#i'd make a mod of this if i could code
diagoose · 2 years
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thought I'd try my hand at crafting stardew valley oc/functional npc! it's a lotta fun!
her name is Eimear(ee-mer), she's the guardian spirit of the valley who woke up from a 2,000 year nap, now she's everyone's problem.
silly little things:
Local Manic Pixey Cryptid
the butterfly she wears on her hair is from a long line of Roakes, there was a Roake I, Roake II, Roake III, she lost track of how many Roake's there are, so now they're all just Raoke.
Jas is teaching her how to read and speak.
she probably snorts the fairy dust you give her.
gameplay ideas:
Eimear has two major requests chains, if anyone has any other idea's for rewards lemme know!
Quest #1, you will be working with Jas(who she names her high priestess, but that's a whole 'nother story) to plant Eimear's trees through out the valley(basically some end game bundles that require rare gardening items).
the reward for completing these bundles are: upgraded range of junimo huts, your bees produce iridium honey, upped fruit tree yield, recipe for sweet gem berry seeds(more efficient way to get them)etc.
quest #2, you'll help Eimear with her garden. it's similar to the museum with the whole item collection. Eimear will request 5 iriduim quality of each crop, tree fruit, and forageable items.
rewards are: seasonal fences and paths, wild flower seeds recipe(functions like mixed seeds but for flowers), floral home furniture, decorations, and wall paper that change with the seasons.
aand that's it, might do another post and some doodles on some story stuff for her, idk we'll see.
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oh-meow-swirls · 23 days
it's kind of weird to me that they didn't bother releasing sushi and tempura internationally at all but at the same time i'm kinda glad they didn't cuz like. yo-kai watch was financially failing in the west by the time 3 released. i feel like if they had released sushi and tempura the franchise would've completely tanked before we got sukiyaki which would've sucked. honestly if anything i feel like it's more surprising that we got all three versions of 2 instead of them just releasing psychic specters but tbf i think yo-kai watch was doing well in the west when 2 released. 2 is just inexplicably what killed the franchise despite being a masterpiece-
#puppy rambles#yo-kai watch#yw3#yw2#idk. i have a lot of thoughts on this stuff#still upset i didn't find out 3 released in america until a while after it did :/ could've gotten a physical copy if i'd found out earlier#but alas. i'm just stuck with a boring digital version. i mean the digital versions of yo-kai watch games are better but like. still#i never got maginyan in blasters even though i could've. the code or whatever was on the receipt but my mom bought it for me#from the nintendo website. and i don't think she checked it and i don't think i found out that was where it was until a bit after i got it-#i did get machonyan and jibanyan t/komasan t's codes entered though so i can get them on any playthrough now#unless i put the sd card in another 3ds since apparently it's system-based instead of sd card based??? which is really stupid#but you can probably bypass that with cfw and i do plan on modding my 3ds eventually#it'll just be a process cuz i don't have an sd card slot on my computer and idk if my moms would be willing to help#so i'll probably have to get a separate sd card reader or whatever. which i do think my moms would be okay with i mean#it's my system and they're cool with piracy lfskdjfjkfsdkljfd-#my moms are so cool <3 i just wish i could get them interested in yo-kai watch but they don't seem to care lfskdjfkjsfdjlksfd-#they determined the battle system doesn't sound fun but i might've just described it badly#i mean tbf. it is very annoying sometimes. especially when my healer just will not heal the other yo-kai#''DO YOUR FUCKING JOB TATTLECAST STOP LOAFING'' -me playing 2#that being said if 1's switch port ever releases in america i am totally playing it on the tv#i WILL force my moms to watch me play funni ghost game whether they like it or not /lh#if we do ever get 1's switch port i hope they make it a collection of some kind with 2 and 3 remasters too i would buy that in a heartbeat#i mean obviously i will buy any american-released yo-kai watch stuff in a heartbeat aside from maaaaaybe y-school heroes#(i'm sorry y-school heroes fans i just cannot get into it. from concept alone it sounds like i would not enjoy it)#maybe sangokushi too if we ever get that but i feel like we probably won't#idk if the franchise it's a crossover with is popular enough in america for that#i hope we get more english yo-kai watch content once ghost craft releases. kinda feel like it's testing the waters tbh#i know it's seemingly just a spiritual successor but still#i do hope that it being a spiritual successor doesn't mean yo-kai watch is over. i doubt that it will since like#punipuni still gets semi-frequent updates
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loserbigsis · 5 months
absolutely hate wanting to play a new release but it being so niche no one is bothering to upload a torrent
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subwaytostardew · 28 days
▽ Adoptable Joltik  - Sidetracked Events⚡️
I added a 7-event (more like 3, really) storyline included as an update to the Adoptable Joltik mod. It consists of Emmet not taking loss well. He misses his Joltik. He doesn't want to bother you about it. He will get back on track eventually.
