#i'd put show pony too but
cherrifire · 3 months
Please share your thoughts on the other 5 cutie marks, I'd love to hear!
Hi everypony! I got like 20 asks for the Dogwarts cutie mark lore so I'm here to speak my truth!
Before we start, I would like to write a quick reminder that a pony's cutie mark is not always their "special talent", but can also represent who they are, their personalities, and a possible destiny. Different cutie marks have different meanings and interpretations, but they're not just about representing what you're good at.
That being said, let's start with the cutie mark design I'm proudest of!
Ren's Cutie Mark
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Ren's cutie mark is of a sunrise and looks pretty simple at first glance but there was a lot of thought that went into this one.
First of all, I bet you're wondering why a sunrise? Well, in the show, it is pretty typical for unicorns with great magical abilities to have one relating to space (examples being Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst). And I figured since I wanted Ren to fall into a similar position of potentially becoming an alicorn, I gave him a cutie mark following the same trend. And I chose a sunrise to reflect the way Ren seems to glow when he enters a room. The way he carries himself is very warm and bright it just catches your eye in a similar way the sun would.
Also, Ren wears sunglasses. So a sun-themed cutie mark seemed appropriate.
Additionally, there are a couple of smaller details I want to point out too. Like the sun rays, if you look at them for a moment you'll see they're shaped like little crowns! I of course had to put a crown in thanks to how much Ren likes to play royalty, so I snuck it in there. And then the red spots underneath could both be interpreted as the sun reflected over water or blood. (But of course, this is a kid show AU so there wouldn't be any blood in Ren's destiny, just a fun reference to the red king and his whole thing about blood dyeing the snow red)
Martyn's Cutie Mark
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I explained this one in an earlier ask but I thought I'd explain it again here for anyone who didn't see it!
Martyn's cutie mark is of a chopped log and a small stick.
This one is mostly a play on the name "Littlewood" but has other meanings too. As a character, Martyn tends to travel and explore quite a bit. In the Life Series specifically, he is usually the last one to find a permanent base and even then doesn't spend a lot of time in one place. Always on the move. Additionally, he's more of a wild card compared to other characters, always trying to be as unpredictable as possible.
The smaller detail here is the little swirl on top of the log is the same as the one on his Minecraft skin's shirt.
BigB's Cutie Mark
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Cookies! Cookies! Cookies! BigB's cutie mark is of 3 cookies where one is trying to eat the others. There are also a few sprinkles there made to look like action lines.
We all know BigB loves cookies so of course I had to give him a cutie mark with cookies in it. For this one, I decided to follow the cutie mark trend of "symbol/item important to the pony duplicated 3 times" (examples being Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie) but I added a bit more creativity to it with the top on trying to eat the others to represent just how tasty they are 😋
Additionally, rather than the first cookie trying to eat the others, you could interpret it as opening its mouth to talk. Because BigB can not keep a secret to save his life! In Double Life when he started "secret soulmates" with Grian, he didn't last a day without opening his mouth. He told Ren about it immediately because he felt bad for keeping things from him.
Also worth quickly mentioning: People pointed out in my original post that they don't think BigB would be the element of honesty because of his behaviour in Secret Life. But that's just Secret Life. I think Secret Life to BigB was like that episode of My Little Pony where Discord makes the main 6 act the opposite of their true element. BigB was just going through a weird phase of telling very obvious lies because a book told him to.
Skizz's Cutie Mark
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Skizz's cutie mark is of a lightning bolt from a couple storm clouds hitting the ground.
I think this is the cutie mark with the least thought put into it, unfortunately. There was still though just not as much as the others. The big thing I thought was fun was I made the lightning bolt shaped like an "S" to stand for Skizzleman. But other than that, this cutie mark sort of has the same meaning as Rainbow Dash's cutie mark. Quick like lightning, loud, bold, dangerous, and powerful.
Impulse's Cutie Mark
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Impulse's cutie mark is of a lit-up lightbulb.
I absolutely crowded this cutie mark with the letter i. If you look closely, there are 6 of them. Impulse's design also has an i-shaped pattern on the belly if you look closely enough. But that's more of a fun easter egg and doesn't exactly reflect Impulse as a character.
There are a couple of reasons I chose a lightbulb for Impulse, the first and probably most obvious is that he's a redstone guy! He's a technical guy who likes to work smarter, not harder. So I figured the My Little Pony equivalent would be a light bulb/electricity. The second reason for the lightbulb is that it's usually used as a visual representation when characters have that "eureka!" moment in cartoons. When someone has a brilliant idea a little lightbulb turns on above their head. So since Impulse is the ideas guy, I figured a lightbulb would work for his cutie mark.
Etho's Cutie Mark
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Etho's cutie mark is of a snowflake with a missing branch.
I promise there is more to this cutie mark than just "Canada is cold" even if that's part of the reason I wanted to give him a winter-themed cutie mark. While it is fun to make a nod to Etho being Canadian, I thought a winter-themed cutie mark would be fun to represent how he sometimes presents himself. Cold and a bit mysterious. I think deep down once you get to know him, those attributes melt away, but for people who have never met him, he may be intimidating that way.
I'll be honest, I don't watch a lot of Etho content, but I do have a few friends who identify as Etho girlies so I did my research. I was told in his Minecraft Let's Play World, that he has a snowflake build somewhere. I believe they said it was an iron golem farm? (Please correct me if I'm wrong) but I thought that was perfect for the cutie mark. And if you're wondering why there's a branch missing, it's because one of my friends said he was incapable of finishing builds sometimes so I thought that would be fun to include.
Alright. Rant over. To celebrate, here are a few pony doodles so I can put this post in my art tag.
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cloverthebarbearian · 6 months
The Party
Rolan/GN Tav No smut (yet) just, angst? Fluff? And initial encounters. Tav is intentionally left as nonspecific as possible but in my mind palace they are a human fighter. Word Count: 3,195 (P.2 Alone Together)
Sharing a drink with the hero of the hour. His lips against the same cup theirs having embraced the entire evening. It suddenly left him feeling… sheepish? No, something else. Deeper. Warmer. Rolan swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. This was all just incredibly inappropriate, he thought. But instead of taking back their drink, Tav just smiled, and further held their cup out towards Rolan's lips. "It's alright," they said, "It's almost empty. We can finish it off together." He let the moment linger, weighing his circumstances. This is a party, after all. However unfamiliar an environment this is for him, it was clear to Rolan that everyone around them was here to relax and have fun. Fun, with his hero.
(This is my first ever fic if anyone is mean to me about it I WILL cry anyways pls enjoy!)
"Well?" Shadowheart's eyebrow raised as she swirled her wine around her chalice.
"'Well', what?" Tav returned, watching their rescued merry band of tieflings mingle and drink around the campsite. Just that morning, they stood together to defend the grove against this 'Absolute' worshiping goblin hoard. It set Tav's heart at ease to see them all safe. Relaxed. Happy. Even if they knew by morning, they'd be back on the road, facing any and every danger that lurked on their way to Baldur's Gate.
But tonight? Tonight was for celebrating.
"Well," Shadowheart continued, "I've noticed nearly everyone's been coupling off tonight. Those tiefling lovebirds have been cuddling by the water since they got here."
"And? They've been attached at the hip since we met them."
"And that cute bard girl's somehow gotten herself mixed up with little Miss Pony-tail," she raised her glass and smiled to Alfira and Lakrissa, who were not-so-subtly cuddling up by the fire.
Tav turned their drinking horn to their lips and smiled, "They are quite cute together."
"Karlach's been flirting with Dammon, I think? She keeps punching his arm, which I believe she thinks is flirting. Or maybe she's just drunk… Hells, I swear I even saw Astarion sneaking off with Lae'zel, of all people."
The wine nearly shot from Tav's nose at that, "You're kidding!"
Shadowheart laughed, shrugging her shoulders, "I know Astarion's quite the flirt. But I'd assumed Lae'zel had a bit more self respect."
Tav gasped with a smile, elbowing their companion as they both kept a steady watch over the party.
"My point being," Shadowheart continued, "The last few days have been exhausting. Who knows when we'll have another chance to relax like this."
Tav gingerly placed their hand over their heart, faux shock dripping from their voice. "My goodness, Ms. Lady of the Dark, are you attempting to court me?"
"Ha! I'm sure you'd like that," Shadowheart said with a teasing glance, "But I'm afraid the wine's already got me spoken for." With that, she gulped down the last of her chalice and sighed, "What I was suggesting," she side stepped to Tav's shoulder, matching their gaze into the crowd, "Was perhaps a certain wizard. One I've noticed you continue to observe. One bound for greatness under an apprenticeship in Baldur's Gate? Before he's become too famous to remember us great Saviors of the Grove." Her voice took on a playful tease as Tav's cheeks began to burn, a slight tingle reaching their ears. Hopefully, they could pass this off on the alcohol. Considering they'd never admit Shadowheart's intuition was spot-on.
"He seems quite busy putting on a show for his siblings, at the moment," Tav said, smiling, though a bit feeble.
"Don't tell me our big bad leader is shy!" Shadowheart teased once more, "Taking on a goblin cult, lead by a terrifying drow warrior, and they don't even bat an eye. But Gods forbid they speak to a handsome tiefling!" Shadowheart's voice was starting to rise. People's heads were turning, and Tav couldn't tell if she was intentionally trying to embarrass them, or if she was truly just a bit too drunk off the cheap booze.
"Shadowheart! By the Hells - Okay, if I go over there will you please just, maybe, be quiet? Go to bed and - Gods - have some water, perhaps?" Tav's cheeks were flushed in full now, well past a point of being able to blame the wine. Shadowheart laughed to herself again, clearly more composed than she was letting on.
"I'm a big girl, but thank you for caring," She smiled once more, picking up a canteen instead of another bottle, "And I will be going to rest. But you-" her finger gently poked into Tav's shoulder, "- are going to tell me all about it tomorrow."
Tav rolled their eyes, "Yes, I'm sure you'll be utterly enthralled as I regale you with some bardic novella of Master Lorroakan's greatest deeds, or something to that effect."
They began walking away from Shadowheart's tent, making their way back into the mingling crowd. After her outburst, Tav didn't want to walk straight up to Rolan, lest he somehow connect the conversation back to him. No, they couldn't risk it. Instead, they looked for their favorite camping companion - Scratch! Who was quickly found surrounded by tieflings. Mostly the children, but even Zevlor was standing near, smiling at the scene.
"Hey, Scratch!" Tav called out, waving his favorite ball in their hand, "Wanna fetch, boy?"
Scratch barked excitedly, play bowing, tail wagging. The children around him broke apart, giggling expectantly. Tav threw the ball as far as they could across the camp, and watched as Scratch made a break for it. Weaving through the crowds of party-goer's to retrieve his prize. He quickly returned with the slobbery toy in his jaws. But instead of rushing back to Tav, he trotted back into the group of children, all of whom were very excited to play a game with their new best friend.
So much for that out.
Tav took a moment to look around the camp. True to Shadowheart's observations, they saw Karlach laughing heavily, one hand slapping against Dammon's back, the other holding a spilling tankard. Though, by no means did Dammon seem uncomfortable. And to Tav's surprise, Lae'zel and Astarion were seemingly absent. Where could they have gone off too -
"Hey! Tav!"
Tav spun around to follow the voice calling for them, only to see Lia waving frantically, motioning them to come over. They smiled and waved in return, their stomach doing cartwheels. Of course this would become unavoidable. The Gods so love to tease me. They took a mighty sip of wine as they walked over.
"Tav, please tell our brother here that, if it weren't for you lot, we all would have been the main course in some sick goblin buffet!"
Rolan's eyes rolled and his teeth bared into a scoff, "Lia, please, that is not at all what I was implying."
"Really, now? Because it sounded like you seem to believe you could've fought off that whole hoard all on your own, for some bloody reason," she said with a smile, winking at Tav. It was very clear she was simply arguing for the sake of seeing her eldest brother get himself worked up. She turned her own tankard to her lips and pouted playfully, "What would you have even done? Cast 'Rolan's Shimmering Sparkles' and hope they'd be distracted long enough to make a run for it?"
Cal laughed, clearly a bit too drunk for Rolan's liking, "Heh, 'Rolan's Shimmering Sparkles'. I like that. Is that a real spell?" He turned to his brother in inebriated earnest. Rolan looked up into the sky. He was no devote worshiper of any Pantheon, but Mystra did bless him with access to the weave. He wondered if she were capable of divine intervention, striking him down with a lightning bolt in this very moment. A heavy, exhausted sigh escaped him.
"Lia, all I said was I wish I had gotten a chance to show those goblins some real magic," Rolan caught himself in the moment, casually glancing to see if Gale was somewhere within earshot. Tav couldn't help but smile at the thought of someone telling Gale, Mystra's ex-Lover, that his magic was sub-par. When Rolan realized the party's resident wizard was nowhere near, he cleared his throat, "And Cal, no. 'Shimmering Sparkles' is not a real spell," his glance caught Tav's eyes for a moment, "Although… I do have my own spin on Dancing Lights that I've been working on. If… If anyone were so inclined as to wish for a demonstration," he stated, puffing his chest out ever so slightly.
"I-" Tav was immediately interrupted by a very drunken Cal.
"Yes, brother! Rolan's Shimmering Sparkles!" He nearly fell off the boulder he was sat upon caught up in his excitement. Lia linked her slightly more sober arm into his to keep him balanced, encouraging Rolan further.
"Go on then. Let's see what makes your spell so special."
"Patience, you two," Rolan stretched out his arms, shaking his neck and shoulders loose, "Have you no respect for showmanship?"
"Having performance issues, Rolan?" Cal retorted in a cheeky mock-whisper.
Rolan rolled his eyes, "Oh, hush you," he replied, centering himself once again in preparation of his spell.
Most of Tav's familiarity with magic came from seeing Gale in combat. It was interesting to them - fascinating, really - seeing another wizard's process. Dancing lights wasn't a spell Gale used often. Yet they could tell right away, the way Rolan worked with the weave was different. Gale always acted like the weave was Mystra herself - to be revered and respected, always somewhat fearful of its fickle nature. And Gale treated the weave as he treated Mystra, as if he had to prove to himself that he was capable enough to work with her, for her. That he knew everything naturally and intimately enough that magic just came to him. Even if Tav always felt like that was a load of crap.
But Rolan? He treated it like a science. As though he were a craftsman, a Master of his trade. Its like he studied the weave to a perfect formula. There was a practiced structure to his movements. As if he could pinpoint where the exact aspect of the weave he needed was located, and then simply pull it from thin air itself. Something about it made Tav's heart race.
He brought his hands before his chest, right above his diaphragm.
"And… Behold!" His arms outstretched, and a rippling wave of lights, indigo and magenta, flowed from his body, carrying themselves up and out into the air. It were almost as if a portion of the Tears of Selûne itself had fallen from the skies and brought itself flowing through the campgrounds. Tav brought their hands together into an enthusiastic applause. Or as enthusiastic as one can be with a drinking horn of wine in their hands.
"Adoring applause?" Rolan cooed with a smile, dipping into a bow, "You're too kind."
"Remember when he could barely cast that?" Lia playfully chastised, gently elbowing her brother in the rib.
