#if you're aroace go watch it right now it's so good
themthistles · 2 years
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finally finished koisenu futari
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kiwinatorwaffles · 10 months
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two aroaces try to figure out dates 28 injured 3 dead
(image description in alt text and under cut)
Image description:
The first page of a three-paged comic. Panel 1: Edgeworth crosses his arms with an uncertain expression, saying, "miss maya, i hope you don't mind me requesting your help on such a short notice. Panel 2: Edgeworth lifts his hand to his chin, saying "i want to show wright appreciation by inviting him to a date, but i have no idea what to do. i was wondering if you had any advice or ideas from the perspective of someone who also doesn't experience romantic attraction. Panel 3: Maya grins and says, "oh yea, totes! i can help! lemme quickly just--" Panel 4: Maya pulls out her phone, scrolling through her Ao3 page titled "mayoinnaise." She says uncertainly, "um…. date ideas right… erm…. ok gimme a sec…."
The second page of a three-paged comic. Panel 1: Maya and Edgeworth have a back-and-forth conversation, starting with Maya's speech bubble. "how about going to the countryside and horseback riding and having a picnic?" "horseback…? the countryside is hours away…" "okay um… just a picnic then?" "i'm allergic to pollen." "sounds like you're just allergic to dates. "apologies…" Panel 2: Maya says, "wait i have a great idea!! you should get drinks and watch something on tv until he gets mega drunk and starts crying at you because you're so beautiful!!" Below Maya's speech bubble is a little bubble titled "Maya vision:" where Phoenix is blushing with his tie around his head, saying "miles i love you" with a bunch of "u's" stretching out. Panel 3: Edgeworth, unamused, says "…you know maybe i should've gone to larry". Panel 4: Offended, Maya replies, "hey!" in all caps and bolded italic text. "do you think LARRY would have better advice? he'd be all like," Her speech bubble cuts off here, switching to one that mimics Larry, indicated by a small Larry head beside the speech bubble and text saying "Larry voice". It reads, "edgey boy you should take him to your place and fuck him raw!" Panel 5: Edgeworth, looking sick, replies, "…good point. now excuse me while i go throw up."
The last page of a three-paged comic. Panel 1: Maya scrolling desperately with a speech bubble consisting entirely of ellipses. Text on the corner of the panel reads, "(on her 7th ao3 page)". Panel 2: Maya suddenly exclaims "dinner!" in italicized all-caps. "nothing bad ever happens with dinner!" Panel 3: Edgeworth closes his eyes and presses a finger against his temple, saying, "last time we had a dinner 'date,' wright ate his salad with a butter knife…" Dejected, Maya replies, "right. that time. post cancelled no dinner i guess". Panel 4: Maya looks back at her phone with one hand up in defeat and says, "man, i'm sorry… pretty much all i write is homoeroticism and angst! maybe we should ask larry…" Edgeworth's speech bubble reassures her, "i appreciate the help regardless…" Panel 5: A context box in the top-left of the panel reads, "meanwhile, phoenix:" Phoenix sits on the couch outside the office with a confused expression, thinking "wtf are they talking about". There is text in the bottom left corner that reads "(they kicked him out of the office)".
End ID.
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I'm aroace but somehow monsters can get me hot and bothered? It's probably because it's fantasy so I feel a bit removed from it, but it's nice either way. The thing you're doing with your blog is also really cool.
A plant monster who keeps a garden/forest, miles and miles of carefully, beautifully cultivated greenery with their own vines and flowers spread throughout, and one day you make the mistake of wandering in to this unearthly beautiful and completely animal-less place, and you know, they've been looking for a pretty new flower to add to their garden.
And you are so pretty, especially when you're being fucked open, flushed face and teary eyes as you contort in terrible, inescapable pleasure. And you're so good and quiet for them, you've always gone nonverbal under stress, with only cute little panting whines to interrupt the sanctity of their garden.
Sometimes they put together a human form, just for you, and you shake apart in a different way when held by firm hands and kissed by green lips than when you're held tight by vines with every hole pumped full.
They let you go, sometimes, only not really, because you could travel for miles and they'd still be in every tree and blade of grass, and you learned that very quickly. So instead you go to the river and wash off your cum and the sticky, sappy stuff the monster is fond of pumping you full of (you don't try to get it out of you, or to remove the soft plug that keeps you stuffed full. You only made that mistake once). You pick some berries even though you're never as hungry as you should be and curl up in a small cave, hoping the lack of greenery will keep them away. But later that night you wake up burning, trembling with it, and you knew you shouldn't have eaten anything of theirs even if they never poisoned you before, but now the aphrodisiac is burning it's way through your veins and you don't even have the strength to try to take care of yourself, forced to just lay there and sob silently.
And they just leave you there, shaking and alone. Because this thing doesn't even care about sex the same way a mammal would, they're just interested in the way your face scrunches adorably in pained pleasure and how your fingers twitch like they don't know what to do with themselves and the clenching of your thighs against the ground. So they just leave you there to watch, because you're their flower, part of their beautiful, perfect garden, and you're so lovely right now, how could they interupt?
But then, just when you think it's over and the aphrodisiac is leaving your system, a vine sneaks into your little cave and drags you out by your ankle, another already slipping into your pussy. There are more berries at your lips, the same as you ate before, because the monster got to see what you look like alone and now they want to see how you fall apart when you're full of them and nothing else.
And overtime, you know you should be dying. You haven't been eating or drinking or sleeping enough, but instead your skin turns green and not even starvation can save you. At the very least, your emotions should be dimmed, broken by the experience of (months? years?) of this, but if anything everything feels stronger, more immediate, and your tears come more easily because you are just a flower in their garden and every good gardener knows how to make sure a plant grows in exactly the right way, and this monster wants you beautiful and bright and weeping.
And maybe some day that sap they stuffed you full of will catch, and you'll swell up with baby monsters ready to inflict themselves upon the world and at that point you'll know:
There is no escape. From the moment you stumbled into the garden, you were theirs.
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callofdudes · 4 days
Idea that popped into my head earlier
Since the past weekend in 🇦🇺 was Mardi Gras (call it pride weekend) I thought what if gaz and an aroace y/n go to a pride parade 😭😭😭
I am going to keep the orientation part blank so it's as inclusive as possible for all the pride celebrating people. Also, I am not Australian, nor have I had the privilege of attending a parade so I apologize, that is why this is a little shorter. I did my best. @itsscromp
Going to Pride with Gaz
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It has been some time now since you came out to Kyle. It was kind of a big deal considering he was one of the few around base you had any courage to come out to. Kyle had received it well, thankfully. You hadn't been worried he would have freaked out on you as much as any of the others. You were coming to them, in time... You just had to get over the anxiety first.
And now it's pride. You were getting ready for your day when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." You said as you finished buttoning your shirt. Kyle opened the door and slid inside. "Hey, just making sure you're up." He teased.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." You paused. "You seem cheery."
He winked. "Why wouldn't I? It's pride afterall."
You twitched a little smile and chuckled. "You don't have to Kyle..."
He was quiet for a moment, and then smiled. "Come on, get ready. There's a parade happening today, if you're interested."
"You don't have to do that for me..."
You fixed your shirt and headed out of the room with him, Kyle walking next to you, hands in his pockets. "It'll be fun." He nudged you gently. "And I'll go with you, as a bonus."
