#idk tumblr rules anymore... but i want to tag it....
slime-shizun · 1 year
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xue meng doesnt know that shizun and me do it in the pavilion every sunday
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bunn-iiii · 8 months
never gonna change my main url, however you can enjoy about 70% of my other urls I have horded as side blogs in my ever growing collection
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emdotcom · 2 years
I understand all these posts with the angle of "OMG new users don't know how the reblog system works -- we have to tell them so they'll reblog art!" Bc that IS true! I have seen new accounts roll up with 0 reblogs & just likes.
But, also, you cannot fucking pretend that the reblog/likes ratio has not been on a massive fucking decline for literal years before this. It is not just new users suddenly not reblogging -- it is a massive shift in how the Tumblr populace itself regards & interacts with art & artist.
& as an artist, there is very little you can do.
#gale chatter#eh actually yeah there is one thing you can do -- you either post exclusively popular fandom content or intentionally miss or over tag#but after that you just. try to color all your art in try to post digital try to post at the right times#but really how much does that affect notes? do gou get one or two extra? ten?#& how many of those notes are likes#there's a laugh rule for posts i wish there were an appreciation rule for art#if you are in any way impressed moved or want to see more art you need to reblog it. this is not optional.#girl i am hashtag artist struggles right now fuck#NOT to complain i get good notes on that art post & all my friends & homies rolled up to rb#that's a good amount of reblogs for me that's like 7 rbs & 4 of them had really nice tags that's good interaction#i just. kinda miss when a post would have so many reblogs i would lose track. i couldn't have told you how many notes i got#when i was in highschool posting batim fanart. the number was too big to me. looking back i know 200 notes doesn't mean much#but for me? for all the art I've made? shit I've spent hours or weeks on? vs me making a silly animation in about an hour?#the difference is about 190 notes. & that's a damn shame & discouraging.#it makes me think the only way to get notes is to post for big fandoms & that sucks bc i don't like to dance that dance anymore#idk. maybe i move to da or something.#how many other artists do you think go through this? spend hours on something & not get enough interaction#so they decide to pack up shop & go somewhere else#& the only way their art is ever gonna geace tumblr again is by reposters & art thiefs#or maybe they just never post art again period. & ain't that a damn crying shame.
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Adrienn Banai: The Rat Lover
I didn't want to post about any of this, but this person forced my hand.
I can't let this person run around on this hellsite anymore.
For those not in the know, this person harasses artists into drawing their husbando: a rat character named "Grey" from the children's series "Larva Island". Sometimes they also harass people into drawing Grey's grandpa, a female version of Grey named "Greyless", Grey wearing Roxanne's dress from "A Goofy Movie", and plenty of parodies of the opening scene of said movie. Like, they subjected one person to draw that same sequence with different characters like 6-7 times. And the "best" part? Sometimes they steal the poor victim's art to claim it as their own. And sometimes, they create edits of them WITHOUT CREDITING THE ORIGINAL ARTISTS. And when they do get caught, they apologize. A lot. But that's only a front to get respect again.
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Her husbando
And I was one of their unfortunate victims. This person is weird as all hell; they ship this rat with Pibby (a character that is canonically from a preschool show), Meilin Lee (A hecking 13 year old girl), and Adrienn themselves.
The rat, according to the user, is 15 while the female version of the rest, his girlfriend, is 12.
Adrienn themselves are either 17 or 19.
The fandoms they follow are: -Courage the Cowardly Dog -Friday Night Funkin -Learning with Pibby -Little Nightmares -Turning Red -Anything Disney related (Goofy mostly) -Steven Universe -Made in Abyss -Road to El Dorado -Eddsworld -Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -Super Mario series and, most importantly, Larva.
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She stole my artwork just to make crappy edits
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adrienn, flat out admitting that they steal art from people
It's already kind of weird enough, but then I did more digging on this person. They have a butt ton of accounts on a multitude of social media websites. They have a few on reddit, a few on wikia, one on vimeo, and a few on behance, of all places. They have a long history of harassing users, especially on reddit and wikia. They have the most accounts on Tumblr, with five (two of them are inactive.) The second biggest is wikia, with four. The earliest accounts were on DeviantArt, which makes a lot of sense. Oh, but it gets better. They have uncensored nsfw content on two tumblrs. This is from one of their accounts. I am not going to show you the image, but I'm going to show you the tags:
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I mean, I'm glad that they tagged it as "rule 34", but I'm more surprised about how tumblr didn't purge those posts or ban the user entirely. So, if you see someone with any of these accounts ask you to draw this rat, dump the ask and block em. Hell, even report them if you need to : https://adrienn-banai-09.tumblr.com/ (WARNING, NSFW CONTENT AHEAD) https://adriennbanai09.tumblr.com/ (Not as nsfw as the one above, but still, nsfw) https://andreabanai.tumblr.com/ https://adriennsposts.tumblr.com/ (currently active) https://adriennbanai-09.tumblr.com/ (currently inactive) https://adriennbanai-2022.tumblr.com They may also go by "zoltanbanai", so keep your eyes out.
And Adrienn/Andrea, if you are reading this, I urge you to take a break from the internet and get some help. As I said multiple times, this behavior will not help you make friends. It will only make more enemies. I am an autistic just like you (probably. idk) and I really don't want to put you down like this, but you're already weirding a bunch of people out. Though you probably won't listen to me anyway, since apparently in your eyes the word "no" is just an unspoken "yes".
