#ichiyō higuchi
sskk-manifesto · 3 months
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I can excuse assassination but I draw the line at stepping foot in a women bathroom
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
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Queen and king of subtly and not so subtly bragging about their salary with their crush
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starisenby · 1 month
I've been thinking about the similarities between these two recently
the color schemes these two scenes have is so similar and no one talks about it
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And something I find very interesting is that Atsushi states he's giving Kyouka a reason to be worthy of living, which is what Akutagawa was trying to give her and what he asked Dazai to give him
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Also while not directly Kyouka & Akutagawa related I feel the need to note that Akutagawa imitates Dazai's treatment of him
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So yeah Akutagawa & Kyouka's similarities make me sad
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Well that's all for this ig
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lostfanboyarts · 14 days
idk if you’re still taking polycule requests/like this ship so feel free to ignore but!! B2 tachihigugin?
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This ship is delightful I adore it <33
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antronaut · 1 year
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Kiyokata Kaburagi “Midori, Heroine of [Takekurabe] by Ichiyō Higuchi” 1940
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higherentity · 11 months
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mxdarling · 11 months
[Port Mafia]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: Back to [Bungo stray dogs]…?
[❤️️] - Yandere content
[💛] - Non yandere content
[💔] - Angst
[⭐] - Crack
[💞] - Fluff
[🏵️] - Male reader
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⌗Chuuya Nakahara; (Upon the Tainted Sorrow)
🔎✉ - Headcanons:
[Nothing here…]
🔎✉ - One-shots:
[Nothing here…]
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⌗Ryunosuke Akutagawa; (Rashōmon)
🔎✉ - Headcanons:
[Nothing here…]
🔎✉ - One-shots:
[Nothing here…]
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⌗Sakunosuke Oda; (Flawless)
🔎✉ - Headcanons:
[Nothing here…]
🔎✉ - One-shots:
[Nothing here…]
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•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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bsd-bibliophile · 6 months
She kept her problems to herself. Others considered her strong and independent. They did not perceive that she was as vulnerable as a spider’s web. Touch it, and it disintegrates.
Higuchi Ichiyō, “Troubled Waters” from In the Shade of Spring Leaves
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gomoren · 2 years
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underpaidimmortal · 1 year
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we could do the tango just for two
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amythedemisimp · 1 year
Port Mafia
Ace (#bsd ace)
Akutagawa Gin (#akutagawa gin)
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke (#akutagawa ryūnosuke)
Arthur Rimbaud (#arthur rimbaud)
Dazai Osamu (#dazai osamu)
Elise (#elise-chan)
Higuchi Ichiyō (#higuchi ichiyō)
Hirotsu Ryūrō (#hirotsu ryūrō)
Kajii Motojirō (#kajii motojirō)
Mori Ōgai (#mori ōgai)
Nakahara Chūya (#nakahara chūya - #nakahara chuuya)
Oda Sakunosuke (#oda sakunosuke)
Ozaki Kōyō (#ozaki kōyō)
Paul Verlaine (#paul verlaine)
Sakaguchi Ango (#sakaguchi ango)
Tachihara Michizō (#tachihara michizō)
Yumeno Kyūsaku (#yumeno kyūsaku)
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sskk-manifesto · 3 months
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BSD S1 + vertical shots
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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I love this art so much actually, thank you Harukawa for giving us a glimpse of what bsd would have looked like if it was a slice of life shojo manga
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ochoislas · 1 year
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Hay un largo paseo hasta la entrada delantera del arrabal, donde las decaídas ramas de los sauces despiden a los juerguistas y las luces del burdel guiñan en el foso, negro como la laca que tiñe las sonrisas de las bellezas de Yoshiwara. Desde los cuartos del segundo piso de las altivas casas se derrama a los callejones la música y el jolgorio, casi tangibles. ¿Cómo prosperan tales negocios? El caso es que los calesines no paran de llegar día y noche.
Al vecindario detrás del arrabal lo llaman compás del templo Daion. Por muy pío que suene, sus vecinos le dirán que es un lugar muy descocado. Doblando la esquina del santuario de Mishima no se ven residencias señoriales, solo cuadras de diez o veinte casas con aleros vencidos hace mucho y postigos desvencijados que cierran a medias. Aquí no medra el comercio.
