#i'm! in!! love!!! with Mothman!Y/N
ghosting-fox · 7 months
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i just couldn't help it, i had to draw Mothman!Y/N after reading @naffeclipse AU of the Cryptid Sightings AU, i love my Y/Ns being no-surviving-skill-level of oblivious
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chubbyreaderchan · 7 months
Ask First
Poly! Lost Boys (David Centric) x Plus Sized!Reader
They/them pronouns for the reader so any reader can enjoy it. :)
David says fuck and reader crochets. 🤷‍♀️
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David laid in their bed smoking a cigarette. They had just having some rambunctious activities and everyone was winding down. Dwayne was reading one of their lover's books. Paul was playing music and smoking weed. Marko was busying himself with the pet in the house. All the while, (Y/n) was taking a shower.
All was peaceful.
Until (Y/n) showed up and David sat straight, a look of annoyance on his handsome face.
"Are those my underwear?" He growled.
They looked down at their squishy body. They rubbed their cheek awkwardly for a quick moment and laughed.
"Yeah, you... Left them here last time and I never got around to giving them back. I sort of adopted them," they responded.
David's look soured more.
"Did you ask?" He growled.
"No," they responded.
"That's my shirt, isn't it?" Paul said next.
Paul shrugged. "That's fine babe, but ask next time,"
That's when they had their turn to be irritated. They looked at David and shook their head.
"You all take my stuff all the time without asking," they pointed out.
"Yeah well, it's the principle," David said. "You need to ask. Keep them, but ask,"
They looked even more annoyed.
"David you take something from my house every time you are here. If it fits in your pocket you take it," they pointed out.
"Dwayne takes my books and never returns them,"
Dwayne closes the book in his hand and sets it on their desk.
"Paul takes my music albums and my socks," they glared.
Paul laughs. Far too gone to care.
"And Marko takes my underwear,"
Marko smirks.
"Guilty," he admits.
"Well that's different," David growled. "We always intend to return them,"
They stare at the leader of the biker gang.
"Name one time,"
"Actually, as far as I'm concerned those socks and underwear belong to Paul and Marko. Who knows how crusty those are now,"
"Hey!" Marko protested.
"Kitten, that's not fair," David huffed.
They huffed and plopped on the bed.
"I don't like my stuff being placed I don't know about. We don't want evidence somewhere," he said with a tinge of irritation in his voice. David didn't care that much, like he said it was the principle. Hell, he loved that they wore his stuff.
"Is it because I stretched it?" They asked.
David was pulled from his thoughts.
"The fuck?" He said shock. "No, I don't give a shit about that," he said coolly. "Just let me know," he breathed.
They nodded. It seemed more like a possession thing for David. A control issue.
"You said you planned on giving me my things back?"
David nods and takes a drag of his cigarette.
"What about the Mothman I crocheted?"
"That one I didn't borrow. It's mine and you know it," he pointed at them.
"Wait you crocheted mothman?" Paul said.
"I want to see it," Marko said.
"No, it's mine," David hissed.
"That's not fair! I want to see it," Paul complained.
"No, it's mine and mine alone," he snapped.
Paul and Marko looked a shade of disappointed.
"I can make another one?" They offered.
That seemed to cheer the boys right up.
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naffeclipse · 7 months
If cryptid hunter y/n was any kind of cryptid, which one they be?
Coming from the Cryptid Sightings Swapped Style AU, Y/N would be a demonic cryptid, capable of possessing and otherwise very powerful and intimidating. They're also a heart-eater. Their true form is goopy, dark, and only humanoid by silhouette. They're not as monstrously shaped as Cryptid!Eclipse but they boast of an eerieness due to their almost human but not quite features.
If they had to be a specific, previous existing cryptid, aside from a vampire (as per The Lost Episode), I'm gonna let my bias show and say a mothman-esque being.
The only mothman Cryptid!Eclipse could love.
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starrspice · 1 year
Question: Do you have anything else regarding your 'First Day Au'? I remember seeing that tag awhile back on a post with Sun/Moon wearing a mothman(?) hoodie.
Saw the tag on a text post but tumblr tags arent working for me so nothing shows up when i click on any tags. (not even the post i clicked the tag on shows up)
Other than that, I hope you have a wonderful day/night dear, Take Care!
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Eyyy excellent memory
Honestly I've had this sitting in the back of my mind trying to figure out whether to post it now or wait until i have time to write a fic
But i haven't had time to work on my 2 fics already and I wanna talk about this AU SO SO SO BAD
So a BUNCH of the daycare moots helped me build on this idea and I'm so excited to talk about it
The First Day AU takes place entirely on Y/N's first day working at the pizzaplex
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Y/N's first day just so happens to be the day/night security breach happens so at 6AM The pizzaplex will be on fire
Y/N's first day goes off without a hitch until they wake up the next morning and its the same day. They walk through the day, assuming it's all just deja vu, they just got nervous about their new job and dreamed how their first day would go. No big deal.
Except their dream is exactly like the day their having. Down to the last detail. They're a little weirded out until they wake up and it's the same day AGAIN. Now they start to freak out as they realize they're stuck in a time loop.
(Think Groundhogs Day or Happy Death Day)
So as the day (or loops as I call them) go by they start to unravel more and more of the mystery
Meanwhile Sun and Moon are vaguely aware of things repeating. Everyday is full of deja vu for them, until Y/N somehow breaks them out of the loop as well. Soon they all team up to try and break the loop completely, trying over and over to figure out how to stop it.
