#i'm not saying you can't speculate
qrwinn · 14 days
tommy is not merely a catalyst for buck's bi awakening – he is a love interest. this is first and foremost A LOVE STORY, not so much a queer story (although, yes, it certainly is an element of it). if you treat bucktommy as just a stepping stone to buddie and invalidate buck's feelings for tommy by saying he is simply confused, i'd argue you have never really cared about bi representation. you just wanted to see YOUR ship sail. sure, you have every right not to like the pairing but being bitchy about it and creating theories that completely trash buck as a character is just not it. do better.
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
do you have any idea of how jon’s ending is going to be? 😄
me answering this two months later should tell you that i have no fucking clue alsjfdlk. i mean...i have some guesses but i'm not completely sure on any of them and i reserve the right to change my mind as soon as 3 seconds after i post this answer and i actually had to psyche myself up to post this bc i crave validation and i feel like i'm talking out of my ass here lol.
jon's story is honestly the one that trips me up more than everyone else's. for one thing, the show is basically no help at all here - i think a lot of the stuff they did with jon in the show they mostly did because it looked cool and fit the action hero trope they were trying to fill even though "action hero" isn't really what jon's story is about or even follows. for another thing, the fandom just differs soooo much on what's going to happen to him that it's hard to sort of sift through how everyone feels and come to a specific idea on how EYE personally feel. there's a few things i feel strongly are or aren't happening so i guess i'll just ramble on a bit here:
there is one thing i am absolutely sure is going to happen and it's this:
His lord father had once talked about raising new lords and settling them in the abandoned holdfasts as a shield against wildlings. The plan would have required the Watch to yield back a large part of the Gift, but his uncle Benjen believed the Lord Commander could be won around, so long as the new lordlings paid taxes to Castle Black rather than Winterfell. "It is a dream for spring, though," Lord Eddard had said. "Even the promise of land will not lure men north with a winter coming on." If winter had come and gone more quickly and spring had followed in its turn, I might have been chosen to hold one of these towers in my father's name. Lord Eddard was dead, however, his brother Benjen lost; the shield they dreamt together would never be forged.
I really think this is foreshadowing Jon and Bran's ending wrt each other - building up holdfasts and raising up new lords and ladies not as a shield against the Wildlings but to help the Wildlings as well as the large amount of Northerners in need of somewhere safe after the destruction of the Long Night. Land and resources to help this group of people desperately in need of a new homeland - it's Brandon's Gift to his brother!
the other thing i'm mainly convinced of is i think a bit spicy of a take not just amongst the greater fandom but even amongst the jonsa side more specifically - jon isn't going to be king nor is he legitimate. it's not to say that I don't think the crown will be offered to him because I definitely believe that jon is going to have several other moments similar to stannis offering him winterfell where someone is offering him a crown and a way to jump ahead of the other starklings in the line of succession. i do not believe he will say yes. not only that, but i think his story is going to end with him leaving Winterfell and KL specifically because he doesn't want anyone building a faction around him and his name to topple his family members' claims. like maester aemon, his beloved mentor, he is going to purposefully take himself out of the succession AND get himself out of sight and out of mind so Sansa and Bran face no real backlash.
the thing is - i just don't know when that is going to happen. i generally fall under the idea that this ending will come about halfway through a dream of spring - after sticking by his siblings, supporting their claims, dealing with his identity crisis, doubling down on making Sansa QitN and Bran King on the Iron Throne, he's going to realize there's a political faction building around him and just peace out to the Gift to deal with resettling the Wildlings. Completely out of politics, completely cut off from most of Westeros.
THAT. It's the only thing I'm sure of in his story. All my other theories are a lot more vague and I'm a lot less certain of them but Jon helping resettle refugees from the Long Night (whether it's displaced people from the Riverlands and the North, perhaps the remnants of the Unsullied even, as well as Wildlings and former Night's Watch members) and purposefully going there to make sure no political faction builds around him to usurp his brother and sister's claims after rejecting a crown, that is the one thing I would bet money on happening at some point in the series.
But the other stuff...I'm gonna bullet point because I'm less sure:
Jon as Hand/Regent - there's a lot of foreshadowing about Bran having a Regent for awhile and while I'm not sure Bran is going to have a lot of say over his regents, he will have more say over his Hand and I think if Jon does access any sort of power, it's going to be as Bran's hand. But once he realizes people are still kinda itchy about the new political structure (a parliament style rule with a disabled king), that's what prompts him to leave entirely.
