#if it ain't raunchy they don't want it
ravenbloodshot · 2 months
Hi, can you please do Young K (DAY6) ideal type? 🥺
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Body: Long + black hair, dark makeup look, nice legs(important), WAP, foreign look, inshape (he's not too picky, could be skinny, toned, chubby just have to look like their inshape)
This is a visualized example:
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Personality: Communications very important to him, (believe it or not) he can be quite a raunchy, dirty minded man and would like to dirty talk with his partner and for his partner to do the same to him as well. Like someone who's not afraid to flirt heavily and sext (I'm seeing phone sex as well), he may also like to talk all night long with his partner so someone who enjoys doing that as well. He wants someone optimistic and carefree, with no baggage and not a party pooper. A person that uplifts him and the energy whenever their around, also are quite entertaining and funny. (Kind of getting Jessi vibes) He may have a thing for older women. Likes a lover that can be mature, nuturing, and responsible. A lover that's elegant and defined in their way of being so no one can tell them who they are or get them out of their element. He wants someone who has a motherly vibe to them and can care for him. He likes the independent, strong women who don't really need anyone else to be okay within themselves. Also, he likes solo adventurers/travelers. Someone who comes and goes.
Sexual Wants: (This guy is really imaginative and freaky. It's quite surprising to me) Role-playing, has a big interest in foreigners, watching partner masterubate, sex while under the influence, oral (giving + receiving), loud moans, costumes/lingerie, (this guy is open to anything and everything, there's probably not much he would say no to)
I Ain't Worried by OneRepublic is a song that fits this reading's energy
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winxanity-ii · 10 months
⌜TikTok | Chapter 01 Chapter 01 | introduction⌟
╰ ⌞ᴏɴᴇ-sʜᴏᴛ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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╰┈➤ ╚»★«╝ 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫!𝐁𝐓𝐒 ╚»★«╝
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❝🇦‌🇳‌🇩‌ 🇼‌🇭‌🇴‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇫‌🇺‌🇨‌🇰‌ 🇦‌🇷‌🇪‌ 🇾‌🇴‌🇺‌?❞
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As you stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in your comfy pajamas, you felt utterly drained from the long and eventful day at school. Every step you took seemed to be heavier than the last, and all you wanted was to collapse onto something soft and forget about the world.
The memory of your lunchtime mishap kept replaying in your mind, and you couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
As you entered your best friend Seora's room, you heard her infectious laughter, but you chose to ignore it for now. Instead, you dramatically plopped face down onto the soft bed, wanting to momentarily escape from the world.
You lay there for a few seconds before letting out a loud and dramatic sigh, feeling like your life was over. To your surprise, Seora noticed your mood and put her phone face down, concerned. "Hey, what's wrong, Y/N?" she asked gently.
With a pout, you rolled over to explain, "I may have demolished any and all chances of my crush ever liking me back."
"What—how the hell did you end up doing that?"
"So, there I was, just casually walking to my table in the cafeteria, trying to act all cool, and then bam! I tripped on thin air and practically face-planted in front of everyone, including Yugyeom!"
Seora couldn't hold back her laughter, but she tried to console you at the same time. "Oh, Y/N, don't even trip 'bout it too much. We all have those clumsy moments. And besides, it's not like Yugyeom ain't seen you stumble before."
You groaned, burying your face in your hands. "Ugh, I know, but why does it always have to happen in front of him? It's like the universe is determined to make me look like a total fool!"
Seora playfully nudged you. "Girl, you don't have to be so hard on yourself. Besides, it was just one of those adorable Y/N-moments we've come to know and love."
You shot her a mock glare, but you couldn't help but smile at her attempt to cheer you up. "Gee, thanks for the support, Seora."
"No, really," she continued with a grin, "you have this uncanny ability to turn into a giggly mess whenever a cute guy is around. It's quite the talent."
"Oh, please," you rolled your eyes playfully, "like you were any better."
Seora held her hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, guilty as charged. But at least I don't have the tendency to trip over air like you do."
You playfully shoved her shoulder, and she laughed, her eyes lighting up with mischief. "Come on, Y/N, it was all part of your charm. And you know what? I had just the solution to turn that frown upside down."
You raised an eyebrow, curious. "Oh, do tell, wise one."
Seora grinned and pulled out her phone. "Let's watch some TikTok videos together! I swear, when I'm feelin' down, they always manage to make me feel better."
You couldn't help but be intrigued by her excitement. "Yeah, that might help," you agreed, figuring a distraction would do you good.
As you both watched a few hilarious TikTok videos, your mood started to lift. Seora had a knack for picking the funniest ones, and soon, you found yourself laughing along with her.
"Who were we watching anyway?" you asked, curious about the source of these entertaining videos.
Seora grinned. "Oh, this is my favorite TikToker, Jimin. His videos are hilarious, and he has this raunchy and no-nonsense attitude that's too good. You gotta check him out, you'll love him." A second later, her phone pinged with a notification. "Oh! He's doing a livestream! Let's watch it together."
And with that, you snuggled up next to her to watch the livestream.
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"Since you guys kept pestering me about who the random dudes that occasionally pop up in my videos were, I decided to go live, so you know what that means. It's introduction time, bitches!" Jimin declared, proudly brandishing his phone in front of his face. The view count skyrocketed in an instant, going from a measly three hundred to a mind-blowing seven thousand views in a blink of an eye.
"Jimin!" Someone scolded, flinging a crumpled paper at him, nailing him right in the back of the head. "You can't curse while going liveㅡthere are children on this app."
"Well, that sounds like a problem I have zero fucks to fix," Jimin scoffed, strutting across the room, his pink hair cascading like cotton candy. "Now, as I was saying before being rudely interrupted, allow me to introduce the first contestant of this ragtag-ass group." He came to a halt in front of a blond-haired man engrossed in his phone and began the introduction. ""This is Seokjin, but he likes to go by Jin. He's 25 and is the oldest in our group. He basically takes care of everyone. He makes sure we go to school, that we have the things we need, and feeds us—oh, and he also makes sure we don't fuck up his house."
Jin glanced up at the sound of his name, shooting Jimin a blank stare before turning on his charm for the camera. "Follow me on TikTok, lovelies. My username is @Handsome_SJinnie." He finished with a flirty wink.
Immediately, Jin's phone lit up like a Christmas tree, inundated with notifications. "Would you look at that? I just gained fourteen hundred new followers."
