#if it was done with Ladrien too
wield-the-mighty-pen · 2 months
I want someone to write a reverse of that half-reveal Marichat trope, where Marinette finds out Chat Noir’s identity and they hang out together in her room and she acts like everything is normal and they’re just friends (totally no unresolved feelings there), but it’s with Ladrien.
I want to read Adrien finding out Ladybug’s identity and then her hanging out in his room, and they’re friends, but they’re both still painfully pining for the other, and they ache, but it’s totally fine because “they’re just friends” and yeah
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For some reason I decided last week-end that I wanted to write a long-ass post about how the Gorizilla jumping of a building scene takes clear inspiration from the Gwen Stacy death scene and why Ladrien in general is a super clever twist of that dynamic
I wrote 2/3 of it when the idea came to me and I'm just left wondering whether or not I want to continue since Exaltation came out
I want to show my Ladrien babies love but I can't help but feel like I should have posted that before the Marichat kiss. Which I had no way of predicting obviously but I'm still sad about that timing
I will finish that snapshot of what goes in my crazy brain one day though
I'm too invested on why ML is absolutely inspired by a franchise I haven't been in direct contact with in over a year
Also I should be working instead of staring at my screen wondering what to write next in my essay on my cartoon blorbos being in love
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d1g1k1tty · 10 months
I keep thinking about this, and I don’t remember if I’ve already said this on here, but Miraculous Ladybug is the only fandom where you will have four very distinct and unique ship dynamics from the same two people.
Like, I adore Adrienette. It’s the classic, dare I say, the OG. It’s just two awkward kids who kinda have crushes on each other. It’s cute and it reminds me of a simpler time. They’re both kind-hearted and shit. It’s just-- akfaljaf;ajfk They were my favorite in middle school and I’m attached. I used to watch that timeskip comic video on Youtube. You probably know the one. I’m not even going to explain it. You know what it is. But, I will say that my favorite panels from that video were the ones were Marinette tells Adrien about her pregnancy by putting a bun in the oven, and he doesn’t get it at first. But anyway.
Then there’s Ladynoir. Again, a bit of an OG. It’s the casual banter, the partnership on the battlefield, the complete and utter trust they have in each other. I love them, and I miss them. I need the flirty Ladynoir dynamic again. 
Now, Marichat. I love Marichat, too. They’re just so goofy. It’s like when you meet someone who seems really cool and then you find out that they’re actually a huge dork, and they try to impress you the whole time. That’s the dynamic that they have and I live for it. And also, Chat is just,, so sweet with Marinette. And on the other side of the coin, it’s almost like the secret lover trope. Like, for God’s sake he literally can come in through the balcony in the middle of the night. I love the fics where he’ll just check in on Mari.
And finally... Ladrien. I’ll admit. Out of each ship in the love square, I really, reallly dislike Ladrien. It gives me the vibes of when celebrities get together with their fans... They distract each other too much, and not in the silly goofy way. I just don’t think it’s cute. That’s it. I think I’m done. 
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marimbles · 4 months
Do you have a favorite ML artwork that you've done? I loved your Ladrien elation piece, it was my absolute favorite ever, but I think it's been usurped by the Marichat solarpunk ones! All your artwork is so gorgeous and I know you've said you liked the comic you made for anna-scribbles the most, but I was wondering if you have a standalone piece that is your favorite?
oh I’m glad you enjoyed those pieces! I had fun drawing them. thank you for the kind words 🥰
This ask really made me take a walk down memory lane looking through my old blog haha. I think my favorite standalone might be this ladrien one! It’s old by now but I remember it as a pioneering effort in my longstanding obsession with environmental lighting 😂 I am fond of the solarpunk one too
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anna-scribbles · 5 months
for the wip ask game: I'm dying to know what brush strokes means!!
something about art as a form of love and the metaphorical crossing of art mediums (writing and painting) gets me all sentimental 🥺✨
it's an old ladrien wip, the title is from a lyric of the phoebe bridgers song ICU!! (If you’re a work of art / I’m standing too close / I can see the brushstrokes)
Adrien slid her a half-smile, the one where the left corner of his mouth teased up a fraction higher than the right corner, his top row of teeth just barely peeking through his lips. His skin shone as smooth as paper with just the shadow of a smile line etched on his left cheek, and Marinette was struck suddenly with the image of Adrien as an old man with golden skin and silver hair and one singular wrinkle creased down his that cheek from years upon years of smiling that way. It was funny; for all the planning Marinette had done about their future, she’d never actually pictured Adrien old before. The image was nearly impossible to hold onto—like how you hear when you’re little that one day in a billion years the sun will explode, the sort of thing that is true only in the most technical, impersonal sense. Of course Adrien would grow old; of course the universe would explode one day. Youth seemed so inherent to Adrien Agreste, so baked into his golden hue, that Marinette felt a pit in her stomach start to take shape. Wasn’t it—didn’t the brightest stars burn the fastest, or something?  Her face must have done something strange, because Adrien’s smile slipped a little. He opened his mouth to say something, but Marinette beat him to the punch. “You can—I mean, you don’t have to, like—” She sputtered and sighed, resisted the urge to fidget. “You can smile.”  Adrien quirked up an eyebrow—his right eyebrow; Marinette added a second wrinkle to her mental image—and tilted his chin. “Ladybug, are you telling me to smile more?”
