#idkidk... it's annoying
dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 months
It's so frustrating that people have made SO many resources about spotting ai images and yet I still CONSTANTLY see people I follow reblog ai stuff that hasn't been tagged by the op & only one or two people in the notes seem to recognise it as ai...
and at this point I am so SO fucking tired of pointing it out only to have my comment deleted or ignored so I've just started blocking the people sharing this shit so I don't have to see it on my dash ugh...
Just..... every one can u please use ur fucking brains?!
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bethesdas · 3 months
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tagged by @hawke to do this oc meme ^_^
sowwy im super super late to this, i'm very forgetful :<
ty for tagging me though hehe <;3
this is basically my first time talking about an oc here so [sweats nervously] ignore the diff face lifts my girl has gone through, im still playing around with some concepts so nothing is set in stone......
name: lírica bloodsong!
nickname: none :( would u like to give her some?
gender: a menace...
star sign: ??? havent thought about this yet <3
height: 5'8 ish :)
orientation: bi/pan
race: asmodeous tiefling / bhaalspawn :3
romancing: 'tarion
fave fruit: berries or anything that'll have her looking like this 👇
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fave season: spring
fave flower: hmm... those oleanders in act 2... always picking them up and wandering into the shadows for them, getting herself into precarious situations lmao.
fave scent: the smell of chocolate. the smell of blood and the smell of astarion, bonus points if its combined. :p
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
average sleep hours: like 3. she doesn't sleep much.
dogs or cats: cats, but don't let scratch hear that.
dream trip: i don't have anything specific in mind for her yet, but she loves adventures so literally anything will have her over the moons<3
amount of blankets: 1 at most, preferably none.
random fact(s):
my little gorlfailure bard who accidentally killed an entire audience with one of her surges when she attempted using blood magic to enchant her music during one of her performances, hence bloodsong hehe <3 now she embraces her blood songs for papa bhaal... before the amnesia of course!
wherever her blood falls, lullaby-like flowers bloom. think of nirnroot because i love being cheesy like that💗 ^_^
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hellaephemeral · 11 months
It took me days to notice... Sanji doesn't have curly brows, & Usopp doesn't have his Pinocchio nose? I suppose creative decisions had to be made. Little things. I'm still obviously over the moon for the whole thing!
yuup, no eyebrows or pinocchio nose (and you can also see sanji's left eye most times hsshhshs)! it's probably cuz those would have been hard to adapt without either looking extremely silly and/or bad. luffy's also not wearing flipflops (cuz honestly imagine poor iñaki running around all day in flip flops). and i don't doubt there are many more changes we are yet to notice/see. i don't think any of those things matter much though as long as they're able to show the true essence of the characters which i have complete trust in. :) can't wait for the 31st August frfr <33
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romanceforransom · 1 year
Why is making friends as an adult so hard 😫
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hillerska-official · 2 years
Guys I gotta say something. I keep seeing people joke like "ever since they cast LMM as Hermes I understand why Luke met his father once and turned evil" and it's like I know we're joking but y'all know there's a very serious consideration of why Luke did what he did that's actually super important to the plot of the original series right like. You were already supposed to understand? Like because we do/should understand it I dont get the conceit of the joke being that people didnt already understand it?
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deartouya · 2 years
i think it's really interesting that,, the way you perceive your blog and the way others do can be totally different! like,, i might consider myself a hawks blog and you might see me as like,, a bakugou blog idk every one of your followers followed you for one character which could be one you write for every week or one that you only wrote once
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Thoughts on modern love and the album so far? I’m honestly excited and can’t wait to see what direction the album takes. It’s been a more mature and darker record than I was expecting
tbh I haven’t given either single much of a shot yet and now knowing I won’t be seeing them till well after the album release I’ll probably continue not driving them into my head yet. Shit’s weird when you take a step back and don’t have that feral need to consume them in every way. I know I like Modern Love much more than TMIA but not as much as a Sleepwalking. I’m excited for everyone else’s excitement!! but I’m not letting hyperfixation mental illness bias drive my opinion so not sure where I’m going to land on this album!