Cal chuckled, sighing like a proud father, "They grow up so fast, don't they?"
Rolan smiled and shook his head. A genuine smile, Tav noted. Something they weren't sure they had ever seen from Rolan before.
"Never have I met such troglodytes," he commented, "Now, pass the wine."
Cal stood up to pass Rolan the bottle he had been milking, only to stumble over himself when trying to sit back down.
"Woah there, big fella! Easy now," Lia giggled, reaching up to help Cal find his balance, "I think we had better find you something to… eat? Drink? Or a quiet place to vomit, perhaps?"
Cal shook his head, waving a hand in the air, "You worry too much! I'm perfectly-" his words trailed off as he caught his stomach, "Actually, Lia, you may have a point," Lia rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Playing babysitter once again," she hooked her arm below Cal's shoulder, "I'm gonna get the lightweight somewhere decent to rest." She glanced to Tav, the back to Rolan with a smirk, "You two don't have too much fun without us."
Rolan's tail suddenly swished and thudded against the ground, almost frightening himself with the reaction. Lia and Cal both laughed as they walked off. Rolan gripped his wine bottle tightly, bringing a large gulp to his lips. He laughed. A tired laugh, shaking his head.
"Its a wonder why I love those two idiots," he said in a strained tone, almost as if he were trying to convince himself.
"Isn't that the whole point of family?" Tav said quietly, trying to tease.
He choked on another sip of wine, Tav getting the idea perhaps Rolan had forgotten they were even still there for a moment. And Rolan suddenly realizing his vulnerability.
"Um. You won't… tell them I said that, will you? Surely it's the wine talking, but I'll also deny it if you do."
Tav laughed.
"Gods forbid you love your family," they teased.
Rolan smiled again, weakly, then hid it with a scoff, "Of course I love them, I just can't let them hear me say it. Lia would use it against me for the next three months. Minimum," he spat out. Perhaps a bit too harshly, he thought, turning the bottle to his lips once more. Only to find it empty.
"Oh, bother," he muttered to himself, tipping the bottle over, spilling one single drop of purple-red liquid into the dirt. Tav hesitated briefly, before offering their own drinking horn. Tav hadn't met many tieflings before stumbling upon these refugees, so they couldn't be certain, but they swore they saw Rolan's deep red cheeks flush a shade darker.
"I… N-No, it's fine. I've had quite enough to drink already," Rolan wavered, laughing awkwardly. Not an entire lie. He was surely feeling the muddling effects of the evenings festivities. But this hesitation was much more… personal. Sharing a drink with the hero of the hour. His lips against the same cup theirs having embraced the entire evening. It suddenly left him feeling… sheepish? No, something else. Deeper. Warmer. Rolan swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. This was all just incredibly inappropriate, he thought. But instead of taking back their drink, Tav just smiled, and further held their cup out towards Rolan's lips.
"It's alright," they said, "It's almost empty. We can finish it off together."
He let the moment linger, weighing his circumstances. This is a party, after all. However unfamiliar an environment this is for him, it was clear to Rolan that everyone around them was here to relax and have fun.
Fun, with his hero. He reached out, taking the cup from their hands, their fingers overlapping in the exchange.
"I, uh… I thank you, my friend," he smiled and gave a slight bow. Always so formal, Tav thought. They almost wished Cal or Lia would come back, just to see him act a bit more relaxed again.
Rolan's sips were small, and slow. He wasn't sure how much to drink, how much to share. And the moment he put his lips against the rim of the horn, he was reminded of Tav's lips once again. Suddenly struck with an internal battle of wanting to keep his mouth here for as long as he could, and wanting to get the moment over with out of sheer, self imposed embarrassment. One small sip, and then another. Tav tried desperately not to stare at the way his throat bobbed every time he swallowed.
Once finished, he handed the cup back to Tav, who took a sip of their own, finishing the last of the drink off. They reached their fingers up to catch a small spill of wine from dripping around the corner of their mouth.
And suddenly, it was so very apparent that it was now just them. An awkward silence growing over the both of them. One which Tav broke first.
"So," their voice immediately cracked, leading them to clear their throat and laugh at the social blunder, "Um, you must be excited to finally get out of the grove, yeah?"
Rolan laughed in a tone that to an unfamiliar ear likely would've sounded mocking.
"By the Hells, yes. I am so incredibly happy to finally get out of this filthy quagmire. Once we reach Baldur's Gate, perhaps I can engage in a civilized conversation for the first time in weeks," once again, Rolan immediately felt himself bite back his words.
"That is… Not to say your company isn't more than engaging. I-I'm just so use to speaking with Cal and Lia. They've never had much interest in… learned topics. I mean, Cal likes to read, at least. But it's all adventure novels. The Illustrious Tales of Balduran or some similar drivel. Nothing with any merit," he glanced over at Tav, who was just staring at him. Their eyes wide, their mouth just barely parted. Rolan stiffened, feeling his cheeks flush once again, ever so slightly.
"Ah, I see I am rambling quite a bit and, uh, likely boring you," he said, trying to sound flippant. Tav blinked suddenly, locking back into his focus.
"What? No!" Their hand flew out and touched his arm, "I love listening to you speak about… well, anything, to be honest." They laughed to themselves, "Sorry if I seemed bored, I suppose. I just, um," suddenly, their face felt warm, their words catching in their throat.
Rolan's attention still set on them, on the feeling of their hand squeezing his forearm, "You…?" he continued their thought. Tav took a deep breath in, and smiled.
"You really… Light up. When you talk about your family," Tav finally let out, "Even to complain about them. It gets you talking. Like, really talking. And it just makes me happy, to see you happy," their voice trails off as they realize what they're saying. Then, they laugh again, releasing his arm, "I suppose now it's my turn to blame the wine. Speaking of which, maybe I should get us some more?"
Rolan smiled, almost reaching out to touch their wrist in response, but stopping himself, "I… yes. Um, well," he cleared his throat, "No offense to Zevlor, I know he did his best with the supplies, but, this wine is… ah, I think the word I heard your pale elven partner regard it as was 'piss' earlier, did I not?"
Tav laughed again.
"Yes, Astarion. I believe he did."
"Well," Rolan turned toward his companion for the evening, smoothing his hands across the front of his robes, "I actually have a lovely vintage of Arabellan Dry back in my belongings. I was going to save it for when we reach Baldur's Gate, to celebrate my apprenticeship. But, perhaps…?"
Tav's heart was suddenly racing, their stomach a bundle of nerves. A smile crept up their face as the flush built on their cheeks. They gingerly placed their hand over their heart, and spoke in a cool, coy manner.
"My goodness, Mr. Future Arch-Wizard of Baldur's Gate, are you… attempting to court me?"
Suddenly, Rolan's face went hot. Even with Tav's limited tiefling experience, it was wholly apparent. Immediately, Tav began laughing once more, nearly doubling over at the severity of his reaction.
"Sorry, sorry!" The reached out for his hand, "I'm only teasing, Rolan. Yes, we can go have a bottle of wine together. I'm starting to get tired of all this noise anyway," they waved a hand around, gesturing to the festivities around them.
Tav hooked their arm into Rolan's, looking up into his eyes. The burning yellow-gold and the hell's touched black vastness behind it. Rolan said a silent prayer to any God listening, thank the stars the likelihood of Tav hearing his heartbeat through his arm alone were slim. He felt as if his chest were on the brink of bursting. Still locked in his gaze, Tav smiled and tilted their head.
"Well? Lead the way, Mr. Wizard."
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fl3shm4id3n · 8 months
ₐ ᵥₐₘₚᵢᵣₑ'ₛ ₕₑₐᵣₜ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧, 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐨. 𝐈𝐟 𝐡𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴀꜱᴛᴀʀɪᴏɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ᴛᴀᴠ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ꜱᴏɴɢ: ᴘᴇᴛᴇʀ ɢᴜɴᴅʀʏ- ᴀ ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ'ꜱ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ
Tw: Manipulation, a bit of toxicity, love confessions, hugging, fluffy ending.
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You knew alright, it was obvious what Astarion was doing with you. This 'relationship' was all ponies and rainbows. It was lust and manipulation, same with some blood drinking here and there. Bad thing was that you had fallen for him, but did he fall for you? Possibly not. You could of ended it, but you didn't. You wanted to at least see any change in him, you knew he could be a better person. You also understood why he was the way that he was. It was all because of his master Cazador. He was the one responsible for making Astarion how he was. So it wasn't all his fault, he too was manipulated and morphed into who he was.
Despite all that, you saw good in him, he only needed a little push and kindness, since you heard that no one has ever been nice to him or showed any kind of sympathy towards him. You could see why he also lacked sympathy, empathy and pity. You knew you couldn't 'fix' him completely, but you at least wanted to help him in a way. He didn't have to change for you, but himself, this was more about him than you.
You were about to go to sleep, but then you were approached by Astarion, who seemed to have a look of worry, that was new. You got up from the floor to face him. "Do you have a moment?.. I-I think we need to talk.." he said, nervously. Making you tilt your head a bit. "Are you all right?" you asked, now a bit worried for him, you've never seen him in this kind of state. "Oh yes, I'm fine. I just... feel awful." He seemed to confess something he had been feeling for a while. "Look, I had a plan. A nice, simple plan. Seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so that you'd never turn on me." He finished with a nervous chuckle. You gave him your full attention, trying to see where this was going. "It was easy! instinctive, Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in. All you had to do was fall for it." He added. And You did, you've fallen for him, hard. "And all I had to do is... not fall for you.." He said a little more calmly. As if he finally had told you something he had been keeping in.
"Which is where my, nice simple plan.. fell apart." He said defeated, this was a new kind of emotion he was feeling, you could tell. He was struggling to understand that new feeling, was it some kind of sympathy? "You're...you're incredible... you deserve something real..." he said, sadly. Was he going to leave you? You thought. "I want us... to be something real." He added to the mix. Your eyes slightly widen, he wanted to remain with you, except, he wants your relationship, to be an actual relationship. "So the night we spent together didn't mean anything?" you asked this time, wanting to know more. "Of course they did! That's the problem.." that sounded wrong, but he continued. "Well part of it." He said while taking a deep breath of air, air he didn't really need.
"Being... close to someone, in any kind of intimacy was something I performed. To lure people back for... him." He said bitterly. Just the thought and mentions of his master had a sour test in his mouth. "Even though things between us are different, being with someone still feels.... tainted. It stills brings up those feelings of disgust and loathing. I don't know how else to be with someone..." He said, still a bit conflicted on how to put his words in. "No matter how much I'd like to." He finished, looking a bit more calm, but nervously. "I care about you, deeply." You confessed to him.
You saw how his eyes widen by your confession. In surprise. "Really?" He asked, still a bit surprised by your words. "Yes, part of your plan did work. I fell for you, those nights we were together, they were something special to me. I've never really been with anyone like I have been with you. Sure, I had my lovers in the past, but... you've meant a lot to me since the first night we did anything together." You explained to him. "That night, I remember your touches as if they were yesterday." You added, making your face heat up by the sudden confession. Astarion was frozen on the spot, by your sudden confession, you fell for him, but not in the way that he'd expect. Your words sounded genuine and true, he could hear it in your voice.
Instead of saying a word, you went up to him, giving him a hug around his waist. He remained frozen, not knowing where to place his arms around at first, but then he wrapped them around your back and placing his chin on your shoulder. It was quiet, except for the sounds of the cackling fire and the crickets. You both remained like that for a couple of minutes, it felt as if it was only you and him in the camp. Your heart beat could also be heard, it was beating fast, but it was also calming. Then you finally pulled away and looked at each other.
"You...you're full of surprises... Aren't you?" He asked with a cheeky smile, "Honestly I have no idea what we're doing." He admitted with a chuckle. "Or what comes next." He said, then he stuck his hand out to you, which you gladly took. He then placed his free hand on top of yours as a way to protect it. You felt his cold hands cupping your own, despite his skin being cold, it felt warm in a strange way. "But I knew that this... this is nice." He said with a small smile to you. A genuine smile, a happy smile. Just by looking at him in the eyes, you saw how happy he was.
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
Hello. Can I ask you a question? Can you do an Yandere Alphabet for Applejack (from MLP:FIM)?
Sure I can! Sorry for the long wait, I hope you enjoy :) As usual, you both are ponies. I decided to try and make this darker than my usual MLP stuff.
Yandere Alphabet - Applejack
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Social isolation, Controlling behavior, Violence, Blood mention, Implied murder, OOC AJ at times, Drugging, Restraints, Delusional behavior, Jealousy, Punishment mentioned (Restraints, starvation, isolation, breaking of bones), General yandere themes, "Overprotective behavior", Toxic behavior, Stalking implied, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Due to being a yandere centered around family, I feel AJ would be physically and verbally affectionate with her obsession. She nuzzles you, hugs you, and always makes sure to praise you. She's very determined and honest with you, often wanting to make sure you have every need fulfilled. I'd say there's times she gets carried away and smothers you, you're just too darn cute to her.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
I usually stay as canon as I can, but for this concept I want to delve darker for fun. I imagine due to AJ's competitive nature she may threaten other ponies. Although... She doesn't typically attack anypony.
However... What if she does it when you're not looking?
Maybe AJ does get rid of other ponies, perhaps after she locks you away at the farm, She takes care of other ponies who get too close to the truth. You'll never know, though... The farm mare is an expert at doing dirty work and you may just assume all the dirt is from farm work. Without a close look... You'll never notice the blood on her hooves.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
AJ is a very caring pony towards those she loves. Once she gives you your own space at the farm, Drugging you with a tampered baked good, She promises to take good care of you as her beloved.
She would never mock you, often asking if you're hungry or need anything as she sits beside you on the bed. She always tells you she loves you and makes sure you're comfortable. Well... as comfortable as you can be with a restraint wrapped around your leg.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
She tries not to, but AJ can be disciplinary, she's stern and if you end up "misbehaving" she won't tolerate such behavior.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
AJ is very honest and open due to being the Element of Honesty. She bares her heart to you and while she doesn't like being vulnerable, there's times she will be. She loves you and wants to show that as best as she can.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
AJ seems like she would not tolerate you trying to fight her. I imagine she'd quickly put an end to it, probably with her lasso if you're so insistent on leaving her family.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No and she doesn't enjoy you trying to escape so often.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
I imagine eventually her punishments aren't going to be mild any more. If you keep running from her, she may just resort to restricting your movement. Imagine if you broke a leg... AJ will say it was due to doing farm work, but you both know the truth.
Perhaps she isn't incapable of lying if she tries hard enough.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Since this is romantic, she wants to have you as her spouse as she works on the farm. Her family would love you... she just knows it!
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
If she does, AJ does not usually show it. She usually keeps it out of your view, but if you talk to other ponies and she inserts herself into the conversation... that's a good sign she's irritated.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Determined/Persistent, Manipulative, Competitive, Controlling, Protective and Caring.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
She most likely met you as hired help on the farm or with one of the other Mane Six. Perhaps you originally just meant to offer a helping hoof and became friends with AJ.
This soon leads into a crush... she ends up following you around... and soon she doesn't want you to leave the farm.