(wip ask game)
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cringefelinecreature · 11 months
Can I just say that I was always an adrinette girly. I have always adored adrinette. But going the adrinette canon pre reveal way was never how I expected the show going and I have to say I hate it.
I feel like it removes all the flavor from the love square. Ladynoir are friends, marichat and ladrien do simply not exist anymore. Them reversing it for those few episodes was awesome. But then to just throw away marinettes development of her feelings for Chat? It just doesn’t make any sense to me.
I feel like it could be done right if their was more pining. If Marinette loved Adrien and their relationship but had a constant guilt of loving Chat as well. If Adrien felt he couldn’t devote himself fully to Marinette because deep down he still loved his lady, too. But seemingly, this is now not the route they are taking since they’re in an established relationship. I supposed that there’s still a chance that this could happen, but it doesn’t seem it’s going that way.
And a little more of a personal opinion, but I MISS LADYNOIR!!! The angst of their relationship, the banter, just everything. I feel like there are so many ways they could’ve done the love square better, even what they’re doing currently better. But it just falls flat to me. Marinette decides to get over chat noir, and Adrien magically decides to get over Ladybug after realizing he loves marinette. I know there are more factors but this is just how it seems. I miss my lovesquare, adrinette is not complete without the full picture.
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mlwritersguild · 3 months
Between Twilight - Ladrien
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The response to this prompt comes to us from @rosie-b! (You can also find it on Ao3)
She only ever comes in the evening. The quiet moments just before dusk, when the last rays of the sun are still bidding the city goodbye, that’s when she visits him. It was the time that they'd agreed upon, back in the beginning of their unusual arrangement. Then, Ladybug was free from her daily chores, and there were fewer people outside looking up to spot her. Then, Adrien’s schedule was finally empty, and the short gap left at his bedtime — early, for models need their sleep if they’re going to look pretty — could be filled with a visit from his dearest lady.
“Are you sure that you’re okay with this?” she’d asked him in a hushed, anxious voice that first night. She’d looked beautiful in the low lighting, her blue eyes wide and staring at him, his modeling lipstick already staining her lips.
He had smiled in response, moving closer to caress her flushed cheek before placing a kiss there.
“Of course I’m sure,” he’d whispered close to her ear. “You’re all that I’ve wanted for years. If I complained about how I can finally have you, I’d be lying, because I would die for just a glimpse of your smile, Ladybug. Keeping this secret is a tiny price to pay in comparison, and much more than I’d dared to hope for.
“As long as you’re sure, too,” he’d added, suddenly remembering how nervous he’d been only minutes ago while making his confession.
Ladybug had smirked as he’d leaned back, not wanting to leave but not sure if she wanted him to stay.
She’d pulled him closer, pressed a kiss to his cheek as she placed her hand on his back, and then dipped him down. The blood had rushed to Adrien’s cheeks as he processed what she’d done, and she leaned down close to him.
“Of course I’m sure, Adrien,” she whispered to him, and when her lips finally touched his, he knew he’d found heaven.
But they were fooling themselves, and they both knew it. Their relationship was born of a dying dream, in the face of the dark nighttime which kills hope and love. In the final moments of the day, at the last glow of light, she could visit him. And then at nightfall, he would be left all alone. That was what they both knew when they’d agreed to this, to the clandestine meetings and the kisses stolen from the very hands of fate.
Just like the daylight, the chance for them to be together was dying, and once they’d caught Hawk Moth (together, though Ladybug didn’t know that part yet), there was no guarantee that Adrien would ever see his lady again, as a civilian or a kwami-powered hero. This was what he had chosen, and most of the time, he was all right with his reality.
But sometimes he wished she could visit him during the day, that they could walk down the streets like real— like openly dating couples did. He wished he could wave her goodbye as she left and not wonder if that final kiss had marked the last one of all time for them.
He wanted to be able to give her roses.
That was one unfairness he hadn’t expected, though Ladybug had, in her wisdom.
“My family would notice them,” she’d told him regretfully. “Maybe just one every now and then should be all right. But more than that, and it will be obvious I’m hiding someone from them, though they wouldn’t know who.”
She was right. So, Adrien never gave her more than one rose at a time, and even those came sparingly. Someday, when they’d revealed their identities and promised to still love each other, he could give her a whole bouquet, Adrien told himself. He would make sure it was the most beautiful bouquet anyone in Paris had ever seen.
