw Noelle on the right. Something big in the streets, hmmmm…
Okay, definitely saw Noelle that time. Shame the Poppups, popped up.
…I get it, Toby, but I’m still mad.
Blocked 10 ads…okay, I still love this game.
God, I’m already missing my party members.
Okay, so I still have Lancer, but, I’m really hoping Noelle listens to reason, because Lancer is, not.
Oh god no, don’t fight me now Queen. And please don’t join me.
Alright, nobody likes Berdly. Figured.
God they’re so dumb.
“G-got any room for another truce?” Noelle, I would do a No Mercy run for you, of course I’m going to help you.
I can’t believe “No Triple Trucies” is even an option.
Yay! Noelle in party!
“LV1 Snowcaster. Might be able to use some cool moves.” She’s got Heal Prayer, a more powerful (but more expensive) Pacify, and a damaging Ice move for only 16% TP.
I love her.
I don’t know what a sugarplum is myself, actually.
Noelle, you have a one track mind, and I like it.
Lancer, she’s not a cream, and we’re not making her a bad guy.
Oh, and she’s scared of mice, I love it!
Ah, she’s never been in battle before, let’s see how this goes.
See? That wasn’t so bad, Noelle.
Oh, she’s a natural!
“Needles aren’t scary…” Tell that to anyone under 20, Noelle.
Also, “subtle” pro-Vax message?
Oh my god, I just love her animations.
So, the virus and the syringe are fighting…hm…
Okay, so, first, Noelle’s defend animation, also perfect.
Second, so Ambyu-lance’s bullets block and destroy Virovirokun’s…hmm…
Have I mentioned how much I love Noelle? This funky little Christmas Lesbian can do no wrong.
Oh my god, she can’t even confidently say we’re friends, and hearing Kris say it makes her happy, I love her so much.
Okay, so, Queen drinks Battery Acid. Makes sense for a computer.
Kris is so done with this shit, I can tell.
I am both scared of and loving Queen.
Oh Jesus Christ Berdly what the fuck is that.
That is not greatness that is…I don’t know. I’m pretty sure even tumblr isn’t horny for you, Berdly.
Christ, he’s gonna break Queen by being an idiot and then he’ll be the Chapter boss.
Her eyes say lying. Of course.
“I Did Not Know You Had… Nipples” that’s, a good point.
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…Berdly, you disturb me.
Second lost control laughing moment: Noelle’s cardboard robot face, and Queen just saying “Wow Cool Face”
Lancer, what is the “illusory nipple technique”?
Oh, of course the music bots built the statue. Berdly would never do manual labor.
Oh, and, they built the next “big” thing…hmmmm…
Why are we, flavors of tea???
Okay, that should be all the werewires for now.
The, clothing store, sold me, a useless mannequin, for $300. Of course.
I am going to touch the cheese.
Cheese maze, purposely ruined to spare more Mices.
Hmm, Berdly talks about Noelle’s crush. $20 says he actually thinks it’s him, or maybe Kris at a stretch.
Noelle is now immune to mice! Yay!
Oh, CD Bagel, Seedy Bagel, just got that.
Okay, sacrifice pacifist run to kill Berdly…I’m tempted.
Uh, Berdly, Noelle just one shot both your allies. I’m not alone, you are.
Jokes on you, buddy, I’ve been dodging A+ for years!
“(He hit me in the face with a tornado…)” Yes, Noelle, and I have papercuts on my eyelids. He do be an asshole.
Oh good, they both made Battery Acid Pies. Now we’re in a car together. Perfect. This is exactly how I wanted things to go.
Who is this trash man?
Spamton, huh. Oh boy.
Oh god, this song has lyrics.
Oh joy, a mini boss on my own. Just what I wanted.
Oh, new game over screen! Nice.
Anyways, I hate this guy.
Okay, just one more deal, I think. I wonder what’s next.
I’m not giving you my credit card info, dude.
Oh damnit, 1% more.
Okay, I’m very scared now.
Oh, I lost $51. That’s, fair.
Okay, back in the car.
Oh my god, Queen loves Noelle too. Perfect.
Lancer took the mixtape! Nice!
Oh, he ate it…nice!
Oh god she’s a little kid.
I’m so sorry, Noelle. I really hope you’re going to be okay. We’ll figure out what to do.
Queen, why does everything you have explode?
Now the prize is on my head.
Susie and Ralsei! You’re back!
She can slightly heal me now…cool!
And she taught him Sarcasm. I love them all so much.
Uh, Susie! You can have it!
Okay, so, now Susie is both gay for Noelle, and suspicious of her. Amazing.
And Noelle is turned on by the threat of being killed. Have I mentioned I love these dorks?
The gang’s all here!
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Uh, just got past fireworks, and, where’s Noelle?
Oh, okay. She was just watching Fireworks.
Oooo, catching mice minigame!
Oooo, more elaborate but simpler to control mice minigame!
Oooo, bucket hole!
Also, nice gay Noelle moment noted.
Oh no, please don’t take the perfect girl away from us!
Okay, so, I don’t like Berdly, but, Acid river? Bit much…
Oh, okay. He was never in danger. I hate both of you. GIVE US BACK NOELLE
Oh, great, now we’re captured too. Except possibly Ralsei.
She only plays mobile games. Burn her.
For once Berdly is correct.
Queen, you are dumb.
Is that the super Mario world fade?
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I don’t, next question.
No looking at my Search history!
Oh, hey, we can chat in here.
Lancer, never say Pants hole again, and never say you were inside it either.
Lancer, do you still not know our name?!
So this is how they lampshade the tutorial-Toriel thing, huh?
Oh no, Lancer, please don’t die in here.
Um, are there rooms for all the kids at school?
Puzzle time!
Plot twist: Susie is not Susan.
Berdly is dumb.
Admittedly, I did brute force that second one a bit…
Okay, now Susie has outsmarted both me AND Berdly. This is sad.
Oh god, he’s gonna cry now.
Oh, my god, that’s what December meant. That’s why Berdly cares about Noelle. That’s why…oh god.
Oh wow, Susie’s a gamer. This is incredible Lore.
Oh wow, first Lancer’s face returns, now Berdly is Anime. I love this game.
Oh my god, Ralsei in a tux. I love him.
Alright, so, Lancer needs to go back to Castle Town, and we need to get the heck to Noelle. I hope Berdly’s plan actually works…
Aw, I wanted him to stay tuxedo…
Color Cafe, huh?
Oh god, Rouxls came here. I am terrified.
I love this hype manor song!
Toby Fox, why is there so much 3D Shenanigans in this 2D Top Down RPG???
Note: from here, I end up going to the secret of this chapter. Do not read if you don’t want to be spoiled on that plotline. Skip to where I say Pancake Batter.
Okay, I’m going back, and I’m gonna find this third blue check mark.
Okay, found it, now to get back to the guy…
Yay, fireworks, again!
East treasure’s hallway leading to Basement on 1F…
Oh dear.
So there’s a secret here after all…where is…
Found it!
Okay, how to open this lock, now…hm.
Well, one thing was in the field, so, maybe in the city?
Oh Jesus it’s Spamton.
$28, not a penny more.
KeyGen, huh…
If this is as hard as Jevil, I’m gonna be pissed.
Oh, great, just Kris going in. Again. Fantastic.
Oh what the fuck.
Oh Jesus Christ I hate this build up.
Oh, and I died on the elevator. That’s fun.
Okay, so I hate this elevator. A lot.
Okay! Took like six tries, but I made it past the elevator! Now, let’s see what’s waiting for me…
Maybe take that back to Scamton or whoever?
…Ralsei, Susie, what are you two doing?
Okay, trash man, you better like this.
Oh Jesus Christ.
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Okay, this is not what I expected to follow Jevil’s lead. But, let’s see what happens when I turn this disk in.
Oh, nothing happened. Sure it did. Just gonna walk away then…
Oh, wouldn’t you know it, something happened!
Okay, so big puppet robot man. This is terrifying.
Roller coaster boss! Again! Oh good!
Can’t write notes, gotta kill.
Spamton, oh my god. And it’s Neo’s outfit. How the fuck did I not realize before?
Im terrified, let’s GOOOOOO!
Holy shit is that the Undertale Game Over message??????
Many tries later
Okay, I think it’s actually Ralsei and Susie talking…
Quitting the game so they can get their healing items out of storage and buy some good ones extra later
Okay, third turn, and I’ve only been hit once! Granted, it did almost 50 damage to Susie, but, still, doing better this time!
Even more death later
Did he just, attack himself?
Is he surrendering?
I…I did it! I did it in one sitting! Minus quitting so I could grab healing items that did more than 40 HP!
Oh, he killed him by freeing him…….okay.
Dealmaker, huh? Let’s see what this bad boy is…
+4 defense, +5 magic (even on Kris?), and $+30%…”and…?”
Okay, Ralsei, you get that, Susie get’s Jevilstail, and I get many questions.
Alright, now back to the actual plot!
Oh…Kris has goosebumps, and Susie’s asking if they’re okay…no. I’m saying no.
I love these two so much. Now let’s save the adorable lesbian.
Pancake Batter. Alright, we’re good.
Sorry, Noelle, got distracted.
Mouse wheel!
Tasque manager helped!
Man, this room is big and empty, with an odd exit door and screens on the north wall. Hmmmm…
Thank you annoying dog!
Okay, I still love this music. Just wanted to say that. Anyways, PROGRESS!
We’re tea covered now. Except Susie. She’s tea filled.
Oh god, I don’t trust Berdly with Susie.
God, Knight teased.
Duck ride with Fluffy Boy.
Okay, so, puzzle time, methonk.
High Five!
More duck ride!
Ralsei, do you wanna do the kissy?
Oh boy.
Oh jeez.
Oh damn.
Ralsei, you read my mind.
Oh Jesus it’s the tank from the first game.
Okay, so, we, take houses? Okay.
I can’t believe some people thought this dork was Gaster.
Wow, I beat him in like 3 and a half turns because I blocked him in.
Another God Dammit because SOMEONE didn’t pay attention to what happened to Lancer.
His head is still blue…
Hey, Camera! Peace signs and hugs!
Mostly hugs.
Yay, more Susie and Noelle time!
Oh my god, my heart is breaking.
Okay, I love these adorable girls.
Oh boy, this is, weird.
“Point and hearts come out” or “Eat moss”. The choice of a generation.
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Fair point, Susie.
She likes scary things, huh.
Have I mentioned how much I love these two? Because I do.
Susie and Noelle are best girls ever, no objections.
Oh good, Berdly, don’t ruin this completely, okay?
I fucking knew it.
Noelle, you’re going to kill him, and that’s okay with me.
Susie, stop squishing him like toothpaste!
Oh boy, I get big “final boss” energy right now…
Okay, so I just stole from Noelle’s room.
Okay, boss time.
Shit, I should’ve healed up.
Okay, so, I died, but, I can fix that!
So, this boss is calling back to how the town’s internet has gone out, a fact I didn’t even learn until watching other content last night when I should have been sleeping, because I forgot to talk to Alphys during the brief chance I had.
Also, now both she and Ralsei have made reference to the real world outside…hmmmm…
So I guess the plot is about Google search being evil…yeah that checks out.
Bitch, did you just funny runny way?
Hmm, I’d say 50/50 odds of him being a drama Queen vs. him trying to trick Susie into caring about him.
Yep, he’s trying to score a kiss. Berdly…get a job.
Alright, let’s save Noelle, and possibly the whole town.
The “Roaring” Knight?
Oh god, the determination…who is this Knight, what is going on, and how involved are we?
Wait wait wait wait wait wait WAIT
When she described the Knight making more darkness, she said they took their blade, and showed an image of a knife. Was…was this…
Oh. It was a giant robot. Not a statue.
Susie’s dancing!
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Oh yeah, he can fly.
Resistance! Yay!
Okay, so, we sentai up in this bitch.
I wonder how the hell this story would go if we didn’t go pacifist then? Because in Chapter 1, all that really changed was how the boss was defeated in the cutscene, and like a couple details later. This is, a lot more than that.
Okay, so, three rounds of HP, punch out for her turns, just keep attacking. Got it.
Two rounds down, one to go!
Yes, eat your own Baseball, bitch!
Oh, suicide attack. Well it was just a robot.
Oh. She still has us.
Oh fuck the robot is Noelle’s mom. Fuck.
Okay, so, Queen is dead.
Oh fuck, don’t take over the world with darkness all of you, please.
The Roaring?
Oh fuck, new legend lore.
Titans, Fountains, enveloping the land in devastation. Oh jeez.
Lost eternally in an endless night…that’s not paradise. That’s hell.
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Thank you, Susie!
Okay, that’s a good ending for a second chapter, it’s dark fountain time!
Susie, please don’t turn evil.
And, we’re in the computer lab!
Wait, Ms. Boom? Does, does Gerson have a daughter, or wife?
Lost control laughing #3: this
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I love this game so much. Time to explore town again.
Okay, Alphys does crush on Undyne still, at least.
Oops, I just let all the prisoner dogs out.
Awww, Undyne likes Alphys too!
Napstablook, I love you.
Oh shit, Asgore used to be a pig?
Oh god, this Rudy storyline is gonna be depressing all the way through, huh?
Susie, can we steal the tower of the gods?
Hey, we can actually go back to Ralsei’s dark world?!
Okay, this is gonna be interesting.
Oh thank god, we can save in the epilogue now, cool.
Oh cool, King and Queen together.
Oh my god he calls her Queenie Beanie. I love this.
So, a card and a computer fucked to make Lancer, who is a card. Okay.
Okay, so Lancer DOES know Kris’s name! Just not Ralsei’s!
New battle challenges! Yes!
Might save “Ch. 2 All-stars” for another time, though…
Perfection is the mannequin reaction.
Oh my god there’s a dedicated room for listening to music I love this
Alright, time to skedaddle back to the real world.
Okay, so Alvin is Gerson’s son, and he’s depressed. Fun.
Oh, MK and Snowy are by the creepy bunker. That’s…fun.
Okay, so, Susie scared them off after they insulted Kris, because Kris said something about the bunker…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…
Hey, Nice Cream Guy is one of the Ice-E’s employees! Nice!
Ah, PizzaPants. Never change.
Oh hey, it’s the little guy, who’s clone is a Gaster follower. And the bird guy’s still in the library, and the donut guy is still in his car…
Hey, Catty and Bratty are becoming friends again! Cool!
Omg, Sans’s store is open. Do I…go in?
Hell yes I do!
Okay, so, Grillby’s music still, but, different interior. Interesting…
Sans, a day and 2 years in this game are not equivalent. It’s a day and 3 years.
The trousle grows further away.
Oh jeez Susie’s been drinking the milk. Oh god.
Cool, Susie’s seeing Onion too!
Oh, never mind.
A song is coming from deep under the water…either Shyren is involved, or this is gonna take a turn.
See you, Su-
Oh! Hey mom! Meet Susie!
Pie for all!
Oh my god, Susie, my heart is breaking.
Okay, so Alphys and Toriel know about the chalk. That, kinda makes Susie thinking she’d get expelled for it, really depressing.
Okay, so, Toriel and Susie are gonna make Pie together, that’s cool. Still, pretty worried about, Kris.
Uh, I just ran the sink, and, uh…
…so we get a cute scene with Susie and Toriel, then Susie asks where Kris is and…they do this sometimes?
I’m very concerned.
Okay, Toriel is concerned too, enough to say “hell”. Even Susie is shocked.
Okay, so, they’re coming back, uh, okay, this isn’t good, right?
Stopped the faucet, opened the drawer, and…we’re back?!
Kris what the fuck are you doing
And why couldn’t we find Asgore in the town?
Okay, so, we’re all sleeping in the living room. I, guess tomorrow’s the weekend, probably? I don’t know?
Susie, doesn’t have caring parents, I guess?
Oh god, Susie wants them to come to our world, but, Lancer is a playing card, he can’t…I don’t know. I’ll say it’s “far-fetched”.
There’s a festival, apparently. This seems…suspicious.
I’d take Ralsei, so you could take Noelle.
She’s asleep.
That, might not be good, in this context.
Okay, so, we’re asleep too, I think?
Oh god, Toriel’s tires are slashed, that can not be good, in any way.
Okay, night time, Toriel and Susie are asleep…now what are you doing, Kris?
That, knife…
Okay, so, yep, they’re the Knight, and they just opened Darkness in their living room. This is, not, good. And, the tv’s on, and the door’s unlocked…
What the fuck is happening?
Ending credits song sounds, techno? Is this more of Don’t Forget? Or a remix? I hear the lyrics at least.
“To be continued in Chapter 3” OH IT BETTER BE, TOBY
So, yeah, that's Deltarune Chapter 2. In conclusion: this explains nothing, raises 120% more questions, and overall is still an incredible, wonderful game. I also like how each Chapter so far has been almost as long as a full play through of Undertale, and yet we're still somehow only 2 sevenths of the way through. Oh yeah, did I not mention? After completing it, it brought me to a chapter select with SEVEN DIFFERENT CHAPTERS, only two of which were available. So, you know. THAT'S FUN!
In actual conclusion, please play this game, it's free, it's amazing, and also buy the soundtrack on Bandcamp so Toby can make some kinda living.
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Would you ever write about Faust making Faith squirt for the first time cause that would be the hottest thing ever.
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Warning: 18+ SMUT. Anal play, sex toys, size kink, possessive sex, strong anti-Christian themes, squirting, angst, feelings.
Note: I really hope you guys enjoy this one! Please let me know your thoughts and reblog/like if you can! I’d appreciate it. 
Faust x Faith Masterpost [x]
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"You didn't wear the outfit," Faust murmured against Faith's lips. 
"Sorry. I forgot. You got here so quick."
He took hold of the metal loop dangling at her neck and smirked. "But you wore this for me."
"I thought you'd like it," Faith giggled. 
"You think you're some kind of naughty girl? Do you think this collar makes you bad?"
Faith shrugged. 
"Do you know what happens to girls who wear things like this?" 
She grabbed his hands and placed them on her chest. "Why don't you show me?" 
"You couldn't handle it," he chuckled. 
Faith wasn't in the mood to convince Faust to do what he wanted with her. He'd gotten it lodged in his head that she was too delicate, but she wanted him to overpower her and make her hurt in that viciously pleasurable way she dreamt of. 
"Come on, Faust, you were the one who said you wanted to wreck this pussy. You won't take advantage of our last couple of nights together by making me never forget them?"
"You say that like I'm never coming back."
Faust nipped her bottom lip, palms sliding down her ribs to the back of her skirt. He pulled it up and squeezed her ass in both hands, watching her face change shapes any time he compressed her skin.
"You're going away for weeks. Who knows what will happen? Maybe you'll find a new girl and forget all about me."
Faust loosened his and shook his hair out of his face. "Don't say that."
"Im just kidding," she chuckled, leaning in for a kiss and meeting the crest of his cheekbone instead. 
"What?" Faith asked. 
"I'm serious. Why do you think that way?"
She pulled away to focus on the solemnity of his face. "I don't know, it's just something girls say."
"I don't think so."
"Relax, baby. It's okay. Let's just do it right here in the car. Please? I'm going to miss you so much when you go away. I need all I can get."
"I don't care," Faust said, framing his long fingers into a C-shaped hold on her neck. He didn't squeeze, but held her in place and drilled into her eyes with his. "Are you saying you might find another guy while I'm gone?"
"No! Of course not!"
"Then why do you think I'd cheat on you?"
"I don't think that," she whispered.
Faust released her throat and tightened his arms around her, pinning her in his firm embrace as she straddled his lap. "I'm not looking for groupies and shit. I just want to play. That's all I care about. That, and you."
"I know, Faust. Why do you always have to take everything I say so seriously? You know I'd never think about that. I'm a good girl, remember?"
Faust's throat rolled out a soft growl. "Good girls don't wear slutty little collars. Or sneak out of their dorms to fuck their boyfriends in the backseat of a car."
"Don't you want to corrupt me? Christian girl, taken by some heathen devil-worshiper... Destroying her purity."
He curled his hips up, the thick seam of his jeans rubbing against her flimsy panties, brushing over her sheathed clit. The pressure grew with the next carve. Faust filled with blood and clamped her frame against him as his hand snuck around to the back of her skirt again. 
"Faust, please. I want it. I'll let you do anything to me."
"I know. You've waited long enough. Now I know what you can and can't handle. But not here."
Faith whimpered when he stopped feeding her strokes of his groin. She'd been wriggling against him, trying to fret hard enough that his buried erection pressed against her folds. Though his tilting stopped, the hands at her behind explored the soft mounds of flesh and the sensitive spots that lied between them.
"You're gonna give me everything. That mouth and those pretty lips. Your cunt. Mm-hmm, and this one right here too. Yeah, I'm gonna fill that asshole with all kinds of things. My fingers... my tongue? Maybe a special surprise I have waiting at home?"
Faith never felt such a violent shiver ripple across her skin. It was like the window cracked open on its own and let in the bitter night air, sweet with the seasonal decay. He pressed his index finger against the promised hole, rotating and varying pressure over the cotton.
