#i would kill for martha jones to come back
emotinalsupportturtle · 7 months
Launch of the Whoniverse - 01.11.2023
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I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much but freaking MARTHA JONES is right there.
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evenstar0600 · 2 years
greetings name twin! loved your Tom riddle fic. it was super good :) could I humbly request some headcanons for how different doctor who characters would react to you cupping their face??? thank you :)))))
hello, my lovely. and fellow Jace. thank you for your kind words!
PLOT: the request
PAIRING: various!doctor who characters x gender neutral!reader
WARNINGS: biting, the master (they are a warning by themself), mentions of the time war, angst, fluff etc
AUTHOR'S NOTES: reader is female in bill's part and is half time-lord btw. and reader is female in yaz's part.
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mans is shocked
like 100% will freeze and just awkwardly stand there
he'll eventually melt into your touch
since the time war, he's closed off his emotions
upon cupping his face, he'll become emotionally vulnerable around you
ngl, he'd probably say 'fantastic!' or something like that.
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bless this sweet baby's hearts
since he's the polar opposite of his previous incarnation, he'll be all for it
i can picture him blushing and smiling (like in the gif)
you'd have him twirling his hair and kicking his feet
100% would give you forehead kisses and cuddles
would be a bit confused as he's got a thing with rose but y'know, for the sake of fanfic they're not together
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baby. baby boy.
he'd be all smiles and shit like that
he loves you to the edge of the universe and back
in turn, he'd cup both your cheeks too
100% would catch feelings for you after this
deffo would snog you
amy ships it
river, who knows what happens in the future, just smiles contentedly and knowingly
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"what the hell are you doing?"
i can picture him saying that
like nine, he'd be frozen solid
for at least a minute or two
he melts into your touch
he comes off as a grumpy old man but he yearns for affection
he'll even kiss your palm softly and brush his nose against your thumb
like with clara in face the raven, he'd retract your hand and softly kiss it
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she's gonna say shit like "brilliant".
also, since she's fruity asf she'll blush
much like her previous incarnations, she'll blush
and smile
this bby is made of sunshine and rainbows
i love her sm
might pull a chris chibbers and not kiss you (# we were deprived of a thasmin kiss)
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would bite your hand
like 10000000% would bite your hand
depends on his mood
he'll either nip your hand or maybe its a full-on chomp
we've seen him in "the end of time", he ate two whole ass people that episode
he's either biting you or straight-up killing you.
there is no middle ground
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it depends which part of capaldi's era
if it's in series 9, then she'll do to you what she did to osgood.
if its in series 10, she'll freeze.
she might cry
will need cheering up
so cuddles
she might shrug you off but then a couple hours later, she might cuddle with you.
either way, its death or cuddles.
your choice
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crazy ass fucker
like simm, he gives bitey vibes
instead of having half a mind to eat you or some shit, he'll nip your hand
or he'd scoff at your and push you away
third case scenario, if he's feeling vulnerable, he'll demand a hug
and god, if anyone hears about it, they're dead
canon, i'm his eyebrow
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she's so pretty <33333
given the era she's from, she'd probs say "i'm not gay"
for the sake of fanfic, i reckon she'd smile and give you a hug
i can imagine her giving really good hugs
will take you out for chips after
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she's stunning <33333
would be a bit awkward given her crush on the doctor
for the sake of the fic, she doesn't fancy the doctor
she might cry
but its happy tears
melts into your touch
would probably develop feelings for you
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^what she's realistically say
given that her ex-fiancee tried to kill her or something, she's a bit wary
would probably say something like "you wot mate?" or "not my type, sunshine" idk
the doctor is probably standing in the background like "miss girl what is going on here"
wilf might smile or something. (love wilf sm)
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would be so awkward it's cute
he's so sexy in the roman uniform
given he's married to amy, he'd be like "no thanks"
or he'd say like "i'm flattered but i'm happily- moderately- i'm married"
(again for the sake of fanfic, he and amy aren't together)
he'd 100% blush
river is, once again, smiling the background
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she knows all
when you first met the infamous river song, she told you that both of you were, quote on quote, "close" in the future
after the ordeal with the weeping angels, you were terrified.
she comforts you and you cup her cheek
she smiles, knowing that this is the start of something brilliant
would maybe cry a little but would kiss your forehead
years down the line, you'd both reflect on how that was the starting point of your marriage
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100% would flirt with you
like i'm not even kidding
rory would be like "wtf" in the background"
theres an episode where she started flirting with herself so i'm not even suprised
maybe, just maybe, would give you a smooch
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your impossible girl
would be a tad shocked but would smile
bisexual queen
kisses your hand
then kisses you
no middle ground
melts into your touch 100%
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bill is a sweetheart and one of my favourite companions
if you cupped her face after a stressful adventure, she'd pause
time would literally stop for her
she'd smile
since loosing heather to the sentient oil, love had been off her mind
then she met you: the doctor's great-granddaughter, the daughter of susan foreman.
might, just might, end up in a kiss.
the doctor smiles, missy deffo takes a picture and nardole cheers.
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yaz is SO pretty and you can't tell me otherwise
sapphic queen
if you cupped her cheek, she'd hesitate before metling into your touch
her face would heat up and her heart would beat at a million beats a minute
might develop budding feelings for you
sapphic queen (#we were deprived of a thasmin kiss)
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nat-20s · 6 months
I have no desire for RTD era TWO to be a rehash of RTD era one I want new characters and stories and focuses and I would be incredibly disappointed if his shtick was "remember this thing u liked? We have more of that! Not in a meaningful way!" (Which is not at all what I think of the 60th anniversaries I genuinely think it was narratively strong and worthwhile for Tennant and Tate to come back). That all being said. Who do I gotta either bribe or kill for an episode with Martha Jones that is mostly about 15 being SO fucking niceys to her. Like the nicest kindest sweetest person in the whole fucking universe to her worshipping the ground she walks on and apologizing profusely. Is that so much to ask??
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sage-nebula · 6 months
Martha didn't get a Tennant Doctor because she didn't want a Tennant Doctor. Martha was the only one of RTD's companions who left the Doctor of her own volition, and only ever called him back on her own terms, when she had need of him.
Rose didn't leave the Doctor willingly. Rose was trapped in an alternate universe because it was either that or be stuck in a void with Daleks and Cybermen for the rest of time. And when she returned (primarily to warn the Doctor about the oncoming darkness caused by Davros but also because she wanted to be with him), she left with the Metacrisis Tenth Doctor and their own TARDIS because that was the only way to give her a satisfying ending from the viewpoint of the audience. (And even then, there are some fans who will tell you that nothing short of her being with the Time Lord Doctor in the prime reality is satisfying, but that just couldn't happen for reasons outside the narrative story.)
Donna didn't leave the Doctor willingly. Donna absorbed all of the intelligence of a Time Lord into her human brain, and this was going to kill her. She had to have her memory erased and be kept away from anything alien for presumably forever or else the knowledge would return and literally kill her. Donna begged the Doctor not to wipe her memory anyway, because she would rather have died than give up that life. Just like Rose, Donna had planned on staying with the Doctor for the rest of her life.
This was not the case for Martha. Setting aside the fact that Martha was treated like garbage for the duration of her season from a writing standpoint, by the end of season three Martha has realized two things: 1.) that she is goddamn brilliant and never deserved to feel like she was second best, and 2.) that she doesn't want the Doctor anymore. Unlike Rose, Donna, and Captain Jack, Martha leaves the TARDIS of her own free will, to pursue her own life and career outside the Doctor. Even Sarah-Jane says in "School Reunion" that she waited for the Doctor to come back for her; she didn't want to leave, not permanently! But Martha did. She chose to step away. The only other companion to have done this during RTD's run is Mickey, so I guess Martha wasn't the only one; still, she's the only one of the primary companions, the three women, to want to leave. She made that choice herself.
Now, does that mean everything about Martha's ending was perfect? No. As much as the "Smith and Jones" wordplay of her ending with Mickey is amusing (get it, like her first episode), it makes no sense when you consider that she was engaged when she returned in season four, and yet we never hear of that fiance again. I mean, I guess it's fine since it's not like we ever saw him? But what happened there? Why was no thought given to Martha's story there? What was she doing with Mickey in an active war zone? Why no mention of her in these three specials even though, last we heard of her, she was working with UNIT in a really important position? I like Mel well enough, but why couldn't Martha have been there instead? Especially since Martha and Donna had a preexisting friendship, and would have been delighted to see each other again?
With that said though, she doesn't need a Tennant Doctor. She didn't want a Tennant Doctor. Frankly, Tennant's Doctor doesn't deserve her with the way he acted ("Rose would know" right to her face, like -- dude, I get it, you're grieving, but that's fucking rude and Rose would NOT approve you using her memory to make another woman feel bad about herself). Martha's character arc was about recognizing her own brilliance and her own worth; standing on her own two feet as a PROPER doctor, Doctor Martha Jones, walking the earth and saving the world without a TARDIS or Torchwood or a Time Lord brain. Just her own fucking determination and brilliance.
Rose and Donna got Tennant Doctors because that was the way to make their final send-offs satisfying. Rose and a Tennant Doctor got to be in love and happy together in a parallel world, which is fitting considering that they were in love and never wanted to leave each other. Donna and a Tennant Doctor get to be besties and happy together in this reality, so that RTD has a convenient excuse to pull Tennant back into a story if he ever wants to again (since it'd be hard to explain why Tentoo came over, versus having Fourteen right there) . . . but also because, like Rose, Donna never wanted to leave the Doctor, she wanted to be with him forever.
But Martha didn't want that. Martha left on her own accord. She left with a smile on her face and her cell phone on the TARDIS console, so that when she said "here boy!" the Doctor would listen. She left on her terms, with him at her call, only there when she has use for him.
And honestly? Good for her.
#like it was a fucking waste that we didn't see Martha at all in these specials#or even get a mention of her but like#she wouldn't WANT a Tennant Doctor. she was the only one of the 3 who left willingly!#(and honestly who can blame her like fr . . . the shit she put up with bc of him)#(the shit in the Family of Blood episodes gave her just cause to beat his ass into next week honestly)#(she hugs him at the end but honestly she should have beat his ass. just started swinging)#(how dare he do that to her? honestly?? i'm not talking about the love plot bit bc while that was ugh it's like#small potatoes to making her as a Black woman have to WORK IN SERVITUDE TO WHITE PEOPLE#and like the scene where he grabs her arm and throws her from the room? BITCH?????#GOD i'm mad again just THINKING about it#she should have beat his ass so hard he regenerated right then and there. AGH.#ANYWAY#Martha Jones deserved better but getting a Tennant Doctor is not better#not for her. it would be like a punishment honestly#she walked away from him and then you put his sad boy ass back on her doorstep?? hello??? no thank you#doctor who#martha jones#dw spoilers#this probably sounds like I hate Tennant's Doctor but I don't#I just hate how a lot of season 3 was written wrt how Martha was treated#like Martha having very legitimate concerns in the Shakespeare episode about being a Black woman in that time period#and Ten mocks her for being concerned like ???#ARGGGHGHHGHGHGHG#ABOUT TO FLING MYSELF INTO THE TV TO BEAT HIS ASS MYSELF ISTFG#A N Y W A Y
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Thank you everyone for submitting to our Femslash Fest! Your recs are below. Happy Valentines!
to the waters and the wild by violetmessages (GwenTosh | complete | 13190 | T)
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Tosh whirled around. She’d thought she was alone, she’d expected it.
Then she locked eyes with the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen, a woman who seemed to radiate an ethereal glow, a woman that emanated an otherworldly light.
Burnt Muffins and Purple Aprons by violetmessages (GwenTosh | complete | 362 | T)
Gwen doesn’t exactly know how to cook. But Tosh loves her regardless.
From Her Own Ashes Became Fire by Princessoftheworlds (SuzieRose, JackIanto | complete | 10762 | M)
In one universe, Torchwood Three found the Resurrection Gauntlet early, and Suzie Costello found her darkness and destruction; in this universe, they don't find it until several years later, and that makes all the difference. Suzie picks up the gauntlet, but instead of slowly losing herself to it, she finds a glowing golden goddess - Bad Wolf, and she falls. Oh, how Suzie Costello falls.
(Or: Rose Tyler died when she looked into the Time Vortex and was transformed into Bad Wolf. She is light, life, and Suzie is dark, death, and they balance each other out, two halves of the same soul.)
And The Rain, In the Rain by DinoDina (GwenTosh | complete | 2073 | G)
It's just the two of them, Tosh and Gwen; or maybe it's the three of them, Tosh and Gwen and the rain outside; or four of them, Tosh and Gwen and the rain and Jack's coat. And Gwen looks so very good in the coat.
they can't believe I made you weak by aliciajazmin (GwenJilly | complete | 1653 | T)
Jilly Kitzinger thinks she's hidden in London, until Gwen finds her.
wlw and cats by (aliciajazmin, DinoDina, and Jackdaw816 ( EmmaLoisTish | complete | 466 | M)
"Emma could never have imagined having one girlfriend, let alone two."
you're so beautiful by aliciajazmin (GwenTosh | complete | 358 | T)
Gwen Cooper waits for Toshiko Sato to arrive home.
Tell the world that we're not finished yet by Beleriandings (MarthaTosh, Jack&Tosh | complete | 14858 | T)
Tosh had thought that when the Rift had closed again after Bilis and Abaddon, after Jack had come back to life and given them all his forgiveness, that things would return to normal. Or at least normal by Torchwood standards. It’s only when she meets Martha Jones and the Doctor, and finds herself swept off to the far future, that she starts to realise that the end of the world is only just beginning.
Love Into the Light by Paycheckgurl (GwenTosh | complete | 12805 | T)
If Gwen’s being honest, the person on her team she wants, loves or could love at any rate, is Tosh. Smart and beautiful Toshiko. Tosh, who could be cold and calculating but is sweet and caring. Tosh, who saves the world in her quiet way. But Gwen is rarely honest with herself and locks it deep inside.
Anti-Logic by Paycheckgurl (SuzieTosh | complete | 775 | T)
Toshiko knows how Suzie thinks.
Overlapping Orbits by Paycheckgurl (Sarah JaneAlice, Alice&Jack, Luke&Sarah Jane, JackIanto | complete | 5817 | T)
Sarah Jane and her new girlfriend Alice have more in common than they think. And more that could drive them apart.
Hit and Run by Paycheckgurl (Alice GuppyEmily | complete | 704 | T)
Emily Holroyd is dressed to kill.
Mother's Day by NancyBrown (AliceJenny| complete | 1224 | T)
It should have been her.
Clarity by NancyBrown (AliceJohnson | complete | 1423 | E)
Johnson keeps watch. Post-CoE.
