#i would make a joke about kayn
ioniansunsets · 8 months
✖ Heartsteel Boys and Their Love ✖
[[I was inspired and then I got too lazy to proofread. I hope this leaves a warm feeling in your chest! I guess these are headcanons?]]
Kayn loves you like a storm. Passionate, explosive, and mad. Emotions high, he is passionate about loving you. Grand gestures and even grander proclamations. His love was names shouted out from rooftops that the two of you aren't allowed to be on. Loud noises of excitement whenever he sees you. The little yelps he makes when you surprise him at concerts. It's the happy shouts as he waves at you from the stage, arm thrown up high before he points right at you. His love is the excited smiles as he runs up to you whenever you meet, full speed, almost a tackle. It is the loud laughter as you watch him do absolutely insane shit. The laughter of someone truly in love as he spends time joking around with you. Kayn loves you like a storm. Loud, fast, exciting. Kayn's love is wild and overwhelming. It is the thunder and lighting, the whirling winds and cold rain. It is the way he'll pick you up at your place and drive you to impromptu dates. Teasing the speed limit while blasting songs out loud while the two of you stick your heads out the window. It’s the way he would fill your room with balloons on your birthday and hand you a knife to pop them all with right after. Or jump you with a present you mentioned wanting just a day before. It’s the way he would drag you to the studio to jam out when you needed a pick me up. It was the way his kisses leave you breathless, and his smile sends electricity down your spine. His love was wild. His love was free. His love was a storm.
Ezreal loves you like it is the first day of spring. Bright, sunny, and undeniably warm but not too hot. His love is in the way he chuckles like a flower blooming for the first time whenever he sees you. His kisses like the first warm breeze of the season, chaste and leaving you wanting more. Ezreal's love is in the way he blinks into your life. Taking cute photos together at a photobooth. It's the way he holds your hand as he runs through the streets. It's the way he would mess your hair up and run away, baiting you into chasing him. It was the way he would sneak you into a school late at night, kissing you under the bleachers like it is your first love. His love was the way he'd pick you up and skateboard down the street, whisking you away to do something fun. His love was the wink he’d throw your way when he spots you in the concert crowd. Ezreal loves you like it is the first day of spring. Sparkling, colorful, new. Ezreal's love is like the way you hear birds coming back from the winter. It is how he would whisper you cringey romance as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. It's how he would blush sometimes when you tell him you love him, somehow still shocked that you haven't gotten bored. It is how he would bring you out shopping, throwing cute clothes and accessories your way because he loves making you feel good about yourself. It was how he would drag you cafe hopping, feeding you a macaron here, a slice of cake there, always new things, always fun and interesting. It was the way he would go to the ends of the earth just to see you smile. Ezreal's love was fresh. His love was heart racing. His love was spring.
Aphelios loves you like a cold night. Safe, nostalgic, calm. Soft hands holding you close. Softer kisses and even softer words that fill you with a love like never before. The gentle love of a light from the full moon shining down, reminding you that there is light in the darkest of nights. Aphelios loves you in the way he makes sure you are always safe and warm. His love is the sneaky kisses in the shadows when no one is watching. It is the way he smiles cheekily after stealing your hoodie, only to see him wear it the next day. It is the way his fingers sneak around your waist, pulling you close to him when it is crowded, making sure you are safe and near. It is the soft raspy laugh when you prank him instead, like old friends meeting again after a long time. It was how you can see his eyes light up when he sees you singing to his songs. Aphelios loves you like a cold night. Mysterious, enchanting, soothing. It is the way he lightly plants kisses on your head, rubbing your back while you cry. It is the way he writes you love songs for his words cannot reach you. It is how he lovingly holds your face while he pulls your hand close to his chest, making sure you can feel his heartbeat for you. It is how he would sneak into your bed at night, finding solace in your warm embrace. It was how he would have quiet talks with you on the balcony, smiling happily as you talk about your day. Aphelios' love was comforting. His love was supportive. His love was the night.
Sett loves you like the middle of summer. Fun, fiery, free. Its a holiday all the time with him. Kind gestures that leave you giggling. His love was the way he'd pick you up in a hug when he sees you after a long time. It was how he would bring you to wild dinners with everyone, making sure you are never alone. His love was like the sound of students free from work. The exciting possibility of anything and everything that summer entails. It was how his laugh was loud and boisterous, leaving you feeling warm inside. His love was how he'd hold your hand in public, not worrying what anyone says because he was The Boss. It is the way his ears always flicked around, trying to hear you, how they twitched excitedly when you talked to him. His love was the little bop he’d do, punching the air to show off when he sees you rapping his lines. Sett loves you like the middle of summer. Lounging, happy, golden. Sett's love was the way his kisses were showy, always passionate, always warm. It was how he would physically pick you up and drive you to a beach when you were stressed, chasing you across the shore, lying in the warm sand as the two of you laugh so hard you cry. It is the way his presence made you feel like you could do anything, because he always had you back. It was how he would blow up your phone talking about his day when he was away, making you feel like he never left. It was how he would fall asleep easiest when you laid on him, feeling the rise and fall of his chest as he holds you close to him. Sett's love was alive. His love was young. His love was summer.
K'Sante loves you like a sunny day. Dazzling, upbeat, radiant. Love that reminded you of good weather, of warmth that makes you feel safe. His love makes you feel heard. Makes you feel like things are ok. Makes you feel like even if times are tough, he would be by your side, cheering you up. His love was like the warm sun bearing down on you on a hot day. You can always feel it's warmth heat you up. K'sante's love was how he always had the perfect thing to say, the right advice for any problem, a solution always within reach. It was how he'd bring you on a fancy dinner, dressing you up to the high heavens, making sure you were just as stunning as he was. His love was how he would hold you close, dancing with you in the living room after dinner to a tune no one else could hear. K'Sante loves you like a sunny day. Euphoric, optimistic, joyous. He loves you in the way he holds you close to his chest every time you meet, assurance that his love would never waver. It is in how his kisses were comforting like no other, bending down to stroke your hair as he lovingly presses his lips against yours. It was the way he’d chuckle when you tell him how much you love his singing. It was seen in the way he'd design matching clothes just for the two of you, so you can always feel his love nearby even when he is not there. It is the way he'd drive you to a flower field, throw out a picnic mat and serenade you in a sea of colors. K'Sante's love was hopeful. His love was light. His love was a sunny day.
Yone loves you like the first sign of fall. Cosy, crisp, cold. He loves you in the way that makes you feel like its time to get warm in bed. His love leaves you wondering how such cold can make you feel so warm. How he was so distant yet so near. Yone's love makes you feel like its a good time to snuggle up and read a book in his arms, quiet but present. His love is like the cold wind blowing autumn leaves into the air. Beautifully elegant. Gentle touches like the wind as his fingers ghost over your skin, leaving you shivering in their wake. It was how he would smile and pass you one half of his earpiece, letting you listen to him mix and edit, so you won't feel left out. His love was the way he would rest his back on the wall, pulling you close to lean on him as he calmly kisses your forehead. Yone loves you like the first sign of fall. Surprising, yearning, brisk. Yone's love was the way he would watch sunsets with you while his hand holds your head close to his. It was how you'd see him smile to himself when seeing a photo of you or reading your messages. It was how he would lightly rub his fingers against the back of your hand whenever you held his. It was how he would give you quick kisses whenever he walked past, too fast for anyone to see, but slow enough that his lips linger on yours. Yone's love was ephemeral. His love was mellow. His love was the autumn breeze.
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duckchu · 7 months
Meeting Heartsteel's family
(Yone, Kayn, Sett, Aphelios)
Some self indulgence in Phel's part but I love him so much kfrkrvwthw
Looking at how many edits I've made, I should really start proofreading lmao. Especially if I write during night or morning
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He wasn't stressed at all
He loved his dad but didn't care if he didn't accept you
Had to take a whole week off to travel to Zed's home and actually spend some time with him
When you two arrived, you didn't expect his dad to be so...hot?
Of course you wouldn't try anything with your boyfriends dad
You were served a great dinner and then went to rest
Across the next few days you and Zed got to know eachother better, he was glad Kayn finally found someone who could keep him calm...er
After that he frequently texts you to ask about Kayn and you, even though he's busy with his fighting school
Yasuo lived nearby so he just came over someday and it just happened that you were also over
He was surprised that his older brother managed to keep someone around
When Yone was making dinner, Yasuo kept you entertained with stories from their childhood, which, if Yone would have heard, would have earned him a smack to the head
You learned that Yone was the calmer of the brothers while Yasuo was way more hot headed
Though that didn't bother you, at least for now
Yasuo likes you, he's glad his brother finally found someone who he can trust and who can maybe get him to stop over working himself so much
He was so nervous before you two got to Mama's house
He kept on stressing about her not liking you
Her opinion was important to him, but not more important than the love he felt for you
His blabbering also made you nervous
When you finally arrived at her house, you were surprised to see a soft looking older woman.
She welcomed you with open arms
She was so nice to you, asking about you, your relationship, but not in an intrusive way
When she asked Sett to help in the kitchen, you wanted to help too, but the kitchen was too small, so you just stood in the doorway and talked with them
You were starting to like her more than Sett honestly
Just joking, but maybe not
He gave you some food to eat later
She really likes you and thinks Sett made a good choice
Since she's the bands manager, you've known Alune since the beginning
You're both chill about eachother, no bad blood
Since you two started dating, she mysteriously always made too much of whatever she was cooking and always told Aphelios to bring the excess to you
It's her way of showing affection
She actually thinks you and Aphelios are a perfect match
Soulmates even
She even calls you sister in law to tease you
Doesn't know you and Phel are secretly engaged
Though she's starting to suspect something
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inconceptual-nonsense · 2 months
Okay, but the fact that Kayne kinda had a 4th wall break moment during Intermezzo. He makes a pun about one of the previous episode titles, implying that he knows the episode titles. More explanation on the pun below the cut- Spoilers though
When he's ab to offer to erase Arthur's memory of his deal to John, he says it's like a D.S. al Coda which is where in a piece of music you would go back to the Coda (a separate section of the music that you jump to when indicated) so he was joking that it was like the Coda episode when he offered to bring John back without his memories. All of this to say Kayne somehow knows the name of the episode enough to make a bad music based pun about it, and the worst part is I actually laughed at it.
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shipandrunforit · 7 months
Dropping some Heartsteel head cannons I have bc these thoughts won’t leave me alone and I’m curious how much they are going to tie in magic with this (bc Kayn and Ezreal still have their powers)
Kayn and Rhaast
Was a street kid growing, something happened that lead to him being orphaned and living on the streets for a few years
Accidentally released rhaast while trying to steal things from a museum, Rhaasf was not happy about having the situation and tried to leave but Kayn didn’t let him go out of spite.
Two slowly grew to be friends but aren’t the healthiest of friends with Kayns ego feeding into Rhaast, especially when their on stage, and Rhaast has a tendency to voice and pressure kayn to follow through on intrusive thoughts or actions.
Rhaaat was the one who thought of them entering the music industry (wanted everyone’s eyes on him) and so they worked their ass off to get into the industry.
