#idk if this is the same spot but oh how cruel if it was
laissezferre · 9 months
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Here we are trying to save humanity and we can't even save the lives of the ones we love. You take the pain and the what-ifs, and you weave that into a narrative that propels you forward.
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saetoru · 1 year
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。12:06 AM — SAMPO KOSKI.
notes: friends/acquaintances to lovers, mutual pining but seemingly unrequited love, confessions (kind of lol), happy ending !!, not proof read and also idek if it’s in character but idk i just want to kiss him but he’s also rly punchable so we had to work with that okay
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sampo is a bit shameless—it’s what anyone would tell you. personally, you would have to agree.
“so,” he drawls, “how about it, huh? you, me, a fancy little date—”
“no,” you interrupt—it’s immediate, your response, it comes through grit teeth. “you can forget it.”
“alright, alright,” he raises his hands in surrender, “no need to get all aggressive. the sampo koski will change your mind soon enough.”
you’ve lost count how many times he’s asked you this same question. maybe it’s admirable—the way he’s so persistent. maybe it’s dangerous—the way he always gets what he’s after. most people describe sampo koski as an added headache to the already difficult life of the underworld. he’s a bit too lively for his own good, you think. but you’d describe him as pretty words and perfect teeth and cologne that makes your head spin.
you hate it.
“there won’t be any mind changing,” you say promptly.
“oh, c’mon,” he insists, voice effortlessly honeyed and so painfully alluring. “what’s the worst that could happen, huh? we have a good time?” his lips curl into that smile if his. you swallow and look away.
a lot, you want to say. the worst that can happen is a lot.
and it’s easy, you think—to reach over and fix that strand of hair that’s fallen to the wrong side of his face. it’s easy to bump shoulders with him or turn and brush your noses together and feel his hot breath as he exhales.
but that would be toying with overstepping dangerous boundaries, boundaries that are very much set in place by yourself for your own sake. sampo has saved you one too many times from a hard spot—but he’s always managed to disappear just when you think he’s reliable too. he’s too good at bending things in his favor, a little too good at getting what he wants out of everything.
it’s not hard to think what he wants from you—and it’s not hard to imagine him disappearing once again once he’s got it. the difference is you think this time…well, you think this time might just crush you.
“sampo, do you want me to punch you?” you huff, crossing your arms.
it’s late. you’re not sure why he’s gone out of his way to walk you home, but he does and you’re a tad bit grateful. you’d rather not run into a vagrant on your way—and if you do, that’s happily sampo’s problem now.
there’s something about it, about the way he’s dedicated only when there’s something to gain out of it, about the way he’s so sweet and charming as he butters you up with his actions, about the way his smile is gentle around the corners just perfectly to crack your resolve.
he’s so good at what he does—and so painfully bad for your heart. your poor, fragile heart that’s so carefully locked away from his awaiting hand. you think to give it to him would be to hand the devil your soul and trust it’s safety.
you’re not so foolish.
“hey, we’re pals, you and i,” he nudges you with his shoulder. the contact is enough to make your breath pause. “how can you be so cruel?”
there’s a pout on his lips. a perfectly rehearsed, theatrical and conniving pout on his lips that’s meant to add to his charm and chip away at your composure until you give him exactly what he’s after. for a moment, you debate whether or not you’d rather just take on a vagrant or deal with the (very attractive) disaster next to you.
“we’re acquaintances at best,” you purse your lips. “very faintly acquainted acquaintances at that.”
“well that’s just mean,” he gasps, “after all the business deals we’ve had together? i thought i’d be on your good side by now.”
that’s all you think he sees anything as. a good business opportunity. maybe he’s a good friend—he never leaves you for dead and he never really lets you down when you need him most, but perhaps that’s for his own benefit at the end. how else can you have connections if they’re all dead? but you don’t think intimacy is a word sampo uses in his every day vocabulary—much less his every day routine.
“sampo,” you snap, “drop it.”
“hey,” he eyes you, “everything alright?”
you hate that he acts like that—like he cares as his lips curl into that soft frown and his eyes gloss over in concern. it’s so carefully crafted, that mask of his, the one he can turn on to mimic every emotion he might need to fool you that he really cares and he really wants to know if you’re okay.
and you’re not—but he doesn’t need to know that.
“everything would be fine if you quit asking for your stupid date,” you grumble, “cross me off your list for the day.”
he stops walking. you kick yourself for immediately noticing the lack of warmth as soon as he’s not beside you anymore.
it’s a simple question. one word. one syllable. yet it says so much. the hurt in his voice, the genuine confusion, the slight shock and the underlying betrayal.
“why’d you stop walking,” you raise a brow, “it’s late and i’m tired—”
“you’re changing the subject,” he cuts you off, “what do you mean list?”
“c’mon sampo, let’s not play this game tonight,” you sigh, “i’m really tired.”
“and what game are we playing?”
“the game of playing dumb,” you snap, and this time, there’s a bit more bite to your words, “the game of asking around to worm your way into everyone’s pants.”
“everyone’s pants? i didn’t know sampo koski had such a reputation,” he chuckles in that playful way of his—but there’s no charm this time, just dryness. “i didn’t know you believed it too.”
“so what am i supposed to believe? that you want to go on a date for fun?”
“that’s usually what people do on dates,” he shrugs, “have fun with people they like.”
he looks a bit wounded. it makes your heart bleed and you don’t like it. his shoulders are slumped and his eyes aren’t looking directly into yours for once—it’s like you’ve peeled off that confidence he wears like a second skin and left something a lot more tender and raw underneath.
something a lot easier to sting with the burn of rejection.
admittedly, you never thought you’d see the day where you’d feel bad for sampo after your rejection. you always thought you’d feel bad for yourself—saying no to everything you want but can’t ever really have. but he makes you feel like he wanted it too….that he’s been craving you just as badly as you’ve been craving him all this time.
“what are you—”
“listen, i….” and then he trails off. like he doesn’t have the right words. like he doesn’t know what he wants to say and has everything he wants to get off his chest all at the same time. like he needs you to know what’s on his mind. in the end, he plasters a grin on his face—one that’s tight and forced as he chuckles, “let’s get ya home, yeah? sampo koski will have you delivered to your door in once piece in no time—”
“sampo,” you sigh, “what do you want from me?”
there’s defeat in your voice. maybe hope. definitely caution.
“a date,” is all he says. “i’ve only ever asked you,” he adds, “if that’s what you’re worried about. no side deals or anything.”
that last part comes with another chuckle that really has no humor at all. it’s dry and empty and maybe even a little bitter.
“look, i appreciate the dedication, but i’d rather not be that fun hook up on the side that—”
“hey! that’s just harsh,” he gasps, “you’d think so lowly of sampo koski? after everything we’ve been through?”
sampo is good at one thing—playing the ever dedicated, ever conniving, ever charming business man. he knows how to lace in sweet words and tempting offers like how the devil whispers sins into your ears. he never cracks, never lets that facade fall even when he’s backed into a corner.
except this time, you don’t think it’s a facade. you think it’s a wall to keep you from noticing the pure heartbreak in his eyes.
it fills you with guilt instantly. it makes you almost hate yourself for not seeing good in him. it makes you feel blind for not noticing all the signs he’s been dropping for so long—signs you know he’s never given anyone else.
who else does he bump shoulders with and walk home in the dark and flick foreheads and make time for even when he’s on a tight schedule? who else gets to hear him talk about his day for just the sake of talking without and not a guise for a deal?
for a second you feel bad—and then you decide that for once, you’ll do something about it.
“sampo koski is always disappearing,” you say softly, taking a step forward, “what if he disappears this time too?”
“sampo koski always comes back,” he reminds you, heart on his sleeve as he meets you half way.
“always?” you ask hopefully.
he nods, like it’s the surest thing he’s promised. “of course.”
“okay, sampo,” you chuckle breathlessly, whether in joy or in disbelief, you’re unsure. maybe both. your hand cups his cheeks and when he leans into it, you decide it’s definitely both. “let’s go on your date. you’re paying.”
“you didn’t have to bring money into it,” he pouts—but the excitement in his voice is almost tangible.
you giggle, squeeze his cheeks together as his hands find your waist. it’s dark and it’s late and you’re tired—but sampo koski is here and nothing else has ever mattered more.
“i expect only the best date from the sampo koski.”
“good,” he grins, charming as ever, a little extra only for you, “because sampo koski never disappoints.”
you kiss him after that. and every day too.
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i have been bewitched by the meathead guys 😔
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
spot that meets a autistic reader, that is talkative to themselves, but has poor social skills because (lack of good parenting + bullys, but is very smart and loves art and engineering, and dreams to be a scientist one day.. it could began as the reader first feared him over an awkward moment? to opening up about themselves and the reader's obsessive fascination over him. two very talented ppl that only wants to be appreciated, respected and loved...💔
idk is it to much?? bruh I'm trying to be creative😭 I'd be happy with whatever happens!. aNd TaKe yO tiME!! On irl things and beloved spotty <3
Spot w/ an autistic reader!
Rubs my autistic little hands
Feeling a lil drowsy but I wanna chuck this out before I fall asleep for (possibly) the next 7 hours :3
Not proof read we die like Peter Parker <\\3 we are sleepy and tumblr wont let me save drafts for asks <\3
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Obligatory "I like this character so I'm hcing him to be ND like me" touch
He gets it
I think to help make the whole thing less jarring, or whatever, is that you may have known each other vaguely before the collider incident
You weren't a scientist at alchemax, more like.
Well shoot I just forgot the term but like, you work there, but you dont do hands on experiments, not experienced enough yet
Maybe, idk
Obviously you don't work there anymore after the collider blowing up, so... you're looking for a new job
You knew about Jonathan, but you weren't friends
You had also heard rumors about what happened to him but you kinda dismissed it as cruel rumors surrounding his death.. I mean no one could've survived that explosion.. right?
So imagine your surprise when you end up almost getting robbed by spot
Can you blame him? He hasnt found another job since the accident and hes probably living off of pity handouts; likely homeless
Now hand over the wallet!!/j
No but on the semi likely chance that you manage to defuse the situation, given Spot sucks as a criminal, you just bluntly ask if the whole
Rumor thing is true
I mean obviously it is but confirmation is important
After a few more chance encounters, you guys both finally decide to properly sit down and talk
Its tense and awkward at first since 1. How does one even act around someone like spot? He's vulnerable but also trying to do the whole. Revenge thing... And 2. Hes desperate for human interaction and it SHOWS, it's almost uncomfortable actually
But you both trudge past it and make it work
One meet up turns into two then three; then you discover how much hes struggling and
Now you're roomates
Oh my god they were roommates/ref
Anyways, that's the set up!! It kinda felt wrong to just. Jump into it without some explanation on how yall end up in the same area consistently
Doesnt mind that you mumble to yourself, he probably does the same thing. From muttering things to keep his train of thought to having a personal monologue, I wholeheartedly believe he does the same thing
Hs understands how it feels to be. Not treated very good, he likely wasnt the most respected in alchemax so it's not uncommon for the two of you to have vent sessions where you both let it all out
You ask him about his journey to becoming a scientist and not so subtly ask for advice on how to get into the field; and touching onto the whole human interaction thing, hes more than willing to talk your ear off about his entire career history
On the chance you dont want to do physics stuff, and you wanna do another branch of science he's all ears on listening to you ramble, may even lend a hand in getting you to where you need to be career wise
Yall do at home experiments as bonding stuff
Look if spot can make a mini collider in some building then I can only imagine the type of shit yall get up to at home
Oh? You're still curious about.. him? Of all things, him?
He never thought anyone would look at him with interest; usually its disgust or fear, or both
Hes hesitant at first because what if you discover something that'll totally change your view of him?
