#i'm so sorry I made this connection barbi
goaways-stuff · 5 months
Sunshine's Baked Goods
Tim Bradford x gn!baker!reader
Summary: Long shifts rarely end in such wonderful things
Rating: PG, but I'm an 18+ page
Warnings: none! fluff. No physical descriptions of reader, just that they like pink.
a/n: requested! To the person who requested, I'm so sorry, tumblr deleted my og post & I lost the request & user. Please comment & I'll tag you!! Briefly looked over, but not Beta'd
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It was the morning after a long night shift, and all Tim wanted to do was go home and crash on the closest soft surface, but his stomach was ravenous for a bite to eat first. He tried to ignore it as he packed his stuff to go home, though he knew he would need something. 
It was still pretty early, the sun had barely risen, and not many places were open yet as he drove around, looking for something to eat. His stomach rumbled as he finally saw an open sign lit up. A small bakery right outside of town. His eyes were heavy as he stepped out, his senses overwhelmed with the sweet scent of fresh baked goods and…coffee? Oh, he had hit the jackpot. Definitely not his normal post shift snack choice, with the pink decor looking like a barbie puked on it, but it was open, and it smelled good.
The store was barren as he stepped in, the only sound was the little bell attached to the door, alerting you that a customer had come in. You furrowed your brows and looked up at the clock on the wall. Just past 6 in the morning. Yeah, you were open, but you never got customers this early. You just came in early to get a headstart on baking and decorating cakes. You wiped your hands, though you were sure you still had frosting stains somewhere on your body as you went out to the front with your signature customer service smile. 
“Good morning, what can I-” You were awestruck by the man standing in front of the counter. Tall, muscular, a hunk of a man. “...do for you.” You finished quickly, trying not to ogle. 
Tim looked over the small menu above you, seeing the variety of baked goods available. He looked in the glass, settling on a plain donut and black coffee. As you got a second look at him, you noticed the bags under his eyes and the look of exhaustion on his face and in his body.
“Do you want me to make that an espresso for you?” You asked as you rang him up.
“Not this time, thanks. ‘Bout to head home and crash.” He chuckled, the small smile lighting up the whole room, causing your heart to speed up. 
“Professionalism!” You reminded yourself as you nodded, ringing in the coffee as a water. It was your business, after all. A little discount for a nice customer every once in a while is just good customer service.  
You turned around, pouring a cup of the freshly brewed coffee and making sure to grab the best-looking donut. 
Tim swore to himself he saw you glancing at him. He tried to convince himself that he was just tired, and the attractive person behind the counter was just being polite. He couldn't help but glance back as he watched you make the coffee. And when he finally took the first sip, he swore you had to have put something extra in there. Perfectly brewed, smooth, not too bitter. The donut was soft and melted in his mouth. He thanked you and went on his way, sure that he was just so sleep deprived that he was imagining things. Imagining a connection.
But that didn't stop him from coming back. It became a regular thing after, especially long shifts. You always greeted him with a smile, but he swore again that there was an extra sparkle that wasn't there with other customers. The hot, grumpy man is what he became to you. All your employees made sure to get you when he came around. Though he was never rude, just quiet and to the point. 
You always made sure he had the freshest brew of coffee and the best donut, even if that meant going to the back to the warmer to get one. His order was so simple, yet perfection every single time. 
It was another late night, and you were getting ready to close shop when he came in. You smiled. It was easy to get annoyed when customers came in so close to closing, but you didn't care for him. He looked especially tired, so you brewed him a fresh coffee since you had already discarded the batch that had been sitting for a while. You took care to warm the donut up as something in your body pulled you to take a risk. As he sat down, you wrote your number down on the receipt, at the very bottom. You had to take a chance at some point.
You handed him his food. He always stayed to eat, though it never took him more than ten minutes. You went to the back to finish closing, not wanting to admit to yourself that you were too much of a coward to face him. He left as normal, and you were a little disheartened. Maybe he just didn't see it yet, you told yourself. Or maybe he's taken. Or maybe he just doesn't like you. You tried to calm your spiraling thoughts as you closed, turning off the pink neon open sign. 
You tried not to, but you checked your phone far too often that night, hoping for a text. It wasn't until the next afternoon when you got a text from a new number. You were over the moon, clutching the phone to your chest as your life played out like a movie. The chat ended with a date at a higher end restaurant across town that weekend. It was all you could think about that week. You hummed love songs and made more couple's themed cakes than normal. 
Even at the station, Tim's coworkers noticed his good mood. A little less harsh on all the “Tim Tests,” a little less snappy with his orders. It was the talk between all of his coworkers. 
Date night came, and you scrambled to pit yourself together. Everything about you had to be perfect. Pink accents complimented your outfit. He was even coming to pick you up like a true gentleman, a bouquet of pink roses in hand. So he picked up on that. 
You gracefully took his arm as he led you to his car, his hand right above your knee the whole way. Protective but gentle, not wanting to push any boundaries. He smiled the whole time, more than you had ever seen him before. 
And, of course, the night went great, starting off with the essentials of getting to know each other, but diving a little deeper into what the both of you are looking for in a relationship. He had you giddy the whole night, drowning you in compliments, giving a pink flush to your face. You were no stranger to the flirtations either, compliments flowing about his suit, his freshly cut hair, and how it enhanced his sharp features. 
Your heart fluttered from the butterflies flying in your stomach the whole night, and a longing for more had already set in before the night had ended. He drove you home, walking you to your door step.
“So, next Friday?” He smiled, wanting to hear the reassurance for the next date.
“Yep.” You responded, hearts for eyes. He looked at you, his eyes soft, flashing to your lips, plush and strawberry tinted. It aas a moment of silence, but not the awkward kind. It was filled with tension, begging for one of you to break it. Ultimately, he brought a hand to your face, rough and calloused with a gentle touch, bring you to him as he connected his lips to yours. For such a brooding guy, his lips were soft as ever, lovingly exploring yours. You hands wrapped around his neck as his other hand made it to your waist. It lasted forever but not long enough as you had to pull away for a breath of hair. He followed up with a small peck to the lips and a confident smile. 
“I'll see you then,” He said, though you both knew he'd be coming to the shop before then. 
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billwidoll · 24 days
The connection between us
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Rafe Cameron has never been a fan of love. He always thought it was all a joke, he always kept his heart cold and his body active. He had relationships with girls, but it was only physical And Rafe didn't know why he was like this, maybe because he was never loved by any woman and he felt this way.
Most women were in relationships with Rafe for his money and Rafe was no fool and knew it or maybe it was because he was just good looking. But anyway, Rafe hated this marriage thing, Of couples and of love. He wanted it far away from him. Until one day...
Whezzie, Rafe's younger sister, asked her brother to take her to the cinema to watch the new Barbie movie. Rafe hated it, but his sister was the only thing he tolerated.
"let's watch the movie and then go home, you understand" Rafe speaks authoritatively, holding whezzie's hand, in the queue for movie tickets.
"it's cool Rafe!" Whezzie says, rolling his eyes at his brother.
Approaching the ticket box, Rafe saw the employee who was at the counter selling tickets. And it made Rafe see true female beauty. He noticed the way you smiled, the color tone of your hair, your bright and penetrating eyes, your sweet and soft voice, your angelic skin. He simply saw the goddess next to him.
"I'm sorry, but can you hear me?" He hears your velvety voice, directed at him.
He was so mesmerized, he didn't even notice you were talking to him.
"ah...and...my bad, I got lost in your eyes.." Rafe speaks without realizing what he had said and you give him a confused face
"no, no, no, that's not what I meant, what I meant and what I lost in my thoughts"
Rafe speaks finally justifying himself and you give a smile
"no, It's okay, this happens to me sometimes"
You speak, trying to soften this strange situation between you and this man you've never seen in your life.
"let's go Rafe! Buy the damn tickets" Whezzie says, clearly irritated by the whole situation, and Rafe takes a deep breath to keep from yelling at her.
"I want two tickets to the Barbie movie"
Rafe says, lowering his head so he doesn't meet your eyes again and be mesmerized. Rafe takes out his wallet and gives you the money for the tickets.
"his daughter?" You ask smiling at whezzie, you were already preparing the tickets .
Rafe didn't know why he loved hearing your voice again and directed at him..
"no, not her, just my younger sister" Rafe says, smiling at you and playing with whezzie's hair
"well...she's beautiful! Here are your tickets" you say, giving them both a huge smile, and Rafe's wish at that moment was to stick that smile to his forehead
"Thank you... Y/N" Rafe says seeing the name on a badge that was glued to his work uniform.
When you give Rafe the tickets, he and whezzie continue on their way to the cinema
"what was this?!" Whezzie asks, surprised by all the dialogue Rafe had with that strange girl
"shut up" Rafe speaks harshly to the girl and she rolls her eyes
Two weeks later
"You have to get married, Rafe! You're already a 24-year-old man, you need to start your family!"
Ward speaks angrily and authoritatively to Rafe
"and dad, I know, and yes, I'm 24 years old and I decide whether I'm going to get married or not!"
Rafe speaks in the same tone as Ward, and Ward is angry at Rafe's reactivation.
"and the name of the family that I created, in your hands! You will inherit the company, meaning you will own this family! And you need to at least have a girlfriend!!"
Ward says pointing his finger at Rafe
"they....they are difficult dad....they just care about my money" Rafe speaks, speaking more quietly and Ward simply laughs at his son's confession
"so what? Your mother married me, it wasn't because of any love but for my money"
Ward speaks, making Rafe more angry and frustrated. Rafe needed to find a girlfriend quickly, and he would go after Y/N, the one and only, to make him feel strong admiration.
And so Rafe did. He waited for you at night, behind the cinema area, to just try to have a conversation with you. And as incredible as it seemed to him, he was nervous, his hands weren't They stopped sweating, And he was biting his nails because of the anxiety. But anyway, Rafe saw you leaving through the back doors of the cinema. And he approaches you
"oh hi! Remember me?" Rafe speaks with a friendly smile so you don't have to be afraid of that strange situation
"Ah, yes. You are that beautiful little girl's older brother, am I right?"
