#i'm not mad about it i'm just like oof okay this is gonna be some Work
me: I wonder why I felt like I needed a break from this fic it seems like it's going great
the fic: *requires me to create seven distinct personalities out of thin air*
me: ...ah
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draco-after-dark · 5 months
What were the brothers, Poppy and Viva’s reactions to feral JD?
I got distracted, then forgor, then relized i have to rewrite this whole things because now i'm atcually writing the story and have new ideas/reactions for them
also some of these are gonna be short because spoilers so i guess wait for each brother chapter to get the full picture sorry
okay Floyd is the most caring out of all the brothers. cant tell me this boy isn't wholesome as shit. That and he would go to the end of the world and back to keep his brothers together.
despite not really knowing what's really happened to JD (basically the whole feral behavior) He's the most willing to be near or around JD reguardless of how terrifying he might seem.
He's still his brother and that doesn't change even if he's entirely different now. Floyd wants to get to know his older brother none the less.
Very gentle and calm well JD is around, he knows JD won't hurt him no matter what his brothers say
gentle touches and pats till JD grows more comfortable with being around trolls again.
very carful because he known the whole draining thing took a lot of of the two of them
A lot of mixed feelings. He's mad, concerned, scared (for both himself and the trolls around JD because of how unpredictable he is) but he also understands the most clearly what JD could have been put through to turnout like this. (mainly the greyness big oof)
He's still mad at JD but he's also the first one to start really questioning and trying to figure out how he came to be like this.
also research go brrrrrrrr mans ate the entirety of the wildlife section of the library to better understand JD
feels weirdly connected to him because he also lived along for years
Also realizes that he could have turned Feral like JD so has a mini existential crisis about that
he sad and also concerned and confused
Doesn't really know what to do
Tries to go dad mode but then realizes he doesn't know what to do so he just kinda stands there with a blank expressing and hands on his hips like "well shit."
scared, he is so terrified of JD you have no idea
anxiety go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Clay nervousness makes JD nervous which is a bad thing for both parties
So Clay runs away
JD standing in the distance
Clay "He's just standing there MENACINGLY!"
Do her damned-est to help Branch anyway she can weather that be researching or asking other Trolls, even kingdoms if they've ever had a similar occurrence (she keeps it discreet though out of respect for the brothers)
She is concerned for Branch (the other too ofc) but knows that this is something the brother have to figure on their own.
number one moral support
Makes a scrapbook based on Floyd's description of JD since he's been the closest to him so the other brothers can see JD
More chill then Poppy but still greatly concerned for the brothers (mainly Clay)
Talks to him about the whole thing so he can vent
Poppy and her also talk to each other about it all well making scrapbooks (Viva helps poppy with making the JD pictures as close to Floyd description as possible)
anyway hope this answers you question enough for now till i get more story written!
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deadnatura11 · 8 days
Remembering that post that said Tommy was interested in Eddie first and it got me thinking -
What if Eddie tries talking to Tommy about being attracted to men because a) he's his friend and b) he's someone outside the 118. So it's easier.
However, because he's tiptoeing around the point, Tommy misunderstands his interest in men to he interest in him, specifically.
Instead of telling Eddie he's flattered, he leans forward and catches Eddie off guard with a kiss.
A kiss Eddie immediately breaks because - because that's Buck's boyfriend why would Buck's boyfriend be kissing him.
"It's okay," Tommy says. "We're keeping things casual."
Eddie accepts it but he doesn't believe it. Worse, he feels awful being around Buck, hearing Buck talk about Tommy, knowing that he's been kissed by the other man. So he distances himself from Buck.
And it works. Until Buck corners him.
Buck digs, and he digs, and he digs, until finally he hits jackpot and Eddie admits what happened with all the speed power and intensity of a gushing oil well.
"I don't even know why I was being so weird about it," he says. "You two are seeing each other casually."
"We aren't."
Buck leaves to confront Tommy, and Eddie can't help but feel that he ruins every good thing he comes across causing him to wallow and spiral further - compounded by the fact Buck now begins avoiding him!
He is at his lowest.
That's when he comes across Tommy at a bar and Tommy flirts with him again, confessing how he was interested in Eddie until he got the feeling Eddie wasn't interested. He says that they make more sense anyway. Eddie is disgusted. "How can you be talking about Buck so caustically?" "He's a cute kid, a good kisser. But we never seemed to click."
That pisses Eddie off so much that he slips into a tirade about how great Buck is, which leaves Tommy wide eyed, saying, sarcastically, "Sounds like if anyone should be with Buck, it's you."
Which... makes sense. To Eddie. He has an epiphany. All this time spent searching for someone, some woman, to fill the 'hole' in his life, and he already has it. With Buck.
He leaves and drives straight over to Buck's.
Luckily Buck answers the door, grateful to see Eddie, because he wanted to speak with him, too.
Eddie’s grateful - how perfect they both come to this realization, they both understand how important the other is in their lives and never wants to lose it. Like an ending ripped straight from his favorite telenovela.
And Buck starts by saying how stupid it was to be mad at Eddie for something he didn't do, that it was Tommy's fault and he's the one he should be mad at. That Eddie is a great friend and he'd never want to ruin their friendship over something stupid like a guy.
Eddie laughs, a little manically. "There'll be other guys. Better guys. Better than Tommy."
"Maybe," Buck shrugs. "But if there is a person out there for me I... I think I'm gonna have to make them wait."
Buck is taking a break from dating to figure out who he is outside of a relationship. Realizes that he jumped into dating Tommy all too quickly after Natalia dumped him, and is going to focus on himself for a while. "We can still hang out though." Buck promises. "And the less dates I'm on means the more time we get to hang out together."
It's hell. It's torture. But it's Buck, so Eddie forces himself to look happy with Buck's decision and support him.
There'll be time, he thinks, hugging Buck. And when Buck is ready, maybe Eddie will feel like the kind of man who deserves a chance of love with Buck (he already is, of course, he just needs to realize it).
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bella-rose29 · 4 months
episode 2 commentary - Let Go of Me
major spoilers for show and books, swearing, me obsessing over lockwood's hands probably (edit: definitely, and George's)
why did I immediately think jellyfish
omg the flowers
Luce you really shouldn't have taken that
just like @demigoddess-of-ghosts said, why tf are deprac asking if there's anyone else there when Lucy is quite literally screaming 'lockwood'
"miss lockwood" and "lockwood's my partner" 🤭
"we called your mother" ok well her mother is a Bitch so that wasn't a good idea
"rest up until he's given you the all-clear" like fuck she's gonna do that
omg the flowers!!!
ooo spooky green lighting
omg the ghost lock victims ward 🥲
I would love to know what they were planning on doing with this scene actually bc I feel like it sets up some sort of ghost lock victim storyline for the future - maybe using them for science? idk I'd just love to know
oof lockwood's hands
just this whole scene of lockwood
barnes is not fucking around lol
the way he sits back in the chair has me WEAK
can you tell I'm going feral
George's lil run omg
George is so neurospicy I love it
George your posture needs sorting out my love 😭
"You're meant to say no, Lucy" well it's difficult to say no to lockwood when he looks at you with his beautiful eyes and smile and-
"I'd say like a house on fire" 😭
my poor baby looks so tired :( and he definitely needs a shower oh dear
I didn't think I would hear lockwood with his queen's English call someone 'mate'
I love that George just says straight up facts
"posh one who thinks he's god's gift" sounds about right
"his weird mate with zero social skills" also sounds about right
I love that they included the tapes for norrie bc actually it's a great way of adding to the narrative (bc we don't have any voice overs) and we get lucy's view on stuff
and we see her survivor's guilt too - "like how I should have helped you" omg 🥲 (excuse me while I go cry in a corner)
ruby stokes the woman you are
"no it doesn't, it looks like I cooked it in an active volcano" pfffft George I love you
"Andrew lockwood"
"girls are funny about baths" he's trying goddammit
"she's not unhinged" "you're hardly the best judge of these things" "you need normal people around you" "you really think you're normal?" your honour I love their friendship
"the world's mad, and normal never fixed anything" gonna make it my motto
"let me... sleep on it" BOY YOU DON'T EVER SLEEP
oh Luce
okay but these special effects are so fucking cool
hang on why the hell did Lucy go to sleep holding the ring
Jesus Christ that scared the shit out of me
ooo green lighting!!!
pfft goes to hold his hand to wake him up
I love the disgruntlement of george
"trousers are for wimps" ICONIC
omg I love that we get to see George's Touch!!! also his hand??? brb gonna go melt
omg Georgie it's not a wasp I'm sorry
I am dying how the hell did Ali manage to make his voice say "oh shit" like that
"I can't believe you stole a Source" GEORGE YOU ARE ONE TO TALK
yeah Luce call him out
"we need to destroy her source and move on. let her go" I have so much to say about this omgggg bc on the one hand the episode is called Let Go of Me and rn I'm 1/3 of the way through this episode and they've repeated those words in different ways so many times it's unreal. and then on the other hand (spoilers for the books) there's the way that Lockwood isn't doing this himself, because he hasn't destroyed the source in his house and let his own ghosts go 😭
omg George loves an experiment you can hear the joy in his voice
NOT THE WAY HE PHYSICALLY MOVES TO PROVE HE'S ON LUCY'S SIDE omg they're becoming friends even if they don't know it yet
OH LORD THE HOODIE??? I wanna steal it
his smile omg
ruby stokes the woman you are omg
lockwood's face omg he's so conflicted bc on the one hand he's worried but on the other he's trying to not say yes when she goes 'you love me don't you?'
lockwood immediately pushing her aside
lockwood you need to stop taking sole responsibility for things
the sadness in his voice when he says 'this place is all that's left of my parents' omg
"Jesus, lockwood, we're screwed!" yep (also the way George says it is so funny help)
barnes isn't taking any shit omg
such an ominous phone call
George's prison outfit (I can't remember who called it that)
omg I want lucy's playsuit
also lockwood get your shoes off the table you heathen
no bc I actually want her playsuit
"not a braying gallery for bellends" George I love you
Lucy going straight in with the hard facts I love her
omg the scoff
kipps is such an arse
the way he says "yes you do" has me in a chokehold
the sMIRK
"irrelevant prick" love it
when the mutual friend leaves and you're left with the one you don't get on with
George you might be a weirdo but I love you for it
Lucy getting the juicy gossip and immediately becoming besties with george
ok well your mum is a bitch
oh lockwood wtf are you doing
"he's a little shit sir"
lockwood why
he looks so proud of himself I can't help it
"you're our biggest asset" oh boy
the regret on his face oops
"my judgement's been a little off recently" yeah bc you just met the love of your life
ok but women with swords 👀 bonus points if they're angry
pink socks again
barnes once again not taking shit
she is a child sir you can't just spring that on her
omg Lucy :((((((
"let me go" - is that another reference to the episode title I see?
