#if you are pro israel block me i do not want you on my page
stiffyck · 19 days
Assuming you're pro Palestine because I've seen you post stuff on how to donate and stuff, if I found an anti Palestinian artist on Tumblr that's got lots of fans, would it be okay to send to you to make a post about? You made a previous call out post about that one person who was homophobic in the life series/hermitcraft community
If they're in the fandom and if you provide evidence like screenshots or links to a post they've made or reblogged etc. then sure.
I don't want my blog to be a call-out blog or something for all artists who do something bad but if it's someone in the fandom who's pretty well known? Yeah absolutely I'll be willing to say something.
That being said tho I don't exactly want people to just come to me and expect me to call out anyone who's somehow bigoted- I don't really want that kind of uhhh how to word this... power I guess? Responsibility? Like I don't really want to be responsible for these things and I don't want people to expect me to call out anyone and everyone.
Not sure how else to word this tbh.
But yeah, if you know someone in the fandom who is pro-israel then please do let me know.
If they're not in the fandom I don't know how much I'd do tbh because I don't think there would be much of an overlap between my followers and their followers if that makes sense.
This is a long ass answer I hope this made at least some sort of sense.
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mauesartetc · 6 months
Trying to keep this blog more art- and creativity-focused in general, so I'll be removing the Gaza-related reblogs that are about a month old. But I'll use this post as a permanent archive that will update periodically (some of this information will grow dated as the situation develops, but I think it's important to keep a record of just how fiercely opposed people were to Israel's actions from this moment forward). We should all continue to raise our voices about this, and refuse to support politicians who enable genocide. Remember, they work for us, not the other way around. Keep going.
October 2023
-Donation links
-Social media links
-US congress ceasefire script
-Decolonizepalestine.com (information, mythbusting)
-More donation links
-Ways to pressure politicians for a ceasefire
-HUGE resource list
-"Is there anything I can do to help Palestinians besides call my representatives and beg them to stop killing people?"
-"We are isolated now"
-Palestine and landback
-210 PAGES of dead people's names.
-Bail money for Palestine Action
-Article list
-US action items
-Boycott info
-Grand Central Station shut down by protestors
-Message to white American citizens
-UK ceasefire petition
-How YOU can help Palestine (regularly updated!)
-"Please try amidst all this fury and grief to still have faith in the common people." (+donation links)
-Reminder about protest etiquette and privacy
-Prints for Palestine
-"We have no communication with the outside world. They are using their military might to harm us. We have no power but the power of God, no one but God. Please, pray for us." (spoken over mosque speakers)
-DAILY donate button + more donation links
-"Doesn't Israel have a right to exist too?"
-Script for US Congress calls
-Queerness under apartheid
-Sudan is also at war
-Hundreds of thousands of protestors in London
-Half a million.
-Tips for folks with phone anxiety
-This comic got real
-European and Canadian ceasefire scripts
-"The people of Gaza see the protests. That is reason enough to come even if nothing else." WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU. WE ARE HERE.
November 2023
-More genocides than just Palestine
-How to buy e-sims to circumvent Gaza's internet blackout
-"Occupying territories is illegal. Resistance to occupying forces is legal."
-MASSIVE resource list
-"For decades now the media has told us Muslim men are savages, terrorists, wife beaters and everything in between. I want you to challenge this trope the next time you see it in the media. Let these photos serve as a reminder."
-"Don't stop talking about the Palestinian genocide. IT'S WORKING."
-UN resignation letter
-Israel won't allow Irish or Brazilian citizens to leave Gaza
-"Palestine must never be forgotten. Promise me that." (from the documentary "Children of Shatila")
-Gifs of pro-Palestine rallies around the world
-Support Palestine's last kufiya factory
-Protestors flood the streets in Washington DC
-Explanation of why calling representatives is a numbers game
-FREE ebooks on the history of this conflict
-Petition to screen films by Palestinian directors
-Call to boycott Gal Godot's work
-Indigenous activists block weapons shipment to Israel
-If you're attending a protest, DON'T TELL YOUR GOVERNMENT SHIT. Y'know, friendly advice.
-Links to support Palestine Action and Palestine Legal. Get in the way.
-Parallels between Israel and the surveillance tactics used by NYC mayor Eric Adams
-Don't spiral into doomerism. Persevere.
-Want a different strategy to contact your representatives? Try faxing them!
-Florida rep Michelle Salzman calls for the death of all Palestinians
-"The phone doesn't stop" :)
-Indian trade unions call on the government to scrap deals with Israel
-An overview of Israel's human rights violations, and two major political groups that have exacerbated Zionism in the US
-Israeli man explains why he's protesting
-"Whoever stays until the end will tell the story. We did what we could. Remember us."
