#im more intelligent speaking Spanish I swear
Today my classes got canceled bc public transport isn’t working (buses, subways, trains, etc) as drivers are on strike so I finally had the time to watch The Chuch On Ruby Road !!
Here are some of my opinions:
I know we get to see him in The Giggle, but that's just a fraction of what we get to see in this episode. I love his energy, his voice, and how nice and approachable he seems as The Doctor. You can see that he loves his job and that he loves being The Doctor, and that he will crush this job.
AND MILLIE GIBSON? LOVE HER. LOOOOVE HER. Her accent is magnificent, her personality, her EVERYTHING. I know I’ll love Ruby Sunday very much (I already do, I can’t hate companions).
HER OUTFITS ARE ALSO GORGEOUS !! I know they’ll be fighting for their lives with cunty outfits this new season and I’m all here for it.
It’s funny how she just roll with everything like she wasnt that shocked as I’d have expected. It was like “oh this alien who had a hot wet summer with Harry Houdini is helping me save the foster baby that just came to my home from this coincidence-eating goblings? yeah ok valid.”
I’m so excited to know her origins. I don’t know if I really care who her biological mother is, BECAUSE CARLA IS HER MOTHER AND SHES WONDERFUL. But I want to know what RTD has in mind for her and where she comes from. I have my theories but they’re like… trashy and stupid so I want to know what the real deal will be.
The thing I love most about RTD episodes are how he shows that companions still have families outside of their TARDIS life. Like with some other companions I felt like it was like, three episodes where their family appeared and then they were just gone forever.
Rose and Jackie, Martha and Francine, Donna and Sylvia. I loved these interactions and how much it affected the companions and the whole plot. So Carla being present in Ruby’s life and the series is something important for me and I’m really looking forward to see how her interactions will affect.
Now, to the goblings…
Look, the whole gobling situation was really bizarre and funny. It made me really uncomfortable when the camera zoomed to their faces and I couldn’t stop thinking “why are they doing that? It looks like when my friends took really bad zoomed pictures”. It didn’t happened like, one time, IT WAS EVERY TIME. Also, when they jumped and danced was really funny and so strange they looked like Mii characters.
WHEN JANICE GLOBING STARTED SINGING!! THAT IS CINEMA!!. Her saying the many ways they could eat Lulubelle (I agree with the doctor, that is a great name), I was shocked, I couldn’t stop laughing and how silly the whole scene was.
Idk why people hate The Doctor and Ruby’s song. I heard many people criticizing the lyrics but the song was actually good. It was improvised by The Doctor and Ruby so it couldn’t be majestic (not like the gobling song lol), but they did great with what they had. I would have made a mess and just start singing something cringy just to annoy them, so Ruby really killed it with those lyrics. And the vocals? GOD THE VOCALS. I LOVE HOW MILLIE AND NCUTI SING!! IM REALLY EXCITED FOR THAT BEATLES EPISODE NOW (I was before watching TCORR bc im a huge Beatles fan but now that I heard them sing? ohh I can’t wait).
The resolution was meh but I was more interested in the characters so I didn’t rally cared tbh I wasn’t expecting it to be something astounding.
Overall, I loved the episode as as a whole (4/5) and I think is a good first episode for Ncuti and Millie.
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keijislvr · 2 years
random third year!seijoh hcs
cw: swearing and that's it i think, there's lots of cuteness and fluff bc i love them sm my simp definitely shows through <3
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makki is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. they were a nervous to tell the team, but mattsun had convinced them at worst, there could be some confusion or curiosity, but none of it would come from a bad place, and so they went ahead and dropped it into conversation amongst the usual chatter in the locker room. much to their delight nothing changed it was never going to anyways, but you can’t blame the baby for having their worries other than the use of pronouns, of course.
what takahiro doesn’t know is that oikawa, who had pre-empted this months in advance of actually being told, had been sending links of articles, videos and even tiktoks about gender identity, different pronouns and being non-binary to each team member separately excluding makki ofc pretending he thought they’d “be really interested in this thing i read/watched earlier!”
its a lie. of course its a lie. tooru just doesn’t want people hassling his best friend with questions about things that can easily be googled, especially since makki gets overwhelmed easily. plus he could tell it had been weighing on their mind a lot. he knows. he just DOES BECAUSE OIKAWA TOORU IS GREAT AND OBSERVANT FRIEND WHO ISN’T SELF OBSESSED OKAY AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL BECAUSE IM SO TIRED OF HIM BEING SEEN AS THIS SELFISH LITTLE BRAT HE LOVES HIS FRIENDS LOVES THEM I TELL YOU AND— tooru knows before hiro tells him, he just pretends he doesn’t
i’m telling you, iwa is probably the one that’s actually the most dense when it comes to these things...hell the boy didn’t even know issei was bi, which is strange considering he literally wears a heart-shaped ring with the flag colours on it. and has matching hair clips which he wears on his jean pockets. and a graphic tee with obnoxiously bright lettering spelling out “just passing bi ;)”
okay so maybe hajime is a little bit oblivious
which somehow brings me onto my next point!!! contrary to common belief, these babies are actually very intelligent, not only in terms of volleyball but also in their academics. and i mean all four of them, not just iwa! every! single! one! 
each of them has a particular subject they excel in and they essentially, you know . share the brain cells . but in a smart way 
(don’t get me wrong, they’re school smart and volleyball smart, but they lack logic and any semblance of regret. it leads to chaos and way too many detentions.)
tooru adores literature and history and probably spends his spare time reciting dramatic monologues in his mirror. also can and will talk your ear off about the different literary movements and how they reflect events in history. wears his glasses so he can pretend to be an expert, chatting away about his field of work fucking nerd lmao
mattsun is a chemistry and physics whizz but for the life of him cannot understand biology because “tHERE’S TOO MANY BODY PARTS I DON’T WANT TO KNOW ABOUTTTT”
he’s just lucky that hanamaki is an ace at bio and could probably memorise an anatomy chart with just one look :o
speaking of makki, their second best subject is defo art and art history! something about them just screams knowledgeable about painting techniques okay, like you’re telling me this lil baby wouldn't be walking around an art gallery spouting out random facts about artists??? because if so, you’re wrong ;)
it’s shocking when you first get to know them but later on it kinda just . makes sense
and then iwa! iwa has the seijoh 4 covered on the maths and languages part (okay but just imagine him picking up different languages easily??? hot. oiks is jealous, especially when haji sounds more fluent than him in spanish post timeskip haha
they regularly have study dates . 
tooru loves making it aesthetic 
seriously, you’d think he had a fairy light addiction or smthn
it usually ends with them getting distracted and having debates about things completely off topic 
“i thought it was lemon flavoured?”