"All right, I'm serious now. Let's get going. Climb into your seat and buckle up."
On the ride back to Faust's apartment, his arm stretched over to toy with her clit, still never breaching the protection of her underwear. He only ghosted his fingertips over them, refusing to nudge them aside to give her the full strokes she craved. Even when Faith tried to pull them down, he stopped her hand, clicking his tongue and berating her for being too eager.
"Control yourself. Just enjoy what I give you."
"Please, I want more."
"You'll get more when I decide you deserve more. Tonight, you're mine. My pussy. My tits and ass and mouth. Whatever I say goes. Understand?"
"Yes, Faust."
"Good... Now I want you to lean back and finger your pussy. Then I want you to smear that pussy juice on the windshield. Draw my roommate a little picture."
Faith scoffed, cowering against the backrest, clutching her seatbelt. "What? Are you serious?"
He swung his eyes away from the road for as long as it took for the windshield wipers to clip twice. 
"Do it." 
She obeyed, and parted her legs to insert her middle finger as far as the second knuckle, curling to find the spot inside Faust helped her discover. Faust looked back at the road as she worked herself up, nodding and smirking when she brought her glistening fingertip to the glass to create the shape of a heart. 
"Aw, isn't that sweet? Leave 'em a little message."
Faust held the hand she'd used to finger herself the entire elevator ride up. He led Faith straight into his room after dropping the keys at the door. This behaviour was normal, as Faust never had much to say to his roommate besides agreeing on times to use the car. Faith skipped along with his formidable steps to the bedroom.
Faust's bed welcomed her instantly. Giddy and nearly delirious from the excitement of not sleeping in her own bunk at school, Faith sat down and smoothed out her skirt while he went to the closet to rummage around. 
Even the gory posters and beer bottles gave her a sense of comfort. She'd miss his room, and the nights they spent entangled in each other, his massive limbs always draped over hers while they cuddled or talked or slept or fucked. It keyed into her head then that she wouldn't see his plaid bedsheets or nap under the comforter that smelled like his shampoo and deodorant for a long, long time. She tried not to think about that, but the realization overcame her by the time Faust retrieved the item for which he searched. 
He knelt on the carpet, noticing a single tear on her cheek and wiping it away. 
"Don't do this, babe. Don't cry."
Faith brushed the next droplet away herself and breathed in deeply. 
"I'm so sorry. I'll try not to. It's just hard because... I'll miss you."
"I know. It'll be tough, but when I get home, maybe I'll be able to get out of here... Get a car. Move closer to your school. I won't have to keep borrowing fuckface's shit-wagon to come see you. Things will be better after I get back."
"I just can't imagine sleeping without you for that long."
"It's part of the gig, Faith. It always will be. I'll have to do this at least once a year. Probably more if things go well."
She looked down at her toes and nodded, avoiding the large green eyes imploring her to accept reality. Faust stood up and raked his hand through her hair, pressing her face against his thigh. 
"Don't get soft on me now. We have a big night, remember? Unless you don't feel like fucking no more?" 
Faith would never pass up the opportunity to please him. It always meant if she did a good job, he'd pleasure her right back, tenfold. But tonight made a heavier promise Faith craved since the moment she passed him by in the diner; for Faust to show her the dark side of life, where her elders and superiors had always promised demons lurked, waiting to undo her and lead her away from the righteous path. 
He handled her jaw firmly, raising her to her knees on the bed. He bent at the hips and captured her lips along with the silver ring hanging from her neck. A length of chain slid through his grip as he stood up, and he wound it up in his fist, raising her another inch. The leather pressed into her skin and she surrendered instantly. 
"That's what I thought."
"What're you gonna do to me?" 
"Don't speak. You'll answer me and that's it. Now get off the bed. On your knees." 
They switched spots, Faust sitting on the edge of the bed and Faith kneeling between his legs. He pulled the leash short and worked open the button and zipper of his pants, nodding for Faith to pull them down. 
"You wanna be a bad girl?" 
Faith nodded, a warm, fluttering sensation filling her chest. 
"Yeah. You want to do all the sinful things they taught you not to do in school. Like giving your precious little pussy away. There's no way a slut like you can wait until marriage and you don't care how it looks in your God's eyes. The only one you want is to serve me, even if it means going back on the vows you made to stay pure and chaste," Faust chuckled." Well, it's way too late now. I've already soiled you and taken your virginity. But don't you think it's inherently perverse how those supposed men of God put so much importance on what's between your gorgeous legs? Almost like that's all they think about. And who can really blame them? You can do bad in school, cheat on your work, hurt others, lie, steal, disobey your parents and still earn forgiveness, but the moment you let a man's cock inside you, you’ve got no worth. Funny, isn't it? The ultimate sin is what you crave the most. All those white men policing your pussy. Your pastor... Your father... Your God."
A sliver of her past self shuddered to hear the unabated truth pouring from Faust's lips. There was always a shameful breath lingering inside her whenever they had sex, but she always suppressed it by looking into his eyes to find the love living deep in those green pools. Tonight, Faust didn't let an ounce of affection shine through, determined to bring her shame to the forefront of her mind to exploit it. 
"What? Am I wrong? That's what they taught you, isn't it? That your urges make you sinful. That your natural human instincts put you off the path to heaven. Even though, mm, when I stuff all your little holes, you swear you're already there. Why does it feel so good to fuck me when it's so wrong?"
The residual polyps of her religious upbringing quivered and stung, echoing past lessons drilled into her from birth. Faith was always aware of existence on the other side of the fence where the criminals and harlots and sinners lived, and as a child, thought herself too good to wander into those dim pastures. As she matured, new world realities filtered through the pinpricks her parents overlooked—other children whispering of PG-13 movies, sex-charged billboards and unsupervised access to the internet—leaving behind the silt of the depraved for her to examine with hungry eyes. Nothing excited her more than the thought of finding a used porn magazine at the park, or staying up later than the rest of her girlfriends to catch flashes of soft-core skin on cable television. Now she was neck-deep in the sin they'd worked so hard to keep her from, ready to dive in with but a nostalgic glance back at her old, virtuous life.
It still bothered her whenever Faust referred to God, as they fashioned Him before her as divinity, unchallengeable. The unabashed way Faust spit upon His image made her cringe, yet his gall carved out a spot in her head above her pastor, above her father. Faust was the only man to defy her doctrine, and that made him more courageous than anyone she'd ever known. Even her daddy cowered in fear of God's wrath. Faust... he pissed on the cross and the bible, made a mockery of the gospel and showed her how delicious the grapes of temptation tasted on her contaminated tongue.
Faust pushed the elastic band of his boxers down so it bunched under his balls, helping his shaft stand upright. If left without support, he'd loll to the side, the girth too much for his blood to circumvent.
"Open your pretty mouth and suck this fat fucking cock, right now."
Faith displayed her tongue, waiting for him to trace a line from tip to tonsils. The warm pre-cum coated her tastebuds, and she wrapped her lips around the head, swallowing the fluid and moaning.
"Oh, Christ, baby, that looks so good. How does it taste?"
Faith hummed in agreement, unable to form a word with the mass wedging her jaws apart. He bucked his hips up once, hitting the back of her throat, then settled on the bed and let her go to work while he used the chain leash to angle her head. Bubbles formed around the ridge, dripping down in all directions to lubricate the way. Soon, Faust shivered from the warm froth gliding downward and pulled her off by the chain, anchoring his shaft against his belly.
"Suck that spit off my balls," he barked.
Faith did as she was told, keeping her eyes on his slackened face as she trailed her tongue up and down, collecting the saliva and swallowing.
"Good. That's good. Now, get up on the bed. On your hands and knees," he yanked the chain.
Propelled by the force around her neck, Faith crawled onto the bed and awaited his next move. She didn't notice the shiny object in his hand until he placed it on the bed next to her. A shiny metal plug with a jewelled end awaited, puckering the bedspread under its weight.
Before Faith mustered the courage to ask, Faust pulled her panties down to her knees and lapped her entrance with the same sloppy ardency she'd shown him but a minute before. He nipped her folds and continued upward, two hands now spreading her cheeks apart to reveal the next destination of his travelling tongue.
"Did you get all nice and clean for me?" He snickered.
"Mm-hmm," Faith said with a nod.
"Yeah, 'cause you knew I was gonna play with that ass."
Faust teased her with circles of varying pressure, switching his middle finger out for his tongue the first time he dipped inside. She wiggled and let curious noises escape her before clamping her hand over her mouth.
"How does that feel?"
"It feels... good," Faith replied.
"Yeah? You like it? Like it when I sodomize you?"
She whimpered. Faust took her mewling as a sign to continue. Slowly, he inserted his fingertip, reading her body and how it contorted from the new intrusion. When he was certain she wouldn't refuse, he worked the digit in and out, anointing the site with a fresh wad of spit.
"What do you think about the toy I bought for you?"
Faith craned her head to regard the little silver toy. "I like it."
"Really? You're not just saying that are you? It's not just something girls say, is it?"
"No, I want it. I'll do it if you like that."
"Anyone ever tell you how sweet you are? You’re always thinking of others. Perfect little cock-slave. It's really too bad your holes are so tiny. I'd really love to fuck your ass, but we wouldn't want anyone getting injured tonight," Faust said.
Faith simpered and wiggled her hips. There was a brief loss of contact as Faust went for a bottle of lube he always had stashed under the bed for nights Faith needed it. He coated the toy and rubbed the rest around and inside her tightness. With his fingertip eclipsing her hole, he dipped in one last time before replacing the digit with the tapered end of the plug.
Faith couldn't tell what it looked like when her body accepted the weighty piece of decoration, but when Faust had it in place, he breathed heavily.
"Fuck, Faith... That's adorable. How's that feel?"
She tilted her hips from side to side, grimacing from the flare pressing into her cheeks. "It's... Different."
"Spread your legs a bit more. Yeah, that's good. Open up and show me that pussy and your cute plug."
Faust overestimated his reserve of patience. Once affixed with the pink jewel, he lost sight of everything else except filling her other holes too. But he had to control himself if he wanted to achieve what he set out to achieve, and that required endurance. He had to tease her with a little more tongue-fucking before slipping his cock in from behind. She gasped and clenched hard, flinching away. The added fullness only intensified the stretch from his width and the imposing length. Faust seethed a moment before teasing her pussy with the tip.
"All right, work it however you like, babe. Get comfortable. It's a lot."
Left to her own efforts, she sat back on him and let the stretch course through her. Faust watched most of his length disappear, mouth dropped in awe. She continued jamming him back inside after every withdrawal, hoping to impress with her resilience. 
"You're doing good, baby. Keep going. Fuck, that feels amazing."
When Faust grew bored with the position, he flipped her on her back so he could watch her wince in mixed pain and pleasure. Her struggle urged him on, her panting, encouragement. Over the months, Faith got used to the breadth of him inside and didn't tremble as much or wilt from trying to keep up. It was time to move onto the next part of his plan, which was to introduce yet another form of stimulation. 
Faust had her sit on him, his chest to her back, fully enveloped in her wetness with the plug angling just right. Once she perched in his lap comfortably, he reached around to rub her clit with one hand while the other anchored her collared neck back so her head rested on his shoulder. 
"You're gonna come all over me, understand? I won't stop until I feel your pussy spasming around my dick." 
Faith squealed from the frantic fingers dancing over her clit, the shaft pumping her in a violent clashing of rhythms. Even his brutal whispers in her ear fell into time, playing her like an instrument with expertise. By her arching back and sharp breaths, Faust knew he was close to his goal. He just had to restrain himself from succumbing to the tightening pressure around him, the feast that was her body contorting on top of his. 
"Are you gonna come? Gonna fucking squirt for me?" 
Faith nuzzled into his neck and whimpered, "I... Can't. I don't know how." 
"Yes, you do. Feel that spot right there? Remember? Remember what I told you."
"Faust," she gasped. 
"You're right there. I can feel it. Right there, Faith."
He coiled his thick arm around her chest, pressing her as he shot his groin up and up. Each thrust landed harder while his fingers coddled her most sensitive spot. 
Amid the barrage of sensations, a peculiar warmth bourgeoned in her groin. For a second she thought her bladder was about to release, but it was too gradual... Too intentional to be a regular function. The undulating pulse sent red hot waves of pleasure through her body, shooting to her fingertips and crackling in her ears like a sudden ascent up a steep mountain. She closed her eyes and let out one continuous groan that spiralled upward, squealing from between her teeth as the volcanic frequencies shut down all other modes of operation. 
Faith didn't notice the first spurt. Only when Faust laughed did she unscrew her eyes to see between her legs. Faust lifted her quickly, sidling them both to the edge of the bed where the mirror reflected the clear fluid dripping down his cock and spreading between their thighs. He'd fucked her hard enough to collect fizz along the underside of his length. She gasped when a contraction forced another small emission from a place inside her she never knew existed. 
"Oh, my goodness... Am I?" 
"Squirting? Damn fucking right, babe. I knew I could get ya to gush all over my dick."
The fervent racks of orgasm subsided after a while, and she giggled. Faust laid back on the bed, feet planted on the floor as he slipped out of her and let her roll to the side. Faith huddled up under his arm and placed her little hand on his heaving chest, his heartbeat kicking up the limb. 
"You didn't come," Faith said.
Faust grabbed her hand and tightened his arm around her shoulders. "Yeah. That's 'cause I'm not done with you."
On the day of Faust's departure, he drove Faith to her campus and got out of the car to give her a hug. She produced a rickety smile as she buried her face in his hair and the first sniffle racked her throat. She imagined they looked novel to most; Faust spreading his feet and crouching to use his entire body, clam-shelling her in leather-bound arms and ripped black jeans, and Faith in a school kilt and his largest and softest hoodie. 
Faust kissed her once softly, then again slowly. She savoured his breath and sent her tongue after his. They parted, joined once more and parted again for their first attempt at goodbye.
Faith shivered from the effort of holding back her tears. She knew crying would only make it harder to part ways. If she could hold on, then she could cry in her plain, two-sided cubicle in a building of people that weren't Faust. She already felt sorry for her roommate who would suffer her grovelling.
To her surprise, she reared in the heat behind her eyes, remembering the times in the Summer when Faust would talk about touring. The glint in his eye and the smile he let slip only in her presence was Faust at his purest. How could she let her emotions taint his goals? Faith smiled, driven by her unexpected surge of self-control. 
It was Faust who bit his lip and blinked rapidly, trying to smother a tear before it oozed out. Faith gasped at the glimmer he smeared with the leather cuff of his jacket. Then, she broke.
Faust wrapped her up in his arms again and squeezed her tight, Faith jostling with sobs.
"I love you. I love you so much," she cried into his chest.
"Yeah, babe. I love you too. I fucking wish you could just come with me. I don't trust this town either. You better not ever walk alone at night anywhere. Even if it's from your dorm to the parking lot. You always walk with someone."
"I will."
"I'm serious, Faith. And don't fucking hang out with Anika and that crowd."
"Why not? I mean, I won't, but... Why?"
Faust pressed his lips together, squeezing his fist. She cocked her head, and he released his frustration in one deep breath. "All those guys will rip you apart. Because of your... Upbringing. Christians just... Fuck. I can't put this nicely."
"Do you really think I still care about my religion? It was something I just did as a kid. I don't really... I don't know. I know what you guys sing about and I don't care."
"It doesn't matter. To some of them, Christians are the enemy and they'll do terrible shit you'd never think of. Please, just fucking promise me you'll make some other friends. Some smart girls. Have like a girl's club thing in your dorm."
"Girl's club?" Faith taunted.
"You know what I mean."
"No smart boy friends?"
Faust went deadpan, then stooped to grab her ass and pull her closer. "Don't make a murderer out of me. If I hear of any guy—"
"Or girl!"
"Or girl... If anyone tries anything with you..."
"You'll go to prison for me. I know. I'll do everything to make sure you don't end up in prison."
"And you better not worry about me and what I'm up to. My life will be nothing but sleeping on the way to shows, sound check, pre-set, set, post-set shower, then beer in the bus."
"I trust you. But will you say goodnight, every night?"
"I'll try."
She hopped up to kiss him again. "Thanks, beetle."
"One more thing before I go," Faust said, stepping toward the car. He circled to the driver's side and ducked in to grab something he'd tucked under the seat while Faith wasn't around. She already had her mouth covered by the time he returned to the sidewalk. "That collar you supposedly had lying around... You gotta get rid of it."
Faith touched her throat as though the leather strap was still there. "How come?"
"Because I got you a better one," he said, handing her the parcel. The box had a weight Faith didn't expect.
She unravelled the black plastic, a lacquered wooden box beneath the makeshift wrapping paper. The collar inside was thin, with a metal buckle and a thick D-ring hosting a thicker chrome loop.
"My friend made it. It's not some Hot Topic shit. This collar means you belong with me."
"Is this like your version of a promise ring?"
Faust scoffed. "It's not a ring. It's a collar. Hand-forged metal. Leather cut with skill. Not some tiny, overpriced rock. But if you want me to make you a promise, I will."
"Promise me what?"
"That I belong to you, too."
Faith melted, rolling her eyes and leaning into him. "Ugh, oh my gosh, if you keep being so cute I'm not gonna let you leave! First you cried and now you're giving me something you asked your friend to make for me? That's sooo cute!"
"Shut up. Come on, this is serious."
"I know! Which is why it's so cute, because you're a big, tough, serious man, aren't you?"
Faust's indifference broke, and he chuckled with her as she poked him and hung off his arm. He helped her put on the collar, then slipped the box into her backpack.
They settled back into a melancholic silence, neither one of them wanting to start the next round of goodbyes. Faust eventually stepped into the tight hug, proceeded more kissing and a few deep breaths to wane the sorrow.
"I hope you have fun, Faust. You don't have to worry about me. I promise I'll be safe."
"Say goodnight, every night."
"I will."
"All right... Well, I should go."
"Please do, so I can go to my room and cry some more."
Faust pressed his thumb into the corner of his eye. "Fuck, I know."
"I love you, beetle."
"Love you too, babe. I'll talk to you soon as I'm on the road."
Faust let her go and drove away. An immovable lump formed in his throat as he drowned out his inner-mourning with a cacophony of feral guitars, erratic drumbeats and screeching.
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xserpentlife · 4 years
Requested: yes! - hi! can you do a sweet pea imagine where he and the reader have a love-hate type of relationship and are always on each other’s throats but one night they are at a party and the reader is sh*t face drunk and starts to tell sweet pea about her feelings and sp takes her home (just to sleep of course) and when they wake up the reader is embarrassed but sp confesses his feelings too? thanks :)
A/N: here is a full size fic for yall <3
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1645
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You and Sweet Pea always had a sweet and sour type of relationship. You would make cookies and he would tell you how gross they were while everyone else would enjoy them, but what you didn’t know was that he was secretly throwing a few in his bag for later because they were his absolute favorite. But more than that you were always at each other's throats, a love hate if you would. A type of relationship where there was always teasing with a hint of care involved.
You watched Sweet Pea saunter away at the bar, he was talking to you until a girl walked up grabbing all his attention. You hated that shit that Sweet Pea did. It was something that always got under your skin. You walked over talking to Fangs, before you could do something you’d regret.
“Hey Y/N how’s my girl?”
“I’m good Fangsy how are you, how’s Kev”
“The love of my life ya know”
“I’m so happy you guys are good”
“Thanks, how's everything with you?”
“Well other than Pea, walking away during our conversation to go talk to bimbo barbie over there I would say all good”
“Oh God, not again” you look over to Pea pushed up against the pool table, barbie on top of him practically. You walk over grabbing her by the hair.
“OW, OW, OW”
“Hands off bimbo barbie”
“What the fuck!”
“You heard me!”
“Well he is mine”
“Oh no sweet cheeks no one owns anyone here, we don’t do that, i mean at least not without permission” you sent a wink around to a few of the others
“Oh please, he loved it” Pea tried to step in but you pushed him into a chair
“Out of the club now!”
“Or what”
“Wanna try?” she grabbed her purse and left without another word, you turned around walking out the back door before Pea could say anything, you could see the anger coursing through him. Pea never liked when you fought his battles, but he also never liked when girls did things like that and you knew it, sometimes you just had to protect those you care about even when they piss you off.
“Did seeing her all over me get your panties in a bunch sweet cheeks” he chuckled to himself lowly
“Oh piss off petunia” Sweet Pea rolled his eyes as you walked away back to your trailer, he couldn’t wait to see you the next day, just so he could annoy the shit out of you
You watched Sweet Pea walk ahead of you, his flannel flapping in the wind around his waist as he pushed Fangs into the dust covered parking lot, causing a car alarm to go off as Fangs banged into it. You realized you were cold, the slight chill that filled the air ran though your body as you realized you forgot to put your jacket on this morning. You laughed to yourself and realized how easy it would be to steal Pea’s flannel. They all turned back to you, as you looked up shrugging and they turned back around. You thought about your plan, before saying fuck it, bolting foward, grabbing the front tie and ripping it from his waist.