Jon as the Mummer's Dragon - Dany is going to show up thinking he's a "proper dragon" because she's already killed the mummer in Aegon VI (or so she thinks) and rumors have started about Jon's parentage (part of why Jon is going to refuse the Winter crown will be because any claim he has comes through Lyanna which puts him at the bottom of the rankings anyway! No way Howland is just going to let Jon get crowned without pointing all of this out!). But Jon isn't a dragon, he is a wolf in dragon's clothing. I don't fully believe he's going to stab her a la the show - I think it's more likely Arya kills her and Jon takes the fall for it to protect Arya.
Jon as a Romantic Hero - we all know I go back and forth on whether Jonsa will be canon or not. IF it does go canon, I think what happens is they fall in love through TWOW, find out about his parentage so it's surprise not incest, and then broach the topic of marrying (maybe they even do get married secretly) only for it to get put on pause because of like, ice and fire magic plot reasons, then Jon's reputation is ruined by "killing" Dany, and he leaves. I THINK that's how the story is going to end - with them separated due to the politics but with some hope of one day reconciling. if they DO end up together though, it will be after he builds a reputation for himself in the Gift (maybe even colloquially referred to as King of the Gift by the people there, the way he's called King Crow by the wildlings in the show), Sansa broaches the topic of them being together once again and this time they can because of how his reputation has built, and because it combines their claims without usurping Sansa's (and I think it's likely Jon insists on being called Prince-Consort and not King-Consort). That's the only way I see it ending happily for them but tbh I vastly prefer the idea that he lives in the Gift forever and secretly marries Sansa maybe but they are never able to live together due to the politics. But that's because I love a bittersweet romantic ending, I want those two full of longing for the love that could have been!!!
Jon as a Dragon Rider - also something i waffle on. part of me feels like you don't have a dragon named after a main character's secret father and not have that character interact with that dragon. another part of me feels like the set up of all three dragons have defined, loving relationships with their riders might be set up for dany's feelings on losing her dragons to enemies (euron/victarion and aegon) than for those dragons actually getting relationships with main character riders. i like the idea of jon, like nettles, having a close relationship with his dragon because he's serious about keeping this dragon away from other people, and treating the dragon like a pet (the way he treats ghost) instead of a war machine but i'm not sure george finds that compelling, ya know. Don't ask me which dragon he could possibly ride, i have no strong opinions one way or the other.
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bildads-shoes · 4 months
Manifesting the completion of the holy trinity of three word phrases that have made the Good Omens fandom absolutely unhinged
Do it again
They aren't talking
I love y- [gunshots]
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starry-eyed-steve · 12 days
Okay, so normally, I scroll past any ridiculous Steve takes, especially when it comes to death theories or theories about s5 in general. However, I just saw such a bad take that it actually made me angry, I need to make my own post. (Warning, this gets a bit petty towards the end)
Basically, the OP claimed Steve needs to die in s5 for the following reasons:
He has nothing going on in his life. He works a minimum wage job and is stuck in his hometown
He only has Robin and the kids, nothing else
It would not be satisfying if he lived
Steve can't grow more as a character because he already had too much development, so it would be better to end it there
He's only useful for protecting the group and nothing else
His death would be great for other characters because if he scarifices himself, the others are then able to go out in the world, live their lives, and do great things
Okay, that's a lot to unpack here, and I'm kinda speechless people really have such a low opinion about him.
First of all, saying Steve has nothing going on because he works a minimum wage job and doesn't have a concrete plan for the future is such a weird thing to say. He has a job, and even if it's not the best paid one, he still has an income. It's not like he's has nothing to do after he graduated (which he did the first time). If you think Steve needs to have it all figured out by 19 in order to be allowed to live, kindly fuck off. Almost no character has a concrete plan for the future. We never see Robin talk about her plans as well. Besides Nancy wanting to go to Emerson, we don't really know anything about the other characters' plans. The idea that minimum wage jobs are considered as something not worth pursuing or that your life must suck if you have them reeks of privilege. Not everyone can or wants to get a college degree. The people who work in customer service or have manual labor jobs are very valuable members of society, and to imply just because Steve has a minimum wage job working at a video store, so he better dies, is a horrible take. But also again, he is 19 (!!!) and should be allowed to have opportunities to figure out his plans for the future. Plus, he explicitly told us his end goal, he wants a loving partner and kids, and that's reason enough to keep going. (Even if he wouldn't have this goal or plan, he deserves time to figure things out, seeing as he lived his life in survival mode for the past 4 years.)
