#i'm sorry!)
cannebady · 10 days
He can get hurt?
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I can hurt him.
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diminuel · 2 months
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One Piece blorbo...
*hides face*
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laurapetrie · 2 months
She possessed an intensity of romantic feeling that very few people in this world can form the remotest conception of.
Charlotte Bronte, "Henry Hastings" (1839)
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stellaluna33 · 5 months
The thing that gets me about Love Never Dies is that the plot reads like POTO fanfiction written by a 14-year-old (I'm sorry 14-year-olds), and yet I am also almost completely certain that there is actual POTO fanfiction written by actual 14-year-olds that would be, you know... better.
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ask-eraser-and-mic · 3 months
You seem to love your sleeping bag. How does Mic get it away from you to wash it?
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Hizashi: "No, you have three!"
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aquitainequeen · 2 years
Matthew the Raven: So, I have something I really want to say, but I gotta warn you, it's pretty weird.
Dream: Matthew, I am the Lord of Dreams, ruler of the Nightmare Realms. My kingdom is a cradle and a haven for the boundless potential and chaos of the sleeping mind. I have experienced and created horrors and delights far beyond mortal comprehension. I have existed nearly as long as existence itself. What could you have to say that would possibly disturb me?
Matthew the Raven: Okay, well, you asked.
Matthew the Raven: I kind of want to sit on your head and pull at your hair, to see if I can control your body like a puppet.
Dream: ...
Matthew the Raven: ...
Dream: ......
Matthew the Raven: I told you it was weird.
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wenellyb · 23 days
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
I’m sorry, I had to! - Buddy Daddies Episode 10 SPOILERS!
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(Image: Kazuki, Rei, and Misaki sitting at the kitchen table. Kazuki is upset and distressed, Rei is looking at Misaki, and Misaki is smiling sadly, while touching her neck. The Mean Girls meme text is on the image and says: “Oh, my God, Rei, you can’t just ask people if they’re going to die.”)
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lilyinthevalley-art · 5 months
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I like Kagetsu a perfectly normal amount XD
Some quick doodles because I haven't had the energy for a more intricate drawing 😅 (The one on the left is a redraw of a panel from the newest manga chapter, so the one I referenced is under the cut! 😁)
Redraw reference:
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
Two Yangs hmmmm
Well... With how many AU's I have, Yang-ception was bound to happen sooner or later.
Blake: Uh...
Yang 1: Hey, Babe!
Yang 2: What's up?
Blake: Thank you, Gods, for the spitroasting I'm about to receive.
Yangs: (blink) We're in danger.
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theabyssiniancat · 6 months
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What happens when you forget to recharge your cat.
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luck-and-larceny · 4 months
Black: Recall the worst insult you’ve ever received.
“Everything about you is perfect."
Normally, I don't get too worked up about what people say about me. Not even the blatant lies like this one. Maybe especially not the blatant lies. People lie all the time after all, every day, and for the smallest reasons. I've always thought the ability to tell stories is what really defines us from the animals around us. And a lie is just another story.
So lie to me! I don't mind! I'll lie back. We'll have some fun telling our stories and then we'll go our separate ways into the night carrying the memories of our elaborate fictions.
But coooome oooooooooon, ughhhhhh.
Fucking try, would you? Show some artistry! Make me suspend my disbelief for awhile. There's nothing worse than a boring, bad story.
And know your fucking audience.
I can't conceive of a worse insult than to tell someone who worships both the highs and lows of luck that she has no flaws.
Is my reaction to this worthy of an eye roll? Sure! Yeah! How like me to be annoyed at someone for saying a thing everyone knows is a compliment, right?
But that's the thing. The audience! Know the audience! Me! If you're going to lie to me– at least try to make it a good one. Tailor it to me. Show some creativity! Make it a fun lie. Make it one I might -want- to believe.
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
Ok, LISTEN! Everybody talks about the way Jess looks when he's all wet from the sprinklers, but I want to talk about Jess BEFORE the sprinklers! Because he looks like he's not wearing any hair product (maybe he had to do multiple takes with the water? Haha!), just like "Bid-a-basket" day except it's not all combed down like it was then. His hair's still all ruffled up (which I really like), but it looks so SOFT and curling at the back of his neck and he's wearing the soft sweater and he just looks so PRETTY and SOFT! 🥺😭
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thedawningofthehour · 7 months
My doth theory is that this whole exploding collar thing will backfire real soon and someone important on Draxum side will end up in it (or perhaps someone from turtles side will get stuck in it?? Idk someone important will get stuck in it). Reasons why I think that:
1. Putting a bomb ON A COLLAR feels like something important. Like collar is such a visual way of doing it. It draws attention to itself
2. Idk I rewatched Evangelion Rebuild movies maybe like 3 months ago so Explosive collars made me think of it and DSS chockers so now I'm overanalysing these stupid collars
3. Tiger Claw did describe Gale getting kidnapped as "Prople wanting to see him in a collar" or something like that so maybe????