Eventually at some point Sun actually dies in one of the loops, leaving his ribbon and bells with Y/N expecting it to be back on his wrist at the beginning of the next loop. Only to be surptised when Y/N comes in wearing it
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I have A rough idea of how they break the loop but not all the little details
That's the rundown of the AU
I've got some more info in a Google Doc but for this post that's all I've got
Ofc its a romantic AU because that's the Starrspice way
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Please. Please I love this AU so much man
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tths-system-antics · 1 year
Name: Dib
Common nicknames: Dibwell /ij
Nicknames y/n: Go ahead. Mothman themed nicknames encouraged.
Pronouns: He/him.
Gender: Cis man. (don't murder me for this. /j)
Romantic: Unlabeled.
Sexual: Unlabeled.
Age: 18
Species: Human.
Otherkin/therian?: Nope, but very supportive!
Role: "Babysitter" (although "caretaker" or "protector" may be more descriptive? It doesn't really matter. I take care of Crow. Take over front if bee need a break.)
Subsystem: n/a
If introject, source?: Invader Zim (or, technically an AU where Crow and I are childhood best friends, but let's just say Invader Zim for practicality.)
Sourcemates y/n: Go ahead! (Just beware I am not one of those Dibs that secretly loves Zim. The r in my ZaDR stands for "rivalrly".)
Source talk y/n: Yeah, that's fine.
Doubles y/n: Alright, might get a bit weird but I don't mind.
Religion: I'm not religious but I definitely believe in ghosts and cryptids
Signoff (for tumblr): -Dib, -Mothman or -MM/-mm depending on how I'm feeling.
Picture: Well technically any picture of me from source works but alright.
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(Also, there was no space to put extra stuff about myself, but one thing that's important to note is that I tend to write as if I'm writing an essay. Therefore, I'm trying to use tone tags. I'm not mad at you, I just like my punctuation. /g And then one thing that is absolutely not important but I want to be known, I love Brawlhalla. It's my favorite game.)
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Fallout OC Alphabet Ask Game
Rules: Can you associate your Fallout OC with something beginning with each letter of the alphabet? Words, items or names. X can also be read as 'ex'. Fill this in and let others send you ASKS about a few of them for elaboration!
Dubs' Variation: I thought I'd do something a bit different with my version of this! I've completed an alphabet set for each of my Fallout OCs, but with a little twist: I won't tell you which one is theirs! You can either pick a letter and a name, and find out which of those words I associate with them... or pick a word you like the look of, and I'll tell you who it belongs to! Either way, you'll get to learn a little more about one of my problem children OCs and everyone goes home happy. Hopefully.
If you need a quick reminder of who's who in Our Bond Is Steel and the ever-expanding Fallout Margotverse, my main OCs are currently:
Margot de Havilland
Elle [Last Name Redacted]
Paladin Henry Rex
Scribe Gwen Harper
Alice de Havilland
Houshanou, Spirit of the Wastes
... and because she was feeling left out, I've also decided to include my littlest OC, Squire Phoebe Woods (aged 4).
Here we go!
A - Adonato, Alpha, Amata, Ants, Appalachia, Arcade, Arthur B - Beauty, Beckett, Benny, Big Daddy, Blue, Brotherhood, Butch C - Casino, Child, Citadel, Coat, Commonwealth, Cousins, Covert D - Dad, Danse, Darnell, DeMarco, Dinosaur, Drawings, Dreams E - Early, Eleri, Elle, Encampment, Enclave, Enthusiasm, Eyebot F - Fence, Firepower, Followers, Forest, Fox, Freddie, Future G - Galaxy, Gardener, Golden, Goodsprings, Greer, Guitar, Gum Drops H - Harpers Ferry, (de) Havilland, Help, Hero, Hopkins, Hoplon, House I - Immunity, Imprisoned, Independent, Ink, Iodine, Iona, Institute J - Jacobstown, Journalist, Joy, Judgment, Jump, June, Justice K - K-9, Karma, Killer, Kin, Kindness, Kings, Kiss L - Lewisburg, Liberty, Lily, Lonely, Loving, Loyalty, Lyons M - Medic, Megaton, Melee, Meteorology, Minutemen, Mojave, Mothman N - Name, Nature, NCR, Negotiation, Nightmares, Nuka-Cola, Numbers O - Oasis, Oliver, Omerta, Only, Ophelia, Outcasts, Overboss P - Peggy, Peter, Platinum, Power Armor, Protectrons, Prydwen, Purity Q - Quantum, Quarrel, Quartz, Queen, Quest, Questions, Quinlan R - Radscorpions, Railroad, Raquel, Research, Responders, Rouche, Runaway S - Saloon, Sanctuary, Scorched, Scribe, Squire, Steel, Super Mutants T - Team, Teddy, Television, Time, Trail, Trees, Tribe U - Umbrella, Unauthorized, Underground, Unexplained, Uniform, Unknown, Untested V - Vampires, Vault, Veronica, Vertibird, Victorious, Virginia, Vries W - Warrior, Washington, Wedding, Whiskey, White Glove Society, Whitespring, Why? X - X-Rated, X-Ray, Xeriscape, Excel, Exile, Exploration, Extraterrestrial Y - Yard, Yawn, Yearning, Yes-Man, Yodel, Youngest, Yvonne Z - Zealots, Zebra, Zeppelin, (Ground) Zero, Zero, Zeta, Zodiac
Finally, I was tagged by @theartofblossoming! Thank you dear one! I'm going to pass it on and tag... you, dear reader! Pick your favorite OC and see what the letters of the alphabet bring to mind for them. No obligation to join but if you feel moved, have fun <3
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myc-ology-whore · 2 years
Okay so, Could you do one with Myc and a Reader who's hyper aware of his tentacles and usually avoids them most of the time, and like whenever he tries to get into their mind it's just a jumbled mess that's overlapping eachother making it hard to sort through. But then there's a situation where their trapped together and Myc confronts them and Reader stubbornly admits that they just didn't want him to figure out their feelings for him-
Myc x Reader (SFW)
shorter than my last few (lil over 2k), but hey! it's somethin' to read if you're bored. i'm sorry if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes; i don't usually make them, but i've had a headache and blurry vision for most of the afternoon (think i'm sick) and i haven't proofread it a thousand times like usual lol
anyways, sfw aside from cursing and suggestive themes. enjoy!