Takes (some, a little) coaxing
Bro caves fast, he misses physical touch
"So like, these holes-" you proceed to just. Dip your entire fist into a hole and watch said fist pop out from another hole
The demons are telling me to make reader like
Make it a game to try to throw stuff through his holes but I feel like that would be really mean, no one likes stuff getting thrown at them
Please dont throw stuff through his holes :(
Random but like
Idk if this happens with yall but
If someone stims do yall. Like stim back
Like I have vocal stims and mess with my hands; and sometimes my friend will be prompted to stim if I stim??
Idk but yall do that
OHOH before I post this if you're both comfy with physical touch please please please hold him, it's been so so long since someone has hugged him and he really really needs it :(
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rielzero · 5 months
Nymrod ''A Silver-y coated Fool''
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Backstory Blurb;
Nymrod was a High Half Elf Silver Dragonic Bloodline Sorcerer who tried to become a fashion designer despite his family's high demands and expectations. He particularly disliked his innate magic as he had the tendency to freeze things when he got nervous.
As a result of his unstable powers and clumsiness, no one would take him as an apprentice so he had to teach himself how to sew. Struggling with what to do with his misfortunes, he briefly joined a band of friends on a few adventures, realizing he really disliked contributing to conflict and fighting. During a tour to Elturel, he got really drunk and passed out.. Only to awaken when Elturel was pulled into Avernus. The sudden shift of planes for some reason changed him into a Dainty, soft looking Tiefling, unrecognizable to himself and his friends. They swiftly abandoned him in order to flee. Left with little else to hold onto, Nymrod is who he became. Acting docile, foolish and helpless, his appearance and behavior gave him his name, a combination of ''Nymph'' and ''Nimrod'' Passed around several devils as a pretty pet to look at. Hiding his intelligence and using his charm to remain unharmed. When Nymrod was about to be sold to one particularly cruel Devil in exchange of dozens of soul coins, Raphael ended up coming to his rescue. The Cambion recognized Nymrod's facade, becoming the only safe space were Nym's intelligence was genuinely recognized. Nym is very indifferent about the conflict surrounding Avernus as he had to prioritize his own survival. Due being abandoned by his only friends in his time of need, he stopped caring for those who do not value him. Since then he has gotten used to his body, still feeling somewhat strange about it. Some inconsistencies might exist in the blurb, but he is an OC, casual oc. He wouldn't exist in the same universe as the videogame per sé, so no tadpole or mindflayer business. He's not an adventurer, so not very experienced in combat- avoids it.
Idk I like the idea of ''very evil half devil has soft spot for a very unlucky dude'' cuz I enjoy fluff as much as I enjoy angst.
*people in the house of hope literally being tortured, screaming in the background* Nymrod: Hmm. I feel inspired.. *sketches outfit ideas* Raphael: *sips from a glass of brandy* The songs they sing in the morning are the most spirited. Nymrod: Oh, should I add some more skulls in this pattern??
I don't think Nymrod is evil, but rather- indifferent? He had no room to care for others, being isolated for so long. He no longer has that passively active empathy he used to before Avernus. Too much shit happened..
Might write some fic later, idk. I don't feel confident in writing Raphael to be honest, but I want to describe Nym's story a bit more. I don't really intend on drawing it actively as I have other projects.
Nym would get along with Haarlep pretty well, sassy bitching.
Some other things about Nymrod.
-Freezing things when nervous still happens, but given that they're in hell- it just turns into water right away half of the time. ''Did you have an oopsie?'' Haarlep would probably joke around that Nym is a bedwetter.. -He sometimes sheds the scales, but they regrow on the exact same locations. Skin gets a little overly sensitive during this time. -He purrs! Isn't sure why, but it happens. -As a Half Elf, his hair was much darker, he used to wear very dark clothing, but after settling in his new form he prefers light colors. Mostly pink. -As a Fierna Tiefling and sorcerer, Nym's charm spell happens mostly subconsciously, it's gotten him out of trouble many times. -He sold his previous name to a Fey who was wandering in the Hells while he was still held captive as a caged pet. The fey gave him a blessing that makes him naturally lucky out of pity in exchange. He doesn't remember his old name or previous personality much, but he does remember his life before Avernus. He has no attachment to his old life. -Nym had no close friends or relatives when he was abandoned by his family. His only friends were the adventuring group, or so he thought.. -He is clingy, bit of a damsel. Would still throw ice at someone as a last resort. Not great at aim though. Would probably die in 2 hits. -Plays with his tail absentmindedly when he's bored, still unfamiliar with the limb at times. -Tailwag when he's excited. -He really really really likes how his body looks after the change, but it did take some getting used to. -His horns have very sensitive nerve endings. -Insecure in the bedroom, but only because he's inexperienced. His only previous sexual encounters were while drunk, has an alcohol problem but isn't addicted. He just doesn't know when to stop drinking. When given the chance he will drink until he passes out. -Whenever possible, he will make or design clothes for Raphael and Haarlep. Has his own little atelier room to work on these things. -Throws little pouty tantrums when his clothing or work gets stained. -Crybaby, very easily overstimulated. Cries when stressed. -Smarter than he makes himself out to be, loves puzzles. Has solved very intricate and difficult puzzles on a whim before. -Raphael exclusively calls him ''Nimphy'' when greeting him. -Settled for being spoiled or treated as a pet pretty easily, has kept the collar with his name on it since he first got it. He feels safer while wearing it. I might draw responses to specific questions about Nymrod actually. Feel free to flood my inbox lol, if you want me to draw this oc in specific situations..
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zukotheartist · 4 months
Atla live action spoilers
I hope there are some native speakers out there that have translated this but for now I haven't checked the tag and I do study mandarin (tho my level is 1.nothing%💀) so I tried to use my dictionary app to understand some stuff and so far im at the first 2 lines from the right page of this spread lol
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Oh and btw, these are traditional characters! I only really study simplified ones so im really at sea rn ajskdkeke
I can't even translate the sentences as a whole😭 (tho in my defense i can't see like 5 of the characters) but what i got so far:
First sentence to the RIGHT:
來 = to arrive
臨 = to arrive, overlook, to face, just before, just about to
的 = auxiliary
甩 (?? Not too sure if it's this one) = to throw, to fling, to swing, to leave behind, to throw off
Can't see
當 = to be, to act as, manage, withstand, when, during, ought, should, match equally, equal, same, obstruct, just at, on the spot
看 = see, look, read, etc
The first two together 來臨 = to come closer, to approach.
And i THINK 當 followed by 看 means "wait and see".
No idea how to string that together into a sentence tho (fr, im a begginer🤷‍♂️) but I guess the general idea is: Zuko's closer to leaving behind something? His banishment possibly? And he just has to wait and see.
Second sentence (first on the LEFT of the page with the 2 drawings):
暴 = sudden, violent, cruel, to show or expose, to injure
風 = wind, news, style, custom, manner
雨 = rain
Can't see a lot but I think it's 的
Can't see
Can't see a lot but maybe it's 生 or 上
籠 (??not too sure) = cage, to cage, to cover, basket, to embrace, to manipulate through trickery
暴風雨 all together is rainstorm/storm/tempest.
生 = student, to be born, to give birth, life, to grow, raw, uncooked.
上 = up, upper, above, previous, first, to climb, to get onto, to go up, to attend, on.
As for the 7th one, there's another lóng (this is the pīnyīn) which is 龍 but as you can see, it misses the upper part of the character (龍 vs 籠). However, the reason is I'm pointing it out is bc im still not too sure about that character and this particular lóng has a different meaning, dragon or imperial. Also, if paired up with 生 it creates an idiom: 生龍 = lively dragon and animated tiger = vigorous and lively.
So the second sentence mentions a rainstorm and caging something or manipulating someone or... yeah idk ajsksksks
That's it. I wasted like an hour between looking up the characters, trying to translate and making this post loool but it was really fun🥹 (even if i didnt achieve much lol) and ill slowly try to get through the rest. Honestly, im gonna count this as semi-studying🫡😂!
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
Grgrgrgr thinking about the inherent tension between Lilia and Baul. Like. Idk, I think the Neige and Sebek thread sparked this thought but. Lilia and Baul had to have worked together tbh (and I think Baul’s gonna appear. Like I think that’s unavoidable. Maybe not in the main story (should be in the main story tbh/hj) but maybe in a Briar Valley event?
Anyway Lilia adopting Silver and slowly falling out with Baul because he’s just so judgmental. This is a baby, it’s not a monstrosity or w/e. Anyway he ends up distancing himself from Baul reluctantly while Mr and Mrs Zigvolt (forgot your hc names and I’m two paragraphs in, sue me/lh) help him with Silver.
And then Mrs Zigvolt gets pregnant/has an egg/whatever again.
Perhaps it’s sort of Lilia’s fault that Sebek grows up around his grandfather? Perhaps he thought that if he could change because of a little bundle of human joy, a little bundle of half-human half-fairy joy could do the same for Baul. Perhaps Lilia encouraged Sebek’s parents to get Baul to help raise Sebek after being somewhat out-of-touch with Sebek’s siblings.
But then it doesn’t work. And by the time they realize Baul didn’t change and Sebek’s reflecting him he’s already got the bad mindset ingrained in him. So Lilia decides to have him over to hang out with Silver more.
It curbs it, yes, but not as much as they’d like. Sebek’s still got the bad mindset, he’s just less… cruel about it? Something. Idk.
And all of this because Lilia wanted to rebuild a bond with someone he was so close with
This was kinda just me word vomiting but :(! Idk
OH MY GODDD Lilia being a huge contributor to how Sebek is in the present.
You think that Lilia lowkey resents Baul for how he strained their relationship over his own prejudice? This resentment becomes worse when Esme has another child, and Baul never dares to be in the same room as the young, innocent egg swaddled in blankets.
But one day, Lilia spots him in Sebek's room, hand a few centimeters above Sebek's egg, but not really touching. He looks unsure. Scared. Vulnerable. And Lilia thinks, "Oh." There's hope.
So, he tries to get Esme and Lidaeus to drop off Sebek by Baul's from time to time. They reluctantly say yes, looking over at Sebek's egg with some concern. Then, Sebek hatches.
And he inherits everything from his father.
Before, Baul voiced out his dislike for Sylvie and Soleil. Now, he refuses to even look at Sebek at all. The resentment returns, but Lilia can't let go of the Baul that looked at Sebek's egg with an adoring look in his mind. So, he gives him another chance. He tells Esme and Lidaeus to leave Sebek by Baul's whenever they're too busy or out of town.
And they're always busy.
By the time Lilia has realized that his friend will always be stuck living in the old times, Sebek has already taken after Baul. His smug smirk. His passionate fire. His way with words.
And his hatred for all things human.
But all Lilia sees is wrong. Because Sebek is just a kid. A half-fae, half-human kid. Who hates a part of himself that he can't even control. All because of the sins of a grandfather.
Esme and Lidaeus are surprised when Lilia suddenly demands for them to stop bringing Sebek over to Baul. Esme readily agrees, already seeing Baul's personality in Sebek and she does not want that for her child. It's far too late, though.
It doesn't help that they live in a town where everyone's mother, father, sister and brother dislikes humans. They let Sylvie and Soleil into their community only because they're much more fae-like, but Sebek looks far too human.
And Sebek, with his young, developing mind, hates that he is human and hates the fact that's all everyone sees. He can't even rely on his mother, who only casts a disapproving look his way whenever he acts too much like his grandfather. But, Grandpa Baul always told him that being human was being filthy.
So, why was mama thinking him filthy for acting fae? Was it just him? Was being fae and human only filthy if it was Sebek? Why was everyone trying to pull him to one side? He just wants to be.
But he is too young to form the right words out to explain how he feels, and can only bury himself deeper his father's side as he fights with the snake fae's parents next door, smearing the blood from his head on Lidaeus' right pant leg.
His father's grip on him tightens when the snake's mother snarls out why a weak, pathetic half-human like Sebek was allowed to be born.