Exit Protocol by Beleriandings (GwenTosh, Gwen&Tosh | complete | 6139 | G)
Not long after the deaths of Tosh and Owen, Gwen gets a message from an unnamed user on the Hub system. That really shouldn't happen. And yet, there it is.
Bar Games by melodramatic (GwenTosh | complete | 398 | T)
“Shag, Marry, Cliff,” asked Gwen, a mischievous smile on her face. “Torchwood Team edition.”
Morning by Iantoscoffeebean (GwenTosh | complete | 560 | E)
Written for femslash February, but posting a bit late.
Guilt by bonusvampirus (sein_Henker) (GwenTosh | complete | 1883 | E)
Gwen is in love with Tosh. That complicates things in all the ways you might expect, but that hardly matters.
the night-time is the hardest by aliciajazmin (GwenTosh | complete | 1850 | T)
Wanting to comfort Tosh, Gwen goes to Tosh's flat with a bottle of wine. She wonders what Tosh may have heard with the pendant.
Honestly by aliciajazmin (GwenSuzie | complete | 462 | T)
Gwen asks Suzie to prove that she's being honest with her.
Her Hands by DinoDina (TishLois | complete | 2763 | G)
In which the Year that Never Was is over and Tish needs to move on; in which the 456 are gone and Lois is not the same person. In which they are drawn together, and everything changes.
Touching Me by aliciajazmin (TishLois | complete | 315 | T)
Tish shows Lois a better way to start a conversation.
Giving Me Everything by aliciajazmin (EstherTosh | complete | 1956 | T)
Toshiko Sato is a timelord, travelling with her companion and girlfriend, Esther Drummond.
Kiss Me Already by aliciajazmin (GwenTosh | complete | 2044 | T)
Gwen and Tosh want to kiss each other. They each enact successful plans to do so, before eventually realizing their feelings for one another.
Lemnos by pasiphile (MaryTosh | complete | 2594 | E)
After Mary, Tosh adjusts.
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jackawful · 2 years
The only time I've been to Colorado Springs I was eleven. It was a stop on the way back from a mission trip and we visited the Focus On The Family headquarters. I'm still very jealous of their three-story slide. It doesn't seem like something as evil as an organization of theocrats who advocate for hitting kids and forced pregnancy and conversion "therapy" should get something as cool as a three-story slide.
Colorado Springs was the place we didn't need to send people to Save. Other bits of Colorado, we were told, had a higher concentration of sinners than Colorado Springs.
Club Q reminds me of the bars I desperately snuck into as a baby queer by fudging two years off my birthday - not trying to be served alcohol, slap that underage wristband on me and I will keep it on the whole night, I just want to see a drag performance in person once. I just want to know that people like me can have fun and make art and live to adulthood, even in the places that compete over who gets to be called the "buckle of the bible belt." I know intimately why places like this have small windows and privacy fences on their back patios.
I devoted a lot of my activist work in college to ensuring that all-ages drag shows would exist, both so our small-town community could experience the art form and maybe not be so repulsed by us, but also so that the kids younger than me wouldn't have to lie about their age to engage in our collective culture.
Since I moved, I've found myself constantly bracing for bad news from home. Did I know anyone who was performing in that donut shop art exhibition in Tulsa? Is the next arson going to be at Martha's? When I do drag queen story hour defense here, I think of all the kids who attended the last one I saw before moving, at Joplin pride in 2019, and I worry about what those kids are hearing about their parents from kids and teachers and news outlets.
I haven't spoken to my dad in years. Since my name change, I kept meaning to come out to him, but I knew it was going to be a touchy conversation and I wanted to wait for the political temperature around trans issues to cool down. And it never did, and maybe it never will. My heart rate jumped when my mom asked whether I was sick on our last phone call - I couldn't explain that my voice had dropped because of testosterone.
It feels like the sorts of people I grew up around have drawn a line in the sand with this one, doubling down on the anti-trans blood libel a la Alex Jones. It feels like what I was fleeing when I left the bible belt is coming home to roost. I hope desperately that everyone I know that's still in rural Missouri has an IFAK and knows how to use it and can maybe stomach learning pistol shooting from That Uncle, you know the one. I hope I never see you in that kind of news. I hope our community grows enough teeth and open carries outside enough drag shows and stomps in enough faces of mass shooters that they stop trying to kill us.
I hope Eureka Springs flourishes and that Milk Carton Jesus falls someday. I long for a time when we aren't under threat, but I will settle for enough of us becoming so threatening it doesn't matter.
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nonelvis · 2 years
fic meme responses to most questions from the last post, long enough that it needs a cut
— How long have you been writing fanfiction? I went back and checked the date on my first drabble, and holy shit, I've been doing this for just over 15 years?!?
— Do you have a favorite word? (One that you love. Doesn’t necessarily have to be one you use all the time.) "Moist"
I kid, I kid, but anyway, this is an impossible question to answer, because so many words are so entertaining to say and write. Persnickety! Onomatopoeia! Elementary!
— Share a favorite run-on sentence that you’ve written. I have a lot of fic and a fair number of (deliberate) run-ons because they're great for pacing, especially in sex scenes, so remembering which fics have them is actually a little tough! But here's one I found in a Ten/Missy story:
“You must really be hard up for it if you’ve come looking for me,” the Doctor had said, or “if you really want a consolation prize now that I’ve beaten you, we could try the lucky dip at the funfair,” while the Master had cut deeper: “You’re still the weak-willed Academy washout you always were, or you wouldn’t be here,” and once, “Remember how this feels, because I’m going to do it to Martha Jones when I find her.”
— Share a bit of a scene that you’ve written that still gives you FEELS. This paragraph from my Handy/alt!Ace fic will always get me:
Whenever he sees her, he recalls a past that was his, yet wasn't, and was never hers. Nostalgia aches where a second heart once beat. He can, and does, share stories with Rose, but Rose knows what it's like to travel with him; Ace doesn't, and never will.
— What is your favorite kind of character interaction to write? Snappy dialogue, especially if there's conflict between the characters. Doctor/Master fic is great for this.
— Do you have a hyper-specific genre? I am that person who will take the wacky pairing and run with it. This means I wrote what as far as I can tell is the first Sixth Doctor/Donna story (Teaspoon, AO3); Unicorn Frappuccino/Juicero; Coppy the Tumblr April Fool's gag as service!sub; the first Gritty/Murph the Hasbro mascot fic; Badgey from Star Trek: Lower Decks/Clippy the Microsoft Office assistant fic; and more.
— Any personal or frequently used tags? "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry"
The previous question explains why.
— Share a joke or funny moment that you’ve written that still makes you laugh.
"I could be wrong," the Doctor said, "but I'm fairly certain 'rebound sex' is not one of the five stages of grief."
— Best editing tip? Put your work down for at least 24 hours before editing it, and preferably longer, like a week or two. The urge to post immediately is strong, but IMO you edit with a clearer head if you let things sit.
— What drives you to write? I've always written. I have a degree in it. I've co-written three (non-fiction) books. But I don't always have time or energy to write fiction, which is endlessly frustrating, and if I'm going to write fic, I have to truly be so in love with the source material that I can't get it out of my head.
— What is your biggest challenge in writing? I would kill to write a novel. Unfortunately, I am clearly destined for short stories for the rest of my life.
— What story or scene are you most proud of? This is a really hard one to answer, but I'm very proud of Tangrams, the Handy/Rose/River story it took me several years to write because I couldn't do it until I'd figured out a way for the pairing to work organically. (Teaspoon, AO3)
— Please link your profile so we can admire your works! I run A Teaspoon And An Open Mind, the Doctor Who fanfic archive, so obviously I'm going to link to myself there. But I have fic from other fandoms as well on AO3.
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theorphaninthetardis · 8 months
Chapter Three
The Master stands on the flight deck, the camera once again aimed at him. "Citizens of Earth, rejoice and observe." Guards usher in Martha, and shoves her into position beside her family. On the other side of the deck, Jack is kneeling, glaring daggers at the Master. "Your teleport device," the Time Lord addresses Martha, "in case you thought I'd forgotten." She tosses the Vortex Manipulator at the Master, who catches it, and shoves it into his pocket, "And now, kneel." Jack, Martha, Clive, Francine and Tish kneel down in front of the Master. He turns slightly, "You too, Miss McCoy." She immediately obeys, kneeling down beside the Doctor in the birdcage. "Down below, the fleet is ready to launch. Two hundred thousand ships set to burn across the universe. Are we ready?"
Toclafane across the planet begin to respond, "The fleet awaits your signal. Rejoice!"
"Three minutes to align the black hole converters. Counting down," he glances at his watch, "I never could resist a ticking clock. My children, are you ready?"
"We will fly and blaze and slice. We will fly and blaze and slice."
"At zero, to mark this day, the child Martha Jones, will die. My first blood. Any last words?" Martha glares up at him, and he sighs, "No? Such a disappointment, this one." He turns to look at the birdcage, "Days of old, Doctor, you had companions who could absorb the time vortex. This one's useless." He turns back, and aims his screwdriver at Martha, "Bow your head. And so it falls to me, as Master of all, to establish from this day, a new order of Time Lords. From this day forward—" The medical student starts to laugh, and the Master glances around a little nervously, "What. What's so funny?"
"A gun," she laughs.
"What about it?"
"A gun in four parts?" she laughs again.
"Yes, and I destroyed it."
"A gun in four parts scattered across the world? I mean, come on, did you really believe that?"
"What do you mean?" the Master demands, aiming his screwdriver more forcefully at the woman.
"As if I would ask her to kill," the Doctor says, wrapping his tiny hands around the Bars on the birdcage.
"Oh well, it doesn't matter," he shrugs, "I've got her exactly where I want her."
"But I knew what Professor Docherty would do. The Resistance knew about her son. I told her about the gun, so she'd get me here at the right time."
"Oh, but you're still going to die."
"Don't you want to know what I was doing, travelling the world?"
The Master crouches in front of her, and whispers, menacingly, "Tell me."
"I told a story, that's all. No weapons, just words. I did just what the Doctor said. I went across the continents all on my own. And everywhere I went, I found the people, and I told them my story. I told them about the Doctor. And I told them to pass it on, to spread the word so that everyone would know about the Doctor."
The Master laughs, "Faith and hope? Is that all?"
"No, because I gave them an instruction, just as the Doctor said." Martha pushes herself back to her feet, and glares at the Master, "I told them that if everyone thinks of one word, at one specific time–"
"Nothing will happen," the Master interrupts, "Is that your weapon? Prayer?"
"Right across the world," she continues, "one word, just one thought at one moment but with fifteen satellites."
Jack grins, "The Archangel Network."
Martha nods at him, "A telepathic field binding the whole human race together, with all of them, every single person on Earth, thinking the same thing at the same time. And that word is Doctor."
As the clock reaches zero, the Doctor starts to glow. Sophie collapses, her hands clutching at her head. There's a war waging inside her brain, the Master's influence waning as the Doctor grows more and more powerful. She can't think, move, or barely breathe.
Sophie looks around, as her mind finally snaps back. She spies a handgun on the floor nearby. She slips forward, and grabs the weapon. Her thoughts are still jumbled, and she can hardly focus. She aims the gun at the man that she knows is behind all of this pain, time seems to slow, and she pulls the trigger. All at once, time goes back to normal. People jump in fear around her, and Jack turns, practically running at her. Sophie's legs go out, finally realizing her actions. Her breathing increases in intensity, and she can barely hold herself up, as she curls in on herself on the floor. She registers voices around her, but her brain is still too jumbled to even pick out individual words.
Sophie can feel a hand on her shoulder, and she shrugs it off, as tears begin to fall out of her eyes. All of the sudden, she's in the air. Her jumbled thoughts are beginning to knit themselves back together, but she tries to fight against whoever is holding her. Sophie thinks it must be one of the Master's lackies, and she kicks against the person.
Finally, her thoughts snap back to her, and she slumps, looking up. Jack, covered in smoke and dirt stands there, cradling her body. "What happened?" she asks quietly. Then her thoughts remember the gunshot, her hands still burning from the heat, and her arms aching from the recoil, "What did I do?" she breathes, her eyes widening.
Jack slowly lowers her to the floor. When her feet are firmly planted on the ground, Sophie turns, finding the Doctor, cradling the Master's body, crying. Her heart pangs, and she stumbles back, noticing the blood flowing out of the wound. She finds herself against a firm surface, and she slumps. Hands land on her shoulders, and she looks up to find Jack looking sadly down at her. She turns fast, pushing her face into Jack's chest, and she sobs. His shirt smells of smoke, and blood, and death, but she can't bring herself to care. Jack simply rubs her arms silently, doing his best to offer comfort.
Sophie isn't sure how long it is, but eventually the Doctor places his friend down on the floor of the Valiant, and turns around, his eyes blazing, "Why?" he asks Sophie, his voice eerily calm.
Jack's grip increases on Sophie's shoulder, as she faces her friend. "Doctor," he says calmly.
The Time Lord doesn't break his eye contact with Sophie, "Why, Soph?"
"I-" her head drops, and she shuffles her feet, "I don't know, I-I wasn't thinking, I couldn't think."
The Doctor grumbles something under his breath, but turns on his heel. Martha takes a step toward him, and he turns his gaze on her. She freezes, and lets the livid Gallifreyan breeze past. "Where are you going?" she asks quietly.
The Time Lord freezes, "Someone has to land this thing. And I don't think any of you can. Unless you want to take a chance?" he says, turning and directing his gaze at the meager group. As his gaze sweeps over each person, they shy away. The Oncoming Storm marches away, and as he exits the deck and the group let out a collective sigh of relief. Sophie crumbles, the weight of her actions, and the Doctor's palatable anger heavy on her shoulders. Jack crouches down beside her, and the pain on her tear-streaked face will haunt his dreams for the next few days.
He takes one of her hands, and smiles slightly at her, "Hey, kid, how are you doing?"
She holds his hand like it's the only thing on the earth, "I-Why did I do that, Jack?"
He sighs, ducking his head, "It wasn't you, kiddo, not really. The Master had you under hir sway for a long while. When his hold on you was released, your mind snapped from the trauma of the past year. When that happened, your body reacted and in that moment, you shot him. When your mind had recovered, you realised what had happened, that's what's happening right now."
"But the Doctor, he-he hates me."
Jack sighs, and scrubs a hand across his mouth, "Oh, Soph. You know he never could. He's grieving, he'll get over it." He pulls her into his arms, and holds her in a tight embrace.
