#i’m calling this ship exit buddies
the-girl-in-the-box · 2 years
Omg Shuri and Namor were exit buddies 😳
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Healthcare Quotes!
(dark humor)
Four: My patient really needs a liver transplant. I want tonight to be the night he gets it. Legend: What’s your blood type? Four, rolling his eyes: Not my liver. I want to see him recover and all! Sky: That would be the fastest way to procure it, though. The ultimate sacrifice for your patient. Truly being a patient advocate. Legend: Let us know when you off yourself and we’ll give it like six minutes so you can be properly brain dead and all. Four, huffing: How about Warriors? He’s strong, healthy— Sky: Nah, he drinks too much, you don’t want his liver. Wars: >:O I DO NOT Legend: *wheezing*
Mo: *coughing* Hyrule: You good? Mo: I’m dying Aurora: None of that crap until the shift is over, we’ve had enough call outs tonight! Mo, sadly: Aw man
Warriors: *exiting a patient’s room laughing* Legend: What’s so funny? Wars: This dude has the absolute best insults ever. Legend: Who was he insulting? Wars: Me, because he didn’t get his water fast enough, but man was it amazing. Legend, interested now: So what did he call you?? Warriors, smirking evilly: You’ll never know. Legend: Wha—YOU CANT LEAD ME ON AND THEN LEAVE ME HANGING LIKE THAT
Twilight, staring into the void: Ilia: What’s wrong? Twi: The girl in 15 said I couldn’t play with her ponies because I wasn’t cool enough. Ilia, biting back laughter: That’s rough, buddy
Wild: This one teenager I was transporting to MRI said I was so bad at directions I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag. Twilight: She ain’t wrong. Wind: Did you say anything back? Wild: I said “Actually I can, animal control tried to use a bag to catch me and I found my way out of it just fine.” Twi, sighing: I can believe it
Time, stopping a surgical resident from doing something: That is what we call an artery. When I said don’t kill the patient, I meant don’t kill the patient. Since you were about to cut the artery, I think we need a lesson really quickly on what does and does not kill a patient. Time: For example. Bleeding to death leads to dying. I know this might be hard for you to understand but— Malon: *narrows eyes, raises eyebrow* Time:…But I understand you’re still learning.
Fable: Yeah, so she was supposed to get a mini-MVR, they perfed her LV, then they fixed that and her papillary muscles tore, then they tried to fix that and she got a VSD, so they just put her on ECMO and balloon pump and shipped her to us. Wild: What does—what?? Time: Her heart woke up and chose violence. Or her surgeon did, I’m not sure which.
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hannibalzero · 3 months
Obikin 🐰⭐️🐰⭐️🐰
Han Solo walked out into the landing pad. “Hey! Buddy! You can’t park here! You listening?” He called out before recognizing the ship.
Chewbacca growled in agreement.
“You said it buddy.” Han agreed walking over to the ship as the landing stared stairs folded out. As the metal door opened. “Hello In-laws.” Han greeted the couple.
“Solo…” Anakin greeted, age had mellowed out the once wild child of the force. He had aged like everyone did but his age seemed to match his once master, Obi-wan was holding Anakin’s arm as they made it down the steps.
They moved as a unit now.
“Hello there..” Obi-wan greeted, age had treated Obi-wan well it seemed. Still as handsome as could be along with Anakin.
“Hey, didn’t Leia ask you both not to be plotting? We would have sent you tickets for a space cruser.” Han pointed as he spoke.
“Oh…did she?” Obi-wan asked in fake surprise.
“Keep pointing at him smuggler, I’ll cut that finger off.” Anakin growled before rolling his eyes. “I don’t like being crowed.” Anakin hated Han Solo.
“Merchant.” Han corrected
Leia could have done so much better. Yet she went for the scruffy loudmouth man with a wookie best friend. Shame really, Anakin had liked that singer that leia dated with his twin brother. (Blues brothers joke!)
Least those men were driven and proud of their work and treated Leia like an empress. Like she deserved.
“Now, where is Ben? I’m sure he’s exited to see us and Lukes new family.” Obi-wan asked “he had a new baby, Rey is her name. Then adopted his husbands son Grogu. It’s so nice to have everyone together.” Obi-wan asked
Han wished for death at this moment…
In-laws sucked.
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admiral-mason · 1 year
You Reap What You Sow - Chapter 4
Genshin Impact SAGAU x Iron Harvest 1920+
The Eagles Have Landed
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You, Olga, and your group of monsters are on the way to Inazuma. You’re all waiting at an area far south of Liyue, near the ocean. It turns out the Ironside Quadripartite, as the alliance of the four nations was called, had sent over Usonian airships to pick you all up. The monsters and Olga would be transported via airlift, and the Geo Hypostasis, your Eisenhans exosuit, and your anti-mech cannon would be picked up via a small ship. You would be personally transported via a ZR-25 Samson, with William Mason accompanying you. Afterwards, you would rendezvous with George Mason and a large chunk of the Usonian air fleet. From there, you would all depart for Snezhnaya, which is where the quadripartite currently resides in.
“How much longer until they arrive?” You asked Olga.
“Quite a while. We have a lot of time to ourselves.”
“Alright then.” You simply said before you decided to exit your exosuit to take in the fresh air. A Thundercraven Rifthound whelp went up to you and started cuddling your leg. It quickly went in front of you, wagging its ‘tail.’
You gave it a few headpats, which the whelp seemed to enjoy. It made a soft bark, and you gave it more headpats. “I’m keeping you as a pet!” You said, now having a new buddy to accompany you in your journey of Teyvat.
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You were awoken by Olga telling you that the Usonians were here. You got up and looked in the sky to see their airships.
Skybikes, Airlifts, Reveres, and of course, the ZR-25 Samson.
You simply gazed at the airships with awe. These types of flying machines were mostly outdated in your world. However, this wasn’t your world, and you could stare at these things all day long.
The airlifts and the Samson descended to the ground while the Skybikes and Reveres stayed in the air, guarding you and those near your holy profile. When the Samson descended, a hatch up top opened up, and William Mason appeared from it. The rifthound looked at him with curiosity.
“Your Grace!“ William said with a smile on his face. “A pleasure meeting you! Olga told me about what you’ve been through...“ William said that with a scowl on his face, but it quickly turned into a smile again. “But don’t worry! You’ll be safe in Usonian hands. Oh, and, nice rifthound you have there.“ You picked up your rifthound whelp buddy and walked up to Mason as he helped you aboard the Samson as your exosuit and cannon was loaded on the ship. Everyone else then took their spots on the airlifts.
After a while, you felt the Samson lift off. You looked out one of the windows and sure enough, you and the fleet were up in the air. “I’ve been in planes before, but this is new!” You simply said, and then you realized something. “Wait- can I see the crew cabin??” You asked, brimming with a bit of internal excitement.
“Sure!“ William said. It’s just down that way. Mason lead you down the Samson’s only hallway into a crew cabin where two women were manning the giant aerial carrier. The left one had short blonde hair, and the other had brown hair tied up in a ponytail. Both of them had fair skin and wore Usonian uniforms.
“Greetings, your grace.” The blondie said. “Here for the view?“
“Nah, I wanted to see the control room. But now that you do mention it, it feels amazing being here since this is kinda the bridge.“
“Well then, your grace.“ The brown-hair said. “We hope you enjoy the ride.“
“Oh yeah. Your grace, can I pet your rifthound right there?“ The whelp ran up to Mason and licked him with its ‘tongue.‘ “Guess that’s a go ahead,” you replied. Mason just smiled and gave headpats to the electric dog.
“Who’s a good little boy!“ He affectionately said as the whelp barked in happiness.
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It has been around thirty minutes, and your rifthound buddy had fallen asleep on the floor. You and William have been discussing the current events of you world in the main hallway.
“Hold up- so you’re telling me that your world’s version of Usonia is currently in shambles right now because of a bunch of old men in suits??“ Mason asked you, perplexed by Earth’s current events.
“Er... in a pessimist way, yes...“ You replied. “Man, that must be horrible. But you’re safe with us now! Nothing’s going to harm you again, I can guarantee that.“ the brown-hair added. “Yeah, that’s nice.” The conversation was then interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Queen Langley to Samson, requesting briefing, over.“ That’s the voice of the one and only George Mason. Your rifthound buddy awoke to the sounds of the coms.
William was about to respond, but then you interrupted him, wanting to speak to the admiral himself.
“Uhhh... hi there, admiral!“
“Your grace? I surely didn’t expect you to speak on these coms! Well, nice to meet you. I’m sure you know of me as George Mason, son of William Mason. Just call me George.“
“Okay then, George.“ You responded. “Command’s moving to your position now, your grace. Let us know when we see the Queen Langley.“
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After a while, you noticed the UNC Queen Langley in your sights. The massive aerial battleship was simply breathtaking up close in the cabin of a ZR-25 Samson. You asked for William to ring up the admiral again.
“George, I see the Queen Langley!“ You said into the coms. “Good. Follow us and we’ll head to Snezhnaya safe and sound, your grace.”
“Moving Samson towards Union flagship!” The blondie said. Soon enough, the Samson and every other airship accompanying it now flew alongside the Queen Langley. Your rifthound buddy simply looked at you as you looked back at it. Both of you knew that this is the beginning of a new chapter in both of your lives.
Genshin Impact is owned by miHoYo. Iron Harvest 1920+ is owned by Jakub Różalski and KING Art Games.
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Started with a kiss Chapter 9: A new development
Summary: Brothers try to be nosey, the brainy duo has a conversation
Ship: Donnie x OC (Kara)
A/N: this one is probably super short in comparison to previous chapter but that's bc I decided to cut it in half bc I wanted to give y'all something and keep some material for the delay of the current wip chapter. Amazing Beta Work by @thoughtfulraven (amazing writer and artist as well, ty so much for the help).
Tag list: @madammuffins @m1dnyt3-w0lf @tinkabelle19 @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @scholastic-dragon @pheradream-15 @sharpwindow @dilucsflame33 (if anyone wants to be added/removed lemme know)
During Donnie’s recovery, the brothers had to manage without him during the anti-organized-crime mission fueled by intel received from Kara. Of course, Donnie didn’t just let them go without him. He supplied his brothers with his drones and support from the lair as much as he could. They had to be extra careful now that Boxman was back and with weapons that could easily kill them. 
Kara tried to help as much as she could. Unfortunately, she’d often end up frustrated. She was used to a sterile lab. Ready materials, if not limited by budget,. Things were different in the sewers. Donnie meanwhile, could whip out technological wonders out of literal junk. It amazed and impressed her to no end. His brain worked so quickly to overcome his obstacles, while she struggled. Comfort made her lazy. So she had to work twice as hard. 
Donnie observed her closely. He noted her frustrations, which was quite adorable. It slowed her down and took her down a peg or two, but not too far down thankfully. He lo-enjoyed her spitfire personality. As expected, she quickly overcame her limitations and his usual work went twice as fast. 
Unfortunately, two geniuses called for twice as much space. The blueprints usually contained to Donnie’s lab, random notes, and projects were slowly spilling out into the rest of the lair. 
Leo cursed as he got up from the sofa and pulled a wrench out from behind a pillow. This was the third time in two days he found a random tool in a place it clearly didn’t belong. He sighed and went to the kitchen.
“You know, you’d think that when Donnie started talking to a girl, he’d spend less time in the lab,” he told Raph as he placed the tool on the table.
Raph snorted. “Not when the girl’s a brainiac too.” He slathered his sandwich in mustard. “At least we don’t have to worry about these two eloping. All they do is talk science. My head hurts.”
At that, Mikey, who was also at the table, started eating his lasagna faster. Raph frowned and exchanged looks with Leo. That was clearly ‘guilty Mikey’ behavior. 
“Mikey, what do you think?” Leo said slowly, half sitting on the table. 
Mikey looked up, alarmed. “Mphm?” His mouth was comically stuffed with food. 
“Come on buddy, you can tell us,” Leo tried to encourage the youngest brother. 
“Yeah, Mikey, tell us what you know,” Raph said. He stood up, placing his knuckles down on the table, leaning forward.
The orange-clad terrapin swallowed. “Uuuuuh, I don’t know what you guys are talking about.”
“Mikeeey, you wouldn’t lie to your brothers, now would you?” Raph grinned, tilting his head to the side.
“Noooo?” Mikey’s eyes shifted between his two elder brothers. “Listen, I uh- have this thing to do-” He started getting up slowly from his chair. “I’llcatchyalaterbye!!” He took off running.
“Get him!” Leo shouted, taking chase. Raph was right behind him. “Don’t let him get on the skateboard!” 
Raph threw his kusarigama just in time, knocking the skateboard out of Mikey’s hands. Mikey yelped and rushed towards the exit. Leo launched himself and tackled the youngest. 
Mikey tried to wiggle himself out but both Raph and Leo sat on top of him.
“Come on guys!! Let me goooo,” he whined. “I’m gonna tell Dad!”
“We’ll let you go, dum-dum, once you tell us what you know,” Raph snickered.
“Spill it, Michael,” Leo added. “We’ll go easy on you.”
“What about Leo!? We still don’t know who you’re dating!” Mikey tried distraction. But it had no effect.
“We’re gonna unpack that later,” Raph shot back. 
“Hey!” Leo protested but that went on ignored.
“Alright! Alright! Just get off me!” Mikey stopped wiggling.
“No way, you’ll try bolting again.” Leo knew the tricks of his youngest brother all too well.
“Okaaaay! But you didn’t hear it from me! I don’t want Donnie to cut off my wi-fi!”
“Sure, spill it already!” Raph said impatiently.
Mikey took a deep breath in. “I overheard Donnie and April talking and apparently Donnie and Kara were making out in California! And she kissed him first!”
“Bullshit!” Raph’s jaw dropped. 
“It’s what I heard, I swear! Now let me go!” 
“I mean, I knew he was interested in her,” Leo stood up, frowning. “I didn’t think…”
“Dude, they keep staring at each other!” Raph also released Mikey. “I didn’t think they actually went for it.”
“They have been spending a lot of time alone now as well…” Leo said, deep in thought then glanced back at Raph. “They are alone now.”
“You think-?”
“What? What are you guys talking about?” Mikey picked himself from the floor. 
“Last at the lab is a rotten egg!” Raph slapped Mikey’s shoulder and started running. 
“Hey!” Leo shouted after him. 
Mikey followed after them. This time he used his skateboard and was first at the lab. Immediately he collided with Leo who got there second. Raph crashed into both of them. 
Donnie and Kara stared at the unexpected turtle pile in front of the lab. They had welding tools in their hands.
“You guys good?” Donnie asked, wondering if he wanted to know what the newest bullshit his siblings were on was.
“Yup, peachy,” Leo, wheezed out. 
<What’s with them?> Kara asked Donnie, gesturing to the pile.
<They are idiots, don’t pay them any mind.> He replied and she snorted, shaking her head amused. 
Donnie watched with the corner of his eye, while he and Kara worked, how his brothers leave. Were they concerned for him? Worried? Or just nosey? He looked at the short woman next to him. Was he worried? 
He remembered his drug-induced ramblings and Kara’s response. Was it wrong he kind of wished she kissed him on his mouth instead of his forehead? 
He placed the wielder down. Kara took a closer look at the weld and overall construction. This was going to be a part of something they thought of building in the tunnels. Hopefully, neither Leo nor Splinter would catch on too quickly. 
<Looks good.> She decided. <We can sneak it out later.>
<Sure,> Donnie replied, absentminded. 