You were a bit of an enigma to Myc, at least recently. You used to be such good friends, always choosing to hang out with him over anyone else, and he loved to have you around, making sure to invite you out with him and Andre whenever the opportunity arose. You had a similar, dark sense of humour, and he thought you were hilarious to hang around when you got drunk with him. You liked to get in trouble and make mischief in the office, and when Myc and Andre made plans for a big prank or party, you were always there with them. You’d confided in Myc, and he’d given you what advice he could because you were one of the only people he truly called his friend.
Then, suddenly, you changed. Whenever he’d invite you out, you’d turn him down, which was fine at first; he understood if you weren’t down to drink or party for a night or two. The problem was that it didn’t stop there. You started to avoid him entirely, complicating your paths to the conference room and your office so that he couldn’t walk with you, and you’d eat lunch up in the faux office building above Cognito, knowing fully well that he wasn’t allowed up there. He’d tried to talk to you a few times about whatever was troubling you, confused and getting more and more annoyed with the lack of attention you were giving him, but every time you made up some excuse and dodged him. Even when he tried to read your mind, all that he was able to pick up was a jumbled mess of anxiety and apprehension.
He didn’t know what he was feeling, but it wasn’t anything good. It felt like someone had stabbed him and just left the knife in there, a strangely physical pain for something entirely mental. He was hurting, he realised, though he couldn’t understand why. He just wanted to talk to you, but of course when he needed you most was when you’d decided to disappear on him.
The team had another meeting with HR about their behaviour on the last mission, but Myc wasn’t paying attention in the slightest; he was focused on you the entire time, plotting. He knew you were friends with Mister Mothman, and he knew that you would take the papers that the HR manager had made you all sign upstairs for him. That would require you to go to the older, less used part of the building, where the two of you would be less likely to be overheard, and then he could confront you without issue.
“Thank you, (Y/n),” the mothman said as you took the stack of papers from his fuzzy fingers. “Just like always, take ‘em up to Rhonda in the Records and Timekeeping Department. You sure you want the extra errand, though? I can take ‘em up myself.”
“It’s fine, Elliot,” you assured him with a smile and a light tap to the arm. “I promise, it’s really no trouble.”
“If you’re certain.”
You bid him farewell and walked out of the room after your friends, not expecting anyone to be waiting for you. The quickest way to Records and Timekeeping was through the old wing of the building, the stuffy areas that were built way back in the ‘70s. Things broke down a lot back there, and there weren’t many people who still worked in the area, but the creaky old elevator hadn’t failed you yet, and you’d be damned if you let a little risk deter you from taking a shortcut.
Paying no mind to the dust that kicked up with every step you took on the ancient carpet, you made your way down the weaving halls toward the elevator. It was eerily quiet, though that was something you’d gotten used to by now; even the AC was practically nonexistent down here, and your shoes were muffled by the thick carpeting, so the only sound you ever really heard when travelling through here was your own breathing. What you were not used to, however, was the breaking of that silence.
A chill ran up your spine as you heard something shuffle behind you. You whipped around to see what it was, but you were the only thing in the hall, as far as you could tell. Taking a deep breath, you turned back toward your destination, picking up your pace. It wasn’t long before you heard the sound again, this time closer. You stopped to listen for a moment, then stooped down to take a peek through the blinds of the surrounding offices. They’d been long abandoned, but you figured that was the most likely place you’d see someone.
“Hey, hot stuff.”
When nothing caught your eye, you opened one of the doors for a few seconds. The scent of mould and the darkness that seemed to wriggle within the room were off-putting, to say the least, but still, no signs of life. You sighed, shaking your head at your imagination. There’s no need to get this worked up over something so silly, you told yourself, pulling the door shut.
You screeched, swatting out at your side where the sudden voice had come from. Your fingers barely skimmed the mycelian, Myc jumping back with cat-like reflexes. “Myc! What the hell, dude?!”
He laughed as you glared at him, looking like a bull without horns in your fury. “Cool it, doll,” he chuckled, reaching out to give you a friendly nudge. You shied away, pulling back the same way he had when you tried to hit him, and he recoils ever so slightly. He thought for a second before sheepishly explaining, “I wanted to walk with you to Records and Timekeeping. Gotta go pick something up.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, suspicious. “Really?”
“What reason would I have to lie to you?”
“Everybody has a reason, Myc.” He was silent for a moment, contemplating how to retort, but you sighed and turned on your heel before he had the chance. “Whatever. I need to get to R&T, follow if you want to.”