As expected, she only seems to get worse before she's confessing and trapping you with her.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes, actually. Normally she's been so honest... but when she meets you, things appear to change.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Restraints, isolation, maybe even starvation.
Although, if you run away long enough, she may cripple one of your legs even if she hates it.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
None if you're compliant, she only considers taking things away if you don't listen to her... as delusional as she is.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
I'd say moderate patience when it comes to her, she has patience but she can lose it if she hits her limit.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
She's determined and may go look for you if you ran off. If you died? Well... she'd take a really long time to get over that... if at all.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little and maybe.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Not sure, might've been curiosity.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
She'd quickly comfort you. She's used to things similar to this, at least when it comes to crying. She's always one to comfort... even if she knows deep down this is her fault.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
I assume reciprocating, gaining trust, then asking one of the other Mane Six for help.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not unless she feels it "must" be done. She usually tries to avoid it the best she can.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere, but you can imagine she'd go to huge lengths to get you back... even if your relationship isn't healthy and she knows it would be better to let you go at times.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Hm... I'd say maybe years? She probably wants to try "courting" you normally first.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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stillsneaking · 10 months
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She had told me that she'd been chatting with another little babygirl lately. Recounted in lucid detail their flirty little chats. Teased me with descriptions of the gifs and pics they'd send each other. She told me she loved the thought of playing with another girl--of kissing and touching her, but only for me. For me to watch, for me to admire, to make my pulse race and my loins burn and this big Daddy dick throb. She told me all about these fantasies with that other little babygirl, and how achingly badly she wanted to meet her new little friend. She said it was all for Daddy, but I could tell she wanted it for herself, too. Craved it. So I didn't tell her when I reached out directly to her new friend. When I told this new friend of hers that I'd fly her to town to meet. When I pretending to be on a work call while my babygirl waited patiently and I arranged the Lyft for her friend from the airport. But the look of delight in her eyes when I asked her to answer the door, and her little flirty friend was standing there in a pony tail and tight little t-shirt and tighter jeans.....and the explosion of passion and hungry between those two adorable little kittens, as they finally felt each other's skin, gripped each others' bodies, tasted each others' lips and tongues and spit..... And I'm in no rush. Patient and content with the show these two perfect little babies are putting on. Of my most special little babygirl opening her eyes every so often, to look over at me...between the kisses and licks and grasps and playful little slaps and prods and caresses. So very content watching, observing, while they work themselves up into a wet, sticky, messy frenzy...until they cannot help but turn to me and beg, with those adorable little needy eyes, and those cute little whimpers.
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roo-bastmoon · 11 months
The Great Radio Debate: Roo's (limited) Understanding of this Issue UPDATED
Disclaimer: Sensitive topics are discussed below the cut; please do not incite drama, speak hate, or engage in bullying. This is a collection of my thoughts about what is currently happening with regard to Jungkook's single SEVEN and the implications it could mean for Jikook and ARMY. If you click below this cut, you are assuming responsibility for your own behavior and agreeing to engage with my blog and others respectfully, or you will be blocked.
We now by know that Jimin's music was not promoted to radio. We know this because when we went to request it from various major radio stations, it was not an option in the drop-downs; we had to manually type it in. Being "sent / promoted / serviced to radio" means a compressed file is sent from the company to radio stations so DJs can play high-def spins that are universally compatible with their station's set up.
None of Jimin's songs for Face were serviced:
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The airplay audience was the lowest for any song this decade:
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The controversy around Jungkook's SEVEN began last week when one DJ tweeted the following:
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As we now know, "serviced to radio" means they sent a compressed file (which they SHOULD have done for Like Crazy English Version, but didn't). They did service to radio for Butter and Dynamite and it was a huge help. Even Yet to Come was serviced, so it cracked Top 50 on the charts, but none of Face's songs were sent, which makes zero business sense any achievement on that chart amazing.
Because even when serviced, it doesn't guarantee spins... "Add" means they hope radio stations will add the song to rotation:
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But then the DJ had to go and say this:
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So they have already sent SEVEN to the radios, hoping for spins. And now one person is publicly saying the song absolutely will get spins immediately. This heavily implies payola, because why else would a song without demand or requests immediately spin multiple times on everyone's shows the second it was released?
I feel (I, Roo Bastmoon, personally think and feel) Seven is being pushed this way for two reasons:
Billboard's recent changes around what kind of sales (physical, digital, bundled) will counts on the charts puts songs without radio play at an extreme, nigh-insurmountable disadvantage; even with excellent streams (which are heavily culled and filtered), it will be hard to break into the top 50.
Additionally, Taylor Swift's Speak Now re-release has dropped this week and will be gunning for the charts next week when Jungkook debuts, and that is a personal problem for Scooter Braun.
For those not familiar (as I surely wasn't; I live under a rock), Taylor Swift felt compelled to leave her old management company back in 2018. To do so, she had to abandon the rights to any original music she made with them. They kept her masters and sold them off to Scooter Braun.
Each time someone wanted to play one of her original songs, they had to ask his permission and pony up money for a license fee. Scooter Braun also managed Kanye, and I'm sure everyone knows the Beyoncé is the Greatest of All Time award show fiasco that led to some bad blood between those two artists, so it added insult to injury for Taylor.
Taylor has now re-recorded everything and released Speak Now: Taylor's Version. Of COURSE her fans are motivated to support her and get every single song they can into the highest position on the Hot 100 for as long as possible... and frankly, I am not a Swiftie but I can't blame them because if someone did that to BTS, I'd make it my life's mission to chart them as a big Fuck You, too.
But it does put a lot of pressure on Jungkook's single, because now it's very likely been weaponized in a personal dick-measuring contest where Scooter is concerned. Not sure if I mentioned it but I truly hate that man so I'm not sure I can be impartial when talking about him but I will try.
So Jungkook's single has been set up so far with pre-orders on iTunes and compressed files to radio, which is a first for any member's solo work. He also has a debut stage on Good Morning America, which has a huge range beyond k-pop.
So far, none of this is foul play. It is a company doing its best to represent and set up the best conditions for its artist under changed circumstances. You can make a case for favoritism, clearly, but at the end of the day, companies are about making profits and sometimes they grossly underestimate what has potential and what the market wants.
The issues fans are facing now around Seven lie in:
1) the neglect around Jimin's Like Crazy English Version, which is still so stable that it could be smashing charts if only it would get radio play so this just seems to make zero business sense and be more of a slight than anything else, so Jikookers are left wondering what that means for the relationship and,
2) the fear that Hybe America under Scooter Braun has abandoned BTS' founding values and taken the easy way out by paying to play on radio, which would severely damage credibility that BTS worked so hard to build as an organic, fan-driven success.
I think we'll have to wait to see how many sales, streams, and spins Jungkook gets to figure out if payola was likely. Maybe that one DJ was tweeting his own assumptions like they were facts. Or maybe Hybe has now decided to do payola. If that is so... not gonna lie, I will be extremely disappointed. I will need to take a break and figure out what this means for me as a fan.
The next question is how much did Jungkook know about all this? There seems to be two camps of thought here: one says the boys are involved in every step of the way and choose everything that happened around their releases.
(I know Jimin is very humble but I HIGHLY doubt he ever said to his company "Please rush my release in between other releases so I get physically sick trying to keep up with it; please never restock my physicals in WeVerse and don't send a file for the English song I studied for to US radios; and please also never post about my world record nor celebrate my albums' success in any way; yes, I worked 10+ months on this very personal opus but I absolutely don't want any of that." I very, very much doubt the ways Face was handled after Hot 100 #1 was Jimin's choice. This also makes me doubt if all the ways Seven will be handled will be Jungkook's choice.)
The second camp of thought is that the artists have absolutely no say in the marketing and promotion styles of their work, and that they are kept out of sales matters altogether. And here's the limit of my understanding, because I've not seen or read much on Hybe / BigHit's strategic plans around distribution for either BTS' group or solo works.
(Side Note: I have seen them set up TXT for a Billboard Top Ten, only for their collab to come in at #135, which shows a gross misunderstanding of their market right now--as well as disregard for their artists' feelings and reputations. My heart goes out to those boys; they worked hard.)
But drawing on my own experience decades ago when I used to work in entertainment out in LA, I can tell you, even as Chief Editor, plenty of my media content was changed without anyone informing me--back-cover blurbs, cover designs, release dates, shelf talkers, pop ups, print runs, print houses, store placements, advertising, interview articles--at some point in my former career, all of those things got changed around and I found out after the fact, on my own projects. Which pissed me off but I'd signed NDAs and couldn't do a single thing about it. And the authors / creators didn't know until *I* had the hard job of informing them. And they couldn't do anything about it because they were under contract.
So I think the level of members' involvement in solo works is somewhere in between. I think as artists and performers, BTS members can have a great deal of say in their look, styles, lyrics, choreo, merch, and venues. But not total say. Definitely not deciding-factor say.
I think the company can make them water down their lyrics, change up the choreo, and flat-out tell them no when it comes to music videos, performance venues, pretty much anything budget-related. They don't even have to explain why; it's their budget and their bottom-line. (In the old days, it seems like the members could freely express opinions around the works and even challenge management when it came to creative content. Maybe that is still true.)
As far as Jungkook's involvement in Seven's style, we have a stylist going on record about how some of the options were their ideas and that Jungkook had a lot of input on the look and feel, so it was a mixture:
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For this reason alone, the fact that things like mud were added to clean pants or spikes to a jacket after Jungkook had input makes me truly feel this was his way of honoring Jimin and Face. It just seems like something our Jungkook would do--he may not always say it, but he's always watching Jimin-ssi.
As for sales and marketing strategies? The boys may never get looped in. Or they may be told the plans, but not invited to give input. Or they may sit down and plan it all out to the last detail with each department. I genuinely don't know. And because I don't know, I will not be assuming the worst of Jungkook or any member until I have all the facts. That is anti behavior, in my mind, and I just cannot stomach it. I can never bring myself to believe the worst of anyone until they fully and consistently show me that's who they are.
We've spent ten years with these guys. They are flawed human beings, yes, but not cheats, not assholes. I think they omit plenty of details but I don't think they straight-up lie to us. I don't think Jungkook would ever look his staff and executives in the eye and say "Yes, I want you to illegally pay money under the table so this single will top the charts." Jungkook is competitive, but also a stickler for fair play. You spend any amount of time watching Run, and the only time he "cheats" is when he wants to be with Jimin (lol) and he's pretty endearingly obvious about it; guy has almost no game face.
Okay but joking aside, I'm honestly very worried for JK. It sort of feels like he's being set up. Many questions have arisen over the stylistic choices for Seven. There's the fan frenzy around having a hot female protagonist in his video. And now the question about how much radio play Seven will get, and why. That's a lot of controversy to hang on a young man's shoulders. Especially in light of the recent book that's come out, in which it's clear now that the company and the artists are aware of hate-trending hashtags in English. GOD THAT MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH.
To me, it feels (it feels--as in, my gut is telling me this; I have no receipts) like the company is using JK to experiment with a different way of doing business--a way that may stray from their founding values.
And there's so much potential for this to blow up in JK's face. There are solos who will insist he's stealing Jimin's style. Antis who will insist he's cheated on the charts. Insecure shippers who will lose their minds if anything flirty goes down with Han So-hee on screen. K-poppies, Swifties, and local racists all insisting on undermining his creativity, talent, and character because they fear the competition.
This release on Friday has the potential to be a blood bath. And I just don't trust the company to have his back and take ownership of their part in this, if so. From everything I've seen about Jungkook, he deserves the benefit of the doubt.
My biggest question mark is how Jimin will respond to all of this. If he comes on live one day and says in a flat tone something like: "I was really surprised to see how similar Jungkookie's concept was to my own." or "How interesting that Seven got sent to radio--good for him, good for him. I wonder how that happens?" Then I'll take that to mean Jimin wasn't looped in on JK's plans and he doesn't feel great about it; that won't sit well with me.
Then again, if Jimin raves about Seven and plays it on live or joins JK in New York and mentions how flattered he was that they share the same style, how they click, how proud he is of JK's hard work and asks please ARMY give it a lot of love? Then I'll infer he was definitely looped in, this is a homage, and JK's actions were always above board. I will assume that because I will never doubt Jimin's integrity. If Jimin approves, I will approve. Jimin has earned my complete trust.
So this week is a very tense one (for me at least). But it does provide quite the distraction from the stress tests and specialist consults I have lined up, I'll give you that. Never a dull moment. (I am so ready for this fandom to have some dull moments.)
In the end, I'm going to chose to believe in the very best of our members until there's solid evidence to think otherwise. As of now? I think the only dirty cheater in the mix is the music industry at large. I know the entertainment world is corrupt, but Jesus, they are so blatant about it all.
Anyway, we may not get radio data for several days or weeks after the initial drop date, so I'm prepared to hang in there for a good bit. And if there is evidence of payola and JK knew about it... I'm gonna need time to process that and figure out where I go from there, as a Jikooker, as an ARMY. I will honestly be shocked.
One thing you'll never see me do is spout hatred for human beings. I will likely rant about the company. And there are plenty of people Scooter Braun that I viscerally dislike. But I'm making a commitment now not to spread dehumanizing hate speech on the timeline.
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That's not what BTS or Jimin would ever want. That's not what I want for myself, especially if my days in this life are limited. I don't need that kind of toxicity or karma.
Am I furious about all the crap that's gone down for Jimin (and other members too, to a lesser degree)? You bet your buttons, as my Nana used to say. I could rage and froth all day about it.
But I also remember who came online over and over to say Jimin's name, play Jimin's songs, mimic Jimin's interviews, giggle at Jimin's video clips, and invite Jimin into his life.
And based on moved lamps and dog scratches and Jimin bulking up, it's likely Jimin has accepted those invitations.
Whenever we do get to glimpse Jimin with Jungkook, he seems as endeared and besotted as he always has.
I trust Jimin to know if someone did him dirty, and to act accordingly. I do not believe any aspect of the Jikook relationship is performance.
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For those reasons, I'm gonna be withholding judgement until all info around Seven comes in.
I hope you will too, but I understand if you feel differently and I'm not on this Earth to judge other people's viewpoints or experiences. I just ask that if you want to be friends with me here, you try to be civil in your words and actions, even in the sway of big feelings. Every person behind the screen is a work in progress; we are all fighting invisible battles; there are many sides to each story.
All any of us can do is our best with what we are given. Let's wait and see what Jungkook (and Jimin, and the company) give us.
If you made it this far through my ramblings, kudos! I welcome ideas, so feel free to comment--but just remember, rudeness will be removed. There's no space for meanness on my blog.
Love and deep respect to you all,
So, it would seem the DJ who is hyping JK's Seven is also open to playing Like Crazy. This would imply it's been sent to some radio because before I remember he tweeted that he needed the compressed file in order to play it on his station (I am sorry I didn't save that link but he was talking about Hobi and Jimin if I recall, back at the time!).
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The radio stations that took requests (including the one mentioned above) back at that time were playing the music video version available to the public, not a compressed file sent by the company:
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And when I check on this linktree of top radio stations in the US, Like Crazy does not come up as any option in rotation. I have to manually request still, after four months of being stable on the charts.
