#ikon on episodes
boernepedia · 3 months
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New favorite OC unlocked
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I started watching Kingdom-legendary war, yes i know i am years late to the party, but thats not the point. The point is pHOW COULD ANYONE CHOOSE BETWEEN THESE GROUPS
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gumshield · 1 year
watching the kingdom performances....................................... ateez and stray kids will never not have my heart i swear to god
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ujuro · 2 years
So in terms of 2015 debuts clc April and gfriend and dead, dia dying, oh my girl minus jiho seventeen twice apparently mx and I guess day6 minus jae? are still chugging on and ikon up10tion vav and nflying are still up
Granted vav has a bunch of guys in the military and a bunch that joined in 2017 so idk what goes on there, nflying started as a band in 2013 but debuted under fnc in Korea in 2015 so idk how the exactly works either, and I can’t remember if day6 actually renewed yet or if everyone is just assuming they’re gonna keep going under jyp without jae but yeah every other group from that year is either inactive or done
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doomedandstoned · 1 month
The Doomed & Stoned Show
~Season 10, Episode 5~
In this episode, Billy Goate (Editor, Doomed & Stoned) links up with Steve Howe (Editor, Outlaws of the Sun) to discuss some of their recent finds from the doom-stoner scene.
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INTRO (00:00) 1. HIGH ON FIRE - "Burning Down" (00:31)
HOST SEGMENT I (06:44) 2. TRANSIT METHOD - "Frostbite" (20:13) 3. GOAT MAJOR - "Evil Eye" (29:06) 4. ANCIENT VVISOM - "Ashes from on High" (35:47) 5. WITCHORIOUS - "Monster" (39:00)
HOST SEGMENT II (43:46) 6. CASTLE RAT - "Dagger Dragger" (54:35) 7. GREENGOAT - "Human" (58:37) 8. ESBEN WILLEMS - "Cabaret Street" (1:03:42) 9. LUNGBURNER - "Embers" (1:08:44)
HOST SEGMENT III (1:18:12) 10. MARIO LALLI & THE RUBBER SNAKE CHARMERS - "Other Desert Cities" (1:28:00) 11. THE PALADIN - "Bog God" (1:33:37) 12. CANCERVO - "Sacrilegious Mass" (1:42:59) 13. HAUNTED - "Catamorph" (1:48:49)
HOST SEGMENT IV (1:54:24) 14. ALTAR OF BETELGEUZE - "Conclusion" (2:07:49) 15. KULT IKON - "Lost Sea" (2:13:27) 16. HASHTRONAUT - "Rip Wizard" (2:25:14) 17. O ZORN! - "Slow Mood" (2:29:56)
OUTRO (2:35:04)
Theme Song: Dylan Tucker
Thumbnail Art: High on Fire
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Your's truly's shitty ass review of ep.4 of My Adventures with Superman Let's Go to Ivo Tower, You Say (SPOILERS AHEAD)
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Okay so we start off the episode with perry making the big 3 go to Dr Ivo's gala. Dr Ivo is responsible for amazotech. Which is bad because nothing with the name amazo is amazing. In fact it usually fucking sucks.
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Anyways we get to the gala and are introduced to Alex. I can already tell this dude has had ENOUGH.
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Okay here we go. Ivo made parasitic armour using amazo tech. With one goal. Get rid of superman. What a giant ass manchild. Alex looks like he is absolutely tired of this mans shit.
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Anyways after the I'm broke but who cares because I'm about to commit murder speech Clark accidently hears he gets thrown out and who comes to his rescue? Lois. What's really important in this scene is what I think is the main hidden plot. Her father General Lane who we have seen in ep.2 calls. She immediately hangs up and tells Clark they dont have a good relationship. Easy to ignore but I bet this is going to really really play into things soon I bet.
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As a "demonstration" Ivo with Alex's help takes the gala guests hostage to attract superman's attention. Which works. Also this scene is cool something about the whited out glasses and evil smile. Kinda hot ngl
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Okay here we see Ivo's parasitic armour. What's interesting about this is his line explaining how the harder you hit the armour the harder it hits back. Similar to the gravity sheath on Slade's iKon suit. (Could this tech later be used for his Deathstroke suit???)
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Okay blah blah blah superman fights Ivo, Lois and Jimmy realise Alex is controlling the cage. I love Lois here cause she just straight up knocks Alex the fuck out. Lois deserves to knock more men out
Also I hope Alex appears again because why put such emphasis on him for nothing
Anyways Ivo is defeated and is wheeled off after superman tells him that he just wants to help
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*muffled screaming* THEM I LOVE THEM😭 been waiting so long for this. I'm not much of a superman fan but this show has just got me by the throat and I love it
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Oh poor jimmy. Don't worry bud I've been there too. Being a third wheel sucks ass. Not in the good way either.
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We end the episode with Lois finally putting the dots together. Smallville is actually Superman. And shes pissed. Big time. Next episode is gonna be interesting as hell. Her best friend her crush is secretly the guy she's been trying to get. I worry for Clark because Lois is not a woman to be fucked with.
Now your probably going "ayo what happened to the tech" um it disappeared. And while we didn't see who I bet yours truly with an immenitent divorce had something to do with it. It'll be interesting to see because I bet Amanda is gonna get her hands on Ivo and his tech.
Anyways I'm excited for the next episode because shit is starting to build up and it's about to explode (hopefully not like that one warehouse in Ethiopia.)
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tinamaetales · 3 months
You’re not sorry
“So you’re apologizing…..Ok, I don’t forgive you……No, I’m not gonna give you closure. You don’t get that. You have to live with the shitty thing you did for the rest of your life. You have to know that it’s never, ever going to be okay……I’m not gonna feel better and I’m not gonna be your prop so you can feel better” - Herb Kazaz, BoJack Horseman Ep. 8 Season 1 “The Telescope”
It has been five years since the last time I stepped foot inside my Psychiatrist's office and now looking back there's a part of me that screams I should have continued my therapy....but the thing is I really cannot afford it. And now, I have become messier than ever. My depression got worse and I'm just trying to survive each day. That's the keyword, trying. I used a lot of distractions though, good and bad. Good distractions are the music of my fave, iKON, and watching Miami Heat games. Bad distractions are spending an awful amount of time watching tiktoks of those who are as mentally ill as I am because instead of going to therapy we just rely on the internet to have some sense of belongingness especially when you feel like no one is really on your side. And I do feel that most of the time......I feel like no one truly understands and no one actually believes that I am struggling badly. I'm mentally unstable despite the fact that I do not have a proper diagnosis about my condition. I just know. Why? Because it's my mind and my body. I can feel it. For fuck's sake, I live with it.
What I noticed in our society is that it is easier to doubt someone who is vocal about their struggles instead of believing them and supporting them. It is easier for our society to gaslight someone into thinking that they are just allowing themselves to be weak instead of understanding them. And when someone decides to end their life, it's either people would finally get it and feel remorseful that they should have seen the signs or they would still say that the generation of today is just not mentally strong enough to handle life. And then there's another scenario, someone will be badly mentally fckd up that they end up being a horrible person then they will treat others horribly too. Hurt people will hurt people and so the cycle never ends.
As I mentioned earlier, I used a lot of distractions as I try to live each day. For someone like me who hates going outside and prefers to be alone, binge watching shows on streaming apps is a form of distraction. I’m not really picky when it comes to movies or series that I watch though, I just want the plot to make sense and not be over the top with so many plot twists and unnecessary “different” endings. One of the series I ended up loving is BoJack Horseman. 
BoJack Horseman is not an easy to watch show. Yes it started as a quirky show about a former lead star of a successful 90s sitcom but as it progressed, it showed the harsh reality of the entertainment industry and how not being held accountable for your fuckery can make you a monster. It's crazy because BoJack as the main character of this show is not likable at all (at least for me). Throughout the show you kinda cheer for him to get better and grow up but then he always ends up disappointing you. However, knowing his history, especially with the kind of family he has, you can't help but feel some empathy for him. I guess that's the thing about main characters, despite the flaws you still want them to become triumphant in the end because somehow you can see a version of yourself with them. But how long can a person tolerate one's behavior? I do not want to label myself as a good person because I know that I am far from that but there is a certain part of me that knows how to forgive especially if they are deserving. However, when someone refuses to be held accountable for their mistakes and refuses to see how toxic they are does it really make me the bad one here if I chose not to forgive?