Jimin pivoted the phone, giving the camera an incredulous look. "What the actual hell is this? It took me weeks before I got at least fifty of you crusty-ass betrayers to follow me, yet this bitch just got over a thousand of you to do that in an instant?" he questioned, utterly flabbergasted, as he moved on, striding toward a cream-colored sofa. "And y'all wonder why I say fuck pretty-privileged ass people."
Still seething under his breath, Jimin strolled the length of the sofa until he stood over a mint-haired guy, peacefully snoozing away. "Yoongi," he called out, gently shaking his shoulders. No response. "Yoongi."
Jimin began to grow annoyed by the lack of a response. With pursed lips, he said his name a few more times, going as far as to even pinch his face. "Get the fuck up, bitch!" Jimin shouted, grabbing a pillow and hurling it at him, but Yoongi remained unfazed, deep in his slumber, immune to Jimin's noises.
"Fuck this shit. This is Yoongi, our resident sleepyhead. At 24, he's the second eldest. All he does is sleep, eat, and shit, so you probably won't see him much in my videos," Jimin explained, turning the camera to reveal Yoongi's dozing face, showcasing his porcelain skin and pouty lips. "Alright, let's move on to the next victim, shall we?" he hummed as he headed out of the room.
"Hey, Jimin!" Jin's voice echoed just as Jimin was about to exit the door. "Make sure to grab me a donut from the kitchen on your way back."
"Alright!" Jimin replied, slamming the door behind him. "I ain't bringing him shit. Bitch has a larger following than I do. Go get your fucking followers to go do it," he muttered under his breath, bounding down the stairs, taking two steps at a time, like a rebellious staircase-sliding pro.
"Jimin! Someone just messaged me on TikTok and told me what you said! I advise you to bring me my shit before I have to put my hands on you!"
Jimin halted at the foot of the stairs, spinning around to glare into the camera lens. "Oh, that's just foul. You bunch of snitches." A snarl curled his plump lips. "I swear, I introduce you thirsty bitches to him, and this is the thanks I get?" he grumbled, venting his frustration as he made his way to the kitchen.
"Hey, Jiminie, what's cookin'?" A cheery voice chimed in.
Turning around, the camera zeroed in on a guy with orange hair, happily sipping water. "Oh, hey Hobi. I'm going live on TikTok to introduce my fans to everyone in the house." Jimin waved his phone in the air before strolling past Hobi.
"Oh~ Can I introduce myself too? Pretty please?" Hobi pleaded, bouncing up and down, his eyes sparkling like constellations in the night sky.
"Sure," Jimin agreed, handing the phone over. "Here, knock yourself out while I go grab Jin's donut."
Clutching the phone excitedly, Hobi stepped aside to let Jimin strut past, then positioned the camera to capture his own face. "Hello, beautiful souls~ I'm Hoseok, but you can call me J-Hope, or Hobi, or Sunshine. Whatever floats your boat," HobiᅳHoseok said, beaming his trademark smile. "I'm the third oldest in the group, at 23. My favorite color is green, I love dancing, rapping, and animals. I also work part-time as a dance instructor—"
"What the heck are you doing? This isn't Christian Mingle," Jimin interrupted, snatching the phone from Hobi's grasp.
"But I just wanted to make some new friends."
"Um, no." Jimin scoffed, shoving Hobi aside as he headed out of the kitchen, Jin's donut securely in hand.
A pitiful whine left Hoseok as he followed after the short roseate, lips pulled into a pout. "But why not?"
"Because you're too damn nice. I don't need fans sliding into my DMs, begging me to play matchmaker while I'm still single. It doesn't work that way, buddy."
Realizing he wasn't making headway, Hobi sighed in defeat. "'Kay, I guess I'll catch you later." With that, he bounced away to an unknown destination.
Shaking his head at Hobi's exuberant exit, Jimin turned to ascend the stairs, ready to be done with it all. Yet, just as his foot touched the first step, someone called out his name. "Oh, my fucking Gods! I can't get anywhere in this damn house without any fucking interruptions!" he hissed, pivoting and making his way to the source of the voice.
"What?" Jimin's voice dripped with ice as he found himself face-to-face with two guys engrossed in a horror movie on the television.
One of them tore his gaze away from the demonic entity on-screen to lock eyes with Jimin, his red hair falling across his face. "Well, damn. All I did was call your name. No need to be a little bitch about it," he retorted, his deep voice slicing through the screams on TV.
"Ugh. Fine, what do you want, Tae?"
"Just wondering what you're up to and if you'd like to join me and Kookie for movie night," the red-haired guy replied, gesturing toward a boy with black hair.
"Well, I was going around introducing everyone on my TikTok, but I had to bring Jin his damn donut." Jimin raised the treat wrapped in napkins.
"Oh, cool. Can you introduce me too?"
"Might as well." Rolling his eyes, Jimin adjusted the camera to showcase both guys on the couch. "Alright everyone, this redhead is my main bitch, AKA best friend for life, AKA ride or die, AKA soulmate, Taehyung. He's 22, the same age as me, and is also the second youngest one in our group. And no, he's taken, so y'all can back the fuck up," he snapped, watching a flurry of thirsty comments about Taehyung popping up on the screen.
"No, I'm not taken. Jimin's just messing with you. I'm single, people," Taehyung clarified, his lips forming a boxy shape after playfully kicking Jimin's leg.
Jimin kicked him back before shifting his attention to the other teenager in the room. "And this muscle pig is Jungkook. He's 18 and the baby of our squad. He doesn't speak English very well, so don't bother asking me for his TikTok."
Jungkook tore his eyes away from the movie, his brows furrowing at Jimin's words. "Yes, I do, you little bitch."
"Whoa, simmer down, kiddo. Aren't you a tad too young to be dropping curse words so casually?" Jimin leaned forward, an eyebrow arching teasingly, goading the young guy to fire back.
But instead of taking the bait, Jungkook just scoffed. "You're not worth the breath in my lungs to argue with, you fucking cumslut."
Though caught off guard by the hostility in Jungkook's voice, Jimin merely sniffed, holding his head high. "Tuh!" he spat with a roll of his eyes. "Is that the best you got, kiddie? I've seen babies with sharper teeth than that."
Jungkook didn't spare him a second glance, nudging Taehyung to speak on his behalf.
Clearing his throat, Taehyung straightened up, flashing Jimin a quirky smile. "Sorry, Chim, but I think it's best if you make your exit. You know, take a breather."
