#idk i just thought it suited him
ms--lobotomy · 28 days
Happy Mermay to all who celebrate! Here's the beginning of a little series with Mothman. [Next]
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Summary: You and your crew are called in to rescue a large beached mammal. The creature is more human than you expected.
Word Count: 1301
Content Warnings: Injury and blood, needles/injections, Morty's kind of a prick but he's HURTING ok??
Image Credit: @squishyowl (the tentacles fit really well here)
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It was beginning to get ungodly hot out this time of year, even at this time in the morning. You'd woke up, donned a tank top and some shorts and went out with a team of wildlife rescuers from the aquarium nearest you, ready for anything. From the conversation between the other six rescuers, you gathered that it was a rather large, mammalian creature. A manatee, most likely. You shuffled your feet, excited for your first manatee rescue. Other animals were quite nice too, you'd just never rescued an entire beached manatee before.
The vehicle pulled up at the beach, not bothering to find a parking spot. You exited the vehicle with your coworkers, grabbing supplies for marine mammal rescue. Looking at the ground, you bumped into the tallest one, a large, bulky man you'd known as Typhus.
"Sorry!" you exclaimed, and he chuckled in front of you.
"You're okay," he said as you and your team found your way to the boardwalks. Typhus and some of the more physically strong members were carrying the stretcher, you were carrying one of the signs for civilians to keep away. You never knew who would be at the beach at 4 am.
The two at the front stopped dead in their tracks when they saw what was beached. You ran into Typhus's back again as he stopped suddenly, and he didn't respond. You peeked out from behind him, and your eyes widened.
"No way..." the other at the front said, a short, portly girl with a brown ponytail. She shone her phone light on the merman in front of everyone.
You were the first to come up to him, running towards him from behind Typhus. He and the rest followed you, but he didn't break out into a sprint like you did, your sneakers digging into the rough sand. As you came closer, you heard faint cries in a low, raspy voice.
You knelt next to him after casting the sign aside. He was pale, paler than most people you'd seen. His hair was stark white, but his face wasn't too lined. His eyes were seaweed green, and his tail shone in the phone light. It was yellow and green, spotted with a forked tail. He was large, very large. Your head and torso combined were less than his torso. And he was covered in scars, fresh and still bleeding. There was blood pooling in the sand.
"You're..." you said as Typhus and then the others came up to you, standing behind you.
The merman groaned, moving onto his side to face your entourage. "Who are you," he rasped, retreating back into himself.
"We... we're here from the local aquarium," you said as you and a few others began to dress his wounds. He winced as you touched them, towels lapping up fresh blood. "We're going to fix you up for a bit and then release you, okay?"
You felt one of the others' stares hot on your back. You looked behind you towards a shorter man, skinny with hair going just beyond his shoulders. He looked down, and you turned back and cleared your throat. He regarded all of you with a glare.
"Release me now," he huffed.
"I..." you started before Typhus cleared his throat. He knelt down next to you.
"We can't release you," said Typhus. He was closer to his face, and you looked at him. He had a little bit of scruff on his face, and his olive skin glowed in the light of the phone flashlight.
"That's bullshit," cried a voice from behind you. You turned to see another shorter man with cropped hair. "If the government finds out about this guy, they're going to take him and..." he stopped, folding his hands.
You gulped. "He's right," you said. "We get a lot of our funding from the state. If they find out he's a merman, they might do things to him that I personally don't want," I said.
"Well, are you just going to release him then?" asked a girl just a little taller than you. She crossed her arms as you ran your towel along another wound.
"I can go back--" he started before you interjected.
"There's a saltwater pool at the place I rent," you said. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you out like this. We're going to give you some stitches in the van, and then you're going to stay in my pool until you recover. After that, I promise we can release you."
He sighed. "Fine," he huffed. "My father will be wondering where I am, though..."
"He'll know in due time," you said as the stronger members of your team began to hoist him onto the stretcher. His tail and his head peeked off of it, and you dashed towards his head to steady it. He looked at you with a gruff expression as he was carried off of the beach and onto the boardwalk.
"Look. I barely know you, but my job is to keep you safe and healthy, alright?" you said quietly towards him. "Can you tell me your name, at least?"
"That's lovely, Mortarion. I'm..." you said your name just like you've said it a thousand times before.
He grumbled in response as you hauled him off of the boardwalk and into the vehicle. The back was filled with medical supplies, old things repurposed into animal rehabilitation equipment. But what was before you teetered on the precipice between animal and man like you had never seen before.
"Quickly!" shouted the last one to get in the van. They put on a long white lab coat, tying back their long blonde hair as the rest of the team rushed around them. "Get me the anesthetic."
You turned around. There was a general anesthetic behind you. Perfect. You grabbed it and strode over towards the doctor, putting it in their hand.
"It might take me a while to find his veins," they whispered in your ear. "Can you... can you calm him down while I figure him out?"
