#i'm mushy bean
writing english characters is like why the fuck are they calling a grilled cheese a toastie and then just using toastie in the work
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we had a chef MC headcanon, now how about M6 when MC made them a meal but it tasted just downright horrible and MC is just kinda oblivious to it, asking M6 with the brightest, most innocent smile "Do you like it?"
i hope you have fun writing this if you do choose this humble request
- 🌼
The Arcana HCs: When MC is a terrible chef
~ this reminds me of the time when teenaged me combined old rice, hot dog chunks, cold broccoli, and buffalo sauce (in one bowl!) for a late-night snack. thank you for the giggles this gave me, yellow flower friend, let's hope I pay them forward! - brainrot ~
-- to set the scene --
Somehow it's been one of those weeks when everything in your food supply begins to reach its end or expiration date at the same time. You know your regular grocery shopping is tomorrow, and you have an extensive list prepared, but dinner is up to you tonight and you don't have anything comprehensive planned. It looks like it's time for your famous "everything but the kitchen sink" stew. You've only made this in the past when it was just you in the shop and you were still figuring out how to cook, but you remember it being fairly edible.
(Continued below the cut)
You get some beans boiling (there hasn't been time to soak them), add a cup or two of vinegar to soften them faster, dice the not-molded parts of a tomato and onion you found at the bottom of a sack, and rinse the slime off of some wilted greens before throwing them in. You're craving something spicy, so you dump in the rest of your chili sauce, but when the steam makes you tear up you scrape out the rest of the mayonnaise to even it out. It was starting to smell funky anyways. Your hand slips when you add the salt, so you pour in some honey to counteract it, and in a final burst of inspiration, you plop in two bananas that have gotten too mushy to eat. The signature suspicious scum of your original dish is just floating to the top of your soup when your beloved returns, hungry from a day of work.
Too happy to see you to notice the poison on the stove at first
The words die in his throat when he does. Tell him it's a potion. Tell him it's a curse. Tell him it's a prank. Don't tell him, don't tell him it's ... it's dinner, isn't it?
He watches you happily ladle a generous scoop of your curdled concoction into his bowl and gulps. He loves you. He's got this. He will eat your food, he will tell you it's delicious, or he will die trying
He's starting to get caught up in the poetry of it as he sits down across from you. Like a lamb to the slaughter, accepting the sweet taste of death from his beloved's cruel hand - stew isn't supposed to be sweet, oh god why is it sweet
But for his darling's delight, he will overcome -
"Julian, is everything alright? You look like you're about to go on stage."
"Oh, is ah - is that what I look like, my dear?" He's pale and sweating at this point, poorly disguising the tremble in his hand as he brings his second glass of water to his lips
"It's my stew, isn't it?" you dolefully lift a gelatinous spoonful and watch it fall back into your bowl with a sickening squelch. "I remember it tasting weird, but not this weird ..."
"No, no!" His voice cracks against his will as he sees your sadness as proof of his failure. "It's delightful, delicious - worthy of the gods, even." You hear him mumble a prayer for forgiveness under his breath and drop your spoon
"I know when you're acting, Julian."
"Ah, so I - so I am. You know -" he stands abruptly, his chair falling behind him in his haste. "I just remembered that Pasha invited us for dinner tonight. Shall we?"
He's never been so happy to see you walk out his front door
They can smell it as soon as they walk into the shop and are immediately concerned. That is the smell of death. Why is the smell of death in your shop oh no - "MC? MC, where are you?"
"I'm upstairs!" Thank the patrons, you're okay
Then again, maybe you're not, considering how perfectly comfortable you seem standing over whatever monstrosity is releasing toxic vapors into the atmosphere. Is that ... soup?
Color him intrigued. He's doing his best to hide a laugh and find a way to ask what enabled you to create something so terrifying out of simple kitchen ingredients without insulting you
"So, is this recipe an MC original?"
"Yep!" You smile at him cheerfully, seemingly oblivious to the stomach-churning way that the chunks plop from the soup spoon into their bowl. "I always make this when we're running low."
"You've made this before?" They're starting to get concerned again
"Just a few times, when you were on a trip. Do you like it?"
He takes a bite, so intrigued by the way it seems to wriggle down his throat that he tries a second. "I've never had anything like it."
"What do you think of the mayonnaise? It smelled a little funky ..."
We have mayonnaise? They wonder, but on the outside they're still smiling. "It certainly adds to the experience. Is this ... banana?"
"Yeah, it seemed too mushy to eat on its own, so ..."
Asra sets down his miraculously empty bowl with a loving smile. "MC, you shouldn't have to do the cooking so often. Let me help out more often."
She doesn't know how it's come to this. Nobody knows how it's come to this, when the Palace kitchen is kept fully stocked and there are chefs available at all hours
But you had said that you missed your home cooking, and she had given you full access to the backup kitchen to do as you pleased, and - ah, the only things kept in there are leftovers
That would explain the stench
Speaking of, her respect for your resilience has reached new heights. How you've been able to survive on your own is a mystery to her. Please tell her this isn't how you ate for three years -
But you seem as deathly serious as the radioactive sludge that's churning in her fine china like a lava lamp, and she realizes that this is going to be a labor of love. She must eat her fill and do so with elegance
You watch her bring the daintiest (read: tiniest) spoon of slime to her lips, pausing to test the aroma before setting her jaw and putting it in her mouth
Oh, look at that, she's already eaten her fill
"MC, my darling, what do you say to an evening walk? It seems I haven't the appetite to dine at this moment, how about a stroll around the palace gardens? The night is still young."
She's relieved at how easily you agree, deeply concerned by the fact that you've already finished half of your bowl, and eager to get you out of the palace so that the maids can make dinner disappear
She's going to lose sleep for the next three months about whether or not she should be honest about what happened to your soup
There's now a bald patch in the grass behind the kitchen that hasn't been able to grow anything in three years. There's a rumor that stepping on it will release a stench so foul that you won't be able to eat for twenty-four hours afterwards
He's not too worried. He used to eat spoiled food out of the trash heaps all the time as a kid, he's sure he remembers how
But he's a little surprised that said rotting food is being actively cooked. By you. Seemingly in a choice made of your own free will
He wasn't expecting ... this, but a quick glance around the hut makes it clear to him that nothing terrible has happened, that you seem perfectly sane, and that you don't think anything's wrong
Well, you seem to trust your cooking, and he certainly trusts you, so ...
He side eyes Inanna's dramatic performance of whimpering and pawing at her nose, eventually turning to let her back out of the hut as you serve your bowls with a smile
He takes a glance at his serving as you dig in. Asra still talks about the time he ate a whole chili pepper without flinching - he can do this. He picks up his spoon, scoops up a jiggling chunk, and eats
You're a little surprised at how quickly his bowl disappears. You're not really enjoying your food yourself, but you're not going to judge his strange enthusiasm
"Muriel? If you're still hungry, there's more on the fire ..."