Rhaast also enjoys the dramatics, got very board sitting in the weapon for years and enjoys putting on a show and being a show off.
Was sort of like those Disney kids from the Mickey Mouse club, was how he got into the industry at such a young age. (Also could be why kayn calls him the pop star Prince, is bc he was everywhere for a while).
Is an orphan and is being raised by his uncle
Not sure how he got teleportation when he doesn’t seem to have the gauntlet but he very much loves using his abilities to jump around the city and do parkour.
Would probably also use it to sneak out at times either to hide from his old manager when he was in trouble
First time he did this in front of the boys was bc he was too lazy to walk to the kitchen and he scared the crap out of K’Sante, still make jokes about it.
The dog sleeps in his room, was also the one to name the dog.
Good af editing, especially on computers
Started out as a dj and went to music school and even taught his brother a few basics of being a dj as well.
Still had a falling out with his brother bc he saw how bad the industry was and didn’t want Yasuo to get involved. Led to them having a fight and haven’t really talked since
Is very into mythology and folklore (is why for his section of music video we see the azukana spirt. Is also partially bc I have no fucking clue how else to tie that part of his backstory into this).
Boys played a prank on him by switching his coffee once, long story short they all (including Rhaast) collectively agreed never to do this again bc of how terrifying the results of this prank where
Yone is one of the best drawers in the group besides Sett and the two talk about animations sometimes (Yone animated the fox in his section)
Has made the boys Dino nuggets at one point
Is a big fan of comics, animation, and pfp fighting games
Did the drawings for his section as well as the animations for the background (am referring to that scene in the end of the music video)
Dad was a boxer who left when Sett was young
Sett also knows how to box and worked as a boxer for a bit as well as a bouncer maybe. Rap was more of a hobby but when he got signed onto a record label he switched to doing it full time
Punched the paparazzi bc they were harassing his mom
Favorite anime’s include jojo’s bizar adventures and one punch man
Meet Apjelious before Heartsteel at a meuseum that showcasing a new planetarium exhibit. Two hit it off and are now dating.
Aphelios and Alune
He and his sister were involved in choir when they were younger
Alune went off to college to get her degree in business in management and aphelios went stayed home and did his music.
Aphelios lost his voice either due to medical reasons or because of an accident, Alune transferred to a closer college to be with her brother when the news broke out.
Aphelios had a hard time getting further in the industry, was often discredited or people wouldn’t want to work with him bc it was “too much of a hassle”.
Was nervous for his sister to meet Sett only to realize the two get along great and would 100% commit crimes together
Is also a gamer and will do dates with Sett that’s just them playing video games or Sett listening to him ramble on about movie or video game scores.
Aline was very chill with the boys breaking into the studio bjt did tell them not to break anything (spoilers, they did and she was not happy about it).
Alune is the older sibling and will tease her brother and the other boys and is not afraid to fight them if push comes to shove.
Has written and preformed a lot of songs before Heartsteel
Used to work on songs with his ex boyfriend but the two spit up due to the strain working together put on their relationship
Is the relationship expert in the group and will give the others advise or flirting or planning dates or anything else they need help with if they ask.
Loves going to the gym with Sett, might have been how the two of them meet in the first place. They got to talking about music at one point and when they found out the other was looking for someone to collaborate with they decided to work together.
Spot for one another when in the gym
Is the other mom friend of the group but a lot more chill, let’s them get away with more things then Yone would
Is good at filming and old school editing. He and Ezrael did most of the did for the music video and let the others scribble one what they compiled then approved it.
Was against the coffee incident and straight up left the building when it happened.
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crayycrayon · 1 month
i think what sticks out to me the most about kayne is his first meeting with arthur and john.
kayne is completely out of place in episode 20, he really does not fit the episodes theme at all. episode 20 is a tragedy, its constantly miserable. arthur and john don't get a moment to have a laugh together or talk things through.
kayne's introduction scene is the complete opposite though, he's constantly cracking jokes, not taking it serious, going on long rambles that arthur and john really don't have the time for.
and like, of course that'd be how he introduces himself? kayne can't see the future but he's followed arthur (and john) enough throughout other universes to know this won't go well for them. what a perfect way to leave a lasting impression! he sticks out like a sore thumb and he *knows* he does, he's probably doing it on purpose!
a character like kayne is bound to leave a lasting impression, but to make himself stick out like he did? he HAD to make sure arthur and john would be thinking about him, and what he says, for a long time.
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bewitchedleague · 2 years
How would Jhin, Pyke, Yone, Sett, Thresh, Kayn and Viego react to you feeling insecure?
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    There was no such thing as insecurity to him. What could you possibly be insecure about? His muse. His whole museum. No, there must be something - someone, tainting your image of yourself. In his twisted mind, he would think, perhaps he hasn't worshiped you enough, or paid enough attention to his surroundings to the point someone had gotten close enough to hurt you this way. Jhin would obsess over you, reminding you that every curve of your body was pure art - obsess about your house, there must not have a single thing in that damned place to make you question your worth. With his mask pressed against the side of your head and arms around your figure, a familiar humming soon was escaping Jhin, his soft song bringing you comfort. He will make sure you knew your worth, one way or another.
"Flaws? There are no such things when it comes to you. Can't you see, darling? You're my greatest achievement, no one, not even you - is allowed to say otherwise."
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    Insecurity? Pyke would hum at your words, mind working to think of what to do. This wasn't a everyday situation, and while your presence was also fairly new, he was completely lost about this. For the most part of his undead life, all that he would ever think was about his list - all the names, all the killing. This whole... feeling thing, was rather confusing. Pyke would approach you slowly, almost as if scared of further elevating your anxiety, and he would ask you how could he help you, if there was anything he could do for you. Once you tell him, he'll know by heart and you won't need to tell him again - he works with experience, and the more he comforts you, the better he gets at it.
"How... can I help you? D-don't look at me like that! I'm just trying to... figure out how to make you feel better..."
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    Almost as if he had done this already for you, Yone would be a master at comforting whatever doubts and fears your mind would be stressing about. His experience in being a older brother to Yasuo made him very accustomed to anxiety and mood swings, as he was always there to try and help his brother with whatever he was dealing with. Yone would give you a soft kiss on the forehead and pull you into his arms while simultaneously whispering just the right words you needed to hear - whatever you wanted, if it was in his power, would be yours. Gentle touches combined with sweet words, the perfect medicine for your troubles, what else would you really want?
"My love, whatever troubles your mind, I wish to help you in any way I can. Please, what can I do for you?"
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    With a laugh and a tap on your back he would say something along the lines of 'what a good joke'. Once he realizes the tears on your eyes and the disappointment mixed in, probably because of his reaction, Sett's ears instantly perk up. How could you feel insecure? Someone so pretty such as yourself? Would embrace you in his arms, almost suffocating you from how tight he'd be holding you. A quieter lover when it comes to these types of situations, depending heavily on physical affection to get his words across. Head pats and small groans to remind you he's there and listening to whatever you have to say, or your quiet sobs. A quiet apology about his behavior at first would fall from his lips quickly, voice quivering like he was afraid that his demeanor by itself further upset you.
"... I'm here, I'm here, okay?"
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    As sadistic as your lover could be, he had an undeniable and overwhelming soft spot for you. There was nothing in Thresh's mind but to keep you away from any harm, any pain that this forsaken and cursed world was capable of. The warden would be by your side in no time, wiping those tears off your cheeks with his clawed fingers - softly, and gentle as if you were made of glass. Would have his lantern show you the happy times of his imprisoned victims to try and cheer you up, any story you wanted could be played by his lantern. With a hand on your back, would slowly pull you to him - the coldness of his body creating a nice contrast to your hot face. His deep voice whispering sweet, seductive words of comfort, making you wonder just how many souls had he reassured before cruelly taking their life.
"There is nothing to fear. I'm your protector, I will not let anything happen to you or to us. I'll damn any soul that tries to get in between us."
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    Now, don’t get too sad when Kayn awkwardly inches close to you and simply sits next to you. All his life he was trained as a child warrior, everything he knows about is related to war, so his whole body is tense on this situation as he keeps you company - gets even more tense when you lean on him or hug him, slowly calming himself down and hugging you back. Tries to remember the times he was in this situation and you reassured him, decides he’s going to do everything. Heats you a hot bath, cooks you something simple, puts petals in the bathtub - all while Rhaast murmurs how annoyingly irritating human relations and emotions are. Kayn ignores every single word from Rhaast, knowing whatever you’re going through he had to help you with it, as your lover, he wanted to be someone you could trust without fears.
“How... unnecessary is this. Surely they know how to deal with this themselves.”
          “My love... I made you a bath! There are also some snacks in there, if you want I could join you and I’ll let you do whatever you want with my hair!”
          “Ugh, humans...”
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    The King himself could not understand where your anxiety came from, but he didn’t necessarily care. In his eyes, this was a test to prove to you just how devoted and loyal he was - and he would do an excellent job at doing so. Anything you wanted, would be yours. While kneeling in front of you, he would ask you to assign him a duty that would make you feel better. If he discovers this anxiety and your pretty tears were caused by a third-party, there will be no tomorrow for them if you allow him to take vengeance in your name. Now, your lover would not argue if all you wanted to do was have him embrace you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear to calm you down. Viego is a devoted man, he will not leave your side until you’re back to normal.
“Anything you wish for, it’s yours. So please, give me purpose and allow me to give you something that will make you feel better. Anything.”
Do not copy or translate my works.
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crescencestudio · 4 months
I've seen this question being asked before with other game devs, so I'm giving it a try 🫶
In a modern setting, how would each li's react to MC having a 2d husband/wife?
Kayn: Has fun with it. Likes to guess which character in each game will end up being your favorite. Gets a kick when they end up being right, especially if you thought your favorite would be a different character
Druk: Pretends to get jealous (sometimes he actually gets jealous LOL). If you ignore him for your 2D fave, he’ll make jokes like “Should I leave so you two can have some privacy?”
Fenir: Gets surprisingly into it. Likes to know all the 2D characters profiles and argue about which ones are the best in the games even if it’s different from your favorite
Etza: Supportive of your many loves. Sees your 2D faves as an extension of you so will ask things like “Oh, how is so-and-so doing?”. For some reason, I have this vision that if you have body pillows or merch of your faves, Etza will treat them with care like fluff the pillows or clean your figurines LMFMDKS
Kuna’a: Unacceptable. Makes them extremely jealous. If they see you spending time with your 2D faves, they will distract you with kisses and more until you put the game/book/etc. down. If you ask if they’re jealous, they will vehemently deny it.
Aisa: Gets really curious about your faves. Asks you a lot of questions about what the character is like, why you like them, etc. Might start to emulate small characteristics of your 2D faves subconsciously.
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cat-astro-pick · 6 months
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅, 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝟎𝟐
𝑀𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠, 𝐸𝑧𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚! 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅, 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝟎𝟎
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅, 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝟎𝟏
It's been about a month since Heartsteel debuted. Nothing had changed. Ezreal called me up without even a hint of trying to care what the fans thought.