He dreamed about it on evenings like these, in the moments where the clock’s counted time was late but the sun’s light still kept the sky mostly blue.
He dreamed to pass the time, because he was waiting for her.
As twilight began in earnest, he began to prepare for her, making sure that his room was tidy and checking his face in the mirror one more time. He endured Plagg’s lazy teasing and fed him cheese to shut him up, then sat back on the sofa by the window, waiting for the sound of a yo-yo.
He closed his eyes and listened as his mind lingered on roses and kisses at the beginning of night.
“You look pensive today.”
Ladybug’s voice surprised him, and his eyes flew open.
“Lovebug! You know I’m always happy to hear your voice, but you don’t need to sneak up on me like that!”
She laughed, the sound loud and clear. “I wasn’t sneaking, my prince. I think you were falling asleep, was the problem. Did you get tired of waiting for me?”
Adrien’s brows furrowed as Ladybug sat down next to him. “I wasn’t,” he said. “Wasn’t falling asleep. Could never get tired of waiting for you. You didn’t tell me not to call you Lovebug,” he pointed out, feeling slightly concerned. “Are you feeling okay?”
Ladybug reached over and folded his hand in hers.
“I’m fine, Adrien. You already know my preferences, so why should I have to repeat them all the time?”
Adrien watched her in disbelief. “You just scolded Chat Noir for calling you Buginette this afternoon. Why are my nicknames special?”
“Because you are!” Ladybug said with a smile that dimmed when he didn’t laugh. “Okay. You looked pensive, like I said, and a little sad. I didn’t want to scold you while you were looking like that. And… you still do, kind of, look like that. What were you thinking about before I came?”
Adrien nearly jumped. “Oh! Nothing! No, it was just a long day, and I was waiting for you, which was fine and you weren’t late and I was okay, really.”
“You were okay?”
Ladybug wouldn’t let go of his hand. That was fine, only he really felt like getting up and pacing or maybe hiding himself in his bedsheets and taking the express elevator down to the center of the earth, so it could hide his embarrassment there.
“I am okay, Ladybug. Really.”
She frowned and watched him closely.
“If you say so. But you know you can tell me anything, right?”
Adrien nodded. “I know I can.” But you can’t, he added in his head.
Or maybe out loud, judging from the hurt look on his girlfriend’s face. Perfect.
“I didn’t mean to say that! And I didn’t mean it like that, either! I just meant, well, it’s unfair for you, isn’t it? That I can tell you anything—" Well, not really. “—but you can only tell me so little, even when you want to say more. It’s unfair to you, not me.”
“Yes, it is,” Ladybug said, chewing on her lip. “Yes, it is unfair to you. Is that what you were upset about?”
Adrien spun around to face her fully. “No! It wasn’t that, I was just— I was wishing I could give you roses. Not just one, but a whole bouquet, or maybe one flower every day, or both. It wasn’t anything else.”
Ladybug still looked unsure. “But I’m the reason you can’t give me more than one flower,” she said slowly. “Are you mad at me? Did I do anything?”
This was going much worse than Adrien had wanted it to.
“No! I’m not mad, I swear! You’re also the reason I have someone to give roses to! And I’m really happy about that!”
Ladybug seemed to relax a little. “Okay. Then, what’s bugging you?”
“That it’s not a good time to make use of that pun,” Adrien joked.
Ladybug was not impressed.
“You know what I meant. If you’re comfortable sharing with me, then please do! I want to be here for you, Adrien. Please let me be.”
There wasn’t much he could say to that.
Adrien sighed. “I’m not upset. I really am being honest about that. I guess it just bothers me sometimes, that this is all the time we have together. I’m glad we have it, and it’s more than I ever expected I’d have, but doesn’t it seem a little like we’re cursed, that we’re fighting fate doing this?”
Ladybug shook her head. “What do you mean? I thought it was a blessing that we could have this time at all.”
“Well, yes! But haven’t you thought about it? How we can only meet while day turns into night, in between twilight and dusk and darkness? Is this all we’re allowed to have? When Hawk Moth is gone, when you beat him the way I know you’re going to do, what happens? You told me before that you might need to give up your Miraculous. If that happens, how will I see you again? What if this is all the time I’ll ever have with you, and I can’t even give you enough roses to make it feel as special as it is?”
Ladybug’s face softened. “It always feels special enough to me, with or without the roses. Just being with you means so much to me! And, Adrien, I promise we will have more time than this. When Hawk Moth is gone, I— I might need some time, but then I promise I will tell you who I am, under the mask. And we will be together in the day, go on dates in the park and kiss and not worry about the rest of it. I worry, too, you know, but at the end of the day, you’re always there for me. And I think, that’s enough. We are blessed, Adrien. What we have is a miracle. It could never be a curse.”
