#ice box flapper
noisycuckooclocks · 4 years
If there are any other Speakeasy Tonight fans that also like ASMR I highly recommend Goodnight Moon’s 1920s roleplay videos, her flapper character is exactly how I imagine the Ice Box Flapper as a real person
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deviant-ass · 6 years
Not choices related but
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If you do play lovestruck, I just wanna say I’m still bummed over this :’) Honestly Speakeasy Tonight has always been my FAVE and I just love each and every character. So yeah, I hope they get back on it soon MY BB NEIL AND DONOVAN 😫
ps, don’t worry this is still a choices blog
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lord-kikuchiyo-blog · 7 years
Speakeasy Tonight: MC/Gerald drabble
Inspired by this @otpprompts​ post and my own strategies for when I can’t frikken sleep.
SPOILERS for Gerald’s route.
A dark, echoing cavern... A thunderous explosion... A shrill scream... Falling to the ground... Can't move, can't see, can't breathe... For the third time in three days, I woke with a start, distressed and disoriented. Even though I knew I was in my bedroom in Uncle Charlie's house, every night my mind went back to that morning at LaSalle Station. How close I came to losing my friends, my lover, my own life. Anxiety crushed my chest, choking me and making my breath ragged. The blankets beside me shifted. Strong, smooth arms draped around my shoulders and pulled me close to a warm chest. “Something wrong, acushla?” Gerry asked quietly. I shook my head and took a deep breath in an attempt to steady my voice. “Just a bad dream. I'm... I'm fine. It's silly.” His grip grew firmer. “Seein’ as you're shakin’ like a leaf in a storm, forgive me not believin’ you.” He tipped my chin up to look at him. Concern darkened his face, lips turned into a frown. “Tell me what happened. I won't laugh.” There was no doubt in my mind that he would keep his promise, but I just couldn't bring myself to speak. It really was silly. It was over, done. Lynch was six feet under and Bea home safe. There was nothing to worry about. “It's nothing,” I said. Gerry just raised an eyebrow. “I'll be fine. Don't worry.” After a moment, he sighed. “Can't say I didn't try,” he said. He clicked the light off and laid back down. I followed suit. Wrapping an arm around my waist, he pulled me close, my back flush against his chest. “Is there anythin’ I can do to ease your mind, at least?” he murmured. “Seein’ you like this... Makes me nervous, it does.” I smiled. “Just being here... Holding me, talking to me... It's enough.” He huffed. “Better’n nothin’, I suppose...” A thought came to me. Thunder terrified me and Hazel when we were kids, but Momma would calm us down by telling us about how it was just angels bowling. “Gerry, tell me a story that would put you to sleep.” He must have dozed off, because the reply was slow and slurred. “Whazzhat, ‘cushla?” “Tell me a story.” A long moment of silence followed, long enough that I thought he'd fallen asleep again. But then he spoke, his warm breath tickling the back of my neck. “In ainm an Athar agus an Mhic agus an Spioraid Naoimh...” I didn't understand a word of it, but I didn't need to. Just the sound of his smooth tenor and his touch were enough to soothe my frayed nerves. A reminder that he was here next to me, warm and safe and not dead in the ground, victim of some crazed, delusional gangster. Just thinking about what could have happened to him and Bea made my chest ache all over again, but I just took a deep breath and focused on the song-like lilt of the words. His voice trailed off into a low murmur, eventually stopping altogether. Just as well, as my eyelids were getting heavy and my mind starting to slow. I pulled the blankets tighter around us and took a deep breath. “I love you, Gerry,” I said quietly. He couldn't hear me, but I wanted to let him know anyways. As I drifted off to sleep, I heard a little laugh. “Church always put me to sleep, too.” “What?” He didn't answer right away, instead yawning and burying his face in my neck. “Too tired to think of a story, so I jus’ recited a Mass... Been years since I set foot inna church an’ yet I still remember it... A funny thing it is, memory...” Any other time and I'd have been annoyed, but I was too close to sleep to care. I'd give him what for in the morning.
Thank you for reading!
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fuck-girl-code · 6 years
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"The only things yer eyes are wide for is hot times and cold hooch." Put that on my epitaph!
Daaaaaamn, MC x Vince is hot.
I love their chemistry, even when they're not romancing each other.
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mydearsaddiary · 4 years
Neil Season 3- Chapter 1: 1933
Little curiosity notes: Every chapter will have one. One in the beginning, one at the end. The last name I chose for the Speakeasy Tonight MC is Granger. I wish I could be inclusive with all the last names you guys must’ve chosen but I’ll keep that one for the story (Generic English, I always had the vibes she had English ancestry since it’s never mentioned what her nationality is but we know it’s some sort of European but not Italian, Irish or French and her family had predominantly English names (I think her parents are Edward and Frances, but we have Charles, Edith and Hazel). However, I found a little way to be inclusive of the first name. I named the main character here Mary Catherine Granger, but almost every time everyone will call her by the nickname MC (Also works for Main Character) or Ice Box Flapper, unless it’d look weird (like her parents wouldn’t call her by her nickname). I hope when MC appears you guys can at least imagine what you decided to name her in the game! Hope this helps!
Author notes: It took me a while to write this but I finally did so here’s the first episode! I really hope you guys enjoy my imagination, I miss Speakeasy Tonight as much as you guys do! Please reblog, share, like it and don’t hold back on sending me opinions or criticism in here or in my private messages! It’s a long chapter and it starts with a future look, the next chapters will focus completely on 1926, with only a few occasional scenes in the future but not like this! Thank you, enjoy!
-Candy, My Dear Diary.
Fanfic: Speakeasy Tonight (originally by Lovestruck Voltage Games)
Neil Season 3
Chapter 1: 1933
My ways had taken me to live in one of the famous bungalows in Chicago, it’s not what I would’ve imagined for myself, but it was more than I could ask for during these times. The now bankrupt city was once the source of vitality of my not so misspent youth.
The Chicago bootlegging scene was a world I discovered and would come to love when I was just nineteen. The youthfulness and freeness and excitement of the Prohibition life and running a speakeasy had turned into something completely different. I was twenty-six, I was still relatively young but I wasn’t nineteen anymore. The thrill of the illegal drinking had died once it was back to being legal. Gangsters were still alive, but the risk wasn’t worth it anymore, now vileness was the only reason to remain in a life of crime
Needless to say the location of the Ice Box had closed its doors, but the Ice Box itself remained alive in the family we had created. Cliff Conway had opened the Conway Diner. He was the owner along with still using his talents as a bartender there (and working in the kitchen sometimes making the best strawberry pie in the country). The place focused more on food, but drinking, dancing and music was still all part of it.
Uncle Charlie was a stubborn old man who wasn’t going to sit at home if his life depended on it. After being shot he was never the same, he had considerable health problems that weren’t huge if he watched himself. After being in the hospital countless times for not doing so (and after Neil yelled at him some) he finally got that into his head. Charlie’s appliances stayed open and things were going fine somehow, so during the day he stayed there and worked. It didn’t require him to do much and it still brought revenue. Later he’d come to the diner and spend time with everybody, Cliff would let him help sometimes. On top of everything, Uncle Charlie still had his Neighborhood Association. Crime was still part of life in Chicago and he still put in time to make sure people were safe.
Cleo, Julius and Sophia still provided entertainment there. Andrew was no longer needed as a bouncer or to keep people out, so even though it seemed like the last thing we’d imagine him doing, Cleo and Cliff both convinced him to take some culinary classes and work as a cook (and occasionally send away a rude client or somebody who drank too much).
Elliot was away much of the time in Hollywood. Since the Wall Market crashed a few years back, movies were everybody’s distraction. He got deal after deal, but he couldn’t stay away from us for too long, we’d always see him back here, playing poker and still always winning against some patrons (and Vince, who still always lost).
Donovan was in love. Everyone knew that the reason the flatfoot still hanged around us even though the Conway Diner didn’t need protection from the coppers was because he was still completely in love with Cliff’s whiskey. So at night after his work he’d always be there. He missed Elliot most of the time but still found ways to entertain himself.
Even Gerald O’Fallon was still in some ways involved with us. He opened up a ritzy restaurant he named The Broiler after his joint back in the Prohibition days. He still worked a deal with Cliff so Vince would supply his restaurant like before and they were still competitors. Funny to think it’s still the same. He sometimes comes by to dine with us and get into an argument with Vince as usual, which brings us to our Italian friend.
Vince was sometimes still involved with the crime life, Mad Dog Moretti’s reputation followed him until the end of prohibition and after. He helped out bringing supplies, food and doing the same he did with Liquor at the Ice Box. However Vince was still a hot head with a gun who had no other gangsters to fight. Sometimes he still let it get the best of him, he would get in trouble with some criminals, exchange shots and ended up the diner at night when it was empty with some different wound. Because of that Neil was still needed to patch him up.
Doc Dresner. Besides fixing Vince up and taking care of my uncle, well, he still sat at the bar and drank his bourbon at the diner. However, a few things had changed for the doc who sat down at the Ice Box and gave everyone the cold treatment. He still had his sarcasm in his voice and the cynicism in his personality, alright. Everyone still got treated the same, but since 1926 somethings had softened this man.
First he carried a little more of a tired look in his eyes from having to deal with children and a wife (although I like to pretend the latter one isn’t much to deal with). The responsibilities that came with being a father showed through. Me and the kids, we kept him less dark and bleak. Although his personality would always be there, he smiled, that warm smile, more often when we were around. Then sometimes when he was mad at one of us he’d put up the façade he built for everyone else, but that didn’t last long.
I think Neil was also happy now that our oldest, Alton, was old enough he had just started teaching him how to play chess. Charlotte and Lucius (or as everyone called him little Luke) had some years ahead of them. But besides his family life there was something else that improved his mood.
About two years ago, Neil had sent an application to the State Medical Board to reapply for his license, he went to hearings and it was a long process. I didn’t take much part in it but I understood that Charlie and the doctors that took care of him throughout his withdrawal processes downstate testified as witnesses that he had overcome his morphine problem and the court approved.
Neil joined the legal side of things along with the rest of us and was able to practice legally again. Being at a hospital took too much time away from everything so everybody helped out to reform the infirmary he had before into a nice doctor’s office not too far from the appliance store. He helped out the neighborhood like he did before, took care of some emergency situations and sometimes went to people’s houses if they were too incapacitated.
I believe that only leaves me. The Ice Box Flapper. Well, flapper no longer. Not me and not any other girl either. I still liked the red hair as an added charm of mine and my curls didn’t go nowhere but they were more organized like romantic waves and you’d find my hair a little longer these days. I didn’t spent a lot of time at Menken’s anymore but I still loved fashion. Although nothing was as extravagant as what I used to wear, even the calf-long dresses or skirts still had a belt with a glimmering accessory attached to it, or the delicate tilted hats had a bow. I always found my ways.
The question is, what exactly was I doing? The day I normally spent at the house with the kids, Neil would come home and we’d spend some time together and then he’d give me a ride to work and stay there. Where? Well, the Conway diner still needed a chippie with a way of the words as a host, and what better than this former flapper with a way for numbers too? I helped Cliff out with the clientele and worked on the accounting side of the business. Some days Cliff would lend me to Uncle Charlie when he needed help. I’d bring the kids over and Alton and Charlotte would help (or try to).
Even if things did change, it seemed one way or the other we all found our place. There was really a life after prohibition.
I was coming back from the market. It was a little solemn watching people have to count and put back things they could no longer afford, but there was no way to avoid buying food. It was Friday morning, last day of work for this week. Neil and I decided we’d save the weekends for us and the kids. I gave the taxi driver his dime and climbed out of the cab to meet the front of the bungalow we’d bought after we found out I was pregnant with my second child.
It met the sidewalk with a nice little white fence, and once you were past it a clean little garden decorated the front along with one small tree facing the street. Everything contrasted the neighbor’s porch who had given up on the positive and hid behind tall, uncared for, grass. The white stairs led to a small but still nice-sized porch. I had made a point of making it a place to spend summer mornings at. I had placed a wooden bench and on the other side of the blue door there was a table and five metal chairs surrounded it, I always liked to people watch, Neil liked to read more than anyone, so when it was hot outside we’d lose ourselves in our activities and small talk.
I walked inside to meet the living room, mostly in shades of blue. The wall paper also had shades of white and Victorian patterns on it. The sofa and the loveseat surrounded a coffee table and where by the fireplace, which on top resided the house’s radio. Further back by the window there was a dining area with wooden tables and chairs. Only a half wall and an open doorway separated the room from the kitchen. I liked it that way, it eased the conversation. The kitchen was well-lit and mainly white.
A corridor was by the front door. It led to a nice bathroom right in the middle, in which I took longer-than-necessary baths and right after it on the same side two doors led to two bedrooms. One was ours and the other the kids’.
Our bedroom looked like a mixture of Neil’s old room in his apartment and mine in Uncle Charlie’s house. My vanity table and mirror were still where I got ready in the morning, one-third of the closet was Neil’s and the rest was mine, but it was still all fair and square since he occupied most of the drawers. The bed I brought in from Uncle Charlie’s house, but the blankets were a cool shade of green instead of the more feminine colors I had before.
The children’s room we kept light. They had to share so sometimes things got messy, but their beds were separated enough that they didn’t feel suffocated. Luke slept with us half of the nights too, so that helped. They were all a close pack, even if they were very different from one another.
Alton Hasting Dresner had just turned six. Named after Neil’s best friend, he was the spitting image of his father with icy blue eyes and golden slightly curled locks. On top of it, he was (for sure) a daddy’s boy. He imitated Neil in everything. His favorite toy was the doctor’s set, he spent hours asking Neil about chess and moving paws across the board. Sometimes he’d get Neil’s philosophy books and talk about arguments and keep saying the word “rhetoric” and talk about Plato and Aristotle even though he had no idea what he was talking about. Once I caught him drinking orange juice out of one of the whiskey glasses we kept for Neil’s bourbon. He sat right where Neil sits and looked just as pensive as he would. Alton says when he grows up he wants to be a combat medic in the army (Neil is very against it) and then after he wants to be a doctor. If we had told him about the morphine problem Neil had I bet he would want to be a morphine fiend.
Charlotte Granger Dresner was named after my uncle and Charlie came to be her nickname too. That for sure made her his favorite. We both loved Uncle Charlie, so choosing her name was a piece of cake. She sported light brown curls like Shirley Temple and bright hazel eyes. She was a little blabbermouth and her manners reminded me of Edith, it also made her my parent’s favorite. She enjoyed playing Momma and being the perfect pretend wife taking care of the house and dolls just as much as Edith liked doing as a kid.
She was also too preoccupied to make sure she looked good, too much at five if you ask me. I let her play and so did Neil, but she did end up being the biggest target of his sarcastic comments. She’d come into the living room with enough powder on her face to fluff up a sugar cookie into a cake, Neil proceeded to giggle, she’d look at him and say “What are you laughing at?” to which he’d reply with something along the lines of “Didn’t know the circus came to town”, which would promptly get her in a lather and she’d stomp away into her bedroom.
However, she was the one Neil was most protective of, after all she was his little girl. Neil almost passed out when she came out declaring she had a new boyfriend called Rick whom she met at the playground that afternoon. Neil gave a piece of his mind to Little Rickie and his parents the next day and let’s just say they haven’t been there since.
