#i'm sure this sucks
knifearo · 3 months
ultimately when it comes to shipping and fandom space treatment of aspec characters i just don't accept "aro/ace people can still date/have sex" as an answer from nonaspecs. like yeah. mhm. okay. now i think we both know that you're not saying that out of real interest in the diversity of aspec experiences. so you can turn in your seventeen-page essay on why and how you plan to examine this character's aspec identity within the context of a romantic or sexual relationship complete with evidence from canon and peer reviews from multiple aspec people within the next week or i'm putting you in the pit from the edgar allen poe story
#you know. the one with the pendulum#'hey. why are you as an allo person shipping this aspec character like this'#'oh aspec people can still date/have sex!'#'yeah. now can you answer the question that i actually asked you'#like goddamn just say you don't care they're aspec and you want to fulfill a sexual/romantic fantasy with them. that's Fine#it like. sucks. for sure. lotta aspec people will be unhappy with you. but everyone is entitled to their own wants and experiences.#but i'd prefer you just be honest with it rather than using our community's conversation points as retroactive justification#and ONCE AGAIN. you guys are real fucking cavalier with this shit and it shows a real fundamental lack of respect for aspecs#when most of you would NEVER ship a canonically gay character with the 'other' gender. cause again. it would suck.#you can do it. nobody's Stopping you. but it would suck.#and we understand that putting a queer character in situations that erase that queerness is shitty! until it comes to aspec characters!#and whoa... there it is again... people don't consider aspec identities to be queer... crazy how it always comes back to that#anyway. you all know what i'm talking about. have seen many posts about this lately#it is [ long sigh ] unfortunately a very hot button issue with the advent lately of alastor hazbinhotel#which. again. god i wish there were other canon aspec characters to be having this conversation about.#but we'll have to do our best with what we have#aromantic#aromanticism#arospec#aroace#talking#aspec#asexual#asexuality
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dolokhoded · 3 months
with greece legalizing gay marriage and everything i'm so tired of people diminishing queerness in greece to "oh your ancient greek ancestors would be proud ! alexander the great would be proud ! achilles would be proud sappho would be proud plato would be proud" etcetc.
queer rights progressing in greece wouldn't make our "ancient greek ancestors" proud because they had an entirely different concept of marriage than us, viewed women as objects to be sold and traded and only accepted homosexuality between men, or even more likely, a man and a literal underage boy.
gay rights in greece aren't benefiting some people who died a few thousand years ago or are Literally Fictional. greek queerness isn't just some ancient dionysian fantasy of feeding each other grapes and reciting poetry to each other by the sea. actual greek people who do benefit from this still exist. it doesn't honor some ancient guy who condoned slavery. it honors greek queer people who were out there protesting at the controversy this law raised with the church and actually made the effort to win this fight.
ancient greece isn't the epitome of queerness, not even close. absolutely in no way when it concerned exclusively just gay men. the epitome of queerness is the trans kid from my hometown who insisted on cutting their hair and dressing masculine even within their transphobic high school environment and strict orthodox family, or the woman who taught me programming who was married with children and realized she was aromantic fifteen years into marriage, or the gay punks who kept cops out of the university's anarchist hotspot.
greek queer people aren't history or mythology, and ancient greece isn't the queer utopia you make it out to be. we're still here, and we're fighting against the exact ideas our ancient culture perpetuated.
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kyuhu · 2 months
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15lehna · 2 months
So Kipperlilly's hatred towards Riz is the fantasy equivalent of "they have it easier because of diversity" white people type speech. He has an unfair avantage because his dad is dead so it makes him better??
Her saying "egg on my face for wanting something" pisses me off even more. Saying it to Kristen whose parents kicked her out just for being gay and who wants nothing more than to just belong . All comes from the fact that her own parents don't suck? Most of The Bad Kids' suffering has been dealt at the hand of their parents. Their journey has been them succeeding in spite of all of their trauma and set backs. Adaine's parents were literally hunting her down during sophomore year while on a quest to save the world during Tbk's vacation!
You can be a good adventurer without having evil or dead parents. We can literally take The Seven as an example they had normal families with normal family issues and yet they're great at what they do.
The Bad Kids whole thing started because Riz wanted to save his baby sitter and help the girls that were kidnapped. He didn't even know Kalvaxus killed his dad so he didn't even do it out of revenge in the first place.