I also really don't get the second point. What is wrong about Steve having a real friend and a group of people he cares about? Shouldn't that be reason enough for him to keep living? Shouldn't having friends who you care about and who care about you automatically count as something that is enough. Besides, again, he also has a job, likes to go on dates, and it's implied he's still into sports.
The other characters also have each other. They hang out all the time to play their dnd games. Jonathan only has one friend (who now isn't even in the show anymore) and a gf. Nancy barely has any friends as well, besides her bf, who wants to slow mo break up with her. Should they die because they only have like 2 people they are close with? Or is it different because they want to go to college and do well in school, which is the only good purpose characters are allowed to have in order to be deemed worthy of living?
Imo it wouldn't be satisfying if Steve would die after everything he has been through. The show beats him to a pulp every season. He was tortured, maimed, and he sacrificed already so much for the group. He has the most physical trauma, besides Hopper. Even if the show doesn't address it, it's still there. (I hate it sm, but also I blame mostly on limited time that almost no character gets to explore their trauma.) It would be such a disservice to his character if he went through all of that for nothing. What kinda message is that? Killing off the character who is the most hopeful despite everything he went through is not satisfying. None of the main characters' deaths would feel satisfying after going through the horrors like that. (Besides Murray because fuck him)
If you think a character or person can only grow so much until they reach some arbitrary point where they are the perfect version of themselves, you're pretty naive. Nobody stops growing. Even if someone goes through growth, you don't stop your whole life. Maybe start rooting for an arc for Steve, where he gets even better. Where he gets to figure things out, where he becomes a better version of himself. You wouldn't say this to any other character. Just because his growth arc was more noticeable doesn't mean all your other faves didn't grow. Do you want them to stop living because they made choices to be a better person?
You're really underestimating Steve's relationship to the group if you think he's nothing more than a punching bag to them. How can you watch the show and really think this. He's Robins best friend, he helps her grow and be comfortable. He's Dustin's older brother figure. He gives him comfort, and he will most likely help him in s5 with his grief over Eddie. Even with Max, he functions as a brother figure, especially in contrast to her stepbrother. Yes, his primary role in the group is fighter and protector, but he is more than that. He's a friend and important to so many characters.
I think the last point was the thing that made me angry the most. All those other takes I've seen time and time again, but this last one is just disgusting. First of all again to imply that Steve can't do great things because he doesn't have a career plan at 19, which is just gross. And then if you also think the other characters would be so appreciative of this as if they don't give a fuck about Steve. Like Robin and Dustin would be devastated, how much of his death would affect them and their plans to do amazing things? They would be severely depressed and untreated (lets be real mental health issues were not taken super seriously up until recently) they will live with those impacts for the rest of their lives. Trust me I know how terrible depression is and how it fucks with your life plans. Maybe some characters who are not super close to him might use his death for motivation and to achieve those "great" things. But for most parts, his death would have a negative influence on them, on top of the trauma they already endured. If you think his death would only benefit the group, you're underestimating his impact on people. Like Dustin already has a hard time getting over Eddie, Robin would lose the only person who completely understands her, Max would lose another brother figure and a chance to bond with him more. Nancy would lose yet another person who was close to her. How many people should she lose until she snaps completely? But again, it's the implication that Steve's life is worthless because he doesn't go to college or has a shitty job or only has a few friends, that gets me. His life is worth less than other characters' lives because they seemingly have things figured out because they are (book) smarter than him. And btw Steve has a dream for the future, he wants a family and peace, he wants to be a better parent than his own parents were, and if you think that's meaningless or less great, then fuck you!
With those points and logic, Jonathan should also be a contender for character death in s5 as well. He doesn't have a job, he gets high with his only friend who won't be there in s5, he didn't apply for his dream university, he's about to break up with his gf. Jonathan only has his family and barely any growth over the seasons. He is a very stale character. In other words, according to those points made by OP, he has nothing going on and should sacrifice his life for the group as some form of character development.
