#if this is not true love then love doesnt exist at all
zourried · 5 months
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yamikawaii · 2 months
something something kill myself
#i thought insane posting would make me feel a little better#but no now i just wanna slice her name into my skin down to the bone and bleed out and die#idec abt holding it back its 2 am.honestly life has gotten 10x as meaningless as it was before since our anni was basically ruined#and yknow what my life will always always be meaningless and yknow why?#because the one thing i am meant to live for the ONE THING that couldve made it all worth it doesnt physically exist in this reality#how am i supposed to find any point in life if my one true purpose is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.#just imagining was enough for me when i could comfortably live inside my own mind but the outside stressors are too much now#its getting too much to bear and i have no home to go to when i want to just take the weight off my shoulders and relax#no im never home i dont have a home my home doesnt exist#but i just want to go home. i want to go home. i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home#i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home i want to go home please#but i cant#i cant have anything to make it better#i cant even have a hug from the person i love most. or a smile or kind words or anything#i have nothing but me my phone and a framed poster of her that i have nowhere to hang up#and nowhere to go but flying off the roof of a 30 story building#i have nothing. my life is nothing. i am nothing.#sui tw#sh tw#whatever whatever goodnight
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redstrewn · 10 months
Part of me is team "leander is like that to everyone" bc he also plans to recruit MC into his Bloodhounds in the future ("not yet"). Despite knowing the Bloodhounds for years he isn't close to them. Makes me think he ups the charm and seduction to anyone who may be of use to him to get them to pledge their allegiance.
#his jealousy could be because he wants this power to be something he owns and not be taken away by anyone else#the emotional exclusivity (from touch) is a bonus to his egotistical nature#but idk...who knows.....#it just doesnt make sense for me that he instantly holds genuine affection just because of touch. because what about all#the other people he knows aside from the other LIs who have left him? why would MC be special other than what their power could#do for him and how their touch boosts his ego?#love at first sight doesnt exist in a world like this. but maybe obsession is.#redstrewn leandering#youre telling me not ONE person has been tender with him in all these years? while he acts like THAT???#i dont believe it#“love will never end” in the audio files is the only thing that is standing in the way of this theory of mine. but maybe it's one-sided.#if this is too upsetting feel free to ignore me im just projecting my emotional defense pessimism onto this character#it simply makes no sense to me that being the one exclusively touched is what makes him genuinely in love#it simply makes no sense to me that this is the first time hes been treated tenderly#i have met too many ppl like him#they make u feel sooo special and then SIKE it never rly mattered who u are. just what u could do for them#the difference is hes hot and big and buff and has no regard for the laws of his universe and will inevitably eat shit#ofc im hooked. i wanna see him eat shit. also kiss him#ofc this is a ROMANCE game and hes still a love interest. but i think his true romantic feelings might come later
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wheelercore · 7 months
Seems 2 me like henry is getting flayed
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nyxi-pixie · 1 month
!! for the ask game: yosano, kyouka, or akutagawa <3 :D
hiiiii i blacked out and did all three
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arom-antix · 1 year
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Happy birthday to this beautiful boi! Been wanting to draw that smile from the last scene since I saw it so I finally did something about it.
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autisticlee · 1 year
it always pisses me off when people start ghosting me and completely cut me off and think i'm annoying because I didn't ~get the hint~ all because they're too much of a coward to be straightforward and honest with me!!!!