You speak a little spitefully because it was just the two of you in that place, and it was also night and it would probably rain in less than an hour
"yes! Yes, despite that, I'm Rafe" Rafe says, raising his hand to shake and you accept
Rafe didn't say his last name, because he was afraid that if you heard the word "Cameron" you would probably stay with him because of the money, so he decided to test
"well... Rafe... I'm still trying to understand, what do you want from me?" You say crossing your arms and looking deeply at Rafe
"Would you mind going out with me? I... just admired you at that counter"
Rafe speaks with a bit of a stutter, so you decide to let your guard down and try to sympathize with him.
"well...I accept, I just don't expect you to be some kind of psychopath" you say making this joke and you both end up laughing
"good... so can you give me your number, so we can arrange a meeting?" Rafe says, approaching you and smelling that sweet perfume
"okay" you say, taking a pen from your bag and pulling Rafe's palm, that's where you would sign the number
Rafe liked that, he liked your attitude, as a woman.
To be continued?
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Pit Babe Jeff x Alan & Kenta x Pete Colors Ep. 11
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here.
Disclaimer: I've been listening to Drake's "You Broke My Heart (Fuck My Ex)" on repeat for over two hours, so I'm *in* my feels, and all of them are salty.
Jeffrey, the red? Really?! Is it because you are looking at Barbie suffering and know the truth?! YOU KNOW, MOTHERF*CKER!
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Love that Pete's side starts with the blue-est drink because he is a GOOD MAN, while Waymond's side begins with the non-blue side since he cannot pick a side in this color war!
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Peter, I know you were a red, but I also notice you in that blue blazer, and the way you look at Waymond. I wish Waymond could see that no matter how much the red may linger, he NEEDS to make a choice. Be blue. Commit to it, Way Way.
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Babe is back in black, Alan is blue, and Jeffrey is a LIAR!
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"You broke my heart. I had my doubts about you from the start! I swear you're dead to me. Does Mercedes make a hearse? FUCK MY EX!"
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All I'm getting out of this is Jeffrey and Charles have a dad and Decanus was the fall guy for this very-dumb-plan. I am not a Dean apologist, but I am very much on his side, without a doubt, no hesitation.
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Alan Scale - 12/10. Why?! WHY?! It's not even the damn outfits. IT'S THE RED TUBE OF PRODUCT PLACEMENT Y'ALL ARE SHARING! Are y'all secret agents?! Do y'all have superpowers? What in the hell is y'alls deal?!
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KIMBERLY! Not wearing red. I wouldn't either. Fuck them hoes. You're a free man now. I love you and I like you.
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Alan, you have never done anything wrong (expect apologize to lying Jeffrey), and you using the blue tube of product placement is healing my soul. I love you. I like you. I respect you.
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Pete in the blue shirt too! My holy trinity is coming through. Kimberly, Alan, and Peter, you are good men, and I have never doubted you. You three will save the day like the PowerPuff Girls. Sugar, Spice, and Chemical-X. Beat the hell out of Mojo Jojo Big Red. And in case it's not clear: Alan = Buttercup, Kim = Blossom, Pete = Bubbles
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Kentana, why do you have spies at Bubbles' place?! You were spying on him in the woods, and y'all had that moment. Why are you so obsessed with him?
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Jeffrey, in the blue. Better be telling Buttercup you're sorry for LYING and that you love him. You will never find a better man. NEVER!
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Oh, are you telling him that?!
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I think you are! There is pink!
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Buttercup, these was cheesy af, and I'm disgusted at myself for smiling when the hearts connected.
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POP OFF, SIR! Sex on the blue bed!
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Sex in the blue shower!
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Cuddles in the blue bathroom! Jeffrey is gonna be blue one way or another, even if Alan has to -redacted- it into him.
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Big Red did wear red once?! Color me shocked, but who are these kids in the past? A blue kid and red kid? Which one are you, Kentana?
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I love that the blue is *right* there next to Kentana, yet he stays in the black. He is a Black Brooder, but he is blue-adjacent, and I just do not understand why he can't be loyal to the blue instead of the red.
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Oh, wait! Was that them as kids?! Pete, in his red pants, emerged from the blue (because he has always been a GOOD MAN!), but . . . that means Kentana was the little blue kid? Kentana, what made you go black? The abuse? The manipulation? You and Barbara are the same text, but different font, and I just need you to be better. Kiss Peter and let him heal you because this is the second time you have pushed him against a wall, and I think you want any excuse to be on him.
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Waymond, I'm stressed over your ass. Color-coded boys in love get happy endings, and unlike Kentana who is color coded black and Southwest Airlines and Vegas' Hedgehog who are just pure color chaos, you refuse to pick a damn color. And do you know what that means? No happy endings. You are paired with Peter, and he is trying with you, but it's episode 11 and you haven't solidified your color. Are you black? Are you blue? Are you red? Are you gonna kiss Peter because if not, Kentana sure looks like he will? ARE YOU GOING TO GET A HAPPY ENDING?!
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Peter, always in the blue! ALWAYS! Give that blue to Waymond. Give that blue to Kentana. And kiss them! I cannot support Waymond and Kentana's wrongs if they don't kiss a boy (with consent, Waymond!)
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KENTANA! In the dark, again. Pete is always coming from the blue, and you are always in the dark. SEE THE LIGHT, KENTANA!
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Oh my god! The dark versus light. Y'all were best buddies since childhood. Quit your shit, Kentana. You are a good guy in there. I saw it in the beginning when you looked sad that Barbie was being hit, but I need you to act! I need you to do something, and I'm hoping it won't be sacrificing yourself. Kiss a man! Kiss Kimberly already! You and Waymond are scaring me!
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Pete. Liked. It.
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Waymond. Waymundo. Way. I thought you were supposed to be with Peter and Kimberly and Kentana would be the new Kardashians, but . . . are you going to be the sacrifice? You cannot settle on a color. You haven't kissed a man (with consent). You are drinking all the time. You were taking pills to cope with life. Kiss any man so I can know you are safe.
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Way, please touch Whiny Winifred and convince him not to do shoot. Way, please do not take a bullet for Barbara to atone for your sins. Barbie can fix himself if he is shot. Way, please do not do this to me. Please. I'm begging you.
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Don't. Fucking. Do. It.
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sucker-for-yanderes · 6 months
Depravity pt. 2
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Yan!Shigaraki x Innocent!reader
18+ smut. May be triggering as it contains the following, please read!
Contains; spitting, dub-con, corruption kink, minor threatening, obsessiveness, mentions of violence, quirkless reader, panty thievery, cock warming, yandere behavior. Some of these may be triggering for some people, read at your own discretion!
Continuing where left off...
He walked around noticing how good of a job you did cleaning up the other part of the bar. As you explained yourself, your voice only sounded like muffled white noise to Shigaraki as he stole prolonged glances at your body. You wore a white, long sleeved shirt with some shorts. Your white, knee-high socks just added to your alluring shape. And to top it all off, you wore an apron. How cute! Shigaraki felt his cock twitch and pulse the longer he looked at you. He leaned in very closely all of a sudden, his hands in his pockets. (Name) brought her shoulders closer to her jaw and let out a surprised breath." S-shigaraki? Is there something on my face?" You gave a nervous smile as you pointed to your face." Mm, actually, yeah. Here, stay still." And with that, Shigaraki dragged his wet tongue across your cheek, sending chills up and down your spine as your whole body became hot and your cheeks immediately flushed." Shigaraki what are yo-?!" His lips gently crashed into your. They were a little dry, but the feeling of his lips on yours made your heart flutter. Your mind raced around trying to grasp the situation. You tried to move away from the kiss but Shigaraki's hands held you in place. You found yourself giving up and rather giving into the kiss, kissing back. The kiss turned into a passionate makeout session. You dropped your cleaning items previously held in your hands and Shigaraki pulled you up onto the table, spreading your legs. Your fingers danced in his hair as he kissed and sucked on your neck. Both of your minds consumed in lust. There was always a subtle... connection between the two of you. A tie. The tension whenever the two of you were in a room together, whether alone or with a big crowd. And don't forget those gazes you two met with from every now and then. Of course you would always catch yourself and look away immediately out of embarrassment and your shyness, but Shigaraki always kept his gaze locked onto you. He's seen and had many fine women with those barbie, super model bodies, and yours may not be so much of that but god damn it was the most beautiful body he had ever laid eyes on and he would get a taste of it tonight and every night from now on. His veiny, pale hands traced the arch of your back and untied your apron, eventually causing it to fall onto the ground. He unbuttoned your shirt, pulling away from those passionate kisses to get a look at you; needless to say, you were stunning already even though he hasn't even undressed you yet. Licking his lips, Shigaraki's mind was full of dark thoughts.
He wanted to rip those fucking clothes off of you and ravage your body.
He wanted to fully corrupt you. The type of corruption where you could still be as innocent as you are, while having the body and reactions of a slut. Shigaraki is happy to teach you... His pupils enlarged as he saw the huff and puff of your chest and your flushed cheeks, and we can never forget those cute puppy eyes of yours! He opened your shirt even more and slid it off, but when he went to take off your bra, you pushed his hands away with a groan of discomfort.
Shigaraki was shocked, having his movements be denied. Oh no, had he been too aggressive? What did he do wrong? You opened your previously shut eyelids and widened them, your cheeks getting redder." I... I'm so s-sorry. I don't know what came over me I just... I'm sorry, Shigaraki, but the truth is..." You meant to continue, you wanted to say anything to make the awkward situation not so awkward as you felt it was. But Shigaraki didn't feel that way at all. Around you, everything feels right and in order. He moved his hand ontop of yours.