These play when you enter the backwoods/mountain pass between 6:00 and 10:00 AM after seeing the adoption event and have at least 8 hearts with Joltik. Enter the mountains at the same time for the 5th event (with Ingo). Each event unlocks a new line of daily dialogue from Joltik and starts a cooldown for the next event to not start until after 4 days. The final (7th) event requires 9 hearts with Joltik.
As always... Commentary under the read-more.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
This update didn't really have any planning. It was a spontaneous decision to make more events and all the content was written as I coded so it's a bit rougher than previous events.
I've been wanting to update the Joltik mod to use Emmet's new recolored spritesheet and lock adoptability behind 8 hearts as intended (and also... fix the event requirements since I realized it was set to 10 hearts instead of 8... oops). The file was also zipped in a way that removed the containing folder so it made using mod loaders like Stardrop and Vortex more finicky.
If you've already seen the adoption event, there wouldn't be much incentive for downloading an update since Emmet doesn't appear outside of events. I'm not ready to release him as a full NPC to the general public just yet! His heart events are still broken. I dread going back and fixing them. I got a bit burnt out from working through my backlog of things to do for the mod and wanted to switch tracks from pixel art (so many portraits...). Eventing is my favorite thing to do regarding the mod, so I decided to make more events to include in the update as a break of sorts (not working on the mod? Taking an actual break? Why, I'd never!). More events are the perfect solution for me wanting to show off the new art for Subway to Stardew while also not implementing submas as full NPCs in the Joltik mod.
I could make Emmet's 9-heart event but... I feel like that's more of a Subway to Stardew thing than an Adoptable Joltik thing... if that makes any sense. I might include it later when I get around to writing/coding it, but I thought it would be a bit abrupt to add in the Joltik mod since you don't really get to befriend Emmet as intended there. There's also some people who aren't obsessed with submas and do download the Joltik mod for well, Joltik! Only Joltik. I went into eventing with that in mind and well...
I missed Emmet. I wanted him to be clingy again. I think you can tell where I got a bit self-indulgent. Making a mod is a lot of work and if I have the ability to turn Stardew into an Emmet friendship simulator, I'm going to make the most out of it. I need my emotional support Emmet to keep me on track. So for people familiar with Subway to Stardew and do like submas, you can get Emmet hugs at 9 hearts with Joltik now because I got derailed. Yippee!
The sneaking around in the mountain pass part was just silly. Since you can't visit Emmet in the Adoptable Joltik mod, I wanted to write around you not being able to find him. He's actively avoiding you now. Whether or not you notice him doesn't matter. He's not going to talk to you. It's safer that way.
I was thinking that Emmet doesn't take loss or changes in his routine very well; adopting Joltik would cause him to split tracks with you for a little bit. He's clingy and can't stand the few he cares about being gone even a little bit. He overthinks Joltik being happier with you so his inferiority complex flares up and he gets insecure about you forgetting him, too. He's jealous of you being a two-car train and he misses having Joltik aboard. He knows it's wrong to direct his frustrations at you since all you did was make Joltik happy.
There is a lot derailing his train of thought. While it's hard for him to stay on track, he still cares about you; you're still his best friend and favorite passenger (at the end of the line...). He doesn't want to split tracks forever, so he'll steer himself away in case if he accidentally lashes out or you end up thinking he's annoying with his visits for Joltik. He doesn't want you to hate him. He just wants to make sure Joltik still cares about him and still care for them while he takes the time to adjust to the changes in his routine. He's still frustrated with you, but that's his problem, not yours. He knows that. He thought it was a good idea to avoid you until he adjusted.
After all of that, his frustrations die down and he's a little deprived of his favorite (not-Joltik) passenger. He's clingy again. He won't let anyone derail him. Not even you. But he's back on track!
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definitelynotshouting · 7 months
Okay, so, question I've had for a while but never got around to asking, what the FUCK is up with Grian's wings?
If all physical differences in players (like those particularly ascribed to 'Hybrids' in mcyt fanon) in Hunger AU are a result of conscious altering of your own code for the express purpose of achieving YOUR IDEAL BODY(tm) then what does that mean for Grian and his wings? No one seems to regard Grian's wings as "What The Fuck, You Can DO That?!?" so presumably wings aren't so big of a change from normal biology that players can't do that. If so, why is it not more common? Man, if I could have wings I'd jump on that in seconds. Especially with the sheer utility the ability to fucking FLY gives players. Are wings (and maybe other larger alterations) just like, REALLY HARD to code in? If so, that might add a really cool layer of "Oh wow! They must be a really good coder!" to players who meet people like that.