Lucius Edward Dresner was our youngest. Everyone, called him Luke or Little Luke. He was named after Neil’s sister Lucille. She had been bending Neil’s ear as soon as she found out I was pregnant and Neil probably felt he should since she named the now 7-year-old Cornelia after him. He was just one year and seven months old. Luke had hazel eyes like mine and blonde hair like Neil’s. In appearance, Luke was the one who resembled me the most. Even though he could barely walk his personality shined through. He was a shy and quiet kid, didn’t make much of a fuss as a newborn and he only cried out of pain, being scared or if he was really tired.
I have to say I never imagined myself as a mother. Alton was an accident, I had a lot of doubts. Having Neil by my side made things easier, he was responsible and he took care of me, always reassuring me everything was going to be okay. When he was born I had a lot of growing up and adjusting to the situation to do, but I got there. Eventually I found out I loved my little family with Neil. I loved everything about it even if it was hard. Our little chaos in our house added the sense of adventure I enjoyed, so we planned Charlotte. We decided we were done then, until the year before when we tried for Luke. Then we promised ourselves we were done for good.
-Helen?- I asked going into the house. Helen was an older nanny we’d pay to watch the kids at night. That morning I asked if she could watch them as I ran some errands and she came to help out. She was a bigger woman and taking care of kids was a joy for her, so I knew she’d take care of them well.
She came out of the room into the kitchen happier than ever- Mrs. Dresner, you’re quick, you got everything you needed?
-I told you MC is fine, or even Mary, Helen- I mentioned it again, but the woman wasn’t fond of nicknames or being on a first-name basis. She was very traditional. She called me “Mrs. Neil Dresner” for months. I finally convinced her to shorten it, but something told me I wouldn’t be able to do much more than that- But thanks for asking, everything is just fine.
-That’s good Mrs. Dresner, Little Luke is taking his nap- she ignored my first comment with a friendly smile on her face- The kids are playing in their room so if you don’t mind I put him in the crib you have in your room.
I let her know I didn’t mind one bit and she said she’d come back later at night and watch them. I thanked her and she was on her way. I still wasn’t much of a cook but being a mother required me to be at least a little better than what I was before. I fixed up lunch for the three of them. I usually ate later with Neil when he got home.
I could hear Alton’s loud laughs and Charlie’s mad little screams and it was sure a good time to break them up- Hey, you guys, lunch is ready!- I poked my head out the corridor to call for them- Now!- I said when they took long, Alton came running and Charlotte came out still mad by whatever her brother did, but soon enough they were both sitting at the table
-Where did you go Momma, you didn’t go to Robbie’s did you?-Alton looked up while he ate. A fella named Robert had this toy store and it was betrayal for Alton if we went in there without him
-Wouldn’t want you to take any more money from me by going there- I joked around with him
-Yeah, Alton- Charlie said staring him down- She doesn’t want to spend all of her money on your silly toys!
-Hey missy, you spend all of my money too using all of my makeup- I pointed at her, but that didn’t stop the both of them from going at each other like Vince and Donovan
-Alright, stop it you too. Eat now- I put the rest of the groceries away- If you don’t behave there’s no ice cream after- I said and they both started making good progress with their lunch. I stepped out taking my apron off once I heard Little Luke’s noises from the bedroom. I came back, lectured Alton about eating too fast and sat at the table helping the youngest one eat his baby food while the others finished up
They were well into their ice cream when Luke pointed and kept saying “Ishe crean”, and those big pleading eyes of his convinced me to give him a little bit of it.
Neil chose that moment to walk into the door, taking his shoes out and sighing like he had the most stressful day at work and was happy to be home. Alton abandoned his ice cream to go running to the door yelling “daddy!” all excited. Neil smiled to him and lowered himself to pick him up and walk him back to the dining table
-Have you been behaving while I was gone? - He asked putting him to sit down to eat ice cream again
-Of course I have!- He lowered his voice to seem manly and then went back to eating
Charlie didn’t stop eating and with her spoon in her mouth she opened her arms to Neil who hugged her and kissed her forehead- Hi daddy!- She greeted him, while Luke who had made a mess out his ice cream on his hands and mouth kept pointing at him saying “Dada”.
Neil asked how she was doing to which she replied “Great, because she had tea with her kids and her teddy bear and it was the classiest tea ever”, and Neil pretended it was the most interesting thing in the world
-Dada!- Luke said it louder this time since in the other three times he didn’t get the attention he wanted
-Seems like someone’s needy- I said looking at him on my lap while he anxiously waited for his Poppa to come.
-What has your mother been doing to you?- He lowered himself in front of us and before I could give him a snappy comeback he started cleaning his mouth and fingers with a paper towel. His attention to it and his calm hands over him showed his doctor steadiness. It put me in a trance when he acted so carefully, and I smiled to myself thinking of how something so small as cleaning his little flingers made me think of how much I was in love with Neil Dresner. Being there with him, watching the family we created together, gave me this warm fuzzy feeling in my belly. Happiness. I had settled down and this was my life and I didn’t mind one bit.
After, Neil picked Luke up giving him the attention he wanted. I got up collecting the ice cream bowls and washing them while Neil sat down where I was and caught up with the kids who fought for his attention talking about their day. He glanced at me in the kitchen, giving me a small smile, the one letting me know he was coming to greet me in a second. I watched their exchange from the sink for a little bit. Then, Neil gave Luke for Alton to hold and walked in my direction
I giggled lowly when he held my face giving me a long kiss, a kiss I was longing for since he walked out the door that morning
He looked at me, face still close to mine, hands still resting on my face-I love you-He whispered, like it was a precious secret between the both of us
-I love you, Neil- I answered in the same tone, leaning towards him for another kiss- How was your day?
-Oh, you know, desperate people thinking they’re going to get pneumonia and tuberculosis and scared they won’t have the money to pay for it because their husbands got laid off.
-What do you tell them?-I hugged him around his waist, looking up
Neil responded with one arm hugging me around my waist-That if they’re worried about their money they shouldn’t be coming to the doctor’s perfectly healthy
-Not very sweet with the words are you?
-When have you ever known me to be sweet with words?-He looked down giving me that sarcastic glance
-Hmm… You can give me a toothache sometimes- I smiled kissing him once more
-Not if you’re giving me a headache-He snapped back and let me go- I haven’t achieved my perfect bourbon levels to handle the rest of the day yet- He said walking over to his bourbon cabinet pouring him a drink- Want one? - I replied not right this second and he poured it in his cup two more times before putting the drink away
-Hey daddy-Charlotte looked at him from the couch while playing with her dolls- Can you and mommy tell me that story again?
-Your mother is better at talking than I am- He pointed at me, still with the bourbon glass in his hand
I walked over sitting by her- Which story this time?
-How you and daddy met- She said while Neil sat by her other side, interlacing my fingers in his, holding my hand firmly
-No, Charlie!- Alton complained- We hear that one all the time. Poppa worked with Uncle Charlie- “Great uncle Charlie” was too long for everyone- And then Momma came to Chicago and to live with Uncle Charlie and that’s how they met!
-Oh and how mommy was working at Uncle Charlie’s store so hard she fainted and daddy had to take care of her- she sighed- So romantic!
Me and Neil just giggled between ourselves at their silliness.
-Stop it, Charlie!- Alton declared- We already heard that one SO MANY TIMES- He put a huge emphasis on that phrase- I want to hear a different story
-Alright Alton-I said- What story do you want to hear?
-How did you and Poppa get married?- He looked up from the ground where he was sitting
-Oh yea!- Charlie seemed just as excited- Did he kneel in front of you? Did he say that you were the love of his life? Did you wear a beaaautiful gown? Did you guys go to a really romantic honeymoon in Paris?
-If you keep asking we can’t answer- Neil said, making she just look at us excitedly waiting to hear what we had to say. Neil then looked at me since he declared I was the best storyteller
-We decided to get married over a chess game. I told Neil that if I won we had to get married
-And then what happened?- Alton asked, this time sitting on the couch himself
-Well, I won!
More than a few times I’ve heard from Poppa that my actions were comparable to a gal who’s on a fast track to hell. I must think he convinced himself that was the path I was on, which is why he sent me to Chicago to live with uncle Charlie, whom he thought was even a stricter blue nose than he is. By my father’s standard I was going to hell, alright. Until half a year ago I would have cared. Besides my escapades to have fun in the middle of nowhere in Ohio, I would’ve still cared some. I didn’t want to be a complete disappointment.
Funny thing is my attention changed. I no longer sought the approval of Poppa, but of the father figure that had come into my life since I’ve been here: Uncle Charlie. He didn’t judge me for being who I was and he welcomed me into his little Ice Box family which I soon figured out was where I belonged.
Uncle Charlie was back home for good and he was very pleased when Neil asked for my hand in marriage to him. It was a little too traditional for me but he insisted in talking to Charlie and getting his blessing. Uncle Charlie was indeed pleased. For the sake of keeping up with the traditional standards for the older people we said Neil was the one who popped the question.
Then, Uncle Charlie gave us a two-week vacation from the Ice Box. After Vera Peters was no longer a threat, things had been a little more pacific at the speakeasy. The occasion was that since we had made it official we couldn’t delay any longer meeting each other’s families. We had to go to Columbus and to Boston.
I didn’t know if I was ready to see my folks yet, but Neil seemed more prepared than I did. He had gotten invited for Lucille’s baby shower for his niece Cornelia and with a little push from me he had decided to become close to her again. Neil was ready to go back to Boston. He then finished up his letter to his sister. I didn’t read it but I know it mentioned some apology to never answering her letters, catching up with what’s going in his life, letting her know that he was soon to be married to little old me and that I would be coming along with him to attend her baby shower.
I also sent a letter to Momma mentioning our visit but it was shorter and to the point.
The next day, Neil picked me up from Uncle Charlie’s house. Charlie gave me a letter for Poppa and to let him know he was expecting him in Chicago. I made sure to tell him I’d let them know.
We made our way to La Salle Station and soon enough we were in a fast-moving train, I was going back the same way I’d come and the anticipation of showing a new self that my parents expected made my heart pulse a little faster. Neil must have noticed my agitation because he held my hand tight
-Everything will be okay, MC- He smiled at me- I’ll be there the whole time.
Little Curiosity notes: MC and Neil will be visiting first Columbus then Boston in the next two chapters. Both their families will show up. There’ll be a little drama in Columbus but Boston will be very eventful, lots of drama! After that the two will go back to Chicago where the main setting will be the Ice Box and follow the original story of Gangster and Prohibition drama + The growth in Neil and MC’s relationship until the wedding.
Author’s note: My chapters do run a little long! Let me know if you guys want it shorter, but normally they’ll be about this length! This chapter focused more on the future but from now on we’ll be focusing our story on 1926 on and what happened directly after Neil Season 2. I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter! Thank you!
-Candy, My Dear Diary
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wordynerdygurl · 5 years
Costumes & Kittens
Summary: You convince Loki to dress up for a Halloween party and then enjoy a private after party.
Loki x Reader
Warning: SMUT, Funny, Loving Loki
"Are you really going to put on a costume?" Sarcasm dripped from every syllable Loki uttered over the idea.
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"Heck yes! And you are too! Right?... Right?" But the look on Loki's handsome face explained exactly what he thought of the idea. Begging him you continued, "Oh, come on! It's so fun!! You get to be someone... or something else for a night."
Waiting for the walk signals to change, Loki looked up and down the street but not at you while saying, "I understand the custom. The appeal of it... but isn't this just child's play? Nonsense?"
You shrugged. "So what if it is? What's so wrong with letting your inner child out to play?"
"My inner child is a miniature frost giant with daddy issues and a desire to conquer... I don't think that's a costume one buys at Target, dearest."
You laughed, he wasn't wrong, really. "No, I guess not... but maybe you're looking at this all wrong. Maybe the question is, 'If Loki Odinson could be anything, what would he be?' Ya know what I mean?"
Shrugging Loki replied, "Anything? I'd be King of Asgard. Or the Universe."
"Be serious for a minute?" It's a tiny bit exasperating trying to explain these kind of things to Loki.
"Serious about a children's fancy dress party?" His eyebrows lifted archly.
"No. Serious about the question. What does Loki want to be when he grows up?" Punching his strong arm playfully, you drive the point home by batting your long lashes at The God of Mischief. He pulls you into a one armed embrace and kisses you sweetly.
"You know I'm over a thousand years old, right? I'm technically over grown at this point." Loki reminds you as he pulls open the door to your favorite restaurant.
"Funny, you don't look a day over 800." Loki nods, chuckling at your quick wittedness. You lean against him, waiting for the hostess to acknowledge your famished existence.
"So, you're going to dress as what, exactly?" Curiosity had Loki caught in its web. Reaching up on tiptoes you kiss his cheek and reply, "That, my dear, is a surprise, unless you want to do a couples costume? Like Doc and Marty... or Westley and Buttercup?" Loki scrunched his nose up.
"Ok. Too soon... so, what about you? Any ideas of what you'd like to be?" The pair of you are flirting like a teenagers as the restaurant hostess finally smiled at you. Leaning into your neck Loki nips your ear gently then husks, "The man who makes your quim quiver."
"How many?" The hostess, slightly put out by your public display, is looking at you with impatient eyes. Your mouth has gone dry with lust so Loki answers, "Just two, dear."
"This party is amazing!" You shout to Wanda over the pulsing music. She looked so cute as a rainbow unicorn, her golden horn bobbing in time with the 'Monster Mash'.
"You look so good! Oh my goodness, how funny!" Doubling over, Wanda was in tears at your costume, and you had to admit it was pretty hilarious. "Nat! Come here!"
"Noooo! This is great!! Loki's gonna lose it!" Natasha clutched her flapper's boa closer as she giggled.
"Thank you guys! I worked really hard on it!" You were incredibly proud of your look tonight. Black boots laced over your calves to your knees. The armour you'd pieced together from leather scraps and duct tape hugged your torso in green and gold flaring into a matching skirt. The best part was the flowing emerald cape that had started life as a satin sheet but now followed behind you like a green shadow.
Recreating Loki's horned crown had taken weeks of meticulous papier mache, sand paper and gold spray paint but damn, you felt like Asgardian royalty. Did Loki have this sense of power all the time? You shivered a little at the thrill of it.
Knocking back a long swig of your beer, laughing at Sam and Bucky dressed in those tuxedos from Dumb and Dumber, you realized this party was in full swing. Maybe that's why you were taken by surprise when a low, familiar voice crooned in your ear, "My queen."
Spinning on your heeled boots, you found Loki at your side, hands behind his back, smirk firmly in place. His eyes swept over you, taking in the details of your costume with a raised eyebrow, causing blue flames of excitement to curl low in your belly. You felt a creeping blush rise over you and channelling your inner God of Mischief you defiantly raised your chin Loki's direction.
"Yes... kitten?" Now, Loki called you kitten almost everyday, and it never failed to make you purr. Tonight, you used the endearment because the Trickster was dressed in a jet black three piece suit, black shirt and tie, with two tiny ebony cat ears on his head. His cheshire grin didn't hurt his ensemble at all.
"You look... well, almost as good as I do in that suit." His tone is light but you read a touch of approval in the mix. With a hand over his heart, Loki adds, "I'm honored that you went to all this trouble, little one."
Feeling emboldened by the role you're dressed for, you look down your nose at Loki, just like you'd seen him do countless times before. "Trouble? Not at all. This was something I had lying around. I thought these mortals would appreciate seeing a goddess in all her splendor."
Laughing, Loki replies, "Well you are certainly fearsome, my lady. And may I say, you have excellent taste."
You laugh too, "You may! Come on, let's get you a drink!" Grabbing Loki's hand in yours you pull him towards the bar. The crowd thins a bit as you get further from the music so it's easier to chat. Once you each have a cold beer, you perch on the countertop while Loki leans against the kitchen counter, again looking you over.