The show has six seasons and 77 episodes but I did not feel that it was long because the execution of the episodes are great. There are a lot of episodes which make me feel uneasy about how close they hit home. But for this blog post I will be discussing two scenes from two different episodes because these two scenes are about the topics of accountability and forgiveness: The Telescopes from ep 8 of season 1 and It’s You from ep 10 of season 3. 
Have you ever met someone who is too full of himself? A person who obviously has issues in life but does not exert efforts in making himself become better and instead use their difficult past as an excuse for being a shitty person? A person who does not want to be held accountable for their mistakes and people around him tolerated him so he never learns? Well that’s my father. Also, that is who BoJack Horseman is. But if we are going to make this a competition about who is worse then my father is definitely winning this contest, unanimously. While watching the show, I cannot help but see parts of my father in BoJack Horseman especially in episodes “The Telescope” and “It’s You” Both of those episodes have confrontation scenes with a friend of BoJack (Herb in episode 8 season 1 and Todd in episode 10 season 3) who refused to accept his apology and want him to be held accountable for his actions. And I both agree with them.
For context, in the “The Telescopes” episode, Bojack apologized to his friend Herb for betraying him years ago. He chose to protect his career instead of standing with Herb. And he even further that betrayal when he did not contact him for so many years. Now that he learned that Herb has cancer, he decided to visit him and apologized and I like that Herb refused to accept such a self serving apology. The quote above was what Herb told BoJack after he apologized. I like the way he emphasized how BoJack is only apologizing now so he can have closure and to make himself feel better. Because horrible people do that. They will only apologize so that their guilt will not eat them up especially when their apology gets accepted. But the damage has been done, right? Just like what the famous saying states, the ax forgets but the tree remembers. What’s the point of accepting an apology if it does not make you feel better but will only make the jerk feel better coz “yey, finally!” their shitty actions were forgiven. Those kinds of apologies are self-serving. They ended up fighting and then Herb said this line (I really like this one, thank you writers!) “You know what your problem is? You wanna think of yourself as the good guy. Well I know you better than anyone and I can tell you that you’re not. In fact, you’d probably sleep a lot better at night if you just admitted to yourself that you’re a selfish goddamn coward who takes whatever he wants and doesn’t give a shit about who he hurts. That’s you. That’s BoJack Horseman” Now, that’s the kind of wake up call that someone like BoJack deserves to hear. He deserved those words because they are true, he’s a coward. He always blames others or the circumstances to make himself feel better instead of owning up to his mistakes. 
Another episode I mentioned here is the 10th episode from season 3 of the show and here is some context: Todd and BoJack had a confrontation. BoJack was mad that Todd did not want him to become a nominee for the Oscars and then Todd was mad that BoJack slept with Emily (the woman Todd dated). But honestly, I think it was really not the Emily thing that Todd was mad about but rather all the other things BoJack did, like when he sabotaged Todd’s opera, and they all piled up so Todd ended up bursting at that moment. BoJack said “I’m sorry, I screwed up” to which Todd replied with “You can’t keep doing this! You can’t keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better!” BoJack tried to reason out so Todd followed it up with “You are all the things that are wrong with you. It’s not the alcohol or the drugs or any of the shitty things that happened in your career, or when you were a kid. It’s you” This is another “calling out” that BoJack deserves because he just keeps on doing shitty things and then feels bad about it for himself but does not actually do things to make things right. At some point, as a friend you will just get tired of someone like him. And while there’s an argument about what led to this confrontation with Todd is not something that Todd himself should be mad about, I saw that scene as a way of having Todd as the “representative” of all the other people that BoJack treated badly. In that scene, he was being called out for a lot of things he did not just related specifically to Todd.
So now we start the discussion about my father. Actually every time I typed the words “my father” I felt disgusted. I hate being associated with him. I hate the fact that we share the same DNA. I just hate him. And before the moral police come here and yell “But he is still your father!” please hear me out first. A child will not resent or hate their own parent if the said parent was not horrible. And that’s my main issue. My father was a horrible person to us. Actually an entire year is not enough for me to tell the entire story of how horrible he was and why he’s the reason my mother, my sister and I are all fcked in the head now. He treated us horribly but always gave the reason that he’s older so he knows better. He always used the “parent” card and always used the “I provided you food, I sent you to school….” monologue as a justification to his behavior. He’s the kind of person that should have never become a parent and a husband in the first place. He’s a hurt person and he ended up hurting others too - he hurt us. His decisions in life always end up with the rest of the family suffering the most. He had this mantra that since he had it difficult growing up, his children should also not have it easy in life. The latest shitty thing he did is getting a housing loan that he cannot afford just so he can brag to his mother. And when he experienced a difficult time getting employment, I ended up using my bonuses and even acquired a loan just so we can pay for this house because he promised to pay me back once he gets another contract again (he’s a seaman). But then he never did. He was aware of this. He was aware that employment in his career would wither as he aged but he did not care. He still continued with that loan despite objections from us; hell, that jerk was even mad that we were telling him not to buy a house. And fast forward to today, I have no savings and I have a loan too. You might be wondering where he is? Back in his hometown, chilling. He can even sleep peacefully at night while snoring while me, on the other hand, is more mentally fcked up than ever. As I mentioned earlier, he did a lot of shitty things to us but that housing loan was just the most recent. So the “calling out” scenes from BoJack Horseman were some of my favorites from the show because those are also the things I wanted to tell him. I just wish I had the courage to do so.
My relatives are very much aware of this situation but they always tell me to just forgive him; easy to say when you’re not the one directly affected by his actions. They even have the nerve to give me lectures about how important it is to forgive and it makes me a bad person for treating my father this way. But am I really the wrong one here? He’s not even sorry. For years, he will do shitty things to us. Sometimes he apologizes but sometimes he does not. But in all those scenarios, he’s not sorry. I do not feel any sincerity on his part at all. But why is it that despite the fact that I’m the one who was wronged here, he’s the one who has people on his side while I’m the one being labeled as the bad one? I am conflicted because I cannot forgive. For a long time now, I tried so hard to find it in myself to learn to forgive not just him but also all the other people who wronged me but I really cannot do it. I cannot do it because I’m a tree that remembers every hit of the ax while the ax is living comfortably. Why am I the one who cannot have peace of mind when I’m the victim? I have been struggling with the concept of forgiveness for a long time but those confrontations from BoJack Horseman episodes are somewhat validating because it shows how I’m not the only one who cannot accept apologies. He’s not even genuinely sorry, so why would I extend the olive branch here?
PS, There are a lot of things from BoJack Horseman that I would like to discuss and hopefully I find the time to write about them. The show is good, I highly recommend it!
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mogwai-movie-house · 2 years
The Best of Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955-62)
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The classic anthology show ran for 268 episodes: here are the 50 best, with the first 10 or 15 being essential viewing.
