#if u were here 2 days ago when i said i was doing a beanie i lied actually i unraveled the beanie
werewo1f · 1 year
ok its after midnight so bed time but many max thoughts
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f-ngrl · 1 year
kid milli x yanghongwon x jjangyou x dnopf x ???
ok lets go. first about my day, if you don't wanna know you can scroll down :D
so i had to book my train ticket for a train at 6:30 am bc they announced the concert super late and everything was expensive already. i cried abt it to friends for days bc i never leave the house this early, but then as i started to travel there were commuters everywhere just doing their regular thing. and like it's not that big of a deal xD
i arrived in paris at 10 am, successfully queued in the right queue to obtain my metro tickets, did so and successfully took the metro to the neighborhood of the concert (last time i took the metro alone i couldn't find the way out and when i finally got out i had to walk super far anyway and the ride wasn't worth it :D).
i dropped my bag and thought i could have breakfast somewhere but nothing seemed inviting and i had eaten some breadbuns on the train and wasn't hungry so whatevs. went to a park and walked around, it was nice. so many ppl working out here! decided i should eat sth for lunch but was overwhelmed with finding a restaurant that offered veggie food with good ratings and close by and is open and is affordable. also i learned i'm really not confident to go to restaurants or even cafés alone. so i got some prepackaged food at a supermarket but it was meh :D walked past the venue and there were a few people waiting at 2 pm. got bubble tea i love that stuff. then there was nothing more to do and i didn't wanna use up my energy so i went to the place where i'm staying and read a book. ate the rest of the lunch.
went to the venue! i thought, but it turned out i walked into the wrong entrance into the wrong event. i was already confused about the other people xD
then i found the right entrance and was confused again bc there was no queue at all. general admission was at 7:30 and it was like 7:32. there were 2 guys entering at the same time as me and one said to the other (in english) "yeah i played here 4 years ago" and i didn't think anything about it.
i got in and the club was SO SMALL!! even though i hadn't queued i got a good spot to see. after a short time, the dj, dnopf, started. and it turned out he was the guy from the entrance!! i felt sry for not recognizing him. he played only khh and krnb and i cannot explain how much i loved that. that's my dream like. having someone who knows khh really well rec khh to me? there were songs i didn't know but sounded good. a lot of jay park and coogie. a lot of aomg/h1ghr but no ambition or daytona at all. dnopf's tshirt said
i thought that was funny.
then jjangyou started right away (no waiting times, it was awesome). i'm not really into his music but wow he can make the party go crazy like himself. he even walked around in the crowd and was really close to where i was! he said he was sick and had a cold so we should cheer more to give him energy. poor guy, i felt bad ':D but this was a great performance, he was the most energetic artist by far.
then hongwon came on aaaah! he played 2 old songs and then only unreleased songs, 1 or so of which i didn't know. he introduced himself as "young b yanghongwon" and said when he returns to korea he will release an ep. (it has to he noted he's promised albums often so it's not really reliable but i'll still be hoping every time :D). slowmo is the album's name. his performance was wonderful ofc, he did all the raps properly as we know of him <3 idk what to say u know he's my fav artist rn it's just yeah.
and then kid milli. his show was also great of course! he's very professional, with carefully chosen song order etc so you know it will definitely be good. he showered the crowd in compliments (a bit cheesy for me but whatever :D). i felt bad abt knowing so few of his songs. he wore a hat (beanie style) and hoodie for the whole show idk how he didn't melt but he stayed strong :D
during kid milli's performance, suddenly hwimin jumped on stage for 1 second, yes you read right and i didn't see wrong bc kid milli confirmed it :D he said "do you like hwimin? we brought a representative for area, it's gemini!" so gemini came out and performed 3 songs and the crowd went crazy for him. i don't like him thaat much so i was a bit ?? but i guess it was the surprise effect, he said he'll be back next time with his own tour. parisians are lucky that so many khh ppl (esp former fa members and area members) seem to love paris so much, i don't see this for any other place except maybe japan.
after that, kid milli performed some songs with less action and then at the end as an encore some songs with jjangyou and hongwon together. they performed indigo last, with good guy kid milli rapping all of justhis' part <3
the show ended around 10:15? maybe. kid milli left the stage early but jjangyou and hongwon stayed around for a long time, gave signatures and talked to fans from the stage. that was so nice!
when i got out, it was still a little bright outside. not where i live! this was surprising but it's almost the longest day of the year after all. the neighborhood was still full of people enjoying the evening and sunset, good mood.
i was gonna post photos but will do that separately. tumblr app is broken and uploads different photos or replaces my uploads with different photos from my phone no thx
good night!! 💕💖💕
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itsamejin · 4 years
the one that got away || hendery angst || part 2 (finale)
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Part 1
Summary: Some days you don’t regret the decision to leave him, but most days you do.
Warning: self-hatred, insecurities, mutual pining
Genre: angst, fluff, mutual pining
Pairing: Hendery x reader
Premise: You two broke up and that should’ve been the end of it, but he sends you a message and all of a sudden it isn’t.
Commission Request: @iron-lix​
Word Count: 4,164 words
hey, its guanheng. just got your new number lol, wanted to know if you would like to catch up sometime and talk? Idk… just text me back if u want to
You were tempted to delete it, bury it in your trash bin along with all the other concerned messages Guanheng sent you before you blocked his number. It would’ve been the right thing to do, to end any sort of contact before you could hurt yourself further. Insecurity nagged at the back of your brain, yet you find yourself texting him back anyway.
if you want
Short. Simple. Enough to get the message across, but not enough to make him think you were desperate. Did you come off as desperate? Please, don’t make him think-
u actually replied!! 
how are you???
and im free on sunday 
do u wanna meet up then?
The bombardment of texts brought a sad smile to your face. It really was him. It was Guanheng. No person used question marks as liberally, no person sent that many texts consecutively. You hesitate to answer. Too much could go wrong for you to risk seeing him again. You could break down in tears and be left in the dust, similar to how you had left Guanheng just a year earlier. 
You convinced yourself that there was nothing left to talk about, there was no more closure needed. You two broke up cleanly and it should stay that way. 
i’m doing fine, and yeah i’d love to :)
Your thoughts contradict your actions and you find yourself burying your face in your hands, frustrated at how easily you agreed. What the hell was wrong with you? You blocked him for a reason, you wanted to get over him. Agreeing to “catch up” with an ex wasn’t getting over him. You would only end up missing him more after all was said and down.
What made you think that you deserved to see him after all you had done?
At a small cafe on the outskirts of Macao, you reconsider every decision you made that led up to this point. You fiddle with your fingers, wondering why you even decided to paint your nails like he’d even pay attention to them in the first place. You scratch at the polka-dotted dress you wore, cursing at yourself for wearing his favorite color- pink. You purse your lips, regretting putting on such heavy makeup to hide the dark circles that formed underneath your eyes from the sleepless night you had. You couldn’t get a wink of rest knowing you’d see his face again after so long.
You should’ve just stayed home, should’ve just blocked his number as you did all those months ago.
“Hey,” a gentle voice calls out, interrupting your negative thoughts. “Wow, I can’t believe it’s actually you.”
You look up from your lap, Guanheng staring at you with the brightest smile on his face. He takes the seat across from you hesitantly as if he still wasn’t sure he came to the right table. No one recognized him here in this reclusive cafe, but he still couldn’t find it in himself to relax. Especially with you in front of him.
“It’s been a while,” you smile sadly. Your voice was shaky and Guanheng noticed. He noticed everything.
“Did you order yet?” he asks, equally nervous, but with a large grin on his face. His hand reached out to grab a piece of paper on the table thinking it was the menu. Sadly, it was not. You giggle slightly at his awkward expressions as he slid it back to where he got it from.
“That’s the placemat,” you inform him. “They were planning to give us the menu when you came.”
He cringes at himself. ‘Why do I always find a way to fuck things up?’ he cries in his mind. Guanheng thought he could’ve introduced himself more smoothly.
“Y-yeah,” he scratches the back of his head. “I probably should’ve known that.”
You two sat in silence even as the waitress planted the menu on the table. You let Guanheng order for you, surprised he still remembers your favorite drink. You wonder if his stayed the same too.
“...and I’d like a black coffee,” he smiles widely, bidding the waitress goodbye. He sees the small scowl etched on your face, but doesn’t quite know why. He used to never drink black coffee. It was too bitter for him and he always overreacted when the liquid would touch his tongue. You couldn’t believe that had changed in just a year- just like him.
You inspect his face blankly as he chatters about something nonsensical, trying to fill in the silence that you had left him with. Guanghen’s hair is shorter now, trimmed in a way that highlighted his boyish features perfectly. He wore a dress shirt, cuffed at the elbow. He wouldn't have been caught dead looking so suave in the past, opting for comfortable hoodies and beanies so ill-fitted that they hid his eyes. You were looking at Hendery, a version of him that existed on magazine covers and photo cards. You clutch the ends of your dress. See [Y/N]? He’s fine without you.
He stops his talking when he notices your lack of enthusiasm. You used to love hearing him talk, but you looked at him with such emptiness that he wondered if his voice was grating in your ear. He stares at you too, a sad glint in his eyes. Your face, although beautiful, was tired and sunken. You had a dullness in your complexion. You no longer glowed as you used to when he was yours- or to put it in terms that he liked better- when you were his. You shake him out of his own wallowing thoughts.
“How’s Korea?” you ask, knowing he had been promoting there recently. You hear from his friends that he loves it there, that the European-esque streets of Macau got too boring for him. He liked the hustle and bustle of Seoul, the capital of entertainment and fast-paced living. “Your new album doing well?”
Guanheng is happy that you asked, afraid you had lost interest in his work after the breakup. He was so afraid you had lost interest in him.
“It’s been great!” he nods thoughtfully. “We’re planning something soon, so I only have a week here before I go back. It’s been hectic...”
You purse your lips. It must be rough on him, only getting to stay with his family for such a short period of time. Guanghen must miss it- all of this. The city, the humidity, the people... maybe not you, but maybe the memories that came with the relationship. You sure miss it too.
“How about you?” he breaks the silence, noticing that your glances were drifting off somewhere else. “Anything interesting going on in your life?”
You shake your head and give a fake smile. He hates seeing it. Guanheng would prefer for you to curse him out than for you to act fake towards him. It’s like you couldn’t let your guard down with him... and he used to be the only person you let your guard down with. This wasn’t how usually were, but then again, he hasn’t seen you in a year. Could you have changed so drastically that the sight of his face made you that uncomfortable?
“Nothing notable,” you sigh, staring past him rather than right at him. “I’ve been thinking of moving out of Macau for a fresh start, you know? Somewhere new...”
‘Somewhere that doesn’t remind me of you,’ you say silently to yourself. You see a flicker of a pained expression, but you get distracted when the waitress delivers water to the both of you. You stir the water with the straw, glad you found another distraction to keep yourself from making eye contact with Guanheng.
“I wouldn’t have an excuse to visit,” he says teasingly, but you could feel grit in his tone. “if you weren’t here.”
You blink rapidly, not quite registering his words. What was he saying?
“What about your family? Your friends?” you question. There were a lot of things that came with this city, it’s not like you were the only one living here. You figured you’d be the last thing on his mind these days. Guanheng just shrugs.
“They visit me often,” he sighs. “But you don’t. You never visit.”
He gives a sad chuckle, sipping from his cup lowly. Your mouth opens, but not a sound comes out and so you close it again. How were you supposed to respond? Guanghen sighs at your silence.
“You blocked my number.”
Your heart cracks at the sound of his voice. He played around with the straw, refusing to look at you. He sounded... sad and you wondered if the reason for his sadness was you. Weren’t you usually the reason?
“Guanheng-” “You don’t have to say anything,” he stands up straight, a panicked look on his face. He realized then that he made the atmosphere even tenser than it already was. “I’m not here with any other intentions except to talk to you. I know... I know that...”
He couldn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t know how to without sounding desperate. ‘[Y/N] I know that it’s been a year, but would you like to start over even though you might not have feelings for me anymore?’ Yeah, no way he would be caught dead saying that out loud- not when you looked at him with such emptiness.
“What’s wrong Hendery?” 
You wonder why the person with the brightest smile in the world had such furrowed brows as he looked into your eyes. And maybe that was your first mistake. Calling him by his stage name. 
“Hendery?” he scoffs.
“I’m sorry,” you say a little shocked at his angry expression. “Did I overstep-”
“Why would you call me that?” he asks with sad eyes. “Why are you treating me like I’m a stranger?”
Your last chance at getting closure and you had said something wrong that made him uncomfortable. You blew it, didn’t you? Of course, how could you be such an idiot?
“I’m so sorry I didn’t-”
“Hendery,” he repeats, still shocked at your words. “You never call me that. Not even when we dated.”
Dated. Past tense. He wasn’t yours anymore and you needed to accept that. Guanheng was right there telling you to. You were out of your mind for thinking this was going to turn out like you expected, that he would walk back into your arms without hesitation.
“I can’t do this,” you say abruptly, standing up from your seat. “Guanheng I’m sorry it was a mistake even meeting up with you.”
You walk past the table, feeling bad for the cafe workers that were oblivious to your sudden outburst. You took out your wallet from your shoulder bag, setting down cash to make up for the food that hadn’t arrived at your table. The worker stared at you with large eyes.
You were already out the door, tears threatening to spill over. Guanheng came to talk, came to have a chat with an old friend that happened to be his ex-girlfriend and all he got was an awkward conversation that showed how broken you were without him. You walk and walk, missing the bus stop that you were supposed to wait at until you hear rapid footsteps behind you.
“[Y/N] wait-”
Guanheng wraps his fingers around your elbow and pulls you to face him. You couldn’t bear to look at him, staring at your feet rather than his face.
“Just let me walk you to the bus stop. It’s dangerous for you to walk alone,” he says, the hand that was on your elbow was shaking. “I’m sorry for acting weird back there. It wasn’t even something serious and I freaked out over nothing-” “No,” you say shaking your head, pulling his hand away from you. He felt empty now that you were out of his reach. “I was the one that overreacted.”
“Don’t,” he says sadly. “Don’t apologize to me.”
You finally gather the guts to look up at him directly, but you regret it almost immediately. You notice up close that he’s still the scared kid who couldn’t believe he was called in for an audition by a massive foreign company. It makes you want to embrace him, comfort him from all his worries, and tell him that it’ll be okay. Except it isn’t. It hasn’t been for a while.
Under a flickering streetlight, you sit at the bus stop’s bench with tense shoulders. He sits farther away from you, careful of the watchful gazes from the public and any sneaky cameras around patiently waiting for him to mess up.
“I miss taking bus rides late at night,” he admits, not looking at you in fear of people watching. “It feels different somehow.”
You smile sadly.
“Yeah. We used to ride one from school together.”
He nods, biting the inside of his cheek. Words used to flow naturally when he was with you, but he had to go and mess it up at the cafe by feeling offended over something that was trivial. So what if you called him by his stage name? It's been a year since he’s last seen you- of course, you’d have been more cautious about what to call him. He was stupid, so hopelessly stupid.
“I miss the rivers too,” he mutters. “I miss those overpriced boat rides tourists would pay for.”
He chuckles sadly, reminiscing of a time when you had gone with him. When you were his and he was yours.
‘Most importantly I miss you,’ he thinks to himself, but he balls his hand into a fist before he could say anything else. You hated this, hated that he always held back before saying the most important thing.
“Guanheng,” you start, heart beating rapidly from your chest. “Why did you want to see me?”
His eyes waiver and you could see it glisten in this light. Did you say something that made him uncomfortable yet again?
“I just,” he swallows, not finding the right words, “wanted to see if you were doing okay.”
“Because,” he replies, “I feel like you’re doing fine.”
‘Without me,’ he screams in his head. Guanheng doesn’t notice you bowing your head or the tears that had started to form in your eyes. He was too caught up in his own tears that threatened to spill over, but he convinced himself to hold it in. 
“Well, I’m not,” you broke out with a cry, already knowing you were past looking pathetic. You let the tears fall onto your lap. He doesn’t notice at first, but Guanheng snaps his head to you, no longer caring about his surroundings. He slides closer, patting you on the back.
“What's wrong?” he asks worriedly. “Did I say something again?”
“No,” you say, looking up at him and he swore his heart sunk at that moment. Even when you broke up with him your eyes never looked this hurt. Guanheng didn’t even know he had that effect on you anymore. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Well obviously I did if you look like this right now,” he says angrily, more at himself than at you. He wipes away the tears from your eyes, but it only made you wail harder. He was still so good at comforting people, still so gentle. You wished that he wouldn’t stare at you with such caring eyes and give you false hope- hope that he wanted you back just as much as you wanted him. It wasn’t right to be feeling this way when you were the one that broke up with him. You had no right.
“I’m so sorry,” you cry out, holding onto his arms to steady yourself. 
“What are you sorry for?” he asks worriedly. His eyes, too, were turning red.
“For ignoring you when you needed me most.”
A silence falls between you two and his grip on you tightens. This was a conversation you two should’ve had a year ago. He didn’t quite know why it was being brought up now, but at least now he can ask what he’s been dying to figure out.
“Why did you block me?” he questions solemnly.  “Why did you agree to be friends and then just cut me off like that?”
You purse your lips.
“I’m sorry for-”
“Please,” he begs, hands letting go of you. “Answer me just this once.”
You try to gather yourself but fail miserably. How could you when this was potentially the last time you’d ever see Guanheng again? 
“I was scared,” you answer truthfully.
“Of what?”
You take a deep breath and sigh.
“That you might hate me.”
Guanheng tips your head to face him, a serious look on his face.
“I’d never hate you.”
He looked at you with such softness- the kind you haven’t felt in so long.  At that moment you could trust him, at that moment you felt like everything would be okay. 
‘It’s alright if he does,’ you think to yourself. If he hates you then fine, but you needed to tell him one last time. Then there’d be no regrets. Maybe then you’d have the guts to finally leave, start anew in a place that didn’t remind you so much of him, but that’s probably impossible to do because Hendery was the sun itself, and you were just you.
“I still love you,” you whisper solemnly, “and I hated that you let me go so easily when it was so hard for me to let go of you.”
His mouth falls open and you swear you see hurt in his eyes, so you turn away. Regret always came after your worst decisions.
“You thought I let you go easily?” 
A stray tear had fallen down his cheek.
“I’m so sorry I-”
“Stop being sorry,” he pleads. “I hate hearing you apologize when it was my fault too.”
You look up at him, confused.
“I should’ve fought harder for us,” he continues. “I should have told you that I loved you back then and that I could’ve made it work. I can’t believe you thought I was okay with breaking up. I said we should stay friends just so I could have an excuse to talk to you again and you kept ignoring my texts and I thought I was being annoying and-”
He always used to ramble a lot when he was anxious. Guanheng takes a deep breath and puts your hands in his. The bus was not coming anytime soon.
“What I’m trying to say is,” he mutters. “I still love you too.”
You shake your head, refusing to believe his words. He just felt sorry for you, he didn’t mean-
“I tried dating other people,” he says matter-of-factly, breaking your heart a tiny bit because you hadn’t. You never tried to venture past him because it had always been him, always. 
“Guanheng, why-”
“But it just didn’t work out,” he cuts you off, swallowing his saliva nervously, “because they weren’t you.”
You open your mouth to speak but he cuts you off again.
“I sent you text after text asking you to take me back,” he sighed sadly. “But I never sent them because I knew you wouldn’t even see them anyway. I told the guys about you and they said it was a lost cause, that I should move on.”
“But you didn’t,” you whisper, touched by his words. Guanheng shakes his head.
“I didn’t,” he smiles as he intertwines his fingers within yours. “And maybe it’s messed up to say this, but I’m glad you didn’t either.”
You laugh with him, the tears dried by now. You look at him, his eyes crinkling  so beautifully as he smiles. 
The bus came seconds after under the flickering street light where you two share a chaste kiss. His lips tasted the same and you can’t help but grin.
It was still him. It was still Guanheng.
He walks with you, his hand bumping into yours one too many times that he just held yours in his. It didn’t feel real, being so close to him again. Maybe you had gone through hurdles to get to where you two were now, but at least he was back where he wanted to be- by your side. You two talk about anything and everything and let a comfortable silence fall in between you two when there wasn’t a need for conversation. 
Guanheng asks you what you watch recently. Netflix documentaries. You ask him what songs he listens to nowadays? You cringe when he says Justin Bieber. He laughs when you laugh, walks at the same pace as you, calls you pet names. It’s like he never left, but you knew that in a week from now, he will leave. And maybe you’ll go back to wallowing in your own sadness again.
You’re already at the steps leading to your house, but he refuses to let you go, so you let him inside. He smiles at the lack of change.
“My stuff’s still here,” he says in awe, picking up the small robot figurine that was propped up on your coffee table. You fluster at his words.
“I didn’t have the heart to throw them away,” you mutter. He smiles at you.
“Do you still have my clothes here?” he asks. You panic.
“Oh, do you want them? I can go-”
“So I can stay the night then, right?” he asks seriously. You wonder if he thinks himself a comedian. You punch him in the arm with a puff of your breath.