On a related note, Grian seems to have a positive regard for his wings, which is interesting because I would be willing to bet he didn't have that before *insert sounds of worm-bursting and non-consensual body modification*. I imagine seeing his wings would likely feel like a reminder of the Watchers and what they did to him. BUT, Watchers manipulate their own code when they change like Grian did to, y'know, not be a worm anymore so Grian probably specifically chose how he looked, right? So, unless he did so really rushed and somehow made a mistake while doing so (which he might not be able to risk the structural damage of correcting), keeping the wings was a conscious decision. Does Grian just not associate his wings with the Watchers or is it something else? Does he just really enjoy having wings?
Okay okay so these are all SUCH valid questions, lemme go through them one by one. Wings are indeed something anyone could have if they wanted to code them in-- and in fact, i do believe many other Players have wings throughout the universe!!! As far as body mods go, i like to think of them as decently popular, so its definitely not anything too weird to see. In chapter 5, i even make a mention to Pearl having moth wings she occasionally codes in due to preference!!! So wings of many different types are definitely available-- but the catch is that they're real fiddly to code. You cant just give yourself wings, you have to code in the bone structure, the muscles, the tendons, etc etc, and then you have to change your entire body structure as well to work with and fully support them. They can be awkward and unwieldy, as ive tried to show in the fic itself, and i think that alone can be a big discouragement for Players considering coding in wings, along with the sheer coding effort needed to obtain them and make them functional
And the thing is, elytra already exist-- they're far more compact, they dont take up as much space, you can take them on and off super easily without having to mess with your coding, and they basically do the same thing. Sure, its a pain to get one, but a lot of Players really enjoy the sense of accomplishment, and i think theres a bit of cultural prestige too in that regard. Server milestones are a huge thing in Player culture, and getting your first pair of elytra is a big one!!! So it makes sense to me that people who just dont want to go through the effort of coding in wings (which can then in turn complicate how they code other future modifications) primarily stick to elytra.
And everybody is different-- some people prefer attributes that arent wings. I like to think everyone in hermitcraft generally is a mix of "jeez thats effort, i could be building my base instead of doing that" and "eh im fine how i am, i like it" and "well we have elytra shops everywhere so why bother".
So in short, yeah!! Wings are a bit complex to code in. They're still pretty popular, i think plenty of Players do choose to incorporate them, but it takes a lot of hard and thorough work to make sure they function right and wont bug you out when you use them. There are billions of Players scattered across the universe, so what you're seeing in the fic right now is truly just a drop in the ocean when it comes to Player body diversity :] and then, elytra basically already help Players achieve a form of flight without the hassle of recoding their entire body structure, so i think the majority of Players just prefer to use them instead.
Well..... its complicated. Particularly his feelings about them-- in the fic, i referenced them as the only good thing the Watchers ever gave him, and thats how he sees it, i think: a thin silver lining. He's had many, many years to get used to them, and i think he goes through periods where he hates them and the memories attached, too. Ultimately, he's kinda stuck with them, so i think he hit a form of acceptance (as bitter-tinged as it may be) out of sheer necessity for his own sanity.
As for why he has them, and hasnt coded them out: i think of it as a particular quirk of biology/structural coding. Watchers have a more instinctive way of coding than Players, but a Player-minded Watcher is still going to think like a Player, and thats going to muddle things a lot. Grian essentially had to relearn how to code, in a way that satisfied both Player and Watcher-style coding, and the results at first were.... a little rough around the edges. Once he managed to finally take on his original former appearance, the wings from his true form just kind of.... stuck. I like to think it took a few increasingly desperate tries before he realized he just could not figure out how to get rid of them (bc of how different his new code was), and had to accept that this was just how he was gonna have to live for a while until he finally figured it out. And then, well.... you can get used to anything, if you're stuck with it long enough. I think after a while it just stopped being a huge priority, and then he reached a point where it would be more awkward to live without them than with them, and he eventually dropped the idea altogether. And i think sometimes, they function almost like a scar, to him-- a reminder of what he went through, yes, but a reminder that he did manage to escape. And, ofc, he also just really, really likes flying skdjskdjdj
So yeah, loads of complicated feelings there about his wings, and its stuff i do plan on exploring later in the fic!!! This got a little rambly, but i hope this makes sense and answers your questions!!!! :D its a fun little complicated knot that im glad someone has gotten curious enough to ask about!!!!
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darkopsiian · 3 months
do you have any ideas for perhaps making M.O.T.H a mod if you could? watching these videos (which are amazing btw, youre very creative with this stuff) i keep imagining what his Leg and Can would be like, perhaps even updated regions due to the deadly wildlife hes released. keep up the great work opsiian! im a big fan :)
If I knew how to code then I'd love to make MOTH into a mod of his own, but sadly I am very uneducated when it comes to that subject. And it would entail so much that it'd basically be just a DLC to the game.