1. Breakdown (1955) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 2. Man with a Problem (1958) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 3. Man from the South (1960) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 4. The Glass Eye (1957) ★★★★★★★★½☆ 5. Dry Run (1959) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 6. The Right Kind of House (1958) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 7. Bang! You're Dead (1961) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 8. The Pearl Necklace (1961) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 9. Pen Pal (1960) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 10. The Woman Who Wanted to Live (1962) ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 11. Help Wanted (1956) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 12. Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's Coat (1960) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 13. The Dusty Drawer (1959) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 14. Lamb to the Slaughter (1958) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 15. None Are So Blind (1956) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 16. No Pain (1959) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 17. Incident in a Small Jail (1961) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 18. A Personal Matter (1959) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 19. Conversation Over a Corpse (1956) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 20. I Killed the Count: Part 1 (1957) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 21. Out There - Darkness (1959) ★★★★★★★½☆☆ 22. Murder Me Twice (1958) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 23. The Creeper (1956) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 24. Mail Order Prophet (1957) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 25. One Grave Too Many (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 26. A Very Moral Theft (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 27. The Last Dark Step (1959) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 28. Revenge (1955) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 29. The Horseplayer (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 30. The Baby-Blue Expression (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 31. The Man Who Found the Money (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 32. The Faith of Aaron Menefee (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 33. Apex (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 34. Graduating Class (1959) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 35. The Manacled (1957) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 36. The Ikon of Elijah (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 37. The Throwback (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 38. The Gloating Place (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 39. Where Beauty Lies (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 40. Road Hog (1959) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 41. A Bottle of Wine (1957) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 42. The Diamond Necklace (1959) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 43. The Five-Forty-Eight (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 44. The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 45. Never Again (1956) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 46. Cop for a Day (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 47. Strange Miracle (1962) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 48. The Landlady (1961) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 49. Escape to Sonoita (1960) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 50. The Orderly World of Mr. Appleby (1956) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
Boys Planet Recaps, Ep 7, Part 8, Tomboy
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Well, my loves, we’ve made it. It’s time for the most important stage performance that ever humankind has beheld: Tomboy. Let’s see if my recap can live up to it. 
Click "keep reading" or whatever and let’s go!
So, we start in Episode 6, at time 2:04:17. 
Huta introduces the team, and then we hear from the judges, who are gushing about how good the members are, as we look at how good they look backstage.
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I mean, they do look good, though I have a few questions. 
Stylist noona, what’s with the leather… shoulder… holster… chestbelts? I don’t understand them. 
Stylist noona, why did you put Gunwook in that loose pink shirt? It just makes us lose the definition of his body so he looks sort of vaguely large instead of big in a beefy, sexy way. Don’t get me wrong, boy has a nice bod, but I think the pink shirt confuses the eye into thinking otherwise. 
The audience is super psyched for this team, and so are the other trainees. 
Anyway, our tomboys are: 
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test Challenge 1 age final star level
Sung Hanbin (1) Beautiful Beautiful /Love Me Right - K 21 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Zhang Hao (5) Kick It - G /Kill This Love - G 22 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Hui (7) Shut Down /Love Me Right - K 29 ⭐⭐⭐
Park Gunwook (10) GBTB /Kill This Love - K 18 🌟🌟🌟🌟
As I said before, this team is a little TOO stacked. We spent 5.5 minutes with them earlier this episode, and in that time, we mostly just saw international sweetheart Hanbin get the killing part, and Hao practicing the rap with Hanbin. 
Let’s see what happened in their rehearsal, before they definitely perform, this episode. There’s no way that the won’t perform right at the end of this episode, right? 
They introduce themselves as the Aces, and Hui does this really cringe aegyo thing that makes Huta laugh. (Remember, they’re from the same agency and are probably friendly with each other.) 
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The judges continue to gush about these trainees, and they apparently particularly appreciate Zhang Hao’s pronunciation of Korean. Again with that. I agree that it’s important to pronounce Korean well if you’re going to be a k-pop idol, but they’re obsessed. 
We cut to their first rehearsal. Master Lee makes a joke -- it’s so unfair that they didn’t give Gunwook a jacket like the other three! Then they ask Bobby (from Ikon) what he thinks of the group, and Bobby says, “They’re all so tall.” I looked it up, and Bobby is apparently 5’10, and Hui is 5’8. ::shrug:: I guess he couldn't think of what else to say.
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Anyway, they have their singing and rapping rehearsal. It sounds great, of course, even though they’re currently singing in the original high key. (They’re planning to go down two steps for the actual performance.) When they’re done, the judges don’t say anything at first, and Zhang Hao’s voiceover tells us that he was expecting to be scolded. Finally, though, the judges say it was great, and Bobby tells Gunwook that his rapping was good enough for him to debut. Aw, yay, Gunwook! That’s probably the kind of feedback he’s daydreamed about getting.
I’ve already ranted a LOT in these recaps about how abusive the judges are on this show, and I just want to point it out AGAIN. Because seriously, for Zhang Hao to EXPECT to be scolded after doing an obviously good job, it just shows that at this point the trainees are traumatized by the constant insults and harsh criticism. Yes, people need honest feedback to grow, but it shouldn’t be insulting. Anyway, you all know how I feel, so I’ll move on. 
At 2:10:05 the show makes it look like they’re going to perform, but they don’t, because we have to wait until next episode. 
Instead, they give us a brief preview of each of the new songs that the top 28 will be performing for the next challenge mission. I’ll give my thoughts on those in the end-of-mission wrap up, which will be coming soon. They also give the most recent ranking, which I’ll also discuss in the recap. There isn’t anything too surprising in it. 
So, let’s skip to Episode 7, 1:47:05. Again, team Tomboy is taking the stage, and again, we’re reminded of how popular and highly ranked the team is. 
Again, we cut to a flashback, this time to the trainees’ group self evaluation. All the trainees are excited to see Team Tomboy and think they did a good job, but still, somehow feel a little let down. It just wasn’t quite as good as they’d hoped or expected. In the feedback forms, Team Tomboy is ranked second by many teams -- my guess is that when they’re second, they’re second to Limousine. Just my guess. Apparently, on many of the feedback forms, Zhang Hao is the member who most needs improvement. 
We hear from Zhang Hao that he’s lost a bit of confidence on this team that didn’t need him as a leader or main vocal. What is he here for? He feels out of ideas.
Hanbin notices that Hao is a little down, and decides to practice with him so they can come up with some ideas together. Soon Hao is feeling much better. (Meanwhile, in the background, you can see Hui and Gunwook working on something together, something written down on paper -- my guess is that Hui is helping Gunwook tweak his rap.)
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But then when Hao is feeling better, Hanbin starts feeling sad! Sure, he’s ranked number one, getting more than a million votes more than the person in 2nd place. Sure he’s the center of k-group and king of the killing parts. Sure, he was voted the trainee on his team who is doing the best currently. But what if… he’s NOT the best???? And what if he doesn’t improve?
So that night, he finds himself wandering around the dorms, and ends up crying to Wumuti and Dang Hong Hai, who are just sorta hanging out on a staircase.
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I feel him on the whole “why am I crying???” thing. I’ve totally done that -- just started crying over something minimal and then just kind of can’t stop. 
Also, I think DHH is dying his roots. Stars… they’re just like us! (I’m like 90% sure that’s DHH -- am I wrong? It’s hard to see clearly. I only know it’s Wumuti from the captions because we never see his face.) 
Later, Hanbin goes back to his room, and Zhang Hao ends up visiting him and “hugging” him for a bit (that what Hanbin says, though we don't see it happen). Also, Zhang Hao talks Sungbin into giving him a back massage. That’s a unique way to cheer someone up, Hao. I’ll have to try that going forward. When my fella is having a bad day, I’ll offer to let him give me a backrub. …. Well, I think he would be a fan of that, but for a different reason. Anyway.
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Ok, I am of two minds about all of this. Part of me is like, yeah, Hanbin has shown vulnerability in the past, rating himself with just 3 stars on the first day, and usually being quite humble about the judges’ feedback. And it’s understandable that being ranked number one with a bullet would create its own form of pressure. You don’t want to have the public turn on you, as it is so prone to do. 
On the other hand, Hanbin is very camera aware. He must know that the public likes you better if you overcome some sort of trial, right? So what if he’s having some sort of rough time, and is uncertain if he’s good enough -- but does that in a nice big obvious way? And what if that somehow leads to quasi skinship with one of the other popular trainees? 
On a third and totally unexpected hand, what if Hanbin is so ideally crafted for going on a show like this that he genuinely and truly does all those exact specific things that make the audience love him? Like, some sensor panel in the back of his head can measure audience support meter and when necessary, prompts him sit down with Kim Gyuvin and chat about how he wanted to be a kindergarten teacher, or fix Matthew’s shirt, or… cry? 