"I'm fine." He's getting out of his habit of depriving food of himself, but in this case, refusing to eat is a personal kindness
He drinks several glasses of water while you finish your dinner, asking you about your day and trying not to grimace at every silent burp that pulls the aftertaste back into his mouth
Inanna buries the rest after the two of you go to bed. Nobody knows how she managed it without opposable thumbs, but everything is possible for a wolf desperate to preserve her nose
Her brother might be an award-winning actor, but her flair for the dramatic only goes as far as silly little bits designed to make people laugh and pretending that she isn't about to punch somebody
She is a woman who knows her mind, her heart, her strength, and her limits. This is a limit, and she is doing her best to pass it
You can tell right away that she doesn't want to eat what you've made. You've never seen her smile look so uncomfortably tight, and you certainly didn't miss the way her stomach heaved when she leaned over the pot to take a closer look at your creation
But she's insistent on going through with your evening, even steering you towards the kitchen table and serving the bowls herself. She tries so very hard to mask the look of revulsion on her face when different chunks of stew jiggle at different frequencies
She places your bowls on the table and lifts her spoon, waiting for you to take the first bite in the hopes that your eyes will be opened and you'll insist on eating something else
No such luck. You're two spoonfuls in, so in the spirit of keeping an open mind, she loads up her utensil and shoves it in her mouth
You weren't expecting to be sprayed by the choke that seizes her, but sitting across from her puts you in the splatter zone and you're quick to give her your napkin and ask if she's okay
She nods weakly, looking slightly green. "MC," she says, "you are definitely stronger than I imagined." She takes another look at the gelatinous blobs on her table. "Stronger than you need to be."
She dusts off her hands and practically drags you out of the cottage. "Let's eat out tonight! My treat. And I just had the best idea for our next date night - we should take cooking lessons together!"
He notices Mercedes and Melchior acting up on the way back to your campsite, but doesn't have any idea why until he gets a whiff and - oh, that is nasty
Some kind of skunk jacked up on magic must have done that, never fear, MC! He's here to save the day now - what do you mean that's dinner? That is not dinner. Dinner is not supposed to smell like that
He's not sparing a second to consider manners or acting. Lucio calls it like he sees it, and all he sees is poison
"MC, do we have to? It smells so bad, look at it MC, just loo - bleugh - no I'm not being dramatic! The smell made me gag for real, watch!"
And he leans over the pot again, just to take a deep lungful and subsequently let out the most visceral gagging belch you've ever witnessed
"See? It's bad, it's really bad, and I don't want to eat it! Why are you being so mean to me, MC?"
To be honest, you're not particularly excited to eat it either, but it's all you've got until you make it to the next town tomorrow, so you tell him as much as his pout slowly deepens
"Fine, I'll do it. I guess it can't be that bad if you made it -" He watches the way it slops into his bowl and gulps. "I take it back."
Sure it's a little spicier and clumpier and saltier and sickly sweeter than you planned, but you're able to stomach it just fine
And to your surprise, Lucio can too. He complains loudly the whole time, but his whining somehow grants him the ability to eat three full bowls
"See, you ate so much of it!"
"Well of course!" he puffs out his chest proudly. "I'm the best. At least it's not as bad as what we had in the army. But - MC?" he looks at you with pleading eyes, "please don't make that again."
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 7 months
𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓜𝓮 𝓝𝓸𝓽 ↬𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗
"Our hearts are bound eternally."
1,621 words
(Y/n) blinked in surprise when Silver suddenly took the plate Lilia had prepared for her and handed it to Malleus, whom had made the plate just disappear entirely.
'Trust me. You don't want to eat that." Silver said, cutting her off. (Y/n) looked surprised, seeing the male actually shiver at the mere thought of eating Lilia's cooking.
"It's... that bad?" Everyone at the table collectively nodded, as Malleus used a bit of magic to make the plates come back with consumable food.
"If you ate that you probably would've been sent home with food poisoning." Silver stated flatly, and (Y/n's) lips formed into an 'o' shape, before she smiled, albeit awkwardly. "Well, then thank you for saving me from a nasty case of food poisoning."
Lilia came back, a plate of something that looked black and mushy- was it moving? On a big dinner plate, setting it down on the table with a proud smile. Everyone shared looks.
"Fa- ahem, Lilia, what is that?" Silver asked, skeptically. Lilia sat down with a charcoaled piece of chicken and a side of corn and beans on his plate.
"Why I'm glad you asked Silver! Khehe, It's my mashed potatoes!" He stated, proudly.
"Uh... Why are they black then.. is.. is that a moving tentacle?"
"You don't have a partner?"
Malleus looked up from his work in Crewel's class, staring right into the glow of (Y/n's) eyes before nodding. "No, I don't. I'm afraid a select few will choose to partner with me." He said, truthfully, eyebrows shooting up when she pulled out the chair next to him and sat down, settling her bag on the floor.
"Then let's pair up. No one deserves to be partner-less."
"Oh? But don't you work with young Spade and-"
"Yeah." (Y/n) said, cutting him off with a shrug. "But those doofus' have each other and Grim. You don't mind if we partner up, do you?" She asked, realizing she didn't beforehand. Malleus offered a coy smile that showed his fangs.
"No, I don't mind, Child of man. It's a nice change of pace." (Y/n) smiled back, cheeks a rosey red. "I'm glad. Though I'm afraid I probably won't be much help. I don't really understand potionology. The stupid trio is why I'm currently passing by a fingernail."
"The dumb trio?" "The dumb trio." (Y/n) repeated, looking over at her group of friends. Malleus hummed in understandment. A flock of whispers  bathed the class about the two partnering up. (Y/n) ignored this.
"You needn't worry about failing the project." Malleus said. "I'm rather adapt at potions." He said, and for the remainder of class he pointed out and explained things to her, not seeming to mind when he needed to repeat or explain something more in depth. The class passed quicker than they anticipated, though the project was completed in one class period instead of the deadline of two days.
(Y/n) gathered up her things, a smile on her face. "See you tomorrow, Malleus!" She chirped as Sebek and the others entered, the mint haired male squalking in shock. "Human you-"
She swiftly cut him off, "It's alright if I call you Malleus, right?" She asked, "Indeed." He answered, "I shall happily be awaiting our reunion tomorrow." He stated, walking away in the opposite direction.
It was quiet for a moment, before Ace and Deuce walked up, shocked yet teasing all at once.
"Soooo.. You and Malleus ehhh?"
Immediately, she rolled her eyes, sighing. "You know it's not like that." She said swiftly, walking into her next class with them. Trein was already in front of the board, jotting down things as she sat between Riddle and Epel. Ace and Deuce took their seats in the back of the class, separated by Jack because they couldn't stop being disruptive.
"You seem happier today." Riddle spoke up, pulling out his notebook. "Do I?" She looked over at him, in slight surprise. Riddle gave a simple nod as the late bell rang, and class started.
Silence filled the air as Lilia pulled away the bandages, humming under his breath.
"It's healing wonderfully. I can't see it opening up again unless you really manage to do something- though I advise letting it breathe for a bit." He said, standing up and throwing out her old bandages in the trash.
"That's wonderful to hear," (Y/n) said, softly. A smile perked up on her face and she sat up slightly. "Have you heard any news?"
Lilia already know what she was talking about. It was amusing in a way how much she nagged him on the topic, though he was a patient fae and he understood the reasoning behind her nagging. He walked back over, sitting down on the couch after (Y/n) moved her legs out of the way.