“.......” “what!?”
“m-makki, bane of my existence and object of all my desires, my soulmate, the love of my life, definitely in that order—”
“but....but you cant see the middle? so why the fuck would i—why are you looking at me like that!?”
and so another debate begins can u tell i’ve had this exact debate with my friends
on a completely unrelated note because i can’t concentrate for the life of me
seijoh 4 going thrifting!!!! getting boba!!!!! and sushi!!!!! and just enjoying themselves because they’re precious and deserve it :(
iwa dragging the other three around the vintage clothing shops to look at the cool sweatshirts they have
mattsun having a little collection of thrifted trinkets (his fav is a tiny porcelain elephant that oikawa picked out! he has it on his window sill! if anyone breaks it he will cry!)
makki always manages to get the best jewelry at thrift shops, they’re like a magpie they see smthn shiny and.....oh...yeah, you’ve lost them
iwa: hey hiro, what d’ya think about this vase?
makki: *sees a sparkly ring*
iwa: didn’t your mum say she wanted—
makki: *fuckin naruto runs their ass over to the shiny stuff*
iwa:.......or not
mattsun wears crop tops you can’t change my mind
his style is very masc, lots of leather, silver accessories and dark colour pallets so he tends to go with a nice white or cream coloured tank top that shows of his lil tummy :)
issei bellybutton piercing petition???
the others have to beg him to wear y’know. actual colours every now and again
other than the just passing bi top (and the vb kit obvs) he really sticks to black, white and grey
hanamaki also sticks fast to their aesthetic ;) which is really just the colour brown LMAO
likes soft materials! big knit jumpers and looser jeans are also definitely a staple, probably coupled with gold jewelry (i think it would look pretty with their hair akahwbw)
has these really beaten up grey white converse that they refuse to let go of until they literally have like 5 holes in them and the other three buy them a new pair for their birthday
poor iwaizumi
he got his shoe fixed
.......2 months later
BUT tooru payed financially and physically and that’s the main thing
yes so iwa swings between aesthetics tbh, he’s a it just depends on the day type of guy
usually dons casual clothes though if they’re not going out, big shirts and loose sweats or gym shorts are his thing
he has mattsun’s hoodie from nearly 2 years ago and refuses to give it back
coincidentally, the only time mattsun wants to wear the hoodie is when iwa has it on
true best friend behaviour
honestly with oikawa i’d say he’s pretty casual too! practically loves in his seijoh jersey (wanna bet that he doesn’t wash it all too often?)
he likes the preppy style too, especially with his glasses and all </3
nerdy tooru with his little glasses, studying his pretty head off has my fucking HEART LIKE GODDAMN IT THIS BOY IS SO CUTE
they’re all just babies i love them :3
makki painting their nails!! even better, oikawa painting makki’s nails!! since he has the steadiest hands and all!!
“ohhh makki what colour are you going for today?”
“hm, they’re going for red—”
one day . their homeroom teacher wants one normal day .
they initially were in different homerooms, but after discovering that it’s literally impossible to keep them apart, even if you put them on different sides of the school, their teachers quickly signed their transfer slips
i’d say one factor for that was when matsukawa suddenly popped up behind tooru 45 minutes into the class
no one knows how he got there
or why he was there
not even tooru
but they did know what happened next
cheeto dust . cheeto dust flew
that's right dear readers, this 6 ft something, muscle man at the age of 18 IS FUCKING INCAPABLE OF OPENING A BAG OF CRISPS PROPERLY
(and issei sulked because of it. he had to be bought boba just so he would stop whining about how mean everyone is.)
((what i mean by that is, hanamaki all but shoved the drink down his throat to shut him up))
oh they have cuddle nights :o
usually they're round iwa’s house, because he has two spare blow up beds!! they just push them together and try and squeeze in together
it never works
and it's always poor tooru that suffers haha
he always gets put on the edge because he’s the best at dealing with horror movies (why they insist on have scary movie marathons despite being C O W A R D S is besides me) which means he has to balance himself on the corner of the futon because eVERYONE ELSE TAKES UP SM ROOM
makki (the resident wimp) always claims iwa as a cuddle partner aka has hajime as a sacrifice if the occasion calls for it and curls into his chest like a lil b a b ie but they both still take up quite a lot of room, being tall ass vb players and all
(hiro drools on iwa’s godzilla shirt every time. and gets smacked every time. they claim its worth it though)
and mattsun is just inconvenient with his long limbs and stUPID HABIT OF SLEEPING IN A STARFISH POSITION
their parents defo have multiple pictures of said cuddle sessions because they’re never above teasing their lil babies <33 “you may be eighteen, but you’ll always be our little cuties!”
omg i bet issei is a really good baker :o
imagine him with a frilly apron ugh that's so sexy of him tbh
speaking of phone cases, iwaizumi definitely has to have one of those military grade protection cases because he drops his phone so much
takahiro has one covered in random stickers and doddles they drew on with permanent marker
tooru has a clear one with a polaroid of all of them together ++ his id card behind it because you never know when you’ll need it
he also has one of those beaded phone chains that mattsun gave him for his birthday :)
really they all just treasure the gifts they get each other akajwhw
they’re so cute <333
i love them, they love each other, i better stop with these hcs or i’ll go on forever aAA
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eggbagelz · 1 year
dr death defying is my fav but the way u jus described motorbaby..... she might take the crown....
okok now i gotta ask- what r ur fav hcs abt any of the killjoys? or what hcs are so stuck in your brain that theyre practically canon to you??? i love ur killjoys sm please i would love to hear you ramble abt them >:]
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Actually I've been wanting to talk abt my hcs for a while so THANK U FOR THIS TEE HEE
Anyway! I think like. My interpretations [or hcs i guess] of the 'joys is a lil nonstandard in some ways bc i took the blank slate of their personalities and ran with it GSJSH [so these are all like. Canon to me. Basically. Sorry gerald u never gave ur apocalypse ocs personalities so theyre mine now] basically like. I have some v set hcs on their personalities and main characteristics as a whole
I like to think that fun ghoul is like. While hes v v chatty and more than a little mischievous hes also EXTREMELY perceptive to the point it's unnerving, and while hes not v good with his own emotions he's fucking insanely good at picking up other people's, as well as like. Tiny details and shit that others wouldn't have noticed. Hes still an idiot tho godbless GKEHSJ. Hes the number one mad gear fanboy. Hes good w explosives but crap with other tech.