You considered it. You'd never been to pride before, but the thought of being around others who could relate to you and express themselves in the way you always wished you could, maybe meet some people, get out there a little more... You nodded. "Ok. Ok I'll go."
"Good." Kyle patted your shoulder and strayed toward his room. "Meet you in the parking lot, we'll get food on the way."
"Now?? All right. All right!" You smiled, this was really happening. And quickly you rushed off to finish getting ready and then meet Kyle in the parking lot.
You fixed yourself up a little and then rushed to the parking lot, finding Kyle already out there, putting a box in the backseat. He gave you one of his pearly white smiles and hopped in the driver's seat.
"All right. We'll catch food and be on our way." He said as he pulled out of the lot and headed off. He had let Price know on passing that you two would be out for a little bit.
The windows down, enjoying the warmth that drifted through the car. You relaxed back into the seat and played some music over the radio for the two of you.
Got food on the road and headed to where the parade was supposed to happen. Of course, when you arrived many people were already there. Cars parked along the road, others had walked. Friends gathered in groups along the side of the blocked-off road, talking to each other and decorated in their prideful colors.
Lesbian flags, bisexual, gay, trans, non-binary. Some held flags to ally with the LGBTQ and others held more than one flag.
You looked around at everything, seeing all the stuff going on. Kyle looked over at you. "You ready?"
You looked over at him, hesitation in your eyes. But he offered you a reassuring smile and reached back to grab the box from the backseat. "I have... just the thing." He pulled it up into his lap and flipped down the mirror in the car.
You watched him as he opened the box and pulled out some colored skin markers. He swiped them across his cheek and handed you the colors you needed.
You looked at them, and then the colors on his cheek. And your smile brightened. He wasn't here to watch you, he was here with you.
You put on your colors and Kyle pulled out the flags from the box. You took yours and stepped out of the car into the warm sun. You looked around at all the people. You moved closer to Kyle and took his hand. He squeezed your hand in his and took the step of walking into the parade with you.
You stuck near him, watching all the people, all the flags, all the groups.
Kyle wrapped his flag around his shoulders, fading easily into the crowd with you. Listening to everything around you, a group of people waving the same flag as you with pride. You didn't have to do anything else but just exist.
You smiled at Kyle, seeing his gaze wander over to a group of guys laughing and raising their flags high. You gently nudged him, and he looked back at you.
"Meet you up ahead at that pole??"
Kyle chuckled and nodded. "Deal."
You wandered away from him over to the group you'd spotted, and he did the same. They smiled at you and welcomed you over to the little circle. Talking a little and marching with them for a while.
You didn't need to know each other, you didn't need to be friends, you could unite and march over the one thing you did know to make you the same.
Kyle found the same, eagerly accepted into the little group of guys, laughing and talking excitedly as they kept decent pace with others in the crowd. But there was no rush.
Eventually you and Kyle met up again where you'd planned, spotting each other in the crowd and wandering back. "Hey." You smiled wide.
"Hey, having fun?"
"I am." You chuckled and reached out to wipe some blue paint off his cheek. "Seems you are too."
He blushed a little. "They were friendly."
You linked your hand in his again and raised your flag as high as you could get it. The march continued on and you two followed the crowd all the way around as they went. Listening to the music and indulging even more.
You paused at a small inlet and got some water to hydrate along the way. You were applying some more sunscreen and someone sat next to you, smiling softly and engaging with you. Across from you Kyle meeting up with the same group he'd run into earlier, laughing and fitting right in.
Kyle was normally a pretty reserved person, but he was the life of that little group. You snickered a little, finishing your conversation and then going back. "Ok you, come here."
"Aw, but I was getting comfortable."
You snorted and waved to the guys before dragging him away. "Y'know, this is a much more creative way to come out than how I did..."
"I guess I just didn't want to make the moment seem... Less impactful? I know that was a big step for you, and I didn't want it to seem like I was only chill about it because I can relate... If.. that makes sense? I second guessed myself..."
"Yeah, I guess I can see that." You squeezed his hand. Kyle squeezed yours back. "Hey y/n, I'm Queer."
"Oh, I hadn't noticed." You teased him, nudging his shoulder.
"Ouch, and I thought I was being obvious."
"Nah, you're all good."
"Well so are you." He nudged you back, your smiles matching energy.
"Happy Pride, Gaz."
"Happy Pride, Y/n."
Eventually you two got home. It was late when you'd both found the car and drove back home. Price was sitting in his chair, reading as he waited for you two to get back. He knew you'd get back safe, but an emotionally adoptive father can only worry.
You and Kyle got through the door and shuffled toward the light. Price looked up when he saw you two. "Ah, there you are."
"Hey Price." You yawned and moved over to him. Price stood and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close gently. You didn't fight it, leaning into his embrace, Kyle following, coaxed into the other arm.
Price held you both and patted your backs. "Looks like you two had a fun day."
"There was so much to do... Lots of walking too." You mumbled, a small smile on your lips. "Oh, well it looks like you survived the walking part." He patted your shoulder.
"You two should get some sleep."
"Yeah, that's a good idea."
You two left the embrace and walked down the hallway to Kyle's room. You turned to him before he went to his room. "Thank you for taking me Gaz, I had a lot of fun. And I might be a little sunburnt." You joke.
Kyle nodded and patted your shoulder. "Thank you for coming out to me, and trusting me."
"I always do."
He looked down and smiled a little. "Ok, you go to sleep, ok?"
"Yeah yeah, goodnight, Gaz."
"Goodnight, Y/n."
You went to your room and wiped the markers off your face. You had kept the flag that Kyle had given you, and you draped it over your desk for now, enjoying the sight of the colors.
You smiled softly and flopped into bed, exhaustion slowly setting in. It had been a good day, you'd gotten to hangout with Kyle, and you'd gotten to experience pride.
And of course, you'd made some friends too. So overall, 10/10 experience, will definitely be going again.
And with that... You fell asleep.
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overlord-of-chaos · 9 months
Thoughts on the end of Good Omens 2, as an aroace
So, I'm going to preface this with a few things, since I would very much like anyone who does choose to read this to do in good faith, and I would like to establish my own. Firstly, this is absolutely not a criticism of anybody's headcanons. Crowley and Aziraphale, of all characters, have incredible potential for headcanoning, and I love seeing the fandom's wide and varying interpretations. Secondly, what you see here is not a complete and entire reflection of my opinions of the characters mentioned or the show. It is very specifically me airing my grievances and concerns and venting because I cannot cope with not saying anything at all. I love Good Omens, but I am not going to add caveats to my every sentence to make sure that you, the reader, are certain I'm not just bashing one of the most fantastically queer shows I know. Thirdly, if you vehemently disagree with everything I'm saying here, you're free to ignore it. This is not for you. You're also free to ignore it if you do agree, but at this point I'm going on the assumption that that'll be a smaller portion of whatever audience this reaches anyway. Fourthly, if you are in a similar position to me and sort of spiralling at the prospect of your comfort QPR not being a QPR anymore, then maybe you should read the bullet points at the end. I've sort of got my shit together by then.
So, that said, I would like to take this post as an opportunity to say that I worry about where Good Omens is going. Not in a plot-related sort of way as such, we all know it'll all be alright in the end, more in terms of representation - specifically, whether, by the end of the show, I'll be able to see myself in the characters anymore.