I was sitting in my studio, mindlessly taking notes on the score. The clicks of mouse and keyboard and the spinning of my laptop fan filled the room. I wondered how much my new piece would sell for. It was pretty pathetic that something I used to love to do was now just a way to make money.
I thought of a mouse. I remembered a mouse named Geronimo Stilton. With his long snout, sniffing cheese, loving what was around him, and speaking out when he saw injustice. As a child, I emulated him a lot. As the flavor of a clumsy cream cheese cake lingered on the corners of my mouth, I felt soap bubbles spinning around my head. The same mouse who rode in time machines and went on adventures to save fairy tale lands reminds me-
"There's a weird scale here."
I said in my dumbest voice, with my dumbest expression, and my dumbest words. While I was making a fool of myself, she took the mouse and fixed the scale. I couldn't lie now and say it was intentional. I couldn't control my meltdown emotions. I've been thinking about the past a lot lately. The hand that popped the balloon was like popping my heart.
[Witnessing the debut of 'HEARTSTEEL', a group that will steal your heart at first sight].
[A close-up look at the lives of the HEARTSTEEL members!...]
[Exclusive! Ezreal's...]
I shoved my phone into my pocket. Shoulders ached. And my elbows, which had been crushed by the armrests for so long. My work had slowed down noticeably since everyone had left. I closed my laptop only after I'd made such a mess that efficiency was nowhere to be found. I slowly mulled over the title of the article I'd seen earlier. The more I thought about it, the funnier it became. I was proud of him, and then a nasty feeling of anxiety creeped up and wrapped around me.
I don't think Ezreal would abandon me. If he's the kind of person who would neglect a friend just because he's famous, then there's no reason for him to accept the selfish me that I was even before then, the one who broke promises, spoke harshly, fought with Kayn all the time, and hid in the corner of the room by myself. So I pushed harder. Even then, I was so stupid that I was testing Ezreal's feelings for me, experimenting to see if he'd get angry or not, even when I was wrong. Ezreal was the one who always passed my ridiculous and unfair tests. I, who was relieved to see him and then tested him with increased intensity, contributed nothing to his success. So I shouldn't be the one who is celebrated in Heartsteel's success.
"...You idiot?"
"You're the one who should be celebrated."
"So what?”
When I showed up at Ezreal's studio with the expensive bottle of wine I'd gladly bought, I was greeted by colorful confetti as soon as I opened the door. I was dumbfounded by the confetti covering my shoulders and head. I almost threw my wine bottle on the floor in surprise, but Ezreal didn't care. A pom-pom cone hat trimmed with shiny soft plastic was placed on my head. It was a tacky pink, the kind of color my mom might have put on when she was a young lady. Ezreal's hat was green. I didn't bother to joke that if Ezreal's hair had been a little more bushy and less cared for, it might have felt similar.
It was just the two of us, but it was refreshing in its own way. It was like having fun for the first time in a long time. Even when he was famous, Ezreal loved to spoon-feed the cake. It was fun to have a party with just the two of us, where we didn't have to be formal. In hindsight, I realize that it wasn't just the party that made me happy. There were other external factors beating on my heart. Well, I would call it a simple alcoholic deception.
When I opened the wine, the atmosphere was too quiet. I would have paid more for champagne if I'd known this would happen. The thought of Ezreal watching me open the wine with a spoon full of whipped cream in his mouth was overwhelming. If it was champagne, he'd be covering his ears and videotaping me from afar. Alas, fancy wine glasses don't exist in the workshop. Instead, we brought in two glasses and poured wine into them. It was wine, but we drank it like grape juice. The wine wasn't sweet, but that was okay as the cake was sweet. And there was something even sweeter in between. I'm not the type to get drunk, but I couldn't stop smiling that day. It was like someone was playing timpani and xylophones in my head. In fact, I don't remember much after that.
It was cold on the way home. As soon as I got home, I took off my stuffy walker, laid down on the floor, and laughed like a madman. It swung around and hit my shin, but I didn't even feel the pain. I couldn't remember how I'd gotten there, but my cheeks were hot, red and puffy from the cold wind.
I felt dizzy, precarious, like a piece of paper with a small margin. There were so many things I wanted to do. There were many things I wanted to say. There were many medications I was taking, and many doubts about the things that surrounded me. Walking back from the death wasn't exactly exhilarating. Cold sweat trickled down my muffler. The night view of the city was beautiful. I looked at the night view upside down, like a spider hanging from the ceiling, and saw the fall of the city. Maybe the fall would be mine. These were feelings that would be fine after a bout of tears. I felt like I was losing myself with each person I encountered. So I disliked Ezreal. Maybe I had a crush on him. Or maybe it was love. And so what?
I had done so many terrible things.
I tested him. I craved affection, and when I got it, I walked away. I came back when I ran out of love. I was no great being; I could not give him eternal life by sucking his blood. All I left him with was a terrible scar.
A day of emotion. Days when I can't get them out and they turn into a lump in my throat that burns and flows out of my eyes. On days like that, I had an awful habit of wanting to quit everything. I wanted to give up, but I didn't know what I wanted to give up, and I had no regrets. I just stupidly thought about the font of the name on my tombstone. He and I weren't meant to be. No, it shouldn't have happened in the first place. If God is a transcendent being with proper reason, he should make me miserable.
My pride wouldn't let me accept him. My horrible past wouldn't allow me to accept him. If I was going to spill my guts to Ezreal, it had to be after I'd changed. If not, it had to be when I wasn't me. Maybe I should go back a few years and strangle myself. Yeah. I didn't want to admit it. The moment I admitted it, I would have to deny my existence. Denying an emotion kept me whole, which is why I was afraid of emotions. To admit now that I'd been pouring out those sticky, unpleasant feelings to Ezreal would be like being naked in a clothing store display case. I'd held it in so far; it wasn't that I didn't want him to be famous. Stupidly, with a strange sense of possessiveness, I wanted him to be in my enclosure, but the world outside the egg told me that my illusions were false. Rather, it was I who was stuck inside his cage. The feeling of the world as I knew it expanding excluding me made me uneasy.
I should have kissed him when we were drunk. I'd ask him to forget the past. When this drunkenness was over, I would try to deny these feelings again. Solid feelings that haven't wavered in over a decade aren't going to show up for Ezreal overnight. At least not unless I change on the inside.
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naisilla · 4 months
The Emperor's New Muse Part .8
Odyssey Kayn x Reader
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content: Stuck with Kayn.
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Sterile light bounced off of the white walls into your waking vision, you felt blinded, having to shield your eyes with your forearm as you sat up from the medical bed. Only, your wrists were restricted with an all too familiar feeling. Once your eyes adjusted to the brightness you were pissed to see that indeed you were cuffed with the same shackles you wore the last time you were held on the Fractal Shear.
Looking around you figured you were in the medical bay of the mother ship. It was a very large white room with an abundance of beds and equipment. Compared to the Morningstar the Fractal Shears was way more advanced in medical technology.
It seems that one of the Medic A.I bots had patched you up, your scythe wounds and bruises have been sterilized and dressed. Kayn was keeping you alive, but why?
No one else was in the Medic Bay, only the various robotic aids accompanied you in the room. You were left to your own devices. Hurridley you checked your wrist but as you feared your holo watch was stripped from you, preventing you from contacting your friends.
Dammit, what now? What was your next move from here? As you were wondering exactly that a set of proud strides approached your room. Looking up you watched as the frosted glass doors slid open revealing the Ordinal himself behind them.
You brace yourself as the ordinal begins his stride towards you, the sound of his heavy footsteps punctuating the silence that surrounds you. Upon seeing you, the ordinal's gaze hardens as he stops just a few meters in front of you, his expression stony and his jaw set. You try to sit up straighter, making sure to appear as imposing and confident as you can, despite the circumstances.
Kayn looked absolutely menacing, a deadly mix of confidence and arrogance that radiated off of him. You could see the sharp gaze of his one visible eye as it scanned over you, studying you from every angle. What he was thinking was unclear, the reason he kept you alive, but it didn't look like an act of kindness.
"You haven't made a pathetic escape attempt. That's a first".
"I'm just biding my time".
Kayn chuckles darkly as if let in on an inside joke you weren't privy to. "Borrowed time darling, the clock is ticking".
You fown at Kayn's implication. "What do you mean by that?"
Kayn's dark smirk stretches into a mischievous grin. "Currently we are traveling back to Demaxia_Alpha. When we arrive I will exchange you for the templar."
You shoot Kayn a skeptical look, a swell of smug confidence beginning to rise within you. "Oh really? You actually think Yasuo would actually give up Sona for me?"
"Oh, I know he will, because it's already been arranged." Kayn chides, his chest puffing out pridefully as he tilts his head upwards to glare down at you like a snob.
"That's the shittiest lie I've heard you bluff yet."
"Oh, but it's true because I wagered an offer that drunken captain could never refuse."
"And what would that be?"
"All charges regarding the murder of his brother Yone will be lifted, along with a handsome reward will be paid for their cooperation. I'll enroll that loyal dog Malphite into the most prestigious medical school in the galaxy and that girl Jinx will get a large shipment of the empire's finest weaponry to do with as she pleases. As for the Templar, I promised to not evaporate all of the Templar orders situated throughout the galaxy and you get to live."
You stare at Kayn in disbelief. "And you honestly think they believe you?"
"It doesn't matter whether or not they believe me. I can most definitely make all of those promises come true with the snap of a finger that's the power of an Ordinal."
As you let his words sink in, an overwhelming sense of dread began to wash over you. Perhaps he was right about Yasuo being eager enough to trade a single hostage for all of those things.
You had your doubts that they didn't take Kayn seriously, only Sona seemed the most determined to stop him from opening the Ora gates. The others ran around the galaxy on the run from the Ordinal rather than trying to put a stop to him.
But surely your friends know better, they must have a plan to con Kayn. Yes! An ambush where you could escape from the Ordinal and keep Sona out of his clutches. You just had to play along until it was the right time to strike.
"Oh and before you think of trying anything at the exchange just know that you and your friends will be instantly executed."
The ordinal grins at you smugly as your eyes widen in disbelief. He continues to brag about his power and position with an arrogant confidence that is almost suffocating; you don't know what to say about the absurd situation he has put you in. You clench your bound hands tightly, the shackles digging into your wrists and the dread of the situation settling into a sickening feeling in your stomach.
"Your delusions of grandeur never cease to amaze me; you know that, right?" You snap back, trying to maintain some grip on the situation by fighting back against his arrogance.
Kayn's eyebrows raise as you continue to challenge his pride, causing you to feel a small wave of confidence as you refuse to bow down to his arrogance. His smug smirk falters slightly as he studies you intensely, seeming to ponder whether or not to make an outburst.
Instead of letting your response get through to him, the ordinal responds with a smug look. He simply laughs the comment off. "Oh darling you have no idea what true delusion is if you think this is arrogance. I assure you this is mere confidence, no room left for doubt when you've achieved everything you set out to do. I can already see that fire in your eyes, you're plotting something aren't you?"