Or Robin should also die in s5 according to those points. After all, all she has going on for her is a minimum wage job she works with her best friend, school, and a so far miserable love life. We don't know any of her future plans so fuck her I guess. She better sacrifice herself for the group. Or is she allowed to live because she's smarter than Steve (which is a pretty ableist thing to say) and gets to embark on a romantic journey next season?
To sum it up, stop saying Steve has to die because you think his life is meaningless because he's a teenager who hasn't things figured out. Stop saying shit along the lines that Steve isn't smart enough to get to have a life. Stop implying that intelligence is the most valuable thing a person can have and anyone who might lack it is deemed as less worthy of living. Stop saying Steve can't do amazing things if he doesn't go to college and therefore shouldn't be allowed to live. And stop deeming Steve's dream of a family as less meaningful (or meaningless) than academic/career successes. He deserves to live like every other character in the show.
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airyairyaucontraire · 10 months
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Okay so the last post wasn't my last BNHA one for the time being but I wanted to expand on this one (how I think Midoriya Izuku: Rising would go), 'cause I kept thinking "how would the buildup to it even go" and I wanted to share!
Also, I'll alternate between Tenko and Tomura a lot in this post, I apologize for it.
So, with that in mind, spoilers for the manga, up until Chapter 417, ahead!
Okay, so the vestige world is going back in time for Izuku and Tomura; and it has currently rewinded to their origins- Izuku, as at least a part of his origins (as you could make a case he was already on his way since the Quirkless diagnosis, while the Sludge Villain incident was a checkpoint). As such, it's likely Izuku will rewind the closer he gets to Shimura family death.
So, based on previous encounters, Tomura would need to be shown a commonality between him and Izuku (being underestimated, told it's impossible for them to be heroes) or the extent he's willing to go to save a person (Lady Nagant, Eri, Kota, Katsuki). With that in mind, I don't know if Izuku would be willing to think about the last one, because of the worms inside that can.
It's a little tiring to hear the same thing, but that "control your heart" thing is indeed very important for Izuku- because how do you connect to someone like Tomura- who has (mostly) lost hope for help if you keep repressing the feeling he'd also connect with? Can anyone recall the last time we've seen, unambiguously, Izuku's thoughts?
This, is where Izuku's repression problem comes in- the first and last setback of his: "Not all men are created equal"; he is the central representation of the matter... and so are the two people involved in this narrative:
Izuku wasn't created equal to most characters, despite BNHA's house of mirrors game: no relation to heroes, no Quirk, no one to encourage him to become one through other means, no self-worth- He's like a lot of characters, but no character is like him, period, least of all Tenko or Katsuki.
Tenko wasn't created equal to Izuku because his relation to Nana (a hero) is what caused Kotaro's resentment to resurface, and Tomura's faith in heroes was shattered because the one who "cared" for him was AFO, who groomed him to be a vessel. We don't even know yet if Decay was his all along or not!
Katsuki wasn't created equal to Izuku because he was thought strong by his Quirk, and too much encouragement caused confidence to become arrogance. He grew up with love, yes, but what was expected of him (to be an arrogant hero? Izuku's closest person? An extra character?) could've been the reason he would have died.
So, they all foil each other in some way, shape or form- but the main contrast between Izuku, and Katsuki and Tomura: he hides one emotion he should be allowed to feel since chapter 1: Unbridled rage. Even in situations he'd be justified, do we see him lose it like in chapter 82-83, 210, 285 and just barely 367?
With all of that information, let's return to Chapter 417; the most recent one as of now.
We know Izuku's priorities- others before himself, even at the cost of his safety. A suicidal recklessness, especially when it comes to kids-Kota and Eri come to mind, Katsuma and Mahoro as well. The panel of him jumping in to reach for Tenko while Nana confronts Kotaro is the best representation of it. So it wouldn't be surprising if he'd stick by Tenko's side during the first Decay (assuming it's Tomura's memory and not the actual person). He's always been like that, the Quirkless teen who just wanted to help people like All Might once did.
Tomura would most likely falter on his resolve, after all, no one helped him in the aftermath of the Shimura tragedy, while Izuku just saw a kid in need and decided to protect him. But I can also see this is where Izuku would lose it as well.