So if Jungkook gets immediate spins and requests immediately come up in rotation... is that because radio stations really love Jungkook? Or is this a company "networking" deal? (And in any case, would JK be involved in that aspect?) Everything still remains to be seen. Let's be patient and try our best not to assume the worst.
Many thanks for JMDBJK for mentioning in the comments the likelihood that a title track would be sent out, which prompted me to go look soon as I could get to my computer. I really do value anyone willing to take the time to help me learn more info about this industry!
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vintagewildlife · 3 months
Can we hear about the time you saw a vätte? (You get the swedish spelling lol)
I've actually had two encounters with vættir! Both of them do have rational explanations, but rationality has already killed enough of our folklore - I'd rather have harmless superstition than dead lore.
My first encounter was when I was about 12, out riding in the woods with the pony riding school. It was a forest with a lot of memorials, including a memorial stone for a Danish poet, an arboretum to honor a teacher, and a historical hunting lodge that was burned down by a pyromaniac a few years prior. And yet the forest was only really used by our riding school, a few dog walkers, and a nearby primary school. Desolate enough for wildlife to thrive, yet frequented enough that the woods could never grow completely wild. Strange things seem to happen - or at least be observed by people - in those kinds of places.
As our train of ponies reached a hilltop and looked down, we all saw a white horse running between the trees, with neither tack nor rider. We all commented on it, but for some reason none of us even considered trying to track it down and make sure it was okay. It was like we all just instinctively knew the horse would be gone by the time we'd made our way back down the hill.
White horses are a common type of... ghost, I guess you could call it, in Danish folklore. They're often headless, but not necessarily. They may breathe fire or leave a trail of fire, or they might not. In most records the white horses are just said to show up at a given place, with no speculations on their origins. When people do talk about their origins, the typical explanation is that they're manifestations of dead people or terrible past events. Here are a few stories collected by Evald Tang Kristensen throughout the late 1800s:
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There's about a hundred of these stories, give or take, in ETK's "Danske Sagn Som De Har Lydt i Folkemunde, bind 5" (Danish Tales as Told by Common Folk, part 5).
My second encounter was more simple. I was staying over at my mom's place and I put my earrings on the dresser next to the bed. I turned away for a minute and when I looked back... they were just gone. I looked for them everywhere, under the bed, in the dresser, behind the dresser, I even called my mom in to help me, but neither of us could find them. After she'd left I felt like I didn't really have anything to lose, so I said out loud, into the room "Whoever borrowed my earrings, please give them back, it's my favorite pair and I don't want to leave without them." A moment later I heard a 'thump' from the dresser and they were lying there in plain sight.
Is it possible that a horse got loose in the forest and we were all just too stunned to do anything about it? Is it possible that I missed my earrings while looking through the dresser and then imagined a 'thump'? Sure. But that's not really fun, is it? I like the white horses and the húsvættir a lot more.
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on an outsiders kick so heres the main gang as things me and my friends have said
Soda: Your wish is my command. Be gay forever
Steve: I'm still straight but I'd fuck you now
Soda: Not that gay
Darry: I dont really like you. Why are you always hanging around?
Dally: I ask myself the same thing every single day
Pony: I know we're supposed to be saying embarrassing things about ourselves but before we talk about me i'm really upset Two-Bit didnt mention the fact that he was in love with thomas the train
Two-Bit: i watched ONE episode when i was FIVE go fuck yourself
Pony: You have a shrine by your bed
Two-Bit: irrelevant
Johnny: I'm not really scared of anything, no
Johnny: but cats freak me out. and so do dogs, sometimes, but mainly cats. and especially ducks. oh, and needles, and doctors in general. also loud noises, sharp objects near me, any sort of projectile, and stoves. but like, thats not that many things
Dally: I understand so much about you now
Pony: I'm going to write a novel and all of you are gonna have characters based off you. Any questions about it?
Two-Bit: Am I hot?
Pony: No. Next question
Darry: Am I going to regret reading this?
Pony: For sure. Next.
Johnny: Please dont make me a crybaby
Pony: You shouldnt read this. Next
Steve: Can me and Soda date?
Pony: You already are. Next
Soda: Can me and Steve not date?
Pony: Too late. You know you love him. Next
Dally: You're going to make my character really deep, arent you?
Pony: Possibly. Havent decided yet. Anything else?
Johnny: Is Dally as hot in the book as he really is?
Pony: I'll no longer be taking questions because I'm extremely uncomfortable, but on second thought, you might really like this book
Two-Bit, upon walking in on Steve and Soda cuddling: I leave for FIVE minutes and i'm left out of fucking everything. all the fucking time. i hate everyone in this house
Steve: Do you want to lay with us?
Soda: Yeah, come lay with us
Two-Bit, practically dropping himself on them: I'm still mad at you
Dally: For some reason Ponyboy is really obsessed with the idea of me being really soft inside and just not showing it so I dont get hurt. I think he wants me to be narrative foils with our other friend too
Dally: How do i tell him i'd change the narrative doom him if i could and feel no remorse without crushing that hope in him
Pony: I like to think its a secret but me and everyone around me knows im writing a slowburn, hes only soft to him trope, slight enemies to lovers fanfiction about Johnny and Dally in my head
Dally: the term fanfiction implies i have fans
Johnny: i'm a fan of you
Pony, whispering: they practically write it themselves
Dally: Here, i stole this. dont ask questions, just take it
Darry, taking the sleeping pigeon that Dally just handed him with a mildly horrified expression: where did you get this?
Dally: i told you i'd bring back souvenirs from my field trip. no more questions
Johnny: Not many people like me.
Johnny: its probably because im kind of a pussy, but i like to tell myself its because i'm annoying because at least then im not calling myself a pussy
Dally: Wait, wait. Who doesnt like you?
Johnny: Huh? Why does it matter?
Dally: No reason. Just, like, give me an example
Pony, in the kitchen and hears all of this: *puts the knives in the cabinet where Dally wont look for them* I dont really want to have to bail anyone out again
Soda, to Darry: I think Steve is kind of in love with me, but I really dont want to have to break it to him that I dont feel the same
Steve, with Soda in his lap: *stops playing with Sodas hair* What?
Soda: Nothing, baby, you're fine
Darry: I will never understand you
yes, one of my friends did bring a live pigeon back from a field trip. it slept a lot, and we'd hold him all the time while he slept and he'd stay asleep when we passed him around because we had to move. i hope he wasnt sick and is doing okay
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thegreenhordes · 3 months
Twilight's Notes: What is Known
What is known of 'The Glow' infection: - The Glow, Also known as Pustule Pox, Green Horde Disease, or The ████████ Contagion, so far eludes me as to where exactly it emerged. Subject ████████ ███████ has informed me ground zero's location, but has no clue at this time what the true beginnings were. If I could get to Ground Zero without putting everypony at risk, I would. - Through either sheer luck or early treatment with common medicines, an infected pony has anywhere between a 5-40 percent chance of recovering during the early infection stage. The more aggressive the medical treatments, the better the results. There are currently 6 recovered ponies in camp- there were 7, but unfortunately the permanent symptoms of early infection leaves recovered ponies vulnerable. Granny Smith was up in her years, and simply couldn't recover from the cold she caught. It was a miracle on its own that she survived being infected by The Glow. - Samples of infectious material shows that this contagion is in a constant state of mutation. Given that there are already two separate stages as of now, I wouldn't be shocked if more popped up in the future... - Animals infected by The Glow do not progress pass the initial infection stage, though the symptoms persist as a chronic condition just the same as a recovered pony. Poor Spike, I'm just glad he's still with us. - Attempting treatment via magic results in death of the subject, Discord's chaos magic appears to be ignored by the infection, save during a few instances where his abilities accelerated the infection tenfold. Discord seems to be naturally immune, however- if he wasn't such a scaredy-pants about needles I'd be able to study his immunity better.
Current Treatment plan for early infection: - Rest and medication (those used for things like the common cold, the flu, and pneumonia appear to be the most effective.) - Quarantine, This not only prevents them from infecting others, but keeping patients in a sterile environment alongside the previously noted rest and medicine have had the most promising results. So far the simple treatment plan is our best bet, aggressively and frequently administering medication has been the main cause for the camp having any recovered ponies at all. I do hope to find something with a higher success rate however- Preventing progression is one of our best chances to get this under control again- permanently this time.
Subjects (Infected under study as of the past month): - Cheerilee: Dead, died of malnutrition as a stage 3 'Growler' - Sweetie Drops: Alive, Stage 2 Type 2, Mute. Her vitals are fine for now, but she's becoming more and more prone to stalking behavior, and we've had to install a second door to her room for security. - Bow Hothoof: Alive, Stage 1 Growler, Progressing fast towards Stage 2. Rainbow Dash was devastated when her dad arrived with news of her mom's death and a bite on his right front leg. We tried to help him recover but he was too late into the early infection and progressed to stage 1 within days. He said he 'Just wanted to see his daughter again'. Rainbow Dash spends a lot of time talking to him through the glass of his room. - Fluffy Clouds: Dead, entered Stage 4 of Type 2 and had to be put down. Type 2 infected are too dangerous. Type 1 'Growlers' might be strong and powerful hunters, but I Don't feel comfortable having a Stage 4 Type 2 under long-term observation right now. - Nurse Redheart: Alive, Unfortunately infected when Cheerilee unexpectedly entered Stage 2 faster than usual and bit her. Something is off about her, I can never get a good look at her because she says the light hurts her and they're kept off in and around her room as a result. If I do turn the lights on for talk sessions or to try and get samples she hides under her bed. In either instance she just.... stares. Her eyes glow stronger than a Type 2, and she is eerily quiet most of the time, in a way that makes me want to be quiet and hide when I'm near her room. She might be a new infected Type, but until I can safely get an actual sample from her I can't know. She doesn't have pustules on the outside of her body either- They seem to glow from within her, and I see them inside her mouth whenever she speaks.
Number of infected who died under my care since the outbreak started: Fifty. The more that number grows, the worse I feel. I hope the other princesses have good news for me soon, this is all starting to wear me down.
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dollsonmain · 6 months
Ok I'm going to explode if I don't talk about the big batch of unfortunate ponies that are on their way in for an emergency cleaning.
I am so excited and happy and grateful that I get a chance to clean them up because I'd never get to see many of these ponies in person otherwise since they're too pricey for me to buy.
I'll put it behind a cut, though, so their owner can choose whether or not to view my preliminary assessments which are based on the sales photos.
So, these were an expensive eBay lot with a lot of rare ponies in it which was an excellent price for all of them together. When they arrived to their buyer, it was discovered that they absolutely reek of mildew/mold. That's extremely disappointing.
They got packed right back up and are already on their way here.
Normally, boxes of ponies coming from there say they'll take a week and a half or so then suddenly appear after a couple days. I don't think that's going to happen this time, being Giftmas.
I had linked to the sale a while back but I didn't look super close at the pictures because there was no way I was going to be bidding, until today. They certainly LOOK stinky.
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Mildew stink is easier to remove than smoke, regardless of whether it's cigarette smoke or whatever my Wave Runner smells of (it smells like she was in a house fire). Mildew stops stinking for the most part once it's all dead, and it's all certainly going to be very dead when I'm done with these ponies.
I have an ozone generator which will help if the bad smell doesn't wash off sufficiently. They can also be treated like rustbutts and given an oxyclean soak inside and out though that's rough on the hair so not my first choice. I may also get that UVC lamp and add it to the SunBox which is good for killing off mold and mildew. Then it's a question of how efficiently I remove it all from the vinyl, or how deeply the scent has gotten into said vinyl.
I'm both feeling optimistic and wary of that optimism. I don't want to get my own hopes up. Gotta keep that shit realistic.
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If everyone got wet enough to mold, I don't think Talk-a-Lot is going to be functional. Hopefully she doesn't have batteries corroding in there. If that stuff on her face comes off, though, she'll at least be good for display. She looks very bright and fresh, otherwise.
Look at that scrungy hair on Merry Treat. hohoho bitch I am so excited. She also has some yellow on her face that will hopefully wash off. If it doesn't, yellow does cooperate pretty well with hydrogen peroxide and the SunBox.
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I can already see that Mommy has unstable vinyl. That's a shame. Mommy and Baby are Euro exclusive IIRC, and difficult to get, here.
I'm not sure those dark spots on Baby aren't stains. I hope not, but it kind of looks like marker eyeliner.
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These little pearlized babies are downright disgusting... Poor things. The pearl paint is surprisingly not as difficult to clean as I'd feared when the first ones showed up, what was it last year? It can withstand a gentle melamine sponging just as well as the cutie mark and eye paint. I also have a matching pearl paint to help with patching in where needed, though I don't have any semi-gloss sealant so any patched areas would rub off again rather easily. Good enough for display. I am rather confident they will turn out just fine.
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Look at that knotted up wad of tail tinsel. (❁´◡`❁) I can't WAIT to make that all smooth and pretty again. Hopefully the stuff on her will come off... I can't tell if she has all of her hair and there were no photos of her other side. It looks like it might be shorter, but that can be caused by being matted, too. Fingers crossed it's all there.
Even with a haircut, Rapunzel's resale value is preposterous, which is why I will never own one.
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There's some yellow grime on Birthday Pony and Firefly. I'm wary. It will either wipe right off or is stained. No way to know until I start cleaning.
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There are no photos of the other side of Li'l Pocket. I wonder if she has her piggy bank and coin, still.
There's a little Remco donkey in there! I was wanting to see one, and now I don't have to buy one to get to.
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Swirly Whirly.... I can't tell if the grime is ON her or IN her. She does seem to have shadowing in thinner areas but that can be both caused by dark mildew inside the body and just the fact that it's thinner, there, and there's a bit of a shadow inside. I won't know until I crack her open. When there's dirt stuck in the rooting holes like that, in my experience, it's coming from inside the body. Which is not a problem.
Her horrible hair texture excites me.
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I have seen a few Glow n Shows go opaque even more than Starglow there... No idea what causes it. Happyglow in this same batch seems fine.
Someday I want to have some Glow n Shows.
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I expect this to be stains. When it's been little round blooms like that, it's generally stained. I hope I'm proven wrong. She has her key, which is EXCITE.
There have been times where I've picked up a pony that looked like they had blooms and I didn't think they'd come off, and they wiped off no problem.
I actually have this one. She's my only remaining childhood pony. My Secret Beauty's key is long gone, though, and her saddle can barely stay latched anymore. The spring for the latch is worn out. She also has an ink stain on her cheek.
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.... I don't even know. The listing doesn't say what this dog is.
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darling-rosey · 8 months
Lost Boy
Warning!! There's references to abuse of a minor in this, along with injuries as a result of the abuse described. Please be careful reading or skip entirely!
(The title is in reference to Peter Pan and Ruth B's song! The Mc is female coded!)
Wally Darling & Reader.
You're visiting your elderly neighbor and she's found some old tapes from her cartoon collection! An old children's show called Welcome Home.
"Oh, what perfect timing you have, Dear!" Grams exclaims as you nervously peak into her apartment from the door. "Come in, come in! I'm sure this is something you'll be interested in!" 
You do, quietly shutting the door behind yourself and shuffling over to the kind of smaller box your elderly neighbor is looking through. 