-US House of Representatives votes to send billions of dollars worth of weapons to Israel
-Canadian email campaign and petitions
-"Canada's First Nation standing with Palestine"
-"Freedom is infectious as it is just and no one is free until they ALL are."
-Israeli forces invade al-Shia hospital
-Leaked list of weapons the US has sent to Israel
-Only 32% of Americans believe the US should support Israel
-Cop City action demonstrates how to protest effectively
-Refugee grandmother "doesn't have to imagine a multicultural and integrated Palestine- she remembers it".
-Protestors block the Bay Bridge in San Francisco (plus bail fund)
-Israeli forces attack schools in northern Gaza. SCHOOLS.
-Journalist shares an update from an Indonesian hospital and pleads for others to spread it around as it "may be the last video we are able to send"
-Scottish Parliament votes overwhelmingly to demand a ceasefire
-Sobering texts from a friend providing humanitarian aid in Gaza. "They have been distributing guns to the civilian settlers and allowing them into the West Bank to terrorize people" "We have been given option to leave. None took it"
-"the absolute bare minimum in this situation is 1) a complete ceasefire and immediate humanitarian aid in Gaza, 2) complete halt of all military foreign aid to the Israeli government, 3) the Israeli government being prosecuted for its war crimes in the International Criminal Court, and 4) land back and reparations for the Palestinian people. free Palestine means free Palestine, not just temporarily stop carpet bombing Palestine."
-"It's important that you keep posting and speaking about the ongoing genocide. This 5 day agreement isn't the end of things."
-Boosting the incredible, FREE daily donate button again
-Protests at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
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mayhem-moth · 3 months
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Intro page:
Most importantly:
Look at these posts. I do not mind if you don't look at the rest of this introduction, but at least look at these posts.
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Things i'll block people for:
*Anyone who is pro-israel or is pro any genocide.
*Policing people on harmless identities and ways of being. Just let people chill in peace please.
*Discriminatory behavior. DON'T BE RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, TRANSPHOBIC, ANTI-SEMETIC, ISLAMAPHOBIC, APHOBIC, ABLEIST, etc If you don't want me to block you.
*Basically, if someone is just being an ass honestly :/. I prefer communication, but if someone is deliberately hurting others, i will not waste my time.
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Have this instead :p
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Favorite color: blue,green, purple (can you tell?)
Favorite animals: Cats, Moths, Tardigrades, Sea toads(LOOK AT THIS LIL GUY👇)
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They derp. Gongeous.
Hobbies: Art purdy much
FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TOO. Also send me your own I like drawing :D
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Rp blogs:
Other blogs:
Alt accounts:
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incorrectzutaraquotes · 3 months
since i’m reviving my account i would like to make some things clear:
so first, i was 15 when i started this account and i will certainly never claim to be perfect. if you see any of my past posts that were insensitive or made you uncomfortable and would like me to take it down, just message me. i absolutely never intended to post anything harmful, but i know that it is possible that i did unknowingly, and i may also have had internal biases i needed to unlearn that i may not have be aware of at the time. i will never fault anyone for educating me, i am always open to learning and unlearning things so don’t be afraid to message me. some of these quotes are nearly 7 years old, like i said i was 15 when i started posted them, and ive been inactive for years so i dont remember most of what i’ve posted.
secondly, i am avidly and actively pro palestine. i will not take any bullshit from zionists. if you are anything BUT pro palestine this is not the page for you. i do not want zionists interacting with me and if you are zionist and you comment on my page or message me you will be blocked immediately. there’s a lot of resources going around to help educate yourselves, to help palestinian families in gaza, and just overall to spread awareness about the genocide israel is committing in palestine. if you’d like me to post some here just let me know, but im mostly active on twitter and i repost and share a lot of info and sources on there.
third, this is for fun !! so if you don’t ship zutara, that’s fine, just don’t bring any ship war bullshit here. i’ve been around this fandom for a long time, and trust me, been there, done that with the petty shipping wars. i’m 22 now. i’m in college, i graduate in may, and i just don’t have time to get into all that. it’s very much a non issue so, just keep it chill, that’s all i ask.
and lastly, i did ship zutara in the cartoon. that being said, i haven’t finished the live action show and i’m also very much aware of the age gap between the actors who play the characters in the live action. when i post these, i am only posting about the characters, mostly with the animated version that i grew up with in mind. i will absolutely never ship the actors together or support people who do that. it’s sad that it has to be said, but i don’t want anything misconstrued and after seeing the way people treated walker scobell and leah sava jeffries, i feel the need to make that very adamantly clear.
love you all very much, to new followers and to the ones who’ve stuck around for the past 7 years. just have fun with this account, don’t take it too seriously i’m just here to have a good time and i hope you are too!