0 notes
thebadtimewolf · 1 year
no dont look at this, its a messy thought. shhh shush. whatever u about to type anon, dont look just leave. i know its a mess leave it alone. dont look at it. leave my blog.
new tenrose shippers - ten is only your boy when his attention is on rose standing literally in front of him.
the second tenth dr saw sarah jane. madame de pompadour grown up, joan (🤮the racist TWICE LIKE HELLO 7TH DR???) astrid peth, river song, martha in smith and jones COLD OPEN, cleopatra, lady christina, donna (tho she wasnt having any of it) queen elizabeth, claire pope had him gAGGING, the master but like they have now 60 years with each other so already rose never wouldve compared a passing glance to that leagues above connection him and master got: he was stumbling fumbling falling twirling his hair like there really was no tomorrow in falling in love
its ok to admit hes a hoe. hes the hoe, the original you might say.
but the way ten spoke to martha was essentially how 12 spoke to clara. he will be in the dead wrong and sTILL want you to peg him. martha left but if martha was played by a white girl, all of yall would be wanting her to stay.
the plan after runaway bride ep with martha, was essentially going to be tenth doctor romantically falling for the companion and the companion rebuffs him. the whole plan was for him to move on after runaway bride, try "dating" again. she was still supposed to be a dr and everything that we got, she was supposed to be poc which is who we got and how smith and jones is written ALL THE WAY UNTIL TEN RUNS AROUND THE CONSOLE was going according to that initial concept tit for tat.
and then studio (yknow the same mfs that also wanted a full jk rowling ep written by her praising herself and then her CAMEOING IN SAID EP???) said that the 'test audiences' didnt like it
so when i say i ship drrose, i only ship ninerose.
thats exactly where it stops.
tenrose can go die because lets be real, its mostly just ninth doctor being overprotective and tenth dr very clearly not to the point where she got separated and or possessed by something that fully intended to kill her in front of him and his attention is literally going 'wow monster that just tried murder rose in my face... call me😘'
if ten experiences the eps nine did, he would mourn, believe she is fully dead and blow the shit up without investigating it any further only to learn from another monster of the week with footage of her being alive and then blown up by him.
girl almost got mauled by the werewolf and he looking at the wouldbe attacker like hes ready to experience omegaverse in our face, rose and us be damned.
do you understand like i need yall to understand the problem in tenrose shipping isnt our girl: its him. ten. he almost gave an i love you to the master while strapped down bound and just moments before, gagged by the master TWICE. i need yall to understand. he was willing to basically sleep with astrid peth WHILE TRAVELING WITH HER BECAUSE HE SURE AS HELL DIDNT DISSUADE HER.
tentoo. barest of minimums: dont die. tenth doctor? polyamorous and if you squint really hard, loyal to a fault of their own making
at least river and martha kept him consistant in the personality he chose with them, cant say the same for the rest
doctordonna was right, the dr needs an equal and it aint human shop girl now defender of earth rose. tenth doctor made fucking sure of that *proceeds to continue to beat up tenth doctor*
cant believe that if billie comes back shes only going to be the moment and then we'll get to see billie bring billie back with opening those wormhole things.
i just want three billie pipers so i can see tenth doctor keel over and die early. i think it would be funny.
0 notes
sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 96
Abandon All Hope/The Sontaran Strategem
We’re doing a bit of a speed run tonight because it’s 9pm and I’m just starting now. And it is usually takes me over an hour to watch each of these
“Abandon All Hope”
Plot Description: it’s a hunters reunion when Sam and Dean face off against Lucifer with the help of Castiel, Bobby, Ellen, and Jo
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I guess so?? Wouldn’t ever be in this position
omg it’s Crowley time!!! Well he’s got great music taste
Ohhhh he’s been expecting youuuu
It’s pretty sexy of him to want to overthrow hell
Dean not being able to get out a good comeback to being called a functioning moron is extremely good and such a bad look for him lmao
…if Lucifer destroys humanity, he’s gonna destroy his own creations next?? That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense
I do love when he yells
Well NOW I just wanna see a drinking contest between Castiel and Legolas
Omg THANK YOU for not continuing to push Dean/Jo, especially not with Castiel right there
Interesting that he rode into town with the Harvelles and not Sam and Dean
No. No I don’t remember seeing any reapers at Pompeii…I JUST watched that go down
GODDDDDD. Yes, Cas goes through so many crises of faith but he his dedication to what he does believe is so admirable
It’s been a while but please don’t tell me Jo dies. Not here. Not like this.
Oooooo, they’re bringing Death into play. He’s a fun character. Very dry. Takes zero shit, but calmly. Because…what can anyone do to him? He’s DEATH
Lucifer is so cunty here
Oh…oh god, Joooooo. RIP, girl
I take it back. They did one last push before they had Jo sacrifice herself.
Wait. Fuck. No. Not Ellen, too!!! I know this show hates women but goddamn that was too cruel
Guess you can’t kill an angel with a gun made to kill demons
Can’t believe Lucifer has to spell out the parallels between him and Sam even after Gabriel did just yesterday
It could have been ANY demon Cas threw on the fire to escape. Why did it have to be Meg?
God. A Winchester has gotten every member of that family killed
“Been On My Mind…”: one final Dean/Jo push. Guess we’re back up to 10??
“The Sontaran Stratagem”
Plot Description: Martha Jones summons the Doctor back to modern Earth, but an old enemy lies in wait
This dude is really every insufferable tech bro manchild we have to put up with these days rolled into one
Turns out THIS was the first five minutes I had to look out for tonight
Yay Martha!!!! (Yes we knew she was coming back but STILL) and her IMMEDIATELY getting along with Donna 💖
I do love how concerned Donna gets over the fate of the Doctor’s companions (smart of her to, really)
Will never be over her demanding a salute, too
800,000,000 seems like a lowball figure for how many cars there are on earth (but then again I live in the US and not in one of the places with anything even resembling passably decent public transit)
Oof the misogyny of the Sontarans
Donna using her skills she learned doing temp work to crack open ANY part of the case
Getting to hear Martha and Donna talk about how much they have/did or haven’t/didn’t tell their families about traveling with the Doctor after just how involved the Doctor was with Rose’s family. It just gives you pause to think
I wish I could watch the scene where Donna tells him she’s not going with him, that she’s going home, again for the first time. I love knowing that she’s about to call him a great big outer space dunce, but they REALLY let you believe it the first time
Seeing Wilf makes me remember that we’ll see him for the very last time later this year 😭
If this were airing today, elon would be throwing a hissyfit over this kid or smugly not seeing that he is being viscously mocked. “It’s been a long time since anyone’s said no to you, isn’t it?”
“It’s a thing, isn’t it? People don’t question things. They say ‘euewh it’s a thing’”
No because why get into a car you KNOW can be controlled by the Sontarans? Well, at least they think he’s dead now
Hahahahahahahahaha Wilf telling the Doctor stories of Donna when she was little. Gotta love it
Well, it didn’t take long for him to blow the cover of being dead
Why’s evil Martha kinda…
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let-it-raines · 3 years
I Hope We Never See October (3/?)
Tumblr media
When his personal life and football career go up in flames, Killian Jones escapes England for America, finding seclusion in Martha’s Vineyard in order to hide from his demons. It’s a fresh start, or at the very least a paused moment in his life, and all he needs is a few months alone to allow his heart to heal. He doesn’t count on meeting Emma Swan.
Emma’s life depends on tourists who come to the island every summer. It’s how she makes her money working in restaurants and clubs across the vineyard, but every year, she cannot wait until autumn comes and her life returns to normal. She especially cannot wait for Killian Jones to leave.
Rating: Mature
a/n: Not gonna lie, I forget I'm writing this story, remember, and then the moment I sit down to write, I get called away. But here's part three!
AO3: Beginning | Current
Tumblr: One | Two | Three
His head is pounding. It’s been awhile since it has pounded like this. Usually, it’s from a lack of sleep from the nightmares or the stress. This morning, he knows it’s from the rum. He did everything he could to cancel it out – coffee, water, food, medicine – but his head is still pounding. He is a bloody lightweight now.
Killian is making it sound like that’s a bad thing, when really, it’s good. A week ago he was standing with a beer bottle in his hand early in the morning tempted to drown his entire day away. Last night, he made it the entire day without wanting to get pissed and only had two small drinks to toast his friends goodbye.
That’s progress.
This hangover, though, damn. It’s a sign he’s making progress, but damn.
Or he’s simply getting old, which is something else he doesn’t want to think about.
“Fuck,” Killian moans, pressing his fingers against his temples as he opens his eyes. His neck is also killing him, probably from how he slept on this damn couch all night. He should have driven home, but he didn’t trust himself to. Besides, Ariel had offered the couch before she went to bed.
Emma had too.
He’d nearly left after she offered. She was likely only doing it because she assumed Ariel or Eric already offered. He gets the feeling the woman doesn’t like him, which usually isn’t something that happens with him, and that intrigues him. It also makes him realize how much of an asshole he is.
How has he gotten to a point in his life where he expects women to always fancy his company?
Killian sits up, his muscles aching, and slowly, he rises from the couch. The lights in the house are all off, and he knows he can leave now with no one knowing the wiser that he slept over, that he felt bad enough to not be able to drive home. Or maybe that he didn’t want to spend another night in that giant house by himself.
The floor creaks beneath him with each step he takes, but no one seems to stir. Killian finds a notepad and pen in the kitchen and quickly scribbles a note to Ariel and Eric. He said his goodbyes to them last night, and he’ll talk to them on the phone at some point today. He doesn’t need to stick around to say another goodbye this morning. It’s still early enough that the sun hasn’t risen, and they won’t be up for hours. Killian finishes his note, grabs his wallet and keys from the counter, and heads out the front door to his car. It takes him a moment to find his car, to remember what said of the road they drive on over here, but he eventually spots it across the street under a large tree when a light from the house turns on.
Killian turns to see it’s coming from an upstairs window, and Emma Swan is standing between the curtains. He nods, and he swears he sees the slightest nod in return before the curtains rustle and she turns off the light.
She didn’t get in until two this morning, and she’s up at six. How the hell is she functioning?
Then again, how is he functioning?
Killian’s phone buzzes in his pocket, and after he gets in his Jeep, he checks the message.
Elsa Jones: The girls say thank you for their new Leggo set. My bare feet do not.
Killian laughs and puts his phone back in his pocket. That’s how he’s functioning. He may have flown across an ocean, but he’d never leave Ally and Sophia. They’ve already lost enough, and Liam will have his head, someway and somehow, if he doesn’t do everything he can to make sure all his girls are happy.
To make sure Killian is happy too.
“Bloody hell,” Killian whispers to himself as he cranks the engine, “it’s too early to be thinking like this.”
He should be able to have at least a little reprieve from the voices in his head.
Killian doesn’t leave the house much over the next few days. He doesn’t have reason to. He’s got everything he could possibly need in the house, including his own private stretch of beach that he walks along a few times a day, but the repetition of nothing begins to drive him mad. He trains in almost the same way as he did when he was playing, and while that takes up a good portion of his day, it’s not enough to keep him occupied. He reads the books that the owners of the house left behind but finds it’s mostly romance novels he can’t stomach. For a day or two, he binges Netflix, leaving a permanent imprint of his ass in the couch cushions, but there’s only so much time he can spend staring at screens.
Elsa and the girls call more than once a day with them being on summer holidays, and he gets a call or two from Scarlet, who finally had the bullocks to ask Belle out to dinner. That was good to hear since Killian has been giving Will shit about doing that for years now, and it’s good to see that people are moving on with their lives.
He’s not, not really, but he’s not trying to move on so much as he’s trying to not be a total disaster every day.
Sitting in this house alone all day every day isn’t helping. Why did anyone think sending him to be alone would be a good idea in the wake of his brother’s death? He knows it’s more so the scum English tabloids would leave him alone and he could fix his public image so he doesn’t go broke before he’s forty from loss of sponsorships and possible opportunities to get involved in the league, but damn, this was a bad idea.
At least he’s not drinking himself to sleep anymore.
Or drinking himself awake. He thinks that feat is slightly more impressive.
Killian puts his bottle of water down and opens the door that leads to the deck. It’s cool out today, the sun hidden behind the clouds, and since he cannot stay here anymore, he decides he’ll go for a run. It’s been years since he ran outside and not on a pitch or a treadmill, but maybe it’ll be a good distraction. He’s noticed more people filling into the houses around him, the summer tourists showing up in large droves now, so at the very least he can pass time watching people while hoping no one watches him.
It takes him little time to get dressed, lace up his trainers, and pop headphones in his ears before he’s out the door. The roads aren’t flat around his house, so he drives the Jeep a few miles until he finds smoother, less crowded ground. Maybe it’s a way to keep him from running that little bit longer, but mostly he knows his knees need the flat surfaces right now.
He really has gotten old, hasn’t he?
Eventually, he finds what looks like a good path behind a long stretch of beach, finds a place to park, and then he starts running.
It’s horrible, which was expected, but he does it anyway. There are families lining the beaches, music playing from speakers and phones, and he watches as boats skip out on the water. Maybe he should rent a boat for a weekend and take it out. It’d be nice to be out on the water again. He hasn’t been since Liam’s death, the fear of something similar happening to him despite the unlikeliness, but maybe one day while he’s here. It’s not as if he has anything better to do.
Killian runs until the endorphins kick in and then again until his legs get tired. He’s an idiot, however, because he doesn’t think to turn around to his Jeep.
Bloody hell.
He stops and reaches his hands over his head, stretching out his shoulders, and looks to see what’s around him. It’s mostly beach, but there are several restaurants and shops a few blocks down. He notices the familiar Blue Dog Tavern sign and the long deck filled with their outside seating. That means he’s minutes away from a populated area of shops and restaurants where he could cool down and catch his breath, but he still walks toward the Blue Dog. There’s another diner around here he went to that was horrible, and he doesn’t feel like taking the chance again. He’s still over his phase of twenty-four-hour diners. He doesn’t think he can handle more sticky tables.
Killian cools down on the walk to the restaurant, taking in the people walking along the sidewalk, and he dodges them until he’s inside and the cool air is hitting against his skin. It’s past the prime of the lunch rush, so the place is mostly empty. He thinks of going to the bar again, but as he wants to stay as out of the way as possible, he asks the hostess to seat him at a booth in the corner.
“Is someone coming to meet you?” she asks, smacking her gum as she hands him a menu.
“I’m afraid not. Just me today.”
She smiles, popping her gum again, and leans forward, casually popping a button on her shirt. Killian tries not to snicker at the obvious attempt, mostly because she is attractive, but the last thing he needs is to burn more bridges at one of the few places in towns he likes. “Well, if you want company, all you have to do is come find me. I’m Marina.”
He raises his brow. “Seems like you were born to work by the ocean then.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because your name is Marina.”
She cocks her head to the side and laughs. “What do you mean?”
“Nothing, love.” Killian smiles and nods toward the front. “I believe you’re needed.”
She jumps and walks away, obviously putting a little sway in her hips when she moves, and in another life, he’d ask her to join him for lunch and meet her after her shift. He nearly does it now, but the man he’s been and the man he’s trying to be war with each other in his mind.
No burning bridges, he reminds himself. He’s done enough of that in his lifetime.