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fceriestcrdst · 2 years
the sudden exhaustion of being told i don't have plans has hit...like a truck
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quiirrel · 3 months
Ugh constantly wondering. Am I being annoying… uaah
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cottageivy · 1 year
zoe is trying to get me to feed her bakers special pee food... like bestie if you wanna cough up the money itd cost for it to feed you and him be my guest but id like to one day have money
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scawch · 1 year
aaaeysghj do I ever just wanna bang ur head into the wall like why can’t YOU JUST BE NORMAL!!!!!!!!! I think I keep triggering myself Um oops but tbf it’s something I want to read and keep reading because it’s interesting but I also think it is conflicting. with my issues. WHICH IS ANNOYING. it’s making me feel eueuuagh which I do not appreciate please just let me read you Dumb Sumb Atupid BE NORMAL like it’s not even like. I don’t even know how to describe the feeling it just sits in my chest and I want to kick it out becaus I’m so over this and it doesn’t matter and literally what is going to happen? Nothing. noooothing. NOTHING! STOP BEING DIFFICULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why do things just sit with you it’s so unfair and unneeded actually. just. ur done?? like actually??? ur so overdue on rent u got evicted??? ?? get out of my house????? Stop wiping ur feet on my rug???? I will push you out the window if I must???? Leave this place you cursed thing???? let me live????? let me consume whatever I damn well please without The Dread??? kill yourself maybe???? rot, perhaps???? go back into your box??? go back into your box and pay no mind to the boardwalk I’m throwing you off of??? cease????
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class-1b-bull · 10 months
Rating class 1Bs casual/daily wear!
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Awase - 8/10 his fit is a vibe but I wish his jacket was either a little longer or a little shorter because its in a weird middle place. Also he looks weird without his headband ngl
Sen - 9/10 pretty good fit. Kinda basic but I think it works well for him I dont rlly like the shoes tho
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Kamakiri - 10/10 no words need to be said his fit is amazing and he looks great in it
Kuroiro - 9/10 minus a point because it would be better with some jewelry in my opinion
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Kendo - 10/10 the shoes are a little weird but it somehow makes the fit honestly. Love it.
Kodai - 10/10 I love when people wear turtlenecks and overall she looks nice
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Komori - 10/10 she gorgeous, it fits her character, its unique and I love it
Shiozaki - 10/10 I feel like im giving out too many ten outa tens but they all look so nice!
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Shishida - 9/10 very classy and I like the look but if it was colored I feel like it would be very monochrome-y ykyk
Shoda - 9/10 something in the fit is bothering me but I cant tell what rip. Looks good tho!
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Pony - 10/10 she looks so good! It fits her personality and overall is a nice outfit
Tsubaraba - 8/10 minus two points because its kinda bland and I have unironically wore this exact fit multiple times so
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Tetsutetsu - 8/10 I dont really like the shoes but the rest of the fit is pretty good!
Tokage - 9/10 shes beautiful and her outfit is too but it doesn't look like she has socks on
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Manga - 9/10 i like the fit but how tf does his hat stay on if hes 2D?
Honenuki - 8/10 hes standing like a toddler that just got put in time out or like a final boss in a game or something lmao. Anyways good fit but there one or two little things that bugs me
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Bondo - 6/10 his undershirt looks annoying and those types of jackets are loud as fuck
Monoma - 3/10 dont get me wrong the fit is nice but its really disappointing after seeing his hero costume yk? Im not expecting him to walk around in a full blown tux but this is just a shirt and shorts?! Wheres the flair?!
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Reiko - 9/10 she looks amazing but her shoes are non existent (and so are her feet apparently)
Rin - 9/10 I love the look all the way through but the shoes hurt my soul. They look like those shoes people wear at lakes. Water shoes i think their called? Idkidk.