“Right.” You found your heart racing with anxiety as he matched your pace, and you tried to pretend he wasn’t there. He made that rather difficult, however. “Sooooo,” he started awkwardly, “how’ve you been?”
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye, clutching your papers to your chest like a security blanket. “Alright,” you replied simply, trying to keep things short with him. “How about you?”
“Good, good,” he answered, though it didn’t reach his voice. “Actually, things haven’t been so great,” he admitted as you reached the elevator. You pushed the button as he continued, “Things have felt sort of off lately.”
“Sorry to hear that.” The elevator dinged and the doors slid open with a creak that might deter someone who hadn’t come through this area before, but you stepped inside, Myc following closely after.
“I don’t think you are,” he challenged abruptly, causing your heart to drop and your brows to furrow. The doors slid shut, sealing your escape from his confrontational nature. “It’s strange,” he went on. “It’s almost like you’ve been avoiding me lately, (Y/n), but what reason might you have for that?”
You’d known this was coming, no matter how hard you tried to delay it. Myc had been one of your best friends, so of course he was going to be upset when you tried to distance yourself from him. Still, you tried. “Like I said, everybody has a reason. And anyway, I’m not avoiding you.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” he scoffed, pushing closer as you leaned back against the wall. He took notice of your nervous body language, and felt a pang of guilt at causing it. He lowered his voice to sound less threatening, moving to hold onto the elevator bar right beside where you gripped it. “Look, (Y/n),” he said softly, nudging your hand, “I just want to know what I did. I get it if, y’know, you decide you don’t wanna hang out anymore. That’s fine. It’ll suck for me, but it’s whatever. At least tell me what happened, though.”
You looked at him, listened to the hurt in his voice, and sighed. If he finds me disgusting, so be it, you thought. At least I won’t have to hide from him anymore. “I like you,” you admitted, breathing a sigh of relief as you finally got the words out in the open. “A lot. Like, as more than a friend. I knew you wouldn’t feel the same, and I knew I wasn’t going to stop feeling this way if we kept being so close, so… I decided to shut you out.”
Myc seemed tense, his flagella now wrapped around the rail just as tight as your hand was. “What?”
“I know it was selfish,” you added, rubbing your arm self-consciously. “I didn’t want to have to deal with the rejection, so I just cut you off. It was immature, and stupid, and–”
“The feeling’s mutual,” he interrupted, turning away from you. Your brows creased in confusion. “I thought of you as more than a friend, too,” he clarified, noting your expression. Promptly, he corrected, “Think of. As in, present-tense.”
“Oh,” you mumbled, watching as the light in his orb swirled, a side effect of intense feelings. Is he… nervous? “Do you really mean that? Don’t say it just because you don’t want to hurt my feelings, Myc.”
“You think I’m nice enough to lie to make someone feel better? I’m honoured you think so highly of me,” he laughed. You provided a little chuckle in return, glancing down at the flagella beside your hand. He picked up on your thoughts and uncurled the limb from the elevator railing, offering it to you. When you took him into your hand, his skin was just as smooth and cool as you remembered it being, but it began to warm as it started to emit a pink glow. “I wish you hadn’t started avoiding me either,” he said, reading your inner shame and guilt. “Doesn’t mean I don’t understand it, though. I probably would have done the same if I’d realised I’d starting caring about you first. I knew you were a good friend, but I didn’t recognise those weird, fuzzy feelings until Andre told me what they were.”
You couldn’t suppress a giggle at that. “Fuzzy feelings? God, that sounds so weird coming from you.”
“Shut up,” he snorted, scooting a little closer to you and squeezing your hand. “This is hard for me, y’know. Feelings are not my forte.”
“No shit, for real?” You laughed as one of his tendrils whipped up to lightly slap your leg, shoving him gently in return. Your grin faded a bit, calming down as you looked him over. "I'm… I'm really sorry, Myc. Sorry for ghosting you, I mean."
He coiled himself further around you, his flagella slithering up your arm like a snake. "Well, hey, I mean, as long as you don't do it again, I think we'll be alright."
"I'll try," you giggled, pulling him lightly and wrapping him into a hug. "I'm just glad I don't have to stay away from you anymore."
"You never had to in the first place, idiot," Myc grumbled, running a flagella over your head and smoothing your hair as he held you. "You condemned yourself to that, remember?"
"Yeah, yeah," you said, rolling your eyes before leaving a small peck on his stem. It was only then that you realized something. "Hey, shouldn't we be at R&T by now?"
"I dunno," Myc shrugged looking around. "Actually, we're… not moving."
"Oh, Christ," you huffed, pressing the button to open the doors but frowning as they didn't oblige you. "Um, are we stuck?"
"Sure looks that way," he laughed. "Any ideas?"
"The mechanics should show up in twenty minutes or so, hopefully," you mumbled, smiling to yourself as the Emergency button lit up, indicating that it still worked. "Nice. Now, we wait."
Myc scuttled a little closer to you as you stepped back against the wall, and soon you felt his flagella rubbing your hips suggestively. "I can think of a few other ways to pass the time, dollface… God, I've missed you."
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werifestaria · 3 years
helloo !! I'm not sure uf my ask came in so I'll just send it again (screw you bad internet 💔)
Fandom/Characters: Stardew Valley and the marriage candidates!
Sexuality: Bi
Gender Preference: Any
Romantic or Platonic: Romantic please !!
Personality: I'm very quiet and reserved most of the time but when I get close with someone, i ramble ALOT about my interests and try to learn and get into theirs. When I get sensitive, which is often, I usually let it out through drawing or anger. I'm a Scorpio, INFP-T, my love languages are quality time and words of affirmation. My fashion sense is very punk as well.