"lockwood's a charlatan" pfft
"they always make the most boring, unimaginative moves possible, don't they" - it's giving Cameron saying that everything is basic
lockwood read the room (cab)
"You were brilliant" boy's in love
"can we talk about this in the car" *taxi drives away*
"you might be able to turn your feelings on and off like a tap, but I am drowning here, lockwood" 😭
"You know sometimes I just... I just think I'd be better off dead" oh Luce 😢
also lockwood's reaction to that omg he pauses for a while and is all glassy eyed and then: "I understand that"
never mind them I am drowning here (in my tears)
"We need you, and it's not because you're an asset" "why then?" "because... because you're..." *looks away and clenches jaw* "Lucy Carlyle" *smiles really widely (I feel like he was considering telling her his feelings)
"We're lockwood and co. you, me, and George" FUCK YEAH YOU ARE
"please stay" 🥺 (anything for you my love)
"so you'd look cool" lol
"you're more of a liability than an asset, Lucy" HE SAYS WHILE LOOKING AT HER WITH HEART EYES
oh Georgie
green lighting!!!
"I'll take him" says boy with immense confidence
"can I offer you a cup of tea while you ransack my house? one lump or two" *throws torch and misses*
oh my god the still I paused it on to write the above comment is gonna make me pee myself with laughter 😭😂 I wish I could screenshot to show everyone
ooo I might be completely delusional but Lucy smashes the mirror with her elbow in this scene (and the camera pauses on it for a good couple of seconds) and then plays a part in smashing the bone glass later on??? am I delusional or am I making connections???
Georgie omg
LUCY PICKING UP HIS GLASSES!!! I love this omg I would be lost without mine
fuck me that neck crack was hot (also could lockwood fuck me please?)
green lighting!!!
also how did I never notice the stairs were spirally?
George you are so funny and I love you
George hauling those chains around like it's nothing 👀
green lighting!!!
yeah you better run bitch
"we should have people round more often" lolllllll
lockwood can kick me-
"why are you making that face?"
"that's not your normal face, that's your 'I know something you don't' face"
sweaty lockwood
George's face when she pulls the ring out is so funny to me 😂
"you lunatic" *lockwood grinning widely* I love their reactions
aww let Georgie swear :(
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banyanas · 9 months
Okay there is no Way this is gonna fit in the fic wordcount limit (and a lot of it is background understanding to all my other fics too lmao) so who wants to talk about fiddly somewhat mundane toad-centric worldbuilding in regards to Imperial Amphibia -> Caste System Implementation time period??? And even if you don't want to I'm showing it to you anyway.
The 4 tower lords (Cardinal Lords used as an older title when I write) as participants and vassals to the Newtopian military is... pretty new. Especially because toad clans didn't really have a formal military in the first place (and still don't- toad army we see is an arm/branch of the overall Newtopian/specifically Leviathan-ruled Amphibian military). Previously, of course everyone paid fealty (and taxes but we will get to those) to the crown, expected to follow the laws of the united empire under the Leviathan dynasty, but toad clanheads and lords acting in a formal military position in direct vassalage to another army is... definitely new. As far as 'new' goes for a place with an implied-lengthy history as Amphibia does.
Nowadays becoming a Cardinal Lord means becoming an officer- if said lord wasn't already one in the first place. It's a more concrete requirement in the modern era, but before that, hey, remember what I said about taxes? It's relevant just stick with me a bit pls.
So, with the Me-Brand toadbuilding, toads were traditionally nomadic, and likely a more pastoralist society (tarantula cheese...). This did include very few permanent communities toad caravans cycled through, usually as a place of trade/commerce and cultural significance (specifically cairns and mass gravesites) for individual and allied clans. And from there, the majority of toads split into a bunch of much smaller semi-mobile camps that joined and split, in accordance to whatever understanding or trade agreement or alliance or rivalry their clan might have with other clans. These towns are still around despite how vastly different they are, and three of them are in the territory of a Tower- South Tower is the exception to this, since the southern toad population used to be so heavily intermixed with frogs they lived pretty equally spread inside the same township. Which oof, way to show how things change for the worst in a thousand years.
Pre-Andrias, taxes could be paid in both currency and bulk goods or productions- and they could make that work, because of the seemingly-infinite power source music box battery maintaining all their tech and infrastructure. Frequently, this was how toads paid their taxes- a bit harder to do pure currency payments, as well as y'know not rlly paying property taxes due to not privately owning much land.
(It was also, I want to note, supplemented by raiding rival or enemy clans, because they’re still a martial society- they aren’t peaceful nomads before Andrias fucked up everything, they’re violent and there’s inherent problems with gatekeeping someone from community aspects on the basis of whether or not they've killed something/own a weapon. Which we will get to the owning a weapon thing Also in a bit).
Buttttt after the box was stolen, there were a few policy changes. Taxes were required as coppers- ostensibly to bolster restructuring efforts now that the Calamity tech that was the fulcrum for their ENTIRE INFRASTRUCTURE was burglarized. Coppers hich they don’t have much use for and thus don't have much circulating… yeah. But hey, specifically military service can be offered instead of coppers for taxes, at least for toads and some newts. Doesn't hurt that offering an out from taxes via military enlistment keeps toads and some newts from kicking up a very bloody, very messy fuss while the whole 'I invented speciesism and an oppressive caste system because I'm mad at my girlfriend and boyfriend' thing was being pushed through to law. Between breaking the law with all the severe risk of a nasty punishment/heavy fine that entails, or military service with some Perks of Power for an already highly combative culture? Yeah, no-brainer for why we barely see any non-military toads on screen. (This entire thing is a pretty damn slick move when it comes to enforcing ranks and systems. And admittedly less hamfisted than what we see in modern canon because frankly I think Andrias stopped caring about being careful with his enforcement of it once it became more self-sustaining)
The very messy, very bloody messes did happen, btw. After the last rebellion early into Andrias's reign (mostly made up of toads and frogs working together. Man this just makes it even more depressing to see the state of things in modern eras), only toads that were either in training, currently enlisted, or veterans were allowed to own and carry weapons. Which, beyond the practical problems of 'Amphibia is a dangerous place with lots of things that want to kill, eat, and/or poison you', when toad rites of passage and traditions, up to and including standards for being considered and allowed to act as a legal adult, rely on the use, ownership, or exchange of weaponry and blades... hm. Oh dear.
It's even worse for the frogs btw. Unless a frog somehow ended up actively serving a military term (which they are discouraged to), frogs were disallowed weapons at all. Because de-fanging and controlling who is allowed to be armed is kinda one of the first steps to suppressing and controlling groups of people, with one of the OTHER steps being financially suppressing and controlling (see the taxes thing, upward movement being nearly impossible for frogs and toads). Also contributes to casualties for frogs being way higher than they used to, since if they're a law-abiding citizen and get caught by a hungry predator, or bandits on the road, or any number of things they cant just drive off with pitchforks and slingshots, they're kinda screwed! It's messed up! And it's usually disregarded by newts and toads, because frogs are light on their feet, quite springy, they can just run, yeah?
Fun fact tho, this makes the Plantar basement stash SUPER illegal for some spicy revolutionary reasons. Hell yes good for them.
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tarisilmarwen · 9 months
Ahsoka "Dreams and Madness" Liveblog
My week has sucked, let's get into this already, this is some of the only true joy I'm deriving from life right now.
(I'm okay but legitimately, my week has sucked, lemme have this.)
Ho daaaaayum, Hera bringing the fire to this meeting.
I am... annoyed by the emphasis on Hera as a maverick though, she was the Rebels character MOST beholden to the protocol and procedure of the hierarchy, the time she saved Kanan was the only time she ever really defied orders and dammit I have just patchworked myself my own answer okay so obviously she's normally very rule-abiding EXCEPT for times when her family and the people she cares about most need her help and no one else will give aid to her.
Curses upon my ability to iron out plot wrinkles I don't like.
Filoni must REALLY not like Xiono, he's giving him all the skeptic lines.
Course this is also one of the times the writing has to be hampered by trying to patchwork and salvage the Sequel Trilogy by explaining why the New Republic ignored the problem of the First Order until it was too late.
Man I am gonna cry ugly tears when we lose Antony Daniels, he loves playing Threepio so much, he's always up for it, never once complained that no one knows him from anything else.
Right so I get why they had Threepio deliver a message instead of trying to CGI frankenstein Leia into this but also Disney are cowards JUST RECAST THE MAIN TRIO I PROMISE NO ONE ACTUALLY HOLDS IT AGAINST ALDEN, TLJ JUST SUCKED AND SOLO WAS THE NEXT PRODUCT WE HAD TO TAKE THINGS OUT ON.
Seriously, the de-aging and CGI puppetry is starting to get uncomfortable and weird.
Chopper bout to throw hands in this courthouse lol.
I'm sorry, the emphasis on just how LONG this hyperspace trip is is absolutely making me reel with adoration for Ezra, he held the air inside the bridge of the Chimaera and the door closed and Thrawn in place ALL THE WAY TO PERIDEA IN ANOTHER FREAKING GALAXY.
Loosen up a bit Rosario, you're stiff.
Oof that little bow between Ahsoka and Holo!Anakin.
Huyang begrudgingly having to remember to trust the Force lol.
Ohhhhh bastard, he put explosives in orbit to stop the purrgil!
.....Making the ring against the planet like that was supposed to be a visual reminder of the Death Star right?
The look of subtle but dawning horror in Thrawn's face when he realizes Ahsoka was Anakin's padawan lololol.
Like, "Ffffffffffffff--"
"Jedi are very good at hiding. They've been practicing that for years." Ah yes, excellent, another moment/quote I can add to my collection of "Thrawn barely containing his seething loathing of Ezra" bits lol.
*perks* Oh? Are we at the interesting parts now?
Ahhhh yes the minivan convoy with mom and dad Sabezra at the front.
There should have been waaaaaay more infodumping in this conversation, I need Ezra to boggle over everything.
Sabine still avoiding the question, but lol at Ezra's "The usual level [of complicated] or worse?" that's so cute.
Ugh and he doesn't push her to talk about it, he's still so considerate of her armor and walls.
Someone, maybe multiple someones commented that they could see serious Two Towers aesthetics in this and... yeah no this is super LOTR-esque.
Lars Mikkelson continuing to kill it with his performance, as basic as it is.
I'm ignoring this, I'm pretending she reached out to Ezra instead.
"Took me in when I really needed help." Ohhhhh do not do that, do not plant hurt/comfort ideas in my head ghgkasuhfkauhf.
He is so softly concerned about her aaaaahhhhhh.
I saw a few people confused by Baylan basically abandoning Shin to things here when he was acting so fond of her last episode so let me maybe shed some light on that situation. Ahem:
So yes, Baylan chucking Shin out to find her destiny or whatever because whatever it is that he's trying to seize power from is making him completely overlook her feelings.
Ezra can't leave the one crashed one, awwwwww.
Frick, him being the Noti's protector is just so frigging cute. I need fluff fics.
Battle Couple Sabezra now? Y/Y?
Baylan's whole demeanor is changing, it's like he's soaking up the Dark Side energy of this place. Once again, awed by Ray Stevenson's sheer presence. The man feels massive and he's just standing there.
I'm grinning.
But also I wanna see Ezra hold his lightsaber again, pretty please?
Ahsoka doing much better now that she has both her blades this time.
*pillows hands* Can I watch Ezra forever please. I missed you son. Never leave me again.
Oh man, how much dread and chagrin do you think Ezra had when he saw the stormtroopers?
Ho ho Thrawn looks eager for this.
(They are this close to holding hands you guys.)
This is probably giving Ezra flashblacks.
Oh sue me I want some angst and whump and pain to have happened in the interim.