" Tell me. You do know that you can trust me, right? You can tell me anything... Let me know what's wrong so I can take care of you." Shigaraki wrapped his arm around your head, leaning you against him. Your heart pounded hearing those words. You never felt so protected... So cared for." I-I don't know what I'm d-doing..." You murmured, forcing out every word trying not to die from embarrassment. You've liked Shigaraki for a long while now, ever since you laid eyes on him. Usually when you see a cute guy, you have a small crush on them and it goes away. But with Shigaraki, it was different. He wasn't even cute, he was drop dead sexy. Your heart pounded every time you saw him and you felt butterflies deep inside your stomach when you were near him or when your hands accidentally brushed up against each other. Shigaraki's lips curled into an evil smile. You were so adorable, admitting your ignorance. But that's okay, Shigaraki is going to fix that up for you in no time at all!
" Then let me teach you, (Name)." He whispered. Finally, you looked up at him, eyes all sparkly with hope. It was foolish, but he liked that about you. After all, you were in good hands. Shigaraki awaited for your compliance, and you nodded your head slightly." I need you to do something for me then, okay?" He whispered to you in his raspy voice." Hm? What is it?" You whispered back." Just relax, all you need to do is focus on enjoying it and trust me. Do you think you can do that for me?" His deep red eyes pierced into your being as he awaited on your answer." Y-yes, Shigaraki." Your answer was everything he needed to hear, his cock fully hard and pulsating. He swiftly took off your shorts and parted your legs. Leaning his face in between them, he finally began to lick. He started with one full and wide lick from the bottom to the very top of your already damp slit. And when he got to the top, he began to suck and swirl his tongue on your erect clit, leaving flashbangs in your mind. Your toes curled as he continued and your hands found themselves yet again intertwined in his fluffy white hair. Eventually he stuck one finger in, and then another, pushing up and rubbing against your G-spot. You did as you were told and were focusing on all of the pleasure you were feeling. Moans and wet noises filled the room by now and a mix of liquids were dripping down the bar table that you had just cleaned ten minutes ago. You were too embarrassed and flustered and so encased in your own pleasure that you pressed your eyelids shut to hide away and bask yourself in this newfound pleasure that felt so weird at first, now it's the best addiction you'll ever have... Shigaraki smiled as he saw your facial expressions changing in accordance to which direction he moved his fingers in as well as his pacing and roughness. And by the looks of it, you liked it rough. Shigaraki's heart pounded at this. He knew you were perfect
But, god... This is a whole other level. Innocent, yet likes to be manhandled and fucked hard n' rough? Oh, this is rich. He decides to take it a step further and finally get what he aches for so painfully. Shigaraki took out his fingers, leaving your sloppy cunt begging to be filled yet again, and he picked you up by your thighs, moving you to the nearby couch and slamming you down. A small huff escaped your lips from the force.
Of course, he followed by positioning himself on top of you. Unbuckling his belt and sliding down his black skinny jeans, he whipped out his concerningly large cock. His unpigmented pubic hairs were nicely trimmed. Not too short, and not too long. It was the right amount to give the perfect friction during sex. Not to mention his happy trail... He admired your naked, vulnerable body under him while you admired his as if he were a god. And Shigaraki loves each and every single one of his worshippers, especially you. When he sees your eyes widen at the sight of his hard cock, it twitches with excitement. It wants to ruin your cute little holes, all three of them... It loves you so much!" S-shigaraki... I don't think that it's gonna-" " It'll fit, sweetheart. You trust me, don't you? Like I said before, let me teach you. After all, I'm an expert at this." He cooed with a smile as he caressed his finger against your jaw." Mkay... I-I trust you." You widen your legs to show proof of that, causing Shigaraki to let out a moan of pleasure." Good girl~" He places his red tip at your awaiting entrance and thrusts slowly. Usually, Shigaraki is NEVER this nice or sweet when it comes to fucking, but you're different. Yeah, you were innocent, naive, and even a little stupid. But there was more to you than meets the eye. You truly did have such a pure heart. One like he had never seen. Maybe the human in him makes him want to modify your body to his liking, but the person he is doesn't want to change your heart. He truly does love you the way you are. And he's not going to let anyone take that away from him. No one. Shigaraki snaps back to reality as he is halfway inside you, savoring every moment of your soft, gummy walls that just keep wanting to pull him in. You cringe, groan, and moan from the pain and pleasure, it even feels a little weird. The pressure of being forcibly moved from the inside was uncomfortable at first, especially when he's trying to fit his whole length inside. It wasn't long before you finally warned Shigaraki it felt too big for you to handle. So he agreed to not go all the way. He actually said he could train you daily to take more and more of his length, to which you agreed to since his dick already felt so intoxicating, leaving you wanting more. Shigaraki's pace began to increase faster and faster, leaving you already on the tip of your orgasm. Shigaraki was pleased at the fact that you cum quite fast. And not to mention
Today, you would take all of it. Feeling his body on top of yours, totally dominating you." Open." Your body automatically responds on its own accord to Shigaraki's commands. Your mouth catches his drool and you swallow like a good girl. Patting you on your forehead with all but one of his fingers, he tops it off with a kiss. Then he kisses your lips, commencing a deep makeout session.
You prepare yourself the best you can.
Though, Shigaraki mostly already took care of that. His tip shoves itself deeper inside your slick with every inch of his lowering pelvis. Your moans and winces are muffled by Shigaraki's lips and soon the two of you are singing into each other's mouths. Wait, something's not right. It's too deep. The feeling is foreign and uncomfortable, should you guys stop? You don't want to disappoint your lover, though... Especially not the leader of the LoV... But it hurts so much that you feel like you're losing your mind. Poor you... just so tight and fragile.
Your hands attempt to push his abdomen, only for him to quickly shove in 3 more inches. You scream in pain."No, baby, you can take it. You've gotta take it. You don't have a choice anymore..." Shigaraki binds your hands above your head and bottoms out. The only thing you can do is look up at him with sad puppy eyes. Even as his shaft reaches your full capacity, he still bucks his hips forwards just to make sure... "Let my tip make out with your cervix for a while." He kisses you as he keeps his dick inside you, massaging his tip against your deepest part. You pout and squirm, only to be feeling even more pleasure by doing so. "Get used to my cock, sweet girl, because it's the one you'll be getting 'til the day you perish." He spits going into a maniacal laughter as he starts to move. Faster and faster, you feel like throwing up. Your stomach feeling full of his cock being the reasoning. You wondered if you could throw up your guts. Shigaraki's voice soon clouds your head. The way he speaks is off-putting. That's just how he is, but you still can't fight the instinct that something really is... off. You don't know just how accurate your instincts are. You doubt yourself too much to listen to them, just as Shigaraki taught you. You only listen to him... His voice, his commands, his moans... Everything he vocalizes. "Mine. Mine. All mine." He mutters over and over again. He's so loud, not caring who hears behind the thin walls of his room. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you..." He continues as his body convulses, emptying his thick white goop deep inside of you. Your orgasm then follows feeling full of his relief. "I love you." You whisper in his ear as he collapses on top of you, dick still inside. He pulls you into yet another loving kiss. "Promise to love me forever." You do as he commands.
The next day, you wake up to him getting ready to leave for his next mission. That's when you notice him closing your undergarments drawer. "I'll be taking a part of you with me since I left you with a part of me hehe." His devilish grin is met with your awkward face as you shrug off his perverse behavior and fall back asleep, completely exhausted from how he wore you out last night.
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Ineffable (Dream of the Endless x f!Reader) - Chapter 2: Devious
Also with Corinthian x f!Reader
Masterlist - Playlist
Everyone, please welcome your favourite charismatic miscreant, The Corinthian. Wonder what's in store for him and the Reader? Read on, fellow dreamers.
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I wake up well rested. After the conversation with Dream in the library, I just wandered off into Fiddler's Green and lay down on the grass. There wasn't much work to be done in that moment, so I just thought it would be nice to reconnect with an old friend.
For reasons which are probably all too clear, Gilbert may be one of my favourite places to roam in the Dreaming. And I vaguely remember already unwittingly wandering there, years before I even met Gilbert. He once said that I look quite familiar, and this was in our second meeting, so I just jokingly breathed out, "Well, I'm glad I have a face you wouldn't see fit to forget."
Of course, once I moved back to London from living with Gilbert and Rose, I admit I had to find my footing once more. I had to re-enroll at UCL and come across some familiar faces I'd rather would not have encountered again. Uni was both a refuge and a bother, in my experience. But of to course, getting accepted into my BA in Classics was almost a miracle, considering my high school record back in America. This opportunity seemed the only avenue for which I would be able to develop my passion in the Latin language and its texts, but the people were.... meh, to say the least.
Now back in London, living in a humble little studio in Walthamstow, and struggling to piece through my thesis, I have to admit I miss waking up in the morning to Hal practicing their dramatic numbers in the living room, Barbie and Ken having a constant lovers' spat in the room next to me, and so on..
I plant my feet on the floor, and stretch. I stand, and it takes me about 10 steps to reach the modest, little coffee machine in my kitchen. I get it started, and wait.
My mind drifts to what Morpheus said the night before... "You are important to me."
Hmmm... something tingles up my spine - a feeling of warmth, excitement. At the very least, now I know that the attraction may not be one-sided after all.
Silly girl, my thoughts barge in, you mistake interest for genuine connection.
I am pushed out of my thoughts by the ring from the intercom. Who could it possibly be at this Godforsaken hour?
"Yes?" I press the button.
"Why, hello, darling..." a familiar voice drawls.
"Cor?!" I hear myself squeak. Damn, I really do need that coffee.
"The one and only."
"What are you doing here?" I ask, but I have a feeling I am eager to see him, no matter the reason. Well. Shows you how messed up I am.
The Corinthian and I first crossed paths nearly 2 years ago, before I was even fully accepted into the fold in the Dreaming. Gil, Rose and I had driven to some hotel after receiving an anonymous call about her brother Jed. Looking back, it's understandable why I sensed something was wrong when we arrived.
They were having some sort of 'Cereal Convention', regardless of the fact that there was nothing even remotely related to cereal in sight. I had a hard time describing it at the time but the people made me feel queasy, especially the guy in the check-in booth with the name tag, Fun Land. Even Gil looked shaken after walking off for a few minutes, and he had managed to catch me in the lobby before leaving and stammered, "Be very careful, and look out for Jed and Rose!"