Grams isn't your actual grandma, you've never met either of your actual grandparents from either side of your family. Though you can't say you've met too many people in your short five years on this planet to begin with. But Grams just told you to call her that, since saying her actual name was proving difficult for you. She's a sweet old lady, who lets you stay for days on end in her apartment when things in yours are getting a bit too much. Says you remind her of her own kids and grandkids in every way except personality. Mostly. 
She actually enjoys having you around, unlike your parents. 
"This is all from an old show that was on back in the 70s," Grams tells you, pulling some things out of the box. You lean on the arm of the couch to get a peak, seeing it's a few old VHS tapes. A lot of Grams' cartoons are recorded on VHS though, so it's not much of a surprise. "I liked watching it with my kids when they were just young babies. I'd say my oldest was even younger than you when the show first started airing. I had forgotten all about it!" 
You know Grams likes cartoons, her hobby as she tells you. She has a lot of cartoons recorded on VHS tapes, which she first got into so she could record shows for her kids. She has old Winnie the Pooh cartoons, Looney Tunes, Mickey Mouse shorts and the House of Mouse, Tom and Jerry, Josie and the Pussycats, old Betty Boop cartoons, the retro My Little Pony ones, Scooby Doo, The Powerpuff Girls, and just about any oldie cartoons you can think of. She's apparently gotten some off of some network called Boomerang, the Hanna-Barbera cartoons. She's also collected some of the stuff they'd sell for them over the years, toys and mugs mostly.
She's watched some of the newer cartoons too and said she's found quite a few of them rather entertaining and good, but the oldies will always hold a special place in her old heart. 
It's surprising she'd forget about a cartoon with how much she loves them. 
You lean a bit closer to peak into what else is in the box, but jump back when Grams looks over at you again. 
"Would you like to watch this today?" She asks. You timidly nod, Grams shakily standing up with the help of the couch's arm. You come around and climb onto the couch while she puts the VHS into the player. 
You glance towards the box in curiosity, but quickly look away again while sitting up straight. Grams shuffles back to the couch, a kind grin on her face as she settles on the couch again. The VCR whirs a familiar comforting sound you've really begun to associate with this apartment that helps you relax just a bit more. 
The show's title card fades onto the screen once the "snow" disappears, bright and colorful and inviting. The show's called... "Welcome Home" apparently, spelled in bright bubbly letters. The title card fades, the view then panning down to a house with eyes in the window and someone stepping out of the house. 
"Hello, Neighbor," a guy with yellow skin, big blue hair, and lidded eyes greets, a warm smile on his face. His voice is soothing to you as well, helping you relax just a bit more. 
You're... a bit enraptured by the colorful cast and the calm nature of the first character, watching the episode with rapt attention. This episode is about Sally, the one shaped like the sun, putting on a performance with everyone else and it not exactly going as she planned it. It's... fun! 
All too soon the episode ends though, much to your disappointment. But you try not to let that show. Grams still grins at you though, chuckling just a bit. 
"Did you like it?" She asks. You're hesitant to say you did, even if you know Grams wouldn't make fun of you for it or stop letting you watch the show if you did. You force yourself to nod, making Grams smile even wider. "Well, then I say we watch all the episodes I've got in my collection. Doesn't that sound fun? I think I've got some snacks we can munch on while we do. I can make some popcorn too!" 
Grams gets up again and hobbles towards the adjacent kitchen, beginning to rummage through the cupboards in there. She calls your name after a second. 
"Could you come in here and help me carry everything out, Dear?" She asks. You jump up to help her, taking the various bowls and bags she hands you. "What would you like to drink, Dear? I've got apple juice, lemonade, and milk. Oh, I might need to call up Ashley later to get me some more groceries." 
"Apple," you answer, a little quieter than you meant to. You say it again louder, knowing that Grams' hearing isn't as good as it used to be. In her words that is. 
"Alright. Apple juice it is," Grams nods, pouring a cup for you. You take the snacks out to the coffee table, setting it all down while Grams comes back in with two cups of juice. She sets the cups down, switches the VHS tape after rewinding it, and then settles down on the couch again to watch another episode. 
She continuously hands you treats while watching as many episodes as you both can well into the night. But she eventually has to turn in for the night, getting you a nice soft pink quilt to cuddle underneath on the couch. 
"So, who was your favorite character?" Grams asks, pulling your hair up into a bun for you before heading to bed. 
"....I like Wally. He's soft," you replay, quietly. You figure you don't sound very confident in those statements, you don't think you did. 
"I think you two would get along very well," Grams nods, backing up. She heads for the box, looking around inside of it. "I always liked Julie myself when I first watched it so many years ago." 
She turns again when she seemingly finds whatever she was looking for. It turns out to be a toy of the titular character himself, with that soft grin and everything. Old looking, a bit worn, but still in good shape. 
"Here. I'm sure he'd be happy to keep you company tonight," Grams grins, you hesitantly reaching for the doll. She doesn't pull him back and lets you pull him into your lap, hugging him tight to your chest. "There, he looks happier already. Your hugs are a lot warmer than a dusty old box." 
You giggle a little, hiding your smile behind Wally's hairdo. 
Grams then heads into her bedroom, leaving the kitchen light on for you. You lay down on the couch, cuddling the Wally doll under the cover of the cute white and pink quilt. Looking down at the plush, you run your fingers over the soft sweater it's wearing, looking up again at the soft cat-like smile of the character. 
You let out a little squeaky hum, hugging the toy closer to yourself while nuzzling into the pillow. You fall into a pleasant, restful sleep for once. Belly full and, while you still ache all over, content. 
"Hey, Grandma. I got your groceries." 
You jump, startled from your focus on the Welcome Home episode playing on the TV to look over at the woman walking in through the front door. She pauses just for a second at the sight of you, but then goes and puts the reusable cloth bags on the counters and starts putting things away. 
"Oh, thank you, Dear. Are you going to visit for a bit?" Grams asks, turning to look at the woman. 
"Yeah, I will," Ashley confirms, nodding as she slides a box into one of the cabinets. Her curly hair bounces with the motions of her head, her leather jacket squeaking before she's sliding it off and tossing it over a chair. 
She finishes putting things away before she's walking over and leaning against the back of the couch. 
"I see the squirt is visiting again," she comments, looking down at you. You hug the Wally toy Grams let you keep a bit tighter. Ashley just ruffles up your hair. "Nice to see you again." 
She then plops down in a chair and turns her attention to the TV. 
"What're you two watching this time?" She sends a confused and curious look to the TV at the completely unfamiliar characters on it. 
"An old show I nearly completely forgot about. I used to watch it with your mother and uncles all the time when they were just kids," Grams replies, looking back at the TV herself. She motions to you, grinning easily. "She's been completely taken by it, and we had more episodes to watch." 
"Huh, neat," Ashley hums, tilting her head a bit more. "Does the little yellow guy always stare at the screen like that?" 
"He's often looking at the screen, yes," Grams nods, looking back at the TV. "He's the one that interacts with the audience the most." 
"I see." Ashley still doesn't look very impressed, if anything she looks a little disturbed. You don't mind it, returning to the colorful characters on the TV.
Ashley stays for a while that night, only getting up to grab things for Grams. But later she goes into the kitchen to make dinner, Grams getting up to head into the bathroom for a moment. That leaves you with only the doll and the TV.
You look between the bathroom and kitchen for a moment to make sure the adults are out of sight, breathing a sigh of relief once you notice they are. You set the doll aside, then pull up your shirt with a bit of a wince. You carefully check the big bruise on your ribs, then the cloth you taped on your side to soak up the blood from the cut underneath it.
Your side really hurts when you move, but you're really sore all over anyway.
You quickly pull your shirt down again at the sound of footsteps, grabbing the Wally plush and looking back at the TV again. You blink when you see Wally frozen on the screen, staring, but then the episode resumes like normal.
"Oh," Ashley hums, pausing right behind the couch. "I thought the episode had stopped for some reason, since the sound disappeared. Guess it worked itself out or something."
She turns and goes back to what she was doing, Grams coming out of the bathroom a moment later. The three of you have dinner in the living room, Mac'n'Cheese with cut up hotdogs. You eat yours quickly and gratefully take seconds when Ashley offers.
She has to leave eventually though, Grams going to bed and leaving you in the living room by yourself again. You let out a breath once everything is quiet and you can hear Grams snoring in the bedroom. You curl closer to the doll in your arms burying your nose into the side of the doll's head.
Your shoulders relax a bit more, sinking into the blanket and couch.
You really like it here, though you know you can't stay forever. And you do eventually have to go back to your parents' apartment, which you do after two more days in paradise and it's the same as before you left. But that's hardly a surprise.
You're excited to be back in Grams' apartment nearly a month later. She's left the Wally doll out for you to take and cuddle with, then puts on the Welcome Home show for you again while she does something else. You're grinning, excited to see it again.
There's a pause in the beginning. It takes a moment for Wally to come out of Home and he's staring wide eyed at the screen. But then the episode is playing as normal again. Even if it's one you've already seen, it still makes you smile. It still brings you the same joy as when you first saw it.
The neighbors are so nice. It..... Home looks very nice and the neighbors all seem to care about each other. You... You think... it'd be nice to be in the neighborhood with them, to play with them and everything. Though sometimes they're a bit loud for your tastes. It still feels... like a warm place to be you think, where you wouldn't get hurt and wouldn't have to hear your parents yelling at you.
Maybe you wouldn't hurt as much there.
"I have to go out today, Dear," Grams says, making you jump. "Would you like to come along?"
You sink into the couch.
"No? Alright. I showed you how to run the VCR, didn't I?" She asks, shrugging a coat on. You nod. "And the phone?"
Another nod.
"Alright then. You can keep watching cartoons here, alright? Call if anything happens," Grams says. You nod in response. You wait a few minutes after the door closes to jump up and head towards the bathroom. You look through the cabinets for some band-aids.
You sit on the couch again, pulling off your shirt to look at the cut. You have to pull the tape and cloth off, wincing the entire time. But the bleeding's stopped, so you don't need the cloth anymore.
You find some of those wipes Grams says is for cleaning wounds in with the band-aids. You remember those hurting a lot, but Grams says they're necessary for the healing process. The cut on your side was healing before, but it's been reopened every time before it could.
Reluctantly, you open one of the packages and swipe it over the cut. No matter how much it makes you whimper and tears threaten your eyes, you do as Grams did and swipe it a few more times. Then you place a line of band-aids over the cut. It makes you feel bad to use so many, but Grams told you it was important to cover the whole thing.
You wince as you finish the job, then look over all the bruises on yourself. Your torso and arms are more black and blue than anything else, your skin nearly wrapping around your ribs. It makes you sniffle a bit. You clean up after yourself, then shakily sit back on the couch and hug the Wally doll again.
Your eyes look up at the TV again, seeing it's paused. You blink, confused for a moment. Wally's just staring at the screen, motionlessly, the other neighbors doing the exact same as him. All like you had hit pause on the remote, but...... you don't remember doing that. Nor do you remember anyone but Wally ever looking at the screen like that, like he can see straight through it at you.
There's a pause for a moment. Then....
"Hello, Neighbor," Wally says, much like he does at the beginning of an episode. You blink. "Poppy wants to know if you're alright. You look.... hurt."
You nod slowly, still confused.
"Good! If you're hurt, it's always important to have someone you trust look over it. Like we do with Poppy," Wally continues. You bury your nose into the Wally doll, but nod slowly.
The last time you showed anyone the bruises, it didn't end well though. Your parents just got even more angry.
Apparently the puppet could see some type of conflict or reluctance on your face.
"Would you like Poppy to look at your boo-boos, Neighbor? You could play with us after," Wally offers, turning to completely face the screen. He's smiling, his eyes are wider than you're used to seeing. "We can make sure you're all better and everyone would love to officially meet you."
You blink a couple of times, tilting your head.
"It'll be lots of fun," Wally assures, giving you a warm look. "The neighborhood is always safe and fun."
You look back towards the door, then at the TV again. After a moment of thinking about the offer, you nod. Wally's grin seems to widen, happy.
"Welcome Home."
Grams sighs as she finds her apartment empty when she gets back. But the TV was turned off and everything's neat and tidy.
"I suppose she wasn't able to stick around for long this time," Grams says, a bit disappointed. "I do hope Ashley is able to help that poor girl before anything happens."
Grams goes about putting away the tapes and the blanket she keeps specially for when you come around. They'll be ready for you the next time you come back, whenever that'll be. She just hopes you come back soon.
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hb-writes · 10 months
Suits Writing Prompt List (S1E1 - S1E5)
With Suits now available on Netflix, I've been re-watching so here's a list of lines from the show to use as prompts for your writing (for any fandom).
"You just have to formally ask. Then, after that, why don't you formally ask Santa Claus to bring you a pony because I'm not leaving [them]."
"Truth is, I do it for the children."
"That's why I love you...you get me."
"Look, I'm just trying to ditch the cops, okay? I don't care if you let me in or not."
"What? I like to read."
"Good. You've hit on me. We can get it out of the way that I am not interested."
"You know what nobody likes? Nobody likes a showoff."
"You put your interests above mine and I'm just putting mine back up next to yours."
"I'd explain it to you, but then I'd have to care about you."
"Marry me?" "Took care of that, too. We've been married for the last seven years."
"For the record, I am not selfish everywhere."
"I failed...to not be awesome."
"I'm glad to see staying up all night doesn't make you act like a complete idiot."
"I'm not an idiot. Don't treat me like one."
"Promise me now that the only way you'll leave is if they rip you out."
"Tell me what happened right now...I'm the guy you tell."
"I don't know if I'm ready to forgive you or not, but I do know we're even."
"Maybe it's time I started trusting somebody else."
"Would you admit it? You care about me."
"I wouldn't move your things into Wayne Manor just yet."
"That’s the adult table in there and you haven’t earned the privilege yet."
"You keep talking and I’m going to start billing you. And my time runs $1,000 an hour."
"I know I just posed that as a question, but I really didn't mean it that way."
"If you're gonna screw me, I guess it's only fair that you call me by name.
"You smell papery."
"Your face is red. It looks like you've been in the sun."
"Look at me...look at me."
"We talked about this, right? Barging into my office..."
"He put a gun to your head and made you smoke pot."
"Do we need to have a conversation about how you keep interrupting me?"
“He’s just a kid. Are you trying to steal his soul before he hits puberty?”
“I’m emotionally attached to me.”
“I’m not the topic of this conversation.”
“Get it through your head. First impressions last.”
“That kid is an anchor. You need to cut him loose.”
“Gloating’s fine. You just have to not suck at it.”
“Wow. Have you ever considered writing for Hallmark?”
“I’d be happy to tell you if you put that wrench down.”
“You trying to look like me?”
“That’s one thing you definitely get…how to ruin it.”
"Who doesn't like me?"
"Who's picking on you now?"
"We had a deal that you were going to stay out of it."
"Mm...you need me to class you up a bit."
"Sorry I didn't have the courage to tell you then."
"We're married. It's a long story."
"Emotion is fine but you better have some cold hard facts to back it up."
"I'm just here to watch. I love spectator sports."
"How am I doing for my first time?"