<You okay?> She looked at him with mild concern. <Need to sit down?>
<What? No, no,> he quickly reassured her. <We’re just,> he tried to think of something to bring up, <short on the components for your project.>
<Oh, right. Which ones?> 
He grabbed the list they made earlier and pointed to the positions he checked that weren’t in his inventory. <I don’t think I can replace these with anything I have, especially the fuel source.> 
Kara leaned in, analyzing the missing components. <I have all this stuff at my lab.> 
They looked at each other. That might be a problem. His leg wasn’t 100% there. She wouldn’t be allowed on her own to leave the lair. Both desperately needed to leave the underground. Neither wanted to ask any of the other three turtles for assistance.
While Donnie could keep his hands and mind busy, his body was feeling the lack of exercise. Kara was working out on her own but unlike him, she grew up with the sun above her head. They both sighed. 
<I wish I could at least stream again,> she said.
<Oh that won’t be a problem!> Donnie grabbed his crutch and hobbled to his scrap pile. <We can just make you a new rig.>
<Thanks,> she smiled. That was true, she could have just asked for parts. It seemed Donnie had enough to even custom-make everything from scratch. 
They sat next to each other at his desk. Kara needed a booster for herself and was basically kneeling in her chair. It was probably why she was leaning towards him. They kept bumping elbows or their hands would almost touch when they’d try to reach for the same tool. 
<Sorry.> They both signed at the same time and then chuckled, embarrassed. 
<So… what are you going to play first?> Donnie asked her while she was still facing him.
<I thought of going back to No Man’s Sky or trying Helltaker. It came out this year and I haven’t had a chance to take it for a spin. Or just jump straight into Doom: Eternal,> she grinned with the last suggestion.
He snorted. <Wow, so tame.> 
<Thanks.> She winked. She glanced at her work. <Hey, Donnie?> She looked back at him.
<Do you want to play with me?>
<Like… join you on a stream?>
<Yeah. I mean all things considered, you can act as my voice while I try to recover my VR model, but I think it will be fun to stream with you. If you’d feel better we can get your brothers and try out Among US. It’s pretty fun with a group of friends.>
Somehow in all this, Kara’s leg slipped off the seat. Somehow with the angle their knees touched. Donnie swallowed but didn’t move back. Neither did she. 
<That sounds fun,> he said slowly. <When we finish here, sure.>
<Great,> she smiled and he could swear this smile reached her eyes. It softened her features. Was it the light or did she blush? 
<I would never sell you guys out.>
Donnie blinked, taken a bit by surprise. Oh. She bided her time, huh? Honestly, he expected to be cornered about this so much earlier. 
<Thanks,> he replied slowly, not sure what he should do.
She shook her head a little. <Yeah, I wouldn’t buy it either.> There was a slight disappointment on her face, a drop in her shoulders. He didn’t like that. She was about to go back to her work but he placed his hand over her wrist.
<No. I mean it. Thank you.> He reached for her hand. It might have been awkward at first but she found out she liked how her hand looked in his. The big, warm, calloused hand of his seemed to swallow her smaller one.
<We didn’t have the best beginning, huh?> She signed with one hand. She didn’t want to let go of his.
He shrugged. He also didn’t let go. <It doesn’t matter,> he signed and spoke. <We’re good now.>
She smiled at him. Something inside her swelled. It was warm and a little alarming. She had a hard time looking away from him. The hazel shade of his eyes was so beautiful. Captivating. She swallowed, feeling her breath catching in her throat. She was about to look away when his other hand landed on her cheek. Oh. He was leaning forward but paused looking uncertain for a moment. Kara sighed and straightened up, arching up to reach him. Her free hand rested on his bicep as a boost. Almost… almost…
“Dinners ready!” Raph bombed into the lab, shouting. “You nerds better come out of this cave or I’ll drag you in here!”
The duo in question immediately jumped away from each other.
“W-we’ll be right there,” Donnie said, standing up so abruptly he almost flipped his chair over.
Kara was so glad that Donnie's form hid her completely from Raph. Oh, they were in trouble.
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The Bond Between Us ~ 84
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,375ish
Summary: The Resistance is forced to flee from the First Order.
Notes: Honestly, the struggle was real to write these The Last Jedi chapters, just bare with me...
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The First Order had found the Resistance base not long after Rey had left. This forced you and Leia to call for an immediate evacuation of the base. Though you urged everyone to be swift, not even half the fleet was off of D’Qar before First Order star ships arrived. Poe came to you and Lisa with an idea to distract the First Order ships, allowing the fleet to get away. Leia wasn’t the biggest fan of the idea but you were. Poe’s plan reminded you of plans Anakin would come up with, making you feel young again. You and Leia stood in the Resistance command ship, around the holo table, watching what was going on outside.
“Happy beeps here, buddy, come on,” you overheard Poe tell BB8. “We’ve pulled crazier stunts than this.”
“Just for the record, Commander Dameron, I’m with the droid on this one,” Leia said.
“Thank you for your support, General.”
“This so something Anakin would do,” you muttered with a smirk. “I—“
“No, you are not joining Commander Dameron in your own fighter,” Leia told you before you could say anything.
“Remember that I rank higher than you in both this Resistance and the family.”
“And it would do you good to remember that you are no longer as young as you were.”
“Fun killer.”
You turned your focus onto the holograms where Poe had begun to take out the surface cannons of the larger ship. It wasn’t long before a giant blast fired and hit the D’Qar base.
“The last transport is in the air,” Lieutenant Connix informed you from the last transport. “The evacuation is complete.”
“Thank you,” you responded. “You did it, Poe. Now get your squad back here so that we can get out of this place.”
“No, General! We can do this!” Poe retorted. Both you and Leia shared a wary look, knowing where he was going with this. “We have a chance to take down a dreadnought! These things are fleet killers. We can’t let it get away.”
“Disengage now. Commander, that is an order,” Leia demanded. She sighed when Poe’s comm turned off. She turned to C3PO. “Wipe that nervous expression off your face, 3PO.”
“Well, I’ll certainly try, General,” he responded. He looked at you. “Nervous?” 
You shrugged. “Guess I’m just used to your nervousness.”
You watched as Poe took out the final cannon and called in the bombers. You shook your head as your heart sank with each bomber that was destroyed. It was a stupid call on Poe’s part. The Resistance was now losing more resources than it could afford. Leia knew that, that’s why she didn’t want Poe to continue with this plan. The final surviving bomber sacrificed itself to bomb the dreadnought and complete it. You and Leia’s eyes caught sight of the causalities as others celebrated and the fleet headed into hyperspace.
“He’s still a kid, Leia,” you tried to defend the Commander’s actions.
“We both were younger when we began fighting,” Leia argued back. 
“That was a loss we shouldn’t have had to deal with— we can’t afford to deal with.”
You and Leia could both feel that something wasn’t right when the ship suddenly exited hyperspace. The two of you headed back into the command center where Leia immediately found Poe and slapped him.
“You’re demoted,” she told him.
“What?” He questioned in complete shock. “We took down a dreadnought.”
“At what cost?”
“If you start an attack, you follow it through.”
“Poe, get your head out of your cockpit. There are things you cannot solve by jumping into an x-wing and blowing something up! We need you to learn that.”
“There were heroes on that mission.”
“Dead heroes. No leaders.”
Finn, out of his coma, stepped up to you and Leia. “We’re really nowhere,” he said. “How’s Rey going to find us now?” You smiled slightly as you lifted your sleeve to show Finn your new piece of jewelry. “A cloaked binary beacon?”
“To light her way home,” you smiled.
“Alright, well, until she comes back, what’s the plan?”
“We need to find a new base,” Leia answered.
“One with enough power to get a distress signal to our allies scattered in the Outer Rim,” Commander Larma D’Acy added.
Suddenly, the alarms began blaring through the ship.
“Proximity alert!” Ackbar exclaimed.
“They found us,” you breathed out, sharing a fearful look with Leia.
“That’s impossible,” Poe said. Poe watched as giant star destroyers exited light speed in front of the Resistance ships, with an even larger one appearing above the rest. “It’s Snoke’s ship. You’ve gotta be kidding me. Can we jump to light speed?”
“We have enough fuel for just one jump,” Kaydel Ko Connix replied.
“Do it. We have to get out of here.”
“Wait!” Leia said. She paused, sensing the same thing in the Force that you were. “They tracked us through lightspeed.” She glanced over at you to make sure that she was correct.
“That’s impossible,” said Finn.
“Yes, and they’ve done it.”
“So if we jump to lightspeed, they’ll just find us again, and we’ll be out of fuel. They’ve got us.”
“Not yet, they don’t,” Poe argued. He came up to you and Leia. “Permission to jump in an x-wing and blow something up?”
“Permission granted,” Leia replied. Poe ran off. “Admiral, spin us around!”
“Reverse,” Ackbar ordered. “Rotate the shields!”
“To your stations!” A Resistance office ordered. “Move, move, move!”
“Leia, I’m going with Poe,” you said. Before you could move around, Leia had gripped your wrist tightly.
“Y/N, you are not as young as you once were,” her voice was firm and yet worried. “Let Poe handle this… Please, Auntie.”
You were going to argue when a familiar voice of guidance sounded in your head.
“Listen to Leia, little star,” Obi-Wan told you. “You need to stay on the ship.”
Leia could tell that it wasn’t her words that changed your mind and caused you to nod in agreement. She silently thanked Obi-Wan for still being able to reach you. If not, she feared she would lose you today.
You turned to face the holotable that was projecting all the action. You inhaled sharply when you felt him. Glancing over, you could tell that Leia had felt him too. Kylo—Ben. Your great nephew, her son. Before either of you could do anything else, Kylo fired a blast into one of the hangars, destroying the fighters and killing the crew members in there.
“Full engines ahead!” Leia ordered.
“We need to what?!” Ackbar questioned.
“Full engines ahead! Get out of range of the Star Destroyers and the fighters will fall back.”
“All craft, full engines! Concentrate rear shields.”
The First Order fighters flew right by your windows. You and Leia froze as you felt that one of them was Ben. You could sense that he felt the two of you as well.
“Ben,” you tried to reach out to him, though you felt the thick blocks in your way. “Ben… just hear me out… please.”
Looking over, you could see that Leia had connected with him. You only hoped that she could somehow get through to him.
“Little star,” Obi-Wan’s voice came to you again. “Get to the door.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, but you followed orders. You turned back around to see the blast hit the command deck and members of the Resistance were pulled into the darkness of space, including Leia. You gripped the doorway as other members tried to pull you behind it. You threw your free arm out and used all the strength you had to pull Leia made to the ship. As soon as her body flew into the arms of Poe and Finn, you allowed yourself to be pulled in and collapsed on the ground.
“General!” Lieutenant Connix exclaimed, kneeling to your side.
You were panting, having used so much of your energy to keep yourself on the ship and to get Leia back to you.
“Leia…” you panted, looking over as medical personnel placed her on a stretcher.
“Her vital signs are weak,” a droid quickly stated, “but she is fighting.”
“Good,” and then you let your body give out, giving into the darkness.
next chapter >
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Wow I’ve had this in my drafts for a year.
I think I’m gonna take a break from my requests and write for myself. It’s much more fun.
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Sweet Talk
This is lyric text
No flashbacks in this one uwu
Listen while you read!!! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡♡´・ᴗ・`
Ships: Ryu Tanaka x Gn!Reader
Warnings: probably moderate cursing? Nothing too bad. Fluff overload tho.
Prompt: Based off of “Sweet Talk” by Saint Motel. Ryu is absolutely enamored with the team manager, (Y/N). These two friends mainly communicate by playful banter, but Tanaka can’t help but fall deeper in love.
Tags: general tag list ❤️ @lisiwalker, @rebloging-everything, @erenluvsrini, @quoikuu, @tetsunova,@keyz-writes, @littlebbyleesfw, @0rodi0, @justanunknown
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Oh when it's cold, I get warm just thinking of you.
Volleyball season was starting soon. This excited Tanaka for so many reasons, but the one above all else was the fact that he could spend time with the team’s incredible manager. The winter air nipped at his skin, resulting in him wearing his signature beanie. He was sure that he would freeze his ass off outside.
Exiting the permafrost, and entering the club room, Tanaka felt instant relief as the heat wafted into his face. As he was slowly warming, he opted for quick chats with his teammates.
Hinata and Kageyama were already fighting.
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were talking about some movie they saw the night before.
His other second year buddies welcomed him with warm smiles. He put his bag down and sat with his friends on the mats. “Good morning, gentlemen.”
“Morning!” Kinoshita beamed, eyes focused on the game he was playing on his hand-held console.
“Mm!” Narita was also engrossed in the game. Perhaps the two of them were battling with each other?
As he stared at the console with a quirked brow, his wing-spiker “twin” (as he liked to call him) sat down next to him and handed him a tall cup. It had a cardboard sleeve to keep his hands from burning. Tanaka sighed in relief upon seeing the steam rising off of it.
“I figured you’d either be a big whiny baby about how cold you are, or deny it until you get frostbite, so I came prepared.” Ennoshita chirped, flashing his friend a closed-eyed smile.
“Ennoshita have I told you how much I love you lately?” Ryu mumbled as he opened the top and took a sip of the drink, “Hazelnut hot chocolate! I swear to the gods above I’m gonna marry you one day.” he said softly, drinking with a satisfied smile.
“Tanaka!” The brunette boy said with a flush, “Save talk like that for (Y/N)!”
The wing-spiker immediately flushed a gorgeous shade of gentle red, which he was quick to blame on the cold wind biting at his cheeks.
“Ennoshita!” Tanaka’s teeth were grit as he stared his best friend down. “Dude! I haven’t told anyone yet!”
Before the other wing-spiker could reply with endless teasing, Daichi called the group to the gym for warm-ups.
When I'm alone, I stare at stars and hope dreams come true.
Tanaka changed into his court shoes and walked as his head was filled with sudden scenarios. A love-struck look was plastered on his face as he imagined how life would be as your boyfriend. He thought about holding your hand in the hallways, surprising you with treats on your birthday and Valentine’s Day, how it would feel to be the one to make you laugh, or to hold you in his arms and-
“Tanaka? You with us?” Daichi asked, a gentle hand to his second year’s shoulder accompanying his question.
“Wh- oh! Hey, Cap! I’m just fine!” The wing-spiker chirped as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “Just thinkin’ about some stuff.”
“I thought I smelled smoke.” Tsukishima muttered as he opened the gym door for his teammates.
“Oh you’ve got cohones. Don’t forget that I’m still your superior.” Tanaka growled as he tapped the first year’s nose gently.
You're probably not aware that I'm even here.
Upon entering the gym, Tanaka locked eyes with you. You were talking to Yachi and Kiyoko, smile as bright as the sun. The wing-spiker swore his heart stopped on the spot.
Luckily, you hadn’t noticed him leaning onto Ennoshita’s shoulder and practically screaming
“They’re. So. Friggin’ cute, ‘Nnoshita.” the fuzzy-haired boy muttered, head hitting his friend’s shoulder with every word.
The other wing-spiker giggled as he patted his buddy’s head. “Poor Tanaka. I’m sure you’ll survive the day if you don’t make a total fool out of yourself.”
“Mmmmmmmm” Tanaka whined as his head came off of the other’s shoulder. “Great. So I have to do the opposite of what I do every time I see them!”
As his second year buddy retreated to talk to Daichi about captain duties, Tanaka went over to you to try and start some conversation up. You were talking to Yachi and Kiyoko, so he waited a little bit before walking up to you. When the two girls had left, you were scribbling down some notes on a clipboard. Perfect timing!