I guess the world will never know. 
Anyway, Hanbin makes it through the long dark teatime of his soul, and gets back to rehearsal the next day, and soon, it’s performance day!
The performance
If you’re wondering what Hui is saying when he draws the tear on his face, it’s
“Why are you cranky girl? What’s that frown on your face?” 
Gunwook’s rap:
“That’s right, you’re a tomboy, genealogy twisted because of me who is a fast ‘05, I don’t want to hear excuses, so talk no more, Bluffing NO, I have a lot to say, but I just… Too many people and too many problems, too many proudly and too many cute.  Girl I’ll be a rock star, get out my way, pray for me.”
My take
This was flawless, in the sense that it didn't have any flaws. And yet, I don’t know, it wasn't my favorite. 
The singing was universally excellent, the rapping was great. The dancing (weren’t they cheating a little bit to also dance?) was a nice touch. They looked great, they executed it all correctly, there were no mistakes at all. And yet. 
Here’s where I think it goes wrong for me -- the song itself. Not that I specifically don’t like this song, because I do like it, Soyeon’s rap aside. It’s a cute little punky rocky pop song, and more importantly, it’s Jeon Soyeon continuing to push feminism in a country that really needs it. For one thing, South Korea has worst gender pay gap among industrialized countries. And I mean, do you remember that story of Irene from Red Velvet being seen reading a book about feminism, and getting backlash for it from angry fans? So Tomboy is more meaningful when you really think about what Soyeon is doing with it -- pushing feminism onto the national stage and making people sing along with it.
So, for me, it’s sort of inappropriate for a male group to cover this song and change some of the lyrics to say “girl” instead of “boy” (“why are you cranky, girl?”). This is a song about the restrictive and prescriptive gender roles that women have to put up with. Take away that meaning, and it’s about as powerful and meaningful as when a white kid covers Jay-Z’s 99 Problems at a karaoke bar. 
There’s no concession to the idea of the song being about blurring gender roles. There’s no meaning to it when Hui sings “do you want a blonde barbie doll? I’m not a doll!” No one thought you were, Hui. There’s no meaning at all to the song as performed by these male trainees, and all their posturing comes to nothing. 
What if they had made the song into a song about how feminism isn’t just for women, that everyone would benefit from relaxing gender roles? What if they had displayed a bit of vulnerability about it -- about liking things that are considered feminine sometimes, maybe? I don’t know, just something. SOMETHING. The topic of gender and gender roles is so big and broad and powerful, there’s so much to talk about and so many angles to approach it from, and they just sort of made a song about wanting to be a rock star, I guess? 
It is asking a lot from them to do something like that when they're playing for audience votes, and maybe I'm being unfair. But it's just that this is the only song whose performance had no meaning. Limousine and Feel Special have obvious meanings, but the other songs have meanings too. Man in Love is about being in love. Love Killa is about fucking. Even Zoom has a meaning -- it's "I'm totally frickin' awesome!" That's a meaning. Not all meanings have to be... meaningful. They just have to exist. What is Tomboy, as performed by these trainees, about? I don't know, and so the performance is weird to me.
They did a fine job. I just think there was no way for a male idol team to cover this song in a straightforward way and make something that I’d want to watch. To be clear, I’m not offended by it, I’m just… bored. Bored and let down. 
I still like all four trainees just fine though. They're good at singing and dancing and that's what I want in a Kpop idol. I'm just trying to explain why this performance left me so cold.
The edit
Everyone loves it, there are constant reactions, everyone has goose pimples, it’s the best thing anyone has ever seen ever. The judges even say that the guys really “understood” the song, and I agree that Hui understood the music and attitude of the song and managed to bring that out in the arrangement. However, I disagree that they understood the meaning or message of the song because if they had, they probably wouldn’t have wanted to perform it in the first place. 
Also, everyone massively overreacts to them saying “fuck”. It’s not a curse in their own language -- are they really that titillated by it? I’m not overcome with naughty surprise every time Bibi says the Korean equivalent of the c-word in “Vengeance.” (The link is to a live stage where they bleep it out every time.) So yeah I don’t get it, but whatever.
The voting
They’re all waiting to find out who won, and everyone’s saying it could be anyone, but is probably Sung Hanbin. 
I love how Krystian is just sort of calmly zoned out.
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Turns out number one on this team got 849 votes! That’s the highest score of the night! Who could it be? 
It’s Zhang Hao!
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Everyone is pretty surprised. Zhang Shai Bo pops up like a jack in the box with an almost comical look of surprise. I don’t blame him -- it is surprising that a Chinese trainee would win the night. 
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His team is super happy for him. Really, it seems that everyone is happy for him. I'm happy for Hao too -- he seems like a real person, you know? Like, there's no act here, as far as I can tell. And he needed the confidence boost.
Hao interviews, in that halting way of his, “I finally won for the first time. The feeling of being acknowledged is such a valuable memory to me. I want to hold onto this feeling. So I’ll show you an unexpected side of me.”
And that brings us to the very end of the Dual Position Battle, and the end of this recap! In the next one, I’ll go over my final thoughts on the challenge as a whole, including favorite performances and whatnot, and also talk about the last few minutes of episode 7.
As always, kamsahamnida for reading.
You, dear reader, are definitely in my top 9!   
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
(Kingdom anon) 😭😭 because of Hanya I had half a mind to choose "babydoll anon" but I'll stay level-headed and choose 🍭 if it's okay?
Also, I need to talk about Ikon/Bobby! Although I would've loved to see them go to the fullest of their ability since this was my first 'encounter' with Ikon, it was so nice to see people having fun during the show. Especially during the rap teams episode when Bobby told the other two that the most important was to have fun, and take this as an opportunity to try something that they wouldn't be able to do with their own group (Hence why Hwiyoung tried autotune, and why Sunwoo wanted a more Khiphop concept) did I like the song? No, but it was so entertaining to see them loosen up and have fun on stage and do things to satisfy their own self!
Like I remember that one of my final project in school was to write a short story, and I wanted to try to write something weird and in the gothic genre, but the teacher who would grade us was not into that kind of stuff so I really spent weeks wondering on if I should write the story as I wanted personally or if I should go for something they'd like, if my choice would affect my grade, if it'd be good... I think it was about 2 days away from the deadline that I decided to say fuck it and wrote my gothic story and honestly? Out of all the projects I made during my time in school, it is one of the pieces I'm the proudest of!
now that youve said that hanya's just gonna call you babydoll anon anyways lskdflksjdflksdjf
yea that was one thing that i really appreciated about what ikon and bobby brought to the table during kingdom, esp bc those shows are very high stress controlled environments where the stakes are (manufactored) to be very high. i'm glad that bobby could help them let go of some of that pressure, even if it was just for one stage. and it was super cute that he got both of them to be in his most recent solo mv too
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ikonsnet · 1 year
[INFO] iKON's Weekly Idol episode will be aired on wednesday May 3rd at 7:30pm kst!
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kpopmultifan · 1 year
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the-strange-world · 1 year
Rating May Kpop Releases
Including prereleases and Japanese releases
Masterpiece (10) / Amazing (9) / Good (7-8) / Ok (6) / Meh (5) / Didn’t like (0-4)
UNFORGIVEN - LE SSERAFIM & Nile Rodgers - 10/10 - So good! I love the “unforgiven, I’m a villain, I’m a” part ~ fave bside (of the new songs) - No-Return (Into the unknown) and I liked some of the other songs too
Welcome To My World - aespa [prerelease] - 2/10 - I thought it was going somewhere and it never did
Wind And Wish - BTOB - 5/10 - it’s ok. Probably won’t listen to it much if ever
HYBRID - MAX CHANGMIN & Ha Hyun Woo - 7/10 - would be amazing as a musical montage at the end of an episode or something. Not something I would listen to much
U - iKON - 3/10
Heartbreak Club - Colde feat. LEE CHANHYUK - 2/10
THE POYZ BANANA CHACHA - THE BOYZ - 10/10 - Idc that this is a song made for kids. It’s a bop!