"Tell me that wasn't worth missing your lunch hour for."
“You don’t know the lyrics, do you?”
“So what is this a new cologne or just a hint of jealousy?”
“I didn’t know who else to call.”
“You’re the one person I knew would show up.”
“Why the rush now? You’ve already wasted 10 minutes of my life.”
“If she asks any questions just nod your head and look pretty.”
“Please don’t make me set fire to your desk.”
“You don’t send a puppy to clean up its own mess.”
“You are so beautiful when you’re forceful.”
“I don’t appreciate limitations being placed on my beauty.”
“I’m not some token you win at a fair.”
“Where are we?” “Uh…I think we’re in Hoboken.”
“I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I don’t want to.”
“He is an anchor dragging you down. Get rid of him.”
“Just because you think I’m blowing something off doesn’t mean I am.”
“What color was the light?”
“Don’t say anything. I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”
“Tell me what the hell’s going on.”
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
Is Dick Grayson a Good Person? Slade Wilson's Opinion Fails To Count.
“You realize that this frees you.”
“Gotham’s not a chain!” Dick snapped, before he even had the opportunity to control himself. “I put half my life into that city and I won’t abandon it just because everybody else in your stupid country has! It is a starving child, it is not a burden.”
Slade’s lip curled upwards. Dick wondered if he had fallen into a rhetorical trap. “Defensive. I was referring to your obligations towards the Batman.”
“Batman isn’t dead,” Dick said coldly. “You won’t get that lucky.”
“But you are far out of his reach.” Slade folded his arms on the table, eyes glinting. “As you said, there’s not much work you can do for him now. You’ve always found the task distasteful. The lying. Prioritizing Batman’s mission over the greater good. You can remove the mask you wear. However necessary the subterfuge was in the past, it’s hardly necessary now. You can do what you like. And you’ve never liked your job. You’re free.”
So I did that thing I always do when writing a bugfuck huge story and wrote a smaller story off it for fun. Normally I'd save this for much later, but this time I thought I'd be fun to post it before the main story and have it be a teaser. I think this very short slice of the universe must be really fun to read if you have no idea what the hell's going on!
I think by the end of it you can get a good idea of what's happening. This will be more difficult if you aren't familiar with certain Batman plotlines. This one requires some basic Teen Titans know-how to fully get, but I can offer a Cliff's Notes if requested.
Very short 5k mystery under the cut.
He was standing in the gift shop.
Just standing. He wasn’t scrolling on his phone or pretending to browse or doing anything that would keep him remotely invisible in the crowd of children. He stood in front of the back door to the gift shop that led into the main Tower building, hands in his pockets and aimlessly looking around. Zero fucking shame. 
“Why didn’t he just call?” Gar hissed. “That’s why we have a phone. That is the purpose of phones! What’s his purpose? Annoying us to death?” He glanced back at Joey, who was looking thoughtfully at the screen. “Uh. No offense.”
“For the last time, please do not censor your words for my benefit,” Joey signed, eyes crinkling in faint amusement. “He’s a difficult person. Nightwing, I’ll go down and speak with him.”
Dick was too tired for this.
He hadn’t been sleeping well, or at all. Gigantic fucking surprise, that one. It was worrying Kori. She was looking at him now, with her eyebrows furrowed in that increasingly familiar way. She barely looked at him normally anymore.
For the five millionth time, Dick thought that he ought to break up with her. For five millionth time, he decided it wouldn’t be worth it. Maybe next time. 
He adopted a Leaderly Thinking Pose anyway, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip. It was his genuine body language while he was solving a problem on the ground as Nightwing, but he had to force it now. He really just wanted to stare blankly into space now. “If he wanted to speak to you, Joey, he would have randomly showed up on your balcony.”
“He also never wants to speak to you!” Danny piped up. Pantha flicked him on the temple. “Ow! Child abuse again!”
Vic’s eye twitched. “No horseplay in my security booth, guys.”
“Oh, but horseplay literally everywhere else is fine?” Donna asked archly.
Gar grinned. “Horseplay? You call that horseplay? I can show you -”
“Do it and you’re dead, little man!”
“But I could be a little horse! Just a little one! Shetland pony!”
Dick was way, way, way too tired for this. 
“If he had actually wanted to speak with us, he’d just show up.” Dick resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Standing in our darn gift shop’s a message. A ‘come out and play’ thing. It’s a…”
“Power play,” Donna sighed. “The Slade Wilson special.” 
“Which means he wants to talk to me,” Dick agreed. He stepped away from the console, waving the sweaty young adults out of his way as they tried to make room in the overstuffed security booth. “I’ll be back.”
An awkward silence fell over the assembled group. Dick forced his way back into the hallway, leaving the others to trip over their feet and follow after him, but the sound didn’t obscure Panthera whispering a question in Gar’s ear. 
“Uh,” Gar said, furry green ear flicking, “I’ll tell you later, yeah?”
“Oh! I know this one! I got it!” Danny thrust his hand in the air, ignoring Panthera grabbed him by his collar and physically towing him along. “Slade Wilson kidnapped Nightwing from the circus when he was twelve and taught him how to be a super-badass bounty hunter mercenary! But then Nightwing was like - no way, Jose, no mercenary looks this good in Spandex. Lookit my toned butt. So Nightwing made a break for it and decided to use his ill-gained skills in pursuit of heroism and justice and making me clean my room -”
“So if I look inside your room, it’ll be clean?” Donna asked mildly, and Danny froze. “If I go in there right now, it’ll be sparkling? Just like you said it was? Because if you lied, I’ll have to take you off -”
“Give me ten!”
That successfully got rid of Danny. Panthera obviously had a billion more questions, but after Gar whispered something back she nodded and peeled down the hallway in the opposite direction. Dick finally made it to their cavernous living space, stuffed full of couches and empty soda cans and video game systems. The familiarity and safety didn’t make him feel any less claustrophobic. 
The Tower had been his home since he was eighteen. He had never moved out or gotten his own place, choosing to live on site like their more vagrant members. Nowadays he spent most of his time at Kori’s place, to the point where he might as well be moved in already - but the Tower was still Nightwing’s home. The Titans were still Nightwing’s family. 
“Love, please wait,” Kori said, and because it was her he stopped. 
He turned around to see his friends in front of him, and realized for the first time that they all looked worried. Kori, Donna, Gar - old and familiar expressions on their faces.
“I really hate that guy,” Gar muttered, glaring at the floor as his tail lashed. “How does someone get worse the less evil they are?”
“Somebody may be a ‘good guy’ and a bad person. Or somebody may be a ‘bad guy’ and a good person. Evil or good - I believe it has little to do with your character.” Kori turned to Dick, and Dick forced himself to meet her eyes. “Nightwing, you do not have to meet with him.”
“Kori, he’s not going to leave until I -”
Kori grinned. Like Gar baring his teeth was a grin. “I would enjoy the opportunity to remove him myself.”
“There’s no need for violence.” As much as he loved to see it in Kori, he would like to avoid traumatizing schoolchildren. “God knows I’ve talked to him enough times, one more won’t kill me. It’s the fastest way to make him go away.”
“That’s not the point,” Donna said sharply, crossing her arms. “You shouldn’t have to be left alone with the man who kidnapped and abused you as a child.” Dick flinched hard. “We’re your family, Dick. Let us protect you from him.”
Her words made Dick sick. He let them see it. They’d misattribute the emotion. They’d attribute anything to anything they wanted. And it wouldn’t matter if Dick had never said a word. That wasn’t what they would remember. 
“If I have to hear the word ‘apprentice’ from his gross yellow teeth one more time, I swear I’m going to turn into a horse and bite him.”
Kori turned to Donna. “Please let me kill him.”
“Dick already said no.”
“We can all outvote him.”
“Joey would make that kind of weird, Kori.”
“Joey will live.”
“And Slade won’t!” Gar said cheerfully. 
There was something Dick didn’t know how to admit. Thankfully, he didn’t have to. “He didn’t kidnap me and he didn’t abuse me,” Dick said evenly. Frustration flashed in everybody, even Kori, but the denials were important. The denials wouldn’t make them forgive him, but they would keep him out of any potentially illegal waters. Dick knew the value of a technicality. “I wish you guys wouldn’t make those assumptions.”
“Assumptions are all we have!” Gar protested, throwing out his arms. “You still haven’t told us anything! Like, you don’t have to, really, but - all we have are the weird scraps you drop, and the picture is super worrying. Everything you have told us is scary as hell. If we’re misunderstanding, then why can’t you just -”
Scary? Scary? They’d said it a hundred times, and he’d never disagreed - out of context, the way everything slipped out, he knew what it looked like, but even Dick wasn’t perfect and even that was too much to say. They’d said it a hundred times and it had never bothered him before, but today - now -
“Thank you for worrying, Gar.” Dick smiled, warm and sincere. “But I can handle one old friend. I’ll be back soon.”
“Love, I don’t -”
Dick cut her off by kissing her, and he left to get changed with no more fanfare. There would be no need to go downstairs and talk with Slade, or to coordinate a meeting place. They knew each other too well for that.
He didn’t relax until he was out of the tower in his civvies, the clothes that felt almost alien on him. The suit had felt alien on him for weeks. Everything was alien on him. Everything was alien - even his home, even his family. His world, shifted irrevocably to the right. The United States of America, two million people short.
Dick piloted the boat back to the mainland in silence. The boat had a video camera in it too, so he did nothing but stare at the waves.
The reserved room was under the last name ‘House’. Ha, ha. Never let it be said the man didn’t have a sense of humor. Dick was proof enough of that.
The Japanese restaurant was upscale, but it was their regular haunt. Slade was in Japan for business frequently, Dick had spent a vaguely traumatic but extremely educational summer studying under a master there, and Jump’s very sizeable Japanese population had resulted in some authentic restaurants with private back rooms for business deals.
Slade was already waiting, which was a surprise. Maybe he already had gotten in his power plays for the day. Unlikely. Normally he liked to make Dick wait twenty minutes. Maybe he had picked today to be unusually kind and considerate. Even more unlikely.
Without looking up from his phone - undoubtedly working, the man never stopped - he said, “The sake’s poisoned.”
Dick glanced at the innocuous bottle on the table and the two stacked bowls next to it. “My enemy or yours?”
“Mine. Don’t worry, they don’t know you’re here. I’ll resolve this after we’re done here.” He put his phone face down on the table, looking up at Dick for the first time. “You look quite well. Funny.”
“Let me guess,” Dick said wryly, sliding into the seat across from him, “you’re about to congratulate me on my lying skills again?”
“I’m hardly effusive with praise.” Slade reached into his jacket and pulled out his own flask, taking a bowl and sloshing a dark amber liquid onto the porcelain. “And I thought the term was ‘performance’?”
“Performance is the word for you this morning.” Slade held out the bowl to Dick, who held up a hand. Slade shrugged - your loss. “Was embarrassing me in front of the entire team really necessary?”
“Was it fun?”
“Are you an asshole?”
 “It was a favor,” Slade said archly. He tipped the bowl into his mouth before setting it aside. “Which is why you’re here. Because you recognize the favors you owe me.”
“And you recognize the blackmail I have on you,” Dick said sweetly. Slade’s mouth twitched backwards a little. “I think last time we established quite well that we are at a standstill, Slade. What did you call it - an impasse?”
“If we are at an impasse, then why did you come?” Slade twisted the cap back onto his flask. Dick was silent. “Joey well?”
“Very. Talia?”
“She asked me to check in on you,” Slade said lightly. “See how you were doing.”
Dick snorted. “Is that why you came?”
Dick stopped short. 
Slade half-smiled. Point to him.
Then there was a knock on the door, and when the waiter walked in Dick expected to be asked for his order or given a menu. He wasn’t expecting the waiter to bring the entire meal, including Dick’s order. Mapo tofu extra spicy. His favorite. That explains the power play. If it wasn’t obvious, then it was hidden. No situation in which there wasn’t a power play. Fantastic. 
“Okay,” Dick said sourly, picking up his spoon. “So why are you actually here?”
“Don’t worry about the check, son. It’s on me today.”
“You are so divorced.”
“And you stink of orphan. Let’s move on from the obvious.” To Dick’s shock, Slade pushed away his own bowl of tonkatsu ramen - a working class dish for the high class man - and folded his arms on the table. He gave Dick his full attention, so heavy it could squeeze the breath from him. He almost never did that. Not outside of a fight, anyway. “How are you doing?”
Dick ate his tofu.
“There’s nobody else you can speak to about this besides me.”
Barbara. Who was even more distraught than Dick, and who Dick had been focusing on supporting instead of dumping onto. Who still believed in the police. In her father.
Alfred. Who was suffering enough.
“I’m not stupid enough to bare my neck to you,” Dick said quietly.
Slade leaned back, crossing his arms. “Vulnerability? You were flayed open to me many years ago, Dick. I have seen parts of you that even you have not seen.” Dick snorted softly. “Like will always recognize like. What’s a few words of frustration between an apprentice and his old master?”
Dick put his spoon down. Dick breathed. In one. Out two. In one.
“You don’t have to hold your temper, Dick.”
“I shouldn’t have come.”
“You knew you had to come,” Slade pressed. “You aren’t perfect. Nobody can hold all of this within themselves. You came because you needed to talk to somebody, and I am the only person in the United States of America that you can be honest with.”
“It’s ridiculous of you to act as if a lie entitles you to honesty.”
“I’m just trying to do you a favor, Dick. I’m the only person left who wants to help you.”
Dick breathed. 
The first unexpected thing of the night happened. Slade sighed, rubbing his forehead in an exact mirror of Joey’s expression from earlier that day. “I’m here when you’re ready.”
Then he picked up his chopsticks and began eating. Dick and Slade ate together in complete silence. Somehow it wasn’t even that awkward. The food was good, and if you were in a room with Slade the ideal environment was silence. 
He wasn’t halfway through his meal when he noticed that his hand was trembling. Dick watched it, detached and half-interested. That didn’t normally happen. He wasn’t feeling much. Certainly nothing intense enough to make his hand shake like this.
Slade definitely saw it, but he politely didn’t say anything.
He was halfway through his meal when he noticed that his careful breathing had gone off the rails. His breaths were coming in too hard, too fast. He was lightheaded. He needed to get out of this room. This claustrophobic back room in a Japanese restaurant under the name House, a grim fucking parody of his real home and family, eviscerated and dead. 
Dick dropped his spoon. “I should go.”
He didn’t stand up. Slade ate his noodles.
“You did this after Jason.” Exactly this. He had done the exact same thing, down to the same restaurant. Dick hadn’t even registered. He didn’t remember the month after Jason too well. “You - you sat me down and told me that I could talk to you about it. You did, didn’t you?”
“Goodness, Dick, I wasn’t hiding it.” Slade blew on his spoon. “I remember finding it interesting. You and Joey couldn’t be more different. When Grant died, Joey only - well. Of course Joey didn’t say much. But I remember he just lay there in that hospital bed. Just staring out the window. I didn’t really know what to do. Let his mother take care of it.” Big-ass fucking shock, that one. “You, however - you, I knew what to do with. And you look exactly the same now as you did back then. Do you know who you look like, Dick?”