4. That's it I'm used to the fact that if it's a collar then it's propably important and if not, then at least they will let the main character wear it for a while. Like it's both visually striking and propably looks not that complicated. Perfect and easy to remember. Ofcourse you would want to put one of your main characters in it, so now people buy chockers made to look like it on ali express for cosplay.
I doubt that will actually happen, like litearlly my only lead that it will is one line that most likley means nothing, and I'm more than anything just joking about how putting something on a collar feels like a memorable visual that propably will be at least a bit imporant. And main character will wear it for a hot second to make it cosplay worthy (like litearlly in evangelion in span of 2 movies, three different main characters wore it, one at the time with the last one not even leading to much as it got just removed off her. Like she could just put her mech on autodestruct or something for it to be turned off, but nope. Collar)
Explosive collars are a pretty common trope-it even has its own TVTropes page. (not linking for people like me who will lose whole nights to it) Battle Royale used them too, and if you're a fan of The Hunger Games (new movie just came out, anyone seen it yet?) Battle Royale is absolutely a fun read.
The ones I was thinking of, however, are the slave collars from the Fallout series.
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(I mean, are you fucking surprised it's Fallout-inspired?)
In the lore of Fallout, these were used in prisons and detention camps, especially on Chinese prisoners, and potentially developed for use on laborers to keep them working and obedient. (hey, it's good satire if it hits close to home) After the Great War, they were quickly co-opted by slavers. They function as an in-game enslaving mechanic, so the game doesn't have to script a whole slave-driving sequence of you leading your slaves back to slaver HQ-you literally just slap the collar on and they'll deliver themselves. It's kind of a chilling aspect of life in the wasteland, the casual cheapness and disregard for human life. Oh, and the whole Dead Money DLC where you get a bomb collar and have to navigate a resort and casino while dodging corrosive gas and radios that will interfere with your collar and set it off prematurely.
The collars that Draxum wants aren't as shoddy, and he would mostly want them for people who are around his son/responsible for keeping him safe when he's out of the house. Because he's going to have to do that at some point. He can't trust anyone's loyalty or bravery-but he can trust that they'll do everything in their power to protect him if they know their heads will be blown off the moment Galois's heart stops.
And yeah, the visual is important. The symbolism is important. A collar is inherently demeaning, demoralizing, a literal grip around one of the most important parts of your body. There's actually a guy in New Vegas that will talk about how he intentionally puts slave collars on a little too tight so it bites into a slave's neck and constantly reminds them what they are.
But at the same time, it's a barbaric tool. It would not be good PR for everyone to see Draxum's minions with these around their necks, nor would it particularly endear said minions to him. Also worth noting-slave collars are common in art and fiction because they're effective symbols of slavery, but in real life slaves usually didn't wear collars. Because slaveowners didn't want their slaves seeing how many of them there actually were and rising up against their masters. For those of you who've read ASOIAF, remember that Astapor (and to an extent Meereen) did not fall to Dany's forces or even her dragons, but to the very slaves they trained and sold.
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(Draxum's heard way more about Game of Thrones than he ever cares to know)
In short-Draxum knows what he's doing, and he intends to use this tool sparingly, but wisely.
The way you phrase this implies that someone is going to cosplay my shitty fic. Though I do feel like it will be fanart opportunity.
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kalikoke · 1 year
I-I thought this was a comedy?!
But in all seriousness, the "Mom" episode of Abbott Elementary does an excellent job at capturing a particular dynamic between a mother and a daughter that is toxic to its very core.
It's been hinted at in the past that Janine's mother Vanetta wasn't exactly the best parent, so to see her materialize on screen as this kind of...person was a kind of revelation. Because now we've encountered the real Vanetta and seen her for the type of mother she's been to Janine all these years. The one looking to her daughter to parent her instead of the other way around.
I mean, we all know this but Janine's definitely a people pleaser, always trying to fix things even if it comes at the cost of her own wellbeing. So it makes sense now seeing her interact with her mother why she ended up being the way she is. Maybe I'm making a leap here, but the "love" her mom has seems conditional at best? It's just not a healthy relationship at all regardless.