Huffing, Jimin waved him off before turning away. "Whatever. Bye-bye, hoes."
"Don't bother coming back, bitch," Jungkook's voice rang out as Jimin retreated.
A few minutes later, Jimin found himself standing in front of a closed door. Just as he was about to pass it, a mischievous thought struck him, prompting him to take a detour. With a mischievous grin, he swung the door open, startling the purple-haired individual inside, causing him to drop his book onto the ground in surprise. "Jimin! How many times do I have to tell you to knock?" the man scolded, rubbing his forehead in exasperation.
"Everyone, meet Namjoon. He's the same age as Hoseok and is the fourth oldest in our group," Jimin introduced, intentionally disregarding Namjoon's inquiry.
"What are you even doing?" Namjoon asked, clearly annoyed.
"Going live and introducing you all to my TikTok fans," Jimin replied, undeterred.
"Well, now that you're done, can you please leave and close the door behind you, so I can read in peace?" Namjoon asked, picking up his fallen book. But as he did so, the spine ripped, and pages fluttered to the floor. "Goddammit!" he exclaimed, placing a hand on the coffee table for support, only for one of its legs to give way, causing it to crash to the ground.
Another groan escaped Namjoon's lips as he placed his hands on his head in frustration.
"Careful, Joon. You might break your neck," Jimin snickered, relishing in Namjoon's misfortune.
"Shut the hell up, Jimin! Now, if you're not going to help, please leave." Namjoon bent down to retrieve his damaged book from the floor.
A snort of amusement escaped Jimin. "And who the fuck are you? You don't get to boss me around. I'm a grown-ass man—"
"Jimin! Where the fuck is my donut? I've been waiting for twenty damn minutes!" Jin's voice bellowed from the other room.
"On my way!" Jimin shouted, his eyes widening as he hurried up the stairs to deliver Jin his treat.
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"I fucking hate this house," Jimin grumbled to himself, laying flat out on his bed.
After giving Jin his donut (which he promptly threw away, forcing Jimin to fetch a replacement), Jimin returned to his room to wrap up the livestream. "Alright, you lonely bitches, I'm about to end the Livestream, but before I go, I need to set up some ground rules, or whatever the fuck I have to do on here so I don't get reported and deleted," he said, sitting up and positioning his phone to capture his face.
"Rule number one: There will be an assload of cursing on here, so brace yourselves for a shitstorm of profanity. If you can't handle being called a bitch, a few well-placed fuck yous, or the word hoe, then this ain't the place for you, sweetheart."
The sound of someone banging on the door next to him interrupted Jimin from continuing his list of rules.
"Jungkook! Where the fuck is my banana milk?" A voice shouted from outside Jimin's room.
"I don't fucking know, Yoongi! Why the hell are you asking me?" Jungkook's voice retorted.
Jimin hopped out of bed and made his way to his door. Creaking it open, he saw Yoongi standing in front of Jungkook with an angry scowl on his face.
"Because it's not where I left it in the damn freezer, you little bitch! And you stay drinking my shit!"
"Well, I don't know! Ask Taehyung!"
"Don't bring me into shit!" Taehyung's voice echoed as he flung open his own bedroom door. "I saw Jungkook drinking it earlier!"
"What the fuck, Tae! You promised you wouldn't tell! You're such a damn snitch!"
"Fuck you, Jungkook! I'm not trying to die! I have class tomorrow!" Taehyung shot back slamming his door shut.
Jimin sighed, closing his own door and turning back to his livestream, determined to resume the rules.
"I'm going to fucking kill you, Jungkook!" The sounds of thundering footsteps were heard as Yoongi chased the young boy down the hallway. "Come here, you little shit!"
Jimin waited until it was silent before moving on to the next rule.
"Number two: There will be many references to TikTok videos on here, so don't be slow and say things like 'I remember this from TikTok,' or 'Wait, that was from TikTok. Omg, she stole that idea!' because she fucking knows that already. Why do you think the title is called TikTok?"
"Number three: A few of these chapters will be based on TikTok videos, others not. Some of these chapters will be based on Xani's imagination because she's low-key stupid and a whole crackhead," he said, shaking his head. "I mean, you already knew that from reading her author's notes in her other book. It's called No Hoods Attached by the way. And yes, I fucking did advertise her book on here. Fight me," Jimin dared with an arched brow.
"Anyways, number four: Don't be a bitch and steal any of her work from her. I know it's called TikTok and will even have chapters based on a few of the most known videos, but all of this is from Xani's mind and takes a lot of thinking for her to come up with these, so just think of something else please."
"And finally, number five: Enjoy. Be sure to vote and comment," he finished. "Now. I believe that is all that needs to be said. Other than that, enjoy what we have planned. See you hoes later." With that, Jimin clicks off the app, ending the Livestream.
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"See? I told you he's amazing!" Seora exclaimed with a happy nudge as the pinkette finished the live.
You nodded, a genuine smile forming on your lips. "Can't believe I didn't know about him, he's a vibe," you said, pulling out your own phone, "Hey, share the link to his TikTok. I want to follow him right now so I don't forget."
A happy smile filled your face as the link popped up, and without a second to waste, you pressed follow.
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Jimin lay on his bed, scrolling through his phone after finishing the live stream. He was about to close the app when a notification popped up from TikTok. His lips curled into a self-assured smirk as he clicked on it, revealing the message.
Y/N now follows you.
"Heh, about time," he chuckled to himself, feeling a hint of cockiness creeping into his demeanor. The thrill of being one step closer to beating Jin's follower count fueled his competitive spirit. Not that he would admit it out loud, but he secretly loved the friendly rivalry they had going on.
"Oh, Y/N, you've got good taste," he said, addressing the notification as if you were right there with him. "Following the right TikToker, I see."
Jimin relished in the thought of impressing you with his future content, confident that you wouldn't be disappointed. After all, his videos were pure gold, and his charisma oozed through the screen. He knew he had a way of drawing people in, and he fully intended to keep you entertained.
With a newfound determination, he started brainstorming ideas for his next videos, eager to put his charm and talent to work. "Time to show Jin who's the real TikTok king," he mused, setting his sights on surpassing his friend's follower count.
Jimin's mind buzzed with excitement, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for his TikTok journey. He knew that with more followers like you joining his ever-growing fanbase, he was well on his way to TikTok stardom. The playful competition with Jin only added fuel to the fire, and he was more than ready to rise to the challenge.