ERASE ME - ONEUS - 10/10 - loved it! ~ fave bsides - Unforgettable & ECHO
Spicy - aespa - 8/10 - i didn’t like it at first but as the song goes on it grew on me. Idk the song kinda gives me on uneasy vibe. It’s good tho ~ fave bside - I’m Unhappy
Ordinary Confession - Lee Mujin - 6/10 - it’s a nice song but I would listen to it again
NO LIMIT - CRAXY - 8/10 - I like how it’s like 2 different songs
Allergy - (G)I-DLE [prerelease] - ♾/10 - obsessed with this song! Might be one of my favorite songs this year so far
CHO - Feverse - 6/10 - I’m not sure what this is tbh. I think girl group members competed playing video games and the ones who won are the ones singing ~ fave bside - I Promise
BAD BOY - MIRANI feat. BIG Naughty - ♾/10 - Billie Eilish vibes (2 title tracks for this album) ➕
Candy - MIRANI feat. Leellamarz & Coogie - 8/10 - it’s chill ~ fave bside - Make U Mine
WAVE - IVE [JP] - 9/10
Shh - PENTAGON - 9/10
Kaze - YOUNHA - 4/10
Lovesick - SUNGMIN - 5/10 - not really my style of music
Fly Away - AB6IX [JP] - 3/10
Chemistry - THE7 - 9/10
Siren - ICHILLIN’ - 6/10
Bubble - AIMERS - 9/10 - it’s fun. There was one bside (Cherish) and I liked it
Yes! Love - J.UNA - 10/10 ~ fave bside - Stars
Queencard - (G)I-DLE - ♾/10 - obsessed with this song! It’s so funny and fun. The mv was everything! The dance battle? Iconic. I lost it when the surgeons started dancing. It ended well too! Some of the lyrics are unhinged/silly and some are really cool. They really came through with this comeback! It’s so good and unique as always with them ~ fav bsides - Paradise and Lucid but I liked All Night too!
My Ultimate First Love - 10cm - 5/10
Before the Petals Fall - CHEN - 4/10
Hare Hare - TWICE [JP] - 10/10 - it’s fun ~ I liked the only bside - Catch a Wave
MIDNIGHT SKY - XODIAC [Prerelease] - 6/10 - it’s calming
FANFARE - INI [Prerelease] - 7/10
STOP - KESSIA feat. Van Corso - 5/10
Crazy Like That - VERIVERY - 8/10 - it’s chill and different than the usual title track. I like it!
Movie Star - MIJOO - 6/10
WATERFALL - YOUNITE - 9/10 - a summer song!
GingaMingaYo (the strange world) - Billlie [JP] - 9/10 - I hate when kpop idols release a Japanese version of one of their songs as the title track. I want new songs and some of the bsides can be the Japanese version of one of their songs. But gingamingayo is one of my favorite songs ever so it deserves a 9 with one point taken off because it’s not a new song. Same with Everybody’s Got a $ecret. It was the only bside but I love that song so it’s my favorite
Ride For me - DeVita feat. DAWN [Prerelease] - 6/10
Naughty - DeVita - 7/10
LOVE YOU! - Kim Feel feat. Tablo - 6/10
Next to Me - ATBO - 9.5/10 - it’s very chill and I love the chorus. It’s giving a 90s vibe. It’s very different than the usual title track
Lie to me - AVOKID - 9/10 - fav bside - gravity (feat. 123)
Karma - BLACK SWAN - ♾/10 - THIS IS SO GOOD!!! ~ fav bside (there was only one on the album) - Cat & Mouse - I loved it! I could see it getting big on tiktok tbh
Blue Moon - N.Flying - 10/10
Bite Me - ENHYPEN - 9/10 - it’s so good. My favorite part is the “oh my, oh my god” I’m obsessed with that part! I wish the chorus was different ~ fav bside - Karma
FREEDOM - JOOHONEY - 10/10 - different than what I expect and omg it’s so good!!! It sounds like a soundtrack for marvel or something. I didn’t like any of the bsides tho
ICKY - KARD - 10/10 - the chorus is catchy! I didn’t like the bsides
Dream Walking - KIM DOAH - 5/10 - I like the nas at the end
BONVOYAGE - Dreamcatcher - 10/10 - I love this song! It’s a pretty song and a little different from their other stuff but still very them and still rock. I loved it! My fav part is the “I know you I know you” I did have it at a 9 after the first listen but had to change it to a 10! Didn’t like any of the bsides. All the bsides have been disappointing me lately
WONDERLAND (English Ver.) - TRI.BE - 6/10
Woo Woo - n.SSign - 10/10 - it has an older sound! It feels nostalgic. I like that they had an acoustic version on the album too. ~ fav B-sides - Beautiful and BOUNCE! I liked Need U too
Eyes On Me - HELLO GLOOM - 7/10
LOSER - AB6IX - ♾/10 - AMAZING!!! ~ fav bside - SUCKER
Save me, Kill me - CIX - 10/10 - it’s so good ~ fav bsides - Color and Back to life
Numb - E.SO - 8/10
Bloom - Yang Hee Eun & CHEN - 7/10 - the songs so pretty and I love when they sang together
Bad At Us - xooos - 8/10 ~ fav bside - Fabricated Love
Don’t Call Me - NINE to SIX - 6/10 - didn’t expect this at all but I love it! I wish there was more singing tho tbh. They both have so much talent. Real triple threats!!! ~ fav bside - Digital Love
Delicious - THE BOYZ [JP prerelease] - 10/10 - they did it AGAIN!!!
Diamond - Rothy - 5/10
Finale - DIAWINGS - 8/10
Columbus - The Deep & Mist - 5/10 - definitely electronic music
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hwang-intak-archive · 2 years
P1H Guides - Scared Era Highlights
Guide Masterlist Full Scared Era Guide
A compilation of content from Scared era that I want to recommend to new fans. Can serve as an addition to my beginner’s guide, because I figured starting from my full guides as a new P1ece might be a bit overwhelming^^ (Scared era was loooong but I’m trying my best to keep this as short as possible)
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MVs, Performances, etc.
Scared MV
Scared Suit Dance
Scared Relay Dance
Scared Visual Cam
Live Clip of If You Call Me
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Only Have Feelings For You (Fahrenheit ft. Hebe) Vocal Cover (inofficial Youtube link, in case you can’t access Weibo)
good 4 u (Olivia Rodrigo) Vocal Cover
World Wide Cover
First Stagebreak (without Soul)
Mafia Dance by Jiung, Intak, Jongseob
Shangri-La (VIXX) Dance Cover
Resonance (NCT 2020) Dance Cover by Intak
Killing Me (iKon) Dance Cover by Jiung
Shine (Pentagon) Cover Stage
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MV Making
Jacket Making
Scared Promotions Behind [part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4]
Shine Cover Stage Behind
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Variety Shows, Interviews, etc.