Kobra. Ohohohohohohohoooo kobra. Ppl like to hc him as v stoic [which im not implying is a bad hc at all btw!!! Just an observation] but i like to thing hes EXTREMELY emotional and p unpredictable. A v shoot first ask questions later type, and deathly afraid of being percieved as cowardly or weak. Absolutely GARBAGE shot, which is why he has stun gloves. Practically the fucking tech whisperer.Official motorbaby wrangler. Gets astronomical amounts of ass but is terrified of feeling any romantic emotions.Half Japanese, he and poison are fraternal twins!
POISON! Also extremely emotional but has it under sliiightly better control than kobra [lol. "Control." How full's that bottle ur filling ur feelings with now pois?]. Very very good w tactical stuff and planning, likes logic and such. Also v flamboyant and enjoys colour and the life of the zones. Prettiest 'joy in the zones, seriously. Talks a LOT but has absolutely no fucking filter. Extremely sex positive.Abt as emotionally intelligent as a brick. Also half japanese ic the they and kobra being twins thing didnt make it obvious GDJDDJ. Terrified of death but doesnt know it. Romatic feelings for jet are approximately the size of the continent of asia
Jet jet jet jet jet. My sweet girlboy. Lost his entire family in a shootout against bli when he was 14 and now suffers from "i have to keep everyone i love safe at all fucking costs so help me god" disease so bad that its actually a reflex now. Took care of motorbaby the most when she was an infant. Best shot in the zones GODBLESS. Hes got an eye [ha] for beauty and appreciates p much everything the world has to offer as best he can. Trying to be an optimist despite his horrendous anxiety disorder. Spanish is his first language! Doesnt talk much and thinks carefully abt what he says before he says it. Madly in love with poison but has carefully filed that away under "n" for "never touching that ever"
Motorbaby. Stuck halfway between "extremely unchildlike behavior" and being a regular weird little girl. Far too used to violence. LOOOOVES big robots so much her favorite toy is an old mecha action figure ghoul fixed up for her. Impossible not to love, seriously. ADORES her big brothers. High energy but also burns out quickly and has to nap a LOT. Picked up some of the languages the fab four speak aside from english [spanish, italian, and snatches of japanese] but in the manner that means she knows how to swear in four languages. Veeery small
Jet and ghoul are desert boys [tho ghoul wasnt born in the desert and was smuggled out of bat city by his dad when he was a toddler], while kobes and poison are cityboys [escaped when they were both 13]. Jet's the oldest, ghoul's the youngest
I also have some ideas abt zones culture but aside from the talk abt bigotry probably still being rampant in the zones thats smth im saving for my roadtrip au fic tee hee
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ivyglow · 3 years
Seems like everybody is on a nolan train and im not mad about it. I get the vibe that nolan is pretty picky when selecting a romantic partner to pursue or make his gf. How'd u think he'd be like when he meets someone that checks off all his boxes and MORE? Gimme some nolan thinking ur too good to be true after the 1st date and then being head over heels in love after the first 2 weeks. And all his friends & family r shocked cause its not like nolpats to be so enamored by someone that quickly
hop in, nonny, you’ll love it in here! 
k so maybe you two met through mutual friends and his friends are like “you’re gonna love her, I swear” and he’s just rolling his eyes and sighing because they tried setting him up before and it didn’t work, but still he went on -it was a small get-together, just close friends, teammates and their significant other and he needed to breath fresh air
when he gets there the speakers are softly playing a song he was sure wasn’t chosen by any of the boys, “what's wrong with you guys listening to bob seger? were you hit by the fairy of good music taste or something?” he joked in a mumble and tk instantly rose his eyebrows
“that’s actually y/n’s playlist,” his best friend answers and nolan turns his attention to the new face in the living room, there's a cup on your hands and a small smile displaying on the corner of your tinted lips. your eyes are confident and the color goes perfectly along with your complexion. he swears he never saw someone so beautiful in that unique way. you didn’t have a familiar face and maybe that's what somehow made him more curious about you. when he went to shake your hand the song came to an end and Hozier started playing, “you have a good taste in music,” he mumbles, “I’m nolan, by the way.” you smile, a full parted lips smile and his heart does a double flip, “I actually listen to everything, and I mean everything because I listen from German music to Latinas,” your voice has this happy gigglish tone and he can’t help but smile too. “Do you speak German?” “Yes, and French, Portuguese, Spanish, currently I’m learning Chinese,” he’s taken by surprise, and one of your friends explain to him you're in Philly for your Ph.D. in languages. nolan talks to you for the rest of the night, and that is he talks almost only with you, every time tk looked for him he was handing around you, awestruck small smile, eyes attentive, listening to everything you had to say. that night you talked about everything, he enjoyed listening to you talking, your voice soothing him in a way he never ever felt, and you ever so curious manners always asking something back but never being intrusive. 