This is where, I think, the memory merging would come in. Tomura reminiscing on the misery that is his life, and Izuku finally losing it once he realized he and Tomura are similar, with all of his rage finally coming loose... But also that he can use that to connect to him, using the embers of OFA he can feel. Not all, but just enough. Dark Deku returns, his feelings of inadequacy, of not belonging anywhere.
Because Izuku knows that feeling of unfairness, of knowing people don't believe in his dreams. But he knows anyone can make a difference, he needs to see how much he already did, just by being the one willing to give a hand for those who needed it. He needs to know where his origin really begins- not when All Might decided to be his mentor, but when he was the first who stepped up to help when it mattered, the sludge villain incident.
For someone who would've fit with the League, had the wrong right cards been dealt for him.
This would be where Tenko would probably cease, at least enough to hear Izuku out. Still as kids, they would probably fight until Izuku breaks through, until both collapse in exhaustion in the vestige world- not only from the fight, but from their emotional state. Just two kids who are tired.
Who, by all accounts, should've been like Tomura, right?
Weren't heroes and villains the same, after all?
The outside world holds their breath, for there is no movement yet. But all beg Izuku to do his best.
Nothing can erase their pasts, but Izuku doesn't want to focus on that. He needs to accept it's a part of him. So does Tomura.
And just as they finally come to an understanding, and Izuku lends a hand- a promise the future can be better despite everything, Tenko is snatched again by a plethora of forceful grips. AFO's trump card is activated- something that tries to break Tenko and possess Tomura again. Izuku tries pulling him out of it, but is slowly consumed as well. In this moment, they grow back to their current ages, while Izuku can barely move. He has no strength, no Quirks, no help, and he'll die then and there.
The vestiges are conscious enough to rebel against AFO, like before. One more time. Maybe for the last time?
Izuku is still connected to One For All.
And he's not the only one.
Maybe this is the last time One For All will exist. But if All For One is defeated, if Tomura is saved, it's worth it at any costs.
The vestiges find their way back to Izuku, trying to pull him out, while he holds on to Tomura, who's terrified of being taken control of once again. They lack the same strength of the Quirk, but still make enough of a difference. Yet, it's not enough.
Until the two hands of a UA student appear beside him.
If their feelings are one, then Izuku knows who it is, and feels something new, worrying, regretful and afraid, but surprisingly for Izuku, he's kind, fully trusting. Vestige or not, that weakness needs to become his strength, just like before, then. So, Izuku channels that part of him, the one he’s ashamed of, and turns into something he’s proud of.
That voice says one thing: Do your best.
And therefore, his strength, complemented by the missing piece of Katsuki’s vestige, ends up being the turning point.
Izuku rips Tomura out of All For One’s grip, in the vestige world and the real world— an explosion; the shape of a star just like the one moments before. The cocoon is destroyed, the hands are shattered and falling from the sky. Tomura is unconscious, but his grip doesn’t decay Izuku at all.
In that moment, the world cheers, as Izuku gets up, a scarred right fist in the air just like his idol. The fight was won, and Tomura was defeated., No, he was saved. Japan was saved. The world was saved.
Deku, Midoriya Izuku rises, and becomes the world’s greatest hero.
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hwiyoungies · 11 months
you know if so many people have to constantly explain what tone indicators are maybe they're not actually as effective as people think they are
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a-dowryofblood · 11 months
Well if he wanted to be left out, he shouldn’t have dated a singer songwriter lol
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trans-leek-cookie · 10 months
I feel like it should be common courtesy to. Not. Speculate/describe what the conditions on the Oceangate sub may be like?
Especially if you're trying to garner sympathy towards the people on there because I feel like you're much less likely to change people's minds and much MORE likely to trigger people! Whether it's phobias that they're aware of or not, or just other anxiety disorders, or ANYTHING, HONESTLY, it fuckin sucks!
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gonnabeokaykid · 2 years
but if "911, what's your fantasy?" is buck spending the episode picturing how him and eddie would be as a couple (after potentially a almost kiss, after the reveal of the PoSiBiLLitiES) and the future they might have, pondering what may change if they take that step, or what if it doesn't change at all, then what does that mean yk???? does he believe in himself enough to believe he deserves it? that he is not gonna wreck it? be too much, too loud, too selfish? can he live with himself if he is the one to drive eddie away?
intwining his life with the diaz boys together with his fantasy and dream of a family, of stability, of that Special Connection - of what he's always wanted - with the realization that maybe, MAYBE, that dream is what they have had All Along.