Now, why is this? Well, as you may have guessed from the title, I'm aroace. And when I first saw the Good Omens show, I hadn't really been involved in the fandom at all. This is due to a variety of reasons, including that I wasn't on any of the platforms that enable me to engage in fandom now, and because I'd only read the book a couple of months prior. I didn't know, as I do more now, that one of the main interpretations of the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale before the show came out was romantic, and I wasn't expecting to see that in the show. I don't tend to expect romance in most circumstances. I more end up picking up on the common tropes used to develop romantic relationships in fiction and observe with little enthusiasm as a character dynamic 'blossoms' into something I cannot comprehend. (This is not to say I dislike romance in everything. I simply dislike it being the one and only significant dynamic in pretty much everything all the time.)
I was well aware that the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale in the show had been expanded and developed along the lines of a romantic relationship, and I really liked the way it was handled. But at no point did I think this meant that their relationship had to be read as romantic. I thought I could see something of myself in them, and see a relationship that was something other than romantic. At the risk of sounding insulting, I did not feel like their relationship could be anything as simple as a romance. I saw two beings who very deeply loved each other in a nonromantic way, and thought hey, maybe this is a dynamic I could see myself in at last. Maybe this isn't the same old kind of love story.
I thought, perhaps naively, that no matter the hinting from the cast and the way that season 1 was set up, there would always be the room to interpret Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship as platonic (or queerplatonic, specifically, as I read it). And then...well, I imagine you all know what happened then.
From a more objective (probably not quite the right word, but can't think of a better one) analytical perspective, the kiss was one of the hardest-hitting moments in any story I've ever watched, or read. The setup was amazing, the acting was impeccable, and I could not imagine anything else having the same impact. As Neil Gaiman himself has said, no one could deny that it happened. I think it was categorically the right narrative choice. That's not what I'm debating here.
What hurts, what really fucking hurts, is that a lot of the time, I don't feel like there's space for my aroace/queerplatonic reading of their relationship anymore. Some of that's on me, because headcanon is headcanon and there's no reason why I should assume my reading of the relationship is wrong, or canonically impossible. (I mean, Ineffable Bureaucracy is canon. Anything is possible in this fandom.) However, it does mean that I do not quite have the same ability to bury my head in the sand and say that Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship is not set up to be read specifically as a romance.
What worries me is that I am very well aware that I am in a disappointed minority when thinking that their relationship will continue to unfold by hitting key romantic plot points until the door for an aroace interpretation isn't even left ajar. I am in a minority that the writers of Good Omens will likely never hear, and even if they do, I certainly wouldn't expect them to change the coming plot for me.
Most people take the kiss as explicit confirmation that the love between Crowley and Aziraphale is romantic. There's the occasional 'it's okay, they can still be ace!' post dotted around, but no one seems to be talking about the possibility of them being aromantic anymore. They weren't doing that much previously, admittedly, but all I seem to see, from other aro people included, is discussion around how they're feeling about the romance between them being made canon, while I'm sitting here thinking is that the only thing that kiss is allowed to mean? It means that I find myself wondering whether I should give up on seeing the relationship as nonromantic, if only so that I am not as disappointed when season 3 rolls around. (There had better fucking be a season 3. Amazon better fucking pay the writers, pay the actors and renew shit instead of just cancelling it.)
I think one of the main things that makes me uncomfortable is the assumption that the next logical step in Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship is sexual. Because that's how these things normally go, right? You have an ostensibly platonic relationship with romantic undertones, then it becomes explicitly romantic, and then the next 'natural' progression is sexual. It's the same thing every single time. I think it's been vaguely mentioned that they're asexual by virtue of not being human (almost all ace rep being in nonhuman characters is a whole other essay and not something I'm going to get into here), by Neil a few times and in the book, but since I wasn't expecting there to be so little space to read their relationship as nonromantic, I don't know that I can continue to expect it to seem nonsexual too.
And even if that's not the route they take, I don't know that I can trust them not to play up a romantic dynamic, particularly when I think a lot of people would be disappointed if the relationship is 'just' platonic, or platonic-leaning. And I get that, I do. We've been queerbaited enough, but that doesn't mean that something not being romantically queer means it isn't queer at all. I have no idea how one would manage to frame a relationship as explicitly and specifically queerplatonic; there isn't really a template for it (though my god would I love for Good Omens to be the show that makes one). I imagine it would be much more realistic to perhaps hope for something that isn't exclusively and explicitly romantic.
One of my concerns, of course, with a queerplatonic route is that it would be upsetting to people who do see them as a romantic couple to have that door be closed to them (I really don't wish an experience like that on anyone), and that it would leave more space for queerphobic assholes to claim that they're 'just friends'. But I've spent my life hoping for a story that doesn't push platonic love to the wayside when there's the potential for romance, especially when the relationship starts out as something brilliantly compelling and nonromantic. I've spent my life trying not to internalise the idea that the way I love, the only way I can love, isn't enough, even when it seems to be the message that's being shouted with almost every story I ever encounter. A lot of the time, it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm used to it by now. But most of the stories I know haven't meant as much to me as Good Omens. I didn't see the same space to read a relationship in a nonromantic way as I did in Good Omens.
Anyway. I figure either I post this, two people read it and then it disappears into the aether, or I wake up tomorrow morning and find I have made enemies of over half the GO fandom. It doesn't really matter. I think I have accomplished what I wanted to do when I started writing, which was to lay everything out logically for myself so that the mounting evidence not in my favour did not seem quite so insurmountable. And honestly? It doesn't anymore. My brain is very often my own worst enemy, and articulating my emotions somewhere means that I can look at all of this and conclude the following:
Most of the reason why I do not think I can view Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship as nonromantic anymore is because everyone else thinks the ending confirms their hopes of it definitely being romantic. If nothing else, I'm genuinely delighted that it's bringing so many people that joy. We all deserve that kind of joy, and all the canonically queer relationships media has to offer. If nothing else, there is so much joy to take in other people's wholehearted adoration of what season 2 meant to them.
Most of my concerns about how season 3 will go are largely unfounded and entirely hypothetical. Most of it hasn't even been written yet, and can't be until the WGA strike is over anyway, so no one can even hint at how it'll go because it is not, in fact, going.
People will read what they will into Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship dynamic, and so can I! Such are the joys of varying interpretation and headcanon and all that jazz.
One kiss does not close any queerplatonic (or aroace) doors. Nor would a hundred. One of the many joys of queerplatonic relationships is that they can be whatever the fuck you want them to be, including a dynamic that would typically be read as romantic, but isn't.
A romantic relationship is not inherently superior to a platonic one. A romantic relationship is not inherently superior to a platonic one. A romantic relationship is not inherently superior to a platonic one, and nothing in the canon of Good Omens has ever stated this not to be true.
No one who is involved in Good Omens has ever at any point, to my knowledge, said that Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship has to be romantic, or even implied that one must see it that way, or that seeing it otherwise means seeing it as lesser. I am reading this into things because I expect it of the world. I should probably stop.
Short of some truly spectacular feats that may or may not be illegal, there is absolutely nothing I can do to influence the people creating the show, so what I get is what I get. If I can't change it, I might as well enjoy it. There's so much to enjoy, after all. No point stressing over maybes.
If you got this far, I am impressed, I'm not sure I'd have read this much. I hope that this post perhaps gives you a little to think about, preferably a positive something. I also hope that you bear in mind that this is a rather venty braindump and should not be taken as a damning indictment of anything or anyone. I'll probably delete this sometime soon, but I was seized by an urge to say something, and so say something I have, even if I probably forgot at least half my original points.