“I’m sorry I talk too much, I’m just this excited about some subjects,” you explain and a giggle follows your words, he shakes his head, “no, it’s perfect that you’re talkative because sometimes I’m way too quiet...I think that gives us balance,” he explains and watches as your smile get bigger and bigger. “Ok but now tell me about you, whatever you want, but not hockey related because I know you exist beyond that, I actually hate when people try to talk to me only about my profession as if it is was the only thing I want to talk about, I love what I do but like c’mon ask me about et’s, and zodiac signs, food, random music, memes, there’s a bunch of cool stuff you know?” and he’s just nodding and watching you because fuck he feels like he could kiss you right now. you were fun, intelligent, quite the opposite of him in some areas he came to discover, but that was just perfect, and you kept getting prettier with each word
he wanted to kiss you
but you did it first
and that night when he drove you home you were already carrying a bit of his heart
one week and two dates later you kept getting more interesting and he kept talking about you with tk “did you know she’s learning to play the guitar?” “she’s a genius isn’t she?” “and she was with this new lipstick today, tasted like cherries.” “she loves horror movies.” “she’s into ham and cheese sandwich in the morning” etc
two weeks in and you were already exclusive, he couldn’t help but talk about you with his sister as well, and just by listening to him talk about you for an hour straight she knew he had it bad
and nolan realized it the first time you went to one of his game, you were wearing his number and wearing an orange converse because you liked to match stuff just like that, and when he scored he searched for your eyes on the stands and you were screaming and jumping and clapping just like all the flyers fans still he could spot you like you as if you were wearing a completely different color
he wanted to look to the stands and always see you, and wake up beside you during the days you stayed at his place, he wanted to share a cereal bowl with you, and find horror movies funny just like you did, he wanted to listen to your favorite playlist and show you his, and he wanted late-night drives and early morning kisses with you
all that because he had it bad
nolan was in love and he didn’t wait longer to tell you that
Woah- I think I got a bit carried away lol
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
Hi!!! Can I have a 🍸 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 with Harry Potter please? Thanks in advance ❤️
I'm 19, Southeast Asian with Spanish descent, Libra, ENFJ-A/ENFJ-T, Ravenclaw, and a Bi Pan Genderfluid girl using the pronouns She/Her or He/Him. A friend of mine told me that I (kinda) look like Marinette from 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘂𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆𝗯𝘂𝗴, Musa from 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝘅 𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯, and Alexandra Trese from 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲 (a Netflix animated series), but the exception is I'm short (5'1.2") plus sized Southeast Asian woman with Spanish descent that has messy/wavy brunette medium hair, chocolate brown eyes, oriental skin and a small beauty mark on the forehead. My sense of fashion is in between emo and boyish plus korean glam.
People thought I'm a demure self-effacing religious woman that looks "idealistic" or "one of a kind," (due to my protective parents, a reason why I've never been in a relationship) but the truth is, I'm very complex...I coincindentally radiate the common traits of a Libra together with my mbti, and the cinnamon meme "𝗟𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗹, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂". I also have this 𝗕𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲/𝗗𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲/𝗞𝘂𝘂𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲 vibes if I'm an anime character, I laugh loudly on a daily basis, speak with nerdiness (in an entertaining way) or sarcasms, and cites some meme references. But my deeper self is a hella fragile, doubtful, frustrated, insecure and hopeless romantic, pushing too much to please everyone because of my fear of failure that might dissapoint them from their expectations, yet I still managed to be stronger than ever though it's a slow burn process.
Blunt but the loudest idiotic feeling-brokenhearted and bitter friend in the group who fangirl a lot, swears like sailor, will act like a silent backstabber on people that we loathe, will crack up over your stupid antics before helping, and bring gossips, but a hopeless romantic who tends to pull off corniest jokes/puns, and banter or make pick up lines as an endearment (but gets grumpy if I received sappy or offensive one), still generous and concerned in a subtle way.
My hobbies are singing, drawing, roleplaying, listening to music, chatting/browsing on social media, conceptualizing, writing, and reading some stuffs. 𝖨'𝗅𝗅 𝗂𝗇𝖼𝗅𝗎𝖽𝖾 making corniest jokes/puns, 𝗌𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀, and dancing when nobody's around or walking like a model if I feel so bold (even I'm terrible at both xD).
My best assets are smile, eyes, personality, singing voice, artistic skills, writings, intelligence, and oratorical skills...so I can consider myself as a singer, artist, orator, and a top student who's a former active campus ministry member with three roles (choir leader, psalm singer, and reader). Currently an incoming college freshman, learning how to cook and have so many interests, to the point I don't know what I'm into because of my dreams to become a popular Filipino YouTuber, a novelist, and being part of a successful chorale competing internationally...I also consider joining pageants at school too once the pandemic ends, but maybe.
woah dami ah hHAHAHAHA char lang ily gotchu bb SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG OMFG
sirius met you through james, who was then trying to get lily because ofc you were one of her friends. james was all “put a good word for me, yeah?” but sirius didn’t really see this side so he thought that you and james were a thing HAHDHWHAHA especially because you and james made pun jokes together but in reality you two were just brotp.
i also would like to assign you as pureblood so yea sirius had doubts about you because by the time you met. he was at his redemption arc <333 then at some point while you were waiting for james at the common room, you were left alone with sirius and you two just…talked and he really enjoyed it and yall just became closer and closer and closer.
sirius was then worried because he might’ve had a little something for you and he was like fucckkkk im sinning against james so whenever he had the chance, he’d go up to james like “you still like lily, right? you’re making major progress with her, right?” and james just narrows his eyes like…duh
he kept doing this until james had to ask what was up with him so sirius confessed about liking you and james just couldn’t hold it in because after all those times he’d been coming up to him, sirius was trying to get james’ ‘blessing’ on asking you out hHAHAHAHAHAA
— you two 100% played with each other’s hair when you became official.
— sirius always looks at you with heart eyes whenever you talk omfg
— PLS THE WAY THE TWO OF YOU WOULD MAKE FUN OF EACH OTHER IS JUST UNMATCHED. basically you were both getting along well with each other. he thought you were interesting and he’s a big simp for interesting people.
— whenever the topic of your conversations shifted to something more emotional you two would end it laughing while making jokes and it was just so comfortable for the two of you yk
— the rest of the marauders is supportive of your relationship and when james finally got with lily, everyone went out (not just you four on a double date but also EVERYONE in the friend group).
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njeancastro316 · 4 years
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Whatever it takes
Another snippet from my original female character and Elijah story. Please read the short snippet Always and Forever first .Here I introduce her twin sister Daliera which you’ll see a bit more of her in other snippets I have. I know I haven’t given you much info as to what she is , just know shes an ancient entity for now . (Please dont kill me) I’ll change things to keep with the storyline of TO or I wont . These are things that pop in my head 🤪.