“We haven’t even seen each other for more than a day and you-”
“Not like that,” he chuckles, realizing what he had implied with his statement. “I just want to sleep here. With you. Innocently. 
You stare up at him, unconvinced.
“Aren’t you worried that I’ll get kidnapped?” he whines, giving you those puppy dog eyes that you missed so much. You miss him so much.
You click your tongue at him, walking to your bedroom as he follows right behind. You scathe through your closet, pulling out the comfy clothes he always wore. You could never admit to him that you’ve been sleeping in them for the past year since he was gone. He takes them from you.
“Then I’ll go change,” he says with a cheeky smile. You roll your eyes, getting dressed for bed as well. Guanheng takes a seat on your bed and lays down next to you. He watches you silently for a while before he starts stroking your hair.
“Move to Seoul with me,” Guanheng jokes casually. You take him seriously for a second, but notice the Cheshire grin on his face and decide to play along.
“I don’t know anyone there,” you pout, squeezing his hand lightly.
“You know me.”
You roll your eyes.
“You know that’s not enough,” you scoff. “I need a job, I’ll miss my family and-”
Why were you taking this so seriously? Your face heats up with embarrassment. How could you let yourself be carried away by his simple teasing?
He smiles at you, patting your head softly.
“Then, I’ll just keep coming back to visit, I guess,” he replies. “Unless you’re still planning to leave?”
You pondered for a bit. You did need a change of view, a change of pace. You had spent a year in this apartment wallowing in self-pity. It wouldn't be so bad to move somewhere new, would it?
“If I go to Seoul,” you start off hesitantly, “What does that mean for us?”
He looks at you, confused. The atmosphere had turned somber without him noticing.
“What do you mean?”
You hesitate to ask, still confused as to where he stands. Dating an idol was hard, you knew that. Did he?
“Will I be your girlfriend again?”
He scoffs.
“I thought that was a given.”
You smile, but there was a hint of sadness in your eyes.
“I’m not good at being there for you, Guanheng,” you admit. “I have so many flaws and you have to put up with so many of them-”
“You put up with mine,” he says, inching closer to you. You shake your head.
“I’m not a good girlfriend.”
He shoots you a glare, pulling you into his arms and burying his face into your hair. Guanheng hated in when you talked about yourself like this.
“You don’t have to be,” he says. “I want you to be [Y/N], not just my girlfriend. You just have to be okay. I want you to be okay.”
You feel the prick of tears in your eye and nod into his chest. You need to trust him. You have to.
“I’ll try,” you say, drifting off into sleep. “This time I’ll try.”
And this time he won’t let go.
A/N: Super hard writing this because it’s been like uhhhh more than a year, but I’m glad I got to do it. Thank you @iron-lix​ for commissioning this and being so sweet and patient. I hope this was up to your expectation! Check out her blog for cute WayV fics!
I’ll be starting on my drabble game after I finish my last two commissions. Writers block is starting to get to me guys, so I’ll try to pace myself better in these next few days. Again thank you to everyone for being so kind in your messages and asks to me. I really feed off the positive vibes, you guys really know how to make me feel special T^T
give me a coffee?
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n-ctarinenga · 4 years
Heartlines [ calum hood ]
w.a.h series | pt.2 | word count: 3,802 | masterlist
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You wish you could say the separation got easier with time, but sadly, that was a lie. 
Months had passed since the last time you saw the man you love in person, and the heartache of being apart without knowing when it would end didn't ease until the day you woke up and saw the words that made you burst into tears before they'd even fully registered. 
The world was healing. Be it at a slow pace, it was still getting better by the day in it's own little ways. 
You favoured the day fast food opened again the most, sitting with your siblings in a McDonald's drive through for two hours listening to New Order and Brockhampton before finally getting a big mac you'd been craving ever since lock down began. 
But once things started opening up again, Calum found his ways to surprise you nearly instantly. First it was a bunch of flowers, then a new fluffy blanket, then something that didn't come from a store. 
Calum had always known you were a hopeless romantic, and decided to play on it in a way he knew would make you melt.
Nearly a week after your text to him and his video to you, you received a piece of snail mail covered in Australian stamps, your heart racing as the scrawl on the front of the envelope was instantly recognisable to you. 
Upon reading the letter inside, your entire body glowed with happiness and your face was soaked with tears, after all, you'd never received a love letter before. 
Once the first letter was sent, you wasted no time making your own and sending it back to him, including polaroids you knew he didn't have, and spraying the paper with your signature perfume for added effect. 
Calum was shy to admit it, but he did cry when he opened his letter and it smelt just like you. 
This continued on back and forth for weeks, until the day more than just a letter could travel between you. 
As normal, you sat with your family watching the press conference with the prime minister and director general of health in the late afternoon, as you'd become familiar with anytime there was an announcement due. 
There were rumours of a travel bubble opening up between New Zealand and Australia, but not wanting to get your hopes up, you didn't feed these rumors too much thought.
But still, you sat beside your sister with a hopeful and anxious feeling stirring in your stomach as you watched today's announcement. 
The moment the rumours were confirmed, you let out a whimper as tears clouded your vision. 
"One week from today, starting at midnight, domestic flights will resume between Australia and New Zealand." 
You waited until the end of the broadcast, excusing yourself to your room to call Calum, knowing he'd been watching the same thing being said by his own prime minister. 
What you didn't see was the look of relief on your families faces. Not only for the fact life was now closer to being normal than ever, but it was the first time they had seen you cry happy tears in the midst of what you confined in your brother, one of the hardest mental states you've ever been in. Their lives were all on hold, sure, but their lives are here, and you had made a life for yourself in a completely different country, and while you would always love your home, you had another one now that you wanted to be wrapped up in again. 
The joy they saw in you wasn't just because you were closer to seeing Calum again, it was because you were closer to your life again. Your job, your home, the friends you considered just as important as your blood family, they were all finally at your fingertips again. 
You didn't care about the fact your messy top knot was falling apart, or that the tears were still pouring down your face, all you wanted was to see him.
Shutting your door behind you, you pull up a facetime request for Calum, him answering seconds later like he was about to call you himself. 
"Baby." The pet name falls out of your mouth as you see tears clouding his eyes, his once short bleached out hair now echoing the blonde tips of his past as his natural curls come back with a vengeance. 
"Hey darlin." He says, his voice thick with emotion. 
He covered his face with one hand as he could feel his tears start to fall, an overwhelming sense of relief flooding him as he saw your bright smile and tears of joy. 
Calum had sat in shocked silence as he watched the news, not snapping back to reality until he felt his mother pulling him into a hug once the announcement sunk in, the words he heard making his knees feel weak. 
"Don't cry, my love. I'm coming home as soon as possible, okay?" You reassure him, wiping your own tears away with the sleeve of the hoodie Calum could swear used to be his. 
"I hope you know once I get you again I'm never letting go." He says quietly, your heart swelling with his words. 
Little did you know, the engagement ring he had finally asked his mother for sat just out of frame, more meaning in his words than you realised. 
"Who said I'd ever want to leave?" 
Calum just shook his head with a laugh, and from there, you both got to planning. 
As much as you loved your family, you had also been around each other every day for months, and while Calum was more keen on the time he finally got to spend with his family again after touring the world since he was a teenager, you'd had a solid twenty years with your family before you left home. With that in mind, it was decided that you would be flying to Australia, your visa allowing you to stay for a month before you would have to come back to New Zealand. 
Planning out your next steps together, you made a full two month plan, and hoped that after those two months, you'd both be flying home to LA, together. 
With one more week spent giving as much of your time as possible to your family, you finally packed your things up again, hopped in the car with your siblings, and headed to Auckland airport. 
Instead of coming to the airport, you and your parents decided to share your tearful goodbye with each other at home. 
After checking in, handing over your bags, and hugging both of your siblings til they told you that you were the most embarrassing one in the family, you finally boarded the flight to Sydney. 
Little did you know, your boyfriend was already watching the clock to see when he could acceptably start waiting at the airport. 
While you watched Avengers Endgame on your laptop to pass the time, Calum was pacing around the living room of his family home, Mali laying on the couch behind him with a pillow over her head so she didn't have to watch her brother burn a hole in the floor. 
"You already know she's gonna say yes." She says, lifting the pillow for a moment before putting it down again.
"You don't know that for sure." He mutters lowly, checking his watch again and seeing your estimated arrival time was still two hours away. 
Calum walked upstairs to his room, looking into his mirror for what felt like the millionth time today as he checked his hair and outfit for the day. 
With hairdressers opening up again a couple weeks ago, Calum had strongly thought about clipping off all his hair before you saw him again, but knowing how much you loved his grown out curls, he instead decided to get it trimmed and styled yesterday, hiding it under a beanie while facetiming you the night before. 
He once again readjusted his leather jacket, a Elvis shirt underneath with simple black pants and some converse to complete the look. While he had thought about pulling a suit out from the few he'd brought with him, he knew there was a high chance you'd tackle him, deciding comfort was a better idea instead. 
Between leaving for the airport with his family and actually arriving, Calum had tapped the inside pocket of his leather jacket more than thirty times. 
The small velvet ring box in his pocket was at the front of his mind as he sat beside Mali in the back of the car, his mum in the front passengers seat, and his dad driving them closer and closer to the most important question Calum has ever asked in his life. 
His whole family was excited to see you, and it wasn't only because they were about to welcome you into their family, but because in their eyes, you were already part of it.
Whenever Calum would be able to come home throughout the last three years, he would always hear the question "is y/n coming with you?" whenever he let his family know about his plans. It wasn't a secret that they had a soft spot for you, which meant that not only were they excited for you to be here for Calum, they were excited to see you themselves. 
After parking and walking through the airport Calum was more than familiar with, he couldn't help but notice how clammy his hands were, or the way his leg would bounce anxiously when he finally sat down in the waiting lounge outside your arrival gate. 
He was nervous. Excited, but nervous. 
You were feeling a lot of the same as you sat in the window seat seeing Sydney slowly coming into view. 
You'd spent the last twenty minutes of the flight doing some incredibly simple makeup, certain it would probably get kissed off, or cried off your face if you added too much. You only added a slight bit of green eyeshadow to match the green t-shirt you wore over a striped long-sleeved shirt, your black jeans and sneakers finishing off the look you stressed over for a solid two hours before you left for the airport. 
Feeling your heart race as you approached the airport, you tried to take a deep breath as your emotions threatened to get the better of you, but you refused to cry before you'd even seen him. 
Stepping onto Australian land, you felt an entirely different wave of excitement hit you. You weren't the kind of person who liked to stay in one place for too long a time, and spending so long back at home with your family made you feel that urge to travel again more than usual. 
You could barely contain yourself as you walked through the airport, collecting your bags quicker than expected and making your way through the area before your gate exit. 
Stopping for a moment in the hall, you take one last deep breath, nothing able to prepare you for the wave of emotions you were sure to feel. 
Calum checked his pocket one last time as he saw people starting to come from your gate, standing with his family in toe as he tried his best to see you through the crowds of people. 
The second you walk around the corner, you see him, standing there with a mix of emotions obvious on his gorgeous face you had missed so, so much. 
You cover your mouth with your hand as a sob erupts from your throat, and you walk faster towards him, a death grip on your trolley that you let go of as he finally spots you, and you see him let out a breath it looks like he's been holding for months the second his eyes land on you. 
Your trolley is lost behind you as you break out into a run, him doing the same and meeting you halfway where you crash into his arms with so much force it nearly sends both of you crashing to the floor. 
Nothing in your life had ever come close to feeling as good as having Calum's arms wrapped around you so tightly that he had lifted your feet off the ground, your legs automatically wrapping around him as you try to hold him as close as physically possible. 
Both your bodies shook as you cried, tears of joy, relief, and pure happiness all coming at once as Calum finally sets you on your feet. 
Barely pulling away, he pushes your hair away from your face, inspecting you like he was seeing you for the first time all over again. You did the same, taking in his features that no pictures or screens could ever do justice. 
With shaky hands, you grin as you carefully and gently dry his tears, taking your opportunity to rake your hands through his curls, feeling like it had been a lifetime since you'd gotten a chance to and savouring the sensation of finally having him in front of you.
Taking your face in both of his hands, he pulls your face to his, kissing you with more passion and emotion than you had ever experienced before. It felt like the usual fireworks you felt when Calum kissed you had been replaced with straight TNT, your heart beating out of your chest so hard you were convinced he could hear it. 
When you both finally pull away because of your need for breath, Calum holds you close still, peppering kisses all over your face and making you laugh so hard you feel a fresh wave of tears pour down your cheeks. 
Making you yelp in surprise, Calum picks you up again, turning and walking towards the exit a few steps. 
"Okay we can go now." He jokes, and with him turning around, you can finally see Mali and Mr. and Mrs. Hood standing a couple feet away. 
Gasping in surprise, you signal to Calum to let you down, which he hesitantly does, only to see you crash into Mali with open arms tightly wrapping around her. 
"I've missed you guys so much!!" You say, your voice thick with another wave of emotion as you bear hug Mali. 
"We've missed you too, chickie." Joy smiles, opening her arms for her own hug which you happily deliver with a kiss hello to her cheek. 
You give Malcom a hug before Mali pulls you back to her for another, making you laugh as the smiles on the family you loved so much made you feel so much better than you had been the last few weeks. 
"I'm so happy we finally have our third to outnumber the boys." Mali says, wiping a fake tear from her eye as you notice she's pulled your luggage trolly to sit beside your small group, a camera you recognised as hers sitting on top facing you all. 
"Don't worry, we haven't gotten as bad as she makes us out to be." Malcom says with a laugh as he wraps his arm around Joy's shoulders. 
"I have a feeling she's gonna be on her own team." She says, a knowing smile on her face as she looks past you to where you could sense Calum behind you. 
Turning around to follow her gaze, you feel all the air in your lungs leave your body. 
Standing in front of you, Calum's breath came in anxious bursts as he looked at you with pure adoration, a small red velvet box in one hand as he reached out to take yours, doing everything he could to remember the words he rehearsed in his head more times than he could remember. 
"Y/n," he starts shakily, "since the first day I met you by total accident, you have intrigued, confused, and amazed me over and over again. From the second we first threw around the idea of being together, you didn't ever question the miles between us we knew we would have to face, the press that would take hours, or the days I would spend locked away in my studio. Instead, you decided to love me for who I am, a lovesick idiot who eats your secret oreos and adores you more than I could ever express with words. These last few months without you have been the most challenging and unwanted thing I've ever gone through, and it's driven home the fact that if I could, I would never leave your side again."
Calum takes a deep breath, forcing down the tears that so desperately wanted to escape as he watched your tears pouring down your face, a look of shock staying with you as he spoke. 
"You're the funniest, smartest, most creative, and most beautiful woman I've ever met, and I don't know who I'd be today without you. Nothing could prepare me for the happiness you'd bring into my life by just waking me up by shifting closer to me in the middle of the night, holding my hand when the world gets too loud, or ignoring me to defeat Alduin for the millionth time." You can't help but to laugh at his words, using your sleeve to wipe away your tears as you try to stay as silent as possible. 
But your hand flies to your mouth to smother a sob as Calum gets down on one knee in front of you, looking up at you with glassy eyes as he finishes his speech.
"I adore you, I admire you, and y/n, I love you with my whole heart. I'm the luckiest man in the universe to have you, and I would take an arrow to the knee for you any day of my life. I've loved you since our first date, and if I can only be sure about one thing in this world, it's that I'm going to love you for the rest of my life, a life that I want to spend the rest of with you." 
Opening the ring box in front of him, your eyes land on the most perfect ring you've ever seen in your life. A thin band engraved with flowers held a small diamond in its circle shaped setting, the white and silver complimenting the simple style and elegance of the ring that you knew had seen a love before yours. 
"Y/n, will you marry me?" 
You finally let out the sobs you had been trying to hold in, nodding your head furiously as you pulled Calum up from the floor. 
"Yes. In every lifetime, yes." You cry, pulling his face to yours and kissing him as hard as you could, the saltiness of your tears mixing with his as you heard the people around you burst into applause. 
You hadn't even taken notice of the crowd that had formed around you once they had seen Calum get down on one knee, but they were all captured in the background of the footage Mali had been recording the whole time for you to see later. 
Calum pulled back just long enough to slide the ring he was still holding onto your shaking hand, his own not much steadier as the adrenaline and relief hit him at full force. 
"I told you so!" Mali laughs happily, coming over and wrapping her arms around the two of your, excitement and love buzzing through your small group. 
Joy and Malcom join Mali in wrapping the two of you up in hugs, and when you finally do pull away from each other, the wet patch on his chest from your tears matches the one on your shoulder from his. 
Your tears lighten, but don't disappear as your hand sits perfectly in Calum's while you all walk out to the car, you and Malcom loading your baggage into the back before you climb into the car, sandwiched between Calum and Mali, both of them holding your hands as you drive home.
Your new fiancé wastes no time wrapping you up in hugs and kisses the second the door of his bedroom closes, your bags sitting beside it after you dropped them there once you and Calum had excused yourselves. 
Before you made your way upstairs, Joy had let you know that her and Malcom would be taking you all out to dinner that night to celebrate, but that was pushed to the back of your mind as you peppered kisses along Calum's jaw. 
You weren't sure if everyone had made a consciousness effort to give you two some time alone, but with Malcom heading back into work to collect some things, Joy going to visit a friend for coffee, and Mali meeting up with some friends at a recording studio for a couple hours, you and Calum were left alone. 
Knowing this, Calum pulls your face back up to his, pressing a heated kiss to your lips as he lifts you up to lay you down on the bed, climbing on top of you and letting his hands drift under your shirt. 
Pulling back for a moment, Calum hovers above you, looking down at you like you're the most precious thing he's ever had the honour to witness. And as you looked up to him, hands each side of his face, you could swear he was the most beautiful person the universe had created. 
"I've missed you-" you kiss him "-so much." 
You're met with a gorgeous smile as he tightly wraps his arms around you where your shirt was now riding up, flipping you over so you now rested on top of him, legs tangled together and pure bliss coursing through you. 
"I've missed you too, way too fucking much." He breaths, perfectly content for the first time in months. 
"Your family already know by the way." He adds with a sly smile, and you push yourself up so you can look at him. 
"That I'm engaged to the most amazing man on earth?" You question with a raised eyebrow. 
He just grins, nodding as you rest your head against his neck. 
"I video called your parents yesterday, told them my plan. I asked if I could marry you months ago though." 
Your eyes go wide at his casual tone, like he hasn't just told you one of the sweetest things on earth. 
"Everyone knew but me." You deadpan. 
"Mhm. Sorry love." He apologises, kissing the top of your head. 
"Don't be sorry, I wouldn't have changed anything about it." 
You reach up to kiss his jaw once more, snuggling even closer to him and letting out a soft sigh, peace finally settling in you as you laid in his arms again, him squeezing you as close as he possibly could. 
"Told you I'm not letting you go again." 
Taglist: @spicycal @calmlftv @irwinkitten  @mrandleer @candidcal  @lukeskisses  @wallflowercal  @brooklynsninenine ​ @whereveryouares @everyscarisahealingplace​
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lovelyparkers · 4 years
sickly lovely cuddles
summary: peter visits you in the hospital! writing this for my fellow sick kids out there bc i'm in the hospital a lot and need this. to any of my chronically ill babes out there, i love u, keep fighting! and i love everyone!
warnings: hospitals, mentions of blood and needles, gtubes, ox tubes, overall fluff 1.2k+ words
peter was currently in the elevator headed to your floor in a NYC children's hospital. it was a bit far from his apartment in queens, but he would go miles to see you, especially when you were sicker than normal.
he carried a bouquet of fake flowers he got from a craft shop, because he knew real ones affected your allergies and ability to breathe. he wanted you to be happy and see that beautiful smile of yours, even if it was from fake flowers. and he even stopped in the cafeteria to get you and him cups of hot chocolate, a great replacement for your beloved coffee you oh so missed. (yes, us heart failure patients cannot even have decaf coffee! ever since my several heart disease diagnosis, i have left coffee behind and was given a hot chocolate replacement)
once he got off the elevator, he smiled, saying hi to the nurses at the nurse station and heading to your room. peter was obviously a frequented visitor and many nurses and a few doctors knew him by name.
upon reaching your door, he looked in the window to see you laying in bed watching tv. you had comfy pyjamas on and spider-man socks peter got you a few weeks ago. you had bags under your eyes and bruises on your arms from needle upon needle and IVs. you also had a grey beanie on, one that was peter's that he left here accidentally. it looked great on you.
he tapped the door with his foot to get your attention. you turned your head over slowly, expecting your nurse, but immediately peeled up when you saw peter. you smiled and waved for him to come in. he pushed the door open and set the flowers and hot cocoa on your tray table. (bruh i've run a tray table over my foot ONE TOO MANY TIMES)
"hi y/n/n," he said, calling you your favorite nickname.
"hi peter!" you said, reaching out to hug him.
he embraced you in a long and warm hug before smiling and motioned to your table, "i got you some goodies!"
"ooo what did ya get me?"
he picked up the fake flowers first, handing the neat bouquet to you.
"they are fake of course, because, ya know," he motioned to your nasal cannula, "your allergies make you breathe bad."
you laughed, adjusting the tube behind your ear, "yes, yes they do."