Minutes later, I bumped into a tall man with dirty-golden hair, and I was so amped up with adrenaline that I cried out, "Fuck!".
"Well, excuse me." he laughed, "That was my bad, I guess."
"Sorry," I felt embarrassed, straightened up and got a good look at him, "Nice glasses." I remarked.
"Ah, well that's nice of you to say." He leaned back, as if assessing me, "You're... different."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, what's a beautiful girl like you doing... here, of all places?" He spoke as if he had never lacked confidence a day in his life.
"It's a Cereal Convention, isn't it? Maybe I like cereal." I nervously said and thought, What a flirt.
He looked down at the name tag I was wearing, which Rose had managed to nab from the Welcome desk.
"The Siren, huh? As fitting as that sounds, I have a feeling you don't belong here. So maybe you should leave before it gets..."
"There you are!" He was interrupted by a wiry woman in a tailored suit, with a shorter, tense-looking man, "We have to introduce you to some people."
"Be right there." He politely said.
He glanced back at me once more, and it seemed as if he had more to say, but held it in.
"Good day, ma'am," He tilted his head, "Take care of yourself."
Weird...and strangely well-spoken, I had thought. The tone of his voice was almost akin to being melodic, reeling you in.
I would come to understand much later why he had warned me to leave. Jed, Rose and I found ourselves chased by Fun Land down a hallway. He had us trapped in a corner, but I had become so livid, thinking of what he could have done to Jed, what he had done to so many other kids...
I let out an agitated scream, and felt a rush of energy emanate from me. The lights flickered wildly, and he was flung a few feet backwards, hitting a wall with a crack.
Shit, I thought, I had done it again.
The Corinthian strode in from the end of the hallway, as if he had been there all this time.
"I thought I told you to leave." He said to me, as if almost annoyed.
"Oh well," He shrugged, and grinned maniacally, "The more, the merrier."
Of course, this was all before he had to be eliminated by Morpheus, and later reincarnated to be more loyal and subdued, and less... well... homicidal.
He returned to doing his duties in the Dreaming, where we crossed paths once more.
"It's you." He said, as if he wasn't surprised at all of my presence. Or of how I was able to move and do as I please in Morpheus' kingdom.
I had walked in the central hall, ready to report on the affairs of several dreamers that I was tasked to handle for that time.
"I knew she was special," he directed to Morpheus and Lucienne, "and now here she is."
He had looked highly amused. Morpheus looked back and forth between myself and The Corinthian, and it's safe to say he did not share his amusement.
We managed to see each other time and again in the Dreaming, and we've become quite familiar that I now see him as a... friend, of sorts. I was initially cautious around him, reckoning with all the things that he'd done, but I've come to know of who he is, made anew. In some ways, perhaps this was how The Corinthian was meant to be all along. He retained his calculated brand of deviousness, which seeped in ways such as in the musings that he would share with me. But I can see where he's coming from. I understand him, I think. Besides, I can't claim to being a complete saint myself.
I've also grown to calling him Cor instead of his official-sounding moniker.
"I just feel like I'm addressing a Bible verse sometimes." I grumbled once, to which he let out a guffaw. Don't get me wrong, I do like his name just as it is, but I liked the fact that only I called him by something else. It feels more...intimate.
Strangely, I barely saw him in the past few months, both in the Dreaming and the Waking World. I tried searching for him, when I was sifting through the Dreaming, but I couldn't.
I once came back to the library to find His Great Lordship sat there in all his solemn glory. He really looks like he needs Aspirin and some sunlight sometimes, that anthropomorphic personification. And perhaps a hug. Or two.
"You should stop trying to find him," he said, "He's occupied. And besides, considering his track record, he may not be the best companion for you."
"You made him," I pointed out, "and he's better now. You made him better."
He stared at me long and hard. "Nevertheless..."
He went back to what he was reading, and I walked off to find a volume that I needed. Why was he being so dismissive?
"Are you going to let me in, or should I just manifest myself in your room?" Cor's voice echoes through the intercom. I manage to collect my thoughts, and press the opening buzzer.
Half a minute later, I open the door.
"Hey there, trouble." He leans on the doorframe.
"Trouble yourself." I go in for a hug. It's been a while.
He laughs warmly. "I can see that trouble missed her favourite Nightmare."
He walks into my flat, and takes everything in.
"Cozy." He comments.
"Don't say a word," I point at him, "It's... nice."
"Hey, I never said it wasn't." He puts his hands up, and sits down on my bed.
"What are you doing in the Waking World anyway? Morpheus know you're here?" I walk to the kitchen and finally fix myself a cup coffee.
"Well, I was looking for you, actually." he responds, "And no, I think Lord Morpheus may be dealing with something else at the moment."
"Oh?" I sit next to him.
"What do you say we go on a trip?" he proposes, nudging me with an elbow, "I actually have something I have to do in the Waking World. Loose ends to tie up and all that."
"I'm listening..." I mumble, taking a sip of coffee.
"It'll be fun." He declares excitedly.
"You know that really doesn't tell me anything, Cor," I complain, "I haven't seen you for months and now you want to go on some roadtrip?"
"Precisely." He says, not missing a beat. As if his plan was completely ordinary.
I think to my work, my unfinished thesis. I glance around at the state of disarray of my tiny home, which bothers me. And what about the mission I have to undertake with Morpheus?
Well, I suppose my thesis can wait. Who knows? Maybe getting some fresh air may be just what I need to find the right words to put to the page.
As for Morpheus... I'll see him in my dreams.
"Fine." I give in.
"Perfect." Cor smiles widely, and I found myself having missed this sight.
"But first...." I demand, "You help me clean up." I gesture around with one hand.
He breathes out, and after a pause, strides to the closet where I keep the cleaning supplies. He pulls out the vacuum, and I giggle at the whole picture.
"Stop it." He says firmly, feigning annoyance.
"You're actually doing this?" I ask, incredulous.
"Well, this might ruin my fuckin' suit. But... anything for you, trouble."
End of Chapter 2.
All right, that was quite heavy on the Corinthian x reader side but his character is just sooo. . delicious.
The dynamic of Dream x reader x Corinthian will be shown in the next one!
Also, this was barely proofread so I may make some tweaks later if needed.
How do you guys like The Corinthian? Would you like more of him? Or shall the focus be on Dream?
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jollyinha · 5 months
I have brought... My YuuriVoice listeners.
...On The Sims, because I can't draw for shit. I spent pretty much the whole day redesigning (except Rookie, who already got a glow up bc he's my favorite child) and dressing them up like Barbie dolls lol
DISCLAIMER: I'm being a lil' poser because I have never watched Bittersweet nor the Faust audios (and yet I still have Sugarboo and Star done, go figure), and am catching up on Lost and Found as I type this. ANYWAY HERE ARE MY BABIES, MORE INFO ON THEM UNDER THE CUT YIPPEEEEEEEE
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- As previously mentioned, he's my favorite child, sorry not sorry, I adore this boy so much
- Dumb of ass and home of sexual (out of the closet to everyone except his mom, oof), pulled a millionaire CEO with his ADHD swag. Also canonically a cheeky horny bastard
- An artist (draws/paints and crafts all sorts of stuff) at heart, but had to pursue a more lucrative career in order to support his family. So, Law school it is. Viva le capitalism
- Is an ENFP and his birthday is on February 16th
- His mother is Brazilian and his dad was Colombian. They have been living in the USA since Félix was a young child. He also has a little sister (not so little, she's in college by the time Shattered begins) whom he loves very much and basically raised her, to the point where she sees him as his dad more than their actual dad (whom passed away when she was a toddler)
- Has an excellent relationship with his uncle (and his wife), aunt and cousins. Him and Joy/Sunflower don't meet that often bc she lives a bit far away, but when they do, they share the same braincell
- Appears to be suave and chill when he's at work, but he's actually a SOFTIE. The biggest golden retriever... Well, not literally the biggest. He's 5'7ft/1m69cm. Compared to Auron, he's pocket-sized. But anyway-
- He loves Trish. They bully Auron together. Incredible dynamic
- Has pyrophobia bc ✨ PAST TRAUMA ✨. Began cooking as a hobby to try to work through it
- Likes: Arts, cooking, biking, peacocks, sun imageries (long story), sea monsters and plaid jackets
- Félix has SO MUCH LORE and tidbits (like his tattoos!) about him, I would need an entire separate post to tell it all. And I might do it bc I need that sweet infodump dopamine...
- Actually my first YV OC! I met the channel through the infamous Finn compilation
- Bisexual! Finn is her first serious boyfriend, though, up until she met him, she only had girlfriends... And she had the worst luck with all of them. Oof
- Colombian, just like Félix
- Huge animal lover, especially the aquatic critters and reptiles. Has a Bull Terrier named Cow (yes, that's her name.) that has her entire heart. Currently trying to get a job in the veterinarian field! Just... Don't put bugs near her. Please
- Is an ESFP and her birthday is on July 27th... The day the Finn compilation premiered
- Her mother had her pretty young. She doesn't know who her father is, and her mom refuses to talk about it... But tbh, Joy doesn't care that much. She loves her mama, and that's all that matters
- (also her mother loves Finn dearly. everytime they meet, he leaves with a piece of cake or some other home made food bc she loves to spoil her "son-in-law" lmao)
- Surfs on her spare time! Queen shit! Also plays a bit of soccer
- Had pretty severe acne as a teen and still has its marks
- Golden retriever energy runs in the Torres family, because she has it too
- Likes: Snakes, whales, surfing, soccer (as stressful as it is to watch it lol), jogging, her dog Cow, hoodies, fun scrunchies
- Like I previously stated, I haven't watched Bittersweet, so, I may not have much to say about Sugarboo except for the (few) misc audios from Al and Seth I have heard... BUT GODDAMNIT SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL OH GOD
- Straight, but poly
- Japanese, but was born and raised in the USA and, sadly, doesn't has much connection to her roots... Mostly bc she's not super close to her family :(
- (Canonically) Likes to bake! Also cooking, but still has a preference for pastries. Works in a bakery... Which isn't a very healthy workplace, but, oh well
- Is an ESFJ, and her birthday is on January 20th (it's coming!!!!! happy early birthday, queen!!!!!)
