mindshockpod-blog · 6 years
Elisa Lam podcast. An in-depth examination of one of the most mysterious cases of the 21st century. True crime - murder, paranormal or supernatural, or simply a psychotic break? The bizarre nature of the Elisa Lam case continues to puzzle sleuths, researchers, and investigators.
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mindshockpod-blog · 6 years
A deep look at the cryptid beast known as THE DOGMAN. Most reports originate in Michigan, however it is a global phenomenon. We examine connections to Bigfoot/Sasquatch, and go over the origins and history of The Dogman as well as the most famous sightings.
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mindshockpod-blog · 6 years
Is the real reason Bigfoot/Sasquatch is still officially undiscovered a government cover-up or conspiracy? Mindshock delves into government documents pointing to Bigfoot's existence, news articles sourced by government and/or military sources. Military encounters (some deadly) also discussed, as well as other famous accounts like the Battle Mountain Complex Fires and Bigfoot bodies, medical treatment, and transport. Mount St. Helen's Eruption and account witnesses describing Bigfoot bodies, alive and dead, being treated and/or transported.
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mindshockpod-blog · 6 years
Steven Avery - Making a Murderer - 2018 update and case breakdown and overview of the investigation and Steven Avery's convictions, trials, innocence or guilt, and the highly suspicious police investigation and court proceedings surrounding his life story.
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mindshockpod-blog · 6 years
A look at one of the most mysterious cold cases in history. Maura Murray disappeared on February 9th, 2004 in North Haverhill, New Hampshire after her car allegedly lost control and spun out. What follows is a bizarre web of unconfirmed police statements, flat out contradictions, and ever-changing testimony from all parties.
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mindshockpod-blog · 6 years
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mindshockpod-blog · 6 years
What happens when you die? A look at the afterlife, the underworld, heaven, different planes of existence, occult knowledge, spirituality, new age beliefs, Near Death Experiences, Past Lives and Past Life Regression, all discussed in-depth. The truth of the soul and the secrets of the afterlife! Reincarnation, soul cycles, and secrets of the universe.
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