“The fuck!, Come back here” He ran after you around the entire parking lot, until he caught up with you trapping you with his arm against the back corner of the school.
“Got ya”
“Can I keep it” you smiled up at him
“C’mon Y/N”
“Please Pea im coooldddddd”
“Yay” you slipped it on missing the smile that spread across his face.
“C’mon we’re gonna be late”
“We’ll be fine” you walked into the school doors the bell ringing as you did
“See I told you”
“You know you’re a pain in my ass right”
“The fuck did I do Pea?”
“I don’t know exist” you rolled your eyes walking into the hall of the school before making your way to the lounge. You placed your bag on the floor, before sitting on the couch. You watch Reggie walk in from the corner of the room as Fangs and Pea instantly tense up, he sat next to you on the couch as you scooted closer to the edge, his arm coming around you.
“Can I help you”
“I mean what are you offering?”
“Are you fucking serious, get the fuck out” you rolled your eyes before standing up, his hand snaking around your wrist
“Get off”, Pea stepped forward his hand on Reggies shoulder, his eyes staring into his soul as you looked up
“She said get off”
“Pea pushed him off, as Fangs and Jughead came up behind you”, after Reggie scattered out of the room, Jughead and Fangs walked off. “Are you ok?”
“Look rose I can handle myself” You walkd off before he lightly held you back
“I’m so fucking sick of you, you know that, you ever stop to think that you can let other people care about you” you looked at him before sauntering out of the room and to your class
The party was going strong. The warmness of the booze coursing through your body. You felt free. You felt like you could tell the world anything  you needed to. You could let out every secret you ever had. You always had been a truthful drunk. I mean you could keep others secrets but never your own, so when you saw Sweet Pea staring at you from across the way you began to saunter towards him, a jock making his way in front of you before you could make it completely across the floor.
“Uh  hi Pete”
“Hey babe”
“Huh?” Pete definitely was not your babe his hands began trailing along your side as he began dancing along with you, you pulled away making your way over to Sweet Pea as you noticed he had pushed off the wall and was making his way towards you
“Dance with me” Parties were the one place that Pea could dance with you and you wouldn’t remember, when you were piss ass drunk you could barely remember what you did the next day. He watched you like a hawk during those nights, making sure nothing bad happened. But he also made sure that you had fun. Dancing with you when you wanted and all of that. It never made sense to him though, considering the fact that you always fought with him during the day and then partied with him at night, but he never second-guessed it. I mean in his mind at least pissing you off made you think about him. He was happy to fight with you during the day and protect you at night.
“Okay” you slowly started dancing with Pea to the beat of the song that played in the background. You looked up at him, the smile that spread on his face showing a man that looked as if the world faded out around him, a smile that didn’t show often. You needed to tell him.
“Hey Peaaaaaa”
“Did I ever tell you that you’re my best friend…”
“I don’t kn…”
“And that even more than that I think that I love you, and that when you’re with other girls it makes me want to scream, and that sometimes at night I…”
“Okay uhm, I think it’s time we get going, wanna get some food? Go home and go to bed huh? Sounds like fun?”
“What was I saying before?”
“You wanted to get food…” “Mhm I do”
“Okay let’s go then”
The drive to the trailer was quiet, on the way Pea stopped and got your favorite, Pops chicken nuggets with a shake. You ate it in the truck on the way to your trailer. He turned on the radio, your favorite station playing in the background as his fingers tapped to the tune of the beat. You’re eyes began to shut, as the vibrations and the music put you to sleep ever so slowly.
You wake up the next morning confused out of your mind, hard pounding as the realization hits you that you told Pea exactly the way you felt. You hoped that he would just forget about it, that he too was just as drunk as you. You couldn’t remember how you got home. Maybe it was Jughead, or maybe it was Fangs. You looked over to a body in your bed as you screamed rolling off the side.
“Are you okay!”
“Pea what the fuck! Why are you…”
“We didn’t…”
“No shit, but why are you in my bed!”
“I didn’t wanna leave, you asked me not to number one, but also you were really drunk, I saw some guys riding around on bikes outside, guys from the highschool, probably from Southside, joyrides I guess, they didn’t see me bring you in but I didn’t wanna take any chances”
“Like I said before daisy…”
“I know, I know you can take care of yourself but…” he came over outstretching his hand as you grabbed it standing up
“Like I said before too, you don’t always have to and after last night I don’t think you want to”
“I know you remember”
“I don’t...” you go to walk out of the room before Sweet Pea blocks you, his hand coming up on your face, his eyes looking in yours giving you a second to pull away if you chose too, but you didn’t. His lips landed on yours ever so softly as he backed you up into the wall.
“So about that not remembering… I like you too”
“Shut up Sweet Pea” you grabbed his shirt pulling his face to yours
“Oh my god!”
“I’m finally the right flower!” you smacked him laughing at the blush that flooded his cheeks
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 4 years
My Little Secret part 7
Summary: With Arthur’s secret uncovered, you’re opened up to a whole new world. Your mind says it’s dangerous to stay with him, but your heart says otherwise.
A vampire. A freaking vampire. The words echoed in your mind though heavily bogged down in the tendrils of your subconscious.
You kept replaying the conversation in your mind. The first thing you’d felt was wild disbelief. He had to be pulling your chain in an excuse for his absurd behavior. The blood that streamed down his mouth was telling you otherwise. The next thing you’d thought was the first question you’d asked.
“Are you gonna kill me?”
“No!” Arthur had exclaimed, appearing absolutely taken aback as if horrified you would even suggest that. “No, Y/N,” he’d glanced back at the victim, who still appeared high as he stared up at the sky with a look of wonder. “I know it all seems crazy. I can explain it if you’ll let me.”
Every instinct told you to run and don’t look back. Call the police perhaps, get yourself as far away from this crazy man as possible. Instead against your better judgment, you stayed rooted in the spot. Fear racked your entire body, but the curiosity outweighed it on the scale by just an ounce. As stupid as it was, you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
You’d watched as he wiped the blood streaks from him and the other man with a handkerchief before tucking it into his pocket. He then spoke to you again, asking you to stay put by the front of the restaurant while he went back in to pay for your meal. Despite everything that just happened in the past five minutes, he still kept to his word.
Now you were sitting behind the wheel of your car, keeping your eyes on the road while he sat next to you. He asked to ride with you and for some reason you accepted. Neither of you spoke. The conversation kept replaying in your mind, over and over. This wasn’t real. This wasn’t real.
He was the first to break the silence. “You didn’t run away.” He murmured.
You could have, and you should have. You took a deep breath and forced yourself not to look at him. “Think I could outrun a vampire?” you hissed with more acidity than you intended.
Out of the corner of your eye, you watched his lips twitch. He didn’t want to grace the answer, and you knew it anyway. “You have every right to hate me, to be afraid. I don’t blame ya.” He instead stated.
“But here I am, sitting next to you when I should have ran,” you mumbled. “You offered to explain, so I’m listening.”
He nodded, tilting his head low as if he were contemplating on his next words. He sighed – you wondered if that was even necessary – and looked at you.
“I am a vampire,” he started. “All them legends that everyone thought was all hogwash, they’re all true. I’m undead. I sleep durin’ the day and awake for the night. I burn in the sunlight, and I drink blood.”
“A monster.” You murmured.
“Yes,” he was quick to agree, his tone solemn. “A monster.”
You swallowed this information all at once, your head absolutely brimming with it. All those prior thoughts of this man had suddenly washed away. You were sitting in the belly of the beast with someone who could kill you at an instant. These could very well be your last moments on Earth. Were you about to fall victim to a being that seemingly only existed in horror movies?
A wave of dizziness encompassed you and your stomach twisted uncomfortably. You swallowed hard and pulled over, willing yourself not to vomit all over your dashboard. You gripped the steering wheel so hard your knuckles turned white.
You closed your eyes, willfully pushing down the nausea. You drew in a few ragged breaths and looked at him fully, finally.
He held genuine concern in his face, his blue eyes reflecting gold from the streetlight above. He had a frown set on his lips, his pale skin held a slight pink flush to them. You weren’t sure if it was because of the lighting, or was it because he just…
You couldn’t even bring the word to your mind.
“I can’t wrap my head around it,” You admitted. “You’re not even human – you’re a predator! I just saw you sucking the life outta some innocent –”
“I only took how much I needed,” he interrupted. “And he ain’t innocent. Far from it.”
You gave him a look of confusion. “What?”
“He was gonna go, er, take advantage of his date…” Arthur explained, appearing uncomfortable with the words. “I heard ‘im talkin’ ‘bout it to a friend o’ his. Stopped it before he got too far.”
Your brow furrowed. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“I only ever feed on those who have less than innocent intentions,” he continued. “Don’t have to feel guilty that way.”
“You’re a vampire and you feel guilt?” you said incredulously. “I find that hard to believe!”
Arthur’s lips pressed into a thin line, his gaze hard. “I still feel every emotion a human can, Y/N. I promise you that. I can’t bring myself to feed on someone innocent.”
You couldn’t help but to scoff. The more he spoke, the harder it was to really believe anything he was saying. You thought back to shared moments with him, how soft and gentle he was when he kissed you. How much of a gentleman he was earlier that night. Memories battled hard with the present. Everything seemed to be conflicting with one another so much that your head began to ache from thinking about it. Was it all just a ruse to have you become his next victim?
“I know it don’t sound truthful,” he sighed. “Hell none of it does. I didn’t want ya to find out so soon –”
“So soon?” you repeated. “How long would have this gone before you decided to tell me?”
“I don’t know,” he groaned, pulling his palm down his face. “I jus’…like ya so much, didn’t really think if it ever came to this point. Stupid o’ me, I know. Maybe I shouldn’t o’ bothered tryin’ to get closer to ya n’ save both of us the trouble.”
You stared at him, just listening to his words. Each and every encounter with him spiked up in your mind, a vivid memory that gave you more pleasance than anything else. Sure he seemed weird at first, yet he always portrayed himself as a true and proper gentleman.
His eyes met yours. “Listen…if you don’t want anything else to do with me, I’ll be okay with that. I’ll leave and you’ll forget I ever existed.” He spoke with an even tone, though you could detect something else behind it. Sadness? Regret?
You inhaled deeply and considered his offer. You couldn’t truly forget about him, how would you even erase an actual vampire from your memory and pretend all was normal? It was physically and cognitively impossible. It also meant he was most likely not the only vampire in existence. It would only open you up to a deeper world of curiosity and awareness.
A curiosity that still burned bright through every other emotion you were feeling right now. It mixed with the conflicting feelings for him. You liked him too, still even after tonight. You liked the man he made himself to be. The man who fiercely protected you from assault. The man who wanted to take your relationship slow and not tackle it head-on. The man who offered to pay for your meal and drinks on the first date.
Was he really considered a man at this point?
The same being was in front of you, devoid of human life and had just sucked blood from someone else. Surely your feelings toward him would have changed in that moment, but they hadn’t. The thought of him disappearing seemed less desirable than him sticking around with a heavy-weighted secret now out for you.
“Arthur,” you began slowly. “I…don’t want you to go.”
He stared at you in surprise.
“Maybe I’m stupid too,” you laughed humorlessly, running your fingers through your hair. “I don’t know – but I started to fall for someone – you – because you’re…so different than anyone else I’ve ever dated.”
Arthur shook his head as a rueful smile crossed his face. “I ain’t that special, Y/N.”
You gave him a deadpan stare. “You’re a goddamn vampire, Arthur,” you watched him scoff. “You already have an advantage on all of my exes. Regardless, you’re…kind of like a breath of fresh air. Sounds weird but…” you rolled your shoulders in a shrug. “Just don’t wanna give up, I guess.”
“I will do whatever you’re comfortable with, Y/N,” he said. “If ya really want me to stay, then I’ll stay.”
You really were stupid.
“I do.” You said with a stubborn defiance. “But I want to talk somewhere other than my car. Can we go to my house?”
Arthur shrugged. “I got all night.”
You’d pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex not too long afterward. He kept a small distance as he followed you to your place, and you were very aware of his eyes on you. It felt as if you were being watched by an apex predator just waiting for a moment of weakness. It nearly sent shivers up your spine. Arthur however offered no indication that he would even try anything. You stepped up to your door and was in the process of unlocking it when a thought popped up into your mind. Turning around to face him, you met his gaze.
“Hey, is it true that…you can’t come into households unless invited?” you asked him.
He nodded. “Pretty much, but you invited me in last time I was here.”
“So if I were to kick you out, you wouldn’t be able to come in right?” you continued carefully.
“Yes,” he said hesitantly. “Hope it don’t come to that.”
The better part of your mind continuously rang alarms to distance yourself away from him as much as possible. The fear of the unknown was at the forefront of everything else. Yet that was the point of this, to understand him better. He was respectful enough to give you the option to leave, and you assumed it would remain should you become more uncomfortable.
You were satisfied with his answer and opened the door fully. The room flooded with light as you flipped the switch. Last time he was here, he was helping you recover from that nasty encounter with Tom. That seemed eons ago now.
The two of you sat at your small kitchen table, placed across from one another. Arthur had his hands folded on top, waiting patiently for you to begin. A myriad of questions rose in your head and you weren’t sure where to even start.
“You’re not the Saint Denis killer, right?” was the first thing that came out of your mouth, recalling the news report from earlier that day.
“No, absolutely not.” He denied immediately. “There are other vampires who like to drain humans jus’ for the fun of it. I ain’t into that.”
“Then do you know who they are?”
He shook his head. “Nah. I assure you I ain’t affiliated with them either.”
His answer lightened the apprehension that settled heavy in your stomach. You weren’t exactly sure to believe him, yet you could sense truth in his words. “Would…would you ever drink my blood?” you asked next.
“No, not unless you wanted me to,” He replied. He noted your look of disgusted bewilderment. “When we bite humans, it feels good to ‘em.”
You shook your head at that. You couldn’t imagine any situation where that would feel remotely good. “So you only suck blood from, uh, bad people?”
“I try to.” he mumbled.
“And that man you were…feeding from earlier…he looked high. Was that from the bite or…?”
“Nah, I glamored him.”
You tilted your head. “Glamored?” you repeated. “What’s that?”
“Kinda like hypnotizin’,” Arthur explained as he leaned forward on the table. “All vampires can do it. I usually glamor those I feed on so they don’t remember what happened. It also throws them off their harmful intentions.”
You hadn’t expected an answer like that. Vampire hypnotism? “Have you ever glamored me?” you suddenly asked.
Arthur shifted in his chair, his eyes leaving yours to stare at his hands for a moment. He looked rather hesitant. “Yes,” he finally said. “First night we met. You found me feedin’ on some fool who was about to attack someone. Had to glamor you so you wouldn’t remember it.”
Realization hit you like a brick wall. No wonder your memories were so foggy of that night, and why you had no leftover injuries from supposedly hitting your head. “Jesus,” you murmured, rubbing your forehead. You detested the mere thought of having your memories forcefully stripped and leaving you in a state of confusion. Simultaneously you were relieved to not remember that moment at all. “Don’t do that again, please. That’s too freaky.”
Arthur nodded in understanding.
You began to think again as you mind slowly processed all the new information given. “So why just bad people?” you asked. “Are you some sort of vampire cop?”
Arthur chuckled at your response. “Nah, thought I do somethin’ right in my afterlife after livin’ a life of death n’ bloodshed.”
Death and bloodshed. What kind of life did he even –
You stared at him with scrutiny, observing every inch of his face. You had his face memorized by now of course. You mentally traced your footsteps back to another face. That day in the library surrounded by newspaper clippings of gangs and outlaws. A face that was practically identical that you’d assumed was just a relative. Not a relative, but the same person.
Could this really be the same person? The gang member and outlaw you’ve learned about?
“Wait a minute, are you who I think you are?” you asked.
“Depends on who you think I am.” He answered, though his face held a knowing look as if waiting for you to say it.
“You’re…” you trailed off. You were certain this was him, you had to be. It was too big of a coincidence for him to not be. “You’re Arthur Morgan, the outlaw.”
He nodded as a dry smile crossed his face. “Former outlaw actually. But I am one in the same.”
Your eyes would have popped out of your head from how hard you were gawking at him. Your jaw fell open and no words could form to even express your surprise. You were staring at a piece of history, a man who walked in the times of the Wild West. Just days ago you were reading about him and his gang, and how he seemed to disappear in the folds of time.
But here he was, sitting in your kitchen.
“Holy shit.” You finally uttered, flopping back against your chair. Somehow it was even more shocking news than learning that he was a vampire. “That’s…incredible.”
“Wouldn’t say that,” he chuckled without humor. “My life was the opposite o’ incredible.”
A million different words and questions whirled in your mind, and you however were rendered utterly speechless once again. You couldn’t even begin to think of the next thing to say. Finally your mouth moved, muttering a sentence that seemed to be disconnected from your brain. “I’m dating a century old outlaw.” You lifted your eyes to meet his.
Slight amusement crossed his face. “’Spose you are, Y/N. You seem more surprised by that than me bein’ a vampire.”
“Well I’m a history buff!” you blurted. “I can only learn so much – but you, you’ve lived it!” your voice shook with excitement.
Arthur took a deep breath, his face melting into a solemn expression. “Like I said, ain’t as incredible as ya think. You can read ‘bout it, watch those spaghetti Westerns n’ shows…none of it does justice.” He shook his head.
Before either of you could speak again, a shrill chime of a phone filled the air. Arthur reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He glanced at the screen and grimaced, shoving it back into his jacket. He sighed and looked at you again, an apology clear on his face. “Gotta cut this night short.”
Disappointment radiated through you. Riddled with so many more questions and curiosities, you spoke, “Is it your boss?”
“Unfortunately,” he groaned, pushing back from the table to rise to his feet. “Sorry sweetheart. So much for a night off.”
You frowned slightly, swallowing back a sigh as you stood up as well. It would be selfish to ask him to deny and stay with you longer. Hell, you didn’t even know what kind of job he had. If he worked nights only then it definitely worked in his favor. “Does your boss know you’re a vampire too?” you asked.
“I work for a vampire specific employer,” he spoke, and continued as you opened your mouth. “That’s all I can say.”
You shut your mouth and nodded. You fell in step with him as you exited the kitchen. “I do have other questions.” You remarked, stopping just before the door.
Arthur turned to face you, a small smile appearing on his lips. His hand reached up to hover over your cheek. He was hesitant to touch you after a tumultuous evening. Even you yourself were still unsure on how this will ride out in the end.
However, you did tell him you were willing to try. And try you must. You leaned into his touch, his cool hand felt soothing against your warm face. Relief sparkled in his eyes.
“And I’ll answer ‘em to the best of my ability next time, Y/N. I promise that.” He murmured to you.
“I work tomorrow night.” You said, sliding a subtle hint that you hoped he caught.
He smoothed his thumb across your cheek. “Then maybe I’ll indulge in some alcohol.” He joked softly. He leaned in to press a tender kiss to your lips.
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mysteryofren · 4 years
The First Order Has Gained its 6th Member
chapter 32 of So Happy Together 
31: https://mysteryofren.tumblr.com/post/620289196961218561/the-first-order-is-going-camping
possible tw: kylo flirting with an underage character
 You sat in the small dorm looking at the side that was now empty. You two had finally finished packing her things. Now her side had no sign of her ever being there. The photos, and posters she had were stripped off the wall. The light blue bed set she always had was gone. The top of her desk was void of the little collectables, and momentos she had sitting on it for years. This was it. Your 4 years together were coming to a close. Now someone new would decorate the wall by her bed, and the desk that sat by yours. Any sign that she was there was about to be gone, and someone else was going to take her spot. It felt wrong. Dirty almost. The thought of someone else living there wasn't one you liked very much. At least you only had to deal with them a year. 
 You looked at the small bed, and realized you would never lay in it, and talk like you did throughout the years. There wouldn't be any more nights where both of you felt lonely, and slept in the same bed for comfort. You would consider the lesbian rumor that Rey started 2 years ago being over, but Elaine ended those rumors when her, and Matt got together. You laughed remembering that rumor. Elaine busted into the room that day informing you of your “intimate” relationship with her. She had heard about it from one of her teammates. That was a fun semester. More memories popped into your head. The nights you guys couldn't sleep, and watched movies. The christmas you guys found a small christmas tree at the tree lot, and decided to take it for the dorm. It barely held 3 ornaments without falling.
“Hey you ready?” you heard Elaine's voice pull you out of your trance.
“Oh yeah, lets go.” you, her, and Phasma had rented a truck to move all her things. You weren't by any means old enough to rent one, but you guys had money. Lots of it which made the guy at the rental place excuse that rule for the time being. You filled it with all her things, and had decided to have a mini road trip to get to her house. 
“So Amilyns for food?” Phasma asked as she closed the door to the truck bed, and hopped in the cab.