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benrybenrybenry-chr · 9 months
Could you explain how bbc ruined john? I grew up with that sherlock
yeah sure!
basically, to put it simplest, BBC's John Watson is not anything like John Watson as a character. As a standalone character I think I wouldn't have cared nearly as much? I mean I still personally wouldn't like him cuz he was kind of a piece of shit at times but I can still find the appeal in that. no the main issue I face is that he just acts nothing like Watson and tbh like- a lot of his actions even go against Watson's ideals??
first of all his relationship with Holmes (im gonna be using their last names here because calling them by their first names feels wrong to me) is just- weirdly negative? I don't know, him constantly making Holmes out to be a total asshole and a villain in his life is SO out of character. (though to be honest it's warranted given how out of character Holmes is in that show too, he's a total asshole for no good reason)
I think honestly the best example of this change with Watson's personality and how drastic it is, is The Empty Hearse/The Empty House
in The Empty Hearse, John's immediate reaction is to PHYSICALLY HARM Sherlock
in The Empty House, Watson's immediate reaction is (and I'm not even kidding) to faint, be woken up, and be incredibly starstruck and just happy that his best friend is alive
(I don't have a clip of BBC Sherlock but I do have one of Granada Holmes, which is the most accurate to ACD/book canon)
this also very much highlights the difference between BBC Sherlock and ACD Holmes, but that's besides the point
I'd also like to mention something that really especially annoyed me and that's that he?? is literally useless in that show???? Watson in the books is really intelligent and helps Holmes in numerous cases as well as gives his input (WHICH HOLMES TAKES TO HEART AND DOESNT JUST COMPLETELY IGNORE, BTW 🙄🙄 that always ticked me off with BBC) and does more than just get kidnapped a couple times and take notes.
ALSO ACD WATSON WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON HIS WIFE!!! OR BLAME HOLMES FOR MARY'S DEATH!!! NEVER!! would absolutely never happen. (though to be fair, ACD's equivalent of Mary's death happened in the 3 year gap between The Final Problem and The Empty House, so, yk)
if they met BBC Watson would not leave that room without broken bones lmao
idunnoidunno its a lot of "WATSON WOULD NEVER DO THAT" moments and gut feelings, it's difficult to describe properly, I found it very difficult to root for him when I felt like he was an un-likeable protagonist idkidk
(additionally they removed his fucking mustache and that is their worst offense /hj)
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scarletevening · 1 year
Im so obsessed w kunigami rn plz
Hi! May I request for maybe a drabble? 🥺
If nsfw is allowed: wild card!kunigami being moody and you take care of him anyway while he’s being slightly insecure 😝😝
If pg: reader being sweet to wild card!kunigami even though he’s spouting out whatever bull$h!t 🤣🤣
Thank you!
kunigami's my fav too
sorry this took so long omfg exam season be killa
this kinda gonna be like a continuous thing, so like sfw but then nsfw?? idkidk but ill put a line for when it goes nsfw also like idk how well i characterized wildcard
cw: suggestive, gn reader
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Kunigami’s heart hurt, how could it not? He was just barely qualified to continue in Blue Lock, through something like a Wildcard! It wasn’t even his own effort that led him there, but being a place behind last. And how could he explain that to you? The one person that makes him smile when your face slithers into his mind during sleepless nights full of stress and self-doubt. Deprivation made him moody, like a child, tantrums of silent treatment at every turn of his day. Even when you were texting him, if you sent a photo of a ceiling instead of your face, if you texted too slowly, or if you were talking with someone else in a group chat. Kunigami fully acknowledged his pettiness, how even though you hung on every word of his texts, he still acted this way. So how could you fix such a moody man? Simple, you thought. At first. Quickly proving itself otherwise, listening to him talk about his insecurities led to practically nothing, as he wasn’t too keen on giving his lover that kind of impression. Of course, you really wouldn’t have cared if it was something he considered embarrassing, because truly, you loved him too much to care. So you sat through every ranting series of texts, having him babble through the phone as you whispered sweet words gently though the call, sweet enough to make his heart skip a beat. Every time he spoke with you, his shoulders got lighter. But he never stopped acting so sad, cause every cheer of encouragement boosted his ego into the sky. So he would grumble into the phone with you, who always listened and always responded with the upmost optimism. He adored how you dealt with him even though he purposefully acted so annoying just because of his stupid addiction to hearing pretty little voice saying pretty little words of encouragement. He couldn't help but get greedy.