Well you might not know I exist, but I don't even care
“(Y/N)?” Tanaka asked quietly, not wanting to interrupt your conversation.
No response.
The wing-spiker bit the inside of his cheek and waited patiently. After a few more seconds, when the talking lulled, he tried again. “Hey (Y/N)?”
Sweet talk, everything you say.
“Ah good morning, Tanaka! I see you chose to bother me the second you got inside.” You chirped, eyes not moving from the clipboard.
“Oh you know it. I see that someone pissed in your cheerios this morning.” The second year replied cheekily.
You slapped your pen down and looked over at the wing-spiker, as he took a seat next to you on the bench.
It sounds like sweet talk to my ears.
“You drive me up the wall.” You emphasized the last word by shaking a fist at him playfully.
“Oh (Y/N)! I’m so flattered! I knew you loved me!” The second year threw a wrist up to his forehead and dramatically leaned on him.
“Piss off!” You barked in reply, laughing as your hand gently collided with his forehead. “Won't you stay away?"
It'll still be sweet talk to my ears.
“Ouch! I just wanted to know how that chemistry test that you were worried about went!” The wing-spiker said with added dramatics, “Sigh! And here I was thinking we were friends!”
You instantly erupted into laughter, playfully punching his shoulder as lightly as you could. “You’re such a dork!” You managed to choke between your chuckles.
Oh when you laugh, I forget that it's about me.
The light in Tanaka’s eyes glimmered as he heard the beautiful sound. It was like a symphony in his ears. He would do anything to hear that heavenly sound once more.
“Why are you still laying on me? What if I get bugs?!” You yelped, lifting his head with two hands.
But it's alright, cause being your punchline still is something.
Tanaka put all of his weight in his head and leaned downward. “Good luck getting me off of you!”
The two of you laughed heartily, lacking any care of the world around you.
“Tanaka, (Y/N)! Stop flirting you two! We have nationals in two months and no time to waste!”
Yeah well I'm not scared.
The two of you turned to look at your captain, still releasing residual chuckles.
“I'm not going nowhere.” Tanaka said with a chuckle, nuzzling into your lap.
Yeah, you might want me to drop dead, but I don't even care.
“Get up, lover boy. We both have lots of work to do.” You demanded, bouncing your legs and making his head collide with your knees.
“Agh! Ouch! Okay, okay!“ The second year whined as he rose from the bench. He offered you a hand out of habit. When you took it, his entire world changed. It solidified everything. He knew in that little moment that he wanted to hold your hand every day.
The second year realized that he had to do something to ask you out. As he pondered and pondered upon date ideas, pick-up lines, and cheesy gestures to win you over, a text illuminated his phone.
Sweet talk, everything you say.
Why had you texted him?
Chuckling, Tanaka clicked your contact and called you. You picked up after the
It sounds like sweet talk to my ears.
“To be honest, I thought him and Kageyama would end up together”
You could yell
You and Tanaka chatted about anything and everything. From Tsukishima’s comment to him that morning, to the couples going to the prom together.
That’s it! Prom! He could ask you to the prom!
While on the phone with you, The wing-spiker rushed around his home to get all of the supplies he needed, and got to work on the poster he would make.
He settled for a super cheesy poster. He drew a really ugly volleyball, since drawing was not his strong suit, and wrote in blocky letters “my heart will be killed if you don’t go to prom with me. Dig the idea?”
“What are you coloring?” You asked from the other side of the line.
“Just a project for one of my classes.” He replied, marker cap in mouth as he outlined all of the letters in orange.
The next morning, Tanaka picked up a single flower from the florist near coach Ukai’s store. He recalled you telling Kiyoko and Yachi all about the beautiful (F/F)s you had passed on your way to school one day. He then stopped to get you a meat bun from coach’s store.
“Ooh. Who’s the lucky person that our resident flirt is asking to prom?” His coach asked, handing his wing-spiker a meat bun.
“(Y/N).” Tanaka replied, handing his coach some money.
“Wh- (Y/N)??” Ukai asked with a grin, “Keep that money; go get ‘em.”
“Will do, coach!” Tanaka chimed as he exited the store.
He knew that you would be outside the gym at this time. You always waited for Kiyoko to finish her morning run so the two of you could walk in together.
With a sigh of preparedness, Tanaka rushed up to the gym. You were there, undoubtedly, watching the people walk into school.
“(Y/N)!” The second year called, bounding up to you.
You turned and saw the sign. Your heart leaped and warmth found it’s way to your previously cold body. You were so excited that he was asking you, that you didn’t think about what you were saying. “Oh my god…Piss off!” You said absentmindedly upon seeing the sign.
The wing-spiker’s face dropped, as he stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh. Uh, sorry I’ll just…”
“Tanaka no that’s-“
“No, no. I know what you’ll say. You’ll tell me I’m an idiot and yell: Won't you stay away? Here, these are for you." The second year handed you the flower and meat bun, then turned and began to walk inside the gym.
You smiled with a sigh, grabbing his hand. “Ryuunosuke.”
His face flushed upon use of his first name.
It'll still be sweet talk to my ears.
“What I meant to say was: ‘piss off, of course I’ll go to prom with you.’”
“Wait, really?” Tanaka’s eyes sported the same glimmer they usually did.
“Really. You didn’t need to go through all of this to get me to go to prom with you.” You mumbled, pulling his hand up to your lips and kissing it gently.
The beautiful sound of your laughter, that Tanaka loved so much, echoed through the gym as his teammates commented on how sheepish your actions had made him.
He didn’t mind much. He got to hear what he always loved: your sweet talk, and your sweet laughter.
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sullustangin · 8 months
New Fic!
Eva Corolastor is back.
Chapter 1: Near Death Experiences
“I have always loved the stars.”
That could apply to anyone onboard Virtue’s Thief.  Eva knew that as she climbed up onto the hull.  But she was the only one with the energy to sneak out this late and lay out a blanket and just look up.  They were planetside for the first time in what felt like years (but it was actually weeks).
Ma was in quarters; it had been a long flight, so she’d turned in early.  Dad was with her; he’d finished maintenance early and hey, what do you know, in the same place at the same time. 
Eva knew when to make her exit.
“Caution: there are no railings up there.”  Huck called up from his position in the Thief’s hallway.
“Don’t blow your bolts,” Eva answered back, keeping her voice low.  She knew Huck had fancy auditory sensors – probably for hunting prey, but it was perfectly good for hearing pre-teen girls pattering atop the ship.  “I’m just seeing the stars be still, for once.”  Eva craned her neck slightly.  “And a pretty cool view of a planet.”
When Virtue’s Thief was in flight, all the universe was in motion.  Here on Ithor – well, technically, one of the floating city starports above Ithor – it moved so much slower.  It was almost still.
 And Ithor was crazy.  They loved their jungle so much they moved everybody and everything, including their space sheep, to floating platforms within the atmosphere.  So Eva had twice as many reasons to be up on the hull tonight.  She got to watch a planet spin beneath her while outside the Thief and without EV gear. 
And of course, there were the stars.  They were infinite.  Eva was insignificant.  She always took comfort in that.  Universal constants in a constantly changing galaxy.  Eva knew that as a smuggler kid; people like her had to take what they could get.  She’d take the stars, any day –
A pop into the atmosphere interrupted Eva’s train of thought.  That was awful close.
“Observation: atmospheric turbulence in close proximity to the ship” came Huck’s dutiful report. 
But Eva only heard him as background noise as she realized that a massive freighter was hauling ass right toward the Thief.  “We’re already parked here, buddy,” she muttered.
The freighter dipped lower.  And lower –
He was trying to show off for her – buzz her and her ship- --
But this guy had never been to Ithor before – didn’t know how the gravity worked, didn’t know that Eva wasn’t strapped down to the hull –
The wake of air sent her eleven-and-a-half-year-old body flying across the hull.  The rivets and hatches and latches ripped at her clothes, bruised her skin.  The gust took her past the edge and down ---
Down, down, down  -- a hundred feet to the landing pad
(because the landing gear was down and the XS Light was 80 feet tall without it)
Eva opened her mouth to scream but she couldn’t –
She wasn’t even going to get to pilot the Thief.  She didn’t even get to say bye to Hylo –
Or her parents –
But that was later – years?
This was the wrong time.
Deep inside, a twist, as if an organ was churned in the wrong direction.
“I’m dying --!”
“We are being reborn.”
Viscerally, Eva pushed and grabbed at that light to get her the hell away from him.
“Wake up.  We have to go.”
A grey blur sped by her eyes, pops of color catching her gaze.  They flew about her, and she could hear them:
Never let them see you hesitate.  Gotta be smooth in every motion –
We love you – always have.
Orion’s Glory to Gloriana –
The title of Captain passed to her automatically.
That’s Hylo the cat.  And I’m gonna do my best to get you home.
Little Girl…
Let’s hit the hyperlanes.  I always feel better after a good caper.
Darmas, do you think she would have liked me?
I will never leave you.
Eva…I’m so sorry.
This kind of fleet can’t last, but I’ve never seen anything like it.
They’re all talking about you out there, Captain.  Calling you the Voidhound.
A swirl of black and she felt the mantle fall upon her shoulders.
Your taste for spies is not for the weak.
Now what do we do about this?
I need you.
New day.  Maybe it will all work out.
What –
Eva, time for bed! 
She was alive.
She was awake.
She was Eva Corolastor.  Everything else was ---
The story continues on AO3
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missxfaithc · 2 years
Levitating - Head Engineer Mark x Captain Fanfic
(Cover Image ⬇️ )
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“If you wanna run away with me I know a galaxy and I can take you for a ride I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm Where the music don't stop for life.”
Levitating --- Dua Lipa
Scene: Invincible II, crew quarters
[Opening shot of MARK sitting on a cot.  The CAPTAIN enters from the hallway.]
MARK: [chuckling slightly] Let me guess, the toilet flooded again?
[The CAPTAIN nods once.]
MARK: Uh-huh.  Of course, it did.  This place is falling apart around us, isn’t it?
[MARK stands up and puts on his engineer uniform over his underclothes.]
MARK: You could’ve just called me over the intercom, y’know.  Unless... [with a smirk] don’t tell me this was just an excuse to see my pretty face?
[The CAPTAIN gives a noncommittal shrug from the doorway.]
MARK: [smile falling] Ah... right.  Wishful thinking, I suppose.  It’s just, well, we’ve been friends for so long and I--- [MARK shakes his head] Never-mind.  Um, I guess I should get going now.
[MARK avoids eye-contact with the CAPTAIN as he exits the crew quarters and heads for the communal bathroom.  The CAPTAIN watches him walk away and then returns to the control room of the ship.]
Scene Change: Invincible II, cafeteria
[MARK sits down at a table next to BURT and GUNTHER.]
MARK: Okay, which one of you idiots keeps clogging up the toilets?  You know it causes the entire bathroom to flood out.
BURT: It’s not my fault that they keep serving us these... [poking at the contents of food on his plate] whatever this stuff is!  Space burritos are not as cool as you might assume.
MARK: [a mildly repulsed look on his face] I... I don’t think I’d ever assume that anyway.  
GUNTHER: Why does all the food on this ship suck ass?  Weren’t you in charge of ordering all the supplies before we started this voyage through the cosmos?
MARK: [sheepishly] I may or may not have taken the cheapest supplier I could find at the time---but I was promised at least average quality on the food products!
BURT: I found a box of rations a couple days ago that were already several months out of date.
GUNTHER: Last week’s [using air-quotes] “meat surprise” had me up all night on the shitter.  I think I shat out part of my colon.
MARK: Uh... that’s gross.  But hey, speaking of dates... [smiling brightly] I think I’m finally almost ready to ask the Captain out.
BURT: [looking doubtful] That’s great, buddy.  But, um, haven’t you been saying that, like, basically ever since they stepped on-board?
GUNTHER: Yeah, dude.  It’s kinda embarrassing at this point, honestly.  You just gotta accept that they’re not into you and move on.
MARK: [affronted] Hey!  They are so into me!  I mean, we’ve been practically inseparable since they got here.
BURT: Bud, that’s ‘cause you’re a moron and someone has to keep an eye on you---no offense.  It’s just that, well, if the Captain didn’t bring you along with them so often, you’d probably have blown up the ship by accident by now.
MARK: That is totally not true!  I built this ship myself!
GUNTHER: [scoffing] Oh yeah, you don’t have to remind us.  Yesterday a metal pipe dislodged from a wall and almost collided with my face!  I was almost shish-cabobbed by a metal pipe!
MARK: I really don’t see how that’s my fault---
BURT: The point is, the Captain is a very busy person and they’re just trying to do their best to keep us all alive.  I’m sure they consider you to be a... distant friend.
GUNTHER: [still in disbelief] You are so out of their league, man.  If they won’t give me the time of day, what makes you think they’ll give it to you?
MARK: [uncertain] Well... when you put it like that...
BURT: [clapping MARK on the shoulder and giving him a sympathetic smile] There are other fish in the sea, my guy.  Or, uh, in space, I guess?
MARK: [looking confused] No, there... aren’t?
BURT: Okay, okay.  Bad analogy on my part.  There are plenty of other... stars in the galaxy?  That makes more sense, right?
MARK: I guess...
GUNTHER: Maybe you should try to make friends with that Celci chick.  She’s pretty hot.
MARK: [with raised eyebrows, incredulously] Uh, no way.  She’s a mega-bitch.  She’s always shooting down my ideas and rolls her eyes at me whenever I try and share my wisdom with her.  I can’t stand her.
BURT: Do you, like, hear yourself when you talk, Mark?  The way to win a girl over is not by [using air-quotes] “sharing your wisdom” with them.  The second you start spouting off Macho-Man bullshit is the second they tune out and immediately think you’re a self-absorbed misogynist.
MARK: [mouth falling agape] But I---I don’t---I’m not a misogynist!
GUNTHER: That’s exactly what a misogynist would say.
BURT: Listen, buddy.  I’m not trying to be mean.  Ya just... you need to work on a little self-improvement before trying to score with any of the crew on this ship.
[MARK contemplates while his two friends finish up their meals.  BURT and GUNTHER exit the cafeteria, leaving MARK alone at the table with his thoughts.]
Fan-art of my interpretation of the Captain:
PART TWO OF THE STORY CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://missxfaithc.tumblr.com/post/681108318424629248/levitating-head-engineer-mark-x-captain-fanfic
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natewrightt · 3 years
ok but imagine having a love hate relationship with Five...👀
You’re Nice
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Summary: Your relationship at the commission with Five is confusing, so you decide to ask him about it
Ship: Five Hargreeves x gn!reader
Warnings: implied nsfw, angst and fluff
Notes: this is going by the logic that he never went to the apocalypse and is an 23 year old man working at the commission
The day he came, everything changed.
Sure, killing people that messed with the timeline wasn’t that fun - but you’re good at it. Hell, you were the youngest person in the workplace who was able to solve a case in less than a minute. Not to mention your fantastic assassin skills.
But all that progress was thrown out the door the second he walked in the building.
Five Hargreeves, that was his name. The man who was better than you in every way possible. What made it worse? He knew it. He knew damn well that everything he was doing pissed you off, and that just fueled him on.
Especially when you were assigned to a case together for the first time.
“Oh, and you’ll be working together to find him.” The Handler instructed, handing back Five the file. He attempted to hide his smirk as you immediately arose from your seat in protest.
“No way. I will gladly work with anyone else, just not him. Please.” You tell her, practically on your knees at this point. But she just laughs.
“I’m sorry Y/N, but after your last mission? You need all the help you can get.” She mentions. This just angers you even more.