“Sounds good to me!” Elaine said as she got in the driver's seat. You hopped up into the seat next to Phasma, and put your seat belt on. Elaine started the truck, and you guys officially started the long drive ahead of you. Usually you drove since you were the only one in the group that had a car that didn't need to be shared with a sibling. That by no means meant you were a GOOD driver. That was Elaine, and since you guys were not old enough to even have the car you decided it was best to let Elaine drive since the risk of crashing was way lower than it was with you or Phasma. 
 You all drove for a long time. You all had worked the night before on a playlist for the trip. Phasma started playing it while you looked out the window. It was going to be a while before you got to Amilyns so you pull your phone out to message Rey. 
‘Hey, just checking in. hope you're okay’ was all you sent. Then you opened snapchat to see what had been sent to you while you were packing. One was from Hux. it was Milli, and she was sitting in one of the boxes looking like she was going to pounce out at him. 
‘I don't think she’s quite ready to leave yet.’ is what he had written. He was taking her with him, but sadly he can't have her at the dorms. He was using his savings to rent an off campus apartment for the two of them. You could imagine him alone in a little apartment with nobody but Milli for company. She had so much personality that it would be like having another person around. The next one you opened was from Rey. she sent it last night, but you only just got to see it. You opened it , and it was a picture of her, and Poe dressed up to go out. They stood in front of a hotel mirror holding each other's waist, and making the same face as they posed. 
 You held the phone up by the window, and snapped a photo of you smiling while Elaine was focused on the road, and Phasma looked ahead with her. You sent it back to her before putting your phone away. The drive to Amilyns cafe wasn't one that was too bad. It was a drive you had made tons of times, so it wasn't anything new. However what was new, was the closed sign on the door. You watched as men took stuff out of the building, and moved it onto a big moving truck. You all got out to see what was happening when you saw Amilyn inside. Elaine walked in, and you followed her along with Phasma. Amilyn stood in front of a small tower of boxes.
“Amilyn what's happening?” Phasma asked, walking in behind you.
“Oh, girls, I didn't know you were coming by!” she responded. 
“Are you moving already?”
“Yes I am. I was actually just about to text Y/N to see if you guys would help me set up.”
“When?” Elaine asked.
“Probably sometime next week.”
“I leave on Saturday.” Phasma informed her. Amilyn made a sad face, and Hugged her.
“What about tomorrow? I know we were going to go skating, but we love it here! I'm sure the boys would be down.” Elaine said. You pulled out your phone and sent a text into the group chat.
“We’ll leave you to it, but I can text you to let you know what the boys say, but we for sure are down to help.” she smiled and hugged you.
“You girls are so sweet. It's gonna be weird having just 3 of you around instead of 5.”
“We know, but me and Hux will be back to visit dont worry!” 
“You better,” she picked up one of the boxes in front of her. “I'll see you girls around!”
 She walked outside to load it onto one of the trucks outside. You all walked out, and waved at her while getting into the truck. You all decided to find somewhere else to eat since Amilyn was moving. You found a little restaurant in the city to eat at. It wasn't much, just another little coffee shop, but it was food, something you desperately wanted. You all walked inside, and got in line to order. Once you placed your order you offered to stay by the counter to grab it once it was ready. 
 The smell of coffee filled your nostrils as you stood there. It was a strong satisfying smell. You weren't too big on coffee, but the smell always made your mouth water. Your order came, and you tried to grab it all, but sadly couldn't fit it all in your hands.
“Lemme help.” you heard someone say.
“Oh thank you.” you looked up to see the eldest Solo child.
“Oh hey Kylo.”
“Hi. its Y/N right?”
“Sure is!” he grabbed some of the items that were still on the counter, and helped you bring it to the table.
“Look who I found.” you said to the girls as you put some of the food down.
“Hey Ky, haven't seen you in a few days.” Elaine said as she took her coffee, and sandwich.
“Uh yeah. You don't come to the house a lot.” He asked. Phasma took the coffee he was holding as she answered him. 
“We tend to hang out at Obi-Wan's house a lot.”
“Oh you mean Old Ben.” 
“Old who?” Phasma responded.
“Oh turns out my grandmother used to call pop pop Ben, and his brothers named after him.” you informed the girls.
“My parents and I call him Old Ben. I find it a bit funny both my brothers didn't meet him until recently.”
“Hey how did you meet them, but they never did?” you asked him as you sat down. He stayed standing and looked down at all of you.
“They never behaved for parties so the old man and my mother never took them to any. I was good enough that I could be there for a few hours before getting restless.”
“I never saw you at any of them.” You took the other things from his hands, and pulled out a chair for him.
“Because by the time your parents could bring you I already told mine I didn't want to go anymore.” he looked at the chair, and you patted the seat. He sighed before sitting down.
“So tell us about you Kylo. I wanna know more about my future Brother in law.” Elaine said as a joke. 
“Did you do this to Ben too?” he asked. 
“We know enough about Ben.” she sipped her coffee.
“Yeah like how much of a dick he is.” 
“Phasma!” you scolded her.
“Im right.” she said.
“No she is right. My brother is not the best person.” he sighed before continuing. “About me. Uhhh. I study journalism and English. I'm 23. Like my Brothers I like calligraphy. I ride a motorcycle.” 
 You all stared at him waiting to see if he would say anything else. He stared back, obviously very uncomfortable. Part of you wanted to ask what the wink was about back at the party, but you figured it would probably be best to let it go. You and the girls tried to get him to go on, but according to him there wasn't much he did, or found interesting. He did tell you he studied at a college in Chandrila since that's where he was born. That was it though. You figured he's probably one of those people you have to slowly get to know. You guys decided to talk about something else, and talked about helping Amilyn tomorrow. Every now and then he jumped into the conversation. Which showed he was comfortable enough to talk whenever. He even offered to help out which was nice.
You exchanged numbers with Kylo before he left to go on about his day. You guys only stayed a few minutes behind him before leaving for Elaines. Getting into the truck you thought about Rey again. You knew she wouldn't show it, but you can't imagine how much pain she's in. Actually you could. You knew exactly what she was going through and it sucks because you still haven't entirely recovered. Ben Solo had quite the habit of making girls love him before he leaves them. You wish you could tell her about your experience with it. Sadly you know Rey well now, and you know she's still an angry person. You tried thinking of ways to comfort instead of anger her. It was hard though. She was so far away. 
  You finally tune in to what Elaine and Phasma are talking about. 
“So that was fun talking to Matt's brother, wasn't it?” Phasma asked you both.
“I don't know man, Kylo is a little weird.” you said.
“I feel like you like it though.” Elaine teased.
“Oh my stars shut up! I do not! I mean he's nice I just think he's a bit off.”
 You all laughed, and kept joking around. You all agreed even though he was a bit weird he was fun to talk to. You could tell he's very awkward at first, but definitely needs to warm up to you guys. Kylo seemed nice though. He was definitely someone you would want to keep around. Out of the Solo boys, he actually seemed to be the shyest. You never thought you would meet a Solo more shy than Matt, but Kylo was it. Han was right; he acted like him. He listened only offering words to the conversation occasionally, and giving just a grunt or sound otherwise. He seemed sweet though. You never even expected to meet Kylo, somehow he seemed like a myth. You had heard about him so much from Matt, and a few times from Ben, but you never saw him. Leia and Han didn't even have pictures in the house of him. Why that was, is something you should definitely ask Matt. 
 “He's definitely a little off. He seems like he would fit well into the first order though.”
“Elaine, are you saying you want to offer him an exclusive spot into the first order?” Phasma asked.
“Maybe. I'm just saying he seems like he would fit in.” Elaine kept her eyes on the road as she and Phasma continued talking. 
 You don't see Kylo wanting a spot in the first order, but if anything it wouldn't hurt to try. You pull out your phone, and look for his name in your phone. Once you found it you sent him a text.
‘Hey, i dont know if youre interested or not, but do you want me to put you in our group chat???’ 
 You hit send, and waited for a response. Not even a minute later your phone buzzed letting you know he had responded.
‘Sure. That way I can keep up with you guys. Thank you.’ 
Damn. That was fast. You go to the group chat settings, and add him to the first order. 
“I invited him. He accepted.”
“So it's official! The first order has gained its 6th member!” Phasma said while clapping her hands together. You and Elaine laughed at her, and you went back to your phone to let him know how happy he had just made them.
‘Ok, I added you. The girls are happy you accepted our invite, they liked you.”
Again. He replied almost immediately.
‘That's good, but I'm more curious as to how you feel about me.’
‘Why would you be more curious about that?’ 
‘Ben talks. Matt talks. Matt talks about you like you're a saint. Ben talks about you like you're a goddess. He wasn't lying when he said you were attractive. I find myself quite infatuated with you as well.’
‘Is that what that wink at the party was about?’
‘Yes. Mostly. It was also to piss Ben off. I always get what I want. Just keep that in mind.’
 Ok what the hell? Now you had to deal with 2 Solo boys up your ass? You wouldn't be lying if you said Kylo wasn't hot, but he is 23, what the hell is he doing flirting with a 17 year old. You do the only thing you can think of and screenshot the conversation. You exit the chat, and look for a name you haven't messaged in a while. Once you find it you send the screenshot, and lock your phone. It took a while for him to respond. But he did respond
‘When did this happen??’ 
‘Like an hour ago. It's creepy.’ 
‘He's probably just doing this to piss me off. Just promise you won't do anything. For me?’
‘Ben i don't want you either. just get him off my ass.’ 
‘You're a bad liar, Kenobi ;)’ 
 You smiled to yourself knowing he was right you did want him. You just couldn't have him. Maybe that would change.
tags: @wumboho @pylopenpolo @duty-isnt-always-honour
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chwesolai · 4 years
change up. | lee chan
inspired by change up by seventeen and grease, yes, the movie (you’ll understand why in a second don’t you worry)
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university au!
nerd!chan x class clown!y/n
chan spent his times in his books, in his studies, in ‘always looking in the future’. he never took a break. but towards the end of his senior year of high school, his parents wanted to reward his hard work and studious efforts. it was post-finals, he finished, he got into the university he dreamed of. 
he was free, finally.
so the trip began, his family packed their bags and the road trip to Daecheon Beach from Iksan. chan and his younger brother remained silent most of the ride, chan's brother playing on his phone, occasionally showing chan the new character he unlocked.
"you're going to fry your brain because of those games," chan scoffs, lifting his head up from reading.
"you're going to become evil because of all those scary books you read."
"then, let me."
the two brothers laugh and slowly immerse themselves into their activities and as the sun sets, the two fall into a deep sleep.
four more hours later and the sun began to warm chan's face, they have arrived.
y/n's parents allowed her to pick this year's summer family vacation, her older sister picked last year and her older brother did the year before. they've been to the us, europe, japan but she just wanted to stay home. but her family just didn't allow that so she picked the beach. 
"THE BEACH? Y/N ARE YOU KIDDING?" her sister wasn't here for that, but her brother backed her up, "hey less money spending for us then. we wouldn't need to exchange money, buy flight tickets, bla bla blah."
"exactly." y/n proud of her decision.
"alright, i guess we could go visit my hometown's beach then," y/n's dad shrugs looking at her mother, who was nodding in agreement, "ok, saving money this trip, I like it. we could stay at mom's house then," it was set.
y/n packing her bags, excited to just bathe in the sun, swim, eat her grandmother's food again, this was her trip.
the car ride was absolutely chaotic.
y/n gained the entire back seat to herself with her two older siblings stuck ripping each others' heads off in the middle seats.
"ok bet," her brother held out his hand as his little sister handed him a strawberry pocky packet and her older sister then received her chocolate pocky.
"thank you," y/n bathes in the silence as she goes back to her drama.
the two met at y/n's grandmother's restaurant. y/n was peeling oranges as chan's family walks in, if you're offered to earn some money on vacation, you take it, y/n dropped the peeler, telling her grandma she can take this table.
chan pushed up his glasses as he looks up at the possibly cutest girl he's ever laid eyes on. she was definitely she was shorter than him, her hair held back in two braids, she kept her pen behind her ear and she looked just like how chan envisions the female characters in the classic novels he reads.
"hi welcome to kitchen by paradise, i'm y/n and i will be your server today and if you have any questions about any items on the menu, i'll be more than happy to recommend you anything! now, could i get you all anything to drink?"
chan's mom ordered water, his dad got a cola, his brother banana milk and chan didn't have a clue.
"and for you?" y/n says as she turns her attention towards chan.
"u-um. um. do-do-o you guys have any specialty drinks?"
"oh yeah! we grow our own oranges so we have a whole specialty of drinks. we have an orange-hibiscus iced tea, an orangeade, an orange-pineapple refresher and an orange mint sunrise."
"could i get the orange-pineapple one? please?"
"of course, that's my personal favorite," y/n smiles and chan could've sworn his heart melted, "i will get those ready for you guys and again, if you guys have any questions, call out for y/n!"
"thank you!" chan's parents chimed in as y/n walks away.
"channie has a crush channie has a crush." 
"i will drown you." chan glares at his little brother as his cheeks began to flush.
chan never knew he could fall so easily, i guess this is what happens when you're not focused on studying instead of girls, but this charismatic waitress got his attention.
chan watched y/n peel oranges and make the drink he had ordered, almost feeling bad because the drink looked so tedious to make. he saw the tray of drinks coming their way as she finishes pouring the yellow-orangey iced drink.
"here we go!" she places the drinks at the table, handing each drink to its rightful owner, "so are we ready to order?"
y/n took everyone's orders and y/n couldn't help but giggle at this nerdy guy stuttering ordering his seafood bibibimbap.
he's cute i can't deny it.
"alright let me repeat your guys' order and i'll send this to the kitchen!"
chan's family finished their meals and had left while y/n was on her break, disappointing chan, so he jumped to this opportunity. his 18 y/o heart couldn't believe himself that he left his number for this cute waitress he just met, i mean she probably is a local here and i'm here for the next two weeks.
y/n couldn't believe either. she smiled that that dorky kid thought she was cute, so she saved his number, texting him around sunset.
to orange boy: hey! this is y/n!
to server girl: hi! i'm chan i can't believe you actually saved my number ha
to orange boy: i just had to thank the guy who called me cute and also thinks my favorite drink is good because its our least popular haha
to server girl: thats surprising its rly good omg
to orange boy: so are you free tomorrow?
to server girl: i think my family is just hanging out tmr why?
to orange boy: my grandma is sending me to the market tomorrow to pick up some ingredients and i know you're here for vacation and i know im just a stranger but idk want to explore the coast tmr?
chan couldn't believe it, in his 18 years of his life, he is being asked to go out. with a girl. and she isn't trying to steal his study book.
y/n couldn't believe herself, she just asked a stranger to go out with her.
to server girl: i'm down wanna pick me up?
to orange boy: tmr 12pm i'll bring us lunch 
to server girl: sounds like a plan, so whats your favorite color?
the two spent all night getting to know each other, learning they're the same age, chan was older by a month and a half, y/n's favorite color is every color and said some picasso joke making chan laugh in his hotel room. they both felt like they've known each other for years.
the next day came and y/n packed her backpack and her scooter for the day, writing down the list her grandmother has told her the night before and then sending a text to chan for his address.
"I'M TAKING THE SCOOTER!" y/n yells as she runs down the stairs, "TEXT ME IF YOU NEED ME!"
her family all replying as they hear her leave.
as she makes it to the garage, she ensures she brings the second helmet.
this is a vacation. the wind blowing in her hair as she follows the directions to chan's hotel. her dark blue scooter shimmering in the sunlight and she arrives in front of chan's hotel, rich kid huh?
to orange boy: outside by the lobby!!
chan was already in the lobby for the past ten minutes, didn't want to look like a complete weirdo and come out right when she texted so he waited for a good minutes before walking out. he was wanted to be casual, didn't want to screw anything up with her.
"hey! chan over here!" he walked out seeing the pretty girl from the restaurant on a blue electric scooter? taking off her helmet waving her hand around. he smiled and waved back as he walked towards her.
"this is tomi, my trusty stead," she smiles proudly at her scooter making chan stifle a laugh, leading y/n to laugh at his poor hiding of a laugh, "this is yours, hop on!"
"did not expect this to be the start of my day," he laughs as he puts on the helmet, he gets on the back of the scooter and before y/n turns on the scooter, she grabs chan's arms and to his surprise, wraps them around her stomach, "we're going fast so i don't want you falling off," she turns and smiles at him. what am i feeling right now? butterflies swarm around the two teenagers' stomachs, falling in love before they've even gone out.
"oh o-ok."
and they were off. 
y/n parked the scooter in her usual spot, the noise of the market sang to her and before getting off, she introduces the market, "welcome to daecheon market where old men try to peddle tourists and where local teenagers find the best clothes AND one stand has the BEST fruit produce." 
"y/n i think i should just call you fruit girl because you seem very enthusiastic about them," chan smirks
"i dare you to, orange boy."
"alright fruit girl."
the two laugh as they barely even notice chan's arms are still around y/n, y/n begins to take off her helmet right before she bumps chan in the face with her helmet.
"OH MY GOD! i am so sorry chan oh my god im sorry oh my god i-"
"y/n its ok really," chan laughs at her worried look, "i'm all good no bleeding see?"
"alright im still super sorry i kind of forgot i had a passanger with me," she nervously laughs, im such an idiot what is wrong w me wtf y/n
chan hops off and helps y/n down, "thank you, sir," y/n bows.
"you are very welcome madam," chan bows back, leading them both to laugh once more because of their dorkiness.
"here hold this," y/n opens the scooter compartment and hands chan a camera, "thats my prized possession, keep it safe." she pretends to glare at him but ending up laughing anyways, "you're on picture duty and i am on food duty," y/n pulls out a picnic basket and a large water bottle, "before we explore lets eat!"
y/n leads chan down to a secluded area next to the market, "my siblings and i love coming down here and eating lunch and playing ball. its our secret hideout, and you are a new member of paradise cove, mr chan."
"i'm honored," chan couldn't believe how comfortable he felt around her, a stranger that he had a very long text conversation last night about their favorite colors and whether or not aliens exist. y/n couldn't believe either. why did she feel so bubbly around a kid she met on the job at her grandmother's restaurant?
chan helped her put out a small picnic blanket from the basket and y/n began to pull out the food, “so i remembered your order from the other day and grandma pulled through and made some more this morning and a special touch, an orange-pineapple refresher. dig in!”
their picnic was nothing but boring, time passed so quickly while they talked more about the city and high school and where they want to go for univerity, and what they want to be. a convesation nether of the two have had with another human being. they both took some pictures while they were at it, y/n always doing some silly pose when chan had the camera and chan always looking away from the camera. they were comfortable with one another. 
“so, let’s explore the market shall we?” chan standing up, offering his hand to her, she was hesistant at first, “come on y/n i don’t bite,” he laughs, looking away. feeling odd with  his hand out for so long, he looks back at her smiling this time, “i’m feeling a cramp coming on”
standing up, she grabs his hand and pulls him close to her, both of their faces flushed now. y/n had NO idea what she was doing, “can i?” she looked at his lips and then back up at his eyes, prepare for any reaction
“yes,” once y/n heard his answer, his hand caressed the side of y/n’s face and pressed their lips together, almost melting into the kiss. y/n felt her cheeks burn up, the kiss lasted a few seconds but felt like an eternity. pulling away, the two laughed with their eyes closed and foreheads pressed against each other, “so the market?” y/n slowly opened her eyes, seeing the flustered boy in front of her interlocking their hands together.
“i thought you were the romantic,” he smiles back.
two spent nearly everyday together. y/n told chan she didn’t live in daecheong, they both knew they were both on vacation and the day one of them was leaving was soon appoarching them. “what will you do without me?” “cry.” “shut up chan” “you asked i answered~!”
chan didn’t want to believe but neither did y/n. their two weeks was up, y/n helped chan pack. “are you really going to cry?” “y/n you’re my first kiss, my first love, my first crush, the first girl that actually has gotten my attention so what do you think?” “now, you’re going to make me cry.” she pouts “y/n you have my number, i have my license, you have a kickass scooter. we have ways to still see each other even if that means our universities are miles apart, we can do this.”
to orange boy: i miss you
they couldn’t do it. the long distance lasted about a month and then school started.
to server girl: i’m sorry
chan was at yonsei university and back to his old ways. head in the books, no partying no social interaction just studying. this physical therapy major wasn’t moving an inch.
now, what chan didn’t know was y/n was ALSO at yonsei. this visual arts major was the biggest party animal on campus. she ruled frat parties and she was a good students. her professors loved her and her charm.
- ten months later -
“CHAN! you have to come dude!” chan’s roommate, xuxi, begs him. xuxi was the polar opposite of chan, same age same major COMPLETELY different social class.
“no ‘xi for the last time, i’m not a party guy.”
“chan please dude, its a costume party, nobody will know its you.” chan began to consider it, when was the last time i had fun?
“what are you dressing up as?”  “i’m going to be capt. american because im going as the avengers with mark and the other guys. if you don’t want to be recognized then wear a mask, be a masquarade ball dude? idk wear a suit and a mask, be that DUDE”
“i’m in.” here we go lee chan
to server girl: finally going out with the boys for the first time hope you’re well i miss you
y/n read the text almost immediately, “i wonder where he’s going?”