And please don't harass this person or send them death threats. Doing that just makes you a bad person.
I hope this is the last time I talk about this person, because I don't really have the time or the patience to deal with stupid bullcrap like this.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. The clorox brain bleach is on the right side of the exits.
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referencing the last reblog so i don’t end up writing a mcfreakin novel in the poor person’s notes:
because god it really sucks holding it all in. my therapist is cool but it’s hard to explain some of these things that bother me to someone who isn’t as “online.” so i resort to posting about the things on my tumblr because it’s the closest i can get to talking about things to someone else without feeling as much of the guilt. idk my mind is an anomaly. speaking of guilt im putting a “read more” here now because this dumb thing’s getting long and now im thinking about the things that have bothered me that idk if i handled right and i don’t want to subject others to seeing it if they don’t want to.
ALSO i think im going to tag my random posts that i make when im having sad bad brain times with “trash rants” so please feel free to block that tag as needed!
the following is essentially about being in a discord server that had both minors (15+) and adults in it and the complications i had in that environment.
one thing that happened a while ago involved a situation within a fandom discord server that idk how tf to even explain the situation to a professional without feeling like an idiot. an adult artist had a character that other people in the server liked. one time that person posted something they drew of that character topless with a message about how boobs shouldn’t be sexual which is absolutely right. but then the others + the artist started making comments about the character’s boobs that i became very confused with how to interpret. my brain was like “are the intent of these comments to be suggestive/sexual in nature or am i being an ignorant asshole for interpreting them as such and it’s because i’m being the problem and seeing boobs themselves as a sexual?” it was even more complicated because the people involved in making these comments were underage. it got even even more complicated because then some of these underage people started drawing the character topless with more comments that i didn’t know how to interpret. one of these people at some point told the original artist that they would privately dm them the more nsfw drawings they were doing. and everyone seemed to be having a good time going “BOOBS 👀👀” and all that and the channel was going crazy. but i was getting so uncomfortable and confused. and i felt like such an asshole. because i like boobs too and society shouldn’t see them as something inherently sexual. but the underage folk being involved made it so complicated for my brain. because if some random person not involved with the server looked in on what was happening, couldn’t it be seen as minors making and sending an adult nsfw art? even though it was very likely NOT the intention of the original artist.
what i ended up doing was bringing my concerns to the server owner, which was responded well to. a rule was put in place about sharing nsfw stuff. but i felt so guilty about it. i felt like i was being a party pooper and ruining people’s fun. i still wasn’t sure if i was even doing the right thing and if it was a problem within me and not with what happened. i was born into a conservative religious background so it was only when i became more independent and was allowed access to the internet that i got to start to unlearn the bad things that were taught to me. that background is something i’m trying so hard to separate myself from, but it’s something that i’m afraid will haunt me. was what happened in the server not actually a problem, and it was because my brain wants to do the bad society thing and interpret boobs as sexual? did i ruin everyone’s fun because i’m just an ignorant asshole who got uncomfy at something i shouldn’t be getting uncomfy about? i still don’t know. anyway, i ended up leaving the server because i just couldn’t enjoy it anymore. once in a while that original artist’s stuff pops up naturally in my feed because we’re still in the same fandom, but i can’t even look at their art or even their name without feeling all the confusion and guilt again. which i feel terrible about because they seemed like a really nice person and they’re a great artist! and i really don’t think they had any bad intentions at all when that situation in the server happened. but i just can’t do it.
that situation was the first moment i truly realized just how scary it is and careful you have to be when you’re in an online environment where adults and minors can freely interact. it’s easy to forget ages when you’re just a profile picture, and how easy it can be to influence someone young, and how dangerous that is, whether your intentions are good or not. it made me realize that i don’t want to be in that type of server where you’re directly interacting with underage people. because i’m a fucking mess and i don’t know what the hell i’m doing 90% of the time. i don’t want to somehow mess up a kid! even if it’s an accident i didn’t want to risk having that accident happen in the first place. it’s one of the reasons why i can’t bring myself to ever draw and post nsfw art anywhere either. i just feel so uncomfortable about it. to me it’s fine if others do it if they’re doing it in a safe way with the necessary precautions, and they shouldn’t feel shame in it! it’s just not something i feel comfortable doing myself.
jfc im so sorry if anyone actually read this far. this whole thing is so stupid. i wish i didnt let it bother me for so long. there are a lot of stupid things that my brain wastes time worrying about. maybe writing all this down will help me explain it to someone on the “outside” who can tell me how to stop it. i don’t know.
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author interview
thanks to @allaganexarch for the tag!!! <3
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
29! considering i only started posting in march 2023, i think that's not too bad!
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
207,225 ! it's gonna go up by a LOT with the new fic i'm planning, that one is easily gonna be 80k or more lol. but for now, it is this! :)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i am only inspired by one (1) tall british woman lol
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
push me gently (into love)
when the last restraint is gone
violet soul
danger level - one
honestly, i am not surprised! checks out ahaha. people love rom-coms and porn i suppose :)
5. do you respond to comments?
always! even if it takes me A While(TM) lol. i feel like people who bothered to take the time and leave a comment deserve my response!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm. my endings ten to be kind of melancholy/open ending type of shit if it's angsty. but the angstiest, as in it's objectively an upsetting ending for a particular character, i think it's either the sad option on my ruin tastes so sweet (almost as sweet as your lips) or violet soul, followed by inevitable (even though i might even consider that one a happy ending given the Circumstances. like it could have been much worse i feel lol)
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
it's either particular or push me gently (into love)!