"andddd," he began before picking up the hot cocoa, "hot cocoa!"
"yay! gimme!"
he handed you a cup, brushing your fingers in the process.
"thank you peter," you said before taking a sip, "gosh this hospital hot chocolate hits different."
"of course, anything for you."
you smiled, both sipping your drinks.
"so, i'm gonna ask the dreaded question because that's who i am, how are you feeling today? physically? mentally? emotionally?"
you sighed, "well i had severe hypotension at 2 am and have been awake since, getting filled with meds while almost passing out isn't fun. oh and my iv is being annoying and keeps getting in the way as usual."
you pointed to the sticker and the long tube that was all over your room.
"geez i'm sorry," peter said sincerely.
"but hey," you lifted up your shirt a little bit to show your stomach, "g tube is removed!"
"yay!" peter literally screamed causing you to laugh. he knew how much you hated that darn g tube.
"but mentally and emotionally i'm doing...okay. better now that you're here."
"i'm glad," he smiled.
you took a big gulp of your steaming cocoa then started having a coughing attack because sometimes you forget to breathe when drinking.
peter stood up, rubbing your back, "you okay?"
you finished coughing and cleared your throat, giving him a thumbs up.
"yes now get in bed and cuddle with me," you demanded and adjusted the bed to yours and his liking.
peter crawled into bed with you after kicking off his sneakers.
"watch out for my oxygen, don't wanna sit on it and make me stop breathing."
"oh my gosh," peter said shocked, he was always careful, "dont say stuff like that! you're concerning me."
you laughed, "i'm joking i'm joking! it wasn't even near your butt anyways."
you cuddled up into peter's side and watched tv together for awhile. he eventually put his arm around you which caused your heart rate to soar, sending a loud sound from your monitor and in game your nurse.
"oh gosh," you groaned.
"you okay y/n-" your nurse asked before seeing you and peter, "ooo sorry kids, hi peter."
"hi meg."
"your heart rate went up, just checking in."
"i'm fine meg, thanks," you said blushing and gesturing over to peter cuddled up with you.
"ah, i see. call me if you need me."
you waved.
peter spent the rest of the day with you, migrating from your room to the craft area, to the outside lookout. he pushed you around in a wheelchair when you felt too tired or weak. he fixed your sweater when it got caught around a tube or two. he laughed with you. and he hugged you. a lot. it seemed like stuff someone who loved you did, not just a best friend. you wondered if he liked you back. but how could he like a sick kid? you were gonna be in the hospital for awhile. he couldn't get used to that.
but oh, how he could and would. because he loved you. sick kid or not.
time was ticking towards ten pm. the time they usually kicked peter out even though visiting hours ended at eight pm. he rubbed your arm and fixed your beanie before getting out of bed.
you grabbed onto his arm, "stay?"
peter sighed and smiled sadly, "you know i cant. they kick me out at ten."
"lemme just ask meg, she won't mind if-"
"y/n, it's okay. i'll be back first thing in the morning."
"you will?"
"of course i will," he smiled, causing you to grin.
you yawned sleepily. you only stayed up this late when peter was here. usually you'd be out like a light by 7:30 or 8. but you managed when he was around.
you were still holding his hand at this point, his thumb rubbing across yours.
"love you," you whispered.
"i love you too," he whispered back.
he hesitated, then kissed you softly on the cheek.
"see you in the morning y/n/n."
"see you, pete."
he let go of your hand walking to the door before using some hand sanitizer and smiling at you.
you smiled at him, blushing, while he left. he closed the door behind him. he peeked thru the little window on the door and blew you a kiss. you caught it and laughed. he laughed too. you waved again, and he walked away.
minutes later, you were out like a light, dreaming about that boy.
meanwhile, peter was on the phone with may, "yeah i'm on my way home...i'll be careful...ha yeah, yeah i do. i really love her."
hi guys hope u enjoyed! even my non sick ones. hope you're all healthy and happy. i love u all. know i'm here for u and don't hesitate to dm me if u need anything <3 love, your fave spoonie, juli
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bngtanah · 4 years
I’m (not) With The Band. | o4
Tumblr media
summary: Adrienne is an indie producer who is hired to help co-produce BTS’ next album alongside their resident producer; Suga. Despite the initial opposition on both ends, the pair spend time together, share a few stories, dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Wrapped up in the whirlwind of late nights and heated disagreements and reconciliations, Min Yoongi and Adrienne Rolle find themselves growing closer and closer. One night they decide to cross the barrier between personal and professional and do their best make a relationship work against all odds.
pairing: idol!Yoongi  x Named OC
word count: 2.9k genre: drama, romance, smut(eventually)
chapters: prologue| o1| o2| o3| o4| o5| o6| o7| o8| o9| 10| 11|
warning: light angst, smut, fluff, workplace relationship, slow burn, sexual themes, ambw, enemies to friends to lovers, developing relationship
a/n: still a fool. still re-uploading.
Adrienne had a certain way of approaching the music-making process, she liked to be completely immersed in whatever she was working on. That meant blasting the sounds she haphazardly blended together as loud as possible until she could think of a way to make them work together appealingly. The sounds of unfinished demos blasting, the scent of lavender incense burning and filling up the interior of the Bangtan work room while Adrienne danced around to get her blood flowing had become a common thing to hear at any hour of the day or night when she was working alone over the past few days. It was a crazy process to look at from the outside but it hadn't failed her yet so Adrienne was planning on sticking with it.
Of course, just because she planned on doing that didn't mean that she would get to.
The incense and loud music worked fine when she was alone but once Yoongi was in the room that all came to a stop. He preferred to work in silence, or as close to silence as he could get. Which meant he had his headphones in to listen and critique every subtle sound effect and background noise that he wasn't sure about adding. Doing that calmed Yoongi but made Adrienne anxious, she was constantly bursting with energy and that seemed to amplify during the nighttime when she was in a pleasant mood and Yoongi just felt like curling up and going to sleep. Adrienne needed the conversation, the back and forth of ideas that could really be the best part about being forced to work with someone else. Their partnership seemed to be in a slightly more stable place than it was last week, even though they still barely knew each other and had definitely not stopped arguing about nearly everything; they were at least willing to communicate instead of shutting down when complications arose. 
It was after twelve on a Tuesday night, or was it after one? Truthfully Adrienne stopped keeping track hours ago, the only thing she knew for sure was that it was dark outside and the halls outside the workroom door sounded empty which meant that it was late enough for people to have already headed home. Adrienne planned on heading out herself as soon as she made some progress on the melody she had been working on for most of the day. It started off with the intentions of being something upbeat and whimsical but over time it morphed into something lighter, more gentle and Andy was having trouble finding a balance between the two styles.
"Are you okay?"
Yoongi's voice yelling over the music from the door made Adrienne stop the strange interpretive dance she was acting out in the middle of the room. With her arms stretched upwards and her neck extended towards the ceiling she kind of resembled a stork preparing to take flight. If Yoongi wasn't so unbelievably tired he might have found the energy to laugh at her.
"Ah, Yoongi-ssi,"
"You said I should be respectful, -ssi is very respectful."
Yoongi grumbled and moved his tired body towards the couch, motioning for Adrienne to turn down her song like he always did. Andy sighed and moved to the computer desk then took a seat.
"What are you doing here? I thought you guys had schedules all day today."
"I wanted to get some work done before I go to bed, and it's two o'clock in the morning; what are you doing here?" Yoongi answered with his head resting against the back of the couch.
"Oh shi-, is it really?" Adrienne gasped and turned to look at the bottom right of the computer screen, it indeed read 2:13 am and Andy groaned and pressed her forehead against the keyboard. She wanted to be in bed hours ago but time completely got away from her.
"I've been working on this song for.... well I'll just be honest, the entire day and I just cannot get it to sound right. That's why I'm still here." She pouted.
Yoongi huffed and looked over at Adrienne, who looked back at him with a slight smile, and made a spectacle of getting up and trudging over to the console where Adrienne sat. He leaned forward and pressed his palms on the edge of the desk then looked at Adrienne like he was waiting for her to do something.
"Let me hear the song,"
"No, it isn't arranged!"
Yoongi frowned and gave her a slightly harsh look, making Andy suck her teeth, hit play and immediately cover her ears so she wouldn't have to listen to the song again. She was getting sick of hearing the reminder of her incompetence.
Yoongi, on the other hand listened carefully to everything that played over the speakers. He could see what she meant about it not being arranged properly since it was still very rough around the edges but there was something there that could be worked out with more time and attention. The corners of his lips turned upwards slightly when the gentle voice that had been harmonizing to the melody switched to sound more aggressive and raspy.
"Is that you singing?"
"What? Oh yes, that's me. I knew which of you I want to sing which part so I tried to imitate your voices with random lyrics,"
"Was that supposed to be me?"
"Yes, I didn't think you would notice," Adrienne chuckled.
"I don't sound like that," He retorted with a playful frown.
"Yoongi, that's exactly what you sound like. My imitation of you is actually the best one."
Yoongi rolled his eyes but didn't disagree and returned to the couch once the song ended.
"You're a good singer,"
"T-thank you," She answered, slightly taken back by his sudden compliment since it was the first one he'd paid her since they met.
"About your song, it has potential but you're making the backing instruments way too loud, it's distracting," 
Adrienne frowned gently and brought her knees up to her chest, his suggestion had crossed her mind earlier but she was afraid that if she lowered the instruments, it would lose the dynamic feeling.
"I don't even want to think about it anymore," She rested her chin on her knees "Thank you though."
Yoongi nodded silently as he sank further and further into the cushions of the couch, his plan was to work once he was here but he was already falling asleep just sitting there.
"Didn't you say you wanted to want to work on something?"
"Yeah, I will" he answered but made no attempt to move.
Adrienne sniggered and shook her head as she got up from the office chair and occupied the empty seat next to him on the couch.
"You should go home if you're just going to sleep,"
Yoongi snorted and sat up straight, his spine becoming rigid when he heard her so close to him.
"I'm okay, I just need a second to wake up,"
"Well, if you want some help, you could answer my question of the day!"
'Question of the day' was something that Adrienne suggested last week in an effort for them both to understand each other better. They each got to ask one question per day that had to be answered honestly by both parties. Yoongi was against it at first but Adrienne soon realized that he would agree to do most things if she pestered him enough. So far it had only been basic questions like 'where were you born?', 'how old are you?', 'who's your favourite artist?' and Adrienne learned that Yoongi was exactly one year older than she was and he had just as much trouble pinning down just one favourite artist as she did. An inaudible rasping noise of displeasure rumbled in Yoongi's throat even though he hadn't moved an inch since sitting up. He didn't have the stamina for a conversation right now.
"Oh, come on you child, it's a simple question!"
"Fine, fine. What is it?" 
"What made you want to become an idol?"
"I didn't,"
"What? I answered your question,"
"That can't be the entire answer," Adrienne pushed.
Yoongi cursed under his breath and ran a hand down the length of his face.
"That is the entire answer. I never dreamed about being an idol, I wanted to make music, I knew there was only so much I could do on my own so I came to Seoul to have the opportunity to make music as well as I could."
Adrienne nibbled on her top lip and studied Yoongi while he answered her question, he looked like he was still sleeping with his beanie pulled down low over his forehead and the back of his head still resting against the back of the couch. He had a certain way of saying a lot while not really saying much at all when they spoke, always giving Adrienne just enough information to satiate her curiosity but never really allowing her to get closer to him. It was frustrating in a way but Andy didn't want to rock the boat again when they'd just started getting along and she wasn't exactly an open book herself. Then again, he never asked her anything that would require her to be guarded, Adrienne was sure that her age and birthplace and other general facts were on file with the company and that was all he ever asked about.
"Do you like it?"  She paused "Being an idol, I mean."
"One question," Yoongi answered and held up his index finger which Adrienne pushed out of her line of vision.
"Fine, what's your question?"
Yoongi shuffled around in his seat and switched his seating position so he was facing Adrienne instead of leaning into the cushions and staring up at the ceiling. It took a second for him to think of a question to ask since he didn't have one ready. Well, that wasn't true, he had lots of questions but none he felt comfortable asking out loud.
"Why did you come to Korea?"
"You know why I'm here,"
"I know they offered you a job, you didn't have to accept it,"
Adrienne smirked and glanced to the side in thought.
"Do you want the proper answer or something thoughtful?"
"I needed money," she laughed softly and Yoongi joined her with a closed mouth chuckle of his own.
"Honestly, I didn't really want to come at first. I knew nothing about this country or the music and it was all so different from what I was used to... if my sister didn't threaten to fight me I wouldn't be here right now. I was so scared to come here."
"Scared of what?"
"Of...." Adrienne paused and raised her gaze to Yoongi's eyes, she wasn't exactly sure how to word what she wanted to say next. "Give me your arm."
Yoongi's forehead wrinkled, but he complied and stretched his arm forward, Adrienne held his hand in her palm and pushed up his sleeve so that his forearm was exposed then she scooted closer and placed her bare forearm directly against his warm skin. Andy's bronzed skin wasn't the deepest shade of brown and she knew that but it definitely stood out compared to Yoongi's fair tone.
"Of being too different."
He was confused at first but after the second glance at their arms next to each other and Adrienne's face Yoongi nodded with a quiet realization and lowered his head and arm.
"Not everyone is... it's not like..." He stumbled over his words in a way was so unlike him and Adrienne shook her head quickly and held both of his hands in her own to reassure him.
"I get it, Yoongi," She smiled and let go, "I'm not that scared anymore but there's always something terrifying about the unknown..."
Yoongi nodded, tilting his head to the side and resting it against his hand. Adrienne wasn't looking directly at him when she spoke and that gave him ample opportunity to drink in her sharp features without being detected. He had taken up the habit of gazing at her when she wasn't looking in an effort to try and figure her out. She was such a strange person to him with her slightly eccentric behavior, bubbly nature, and interesting personality. Girls like this usually annoyed him but with Adrienne Yoongi only wanted to know more about her and that was a feeling he knew he had to keep under control. He was a professional there was no reason for him to allow fleeting emotions to cloud his thinking, no matter if he could physically feel his heart twinge beneath his chest when Adrienne's eyes met his own.
"Anyway, thanks for listening. You can work now sorry for being a bother."
"Don't worry about it," Yoongi nodded and slowly picked himself up off the couch.
"I should go home now," Andy yawned but didn't get up as she watched him move over to the computer desk.
Yoongi nodded and turned to bid Adrienne a good night when the sound of the door swinging open drew his attention there.
"Hyung! We're going to eat are you com-" Jimin paused when he noticed Adrienne still seated. 
"Oh, Andy~ I didn't know you were still here, do you want to come eat with us?"
"Hey, Jimin" Andy greeted with a wide grin "Um... I don't know if I can..." Just at the mention of food, her stomach grumbled and reminded Adrienne that all she'd eaten that day was a packet of saltine crackers and going home alone on an empty stomach wasn't something she wanted to risk.
"I'll come," she laughed "I mean if that's okay with everyone," Adrienne said everyone but really she was looking for Yoongi's approval since as far as she knew he was the only member of the team she hadn't really won over yet. Jimin encouraged her to come but Adrienne still looked over to Yoongi for his answer. 
Yoongi wasn't particularly interested in going since he didn't really want to eat and he still hadn't started his work but when Adrienne looked at him with her silently pleading eyes Yoongi didn't have it in him to tell Jimin to go away so he could work in peace. So instead, he got up, adjusted his beanie and headed out the door without a word while being followed by his oddly energetic youngers.
The seven of them plus Adrienne piled into a booth at a tiny pub not too far from the studio since that was the only place open so late at night. Despite being tired like Adrienne was sure they all were the atmosphere was loud and active as they all ordered and only got more lively when someone, who sounded oddly like Taehyung, suggested that Adrienne treat them to a drink. She objected at first but that only made the requests become cuter and more annoying to ignore.
"Okay! Just this one time" Adrienne finally relented and motioned for the server to come back to their table.
"You don't have to do that,"  she could hear Yoongi almost whisper from his seat next to her but Andy dismissed his concern with a gentle smile. "I don't mind."
The night continued until Namjoon being the responsible leader that he was, informed everyone that they really needed to get some rest before their day tomorrow. Everyone except Yoongi and Jin groaned and complained but made preparations to leave nonetheless, they were undoubtedly feeling the heavyweight of sleep rest comfortably on their shoulders once everyone was outside on the sidewalk since there was a noticeable drop in noise level and general conversation.
"Well, I'm going now!" Adrienne said behind a body-draining yawn as she waved towards the group and began walking backward.
"Are you walking by yourself? You shouldn't catch a taxi so late alone, I can walk with you." Namjoon said quickly and took a step forward but Adrienne shook her head. 
"I live really close to the studio, I can make it by myself. I'll be safe,"
"Okay. Well, you should text me when you get home, so we don't worry." Namjoon said, quickly adding the bit about everyone worrying to save face.
"I will, good night!" She assured him and waved again to the rest of the boys before turning on her heels and heading towards her apartment.
Once she was out of sight Namjoon followed closely by Yoongi who'd gone silent, and the rest of the crowd began their slow trek back to the BigHit building.
"Hey, hyung don't you think you're being a little too obvious with Andy? Since she is a co-worker and everything," Jimin asked in a gentle tone once he'd sidled up next to Namjoon and began walking in stride with him.
"What are you talking about?" Namjoon responded as if he did not understand what Jimin was insinuating "Should I be rude to her just because she's a co-worker?"
Jimin pursed his lips but let the topic die, he knew that his band member knew that wasn't he meant but it wasn't exactly the right place or time to advise Namjoon so he kept quiet. Yoongi who was also still silently walking behind them took notice of the minor exchange and didn't have a reasonable explanation for the way his heart rate spiked or the scowl that crossed his features while he continued moving with his head down. 
Jimin smiled and gently patted Namjoon on the shoulder.
"Of course not, hyung."
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
high school!donghyuck
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request: idk if you’re taking reqs but i really like ur highscool aus so if u want to write one abt hyuck ill be :^))))))) - anonymous
word count: 5.1k
a/n: oof its been awhile unnies!!!! ive had exams for the past two weeks and I still have exams now so im sorry for not posting anything but reblogs with headassery in the tags!!! we are continuing the high school series n renjun is next!! since I got like 3 requests for him !!!!! hhehhehehheheh its gonna b cute <3 anyways hope u enjoy this I love my lil duckie baby
mark, renjun, jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, jisung
big oof i’m gonna cry while writing this
i’m running out of creative ways to say let’s dive in
let us take the plunge
okay!!!!!!!!!! so you’ve been an editor/writer for the school paper for pretty much all of your high school career
you’re not super well known though because you don’t try to take any credit for anything and always sign your pieces like “- the daily newspaper team” or smth 
anywhom you’ve always loved writing about the stuff around you or making up little short stories
one of your hobbies is just going people watching and trying to write down a brief description of people you see and what you think they’re on the way to do
you’ve befriended the baristas at your favorite spot, lucas and mark, and they always beg to read them but you never let them because mark is too nice to tell you it’s shit and lucas is too dumb to at least say it nicely
you’ve got at least 6 notebooks FULL of these little stories but you’ve never really ? showed anyone because wow showing others your work is Scary
criticism ???/$&/&:&:&:
it’s midway through the first semester of the school year and you’ve been super busy since it’s football season and you gotta write about all the games
and you haven’t had much time to write your cute little stories for yourself and you miss it a lot :/
this weekend though the chance of rain is SUPER high so the football game is cancelled and you have plenty of time to yourself !! :D
there is, a setback tho
u fckin softie
you decide to tough it out though and get suited up in some polka dot rain boots and a rain jacket and set off to find somewhere to chill
as you’re walking to the nearest lil greenhouse/cafe thing it starts raining ,, ,,, hARDER
when you started it wasn’t rlly raining it was just like that weird tension in the air right before the air pressure drops and it starts to rain and you were already on edge OOF
but then it’s raining so you clutch your notebook to your chest and dash
usain bolt had nothing on you girly you were ZOOM ZOOM
broom broom- doyoung
unfortunately you don’t make it though because with you head down to keep the rain out of your eyes you run RIGHT into someone’s CHEST !!!!!!
hehe u know i’m a sucker for these god damn TROPES
your notebook goes flying and and the arms attached to the Chest That Caused Your Grief come up to catch you by the arms
“oh gOD sorry are you okay ??? i wasn’t looking and i was trying to keep my journal dr- MY JOURNALSDJDDD”
you fling yourself out of this boys arms and pick up your soaking wet journal sadly
:((((((( you had so many stories in there wtf
“oh shit i’m sorry do you uh want me to buy you another one ???”
“no that’s okay it wasn’t your fault :( and it’s just a journal i’m only sad because all my stories are gone :(((((“
you finally look up from your Ruined journal to see , the prettiest boy
you can’t tell for sure cause his hair is soaking wet but it’s a bright red that looks a bit faded and his skin is tanned and golden like HONEY OOF
he meets your eyes and awkwardly smiles and he looks so GUILTY AW
“no really it’s fine don’t feel bad!!”
“okay but i feel bad what can i do to make it up to you?”