"I would be a beautiful woman." He stated wistfully. You snort, almost spitting up your suds. "I don't know about that, but you're a pretty sexy cat, Loki." You reached out and flicked one of the furry ears.
After a sip from his bottle Loki counters, "Of course I am." Curling his free hand into a claw, he does his best feline impression, "Meow!"
With a wide smile you casually say, "You dressed up. I wasn't sure you would."
"You said I could be anyone or anything." Loki's lip lifted into a knowing half smile. Nodding, you concede, "I did." Clinking the necks of your beer bottles together you flash Loki a slow smile. You draw your bottom lip between your teeth as you look at your black kitty cat, practically purring yourself. Loki watched your mouth move, his own lips parting slightly, as he leaned towards you.
You closed your eyes in anticipation of Loki's lip lock when you heard, "Reindeer Games! That is not an acceptable costume!! You can't just wear your battle gear..."
Tony stopped short when he saw your head snap around, golden horned crown bobbing slightly with your movement. Loki peeked at the intruder over your gossamer green shoulder. "Oh. My mistake. Great outfits. Party on." And with that Iron Man, dressed in a perfect replica of Elton John's glitter baseball uniform, swiped a bottle of vodka, and swaggered towards the noise.
"Wanna dance?" You're hopeful that he'll say yes because Loki is great on the dance floor, and he knows it. Grabbing you each a fresh beer, Loki nods, "Yes, my liege." And you laugh again at his deference to your implied title. "Then let's go!" Impatiently you stride back to the waiting crowd of friends singing and partying the night away.
The night passes in a blur of dancing, drinks and laughter. Everyone gets a kick out of you as Loki. You play up the role, ordering people to kneel like he would usually do, cracking sarcastic comments and snide remarks with regularity. You're overconfident and you're high on the bossy bitch this get up brings out in you.
"Kitten, grab me another, will you?" Rubbing under his chin like you'd do to a real little black kitty cat, you stroke one of Loki's velvet ears sweetly before brushing a kiss over his lips. He moans softly at your gentle petting and murmurs, "I think this kitten is ready to call it a night, darling."
You catch his eye and see what he's really saying. It's bedtime, not lights out, something that causes a blush to rise over you. Swaying away from Loki you tease, "You got it, cool cat."
Goodbyes take forever because all of you are well over the tipsy line. Wanda squeezes you for five minutes, unwilling to part from you, trying to tell you a story that she swears is hilarious but you just can't seem to follow. Tony tries to steal your crown but you wrestle it away just in time, blocking Steve from snatching it back again. You wave at Natasha but she's got Bucky pinned under her on the sofa, his orange top hat perched on her head and his hands on her ass.
Loki was waiting for you at the elevator, doors open. "How did you leave everybody?"
"Natasha and Bucky are totally hooking up tonight!" It spilled out of you with a drunken laugh as you stepped inside the mirrored moving cube. Pushing the down button with a skeptical smile Loki asked, "Really? Any other odd couples come out your costume convention?"
Suddenly serious, you step into Loki's space saying, "I'm going home with a black cat. That's fairly odd, since, ya know... I'm allergic to cats."
"I promise you, this tom cat is hypoallergenic. No mangy fur... no troublesome litter box." Boxing Loki against the reflective wall, your eyes lock on his ice blue ones, "And is he well behaved? I don't want a naughty kitty in my bed."
Swallowing thickly, Loki husked, "Maybe just a little." You pushed your body into his, collapsing the space between you, kissing along his throat. Loki lifted his chin with a hungry moan as you nipped his Adam's apple, leaving your mark on his pale skin. Grazing your lips over his strong jaw you make sure to pay extra attention to that sensitive spot just under his ear, where tendon and muscle meet.
"Good kitty." Your whispered praise makes Loki blush faintly, his trousers tighter now, as his body responds to your devious teasing. Pushing away from him when the elevator dings, you clasp his hand and drag an excited Loki into the night air.
With your heavy boots and swirling cape it seems like your stride has widened. There's a power in you that dressing like The Trickster has released and it made you feel other wordly. If you were behaving like your god, cocksure and dominate, then Loki was a mewling furball right now, content to be led wherever you went. You lace your hand to Loki's and start steering you both through the neighborhood, back to your home.
It takes a little bit longer than normal as the streets are full of Halloween party people enjoying the chance to be different for a night. You have your keys ready so it takes no time to slip it into your lock. As you bend over, ready to turn the knob, you feel Loki at your back. His strong hands roam over your hips tugging you into his hard, honed body.
"Uh uh little kitten. It's not time to play just yet." You admonish him while forcing him to release you. "Darling!" It was a whine. You'd never heard Loki beg before and the sound of it made your core clench, unchecked excitement coursing through you. Stepping inside, finally, you didn't pause for a drink or a trip to the ladies room. No, you stomped right into your bedroom, Loki in tow.
There's a moment right before snowflakes start their fall when all the world waits in quiet silence for the flurry to begin. A beat, maybe two, where the balance of nature breathes before being tipped one way or another.
This night, when you faced Loki across your soft carpeted floor, dressed in a replica of his armor, you felt that peaceful pause. Loki stood beside your closed door, eyes snapping with unreleased heat, looking sweet as homemade sin, in that black double breasted suit with pointed pussy cat ears and a hungry grin.
To him you looked like a vision come to life. Where Loki was long and angled hidden in that leather and steel, you were curvy and soft. The corseted costume accentuating your bust, those tall boots lengthening your legs, even the helmet looked sexy and dangerous framing your sweet face.
"Loki..." Reaching out a hand to him, you felt the world tip into frenzy as the flurry started.
It took him two steps to reach you. One hand wrapped around your waist, tucking you into Loki's side, the other curled around your neck, supporting it, as your mouths met. Feasting on your lips like a starving man, Loki deepened the kiss when he buried his hand in your hair and pulled your head back firmly. You felt his other hand brush over your ass cheek before Loki squeezed down hard.
Moaning, "Loki... Loki..." you were being driven out of your mind by his talented tongue. His hand followed the hem of your skirt and you moaned when you felt Loki's fingers slide under the elastic leg of your panties.
Placing a flat palm against Loki's chest, you push away from his embrace. He lunges for you once more but you wiggle free of his grasp, cheeks enflamed and breathing hard. You stop to straighten your helmet before asking, "Little kitten... your goddess has a question for you. Why is no one licking my thighs?"
Loki growls, sounding like an actual rabid animal, as he stalks over to where you're standing by the bed. He shoves you down to the mattress, following you into the soft surface, and kisses you deeply again.
"Be gentle, little kitten..." You teasingly remind the dark prince who is laying between your parted knees. Looking down at you like a cornered mouse, your black cat promises, "You're going to find out that kitties have claws, lovey."
Without pausing, Loki's palms push roughly over your long leather boots. You sigh when his rough skin connects with the smooth satin of your inner thighs. He follows the path blazed by his hands with his moving mouth. A lick, teeth tasting, thumbs kneading, trailing closer to your apex, warm and wet and waiting. Loki switches sides, searing his route to your molten core into your memory.
Reaching for him, you run your hands through his long dark locks, fingers connecting with those little furry triangle ears. You groan when Loki yanks down your underpants, pulling them free over your footwear. Echoing your need, Loki chuckles, "Look at this... my queen, wet and writhing before me. Being me for a night did this?"
Eager to get Loki back to business you counter, "Yes... it feels... amazing."
Rich laughter bounces around your bedroom as Loki says, "It certainly does! Listen, I really like this suit, so give me a moment, won't you darling?"
Sitting up on your elbows, cape bunched beneath you, legs open obscenely you stare at Loki, already loosening his tie. "Um... your queen is NOT ok with taking a break. Get over here and finish what you started!"
One arm free from his dark coat, Loki freezes. "To do that I need to be unencumbered by these clothes, my lady."
Huffy now, you grumble something about rotten timing and shimmy your skirt off without leaving the bed. Loki's shirt buttons are abandoned as he watches you, naked below the waist, corset and cape still shrouding you, helmet on but askew. It's ridiculous and righteously sexy.
"I'm just gonna do it myself. Don't worry Loki, I've got it." You move your hand down your soft tummy, closer to your throbbing clit, anticipating the firmness of your arousal.
"Wait! That's not fair!" He has one leg out of his trousers, hopping around, trying to get them off so he can get back to getting you off.
"Fair schmair, kitty cat." Your fingers spread your lower lips, sweetly dipping into your wetness, the friction making you shiver. Loki, naked except for those ears, locked a tight hand over your wrist. "Allow me."
You try to shrug him off but Loki is able to bring your hand to his lips. Slowly he draws those tasty fingers into his warm mouth savoring your flavor. Blue eyes piercing yours, Loki drops your hand, saying "Now... my troublesome little dictator, this kitty thinks you need a tongue bath."
It's your turn to growl. Loki's strong hands fan over your hips, sliding seductively over your legs. You gasped when he jerked your booted knees over his broad shoulders bringing your liquid center closer to his hungry mouth. Exhaling a hot breathe against your aching cunt, Loki chuckled lowly as you thrust forward, searching for his touch.
Your sigh of frustration turned into a squeal of pleasure when Loki licked firmly through your drenched skin. Flicking his tongue over your clit with tiny licks, like a cat lapping at milk, Loki had you near to climax in minutes. His cat ears tickled the rarely touched place where your pelvis meets your thigh, sending shivers through you. With a rough bite to your straining nub, he pulled away. "Loki! Keep going!", you practically shouted.
But you needn't have bothered. Slowly circling your fleshy pearl, Loki drew it between his soft lips, sucking lightly. You bucked against this delicious torment but Loki's grip on you tightened. His thumbs opened your dripping slit, giving him full access to plunder your depths with his articulate fingers.
Rocking your hips against Loki's hand, his mouth still taking nips and nibbles of you, your orgasm gains power. Your breathing catches, happy hums streaming out of you, as your inner walls tighten around Loki's driving digits. "Loki...... I'm going to cum..." It's a warning and a promise.
"Oh, sweetling, let go. Let me feel the power of your pleasure!" When Loki pressed down on your clit while curling his fingers against your velvet walls you lost your battle with control. First your muscles locked together in glorious, bone cracking tension, then you fell apart like a puppet with cut strings.
Loki stroked your silken skin through your climax, easing your body back to earth. Instead of stealing your energy, your release made you want more. Rolling up onto your knees you reach for your little kitten, tangling a hand in his ebony locks, before forcing your lips together.
You rush your hands down Loki's strong core, over the corded muscles of his abdomen, stopping at the heavy length of his cock. Through gritted teeth Loki sighs, "Careful darling."
"Would you be careful, my kitty cat? I don't think so." Sliding your soft palm along his steel length, you add a touch of pressure, and rub your thumb across his glistening head. Stroking Loki, you kiss him again, your tongue working against his mouth to the same rhythm as your hand.
Loki breaks your grip with a strained groan. "Inside you. I have to be inside you.", he whispers as he drops his forehead to yours, staring into your eyes.
Tenderly you sigh, "Fuck, Loki. That's hot."
Smiling broadly, he nods, "I know, Right?"
Before you can respond, Loki's laid himself on your bed, back resting upon the headboard, his erection proud and ready. "Come here!" Patting his lap, excitement evident, he's in a rush for you to join him.
Pausing to unzip the restricting corset you've been in all night, you let it and the satin cape slide off your shoulders but you keep the boots on. Loki's eyes drink in your gorgeous body, his bottom lip held in anticipation. You reach up to remove the paper helmet hugging your brow only to stop when Loki hummed, "Keep it on."
Giggling softly you nod. There's something carnal about your near nudity which makes you feel emboldened. It's that same power you had in Loki's costume, the feeling of infinite possibilities, all uniting for you. The thrill of it makes you slick with need for the wicked man you're straddling between your thighs.
Your pelvis streched over Loki's, his straining cock pressed between your bodies, those large hands of his molded to you hips. Stroking his length once more, you raised up on your knees and guided him into your tunnel. Loki pushed down on your curves, driving himself inside of you with glorious purpose in one stroke.
Stuttering out a curse word, your head fell back, exposing your neck to Loki and his ravishing lips. With his strong arms pulling you tighter, you rolled your being onto his, taking more and more of Loki's body each time.
When his lips found your breast you groaned. Out of instinct you gripped Loki's head and pulled him closer. His hands drifted down your spine, over your ass cheeks, and hugged you tighter than you thought possible. Your nipples were covered in wet kisses, faint impressions of Loki's teeth were red on your skin, and still you wanted more from him.
Grinding together, your sensitive bud rubbing so deliciously against Loki, your body nears the peak of its passion. His grip on you drags you down, harder and harder, spearing your spiral of desire. Your tender walls shudder around the hard heat of his member. "You're going to cum, little one. I can feel it. Please, please cum for me."
The humid breath of his broken whisper in your ear sends your body into bliss. Shuddering around Loki's bones, you hear him grunt and hold your hips wide over his own as he spills his sexual release into your receptive skin. Gripping him hard enough to bruise, you're locked together, sharing a single body... a single breath.
It takes you both a long while before your breathing returns to normal. Never taking his precious blue eyes off of yours, Loki brushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "I hope my queen is satisfied..." he teases.
"Hmmmmm... yes... yes she is... and my scary black cat?", you ask as you flick one of the flocked ears, now slightly askance. "Oh, he'd purr in pleasure... if that were possible."
Loki stirs inside of you making you jump. "Wait... please. Just a little longer, Loki." You're not ready to let go of his body, his spirit, his heart, just yet. Wrapping your arms across his shoulders, you rest your chin in the crook of Loki's neck and idly play with a lock of his hair.
"Loki?" You murmur, drowsy and still a teeny bit tipsy.
"Yes, darling?" He turns his bright eyes to yours.
"Next year we're going as Westley and Buttercup, from The Princess Bride..." You yawn and slide off Loki's lap, wrapping the comforter around you both.
With a gentle smile, Loki answers, "As you wish, little one."
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jockvillagersonly · 4 years
ATLA x Animal Crossing
I feel a lot like Dom on the first slide after making this and that’s ok 
+ (very long) image descriptions under the
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Thanks for coming to my TED talk, folks. Let’s dive right in with fan favorite, protagonist, and ~small chaos baby~ AANG:
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Sadly, we can’t all be lazy villagers. The economy would fall apart. Thank God for lesbians:
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It’s that time in the presentation where Katara absolutely destroys any bar we ever held for (1) minimum fucks given and (2) water-bending skill. 
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Sokka, Suki, and Zuko coming soon! :)
Image 1: A slideshow title screen. Next to the title is a picture of Dom, a white and pink fuzzy sheep from Animal Crossing who is wearing a tie dye shirt and looks particularly confused. He is to the right of the title “ATLA Characters as Animal Crossing Villagers” and the subtitle, “An evidence based presentation by me.” The red TED talk logo is in the lower right corner
Image 2: In the top middle of the slide in curly font are the words, “Aang is...Lazy Villager Cranston.” Underneath this, Aang is pictured, smiling and wearing a pink flower crown. Around his face in purple are 3 descriptions: “Literally 12,” “My sweet summer child,” and “Full of infectious joy (and rage).” Next to Aang is an equal sign and a picture of Cranston, a tall, white ostrich Animal Crossing villager wearing a blue shirt with delicate pink flower details. Cranston is labeled as, “2 relaxed,” “Always humming,” and “Too precious for this world; deserves everything good.” Both Aang and Cranston are framed by yellow sparkles.  