Adrien smiled and tried not to cry.
“Thank you,” he choked out. “I’m sorry for worrying. That was silly.”
“It was just your big heart showing how much it cares,” Ladybug said, tapping the spot of his chest where it lay. “I could never complain about that, and you better not apologize for it. I love you, Adrien. Just remember, we’re stuck between twilight now, but after that, after the night that follows, then comes the dawn. And we will have it one day. Together.”
“Together,” Adrien affirmed, snuggling into his girlfriend’s warm arms. And they stayed like that, together, watching the stars emerge, waiting for dawn.
Want to participate in this month's event? Check out the rules, and send us a prompt!
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miabrown007 · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I have been tagged for this by an astonishing amount of people, thank you for thinking of me @chocoluckchipz @ladyofthenoodle @kasienda @rosie-b and @burntwaffle12! 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
58 (+ 1 in hiding because past me couldn't handle having unfinished fics fdgh)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
333,162 words (+ about 80k of heist AU will be joining this slowly)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Miraculous Ladybug (I have fics for Harry Potter and The Inheritance Games but I don't really consider myself someone who actively writes for those fandom)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hiding in Plain Sight
don't ask questions you don't wanna know
seven is my lucky number
Save You a Seat
17 days, 2 hours and some odd minutes
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I wrote all that and someone decided to write back and discuss it with me? of course I will!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm, maybe hold your friends close (but your enemies closer)? but I do regularly get yelled at when someone at the Writers Guild remembers the flowers that we've grown together, so that's a win too
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably seven is my lucky number with the sappiest-happiest ending. though the ending that makes me the happiest must be that of Felonies and Other Love Languages
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really *knocks on wood*
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
no because I'm a coward 😭 (also writing smut is so hard! though it is known that ace people write the best, so maybe I'm naturally talented and just don't know it)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
not really. in Lost & Found the Teen Titans kind of adopt Adrien but they don't have dialogue because it's not a proper crossover. similarly, in Fighting Dragons with You Cedric Diggory is mentioned and Dramione is canon (to me), but all of that has zero impact on the plot
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, a few to Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, I tried it a couple times, but only one fic of those did we ever finish.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
fdgfhj all of my WIPs at the moment? 😂 honestly it would be so nice to have (no one can) rewrite the stars finished (that's my hidden fic, ladrien dating/marichat soulmates), but I don't think I'll ever be excited about it enough again to go back and rewrite the 20k chilling in my docs that I planned to do after realizing the current setup wasn't the best it could be
16. What are your writing strengths?
planning, keeping details in check. I usually tinker enough with details that there's not many inconsistencies left. also, I think I'm good with dialogue and usually with the pacing of information
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
not stressing over how something is phrased and putting down actual words instead. it makes writing so excruciatingly slow and sometimes stressful that I want to get things perfect. also, descriptions are so hard, because I don't want to describe things plainly or in a dull way, but finding interesting ways takes a lot of effort.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done it, but honestly most of the time you're probably better off using italics.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Felonies and Other Love Languages <333
tagging @valiantlyjollynightmare @noirshitsuji @sunfoxfic @peachcitt @anna-scribbles if you feel like playing <3
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s2ep3 glaciator
ah an episode for the marichat shippers. actually, i guess for all the love square shippers except for ladybug and adrien (whatever that ship name is called, i've forgotten--no wait, is it ladrien?)
anyway it was a dumb episode. but andre is the most french character i have ever seen lol. i unironically love how he mostly talks in rhymes. i'd sure like to see what kind of ice cream he'd give me, an aroace.
but anyway, the fact that adrien lies to his friends and ditches them to plan a "romantic dinner" with ladybug, showing that chat noir doesn't listen to ladybug really annoyed me. like plagg is right! she said she had other plans, she was letting him down gently. and he completely ignores her!! and then he's hurt by her???
like i guess i'm okay with him putting his feelings aside to be able to deal with glaciator, bc that's the most mature thing chat noir has ever done to date, but it feels hollow bc chat noir doesn't listen to ladybug. and adrien is convinced that he still has a chance--that she'll just change her mind about him despite telling him outright that she loves another boy and only sees him as a friend. it gets extremely weird after a while, and steers far too close into very worrying behaviors.
and his heel-face-turn doesn't feel earned. like i was annoyed at first that he just put his feelings aside so quickly.
but i was also annoyed with the whole set-up of why he was annoyed. i had a reason i didn't like his sudden shift, but it's gone from my brain, so i'll move on.
the thing is, what really frustrates me about the love square is how much it doesn't work. adrien doesn't listen to marinette. chat noir doesn't listen to ladybug. and marinette gets too flustered around adrien to properly pay attention to what he's saying. like maybe it's just me being an adult, and this being a kids' show, but it is annoying that they're "meant to be" when they can't even communicate. communication is key to a good and strong relationship. not feelings. not destiny. communication!