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canonically47 · 6 months
my queer hcs for 2023 TDI reboot characters <3
hello all! after watching all the way through to episode four of the second season, i realized my old hcs kind of contradict canon, and they've changed drastically based on that.
here are my new and updated headcanons, how much of them is canon, and why i hc them this way!
bowie: gay (canon), cisgender, he/him
raj: gay (canon), transgender ftm, he/him
wayne: aroace, cisgender, he/him
caleb: straight, cisgender, he/him
zee: panromantic demiaroace, non-binary, they/them
ripper: straight, cisgender, he/him
chase: straight, cisgender, he/him
damien: biromantic demisexual, transgender ftm, he/him
scary girl: aroace, agender, it/she (it/itself preference)
julia: lesbian, cisgender, she/her
MK: lesbian, non-binary, they/she (they/them preference)
axel: bisexual, transgender mtf, she/her
nichelle: lesbian, transgender mtf, she/her
priya: bisexual, cisgender, she/her
millie: unlabelled, cisgender, she/her
emma: aromantic sapphic, cisgender, she/her
details such as reasonings, closeness to canon etc.:
bowie: canonically gay. there's not much to say about him. i don't see a bit of transness in him, but he is definitely a strong ally.
raj: canonicaly gay. also not much to say; i just think he's... a bit cooler than gender.
wayne: he's just like me fr!! well the aromantic part but! he is so much like me!!!
caleb: funnily enough, i hced him as gay before this season. now i have changed my ways; i'm actually rooting for him and priya to get together. look at that dynamic!
zee: zee is beyond gender and sexuality. they like everyone, but they only feel attracted to people sexually and romantically when they know them on a deeper level. i also am debating whether or not i like them and damien together atm, so that's cool :3
ripper: my man! his romance with axel this season is great so far, and i cannot for the life of me believe i am saying this. he's such a guy, and has proven himself better this season. just look at he!
chase: yeah fuck this guy that's all
damien: similarly to zee, sexual attraction only comes to my man if he knows the person. i feel like this is pretty in-character. i also hc him as biromantic, but he probably fears romantic interactions equally for each gender, for which he's questioned his sexuality multiple times and thought he might even be aromantic. i feel like this hc also appeals to both priyamien and dwayne shippers so you're welcome /hj
scary girl: it just is this way you're welcome
julia: look at her dynamic with MK. and then get back to me if you can't see it. /j
MK: same as above! i love mkulia <3
axel: heLLOOO have you LOOKED at her. she is bisexual but a DISASTER bisexual at that!!! i hc that before realizing her feelings for ripper she was helplessly in love with nichelle and just gazed at her from afar like... oh my god pretty girlfailure... must kiss... which is kinda the reason she fell for ripper too, SHE LIKES HER MEN, WOMEN AND ANYTHING BEYOND DUMB AS A ROCK!!!
nichelle: not much to say just. her!
priya: even before this season i could not for the life of me ship her with anyone, i settled for just heterosexual, but NOW i can see why. NOW... there's caleb. and i like where their relationship is going. seeing both caleb and priya so in love is hilarious and adorable. i still think she would be good with a girl, maybe not necessarrily one on the cast but. A girl
millie: she is so?? confused?? what the fuck is going on?????? like she likes people but also. not?? is that a thing????? what????????????
emma: she's just like me fr. she thought she wanted a man that treats her right GIRL NO! she doesn't want a man PERIOD!
and finally, pairings:
bowie x raj. do i need to add anything?
zee x damien. hear me out.
zee x emma but like... not romantically, not platonically, but a secret third thing
ripper x axel. i fucking adore them.
caleb x priya. the slowburn can and will be so real with these two.
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cosmicalart · 9 months
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WIP Wednesday
Scheduled on: 2023-09-12
So this post, along with the rest of the fic, almost didn't happen. I'm perfectly fine now but for those of you interested in my hospital adventure Sunday night, I'll put it under the cut.
Now, I've just about wrapped up chapter two of 'Baz to The Past", I also will have plenty of free time next week, so depending on the progress of chapter three (and how much of chapter two I may need to rewrite) I may be able to start posting the chapters this Sunday on AO3, a whole week earlier than I initially expected.
??? POV
“Fine.” With a huff, Simon stands from his chair and marches out of the room slamming the door behind him. Once his footsteps have faded down the hall, Baz pivots on his heel towards me. “What in Crowley’s name was that? Who’s to say he’s not turning us in right now? You didn’t even seal the deal with magic, there's no consequence if he goes against it!”
Putting tags before the cut this time. IDK who's already posted so no pressure, generous tags to say hello, and if you're not consider yourself tagged if you wanna join.
@aroace-genderfluid-sheep @buffy @thewholelemon @prettygoododds @cultofsappho @fatalfangirl @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @j-nipper-95 @raenestee @cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @haikuziejacuzzi @larkral @ionlydrinkhotwater @rimeswithpurple @sailor-blossoms @facewithoutheart @valeffelees
Hospital story under the cut
So Sunday night after work I had a small edible, (I need to preface that it was small and half of what I'd usually take because people tried to blame what happened on the edible) Now I also hadn't eaten dinner yet even though it was 9pm and was craving Mcdonalds (I have a stack of free meal coupons because I work there) so my fiance drives us and our friend who was over to Mcdonalds, then we stopped at our friends place cause he ended up deciding to stay the night and wanted to grab some things.
Everything was fine up to this point, weeds kicking in, having a good time, we got back to the house and ate our food, I'm setting up my laptop to get some writing done, things are good. My fiance is watching youtube poops (just random funny youtube videos if you're not familiar) and normally I don't find them that funny but I was laughing cause I could see the tv from where I was setting up.
Now this is where things go bad quickly. I ended up laughing while trying to swallow my burger and choked, I still had food in my mouth as well as food in my throat as I had been swallowing when something in the video just hit me and made me laugh, so I could not breathe now and panicked, like just froze trying to swallow what was still in my mouth while trying to breathe.
I didn't need the Heimlich, it managed to go down on its own and I could breathe again but something didn't feel right. I felt like something was jammed in my chest as well as the back of my nose and it burned. I tried drinking to see if that would clear it like maybe it just felt funny because I choked. That was not it. After a minute I ended up throwing up and a bit of what felt stuck in my chest dislodged and I realized I legit had food stuck in my lungs.
I was immediately light-headed and felt my heart racing (though that was probably cause panic was setting in) so I went to the living room with the cat freaking out at my feet, told my fiance something wasn't right, threw up again, and then they helped me to the couch because I started losing consciousness.
I do not remember the drive to the hospital, I don't even remember getting there, I just have vague memories of a nurse pulling my hair to check if I was breathing, people screaming my name as I blacked out because I wasn't breathing, vomiting several times trying to clear my lungs, and apparently arguing about wanting a fudgcicle on the way home only to then vomit and pass out again.
I had to be informed about what happened afterward because I stopped breathing several times and had my lips turn blue. From the second they put me on the couch to the morning after when I woke up miraculously alive and in bed, I remember nothing.
Joked with @valeffelees that clearly the universe wanted to give me the good ole' fanfic writer "So I almost died" author note
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leverage-ot3 · 5 months
I was tagged by my buddy and old siren (freeform) mutual @imaginejolls for this ask game!