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lavenderpanic · 6 months
Pinned Post
I am unequivocaly pro-Palestine. If you are a pro-Israel genocide apologist, I do not want you reading my work or interacting on this page.
If you're here from Ao3 and you want to see more content about I Am Ash From Your Fire, its prequel You'll Be Made Of Ashes, Too, and its sequel Gold Must Be Tried By Fire, check the tags #iaafyf, #i am ash from your fire, #you'll be made of ashes too, #ybmoat, #goldmustbetriedbyfire, and #gmbtbf for additional scenes, headcanons, and fanart!
My current fics are Retrograde, You'll Be Made Of Ashes, Too, Loved You Like The Sun, A Dwindling, Mercurial High and Gold Must Be Tried By Fire.
My content ranges from stuff about my current fixations to my writing to random shit I find cool. I don't have a fancy tag system so if there's a particular post you're looking for, feel free to ask and I can help you find it!
My asks are currently open (as are anon asks) so feel free to drop questions about my fanfiction or requests for fanfic in there! I love love love receiving questions about stuff I've written so don't hesitate if you're curious about anything.
Anything I post, so long as the reblogs are on, is free to reblog!
My blog is absolutely not a safe space for racism, zionism, antisemitism, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, or ableism. I am 100% pro-Palestine and you will not be able to dissuade me from any of the above. Do not interact or try to get a reaction, I will block you immediately and will not engage.
I also do not interact with blogs which post AI-generated "art" and will likely block you if you do.
Occasionally I will post or repost content pertaining to mental health struggles, bpd, ocd, chronic illnesses, and other sensitive topics. I do my best to tag them adequately, but please feel free to reach out and correct me if I miss anything.
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wack-ashimself · 7 days
So, because this is the ONLY site I have never been blocked on, I gotta point out an uncomfortable trend....
I have known for YEARS <YEARS> that fedbook INTENTIONALLY will show you people you disagree/dislike/argue with (even people you are NOT friends with, just pages you follow where assholes comment) regularly in your newsfeed in HOPES you say something that will either produce foot traffic/views and/or get YOU banned (because you've been saying things that have been losing them money).
Well, now 2 more instances of that happened. 1 on twitter. 1 on here (and not the first time on here, either).
Out of NO WHERE yesterday, I was on twitter, reading, scrolling, posting, commenting, etc, and my newsfeed....refreshed. Automatically. Like the whole page. And all of a sudden, I swear to god, a vast chunk of my newsfeed was either zionists, politicians, or Jewish people (NONE of which I had followed/liked/interacted with EVER. I was learning about people I didn't even know existed...nor cared.) I blocked/muted almost all of them cuz they were, in one way or another, saying 'yay, genocide.'
Then, on here (it happens ALL the time) another person who is pro israel tried the whole 'I'm being calm, level headed, wanting to talk about this subject in a mature way. No need to call names. BUTTTTTTTT.... the HISTORY of israel proves israel's right to exist, and do whatever...' blah blah blah.
In ALL cases, I think they're trying to provoke me to say something...ignorant or hateful. I may say I wish they were there, burn in hell, fuck off, etc, but...that's all you're gonna get from me. No sexism, no racism, no nationalism (I fucking HATE the USA government. And my state isn't doing too good after what they did to the protests...). I hate YOU for being YOU; not where you came from due to birth lottery. I could never and will never hate someone for choices they had NO say over (race, sex, sexuality, etc), but I WILL totally hate someone for their choices, ideologies, and actions that make the world a worse place. Every-single-fucking-time.
I think they're trying to get me to say something anti-jewish. Nope. I love Jews. Can't say I personally know that many, but, never had a bad interaction I can recall. I even want the best for every single person in israel.
HOWEVER, the state of israel, zionism, and everyone who supports that mentality has to go. Where? I dunno. We'll figure it out. But letting them go wild AND still have access to nukes after ALL they've done in such a SHORT time...seems like it would be dooming all of humanity....
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socte-blue · 16 days
🦇 - ⋆ INTRO
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My name’s Eddie, or Ed :)
I use he/dirt pronouns. Thought he/him is fine too
I’m a demiboy+xenic and mlm
I’m mentally disabled in a couple flavours but I will most likely post about autism
I’m a teenager! Please dni if your blog is NSFW
I am a therian and furry, I’m learning how to do furry art too so I’ll probably post some of that stuff
My favourite animal is the tardigrade or bats :)
I’ll rant about my life and really whatever I’m thinking about
I’ll spitball headcanons, I love writing headcanons so much and I will totally do requests as well as my own. For probably anything but NSFW and possibly y/n x character in general? I have nothing against self-shipping. I’m just not good at, LOL
I’ll post art I’m proud of; fanart, ocs, furry, random dabbles. It doesn’t really matter
I’ll probably make rants about my AU’s for various fandoms, as well as general fandom thoughts :)
I’ll make ID packs! Rq and for myself.