This thing that they've Made. That they have Built.
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
I have yet to keep inspecting the sweepstakes, I need some air and food first, but I might as well share what I've been thinking about Mike today, because I heard of an interpretation saying Mike was a camera man for Spamton which ... Is very interesting. Like for me this makes me think of Mike as someone who admired Spamton, someone way smaller than him, definitely younger imo, who simply excitedly followed along with the orders given. I mean, up to a certain point. I mean this feeling is reinforced in the q&a when asked about Mike, that makes Spamton get very defensive, almost protective. In my eyes it almost creates this almost platonic familiar bond dynamic whatever. But like this is just a shot in the dark, bc what we know is, 3 lines, period. But if when chapter 3, 4 and 5 come out and Mike is there and I'm right about these things then I'm gonna feel like a god tbh.
#luly talks#not gonna put this one on main tag bc its a bit too vague and speculative and shit but im leaving rbs on in case some1 is like hm ur into#something here nemo im which case i will wag my tail and bat my eyelashes#but am i making sense anyway?#like just to make sure: my idea of mike is a camera man younger and smaller than Spamton who admired the guy#and spamton out of idk fondness bc he reminded him of his old self kinda took the guy under his wing in a way#that's why he's so protective and shit#although unrelated to this bc just. putting that there and NOT touching it but it's interesting what Spammy says right after name dropping#mike if you believe in the cameraman interpretation (which i saw in a video i then stopped watching bc i wanted to explore that shit myself)#bc he right after says to not believe anything you see on tv but this could easily imply mike did do his part but the editing team changed#shit. but its just very curious what involvement Mike could've had because. why would he be as targeted as he appears to be?#and what caused him to also abandone spamton? is mike even fucking alive? judging by Spammy's q&a dialogue you'd assume he is#but i mean that's official but not canon right so it's a bit hard to judge?#but Mike seems to be the only one he isn't really resentful towards for leaving him almost implying it wasn't Mike's choice?#i just can't wait to see more of this bc it's gonna reveal a whole side to this little puppet previously unknown#in fact i think that after breathing some air im gonna go look at the snowgrave neo fight flavor text and cry and piss and etc#I'm still not over spamton begs the audience to stop taking the furniture i can see the poor guy being evicted as he tries to plead not to#so vividly wugh. my poor little guy of questionable morals . . . 😢#also don't get me started on the commemorative ring man what on earth is going on there.........
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schoolunchtray · 2 years
Restating a little, not to be harsh but I'd prefer if people who "fandomize" cobs don't follow me. speculating about his character and lore is fine but romanticizing him/casually shipping him is uncomfortable
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le-jolie · 2 years
There's a post going around with 16k notes about how Brad is suing her for defamation and how it's wrong and #justiceforangelinajolie and I messaged the creator of the post to tell them what's ACTUALLY happening and they didn't respond or take down the post. Not surprised tbh. Lots of people are jumping on the bandwagon now.
I made my post after seeing one with almost 28,000 notes. It's getting so out of hand and it's all wrong. People are really jumping on this bandwagon and finding any reason to be angry at men, but they don't know what they're talking about. It's been frustrating me privately for a few weeks but I finally had to say something after seeing that 28k post.
It's offensive to Angelina, Brad and the kids to spread false information like this. Brad will have a case to file a defamation suit if these people don't stop calling him an abuser. Remember: Angelina has never actually said Brad abused her or the children, in the media she has only said that her family "needed to heal". We don't know the actual details of the plane incident, she has never said anything publicly.
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Joan and Bob, are like Robert and Patti, couples doomed bc there was defiantly something there but it sure was not romantic.
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queerfables · 9 months
There's a story of questionable veracity about Harry Houdini performing an escape in which his wife passes him a key with a kiss.
I keep thinking about this story when I think about the kiss Crowley and Aziraphale share.
For me, it comes down to this: the fight between them is real. It has to be, because handwaving such an emotional scene as "for show" would be deeply unsatisfying. On top of that, it's consistent with the flawed beliefs that each of them carry. Crowley wants to run away to the stars, Aziraphale wants to Speak to the Manager about Heaven. There's no reason to think the scene is a lie, because if they were both telling the truth, that's what it would look like.