- Pulled TWO bitches by having ADHD
- Has A SHIT LOAD of tattoos because she's best friends with a tattoo artist... Who may or may not be Star 👀
- Used to have long hair when she met Alphonse
- She may be Al's impulse control, but Seth is her impulse control 💀
- Calls Alphonse "bug". Earlier on their relationship it was ironically ("so you and me together can be bugaboo!"), but the pet name has stuck
- But in reality, she does have a passion for bugs! Especially butterflies and moths ("NOT Mothman, Seth. Normal, regular moths.")
- Also love cats
- She bullies Seth for believing in cryptids... But believes in aliens
- Again, I haven't watched Bittersweet, so feel free to discard this part if it's contradicting canon events, but... She kind of likes Charlie. She thinks he's cute, even with all the shit that happened
- Likes: Baking, collecting jewelry like some kind of dragon, bugs, cats, tattoos, aliens
- The coolest mf to ever walk on this earth. I don't make the rules, it's the truth
- FtM trans of gender, also home of sexual
- Just american. F
- Yes, his last name is a Life Is Strange reference, sue me
- I... I have no idea what he works with? Because gotta wait for more Charlie videos to find out wtf canon!Casper is up to he's such a mysterious guy,,,,,
- (I really hope that the "Casper works for Auron" theory is true tho, the Auron/Félix & Charlie/Asher shenanigans would be so funny to imagine)
- What I do know is that he's kind of a gym bro, except if said bro was fruity
- Seriously though, he's a sporty guy. Likes to go jogging, (he and Joy/Sunflower would be good workout buddies!), climbing, hiking, good ol' fashioned working out and, of course, skating! But after Charlie left, he got into roller skating as well, and he's pretty damn good at it
- He's an ISFP, and his birthday is on April 22nd (Earth Day, get it, bc his favorite color is green,,,,,,)
- Disowned by his parents, but was taken in by his uncle and aunt, whom really support him <3
- Has a tooth gap! Cute shit
- Braided his hair as a kid, still does it nowadays. Certain things never change
- He WANTS to get SO MANY TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS... But he has a pretty bad case of trypanophobia (his ears are pierced bc his parents had him pierce it as a baby). Having his top surgery was challenging enough! He just wanted to get some tattoos... :(
- Always carries an extra hair tie on his arm, like a bracelet. Mostly for himself, but sometimes he gives it to Charlie too
- Has dyslexia! Fucking hated school bc of that
- Likes: Skating, roller skating, climbing, collecting sick ass knives, bad horror movies, hair styling (he wanted to be a hairstylist as a kid even!)
- I don't have thaaaaat much to say about him as of right now since I'm still finishing Lost and Found, but he's growing a lot on me, I love him
- Their relationship with gender is... Confusing. Doesn't like any labels, really. Just go with she/them and you'll be fine. Considers themselves to be pansexual, though
- British ("sadly, stupid ass country"), still has a strong accent even if they have been living in the USA for quite a while
- ...They like tea though
- She works on the IT department of a big company. Boring office job. But she doesn't mind it that much. Everyone is nice enough and it pays the bills. That's more than enough for her
- But besides programming and gaming, her big passion in life is... Sewing! 80% of the plushies in her collection are handmade, including Sir Gengar himself
- Also a huge cinephile
- Is an INTP, and their birthday is on September 4th (it may or may not be a reference to Gengar's pokedex number)
- Pulled a LITERAL DEMON FROM HELL with her autism swag
- Has chronic pain on her left knee due to a past accident
- Obviously, huge Pokémon fan
- Ironically enough, doesn't really like cooking, which explains why their house didn't had shit when it comes to ingredients lol At least now they have a demon boy to cook for them
- Awful relationship with her family. All of it. Ran away for the USA to escape from them
- Doesn't have many friends irl, most of them are virtual friends
- Considers themselves to be "plain and boring". Normally they don't give a damn about it, but got kind of insecure when they and Lucien got officially together... But in their most confident days, they think it's hilarious how the most normal-looking human ever managed to pull a demon
- Deep, deep down, Paige is a sweet and caring person. Heck, that's why her soul was so enticing. She just has trouble demonstrating it (Autistic Struggle™)
- Likes four leaf clovers. No idea why. She just does
- ...I feel like she would watch Faust's streams ironically. She thinks the cat boy is hilarious
- Likes: Cinema, games, programming, plushies making, clovers, tea
- ...I haven't watched a single Faust audio in my life, but Enid just... Popped up in my head. Their design came to me and they were yelling at me to bring them to existence. So here they are?????? I really gotta hear the twink's audios any of these days...
- I don't even know much about them tbh lol But here's what I do have:
- Non-binary (AFAB), bisexual
- A tattoo artist! They're Sugarboo's friend that I mentioned all the way up there
- Likes to write and read in their spare time (IMAGINE THEM AND AURON WRITING FANFICTION ABOUT THEIR S/Os! Beautiful)
- Likes to watch sports (don't look like the type, do they?)
- Likes questionable shirts with 80s/90s aesthetics
- I can see them being friends with Paige/Angel, ngl :D
- ...That's all about Enid for now, maybe I'll develop them if I get around to hear more of Faust eventually lol
Idk if there's someone reading all of this, but if there is, tysm for reading this HUGE infodump 🥺 If you have any YV OCs, I would LOVE to hear about them too! My DMs are open!
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soracities · 10 months
Hey not to drag this out any longer—but its interesting to see the makeup conversation from both sides. Saying this as someone who enjoys and appreciates makeup, and understands its many pitfalls and problems. People have probably said this, but I think you can understand both sides without bashing the other. Both are valid and both are worth talking about. You can love makeup but also understand why other women don't want to wear it and have their issues with it and vice versa. That its not an attack on you personally. I deeply understand people having a problem with separating that tho–we are only human. But I think we should strive for it regardless. Idk if this is really connected but I think some of the strong reaction from the women who enjoy makeup comes from the era (eras???) of ladies who were made to feel ashamed or belittled for being a 'girl' or a 'woman' growing up by guys (ESPECIALLY grown men). I swear, look back on it, there was a time where being feminine was very much being ridiculed in media and being the 'not-like-other-girls' girl was upheld. So this resulted in these girls growing up to realize how awful that time was and are now 'reclaiming' being feminine and not ashamed. I'm not saying this explains ALL of the makeup women's reactions but I feel some in my gen were definitely connected to that 'era' (think bratz vs barbie). But as a result, any pushback towards that is seen as a flashback to that ridicule and they don't want that shaming to return, instead of seeing it as an important convo to have. I feel like they aren't seeing the negatives (ones you have said)—like expecting 'tomboys' and non-feminine people to suddenly 'wake up' and not be ashamed of being a woman anymore or that those people presenting that way is somehow an attack on feminine women or them saying that feminine women should feel bad about themselves. Even if that 'era' (again idk if eras, women have always been clowned on) happened to a gen of women, society has ALWAYS favored the feminine women. Yes feminine ladies are made fun of, but non-feminine women have it hard from ALL sides. We need to have these conversations and stand united. All of us are valid and none of us should expect the other to perform (especially in favor of society and beauty standards).
Amjsnsjsjsjdj SORRY FOR THE LONG RANT. Just wanted to add some thoughts ;-; (sorry if this was nonsensical)
No, I actually think you have a point because I do agree with you regarding that "generation" (it does feel weird to call it that because it wasn't even that long ago): I think a lot of 2014-16 online feminism (what became mainstream, at least) was built precisely on that--the "eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man" era--and it was the first introduction to feminism that I had. As someone who was a "not like other girls" girl I probably would have stayed that way if all that discourse hadn't given me the vocabulary and framework I needed to understand why I felt such an obligation to separate myself from the things "other girls" liked (Ugg boots, Twilight etc).
And to be fair, the premise behind that reclamation, given the context it arose in, makes sense--it was a deliberate pushback against this incredibly narrow, hypocritical, and reductive view of what a woman "could" be: beautiful or intelligent, but absolutely not both. Attempting to dismantle that dichotomy was desperately needed, and I think it was important for a lot of girls to realise they weren't doomed to choose one or the other, but I think it's interesting because dismantling it by saying "actually, you can be both" leaves those two categories intact without really questioning what we mean by them. "You can be intelligent and beautiful", implies, in a subtle and roundabout way maybe, that beauty should still be an aspiration.
And I think it's this last thing that's probably come back to haunt us and is one of the (many) reasons we've ended up where we are. I think it's inevitable that this conversation regarding makeup and "feminity" evolved in the way it did because it happened within a societal framework that is deeply individualistic and only became even more so as social media expanded--by affirming women's agency in telling them, "you can choose who you are and what you want to be" (a necessary and important message) in a society where freedom is defined by individual choices, but not collective rights (and therefore responsibilities) means that you can, so easily, make that agency fit into already established and oppressive structures, without actually risking those structures and therefore maintaining their perceived legitimacy. And after a certain point we end up conflating the two in such a way that you are unable to criticize the structures without being seen to criticize women--because, like you said, it's something that's really difficult for some to separate.
I'm not denigrating this pushback or saying it was wrong to try and make girls feel less ashamed, but I think we have so easily missed the actual root of that movement, if you really get down to it, which was, more than anything, about denying the idea that women can, or should, be pigeonholed into arbitrary roles and live their lives confined by other people's warped ideas of who they can and cannot be. But I think the fact that we never fully questioned beauty as an aspiration in the "beauty and brains" equation legitimized it as a goal in a way and allowed a certain expression feminism to become as mainstream as it did because, ultimately, if it did not threaten beauty as a construct, then it could be tamed or made more palatable (and which is partly why, I think, that we have all this "divine feminine", "feminine energy" nonsense coming back)--certain rights have improved, true, and there has been more conversation regarding gender and women's marginalisation as a whole, which is so important--but by maintaining beauty as a standard we are also maintaining other forms of pigeonholing (and therefore marginalising) women because beauty is reductive too: if a perceived notion of "Beauty" is legitimised and valued, then we legitimise a structure where people who don't qualify as "beautiful" are actively devalued (and this plays into the added discrimination and dehumanization disabled women, women of colour, older women, and trans women are subjected to).