Ahsoooooookkaaaaaaaaaaa! :D
Oh for, please stop using the beskar as literal plot armor. It sucks a lot of danger out of the fight.
Thrawn being all Xanatos Gambit like the pro he is.
Shin looking like she might cry, oh wow actual emotions.
Oh gosh, don't jinx it don't jinx it don't jinx it...
Wheeeeeeeeee that was... fun, actually!
The Sabezra bits were adorable. I have quibbles here and there but I'm just so happy being Sabine being happy and content and seeing Ezra being... Ezra.
Nervous for the last ep though. Hhhgnghhhhh I am very much stressed and I do not wish to be.
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desertfangs · 3 months
For Daniel!
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why?
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
Oof that's hard. Because in my heart, I prefer Daniel to be comfortable and comforted by those he loves. I want him to be happy. He's earned it. (They all have!)
And while I usually write fluffy or happy endings, I usually have to put him through the ringer a little bit first. (I love the hurt/comfort trope a lot.) Fluff and silly stuff is fun, but think it's really interesting what characters do in hard situations and how they manage to get out of them or what will make them open up and actually say the things they need to say to others, etc. So while I don't like seeing Daniel suffer, I do enjoy reading and writing fics where he's not having a good time and seeing how it plays out and what he does about it. Sometimes it doesn't end happily, and that's okay, too. Sometimes things don't.
But in my heart, he is often comfortable in bed with Armand or Marius (or both) and making the other person watch ridiculous YouTube videos about miniatures.
28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why?
No....? Maybe occasionally? I mean, I think in fandom one always sees takes or headcanons or ideas about characters that make you stop and go "Wait, what?" But I've really made an effort to train myself to go Huh, that's interesting take, I wonder why they think that? instead of knee-jerking to the "Wow, that's dumb" side of things. And I mean, let's be honest, sometimes you just Do Not See It and that's fine! We don't all have to have the same carbon-copy idea of these guys in our heads. (I'm sure plenty of people have the same reaction to many of my takes and headcanons, and that is also fine!)
With Daniel especially, we're not really given anything about his family life or backstory before the interview and even after he's a vampire, there are enough gaps in his story to fill a strip mall. So everyone is just extrapolating their ideas about him from what we're given based on their own ideas and experiences, and that's going to create a lot of variation. Which is fun!! We're not all gonna come to the same conclusions, and that makes things interesting.
I've been in this fandom for a long time and I've loved Daniel for a long time, so I have a lot of ideas about him built up in my head. I've had to reconcile new canon information with my mental image of him a few times over and that always caused some growing pains ('Oh he's mad now??? And building model trains? That's not mad!') And sometimes someone's take where at first I'm like "Huh, never thought about it that way" becomes my favorite new headcanon.
So in short, like... no? I certainly try not to be. And even if I don't jive with a take about Daniel, it doesn't hurt me for someone else to have it, you know?
Thank you so much for the ask!
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one-strugling-bean · 9 months
OFMD Random Commentary (Ep 10)
We have reached the end it seems - Let's make it count
Omg, of course, she's doing better by herself; I'm happy for her
I really feel bad for Mary, now
I really hope that orange survives until the show ends. Like, last scene of the show, Stede is writing some random letter in his study before going off to his wedding with Ed or something, and the orange is right there, as a paperweight, on his desk
Yeahhhhh the kids wouldn't be too happy with you - for good reason. You're a deadbeat, man
Huhm, I'm sure Ed's doing just fine, of course
When did Jim get back on the boat, what??
Jesus, okay, go for it guys
I am so proud of Mary, honestly
He's wearing Stede's robe, stooooop-
Lucius is everyone's therapist isn't he
Nononono, why are you going up to peak??
Ah, Mary's kind of explosion felt so good to hear. She's completely right, u go girl
They had a showing for Ed's lyrics, this crew is amazing
They're all so supportive, ahhhh, it makes me so happy
Mary, girl, just ask him to go away again, he probably will, it's easier
I enjoyed Jeffrey, he seemed nice
Jeez, Stede, way to damper the mood
Does Izzy have a crush on Ed? Or, well, Blackbeard? Why have I only thought of this now?
I'm gonna guess that by the end of the episode, Stede is gonna go back to sea - planning to find Ed and his crew
Why is he messing this up for her? Why why why, let her have her evening, man!
Ahhhhhh Stede, what are you doinggggggg
"I forgive you by the way-" Oh shut up Stede, you're making me mad now
I love Mary so much, you don't understand, in one episode she became top 5 for me
"I don't fit here anymore, do I?" No honey, you don't. Probably never did. It's just more obvious now
Oh, this scene makes me happy..... That hug made me so fucking happy, you don't understand....
Oof, meanwhile Ed is learning to let go...
Nonono, he can't be dead
Wtf wtf wtf wtf WTF Lucius!!!!!!!
I didn't mean that kind of letting go!!
He has a whittler partner to get back to!!!
And the books!!! All that literature!!!
Meanwhile, Stede is just, Stede-ing back home. Clueless to the chaos and destruction happening in his absence. Marvelous.
They're leaving them....? To die...? What the fuck
The orange metaphor was cute ngl. I'm glad the kids got some sort of closure at least
So they took Jim and Frenchie and left the rest. That's- that's- that's not right........
Omg, it had to be double death of course
No wait- triple death
Mary is amazing, I like her a lot. Don't think I've said that enough.
God, I'm so worried about everyone else though...
Lucius can't have died... right...?
Stede found them!!! Omg, I'm so happy Stede found them.......... I hope he has food in that boat
Aaaand roll credits..... just like that
I feel emotionally betrayed. How dare this show
Uhhhhhh, I'll do one last post after this. More collectedly, explaining some of my thoughts on the show. So uhh, stick around if you care about that, maybe?
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So, SO, this post has been a long time coming. It’s my post about Tedbecca and the finale and all of the fallout. It’s gonna be long. It’s gonna be rambly. It may not make sense. It may be a mess. There may be no order to my musings. And I will probably be changing my mind on things even as I write them cause this is word vomit at it's best. Also I know a lot of what I'm about to say has already been said, probably more articulately but I just have so many thoughts bubbling away and it’s finally time for them to come out. Oh and fair warning, this is gonna be LOOOOOOOOOOONG. If you make it through, I’ll be seriously impressed. And if you don’t, that’s okay, this is mostly for me anyway.
Where to begin? Well, I guess firstly I really want to talk about Brendan Hunt’s comments in the reddit Q&A. I want to preface this by saying I don’t want this to be a personal attack against Brendan, that’s not cool. But his comments did hurt me and a lot of others, I know this was unintentional but they did and I kinda wanna unpick them. I just want it to be clear that my doing so isn’t an attack against him, I appreciate that sometimes it’s lose-lose in these kind of interview/Q&A situations and that it’s very easy to say the wrong thing. But anyway, I need to talk about it. It’s how I process and I’m someone who likes to understand WHY. Especially when it comes to stories and writing.
Firstly, the comment about people taking things personally. Really not good, but I think it was probably just very poorly phrased. Or at least I hope so. It’s not lost on me, the irony of me taking a comment about taking things personally, personally. I also know us getting upset about it only fuels the fire for those people who think we’re ‘throwing tantrums’ and have ‘no media literacy’ (more on that later) and that it perhaps only strengthens the point Brendan was trying to make. And I hope that point was, that it surprised him that people took their writing decisions as a personal attack against them, like they’d been doing it to deliberately hurt us. I can see why that would be surprising, if that's how fan reactions came across. The trouble is, Brendan's comment and others he made came across poorly. Paired with some writing decisions, it showed a real misunderstanding of how invested we were as fans. From a Tedbecca standpoint for example, the kitchen fakeout at the beginning of the finale. They say it was supposed to be an affectionate nod, which now I know, I appreciate. It's nice to know they weren’t doing it just to wind us up. So I can see why they’d then be surprised that we were so upset. BUT, again, it showed a real misunderstanding.
What they didn’t think about, what they didn’t see, is us investing everything into every episode and building things up to the point of driving ourselves mad. Wishing, hoping, praying, questioning ourselves, defending ourselves, analysing and over analysing everything, clinging on til the very end, BELIEVING (!) and TRUSTING THE WRITERS. This was our mantra. This was our faith. So when that finale opened and we saw that scene, it was like all of our wildest dreams had come true, it was relief beyond comprehension, it was vindication, it was incandescent joy, it was the ultimate payoff…only for it to then be a joke… The fall from that was the most painful fucking thing. To be built up to that level and then to crash down like that. Soul destroying. And then to have the airport scene at the end as a further fakeout, again with all of that build up. Man. The disappointment was and remains, beyond words. It would have been so much easier on all of us to just not have those fakeouts, we would have been disappointed sure. But to seemingly be given everything we’d hoped for and then to have the rug pulled out from under us. Oof. Fucking brutal.
The same can be said of the matchbook, which is actually even worse because I still don't understand why? WHY? I'm not trying to be an arsehole here, I'm not 'kicking off because I didn't get my own way'. I genuinely would just love to chat to the writers and hear them explain why this and other details were put in. I can only imagine their answer would come back to the soulmates thing. Which is fine, totally support platonic soulmates, but they just made it so confusing. The matchbook was linked to Rebecca looking for love, wasn't it? I suppose it could have been linked to looking for meaning and happiness and you could say Ted was trying to do the same. And perhaps the 'it shows you what was right in front of you all along' was meant to indicate the club for Rebecca and going home for Ted? Look, that doesn't add up completely to me, but I'm trying to make sense of it. This is why I would do anything to have a proper discourse with the writers because without a full explanation, their execution of whatever story they were trying to tell with Ted and Rebecca just feels confused and unfulfilled.
And look, I know the writers don't owe me or any of us an explanation. I know they had their story and their vision and that's up to them and it made sense to them and what they saw, but I wish they would stop insinuating (or outright saying) that we saw what we wanted to and made this up in our heads. Because if you are gonna tell us that, please be clear in explaining your reasoning and writing decisions to us. Please be clear in your writing and the story. And really, would it kill you to just say, "Everyone interprets things differently and that's wonderful. This isn’t what we were aiming for, but we love that people enjoyed it that way.”
One of the things that frustrates me most now that we've heard they were firm in Tedbecca not happening from the beginning is the wasted potential of Ted and Rebecca's friendship. Platonic soulmates is a beautiful concept and we would have loved it! If it had been explored properly and given the proper ending it deserved. It also would have allowed us to move on and focus on the show. But the constant in between with the fakeouts, a total headfuck. And to have it be a headfuck right up until the final minutes, whyyyyyy.
It’s not that we can’t understand or appreciate platonic relationships. We love those too! They’re beautiful! And I absolutely agree that they're aren't enough of them represented. But this one didn’t land right. Maybe Brendan meant his socially conditioned comment as an explanation. Like, media socially conditions people so we wanted to challenge that because this show was all about subverting expectations. Maybe that's why they referenced When Harry Met Sally so much, to make the point, actually, men and women can be friends. I mean, obviously, we all know that! (I actually think WHMS knows it too although I see why people think it sends that message.) But again, in that case, why didn't we see more of this beautiful platonic relationship? Especially in season 3! I have wondered if Ted and Rebecca's lack of screen time in season 3 was a deliberate move to deter people from the ship but have also considered that the writers may well have just wanted to focus on other characters and stories with the cast expanding so much and that less screen time for these two was a natural consequence. I also have felt retrospectively that Ted taking a step back was deliberate to show that these characters could thrive without him once he left. But still, more friendship please!
