#idk how much outfits i'll have in total but by the end of this i think the canvas will be Enormous
bonetrousledbones · 10 months
i havent posted about it today but this outfit thing is legitimately helping me figure out the actual designs of my ocs and how they fit together and im a little annoyed about it
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just-1other-nerd · 10 months
Good Omens live blog ep. 12
Once again, did not totally forget this one in my drafts, I don't know why you're saying that...
He doesn't have real candles anymore, after the incident
How did he know from which class Muriel was?
I like the way he contrasts heaven so much, it just looks so weirdly pretty. Also, he's just got the gayest walk
Oh no, not the angel outfit
Maggie, love, now is the wrong time to awake your inner badass. Aaand just minutes later we've got an I told you so situation
The circle is such a nice callback and clever as well
The Muriel Crowley combo is one of the best things in this season
Crowley was high up in the heavenly ranking? I just know that there will be so many fan theories
Gabriel, or shall I say Jim, is just enjoying the chaos
Did Gabriel just say "Nah", like for real? He's such a bitch
Why is Saraqael so chill right now?
I'll do myself one better: Why was Gabriel so chill about going to hell? Very sus
So that was the institutional problem, a bit unspectacular if you ask me
Not the BOOKS!!! As a fellow bookseller, this season really hurts me as much as the last one. Why do they keep doing this?
So halos are weapons? Cool. Idk how to explain it, but he throws it in such a gay way. Are they dead? Discorporated? Unconscious?
Love how Crowley just keeps giving orders, and they just follow them like he isn't a demon
So we got the high-ranking angels there, Lord Beelzebub and this seemingly high-ranking demon, but wtf is Furfur doing there?
Crowley just keeps insisting that there is no war and weirdly everyone listens?!
Saraqael has got the sass
I knew something was up with the fly! But I thought it was a false lead or to spy on them, not a container of Gabriel's memories!
Beelzebub is strangely nice and gentle
INEFFABLE BUREAUCRACY IS CANON?! I thought of this more as a fun crackship, and I thought it was so silly that this would never become canon, so I didn't expect the fly to be connected to Beelzebub in a good way.
When he shows them the statue, they just make an "okay weird" face and move on, I think that's hilarious
How his love for Beelzebub not only makes him do a miracle but also appreciate earthly things
But that montage convinced me that they deserve a happy ending somewhere where they can't hurt anyone. The way they look at each other. Damn Beelzebub has a pretty smile
Today everyone seems to forget Saraqael's name
Crowley's got such a fun dynamic with so many people
Oh, that one guy is still alive
Maggie makes some moves, you go girl!
The way Crowley proudly watches when Aziraphale becomes bossy
Alpha Centauri is back, I can't cope!!!
They're singing their song, that's so cute
Shax and Furfur being besties, like slay
Is that the Metatron? What is he doing here? I sense something bad coming
The way Crowley recognises him before everyone else is so funny
The Ritz, oh my God, the Ritz! And alone time?! Like a date?!
Crowley is putting everything back to where it was, that's husband behaviour
Nina and Maggie speaking the truth! And Nina called her angel! Best advice, 10/10. Is this really happening? Will the ineffable husbands really become canon? So excited!
The romantic music from the Blitz!
No, Aziraphale, don't interrupt him now!
Please, don't let that go to where I think it's going!
Aziraphale, I know you really believe what you're saying, but I'm with Crowley on this one!
We get a love confession anyways? I think I might be dying. The way he looks up trying not to cry, like same.
So many daggers are being put directly into my heart right now!
The sunglasses, NOOOOOO!
He really does understand it better than you, but he needs to explain it! There is so much more to say!
No nightingales. Really?! Neil knows the fandom to well, he knows exactly where to hit us, so that it really hurts. I love and despise him for this
Oh my God, it's happening, everybody stay calm, stay fucking calm! They really just kissed! It's canon y'all! But also: not like this! NOT THIS DESPERATELY AND NOT THIS DEVASTATINGLY! I'M IN AGONY!
Not the "I forgive you"! Aziraphale, you idiot, I can't even express why that line and Crowley's answer are so damn emotional and full of meaning. The parallels! I can't cope! I literally rolled off the couch, and now I'm lying on the carpet crying!
Not the lip touch!
I don't think Muriel will do any harm to the shop, but they'll probably make lots of mistakes...
He doesn't take anything with him because Crowley was the only thing that really mattered!
Crowley judgingly and sadly looking at Aziraphale and the Metatron makes the pieces of my heart break again! And the dramatic strings in the background aren't helping!
The second coming?! We're in for a wild ride in season 3, not only emotionally and characterwise but also plotwise! I literally can't wait!
I can't help but hope that he won't step into this elevator until the last second, but somewhere inside me, I know that he just isn't there yet in his character development
Crowley looks so heartbroken, he finally sees their relationship for what it is and now he's lost it! He's shutting down the nightinggales song and drives away expressionless
Loved this season, but damn do I feel an emotional overload and I have a love/hate relationship with that ending because as an aspiring writer, I would have done the same, it's brilliant, but it hurts so much!
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toomuchracket · 1 year
my current brain rot ever since atpoaim is a fort date with matty!! however in my head the cute date eventually gets crashed by all the band and ends up with everyone crammed into the tiny fort.
like maybe it's at mattys house, and it's well known George just lets himself in, so he does and immediately sees the large fort in the living room and goes to investigate. he sees you and matty cuddled watching a movie in a sea of blankets and pillows so very unceremoniously flops on top of you both and the myriad of pillows. he works his way into the date somehow and is half watching the movie and half just watching you and matty being sickeningly cute and wondering if that's how him and Charli look.
about 20 mins later, there's a knock on the door, and you and matty are like??? but George just pipes up with "Oh, I invited Adam and Ross to the hangout. I hope that's okay!" and matty starts being like "this actually was a date before you barged in and-" but gets cut off by you saying its totally okay and he should go let them in. Adam feels slightly bad for barging in, but you assure him it's fine, and eventually, the 5 of you are all crammed under this fort cuddled up watching some sappy rom-com you convinced them to watch. it obviously starts with lots of complaints "ugh nooo" "whyyyy," "cmon, do we have to watch this chick flick?"" but eventually divulges into gasps at how bad the guy is and comments like "oh my god she needs to leave him" but also on the other hand they're like "well no because she fucked up too" and finally when the movie ends it is just 4 grown men trying to keep their emotions at bay after watching like enchanted or Notting hill lol
anyway sorry for rambling, domestic matty and the boys kills me off everytime
i can't believe you apologised for this omg i LOVE it!! it kinda feels like slightly older flatmate!matty and his girl to me. like say the boys are on a break from work, and matty's built this fort all cute and romantic for you guys to just chill in all cutely, and you're lazily making out in it when you hear the front door open and close and a gravelly voice go "yoohoo!"; george, bored as shit because charli's off working somewhere, coming round for some entertainment. fully creased at the image of all six foot whatever of him just flopping over you all snuggled into matty - i bet you'd be like "hi darling!" to him, genuinely happy to see him, while matty's all tetchy like "george what the FUCK" (but that's his bestie, so he lets him stay and watch, idk, lady bird (it's my fav film) or whatever with you). and the whole time, george is side-eyeing you and matty in the nicest way, thinking about himself and charli AND how you and matty used to cuddle watching films together even pre-dating but it's so lovely that you're so openly lovey-dovey in the same scenario now. and i think george had probably texted ross and adam to hang out before he came over to yours, and then when they agreed he was like "oh i'm actually at matty's" so they just rock up there; like you said, adam is guilt-stricken and very much like "oh my gosh i am so sorry for intruding i'll be on my way" - matty's like "yes that sounds like a good idea considering my girl and i were having a little DATE before you fuckers showed up" - but you're like "honestly don't worry about it. if you don't mind sitting through my movie choices you can stay". matty sighs, but is appeased when you kiss him quickly and smile sweetly at him, so it becomes the five of you all chilling on pillows in this fort watching the devil wears prada (they would fucking hate andy's boyfriend they really would). and they all complain when you say "oh my god let's watch enchanted" as you go back to the disney+ homescreen, but maybe you all share some alcohol or a joint and then they get really into the movie, gasping at the change from animation to live-action and making little comments throughout the film - i bet ross is SO bitchy about giselle's outfit for the ball lmfao. but yeah, you turn your head to look at them all as the credits roll, and try not to giggle at these huge (and matty) men either sniffling or just beaming happily at the film they just watched. and as much as you've had a nice time, matty kicks the other boys out shortly after this so he can romance you as he had planned to the whole evening (but as you hug them goodbye i think you're like "same time next week? we'll watch 27 dresses and the lizzie mcguire movie") lol <3
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disastress-i-guess · 2 months
Ranking the Psichikers based on drawability instead of doing my homework. By drawability I mean how closely I can draw them to canon design btw. Criteria is:
1. Do I need a reference to draw this character?
If I do not need a reference = +1
Sometimes I need it= 0.5
If I do need a reference = 0
2. Are they fun to draw?
Yes = +1
Some parts are fun = +0.5
Not at all = 0
3. Do I want to draw them often?
Frequently = +0.75
Sometimes = +0.5
Not very much = +0.25
Never I only draw them when I have to = 0
4. Can I be creative with this character?
Yes = +1
Sometimes= 0.5
No = 0
That is four questions! Exactly the number of PSIkickers, what a coincidence! Totally not planned at all!
Ranking begins:
4. Reita Toritsuka (1.75/4)
Sorry tori. I need a reference for his hair pretty much everytime I draw him, which to be fair is so far like 4 times in total. Honestly I have a love-hate relationship with his headband because on the one hand, it's kinda iconic, on the other it's fucking horrendous I'm sorry.