So, yes, what you said absolutely makes sense to me because I really do think that did play a part and it's something I can completely understand. I just wish (like so much else) that our manner of talking about these things was more open-ended and not so individualistic and insular, that we could approach them with the expectation of learning something new instead of coming from a defensive position--which truly shows, I think, that there still is a lot of shame attached to these things and that has never been fully explored or discussed properly: and that's proof of just how much we actually need to keep trying to have these conversation (even if every other tiktok trend is trying to set us back another 50 years).
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justsomerandomfanfic · 2 months
Hi! Can i request a romantic matchup for star wars, hp marauders and DC? :3 (sorry if i make any mistakes english is not my first language :3) Anyways, about me: I'm bisexual and demisexual. She/her pronouns but neutrals are fine. Infj 4w3, big 3 are; gemini sun, taurus moon, sag rising. I have short dark hair and I loveeee to style it like marilyn monroe (I'm obsessed with old hollywood) I have olive pale skin and dark brown eyes, I'm 5'7 and skinny but not too much mostly because I'm a figure skater! idk i think im really pretty! Mexican with italian and native family. Older sister that basically took raised her little brother and depressed mom (damn.)I love my family and basically love human interactions lmao. Extrovert (? idk) my friends describe me as likeable, charismatic, clumsy, witty, confident, idealistic, caring and nice. I love making people feel comfortable and welcome. People that don't like me may describe me as argumentative, annoying, stubborn, greedy, with ego or even mean and i'm not going to deny anything of that tbh. I loveeee feeling pretty and I'm a girly nerd girl, champagne colors, black and pink are def my thing. I love political science, neuropsychology, literature, women history and pyshics. My specials interests are: old hollywood, star wars (mostly obi-wan kenobi lol) manifestation, barbie and Sylvia plath. And yes, I'm autistic but I work with it really well. I love to perform and all that stuff, I was in a band, playing guitar and singing, musicals, figure skating, ballet etc. I don't talk about my problems to anyone, i just write them down because i don't really like to worry people and i know it's not healthy but idc. I always manage to be optimistic but realistic. I'm a perfectionist and I reaaaaally hate doing something wrong so that's mostly when I have my mental breakdowns lmao. Quite touchy with people i really like, hugs, touching faces, playing with hair, toying with hands, but I always make sure that they're okay with it! Also i'm quite bubbly and flirty but I'm not really interested on someone(mostly because now relationships are really weird, help.), I'm really specific with what i want and i have high standards. I hate: thunderstorms(im really scared of them) crowded places were i'm alone, really negative people, pick me's, pumpkins, immature people, facists, last minute surprise, people with horrible communication skills. Sand and the beach. Maps and driving, unfair stuff, sexism and men being stupid. I love: summer and spring, animals, makeup, any kind of music but my favs are: mcr, britney spears, fiona apple, the cardigans, marina, lana del rey, ariana grande, nine inch nails, the cure and bikini kill. Stawberrys, gossip girl, mexican soap operas (I LOVE RUBI AND TERESA!!!) comics and nerdy stuff (It all started because i wanted to prove a boy that I hated that I knew more about star wars than him and I ended up watching all the movies, series and reading all prequels books lmao)playing legos with my little brother, baking and having debates with my literature teacher.
Hello! I'm sorry this has taken so long to get posted! I hope you like it nonetheless! (I also love old hollywood! I love marilyn, audrey hepburn, and cary grant!) Enjoy! <33333
Star Wars;
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
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🌙 You met Obi-Wan on a random planet that he was visiting for some undisclosed reasons; you were walking with your friends past him, and as you both passed each other, you made eye contact - the world seemed to slow down, your eyes locked on one another - love at first sight
🌙 You didn't see Obi-Wan until when you and your friends we drinking in the nearby cantina; your friends gestured to the mysterious man across the bar, and you followed their line of sight - seeing the man that you had passed earlier that day, your friends hyped you up to go over and talk to him
🌙 The conversation floooowed, and I mean flowed, the instant connection that you had with this man was undeniable and intoxicating - you couldn't get enough of his voice and how his words seemed to grapple and pull you right in; it wasn't until later in the night that you found out his name, Obi-Wan Kenobi
🌙 Months later, Obi-Wan, trapped in the Jedi Laws, tried to hide how much he enjoyed your presence, but it was difficult, in the end - risking his Jedi life and duty - he confessed who he truly was, but you still loved him all the same
🌙 Your and Obi's relationship was kept a secret, even from most of your friends, though Anakin quickly figured it out - you and Obi were a perfect match, always there for each other, always understanding and caring towards one another; you both loved each other to the moons and back... And then some
Harry Potter (Marauders);
James Potter:
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✨ You met James at Hogwarts, and you instantly felt a connection between the two of you - it wasn't long until the both of you were flirting with one another, joking around, having a few laughs; the feelings you had for each other were unspoken, but understood
✨ You and James were inseparable, whenever you could, you'd be together, joined at the hip, no matter the time of day - and you were always touching each other in some way, holding hands, playing with his hair, his arms around you; you'd often squish his cheeks together, James would always blush at the contact
✨ When spending nights together - either just cuddling or talking about your favorite music, comics, or your love for strawberries - and a thunderstorm arises, he is always there for you, distracting you or covering your ears while holding you; if a storm is coming, it's like a sixth sense
✨ During the summer, you and James meet up as much as possible - you get the opportunity to show him your favorite music, movies, and shows - sometimes if you're lucky, James let's you do his makeup
✨ James and your little bro would probably get along beautifully as well, and I would bet that James would love to play with Legos with you and your brother - even though he has no idea what they are in the beginning XD
Harley Quinn:
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♥ You met Harley at one of her roller derby games - being a figure skater, you enjoyed seeing people roller skate - you immediately caught her eyes as she raced around the track; your Marilyn Monroe styled hair was amazing to say the least
♥ She had to tell you how much she loved your hair, and she did after winner her match, meeting you out in the parking lot before you and your friends left; she made sure to compliment you (a lot), and even gave you her card, which you took with a smile
♥ Her card didn't have any number or address, so you believed that it was going to be difficult to find her, but you were surprisingly wrong - small world, even if it was Gotham - you met her at this small convenience store, where you found her waiting for a breakfast sandwich
♥ You and her decided to walk around Gotham together, but the outing was short lived as she was getting chased by like ten people - you didn't see Harley for a long while, but when you did, she had a Hyena and a kid (and a nice car)
♥ You joined Harley and Cassandra (and Bruce) on their adventures, stealing marshmallows from stores, going around town causing slight chaos, and just having a grand ol' time together
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ruru0803 · 3 months
Ken x Platonic!GN Reader
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~Connected to my Ken x Reader story.
Just a little something until I figure out what I want to do with these next few chapters.
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You blinked your eyes open as the sun beamed down on you. You try to move only to find your arms, legs and body restricted limiting your movements. You were surrounded by a cardboard box with the only clearing being a plastic sheet in front of you, you watched as a bunch of other dolls started to crowd around your box with confused looks on their faces.
They all looked at the name written on the box, at the time you were just Y/N, no last name, no job description. It has caused most of the Barbies and Kens to walk away from you losing interest in a doll that was not part of either group leaving the Midges and Allan to pull you out of the box.
After that, Allan watched as the Midges and the remaining Kens crowded around you and started pulling at your limps looking for any type of special accessories, attachments or special features that you had, however they didn't find anything. Though they did consider you to be very stylish which made sense because you were part of a Collab line between Mattel and Kay Jewelry but they soon lost interest as well and spread out amongst the beach. Allan patted you on the shoulder before he disappeared somewhere.
You had been left alone to awkwardly look around. Everyone was chatting amongst themselves in their own little groups, it felt almost clicky. You didn't know whether to go up and introduce yourself or not, I mean what would you even say...
You walked along the beach, scoping the area before deciding to sit down on a red beach chair. You closed your eyes, basking in the sunlight before a shadow casted over you.
You looked up to find a fair-skinned doll with long wavy brown hair and dark eyes.
"You're in my spot."
You quickly stand up and dust off the seat before smiling awkwardly at the doll.
"Sorry, I didn't-"
"It's fine Barbie, just run along with the others."
You looked at her confused as to why she called you that.
"That's not my name."
She looked at you in confusion. Mattel made another doll that wasn't a Barbie?!
"Ken then..."
She studied you for a bit before waving you off.
"I'm not Ken."
She raises an eyebrow at you.
"Midge? Alan?"
You just shake your head at her.
"Are you a Raquelle or Ryan?"
You looked at her like she grew a second head.
"I'm Y/N."
The brunette studied you again before shrugging.
"Well run along...Y/N."
She waves you away before taking a seat and placing her shades on her eyes. You watch her for a bit before walking off. She turns her attention in your direction as a toned brunette doll sat next to her with an ice cream in his hand.
"Who's that?"
"A Y/N."
It was now dark outside and all the dolls had left the beach, apparently there was a party not too far away but one of the Kens had told you that it was invite only. So you currently sat on the pink plastic sand alone.
The temperature was starting to go down and though you couldn't technically feel it, your plastic was starting to get cold.
You just stared at the plastic light blue waves to pass the time. It had been about an hour you would guess since everyone left. You didn't know how long these parties lasted but you had hoped someone would come back eventually so you didn't feel so lonely.
You noticed how the doll from earlier and another doll had gone in the opposite direction of the others you didn't know why but it did make you curious.
You sat alone for a while longer until the sound of laughter filled your ears. You looked behind you to find that the Kens were back all laughing and joking around. They walked past you and one of the Kens started to make a paper fire from plastic logs. They all cheered and you clapped at a distance.
You watched as they all started to sing and dance before finally settling down to rest. One of the Kens had noticed you from afar and slowly made his way towards you.
It was one of the blonde Kens. He was very muscular, his eyes had a childlike presence about them and he had a bright smile on his face.