Likes: Historical fashion, dinosaurs, cryptids etc. Basically anything history, pre-history!! I also started getting into metal but I really like listening to 90s music.
Dislikes: Sports and things that require alot of thinking.
Hobbies: Drawing, singing, playing video games and watching doccumentaries :)
Thank you, have a great day !!
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𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐚
Hello! Thank you for requesting, hun!! Your first request had sent, but I decided I wanted to use this one instead. I hope you enjoy this Mod Ara exclusive matchup~
𝐦𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 . . .
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𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 !
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runner-up : sam
I was stuck between Sebastian and Sam for quite some time, but based on some careful calculations, I have determined that Sebastian is perfect for you! Firstly, INFP’s are known to be pretty compatible with INTP’s—Sebastian’s personality type! Although it’s hard to give him a zodiac sign, a general consensus is that Sebastian would be a Capricorn! Scorpios and Capricorns have a bond that is rather hard to describe, but very firm nonetheless. Aside from MBTI types and zodiac signs, Sebastian was my first thought as soon as I read about how you love to ramble beneath your quieter demeanor. He’s naturally quiet himself, but underneath all that silence, he has a very active mind that loves to converse and share. He’s been unable to be honest about his interests due to his less-than-invested family, but with you around, you’d act as an outlet for all of his unvoiced worries, stories, interests, etc. God, he’d adore you—and as repayment for listening to him, he’d listen to you indefinitely.
𖥸 He’s absolutely obsessed with your sense of fashion!! You two would have such a bomb aesthetic- when he isn’t confined to his hoodie, I feel like he rocks such a cool alt fashion. I’m not exactly sure what subcategory he’d frequent, but I just know you two would look so cool side-by-side!!
𖥸 Look at me and tell me he doesn’t love all things relating to cryptids. Dude is almost a cryptid himself!! You talk all about them together and he’s definitely gotten you a mothman plushie
𖥸 Sebastian absolutely loves to watch you draw. Even the creations you make while you’re angry impress him to no end. He loves to suggest things for you to draw and supports you by buying supplies- his favorite gifts to give are sketchbooks!! he leaves little messages on the inner covers, constantly reminding you about how much you mean to him
𖥸 “You mean a lot to me, Y/N. Draw something as pretty as you are. - Sebastian”
𖥸 Nothing makes Sebastian more happy than cuddling up with you to watch documentaries!! On rainy days, there’s nothing else he’d rather do- but he also loves to listen to you sing 💕 it might as well be his free melatonin
𖥸 If you’ll allow it, he’d love to let you sing him to sleep
𖥸 Sebastian absolutely loves to take you on motorcycle rides (if you’d like to, of course.) The wind in your hair and your arms around him are basically his favorite things ever- he takes you anywhere you want to go, let that be the city or just the outskirts of Pelican Town!!
𖥸 Video game nights!! You’d get him so invested with video games—enough to get him to buy a lot of them on his PC!!
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𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐩 !
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I'm fluid in both Sexuality and gender 🤟
I'm both a scorpio and libra (born right on the cusp) and im an INFP. I border being an ambivert but i lean a tad bit more on the introvert side. Im a pretty intense person especially when it comes to close relationships. I'm obsessive and overprotective as well but in more subtle ways. Im quite the gremlin as well, I can be a bit wild. Im sarcastic but I mean well. I use humor to cope with depression. I have a small history with suicidal thoughts and tendencies but for the time being im doing quite well.
Im an artist and a writer. I love sketching and coming up with story lines. I also love music my go too music is usually 70s rock. Im a fan of alternative music to as well as indie. I love cryptids and otherworldly things ( I love mothman).I have daddy issues (just gonna sprinkle that in here). Im a navy brat so im used to moving a lot and due to that staying in one place to long gets me agitated. Im a very neutral person when it comes to good vs evil because i can see and feel for both sides. Usually I won't get involved in the fight but more so with the people in the fight.
As for what i look for in a partner im an introvert and someone who has ADD i dont really talk much but I enjoy company especially when they don't mind that my favorite pass time is napping. I want someone to nap with honestly. Someone who can match my weird. I value humor and a tend to do a lot of teasing myself. Someone who trusts me enough to show their soft side to and let me protect them. Maybe someone to go on midnight adventures with and give me neck kisses. Also someone hopefully as big of a mess as I usually am.
I kinda hoard info on people so I can use it later (really helps when it comes to gift getting). Im not good at showing feelings so I tend to buy things for people to show i care or to say sorry. I have pretty bad insomnia but I nap a lot at the same time.
I have long red hair and hazel eyes and im 5'4. I have a inverted triangle body. My style is hippy grunge and I can lean more femine one day and more masculine the next it just depends on how im feeling. I wear jackets a lot too my favorite kind of jackets are worn leather ones.
If I had to choose a song that represented me well I think it would be "Pork Soda" by glass animals.
oh and here are the requested details
-A picture of your wedding dress and theirs
- Dialogue about the scanario
-Added gifs (more interactive gifs to see how you would hug,kiss, interact, etc.)
- Your theme song (I will choose a theme song that represents the two of you.)
-A oneshot (will be included seperatly but if you send me a name then I can write a oneshot based on a scanario you want acted out.)
Thank you so much 💓
Hello my dear thanks for the request for marvel I ship you with:
Bucky Barnes 💖
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- your history is quite big being in the agent field isn't nessersily easy especially when your not used to people. However you both had training within he shared his problems and you shared yours. Long behold love affair.
