#wic liveblogs her comics journey
arobinwithoutbatman · 1 month
((Alrighty! I'm showered and clean and teaching my hair to do it's wavy thing! Time to read through more of Knightfall! Volume 2 I believe I'm up to
Cool, Scarecrow adn Joker aren't seeing eye to eye, hate that. That's going to end in disaster when Bane has already fucked up the city by showing them Batman's broken body
...I'm sorry. Is Joker fucking IMMUNE TO FEAR GAS?!
Oof poor Tim. Boy is understandably worried about losing Bruce and Batman
...sudden art style change? Like. Very scratchy and scribbly. Incomplete almost... either this is supposed to represent what is coming through to a comatose Bruce or this issue was rushed
Okay going back in time a little. 3 weeks previous
And Two Face is having an episode
And of course Bruce was all "Nope, you're not coming Tim, it's not safe"
Yeha you really should have let Tim come along, you probably would've had some help in that water fight
Ah. Still mad about Batman changing the terms of their alliance whihc... entirely fair honestly
Bruce. Tim just saved your life. There were very few options to save you and keep Harvey alive and he had to make a split second call where there were no good choices
Oh thank fuck, Bruce woke up and even corrected himself and look at Tim sob! My baby!
Oof, Bruce is understandably taking this so hard
Oh heeeyyyy Selina. Don't work for Bane. I love you, don't do it
Also, Shondra? Maybe you shouldn't kiss your patient? That's a lil weird
Time for Jean-Paul to step into the role of Batman for a bit though I do love that Tim's first thought was to ask Dick and Bruce immediately said "no he's his own person and has his own responsibilities"
Hm... little early to be thinking that you should spill everything to Shondra. Think on it some more first, Bruce
Really? You're gonna trust that flyer? There's so many red flags here
Oh! And we're looking at virtual reality. Cool! This is not going to end well and given the cover art, Scarecrow is gonna pop up any second!
Hey Jean? Maybe don't immediately break all of those rules? Some of those are for your safety
Oh hey Lonnie
Okay cool, Scarecrow's doing some casual brainwashing with fear! That... typically doesn't work very well and has some awful side effects!
I mean... you're not entirely wrong, Lonnie. But also, you don't know that there's someone else under the cowl at the moment
Hoo boy, the fear conditioning is... definitely something. It's holding for now and will continue to hold cause comic book logic
And Jean Paul, you're hitting too hard and this mantle is already getting to your head. You're desperately needed but you're 100% gonna flip shit at some point
So they're painting Scarecrow as a weird guy who was ultimately very poor and also kind of generally awful? And he believes people would've listened to him if he could hoard more books and he had money? Buddy... you literally randomly chase birds and shot flowers as part of a discussion about the psychology of guns. You had some other stuff going on
Ooohhh boy. Total chaos. And someone's lil gas container fell into the sewers. That's... ooohhhh that's a poisoned water supply and sewage line
Not surprised Lonnie knows how hypnosis and conditioning work and even uses those tactics themselves
At least Jean Paul knows to keep himself in check. He can't kill whilst wearing the cowl and shouldn't kill at all
Oooohhhh shit, Anarky's gonna set off Azrael
Okay not entirely. He's off kilter but he... can't feel the fear fully? Oof
But he's definitely off kilter and he'd better take Tim out with him next time. He was willing to let a boy die to take out Scarecrow
Scary in all the wrong ways isn't a bad description, Tim
Hoo boy, Jean Paul is gonna get into trouble
And all while Jack and Shondra are about to be held up in the Drake house with Tim out on patrol
You tried, Bruce, you really tried
And Tim you really need to tell Bruce about Jean Paul going off the rails because he's a danger to everyone including himself rn
Tim's so tired, he hasn't even noticed his dad is missing
Eeeyyyy Oracle! Barbara my Queen!
Yeah Jean Paul is definitely losing control
Cool Bruce, Alfred and Selina on their way to Bane's home. Tim's just found out his dad is missing and Jean Paul is absolutely slipping back into his old programming
Snrrrk Gordon not expecting Jean Paul to still be there before he's done talking
Tim's so alone rn poor boy
...Jean Paul released them?! To follow them back to Bane?! Clever but wtf?!?!
Hoo boy. You lived this time JP by pure luck but you're terrifying Gotham and wrecking the reputation
Jean Paul is definitely falling back into whatever his old programming was and he's just out for blood. For a crusade
Eeeeyyy Nightwing! Big brother to the rescue!