You roll your eyes at his attempt to instill fear in you, but as he says this, a small seed of worry begins to sprout in your mind. You had hoped they would have a plan to try and ambush the ordinal, yet what he just said seemed to imply that either he knew of such an attack and had already prepared for it, or they did not have any such plans. No...your friends would not let Kayn come off with the upper hand, they couldn't.
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The trip back to Demaxia_Alpha was a three day flight meaning you were stuck with the Ordinal for three days too many. Surprisingly you weren't thrown into the prison, At first, you thought it was strange that he would let you roam the ship at all, considering he hates your guts with a passion, but you would soon realize why the ordinal has you here instead of in the prison...
You knew better than to cause havoc now, you were far too weak and still recovering from your last encounter with the Ordinal. It was best to bide your time until you could reunite with your friends on Demaxia_Aplha. Until then, it was up to you to be on your best behavior around Kayn...
The ordinal continues to watch you like a hawk, his eyes following you around with every step you take. With such a long flight, the silence has become suffocating...yet you can't help but let out a small smirk when you see the discomfort on his face. It almost seemed that he was growing anxious as well, a thought which brings you a small bit of satisfaction. At least you were irritating him back with your mere existence.
With three days to kill you were forced to be on the same ship as Kayn. The ordinal was confident to let you roam as a guest with your shackles constantly monitoring you. Fortunately, the Fractal Shear is large enough for you to get away from the Ordinal. Unfortunately for you, there wasn't much to do in the mother ship.
There was the Control center installed with an Admin, a Navigation system, and a manual cockpit the size of the Morningstar.
A communications/conference room laid out the longest glass table you had seen with your eyes lined with dozens of office chairs and massive mounted monitors and hologram screens. (You were unsuccessful at trying to contact the Morningstar).
A barracks facility to house the thousands of soldiers that were stationed with the Armada.
A giant cafeteria for soldier personnel only. (As it turns out, high superiority figures had their own separate dining area)
The engine room that powered this mother ship was divided into upper and lower segments along with requiring a huge reactor that was so hot that personnel were not allowed inside without fire proximity suits.
There was the medbay which was fully automated by top of the line A.I medicine bots.
A security office system with multiple rooms for surveillance and monitoring the internals of the ship.
Oxygen, Electricity and Water systems, training rooms for the soldiers this ship had it all. As you begin to explore the fractal shear, you quickly realize just how enormous this starship truly is. It's an astonishing feat of engineering, every room is carefully designed to maximize efficiency and power. You've never seen technology on this scale before, and it's certainly impressive. Yet, you can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the sheer size of everything, and it's all so… sterile…
After exploring the entire ship you come to a realization that there is almost no way to avoid the relentless, overbearing presence of Kayn. Everywhere you go, there he is. Watching you with his cold glare, waiting for you to slip up and give him a reason to take action. You have to be careful not to do anything that would arouse his suspicion, or you may quickly regret it...
You and Kayn remain tense towards one another, neither of you speaking to the other outside of snarky retorts. The long hours of silence were deafening, it made you wonder whether or not you would make it out of this alive. Every moment felt like your last and there was no telling what the ordinal would actually do with you once they arrived.
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There was definitely nothing that could compare to the constant dread and unease of having Kayn watching you and your every move. Your eyes met his numerous times, but you always tried to look away before things got too awkward. It felt like an inescapable standoff with little room for maneuvering. The only thing that somewhat eased your tension was exploring the ship, but as you were finished with that, your impatience began to grow.
It hadn't been one full day yet and you were done with Kayn constantly following you, as if you weren't constantly monitored by the stupid shackles.
"How did you do it?"
When you think that the silence can't get any more deafening, the ordinal suddenly speaks up. His words echo into your ears, catching you off guard as you are caught in the middle of examining something. A hint of boredom and irritation can be detected in his voice, yet there was an underlying layer of threat to it as well. As he speaks his eyes keep watching you intently, awaiting your response.
"Excuse me?"
Your words slip out before you can suppress them with a much harsher tone than you intended, unable to hold back your frustration at Kayn's constant presence. When he finally takes notice, your heart skips a beat, and your stomach drops. Damn it, was this finally it? Were your last seconds on this Earth? But to your surprise, Kayn seems more bored and irritated at you than the usual threatening.
"How was it that you are such an excellent spy? The Zuanite records show that you've been working as a powerplant janitor since you were 14 up till when we first encountered.
Unless you were a child soldier like myself I have no idea how you were skilled enough to pull off matching me in combat, especially without bio-mechanical enhancements or ora augmentations.
Or how you snuck through my Armada's guard, fooling us all with an unassuming facade, pretending to be some rebel wannabe when in actuality you were a spy working for the Morningstar all along."
You blink at Kayn bewildered. "You...think...I'm a spy?"
"I know you're a spy, look at you. You're using manipulative tactics to evade my questioning right now! But I have you figured out (y/n) I have you pinned, I have connected to dots."
You shake your head dismissing him with a smug chuckle "Far from it Kayn you don't know the first thing about me."
Your smug chuckle only seems to exacerbate his already growing irritation towards you. He grits his teeth as he seems unable to tear this mysterious spy persona you've put up.
"Prove me wrong." He states coldly, his eyes narrowing as if he expects you to fail the moment he says those words.
His arrogance knows no bounds as he waits for you to answer his challenge. In spite of the fact that his words are dripping with sarcasm, there is a sense of anticipation in his demeanor. It seems he is actually hoping for the opportunity to prove you wrong.
So you decided to start with divulging your backstory, albeit a concise version. From your traumatic childhood on your home planet to the struggle of making a living in Zaun while resenting the empire for it to how your antics as a mediocre rebel got you into joining the Morningstar AFTER your encounter with the Ordinal.
"So you were actually a rebel wannabe caught for tampering with one of my fleet ships. That wasn't some clever facade..."
You nod your head hoping to convince the Ordinal that his suspicions are false, but you can tell by the way he keeps looking at you that he isn't buying it. His piercing gaze and his sudden change in demeanor have you at a loss for words for a moment, you have no idea what to say to get yourself out of this and convince him otherwise. 
Kayn was unsure of whether to believe you or not, he used to pride himself on being an excellent judge of character but when it came to you he had his doubts. What if you were fooling him again? There was no way he was wrong all along right?
"That still leaves my questions regarding why you were skilled enough to rival me in a battle, if your story is true then you had zero training in combat yet you still managed to challenge me. Without any ora augmentations whatsoever."
"I have no fucking clue either Sherlock."
The fact that he continues to push this subject despite your responses made you wonder if he was just being stubborn or really couldn't accept your reasons. Kayn's brow furrows, concentrated in thought.
"what planet did you say you were from again?"
You never bothered mentioning the specific name of your home planet until now.
Kayn snaps his fingers as if clicking the pieces together.
"Ah yes, past the ring cluster, shares the same star system as Ionan. A barren wasteland now." The Ordinal mentions while opening his holo deck, searching through files of data.
"No thanks to your empire."
"The Demaxian empire has been rapidly expanding in the last generation, we need to continue harvesting ora to fuel our grand civilization," Kayn speaks not looking up from his holo deck.
"And you do so through draining planets dry, executing all life inhabiting it. It isn't ethical."
"It is for our survival."
You stare at Kayn disgruntled, Kayn was too stubborn to see how ruthless and destructive the empire had truly become.
A moment later Kayns green eye sparkles and he lets out an "aha". He turns to you motioning to a large text file he had pulled up on his holo deck. 
"Looks like your race was gifted in some unique abilities..."
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As Kayn makes his discoveries, your own heart skips a beat and the realization of what he was alluding to dawns on you. You had never given any indication that your race had anything special, yet somehow he has figured it out.
"Don't think you're the center of the universe now, it's only a few advanced adaptions," Kayn warns his tone edged with annoyance. "You're just a mesomorph, with more strength and pain tolerance than most other humanoid races." The ordinal scrolls through some more data. "Looks like most Navoran tribes were excellent fighters due to their warrior culture...they would have made excellent soldiers for the empire."
"If only you didn't kill them all."
"Oh please they were savages, primitive beings with no sense of progression or technology."
"We were in harmony with our planet, we lived contently with nature and that's all we needed."
He seemed to be oblivious to the fact you and your people's way of life was much more peaceful in comparison to his own conquest. The thought that your small society was destroyed to make room for his empire made your blood boil. The thought of your people living in peace and harmony only to be slaughtered brutally by the empire for its greed seems to bring up an anger within you that has been simmering for some time.
Kayn noticed how your jaw and fists clenched in anger. "Oh no, looks like I've angered the primitive, you better not go all savage warrior on me."
The Ordinal was lucky you were both injured and in a situation where you were greatly outnumbered and a hostage for an exchange. In any other circumstance that asshole would be suffering the wrath of a 'savage primitive'.
Kayn watched as you closed your eyes and breathed deeply, your jaw and fists unclenching as you forced your body to calm down. It surprised him. The last time you were here on the Factal Shear as a convict you would have most certainly put up a fight. You were so reactive the first time you two met, now you were restraining yourself from lashing out. Because of what was on the line, Kayn had finally gotten you under his control, and that thrilled him.
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The following two days back to Demaxia_Alpha were torture, purely because of how Kayn was insufferable both physically and mentally.
You tried to hide in your room but the Ordinal would not have it, you still had to use the bathroom or go to eat and whenever you did Kayn was always there in person watching you.
He clearly didn't trust you to not make a move, some sort of attempt to escape the Fractal Shear. Even though he had the highest security measures and surveillance on the ship along with a GPS on your shackles he still continued to personally monitor you. Totally invading your personal space and physically tormenting you with those damn restraining shackles you hated so much.
You did your best to ignore him, trying to make the most of your time onboard. Restricted to only walking around. How boring.
"This isn't some vacation, you are a glorified prisoner so be grateful you haven't been thrown into the cells."
You shot Kayn a look flipping him the middle finger which he refused to acknowledge.
That was the mental torture, how he constantly had to say something that always managed to tick you off. As if his racist remarks the previous day weren't enough to have you fantasizing about choking the life out of the Ordinal.
"At least in the cells, I wouldn't have to see your stupid face all the fucking time."
Kayn gives you a stern look. "Fine I'll grant your wish."
Well, shit.
And just like that, you found yourself taken to solidarity confinement. You had passed a few cells currently occupied by prisoners of various alien races, all beaten up and worn down. You took pity on them as they stared at you with an empty gaze, already broken before they could be transported to the jail located a few more planets away. You doubted they did anything actually criminal, the law enforcement within the empire was unstable and prejudiced.
At least now you had your peace and quiet away from Kayn, with an installed sink/toilet unit, shower, and a concrete bed you had all you needed for the remaining two days.
But without a window or no day/night lighting cycle you were stuck in a purgatory of what felt like an endless stretch of time. The only thing that helped you keep track was the meals fed through a tube system within the walls.
It was cramped in your cell, barely a seven by ten foot space but what could you expect, you were no longer in a guest suite.