Now look, I appreciate that we obsess HARD. I appreciate we get carried away sometimes. And I 100% think the writers should stay true to what they want and their vision (well for the most part, more on that later) so I’m not saying the writers should be thinking about what the fans want here. What I’m saying is, it was poor judgement. Moments that were supposed to be affectionate came across as cruel. And then to be bewildered that we took it personally…total misjudgement of how much this meant to us.
Now Tedbecca as a romantic pairing aside, there was also misjudgment of how much these characters and their happiness meant to us and also a misunderstanding of why we were upset. We weren’t just upset about the pairing. We were upset that these characters didn’t get the endings we felt they deserved. And that goes way beyond Ted and Rebecca but this post is about them so that's who I'll focus on. Ted going home, though I am mostly reconciled to this now, still felt so sad and unexplored. @melliemd did a wonderful post (https://www.tumblr.com/melliemd/719859828851408896/one-thing-that-would-have-helped-the-finale-leave) about it not being that Ted went home being the problem but that he seemingly then disappeared from the lives of people in Richmond? Bizarre. Rebecca deciding she could travel and do whatever she wanted with her life and get to know herself, only to then decide to stay at Richmond without a scene to bridge the gap of that decision. Bizarre! For the record, I think she does belong at Richmond. But I truly felt she deserved some 'Drink, Sleep, Fuck' adventures round the world first. And to be paired off with essentially some random dude last minute? The fuck? And to have the whole suggestion that she's a Mother to the club only to then make her an actual Mother to some random child, frustrating! I thought that message of her being a Mother in a different way was so beautiful. And look, I appreciate that when it comes to women having children or not having children, there's always criticism and I 100% think her character wanted children and deserved to find that happiness buuuttt it just felt confusing. These endings were not satisfying. And regardless of platonic or romantic, you cannot tell me Ted's lack of proper goodbye to Rebecca was okay, it was just bizarre. So yes, we took this personally, because we were (and are) deeply invested in these characters and their happiness and them having the ending they deserved.
Now back to the ship, I’ve been thinking a lot about Brendan’s answer about Tedbecca being considered but never with enthusiasm. The thing is, the question was, ‘was Tedbecca endgame’ considered. Now if we’re looking at the confines of the show and we know that they were always firm in Ted going back to Kansas, then perhaps it never made sense to them for these two to have a happy ending. Perhaps the fixed point of Ted leaving negated any possibility for these two to end up together. Or at least I was thinking along these lines before Hannah said Jason was adamant that they were mates in the platonic sense!
I think the problem came in the determination that it had to be one or the other. And I know that sounds silly, how can people be platonic if they ever have romance. But the thing is, relationships change. The possibility that their friendship could grow and evolve into something more doesn’t erase the beautiful friendship they had before it changed. Does that make sense? I’m thinking about other shows and representations here. For example, you guessed it, my old favourite, Ugly Betty. Betty and Daniel have a 100% platonic friendship for most of the show and it is BEAUTIFUL. At the end of the show, it’s fairly open ended, although strongly implied that it’s heading towards romance. Now firstly, the open ending works beautifully and is what Tedbecca should have got (more of that below) but also the idea of romance doesn’t change or diminish the beautiful friendship Daniel and Betty had. It just indicated that after years of being friends, in a gorgeous platonic representation, they had become the most important person in one another’s lives and that their relationship had a beautiful foundation of friendship that could grow into something more if they wanted. The romance wasn’t because they were a man and a woman and HAD to get together. It just made sense that they probably would by the end of it given the journey their characters had been on and how their relationship had grown. I've seen a lot of people mention Monica and Chandler as another great example. They were genuinely platonic friends who become more, but that was never a given. We don’t love the 'friends to lovers' trope because ‘man must end up with woman’, we love it because the idea of two people building something from a strong foundation and knowing each other better than anyone else and supporting and bringing out the best in one another through thick and thin is GORGEOUS.
And on that point, let’s talk more about Brendan’s comment about people being socially conditioned to think a man and a woman should end up together in response to a Tedbecca question. This one hurt the most and was the most poorly thought out IMO. Well actually I’m not sure it was thought out at all. I’ve already said it in another post but I’ll say it again now, I ship characters based on who they are, their chemistry and usually their suitability for each other, not based on their gender. It’s mad to suggest otherwise and came across as incredibly condescending. It also again, showed a complete misunderstanding of the fans. I’m not naive enough that I can’t see what he meant, obviously the large majority of media is unfortunately still heteronormative and unconscious bias does exist, I appreciate that. And obviously I say this having already admitted that I thought the show featured a romance between these two before I watched it (based on scenes I’d seen on tumblr.) So I know I went in with pre-conceived notions. But this wasn't based on man and woman. This was based on, two people with matching baggage, supporting each other, helping each other grow, becoming best friends and being soulmates. And if you’re gonna blame me following a trope before I watched the show, blame enemies to friends to lovers, don’t blame man and woman. It was never about that.
As I said before, I totally get where Tedpendent shippers were coming from, it wasn’t my ship of choice but I could see Ted and Trent had chemistry and could work and be very cute together. That wasn’t my ship of choice, but only because for me, the characters of Ted and Rebecca (tropes aside) matched as people, regardless of gender, given their baggage and the growth of their relationship. And when I say baggage I don’t even mean the cosmic, soulmate, 1991, matchbook etc. stuff, beautiful as it was. I mean the fact that they have both just been through divorce, they understand each other like no-one else can, challenge each other, help each other grow, make each other laugh, are there for each other, have seen each other at their worst, their best and everything in between, the list is endless. They would make each other so happy! @lauranthalasahlasah did an incredible post about this (https://www.tumblr.com/lauranthalasah/718039664194387968/i-dont-want-ted-and-rebecca-to-end-up-alone-i) that I keep thinking about that says it better than I could.
I can’t imagine how hard it is to be a writer on a show like this and to have fans dissatisfied no matter what. But you know what, being a fan isn’t easy either. We’re often told we’re delusional no matter who we ship. And we’re made to feel like it’s our fault for wanting two people who would make each other so happy to end up together. Like we’re ridiculous for thinking it. Again, would it have been that hard to say, “I can see why people wanted that, it’s not the direction we wanted but it’s nice that everyone interprets things differently.” And yes, I appreciate they must have been EXHAUSTED with those questions by the end, they had them constantly, but please PLEASE stop implying that we're mad for even suggesting it. (Especially when you constantly and heavily refer to romcoms!) Wanting two characters you deeply care about to be happy (with someone perfectly matched for them) doesn't come from social conditioning, it comes from love. (And as Hannah Waddingham said, hope.)
Again, I understand why they wanted it to be platonic. And again, I respect that the writers wanted to stay true to their vision BUT I don't think the vision for a story should come at the cost of something that would have made a lot of sense for the characters. What I mean by that is, when I've written in the past, I've found it hard to let go of things I was firm on keeping in the beginning, but if they suddenly don't fit in the story, or if the story evolves past them, they have to go. And I want to be clear, I'm not comparing myself to these guys, I'm an amateur, they are professionals and they are sensational. And I'm not even saying Tedbecca had to happen, but what I'm saying is, being so determined that Ted and Rebecca could never happen, that they could only ever be platonic, because you wanted the show to subvert expectations, is where it went wrong. Being so firm in this decision you made so early on before the show started and grew and developed, that you won't even acknowledge the POSSIBILITY that these two characters - with all of their baggage and the evolution of their characters and their relationship (and Jason and Hannah's chemistry!) - could grow into something more, that's a mistake. It didn't have to happen, but an open ending would have made so much sense! Or if not even that, then outside of the show, just acknowledging that this could happen, would that be so hard? Stop being so headstrong in the platonic message that you ignore everything else about these characters and their relationship and the potential they could have had if that platonic relationship had evolved.
And being so firm in the platonic message, decided from the beginning, that you pair one of your main characters off with some random dude, how is that better? I'm not saying Rebecca can never end up with anyone and doesn't deserve to be happy. I'm not even saying that she wouldn't be happy with Dutch guy. She absolutely deserved to find love and her character genuinely wanted that. What I'm trying to say, is that pairing her off just for the sake of it and in such a rushed way, just felt wrong. Her character deserved better. You know who I would have loved to see Rebecca see outside of the airport? Keeley and Higgins. Her found family! I'm not saying it''s not okay that she ended up with a guy, that doesn’t lessen what a boss ass bitch she is or anything, but I think throwing someone in last minute which made it feel like it was for the sake of it and then at the same time telling us we're socially conditioned, is just a little bit hard to get your head around! All of that being said, Hannah Waddingham did say in an interview recently that she loved that Dutch guy didn't know Rebecca, so she could be old Rebecca without any of the baggage and be with someone not already involved in her life and all of her messy past. I did like that perspective. But I still think being with someone who knows you better than anyone else and has supported you through your trauma and has loved and been there for you through thick and thin, and who also happens to be your cosmic soulmate, is better.
But what do I know? I'm just a silly, socially conditioned, hysterical, media illiterate fan! 🤣
And on that final point, to all of those people out there who have deliberately been nasty or laughed at us or gone out of their way to tag Tedbecca in a shitpost - I feel sorry for you. If you feel the need to take time out of your day just to be nasty to people, that’s pretty sad. Especially in this fandom. You can laugh at us all you want but you know what? We didn’t get our ship, fine. But it’s still real to us, it’s not less because it didn’t play out how we wanted. And you know what else? We gained beautiful friendships through this ship. We formed a community full of hope and love and kindness. And nothing you say will change or spoil that. And for anyone upset, annoyed or offended by our posts because you were happy with the show, I am sorry...but you know what I do when I find continuous posts like that that I don’t like seeing? I unfollow the person. Simple as that. I don't go out of my way to personally have a go at them. Please try to do better people, it's genuinely pitiful in any fandom, but in a fandom for this show, about love and kindness, it's genuinely embarrassing.
P.S. my Tedbecca people, I fucking love you 💜
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alexsnnlv · 2 years
What are some of your favorite Clouis moments?
hey ty for your ask! :D
oof, that's a tough one bc i absolutely adore all the Clouis moments, they all just, give me life y'know? but okay, let's do thisss. (not going to rank them bc i just can't, i love em all even between my favorites hahaha)
Their Meeting: I MEAN, this is literally one of the most important moments because, duh, they're meeting each other; but the way it was done was simply perfection. It's just, there's so much chemistry since the very first moment they talk to each other, their conversation just flows so naturally and YOU KNOW IT'S LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Their little harmless challenging that almost feels like flirting, the LOOKS, when he sings for her, the precious moment the three of them share when AJ presses the piano key, it's just all so good. (the whole scene just shines, and the context behind it is also important, because he was the one distracting AJ, most likely he volunteered to it).
Hunting with Louis and Aasim: COME ON, THE NINJA DIALOGUE THAT HAS A COMEBACK LATER AT EPISODE 4 BEFORE THEIR THIRD KISS, PLEASE. Clementine allowing herself to be silly and AJ doing it too, and Aasim exasperated? I love it. also, THEIR WHOLE FLIRTING WHEN PLAYING WITH THE WALKER, OH MY GOD. I love it I love it I LOVE IT, did i said i love it yet? because i do. a lot. also, that little moment of vulnerability both of them share after they're done with their game? like, they let each other in for a brief moment before closing again, but that meant something.
