#idk what that movie is about
bixels · 3 months
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I watched Starship Troopers tonight.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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i think the barbie movie would have a profound psychological impact on hua cheng
prev comic / next comic / follow for still more hualian barbie movie content because i am not done
bonus angsty version 🎉 i hate love expressions just a couple tiny lines on the mouth and eyebrows and it goes from silly to sad
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iwasbored777 · 6 months
I wanted to make a venn diagram for Trolls franchise characters and I got stuck here after realizing that all trolls that Poppy loves the most have two things in common
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milkcryptid · 1 year
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trickster & mischief
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shmunter · 11 months
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the golden boy
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ren-054 · 2 months
Renée Sterling: Oh, they have to find my darling husbands! I’m so worried about them!
Detective Monty: Seriously, what do you see in those two?
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dandyleyen · 10 days
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Twitter post | They were my childhood ship, ofc I had to draw them :) I'm so happy seeing them becoming a popular ship finally !
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esdeaths · 3 months
Are you telling me that the "legendary battle" gloreth waged against the monsters was just a child raising a play sword against their shapeshifting best friend because her village was scared of them and now an entire civilization is built on the ideaolgy of a glorious knight fighting a great evil thats only based on the fear of a very small group of people 1000 years ago
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cyberpunkaddict · 10 days
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jeeaark · 2 months
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Learned that illithids feel intensely. Which would Not have helped Greygold's current mood one bit! Really, under such major life changes, I think Greygold is coping exceptionally well. Too well even...
I can only conclude it's because they've figured out how to compartmentalize their feelings squid-style. Nothing like throwing all those messy negative vibes into a mental bag of holding in the back of their mind to sort out later. Or never! Is fine. Everything is fine.
Probably only vibe sensitive folk could hear their constant internal cussing. (was me. I was their constantly cussing vibe)
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jondoe279 · 4 months
atp i genuinely doooon’t care if the old guard two is the worst thing put to film i just want to see the best character of all time (andromache the scythian) and her loser henchmen and everyone’s favorite girl nile freeman again
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lilaccatholic · 5 months
Complex feelings about copyright and Disney's appalling ethics aside, it does unsettle me how quickly people jump to make and monetize the most unnerving, depraved content imaginable about characters created for children the second it hits the public domain
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juniperarts · 9 months
I think you like pavitr.. Don't know tho, its just a theory after all.
Idk what has you thinking that.
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Interesting theory tho 🤔
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Curious to know why you think so
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He's an ok character I guess
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*looks at my icon for a split second* anyways-
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Imma go draw (not Pavitr)
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sage-nebula · 2 months
Sonic fandom, if we could muster enough energy to get Paramount to fix ugly Sonic for his crimes of being ugly, then we can muster that same energy to get them to fire James Marsden from all future Sonic Movie projects after 3 for his crimes of writing a letter defending a self-admitted child rapist and then not bothering to say as much as "I shouldn't have done that, my bad" almost a month after his defense of said child rapist was made public. We can do this. I believe in us.
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just-4nother-ghost · 10 months
Me seeing that goncharov was trending and that the first post was a fan art, just to discover that we're actually talking about the invented TikTok movie:
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x-gon-give-it · 1 year
Headcanon, theory, prediction, whatever you want to call it,
but I think the reason that the universe Miquel hijacked collapsed, and not Miles, despite them both being “anomalies” is because Miquel was trying to change someone else’s story, as opposed to Miles who inspires other people to change their own stories.
Like, Miquel tried to force himself into a universe that wasn’t his. He took the place of his counterpart and pretended to be him, he was playing a part that wasn’t meant for him, he was changing a story that wasn’t his. And the universe rejected that.
Whereas Miles inspires people to change their own stories. His universe didn’t collapse because that’s HIS universe. It’s HIS story to tell, and sure the plot changed along the way, but he’s still telling it.
The same with 42-Miles. His story was drastically changed because he wasn’t bitten by that spider, but his universe isn’t collapsing because he’s the one still telling the story. He’s still shaping his own future.
And like how Miles inspired Peter B to have Mayday at all. Without Miles, Peter wouldn’t have gone back to his and he wouldn’t have had Mayday. But his universe isn’t collapsing because that’s a decision PETER made. No one forced him to make up with MJ and have Mayday. But Miles gave him faith and inspired him to go back and give life another try. (Don’t even get me started how Peter would have literally DIED if not for Miles. He was going to stay in Miles dimension. He was fully ready to deteriorate. He literally would have died if not for Miles saying “NO BITCH YOU GOTTA GO HOME” much less inspiring him to have Mayday, I’m just saying I’m just saying.)
And the thing is I don’t think Miquel realizes that. He’s so caught up in his grief and anger that he’s completely consumed with following canon and my never disrupting ANYTHING. He doesn’t realize that that universe collapsed because he tried to change someone ELSES story. He tried to become someone else to live their story. He didn’t try to make his own and that’s not how it works.
Idk just thinking thots tonight, And ATSV is always at the top of my brain
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