"It's just two days it won't last forever". Now you had time to think to yourself about what was going to be your next course of action.
In two days you were going to arrive on Demaxia_Alpha, where supposedly Yasuo and the Morningstar would also arrive to handoff Sona in exchange for yourself and a lot of extra bonuses.
There was no way Yasuo was going to actually comply to this arrangement. Kayn could not be trusted and Sona would not be in safe hands. You could not allow those ora gates to be opened for the sake of the universe.
So when the handoff did happen it was up to you to go along with the plan until it was time to escape with both Sona and yourself. But without any communication with your friends, there was no idea as to what their plan was.
Friends huh? You finally see them as your friends. You realized that you were no longer referring to them as just the Morningstar crewmates. You liked that, you liked that they were your friends now and that they would do anything for you just as you would for them.
Kayn's harsh words came back to your mind.
"Oh and before you think of trying anything at the exchange just know that you and your friends will be instantly executed."
You knew he wasn't bluffing, he was prepared to slice you in half down the middle just the other day. It was only whispers from Rhaast that had spared you. The scythe was intelligent, using you to bait the Morningstar into giving up Sona. Even if both sides knew that the other wasn't to be trusted the Morningstar didn't really have a choice.
Well they did, they could continue with their mission and cross you off as a casualty. But they didn't, they were coming to rescue you, yes there were more benefits to them than just getting you back but everyone knew Kayn's promises were all a ploy.
You were going to escape soon, and you were going to enjoy outsmarting the ordinal once again. You could tell the Fractal Shear had landed a while ago and you patiently waited for Kayn and his soldiers to approach your cell.
Soon enough they did, and the dungeon walls echoed with marching footsteps that got closer and closer to your isolation cell. The door slides open at Kayns presence and he stares down at you with an expectant look.
You are in the middle of getting up from your bed but his soldiers are already handling you into a restrain.
"Get off of me" you hiss the roughness of being held putting strain on your healing wounds. But the soldiers remained silent only obeying the command of their Ordinal, forcefully walking you out of the mother ship and outside.
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Part Nine: Finally here
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shadow0haven · 5 months
I'm gonna do some rambling below about the Malev Christmas thing a little bit because people have been saying people have taken it too seriously and I want to explore/explain why I think people are upset and why I agree/my thoughts.
So HG released a christmas episode for malev and its a silly and campy episode of jokes and a "they get snowed in on christmas" episode like from a sitcom.
Honestly, that would have been nice from the get go. It's an interesting and trope I enjoy so I was ready to listen, until I heard negativity.
People are claiming that people hate the special specifically because HG makes fun of shippers. It's not *just* those two specific lines about shippers that I see people being upset about. It's quite a lot more.
For the longest time, Harlan has been poking fun at shippers in a lot of lines, in livestreams, in jokes and specials he puts out on patreon. A lot of the patreon people aren't mad or upset specifically because he does it, but because it's done so often. We KNOW Jarthur is never going to be Canon. We don't need a reminder constantly in the specials that they aren't canon and never will be, because it's a horror podcast and it's been explicitly stated all over John and Arthur are platonic in canon and always will be as far as we know. Having it constantly joked about when we know it won't happen is tiring.
A joke is made about the mail delivery person hating Arthur and loving John. On server and in conversation, etc, it's come up that HG finds it weird people like John, or Yellow, or other characters, more than Arthur. He also does "playful teasing" about people who enjoy certain characters or make certain theories, while also being annoyed people don't like Arthur more. A lot of us DO like Arthur, but not certain aspects of the character or how the character handled certain situations. That doesn't mean we hate the character. Part of this I think stems from HG having said that Arthur is "basically him", saying that Arthur is a self insert. That's fine and dandy, but it does make a lot of us uncomfortable for a lot of situations when we try to separate the character from a real person when the person playing the character insists "the character is me". This isn't a slight against HG, but I find it frustrating and that it ruined a bit of the "this is a narrative based around fictional characters etc" when the creator insists the main character is his self insert and essentially just him. Self inserts are cool! I also have my own! But there has to be a degree of separation that people aren't getting and it makes a lot of us uncomfortable.
A joke by the mail carrier also about "people going online and arguing for a living" or something along those lines. A lot of people that enjoy the show also critique it, make theories, and always talk about ways things could be handled better or how things could have turned out. Yes, there are people who are strictly only negative because they dislike HG for a myriad of reasons, and this joke felt like it was aimed specifically at these people that have issue with him, his interactions with fans, and the way he's handled things in the past that was just... unneeded.
On a less serious note, there were things that were just not my style in which I myself specifically don't vibe with the special. It was very campy and cracky, which is what it was obviously going for. For ME, I just wasn't into the "staged sitcom script because of Kayne" deal. And that's okay! Just because it wasn't my mileage, doesn't mean it was bad for other people. Like how I don't read certain kinds of fanfiction because they just aren't for me, this special just wasn't for me because of the tone of it.
I know there are probably more things, or things I'm forgetting, I know there was more teasing about "Arthur having PTSD but he can get over it in seconds" joke that made me a little meh, some of the jokes were funny and gave me a good chuckle, but I think this is the main reason people are having issue with the special.
To clarify, I'm talking about JUST the Christmas special and not the show itself. Just this specific episode. If I wanted to talk about why I and other people have issues with the show, or if people were interested in what I think, I'd make another post.
This is NOT a hate post, but simply talking about why I myself take issue with several aspects of the special, as well as why others (and the reasons I've heard from others) have mentioned about it.
Your mileage may vary, etc etc. I still enjoy the show and the characters very much, but sometimes this kind of stuff makes it difficult.
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clefaiiiry · 4 months
i love every part of you
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hello yosante shippers i am but a mortal making a humble offering. mind the tags.
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Yone can’t sleep.
That in of itself is not abnormal, there was a reason Sett joked her blood was ninety percent caffeine at this point, but usually once she was actually in bed it wouldn’t take that long to drift off. Especially with K’Sante’s warm body against hers.
When she finally gets sick of staring at the red LED glare of the alarm clock, she carefully, very carefully, shuffles out from under the covers, and makes her way to the en suite without a sound.
The sudden light makes her flinch, taking a second to adjust. Her toes are cold against the tile as she splashes her face in the sink and sighs. Yone meets her own gaze in the mirror and is struck by how exhausted she looks. She almost looks sickly, eyes dark and skin pasty. Alune had done her makeup earlier and some stubborn mascara still clung to her lashes. Her hair is greasy, several days overdue for a wash, the dirt under her nails becoming rather dire. But there’s more to it than that.
She’s much too tall, her cheekbones are too angular, shoulders are too wide. She frankly looks ridiculous in these pyjamas. They’d been a gift from Ezreal shortly after making the announcement to her bandmates. Kayn said they made her look like a granny, but Ezreal had been so damn pleased with himself that she couldn’t possibly decline.
She wonders if her bandmates- friends had ever been just as awkward as she feels. She didn’t even know about Aphelios until she overheard Sett lecturing him for wearing his binder for too long. He seems so casual about the whole thing, something that feels so unnatural for her.
Yone turns the light off before she can stare at herself any longer.
Her side of the bed is cold when she returns, shuffling closer to press herself against K’Sante’s back. If it were anyone else she probably would have gotten away with it, but he’d had always been a light sleeper. He mumbles, tilting his head back.
“Shush, go back to sleep,” she murmurs against him.
But her voice wavers, tensing as he rolls over to face her.
K’Sante’s arms curl around her, pulling her against his chest. “Are you alright?” he asks, still muddied and thick.
“I’m fine, sorry to wake you,” she says, managing to remain level till the very end this time. Even so, it isn’t enough to convince him, he knows her well enough by now.
“Talk to me?” A question, quiet and not even expecting an answer.
“It’s foolish, really.”
“Hey, it isn’t if it has you so worked up.”
Yone exhales deeply, and looks him in the eye. Even in the dark, she can see the way his brows furrow, the set of his jaw. There’s a tension in her chest, one that just keeps building even with his soft touches.
“I don’t know-” Her breath hitches. “-how you can stand the sight of me.”
For a brief moment, she swears she sees his heart shatter. K’Sante crushes her against him, pressing a kiss to her head. “Oh, no Yone.”
His voice is enough to utterly decimate her defences and wheezes out a sob, tears escaping despite her best efforts. She buries her face into his warm, firm chest, clinging to his back as though he might vanish. K’Sante strokes her hair, still presses kisses to her head.
“You’ve always been the most beautiful person I know,” he says, wholehearted and sweet.
“Flattery will get you everywhere,” she chuckles, but the sound is choked and awkward in her throat.
K’Sante’s laugh is certainly her favourite sound. “It’s done me well so far.”
The quiet between them is comfortable, only disturbed by the distant sound of Kayn and Ezreal squabbling in the living room. They’re muffled enough that she can’t quite hear whatever they’re arguing about, but it’s probably something stupid. Why on earth are they up at such an hour anyway? Yone supposes she shouldn’t judge.
She prods at K’Sante’s chest until he lets her pull away and sit up. Her face feels puffy, her eyes are sore. “I’m such a mess,” she says, raspy.
K’Sante smiles as he rocks up beside her. “Aren’t we all?”
That eases some of the tension from her shoulders and she flops into his side with a deep, low sigh. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologise.”
“You’re much too good to me.”
That gives him pause for a moment, but he swiftly recovers. “You deserve the world, and my only regret is I can’t give it to you.”
Yone stares at him, mouth slightly agape. She looks away. “You’ll make me cry again.”
“I mean it.”
K’Sante takes her hands in his. She’s not small by any means, something that nags at her heels everyday, but it’s a comfort to see the difference in size between them so blatantly on display. She meets his eyes again and sees they’re shining.
“You’re allowed to love every part of me, why can’t I love every part of you?”
Yone surges forward and kisses him, melting into him with a weak, desperate sound. K’Sante meets her, tilting his head for a better angle, sighing against her lips. It’s a messy thing, but she treasures it all the same. He cups her jaw in both hands and kisses her, slow and deep. She’s held with nothing less than pure reverence, as though she were a holy relic. It makes her dizzy, drawing out an embarrassing little whine.
When they pull back, a string of spit lingers between their lips until she swipes it away.
“Can I touch you?” he asks, breathless.
She hesitates for a moment too long and he almost pulls away, but she takes his hand again. “Okay, but- can you leave the lights off, please?”
K’Sante’s eyes are so sincere, she feels her heart ready to burst. “Of course.”
He does go slow, much slower than he ever has. It reminds her of their first night together, like he was terrified she might break. He shifts, adjusting their position so she’s below him, pressing a knee between her legs. She shudders at the sensation, rolling her hips against him
One hand ghosts down her jaw, trailing her throat, even lower until it finds her pyjama shirt. He plays with the fabric for a brief respite until she closes her hand around his.
“You can take them off,” she says before he can ask. K’Sante obliges, pressing another kiss to her chin as he works. K’Sante only sleeps in his briefs so they’re easily dealt with, and tossed with her pyjamas into the corner to be recovered in the morning.