i hate to say this, but there is a universe where i could see the love square working in a way that doesn't feel contrived and hinges on the fact that they always talk past each other. but under better writers. in a show with a solid writing team, i could actually see the set-up working really well. bc miscommunication is a common trope used to create drama. i don't prefer it, but that doesn't mean it can't work under the right--or write, get it?--circumstances.
likewise, marinette being a dick sometimes is fine narratively speaking. that's allowed, that's fine. it creates conflict and shows that she's flawed. but under this set of circumstances, i found it really frustrating that 1) she doesn't want anyone knowing she has a huge crush on adrien even tho everyone knows and 2) that's the set-up to her being a dick.
and listen, under better writers, i don't think it would've bothered me that much. points 1 or 2. bc ppl do do weird, irrational, and downright mean things when they're stressed or scared. but again, adrien doesn't listen to marinette, and everyone knows she likes adrien anyway. why try to hide it?
i mean i know why. i saw the post about the creator apparently stating somewhere that the reason she gets so flustered about adrien is because she confessed her crush to kim once (wow, real original, put the two asian people together bc they're both asian) and apparently got embarrassed by chloe. but, and i cannot stress this enough, the audience doesn't know that at this point. so we have no idea why she acts the way she acts, nor why she doesn't want ppl to know (even tho they already know!!).
i don't know, i just feel like i'm criticizing things that can't actually be criticized, bc in a better written show, i could see them working. unfortunately for me, this is not a better written show. it's barely a show.
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coffeebanana · 4 months
WIP Ask Game
In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okay, I've finally been convinced to participate in this round akjdfsbkdbj. Thanks for the tag @heartfulselkie, @kasienda, @lesbitorte, @wackus-bonkus-maximus, and @beatrice1979a (i'm so sorry i don't have any shadyclaw WIPs for you 😭).
I have, uh...way too many WIPs to post all of them. And I also feel like some things I've just talked about too much on here--not that it bothers me to overshare AT ALL--anyone who follows me ought to know what they signed up for 😂--but like, I haven't had a chance to write as much new content lately and i feel like recently when i do ask games it's SO HARD for me to find stuff to share. So I'm trying to share less stuff for a while until i build up a repertoire...yet here I am 😂. So I'm limiting myself to ten docs that are either a) things i WANT to talk about, or b) things with funny names.
Ping-Pong Fic (PRPR)
Cat Cafe Fic
we do not project in fics
PRPR that was almost anon fic 3
loveybug au
new say something ch10 sandbox
third wheel nino fic
emilie back to life
Ladrien Funeral
EAFL outline V2
HELP (the longfic i am NOT allowed to start but have nonetheless started)
tropes akuma
sort of PRPR
Uh....Okay, I lied. This is definitely more than 10 😂. Started going through my docs and ksjfbdkjb I couldn't resist. But I'm most likely not going to share many snippets--mostly just using this to hopefully get myself talking about some of these ideas again/maybe jog new inspiration.
I think most ppl have been tagged/done this already, so I'm informally tagging anyone who would still like to play! Please tag me if you share something!!
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers :)
5 things that make me happy okay here we go (in no particular order)!!
@coffeebanana's fic say something! absolute rec of a fic if there ever was one! i'm literally obsessed (so much so that i finessed them into letting me beta all their ongoing drafts hehe)
@heartfulselkie's fic penumbra! gosh what a masterpiece i'm almost done with it and it's been the Time of all times pls stop what you're doing and go read it right now
@maridotnet's au beauty and the beetle. absolutely gorgeous art and the juciest ladrien love story ever. if there was ever a story meant just for me THIS IS IT!
@redundant-lava's fic betcha on land (they understand) - also another story written specifically just for me. lava just caters specifically to my tastes 🪱
any art by @bugaboooooooooo who is just *chef's kiss* such a talented artist whose stuff makes my heart BURST with joy and who is also just a lovely person all around <333
(autumn, charky, cory, mila you're on this list too ok don't think i don't devour and consume all your stuff at the first chance. don't think i'm not literally obsessed with you >:3)
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aalissy · 14 hours
Anddd here is my final chapter for Marichat May :). I hope you enjoyed this set of prompts from me for this month. If you did, please feel free to join me for Ladrien June <3
Chat Noir bounded across the rooftops of Paris, his heart beating in sync with the rhythm of the city below. The moon cast a silvery glow over the landscape, but it was the thought of Marinette that truly illuminated his path. He landed softly on the rooftop of her bakery, his boots barely making a sound. He loved visiting her, especially during these quiet, late-night hours when the world seemed to shrink down to just the two of them.