Friendly reminder English is not my first language , there is some spanish words thrown in there which will be translated at the end. Love you guys, please reblog, like, enjoy , leave a comment whatever you like. Your support means a lot 🤗😘
Kudos to the giff owner
10 years had past since she witnessed his death and her pain never lessened. It grew worse every time she came to pay her respects. She often wished to have died with him , maybe in death she’d be at peace or feel nothing at least. She sobbed,tears poured down her cheeks.
“Elijah ... mi amor porque me duele tanto , porque no puedo olvidarte . Te extraño tanto”. Her hand clutched her heart again. “Daría todo por verte una vez mas” she felt an unwelcome familiar presence.
“You’d give anything to see him again huh”? Y/N turned and looked into the eyes of her twin sister Daliera. “What are you doing in here ? “Can you let me mourn in peace”?She spat clearly upset . “Sister must you always be like that with your own blood”?, “Besides you knew the price you’d payed when you decided to meddle in the affairs of humans let alone fall in love with the abomination that was Elijah Mikaelson and his wretched family”. Daliera said in disgust.
“He was NOT an abomination”she shouted furious the wind had picked up a bit , “Dont speak of his name , I know what you did to me , to him ,you cursed us . Me forever to be in his shadow and him to have his true love by his side and never be able to recognize it , to suffer with others that would never really truly love him”.
“Well I think I went easy on him dont you think”? Daliera smiled wickedly. Y/N’s hand was fast and swift as it made contact with her sisters cheek. “Keep that forked tongue inside your mouth , dont make me forget that we are related, it doesn’t bode well for you sister”, she threatened.
“You! Threatening me”Daliera laughed. “Seriously you ... who’s never hurt a fly on purpose”.
“Sister you forget that my side is darker than yours , that Im the worst of what we are and that the only anchor that I held onto was the man I loved”. Y/N body shook. “When he died my control shattered and now I struggle everyday to keep it a bay. So please goad me , I beg of you this planet needs a global cleansing , Ive been iching to let loose for eons”.
“Ohhh Im shaking in my boots”Daliera chuckled
“Why are you here”? Y/N coiled ready to strike.
“Direct to the point I see”Daliera bit her lip playfully.
“Please be quick your presence angers me and that group of people over there Y/N pointed to a family of tourists “looks eager to meet their maker”.
“That’s dark sister even for you”. To which Y/N shrugged her shoulders in response. Daliera could see that Y/N was at her wits end, she was treading on dangerous waters having endure so much thanks to her malingering and jealousy.
“You’d give anything to see your beloved Elijah again , yes”? She asked while circling Y/N.
“Yes”she quietly answered trying to keep calm, this was a trap she could feel it. Daliera was sick like that, playing with her emotions.
“Would you do whatever it takes to bring him back” ? Because if that’s the case, I can tell you where he is and the means to procure him”
That was it Y/Ns eyes changed colors , her hand went for her sisters neck. “That is impossible, you try to insult my intelligence again and I swear to you ... sister you will spend a 100 lifetimes putting yourself back together”.
“There is nothing impossible for us Y/N you of all people should know that”.
“We don’t meddle with the dead! but I’ll humor you ,Whats the catch? Daliera” Y/N asked annoyed yet her interest had been peeked.
“You will need a witch , a powerful one”.
“There is no witch powerful enough to take me wherever he is . So you are waisting your time here” .
“Let me tell you something in the proper english lingo ,Fuck off and leave me in peace” , “I’m not interested in your charade”.Y/N turned to leave.
“What about Hope”? Daliera suggested . Y/N stopped suddenly , her sisters audacity knew no bounds. ‘How dare she’?!
“Do not bring Hope into this .She’s been through so much as it is . She lost her mother , her father , her uncle and she almost died at the hands of the hollow. She’s at peace living her life and I will not bother her with something that will not work”.
“She’s the child of your own imaginings , she belongs to you , make her”.
“Never”! Y/N quickly answered “Now you may think because of the dark power I posses I am like you manipulative and vindictive , that I bend everything and every one to my will , you are wrong . I’ve never been like that nor I choose to be”.
“How boring” Daliera rolled her eyes. “Any way Hope is the way to see your beloved again , I just wanted to let you know”.
“What do you gain from this information Daliera ? What do you want from me”?
“Nothing sister I just wish to make amens ... for all I’ve done” Daliera lowered her head in sign of defeat.
“Make amens”?! Y/N eyes blazed in fury “Make amens” !! Daliera was pushed into an alley wall hard , she was paralyzed, she couldn’t move or speak.
“There is nothing you can say to undo what’ve done to me , to Elijah , to my family because they were my real family . You on the other hand with your feigned innocence are a bitch who couldn’t stand me being loved by one of the most wonderful beings that had ever existed” . “The Niklaus to my Elijah but unlike him , I do not shared love for you in the slightest”.
“So sister this is my gift to you with all the darkness I carry here is my wish” she grabbed her sister chin forcefully... “I wish for you”Y/N whispered softly “to be cursed to roam alone and unloved for all of your miserable existence”.
“Y/N you cannot do this!! , please don’t do this”!! Daliera’s tears cascaded down her cheeks.
“It is so because I desire it and it wont be undone. Goodbye” Y/N took a step back and turned walking away.
“Y/N it will work!! Please” Daliera screamed . “Dont leave me like this” ,Whatever it takes!!!
Y/N kept walking , her dark power flowing to her body , now she knew where she was heading of to next Mystic Falls ... “Whatever it takes”
Elijah my love... why does it hurt so much , why cant I forget you?. I miss you so much.
I’d do anything to see you again one last time.
@hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @dumble-daddy @eternityunicorn @satedbond @elejah-wonderland @kaiiiiiiparkerismyhusband @idkhaylijah @danielasala @mikaelsonsdeservedbetter @elijahtrash @elijahmikaelsontvd-blog
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pathos-logical · 5 years
One Picture, a Thousand Words
Roman is a wonder that cannot be put to words, Logan a marvel that ink cannot capture. They try anyway.
Hoo, this sure was a labor of love! Love because I love @bleepblopbloop56​ with all my heart and labor because HOLY HECK WAS THIS HARD TO WRITE. But never mind any of that, because HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my friend!!! I absolutely adore you, and I hope your year is as fantastic as you are!!!