“hMMM you could come help me think of wacky stories about people who walk past”
“well if you INSIST m’lady”
“aw, never mind”
so in the pouring rain you both walk to cafe and find a little corner to people-watch in
on the way there he tells you his name is donghyuck but his friends call him hyuck
“dude that’s the sound goofy makes when he laughs your friends are terrible”
“oh my god i don’t even think they know what they’re saying HsjdjHEHHS”
after a couple minutes of bad goofy impressions you decide to call him duckie instead because ,,,, GARSH MICKEY 🤠🤠🤠
also because it’s cute
you didn’t hear this from me but he uwued so hard rip his street cred with the Boys
anyways right before you settle in you’re like hey uh did you have somewhere to be like weren’t you heading places
and he was like nah i like the rain it’s nice to just walk around feels GOOD
your eyes widen so big and he snorts because what’s so ridiculous about that
your dramatic ass tries to get up and LEAVE but he grabs your wrist and is like noooo we haven’t even written any stories yet why do you hate rain so much ??
you explain how thunder is the work of the devil and that lightning could strike you down where you stand at any moment and storms are EVIL
he chuckles and side eyes you
“aW you big wimp you’re afraid of thunderstorms aren’t you”
“yES. like any sane person would be”
“you know a lot of people actually like storms”
“like i said, SANE people do not”
and then you change the subject right quick because your face is getting RED with embarrassment
you n donghyuck spend like 2 hours just sitting in the corner and writing little scenarios on napkins
“oh shit that girl over there with the french braids is TOTALLY gonna marry hipster beanie guy in two years. mark my words”
“idk y/n she lowkey has the hots for the barista”
“ ew you mean mark??”
“yeah. now THAT man is a work of art”
“god what is wrong with you maybe you should buy me another book”
“too late now we’re FRIENDS and i don’t owe you ANYTHING”
“being friends doesn’t work like that at all but, okay”
at the end of the day you’ve got a stack of napkins with scribbled notes on them
(one of them has donghyuck’s number on it skdkkfjd)
he leaves you with a bright smile and you’re in awe this boy is so golden and lovely
oof and when you were still in the cafe his hair had dried to the unnatural red color that he ? somehow made look good ugh not fAIR
and it was a lil curly and fluffy and looked very soft :(((((
as you walk home you drift along the sidewalk with a stupid smile on your face wow please get a little less obvious hunty
when you get home the sun is setting and the rain has cleared and you are so Happy that was the best day !!!
you weren’t even scared of the thunder because whenever the sky would fckin CRACK OPEN hyuck would subtly try to keep your attention and distract you with questions
duckie: oH Hey uhhh so hOW do you even come up these stories ?):$:$ theyre so good
such a sweet boy uwu
when you get home your mom eyes you suspiciously as you drift down the hall towards your room but doesn’t comment
she didn’t need to though because you immediately return and tell her everything !!!
she encourages you to befriend him at school and see where it goes from there ;))) or just TEXT HIM
so you do
both of those things !!!
you: hey!! it’s y/n btw
duckie: hey! u make it home alive without the sky cracking open and killing u
you send him memes and he sends , even better ones back this boy is Husband Material
the next couple weeks you realize that hyuck is actually in like a lot of your classes
and he’s like yeah i don’t blame you for not noticing since your nose is always in one of those Damn Journals
can’t believe u smh
you start actually interacting with people in class
and by people i mean donghyuck and any of his friends who happen to be there
you literally get thrown into their friendgroup like one day you know donghyuck and have vaguely heard of jeno since he’s on the soccer team
and then the next you’re a part of the group message and jaemin begs for your math homework during lunch ????
“jaemin just dO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK FOR ONCE ???”
“ugh but i don’t know how”
“hey you know what maybe if you didn’t sleep in class you WOULD”
this is usually when duckie interjects with
“hey now girls, you’re both smart <3”
“i know im smart but , jaemin , i don’t know about him 😔😔”
poor jaemin leave him alone :(
jisung is , extREMELY awkward around you because he’s a Baby Freshman and you’re a Female Senior hsjdjf it’s so cute
and chenle is the complete opposite he IMMEDIATELY latches onto you and is always like
“y/n !!!! wanna watch this video of me singing and playing the piano when i was thirteen on live national television !!!!”
“y/N !!!!!!! can you drive me n jisung to get ice cream plEASE !!! we won’t even play PSY this time”
“okay,,,,, pinky promise?”
his pinky hooks around yours at an incredible speed as he jumps up and down with excitement
“pinky promise !!!!!!!!!!”
hyuck overhears and insists upon coming with for , unknown reasons
renjun and jeno keep snickering to each other across the lunch table too uGH
sneaky bastards !
after school you wait in the parking lot for the Babies with hyuck who looks rather flushed considering his skin is pretty tan and it takes a lot for him to visibly blush ??
“hey duckie boy you good?”
“haha yEAH uh just wondering where the boys are hhhh”
“oh yeah ! they should’ve been here like 10 mins ago”
your phone buzzes in your pocket and you go to check it to see a text in the group message
lele: hey y/n~ me n jisung can’t come we totally forgot we joined a frisbee team and there’s practice today !!!
blueberry: yeah ! have fun w/ hyuckie tho
moominluvr96: sjdjd i’m so proud of them
jenomunomunomu: absolute legends have fun at ur frisbee practice my sons
you: 🅱️ro i wanted to go home and SLEEP
blueberry: sorry ! xoxo :*
duckie: chenle my son ? how could you 🅱️etray me this way???
you: ur dead to me
you: literally what’s a chenle ?? sounds like a poisonous fruit
but tbh you’re just being Silly you don’t mind just going with Sunshine Boy
hyuck has only gotten redder as the texting went on though what’s his deal 0.0
you agree to take his car !
actually you insist because you don’t wanna drive but, let’s say you agreed
you find out that hyuck exclusively listens to hipster bands and the occasional troye sivan song because we love a gay legend
actually his music taste is ALL OVER THE PLACE but we r still boppin ladies
you roll the windows down even tho it’s Chilly and let your hand float in the breeze until your fingers start getting numb and you pull your hand back in and roll up the window
okay maybe that was a Bad Idea your fingers almost hurt they’re so cold and you’re rubbing the feeling back into them when hyuck clears his throat
you look up at him and he tilts his chin toward the hand he stretched toward you
you’re confused bc like ? i don’t have anything to give u duckie
he sighs anxiously
“just. give me your hand. mine are warm because i didn’t try to be cool and stick my hand out the window like this is a teen coming of age movie”
“have you ever just been nice and not followed it up with a weirdly specific insult”
“nope. now gimme”
you cautiously placed your hand in his and felt heat bloom all over your cheeks and trail up to your ears and down your neck
he gulps and interlocks your fingers and tucks them in the pocket of his hoodie
you have to lean against the console in between you a little so that your arm isn’t strained but it’s,,,,, Warm and Nice
you’re quick to continue the conversation like normal but your voice sometimes goes in and out since he is subconsciously rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand or tapping his fingers against yours
when you arrive you awkwardly pull your hand from his grip to get out of the car and he cringes a lil :(
you decide to be bold for once in your life and run around the car to catch up with him and shove your other hand into his
“this one’s cold too”
he ducks his head and smiles but gives your hand a lil squeeze :3 uwu
eventually though you do have to let go and enjoy your ice cream
you just make small talk with him about the newspaper and whatever homework is due the next day when a man walks in wearing BRIGHT RED CLOWN SHOES
the weirdest part though is the fact that other than the clown shoes the man is dressed like a body builder and has the hulking mass of one
and also there is a PARROT ON HIS SHOULDER ???
you and hyuck whip to face each other and then look back at the man
without looking away you slide your notebook to the middle of the table and flip open to where you’ve bookmarked the next available page
needless to say you both have a field day making up storylines for this man
“hey hyuckie i missed this it’s been forever since it’s been just the two of us and my journal”
“me too, sunshine”
“heY now you’re the sunshine in this relationship”
both of you choke at your use of the term “relationship” but continue with the conversation JSKSK
“alright but then you have to be the rain”
“aw you know i don’t like the rain”
“yes i know that’s why YOU are sunshine”
“kay but you are so much more like sunshine than i, an Emo”
“how bout i be sunshine since you like sunshine and me, and you be rain since i like rain and you”
OOF ????????
you blush for the Millionth Time and nod shyly and duckie is about to turn purple YIKES
you leave the ice cream shop and climb back in the car and the whole atmosphere is very Tense
you sigh because you miss holding his hand and then turn up the song on the radio which just happens to be, Walkin On Sunshine
THE !!! IRONY !!!
you giggle into your hand and he snorts and you both break into laughter
you plug your phone into the aux
“alright time for some Real Tunes”
“i swear to GOD if you play Bad Boy one more time i’m gonna LOSE IT”
“fuck you red velvet are LEGENDS”
“the only reason you know who they are is because mark tells everyone with a pulse that one of them is from canada just like him”
“okay and ??? i can still appreciate that they produce iconic songs only”
you playfully bicker the whole way back and when you get back to the school to pick up your car you realize you never even got to play your song
“for your information, i was in fact NOT going to play bad boy i was going to play the bop of the century, what is love by twice”
and then, with heavy sarcasm
“well gee why didn’t you just sAY SO”
then he giggles and grabs your hand to keep you from getting more than halfway out of the car
“okay okay you know i’m just messing with you”
“yes but leave my gorls out of it”
he releases your hand with fake disgust and wipes it on the passenger seat headrest
“ugh go home, gru”
“it’s a good meme and you can’t even deny it duckie boy”
you blow him a half serious half playful kiss as you bounce over to your car and climb in
you play bad boy and roll the windows down as you drive by his car just to spite him and he laughs good naturedly
it’s only when you get home that you’re like heyyyy nOW
you tell your mom about it and she’s like uHHH sounds like a DATE to me ???
but you’re Unsure so you don’t say anything to the others or hyuck just the usual goodnight texts and whatnot
although it could be argued ,, that goodnight texts are a little, relationship-y
it could also be argued , that you do have his contact name as , duckie☼♥
but those can be discussed another time
you continue to hang out with the boys although you refuse to allow them to sit with you at football games because they’re so DISTRACTING
jeno and jisung just fckin yell the whole time while you try to jot notes down to turn it into a story later for the paper
but you can’t concentrate or even figure out wtf is goin on because they’re scREAMING and jumping and messing you uP !
so you sent them elsewhere although,,, hyuck stayed with you
he always does “just in case you get cold or smth”
ur not fooling anyone hyuckie baby
and would you look at that time has FLOWN and it’s time for homecoming !!!!
you plan on going in a big group with hyuck and all The Boys and jaemin has even scored a date !!!
it was highkey through trickery but that’s okay
chenle and jisung are gonna wear matching shirts because they’re headass like that
you’ve already bought a dress and you haven’t ….. shown hyuckie……. just in case……… he asks you
since he…… hasn’t …… YET
renjun keeps assuring you that you don’t need to find a date and that everything is covered but ???? inch resting how duckie has done nOT ONE THING
alright the day of the dance you wake up feeling a little off but go through your normal saturday routine of eating a waffle and absentmindedly watching old gossip girl reruns
but later in the day you feel SHITTY
you’re flushed and your head hurts and it takes so much EFFORT just to get up and get a glass of water
you , comrade, are sick :-(
you text in the gm to let your boys know you can’t come
chenle thinks you’re faking until he calls and hears you sniffling and how rough your voice sounds
“chenle if it didn’t hurt to speak i would yell at u but my eyes are watering please just text me”
“oh,,,,sorry love u”
and then he hangs up real fast lmao
so you decide to just wallow in despair in your bed and rent overpriced movies on demand
there’s a half drank mug of tea that has long gone cold that contains the medicine you’re supposed to be taking but,, you can’t be bothered tbh lifting your hand is so hard
after a few movies and the sun setting there’s knock at the door ???
you barely hear it since you’re in your room with the door closed but /sigh/ you gotta go answer
you drag yourself out of bed and stumble to the front door and open it, immediately slumping against the frame
this whole time you have still not opened your eyes because light hurts a lil and you know your house well enough
in hindsight that was probably dumb considering you don’t know who’s at the door
you try to open your eyes but they only turn half lidded and droopy so you can just barely make out donghyuck looking Concerned on your front porch
“duckie? what are u doing here?”
“uhhh i uh came to take you to homecoming ??”
he then holds up some flowers and smiles awkwardly
“duckie. baby. sunshine. did u not read the texts i sent ? also it is VERY late to be asking me to homecoming. also, i am a little high on cold medication”
“srry princess, can i come in? you look like you need company and soup and possibly some Sarcastic Banter”
“sounds good duck”
“okay duckie was already incorrect please don’t shorten it to duck”
“you know i didn’t have to let you in”
“so what kind of soup do you want? :-)”
he busies himself attempting to make soup while you have melted into a chair at the dining table with one eye cracked open to watch him
he is very obviously Struggling so you wobble to your feet to stand behind him at the stove and maybe lean a little too much into his back to prop your chin up on his shoulder and reach a hand around him to turn the heat down on the stove
you’ve reached the point of I Don’t Give A Shit and have given up on trying not to be affectionate with him you’re too tired and sickly to restrain yourself and his heart is just steadily beating faster and faster
after your soup you drag him into your bedroom to force him to provide you warmth while watching another movie
but he digs his heels into the floor and tugs on your hand to turn you around
“since you’re missing homecoming….. wanna dance?”
“in my bedroom. while i’m dying. with no music.”
“i’ll take care of the music. cmon don’t be difficult”
“i’m not being difficult i’m just-
you’re cut off by him pressing a finger to your lips and going shhhhhh
you open your mouth to curse him out bc hOW DARE HE
but then he gently pulls you by the waist into his chest and does his best to tuck you under his chin
you’re too comfortable like this so you don’t bother admonishing him for earlier and just settle into his embrace
you loop your arms around his neck as he starts to sway you back and forth
after a couple seconds he starts humming, quietly at first and then louder
and then he starts singing and it’s so sO SWEET AND SOFT
you can feel each breath he takes under your hands and the vibrating of his vocal chords against your forehead and you just close your eyes and press closer to him
you’ve literally never been this content in your whole life binch
he is so warm and ever so often smooths a hand up and down your spine whenever you shiver a little or shift in his arms
when the song finishes you keep swaying with him a little while longer
you’re leaning against him so hard that like the majority of your weight is on him yikes
“babe are you asleep”
“pretty close though?”
he chuckles and presses a barely there kiss to the top of your head and sort of waddles the two of you over to the bed
you don’t even have to ask him to climb in with you that was The Plan, Stan
(that’s a saying and also i’m calling u a stan wow queen of puns)
as soon as he settles in you tuck yourself under his arm and throw an arm over him to play with the fingers of his other hand
you’ve got the breakfast club on and it’s Real Nap Hours
hyuck’s arm falls asleep pretty soon tho so instead you switch to laying on your sides facing each other with your face pressed into his neck and your arms draped over each other
right before you fade into unconciousness, he tilts his chin down and nudges his nose against yours to get your attention
your eyes flutter open and you look up at him while he smiles gently down at your sleepy expression aWE ???
“hey wanna be my date when you’re not on your death bed?”
“god, what a romantic. is that a shakespeare quote?”
“shut up and say yes”
“alright fine”
“with more enthusiasm!”
he shakes his head but then leans down to press a lingering kiss against your cheek before tucking you back against him and evening out his breathing
you fall asleep and dream of boys with beautiful voices who love to dance in the rain
a couple hours later you wake up to a forehead smooch and your Boy whispering bye angel
you sit up and whine and he’s like bby i have to go it’s like midnight n my momma wants me home :(((
you pout and he giggles and taps your lips with his index finger
“go back to sleep and i’ll text you something nice to wake up to yeah?”
you nod and grab his hand to kiss it before flopping back down and passing The Fuck Out
the next morning you wake up still feeling a bit shitty but smiling anyways bc you’ve scored the cutest boy in the universe uwu
he even kept his promise and left you a cute message to wake up to ;((((
duckie☼♥: good morning bbg i hope ur feeling better today and that the sun shines all day for u !!!
you: 💗💗💗💕💌💞💞💗😤💖🤧😔💗😔🤧😔🌺💐🌺🌺🌸💐😔💛😔💛💐🤧💐💐💖💖
duckie☼♥: noooo ur gross
you: you ruined it :(((
duckie☼♥: i mean noooo u gotta get better
you: okay :)))
you finally get over your cold like 4 days later and insist you’re fine to be Taken Out And Treated Like A Princess
he tells you to dress warm except gloves bc he wants to hold youR HAND CAN YOU BELIEVE
you’re weirdly not nervous ? like you thought you would be but you’re just excited and very happy !!!! uwu
he picks you up about an hour after school and reveals that he’s gonna take you to all the cafes in town to people watch and write stories which is !!! your favorite activity !!!!!!
“is it lame??? oh god you think it’s lame i’m so sORRY”
“nO!!! no i love it you did good”
“are you sure?”
“yes duckie”
“okay good i mean i knew you’d like it”
“but you just-“
“,,,,, nevermind”
you both hike around town until it gets late and you’re tired and you end up on a bench in the local park with his head in your lap and your fingers in his hair
you lightly scratch his scalp and hum and he practically PURRS like a cat
(furry ????? it’s more likely than you think)
his eyes are closed and you trace your fingers over his features lightly until it tickles and he scrunches up his nose aw bABY !!!!!
then, without opening his eyes
“so when are you gonna man up and kiss me?”
“first of all, i will never man up i prefer being female thanks. sECOND WHY DO I GOTTA DO IT”
“i asked you on the date !!! you gotta do something!!!”
“i held your hand first!!”
“after i literally offered my hand to you”
“uGH fine come here”
“no i’m not gonna ‘come here’ you literally just made a disgusted noise at the thought of kissing me”
“it wasn’t at the thought of kissing you it was just at you”
“this isn’t helping at all”
you roll your eyes playfully and then yank him up by the collar of his shirt to press your forehead against his
“does this help?”
aND THEN YOU LAY ONE ON HIM ??????:$&:&;&;
he sighs against your lips and sits up a little more so he can reach you better, smoothing a hand up to cup the side of your jaw and neck
you pull away and his eyes are still closed
“hmmm,,, yeah”
you scoff and drop him back to half laying on your lap
“you’re such a dork”
“yeah but i’m your dork now so it’s embarrassing for both of us”
“aw i wouldn’t have it any other way <333”
“is it just me or was that sarcasm”
“just you <3333”
screams when you call him that night lol
literally SCREECHES
chenle happens to be with him and screeches eVEN LOUDER
basically the whole group screams simultaneously they’ve been shipping it since day one
hyuck is a bit prideful so when you guys are out in public he’s not super affectionate but ,, when you’re not out
he’s wrapped around you like a koala and will never let go
you have to go pee? hold it
you’re dehydrated and dying? you can live off of his Love
your favorite activity to do together is BAKING because it never goes well no matter how hard you try
and although it usually ends in DISASTER it’s also a good time and afterwards duckie lets you curl up between his legs on the couch and nap uwu !
dating really didn’t change the dynamic between you two other than affection you still read each other to DUST on the regular  lmao
no one gets too harsh tho bc you love each other and whatnot
ugh love ruins all the FUN doesnt it :/
donghyuck makes it his business to know exactly when it will rain and makes sure to be with you when it does
at the first sight of clouds he is in your house with board games and movies and snuggles to distract you !!! what a sweetheart
on days when it’s really bad you just climb into bed and bury your face in his chest while he talks about whatever comes to mind and distracts you
he also takes to slumping down and falling asleep on your shoulder whenever you have movie nights together and it’s so CUTE
his little heart shaped lips and his cheeks always end up smushed and he just looks adorable wow rip you
he’s obsessed with your cheeks he loves to cup your face while he talks to you and press gentle kisses to them during Sleepy Time or when you part ways in the school hallways
if he’s excited he’ll bound up behind you and wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek real hard and then start babbling about whatever’s got him so worked up
basically, hyuckie is a boy full of sunshine and passion and sarcasm and he’s the best boyfriend you could ever ask for :’-)
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taexual · 7 years
GOT7 / College AU - Fake dating turns into real dating 2/2
Hiiii can a request a got7 fake dating to real dating au?
Hiii if you are up to it, would you be open to doing a got7 fake dating college au? With maybe like u guys make out for show but realize you have feelings for each other?
Hi Can I request a got7 fake dating au?            
PART ONE (Mark, JB, Jackson) IS HERE
WARNING: sexual themes & some strong language.
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You didn’t remember what sort of drinks you had to consume in order to find yourself standing in the middle of the party in Jinyoung’s arms, while people circled around you and loudly encouraged you to keep going.
Jinyoung was just dared to kiss you. And he did. But then he didn’t pull away.
You found yourself melting under his touch and responding to his kisses that kept becoming more rushed and messy. You were uncomfortable knowing that there were people watching you, but Jinyoung seemed to enjoy it, as you felt him smile into the kiss when a particularly loud cheer sounded in the room.
Suddenly, Jinyoung’s hands slid down your back and squeezed your ass, pulling you closer to him and forcing you to gasp. And just like that, messy closed-mouthed kisses turned into something else when Jinyoung found a way to sneak his tongue into your mouth. He let out a low moan at this new feeling and for just a moment you completely forgot that there were people watching and got ready to rip his clothes off of him.