All Sebek can do is cry.
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lesbianjackies · 2 years
Would you be able to do a steve harrington x reader ever after high au?
He's obviously a royal and reader is just... weird(like maddy hatter??)
idk, i would like to see what you do with it
No pressure or rush to do it though!! <3
yessss this is amazing. steve is just yet another charming and y/n can be maddie's sister i suppose (adopted ofc- it's established in the eah universe that adoption doesn't really change the flow of destiny so)
word count: 551
warnings: fem!reader, slight angst, mild family issues
taglist: @gg-is-a-loser @yesshewrites1
Steve Charming had only one year of peace before his family's expectations for him started weighing painfully on his shoulders. His brother Daring was born on April 2, a year and seven months after Steve, and that very day was the day Steve's life began to fall apart.
Steve was your average Charming - handsome, heroic, exceptionally athletic - but compared to his younger brother Daring, he was simply never good enough. He was the eldest child but treated more like the middle one, in between Daring's excellence and his other younger brother, Dexterous's, failure. Daring was given the expectation to fill the role of Snow White's Prince Charming, the most highly regarded fairytale in all of Ever After, while Steve and Dexter were expected to wait till Legacy Day to figure out where their destinies led.
Steve had been plopped into the role of Cinderella's Prince Charming a year ago, destined to one day marry Princess Nancy Ella after dancing with her once at a ball. Nancy was a nice girl, he liked her well enough, but he didn't love her, a terrible truth that has haunted him since the day he signed the Storybook of Legends. He really had his eye set on you, (Y/N) Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter of Wonderland and Steve's very best friend.
Oh, destiny was a cruel thing, wasn't it?
Your bright, bubbly voice jerked Steve out of his thoughts, and he turned to you with a forced smile. "Yeah, (Y/N/N)?"
"Why don't we just ignore our destinies?"
Steve blinked. The question was so specific to his thoughts he was half convinced you'd read them.
"I can't read thoughts, silly." You giggled. "The narrator just said that you didn't wanna marry Nancy and that you liked me instead. And I say: why don't we just ignore our destinies? I like you too, and my sister's best friend didn't follow her destiny and nothing happened to her, so why don't we just do the same thing?"
Steve gaped, unable to form a single sentence.
"Well, that's easy, Stevie. You just open your mouth and say words, like this: the spotted cow jumped over the bright blue moon. See?"
Steve shook his head, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse. "It's not that easy, (Y/N). How do we know that Raven hasn't just not disappeared yet? It's- Destiny is all we've ever known. Who are we to just turn our backs on it?"
"Who is Headmaster Grimm to tell us who we are?" you retorted, not unkindly. "Maybe destiny doesn't have to be set in stone. Maybe it can be something we can choose. I don't know about you, but I'm willing to see where following our own destinies - the ones in our heart - takes us, if it means I get to spend my Happily Ever After with you."
Steve remained silent for a moment, then took your face in his hands and kissed you, like he'd never kissed anyone before. "I'm a Charming," he whispered after you broke apart, resting his forehead against yours, "which means I need to be brave. I think I can do that, (Y/N/N). So you know what? Call me, Steve Charming, the rebel."
You beamed up at him and he kissed you again.
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beevean · 9 months
Idk it’s actually almost hilarious that they made Dracula in Netflixvania just… Some guy
You could argue that the show ‘tried’ to showcase him as an extremely intelligent and powerful being but if you remove the part where he’s old and has a house that moves and he’s literally no different than any other vampire so all that build up was for absolutely fucking nothing. In Netflixvania vampires ruling large sectors of land isn’t special [Especially when Camilla says something about her being a regional ruler like that’s borderline insignificant], vampires having supernatural powers isn’t special, vampires being intelligent beyond their era isn’t special. Dracula isn’t special.
I’m not sure if they just missed the point of his character that badly or if they genuinely didn’t know how to make him a cruel, obsessive, vengeful monster AND a merciful, loving, compassionate father and husband even though those two aspects of his character are so intrinsically linked they can’t be separated.
They tried making him a father and husband and they tried making him a monster but for one reason or another they couldn’t do both so his entire character was watered down at best
Dracula lost all dignity the moment Carmilla #girlbossed into the throne room:
Look at him. He can't even tell his own court to be silent. Maybe you should try to raise your voice, genius?
And then there's Carmilla. She literally stands there, smug as hell, and her very first course of action is to blame Dracula for moving the castle around, insult his generals for being incompetent and in disarray, and oh, question him in front of everyone why didn't he just turn Lisa? What, did he like having a pet? Like, the sheer amount of blatant, brazen disrespect!
(I also misremembered Carmilla's line. I thought the implication was "well, had you turned her, she would still be alive". No, she just deadass calls Lisa his pet. In front of him.)
... Dracula does nothing to her.
Oh, he pretends to be furious, red eyes and all. But he only asks her "why did you do that?" (after some personal smalltalk, may I add) and Carmilla is like "eh everyone is thinking the same thing, so I wanted to put you on the spot <3", and... nothing happens from here. He's like "welp, nothing I can do to her, she can rejoin the others".
Do I need to say what Dracula does to people who disrespect him?
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And this is his prized General whom he needs. Not a random "regional ruler", one of many.
Also look at Carmilla's mannerisms in the second scene. She's like "yes?" with a cocked eyebrow and a hand on her hip, before shifting to a more respectful stance. She's lying out of her sparkly ass. This is as subtle as a taser to the balls.
I'm not impressed by Carmilla's manipulations when literally everyone around her is a giant, steaming idiot.
Also, another thing that bothers me. Dracula in S2 is frequently depicted in his... private quarters, I think? This room with the fireplace. And look at the framing:
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Carmilla is standing above Dracula, who is slumped in a low, unassuming chair.
Framing matters to convey how important a character is. Observe:
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Dracula in S2 is constantly put on the same level as his subordinates. This is made even more blatant in the scene where he asks Isaac if he's still his friend, where he sits next to him.
Dracula is not a ruler in S2, and it was done on purpose. He is portrayed as a depressed old man who only wants to die and take everyone else with him, and he has lost his mind so much that Carmilla can take the reins for herself. The OCs all sit around and talk about him as if he's a delusional idiot, looking down on him, and we're supposed to think they have a point because they are never challenged on it. This is the main villain of the franchise. The fucking FRANCHISE and SHOW are named after HIS DAMN CASTLE! He's kind of important!
Shankar talks as if he had the idea of turning Dracula into a tragic figure, but he did not. That has been a core part of his character since SoTN. And expanding on it would have worked fine! But they went way too far in that direction, and forgot that yes, Dracula is a grieving husband with a complicated relationship with his son, yes he can feel emotions... but he's also the fucking Dark Lord with the legions of Hell under his command, he can curse and possess and shapeshift and you do not fuck with him unless you're a Belmont or you have Dracula's own power by your side.
And as I said, the fact that Trevor can barely scratch this neutered version of Dracula only speaks poorly of him too.
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pdrrook · 2 years
bro, im so excited for ur new project. so, i enjoy evil romance options ONLY when they are not evil and cruel to my mc, so is lotar safe that way? bro, call me boring, but i stay the hell away from toxic ros... Thank you so much<3.
Oh yeah, same, tho I feel like that's a subjective opinion but imo? Nah. I mean yeah L is an evil bastard but MC is their soft spot (how embarrassing asdsadsada). Slight spoiler underneath:
If you want L to be extra, idk sweet? Considerate? Then I'd recommend playing as an altruistic MC since L's pretty straightforward (well, as straightforward as L can ever be, aha) on that path, since they doesn't see MC as a threat. If you want a glimpse of that, you can (if you haven't already) check L's scenes on altruistic path. What you see is what you get as far as L is concerned.
The other evil-aligned RO, Malitiose is about the same, though way less composed and mature than L, which I think is to be expected considering that L is over 100 years old, and M not even 30. What I mean is L can understand and live with the fact that MC's actions won't always be on pair with their worldview, while M react with less understanding and more hurt when they deem MC to 'betray' them. But that's only a problem if you're on the LT path.
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ravenyenn19 · 1 year
thoughts on the ferolind esque scene in episode eight?? Personally I was screaming at my screen the entire time 😂 I still can't stop thinking about it!!!! Freddy and Amita are so so talented. OH also what are your thoughts on show Wesper?
Hello!!! I am sorry this is a few days late- after I opened my asks the other night, I promptly realized I had left my laptop charger elsewhere... in true fanfic-authorTM fashion. <3 PS- for any others reading this, spoilers ahead for both the books & the show! Be warned, wary tag scrollers.
Regarding your first question & the Ferolind-esque scene in the Chapel... I loved loved hearing that line of dialogue on screen. It was a beautiful portrayal by both Freddy & Amita and I genuinely don't think they could have done such a pivotal scene adaptation from the books any better. <3
HOWEVER... I do wish to be honest about the fact that I think the weight of those words were not quite as heavy for non-readers. This is because in the show, we did not get a real focus on Inej's own issues regarding intimacy/ the amount of trauma she herself possesses. Now, I do firmly believe that the showrunners/writers intend for her backstory to take a firmer foothold on the screen in either the SoC spinoff or S3, but I cannot shake the belief that they should have pushed Inej's story to an equal with Kaz's in some aspect THIS season. I watched the show with someone who has not read the books, and for him, he didn't understand why Inej said those words to Kaz beyond essentially saying "Please just hurry & heal", which was never what "I will have you without your armor, Kaz Brekker, or I will not have you at all" really meant. At least, it was never so simple to me (nor I suspect most of the fandom).
I can't help but worry that this was the same for other viewers with no detailed knowledge of Inej's past. I do also recognize that netflix needed to cut much out in order to merge so much material. Yet I firmly believe without Inej's internal monologues of the book nor external flashbacks/ conversations (as they did with Kaz), it is harder to grasp her words as meaning more than literal. Or, in some contexts, almost cruel. Which Inej never was, not once.
Anyways, I almost would have preferred to see a line of dialogue in the vein of "It's not easy for me either", in order to portray Inej's own depth of understanding in how hard it is for Kaz, because she too battles her own mind & PTSD.
This is all to say, I adored the scene. I understand why the writers did it, and I am glad they did if only for ensuring we did get to see it, no matter what happens with renewals etc. I also think a few small changes could have led to a more balanced representation of Kaz & Inej's intricate relationship. I know this is a lot of thoughts, but because I've spent so long writing for kanej, I obviously value their characters too much to stop my writer's mind.
I guess, for me, the epitome of Kaz & Inej's relationship is true equality, and I don't know that it carried over to the show as much as I wish it would have. TL;DR: I loved the scene and the characterization was gorgeous. I think one or two things could have made it even better. <3
Your second question... I honestly loved them in the show. Of course it was very different from the books, but... Idk. Somehow, the heart of it was still so very much them. I think it was genuinely sweet in a way, that they were able to just... push forward with their love story on the screen. <3
Kit & Jack are somehow ripped from SoC, their portrayal was SPOT ON. I cannot commend them enough. Sincerely. <3
Thank you for being here & asking!!! I am just excited to rave with fellow fans. <3 Also I commend you if you read this whole thing, I know I'm long winded...
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charmixpower · 2 years
Rewatching season 1 (and actually paying attention to Sky to figure out what the fuck everyone is talking about): Part 2
EP 6:
Bloom: who are the Trix?
Musa: lol, that's the nickname we gave them
...the Trix eventually start calling themselves this right???? Nfkskdne that's, um, Icy are you ok??