-.- You look like you stepped out of a mecha anime, my guy
Welp. Bruce is gonna have a hell of a time getting the city to trust him again when he's able to take the cowl back
He might have resisted the impulse to kill but I certainly wouldn't continue to trust him, Tim
....I'm taking a test at the library tomorrow and then i might linger long enough to read the next volume if I'm not totally exhausted mentally
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arobinwithoutbatman · 2 months
((Aaaaaaaallrightyyyyy comics time~ We're starting the Knightfall saga today and I'm doing the entire saga not just Tim's stuff so I have extra context.
Pray for me, y'all.
Prelude... oh okay Vengence of Bane
Okay, talking about a coup in the Carribean *and torture! Lovely!*
...so a literal newborn is to serve his father's sentence... *purely because he's a boy?! And his father was named in the coup?!* Given the torture, there's every chance that he wasn't involved the victim was just saying names!
Basically raised in prison and went lowkey mad in solitary confinement and after a coma. Almost like traumatic brain injuries have a chance of completely changing someone's personality -.-
...god damn, Bane sure improved! That's kinda terrifying
And now he has an obsession with Batman. This can only go badly
OH! Illegal human experimentation! Why the fuck not?!
Aaaaand he's now all set up in Gotham and wants to kill Batman and is impressed that he doesn't kill. Huh
Huh... Bruce and Vicki broke up. Shame
Oh hey Sionis, nice to meet you. Can't wait for Jason to destroy your empire later down the line
Sionis backstory too... kinda sad really but also dude don't use your dead dad's face skin to make a new mask. That's gross
Oh shit! Lucius!
Oh! Blonde dude is Bruce in disguise! Nice! Didn't even catch that until now!
Also, why is Circe dressed like that? I get the mask, she suffered from the whole facepaint thing, but basically naked? Why?
Also, waists don't work like that!!!! Has she been wearing waist training corsets? Obviously not recently, they picked her up off the street, pretty sure she's been homeless this entire time. Did they know what a woman looks like?
Oh wait! I just realised! Bruce proved himself with a gun! Great aim! *Bruce hates guns* God damn, he really sells it when he's undercover... is he okay?
Also... what is with this art style? Tim is thirteen, maybe 14 at most and he looks like he's Bruce's age
Oh damn, Bruce actually admitting he's not in his prime and starting to slow down. And Jim's potential marriage is in trouble...
Awwww Bruce calling it early for Tim cause he has school
...that wasn't Sionis? What the actual fuck is going on?
Bruce Thomas Wayne you will speak to Alfred with a civil fucking tongue in your head
Also, for the love of God get a therapist! This counts as hurting yourself my guy!
Awwww Jack is doing better! And Tim is about to suggest acupuncture when Jack hates needles... welp
Who the fuck is walking around at night in a knock off pinhead cosplay? And killing people?
And this is still teh damn *prelude?!*
Yeah time to rest and recover, Bruce
Bruce. For the love of God. Go to therapy. You are stressed and traumatised.
Oh shit Jim's got a hit out on him
And his wife is worried
Yeah Bruce is not doing well...
Lunch break!
Okay... military school brat
Robbing the armory. Mkay
Okay so the point f the prelude is... massive city wide gang warfare... plus potentially Arkham related bullshit
....Bruce... Bruce for the love of God... I'm begging you. I know Gotham is kinda falling to pieces for the millionth time but pls. Take a break
I'm sorry, this General is still a *child?!*
...his name is Ulysses and even his family other than his mother want him gone. What the god damn
First meeting of Azrael. Cool
Hawk of the Wilderness, Tim you goober
Hm, Tim training Jean-Paul as... a replacement Batman so Bruce can actually take a break?
...it's actually grapnel? I always thought it was grapple???
FINALLY The man tries therapy!!!!
Whomst the fuck is hypnotherapying a dude into jumping off a ledge?!
Dealing with a break in at Wayne Tower while Bruce and Lucius try to figure out what secrecy is going on
Ope, Azreal losing control. Oh and hypnotherapy dude again! ...oh shit he's going after the people heading up the 3 sections of this secret project
Which means Lucius is next! Oh fuck!
Aaaaaannnndddd Lucius is on teh bridge being encouraged to jump into the river believing it's from his dad....