- Unboxing Rookies [part 1 - part 2] (2021-05-21)
- Secret Friend of Idols (2021-06-03)
- Indeed Photoshoot Behind (2021-09-13)
- FO Kpop Squad (2021-10-28)
- ReacttotheK (2021-11-06)
- P1Harmony takes a lie detector test (2021-11-16)
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Their own Shows & Series
Saessak Harmony - 2021-05-26 - 2021-12-08:
Prologue [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 1 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 2 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 3 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 4 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 5 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 6 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 7 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 8 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 9 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 10 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 11 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 12 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 13 [Youtube/Vlive]
Episode 14 [Youtube/Vlive]
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- Secret Jjigae in New York: [members: Keeho, Theo, Jiung, Intak, subs: yes, length: 1h 25min, date: 2021-10-06, summary: chilling in Keeho’s and Jiung’s hotel room and being slightly chaotic]
- P1HALLYMPICS: [members: all, subs: no, length: 1h 28min, date: 2021-10-30, summary: they all dressed up as athletes and compete in fun games]
Partner Lives:
- Ohyaho: [members: Keeho & Theo, subs: yes, length: 1h 17min, date: 2021-06-13, summary: making smores and a building competition with marshmallows and spaghetti]
- DanceMachine: [partners: Jiung & Intak, subs: yes, length: 1h 18min, date: 2021-06-20, summary: freestyling and covering kpop choreos]
- Ring the Bell: [partners: Soul & Jongseob, subs: yes, length: 1h 20min, date: 2021-05-29, summary: playing kart rider]
- Secret Jjigae: [partners: Keeho & Jiung, subs: no, length: 1h 13min, date: 2021-12-18, summary: making Takoyaki and Taiyaki/Bungeoppang]
- Oldest-Youngest: [partners: Theo & Jongseob, subs: no, length: 1h 5min, date: 2021-12-13, summary: making perfume]
- Laundry Shop: [partners: Intak & Soul, subs: no, length: 1h 13min, date: 2021-12-16, summary: making Dalgona candy]
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cloclieplafoc1980 · 2 months
berühmtestes pferd
🎰🎲✨ Erhalten Sie 500 Euro und 200 Freispiele, plus einen zusätzlichen Bonus, um Casinospiele mit nur einem Klick zu spielen! ✨🎲🎰
berühmtestes pferd
Die Geschichte des berühmtesten Pferdes ist voller Faszination und Legenden. Es handelt sich um das legendäre Pferd namens Bucephalus, auch bekannt als "Bukephalos". Dieses Pferd war das Reittier von Alexander dem Großen, einem der berühmtesten Feldherren und Eroberer der antiken Geschichte.
Bucephalus wurde im Jahr 355 v. Chr. in Makedonien geboren. Er war ein stolzes und majestätisches Tier, das sich durch seine außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten auszeichnete. Alexander, der bereits als junger Prinz ein großes Interesse am Reiten hatte, war von diesem Pferd fasziniert und entschied sich, es zu seinem treuen Gefährten zu machen.
Die Geschichte von Bucephalus erreichte ihren Höhepunkt, als König Philipp II., der Vater von Alexander, beschloss, das Pferd zu kaufen. Es wurde gesagt, dass Bucephalus ein wildes und unzähmbares Tier war, das niemandem gehorchen wollte. Doch Alexander war fest davon überzeugt, dass er das Potenzial hatte, das Pferd zu zähmen.
Mit geschickten und einfühlsamen Methoden gelang es Alexander, die Aufmerksamkeit und das Vertrauen von Bucephalus zu gewinnen. Er erkannte, dass das Pferd vor seinem eigenen Schatten Angst hatte und deshalb immer unruhig wurde. Also wandte er es in die Richtung der Sonne, um den Schatten zu beseitigen, und Bucephalus beruhigte sich.
Diese bemerkenswerte Episode beeindruckte Alexander derart, dass er beschloss, Bucephalus zu behalten und auf ihm in zahlreichen Schlachten zu kämpfen. Zusammen durchquerten sie riesige Territorien, eroberten Länder und setzten ein Zeichen in der Geschichte der antiken Eroberungen.
Die Geschichte von Bucephalus endete tragischerweise im Jahr 326 v. Chr., als das Pferd bei einer Schlacht verletzt wurde und verstarb. Alexander war zutiefst betrübt über den Verlust seines treuen Gefährten und errichtete in seinem Namen ein Denkmal.
Bis heute wird Bucephalus als eine Ikone der Stärke, des Mutes und der Loyalität verehrt. Seine Geschichte begeistert und inspiriert Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Es ist eine Erinnerung daran, dass die Bindung zwischen Mensch und Tier manchmal über alles Göttliche hinausgehen kann und dass eine tiefe Freundschaft für immer im Herzen bleibt.
Das berühmteste Pferd der Geschichte hat viele beeindruckende Leistungen vollbracht, die es zu einem wahren Superstar gemacht haben. Hier sind nur einige seiner bemerkenswertesten Errungenschaften:
Olympische Medaillen: Das Pferd hat bei den Olympischen Spielen mehrere Medaillen gewonnen. Seine außergewöhnliche Geschwindigkeit und Wendigkeit haben es zu einem unschlagbaren Wettbewerber gemacht, sowohl in der Dressur als auch im Springreiten.
Weltrekorde: Das Pferd hält mehrere Weltrekorde in verschiedenen Disziplinen. Es hat die schnellste Zeit im Galopp über eine bestimmte Distanz erreicht und ist für seine außergewöhnliche Sprungkraft bekannt, die es ihm ermöglicht hat, gigantische Hindernisse zu überwinden.
Filmkarriere: Das Pferd hat in mehreren bekannten Filmen mitgewirkt und seine Fähigkeiten vor der Kamera unter Beweis gestellt. Es hat Szenen gedreht, in denen es atemberaubende Stunts vollführt hat und seine berühmten Reiter sicher durch gefährliche Situationen geführt hat.
Internationale Anerkennung: Das Pferd wurde sowohl von Reitexperten als auch von der breiten Öffentlichkeit weltweit für seine außergewöhnlichen Leistungen anerkannt. Es hat zahlreiche Auszeichnungen erhalten und wird in verschiedenen Reitsportmagazinen als das beste Pferd aller Zeiten gefeiert.
Spendenaktionen: Das berühmte Pferd hat seine Bekanntheit und seine Popularität genutzt, um Spendenaktionen für wohltätige Zwecke zu unterstützen. Es hat an Charity-Reitschauen teilgenommen und Geld für verschiedene Organisationen gesammelt, die sich für den Schutz und das Wohlergehen von Tieren einsetzen.
Das berühmteste Pferd hat zweifellos beeindruckende Leistungen erbracht, die es zu einem Symbol für Kraft, Eleganz und außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten gemacht haben. Seine legendäre Karriere wird sicherlich weiterhin Menschen weltweit inspirieren und faszinieren.
Besondere Merkmale des berühmtesten Pferdes
Es gibt viele berühmte Pferde auf der ganzen Welt, aber eines hat einen ganz besonderen Platz in unseren Herzen - das berühmteste Pferd von allen. Dieses Pferd hat eine reiche Geschichte und wird oft als Symbol für Eleganz, Schnelligkeit und Stärke betrachtet. In diesem Artikel werden wir uns die besonderen Merkmale dieses einzigartigen Pferdes genauer ansehen.
Erstens ist das berühmteste Pferd bekannt für seine atemberaubende Schönheit. Sein Fell ist meistens glänzend und von einer einzigartigen Farbe, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich zieht. Seine Anmut und sein harmonisches Erscheinungsbild machen es zu einem wahren Kunstwerk der Natur.
Zweitens ist das berühmteste Pferd für seine außergewöhnliche Schnelligkeit bekannt. Es kann mit einer erstaunlichen Geschwindigkeit galoppieren, was es zu einem idealen Rennpferd macht. Seine schnellen Beine und seine Ausdauer machen es zu einem wahren Champion auf der Rennstrecke.
Ein weiteres bemerkenswertes Merkmal dieses Pferdes ist seine bemerkenswerte Stärke. Es hat eine beeindruckende Muskelmasse, die es ihm ermöglicht, schwere Lasten zu tragen und bei Bedarf große Hindernisse zu überwinden. Diese Stärke macht es zu einem zuverlässigen Begleiter in anspruchsvollen Situationen.
Darüber hinaus ist das berühmteste Pferd für seine Intelligenz und seinen Gehorsam bekannt. Es ist in der Lage, Befehle schnell zu verstehen und diese effektiv auszuführen. Diese Eigenschaften machen es zu einem idealen Partner für Reiter und Trainer.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das berühmteste Pferd aufgrund seiner Schönheit, Schnelligkeit, Stärke, Intelligenz und Gehorsamkeit herausragt. Es verkörpert all diese Merkmale und begeistert Menschen auf der ganzen Welt. Egal, ob auf der Rennstrecke, in der Dressur oder als Begleiter - dieses Pferd ist ein wahrer Star und wird noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben.