He tapped lightly on her balcony’s trapdoor, brushing a hand through his hair like he had done countless times before. Moments later, Marinette appeared, her eyes sparkling with joy and a soft smile playing on her lips. She opened the trapdoor, and he slipped inside, his heart fluttering as it always did in her presence.
"Hey, purrincess," he whispered, wrapping his arms around her in a warm embrace.
"Hey, kitty," she replied, nuzzling against his chest. "I missed you."
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes. "I missed you too. Every moment away from you feels like an eternity."
They settled on her chaise, the familiar comfort of her room enveloping them. Chat reached out, taking her hand in his, their fingers intertwining as he squeezed her hand. He could feel the warmth of her touch, goosebumps rising on his skin from the glide of her thumb along his.
"Do you ever think about soulmates?" he asked softly, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and wonder.
Marinette tilted her head, considering his question. "I do. I think about it a lot, actually. Why do you ask?"
Chat took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Because sometimes... it feels like we're more than just partners. Like we're connected in a way that goes beyond everything else. Do you... do you feel the same?"
Marinette's smile widened, and she leaned in to rest her head on his shoulder. "Yes. I feel that too, mon minou. It's like we were meant to find each other. Like our souls were always destined to be together."
He tightened his grip on her hand, his heart swelling with emotion. "You know, there's a legend about a red string of fate. It says that two people connected by this string are destined to be together, no matter what. No matter how far apart they are, or what obstacles they face, the string will always bring them back to each other."
Marinette looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with tears. "That's beautiful. And it feels true, doesn't it? Like there's an invisible thread that binds us."
Chat nodded, brushing a stray hair from her face. "Yes, it does. Every time I'm with you, every time I see your smile or hear your laugh, I feel that connection. It's like you're a part of me, Marinette. My other half. The better part of me."
She cupped his cheek, her touch gentle and reassuring. "And you're a part of me, mon Chaton. My heart, my strength, my everything."
Their lips met in a tender kiss, a silent promise of how grand their love was. As they kissed, Chat pulled back just slightly, their faces still close. His eyes searched hers, filled with a mixture of vulnerability and love.
"Marinette," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion, he picked up her hand, rubbing at her ring finger. "I think we're soulmates."
Her eyes widened, gazing down at their hands. "I think so too. I think we were always destined to end up together."
"Me too," he replied, his voice steadying. "I've never felt this way with anyone else. It's like... we were always meant to be together. Like there's some invisible string that just keeps pulling us back to each other. Helping us to find each other. Again and again."
Marinette smiled, her heart feeling like it might burst with the depth of her feelings. "That’s so sweet, Chaton. And I believe it. I believe it with all my heart."
They kissed again, the certainty of their love strengthening with every moment. In that quiet, intimate space, they knew that their souls were intertwined, destined to be together for all time. And as they held each other close, they felt the invisible thread that connected them, unbreakable and eternal.
"I love you, Chaton," Marinette whispered as they held each other tight.
"I love you too," Chat murmured back, his heart overflowing with love and certainty. At that moment, beneath the moonlit sky, they knew their bond was unbreakable, a testament to their eternal love.
As they continued to embrace, the night around them seemed to grow even quieter, as if the city itself recognized the significance of their connection. The gentle hum of Paris, the distant sounds of traffic, and the soft whispers of the wind all seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the sound of their intertwined breaths and beating hearts as they gently kissed each other.
Chat couldn't help but marvel at how right everything felt in Marinette's arms. He had always admired her strength, her kindness, and her unwavering spirit, but it was in these quiet moments that he truly understood the depth of his love for her. She was his anchor, his guiding light, and he knew he would do anything to protect her and make her happy.
Marinette, too, felt the profound weight of their relationship. She had slowly fallen in love with Chat from afar, never imagining that he could be her partner in both life and love. Now, with his arms around her and his love shining in his eyes, she felt complete. The journey they had taken together, filled with challenges and triumphs, had only strengthened their connection, making it clear that they were meant to be.
The night wore on, but neither of them felt the passage of time. They talked about their dreams, their hopes for the future, and the adventures they would face together. They shared secrets, laughter, and quiet moments of reflection, each conversation leading to more kisses and solidifying their belief in their destiny as soulmates.
As the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, Chat knew it was time to go, but he was reluctant to leave. He kissed Marinette's forehead, promising to return as soon as he could. She held his hand until the last possible moment, her eyes filled with love and a quiet determination that mirrored his own.
"Until we meet again, purrincess," he whispered, leaping gracefully onto the balcony and disappearing into the early morning light.
Marinette watched him go, her heart full of love and certainty. She knew they would always find their way back to each other, no matter the challenges they faced. They were soulmates, destined to be together, their love an unbreakable thread that bound them for all eternity.