Yone can’t bring herself to look down at her flat chest, even when K’Sante eases his hands over her breasts with an appreciative hum. He ducks his head, peppering kisses along her collarbone, up the curve of her throat. She stifles a giggle as his beard tickles her sensitive skin and she feels him smile against her neck.
“You’re so amazing, you know that? You always work so hard, I don’t know how you do it.”
A flush spreads over her cheeks and down her chest, splotchy and uneven. He travels further south, fingertips skittering along her soft stomach. He takes her thighs and, gradually so she can pull away if she needs to, pulls them apart. He lets out a hiss as he stares down her.
“I don’t know which god I’ve impressed to share a bed with you.”
Yone tosses herself back on the bed, twisting her face to hide it in the pillow. “K’Sante-”
“I know, I’ll stop teasing,” he laughs.
He dips further still, disappearing between her legs. His fingers dance over her inner thighs, almost dainty as they go. She’s open like this, exposed for him to lick and kiss however he pleases until she turns to putty with his efforts. Despite herself, she looks down and sees the crafty little glint in his eyes.
“What are you-”
Yone’s words taper off into a high whine as K’Sante presses his tongue flat against her, dragging upward with pure intent and zero urgency. He stops just below her balls, presses a kiss to her taint, and then returns to her entrance. Each swipe is firm and deliberately slow. She’s soon panting, legs quaking as she can’t decide whether to spread them further or to wrap them around his head.
She jerks her hips up against his mouth, but K’Sante only chuckles, his warm breath making her shudder. He pushes Yone back down to the bed and earns a loud, pleading sound.
“K’Sante, you said you’d stop teasing,” she grits out.
K’Sante is a man with his self preservation instinct intact, so he correctly pulls away. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he says as he leans over to retrieve a little bottle from the bedside drawer. Yone can’t help herself but to watch his cock as he moves, almost overcome with the very potent need to choke on it right that second. Almost; she’s still tired and really, really wants him inside her.
He squeezes out an excessive helping of lube into his hand and slicks up his fingers, methodical and meticulous, then he moves down once more.
Even now, with her husband carefully circling a finger at her rim, all she can think about how he’s used too much lube, it’ll make a mess of the sheets-
Yone closes her eyes as K’Sante slides one in. He stokes down her thigh with his free hand, waiting until she finally exhales before he eases the finger deeper.
“You’re so wet,” he says in awe, as if it isn’t his fault she’s so soaked.
It’s silly, but it helps in its own odd way.
The sound of his finger slipping in and out is so filthy it hauls a sound from the pit of her stomach, wet and so utterly needy. She clamps a hand over her mouth in shame.
“You always make such pretty noises,” K’Sante hums. Yone scowls.
“S-Shut up,” she grumbles, but it admittedly isn’t quite so threatening when he’d reduced her to such a state.
He shoots her a wink, lips moving up to press a kiss against her cock. It punches another filthy sound from her gut. As he pushes another finger in, he teases the underside, light and barely there but it’s still enough to make her squirm.
Yone arches against him, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. He says something, mumbled against her skin so she doesn’t quite catch the words. Before she can clarify, he pushes in a third and she is convinced she’s going to melt.
“K’Sante, put it in, now.”
His expression betrays his hesitation, but he withdraws his fingers regardless. Yone slumps back to catch her breath as he flicks open the bottle again, using even more than previous to prep if the sounds are anything to go by. She peers up at him through her lashes, lips hanging open as she watches the head of his perfect cock disappear under the foreskin with every firm stroke. K’Sante sighs, his resolve shaking and betraying just how desperate he was under his self control.
He pulls her up into his lap, cock snug against the curve of her ass, red hot and soaked. She sighs at the sensation, hooking her arms loosely around his shoulders and gazing at his handsome face in the dark.
“I love you,” she whispers, as though it was a secret from the universe itself.
K’Sante holds her face, stroking her cheekbone, wiping the tear track with nothing less than complete devotion. “I love you too.”
His gaze sweeps downward, leaning back to take her all in. It takes so much to follow his eyes, peeking down at her flat breasts and the cock that sits between their stomachs. She tries to cover herself but K’Sante catches her wrists. There’s no force behind it, she could easily push away.
“You’re beautiful,” he says.
And God, his eyes are so genuine, creased with warmth, Yone almost believes him. She pulls him closer, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. “K’Sante, please- I’m-”
“I know, I’ve got you. I’ll go slow, alright?”
Yone doesn’t trust her voice, so she only nods.
K’Sante lifts her, just far enough for the head of his cock to press against her entrance. The slick sound should be humiliating, but it only drives her further to the edge. Each inch is as agonisingly slow as the last and tempts her with the reckless desire to slam down in one go. His breaths are shaky and loud against her ear as he kisses her throat and murmurs encouragement.
“You’re so perfect.”
She bites her lip as he finally bottoms out, panting against his shoulder. She’s drooling, she realises, regaining enough sense to wipe her face. K’Sante runs a warm hand down her back, slow and sturdy. The other stays at her hip, digging in hard enough to bruise. K’Sante probably isn’t conscious of how tight his grip is, but it grounds her, stops her slipping too far.
“I’m going to move, alright?” he murmurs, waiting for her nod before he gives a deliberate rock of his hips. Yone hums, holding him tighter. Satisfied, he repeats the action, slightly harder. They build up a steady rhythm, neither of them interested in rushing this little pocket of peace.
Yone buries herself further into his neck with every movement, taking one hand back to cover her face and muffle any whimpers that threaten to spill past her defences. K’Sante tilts his head far enough to plant a kiss to her cheek.
“Yone, plea-” He cuts himself off with a low groan as Yone rolls her hips back against him. K’Sante takes a breath, then tries again, “I want to hear you.”
“No,” Yone grunts, digging her nails into his back with the effort.
“You always sound so good, Yone,” he sighs against her skin, kissing his way down her collarbone.
The jerk of his hips is relentless and knocks the air from her, still she clutches her mouth, spit dripping between her fingers. She squeezes her eyes so tightly they start to hurt, gasping.
K’Sante sighs and stills, leaning back. Yone tries to follow, but he slips a hand under her chin. He guides her back, gazing into her eyes with that wonderful, handsome smile.
“You’re beautiful. Every part of you is,” he says, pressing their foreheads together, “and I’ll tell you as many times as I need to, until you believe me.”
Yone makes a choked, embarrassing noise. “K’Sante-”
He pulls out and she gives a mournful, desperate whine. K’Sante doesn’t leave her wanting for long, easing her back down to the damp sheets and sliding back in with one even thrust. He wastes no time returning to their previous rhythm, the slick slaps utterly vulgar and much too loud.
Yone is burning, resisting every impulse to hide her face in the pillow. She curls one arm over K’Sante’s shoulders, the other holding his face. She parts her red, bitten lips and tilts her head back. The first moan is too low, it breaks and tapers off in a sound that makes her cringe, but K’Sante picks up his pace.
“That’s it,” he groans, kissing her nose, “you’re doing so well.”
It calms her nerves, even if only a little. Yone gets louder, reaching between them to wrap her long fingers around herself. She moans again, a prettier sound than the first. K’Sante shudders and somehow gets even faster. He’s babbling now, like he often does when he gets this far-
“You’re so perfect, Yone. You feel so good. So-”
She opens her mouth, though she isn’t sure what she was going to say as her words dissolve into a high gasp. She tightens her grip on herself, jerking in fast, hard strokes. Yone throws her head back into a perfect arch, the sounds breaking from her unabashed and filthy. If she were more lucid, she’d worry about their bandmates hearing them but she’s well and truly past that point.
“K’Sante- Please,” she gasps, astonished that she had managed two entire coherent words. K’Sante nods rapidly, peppering kisses all over her face as he thrusts harder still-
She feels like she might break, but she still craves more-
Yone’s orgasm sneaks up on her, a flash of white so intense and hot that she screams, toes curling, scrambling against the covers for any form of purchase-
Eventually, it pitters out into a steady thrum as she rides it out, dimly aware of the wetness leaking out of her ass as K’Sante pulls out. He looks rather sheepish as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Hah, sorry. I should have pulled out.”
Yone hums and smiles, spreading her legs further. She’s totally going to have to wash these sheets tomorrow, but it’s worth it for the way K’Sante’s eyes darken.
“You’re going to kill me,” he says, gulping and closing his eyes in a feeble attempt to calm his breathing.
Yone giggles. “You’re adorable.”
“No, you,” he says, because he was a grown ass man and very mature.
She laughs, though the sound is somewhat rough after all that noise she’d been making earlier.
“Do you believe me now?” he asks, head tilted.
Yone shuffles against the damp sheets. “I might need some more convincing,” she says, peering up at him through her lashes.
K’Sante’s chest rumbles with a laugh. “Then I’m more than happy to oblige.”
He disappears briefly into the bathroom and returns with a warm cloth. He lifts one of her legs up over his shoulder for better access, or so he would say but Yone is pretty sure he just wanted an excuse to kiss her ankle. She sighs, watching him work as she hums the bridge they’d been working on earlier that day.
“You know,” he says, breaking the lull, “Ezreal always said you had milf energy even before you came out.”
Yone stares at him, thoroughly befuddled. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah! Guess he was onto something, huh?”
Yone wheezes, tipping her head back and giving a rather undignified snort. She laughs, breathless and unrestrained, chest heaving. When she looks back at him he’s gazing at her again, like she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
And, Yone finds, it’s easy to believe him, even just for a moment.
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
honey, could you write a heartsteel!kayn scenario with K/DA!reader where they wear any matching accessories? or reader wearing a kayn t-shirt or jacket and ALL the gossip sites and fans're talking about it?
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn Matching Accessories with K/DA!Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 834
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: THIS WAS VERY CUTE I hope I did it justice.
It was a cute thing that the two of you started doing shortly after dating. It started out subtle. A belt that looks a lot like Kayn's collar from Heartsteel's MV at an award ceremony together while he wore a coat that really looked like the one in K/DA's latest MV. Nothing too obvious at first, just similar colors, similar styles. A Glove that looks like the same design as Kayn's just a different color when you were at a meet and greet. An array of accessories that look a lot like yours when Kayn was caught flipping off the paparazzi.
Your stylists were both in on it too, having fun throwing the two of you in outfits from the same collection sometimes. Getting you to wear bracelets while Kayn wears the paired rings from the same collection, you wearing a necklace with Kayn's having the same design earring. Cute little fits that are similar yet not, from the same unknown indie designer. More bold choices where you'd have a K on your clothes while Kayn wore your initials in his belt. Just waiting for someone to pick up on what was going on yet not outright announcing anything.
It was all really, really! Cute! Only after a month or so did the fans pick up on it. Then it hit all at once. The net was abuzz with your name and Kayn's. Someone mentioning how your new jacket was in the same collection as Kayn's at the livestreamed event going on right now and boom. Photos of all the times the two of you suspiciously wear things in a matching color scheme, same design, same collection, hell straight up matching shoes at the last Gala. It was insane the amount of press coverage that suddenly were thrown on you both.