Your backgrounds don't define you or your capabilities, your choices do. After everything, they chose to be kind and helpful which led them to become who they are. She was blinded by jealousy she chose to ignore that and hate them for it and their "unfair advantage".
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
All right, what's on the ol' professional to-do list for this morning? Ah yes, a photoshoot with Stabby the Roomba. Naturally.
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screwpinecaprice · 4 months
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Something to post for the meantime that I can't draw anything new! This patreon request from 2022! They have a little more anime-ish facial features for some reason. (Must be my inspiration at the time.)
They're dressed up because of some important event. It was Connie's day, (a promotion? Idk what specifically tho.) but she just wanted a simple makeup so Steven toned down his own to hopefully not take the attention away from her.
Page 2 might be confusing. There's a headcanon that Steven can store a couple of things in his gem, and here he positioned their hands over his stomach to place the glow bracelet.
To disclose!! (if I'm using the word correctly?) , there's a NSFW continuation of this. So be warned.
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Nimona headcanons just cause
Nimona and Ambrosius are both like sentient space heaters 
Nimona runs hotter than the average human being because obvi
But Ambrosius is a whole nother ballpark 
I just know this man hates summer more than the average person
Poor baby is just a miserable sweaty clammy mess and if anyone tries to touch him during summer he threatens to bite them
Nimona and Ambrosius always refuse to let the ac get higher than 60 degrees and Bal suffers 
Bal should be classified as a damn reptile 
Poor baby has terrible circulation
It’s bad enough that Ambrosius has dragged him to the doctor multiple times 
He clings to Ambrosius and Nimona in the winter because this man is constantly freezing 
I just know he’s a damn menace the second it gets a little chilly
This little brat will shove his hands up Ambrosius’ shirt the second he gets home to “warm up”
And he’s got a metal hand so it’s twice as cold
Ambrosius has been woken up from a deep sleep by freezing hands or freezing feet and will whine about how it feels like waking up in an ice bath
One time Ambrosius walked into the living room to find Bal chasing Nimona around while they were screaming “Frosty the snowman is trying to kill me with his icicle hands” 
Ambrosius is weirdly good with all kids he’s been described multiple times as a “natural parent”
Does he like kids…. That’s up for debate 
Like he doesn’t hate them if their parents raised them right but if that kid is a little bully then fuck no he doesn’t like them 
Nimona is also really good with kids 
He’s a little cautious around elementary school kids cause you know trauma and has weird beef with all middle schoolers 
Bal is fucking terrified of babies 
One time someone asked him to hold their baby and then walked off and which sent him into a panic attack 
He’ll go on hour-long rants about how fragile are and how he can’t be trusted with something that can suffocate if you don’t lay them down the wrong way
He’s okay with elementary school kids and doesn’t mind middle schoolers but he has massive issues with highschoolers for some reason 
A high school once asked him to visit and give a talk to the students and Ambrosius had to take his laptop away before he emailed them back saying “I’d rather chop my other arm off”
Honestly I think even though Nimona craves stability she also needs freedom 
So every couple of weeks she’ll go on little solo adventures 
She keeps the boys updated constantly about where she is but she never tells them when she’s coming back because she doesn’t even know 
Most of the time she’ll come back when she wants a homecooked meal (and when she misses the boys)
The boys are pretty used to this routine so they aren’t surprised anymore when they come home to a note saying she’ll be gone for a bit
They also aren't surprised when he climes through their window at 2 in the morning to wake them up and demand food 
Could he make it himself? Absolutely 
Does he want to? Fuck no where’s the fun in that 
Plus he knows no matter how much the boys complain about messed up sleep schedules and how he “gave them a heart attack” they'd rather be woken up in the middle of the night so they can make sure he’s healthy and fed 
When they do come home the boys “force” them into a sleepover in the living room where they eat a stupid amount of junk food and watch old horror movies  
And they call out of work so they can catch up and learn everything that can't fit in a text
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yore-donatsu · 1 year
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Training sketches to know to draw the Omnic “Moses” and... I had fun giving it more human expressions (the ironyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !🤣)
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treefish · 4 months
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the interior of this little number right here
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2aceofspades · 5 months
You’re making an animatic? YOU’RE making an animatic?!