Why do we never get to see the spring of light? That would of been a cool part of the palace
Ok but how the fuck does Bloom having the dragon fire even work?? Did the great dragon just randomly decide on a planet to bestow God powers on?? Fuckin help
I like to think that Domino was the first thing created by the great dragon and their related to diminutive dragon's that are the closest to the great dragon out of everything in the magical universe. God's second cousin if you will
Still op as fuck
None of this girls know the myth on how their dimension was created
"until dark forces attacked Domino and put out the dragon flame. The magical dimension hasn't been the same since." She's talking like the dragons flame was a physical object in Domino that played an important role of the upkeep of the dimension??? Help
I love how where the Dragon went is never explained. Like god took a nap, he's gone now
Tecna and Bloom: BITE BITE KILL KILL
Flora and Stella: ummmmmm, but how tho
Musa is just sitting there
I love how these idiots are screaming at a ring
Darcy is so upset about her nose and Stormy can barely cast a spell she's so sleepy
Icy on the other hand is fine and pissed as fuck
Apparently Stella's scepter doesn't have the power of the dragon flame?? Or not enough to be of any use??? Idk
The Trix are very lucky to have a room connected to a secret tunnel
The Trix are fucking screaming in the middle of the night, how does no one notice these fools
I love how these girls instantly decide to touch everything
Stella is so happy to have her ring back 🥺 which IS WHY SHE SHOULD HAVE IT IN LATER SEASONS—
Ok, ok, ok, ok, plot hole
Stella has her ring back, why does she not teleport them out???
If cloud tower is alive is it fucking with them??? If so can Flora sense that??
Bloomy is so impulsive
Griffin is such a weird and cruel woman to random teenagers and for what??
Tecna: fuck this place
Bloom: what if they have a book about me 🥺
Tecna: Bloom, that's fucking stupid. Why would cloud tower have a book about you when you entered the magical world like two weeks ago
Bloom: :0
Griffin...you are in your 30s+...why are you playing pranks on 16 year olds
Musa: !!! Oh FUCK this place
They do magic convergence!! But not true convergence, they just attack at the same time
Why are you running and not flying
Flora is the only one here smart enough to fly
Stella: We have a problem
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Stella: not any more
Season 1 is fucking unparalleled. Stella punches Kunt, Tecna body slams doors, can't wait for more
Musa is so fucking terrified of this bug 🥺 she's literally shaking 😭 and Stella is so ready to protect her 🥺🥺🥺
Stella has set the room on fire
"Thanks a lot Stella" Musa :((((( stop being mean to Stella :((((((
The other "worst pair" from s2 twinning witches, gets moments of mutual dislike (Tecna and Bloom), but Musa is always the one on the offensive with Stella and Stella hasn't really done anything
Musa come back here and explain why you isolate between baby, angry, and sad
It wouldn't be hard to make this mutual bc Stella is known to have foot in mouth syndrome and Musa is hyper sensitive and holds grudges like it's her god given duty
Bloomy you have fire power's please at least try to control the fire
Daphne is so quick with it
Musa is so fucking baby when she isn't trying to be cool
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Someone help her she doesn't know how to express emotions healthy
Flora should of gone first....she'd the fairy of plants...fire is the most dangerous for her
Stella: Well it sure did get us out of a HOT SPOT
Tecna: hahaha. Stella. Your so funny. I just bust a gut
Musa: *gags*
Stella confirmed pun liker and Tecna/Musa confirmed pun haters. This is amazing
A whole EP dedicated to this ring and it's just forgotten about
Poor Musa is suffering the most of getting no sleep 🥺
Fragonda: now what do you have to say for yourselves
Tecna: three witches from cloud tower tried to KILL Stella and STOLE HER HEIRLOOM. We went to get it back. Maybe tell your ""Colleague"" not to have murderous bitches at her school
OOO this is literally Faragonda and Girselda's worst fucking moment I swear to got this episode makes me hate these two so fucking much. This nearly gets the Winx KILLED
I'm going to attack Fragona with my teeth
Musa is genuinely upset that Fragonda might think their naive. Girl care so much about what others think of her
In my rewrite Faragona is going to face so many fucking consequences for this shit
Tecna is going to TEAR INTO HER, she won't hold anything back
EP 7:
When the Winx nearly die this episode I promise Tecna will also scream at you for putting them into this situation Griselda 💚 you can have your own little character arc about being nicer
Does these two episodes piss anyone else off for their flagrant disregard for the girls safety
OMG. "It wasn't a joke!" Tecna is autistic confirmed!!!! Every autistic has gone though this
Flora: it's not hard to use a broom :) want me to show you how?
Tecna: Nah. I'm sure I can figure out how to use these primitive implements
Flora watching Tecna out a bucket on her head: are you sureeee?
Tecna: of course!
Flora, clearly amused: are you really really sure you don't want any...help :)
Tecna: I can handle the situation Flora. Don't worry
Flora: (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Tecna, using a broom on a painting: see!
Flora: indeed, I see
Tecna: I think I might of done something wrong
Flora: now would you like me to help you?
Flora is the only one who understands, despite being the smartest one here, she's also stupid as fuck
Plus Flora is just so subtly mocking, love her
Musa is going to attack Stella for being so entitled....this really should of been where Musa's dislike of Stella started. Or at least something like this happening sooner
"you'll be on guitar"
Stella: Hey! You want me to break a nail?
The girls are fightinggggg
Bloom committed violence
Stella: a tough battle just ended, and I won by a landslide!
Stella why are you so perfect
Is Girselda ok?? Go do something with your life woman instead of bother 16 year olds
Ughhh mental Girselda, come back to me, I need some good teacher representation and if I cannot find if I will completely fuck up other characters to make it
Riven: Good morning disgusting rich bitches, I'm going to cause problems on purpose
I want this man's hand in marriage
The Trix are just openly talking about committing murder what the fuck
Mirta...baby I love you. Don't get into arguments with the Trix
I love how Mirta has freckles (≧▽≦)
Stormy fucked up all the drinks at her table just to laugh at Mirta. Why isn't everyone talking about how Stormy is the best Trix
Poor Lucy and Mirta.....
Damn it was lucky that there were still ppl at Alfea.... But what about people who don't like concerts??? Shouldn't they also still be at school?
You fuckers tricked these poor guys into helping you clean didn't you??
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Sky is the only one here that has a good outfit. Those are, in fact, sentient people clothes
Riven is having a fucking moment, but the magenta on magenta is so fucking funny and he so clearly went "well it matches my hair....." That I am forced to like it, it's really boring tho
BRANDON IN HIS PREP ERA. Ok but, imagine Brandon pretending to be a prince gets him to try different styles and now 50% of his clothe is prep nonsense and the other 50% is gym rat that just figured out what a neon is. I think someone would attack him
Looking at Timmy I've never understood s1 Riven more. I also want to shove him into a locker. Why the fuck are you standing like that??? He's trying too hard to be pathetic smh
I love Brandon and Sky going "yeah, sure. I'll accept this as the way my day is going to go."
Timmy can't even catch a broom. How did you pass ANY of your physical classes
Riven: the audacity of lying to me AND expecting me to clean??? Excuse you?!
Riven is just fucking standing there, blank faced. What fucking emotion is that??? He looks dead inside
Riven: I cannot glare disbelieving at you people any harder
I love that there's just a random musical in this episode, Musa I love you
Flora is so gorgeous in her s1 casual party outfit. Why was this only seen once. She's soooo pretty
Stella and Bloom however look like pre-teens
Tecna your so cute and nONE OF YOU ARE WORTHY OF HER
Timmy........why the fuck did you ask Tecna if she wanted to dance if you didn't want to?? Are you just agreeing with her??? I mean vaild, if ***I*** got to be around the one and only Tecna I would also simp, but at least have a plan
Musa is so fucking great. Look at my girl dance!!!
S1 Riven is utterly nonplussed
This man's enegry
Riven's hobbies include: being an asshole for no reason, trying to look cool and failing, being utterly pathetic—
The vaccums are made to find and store powerful magical objects.... Tell me why they weren't used in s2/s3
These bitches just casue problems on purpose
Brandon in his prep era is making me go though multiple emotions at once
Brandon: woah woah woah there
Brandon: I've barely kissed Stella tonight, I'm not leaving until I at least get to—
I love how all the guys just have their weapons......is there a reason y'all are armed at all times??
What ever the FUCK is wrong with Timmy's sleeves is making me crave violence
Tecna: a big heavy creature
Riven: Oh golly! O would of never guessed
Tecna: it's two and a half meters tall, and weighs close to a ton. It's fur is bristly, it has horns, and multiple clawed limbs. It also has a musky odor
Tecna: now is that better
Also why does no one do anything with the information she provided. Do these boys not have a class on monster types???? Does none of the shit she's saying ring a bell??? Come on! Tecna dropped a gold mine of information, one of you use your brains
Riven has finally pissed off Musa!! She is gaining awareness of the fact that he's a asshole. S3/4 makes this almost annoying in retrospect, but I have to remind myself that the real Rivusa peeked in s2 then left the show
Musa, who doesn't have access to her magical powers and isn't physically strong: Says who!!!!!
The power of wanting to make Riven look stupid us just THAT STRONG
The best part about Timmy is that he has a fucking gun. But they made the gun work in the LEAST cool way possible. Just let Timmy shoot someone
Someone please give Riven a shield or something. You have a one handed weapon, pick up a shield
Musa...... Your are so fucking stupid, sooo fucking stupid. If wasn't aroace I'd want to kiss you
They're all curled up in a huddle because only Bloom could remember they don't have powers. Jfc
Flora fell :(((((( poor Flora isn't all that active is she
Me and the writers are gonna have to fight on this one
Stella fucking dragging Flora to safety, we Stan one queen
Poor girlies 😭😭😭😭😭😭
From most active to least active, in canon, it apparently goes: Aisha, Tecna, Stella, Musa, Bloom, Flora
Stella...stop gloating before your get hurt
Musa just fucking kicked this thing in the head lfjwosksjrjjekekekwkr then got PUNCHED
her bones are milk now
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Damn my stupid Rivusa shipper heart, s1 Riven is the enemy!!!
I love how Sky puts an arm in front of Musa. Opnion reaffirmed. Sky is a nice dude
I'm going to attack s1 Riven 💓💓💓💓 I'm going to throw him out a window
S1 Riven makes s2 Riven so much sweeter, yet I must suffer though his NONSENSE
Someone help this idiot, he doesn't know what a priority is
Someone PLEASE get this man a senseical motivation and STAT
Stella is so ready to help love her
Bloom: and you thought my last idea was fucking insane, WATCH THIS!!!
Tecna: I'm going to die here
Riven. Please. For once in your life. Shut up. Flora was being cute
Flora: what if we get into more trouble
Bloom: what if we DIE
I can't get over Brandon's prep era
Riven instantly noticing when someone is in there....bro imagine if he got moments of being tolerable but only when he was focused so he didn't have time to be a bitch that would be funny
Sneaking into the room was so adorable bfjwjndbdnens I wanna trap him in a bottle
Riven turned on the lights right after Bloom spoke be he's THAT dramatic
It's well in their right to start screaming at her now
Sky: jfc this girl attracts danger like flies to honey........I can accept this
Riven: This has got to be like, the 15th worst day of my life
Timmy: .... You wanna clarify that one?? We nearly died
Riven: yes bitch?? And??
Brandon: shut the fuck up you lot. This day was AMAZING
Brandon: I! GOT! TO! KISS!