i'll keep asking about a thing or when we are hanging out or try to converse with them, because their response is always excuses and not straight up "no" so how am I supposed to know?! either short responses of 1-5 words that I can't really respond to or things like "I'm busy this weekend/I'm too tired today/I forgot about it/we can try next time/I'll get back to you and le you know" are apparently all hints and lies to hide the truth. what they really mean when they tell me this is "no, stop asking. stop talking to me. I do not want to hang out with you or talk to you anymore"
why can't you just say that?! it will save you the annoyance of me asking you 20 times because i took your words at face value. your excuses sound temporary and you didn't get back to me so maybe you forgot. there are rare times people say these things and it's the truth or they really did forget!!!! when I say it, it's the truth. I also have a bad memory. you can't just suddenly ghost me for that! it's on you if you aren't being honest with me. it's up to you to be straightforward and tell the truth so you don't waste both our time. (what's worse is this is usually one of the first things I tell people when we meet. that I need then to be straightforward and honest. they promise they will but that's also a lie)
ghosting is so cruel (when the other person has no bad intentions/isnt causing harm). more cruel than telling me to my face you hate me and never want to speak again! i actually prefer that, so i at least know and can give up on your useless ass and stop wasting my time. don't give me false hope when i'm really excited to be friends and hang out, don't waste my time and energy and efforts, and don't lead me on with lies only to crush my entire soul when I find the truth much later. just say it and get it over with!!!! it's your fault if I annoy you by "not taking the hint" because there was no hint, lying isn't a hint. spill the truth and don't blame me for it!!!!!!
this is why i've given up with people and now only give attention to the ones who contact me first every time continuously, and I put little effort into anything anymore. I know that will end up making some people give up on me by thinking i dont care. but I'm tired of wasting my time and energy on the people who put no effort into me. you must prove yourself and keep doing it or I won't try at all. the people who ghost me and hurt me are to blame. yes, I live a very lonely existence with maybe one friend I talk to once every week or two for a total of 5 minutes at most. yes I wish I had more connections or closer ones. but i'm SO FUCKING TIRED. i'm tired of trying so much and so hard just for people to shit on my efforts and disrespect my needs and boundaries!!!!!!
why should I keep trying when it always ends bad and adds yet another layer to my trauma.
#it happens every time!!!!!!!! i dont havw the spoons amd energy to keep giving these people every piece of me. theres nothing left!!!!!#people always tell me keep trying dont give up dont cut yourself off from everyone etc#but everyone cuts ME off so wtf am i supposed to do????? keep wasting energy and brain power just to let them keep doing it?!#its like if you spend a year carefully crafting a custom blanket for someone. putting in all your love and time and energy. give it to them#AND THEY SER IT ON FIRE AND WALK AWAY. NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGING HOW HARD YOU WORKED OR ANYTHING#that's what its like every time i try with people. it's a waste and i never get anything good out of it 😭#so why would it be wrong to protect myself by taking the part of the cold and unresponsive one for once? act like them instead?#no try or give someone much attention until they do like i always did and put in a ton of effort and keep it going?#if someone tries as hard as i always did then they must be good and worthy of keeping around and putting some effort into myself right?#ugh idk. i hate all of this and humans arent good at being good friends and im tired of trying to be one too#perhaps me not trying will make people think i dont care about them so they give up still anyway. well oh well#that means they didnt try gard enough and would have given up anyway. if i dont get attached or care much first then it hurts less#i know everyone tries to make me feel better by saying stuff like the right ones exist and my people are out there or whatever#but i will not believe it until i see it. because it's possible that is not true. it's possible i'll never have real/close friends#what then????? what do i do about that?? people love telling me i'll find the right people but no one steps up to try being that one#this all sounds doom and gloom but I'm just venting. in reality i just give it 3 tries.#if a person makes excuses or doesnt respond or doesnt carry the conversation 3 times on a row i will give up and it's their move.#if they dont come forward at all then we are done and i will never reach out to or speak to them again. if they want me they can prove it#lee rambles#autistic#autism#actually autistic#autism things#autistic friendship#friendship problems#loneliness#communication#cptsd#rsd#the fun thing about the cptsd and rsd combo is when people do these things i get hit with a wave if every past experience and relive it 🙃
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
What just happen?!?!are u ok?!?! 😟😟😟
i dont think im doing alright , at all. Im tired of myself, im tired of feeling and dealing with the life i was left to rise from and im tired of the way i exist (or fail to) within it. Between my sickness and my mental health - What i think is resilience isnt strong enough, what I think is determination - quickly fades under. What i think i have under control,is nothing but fleeting, a loop of push and pull only to end up nowhere regardless of how passionately i insist over it and im so ashamed of it all
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jrueships · 1 year
idk what it is about maxey but im literally never gonna call him tyrese, like he just seems like a MAXEY 🤭 literally the perfect name for him
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EXACTLY !!!! look at his lil gumdrop face 🥰🥰 THAT IS A MAXEY !!!! to the MAX! HE IS MAXEY TO THE MAX ! ! !