- your both emotionally connected almost like he doesn't even have to know how you feel he just wants to be their with you.
- going on dates he's very fond of your style the hippy grunge is all about the looks you have such a beautiful style that compliments his.
- your work attire:
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- your date attire:
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- he would be protective of you often trying not to be overprotective but due to his state he can't help it.
- the two of you would be so badass together often wondering how he got to meet someone as lucky as you.
- he would just want to hold you in the room often the two of you just sitting their in silence.
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- he would have his first kiss with you after a mission.
Bucky: hey darlin how are ya~
You: oh good are you alright *smiles*
Bucky: uh yeah just um wondering about you is all
You: i-
Bucky: y/n I have something to tell you
You: oh and what is that?
Bucky: I've, always liked you. Y/n your beautiful, you've always been beautiful.
You: *looks into his eyes* oh bucky
Bucky: *leans in planting his lips on yours*
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- he would know how you feel when the two of you are alone. He would often wonder how your life would've been without him.
- you both shared difficult pasts but since you opened up to him he became aware and fell in love with you.
- after every mission your dates would include soft touching and kissing. He knows what it's like to feel out of place but with you he knows what it's like to feel human.
- your wedding was in secret due to hydra and the cops after him. He swore to protect you and love you until the end of the line.
- your hippie wedding dress attire:
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- your children would have red hair with Bucky's eyes. They would be super assassin's often wearing black suits with snipers.
- your theme song:
- this is an included oneshot of the two of you:
About: Bucky and y/n were sleeping together when all of a sudden Bucky remembers his past. All the horrible events he would relay it to y/n in bed.
Bucky remembered it all that night all the shootings, killings and mass murder. He felt shivers just thinking about it. Tony's parents flashed in his mind as ghosts.
The ghosts appeared white with blood trickling down their head.
"YOu DId THiS" Miss stark points to the soilder. "Youuuuuuuu...." She screams, lunging towards Bucky.
In a fit of fear Bucky woke up covered in sweat running down his face. Y/n was sleeping beside him peacefully. Bucky runs his metal fingers over their cheek. "Y/n...I'm sorry" he whispers into their ear.
Y/n couldn't hear his murmur in a groggy state they mumbled. "Buck not now" y/n turns to their side. Bucky felt bad waking them up. But he needed to tell them about the horrible things he did.
"I've killed so many people y/n, all of them clawing at my throat for revenge" he whispers once more.
Sitting on the side of the bed he puts his hands to his head. "y/n Ive killed-" as suddenly he felt a soft hand touch his face.
"don't worry about the past we've all experienced bad things some time before" she whispers. "We need to look forward to the future and base our actions on becoming who we are" as y/n groggily kisses his cheek.
"your only human buck, your not a bad person you have the same feelings and emotions as all of us" as y/n hugs him. "Your a wonderful husband that's all I could ask for" y/n smiles.
Bucky turns to his side wrapping both arms around y/n's waist. He didn't say anything only holding them there as they lay silent in the bed.
"thanks y/n I love you" as he hugs them with full content. "Uh huh let's sleep now, we have a mission in the morning buck" they roll over to the side sleeping.
Bucky for the rest of the night slept peacefully. He didn't need to worry because he had the one person he fancied right next to him.
And that person's name was y/n. The one who saved him, who make him human.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta 💫
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
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Request: Yes or No
(Y/N) is a big baby and I love him. Don't worry, Mothman is coming. Once you stare at the name Veronica for too long it starts to look weird.
(Y/N) grunted as he hit the ground, looking at his injured wing. He sat up, stretching it out and looking at bent. It'd be a long recovery. (Y/N) perked his long ears, hearing voices. He quickly climbed a tree, curling his wings around him despite the pain that shot down his wing to his back. (Y/N) waited for the voices of the men to get distant before peeking out. He sighed softly.
"I'm not gonna allow daddy to hurt anyone, human or not!" He heard a voice of a girl. (Y/N) looked down, watching a group of teens pass by. He hopped down, causing leaves to fly up. The teens spun around, looking at him.
"He's, uh, bigger up close."
"That's what she said."
"Shut up, Reggie."
"Make me, Sweet Pea."
"Guys!" The blonde hissed, stopping the boys from agruing. (Y/N) watched them curiously, growling softly when one of them stepped forward. The girl reached into her purse.
"Bats like balls... Right?" The blonde elbowed Reggie when he snickered.
"I'm Veronica." She said softly, crouching down and letting something roll towards him. (Y/N) poked at the round blue thing before picking it up, his claws digging into it a bit as he inspected it.
"Vioneca?" He glanced at her.
"Ver-o-ni-ca." She sounded out her name.
"Veronica." (Y/N) cooed. Veronica nodded with a pleased smile. She proceeded to introduce her friends, sounding out their names for him. Betty, Archie, Jughead, Reggie, Toni, Fangs, and Sweet Pea.
"What's your name, honey?" Veronica asked softly. (Y/N) blinked slowly.
"(Y/N)." He replied, looking back down at the ball.
"Are you hurt?" Betty asked. (Y/N) showed them his wing.
"Wing hurt." He nodded to himself, wondering if he even said that right. Toni let out a soft 'aw'.
"Will you let me see it?" Betty asked. (Y/N) shrugged, watching her walk towards him. She ran her finger over the bent.
"I think the bone's broken. It's too dark to tell." She said.