Moving on from the hair, the most fun I have with drawing him would be his uniform (I like the rosary beads and Geta) and his face since he's an expressive character so I get to do a lot of fun stuff with that ( this technically does not count since it's not a part of the design but his points are already kinda low, I felt generous).
Lastly, no, I don't really have many "creative" ideas with him, I had maybe 3 but I never really felt passionate enough to finish them I'm sorry.
2. Mikoto Aiura (2/4)
This feels way too low but I can't really break the rules.
I do need to use references to draw her everytime I do ( which I think is...1 time? That is criminally low what the fuck am I doing) mainly due to her hair, speaking of which, I LOVE HER HAIR I LOVE HER NAILS I LOVE HER EYES I LOVE HER!!!! She is so fun to draw and it's so fucking nice to have a character with some fucking MELANIN OMG HER SKIN I AJDBDJ SHADING TANNED/DARK SKIN IS SO FUN WHY DONT I DO IT MORE OFTEN. This doesn't count since it's supposed to be about their canon design but there are so many outfits you can put her in it's crazy!!! I think it's mainly because she's kinda the only one with an aesthetic idk.
I WANNA DRAW HER ALL THE TIME I JUST DONT FOR SOME REASON WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!??? Off topic I do not draw any of the female characters that often even though I regularly lose my mind thinking about them what's up with that?
Do I get to be creative with her? Not really but that's not her fault that's on me, she's perf I'm just uncreative that's all.
So sadly this is her rank. ATM anyway I'll draw her so often after this trust.
2. Saiki Kusuo (2/4)
He scored 0.5 on everything... How!??? Last I checked he is not Satoru Hiroshi.
Main reason I need a reference is due to the hair which for the most part is a bunch of zig zags and so I don't need it that often.
He is fun to draw, mainly his eyes they are very pretty. I do want to draw him often, I doodle him a lot. I think it's the limiters and glasses. I don't have to worry about him looking accurate cuz if you throw the limiters and glasses on it immediately looks like saiki so Im not that scared about drawing him.
Fun fact a lot of times when I'm drawing him he ends up looking like Kuboyasu. Until I put limiters on. Then all of a sudden it's saiki! Amazing! Chouno Uryoku who?
I guess I'm somewhat creative with him? I have a few ideas laying around, one or two animatics, maybe a fic and a couple crossover fanart ideas. Dunno if I'll ever get around to doing it though.
1. Akechi Touma (3/4)
No I do not need a reference I drew him once and then his hair and face were ingrained into my long term memory for eternity in fact i remember it so well I subconsciously gave it to an OC.
Is he fun to draw? FUCK YEAH HE IS. Hair was the problem for all the other characters but not this one, no sir! because THIS MOTHERFUCKER HAS THE HAIR THAT GIVES ME GENDER EUPHORIA. It was my first 'boy' hair cut and I love how androgynous it made me look so looking at him gives me pure joy. And his eyes GOD I LOVE HIS BIG PURPLE EYES SJDIEBD.
I used to want to draw him all the time but I've drawn him too frequently so I need to take a small (miniscule really) break so I can continue liking it. Maybe that'll give me time to draw more Aiura. Anyways I gave him 0.75 on that part but that's entirely my fault for over drawing him. He did no wrong I take the blame.
Can I be creative with him? No not really since just drawing him covered in blood and/or eating sweets does not count as creative in this criteria. But I do have many ideas of just putting him in other universes and meeting my other favs and then the two of them ramble about an interest of choice and are just get to talk talk talk and talk I love them I love their yapping onjdhdiehd and I have a couple of animatic ideas I may never finish. GOD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE HAS A 4/4 IN MY HEART.
Oh god it's 1:22 am I should finish this homework.
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sammyboyimagines · 2 years
If you think you'll have the mood to.... How about maybe for billy and something uh smutty maybe 👉👈 ? As big or small as u want. Maybe a little rough and Billy being all dom? (Maybe him tying your hands behind your back sitting down on the sofa and making you ride him)
PS. If u just wanna like chat about this idea instead come over to DMs and we can fangirl over it hehe.
love ya xxx
Burnin' For You
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Summary: Billy is a jealous guy, and you know exactly how to drive him crazy. But this time, he takes matters into his own hands. 2.5k words
Warnings: smut 18+ MINORS DNI I will steal your dog. I will do it. Handcuffs, rough sex, slut-shaming (just degrading use of the word), swearing, degradation, unprotected sex, riding, idk what else
//I had so much fun writing this darling, i love your requests sm!! I was totally fangirling about how to write this. I was literally giggling near the end lmaooo, luv u <3
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"Hey, Steve's having a party tonight. I'm going with Jonathan. Do you want to come?" Nancy wasn't usually a party girl, but Steve somehow convinced both her and Jonathan into participating in the party scene.
"Yeah, sure! I'll ask Billy. I'm sure he'd love to get drunk on a Friday." you laughed to yourself when you remembered the many occasions Billy came home acting like a fool when he was drunk. You looked back on how he'd walked in the door and immediately pulled you in a warm embrace. "Oh, I missed you so fuckin' much. You smell so good. Give me a kiss?" he was an affectionate drunk sometimes.
"Who were you talking to?" Billy put his cigarette out on the ground. He stood by the phone with you at school. "Just Nancy, do you want to go to Steve's party?" You pressed a hand against his chest, hoping to persuade him. 
You had another reason to go to this party. Billy was the jealous type. Any man that so much as looked at you from across the room and he'd be pulling you into a hot makeout session to let everyone know that you're his girl. It was your favorite part, getting on his nerves so he would teach you a lesson. Billy didn't mind either. He loved getting to rip your clothes off at a random's house.
"Yeah, but promise me you'll wear something a little less revealing? As much as I love to see your pretty tits, I don't want anyone else to see them." he chuckles, taking your hand in his as he made his way to his car. "No getting blackout drunk, okay? I don't want to deal with you coming home and laying on me." you giggle when he shakes his head, actually offended that you would ever accuse him of that.
"I never do that!" he didn't remember either way. You get in the passenger seat. "Oh really? So you didn't come to my place and put your full weight on me while we were cuddling?" Billy rolled his eyes and started the car, his hand taking its usual position. Holding your left thigh tightly.
"Alright, I get it. But I choose what you wear." you just nodded, knowing you'd trick him and end up wearing something flashy later on. How could you not? The more people staring, the harder you'd get fucked when Billy drove you home.
After a few hours, it was about an hour before the party. You were applying some mascara, making weird faces that Billy found adorable. You were beyond excited, not just for the party...
You changed into your outfit, a simple t-shirt, and tight jeans. "Good enough for you?" Little did he know you had a little trick up your sleeve. Underneath the shirt was a sexy top you saved for special occasions. Like a party where you were purposefully trying to make your boyfriend jealous. "Perfect, doll. Let's go." he placed his hand on the small of your back, his large hand making your skin heat up in anticipation.
You arrive at Steve's house. Before Billy could even protest, you slipped the shirt off and showed him the top you were hiding. "Mmm, naughty..." he chuckles. Billy wasn't trying to police you, he knew he couldn't hold you down even if he tried. He just wanted you all to himself.
"You stay by my side, okay? Can't have you running off and causing trouble.." he opened your door for you. Such a gentleman...
About one hour in, you were across the room dancing with Nancy, a drink in your hand. "Billy looks a little angry." Nancy pointed at him, making you turn around in your spot. Billy was sitting on the couch, staring menacingly at a guy who was making his way over to you.
It was Steve. "Hey, ladies! Hope you're enjoying the party. Y/n, you look fantastic! You sure you're still with Billy?" It was friendly banter, but you took it as your chance to get Billy worked up. "Thank you, Steve! You're so sweet." you put your hand on his shoulder before laughing loud enough for Billy to hear.
You talked with Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan for about 20 minutes before making your way over to Billy. The dimmed-out lights made it difficult to see. He pulled you into his lap, ignoring your yelp at the harsh motion. "You think it's funny, huh? Flirting with him to make me jealous?" his hands gripped your ass, pulling you impossibly closer to him as his hot mouth kissed your collarbone.
"You think you're so funny parading around in this little number.." he held the straps of your top and pulled them before letting them snap back to your skin. "Making everyone in here eye you when you know that you're mine?" he growls, making hickeys all over you.
"Think Steve is better? You think he can fuck you better?" he pants against your skin, his hips grinding into yours. "Steve doesn't have a fuckin' clue, does he? Does he know how slutty you are when you're on your knees, baby?" he whines teasingly in your ear.
"Say goodbye to Nance and get in the fucking car.." he commanded, spanking your ass before you left. It was loud but not loud enough to be heard, as the music was far louder. You couldn't contain the smile that formed on your face. Nancy smiled at you. "Leaving already? He must have been really mad this time." The boys had left the room already.
You said goodbye to Nancy before joining Billy in the car. You weren't scared of him, you knew he would never hurt you. Billy's top priority was protecting you, he wouldn't do anything you didn't want to do.
"Took you long enough." he was impatient now, his dick already semi-hard in his pants. "I'm sorry, baby." you weren't really sorry. He already knew that though.
"Shut up, when we get home you will take everything off as soon as we get in the door." his hand gripped your thigh, just like usual. "Steve Harrington.." he chuckled to himself. "What a loser." he sped off, his tires skidding as he picked up speed.
He parked in his driveway. Billy got a place a year ago once you both decided to be in a serious relationship. He stormed inside, trying to conceal his anger as he fumbled with the keys. You followed closely behind, eager to skip to the good part.
You stepped inside, slowly taking off what little clothing you had on. Billy watched you. "Not fast enough.." he tore your top off you, smirking when you gasped. "That one was my favorite!" he grabbed your face. 
"I don't care. Did you see how many guys in there were undressing you with their fuckin' eyes? No." his hand unclipped your bra in one move, surprising you. "You're mine. Nobody gets to see you but me." he slipped your jeans down swiftly, leaving you in your panties. You were glad you picked a matching set. 