He orders water and coffee and avoids eye contact with Marina as much as possible, especially when she keeps finding ways to come by his table despite there being no other customers in his section. He texts Will and Rob, sends Elsa some pictures of the beach to show the girls, responds to Ariel about him doing another video conference with a hospital back home, and then he puts his phone away and tries to focus on his meal.
Unsurprisingly, it does not take a hell of a lot of focus to eat a sandwich and chips.
The music coming over the intercoms keeps him occupied for awhile, so does the television hanging over the bar until someone changes it to ESPN, and eventually Killian starts fidgeting for headphones and something to do while he waits for his meal to settle and drinks another cup of coffee. He needs to start the trek back to his Jeep, but that’s the last thing he wants to do.
“Heather, I get that you don’t want to be here, but your uncle and your parents want you here. And you either need to take it up with them or start doing some actual work.”
Killian recognizes that voice, and he sinks in his booth. He was hoping to get away with not running into her here today, if only to save himself the headache. He doesn’t have any paper money on hand, so he can’t pay and leave, and he imagines there’s very little chance he’ll avoid her when she’s walking right toward him with Heather, his server from last week.
She’s in those bloody jean shorts again. They barely cover anything and hug her ass to show it off, and the blouse she’s wearing is fitted to her skin. Her hair is down, hitting past midway on her back, and she looks just as gorgeous as she has every other time he’s seen her…which is exactly why he needs her to not notice him.
So, of course, she does.
Right after she teaches Heather how to clean the tables, she looks up and over at Killian, raises both brows, and walks toward him with her arms crossed beneath her chest. “Anything I can help you with today?”
“The check may be nice, Swan. Lovely to see you again.”
“Uh-huh.” She looks over her shoulder, holds up a signal toward Killian’s server, and he hustles to the back, presumably to get the check. “I can recommend other restaurants in the area. This place is great, but I promise there are better ones.”
He shrugs. “I like the food and how calm it is during off hours. Are you enjoying your house with no Fishers in it?”
“I don’t mind when they come to stay.”
It’s a lie if he’s ever heard one. Killian points to his temple and taps. “I know this may surprise you, but I’m actually quite perceptive.”
Her smile is tight, and she tucks her hair behind her ears. “The Fishers are great landlords, and I can’t complain.”
“I’m not going to tell them what you’re saying, love.”
She smiles again, and he can tell she’s still faking it for him. “All I can say is I’m glad not to have strange men scaring me in my kitchen at two in the morning. Now they simply show up at my work.”
He lifts his glass. “It’s good food, and you’re right, I don’t know of many other reliable eateries around here. Some of them seem a little too…made for tourists.”
“And the Blue Dog Tavern doesn’t? I mean, come on. We have a giant blue animated dog cutout outside. We’re on all those lists of ‘Places in Martha’s Vineyard you have to visit.’ We’re made for tourists like you.”
“I am not a tourist.”
“Says the man who is renting one of the big houses out in Edgartown and staying here for the summer. I’m guessing you go to the beach and lounge around the pool and go through way too many of the bad books the owners of the house have on their shelves.”
Killian huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back in the booth. That was a little too spot on. “How do you know where I’m staying? Wait, no. Ariel, right?”
“Yeah,” Emma smiles, and God, it feels like a hell of an accomplishment to get her to smile. “She went on and on about the great Killian Jones.”
“Ah, so you know who I am then?” He leans forward and waggles his brows, flashing his brightest smile.
“Yeah, a rich British tourist who is friends with my landlords.” Someone calls her name from across the restaurant, and Emma holds one finger up. “Your check will be with you soon. I’ll ask Marina to give you some other restaurant recommendations on your way out. You’ll get sick of this place soon enough.”
“I’m perfectly happy with it, Swan.”
She shrugs and walks away, and Killian chuckles to himself. He doesn’t understand this woman at all, but she intrigues him.
He knows that’s a dangerous game to play.
Killian gets the check, pays it, and before he can escape, Marina corners him to give him more recommendations. She ends up veering into bars and clubs on the island and the surrounding towns, asking him if he wants her to show him around, but he declines and takes the list of places. Maybe he’ll check them out, but the last thing he needs is to go to a club. A bar, maybe, but not a club. He’s learned that there’s a hell of a difference.
He’s also learned that he’s bored to tears in this place, and no amount of calls to Ariel and Elsa can solve that boredom. He finds himself googling pre-season training information, checking up on mates and rivals, and while that’s a bit of a slip-up, he does manage to still stay away from looking himself up. He never used to have the urge to google himself or to read any of the tabloids, but ever since his retirement, he’s been curious. Were people sad? Happy? Did he leave any kind of lasting impact? Or did they all just see him as the drunk, washed up old man with a dirtied past?
That is a path he absolutely cannot go down, and since he’s already run a half marathon today, he decides to shower and get dressed to go to one of the places Marina recommended. If his time alone doesn’t start to get less depressing, he thinks he’s going to have to fly back to London and bother Elsa and the girls until they kick him out. He’ll pay for the remaining time on the house, but he won’t be staying there.
While the sun sets, Killian drives down new roads on the island, going to different towns and neighborhoods to see what others are doing, before ending up at a bar near his house. Marina said it was a spot for locals with good food and a quiet energy, so he doubts Marina has ever stepped foot into it. Killian pushes open the old oak door, and the lights inside are dimmed, the music quiet. There’s a guy playing guitar in the corner hidden between two pillars, and Killian finds himself sitting at the opposite end of the bar on a stool that’s cushion squeaks when he sits down.
“You eating, drinking, or both?” The bartender asks, wiping his hands off with a cloth.
“Eating. Have any recommendations?”
“You have an objection to seafood?” the old man asks.
“Not a one.”
“Good. I’ll fix you up with the daily catch.”
Killian nods as the man makes his way through a door behind the bar, and then Killian swivels on his stool, looking around the place. He doesn’t know about the food yet, but Marina was right. It definitely has a quiet energy to it. There are people in nearly every booth and at every table, but there’s a hushed tone except for a laugh in the booth nearest him. His eyes are drawn there, and to both his surprise and horror, he finds Emma Swan with her head tilted back with laughter.
She’s definitely going to think he’s stalking her, and as hungry and bored as he is, he’s still tempted to leave. So of course, that’s when Emma stops laughing and looks directly at him.
Bollocks. Utter bollocks.
She blinks and stares at him a little longer, her brows raising before falling, and then she turns back to whoever is sitting in the booth with her. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see her arms moving, but he turns on the stool until he can see her no longer, wishing at the very least he had a water to nurse.
“Hiya. Come sit in our booth with us.”
Killian twists and looks at the brunette who’s now sitting next to him. “Pardon?”
She sticks out her hand, and he takes it, shaking it. “Ruby Lucas. You’re Killian Jones, the – ”
“There’s no need to – ”
“ – the guy who scared Emma half to death at her house in the middle of the night,” Ruby completes, grinning like the cat who ate the canary. “And I must say, you are much more attractive than she described.”
“So she talked about me then?”
“In her own special Emma way.” Ruby tilts her head back toward their booth. “And in my own special Ruby way, I’m inviting you to eat dinner with us. It’s me, Emma, and this super wholesome woman named Mary Margaret who will take you home and bake you cookies while asking you about your childhood because she had a good one of those.”
Killian chuckles, cheeks still flushed from him thinking Ruby knew who he was earlier – he is a pompous, entitled ass obviously – and from being invited to their table. “I couldn’t intrude.”
“I insist that you do.”
He likes her, he decides. She’s stunning and funny with no filter, but she reminds him too much of a dirtier version of Anna. It’s a rather peculiar comparison, but it’s true. It’s also half the reason he agrees to switch tables, rising from his stool and walking toward the booth. The other half a reason is the blonde woman with her face pressed into her forearms against the table top.
She looks beyond thrilled for him to be joining them.
“Oh, Emma, you were right, he is handsome!”
Emma bangs her head into the table as who he presumes is Mary Margaret smiles at him from across the booth. Killian slides onto the seat and elbows Emma’s side before patting her shoulder. “It’s alright, darling. I told all my mates you were beautiful, so we’re even.”
“Go to hell.”
He laughs, grinning at her, and slowly, she peels herself off the table. “Just so you know, I’m only here because Marina recommended it.”
“Remind me to fire her in the morning.”
“So,” Mary Margaret interrupts, tucking her short hair behind her ear, “tell us about yourself, Killian. Where are you from? What do you do for work? How long are you planning on being here?”
“Good God, Marg,” Emma sighs, slumping down, “give the man some room to breathe.”
“What? I’m curious.”
“You’re nosy is what you are,” Emma corrects.
“Aren’t we all?” Killian shuffles in his seat, hoping they move on to another subject, but when Mary Margaret turns to him, he knows she isn’t one to forget. “So, how long are you staying?”
“I have the keys to the house I’m renting until the first of October, but I imagine I’ll leave sooner.”
“And why’s that?” she asks.
Killian shrugs as the man behind the bar drops off a glass of water at the table and tells Killian his food will be ready in ten minutes. “I’m afraid no matter how nice it is here, I don’t know many people. I miss the people I’m closest to. A man can only spend so much time alone.”
“Then why’d you book a house for so long?”
“I needed to get away.”
“Yeah, but – ”
“Marg,” Emma interrupts, placing her hand over her friend’s, “please. You don’t have to know everything about him. Not everyone wants to reveal their entire life to complete strangers.”
She’s right. He doesn’t. But for some inane reason, he doesn’t think he’d mind revealing most of his life to her.
He has obviously lost his damn mind.
But it’s nice to spend a night with other people, to be included in the conversation, and while Mary Margaret and Ruby are delightful, he finds Emma captures his attention, not that this surprises him.
What does surprise him, however, is how much friendlier she is in this environment. He knows it’s her friends and not him, and maybe the glass of wine she had with dinner, but it’s nice to see her laugh freely and blush when Ruby tells stories of Emma he cannot imagine knowing otherwise. He can’t imagine Emma ever scaling a building to break into an ex’s apartment to get her favorite sweater back, but then again, that seems exactly like something she would do if she wanted it badly enough.
He fancies her.
He has no business fancying her, none at all, but when he ends up driving all three women to their homes because Ruby and Mary Margaret had too much to drink and Emma can’t drive the stick shift in Ruby’s car, he accepts Emma’s invitation inside for a cup of coffee.
He also accepts her invitation upstairs into her bed.
To hell with the consequences and burning bridges. He’ll deal with those in the morning when he isn’t so enticed by the trail of freckles running down Emma’s bare stomach.
Tag list: @qualitycoffeethings @marrtinski @klynn-stormz @scarletslippers @elizabeethan @jrob64 @snowbellewells @therealstartraveller776 @thejollyroger-writer @galadriel26 @galaxyzxstark @idristardis @karenfrommisthaven @teamhook @spartanguard @searchingwardrobes @jamif @shireness-says @ultimiflos @onepunintendid @bluewildcatfanatic @superchocovian @killianswannn @carpedzem @captainkillianswanjones @mayquita @mariakov81 @jennjenn615 @onceuponaprincessworld @a-faekindagirl @scientificapricot @xellewoods @ultraluckycatnd @stahlop @kmomof4 @tiganasummertree @singersdd @tornadoamy @cluttermind @lfh1226-linda @andiirivera @itsfabianadocarmo @captain-emmajones @ilovemesomekillianjones @taylrsversion​ @dramioneswan​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @wefoundloveunderthelight
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terryvortex · 2 years
Ten Point Six Seconds (Ten)
PART 1 OF The Doctor and the Junk.
SUMMARY : Prisoner Charlie Swan works for UNIT. He's a brilliant scientist identified as a Gallifreyan anomaly, and he has an unusual, particular hatred for the Doctor.
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"What is that sound?" The Doctor seemed extremely offended by the sound of classic American music―from the seventies, eighties, and nineties―coming from some corner of the factory. Colonel Mace grimaced, as though he had been expecting the inquiry and was hoping it wouldn't be made.
"What's Charlie?" Donna asked with a frown. Martha's lips curled a little.
"Who," she corrected. "Prisoner Charlie Swan. Officially."
"Officially," Colonel Mace grumbled. "He's sort of―"
"Part of our team," Martha finished. "Brilliant guy, really."
"Let's go meet him," the Doctor said firmly, walking in the direction of the music. It was loud, coming from a definitive point of origin. Loud, and practically vibrating the air. Charlie didn't care who he was bothering, clearly, with how loud his music was. "Why is he a prisoner and on your team?" he asked Martha. She glanced at Mace, who nodded.
"Gallifreyan anomaly who was on a warpath. When he kept trying to kill UNIT teams, we arrested him. Things happened," she said succinctly, "and now he works for us." The Doctor, who had been listening carefully (but not really, after the first two words), held up a reflexive hand.
"What's Gallifreyan anomaly supposed to mean?" Martha pressed her lips together. They were all standing outside a tent with clear panels in the flaps, fogged thick over.
"We're still not entirely sure."
"Martha Jones!" a loud voice called over the music. "I can hear you lurking! Come inside or go away!" The Doctor glanced at his former companion, a quirk on his eyebrows and lips.
"Lovely man," he commented, pushing aside the flaps for her and Donna to enter. He was halfway in when he questioned, "Colonel?" The military man was hovering outside.
"Leave him," Charlie said carelessly. "I don't let Rambo and his gun-toting goblins in my tent."
"For the last time," Mace seethed, "this is not your tent."
"Go away," Charlie said flatly. Further into the light, the Doctor could see he wore a white lab coat stitched with all colours of thread, with differently sized, shaped, and coloured patches and buttons. It was over a completely normal outfit, all black, three golden gems on a thin silver chain about his neck. The sleeves to the lab coat were rolled up, showing two silver bracelets holding slender bars, oddly sloped slots glowing blue and gold.
He turned.
"So, what the hell do you all want?"
"Be nice," Martha warned. "Have you found anything?"
"Unfortunately, yes." Charlie sat in a swivel chair missing the back and rolled towards a computer screen, black with green letters. "I took the computers you gave me and reformatted them to be better." He tapped a hunk of wires hanging out of the side as he spoke. They had shorted the circuiting, the Doctor surmised, so Charlie had simply chopped off everything connected. "So I scanned for alien life forms and found nothing, but I did find out more about Rattigan Academy. Rattigan may be a genius, but what he's done is simply far too developed for this time."
Charlie pulled up dimensions of a small motherboard.
"Just this is decades ahead. I figured out how to scan for such technology, but I've run into a slight problem: ATMOS is showing up everywhere, which means my system works, but we already know about their alien involvement. It's blotting out anything else my scanner might pick up." Charlie pursed his lips. "I was ten point six seconds into trying to figure it out when you lot pranced in here.'
"Try calibrating the scanner to ignore all ATMOS frequencies," the Doctor suggested.