As he set his phone aside, Jimin couldn't help but think that this was just the beginning of something big. Little did he know that a simple follow from you, Y/N, would ignite a spark of motivation and drive that would propel him to even greater heights on TikTok.
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Songs that remind me of Felicia Hardy pt1.
A collection of raunchy rap and sometimes vulgar pop songs that remind me of our Princess of Crime.
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⭐️'Don't Cha' - The Pussycat Dolls feat. Busta Rhymes Pop - 2006
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me? Don't cha? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me? Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me? Don't cha?
'Princess Diana' - Ice Spice feat. Nicki Minaj Rap - 2023
Told her man l'm the girl of his dreams Thinkin' 'bout me when he brushin' his teeth He keep textin', I leave him on seen Hottest bitch out and they know what I mean
'May I' - Flo Milli Rap - 2020
Make a thirsty n*gga wanna chase me Bitch, I'm lit, I wonder can he face me Only laugh on the way to the bank, see I want money so fuck you, pay me, bitch!
'WTP (Work This P*ssy)' - Teyana Taylor Rap - 2018
This is one song you have to listen to to understand where I'm coming from. It has very few lyrics, but it's heavily inspired by high-fashion ballroom and vogue beats. A club burlesque song.
⭐️'Conceited' - Flo Milli Rap - 2022
I'm so fabulous Bitch, I'm fabulous (Hey) I don't need his money (Nope) Bitch, I got enough
⭐️'Options' - Doja Cat feat.JID R'n'B - 2021
You want a picket fence and a wife You never change your mind when I cry Yeah, I see you flossin', you know it Droppin' your jaw when the drawers hit the floor
I can't wear the shit you bitches wear because it's cheap to me It's some money at my table, grab a seat with me Cost a ticket just to cover all my legal fees I don't hang with jealous bitches, that's a weak disеase
'Rose Gold Stripper Pole' - KenTheMan Rap - 2021
Ooh, the streets callin', put it on silent Bitches call 'em husbands, I call 'em my clients And they couldn't take my spot if they rent it out and buy it Your n*gga for the hoes and he say that he wanna try me, try me try me, try me
'Eat It' - Megan Thee Stallion Rap - 2021
Bust through the walls, break in and enter How many licks 'til you get to the center? How many times have I heard that a n*gga a dog But scared when he play with the kitten?
⭐️'Keeps Gettin' Better' - Christina Aguilera Pop - 2008
Step back! Gonna come at you fast I'm driving out of control and getting ready to crash Won't stop shaking up what I can I serve it up in a shot So suck it down like a man So baby, yes I know what I am And no, I don't give a damn And you'll be loving it
Some days I'm a super bitch Up to my old tricks But it won't last forever Next day I'm your super girl Out to save the world And it keeps gettin' better
⭐️XS - Rina Sawayama feat. Bree Runway Pop - 2020
Skin so rich, it look like gold Ain't no Fenty but I glow They say Rina look like goals Your wifey hate us 'cause she know
Money, power, excess, and more But they can't never snatch my soul It's a ring on my finger, of course I said yes I ain't married to no man, I'm married to success
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Why BTS has been more successful than many artists across the world is that they come across as wholesome. They appeal to people of different age groups because of this. Most Western artists lack this. BTS variety shows and interviews show them as normal people, accessible and relatable.
In Jungkook's attempt to be seen as more mature, him resolving to be part of a song that has misogynist and borderline racist lyrics seem a far cry from the wholesome image BTS has created.
If Jungkook wants to be just another one of those artists who is laden with sex and cheating scandals, drug problems and other such issues, he will lose a lot of his loyal followers. In his tryst to be a global pop star, I hope he doesn't lose his roots, values and his USP.
"a song that has misogynist and borderline racist lyrics"
No it hasn't:
"Misogyny, hatred or prejudice against women, typically exhibited by men."
Have you actually read the lyrics? Misogyny is about hating and belitting women... none of JK's lyrics come across like that. The song is full of lyrics that use metaphor and imagery in place of sexual acts. None of them directly make the woman in the song seem like she's some kind of thing or less than the singer. If fact JK sings repeatedly about consent...
"So if you're ready (So if you're ready) And if you'll let me (And if you'll let me)"
Overall, the song is about the sexual prowest of the singer, not how they control women, demean or hate women.
Even Harlow's lyrics has this built into them...
The way I told my boys, "Come look" I used to take girls up to Stony Brook And steal they hearts like some crook, true story Now when I hold somebody's hand, it's a new story
This part is Harlow talking about how promiscuious he was when younger, but now it's about being monogamous and being true to 1 person.
All my ABGs get cute for me
The supposedly racist part of the song... yes it does historically have a historical racist meaning. But this tiktok clearly shows an Asian girl pretty much introducing Harlow what it's all about (note - I'm aware some my still find it racist but context can be key):
I had one girl (One girl), too boring Two girls (Two girls), that was cool for me
Some people are into throuples, nuff said...
Three girls, damn, dude's horny Four girls, okay, now you whorin'
But Harlow ain't that much of a slag...
(Hey, hey, hey) I'm loose I done put these shrooms to good use I done put my city on my back And the world know my name, I'm the truth
This about how the world see him and he's done with that and living his own truth and if you don't accept it then tough.
Now I still stand by the fact that Harlow's verses don't fit for me. But the the songs ok and raunchy as hell but it ain't misogynistic or as racist as you think.
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reaja · 12 days
rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with
I was tagged by @dear-massacre <3
Favorite color? - Orange
Last song? - Ain't it Funny by Danny Brown
Currently reading? - Tian Guan Ci Fu Vol. 7, this ridiculous series has a death grip on me. I'm also reading the epic of gilgamesh aloud with my wife, which is a lot of fun because we make a lot of dick jokes about it. Which is surprisingly easy. Or not surprisingly, since tbh humanity hasn't changed all that much in the last 3000 years and it's really quite raunchy.
Currently watching? - A few things. Wife and I are watching Dungeon Meshi as it comes out, we're also re-watching Killing Eve. I'm watching Chicago Fire and Med with my daughter (they're their comfort shows). I am watching When the Camellia Blooms (a Korean romcom) and Resident Alien. I keep hovering over Buffy and almost starting a rewatch for the maybe hundredth time.