“That was his fault! I was in the middle of negotiating with the target and this imbecile decided to get in the way!”
“And thank goodness he did. You’ve been slacking since Five has gotten here, and I don’t like it. Now go.” She points a sharp finger to the door. You sigh, exiting her office along with Five.
The mission was simple: find a wanted serial killer named Barry Mishap and kill him. And it was supposed to be.
Well, that was until you felt Five’s lips on yours suddenly.
You had told yourself it was for the mission. The target was walking towards you both and he panicked, doing whatever his mind thought of first. It worked, thankfully, and the second Barry turned his back you shot him.
You were successful - but honestly? That was at the least of your concerns.
Despite the fact that you absolutely despised him, you couldn’t deny that he was attractive. His gorgeous dark brown locks really complimented his cute little dimples.
However, you had just told yourself it was for the mission.
Well, until you guys kissed again.
“Knock knock.” Five said outside of your door before opening it, interrupting your focus on the TV. Once you realized it was him, you scoffed and threw the remote at his face, earning a slight chuckle.
“What do you want? Did the Handler give us another surprise misson?” You asked, referring to how recently she has been finding you and Five at random times to do her evil bidding. But he just shakes his head.
“No, I think she’s done with that shit.” He informs, getting closer to you. You had stood up from the couch and now Five was about 3 inches away from you, his gaze drifting at your lips every now and again. You smirk, putting your arms around his shoulders to bring him slightly closer.
“So what do you want?”
Ok, maybe the two of you did more than kissing. But that’s besides the point.
It had started to become a routine. Five texting you that he was on his way to your apartment, which really meant one thing. There was no dialogue between this at all.
And no matter how many times he’s pinned you against the wall, wrapped his arms around your waist, called you his, you still hated him.
There was no aftercare. Immediately once it was done, it was done. He would put on his clothes and leave. Sometimes, it wasn’t even sex. He would be in the middle of kissing you and then teleport away. Just like that.
It drives you crazy, and he knew it.
“Hey Five?” You ask him after the both of you returned from a mission. He hummed, signalling for you to go on. You gulped.
“What...what is this?”
He froze in his tracks before turning to you slowly. Fuck, Five knew this question would come, he just didn’t think it would be so soon!
“What do you mean?” He challenged, deciding to play dumb. Luckily you had caught it right away and snapped back at him.
“You know EXACTLY what I mean.”
Five takes a breath, looking away for a moment. He liked you a lot better when you were wrapped around his waist, that was for sure.
“I don’t...I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
This time, your voice was a lot angrier, and he could sense it. If Five was really being honest, this whole thing confused him too. He didn’t know what to feel most of the time. His childhood consisted of Reginald telling him he would never be good enough and therefore had quite the affect on him as he grew up.
He didn’t care about people.
Until you.
As much as he hates to admit it, he cares for you a lot. Probably more than he should. There were many nights where he’s told himself that this whole thing was nothing, but there was also nights where he thought of you more as just a ‘fuck buddy.’
He was scared.
“Yeah. I don’t...I don’t know.”
You took a step back, crossing your arms. Jesus, did he like you or not?!
So you asked.
“What am I to you?”
His eyes widened. There was the question. The question that would determine your relationship for the rest of his life. Five didn’t know what to answer. What if you weren’t as attached as he was? What if he accidentally hurts you?
“You’re a person that I see sometimes. It’s nice. You’re nice.”
If Five were in private, he would have face-palmed. Wow, nice going. However, he was in for quite the surprise when you giggled quietly and walked towards him slowly. Teasingly.
“Five Hargreeves, are you nervous around me?”
Your laugh was a lot louder this time as you kissed him, your lips slowly making their way to the shell of his ear.
“I think you’re nice too.”
Guys if you hated it just tell me, I can deal with it
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forzalando · 3 years
goodbye kiss | s.r.
pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader word count: 1.2k warnings: mentions of anxiety (briefly), mentions of a head injury (briefly), cursing, mentions of food/eating a/n: this is a fluffy steve fic i've had finished for literally forever and i just never posted it bc i thought no one would read my marvel stuff hahahaha here it is. maybe there will be a part 2 to this....if anyone wants it :)
summary: Steve and Y/N are so clearly infatuated with one another, but oblivious as can be. One morning, Steve's shocking behavior may shift their relationship.
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“Good morning, Y/N,” Steve and Bucky called out in sync as they barreled through the doorway of your shared home.
Every morning was practically the same; wake up at 5:00am because Bucky couldn’t be quiet if his life depended on it, start breakfast at 7:00am right as Steve and Bucky get back from their run (and pretend like you just woke up), shower at 7:40am, and start heading to the compound at 8:30am.
The consistency helped with Bucky’s anxiety, as well as your memory issues from a head injury you had sustained a while back on a mission.
Steve was just Steve, and he ran a ship tighter than his ass and his workout shirts that you knew for a fact ripped after their third or fourth wear.
The three of you worked and lived together, mostly in tandem, but occasionally something would happen that derailed the balanced home life you all strived for. It was usually minor; ‘accidentally’ eating someone’s leftovers, leaving dirty dishes in the sink, playing music too loud at night, etc.
But sometimes…sometimes it was the way Steve looked at you across the dinner table that made you nervous around him for days. Sometimes it was the way your fingers found their way into his sandy blonde hair after a stressful week. Once, about a month ago, it was because he walked into the bathroom not knowing you were taking a bath. And most recently, it was the casual comment made by Bucky about how he was sick and tired of you and Steve dancing around your feelings for one another like “the fuckers in the Russian Ballet”.
Eventually, the awkward period would fade away and things would return to their normal, harmonious ways, with Bucky grumbling all the while about your cowardice.
“What do you have for us today, doll?” Bucky called out as he exited his bedroom.
“I think I have a cold so you and Steve are getting scrambled eggs and toast because it requires minimal effort. Also, we’re now out of eggs. And bread.”
“I just bought three cartons and a loaf two days ago,” Bucky groaned as he slumped against the counter.
“You and your buddy Steven consume a carton each so either eat less or shop more. Take your pick, Barnes.”
He walked behind you and snatched the spatula from your hand, scooping some eggs into his mouth with a cheeky grin.
“I choose to shop more.”
You quickly grabbed the spatula back and shooed him away before he turned your pristine kitchen into a crumb filled nightmare.
“Steve,” you shouted indignantly, “breakfast is ready and I do not have time for your slow ass today.”
Bucky grumbled something unintelligible under his breath, and immediately after, a loud crash echoed from across the house. Bucky shrugged his shoulders in response, pretending to be unaware of whatever could have caused Steve to wreak accidental havoc so early in the morning. It certainly was not his whispered comment, loud enough for only a super soldier’s ears, about how you surely had time for anything to do with Steve’s ass.
“Sorry, sorry,” Steve huffed as he shuffled out of his room.
“What the hell happened in there?”
“I, uh, mis-stepped and tripped over my bed frame, no big deal.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and graciously stepped away from the stove, accepting Steve’s good morning hug and forehead kiss with a dopey smile.
A strangled gag interrupted your precious moment, and you shot daggers at Bucky while he shoveled his breakfast into his mouth like he was starved.
“Sorry, egg must have went down the wrong pipe. Continue your love fest.”
“It’s not a love fest, Buck,” Steve mumbled as a heated blush crept up his neck.
“Then how come I don’t get tender hugs and forehead kisses every morning?”
“Because you don’t cook me breakfast and Y/N is much more kissable.”
Steve froze while Bucky, the cheeky bastard, chuckled into his perfectly buttered toast. You quickly composed yourself and patted Steve reassuringly on the back, laughing along with Bucky.
“I wouldn’t want to kiss Bucky’s ugly mug either, Rogers.”
The rest of breakfast was silent; the sounds of clinking forks and satisfied sighs seemed like exploding C4 and gusts of wind in the cozy kitchen. After finishing your breakfast of hot tea with lemon and honey, you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed. Before, you felt that it was just a little cold, but the longer you were upright and moving around, the more sick you felt.
“We don’t have anything important planned today, do we?” You asked while hobbling towards the couch.
“Not that I know of, are you alright, doll?” Steve inquired, concern evident in his eyes.
“It’s probably just a head cold but will you tell Stark I’m calling in sick today? I don’t even have the energy to send him a text right now. Plus, I don’t want to deal with him telling me this wouldn’t happen if I took his prototype horse pill, super food vitamins.”
“I’ll let him know,” Steve mumbled affectionately as he draped a blanket over your shivering frame.
In a matter of minutes, he and Bucky were headed out the door; Steve with his briefcase and Bucky with his reusable grocery bag he deemed secure enough for sensitive documents.
When the door shut, you closed your eyes, relishing in the quiet, empty space you would have to yourself for the next 9 hours, until a sharp ringtone pierced your eardrums and ignited a monstrous headache.
Steve’s phone buzzed upon the kitchen table and you groaned; his forgetfulness never ceased to amaze you. You dashed across the room, hoping and praying that he and Bucky hadn’t already driven away. After flinging open the door to your house, you crashed directly into what you knew to be Steve Rogers’s insanely muscular chest.
“I forgot my….” He trailed off, noticing that you had it in your hand while simultaneously taking note of the annoyed expression on your face.
“You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached to your shoulders, Steven. I feel incredibly overworked and under appreciated looking after you.”
He threw his head back and laughed, the sound momentarily easing the pounding headache behind your eyes.
“You’re definitely not under appreciated doll,” Steve murmured as he took his phone from your outstretched hand. “Don’t forget to take some cold medicine, it’s in the hall bathroom cabinet behind Bucky’s aftershave. I’ll bring home some soup and a movie.”
Before you could thank him, he dipped his head and captured your lips in a delicate kiss. However, all too soon, he backed away with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
“Did you just…” you gasped.
“I’ll see you tonight, bye!” He shouted before taking off in a sprint and bounding down the front porch steps.
You watched him from the window as he awkwardly ran back to his car. Just before he opened the door, he turned around and locked eyes with you. You blew him a kiss, as dramatically as you could, and smiled as he laughed and ducked into the driver’s seat.
The sensation of vibrating pulled your attention away from Steve and you reached into your pocket for your phone, swiping across the new text message.
From: Bucky Barnes
I. Saw. Everything.
taglist: @gredmforge @vogueweasley @gcdricreads @nuttytani @kaye-lantern @barnesjamcs @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou @fallingforyou123 @phoenixes-and-wizards @gloryekaterina @hannahmeyer1999 @beautyschoo1dropout @loonylovegood13 @saara-sanders @le-weasley-simp @peachypotter @omghufflepuff @weelittleweasley (if your url has a strikethrough, I was unable to tag you! please let me know if you would like to be added to my marvel taglist and thank you for reading!!)
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Cuddle Buddies
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Pairing: Roommate! Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Minors DNI, RPF, angst, cursing, pining, jealousy, suggestive language, butt slapping, fluff! No smut!  All errors my own. I apologize if you like the smell of patchouli, lol.
A/N: This is an answer to the following ask from @teatro-dira :
Okay so I don't know if this is kinda weird but like an Rafael x reader were they are like really cuddly(like a lot of hugs, cuddling and stuff) friends and roommates and everyone teases them asking them if they're dating. Then Rafael gets a girlfriend which makes y/n lowkey feel betrayed and jealous, but he doesn't realize that. Y/n accidentally ruins their relationship(you chose how). They get into a fight, but it ends in fluff. Hope you understand what I mean:)
Here it goes! I hope you like it!
A series of unfortunate events led you to this situation six months ago.
You were subletting Rafael’s apartment in Santa Monica when production wrapped a month early on his project in Vancouver. He had nowhere to go, and neither did you, so you agreed to share the space.
You vibed, almost as much as he and Daveed did. Folks began to call you the fourth Muskateer, for as much as you, Rafa, Daveed and his girl were always together. 
You all talked, smoked, and created together. You and Rafa especially were always all over each other, keeping each other warm under blankets on the couch, watching movies while you ran your fingers through his hair, in one or another’s bed watching videos, or writing in tandem. 
It was all good, cause Rafa was being a man-whore at the moment with several ladies, and you were just chilling. It was dope. 
It would have been all the way dope, except...
Except for the fact that you were in love with Rafa.
You loved sharing the same space with him, because you could smell him when he just got out of the shower, play in his silky hair, and feel his strong arms around you. And when he wore grey sweats…. Damn.  You and your little bullet celebrated every time that happened.
Everyone could tell, except for Rafael.  People ragged on you two so hard, that you vehemently denied it every time, to the point of getting heated.
One night, you side eyed the teaser through a cloud of smoke after catching Rafa’s grimace when they said you two should get together.  Your mood sank at what you perceived was rejection.
“I would NEVER get with Rafa, that’s the homie.  He’s like a brother to me. Ugh. Getting with my brother? No way. We’re just Cuddle Buddies.”
Rafa blinked and then took a toke.
“Exactly, we the homies. Platonic Ride or Dies.  It’ll never happen.”  He passed what he was holding and then stood up. “Cuddle Buddies till the end.”  He sounded disgusted.
“I’m going to go get some food. I’m hungry. What does everyone want?”  After everyone yelled out their orders, you offered to come with.
“Nah, sis.  I’m good.  Gonna clear my head. I’ll be back soon.  Rafa peaced out and you sat back down with the crew.
Ever since that night, Rafa seemed a little distant.  He was always busy, and never had time to sit and kick it with you the last couple of weeks.  You all never seemed to link.
One night, he was home when you came in with groceries.
“Oh shit, I didn’t know that you’d be here!” You put the groceries down on the counter while Rafa was at the stove, cooking up some pasta with marina.
“Mmmmmm. Smells good!” You went and stood very close to him, expecting him to give you a side hug, at least.
He just turned and glanced at you, a smirk lifting one side of his face.
“Will you never learn to keep an umbrella in the car? You always come in soaking wet from the rain.”
Here he was, shaking his head that you didn’t have enough sense to come in out of the rain.  How could this talented genius ever want to be with you?
You just played it off, as usual. “I’m starving. I didn’t think I would make it through cooking, but you’re always clutch, Rafa!” 
Rafa stood there and gaped at you.
“Uhhhhh… I thought you said you were driving down to the Vista to see your mom… I have someone coming over for dinner....”
“No.  She’s decided to go on a cruise to Cabo with her bestie… she just called and told me as she was boarding the ship this afternoon.  The hussy. Tryna be fast with her little friends.”  You laughed.
“So, who’s coming over?  UTK? Wayne? Jimmy?”
You jumped up on the counter and watched as Rafa put some french bread with butter and garlic in the oven.  Smelled like heaven.  Those guys would definitely invite you to stay.
Rafa wiped his hands on the towel that was hanging on the stove. And turned around to face you.
“Her name is Aurora.”
It was like he’d punched you in the gut. He’d NEVER brought one of his heauxes around. You fought the urge to double over, even though you felt nauseous.  When you looked at him, he looked concerned.
“Hey, you okay?”
You jumped down from the counter and quickly nodded your head, laughing weakly.  
“I...uh.. Yeah.  Like I said, I haven’t eaten since breakfast, expecting to be at dinner with my moms by now.”
You grabbed your groceries, putting them up quickly and grabbed an apple, taking it to your room.
“I’m going to get out of your way in a minute, I’ll go over to Carla’s and hang with her tonight. We’ll probably go out and do what we do, you know?”
Rafa still looked worried.
“Are you sure you’re ok? You need more than an apple. Look, stay…”
“NO!”  Your voice was raised and it startled you.  “I mean, I’m not one to be a cock blocker.  I’ll just get my stuff and get ready to go.”