"I can't," Charlie answered. "Won't work. It would ignore the technologies related to it as well. This tech isn't near as fine as Gallifrey's, which is the same reason it would take me hours, maybe even days, to build a new and specifically tuned scanner." He pointed at a different screen. "That could work, but I have it running half a dozen other programs, as is everything else. I'm stuck with this hunk of junk." He banged its side, and none too gently, with the heel of his palm.
"That hunk of junk," Martha said, "cost half a million pounds."
"Exactly! Junk." The Doctor leaned forward, glasses on, to examine the Junk. He pointed at a pair of blinking green dots.
"What are those?"
"Battery life. It has two years left."
"If you fully recharge and take these wires here..." The two Gallifreyans descended into muttering scientific babble and Donna turned to Martha.
"You said your fiancé―"
"―is not Charlie," she finished. "We're just friends. He says I'm the only one he thinks is 'halfway decent' because I'm not 'a clotpole who waves around a gun willy-nilly'." Donna chuckled quietly, though she wasn't quite sure what a clotpole was supposed to be.
"Oh, that's genius!"
The Doctor and Charlie had exclaimed at the same time. They walked over, Charlie clapping the Doctor on the back.
"Martha, your friend is absolutely brilliant, you have to bring him around more often. What's your name?"
"The Doctor," the Doctor offered, expecting either the usual round of 'Doctor who?' or a UNIT fan's head exploding. Instead of either reaction, Charlie's face fell. He was absolutely still for a moment.
"Get out."
Martha blinked in surprise.
"Get out of my tent, Martha Jones. Take your Doctor with you. I don't want to see either of you in here ever again."
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 26: Everything’s Fine (originally posted on September 20, 2021)
AN: Welcome back to the jungle readers. When last we left Steven, his mind was going further down the toilet after shattering Jasper and the voice in his head continues trying to take control, which led to him lashing out against White Diamond & Spinel. Can he possibly keep his personal Nega-Scott under control while trying to tell the Gems that everything is totally okay? All this and more in this gripping chapter of Alternate Future!
Synopsis: Despite Steven constantly saying otherwise, everything isn't fine.
Zach Callison as Steven, Topiary Stevens, Cactus Stevens
Estelle as Garnet
Micheala Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl
Grace Rolek as Connie
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Ron Perlman as Steven's Inner Voice
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Laz, Zuli
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Cherry Quartz
Michelle Maryk as Larimar
Ian Jones-Quartey as Snowflake Obsidian, Bixbite
Tara Platt as Heaven and Earth Cubic Zirconias
Martha Higerada as Topaz
Auli'I Cravalho as Orange Spodumene
Aparna Nancherla as Nephrite
Kimiko Glenn as Blue Chalcedony
Phillipa Soo as Chrysocolla
Anika Noni Rose as Watermelon Tourmaline
Tara Strong as Grossular Diopside
Aimee Carrero as Moonstone
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Larissa Gallagher as Bluebird Azurite
Susan Egan as Rose Quartz
As soon as Steven returned to his earthly home via Warp Pad and checked up on the bathroom, he returned to his room to flop down on his bed. Steven thought the Diamonds would be of help to him, but instead, they didn't understand what he was going through, and his evil voice kept making things worse for him.
"Why did you make me do that?" Steven lugubriously asked his inner self. "Why did you make me nearly kill White Diamond, and punch Spinel?"
"They hurt you, so I thought it was about time you gave them their just desserts." The evil voice within Steven answered. "Yet the real you insisted that everything was fine. That's your biggest problem, you're way too forgiving of others no matter how much they want you dead."
"No, I know when others don't deserve to be accepted." Steven argued. "Like Black Rutile for example. If she's going to be proud of how irredeemable she is, I'll just let her do her thing."
"Ah yes, do her thing." The negative side of Steven mused. "Like threaten your life and make repeated attempts on your psyche. Yeah, if you could change that pervert, then maybe you can change the sociopath too."
Suddenly, Steven's phone began to ring. "One second Negative Me, I have to take this." Steven said while picking it up and hearing a relieving familiar voice on the other end. "Hey Connie, what's up?"
"Steven!" Connie cried in delight. "Good, you finally picked up. I can't believe we haven't talked to each other since the hospital visit, how are you?"
"I'm great!" Steven fibbed while gazing at how he was still pink. "Never been better!"
"Really?" Connie asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you haven't had any more swelling or turning pink problems?"
"Uh, nope?" Steven replied. "Okay, maybe, but how are you doing? How's prepping for college going?"
"It's going fine Steven." Connie answered nervously. "But what you mean when you said maybe?"
"Look, there's nothing to worry about." Steven kept on lying. "Everything's fine."
"I doubt it." Steven's dark side interrupted.
"Look, I'll call you later," Steven said. "I don't wanna wake up the Gems."
"But they don't even sleep!" Connie exclaimed before Steven quickly hung up and gazed at his hands before the TV turned on.
"-it's because I'M A UNIVERSE!" Steven began seeing visions of the past on the TV, starting with his argument with Greg before it went to static. Then it began showing Steven holding the shattered remains of Jasper's gem in his hand. More static, followed by the near-death of White Diamond, then Steven punching Spinel for singing to him. Just as Steven got up to try and turn the TV off, he got one last devastating surprise.
"Steven, we can't both exist." Rose Quartz announced to Steven in the video she made before giving birth to him, the very sight of her warm face making him twitch angrily where he stood. "I'm going to become half of you. And I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself, that's me, loving you and loving being you."
"No, I never loved myself," Steven growled furiously. "I've always hated being you. Everything I've suffered, and everything you ever put everyone through," He balled up his fist and pointed it straight at the TV screen. "IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"
Before Rose could finish, Steven broke the screen with a single punch and prematurely ended the video. However, Steven then let out a gasp as he gazed into his reflection on the shattered remains of the screen, noticing that his irises were now diamond-shaped and realizing what he had become.
"No! No, no, no, no!" Steven trembled and dropped to the ground in horror. "Th-this can't be happening, I didn't think about shattering White, I didn't shatter Jasper, punch Spinel, or nearly kill Dad!" His panicking soon turned to mad chuckling as Steven tried to cheer himself up. "I'm Steven Universe!" Steven then turned to Vidalia's painting of him and Garnet. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" he loudly repeated to himself, causing the glass of his bedroom door to break. "I'm totally fine!"
"Steven, is that you?!" The loudness of Steven's fibbing caused Pearl to cry out as she, Amethyst, and Garnet raced upstairs to Steven's room and gasped at his current appearance.
"What happened?" Amethyst asked Steven. "When did you get so big?"
"Is everything alright?" Pearl added just as nervously.
"I'm fine." Steven smiled and waved at the Gems. "Going to the Diamonds was just a waste of time since they had no idea what I was going through. I thought I needed to figure myself out, but I already know who I am! I'm Steven Universe; and I help, not hurt!"
"Yeah, then I suppose you tried to help the TV there?" Amethyst said while pointing a thumb at the damaged TV. "Seriously, we have got to upgrade someday. But seriously dude, what's going on? You look way different!"
"Pfft, I'm still your lovable old Steven!" Steven denied in response.
"Steven, we're worried," Garnet stated, taking off her glasses to emphasize how concerned she was for her ward. "You haven't been acting like your usual self lately, and we think you should get some rest before this gets dangerous."
"I'm okay, really!" Steven continued lying to the Gems, who glanced concernedly at each other before turning back to him.
"We'll take your word for it." Garnet said resignedly.
"You know, everything's gone downhill ever since I quit Little Homeschool!" Steven declared cheerfully. "I should head on over and see if I can make myself useful there! See you guys later!"
With that, Steven used his newfound super speed to race out of the house to Little Homeworld. To the Gems, it was like he was gone in an instant.
"I get that Steven wants us to know he's fine, but that was a little unsettling." Pearl stated fearfully. "We should just follow him to Little Homeworld so we can keep an eye on him."
"Agreed." Garnet nodded while putting her glasses back on.
"Yeah, that boy ain't right!" Amethyst declared before the trio left Steven's bedroom. But what they or even Steven didn't know was that a black-colored drone was watching them carefully.
"Excellent, he's just about at his breaking point." Black Rutile declared triumphantly while examining the footage her drone has gathered with White Topaz by her side. "Oh, I haven't felt this much of a rush since the Strawberry Battlefields!"
"But will Steven get any better?" White Topaz asked nervously, inciting her master to give her a furious glare.
"No, that's my intention!" Black Rutile stated. "I broke him, I broke his spirit! If I physically harmed him, the damage would just go away. But mental torture, the wounds shall only grow and fester! I have officially broken Steven Universe, and all that's left is for everyone to reject that monster."
"Oh master, we're back from training." Bluebird Azurite declared as she flew back to the Rutile's cavern hideaway.
"Oh hey guys, how you getting along?" White Topaz asked the fusion cheerfully.
"We're getting along splendidly thanks to Steven's advice." Bluebird answered before un-fusing into Aquamarine and Eyeball.
"Now we're even stronger than ever!" Aquamarine exclaimed joyfully.
"Look what we can do now!" Eyeball added before pulling out her chisel and shaking it to turn the blade into a beam of fire while Aquamarine launched bubbles from her wings.
"Ah, so glad you two are reaching your full potential, potential that Steven has suppressed for too long." Black Rutile smiled warmly at the tiny twosome. "But know this, you may be afraid of what could be to come, but remember that fear is but the precursor to valor! And to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a warrior. Don't think, become."
"I fail to see how that could inspire us, but okay." Aquamarine muttered before peeking behind Black Rutile to see the drone footage. "Now what's all this?"
"It's video evidence that I've driven Steven to madness." Black Rutile answered with a proud grin before gesturing to each screen. "Here, we see Steven going ballistic on a human television when his mother appeared on the monitor." She said pointing to the first one. "On this one, the accursed Crystal Gems show concern for him for once, but he denies that anything is wrong with him." Then Black Rutile moved on to the third one. "And finally, Steven is just gone like a light."
"How can he do that?" White Topaz asked as she looked at the third viewscreen.
"Research shows that this comes from his Diamond heritage interfering with his human biology." Black Rutile analyzed the footage. "I should know, I was often tasked with watching over Pink Diamond whenever her usual caretakers were unavailable. And let me just say, it was unbelievably hectic."
"Yeah, like remember our attempted occupation of Zembilla?" White Topaz added. "Pink really grew attached to those little orange natives and didn't want them all dead."
"Don't remind me to the point of making me have a flashback." Black Rutile groaned while stroking her temples. "This shall be our time to rise up. We shall strike the first moment we get when Steven is at his lowest, so I suggest you better prepare." The Rutile then turned to her Topaz muscle. "Topaz, I need you to preside over Aquamarine and Ruby's training for the time being."
"Oh, of course, I'll do as you say!" White Topaz frantically declared. "That's me, White Topaz, always at your service!"
"Just…..go." Black Rutile's eye began to twitch at White Topaz's brownnosing. As soon as her three subordinates left, the mastermind turned back to her screens and paused the first one at Steven punching the TV screen. "Soon, my boy. Your god complex will finally crumble, just like your so-called happily ever after."
"Ah Little Homeworld, long time no see!" Steven declared happily as he reached Little Homeworld and landed on the Warp Pad. "Time to find someone who needs my help."
As Steven ran around the village in search of people to help, Gems and humans were taken a little aback by his new appearance and tried to stay away from him, though Steven didn't know why.
"Look, we're just saying Emerald, there are more ways reptiles are connected to birds than you think." Demantoid argued with Emerald as the two played chess together.
"Name one!" Emerald declared while moving her rook to knock out Demantoid's pawn. "Are there any lizards that have feathers, hm?!"
"Hey, guys, any arguments that need settling?" Steven butted into the green Gems' debate with a wide smile, taking the two by surprise. "Something about birds?"
"What is wrong with you?!" Emerald exclaimed. "This is why Black Rutile hates you, you think everything has to revolve around you and how you think you can fix everything! But even so, you look creepily happier than usual. Something is definitely up."
"Oh, everything's fine." Steven declared, his eye twitching ever so slightly at Emerald's accusation. "I think I'll just let you guys get back to your conversation." And so, Steven set off for someone else to try and help, leaving the green ex-subordinates of Black Rutile aghast before they decided to change the topic while getting back to their game.
"So, I've heard rumors that Steven is suffering from some problems lately." Demantoid said as her rook moved to take out the opposing knight. "Something about post-traumatic stress disorder?"
"Are you sure?" Emerald replied. "Because I've read about the symptoms, and something tells me he might have a borderline personality disorder."
"Maybe somewhere in the middle?" Demantoid deduced.
"Now the key to giving a plant proper sunlight is finding a spot that's just right." Peridot exposited to her class of Pyrope, Orange Spodumene, Blue Chalcedony, Cherry Quartz, and Squaridot while pointing to a chrysanthemum. "And it also varies on what kind of plant you're growing."
"I see." Squaridot muttered in awe.
Just then, Steven barged into the greenhouse and grinned at Peridot's class. "Hi Peridot, do any of you need some help?"
"No, I do believe we're perfectly fine." Pyrope answered dryly.
"So what brings you back here?" Peridot asked. "Didn't you leave a few months back?"
"Just your friendly neighborhood Crystal Gem just here to help!" Steven declared. "And I think your students have a few struggling saplings here. Let me give you a hand." Chuckling at his pun, Steven licked his hands and reached out to Pyrope's pot before Peridot stopped him.
"Not so fast!" Peridot scolded Steven. "Amethyst told me you're on a No Plant Friends policy after what happened with the Cactus Stevens."
"We're right here you know." A Cactus Steven said while helping a nearby Sapphire.
"Besides, I don't want your germs all over my prized flower!" Pyrope added, protectively hiding her pot from Steven.
"Oh come on you guys, I just want to give them a little nudge!" Steven laughed. To further prove his point, a leaf fell off Blue Chalcedony's plant.
"That has been bothering me lately." Blue Chalcedony stated, holding her pot out to Steven. "Go ahead, just a smidge though."
"I got a bad feeling about this." Cherry Quartz said warily.
"Oh don't worry, I got this!" Steven said as he licked his finger and tapped on the spot where the leaf fell off.
Moments later, the greenhouse began literally bursting with plant life, and not in a good way. Living topiaries in the shape of Steven broke through the greenhouse walls chanting "Steven's here to help!" while Peridot's class ran away screaming.
"Nice going Chal, now look what's happened!" Pyrope yelled at Blue Chalcedony.
"Hey, lay off her Pyrope!" Orange Spodumene exclaimed. "But still, something is not right with Steven!"
On the topic of Steven, he followed the class out of the greenhouse and seemed oblivious to the damage he had caused. "Look at that, life! It's everywhere, it always finds a way!"
"Much like how you find a way to drive people away." Steven's evil voice muttered sardonically, but Steven paid it no mind as he continued his search for people to help.