Image 3: The next slide is titled Further Evidence and features 3 sections. In the upper left, inside a red box, are two images. The images are labeled, “Always looking for the best in people” with red heart and pink hibiscus flower emojis. One features Aang, crouched in the forest, saying: “If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends, too?” The other image is of Cranston speaking to another villager and saying, “Avery, you’re so tough! Avery, you’re so wise! Avery, your voice is so manly!” Underneath the red box is an image of Aang doing his air marble trick while Sokka and Katara are tied up behind him. The image is labeled, “No real evidence, but doing an air marble trick while your friends are in mortal peril is textbook lazy villager.” Finally, on the far right, there is a purple box titled, “True zest for life!!” Inside the purple section are two pictures. One has Aang riding his glider with a huge smile on his face. The other features Cranston talking to a player character and saying: “I wanna make a new bug friend today! I’m gonna catch one and say, ‘you wanna eat some snacks?’” Underneath Cranston is a black arrow and a comment from the slide author: “Also, I’m pretty sure Aang said this exact line in Book 1. No I will not prove it.”
Image 4: In the top middle of the slide in a handwritten looking font are the words, “Toph is...Cranky Villager Cyrano.” Underneath this, Toph is pictured, holding the Earth Rumble belt aloft. She is labeled as “sass master” and “will kick anybody’s ass for free.” Next to Toph is an equal sign and a picture of Cyrano. Cyrano is a rotund, dark blue anteater Animal Crossing villager with an orange face and his hands on his hips. He has pronounced and angry looking eyebrows. He is wearing a shirt with the colors of the bi flag (blue / purple / pink). He is labeled as, “Takes no shit,” and “Queer solidarity.” Both Toph and Cyrano are framed by yellow sparkles.  
Image 5: This slide is titled, “Further evidence.” On the far left is a purple section titled, “Point 1: Show their affection through violence.” There is an image of Zuko immediately after being punched by Toph during the Ember Island Players intermission; he asks “What was that for?” and she replies, “It’s how I show affection.” There is also a picture of Cyrano talking to the player character and saying, “Just trying things on can be a lot of fun! Yeah, I like to play dress up sometimes! Wanna fight about it?” We can easily see the parallels. To the right of this is a red section with the title, “Point 2: Confident in themselves and their abilities; will not take constructive criticism. The red section has a picture of Toph on top of a rock yelling, “I am the greatest earth bender in the world!” and a picture of Cyrano telling the player character, “Yeah, I KNOW it doesn’t seem like something I’d do. Don’t give me that look! I’ve got hobbies!” Finally, above the purple section, are two photos of Sokka and Toph hanging out together (in one, they are eating kebabs. In the other, Toph punches Sokka in the arm) and one photo of Cyrano fishing next to a relaxed looking pink cow with a huge closed mouth smile. The pictures are labeled, “TFW you’re a cranky idiot with a dumbass best friend” 
Image 6: In the top middle are the words, “Katara is...Big Sister Villager Pashmina.” Underneath this, Katara is pictured, looking confidently into the distance and clearly in the midst of water-bending a large wave behind her. She is labeled as “mom friend energy,” “she’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the face,” and “certified badass, an absolute legend” Next to Katara is an equal sign and a picture of Pashmina. Pashmina is a svelte, light brown deer Animal Crossing villager. She has impressive winged eyeliner, a take-no-prisoners stare, and an almost punk-esque black vest with a lace up front and white fur trim. She is labeled as, “Better than you,” “absolutely no fucks to give,” and “takes awhile to warm up to you, but once she does is FIERCELY loyal.” Both Katara and Pashmina are framed by yellow sparkles.  
Image 7: This slide is titled, “Further Evidence.” In the upper lefthand corner is a red section. In the red section is an image of Katara yelling, “No way am I apologizing to a sour old man like you!!” at Pakku and cracking the ice behind her. There is also a small image of Pashima frowning with her hands on her hips. The box says, “Extremely...stubborn? Blunt?” There are green checkmarks next to both stubborn and blunt, as though to say both Katara and Pashmina have those traits. Underneath the red section is an image of a player character talking to Pashmina, who has Katara’s face photoshopped on top. Pashmina says, “Yeah, what’s up bitch!?” Finally, the right half of the slide is taken up by a purple section with the title, “Absolute queens of giving no fucks.” This section has 3 images and 2 crown emojis. One image features Zuko challenging Katara at the North Pole. He says, “Here for a rematch?” and Katara replies, “Trust me, it’s not going to be much of a rematch,” before absolutely destroying him in a huge wave of water and ice. Next to this is a picture of Pashmina in pink floral shades and a yellow flapper dress, with a music note over her head like she is straight vibing. The final image in the purple section has a player character talking to Pashmina, who says, “More importantly, was I serious when I said I’d wanna live here? Actually, nah, I don’t think this place is for me.” We stan a blunt legend. ]
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clair-audients · 5 years
Heyyy I am looking for a new anime to watch, I am a huge fan of Fullmetal Alchemist and I'd like something similar... Preference for strong female characters and LGBTQ characters Any recommendation?? Thanks 😊
stuff that i’d personally recommend in boldlgbtq movies/ova: liz and the blue bird (yuri), when marnie was there (sorta queer), doukyuusei, tokyo godfathers
movies/ova with strong (or great) female characters: ghost in the shell 1995, princess mononoke, nausicaa, only yesterday, secret world of arrietty, FLCL, gunbuster/diebuster, queen emeraldas, patlabor the movie, galaxy express 999 movies (the only good one is the first movie, but helmazaria in the third movie is such a great character), in this corner of the world, the tale of princess kaguya, mary and the witch’s flower, maquia, the dragon dentist
lgbtq shows: .hack//sign (sorta yuri), CARDCAPTOR SAKURA, paradise kiss, revolutionary girl utena/adolesence of utena (watch both), stop hibari-kun, kuragehime, hibike euphonium, flip flappers, yuri on ice, SSSS.Gridman, sarazanmai, revue starlight, banana fish, houseki no kuni (the characters have no gender despite the very moe voice acting, would probably recommend with more androgynous voices)shows with strong female characters: turn A gundam, rose of versailles, patlabor, magic knight rayearth, ghost in the shell stand alone complex, kino no tabi (the 2003 one not the newest one god damn), madoka magica, fate/zero, psycho-pass, shinsekai yori, kill la kill, yakusoku no neverland, shingeki no kyojin (if you want to count mikasa as a strong woman), panty & stocking with garterbelt
other stuff that might not be exactly what you’re looking for but falls somewhere in between: NANA, hakumei and mikochi, yuru camp, akage no anne, figure 17, heidi girl of the alps, a place further than the universe, shoujo shuumatsu ryokou, niea_7
there’s also a lot of obvious stuff that would fit in here that i haven’t seen like hourou musuko and sailor moon, maybe someone else can chip in i’ll end this by stating that i’m a straight cis dude and haven’t seen too many anime with good lgbtq representation so i might not be the best person to ask
honestly i can’t think of any anime that is like FMA with strong female characters AND lgbtq characters since, well, strong female characters and good lgbtq representation don’t tend to jive with the MO for most shounen manga and their adaptations (despite, ironically enough, FMA being written by a woman). having something that checks off all those three of those boxes is sadly a lot to ask from an anime just from my experience. my best guess would be like boku no hero academia or hunter x hunter. though from my understanding boku no hero academia has a bad portrayal of a trans character so.
if you’re into manga i’d check out witch hat atelier. it’s fairly basic bordering on cliche in terms of its story so far but it has a lot of great characters in it, mostly female. also SHIMANAMI TASOGARE is an incredible manga that covers pretty much every part of the lgbtq spectrum whose author identifies as “x-gender” and asexual. there’s also claudine by riyoko ikeda featuring the titular trans character but i honestly hated that one.
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boneandfur · 5 years
The Roses of Elysium[1][Marc Antony x MC]
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Summary: if you love someone, they'll come back. It's 1926 Chicago when Marc Antony meets a mysterious yet familiar singer named Tia. Can Antony and Tia find happiness in the world of speakeasies and sin? Or will Tony be forever haunted by dreams of Elysium? // Notes: this was written with the wonderful @a-whore-of-rome who kindly let me co-write this piece with her. Crossover with Speakeasy Tonight (Lovestruck). // Rating: Mature. Later chapters may be rated 18+ and will be tagged as such. // Words: 5760 // Please leave a comment to be added to my permanent tag list. apologies if you’ve been double tagged for this by both of us.
Chapter One
1926 ~ Chicago, IL
“The answers quick and keen, the honest look, the laughter, the love,— They are gone.  They are gone to feed the roses.  Elegant and curled Is the blossom.  Fragrant is the blossom.  I know. But I do not approve. More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world.” ~ Edna St. Vincent Millay.
He had lived many years without her, her memory fading at times, enough that he could live with and love other women, and yet… Now, at the end of it all, she was all he could think of. Not his newly dead lover, the mother of his youngest children, not any of the other women he had loved in the intervening years, but her. The Princess of Gaul. “I’m waiting for you…” ... "My love,” he whispered, the noise and the confusion fading and the vision becoming clearer this time when he reached for her, he felt something solid. The pain disappeared, along with everything else. Everything except her... ••• Marcus Antony's eyes snap open, heart pounding as it did back in France, just before the sergeant screamed for them to go over the top. His thoughts are muddled, racing, one stacked atop of the other like the layer cake his mother used to serve every Christmas. His hands shake, waiting for the inevitable whistle of the shells, bracing himself. But the room is silent, and the stillness breathes. Antony... Come to me. He can hear her voice in the room, clear and crystalline as lark-song, the red poppies opening their petals to the first rays of morning, gentle as death's first kiss. A woman, standing in Belleau Wood, like an angel...
Outside, a jalopy backfires, and then he is on his feet in the dark room, reaching for a rifle that isn't there, the same one that did for that Hun sniper in France, the kill he got a Victory Cross for. Antony closes his eyes, lying back down in the bed, and sleep comes again, but it is not restful. He closed his eyes as he slid the sword into his flesh and sure enough, she was there again. Back in the red silk, her eyes warm and tender, holding out her hand to him… There was pain, but it faded at the sight of her, and he reached for her, yet he couldn’t quite touch her…
Sand... so much sand it could fill a thousand hourglasses, a thousand lives in each grain. A sword, red and sticky with his blood. An old man, a conquerer, at the end of his life. A life lived for nothing, for no one except himself, and no one to share it with, except... her. "I'm waiting for you..." Already fading, with the sounds of the night. He reaches out to grasp her, but the red silk dress slips through his fingers, and his hand is covered in blood. There is pain, and a lot of it, he looks down and the wound in his side seems to bloom, blood obscuring his vision. She is waiting... The woman in the red dress. "My darling Antony.” Her green eyes are wide, her smile soft, dark curls framing her face. “Let go… Let go of it all and come to me…” Antony stumbles from the bed, gripping the washbasin and splashing cold water on his face. He does not know what he expects to see when he looks in the mirror. Sand and sun, and an old man's face, a man who has seen war. But the War didn't change anything. Back in Chicago, he was still the same dirty immigrant who had gone off to the trenches of France, young, dreaming of glory. And he'd come back a broken man, to a house full of shadows, and Lucius... Antony throws the cup at the mirror. It bounces off, splintering the shining glass. Lucius never came home. Buried somewhere in an unmarked grave, just another dead boy who died for Country, for Glory, for nothing, for nothing that mattered. And once Lucius -- Luca -- was dead, Marcus died too, and became Antony, rising up through the ranks of Caesar's outfit to be his top lieutenant and right hand man, the war and everything in it put behind him. "Antony? Come back to bed." Antony does not look back at the mirror. Wherever she is, whoever she was... He straightens his back, and walks away from it, the dream fading into the city night.
“Where does Mama think I’m taking you?” My brother wonders as I slide into the passenger seat, looking at me expectantly, reminding me of his condition: he’ll give me a ride but he won’t help me lie to our parents.
“Marcella’s, of course,” I tell him with a shrug as the car springs to life beneath us, the sound filling the otherwise quiet street. I know that the neighbours are muttering in their houses, about that “German boy” and his loud car. I’ve lost track of how many complaints Papa has gotten about it in the months since Cal, Ciginerix if Mama is in earshot, bought it.
“And does Marcella know that?” Cal asks as the houses that make up our neighborhood speed by us.
“She does,” I confirm,  “this is Marcella, she’ll do anything for me.”
“But she didn’t want to come?” It isn’t a question, even though it is poised as one.
I laugh at the thought, “No. You know Marcella, loyal enough to lie, but too good to go sinning.”
“And is that what you are planning on doing, little sister?” Cal asks, giving me a long look. “Are you looking for sin?”
“Only the musical kind,” I assure him, even if it is only partially the truth. Part of me longs for romance and adventure, the kind you see in the movies. The kind that doesn’t happen for good church-going girls in small American towns. Which is what makes nights like tonight so special, because I didn’t have to be that girl.
After that, we drive in silence, and I watch through the car window as the familiar merges with the unknown. The small sleepy town I have spent my whole life trapped in morphs into Chicago, the city of my dreams.
After what feels like forever, but really isn’t, the car pulls to a stop. “Wait over there,” I tell Cal as he reaches for the door, “I need to change.”
He rolls his eyes. “Don’t take too long.”
As soon as the door shuts behind him, I quickly discard the skirt and blouse I’d worn out of the house under my mother’s watchful eye, and shimmy into the red beaded number I keep hidden in the car. I quickly apply some lipstick, red so bold that Mama would drag me off to confession if she saw it, and then hurry out of the car to where Cal is waiting.
His eyebrows shoot up at my change of attire, it might be the lipstick, which is more daring than I usually risk, but he doesn’t comment. He never does. Maybe because I am not the only one who keeps secrets from our mother. Cal has his own reasons for coming to the Ice Box.
We hurry through the alley, to the nondescript door and exchange pleasantries with Andrew, the bouncer, and then he steps aside, letting us through. Inside, it is a whole different world, one filled with secrets, sin and hot jazz.
Cal quickly moves across the room and I head towards the bar.
“Tia, I was starting to wonder when we’d see you again.” The bartender, Cliff, comments with a warm smile as he begins to fix my usual.
“Life’s been busy,” I answer evasively. Here, I am Tia, a good-time girl and aspiring singer, instead of Portia, the sweet girl who does the paperwork for the quarry and lives under the watchful eye of her pious mother. Here I can be who I want, instead of who I have to be.
Cliff nods, letting it go, which is what I like about Cliff, he never asks too many questions. He slides my drink towards me.
I accept it with a smile, passing over a bill in return, and then get up and wander towards the stage where the singers are about to take a break.
“Tia!” Sofia greets me warmly, brushing her lips across my cheek in a friendly kiss, “we were hoping you would be here tonight. Cleo and I have a number that is perfect for you.” She motions behind me, waving at someone, and a moment later Cleo Mayfield, the Ice Box’s number one talent, appears beside me.
“Tia, I see you were able to break out for a night,” the amusement in Cleo’s voice lets me know that she sees what I try to hide. It doesn’t surprise me, neither Cleo or Sofia ever miss much.
I don’t confirm it, though, I just nod and change the subject. “Sofia says you have a song for me?” I am not employed by the Icebox, but on my first visit, Sofia and I had talked music and she persuaded me to sing for her, and ever since then I have had an invitation to join them on stage if I am around, letting me have a taste of what I want most in the world.