Rafa just watched as you scurried into your room. Why did you feel like crying?  Why did you feel as if you would never breathe properly again?  You got out your phone and called Carla.
20 minutes later, you exited your room dressed for the club with your overnight bag.  There was a strange smell in the room, and it wasn’t pasta.  It was patchouli.  You HATED patchouli.
You didn’t realize you were giving the gas face until Rafa came out of the kitchen followed by a short, but cute woman, with a body like, whoa. 
Of course.
Rafa glared at you and you fixed your face.  That bestie telepathy was on point. Then he looked up and down, as if he were judging your freakum dress.  Well, fuck him.
“Oh, hey!  Y/N, this is Aurora.  Aurora, Y/N.”
Aurora ignored your outstretched hand and went in for a hug. 
“Y/N!  I’ve heard so much about you that I feel like I know you intimately, just like Rafael.”  
You tried to keep your face straight in reaction to her scent, then gave her a sideye. 
Was it the inept way she rolled the ‘R’ in Rafael, or the thinly veiled shot at your relationship? Either way, you felt like slapping the shit out of her. You looked at Rafa, but then just cleared your throat.
“And I’ve heard so much about you as well.  You’re all Rafa talks about.” He shook his head behind her.  “Nice to meet you, but I’m headed out for the night.”
It was then that Aurora saw your bag and brightened up.  
“Oh!  You do look nice. Are you leaving, you sure you don’t want to stay?”  
You could smell insincerity a mile away. Even patchouli couldn’t cover that up. You just smiled at her.  
“No ma’am.  I’ve got places to see and people to do.”  You winked at them as you walked out of the door, holding up your umbrella.  “Stay dry y’all.”
You made it out the door without crying of jack slapping that little bitch or Rafa.  You were winning.  
But why did it feel like you’d lost everything?
You and Rafa successfully avoided one another for days.  He was either over Aurora’s or you were with Carla, your mom, or just stayed in your room.
One time you passed Rafa and Aurora on the couch watching a movie on your way to the kitchen to get something to eat.  Rafa’s head was in her lap.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard Rafa’s slightly raised voice say: “Don't’ mess with the swoop, Babe.”
‘Babe.’ He called her Babe. That’s it. It was time for you to go. 
You were cramping Rafa’s style.  You just tiptoed back in your room, making little to no noise so that they could watch the movie in peace. You didn’t see Rafa looking at your door after you went in.
A week later, you let Rafa know your move out date.
“Wait. What?”
Rafa’s mouth was open. You repeated yourself.
“Well, I’m going to move in with Carla. She’s going to let me ride her couch until this other place comes open in three weeks. It’s a sweet deal, near the studio….”
Rafa’s mind was racing, you could see the gears turning.
“Well… why don’t you just stay here until then, we got a good thing going.” He looked upset. What was up with him?
“Rafa… I’m just in the way.  You’ve got Aurora…”
“Hold up, wait.  We aren’t even that serious.  I mean, I just stopped seeing Bev and Chrissy. He looked at his watch. Last week.”
You laughed at Rafa’s fuckboi ways.  “Well, what about me? I might want to date someone and bring them over…”
Rafa’s face changed.
“Bring someone over here…”
But it didn’t sound like an invitation, it sounded like a threat.  
It was your turn to stare at Rafa.  “What the hell…?”
He straightened up.  “I mean, any of your guests are welcome here.”
You sighed and shook your head. 
“See what I mean? Things are getting tense, I want us to stay friends, not be tight with each other all the time.”
Rafa grinned.  “You said ‘tight.’”  He dodged a couch pillow thrown at his head.
“What are you, a 12 year old?”  You were rolling.  He really was one of your best friends.  But you needed space to get over yourself.  And him.
“Okay.  You grown.  But just know that you don’t have to go.  And know that I will miss the hell out of you.”  
Rafa came over to hug you, and he held you longer than normal, and then kissed the top of your head.  You looked up at him, still in his arms and it was like…
You cleared your throat.  “Well, I guess I better go start to pack.”
Rafa stepped back.  “Ok.”
Both of you hurried to your perspective rooms.
One night, a couple of days later, Rafael came into your room without knocking.
“What did you say to Aurora?”
You were laying on your stomach on your phone, in just your t-shirt an panties.  You rolled over and looked at him. 
“What are you talking about?”
Rafa wasn’t yelling, but he was keyed up.
“What did you tell her the last time you talked?”
You put your head down to think, then brought it back up. 
“I just said that I was going to miss playing in your hair when we watched movies, that I knew it was your favorite thing.”
Rafa nodded, then shook his head.  
“Y/N, you’re the only one I let touch my hair.  Aurora has barely been allowed near it.”
“That’s…. New.”  You were perplexed.
“No it isn’t. Everyone knows I don’t like people messing with my hair.  Aurora accused me of having feelings for you.”
You were sitting up now, crossing your arms and standing before Rafa.
“That’s ridiculous.”
Rafa looked like he was about to explode. He threw his hands up in the air and walked out of your room.
“OF COURSE IT IS! RIDICULOUS!”  He was really agitated.
“Yeah, I know all too well that you think it's ridiculous for me to want to be with you.  I don’t know what makes you think I’m not good enough for you?”
“Good enough for ME?  You’re the one running around with all the model/actress types, you’re the one who thinks I’m beneath you.  You said so that one night when you said we were ‘Platonic Ride or Dies.’”
“Here we go! Total distortion! Did you hear what you said before I said that?  You said I was like your brother.  Your brother.  You think it’s that disgusting to be with me.”
“I just said that because you made a face when what’s her face said we should be together.”
“I made that face because I was imagining fucking your brains out.  It was probably my cum face.”
You stopped and stared at him, mouth hinged open.
“The fuck?”  You burst out laughing.  “You are mad outta pocket Rafa.” Rafa was rolling too.  “But you ain’t gotta lie.”
Rafa stopped laughing.  
“Why do you think I’m lying?”
He was moving closer to you. This felt… dangerous. He looked up and down your body, and it was the first time you felt uncomfortable being comfortable around Rafa.
“Because you told me that you wanted to just be Cuddle Buddies a month after you came back from Canada. You drew a line in the sand.”
Rafa shook his head at you and smiled, green-blue eyes twinkling. 
“I knew you were too zooted.  I shouldn’t have tried to shoot my shot.”
“Run that back for me?”  You couldn’t believe what he was saying right now.
“What I said was..I wanted to be Cuddie buddies. Cuddie is… you know…”  
He pointed to your crotch.
You looked down, and then up at him again. “I can’t with you Rafa….” 
Rafa tilted his head in that sexy way at you. 
“Can you really not?” 
You were stunned.  Rafa continued.
“But I’m serious. When you came back with ‘Cuddle Buddies,’ I thought you were blowing me off and just wanted to be friends. So, I just settled into the friend zone.”
“Do you mean you’re attracted to me? Rafa, that’s funny as hell. You want me for my body?”
Rafa raised his eyebrows at you. “Hell yeah. C’mon girl. You know you’re fine.” 
Your cheeks heated up. You stared at him for what must have been a solid minute.  The possibilities of this alternate reality where Rafa liked you like you liked him opened up.
“But, Rafa... I don’t wanna be just cuddie buddies.”
“Oh. Ok, Cool….” Rafa cleared his throat and looked everywhere but at you.
“I want your heart.” 
Rafa paused when he heard that and his face fell as he moved toward you.  He took your arms in his hands.
“Y/N I'm sorry, I can't give you my heart.”
It was your turn to pick up your face.
“’Cause you already have it.” 
His mischievous grin made your stomach flip.  But you were mad.
“Fuck you, Rafa.” You were laughing with happiness, despite him playing too much.
“Oh, you don’t have to tell me twice.” Rafa swooped down and threw you over his shoulder. “I’ve been waiting six months for that invitation.”  
You were trying to kick and scream. 
Raa swatted you on the ass, then smoothed his hand over the cheek that stung.
“The more you struggle, the more you’ll be begging me to stop in a few.”
You struggled some more, but he made it to your bedroom and deposited you on the bed.  He glared down at you, all sexy green-eyed god.
“Try me, Y/N.”
You reached for the drawstring on his sweats.
“If you insist, Rafael.”
@braidedchallah @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @anh1020 @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri @theselilwonders @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @janthonybitch @curlyhairclub
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Five Times Din Accidentally Turned You On
Pairing - Din Djarin x Reader
Summary - It’s embarrassing how a man whose face you have never seen is able to turn you on so quickly without even realizing it. 
Word Count - 3k
Warnings - brief description of an injury, but that’s it! 
When you had agreed to start working with the Mandalorian and met the little green menace, you knew that your life was going to be turned upside down into chaos. 
You had expected most of that chaos to come from the bugger, not from your apparent lack of control over your hormones. 
It was ridiculous. There was no way that you should be this attracted to a man whose face you had never seen. If your mother could see you right now, she would think that you were crazy. Of course, she thought you were crazy already for traveling with a Mandalorian around the Galaxy, but this would be a whole new level for her. 
Yet, here you stood, a little goblin attached at your hip, watching the tension rising with mounting anxiety. You clutched the kid closer to your side as Mando confronted the man, who you now knew wasn’t a Mandalorian, but a Marshal instead, asking him where he got his armor. 
“Bought it off some Jawas.” He answered, taking a sip of his spotchka. 
“Hand it over.” 
Maker he was so damn menacing when he was like this. Even without being able to see his face, you felt a shiver going down your spine from his tone. He was so intimidating; you didn’t see how anyone stood a chance. 
You also didn’t see how you continued to find it so kriffing attractive. 
“Look, pal, I’m sure you call the shots where you come from, but ‘round here, I’m the one tells folks what to do.” Vanth replied. 
“Take it off.” Mando said, stepping forward. “Or I will.” 
As soon as he said those words, all you could think about was him saying them in . . . another context. There was no way you could control your response. At least that’s what you tried to tell yourself after you let out the oddest little half squeak / half choked sound. You bit your lip as you watched everyone in the room, the bartender, Cobb Vanth, and even Mando’s helmet tilt in your direction. You even felt the little womp rat’s head turn towards you curiously. Which gave you the idea. “I - the kid - I’m gonna - while you two work this out.” You said, gesturing to him before hurrying outside. 
As soon as you stepped out of the bar, you took a deep breath, and then let out a loud groan of embarrassment. Looking down at the kid, he gave you a look that clearly said he was disgruntled at being blamed for a noise you made. 
“I’m sorry, buddy, sometimes your dad . . .” You were not about to tell this little guy how hot you thought his dad was. “You’ve got to take one for the team this time okay? I’ll get you cookies to make up for it later.” You added when he didn’t seem like he was pleased with that. 
At least bribery worked with him. 
For as long as you could remember, you loved flying. You didn’t know where it had come from, since your mom was scared of heights and you didn’t know anything about your father other than he had been a farmer, but from the moment that you looked up into the sky and saw a ship soaring overhead, you had loved it. Getting the chance to live on a ship and see the galaxy that way was another reason you had said yes to Mando when he asked. 
Flying on a ship with a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter was nothing like you expected though. 
Your eyes drifted back and forth from the sky to Mando, too captivated by the sight in front of you to be scared. Tie fighters were shooting at you from what seemed like every direction, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be worried. Mando would take care of you. He always did. 
You glanced over at the child who was buckled up in a seat next to you, his little green hands in the air as he cooed and giggled in excitement. Despite the situation, you couldn’t help but grin at the sight. 
“Hang on,” Mando said to the two of you, and your arm reached out to the kid, close enough to where you could grab him if he went flying. You held your breath as the Crest began to fall for a moment until Mando engaged it once more, spinning it in circles to avoid the tie fighter’s blasts. The Child’s laughter became louder in your ears as you grabbed a hold of his clothes, but your eyes were glued to the sight in front of you, adrenaline pounding in your veins as you came closer and closer - 
Then he blasted it out of the sky, as you knew he would. 
You let out a cheer, echoed by the gremlin next to you, and leaned forward, finding a bit of Mando’s arm that wasn’t covered in armor and giving it a squeeze. “That was amazing! I’ll never understand how you can do that so easily.” You told him, your voice as breathless as if you had been the one flying. 
“Wasn’t going to let anything happen to you.” He said, and by the way his muscles tensed under your hand, you got the feeling he hadn’t meant to say that. 
It was no secret that Mando was protective of you. He had been from the start, but hearing him say it like that? Almost . . . possessive? Maker, the way it made you feel. You opened your mouth. You weren’t sure what you were going to say, but before you could, he interrupted you. “And the kid of course. Not too bad, huh kid?” He asked, looking at him over his shoulder. 
The little womp rat gagged, expelling the remains of his blue cookies. 
All of this was way out of your league, that was obvious enough. The Jedi, the Force, all of those things had been over your head from the start. They had been legends for so long, it was hard to believe that the little green gremlin you had been looking after, Grogu, you corrected yourself, was one of them. 
You watched as the Jedi, Ahsoka Tano, beckoned Din over to her, deciding to use Din to get Grogu to show his powers. The bond the two of them shared had grown even more so over the past couple of months, and you had to admit, if anyone could get Grogu to use his powers, it would be Din. 
Sure enough, after some coddling, Grogu made his favorite little silver ball fly from Din’s fingers to his hand. The smile on your face widened as Din spoke. “Good job! Good job, kid!” He exclaimed, stepping towards him. “You see that?” He asked you and Ahsoka without waiting for an answer. He stopped in front of him, bending down to his level, “that’s right. I knew you could do it.” He took the silver ball from him, “Very good.” 
Warmth filled your chest at the proud tone in his voice. The way that he interacted with Grogu was one of the cutest things that you had ever seen. While he wasn’t the kid’s biological father, you knew that he was close enough. You couldn’t even begin to imagine how great he would be with his own kids, if he decided to have them one day. 
. . . maybe with you. 
The intrusive thought had the heat rushing to your face, and you cleared your throat as if it would help get the images out of your mind. 
“Are you all right?” Ahsoka asked from next to you. 
You nodded, but from the smirk on her lips, you got the feeling that her and her Jedi mind tricks knew exactly why you had gone into a coughing fit. 
“You’re getting better.” 
The words should have been a comfort to you. Din had been teaching you fighting techniques for months, but now that the kid - Grogu, had been taken, you were practicing with renewed vigor as you all geared up for a mission to find Moff Gideon’s coordinates. You knew that you were getting better, and Din didn’t say anything he didn’t mean, but you knew it wasn’t enough. “I can’t get the kick.” You mumbled, brushing some of your sweaty hair out of your eyes. 
He nodded, and your heart rate kicked up even more as he moved around behind you. He was so close you could hear every slide of that beskar as it moved with him. “You need to widen your stance.” He gave a gentle kick to your left foot, and you obediently spread your leg further apart. “Adjust your hips like this . . .” The cool leather of his gloves landed on your hips, moving them into position. “Now find your center of gravity.” He added, his voice even lower than normal. 
It turned your brain to mush. How the hell were you supposed to concentrate like this? The man you desired more than anything was so close to you that you could feel every exhale of that beskar chest piece against your back, hear every breath as it exited his helmet. 
“You can do it.” Din said, his hands giving your hips a little squeeze. 
You remembered him saying those words. To a little green goblin that had stolen your heart. A child you were determined to get back. The thought managed to snap you back into focus, and with a deep breath you executed the move to perfection. 
Well, sorta. 
Din caught you as you stumbled back from the momentum, his fast reflexes allowing him to wrap his arm around your waist and catch your back against his hard chest with a soft chuckle. The sound, so rarely heard, made your stomach swirl with butterflies. “Good girl. Just have to work on your balance.” 