"Kids, get away from that thing." The man that injured him instructed. (Y/N) growled but stopped and looked at Betty when she stepped in front of him. He peeked out from behind her, watching the rest of the teens do the same. Veronica scolded and lectured her father about 'hurting mother nature' and 'attacking creatures for fun'. (Y/N) occupied himself with the ball, squeezing it and watching it return to its normal figure. Hiram eventually gave in and promised not to hurt (Y/N).
"Good. He's my friend."
"It's a-"
"Our friend who has a name. His name is (Y/N) and you'll treat him with respect." Veronica crossed her arms.
(Y/N) tossed the complete rubix cube on the table.
"He's really smart." Reggie commented, messing it up and handing it back to him.
"Smart... Reggie smart too." (Y/N) said. Reggie smiled widely.
"He really isn't." Sweet Pea said causing Reggie to scowl. (Y/N) figured out the rubix cube again.
"Time to check your wing, (N/N)." Betty said, unwrapping the bandages. (Y/N) stretched out his wing. Betty ran a finger over it.
"It has a scar but other than that, it's as good aa new." She smiled. (Y/N) hummed softly, flapping his wing a bit.
"How fast can you fly?" Jughead asked, standing. (Y/N) followed them out. The sun was starting to rise. (Y/N) stretched out both of his wings before crouching down and taking off into the air. He flapped his wings a bit before extending them and leaning downward, flying down at a fast speed. (Y/N) grinned, flying around the air. He missed the feeling. (Y/N) landed back on the ground, yawning softly.
"We're slowly becoming nocturnal too." Fangs pointed out, glancing at a half-asleep Archie.
"Friends." (Y/N) cooed, rubbing his eyes as he headed back into the warehouse that had been turned into a place for the teens to hangout and for (Y/N) to peacefully stay in. (Y/N) climbed into his nest like bed and curled up with his wings around him.
"Sleep tight, batboy."
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buggybestfriend · 3 years
music suggestions?
Oooooh i have a bunch!!!
Fine! By mal blum - lovely song, v comforting
Almost home by mxmtoon - again comforting, about growing up too fast (i think)
Despair by leo. - a bop
10 feet tall by cavetown - v good vibes!! i love it
Cryptid (mothman) by ratwyfe - for when u don't want to have a body but also don't wanna be that edgy
Queer kidz by ashby and the oceanns - cool queer song!!! (Tw for queerphobia & religion mentions tho)
Gender ender by mary wander - e n b y v i b e s
Wish you were gay by claud - gay song!!! Basically lesbian has a crush on best friend
Homies by egg - can you tell that I'm sad and love my friends?
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naffeclipse · 2 years
In light of the last Cryptid Sightings chapter- Super cute btw!!✨ I love the interaction with the kids, especially Phoebe aaahhhh baby!! and Moon comforting her, my heart! <3 also 'no monster will hurt you cause we're the scariest one out there' very Monster Underneath Your Bed of you, Moon ;) and oh, the doppelgänger, I smell some angst brewin’ hehe -back to what I was gonna say xD, I don’t exactly know what you’ve got planned for Mothman, if anything beyond the pjs gag, but if Y/N were to go after them, I hope you don't mind me making a case for the critter with my personal interpretation and old art from some years ago:
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Look at him, would Y/N really hurt this boy? He’s just got a severe case of ‘wrong place, wrong time’. The most criminal thing he’d ever do is steal your lamps, flashlights and batteries to power them cuz moth drawn to light lol. And if he were to ever encounter cryptid Sun&Moon he’d do a frighten and scoot!
He’s just a little guy ó^ò
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I jest of course! Personal interpretation is personal interpretation. But that aside, I’ll just say again how I’m really enjoying Cryptid Sightings! Thematically hits a nice curiosity of mine for creatures and the creepy and uncanny. Plus the dangerous beast that is Sun&Moon is a protector of children! Gah! I love it!
Wherever you take us with the story and it’s characters and creatures, I’m down for the ride! :D Have a nice day/night! <3
Ah, thank you so much!! I'm really glad you like it! That song, too, ooohhhh, big cryptid boys vibes! ♥
Piixel, I am stealing your mothman, he is my boyfriend now, sorry ♥ I am swooning over your animation!! Oh gosh, I could stare at those wings opening up for days ahhha! ♥ He's a scrunkly ;-; He can steal all my lamps, it's okay!!
Y/N might hestiate to hunt your cute little mothman, but Sun/Moon is who he should really be worried about!! They are very much against competition hehe
Thank you for sharing! I hope you have a nice day/night as well! ♥
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naffeclipse · 7 months
I'm sending you so many asks but I feel the need to share this with you because IMAGINE CS! Eclipse meeting this lil baby.
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Just this sweet lil baby coming up to CS!Y/N's airstream while trick or treating 🥺
Cryptid!Eclipse meets this lovely kid and just tells him how cool his costume is! A baby moth is the only acceptable mothman. And Y/N is dying over the adorableness ahhhh
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naffeclipse · 1 year
I'm reading Crypid Sightings, loving it btw you write amazingly, and the fact that sun and moon hate mothman cuz of that t-shirt makes me giggle hard.
Sun/Moon: You are going to rest, no exceptions!
Y/N: what about shooting mothman in the face?
Sun/Moon: . . .
Sun/Moon: Okay, one exception
Ahhh, I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
ALSJFASF YUP that'll get the boys in on Y/N's hunt real quick aldjflas
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Naff, just wow.