"You're not Ken. What are you doing here?"
Your eyes widened at his words.
"Oh, sorry. I um..."
You try to stand up but he places a hand on your shoulder to stop you before taking a spot next to you.
"I didn't mean it in that way."
His smile turns apologetic for a moment but returns to its widened status.
"I'm Ken. I haven't seen you before."
Ken holds his hand out for you to take.
"I'm Y/N. I just got here this morning."
You smile at the blonde in front of you as his eyebrows rose in interest.
"Really? I must have missed you. I was helping out Barbie."
He makes a wide gesture with his hands.
"Welcome to Barbieland."
"Thanks. You're the first person to tell me that today."
Ken's face fell at your statement.
"I'm sorry. That's awful."
Ken turns towards the direction of his name to find the other Kens motioning for him to come over. Ken waves them off before turning back to you with a smile and a small shrug.
"Wanna come join the cuddle pile?"
You looked at the other Kens then back at him.
"I wouldn't be intruding?"
"Oh please."
Ken sighs before standing up and holding his hand out.
"The Kens won't mind."
You take his hand feeling butterflies and your smile grows bigger at the gesture.
"Thank you."
"And if you like I could show you around Barbieland."
Ken shrugs as the two of you begin to make your way over to the others.
"Give an actual welcome."
His blue eyes met your (e/c) ones in wonder.
"I would like that actually."
He looked shocked that someone actually wanted his help without him having to beg.
"I mean. That's cool."
Your plastic heart flutters as he places a hand on your back leading you to a spot next to his friends.
The group begins to huddle closer to each other, all whispering 'well wishes' and nodding off.
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amberautumnfaebrooke · 11 months
idk you guys i think you may just not have a full grasp of the complexities of getting audiences to watch movies
i have seen a lot of posts reading some variation on "studios are going to learn from barbenheimer to release two DIFFERENT movies concurrently when they should be learning to release two GOOD movies," a take i find absolutely infuriating. like, just to begin with, people don't often... choose to make bad movies. movies are really really hard to make, and it's famously impossible to know whether anyone will like the damn thing until it's already basically done. if you're a studio exec and you're planning your slate for next year, do you go with the weird experimental movie made by an up-and-coming with few-to-no features under their belt? sometimes you end up with a gem, but at least as often it flops and ends up costing you a bunch of money. what about established directors who regularly give you good stuff? sometimes nolan will give you his most well-received work since the batman stuff, and sometimes olivia wilde will turn in don't worry darling and audiences will turn their noses up. "make good movies" is not actionable advice.
not that being a good movie is actually any guarantee people will see it. in my opinion, the best movie released so far this year is past lives, and i'm not alone in that. the reviews are unanimously glowing, the letterboxd for it is basically all overwhelming praise. and that movie made barely 10mil. how much have you heard anyone talking about that movie? how many people do you know who've seen it? it wasn't an especially limited release, it's probably still showing at your local amc.
now how many people do you know who have seen the dungeons and dragons movie?
that's not a dig on the d&d movie, i like the d&d movie! i'm just saying, the truth is, there are few sure bets in this business. the success of a movie is a combination of its quality, its marketing, pure dumb luck, and yes, i'm sorry, star power and brand recognition.
we've all seen and made a thousand posts about how hollywood has no new ideas. complaining about reboots and sequels has been a stale observation for decades. but i also haven't seen the "no sequels or reboots" crowd get as excited any anything this year as they have about across the spider-verse and barbie. two excellent movies! which, be really honest with yourself, you would have been less likely to have seen if you weren't already excited about the property! barbenheimer isn't just two good movies. it's two good movies audience members already have reference points for.
i think this is a really human reaction. there is so much media at this point in history, constantly competing for your attention, and you can't possibly pay attention to it. so, as a heuristic, you look for reference points. i don't pay attention to AAA video games in general, but you bet your ass that when they announce the last of us part 3 i'm going to take notice, because i connected so strongly with the second one, but if they released basically the same game with a different name i might not ever hear about it.
there's that post where craig mccraken says he pitched cartoon network like seventeen original shows and they rejected everything until he suggested a powerpuff girls reboot, and everyone went "wow, the horrible studio execs are stifling creativity," and i just... i mean, are you really convinced you would watch those original shows? that your cousins would? that caitlin, a 32 year old single mom in michigan would put that on for her kids?
this isn't me saying "i don't care if movies are good" or "i'm glad they make so many sequels and reboots." this is me saying "you are not immune to branding" and "audiences have some share of responsibility for how things are" and "find a way to seek out media you're less familiar with."
i do that by seeing a movie in theaters once a week, but you can do it by giving yourself themed prompts when deciding what to watch, picking an album of the week, joining a book or movie club, or just asking friends for recommendations.
there is so so much out there that is exactly up your alley, that is weird and different and fresh, but the niche stuff won't come to you. you have to find it.
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bazzybelle · 8 months
Get to know me (and you)
Thank you @windsweptinred for tagging me! I am sorry it took me so long to get to this.
1. 3 ships I really like right now: Ohhh this is always tough for me. I have so many ships at all times. Ok well if we're going by my current brain rot...
Dreamling: No one is surprised by this. They caught me by the throat and have not let go for the last year. It's so funny coming in as someone who was familiar with the comics before the Netflix adaptation, because they are not at all romantic. Like, I got no romantic vibes from them (and I'm someone who sees romance vibes in everything). The MOST romance I can see MAYYYYYBE (and this is a massive maybe because I only read this arc after the show aired and I was already getting into Dreamling) happens in The Wake (and I won't go into further details because those are massive spoilers). Why do I like Dreamling? They're just so feral for each other in fanon. Plus it helps that the actors on the show had incredible chemistry with each other (I would also consider HellDream and DreamMuse as other potentials because yeah he looked like he was about to make out with those two actresses).
SnowBaz: I still have so much love for SnowBaz. This was the pair that got me through a massive depression/writing slump. Seriously guys, read Wayward Son and Any Way The Wind Blows if you want an accurate representation about depression and intimacy problems and just finding yourself once that biggest event of your life is over. It's about learning to live after trauma and how to heal. Plus this was also the first CANON queer couple I read and helped me to become comfortable with my own queer identity. Yeah... I may move on and have other loves, but Simon and Baz will always hold an irreplaceable part of my heart.
Tie between Ineffable Husbands and BlackBonnet: These are two very new relationships and I just love them both so much. I don't know much about BlackBonnet, because I've only seen gifs of the second season and nothing more, but from what I've seen, omg I am so excited. As for Ineffable Husbands, they are SO interesting to me and I have been enjoying reading the Metas that have been coming out after the second season. It's so interesting to me, to connect this to SnowBaz, to see the reactions after the second season aired. It reminds me A LOT of the explosion that occurred after Wayward Son was released (an explosion that not only continued the closer we got to AWTWB being released, but also contributed to Rainbow Rowell leaving Twitter). I'm not going to get too deep into this (though @carryonsimoncarryonbaz has been trying to convince to write a meta comparing the two because MY GOD ARE THERE SO MANY CONNECTIONS).
2. First ever ship: Honestly? Sailor Mercury/That boyfriend she had... what was his name? Greg? I thought they were so flipping cute. Plus I liked that the nerdy girl had someone who thought she was cute. As the Nerdy Girl myself, it made me happy to see.
3. Last song:
Fegari - Natasa Theodoridou: One of my favourite Greek songs. I've been in a Greek music mood as of late, and this is a beautiful song. It's about a woman who prays to the moon to bring her husband back from his mistress, and to watch over him if she can't. She also asks the moon to take her from the Earth so that she may see her husband from above.
At least... that's what my husband tells me. Greek music is so morose you guys.
4. Last movie: I watched Barbie last week with my husband. We both loved it so much. It's such a great dark comedy.
5. Currently reading: Lots of fanfiction, but I recently bought a beautiful Jane Austen collection, as well as an illustrated collection of poems by Rumi, so I want to dive into those.
6. Currently watching: My husband on the couch. But in all seriousness, we're probably going to watch either Our Flag Means Death or Silo next.
7. Currently eating: Nothing, but I am craving some cereal.
8. Currently craving: xD Cereal.
Tags: @seiya-starsniper @mentallyinvernation @mallory-x @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @ninemagicks @amywaterwings @namistrella @signiorbenedickofpadua @tryan-a-bex @artsyunderstudy @yellobb @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @spockandthings @wellbelesbian @j-nipper-95 @zigzag-wanderer @fleabaggotme @arialerendeair @aristocratic-otter @messofthejess
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bisluthq · 2 months
My thoughts: 1. This album made me a Tatty shipper. I know, I know, I know, it is stupid!! Or. Not stupid, just clearly not a healthy relationship. And I don't mean I ship them in the "Taylor is my Barbie doll and I want her with this specifc Ken" kind of way. Just that I kinda liked them together last May, and just like Taylor, I'm a sucker for this whole "soulmates who could never make it work and are kind of doomed bc they will never be able to jump their own fucking shadows" idea. I also belive her when she says they have a connection she doesn't have with anyone else. But obviously that's not enough to make something work. 2. I kinda don't understand people who think she is super in love with Travis. I mean, this is my VERY subjective take and I very possibly could be wrong but all I got from So High School is that Taylor feels like it's nice to be wanted and it's nice to be with an uncomplicated guy and Travis helped her heal a lot, but... She is not super duper into HIM, she just needed a nice and calm relationship for now. (I also don't think it's impossible she wanted to rub someone new into Matty's face, but I might be projecting.) 3. I wonder if Joe felt sorry for her after listening to this album. To me, it seems like while they truly sucked as a couple in the end, they didn't part on bad terms. There was a lot of love there between those two at some point but by the end I think they were more friends then lovers and... Idk. Obvioulsy he got hurt by Taylor, but I also think he wasn't that into her by that point, but at the same time he was the person closest to her for years and that doesn't go away just like that. I wonder if he worried for her when he saw what happened and understood more of it then the rest of the world. 4. I wonder what the Kaylors think of this album. No, like seriously, I may get a coffee and some snacks and check out how TTB tries to twist all of this into a Karlie inspiried album. Because. Damn. That's a hard creative task. 😂
solid solid solid thoughts all around and I share all of them.