Currently craving? - Nerd rope. I can't have any kind of gummy candy until my permanent crown is put in and it's been like months. I just want nerd rope pls T^T
Coffee or tea? - Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee (but I do also drink a lot of tea)
uhhhh tags uh um uh @leafzelindor @zahlibeth @idaaeri @magicstars @zybynarx who else I cannot think of anyone's tumblr names off the top of my head right now haha please do this if you want to and I didn't tag you and ignore the tag if I did and you don't want to <3 <3
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tropicalfreckles · 2 years
Here once again to tell my followers you guys should listen to the Lupin III soundtrack There is a nice 2 hr one for the OST from the idk think 60s or 70s to the late 90s that has a lot of the best songs on it on youtube.
It's mostly jazz and swing and it's just great.
Don't even need to watch the anime if Anime or Lupin's genre of media ain't your thing, it just slaps
(tho i recommend the anime 100% for those that don't mind raunchy adult anime that sometimes dips it's toe in heavy themes. it's not super in your face all the time but there are boobies and the older parts are v e r y outdated fyi lol. but the older parts also have some of the best goddamn comedy that balances it out mostly)
You can watch the anime legally like on amazon prime I found out recently and it has all the parts now I think. Only half of part 2 is dubbed tho if you're wanting to watch the dub, and pt 3 never got the most updated version of the english dub cast. (it had like 2 different dubs i think but both are not easy to watch legally online)
I also just know places you can watch it if you don't have prime.
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marshvlovestv · 1 year
There is a repressed hedonist inside me who finds playing Monster Prom a healing experience. I actually played it once with a friend (my then-boyfriend, actually) a few years ago and I remembered it being a good time. I bought it with the intention of Let's Playing it and thank GOD I decided against that because I forgot just how raunchy it is. I'm a big fan of horny media but hell no if you think I want to be reading that aloud to an audience.
*Ahem* My ranking:
Scott. Happy and nice and precious. Every time I'm romancing someone else and an event with Scott comes up, I'm like "Why am I not pursuing you again?"
Polly. I disapprove of her life choices (er, death choices) but she's owning it and she ain't hurting anyone. Her design is probably my favorite too!
Damien. I found it easiest to guess which dialogue options would earn his favor so points for reliability.
Miranda. My white whale. The only character I've thus far attempted to romance multiple times and the only character I've been rejected by multiple times. She is terrible but she's a mermaid! A mermaid princess! I must be with her. I must BE her.
Liam. You know me, usually I'd go right for the character with glasses but this guy is so "eh" to me. I don't know if it's the hipster thing or just his design (he flashes some really ugly faces sometimes?!)
Vera. Yucky. Apologies if she is your waifu but there is nothing less attractive to me than a business bitch.
My friend had the DLC and I do remember quite vividly that the BEST best boy is actually Calculester. Part of me wants to get the DLC just to get him back, but I might actually just spring for the sequels instead? Because I feel like there's only so much that can be done with the high school setting. I dread every single lunch period because there are clearly a limited number of food-themed event ideas that the devs had, and they're beating them to death. If I have to listen to Miranda talk about silverware one more time I swear to god
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intrepidradish · 1 year
Media: Deadpool x Spiderman
Year/my age: 2018/28
What drew me to the media:
I have NO IDEA. The moment in time I was interested in spideypool must've been like a single month. It was the summer. I watched the Deadpool movies and somehow gravitated in the direction of his relationship to Spiderman. I read the quintissential comic book for them (Spider-Man/Deadpool #4 specifically).
What made me a fan:
I guess after being glutted on Reylo I wanted some anal, LOLS. They are also big goof balls, which at the time, was refreshing.
I didn't actually read any fanfiction for it. I was just diddling around in the canon stuff. Sometimes I find fandom pretty distracting from my "vision" (of anal).
Strangely this is the only time I've been interested writing stories in the Marvel universe. I think it's because Deadpool is considered "gross" and "raunchy". Those words intrigue me.
In college, I was an editorial intern for Marvel, but afterward I decided comics weren't for me. Something deeply irritates me about the Marvel universe. My biggest takeaway from my time there was that the writers are paid fanfiction writers, and knowing that fanfiction artists are mostly queer, nonbinary, trans or women, I got pretty frustrated that the majority of comic writers are straight, cis men.
Like even as a 21 year old, I knew it wasn't a place for me.
Have I written fanfiction for it? Why or why not?
My first ever fanfiction! I went on this insane rock climbing trip with two friends where we spent very little time rock climbing and a lot of time driving. I spaced out a lot and built this absurd porn without plot, like too completion, in the car.
For a time it was published on fanfiction.net because I didn't know I needed an invite to get on Ao3. In the last 6 months, I deleted my ff account because of an AI rumor, so it's published anonymously on ao3.
Why anonymously? Well, I didn't want to ping my subscribe folks with something both old, of poor quality, and completely outside the realm of what I've been working on. But if anyone is curious, I'll link it at the end. Maybe you can see some scraps of my eventual style in it.
Anyway! It's funny! It's stupid! It involves suspension in chains! It references a classic 1970s horror movie that features a rape scene.
God, I'm really weird, you guys. I'm so fucking weird.
I also posted it anonymously, because I was worried someone was going to get up in there and think I'm talking about kid Spiderman! (I'm not.)
Opinion on the fandom:
Well, it's Marvel. It's huge. I find it really intimidating and scary. Also the lore for Marvel is SO ENORMOUS. I don't know how you write in the universe and cover everything. I guess you either focus on the movies (no thanks) or the comics (the games? the books? the AUs?) or take what you want and leave the rest. But I don't interact with it. It ain't my bag.
Would I read it again?
Since I never read it to begin with, probably not.
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x3rrorx · 3 months
I ddon't mean to start a beef on your page but I have to say something in regard of this comment:
People do say raunchy things about Courtney, and I haven’t seen people complain about it. If people do complain, there’s no way it’s at same level of how people coddle BO who have said they never they don’t want to be sexualized. Also, she has literally said male fans would try to grope her earlier on in her career. Call me a man hating feminist, but I will never entertain the narrative that men are oppressed or discriminated against. Are there some double standards against men such as being discouraged from showing emotions? Yes, but notice how that was created by men? Is it possible for male artists and men in general to be assaulted the way people tried to do to Courtney? Yes, but notice how it’s extremely less common to the point where the only behavior that people constantly complain about are just random online comments? I agree that some of them are too graphic, but I’m not going to entertain that there’s some great unjust double standard against men because of it.