The Owl House (TOH)
Magnus Chase & The God’s Of Asgard (MCGA)
Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel (HB & HH)
Wings Of Fire (WOF)
She-ra & The Princesses Of Power (SPOP)
Sally Face (SF)
⋆ I take headcanon rq for all of these
⋆ I’m incorporating this tagging system basically from now on so some older post may not apply
#⋆ Ed rants = Random thoughts, text posts, you get it
#⋆ Ed IDs = ID packs… self-explanatory
#⋆ Ed arts = Art… also self-explanatory
#⋆ Ed headcanons = Any sort of headcanon sheet
#⋆ Ed fandoms = fandom content
#⋆ Ed responds= Anything to do with a adon
#⋆ Ed reblogs = reblogs
⋆ DNI:
⋆ I know dni usually doesn’t work BUT at least you can make it clear I am anti and not interested in these things or perhaps, you will respect it if it’s not really an opinion thing.
Unsporting of queer people (INCLUDING xenos/neos) (NOT including rad-queers*)
*Rad-queers, I don’t want you near me
Proshippers+darkshippers*, I can provide a long explanation of why but I don’t really think I have the breath right now
NSFW blogs, I’m a minor and it just makes me uncomfortable.
(Supporting of) RCTA
Anti HB/HH, I know about the problems please let me enjoy my special interest
Pro-Israel, if you are get the fuck off of my page
I probably have more but if I look at your blog and shit that sucks is there, I’ll probably just block you 
*yes, Lunter is included in that.
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[This user is a little guy]
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d3df1zh · 3 months
HIIIII!!! my name is clover and this is my intro post. i WOULD make an about page but i really don't want to bc im lazy keep reading if u wanna know thingz abt me bc this will take a while trust
okay so, i go by he/she/they. I am a minor and i don't know if i'll post a lot but i got some heavy fandom opinions i might share bc i get kind of passionately rage-filled at some things.
i'm also aroace!! interests!!! ☆ there's a lot so be warned
any colored, bold interests are ones im REALLY into so you dont get bored reading - if you havent gotten bored already
only bold interests are ones i adore but aren't fixating on at the moment my interests are ANYTHING cuphead related (casino cups, etc.), gravity falls, splatoon, idv (i dont play the game bc i suck but i love the lore + chars), undertale/verse, HORRORTALE ESPECIALLY, silent hill, rdr2, resident evil, lego monkie kid, jttw, any mythology really, scott pilgrim, heathers, coroika.. kind of?, tmnt (2012 & 1987), white day; a labyrinth named school, the path (videogame), sonic, FNAF, madoka magica, serial experiments lain, MY OCS!!! (I HAVE DOCS ON ALMOST ALL OF THEM PLEASE ASK ABOUT THEM!!!!), um jammer lammy, hollow knight, fictional horror, PETSCOP, luna game, cookie run kingdom, REGRETEVATOR!!
i have more interests but they're more minute so its unnecessary to name ALL of them also theres already a fuck ton of text soooo ! oh i also like making my own versions of aus (especially problematic ones or poorly written ones (ofc im not bullying any creators of aus by saying them and their creativity sucks, they don't suck, but some popular aus are just..... ugeeeeehhh. also some creators are bad people so they kind of deserve it. I just want to make a better space for fans of said aus.)) byf ☆
i am anti-sanscest, i find it weird, im sorry
i really do try not to be super mean in a rant/opinion but i will be passionate and stern about it
i am somewhat a spicynoodles anti? i just don't like it, im sorry ^same with purecacao
i make sexual jokes sometimes, not very often in public though
i block whatever and whomever i want /lh
i dog on mischaracterizations of my favs a LOT (or just mischaracterizations of any character) (staring at you 'horror' sans fans) (i'll made a small rant on my main abt the mischaracterization of horrortale sans and i'll do it again. it'll be on my queue and be way firmer stg!!)
if i accidentally interact while im on ur dni list, PLEASE feel free to block me! I like posts mindlessly so I don't often check dni lists unless i want to follow someone!
dni ☆
basic criteria, vivziepop supporters, hazbin hotel/helluva fans, dsmp/qsmp fans, zionists/pro-israel mfs, pro/comshippers, whitewashers or ppl who think blackwashing is real, i think thats it just don't be weird
that might be it, i'll freely edit this if i want to make any changes!! :3 hope i can make some quality content (i will not)
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allemantheias · 7 months
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Since I can't reblog and the reblog that i did is gone from my page because the person in question didn't want to educate me (why tag it if you don't want to?), let's do it like this.