“who?” y/n’s roommate jungeun asled as she’s doing her makeup.
“some summer fling, he just texted me after like three months.”
“he’s more than a summer fling hon if you saw his text so fast.”
“shut up”
“kiss me,” jungeun stuck her tongue out at her, “so what are you dressing up as y/n?”
“poision ivy, mark said they’re going to be the avengers and so i’m showing him up and being dc’s sexiest villian.”
“you’re such a heartbreaker miss y/n let the boy breathe, he may have cheated but-”
“but nothing! he treated me like a one night stand and i wanted more! im going all out!”
chan looked at himself one more time in the mirror and xuxi walked behind him in his captain america outfit, “my son you look so fucking good,” pretending to tear up
“shut up,” chan rolled my eyes, sitting back down on his bunk, “should i still go?”
“YES! you look good dude! can’t even recognize you, you look so different and the contacts? you’re really hiding your identity with this one channie.”
“this is the only night we get to be other people so,” he puts on his lacey masquarade mask he bought from target, ‘let’s go.”
xuxi wraps his arm around him, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
jungeun and y/n nearly in shock of how well this costume curves around her body.
“green is your color girl,” jungeun sighs, “you knock them dead baby.”
“you look amazing yourself j OMG ms daphne over here.”
“I’m finding my fred tonight ok?” she smiles as she ties her scarf around her neck.
y/n places her red mask on, “i’m heading out!”
“HANG ON!” y/n was practically out the door before jungeon runs out, “ok ready.”
“let’s go fuck shit up.”
the party was everything chan was not used to, drinking, loud music, people EVERYWHERE, you could say he was slightly overwhelmed. 
you could say he also wasn't used to the attention around him, girls coming up to ask if they wanna hook up or take a shot with him which he declined all of them until she walked in.
ms poison ivy walked in.
it was about 30 minutes after the party started and y/n walked in like she owned the place, jungeon next to her, y/n walked in red heels and green latex in its full glory.
"i'll go get us drinks!" jungeon pracatically screams in y/n's ear.
"OK!" now alone, chan saw this as an opportunity, still not knowing who that was or even who he was in this moment he walked up to her.
"hi!" y/n was drawn back but the handsome stranger in front of her
the music got increasingly louder as this conversation went on so chan yelled back, "NOT EXACTLY, IM A MASQUERADE BALL HOST"
y/n felt eyes beaming her up and down and she saw him, mark, and before he could come any closer, y/n kissed this handsome stranger in front of him.
chan had no idea what was going on but he really didn't care anymore, this kiss began to be a full makeout session in the middle of the dance floor.
 both of them walk out of the loud frat house, "so who do i owe this honor to mr masquerade man?"
"chan, i'm chan. how about you?"
"i'm sorry did you say c-chan?"
y/n hasn't heard that name in what feels like ages until today.
"yes? is something wrong?"
was it really him?
"no its just i knew someone named chan awhile back, ha." she sadly smiled.
it can't be him chan was never this bold.
"ah i see, how about you ms poison ivy?"
"y/n huh?"
"yes, what about it?
"do you still have that blue scooter?" chan takes off his mask and turns to face the girl he's been wondering about for so long.
"long time no see huh?"
"i-i-i didn't even recognize you? where're your glasses? did you get your braces off too? your hair's lighter, you look really good, chan," she sighs in disbelief.
"college does stuff to you i guess," he nervously rubs the nape of his neck, "and you? wow. i didn't think someone could look so gorgeous in latex." he smiles all goofy.
pulling herself into his chest, "i've missed you, im sorry for being an asshole, im sorry for saying those things i shouldve held on im sorry im-"
"nothing is your fault y/n, look at me," he pulls her out of his chest, "i'm here now! we just needed time i guess," he lets out a small laugh.
"now you're the jokester mr lee."
"lets restart. hi im chan."
"hi im y/n," she smiles and takes his hand in hers, "lets never leave again."
"yes ms poison ivy."
“never call me that again.”
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I love having characters discuss media they like / characterization-through-fandom so maybe have A Boy of choice discuss their favorite movie and everyone else reacts?
Okay so this isn’t very good, but I guess I like how I wrote Eduardo. Basically teenage Eduardo, Jon and Mark lowkey larp as their old west ancestors, Eduardo Juan and Marco, while waiting at a park for Edd Tom and Matt to come larping as their respective ancestors, Edward Thompson and Matthew.
Critique is welcomed but idk why you’d wanna do that with this piece lmao.
Word count: roughly 1,400. 
“Barbie and the Diamond Castle,” Juan said, biting into his very authentically old west McDonald’s Mcdouble. 
Eduardo’s laughs quickly turned to wheezing coughs. “God, Jon, what’re you, my niece?” 
“Who?” Juan looked at him expectedly.
“Fine, Juan.” Eduardo said, “why’d you choose the most feminine movie out there? Not enough reasons to not have sex with you yet?”
“I just really like it, okay?” Juan said, “the animation’s really cute, the songs are nice, and I watched it at least once a month until I was seven.” 
“Jesus you’re gayer than me.” Marco said.
“Haha, I think my parents are still waiting for me to come out,” Juan laughed.
“What’s your favorite scene from the movie?”
“I’m sorry are we seriously talking about fucking Barbie movies now?” Eduardo said, “this is supposed to be a stake out.”
“We had to listen to you play Mindless Self Indulgence the entire car ride here, so shut your mouth.” 
“What are you talking about? I had my earbuds in.”
“You were blasting it.”
“Oh, that’s why your mother kept looking at me weird through the front view mirror.” Eduardo said, “that sucks.”
“It’s okay, I think she’s come to terms with the fact that I’m friends with exclusively delinquents.”
“Just kidding, just kidding.”
“That’s mean, Mark. O. M-Marco.”
“Hypocrite.” Eduardo said.
“Anyways,” Marco rolled his eyes, “what about Barbie and her castle and your obsession with them both?”
“I don’t like it anymore! Just when I was a kid,” Juan said. “And it wasn’t her castle, they were actually really poor, they just had to travel to the castle to save a girl trapped in a mirror and the concept of music.” 
“...Huh?” Eduardo said.
“I don’t remember the plot very well, but I think that’s about it.”
“Huh. Sounds like something my niece would actually like.” Eduardo said, “they wear dresses in those movies, right?”
“Yeah of course, it’s Disney.”
“Can you text me a picture of the main girl? I’ll draw her in the dress and give it to her on her birthday.” 
“Aw, how sweet! Sure.” Juan, the infamous old west bandit, got out his phone and texted Eduardo the main girls.
“When are Edd, Tom and Matt supposed to come, anyways?” Marco asked, “my mom’s picking us up in a couple of hours.”
“Shut up Mark, they’ll be here,” Eduardo said, looking out across the grass and duck pond. 
“How do you know?” Juan asked, collecting the group's trash to throw away. “You said Edd has bad handwriting, maybe you read it wrong.”
“I didn’t read it wrong! Trust me, they’ll be here. They’re fuckin’ nerds and their ancestors were these cool action hero guys, of course they’ll wanna larp as them!”
“I thought you said they weren’t cool at all?” Juan asked, “and that their ancestors were gay or something?” 
“Of course they’re not actually cool!” Eduardo said, “but they sure thought they were, so I’m just explaining their train of thought.”
“Couldn’t we just larp as our ancestors?” Juan asked, “it would be fun, and a lot less stressful.”
“I thought that’s what we were doing?” Marco asked, tugging at his cheap brown bandanna Juan had found at Walmart the day before.
“I mean, I guess, but it’s not really authentic if we keep talking about Barbie and cars.”
“Then stop talking about fucking Barbie, problem solved,” Eduardo said. “Now make use of that second pair of binoculars, I think I see their car.” 
“...I wonder if Marco was gay.” Marco said, watching the ducks sleep.
“What d'ya mean?” Eduardo asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. Obviously I know there were quite a few gay people in the old west, it’s just funny to think about. How different of a life he would’ve led.”
“I found a photo of him kissing a guy on google.” Juan said, getting out his phone to find it again.
“Really?” Eduardo turned to face him, the car having driven past the parking lot. “How?”
“I remember hearing Edd talk about how that detective’s diary was really gay and thought about if that made Marco’s ancestor gay, to.” 
“Well not everyone in my ancestral line was gay, you know.”
“Yeah but the detective looked a lot like Edd, and Marco looked a lot like you, so I figured it only made sense to check. Here.” Juan handed Marco his phone. “It doesn’t say who the guy is.”
“Wait, so are you saying you think Edd’s gay?” Eduardo lit up and put his fingers together like a pyramid, “oh that’s interesting.” 
“What, are you planning on outing him to the school or something?” Marco asked. 
“No, of course not!” Eduardo said, “I just think it’d be something to bring up.”
“What does that even mean?” 
“Come on, he’s bullied you for being gay before!”
“That was a year ago, and that doesn’t mean he deserves the same treatment!”
“-Mark,” he glared at Juan, “just drop it, okay? If they don’t show up we won’t be able to catch them being idiots, so we’ll have to find some other way to do it!”
“Why do we need to? Have you ever considered that maybe if you stopped picking fights with them they’d leave us alone?” 
“Me?! They’re the ones that pick fights with us!” Eduardo slammed his fist down on the table, making the old wood wobble, “don’t you remember when we were in English and they told the teachers we were the ones that started that knife fight, when really it was them? Or when they were throwing knives at each other, and then stashed them in my locker when they heard a teacher coming? Or when that girl got stabbed-”
“Look, I get it, they suck, but at some point we become just as bad as them.” Marco reasoned. 
An alarm went off in Marco’s pocket.
“Hey, it’s almost 7. We should be packing up.” 
Eduardo sighed, “...fine.”
Juan threw away their trash as they were walking back to the parking lot. Marco took his bandanna off and stuffed it in his pocket.
“Are you able to eat dinner at my place?” Mark asked.
“You sure your parents would want me over again?”
“What are you talking about? Of course. Why not?”
“I don’t know, I just got the impression I annoyed them last time.”
“You didn’t. So, can you come?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t think to ask my parents.”
“Do you want to?”
“Yeah sure.” Eduardo got out his phone and texted his mom. 
“I won’t be able to come, my grandma’s over and dad’s making stew.” Juan said.
“Oh, nice.”
“Yeah, it is.”
The ducks walked out of their way as they passed.
 {i really am just writing the most boring shit rn, huh? I mean i guess its realistic.}
 “Okay I can go, she said to be home by 10.” Eduardo put his phone away.
“Your dad isn’t gonna gril me about colleges again, is he?”
“Hey, if I have to deal with it then so do you.” Mark smirked. 
“It’s just annoying to hear him talk about all these engineering colleges.” He rolled his eyes, “as if I want to drive myself insane with those classes.”
“He’s only doing it because he wants you to have a nice job.”
“...I can have a nice job as a painter too.” Eduardo said, but the bite was gone.
 {my moms getting mcdonalds i cant wait im so hungry its literally 10pm} {its 1230 now and btw i loved it}
 “It’s your choice.”
“Have you decided what college you want to attend yet, Marco-Mark?” Jon asked.
Eduardo chuckled.
“I’m not sure yet. I might become an english teacher, or a librarian.”
“Huh. Nice.” Jon said. “I kinda wanna be a photographer, but I know there isn’t a lot of 
{and then I gave up}
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dbssh · 4 years
🌼pick a random oc surprise me
Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their Love Interest. 
😳😳😳😳 ok i havent written in. a while tm and im very much not happy with this but! ive been obsessively working on it for the past two days so i think its time to just Stop and hit post.
Aja had been hiding out in the woods. It was isolated enough to be safe, but still within walking distance of the nearest town. She’d made it her home for the past few weeks, taking a break from travelling for the moment. Winter was coming soon. There wasn’t any snow on the ground, yet, but there was less and less readily-available food. That wasn’t usually a problem for her, but recently it was. There was a stray dog, a big black mutt with short hair and a long face, that had been sticking around her camp since she’d come here. It was a sad, skinny thing, and she always made sure it had something to eat. But today had been particularly cold, a bitter wind and dark clouds on the horizon, and by the time the sun went down, she had nothing. 
The dog nuzzled into her hip as she stood at the edge of the treeline, looking out at the small town not too far away. She took a deep breath, slung her bag over her shoulder, and started walking. The dog followed. 
She slowed down as they neared a fence, the backside of a house. All the lights were out, as they should be at this hour. She stepped around to the other side of the house and found her prize, two metal garbage cans. She made a shushing motion at the dog, before she quietly removed the lid and started digging.
It didn’t take long to find enough scraps of meat and discarded food for the dog to be satisfied, which she was grateful for. She didn’t want to dig around in garbage any more than she had to, especially when she had no idea when she’d be able to clean herself properly. She sat with the dog while it chewed on the bone from a ham, stroking its matted fur. For a moment it was almost peaceful.
The peace was short-lived, interrupted by a loud clanging as something else disturbed the trash cans, something far less concerned with stealth than Aja had been. She stood and stepped over, looking into the can. It was a raccoon, filthy and hardly more than skin-and-bones.
“Get out of here,” she whispered at it, shooing it away. She felt awful for the poor thing, but with the noise it was making, it was putting them both in danger. “Get your own, we’ve already got this one.” It didn’t seem to understand her, and all it did was dig further into the garbage, making an awful noise as it’s paws clanged against the metal. She was panicking, knowing the noise would wake someone up soon if it hadn’t already, and she grabbed at the raccoon, trying to pull it out as it hissed and screamed, scratching at her hands, the dog barking at it as it did. 
The door to the house slammed open, and an older man walked out, holding a shotgun and murmuring about the god-damned vermin. He stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw her, and she froze as she saw him, dropping the raccoon to the ground. 
“What the hell?” he said. Aja took a moment to consider her options, looking from the old man to the gun in his hands, to the street behind him. While he was still sitting there, dumb-struck, trying to figure out what exactly he was looking at, Aja took a deep breath, and broke into a sprint, pushing past him and into the street. She didn’t know where she was running or where she intended to go, but she couldn’t stay here. 
The old man swore as she bolted, running into the street and firing a few shots. Lucky for her the old man was a lousy shot, and in the dark of the night he missed. The noise roused the other houses on the street, lights clicking on in the windows as people woke. 
She didn’t know what to do. She kept running. 
Parked in an alleyway was a mint-blue pickup truck, with more than a few dents and scratches along the sides and a crack in the windshield. Sleeping in the driver's seat was Hutch. Or at least, they were sleeping, until gunshots rang out through the night and they jumped awake, scrambling to shove their keys into the ignition. They had no fucking clue what was happening, and they weren’t going to stick around to find out. 
As the headlights blinked to life, they caught a figure. She froze in the bright white light, staring directly at them like a deer crossing the road. She was panicked, and tall, really fucking tall, with wild dark hair and all-black clothes complete with a cape that draped over her shoulders. She looked terrified. 
Within a moment she’d snapped out of it and kept running. Hutch leaned out the window and called out after her, trying to get her to wait, but she didn’t stop. Fuck. 
They started the engine and pulled the stupid truck out of the alley as fast as it would go. 
If Aja had panicked when the headlights had turned on, she was fucking terrified when the truck actually started following her. She had no idea what was about to happen, but even she couldn’t outrun a car. So when it pulled in front of her and stopped abruptly, she stopped too, ready to face whatever was about to happen. 
She was speechless when the passenger door popped open, and the driver looked up at her, smiled, and said:
“Need a ride?”
“I heard the shots. If they have anything to do with you, you probably wanna get the hell out of this place before they start forming a good-ol’ fashioned angry mob,” they paused, still with a cocky grin on their face. “I have a car, if you haven’t noticed, but we gotta get moving. Do you want in or not?”
She paused, deliberating. She could keep going, alone. She’d survive, and she’d find her own way out, and it would be fine. She didn’t need this person. On the other hand… she hadn’t had a real conversation in years. And here someone was, talking to her like a peer, not even flinching as they looked at her. 
Noise of shouting townsfolk echoed down the street. 
“Last chance,” they said, starting to look worried. “If you aren’t getting out of here, I am.”
She took a deep breath, and got in the car. 
They drove until morning, mostly silent. There had been some one-sided conversation at first, Hutch asking questions and Aja giving one-word answers, but they’d stopped trying at some point. The radio droned quietly, some country song on the radio, Hutch tapping their fingers on the wheel and muttering the words. 
In the morning sun, she was able to get a better look at them. They were short, with tanned brown skin and a number of scars across their face and arms. Their hair was blond, pink at the tips, looking as though it had just begun to grow out of a neat cut. Their face seemed to be in an almost-permanent grin, their silver eyes twinkling with a mischievous energy. 
And looking closer at them, it became obvious that they weren’t human, at least not entirely. Their ears were pointed and animal-like, flicking about like a cat. Their fingertips had short black claws, and tucked around their waist was a thin, wiry tail that looked almost like that of a mouse or a lion, with a tuft of fur the same pink-golden colour as their hair at it’s tip.
She must have looked for just a moment too long, because they turned to look at her with another stupid grin, and they winked. 
Her face felt hot as she quickly turned away, staring at the window as they laughed. 
“I’m just messin’ with you, you’re fine,” they said.
“Why did you help me?” she asked, changing the topic. 
“I dunno,” they shrugged. “You just looked like you needed help, is all. Anyone would’ve done it.” Their voice was thick with a southern accent. 
“Nobody else did. Nobody else has ever done what you did.” She paused. “Not for me, anyways.”
“Anyone decent, I should say,” they laughed. “Those people? Not decent. Towns like that never are. Don’t really know how to treat anyone different.” 
“I suppose so. Still. Thank you.” 
“Yeah, ‘course.” 
“If there’s ever anything I can do to repay you…” she trailed off, not really sure how to finish that. They looked her over for a minute, their silver eyes shining. 
“Y’know what? There is something.”
“Oh?” She wasn’t certain, but she didn’t think people usually actually took someone up on an offer like that. 
“Sure!” they laughed. “Just stay with me a little while. It gets lonely out here all by myself. Whenever you’re ready to leave, you can go, I ain’t gonna stop you. Just thought it might be nice for both of us to have some good company for a change.” That… didn’t sound too bad. She wasn’t really sure why, but she trusted them. Besides, even if they did try something, she was fairly sure she could take care of it. And they were right, after all. She was lonely. Incredibly, painfully lonely, in a way she had to force herself not to think about. 
“Okay,” she said, after a pause.
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rocketmanmadden · 5 years
Water Park
Requested by @primaba11erina
Taron Egerton Imagine where he and the reader spend the day at a water park with his mom and sisters? Do whatever with the rest. Make it super fluffy and cute
So here’s my first fic I’m posting on here!
A/N- 1, I literally suck at titles I’m sorry. 2, I have to confess I’ve never actually been to a water park of down a water slide so this request was a little challenging to write. I know a water slide is pretty self explanatory but I kinda had to just use imagination so I hope it’s not to bad!
“How much longer until we’re there!” Taron whines out as you and his family are driving to a water park, which happens to be one of his favorite places
“Taron David Egerton if you ask one more time how much longer until we are there you aren’t coming next time”, his mother laughs, and let’s face it, so do you.
“But Mari got to ask!”
“Mari asked once Taron, you asked four times.”, His mother replies.
“Not to mention Mari’s also a child T”, you chime in
“I’m sorry, I’m just very excited. Plus Y/N, you’ve never been here before, im excited for you too. It will all be new for you. As you know this is one of my favorite-“ he cuts himself off “ we’re here now, let’s go!” He says practically jumping out of the car.
“You’re too smart for him Y/N, he acts younger than me!” His younger sister tells you
“It’s part of why I love him. He’s never lost the childhood magic, I think it’s quite cute” you tell her with a smile
You look up from his sister to see Taron almost at the entrance already.
“Are you guys coming? Hurry up slow pokes, I wanna go in!” You hear him yell from afar, causing you to hurry up for him and run to the entrance.
You guys make your way into the park and get you swimsuits on, holding Taron’s hand as your now walking through looking at all the water slides.
“This is great. So great. A lot of the water slides you can do with a partner and I’ve never had anyone to do the big ones with because my sisters are to small for them and my mum can’t leave them alone to do it with me-“
“Taron..” you try to cut him off but he keeps going on
“But now that you're here I have a partner and we can do them together!”
“ Taron… I have something to tell you”
“Yeah?” He smiles
“I- uh. I have a terrible fear of heights and those all look terrifying”
He laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world until he sees your not joking
“Love, they aren’t that bad” he wraps his arms around you, noticing you look scared and pulls you into a hug
“What if it breaks and I die”
“Then I die with you, considering we’re riding it together and I will be holding you the entire time. Please Y/N/N. For me? Just one and if you hate it, never again will we go on it.”
You see the sadness in his eyes and you just can’t say no. You can never say no to his puppy dog eyes. He was so excited to take you here and you can’t let him down like that
“Okay” you say with a shaky voice, “ I’ll do it, but please don’t let go of-“ he cuts you off with a kiss
“I would never even think of letting go of you.” He looks over at his mum and sisters, the expression on his face looking like he just won the lottery.