And Barbara immediately recognizing what kind of mother Vanetta is to Janine and stepping in so quickly even if she knows she might be overstepping...that to me is just *chef's kiss*.
Melissa said something about not getting involved in another family's business unless it's on Yelp and it's to go against a competing family or something.
But see, Janine is family. She's a part of Barbara's work family, at least. And as much as she tries to keep her own boundaries with Janine (which imo is healthy to do), sometimes you have to stick up for your family.
And then after all that giving Janine tips about her upcoming trip, making sure not to have too much cash, but also have it, etc. That's saying "I love you" without saying it explicitly. It's like a close friend telling you to "text me when you get home" after a fun outing, or your younger brother getting you donuts while you were at the podiatrist for your sprained ankle and then immediately making fun of your cast when he picks you up from said podiatrist...
That's the kind of love Abbott Elementary's characters share with each other. They don't say it outloud because well, 1. that's probably an HR violation somewhere and 2. they don't need to.
But I digress.
It was so heartening to see Barbara step in to stand up for Janine, but even more so seeing Janine stand up for herself and set these boundaries with her mother. S1 Janine wouldn't have done this, I don't think, and I love this growth we're seeing for her.
(I have a theory Barbara was a lot like Janine earlier in her career as a teacher and Melissa acted as a kind of balance for her the way Gregory is to Janine and--ok ok I'll stop lmao).
Also, as someone equally as terrible at small talk if not entirely incapable, I truly appreciate seeing Gregory struggle with that. #representation
ALSO s/o to Ross Dress for Less, which incidentally is also my actual mother's favorite store, ever
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Yk that one Harley Quinn audio “Joker was demented and abusive.” “Yeah… I’m really gonna miss him.”
You think after being stuck with him for so long, Wukong would develop similar conflicted feelings?
Oh! Oh! I know that one! And trust me it's not the first time i thought of it.
This can apply to a bunch of other things, such as the feeling of being warm, or simply burning. wukong is been in that furnace for so long he probably did miss being so warm.
Or having something on your back. Anything, that is a pillow, that is a monkey, anything that he can recognize being on his back.
He's so used to have those certain feelings, that now that he doesn't have them anymore, he misses them. It's weird not having those feeling. He surely panics whenever anything remotely similar to those two traumatic situations happens, but when he's safe? But when he can be warm and safe? When he can have something on his back and he knows he won't be stuck?
It brings comfort.
Now I'm not a genius in phycology, and I'm not the perfect person to ask about this, but i think you get my point on this topic i just explained.
wukong misses the furnace, he misses the mountain and he surely misses his "partner".
He's been stuck on all of three situation for so long, that he now realizes that he misses them.
But he hates them at the same time.
and Tripitaka? His master? What was supposed to be a figure to follow? To love?
He misses him more than anything. Not only he viewed Tripitaka as a member of his family, which he care deeply about, but what if he has doubts about his feelings?
what if sometimes he wonders if he truly did love Tripitaka the same way, but he just kept denying himself? What if he was just so selfish that he pushed away someone he could live forever with?
Y'know. Those thoughts.
Oh and don't get me started with tang, Tripitaka reincarnation.
Wukong can't bring the feeling of having his master, an abusive in all senses at this point, back.
He can try and gain again the feeling of being loved, even if in a very twisted way, but it's not the same.
It's not the same! Because tang is a new person. And Tripitaka was another.
Tang isn't abusive, tang dosen't call wukong names!
Tang is the better version of Tripitaka, but wukong dosen't want that.
He wants the feeling again of being loved, but at the same time he wants again the feeling of the fillet he's so afraid of, he wants again the feeling of being invalidated of his problems and feelings because that's what he's used to. Because that's what's normal. That's what he grew up with.
He's not used to having a healthy relationship.
He's not used to having healthy friends or a happy ending.
he doesn't feel safe in that kind of environment.
He feels safe in the abusive and toxic environment he's been stuck in since,, forever!
Heaven, his master, his brothers, he's been in that environment since he was born basically!
and he misses that! Because he finds security in it.
He find comfort in it.
And he wants that feeling again, dosen't matter if it's unhealthy or not, dosen't matter if it's wrong or not.
nobody cares anyway, nobody cares of how he feels, why should he care if he's missing something he shouldn't miss?
Yeah he would definitely miss that guy and his weird shenanigans.
Do we wanna talk about wukong was a child during all of this? Immortality is tricky.
@nerves-nebula what are you thoughts of this?? I wanna hear about 'em! i think you're better than me in this kind of topic
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