That night, you dropped by his hotel room after a long day of trivial idol things. Going through the usual bath and change of clothes. You snuggle up to him in bed as you whip out your phone. Kayn's arm wrapping around you, pulling you closer.
" We should do this more. I can't deny, seeing press like this about myself for once is nice."
Kayn thinks out loud about it while giving your forehead a little kiss. Enjoying this more than he thought he would when you first suggested it. K/DA were supportive of the idea, Ahri finding it super cute while Akali and Eve just wanted to see if Kayn would get himself in trouble (they were betting on it). Heartsteel on the other hand were mixed about it, which just made Kayn want to do it even more! Yone and K'sante didn't really get it at first, Sett (and Alune) Loved it! Ezreal was just salty he wasn't included while Aphelios didn't care for it. It was overall still fun PR for the two bands so all the managers let it happen.
" Honestly I'm surprised it took this long...they were all up in arms within minutes the last time I wore Ezreal's sunglasses to a concert."
Kayn laughs, slowly scrolling through social media as you laid in his arms going through your own phone. Enjoying seeing all the cute comments and speculations people made. Were the two of you dating? Good friends? Is this a teaser for Heartsteel and K/DA getting a collab? Were they just being paid? A PR stunt? They have the same stylists after all. It was so fun! You hold back a laugh as you see the jokes people make about how you seem to steal his rings in some paparazzi's shots or how Kayn keeps showing up near K/DA concert locations suspiciously wearing your fan colors. But none of the fans were wrong, the two of you were just having fun. You were dating him, you two were good friends, maybe the two of you were also secretly writing a collab song and this Was a PR stunt. You finally snicker seeing how close some fans got to the truth.
" Fucking with fans and paparazzi like this is honestly my new favorite hobby...I mean second only to being with you~"
Kayn laughs, teasing you, his free hand gently rubbing your side as he uses his phone with his right. A soft smile on his face while his head leaning against yours while you rest on his chest. He usually doesn't give a shit about rumors or public opinion but...when it came to things like this? It was hella fun. A little sprinkle of havoc. Nothing to get his lover in trouble but enough to satisfy his craving for anarchy. Perfect fun for someone like Kayn while letting you lay your claim on having this man in your life. Nothing that would risk the reputation of you both yet let Kayn be a little bit possessive.
" So, just straight up wearing each other's fanclub merch tomorrow to the event then?"
" You're going to get yourself cancelled Kayn."
He laughs harder, hugging you tight.
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duckchu · 7 months
Duckyyyy, I seriously need a change from the KDA!reader stuff going around, could I mayhaps beg of you for anything romantic with whatever heartsteel boy you feel like writing for with a Pentakill reader?
(I seriously recommend listening to Pentakill if you like old metal, I can also help give a brief description of Pentakill if you need it)
While Pentakill is (musically) my least favourite band from lol, I'm a Sona main and a Mordekaiser simp, I know them by heart, 🎃 (this sounds way more threating than it was meant to lmao) (and I do not know them by heart, I just love Sona and Mordekaiser and would very much enjoy being stuffing to a sandwich if they're the bread if you know what I mean
And you know what? I'm feeling like writing them all so enjoy my lovely pumpkin
Also sorry for kinda insterting Battle Academia Yone in there but I couldn't stop myself
Enjoy 🖤
Tumblr media
(mmm wife gif)
You're a hottie AND you're in THE Pentakill? He was instantly hooked on you when you two met
Though you weren't as keen on him, thinking of him as just another fanboy
After some time of him bugging you and trying to impress you as much as he can, you warmed up to him
Eventually landing yourself into a relationship with him
Everyone in both bands thought you two were just a short phase
But then the public learned about you
And my god, was it a storm
Especially since everyone suspected you were dating someone...more like you
But you two are still going strong
He loves your style, especially if your outfits include some chains (he's a kinky man what can I say)
Though he also enjoys your style outside of the stage, no matter how much it differs from your metal queen image
Honestly he just loves when you look happy
Probably wrote a few songs about you, which he will never show you, since he thinks you're too cool for love songs
Honestly? Wasn't interested at the beginning
You're from Pentakill? Ok, don't care
Honestly you were the one who fell first
He had no idea, untill he noticied you telling Sona you thought he was cute using sing language
After that he started noticing you in his surroundings more often
Especially if you wore tight clothes
I mean he's not a pervert, but you look really good
Finally Alune made him realise he's in love
Oh shit he is
So after some time to gather courage he goes in an confesses
Thought it wouldn't be a problem to do it in front of Kayle, since why would she know sing language
He may be stupid but you still love him
But rumours spread fast
So next day the press was on the asses of both of you
Honestly doesn't care. He loves you and that's what matters
Though the rest of Heartsteel might care
Oh well
You two met before Pentakill was even a thing
So he isn't intimated by you being in the band
He's actually very happy for you
Though he does miss the days when you two were just teenagers and could hang out more frequently
Especially since now you usually were with the band or touring
I mean he was happy with you
But he might not have gotten past his little high school crush on you
Ah, the old days, when he thought dying his hair pink would impress you
Now he knew he just had to tell you that he liked you in that special way
You two might have lost some time, but now you have plenty of it to make up for it~
Him? With you? Nooo, this had to be joke
A joke so good Karthus spilled his morning coffe out laughing
Oh wait, you actually were? Oh shit
No one ever thought the intimidating metal diva would be with someone like him
Everyone was sure he would be dating another popstar to break up after a week
But it's been half a year since the news broke out and you two are still going strong
He loves seeing you on stage
You're so...
He secretly wants you to step on him and call you mommy
But he can hold back
For now
Holy shit
The hottie from Pentakill
And him
It's like a dream come true
Although he is worried what his mom will think
She doesn't care
As long as you treat him well, she will welcome you with open arms
Sett loves how ferocious you are
He finds it so hot how intimidating you look on stage
Especially since you have such an effect, even against Mordekaiser and Yorick, who look...well scary
Won't tell you that, but you inspired him so much
He just loves when you mix up your stage style and home style
Like wearing just a normal blouse with that gorset belt? You look great!
He of course loves you for so much more
For example how you always take care of him
Turning into a big softie whenever he needs your help
Or the way your eyes light up when you see in the crowd at a concert
Though the music is not his taste, he will do anything for his partner
He won't admit it, but in the depths of his files there's a whole set of outfits he designed for Pentakill, inspired by you of course
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The Abode
A Kayn lol x reader fanfic part 6 master list
The walk back to the order was awkward, actually just categorizing it under that word would be an understatement. It was quiet, uncomfortable and full of tension, not even the fun kind of tension, it was the type that would make you look away from your screen when you saw it on TV or the type that would make you so uncomfortable that you'll have to stand up from your seat and take a walk while you consciously breathed away the second hand embarrassment from your system. You couldn't do that though, you could only walk back with those who survived and bite your tongue as to not make any type of remarks, looking away everytime Kayn looked at you or spoke to you. It drove the both of you insane, and not just the both of you but everyone else as well, each time Kayn would say something you would roll your eyes or make a face and as much as the other acolytes found it funny they would rather not deal with a pissed off Kayn, so as a way to fix it when everyone eventually reached the order's HQ they just immediately left for their rooms, it didn't matter whether they had broken bones or not because their plan was to leave the two of you alone, it was almost endearing how people who's job was to kill others could be so understanding of other people's feelings, or rather they just simply didn't want to deal with the whole mess. You obviously protested against it but since no one listened you just simply clicked your tongue and walked to the infirmary, Kayn following right behind you, you just wished he did it silently, bothering you with questions and poking at your arm and shoulder repeatedly until you felt your eyelid pulsate.
—Come on doc, why are you so angry? Did seeing all of that blood make you sick?—he joked, now poking your cheek and officially hitting your limit.
—Why did you kiss me!?—you asked in a mix of distress, anger and light tones of anguish, feeling embarrassed for the outburst shortly after.
—You have been behaving like this just because of that kiss?—he asked with a playful smile, said smile dropping after you nodded, he sighed after—listen, you were just being too loud and I was not in the mood for an earful, that simple.
You clenched your jaw, feeling it pop.
—You never thought about, I don't know, asking me to shut up?—you smiled bitterly.
—They are right, Kayn—you heard a demonic voice talk, one similar to the laughs you had heard on the first day you met him.
You looked at him with eyes wide open in surprise, then remembered who you were talking to and the surprise died down as you let out and exasperated sigh, frankly amazed that this was the first time you had actually heard Rhaast speak and not just laugh.
—Of course I'm right, I'm always right—you pinched the bridge of your nose, starting to get a headache.
—Why are you so worked up over it? It was just a kiss—he said, smirking when it dawned upon him—unless it wasn't just a kiss for you.
You felt warmth rising to your neck and face, not sure whether it was from anger or something else, either way you could feel the gears in your head turning to try and come up with any excuse.
—What do you care if it was or wasn't—you said to buy some time, watching him walk closer and closer to you, not sure whether he was trying to intimidate you or what.
You stood your ground, making a conscious effort not to walk back into the wall, even if the idea of getting backed up was sort of enticing, after all you had a reputation to keep up, what was that reputation exactly? You didn't know but felt as if not getting provoked by his advances was part of it.
—Avoiding the question, I see—he laughed, awfully close to you.
You bit the inside of your cheek, wondering what to do or say. Should you just make a run for it? No, he would obviously catch up to you and make it even more uncomfortable, so should you just admit you've got a massive crush on him? Also no, you would rather die than do that, all of that meant that the only option you had left was to bullshit your way out of this situation, luckily you were a master at it.
—I'm avoiding it because it's a stupid question—you answered, Kayn quirked an eyebrow and you heard Rhaast laugh—it's unethical for a doctor to have romantic feelings for a patient, so yes, it was just a kiss for me.
He sighed and walked back, finally giving you some space as well as giving up, for now. You were also going to add in the fact that he had bad breath but felt as if it was too mean. That was yet another reason why your feelings for him were completely wrong, knowing Kayn he wouldn't care for the ethical part of it but you did, that was the difference between you and him, you had a strong set of morals and ethics that you kept at all times, even if they weren't beneficial for you. You cleared your throat and looked at him up and down, noticing all of the cuts and bruises that could use some more treatment on top of what you did earlier so you pointed with your head towards the direction of the infirmary, Kayn immediately understanding what you meant and following behind you with the slightest bit of disappointment slipping from the turmoil inside of him, weighting in his shoulders as if his emotions suddenly materialized into a bag of cement mix, and you being non the wiser, noticed such weight but thought that it was because he was tired. You started to get a little worried when he didn't make any sort of remarks as you treated him, barely even wincing as you cleaned his wounds, still you made no comment about it as you allowed him to leave immediately after you were done. As he walked back to his quarters the insesant mocking of Rhaast made his blood boil, his fists tightening while some of the veins on his face started to pop, he was obviously angry but he didn't know who he was angry with, maybe it was with himself for being a coward and not following up on his confession, thinking that the kiss, even if it wasn't given in the best moment or in the best way, was enough to show you how he felt, or maybe he was angry with you for being so blind to his advances. Whoever he was angry with mattered less and less as the night arrived, at this point he was starting to get annoyed too to such a degree that all he could do was toss and turn in bed even if he was extremely tired.