Timmy: we nearly DIED
Brandon: As Riven would say, personal problem
Riven: go fuck yourself
Thank you s1 Riven. You were only acceptable when you weren't taking
The girls should of gotten to scream at Fragonda and Griselda, just a little bit, as a treat
EP 8:
Oh god it's the fucking rose festival episode
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Btw when I said that Nymphs don't have wings and their just tall, this is what I ment
Daphne is literally just here to explain the plot to Bloom in s1 and then she's completely fucking forgotten for s2 and s3
Flora goes home for mother's day and so does Tecna. Neat
Mothers must be SUPER IMPORTANT on magix if you get a day off for them
Really Winx? Only Stella, Bloom, and Musa aren't going home? No one else with an estranged or dead mother
Stella says her parents are estranged in the beginning of s1 but now apparently it's a secret and her parents are only now getting divorced
This show doesn't know what a continuity is
Stella is so sweet, I love her
And Musa trying her best to be positive
Musa I love you
Brandon: Stella~ Stella~ Stella~
Sky: do you think—
Brandon: I do not
"There is a growing collaboration between the fairies of Alfea and the wizards of red fountain"
Number one, you weirdo bitch, why do you CARE
Griffin: and I don't like it!! This could change the balance of power >:(
She says....like red fountain and Alfea already only do things together and exclude Cloud Tower
"Today there is the insufferable rose festival going on in the city"
Griffin has mommy issues confirmed
Bro... Why are you spying on a group of 16 teen-year-olds? Please get a life
I kinda love Sky's s1 civilian. He's not trying too hard like Brandon and he doesn't look boring like Riven. He's wearing a very nice T-shirt and some cool pants. Good for him
Why did Riven go with Sky and Brandon? Like genuinely. He doesn't like any of these people.
Griffin really thinks making Riven more pissy than usual will ruin the bond between ALL RF and Alfea students
Like an idiot
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I'm completely inconsolable
Musa: He's a strange fella, but I'd really like to get to know him better
I wish Riven was written to be hyper defensive instead of always on the offensive with his ego bc that would make Musa's comment make more sense
Plus it would differentiate Musa and Riven's reactions to hostility. Musa seems like the type of person to preemptively get mad and go on the offensive, while Riven more reacts after he thinks someone has slighted him but because he's paranoid this happens constantly
This moment is so gorgeous
Riven doesn't like crowds....my anxiety headcanons are growing more powerful
What ever, their cute and I love this
Brandon is the best looking guy here and he gets brown eyes....Winx club designers really said brown eye bitches take the win today
Riven...why did you even come
Riven seeing a race: finally! Something to distract me from my mommy issues—
Bloom....why are you approaching Riven?? It's like sticking your hand into a piranha infested lake. He's going to be a dipshit
Brandon: *a very gentle ribbing*
Riven: this!!! Is!!! An!!!! Attack!!!!!
I have skipped the moment that makes my hyper empathy and second hand embarrassment almost painful to deal with—but Bloom fucking destroying any one who has the fucking audacity is amazing
I'd like to clarify that this moment pissed me off so much as a child I held a multi year grudge against Riven untill I rewatched s2 this year
Anyways, in my opinion, I think Riven was written to be TOO unlikeable for his character arc and s1 Riven will only not be stuck into a blender because he needs to become s2 Riven
I'll just turn the blender on low, this is fine
I think I've mis-characterized Bloom as anxious when she just has low self esteem, autistic and full of rage
My bad
Bloom: ah! I didn't mean to! Riven I'm sorry
I— I'm genuinely curious about which part she didn't mean to do
I think it's bc Bloom has been bullied and she's low key recognizing this as bullying? But the difference is that Riven is a agressive dipshit who definitely deserved it
See this is why they should of made Riven more likeable before he joined the Trix
1) so Bloom would have a reason to feel bad
2) so the audience would be upset that he went in the wrong direction
3) to explain why Musa liked him in the first place
Just give him some more nice moments and rip them all away once he's ~evil~, you went too far in making unlikeable and made him hateable even before he was a villan
Come on guys, all the official stuff about Riven says he has a good heart underneath all the emotional issues, we should see that before the season finale
You guys wanna know something funny? I was dead set on hating Riven when re-watching. It's just his little "I have a heart" speech and his silly little s2 actions convinced me to become what I am today
Stella: he had it coming
Love that energy
S1 Riven you little asshole, please do (1) self reflection
Riven: I don't need friends
Riven: they disappoint me
Darcy: I could make him worse
Stormy: oh fucking hell, she's doing the thing
I love how it's Icy who decides that Riven will be manipulated over to their side. Icy is the one that sees his use and Icy is the one that wants Riven around to help them
It's just interesting that Icy was the most interested in Riven hanging around them
Bloom was so distracted by a lady that looks like Daphne she didn't even question where Timmy came from
Bloom is so upset about publicly humiliating Riven's bitchass, she's so nice
Fake Timmy is disturbing
The Trix just standing there over Bloom is also creepy
Darcy is already so down to protect Riven. Girl you have even less of a reason to be into him
Stormy is here to bully her sisters 💗 Stormy is aro and is allergic to romance
Icy: *mocking Darcy for romantic feelings*
Icy....babe...I'm so sorry for what s3 and s5 did to you—
Bloom: hiii....
Riven genuinely looking kinda happy
God I hate him in s1, yet I feel so bad for him. I just wanna put him in therepy and shake him a little bit. He doesn't deserve what's coming next
Ugh he can't even be nice when getting a gift, tragic. They REALLY wanted s1 Riven to be unlikable huh?
Stella: um.... Oh no. Who gave you that helmet?!
Bloom: OH FUCK
My second hand embarrassment is making this episode actually painful
Ahhh s1 3d animation my beloved
Does no one see this?!
I skipped most of this episode bc lord have mercy my second hand embarrassment is STRONG, but s1 Riven becoming evil makes so much more sense now
Bloomly.... God no fucking shit Riven thought Bloom tried to murder him, imagine this happening to you it's so fucking sideways
Like him joining the people that nearly fucking killed him with a Minotaur is so fucking stupid it physically hurts, but if he didn't know who the Trix were this would be the most senseical decision anyone made all season
Yes it's dumb that apparently she gave him a fucked helmet, found that it wasn't quite doing anything, then attacked him properly—but this show is fucking dumb so I'll take it
Hello Darcy, here to make Riven fall in love with you to use him for your own personal gain huh? Riven's therapist will be ever aquatinted with you in the future
Riven FINALLY BEING SOFT, you could of given us slightly more moments of this before so the audience actually feels bad when he joins the bad guys but what do I know
Darcy looks so gentle. For just one moment. Then she goes back to looking threatening
Stormy: disgusting
Girl how did you think Darcy was going to convince Riven
Darcy is being so smug
You think when Riven throws himself off of Cloud Tower she'll blame herself for that too??
EP 9:
Oh Daphne my beloved. I wish you were a real character in this show or not at all because your disappearance in s2 is strongly felt
Tbh if Daphne were to be revived I would of loved for it to happen in s2 or s3 but have her be in a coma. So there's at least a reason she's gone after s1 that isn't just "plot doesn't need her anymore"
or just have her dead before everything starts and have a magical hologram in s1 that Daphne made before she died leading Bloom
Daphne's sad voice hurts my feelings
Flora being kept up with Bloomy's nightmare
Flora is so anxious about her friends 🥺🥺🥺 she's so freaked out about Bloom
Idk why she doesn't wake Bloom up herself
Stella is having a moment she hasn't been sleeping well
Tecna: btw theirs a woman in your mind talking to you though your dreams
All of the Winx: this is normal
I wonder why Stella is being so fucking weird about Bloom's dreams in perticualr.... It's because she hasn't been sleeping since huh?
How does Stella not realize—this EP is so weird
Bloom is so fucking grumpy
"Daphne, one of the nine nymphs of Magix. The supreme fairies who ruled over the magic dimension during the eons following the dragon's disappearance"
This librarian can't do shit 😔 tragic
Stella really trying to justify herself to Flora ripp
She made Flora angry. Watch your step before Musa or Tecna punch you
Stella: my mother told me to pick my battles
Stella: then she fucked off and hasn't spoken to me in 5 years, so I'm picking all of them
Stella: like we all know when she sees Timmy, out friend Tecna blushes head to toe
Stella: I admit I do find Sky kinda, but that's it
Oh so Stella's being a fucking liar today'
God no, do NOT talk about Riven
Musa is trying her best to ignore Stella
Stella baby, you annoyed Tecna and Flora, you pissed off Bloom, you are going to make Musa cry
Don't poke her soft spots Stella Musa will start sobbing
"That guy doesn't even look at you"
Stella is being a bitch but she is very correct. S1 Riven is barely aware of Musa's existence
This should probably be changed to explain why Musa likes him so much
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Will Stella ever not be gorgeous? Sources say no
Stella: and anyways since the day of the rose, the only one Riven cares about is Darcy. Of course you didn't know that~ you weren't with us~
Stella at the end of that episode: oh fuck Bloom accidentally pushed Riven into the hands of a deranged moster
Stella now: actually this is now ammunition
Jfc Stella hit ALL of Musa's soft spots with that line
Stella....in this episode is so ooc. Like Stella can definitely be insensitive and mean sometimes, girl gets foot in mouth syndrome like no body's business, but she wouldn't ignore making someone cry
Flora is about to punch Stella
Bloom....are you going to comfort your crying friend or not? No?? Ok
Stella: I should of never teased you like that
Bloom: I'm a bit sensitive
Awee their self aware
This ep is where Radius and Cassandra started dating I've decided, either that or Stella is cursed
Stella: it's just....I can't do anything right today
Bloom: and that's news?
Stella: hmph...I deserve that one
Ok I've decided Stella is cursed or something. Even Stella would know better than to make a comment about Bloom'd hair right after recognizing that she's been ultra mean today
But maybe she's only mean for the first part of the EP bc....... I'm PUTTING CHIMERA IN THE STORY AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME
Musa is very angry about Stella and talking about how Stella always makes her angry with off handed insensitive comments, which I believe. I would of loved to...see them in earlier episodes
Musa: oh my god he is dating someone else
Musa: this is horrible!!! My daydreams have been ruined!!! He's going off script!!!!
"Riven is with Darcy?!" *Grips hands into fist*
Riven: *does literally anything with anyone that isn't Musa*
Musa: I am feel uncomfortable when we are not about me?
Is this what normal crushes are like??? Like obsessions? I'm too aroace to understand
Like you could chalk this up to her being upset that he's dating the enemy but she apologizes after she slaps Icy so that really isn't it
Darcy: your vibes are wasted at Red Fountain. If you were one of us, you could be even more powerful
Darcy your implying he could be somewhere else and if so GIVE ME RIVEN DOING SHITTY MAGIC. I NEED TO MOCK HIM
Stormy: was manipulating Riven hard?
Darcy: No actually, it's was super easy. Barely an inconvenience.
I love how Riven is just uncritically agreeing with Darcy. Bitch, she ACTUALLY tired to kill you. Of course you don't remember that because it would be inconvenient to the plot but whatever
Darcy: heyyyyy~ Bloom and Brandon suck right?
Riven: I have never agreed with a statement more in my life
Darcy: *holds Riven's hand*
Musa: don't cry, don't cry, don't cry
Musa, sobbing: WHYYYY
Musa, baby, your energy
I love how Darcy put all that energy into convincing Riven to join her then just also put a spell on him. It's called insurance and these spells tend to work better if the person half agrees with what's going on anyways
This is the middle ground between "Riven completely of his own will helped the Trix" and "Riven was under Darcy's control the whole time" that my hcs usually live
Just of his own will enough that he'd agree to let Darcy into his head and just under her control enough for Darcy to drag him ooc more and more as time goes on
Icy: oh my god is this girl really sobbing at Darcy from behind a window???
Icy: this level of desperation is kinda impressive
Stormy and Musa have the same voice actor don't they?????
Icy doesn't even have a reason to be so interested in what Musa's doing. She just likes bullying people
Stormy: I trust Icy to recognize a spy
Isn't that Darcy's thing?
Poor Musa is already crying...Icy you will pay for this
Icy: I remember Riven saying that he thinks nothing of you
Bold of Icy to assume that Riven thinks about Musa enough to be aware of the fact that he doesn't think about her
*slaps roof of Musa* This baby can fit so much assumptions and mental illness in her!!
Musa fucking no hesitation just slapped Icy and I love that energy. Remember when the girls didn't hesitate to smack a bitch???