Besides, I don't mind just making these casually. I love making monsters and telling stories with them. If people think this is spooky, they should see what I can do for Warhammer.. lol
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Hello, really appreciate the work you're doing to bring awareness! I was wondering if you have thoughts/resources/suggestions etc. for fic writers who want to portray the clones well. I'm genuinely thinking that adding an author's note might be a good idea, but I'd love to have thoughts on respectfully mentioning the clones' appearance within fic itself. Thank you so much for all you do!
Hi, and thanks!
When it comes to writing, it's sometimes easier to come up with a list of "Dont's" than "Dos". This guide from NaNoWriMo is pretty straight forward!
Of course, there are some caveats: unless this is a modern AU, you can't directly say the clones are Māori because that term doesn't exist in Star Wars. However, this doesn't mean that their features don't! From another character's PoV, you could say they have even brown skin, dark eyes, and dark curly (not coily) hair with broad noses. You can tweak these for your level of prose, such as saying "warm" brown skin or coal-dark eyes/hair--but do NOT use food descriptions, as this is objectifying and dehumanizing. So no "chocolatey" (I have seen this) or anything like that.
Some authors like to code their characters as being from a certain culture, race, or ethnic background. Think of how Temuera Morrison portrayed Boba in The Book of Boba Fett and the Mandalorian, where he proudly put his Māori culture at the forefront of his fight in the latter show. I'm much less versed on the basics of Māori culture and ways of life than I am other cultures, so I personally don't know how to code the clones in the GAR as such. This is where research is important, both in terms of doing your own reading and reaching out to Māori cultural experts if they are willing to explain something.
One thing that I've seen that's quite popular in fics/art is Tā moko, which are the tattoos you may see some Māori with, like this:
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However, Tā moko is sacred and, from what I understand, relates specifically to one's ancestors, whakapapa (genealogy, loosely), and rank within society. Non-Māori can use kirituhi. @/tu_edmonds on TikTok/Instagram is a Māori bassist for Alien Weaponry who has Tā moko and also has a video explaining the difference between that and kirituhi. He's also got loads of other good explainers for Māori culture and language.
Physically, don't be scared to make the clones short! Temuera Morrison himself is only 5'7". I don't know why they made the clones six feet. Morrison also has a stockier build, the way a lot of Māori do, so don't be afraid to describe them being bigger and less cut/lean than the 180 lbs they supposedly are in canon (although I refuse to believe that's true because that is incredibly thin).
This might be more than you bargained for, whoops! But these are the basic things I could come up with for describing clones in fics!
There are other ways to support #UnwhitewashTBB, if you like. I've been looking at and supporting @end-otw-racism (highly recommend you support them too!) and people will change the title of their fics or tag there works with #EndOTWRacism, as well as bookmark them/add them to collections? I'm not sure how exactly it works.
But if you or anyone else understands how this works, and your work is explicitly non-racist in nature (and focuses on the clones) I don't see why you can't also tag your work or write an AN that says #UnwhitewashTBB.
Hope this helps!
~ Mod CH
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hashashafashasha · 7 months
Alright alright I know nobody cares but I wanted to put my thoughts down so I'd be able to say "I told you so" if I'm right which i'm probably not BUT
I think the reason the gnome had so much power of the real world is because Wayne broke the 4th wall so much while talking to him. In HLVRAI Wayne makes little to no mention of the world outside the game, it's mainly coomer that acknowledges the 4th wall, and so Benrey has no effect on the world outside the game. Maybe
ALSO I think there's someone behind this. At the beginning of the first HLVRAI stream I believe he says Valve themselves sent him the "experimental copy" of Half-life but in the description for the videos it says he "discovered" it, and in the description for HLAGE Episode 1 it says that Wayne was linked a workshop page for the gnome, and goes on to say that Gabe Newell himself told people not to mod the code of the Gnome Run due to the "Myth". This is a new edit since the finale released too, and due to it's insistence on nobody else EVER playing the true Gnome Run, I don't believe whoever linked this mod to Wayne was just some random hacker.
The intelligence of the gnome is another matter. One thing that Benrey and the Gnome have in common is that, as Wayne gets nearer to the end of the game they become more and more reluctant to continue. Benrey doesn't want to hurt Gordon, or at least part of him doesn't, and the Gnome insists that they need to stop and go back repeatedly in the final act of HLAGE, but once Wayne reaches the Peppa Pig Movie (jesus christ I love all this bullshit) the gnome's tone is quite different, obviously leading to Wayne getting Gnomified. But during the Gnome's musical number he yet again sings a different tune, so to speak. I believe the combine did take his memories of his and Gordon's time together. We see him warming up to Gordon and some real character growth in the final act, but once Wayne makes his way through the vault the Gnome seems to be back to his old, derogatory way of speaking. As for the musical number i'm not quite sure, but perhaps seeing gnomified wayne and being in wayne's shoes causes him to change his mind and remember what they had together.