APPEAL TO LOUIS: GOD I JUST CAN'T BE CALM IN THIS MOMENT, HELP. IT ALWAYS GETS TO ME. like, the whole scene in general, since leaving the basement and seeing all the kids reunited in the yard, the whole atmosphere, the rain, Rosie barking, the yelling. it all adds to the scene and it's brilliant. when you appeal to Louis he's hesitant, obviously, this is a girl he's known for 2 days, asking him to trust her, before his best friend. it's hard, and we can see Marlon has this power on him and honestly, that's not good, nor healthy. but Clementine is just so worthy of his trust he just goes stands between her and a fucking gun now aimed at his head. but this is marvelously done, because the scene wants you to believe you made a mistake, that Louis isn't gonna help you. we see Marlon adjusting the gun, aiming with more angry and mad determination, Clementine closes her eyes almost waiting for the death.. and then Louis walks into frame and stands in front of her, with a look that just, God, the look he has in that moment. he begs Marlon to put down the gun, and it's just such an amazing moment.
Their talk in Clem's room: I'm talking about the one after AJ gets shot, when he brings new shirts for the kid. I don't know how exactly describe what this scene makes me feel, like, they're talking seriously, there's an enormous tension between them, Marlon's death is just fresh for some hours, and Louis is grieving. i don't know, this scene it's just so angsty and tbh i love it because it's realistic, he's not gonna forgive them right away, but he feels guilty about AJ getting shot, and at this point he obviously have feelings for Clem too, but again, he's grieving and blaming them and it's just a chaos in his head. but he thought of them, he went out of his way to search for Tenn's old clothes to give them to AJ. but dude, my favorite part? “Louis? I really missed you”. a moment of brief silence, and then “i missed you, too” and then leaves. my heart.
Practicing archery, and apologizing: Man man man man man man MAN, I love this moment. Louis is apologizing to Clementine, he admit he was wrong about voting against them, voting for them to leave. he just didn't knew what else to do, he was hurt and grieving, he just wanted it to stop, and didn't knew exactly what to do. but he doesn't excuses himself, he apologizes sincerely, and Clem can see that, so she forgives him. now they're in good terms again, and THEY FLIRT. IT'S ADORABLE. i especially love that when you're practicing and keep failing, their convo goes like:
L: “okay, during the fight, ask all the raiders to stand still about a foot away from you”
C: “i wasn't that bad” (and Louis just gives her the funniest seriously? look) “fine, i need some practice”
L: “told you you couldn't be worse than me. good news, we're the worst together”
and then when he says “thank you, for all of it” WITH THAT SOFT LOOK NGHSH MY HEART. BUT BUT BUUUT, a little underrated moment just after that, when you keep talking to him after that, in the second and final try, their conversation goes:
L: need something?
C: just checking in.
L: no big changes, i didn't become a master in your brief absence.
C: I'm shocked.
THEIR SMILES?? THEIR CHEMISTRY?? I can't, I'm in love with them.
First kiss, piano scene: come on guys, y'all knew this couldn't be missed. everything about this scene gets to me, how when Clem stays quiet Louis reassures her and tells her he's there for her, and she gives him a little smile. or when she says she can't give up, he says that if she won't, he definitely can't. then they get to the piano, and one of the most romantic and magical scenes I've seen ever plays out.
they start to tune the piano, and Louis makes his little joke about blowing on the strings, and tbh i love when Clem tells him she can't believe she fell for that, but not in a serious, annoyed tone, no, she's having fun, and Louis loves that, because he gets all shy and says “it's good to see you like this”.
now onto the real shit. he finally opens up entirely to her, shares his insecurities, how he feels, and that she's the only one that has actually bothered to try and see the real him, past the jokes and the piano. we finally see how they allow each other to be vulnerable. Clementine confesses her own feelings and Louis can't believe it, and when it sinks, he's all excited and names his song after her. and finally, THEY KISS. AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL, AND I LOVE IT. THE SMILES THEY GIVE AFTER, IT'S JUST SO CUTE. (i do wanna give an honorific mention to one dialogue that you can pick instead of the kiss, because the "you're such a weirdo" "yeah, but apparently you dig that, so who's the real weirdo here? it's both of us" it's adorable as hell).
Hand holding and soft looks: Quick little moment at the start of ep3, when Louis takes Clem's hand and gives her a soft look and a soft smile, as well as a little nod. and she looks back at him with a soft look and soft smile of her own, and i don't think I've seen such a soft and adorable look on Clem's face.
The date: their first official date. this scene tells you a lot about Louis, starting from the obvious like how he took enough time to think about it to search and read some magazines for advice, to most serious stuff like Louis' self esteem and confidence issues. even after everything that has happened between them, even if they're in a official, romantic relationship, he can't process or even accept the fact that Clementine was willing to save him, voluntarily. he needs to know, because the guilt is also eating him alive. and when Clem tells him she saved him because he's important to her? i mean, just look at him. he's shocked, like, again, he can't believe someone actually cares for him. it's truly depressive to think about, and seeing how the other kids treat him most of the time, I'm not even surprised. he immediately redirects the subject, and when Clementine assures him they're gonna get their friends back, he finally smiles and reveals what he actually went to.
he offers to have a date, she accepts, and they're adorable. i must say, my favorite dialogue choice for the date when Louis asks what 'her thing' is, is saying brawn. just because i think it's funny how Louis pretends to tighten his 'muscles' and winks at her and oh my God. I'm in love. and she just chuckles and it's adorable.
then they have a toast, stand up, and share a little but not less adorable moment where they just stare at each other, with soft looks, no words needed. it's like it's just the two of them alone in the world for a little time. that's before AJ rushes in and interrupts them, of course.
Hootenanny: I need to say, it's not an specific moment but a bunch of lines, looks, little moments between them here. the amount of looks Clementine and Louis give each other during the whole thing it's insane lmao, they're so in love. when Ruby asks Clem about the music and she chooses classic, Louis says “ah, a woman after my own heart” THEY'RE SO CUTE. again, THE LOOKS, THE LOOKS. also, Clementine both sees and hears Louis and AJ bonding and it's heartwarming.
wanted to highlight the ‘Don't be afraid’ scene because it's emotional and adorable.
Calm before the storm: Y'know, when all the kids are preparing and almost ready to get into the Delta ship and meet James, bla bla bla. the important here: Clem looks around for Louis and she finally spots him, away from the rest and alone, contemplating the boat. Clem gets close and Louis shares his worries, about how he doesn't wanna screw up and fears for her safety because he's used to "fucking up", and even when Clementine tries to reassure him, he's still not sure and asks her to slap him. obviously, we're not abusive so we don't do that, and since we can't hug him and tell him it's all gonna be okay, we're gonna smooch him bc we love our boyfriend and we gotta let him now we're here for them somehow. then he's all flustered and Clem's smiling and they're cute until AJ interrupts again but I love it because it's hilarious. "you'll learn when you're older" Louis is obviously finding it funny while now Clem's the flustered one and she's like, look to the other direction and I'm laughing.
They're alive: After the Delta explodes and they finally reunite with each other and they're glad they're safe. I love that Clem can hug him and tell him how happy she is to see him, and viceversa. but i also wanna highlight how she can make a callback to one of his line with the "and THAT'S how you school a walker” simply because it let us know she listens to him and remember even a little, funny line he said 2 weeks ago. also love how she says it and what he answers.
little jump to after they get Violet, when all the kids are reunited behind some boxes and Clementine tells them to run to Willy and Ruby while she kills the walkers. you can see Louis' worried and scared face, for her. then, when they're all leaving, Louis is the last one and it goes like this
L: right behind me?
C: yup, just like the ninja i am.
L: the ninjas we are.
and then he kisses her, tells her to be careful, and goes after the others, and they look at each other with worrying faces, and i just love all of this.
Reunion and family hug: Clementine, AJ and Tenn get out of the cave to start and try to look for a way back to the school when they hear a noise, just to find Louis there. AJ runs to him and hugs him tight, while Clementine watcha with fondness before joining in. then Louis makes a callback to the very first sentence he said to her, and she remembers it because she shakes her head with a knowing smile. then one of the cutest moments between these two, when he tells her they're all back at the school she brings up the fact that he went to look for them. he takes her hands and the exchange goes like:
“thought i lost you”
“only for a minute”
“longest damn minute of my life”
like??? they love each other so much already???? and some people dare to say they don't have chemistry, pfft.
Their new home and a bright future: It continues right after the last moment, but it deserves a spot of it's own. Everything about this scene it's just brilliant, from Clementine trying to ease his worries and guilt about killing Dorian, to him bringing up the house his parents were building before their divorce. this single thought brought Clementine and then Louis to think about their dreamhome, and everything about that conversation is beautiful, because it's them sharing their mutual hope of a future, of being together and feeling at home.
Trust and love: To finally end this, their last moment. We see Clementine and Louis looking at the map, planning their next move since a caravan has been spotted close their grounds. Clementine trusts Louis with this mission, and Louis is willing. they both have come a long way, and they've developed a lot since the start of the season, and you can see that. Louis asks AJ to join him, he forgives him about Tenn, and they're in good terms again. finally, Clementine practically begs him to stay safe, to what Louis smiles at her and gives her a kiss in the cheek. and I die. they're adorable.
oh my God, i think i went a bit over board with this,,, just a bit,,,
anyway, I'm sorry that instead of just answering simply with my favorite clouis moments i made a whole ass essay to each one of them, Clouis just makes me like that y'know
thank you again for the ask :D
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arobinwithoutbatman · 1 month
((Alrighty! I'm showered and clean and teaching my hair to do it's wavy thing! Time to read through more of Knightfall! Volume 2 I believe I'm up to
Cool, Scarecrow adn Joker aren't seeing eye to eye, hate that. That's going to end in disaster when Bane has already fucked up the city by showing them Batman's broken body
...I'm sorry. Is Joker fucking IMMUNE TO FEAR GAS?!
Oof poor Tim. Boy is understandably worried about losing Bruce and Batman
...sudden art style change? Like. Very scratchy and scribbly. Incomplete almost... either this is supposed to represent what is coming through to a comatose Bruce or this issue was rushed
Okay going back in time a little. 3 weeks previous
And Two Face is having an episode
And of course Bruce was all "Nope, you're not coming Tim, it's not safe"
Yeha you really should have let Tim come along, you probably would've had some help in that water fight
Ah. Still mad about Batman changing the terms of their alliance whihc... entirely fair honestly
Bruce. Tim just saved your life. There were very few options to save you and keep Harvey alive and he had to make a split second call where there were no good choices
Oh thank fuck, Bruce woke up and even corrected himself and look at Tim sob! My baby!
Oof, Bruce is understandably taking this so hard
Oh heeeyyyy Selina. Don't work for Bane. I love you, don't do it
Also, Shondra? Maybe you shouldn't kiss your patient? That's a lil weird
Time for Jean-Paul to step into the role of Batman for a bit though I do love that Tim's first thought was to ask Dick and Bruce immediately said "no he's his own person and has his own responsibilities"
Hm... little early to be thinking that you should spill everything to Shondra. Think on it some more first, Bruce
Really? You're gonna trust that flyer? There's so many red flags here
Oh! And we're looking at virtual reality. Cool! This is not going to end well and given the cover art, Scarecrow is gonna pop up any second!