Also Bruce Wayne, I will remind you again to *speak to Alfred with a civil tongue*
Okay cool they figured out it was hypnosis and Azreal caught Lucius
...fuck me, how many more issues do I have of just the prelude? Cause this is the only thing I get to today at this rate cause I still wanna write things!
Oh hey Killer Croc
Oooohhhh no Bane's gonna show up while Jean-Paul is in the Batsuit trying to handle Killer Croc. His programming is gonna kick in. This isn't gonna end well for *anyone*
Oh okay Bane took out Killer Croc and immediately clocked that it wasn't Bruce under the cowl... welp
And Bruce is having god awful nightmares with the sedatives but he won't sleep any other way poor guy
Aaaaaaand Riddler's back
I'm sorry, Riddler once tried to *sacrifice Batman?!* Jesus Christ!
Welp, Riddler was high af and apparently Bruce has been on venom before which sucks
Riddler got shot too and Bane is still testing Bruce
Am I dont yet? [348/375] Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhh
And Tim is cutting Jean-Paul's hair
And now everyone's loose and poor Jeremiah has had a total break from reality thanks to the trauma
Good grief that was a lot! So uhhhhh guess it was kinda ambitious to try and do all of Knightfall in one day
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arobinwithoutbatman · 13 days
((Alrighty! Comics time! Pretty sure I'm up to Knightfall Crusade volume 2.
And we're starting off strong with the fucking clown
...I'm sorry, this director is actually going along with Joker's bullshit? Willingly?!?!
I'm... somewhat concerned about the fact that Jean Paul is now being secretly filmed and Joker is at least smart enough to notice something has changed other than the obvious suit changes I mean
Yeah Joker's gonna lose his shit cause that's not Bruce under the cowl and Jean Paul is very much falling into burnout and despair because he has no outside connections
...why do I get the feeling that's not Tim? And that everyone is going to be very surprised when 'Batman' doesn't give a shit?
I was right, it's not Tim and Joker is steadily getting more pissed
Well at least he was nice enouhg to check up on the poor college student caught up in all this
I hate everything about this
Jean... buddy... the system isn't a good thing
And Joker's clocked it's a different person under the cowl
Yup. JP's getting worse! Somehow. Didn't realise he could get worse but hey, life long brainwashing will do that
Gordon's marriage is on the rocks too
...listen... I hate that JP was cheated out of killing the Joker, frankly the man drives me nuts... but there is so much harm being done to Batman's reputation that's going to take forever to unravel
Immigration story, okay. This came out in the 90s if I remember correctly so yeah, this was definitely a big topic at the time
Jfc, can this man get any further from the original ideas Bruce had?
Yup, just like I thought, JP has completely lost what little nuance he was able to figure out in situations. Yeah, this fictional woman arrived illegally because it was the only way to get her stolen child back
Baby's in California? Oh honey... you're on the wrong coast
Lol Gordon saying "You should have been a detective!" Because it's true. Bruce was. JP isn't and it's becoming more and more obvious
Human trafficking is also an issue... not surprised comics would attempt to talk about it
Oh good, JP's actually trying to resist his programming again after the previous issue
...uhhhh... buddy? I dunno who you are but uhhh there's probably all sorts of diseases in long dead bones and any surviving bone marrow that's likely fucking up your health and your brain
And JP's finally actually trying to do the detective work! And starting to ask questions about what he's actually doing and what he believes! Finally! Do your shadow work, dude!
Ooof poor guy basically being walking acid
...okay... and whomst the fuck is this hero?
School teacher who picked up a power during an alien invasion? Mkay
OKay back to the crazy bone eating serial killer
Oh hey Alfred! Hey Bruce!
Tim!!!! My boy is back! Finally!
...briefly... and he's dealing with Cluemaster and the Speedboyz still just on the downlow. WHich is probably gonna come up in his solos whihc is after Knightfall which means I get to see my girl Steph
Lunch break before I do this next one
Okay, back to it.
Mutated former cop facing off against JP? Mkay
I really don't like this particular set of street thugs but that might just be because I'm having a hard time parsing their phonetically written accent
And Abbatoir is still out and about
Creatures of Clay? Ah fuck, Clayface is showing up, isn't he?
Ooooohhhhh Leslie's pissed and understandably so. Bruce is gonna have a hell of a time explaining that it wasn't him under the cowl for the last... however long it's been
Lady Clayface? Huh
Wow... realy just let her go splat
Huh... Clayface has to pass his thing on and infect others just to deal with the pain?