Star Sign(s): Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn rising
Favorite Holidays: halloween :3
Last Meal: my mom's cajun beef stew with rice pilaf and a roll
Current Favorite Musician: I've been listening to a lot of noah kahan recently (vermont represent), but I also adore hozier, gracie abrams, lizzie mcalpine, phoebe bridgers, etc. I've never been the same since I was told my taste in music was yallternative. I also love lil nas x and found a new musician through tiktok that goes by brye that is really good
Last Music Listened To: the playlist I listen to the most, especially for sleep: immaculate fall vibes (technically the name of the playlist is just a bunch of the artists featured in it but the description is immaculate fall vibes). my most recent song was save me by noah kahan
Last Movie Watched: this is so embarrasing but I watched the meg with my dad yesterday lmao. I have a weakness for stupid monster movies (we used to watch the shittiest syfy movies together when I was in hs. the shittier the better). I thought he'd like it because jason statham but he was meh about it
Last TV Show Watched: last one I was invested in was the new episode of percy jackson, but I did watch a little bit of that polish show high water on netflix the other day which seemed interesting
Last Book/Fic Finished: god I actually haven't been reading fic for a hot minute which is really surprising. probably my reread of of the northmost winds and skies by @jjackfrost. wasn't in the crossover fandom until earlier this year but actually adore that pairing. this is now my comfort longfic (+400k). it's so good, I read it and I wasn't even in the fandom at the time and it was amazing!!! all the characters are written so well, the voices and pov are great, the worldbuilding and storyling is amazing! I've gushed in the comments before but ugh I love it so so much. inject this into my mf veins
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: I don't really abandon fics, I just wait for them to get updated again. as for books, I really tried to get into loveless by alice oseman because aroace rep but I couldn't really get into it :/
Currently Reading: nothing at the moment (not going to list all the fics I'm waiting for updates for because I can't remember them all and the ones I can remember would take up like multiple pages lol)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: ooo this is hard. technically speaking I've been hyperfixated on playing animal crossing so the most recent thing I looked up for that was what treasure islands were lmao
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: oooo I'm not sure actually? I really love having mutuals even if we don't talk. I also really enjoy when people engage with my posts and appreciate my tags and aus. I like sharing my thoughts and ideas with you guys and it's so heartwarming and validating when y'all enjoy it right back
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: I agree with jolly, I miss siren dearly. can they just do a leverage in like five years and retcon the last season? thanks
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: probably some of the kdramas I've watched. I adored the guest on netflix but there's no fandom. I really REALLY wanted some fix-it fics for the ending of my name but there weren't any because the fandom was too small :(
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: so many things that I jump between (the adhd of it all lmao). I really would like to make a leverage ot3: are they queer video essay and I have some stuff typed up BUT I work in the healthcare field and I'm really hesitant of putting myself on video because when you work in this field it can be weird if clients or employers find your channel. so that's technically on hold for privacy reasons rn. I also really want to learn how to sew and make clothes and my roommate has even offered to help (they used to do competitive cosplay) but I'm just very unmotivated. I want to get back into witchy things but don't have the mental energy to invest in that other than appreciating my stones
tagging 10 moots but anyone can play!!!: @leverageclips @all-things-breathing @digitaldiscipline @peachyteabuck @vampirewalterskinner @buzzmcnab @sidras-tak @my-beloved-lakes @kajaono @suddenrundown
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shrekgogurt · 1 year
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Alright! So, the little snippet I was writing last week isn't actually going to be my Secret Snowflake but I want to still write it eventually. (I came up with a premise that better fits the person and their prompts.) However, if I posted any of the new fic there would be spoilers galore and completely give away the gift recipient. It's also in a really rough stage where the 'shitty draft' genuinely makes me feel like an awful writer. Really fun stuff!!!
I'm working on a Grinch-y Mage fic so here is a little bit of that:
Every mage in the World of Mages liked Christmas a lot… But The Mage™️, Who was barely let into the World of Mages, Did NOT!
Now, some IKAB, IKAM which I haven't touched in WEEKS.
There’s a nice breeze blowing and Baz isn’t here to yell at me or make snide remarks. I close my eyes and focus on the wind brushing against my face but my shoulders won’t relax. Where the hell is Baz? Why can’t I concentrate? And why do I feel like I’m being watched? I hear a cruel laugh to my right which answers all three of my questions. Where the hell is Baz? The roof. Why can’t I concentrate? Because Baz is on the roof. And why do I feel like I’m being watched? Because Baz is watching me…from the roof.
Okay fine....I'll post a little of the exchange fic...
“Shut up,” He tightens his grip, probably to spite me, “[redacted] will kill me if I let you die.” “And you will miss me, of course.” Simon looks back at me with a sparkle in his eye, “I’ll miss the paycheck is what I’ll miss.”
Thanks for the tags Sunday and/or today! @artsyunderstudy @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @captain-aralias @larkral @onepintobean @thewholelemon @martsonmars @whogaveyoupermission and @johnwgrey !!!
Now tagging! @aristocratic-otter @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @asocialpessimist @bazzybelle @bookish-bogwitch @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @facewithoutheart (hope you're having a good trip!) @fatalfangirl (hope you had a good trip!) @hushed-chorus @ileadacharmedlife @ionlydrinkhotwater @ivelovedhimthroughworse @missbliss12 @moodandmist @mostlymaudlin @palimpsessed @raenestee @stardustasincocaine @takenabackbytuesdays @tea-brigade @theimpossibledemon @twinkle-twinkle-up-above @yellobb
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astoroidea · 2 months
Personal rant again (im feeling feelings a lot recently)
Happy trans day of visibility folks,
I myself am a trans man and am still in the closet. Been in there a good bit now because I was rather sheltered as a kid so I didn't even know I had a word for me until I was 12 and met other kids in high school who were queer and knew the words for it. As a kid, seeing my parents as gods, you're supposed to tell your mum everything right? So when I told my mum and dad i was bisexual (found later to be incorrect, I'm aroace, I do like everyone equally, not at all!), mum's support and love was expected, but dad's "That means you still like guys right?" crushed me. I told them a good while after I found the words for myself, so by that point I had learnt about homophobia from my nonna and transphobia from the other kids at school. So then I shut my folks out. If that was going to be the reaction to the smaller part of my identity, I won't be letting them see all of me. Them getting an idea of who I'm going to date is very different from learning that I am a fundamentally different person than they thought they were raising. The idea I am safer in the closet has been enforced steadily throughout the years, openly transphobic comments about strangers they see on the street, watching a news story that happened to have a trans woman as part of the street interview that they immediately started calling "he" despite never once meeting her, my mother making friends with the worst creature to call herself a person I've ever met. But recently, they've been getting a bit better. My partner who is also a trans guy, who they've known pre social transition, while they do slip up at times, they gender him correctly mostly and for the past 4 years since I got them to use his correct name, they haven't used his dead name ever since. I managed to get dad to stop trying to ask my queer friend's birth genders. I even got them to sit down and have a constructive conversation about their bigotry in other aspects and they seemed to actually listen and even apologised. I've been planning to come out to them for a while now since I'm an adult and I need to find a way to put this behind us. But again today, I am reminded how much who I am is reviled. One of my uncles loves to "stir the pot" and made a fun little joke (/s) about pronouns and while my older cousins tried to shut it down, he still made it. The man who is my godfather. The amount of stress I am constantly under and have been for years. The trying to figure out if I can tell someone my real name when I meet them or do I have to worry it will get back to my parents? I do have plans in place, people I can go to, a solid enough income that I won't go hungry anytime soon or not being able to sleep somewhere. But I'm not sure if them not hating me will be worse. Ive lost a lot of time to the fear I'd be kicked out of home as a child with no money and no one to help me. But if I gear up to tell them and set up all my nets to catch me and none of it was even necessary? I'd just be disappointed in myself for wasting so much of my life.