“Did you guys hear that! She’ll ride it with me! I mean she’s terrified, but she’s gonna do it!”
“That’s great Taron” his mom smiles
“Great? It’s awesome!” Taron exclaims
“You’re the only person in the world I’d do it for” you tell him
“Well, what are we waiting for! Let’s go before the line gets any longer!”
“Good luck!” His family calls out to you
You wait in line for about 45 minutes, but it felt way faster than that. Before you knew it, there were only two more sets of people in front of you. Taron could see how scared you were and he was being so encouraging. The last 45 minutes have been filled with hugs, kisses, and many
“You’re gonna do great love”
“I’m telling you, you’ll enjoy this sweetie. Even if you have to close your eyes”
“You know I love you so much and I would never let go or let you get hurt”
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear Taron say
“We’re up. You ready love?”
“As ready as I can be” you force a smile even though you want to cry
You sit down in the front, with Taron sat behind you, wrapping his arms around you
“This looks a lot higher up when you're actually looking down” you say feeling a panic rush over you
“ I know, but we have to go down now sweetie. Close your eyes, I got you.”
Before you could even respond, you guys were already going down, Taron screaming sounds of fun, you screaming like you’re gonna die”
“Taron I swear to god if you let go of me” you scream
“I’m not!” He screams back
About a minute goes by and you feel yourself slow down
“Y/N?” He asked
“We feel stopped, are we stopped? Can I open my eyes now?”
He laughs, “Yes dear, the ride is over. I see my mum waiting by the exit. That wasn’t that bad was it?” He says as you two start standing up and walking towards his family
“Okay, no it wasn’t that bad. Terrified to do it again? Yes. But would I do it again for you? Yeah I would” you smile at him “Sorry I acted like a baby, thank you for holding me”
“You weren't acting like a baby, you were scared and I’m proud that you gave it a try for me. Thank you, it means a lot.
“God do I love you T” you say as he wraps his arm around your shoulder as you exit the gate
“You made it Y/N! Your alive!” You hear a little voice call out
“Mari!” You excitedly say “ I did make it, all thanks to Taron for protecting me along the way”
“I think we should get some ice cream now! I rode plenty of slides while you guys waited for the scary one”
“I agree with that” Taron says
“Ice cream it is then!” His mum say
“Hey Y/N” Taron says
“Yes dear?”
“Race you there!” He says picking up Mari and starts running to the shop
“After all these years he’s never lost the magic of playing around like a child” his mum says to you
“And I hope he never does” you reply before chasing after him into the ice cream shop
After a long day of taking risks and trying new things, the rest of the night went by filled with cuddles from Taron and his sisters, plenty of ice cream, and lots of new memories.
The car ride home was were the excitement started to come to an end. The sky was dark and his sisters were asleep, you and Taron about to do the same.
“Mhm?” He says sleepily
“Thank you for taking me here today, I get why you love it so much. It made me feel like a little kid again.”
“I love it almost as much as I love you” he says. “And sleep, which I think I’m gonna” his eyes fluttering shut
You let out a light laugh, “goodnight honey. I love you” You say before closing your own eyes to try and sleep
“I love you more” he mumbled out before falling asleep, you doing the same not long after.
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robinskalechip · 5 years
home - chapter three
robin buckley x reader
a/n: i’ve been getting some really good feedback from the first two chapters, thank you guys so much!
warnings: smoking, language
not my gif!
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chapter three - a family reunion
steve and robin had just finished closing up the video store and took the short three minute car ride to larry johnson’s town favorite diner. robin and steve were laughing amongst themselves and bantering along until they heard a voice.
“do suppose linda will remember me?”
the two turned to see sofia, cigarette in mouth, only a couple of yards away, walking towards them. steve smiled at her and began to speak but her attention was on robin who was still looking at her with the most gentle of smiles.
“i hope she remembers you, she always gave us discounts when you tagged along. ive had to pay full price for almost three years because of you” he walked past, ignoring the two girls he was with. steve harrington had one thing on his mind and one thing only. a royale with cheese. hehe pulp fiction reference the girls broke their eye contact to then walk behind him, sofia taking the cigarette out of her mouth to throw it to the ground and put it out whilst holding the door open for robin and quickly following her to be met with upmost nostalgia.
an older woman, probably in her early 50s, began to yell from behind the counter.
sofia moved past the two, lightly touching robin’s arm, causing a chill to radiate throughout her body. sofia was smiling as she walked to the woman and embraced her in a long hug. the woman released her but not before she could cup her face in her hands to see her face more clearly, despite the pain that was radiating through sofia’s body due to having to bend her spine in order to oblige. but she didn’t mind. this woman was her family.
“AH CUORE MIO italian for my heart WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN”
sofia smiled as she replied, “nella città che non dorme mai in the city that never sleeps ”
“i’m so sorry about your mother, have you seen her yet?”
the woman’s back was facing robin, as they had turned when hugging, and she had a full view of sofia’s face. she saw her smile fall, taking her heart along with it as sofia responsed to the salt and pepper haired woman with a sense of dread.
“no not yet. marco is there every time i drive by the hospital. i’m trying to though i promise”
“sei troppo buono per questo mondo, figlia mia you are too good for this world my daughter, but you also need to eat, sit sit i’ll bring out your favorite”
sofia smiled as she realigned her spine, walking behind steve as he hopped into the booth next to robin. robin was a bit disappointed steve sat next to her instead of the other side but at least she had to best view in the house.
sofia fell into the other side of the booth putting one knee to her chest and the other stretched over the seat what a lesbian as the older woman returned with a strawberry milkshake in hand and a smile.
she placed the cold beverage onto the table to then ask robin and steve what they would like to drink. steve snapped out of his staring contest with the milkshake to answer, “ill have one of those.” he paused for emphasis, “exactly one of those” he then winked at her.
robin chuckled and said “can i get the same but in vanilla”
sofia smiled at the woman as she moved the shake away from steve’s reaching capability, “thanks linda”
linda kept her eye on steve as he frowned at sofia’s action, “royale with cheese and extra ketchup?” steve shook his head eagerly. “and for you my dear?” robin liked linda. she saw her around town often but never came into the diner as much to be considered a regular like steve. “i’ll take one of your smoked turkeys with everything but the onions please” she didn’t even have to ask sofia, even if she brought out the wrong thing, she’d still eat it no matter what
“coming right up”
sofia was still eyeing steve eyeing her shake, “OH MY GOD JUST TAKE A SIP” and said as she slide the cold beverage towards him to which he eagerly sipped from the side of the glass and threw his head back in the most dramatic yet unironic way possible
“oh my god i forgot how amazing their shakes were. i came here all the time during summer but i was so damn tired of ice cream, i didn’t even think about ordering one”
sofia smiled as she took back the milkshake, “yeah dustin filled me in on everything i missed” she was now fiddling with the straw and paused to look at steve for emphasis, “and i mean everything. i can’t believe he’s got a girlfriend”
steve laughed thinking about the events of the summer, “yeah none of us thought she was actually real, but im happy for him, i also need to pee, be back in a sec” he hoped out of the seat, nearly hitting robin
sophia placed the milkshake down and met robin’s eyes, “wanna try it? i know it looks like a plain strawberry shake but there’s actually a secret in there”. she jokingly looked around before motioning for robin to come closer as she whispered, “there’s also bits of peach”
she leaned back into her original position and raised her eyebrows briefly showing she meant business
robin smiled as she took the glass and took a sip, “mm never thought about that combination, i like it a lot actually, w-what?”
sofia was laughing as robin talked, “its okay its okay, i got it” she leaned towards robin once again, this time putting her thumb on robin’s upper lip, wiping off the cream that had escaped. the two looked at each other’s eyes during the moment, until sofia’s eyes fell to her lips, robin’s doing the same before she abruptly returned back to her seat, followed by steve hopping back to his place and linda following only a few seconds later. if they had been in that position just a few seconds longer..
linda placed the three plates on the table as sofia reached into her jacket pocket, taking out her wallet until she was stopped by the woman, “la famiglia non paga the family doesn’t pay”
she began to walk away as sofia gave her a warm smile and robin began to speak, “i’m confused. you said hadn’t seen your mother yet, but linda calls you her daughter”
sofia smiled, “she’s my godmother and my mother’s best friend. she’s practically my mother though. i’ve known her my entire life”
steve was already stuffing his face with the burger, mouth already jam packed, “i like sofia’s mom better than my own mom right now”
robin felt warm, but not in the physical, heated kind of way. she felt melting as sofia’s words, “that’s sweet”
“she and my mother grew up together when they were being raised in italy. ma says she wouldn’t have survived mentally if it weren’t for her”
sofia didn’t look up as she spoke but she could feel robin’s eyes on her. and she didn’t mind it.
the three ate while steve caught sofia up on all of his latest strike outs and the crazy nights she missed out on and the whole nancy thing that repulsed both robin and sofia, despite nancy being another one of her old childhood friends. sofia asked robin about her life and her interests and the two asking sofia about her life in new york.
once the three of them had finished, they all got up to leave, sofia yelling at linda on her way out, “CI VEDIAMO PRESTO MAMMA ill see you soon mom” to which linda gave her a big smile and waved to then quickly return to the table she was taking care of
as the three exited the diner, sofia asked “do you need a ride?”
robin felt a bit taken back and wanted to say yes more than anything. she would definitely not mind being in a car with sofia, even if it was for just a few short minutes to her house
“you dont have to really, my bike is in steve’s trunk and im only like five minutes away”
sofia chuckled as she walked to steve’s car and opened the trunk, retrieving robin’s bike and carrying it to her car, “get in freckles, you’re on my way. see ya harrington.”
robin turned to steve who winked at her and turned to leave, “have fun”
robin turned back to see the messy haired girl closing her trunk and getting into her car. once robin got into the vehicle, sophia turned the radio on and asked for the address.
how soon is now by the smiths was playing and robin was reminded of the way she felt earlier that morning, when she first saw sofia at school can you tell i like the smiths
the two were silent as robin looked out of the window, but it was the most comfortable silence she had ever been in. she felt at peace. despite her and sofia both resting their arms of the glove compartment, their hands only about a centimeter apart. she was felt calm; safe.
robin’s thoughts were interrupted when she felt the car stop and she turned to sofia, “thanks for the ride” as she unbuckled. sofia stopped robin as she was about to get out of the car.
“can i ask you something”
robin saw the same look on her face as when she was talking to linda about her mom. robin nodded.
sofia breathed in before speaking, adjusting her body to face robin, “i know dustin told me you and him didn’t spend that much time together but..will..how was he?”
she looked anxious for the answer
“he was okay, steve told me about everything he had to go through so i imagine he isn’t the same boy you knew but there’s probably still parts of him in there. just like any of us when we go through some shit, its takes some, it leaves some”
sofia leaned back in her seat, now feeling the guilt build in her stomach
“i should have been here.”
robin was quick to reassure her, “you didn’t know it was going to happen. i don’t know why you left but i know it was something that none of us could have stopped. everything happens for a reason”
sofia chuckled, “what a clique; the beautiful teen philosopher who doodles on her converses and reads sad love stories with injustice undertones and wears an unsettling yet attractive amount of jewelry” her smile grew more and more as she spoke to then turn to robin who was slightly blushing and smiling back
“i won’t keep you captivate much longer but can i ask you one more question?”
robin nodded again, still looking into her eyes, smiling
“you and harrington?”
robin cut that shit off Q U I C K
“OH GOD NO NO NO he’s like my brother ew no i could never.” she realized how dramatic she sounded and laughed at sofia laughing at her. “i’m sorry. to answer your question, no. harrington and i, not a thing. he’s uhh not my type”
sofia felt better with that last statement leaving robin’s mouth. she scooted closer, but her arm on the arm rest and bringing her face close to her face, almost being able to feel her breathe.
robin was taken back mentally but didn’t move a muscle, she whispered “what are you doing”
robin jumped at the sound of the door opening a tease
“i’m just getting the door for you like the good mannered person i was raised to be”, we said with a smile and moved her face a centimeter closer. robin was almost certain she was going to kiss her until she whispered again “good night freckles”
robin got out of the car and walked to her door completely flustered but still managed to turn her head to give sofia a smile. she was, in fact, so flustered that completely forgot her bike in sofia’s car trunk, but she didn’t even care.
next chapter
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g0dtier · 5 years
also i swear to god one of my classmates.............
on the first day, when we were leaving for venice, she was like “oh the busses arent riding lol if i cant take a bus ill just drive to brussels by car” and im like.....you live 15mins from here. you can walk. you have no chronic illnesses or health issues. why dont you just fucking walk. we all had to wait for her
then in venice she was like “oh lol btw i have superrrr bad night terrors so if i wake any of yall up screaming in the night OR you wake up at night with me standing over your bed no biggie right?” and i swear i mustve rolled my eyes so hard i got a good look at my fucking brain neurons. she had no night terrors whatsoever
then today we were leaving again. her sleeping area was a fucking disaster. she was in a top bed of a bunk bed, and her entire bed was littered with candy wrappers and empty bottles and underwear. she’d been sleeping in all that shit. then behind her bed there was like a fucking garbage heap of shit she’d just throw over the side of her bed. so many candy wrappers and empty bottles. she didnt start cleaning till 9. we had to be done and completely packed by 9.30
then at the airport she started bitching about anything and everything and kept saying the wrong shit like “um no we dont need to take this elevator” and if we said “uh yeah we do, the teacher told us as well” she’d be like “well y’all and the teacher are just tired so :/” and then, obviously, itd turn out we did need to take the elevator and she was just like “oh huh guess plans changed then :/ not my fault” even tho we were TOLD we needed to take the same route we needed to when we last visited the airport (5 days ago!) and she just forgot and pretended its everything else’s fault instead of just saying “oh mb guys lol”. blaming it on our fucking teacher smfh
then in the airplane she wanted to put her hand baggage, a bag, in the trolley case above her head but there was no room so the stewardess told her to keep her bag under her seat and she got so offended she fucking started crying. because she didnt want the bag under her seat. she even went as far as to bug the stewardess and be like “uhm why can THAT bag go in the trolley area but my bag doesnt deserve to? :)” and when the person in the seat next to me took a while to arrive she legit said “well if she doesnt arrive at least my bag will have a good seat” like ??????????????????? YOUR BAG ISNT A LIVING BEING AND YOUR STUFF ISNT MORE SPECIAL THAN OUR STUFF WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU
then at home at the station of my city a guy ill call L, whos the boyfriend of one of my classmates, was gonna drive those 2 classmates to Nijmegen which is more than half an hour away and it was already 2AM. 2 in the fucking morning. and this bitch REALLY had the nerve to basically beg my classmate aka L’s girlfriend if he could take a detour to also bring her home by car because she again refused to walk the 15 mins to her house. she made 3 people, who werent gonna be home till 2.45 at LEAST take a fucking detour because she didnt wanna walk
shes 27
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songofadaydream · 4 years
my real-time thoughts on rocketman the 4th time I’ve seen it in total and 2nd time this week, let’s go bois *very long post warning*
fair warning I just finished jojo rabbit less than an hour ago and it was way more emotional than I expected, so she’s probably going to be an emotional wreck tonight ladies!! :)) also, I will be pausing the movie throughout! just wanted to let you know
starting the night out right with some lay’s salt and vinegar chips and a lush face mask
not even a part of the movie but when the studio logos come on a version of goodbye yellow brick road and just *french kiss*
it’s starting and I am here for it!!
taron comes looking like an icon and a snack. actually, a whole meal. the heart glasses omggg
“how long’s this gonna take.” “that’s really up to you.”
i never noticed this before but taron stares right into the camera as he introduces himself
“my name is elton hercules john. and I’m an alcoholic. and a cocaine addict. and a sex addict. and a bulimic. i’m also a shopaholic who was problems with weed, prescription drugs, and anger management.”
“well my dealer was out of town I thought this seemed like a good alternative,”
“and I wanted to get better.”
um the transition into the full on musical number of the bitch is back.
this tiny little child actor playing elton saying bitch 10 million times. props to his parents for letting him do that.
um also his riffs??
just the way his mom says, “love to.”
god his dad is a DOUCHE
“when are you going to hug me”🥺🥺
the flashlight conducting scene!! they’re playing rocketman and it’s so beautiful and cute!! whe lil reggie/elton gets on the mini piano oh my god
when he looks at his mom’s fashion magazines...gay fashion icon beginnings...
*looks up* “can we go home,”
he starts playing his teacher’s song and she’s just like 😦😦
idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I don’t really like the I want love scene. I just don’t really like the switching of singer, the arrangement, and tempo. just my opinion though :/ also that’s the only weak scene of this movie I think
elton’s grandmother appreciation post send tweet
that last I want love though.
when his mom is clearly getting it on in a car and her date is like, “I’m..,,..a friend of.,.,,..your mum’s,.,,”
his dad leaves. heartbreaking!
when he wipes the tear away...
“i discovered records. and rock and roll :)”
playing classical music with an elvis presley haircut is an aesthetic no I don’t take criticism
“excuse me. you can’t put that there,” “why not,” “it’ll get knocked off.”
when he transforms into teenage elton and an amazing musical/dance number starts
that face taron makes when the door shuts on the car
“it’s not just your name. you gotta kill the person you were born to be in order to become the person you wanna be.”
that kiss with one of the band members is so hot.
peeing in a bottle in disgusting I’m sorry.
“what’d you say your name was again?” “elton.” “elton. elton what.” “john. elton john.”
ray is cute af. also the transcendental moment when he hands elton the envelope with bernie’s lyrics in it.
“one frothy coffee, no froth.”
jamie is so cute what the heckkkk
singing streets of loredo in a cafe is so wholesome and adorable
bernie and elton are literally so cute together as friends omg
also completely digging these like early 70s silk scarf things.
“yeah I could just take those songs and leave if you like,”
“what about the fact that you’re a f*g...your little friend here...is a homosexual.”
bernie not caring whether or not elton is is gay is Peak Pure ™
“oH fUcK”
when they stumble home drunk. the cuteness I can’t.
“you are a ssshhHHITT hot piano player, you have an aMAZING voice, and I’m telling you there is something special that happens...when you sing our songs.”
the way the two handle elton’s leaning in for a kiss is SO GOOD and I could write an entire essay on it. “we became inseparable after that. the brother I never had.”
“anyway I took his advice. told arabella. she took it quite well actually,” *cut to her throwing his piano out the window* “sHe KiLlEd mY pIaNo”
your song and everything about that scene is perfection. that’s all I have to say.
“you can’t just sPRING the troubadour on me.”
“put on a great
show. and just don’t kill yourself with drugs?”
amoreena is so good how didn’t I realize this until now!
doug flirting w/bernie kills me every time.
“ooh dude. what the hell’re you wearing?”
“my stage gear.”
*bernie stumbles in drunk* “reggie! reggie reggie. neil diamond is at the bar he’s talkin to leon russell and half the fuckin beach boys eh??”
“jesus sHIT bernie,”
that little, “well come on then,” after being yelled by bernie & ray
“please welcome all the way from london, england...”
when he starts singing it’s like the smoothest molasses ever and I am HERE for it.
there’s an interview where taron says, and I quote, “those dungarees made my ass look massive” wholeheartedly agree my guy. but in best way possible
when they start floating
elton’s jacket and the magic that is the entirety of tiny dancer <3 <3
there’s a whole ass bed in a tipi?? what the hell
“so you like the songs then?” “not quite as much as the singer,” OH SHIT THE GAY TENSION
“there are moments in a rockstar’s life that defines who he is...and it’s going to be a wild ride,”
it’s a weird scene to like but I really love the take me to the pilot love scene. the song is so good and perfect for that moment, and they seem genuinely attracted to each other (even though john ends up being a huge dick later)
the way he takes the glasses off
the lil race to get their pants off is weird but it works
elton just seems so happy and content at the end and it’s so refreshing.
when he gets the shoes and the glasses <3
he looks so happy and fulfilled my little boy
why is it so cute when he and Kiki record don’t go breaking my heart
elton stops it the SECOND he sees John oh my goddd
kiki’s little “ough” when she sees john
“elton what’s going on are we going again or should we go for a pint,” *sees john walk into the closet* “yeah no yeah you should go for a pint”
cocaine induced head butt of a soccer ball is iconic
why did they have to get rid of rayyyy
the, “best of luck to you elton,” is so bitter yet genuinely well-wishing??
“welp...that was *absolutely* horrible,” is such a mood
the scene where he goes to come out to his dad is so incredibly heartbreaking, especially when it cuts to him in rehab.
taron deserves an oscar just for throwing that chair alone.
“what have you got to do the get a fucking drink around here, eh?” and then he takes a swig from a bottle in the car with john
when he calls his mom to come out. that shit hurts.
“i just hope you realize you’re choosing a life of being alone forever...you’ll never be loved properly.” he opens his mouth. it’s so awful guys. and then he fucking gets punched by john what an absolute dick.