His eyes lit up. "Sit on the sofa." he slapped your ass as you walked away. He loved doing that. He went to his room and rummaged through his closet, grabbing the cuffs that sat in the corner. "Mmm, you're in for it now, sweetheart..." he mumbled to himself.
He came back, the cuffs hidden nicely in his back pocket. "C'mere." he pulled you into his lap with minimal effort. His scent made you dizzy. Cigarettes and cologne turned you on. "Please Billy, I've been waiting all day.." you grind your hips against him, desperate for any pleasure you could get.
"So needy, is that why you wanted to look so slutty tonight? You think anyone could do better than me?" his hands moved from your hips to his zipper. "You think Harrington can fuck you as good as I do?" He really wasn't gonna let you live that down.
"No Billy, please just-" he cut you off. "Just what? Bend you over and fuck you, is that what you want? Or maybe I should let you suffer like the greedy whore you are." he kissed your neck, shoving his jeans off of him. "God, you're so fuckin' sexy. And you're mine. Got it? You're my good little slut.." he groaned into your ear as he thrust his hips up into yours. His dick was pressed against his boxers, a small wet spot from precum appearing as he pressed against your heat.
"I was just being friendly! Please baby.." he chuckles at your begging. "Friendly? Is that what you were doing? I think you wanted to make me jealous. You know nobody compares to me, how many times have I fucked you so hard you couldn't walk the next morning? You think anyone else could do that?" he lifted your chin, your eyes staring directly into his.
You were speechless. It sounded so hot when he described your plan. "Use your words, princess.." he kissed you roughly, chuckling darkly. "Take this shit off." he helped you get your panties off before taking his boxers off. 
"Since you wanna be a slut, why don't you fuck yourself on me like a good little whore?" you felt his tip nudging your entrance as you sat on his lap. "Maybe you could bend me over again?" you remembered how hard he fucked you when you came home from a party. He was shaking the table so much you thought it would break.
"That wasn't a question. You're gonna wear these cuffs and fuck yourself on me until you're begging for my help," he smirked when you blushed at the sight of the cuffs. Billy let you know early on that you could tell him to stop at any time. The last thing he wanted was to force you into anything.
He leaned forward, cuffing your hands behind your back. Your chest was in his face as he slumped back onto the sofa. "So perfect for me." he held your hips, lowering you onto his big, thick cock. "Billy please I need you so bad.." you whined, already grinding slowly. "You have me, doll. Take what you want, since you wanted to be such a slut tonight at the party." 
His tip was already hitting deep inside you. "So wet for me, sweetheart." He knew he was being mean, but he considered this payback for your obvious attempts to make him jealous. You rode him, your head tilted back as you picked up the pace. "Billy please touch me.." you were desperate for anything from him. 
"Sorry, doll. You brought this on yourself. And you look so goddamn delicious like this. You whine and moan quietly, your legs burning as you bounced on his thick cock, begging for him to give in a fuck you like you've been needing all night. 
"Fuck we should do this more often.." he groans softly, his arms laid across the sofa. "You're so tight for me, so damn perfect. Keep going baby, give me one of those pretty moans," he commanded, his hands gripping your hips tightly, his fingers giving you bruises. You moaned louder at the contact. 
"Billy please, I need more!" you cried out, unable to get yourself off. He knew you'd be begging for him. "Do you? I thought you were desperate, seeing as you'd turn to Harrington for some dick. No, I choose when you get more." he grabbed your face, pulling you into another rough kiss. You gasped against him as you rode him the best you could. 
"Can you cum for me, sweetheart? I think you can. Give it to me." he demanded, his voice getting deeper. He grunts as he bites back noises as he focuses on your orgasm. "Give it to me, sweetheart," he commands.
"Fuck I'm so close Billy please fuck me.." you knew that no orgasm would be as satisfying as when he's thrusting into you ruthlessly as your brain goes numb from the pleasure.
"I can feel you squeezin' baby. Look at me while you cum, give it to me princess.." he groans at the way your pussy tightens against him. Your jaw was agape as your orgasm washed over you, your cries of pleasure loud as you looked into his hypnotic blue eyes.
"Good girl, you look so pretty when you cum for me.." he smirked. "I'm gonna need you to do it again. I haven't cummed yet." he pouts teasingly. You whined and tried to fumble with the cuffs but it was no use. "You're being mean.." you looked at him. His face was somewhere between sympathetic and incredibly turned on. 
"No, I'm being fair. This is what you deserve for acting like you don't belong to me." he pulled you close, kissing your breasts. "You look amazing in cuffs, babe." he chuckles. He gripped your waist and slowly moved you, your sensitive pussy making you cry out from the tiniest bit of pleasure.
After a little while, he was holding you above him while he mercilessly thrust into you. You were a mess on top of him, your pace matching his as he pounded into you. You repeated his name over and over, and each time it only fueled Billy's need to make you his. 
Billy watched the way your tits bounced as his cock hit deep inside you, his tip probably hitting your cervix by now. It was hot, seeing you fall apart from his own doing. "Mmm, you like this baby? Yeah, you like that?" he pants, watching your face contort in pleasure as you moaned out his name.
He groaned against your neck as he held you close to him. "Oh god, I'm so close. Tell me you're close baby, I wanna hear it." he reaches down to rub your clit, making your eyes roll back in your head. "Fuck yes Billy, keep going, please! I'm so close please let me cum!"
 "Cum for me, pretty girl. C'mon give it to me.." his voice was strained as he tried to stave off his orgasm. You came with a gasp and cry of his name, your orgasm flowing through you in waves. "Oh, fuuck.." you whimper, your head leaning against Billy's strong shoulder. Billy was so close. "Good girl, such a fuckin' good girl.." he rambled.
Your pussy tightening around him was all he needed. He groaned and held you down on his cock, cumming inside your tight pussy. "You're so fuckin' perfect." he rode out your orgasms before he pulled out of you. 
You whimpered at the loss, making him chuckle. "Sorry baby. Let's get you cleaned up." he uncuffed you, his fingers running over the red marks they left. "We can talk about your behavior in the morning." he kissed your cheek as he brought you to the bathroom. He ran a bath for you, cleaning you himself.
"Did you get what you wanted?" he asked, smirking. You did. You wanted to make him so jealous he'd take matters into his own hands.
//loved writing this, <3
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spicedrobot · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @bluedaddysgirl! Sorry this took so long. ;;
I'll tag: @withercrown @a-aristippus @lacertae-dreamscape @aevallare @loveoaths @kevystel @frogunderarock @wolveria @dreaminghour @bright-thorn @kitewithfish
And anyone else who wants an excuse to do this please tag me I'd love to read your answers!! 🥺💖💖💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I started my writing days in Overwatch and most of my fics are from that era, but most recently, I've written for Star Wars, Baldur's Gate 3 and Arcane.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A New Era - First Jayvik fic I wrote, and somehow it's at the top of the jayvik ao3 tag by kudos even though it's mindrot I wrote between episode breaks. Sorry long form jayvik writers ;;
Lost Time - life-affirming jayvik sex after the s1 finale. I'm just now realizing that all my top kudos fics are jayvik LMAO
Opposites - jayvik fic where someone talks up Viktor at a party and Jayce gets jealous.
Arcane Ficlets - my randomly assorted Arcane stuff I wrote via tumblr asks. All jayvik too 😂
Warm Heart - Viktor has cold hands but Jayce knows just how to warm him up.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! But sometimes it takes me months to get back to people. Once the inbox number ticks up I get a little nervous ;; which only makes the problem worse!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend not to write anything that ends too angsty. I have one or two that have a sort of bad-end vibe. Usually I'll write an angsty ending then delete and rewrite. LOL
Maybe this silco/viktor fic: Back Down? Since Viktor knows he shouldn't be messing around with Silco but he's so drawn to him.
Runner up: one of my ramyatta fics Stargazing because it shows the difference between their past relationship and the present at the end, where they are no longer together. t _ t
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Encore, since I wrote it because Outer Wilds canon endings beat me up so badly. LOL
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Very rarely!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Almost always. Any kind, basically. LOL I love pining and unestablished relationship like crazy, and both characters just falling into sex with each other. Blow jobs, possessiveness, breeding kinks, ritualistic sex, size difference, voyeurism, smell stuff, sex pollen, outfits... a VERY wide range. 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I almost never write them. I think I have written a few fics that just takes characters and puts them into another game's setting, but that's about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Most I had one of my ramyatta fics translated into chinese. I've also had my only symbrock fic made into a podfic.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I've done a fic with bluedaddysgirl that was Thrawn/Cad Bane, but mostly I collaborate with artists to do illustrations of my work. I did some RPing back in the day, but none of that's going to see the light of day LOL
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Probably genyatta? But honestly, I have so so many. Obimaul also has a special place in my heart.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My last year's nanofic. It was an AU where Bo-Katan never saved Obi-Wan from Mandalore, so he remained Maul's prisoner. It was going to be a what if where Maul realizes he doesn't know what to do with Obi-Wan now that he's finally exacted his revenge, and they would slowly fall in love while doing powerplays the whole time. LOL It was a bit weird because I had to write it so fast, so a lot of the fic was just Savage and Obi-Wan interacting, so it almost made it seem as if they would be the better pairing TBH. It just needs so much reworking and IDK if I have the power. It probably just needs an entire re-write.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel I'm very good at condensing ideas into short word counts. I also think my sex scene writing, specifically my dirty talk, is pretty good! That's one of those things that I can't stand to read if it's bad in fanfic, so I try to make what they say as in character as I can. 😳
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing anything longer holy shit. I'm really terrible at it because as soon as I have to deal with pacing it's a death sentence for my motivation. 💀💀💀
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It can be done well? But only if you are a fluent speaker. I personally don't do it because I'm an idiot who only knows one language, and I don't want to mess up the mood of writing by accidentally making an embarrassing gaff in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In my life? Probably Kingdom Hearts. On my ao3 account: Dragon Age: Inquisition.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Definitely Polite Company, my Obimaul reverse AU fic. It's the longest thing I've ever written and posted. SUCH a comfort fic to me, and it was a blast to work on. There's just something so fun about writing Jedi Maul that I still can't get over it. The ideas kept coming for that fic which almost never happens for me, and somehow it was fairly well received, which I'm just so ridiculously grateful for. I'm always surprised at how much Obimaul isn't a main pairing for Obi-Wan when they have such ridiculous chemistry. Not even 600 fics on all of ao3 for them💀💀💀 A crime!!