You didn't feel to good either, a mix of guilt and shame pooling at your gut and fermenting on it as you treated those who returned from the battle, writing the word "deceased" next to the names of those who didn't return. You sighed as you looked up to the beds of the infirmary, the closed courtains around each bed hiding those who were recovering, you felt slightly optimistic that no one was left without a bed though but still, the weight of those who you had built up a friendship with and didn't return affected your mind and you couldn't help but think about what if one of those had been Kayn, you looked at his name on your notebook and couldn't even fathom how you would feel if you also had to write the word "deceased" next to it. You shook your head and stood up from your chair, recognizing how those feelings weren't healthy for you, you grabbed a piece of paper where you wrote "be back in 5" and left it on top of your desk, leaving the infirmary to make your way to the training ground where Zed was training in the darkness of the night, you extended the report about the losses the order had suffered and the treatments the ones who made it back alive recieved, Zed looked at it for a second before looking at your face, analyzing it, for a man who was also severely emotionally constipated he was frighteningly good at reading other people.
—I understand why you feel that way, believe me—he started—it never gets easy but this is the risk behind our work, mourn those who didn't return but don't let it consume you—he placed one of his hands on your shoulder, something that surprised you—it's also thanks to you that some of them are still alive.
You nodded as you gulped down some of the guilt, thanking him before leaving the grounds and walking back to the infirmary, ready to stay up in case some of your patients needed you but stopping as you started to hear whimpers, your imagination quickly making an immature assumption before the logic set in the it came from one of the rooms, the direction of them coming from behind the door of a room you didn't want to walk inside of. As cruel as it sounded you pondered whether to walk inside or not but ultimately decided to do it, knocking first just in case but since no one answered you just walked inside and came close to the bed, looking at Kayn's shifting body and shiny forehead from sweat, that paired with the noises and blabbering he was making being a clear indication that he was having a nightmare. You put your hand on Kayn's shoulder, shaking it lightly and calling his name, abruptly ending his nightmare causing for his brain to take a second before stopping himself from attacking you out of muscle memory, there where only two people in Runeterra who could wake him up without getting killed, those two being you and Zed.
—Are you okay?—you asked softly, you realized how dumb the question was after speaking it.
Kayn didn't answer, he just nodded, still a bit disorientated.
—Don't lie to me—you scolded him, keeping the soft tone and your hand on his shoulder—you were having a nighmare, a pretty bad one at that—you followed, sitting on his bed—you wanna talk about it? It might help.
He stayed silent for a second before shaking his head 'no', you nodded, not wanting to press on it and make him uncomfortable.
—I understand, but if you wanna talk about it, or just talk about anything I'll be there to listen—you spoke with a warm smile, waiting a second before standing up and starting to walk to the door, being stopped not long after by a tug in your wrist.
—Can you stay?—he asked, looking away from you.
You nodded once more, turning around and getting ready to pull out a chair to sit on it as you waited for him to fall asleep, instead he moved back on his bed, lifting te covers as a clear invite to lay next to him. Your brain stopped working for a second, on the next second you regretted accepting but it was clearly too late to say no, let alone really rude, so you took off your shoes and layed there, so close to the edge of the bed that the slightest movement would make you fall off of it, you heard Kayn mutter a small thank you while yawning before closing his eyes, drifting off to sleep shortly after, you didn't know or undertand why something as simple as this could bring him so much comfort yet you were happy that it did, you also were happy that you got to watch the calm expression on his face as he rested, laughing lightly after hearing some light snores come from him. You quickly catched up to the butterflies on your stomach and lovedumb smile on your face and forced yourself to reationalize this situation straight away to stop your heart from beating so fast, thinking to yourself how this was just another way of taking care of his health by helping him get a goodnight's sleep, the night quickly going away as the sun started to shine, casting its light on the room and on your eyebags from not sleeping on the entire night yet again. You wished you could stay a bit longer but you had already spent to much time in his room, leaving the infirmary and your patients unattended, you moved gently out of the bed trying not to wake him up, putting on your shoes and looking back at Kayn before leaving, wondering what he was dreaming about as you walked the hallways.
—You weren't back in five—said Royce, pulling the courtain back as he stared you down once you opened the door, noticing a long, dark hair strand on your clothes and your also dark eyebags.
—I'm sorry—you answered with an apologetic smile, walking up to him—how are you feeling?
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
What's Your Password?
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Yelena asks you help her with an email but you’re too distracted by her choice in passwords.
Word count: 0.8K
Warnings: Language
Type: Yelena being Yelena. 
Author Comments: I really miss Yelena so here’s a little idea that came to mind. I’m using a prompt from my prompt list which can be read here. Enjoy! 
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“Y/n are you busy?” Yelena’s thick Russian accent distracted you from the trashy magazine you were reading. “Is it more important than the drama between Kim and Kayne?” you asked, slightly looking up from the article you were reading. “The what?” Yelena questioned.  You gave a look as if to say “how don’t know you?” but then you realised, she wouldn’t know. “Nothing, it was a joke, what’s up?” you smiled, placing the magazine on the table. “I made an online order and I need to email the store about making a return but I’m not sure how I do that” she explained, slightly embarrassed that she needed to even ask for help. “Sure, let me just get my laptop” you wondered into your room and returned with your laptop.
 “Okay, what’s your password?” you asked her as you opened the email site. 
“Capital A” Yelena sat down next to you as you started typing. “American P the letter 1 for the i then e” she explained, “oh, no spaces” she added. “Is that seriously your password?” you chuckled. “What? I like the song, it’s a very good song” she reasoned. “Yelena, a password is supposed to be unguessable” you turned to her. “That’s exactly why I added a 1 and no the i” she spoke proudly. “Okay, but that’s still easy to guess” you pressed enter on your keyboard and then waited for the page to open. “What would you have me make it?” Yelena asked, confused as to how anybody could be able to guess her current password. 
“Ooo, my order arrived!” you both heard a similar voice enter the room. Both of you turn around to face Yelena’s older sister. “What? You changed my order?!” Yelena’s tone sounded annoyed. “What? No, I would never do that” Natasha smirked. “See Yel, this is exactly what I was explaining” you chuckled at Yelena’s expression. “How did you change my order, Natasha?” Yelena asked. Natasha looked at the two of you as she placed the combat boots back in their box. “American Pie, no spaces and 1 replacing the i pie,” Natasha said confidently as she closed the box. “What?! How?! That is not fair!” Yelena stood from her chair, walking over to the box of boots, taking them in her hand before Natasha could. “Yelena, you have 3 passwords, all are so easy to guess. Mac&chesse with one capital S, AmericanPie and hot sauce but a zero instead of an o” Natasha tried to hide the smirk that claimed her face for a moment. Yelena looked back between you and Natasha, “That is not fair! I thought that were good passwords, I remember them easily” she spoke. 
“Yel, it’s fine. Nobody cares that much” you tried to calm her. “Will you change it for me?” she asked you. “No... I think it’s cute” you replied, Natasha couldn’t contain her amusement as she looked at Yelena. “You can’t change it, Yelena, it’s a lifetime password,” Natasha said. “Oh, Shit! Is it really that easy?!” Yelena started to stress over Natasha’s lifetime password joke. You and Natasha just shrugged at her, “Блядь! (fuck)” she spoke in Russian as she closed the lid to your laptop and took it under her arm, “Maybe Tony can help me!” she added before storming out with your laptop and Natasha’s new boots. You and Natasha laughed to yourselves once she left the room. 
“Should we tell her?” you asked Natasha, still giggling to yourself. “Something about Tony explaining all this to her is funny to me, so no. Let’s let Tony explain it to her” Natasha spoke between laughing. “He’s going to hate us” you replied. “He already does!” 
*2 hours later*
You and Natasha we’re making your way to the gym to train together, “How do you think Tony is going?” you asked Natasha with a chuckle. “Y/n, Natasha, come here please!” you heard Tony’s voice behind you both. Turning slowly to meet his glare. “Yes Mr Stark?” you said sarcastically. Tony made his way closer to you and Natasha. “The time you both want to torment Yelena, make sure your own passwords are…what did you call it? Unguessable?” he spoke sternly, annoyed that he’d spent his time explaining to Yelena how passwords are not always a set lifetime password. The smirks dropped from your and Natasha’s faces, “Oh come on Tony it was a little bit of fun!” you pleaded. “I just spent an hour and a half with Yelena after the two of you made fun of her passwords, even though her passwords weren’t safe at all, you didn’t have to send her to me!” he explained. “Well, actually, Yelena went to you on her own” Nat added. “Your sister, you deal with her next time” Tony spoke before walking away. 
“Do you think he knows that he only has the password to our work emails?” you smirked to Natasha who chuckled, “I don’t think he knows we even have another email” she replied. 
“Oh, I know!” Tony shouted back. You and Natasha looked back at each other, “shit” you mumbled before the two of you broke into another laughing fit.
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cutter-kirby · 9 months
malevolent theory time!
in which I got too excited when the new episode was called ‘the deal’ and spent the entire runtime looking for vague hints at our favorite little force of chaos’ existence
alternatively: detective noel is probably connected to kayne in some way and I can’t prove it but I can point out fun little hints
-he’s referred to as the stranger until we learn his name, much like kayne. this isn’t actually evidence it's fairly normal but I wanted to point it out
-the second thing he says to arthur is that he’s "golden." much in the way kayne says "golden boy" and suchlike. HMMMMMM.
-maybe it’s just me but I get the vibe he knows exactly who arthur is. my first guess for who his character would be was a detective for parker’s death, but it fits kayne too
-noel in general is just Very kayne-like in his mannerisms. just the way he speaks and gestures (walking around a lot, snapping, sucking air through his teeth, "woah woah woah") and makes allusions and switches from topic to topic is just so kayne. also he has pet names like "darling" and "doll"
-"believe me, I know [Arkham]" okay buddy
-the way he's constantly trying to lead arthur to a conclusion and guiding him along with his plan is very kayne.
-he doesn't really react to arthur not knowing where the window is other than pointing it out, maybe to suggest he already knows about arthur's blindness but this could just be me overthinking it
-this is the big one:
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don't think i really need to explain this. the fact that he says it "wryly," like an inside joke, just really makes it
-the way he says "shuffled off this mortal coil" is, again, him making allusions much like kayne would
-noticed this in my reread:
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he uses john's words. he responds to john. it could be a coincidence, but still......
-experienced with the supernatural
-“I’m a friend” HM. HMMMMMMMM. at least not arthur's only friend anymore!! yippee!!!!
-this is weird:
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-to my knowledge "noel" means born on christmas. like a certain jesus christ who is present and accounted for!
all in all, whatever he ends up being, this guy is fucking weird. just to be clear i'm not totally convinced he IS kayne, but my best guess would be a pawn or a meat puppet. but he really could be whatever! let me know if anything else about him struck you as odd!!!
is this an actual substantial theory or complete confirmation bias!?????? you decide !!!!!!!!
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