“real love’s hard to come by. so you find a way to cope without it.”
the scene that comes right after that when he’s getting ready for his show and snorts cocaine and takes a swig of a drink really shows how far off the deep end he had gone. it’s heartbreaking, really.
that headdress tho
ok but pinball wizard absolutely slaps and so does the montage with all of his changing outfits
oh my god the drag queen in his room though
what an inconvenient time for his mom to waltz in
“and what a shy little boy you were! look at you now.”
“mum you’re ON my GOWN,”
i wish i were as cool as bernie getting out of that car and coming inside
“yEaGhHhH...go get a lil drink. yehyeh,”
get ready for one of the most impactful scenes of 2019 if not the 2010s ladies
“FOR MY NEXT TRICK i’m gonna fucking kill myself.”
again, I could write an entire essay on this but the fact that he is literally hitting rock bottom with his childhood self down there is so impactful and powerful and one of the greatest artistic choices they made in this film. also the cinematography is gorgeous.
and oh, by the way, taron actually performed this underwater. no cgi or special effects. where is his oscar.
john is a dick to him on the stretcher but bernie looks so genuinely concerned for his friend and I love that.
it is absolutely gut wrenching when they pump his stomach.
the nurses getting him ready for what was probably his biggest/most iconic performance to date is something so incredible, and such a great choice cinematically, story wise, and really emotion wise too. he was at his absolute rock bottom and did one of if not the most iconic performance a little over 24hrs later, and I think this little part really helps to illustrate that.
taron actually hit that baseball and I’m so proud of him for it.
the liftoff is so great. and then it cuts to him in a plane with smoke on his head which just. ugh.
hot take: elton’s addiction wouldn’t have gotten so bad if he had just gone to bernie’s fucking ranch with him
also if this movie doesn’t win the goddamn best costume design I swear to god.
this is also such a great scene as well omg.
when he flashbacks to his childhood and difficult and also great moments in his life during this sequence. that hit hard.
i feel like no one talks about taron’s arms enough? they as thiccc as his thighs why y’all sleeping on them
“You signed a contract with me years ago, so I’ll still be collecting my 20% long after you’ve killed yourself.” that’s cold as hell.
when he throws that glass at the door. and then victim of love starts playing straight afterwards UGH dexter fletcher you need to STOP and CALM DOWN
listen I don’t know elton was thinking and/or feeling in terms of life and his sexuality when he decided to marry renata but can we talk about his wedding outfit?? wtffff it’s so gay and if you don’t see it you’re blind.
the look his mom gives him I’m DEAD
they literally had separate rooms this was not a normal marriage. the breakfast scene is so sad though.
“did being married make you happy?” “not really, I’m gay.” hands down one of the most iconic lines in the entire movie.
why does he have sperm on this firework suit coat.
“you know I am so sick of running away from who I am.”
the way his voice wavers and cracks is not okay. and neither is his mom twisting everything around so that she’s made out to be the victim. and don’t cry in the bathroom elton please buddy. you’ll be okay.
“campaign to kill yourself is going well, eh?”
“when did you give up? if you don’t care about yourself how can you expect anyone else to...it’s not weak to ask for help.”
goodbye yellow brick road is such a beautiful song and scene and why didn’t we get Jamie to sing more I mean come on he does so incredibly well in this scene.
also I didn’t really realize that they flipped a few verses around for the movie. and elton yelling and screaming at bernie as he leaves is so powerful.
elton yelling at himself.
this is also when he has a heart attack?? chest infection?? I don’t really know but he falls down the stairs and Mr. Dick Manager John makes him continue to perform.
and there he is in the first scene’s costume. singing the rest of yellow brick road.
and there he goes. off to rehab. a full circle moment. good for him for finally taking control of his life and addictions.
“yeah but I started acting like a c*nt in 1975. I just forgot to stop.”
“maybe I should’ve tried to be more ordinary.” his grandmother walks in. “he was never ordinary.” my. heart. can. not. take. this.
this next scene where he talks to everyone in his mind is incredibly powerful and I will shout it from the rooftops until the end of time.
“my problem is that I believed you loved me. and you’re incapable of it.” the SHADE
“actually I think I’m okay with strange.”
“bernie...I never told you how much I need you.” shit fam here comes the waterworks
“you just need to remember who you are. and be okay with it.”
and then his childhood self comes in. “I haven’t been reggie Dwight for years.” “when are you going to hug me.” he engulfs his young self in a hug. this is one of the best moments of the film and I am now full on crying.
I can’t get over how wholesome bernie’s visit is with Elton. the sweetest thing ever.
“you’re not scared you’re not good without it, you’re scared to feel again...this is the part you gotta do on your own. these...need music”
“thank you bernie.” “you’re my brother.” <3
and then he finally sits down to write again. and it’s pure magic.
I’m still standing is a a feat of what he’s been through the entire movie. finally, he’s sober, he’s accepting of himself/his sexuality, and is getting to a better place. plus, it mirrors the original music video, and is everything I’ve ever needed and more. *the* perfect scene and song to end upon.
he’s so happy at the end. and then the epilogue starts and says he’s been sober for 28 years and counting, set up an aids charity, still writes with bernie, met his husband David 25 years ago and is finally loved properly (rip my heart out of my chest, why don’t you), has two sons and is retiring from touring. and and the I’m gonna love me again plays with him and taron and it’s just such a perfect song to end, and I can’t.
so. those are my thought while watching rocketman for the 4th time in total, 2nd time this week. sorry that’s it’s so long. I just love this film so much. anyways, it’s almost 2am and I’m an emotional wreck. I’m gonna go cry and go to bed now. thanks for making it this far. :) <3
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lexiconomine · 5 years
summer lovin’ - billy hargrove
summary: despite nancy’s best attempts, you poke and prod until you score a date with the talk of the town word count: 6,771 pairing: billy x reader warnings: explicit language, sex, oral sex, cigarette use (only by Billy), excessive pet name use notes: reupload bc I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED the entire text block trying to edit the tags :( I hope this finds its way back into people’s sights o o f anyway I hope y’all enjoy pt2!
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It’s not that you don’t know how to swim, or even that you aren’t a good swimmer. In fact, you were one of the best on your high school team back home. But your mission here wasn’t just to swim a couple of laps. No, it was to scope out this new guy in town that everyone and their mother are always talking about. The one you’d only ever had an up-close interaction with one other time.
He was right in front of you in the line to the drugstore counter, buying a pack of Marlboro Reds and a bottle of Coke. The smell of his cologne highly overpowered any memory you have of that day, but you’re able to recall noticing his curls and the low drawl of his voice. You’d not made eye contact with him until he turned around to leave, and he flashed you a sly smirk as he gave you a painfully slow once-over. You watched as he walked out the door, doing the same for him.
And in that one small interaction, you felt as if any effort you took to breathe afterward were futile.
“I’m telling you right now, you do not wanna get involved with that,” Nancy protested to you once before when you brought him up that same day, combing through her permed hair in front of her vanity. “I’ve never even interacted with him and even I know he’s had sex with half the girls in your class.”
“He was literally there for less than a year.”
You decided to hold any response you had. A short moment of silence passed before Nancy started up again, a gentler tone than the one she held in her previous statements.
“It’s just… you miss a lot when you leave right before Hawkins goes to shit.”
At this point, during peak summer season, you still don’t know what it is, exactly, that drew you so strongly toward Billy Hargrove; but you’re really not sure whether or not you want to find out. You know it’s not the obvious fact that he’s a huge flirt to even the fact that he is so gorgeous in every way imaginable. Perhaps it’s the way all of your childhood friends who had stayed behind keep telling you to stay away, that he’s nothing but trouble; and hearing that over and over began to make you realize that you want to be the judge of that.
And maybe that’s way you’re making it a point to send the most intense gaze his way every time you locked eyes during his scans. You’re trying so hard to provoke him. It’s a notion, a siren’s call to him, which you can tell he’s acknowledging by the that he slides his tongue along his bottom lip, the slightest hint of a smile forming, before placing his whistle between his teeth and repeating his scan.
Now that you can tell you’ve gotten his attention, you slide your sunglasses back onto your face to continue watching him more discreetly, lying back against the lounge chair. You notice a subtle pause in Billy’s movement, and you let the feeling of triumph wash over you as he begins to climb down from his lifeguard stand.
You watch as he makes his way over to you, quite nonchalantly and with an arrogant air.
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but uh,” he starts up the moment he gets within your vicinity, “something tells me you’re here for more than just a tan.”
You swing your legs over to one side so that you can sit up facing him, looking up and meeting his gaze. Amused, you decide to entertain. “And so what if I am?”
“Well, that’d really be a shame, sweetheart. ‘Cause I’m stuck here ’til six.” Billy grows a flirty smile, the very one that you’d been warned about by just about every girl she knew from Hawkins High.
“I got time,” is the snarky response you had been waiting to say to him, confident that two can play at this game he loves to play.
It seems as if Billy is taken aback to this, letting loose a soft chuckle as his eyebrows cock upward, lower lip catching between his teeth to help suppress the laugh. God, those lips.
“Alright,” he nods, seemingly impressed that you decided to match the energy he exuded. His smile has the ability to make anyone weak at the knees. He crouches down to your eye level and leans in close—so close that you can feel the tension between the two of you thicken the moment his lips just barely graze your ear. It is at this moment that he speaks into your ear, low and gruff. “Hope you brought somethin’ pretty for me.”
…And sinker.
And with a wink, he straightens himself up, turns around, and begins making his next round of the pool deck.
Despite the apparent disappointed glares you can feel radiating from Nancy and Jonathan, you hoist yourself up from your seat with a cheeky smile, setting all your unwettables down in your wake. They can think whatever it is that they’re thinking. You can already tell that you are very likely to experience a fun night. They should be happy that you’re meeting new people instead of lounging around in the Wheeler basement eating all their food and sleeping the day away until Nancy returns from work (which, spoiler alert, most of the time she doesn’t).
“I have a date,” you taunt before making your way to one of the pool lanes and diving in headfirst to swim a couple of laps.
“You know, it’s not too late to bail,” Nancy coaxes at a low volume with the mentality that somehow she was saving her best friend from corruption. However, this statement is only met with a scoff followed by a light giggle.
“Relax, Nance. I’m a big girl who can take care of herself. Swear it.”
Right on cue, you and Nancy both stuck your pinkies out and interlaced them, holding them that way for a beat.
“Please call if you need me to come get you.”
“Will do, boss.”
With that, you parted ways, and you watch as Nancy plops down into the passenger’s seat of Jonathan’s car. As they drive away, a low whistle creeps up behind you.
“Got a hot date?”
You turn on your heel to find Billy leant up against the wall, curls looking gorgeous as ever and his low-buttoned top being the cherry on top of the cake that is this beautiful specimen. Placing your hands on your hips and shifting all your weight to your left leg, you flash him a teasing smile. “Well, wouldn’t you like to know?”
Billy reaches into the pocket of his denim jacket and pulls out a Marlboro cigarette along with his zippo lighter. As he saunters over to you, his sticks the cig in his mouth and lights it, taking a light puff from it to get the tobacco burning.
“What do you say we ditch ‘im, huh?” He suggests, playing into the typical good girl with bad boy situation where he steals the innocent you from your high school sweetheart and shows you what a good time really is. Taking a long drag from his cigarette, he continues after he removes it and holds it between his pointer and middle finger, light clouds forming around his mouth and dissipating after less than a second. “Why don’t I show show you how a real man’s suppose to treat a doll like yourself.”
The smile on your face turns into something soft and sultry as you step toward him, closing the gap between the two of you. You press your chest up against his warm body, fingers barely grazing over his waistline. Watching as his tongue pokes out to glide along his lips, you speak, smooth and coy. “I’d like a movie.”
The rugged blonde raises his free hand up to you face, takes a stray strand of your hair, and tucks it behind your ear, leaving an excited burning sensation along your cheek. “Movie it is.”
Taking another drag from his cigarette, Billy begins to lead the way to his car, sliding his right arm around your waist to allow himself a firm grasp on your hip and using his left to smoke his cig. As you reach his car, he crosses in front of you to open the passenger door, allowing you to sit. You mutter a quick word of thanks before he shuts the door for you and enters himself. Once the car is started, there’s a brief moment where he eyes you once more and smiles to himself as he turns his attention ahead of him, murmuring, “So fuckin’ pretty.”
The car ride is casual, the both of you making nice small talk and flirting every couple of minutes. Compliments are exchanged, laughs are had; it is so much more comfortable than she expected. There’s much less pressure. But once you arrive at the mall, it seems as if date mode has officially turned on. Billy insists on paying for your tickets and popcorn because “What kind of date is this if I let you pay for your own things?” It is surprisingly very gentlemanly of him.
During the movie, though, is when it gets interesting. You’d both decided to watch the horror film that had just come out (for the plot, of course); and Billy wastes no time draping his arm around your shoulders, subconsciously toying with the ends of your hair while you watched on. About halfway through the in, though, the movie soon becomes background noise to the low chatters and whispers between you two.
“Not gonna lie, this movie could be nice if I wasn’t so distracted,” Billy begins, leaning his head closer to you so that you’re able to hear his words. Once he brings his head back to its previous position, you mirror his gesture to speak.
“Lemme guess, my fault?” You tease, feeling like you already know his tricks before he even uses them. The young man beside you lets out a light snort of laughter, nodding as if to indicate he’d been figured out. Although you already have an inkling of his next move, by God, was it fun to play along. “How so?”
Billy turns his head to look at the side your face, adjusting his body so that he can comfortably do so. You meet his gaze once you notice that he’d started to shift a bit, admiring how he still manages to look so good even in the shallow lighting coming from the movie screen. Darting out his tongue to wet his lips, he tested you, “You really wanna know, princess?”
“Try me.”
A small, flirty grin creeps onto his face, and he opens his mouth so as to speak, but his mouth looks like it’s moved before his brain. He takes a breath in and reveals himself. “To be completely honest with you, I’ve been thinkin’ about kissing you all day.”
Your breath immediately catches in your throat. You’re quite surprised to hear those words come out of that mouth. In a way, you consider weighing your options, thinking back to all the trouble Nancy said it would cause you.
On the one hand, you very well might end up just being another notch on his belt. You could give in and give him everything you have to give and then end up nothing but a one night stand to him, which, you keep in mind, you’re fully prepared for. Prepared for the looks from the Hawkins girls who dream of being in your shoes every time you go to the mall, the pool, the arcade, for the entirety of what’s left of this summer. Prepared for all of that and not even so much as a bat of an eyelash from Billy.
On the other hand, you could follow what all of your logical reasoning is currently telling you and not entertain this any more than a couple of kisses, leaving him with possibly the bluest of balls for the night. It would definitely save you the trouble of giving an essence of you to someone who would forget all about it come sunrise.
Of course, you know now is not the time to play coy after all that effort you’d put into getting where you currently sit at this moment; so instead of retreating to the safer option (because let’s face it, Billy Hargrove is a dangerous endeavor), you decide to say the words you know your entire being wants you to say.
“Why don’t you, then?”
“Yeah?” He purrs in response with that smile as he leans in toward you, connecting his lips to yours with a hunger you had not yet known before this. Your head spins when he reaches a hand up to caress the nape of your neck, slowly running it up to cup your cheek as if you are the most delicate thing in the world. His touch makes the most pleasant chills run down your neck and spine. You soon begin to feel lightheaded, like he’s taking your very essence with this one longing kiss that he leads like a waltz. It’s all too much.
You can clearly hear Nancy’s voice in your head scolding you a million times and then some, and you already know that this is the last thing you should be doing and she just doesn’t ever want to see you get hurt; but you can’t help but acknowledge how good it feels to be rebelling against her constant advising for once. Especially when Billy is right here, kissing you so sensually with such skill and finesse. Especially when the scent of him is currently etching itself into your brain as he slides his tongue into your mouth, warm and smooth. You let yourself surrender to your fantasies and follow in suit, your own tongue slowly circling his in a way that pulls a low-pitched moan from the back of his throat.
You feel like you’re going crazy with just this taste of him.
It feels like it’s almost immediately then that you have to force yourself away, him following the ghost of your movement before realizing you’d already gone. You lean into his ear, much like he had this afternoon, inhaling the mixture of his hairspray and cologne and traces of cigarette smoke. And in that moment, you’re fully aware that this might be the point of no return when you breathe into his ear, “Take me to your car.”
Somehow, someway, something clicks inside of the boy beside you because in an instant, he’s reaching for your hand, pulling you from the seat as he makes a beeline headed straight for the exit. You follow in suit, the both of you practically speeding up to a moderate jog. You reach the car within two or three minutes, yanking your respective doors open and slamming them without an ounce of a fuck given if they fall straight off the car.
The amount of lust in the air around you and him is almost paralyzing as your lips reconnected after what felt like an eternity. Hands quickly travel to places they’d been dying to be on for hours on end, resting so perfectly on every and any curve and edge they land on. You feel like you can lose yourself in him, the heat in the car building up with the sounds of his moans and his growls. You had never fit so well with anybody else.
Billy’s hand sneaks up your back, and his fingers entangle themselves into your hair, gathering a portion of it for him to grab onto. Almost immediately, you begin making haste of unbuttoning his shirt. He surprisingly begins to pull away from you, holding you at bay with the fistful of hair he’d obtained.
“Easy, kitten,” he coos, tracing his thumb along your lower lip with his free hand. He knows exactly what you want by the way you look at him with such longing and desire, but he’s got other plans. “Pretty little thing like you shouldn’t have to be in such a rush.”
The needy groan you let out elicits a sultry chuckle from him, the boy who has you wrapped around the tip of his little pinky finger. He yanks onto your hair, jerking your head back as he buries himself into your neck and the smell of you. The way he’s trailing slow, sloppy kisses down your neck and to your shoulder has you growing more and more fervid. Sex has got to be a legitimate talent because this boy has got it.
“Smells so fuckin’ nice,” he mumbles into your skin, deeply inhaling your scent. He then pulls away all too soon, leaving you feeling cold and filled to the brim with pent up energy; but he presses an eager kiss to your lips and lingers for just a moment, licking at your upper lip with a sigh that held the burden of a million different hormones coursing through his veins. He knows that he wants you so badly it hurts.
However, as much as he would love to rip all of your clothes off and defile you in the back of his Camaro (and as much as you want him to), you sense that he’s holding back some when he starts the engine and begins to drive away from the mall.
You straighten yourself, tucking your blouse back into the waistband of your jeans and fastening your seatbelt. As Billy drives, you note the way his jaw clenches and his grip on the steering wheel tightens every so often. “Everything okay, Billy?”
“Yep,” he answers nonchalantly, as if he isn’t currently sporting the demeanor of an agitated wild animal.
“Did I do something?”
“Yes, you did.”
There’s a short pause between the two of you, the first real silence that is present all night. That is, until Billy speaks again. 
“So that’s why I’m taking you to bed with me.”
Somewhat of an awkward silence takes place for a couple of seconds, and he soon comes to the realization that maybe he should have asked you that instead of declared it. Unbeknownst to him, you actually don’t mind his assertiveness. After all, although you aren’t necessarily expecting your date to end on a rated-R note, you certainly aren’t opposed to the idea.
“Unless you don’t want to,” he starts up again, “I can just take you back to Nancy’s instead.”
“No,” you refuse, shaking your head to match your verbal expression. Sure, it might be growing late and Nancy might be waiting for you to return, but you don’t care. The absolute last thing you want to do right now is leave. “I want to.”
As much as the blonde tries to hide it, you can see a smile forming onto his face. “Okay then. My place it is.”
Sporting a smile of your own, you study the structure of Billy’s profile with the help of whatever light sources decide to become available to illuminate his face. For the remainder of the car ride to his house, you watch his face as he drives, as he mouths the words to the songs on the radio, as he concentrates hard on the dark backroad. Every so often, he meets your gaze for just a split second and teases you, saying things like, “Eyes on the road, creepy lady.”
“Are you sure it’ll be fine for me to be here?” You question as Billy pulls up to his home. You really don’t want to bring him any trouble. It’s quite ironic.
“Should be fine, sugar,” he reassures, leaning back in his seat to look at you. “My folks are always asleep by this time, so just make sure not to make too much noise.”
You give him a playful scoff, lightly swatting at his shoulder as he laughs at your reaction. After unbuckling your seatbelt, you open the car door. “Billy Hargrove, you are unbelievable,” you snort as you bring yourself outside of the vehicle, walking ahead of him and planting yourself right at the front door to wait.
He fumbles with his keys for a minute and jams one into the lock, turning it so that a click is audible, signifying access inside. With a light pat on your ass, he urges you to step in before him so that he can shuffle in right behind you. “In you go, doll,” he says, stifling a laugh at the tiny yelp of surprise you let out, earning himself a playful glare in response.
Shutting the door and locking it behind him, Billy then leads you to his room, which smells heavily of cigarette smoke and musky cologne—much like an extension of him. You plop yourself down on the edge of his bed, watching him as he shuts the bedroom door, locks it, and saunters over to his stereo.