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ashes-writing · 2 years
wild one pt nine | stranger things ; g.emerson
tag list || req rules / fandoms+characters ; reqs open || send me asks? || masterlist
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one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight can all be found by clicking. the stranger things masterlist is here but be warned it is not up to date. will be soon though.
i told y'all this story has me in a chokehold and it wasn't over with that last part i posted. This part may or may not have loosely been inspired by something that happens in one of my favorite movies, Dazed and Confused. IYKYK. Basically, this is them, going through their senior year. I know it seems happy now, but I warn you, there may be angst at some point, idk yet. Depends on what way I take this and what comes to me whilst writing.
Huge thanks and all of my love to everyone, all of you. You have no much it means to me that people are even putting up with, let alone indulging my bullshit because when I started to post my writing online again, I went into it with nothing beyond the expectation of getting it out of my head and to say I am continuously blown away by you guys comments, the likes, the reblogs/reblogs with tags, oh my god, that's an understatement, you guys have kept me going with things more times than I can count, so thank you all, I love you sm.
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-- cheerleaders and drummers. you'd think it doesn't work and yet... it totally does.
Gareth Emerson x Fem!Reader (beyond outfit/hairstyles/glasses, her personality and having female parts, the rest is up to you. i did try to make her not so much a stereotypical cheerleader so maybe more could relate, sorry if it's too much.)
these two being adorable and awkward. Mentions of hickies, making out -kinda, use of petnames (Baby, little chaos demon, etc) and swearing.
@thechoiceslookgrimm are the only people who are presently on my stranger things taglist. if you want to be added please click the link at the top of the post and/or let me know.
Set in S4/Senior year. Gareth / everyone has been aged up to 18 to make things age appropriate here, jsyk. The upside down / vecna / the monsters and the deaths do not happen / will not happen. Starcourt exists still. So does Benny's diner + a few other places I'll be adding and mentioning (a water tower, a roller rink, a county fair in another town, several other places).
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Neither of you really knew what to expect. Things were up in the air, unsettled. Kissing is just kissing in high school, after all. And uncertainty was driving Gareth Emerson utterly insane. It’s driving you insane too, the problem with this is that for days now, neither of you seem willing to be the one to ask the big question.
Granted, things have been… Touchier. More affectionate. And you’re always together, too. It should be a clear cut answer, a done deal. But for him, it’s not. He needs to know, he needs to be absolutely certain this is really happening and it’s as serious as he feels it may be.
It’s front and center of his mind the entire time that he’s practicing with the band out in Jeff’s garage. He’s missing beats, he’s dazed and staring off into space and every now and then he’ll remember how carried away you got the night before when you were kissing out by the water tower and the small bruise sitting on the side of his neck right now as an end result. Or he’ll think about a similar one he left on your throat.
“Jesus, Gareth.” Grant palms his face after about the fifth or sixth time Gareth is just a beat behind in the song they’re practicing for the next show. Eddie sits down the guitar and gazes up at Gareth calmly. “Everything okay?”
Jeff is the one who notices the little purple mark and he chuckles, shaking his head. “Distracted, huh?”
Gareth flips off his best friend wordlessly.
“Look, you need to get your fucking head on, buddy. We’ve got a gig tomorrow night. Start talkin.” Eddie coaxes. Gareth lets it all spill out, pacing the garage as he twirls his drumsticks in his hands. “And I mean obviously, something’s happening,” he pulls the neck of his shirt away so that now, Grant and Eddie catch sight of the little mark. Eddie chuckles and shakes his head. “Why’s anybody need t’ say anything, though?”
“Because, man.. I don’t wanna assume one thing and then school starts next week and I find out “Oh, hey, this was just something fun to do for the summer because I was bored.” or whatever.” Gareth rubs the bridge of his nose as he stops in the middle of his pacing.
“She’s babysitting your sisters again tonight, right?” Grant asks, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
“So ask her, idiot. Stop getting distracted and do it already.” Jeff is calm when he says it. He’s trying not to laugh but it’s so funny, the whole situation is really, that he snickers about it just a little and Gareth glares.
“Yeah, if it helps, man… Kinda heard her talking to Max about it the other day. She wants to say something too, she just chickens out.” Eddie shrugs as he says it. Gareth nods, biting the edge of his thumb. “Yeah, I try to say something, y’know? Like.. I try to ask her but the words keep getting stuck.”
“One of you needs to say something.”
“Look, let’s call practice today. You, go home. Stop dancing around this, damn it. We’ve got a gig. And we’ve got that first Battle of the Bands coming up when the fair comes through and I am not letting those shitbirds from Riverton with their shitty hair metal cover prettyboy bullshit beat us again this year. Do something, for the love of fuck.” Eddie places his hands on Gareth’s arms, a firm look in his eyes as he makes the demand.
“Okay, alright.”
Gareth leaves Jeff’s house, using the entire time he’s driving back to his own place to figure out exactly how to bring it up.
By the time he’s parking behind your red Trans Am in his parents driveway, he’s no closer to figuring out how to go about doing this than he was when he left Jeff’s place.
– ( inside the house )
You’re on pins and needles. Max and Emma’s earlier advice is still bouncing around in your head and you’ve halfway convinced yourself that one of you has to say something, one of you has to be the one to bring it up.
You’ve just gotten his sisters bedded down for the night when you hear him come in the front door downstairs. You pause at the top of the landing and you take several deep breaths. One of you has to do this. If you don’t find out soon, it’s going to drive you insane. “I can do this. It’s not a big deal.” and you mumble this all the way down the stairs, distracted. You bump against him because he’s standing in the middle of the bottom stair and you look up, a heat creeping into your cheeks as you smile. “I thought you’d be at Jeff’s until later. Battle of the Bands, right?”
His hands skim up and down your sides and linger at your hips for a few seconds and you’re stepping closer, that space between your bodies is getting smaller and smaller by the second. His hand settles on your jaw gently and he’s tugging your gaze upward. Blue eyes dance when they catch on the purpled mark on your throat. You lick your lips and he melts into you, nose in your hair. “They didn’t give you hell, right? They were bouncing off the walls before I left.”
“Nope. They were little angels, I don’t see where you keep getting this hidden demon logic, ba-” you pause because you know what you were about to say. And looking up at him, you know he probably has a good idea what you were about to say because he takes a deep breath and his hand digs against your waist, fingers tracing designs against your bare skin hidden beneath his flannel. “What were you going to say just now, hm?” he questions. You’re looking at his chest, frantically hoping to hell a hole will open up in the floor or something, worried you’ve probably just crossed a huge line considering while you both seem to enjoy all the touching and the kissing and the long talks that have happened lately, nothing’s actually… official.
You mumble it out against the front of his shirt and he can’t quite understand you because his shirt muffles your voice, so he reaches down and grabs your jaw again. “C’mon, say it.” he coaxes.
“Baby, I… I almost called you baby.” you’re hot all over. Blue eyes gleam, darting from your eyes down to your lips. He’s got a soft and dopey grin, his thumb rolls over you bottom lip, leaves it quivering. You melt against him just a little, raising your arms to wrap around his neck. Laughing at yourself quietly. “Sorry, I.. I just didn’t stop before it came out?”
“No, it’s fine. Completely fine… baby.” he chuckles quietly, guiding your jaw so that you’re looking at him when he says it. 
And one of you has to say something, one of you has to do something. You take a shaky breath and you’re preparing yourself to just do it, go for it already. “W-what are we doing? I mean.. Uh.. Shit..” you rub the bridge of your nose, laughing at yourself because once again, you’re a rambling mess, “What is this?”
“What do you want it to be, hm?” he asks the question, quick to grip your jaw and keep you looking at him. Waiting. His breath hung in his throat because it’s dramatic, yes, but somehow it just feels like everything is riding on this one answer. It’s not that serious and he knows it, yet somehow, he’s worked up, worried, so fucking anxious because he wants to believe there’s something between you but he’s not brave enough to hope.
“Well, I uh..” you’re squirming a little. Emotional shit has always been Emma’s forte. Chrissy’s, even. Not yours. Blame it on being raised by a single father who taught you more about how to take care of yourself and pick locks or play pool and darts, the man who taught you how to drive a stick shift like you stole it instead of teaching you how to handle certain delicate situations. The man nearly lost his shit entirely when you started going through PMS at 12. So you know how to do a lot of things… Handling emotionally charged conversations is not one of them.
But you’re not stupid. You know that not knowing has been driving you crazy and the sooner this is out there and it’s been said, the better off you are. This way if this is just an end of summer fling, at least you know, right?
“C’mon, little chaos demon.” he coaxes patiently. Though the longer you take to say anything, the more he’s doubting, the more time he has to convince himself that maybe this is just a fling. You take a deep breath. “I wanna be your girl, okay?” and the fact that you’re grumbling and annoyed with yourself because it took so much to say something so simple has him chuckling quietly because this is what leads him to realize that you really are kind of skittish talking about things like this sometimes. It makes sense.