Dick didn’t say anything.
“You look like a man angry enough to strangle the world.”
Dick bit his tongue.
Slade looked back down at his bowl, sipping his broth. “Tell me about it.”
Bruce would be so fucking disappointed in him. But it wasn’t as if Bruce could know.
“I’m not like you, Slade,” Dick said. He forced himself to keep staring at the man instead of looking at the woodgrain like he wanted. Do not forget who you’re speaking to. Don’t let him win. Was this letting him win? Were there some battles he wanted to lose? “But I’m not like them either. They’re honest people. Their lives have been messy, and they aren’t always nice, and sometimes they don’t always do the right thing. But they are honest people. They’re guarded, but none of them are pretending to be something they’re not.”
“Are you?” Slade asked mildly. “You’re a hero. There’s no doubt about that. I believed that was the only qualification for membership into that club. Certainly not talent.”
“Yeah, I’m a hero. I’m a good person. I’m a leader, I’m a boyfriend. A son and a brother.” He would always be a brother. Jason could be dead for fifty years and Dick would still be his fucking brother. And Tim… “But I’m a soldier too. At the end of the line I’m a soldier. Which is why I’m out here playing video games and eating ramen instead of where I’m needed.”
“Batman needed his spy?”
Dick winced. He hated that word. Accurate as it was. “The world needed Nightwing. That’s what he said. I’m not much good as a spy right now.”
“You were always a very good spy,” Slade said lightly. “I couldn’t even get Terra past you.”
God. Terra. Dick had almost forgotten about that. Maybe in self-defense. “Terra was a rank amateur and a little girl. You’re disgusting, by the way.” Slade shrugged. Dick didn’t know what part of leading a gullible teenage girl into believing that you might fall in love with her if she did everything you said warranted a shrug. “So unless you have any more Terras or Amanda Waller has any more ideas, Gotham needs me more than the Titans do.” 
“And yet here you are,” Slade said. “A soldier following his final order. No wonder you’re distressed. The only thing keeping you with the Titans are orders you don’t want to follow.”
“I was raised family uber alles,” Dick said lightly. His hand wasn’t shaking anymore, so he carefully picked his spoon up and started tucking into the tofu again. “Congratulations. You got what you wanted. Are we done here?”
“Are we?”
“I’m two seconds away from that sake.”
“Don’t stop on my account.”
“Oh, you wish.”
“We’re both well aware that I prefer you alive, Dick.” Great, that old power play - you’re alive only by my will! Just because it was true doesn’t mean he should lord it over him. Everybody Dick knew was alive because he wanted them alive, it wasn’t really something to brag about. “You realize that this frees you.”
“Gotham’s not a chain!” Dick snapped, before he even had the opportunity to control himself. “I put half my life into that city and I won’t abandon it just because everybody else in your stupid country has! It is a starving child, it is not a burden.”
Slade’s lip curled upwards. Dick wondered if he had fallen into a rhetorical trap. “Defensive. I was referring to your obligations towards the Batman.”
“Batman isn’t dead,” Dick said coldly. “You won’t get that lucky.”
“But you are far out of his reach.” Slade folded his arms on the table, eyes glinting. “As you said, there’s not much work you can do for him now. You’ve always found the task distasteful. The lying. Prioritizing Batman’s mission over the greater good. You can remove the mask you wear. However necessary the subterfuge was in the past, it’s hardly necessary now. You can do what you like. And you’ve never liked your job. You’re free.”
Dick’s hand clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. He turned his attention back to his breathing again. In one, out two. Slade watched, amused.
It all flashed through his mind. The news coverage. Bruce’s face in that D.C. hotel room. The gossiping, the smiles. The Titans. The scorn.
They had been sympathetic. They were good people. Danny said a lot of callous shit, obviously. That kid needed therapy badly. Donna had tsk’d over it, Kori had solemnly proclaimed that it was the decision of a weak leader. 
“That place is so scary,” Gar had said, shivering. “Gotham bad guys are bad guys on steroids. I can’t imagine being trapped in a city full of them.”
“And they aren’t even letting us do anything about it!” Wally had announced. That was what had really galled him - Wally hated inactivity. “Is this really the end of it? It’s so unfair.”
“There was no other outcome,” Vic had said shortly. He was the ‘cold hard reality’ one. “That plague could have swept the US. Shitty how we aren’t even trying to make a vaccine, but quarantining the place is the only thing that kept everybody else safe.”
“But to just abandon it!” Kori had said. “It’s too unfair.”
“Yeah, it’s fucked.”
“Well,” Wally had said, “nothing to do.”
“Nothing we can do,” Donna said.
“Gotta say,” Gar said, “kinda glad it’s not my problem?”
“With you there,” Vic said. 
Raven had said nothing. Dick didn’t remember what he had said. He only knew that she had stared at him the whole time, and that he had to eventually force himself not to care. Raven had his number. She knew what a liar he was. She never told anybody. She’d kept every secret so far - she’d keep this one too.
Everybody had jumped to conclusions. Nightwing never said a word about why he had the skills and drive he had, why he chose their strange and unsettled life. The first person they see who really seems to know him is Slade Motherfucking Wilson, who won’t stop going on about their fated master-apprentice destiny. Who wouldn’t assume that they had a history? And wasn’t that a pretty fantasy too convenient to destroy? 
Dick hadn’t lied about that. Slade had. Completely out of his ass, with full abandon. Gleefully. Called it a favor to him. Dick could do without his favors. Sometimes Dick wondered if he believed his own lies.
Dick didn’t have to say it. Slade knew. Slade knew full well, and he had only said it to make Dick see it too. 
The mission was worth it now. It was worth it. The lying, the masks, the betrayal, their fake history - it was worth it and more. He couldn’t imagine wanting to do anything else.
“You can say it, Dick.”
Dick dropped his spoon, letting his fists clench in his lap. 
“I already know. You can say it.”
Dick’s teeth grit together.
“I want to hear you say it. Admit it, Dick.”
Maybe Dick had been kidnapped by this man one too many times. Maybe hearing that tone of voice, a tone he only used when he had Dick at his complete mercy, ground against his mind at just the right angle and produced a spark. Or maybe Dick was just weak without Bruce - weak, when he was alone in the world - and he just wanted to say it. 
“I want them to pay for this.”
Slade was polite enough not to gloat. God only knew he’d worked hard enough over the past five years to try and squeeze something half as cold out of him. “And you have to stay undercover to do so. Even now, when it’ll be more difficult than ever.” Dick nodded. “Revenge, then. What will that look like?” Dick shrugged. “You haven’t figured it out yet? Unlike you.”
“Hard to figure out something you don’t like admitting,” Dick said lowly.
“Sounds like I’m doing you another favor, then.”
“Sounds like you need to watch your mouth.”
Slade barked a laugh, making Dick roll his eyes. “Let me guess - you’ll rather die than accept my help?” Dick flipped him off, and he laughed again. “So be it, then. That’s a pity. I would have liked to know what your revenge would look like.”
“I can do it on my own,” Dick snapped, a second before he realized what that sounded like. “Christ, Slade, I’m not taking revenge on the United States. That’s supervillain behavior. I’m just -”
“Fantasizing about it?” Slade asked archly. “Thinking, dreaming, wanting? Not doing? It’s unlike you. You’ve always taken what you wanted.”
“Are you seriously trying to convince me to go supervillain right now?”
“Just trying to help.”
“Your help’s sh - not welcome, thanks.”
A dim, sunken light shone in Slade’s eye, and Dick looked away. He hadn’t allowed Dick to curse at him for those long two months. Knowing that shit from so long ago still stuck probably got him off. Asshole. Bastard. Fucker.
“It’s here if you want it,” Slade said. “It’s always been here. Just because you’ve ungratefully rejected it, thrown it back in my face, doesn’t mean it’s no longer here. For what it’s worth, I think you’re more than capable of the revenge you seek. If you’re actually willing to take it.” Slade angled his head down, one watery blue eye piercing straight through Dick. “Are you willing?”
Dick couldn’t breathe.
“My little brother is twelve,” Dick whispered hoarsely, and for once in his life Slade fell silent. “He is a little boy. And he is trapped in that city fighting Bruce’s crusade. If it doesn’t kill him it’s going to break him. And I’ll have lost two brothers in two years. Two kids. Because there’s ‘nothing we can do’. Or because ‘there’s only criminals left in there anyway’. Because of the greater good. Because some asshole in charge decided my family wasn’t worth a couple of bucks. Again.” Dick’s breath was coming hard and fast, and it took all he had not to fall. “I almost killed the man who did it. Bruce had to pry me off him and rip the knife from my hands. I can’t kill the people who did this. I would not do it. I can’t kill everybody who isn’t lifting a finger to help. That’d be - that’d be everybody. And I wouldn’t want to hurt them either.
“I keep on trying to think of a way to make sure that they wouldn’t get away with it. That the people who trapped Tim and ground Jason into poverty experience the consequences of their actions. But I can’t think of it. I don’t know how.”
Short of air-dropping them into Gotham. But that would just be murder. What with the rampant plague and everything. On top of the earthquake. And the riots. Jesus.
“You can’t,” Slade said simply, and Dick didn’t know why the words were crushing. Maybe it was just hearing them from Slade, of all people. “Those people pressed a few buttons and took a few bribes and ruined millions of lives. They will never face ramifications for that. You cannot bring justice for Gotham. The best you have now is payback. The best you can do is revenge. Is that good enough for you, Dick?”
Dick was silent. 
And Slade just shrugged. He pushed his bowl away - when had he finished it? - and stood up. He reached over the table and picked up the small poisoned sake bottle with two fingers, tilting it gently back and forth. He put his hand in his pocket, angling his arm back just enough to flash his concealed gun.
“The person who ordered me the poisoned sake is sitting in a business meeting with his fellow executives. They’ve stiffed me on a payment and are trying to get away with it. Of course, nobody stiffs me and walks away. My life exists on a permanently balanced system. Everything in my life is fair. You should give it a shot. It’s quite pleasant.”
“I have better things to do with my time,” Dick said cooly.
“Ah, yes. We all best return to our lives. And you to your friends.” Slade walked past him, pausing only to rest his hand on Dick’s shoulder and bend down. His breath was hot on Dick’s ear, and Dick found himself  freezing still. Another ancient reaction, persistently clinging. “Word of advice, Dick. Don’t tip your hand to your friends just yet. Your fight will only grow more complex from here. You’ll need as many allies as you can.” 
Dick turned to look at him. His skin crawled at the smile on Slade’s face, at that familiar bristly stubble. Thank god Joey was identical to his mother. “Every ally I have?”
“Every one.”
They stared at each other, heavy and sour, and for the first time in a long time -
“Then I guess I’ll need all the help I can get,” Dick said softly.
Slade straightened, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Attaboy. Now, if you excuse me. Wait until the gunshots stop to come out.”
“You’re always taking care of me, Slade.”
“I told you I would,” Slade said loftily. “Have I ever lied to you?”
“No,” Dick said, “we’ve never lied to each other.”
Dick stayed seated in that room long after Slade left. He stayed seated through the murmur of voices, the first screen. They’d need to find a new meeting point. 
A hail of gunshots descended over the restaurant, far away and close, and Dick finally broke into tears. Nobody could hear them over the sound of the shots, and nobody could see him in here, and nobody had to know. 
He cried as long as the gunshots lasted and no longer. After ten minutes, he wiped his face and exited the room. Better hurry home. It was getting late. 
They’d be expecting him.
79 notes · View notes
yanderes-galore · 4 months
Hey man. I have a request. Can you do a Yandere Alphabet for Twilight Sparkle?
Sure I can! Pony darling as usual. I'm excited to write for my favorite character :) (It's swapped to Twilight recently)
Old Yandere! Twilight Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Twilight Sparkle
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Violence, Delusional behavior, Jealousy, Blood mention, Implied murder, Kidnapping, Love spell, Manipulation, Restraints, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Twilight would get pretty intense. She's a delusional perfectionist who wants everything to be perfect between you. She takes notes and tries to appeal to you in any way she can.
Twilight would try to be affectionate and accommodating to her obsession.
"Friendship" like this is new to her, after all.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Twilight is much more of a manipulator than a violent pony who picks fights. Although she may, if driven to it since she's always put under stress, get some blood on her hooves. She is quick to clean up afterwards, however.
Can't have her beloved finding out, yeah?
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Twilight is sure to care for you once she has you in her castle. She'd never mock you. She'd give you your own room (or you share one with her). It's all so spacious, too!
You should be lucky, right? A princess has fallen for you! She'll give you everything you could ever need or want!
You won't ever have to leave.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
She'll try not to, but if you resist then she may just have to use that love spell she found.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Oh Twilight tries to be open with how she feels. She's vulnerable around you and speaks her mind. It's always her gushing about you.
I'd say she's always honest with you... but she really isn't.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
She'd panic for a moment before finding a way to deal with it. In her research before she took you in she learned a few useful spells. Including one that deprives a pony of magic... making unicorns unable to cast and pegasi unable to fly.
So she'd remove your magic then maybe even cuff your leg to the wall. Maybe even cast a love spell. Her beloved shouldn't fight her...
She only wants to love you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not a game, freaks out when you try to escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Forced under a love spell or being rendered powerless and trapped... all of that.
Twilight would never let you catch her hurting those close to you, but if you did, that may be the worst.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Definitely wants to research the obsession she has with you. She probably knows to a degree her feelings aren't normal. But she has to find the cause, right?
Although once she's given in... now she just wants to be with you. She wants to date. She wants to get married.
She just wants you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes and she tries to rationalize it at first. This must be normal.
Then she may start getting more stressed about it. She needs to keep you from other ponies! She needs to do something!
Coping may become lashing out when she's stressed enough. Once she's driven to possible murder, she feels horrible of course.
But at the same time... it feels right.
No pony can take you.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
When she first meets you she's typical Twilight. Although over time she gets more curious and obsessive. Is her friendship really friendship?
She follows you, wants to always be included, and very invasive with her questions. She becomes manipulative and maybe even a bit twitchy depending on how far she's gone. She just slowly getting worse and worse...
Right up until you're trapped in her castle.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
She becomes your friend before things go from there, it occurs much like the above answer actually.
She does her research on spells, she stalks you, asks others about you. She originally write to Celestia about you.
Then she realizes... Celestia shouldn't know about everything she's doing.
It's best to just be kept secret.
When she wants to take you in or gets desperate enough, she may use a love spell to have you.
Until she can isolate you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes. This darker behavior is new for her.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
She'd never physically hurt you. She'd remove your magic then cuff you to a wall with a bed. You'll be isolated for a bit... until she feels like you can behave again.
You won't get your magic back.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many... unless she has to.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very patient.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No, she'd be devastated.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little and maybe, depends on how far she's gone.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Hard to say, curiosity?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Horrible, she does everything she can to make you happy again.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Not really.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Pretending to reciprocate then essentially hiding. She'll find you though.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
She isn't entirely a worship yandere but she does show similar traits. She'd search all of Equestria to find you if she lost you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Maybe months to a couple years? Most likely months.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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persondoingstuff · 7 months
Alright first of all I’m a firm believer that Dally cares about the gang a lot more than he lets on, especially Johnny and Ponyboy.