We go over the arrangement for a few minutes and then, I glance up, and suddenly I see him. He looks like he stepped out of a moving picture; tall, dark and handsome, clad in an expensive suit, with a flapper hanging off his arm, trying vainly to get his attention while he talks to Vince. I can’t tear my eyes away from him, not just because of his good looks, though he certainly is handsome, but it’s something else.
I know him, I think and then shrug it off, sure that I have never seen him before in my life. After all, this is not a man you would forget meeting.
The man glances in my direction, our eyes meeting across the room, and for a moment something akin to shock crosses his. However, he hides it quickly, his eyes sweeping over me, quickly appraising me, the heat in his gaze letting me know he likes what he sees.
“Who is that?”
I don’t even realize I’ve spoken out loud until Cleo sighs, placing her hand on my shoulder before she answers. “That is trouble, the kind a nice girl like you should avoid.”
“His name is Antony,” Sofia pipes up. “He’s one of Caesar’s top men.” My ignorance must have shown on my face, because she adds, “Caesar runs one of the city’s biggest outfits, and Antony is his right hand. He’s a power player, that one.”
“He’s dangerous,” Cleo says flatly, shooting Sofia a disapproving look, then she glances pointedly at the stage. “Break’s over, we got a crowd to entertain. You ready, Tia?”
I nod and follow her. Yet as I begin to sing along with Cleo and Sofia, my eyes keep finding Antony and every time they do, he’s staring right at me, drinking in my every move.
For a moment, the whole speakeasy fades away and it is as if I am singing to him alone…
It's her. The woman from his dream. The red dress, the green eyes, the dark hair, down to the last dimple in her cheek, the one he used to kiss when... "You like the little canary?" Vince raises his glass, and turns to look over his shoulder at the girl singing on stage. “That's Tia, she doesn't work here. She knows Cleo and Lottie.” At his wife’s name in his mouth, Moretti’s eyes go to the crowd, where the Ice Box Flapper moves through the club, a smile tossed over her shoulder for her husband, who taps his fingers on the table. Rat-tat-tat. Rat-tat-tat.
"She's sure got a set of pipes on her." Beside him, Atia raises a disdainful brow, fluffing her platinum bob as Vince lights her cigarette. "Sounds like a cat in heat!" She tugs on Antony's arm, trying to get his attention, but he ignores her. There'll come a time, now don't forget it / There'll come a time when you'll regret it / Someday, when you grow lonely / Your heart will break like mine and you'll want me only / After you've gone, after you've gone away…
The strains of the piano fade away, and the canary (Tia, that name in his head, why does it sound so familiar? For he's never seen her before…) blushes prettily to the sound of applause. Antony can't tear his eyes away from her. It's as though the whole speakeasy has fallen away. He can hear Moretti speaking, as though through a fog. Get ahold of yourself, old man. Unwittingly, he thinks of France. The angel in Belleau Wood... Roses and cinnamon, mingled with the scent of decay, and the desert... The band starts up, and the fog dissipates. The speakeasy comes back to him, color and sound, people laughing, glasses clinking, women pushing back their chairs to run out on the dance floor and shimmy like there's no tomorrow, beads rattling on their short skirts. And the woman in the red dress... He doesn't see her anywhere. Antony scans the room, a skill honed from years on the Front. There is no other woman for him in the room, only the one sitting at the bar, the hem of the beaded red dress hiked above her knee, laughing with the bartender. Tia. Another man approaches, that smooth-talking Englishman, and instinct takes over. Antony stands. He doesn't hear a word Vince says, he ignores Atia tugging at his sleeve. All he sees is what he wants, and hasn't he always taken what's his?
After the song is done, I make my way back to the bar, Cliff sliding me another drink. I smile but before I can thank him, a smooth voice interrupts.
“Tia, breathtaking as always.”
Normally my heart flutters when Elliott flirts, even though I know better than to take him seriously. However he is still the Elliott Graham and there is a thrill in having his attention, even momentarily, but not tonight. Tonight my attention is elsewhere. Even as I thank Elliott for the compliment and flirt back, my eyes searching the room for Antony. However, I don’t find him.
I feel a stab of disappointment that he may have left already and I almost miss Elliott’s next words.
“Ready to shake those pins?” He asks, holding out his hand with a charming smile.
I am about to take it, because Elliott definitely knows how to dance, when a smooth voice cuts in. “I believe this dance is mine.”
Elliott and I both turn towards the sound of the voice. Though I already know who it is, his voice as familiar as an old song, even though I’ve never heard it before in my life. At least this life. It is a fleeting thought and it fades as my eyes meet Antony’s and the rest of the world stands still.
Elliott quickly drops his hand, “Never mind… I forgot, I have a pressing engagement at the card tables.” He moves swiftly, disappearing the crowd and leaving me alone with Antony. I barely notice his absence, all I am aware of is Antony.
"So this is your dance, huh?” I tease, trying to keep my cool. “I don’t remember you asking.”
“I’m asking now,” he says as he holds out his hand. I see him signal to Julius with his other hand and the music swiftly changes mid-song to a foxtrot.
I take the hand he offers, unprepared for the jolt that goes through me when our hands touch. Our eyes meet and I can see he feels it too, though neither of us says anything as he leads me onto the dance floor. We move together with ease, and even though I try to remember Cleo’s warning, all I can think about is how right it feels.
Like this is where I belong. It is a dangerous thought, almost as dangerous as Antony himself.
Time passes, yet Antony cannot say how long, only that every movement is etched in his memory. But this is it. If the song ends, and she walks away now... His thoughts go unwittingly to the dream the night before. Of sand and blood, and the woman in the red dress. His hands tighten around her waist for a moment, and with a tiny sigh, she allows him to pull her closer, almost too close for two strangers (but are they strangers?) to be. When he finds his voice, it is as though the world has fallen away. "Dinner. With me. Tomorrow night. I'll pick you up." She'll wear that red dress again. She'll smell of roses and cinnamon. "Wear this dress." He rubs the hem of her sleeve between his fingers for a moment, and when she looks up from under her lashes, he is undone. Tia looks up, and for a moment, he expects her to say no. There is a longing in her eyes, but there is reticence too. "I can't." She swallows, looking aside to where a big German man stands beside the bar, a scowl etched on his face as he watches the pair of them. Antony feels jealousy tighten his chest, constricting it. "Who is that?" Antony demands, fighting to control his roiling emotions. "Your lover?" Tia looks surprised. Good. He can't say why, exactly, but Antony knows this like he's never been so sure anything in his life before: that this woman belongs to him and him alone. "No, that's Cal. He's my older brother." Tia looks up at him, her green eyes dreamy and honest, and there it is again. That knowing, bone-deep. "I keep his secrets, and he keeps mine." "And what is your secret, Tia?" Antony spins her around, and when she comes back into his arms, flush and breathless, he feels a stirring of lust. He wants her here, he wants her now. He wants to see those green eyes under him, her pupils dilating as she comes, groaning his name. Like she did before. But where did that thought come from?
Instead of lingering on it, Antony’s fingers ghost across her lower back, and she shivers, biting her lower lip and looking up at him -- not the way all the flappers look, as though they are assessing him for the size of his cock and the depth of his pockets, but with a tiny smile, one that lets him know he’ll have to work for it with this one.
Antony never could back down from a challenge. He ghosts his lips along the shell of her ear, and for a moment, they are the only two people in this crazy city, in this mad world. “Because... you are a mystery.”
But Tia is already shaking her head. He can feel the angry eyes of the big German -- her brother -- boring bullet holes into his back. "I have to go.” Her voice is filled with longing -- with regret. The same regret he feels.
She moves to pull out of his arms, but Antony tightens his hold, unwilling to let her slip away so soon. I've only just found you again. He grasps at a way to keep her with him, Vince’s words coming back to him, about her not being employed at the Box, and suddenly he knows. “I’ve been looking for a new singer for my club. If you want it, it’s yours. You just have to audition for management, but with those pipes…” Lena wouldn’t be thrilled with him dumping a new girl on her, but at least she can sing and well, it’s his club.
Her eyes grow wide and he can see the longing there, wants to see it directed at him -- not for a job, but -- For now, it’s enough, old man.
Even before she nods, he knows he has her. This time... she won’t slip away.
“What kind of place is the Basilica?” I ask the girls the a week later when we meet up to go shopping. Cal reluctantly drove me back to the city for my audition, though he had made his displeasure known.
“Dangerous,” Cleo answers flatly. Cal isn’t the only one who thinks that this audition is a bad idea and Cleo isn’t one for holding her tongue.
Lottie shoots her a look. “It’s a faster clientele than the Box,” she answers, biting her lip in consideration, “you’ll see more flash there and more skin.”
“And you’ll need to be the flashiest,” Sofia adds, pulling me past the rows of beaded dresses, the standard flapper fare, to the back of the store. If Mama would send me to confession for the dress I’d worn the other night, these ones would have her praying for my very soul.
“It needs to be red,” I declare, perusing the racks of shimmering fabric, remembering the way Antony’s eyes had darkened with lust as they swept over my dress, the note in his voice as he’d commanded me to wear it again. Besides red was the colour of danger, the colour of sin, and I was about to go in search of both.
It didn’t take long to find the dress and I clutch the box in my hands, afraid it will disappear and with it, Tia the daring flapper who could sing at clubs and catch the eye of men like Antony, and I would be left with my ordinary life.
The sound of my name cuts into my thoughts and my grip on the package tightens as I turn around. My eyes widen at the sight of Cassius, the man my mother wants me to marry. I can hear her in his head, He’s such a nice young man, and he was, but was I was nice girl he thought I was? Or was I was flapper who wore dresses the colour of sin and melted into the arms of dangerous men?  
My inner turmoil obviously doesn’t show because Cassius is all smiles. “What a nice coincidence, running into you here. You remember my cousin, Sabina?”
Sabina, of course. We’d gone to school together and then she’d gotten married and  moved to Chicago and we’d lost touch. I turn to her with a smile, “of course, it is nice to see you again.”
“You too,” she answers, but I notice that her eyes pass over on me to lock onto Sofia and there is something there, a nervousness but something else as well, something more familiar. Interesting.
“We were just about to get lunch,” Cassius continues, “I’d love it if you joined us.” He finally seems to notice the other women, “and your friends too.”
Sabina’s eyes widen at the invitation and another look passes between her and Sofia.
“That is very generous, but we were just about to part ways,” Sofia speaks up, “I’m sure T—Portia, would love to, though.” My real name sounds strange coming from her and I’m about to ask what she is doing, but the question dies on my lips at the pleading look she sends me. It seems I am not the only one with secrets.
“Yes, I would,” I say smoothly as I pass my package to Sofia, not wanting to risk having it with me at lunch. I was planning on dressing at her place anyway, though my hand tightens on it for a moment before I let go and I feel a moment of panic, as if Tia is slipping away from me.  
Cassius’s smile lights up his face and I know it should do things to me. It should be enough to make me forget about the Basilica and dangerous men whose eyes promise me things that girls like me shouldn’t even know about, but it won’t.
That thought returns long after lunch is over, when I am at Sofia’s apartment, transforming myself back into Tia. Why am I doing this? I ask myself, staring at my reflection in the mirror.
I think of lunch and how Cassius’s eyes had lingered over me, the warmth of his smile, how he had made it clear where his attention lay. It should be enough. But it wasn’t and thoughts of Cassius were quickly replaced by thoughts of Antony, of the way his eyes had swept over me as if he had intimate knowledge of me, the way  his arms had felt wrapped around me, and how badly I had wanted to stay there forever.
And that is the thought that compels me to finish applying my lipstick and step back from the mirror, pleased with my transformation. There is no hint of sweet church girl in the reflection staring back at me, just a woman ready for sin and song.
Time to show them what you are made of.
Like the Icebox, the Basilica is nondescript on the outside and a whole other world inside.
It is early, so the club is nearly empty except for the staff. My eyes search the club, instinctively looking for Antony, but I don’t see him. Disappointment fills me, but I push it aside. I came to sing, not for a man.
“We’re closed,” a beautiful woman in a glittering dress says, her eyes running over me, appraising me.
“I am here for an audition,” I tell her, meeting her gaze.
Irritations flashes across her face and she gives me another sweeping look before letting out a disbelieving laugh. “You?”
Before I can say anything, another woman crosses the floor. Older than the first, probably my mother’s age,  but still incredibly beautiful.
“Xanthe,” she says in warning, putting her hand on the younger woman’s shoulder and then she turns her attention to me, her gaze just as appraising as Xanthe’s, “you must be Tia, Antony mentioned you, I’m Lena, the manager.”
Xanthe’s gaze hardens at the mention of Antony, “is Antony humouring his latest conquest by letting you pretend to be a singer?” She asks in a nasty tone, her eyes glittering with dislike.
“Xanthe!” Lena admonishes, before I can deny her accusation. And can I? I know why I am here, why Antony is giving me this chance and it’s not because I wowed him with my voice, and yet… Isn’t opportunity what you make it? And this is mine.
Xanthe quiets down, but the dislike is still there and the barely concealed resentment. Why? I wonder, what could I have done to make her hate me in only a few minutes?
“At least you look the part,” Lena declares, reclaiming her attention, her eyes sweeping me up and down, “now let’s see if you can sing.”
“I can.” I declare, tiling my chin defiantly. Maybe I didn’t get this audition based purely on talent, but I have it. I know I can do this.
Lena nods approvingly after I finish. “Not bad,” she declares, “but singing in front of the crowd is the real test, you have to move them.” She purses her lips. “You can open for Xanthe tonight and we’ll see from there.”
.I can tell by Xanthe’s scowl that she doesn’t like that news at all, but I ignore her. This isn’t about her, it is about me and my chance. I've sung in front of people before, yes, this is different, this is my chance to be the star and not just a supporting player, but the music all comes from the same place.
I can do this.
That is the only thought in my head later on, when the club is full and I am on stage. I can’t blow this.
I glance at the crowd, trying to read them, and stop for a second when I see a familiar face. Sabina. Our eyes meet and I see panic and something else, but I just give her a little nod and smile as I begin to sing and I see her relax. She has her secrets, just like I have mine, and this is the place for them. The kind of location meant for secrets and sin.
As the music takes over, I forget about Sabina, just like I forget about Xanthe and Lena and everything that is at stake. I let the music take over.
 Then, I glance into the crowd again and this time, I see  him. Antony. My heart begins to beat faster at the sight of him and my attention shifts to him. It’s no longer just about me and the music, suddenly I am singing for this one man, the one my heart insists is mine even as my head tries to remember how foolish and dangerous that thought is. However, for the moment there is no rational though, no doubt, there is only music and feeling.
There is only him.