Stormy flinched back at Musa's slap....there's a mark on Icy's face. GIRL HOW FUCKING HARD DID YOU SWING
Musa has a rivalry with ALL of the Trix bc she's just that ✨Iconic ✨
Musa: I'm—i'm so sorry Icy! I didn't mean to hurt you!
Characters in this show will do something and then instantly claim that they didn't mean to do that thing
Bonus, Icy has tried to kill Musa before and she's still apologizing
Musa is baby
....in this show there are just a bunch of evil people hanging around as a part of society who are known for their evil. The witches are so weird
Lusy: Icy's powerful Mista! Maybe she'll notice me!
Someone happened to both of their voices in this episode... Also Mista??
Brandon...what are you doing here????
Were they just flying over Aflea??? Amazing
Riven has fucked off from the group, Brandon's threat turned back on him
What were they going to do in magix
Why is Musa running away with her feet and not......flying???
Me and all the witches in this episode are going to have to get into a physical altercation
The audacity of harming Musa
Ah shit s1 Riven is back and he's in full antagonist mode
Musa is about to do a stupid and ask Riven for help isn't she??
Yeah she did. Girl. Brain cells
Welcome full antagonist Riven!!!!! S1 has been waiting for you!!!!!
How the FUCK can Sky track Musa??? Fucking help?
Musa: I'm trapped!!!
The Winx and their forgetting they can fly
Ahhh! S1 villain Riven is here BBY and he's ready to cause even WORSE problems on purpose
Riven has been mostly fighting with Brandon until he's decided now he hates Sky the most
This show is so dumb
*Riven and Sky try to kill eachother* Well boys will be boys
Tbh Riven looks so cool with the witch girlies. I wish they we're allowed to be more than villains or turned into fairies of they aren't villains
Brandon is so cool
Stormy said fuck Tecna in perticualr
Darcy wants Musa dead so BADLY
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"I could fix him better than you!!"
Brandon, for saving Musa, you are now being awarded the title of "only man ever"
Attacking Darcy's clones knocks her out, that's interesting to know
Flora looks so gorgeous laying there.....
Apparently Flora doesn't do ugly
Does this world not have any enforcement of laws????? What the fuck is happening
Timmy hasn't done shit bc he's too busy sitting over Tecna.... Dude at least pick her up or something
Stella hasn't taken her sword ring out at all...and this show has multiple times tried to say she can't fight without it
Darcy is trying to fucking MURDER Musa. No cap, hands down, fucking dead. Unhinged behavior
Stormy: uhhh, sisters? What's going on with Bloom's lineart....
Bloom: I'm so fucking angry, I'm gonna bite your fucking head off
This should of put multiple people, but especially the Trix in the hospital
Riven is EVIL and yet he still knows to pull up his girlfriend and help her get away from danger
Bloom: *has god powers*
Brandon: what the fuck am I looking at
Sky: oh fuck if I know
Brandon:.... 9/10 not as hot as Stella, but admittedly—
Sky: I will jump tackle you
Bloomy used up all her magic
Brandon is such a good dude I love this guy
Musa: He's become a real jerk
Stella: I love being right!!! It's my favorite hobby
Stormy: I broke a nail 😭😭
Icy'd obsession with Bloom just started
Faragona what do you know????
.... Fragonda are you literally stopping Bloom from finding out more about herself????? ARE YOU ACTUALLY STOPPING BLOOM FROM DISCOVERING HER POWERS?!
Oh so this is why Faragona is hated so much... Girselda could have a redemption arc but this is intentionally awful jfc
Riven post s1: it's not paranoia if it can happen
EP 10:
"Musa is really upset when she sees HER Riven together with Darcy." The narrator explained Musa's train of thought so much better than I could
Flora: yeah,, and some horrible ones too :((((
Tecna: tch, you shouldn't let that scare you Flora! Their just stupid rumors anyway!! Really what could ever happen to you in there
Tecna is so pressed about this, amazing
I love how Tecna and Flora's dynamic is them telling eachother things they missed due to their different ways of learning things. It's interesting
Stella wants to be talked about so bad 👀👀 that's a symtom
Icy's vaccum is full of purple, Stormy's is full of yellow, and Darcy's is full of??? White??? Light pink??? It's really hard to see
Stella seeing a bunch of Tecno shit she doesn't understand: Tecna! Are we having fun
Tecna: 😍😍😍😍😍 yes
Witches being evil is a part of this test I'm screaming
Flora specializes in environmental healing and not combat confirmed
Stella apparently also thinks she can Ace that......maybe because sun light is good for life???
Sky's dog exists again
Sky: I got to ride a dragon today
There's a joke somewhere in here
Awwww Sky is such a nice guy, supporting Bloom
He's no Brandon but ya know
Riven chilling in a tree: god I fucking hate mid te—oh shittt is that the enemy???
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Riven: omg I need to go gossip to my girlfriend RIGHT NOW
He's not even doing anything that interesting he's just a petty little gossip, what a idiot
Darcy: that's a lot of numbers and buttons.....
Darcy: fuck it, imma just break this thing
I fucking hate how this rabbit thing has hands
Is Faragona ok??
How did Darcy know Bloom was going to go first? This plan is so stupid
Bloom: I wanna work on a damaged environment
Flora: WOOOO!!!! GO TEAM GO!!!!!
"Well there's this place called Domino"
Domino is treated like it was destroyed hundreds of years ago and not like.....sixteen
The timeline is STILL on fire
Tecna is trying her best, love her
Goddamn you Faragona
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Their playing with dolls
How have these three idiots not been arrested yet?
I think Bloom should of been allowed to burn their hands, just a little bit
As a treat
Why hasn't Tecna taken everything over to save Bloom??
Why has Kiko duplicated??? What the FUCK????
Dude said just magic the tech
Bloomy better get extra credit for this shit
Bloom being thrown up and down is so fucking cute y'all
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villanevehaus · 1 year
2, 11, 17, 45, and 100 (From your own AUs, which are your favorite characterizations of Eve and Villanelle? e.g. Ox vs TME’s Oksana/Vil)
!!! tysm !!! fic writer asks
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
hmmm, idk! i tend to get along w my narrators. i originally wrote ox getting more upset about eve's realization in ch5 (youre a decade younger than me and a woman and i leave soon etc) but decided it was ooc? thats really the only thing that comes to mind tbh. ive moved events and scenes and whatever but thats moreso overall structure rather than character/narrator.
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
i have learned SO many neat things while researching oh my god. watched a documentary about the history of telephones in america! LOTS about vipers and venomous snakes, how housefires happen/get out of control, SOOO much medical shit, a lot about billie jean king! print history, art history, geographical & archaeological history. i don't 'worry' about research per se but i do tend to do a lot of it bc i always feel more confident with what im writing if its more grounded in reality. also this is what the worlds deadliest snake looks like.
17. what is your favourite line that you've written?
Her scar tissue aches with the memory of genesis, finally able to name a creator. is one that i love but isn't published yet and wont be for a hot sec. obligatory mention of the one-sentence chapter in eve undone that's Her orbit becomes misaligned, casting her soul in shadow as she's pulled from the sun. I also really like this very long sentence of There's nothing keeping your soft, smooth, tiny little body from a force that will willingly feed you to jagged rocks, stinging nettle, starvation, dehydration, ruination, evisceration, or all those hungry things made of teeth and teeth and teeth and teeth. bc i am ofc not immune to sea allegories.
45. name three of your favourite fanfic writers.
@sharkodactyl /pigflight on ao3 || @eveandpsyche / herbeloveve on ao3 || telanu on ao3 - ive only read this of their fics but it genuinely changed how i view relationships so!
100. From your own AUs, which are your favourite characterizations of Eve and Villanelle? e.g. Ox vs TME’s Oksana/Vil
god what a cruel question, how could you do this to me. i reeeeally have a soft spot for my sweet girl's eve & nelle ngl, but i think i just have a soft spot for my sweet girl in general oops. its difficult for me to choose bc stuff like thin walls and my sweet girl's characterizations are SO shallow just by virtue of the works they belong to being so short in comparison to the others? they almost dont fall in the same question. like my sweet girl is 48k and TME (which is nowhere near being done and also isn't even my longest work) is 134k, so obvs theyre not only different but differently fleshed out- 3 whole my sweet girls fit in TME, and TME aint even over.
i really adore TME eve tho shes such a cunt, and TME oksana/vil is about to get bananas. but also ox is also so so so sweet. IDK theyre all too different !! aa !
first reaction best reaction my sweet girl ♡
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octopus-reactivated · 2 years
BTHB: Worked to the exhaustion - Werner
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It's been a while since I wrote something for this part of Werner's journey. Idk why, it's so fun to see his smart defiance >:]
Tw/cw: Pet whump, humiliation, cruel Whumper, starvation, beating, bruises, let me know if i missed something.
At least, he left those annoying white rooms. Werner was going insane there, and that probably—correction—that for sure was their purpose. 
The Man who bought him had an unpleasant appearance. Probably twice Werner’s age and seemed like he was cruel.
 Werner was labeled as a chore Pet, so he hoped he wouldn't have much attention on him. Just give him tasks to do and let him be in the back.
That probably won’t happen. But it was nice to hope. 
The Guy grabbed him by the collar and dragged out of the car to his house, dropping him on the floor. Werner fixed himself into a kneeling position (and he hated that). “Alright, listen up Pet, because I'm going to say this only once” he looked like he had an inferiority complex and needed to make himself feel better “Here are the rules: You refer to me as Master. You don’t speak unless spoken too. When I have guests over, you don’t show your ugly face to them, unless I call you. And when I call you, you come immediately. Each morning you get a list of chores, and you finish them the same day. Do your chores in a way that won’t disturb me. Walking upright is allowed only when a chore requires it, when not, you will crawl. If there will be a need to buy cleaning products, you will note them down. Is that understood?” 
“Yes, Master”
 “Go do your work then” 
To say that the list he was given was long, was an understatement. 
“Were the tasks so hard?” Master said.
 “Not individually, Master…” he tried to explain himself, kneeling on the floor, eyes down.  He knew it was futile, and yet he spoke in his defense. 
“Well then, do them individually then”
 Werner hated how the Man looked down on him. If the chores are so easy, do them yourself, idiot. Oh no, you can’t because your wife was the only one maintaining the household and when she divorced you, the only solution you came up with was to buy yourself a chore slave.
 He couldn’t say that out loud. Well, he wasn’t even sure if that was true, but he wouldn’t be surprised if he hit the spot. That type was common. 
And he couldn’t explain or defend himself. 
The punishment wasn’t the worst he ever received, but it may get troublesome if every day will look like this one. 
He earned a few bruises and was sent to sleep on a cold floor in a small utility room. Apparently, if he ‘behaved’ he could get a dog bed, but Werner doubted the man even bought one. If he ever completes a full list, he will find out if his assumption was true.
 He curled up on the floor.
 It was just temporary. He will escape this, he just needs to be patient.
Master quickly realized that making an impossibly long list will only make Werner lose motivation to do his tasks if he’s going to be punished despite the efforts he puts in. So he fixed it by basing end-day punishment on a number of uncompleted tasks.
Ten missed chores meant ten canes or ten minutes waterboarded. 
Werner hated to admit that it worked. And he worked hard to avoid another cut or another bruise.
 He will escape and go home, he just needed to make his Master let his guard down. 
And until then he worked, and worked, until one day while dusting his hand appeared to be distant and the world seemed to spin around and everything became black.
 “What do you think you’re doing?” Master was towering over him, frown on his face. It was not a frown of concern.
 He got up and dropped on his knees.
 “Sorry, Master, I… I must have fainted” 
“Huh? Did I get myself defective?” 
Werner grinned his teeth. This was so humiliating. 
“Do you want to be thrown out?”
 Oh yes, please. Remove his chip and let him go free. He will wander around cold streets for a while, but eventually will contact his family. Please, let him go home.