But then the moment passed, and you woke up from the trance his lips seemed to have put you in, and pulled away from in, breathing heavily.
“Nice!” someone from the crowd around you yelled, but you didn’t bother to turn around to look who it was because Jinyoung stood in front of you, his pupils dilated, his lips swollen, and his breathing heavy.
Seeing him any other day already sent your brain into overdrive, but seeing him like that made you want to do things to him you probably shouldn’t do in front of so many other people.
So, you turned around and managed to escape his grip, no matter how much he would have preferred to continue holding you.
“Making out in public like that,” you heard some girl say. “I can’t tell if that’s extremely disgusting or relationship goals.”
You considered stopping to tell her that relationship was not part of the equation here, but you felt someone grab your hand and turned around to see your best friend’s shocked face.
“What the fuck, Y/n?!” she shouted.
“I’m drunk!” you answered, hoping that this was the explanation that she needed.
It wasn’t.
“Y/n, people think you and Jinyoung are a couple,” she said with a straight face. “And instead of saying that you’re not dating, when people congratulate him on getting the hottest girl here, Jinyoung is saying thank you!”
“The hottest girl here? That’s really—”
“Please focus on the important things!”
“Okay, stop yelling at me,” you said, covering your ears with your hands for more effect. “What do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know. Something! Does it not bother you that people assume you’re in a relationship with him?” she asked.
“To be honest, I don’t really care,” you said, grabbing yourself another drink. “Let them think whatever they want to think.”
Your best friend wasn’t expecting this answer from you. “Wow, you’re drunk.”
“I told you!” you said, raising the plastic cup higher and splashing whatever alcoholic beverage was in it everywhere. “Can I ask you something?”
“If you’re going to ask me to take you home, then yes. Please ask me.”
“No, no,” you shook your head. “Do you think people knew of my crush on Jinyoung? Like, before tonight?”
Your best friend just stared at you for a moment.
“Y/n, five minutes ago Jinyoung was pushing his tongue down your throat,” she told you. “I’m pretty sure if people didn’t know before, they know now since they seem to think you’re dating him.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, considering this. “Okay. My point still stands. I don’t care. I’d rather have them think I’m dating him than think that I’m pathetic enough to start randomly making out with my crush.”
Your best friend sighed, choosing not to question your logic anymore. She stayed by your side, however, quietly worrying that some unknown force will drag you back to Jinyoung and the two of you will put on another show.
You were really glad that she was there to drag you in a different direction when she saw Jinyoung somewhere because he was all you could think about, and if you were alone, you would have probably thrown yourself on him, not having a single care in the world.
So, no, you didn’t like to drink without supervision very much.
The next day after the party, you could only remember bits and pieces from what happened. Obviously, you could remember everything about Jinyoung because it seemed like being with him caused you to feel a different kind of intoxication – the kind that you remembered weeks, or even months later.
Although hangover was killing you, you knew you had to go to the library and study for the test you had on Monday. So, you wore your darkest clothes, grabbed a beanie, a huge scarf, and sunglasses, and avoiding loud sounds and bright sunlight, headed to the campus library.
You weren’t the only one who, like a vampire, flinched at sunshine. In fact, nearly every person who was at the party last night walked around campus like a zombie.
“Y/n!” you suddenly heard and felt splitting headache at the loud noise. Slowly, you turned to see one of the girls from your class, Jessica, running towards you. “Sorry, did I scare you?”
“No,” you replied in a croaky voice, then cleared your throat. “Sorry, I was just at a party last night.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard!” Jessica laughed, not realizing how loud her laugh was. “People are still talking about it. You and Jinyoung chose to confirm your relationship at the perfect time!”
“Wait, confirm?” you asked.
“Well, yeah, there’s been rumors that something was going on between you,” Jessica said. “You always stare at him in class, and he’s always hanging out in your dorm building. People notice these things, you know.”
Maybe people do, but you didn’t.
Had you really always stared at Jinyoung in class? And was he really always in your dorm building? If so, how come you never ran into him? Aside from the fact that you barely left your room after classes were over because you were tired, you really should have seen him at least once.
“You guys are really cute together,” Jessica continued after you didn’t say anything.
You laughed softly. “You know, Jinyoung and I aren’t really—”
“Aren’t really what?” a voice asked and you turned your head to see Jinyoung, seemingly unfazed by last night’s party, standing next to you.
“Oh, I guess I’ll leave you two alone,” Jessica said, suddenly awkward. “Wouldn’t want to third-wheel anyone!”
And she walked away before you could tell her that you and Jinyoung weren’t actually together.
“I think I scared her off,” Jinyoung said, watching Jessica walk away.
“Yeah,” you said, and continued to walk towards the library with Jinyoung walking next to you. “She told me that we’re really cute together.”
“We are, aren’t we?”
You looked at him in confusion and were met with his smirk. “I think we’re not cute at all when we’re a wasted mess.”
Jinyoung laughed, obviously remembering everything that happened last night.
“People seem to think otherwise,” Jinyoung said. “Actually, I think some guy threatened to kick my ass if I broke your heart.”
“What?” your eyes shot open. “Who?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged his shoulders. “But you and I really are the talk of the campus.”
“Yeah,” you said, wanting to bring the topic of the kiss up, but not quite knowing how. “Do you think we should talk about the—um… about last night?”
“Talk?” Jinyoung asked with a small smirk. “I was hoping you’d suggest we continue what we started.”
Hotness spread to your cheeks and you were suddenly glad you wore a scarf that covered half of your face.
“I’m on my way to the library to study,” you told him matter-of-factly.
“Perfect,” Jinyoung said. “There are lots of places that no one ever goes to in the library.”
You hit him on the shoulder, not too hard to actually injure him, but hard enough to let him know that he needed to stop talking about this.
Jinyoung just laughed, however. “Come on, tell me you haven’t been thinking about me.”
“That is not important,” you said. “And, actually, the thing that I’ve been thinking about is the fact that people seem to think we’re dating and for some reason, you’re not denying it.”
“Why would I deny the truth?”
“Deny the what, now?” you stopped walking.
Jinyoung stopped, too, the same playful smile still on his face.
“I like you,” he said. “And I’m assuming you like me too.”
“Is this a deranged Barney song or are you going somewhere with this?”
Jinyoung laughed at this, while you watched him with confused eyes.
“I want to be in a relationship with you,” he said once he finally stopped laughing. “So, I don’t see the point to tell people that I’m not.”
“But… you’re not.”
“I was getting there,” he said. “I had a whole fancy proposal planned. I was going to ask you out on a date in a field of roses while the sun set behind us.”
It was your turn to laugh. “Jinyoung, our ‘relationship’ began with us drunkenly making out at a party.”
“Oh? I thought our relationship began when we first saw each other,” he said. “Or maybe that was just in my head.”
He had actually imagined a relationship with you? You had no idea how you were still standing after a revelation like that.
“Anyway,” Jinyoung said. “So, since people already assume we’re together, I’m going to skip on the roses and the sunset, and just ask you out simply.”
Your heart started to beat too fast for you to come up with a reply, so you just stayed quiet.
“Will you go on a date with me?” he asked. “You know, just so people wouldn’t feel like we’re fooling them by pretending to be in a relationship.”
You smiled. “Is that the only reason why you’re asking me out?”
“Of course not,” Jinyoung said. “I also want to kiss you again really badly. So badly that I feel like I’ll literally explode if you won’t let me do that.”
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Youngjae was your friend. But also the biggest crush you’ve ever had. And like every person in this situation, you were afraid to ruin your friendship by admitting your feelings, so you quietly suffered and enjoyed every little touch the two of you shared.
“I need your help,” Youngjae told you one day, when the two of you were in your dorm room, watching Friends on your laptop.
You turned to look at him, a little confused. “With what?”
“There’s this girl,” he said and you felt your heart stop beating. “She’s kind of stalking me.”
“Wait, what?” you asked, having not expected him to end his sentence like that.
“Yeah. She always appears wherever I am,” Youngjae said. “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was outside your dorm right now. Anyway, on top of the mild stalking, she also texts me repeatedly. I text her back, but we literally have nothing to talk about, and sometimes I don’t even have time to reply to her ‘hi, what’s up?’ every five minutes.”
You nodded as you listened to this. “She obviously likes you.”
“Yeah, but I told her I wasn’t interested,” he said. “Several times, in fact. She’s relentless. So, I figured out a quick way to get her to lose interest in me.”
“Okay. How?” you asked.
“By pretending to date you.”
You choked on air, all of a sudden. Youngjae flashed you a concerned look but you shook your head, letting him know that you were okay.
“How will that get rid of your stalker?” you asked, getting up to get yourself a glass of water.
“I’m hoping she’ll back off when she realizes I’m taken,” Youngjae said. “Especially, if you throw her a few dirty looks when we’re out together to let her know that she’s sniffing around your territory.”
Did he just call himself your territory? But he obviously only meant that in terms of this fake relationship.
“How did you even come up with this plan?” you asked, quickly gulping the water from your glass down.
Youngjae shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. So, will you help me?”
Not really wanting to do this, but not wanting him to ask another girl to do this, either, you nodded.
“Okay,” you said. “But tell me what I’ll have to do.”
And he did. You were surprised to learn that Youngjae had really given this plan a lot of thought. He seemed to have thought about every small thing, and by the time he finished to tell you what he had planned, you were really kind of excited to try this with him. Obviously, it wasn’t just because fake-dating someone was a completely new experience for you. You were also excited because Youngjae – your long-time crush – was going to be your boyfriend, albeit a fake one.
The next day, Youngjae’s plan began. The two of you started to walk everywhere hand-in-hand. And almost right away, the part of the plan that Youngjae hadn’t considered, surfaced.
It wasn’t just his stalker who noticed this sudden affection between you and him.
It was everyone.
However, both of you claimed you wanted to keep your relationship under wraps, so people would stop asking questions but wouldn’t stop assuming that you were dating.
You saw Youngjae’s stalker more than once since you began to pretend to be his girlfriend. She didn’t look dangerous, but you’ve been wrong about people in the past, so you tried to steer clear of her.
A week after affectionate hugs, constant hand-holding, and other ways of PDA, – some of which, by the way, really left you wondering if Youngjae was just pretending; like when his arm wouldn’t leave your waist in the elevator, even though you were the only two people there – Youngjae cheerfully announced that his stalker was gone.
“Last time I saw her was three days ago,” he said. “And she hasn’t texted me ever since we went out hand-in-hand that first time.”
“That’s great, then, isn’t it?” you said. “That means your plan worked.”
“Definitely,” Youngjae nodded. “Thank you so much for agreeing to do this. It wouldn’t have worked with someone else.”
This really warmed your heart up and you felt a smile spread across your face. “Anytime.”
“The only downside, however,” he said. “Was that we were so good at pretending, that nearly every person I know started to believe that I was dating you.”
Your face fell instantly. “Yeah. That’s… a real downside.”
“No, no, that’s not what I meant,” Youngjae began to explain himself. “I just meant that it’s a downside because people are assuming a fake relationship to be real.”
That didn’t sound better. “Wasn’t that your plan all along?”
Youngjae sighed, finally realizing that his explanation wasn’t really better than his original statement.
“I’m going to tell you something,” he said, then. “Promise not to get scared.”
Despite already feeling scared, you nodded. “Okay.”
“I didn’t really give a shit about that girl who stalked me,” he said. “I’m pretty sure she would have gotten sick of stalking me soon, anyway.”
You frowned. “Then why come up with this plan to get rid of her?”
“Because this was the only way I could come up with that would allow me to experience what it’s like to date you.”
The entire room had gone quiet after his unexpected confession.
Clearing your throat to ease the sudden uncomfortable silence, you turned to look at Youngjae. “Have you considered, uh, I don’t know, actually asking me out?”
“Like you’d say yes,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “You’re way out of my league. And besides, we’ve been friends for so long that I felt like I missed my window.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at this. Youngjae looked at you with an almost hurt expression.
“Sorry, it’s just that…” you laughed again, getting ready to tell him something that you should have told him months ago. “I’ve had a crush on you since the first time I saw you, Youngjae.”
“Wh—are you serious?” Youngjae looked taken aback. “You’ve liked me and you’ve never told me?”
“Well, you never told me you wanted to ask me out, either!”
He laughed at your argument, and soon, you joined in. The two of you laughed for what seemed like forever. By the time you calmed down, tears of joy were streaming down both of your cheeks, but unresolved feelings still hung in the air.
“So,” Youngjae said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “Do you think it’s not too late for me to ask you out?”
“It’s never too late,” you said. “Especially considering how long it took us to get here.”
Youngjae smiled. “That’s true. I’m taking you out this Friday night, then. And until then – just saying – I still won’t stop acting like your boyfriend, because, you know, we have to keep the act up.”
“We have to?” you asked with a small smile.
“Of course,” Youngjae nodded. “Our relationship already has so many supporters. We can’t let them down.”
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Since you didn’t have an abundance of friends, you always tended to stick with your roommate, especially when you were at parties. However, more often than not, parties tended to get out of hand, and you got separated from her.
Tonight was no exception. You were stuck looking for your roommate, who was probably drunkenly dancing with some older guy.
“Hey!” someone called out, but you ignored it, knowing that there was no way this was addressed to you since you didn’t know anyone else here.
“Hey, you, in the red shirt!” someone called again, and this time you stopped.
You were wearing a red shirt.
Slowly, you turned around until your eyes found the source of the voice. It was a slender, fair-haired boy, who was making his way through the crowd of people to see you. You frowned in confusion, trying to recall who that was, but you couldn’t.
“Hi,” he said, once he reached you. “I’m BamBam. I need you to do me a favor.”
“What?” you asked, even more confused now, because this was the first time you were seeing this weird – although really attractive – guy. “What favor?”
“I need you to kiss me.”
Your eyebrows skyrocketed. “Now that’s straight-forward.”
“Right, but you see, it’s not for my pleasure,” BamBam said. “It’s because my ex-girlfriend is here and I want her to see that I’ve moved on.”
“How about you really move on instead of pretending to?” you suggested.
“I moved on,” he said. “I just don’t have time to find a girlfriend to prove it. So, yeah. You’re really cute, and exactly my type, so please, help me out. Please.”
He even put his hands as if in a prayer, to accentuate his point. And you weren’t going to lie, having this cute boy beg you to kiss him was definitely a boost to your ego.
So, you shrugged your shoulders. Saying no to him would have been a crime.
He smiled. “Thank you!”
He leaned into you, one of his hands sneaking around your neck to bring you closer to him, while his other hand cupped your face. And soon enough, a pair of soft, plump lips were placed on yours.
The kiss wasn’t rough or even eager, like you had expected this prove-a-point kiss to be. It was slow and warm. And it set your entire body on fire.
His lips moved perfectly against yours, and he was in full control of the kiss, until you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing your body closer to him, and therefore, deepening the kiss by accident.
BamBam pulled away for just a moment to inhale sharply, and then he placed his lips back on yours, with a lot more force this time. The slow kiss grew more passionate within seconds, and before you could even realize what happened, his tongue was in your mouth and his hands were on your waist. You had completely forgotten that you were kissing a stranger because he wanted to make his ex-girlfriend jealous.
And then, you suddenly remembered it and pulled away mid-kiss after a lip-smacking sound. BamBam opened his eyes, his mouth still partially open.
“I think that proved your point,” you told him while trying to get your breath back.
“I think just a little bit more and it would have proved a different point,” BamBam replied.
“What point?” you asked.
“That you can turn guys on with just simple kissing and nothing else,” he said. “You were barely touching me and now I feel like I need to take a cold shower.”
Feeling your face flush, you turned away from him.
“Right. I’ll see you around, then,” you said quickly, and sprinted in a different direction before BamBam even got a chance to say something else.
You didn’t see him for a week after that. A week that you spent replaying the kiss in your head every free moment you got. So, in other words, a torturous week.
Even though you knew that he only kissed you because he had a fucked-up way of proving stuff to his ex-girlfriend, you still would have kissed him again if he had only asked. And that made you scared. You’ve never been wrapped around anyone’s finger before, but it seemed as if this guy appeared out of the blue, kissed the life out of you, and flipped your entire belief system upside down.
Next time you saw BamBam was – surprise! – at a different party, a week from the night you kissed. Only this time, he was no longer smiling when you saw him. Sure, you did arrive when the party was already ending, so maybe something had happened while you weren’t here, but somehow you knew that this wasn’t it. BamBam must have run into his ex-girlfriend and she may have said something to him.
Your heart hurt to see him like this, so you made your way towards him, determined to make him feel happier.
“Hey!” you called out from behind him, forcing him to flinch before he turned around to look at you. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Y/n,” he said, ignoring your statement and smiling immediately. “I thought I wouldn’t see you again.”
“Yeah, I got sick of doing homework, so I came here. My roommate should be here somewhere,” you shrugged your shoulders. “Though the party’s coming to an end, from what I see.”
“Nonsense,” he said, grabbing a drink from a random guy who was walking by. The guy was too drunk to understand what happened and didn’t even notice BamBam pass his drink to you. “Drink up. The party’s just starting.”
You laughed. “I’m going to ignore the fact that you just stole someone’s drink and now you seem to want me to drink it.”
“There’s nothing wrong with this drink,” he said, taking a sip to prove it to you. “Yup, tastes just as disgusting as every other alcoholic beverage here.”
He passed you the drink again, and this time you took the cup from his hands.
“Now you got your saliva on it,” you told him, making a fake-disgusted face.
“Oh, sorry,” he said. “But we’ve already exchanged saliva before, haven’t we?”
Your face grimaced into a really disgusted expression. “Why do you have to make it sound so disgusting?”
BamBam laughed at your reaction, and you finally took a sip of the drink, all while trying to decide if it’s worth asking him about his ex-girlfriend or would that make him sad again.
“Hey,” you started, deciding to go for it. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” BamBam answered.
“Is she here?”
He frowned. “Is who here?”
“Your ex-girlfriend,” you replied suddenly feeling awkward.
“No, I don’t think so,” BamBam replied. “Why?”
“Oh. I just thought she was because you seemed really sad when I first saw you tonight.”
BamBam smiled at this. “I wasn’t sad because of her. In fact, it’s been ages since I’ve last been sad about her or our past relationship.”
This made no sense to you.
“How come you asked me to… to help you prove to her that you’ve moved on?” I said. “I mean, you’re giving me the impression that you couldn’t care less about her right now.”
“That’s right,” he said. “And I do want her to think that I moved on. Maybe it was out of spite, I don’t know.  And now she does think I’m seeing someone else, thanks to you.”
“Yeah, no problem,” you said and then finished your drink. “How come you looked sad then?”
“Because you weren’t here.”
You were glad you finished the drink because you were sure you would have spit it out everywhere at this. However, although you thought your reaction was casual and normal, BamBam started to laugh.
“Why do you look so surprised?” he asked. “I like you. And you’re kind of my girlfriend.”
“Kind of,” you repeated instinctively.
“Well, I’ve yet to take you on a proper date,” BamBam continued, walking closer to you. “I was going to do that tonight but then I realized that you weren’t here. But… now you are.”
“I am.”
“So… can I ask you out?”
For some reason, your short replies really amused him, and he was grinning widely now. “I want to kiss you again, only this time, I want to kiss you after taking you out. So, please, have dinner with me next Friday night?”
“So, the kissing is only happening if I say yes, right?” you asked.
BamBam laughed. “Absolutely.”
“And… it’s only happening after the date?”
“Well, if you say yes, we can discuss an earlier date for the kissing to happen,” he said, already standing mere centimeters away from you.
“How much earlier?” you continued, already feeling a smile spread across your own face.
“Five seconds from now,” BamBam said. “If you say yes.”
“Yes,” you breathed quietly and caught a glimpse of BamBam’s smile spreading even more before he finally placed his lips on yours again.
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As soon as you hung up the phone after hearing your mother tell you that she would visit you next weekend, you wanted to jump out of the window. She’s been pushing you to get a boyfriend ever since you started college and in order to make her stop doing that, you may have told her you were already in a relationship.
But in reality, you were the most single person there was.
Your mum has expressed the need to meet your boyfriend multiple times when she called, and you didn’t have the heart to tell her that said boyfriend was fictional. On top of that, you didn’t want her to start setting you up with the sons of all of her friends because she thought you’d end up alone.
You considered telling her that you broke up with your boyfriend a few days before she came to visit, but then you realized that the outcome would be the same; she’d start trying to set you up with someone.
So, not having a definite plan, you decided to just roll with it and opened the door of your dorm when you heard a knock. Your mother wrapped her arms around you as soon as you let go of the door handle.
“I’ve missed you so terribly!” she said. “Look how skinny you got. Are you eating enough? Should I send you more food?”
“Mum, all I do is eat,” you told her. “Especially when exams are approaching.”
“Doesn’t seem that way,” your mum said, pulling away from you. “So, will you invite me in?”
“Of course,” you moved away from the door, allowing her to enter. “Welcome to my crib.”
She smiled, taking it in, and quickly noticing the few photographs that you’ve hung on the wall above your bed. You saw her analyze each picture carefully and quickly realized that she was looking for a picture of your boyfriend.