The Basilica is thronged with people when Antony gets there. So much for a quiet night, old man. Word must have gotten out at the Box, he thinks as he spots Sofia Martinez and Julius Harper in the crowd. His paid copper star, O'Malley, is leaning against the back wall, surveying the crowd with a complimentary whiskey in his hand, regards of the house. O'Malley raises the glass in his hand with a brief nod of acknowledgement in Antony's direction, but his eyes are trained on the stage -- or rather, on the girl onstage -- (Mine.) Tia. Antony doesn't realize he's said it aloud until the man next to him looks up from his cigar, ashing it carelessly on the floor. "You should hire her, Tony." Caesar murmurs, clapping him on the shoulder and startling him. Antony whirls on Caesar, for a moment his fists tighten, and he's in France, Luca beside him, cigarette smoke mingling with the dense fog of Flanders. "Got a pretty voice." Caesar's eyes roam up and down Portia's curves. It's obvious that Tia's voice isn't what he's thinking of, and Antony has to take a gulp of sambuca to stop himself from taking a swing at the older man. "Let's give a round of applause for our guest tonight, Miss Tia!" His manager, Lena, speaks into the microphone, and the room erupts into thunderous applause. Antony observes Lena hide a smile, and from the wall the copper star puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles. The only person who looks unhappy is -- "And now, give it up for our very own Miss Xanthe!" The applause is scattered, with Xanthe's cousin Sy, the bouncer, leading the majority of it. Xanthe has made enemies for herself at the Basilica with her diva's attitude and bad temper. Antony will be glad to see the back of her. "Antony? Lena said you would want to see me before I left." Tia is before their table, and all the men are on their feet, nodding to her respectfully before departing for back rooms to gamble and discuss the business. Only Caesar remains. He lifts his glass, giving Tia an assessing look that Antony doesn't like above half. "If my idiot of a nephew doesn't hire you on the spot tonight, you come and see me down at the Styx. Those pipes weren't meant be to be silenced forever, filing dusty papers." The blood drains from Tia's face, and Antony wonders what secret she could be hiding. He keeps his expression smooth, but his fingers are digging into the back of the chair he pulls out for Tia, snapping his fingers at a passing waiter. Mercifully, Caesar chuckles, and with another slap on Antony's shoulder, clamps his cigar between his teeth and vanishes into the crowd. The waiter returns with a glass of merlot, and Tia sits down, arranging her skirts. The music and laughter seems to fall to a whisper beyond them, as though they are the only two people in the club. Stars shining bright above you / Night breezes seem to whisper I love you / Birds singing in the sycamore tree... "Dream a little dream of me..." Tia sings along softly, almost unconsciously. She's nervous. Antony caresses the sambuca snifter in his hand unconsciously, his eyes drifting over Tia's slender curves. The crimson dress is a different one from last week's, he's certain of it. Yet it fits her as though it were made for her -- Like a velvet glove. He imagines pushing it up her thighs, the luscious crimson lips opening like a blossom as she gasps out his name, throaty and deep. "Antony." He startles at the sound of his name in the strega's mouth. This is a voice that men would go to war over, in times of old. She plays with the stem of the wine glass. She is so young. And yet that ambition, that hunger, is in her eyes. But I need to hear her say it. She already has the job. She's had it since the night they danced, and he hasn't stopped thinking of her since. "I'd like to --" Tia smiles when Antony takes her hand, leading her into a languid fox-trot on the floor, the two of them moving to the rhythm of their pounding hearts. "I'd love to sing at the Basilica, Tony." The sound of his name in her mouth strikes a chord in his heart down the years, as though he never lost his innocence in a field of blood and poppies, as though he is still a young man, with all the world strung out before him, shining in her eyes. Green like the hills, the mountains he would climb as a boy, he and Luca following the sheep, dreaming of America, of the men they would one day be. "Shall we seal the deal?" He is drawn to her lips, and when he brushes his thumb over them, she looks up at him like the woman in the dream. With a kiss. Antony's mouth brushes over Tia's, and he groans as she parts her lips, one cool hand coming up to cup his cheek as he bends his hand and tastes her. Roses and cinnamon, and the heat of a thousand suns...
Footnotes for ch 1:
Lyrics are from After You've Gone, by Bessie Smith; Dream A Little Dream by Ella Fitzgerald
an outfit was a Chicago gang
But in your dreams whatever they be/Dream a little dream of me
18 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What’s your favorite chocolate in the valentine box? I don’t like assorted chocolate boxes, honestly. I’m too picky. Just give me milk bordeaux and white chocolate strawberry truffles from See’s Candy. What color hair did your first crush have? I’m pretty sure he had brown hair. What’s your favorite thrift store? I don’t go to any. Would you ever share your most embarrassing moment publicly? Nah, I’m good. Would you ever consider wearing your mother’s wedding dress? My mom doesn’t have a wedding dress, she’s never had a wedding or been married (she and my dad have been together for over 30 years, though). I don’t plan on ever getting married anyway.
Do you eat yogurt a lot? I don’t eat yogurt, I don’t care for the texture. It’s weird cause I liked Go-Gurts as a kid and I remember eating those Trix yogurts, too. *shrug* What’s a condition you have that you haven’t been officially diagnosed with? I think I’ve been diagnosed with everything I have as far as I know. Could your town be nicknamed Hell? Yes. It’s shitty and also very hot. Are you mad at someone right now? No. Have you ever been told by the police to stay away from a certain church? No? What’s your favorite version of the Bible? KJV. Do you have clubbed thumbs? No. Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza? Nooo. Which one of your parents do you think is smarter? They both are. Which parent do you think you inherited your intelligence level from? They’re both intelligent, but I feel I’m just very average. Do you store your bike in a garage for the winter? I don’t have a bike. What were your favorite gym class activities in elementary school? I didn’t enjoy gym. What is one of your favorite items that you’ve got from Goodwill? I don’t go to thrift stores. Do you own Lulalore leggings? Nope. They’re super expensive. Would you rather wear a tunic top and jeggings or a crop top and high-waisted jeans? Tunic top and jeggings. Do you think hoodies look better oversized and long, or cropped? I like mine to be oversized. What’s one style you hate? I don’t feel that strongly about a style, but there’s a lot I don’t like/care for.  What’s one trend you haven’t caught up on? A lot of them. I don’t even really know what’s trendy anymore, I’m old. ha. Where do you discover new music? Spotify mostly. Do you eat popsicles in the winter or only in the summer? I don’t care for popsicles. Unless they’re Otter Pops/Freeze Pops/whatever you want to call them. It’s been a few years since I’ve had any, but they were my favorite during the summertime. I’m not a big ice cream person in general, though. Which season’s colors do you look the best in? I don’t feel I look good in anything, but I love fall and winter clothes. Have you ever had a professional make-over? Yeah. Have you ever had a professional photo shoot? Yes. My mom had my pictures done a lot when I was a kid, plus the yearly school photos. I have a cousin who’s a photographer and he did my college grad photos. Did you ever want to be a model? No. I couldn’t be one anyway. Are you jealous of anyone? No, but I am envious of some people. What’s your favorite way to style your hair? It’s always just in a pony tail or braid. What irritates you about your daily life? Health related crap. Do you have a doctor you can trust? Yes. What makes you feel awake? I’m always tired and have no energy. What makes you feel more creative? I’m not creative. Do you sunbathe? No. What’s your anti-depressant? The beach helps a lot during the time I’m there. Do you stretch or do yoga? Nope. Who’s a youtuber you would like to collab with? I don’t make videos and I wouldn’t want to be in someone else’s. I’d be waaaaay too self-conscious.  Could you come up with 100 random facts about yourself on the spot? No. I do not want to even try. Do you wish the message boards were more active? I don’t go on message boards anymore, but I used to when I was like 11 until about 16/17.  What are five things that would make you happier? Just good health, mentally and physically, would really help. Financial stability would be great, too. Do you ever curl your hair? Nope. Have you ever straightened your hair for a dance? No. I curled (well someone else curled it for me, ha) for the dances I went to.  List all of the colors of dresses you have worn to school dances. I didn’t wear a dress for the middle school dances, but in high school I wore a white dress with gold specks and a red flapper dress (the theme was roaring 20s or something like that). Did you enjoy school dances? I had fun. The middle school ones I went to hang out with friends and eat the snacks, haha. Pizza, soda, and desserts were especially great at that age and having it at school felt even better for whatever reason lol. Listening to the music was fun, too. I enjoyed prom and winter formal were fun, too. I just went with friends to those as well. What is something you want to be for Halloween? I don’t dress up anymore. Who is your favorite parent? I don’t choose favorites like that. I’m closer to my mom, but I love them both.  Do you have chronic pain? Yes and other chronic health issues. What is your favorite part of going to the dentist? Absolutely NOTHING. The dentist has always been awful for me. Have you ever not been able to see the big E at the eye doctor? No. Have you ever worn cat-eye glasses? Yeah. What year do you want to go back to? I miss my childhood. Honestly; though, if I could just go back like 5-10 years ago that would be fine cause I could change so much that would make such a difference in my life now. Who have you been missing lately? I always miss my maternal grandparents that have passed away, as well as my doggo, Brandie. Which school year was best? Elementary school in general, probs. 
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fuck-girl-code · 6 years
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Where is this dress IRL and how do I make it mine??
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mydearsaddiary · 4 years
Speakeasy Tonight fanfic Neil Season 3 Chapter 9- First, do no harm
This is PART 2, here’s part 1: https://mydearsaddiary.tumblr.com/post/627009658293485568/little-curiosity-notes-hey-guys-were-on-chapter
Mostly me, Vince and Donovan fired and fought against the goons. I couldn’t see where Uncle Charlie was, but I could see Cliff and Julius punching some of Adler’s fellas.
In the chaos, I distanced myself from my peers and found myself facing Mayor Adler himself. He pointed his gun at me, and I reciprocated doing the same right back to him. Time was once more still. Weird the things you notice in these moments, sounds of the water played in my ears, the smell of the docks filled my senses. It was a place that was more dangerous than, anyone else who wasn’t part of the mean and crude underworld of the city, would imagine. Trades of alcohol were common, more than one gang fight had happened there. It created and decimated many competitors. Transportation really seemed like a façade.
Now, my future was about to be decided in the same place. In this unlikely face-off between a pregnant mob boss lady and the Mayor of Chicago, a strong tall man who was supposed to be the epitome of righteousness, but instead was worse than any vermin this city possessed
-Well, Miss Granger. Seems like we’re both where we both knew we would eventually end up. Right to killing each other- A sinister smile took over his face
-No. You didn’t know- I replied, glaring at him- You thought you could lock me away forever, and that I’d never escape. Your mistake- I took a few steps towards him- Was thinking I could be tamed easily.
-I never thought that- He said in an angry tone, uncontrolled. The usual smile on his face was gone along with his composure- You’ll learn along with the others that I always win, no matter what
-You’re wrong again- I said- Bailey, Louis, Vera, and now you. I’ll teach you what happens when you try to mess with me or my family.
He was about to pull the trigger, and then an even taller figure ran into him, tackling him to the ground. Both men were now engaged in a fight, trying to overpower one another.
-Neil!-I exclaimed. But soon realized I needed to finish this. I ran to them trying to grab his gun, but with them fighting it was hard.
Adler pushed me away, punched Neil on his nose making it bleed, and got his gun. He then got up, pointing it right at the Doc.
-Don’t you dare!-I pointed my gun at him from the floor- Back away!
It was surprising to me that I could feel Neil wasn’t scared. It made me wander why that was, but at the moment I was too preoccupied with saving his life
-That’s always been your weakness, hasn’t it? You made up a band of brothers in your speakeasy and now none of them are replaceable! I never have that problem
-That’s the truth, Adler. Hired guns means you lose one and another one can quickly take it’s place, no feelings involved- I gripped my revolver tighter- However, when things get tough, none of them will be there to protect you
He took a look around. All of his goons were either defeated or had fled. Vince and Donovan pointed their guns at him, and Cliff held his baseball bat. Julius was by Uncle Charlie, who himself looked stronger than I had ever seen him with a gun in his hand also aimed at the mayor.
-Time you backed away from my niece, Adler.
His expression turned darker. He turned his focus back to me- Oh, I hate you, Ice Box Flapper. I always win.
My heart sank. I knew in that moment that he was about to pull the trigger on Neil. He was the one that kept me going through every problem the Ice Box has ever encountered since I arrived. I suddenly remembered every single vivid detail of the time we spent together.
How rude and condescending Doc Dresner first was, how he took care of me when I fainted, how he slowly softened up his hard edge, let me into his dark and cynical world. How he was the first to say “I love you”.
The possibility of all that being gone with just a single movement from the mayor overtook me in a way that made me lose my mind. In that moment I knew I could shoot someone
So I pulled my trigger before he had a chance to pull his
Right in the middle of his eyebrows a dark circle formed and started to bleed down his nose. His blank expression was haunted, and his body fell backwards into the massive waters in the dock. It tainted it an angry, cursed red. Soon, he was gone as suddenly as he had appeared in our lives.
Until a few months ago I had never had a gun pointed at me before. A sheltered life like the one I possessed meant I was always looking for danger for my own pleasure. However, this was the kind of danger that gave you adrenaline and made you feel alive, but at the same time made you want to scream, pull all your head off and scream until you can’t anymore. The ambiguity of what I had just done created a fight in my mind. This was the first time I had ever seen someone die and I was the perpetrator.
A silence took over. I guessed nobody really knew how to feel or react. But thankfully it ended when I felt the soft touch of the Doc grabbing my arm. My head then turned and my eyes met his. The blue in them made me dizzy, swooned with love. The grace in this moment was amplified. I felt grief for my own innocence, disgusted and somewhat evil, like I’d lost myself. Looking into his eyes, however, I was found. I was loved and alive. I was as disturbed as I was happy to see him again.
-Are you alright?- He said in a whisper
-Yeah...-I said relieved- Yeah, I’m fine. How are you?
-He...-He ignored the question and his hand travelled slowly to my stomach- He’s...?
I nodded, leaning over to hug him tight- Im sorry- It was all I could say
-Never mind that now- He got up, helping me do the same
-Kiddo- Charlie came our way and embraced me. I hugged the old man back. How I had missed him- You alright?
-I’m copacetic! Grangers are tough!- I gave him a soft smile, then looked at all of them now around us
-Gave us a scare- Vince said. It put my heart at ease to see him alive
-Vince, I thought he killed you, what happened?
-He tried to- He shrugged- Two weeks in the hospital was all he got out of me. Besides, now I can let you know.
I smiled softly at him- Guess I should thank all of you for saving my life.
-Where the credit is due, you saved yourself and us along with it- Neil said
-Besides, don’t thank us, fix the three weeks worth of accounts and numbers at the Ice Box and we’re even
I laughed- Yes, I can’t imagine what a horror they must look, no offense, Unc
-Im just glad you’re fine, kid- He pointed at my stomach- Now, what’s this about?
Neil went pale- I’m taking full responsibility for it Charles.
-Well, you better.- He glared at him, but soon smiled- Well, with the wedding I guess it’s fine, we’ll just have to hurry it up a bit. Besides, I was waiting for some grandnephews!
-Besides, who would have thought?- Vince said- Neil’s gonna be a daddy!
-Back off, Moretti- He gave him his angriest expression- Let’s get out of here- Neil said- I’ll take MC to my infirmary and-
-What should we do about her?-Donovan pointed at a scared Vera- I thought she quit town
Oh yeah, I almost forgot about my temporary roomie-Turns out Adler was keeping her hostage, like he did to me- I walked over to Vera- Here’s what we’ll do. Donovan, say you investigated the mayor, found out Vera was being held against her will. You tried to arrest him but he ran away with his goons. Haven’t been seen since. That should discredit him in every way possible- I sighed- And save Vera’s reputation- I said that part less enthusiastically. It meant she’d still be around again to give us a headache
-Crazy mayor locks down own wife, not seen in Chicago, sound good, lassie. Might get me a promotion
-Then I’ll leave- Vera said- For good. I don’t ever want to see this town again
I looked at her surprised and smiled-Works fine by me, Vera- I went back to Neil’s side- I want a hot shower now!- I said stretching.-Hm...-I wandered a little- I need something to lift my spirits. Party at the Ice Box tonight!
In the back of my mind I tried to lock away the fact that I had just killed a man. I was free, Neil was alive, the Ice Box was safe and all was right in the world. I was letting myself celebrate.