Einfluss des berühmtesten Pferdes auf die Pferdezucht
Die Pferdezucht hat im Laufe der Jahrhunderte zahlreiche herausragende Tiere hervorgebracht. Unter ihnen gibt es ein Pferd, das aufgrund seines außergewöhnlichen Einflusses auf die Pferdezucht weltweit Bekanntheit erlangt hat. Die Rede ist vom berühmtesten Pferd, das einen enormen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung der Pferdezucht geleistet hat.
Dieses Pferd hat nicht nur die Herzen der Menschen erobert, sondern aufgrund seiner herausragenden Eigenschaften auch die Pferdezucht nachhaltig geprägt. Sein Einfluss erstreckt sich auf verschiedene Bereiche und hat zu einer Verbesserung der Merkmale und Leistungsfähigkeit der Pferde geführt.
Der Einfluss des berühmtesten Pferdes auf die Pferdezucht zeigt sich zunächst in der Verbreitung seiner Gene. Nachkommen dieses Pferdes haben über Generationen hinweg die Stärke, Ausdauer, Schnelligkeit oder auch den Charakter des Vorfahren geerbt. Dadurch konnte die Qualität des Pferdebestands insgesamt verbessert werden.
Darüber hinaus hat das berühmteste Pferd auch einen starken Einfluss auf die Förderung spezifischer Rassen gehabt. Durch seine herausragenden Eigenschaften konnte es dazu beitragen, neue Standards zu setzen und bestimmte Rassen weiterzuentwickeln. Die Pferdezucht profitiert somit von einem breiteren Spektrum an Rassen, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Ansprüchen der Züchter und Reiter gerecht werden.
Nicht zuletzt hat das berühmteste Pferd auch eine wichtige Rolle bei der Weitergabe von Wissen und Erfahrung in der Pferdezucht gespielt. Durch seine Popularität und den Interesse, das es generiert hat, entstand ein reger Austausch von Wissen und Expertise unter Züchtern. Dadurch konnte das Know-how in der Pferdezucht deutlich erweitert und verfeinert werden.
Insgesamt lässt sich festhalten, dass das berühmteste Pferd einen enormen Einfluss auf die Pferdezucht hatte. Seine herausragenden Merkmale, die Verbreitung seiner Gene, die Förderung spezifischer Rassen und der Wissensaustausch haben dazu beigetragen, die Qualität und Vielfalt der Pferdezucht zu verbessern. Auch heute noch erinnert man sich an dieses Pferd als eine Legende, deren Einfluss über Generationen hinweg spürbar ist.
Das Erbe des berühmtesten Pferdes in der Reitkultur ist ein faszinierendes Thema, das die Herzen der Pferdeliebhaber auf der ganzen Welt höher schlagen lässt. In der Geschichte der Reitkultur gibt es eine Reihe von beeindruckenden Pferden, die Spuren in der Welt des Reitens hinterlassen haben. Von diesen herausragenden Pferden gibt es eine Auswahl an fünf, die als Erbe des berühmtesten Pferdes in der Reitkultur angesehen werden.
Secretariat: Secretariat ist sicherlich eines der bekanntesten Pferde in der Reitkultur. Er gewann 1973 die Triple Crown und hielt dabei den Rekord für den schnellsten Sieg in jedem der drei Rennen.
Black Beauty: Black Beauty ist eine fiktive Figur aus dem berühmten Roman von Anna Sewell. Dieses Buch ist ein Klassiker der Pferdeliteratur und hat das Bewusstsein für den Schutz und die Rechte von Tieren geschärft.
Man o' War: Man o' War war ein US-amerikanisches Rennpferd, das in den 1920er Jahren das Rennsportgeschehen dominierte. Er gilt als eines der größten Rennpferde aller Zeiten und hinterließ ein bleibendes Erbe.
Snowman: Snowman war ein einst vernachlässigtes Pferd, das zu einem nationalen Champion im Springsport wurde. Seine unglaubliche Geschichte ist ein inspirierendes Beispiel für die Potenziale, die in Pferden stecken, wenn sie richtig gefördert und gepflegt werden.
Valegro: Valegro ist ein dressurspezialisiertes Pferd, das unter der britischen Reiterin Charlotte Dujardin eine bemerkenswerte Karriere in diesem anspruchsvollen Reitsport absolvierte. Mit zahlreichen Titeln und Rekorden gehört Valegro zu den erfolgreichsten Dressurpferden der Geschichte.
Das Erbe dieser fünf Pferde geht über ihre individuellen Erfolge hinaus und inspiriert weiterhin Generationen von Reitern und Pferdeliebhabern weltweit. Ihre Geschichten sind ein Beweis für die außergewöhnliche Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Tier und zeigen die grenzenlosen Möglichkeiten, die Pferde in der Reitkultur bieten können.
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tinamaetales · 2 years
Break Free
A reflection on the k drama “My Liberation Notes”
“What’s harder than living is finding the reason to” – Freedom by iKON
Freedom. Liberation. Deliverance. Discharge. Get Loose. Release. Break Fee. These words all convey the same idea – to be free from something. But when does one feel like they want to get out of something? When does one feel like they are in a state of confinement? As someone who lives in a democratic country with privileges to enjoy, I have never really thought to myself as a captive or detainee of life until I lie alone on my bed one night and feel suffocated. As I looked at the plain ceiling of my bedroom, I realized how overwhelming my life has become. I realized that in my 26 years of existence I was never really satisfied with how I am living my life. And it’s crazy how while writing this paragraph I can already hear people around me saying “You’re just an ungrateful bitch. Others have it worse” But does others’ “worse” situation than me should be enough reason to invalidate what I am feeling? Now, more than ever, I crave for freedom. I want to be free. I want to be liberated from all these burdens I am carrying. Just like how Mi Jeong in the k drama My Liberation Notes wanted.
Browsing through the clips from the k drama My Liberation Notes has sparked my interest into watching it. Although I’ve read some comments that sometimes it can get boring, I already know that I will be watching it. My sister decided to watch it first though, and she told me that I might be able to relate to it but it can also somehow bore me. Then, I decided to watch it. I have never found a single episode boring or dragging and instead I find it painful. The k drama hurt me by how it mirrors my life. At first, I thought I could only relate to Mi Jeong’s character but then I slowly found pieces of myself in each of the characters.
I do not want to spoil any parts of this k drama as it is very raw and rich and it would be unfair for people who have yet to watch it to be spoiled by its beautiful yet painfully realistic story so, please bear with me if the way I discussed it seems to be vague.
The main characters in this k drama are the three Yeom siblings who are all working in Seoul but still live with their parents in the countryside which is why they spent a lot of their time traveling to and from work (basically like how most Filipinos who work in Manila are experiencing but the big difference is that at least South Korea has a better transportation system while the Philippines…. Oh well, pure fucking hell). One of the characters even said “If I die it will be because of commuting to Seoul for work” and all I can say is “Same, girl” lol. Anyway, with the way they live their everyday lives, I can definitely feel the exhaustion and the feeling of numbness. The Yeom siblings are a great representation of the kind of struggles young adults are facing – sometimes life is a cycle of trying to survive that will only leave one feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. I guess one of the most relatable lines from this drama is when Gi Jeong said “I’ve been so impatient lately. I just want to die already. After 14 years, my job is the same, the meetings are the same, and the people are the same. I curse and get mad the same way. It’s all the same endless repetition” The way the siblings live their life makes me feel like crying because somehow, I live like that too. It mirrors my reality. Like I mentioned a while ago, in this k drama you will not just relate to one character as you will slowly find pieces of yourself in each of the main characters.