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when he's happy <33 he's maxey !!
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when he's tuff!!! HES TUFF MAXEY ‼️‼️
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lupismaris · 2 years
#im exhausted and i cant find my diary and i need to be showering and going to bed because i have bloodwork at 8am#and then we interview our first candidates tomorrow for the social gig so i cannot have a day in which i dont give a shit#but apparently its a big stars and space day if youre into that sort of thing big day for manifesting the energy you want to carry through#the rest of the year SO THAT you can do the necessary work to continue bettering your life and ypurself because manifesting#doesnt mean shit without work you have to put the work in okay anywho lions gate etc i cant find my fckin diary so we are putting this here#until i find it so i am done apologizing for the space i take up and i am done making myself smaller for the sake of other people's comfort#i am no longer beholden by the expectations of others nor am I playing the games they attempt to trap me in. this is my life to live.#i am just undergone the greatest act of self creation possible. i have remade myself in my own true image and am continuing my work.#no one will take that sovereignty from me. this is my body. my soul. my mind. my heart. my life to fill with love and live freely.#and live freely i shall. the work is not over and the road ahead is long going ever on and on. but how joyous it is that it goes on at all.#i am holding that joy and that wonder in every iota of my being. alongside the sheer blinding rage at the fact that this world#can and should and will one day be better and it is our duty to keep fighting so that it is left better than we found it#im carrying whatever abundance and grace into the coming days that i can. bounty and joy and brighter tomorrows so that i can jeep fighting#and so that i can keep finding joy in the fact that i have outlived my expected expiration#and am becoming the self that has existed in every lifetime that has ever mattered
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damianogender · 2 years
"why don't you go and actually watch scorsese/de palma/some other 70s popular director just because they're white guys doesn't mean they can't make deep films how can you say you like cinema and film analysis with this mindset" well you see it's because i don't like them. hope this helps
#goncharov#jokes aside there are some 70s directors i havent seen at all or very little (like scorsese)#and there are some i have developed a pretty good idea of (like de palma)#and the reason i choose not to watch them is not because i dont know they exist or think they're problematic just bc theyre white guys#(+its really annoying when ppl act like de palma or godard or kubrick or polanski or whatever are unknown theyre as popular as it gets)#but it's true i don't think their films are deep enough bc i have seen them and i dont think they understand what they're rly talking abt#i dont think they arent deep bc theyre white guys with big awards but i do think that is one of the reasons that their art doesnt get to me#and im not talking about their ability as a director when it comes to technical things like cinematography editing etc#i couldnt say anything bad about the prom queen scene of carrie by de palma#but i simply do not think de palma actually understands what carrie represents (nor does stephen king tbh)#and yes i think that is because he is a cis straight white guy who i also think is a weirdo just by looking at his directing choices#like im not saying he isnt deserving of the attention he got/gets bc he is a white guy#but i do think he isnt deserving of the attention he gets and he also happens to be a rich white guy#and like even if that wasnt the case i dont think it's an unreasonable thing to assume a rich white guy can understand teenage girl psyche#i wouldnt dismiss anyone based on their race gender level of nepotism etc#in fact despite the pure nepotism (with certain criticisms ofc) i love the work of the new gen coppolas (sofia is one of my all time favs)#im not judging anyone who likes de palma i dont give a shit but dont act like your taste is superior u sound like a 1800s cambridge brat#do you understand what im saying??? basically stop being annoying about goncharov we're trying to have fun
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de4dskunk · 7 days
one man might find me ugly but so many women call me pretty and cute :3
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cielospeaks · 1 month
aime tachi plot: everything has to make sense, there are rules for the story even tho its self indulgent, yadda yadda, character development, progression consistency
dreamdom hearts plot: anyways the dream works au versions of fe characters and my oc recruit enjoyable single dw villains to go have slightly creepypasta shenanigans with a presumably dead oc