God, I'm going to make a list of everything I find wrong with this comment:
1)bo fandom is bigger then the spiritbox one, that's why you see less comments about it, but people did talk about it.
2)if you hate men you aren't a feminist sorry not sorry
3)men ARE DISCRIMINATED and oppressed , you guys just don't want to see it because it doesn't fit into your narrative of female= perpetual victim,
lot of man have to stay silent while going through violence of every kind,
No, the whole thing of "men have to be strong" and shit is not a thing "created" only by man, woman contributed too into perpetuating this concept.
4)if your narrative really is that men are "oppressed" only because of men themselves then woman are too, let me remind you that back in the days the ones who were against woman voting were woman themselves, the hate against woman groups was perpetuated by their own self, and that's a historical fact.
So, it's worth to say that woman are "oppressed" because of woman themselves.
5)not denying that in the metalcore scene misogyny is a thing, that's true but it's not right to blame all of the men for it, that's just hypocrisy.
6)just because man usually don't report abuse compared to woman that does not mean they their voices are less important, daily reminders that woman beat/sexually abuse and can commit any type of crime just like a man, again, don't be an hypocrite.
Just because there are some shitty man out there that doesn't mean that all of them sucks (again, if not we can easily claim the same exact thing about woman, since we are capable of doing the same exact shit)
7)...did you just said that Rachel is a woman of color?¿... Sorry I lost at this claim since Rachel is a WHITE COLOMBIAN WOMAN and she ain't anywhere close to be black lmao (no, but like seriously, how can you actually say that she is black? She is tanned but that doesn't make her black😂😂
8)difference between what Robert said VS what Rachel said:
-Robert(about a movie inspired by a YA book) : yeah, I think the characters are weird, like, they are 100 why the hell they still go to high school?
-Rachel (about a fairy tale about love) :snow white need to be more feminist, the prince is a stalker, snow white don't need a man, to quote her words:
We absolutely wrote a Snow White that- she’s not gonna be saved by the prince and she’s not gonna be dreaming about true love, she’s dreaming about the leader she knows she can be and the leader her late father told her she can be if she was fearless, fair, brave, and true.”
Which go against the whole ass plot of the story.
Idk what you think but the two things are way different, is not about Robert beign a male and Rachel being a female, lol that have nothing to do with the fact that Robert didn't like how the characters were portrayed VS Rachel completely nullifying the whole plot of the movie.
The whole message is full of hypocrisy, man can easily be victim too and not just because of other men, how many times did we heard woman saying shit like "be a man"
"you are a man", "act like a man" and so goes on...
If you really think that man don't have to go through lot of shit too then you are just an hypocrite who is also really dumb,
I ain't sorry about saying this.
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retphienix · 2 years
I suppose this is a moment of truth of sorts.
As some random blogger who doesn't push any following, I'm growing exhausted both dancing around the subject of- and confronting the truth of the taboo relationships in the game, I won't lie.
Because I want to shout about disliking it, but what payoff is there to that shoutin' beyond skeeving myself out at emphasizing a part of this story I dislike?
So here's lip service: I'm not under the impression that what's along these paths is somehow the most dis-tasteful stuff possible. I never really suspected that much, and having sat down to watch Takemi and Kawakami's romance highlights (mostly just K's ferris wheel and both their bedroom talks) it's very clearly "trying" to be wholesome.
It's just that that doesn't agree with me, be it my own social bias or the concepts of grooming / what makes a healthy relationship that I've built for myself from those influencing forces around me.
At the end of the day, things like Kawakami's ferris wheel scene are so bog standard that you could interchange any characters and it'd play the same, it's more or less "I've never shown someone this part of myself, I love you, oh you love me too? I'm happy!" with sprinkled references to past events or quirks (like she slips and almost calls you master yet again).
It's, in itself, not the worst out there. But, for me, that doesn't really matter. It doesn't have to be the worst because I am still stuck looking at a 17 year old kid falling into a relationship with someone who has twice his life experience- half of which as an adult.
Like really that's it, and because it's so simple and there's no budging from my views on relationships, it's exhausting.
This kid relies on adults to survive, goes to school, and is still figuring out their childhood life before they can begin fully forming as an adult. This is a kid.
See what I mean by this topic's exhausting? It's just one point really with all the annoyance of societal standards vs personal ones and all that jazz.
Age gets less important the older the younger of the two people gets, IE if Joker was 30 then I don't give a fuck if he's dating skeletor that's two adults being two adults because he'd have acquired enough maturity and life experience to make those decisions by then.
17 ain't it, chief. I'm glad the scenes aren't like make-out sessions or alluding to adult content even as a joke- but it's still off-putting to see it presented as all hearts and flowers because a grown ass adult can date the child.
Ah well. As I said- I'm just a blogger rambling about games, ain't no influence or impact behind this beyond the potential to vent my own frustrations, and I'd say that has outstayed it's welcome as it's just exhausting to talk about now. So let's talk about THIS scene instead- a much happier topic I promise-
I was curious if the base Kawakami story would be tainted by the romance path, and beyond the "Please god stop putting this in here for the player's benefit- this is a child" moments earlier in her story, it's been pretty nice tbh.
The only negative I can potentially say is the very clear attempt to imply something raunchy through her rank 10 perk- I have yet to use the massage (obviously, posting this after just unlocking it) and a massage isn't inherently sexual- but there's no denying it was a decision made by the devs to tie up this social link of innuendos with yet another.
All told- I really really like Kawakami :)
Enough to the point where I could forgive the fanservice angles of some earlier dialogue because I like her character and the story's resolution.
It's still tainted by the same muck the other adult women have via the adult x high schooler romance path, but that wasn't present in my playthrough so it's easier to lampshade at the moment.
I dig her growth as she overcomes an intensely stifling experience; I dig seeing her excited to teach and truly flourishing in the role; I laughed multiple times in this final conversation- like holy shit that was funny to me.
The build up as if she's found us out- only to rant about us slacking off. And then to casually drop "Oh yeah you're a PT I know it." just so nonchalant.
ACE stuff, loved this conversation.
Now if only the devs didn't think it was funny or romantic or alluring or whatever they thought when they dropped like all the adults into these overly saccharine ferris wheel and bedroom scenes where grown ass adults my age tell a kid in high school they love him, that'd be cool, lmao.