"Now, tell me how that makes you feel." Garnet said to a human couple she was giving counseling to when she heard Peridot scream, causing the humans to stand up as they gasped. "See you next week."
As soon as the couple ran away in fright, three Topiary Stevens surrounded Garnet, still chanting "Steven's here to help!" while the real Steven ran into the fusion.
"Oh Garnet, I see you're making some new friends!" Steven exclaimed joyfully, continuing to be unaware of his surroundings. "Then I guess this was a net win. Welp, gotta run and find someone else to help! It's what I do!"
"Then help me stop them!" Garnet yelled while the Topiary Stevens repeated "Steven's here to help!", which began to get on her nerves. "The others have to know about this."
"Being a lifeguard was far easier than I thought." Laz declared while relaxing in a lifeguard chair above the Gems in the now completed swimming pool. "Just gotta sit around and wait for something to happen. Besides, Gems can't drown anyways!"
"Yeah, but they still need to learn some basic rules." Lapis said to her old friend turned enemy turned friend again before blowing her whistle. "Hey, no running so fast! You might slip and fall!"
"Sorry, Lapis." Teal Zircon apologized before diving in and landing on top of Watermelon Tourmaline. "This is living, eh Melon?"
"You said it, Teal." Watermelon Tourmaline said as she floated around the pool with the Zircon relaxing on her stomach. "Ain't nothing could go wrong today."
Just then, Steven came a-knocking as he opened the gate to the pool to check out what was going on. "Hey Lapises, how's everything going?" he asked. "Anyone need any saving right now?"
"Actually, I think we're running a pretty tight ship as is," Lapis answered Steven while Zuli emerged from the pool after a swim. "Right guys?"
"Yeah, we don't need any extra help right now." Zuli stated. "But if you want, we could hold tryouts sometime."
"Oh no need, I'll just do it myself." Steven beamed before he began looking out for someone who might need his assistance when he spotted Teal Zircon resting on Watermelon Tourmaline's stomach. "Hey TZ, you could slip and fall!"
"What?" Teal asked before Steven grabbed her by the hand. "I'm doing pretty fine over here." Suddenly, as Steven tried to pull the Zircon from the pool, he accidentally pulled a little too hard and threw her up in the air. "OKAY, NOW I'M NOT DOING FINE!" TZ screamed as she flew away from the pool. "WITNESS ME!"
Teal Zircon didn't stay in the air for long, and soon dropped from the sky into another part of Little Homeworld. "I'm okay!"
"What's the big idea, Steven?" Watermelon Tourmaline asked. "We were all having fun before you came in and threw Teal Zircon to who knows where!"
"I'm sure TZ's fine, she said so herself." Steven laughed. "Well, gotta run! Have a nice day everybody!"
As soon as Steven ran off, more Topiary Stevens came bursting through the chain-link fence as they wrestled with the Cactus Stevens, prompting the other Gems present to slowly back away.
"Can this day get any weirder?" Laz scoffed. "I was trying to relax here!"
"Hey, did anyone else notice that Steven was all pink and such?" Lapis asked her fellow water-manipulating lifeguards.
"Yeah, it's kinda freaking me out." Zuli replied. "And are we sure he's totally fine?"
"I'm asking that question too." Lapis pondered while Peridot came charging through the broken fence to break up the battle of the plant Stevens.
When Steven left the pool, the first thing he saw was Bismuth's forge. "That's right, it must be shop o'clock!" he declared while skidding to a stop. "Bismuth's shop class, that is. Time to get my shop on."
"You good bud, you talking to yourself or something?" Amethyst, dressed in a coach uniform, asked Steven as he entered the forge.
"Now, the detailing requires a light touch." Bismuth explained to Blue Pearl, Bixbite & Snowflake Obsidian while standing between Pearl wearing a smithing apron and Yellow Pearl in a suit of armor. "Pay attention now everybody, cause this is critical to getting it right."
"Uh, hey howdy hey!" Steven greeted the shop class while leaning against the entrance.
"Oh, hey Steven!" Bixbite cheerfully greeted Steven.
"Did you get taller?" Blue Pearl asked with a tilt of her head and a finger to her lips.
"Whoa-ho-ho, lookin' good Steven!" Bismuth complimented Steven's change in appearance.
"I don't think that look is a positive change for him." Pearl whispered to Bismuth. "We think something might be wrong with him."
"Fancy seeing you drop by." Yellow Pearl grinned, unaware of what the teachers were conversing about. "How do you like my armor?"
"You look great Yellow Pearl!" Steven answered. "So Bismuth, in need of a teaching assistant?"
"Actually, Pearl's my TA today," Bismuth replied with a hand on Pearl's shoulder before presenting Yellow Pearl's armor-clad arm. "but I could use a wedding expert for my wedding armor demonstration. How 'bout it?"
"Of course, I'll help!" Steven declared. "That's what I love doing, just helping everyone!"
"Okay, let's get some materials warmed up for you." Bismuth then walked over to a pot of coals that she plucked a cooling steel bar from and flattened one end of it on the anvil with her hammer hand. "I think that's good enough." She stated. "Hey Steven, mind helping me with a pauldron or two?"
"I got this." Steven cheered as he walked over to the anvil and prepared to punch the metal.
"Hold up there boulder-brain." Bismuth stopped Steven before he could punch. "It's just some detail work, no need for a big mallet when you could use a little hammer." She handed a tiny hammer to Steven. "Plus, you could burn yourself that way."
"Oh, whoopsy-daisy, thanks Bismuth." Steven exclaimed and lightly tapped on the metal with the hammer. Instead of the detail work he thought he could do, Steven instead cracked the anvil into pieces with a single tap.
"Someone's stronger than we thought." Snowflake laughed nervously while Pearl & Bismuth gazed at the broken anvil.
"Look at that, now you have two anvils!" Steven laughed while Bismuth mourned the destruction of her anvil.
"NOOOOO!" Bismuth dropped to her knees in despair. "My anvil! My beautiful anvil!"
"Oh, grow up will you?" Steven's inner voice grumbled. "It's an anvil, you can make another."
"Seems like my work here is done." The real Steven laughed as he prepared to leave. "Well, toodles!"
"You see what I mean, Steven's not himself lately." Pearl said as she comforted Bismuth. "First he nearly got Greg killed, then Jasper started calling him her Diamond, and now this."
"Can I be the first to say that he needs help?" Yellow Pearl asked sardonically as more Topiary Stevens continued their rampage outside the forge.
As Steven exited the forge, he ran towards a baseball game that Amethyst was holding. Nephrite was on the Warp Pad throwing a ball to Doc, Amethyst stood by with Onion next to her, Topaz stood with a pair of humans on the bases, Larimar was in the outfield, and Chrysocolla, Grossular Diopside & Moonstone were waiting to play.
As soon as Amethyst noticed Steven, she blew her whistle and turned to talk to him. "Hey dude," she greeted him. "What's up?"
"I was just wondering if you needed any more players." Steven offered. "I'm ready to have a ball!"
"I think we could squeeze you in, we do need a new outfielder," Amethyst concluded and pointed to Larimar. "Oy, Larimar! Hit the showers, Steven's taking your place!"
"Good luck there Steven." Larimar said while she got up and left while Steven took her place on the playing field.
"Yeah, good hustle there Lil Larimar." Steven complimented the ice Gem. "I'm honored to be joining such a great game, I mean, everyone here has been outstanding!"
"You just got here, how do you know that?" Nephrite raised her brow.
"That's just me, I know what everyone is doing and feel the need to help all the time!" Steven declared, creeping everyone out.
"Enough chit-chat, batter up!" Amethyst cried out, cuing Onion to pick up a bat and walk up to home base, ready to play. Nephrite threw the ball towards the silent boy and he hit it with the bat, although unfortunately, it was heading straight for a nearby house.
"Oh no, in danger again?!" the Heaven Cubic Zirconia complained as the ball sailed towards the window of her and Earth Cubic Zirconia's house while they were having tea.
"I swear, is it because we're small?" Earth Cubic Zirconia wondered. Thankfully, Steven caught the ball just in time, much to their relief.
"I did it." Steven declared and the other players cheered.
"Three cheers for Steven!" Topaz declared.
"That's our boy." Chrysocolla smiled.
"I did it, and I didn't ruin anything!" Steven boomed happily. "YEAH!" However, the complete opposite of what he just said quickly happened. His excited yell caused a windstorm powerful enough to knock people off their feet, break glass everywhere, and cause the Zirconias' house to fall apart.
"Whoa, take it easy Steven!" Moonstone cried as she held onto a bench while the windstorm continued.
"Someone help me!" Grossular Diopside yelled while she got blown away with Larimar. Thankfully, the windstorm died down after a few seconds but still left a ton of destruction in its wake, and all eyes were on Steven.
"Oops, sorry everyone." Steven blushed at the chaos he caused. "T-t-that was an accident. But what are accidents and mistakes but opportunities to learn and improve, right?" He looked down at the Zirconias, who weren't very happy about the destruction of their home.
"It was a mistake for us to be put in danger again, especially because of you!" Earth yelled accusingly.
"Earthy, shush!" Heaven shushed her partner.
"I mean, we all make mistakes, and as long as we keep improving, everything will be fine!" Steven declared while picking up a log. "Alright, let's get to it!"
"It was a mistake for you to come here in this state." The voice in Steven's head declared. "Black Rutile and I were right, you will drive everyone away."
"Listen, I am done with you for today." Steven's own thoughts argued with the voice. "Just pipe down and don't ever think about feeding me bad thoughts ever again, got it?"
"How about never?" the voice said smarmily while the Topiary Stevens got to work on helping Steven by picking up Onion, Larimar, and Grossular Diopside.
"WE'RE HELPING!" one of the Plant Stevens yelled.
High above the destroyed makeshift baseball field, Black Rutile's satellite continued watching everything and sending footage back to its creator, who was all too happy to see what her hard work has amounted to.
"This is just priceless!" Black Rutile laughed joyously. "First, he makes plants come to life and fight those cactus beasts, then he throws that annoying Zircon into the air, broke an anvil, and caused a scene during one of those human games. I'm sure he's going to make such a scene about all these little accidents."
"All the more tools to humiliate the boy." Aquamarine added just as sneakily. "Soon, he will have nothing but himself and his thoughts controlling him."
"Unless his friends were to come out and tell him everything will be alright." White Topaz objected. "I'm just saying, those Gems will stick by his side through thick and thin."
"Hey, no more objections!" Eyeball yelled while pulling out her flame knife. "Want me to test this on you?!"
While Eyeball began chasing White Topaz around the woods with her knife, Black Rutile just groaned and turned back to her screens. "Tell me Aquamarine, why do all great geniuses surround themselves with idiots?"
"Your guess is as good as mine my Rutile." Aquamarine shook her head while watching the screens focused on the beach house with bated breath.
As soon as Steven was done helping fix what he had broke, he returned to the beach house with a dourer expression than the big smile he kept wearing throughout the day. On the other side of the room, Connie was in the living room while Greg and the Gems sat down on the couch.
"Steven!" Connie cried. "I was right all along, you're still swelling! I tried calling you all day, but I kept getting this weird meme." She held up her phone, which now depicted Steven bouncing up and down while chanting "Steven's here to help!" just like the Topiary Stevens. "Please, what is going on? We're all worried for you."
"Go on boy, play dumb." Steven's inner voice commanded.
"I sometimes broadcast my subconscious these days." Steven answered. "It's really no big deal."
"NOT THAT DUMB!" the voice groaned in irritation.
"I can tell something is bothering you." Connie continued. "There are even times where the meme sometimes turns into this."
"Steven's here to help, Steven's here to help!" Steven kept chanting on Connie's phone before it began to glitch. "Steven help, help Steven!"
"Ah, I don't know what you're talking about!" Steven declared, his stress continuing to unnerve others. "Besides, you all saw I was doing just fine this morning. I'm fine, awesome even!"
"Steven, if being as helpful as you always are, even if it's a bit obnoxious & creepy, is what you want, we'll support you 100%." Greg comforted. "But if you're not really happy, if something's wrong-"
"He's onto us!" the voice exclaimed. "Should've gone a little further with the crash, I say."
"Nothing's wrong!" Steven rebuked his father's worries. "Besides, you all don't have to worry."
"We ARE worried!" Connie replied worryingly. "Besides, Pink Diamond's Pearl told the Gems over the communicator in your greenhouse that you punched Spinel while you were at Homeworld."
"Listen, you can tell us anything." Greg added.
"Look at these worms, ganging up on us." The inner voice kept snarling. "Run, run while you still can! No one may help us now! Except, of course, for a certain Rutile."
"It's not that easy." Steven muttered as he hung his head in shame. "You know what? I don't want to deal with all this." However, when Steven tried to leave, Garnet blocked his way to the Warp Pad while the rest kept him from leaving through the door. "Seriously guys, I don't want to deal with this!"
"No, we don't wanna deal with all this." Amethyst put her foot down at Steven's behavior.
"Please, you have to stop running." Garnet begged in addition when suddenly, Steven's body began to swell yet again and his face stretched out.
"Maybe we should get you back to my mom at the hospital." Connie suggested.
"HOSPITAL?!" Amethyst shrieked.
"Is that what you were doing while we were at the trial?!" Pearl yelled.
"You mean you didn't tell them?!" Connie cried out in shock, while Steven's body kept on distorting and his breath quickened.
"It wasn't that important, just my first ever doctor's visit." Steven smiled awkwardly. "You're making a big deal out of nothing! Sure, I messed up the house and broke a few things, but what teenager hasn't?"
"You spent years forcing secrets out of the Gems, and now you're the one keeping secrets?" Steven's darker half growled at his other half's hypocrisy. "You truly have become your mother."
"And sure, Dad and I had a little fight, but it was practically a rite of passage!" Steven continued fibbing and shrugged.
Connie and the Gems turned their gaze to Greg, who just scratched his head and let out a nervous laugh.
"I mean, wouldn't it be weird if we didn't?!" Steven kept on ranting. "And sure, I've had Black Rutile feed me some not so nice thoughts while you were at Los Diego that took the form of an inner voice that forced me to punch Spinel, or try and shatter White Diamond, but it's not like I actually went through with it! I did really shatter Jasper after all!"
"WHAT?!" Amethyst screamed at the thought of Steven, this sweet young man who would rather hang out with a fly than hurt it, doing such a thing, especially to a Gem he had tried many times to help see the light.
Although barely anyone could hear, Jasper let out a light moan from the bathroom.
"You're-you're joking right?!" Connie gasped with Greg while Garnet's jaw dropped and Pearl's eyes widened.
"Oh don't worry, I fixed Jasper! I can fix anything!" Steven's temper began to reach its boiling point. "I can just keep fixing and fixing things forever, and you'll never have to worry about anything ever again!"