Good girl? Good girl? Dank farrik was he trying to kill you? You stumbled out of his arms, heat rushing to your face. “I’ve got to - I can’t - I’ve got to go.” You couldn’t be around him for a second longer or you were pretty sure you’d lose your mind and do something stupid like beg him to call you that again. Preferably with no clothes on. 
Even if you couldn’t see his face, you could tell by the tilt of his helmet in your direction that he was confused. 
You didn’t stick around long enough to give him the chance to ask any questions. 
Everything had happened so quickly it turned into a blur in your mind. Storming the ship, getting shot by a blaster and having to be dragged by Fennic and Bo-Katan onto the bridge while you tried not to scream at the pain in your thigh, Din arriving with Grogu and the dark saber in his hands, and Moff Gideon in his custody. Then there was the DarkTroopers arriving and subsequently being destroyed by a Jedi. 
And as soon as you had gotten Grogu back . . . he was gone again. 
You didn’t look when Din took his helmet off. Your eyes stayed glued to Grogu as soon as you had seen his hands move to the helmet. It seemed . . . disrespectful to look. This moment was for the two of them, no one else. When Grogu was gone, the helmet went back on, and without anything to distract you from the pain anymore, you let out a whimper. 
 Din rushed to your side at once, and you thought he might have been grateful for something to focus on other than your little family of three now becoming one of two. He lifted you into his arms without a second thought, and after some directions from Bo-Katan, carried you to a small medbay where he got to work on your wound. 
Watching him was a nice distraction as he ripped open the leg of your pants until he could see all of the wound. The display was already stirring something inside of you, and it escalated as he took his gloves off and touched you for the first time with his bare hands. 
They were large, but of course you already knew that. The gentleness they touched you with though . . . it was a sharp contrast to the way he had ripped your pants. He touched you as if he wasn’t worthy to be touching you. Hesitant and soft, every movement of his fingers slow and careful as if you were going to be scared away. When he pressed against the edge of your wound, the whimper that left your lips wasn’t only because of the pain. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice rough through his helmet as he grabbed ahold of some bacta spray from a table nearby. While the bacta helped the pain, it didn’t help your racing heart. 
It was embarrassing. More so than it had ever been, that you couldn’t get your feelings under control. Surely he had to notice. The amount of times you had done something stupid because you had taken what he said the wrong way or touched you was numerous. How could he not know? Had he been humoring you because you were good with the kid? 
And now that Grogu was gone, did he even want you around anymore? 
The sudden thought made you tense because while it had come out of nowhere, it could be true. Yes, you could do some simple repairs and cook, but your main job had been watching after Grogu. He didn’t need that now. He had survived fine by himself before you got there, what’s to say he wouldn’t want to go back to that? He’d never given you any indication that he didn’t. Was this the last time the two of you would be together? 
Attentive as always, he noticed the shift in your mood at once. He spoke your name, soft and almost melodic. “What are you thinking about?” 
Of course the one time you most needed to lie to him, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Not after what had happened. “Do you want me to go?” You whispered, looking down at the ground. You couldn’t stand to see what his expression might be.
There was a moment’s pause that made your heartbeat pick up, and for the first time around Din, not in a good way. “What?” He asked, his voice sounding a little strangled. 
As was your normal response when you got nervous, you started babbling. “I know I mostly looked after the kid. I’m not a fighter . . . I’m not a Mandalorian . . . I’m a nuisance and another mouth to feed. If you want me to go, I can go.” Would it break your heart? Absolutely, but you never wanted to be somewhere you weren’t wanted. 
“Stop,” was all he said, so quiet you almost didn’t hear him. 
But you continued, unable to keep the words from leaving your mouth. “Bo-Katan or Fett can drop me off at the nearest planet, and you won’t -”
There was a loud clunk as a helmet of beskar hit the floor. You jumped, the sound startling you and you watched as it rolled a bit, stopping a couple of feet away. “Look at me.” 
It was the second time you had heard his voice without the helmet, but it struck you harder this time. Maker it was beautiful. Gruff and low, yet somehow he was so . . . soft spoken as well. As if he wasn’t sure how to talk without his helmet, and you guessed he probably wasn’t. You wanted to do what he asked. You wanted to know what he looked like, but it still felt so private . . . 
He said your name again, and you almost started crying at how tenderly he spoke it. His hand found your chin, tilting it up to reveal his facial hair covered jaw, his pale, pink lips, and pointed nose, all the way to the most beautiful, most expressive brown eyes you had ever seen. 
Din Djarin was in fact, every bit as handsome as you imagined him to be, which made your next words so much harder for you to say. “I have feelings for you.” You gasped out. “Strong - really strong ones, and they’re not going to go away. So if you can’t deal with that I need to -”
His hands cupped your cheeks and all of the sudden, Din was leaning closer. So close that your breath mingled with his and everything around the two of you seemed to vanish. There was nothing else that mattered except this moment. You expected him to say something, anything that would cut this tension that hung in the air, but he didn’t. 
Instead he closed the small distance between the two of you and kissed you. 
It was soft. Oh, so much softer than you ever expected him to be capable of doing. Then you realized how stupid that was of you to think, because Din had never been anything but soft with the people that he cared about. 
For a moment you didn’t move, still surprised that he was kissing you, but then you couldn’t hold back. Your lips moved against his, as lightly as his were moving against yours. Your fingers were itching to touch him, to tangle in those messy brown waves, but you were afraid to scare him off. So they hung by your side at a safe distance while Din continued to kiss you and make sure that you never wanted to kiss anyone else ever again. 
After what seemed like hours, and you wouldn’t complain if it had been, he pulled back, but not far enough to put any real distance between the two of you, instead pressing his forehead against your own. “Just because I gave up the kid, doesn’t mean I want to give you up too.” You let out a soft sigh as his lips left gentle kisses across your jaw and cheek. “Stay with me. Stay cyar’ika.” He whispered against your skin. 
As if anything could pull you away now.
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lavender-rosa · 3 years
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( after I practically begged in the tags for it lmao)
Favourite thing about them: Where do I even begin? His backstory,his tits ,how despite losing his memories he still has his loved ones close to him without realizing it, his dynamic with Tanjirou and how much Tanjiro reminds him of his past, his devotion and loyalty, his love for Koyuki, THE ENTIRETY OF CHAPTER 156!!!
Least favourite thing about them: I can't come with anything right now lol .A lot may refer to the countless murders he commited, but come on it builds character 🙄.
Favourite line of theirs: Ooo I have a few
This quote i was too lazy to copy,in his fight against Rengoku
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A lot of anime-onlys didn't really look into his lines during his fight so they ended up calling Akaza a shallow character. But imo i think this is pretty good insight into his philosophy.
This tearjerker:
"I became a demon, lost my memories and again began seeking strength. There was nothing left I wanted to protect. I didn't even want to continue living in a world without my family. For over 100 years i kept commiting pointless acts of carnage. It's a horribly sad...laughable...and ridiculous story...."
And his last line in the manga.Which makes me 😭😭😭
" I'm home, father. I'm back. Master, Koyuki. I'm home"
brOTP: I know that it will sound deranged but i'm going to say: Rengoku. In an au without demons and demon slayers ( think of Kimetsu Academy)
I think that there's a chance that Akaza and Rengoku would have been good buddies. You know being two fellow martial artists and stuff. Would have been interesting to see.
Also brotp with Douma cause it's hilarious.
OTP: Koyuki of course 😌. I love those two together so much and their interactions were so cute. Also they didn't deserve what happened to them and deserve to live happily together in this essay I will-
Notp: I have unfortunately seen some fanart of this so i will say: Akaza and Muzan. Yes there's fanart of this ship and I'm not into it. Muzan deserves absolutely no one lol.
Random headcanon I have for them:
I headcannon him as bisexual i mean like dude we all saw his fight against Rengoku.
Like suuuuuuure Akaza you want to "fight" Rengoku all night long.
Unpopular opinion about them: I'm not too sure but i will say that he absolutely needs more canon content and that he should be reicarnated with his wife and live a happy life with her 🥲.
Song i associate with them: I have a very limited knowledge on songs so i will say
" Exit music (for a film)" by Radiohead
Favourite pics of them:
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*epic guitar solo*
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Bedroom eyes
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This just looks epic af
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This man just likes his epic entrances
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Here he is casually and sexily threatening cannibalism.
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The only time we really saw Akaza smile purely 🥺🥺🥺
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*crying and groaning*
Thank you for the asks @hacoochie and @cowboytai 🌸
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jrob64 · 3 years
Self-promo Sunday Reception Redos and Jellymoons - Chapter 3
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Here is chapter 3/5 of the story I wrote in 2019. This chapter is nothing but sweetness and fluff, and you still won’t find out where they’re going on their ‘Jellymoon’, so hang in there until next week! 
I’ve posted Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 on Tumblr.
The entire story is posted on Ao3 & ffn. 
Thanks to those of you who sent caring thoughts and prayers for my son. He had surgery to repair his fractured vertebrae and spent 4 days in the trauma unit of the hospital before coming home mid-week. He has a long recovery ahead of him, but is doing well.
Despite how late they had gotten to sleep, Emma & Killian were up by mid-morning. While Killian made a light breakfast for them, Emma called Henry and her parents to tell them what time they were planning on leaving. 
“They want to see us off, so you’re gonna have to tell me where we’re leaving from,” Emma said smugly. 
“They know where we’ll be,” Killian answered with a smirk of his own, as he watched his wife’s brow furrow.
“Seriously? You tell everyone else, but you won’t tell me?” Emma pouted. 
“Just trust me, Swan.”
Twenty minutes later, their luggage was loaded into the VW and Killian was behind the wheel to drive them to their place of departure. Emma grinned with satisfaction when she realized that he was indeed headed to the docks. Her parents, baby brother, and Henry were already waiting for them when they pulled into a parking spot beside David’s truck. 
Before they exited the car, Emma turned to her husband. “I had a feeling that we would be sailing off on the Jolly Roger.”
“Aye, that we are. The real secret is where we’ll be going, though.”
David and Henry walked to the front of the car and started unloading their suitcases. Killian joined them, and Emma left them to their work as she walked over to her mother. 
Mary Margaret handed Neal over to Emma who squeezed him tightly and kissed his chubby cheek. “Hey, Buddy. Are you gonna miss your big sister and brother-in-law?”
Neal blew a loud, sloppy raspberry and Emma chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes. I’m gonna miss you too. Now don’t do too much growing while we’re gone, ok?” She kissed him one more time, and then passed him back to their mother. 
Snow reached with her free arm to wrap Emma in a hug. “I’m going to miss both of you too, but I’m so happy that you’re going to have this time together. After all you’ve been through, you really deserve to get away.”
“Yeah, I know. I just wish I knew where we were going.”
“You’re going to love it, Sweetheart. Killian is so proud of what he has planned. Just try to relax and enjoy the surprise.” She released her daughter and backed up a step so she could look her in the eyes. “It will be worth the anticipation, I promise.”
Emma sighed. “If you say so. I guess I’ll find out really soon, anyway.”
She turned to see her father and son coming back down the gangplank. Apparently they had already transferred their luggage onto the ship. David reached her first and pulled her into a hug, cradling the back of her head. 
“Have a great time, and don’t worry about what’s going on around here. We’ll handle anything that comes up,” he whispered.
“I’ll try not to. Thanks for taking Henry for the last week.” 
He pulled away and grasped her upper arms. “We’re really looking forward to it. He’s growing up so fast and we just don’t spend enough time with him anymore.”
“Tell me about it. I almost hate to leave him because I’m afraid he’ll be three inches taller than me by the time we get back.”
David laughed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “I doubt that. Safe travels and have fun. I love you.”
“Love you too, Dad.”
Before moving on to bid farewell to her son, Emma saw that Killian had disembarked from the ship and was making funny faces at Neal. She smiled softly at his antics, then turned and strode over to where Henry was double checking the VW to make sure they had gotten everything out of it. 
“So are you all ready for your trip?” she asked, though she already knew that he was. 
Henry grinned. “Yeah, I’m pretty excited. I’ve never left Storybrooke for a real vacation. Maybe next year, you, me and Killian can travel somewhere together.”
“That sounds great, but we’ll see how things go on these trips first. I’m still a little leary about leaving Storybrooke for so long.”
Henry stepped closer and hugged his mom. “It’s gonna be fine. Just try to relax and enjoy it. Killian has put a lot of work and thought into this trip and you don’t wanna ruin it by worrying about things back here the whole time.”
Emma sighed. “I know, Kid. I just wish there was a way to communicate with you. Three weeks seems like an eternity to not talk to you at all.”
Henry pulled back and gave her a sly smile. “Oh, you never know.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Emma asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“Swan, are you nearly ready to go? I’d like to get out on the open sea by early afternoon,” Killian stated as he walked over to his wife and stepson. 
Emma continued to look at Henry, waiting for an explanation. 
“Never mind, Mom. Just go and have a great time.”
Killian pulled Henry into a hug, telling him to behave himself and to make sure his Aunt Zelena did too. Then he allowed Emma to give her son one more hug before he took her hand to lead her up the gangplank to the Jolly Roger. 
As her husband expertly maneuvered his ship out of the Storybrooke harbor, Emma leaned on the railing at the front. She was still trying to take everyone’s advice to relax, but years of being on constant alert made it difficult. The gentle waves rocked the Jolly in a soothing way and Emma closed her eyes and turned her face to the warmth of the sun. 
Once Killian had the ship clear of any potential obstacles, he focused his attention on the beautiful figure in front of him. He knew that Emma was struggling to let go of her anxieties, and he truly hoped that she would be able to do so soon. 
They sailed on for almost half an hour before Emma finally turned and made her way back to the ship’s helm. Killian had taken her out on the sea many times, so although the ship was rocking as it moved across the waves, she was able to walk surely and steadily. 
Killian let go with his right hand and allowed his wife to step between himself and the wheel. She leaned back against him, placing her hands over his on the handles. He brushed a kiss against her temple, then rested his cheek on top of her sun-warmed head. No words were spoken as they traveled on until there was nothing but open water in front of them. 
“Are you hungry, Love?” Killian asked, his voice rumbling against Emma’s back. 
“Did you pack something to eat?”
Killian chuckled. “Oh, we’ve got plenty of food in the hold. We’re not really going to be close to a store where we’re going.”
Emma whirled around. “Seriously? Are we gonna be out in the wilderness somewhere? Because as much as I like watching “Survivor”, I really don’t wanna do that on my honeymoon!”
“Would you just trust me already, Swan?” Killian said with another laugh. “I’m not going to make you build a fire and live in a cave. We are, however, going to be in a secluded place, and will have limited contact with anyone else. I hope that you’ll be able to withstand being with only your husband for the better part of three weeks.”
“That actually sounds really nice. And to answer your original question, I am getting pretty hungry.”
Killian nodded, checked his compass to make sure they were headed in the exact right direction, and tied off the ship’s wheel to hold the course. Then he turned and rummaged through a wooden chest behind him until he emerged with a blanket. 
“Lay this out on the deck and I’ll be right back,” he instructed, before disappearing below. 
As soon as Emma had the blanket straightened out, her husband reappeared with a honest-to-goodness wicker picnic basket. He set it down on the blanket and settled himself beside her, then flipped both sides of the lid open. 
Emma peered into the basket to see wrapped sandwiches, fresh fruit, chips, and bottles of water. “This looks really good, Babe. Did you pack it yourself?”
Killian reached into the basket and took out the sandwiches, handing one to his wife before answering. “No, your mother is responsible for this. She knew that I’ve had a lot of details to take care of in the past couple of weeks, so she volunteered to pack our meals for this first day.”