The person creating these mods is still a mystery, but if we connect this to the greater RTVSCU there are a few options. Tucker, the creator of the I. M. MEEN disc for example (not sure about this bit) not only shows the skills that he would need to do something like this, given Meen's AI and the ending, and he would know where Wayne lives, making him an actual threat. Wayne also breaks the 4th wall numerous times during the stream, which supports my previous theory. Of course, that doesn't answer how Wayne escaped from The Shining painting at the end, but this part of the theory is flimsy so it's fine. The most powerful AI character we've ever seen however, is Homer. The fact that this man constantly gets kidnapped by fictional characters is amazing to me. I'd have to rewatch the Simpsons stream, but I believe this metric of power could be important.
TL;DR Wayne breaking the 4th wall may have effects on the power of the self aware AI, somebody has got to be behind the Half Life AI mods, and this could extend into the entire RTVSCU as a whole
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echoweaver · 6 months
In general, I haven't been able to bond with my sims in Sims 4. As a contrast, my eternal legacy is called the Samples because I named my test Sim Susie Sample when I first got TS3 and then couldn't let go of her.
I'm not sure why this is. There are many things about gameplay that are objectively very good.
I will say that TS4 has the opposite problem that TS3 has -- too many inactives show up on community lots, and they're too boisterous. I sent Mortimer Goth to the library, then half the town piled in and started a party. Morty tried to introduce himself to the guy at the computer across the table, and by the time his action rolled around, that guy had left the room, and Morty was in a group conversation with three different people.
I've seen mods to increase the sims on community lots. Are there any to REDUCE the sims on community lots, or at least make them behave a bit closer to the mood of the lot? Since TS4 has a role sim librarian, they should be running around shushing everyone.
I'd love to see the behavior I got in that TS4 library in a TS3 nightclub.
I usually play in TS3 with walls up, and for some reason, I can't get a good angle for that in TS4. The proportions of everything are different in some way. But I like seeing the walls and getting a sense of the room while I'm playing, so that
OTOH, I LOVE the attraction system in Wonderful Whims. I tried to think of how you could code something like that for TS3, and you really can't, can you? This is the alternate side of having color presets for everything -- a sim can find a particular eye color or hairstyle attractive in a potential partner. TS3 sims don't even know if they're wearing their favorite color or not.
I wonder -- what kind of info CAN you read from a TS3 sim in a mod? Can you get general body weight and fitness level? Is it possible to retrieve the RGB value for things like eye color? You might be able to categorize eye and hair color by doing simple math on an RGB value -- like whether the R, G, or B value is larger.
So... my dream attraction system would be a combination of the systems I see in TS3 and Wonderful Whims -- like, you have preferences but your attraction to other sims evolves with experience. In TS3, the game does an instant god-mode comparison when you walk in the room and tells you which sims are attractive based on things you don't even know about them. In Wonderful Whims, attraction is entirely physical (I think).
But... maybe you like green-eyed redheads, so any stranger with those qualities is attractive to you. So you're attracted to someone with the physical traits you like when you go out to a club. You dance with her and get to know her, and then you discover she has a totally incompatible trait with you. That would allow us to have relationships that have natural success or failure. Sims don't have much reason for their relationships to go sour if you don't intentionally inject drama.
I'm talking like I would ever write this mod, but I'm still 80% done with my Warrior Cats mod and on mandatory modding vacation.
Still, it would be pretty awesome, wouldn't it?
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entamewitchlulu · 1 day
stardew valley but it's hamefura
I made these here and i think i saved some of them different sizes by accident so sorry they look crap lol.
aka if i could code i'd make this a stardew valley mod
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Katarina is the farmer, ofc. She's the dumbass, airheaded farming enthusiast who wanders into stardew valley after inheriting a farm and starts fucking around with it.
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Jeord and Alan would live in the house where Emily and Haley are in the original game. Jeord would be the mayor's assistant, while Alan is an aspiring musician. Jeord's heart events would involve you helping him out with various town festivals and events, while Alan's major heart event would be attending a private concert he puts on for you.
The best gifts for Jeord would probably be weird, exotic stuff like cactus fruit or void eggs, because he likes things that surprise him.
Alan's most loved gifts would be fruits, I think. Maybe strawberries.
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Maria would live in the trailer where Penny lives in the original, with her mother. She'd be the quiet small town girl like Penny is, but instead of reading so much, she would spend most of her time baking, and probably works at the saloon at night.
Her heart events would involve cute, simple dates like picnics and going for walks in the woods. The best gifts for her would be baked goods like muffins and cookies, or ingredients like flour.
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Keith would live in the house where Sam and Jodi are (Jodi would be Milidiana, and Kent would be Luigi. I think for the lols I would make Vincent be Katarina's preincarnation self as a kid). He would be an artist making pottery and sculptures, as a nod to his canon earth magic.