"Except worrying about how you're deliberately pushing people away while begging them to stay." Steven's inner voice concluded while metaphorically looking around at the shocked reactions of Steven's human & Gem loved ones. "Just look at them all, how do you think they'd ever forgive you for such a horrendous act?"
"Steven." Garnet tried to lend an assuring hand on the boy's shoulder, but she was quickly shoved away.
"How messed up is that?!" Steven gasped as he felt something change in his body. His teeth began getting sharper, his skin became pinker & leatherier, his hands slowly turned into claws, and his pupils started turning pink. "That I've gotten away with all this for so long, forcing my views down the throats of others, tearing apart Gem society to the point where they'll eventually be invaded, actually murdering someone! Black Rutile was right, I am just an awful person! A sociopath even!"
No one could comprehend what Steven was thinking right now. Greg began to tear up at all these horrible things Steven was saying about himself, Connie gripped the father's arm tightly, and Pearl & Amethyst began fearfully hugging Garnet, whose face was completely frozen in horror.
"You think I'm so great, I'm so mature, that I always know what to do, BUT I'M NOT!" Steven began roaring in a more beastly tone. "I haven't learned a thing from my problems, and I never will! They all kept making me worse, YOU all keep making me worse! Are you even sure any of you ever loved or cared about me?! If it weren't for Pink Diamond ruining everything for everyone, I could've been just a normal kid!"
"That's right, just let everything out." The inner voice purred comfortingly. "Me on the other hand, I think I shall take my leave and prepare something more normal for you." With that, the inner voice seemingly vanished from Steven's mind.
"You all think of me as a perfect angel who's too pure for this world, but I'm not a little kid anymore!" Steven boomed before he dropped to the ground with his head between his hands. "I'm just like my mom. A fraud." He began to tremble where he crouched as something began bubbling on his back. "I'm a monster!"
Suddenly, a massive pillar of light pink scales erupted from Steven's back like a volcano as everyone reacted quickly. Garnet stuck her arms out to protect Amethyst & Pearl and Connie jumped back, but Greg was just plain terrified.
"I'm a monster!" Steven's final words before his transformation were rewound by Black Rutile as she eagerly replayed the phrase again and again on more of her satellite footage. "I'm a monster! I'm a monster! I'm a monster!"
With an evil grin, Black Rutile paused the video and shut off her screens. "And I have finally won!" she declared triumphantly and let out a booming evil laugh that echoed throughout the cave and scared off the nearby animals. Aquamarine & Eyeball grinned in delight, while White Topaz turned away from her cohorts in shame of what she had participated in. As quickly as Black Rutile finished her victorious cackle, she had another wonderful, awful idea in mind. "Now, onto Phase 2."
….holy shit. Uh, see you all for I am My Monster, I guess. And by the way, I did repurpose Steven accidentally playing Rose's message for the Rose trio in Rose Buds for the opening.
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edelwoodsouls · 3 years
i still pick up at the sound of your call [fic]
"Is that a dalek on tv?" [or: Martha has some choice questions for the Doctor regarding the new Prime Minister's addess]
Inspired by this post
Word Count: 1,799 | Also on Ao3
"Oi, what the fuck is going on?"
The Doctor blinks. Pulls the phone away from her ear, to check the number again, check she isn't hallucinating. She'd hardly believed it when she saw it, hasn't seen those numbers strung together in years, though they're still burned into her mind.
Another life, another time.
Another friend burned to ashes.
She hesitates, for just a moment. Takes a deep breath. "Hey, Martha," she cringes instantly at the hollow lightness of her tone, only drawing attention to the lifetimes between their last words. "What's up?"
A heavy pause on the other end. The Doctor tries to imagine her old companion, for just a moment. She'd promised herself she would check up on her friends from time to time, make sure they were okay, if she could help them from the shadows in any way - but that promise has fallen between the cracks, lost along the way with everything she ever thought was true.
The last time she saw Martha, she saved her life. Moments before her own - his own, back then - had slipped between her fingers.
She'd looked happy. The Doctor could never have predicted Martha and Mickey of all people, but she was glad for them. She had ruined their lives in so many ways by crashing through them, by falling in love with Rose - this was the least they deserved.
So she imagines Martha like that. Curled up on the sofa, cornrowed hair and sparkling eyes. Legs tangled up with Mickey as they watch tv in the burnt orange glow of a dying London afternoon.
Oh, fuck. The tv.
"Uh, hi," Martha answers finally, wrong-footed and uncertain. "I wanted to speak to the Doctor, could you put him on, please? Sorry, I- uh, I'm Martha. Jones. I used to travel with him. I'm guessing you're the new companion? What happened to Donna?"
An unexpected lump rises in the Doctor's throat. Thousands of years - thousands - have passed since she last bothered to check in on Martha Jones. How many companions have been and gone in that time? How many have crumbled to ash beneath her fingers?
She swallows it down, files it under Compartmentalise, and Never Think of Again.
Sunshine. Enthusiasm. Energy. The tenets she's founded herself on this go around. She plasters a bright smile on her face, as if contorting her muscles will trick her tone into believing she means it.
"Just me, I'm afraid," she grins, skipping around the TARDIS to fiddle with the controls to keep her hands busy. "Had a bit of a change of face since you last saw me."
Furious whispers on the other side of the phone, far enough away from the receiver that even she can't hear them. She imagines Martha and Mickey, confusion and surprise warring with each other.
This reveal never gets old.
"Sooo, how've you been? How's Mickey? It's been, what, nearly ten years since you last saw me?"
"Uh, yeah," Martha returns to the phone, hesitant. She's never had to deal with regeneration, really. "I didn't know you could- I mean, when you said you change, I didn't realise that-"
"I can be anything I like! It's great, innit? I could have two heads or green skin if I felt like it. First time I've been a woman, though. Well, first time I remember, I guess. Still haven't been ginger, though. Maybe one day."
"Different face, same amount of energy," Martha laughs, and the sound lifts a weight from the Doctor's chest she didn't even know was there. "Mickey says hi."
"Yeah- hi!" A more distant voice echoes through the phone, startled at being addressed.
"Hi! It's great to hear from you!" She twirls the phone cord around a finger. If there's one thing she always regrets in her lives, it's the way her previous selves treated their companions. Each one with a different idea of relationships, of how things should be done.
This version of her thinks Mickey would be a great companion, if not for her Rose-tinted blinders.
"So, to what do I owe this call? Hope you kids have been keeping out of trouble, though somehow, I doubt it."
"Right!" Martha yelps. The whole regeneration thing definitely threw her for a loop. "Yeah, Doctor, what the fuck is going on? Is that a dalek we just saw on tv?"
"Ah, yeah... it is, yeah."
"And I'm sorting it out?" The Doctor glances over her shoulder, towards the corridor the fam disappeared down a few minutes ago to get ready. They'll be back any second.
It's not that the Doctor doesn't want the fam to know about her old companions. They've met Jack, know she hasn't been on her own all this time, but- still.
Her companions don't have the best survival rate. It's selfish, probably, to keep having them, and yet she somehow never goes without them for long.
(She's lonely, she knows it. She's not a good person on her own. She clings to these fragments of knowledge and calls it reason.)
"But why is there a dalek on tv, Doctor? New security drones, that's what they're saying. Do they not remember the whole Earth-moving, twenty-seven planets, dalek invasion thing?"
"Or the Battle of Canary Wharf?" Mickey adds, words heavy with an underlying anger. Rose was lost to save the world from daleks, after all.
The least she deserves is to have her sacrifice remembered.
"I'm not sure, to be honest," the Doctor admits, flinging herself onto one of the crystalline seats near the console. "It's incredibly weird, actually. As far as I can tell, the entire human race has forgotten that aliens exist at all. No stolen Earth, no Titanic flying over London or Racnoss star at Christmas. No Battle of Canary Wharf."
"That's- I mean, how does that even happen?"
"I have no idea. Something to do with collective consciousness, I'd guess. Some manipulation from another race wanting to remove Earth's knowledge and wariness of aliens. The Arkangel network is still flying strong in your orbit, after all. It wouldn't be so hard to harness the technology. Maybe even your own governments, or some rogue branch of Torchwood. I never did find Torchwood 2 or 4."
"Then how the hell do we still remember?"
"Probably my fault. You're still keyed into the TARDIS's neural network, so she's protecting you from the effects. Sorry about that."
"No, it's- it's good," Martha splutters. "Are you going to try and fix it?"
"Maybe," the Doctor leans back in her chair, pulling the phone cord as far as it will go. "Once all of this is over, I might look into it. Just to check if it's malevolent or not. It's not a bad thing, necessarily. To forget. Some of things they must have seen..."
She shakes her head to clear it. Can't let herself stop and think for too long, or she might never escape the whirlpool's tide.
"Anyway," Martha says - she always was good at noticing her spirals, circumventing them. "How's Donna?"
Nevermind. She speaks the words lightly, but in a tone that says she noticed the Doctor's avoidance earlier and is bracing for bad news.
"She's great!" the Doctor manages a smile, glad to have something, anything to latch onto that isn't her own thoughts. "Happily married, actually. Won the lottery a few years ago, doing very well for herself."
"That's- that's really good to hear."
"She doesn't remember me." She lets the words fall, as much as she wishes she could hold them close and buried and gone. But Donna needs to be kept safe, and Martha reaching out to her would be- not good. "She doesn't remember anything that happened. I- I had to wipe her memory, after the daleks. It was killing her."
The silence stretches longer this time, and for a moment the Doctor is sure she's broken everything.
"Well, I'm glad she's happy," Martha says eventually. "There are worse fates, right?"
So many of your companions have had worse fates, she doesn't say, but the Doctor reads between the lines anyway.
"Yeah," she breathes.
"And how are you doing, Doctor? You're not alone, are you?"
"No! I'm great, actually. Got my fam. Yaz is really cool, you'd love her. Ryan and Graham are great. Jack's back in town right now, helped me out of prison-"
"Helped you out of where?"
"-and we're just sorting out this whole dalek thing! Should be all over pretty soon. Just, stay where you are."
"You know we can't do that, Doctor." If anything, Martha sounds amused. Determined. Ready to pick up her sword once again, defend the Earth from whatever might be coming.
In this second, everything is right with the world, and she misses Martha Jones in a way that hurts both her hearts at once.
"Well, stay safe at least. I'll call you back when this is done, to let you know."
"Thank you, Doctor. Maybe we could, I don't know- grab a drink, or something. Catch up."
"I'd like that," she replies, and they both know she has very little intent on following through.
Yaz appears at the end of the corridor, eyes bright, smile warm. She's chattering to someone, probably Ryan, completely oblivious, no weight on her shoulders.
The Doctor wishes she could keep Yaz like that, happy, delighted, laughing. Wishes that smile was just for her.
But she might have ruined it forever.
She's learnt to trust the TARDIS over the years, learnt that the TARDIS arrives when she thinks the Doctor should be rather than where the Doctor wants to be. She wants to trust that this, too, was for a good reason. The TARDIS has never led her wrong, in the end.
She has to believe.
"Well, I'll let you crazy kids go be heroes. Beat up some daleks for me, will you?"
"Of course, Doctor," Martha says. The Doctor imagines her smiling, linking fingers with Mickey. "Stay safe out there."
"Always," the Doctor grins. As Yaz and Ryan approach, she jumps up, throws the phone back on its hook and grabs hold of the TARDIS's controls.
"Who was that?" Yaz asks, wary, unsure of how to act around her. They need to sit down and talk, hash out the last ten months - and nineteen years - but now isn't the time.
Unfortunately, the time rarely seems to appear.
"Just an old friend checking in," the Doctor shrugs, avoiding her new companions' eyes. "There's daleks on the tv, haven't you heard? Let's fix that."
She throws the TARDIS into flight with a delighted whoop - after all these years, the thrill of flight never quite fades.
She's lost companions before, but as Martha’s call has reminded her, not all of them have met bad ends.
She refuses to let the fam down on that one, too.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 2 years
do you have any fics involving ghosts or other stuff like that?
Ghost of My Present by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto, MarthaMickey, GwenRhys, Ianto&Mica, Ianto&Rhiannon, Ianto&Gwen, Ianto&Martha | Series | 5196 | T)
The chronicles of Ianto Jones’ afterlife as a ghost.
Beyond the Veil by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto | complete | 3116 | T)
Jack, on the other hand, saw something different. He saw someone he’d never seen before. Not one of his numerous ex lovers. Not a brother in arms tragically lost too soon. Not someone he longed for like the Doctor. Not even Grey. He saw a handsome young man in a suit.
Jack Harkness sees a man he doesn’t know during the ghost shifts. And then one day he meets his ghost in the flesh.
To touch the universe beyond by Beleriandings (JackIantoLisa | complete | 2730 | M)
Even before her death, Lisa Hallett had never been one to stay still when there's a world to explore. Now she's a ghost she can do just that and more, knowing that Jack and Ianto will always be there to welcome her home. But if ever they need her, she's ready to come when they call.
(be)longing by MonsterMince (LisaJackIanto | complete | 11467 | E)
Jack's deaths in 1899 attract the attention of Torchwood Three, who are need of a man who can't die to deal with the vengeful ghost of Ianto Jones haunting their base. As Jack investigates the reasons behind Ianto's death with the help of another ghost, Lisa Hallett, he starts to find his place as part of a new trio.
AU of how Jack joins Torchwood, but really just an excuse to let Jack have ghost!sex.
The Faintest Restless Rustling Ran All Through by NancyBrown (Gen | complete | 5504 | T)
The haunting of the Hub.
house that eats and pleads and kills. by violetmessages (Gwen&Ianto, GwenRhys, JackIanto | complete | 4196 | T)
When investigating a reportedly "haunted" house, Gwen's past comes back to haunt her.
Forgive Not Forget by Cat_Moon (JackIanto, LisaIanto | complete | 970 | T)
Some ghosts will always haunt you.
Those You've Known (And Lost Still Walk Behind You) by Jackdaw816 (JackIanto | complete | 2025 | T)
Torchwood is full of ghosts
Don't Fear the Reaper by blipintiime (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 4873 | G)
“Nothing good will come from this, Jack. The spirit here is angry and violent, he was a murderer once and I don’t think he wants his story out there for the world to know. I can feel him, Jack, and it’s like I want to hurt you. It scares me,” she warns, her voice low and eyes reflecting viridescent in the torch light as she looks from team member to team member, “it should scare you too.”
A silence follows that cannot be described, and Ianto wonders if Jack feels the same chill that raises his own flesh as he senses their fearless leader shift his weight beside him.
What if instead of aliens, the Torchwood team investigated hauntings? Ghosts aren't that different from aliens, and a lot less dangerous - right?
Halfway Dead by DinoDina (LisaIanto | complete | 2838 | G)
The worst thing about being a ghost, Lisa thought, was that she couldn't do anything to keep Ianto safe. And in this apocalyptic world, that would kill him.
Or: Ianto and Lisa, and The Year That Never Was.