"We have talked everything over," He said, thoughtfully. "And you are allowed to come with us to Briar Valley over winter break. A room is already being custom made for you at the castle."
The news made her eyes brighten. Finally after almost two weeks of pondering and awaiting any type of answer as to who exactly the mystery of her father was, (Y/n) would be able to do a bit more digging. Seeing her face light up had Lilia smiling himself.
"Can I stay at Diasomnia for the night?" She asked, looking over at the Fae. "It's supposed to downpour tonight, and Ramshackle still has a bunch of leaks I have yet to cover up."
He chuckled, almost thoughtfully so.
"You need no excuse to stay with us. You know you're welcome at Diasomnia whenever you like."
The walk was a quiet one, and they both could already feel the chill in the air, "Have you eaten dinner yet, young one?" Lilia broke the silence. "No- None of the stoves really work well at Ramshackle. I'm a bit scared to use them. So I don't usually eat dinner."
(Y/n's) answer had the fae frowning, clearly not happy she wasn't getting the nutrition she needed due to Crowley's ignorance and laziness.
"I see. Diasomnia has already had dinner, though if you'd like I could make you a sandwich. I believe we've recently acquired ham and salami."
The door creaked open, and they could already hear Sebek fussing over something. The sky rumbled around them, the storm setting in quickly as they walked in through the door, shutting it behind them.
"That would be splendid, thank you." (Y/n) said, smiling at Lilia's response while walking through into Diasomnias main room. Malleus was not present though it looked like there was a small argument going on between Sebek and a student. Lilia quickly split it up.
Noticing Malleus was nowhere to be seen as Lilia pulled her into the kitchen, her eyebrow rose.
"Where's Malleus?"
"He is mostly in his room at this time, likely playing the violin." Lilia said, pulling out some bread, opening the fridge. "You seem to have gained quick attachment to my son." He pointed out, almost teasingly.
"A.. Ah. It's not like that." She said quickly, a bit of an embarrassed flush rising to her cheeks. It had Lilia letting out that little laugh of his. He spread some mayo on top of the piece of bread, adding a slice of cheese.
"He's the first room to the left upstairs." He said, "You may go and see him, I will bring up a sandwich and tea for you in a moment."
She beamed, face lighting up like a flower. "Thank you!" She called, having enough control to walk off instead of run up the stairs like a lunatic on helium. The stairs creaked slightly under (Y/n's) weight as she ascended them. The sound of the violin grew louder until she stopped in front of the door it was coming from. 
She wondered if he would be pleased or not if she bothered him in the middle of this beautiful melody. After listening for a quiet moment, she lifted her hand, knuckles brushing over the wood on the door before knocking. 
The music stopped abruptly. 
She'd almost winced at how quickly it stopped- she heard shuffling and the clatter of the violin quietly being set down before the door opened, revealing the fae in all his glory. Malleus' eyebrows arched up in surprise at seeing you in his doorway. 
"Child of man." He greeted, not being able to hide the slight amusement quirking at his lips as you cut him off abruptly. 
"Malleus! Lilia said I could come and see you, he said he'd bring up my dinner when he finished making it." 
"Very well." 
He stepped aside, motioning for you to come in. His room was fancy yet elegant all the same. He guided you to a small table, pulling out the chair like a gentleman. Malleus pushed the chair in once she sat down, sitting across from her at the table. 
"To who to I owe this occasion to?" 
"I was just in the area," (Y/n) explained, "Lilia checked my cut and said it was healing nicely, and it shouldn't open up again. And he said I could stay the night here because it's pouring out and Ramshackle has leaks."
Malleus listened quietly to her story, pausing when their was a knock on the door. Lilia came in a moment later, a tray of food on his hands he'd set on the table in front of you. "Khehe, enjoy. Don't get to carried away in your romantic quarrel, love birds." He made his way out of the room, shutting the door behind him. 
Leaving both (Y/n) and Malleus with flushed faces. 
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enemyoflactose · 2 months
Most of My Ryou Head Canons
He is bilingual and speaks English and Japanese fluently.
His mom is Japanese and his dad is mixed (English and Indian)
He learned how to cook from the collective help of his mom and both sets of grandparents.
Everything he makes tastes like heaven.
Sometimes, he forgets his friends can't speak English as well as him and he'll just start talking and have no one understand a single thing he says.
He hates coffee. It's disgusting and bitter and smells bad.
Whenever he can't find a figurine of a character he likes (or there just aren't that many), he makes them himself.
Ryou's favorite animal is a tapir because they're cute, and they look like bakus.
He thinks yokai and other folk spirits are incredibly interesting and loves learning about them and talking about them.
His favorite drinks included Calpico, ramune, blueberry lemonade, and vanilla tea.
He is a femboy, he's just a little embarrassed about it because he thinks his friends will make fun of him. (They won't. Except Duke)
He admires the fuck out of Kaiba and thinks he's the coolest guy to ever exist.
Despite living away from all of his family, Ryou is still spoiled with gifts and letters. It just isn't enough because he wants his family there with him, but some evil spirit scared him into moving away and never seeing his family again.
Ryou is an anime fan. His favorites include Violet Evergarden, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Black Butler, Nichijo, Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Madoka Magica, Panty and Stocking, Nanbaka, Nana, and Mob Psycho 100.
The reason Ryou's hair looks so fluffy is because he pins most of it up into layers so he can better avoid being told to cut it. When the pins are out, his hair reaches his upper thigh.
Ryou's Monster World campaign group is the other minor characters +Honda and Malik.
He's a picky eater and doesn't like things like milk, lentils, beans, most cheeses, mushy vegetables, or sea food.
If the other summoning types were available in DM, Ryou's favorite would be synchro summoning.
Animals love Ryou. He's like a Disney princess to them. However, Ryou is terrified of dogs and cockroaches. Yami Bakura makes them leave for him.
Ryou is attracted to two things: scars and muscles. This means being friends with Jonouchi, Honda, and Malik is fucking torture.
He and Duke are rivals, he just doesn't know it yet.
He loves Vocaloid! His favorite producers are Maretu, Kikuo, Pinocchio P, Deco-27, and IMO.
Ryou is genuinely just really good at art. Fantastic at making figurines, he can draw really well, and his writing is amazing.
Yami Bakura was the one that made Ryou's friends’ figurines and that's why Ryou's is in a different style. Ryou also made Zorc and Zorc's human form.
Ryou's favorite vocaloid song is UFO by Kikuo (listen to it)
He loves cats! They're his favorite pet animal.
Whenever Ryou gets asked to do something for Yami Bakura, he does it without much question. That's his friend!
He loves costume parties!
While Ryou loves the occult and learning about ghosts and spirits, he isn't much of a horror fan (unless it's Junji Ito).
Honda is Ryou's best friend.
Ryou gets sick easily, and whenever he does he becomes even more useless and airheaded. Yami Bakura usually took care of him, but After the Millennium World arc Honda started helping instead.
After Battle City, Ryou bought a shirt that Jonouchi had in order to show him support during tournament duels. (You know the shirt I'm talking about)
If Ryou has a lot of leftover food from the night before, he brings some of it to Jonouchi and Honda.
Ryou’s eyelashes are really thick, and Yami Bakura's eyelashes are longer than life itself and thin.