DIfferent name too. Awwww Preston and his wife are expecting! But now they really need to double down on finding whatever disease he has
So Abbattoir took little baby Cassius Clay and Clayface 3 and Lady Clay just wanted him back but now, both are going to prison
And also he's got his cousin now so that's not good
Penguin? Mkay
HAH Gordon and Penguin just ripping into each other, I love it
Damn... Jim's seriously willing to do anything to make sure his wife is okay
Oh good, JP was in fact working on it, he's just worse at communicating than Bruce is
And Penguin's inspired once more and likely thinks JP is no longer an imposter or stand in
Snipers now? Well then
Hunters turned hired killers... I hate them
Oh shit back to Abattoir
And another appearance from Tim!
You tried, Tim, not your fault JP's mind is such a mess
But that's gonna be a huge stain on Bruce's legacy; multiple people died tonight because he was more focused on vengenace
He feels righteous?!
Nope. That's it. He's just Azrael at this point. And trauma. Sooooo much trauma
Yup, he's just gonna kill again. Gordon's recognised it and destroyed the Bat Signal because JP doesn't care
FUck me, I hate this arc and desperately want it to be over. I wouldn't be reading this at all if it weren't providing much needed context for what Tim's up to and why
Judging by the page count, this is the last one in this volume and thank fuck for that!
Ah. Gunhawk. Seeking medical attention for his wife
Massive gunfight in a hospital involving flamethrowers yeah that's real smart -.-
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arobinwithoutbatman · 1 month
((Okay lets get going! I believe I'm up to... Knightquest Crusade Volume 1. I am... so concerned about everything.))
Jean Paul still being an absolute menace as Batman, I see
...a pair of cowboy twins? Robbing the same bank? Not knowing the other was there? Admittedly that's kinda funny
Oh Jean Paul is 100% walking headfirst into his programming, he's not resisting like he think he is
*Did you fucking brick up Tim's way into the Cave?!*
...he's gonna crash into a train?! That's gonna completely wreck Batman's reputation!
I'm so glad Mrs Mac is an actual good woman
Awwww Tim got his special provisional!
Bruce and Alfred are still in Santa Prisca?! Jesus...
A train robbery and Tim's breaking into the cave
...I see that jawline... and that grin... *fuck off, Clown*
Ugh, Tim really can't win and Jean-Paul has officially lost it and no longer considers himself a human
Robin #1? Huh.... might have to alter my reading list...
...he snapped out of it? At least enough to stop hurting Tim though now Tim is understandably very cautious and doesn't want Jean-Paul anywhere near him
Tim has his own car now tho. I always thought he Redbird was a bike tbh
Oh! He's still with Ariana, cute
Awwwww he's taking her to his school's dance! And talking up her talents and dreams, what a gentleman
...I spoke too soon. Tim inserted his whole foot into his mouth by getting snappy about cars. You're doing a shit job of hiding the fact that you really want to drive your secret vigilante car
...oh hi Arthur Brown. Oh! That means Steph will be turning up soon!
Boyz? ...fuck me, that alone is making me feel old. This issue came out in... 1993?
And now Tim's been mistaken as one of the 'Speed Boyz'
Oh shit right, Jack is still missing
Awwww still calling his girlfriend when he can~
...wtf is Alfred doing in England? I thought he and Bruce were in Sants Prisca?
Oh good! There's a good lead on Jack! And the Redbird can look after itself, thank goodness
Tim is such a little shit in his head, I love it and wish he had the confidence to say some of that out loud
Back to 'Batman'
Tally Man... that's a new one
I'm not sure an isolation tank is the best thing for you, Jean-Paul. That kind of sensory deprivation can be pretty peaceful for some but in your specific situation? I have a feeling it would only make things worse
Again, I'm not sure I like the route of his meditation but it certainly reveals a lot
And Tally Man is seeking more debts
...Jean-Paul hid his isolation chamber... in the warehouse that Tally Man's target happened to be using. And neither of them realised until this Johnny *found the fucking tank and shot it?!
Okay cool, Jean Paul having more System bullshit that's only making his headspace *worse*
Tally Man has a bone to pick with... debtors?