“So,” your mum said, turning to look at you with a smile. “Will I get to meet the boyfriend of my daughter’s?”
Biting your lip in panic, you were about to close the door of the dorm and admit the truth to her when you saw a boy walk down the hallway outside of your dorm room.
You squinted your eyes and quickly recognized him as a boy from one of your classes. You knew enough about him to know his name and his relationship status.
“He’s right here!” you shouted, jumping out of the room, and grabbing the boy’s hand.
He looked at you with an alarmed expression, but you hoped your pleading eyes calmed him down.
Your mother walked out into the hallway, too.
“Mum, this is Yugyeom,” you said. “My boyfriend.”
Yugyeom shot you another look, this one screaming panic. You stood on your tippy toes, so you could reach his face, and leaned in to whisper in his ear.
“I’m not psychotic, I swear,” you said quietly. “Just please play along.”
Yugyeom swallowed and turned to look at your mother who had extended her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he said, shaking her hand awkwardly.
“Y/n didn’t mention you were so tall!” your mother said, and you laughed nervously. “And cute!”
You wanted to disappear more than anything, but your mother walked back into your dorm room. You followed her, dragging Yugyeom with you, and closing the door behind you.
“So, remind me,” your mother said. “How did you two meet?”
You were already opening your mouth to speak, ready to come up with a fake story, but Yugyeom beat you to it.
“We share a few classes,” Yugyeom said. “I developed a crush on her the first time I saw her, but it took me a while to ask her out.”
He intertwined your hands while he talked, and you went with it, not losing the nervous smile from your face. On the one hand, you were relieved that Yugyeom chose to help you and your mother seemed to be falling for it, but on the other hand, you couldn’t understand why Yugyeom didn’t just tell your mother the truth.
She proceeded to ask you both a million other questions and only three hours later, Yugyeom stood up from his seat to tell you that he had to go prepare for a class. You stood up and awkwardly walked him to the door.
He stopped and extended his arms for a hug. Awkwardly, you wrapped your arms around his waist, and pulled back a few moments later, hoping that the awkward hug slipped past your mother’s eyes.
After Yugyeom left, you had to answer another million questions, but after that, you finally managed to change the topic, and instead listened to your mother talk about what you’ve missed at home.
Although this was one of the most awkward experiences of your life, you were also glad to get to spend time with your mother and felt somewhat sad after she left that night.
You had made yourself a mental note to thank Yugyeom for doing this the next time you saw him, which is why as soon as you got to class the next day, you asked to talk to him, and the two of you headed to the secluded part of the building, near the janitor’s office.
“Thank you so much for yesterday,” you told him. “You have no idea what you saved me from.”
Yugyeom laughed. “Come on, your mum seemed like a nice lady.”
“She is,” you nodded. “But she’s also really persistent. She’s been going on and on about me finding a boyfriend. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I told her I had a boyfriend, but then she told me she wanted to meet him, and well, I panicked. You were the first guy I saw. I’m sorry I dragged you into this.”
“It’s okay,” he said. “I actually had fun coming up with details of our so-called relationship.”
“Yeah, you were really good,” you smiled. “Are you an actor, or something?”
“No, I’m just good at lying when I’m put on the spot,” he replied with a laugh. “Are you aware of the fact that your mother actually ran into me when she was walking out of your building?”
Your heart started to beat faster. You knew you should have walked her to her car, and yet she insisted she’d find it on her own.
“What’d she do?” you asked.
“She didn’t do anything,” Yugyeom said, trying not to laugh at your fear-stricken face. “She just threatened me.”
Your stomach dropped. “What do you mean she threatened you?”
“She told me not to break your heart or she’d run me over with her car.”
“Oh, my God,” you covered your face with your hands. “Yugyeom, I’m so sorry. I swear, she says weird stuff sometimes, just ignore it.”
“Well, she’s a really confident, strong woman,” Yugyeom said. “You probably get that from her. And I really hope I won’t break your heart—”
“Of course not, how would you do that?” you started to say before he could finish.
“—because I wanted to ask you out on a date.”
“You… what?” your eyes widened.
“Yeah,” Yugyeom said. “I wasn’t lying to your mum when I said I had a crush on you since I saw you in class that first time. And… I wasn’t lying when I said it took me really long to actually ask you out.”
“Are you sure you’re not just asking me out because you’re afraid of my mother?”
Yugyeom laughed. “No, I’m sure. And I promise I won’t give her any reason to run me over with her car.”
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Actions speak louder than words - 2x08 alternate ending
So, I’ve never written for Riverdale before, but after that traumatic episode, I had to do something about it. Also, english is not my first language so I apologize in advance. Hope you like it! :)
ps: for some reason there’s some random spaces that I was not able to fix, sorry!
        After the party, Archie went home helpless. After the night he had, he just wanted to sleep. Once he arrived at his room, he realized going home was not the best idea. His room screamed Veronica, all their moments came to mind and, as if memories were not enough, her blue velvet coat was still at his night stand, from 2 days ago when she left in a hurry after her parents told her they were going to be home soon. Her perfume was still as strong as it was when she was there, or maybe it was his imagination, trying to keep any part of her close. Archie couldn’t tell at this point.
     He changed his clothes and threw himself at the bed. Nothing but the raven haired girl came to mind. He wasn’t getting crazy right? He had the right to be upset with the situation. He loved her, and it sucks not being loved back. But he also thought about her feelings. He was an idiot for forcing her to say it. He realized that now. Does it even mean something if the person doesn’t say it spontaneously? Did she even want to say it? Did she even feel it?      Tired of torturing himself, he decided to go downstairs for a bit. When he reached the living room, he jumped. There, laying on the couch like dooms day had arrived, it was his beanie wearing best friend.     “Jug? What are you doing here?” Archie asked getting closer.     “Sorry, I didn’t feel like going home and Pop decided to close after midnight ever since he got the call from the Blackhood. So I decided to take advantage of the spare key I still have.”     “No, its fine. But are you okay?” Jughead moved his legs out of the couch to make room for his friend.     “Is any one of us okay, ever?” he laughed “I don’t know, man. It feels like every time I find some support to do better in life or something, it slips right under my feet, and I’m taking everyone around me down too.”     Archie frowned. He knew Blackhood was still out there, and that the Serpent Charmer was no closer of giving Jug a break, even if he denied it so fiercely. Although Jughead was a tough guy, and he had reached rock bottom many times before, Archie had never seen this much darkness surrounding his friend.     “What happened? I mean, besides everything else?” Archie asked.     “I don’t want to talk about it, really. What about you? Usually when you go for late night rendez-vous you wear more than just boxers, at least until you’re alone with your raven-haired half.”     Archie sighed and threw himself deeper into the couch, closing his eyes. “Veronica, yeah, that’s the last person who would talk to me right now”     “Why?”     “I don’t wanna bother you with my drama, Jug, you’ve already got to much on your hands.”     “Maybe some of my wise words would help solve your lovers quarrel. I need to get my head of my self-inflicted problems anyway.”     “I told her I loved her” Archie said, opening up his eyes. Jughead just stared back at him “She didn’t say it back. Every time I tried to talk to her about it, she completely shut me out. So at the Whyte Wyrm, I tried so hard to understand her but I don’t know, I was such an idiot, Jug. I was angry, I don’t know. Then she broke up with me.”     Jughead raised his eyebrows in shock and thought about hugging the redheaded guy, but he was not emotionally able to give support in case Archie started crying, and it seemed he was about to. Instead, he put a hand on his shoulder.      “I don’t understand. I mean, I do,  when I told Betty I loved her, I was afraid too. But it didn’t matter if she said it back or not. I just wanted her to know. What I don’t understand is why Veronica would break up with you. But I’m not surprised that she avoided talking about it.”      “Maybe she doesn't love me. She saw that I was serious and she wasn’t up for it, I don’t know.”     “But you said you were an idiot” Archie put his head between his hands, hoping it would stop hurting. “And judging by the way she walked out of that stage, she was hurting.”     “I know. Right before we sang I was mean to her. But I don’t wanna think about it, Jughead, we’re over.”     “Look, Archie, she might not have said anything, but she does love you, or care about you deeply. With all the hurting from your dad’s shooting, when you went nuts with the red circle thing, all that, she was right next to you. Hell, even when Betty was being blackmailed, and we did the stupid race. She was there for you. And Veronica had her own problems with her dad and everything, and she still made the effort” He paused, seeing how Archies face had change. “I’m not a Lodge expert, but didn’t she even shot a gun to stop your nonsense fight with the Serpents?”      Archie looked surprised at his friend, with a shy smile on his face “How do you know about that?”     “Sweet Pea told me.” he said with a grin “ Veronica is a tough girl, Archie. But deep down she has issues like every one of us, and judging by her father figure and suspicious mom, I wouldn’t say love is something that casually comes around her.” Archie stopped to think as realization hit him. He was so blind. Veronica had stuck with him through it all. All the times he went crazy, when he was in pain because of his father, when he wanted revenge from the Blackhood. She believed him when he told her that her father kinda inspired him for that awful video. She politely but firmly asked him what was going on in his mind, listened and even suggested therapy for heavens sakes. Actions truly do speak louder than words, and he had been a fool to think otherwise.       “You are so right, Jughead. I’m such an idiot, why do I keep hurting everybody that I care about?”     “Welcome to my world.” he grinned, but his eyes showed that he didn’t find it funny at all.     “I should go talk to her.” Archie said standing up, heading to his room.     “Archie, it’s literally 3am. If the Blackhood doesn’t find you, Hiram Lodge will before you can even set foot at the Pembrooke.”     “You’re right.”     Jug just nodded.     “Well, I think I’m going to try and get some sleep. Maybe my head will be well enough to talk to Ronnie tomorrow.”     “One last thing: how come Veronica had a gun?” Jughead asked the question that was on his head ever since the talk with Sweet Pea.     “It was mine, I had asked her to fetch it for me. I was way over my head.” Archie said, passing a hand through his hair.     “Where did you hide it?”     “Inside a toilet, at the boys locker room at school.”     “So you’re telling me that Veronica Lodge, our very own New York princess, put her manicured hand inside a toilet at the boys dirty locker room? At school, after dark?”    “She sure did, while wearing a cape” Archie chuckled.    “And you still had any doubt about her feelings for you?” Jug smiled and took his beanie off while laying on the couch. Archie took this as his cue to leave him be.    “Thanks for the talk, Jug. Whenever you’re ready to talk about you, I’m here.”    “Yeah, yeah”     Archie went back to his room with a clear mind. He had to talk to Veronica. He wanted to do it in person though. He was not about to screw up again. So, with an apology speech in mind and the image of Ronnie smiling in bed engraved in his brain, he fell asleep.
    The next morning, Archie was thinking about the best place to talk. If he texted her asking to meet somewhere, he knew she wouldn’t come. So, the best option, oddly, was going to the Pembrooke, and he would only leave if Hiram Lodge himself dragged him out of there.
    Veronica woke up with a heavy feeling on her chest. She spent hours crying before her tears put her to sleep. She would need many face masks and at least a week of good sleep to get rid of the dark circles under her eyes. 
    Her first thought was calling Archie, telling him to come over because her parents would be out all morning, or suggest breakfast at Pop’s. Then it hit her again. Tears came back to her eyes and she blinked to avoid them. She thought to herself that no, she would only hurt him more if they kept their relationship. Or you could admit to him and yourself that you love him, a little voice told her in the back of her mind.
    She went to the bathroom to wash her face, then to the kitchen to help herself to a nice cup of coffee. When she came back to her room, she was greeted by her beeping phone.
       Ronnie, I’m downstairs. Can we talk?        I’m in front of the Pembrook        Please don’t ignore me, Veronica.        Are u there?
       Go home, Archie she answered
       Please, just leave, my parents are here
      No they’re not, I saw them on a car on my way here
    Just my luck, she thought to herself. Maybe if they did talk, they could work things out, be friends at least. She was hurting so badly, she didn’t know if she could face him. But she also knew Archie Andrews, and he would climb the building if he had to. She went to the intercom and told the doorman who shared shifts with Andre to let him in.     Not even a couple minutes later, she heard the doorbell. Drinking a huge sip of her fresh coffee, she went to open the door. When she saw him, messy hair and dark circles, wearing his typical Archie jeans-and-letterman-jacket, she felt her heart sink. She stepped aside to give him space to enter the apartment.     “Archie, what are you doing here?”     “I’m sorry, Ronnie. I truly am.” He started, reaching for her, but she took a step back.     “You pressured me, and you were rude to me, and I do not think you understand me at all.” she said, trying to look anywhere that was not him.     “I know that. I had no right to do it. What I said was stupid, I was just insecure and hurting. It doesn’t justify my behavior but I’m truly sorry.”      Veronica went around the couch and put her mug on the coffee table, sitting on the couch. Archie followed and sat close enough to be intimate but far enough to give her space. Incredible, he though, staring at her wearing silk pajamas sitting at her living room. She is beautiful. But he knew that already. And he also knew that the hurting in her shiny brown eyes were his fault.      “I warned you I did not have the bandwidth to explore anything when we first started this, Archie. I don’t know if I can give you what you want.”      “I want you, Ronnie. It was my mistake and it kills me that I hurt you. I know that.”     “But it’s my problem too, Archie!” she exclaimed, looking into his eyes for the first time since he arrived “I have problems, commitment issues, I don’t know how to call it. But I do know that I’m not going to keep you on hold while I have to figure myself out.”     “I’m not on hold, Veronica. I’m here because I want to be. Because I love you. And I’d be happy to be there helping anyway I can, taking things on your time” Archies voice was a cry for help, there was so much hurting and kindness in his tone, all at the same time. “I was wrong on pressuring you. But I was angry too, I wanted to talk to you about it!”     “And I didn’t let you! Because that’s what I do, Archie!” Veronica answered, quickly standing up “I push people away, I even push myself away because I don’t want to deal with my own feelings”      Archie didn’t know what to say. Or do. He wished he could do something for her, to take this weight of off her. But he didn’t know how. What he could do, though, was hold her. And that’s what he did. He stood up and just embraced her. She started crying, shaking, in a way he had never seen before. In that moment, he realized he was only kept whole since this whole mess started, because she was the one holding the pieces together. And now, he finally realized he had to step up too. So he wrapped his arms around her, as strong as he could.      Veronica felt embarrassed. The only time anyone had seen her have a breakdown was Betty at school, and she promised she would never let anyone see her like that again. But the point was, Archie was not anyone. Even though he had messed up, she understood him. And now, here in his arms, she felt like she was being understood too. She felt safe, she knew she could trust him. She was loyal and he was impulsive, yes. But they were not like her parents, and that was the moment she realized that.      “I’m sorry, Ronnie, for everything. But I’m here for you okay? You can try to push me away but I’m not going anywhere.”      “Stealing my lines now, Archiekins?” she asked with a half smile, and Archie had never been so happy to hear the nickname he learned to love, because it was from her. He brushed his thumbs on her cheeks, wiping the tears and holding her close.      “It’s my turn to be there for you, Ronnie. I’m sorry I didn’t do it sooner.” he said, kissing her. He still wasn’t used to kiss her barefoot. Since she always had at least 3 inch heels, he was constantly forgetting how small she actually was. But the kiss was passionate, and he wondered how the hell could he have let her go, even if the break up lasted less than 12 hours. But with her hands on his hair and his hands on her back, everything felt right. Like always, with her things always felt like they were going to be just fine.
    “So, are we good?” Archie asked hopefully. 
     “Yes” she said with a shy but sweet smile on her face.      “Can we please talk more, though? I understand you need space, and there’s somethings we need to figured it out ourselves too”      “I don’t really like talking feelings”     “I know that Ronnie but look what it brought us. Just try to okay?Communication is priority.”

     “Sure, Oprah. I’ll try my best, just because you’re cute.” they both smiled and with that, the conversation was over. If she was joking around, it was a good sign.      Archie lied on the couch pulling Veronica with him. Archie kept making circles with his fingers on her back, while her body was almost completely on top of him, and their hands intertwined. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each others company and trying to cool their heads after one crazy of a night.      “Wanna go to Pop’s? I could eat some fries now” Archie asked while Veronica lifted her head to face him.      “Sure, but I need a shower and extra time to do my make up. There’s no way I’m going out with this face.”      She stood quickly and ran to her room, leaving Archie alone with his thoughts in the living room. He thought about joining her, but he wanted to give her space, make her feel comfortable around him, just like before. He also made a self note to thank Jughead, he’s not usually a good-advice giver, but this time he owed him one. And most of all, the thought that stuck in his mind until his girlfriend was ready to leave, was how lucky he was that Veronica Lodge let him be a part of her life.
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dovechim · 6 years
1,3,4,6,7,8,10 and 11 for Its okay, that’s love.
I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps gonna put this under a read more bc it’s a monster 
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?Much of this fic was inspired by the kdrama by the same name. every time i watch it i always end up sobbing, no exceptions. i just think it’s one of the most well written dramas out there, one that hits really close to home and feels the most relatable to me. and i’ve always wanted to write a series too, and one that focuses on everyone, not just member x reader :)
2: What scene did you first put down?like i said before, i’m a boring person so i start practically every fic i write with the first scene that you read lmao 
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
His voice is gruff, and deep down he admires you because you always know just what to say to him when he’s in one of those depressive episodes, or when he’s feeling so damn shitty about every single thing he has going for him. But when the tables are turned, he realizes that he has no actual idea what to say to you, and this is his pathetic attempt.- Ch 03
Because he’s Jeon Jeongguk, golden boy and star player, and he needs this so badly not just as a career for a livelihood, but because it’s all he’s ever known himself to be, and without it, what would he ever amount to? - Ch 04
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?vnvdcskjcds there’s so many i couldn’t possible pick just one!!! most of the character’s dialogues are things that i wish someone would say to me when i’m having a hard time, or things that i found comforting and inspiring when i was struggling. 
“Some days are great, some days not so great, but I’m doing the best I can.”- Yoongi, Ch 01
“Just treat them as patients when they’re in your consultation room, and try to see past their diagnoses at home, okay? Treat them like normal people, _____, cos that’s what they are. Remember we were taught to see people as more than their mental illnesses?” Taehyung, Ch 02
“She’s like a stubborn little mule who hates carrots, so she can’t be bribed.” Taehyung about OC, Ch 02
“You win some, you lose some.”- Yoongi, Ch 03
“Keep going. You’re doing a good job.” Yoongi, Ch 03
“What if and should have are the saddest words in the English language, did you know that?... And it’s okay. It’s okay to regret things, and it’s okay to make wrong decisions. You made the choice based on the current information that was available to you, and future-you might know differently, but that doesn’t invalidate your past decision.” Jeongguk, Ch 03
“We are the sum total of the choices that we make. Every crossroad you came across and the decisions you made were meant to lead you to this very place.” OC, Ch 03
“People who have anxiety or depression aren’t always anxious or depressed, they have good days and they have bad days. It’s just hard to see the signs because all we know and see are their good days, not their bad days where they can barely deal with themselves, not to mention letting someone else in.”
“Can we try to help them make the good days outnumber the bad days?”
“We can try, Jimin.” convo between OC and Jimin, Ch 04
“I don’t want you anymore, Hoseok.” OC, Ch 04
“...wouldn’t you like to know what it’s like to get fucked by something other than life?”
“What?” Seokjin snorts in response. “If you’re offering, then no.” convo between Taehyung and Seokjin, Ch 05
“Sometimes, I just want to talk about things with someone, tell them how I’m lost and how I don’t feel like existing anymore, but I don’t want them to be sad or worry about how to comfort me. I don’t want to be this toxic person who rains on everyone’s parade with these kind of thoughts, but I just want them to understand. I just want to tell someone. And then we can go on with our lives as per normal, and go get lamb skewers or something.” Jeongguk, Ch 05
5: What part was hardest to write?a lot of the filler scenes!!! like between all the major climatic events happening, and i have to say especially part 05 was the hardest to write!!
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?although a lot of my fics are inspired by my real life events, this one in particular is special to me bc its very close to home. a lot of the scenes and emotions i instil in the characters are based off my own experiences, and a lot of the dialogue/ advice that the characters give are also things that i think would help someone who’s going through a similar situation. 
and this fic is also in a way a part of my own journey of learning to accept and love myself, and coming to terms with my own flaws and letting others see them as well :)
7: Where did the title come from?it came from the kdrama :)
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?jeongguk’s anxiety is partially modelled off my own anxiety, and jimin’s split personality actually came from an anon request a long time ago. hoseok’s illness was inspired by his wings solo clip, and jimin as a water polo player was inspiring by the spring day mv where he was wearing that cute beanie that looked like a water polo cap!!
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?hmmm not really, i can't even finish the fic as it is, let alone come up with alternate versions :”) 
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?one reason was because of the anon request for split personality jimin. but up to this point there’s not much romance in the story yet, because i want to emphasis that you can't always depend on romantic love to cure your mental illnesses. that’s a very unhealthy obsession that’s being perpetuated, and i wanted to focus on more platonic relationships first, as well as the loving yourself aspect. 