Hey Jean? Maybe don't immediately break all of those rules? Some of those are for your safety
Oh hey Lonnie
Okay cool, Scarecrow's doing some casual brainwashing with fear! That... typically doesn't work very well and has some awful side effects!
I mean... you're not entirely wrong, Lonnie. But also, you don't know that there's someone else under the cowl at the moment
Hoo boy, the fear conditioning is... definitely something. It's holding for now and will continue to hold cause comic book logic
And Jean Paul, you're hitting too hard and this mantle is already getting to your head. You're desperately needed but you're 100% gonna flip shit at some point
So they're painting Scarecrow as a weird guy who was ultimately very poor and also kind of generally awful? And he believes people would've listened to him if he could hoard more books and he had money? Buddy... you literally randomly chase birds and shot flowers as part of a discussion about the psychology of guns. You had some other stuff going on
Ooohhh boy. Total chaos. And someone's lil gas container fell into the sewers. That's... ooohhhh that's a poisoned water supply and sewage line
Not surprised Lonnie knows how hypnosis and conditioning work and even uses those tactics themselves
At least Jean Paul knows to keep himself in check. He can't kill whilst wearing the cowl and shouldn't kill at all
Oooohhhh shit, Anarky's gonna set off Azrael
Okay not entirely. He's off kilter but he... can't feel the fear fully? Oof
But he's definitely off kilter and he'd better take Tim out with him next time. He was willing to let a boy die to take out Scarecrow
Scary in all the wrong ways isn't a bad description, Tim
Hoo boy, Jean Paul is gonna get into trouble
And all while Jack and Shondra are about to be held up in the Drake house with Tim out on patrol
You tried, Bruce, you really tried
And Tim you really need to tell Bruce about Jean Paul going off the rails because he's a danger to everyone including himself rn
Tim's so tired, he hasn't even noticed his dad is missing
Eeeyyyy Oracle! Barbara my Queen!
Yeah Jean Paul is definitely losing control
Cool Bruce, Alfred and Selina on their way to Bane's home. Tim's just found out his dad is missing and Jean Paul is absolutely slipping back into his old programming
Snrrrk Gordon not expecting Jean Paul to still be there before he's done talking
Tim's so alone rn poor boy
...Jean Paul released them?! To follow them back to Bane?! Clever but wtf?!?!
Hoo boy. You lived this time JP by pure luck but you're terrifying Gotham and wrecking the reputation
Jean Paul is definitely falling back into whatever his old programming was and he's just out for blood. For a crusade
Eeeeyyy Nightwing! Big brother to the rescue!
-.- You look like you stepped out of a mecha anime, my guy
Welp. Bruce is gonna have a hell of a time getting the city to trust him again when he's able to take the cowl back
He might have resisted the impulse to kill but I certainly wouldn't continue to trust him, Tim
....I'm taking a test at the library tomorrow and then i might linger long enough to read the next volume if I'm not totally exhausted mentally
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
moar rewatch
s1! ep2 and 3!
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Bow's voice actor's work here is so good lolol
Nice work establishing that only Adora can do the transformation thing with the magic sword
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Man someone on youtube has to have done one of those therapist deep-dives on their relationship. So much of their interactions are just painfully accurate for the way a kid reacts to an abusive parent--that combination of fear and resentment and still wishing you could make them happy, just once.
My family didn't have a golden child vs. scapegoat thing going on, though. I wonder if this is based on the writers' own experiences or if one of them read about that dynamic or had a therapist consulted or what
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oof too real 😬
anyway Free Palestine
even cartoons know that murdering civilians and/or destroying their homes makes you the bad guy
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There's some parallels here with kids who grew up in conservative/evangelical families realizing their family's politics and faith weren't based around Jesus at all but were based around bigotry and small-minded cruelty and knowing they have to leave, and knowing ND Stevenson's background I assume it's intentional
"You've known these people for, what, a couple of hours? and you're going to throw everything away for them?"
:( and to Catra, this just feels like a betrayal. There's a meta post somewhere way back in my tags that was like, from Catra's POV, Adora knew how shitty Shadow Weaver treated Catra and that wasn't enough to rebel and leave, but knowing Glimmer and Bow for a handful of hours was, and how much that had to hurt like hell, considering Catra put up with Shadow Weaver's abuse for so long in part to protect Adora and in part because it meant her and Adora were still together
Ugh this is why I love this show, Catra's actions are sometimes just awful but they make sense given what we know about her life, and right now she's just panicking and trying to hide it
And meanwhile Bow and Glimmer are like "actually we've decided we trust you :) can you be fancy sword lady again thanks!"
Like of course Adora is going to pick Bow and Glimmer and not Catra in that moment!!
"Is that....Adora?" "It's She-ra!"
Yeah that's not gonna be the source of weird "who the fuck even AM I" feelings later ha ha ha amiright
Also along with all the other weirdness of suddenly being bigger/different outfit etc, like, She-Ra is not only WAY stronger, but also knows how to fight in that body and with that sword. Like having muscle memory you didn't know you had. That's gotta be WEIRD. (I mean, there's also memories that clearly aren't hers, too)
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Poor bb is scared, mad, and kinda turned on (shhhh I can headcanon whatever I want)
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I called Yellow Diamond a clod, right to her face!!
("You made that joke the first time you saw this ep April" It's just a good joke okay!!)
EP 3
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Glimmer: everyone hates Horde soldiers but I think people will love you as She-Ra YOU JUST HAVE TO BE SHE-RA HA HA IT'LL BE FINE
Adora, internally: I'm only valuable/acceptable/lovable as long as I can be She-Ra, a person who isn't entirely me and that I don't know how to control and feel extremely weird about, got it
whether the sword's edges are sharp or not is entirely dependent on whether someone needs it to be or not pffft
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lol this would be such a wild cosplay to do
(a quick image google says the original is far more popular for cosplay; only a couple of people have done this version)
"Adora's gone, she's defected. And I'm starting to think she had the right idea!"
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...okay how tempted do we think Catra actually was to just fucking leave.
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Once again: intentional parallels to high-control religious groups
But the reference to Lord Hordak specifically also has shades of "Just wait until your father finds out what you did!" which is, uh, a little uncomfortably close to home ngl
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boy do I hate how familiar this is
I used to get so scared it would make my stomach hurt, and I'd shake the same way Catra does here, which sometimes made him angrier
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jesus christ
okay how much of my love of Catra as a character is bc I can empathize with her in moments like this one (I was never as openly rebellious or back-talking as she is though; any disagreement got me screamed at)
I mean on the other hand Hordak is like "bitch, I know you've been doing this whole Golden Child/Scapegoat bullshit, so if your Golden Child fucked off and the Scapegoat is all you've got left then congrats that's on you, dumbass."
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Catra thought she was gonna be murdered and instead she got a promotion
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OKAY BUT ahahah oh god
IF Hordak had actually punished Catra or even threatened her in any way, I feel like Catra would, in fact, have left. There would be nothing left for her in the Horde, right? So why not leave?
But Hordak didn't promote Catra because he personally believes in her abilities, he did it to piss off Shadow Weaver. Then again maybe he knows that promoting Catra means she'll stay loyal.
Because it works, doesn't it. Oof. Catra wants to prove herself, dammit; and she's been given a shot at doing it, so she's staying.
OKAY that's 3 episodes out of 52. I think I'm done for today. No guarantees, though. Also there's no way I can do this for every single episode. >_<
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exy-shmexy · 1 year
Top 5 vs Personal 5
List your top 5 fics ranked by kudos on AO3. are you surprised by what's most popular to your readers? then provide your ranking of your personal top 5 fics, and tag a few fellow writers!
Thank you so much for the tag @fortheloveofexy <3
Tagging @halfpintpeach @brokenpinetree @desolatebee
One thing I want to say first is that I am so grateful for all the friends I have made thanks to all these fics. I have met some incredible people who supported me and offered me much-needed feedback when I needed it most so to each of you, thank you for absolutely everything.
TOP 5 (by Kudos)
Patchwork (2.3k, Andreil)
In this one, Andrew lets a bored Neil doodle on his legs, then decides to keep a permanent trace of it. I'm not gonna lie, I'm very surprised this is my number one. I love it dearly, mostly because it's basically just fluff and I'm a massive sucker for fluffy fics, but the fact it's ranking so high is funny to me. It's a little guy, but one I was very happy with in the end.
2. Of Detention and Passing Notes (7.2k, Andreil)
This one started off as a very silly tweet I posted about a High School AU where Neil meets Andrew in detention and bugs him by tossing paper notes on his desk. I had an absolute blast writing it! It's one of my first long-ish one shots so I was very happy with it at the time. Also I had to ask several people about actually getting into detention because I was too scared to get in trouble back in my high school days.
3. On The Road (1.8k, Andreil)
This is basically Neil getting horny while the team is on their way to an away game. I uh don't know what madness took over my brain for this one but you know what? It was fun to write c:
4. Let Our Hearts Do Their Part (8.1k, Andreil)
This... is not what it was originally supposed to be lmao I'm happy with it, but my brain kinda decided to go in a completely different direction than what I originally wanted, which is fine! Sometimes you have a plan but then along the way your idea strays away from it and another sprouts in its place.
5. As It Was (3k, Andreil)
Oof that's the very first fic I wrote for AFTG. It's a sick fic in which Neil gets the flu, is stubborn about it, so Andrew comes back to PSU to take care of him. I really like it, still now. I was sick myself when I wrote it and pretty mad about it so that was a good way to vent lol
Paw and Order (ongoing currently 22k, Andreil)
This is probably the most self-indulgent thing I've ever written. This Cat Cafe AU has my entire heart, I absolutely love it and it is just so comforting to write. I have two chapters left to write for it and I'm excited to mark it as completed when the time comes for it although I will probably be sad about it because I just seriously love this silly thing so much.
TW for the paragraph below: mental health, depression, loneliness
Since this post is about being open about your writing, I have to admit that the first two chapters are very heavy on the angst because I was in a similar kind of mood as Andrew is in the beginning of this fic. I tend to get very lost in my own head, and it usually ends up in me feeling very lonely because my brain is great like that. Being able to project on Andrew (sorry my guy) was very helpful at the time. Me being me though, the next chapters get fluffier because even though I try to pretend that I'm a tough emo person, I'm secretly a softie but don't tell anyone. So yeah, this AU will forever have my heart.
2. Querencia (11k, Andreil)
Aw man okay another one I loved working on. To no one's surprise, this is also a very fluffy boy. Neil and Andrew go on a road trip together. This fic has a special place in my heart too for lots of reasons.
3. Snow Angels (1.6k, Aaron)
Listen, we've barely had snow over here. One morning I saw that one video of a dad teaching his kid how to do snow angels, and my brain ran with the idea. It's centered around Aaron because I just know he is the most amazing dad to his twin daughters. Also, they have a puppy.
4. Le Corbeau et le Renard (ongoing currently 40k, all the Foxes)
Basically everything is the same except Ichirou forces Jean to join the Foxes instead of the Trojans after TKM. I have SUCH a love-hate relationship with this fic. I think I was onto something when the idea popped into my brain, but as soon as I sit down to write it my brain just turns off. I like writing about Jean and his relationship with the Foxes, also all the tiny subplots sprinkled in-between, but sometimes I think I was perhaps a bit too ambitious.