Turns out Neil took me to his infirmary after all. He had me laying down in a new fresh set of clothes. He examined the bump and myself in every way he could. It was sweet, but it was unsettling to see him this nervous
-Come here, Neil- I sat up calling him
-I just need to finish-
-Sit!-I pointed at the chair in front of me
He sighed, but obeyed my harsh tone, and then his eyes stared at me. I grabbed the wet cloth on the table, washing off the dried blood on his face
-You get hurt too, so I’m not the only one who needs to be cared for
-I’m not the one who went AWOL for weeks- I spent a few minutes cleaning his nose, and then he gently touched my hand- MC... When you didn’t come back that night I... Well, let’s just say I wasn’t in one of my best moments. And then I saw him pointing that gun at you today... I swore an oath to do no harm, but I was about to commit murder today if it was necessary.
I squeezed his hand- Well, you didn’t need to- I looked down- Because I did- Tears formed in my eyes. In front of him, it was so easy to open up my heart- I don’t regret it, but-
He held my face, getting closer- Hey... MC. You’re a real bearcat, you know that?
I chuckled- Tough as nails
-Nevertheless, you’re done now, alright? I can’t risk you, the both of you, anymore
-Okay, I mean, I can’t stop running the box, but I’ll take it easy on the evil rascals and guns and all that
-Yeah, well, I’ll be tougher on you this time
-Neil, I- I flinched, any will to fight him on that decision suddenly disappeared- Oh my God...- My eyes widened with surprise
-What?! What’s wrong?
I grabbed him hand, putting it back on my stomach- He’s kicking! Feel it, feel it?!
I took a little while but his expression softened, as much as Neil would let it soften-I feel it.
-Oh, there he goes again!
-I feel it too, right there- And back and forth we went. Nothing else mattered in that moment. He gave the unborn child one of his big smiles. In my heart I was scared he wouldn’t want it, or that he would lose his mind. But all I saw was concern mixed with happiness
In that instant, we had a silent agreement. We would forget all the mistakes of the past and focus on the future. With no words, we promised to be there to protect each other, to love and support one another and raise our baby as best as we could. We’d walk side by side...
... Until death do us part.
Thank you for reading this chapter! I’ll see you in the next and final chapter of my fanfic: Speakeasy Tonight Neil Season 3
Next Chapter: I do
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regencyresource · 6 years
( * &. ━ list of slang words from the 1920′s
presenting a long list of slang terms from the “roaring twenties" ! the age of mobsters and jazz ! the time of longing after married women and staring into green-lights to include in your literary ventures ! i claim no ownership for this list, it was sourced HERE.
Alderman: A man's pot-belly
Ameche: Telephone 
Ankle: (n) Woman; (v) To walk 
Ab-so-lute-ly: Affirmative, yes 
Absent treatment: Dancing with a timid partner 
Air tight: Very attractive 
Airedale: An unattractive man 
Alarm clock: A chaperone 
All wet: Incorrect 
And how!: I strongly agree! 
Applesauce: Flattery, nonsense, i.e.. "Aw, applesauce!" 
Attaboy!: Well done!; also, Attagirl! 
Babe: Woman 
Baby: A person, can be said to either a man or a woman 
Bangtails: Racehorses 
Barber: Talk 
Be on the nut: To be broke 
Bean-shooter: Gun 
Beef: Problem 
Bee's Knees: An extraordinary person, thing or idea
Beezer: Nose 
Behind the eight ball: In a difficult position, in a tight spot 
Bent Cars: Stolen cars 
Big Cheese, Big Shot: The boss, someone of importance and influence 
Big House: Jail 
Big One: Death 
Big Sleep: Death 
Bim: Woman 
Bindle: The bundle in which a hobo carries all his worldly possessions 
Bindle punk or bindle stiff: Chronic wanderers, migratory harvest workers, and lumber jacks
Bing: Jailhouse talk for solitary confinement 
Bird: Man 
Bit: Prison sentence 
Blip off: To kill 
Blow: Leave 
Blow one down: Kill someone 
Blower: Telephone 
Bluenose: A prude
Bo: Pal, buster, fellow 
Boiler: Car 
Boob: Dumb guy 
Boozehound: Drunkard 
Bop: To kill 
Box: A safe or a bar 
Box job: A safecracking 
Brace (somebody): Grab, shake up 
Bracelets: Handcuffs 
Break it up: Stop that, quit the nonsense 
Breeze: To leave, breeze off: get lost 
Broad: Woman 
Bruno: Tough guy, enforcer 
Bucket: Car 
Bulge, The: The advantage 
Bulls: Plainclothes railroad cops; uniformed police; prison guards 
Bum's rush, To get the: To be kicked out 
Bump: Kill 
Bump Gums: To talk about nothing worthwhile 
Bump off: Kill; also, bump-off: a killing 
Burn powder: Fire a gun 
Bus: Big car 
Butter-and-egg-man: The money man, the man with the bankroll, a yokel who comes to town to blow a big wad in nightclubs 
Button: Face, nose, end of jaw 
Button man: Professional killer 
Buttons: Police 
Butts: Cigarettes 
Buzz: Looks person up, comes to persons door 
Buzzer: Policeman's badge 
C: $100, a pair of Cs = $200 
Cabbage: Money 
Caboose: Jail 
Call copper: Inform the police 
Can: Jail, Car 
Can house: Bordello 
Can-opener: Safecracker who opens cheap safes 
Canary: Woman singer 
Carry a Torch: Suffering from an unrequited love
Case dough: Nest egg 
Cat: Man 
Cat's Meow: Something splendid or stylish 
Cat's Pajamas: Term of endearment as in "I think you are really really cool"
Century: $100 
Cheaters: Sunglasses 
Cheese it: Put things away, hide 
Chew: Eat 
Chicago lightning: Gunfire 
Chicago overcoat: Coffin 
Chick: Woman 
Chilled off: Killed 
Chin: Conversation; chinning: talking 
Chin music: Punch on the jaw 
Chinese squeeze: Grafting by skimming profits off the top 
Chippy: Woman of easy virtue 
Chisel: To swindle or cheat 
Chiv: Knife, "a stabbing or cutting weapon" 
Chopper squad: Men with machine guns 
Chump: Person marked for a con or a gullible person
Clammed: Close-mouthed (clammed up) 
Clean sneak: An escape with no clues left behind 
Clip joint: In some cases, a nightclub where the prices are high and the patrons are fleeced 
Clipped: Shot 
Close your head: Shut up 
Clout: Shoplifter 
Clubhouse: Police station 
Con: Confidence game, swindle 
Conk: Head 
Cool: To knock out 
Cooler: Jail 
Cop: Detective, even a private one 
Copped, to be: Grabbed by the cops 
Copper: Policeman 
Corn: Bourbon ("corn liquor") 
Crab: Figure out 
Crate: Car 
Croak: To kill 
Croaker: Doctor 
Crush: An infatuation 
Crushed out: Escaped (from jail) 
Cut down: Killed 
Daisy: None too masculine 
Dame: Woman 
Dance: To be hanged 
Dangle: Leave, get lost 
Daylight, as in "fill him with daylight": Put a hole in, by shooting or stabbing 
Deck, as in "deck of Luckies": Pack of cigarettes 
Derrick: Shoplifter 
Dib: Share (of the proceeds) 
Dick: Detective (usually qualified with "private" if not a policeman) 
Dingus: Thing 
Dip: Pickpocket 
Dip the bill: Have a drink 
Dish: Pretty woman 
Dive: A low-down, cheap sort of place 
Dizzy with a dame, To be: To be deeply in love with a woman 
Do the dance: To be hanged 
Dogs: Feet 
Dope fiend: Drug addict 
Dope peddler: Drug dealer 
Dough: Money 
Drift: Go, leave 
Drill: Shoot 
Drop a dime: Make a phone call, sometimes meaning to the police to inform on someone 
Droppers: Hired killers 
Drum: Speakeasy 
Dry-gulch: Knock out, hit on head after ambushing 
Duck soup: Easy, a piece of cake 
Dummerer: Someone who pretends to be deaf and/or dumb to appear a more deserving beggar 
Dump: Roadhouse, club; or, more generally, any place 
Dust out: Leave, depart 
Egg: Man 
Electric cure: Electrocution 
Elephant ears: Police 
Fade: Go away, get lost 
Fakeloo artist: Con man 
Fella: A man 
Fin: $5 bill 
Finder: Finger man 
Finger, Put the finger on: Identify 
Flaming Youth: Male counterpart to a flapper
Flapper: A stylish, brash young woman with short skirts and shorter hair
Flat Tire: A dull-witted or disappointing date
Flattie: Flatfoot, cop 
Flimflam: Swindle 
Flippers: Hands 
Flivver: A Ford automobile 
Flogger: Overcoat 
Flop: Go to bed or fallen through, not worked out 
Flophouse: A cheap transient hotel where a lot of men sleep in large rooms 
Fog: To shoot 
Frail: Woman 
Frau: Wife 
Fry: To be electrocuted 
Fuzz: Police 
Gal: Woman 
Gams: A Woman’s Legs 
Gasper: Cigarette 
Gat: Gun 
Get Sore: Get mad 
Getaway sticks: Legs 
Giggle juice: Liquor 
Giggle Water: Liquor 
Gin mill: Bar 
Glad rags: Fancy clothes 
Glaum: Steal 
Goofy: Crazy 
Goog: Black eye 
Goon: Thug 
Gooseberry lay: Stealing clothes from a clothesline 
Gowed-up: On dope, high 
Grab (a little) air: Put your hands up 
Graft: Con jobs or cut of the take 
Grand: $1000 
Grift: Confidence game, swindle 
Grifter: Con man 
Grilled: Questioned 
Gumshoe: Detective 
Gumshoeing: Detective work 
Gun for: Look for, be after 
Guns: Pickpockets, Hoodlums 
Guy: A man 
Hack: Taxi 
Half, a: 50 cents 
Hard: Tough 
Harlem Sunset: Some sort fatal injury caused by knife 
Hash House: A cheap restaurant 
Hatchet men: Killers, gunmen 
Have the Bees: To be rich 
Head doctors: Psychiatrists 
Heap: Car 
Heat: Police 
Heater: Gun 
Heebie-Jeebies: The jitters
Heeled: Carrying a gun 
High-Hat: To snub 
High Pillow: Person at the top, in charge 
Highbinders: Corrupt politician or functionary 
Hinky: Suspicious 
Hitting the pipe: Smoking opium 
Hitting on all eight: In good shape, going well 
Hock shop: Pawnshop 
Hogs: Engines 
Hombre: Man, fellow 
Hooch: Liquor 
Hood: Criminal 
Hoofer: Dancer
Hoosegow: Jail 
Horn: Telephone 
Hot: Stolen 
Hotsy-Totsy: Pleasing
House dick: House/hotel detective 
House peeper: House/hotel detective 
Hype: Shortchange artist 
Ice : Diamonds 
Ing-bing, as in to throw an: A fit 
Iron: A car 
Jack: Money 
Jalopy: An old car
Jam: Trouble, a tight spot 
Jane: A woman 
Java: Coffee 
Jaw: Talk 
Jerking a nod: Nodding 
Jingle-brained: Addled 
Jobbie: Man 
Joe: Coffee, as in "a cup of joe" 
Johns: Police 
Johnson brother: Criminal 
Joint: Place, as in "my joint" 
Juice: Interest on a loanshark's loan 
Jug: Jail 
Jump, The: A hanging 
Kale: Money 
Keen: Attractive or appealing
Kick off: Die 
Kiss: To punch 
Kisser: Mouth 
Kitten: Woman 
Knock off: Kill 
Lammed off: Ran away, escaped 
Large: $1,000; twenty large would be $20,000 
Law, the: The police 
Lead, "fill ya full of lead": the term used for bullets 
Lead poisoning: To be shot 
Lettuce: Folding money 
Lid: Hat 
Line: Insincere flattery
Lip: (Criminal) lawyer 
Looker: Pretty woman 
Look-out: Outside man 
Lousy with: To have lots of 
Mac: A man 
Made: Recognized 
Map: Face 
Marbles: Pearls 
Mark: Sucker, victim of swindle or fixed game 
Maroon: Person marked for a con or a gullible person
Meat wagon: Ambulance 
Mickey Finn: A drink drugged with knock-out drops 
Mill: Typewriter 
Mitt: Hand 
Mob: Gang (not necessarily Mafia) 
Mohaska: Gun 
Moll: Girlfriend 
Monicker: Name 
Mouthpiece: Lawyer 
Mugs: Men (especially refers to dumb ones) 
Nailed: Caught by the police 
Nevada gas: Cyanide 
Newshawk: Reporter 
Newsie: Newspaper vendor 
Nibble one: To have a drink 
Nicked: Stole 
Nippers: Handcuffs 
Noodle: Head 
Number: A person 
Off the track: Said about a person who becomes insanely violent 
Op: Detective 
Orphan paper: Bad checks 
Out on the roof: To drink a lot, to be drunk 
Oyster fruit: Pearls 
Packing Heat: Carrying a gun 
Pal: A man 
Palooka: Man, probably not very smart 
Pan: Face 
Paste: Punch 
Patsy: Person who is set up; fool, chump 
Paw: Hand 
Peaching: Informing 
Peeper: Detective 
Peepers: Eyes 
Pen: Penitentiary, jail 
Peterman: Safecracker who uses nitroglycerin 
Piece: Gun 
Pigeon: Stool-pigeon 
Pinch: An arrest, capture 
Pins: Legs 
Pipe: See or notice 
Pipes: Throat 
Plant: Someone on the scene but in hiding, Bury 
Plug: Shoot 
Plugs: People 
Poke: Bankroll, stake 
Pooped: Killed 
Pop: Kill 
Pro skirt: Prostitute 
Puffing: Mugging 
Pug: Pugilist, boxer 
Pump: Heart 
Pump metal: Shoot bullets 
Punk: Hood, thug 
Pushover: A person easily convinced of something
Puss: Face 
Put down: Drink 
Put the screws on: Question, get tough with 
Rags: Clothes 
Ranked: Observed, watched, given the once-over 
Rap: Criminal charge 
Rappers: Fakes, set-ups 
Rat: Inform 
Rate: To be good, to count for something 
Rats and mice: Dice, i.e. craps 
Rattler: Train 
Red-light: To eject from a car or train 
Redhot: Some sort of criminal 
Reefers: Marijuana cigarettes 
Rhino: Money 
Right: Adjective indicating quality 
Ringers: Fakes 
Ritzy: Elegant 
Rod: Gun 
Roscoe: Gun 
Rub-out: A killing 
Rube: Bumpkin, easy mark 
Rumble, the: The news 
Sap: A dumb guy 
Sap poison: Getting hit with a sap 
Savvy: Get me? Understand? 