Ah. He killed the previous Tally Man as a 12 year old and was treated to adult jail because everything sucks in comics
Aaaand Jean-Paul's switched to calling himself Azrael. This... isn't good
Lunch break
Jean-Paul... buddy. DOn't do it. Don't go on an actual crusade through Gotham
Insider knowledge... admittedly clever but jfc JP
Okay... so now there's someone who JP could have become and potentially is becoming
Okay cool, mobsters being taken out, Gordon suspects Bruce isn't under the cowl and JP is just getting worse. He doesn't care for the detective work that's necessary to the role, he's just here for a fight and it's such an easy way for the System to worm in and corrupt everything in his head. Which I suspect is exactly what's happening
...holy shit, JP's rambling actually worked?!
And now this Mekros is all confused
Oh the Trigger Twins are back
JP, don't frame this as not wanting Tim in danger. You don't understand the partnership and you think he holds you back
Car chase on the train tracks, okay
Damn. Christmas again. Which means it's been... a year since Bruce got his back broken?
Oh hey Mr Freeze! Was wondering when you would turn up
Oh? Catwoman issue?
Oh! Selena is with an eco group? And they've never noticed that she's not around when Catwoman is? Incredible
So looks like JP and Selina are gonna meet
These environmentalist guys are so... 90s stereotypical
Hm.... JP might have a little crush~
Lol he totally had dirty dreams about her~
And he's got it wrong and once again proving that he's not great at the detective side of things
Huh. She's immediately guessed that there's someone else under the cowl
Oh dang, she really called him sterile
Gotta say... I definitely prefer the sleeker black look over the purple sprayed on look
Though it does add to the disguise funnily enough. From a distance, she looks naked and either you're gonna look away or you're gonna stare too much at her boobs and pay little attention to her face or what she's doing
And now you've gone and framed Catwoman because you don't know how to do the detective side of things or investigate and put an entire section of Rainforest at risk
"Undersexed sanctamonious dolt" that's one hell of a description and absolutely implies that she knows Bruce would've gone for her and treated her like a gentleman. And also confirms that he goes along with the flirting
At least he listened and they fixed things
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arobinwithoutbatman · 2 months
((Welp, teh job search has destroyed my soul so hopefully Knightfall won't hit me too hard. We did the Prelude... forever ago time to start things for real.))
...Mad Hatter has a pet chimp? ...okaaaaayyyyyy
Oh and Hatter knows he's being watched cause he's still intelligent under his delusion so yup, Bane's lackeys are getting tracked now I guess
Does brainwashing and other forms of mind control generally work like that? Probably not. Does it still make Hatter creepy as fuck because he does in fact know how the brain works? Yes. I hate him.
Tim in a fight with a chimp. This is fine
Cool that's Hatter dealt with
Maxie Zeus... don't know that name... and ventriloquist missing Scarface this is... mkay
And someone called Amygdala... *Jesus you're huge*
Tim very unhappy with the dead body by Bane's apartment
-Inhale... Exhale...- I'm all for showing grace to the neurodivergent and mentally ill but for the love of God, these specific people are in fact very dangerous because they kill with intent to do so
Oh! Oh Tim spotted a falcon! He knows that's a problem!
Okay but that face tho. You good, Tim? Looking a little maniacal there
Oh wonderful, Zsaz is being dealt with next issue
Oh. *Oh i hate him* Loathe. Utterly despise.
Jesus Bruce is super jumpy. Understandably so but don't strangle Tim, fuck!
Cool Gordon's job is on the line but then again, this Mayor sucks
Okay I would like to never see Zsaz again, he's horrible no thanks please stop existing
And uhhhh Bruce isn't doing too well. Which is a shame cause obviously I know this ends with Bruce getting his back broken
Bruce is still not doing well and Tim is still following Bane and tyring to tell Bruce this
Oooohhhhh no, TIM BEHIND YOU
Okay unharmed but blindfolded and bound. Not a great situation but could be sooooo much worse
Yeha good job Tim make the guy mad! You can't see, how are you supposed to land on that tiny ledge safely?!
Aaaaaand now Croc's here and he's pissed but at least he can see now
Cool, drowning in a sewer this is fine!
Okay Tim's gotten himself out of his problem
Aaaaand Joker's partnering up with someone
Oh and Bruce's therapist is starting to get too close. That's not good, lady, you know that
Cornelius Stirk. New name. And he apparently has a hypnosis thing going on and something about historical figures? And also who Joker visited earlier
Oh okay Gordon's job and life are in danger and Joker and Scarecrow are talking and I hate everything about this
Cool Gordon's wife still hates Batman and the mayor is getting spooked and Scarecrow and Joker teaming up is The Worst, keep them well apart in the future thanks
Oh wonderful, no guards, Gordon's getting blamed for everything and Firefly is out and about and the fire service has been cancelled and are probably gonna strike!