And yet. In a season that's all about misdirection and performance, I can't help but think there's something more going on. I haven't been fully convinced by any theory I've come across yet, including my own, but I do think there's an undeniable sense of waiting, of watching for the twist.
If the fight was real then where is the performance? Could the kiss have been real, and still misdirection? It's all an appeal, Crowley begging Aziraphale to stay, but maybe it's something else too. Maybe it's, stay, please stay, but if you won't, at least hold onto a way back to me. I'm not gonna pretend I know anything for sure. I just keep thinking about Houdini's wife kissing him, and slipping him a key.
As for what Crowley might have given Aziraphale, all I have is speculation. I've thought about this a lot and I can't come up with anything obvious placed earlier in the story that might help. But if I were going to guess? I'd say Crowley gave him the same thing he asked Aziraphale for back in 1862.
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shiplessoceans · 8 months
Good Omens S2 Episode 6 confession scene speculation:
Aziraphale didn't respond to the love confession from Crowley because he didn't realise it was one until Crowley mentioned the Nightingale and kissed him.
Allow me to explain.
Aziraphale interrupted Crowley to give him the news from Metatron, so when Crowley starts his spiel:
"We've been together a long time, I could always rely on you...we're a group....we've spent our existence pretending we aren't...if Gabriel and Beelzebub can go off together then we can...we don't need heaven/hell they're toxic...you and me whatya say?"
Aziraphale interprets everything Crowley is saying as his rebuttal to the 'good news', not a separate declaration of his feelings.
What Aziraphale just told him shaped Crowley's confession, instead of finally telling Aziraphale how he feels about him, he's now backed into a corner and trying to change Aziraphales mind. Offering to run off with him as the alternative to the Metatron's offer.
The repetition of the phrase: "go off together" from the bandstand fight in season one feels very intentional here. It would be easy for Aziraphale to think 'this is just Crowley's response when the divine plan interferes, he always wants to run away'.
Aziraphale believes that he just needs to make Crowley understand the situation and opportunity that this is and everything will be alright:
"Come with me! To heaven, I can run it, you can be my second in command. We can make a difference!"
Crowley is looking defeated already, in his mind he's bared his soul and Aziraphale is a brick wall. So if he can't tempt the angel into staying with the love he has for him (which Crowley thinks he's declared but he really hasn't), he'll get him to change his mind by evoking something else he loves:
"You can't leave this bookshop."
Aziraphale scoffs fondly. 'Silly demon, you were just suggesting we run off together and abandon it only a moment ago!' He thinks Crowley is trying to 'work' him here and the old serpent might even be selflessly trying to spare the angel the loss of his beloved bookshop in order to restore Crowley and help the world, which would be just like him to be so covertly protective. So Aziraphale reassures him, a bookshop doesn't matter to him as much as Crowley and the world. It's just a collection of objects really. Humanity is more important. Crowley is far more important.
"Oh Crowley, nothing lasts forever."
Crowley is crushed. Nothing lasts forever. Not even the two of them. So he covers his sadness with his glasses, walls back up, and he tries to leave.
Aziraphale is baffled. He just reassured Crowley that he was alright with change if it means things could be better. Why is Crowley leaving? Is he worried that they won't spend time together anymore? That he won't have time for his friend as a supreme archangel?
"Crowley come back!....we can be together, angels!...I need you!"
Crowley can't even look at him in that moment. Why would Aziraphale say that? The two of them together only if he accepts heaven again? Conditional love? That's not fair. It hurts.
Aziraphale meanwhile is hurt by Crowley's turning away, his silence and a bit incensed at what he perceives as ingratitude. Aziraphale didn't really want to go back to heaven, but he'd do it if it meant Crowley could be happy and safe and Crowley doesn't seem to appreciate that:
"I don't think you understand what I'm offering you."
Crowley went through the fall. He asked the questions. Did his best to protect humanity and it has brought him nothing but suffering. He's well aware what's on offer. He's seen heavens cruelty and capriciousness firsthand and been burned by it repeatedly. How can Aziraphale choose them over him and still think everything will work out?
"I understand. I think I understand a whole lot better than you do."