。⋆✮nsfw below✮⋆。
Greed wasn't supposed to be the trait of a hero, but not everyone was perfect. He missed you, only being able to see your precious figure through the screen of his phone he could barely be on. He missed you, he wanted you, he craved you, but did you feel the same? Kunigami quickly fell victim to his desires. Alone at night, way too late to be up and too earlier to go back to bed, your phone would ring. Not often would he call you, solely because he didn't have much time, leaving you in ecstatic joy as you saw who's name was disrupting your all-nighter. But you were met with a different greeting that the usual pet-name and an exaggerate kiss to make you laugh. Rather all you heard was heavy breaths, constrained and controlled, like a muted groan.
"Ren? Are you there?" You heard the straggle of a groan break through the call, causing your brows to furrow. His breath haggled in his throat, was this a good idea? Would he disgust you?
"Fuck, princess, your voice is too sweet." You words lumped together as your head spun to conclusions. You thighs brought themselves together as you could feel yourself getting aroused. "keep talking, c'mon." you lips parted but all you didn't make a sound. You made the effort of saying his name, pushing through the stuttering,
"Rensuke," He sighed,
"Tell me what you said yesterday," You could practically visualize the position his was in. Phone propped to his ear with his shoulder, hand tightly wrapped around himself as his eyes squeeze shut and his lips tighten into a strong line, trying to hold back his noises.
"C'mon, lem'me hear your pretty little voice."
ao3 - ScarletEvening
lowkey love this n might fix it up to be a proper fic lmk☺☺
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mobbu-min · 2 years
JJK characters from most to least likely to prefer a clingy or very affectionate s/o
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a/n: i had to make some very hard desions with this one :(
characters: gojo, itadori, miwa, nanami, mai, geto
!tw! very brief spoliers for the Shibuya arc in Itadori's part
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Would love a clingy/affectionate s/o
⋆ Gojo, but not in the ways you think. He feels like affection is one of the only ways he can show his s/o how much he cares for them. He sucks at voicing his actual emotions, so knowing that he can give you affection and that you happily reciprocate it and understand the meaning of it, lets him relax a lot more and gets him to open up to you faster(ofc it could be said that he’d just take advantage of it, but that’s a convo for another time-) it’s a 50/50 in your relationship. While you give him a ton of love and affection, Gojo then covers you in wet kisses. (yuck-)
⋆ Itadori is already a pretty affectionate person, so combined with you, the both of you are insufferable. Nobara screams every time you both do anything remotely affectionate and Megumi’s asking where’s the bleach. He loves whenever you cling to him like a koala or hug him from behind and rest your head against his back/shoulder/head. 10/10, would love an affectionate s/o (cough-spoiler-cough- especially after shibuya-cough)
⋆ The sweetest girl, Miwa, deserves the best! She’d love an affectionate s/o. She’s already affectionate, but for her s/o to be so, oh boy, she’s in heaven. Just shower her in all forms of affection, she’s melting on the spot. Her face is red and steam is coming out of her ears. Hit her with cuddles and sweet words the moment she’s feeling insecure, Miwa’s deceased. She literally deserves the best (and I will fight anyone that disagrees!)