8. do you get hate on fics?
yes, but not in the ao3 comments! lol. they Find Me on tumblr and yell their grievances here lmao
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i only have a couple of fic that *don't* feature smut of some kind lol. i love writing smut! as for what kind...... the lesbian kind. often really kinky, but not a rule! i've written vanilla stuff, too!
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
not a lot tbh! but i think a fun one i've done is a star wars/wednesday crossover that i exclusively wrote bc i wanted larissa weems and captain phasma to fuck lololol and i wanted to feature a chrome dildo as hommage to phasma's armour. it's fun, silly and really filthy porn if you wanna give it a read lol. chrome and lipstick
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not an entire fic, but i have had my ideas plagiarised, actually by some well-known fandom names. or if i've shared an idea in a chat that person would accidentally get the same idea and post it before me lol. so that has taught me not to share my wips with anyone but my innermost circle lol.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't think so? i don't think i'd like be thrilled with that tbh.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i tried, but the person ghosted me lol. it's a shame, i really like her work.
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
i have spent a significant amount of time in the malora fandom, and i feel that illustrates the type of dynamic i Enjoy lol, but honestly idk if i have a Favourite(TM) ship Ever. i don't control what i'll go Nuts over at any given time.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
if i *want* to finish it i likely will at some point. if i don't, that means i have lost passion for it and i don't want to finish it anymore.
16. what are your writing strengths?
describing emotional states, pacing, dialogue, Very Specific Character Dynamics, smut, incorporating Motifs(TM) and themes.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
world-building (horrible at it, also super disinterested in it), describing places accurately and in a detailed manner unless it's Just Vibes, and i feel i'd be horrible at writing any kind of action scene. i am very good at Internal stuff, not so good at External stuff, i feel. i also sometimes get a bit too dash happy lol. just end the sentence gurl.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i just find it distracting and unnecessary, and if you don't actually speak that language, i'd say don't bother. it comes out weird. just my opinion though! i think a phrase, a sentence, expression or a single word can be fun, but i wouldn't write a whole dialogue in another language, unless i really wanted to use it for some sort of effect. like a point being made of the character whose pov i was writing not understanding something really important or whatever idk.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i honestly don't remember. it may have been supergirl?
20. favourite fic you've written?
i can't choooooose. maybe inevitable? i also love particular. and i am quite fond of our little dance and my entire luci/maz cinematic universe haha!! and when the last restraint is gone. i can't pick a favourite child (i can pick Least Favourites though lol).
tagging: @zephyr-is-tired @dianneking @the-frankenman-writes @alder-saan @gerrikellmansbitchboots @notinmyvocab aaaaand my brain is blank, pls consider yourself tagged if you see this and wanna do it!
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sarah-sandwich · 11 months
on ao3 I always see people doing challenges... how do you join challenges?
-someone who wants to try a challenge
Daaahhh okay so I haven't participated in fandom challenges in years. Back in my day we had bangs (themed collab events between writers and artists they were awesome but also led to my 18 month burn out so watch out) but I don't see those anymore :( Might be because I don't write for spn anymore? Not sure what happened there. But I do see some challenges float across my dash sometimes.
There are a lot of bingo ones. Tbh idk where those come from lol They just sort of show up? I think people just make them and some get traction and others don't. You can try searching *keyword* bingo and see what comes up but I can't help you beyond that, sorry.
Challenges pretty much always have a recurring theme and timeline and hopefully a dedicated blog where the mods post prompts, FAQs, and rules. Like the sicktember challenge is a month long hurt/comfort prompt event that takes place in September. They already have their 2023 prompt list up so you can check that out as well as the linked FAQ and how to submit if you're interested in participating in that one (or if you just want to get a feel for how these things typically work).
Each challenge kind of operates in its own way with specific rules on what they allow in story submissions so be sure to give the rules a read before you sign up, but generally you get a list of prompts and have a certain deadline to finish writing and then post it on tumblr using the specified tags, or post on AO3 and add it to the specified challenge collection, or both! Again, whatever challenge you're interested in should have all of that spelled out for you on their blog. If you're iffy on the details you should be able to submit an ask with questions.
If you've seen a challenge you want to participate in on ao3 then you can try searching for it here on tumblr and hopefully find a blog for it, or you can comment on a fic that's part of the challenge and (compliment the fic first) ask how you can get in involved and where to go to find out more information.
If all else fails you can search "writing challenge" on tumblr and wade through the results until you find something that looks interesting, but keep in mind challenges tend to be seasonal so you'll see very different results searching now as opposed to December as opposed to February etc etc.
I have a tendency to follow challenge blogs that look interesting as they pop up on my dash (even though I know I'll likely never participate, I'm just nosy 😅, I wanna know what everyone's up to). Let me take a gander through my following list and see what all I've got...