Sawbuck: $10 bill (a double sawbuck is a $20 bill) 
Schnozzle: Nose 
Scram out: Leave 
Scratch: Money 
Scratcher: Forger 
Send over: Send to jail 
Shamus: (Private) detective 
Sharper: A swindler or sneaky person 
Sheba: A woman with sex appeal 
Sheik: A man with sex appeal 
Shells: Bullets 
Shiv: Knife 
Shylock: Loanshark 
Shyster: Lawyer 
Sing: Make a confession 
Sister: Woman 
Skate around: To be of easy virtue 
Skid rogue: A bum who can't be trusted 
Skirt: Woman 
Slant, Get a: Take a look 
Sleuth: Detective 
Slug: A bullet or to knock unconscious 
Smoked: Drunk 
Snap a cap: Shout 
Snatch: Kidnap 
Sneeze: Take 
Snitch: An informer, or to inform 
Snooper: Detective 
Speakeasy: An illicit bar selling bootleg liquor 
Spiffy: Looking elegant 
Soak: To pawn 
Sock: Punch 
Soup: Nitroglycerine 
Soup job: To crack a safe using nitroglycerine 
Spill: Talk, inform 
Spinach: Money 
Spitting: Talking 
Square: Honest 
Squeeze: A female companion or girlfriend
Squirt metal: Shoot bullets 
Step off: To be hanged 
Stiff: A corpse 
Sting: Culmination of a con game 
Stool-pigeon: Informer 
Stoolie: Stool-pigeon 
Stuck On: Having a crush on 
Sucker: Someone ripe for a grifter's scam 
Sugar: Money 
Swanky: Ritzy 
Swell: Wonderful 
Tail: Shadow or follow 
Take a powder: Leave 
Take on: Eat 
Take for a Ride: Drive off with someone in order to bump them off 
Take the air: Leave 
Take the bounce: To get kicked out 
Take the fall for: Accept punishment for 
That's the crop: That's all of it 
Three-spot: Three-year jail term 
Throw lead: Shoot bullets 
Ticket: P.I. license 
Tiger milk: Some sort of liquor 
Tighten the screws: Put pressure on somebody 
Tin: Badge 
Tip a few: To have a few drinks 
Tomato: Pretty woman 
Tooting the wrong ringer: Asking the wrong person 
Torpedoes: Gunmen 
Trap: Mouth 
Trigger man: Man whose job is to use a gun 
Trouble boys: Gangsters 
Twist: Woman 
Two bits: $25, or 25 cents 
Under glass: In jail 
Weak sister: A push-over 
Wear iron: Carry a gun 
Wise head: A smart person 
Wooden kimono: A coffin 
Wop: derogatory term for an Italian 
Worker, as in "She sizes up as a worker": A woman who takes a guy for his money 
Wrong gee: Not a good fellow 
Wrong number: Not a good fellow 
Ya Follow: do you understand? 
Yap: Mouth 
Yard: $100 
Yegg: Safecracker who can only open cheap and easy safes 
Zotzed: Killed
Zozzled: Drunk
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zefive · 5 years
an endless list of anime i should really fucking watch but i keep on getting distracted help for my own sake, don’t reblog i will shoot you in the face
MOB Psycho 100
Sword Art Online
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Osomatsu-san (catch up)
The Rising of the Shield Hero  
Wolf’s Rain
Yuri!!! On Ice
Concrete Revolutio
Sirius the Jaeger
My Hero Academia (october is season 4 time)
My Roommate Is A Cat
Cowboy Bebop
Blood Blockade Battlefront
Madoka Magica
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
91 Days (rewatch it you BITCH)
Kill La Kill
Devilman Crybaby
Made In Abyss
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid   
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime   
Flip Flappers  
The Saga of Tanya the Evil
Goblin Slayer
Zetsuen no Tempest
Rokka no Yuusha
Land of the Lustrous  
Dennou Coil
The Promised Neverland
Children of the Whales
Alien Nine  
Natsume's Book of Friends
Happy Sugar Life
Yuki Yuna is a Hero  
selector infected WIXOSS  
Terror In Resonance
Ergo Proxy 
Samurai Flamenco
Princess Tutu
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control
Darker Than Black
No. 6
Samurai Champloo
Food Wars!
Gundam Wing
Death Parade
Denpa-teki na Kanojo
Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu
Spice and Wolf  
Legend of the Galactic Heroes  
Rage of Bahamut: Genesis 
Chaika -The Coffin Princess-
Bungo Stray Dogs  
Seirei no Moribito
Classroom Of The Elite
Keroro Gunsou
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka?
Code Geass
The Devil is a Part-Timer
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Guilty Crown
Cells at Work
Angels of Death
Juuni Taisen
Izetta: The Last Witch
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
B: The Beginning
Chain Chronicles: The Light of Haecceitas
Brave 10
Tower of Druaga
Altair: A Record of Battles 
Arslan Senki 
SSS Gridman
Kyoukai no Kanata
Violet Evergarden
Serial Experiments Lain
The Vision of Escaflowne
Dimension W
The Twelve Kingdoms
Megalo Box
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl
Star Driver
Betrayal Knows My Name
Togainu no Chi 
Birdy the Mighty
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.
Eureka Seven 
Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry  
Last Exile
Flying Witch
Lyrical Nanoha
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
Black★Rock Shooter
Muhyo and Roji
Outlaw Star
Is This A Zombie?!
The Ancient Magus' Bride
Grancrest Senki
Tsuki ga kirei
Idolish 7
Isekai Shokudou
Junketsu no Maria
Uchouten Kazoku
Break Blade
Scrapped Princess
Urara Meirochou
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho
Kaleido Star
Nagi no Asu kara
Fantastic Children
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii
Bloom Into You
Houkago no Pleiades
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neildresner · 6 years
Based on this post by @otome-life, this is my first Lovestruck fic! Idk, the inspiration just struck me. I don’t have a title yet.
Part I: Speakeasy Tonight Words: 556
The Ice Box, despite being packed to the gills on a hopping Saturday night, was silent. Julius had stopped playing, fingers frozen over the keys of his piano, cutting Cleo and Sofia off mid-note. In their confusion, the crowd had followed the performers’ gazes to the bar, where a bright green, rodent-like creature had appeared on the bartop in a sudden flash of bright, colorful light. All conversation died in an instant.
Those gathered at the bar were similarly stunned. Mouths hung open and hands hovered over pistols, though Vince and Donovan were at a complete loss as to whether they should draw theirs or not. Elliot, who had been sitting closest to where the creature appeared, had immediately flown off his barstool and was crushing his hat to his chest in fright. Even the normally impassive Neil looked shocked, and his grip on his glass of bourbon tightened. Only Cliff regarded his new “customer” with thoughtful curiosity. He could have sworn he had read about something like this in one of his pulps…
Suddenly, the creature moved, making everyone nearby move back. However, the movement wasn’t aggressive – in fact, it looked like it was preening. Comet, as it was known in another place and time, was not used to having this many people paying attention to it, and it found that it quite liked it. It made a little trilling noise and cutely puffed out its cheeks. Reassured by this, Cliff slowly nudged a bowl of nuts towards Comet while the rest of the speakeasy held its collective breath, watching and waiting to see what it would do next. It recognized the nuts as food, but none that it was interested in, and it turned up its nose to the bowl, ears sticking straight up indignantly. Not cereal.
The Ice Box Flapper herself was the first to finally speak, moving through the stilled crowd with purpose until she was face-to-face with Comet. “I don’t remember seeing you on the guest list,” she said to it with a smile that betrayed only a fraction of the uneasiness she was feeling. Armed gangsters were one thing – at least she knew what they were – but chubby green rabbits with three tails? That was far outside her wheelhouse, no matter how much her wheelhouse had changed since coming to Chicago.
“We have a guest list?” Vince asked. The only answer he got was one of Cliff’s elbows in his ribs.
Comet regarded the young woman with wide blue eyes, searching for either familiarity or cereal. Finding neither, it deflated somewhat. “Don’t worry, nobody’s going to hurt you,” she continued, gingerly presenting one of her tiny hands for it to sniff. Comet only stared. The humans’ clothes looked weird, the air smelled weird, and there was no cereal. Even with a rapt audience, Comet decided that this was definitely not where it wanted to be. So, when a portal much like the one it fell into on the Promise appeared in the middle of the dancefloor, Comet leapt from the bar amid gasps and shrieks from the speakeasy’s clientele and raced straight into it.
Silence descended upon the Ice Box again. It lingered for several long moments until it was broken with a quip from Neil: “After that, I don’t know if I should drink more… or start drinking less.”
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cursed-saphire-hart · 6 years
One of my better earlier stories ♡
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(An old pic Im still proud of)
Title: If We Had Met In Another Life
Chapter: N/A
Au: 20s
Word Count: 1,853
Rating: T
Summary: N/A
She had been riding awhile, it was morning when she left, and now as she was sitting in the seat of the train, the cool morning, turned into a warm afternoon. Hours passed, and she had fallen asleep under her fathers old jacket, it smelled of pine wood bark dust, and cigar smoke, it made her feel less afraid and lonely as the train traveled further from her home, the vibrations from the wheels below had rocked her to sleep, and the soft music playing lulled her into the world of dreams, as the soft cushions of her seat held her body in place. For a dream that seemed like only minutes, more hours had passed, and the announcers voice over the intercom awoke her.
The train stopped at its destination with a screech as metal on metal slid to a stop, and the announcement along with the sound of the train whistles, and the patter of feet echoed through the station as a young girl stepped off the train. With her, she carried a suitcase and an old carpet bag, both in which had experienced years of use during they're previous owners travels. As she walked through the area, which was all so new to her, she bought a paper which was dated July 1st, 1924, Friday. Thneedville, only 3yrs ago it was named Greenville, and was now a big city, music poured out of every building and shop, all so wonderful, all the bright colors and lights, with the scent of baked goods, grilled food, and perfume to fill the air as it road the soft breeze that flowed through the buildings and streets, it was like a dream.
That's why it was this girls destination, she was 18, and out of house for the first time. As she walked through the town that was as bright as day in the middle of the night, the young girl read the news paper, she had always loved reading the daily paper, on the front page was vibrantly colored print announcing the grand party that would be held on the forth of July. This was defiantly a first for the girl, the papers back home were all black and white, was everything in this city just that amazing, it was defiantly catching her attention, that was for sure.
When she did manage to look up from the paper she saw how many girls were wearing colorful small dresses and expensive furs, while she was wearing plain brown pants that were baggy and hid her other wise pencil thin figure, they were pulled up to her waist and were held by black suspenders, she even wore a plain white baggy button up shirt with the too long sleeves rolled up to her elbows with worn black boots.
She was a lovely young bae, but she stood out among the other flappers in her fathers old clothes. But she liked it that way, she didn't have the need to show off her figure, if she had one, so she wore any clothes her father would hand down to her. Her long hair was tied back and was at least 2 feet past her shoulders, while all the other girls had there's cut short in a bobcut, long and pulled back was just the way she always liked it, with a bright red bandana to hold her thick locks.
Instead of feeling like an outcast, she fallowed her mother's words and held her head high, and walked through the streets, proud to be the girl she was. Now why is a small town girl like her in a big city, you may ask? She was working on a book of course, and the bae had two years to get it done, if it was good enough, it would be published, that was deal she had made. They said she had talent and creativity, but she lacked the writers experience, and if she could write a good novel in a 2yr time period, she would finally be living her dream.
As happy as the girl could be in the big city, all the walking around was getting tiring, the small town of Green Meadows was nothing compared to this huge place. The young bae soon found a place to rest for a moment, and was well relieved, the girl walked through the doors of the club, and took a seat at the bar seats, finally able to set down her bags, and rest her aching feet.
She sighed softly and leaned forward on her arms, she closed her eyes, and took in the smooth music, the soft spoken words between people as they chatted, and the soft pitter patter of feet against the tiled floor.
The old clock in the lounge struck 8 pm, and its loud gong like sound vibrated through the air, just as the soft jazz music did as it was played skillfully by a colored group. It was peaceful, and soothing to the young girl, she finally had a moment to calm herself from all her excitement. Her heart was still pounding in her chest like a drum, and her hands where a little twitchy, this town had so many new things, and so much inspiration, anyone of them could be her writing muse, how was she going to pick just one..?
She let her mind clear, and soon a new sound flowed through the air, it's soft ring, it could only have had been the bell of the door.
She could hear someone walk closer to her, for reasons unknown to her, she drowned out everything else, she focused only on that other person. The bae didn't open her eyes, she didn't move. She took a deep breath, letting go of the breath she had been holding, she could smell whine, cigar smoke, and perfume, but there was something else, something sweet. It smelled like freshly made cream, honey, and wild flowers, the only thing she could compare it to, the only title it could go by, and suit it well enough, was the sweet scent of butterfly milk.
"Can I buy you a drink Miss?" said a calm, mesmerizing voice, with a sly tone.
The girl opened her green eyes and her heart skipped a beat, her cheeks bloomed with a soft blush. Sitting next to her was a tall man, at least 7 foot 8, he had a young face, and peach colored skin, he couldn't be more then 25.
"Oh uh.. sure... I-I suppose.." she squeaked out blushing more, she really hoped he hadn't noticed her staring. "What would you like?" he asked resting his chin on his gloved palm with his elbow rested on the bar table. "Uh... Dr. Pepper I suppose... I don't drink..."
"Alrighty," The bar tender took a bottle of Dr. Pepper out of the ice chest and popped the cap off before giving it to the green eyed girl. She was so nervous to take a drink, she could feel him watching her behind dark blue tinted lenses, "What's your name..?" He asked sitting up right, he reached into his green tailcoat, and pulled out a cigar box and a golden cigar cutter, this man had money to burn. "Desiree Evergreen," she told him gripping the cold bottle in her hands. The fizzy elixir inside was ice cold, cooling her already clammy hands. Her heart was racing, and her face felt so hot, but at the same time, but her blood felt so cold, a new feeling swelled in her heart as it drummed.
"Desiree... sounds kinda French..." he said lighting his cigar, "It is... it means to be desired... and is also the name of a pink potato..." the man tried to suppress a laugh, he balled his hand into a lose fist and held it to his lips as a failed attempt to keep the laugh from escaping his lips,"So... your a desired pink potato?" he teased letting out a small laugh, Desiree pouted, she wasn't nervous anymore, just a little mad, she didn't really like being razzed, especially by a guy like him. "Mind if I call you Desi?" he asked adjusting his tall top hat that was placed over a mop of ebony black hair. "...I suppose," she said finally after taking a swing of her soda. "So what's a girl like you doin in a place like this, an all alone..?" he asked taking a long draw from his tobacco stick, "I mean, you look more like a country hay seed instead of a city slicker," the smoke poured out of his mouth a he talk, and Desi had to wave her hand to fan it away.
"I just got to this city actually," Desi said with a small hope filled smile, "I'm here because I wanna be a writer, and the publishers are giving me 2yrs to write a good novel, if its good they'll publish it." she gripped her soda, with a hopeful glint in her big green eyes, he could see how brightly her green eyes shined even through his tinted lenses, so much hope and wonder, so innocent, he blew the smoke out of his lungs, and sighed.
"Sounds like they're pulling your leg," her smile fell when he said that, with a blunt tone. "Heh... maybe..." she chuckled at the thought, it was there pushed to the back to her mind, the thought that they weren't really serious, or the possibility they might not live up to they're promise. "Then why are you going through with it...?" he asked blowing out more of the tobacco smoke. "Because..." she said sounding ready to cry, the thought hurt like a bunch of needles stabbing her heart like a pincushion, "I wanna believe that it's possible they'll publish if its good..." why was she saying these things to him? Why was she about to spill her heart to a stranger, she didn't even know his name, "I wanna go through with it because..." and yet, "...Its my dream..." she felt like he would listen, and he would care. So much self doubt filled her heart, and threatened to overflow into tears. "... If I cant at least have my dream... what else could I do...?" tears trickled down her cheeks are they burned hot, her throat tightened and she held back the need to cry out.
The mans face softened, he brought his gloved hand up to her cheek and with a gentle stroke, wiped away the hot tears, "Now now, and young girl like you shouldn't cry..." he smiled at her gently, and she couldn't help but smile back. Desi felt her worries begin to melt away, this man, he was like no one she had ever met. He was gentle, and kind, and she had only just met him, but he was being so kind to her, and this man dressed in green, was going to be her inspiration.
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