How does not posting on social media which SIDE he's on make him just as guilty? He didn't post about Russia-Ukraine, so he's pro Russia and guilty of killing Ukrainian people? He didn't post about Azerbaijan-Armenia and China-Taiwan either. You know we don't even know his age right? Because he doesn't share personal things about himself. It's fine to keep your war stance private. Alain is guilty of calling for genocide because he keeps his war opinions off social media. Just like the rest of his personal life.
Remember guys, if someone doesn't put their whole life and every detail on social media because they don't like to be that personal online, they are pro-Israel and want all Palestinians killed. Not posting their war opinions online doesn't make someone pro anything.
And this post, Defti, is the whole reason they don't post it online for people like you and this anon to hate on them without reason. You're just speculating.
I'm glad you blocked me, I don't want to interact with people as judgemental as you.
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Anyway, I figured I might as well just.. talk. Get it out.
She and I started talking like... end of October? After the 10/7 attack on Israel, after so many dead and held as hostages, when so many Jews were trying to find others for comfort. For reassurances. To hold ourselves after Hamas' brutality. She had posted a video saying she was proudly pro-Israel despite being primarily a cosplay account. I message her and say, "hey, I followed you for the cosplay, but I'm following you now because you're a good person" and she instantly follows me back. And almost instantly, we start flirting. Pet names, teasing, stuff like that.
And we talked. Daily. I got her book (self-published, and it's not bad) and she wrote a really nice note in there for me. And I sent her a Hanukkah present, I commissioned an artist to do basically fan art of her book character (she got me a present too, her second book) and she shares my gift to her IG showing it off and even tags me in it. Things were good though she's done bits of radio silence, usually a few days, when things get too busy before.
And then Valentine's Day rolls around. I know I like her. I've liked her since at least December. So I sent flowers and asked her to be both my Valentine and my girlfriend.
She said yes to being the valentine and that we "lived too far away" to be dating. I said it wasn't the answer I was hoping for but I accepted her decision. We didn't talk for a month.
I post a selfie on Instagram in March. She immediately likes it. So we start talking again. Okay, even if she doesn't want to date me, maybe we can be friends?
So I ask, "hey, would you feel comfortable being friends?"
Radio silence. She doesn't read the messages.
3 days go by. Nothing. So I figure she made her choice. I remove her as a follower and unfollow her (27 March). She still hadn't read the messages I had sent.
Not until last Saturday (6 April) does she read the messages. And even then she doesn't answer. I don't block her, I figure she can always answer and we can proceed from there.
I notice yesterday she blocked me. And she had to have done it very recently because I remember being able to see her page earlier that same day.
So... here we are.
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Content Warning: Transphobia, Radical Feminism, etc.
Please do not interact with any of the tags mentioned here, or their sibling tags that fall within the same community. Just add them to your filter. It’ll be better for your mental health.
So, I just fell down an unfortunate rabbit hole.
Found a blog using Sylveon (the Pokémon) to represent anti-LGBTQ ideals. (Because the “For You” page thought I needed variety, I guess.) The logic was so fucked that I didn’t even understand it was meant as hate at first. I looked at their blog to try and understand, and quickly did. Started blocking them and the people who had interacted with them. A lot of pro-Israel stuff in their orbit too, unsurprisingly.
Then I noticed some of the tags. “Terfblr.” “Proud radfem.”
A TERF is a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, for anyone who doesn’t know what the acronym means.
It confused me that people used these tags. Why would someone want to make exclusion a part of their identity? Why would anyone call themselves a radical feminist? Definitions 2-4 on Dictionary.com explicitly describe the word as being used in regards to extreme beliefs:
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Not “extreme” like LGBTQIA+ people wanting to have basic human rights and self-determination, but “extreme” like Trump’s views on the place of blacks and immigrants in society. “Extreme” like toxic masculine views on where women belong. “Extreme” like the feminists who indiscriminately hate men. “Extreme” like Nazi Germany’s views on the place of the ‘lesser races’ in society.
Those are the kind of “extreme” views that the word ‘radical’ describes. Not the “extreme” of Palestinians wanting Israel to stop committing genocide against them. Not the “extreme” of black Americans that took measures to defend themselves from police brutality like the Black Panther Party. Not the “extreme” of the USSR’s satellite states wanting their autonomy.
It makes me think they’re of the mindset that they’re being called “extremists” as an attack on feminism and not that they’re being called extremists because the beliefs they propagate are actively harmful and inherently hateful in nature.
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There were tons of posts like this I found. Where transgender people were being demonized as men seeking to prey on women — largely ignoring that transmascs even existed (probably seen as “traitors” or some other bs logic). Demonizing them as people trying to use self identification as a means to invade safe spaces. And they always referred to us exclusively as “transsexual” from what I saw. Because ‘my gender is not your costume,’ and everybody seemed to be firmly rooted in a gender-binary mindset. That our identity was irrevocably determined by the circumstances of our birth. I even saw one post saying how disgusted they were by drag, because it was “a man’s mockery of a woman’s image.”