Anyway, all of this to say I need to tame this beast and get back to it after I'm done with Paw and Order.
5. Licorice (1k, Andreil)
It's kinda funny because now that I thought about Patchwork again, these two have very similar vibes. I guess I just have a thing for Andreil, being alone in their dorm and some non-sexual intimacy.
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invisiblegarters · 9 months
Dangerous Romance Ep 6
Last week, everyone went to an open house at university, June showed up and I loved her instantly and so did Pim you're not fooling me lady, and Kang remembered that he's supposed to have a crush on a girl after he started feeling a little too fluttery around Sailom. Fortunately there's a girl he already knows who fits the checklist of things that he should be looking for, so he decided to ditch Sailom at every opportunity to try to get something started with her. Less fortunately he learned that apparently they have the same taste in boys when she reveals that she has a crush on Sailom, too (I say apparently because I don't buy it for a second. You can't fool me, show).
This ep we're gonna get some jealousy and I hope it's fun. Since I have decided to just go ahead and embrace whatever this show wants to give me all I am hoping for now is jealous!Kang shenanigans and the return of the escorting plot. Because mess and angst is my bag, I can never get enough.
LOL she's basically describing Kang here. Like word for word, that's hilarious. Although I do think Kang already felt some kind of way about Sailom from the beginning. Homoerotic bullying and all.
But now he's gonna be a butt. I am kind of living for this. He's such a brat.
"Come on, Kang, he is a person. He's not something you can toss around.' THANK YOU. What is it with all these spoiled rich boys and their treating people like objects?
Honestly though Kang has good taste. Both of his crushes are awesome.
Aw Sailom. Trying to be a nice guy while Kang is all up in his feelings. I don't even like love triangles but I just can't take this one seriously enough to be bothered.
Oh man Napdao is such a mess. I already love her to pieces because June but oof, I can tell her student teaching career is gonna give me all the secondhand embarrassment.
Lol the music. So dramatic.
Well that was quick. And here I thought Kang would stew in his own feelings more. Silly me, Kang doesn't stew. He makes his feelings everyone else's problem. I know this.
Actually I do find that a little refreshing? More forthrightness (even if he is a little punk about it) and less stewing in your own juices and then randomly lashing out ftw! Let's cut out the misunderstanding and lash out while letting everyone know exactly why you're doing the thing!
Hahaha okay bonding over sports. Of course.
Still not taking this love triangle seriously. I'd say sorry but I'm really not.
Oh wow she really is upset. Huh.
Digging the montage of triple upset. Everyone here is ridiculous.
Uh oh we have boys in the rain. One of them is gonna get sick.
We could do this without the extended flashback guys. Please trust that Perth and Chimon can do the work required here - we don't have to see all the moments that prove that Sailom likes Kang. We know. You have two excellent actors here you don't need to spoonfeed us like this. Trust them, please.
And okay, did not expect a Sailom confession this episode. Alriighty then we're just gonna do this thing then.
Is it weird that I'm kind of digging it?
I have to say, I have mad respect for anyone who confesses in these shows. Because i have never in my life been able to do that. I admire the courage it takes to put yourself out there.
Right. I think that Saifah is gonna screw some shit up here, but I laughed out loud when he called Sailom out for eating in the dark like a creep.
Called it. BL boy in the rain means sickness is immanent.
Kang cracks me up. So in love with Pim and so protective of her feelings right up until his actual crush confesses, and then it's "Pim who?"
Ah yes, the wet towel. Also known as the only thing that can cure a BL fever.
I make fun, but I do love the trope. Also the awkward way he's doing it is hilarious to me. Prime "I have never taken care of another person in my entire life and have no idea what I'm doing." But at least he's trying. I kind of love it. Call me a sap but I am such a sucker for this kind of thing. Doubly so when it's coming from a character who clearly has no clue but doesn't let that stop them.
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Aw, I really do love the friendship between Sailom, Auto, and Guy. I hope we see more of it. I kind of love Guy spoonfeeding Sailom even though he has two perfectly good hands.
"Do you like me?" Is that not what he's saying (it's totally what he's saying)? Brave.
Too bad Kang isn't.
And more flashbacks because they apparently don't trust their excellent actors to get across how everyone's feeling in this moment. Sigh. Seriously why cast these two if you're gonna do this? Plus we really could put more here. All the flashbacks feel like filler.
LOL FOREVER at the mood rain.
Pim really is the cutest.
Pfft okay that water thing was super petty but also hilarious.
Kang is such a ball hog.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH AGAIN. Do you think we're dumb? We do not need constant flashbacks explaining yet agian that Sailom is Kang's wind. We can understand this ourselves I promise.
And finally he passes the ball. Finally. And ha, it's pretty true to life that people only notice the goal.
Ah, so all the cute Guy and Sailom moments were jealousy fuel. Oh why do I keep finding this show so funny.
And a flashback because heaven forbid we miss a chance for one of those.
I wonder how many we'll have next week.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 56
Yet again I'm repeating my constant (lately) plea ... for the love of the Wildmother and the rest, PLEASE tell us what's happening with the others ... we're DYING here, guys!
How did it go? Oh boy ... yeah ... Sam, you couldn't have been more wrong. But we're still SOOOOOOOO proud of our girl all the same! You rule, Marisha!
Wow ... WHY are you suddenly all FRENCH on this NordVPN ad, Samuel? What are you doing to us? That was just PAINFUL ...
The crazed way Laura delivered "in addition to that!" was just SO nuts it's adorable ... I loved it ...
COOKIES!!! YUM!!! ALWAYS room for cookies!
Yeah, I heard about Daggerheart! That looks SO COOL ... ooh, and JOE MAD ARTWORK!!! AWESOME!!! SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!
Yeah ... given no Marisha it don't look good for checking in with the wayward trio THIS week ...
Oh gods yes, the goats ... I cannot wait to see where THIS is gonna go ...
Matt's making notes already ... never a good sign ...
Oh, the travel roll on the D20 for the first day ... oof ... Aabria? Okay, roll good ... 12? Phew ...
Sam rolls fir the SECOND day? Oh boy ...5?!!! Seriously, Sam? Oh no ... gah ...
Yes! PROVE it to the Flatworlder the truth once and for all!
Third day ... 2? Roll a D6? Ouch ... 5? Hmmm ... what does THIS mean? Oh fuck, a BLIZZARD?!!! Aaaaaaaah ... Great, and now they're gonna FREEZE to death! Yup, Imogen got no pants! She's gonna get COLD!!!
Oh gods, Ashley, what X-rated fresh hell have you wrought?
Ah, so Chetney's freezing his tiny arse off too ... ZIP UP THAT CHEST, CHET!!!
Imogen asks Fearne to sit on her ... oh gods, seriously? There's NO WAY that can't be construed well, is there?
Laura rolls ANOTHER 1 for the next day ... 3 on the D6? Oof ... Aabria: "Dost thou like the taste of butter?" LOL
WAHEY!!! Matt found the map!
Fuck, what the hell just hit Letters? Ouch ... 18 points of bludgeoning damage? Ow ... what the hell is THIS?!!!
Oooh, Telekinesis on the rock? Cool ...
Giants? Hmmm ... OH!!! NICE!!! FLOATING ROCK FOR THE WIN!!! Oh, she gonna throw it BACK?!!! Nice ... yeah, roll good, Laura! Yes! Roll 4 D10 of damage? Whoa ... 22? Nice ... BOOM!!! Stunned the fucker mid run!
Oh wow, the goats SLED to get away from predators! That is so cool ...
NATURAL 20!!! 49 points of damage? Holy fuck ... that was almost TRAGIC ...
Imogen is now gonna TRIP the other guy up? Oh nice ... ouch, that must hurt too ...
"The full tossed raccoon" ... XD
Wait, so a giant doesn't count as a humanoid ... hmmm ...
Yes! Fearne! Torch that ass!
Whoa ... FRIDA's gonna SHOOT OUT the guy's knees ... ouch ... 18 points on the FIRST hit, 16 on the second? AND they're firing AGAIN with an Action Surge ... ANOTHER 10 points of damage! Oooooooooh ... that was just NASTY ...
Yeah, they sure shouldn't press their luck after that ...
Making fun of Matt's goat impressions ... XD Bonus chin lifts ...
CAN goats swim?
DOES Fearne have Speak With Animals? Let's see ... apparently some goats enjoy "water play"? Oh gods ...
Donny speaks ... oh boy ... "Like a goat centipede?" Oh my fucking gods! XD
Chetney: "They're not seals! They won't survive 30 degree water!" Yeah, make a proper boat instead, please ...
Fashioning a log raft ... Chetney's in charge, PROBABLY a good call. Oh wait ... Deanna? Hmmm ... WITH Guidance ... it's 11? Hmmm again ... oh, Chetney's helping? Thank the gods ...
Aabria: "We're not leaving the goats cuz I LOVE THEM ..." :3
Oh, so Deanna's having a talk with FCG zbout their INTENTIONS ... here we go ... FCG: "Oh man, just imagine me as a heartbreaker, leaving a trail of wreckage behind." Deanna: "A single tread." FCG: "Yeah!" XD
I love how FCG just reverses the tables on her in the funniest way. But they're also being quite sweet. Deanna: "I've always wanted to be that birch." LOL
Camping for the night, then ...
Components ... Aabria: "Oh man, we're playing with STUFF?!!!"
Imogen: "I can't tell if it's just warm here or I pooped my pants!" Chetney: "Either way you win!" Oof ...
Commune? Interesting ... hmmm ... is this a moment of truth for the metallic cleric?
Wait ... is FCG actually getting a response? Sweet ... yeah, it's subtle, but very cool ... nice ... wait, is he actually SEEING the Changebringer? That's so cool ... and the LITERAL coin flip! Nice!
FCG: "Do you need help?" Oh ... is that a YES? Wow ...
Oh man ... this is SO POWERFUL ... wow indeed ... affirmation for FCG. So cool.
Fuck ... the flat earth thing AGAIN ... LOL
FCG: "You believe? But you're so cynical!" Deanna: "I put my faith more in PEOPLE."
Hmmmm ... Deanna's CONSTANT fear ...
The Changebringer's a cool, VIBING god, apparently ...
Imogen's thinking about trying to contact Laudna in her dreams ... unless she get sucked up into Ruidus ... hmmm ... is it really worth it? Apparently she has Disadvantage in her sleep ... crap ...
Planerider Chetney's back ... XD
Taking turns on watch ... FRIDA goes first. Nothing happens. Yup ...
Deanna is ATTUNED to smoochies ... XD
Knock off one exhaustion point, then.
Laura (deep voice): "Mage buff! I'm so Mage buff, you guys!"
Matt: "Using Titanic logic ..." (snort!)
Matt: "Who has the highest intelligence here?" Travis (as Chetney): "I DO!!! Which is fucking terrifying!"
Fit the goats on the raft ... wow ... this is insane. And therefore hilarious ...
Wait ... did Deanna REALLY just KILL Gerry? O.O
Yes. The goats are now TERRIFIED. As they should be ...
1,000 to 1,200 pounds each? Blimey ...