“You’ve got her wrapped right around your hook, you know that?” Emma giggled.
“Well, I tend to have that effect on people,” Killian smirked. 
They sailed on for the rest of the day, finally dropping anchor when the sky started to turn into shades of purple and pink. After admiring the sunset together, they lay on their backs on the blanket and looked at the stars. 
“It’s so peaceful out here,” Emma observed. “And even though the Storybrooke lights don’t really obscure the stars, there’s nothing like seeing them out here on the open water.”
“Aye, it’s a sight that I never tire of,” agreed Killian. “I think the only sight that I love more is that of my lovely wife.” 
“You’re so corny.” 
“And I’m all yours.”
“You’d better believe it, Buddy.” 
They gazed at the sky until they both started to doze off. “Swan, we’d best go below and get into bed. It’s not going to do either of our backs any good to sleep on this wooden deck.”
Emma yawned and sat up. “Yeah, you’re right. Especially for a three-hundred-year-old back like yours.” She jumped to her feet and danced across the deck to escape her husband’s hook as he reached out to grab her. He chased her toward the doorway that led down to the cabin, catching her just as she got to the opening. He used his body to pin her to the door as he tickled her on her left rib cage, right where he knew she was the most ticklish. 
“K-K-Killian! S-stop!” she gasped out. 
He immediately pulled his hand away but continued to lean against her, grinning widely. “I think that I need to show you just how strong this three-hundred-year-old pirate’s back still is, my love.” He guided her to the ladder leading down to the cabin, and proceeded to show her for the next couple of hours. 
“So are we going to sail all day again today?” Emma questioned after they had enjoyed some breakfast the next morning. 
Killian leaned back on the wooden chair on which he was sitting and reached up on the shelf to his right. He pulled his hand back, clutching a small, blue pouch. 
“We still have a little sailing to do, but we will reach our destination later this morning.” 
Emma looked at the pouch with curiosity, but knowing that asking what was in it was probably going to be answered with “wait and see”, she decided to do just that. 
They emerged on deck to a beautiful, calm morning. There was a slight chill in the air and Emma shivered. Her ever-observant husband noticed and pulled another blanket out of the wooden chest to wrap around her. 
“Don’t worry, Love. It will be much warmer where we’re going.” 
Emma cocked her head at him. “But if we’re not sailing for very long today, how are we going to end up in such a warm place?”
Killian ducked his head and looked up at her from under his eyelashes, knowing that when he looked at her like that, it made her weak in the knees. “Must I tell you again to trust me, Swan?” Then he set about raising the anchor and adjusting the sails. 
When he finally had everything situated to his satisfaction, he returned to Emma’s side and handed her the blue pouch. She tugged it open and poured the contents into her palm. Half a dozen crystal beans fell out and she looked up at him with a smile. 
“I forgot that Anton gave these to us as a wedding gift,” Emma said. 
“Aye, he’s got quite the crop growing, and they’re in high demand.” Killian plucked one of the beans out of her hand. She deposited the rest of them back into the pouch and pulled the strings to close it. He traded the bean in his hand for the small bag and tucked it into his pocket. Then he turned and headed toward the helm. 
“Go to the front of the ship and throw the bean as far as you can off the starboard side,” he directed. 
“Why can’t I just throw it straight ahead?”
“Because the ship will reach the portal too soon and I won’t be able to keep it under control as well,” Killian explained. “If you throw it off to the side, it gives me time to turn the ship and slow it down a bit.”
Emma nodded her understanding and then went to the front and threw the bean as she’d been instructed. Killian gestured for her to join him at the wheel, and the two of them braced themselves as the Jolly Roger dipped down to enter the portal. 
I’ll be posting the final 2 chapters on the next 2 Sundays. I don’t know if my new MC story “For the Sake of Henry” will be ready to start posting after that or not. My son’s accident has thrown off my writing schedule a bit. Thank you for patiently waiting! 
Tagging: @hookedmom @xsajx @kymbersmith-90 @kmomof4 @lassluna @pirateherokillian @teamhook @stahlop @elizabeethan @whimsicallyenchantedrose @resident-of-storybrooke @therooksshiningknight @jennjenn615 @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @killianswannn @stories-enchanted @eleveneitherway​ @withheartfulloflove​ @kday426​ @lyssapup27 @swanlovato @djlbg​ @kristi555​ @laschatzi​ @xarandomdreamx​ @lkles08 @wyntereyez @bubblegum1425​ @xhookswenchx​ @yasbio2015​ @tiganasummertree​ @winterbaby89​ @wefoundloveunderthelight​ @hollyethecurious​ @let-it-raines​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @searchingwardrobes​ @dreamingdreamsalways​ @oncechicagolove​ @andiirivera​ @vvbooklady1256 @gingerchangeling​ @everything-person​ @klynn-stormz​ @qualitycoffeethings​ @vampcoffeegyrl23​ @enchanted-swans​ @cassy1511 @ohmakemeahercules​ @donteattheappleshook​ @bluewildcatfanatic​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @demisexualemmaswan​ @lavenderbudd​ @grimmswan​ @spartanguard​ @flslp87​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @sarahpaq08 @thisonesatellite​ @captainswan21​ @zaharadessert​ @mariakov81​ @snowbellewells​ @xouatxcs​ @kiwistreetswan​ @batana54​ @nadine200179​ @probalicious17​ @courtorderedcake​ @julesep3026​ @jackieorioncat​ @whatthehell102082​ @xemmaloveskillianx​ @jarienn972​ @sthonour​ @linda8084​ @carpedzem​ @pirateprincesslena​ @daxx04​ @winterbythesea​ @artistic-writer @cocohook38​ @chrisilybrooke @pcrcabcth @captainswan4life85​ @molly958​ @kingofmyheart14​ @badwolfreturns​ @itsfridaysomewhere​ @chamomileandmint @fallingforthecaptain​ @lovethelifeyoulive1106 @onceratheart18​ @strangestarlighttree​ @omgmarvelous​ @justanother-unluckysoul​ @mrs-potatos-but-likes-tomatos​ @anothersworld​ @deckerstarblanche​ @purplehawkcaptain​ @therealstartraveller776​ @superchocovian​ @k-leemac​ @citygirlscowboy​ @laughterandbooks​ 
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youngerdrgrey · 3 years
I know you (even if you don't want me to) // a Batwoman fic, chapter 4
about: After finding out Batwoman’s identity, Sophie tries to trap Ryan with her newfound knowledge. If she’s going to be on the outside, she might as well have some fun – and maybe fall in love along the way. #Wildmoore
CHAPTER FOUR SUMMARY: Ryan’s on a mission to stop Sophie’s crush on Batwoman, but she is very unprepared for what a rejected Sophie is about to do. + read on ao3
previously: read chapter one, chapter two + chapter three
Unknown to SM (21:37) Hostage situation at the Krell Warehouse. Could use an assist. No Crows.
SM to Unknown (21:42) ETA 20m
Sophie crouches low at the rendezvous point. A few rusted shipping containers form a makeshift wall on the edge of the warehouse property. Ryan’s fully suited up with her favorite batons ready for the action. She turns them in her hands to try and get rid of her nervous energy.
Sophie nods her way. “Surprised you called for help.”
“Yeah, well….” Technically, Ryan hasn’t called for help. She needs to put space between Sophie and Batwoman, and doing this over text would be even more uncomfortable than doing it in person.
“What do we got?”
“Six people inside — mostly teens who thought cruising an old Wonderland haunt would be a fun way to spend their Friday night.” Ryan points to the second level of the building where a row of boarded up windows give them their best entry point. “One got out a distress call, but False Face is all over the lower level and all the reasonable exits.”
Sophie mulls that over. “Do they know they’ve got company?”
“They found one kid who split off solo. The others are hiding, waiting for us to get them out.” Ryan stands back up.
“How’d you hear about this before us?” Sophie asks.
In a word, Parker. The inherited back-up / hacker teen is a senior now, and she’d reached out to Mary for an assist. Mary caught Ryan up to speed, but there’s not really a quick way to clue Sophie in.
“A little doggy told me.”
Sophie side-eyes Ryan. “I didn’t know riddles were your thing.”
Ryan gets her baton ready. “Saving people’s my thing. Now, I’m going to break through the boards. Draw their attention to me. After that, you find the kids and get them out of here.”
“Aye, aye Captain.” Sophie salutes her.
Ryan hesitates. She could bring Sophie up with her. Get them both into the building the same way. “You want to take the shortcut with me?”
A slow smile curls onto Sophie’s lips. “Yeah?”
Ryan pulls Sophie to her with her left hand. “Hold onto me. Tight.”
Sophie doesn’t need to be told twice. She wraps her arms around Ryan from the left side. Ryan secures her arm around Sophie’s waist, then clicks the button on the baton, launching the zip wire and effectively sending them into the air.
Sophie clings to her tighter. She gives a little gasp that Ryan’s sure will live in her mind rent free. Ryan shifts her weight to push boots first into the wood boards. She kicks through, and the splintering will definitely be enough to get the False Face members’ attention.
She lands firm, and Sophie takes a moment to readjust. Ryan knows she shouldn’t, but she glances up at Sophie. There’s a breathless awe in her that Ryan can’t look away from. Sophie genuinely laughs.
“That was awesome!”
Ryan smiles back despite herself. “Go find the kids. Thank me later.”
Ryan takes out three different False Face goons. The two remaining ones chase her through the building and out the front doors. It’s not the most effective strategy, but she catches sight of Sophie leading the kids out from the corner of her eye. Parker has the audacity to wave at Ryan, like they’re friends. The girl might’ve been Kate’s chosen teenager, but Ryan is not taking in any strays.
She focuses back on her two shadows. “Aren’t you guys sick of getting your asses kicked at this point?” She assumes her fighting stance while they split masked looks and probably choose who is charging at her first. “I knocked out three of your buddies back there. I broke into your boss's hideout. Gotham is mine.”
A car starts in the distance. The guy in the Seal Mask cheats a glance towards the shipping containers. Ryan takes the opportunity to launch a Batarang at his shoulder. It slices through his jacket like butter. The Monkey Mask runs at her.
She blocks three punches and a kick before getting a roundhouse one of her own straight to his side. Monkey Mask crumbles with the kick. Seal Mask storms right at her, but thankfully, Sophie shocks him with a taser from behind. As he writhes his way to the ground, Ryan chops Monkey Mask in the side of the head to knock him out too.
Sophie pockets her taser. She wipes her hands after. “Kids are gone. They say thank you.”
“Did you tell them this was a one time thing?” Ryan asks.
Sophie nods. “I promised I’d haul them in myself next time.”
Of course she did. Because that’s who Sophie is. How many times has she said those same words to Ryan? Her solution will always be to lock people up and maintain the status Crow. Ryan cannot be a part of that.
She bites the bullet and announces, “There won’t be a next time. Not for us.”
Sophie’s smile drops. “I’m sorry, what? If it’s the Crow thing again, it was a joke—”
“No,” it wasn’t a joke, but it’s now or never to put an end to this. “It’s the Kate thing.”
The mention of Kate works exactly the way Ryan thought it would. A wall builds around Sophie in an instant. Her voice drops to a warning.
“Watch yourself, Batwoman.”
She has to watch out for Gotham. Keep them safe by keeping Sophie out of the Batcave and back with her Crows where she belongs.
“You said it yourself: she was the love of your life. Isn't it a little weird that you’re asking me out for drinks?”
Sophie’s nostrils flare. She grinds out, “It’s a drink. Not a marriage proposal.”
“You’ve already done that part, right?”
Okay, Ryan may have gone too far with that one. But the point is to drive Sophie away. If Sophie thinks Batwoman is a bitch, then Ryan’s in the clear. No more crush, no more problems.
But Sophie spins Ryan around with a vice-like grip on her wrist. She glares down at Ryan, and Ryan’s thankful once again for how the cowl and the wig cast her eyes in shadow.
“And what have you done, besides try to push away the one person who’s repeatedly saved your life? I’m not your enemy, and I’m not going to stand here while you try to use my dead ex against me.”
Sophie’s whole body shakes. Her rage is clear and channeled straight at Ryan. She practically growls, “You want to work alone so badly? Be my guest.” Then storms off into the night.
After a beat, the crackle in the Comms gives way to Luke.
He sighs heavily into his microphone. “Not cool, Ryan.”
Ryan clears her throat. Tries to sound a bit less affected. “Hey, mission accomplished.”
Screw Ryan. Sophie would normally go for more eloquence, but she’s a little sidetracked. She squares up her shot in the minimalist Crows shooting range. The small scale facility has a row of five shooting stations opposite the targets. On a Friday night, the other Crows are either working or relaxing, so the space is all hers. And Mary’s, who presses a pair of earmuffs tighter onto her ears and squeaks as Sophie takes another shot.
Mary practically screams, “Are you sure that this is how you want to spend Girls’ Night?”
Girls’ Night meaning yet another last minute outing to distract Sophie from how shitty Ryan is acting. At least the last time, Sophie could have a bit of fun. This time, her blood’s boiling, and she grinds her teeth so hard that she might upset a filling.
“Any better ideas?”
Mary gives an incredulous look to Sophie. “There are so many clubs in Gotham. You can take shots instead of shooting them. And… didn’t you used to go shooting with Kate?”
Sophie sets her gun down. “It’s great stress relief.”
“Yeah, so’s dancing. And it’s a lot more fun.” Mary pushes her ear muffs down onto her neck. “I don’t need to know what’s got you so…” She waves a hand at Sophie’s generally tense demeanor. “But you can find plenty of ladies who would love to help you forget about it.”
And forget about Ryan slut-shaming her for even looking like she was moving on. “Look, I can live my life however I want. It’s not disrespecting anyone to do that.”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” Mary turns knowing eyes up at Sophie. “I also feel like there’s someone else that you want to be saying that to, and it’s not me. So, you work on your speech, and I will cement our spot on the guest list, okay?”
Mary squeezes Sophie’s arm and then excuses herself from the room. She stays right outside, where the pop of Sophie’s next shot is on the other side of the glass. Her phone’s ringing before she really thinks about it.
Ryan groans into the phone upon answering. Then she must hear the muffled shots in the background. “Are you getting shot at?”
“Thankfully, no. Sophie’s got me at the Crows shooting range because someone pissed her off tonight.” Mary rolls her head in a circle and wills some of the tension out of her body. “An hour ago, you two were fine, so want to clue me in how you royally screwed things up?”
Ryan scoffs, and her voice pitches higher in indignation. “She’ll be fine. This is Crowphie we’re talking about.”
Mary watches as Sophie fires off three rounds before her arms drop. Sophie lays the gun down and plants her hands on the wood of the stall in front of her. Her shoulders shake with what may actually be a sob.
“She’s not invincible, Ryan. And you can’t hurt her just to push her away. It’s not fair.”
“When has any of this been fair, Mary?” There’s a thud on the other end, like Ryan’s slamming their fridge. Is she home right now? “I’m doing the best I can.”
“Well, do better. I’m taking her out to hopefully dance through some of this intensity. Maybe tomorrow you can try to fix this. Okay?”
A bottle cap pops on Ryan’s side. She’s definitely got a beer from the fridge. This won’t end well for any of them, will it? Ryan takes a swig that’s loud enough for Mary to hear through the phone.
“Which club?”
Mary sighs.
Leave it to Mary to pick the one club playing decent music tonight. Ryan half expected Mary to have picked Curse, but Sophie’s not really an EDM kind of girl. Before tonight, Ryan would’ve assumed Sophie’s never been to a club at all. She’s the tight lipped, straight backed type. The type to think of a few drinks at a bar as a wild night.