The eldest, Gi-Jeong is a hopeless romantic woman in her late 20s (or I guess early 30s? not really quite sure with the characters’ ages) who just wants to find a companion that will love and care for her and at the same time she can love and care for.  While at first as a viewer one will find her “desperation” to seek a relationship a bit pitiful, somehow you will learn to understand her. There are days when you feel like you need a different form of release. Like you want to vent to someone that is not a family or a friend… a someone whom you can call home because that someone can understand your soul. Maybe that was also the hopeless romantic in me speaking but yeah, I can totally understand what Gi Jeong is feeling. Although being in a relationship is not a priority for me, there are moments in my life when I feel like the thought of it can be good. Just like Gi Jeong said “Getting to know someone is an amazing thing. It’s not just that person. It’s like they bring several universes with them”
The middle child, Chang Hee, is a hardworking guy who just wanted to be financially secure but it seems like opportunity is elusive. Among the Yeom siblings, Chang Hee is the one who has the most growth by the end of the series and I am proud of him for that. At first, he might be a bit annoying as he is very vocal and is not shy in expressing what he feels. But maybe the feeling of annoyance by Chang Hee’s boldness is more of a feeling of jealousy because at least he can express what he truly feels. Even though he might appear to be ranting, at least he knows how to express himself. And I realized that he has every right to do so. The man has been working hard for years and yet the rewards of his labor seem to not go his way. I can truly relate to the frustrations he is feeling. If one is trying to live their best every single day even though it’s difficult and yet there seems to be no progress, then that person has every right to feel frustrated too. Chang Hee is hard working and yet he seems to not know what he really wants in life. At one moment he even said “I don’t have a specific goal in my life…..Can’t I just live my life without one?” which I find relatable because our society has groomed us to have a specific direction to go to in life which made most of us miserable when we couldn’t find our purpose. Why can’t we just live our life without the pressure to become somebody or something? Is it not enough to live life in a way that could make us feel satisfied? I just want to be financially stable and have the freedom to do things my way. Anyway, another line I like from Chang Hee is “I guess I have been putting up a façade with people. Now that I’m alone, I’ve become so calm and gentle”
Then the youngest one is Mi Jeong, the character I can relate to the most especially when she said the lines “I am not unhappy but I am not happy either” and “It feels like I’m stuck but I don’t know how to get out. That’s probably why I hope everything ends all at once” because it was such a perfect way to describe what I am feeling most of the time. She is an introvert girl who works as a contractual employee in a card design company that has a culture for extroverts. The company requires (but sometimes I feel like they force) their employees to join a club in order for them to have some hang out time outside of work. While I find this culture quite fun and interesting because it seems that the company wants their employees to have a life outside of work, I somehow find it a bit burdensome especially for employees who are just introverted in nature. I felt a bit sad for Mi Jeong as well as her three other co-workers every time they are being called to join a club. I do understand their sides though as I am a bit of an introvert myself. Not everyone has the time and energy to interact with people for a long period of time. Sometimes, people just want to have their peace and solitude through being alone and I hope people would respect that. I remember the times when I was still a newbie at our Department, I got so “culture shocked” by the culture of our division. The way it was required to participate in the dance performances for the Christmas party as a way of initiation for the newly hired scared me. It scared me because I do not like parties and socialization at all. Then there are moments when I feel like I have to join my colleagues at dinners even though all I want is to go home and be left alone. But in my defense, I just want to be alone most of the time and because I live 2 hours (sometimes 3 hours if the traffic is really heavy) away from work so I just want to go home right after work not because I dislike my coworkers. In those moments, I relate to Mi Jeong the most. She did not want to join any club as she lives far from her workplace. And also, what is so bad about not wanting to join dinners and parties after work? Maybe people like Mi Jeong and I just want to do things differently. Mi Jeong even said “Everyone is on their way to their graves so why is everyone so happy and excited?” But since this k drama has a very realistic approach, of course Mi Jeong and her three colleagues have no other choice but to give in to their company’s demand so instead of joining a club, they decided to form their own, The Liberation Club, which I guess is a blessing in disguise. This club brought together the three people who are all fighting their own silent battles and through this club they are able to work on expressing themselves so that eventually they can liberate themselves. Hence, the rule of The Liberation Club is simple: I will not pretend to be happy. I will not pretend to be unhappy. I will be honest.
And since Mi Jeong is the character I relate to the most, allow me to discuss her further. Yeom Mi Jeong might appear to be a sad soul who just wants to be left alone most of the time (like me) but there are moments in life that she questions life in general like when one of her narrations asks “There was only one thing I was curious about: What am I? Why am I here?” The moment she realizes she wants to seek liberation is the moment that touched my heart the most. People like Mi Jeong are often misunderstood by the society because of the sad outlook of life but maybe that happens because one’s feeling of emptiness may manifest itself in the form of self-isolation. Not everyone in this world gets the privilege to wake up one day and realize what they want to be. There are people like Mi Jeong and I who struggle to find meaning in life. And maybe Mi Jeong was right when she said that “Sometimes, I think that people who are damaged are much more honest than those who live their lives happily” because for damaged people like us, there really is no need to pretend that everything is fine that is why we can easily welcome our demons – but defeating them is a whole different story. Mi Jeong is definitely the character that means the most to me.
While the Yeom siblings are the main characters of this show, there are also some characters in here that I find relatable. First is their childhood friend, Du Hwan, who is a coach of a school’s football team and owns a café. Like the Yeom siblings, he seems to be stuck in his life and there are moments when I feel like he wants to be liberated too – he just does not have the courage to make a move. Hyun-ah, another childhood friend of theirs, who seems to be carefree among them all and yet she is also stuck. When she said “I only feel alive when I exhaust myself completely. If I have energy left, I feel heavy” it hurts me. Learning about her life made me feel bad for her as she is fighting her own demons yet putting up a façade that she’s fine. Then there comes the mysterious Mr. Gu. Nobody really knows who he is, even his real name and yet the Yeom family trusts him. Mr. Gu is a very dependable guy at the family business and farm. He is the Yeom patriarch’s right-hand man. He helps a lot in the family business as well as in the farm. He is a quiet person who just helps with the work every day, eats with the family every breakfast, lunch and dinner, and just goes back to his rented house to quietly drink alone. He seems to be living a dull life and drinking alcohol is his only way of finding peace. But like most people, there really is more than just meets the eye.
Mr. Gu, like I have predicted early as I was watching the k drama, is a person who is escaping the demons he has to face. He got lucky to have found a family in the Yeom’s residence. The work he does in the furniture business as well as in the farm of the Yeom’s family seems like a sweet escape from the life that felt like a torture to him. The detour he did ended up being one of the best things to happen in his life – if only he had the willingness to help himself get out of the damnation he is in, then maybe he would not have depended on alcohol so much. In a way, Mi Jeong and Mr. Gu are alike. Both are stuck in the kind of prison that they do not know how to get out of. I am happy that they have found each other and, in a way, have helped each other grow. But then, Mr. Gu was right when he said “That’s how life is. It seems to go well and then stabs you in the back. Did you think it was always going to be peachy?” Because in life, in order for things to truly change, one must take the initiative to do so. Even a small step can help. It all begins with a small step – acknowledge your demons first then work your way towards defeating them. And I hope that Mr. Gu will continue to take those small steps so that eventually he can get liberation too.
 This k drama makes me realize that life in general is fast paced and sometimes there are people like me who will be left behind and if I do not take the initiative to pick myself up and at least try to run along with life then I will always be stuck. But how can one be able to break free if she has no idea about what kind of prison she is in? There are times when I feel like this k drama, although I can relate to it a lot, has left me with more questions than answers and it is really up to me to make a move so I can be liberated. Let me end this blog post with a quote from Mi Jeong “I wish I was genuinely happy and be able to say things like ‘Yes, this is life’ ‘This is what life is all about’”.
PS, to anyone who reads this, I hope that whatever demons you are facing, you can defeat them. I hope that you can be free from the kind of prison you are in. Life is all about moving forward, so please hang on and keep on moving forward. Thrive on.
PPS, song recommendations: Freedom by iKON, Jet Black Heart and Permanent Vacation by 5 Seconds of Summer
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