Oh for the love of- Tim knows how weak you are rn! He's not blind or stupid!
Good! Split the work! Let Tim help! Jesus fucking Christ. I'd alos say take a break but Gotham is about to completely collapse and there's still Bane to worry about
Well that cover implies that Poison Ivy is showing up
Oh good, Azrael's out and about *without telling anyone*
Bane has immediately figured out Bruce too... shit
So now everyone's figured out that the Mayor is missing and have gone to find it and that it's clearly the Joker behind this. Haven't figured out Scarecrow yet
Cool, Ivy's dealt with
Welp, Riddler is back on his bullshit
Oh and Firefly is still being a prick
"Your problems don't matter. You don't matter." And that's exactly why *you're in the middle of burnout you utter baffoon!*
I really hate that one detective who's always smoking and eating donuts rather than doing anything helpful
Oh I *do not* like this cover
Cool, explosive ice cream, why not
And Bruce walked right into a trap and now he's been dosed with fear toxin and is seeing Jason dying
"Just a boy good at heart, more brave than a man... too brave to become a man. Just a boy, his parents felled in blood, his own life ripped and torn from the world he protected. Just a boy but never to breathe, speak or move again. Just a boy, but far too brave to face the stark lurid madness of a grinning killer. Just a boy-dead- but to his killer nothing more than a sick joke! Just a boy but forever gone." Bruce's thoughts and the entire time he's screaming Jason's name while punching the beating the absolute shit out of Joker.
So Joker and Scarecrow are escaping and then Bruce has hte Mayor... please get a better Mayor, this guy was an ass
Cool, got the Mayor out and he might actually be okay with Batman's existence now
Aaaaannndddd Bane's people are attacking Batman. Cool. Great. Awesome
Yup there it is. Thrown all over his Manor and Cave and his back broken and that's volume 1 done... fuuuuuucccckkk... I'm gonna chill for a couple more hours and head back home adn then get through volume 2 tomorrow
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arobinwithoutbatman · 3 months
((Next comic in the lineup and probably the last one for today even though I've only been reading for a couple of hours. Brain is struggling to focus which means it's time to stop lest I lose interest entirely.))
Robin 3 Cry of the Huntress
...oh am I gonna be meeting Helena?! Nice!
Oof one hell of a turf war seems to be going on
It's okay Tim, you can be a little spooked by all that death
Aaaaand Tim *still* can't get through a conversation with a pretty girl~
So Tim has also tanlged with KGBeast?!?! God I hope Dick doesn't know about that! Dick will flip his shit!
Ooof, you are not having a good night, huh bud? First KGBeast then not even managing to save Ariana and now running into the Ghost Dragons and Lynx?
Woohoo! Hi Huntress!
And Tim's still falling asleep at school and his councellor and dad think Bruce is beating him...
Tim, just say you do martial arts or something
Okay seriously who's this Harold guy? He's built the tunnel under Tim's house to Bruce's and he works in the cave. Where did he even come from?
Brief summary of Huntress' backstory and she has a lot of attitude and Tim is lashing out at people from how much he's got going on and can't talk about it
Nah, Ariana's fine cause I know her and Tim date later, I'm not worried
Tim, honey, learn make up. You can hide a lot if you know what you're doing and have some good products
Big fight with his dad... yeah I've had that fight with my parents too... in my head, I never found the courage to actually say that to them and I haven't spoken to them in almost 4 years now
Tim. Tim no. Don't run at him. Hoe don't do it! God damnit
Well at least he and Huntress survived but God damn, he's gonna be in trouble at school after skipping
...called it. He's in so much trouble. And excuse you, he's still a good student! Technically.
And now he's potentially being transferred to Metropolis... In Delaware... because his dad thinks public school tainted him and wants him away from Bruce who he thinks is abusing Tim on the side
Seriously Tim, just tell Bruce and take the consequences
Watch out Huntress!
Just gotta shut down the counterfeit business and get Ariana out of there and then rescue Huntress. Then you can deal with school and Bruce and your dad
Oof poor girl was drugged and Tim's got a huge crush
Ooohhhh that's a horrible torture method
An agreement with King Snake... mkay... oh you already fucked up the money! Nice!
And a quick hug and with his dad to make up for everything. Cute
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