"Yes, Stella," you nodded, looking at him. He was groaning in pain again, his eyes half open. You sheepishly walked your way down to him and knelt to his eye level. His hair was in his face, so you brushed it out of him. He recoiled at first, but after breathing a little bit, he relaxed.
"We're here to help you," you said quietly while the rest of the group scurried around you.
"You've said that," he sighed. "I want to go back."
"Whatever hurt you hurt you good," you replied. "Are you sure you don't want to stay? I promise you it will be a few weeks at the most."
"I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter," he said. Stella grabbed his arm, looking for a place to insert the needle.
"How well do you do with needles?" you asked, assuming they had needles underwater.
"I am nothing if not resilient," he grumbled. "A needle is nothing."
"Alright, I found a vein, I'm about to inject him," said Stella.
"Okay, Mortarion," you started. "You're going to be knocked out for this, but we're going to stitch up your wounds. You're going to recover in my pool for a short period, then we're going to release you. Then you can tell your father everything that happened. I promise you, you're going to be safe here." You grabbed for his free hand, and he let you take it, your fingers barely able to mesh with his.
"Very well," he sighed.
"Alright, it's going in in 3... 2... 1..."
"Count for me," you said.
"Just count?" he asked, puzzled.
"That's what the doctor told me to do when I went under last time."
"Doctor?" he asked. "Alright. One, two..."
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starrysharks · 11 months
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i am the cattt just chillin outt but in the night she's all i think aboutttt
#zeno's art#i feel so strong 😭 when shes around 😭 she picks me up 😭 when 😭 i 😭 am 😭 down 😭#even i can admit that i love the full theme song. anyway!#for this redesign i also wanted him to feel less generic but in a different way to marinette#i wanted his civilian clothes to look comfortable and stylish so hes like ... a rich boy who doesnt really dress like a rich boy#idk#i got rid of the purple to keep everything cohesive and because it annoyed me#and i tried to make the outfit less simiar to maris too. why were they both wearing nearly matching jacket shirt jeans ensembles???#i also wanted to make his hair look a bit smart with the side part but also a little rebellious with the spiked hair#that also creates a subtle cat ear silhouette.#with the chat noir suit: the original looks very uncomfortable and embarrassing to wear for a 14 year old (i think theyre 14 in the show?)#i remember that one of the designers for itsv said that most teens would be embarrassed wearing a spandex/tight suit if they were superheros#and thats why miles wore shorts and a jacket and shoes over his#so i thought 'ill make chat's suit more comfy'#rather than his weird leather suit its more loose esp in the legs to make an interesting silhouette#the cat scratches on the suit + the messier hair also signify rebellion#and the belt mirrors that of my ladybug redesign#the graident tail is just to match plagg + it looks cool#ok done rambling!#miraculous ladybug#mlb#adrien agreste#chat noir#cat noir#plagg#zag studios hire this man
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kyuhu · 8 months
Stop! ✋⛔ Show us the latest artsketch you've been working on! Send this to 5 other artists!
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not so much a sketch anymore but the latest thing I was working on :V
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minahwa · 16 days
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the heeramandi soundtrack has been ON 24/7
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jerrythebug · 1 month
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Trying to figure out how to draw a White Guy in a Suit. I'm getting somewhere, but still need more practice.
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mcrunchybones · 10 months
something something photography being the art of memory and recording and basil being the photographer something something the way hes always the witness and never the subject and maybe he doesnt think he deserves to be the subject something something taking a photograph being the act of freezing a moment in time forever and basil (and sunny by extension) never being able to grow up and move on from what they witnessed the day mari died
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giddlygoat · 1 year
idk man where’s all the fat wrinkly short narrators. please just show me the old man narrators. im not talking middle aged. he must look at the very least 62. crusty dusty old with joint problems and a hairline on its last gasps. please god im begging i just need to see some more fat old guy narrator designs
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kana7o · 2 years
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jolted awake bc i needed to draw rebel pilot anakin.
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Random thought but...Beel having four arms in his full/truer form???
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diy-dentistry · 1 year
Ok but, is anyone else kind of disappointed that Law is never really shown to have a moment to mourn his family?
It’s just like, the event in Flevance happens, and then he shows up at the Donquixote pirates doorstep to be recruited by Doflamingo which leads to everything else. But within that time shown, he bonds with Corazon and all, but never is shown to reference/think about his family, especially Lami who he seemed to be pretty close to.
He could have had that moment after Cora’s death but based on his life’s mission and formation of his crew and stuff it doesn’t seem likely. Even as an adult I just wish he had some sort of recognition to his family/town the way he has with his memorialization of Corazon’s memory.
Also I’ve always had a little angsty headcannon of my own that, because of Flevance being burned to the ground Law doesn’t have any photos or anything of his family. And I think because of that, and because the last time he saw his family was at such a young age, that he gets scared that he will/already has to a point forget his family’s faces. Especially being a doctor and knowing how unreliable the brains storage of memories can be some times, I feel like he’s definitely been upset over not being able to recall every single detail of the people who loved him.