Oh my gods this is a riotous clusterfuck and I am LOVING IT ... LOL
Fearne speaks to Donny Boy ... oh boy ... "He exploded!" Yeesh ... "I don't wanna explode!" Fuck! Cry laughing, I swear ... and Patchwork is EATING Gerry's annihilated remains ... dear gods ... "We're gonna stay and eat Gerry!" Fuuuuuuuuuck ...
Carrying on down the river on the raft without the goats, then ...
Ooooh ... suddenly it's all dark ... hmmmm ... and misty? Double hmmmm ...
Wow, this is just like some proper full on PRIMORDIAL forest, ain't it? Creepy ...
Sam: "Did you make a rollerblade warthog?!"
No wildlife sounds AT ALL ... oh, that is just SO WRONG ...
That's right, Chetney DID bite FRIDA ... and now it's actually OUT LOUD ... hmmm ... yeah, Deanna is FREAKING OUT ...
NO!!! Chetney CANNOT hear what Imogen and FRIDA are saying TELEPATHICALLY!!!
Now FRIDA's worried too. Yes. They SHOULD be ...
Ashley's rolling for the first day of travel on the river ... 2? OF FUCK!!! She has to roll a D8 ... Laura: "We're gonna die!"
Oh lawd, something's coming in the woods ... fuck ... yes. Kill the "engine" ...
And now it's pitch black ... put on some lights! Oh, that is NOT an improvement ... whoa ... oh great, Will o' the Wisps, lovely ... O.O
Uh-oh ... NOW what?
Hunter's Bane. Yup ... there's Fey energy out there ... oh shit, pixies? Never good ...
Oh crap, what the hell is THIS fucking thing? Please have mercy on us, Matthew ...
Ewwwwwww ... this thing is just ... yuck ...
Ashley (with her mouth full): "Guidance!" XD
Crap ... and now it's in the river ... and CHASING THEM!!! Matt: "And we're gonna go to break!" NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Nice map! And terrifying creature, too ... oh gods help us ...
Control Water ... and now they're going TOWARDS IT too ... great ...
Turmoil! Yay!
Tentacles! Yikes! 22 points of bludgeoning damage to FRIDA, and 18 points of bludgeoning damage ... and now they're BOTH GRAPPLED!!! SHIT!!! AND a tongue attack? Crap! No joy against FRIDA, though ... phew ...
Elect to FAIL? What?
FCG: "Nobody tongues FRIDA except for ME!!!"
Fearne tries to torch it! Strangely underwhelming, though ... damn water beasties ...
Inflict Wounds at 4th Level? Ouch ... 6 D10s of damage ... dice maths ... 40 points of Necrotic damage? Holy fuck! Nice, Imogen! Whoa ... cloudy black eyes? Scary shit ...
BOOM!!! FRIDA shoots and FUCKS SHIT UP!!! Sharpshooter! Yeah .... NO!!! Miss! One more ... A HIT!!! 46 points of damage overall! Yeah! Wait ... no, 52 points! DOUBLE yeah!
Evil pixies! Shiiiiit! Laura: "Is this Charmed? Am I being Charmed?" Matt: "No! You are Polymorphed into a fox!" FUCK!!!
Tries the same on Deanna ... FAIL!!! Phew ... Deanna: "No! Shoo! Go home!"
And Fearne just SHOOS the same off! Nice ...
Deanna full on fucking DROWNS the pixies! Nice ... and that BREAKS concentration, so Imogen is BACK!!! Phew ...
FCG wants to help FRIDA ... so what, they THROW THEMSELVES at the creature? Really? Ah, no ... they just fire the grapple at its "toothy maw" ... and Sam rolls a 2 ... hmmm ... Spiritual Weapon, then! Slightly bigger than Deanna's. "Because it's a competition!" Znd they try the grapple again and LATCH ONTO THE BEAST!!!
Deanna realises all the robits really DO have a deathwish! LOL
Chetney pours on beaucoup Slashing AND Thunder Damage with Turmoil! NATURAL 20!!! Nice! Double damage!
And now it's gonna bite FRIDA ... yeah, sage to say 26 hits! And now they're SWALLOWED!!! FUCK!!! And now more tentacles! Imogen takes 17 points of bludgeoning damage and now SHE'S grappled too ... but Deanna's a miss! Phew ...
Fearne gets an attack of opportunity! Slashing it with her sickle ... 6 misses! Crap! But now it's her turn, so ... NICE!!! Strangle the fucker! And now Mister chucks some flaming shit! Nice!
No telepathic attack with FRUDA in it! Okay ... Imogen casts Inflict Wounds instead. 29 points of Necrotic damage! And Telepathic Shove? Yeah, that works ... bur doesn't actually DO much ... yeah ...
FRIDA uses bonus action to reload and uses Sharpshooter ... despite disadvantage, Nat20! 29 points if damage from INSIDE!!! AND IT VOMITS THEM OUT!!! BONUS!!! And now they're getting washed away in the river! Shit!
Pathetic pixie can't do shit on FRIDA! Phew ...
And Travis rolls a NAT20!!! ALSO a fail for another one. It just vanishes in disgust.
Deanna casts Mass Cure Wounds ... and then COMPLETELY FAILS to do anything else ...
FCG let's go znd grapples a nearby tree! Now for a mace attack with Spiritual Weapon ... 16 points of damage!
Beastie is HURT now, might be looking to BOLT ...
Shatter? Oooooh ... Chetney trieste blow down the tree to flatten the fucker ... AND IT TANKS its con save? Whoo ... so the tree crushes it ... CHETNEY GETS THE HDYWTDT!!! "Timber, motherfucker!" Oh yeah, it is IMPALED ...
So that's that ... and they carry on like nothing happened. After Deanna finally shoos off the pixies. "Your guy's dead! Go home!"
So there's no light ... NO LIGHT!!! (Sorry ... went all Florence + the Machine there for a second ... XD)
Imogen, DO NOT invoke a waterfall right now!
Fearne wants to talk to the fish to see what's ahead ... IS THERE anything normal in this water? Oh boy ... catfish? Are we SURE?!!! Okay, here we go ... wait, is she GOING IN?!!! She is turning into a fish! Blimey ... no, she's just gonna stick her head in and cast Speak With Animals.
Oh ... UGLY BLIND FISH!!! Lovely ...
Wow ... Fearne completely blanks on what she's even saying to it ... ye gods ...
Fearne thinks the fish with the creepy second mouth is CUTE ... "the Wolf King"? What the FUCK?!!!
Fearne: "What's he eat?" Nasty fish: "Probably you."
Oh okay, and now it's ON HER ARM!!! Bloody hell ... "Bye!" as she YEETS it off ...
Chetney thinks perhaps HE is the Wolf King ...
"Recognise the Alpha" returns again ... Deanna: "I'm still weirdly turned on by that! It's the goat's blood!" Matt: "Nature's aphrodisiac."
Night falls and they go to sleep ... FCG's on watch ... CRAP!!! RAPIDS!!! AAAAH!!!
FRIDA's watch next ... and now Deanna's up too ... heart-to-heart ... and they're talking zbout the possibility of FRIDA being a werewolf, and the future in general ... hmmm ...
Prayers to the Dawnfather ...
New day ... Travis rolls a 17! Oh thank the gods ...
Chetney's keeping his nose open for unpleasantness ... particularly undead ... yup ...
Deeper, darker, more unpleasant ...
Another day ... Aabria rolls shit ... no! Here we go again ...
Curse Geysers? REALLY?!!!
Oh bollocks ... just FUMIGATED!!! This is SO BAD ...
Fearne and Deanna take a direct hit ... 2 points of exhaustion each and their hit points are reduced by 5? NASTY!!!
Fearne and Deanna both: "I don't like it!"
Ruins on the banks ... oh, here we go ... and they go aground now. Smart, especially after what just happened.
So there's a tower ... a mile or two away ... hmmm ...
FCG's viking blood bread ... okay ... AND it gives them BACK the lost hit points! Perfect.
Even telepathically Imogen's mouth is full ... "Thank you."
Wait, they are SERIOUSLY gonna walk a mile and a half through the Savalirwood?
Oh yeah, this place isjudt UNPLEASANT. There us just MALICE all around them.
The tower is in sight. And it's NOT the only one, either ... yup, this us what they've been looking for.
It's Elven ... oh yeah, this is DEFINITELY the place. Wait ... WEBS?!!! SERIOUSLY?!!! Come on! Do not do THAT to us, Matt ...
23 with disadvantage on Survival? Nice roll, Ashley!
Are there any trees around? Matt: "Oh yeah, there are SO MANY trees."
Those are some RIDICULOUS high stealth rolls, guys!
Thought Eater, the Crimson Shade ... so cool ... and a seriously SWEET entrance.
A massive elk? Whoa ... and it's AGGRESSIVE too ... fuck, that's it for the Shade, then. And this thing has NO FACE. And a FUCKLOAD of legs. With two it's just DRAGGING ... yuck! Oh my GODS and it also has HUMANOID ARMS ...
Travis: "This frequency's been compromised!"
"Long broken egg sacs"? REALLY?!!!
Deanna: "It is FUCKED in here!"
Imogen: "Chh -- we can only hear each other in or heads, there's no need to whisper." FRIDA: "Chh -- she's right."
BODIES in the trees? Actually IN the trees? Charming.
Matt: "And that's where we're gonna call it a night!" Just as he gives us all nightmares ...
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
yessss my turn
tagged by: @mchiti (ilysm cutie xxx)
name: alana
birthday: december 16th
zodiac sign: saggitarius
hobbies: art, football, fashion (making clothes and putting outfits together), baking, music (piano, guitar, violin), shopping
favourite colours: peach, yellow, green, blue,
favourite books: The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat" by Oliver Sacks: I'm really interested in neuroscience and neurology in general so reading in detail about patients and their complex issues had me gripped from the start. the patients he details aren't the 'normal' cases but rather the ones that made Sacks, himself, think about how to better cater to those who suffer from neurological problems as well as highlighting the issues they face.
last song you listened to: "Be Like That" by Kane Brown, Swae Lee and Khalid: its just such a chilled and fun song, i always feel a little bit better when I listen to it
last film you watched: Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse: i needed some reference photos for my sketchbook and I thought that it gave me the perfect excuse to rewatch this masterpiece and it honestly took me back to 2017. i remembered just how much this film impacted me. the way that miles is extraordinary yet relatable, the way in which the film tackles grief, the animation style, the soundtrack is all so inherently beautiful, i dont think i could ever stop talking about this movie lmao
something that helps people: oof thats a tough one lol. I think that open-mindedness would be a good one: far too often, we take what people say as a complete picture of their character or take things at face value without considering other possibilities. i certainly think that we'd be a lot less bitter if we tired putting ourselves in other people's shoes before coming to unkind conclusions about them.
meaning behind url: originally this was gonna just be a space where i ranted like a mad woman so i thought alanasworld would fit quite well but that url is taken by some tarot card reader who hasn't posted since 2018. so i thought about Xs like: XalanasworldX or XxalanasworldxX but looks very porn-bot-esque so I just picked the next symmetrical key and i thought that 0alanasworld0 looked okay. however once the other alanasworld's account name is given away, i will be removing the 0s lol.
tysm for tagging me bb xxx.
I choose: @cherryxcadbury @chrxstac @prettypleiades @lululuvsfooty @gracelsalvatore @pedriswife @yourstory-teller and @cryingforcrocodiles
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