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askanallo · 4 months
GENUINE QUESTION pls don't laugh, but is it really like, nice? sleeping with someone? i don't mean it really like sex cause i know there's people that genuinely enjoy it BUT i'm talking about sleeping on the same bed and cuddling or like when there's a literal PERSON on your bed everynight????
like, i sometimes have sleepovers with friends and i often take the 'monster-side' instead of the wall to be as apart as possible and my bestie sometimes builds a wall out of a blanket for me, and ever since i was little i would (and still) kick and squirm until my mum or dad or brother or WHOEVER would just let go yk??? i would have the worst nightmare and still refuse to climb my parents bed
it's not that i don't like physical touch, i LOVE it, hugs, simply placing my hand on people's foreheads, hanging from their arms or kisses on the cheek and hands and what not, but i don't know how to translate that fondness into like, sleepy time
and the IDEA of having like a meltdown or the urge to just cry and? there's? someone? there? like get tf up i want to dramatically flop into my covers???
WORSE when i heard that my best friend would sometimes sleep NAKED with SOMEONE like eeee okay miss, what if you pee? I DON'T KNOW i don't pee asleep but i can't stop thinking about it i'm glad she said her new bf starts dressing her back up on her pj's like at least idk
anyways she likes to torture me and say that she loves sleeping with others cause that way she can pee on their beds WHEN SHE DOESN'T DO THAT EITHER but she refuses to explain why people like it to make me confused
i tried it with my family and it ended up in bruises, i tried with her and i ended up migrating to her couch cause i felt crowded, i even tried it with a gf i had when i still thought same attraction to everyone meant bisexual and not aroace and i CRIED and had to leave the room
anyways, i still love my heavy blanket, maybe it's cause the blanket doesn't have a heartbeat or idk taylor swift saying that she watches her lover sleep really makes me do a side eye too like girl turn around, i feel like you're watching ME
so that's my very long question, pls don't laugh, i just want to understand what's so pretty about it cause yeah i'll hug my bestie for hours, but pls if we're going to sleep let's build a bubble around each other
First of all, you are SO RIGHT on the peeing thing. I'd never sleep without shorts/pants on. I'd keep thinking "well what if I shit myself and it's all over the bed" and couldn't relax lmao
Have you ever had like a big plush animal? Once that's like a meter long or something? If hugging it before sleep feels good, now imagine it being warm and with structure inside so you can hug it properly.
It's definitely a personal preference thing, but I don't move around too much at night, so it feels great for me :)
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
There was this
cute guy in my career class, right?
and i started seeing him like, once a week
and he seemed so...
he had so much friend potential kay?
i get this platonic crushes on people, where the feeling is somewhat "omg, they look so cool, i need them as a friend rn"
so, a friend and i were on a mission to befriend him asap, cuz this friend also wanted to get to know him.
The cute guy was shy tho, so we tried to not scare him, and slowly we started hanging out with him more.
but, the cute guy got like, a romantic crush on me, and it was the worst
i was hoping so hard that he would just suck it and not tell me, because i just, didnt knew him well, and while i was romance favorable back then, i wanted to have a strong relationship with someone before we even consider anything else.
(Btw later i would discover that i in fact dont like a lot of the romantic relationship stuff, and i would rater have a qpr instead)
but he told me, and, it sucked
like, i was not going to tell him that i was (and am) aroace, because it would've been way more complicated, and i didnt want to throw away my shot with him, because i hoped that if he would just fucking wait and take it slow, maybe we could date in the far future yknow
when he told me, i said that i wanted to become close friends with him first, and that maybe in the future we could think about it, and he seemed okay with it, but uh,
i discovered a bunch of things then
It seems that "i want to get to know u better and be friends first" in allo language it means "you are in a trial, and im watching your every move to decide if you're worth it or not". I learned this btw thanks to another friend, who tought i was being cruel to the cute guy.
It also seems that allos think that is cruel to be in a romantic relationship with someone if you dont like them romantically, even if you care about them oh so very much.
Also, after it ended up in nothing, the guy just, didnt hang out with me anymore. Like, it made me feel that if i wasnt a plausible romantic option i was just, not worth wasting his time on?
And, when now i think about a hypothetical qpr, its that guy the one that comes to mind.
Because i really liked him platonically, he was sweet, and caring, and fun to be around, he was always open to help people, understandig and patient, and idk, i feel so robbed.
Because i didnt want to play the good lil allo and say "sure i like u too", i dont have this awsome person in my life
and because of amatonormativity, he would not have considered to be my qpp even if i asked
And the only thing that i accomplished was make him cry, just because there are some weird rules im supposed to know about crushes, but no one tells me what those are.
idk i just, feel bad about everything that happened, and i wish i could work my way into ask him if he would be okay in a qpr
(Btw advice on how to proceed is welcome)
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acilykos · 1 year
Hello sorry I am the anon that just sent you something a few minutes ago and I am rambling more now HRJMSKKDKS SORRY IDK WHO ELSE TO TALK TO ABOUT THESE THINGS BUT YEAH. I think one of the things that is difficult to accept by the fandom about aroace Senku is that, see, Senku /is/ attractive, right? most of his friends and the people he've met throughout his journey that are not also on the acespec are definitely capable of being attracted to him 'cause, well, he is attractive! So the idea that in spite of him being, well, such a 'catch,' this idea that his friends respect him enough to not make a move on him and understand/respect that he's not interested and will never be, is such an insanely warm and heartening thing to watch as an aroace. HAHAHA Okay I'm done now have a good day pt. 2!
Yes!!! I completely agree hahaha And same, I love talking about Senku being AroAce!
None of his friends force a romance onto him, no one going "Ah, eventually he'll come around" it's the opposite! Even Luna who "crushes" on him respects his autonomy and doesn't do anything, no plot of trying to get romantic or physical, even she respects his decision on whether or not he actually wants a relationship with her.
Kohaku and Chrome both say "People don't know Senku at all" whenever there's a "Ohh you're into them?" comments, like about Homura. They all know and just respect it.
I thank Inagaki and Boichi everyday that there wasn't a last minute forced romance between him and Luna or Kohaku, also because I feel like shonen specifically doesn't value male and female friendships together as much as it should be, and always makes some weird romance happen between the (male) protagonist of the series and their closest (female) allies. Seems to be changing in recent years tho!
I'm actually glad we as a society kinda move on from having a forced romance for the protagonist trope in shows ajdjwjr
Also I ranted about this to @cosplayprincess21 but sometimes I feel like the reason why we have both Taiju/Yuzuriha and Chrome/Ruri as established will be couples in the series, is to divert from Senku like "Nooo, look at those romance plots, nothing to see over there, yes look away from the scientist" and even then their romance plots are very, very subtle and don't feel forced, they're very sweet and I like them!
To paraphrase myself from one of our convos, in a way, the series just feels AroAce-spec by having every other types of relationships, like family (Byakuya and Senku, Ruri and Kohaku, Ryusui and Sai, etc, etc...), friendship (I don't think I need to give examples for those hahaha but the best has to be Senku and Taiju), and alliances from mentor and student to enemies who become allies to fight the same enemy, be highlighted much more than the romantic ones.