Honorable mentions: megumi, todo, choso, JUNPEI, shoko, YUTA, inumaki
Wouldn’t prefer a clingy/affectionate s/o
⋆ Nanami. I’m so sorry fellow clingy/overly affectionate nanami fans, but i cannot picture nanami being comfortable with one! He’s already so disinterested and annoyed with Gojo, that he’d see this type of person as a nuisance. Not to say that he doesn’t like affection, man is one of the most romantic characters in the show, but he def sees it as having a certain time and place.
⋆ Mai would def make fun of you. Like it’s nothing too mean if you’re already in a relationship with her, but she gets her point across pretty well regardless. She’s not used to being fawned over or shown affection, that to her it’s just weird and annoying. It takes her an incredibly long time to realize that it’s okay to let you hug her in public, or hold hands or that you aren’t making fun of her with your sweet words. Girl is just full of trauma that needs to be unpacked slowly.
⋆ Geto is kinda weird, because although I can’t see him hating the idea, it just doesn’t fit with his love language. Like it takes him too long to get comfortable with you constantly pulling him into hugs, kisses, etc. He’s used to Gojo’s eccentric nature, but it’s just sorta different with you, idkidk. He does open up to the idea eventually, but he’s probably made you sad because he didn’t reciprocate your affection for months! Or said something kinda mean about it to you :(
Honorable mentions: maki, utahime, NAOYA(ew.), toji
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spoonmoment87 · 9 months
some questions for youuu!! (feel free to skip any of them or answer in separate posts!!)
some hobbies of theirs that weren't stated?? do they have some umm... habit? like idk tapping finger on table when they're annoyed. do they like board games? which one would be their favorite? and uhh about birch cafe, would she and ruby surve potato puree with (i'm not sure how's it called actually) cutlet? idkidk it's just looks funny in my head, it's pretty common in our cafes (but i'm sure these two will cook it much better, lol)
ok. so. hobbies
atlas— atlas loves mechanical stuff. He’s a smart little guy. He likes tinkering and robotics and stuff yknow
atom— literally so smart. He’s like a walking dictionary. He knows everything. He enjoys reading. He reads all the time
birch— she also like reading. But more fanfiction… she also likes art. And drawing. She watches her tv shows and goes insane (if this sounds like me… no it doesn’t)
cheezit— she likes animals. She’s like nature. She’s into biology. Yknow she just likes nature n bugs n stuff. She’s also into art but she does more paintings of like landscapes and yknow. NATURE
phoenix— he also likes reading. He’s just smart. He’s just a pretty chill dude yknow. Sometimes he’ll maybe like play video game or two yknow. not much goin on
rodney— rodneys cool with just doing whatever. just going along with what everyone else is doing. they are a beast with a sword tho….
ruby— SHE LOVES HER GIRLFRIEND. she loves her girlfriend and she watches her tv shows with birch. She used to be kinda shy and closed off BUT THEN SHE GOT A GIRLFRIEND and now she loves baking and art
simon— he listens to music. SKATEBOARD. i never thought about that until just now but simon would totally skateboard
I said it back when my ocs were on my main blog but birch does this
ok NEVERMIND the picture doesn’t want to load. But birch likes to do like… flappy hands? Like she tends to speak with her hands. phoenix can make fire because… phoenix. I think it’d be funny if he gets like REALLY mad he unintentionally like. starts a fire. just like a small fire not anything big. but he just does it without noticing
it’s not really a habit but rodney can detach his zombified limbs
atlas likes board games ^_^ i dont think they have a favorite. They just like having fun with everyone
atom likes board games but specifically strategy games
birch LOVES board games. she stared the weekly game night. She doesn’t have a favorite she loves ALL OF THEM
cheezit likes board games but she specifically like pictionary… is pictionary a board game?
phoenix loves trivia games
rodney and ruby are both neutral about board games but will still play them
simon doesn’t hate board games, he just doesn’t like that he never wins
I have no idea what potato puree and cutlet is but it looks good so 👍 sure 👍
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