Heart events with him would involve shenanigans and things going comically wrong, but ending with funny and wholesome conclusions. Best gifts for him would be books, clay, and artifacts.
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Mary lives in the house where Alex is in canon. She is an avid gardener and maintains most of the flower displays around the town. Her heart events would start off a bit antagonistic, maybe even a little competitive, but then she turns her headstrong nature towards being in love with you instead.
Best gifts for her would be flowers!
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Sophia and Nicol live up on the mountain where Robin's family is in the original game. Instead of a lab, the Ascart family has a massive library where their father is a historian and a writer. Though it doesn't make sense, we do still need a carpenter so their mother is still a carpenter. Nicol helps his father with his research and works at the museum, while Sophia spends most of her time reading at the family's personal library, at the museum library, or under trees around the town.
Nicol's heart events would be a little harder to get, but they would be very soft and sweet, while Sophia's would revolve around reading books together or playacting fun stories.
Best gifts for Nicol would be tea and coffee, while best gifts for Sophia are books.
I have ideas for who I'd replace the others with too but not really going to get into it right now. I just wanted to do the main love interest.
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34saveme34 · 7 days
I might be lost in the fragmented sauce but I'm very much noticing you guys ideas for the fnf concepts
it's okay if you aren't sure on a mechanic or something! You're talking to a notable mechanic hater, if I can't make the concept of it enjoyable we're doomed lol
I also just. play a lot in general. I charted sometimes
tbh if I could code and make music- oh man oh man, it'd be so over, I'd make stuff about it
then again something I do notice about SMG4 is because of it's long ass time span, it has so much notable stuff, an good SMG4 fnf mod would weigh down anyone's computer with the amount of content it would hold
especially cuz in my head I've also been thinking about stupid crack ideas
if you have those but think they aren't meaningful enough to share, no, they are, you can share
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I'm not sure what youve seen and what you havent- so really its up to you to scroll through my blog and see what i've posted about polyverse- I've thought about making it its own blog- but then i would also feel compelled to try and make a mod again and after how badly the first time went I think i'd rather die then give myself any urge to repeat that.
Polyverse Garcello was rped and mostly written by my beloved partner @colliewolf ! But we were all BIG Garci fans so little to say he played a BIG part in a lot of Polyverse lore-
His whole thing was due to the circumstances of his whole general life, his magic cigarettes were part of a deal he made with a demon named Austin in order to keep himself alive- who was a scumbag in the sense that he fed off pain and had a whole office dedicated to making shitty deals like this, but I REALLY LIKED HIM cause i gave him a fairy assistant named Bloo who was a little snitch and aughngdhugu i loved them
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Eventually Garci met Bf and even though part of the deal was killing folks- he didn't wanna do that. Bf and him bonded a shit fuck ton in that alley, mostly cause BF is CODED to be extremely lovable, little dudes of a failboy magnet- so he doesn't- so his clock runs out on his deal and he passes away. Thats it right? WRONG! Because Bf is an Angel, just like DD as a Demon, he has the ability to revive Garcello. Which he does. Accidently. Because he didn't know he was an Angel yet, he just wanted Garcello back- big woops but not that bad of a woops i guess.
Garcello being around let us interact with him and incorporate him more into the story- like being foster siblings with Eric(Polyverse Spirit) before the video game thing happened, and being half Angel because when ghosts get revived by Demons and Angels they become half of said species in Polyverse. >>;
As for your question about everyone's flaws- its important to note that the ancient Angels could not comprehend the ability of learning from your mistakes. Your mistakes, flaws, morally wrong actions even in a grey sense, and ANYTHING to do with demons even it wasn't inherently bad, were all things condemned by them. Things like associating with Demons or evil beings (Garcello and Lila), being a Demon (Gf), being part Demon (Eric), Killing people even in acts of self defense (Pico). These were all flaws to Angels, and upon entering the Heaven Plane these flaws actually manifest as something physical for all the Angel's to see and know what mistakes you've made.
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twinsimming · 19 days
Hi! I'm a big fan of your work. I would like to try to create mods for sims 3, however I have no modding or coding experience whatsoever. I have a very specific idea about the kind of mod I'd like to create (it's career related) and how I think it would be possible to create it by exploiting existing interactions an objects from the base game and/or expansion pack. I would like to discuss the idea with someone who can create mods just to get an idea of how complicated it would be of it it's even possible at all... I'm even ready to pay an experienced modders for some advice on chat on how I could make this happen! Could I describe my idea to you just to get some advice? Posting this here so it may reach also other modders who might be interested :)
Hi anon!
Feel free to share your idea in my inbox and I'll publish it so other modders can see it too.
There's also the TS3 Creators' Cave discord server for Sims 3 creators/modders of all skill levels! It's a great place to share your ideas, find resources, and get advice from a bunch of super helpful users with a lot of experience.