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airi-p4 · 7 months
If you owned miraculous what would you remove and add to the show
Personally i'd remove:
Remove the LS
Because it serves no real purpose to the show
Adrien agreste
He's only there because (If my memory is correct), Astruc said that, Adrien has to be in every single episode so that the the audience won't forget him which just means that he doesn't have any purpose in the show other than just being there.
Zoe Lee
It's so fucking obvious that she's just a cheap replacement of Chloe who just came out of nowhere just to take away Chloe's Life. She's basically a goddess of Mary sues at this point because she:
Already got a miraculous on her second day of Living in Paris.
Literally became friends with everyone on the first day.
She's literally Underdeveloped.
She has a Vague back story.
She literally became Daddy's favourite on the first day.
I wanna list more but u already get the point.
Now here's the things i'm gonna add
Basically all the ships that only involve Luka and Marinette. (u already know all of them)
Imagine If the LS wasn't about Adrien and Mari but Luka and Mari. I mean like:
Marichat X, Ladrien X , Adrienette X , Ladynoir X
Vipernette = 💙, Lukabug =💙, Lukanette= 💙, Viperbug= 💙.
(Don't worry about all the other Luka and Mari Ships like Vipermouse, I'll also make it canon)
2. Giving Chloe a redemption arc.
Chloe is a 14 year old broken girl who deserves to be redeemed, I've seen way worse and Chloe is nowhere near that Level of Evil. I don't know what Astruc means by "ShE dOeSn'T wAnT tO cHaNgE" She does want to change if u let her.
3. Making Julerose ships canon.
I'm too lazy too explain
What would you remove.
Hi anon!
Canon wise: - I think Adrien/Chat had the potential, but the writers wasted it to the point they made me dislike hate his character. (So yes, he's useless in canon- I can't deny that) -I think the LS concept is good, but I don't like how it's been developed in canon. The potential was here, but now it's all cringe to me. Not needed either. - And Zoe? She isn't really needed, true, but I'm kinda neutral about her. -Chloe should be redeemable imo, too - she showed she was willing to become a better person and I think that cutting that character development down was mean specially with what they did with Gabriel and adults in general in the show. Now, canon means nothing to me anymore, so I'm taking these ideas you would add as fanon. -Chloe redemption? YES! It would take time, sure, but I'm sure she would make it. (I like her both as a "villain" and as a "friend"- frienemy?) -Lukanette love square? NGL- I want stories with every side of them. I'm greedy. I can't never get enough of them. I LOVE THEM. Still- I have to admit that I'm a bit wary because of what canon did with their main LS, but I'm sure it can be done better if it's Lukanette (Luka/Viperion would always be respectful to Marinette/Ladybug so that's already a better start). -JuleRose canon? ABSOLUTELY YES!
I'm going to post a notice now, but I'm saying it here as well:
I don't care about canon anymore, so I don't think I want to answer to more canon related asks from now on. (You can still send them, but I'm probably not going to answer them)
Thank you for your understanding.
Have a good day!
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purrincess-chat · 7 months
I think ml fandom has the wrong idea of ladynoir. Their bond is not only about the flirting and the banter, it's also about unconditional trust and care for each other. So when they say ladynoir is dead, I think they are mourning the lighthearted side of their relationship, forgetting it's way more complex than just Chat Noir flirting with Ladybug. And that side of ladynoir they tend to overlook isn't gone. It's still there.
You are 100% correct, nonny. People are just butthurt that Chat will no longer be making passes at her every 30 seconds of a battle, and they refuse to accept that the love square evolved in s5. Development happened all around, and things have finally changed. It's called growth. At their core, LN are still partners who trust each other, despite Adrien's absence in the finale, which was entirely to prevent him from finding out Gabriel's secret and less about him not mattering as part of the hero team. The writers just really don't want him to know likely bc they don't want to deal with the fallout but thats neither here nor there.
I for one am actually looking forward to the new love square dynamics the most in the coming seasons. It's everything else that has me concerned 🤣 I'm more worried about the threat that the 17 other permanent heroes pose to LN's screentime than canon Adrinette. Bc that was a big plot point in s4 that all of the extra heroes got in the way of LN. Lilamoth is whatever. Gabe's new world of madness is a little concerning, but I can already predict there are going to be too many fucking heroes around. It's Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, not Tales of Ladybug, Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Pegase, Argos... Them being temporary for a mission or two every now and then was one thing, but I am not fond of the prospect that everyone is a hero now. Idk maybe it won't be as bad as s4, but I have low hopes. I just know it's going to eat LN's screentime during battles bc it already did.
But anyway. Yes. You are right. The core of pretty much all of the sides is still there (LN are still partners, MC can still have wacky hijinks, Ladrien can still have thirsty overprotective bug bc that is her man). Adrinette obviously had the biggest glow up, but I think now that s5 is over they may scale them back since now they are an established couple. They got a lot in s5 bc they needed to establish the relationship, but now they've done that so. Idk. We will see.