Tonight, though, Sophie’s hotter than ever. In a tight dress that stops above the knee and heels that make her tower over half the patrons, Sophie’s got the attention of at least half the club. Ryan watches from beside Mary at their table. Sophie had taken one look at Ryan, downed her drink, and gone onto the dance floor.
“She’s not even a good dancer,” Ryan mumbles. Sophie’s a bit too stiff to really be good out there. She does have a natural rhythm though. Everyone around her bends to match it. One particular person with a mullet slips up behind Sophie. Their hand finds Sophie’s hip, and Sophie only misses a beat before dancing again.
Mary twirls the ice around in her drink. “She’s fine.”
She’s vengeful. Sophie gets told one time that she’s moving on too fast, and now she’s grinding with a stranger at a club. If anything, she’s proving Ryan’s point.
Mullet takes Sophie’s hand in their free one and spins Sophie around to face them. The move gets a laugh out of Sophie. The laugh gets a kiss from Mullet. Ryan groans.
She leans across the table to Mary. “I thought this was Girls’ Night.”
Mary shrugs. “Mullet's a girl. Maybe. I'm trying not to assume anyone's gender based on expression. Look, you rejected her, so she’s going to rebound.”
Ryan pulls a disgusted face. It’s not about Mullet in particular. Just, if Sophie’s going to rebound off of Batwoman, couldn’t she do it with somebody interesting? Somebody who will do more than kiss along her neck in a sweaty club surrounded by strangers. Now both of Mullet’s hands are on Sophie’s hips, and Sophie’s head is tilted back like she’s actually enjoying this. Like Mullet has found just the right spot and —
Ryan turns to put her back to the dance floor. “I’m not watching this.”
“You don’t have to. You also… didn’t have to come?” Mary’s voice lilts up at the end. Her face is that mix of carefully constructed curiosity that usually means Mary’s leading Ryan into a trap. “I get that you wanted to see how bad she’s taking it, but I could have just texted you. Imani would’ve loved an impromptu date night.”
Things with Imani aren’t as great as they were before. Imani’s still amazing, but she gets quieter and stares at Ryan like she’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. The last time Ryan bailed for Bat business, Imani looked absolutely betrayed.
Ryan could keep it to herself, but she blurts out, “Imani doesn’t trust me. I have to bail on half of our dates because of work and after meeting Sophie—”
“Why would she be jealous of Sophie?”
Ryan scratches at the back of her neck. “We may have gotten caught up in an argument in front of Imani.”
Mary hums. “And the two of you forgot anyone else even existed.” She says it like this is something that they do.
“I didn’t forget.” Sophie infuriates Ryan. She’s so sure that she’s right about every little thing, and if Ryan doesn’t correct her, then who will?
“But you didn’t care. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t the woman that you’re sleeping with have your full attention? Not your ‘coworker.’”
Ryan gives her a tight smile. “You’re forgiven.”
Mary turns her eyes back to the crowd. Ryan glances back, and of course, Sophie’s still with Mullet. But as Mullet kisses Sophie’s neck again, Sophie stares across the dance floor straight at Ryan.
Mary claps her hands together. “Alright. You two might want to talk about whatever this is. Preferably before I become an unwilling third and Imani ends up heartbroken.”
Ryan’s halfway out of her chair before she remembers to deny it. “There’s nothing to talk about.” Mary’s sarcastic mhm follows Ryan as she cuts her way through the crowd towards Sophie.
The heat of the bodies engulfs her. Somebody familiar tugs at Ryan, but she shirks out of the touch without so much as a look. Her eyes catch Sophie’s again, and she holds the stare as she slips around the last few people between them.
Mullet’s behind Sophie again. They possessively wrap an arm around Sophie’s stomach. “We’re good,” Mullet says.
Ryan ignores them to talk to Sophie. “Mary’s worried about you.”
Sophie’s dismissive. “Then Mary can come talk to me herself.” She turns her nose up at Ryan, and honestly, it’s enough to make Ryan see red.
Ryan’s here because Mary said Sophie was hurting. Ryan could be anywhere else. She could be at home, drinking a beer, in her bed. She could be patrolling the city. She could be with Imani, but she’s here because Mary had the misguided idea that Sophie was actually sad about being rejected. Mary was wrong.
Ryan huffs. “Whatever.” She starts walking back through the crowd.
Sophie calls out, “Hey, don’t walk away from me!”
Ryan glances over her shoulder to see Sophie push Mullet away. Sophie storms after Ryan, cutting through couples and dancers to get to her. Ryan speeds up. She makes a sharp turn in the crowd. No need to head back towards Mary and her leading comments.
The bathrooms are packed, as always, but there’s an exit door a bit further down the hall that’s normally unlocked. Ryan wiggles along the hall to get there and slips out into the night air.
A wave of humidity lingers outside the door. The stoop can barely fit Ryan. She pauses, which is just enough time for Sophie to push her way outside too. Ryan has to step down off the stoop. So she takes the remaining two steps to be firmly on the ground.
“Ryan, stop!” Sophie stomps down the steps. Ryan can’t move quick enough, so she ends up with Sophie standing over her. Sophie’s breathing hard. Her cheeks and neck are flushed from the club. Her lipstick’s in tact, but there’s a well kissed swell to them too.
Ryan can’t explain the fire in her veins. She shouldn’t have the power to get to Sophie like this. And maybe Ryan doesn’t. Maybe only Batwoman means something to Sophie.
“I have never seen you like that.” Ryan throws a hand towards the club. “Who was that in there?”
“You’re the one who said we didn’t know each other,” Sophie snaps.
“Maybe with good reason!”
Sophie quickly shakes her head. She stabs a finger into Ryan’s shoulder. “You do not get to judge me, Ryan. I am not interested in hearing some speech about how I should be acting. I decide what I want to do. I spent twenty-nine years denying myself that. And I am tired of letting other people tell me what team to be on.”
“You picked a clear one in there,” Ryan retorts. She should have worn her heels. Sophie’s a fucking Amazon woman right now, and it makes Ryan flare up. Makes her puff her chest out more than she needs to.
Sophie says, “I didn’t have a choice!” She catches herself. Her eyes cut to the wall before coming back to Ryan. “Did you know that I worked with the last Batwoman?”
Of course Ryan knows that. Everybody knows Sophie and Kate worked together. It’s why Sophie got suspended last year. Even low level non-criminals like Ryan heard about that. The Crows number two getting the deuces.
Sophie knows too. She keeps going, “For months, we worked together, and she never told me who she was. She never even gave me the chance to keep her secret. And you could say that she was protecting me, but really — ” Sophie’s anger fractures. Her lip trembles, and she sniffles before setting her jaw again. ”She was protecting herself.”
Luke always talks about Kate like she was perfect. Kate stood up for the people of Gotham. Kate had a code. Kate loved Sophie and established a legacy that Ryan’s supposed to carry on. Is hurting Sophie a part of that?
Sophie pushes her hair back out of her face. “I’m sick of playing games, Ryan.”
Ryan’s blood runs cold. “Meaning…?” Does Sophie know?
“Meaning I am going where I’m wanted.”
Ryan sighs in relief. A stressed laugh slips from her lips. It’s not about her. It’s still about the rejection.
Ryan lightens her tone. “You didn’t have to come to the club for that. There’s a line out the door at The Hold Up.” Sophie shakes her head, and the tension’s still tight between her eyebrows. Ryan needs this out. She takes Sophie’s hand in hers to swing it playfully between them. “I’m serious! Much hotter than Mullet. You should see the number of women checking you out every time you’re there. They are waiting for you to give them a chance.”
Sophie’s shoulders drop, like the fight’s slipping out of her. “You’re being nice.”
Ryan runs her thumb along Sophie’s knuckles to undercut her words.
“When have I ever been nice to you, Sophie?”
Sophie gazes down at Ryan in such a tender way that Ryan forgets how to breathe for a second. Forgets that they shouldn’t be toe to toe in an alleyway underneath the moonlight.
Sophie’s natural rasp pokes through. “You tell me.”
The quick hits: saving Sophie from Black Mask, cracking jokes with her and Jordan, the free margaritas. Sophie’s the nicer of the two of them. She stayed with Ryan on the island. She didn’t even look under the mask when she could’ve. She got Ryan back to Mary’s clinic with no questions asked.
She always plays along when Ryan wants a fight. She comes running for every text, every call, and she flips the Bat-signal to see Ryan. Not for some ghost of who used to be.
Sometimes Sophie smiles at Ryan like they’re the only two people in the world. Like now. Ryan gets lost in the warmth of it. The hopeful glow in Sophie’s eyes. Maybe Ryan should’ve been in heels. Sophie wouldn’t have to lean so far down to kiss her. Would it be so bad if Sophie did have a crush? If Ryan maybe —
“OW! What the —” The back door snags on the sleeve of Mary’s dress. She stumbles on the stoop, and her eyes jump up in time to spot them. Ryan and Sophie freeze, hands still together, faces angled towards each other but no closer to bridging the distance between them.
Ryan’s whole body feels like it’s on fire. Like she’s been caught in front of the whole of Gotham with her mask off.
Mary stares down at their hands. Ryan finally remembers to drop it. Sophie just licks her lips and steps back to turn to Mary.
The medical student points back into the club. “I… I could go back inside.”
Sophie walks back up the steps. “I’m calling it a night. Thanks, Mary. This was….” She glances over her shoulder at Ryan, who can’t bring herself to move yet. “Yeah.” Sophie slips into the club.
Mary lightly closes the door behind Sophie. She takes a deep breath in. “WHAT WAS THAT!?” She shrieks. Her eyebrows have practically left her face when she turns to Ryan. “You were supposed to be apologizing, not making out in the alley!”
Ryan snaps back to the moment. She readjusts her top, which she doesn’t have to do since it’s not like Sophie touched her. It’s not like they actually did anything. They just… stared? Looked? Saw each other, maybe.
“We weren’t making out.”
“Oh really?” Mary doesn’t believe her.
“We didn’t even kiss,” Ryan snaps.
Mary snorts. “Don’t sound so disappointed.” Ryan crosses her arms defensively. Mary’s eyes quadruple in size. “Oh my God, are you disappointed!?”
Ryan stomps up the steps to the door. Mary figuratively dissects Ryan with her eyes. Maybe Ryan could sprint through the club. If she starts running, the other Black people at least should run. It’s code. A little stampede, and she can ditch her roommate and this awful line of questioning.
Mary keeps up with Ryan as she speeds up though. Mary fast-walks beside her down the narrow hallway.
She says, “You can’t ignore me. You know that, right? We’re going home together. We need to talk about this.”
“Talk about what?”
Mary jogs to get around Ryan and stand in front of her. Ryan nearly crashes into her. Mary grabs both of Ryan’s shoulders so Ryan has no choice but to look at her. It’s almost not fair that Mary and Ryan are nearly the same height. It gives Mary an advantage when it comes to reading Ryan directly. Plus, Ryan can’t escape the soft concern in Mary’s eyes.
She asks it softly but like she already knows the answer. “Do you like Sophie?”
Ryan scoffs and laughs and shakes her head and does everything she can to look like that’s not true. Because it can’t be true. It shouldn’t be true. “No, I do not like Sophie.” So why does that sound like a lie?
Sophie shouldn’t be up here. She should be back home, like she said, not waiting under the Bat-signal. But she can’t exactly go to Ryan’s loft and ask Ryan what the fuck that was back at the club. At first, it just seemed like judgement. Ryan’s never been subtle about her discontent. She tells Sophie everything she dislikes from the way Sophie’s done her hair to the fact that Sophie’s committed her life to a police state that may never be capable of getting better.
Judgement doesn’t pinch Ryan’s lips though. Judgement is a self-assured raise of the brow. Judgement is that all-knowing smirk and a dimmer switch on Ryan’s normally bright eyes.
At the club, that was something else. That was heat. That was anger. That was jealousy. Ryan might’ve spun it into jokes about The Hold Up, but it started from there. They were so close in that alley. So close as themselves, and that should be the goal of all this, right? Sophie started messing with Ryan to get Ryan to be honest with her. Sophie could take the first step. Drop the charade and tell Ryan that she knows. Ask her to let Sophie in.
Ryan lands on the roof with a whoosh and a soft thud. The wind runs through the wig. What would it feel like through Ryan’s hair? What would Sophie’s fingers feel like?
Ryan shifts her weight from one side to the other. She gives a little “Hi” that sounds nervous even under the voice regulator.
If Sophie speaks, then those nerves will go away. This charade makes it easier. It gives them an excuse and an out. Because if Sophie and Ryan kiss, then Sophie has to change her life. Sophie has to quit her job, and Ryan has to bend her beliefs, and neither of them can ever go back to who they were before. But if it’s Batwoman….
Sophie summons all her strength. “You owe me an apology.”
Ryan glances down at the roof. “Kate was a low blow.”
“And Tyler,” Sophie reminds her. It’s probably a good thing Ryan doesn’t know enough about Julia to bring her up too.
“I’m sorry. I….” She licks her lips and steps closer to Sophie. “I panicked. You’re out here telling people that you have my phone number. What am I supposed to do with that?”
Sophie fakes a thought as she steps towards Ryan. “You could try talking about it, like an actual adult. You are an adult, right?”
Ryan takes another step. They’re only an arms length apart. “Yeah, I’m an adult.”
Sophie’s turn. “Good. And you want me?”
Sophie stops. They’re almost toe to toe again. “Yes or no. Do you want me?”
A few agonizing seconds creep in. Ryan doesn’t move, or speak. Dread sinks in. She read this wrong. Ryan really was being nice in the alley, and now Sophie’s pushed too far. She’s gone back on her word, and it’s only going to give Ryan more ammunition against her. She’s going to kill Mary for bringing her out tonight.
“Yes,” Ryan whispers. Sophie jumps forward at the word. “I think…. Yes.”
Sophie drapes her arms around Ryan’s neck. The wig tickles against her bare skin. Ryan’s breath catches in her throat. Tentatively, her hands come up to Sophie’s waist. The gloves bunch her dress. Sophie’s eyes drop from Ryan’s down to Ryan’s lips, then back again. Sophie leans in, so close that their lips almost brush.
“Do you trust me?”
Ryan tenses around her. She says, “I want to. I just… can’t.”
Sophie nods and swallows around the immediate lump in her throat. “Then I can’t do this.”
Sophie detangles herself from Ryan and heads for the doors. She only gets a few steps away before Ryan grabs her hand. Ryan runs her thumb over Sophie’s knuckles the same way she did in the alley.
“We can work on it. It’s not just me, you know,” Ryan says. “I don’t have to work alone.”
Right, there’s Luke and Mary, who lie to Sophie every single time she sees them. There was Julia. Even Alice gets to be in on the action sometimes.
Sophie asks her, “So what’s wrong with me?” Why keep pushing her away? She’s done everything she can think of to prove she’s trustworthy. The last few weeks of jokes and games aren’t the problem. Ryan doesn’t care about kids thinking Sophie’s friends with Batwoman. She doesn’t care about drinks. There's something else at play here. Something Ryan won't admit.
“Soph….” Ryan starts, but no explanation follows. Sophie can’t set herself up like this. Not again.
Sophie pulls her hand back. “Figure that out, and get back to me. Until you do, I’m done.”
a/n: So many fun things in this chapter! Let me know what's working for you and how you felt about our near kisses (one of which was almost a full one -- can you guess which one?)
it's going to be a busy week for me. give me some fun comments and reblogs to keep my energy up?
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