Ante las maltrechas casas todos se afanan recortando curiosas piezas de cartón, pintorreándolas de colores y espetándolas en unos extraños palitroques. Familias enteras por todo el barrio están entregadas a la confección de estas raras y abigarradas banderillas. Ponen a secar los recortes por la mañana y a la noche los montan. ¿Qué son estos cacharros en los que todos andan atareados? «¿No lo sabe usted?  —exclamaría un comerciante atónito— ¡Rastrillos de la buena suerte! ¡Tendría que ver cómo se los llevan los señorones en el festival de Otori!»
Cada año sin falta, nada más bajar el ramo de pino de Año Nuevo del portal, todos los comerciantes que se precien se dedican al mismo negocio, y para el verano manos y pies están todos manchados de pintura. Cuentan con la ganancia para comprar ropa nueva para las fiestas. Si los dioses conceden la fortuna a los que compren estos amuletos, los que los confeccionan se imaginan que serán ellos quienes recojan el maná. Lo curioso es que por aquí nadie sabe de ningún vecino que se haya hecho rico.
Casi todos acá, de hecho, tienen algo que ver con el arrabal. Los hombres hacen chapuzas para las casas de menos categoría. Oigan a éste jugueteando con un manojo de tarjas de guardarropa antes de salir a la tarea, poniéndose el tabardo cuando los demás se lo quitan. Su mujer choca pedernales en la puerta para guardarlo de la mala fortuna. ¡Quién sabe si volverá mañana! Es un oficio peligroso. Inocentes circunstantes mueren en las reyertas de los burdeles. ¡Y cuídate mucho de frustrar el doble suicidio de una cortesana y su amante! Pero allá van los maridos cada noche a jugarse la vida, como si fueran colegiales que salen de merienda.
Las hijas de la casa también tienen quehacer con el barrio: aquí una es camarera en una de las grandes casas; allá, otra una trotona, trajinando como lanzadera entre el burdel y la casa de té. Van patullando linterna en ristre, anunciando a todos el nombre del establecimiento. Ahora su trabajo les parece de mucho rumbo y gala, como si actuaran sobre un noble tablado. Pero, a punto ya de acabar su aprendizaje, ¿qué les espera a todas estas chicas? Allá va una, cumplidos los treinta, muy peripuesta con su capa de algodón, vestido a juego y sus prudentes medias azul oscuro. No hace falta decir qué lleva en el atadillo bajo el brazo. Plon, plon, plon, hacen los tacones de sus zuecos —no tiene un minuto que perder— y la frágil pasarela se descuelga sobre el canal. «Aquí se lo dejo —dice poniendo en el suelo su fardo—, hay que dar una vuelta enorme hasta el frente.» Así que es costurera, al parecer.
Las costumbres aquí son muy particulares. No se encuentran muchas mujeres que se aten la faja pulcramente detrás. Una cosa es una mujer de cierta edad que se pirra por los estampados chabacanos o las fajas demasiado anchas, otra muy distinta ver a todas estas descaradas niñas de quince vistiendo las prendas más llamativas, chupando alquequenjes para evitar la preñez. Pero este barrio es así. Una furcia que ayer atendía bajo el nombre de no sé qué heroína del Romance de Genji en una casa de tercera junto al canal, se ha escapado con un hampón. Abren un figón, cuando ninguno tiene la menor idea de cómo llevar un negocio. Pronto se arruinan. La bella empieza a añorar su antiguo oficio. Sus activos fueron a la basura con los huesos del pollo servido anoche, pero la ninfa sí puede volver al nido. La gente por aquí encuentra atractivo el tipo, quién sabe por qué.
¿Cómo no va a influir tal atmósfera en los niños? Las mojigangas de otoño, por ejemplo. La madre de Mencio habría puesto el grito en el cielo si hubiera visto lo pronto que aprenden a imitar a los mimos famosos. ¡Vamos, que no hay uno que no sepa remedar a Rohachi o a Eiki! Oyen cómo los alaban y esa misma noche los despabilados golfillos andan tras sus pasos haciendo la ronda de las casas. Así empiezan con siete u ocho, ¡y para cuando tienen quince…! Miren a éste, que vuelve a la tarde de los baños con la toalla al hombro, graznando groseramente con la boca torcida la última coplilla. En la escuela la clase de música desemboca al primer descuido en las cadencias del barrio. Las tonadas de las geishas animan los encuentros deportivos, ¡sobran los hurras de la escuela! No se puede más que simpatizar con sus profesores de la Ikueisha aquí cerca. Será una escuelilla abarrotada —de hecho es particular—, pero hay hasta un millar de estudiantes y los profesores que triunfan aquí pronto son famosos. Aquí decir escuela es decir la Ikueisha.