@flufftober @whumptober @sicktember @shortfictionweeklychallenge @writeblrsummerfest @nanowrimo @ockissweek @webpril @spideypoolbigbang <- a bang!! @marvelartparty <- art only @parknerweek @flashfictionfridayofficial
That's everything from me. Does anyone else have any writing challenge blogs they could share?
Editing to add @marvel-events-central from the replies (look at all the good shit in that there blog 👀)
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vinmauro · 1 year
Make me write!
i was tagged by @spicysix & @keerysquinn thank you lui & anna!!
Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It's fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count)
Tag anyone you think might also enjoy this game (No pressure of course)
Whichever WIP title gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.
If somehow that completes the fic or reaches the end of a chapter, move to the WIP with the second highest votes and continue where you left off on your sentence/word count. Repeat until you reach your goal.
(Optional) Share what you wrote in a new Tumblr post with a link to the poll or in a reblog!
tagging (no pressure): @stargyles, @rejectofsociety again idk who likes these things so please feel free to say i tagged you if you want.
below are some small synopses about what you're voting for. also i have a 10k writing goal to do until next tuesday and i'm only 2k in.
tied part 3: 1990, new york city, summer, fall, & new years. i shant say more bc spoilers!!
daydreams: i'm thinking about completely rewriting this because i don't think it makes sense anymore so if you vote you're making me rewrite it!!
another life: musician nancy wheeler & actor eddie munson are getting a divorce, hear all about it. (420 prompt: things you said when we were on top of the world)
bartender au: the prompt is things you said when you thought i was asleep. i have nothing planned so if you vote for this i'm throwing caution to the wind and writing it.
stargyle before sunrise au: i have been itching to do a before sunrise au and this prompt is things you said under the stars and in the grass which the entire point of the story is to be told in one day into night. so it works. if you vote for this i'm doing what i'm doing with the bartender au.
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niuniente · 1 year
How do you survive fandom for so long? I used to heavily be in fandoms, making fanart, fanfics, participating in zines, celebrating characters bdays, etc. But now I struggle to stay in a fandom. Maybe I'm just seeing to many bad sides of fandom these days. Like I recently got into SpyxFamily but when looking through fanart, discovered 18+ fanart involving the child Anya, while I know this is the internet and I can't escape seeing things that make me uncomfortable, I just haven't had the urge to try to join the fandom after it. I'm sure there's a wonderful side to it, but I just don't have the energy for it anymore. Idk I always feel like I have to keep up with the fandoms artists, writers and everything or else I'm not a part of it. Sorry if this sounded ranty, I've just been following for years and envy your ability to hop right back into a fandom you haven't touched in a while or into ones that are new.
Big fandoms are always difficult to be in. The more people, the more problems there are, and you'll encounter things you wish not to see. You have to then weight things; can I handle encountering something I don't want to see and immediately block the thing and the person posting these things I don't wish to see (and report it, if needed) or will they throw me out of the loop so much that it is better not to wander into there? You need to curate your own internet experience (as we all need to) but it is challenging when things aren't tagged. Then, you have to weight the pros and cons and decide what to do.
I'm not part of any big fandoms and I grew up in the so-called dark ages of the internet, when nothing was tagged, warned etc. so when you go to see or read things, it can be anything. Then you just go "Nope" and click away. Fandoms were smaller back then as internet wasn't a common thing in your pocket available 24/7 so chances of running into something you do not want to encounter all of the sudden have grown since those days.
How I handle ALL fandom things is that I mainly mind my own business and don't wander too far. A good rule of thumb is to find a small group of nice people (or just a few of them) and hang around with them. Follow just certain artists. Follow just certain fanfic authors. Hang only in certain Discords. Mute and block posts and people freely - you don't have to justify this to anyone. Black list in Tumblr words you don't wish to see (New Xkit is excellent for computers, mobile should have its own blocking system but I don't use phone to scroll anything unless necessary).
You can't control a fandom or other fans (not even the twisted ones) but you can try your best to control yourself - and if it means not wandering into certain fandoms & tags or not wanting to take a risk of seeing something you don't want to see (as it will be pretty inevitable in big fandoms no matter what safety measurements you take), then it is the best not to go there. As sad as it might be.
Also, the second worry; if you like a thing, congratulations, you are part of the fandom :3 It really is as simply as that. Fandoms aren't some social activity you have to perform to earn your fan badge. You like the things = you are a fan.
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gcldfanged · 2 months
🧸 + 🧱 >:3 !!
🧸 What's a nice, familiar part of your dash? Blog?
I'm not really sure what this means, but I guess the likes page? Cuz sometimes I 'like' posts so I can read it later or use something as inspo.
Blog wise, searching my own tags is pretty frequent because I am stupid and forget shit all the gd time. Oh, I wrote this months ago? Fuck if I can recall that headcanon.
🧱 Something you don't involve yourself with? uninterested? Anything you prefer to read instead of write?
-I used to not be into A/B/O because I didn't understand why people needed an excuse to have certain kinks, but someone explained it to me as like... a social setting/rules to play around with. And also kinda compared it to trans stuff, which I honestly had never thought about it like that before. I haven't explored it myself lately, but idk- Maybe if someone convinces me to try it, I might? I just am neutral towards it now.
-I also don't really do dnis in my rules anymore because someone pointed out how they're interpreted by other people and I didn't want to place that onus on potential mutuals.