But more than anything, he’s soaring, he’s on cloud nine, no, he’s on the moon right now and your answer means more to him than you realize. When he melts into you and his hands are all over you as he gives you a kiss so gentle and deep that you’re weak in the knees by the time it’s over and clinging to him because you were almost out of oxygen, “You are, okay? All mine.” he mumbles as he pulls away after nipping at your bottom lip. 
You’re giving him that grin again. Then you’re grabbing his hand, dragging him towards the kitchen. “Susan uh.. She taught me how to make somethin else. You’re hungry, right?” you’re rambling and it’s the cutest damn thing. He chuckles, hugging against you from behind as you explain how fucking complicated it was at first to process how Susan made the shepherds pie she taught you how to make and he laughs when you tell him about his sisters just eating the mashed potatoes with their little hands. He nuzzles his nose into your neck and his lips graze your skin, your words trail off because he’s good at flustering you and you can feel him smirk against your skin because he knows he’s good at flustering you.
Finally, he reaches up over you to grab two plates and he nods to the chair at the table. “Go sit down, babe. I got it, ‘kay?”
“ ‘Kay.” you slink over to the chair and sit down in it and you’re laughing, smiling as he’s telling you about Eddie going on a ten minute tangent about the band in Riverton they’re going up against at Battle of the Bands.
“They play hair metal, so naturally, Eddie hates ‘em.” Gareth takes a bite, laughing. “And you know how he is about winning and losing. They’ve beaten us at Battle for two years? Maybe three. Anyway, yeah. He’s been exploding all week about it since we signed up to do it when the fair comes around again.”
“Oooh..” you laugh, taking a bite when he sits the plate he’s made for you down in front of you. “So the coach sent this stupid pledge we all have to sign in the mail today. I’m not signing the damn thing yet. I mean I probably will eventually, I just think it’s fucking stupid, y’know?” you’re ranting, rolling your eyes. “And of course, nearly everybody else has signed the damn thing.”
“What’s it say?” Gareth asks.
You dig around in your jeans pocket, taking it out to hand it across the table to him. When he starts to mock the basketball coach, you nearly double over laughing, your laughter getting worse the more he reads the pledge in that tone. He finishes reading and he sits it down. “It’s bullshit, y’know that right, baby? What’s Emma gonna do?”
“She doesn’t know either. She showed Gretchen, her mom and Gretchen pitched a fit and told her it was bullshit and if she signs it then everything she’s taught her as a kid means nothin. My dad told me do whatever? I’m gonna hold off.” you take a bite.
“What are they gonna do if you don’t sign it anyway?”
You shrug at his question. “Don’t know, don’t really care either. I’m literally a breath away from quitting, you know that. I told you that when we were up at the tower.”
“Yeah.” Gareth nods. “If you hate it, just quit.”
You nod. “I’m only hanging on right now for Em and Chris. I promised them I would when we made it together in 9th grade?”
“Yeah well.. You know it’s not gonna matter to me, right? I just want you to do whatever makes you happier.” he’s grabbed your hand over the table and you smile, nodding. “I know.” you lean across to brush your lips against his cheek. “You’re a sweetheart.”
He’s blushing just a little but he shrugs. “You’re my girl, I’m gonna take your side. Unless you’re about to do something stupid, then I’m gonna tell you.”
“Ha ha.” you flip him off, sticking out your tongue.
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mxthtea · 3 months
something something i want 3 anime boys more than i want to go to college
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total pulls: 191
school's kicking my ass. i'm entering the phase of school where i don't want to do work because it's almost summer break. just a few more weeks,,,, just a few more months,,,, then i can finally be doooone
buying my lolita outfit tomorrow, maybe !!!!!! i'm excited, but bank account isn't though. that's the way the cookie crumbles i guess.
i got lunar vow on honkai today !!!! i'm so happy. i only got her in 30 pulls too :3!!! i skipped over the animation of getting her on accident though,,,, whoops. but i'm glad i have her !! i love her so much. i have not played through all of the captainverse events though lmao. wonder if they'll ever rerun them,, please,,,, maybe not though TT
finally getting through character quests. i refuse to do jingliu's before luocha can come back to the express. no idea how long that'll take. maybe i'll get impatient idk
i did bailu's today! i love my daughter sosososo much ;u; i also love how you can beat the guy's ass at the end. peace and love on the xianzhou luofu (ignore the blood)
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yujeong · 10 months
The outfits of Pete - Some Observations
You know, as I was reading @blackwatervial's post about "The Pete Show" ep 3 which is this one here, my focus stayed on her comment about Pete's party clothes and them being mostly black and white. So, I decided to check them all again + every other instance he wears civilian clothes, to notice them and come to my own conclusions. So, we start with the first instance which is his first time at Hum Bar, ep 3:
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The difference of the colors + the pattern pop off the screen, making the black and white - along with the dark blue jeans - super evident. Tbh I see this as his exterior being in complete contrast to his interior (his nuanced mentality VS his life which is in absolutes).
The second instance is in ep 5, again when the gang goes to Hum Bar:
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Pls excuse my shitty screenshots, I wanted to capture the totality of the outfit as much as possible. Here it's also very black and white, with the white popping way more than the black, even though he's mostly wearing black pieces of clothing (his T-shirt underneath + his dark blue jeans + his shoes, which are the same converse as the first outfit). I love this because during this scene Vegas arrives on his bike, wearing only black clothes so they contrast each other. What I find interesting in this outfit though are the words/phrases on the white shirt he's wearing on top - or at least the ones I managed to read: - Embrace the ocean waves, and - Reclaim the Sea
Something something, accept what cannot be changed? The inevitability of your life conditions? Idk, I'll leave this to the smart people in the fandom to figure out. Another instance in civilian clothes is my beloved condom scene in ep 6:
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Here we don't see the full outfit but we can understand that he's wearing a jean blue shirt and a white T-shirt beneath, again playing with the black and white aesthetic, which is emphasized due to the minimum lightning of the scene. What I found very interesting is that the jean shirt has a painting on its back, which unfortunately I don't know the origins of. It may be a famous painting or just sth random but I love how you can distinguish a door and a window there. It's on his back too, incredible symbolism and all that, you get the gist. Next up, ep 7 in which we have 2 outfits. The first one was during Don's mission:
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Here we see some color variation in the form of beige(?) but still, it's black and white. I like how it's mostly light colors/white here, since he's on a mission and is supposed to be as discreet as possible to not alarm Don's men - though that failed immediately because he's the only one they check because he seemed new lol. The second outfit is at the party, after the successful Don mission:
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The second picture is here because he looks amazing, LOOK AT HIS BEAUTY I CAN'T- So, yeah, anyway, the black is back. And I find the choice interesting because it's the first (almost) all black outfit he has worn in the entire show so far, besides his uniform. Maybe it's his subconscious way of blending into the dark background, bodyguard mode activated? Who knows? It sure is interesting to think about though. Now, in regards to this outfit, one thing that a beautiful Tumblr post mentioned is the T-shirt he wears underneath:
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It says "Youth" and he wears it at the end of the show too, which is insane to me. More on that, later. So, here we go, ep 9 temple scene:
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God, I love this scene for so many reasons. The pattern of dark - light is still present, though this time it's dark blue instead of black, while Vegas wears black clothes with some white popping out from his fabulous witch shirt. I really like the contrast of the colors between them and how you can kind of get the vibes of the scene just from their outfits alone. NOW, here we go. Ep 13, Hum Bar scene:
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Black and white pattern again, my beloved. I need to mention sth which might be only me and my blindness to things BUT I feel it's possible: This is the only outfit so far in which the colors kind of blend and aren't separate; specifically, the black bleeds into the white, it isn't distinct from it like his previous outfits. Hmm, wonder what this could mean for his character post Vegas. Curious. Last but definitely not least, ep 14, hospital scene:
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FUCK, I love this outfit so much. It's such a beautiful combination and I can't get enough of Pete's beauty. The most striking thing to me is that, even though this contrast of dark and light he always wore outside of work still exists here, it seems so well blended together in contrast to before. The colors compliment each other and the end result is so pleasant to the eyes. It's like the clothes are trying to explain that Pete is finally at peace with himself and where he is, he is being his true self. And wearing the "Youth" T-shirt here with all the symbolism the word provides, a T-shirt he wore in the only situation he confronted Vegas flirting Porsche dead on as a bodyguard of Kinn. Ugh, I could spend hours thinking about it. Yeah, so, those are all the outfits. I didn't add the ones he was wearing at night as pyjamas or at the safehouse because I wanted to focus on the civilian side of things, what he wore outside of his role as a bodyguard (and at the safehouse it's not like he was wearing anything haha). Hope someone smarter than me manages to analyze his clothes one day. It's super interesting to think about.
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
I'm with everyone else on my first thought being about you when i saw the new card 🤣 I'm debating if i should keep pulling bc i kindaaa want luci, but I'm not crazy for him y'know? I just like the art, but i have two copies of Barb so far
And yes, the last event I ended up finishing at 117 in rank. I haven't ranked this high in a while but my luck was great with the cards and it was the anniversary so i really wanted to be up there. I only go crazy and grind for the anniversary events, or if my fave is in the spotlight. This event i think I'll be chilling, I'm sure I can get all the cards by the last day
anyway how do you think everyone determined what foods are human safe for mc? Like has it just been learning from past humans trial and error?? Do they only use common ingredients?? Like mc DOES canonically eat devildom food (that one brain dish belphie likes is my first thought... Quetzacol...?) so idk??
they just have potions at the ready in case mc wants to try a new dish (i am an extremely picky eater but curiosity might beat me on trying food)
imagine if mc has dinner plans at purgatory hall or the castle and lets the brothers know in advance, and they get all excited to make a devildom dish that isn't human safe 💀
imagine craving something really bad for dinner that night, but mc can't have it. I could be bribed with takeout and ice cream if they want it that bad. Like "yes you can make this dish, but you are responsible for making sure mc eats". Reminds me of my mom making separate dishes for me and my brothers (usually non spicy ones)
Also the first day open at my new store was wild (i think we made $7000 in sales??), and trying to train everyone is hard. I think I'm possibly the favorite manager as well?? I'm the first one everyone seeks out when there's a problem 😭 But that might be because the majority of the team is the same age as me and feels more comfortable. Apparently I'm the 'chill' manager LMAO (I'm just anti social and tired). But this means I'm running around like crazy, I need a step counter at this point. My knees are dyinggg (our printer for online orders is on the second floor until we set up the portable one 💔)
anyway i hope you have a good day !! Or night !! i saw the post about barb/mammon and i was like "aw shit, another ship for me to be crazy about." BUT IT SOUNDS LIKE SUCH A GOOD SHIP, I LOVE IT, OKAY BYEEE
- ✨ anon
LOL it means so much to me that so many people think of me when it comes to Barbatos cards!