Like yes, we have obvious romantic moments, but they don't feel overpowering, they just feel natural and like a side note.
Plus again, they're not focused on Senku hahaha He's like a bystander who has to roll with the punches lmao
I hope this makes sense, I don't know how else to explain it ajdje 💀 Just the fact that romance is a footnote, not a driving force for plot in the entirety of the manga. You could rewrite the entirety and have the romances be just friendships and it still works, even if some details change. Plus again, just two of Senku's closest friends (Taiju and Chrome) having the romance instead of himself as the protagonist just feels very "How to make sure people won't scream for a romantic main plot"
Also yeah, I don't really count Luna's switch over as a romantic subplot, because Senku gave it his all to trick her into joining his team lmao
Boy exploited romance for his convenience and then dropped it the second he didn't need it anymore hahaha
Sorry, this became super fucking long, but I love ranting with others about Senku being the perfect AroAce rep and how it just makes sense 😭
Drop by anytime you want to rant about it :D
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cryptwrites · 1 year
Writing LGBTQ+: Asexuality
Jump scare! Gay people! So hi, on my quest to become a better writer, I read. A lot. And watch shows. And while the LGBT rep is getting a bit better... kinda... the asexuality rep is not! At all! Podcasts are like, the once source of representation I see that does it right. And even then, it's kind of iffy! So what do we do about it? We take advice on writing asexual people directly from the source. Hi I'm crypt and I'm ace, and I'm gonna tell you how tf to write asexual people into your stories.
So just like everything else, everyone's experience with asexuality can be, and is going to be different. The label itself can mean a lot of different things depending on the person. Some asexual people don't experience sexual attraction, but they can experience other attraction forms. Aside from sexual attraction, you can experience romantic, aesthetic, physical, platonic, and emotional attraction. So there are many different ways that attraction can be formed.
Some individuals experience no sexual attraction. Some people identify as asexual and experience sexual attraction only under certain circumstances. In that case, they may go by a different term or choose to label themselves as something else. But it doesn't take away from their asexual identity.
Identify your character
When writing an asexual character, the first thing to ask yourself is, are they also a romantic? Do they have a desire for a romantic relationship? But Suprise! Asexuals can and cant be romatic!
Basically this means that some asexuals are romantic, which means while they don't experience sexual attraction. They do enjoy romantic things such as being married, having a romantic relationship with their significant others, kissing, holding hands, and things generally associated with romance. Likewise some asexuals are aromantic, which means they don't experience romantic attraction as well as sexual attraction. This is commonly referred to as being aroace online!
So, it can be tough when you're writing because many people generalise that asexuals don't want romantic relationships. Sometimes it is easier to make a character who's asexual and aromantic. But if at all possible, make it clear that those two are not the same thing. Knowing your characters as well as you know yourself will be one of the most important things to do when writing any character well.
Sexual relationships
Some asexual people are sex-repulsed, which is self-explanatory, and some are sex interested. A lot of people call this sex-positive, which is fine, but that presents the idea of being sex-negative. While people can be sex-negative, it tends to be more puritans than asexual people who are sex-negative.
If you are a non-asexual person writing an asexual character, do not have them have sex. At all. You do not have the scope to be able to balance that writing of an asexual character who's decided to have sex for whatever reason. If you are an asexual person, do whatever you want to because you have that experience.
Asexuality is normal
One of the easiest ways to express sexuality on the page is to name it. If you're writing a book set in a time period where we have the vocabulary for asexuality, call it what it is. It doesn't do anyone any good to dance around it and pretend. If your character is set in the time period where they are able to call themself asexual, have them do that. Asexual people are usually pretty chill and proud of their identity.
As I said earlier, representation for asexual people is pretty much non existent, so if you have the chance in your writing to spell it out that your character is asexual. Do so. Don't dance around it, just come out and say it. As a queer person myself, I hate when writers allude to a characters sexual identity but don't ever confirm it within the writing, usually because they want to appease homophobic cishet people. Now some characters might not label themselves, and that's cool too, but if you choose to do this, please make it clear someway else.
When you're writing an asexual character, try hard not to make them an alien or robot or another race of beings that are all asexual. *Shakes you violently* we're people to dammit. We have feelings and emotions and we experience everything else life has to offer! With this being said, you may want to write a demisexual character, and that's fine. But then you have to make it clear that that is a demisexual character. Now, your character may identify with the asexual label, and that's cool too, but make that clear in your writing.
Careful of representation
Asexual people belong to the LGBTQ+ community, and they are queer. Whether they're homoromantic or a heteroromantic person, they're still LGBTQ+. Some queer folk, like myself, enjoy reading about asexual people (As long as its done right) because it makes us feel seen, like we're real people and not just concepts.
So, you have to be careful writing asexual characters because there are so few, especially canonically asexual characters, out there in the world at the minute. 
Avoid social awkwardness
Examine your attraction model and see where that leaves you and how you can build a model of attraction for a character who is asexual. Ask yourself these questions:
• What is it you like about a person?
• How quickly do you think about your character?
• How does that make you feel internally and externally?
Does your heart pound in your chest? You can usually figure out all of the non-sexual aspects of your relationship building, and therefore you can build an asexual character based on those factors. So it is the best way to do it because it's fairly realistic.
Don't hurt the community
Many people who have experienced trauma can become sex-repulsed, usually for a limited time. But they often can recover from it. So those people are not asexual. It labels them asexual against their will and damages them because they don't want that. But it's also damaging to the asexual community. Then it's thought that asexuality only happens when some trauma is involved in making them that way, which is entirely untrue.
If something has happened to you and you feel that you would be most comfortable identifying as asexual, then that's perfectly fine. Go ahead and do that. I'm only making it clear that writing a character who has had trauma is sex-repulsed because that trauma does not make them asexual. For example, I myself am Asexual, and I also have experienced sexual trauma. I was asexual before my trauma occurred and I still am. I know my asexuality has nothing to do with my trauma and vice versa.
Asexual people can be of any race or any agenda. Also, they can have different romantic attraction levels. There's such a thing as aromantic and romantic. Typically, romantic attraction falls into the same basic set as sexual attraction. So most people are romantic, but asexual people tend to divide their attraction model.
People tend to divide them out of attraction so that they are always asexual. But sometimes, they're always romantically attracted to one specific group, whether that group is the same gender, opposite gender, multiple genders, or whatever.
So, it's a thing to be aware of when writing asexual characters characters. When you can afford them, mix it up. Be aware of these stereotypes, so you don't accidentally fall into them. It is very easy to do, and then you've got to write yourself out of it once you get that.
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martsonmars · 2 years
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Hello Sunday people!
Thanks @nightimedreamersworld @captain-aralias @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla @basiltonbutliketheherb @aroace-genderfluid-sheep for the tags! I'll check your stuff when I get home.
A couple of hours ago I turned on my laptop because I felt inspired to write, and then I wasted hours updating the docs where I keep my list of ideas and making minor edits to an already published fic... To the point that my laptop is off again and I have to go out in less than an hour and I have written no words. So I'm going to write them now. (Imagine me closing Tumblr and opening a doc here.)
I'm back with new words! (And I'm going out in one minute. Posting this while opening the front door.) I started chapter 2 of my COBB (though I already have snippets from future chapters), so have some Simon!