Like, yeah, I have personal beef with some people for very valid reasons and I don't wanna see them- But that's what tumblr savior's for since 'block' doesn't always catch reblogs or asks.
It was more a matter of me wanting to protect myself because the RPC was getting active again and I wasn't sure who was kissing whose asses anymore, so I figured "okay if you're tight with so and so, you're not gonna wanna follow me ANYWAY" but, a friend corrected me on how they look to other people as some kind of rp 'red flag'.
-I'm aro grey-ace so I don't really read smut, but I find writing smut kind hard because I feel like it gets repetitive for my writing partner and I don't want to bore them. So I've actually gotten some recommendations of erotica novels and I'm reading them! One of them is actually really fucking funny, like it's very witty about the MCs observations of certain characters, so it's obviously not just about sex, which helps. More like court politics and schemes, which I LIKE, but then some smutty stuff thrown in.
Hopefully this will let me upgrade my skill level in writing sexy stuff, I'm accumulating experience points.
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reidsaurora · 1 year
Make. Me. Write!!!
i was tagged by: @writer-in-theory
Rules and Regulations:
Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count)
Tag anyone you think might also enjoy this game (No pressure of course)
Whichever WIP title gets the most votes write 1 sentence for every vote. If it gets more votes than your comfortable with, feel free to swap to words.
If somehow that completes the fic or reaches the end of the chapter, move to the WIP with the second highest votes and continue where you left off on your sentence/word count. Repeat until you reach your goal.
(Optional) Share what you wrote in a new Tumblr post with a link to your original poll or attached it to a reblog
idk why but i feel the need to give a lil backstory or explanation of some sort for each one so you know what you're getting into 🫡
backstories and np tags under the cut 🫶🏻🧡
Cowboy!Steve Harrington wip
this one's self explanatory, you can go read the first three fics in this series over on my nsfw blog, @hornyhornyhimbos 🖤✨️
JBU (Reidaway)
so, i teased this series a little bit when SYGB ended but i never really fully committed to writing it because i have a set beginning but i have no clue what to do for the ending 😬
i'm not gonna spoil it because y'all know me, i'm a writer and i have to tease everything but let's just say it involves forced proximity, sorta work rivals to maybe lovers, and black cat!elle greenaway x golden retriever!spencer reid <3
Eat Your Young (Spencer Reid)
i can't explain this much other than that i was extremely h word when i came up with the plot for this and i was playing "Eat Your Young" by Hozier on repeat when it happened
I'm Too Pretty For This (Warren Rojas)
this was a request i got like two months ago when i first announced i was gonna be writing for DJATS characters and i got like two paragraphs in and i hated it so i never finished it 😂
basically something happens between the band members of the group that are opening for DJATS on the Aurora tour and it somehow makes their lead singer realize she might have a thing for Warren 😏
AFTR (Steve Harrington)
this will be my first serious Steve series. i know that the Loriverse exists and the Cowboyverse exists but this one is actually a serious series that i wanted to write for the summer and i just never did
a brief summary without giving too much away is that Stancy happens but doesn't last and somehow Reader/FMC (haven't decided which yet) ends up spending the summer as Steve's rebound of sorts?
LMLAF rewrite (Hotchniss)
so, a few of you may remember this series i posted back in February of 2022. i was extremely depressed and lonely so i did what any normal human would... i wrote a story about Hotchniss being friends with benefits.
however, that story was posted on this account, where I do not post smut. well, other than that one chapter of SYGB but we don't need to go there rn akshksjsjsj
anyway, basically this would be the spicier rewritten version of that where i don't leave readers in the dark about what went on between Hotchniss after Haley died ;)
All Your Being, pt 2 (Spencer Reid)
another fic i wrote where i tried desperately to keep things closed door until now when i decided i don't care about that anymore 😂
in case you guys don't remember this fic, i'll link it here but basically Spencer and midsized!reader have been together for six months but have yet to do the nasty because she's afraid of what he'll think about her body. this part two would basically just be him saying f!ck it and showing her that every body is a beautiful body 🫶🏻
Tolerate It (Spencer Reid)
just go listen to "tolerate it" by Taylor Swift. it would be easier for you to do that than for me to tell you about the dark sh!t that ensued in this fic... i was at my lowest low when i wrote this and you'll see that if i ever post it 🥲
well now that that's over with, how bout some no pressure tags!! 🥳🎉
@reidsbookclub @dungeons-are-too-cold @nomajdetective @bejeweledmunson @rupsmorge @reidselle @lukeclvez @lcvingprentjss @serenity-lattes @writingquillsandpainpills
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jovenshires · 7 months
Hey the new Ianthony edit? Made me emo as fuck it really had me in my feels very cool.