Ryou's loves games like Undertale, Zork, Stardew Valley, Little Miss Fortune, Fran Bow and Fire Emblem.
Ryou is smart enough to understand school and his interests, but dumb enough to not understand anything else. He has a case of stupid.
He is constantly dozing off or staring into space.
He is constantly forgetting to eat due to doing something he enjoys a little too much, or finding everything in his apartment disgusting (he buys his own food).
He likes cosplaying.
Ryou uses anti-meta or back row reliant decks. If given the opportunity though, he would use special summons reliant decks like Mayakashi or Tearlement.
His favorite monster card is Curse Necrofear.
He always tries to make friends with everyone, even if they were really mean to him at some point.
He likes pastel colors.
Sometimes, he tries to make his own Stop Motion videos. Sometimes, they look good. Sometimes, they look like ass.
Ryou harbors a special hatred towards Bandit Keith Howard.
He's very jealous of Yugi and Yami's relationship. This has led him to try and avoid them as much as he can.
He loves any game that involves Miis. Miitopia, Wii sports, Tomodachi Life, if it involves Miis he loves it.
Ryou has played every single Fire Emblem game.
Was almost diagnosed with an eating disorder, but wasn't due to the doctor “disappearing”.
Listens to Universe Cat Drowning on repeat.
If he met Astral, they'd be friends.
Zorc Necrophades was designed like that because Ryou was sick, sleep deprived, and hadn't eaten in a while. Also because horny.
He loves nicknames and pet names.
Tries to buy his friends nice gifts all the time. He is constantly told “no”.
He enjoys gardening, but only when he can plant flowering plants.
Ryou can sleep on his own just fine, but he'd sleep even better if there was another person with him. Preferably if they were holding him.
Certified monster fucker.
Forgets to drink water yet somehow cries a lot.
He lies a lot, mostly for laughs.
He does not like Dungeon Dice Monsters.
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sirfrogsworth · 4 months
do you like going on hikes?
Honestly, no.
Even if it wouldn't cause post-exertional malaise, I am just not an outdoor person.
I never have been.
I love walking somewhere if I can get a cool photograph from it. But hiking just to hike has never really interested me. And while I think nature is beautiful and I love taking pictures of it, I very much dislike being in nature. No temperature control, bugs, predators, etc.
But mostly it is incompatible with my CFS, so it isn't really an option anyway.
My dislike of being in nature goes back a long way. In high school I signed up for a weekend Civil War reenactment to get extra credit in my history class. It was basically camping disguised as historical LARPing.
They tried to make it as authentic as possible. All of the food and cooking was period-accurate. Meaning we got mushy beans for dinner and mushy eggs for breakfast. We had to sleep in period-accurate tents with no sleeping bags. So that was cold and uncomfortable. And they didn't really plan a lot of activities, so there was a lot of downtime where 15-year-olds tried to relate to men in their 50s mostly trying to escape their families for a weekend. Some surprising and awkward oversharing ensued.
When we arrived they immediately made us change into ill-fitting, itchy uniforms including period-accurate shoes we had to borrow from the dudes running it all.
The thing is, I have always had big boy feet. Even at 15 years old I was wearing a size 12 wide. They didn't have any shoes wide enough to fit me, yet they insisted I not wear my tennis shoes.
"Ulysses S. Grant didn't have Reeboks, boy!"
So I squeezed my feet into a pair of non-wide 11s and walked around in them all weekend.
That was a mistake.
The big finale of the event was a simulated battle—which I was originally very much looking forward to. It was the entire reason I signed up. We would get to play with muskets and fire blanks at middle-aged Confederate cosplayers.
I mean, who doesn't love shooting fake racists with imaginary bullets?
But by the time of the battle my feet were on fire with pain.
I could barely stand.
Reenactments typically work on the honor system. If you see someone shoot in your general direction, you are supposed to pretend to get shot and fall to the ground. These guys took that rule very seriously. We even had to practice dying the day before during our musket training.
So we all lined up on either side of a giant field surrounded by the forest. We were instructed to prepare our weapons. Our commander shouted orders for us to get in formation. One of them even had a horse and a proper calvary sword. A trumpet sounded. Suddenly this glorified camping trip turned into something legit. Everything had been so halfassed up until this point and I wasn't expecting a scene with the production value of Glory to materialize.
Things got very silent and all you could hear were leaves rustling nearby. I'm pretty sure they were building suspense to impress all of us youngins.
And with an enthusiastic shout, our pretend commanders initiated the battle.
I heard the very first gunshot.
I grabbed my chest.
I dramatically screamed out in pain.
I fell to the ground.
I died.
All in all, I was a Union soldier for roughly 8 seconds.
Technically... I did not see anyone shoot me. I violated the most sacred reenactor code. But I think the honor system was more concerned with people pretending they *didn't* get shot, so I figured it would be okay.
So I just lied in a cold damp field, slipped off my shoes, and let out a huge sigh of relief as my feet expanded back to their normal size. All while a mixture of high school students and unhappily married 50-year-old men pretended to kill each other around me.
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(Artist's rendering of me playing dead)
When I finally got home my feet were covered in giant blisters. My mom had to cut my socks off because it was too painful otherwise. I had to stay home from school for two days because I couldn't fit my feet in my shoes without screaming. Eventually those suckers all popped and that was very gross but also immensely satisfying.
And I happily avoided nature ever since.
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sadistic-kiss · 3 months
Appreciation Comment + comment on the chapter ( basically me rambling for a very long time) ♡
The way I dropped everything I was doing the second, I saw the notification for House of Alpha chapter 14. (≧ヘ≦ )
I remember finding the series when there were only 3 chapters out, and I've never been more grateful to have found it! I absolutely adore the series (and all of your other work too! I found you through Bloody Summer on AO3~) (σ≧▽≦)σ
I love your ideas, your style of writing, the plot, the cringe, and 2nd hand embarrassment I get when reading. I adore you! Did I say how much I adore you? Well I absolutely adore you! ( ≧∀≦)ノ
ANYWAYS, enough rambling about how much I adore you and your work, LET'S TALK ABOUT CHPATER 14!!
When the explosion went off and I started freaking out along with Raven... I was about to fight whoever was going to hurt my babies (the alphas are everything but babies but they're my babies!) (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻
Then, when I read that Nanami was injured and was bleeding, I was about to throw hands at the monster! Luckily (but still unlucky), it was just the poison... I need Nanami to be healthy again!! =(っ*´□`)っ
And then Satoru.
I'm biased since Satoru is my favorite, BUT THE WAY, MY HEART BROKE WHEN HE THOUGHT WE HATED HIM!!! I was screaming and crying no and how much I loved him. I need to hug my baby and smother him in my love. 。・(つд`。)・。
AND THEN THE ENDING OF THE CHAPTER! Had me screaming from the kiss, and now I'm so excited for the next chapter! Time is moving too slow for me, I want to know what happens next, and I absolutely can't wait! (Take your time. This is just me being annoying–) 。。(〃_ _)σ∥
I seriously can't believe this story came to you in a dream. Why can't it happen to me too!? I seriously can't imagine it. If the story came to me in a dream, I would have been so upset when I woke up! Like, let me go back to dreaming where I can have hot guys in my personal space! (´□`; 三 ;´□`)
This is actually my first time ever commenting despite reading and liking everything from you, so I'm just going to say, FROM NOW ON, I will leave a comment (on tumblr) on everything! If I don't, come and scold me because I need to smother you in affection for creating these masterpieces!! No, seriously, please remind me if I ever forget to smother you in affection because you absolutely deserve it! I'm counting on you to remind me if I forget to comment!