Ahem. ‘Scuse me.
I know you said it’s painful, and I’m sorry for that. But seriously, if YOU’RE making an animatic, I know it’s going to be EPIC. Can’t wait to see it!! But be sure to take care of you. Breaks, water, sleep—all that jazz.
Oh nooo please don't get excited cuz it's really bad
Like look at this asdfghj-
What is this?!!!!? *Cries in pain*
All in all...I think I hate it but it's kinda fun??
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six-white-venus · 4 months
the mundanity of my grief disgusts me.
i go to class late every day and no one knows i'm rotting inside. the sun burns my skin and all i do is sigh because i forgot to bring money for a cab. a scream is forever stuck in my throat; stuck and never let out because that would be considered a public nuisance. my mom asks me what i want and what i want is a break but what I tell her is "anything but dosa" because that's the answer she wants to hear. your emotions are valid but they must be kept under tight wraps from 9am-5pm, 'cause it's important you stay sane during work hours. i sit cross-legged in my ratty sweatpants and write poetry and the hypocrisy of it sickens me to no end because ultimately i don't care as much as i should about the things i write. no, all i can think of is that i need to stop and start studying plant physiology. you can write odes and ballads about decay and call autumn the season of fallen angels but you still won't spare a glance at the pile of dried leaves on the side of the road because you can't be late to work.
you're sad but it's not hip or cool or pretty or even significant. i keep looking at the clock when i break down because I can't waste more than 30 minutes on this, that's plenty of time to wrap up all my drama and prepare for tomorrow's paper presentation. no one gives a fuck about your day but they should. it should be on the goddamn news, broadcasted on every channel because it's your day. a whole day. a day of your life, your world, your everything. no one cares but they should. but does it really matter, being on the news? no one watches the news anyway. oh look, you're out of groceries. you miss your mom's cooking. you seem to have a permanent headache these days and think of calling your uncle because he's a doctor. was. was a doctor. he's dead now. right. you're still out of groceries. wake, sleep, rinse, repeat.
the mundanity of my grief disgusts me. can someone burn down this world? i'd do it myself, but i have an exam this thursday.
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camellcat · 3 months
just recently rewatched the end of time specials, and I can't stop thinking about the way the master caught the doctor only to let him drop anyway. hey guys. what the fuck? I like had a visceral reaction to that and I don't even know why. that's. what. why'd he do that. do it again
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tortugatime · 8 months
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@intotheelliwoods oh shit! poptart's been turned into a marketable plush!
[alt version below]
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jonasiegenthaler · 6 months
this week on maths with luke
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crookedfivefingers · 26 days
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Doctor Who - 'The Forgotten' - Vol. 2
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jahiera · 8 months
listen it's very. even when playing gale's romance I am guaranteed several solid cutscenes of Astarion talking about his life, his perceptions of things, his ideas; the bite scene, the after that, the talking about your companions blood, the proposition, all the little conversations about being a vampire + how to become a vampire + what life was like that have several dialogue options. whereas these same "stock" conversations with the other companions tend to have ONE, maybe two dialogues with choices following if that much (for example, with Karlach it tends to be 1. ask question 2. she answers and it ends). there's a solid foundation of pacing and work put into astarion's storyline that even without his romance, his presence WILL be felt unless you just straight up never speak to him. which is to say, that THAT writing is really good! but if they couldn't uphold that same standard of effort and time across the board and ensure all the companions have some measure of equality, theeeeeen... something shouldve been done there to make sure it was at least somewhat equal. it also sucks that gale/wyll/lae'zel/shadowheart were all received ""poorly"" in contrast to astarion during EA (or received harsher critique anyways). I still believe there was a lot of solid character work and richness to their EA personalities that I dont know totally carried over in rewrites--decreasing the amount of conflict, lessening the "flaws" of these characters--contrary to what larian says about staying true to their core ideas in some places. so it sucks that you can see how with that effort and focus, astarion's storyline really is really well done for the kind of game that it is, and no one is saying bg3 is wanting for stuff to do, but there is a clear gap in effort and time put into the other companions when they absolutely deserved just as much time and effort as astarion, and the thing is. the writer confirmed it! confirmed that more time was put into him. like cmon man
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