I didn't see it on the 'smosh' tag? Idk if that's intentional thought you should know if it's not <3 -dot hell anon
TYSM i had so much fun making that one so im glad <3333
ah yeah... that was intentional. old habits die hard i guess? this got a little away from me so i put my extremely long rant under the cut, but tlwr: i try not to tag a lot of shipping stuff as /smosh.
see, i'm not new to the smosh fandom, but i am relatively new to THIS version of the fandom. i came back a couple of months ago but my real heyday was in like. 2018-2020. and we had pretty set rules for how we went about things, and one of the BIG ones was to never put anything ship-related in the main tags (those tags being cast names and the main smosh tag itself).
this was for a couple different reasons; first of all, some of the actual smosh staff was on tumblr (the official smosh blog for one, and i think one of the cast used tumblr at the time?? not sure on that one though as i Cannot remember), and we didn't want them to have to view rpf of themselves in spaces just generally meant for posting about them/their company. like say courtney, for example, goes into the 'courtney miller' tag - there's a difference between seeing a post about her bit in the new tntl and a post about them. fucking ian nasty style. not that there's anything wrong with the latter, just that i am very conscientious about not showing the real person fiction to the real person(s) in question, as was a lot of the smosh fandom.
second of all, not every smosh fan is into rpf. our venn diagram is not a circle. there was a time when i was not a part of the venn diagram. it's why i try to tag every post with 'shipping' and/or 'rpf' when it even vaguely hints at the stuff, so that not everybody has to see it. this isn't exclusive to this topic - i would do that for anything divisive. so, yeah, casual smosh fans scrolling the main tag probably don't want to see my silly ship edits, and i get that!!
since i've returned we obviously have a much different fandom culture - the old smosh blog shut down years ago and i'm fairly certain none of the cast checks tumblr anymore (and if they do and they're reading this: i'd like to apologize and beg for them to block me for both of our sanities). i've also made a few exceptions to my own rule, such as with the incorrect tweets bc i think those can mostly be written off as jokes and the lil au edits though i regret that at times. (i've been considering un-tagging those for a while tbh.) i've also realized recently that the tag 'smosh fic' just gets sorted directly into the 'smosh' tag which is. a pain in the ass. that's not what i said tumblr and you know it. so some of my content has been filtered in there. but you'll notice with the lil clips and text posts i post and stuff i almost never tag it as 'smosh' because. i just don't need people to see it ya know. i've got my people here and that's enough for me <3
that is all to say by the way that the new fandom culture is not BAD. as we all know, i'm very pro-rpf, so seeing rpf out there is great (as long as you know it's not tinhatting etc etc). we also have a very diverse community now with a lot of interesting ships and great fics that i would never have found without casually scrolling through the smosh tag!! it's also easier nowadays to block tags than ever; casual fans can just block the 'shipping' tag and have (relatively) easy access to the smosh tag. so please all of you keep doing you - i'm not your mother and i don't expect you to listen to lil ole me where i live perched up on my soap box. BUT idk if i personally can get over my hang-ups about tags.
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inthecarpets · 2 years
Hello, just a passer-by! I actually was just looking at waterfall and was considering using it(I'm just looking for new websites to us and be cringe on) when I saw your post recommending not to!
I'm curious, what happened that was so bad???
The admin Thell/Thelle doesn't plan to develop Waterfall.Social anymore. He said he plans to keep it on while he creates something else but its not worth the time. Trust Me. (And waterfall apparently is down half the time nowadays)
People paid for this website on gofund me or whatever patreon website so you'd expect a bit of professionalism but Thell is not and he's ready to blame the users on his own shortcomings.
The ToS at the beginning had some bull like "no need to tire you with legalese" (paraphrasing it here) at the beginning of it. which Obviously had to be changed later. But it was a red flag i suppose.
Back when i joined waterfall years ago it to had some nice ideas, but longterm it fell Apart due to Thell being a mess of a single admin.
Thell created us an art marketplace on the website and then took it down few months later bc it wasn't profitable and people wouldn't abide the rules.
Which, in all fairness, the website was small, and he'd refuse to hire more staff idk. hard to see it profitable if it's tiny
Like, he'd give us featured art frame like on Tumblr desktop except it was random art so everyone got the chance to use it. Everyone loved it bc of that. Maybe feew years later though he broke the feature down
Why? Bc, at least to him, People would register to the website, see "bad art" and then walk away from the website. (Ways to insult userbase💖)
Not that the website itself was kind of bare and laggy and bunch of people was on it :))
Thell changed the featured art frame into 'only artworks above a treshold of notes get in there'. And it was some bull amount bc all you could see was few artworks circulating on repeat 'for another year'
I also heard the coding of the website was a mess but i'm not an IT person so idk
he also promised an app for Waterfall but then it turned out he'd have to have more staff to post it in appstore lol
Thell would even sort of threaten at some point to take away NSFW? the very reason why the site existed
Saying that people don't tag nsfw and this is why other websites got it banned and he doesn't want it to happen here.
A year ago Waterfall stopped working for a few weeks.
And so i was curious and i started digging. (it was actually also after announcement that Thell was thinking about ditching the website altogether for maybe a new project but couldn't decide)
Invites for official discord server weren't working.
Official twitter was gone
Official tumblr account was gone
No info whatsoever
Except i only found some roleplaying cherp drama on tumblr dunking on Thell i guess, bc offtopic, but apparently he was an admin on it and they accussed him of pretending to be 2 people in the same time, god complex, narcissism, bad coding and telling one of the Discord members to kill themself.
At the beginning i also remember being able to look at notification board.
And later it disappeared for some reason.
No notification board
Thell took it down after a year or two I Suppose
Lack of communication, one big indecisiveness, lack of transparency, taking away what was already in there, lack of planning skills while not getting more people on board, etc.