Trigger warnings: Food mention; a joking mention of hallucinations. I think that’s it, but please tell me if I need to add something!!
There are a thousand words Logan could use to describe Roman. He would pull a Shakespeare and invent a thousand more if it meant finding a word that could accurately chronicle the tapestry of Roman, all colorful patches and carefully stitched seams. But Logan is no artist, and his words seem an inadequate medium. 
Beautiful, he thinks and immediately discards. That is too obvious, the truth of it plain to see. Lovely is- better. More intimate. But too soft, perhaps, for Roman’s flame-edged hair, the bronze of his skin and the steel in his spine.
He has tried countless words, none of them quite right. Larger-than-life. (And no, his charisma and magnetic smile absolutely did not excuse the way he didn’t seem to know how to shut up.) Captivating. (Roman did have a way with words, when he wasn’t being an idiot.) Extraordinary. (He was quite the artist and actor.) Brilliant. (Again, Roman was rather intelligent when it came down to it.) Perfect. (Technically impossible. But.)
All those words he longs to say, not one spoken aloud.
(Or- once. Alone in his room, he had tried the shape of mine on his mouth, thought about how it tasted on his lips and imagined the look in Roman’s eyes if he ever dared to say it in front of him. Once, and never again.)
Oh, he wishes. But Logan has always been better with words on the page than to other people.
Well, he thinks, looking down at the piece of paper in his hands, I suppose that’s what this is for. His eyes rove over the paper, skimming over phrases without really taking them in. If he reads it he’ll try to fix it, and at this point there’s too much of his heart in the words for him to change them.
He looks at the last paragraph. It’s the kind of declaration he sneers at in the romance novels Roman so adores, the kind of thing he would’ve sneered at barely years ago. But Roman always did have a way of making him question things he’d taken for postulates- himself included.
I tried, over the course of this letter, to pin down what exactly about you has drawn me so irrevocably into your orbit and left me floundering in unfamiliar space. However, as the length of this might indicate, I soon discovered that I could not.
You know me. It is very rare that I find myself lost for words. But I find myself unable to find the correct words to describe you, or even the correct words. Not because I have run out of things to say, or even because you have left me speechless, but because I could use a whole dictionary of love letters and fail to find the words that capture the way your eyes shine in the light when you laugh at your own jokes, and all the cliches in the world cannot express how I feel about every mundane, breathtaking thing about you.
But despite all that, I have three words for you, Roman, and I suppose there is no better day to deliver them than today (as of the day you receive this, at least).
I love you.
 Roman has a sketchbook no one but him has ever seen.
The drawings are all in pencil, and Roman aches to paint them, to mix his colors until he finds shades that will truly bring them to life. But Logan is a peculiar kind of monochrome, with his navy hair and black polo shirts and countless blue ties, and Roman fears that no amount of paint could do that justice.
It’s undeniable that the warm brown of Logan’s eyes is a color he itches to find in a colored pencil, that the almond of his skin is one he longs to see redden at his touch. But those aren’t the things he really wants to capture when he puts pencil to paper anyway. No, when he draws Logan, his focus is on the subtle gleam that comes to his eyes when he speaks about something he’s passionate about, the curl of his lips when his emotionless facade breaks at some stupid comment Roman made.
Roman wishes he could show Logan the notebook, sometimes, the days when his longing overpowers his surety in the fact that it could never be reciprocated. He imagines coffee-colored eyes looking through the pages with delight, taking in the devotion clear in the meticulous lines. He pictures the hands he’s spent hours perfecting skimming over paper, taking care not to smudge the lead.
(He sees disgust settling in the curve of Logan’s lips and rejection showing in the set of his shoulders, and he pushes away the thought and hides his notebook under his pillow, pretends that he hasn’t memorized the shape of Logan’s smile.)
But he doesn’t think of any of that today. It’s Valentine’s Day, and Roman is dressed for it. He dons his armor that he definitely did not spend a whole two hours deliberating on and sets out the door armed with a kind of desperate false bravado, which is immediately undermined by how he jumps at his roommate Patton’s encouraging “go get ‘im, tiger!” shouted through the walls.
Still scowling at the door behind him, Roman briefly debates how desperate a text will make him sound before deciding, screw it.
Hey, we still on for lunch at Cream of the Cup?
The reply is prompt, as always, and Roman makes a futile attempt at smothering the smile he knows is blossoming across his lips.
>> Of course.
I’ll see you then!
Roman can so do this.
Virgil I can’t do this
>> why not?? youve been planning this for weeks, youll bbe fine
actually, knowing you, orobably months
>> im aware, weve only veen best friends for years now
if yoy send a long rambling text ahout how wonderful logan is and how you dont deserve hkm im gonna lose it
roman i swear to god
Whoops sorry
>> youre not
I’m not
>> okay roman, listen up, because I’m only gonna say this once. 
first of all, cut it with the self-deprecating crap. one, that’s my thing. and two, I WILL pull a patton and fight you.
stop doubting yourself, it doesn’t suit you
I might not have known you as long as I’ve known logan, but I know 
I can see you typing. shut up.
maybe I haven’t known you as long as I’ve known Logan, but I do know you’re a good guy, and you /clearly/ love him
>> yes, everyone knows, no, Logan does not, LET ME FINISH
it means a LOT to him that you actually read the articles he sends you about mars rovers at 3 am and that you don’t tell him he’s annoying for infodumping about alpha centauri or whatever star system he’s planning to go to and that you deal with his hypocrisy about sleep schedules and his general inability to do emotions
also, knowing him for years means I know his type, and trust me, you’re it
and even if by some miracle he doesn’t like you back, you guys are too close to ruin your friendship. okay? so however this ends, I promise you’ll still be friends
>> But
listen, you don’t tune him out when he starts babbling, and he does the same for you. he loves listening to your rants about art theory, he goes to every single one of your shows, and he started learning Spanish just to impress you. yes, he’s learned more phrases than just insults, he’s just been hiding it so he can surprise (aka impress) you later
and roman? he really really does value your friendship. you know that we’ve known each other since forever, so you know I mean it when I say that I’ve NEVER seen him get so close to someone this quickly.
and… you’ve been good for him too, okay? he’s not really the type to get lonely, but that’s just because he gets so tied up in his giant brain he forgets there are people in the outside world to talk to. but it really is important to him that you’re always there for him, and… I can tell you right now that he’s told me how much he appreciates you for it
after all that? I’d say he loves you too, dude. go for it.
you can talk now
Holy heck you DO love me
>> eh
Did you turn on autocorrect just to yell at me???