11: What do you like best about this fic?i love how everyone here is flawed and lacking in some way, but they still come together like a family to love and support each other (in their own little ways) through whatever happens. it feels like a slice of life kinda thing, where every one’s struggling to make it through, but it doesnt feel so bad because you know you have people who are struggling right beside you :) 
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Gordon's Chid ➡ Bruce Wayne
Imagine being Jim Gordon's daughter and finding out you're pregnant with Bruce Wayne's child.
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Skylar P.O.V
Cuddling with Bruce was one of my favourite things in the world. Sitting in the front of the fireplace in the Wayne Manor with Bruce's arms wrapped around me as I sipped on my hot chocolate. I hummed in pleasure.
Bruce looked at me and chuckled. "Are happy because of the chocolate or the baby?"
"Both." We both chuckled. "I also found something today."
"What?" Bruce asked.
"I think it's a girl." I blurted out and watched him freeze in surprise before happiness covered his eyes. He kissed me and hugged me.
"Our baby girl." He whispered and I smiled. I put my mug down on the table and snuggled into him. His strong arms wrapped around me and I hummed.
Footsteps were heard and both Bruce and I stood calm, thinking it was Alfred. The footsteps stopped but nothing was said until a click was heard. Bruce and I both stood up and as we turned around a shot was heard and I doubled over, holding my stomach.
In front of us stood Jerome, a gun pointed at me, his ugly face smiling like a maniac.
Black little dots danced in my vision as I started to sway, the last thing I heard was Bruce screaming my name.
3rd P.O.V
After the fight with Jerome, Bruce Wayne stood in hospital, hand-holding tightly on Skylar Gordon's. He looked at her with sorrow in his eyes as she slept. The doctors were able to stabilise her and now they were going to see if the baby was okay.
Rushed steps were heard in the hallways and Bruce knew who they belong to. Jim Gordon aka his girlfriend's father. The door opened and Jim immediately fell to his knees as his eyes were attached to his daughter.
He walked slowly on the other side of the bed, his eyes watching her chest go up and down. His warm hand clashes her cold one as he held it. His eyes looked at Bruce. "What happened?" Jim's voice was cracked.
"Jerome." Bruce spat. "He came into my home and shot her. In front of me." Bruce's hand was hanging low. "I messed up, Jim. I almost lost the women I loved. She got shot and I stood there watching Jerome laugh like the maniac he is. I'm sorry Jim. I failed her. I failed Skylar, Alfred, Selina and Gotham. I failed you. And I swore I'll protect her. And here we are."
Jim gave him an understanding look. "I know how it feels Bruce. It's not your fault. Skylar loves you and love her. She is gonna survive this. She's a survivor, Bruce."
The door opened and this time a nurse walked in, her hand holding a clipboard that had the faith of Skylar Gordon. The nurse smiled brightly and both man's figured knowing it was good news. "Gentlemen. She's alright. The bullet missed her insides. She was lucky." She flipped a paper. "Now for the babies-" Bruce froze, eyes widened when he looked at Jim. His face was shocked. His daughter was pregnant. At seventeen. Then Bruce's eyes widened. Babies?  "The babies are safe and healthy. The bullet missed them. She should wake up in two hours or so." She looked at Bruce and smiled widely. "Congratulations. On the twins, I mean. One is a girl and the other one is a boy."
Bruce smiled. He was gonna have a boy and a girl. His princess and prince. The nurse shot them another smile and left.
Jim finally kicked out of his state of shock. "Babies? You got mt daughter pregnant?"
Bruce sighed. He knew this day would come. And he dreaded it. "We didn't want to get pregnant. It happened four months ago. We came from a party and decided to celebrate. Too much wine and suddenly I worked up with Skylar in my arms. Both of us naked."
Jim rubbed his forehead. "Look. I'm mad about getting her pregnant at seventeen but promise me something. You will take care of both of the babies and her."
"I love her too much to let her go. And those babies." Bruce said. "Come on. We have to find Jerome. No one tries to kill my kids and girlfriend and gets away with it."
Skylar P.O.V
I could hear the beeping, the voices, everything. My eyes blinked opens but I immediately closed them as the bright white light stunned in my eyes. Two hands were clasped on mine. One was bigger and rough, it had corns on it.
The other one was a little bit bigger than mine, a bit softer. It made me smile knowing exactly who it belonged too.
After a while, my eyes managed to the light and I saw the white walls. After the smell of medicine, I knew I was in the hospital. I stood up and noticed the two men sleeping with their head on my bed. The dale brown hair I grew to love was right by my left side.
The other one was a more brown-grey one and I knew it was my dad's. I slipped my hand away from Bruce and he immediately woke up. He ju.oed up, looking frankly for danger until he saw me looking at him with a smile.
"You're okay." He breathes in relief. I nodded and he immediately attached his lips on mine.  I kiss back and internally sighed in relief. I detached myself and was about to ask but he cut me off. "The babies are fine."
I sighed in relief before narrowing my brows. "Babies?"
He smiled at me, his happiness shining. "Twins. Boy and girl."
I smiled and we hugged, his hand holding onto my shoulders and an I held onto him tightly.
"And now we're gonna talk about this." My dad's voice rang out as I groaned.
Five months later
I yelled as the nurse held my hands tightly. My eyes were shut tightly as I continued to push. I was in pain. The worse pain possible. Labor.
"Push! Ms.Gordon push!" The woman yelled and I continued so. Suddenly the nurse's hand let go of mine and another one was replaced. I looked and my eyes made contact with Selina's. She smiled brightly and I smiled a little one instead.
"Push, Skylar. Push!" She said and I did. I pushed u til I couldn't. Then a cry ranged out. A little cry that I knew it will change my life forever. I saw a nurse raking a little baby, covered in blood. My eyes widened. Oh, she or he was beautiful.
Then another contraction kicked in and I groaned. "Baby 1 is out. Time for baby 2." Selina said and I groaned.
"You need to do it again. Ms. Gordon. Push!" The doctor said and I repeated. I bet my screams were heard thought the whole hospital. I knew that outside the door, Bruce, my dad and Alfred were waiting for anxious. Bruce was probably pacing.
After some minutes I finally slumped into the bed, the second cry filling up the air. I was exhausted. I was sweaty, tired and hungry. I need a burger so bad.
My eyes looked towards my babies and I smiled as the nurse borough them to me. My baby girl was wrapped into her blanket, her head covered by a pink beanie. My boy the same but his beanie was blue.
The door opened and in walked Bruce, my dad and Alfred. Bruce immediate was next to me, looking at our children in awe. He kissed my head and we both smiled as we watched our miracles.
"You did amazing." He whispered. "We never thought about names."
I smiled brightly. "Oh, I have them." Everyone looked at me. "For our little girl, I was thinking Elizabeth Selina Wayne. After my mom and my best friend." Selina squealed.
"Thank you." She whispered and I nodded. "Of course I'm gonna name my daughter after you silly. Selina, you're my sister."
She smiled at me. "And for the boy?"
"Thomas James Wayne," I said. Bruce's eyes filled up with tears at the mention of his father's name. "After your father an mine."
"Perfect," Bruce said and grabbed Elizabeth from me. "Elizabeth Selina Wayne and Thomas James Wayne."
We both smiled. This was our happy ending. With our children.
0 notes
Worst vacation ever? Part IV.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Words: Around 8600
Summary: Panel Time!
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Sorry for the late update guys! That part took me like foreeeever, I moved to a new apartment and my computer was the last thing I brought with me -_- but here it is! Part 4! Enjoy!
beep beep. beep beep.
„not this again..“ you told yourself, pressing the pillow into your face.
Your phone blew up with tons of messages again, and you knew exactly who it was. You turned to the side facing the bright display of your phone. When you grabbed it and flipped over onto your back again, it fell out of your hands.. right to your face.
„God dammit!“, you yelled, picking it up again to see who texted you.
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Shit. You totally forgot that the two of you wanted to go to the beach today.. You struggled to crawl out of bed, almost tripping over your blanket which was kinda tangled around your feet. You threw your PJ to the floor on your way to the bathroom. As soon as you finished your short shower, toothbrushing-rush and putting some Make-Up on, the doorbell rang.
„Hey sweetie, u ready?“, Y/B/F/N asked, pushing her sunglasses down to take a better look on you. „Tired?“
„I think so.. but that‘s nothing new.“ you replied.
„You cute little sleepyhead.“ she laughed, ruffling through your hair. „Come on. Let‘s go.“
The two of you got into her car and started driving. She was totally hyped to see her favorite actors tomorrow. You could tell that she‘ll probably could die from a heart attack right now. Looking out of the window, you drifted away from her pretty annoying screaming sounds, remembering those green eyes, the smile, those cute little freckles and that fucking amazing character of his. God damn. Why wouldn‘t he leave your mind?
„and you know what the best thing is?“ Y/B/F/N started to giggle, „Hello??? Earth to Y/N..“ tearing you out of your daydreaming.
A simple „huh?“ left your lips.
„you actually had a date with him!!“ she screamed, patting her right hand onto your upper leg.
„with whom?“ you gave her a questioned look.
„did u even listen to me? with Jensen! That clearly was a date pluuus you seem to like him.“ she teased you.
„That wasn‘t even a date, hell IDK what that wa..“
„shush!!“ she interupted you. „You were drinking beer with him.. at a bar. Date. End of story. When you first told me about meeting him you seemed so incurious, but the closer the convention gets the more excited u get! How could you be so calm the whole time!?“
„It is not that I wasn‘t interested.. I was a mess at that time because of my ex. I couldn‘t even focus on Jensen entirely.. and he is a normal human being like you and me, so calm your ass. I just enjoyed the conversations with him a lot, he was such a good person to talk to and the more I think back, the more I hate the fact that this won‘t happen again.“ you tried explaining.
„Y/N.. I tell you.. if you‘re gonna see him again, you WILL enjoy it.. and you‘ll fucking slap him for giving you the wrong number, you hear me?“ she said laughing giving you a little pinch on your upper arm.
She was right. You got pretty nervous thinking about the convention.. and mostly him. You just couldn‘t get him out of your head. Something about him made you curious, but you still felt unsecure about the wrong number.
The next day.
You woke up from a noise coming from your window.
*knock knock* „WAKE UP, Y/N! We have to go!!“
Your eyes opened wide when you saw what time it was. You jumped out of your bed, screaming towards your window, „I‘ll be there in five minutes!!“
Shit, you overslept.. again. Running into the bathroom, picking the first clothes you could grab. After finishing your little embarressing dance and morning routine, tripping several times looking like a complete idiot, you rushed outside your house, bumping into Y/B/F/N who was already standing in front of your door.
„Easy, cowboy.“ she laughed, handing you your favorite starbucks coffee and a little snack.
„Oh my god, I‘m so sorry.“ you apologized a thousand of time while getting into the car.
„It‘s okay dumbo.“ she replied chuckling, „the passes are in my purse.. oh and btw, you look like a total mess.“
„Well, thanks I love you too“ you both started to laugh.
After a two hour drive you finally arrived at the Convention. Y/B/F/N uncle was already waiting for you. When you got off of the car, he pulled you two into a tight hug.
„The main entrance is that way“, he was pointing at a big door, with tons of fans waiting outside, „but don‘t worry, of course I‘m gonna sneak you through the back entrance.“
The three of you strolled around a little bit, while her uncle explained everything to you. A few people were walking around, probably people who worked there. It took you a while to realize how big this place was, and especially how close you probably were to Jensen. Even the tiniest tought about it made you weak in the knees and you felt your cheeks burning, but you tried your best to hide it from Y/B/F/N.
After finishing your tour at a little bar her uncle said goodbye and wished you a lot of fun. You two sat down and ordered a drink, talking about how awesome it was to be here.
„someone‘s nervous huh?“ she smiled, noticing the tensed look on your face.
„What? No! Never...“ you replied fast, taking a shy sip from your drink.
„Have you seen him yet?“ she kept teasing you.
„No, I don‘t think so.“ you said slightly sad.
She was looking at her watch, „well, head up, cutie! It‘s panel time soon! Let‘s go!“
You took a seat in the 5th row, which gave you a bit of comfort. At least you couldn‘t face Jensen directly.
First Rich and Rob went on stage making stupid  jokes about accents and how tall Jared is. You could tell, that those two guys did that for a living. In between a hell lot of laughter their panel sadly came to an end. Rob grabbed a guitar, which was standing on the side of the stage and started to sing songs to „lure up“ the boys.
Jared, Misha and Jensen entered the stage, bowing down and waving to the cheering crowd. Rob was still playing with his guitar singing some funny songs with Richard they just made up to underline the guys performance.
When Rob finished his little solo, him and Rich greeted the three of them. It was funny to see how everyone needed to go on their tiptoes to hug Jared.
„Have a good night!“, Rob yelled into the microphone. Just before he went off stage, he did a quick turn, snapped Jareds beanie off of his head and ran behind the curtains.
Jared shook his head and laughed, while the crowd cheered because of his hair.
Y/B/F/N went nuts when they came up on stage. You were just sitting there.. being quiet. You couldn‘t remember if your chin fell down or not, when you saw Jensen again, but he definitely took your breath away. His eyes were sparkling and that smile of his almost gave you a heart attack. After you calmed down a bit, you looked over to Y/B/F/N. She gave a dirty grin, when she saw the expression on your face.
„Stop it.“ you punched her, turning your head back to the stage.
Fifteen minutes into the panel and you and Y/B/F/N couldn‘t breath from laughing so hard. Those guys definitely knew how to entertain a crowded room.
„Next question!“, Jared said, squinting his eyes from the shining of the lights, pointing towards the other half of the room. „You! with the red shirt!"
„Hi guys..“, a shy voice appeared from across the room.
„Hey“, the three of them answered at the same time.
„So.. my question is not really that special, haha. but I was just curious, how have you guys been the last few weeks? What did you do? How is your family doing?“ she giggled.
Misha started, „My kids and wife came over, they visited me alot during my set days. I showed them around and we had a whole lot of ice cream. That was pretty awesome. How about you guys?“ his head turned around to the boys.
Jared gave Jensen a weird smile. „Jay? Did anything particular happen?“ he teased him, still smirking.
„I‘ve got nothing.“, he said shaking his head.
„U sure?“ Jareds smile grewing wider.
You could tell by the look they gave each other that something was going on.
„Well, Mr. Supercool right here did something reeaaaaally stupid.“ he continued, pointing his thumb at Jensen.
„Oh god, no Jared, please don’t.“ Jensen started to laugh, burying his face into his palms.
„You know.. he talked to this girl a few weeks ago.. and he thought she was super cute..“, Jared said, patting Jensens shoulder.
It made you sad, knowing he probably flirted with a lot of girls, trying his luck on you too. You sunk your and looked to the floor.
„She wasn‘t in a good condition so he wanted to cheer her up.. blahblah.. long story short, he was probably a tiny bit too drunk, when he wrote down his number so..“ he laughed, while Jensen's cheeks were getting more red.
„so“, Jensen interrupted him. „So, I gave her my old number, because I got a new one like 2 weeks before I met her.“ coughing, trying to hide his embarressment.
You looked back up, couldn‘t believe the words you just heard.
„Y/N! Did you hear that?!“ Y/B/F/N whispered, punching you into your ribs with her elbow. „ he is talking about you!!“
Jared continued, „my pal right here was pretty pissed at himself at that point, but he told me that she is from Florida. So if anybody knows a girl named Y/N, please tell her to come say hi!“
The crowd cheered and laughed at Jensen's mistake and Jared teasing him about it. Your face went from pale to bright red when you heard your name.
„Y/N! Stand up and show him you are here!!“ Y/B/F/N trying to push you, but you were too overwhelmed and nervous to show yourself to all of those people.
„give me a few minutes“ you replied, making your way out of the panel right to the bathroom.
You washed your burning hot face with cold water, trying to cool yourself down, „come on Y/N, you can do this.“
After 10 minutes you went back, spotting an empty seat in one of the front rows. You decided to sit there, so you might have a chance to be more visible to Jensen. At that moment Jared was telling a story, while Misha and Jensen joked around in the background. A few minutes went by and both of them took a seat on their chairs again, listening to Jared. You could tell that Jensen was kinda nervous and didn‘t pay much attention to the stories. He was biting his lower lip, his eyes gazing across the room, ending up looking straight into your direction. He stopped, looking right at you, a bright smile forming on his face. You couldn‘t resist to smile back, trying not to melt by the look he gave you.
Two little words were quietly escaping his mouth.
„It‘s you.“
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grizbehr · 7 years
This is a Facebook post from a pastor who went to the Trump rally in Florida. It’s long but a very insightful read. One thing I found particularly interesting was this passage: What I discovered was that by hosting this as a campaign event, Mr. Trump could determine who was and was not allowed in the venue. If he came on an official visit, they could not prohibit anyone from entering and he couldn't sell his campaign merchandise. 
Joel Tooley
What I am about to write and what you are about to read may make some people very uncomfortable, if not angry.
That is not my intention nor is it okay with me to cause anyone to stumble. That being said, what I experienced tonight was so dramatic that I cannot help but reflect on it and share what I experienced.
A few days ago, people across the United States heard the news that our newly elected President would be visiting Melbourne, Florida – our hometown. It is no surprise to many that I do not support many of the objectives and "campaignisms" of Donald Trump. I know many people who voted for him - friends, family, church people who all voted for their own reasons. The point of this experience is not to relay all of the reasons why I think he should not be the president. Those points are moot – he IS our President.
Now, I am enough of a sentimentalist that when I found out THEEEE President was coming to town, I got online quickly and reserved two tickets.
The tickets were being given away by the Trump-Pence campaign; I found it odd that the tickets indicated that this was not a government/White House event & that this was a campaign event. I have, of course, posted a joking post about that earlier. What I discovered was that by hosting this as a campaign event, Mr. Trump could determine who was and was not allowed in the venue. If he came on an official visit, they could not prohibit anyone from entering and he couldn't sell his campaign merchandise.
So, in essence, he was only allowing his supporters in the room. Well, with a few exceptions…
I talked my 11-year-old daughter into coming with me. After all, how many times do you get to see the President of the United States in person – let alone in your hometown? I was eager for her to have this experience. It has to be a pretty cool thing, as a kid to see Air Force One, the President and the First Lady.
The event started at 5 PM; we got in line at the venue shortly after 2 PM and the line was already pretty long. There are several mini stories to be told about that experience but don't need to be told for this post. Suffice it to say, it is always an intriguing sociological experience to be surrounded by people in line for something for which they are fanatics - whether it is for a movie premier, a live concert, the release of the latest beanie baby or Cabbage Patch kid. Fanatic people are fascinating to me.
While I am not a fan of Trump, I certainly did not want to come across as a vigilante protester while standing amongst some of his most adoring fans. I truly wanted to see if what I was going to witness in person was any different than what I had observed on TV.
The entry into the event was very impressive. I have always admired the professional posturing of the Secret Service, including those from our own local law-enforcement who were on duty serving in this capacity. These are women and men who should be highly commended for placing their lives on the line.
We entered the venue at 3 PM, two hours before the event started. As we entered, everyone was being handed pom-poms and Trump campaign signs. The hosts made sure everyone had a sign in their hand. Someone shoved one into my hand and gave pom-poms to my daughter.
I felt like a sheep in wolves clothing.
Music was playing loudly throughout the venue as it filled up with hundreds of people. I would guess there were eventually at least 3000 people in the room. It was nowhere near full, but there certainly were a lot of people there. From my view, the crowd was 99.9% white folk. I did see a row of about 10-12 supporters who were black, wearing T-shirts that said, "Trump and Republicans are not racist" - they were positioned in the seating area directly behind the podium.
We were about three rows of people from the very front and had a very good position to view the President and the platform. As people were coming in, there was a lot of excitement and a strong sense of patriotism.   Approximately every 15 minutes, the music would be a little more enthusiastic and party-like. I posted my play-by-play feedback of "God bless the USA!" in an earlier post...it was almost church-like. People sang along, raising their hands and were emotionally moved by this anthem.  It was intriguing to watch.
People were being ushered into a deeply religious experience...and it made me completely uncomfortable.
I love my country; I honor those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom and I respect our history and what we stand for, but what I experienced in that moment sent shivers down my spine. I felt like people were here to worship an ideology along with the man who was leading it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the song per se – it was this inexplicable movement that was happening in the room. It was a religious zeal.
You might liken it to the experience fans would have after their favorite team won the Super Bowl – faces painted, banners flying, confetti in the air and celebrating.
But this – this was deeper.
A couple of local politicians got up to bring greetings followed by state representative, followed by one of our Congress representatives. A soloist sang, "God bless America" and there was a strong sense of patriotism in the room. A pastor got up to pray and repeatedly prayed throughout his prayer, "Thank you for making this the greatest nation on earth…in Jesus' name."
Uh-uh. No. No way, josé.
Pastor, this is not the greatest nation on earth. The greatest nation on earth does not exist. Are we a great nation? Definitely. But there are many other great nations as well. Pastor, you have your eyes on a different kind of  "greatness" and certainly a different kind of kingdom. Shame on you for praying those words in Jesus' name!
Suddenly, the music changed from the pep rally theme to something that seemed more Star Wars themed. The crowd went crazy and turned towards the opening of the airplane hangar that was the venue, just as Air Force One pulled up.