And honestly the red signs were already there even before Waterfall. Before this site, which is supposed to be for leftist minded people, he was creating a website for rightists which also failed lol (you should be able to find more about it while browsing through waterfall tag more). People can change. But it seems Thell didn't change that much for the better beyond changing bunch of views.
If you'd like receipts, they should be available on Waterfall's Staff blog on Waterfall social bc Thell wrote updates through time.
If Thell creates another website ever again i Hope Tumblr will crush it to pulp.
If you'd like something that's more stable i can recommend Pillowfort and send you an invite code if you'd like. They also allow nsfw.
I heard there was some drama with it and staff aswell though i have no details about it, and i bet it wasn't as ridiculous as waterfall. I know they were fakely accussed on allowing cp tho. Even despite their website being one of the most anti-cp (even fictional is a No) i've seen. Heard they are too jumpy with implementing this ban, which is not good if you get fakely accussed, but well, maybe it changes. You don't have to pay for it to necessarily use it so at worst its just waste of time. o/ Pillowfort grows and seems to get regularly updated and it has a team behind it.
If you are an artist or an art enjoyer, Artfol is a cool new app for that. You can view it also from desktop. They are currently developing the option to post artworks from website. A very organised small team.
Other social media i somewhat heard of were mastodon (decentralised Twitter?) and Inkblot (another for artists)
If anyone knows more websites, please let me know!
Otherwise? Just not waterfall. Not it. The admin is way too unreliable
Edit: the website previous to Waterfall was racist. idk if rightist but for sure racist.
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andreabanai · 2 years
Adrienn Banai: The Rat Lover
I didn't want to post about any of this, but this person forced my hand.
I can't let this person run around on this hellsite anymore.
For those not in the know, this person harasses artists into drawing their husbando: a rat character named "Grey" from the children's series "Larva Island". They also force people to draw Grey's grandpa, a female version of Grey named "Greyless", Grey wearing Roxanne's dress from "A Goofy Movie", and plenty of parodies of the opening scene of said movie. Like, they subjected one person to draw that same sequence with different characters like 6-7 times. And the "best" part? They steal the poor victim's art to claim it as their own. And sometimes, they create edits of them WITHOUT CREDITING THE ORIGINAL ARTISTS.
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Her husbando
And I was one of their unfortunate victims. This person is weird as all hell; they ship this rat with Pibby (a character that is canonically from a preschool show), Meilin Lee (A hecking 13 year old girl), and Adrienn themselves. The fandoms they follow are: -Courage the Cowardly Dog -Friday Night Funkin -Learning with Pibby
Turning Red, anything Disney related (Goofy mostly), Steven Universe, Made in Abyss and, most importantly, Larva.
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adrienn, flat out admitting that they steal art from people
It's already kind of weird enough, but then I did more digging on this person. They have a butt ton of accounts on a multitude of social media websites. They have a few on reddit, a few on wikia, one on vimeo, and one on behance, of all places. They have a long history of harassing users, especially on reddit and wikia. They have the most accounts on Tumblr, with five (two of them are inactive.) The second biggest is wikia, with four. Oh, but it gets better. They have uncensored nsfw content on two tumblrs. This is from one of their accounts. I am not going to show you the image, but I'm going to show you the tags:
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I mean, I'm glad that they tagged it as "rule 34", but I'm more surprised about how tumblr didn't purge those posts or ban the user entirely. So, if you see someone with any of these accounts ask you to draw this rat, dump the ask and block em. Hell, even report them if you need to : https://adrienn-banai-09.tumblr.com/ (WARNING, NSFW CONTENT AHEAD) https://adriennbanai09.tumblr.com/ (Not as nsfw as the one above, but still, nsfw) https://andreabanai.tumblr.com/ https://adriennsposts.tumblr.com/ https://adriennbanai-09.tumblr.com/
And Adrienn/Andrea, if you are reading this, I urge you to take a break from the internet and get some help. As I said multiple times, this behavior will not help you make friends. It will only make more enemies. I am an autistic just like you (probably. idk) and I really don't want to put you down like this, but you're already weirding a bunch of people out. Though you probably won't listen to me anyway, since apparently in your eyes the word "no" is just an unspoken "yes". And please don't harass this person or send them death threats. Doing that just makes you a bad person.
I hope this is the last time I talk about this person, because I don't really have the time or the patience to deal with stupid bullcrap like this.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. The clorox brain bleach is on the right side of the exits.
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I'll answer your questions, because I have done more research. (that other devianart account gave me way more information than I have ever needed. my poor eyes...)
Is it a fetish? The Goofy Nightmare stuff probably. Mostly because it involves transformation. They're also obsessed with body horror and gore, as well as some other stuff that tumblr would probably throw the ban hammer at. (Please don't make me explain that stuff. It's creepy as all hell.) The rat isn't the only character they're obsessed with. They're also obsessed with the Cat Thieves from Courage and Roxanne from "A Goofy Movie".
And is it a language barrier thing or they just don't care? It's both. English is not their first language, obviously. I'm guessing they might also be autistic, which, after looking through their deviantart accounts, seems to be the case.
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itsohh · 1 year
Hello! I hope you are doing well! When you first started writing here on Tumblr, did you hesitate or were nervous and if so how did you deal with it? Or did you just power through it and fuck it I'm putting my writing out there and I don't care what people say?