>> Only for you, babe.
Please never do that again
yeaj that was oncredibly unconfortable
 Roman, for all his theatrics about love at first sight and true love’s kiss, hadn’t mentioned Valentine’s Day plans once in the weeks leading up to it. Then, exactly one week ago, he’d texted Logan with a simple request to meet up at a nearby cafe. Logan knew him too well to miss the possible connotations of such an invitation. But it was entirely possible that this was merely meant to be an outing between two friends. A platonic outing.
A platonic outing where there was barely room to stand, forget sit. Logan curses under his breath. He’d decided for once to not show up fifteen minutes early, as that would only give him more time to second-guess himself, especially as Roman was notorious for being chronically late. But he had failed to account for the obvious fact that, it being both a Saturday and Valentine’s Day, the usually quiet cafe is filled to the brim with couples ordering the heart-themed specials and kissing and generally clogging the air with sweet words and PDA. And no, Logan is not irrationally annoyed about this, he’s just worried he won’t be able to secure an empty table for him and Roman.
But just as the thought crosses his mind, he catches a familiar head of fiery hair at a table against the wall, bent over his phone and apparently completely absorbed by whatever he was looking at. An incredulous “Roman?” slips from his lips unbidden, because- well, Roman had once nearly been late to the first show he was the lead in. But there he was, reserving a table at exactly 12:30 with a croissant in front of him. Maybe today really was a day for miracles.
He watches with amusement as Roman jumps and looks up at the sound of his name. His face lights up as soon as he registers who it is, and Logan abruptly goes from amused to filled with some kind of fluttery warmth he doesn’t want to quantify.
“Logan!” Roman exclaims, hurriedly tucking his phone away. “Hey! How are you?” His smile beams out like the sun, but it dims upon Logan’s next words.
“Not well, unfortunately,” Logan informs him gravely. “I fear I have been having severe auditory and visual hallucinations. For example, I am currently experiencing one so vivid that I believe I am conversing with a friend in a cafe when I know that there is no chance of him being here yet.” Maybe Logan should feel bad about the way Roman’s expression morphs from worry to alarm to overblown outrage, but the challenging gleam in his eyes arrests him as surely as that of of Roman’s heart-shaped studs, and he can’t bring himself to regret it.
“Hey, I’m not always late!” he protests so loudly several patrons turn to look at him, perhaps expecting a scene.
Logan can’t help the smirk that creeps across his face as he slides into the seat opposite Roman, surreptitiously tucking a navy blue folder besides him. Thank goodness for Roman being typically Roman and reserving a booth that could seat six for a party of two. “Roman. Once Virgil and I deliberately told you to meet up an hour after we were actually supposed to meet so that when you inevitably showed up late, it would only be by five minutes rather than fifty. And the very idea that you could be on time for something went so flagrantly against the laws of the universe that the universe struck back by making your car break down, and you missed the meeting entirely.”
“Is that what happened?” Roman asks, looking so genuinely gobsmacked that Logan can’t help the snicker that escapes him. Roman’s expression flips to one of self-satisfaction, and Logan tries to ignore the little burst of fondness in his chest at the sight. Even if the rest of today goes horribly, at least he can savor this easy banter between them.
And banter they do, debating over whether Logan’s physics professor or Roman’s marketing professor is more inept before commiserating over the “perpetual hell week” that is college. They bounce from the disappointing latest installment of one of Roman’s favorite series to a terrible documentary on aliens Logan had found on a “science” channel (“It’s called a having a basic grasp of eighth-grade geometry, Roman- which, unlike this nine-thousand year old civilization, these morons have clearly never achieved!”) to every little thing in between, their food forgotten in front of them.
It’s nothing special, technically- they’ve been friends for years now, and they often have talks about everything and nothing. But today Logan can convince himself that an electric current is charging the air between them, flushing Roman’s cheeks and lighting up his eyes as Logan is drawn in, helpless against his magnetism.
There’s no decisive moment where Logan thinks, this is it. There’s just Roman, his laughter like bells in the breeze, and Logan, gazing at him like he’d put the stars in the sky.
“Roman,” he says. That’s it- Roman.
Roman is still giggling at his rendition of the student who’d spilled their coffee on the drama professor on the first day, but he sobers at whatever look is on Logan’s face. “Hey- you good, Lo?”
The nickname catches at something in Logan’s chest, pulls it open so the next words come just a little harder, just a little easier. “Roman,” he says again, looking down. “I do not wish to… ruin the mood, but I have something to confess.”
(He’s looking down, so he misses the way Roman jumps at the last word.)
But when he meets Roman’s eyes, open and curious, Logan’s confidence abandons him. He exhales slowly in an attempt to regain some of the feeling from before, like the memory of Roman’s voice will fortify his. But all that comes out is: “I wrote- would you-” 
Logan’s throat fails him entirely, something a little like dread and a little like hope clogging it up. Without another word, he slides the folder he had kept tucked at his side to Roman. When Roman raises a curious eyebrow, Logan simply smiles- a quick, brittle thing- and motions for him to open it.
Earlier, the noise in the cafe had distracted Logan, had made him frown when it rose over Roman’s voice. But suddenly it all fades into the background, the chatter of voices and clatter of spoons receding in favor of the thwip of the folder opening, the little breath Roman takes when he reads the first two words.
Dimly, Logan thinks he must have used up all his words in the letter. His fingers lay still at his sides, mind is utterly blank as he watches Roman read it. But his heart is pounding loud enough that for an absurd second, he’s sure Roman can hear it in the sudden quiet.
Logan waits for a minute, maybe five. He thinks he’d wait for Roman forever if he asked. But Roman doesn’t make him wait that long, because when he looks up his eyes are wet with tears, and when Logan uselessly opens his mouth- to do what? His voice certainly hasn’t returned- Roman lurches forward, clumsy in a way Logan has never known him, and seals their lips with a kiss.