What a magnificent sight! That enormous airliner is absolutely breathtaking. The crowd was going wild; signs waving in the air, people cheering, and every cell phone was positioned to take photos and video. As the First Lady and the President emerged at the top of the stairs, the air was electric! It really is a magnificent image to see in person!
As they entered the venue and walked to the platform, there was terrific celebration. I have been in the room when other Presidents were in a similar mode – it is always such a meaningful experience to be that close to them, regardless of whether or not you view them with adoration. Theeeee President of the USA!
The First Lady approached the platform and in her rich accent, began to recite the Lord's prayer.
I can't explain it, but I felt sick. This wasn't a prayer beseeching the presence of Almighty God, it felt theatrical and manipulative.
People across the room were reciting it as if it were a pep squad cheer. At the close of the prayer, the room erupted in cheering. It was so uncomfortable. I observed that Mr. Trump did not recite the prayer until the very last line, "be the glory forever and ever, amen!" As he raised his hands in the air, evoking a cheer from the crowd, "USA! USA! USA!"
Just as the President begin to speak, a short grandmotherly lady in front of us asked me if I would help hold her walker – the kind that has a seat built into it. She said, "I need to climb up on it and hold something up." Such an odd request at such an odd place at such an odd time. So, I helped her.
She held a pillowcase that had something written on the front of it, words I could not see. She climbed up onto the seat, wobbly-legged and held the sign up above her head. People in front of her turned around and started jeering and yelling at her. After holding her sign up for about 10 seconds, she climbed back down and thanked me. I asked her what her sign said – it read, "You had your chance, now resign!"
The very first words out of the President's mouth were the words of a bully. That is not simply one person's perspective, it is factual. He immediately began badgering and criticizing the media; like a bully inciting a crowd.
Now, do I think the media needs to be held to a high standard and be able to be held accountable? Absolutely! The media as a whole has become sadly non-journalistic and more entertainment, in my opinion.
Call it what you will, but I was completely dumbfounded as the most powerful leader in the world began his speech by badgering the media. The crowd began screaming angrily at the entire press corps that was present.
He could have said something inspiring and worthy of a Tweet or Facebook post, instead he emerged as an overly powerful bully. Literally, everything that he began speaking about evoked this angry response from the crowd.  Immediately following the words of prayer that Jesus taught his followers…
It was then that I heard two ladies off to my left chanting, not yelling or screaming but chanting, "T-R....U-M-P; that's how you spell - bigotry!" They repeated the rhyme over and over.
Two ladies in front of them began seething and screaming in their face while shaking their Trump signs at them. Another couple standing behind them started screaming at them as well. One of the chanting ladies had her eight-year-old daughter on her back; the other had a severely disabled child in a wheelchair in front of her. As they continued chanting, the people around them became violently enraged. One angry man grabbed the lady's arm - that's when I went into action. I barged through the crowd and yelled at them to back off. My heart wasn't racing; I just instinctively became a protector.
I didn't actually want a Trump sign, but one of the volunteers had shoved it into my hands as I walked through  the door earlier; "Make America Great Again!" That sign probably saved someone from getting hurt. I held the sign close to my chest as I positioned myself between the chanting protesters and the angry mob. My 11-year-old daughter was clinging to my arm, sobbing in fear.
The two angry, screaming ladies looked at me, both of them raised their middle finger at me in my face and repeatedly yelled, "F*#% YOU!" Repeatedly.
I calmly responded, "No thank you, I'm happily married." Their faces and their voices were filled with demonic anger.
I have been in places and experiences before where demonic activity was palpable. The power of the Holy Spirit of God was protecting me in those moments and was once again protecting me and my daughter in this moment.
I raised my voice and calmly said, "These ladies have the right to do what they are doing and they are harming no one; this is America and they a right to express themselves in this way. They are harming no one." A couple of other people around me stepped in and supported me in protecting them as a barrier, as well.
My daughter was shaking in fear as she clung to me. The one man behind the protesters shoved himself forward, grabbed the lady by the arm and screamed with multiple expletives, "I'm going to take you out! This is my president and nobody has the right to disrespect him and nobody has the right to keep me from hearing him!"
I wish I could have captured the expressions of that man on camera. I will never forget him.
The little girl on her mother's back was crying, completely frightened. I leaned forward and reassured her in her ear, "Your mommy is being brave and we will not let these people hurt you. You are afraid because these are angry, awful people. We will not let them hurt you or your mommy. You are being so brave and your mommy is doing something very brave."
That's when another lady screamed in my face that what I was doing was un-American. I just chuckled and responded, "What I am doing is completely American – I'm standing up for people who are being bullied – it doesn't matter if I agree with them or not. You came here to see the President, now ignore these ladies, turn around and enjoy the show." Without explanation, they calm down and turned around to hear what Trump had to say.
The two protesters then moved towards the back and left the building. I got a couple of high-fives and "thanks for stepping up for them" from bystanders . I wanted to say, "Thanks. Where were you when the the demons were screaming and fists were getting ready to start swinging?"
Once again, the environment reminded me of some church experiences I've had. Bystanders.
I have no clue what Trump was saying at that point – draining the swamp, vetting refugees, and other things. Oh yeah, I heard people chanting, "Build that wall, build that wall!"
I realized then that we were not listening to someone presidential, we were listening to someone terribly powerful.
My kid was shaken - she had just seen some of the worst of humanity. We edged ourselves away from the front of the room to the opening of the hangar so we could get a clearer picture of Air Force One. I wanted to give her at least one positive presidential memory.
The crowd was much thinner at the back of the room, people were leaving by the hundreds. Outside, there were two jumbotrons set up for a potential overflow – there really wasn't a need for them. There were maybe a couple of hundred people outside watching on the big screens.
Not too far behind that group was a large group of protesters.
Inside, Trump had rallied the group by giving a little bit of attention to the "paid protesters outside." Now, I can't speak for all of them, but I asked a few where they were from and why they were there - every single one of them were from different cities in Florida and could quickly articulate why they were there. They were not paid protesters – not the ones I spoke with.
I'm trying to separate how I actually feel about this man and his campaignisms. I know why people voted for him; I know why people voted against his opponent. But, at the end of the day, what I felt from his leadership in this experience was actually horrifying. There was palpable fear in the room. There was thick anger and vengeance. He was counting on it. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that it would not have taken very much for him to have called this group of people into some kind of riotous reaction.
Now, not everyone in the room was a part of the angry mob mentality – I looked around the room and saw many people who could quite easily be folks from my neighborhood, folks from my church, folks who were planning to go grab a bite to eat at Cracker Barrel afterwards. Folks who truly wanted to see America "great." The people who support the Republican Party want to see some needed changes in the government – the people that were there for that reason, are by and large good folks. But those are not the people the President was inciting – they are not the people he was leading. He was rallying the angry, vigilant ones.
As we began to leave, I knew my daughter could not possibly care less about Air Force One or the fact that she saw the President of the United States and his wife, in the flesh. I truly had hoped that she could have had that sentimental experience.
What she WILL remember is the angry, violent man screaming demonic vitriol at a child and her mother.  She will remember the two ladies screaming at her Dad, her pastor – flipping the middle finger and using the F word repeatedly.
Now, I know there are people who are convinced that I am jaded and cannot fairly give this man a fair chance. Perhaps that's true. But please remember, especially those of you who know me well, I am a student of culture and human behavior. I am not a stubborn, close minded individual who likes to stick to the status quo. I know there are people who long for me to see the good things about this President and to talk about THOSE things. I know there are people who want me to realize that not everything he is doing is bad and that every President has their strengths and weaknesses and…
I know there are people who, when they see these words and hear my thoughts will feel badly because perhaps they can't like me as much as they once did because they don't agree with me. They want me to like the President that they like – they want me to see him the way they see him.
I'm sorry. I cannot. You see, the angry, F-word-spewing man is what has been depended on throughout this campaign and is the one who is still being counted on to sustain the message. I tried.
As we left the room, these words were echoing in my mind, "Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done..."
At the end of the day, I'm a citizen of a nation - I have a leader who God is very aware and who has tremendous responsibilities. I MUST and will pray for him. I'm a citizen of this world and I must continue to see beyond my own limited world view to seek ways to obediently serve Christ. But greater still, I am a citizen of a different kind of Kingdom - the Kingdom that strives for peace, mercy, kindness and a love-relationship with the King of kings.
May God have mercy on me.
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commissarraege · 7 years
A visit to a Trump "Campaign Rally" in Florida
I wanted to post this. I read it and it perfectly sums up, albeit in a more religious context, the evil we are facing. Please, read it. It plainly shows how this man brings out the worst in humanity. I encourage all to read this in its entirety and repost as much as humanly possible. Entire read from a one Joel Tooley on Trumps visit to Melbourne, FL--- "What I am about to write and what you are about to read may make some people very uncomfortable, if not angry. That is not my intention nor is it okay with me to cause anyone to stumble. That being said, what I experienced tonight was so dramatic that I cannot help but reflect on it and share what I experienced. A few days ago, people across the United States heard the news that our newly elected President would be visiting Melbourne, Florida – our hometown. It is no surprise to many that I do not support many of the objectives and "campaignisms" of Donald Trump. I know many people who voted for him - friends, family, church people who all voted for their own reasons. The point of this experience is not to relay all of the reasons why I think he should not be the president. Those points are moot – he IS our President. Now, I am enough of a sentimentalist that when I found out THEEEE President was coming to town, I got online quickly and reserved two tickets. The tickets were being given away by the Trump-Pence campaign; I found it odd that the tickets indicated that this was not a government/White House event & that this was a campaign event. I have, of course, posted a joking post about that earlier. What I discovered was that by hosting this as a campaign event, Mr. Trump could determine who was and was not allowed in the venue. If he came on an official visit, they could not prohibit anyone from entering and he couldn't sell his campaign merchandise. So, in essence, he was only allowing his supporters in the room. Well, with a few exceptions… I talked my 11-year-old daughter into coming with me. After all, how many times do you get to see the President of the United States in person – let alone in your hometown? I was eager for her to have this experience. It has to be a pretty cool thing, as a kid to see Air Force One, the President and the First Lady. The event started at 5 PM; we got in line at the venue shortly after 2 PM and the line was already pretty long. There are several mini stories to be told about that experience but don't need to be told for this post. Suffice it to say, it is always an intriguing sociological experience to be surrounded by people in line for something for which they are fanatics - whether it is for a movie premier, a live concert, the release of the latest beanie baby or Cabbage Patch kid. Fanatic people are fascinating to me. While I am not a fan of Trump, I certainly did not want to come across as a vigilante protester while standing amongst some of his most adoring fans. I truly wanted to see if what I was going to witness in person was any different than what I had observed on TV. The entry into the event was very impressive. I have always admired the professional posturing of the Secret Service, including those from our own local law-enforcement who were on duty serving in this capacity. These are women and men who should be highly commended for placing their lives on the line. We entered the venue at 3 PM, two hours before the event started. As we entered, everyone was being handed pom-poms and Trump campaign signs. The hosts made sure everyone had a sign in their hand. Someone shoved one into my hand and gave pom-poms to my daughter. I felt like a sheep in wolves clothing. Music was playing loudly throughout the venue as it filled up with hundreds of people. I would guess there were eventually at least 3000 people in the room. It was nowhere near full, but there certainly were a lot of people there. From my view, the crowd was 99.9% white folk. I did see a row of about 10-12 supporters who were black, wearing T-shirts that said, "Trump and Republicans are not racist" - they were positioned in the seating area directly behind the podium. We were about three rows of people from the very front and had a very good position to view the President and the platform. As people were coming in, there was a lot of excitement and a strong sense of patriotism. Approximately every 15 minutes, the music would be a little more enthusiastic and party-like. I posted my play-by-play feedback of "God bless the USA!" in an earlier post...it was almost church-like. People sang along, raising their hands and were emotionally moved by this anthem. It was intriguing to watch. People were being ushered into a deeply religious experience...and it made me completely uncomfortable. I love my country; I honor those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom and I respect our history and what we stand for, but what I experienced in that moment sent shivers down my spine. I felt like people were here to worship an ideology along with the man who was leading it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the song per se – it was this inexplicable movement that was happening in the room. It was a religious zeal. You might liken it to the experience fans would have after their favorite team won the Super Bowl – faces painted, banners flying, confetti in the air and celebrating. But this – this was deeper. A couple of local politicians got up to bring greetings followed by state representative, followed by one of our Congress representatives. A soloist sang, "God bless America" and there was a strong sense of patriotism in the room. A pastor got up to pray and repeatedly prayed throughout his prayer, "Thank you for making this the greatest nation on earth…in Jesus' name." Uh-uh. No. No way, josé. Pastor, this is not the greatest nation on earth. The greatest nation on earth does not exist. Are we a great nation? Definitely. But there are many other great nations as well. Pastor, you have your eyes on a different kind of "greatness" and certainly a different kind of kingdom. Shame on you for praying those words in Jesus' name! Suddenly, the music changed from the pep rally theme to something that seemed more Star Wars themed. The crowd went crazy and turned towards the opening of the airplane hangar that was the venue, just as Air Force One pulled up. What a magnificent sight! That enormous airliner is absolutely breathtaking. The crowd was going wild; signs waving in the air, people cheering, and every cell phone was positioned to take photos and video. As the First Lady and the President emerged at the top of the stairs, the air was electric! It really is a magnificent image to see in person! As they entered the venue and walked to the platform, there was terrific celebration. I have been in the room when other Presidents were in a similar mode – it is always such a meaningful experience to be that close to them, regardless of whether or not you view them with adoration. Theeeee President of the USA! The First Lady approached the platform and in her rich accent, began to recite the Lord's prayer. I can't explain it, but I felt sick. This wasn't a prayer beseeching the presence of Almighty God, it felt theatrical and manipulative. People across the room were reciting it as if it were a pep squad cheer. At the close of the prayer, the room erupted in cheering. It was so uncomfortable. I observed that Mr. Trump did not recite the prayer until the very last line, "be the glory forever and ever, amen!" As he raised his hands in the air, evoking a cheer from the crowd, "USA! USA! USA!" Just as the President begin to speak, a short grandmotherly lady in front of us asked me if I would help hold her walker – the kind that has a seat built into it. She said, "I need to climb up on it and hold something up." Such an odd request at such an odd place at such an odd time. So, I helped her. She held a pillowcase that had something written on the front of it, words I could not see. She climbed up onto the seat, wobbly-legged and held the sign up above her head. People in front of her turned around and started jeering and yelling at her. After holding her sign up for about 10 seconds, she climbed back down and thanked me. I asked her what her sign said – it read, "You had your chance, now resign!" The very first words out of the President's mouth were the words of a bully. That is not simply one person's perspective, it is factual. He immediately began badgering and criticizing the media; like a bully inciting a crowd. Now, do I think the media needs to be held to a high standard and be able to be held accountable? Absolutely! The media as a whole has become sadly non-journalistic and more entertainment, in my opinion. Call it what you will, but I was completely dumbfounded as the most powerful leader in the world began his speech by badgering the media. The crowd began screaming angrily at the entire press corps that was present. He could have said something inspiring and worthy of a Tweet or Facebook post, instead he emerged as an overly powerful bully. Literally, everything that he began speaking about evoked this angry response from the crowd. Immediately following the words of prayer that Jesus taught his followers… It was then that I heard two ladies off to my left chanting, not yelling or screaming but chanting, "T-R....U-M-P; that's how you spell - bigotry!" They repeated the rhyme over and over. Two ladies in front of them began seething and screaming in their face while shaking their Trump signs at them. Another couple standing behind them started screaming at them as well. One of the chanting ladies had her eight-year-old daughter on her back; the other had a severely disabled child in a wheelchair in front of her. As they continued chanting, the people around them became violently enraged. One angry man grabbed the lady's arm - that's when I went into action. I barged through the crowd and yelled at them to back off. My heart wasn't racing; I just instinctively became a protector. I didn't actually want a Trump sign, but one of the volunteers had shoved it into my hands as I walked through the door earlier; "Make America Great Again!" That sign probably saved someone from getting hurt. I held the sign close to my chest as I positioned myself between the chanting protesters and the angry mob. My 11-year-old daughter was clinging to my arm, sobbing in fear. The two angry, screaming ladies looked at me, both of them raised their middle finger at me in my face and repeatedly yelled, "F*#% YOU!" Repeatedly. I calmly responded, "No thank you, I'm happily married." Their faces and their voices were filled with demonic anger. I have been in places and experiences before where demonic activity was palpable. The power of the Holy Spirit of God was protecting me in those moments and was once again protecting me and my daughter in this moment. I raised my voice and calmly said, "These ladies have the right to do what they are doing and they are harming no one; this is America and they a right to express themselves in this way. They are harming no one." A couple of other people around me stepped in and supported me in protecting them as a barrier, as well. My daughter was shaking in fear as she clung to me. The one man behind the protesters shoved himself forward, grabbed the lady by the arm and screamed with multiple expletives, "I'm going to take you out! This is my president and nobody has the right to disrespect him and nobody has the right to keep me from hearing him!" I wish I could have captured the expressions of that man on camera. I will never forget him. The little girl on her mother's back was crying, completely frightened. I leaned forward and reassured her in her ear, "Your mommy is being brave and we will not let these people hurt you. You are afraid because these are angry, awful people. We will not let them hurt you or your mommy. You are being so brave and your mommy is doing something very brave." That's when another lady screamed in my face that what I was doing was un-American. I just chuckled and responded, "What I am doing is completely American – I'm standing up for people who are being bullied – it doesn't matter if I agree with them or not. You came here to see the President, now ignore these ladies, turn around and enjoy the show." Without explanation, they calm down and turned around to hear what Trump had to say. The two protesters then moved towards the back and left the building. I got a couple of high-fives and "thanks for stepping up for them" from bystanders . I wanted to say, "Thanks. Where were you when the the demons were screaming and fists were getting ready to start swinging?" Once again, the environment reminded me of some church experiences I've had. Bystanders. I have no clue what Trump was saying at that point – draining the swamp, vetting refugees, and other things. Oh yeah, I heard people chanting, "Build that wall, build that wall!" I realized then that we were not listening to someone presidential, we were listening to someone terribly powerful. My kid was shaken - she had just seen some of the worst of humanity. We edged ourselves away from the front of the room to the opening of the hangar so we could get a clearer picture of Air Force One. I wanted to give her at least one positive presidential memory. The crowd was much thinner at the back of the room, people were leaving by the hundreds. Outside, there were two jumbotrons set up for a potential overflow – there really wasn't a need for them. There were maybe a couple of hundred people outside watching on the big screens. Not too far behind that group was a large group of protesters. Inside, Trump had rallied the group by giving a little bit of attention to the "paid protesters outside." Now, I can't speak for all of them, but I asked a few where they were from and why they were there - every single one of them were from different cities in Florida and could quickly articulate why they were there. They were not paid protesters – not the ones I spoke with. I'm trying to separate how I actually feel about this man and his campaignisms. I know why people voted for him; I know why people voted against his opponent. But, at the end of the day, what I felt from his leadership in this experience was actually horrifying. There was palpable fear in the room. There was thick anger and vengeance. He was counting on it. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that it would not have taken very much for him to have called this group of people into some kind of riotous reaction. Now, not everyone in the room was a part of the angry mob mentality – I looked around the room and saw many people who could quite easily be folks from my neighborhood, folks from my church, folks who were planning to go grab a bite to eat at Cracker Barrel afterwards. Folks who truly wanted to see America "great." The people who support the Republican Party want to see some needed changes in the government – the people that were there for that reason, are by and large good folks. But those are not the people the President was inciting – they are not the people he was leading. He was rallying the angry, vigilant ones. As we began to leave, I knew my daughter could not possibly care less about Air Force One or the fact that she saw the President of the United States and his wife, in the flesh. I truly had hoped that she could have had that sentimental experience. What she WILL remember is the angry, violent man screaming demonic vitriol at a child and her mother. She will remember the two ladies screaming at her Dad, her pastor – flipping the middle finger and using the F word repeatedly. Now, I know there are people who are convinced that I am jaded and cannot fairly give this man a fair chance. Perhaps that's true. But please remember, especially those of you who know me well, I am a student of culture and human behavior. I am not a stubborn, close minded individual who likes to stick to the status quo. I know there are people who long for me to see the good things about this President and to talk about THOSE things. I know there are people who want me to realize that not everything he is doing is bad and that every President has their strengths and weaknesses and… I know there are people who, when they see these words and hear my thoughts will feel badly because perhaps they can't like me as much as they once did because they don't agree with me. They want me to like the President that they like – they want me to see him the way they see him. I'm sorry. I cannot. You see, the angry, F-word-spewing man is what has been depended on throughout this campaign and is the one who is still being counted on to sustain the message. I tried. As we left the room, these words were echoing in my mind, "Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done..." At the end of the day, I'm a citizen of a nation - I have a leader who God is very aware and who has tremendous responsibilities. I MUST and will pray for him. I'm a citizen of this world and I must continue to see beyond my own limited world view to seek ways to obediently serve Christ. But greater still, I am a citizen of a different kind of Kingdom - the Kingdom that strives for peace, mercy, kindness and a love-relationship with the King of kings. May God have mercy on me."
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