(And I actually want to do something based on him having an old distressed paper he keeps locked in his desk that’s actually an old crayon family portrait he did soon after escaping his town so he could still have his family with him somehow)
God- that got angsty quick- sorry about that
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raisinushigher · 5 months
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fuck this show
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insufferablemod · 6 months
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top 10 worst celebrities ever
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pothospant · 2 months
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silly lil designs for pf ez and aphelios blending into piltover :]
#me arts tag#i was going to draw smth a bit more substantial but i need a nap :'D#the monocle and glasses are just their visors disguised somehow#and the weird half vest? design for ezreal.. i imagine half of it tears off/opens (like buttons or smth)#to accommodate his arm cannon transforming. actually i imagine both their outfits kinda work like that#tearaway clothes for their pulsefire equipment somehow#although im imagining the pulsefire tech might be able to make some illusion/disguise clothes.. transforming tech? who knows#realistically im sure aphelios would cover up the glowing marks on his face but it also looked odd w/o his face markings so i just left em#ezreal monocle doesnt look as silly as i thought... maybe he should wear one normally#im meh on aphelios's coat design but maybe ill rerereredesign into oblivion... LOL#wanted to give him more of like a pilot jacket originally but idk what his vibe is. goofy lil guy. what fashion even suits you#OH.... I GUESS. HE NEEDS HIS SCARF.... ill fix it at some point probably maybe sure#i think it'd be a bit funny if ezreal is unintentionally a fashion/style person#just bc of how much blending in with timelines and worlds and stuff hes done#he just ended up absorbing so much fashion knowledge#aphelios or ekko points it out at some point and hes like. huh. im not into fashion#(said while reading a hefty book on fashion history for whatever location theyre at)#yeah im sure PEARL probably has built in search engine stuff#but ezreal just strikes me as the type of guy to research and memorize/learn stuff#''just in case i lose access to PEARL's database again'' or whatever#im sure thats probably happened like 100 times#so random but i feel like aphelios has the vibe of a guy you wanna dress up in various outfits#but also hes like :) (just happy to be included/present) so he doesnt mind#you put a goofy souvenir shop floppy hat on him and hes like. :)#my aphelios hcs are nonsense im so sorry. i want him to be happy#pulsefire ezreal#pulsefire aphelios#pulsefire#aphelios#ezreal
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dailykugisaki · 7 months
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Day fourty-one | id in alt
Kugisaki looks so wack Everytime she's not paying attention, she's thinking of shopping, meaning a friend or a third more sinister and bad thing.
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morninkim · 1 year
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In 1999, the speedster known as The Flash began fighting crime in Central City, Oregon, combining the inspiring presence and gentle demeanor of Superman with the facts-driven and logical mind of Batman.
Later that same year, Coast City, California would get its own hero in the Green Lantern, a cocky man who claimed to be an officer from an intergalactic peacekeeping force assigned to this sector of space.
2003 would see the appearance of the Green Arrow, a Robin Hood-like figure who would target and expose corrupt officials in Star City, Washington and surrounds.
Though not as notable as The Trinity of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, the three Heroes of the West Coast would be instrumental and important in the Silver Age of Superheroes.
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arsenicflame · 7 months
hey does anyone wanna bounce bellhands/they all went to pirate school together ideas with me? im trying to figure out the missing pieces of my personal set up and it might be easier with someone else!
#if youve never spoken to me before please be aware i will type a whole paragraph in response to one (1) sentence#but if ur down for that! please.#ive got like. the start and the end and a couple bits in the middle fleshed out but it doesn't f l o w#this is the problem with trying to condense more than a years of ideas into one cohesive narrative. i usually swap and change things as#and when it suits so im like. i don't know what i need in this#its just for my silly little tumblr post but#i would appreciate it <3#i can send you what ive wrote and we can go from there or we can start from scratch bouncing ideas or u can just ask me questions#or something to help fill in gaps idk whatever works for u! what ive got is like. a fuckin mess honestly its ramblings and half finished#thoughts and just. its. a complete state and thats not even touching on whats missing (like. anything that matters in the middle basically)#nyxtalks#ofmd#bellhands#sam bellamy#izzy hands#israel hands#if you're unfamiliar with the concept: its Hornigold era stuff; jack + ed + izzy + sam all sailing under him and learning the ropes togethe#im not trying to go into too many details; just the underlying structure that is what I think of when i think of them#its probably not something anyone else cares about but i think i need it for some of the more fun 'what if Izzy went with sam' posts#i realised if i wanted to say what the divergence point was i Needed to establish all this lol#'oh yeah its when izzy chooses sam after the mutiny despite their argument' NYX WHAT ARGUMENT. you need to tell us what u mean
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