No, I totally get it the art is so good! Lucifer also just looks good in those casual skateboard outfits!
OHHH nice!! Congrats on getting such a high rank! I sometimes get higher if I go hard in the beginning, but I usually don't maintain that lol!
Ah yes, quetzalcoatl brains. Belphie you little weirdo we love you. I think they are implying that this is some kinda snake, but Quetzalcoatl is an Aztec deity who sometimes takes the form of a feathered serpent. So it's kinda like, what even are quetzalcoatl brains?!? I'm going with the snake theory because nothing else makes sense.
But anyway, I assume part of is trial and error... I can't imagine they haven't tried out all kinds of things on Solomon and possibly other humans who somehow ended up in the Devildom. I mean it's not like you know how a whole different species is going to react to food until you feed it to them, right?
But they do seem to be aware of some things already, such as lunatic pudding and the golden hellfire newt syrup or whatever it's called. So if they know some stuff, then they must have had humans trying it before.
As for MC trying new stuff, I think it's probably okay. I mean they have seven demons at their disposal on a regular basis. And if the brothers can't fix whatever the problem is, I'm fairly certain Solomon or Barbatos (or both) could. I do think MC would be taking a risk with some things, but hopefully they have enough help and their own magical knowledge to help them out!
I personally would fall victim to all the suspicious dishes. I like to try everything, no matter what it is.
I kinda like the idea of the brothers being excited to have something not safe for humans when MC isn't around lol. Like that sounds adorable! They're all guys guys we can have bloody bat legs for dinner because we won't have to worry about them turning MC into a vampire!
I also like the idea of them just having different stuff. Like I would absolutely be like I don't care, have all the bloody bat legs you want, as long as I have something else that I can eat!
I've often thought about what human world dishes I'd make for them if I had to cook. I can make more elaborate things, but I tend to fall on my easy staples because... well, they're easy. You can be sure I'm making them fried eggs all the time. Maybe I'll even put them on some avocado toast! Maybe I'd make a Devildom variant with cockatrice eggs and uh... whatever the equivalent of an avocado would be. Bread seems to be the same? Hmm.
Wow congrats on the high sales!! Training can be tough for sure, especially in a group situation! I don't doubt that you are the favorite manager~ if they're seeking you out, it's definitely because they trust you to help them! Ah, but I hope your knees feel better soon...
Honestly, I'm amazed at how many people seem to be interested in the Mammon/Barbatos ship?? Here I thought I was the only one lol. I just really like to consider different characters together and the way their relationship could go... I find it fascinating...
I hope you have a lovely day/night as well!! 💕💕
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whiskeyswifty · 10 months
Tell us how your renaissance tour concert was!!
omggggggg absolutely SPECTACULAR. I've seen bey a few times, mrs. carter and the formation tour, and every time has been better than the last but this...... this was on another level. the crowd was like a live wire, totally jam packed metlife stadium (we did not win the on mute award though because new yorkers are are STUPID. my hometown of DC won though i'm proud to say :)) Every single minute of it, was expertly paced, even down to starting with ballads which is kind of an insane move??? She sang like idk 4-5 ballads to open the show and honestly that was a very smart choice. Most people leave slower stuff for the end, but Bey's show is also 3.5 hours so by hour 3.... yeah you're already tired so a slow song is NOT the move. Also, to open with her voice just BOOMING like that, absolutely stunning and her riffs!!! her adlibs!!! as the sun sets!!!! MY GODDDDDDDD it's life changing to hear her live. I cannot recommend it enough, especially when she sings ballads. the piano player was also this hot woman that my gf and i were like oh???? kiss???? they didn't but bey sat ON the piano for most of the ballads so i'll settle for that.
then the show really started and it was PHENOMENAL!!!!! mind blowing what she did with some of the robot arms and the set pieces she had. There was this one part where the robot arms "painted" stained glass onto her and the dancers outfits???? it was't actually painting it, but I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THEY DID IT???? The show was so high energy, so joyful, and also so funny??? i haven't laughed that hard at a fucking stadium tour show like.... ever?? like not even her banter, which she doesn't do much of, just that the show had BITS. America has a problem has the famous news desk that i'm sure you've seen, which says KNTY News.... cunty news..... SCREAM. she also comes out in this stupid ass bee helmet that's sooooooo funny to see on her. There's one part where a giant sliver vertical mattress is brought out seamlessly, pillows and all, and they wrap her in it like in a split second and SHE PRETENDS TO TAKE A NAP STANDING UP!!!! FOR NO REASON. IN BETWEEN SONGS. she's just having sooo much fun, making such silly faces, saying silly shit. it really felt like a huge party and was just the most joyous and cathartic show i've ever been a part of. not a single second where you wanted to sit down or stop dancing. les twins were SOO GOOD and this one part at the end of america has a problem they got up on huge poles and were like swinging over the audience?? some real cirque du soleil shit. and the end of heated live... screaming with 65k people.... THAT is gay culture. AND IN THE END SHE RIDES ON A GIANT BEDAZZLED HORSE. IN THE AIR. The stage as well was really cool, how they used the visuals to transform it into sets and the giant circle in the middle, which YES turned into a cyborg's open vagina because why not??? just.... unreal. god i could gush about it forever, if you can manage to get tickets, go see it. it's dazzling and unreal and the production value, the spectacle of it all, the pacing and the energy, not to mention Beyoncé is the single greatest singer/performer currently living and she's incredible to behold. the voice, the choreo, the art direction of it all, just beyond compare.
i have to take a minute to just say..... the interludes...... oh fucking BITCH they were soooooooooooooooooo galaxy brain genius. works of art!!! every single one!!!! like short films!!!!! some of them were abstract and some of them were actual footage. There's one part where cyborg beyonce taps the camera lens and it's a VERY cool moment and was the one on the NY exclusive merch. one was a short film of the ballroom scene from the 80s/90s, i'd venture to guess, and i got so emotional seeing all of those queer people back then, most of them black and brown, full of joy and life. to spotlight them during this show like that was so beautiful, celebrate them now in front of all those people and see that despite the horrors our community has always faced, they always found joy and happiness, i couldn't handle it i got teary. Immediately afterwards they went into the Pure/honey section where the dancers did the ballroom portion and HONEY BALENCIAGA CAME OUT EVEN THO SHE WAS INJURED THATS A HOMETOWN GWORL. anyway i had a fucking phenomenal time if you couldn't tell. there's an amazing photo my best friend took of me and my gf where i'm just standing there gobsmacked, jaw on the floor, and my gf is a blur in the background cuz she didn't stop dancing the whole night. one for the ages!
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aarrraaaavvvvv · 10 months
Well, it's 4:48 am, Ive written like half of the story. I came up with the idea of the story just coz I was horny and imagining stuff but as I started writing it, it ended up becoming much more than a sex story. I haven't started writing the sex part yet, so I decided to just end this part, like it does and the people who are interested in just the sex part can go to the next part.
And if you're actually interested to read this story, go ahead you cute little human....OH BY THE WAY, this is the first story that I'm ever writing.
So here we go,
I've always been kind to him and he's always been just too avoidant. The feelings are clearly mutual but once it was just too much, i took a step back. If he gets his mind in the right place and finally learns how to swallow his pride, then good, or I can find someone else who does.
After a month of not talking to each other, he finally calls me up on a random day. It was the start of the vacation after the mid-semester exams. It was a cloudy day, i was feeling good about my hair, the air was cool just like the tall glass of iced coffee I was sipping. I see his name pop up on my phone, shocked, but i pick it up calmly. There's 3 seconds of silence before...
Him : Hi
I sense the nervousness in his voice. Its kinda cute ngl.
Me : hiieee
Him : Umm, h- how're you ?
Me : Well I'm good, the weathers good as well, exactly how I like it. It's a good day.
Him : Yeah I know you love this kind of weather. Ummm did your exams go well ?
Me : Yeah they did actually, i actually studied this time which is kinda surprising but yeah I feel good about it.
Him : I'm glad.
I can hear him smiling
Me : You sound nervous, are you okay ?
This makes him even more nervous.
Him : Yeah in fine, totally. I'm not nervous. Noo.
Me : Cool.
Him : Well, the weather's good and i thought maybe we can go out today ? Are you free right now ?
Me : Umm, right now ?
Him : Yess right now !!
Me : Well yeah I'm free right now, are you taking me out on a date ?
Him : NO I'm not asking you out on a date, I'm just asking if you wanna go out with me.
Me : Okay, where are you taking me ?
Him : Well, idk if you remember but we always talking about going to that lake together, so we can go there today.....the weather's good too.
Me : Ofcourse I remember that. Sure, we can go there. Just let me know when and where are we supposed to meet and I'll be there.
Him : How about we meet there directly at the lake ?
Me : okay sure.