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babiebom · 7 months
yeah me too! my friends and I actually do have some plans of streaming together, so that should be fun... if we ever stop procrastinating 😆
a whole week?? wow that's some top notch commitment 👏
props to you guys lmaoo
I hope to see the fnaf movie soon, but the 5 of us can't settle on a date so it's tricky :/
hopefully soon we can actually watch it tho lol
unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a romance mod for Mr. qi yet 😕 😞
im half tempted to attempt making my own, but I dropped coding agess ago lmao.. don't know where I'd start 😅
altho I think if i were to make one, he'd not move in w the farmer. idk he just doesn't seem the type. he's got the vibes of rich hubby on vacation who sends you stuff.. that might just be me tho lol
speaking of, may I request nsfw mr. qi headcanons with an ftm! reader?
tysm :]
A/N:omfg? Idk how I didn’t see this until now I’m no sorry! I hope you’ve gotten to see the movie by now especially with how many spoilers are on EVERY app. If you ever do make the mod let me know! I wanted to get back into coding but then remembered that I actually hated it so unfortunately I can’t. I do wanna try to make a game in itch.io(is that the website for the games?) that is the choose your own adventure fic that I’m writing but I don’t know how i would even do it. Also agree with the rich hubby thing. I don’t think he would ever actually settle down ANYWHERE. like he’d be home like 2 days out of the week at most.
Tw:Sexual content! Cursing
ALSO idk if this should go under warnings, but I would also like to say that I am not trans myself, so if I write something that’s inaccurate or offensive make sure to let me know, I’m trying my best to write from that pov I just wanted to….warn? Let you know? Like I do not mind writing this at all(no transphobes allowed) I just want to make sure that I’m writing/understanding well!!
Wc: 30 bullet points
Sdv Masterlist
Also fucking and making love are two DIFFERENT things
I 100 percent believe that gender identity doesn’t matter to Mr.Qi at ALL.
I also think he doesn’t care about bottom/top surgery at ALL
Like he is a fan of mystery, of the unknown that’s what he likes, and he likes people that also have those interests, or people that make him interested in a similar way.
(I think he would be pansexual? Demisexual?)
So in his mind he knows that you have nothing to worry about. He also knows that emotions don’t follow logic half of the time and that your nerves can’t be dispelled just by him saying that you have nothing to worry about.
So he shows you.
Depending on if you’re a romantic/sentimental person or not he does different things
Like would set up and entire display with roses and everything, music playing and snacks to make you feel loved and comfortable
but if you’re not the type of person to like that sort of thing he would probably do something more chaotic like a scavenger hunt for you throughout the day(which arguably could be seen as more romantic) that leads you on a wild goose chase and allows him to set something up at home(your home but like whatever)
Making love to him is very sweet. He tries to keep the teasing to a minimum
By minimum I mean he only teases in the beginning, and not how he usually would. Would probably edge you for a little just to make your first orgasm mind blowing then would get on with it.
He does slow his pace down for love making because it’s more…spiritual(?) like it’s an exchange of love and it’s not only for pleasure y’know. It’s literally to express how you feel for each other.
I do think he would be on the more dominant side, preferring to tease and take control, coaxing out things you didn’t know you had within you
Will let you take control though
He is a man of curiosity
Wonders how you will behave when given a dominant position
Doesn’t refuse anything you want to do, but is mischievous the entire time. Has a stupid smirk on his face that makes you think that you have absolutely no control.
Idk if it’s magic or what but always does SOMETHING to make everything more sensitive.
Is VERY into blindfolding
Wants genuine reactions without self consciousness getting in the way.
Good/smart/naughty boy are a part of his vernacular and he will use it only when you’re too fucked out to react to him saying it in any other way than incoherent whining.
Probably into shibari and likes to be tied up and tying you up.
Blindfolds + shibari is a normal night ngl.
The glasses stay on during sex idc
He makes sure by the end of it that both of you are sweaty and out of breath
Likes having sex in different locations with a tiny bit of risk. Like he doesn’t want the two of you to get caught
But he wonders what would happen if you did…
The sexual experience with him is always a good one somehow even when he wants to try out weird kinks.
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subwaytostardew · 2 months
Hello! I’ve been following this mod for a little while now and I want to say!! How absolutely impressed and blown away how amazing it is!! The story and world building is so much fun! And the sprites and the amount of effort you put in each animation is phenomenal! The pokemon look so good and I adore how you made emmet and Ingo’s walk cycles different, and just the! Writing and seer amount of programming done is just! Amazing! Super bravo! You two so clearly but so much thought into (1/?)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
First off, I'd just like to say thank you for taking the time to type out all your messages! It really means a lot whenever we get feedback like this!