PS: Did I tell you how much I love you and your work?
PPS: You actually were one of the 2/3 writers who inspired me to start writing! Although it's still a work in progress because it's easier to imagine than write and because I'm procrastinating–
*Squeals and cry at the same time*
I like to type my response while reading a long comment but I’m already giggling and smiling like a damn idiot 🥹
I’m so glad you found me~ bloody summer was such a long time ago oh wow 😂. I have changed so much since my friend and I started that one. Sometimes I read it and hiss a bit, it is quite dark. I might rewrite it in my style? (Is that a writing style? I dunno I’m kind of new to this lol.) I was once a sadistic bean but I am now turned into a mushy chef 👩‍🍳(I swear I blame gege it’s his fault and I will raise my fist to the sky till the day I rest). Maybe I should change my name to chef’s kisses XD.
*giggles and kicks my feet some more* I swear i can’t stop smiling while reading this my cheeks hurt 😭.
Ooo~ just in case someone didn’t read chapter 14 yet I’ll put a spoiler warning hehe 🤭
⚠️House of alpha Chapter 14 Spoiler warning engage ⚠️
Yes 🥺, they are our psycho little pack but we must take care of them because they are silly and stupid at times.
I know our poor Nanami baby 😭🖤 (we are doing our best)
I’m bias about all the characters, my daddies can do nothing wrong XD. Gojo feeling sad because he’s feeling left out makes me do tha aaaahh~ poor bebe~
House of alpha is one of those stories where I’m writing a chapter and have to stop myself because I’m writing into the next chapter. I had planned to make chapter 14 longer but it was already peaking 4k and you know Gojo is going to want more from that kiss because he’s greedy 👀~. I also had fell asleep like right after I posted hahah. I was so mad when my work didn’t save I stayed up all night to finish it so don’t worry I’ll try to get that next chapter to you ASAP~ I do have two children that are not yet out the house (Looks at Desert Rose and House of Alpha stories) I must love them both equally so the next post will be for Desert Rose ~ don’t worry she’s almost old enough lol (not me treating my stories like kids XD) 🖤
Oh! Yes! I have very interesting dreams. I have so many ideas that I have to close off because I need to finish the stories I have lol. I like to focus on one or two stories at a time.
So~ I don’t think I can tell you how fucking hilarious it was when i ran away in my dream from the omega house. In my dream I actually was on the boat getting ready to sail. I was leaning on the side looking out at the beautiful ocean while taking a deep sigh. Like damn those were some hot ass alphas, I’ll never get that experience but oh well~ The captain sounded the bell for us to go but then stopped mid ring. that’s when two men stepped up beside me. Sukuna was snacking on fingers (he was a lot more gruesome in my dream. Like he actually killed miwa in my dream because he got pissy of the food she served him so I made sure to save her in the actual story and made that part part of the game story if that makes sense) while Toji just leaned on the side to admire the view with me. And Toji was like nice view Huh? And sukuna was like yeah imma stop you right here I don’t like boats get the fuck off And I looked at them like WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?! And toji was like oh we were just seeing where you were going but let’s stop it here prime omega. And the complete shock I felt when they told me they chose me sent me flying over board as I swam away and ran because I just can’t accept nice things XD. yeah hehe my dream was more of the smutty bits and plots lol I don’t want to spoil it 🤭.
But when I woke up I was left in awe. It was like i watched a really good movie but I can’t tell anyone to watch it because it doesn’t exist so I gotta retell the story like tenacious D singing their tribute to the greatest song in the world but it was the greatest reverse harem issekai in the world 🤣🖤. I was like the people must know of this story !
Omg! 😭 this comment was already worth a thousand comments hahah! And I love to spoil so please don’t feel obligated, it just makes me so happy to even read this 🖤. I waited till the morning to read it since I was super tired when I finished chapter 14 I wanted to make sure I could really indulge in your comment. I saw it before bed and couldn’t stop smiling because I wanted to read it this morning lol. I feel like I just drank a cup of coffee and I’m so excited to start my morning so thank you, this meant a lot to me. You could have literally put I love you and I would have been grinning all day 🖤🤭.
Oh! I love love love when others are inspired to write so please if you need help let me know! I write stories I want to read 😭😭😭! I have bookmarks of fanfics that haven’t been updated since last year, I am desperate for more fanfics haha!
Oh wow I typed so much I am so sorry sometimes when I get excited I can’t stop typing XD
P.S: I love YOU and will do my best to spoil you with more to eat. I love to feed and please👩‍🍳🖤
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blacktacmopsi · 2 days
To Die From This Life & Be Reborn To Mine (Part 1).
| Kick X Original Female Character (Livi Wittkop) | Romance, Drama, Eventual Smut. | No content warning for now |
I want Kick to have his story full of mushy goodness because he deserves his little satellite bean, damnit! Also, since we don't know much about Kick, I'm plugging up a lot of holes in his background with things I've entertained (like him being Coast Guard DSF). There's also going to be some Neptune for once because he's pretty important here. Yay for the under-represented Ghosts we see so little of.
Note: Long fic series because I've got a bunch of ideas.
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"Don't tell the world what we've known
We've come so far but there's still a way to go
It's dark, there's no need for lights
When the fire in his eyes is so bright"
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- Border region checkpoint. Location: Former State of Texas, [Now occupied Federation territory]. Late Summer -
She was sitting quietly in her seat. Waiting. Her heart beating rapidly in her blue BDU clad chest. She tried to control her breathing but no matter how many times she's done this very same routine, it never made her any less anxious. This was usually one of the most dangerous times along the border. Any lifts out were a fair target for enemy forces in the on going war of attrition between the collapsing United States and the ever strengthening Federation. It wasn't uncommon for them to try and take down anything flying in this part of the nation... or, at least, what was the nation. Border disputes and protection were always messy like that. Depending on who you talked to, you could be in one recognized country or the other. But with the Federation war? It was all the same: A giant mess. A giant fucking mess.
But still, she sat. Waiting. Feeling the tension in her back and shoulders with ever creeping second.
Beside her she had her rucksack and a steel briefcase, locked and secure. The contents of which were why she was there to begin with. It was why she was getting called up from the east border zone to Nevada.
Now, she had been there before and wished she could stay but, she had a duty to maintain and her work was far too important. There was a reason why Elias Walker sent her down into Texas. The Ghosts needed to up their intel strategy, lest the Federation attempt to resurrect another kill sat like the LOKI. They had a mission to sabotage, frustrate, and obfuscate any and all efforts when it came to that and her job was purely to make sure it happened.
"Wittkop, you ready?"
A familiar voice brought her to attention.
She smiled at the man and nodded. Getting up from her seat and grabbing her things, she walked with the illusive Ghosts operator to the helicopter.
"Glad to see you again, Livi," Neptune shouted over the cacophony of the chopper blades, giving her a smile and a friendly thumbs up.