Him : Well ill be there in like 90 minutes and you live close to there so start your journey accordingly. I'll be there at 4:30.
Me : okay done.
Him : Okay, see you soon.
I hang up. I resume sipping my coffee, keep it down on the table and as i gradually start processing what just happened, the sudden wave of thoughts starts kicking in. I'm actually very happy how he finally reached out, I had lost all my hopes of getting in touch with him ever again but he proved me wrong and as i realise the kind of thoughts I'm having, I try to stop myself.
"stop expecting so much"
"it's just a cassual meeting don't have such high hopes"
I've been dissappointed by this guy so much so many times but love makes us stupid and we always go back to having that false hope. But not this time, I'll go see him with the lowest expectations I've ever had, it'll just be like a first date with any other guy i meet on Grindr, even though a part of me will be hoping for him to be like i always wanted him to be, treat me nicely, like a fucking boyfriend.
This is the never ending cycle of thoughts I was expecting while I get finish my coffee in a hurry, take a shower, get ready with the best outfit my not-so-fashionable ass can come up with, and start my journey to the lake.
As I start walking, I recieve a text from him- "I just checked on Google maps, my bus will be there in like 30 minutes".
"Guess I'll have to wait for him", I think to myself as i react to that message with a "👍🏽". It's only fair though, since I'm always the late comer on our previous dates, he's the one showing up late this time.
I reach there, wait for him sitting by the waters. I start listening to the playlist of songs he once made me, even though we stopped talking, i still listen to the playlist and both of us keep adding songs to it every now and then. I recieve a text from him, "I've reached, where are you?".
I playfully reply with, "find me". I KNOW he would be pissed off with this but i do it anyway 😂. After a couple of minutes a pair of hands rudely takes out my earphones from my ears, I turn back and it's him. He stands in front of me, looking cute as hell, with those curly hair covering his forehead and a nervous smile on his face. His lips look sooooo bitable right now but i control my urges and stand up to nervously say hi to him with the creepiest of smiles i could ever come up with. We greet each other and start walking and just having awkward conversations for a while, for a shocking change, he breaks the ice this time and says that it's really good to see me again. I smile and continue walking. His hand brushes with mine as we walk. There's an ice cream shop on at the lake and as we pass by it, i smile and move towards it. He follows me to the shop. While I'm looking at the flavours he says, " let me buy you an ice-cream today". I just stare at him in silence coz it's very new to me, it's always me spending money on others. But since he's been a total bitch to me in the past toh I let him. We both continue walking which ice creams in our hands and on our way back we sit by the water to see the sunset. As we finish our ice creams, the silence becomes awkward again. He nervously puts his hand on mine while I look at a cute cat sleeping by the waters. I look at him and just smile.
Me : I'm glad we met.
Him : same pinch
I feel a little bad as he still hasn't taking about anything i have been wanting him to talk about, he hasn't apologized even once. But i calm myself down and just decide to go with the flow.
Me : Im kinda surprised how you came all the way here just to meet me.
Him : Ughhh, i was just getting bored at home and wanted some time away from my neighbours. My flatmates are all gone for the vacation so it's just me at the flat. I thought I'll have some peace but my neighbour kept bugging me. I had to get out of that place.
Me : Oh, so you're just getting bored that's why you met me.
Him : No it's not that, I wanted to meet you.
Me : yeah whatevs.
Him : Well, i came all the way here to meet you. Maybe you can go back with me to return the favour?
He says with a smirk...
Me : Are you serious ?
Him : Yeah why not? I'd rather be annoyed by you than my gross neighbour.
Me : Well even i wouldnt mind some time away from my annoying cousins.
He smiles and tightens his grip on my hand, we get up and start retreating to his home as it gets darker.
We sit together in the bus, holding hands, he rests his head on my shoulder. Both of us are nervous as fuck but we're just letting our hormones control us. I want it, but i don't want it at the same time. This is wierd, ughhh what if this is all just platonic ?
Songs :
Skinny Dipping - Sabrina Carpenter
Mine(Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
Electric Touch - Taylor Swift
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class1akids · 11 months
Uhh... I saw the giga cover, and like everyone I'm a bit let down too. But I feel like it's the marketing team's fault more than anyone. Idk if u feel this way or not, but since the third movie (or even before that) the marketing team always manages to sabotage hrak. The stealth suit marketing, 8th popularity poll voting tickets were only in the jump issue, now the giga cover. Even the volumes don't have any exclusive stuff like they do for JJK. Vol38 postcards had to be made by Hori, which were again JP only... While the special edition jjk vols have so much stuff and available for overseas people too... It's kinda frustrating 😅😅. Do u think it might be a popularity issue? Bcz MHA almost always trends every chapter week... So I thought they'd put more effort...
Tbh, when I saw the cover advertised as 40+ characters, but no mention of "newly drawn illustration", I kind of suspected that this will be the case. Still, even for a montage, they could do something better (I had to find Shouto with a magnifying glass lol) and it's kind of all over the place.
In the end, it's just a magazine cover, and I prefer Hori puts whatever little energy he has left into the manga rather than Jump squeezing him for more profit. I think the stickers for once are actually really cute (but sadly probably not worth for me to get the entire magazine shipped internationally - I usually just buy electronic copies, but I'll see if this one will have anything worth it. I'm sadly totally uninterested in the Deku - Shiggy figures too).
For the volumes - I mean I don't feel let down even without extra goodies, because Hori puts a lot of effort into the volume extras and that's what I'm looking forward to most. I wish again, they didn't force him to do freebies on top of all the work he does. Where I live, the local publisher does collector editions, and they come with some nice postcards and stuff (though usually different from the JPN edition).
But yeah, I do agree that both the manga and the anime merch team and promo teams are quite bad. It's evident in how they squander every opportunity to make fun merch based on Hori's AUs (the animal AU, fantasy, pirates, cool outfits, etc) just to resort making the same generic hero costume merch for the same figures. The way they pair characters is also ass and there is too little stuff that's customizable, and too much gacha merch making it non-viable for international fans.
Good for me - as I hardly see any merch I'd actually want, so I guess that's savings!
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living-d3ad-gh0ul · 11 months
Thursday 20th July 2023, 01.34am
I am feeling okay enough right now to write to you, to finally reply to you properly anyway. I've really missed being able to just do that.
Don't worry about your internet being shitty and going out and therefore not being able to stream, I figured there may have been some kind of issue or maybe you just weren't feeling up to it when I didn't see your name pop up on twitch. It's okay, I get it. I hope it's fixed now though and you can use the internet again at the very least.
I really did like how you handwrote me a note for my birthday. It's really personal, I love small gestures like that so much. And thank you for saying I looked beautiful in my outfits, I really liked them. And those cowboy boots are absolutely coming with me to London next month. I've got some ideas of some cool outfits I'm gonna wear while I'm down there. Because weirdly being in a big city like that makes me wanna look cool, probably because there's more people or something lol. Or maybe it's just because I feel like I can be more myself there than in my shitty little town. Who knows. And no, they didn't give me my tiara on a satin pillow, although I wish they had now you've mentioned it haha. I cannot BELIEVE you've never had Biscoff anything, E. I am truly and completely OFFENDED lol. Not really, but it's so bloody good, you have to try it! I love Biscoff milkshakes too, ughhhh so good! I do get what you mean about the too much sugar thing. I actually have to go to the dentist tomorrow morning cause I've cracked a tooth and it's really sensitive. Luckily it's one in the back, so it's not noticeable at all.
I really do feel like he was around me on my birthday. I kept just getting that like.. feeling? Idk if that makes sense. But I just felt his presence and it was comforting. I like when I feel like he's nearby me. It doesn't hurt as much during those times.
I really do hope you are starting to feel a bit less brain foggy and a little better now. I'm really sorry you've been feeling like that. I know how horrible and shitty that can be, cause I've been there. But I am so fucking proud of you for doing those little small things to change your habits. And yes you're right, don't force them. Because you really are less likely to actually make any significant or proper changes that you'll stick to if you force it. Small changes and taking things one step at a time is absolutely the right way to go about it and I'm so happy that you know that too. I totally get it with the sleep too, I've been feeling a lot like that recently as well. It's probably been stress on my part but I can absolutely relate to it. But please don't ever feel like you've failed. Because you're not a failure, you never will be. You're human and we sometimes go through rough patches and make mistakes, that's just completely normal and all part of the human experience. It's how we learn from those mistakes and get through those hard times that really show our strengths and I know you are absolutely full of those. You have so many strengths that I'm not sure you even know about yourself, E. You're totally right in doing things when you're awake and not limiting yourself because oh it's late or oh it's early or whatever. Obviously I get you don't wanna be noisy or whatever at night, but there's always ways of working around things like that and doing what you can even if it is late at night. I've definitely been there myself (sometimes recently too where I haven't been able to sleep at all, so instead of just laying in bed and ruminating on my thoughts, I'll get up and do something. Even if it's just washing the dishes from the night before or folding some laundry or sorting through some things or something like that.
I really do hope you managed to get your doctor's appointments sorted out though, because you're right, those are really important and I know I definitely don't want you to miss those or not get the help you need and end up sick or in pain. I'm sure you don't too, you know what I mean (hopefully). I just care about you a whole lot and want you to be safe and well and as healthy and happy as possible.
I totally get the feeling like streaming is a chore when you're brain foggy or got some stuff going on. It's partially why I stopped streaming. I really should pick it back up at some point, I wasn't far from having 200 followers and I really enjoyed doing it actually. I think I prefer playing games with people on stream however, because I sometimes don't know what to say when no one's there or no ones talking in the chat lol. I do miss it, because it is fun, maybe I'll do a little one off stream one day. I'll let you know if I do, it'd be nice to see you there if you weren't busy on that day. Doing all the alerts and stuff was probably one of my favourite parts of streaming. I really enjoyed all that and even had an old friend I went to music college with make me some custom alerts. I think I still have them all saved on my OBS and stuff. I will say, I did go back to see your vod the other day but it's gone I think. Idk, I just kinda.. missed your voice. Whatever game you play on stream, it'll be fun. I know it will. I can't wait for more tentacleman and cyberpunk, when you're ready to of course. Please don't rush yourself or force yourself if you're not feeling up to it. I can wait, I'll always wait. Beach House are amazing. I do love them myself. Space Song is my all time favourite song too.