Kade is brilliant on the world-building aspect of things and coming up with ideas... She sent me a whole google doc with a draft of their schedules a day after I managed to get Emmet in game. Really helped give this project a sense of direction!
I wasn't too confident regarding writing and pixel art at first, but having her take charge with scripts really helped me stay on track towards a higher state. After so many events, I feel like we have a good idea as to how to write their characters. Making Emmet's sprite first did make Ingo's a bit of a pain to draw (since he does not walk like that) but I'm glad I committed to the bit from day one.
I've been staying up late (I get too excited working on the mod...), but I'm making sure to sleep in to account for that! It'll be a while until we get around to releasing platonic versions of their routes (don't get me wrong, it's first on our patch priority- especially since so many people following this are aromantic! We just still have a long way to go regarding the base mod.), but I'm glad what we have is still enjoyable for now. Emmet's part of Ingo's 10 heart event is still one of my favorite things I've written. It wasn't in the original draft and was only added in during the coding phase, but everything is constantly evolving!
As for Chandelure and Ingo, they can understand each other, just not in the way the farmer can understand Pokemon. We actually discussed the logistics and capabilties together but I don't believe we've ever published it in a post. The farmer understands Pokemon as if they were recieving instant translations to English from the noises they "speak". Farmer has a bit of telepathy in a sense because sometimes, they're just making noises, but they can read their thoughts in words. (When writing Joltik, I don't actually have any text in my head... it's just babbles of "bah" and "wawwawawawawa" in my head. Baby noises.) Farmer also has an absurd ability to eavesdrop, so they can just tell if a Pokemon is thinking/saying anything.
Ingo and Chandelure have their souls bonded, but Ingo can't quite decipher what Chandelure's chimes mean exactly in words. He reads her through a mix of tone, how her flames burn, charades, and any visions she transmits into his mind through active effort. In the tunnel, she's just transmitting what she wants to say into the farmer's mind. Ingo can't pick up on that. When Chandelure communicates with Ingo, she has to will his perception, and it's only in images. If Ingo had the image of hand-holding with his crush flashed into his mind, he would just get flustered and eventually assume it's his imagination running wild again. He does get caught up in his ideas, so Chandelure can easilly gaslight him into believing it's his own train of thought rather than her fault.
In that same line of thinking, Chandelure could convince him that he's super down bad for the farmer with enough suggestions since she kind of wants to win a bet with Grandpa saying that they'll get married in three years. Ingo feels haunted about having a crush for a reason.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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berrybanana-arts · 4 months
Someone stop me from trying to host a Gravity Falls zine/planner/cookbook, I have too many ideas...!
(And I'm not sure how alive the fandom still is...)
As I'm already rambling, my favourite thoughts so far are...
A 'Seasons' themed zine 4 sections, one for each season, the Pines family throughout the year...! This one is my favourite idea, mostly because I have so many ideas for it! Picnics, easter egg hunts, BBQs, water fights, fireworks, pumpkin/watermelon carving, ice skating, and attempting to hang wintry lights all come to mind...
Stan Twins making up for lost time in Gravity Falls 90% silly domestic fluff. Both prior-to and after trips on the Stan O'War! Running the mystery shack together/watching the Duchess Approves, going to Family Fishing Day with the kids, playing mini golf...
Cookbook Mostly Mabel, Ford, and Stan contributing recipes with a few from the townsfolk and lots of tasting notes from Wendy and Dipper... I'd really want to make this one physical, though, maybe even with limited edition merch like a shopping list pad, a themed apron, or a cookie cutter set... I think a scrapbook style for some pages with drawn sticky notes/spot art of pictures of the characters baking would be really fun. Nailing the characters' handwriting while still keeping it legible would be important, though!
Something exploring the dynamic between Bill and Ford throughout the years-? 3 sections??- researcher era, portal era, post portal era/Weirdmageddon... I think this one would be really fun to do, Ford and Bill have such a crazy dynamic, perfect for really dramatic pieces full of secret codes and visual foreshadowing...
Stan Zine Exploring the many facets of Stan- kid, teen, criminal, Mr Mystery, Grunkle, Hunkle, possessed, etc... I couldn't leave Stan off of the list! This one also has the potential to be really fun... Heists, casinos, secrets and more!
I could definitely manage to host something free and digital right now but I don't want to run a for charity/profit physical zine again unless I'm certain I have the time/expertise for it... It's been a while!!
I might ask to shadow the finance/merch mods for a zine in a busier fandom to brush up on my knowledge of the finances side as the US tax system is uhhh intimidating (as someone NOT from the US) and in the past I have had VERY capable finance mods covering that while I worked on formatting/feedback/socials....
Still, if anyone wants to chat excitably about hypothetical zines hmu because I love talking about them! If I get to a point where I am CERTAIN I have the time to commit to one and I'm certain I have my zine-running knowledge back in order, I'll put an interest check out and run the numbers...
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