#honestly i love them both#and yes ive got basically nothing on dreamdom lol#it was like an 'airplane thought' and i didnt realize how small the amt of d w movies im attached to is (or how many things d isney#technically owns)#i think its partly that the d w stuff im way more attached to but theres less of it (shrek my beloved. k f p is absolutely amazing and r ot#g is beautiful. cp un is also just my heckinc childhood even if im not attached as much- more the books lol) but theres just more d stuff t#flesh out teh au#i do think if i am ever assed to it wuld be baller to actually write dreamdom bc its hilarious and weird#and i love the thus spoke rohan/creepy pasta vibes of the tone that i have the idea for#i feel like this quartet does more hecked up stuff. like theyd go into a world doomed to disappear. like a lostbelt or something#they would watch as the universe unravels around them and only realize later they were in a lostbelt.#which would actually be hecking amazing of a crossover if the bois (tm) got to meet sal or pucca#sal bc hes my fave or pucca bc he has the shrek vibes that senpai also has#like imagine them meeting pucca and everyone- every one of them is charmed by this weirdo.#pucca is playing the fool and entertaining the dying faeries. little by little the squad realizes something is off.#then the world just up and starts dissolving but pucca is still trying to joke around and make people laugh#dm like. grabs him by the throat or something. why are you doing this#and then pucca just laughs again and smiles even tho hes crying and looks scared sh-less.#im a fool arent i? im the servant of the greatest fool of all time. if no one remembers me if no one remembers this it doesnt matter.#just that i made people laugh. just that i was able to keep a good. witty. honest fool in this world till the end.#the squad realize the true gravity of the situation and are forced to watch pucca and everyone else just get. yeeted. esp with the knowledg#that their events will get written over by canon and pucca probably wont even exist.#haha little do they know hes alive and well bc he had that strong bond with mashpotato#also <- this entire tag thread is gonna sound rediciouls in like 5 yrs time and cringe af#unless i remember the deets lol#au ramblings
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delightfuldevin · 3 months
The older adult form of Princess Shokora is referred to as her “true” form, while the young princess form is the one most commonly used to depict her. Her adult form is notably more butch, with short hair, pants, and a cape, while her young princess form is a more traditional princess look.
I’ve decided to interpret this as perhaps a form of lgbtq+ censorship probably by the ones who discovered her kingdom. Since she and her kingdom have been gone for a long time, there is probably not much known about her. Perhaps she was sapphic and butch, but that was hidden by the historians who discovered her kingdom by only depicting her when she was younger and fit into a more stereotypically feminine role. Perhaps very few people even know that she survived into adulthood at all…
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nimomo-mo · 6 months
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Hello looks to the moon fans. I am gently placing drowning act by friends unseen into your hands 👍
#rat rambles#I remebered this song exists which means Im thinking abt rain world and moon again god I love moon sm#shes literally so me bait idk how to explain how she is but she is just trust me bro#shes so messed up I love her so fucking much only character in this game that comes back to haunt me regularly#oh and also sliver but y'know thats partially because of oc stuff moon makes me want to maul people#moon is like. what if you made a guy who gets basically killed by her brother and then has to live and think in her own rotting corpse#shes not even a zombie shes just a living brain in a corpse that was never able to move in the first place#and before all of this she was very aware that she was dying and it scared her she was so scared#but even still in her last message to the closest thing to a family she could ever have is message of comfort to them#her last line in said message was 'Im glad Im not alone'#and its not true. she is alone. no one had been able to contact her in ages. soon enough even the remnants of these people will be lost.#and she has to live with fragmented memories and no access to the rest of her bodily functions for god knows how long#all while being so painfully Alone#its only worse when you think about how much more deafeningly silent it must be to her as shes yknow. a supercomputer.#this isnt just her losing access to her body shes lost access to most of her processing systems too#shes only held in consciousness by five braincells which were never meant to be used as an iterators sole operating system#and even outside of that she used to be a giant wirring machine and now its just. quiet.#she doesnt even see that much wildlife her only company is the water that she once so desperately needed#and she still puts on a strong face. she still tries to live in what little ways she can.#💥💥💥💥💥 I hate her
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