I nominate one of you as tribute to go check on the Kaylors (and tbh the rest of the Gaylors too because idk how any of this is gonna make sense in a Gaylor world lol same as it’s apparently not making sense in cupcake land - sucks to be delulu I guess).
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robertsbarbie · 11 months
Swifties when Barbie has interacted with Taylor in the past: huh. Cute I guess.
Swifties when Margot Robbie says Taylor has Barbie energy: I AM A BARBIE GIRL AND SO IS TAYLOR. I HAVE NEVER MADE THIS CONNECTION. SO TRUE.
dude don’t even get me started on the people that are like “Hits Different should’ve been on the barbie soundtrack it’s so barbie core”SOLELY because taylor says “switch up these Kens” and it’s like y’all ignoring the fact Barbie is literally in love with Taylor or the fact y’all actually don’t know enough about barbie to make these statements in the first place but suddenly are acting like your word is law and Barbie (2023) is peak barbie existence and anything anyone says about the movie is immediately the greatest thing ever and i’m getting off topic but i feel you and it literally is so annoying 💜
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hiii love Ive never really done one of these before so sorry if it’s weird T T
So basically I’m just wondering how u knew u were a little? And if anyone can be one? And like how do u get into littlespace and stay there?
The reason why I’m asking is bc I’ve known about it for a while and have loved the idea but I’ve never been able to get myself there. Bc of some trauma I’ve been through i feel like it would be really healing for me,, but also it just seems like fun and something that I really connect with. I’ve had times where I felt little but it always goes away after I finish reading a little fic or etc. one of my friends made me feel little once but it also didn’t last very long. Idk basically I’m just asking is there a way for me to start regressing? And is there a possibility that I just can’t do it?
<33 Lots of love
- 🌷
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Hii! Not weird at all!! Don’t worry!
Just to preface, I'm not an expert, so please not my words aren’t the only possible facts, and please anyone who could answer these questions, comment! or reblog! but I'll do my best.
Can anyone be a little? I'm honestly not sure, to be honest I haven't gone deep into all of the brain stuff surrounding being a little, but to me I think yes. I don't think that there is a specific thing holding some people back from being a little, I genuinely just don't, and maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. I think some people might struggle to truly get into the headspace, it can be a tricky thing to do/control at the beginning, and I often find myself struggling with controlling/getting into the headspace. (By controlling I mean not involuntarily slipping into your little headspace, like when really loud noises happen or someone is mean, and your brain just copes on it's own, something that isn't a bad thing, but can be scary when you aren't able to control what headspace you are in, and when.) So short answer, I think anyone can be a little, but again I could be wrong.
How do you start? SUCH A GOOD QUESTION! I always see some interesting answers to this, which is fine, to each their own, but for someone who's just starting to regress I suggests simply doing activities you enjoyed doing when younger, for me it's coloring. I picked up coloring as a hobby through a tough patch and found my headspace to be so peaceful, little did I know I was actually regressing. Honestly, just embrace your kid side, just do a thing you love and LET YOURSELF ENJOY IT! Don't hold back, don't get mad if you don't feel little, don't try and force anything, just let yourself find joy in whatever you're doing, and let whatever happens happen. Eventually you'll find something that helps, it'll most likely be a few tries before you find what helps you slip, and tools in helping you stay there, it's really all up to little you, just let them flourish. I have been struggling lately to regress, stress and anxiety plaguing me, so I pulled out my bin of Barbies, and the first few times nothing happened, I just enjoyed doing their hair and making sure they all had some cute outfits, but eventually a few days later little me took over, and played with barbies like I did as a kid, and it was great, it just took some time, and that's okay!
Is it possible that you're not one? Maybe? But from what you've said, you seem to have slipped into that headspace, and to me that's a good sign that you are one. It took me a while to realize that I had been slipping for years at that point, my friends always treated me like a little sister, and that helped me feel safe enough to be a kid again, and it seems that maybe you've had a similar experience and that's a good first step.
I do hope that these answers helped, even in the slightest, and if you have any more please, please ask them! I'm an open book and will always be here to answer questions. Also, good luck, please come back and let me know how things go, and feel free to come back and just chat whenever, you're a very sweet anon tulip, and I hope to see you again <3
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13eyond13 · 11 months
I've just watched the barbie movie yesterday and it made me feel so emotional (since I'm going through something similar) I even think that if I watched oppenheimer instead I wouldn't have connected that much xdxd (sorry for getting so intense, I just had to take that out of myself)
I'm glad you had such a good experience! And just because a movie is funny or brighter in tone doesn't mean it's any less "important" or capable of being moving or meaningful (not everything has to be a serious war movie to be emotionally affecting or "deep")
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shameboree · 2 years
hey kels i was scrolling through my dash and then i caught a glimpse of your new fallon drawing and i want you to know that i went absolutely buckwild and then i scrolled further to see the whole drawing and i'm pretty sure i squealed. kels ever since ive started following you and your art and fallon have slowly nestled yourself inside my brain its amazing how excited i get whenever u upload a new drawing. also ive noticed that i'm slowly but surely starting to sound more and more unhinged and wild like you. how the fuck do you have so much influence on me. 
ALSO i love the new fallon drawing!! you are so right blue gold and white are just her colours they fit her v well!! and i love how much texture you used throughout the whole drawing and her shoes are AWESOME!! also love the whole winter fairy-ish vibe <3
ALSO i was wondering if you could like sort of,, idk explain your drawing process on this drawing? like if you did the colouring first or the lineart and stuff bc i just love how it turned out and id love to try something similar!!
AW!!! i am so hype for my awful girl to be Enjoyed so much!! she is my favorite dressup doll i love to play barbies with her most of all heheh. also i am THRILLED that my Unhinged and Unwell nature have rubbed off on u. i know i am a Strong personality and it makes me V POLARIZING (i am either LOVED or LOATHED i havent met many ppl who are just like meh abt me. i am an Experience) and its always a DELIGHT when someone finds my feral animal traits endearing or positive and kind of picks up on them. i think because life is short that we should all be as bananas as we please at any point in time. PURE ID HERE BABY
AND TY TY!! my girl has a strong aesthetic and this piece kind of went a liiiiittle against some of that (its a lot of hard angles vs i normally give her a lot of ovals and rounded edges) but for the setting its appropriate bc im trying to give her a bit more of a """"harsh"""" or """"severe"""" vibe (like as harsh and severe as she can possibly look which isnt very). i LOVE to use texture brushes they are such an easy way to get out of drawing details myself because i am SO lazy!!
okay i “”answered”” this i GUESS technically because i typed words in response but its a whole lot of jack shit so like. here ya go. SORRY PAL. 
here are some more shoes as u can see i basically draw her in the same ones always except when i draw her in a plugsuit
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OKAY THE DRAW IN QUESTION i kind of cheated on bc i literally just traced over one of my older draws i did for a very obscure au i made of who made me a princess (i am always doing such ridiculously niche shit i love to sit in my little sandbox and have no one else understand my barbie rps) BUT the process is the same as basically every draw i do like this. it is very simple so dont worry (or do, maybe)
i use 1-3 layers at a time and then immediately merge when i feel like im done and LIVE W MY MISTAKES if not!! anyway prepare to be massively underwhelmed heh
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this is so funny i cant believe i literally traced my own drawing im a fuckin FRAUD im the laziest bitch i know. anyway. my sketches are way messier than this but it always starts out either scratch ass lines or color blocking w this bright ass magenta bc thats what feels right!!!!!!
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HERES THE LAYERS I USED LOL i do all textures n shit as a clipping mask so actually i used 4 layers for this bc id set down one texture or pattern that was gonna overlap on a diff layer so i wouldnt have to work harder to erase and then BLINDLY MERGED to make things more difficult if actually i fucked up before that!!! work smarter not harder except when it is absolutely braindead to do otherwise is my motto
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IF IM DOIN SMTH NICER like this then i usually make sure all my lines connect (this is also why i do a lot of angles and simple clear shapes when i draw) so i can set that layer as reference and USE THE FUCKING FILL TOOL BAYBEEEEE!!!!! this also makes it easier to fuck around with COLOR imho bc you can just rapidly swatch with zero efforts. i Love to take shortcuts. i Love to be lazy. i HIGHLY rec this, if i have colored smth that stays in the lines then its bc i connected the lineart and used the bucket fill underneath. if my lines dont connect sometimes ill make a temp line and erase after i filled. im dedicated. ALSO u can see here that my patterns layer is all overlapping and fucked up bc i didnt check and erase fully but i use p limited palettes in general so... IT DIDNT MATTER THIS TIME!!!!!!!!. 
anyway after all that i lock the lineart layer if i havent already and color some of the lines for some PIZAZZ. easy way to immediately fake effort i do love to do that
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 i do all of my fucking draws on the same canvas bc im a horrible little beast, so the only reason i didnt erase the sketch and use it for the colors layer was bc there were others on that layer already and i didnt wanna scoot them so i could cap the finished draw. i did NOT connect my lines for this one i colored like a toddler. who gives a shit we all die in the end anyway!!! 
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YOU DIDNT ASK FOR THIS BUT LINELESS MY LOVE... i just color blocked for this one alas i do not have process caps, i will do that next time i draw i guess if anyone wants that!!? i typically only use a single layer for lineless- block out the shape, alpha lock, then color and carve from there. EASY PEASY!! ive shown it before but i spent all my formative draw years on v limited feature programs (mspaint, oekaki, TEGAKI MOST OF ALL) so i dont explore tools much and do what seems easiest and most intuitive to me... im sorry i dont have any sick tricks or real process i am but a feral little clown drawing in the DIRT. also here is the tegaki overlay i use whenever i am Blocked or fatigued w procreate layout. it makes me feel NOSTALGIC and INSPIRED so i do this instead of like, actually getting on tegs2
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this ended up long as fuck and FOR WHAT?? its just 10 images and several paragraphs of “sorry im the laziest fucker ALIVE”
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