This is fine.
Simon is fine.
Ebb is going to kill him (or she would if she wasn't so terribly kind to the particular brand of fucked up Simon is), but it's fine. He should've known you can never trust a catfish, but sometimes you're really desperate and you fall for a slimy moustache and suave words coming out of a cavernous mouth.
And it's not even like Simon couldn't find what he was looking for—it was there, hidden behind a waterfall, just like the treacherous fish had told him. But something clearly went wrong, or he wouldn't be nudging a greenish severed head with his claws, the spade of his tail thrashing behind him like a kicked puppy throwing a tantrum.
And since I'm unstoppable and cannot share only 6 sentences, under the cut there's another (7-sentence) snippet AND the tags. Love you all <3
Very unedited Penny from chapter 3
A very long time ago (three weeks, five days, and eleven hours), Penelope used to have a boyfriend. She isn't sure she liked him very much, but it felt safe, and settled, and she enjoyed writing him long letters instead of leaving the comfort of her home to visit him, so it worked just fine.
And then, out of nowhere, he decided she was too focused on her dangerous and pointless research, on her new weird and even more dangerous friend, and, most of all, on magic, and he ditched her. Good riddance, Penelope thought back then, but now, as she watches her new client storm up the stairs without answering her fourteenth question about forbidden rituals, she's starting to think he might have been right.
But she shouldn't be blamed, really.
When fire knocks on your door, you open it. And you fuel it with questions.
@wellbelesbian @urban-sith @tea-brigade @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @johnwgrey @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @whatevertheweather @jbrrring @moodandmist @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @dragoneggo @takitalks @theotherhufflepuff @otherworldsivelivedin @excalisbury @shemakesmeforget @starwarned @ileadacharmedlife @gekkoinapeartree @bazzybelle @bloodiedpixie @stardustasincocaine @angelsfalling16 @messofthejess @ivelovedhimthroughworse
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iguessitsjustme · 8 months
Okay I just saw your “Top Non-BL Asian TV Shows” list bc I was looking through the Love O2O tag (as one does) and I need to know if you have one for top BL Asian shows bc I’m obsessed.
Hello my dear anon! Sorry it took a few days to get to this. My brain has not been braining BUT I have a list for you! Before I get started though, I did make a list of my top BL from 2022 and there is definitely going to be some overlap there.
Anyway. This is in no way a comprehensive list and it's just gonna be in alphabetical order. I also couldn't limit myself to ten this time, so you're going to get 15. This got really long so it's going under a cut:
A Tale of 1000 Stars - This show is one of my all time favorite BLs. The story was so well told and the acting was phenomenal. Genuinely, this show almost made me cry (in a good way). I got real close and if you know me, that's impressive. This show is pretty close to flawless for me and it is the show I used to introduce my mom to BL and now she's seen a whole lot and loves it like I do. So this show will always have a special place in my heart.
2. Bed Friend - I went into this show expecting to mostly enjoy it but I was fully expecting it to be a trash watch. What I didn't expect was a beautifully told story about trauma and how that can impact relationships and how patience and kindness and support, genuine support, is a fundamental piece of loving someone. Truly astonishing. Blew me out of the water.
3. Cherry Magic - This show is so incredibly wholesome and cute. I love the premise and I always appreciate when we get shows about adults. Adachi and Kurosawa are so precious and adorable and truly the only people deserving of each other. No one else could possibly deserve the love and light of those two. Plus I love our aroace girlie. She deserves the world. I know Thailand is doing a remake of this show and I'm skeptical but hopeful. We'll see.
4. DNA Says Love You - I'm not sure if I actually classify this as BL but it is very queer and the friendships are solid. One of the best friend groups and such a compelling story. It took me a minute to get into it cause the first few episodes aren't the best, but once the story starts taking off it's so, so good.
5. Ghost Host, Ghost House - This show came at the right time for me. It was so heartbreakingly beautiful. Our main couple gets a happy ending but the journey to get there is hard and honestly I was going through a lot when this was released and watching it was very cathartic for me. It helped give me an outlet to process grief I was going through.
6. Light on Me - The only good love triangle I have ever seen. Daon is my baby forever and always. I truly believe this show did so much for Korean BL and opened the doors for longer form BL out of Korea. The real selling point to this show for me is the characters. The story is cute, if basic, but the characters and their relationships and how the interact with each other is truly wonderful. The acting is phenomenal and everything about it is just so pretty.
7. Moonlight Chicken - This show has so much of what I look for in older, more serious shows. This show was perfect in its imperfectness. We got two generations of queer men in a family and we got to see how each reacted to the world and to their own queerness. We got deaf representation and a character learning sign language specifically to communicate. Heart's story with his parents was honestly beautiful and I think it was handled really well.
8. My School President - So cute. Just incredibly adorable. FourthGemini are honestly ridiculously talented for their age. I'm very excited to see what they do next. My only issue with this one was the sheer amount of singing, but at least it made sense with the plot and it was built in singing. Watching Tinn and Gun's story play out was a treat every week. There was not a single episode that was not enjoyable.
9. Old Fashion Cupcake - This is it for me. Absolute perfection. This is flawless episodes. I have no notes. I love this show. This is my top BL of all time. Everything about this is excellent. I don't even know how to properly discuss this because I love it so much.
10. Our Dating Sim - I'm not normally a fan of reunion stories but this one is fantastic. One of Korea's best. There's not a minute of wasted time.
11. Our Dining Table - This is the cutest, the most wholesome, the most darling, the most precious show ever created. I could not be mad watching this show. Even if certain people pissed me off, if I went home and turned on this show, my rage was calmed and I was happy again. I bought the first volume of the manga for this and I'm planning on buying the rest whenever I'm able.
12. Seven Days - This is probably the most underrated BL out there. It's cute, it's wholesome, the characters are amazing. Watching these two fall for each other is one of the best treats you can give yourself. I'm about to make my mom watch these two movies in the next few weeks and I cannot wait.
13. Sing My Crush - I loved this show oh so very much. I'm pretty sure I stayed up until like 2 one night binging it. It scratched a particular itch for me in the pining childhood friends to lovers. I just love them so much. The villain was a bit too...evil...for my taste but it worked. Plus, I genuinely didn't mind the singing here.
14. The Eighth Sense - This is just good. I'm not sure I classify it as BL but definitely queer. I tend to prefer shows that deal with trauma of some sort and this show does that and does it well. How many shows do we have where a character is actually seeing a therapist? Plus the patience and love that Ji Hyun had to Jae Won was just heartwarming. This show isn't just one of my favorite queer shows. It's one of my top 5 shows of all time.
15. Until We Meet Again - To me, this is THE BL. I cried multiple times. It's tough to get me to cry once let alone multiple times. I had already gotten into BL when I started watching this but I'd say this show was probably my full blow decent into madness. I think I watched all 17 episodes in the span of 3 days while working full-time. Overtime at that. I didn't sleep. One of the most beautiful stories ever written. I'm a sucker for reincarnation stories and this just..is so incredibly beautiful. It got me in my feels.
There ya have it. That's a list. Definitely not all, but I'd be listing forever and getting my executive to function enough to write this was hard enough. ps if you like Love O2O, the ML, Yang Yang is the main character in King's Avatar which was another show I put on my top non-BL shows but I rewatched it recently and I don't know what I was smoking when I wrote that list but that show is so incredibly gay. There's no canon romance but it's still very gay
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