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vinylhazza · 4 years
Don't tell me the children migrated over here??? Nah, bro LEAVE, cuz we're doing fine here with our explicit shit. EXPLICIT IS EXQUISITE AND CHILDREN SHALL NOT READ. Like when has she ever said her books are for children ya'll? This ain't The Cat In the Hat, go to Twitter if you want that sis
explicit is most definitely exquisite. today was a lot for y’all so i guess maybe i should have put a little warning but too late lmao
also i mean shit even cat in the hat be acting crazy sometimes lmao
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they aren’t migrating over here though at least not that i know of. i mean i wouldn’t know cause like i said i don’t go to every single person that follows me and see if they are of age, that would be a lot. i’m not anyone’s parent or keeper. if they are gonna read my stuff and expose themselves to all the dirty raunchy shit i write/say then i guess they better be prepared and not complain when it gets a little much. we are ADULTS here.
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hotgirlmuch · 5 years
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zion kuwonu...
a name that didn't exist in my world until 3 ½ months ago. i saw him on the wild 'n out thumbnail..."oh lord. another lil pump" was the thought that made me keep the video in my watch later for a month just about. when i did watch it i fell in love with their personalities, and they must've been aight if simon cowell formed them and nick mara from iconic boyz was in it (i literally thought he had dropped off the earth, lmfao everyone thought him and kaelynn harris liked each other). it took me 2 months later to listen to a song, 10,000 hours. thing was, i didn't really need to hear their music to fall in love with their beings and personalities.
it wasn't until the past two weeks that i realized one of the five boys were heavily affecting my life like he shouldn't be. here he was, making me feel like i wasn't the only awkward, out there, misplaced being in the world. but realiy hit, zion kuwonu has 440k+ followers while i have 150+...i'm a small black little dot on a blank space, the blank space being zion kuwonu's world. basically i'm nothing in his world, and i know that he can pick so many girls in that followers count. so here i am, finding little interest in the guys that are infatuated with me wherever i go socially, all for some dude who happened to get recognition for his talent...but mainly looks.
i know it's wrong...but whenever i see the comments "zion looks so damn hot", "lol, fuck me", etc., i shake my head, because i honestly can't see him for his looks. am i the only one that notices how deep he actually is? he listens to songs with meaning, imported? with my team? tory lanez's songs? him on excuse me? he's not some raunchy dude that's going to fuck you and give you the world because you have the best pussy. dude wants someone he can cherish, someone he can use as his personal snuggie, someone who he can show off, someone he can lay around and play chill music with and vibe, maybe dance a little bit. he wants to be able to lay on the couch with someone without their electronics on, or documenting every relationship thing of theirs. he wants someone he can send long texts too and he WON'T be texting you regularly, it's going to either be facetime's or phone calls constanly. someone that gives him enough space for him to reach out first or be his own person. but they're all worried about his dick size or getting them "coins".
But what do I know, I'm just some basic eighteen year old that's just graduating. Always purposely being singled out or looked at weirdly because I'm sure of myself but a little weird and quirky, but...okay. I'll keep myself in the shadows, stuck in my art, finding genuine joy with the kids I work with, and constantly looking for a guy that has morals influenced by some dude i ain't never met before and who i don't know really know who he is but from portrayal of social media...Mmm, I guess.
BreJohnna McKinney...
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#Introducing ToSha
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I've come to realize I've never said anything about Keisha and Tony. This ship was only born last summer but me and my friend have caught back a serious case of ToSha fever a few days ago so I'm taking this opportunity to introduce them properly.
*Keisha and Tony are part of a story yet unnamed that takes place a few days/weeks after the events of Blindsight. Tony actually has an active role in Blindsight since he's the handyman of the Nocenti family who wants Shaun, Chester and Ani dead. By that I mean he's taking care of all the dirty work. I don't wanna spoil Blindsight but Tony ends up more or less changing sides and betraying his family by making a bargain with Shaun to save Ani (they've got a hilarious bromance going on but that's another story)
*Tony is a smart guy. And also kind. His dad, Gene Nocenti, is a mafioso, his mom is a nurse and he's very close to her. He has a conflicted relationship with his brothers because he wasn't born from the same mother. Astero, the first born blatantly dislikes Tony and used to bully him when they were kids. Marco, the second born, is used to walk into Astero's footsteps, so he's mimicking his brother's animosity towards Tony without really knowing why. Silver, the youngest of the bunch (Tony's little brother) was the only one Tony could really get along with on his father's side. Tony was Silver's role model and they spent a lot of time together despite their differences.
*And then there's Keisha Romero. The prettiest girl on the block. The prettiest girl in all the fucking Bronx, some would say. Tony and Keisha have known each other since forever, they've been living in the same street since they were kids (Keisha with her parents, her grandma, her two sisters and her baby brother, and Tony alone with his mom) so they didn't see each other as a potential romantic interest at first, not at all. He was just a stupid guy heckling with the other boys on the block, she was just a bratty little miss know-it-all who thought she knew better because she was reading her dad's newspaper.
*Around 11-12 they started to see each other under a different light. Keisha was becoming prettier everyday, the boys were slowly beginning to notice it. Tony on the other hand stayed a scrawny stray cat for a long time, but never really felt self conscious about it. It's only around 15 he had the most epic glo-up, nobody understood what happened.
*Keisha always liked Tony. That's why she was always acting superior with him ; she was clumsy but all she wanted was for him to notice her. She liked him even before he got the glo-up and her friends would start giggling whenever he would pass by in the hallway. It's also probably the reason why she would dismiss all the boys who would be bold enough to ask her out. At 15, Keisha had the reputation of a virgin warrior princess in high school. She was seen as unreachable. One day Tony's friends dared him to ask her out, he didn't want to do it, but the boys pushed him and turned that into a bet "if she says yes you win 50 bucks! But I guess we'll never know cause ya ain't even got the balls to ask her. "- Tony didn't like that. He liked Keisha and wanted to ask her out but that thing felt really wrong, she didn't deserve to be played. In the end Tony took the bet reluctantly ; cause he was 15 and you know how easily a young boy breaks under peer pressure.
*To everyone's surprise, Keisha said yes when Tony asked her out. Especially him. "Are you for real?" "Yeah but I gotta be home by 9 and you'll have to pick me up and walk me to my house after that." He was the only guy she wanted to go out with, but he had no idea. Tony won the goddamn 50 bucks, but he didn't give a shit. He had a date with Keisha, the prettiest girl on the block. But to him she was still bratty ShaSha ; he gave her that nickname when they were kids and she never liked it, so he never gave it up.