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xhanisai · 1 year
Pairing - Ladrien
Prompt - ‘Relief’
Summary -
"You knew...you knew all along, didn't you, Marinette?" He whispered into her hair, tears now rolling down his cheeks without restraint. "That's why you became so much more protective...that's why you took such a horrible hit from the Akuma just so I wouldn't get hurt..." He was practically trembling, sinking back down to his knees and bringing her with him.
Ladyhug remained silent, the way she grasped his shirt with a white-knuckled grip was more than an indication that he was on the right track. That she really was being too reckless and overprotective.
That she really is his Marinette.
"If you truly love me as I love you, don't make me see something like that again. Don't get hurt like that ever again. I beg you!"
~(x)~ . . . As soon as the cleansing light soothed away all of his Lady's injuries and lacerations, Chat Noir was finally able to breathe again, relief filling his body to the point where his knees unceremoniously buckled to the ground and his claws dug into the grass and soil. All he could hear was the harsh sound of blood rushing through his ears and his partner's sweet voice was severely muffled, clearly concerned for his wellbeing. On a usual day, he would have swallowed down his intense feelings and summoned a joke or two. Anything to wipe the fear and apprehension on her face. However, now he no longer had the energy to do so; especially with how much higher the stakes were after his many months and years of suspicions and hopes finally came to fruition regarding his Lady. Without wasting even another second, he dropped his transformation in an instant and immediately bolted over towards the heroine to envelope her tiny frame in his shaky arms. He tightened his grip when she gasped, inhaling her sweet, spiced vanilla scent and memorising the way her own frantic heart beat against her chest close to his. It was already unbearable enough to see his Lady in any pain be it mentally or physically. But now knowing that she was also one of his best friends? And that she was already so dear to him in every single way? And that he held precious, unadulterated feelings of love and adoration for her that could rival the ones he held for her masked self? It was agony! "Chat Noir! You shouldn't have done that..." Despite her scolding words, her tone was everything but so. Her arms naturally held onto him even closer, fingers carding through his hair in a manner that she knew was capable of making him melt like his heroic alter-ego's namesake. However, Adrien was much too troubled and heartbroken to pay mind to the sweet, blissful feelings. His entire being was still so shaken up from her injuries and pain despite it all being cleaned up and healed magically by her cleansing light. "You knew...you knew all along, didn't you, Marinette?" He whispered into her hair, tears now rolling down his cheeks without restraint. "That's why you became so much more protective...that's why you took such a horrible hit from the Akuma just so I wouldn't get hurt..." He was practically trembling, sinking back down to his knees and bringing her with him. Ladyhug remained silent, the way she grasped his shirt with a white-knuckled grip was more than an indication that he was on the right track. That she really was being too reckless and overprotective. That she really is his Marinette. "If you truly love me as I love you, don't make me see something like that again. Don't get hurt like that ever again. I beg you!" Adrien couldn't help the selfishness of his pleas, knowing that he was being absolutely greedy and illogical. After all, one of the main things that came along with protecting the city as a miraculous holder was the pain and suffering from fighting against the villains. In order for her to avoid getting hurt like that again, Ladybug would have to give up the mantle and pass it on to someone else. But she was much too selfless and kind to ever abandon the city. All his Lady did was cup his jaw just so he could face her, her smile just so loving and tender and her sky blue eyes filled with nothing but pure devotion as well as sombre. She rubbed comforting circles into his cheekbones, the tips of her red-clad fingers feathering the areas on his face that were usually hidden by his dark mask (as if she was rediscovering him all over again). "It's because I love you that I took the hit...just so I don't have to see you get hurt...again, mon Chaton." She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and then leaned hers upon his. "I can't promise that I won't get hurt like that again...but I can promise to try. As long as you do the same. We both need each other, okay? There's no Ladybug without her Chat Noir after all." He couldn't help the watery smile that appeared on his lips, tears still running down his face freely. With a decisive nod, he crushed her body against his once more, smile widening as she detransformed within his arms. . . . ~(x)~
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ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
Just registered ladrien rpf. I want that too 👀
SO ladrien rpf is an idea that was brewed with a group of friends on a discord server way back in 2020 that i briefly considered writing for the ladrien zine and therefore collected all the ideas in a word document. i ended up writing something else for the zine which is for the best because the word limit wouldn't have done this idea justice.
but basically adrien and marinette are both really into ladrien rpf. in fact they are the king and queen of ladrien. eventually, they decide to create a collab comic, with marinette drawing and adrien writing. it's super successful with some minor roadbumps such as adrien continuing to write kisses and marinette refusing to draw them due to “sudden complete cessation of motor function”
honestly most of the best ideas for this AU didn't even come from me so i feel kinda weird about writing it? but most of the people in the conversation aren't really active anymore so if it's going to exist i suppose it is my duty 😤
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