"It's been too long. I was forgetting what you looked like," she shouted back.
The two both boarded the helicopter and fastened themselves in the seats. Once given the clear, the aircraft began to ascend. This was the most nerve wracking part of this whole ordeal and what caused her stress. The high chance of surface to air missiles coming their way was a reality and as long as she didn't hear that dreadful air raid siren scream from above, she was okay. As they kept lifting higher and higher and began the flight, they were able to clear the border checkpoint air space. It was only when they were in solid US air space did the two breath easy.
"I like seeing a face to go with the voice I've been talking to all this time," Livi stated, shifting in her seat.
Neptune chuckled. "Ditto. But hey, you now get to come back to us for a bit. I know the others can't wait to see you again. It will be nice to have us all reunited for once."
It definitely would be. Seeing Keegan, Merrick, even Elias and his boys was something to look forward to. Sadly, she had received the news from Neptune that Ajax fell in the line of duty and his absence would be felt bitterly. But, there was something else she was looking forward to upon her arrival.
She was going to see him again.
- Ghosts Safe House. Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Late Summer -
"Ooh, is today the big day?" Hesh stated as he leaned against the door frame of Kick's bunk. He watched the senior operator tidy up, shelving books, organizing items on his desk, and putting clothing away. The otherwise wisecracking smartass of the Ghosts was showing a side of himself rarely seen: He was being serious. Disturbingly so.
"You're room is always clean, what exactly is it you're even doing?"
"I want to make a good impression. I always like to have it nice when she comes up to us."
Hesh couldn't help but observe his friend and fellow soldier in what could only be aptly described as some strange nesting behavior. His eyes followed as he open his closet door to lay his shoes neatly inside. Then, he saw him do something unexpected. Kick pulled out his dark blue ODUs and laid them over his desk chair. Hesh had never seen them before, let alone Kick sport them for any occasion. They were in pristine and crisp condition, his ranking stitched on the shoulder. Petty officer, second class. The equivalent to a sergeant in the Army or Marines.
"You're Coast Guard?" The younger Ghost questioned.
"Deployable Specialized Forces to be exact." 
"I never knew."
"You never asked," Kick chuckles.
"So... Are you going to wear your mask with that?"
Kick smiles to himself and shakes his head.
"Nah, I want her to see my face. I never wear it when she's here."
"You're a true romantic, you know that. I never knew you had this side to you." Hesh couldn't help but chuckle at seeing this side of his friend. It was almost like he was a completely different person.
"Yeah well, I try sometimes."
"That you do... What time is she supposed to arrive, anyway?"
"Merrick gave me an ETA at around 4 in the morning or so. They have to go through a few checkpoints before getting over here. Rest assured, I'm planning to be there when she and Neptune land. I promised her a long time ago that I would always greet her when she returns."
Hesh stares at Kick, an incredulous smile smearing across his face. Was this the same man who made the crude sex jokes he'd become familiar with? The same guy who would drink straight from a bottle of NyQuil when he had a cold? The bizarre Kick he had worked along side with & came to know?
"Okay. Who are you and what did you do with Kick. I've never seen you like this before. You're behaving... sweetly," Hesh couldn't help but laugh. It was such a different behavior from the resident weirdo he became familiar with.
Kick himself couldn't help but laugh as well. The behavior change wasn't lost on him and he definitely had the self awareness to understand it.
"Hard to believe, right? I'm a flesh and blood man and I have feelings too, ya know."
Hesh just smiled. He even felt happy that Kick was going to be reunited with the one person he seemed to give his all for.
"Alright... It's all looking good now," Kick states, surveying his bunk quarters. Everything was where it needed to be and in proper order to his liking.
"She isn't going to be staying in here, is she?"
"No. Elias has a room assigned for her. It's one of the spares. But that isn't going to stop me from getting her in here as often as I can."
Hesh just shook his head and chuckled.
"There's the Kick I'm familiar with."
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beemovieerotica · 7 months
Idk if you've already been asked this but are there any fiber-containing foods you'd recommend for those with issues surrounding food textures?
i'm guessing you find mushy/soft textures bad (?) since that's usually what happens when you put psyllium / seeds / oats into liquid -- i highly recommend making baked goods with fiber-containing ingredients. like i would make a giant batch of oat+chia seed muffins or cookies with chocolate chips, keep in the fridge, and eat them for breakfast over a week. they're so convenient and quick like you just grab a bunch and run out the door. making it in a batch this way is probably like less than $10 per sheet of cookies/muffins and that's a week's worth breakfasts!!
also use high fiber bread to make sandwiches, paninis, grilled cheese, etc, like you can customize via cooking/baking to achieve the texture that you're looking for. a bag of bread will be like $5 and will last for lunch for at least 5 days.
high fiber crackers like triscuit brand + cheese + lunch meats is very cheap and easy too
the problem is that when you search "high fiber foods" these sites will just recommend beans and vegetables and fucking quinoa which are either difficult to work with texture-wise or expensive/expire quickly/the average person no longer has time to cook serious meals for themselves. DON'T BE AFRAID OF CARBS. carbs are good. carbs have fiber. eat easy and cheap fiber-rich carbs, it's better than buying that 1 thing of avocados for $7 which instantly goes bad.
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sunnysssol · 9 months
Changed my pfp because i miss my sweet honey bear sugar vanilla cinnamon bun beautiful bean suzie 😔😔😔 and alfred too ig 🙄 also because someone brought the gakuen hetalia thing i did back into my notifs and i !!!! I'm getting fluffy and silly goofy thoughts... as much as I love angst and historical stuff for AmeSuzie, i'm a sucker for their potential for little shoujo anime-esque shenanigans jdjfkkc
Suzie packing lunches for both of them, not because Alfred can't cook or whatever, he just steals off her food anyway 😭 In return, Alfred cooks an entire feast for her birthday and is just absolutely embarrassing about it. "Heyyy Suzie! Happy birthday, Suzie!!! I made all your favorite food, Suzie!!! 😃🗣📣‼️". Suzie pretends they don't know him. Alfred Jones? From the Americas Class? Who the hell is that? I've never met this man in my life!
Like all the other AUs I have wherein they're young and silly goofy, these two are like... only vaguely romantic in this AU ? They will hold hands and cuddle all day and make jokes about being already married but would still be like "Nah, we're just best friends!" Absolute clown behavior. Clown-to-Clown communication.