 “No, Master” he answered, “Please, let me correct myself”
Endure it. It would be too suspicious if he didn’t beg for forgiveness. 
“I guess…” Master looked down on him, “I don’t want to go through hustle of getting new one”
He got kicked so hard that he flew into the storage room he used to sleep in. His breath turned into a series of coughs and wheezes. 
This was on top of his already bruised body. The owner slammed the door in his face, just after he announced that Werner won’t be getting any food for three days.
But that wasn’t the greatest problem. 
He was just scared that if he would be overworked like that, he wouldn't have the strength to go home.
Taglist: @heathenville @myst-in-the-mirror @icyheart-and-friends (though you might enjoy??)
also @whump-blog thank you for proofreading!
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baekhvuns · 1 year
this is late mihane mihane
MISS UNIVERSE OH YES BABY i mean how could she not? How could she not be the miss universe? THOSE PRETTY EYES, THOSE LUSH PLUMP LIPS, HIGH CHEEKBONES she wasn't made...she was ARCHITECTED! (idc if it's not a word-) oh and i realized tht the second actress, who is a marvelous dancer was the mc of hum aple hai koaun HOW COULD I BE SO STEWWPIDD! really a shakespare play?...tht just made it better.
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NOOOO *ugly crying* you are right i missed that i thought they were just playing and messing around BRUH THEY PREDICTED THE FUTURE their manifesting game is high in negative things, bring it down a notch.
no no no don't even talk about tht movie. the scene where the main actress says, "Ever since you've joined the army, it's like you're trying to distance yourself from me." ... i can't. i can't even-
....eh? they are. the actress is Deepika right? ofc ik her my cousin has a huge crush on her ever since he saw tht one movie where she stars with vin deisel. but this just makes it even better bcz come on, WE GET THE COUPLES WE'RE THRIVING FOR! INDIAN INDUSTRY BE MAKING OUR DREAMS COME TRUE! ooh same director. you gotta tell me which movie did they first meet at.
dude fr. When i tell you i read the little synopsis of the movie i was ..... perplexed. Because goddamm a sting operation?? just for the sexuality? what is wrong with people?? If i ever went to hell imma tell satan to bring those cruel creatures to where i am and i'll show them what 'hell' truly is.
AHHHH NOOO ATEEZ + BODY RYTHMM I FOUND MY NEXT DREAM 😭😭😭😭nah ur right that rawness of ateez, and just hopes and dream...and a boat, True those were the days man. I mean i started stanning them when i heard illusion (its underrated af idk why people don't like it??) and then i stumbled upon those beautiful masterpieces ughh i would sell my soul just to hear those amazing songs once again for the first time.
aww ill always be here, also ik we're like in the whole Yunho era can i just...
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thnk u hv a nice day/night/evening *runs away*
no worries! take your time!
RIGHT THISE PRETTY EYES AND THOSE LIPS SHE IS SO GOD DAMN FINE IM VERY MUCH OBSESSED WITH HER SHE REALLY WAS ARCHITECTEDRHWJ (fun fact! all the movies that director has made even the ones deepika starts in, the directors first choice was always miss world 🤲🏻 BUT SHE NEVER IS AVAILABLE) the second actress is oh omg she is so stunningly talented like miss girl rULED 😭😭😭
NO BC WHEN I SAW THAT FOR THE FIRST TIME LIKE THSE MF MANIFESTED THAT INTO THEIR LIVES???? i wish the second actress got a love interest so bad 😭😭😭 some actual nice guy 😭😭
they are! honestly her in that vin diesel movie, she was so incredibly fine, ahead of her time actually !! THEY REALLY MAKING THEIR DREAMS COME TRUE WITH THE WAY THEY FALL IN LOVE ???? those twts about “i could never be a actor bc id fall in love” and they fall in love on set,, oKAY they first met at the movie ram leela (romeo and juliet with a mafia twist!) he saw her later in 2014 (when that movie was gonna film) at an award show where she won an award and he was the one presenting it to her and he just kind fell on spot <3
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AND THE WAY IT WAS FUCKING BASED ON AN IRL STORY??? A STING OPERATION JUST FOR THAT??? vile. no ur so right, when i die one day will come back to haunt ppl like this on purpose,,, im sorry but like this is beyond me,, A STING OPERATION OVER SOMEONES SEXUALITY??
right??? treasure had such rawness, like one mic, 8 dreams and a song,,, to be in those simpler times and to ACTUALLY hear their voices blend in w songs like i be missing that so terribly, illusion is so underrated!!!! honestly wave’s entire album is ngl fbwnfh BRING BACK WAVE !!!! right?? ateez’s song choices at that era were so spectacular i just wish they also go into different genres, like a versatile discography— bring back the classics 😭😭
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iovelore · 3 years
summary and word count: a certain fae can’t help but find amusement in the youngest elfhame’s prince‘s frustration. wc — 1493
pairings: the cruel prince!cardan greenbriar x fem!reader
contents and warnings: jealousy, hinting of threesome, mentions of knife (nothing extreme), suggestive content, mutual pining-ish, fluffy?
a/n: i used tcp cardan because i couldn’t see any context of y/n being used in a fic in the other books (i also need it for the next part </3). i tried my best to include the tail bit since it didn‘t come out right, ill add it in either part 2/3. cardan is a bit ooc (i made him a bit idk how to put it besides: sub?man whore. because i believe that’s what he is 😁). and y/n resembles jude just a little bit with the blade thing, but only a little because jude is neither very flirty or open up about her sexuality (more so in the first book) and that’s what i made y/n like.
also, since this was more in y/n’s perspective, next part will be more so cardans <3
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Y/N's legs crossed as she leaned her head on locke's shoulder, while Poppy, a half-faerie: who Locke has shown great interest in— for all the wrong reasons — sat before them and told them of the mortal tales her father would recite to her every night or the ones she gathered on her own from her adventures back where the humans lived.
Y/N found them odd: how they all were almost nothing compared to the people here; they were fragile, but she found similar enjoyment in them all nonetheless — and perhaps she had the eldest duarte to blame for her obsession with all things mortal, and Poppy's tales weren't helping either — which has unfortunately gained her the harsh scowls from the youngest prince of Elfhame.
Though that was no surprise. The boy had never been kind enough for her to realise that his treatment towards her was almost cruel — not that it had mattered, because to Y/N it was a show; she knew where his feelings lay, and it was nothing but amusing. To everyone with eye sight as clear as day, he'd never liked her, but when in class, when he believes her to be ignorant of his stare or his wagging tail; she has a classmate whisper every move his body makes, and it fuelled her heart all too much.
"It's not quite normal there, unlike here, if anyone decided to walk around with it they'd get humiliated till they're six feet under," Poppy snorted, covering her mouth with the back of her palms.
Locke turned to stare behind him, catching sight of the prince and Nicasia — both pouting miserably (one much too obvious than the other), and at that, he smiled. "Oh you’re right, tails are quite odd aren’t they? More so on a prince,"
Y/N shrugged at that, "It's alright, I do think Cardan makes it quite, charming? He’s always wagging it around like some...was it a cat you called it?"
"Yes a cat," Poppy shook her head positively, "though don't say that out loud, I doubt he's as clueless on mortal knowledge as we think he is."
Locke hummed, a smirk growing on his lips as he kept his eyes trained on his friend, Y/N following suite of his gaze and sultry grinning at the boy from afar, ignoring Nicasia — causing his eyes to widen momentarily, before the scowl found home on his face once more.
"He's never quite liked you has he?" His words were soft against her ear, his lips landing gently beneath her ear-lobes, kissing it tenderly as he kept his eyes trained on his flaring friend — who if one squinted, could perhaps see smoke escape his ears, if they ignored the immense swinging of his tail.
Y/N smiled, a small amount of malice lacing her intentions, "hatred I'd say, though he doesn't think I'm that foolish does he?"
Poppy, who now stared at her feet, hands tugging the grass with a blush coating her tanned features, "he's looked like he wanted to murder Locke."
Y/N snickered, a sickeningly sweet one at that, as she lowly muttered, "it’s all working then, sweetness."
Later on, when Y/N was left with no one to keep her company — as Locke found himself adorning Poppy and Nicasia's presence, alone — she took notice of the emptiness of Locke's home. It was beautiful, nothing as extravagant as Hollow Hall, yet she found herself admiring the interior all the same.
And as her hands traced the designs etched on the walls, as if it were a reminiscence of her first time staring upon them, a deep, and rather annoyed cough fleed her from her thoughts.
she stayed in position, her back facing Cardan and only gripping the knife resting on her waist, "now what would the prince need at a time like this? Should he not be in his humble abode by now?"
"Should you not be with your lover boy? Or is it that you enjoy using people like he does?" His tone was hostile as he spat his words, however the light softness that rippled around it was evident and Y/N couldn't help her lips tugging upwards.
She turned around, staring at him — where he leaned cooly against one of the walls — with squinted eyes, faux contempt present in her stare, and he shifted in his spot at her gaze.
She swiftly walked, her steps careful as to not trip on her dress. And when she reached him, she, boldly, placed her hands on his chest, dragging it downwards firmly — and his thumping heart beneath his rib cage could be faintly heard from the short proximity between them.
Y/N titled her head when he clenched his fists, but found a smile etching on her lips when his eyes were lightly fluttering. "Do I really threaten you that much that your hatred towards me is the only thing that keeps you going? It's pathetic truly, especially for a prince."
Cardan gulped, mind hazy at the contact and his body was supported by his tail, that was wrapped roughly around one of his legs. He could not utter the next words without stroking her ego, and it was then he'd wished — though he'd never admit out loud — that he were mortal, because he needed to lie if not keep his mouth shut.
More so with her trapping him, her knees coming forward and slightly spreading his legs, so that the entirety of his body leaned upon the wall. And despite him towering over her due to one of her legs bending in-front of the other, he could not move, catching sight of the shiny blade securely placed on her hips and her rigid grasp on them.
She had been around a certain mortal for too long, he thought, and at that his sneer was present again.
Y/N gently bit her tongue to stifle the giggle from escaping her, "what, cat's got your tongue?"
His lips were tightly sealed, and though he already knew the effects she displayed were affecting him, greatly, he refused to acknowledge her — especially that any movement could cause his legs to move slightly forward and brush . . .
She shook her head with a light hearted laugh that had his heart beating just a little bit faster, just a little bit. Her hands releasing the grip she had on her blade, before placing it on his cheek and patting him smoothly.
"You're quite humorous you know, would be a shame if you wasted all that energy on 'hating' me when it could be used for something else, you decide, my prince." she said, her tone sensual and low, before gradually stepping away allowing room (only a small amount at that) for the boy before her to breathe, she let one of her fingers crawl delicately on his hollow cheek bones, that though looked sharp, were as soft as anything could be.
Cardan's eyes widened ever so slightly, now registering her words, "are you flirting with me?" He asked. The space between them now slightly obvious, and he hated it — almost as much as he pretends to loathe her.
Y/N raised her brows, crossing her arms in an unlikely childish manner before nodding, "you're quite oblivious you know? Yes."
"Well," the confirmation enabled a smirk to appear on his face, only to be dismissed by her voice, again.
"Well? Is that all? Because I have things to do, and if my offer does not interest you then I'll gladly leave and find another willing volunteer," she purred, ignoring the way his brows harshly and quickly furrowed, creating a crease, "how about Locke? We are reasonably close, and he does not have a tail — which looks a bit foolish, don't you think?"
He was blushing crimson now, red sparklings littering his pale cheeks, but then his lips curled up — however, he does not look as frighting as he's expecting to be, he knew that, especially with her knees still resting between his thighs (which is all he's trying to drift his mind from at the moment).
"I don't see anything off with it, I've been told it makes one interesting. You've spent too much time with mortals and those alike." Cardan's jaw clenched and his chest was rising a lot more than it was a few minutes before.