Immediately after I finished reading the CS chapter the tears came all at once, streaming down my face and leaving wet streaks down both of my cheeks. It is hard to make me cry like that. I’m floored, just completely stunned.
I’m soooo happy you gave us a chapter like this, giving the characters and the reader a safe space to digest and get some questions answered. It was also much needed after the action filled chapters before it and it’s a nice resting stop before the horrors waiting before us.
Naff, you write so beautifully, I’m looking back at the lines of text I saved to keep for this comment and I’m gonna cry again from just reading them! (Also sorry,, this is gonna be a long one,,,)
They ate and came back to your trailer, where all of your weapons reside. Holy water, silver knives, and bolts, the Latin incantations to exercise beings just like them.
Just, I’m crying at this. To me it holds so much emotional weight. This story is so close to my heart you don’t even know AAAAAAAA
The repeating “Eat.”, “Please. Eat.” and finally “Ask, then eat.” has me on the floor weeping and I don’t know exactly why. Just the ‘ask’ before the ‘eat’ feels so calm and like they’ve fully opened up. Ready to answer any question.
“Yes,” Moon answers softly. “We ate their hearts.”
You jerk in your shock, almost flinging the egg and sausage bit off of your utensil and to the floor.
“You ate his heart?”
Moon becomes completely still. He stares blankly at you then at your chest.
I swear they can’t keep doing this! But they must! But please phrase it differently boys! XD
The nature of the demonic cryptid before you tumbles through your brain and into your heart—a monster that protects children. An instinct to reject it as a fairy tale touches your nerves. It’s too good to be true, that’s too romantic to believe a being of teeth and claws would seek to protect vulnerable children.
Again, your writing!! And AAAAA IT IS TOO ROMANTIC TO BE TRUE BUT IT’S!!!!!
I’m so happy mothman came up again! And slkfdlfkfsahvjdf that whole bit was so needed oh man!! Perfect way to break the tension! “You killed it,” “It’s not your boyfriend.” FDKLKFSAJKADFG
I love that Y/N isn’t afraid of Eclipse, they’re afraid of Eclipse hurting others. This is why they love Y/N, their heart is filled with only compassion and an undying will to protect others. That scene by the gully, my brows still hurt from how much I was furrowing and straining them, I was at the edge of tears the whole way through. (I’m crying rn reading it again)
“Life means much to you, we understand—”
“No, you don’t! You don’t know the value of life at all,” you jab your finger at him, hitting the yellow button on his chassis, “If you did, you wouldn’t kill an innocent person!”
“Heart, we have acted too long upon fear.” He holds your gaze, their voices low and rumbling with pangs of remorse and pleas. “We are still learning, but we want to show you that we are better for it.”
And the vow!! aaAAAA!!!!
Deep in the darkness of your sleep, your fist closes around their true hand, and squeezes.
They hum low, rumbling you into ease with a purr of promise.
They are yours.
I’m fucking CRYING!!!!!
The back rubs have me absolutely MELTING! that’s how touch starved I am at this point
The slow slooooow build of trust, acceptance and some fragments of happiness coming back was a wonder to read! And the still lurking distrust in the form of the salt shaker is tugging at my heartstrings so hard I think I’m gonna cry again..
Absolutely AMAZING chapter as always!!!
I told you before but please, pleeeeease don’t worry about taking your time with your writing. Waiting one month between chapters is nothing. I’d wait an eternity if necessary❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Meep, I'm gonna melt into a puddle, please!!! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed this chapter and I'm seeping into the floor knowing you like it so much! I also love that you shared your favorite paragraphs/quotes because alsdjflasdfj it's always a warm-fuzzing feeling when I hear what people were affected by!
Thankfully I won't make you wait a full month again, but I do appreciate it ♥ ♥ ♥
Ah, thank you so much, babe! ♥
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naffeclipse · 1 year
I don't think I'll be able to make any art to introduce the idea on time so I'm gonna scream here
and love
love of their life
Imagine with me
The Valentine's day cards. They would inevitably find cryptid themed ones, I have a gut feeling.
Shdhxhdg what kind of cryptids would work for that kind of episode? could cupid count lol
The romance. The Valentine's. THE SHENANIGANS.
Imagine the cryptid boys just seeing all the advertisements and candy and all that stuff that some people do on Valentine's dgdccxbcvgd
How much would y/n do for Valentine's day usually? I bet not much but for cryptid Bois to find out and ask y/n to be their valentine only to be friendzoned once more by y/n thinking it was platonic and nothing more (they are such good pals, best friends) some domino's must be tipped.
Post reveal?
PFFFT A cute little scenario, post-reveal, involving Feb. 14th and a heart-eating cryptid sounds lovely ♥ Y/N never really did anything on that day but they'd send Vanessa some chocolate and a cute little note, then maybe buy some leftover Valentine's chocolate when it goes on sale! Though with Sun/Moon, it definitely brings a whole new meaning.
It's not too much celebrating by any means, though the boys do make a point to celebrate this holiday in the way Y/N wants to, which means a box of candy hearts with the off-centered text. They play a cute game where they give each other ones with certain messages.
Sun/Moon give Y/N candy hearts that say "darling", "my love", and "date me".
Y/N gives Sun/Moon "love bug", "soul mate", and "sweet pea".
The boys don't eat the candy, of course, and Y/N tastes a few and saves the rest for another night as currently, they are in for some sweet cryptid cuddles, soft nuzzles, and gentle kisses ♥
It's a really special Valentine's Day :)
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