When they first met, Suzie's hair was vv short, like this!:
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— And while it was growing out, they'd keep tucking it behind their ears and just be sort of annoyed with it since it was at an awkward length where you couldn't tie it yet. Alfred goes on and gets her a bunch of little hair clips and is just like "Here, since you won't stop messing with your hair so much!" ... Again, not just exclusive to this AU but mirroring the behavior of all my other Alfreds, I think about him being quietly thoughtful. Yes, he does the "extravagant gifts in large quantities" thing that's associated with him (consumerism moment), but he also does little things like this. Anyway, back to the AU– Suzie is touched and is honestly more than a little flustered, but she thanks him and still wears the clips to this day. Alfred thinks it's sweet and she looks cute with them on, but he keeps this to himself because he doesn't want them to think he's being mushy and "uncool" 🥴
I like to think the Hero Club is like, the academy's broadcasting club, so Alfred and Suzie do the morning announcements and all that! Very fitting, knowing that both of them are far too talkative hshshs But anyway! Besides that, I have this HC that Alfred likes to doodle and while it's not a very utilized skill in Nationverse, in this AU it is and he often makes little comics for the Newspaper Club to publish. He's kind of a jock whenever in school AU-type settings, so I don't think he liked to talk about this passion for art much until he met Suzie. They encouraged him to keep improving and to eventually publish his comics. I think he still gets quite bashful when people ask about it, but he's a little more open to talking about it now 👉👈
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ocdelecterble · 7 months
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Air Fryer/Toaster Oven Huevos Rancheros (medium spoons)
I'll start by saying that I got the Ranchero sauce and refried beans with dinner from a Mexican restaurant. I'll also say that I'm very, very white. I love Mexican food, and I've been blessed with Mexican friends willing to share authentic recipes with me, but I'm not gonna claim this as an authentic recipe. It is fucking delicious though. Also, it's naturally gluten free! Corn tortillas shouldn't have gluten, and you don't have to spend extra for the gf label!
I only have a toaster oven/air fryer (not the kind of air fryer with the basket) and a microwave to work with, and limited energy that's been getting worse. I had eggs to use, so here we go.
Some methods like foil lining is optional. If you wanna wash a baking sheet, I ain't gonna stop you. My eggs leaked and got a little stuck. Foil made cleanup easy. I'm just trying to survive. I use a lot of disposable things for meal prep because washing just takes too much out of me. My plumbing don't even work properly and I have to wash in a trickle of water. You do you. The idea is the same, and if you're like me, it'll save you some spoons by giving you ideas, I hope. Good luck and enjoy.
Corn tortillas
Refried beans
Ranchero sauce
Jalapeño slices (optional. I used these bc the Ranchero sauce was very thin. And I really love jalapeños.)
Cotija/queso fresco
Tajin (optional, to taste)
Toast the tortillas on a foil lined and honestly probably greased baking sheet (don't overdo it like I accidentally did. I got distracted for a whole 5 seconds 😡 just crisp them a little, on both sides.)
Spread your beans on the tortillas. Don't ask how much. Feel it with your heart. I put a thin layer, but made sure there was enough bean to taste it without making the tortillas mushy. You can add your jalapeños now if you want them!
Crack your clean eggs (yep, I wash them! People have been touching them) on top of your bean painted tortillas. Sprinkle some tajin if you wanna.
Bake/air fry at 325⁰ until your eggs meet your doneness. Keep a close watch. It goes fast. I think mine were done in 5 min. I also think I let them rest, just to ensure the white wasn't snotty 🤢
Take out carefully, pour on your Ranchero sauce, to taste.
Sprinkle on your cheese, and maybe some extra tajin.
Don't burn yourself as you inhale these because they taste so good.
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s11e12 don't you forget about me (w. nancy won)
hookman redux? oh no it's just what's her face with the good hair and a sword. i don't remember jody's other girl *at all*. she also does not look remotely like a teenager. i know it's hard with casting young people. anyway, very cute to see jody so happy and proud.
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why is there so much weird food content in this episode, please 😭 sam and dean are so bored at home, they should be cooking more. we know they can do it! (dean, you know how happy you could make sam with something simple like this, roast chicken and mashed potatoes and green beans is dead easy and tasty and nutritious!)
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JODY This is according to the - HEY! [JODY looks at ALEX, who has tried to sneak her wine glass away.] Put it back! [ALEX puts the wine glass back.] JODY … neighborhood crime blogs that Claire has been reading. CLAIRE They're eye-witness accounts. SAM Well, we've hunted on less.
jody's face had me cackling. sam no longer the favorite son 😒
okay so. kathryn newton who plays claire is 19 and supposed to be... 19! and she looks 19. (have i mentioned how much i love her hair?) and katherine ramdeen who plays alex is 25-6 and is supposed to be... 18. sitting next to each other and bickering, it's kind of stark. also kind of funny that they mention barely recognizing her twice. not the only one. was thinking she was recast maybe, but nope
ALEX Claire did catch a werewolf. Oh right! Turned out to be a German shepherd with rabies. JODY And before that was the vampire. Councilwoman into erotic cosplay. I didn't know what cosplay was before that. Super embarrassing for the whole force. DEAN Wow. You've been busy.
i feel bad for claire but this is pretty great
CLAIRE Real life? Okay. Yeah, sure. Let's get real. You and Henry set on a weekend yet? ALEX What? CLAIRE When you sneaking off to Jody's cabin to screw yourself silly? DEAN Ohhh. Here we go.
getting her revenge, as is the sibling way.
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honestly, i'm eating this up. sam and dean could use some normal loving family dysfunction for once
JODY Hey, if we can't talk about it we shouldn't be doing it, right? Right? [SAM stutters.] DEAN What?
jody looking to the boys for backup and they're completely falling down on the job 😔 this is also weirdly topical because i've been prepping my 10 year old with information about puberty and basics of sex ed lol
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JODY And don't expect the guy, as much as I love Henry, to always show up packing. (To SAM and DEAN) Am I right? [SAM looks down at his plate and takes another bite to avoid answering. Dean stares at her blankly.] DEAN What? JODY Seriously?
useless! :p
i am reveling (obviously) in the domestic awkward bullshit.
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JODY And but even there, I feel like I should be teaching her about boyfriends, and relationships, you know, stuff a mom would teach her. DEAN Sammy and I could've benefited from a little of that.
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it's fine, i'm fine. hey maybe jody can straighten dean out and get him to talk to sam about amara. they help with the kids, she can help the bigger kids :p
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CLAIRE Maybe it's time I just head out on my own. And be a full-fledged hunter. SAM Claire. I absolutely understand the need to hunt. Believe me. I do. But the monsters are always going to be there. On and on. Forever. But a chance at a family? At a home? School? That won't be.
probably rationing the use but i think this could have done with the mushy music. feeling for claire and sam.
also that's a huge bedroom
dean trying to be stern and lecture claire and give alex's boyfriend the stink eye, silly :p
ALEX You should know… I've done some really bad things. Hurt people. I should've told you before. HENRY Everybody's done stuff they're ashamed of. I mean, there was this one kid we all tortured in middle school, I-I can't even think about it. Alex! Hey. I don't care. Whatever it is you did, I don't. Okay?
very "this is the skin of a killer, bella"
jesus bad guy is beating the shit out of jody. very effective in how they shot/edited it
LOL aaand the boyfriend is a vampire, of course. didn't see the, i tried to help you out from a bad man but you took me back to your vampire nest and got turned, story. but made sure to vanquish any sympathy we might have had for the dude after saying he turned a high school kid into a vampire just to ruin her life as revenge
good old sibling bonding over killin vampires, a classic
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adorable and always good to have more data that sam doesn't just eat salad :P
hey it's music reminding me of princess bride, i wonder if it's the same music as last time that reminded me of princess bride. that was a while ago (8x06 and 8x14 [which i included a clip of the music, dean setting up his room in the bunker with family pictures etc]). after comparing, the beginning is sorta similar but then it sort of mashes up into something else
DEAN You gonna be alright now that you're outnumbered again? JODY Ah, as long as everyone wears a condom, we'll be fine. DEAN I want that bumper sticker.
true that. told my 10 year old that it's important to know about sex and how babies get made because we don't want any surprise babies running around and the look he gave me: 😵‍💫
i think a lot of it is jody/kim rhodes but the katherine/kathryns also did great making the whole family dynamic with sam and dean work - and the writing! like hey you all can still do a good monster of the week and have really nice, touching and funny moments with the side characters - two episodes in a row! and i didn't even get disgruntled over amara drama once this episode woot woot
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friezaglasiencold · 7 months
Y'know, that Bad Restaurant Experience you mentioned recently got me thinking. What IS your favorite food? Any establishments you've found particularly GOOD on that front?