They called us monsters. For existing. For trying to be happy. For occasionally finding happiness.
They made it out as though transgenders could only be happy at the expense of the safety of women and children.
I don’t have a “point” to make with this. I just… wanted to express this.
This hate.
Because I have discovered what it feels like to truly hate someone, having seen what these disgusting humans consider “progressive.”
I hate it.
I hate you.
I hate that I understand this feeling now.
TERFs, for teaching me hate, I will never forgive you.
I will never forgive how I have been warped by you.
How you have twisted me.
And I’m getting off this hellsite for the day, for my own good.
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teacup-captor · 1 year
I have a ko-fi now. Billionares if you see this and you have a billion to spare please follow the link below
(alternatively if you do not have a billion to spare but you have some money for business transactions I do commissions)
[Psst! I intend to do some more roleplaying on this account. Everything under the "#Gargoyle Leo" tag is rp!]
Call us Teacup (have fun with the pronouns we go by All of them.) feel free 2 ask who's fronting :P
Or send me a Sherlock (ANY ADAPTATION) to edit into a catboy!!!!
Or just tell me about your day or make random noises at me <333 infodump if you'd like omg!!! /g
Other blogs I have!!!
@teacup-crafter (creative stuff archive PLS PLS PLS SEND ME ASKS WITH SHERLOCK ART REQUESTS)
@tths-system-antics (system blog (very inactive. Sorry))
@your-fave-is-soup (gimmick blog for souping blorbos. I'm active I just don't get asks. I love souping blorbos)
@bentleysbeetle (Good Omens RP blog. Adoptive child of Aziraphale (and by proxy, Crowley) and best friends with Bentley. Dabbles in crime solving. Also- I do tarot readings there. Long story. You get a silly one and a serious one if you ask.)
@youngpoetthomasthorne (poetry + aesthetic but mainly Thomas Thorne BBC Ghosts rp blog)
Tag system:
#Gargoyle Leo - this is my tag for the Good Omens roleplay :) everything under this tag is roleplay!! Everything else is ooc :P as a general I'm only roleplaying when I'm directly interacting with other Good Omens roleplayers. My character is called Leo and uses it/they/he/she/ne pronouns. They're totally not based on anyone what are you even saying /j
#sigmord - stimboards
#trinket box - things I am saving <3 little trinkets :D
#bees for me - bees sent in my inbox or bee posts I have been tagged in
#why can't i just be normal moments - I AM NOT BEING SELF-DEPRICATING. This is my tag for unhinged things I've said (on Discord mostly, but I'm open for other things too)
#good omens season 2 spoilers - self-explanatory
#bbc ghosts 5 - bbc ghosts s5 spoilers
Trigger warnings get tagged as #tw [trigger] and #[trigger] tw just so you're covered
I also have tags for my friends. If I reblogged your post and you don't understand one of my tags it's probably bc I reblogged it from a friend
(* body focused as in you post only/primarily pictures of bodies especially in a weight focused way)
(if you don't know what's going on regarding Israel vs Palestine I'm very happy to give an explanation but I am N O T discussing this. Good people are pro Palestine.)
(If you apply for the rest of my DNI feel free to ask why or discuss calmly with me but if you start getting angry you're fucking blocked)
-Homophobes, transphobes, enbyphobes, racist, yadda yadda if ya hate people fur things they cannot or should not change fuck off right to hell
-Against therians/otherkins
-Ableists (that includes if you believe NPD or other PDs are inherently bad or use terms like "nArC AbUsE". They're people too and they can be nice.)
-Against mspec gays/lesbians, turigirls, lesboys, or other contradicting labels
-Against self-diagnosis
-Endo/t*lpa (*u) systems and their supporters (if you're syscourse neutral you can stay, just know that I'm under the belief that endo systems are either not systems or they're invalidating their own trauma. If you use labels such as "neurogenic" to say you formed from trauma bc of a mental illness, that is literally trauma and makes you traumagenic)
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inkyantace7 · 1 year
Intro + DNI
Pronouns Page for the host
Sup, I'm Ant! I'm the host of an endogenic system (The Hot Topic System). I like BATIM, FNAF, Sonic the Hedgehog, and HLVRAI, among other things. I swear a LOT, so expect that.