Crowley loves Aziraphale's big foolish optimism and kind heart and he thinks it's the very thing taking the angel away from him. This isn't how it was supposed to go. It's all slipping away from him.
"Listen. You hear that?"
Aziraphale can't even keep up at this point.
This is what comes of thousands of years of 'not talking about it' and living under threat of holy retribution if they are discovered. They're talking past each other, having two different conversations. Obfuscation and code has become their communication medium by necessity and it's failing them.
It's frustrating Aziraphale that he can't get a grip on this conversation:
"I don't hear anything!"
And Crowley drops the bomb.
"That's the point. No Nightingale's."
Oh. Suddenly we're on the same page. You can see from Aziraphale's face that he understands to what Crowley's referring. The Nightingale in Berkely square. Angels dining at the Ritz...
"You idiot! We could have been... us."
Crowley's talking about the big unspoken thing between them. Their relationship, thousands of years of dancing around each other like binary stars gravitationally and inexorably drawn together over and over. The thing Aziraphale was beginning to be bold about, (dancing notwithstanding) before Metatron came along and distracted him.
And it seems to Aziraphale that gut-wrenchingly, Crowley is finally acknowledging their mutual love only to point out that it's gone. Lost. They could have finally been together, an us, but Aziraphale ruined it because he's an 'idiot'.
After being quietly in love with Crowley for years, for Aziraphale to have his offer to return to heaven together and his unspoken love rejected in one fell swoop is devastating.
Overcome, he begins to cry and turns away, not wanting Crowley to see how hurt he is.
Crowley for his part is desperate. He has to do something. Maybe Aziraphale doesn't understand what Crowley is offering him! One fabulous kiss and va-voom right?
In a final desperate act, he kisses Aziraphale. Tries for passionate. Tries to show him that he loves him and show him what they could be because his words clearly aren't working.
Aziraphale is shocked and angry. He wants to kiss Crowley of course. But not like this. Not as a taunt. Crowley just told him their chance is over so what else could this be but a final insult. A kiss to punish the angel. It's a cruelty he didn't believe Crowley capable of.
And despite how mean it is. It's also what Aziraphale has wanted for so long he can't help but melt into it for a brief moment. Allow himself to feel what it would have been like to be that close before losing it forever.
Then Crowley lets go and Aziraphale breaks away on a sob, feeling wounded. Hurt beyond words that Crowley would use his feelings against him like this, gutted to be losing the man he loves and not understanding why.
The worst part is that Aziraphale doesn't have it in him to hate Crowley, even if he thinks the kiss was a cruel gesture. He still loves him. So he gathers himself and does what Aziraphale does when someone hurts him.
He forgives.
"I forgive you."
I forgive you for rejecting my attempt to restore you and make you happy, I forgive you for rejecting God and heaven yet again, I forgive you for acknowledging our love and then rejecting it. I forgive you for kissing me, giving me a fleeting glimpse of what we could have been to each other. I love you and I forgive you all that.
Crowley is done. Breath knocked out of him on a last sigh. He tried. And the Angel forgave him yet again for something he never asked or wanted forgiveness for. He doesn't want to be penitent for loving Aziraphale. Shouldn't have to apologise or regret wanting them to be together.
"Don't bother."
Aziraphale looks surprised Crowley is leaving because he genuinely is. He can't understand how it's all gone so horribly wrong. He gasps, shocked and can't even call out to him to stop, come back.
He cries, touches his lips where Crowley had kissed him. Tries to gather himself and barely has 10 seconds before Metatron is back.
At the end of that scene:
Crowley thinks he confessed his love and Aziraphale chose heaven over him because he didn't want to stop being a demon.
Aziraphale thinks Crowley rejected heaven, then rejected Aziraphale and threw their love back in his face as a final unkindness.
Aziraphale leaves and goes to heaven anyway because in his mind he's already lost Crowley and there is nothing left to stay for. If he doesn't have Crowley he needs a new purpose and it's going to be saving the world. He'll convince himself of it. And he'll push that broken heart down and the pain will fade if he just smiles through it. It will be enough, to make heaven better. It has to be. Maybe if he proves that he can make a difference Crowley might see the error of his ways and speak to him again? Surely. Hopefully.
Both of them are hurt and confused and lost and oh dear hell I really feel for them.
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