Last Wednesday was incredibly hard. It was such a difficult day for me. At one point I nearly just crumbled to the ground. I did read your post that evening when I got home. And I'm so thankful you posted it/were thinking of me at the time it was all happening. I really really am so grateful and God.. it just really fucking made my heart grow ten times. I really liked it, it made me feel all.. fuzzy or something. Your post really did help me too. I've been reading it over and over again. But's been so hard, E. Doing everything myself for dad. I've had no help from my mum or anyone really. Infact, my mum hasn't spoke to me since her birthday which was 4/5 days before the funeral. She didn't even text me to say she hoped things went well. I think you can see why I'm not really talking to her right now. My friend Sophie came to my dad's funeral with me which I was really grateful. She held my hand the whole way through and kept telling me how well I was doing and how he'd be so proud of me. I really hope he is. I still don't feel like it's real. I feel like it's all a bad dream and I just can't wake up from it. I keep looking at the order of service and the pictures and all his things sitting in my spare bedroom and I just keep thinking to myself "what the fuck?". I think now that everything is said and done, all the formalities are done and (most of) the paperwork and legal stuff is done and now it's all just like.. final.. it's still not sunk in. I still cannot believe that I won't ever hear my dad picking up the phone and saying "Hiya gorgeous" or how he'd always give me a kiss down the phone after saying goodbye before he hung up. My grief is sitting so heavy within me and I am trying so hard to not let it destroy me, but sometimes it's just so hard. I miss him so fucking much. I'll miss him for the rest of my life. I want to live my life for him and have a good one, because that's all he said that he wanted for me. He just wanted me to be happy and have a good life. But I know I'll always be missing a huge part of me, because he won't be there. He's the one person who was always there, no matter what, no matter if we'd argued or fallen out or whatever, if I needed him he was there. He's the one person who's never up and left and never came back. And now he's gone. He's been snatched away from me in such a cruel way and my heart hurts so much when I think of it all. I'm trying so hard to keep going, I really am, but everything just feels so... Hard right now. I'm desperately trying to look forward to going to see Joji next month in London and the little long weekend I have planned down there (I still don't know what I'm doing really apart from the concert, but I may just wing it). I know he would want me to go and enjoy myself and have fun, he wouldn't want me not to go or not to enjoy myself. Like I said, he just wanted me to have a good life and I want to do things for him, if not for myself.
I go back to work next Monday, I was supposed to go back this week and I did technically but.. I think I went back too soon. So I think after this week, I'll be in a much better space mentally to go back. I just need to rest and take time for me, try and process some of all that's happened, at least a little bit. I really hope this letter finds you well, I know it's a little long but I hope it wasn't too much of a boring or long read. I really can't wait to hear from you again soon, E.
I'm gonna put the video of all the bikes that showed up for my dad on the day. It really overwhelmed me, but in a good way. I thought I'd only have 3 or 4. But nope. A tonne showed up. And I have a couple of mine and my dad's friend's to thank for that. I hope you don't think it's weird or strange or anything.. I just.. idk it was nice to see how many people cared about my dad. I'll also show you the flowers. I organised them myself and chose them all. I thought they were really pretty. I'll also show you my nails I had especially done, with his initial and his favourite colour. We all wore yellow for him on the day too.
"But I miss you more each day you're not with me, and just know when I sleep that I'm dreaming of the only place I wanna be.."
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catgirlmagneto · 2 years
hello bestie. sticks leg up. do u maybe have more aus planned for the gays..... Perhaps....
ohohho hello beloved and esteemed mutual joshriku in fact i DO.
so here's the thing. the SW au brainrot is so real. and i am in so deep now like I literally have two (albeit much shorter) fics planned for after the current one, maybe more. this is totally not what you asked but i need to talk about it anyway or i will become crazy. the next one's gonna be cute and domestic (also probably sad because idk how to write things with a plot that aren't a little angsty) but it'll be basically them relearning how to be in a relationship and cute shit like that. and perhaps.... marriage??? ;) and then i want to do one where i can introduce a certain character as well as tie up the loose ends from the darksaber plot i set up in the original multichapter fic. chekovs gun... sadbigchungus on ao3's darksaber....
also I am very much a hoe for the idea of rogue in the star wars universe. rogue as a force-sensitive, rogue in some cool star wars outfit. and her bounty hunter/pirate/all around cool guy boyfriend, gambit. so maybe i'll do a quick oneshot to incorporate them into the universe as well. like i said, the brain rot is real.
i've had this idea floating around (no outline or anything yet) BUT. basically it pisses me off that in every 'dancer/stripper/ that sort of genre of AU, it's always a very slutty charles and then erik who is all buttoned up. hellO. did we.... do we know the same character. erik magnus dramatic ass bitch lehnsherr we have all seen his outfits and tall gogo boots and how much of an attention whore he is and STILL. no one is letting him fuck it up on the pole!!
male stripper/dancer erik, tweedy professor charles who accidentally meets him at someone's bachelorette party as a joke, then next runs into him as keynote speaker on a pretty small mutant rights protest on campus bc it turns out his day job (not rly a job my man doesn't get paid it's ok tho) is being involved in the radical mutant movement.
and in my head he's also got all the kiddos, the twins and lorna at least and maybe an older teenage anya as well. taken care of when dad's at work at night by cool neighbor and basically nocturnal fashion designer emma frost, who keeps an eye (and a telepathic eye) out for any trouble so erik doesn't need a sitter bc he can't afford one. in exchange he helps her with any metal parts in her designs since she uses diamonds and rocks and stuff so she needs things to set them in.
anyway the au isn't really baked in my head in terms of an actual plot, but I've got a few disconnected scenes floating around in my little noggin. charles is definitely in his wheelchair because i am also kind of mad at all the fics where it's a modern au but people are too cowardly to let him be disabled. anyway rapid fire! charles is like 'god why is he so hot but also so politically opposed to me i cannot stand it' but he CAN stand it because sparks fly! charles is a bitch and loves arguing! erik brings him coffee at work and is starstruck by his gay little wire frame glasses and has to excuse himself so he doesn't become a hot mess. charles comes over for dinner or smth and meets the kids. idk.
so that's what i might write next. anyways i hope u liked my ramble peace n love
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caramel-clowns · 2 years
what is your "official" [using that word loosely] review of it?
im gonna assume you're talking about the new monster high movie i mentioned earlier, if you're talking about the horror movie i apologize bc I'm semi stupid, also if you are talking about the horror movie i'll also make a post about that bc i have a lot of thoughts on the IT movies, ALSO I LOVE THIS BC I LOVE REVIEWS SO MUCH!!! i love ranting about stupid movies and ranting about things in general! feel free to ask any opinion on movies or games!!! now introducing, my VERY shitty review of Monster High: the movie (spoilers i guess) so the story starts with clawdeen, who is a werewolf, going skating, shes wearing a hoodie and stuff to hide that shes a werewolf because she doesnt belong in the human realm or something i cant remember tbh, eventually she bumps into someone and its revealed, whoopsies, she runs off home where we meet her dad (who is a human) and apparently its her 15th birthday or something, she tells her dad that she got accepted to monster high but hes kind of ehhh about it at first bc like they are against humans/half-humans eventually he gives in and she can go, woo meets frankie and draculaura who shes roommates with, meets deuce too bc romance i guess, apparently her mom was like a well respected person at monster high (her moms dead) so principal bloodgood asks her to perform a speech, also has some talk about the school being anti-human and stuff, however clawdeen feels like she belongs at monster high and is kind of nervous bc she's not fully human clawdeen discovers that when shes scared/nervous she begins transforming into a human they have a talk about jekyll and hyde in class at some point, big reveal is that the teacher who taught that class is hyde's son, hates monster high and wants to destroy it and humans because they killed his dad, stuff like that, enough with the bad summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ all around the movie was like an average disney channel movie tbh, girl doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere, finally finds a place where she belongs, conflict, stuff like that things i did enjoy were the friendships between frankie, draculaura and clawdeen, i thought it was cute and sweet non-binary frankie was something i also liked a lot! however i am quite sad about no lesbian clawdeen (also about them making her and deuce like each other but we'll get to that) i did like a lot of the outfits actually! frankie had outfits i would totally wear, and draculaura! very goregeous (fuck you Grammarly for correcting) the music wasn't awful, none of the songs stuck with me really but they didn't burn my ears i guess tbh i thought the set looked neat too things i did not enjoy however were the relationship between deuce and clawdeen, they didn't officially start dating or anything but it has been said they like each other, i didn't particularly feel any chemistry between them they fully removed the rest of the wolf family, did not like that some of the makeup was kinda eh but that might just be me being picky, the makeup around deuce's eyes looked very orange, and draculaura's makeup was a bit too toned down for my taste but yet again, might be me being picky ghoulia yelps in this movie- she wasn't a major character, only appeared like a few times however i didn't like that they made her talk, idk just didnt really sit right with me? the villain twist at the end was lame, they have a jekyll/hyde character in the monster high universe???? do jackson and holt mean nothing???? but i saw the twist coming, idk if they wanted us to see it coming but like i saw it idk its 2 am and im rambling, yet again please tell me if im rambling about the wrong movie! maybe i'll actually be well rested then kindly ignore how shitty my reviews are i was mostly spewing out words
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