Y/N pursed her lips, "Well then, show me how interesting one can get." She leaned forward, her breath fanning atop his lips and he found his own hitching.
His eyes were wandering from her eyes, which he secretly adored, to her lips, and he subconsciously nodded, leaning forward.
Only then, her hands rested on his chest, pushing him away slightly and his head came in contact with the wall yet again, and he had to bite his bottom lips in hopes that she had no idea how much he’d needed her, all of her.
Y/N stepped backwards, finally standing straight. Her hands on her side once more and she gave the prince an alluring smile, "I'll see you later, cardan."
He glared at the spot she had been standing in once she’d left, and he knew that it was a silly game she’s playing.
And what is a game if it involves one player?
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
My (f/n) | Zhongli x Reader
Hello! This was originally a collab idea from a friend between like 5 people. The friend who suggested the collab pulled out and idk about others lmao so it might just be me. BUT I COMMITED AND DELIVERED SO! Cuz I’m responsible and amazing💖 anyway. It’s a reincarnation AU! Banner made by 🎭 anon! Thanks to @squeaky-ducky and @solies-scripts for helping me edit this💖
Extra sidenotes: Your previous self’s vision is pyro but you can choose whatever for the reincarnated version even tho it’s not mentioned. Also, Yehara and Lilith are my OCs (yes... more)
Length: 2.1k Summary: Zhongli loves and cherishes you above all else. One day, you’re snatched away from him and the world turns black for him. Yet somehow, a thousand years later, he sees you again.
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The bright sun beamed down at the land below, illuminating everything in a golden glow. Zhongli stepped out into the light and closed his eyes, inhaling the fresh air.
Days like these were beautiful but they became a blessing all thanks to one person. A smile graced Zhongli’s beautiful features at the thought of them. His hand found its way onto his chest and he felt it steadily beat. He felt an overwhelming sense of serenity and it was all thanks to this person. You.
You, yourself, were a blessing in this archon’s life. He never thought he would ever feel like this. That he would ever feel love. What was love to archons? They usually loved the lands they resided over. The original archons held love for humanity and guided them.
For Zhongli, love was something of a general term. He loved the sun, the lands… today. But his love for you was something he couldn’t describe. Something the man of wondrous knowledge couldn’t understand.
Zhongli came to realize that love wasn’t something that could be easily explained nor did it need to be. Love gave him overwhelming happiness, so why bother trying to understand every aspect of such a beautiful idea.
The Geo archon walked through the city of Liyue and although he felt great joy, there was also a certain uneasiness. He paused and touched his chest once more as the anxiety grew.
Ultimately, the man ignored it, unable to find the root cause of such dread. He instead opted to find you, so you could settle his nerves a little.
“Zhongli!” You beamed once you saw him. He chuckled as you ran to him and wrapped your arms around his slim figure.
“You’re rather excited today,” he commented as he hugged back, “what brought on such elation?”
“Hmm, a very pretty man.” You said, cheekily. There it was, that smile of yours washed away any and all discomfort he felt.
“Oh, is that so? I’m quite jealous.”
“I wouldn’t be.” Zhongli chuckled once more as you leaned in and gave him a kiss. The sensation of your soft lips remained on his even after you’d pulled away. “What brings you here today?”
“I was thinking we could spend some time together. We could go for a walk, maybe set up a picnic since that’s what you wanted to do last time.”
“Really!? You’ll go on a picnic with me?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” Your radiant smile was contagious as he found himself smiling in return.
“I’ll set it up!! It can be a late night picnic or- oh! Oh! Let’s watch the sunset! Then we can have our picnic. I’ll set up candles!” Your enthusiasm was always something Zhongli loved. It benefited him more than he could admit.
“Alright then. Where?”
“Our spot!” Zhongli teasingly tilted his head making you pout.
“What spot? I’m not sure I know what you mean.”
“Yes you do! Come on, Zhongli!” Zhongli leaned in and pecked your pouty lips before nodding.
“I do. Then I’ll meet you there?” You nodded with a bright smile.
“Yes! Exactly! I’ll have everything set up and I want it to be a surprise.”
Zhongli spent a little more time with you before he left, since you needed to prepare for the date. Only a few minutes after he’d left you, the anxiety returned. He touched his chest once more with furrowed brows. What was this?
You smiled as you started to place the items down onto the blanket. You’d been planning this picnic for weeks now and you finally had the chance to do it.
You set the cushions and small table you had brought, placing the candles and wine bottle. The food would remain in the basket to keep it safe from bugs since you had to wait quite a while. Hopefully your pyro vision was enough to keep it warm.
“Hello, are you (y/f/n)?” A soft voice called from behind. You turned around and saw a shy, but beautiful woman with long pink hair. The clothes she wore indicated she clearly wasn’t from here. She fidgeted with her hand, showing she was nervous.
“Um… who’s asking?”
“Ah, sorry! My name is Lilith but you can call me Lily. I was told you knew where I could find a um… Mr. Zhongli?”
Zhongli? Why was she looking for him? Finding her safe enough, you opted to direct her to your boyfriend rather than giving information about yourself.
“Oh, yes I do! He’s back in Liyue but you’ll find him at Wangshen Funeral Parlor.”
“Thank you so much!” But she didn’t leave. A giggle escaped her lips and she met your eyes, giving you a dreadful feeling.
“So he’s not here with you… good.” In the blink of an eye, Lilith was in front of you. She threw you back causing you to fly into a tree. You let out a scream as your weakened body hit the ground. Pain shot through you and you weakly looked up at her.
“Pitiful. You’d think he’d choose someone of his caliber but no. He chose someone weak and pathetic like you. Your pyro vision was wasted on you.” Woah, where did her soft voice and shy demeanor go?
“Zh-Zhongli…” you called out as Lilith picked you up and slammed you into the tree once more.
“Call him all you want. But he won’t get here in time.” Lilith repeatedly slammed you into the tree before a sickening crack was heard.
A weak whimper escaped your bloodied lips as the light faded from your eyes.
“H-help m-me… Zh… Zhong… li…” Lilith caught your limp body and picked you up. A wicked smile played on her lips as she walked to her destination.
It had happened all so suddenly. Zhongli was meeting an acquaintance to talk about his work at the funeral parlor when he felt a sharp, intense pain in his chest and back. He just knew.
He threw everything away, apologizing to his friend and practically sprinting to where you two were supposed to meet. There he was met with a grim sight.
The picnic had been set up almost completely, but the large tree behind it was covered in blood. The Geo Archon knew exactly who it belonged to. He finally noticed the letter sitting on the table.
Once he read it, he ran to the nearest Statue of the Seven in hopes of finding you and whoever took you. But it was too late. When he finally reached the statue, his heart shattered.
Your body was on top of the statue, laying across the lap of the stone man. Blood trailed down your arm that hung over the edge and dripped from your finger. Your lifeless eyes stared into nothingness, the final sign of your death.
A large pillar solidified in front of him and he quickly climbed up to get to you. Zhongli’s shaky hand slowly and hesitantly touched yours. Cold. You were so cold. Where was your usual warmth? Where was that dazzling smile that often chased away his sorrows? Where was the light in your eyes? Where was the joy you brought him?
“M-my… (f/n)...” he murmured in a sorrowful tone, “what’s… no. No, this isn’t happening.” He pulled you down and into his arms, wincing at how lifeless you were.
You couldn’t be dead, you couldn’t have left him. He jumped down to the ground with you tightly in his arms. His eyes stung and his vision started to get blurry. Crying? An archon, crying? The tears slowly slid down his pale cheeks. His voice cracked when he spoke up.
“Wake up, my love. Please wake up.” He begged looking down at you. The blood trickled down your mouth, a clear sign you’d been killed recently. Within the hour, actually. “P-please blink… please wake up. Please come back to m-me. I just… I can’t do this without you. I…” what could he say? What could he do?
Zhongli had failed. He’d failed to keep you safe and alive. He’d vowed to always protect you and he vowed to never let you get hurt.
The tears spilled down his cheeks and the pain in his heart grew. He took your face in his free hand and took a good look at his consequence. At his failure.
“Tell m-me this is just s-some cruel joke, w-wake up and tell me this isn’t real. I-it’s just a n-nightmare, right? Right?” Zhongli held you tightly with his head pressed against your chest. Nothing. He heard nothing.
You never blinked, you never looked up at him with that adorable giggle, and you never exclaimed it was a joke.
You really were gone.
How many years ago was that now? Almost a thousand? Zhongli had never gotten over your death and how could he? His first and only lover had been ripped away from him and he still hadn’t found the murderer.
There had been a significant change in Zhongli since then. He was much more reserved and defensive but he was also very protective of anyone he came to call a friend. Ever since losing you, he found it hard to love and care for people the same way.
There was a constant emptiness, a loneliness that never left. No matter how many friends surrounded him, he always felt empty. Food and drinks were tasteless and the world lacked color. No smile matched yours, no warmth matched yours, and he never found a pair of dazzling eyes such as yours. And he was sure he’d never see them again… or so he thought.
“Zhongli! Are you coming?” Yehara asked, making the man look toward her.
“Oh, sure. Let’s go.” Zhongli had met Yehara a few years ago and had helped her during a commission. She hadn’t been doing so well and he’d practically saved her. Ever since then, she stuck to him like glue. Although he wasn’t terribly fond of her from the beginning, he grew to like her. Once they were close enough, Zhongli finally opened up about you and your death.
Yehara swore she’d help solve the murder and wouldn’t rest until he knew. Zhongli had grown much closer to her than he anticipated. The relationship gave him complicated feelings, ones he didn't want to even deal with.
At first, he wondered if he had feelings for Yehara or else why did he feel so comfortable with her? Why did he feel so safe? Why did he often find himself seeking her out when he felt alone? He was scared because you were long gone but for him it was just yesterday. Zhongli didn't want to move on, no matter how healthy it was. He only wanted you, nobody else. Not Yehara, not another archon, no one but you.
There were many things he felt with you that he didn’t with Yehara. Her smile didn’t light up his world, her laughter didn’t echo in his ears, her hugs didn’t leave him tingling, and her words never stayed with him for more than a minute.
There were many nights he spent thinking about himself and Yehara. Was he in love with her? It took some time, but he eventually came to the conclusion that didn’t. He hoped she didn’t either.
“Zhongli! Stop dozing off!” Yehara said, making him look down. He chuckled and patted her head, before looking away.
“Sorry, sorry. It won’t happen ag-” Zhongli stopped abruptly, his golden-orange eyes widened. No…
“Oh come on Zhongli, you just said this wouldn’t happen again.” Yehara huffed and followed his gaze. He was looking into a group of people but after a few moments, her red eyes widened as well.
A person, looking EXACTLY like you was smelling some flowers at a stall. You smiled and Zhongli’s heart sped up immediately.
“It’s them… that’s my (f/n)... I know it.” The archon whispered.
“That can’t be… I thought…” Yehara looked at Zhongli only to look back at you. The duo watched as you nodded and purchased the flowers and turned towards them. When your eyes landed on them you froze, almost as if you’d seen a ghost.
“They saw us.” Yehara gasped, bringing Zhongli out of his trance. You did. You were looking directly at him with the same look of shock. Without wasting any more time, you ran towards him and stopped right in front of them. Zhongli’s heart was beating out of his chest and he clenched his hands. Why were you looking at him like that?
“You’re… Zhongli, right? I’m (y/f/n)... I know you from my dreams.”
“Dreams?” Yehara asked and you nodded, giving her a soft smile. You were more beautiful than Zhongli had described. She could see why he was so infatuated.
“I began dreaming about you when I turned 20.” That was an odd coincidence, since you were 20 when he first asked you to be his.
“You… know me?”
“I do. I only know things from dreams and as dreams not memories… but since you’re here in front of me, there has to be some truth to them. So will you tell me more?” A smile of relief appeared on his lips and he nodded.
“Of course, anything for you… my (f/n).”
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