“Now,” he prompts, pressing the power button to play his usual rock music at a moderately low volume. With a playful smile, he leans over you, and, using as little effort as possible from his fingers, pushes you so that you fall back onto the mattress before he crawls on top of her. “Where were we?”
“I think I can give you a refresher,” you giggle in response before wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in toward you to kiss him with every single bit of lust you can ever think to give to him. You resist every invasive urge to laugh when it seems like Billy is surprised beyond belief that you’d make such a bold move. He groans low as you claw at his jacket to get it off of him.
You feel hands plant themselves on your waist, feeling your curves as they travel up to pull your blouse out of your jeans. At the same time, you make your second attempt at unbuttoning his shirt, which he lets you do this time. In a matter of moments, Billy is already half naked and ready to give you anything you want.
“Someone’s a little hasty,” he teases, nipping at your lip before sliding your entire body up on his mattress toward the pillows. He grabs a fistful of fabric from your shirt, proceeding to pull your blouse up your torso as you giggle.
In the swiftest beat, he takes your top off over your head and unhooks your bras as he latches himself onto your neck, sucking harshly at the smooth skin. Once he tosses your garments to the side, he pulls back to look you over, causing your ears to burn and your cheeks to become freckled with pink.
“Oh, I love these,” he marvels, reaching down to cup your breasts and glided his thumbs over the nipples, eliciting a pleased groan from you. He slowly circles his thumbs atop the sensitive nubs, his tongue running along the perimeter of his lower lip in growing desire. As he presses a kiss onto the soft skin in his hands, he muses, “Fuckin’ amazing tits.”
He is so vulgar, and you love it so much.
After taking in the sight of your bare chest, he leans down to place kisses up and down your sternum and on your breasts, continuing to play with your nipples until you begin to squirm from his touch. Soon, he lets his hands travel down your abdomen to begin undoing your jeans.
“Let me taste you, baby girl. I bet you taste so good,” he whispers against your skin, so quiet and intimate. You’re surprised that you just barely heard it. The words that are leaving his mouth almost sound desperate, but you’d never thought he had ever had to beg for anything from anyone. From his mouth, a couple of needy pants can be heard as he looks up to face you, eyes pleading and aching to please you. “Please let me make you feel good.”
This is definitely a first for you. Never in your life had you ever had someone begging to please you; in fact, you often found yourself lucky if any of your partners would even consider returning the favor.
You find yourself wondering just how good Billy is at giving head, so much so that you can’t help but nod your head and breathe out, “Okay.”
Billy lets out a satisfied and eager moan as he immediately pulls the zipper of your jeans down and practically rips them off in one fell swoop. He then hooks his thumbs into the sides of your panties, admiring the color and texture of them. “These all for me, sweetheart?” He hums playfully before sliding them off carelessly.
Once you’re completely naked, he whistles, “Look at that… So pretty and wet.” He can’t help but stare, and it leads you to try to break the silence of your slight embarrassment.
“Like what you see?” You ask, resting your arms above your head to make your figure seem more appealing.
“Like it? I love it, kitten.”
The words that leave Billy’s mouth make you feel less self-conscious about this whole thing, makes you feel more able to let yourself just be in the moment. And this is such a great moment to be in.
At first, Billy teases you, scooting onto his stomach and making himself comfortable below your waist before planting slow kisses onto your inner thighs as he holds your legs apart with those calloused hands of his. Your body begins to quiver and twitch with anticipation, and you wish that he would just get on with it and stop playing his games. But, of course, he just has to make it memorable for you.
Soon enough, you can feel your body react on its own, your back arching in pleasure when, finally, he flattens his tongue and licks a long, slow strip all the way up your pussy. “Fuck,” you gasp, which pulls a short laugh from the face between your legs.
His tongue circles slowly all the way around the general area of your cunt, moaning lavishly at the taste of you before he flicks the tip of his tongue over that small collection of nerves that had been itching for attention all night. Just that one movement from him is enough to send you beyond the moon and all the way back.
You completely adore the feeling of his tongue licking you up and down, his strong hands holding onto you like you were a rare delicacy; and by God, he was about to indulge you.
The majority of his attention goes straight toward rubbing and circling his tongue so expertly on your clit, occasionally sticking it out all the way to lap up your taste, chuckling or moaning every time you swear or moan or gasp in pleasure. At one point, he pulls away for a fraction of a second and spits downward, letting a short stream of saliva run down your pussy before licking it back up in such a messy manner. You feel so dirty in the best way possible as you rock your hips against his tongue and beg him to make you come.
Billy lies his tongue flat onto your clit, following the lead you end up taking and finding the utmost of pleasure in the fact that you’re essentially getting yourself off on just a small part from his entire body. After a moment, however, he grows desperate to taste your sweet release, gripping you harshly by your hips and holding your waist down to the mattress as he once again takes the reins.
“Oh fuck, just like that,” you pant, gripping the edges of his pillow so hard that you swear your knuckles are turning white. At this moment, you’re beginning to see stars from how good he’s making you feel. “God, Billy, I’m getting so close.”
He hums in acknowledgement to your statement, taking it as a cue to continue doing what he feels he could do forever.
It feels like he’s composing the most complicated music onto your pleading body, his tongue doing wonders on you as he continues to eat you as if his life depends on it. You can feel your body growing more erratic by the second, tension building inside of you, and you don’t know how much longer you’re going to last. It seems that Billy is more than ready to push you right over the edge.
“Coming—,” is all you manage to push past the knot that forms in your throat, choking on your own breath as one of the most powerful orgasms you’ve ever had takes over you. You try your absolute hardest to not make too loud of noises, which results in squeals and choked moans as Billy licks up every last drop of you, slow and steady.
You pant slowly as he finally detaches himself from you, using his forearm to wipe his mouth and chin clean. A smug smirk forms on his face as he kisses his way up your body back to your lips, pressing a quick kiss onto them. “You taste absolutely incredible, gorgeous.”
All you can do is stare, awe stricken and lightheaded. You try to say something meaningful and worth something in this moment, but all you can get out of your mouth is, “You’re fucking fantastic.”
“I know.” “I take it back.”
Billy laughs, kissing you again because he just can’t bother to do anything else. You return the kiss, cupping his cheek in your hand. This one is a gentler kiss. A sweeter one. You like it, but you hope that doesn’t mean it’s over already.
Pulling away, you hesitate, but spoke nonetheless, “Do you have…”
As you trail off, he manages to catch on to what you’re hinting at, leaving you with no need to finish your sentence.
“Of course, sweet face,” he replies with the same smoothness and charm that landed the both of you in this very situation. He reaches over to open the drawer on his bedside table and pulls out a half empty box of Trojan brand condoms, pulling one out and setting the box back down on the table. As you watch him, he meets your gaze once more, making you feel more naked than nude when he gives you yet another look over.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ perfect,” he sighs, leaning down and crashing his lips back onto yours. You can taste yourself on his tongue; and out of all the times you’d kissed him tonight, this was by far the least put-together state you’d witnessed him in. But, of course, he snaps back into that old charm of his after he parts from you with a small nip of your lip and you wonder for a moment just how many women he’s said that to. Then, he gives you the same lusty look he’d shot your way many times before at the community pool as he removes his jeans and underwear, tore open the condom wrapper, and finally says the words:
“I’m gonna fuck the living shit outta you.”
That sentence alone makes you whine. Still riding from your previous orgasm, you press your thighs together to allow yourself some friction—any friction—as Billy slides the condom so skillfully onto his cock.
“No, no, none of that, princess,” he tuts, spreading your legs apart again to completely open you up to him. He pauses for a moment, marveling at the sight of you practically begging him to fuck you just by the furrow of your brow and your subtle pout. You swear you see him about to drool. “You don’t have to do a thing, pretty girl.”
With that, he slides his cock into your pussy so agonizingly slow as he growls in pure bliss, a flithy smile growing onto his face at the sound of the lewd moan that leaves your lips. You find yourself completely relishing in the feeling of connecting to Billy in a way many girls can only dream of. “Fuck, you like that baby?”
You can only manage to nod your head in response through all the fogginess in your head. Once he is all the way inside of you, he begins to pull out at the same pace, repeating the motion over and over again.
“Billy, please,” you plead, the tempo at which his hips grind against your pelvis and buries himself deep inside of you driving you completely mad. You almost want to cry out of pure frustration from the way he’s teasing you. You just want more of him, anything he’s willing to give you.
The young devil leans down onto his elbows for support so that he’s almost face to face with you, and you can feet his breath right on your cheek. Even the tone he holds in the way he responds is enough to make you lose your mind and the fucker knows it. “Please, what?”
And you can barely think straight with the way he’s working you, with his hands caressing your hips to guide you onto his cock. The way he moves seems like clockwork, a second nature to him, teasing you so well with his sinful hips and immaculate touch.
Between your whines and stifled moans, you reach a hand up to caress his face again, making eye contact with him no matter how hard it might be to keep concentrated. Your other hand joins, both of them now moving back to entangle your fingers into the smooth curls of his mullet. Soft and desperate, you beg, “Please fuck me harder.”
Billy lets out a tantalizing laugh. “That’s just what I like to hear.”
You can’t help but to let out a yelp of pleasure that is just a touch too loud as he picks up the pace of his hips. He immediately clamps a hand down over your mouth, shushing you in a way you never knew you could find sexy at all as he begins to slam his cock into you at a quicker pace.
“You want us to get caught, huh? Want my dad to barge in and find me buried deep in you while you just take it?” He presses, panting in between his words as he tries not to give into the ecstasy of being inside of you too much. “God, this pussy is fucking heavenly.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you focus on the wonderful feeling of Billy stretching out your pristine, tight little pussy. You begin to feel like you could ascend above the clouds right into heaven. He lets go of your mouth, replacing his hand with his mouth as his hips hold their steady rhythm. This kiss is sloppy and messy, the both of you moaning into each other’s mouths while they bite and nip at each other.
Billy then rips his face away from yours, panting as he looks at your face. Sweat drips from his forehead down the side of his face, but he doesn’t falter. You start to think he has the stamina of an olympic athlete.
He slows after a while, compensating for it by grinding into you as deep as he possibly can. The room fills with the smell of sex and the sound of your pants mixing together with his. It is after a moment that you begin to feel a touch too selfish.
“Do you want me to do anything?” You offer, brushing away the strands of hair that are sticking to his forehead from his sweat. Pouting subtly, you continue. “I want to make you feel good, too.”
He shakes his head before pressing a kiss onto your forehead, insisting that he’s fine. “I’m almost there, kitten,” he reassures, biting down onto his lower lip hard to hold back some of his pants. Then, taking a deep breath, he returns to his previous speed to get himself off. Gasping in surprise, you hook your arms under his to plant your hands onto his sweaty back, feeling his muscles contract as he moves.
His broad figure looms over you, and you dig your nails into his skin, scratching to make up for all the moans and screams you want to let out so that he knows just how good he’s making you feel.
“I’m gonna come, baby girl,” he pants, trying his best to hold back from completely wrecking you like he actually wants to.
Just from hearing that statement, you let out an eager moan as your hands scramble to grab onto his face, pulling it down to your own to plant the hungriest kiss you’d ever given anyone. When you break the kiss, you hug his head atop of your shoulder, pleading into his ear in the sweetest tone Billy had ever heard in his life, “Come inside of me.”
With those words, Billy lets out a strained groan of Bure bliss and ecstasy right into your ear as he spills himself into the condom. He soon slows the pace of his hips, body twitching ever so slightly as he rides out the remainder of his orgasm.
“Shit,” he sighs, letting out a final deep breath as he pulls his cock out of you and plops down beside you, occupying whatever space was left on the bed. You follow his lead when he starts to slide under the covers. “I need a smoke.”
You giggle and reach over to the floor beside where you lie in bed, pulling his Marlboro box and lighter from his jacket and rolling onto your other side to hand them to him. He smiles slightly as he pulls a cigarette from the box and puts it in his mouth, dangling it in his lips in front of you and letting you light in before he takes his first drag from it. He then offers you a smoke from his cigarette, taking it between two fingers from his mouth, to which you reject, simply saying, “I don’t smoke.”
He simply shrugs before exhaling the smoke toward the ceiling as you set the box and lighter down on his bedside table. You turn back to find his looking right at you, admiring the features on your face.
“What?” You breathe, a shy smile on your face as you rest your head onto his pillow.
“Say you’ll come out with me again,” he requests, supporting himself by the elbow of his free arm to look down at you as he continued to smoke on his cigarette. You don’t even realize that the face you pull in response reads as confused and just a bit shocked. “I’m serious. I’ll take you someplace nice, like dinner or the beach or some shit.”
“Is the infamous Billy Hargrove asking me on a second date?” You tease with a playful gasp, knowing that part of his reputation included never going out with the same girl twice. Obviously, you hadn’t prepared for this possibility when you did your introspective option-weighing at the movie theatre.
He scoffs, unable to stop the laugh that leaves the back of his throat. “Fuck you.”
You watch as he takes another long drag from his cigarette, and you shuffle onto your stomach to make yourself comfortable, scooting closer to the edge of the bed to allow him more space. Peeking up at him through your eyelashes, you question, “You know I’m going back to Vegas after the summer’s over, right?”
All Billy does is shrug, not seeming to mind. “Doesn’t mean we can’t have a bit of fun with the time we got left.”
A soft hum leaves your mouth as you watch him finish off his cigarette and toss the butt into his trash. Surely another date with him wouldn’t be so bad. “Sounds like a plan,” you give in, letting yourself enjoy the possibility of having a summer where you don’t have to wait around for Nancy all day every day.
Billy smiles in triumph, leaning down to press a kiss onto your lips. You smile a bit, too, into the kiss, the sealer of the best night of your entire summer. So far, at least. When he pulls away from you, he strokes your cheek with the knuckle of his pointer finger, noting the way you almost lean into his touch and the warmth of his hand.
“Yes, princess?”
“Please do not leave that condom on your dick.”
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britt-tay-nilsen · 4 years
Zude love
ch.5- Daddy time Jude ran to the door as the doorbell rang. He flung the door open to be greated by Katherine and a little brunette "daddy" the girl squeeled jumping into his arms as he bent down to her level. "Nattie, hey baby girl" he greeted his seven year old daughter, the two embraced happily for a bit before Katherine cleared her throat causing Jude to look up at his ex girlfriend before back to their daughter. "Nat why dont you go inside huh" Jude said standin up straight. "Okay daddy, bye mommy" Natalya said before running further into the house. Once she was gone Jude turned back to Katherine with an unimpressed look "Youre late" he stated but Katherine just rolled her eyes. "There was traffic Jonathan its not a big deal." Jude stared at her in disbelief and growing anger. "Not a big deal" he asked astonished "Katherine I only get to see her a number of times, it is a big deal." "Whatever heres her bag" Katherine said handing him Natalya's suitcase. "Dont you want to say goodbye to her" Jude asked as she tuned to leave. "We said goodbye at the house and in the car" Katherine explained. "Okay" Jude said and muttered a quick goodbye to her before closing her door and headed to the other room where his daughter was. Hearing his footsteps Natalya looked up witha smile "hey daddy" she beamed and Jude smiled back at her "hey baby, ready to go pick up your brother" he asked. Natalya jumped up in excitement "Yay Traxy" she cheered running towards the door. Jude laughed and followed her, sending a quick text on why they would be late. After about a twenty ride they pulled up to the stadium where Jude and Taylor agreed to meet. Walking inside they saw Taylor standing in the lobby holding Traxton. Natalya screamed out there names causing Taylor to turn around and smile. "Hey Nattie" she greated before looking over her shoulder "hey J". "Hey sorry again that were late" Jude apoligized as he caught up to them. "It's okay, I get it" Taylor smiled and handed Traxton over to Jude "I'll help you bring his stuff outside." She said and her, Jude, Natalya and Traxton headed back outside to the car. After goodbye's they were on there way again. "Alright guys were going to go home so we can drop your stuff off and than were going to go out and have daddy time." Jude said glancing in the rearview mirror and laughin at what he saw as the kids played around in there seats. They soon arrived back at the apartment and was greeted by Zero at the door. "Hey munchkins" he laughed as they both charged at him hugging his waist and legs. Jude smiled watching Zero hug his kids back. As a Kinkade he ahd made alot of wrong descisions but he finally made a right one. About a minute or two of Natalya and Traxton clinging to Zero Jude let out a laugh "alright let Zero breathe, go get ready to go out" he said motiong down the hall and the kids took off down it. After they were gone Jude turned back to his boyfriend "you wanna come with us" he asked jerking his head. Zero hesistated before slowly shaking his head no. Jude sighed "you can come you know, the kids love you they wont. This is a family thing and you are family." Jude continued saying. Zero still looked a little uncertain but slowly nodded "okay yah." Jude's smile lit up his entire face and he kissed Zero on the cheek before calling to the kids. "Nat, Trax lets go". Two sets of footsteps could be running down the hall. "Wait you guys dont mind if Zero comes do you" he asked already knowing the answer. Natalya's face lit up and she beamed at her dad's boyfriend "are you coming with us Zero" she asked, her eyes filled with hope and plead. Letting out a sigh Zero let a gentle smile cross his face "yah Nat, Im coming" he conformed making both of the kids clap in excitement. Jude and Zero shared a laugh, watching them. "Alright lets go" Jude said scooping Traxton up in his arms and headed outside Zero and Natalya following behind. After they were in the car with the kids strapped in tight they headed out. They decided to go to rugrats pizzeria. Considering the fact that it was Natalya and Traxton's favorite place to be. "Stay together" Jude warned handing them a cup filled with tokens to go play. "Yes daddy" Natalya said grabbing the cup and her little brothers hand before running off. After watching them take off Jude and Zero sat down at a table. "You sure you dont want to go play with them" Zero mocked smirking and laughed when Jude punched him in the shoulder. "Shut up" Jude laughed before standing up. "Im gunna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" he said and at Zero's nod he turned off to the bathroom. When he was done and had cleaned his hands he came back to the table hearing Natalya and Traxton screaming and laughing with glee along with dozen other children. He saw Zero tapping along on his phone with a blank almost bored or angry face. "bored" Jude asked sitting back down in his seat. Upon his arrival Zero looked up and put his phone back down on the table. "No, its just jeleana" he said letting her name out in a snarl. This caused Jude to roll his eyes "what this time" he asked feeling his hatered for the girl filling up more than already. "She's trying to say theres a mandatory practice right now." Zero explained causing Jude's eyebrows to meet his hariline. "Are you going" Jude asked slightly nervous for the response. Zero just looked at him like he grown an extra head. "Absoultley not, Im here with you and the kids and thats where Im staying." Jude felt his heart speed up just like the first time. And he smiled but before he could reply Natalya and Traxton were running over. "Can we go now" Natalya asked causing both grown men to look at her in surprise. "You wanna leave" Zero asked "wev only been here for" he paused looking at the time on his phone, ignoring the multiple incoming texts from jelena "thirty minutes". "Yah we know but someone threw up in one of the kiddie slides and the mood was ruined" Natalya explained while Traxton nodded along seriously. Jude and Zero shared a look before they both stood up. "Alright then lets go" Jude announced and the did. Once they were back in the car Jude turned hid attention back on the kids "what do you want to do now" he asked. Natalya and Traxton shared a look before chanting together "movies, movies, movies". Zero let out a bark of a laugh at the unexpected response and Jude just sighed with a smile. "Okay than" he said stepping on the gas and going in the direction of the movies. Getting there they quickly got there popcorn, soda and candy before heading inside. They decicided to see a remake of the child film roglaic because Traxton ad to a extent Natalya wanted to see it. Zero looked as he felt, completley and utterly bored. While Jude loved his kids and loved watching them so excited, couldnt blame Zero for feeling that way considering he was he was the same. He could barely follow anything on the screen and could feel his eyes drooping shut. He was tired when he suddenly jerked as Zero grabbed his arm. Zero chucked in response and whispered to him "It's so hard to follow, I dont understand how the kids are doing it". Jude nodded along but then glared at the teasing look he realized Zero had. "Shut up" he whispered back, to tired to put any bark in his bite. After what felt like an eternaity the movie was over and Jude, Zero, Natalya and Traxton decided to end the funfilled day by spending some time at home. "I'm tired" Natalya complained hlfway through the ride while Traxton was already passed out. Jude let out a slow nod from his place in the passenger seat. He himself was so tired that he couldnt drive making Zero the driver. Zero was also dead tired but someone had to get them home. By the time they got there Jude was on the way to doze off but both the kids were already asleep. As they pulled up to the apartment Jude jerked and forced himself awake even more. "I'll get Nat, you get Trax" he groggily said unbuckling to gt out of the car. "Got it" Zero agreed and they did just that each carrying a sleeping child inside. Carrying Natalya to her room Jude gentley and slowly laid her in the bed and kissed her forehead. He sat back thinking for a bit, rethinking about the day with a soft smile. Today was an amazing day.
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