Escúchenlos a la salida de clase: «Tu padre no pasa una en la casa de té junto al puente ¿no?», le gritan al hijo del bombero. La sabiduría de la calle; los niños están al tanto de lo que se cuece en el arrabal. Trepan por las cercas de los jardines, imitando a los bomberos: «¡Oye, que has quebrao los pinchos pa que no entren los ladrones!». El hijo de un tinterillo de poca monta inicia el hostigamiento: «Tu viejo es un mulo del burdel ése, ¿no? ¡Di!». El acusado se pone como un tomate. El pobrecillo moriría antes que reconocer que su padre cobra las facturas de cierto burdel. Y luego están los consentidos hijos de los peces gordos del arrabal, que crecen apartados del lugar, para poder pasar por bien nacidos. Lucen gorra de secundaria a la última con aire desenfadado y llevan la indumentaria europea con mucho caché. Divierte ver a los otros hacerles la pelota: «¡Señorito! ¡señorito!», llaman, cuando mejor dirían niñato malcriado.
Entre los muchos escolares de la Ikueisha está Nobuyuki del templo Ryūge. A su debido tiempo la tonsura segará su apretado pelo negro y endosará el hábito de sacerdote. Bien podría haberlo decidido él, pero también puede ser que se haya resignado a su suerte. Su padre era clérigo y, siguiendo sus pasos, Nobu es ya un erudito. Chico callado por naturaleza, sus compañeros lo consideran un muermo y se meten con él. «Mira, esto es lo tuyo: ¡un parroquiano! —gritan izando un gato muerto en un palo— ¡Adminístrale los últimos sacramentos!» Pero todo eso pasó, ya nadie se burla de él, ni por error. Tiene quince años, estatura media y el oscuro cabello cortado a cepillo al modo escolar; con todo tiene un aire que lo distingue de los demás. Aunque todavía lleva el ordinario nombre de Fujimoto Nobuyuki, ya hay algo en su porte que hace barruntar al eclesiástico.
Higuchi Ichiyō
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akutasoda · 7 months
Can I get a s/o who “jokes” about wanting to die and truly means it. Can I get the moment Tetcho (and anybody else you want to add) realize that fact?
a shoulder to lean on
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synopsis - they always thought it was your humour, but now they realise its not and want to help you
includes - higuchi, sigma, tecchou
warnings - gn!reader, angst to comfort, mentions of death, slightly dark, hints towards suicide, wc - 562
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ichiyō higuchi ★↷
higuchi was well adjusted to the brutality of being in the mafia. she knew some very odd people and had witnessed some things she wished she hadn't. so she never batted an eye at what she assumed was just your dark humour. sure she worried slightly of you said something particularly bad but maybe that's just how you were.
and the longer she knew you, the more concern creeped up on her. she kept telling herself it was just your humour but something just didn't sit right anout the look in your eyes when you said some rather concerning things. she wished it was nothing more as she very much enjoyed being with you and would very willing protect you in any given circumstance.
and finding the truth, for whatever reason she found out, made her absolutely worry. she wished she picked up on ot earlier, she wnated to help you. help you rid of these thoughts and prove to you that you were worth everything.
sigma ★↷
sigma had spent his fair share around various people. some he would rather not but there was no changing that. so upon meeting you, he had only assumed your random jokes about dying were simply part of your humour. to him it only seemed like you were a fan of dark humour and that wasn't as bad as some other things he had put up with.
and throughout the whole time he had know you that hadn't really changed that much. sometimes it did in fact worry him when you seemed a bit too serious after saying it. he held you close, you were the only person he had met so far that didn't want to use him and in plain fact you two simply got on like a house on fire.
the moment he realised was a moment he wishes to forget. perhaps you had made a rather serious joke about the topic, whatever the reason for his realisation it made his heart sink. he truly hoped that you were still joking but he knew if he did that it would let you sporal even more. and after realising this fact, he was more determined than ever to try and help you. he could never bear even the thought of losing you.
tecchou suehiro ★↷
tecchou never really cared about those around him. the most he came to caeing was about his co-workers and those that he had to protect. and once he met you that only meant there was one person he truly did care for. he did think that your take on dark humour was quite interesting but thought nothing more of it.
and even after knowing you for ages, he still never saw it as anything more than dark humour. sometimes he would think maybe there was something more to it but seeing you joke about it so freely made him ignore those gut feelings.
whatever reason or how he found out didn't matter that much, but the single moment he realised that these comments weren't jokes and instead a true reflection of your feelings made him worry deeply. he truly wishes you never felt like that, but he knew he couldn't just instantly change your mind and instead resorted to trying to help you. to get rid of those thoughts and make sure that you know that you mean the world to him.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
'•.¸♡ love song ♡¸.•'
Basically when they hear their s/o sing to themselves.