And when they finally draw apart, Logan thinks he’s regained his words (or maybe just these three), because they force themselves out of his lips like they’ve been waiting to do so since Logan said Roman’s name. And Roman, his face a study in the kind of shock and delight that can only come from a thought-to-be-hopeless dream coming true, returns them.
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saibh29 · 7 years
Captive (Part 2)
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Pairings: Vane x Reader
Warnings: Swearing (likely), Captivity, Hostage... 
AN: Sorry this took so long, it’s been sat on my computer for ages half finished and i just haven’t found the imagination to edit it and get it finished. I’m still not completely happy but don’t think i can change it anymore. 
@the-chosen-one-time-lord @no-other-names-availible-blog @angelaiswriting @selldraug @Angryares @thenovarose @georgiagrl1990 @punk-rock-5-sos @mindofthescattered @dontstopxx @iamabeautifulperson18 @madelinecraig03 @ka-x-in @im-hurric4ne @mesmericbell @something--awesome @weirdpotato-14 @putinontheritzz @soulslaststand @fuckthatfeeling @ember1201 @morganlb23 @aya-fay @Maria-Tifa @kitkatbadass @cordelia-stark-jones @tomhopperarms @fakingintrest @artprincessbree @dreamer-lover-laughter @artprincessbree @rime-warrior @captainvaneswife @jaib2-blog @kapolisradomthoughts @thingsandstuffienjoy @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @aya-fay @itsbubbaog @hp-hogwartsexpress @emmykinzs @thatbadassunicorn @sassywingednightmare @weirdnewbie
You’d learnt quickly that Vane hadn’t been kidding about the large ring on your finger. It had lasted about 10 mins before you quickly took off the diamond and hid it in the only safe place you could think of, in the top of your dress.
As prisons went yours wasn’t too bad. You were being held in a tent of all places. Not you would have guessed the most secure of cells but you’d equally soon discovered you were in fact much safer in the tent than you were outside in the camp. Surrounded by the lecherous glances of pirates and philanderers. You’d very quickly decided that the tent was in fact where you wanted to be and you didn’t even require the guards outside to keep you in.
The biggest problem you had was the unbearable amount of time you had to think.
Think about everything, the lack of communication from your father, betrothed and anyone from your previous life had been expected but still you’d hoped. With the days passing though and no letters received your brain had started to flick to what exactly the pirates were going to do with you. The day you were going to find that out was soon approaching.
The front flaps of the tent were roughly pulled open and a visibly angry Captain Vane appeared in front of you.
You clasped your hands tightly into fists, nails digging into your palms as you stared at him.
Time, you guessed, was up.
“I did try to tell you…” you started softly but tapered off when burning blue eyes met your own.
“That you weren’t worth any money, yes I know that pet” he took a few quick steps forward and grabbed your arm yanking you the rest of the way into his body. “I don’t recall ever telling you though that what I wanted was money for you”
Your eyes widened at that, shock clouding your face. “What else?”
“What else indeed”
A devil’s smile took up residence on his face as he let go of your arm, you didn’t move away from him though trapped in the look in his eyes. Vane’s eyes had flicked down to your hand.
“Where’s the ring gone love?”
Your mouth had gone dry and the tone in his voice was sending some sort of tingles through your body. “I got rid of it”
“Clever girl”
Taking a deep breath, you managed to find your voice again “If not money then what do you want from me Captain Vane?”
“Finally,” the smile if anything was getting larger “a question you maybe should have asked a long time ago pet?”
“I’m asking it now”
All of a sudden the smile vanished and Vane took a step away from you. His expression had changed once more, this time he simply looked serious. Waving a hand at the bed for you to sit. When you didn’t he sighed and with a grunt of annoyance simply pushed you down as he started to pace.
You watched him curiously, unsure what exactly was going through his brain.
Charles Vane was obviously an intelligent man and from the rumours surrounding him he was also a ruthless one. Those combination of traits put together made you highly nervous about what he was planning to do about you. A stupid and violent man you could have dealt with, they were predictable. Intelligent and violent though was a different combination altogether. 
“Captain?” you ventured cautiously when perhaps ten minutes had passed of nothing but his pacing.
He stopped, staring at you before apparently making up his mind about something. “There’s a ship” he started “biggest loot I’ve ever heard of, Spanish galleon carrying war gold.”
“I want that ship”
“I don’t understand”
The smile was back on one corner of his mouth. “Spanish war ships are the most heavily armed ships on the seas love”
This was evidently meant to explain something to you, unfortunately it did not and you still had no clue what he wanted from you.
Apparently he gathered this from your still blank face as frustration etched itself around his eyes. “I can’t exactly sail up to them and blow them out of the water. They over power the Ranger by more guns than I’d care to count”
“I still don’t see what this has to do with me”
“Why everything pet, and even more to do with that diamond on your finger”
“The diamond?”
“You love are respectable, a lady of class and breeding, that doesn’t happen around here all that often. Do you speak Spanish sweetheart?”
A horrible feeling of apprehension was starting to settle in your stomach. “A little”
“Then I suggest you ‘find’ that ring darling, you’re going to need it”
You felt sick and even though it hadn’t been before the edge of the diamond from your ring was stabbing into the skin of your chest. “You want me to help you steal this gold”
“A nice fine lady like you would never associate with pirates after all. With you on my arm I’d be able to walk right onto that ship”
“I can’t…”
“Course you can darling” he came closer once more leaning down to cup one side of your face, his mouth close to your own. Something dark moved behind his eyes as his thumb rubbed over your bottom lip. “Otherwise I guess we’ll be finding out just what my crew would do to you when they realise you’re worthless”
The bottom dropped from your stomach as you stared at him. There was not one inch of guilt on his face. He’d do it. He’d give you over to his crew with little thought to what they’d do to you.
You had no choice.
“If I help, if you get what you want… then you’ll let me go”
“I’ll deliver you into your betrotheds waiting arms myself”
You didn’t say anything else, didn’t have to, because you both knew that you had no choice. You had no choice but to do as he said and help him. The alternative to awful to think about.
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