I enjoy foods with balanced textures. If it's too mushy or grainy, it just makes me retch. Shellfish, grilled meats, fresh greens are all favorites. I also enjoy yoghurt, especially vanilla bean flavor.
...Now I'm hungry. I'll go fetch a snack.
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borathae · 7 days
Sibibestie I'm rereading sanguis and the fucking difference in taehyung persuing oc vs persuing Jungkook holy fuck
He was so cool and gentleman and nonchalant and charismatic with her and with Jungkook he's like a teenage boy so insistant and pressing and urgent to the point of losing his cool and coming off too eager
WE LOVE THIS! THIS MAKES SENSE FOR A POLY PERSON BECAUSE different partners being different things in you!!! (It's like how cool yoongi is with kook but he's a mushy mess with oc)
I also love how they give each other very uninhibited sex 😩 but that's for another day
gaaah I'm so happy that you noticed the differences!!! Goshshhs 💜💜
He was so cool and gentleman and nonchalant and charismatic with her and with Jungkook he's like a teenage boy so insistant and pressing and urgent to the point of losing his cool and coming off too eager
yes yes yes this!! goshshhs this is actually so cute like <3 he's just a shy bean <3
WE LOVE THIS! THIS MAKES SENSE FOR A POLY PERSON BECAUSE different partners being different things in you!!! (It's like how cool yoongi is with kook but he's a mushy mess with oc)
gaah thank you for saying this!! I love that you said that heheheh <33
I also love how they give each other very uninhibited sex 😩 but that's for another day
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strawhatsoraya · 1 year
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a brief note: this is purely self indulgent. kaia and i talk about luffy (and ace and sabo honestly) being islanders and in particular we have a headcanon of luffy being a country hick from puerto rico and she's been asking me for drabbles since 5ever and i haven't delivered so she gets one today because it's the least she deserves. this will be a very sporadic series. and i have so many different variations of this in my head who knows what i'll write next so. that being said lmao keep it scrolling if you're not interested. i just wanted an excuse to make a banner on canva.
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featuring: (as per banner above it's luffy &&) island girl y/n. rating: rated G for g-spot--i'm kidding, it's PG. it's all good. don't be scared. word count: idk around 500. warning content: none, unless you're allergic to Spanish or culture in general.
001. Luffy
Country boy Luffy who grew up in the mountainous side of the island. He didn't have a mother or father to sing him to sleep. Instead, brown little tree frogs performed their iconic lullaby outside his window; coquí, coquí, coquí. It's a harmony so deeply ingrained in his mind that he didn't even perceive it until Garp's voice would break through the den den mushi asking him: “What's all that noise?”
As if he didn't know.
As if he had forgotten all his memories on the island.
Luffy. A Boricua, through and through. He is his most comfortable surrounded by the heat of the sun. His skin, sun kissed and tawny brown, was always covered in bug bites and scratches. He knew better than to challenge the mosquitos' hunger during their peak hunting hours but his pride was on the line. Luffy would turn it into a compliment instead. 'I'm just that sweet,' he'd tell anyone who challenged him to wear insect repellent. 'They just can't keep off of me.' At the mention of his scratches and bruises he'd shrug with a secret grin clinging to his lips. 'Tu sabe',' he'd start, dragging his syllables, his tongue heavy on his tongue as he barely pronounced his consonants. 'I was just messin' around. No big deal.'
The forest was his playground. He knew every tree, and every creek. He knew where to find the best earthworms for fishing, and where the river was the most shallow to cross. He knew that the nearest dairy farm was in the way of his shortest route to the swimming hole, and knew he'd be chased if he trespassed but did it anyway. He knew each bull that chased him, and knew every stray dog in the neighborhood.
He knew the neighborhood drunkard, and the lady who sold frozen cups of fruit juice out of her home for a few coins a cup. He knew the best way to eat them too—flipped upside down in the cup, while sitting on a hammock, not a care in the world.
There was so much he knew then, and so much he was unsure of as well.
He knew how Doña Edith's stewed kidney beans tasted but he couldn't picture the world past the view of the horizon; a melting sun sinking into a watercolor ocean. He knew what his abuelo wanted him to be, and yet all Luffy knew was that he wanted to be free.
A vague longing propelled him from the island he called home. He had no regrets. The friends he had made on the way filled even the empty spots he wasn't aware existed. Luffy finally felt like he was alive. He no longer had to seek out truths under mossy rocks, or atop mango trees—although he did miss the mangos.
The truths he sought were right there on the smiles of his nakama staring back at him. He couldn't ask for more, and yet you joined their ranks. He was happy to have met you, hearing your story and knowing you came from the same island as him. There was so much he wanted to talk to you about, that he would speak at you quickly, his hands in the air at all times, gesturing and helping him articulate.
You matched his energy, and it excited him.
There was still so much he didn't know, but he knew by the twinkle in your eyes that new fun adventures were bound to come.
He could barely wait.
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heyfagbutt · 1 year
Do you think Americans lash out against brit food so hard because they just need something to lash out at and its an easy target
like beans on toast isn't any weirder that black eyed peas over cornbread, something that I'm sure a lot of my fellow southerners grew up eating or at least seeing at the dinner table. What is a tator tot casserole but a dry shepherds pie with cheese. Mushy peas are a thicker version of split pea soup.
I'm just saying like lbr - its always poverty food that gets singled out as if its uniquely bad and I just wonder how many of the people dunking have eaten American poverty food. It's not that different especially in the south.
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Roxy, why would Terezi say you mess so loudly?
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"Eeeh? T-rezi said that? ~hic~ I don't know! I'm totally clean honest! Got a gold star today and everything, she's just jealous I need less changes than he-hic~ Her!" Roxy giggled clearly inebriated as she sipped some rather strange looking milk from a large rubber tipped bottle. "Her and Vriska got bellies full of castor oil and I got to drink the good stuff~" she smirked patting her bloated belly with one hand despite her gurgling inside protesting.
There was a serious of trumpeting muffled blasts as Roxy drank her fill. The blustering bursts shook the nursery with Roxy not even bothering to squat or crouch as she began emptying herself instead she simply puffed up her cheeks and pushed. Her already flushed face grew even redder as her diaper sagged to the floor swaying down past her knees until it looked more like a bean bag chair than a diaper.
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"I got no idea at all why she'd say such a silly thing~♡." Roxy giggled letting her self fall back onto her massive rump with a loud "SPLAT!" She showed no qualms enjoying her mushy seat as she leaned back and continued drinking from her bottle.
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