*They started dating and it was wonderful for like one month. He was her first date, her first slow dance, her first kiss (excuse me yes, this is a teen movie sorry I should've put a trigger warning) but rumours run fast and ShaSha quickly learnt about the bet. She was furious. She went to talk to him that afternoon where he was chilling with his friends in the yard and slapped him before he could even say a word. Then she dumped him in front of everyone, and left, still furious. Tony's friends were laughing at him but he didn't really care. He knew he wouldn't be hanging out with those fuckers anyway from now on. Keisha cried herself to sleep that night. Tony was also her first heartbreak.
*Keisha got over that heartbreak eventually. The next year, Tony found new friends, and his new friends were friends with Keisha's friends so they ended up forming a clique, eating together at lunch, etc. At first Tony and Keisha were avoiding each other, but everything went fine when she found herself another boyfriend and finally accepted Tony's excuses. They were hanging out again. They were closer than ever. Tony didn't mind that Keisha was dating another guy, he was happy for her. But on the other hand, Keisha wasn't as happy as she claimed when Tony started to date Maria, a friend they had in common. She was jealous af. And she started idealising Maria and having self esteem issues. She broke up with her then bf shortly after that. The days passed and Tony and Maria were still together. Tony was treating her right, and Keisha was happy Maria found him cause she deserved it (the girl had a very difficult family situation, and a very tough life in general) but she couldn't help feeling jealous and she felt awful for that. He was really in love with her, and she hated it.
*When they were in senior year, Tony and Keisha's lives took separate paths. They both got accepted at Columbia university, and they were excited to go and to be able to see each other there, but things went down by the end of the school year : Maria got addicted to heroin, and Tony's mom was attacked by enemies of the Nocentis (cause Tony's mom is a nurse, that's how she met his gangster of a father. She still heals his men from time to time) and after all that Tony didn't feel like going to Columbia anymore. He couldn't leave his mom, he couldn't leave his girl.
*Keisha went to college and did very good. She liked the life on campus, and she liked to study. The life in Manhattan was nothing like in the Bronx, and she enjoyed that change. She felt like she could've gotten used to that. Everything was good as gold for her but nasty things were happening at the same time in the North of the city, in the streets where she had been growing up. Keisha's dad got sick, he was no longer able to walk, her kid brother, Joaquin, was becoming a troubled teenager, got arrested for theft and assault multiple times before the age of 14 and was sent to juvenile hall at 15. Maria had died from an overdose, and Tony was nowhere to be found. She didn't try to keep in touch with him ; when was silently blaming him because he chose to stay in the Bronx instead of going to uni with her. She understood her choice and didn't expect less of him, but she was mad, mad that he didn't give up everything to go with her.
*Keisha heard back from Tony at 23, when she was about to get her master's degree. She had a boyfriend, a PhD student from the same department as her, and everything was fine, until Tony reappeared. She agreed to meet with old friends from high school downtown, and Tony offered to pick her up so they'd go together. He knocked at her door, she opened, and all her feelings were brought back to life the second she saw him. It was a weird love at first sight ; falling instantly for someone you've always known. He was the same but he was different, it showed that he had grown out brutally from boyhood to become the man he was now. Also he was wearing a sleeveless hoodie, was visibly just going out from the gym cause his strong arms were glistening with sweat. She couldn't help but to stare like an idiot. He stared back at her "Campus life did you good ShaSha, you're beaming". It took like... One minute before things got completely out of hand and they ended up fucking each other's brain's out in Keisha's dorm room. They didn't know where that came from ; they hadn't seen each other in years, they had no idea what they were doing. They just knew they needed it, and that it felt good.
*Keisha had never been an 'easy girl'. The idea of sex always more or less repulsed her, and even though she had been dating a few guys since she was 15, she didn't lose her virginity before that day, with Tony. Once again he was her first, and it felt amazing cause that was exactly what she wanted. She knew she was cheating on her bf but she didn't care, cause Tony drove her completely crazy. What she didn't anticipate was the consequences of that raunchy afternoon spent on campus with her long time friend. Three weeks later she realised she was pregnant.
*Coming from a very Catholic family, and being the good and committed daughter that she is, Keisha renounced to abortion. She graduated with her bump starting to show. Her bf, thinking the kid was his, agreed to settle down with Keisha and help her raising the baby. They moved to South Carolina where he found a job as a teacher, Keisha gave birth to a beautiful boy that she named Noah, and they lived together for two years. They eventually broke up when Keisha confessed to her partner that he wasn't the baby's dad.
*Keisha went back to the Bronx only to find out the place she used to know had turned into a warzone. The Nocentis who had been protecting the neighborhood for decades were severely weakened now that the drug market had been stolen from them by an international cartel. Joaquin, Keisha's brother was out of juvenile hall and visibly not decided to go on the right track; he was now in bed with the local mafia.
*Tony was also irremediably on the wrong side of the fence at the moment. Keisha didn't want to know what he was doing exactly for his father and brothers, but the way people talked about him -the way they looked away when they mentioned his name- she knew it was probably bad. Very bad. When Tony saw Keisha coming back with her kid in her arms, he knew she would definitely always be out of his reach. He knew he was involved in very nasty shit, he didn't like or dislike his situation ; it was the way it was. He just knew it wasn't for her, he was ready to give up on her. He didn't understand why she came back. He had no idea he was the main reason.
*Shortly before the events of Blindsight ; Joaquin is killed by the Nocentis out of retaliation. Silver Nocenti is severely wounded after an altercation with an individual named Shaun Myers who happens to be closely related to the mortal enemy of the Nocenti family. Silver succumbed to his wounds a few days after that, in his hospital bed.
*When the 'Blindsight-extended-story-that-doesnt-have-a-name-yet' begins, Tony and Keisha are both mourning the loss of a younger brother, Keisha is doing money laundering for the Nocentis to pay back her brother's debts on top of breaking her back at the local diner to get money to feed her kid, while being blackmailed by Marco, Tony's older brother who's got his eyes on her. Tony is busy with the criminal stuff and the grief and the vendetta, and he doesn't know he's the father of Keisha's son. Ofc these idiots are still in love.
It's a mess but I think you got the pitch now *sweats nervously*
A cookie to anyone who managed to get to the bottom of this monster post without dying asphyxiated by all the fluff during the teen movie part at the beginning! 🍪
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