I like things to reblog later! go ahead and spam like/reblog, I don't mind! I also spam like/reblog (as do the others on their blogs), please tell me if it bothers you
(triggering things are tagged with _____ tw)
This is more a word of caution than strict rules, but I will block people as needed. Sysmeds/general exclusionists are blocked automatically
Sysmeds/Anti-endogenics (you will get blocked for both of our comfort)
General DNI criteria (Racist, Homophobic/LGBTQphobic, anti-semetic, xenophobic/islamophobic, ableist, MAP/Pedophilic/whatever they're calling themselves, sexist)
Against xenogenders/neopronouns/emoji pronouns
NFSW/kink blogs
Against m-spec lesbians
Support cringe culture
Autism Speaks Supporter
Anti self-diagnosis
Zionists/support Israel
Others to be added
Important tags
Ant's screaming into the void: Ant's text posts
Ink's gay screeching: Ink's text posts
The System Plays: Liveplays (live reaction posts), videos of us playing or discussing playing games in general
The System Edits: Edits one of us made
Inky: @/thearomanticsnake's mutual tag
Alistor: @/yourlocalflirtysimp's mutual tag
Bread: @/breadpat's mutual tag
Hydra: @/hydrawriter's mutual tag
Fav: my favorite posts
The Absolute Best: Fav posts that are amazing and I want them inserted into my head
Other Blogs
@theinkdemondumbass (Ink's blog)
@wheatleycorelaboratories (Wheatley's blog)
@fireandicesiblings (Mephiles', Iblis', and Finn's blog)
@william-cipher (Bill's blog)
@invader-zib (Zib and Zim's blog)
@redandbluesystem (Tom and Tord's blog)
@ant-writes-and-reads (my fanfiction/writing blog)
See ya around!
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duskyphenumbra101 · 3 months
Introductory post thingy
Hello, and welcome to my blog. I am Dusky, pleasure to meet you.
My pronouns? He, they, it, really anything that isn't she/her.
I am 13 years old. I'm okay with older people interacting with my page as long as they aren't weird in a bad way.
I am a therian, and my two theriotypes are a moth(I don't know the specific type yet) and I don't know the other one yet. THERIAN DOES NOT MEAN ZOOPH!LE!!!!
I am also a furry.
I am a double A battery(I have ADHD and I am autistic, that is two a's, so I am double A)
I am an anarchist.
I will do my best to censor words that may potentially be triggering for people, but if I miss something please politely correct me.
I love anything creepy, scary, spooky, or dark. The Nightmare Before Christmas and Five Night's at Freddy's especially.
Who do I want to stay 9 billion miles away from me?(DNI list): -Z00s, ped0s, people who like inc3st
-Anti furries
-Anyone who is on the right wing of the political spectrum and also liberals
-People who like Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, etc., and "alpha males" on a similar note
-Kanye West or Tim Burton supporters(you can still like their stuff without supporting them)
-LGBTQ exclusionists of any kind(trans exclusionist, asexual exclusionist, etc)
-Anyone who discriminates on religion, skin tone, age, gender, sexuality, etc
-Pro Israel freaks, I support Palestine so don't even come to me with your bs, you won't trick me into supporting those genocidal maniacs
-Anyone trying to bully or cause drama
My DNI may be updated as time goes on. If you apply to any of the above and interact with me, I will block you. No buts, no cuts, no coconuts.
Now, if you don't apply to any of the above, you can stay here.
What kind of content will you see on my page?
You will mostly see FNAF, TNBC or any Tim Burton creation(I STILL DONT SUPPORT BURTON), especially me bullying Oogie Boogie. You will also see Hazbin Hotel, Undertale, and really just whatever media I'm into at the time.
You will see lots of Pro-Palestine and anarchist stuff on here.
I will post about my favorite bands and music artists such as Slipknot, Qbomb(SO UNDERRATED,) The Oozes, Gum Disease, people like them.
Those are the main things. Sometimes I'll post my artwork, but that is a rare occurrence.
Have a fun time now!
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compress-writing · 3 months
Atsuhiro’s boundaries
Hello my name is Atsuhiro or Mr Compress, this post is going to be my pinned post to let everyone know my boundaries and how this page will run.
The first part of this post is my introduction, boundaries, BYI and DNI. This will not include any trigger warning.
After the page break will be my custom tags, what I plan to post and profile etiquette. This will include some triggers.
You can find my custom tags on the post for ease of scrolling my account, if you have a specific theme you’d like to look for then click the tag.
Let’s begin!
Meet Me
Let me start with my name, I am Atsuhiro but I usually go by the names Compress or Mister. I am an academic alter in a DID system. I am not comfortable tagging our main account but we aren’t hard to find.
I present as around 23-26 years old within headspace and I identify as nonbinary. I use exclusively they/them pronouns. I have an inner-system relationship with Gi and I will probably post writings about them.
My Boundaries
Reblogs are appreciated but I ask that you please include tags so that my writing enters the stream
While I do use my name, I ask that I am not compared to my source material.
Most of my poems or general writings are for everyone, however any system related posts are for TRAUMAGENIC SYSTEMS ONLY and non-traumagenics should not interact with those posts
I am okay with comments on my poetry specifically, however please do not vent in them
My asks are open for requests for themes for my works or for people to share their own writing anonymously.