Long story short I'm really wanting to write on here just to do something different but I'm hella nervous and just wanted an opinion. Because I really love R6 but I have a very hard time getting out of my shell. Obviously you don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable! Till then I can't wait for your next post! 😊
hmmm I think way back when I first started writing I was a lot more care free at the time back when I was like 13.
I don't think I was ever focused on like anyone hating it or anything like that. Like I've legit never got hate for writing in all the years I've done it. Either people will hit the like button or they wont. Back then I was writing for like supernatural and marvel then eventually overwatch and a bit of Sherlock. In the case of I guess it was 'whats the worst that will happen' in all reality most of the time people who don't like x reader have the tag blocked and so only people who like said thing will find it (so long as u tag correctly)
I've sorta just got to the stage where posting doesn't really phase me in nervousness or anything, like sure for somethings I lose interest or motivation at times but when I started posting I didn't really get any like feedback at all? Like it was very rare I would get anything that wasn't a like or a reblog and requests didn't happen much. I think the fact that Tumblr is so anonymous really helps, like its almost a mask. No one actually knows who I am, worst comes to worst I can legit just delete the blog and start anew.
I think also fandom size is a huge thing, is reconising your audience, there's no point comparing like notes to another fandom cause honestly it just reflects how popular said thing is. After I realised that I sorta don't worry anymore? I used to freak out a bit about people not liking my posts but now I'm just like 'eh R6S is tiny' and it is.
Honestly yeah so long as you tag correctly you should be alg. In the R6S fandom at leat people are pretty chill. (Idk there's some hate to oc's or something but as long as u don't tag as x reader u should be alg)
Anyway I'm rambling a lot but honestly yeah just go for it hun, upload. Nothing bad will happen, might feel a bit anxious or whatever but its like, yeah. You feel me? that being said if your going to write please remember capitals and new speaker new line theses are so important, as someone who breaks a lot of grammar rules those two shouldn't be broken in writing. I know a lot of people aren't a fan of first person so if you do write first person your audience would be smaller than per say second or first
Some people may have different ideas or interpretations of character but I feel as a tumblr collective (speshly this fandom) people won't like hate on you for it.
ANYWAY I went off again, yeah give it a go. eventually you will get used to it and it will become a second habit to upload, frankly so long as you ultimately always write for your enjoyment your always good. uploading writing is pretty much like the same as watching a movie with a friend id say, or like running a dnd campaign sorta vibes. kinda. but yeah just hit that post button and off u go. I guess yeah just power through it, hitting post the first time is def the hardest and you just gotta rip that bad boy off.
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mildkleptomania · 1 year
Hello, Tumblr, welcome to my little artist hole in the ground, where I commit my Dark Work
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the work isn't THAT dark, really, it just sounds cooler when i call it my dark work, but anyway
You can call me Ishmael (or Klepto, because it grew on me), and this is my big debut post on this site (and the interweb in general, really) as long as you ignore all those other posts on the blog already shhhhhh
I'm going to be using this blog for... A lot of things, really, but probably most notably posting art I've done! This would mostly be original setting works, though I'm not ruling out the possibility of posting the occasional fanwork, in the event I do one
Also, I might develop a game about one of these! That's not going to be very soon, but I'd like it to happen eventually, and I'll probably link to them if/when they happen
Settings I'll post art about include:
A science-fiction setting featuring a Republic of (space) Pirates, space alien cat people, humanity being one of the older, more established civilizations in the area, at least one megacorporation, and a bunch of assorted Weird Space Junk [i don't have a real name for this one oops]
A monster collector setting where people escape to a digital world to ride out the post apocalypse, but the digital animals have gotten a little, ah, hostile, which is weird because they weren't programmed to be so that shouldn't be possible [THE SPIRIT ELECTRIC]
A spooky eldritch setting in an alternate Earth where a good chunk of the America-analogue's power grid used to be plugged into a giant divine-ish tumor! It's, uh, not anymore, though! Accidents happen, and some have heavier consequences than others [Phase Theory]
A fantasy setting with like elves and giants and dragons and stuff, which isn't the best selling point, but maybe the fact that magic existing has enabled some suspiciously post-industrial technology is a better one? Also the dragons are from space kinda [Tomes]
various offshoot settings that share names with, but are somewhat different from, the main settings, and maybe blur the lines between setting A and setting B a little
yes the characters standing behind my fursoña there are each supposed to be representatives of one of those settings why do you ask
other things i forgot
anyhow, NOT ONLY will following this blog get you art sometimes, BUT ALSO you'll get me rambling aimlessly about assorted nonsense for paragraphs on end! Stunning! Spectacular! Amazing! Some other word that invokes superlative qualities!!
Art will be tagged #my art, if something gets especially horror-y it'll get tagged with #horror and anything relevant, I'll try tagging the settings with the setting names, if i talk a lot i'm going to be tagging that with #rambling, uhhh
please don't be mean to me, i'm not here for shit and i WILL use all the tools at my disposal to obliterate you (by which i mean i'll probably just block you if i think i need to, which is functionally obliteration from my end, or maybe sending you to the shadow realm? idk)
also it should go without saying, but if you're in one of those genres of terrible person that wants me or my loved ones dead? Please Leave! On your way out, consider Not Doing That, or Dying in a Hole Maybe! Don't really care which, up to you honestly
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