"Get that sweat shirt off." He threw a towel at me. "Dry off and wait here. At least Johnny's got his jeans jacket. You ought to know better than to run away in just a sweat shirt, and a wet one at that. Don't you ever use your head?" He sounded so much like Darry that I stared at him.
He didn't notice, and left us sitting on the bed.
The fact that Dallas didn’t notice how brotherly he was being just proves that he cares about Pony
… and it was Two-Bit who did that. And Dally knew it. But he just took the sentence without battin’ an eye or even denyin’ it.
Dallas would rather he go to jail then someone in the gang. Dally would rather add to his record (not that he minded that, I think he was rather happy to add to it) then Two-Bit get a record or add to it.
“The president of course, stupid Its from Soda.”
Dally joking with Pony is my favorite thing
“…Kid, you ought to see Darry. He's takin' this mighty hard…”
This quote melts my heart in a way I cannot describe
"You sure can cuss good, Dally."
"Sure can," Dally agreed wholeheartedly, proud of his vocabulary. "But don't you kids get to pickin' up my bad habits.”
He gave me a hard rub on the head. "Kid, I swear it don't look like you with your hair all out off. It used to look tuff: You and Soda had the coolest-lookin' hair in town."
"I know," I said sourly. "I look lousy, but don't rub it in."
Dallas (as bad of an example as he is) wants to make sure Johnny and Ponyboy don’t end up like him, he’s just looking out for them.
Also Dally giving a compliment?! But also Dally teasing Pony and giving him shit in a friendly way :)
“…Take it easy, I don’t want you gettin’ sick on me…”
When they were at Dairy Queen and Johnny and Ponyboy were eating so fast that Dally go my worried they would throw up (what a good big brother)
When the church was burning Dally yelled at Johnny and Pony to forget about the kids and get out of there. He was so worried about his family the gang
Dally's eyes were closed, but when I spoke he had tried to grin and had told me that if I ever did a stupid thing like that again he'd beat the tar out of me.
If he’s smiling he’s not that mad (there’s his soft spot for Pony showing)
I am fully convinced that the leather jacket Dally gave Ponyboy became his favorite jacket, especially after he died. Anytime it got a bit chilly outside Pony would put it on and remember how his buddy saved him
Dally was grinning at me. "Kid, you scared the devil outa me the other day. I thought I'd killed you"
"Me?" I said, puzzled. "Why?"
"When you jumped out of the church. I meant to hit you just hard enough to knock you down and put out the fire, but when you dropped like a ton of lead I thought Id aimed too high and broke your neck." He thought for a minute. "I'm glad I didn't, though."
Dally’s happy that he didn’t kill Pony (his second favorite member of the gang)
Second thing, Two-Bit is also a big brother figure to Ponyboy and Johnny and best friends with everyone. Also a little bit of Steve caring for Ponyboy
“The boys are worried," Dally said in a materie voice. "Two-Bit was going to Texas to hunt for you”
Two-Bit was so worried about them that he would drop everything and go looking for Pony and Johnny (he cares so much about Pony, they’re best friends)
"Hey, Ponyboy," he cried gleefully, "long time no see.” You would have thought it had been five years instead of five days since I'd seen him last, but I didn't mind.
He was so excited to be reunited with his best friend :)
Two-Bit said, cleaning the egg up off the floor.
Two-Bit, who was scraping the egg off the clock, turned to stare at me.
What a nice friend, cleaning up after he made Pony drop the eggs.
Head cannon: Darry made a rule in the house that if you make a mess in the house you have to clean it up and is extra strict with it on Two-Bit (Darry was not about to let Two-Bit make his house messy)
No wonder he stayed overnight at Two-Bits or at our house.
Two-Bit offered his house to Johnny (big brother behavior) one time when it was cold outside, Johnny insisted he would be fine sleeping in the lot, but Two-Bit dragged Johnny to his house for the night. Johnny’s been using it as a place to sleep from then on
Two-Bit was looking down at me worriedly. “You feel okay? You're awful hot."
"All right," Two-Bit said reluctantly. "But Darryll kill me if you're really sick and go ahead and fight anyway"
Big brother Two-Bit who’s concerned about Ponyboy
It did, but it also got Two-Bit and Soda, jailed once. They were doing midair flips down a downtown sidewalk, walking on their hands, and otherwise disturbing the public and the police.
Bestie Soda and Two-Bit doing gymnastics down the street together. Also friends who get jailed together stay together
Two-Bit came blubberin' over here with some tale how you were running a fever before the rumble and how it was all his fault you were sick. He was pretty torn up that night,"
Big brother Two-Bit who was guilty over the fact that Pony got sick after the rumble
"Was it very bad?" Two-Bit questioned. He knew the whole story, and having never dreamed about anything but blondes, he was interested.
Bestie Two-Bit who knows all the tea
“I’ll baby-sit him," Two-Bit said, ducking as I took a swing at him.
‘Having nothing better to do’ or an excuse to spend the day with your best bud, what’s the difference
"Steve and me were backing you, but I guess we didn't need to. You'd have really cut them up, huh?"
Steve and Two-Bit were ready to throw hands all cause Pony looked like he was in danger (Steve really does care about his best buddy’s kid brother)
“How do you like bein' a hero, big shot?"
Steve teasing Ponyboy :)
Also in the beginning of the book right after Ponyboy gets jumped and Steve asks what he was doing walking on his lonesome, Ponyboy takes that as “oh this guy is just getting on my back” but I take it as Steve showing his worry in a non-traditional way.
Johnny is so madly in love with Pony it’s crazy
"you must have put my legs to sleep. I can't even stand up. I barely got off that train."
"I'm sorry. Why didn't you wake me up?"
“That okay. I didn’t want to wake you up until I had to.”
Johnny would rather his legs fall asleep than Pony be tired (he’s such a caring boyfriend)
I push off Johnny’s jean jacket,
Ponyboy said that the church was cold, so it must be cold outside, and Johnny would rather himself be cold than Pony
I put my arm across his shoulders to warm him up.
Just to warm him up, mhmm definitely
I held him like Soda had held him the day we found him lying in the lot.
First of all, Ponyboy looks up to Soda so much (I’ll get into that in the next section) but also comforting Johnny in a way he knows will calm him down
“It ain't fair for Ponyboy to about have to stay up in that church with Darry and Soda worryin' about him all the time.”
Johnny doesn’t want his bf’s family to worry :(
…He wants to see you”
Dally says this to Ponyboy while they’re driving to the hospital and it’s so heartbreaking that the last people Johnny wants to see are the two people he cherishes most
Also in Johnny’s letter that he left in home with the wind he mentions Dallas three times, he wanted his final requested to come from Pony probably because Johnny knew that out of everyone Dally would listen to Ponyboy the best
Lastly, Pony loves this brothers and admires Soda so much
I wonder what Darry and Sodapop are doing now, I thought, yawning. Soda had the whole bed to himself for once. I bet Darry's sorry he ever hit me.
After waking up in the church, his first thoughts are his brothers. Also Ponyboy knows that Darry is sorry and that just makes me feel bad for Darry
it was my pride. It was long and silky, just like Soda's, only a little redder.
Comparing himself to Soda part 1
My hair was even He always lighter than Sodapop's.
Comparing himself to Soda part 2
"Oh, Pony, I thought we'd lost you ... like we did Mom and Dad.. "
Darry just wanted the best for Pony. Dary was so scared of losing Pony, that's why he yelled, he wasn't angry, he was just scared. Darry's biggest fear is losing another peron, so he must have worried so much about Pony :(
Darry was rubbing the back of my head softly.
Soft bro Darry moment (I live for this)
I wiggled out from under his arm and pulled the blanket up over him,
Headcannon: Soda missed sharing a bed with Ponyboy and got used to throwing an arm over him. Also Pony is such a thoughtful brother
He grinned one of his rare grins.
"Listen, Soda, you and Ponyboy," Darry said as we strode down the street, "if the fuzz show, you two beat it out of there. The rest of us can only get jailed. You two can get sent to a boys' home."
Protective Darry (I live for this too)
He’s going somewhere. And I was going to be like him.
Ponyboy looking up to Darry is so sweet cause as much as Ponyboy has said that he does really like his oldest brother, he truely does because you don’t look up to people you genuinely don’t like
I could tell Darry realized this too, and although he was proud, I also knew he was worried. Shoot, I thought, I'll fight so good this time he won't ever worry about me again. I'll show him that someone besides Sodapop can use his head.
Pony wanting to prove himself to Darry. Also Darry being proud of Ponyboy :)
"You kept asking for me and Soda. Sometimes for Mom and Dad, too. But mostly for Soda." Something in his tone of voice made me look at him. Mostly for Soda. Did I ask for Darry at all, or was he just saying that?
Ponyboy being worried that he hurt Darry’s feeling by not calling out for him melts and breaks my heart because this is a point where Pony and Darry’s relationship is on the path to getting fixed and Ponyboy is worried that he only called for Soda. And by only calling for Soda might show Darry that Pony still doesn’t like Darry all that much, but by calling out to Darry, it shows Pony loves his brother (idk if this made sense (I’m slightly delirious writing this))
"Yeah, sure," he said, looking at me strangely. "You asked for him and me both. Sometimes Mom and Dad. And for Johnny."
"Oh. I thought maybe I didn't ask for Darry. It was bugging me.”
Poor boy just needed that confirmation from another person that he actually did call out for Darry :( also calling out for his best friend (boyfriend)
“…Darry is a good guardian; he makes me study and knows knows where I am and who I'm with all the time. I mean, we don't get along so great sometimes, but he keeps me out ust de touble, or did…”
"Maybe you can be a little neater, huh, little buddy?" He'd never called me that before. Soda was the only one he ever called "little buddy."
"Sure," I said, "I'll be more careful."
PROGRESS PEOPLE PROGRESS (also Darry showing his affection to Pony in his own way)
"Race you," I challenged, leaping up.
I guess I was still out of shape, because we all three tied. No. I guess we all just wanted to stay together.
This brotherly moment makes me smile everyone I look at it
This book makes me very happy, hope you enjoyed and have a good rest of your day
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sapphicgarland · 1 month
karkat or Dave playing animal crossing for the first time and getting really into it please!!!!
I interpreted this as davekat as it gave me more room to work with since I could have dialogue. It was a bit hard to expand on the prompt since there's no conflict but I did my best! I hope I made it cute enough to be interesting
“Okay, so how does this thing work?” Karkat asks as if they haven't had a Nintendo Switch for a whole year now.
Dave just shakes his head and gets up from the couch, once again showing him how to set it up. “How are you this bad with electronics?”
“Listen, last time I tried to do something more complicated than open a Google Chrome window I got a computer virus so bad it killed my crab dad. I think I'm allowed to just give up and accept that I shouldn't touch this shit.”
“Maybe you're right,” Dave says with a bit of a smile. “Okay, I got it hooked up. Ready?” He asks as he sits back down on the couch. 
Karkat follows and sits next to him, grabbing his pair of controllers. “Ready!”
“Okay, so, Jade said this isn't immediately two player so I figured we'll take turns setting up our characters and stuff and then play it together?”
Karkat nods in agreement, so Dave starts up his profile first and opens up Animal Crossing for the first time. “This game better be worth the $50 plus tax or I'm making Jade pay us back.”
Karkat laughs a bit and playfully slaps Dave's arm, a gesture that Dave has gotten used to over the years. No more flinching now that he knows it's a safe affection. “Shut up, I'm sure it'll be fine. Besides, it's not like we can't afford it.”
Dave just shrugs and goes quiet as the game continues. He mumbles the dialogue and text aloud so that he's not skipping too fast or too slow for Karkat. Karkat gives a chuckle, which causes Dave to stop and look at him. “what?”
“Oh, I just like the little voices,” he says with another chuckle. Dave cracks a small smile and nods in agreement before continuing. 
“pick your style…oh yes. The two genders; short hair or ponytail,” Dave chuckles.
“Hey they say style!” Karkat chuckles. “which will you choose?”
Dave lingers for a moment before just picking the short hair, non-pony tail one with a shrug and continues on. They debate on which island to pick before finally settling on the one with the River cutting the island straight through into 3 sections, and finally moving on.
“If you could only bring one thing…huh. What do you think, babe?” Dave asks.
Karkat thinks for a moment, “well, presumably there'd be something edible on the island. I'd say a lamp? Though I'd prefer aflashlight.”
“That makes sense but there'd be no electricity. Once the battery dies you're screwed if you can't make a fire.”
“You'd have to make a fire anyway to cook a lot of the food you'd be eating.”
“Ah but if you bring food you can buy yourself time until you can make weapons and figure out what's edible or not.”
“See, this is why I always say a survival guide based on the biome and general geographical location of the island.” *karkat says with a huff,* “why isn't that an option??”
Dave rolls his eyes and picks lamp, a small smile on his face, “because they don't have your brain, I guess.” 
They move on and finally arrive on the island. Their first two villagers are Canberra and Raold. They rush through Tom Nook's dialogue a bit, Dave reading it out loud quickly. They're bored at first, too much exposition for their taste. Though, Karkat isn't complaining, and Dave knows that this is just how games work sometimes. It probably means there's very little non-skippable dialogue for the rest of the game. 
“Finally.” Dave says as they are released into the wild to explore.”okay, we've gotta put up our tent. Where are we putting this bad boy, babe?” 
“Uhhh probably pretty close to the plaza right? I'm sure we'll be doing a lot of walking back and forth.”
“Agreed. I'm sure there's a way to move it in the future.” Dave sets the tent right next to the plaza. They go back and Dave finishes the beginning missions while Karkat watches. Eventually, Karkat's Head is in Dave's lap, just quietly watching as Dave gets their island ready. It takes a bit but eventually Dave stops and looks down,* “Okay, ready to join?”
Karkat nods and sits up. They switch profiles so that Karkat can get his character ready. 
“Okay, so should I just keep going or do we wanna switch back to your profile?” Karkat asks once his character is ready and his tent is placed.
Dave shrugs, “Nah. Go ahead and do some…uh….collecting? I was about to say mining,” he chuckled, “this isn't minecraft. Whatevering. I'll watch you for a while.
Karkat nods and just continues. Eventually Dave's head is on Karkat's lap, watching Karkat play. This continues for a couple of hours actually. Before long, almost everything that can be set up in just a day with no time travel is already set up. They switch profiles so that Dave can finish up some stuff that only he had permission to do (much to Karkat’s snarky disapproval). 
“I'm not sure what else to do for right now." Dave says after about another hour of playing with Karkat's Head in his lap. His hand goes down to pet through Karkat's hair a little. "I feel like we should wait for all this stuff to open up y'know? Like the museum and stuff.”
Karkat nods, “I mean we could grind a bit and get a bunch of…what was it, bells? But I don't want to sell all the resources and find out we actually needed them. Oh, we could bug the villagers, though.
Dave smiles a bit and nods, going to talk to Raold first and then Canberra. They both smile.
“aw the villagers are kind of cute. Okay, okay, I see what Jade meant,” Karkat admits. “I really like this game. It's cozy and really relaxing.”
Dave nods in agreement, “this is fun. We should play tomorrow too.”
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