Before You Interact
We are anti-nontraumagenic
We are pro Palestine
We are supporters of the indi-Cymru movement
Do Not Interact If:
You support Israel
You are pro-life
You are an evangelical Christian
Below the age of 15
Over the age of 25
Below you will find how my account will run.
This account is primarily so I can post poetry of mine. There are some specific themes I want to post so below you will find specific tags of mine!
Posts with no specific theme: #Mister-Poetry
Posts with the theme of suicide: #the-ending
Posts with the theme of abuse: #Hurt-Me-More
Posts with the theme of abelism: #Hate-Me
Posts that are about being a system: #Multiple-Ways
Reblogs of OTHER peoples writing: #Compress-Reacts
Short stories: #Compress-Lyrical
Short HORROR stories: #Mister-Horrifies
Profile etiquette
When Reblogging my posts please use the theme tag and #Reblog so that my works are more easily found
When commenting on my works please note that venting will get you blocked
My asks are open for requests only, please note I will just ignore ANY NSFW ones
If you are an endogenic interacting on the system posts DESPITE the anti-endo tags then please note I WILL block you
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sttoru · 11 months
Tumblr media
DO NOT INTERACT IF: you fit the basic dni criteria \\ support racist or any problematic creators \\ you support israel \\ can’t discuss things (like differing opinions) maturely \\ you are a pro-shipper \\ you are a porn link poster \\ you write smut for minors (aging them up with no canon time skip is also not welcome); for example nezuko, megumi, tanjiro, klee, denji etc etc.
FOR THE MINORS: i don’t care that you’re on my page reading my works. you’re the one taking the risks and the responsibility of what you’re going to read is all yours. don’t make me catch you though; any visible age under 17, gets blocked.
HATE ASKS get either completely ridiculed & clowned or instantly blocked & deleted, no in-between. idc abt what you say (especially on anon; coward activities LOL). you got something to say about me, say it to me directly or keep being obsessed ig..
this blog is mostly jjk-centred. however, i do publish genshin or hsr related fics from time to time.
empty blogs will get blocked. inactive blogs too. use your accounts. spam liking will also get you blocked instantly.
i use the block button how i please. if i block you, i have a reason. if we were mutuals, i hard block most of the time. if you decide to block me & we were mutuals: please hardblock me, not soft block.
this is not an only writing blog. i talk, vent and reblog stuff to my liking. i also talk about my own selfships. if you don’t like it, don’t complain. just block.
english is not my first language. don’t expect perfect english grammar — unasked criticism is not needed.
i do not indulge myself in personal discourse nor do i entertain it, unless i (or a mutual of mine) was offended first. when that happens & you do not want to see it, filter ‘cw discourse’.
!! i may state my own opinion on some topics (also discourse topics) though. they are tagged as tw vent or cw discourse mostly. if you find it so annoying to see someone state their opinion or vent on their own blog, literally just leave and block me.
most works are self-centred / self-indulgent: meaning, they are all female centred. reader is always portrayed as a woman. though, no further descriptions are added (skin tone, body type etc.) unless i specify so in the tags.
this blog is not spoiler free. i also may forget to put spoiler warnings every now and then. don’t hesitate to politely remind me to add them if that happens.
can i dm you to talk or ask something?
yes! as long as you stay respectful, my dms are always open. mutuals can ask for my discord any time as well.
you’ve blocked me, what did i do?
i use the block button how i like. if you’re blocked, you’re either one of the ppl in my dni or a blank/ageless/empty blog with no posts. or, it’s just that i didn’t feel comfortable with something you posted or said. orrrrr, it’s because of your own do not interact criteria and i went ahead and blocked you to spare you the trouble :)
i have this fic i really wanna send you, because i think you’ll enjoy it! can i send you the link via your inbox?
of course! i’d love tooooo read them & i’d love to read your recommendations. if you’re a writer and want me to see your work, because you think i’ll like it, you can also send me the link or tag me in the post. self-promo is welcome on my blog - as long as you keep it respectful and don’t pressure me into reading it :)!
why do you block inactive and/or empty blogs that interact with you or follow you?
simply because some of you need to learn that tumblr works on reblogs. plus, empty blogs (and especially with the default tumblr layout) look like bots. lurkers are also not welcome. if you want to keep reading the amazing fictional works on this app, then you need to help your creators out by reblogging their content. it shows support, even if you don’t add any tags to it.
you haven’t posted a fic in a while. when are you publishing one?
i’m a slow writer sometimes. do not expect a fic each day or even each week / two weeks. i have a social life outside of this tumblr account i started just for fun — no pressuring me into or asking for a part 2 either or you’re blocked.
Tumblr media
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