Enjoy! :)
Feat. Fukuzawa, Yosano, Atsushi, Kunikida, Kenji, Kyōka, Dazai, Ranpo, Higuchi, Oda, Poe, Fyodor, Natsume
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Yukichi Fukuzawa:
Fukuzawa had just gotten back from a long do in the office to see you happily humming and softly singing to yourself.
Fukuzawa stood in the door frame for a second before going up to you and giving you a kiss on your forehead as a greeting.
He really liked hearing you sing and only wished you could do it more often.
Akiko Yosano:
Yosano woke up with a headache from the late night you two spent drinking and having fun.
Some how you weren't in bed but were making breakfast while humming to yourself occasionally breaking the hum to sing to yourself.
Seeing your girlfriend walk over to you made you stop singing but she told you to continue as she gave you a hug placing her head on your back while you kept making French toasts.
Atsushi Nakajima:
You were typing away on your laptop with your earphones/headphones on softly singing the song you were listening to when Atsushi walked in.
He didn't want to disturb you but he enjoyed your singing so much that he stayed a while but when you looked up to see if Atsushi was standing there he ran away.
Doppo Kunikida:
Kunikida hates distractions especially when he's working away but oddly enough he doesn't mind it when you hum a song to yourself, singing a few words here and there.
He will continue working and acting as if he cannot hear you but secretly he enjoys listening to your humming.
Kenji Miyazawa(platonic):
When Kenji hears you singing he will listen to you happily and ask you what you were singing afterwards.
He might mention a song some of the villagers used to sing when he was in the village.
Kyōka Izumi(platonic):
She'll compliment your singing abilities and ask you to sing to her her favourite song or something.
She'll be very happy if you sing to her.
Osamu Dazai:
You were cleaning while singing to yourself and moving your body as if in a dance, not noticing Dazai staring at you while sitting in a chair.
You turn around and almost let out a yelp before turning your head in embarrassment, you could feel your face getting warm and you heard a light chuckle come from Dazai.
He was amused by your quick and cute reaction when you saw him, he didn't help you clean though.
Ranpo Edogawa:
Ranpo was in a sweets shop looking at all sorts of candy while you stood outside petting a cat who lay in the spring sun.
You were humming a sweet melody to the cat as it slept the day away, enjoying your soft touch and the warm sun.
You heard someone clear their throat loudly behind you, while you turned your head to see who it was the cat had run away. The person who scared the cat away was Ranpo.
'Can we leave now?' He asked although it sounded more like a whiny demand than anything.
While at home he asked you if you could do what you did with the cat: pet his head while singing to him.
Ichiyō Higuchi:
The moment she heard your voice sing she knew she was in love.
She would try to be as close to you while you sang as possible but not too close so you wouldn't see her.
When you stop singing (weather you know she's there or not) she'll tell you how cute you were and how you should sing to her every night.
Sakunosuke Oda:
Oda has opened the door to your shared apartment to the smell of curry and the sound of your voice softly singing and humming.
He stood in the hallway taking off his coat slowly from feeling exhausted and from wanting to stay there and listen to your voice.
Once he took off his coat and shoes he walked up to you and gave you a tired hug from behind and asked when the meal was going to be finished before giving you a kiss.
Edgar Allan Poe:
Poe was in his study writing away with Karl chilling near by. He was feeling a bit lonely since you left somewhere for a while and Karl wasn't too interested in spending his time with Poe.
Karl's head perked up and ran away towards the front leaving Poe all alone. He lay his forehead on his desk in defeat. He soon heard a soft melody being sang, enjoying your singing he sat with his head still down, being lost in your melody.
When he heard the door open his head quickly jerked up to see you standing with a smile, he smiled his awkward smile back at you.
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
You over heard Fyodor playing and the song got stuck in your head.
Fyodor told you he'd be gone for a while so you decided to read a book for a while when the song made its way to you and was stuck in your head again, you started humming the song hoping it
Sōseki Natsume:
He sneaks into the room in his cute little kitty form and continues to listen while taking a light nap somewhere in the corner.
When you find and stop singing he'll notice even if he in asleep.
His cute little kitty head will look up to see why you stopped until he realises it's 'cause of him.
He won't think much of it and go along with his day.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry to all the people who follow me for Sigma, this time you don't get him.
Why does lavender have to be toxic for cats :(
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