A Very Torchwood Christmas by BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (JackIanto, Gwen&Owen, GwenRhys, Tosh&Jack | complete | 8704 | Not Rated)
Owen's first Christmas as a dead man, the team travel to a seemingly cursed hotel, which for Jack and Tosh carries more than one type of ghost.
Absent Friends by Beleriandings (JackIanto, Ten&Jack, Ten&Ianto | complete | 16121 | T)
“On a dark and stormy night in Cardiff, the city is in danger, and the Doctor’s put himself in charge of Torchwood in order to save it. In a sealed recording studio, the voices of the dead have been playing for 17 years. Was it the project of a madman, or is this the site of something terrible? Torchwood has been hunting for the Doctor since 1879. And now they’ve found him. They may regret it.”
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1787americanrevnerd · 3 years
The Life of Rebecca Barnes
Sorry if the dates are wrong, I tried my best to do the math.
The Howling Commandos had finally tracked down the only living family of James Barnes. James never talked about his personal life before the war to any of the Commandos and he really only talked to Steve. And since the Barnes' family is very closed off, it was hard to find James's family to offer condolences. He had died a while ago in the Swiss Alps, the army was going to send a letter but the Commandos thought it would be better to say it in person.When they came to the small apartment in NYC and knocked on the door they were not expecting a young girl with three other kids clinging onto her. The girl had frizzy, curly, hip-length dark brown hair. The Commandos knew this was the right house because the girl had the same smile as James.
"Hello, what can I do for you?" she asked. Dum Dum spoke next, "Is it okay if we come inside we worked with James." The girl nodded and ushered them inside. "Rikki, who are these people," asked a little girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. "Well, Lizzy these are some of Jamie's friends." Rikki picked up Lizzy and put her on her hip. "Is Stevie coming?" The Commandos felt guilty at the question Lizzy asked, Steve died the day previous."Anyway, what brings you to my apartment?" asked Rikki. "Well we are looking for a Rebecca is she home?" said Gabe Jones. "Oh, that's me, Rikki's a nickname my stupid brother gave me when we were kids." The Commandos now felt even more saddened by the news they were about to give the Barnes family. "Could we talk in private," one of the Commandos asked Rebecca.
Rikki led them into a separate room so that they could talk privately. "So why are you at my house?" asked Rikki. The Commandos knew that they should rip the bandaid off but it's still difficult to take off the bandaid. "Rikki that's a funny nickname," said Jim trying to start a conversation. "Yeah, I would always try to annoy my brother by calling him Jamie because he didn't like to be called, and I quote, "A name meant for a girl" so I always called him Jamie. He then started to call me Rikki since it sounds like a boy's name. And it just kind of stuck.""Ms. Barnes we have some unfortunate news to tell you," said Jack. Rebecca stiffened, "Is Jamie okay?" All of the Commandos looked down and Rebecca gasped. "He died in action, we were ambushing a train in the swiss alps and your brother fell off the side. He died fighting, I'm sorry for your loss," said Gabe. "Why isn't Steve here telling me this then?" questioned Rebecca. "Steve died crashing a plane into the ice in order to save millions," explained Dum Dum. They tried to say nice things to her like, "It's okay." "They died for a greater cause" but with every word Rebecca got angrier. Rebecca stood up and wiped off her tears, " No it's not okay my brothers died! For you people, and then you start saying meaningless words to me about it. Get out, get out of my house goddamn it!" The Commandos left silently not wanting to upset Rebecca further.
Rebecca went to her siblings, "I have some bad news, Stevie and Jamie died in the war." Lizzy and Martha went quiet and Linda, who was only a baby, started to cry. Rebecca wanted to cry too, but she had to stay strong like Jamie always did.Once the kids went to bed Rebecca dropped on the floor and started crying. "We can't even bury a body," she said over and over again. Jamie was always so full of life it's hard to imagine him dead. Deep down inside Rebecca believed that he was not dead, they had always had a twin-like bond, even though there was a 3 year age difference, meaning that they always knew what the other thought and the other well-being. Rebecca Barnes hated the people responsible for her brother's death and Rebecca needed to bring them to justice.
One Year Later
Rebecca wanted to do something worthwhile and she thought joining the S.S.R. was the only way to do so. Rebecca had good grades and experience with things the S.S.R did. She had taken criminology and forensic science in school and had just finished her combat training.When she was in the office and the man put down her file her looked up at her and said, "Why should we hire you?" he asks. Rebecca thinks about it and says, " I want to make the world a safer place and-" The man cuts her off, "No, no, no, I mean why would we hire you a woman. We already have Margret." Rebecca stands up and slaps her hands on the table, "Listen here you short sexist piece of sh*t, if a man came in here with the file I have I know for a fact you would hire him. Also, it is my human right to be able to work if I want to, I'm leaving so give me a letter when you make up your mind."
As she stormed out she was cut off by Margret Carter, "I agree with what you said about the chief being a short sexist," she didn't finish her sentence being a proper lady. Rebecca however was not, "Piece of sh*t." Peggy nodded. "I know a great Diner around here would you like to go once my shift is over?" Rebecca didn't have many friends this would be good for her. "Sure I would love to."
When they went to the diner Peggy led them to a booth and she sat down. "So what's your name?" asked Peggy. Rebecca hadn't even realized that they didn't know each other's names. "Rebecca Barnes," she said simply. Peggy froze at the surname remembering someone who was lost in the war. "Peggy Carter," Peggy said thinking that Barnes was a very popular surname it could be a whole other family.
"Do you have any siblings?" Peggy asked. "I have three younger sisters, Elizabeth, Lidia, and Margret. And I ha- had one brother, James," answered Rebecca. Peggy was now sure that this is the sister of James Buchanan Barnes. "What about you do you have any siblings?" asked Rebecca in return. "Yes I also had an older brother," replied Peggy. "I'm sorry for your loss," replied Rebecca. "It's okay, it was a long time ago." Rebecca was very easy to talk to, and she wasn't like the people Peggy was usually drawn to. She was far from a proper lady, she sat like someone who was not taught proper edict, and she was wearing pants. Not pants made for women but pants that probably belonged to a man at some point. "Your pants where did you get them?" Peggy asked. "They're hand-me-downs, from my brother. Money was never tight at my house but it just made me feel more normal, you know wearing hand-me-downs like most other younger siblings. Anyway enough about me, what's your deal?"
"I have worked in the SSR for a long time and I didn't get many jobs or respect until the war when I helped with Project Rebirth. After the war, well I turned into the secretary. I want to show people that I can do just as much as a man can and that I didn't just become an Agent because there weren't enough men to do the job. Why are you here?" Rebecca knew her answer, " You might not like it or agree with it but, I want to take down the people that hurt me and so many families. I don't want anyone else's brother to die because of a war. And the only way to do that is to rid the world of insane people who want to take over the world." Peggy nodded, "Well seeing as we will be the only women in the department I look forward o filing papers with you and hopefully putting "villains" in jail." Rebecca smiled and took a sip of her water, this felt like a good thing.
2 years later
It was Rebecca's first mission, there was no one left to do it. She had to take down some drug dealers. When she got to the location something was wrong the drug dealers were there all right but there were other people there. They had the HYDRA symbol on their jackets. Oh, how stupid had we been to think that if we killed the leader that they would die she thought. She had to move closer to get a better look.
She went up in the vents in order to hear and see everything clearly. Unfortunately, the vents were not very strong and she fell from them. The drug dealers left and the HYDRA soldiers pinned her to the ground. "Let's see who you are," the soldier said as he reached for the dog tags she wore. "These say, James Barnes, you can't be him. You must be his sister but which one? Are you Martha, Lidia, or maybe Elizabeth? Wait you are in your twenty's oh yes you must be Rebecca. Your brother's favorite."
"What are you going to do to me now that I know you still exist?" she asked. "Nothing, we know that you will be too scared to tell. Now run along and don't come back. She ran back not wanting to die. But she will tell people about Hydra.
Once she was out of earshot the soldier said, "Send the Winter Soldier after her. We can't have her knowing about us, or him."
---------------------------------------------------------------------Rebecca was on a date with her boyfriend of one year, William Proctor. They had stayed at Rebecca's house since they were an interracial couple so no one would serve them at restaurants. "So how was work today?" asked William. "It was good," lied Rebecca. She still hadn't told him about her real job he thought she was working at a DMV. "You're lying, you always take a sip of your wine and look left when you lie," said William. If he wasn't catching her lie Rebecca would have thought that it was very sweet that he notices the small things about her. "It wasn't the best but, I did get to try something different. William, I don't work at the DMV, I'm working at the S.S-" at that moment a metal hand went through the wall.
It was a man dressed in what seemed to be kevlar, he had a district metal arm, and was wearing a mask. Or a muzzle, part of Rebecca thought. "Is this someone from work?" asked William sarcastically. "Yeah, I was trying to track down some drug dealers, ran into HYDRA. I guess they sent their puppet after me," she replied. The man didn't like her comment very much because he started to attack her. Rebecca blocked most of his punches until his knife cut into her right shoulder, he then pulled it down to her wrist causing a massive cut along her arm. "Rebecca are you okay?" asked William from where he was standing in the kitchen. "Yeah just throw me a wrench or a knife!" yelled Rebecca. She had an idea, it might not be great and was based on a very flimsy theory but she wanted to try nonetheless. Once, William passed her a long kitchen knife she tried to shove it into one of the slots on the metal arm. She was successful she then twisted them with great struggle though since the man was trying to kill her. William came from behind and put two more objects in the man's metal arm. By this time Rebecca had already done quite a bit of damage. Knowing that he would lose the man left. Rebecca then collapsed in William's arms.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------"So how did you really cut the entirety of your right arm?" asked Peggy. "What do you mean? I was in a car crash and I cut myself on the window," answered Rebecca. "That's absolute rubbish, you're a great driver. Also, you're a terrible liar," Peggy told her. Rebecca sighed, "A man broke into my house, probably working for the people I "met" a few days back, he cut my arm." Peggy nodded, "What did he look like maybe I know about him." Rebecca thought back to the most distinct thing about him, "He a metal arm for his left arm." Peggy's eyes widened, "People have been talking about him, civilians I mean, a man with a metal left arm comes up at least once with every political murder after the war. People started to call him the Winter Soldier, the S. S. R. has been looking into him for a while now, but nothing comes up, he's like a ghost." Rebecca smirked, "Well then it must be a miracle that I'm still alive."
2 years later
This was Rebecca's first mission since she found out she was pregnant. She and William had decided that William would stop working, he didn't like his job much anyway. Rebecca almost got fired because the S. S. R. didn't want to pay for her maternity leave. She told her boss that she wouldn't take the leave, her husband (they aren't technically married but they have known each other for three years) would be home taking care of the child. She still went on missions since she only had a small baby bump. Nothing dangerous though, just a stakeout with Peggy and Howard. She told them about HYDRA well, she told Peggy and Howard overheard. She and Howard didn't get along, he was egotistical and cocky, two traits Rebecca hated. Howard had an equal despise for her, she was too reckless, something that wasn't always a good thing.
HYDRA was loading a truck nothing too interesting until the Winter Soldier came out to help them. He doesn't have his mask on but he was far away so no point in trying to figure out who he is, thought Rebecca. "Hey he kind of looks like Barnes," pointed out Howard. "I'm right here Stark, " growled Rebecca. "No, I mean your brother," explained Howard. Peggy leaned forward and squinted her eyes, "I mean from a distance." Rebecca laughed, "Why would Jamie be working for HYDRA? Also, my brother is incredibly vain, there is no way he'd let his hair get like that!" Peggy nodded then looked at Howard, "She has a point." Howard thought for a minute, "Maybe they put his brain in a blender?" Rebecca looked sick, "Please stop." Howard did, there were only a few things Howard was afraid of, and one of them was an angry Barnes.
3 years later
Rebecca had just had her second child, Myla, and she was already worrying. Her son, James, was a tiny terror she hoped that he didn't rub off on Myla. James had skin a little darker than Rebecca's, he had Williams nose and eyes, everything else about his completion looked closer to Rebecca. Kyla had very dark skin, she also had curly brown hair like her mother, she had her grandfather's eyes, and had Rebecca's jawline. Rebecca felt bad that none of them would ever meet their Aunts and Uncles since both Rebecca and William's family did not agree with the pairing. Rebecca felt especially bad that the one Uncle who would love to meet the kids couldn't be there. She and William had bought a small three bedrooms one bathroom house, because of the new family edition. All in all, Rebecca couldn't wait for the adventures to come with her family.
12 Years Later
Peggy had brought Rebecca to a diner to talk. "I and Stark have started something, called S.H.I.E.L.D. it's basically the S. S. R. but private would you like to join us. Rebecca nodded furiously, "Of course, I've been meaning to get out of the S. S. R. and I'm sure anything you're founding has to be worth it." Peggy laughed, "So what do you say we go and hand in our letters of resignation." Rebecca got up from the table excited to have a new beginning.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Seriously though Stark, why haven't you found someone yet. You're almost 43, times running out," said Peggy. "Look not all of us want to get married and have kids super young like Ms. I'm Fine over there," retorted Howard. "What do you mean young? I was 29 when I had James, and 32 when I had Mayla," said Rebecca. "The point still stands and I'm in a relationship now and it's going great," states Howard. "What's her name?" asked Peggy. "Maria, speak of the devil, I have a date with her. Nice talking to you ladies." Rebecca scoffed, "Let's hope this one isn't insane."
5 Years Later
"Top of the class aye?" asked Rebecca. Mayla blushed, "Yeah which means that I can choose any job I desire." Rebecca smiled, "What do you want to do then?" Mayla looked down, "Well I already applied for a job at S.H.I.E.L.D. and they hired me so I guess that." Rebecca was a little confused as to why her daughter would go behind her back on this one. "I just didn't want people thinking I got the job because of Aunt Peggy. I'll be working in the science division so I don't want people thinking I'm just dumb and spoiled." Rebecca laughed, "No one will think that you graduated top of your class from college when you're 19."
That same year Anthony Stark was born, Howard was nervous. He was worried that Tony would turn out like him, Peggy worried the same thing. Rebecca tried to tell Howard that Maria was a good lady, she probably toned down the Stark genes in that kid.
21 Years Later
William had come to pick Rebecca up from work. That was when something strange happened William noticed something Peggy didn't. "Hey why have these guys neer finished their mission?" asked William. Howard went to get their files, "Maybe they forgot to check in?" Rebecca shook her head, "But all of them admit to not completing the mission. And they have outrageous reasons as to why. Who believed these guys?" Peggy went to the back of the file room and took out a few more, "They were all signed by these men, we don't have any records on them until the year 1965." William spoke up, "Maybe they are in on something together, like a rival agency type deal." Howard scoffed, "There is no way SHIELD could be infiltrated." Rebecca hit him upide the head, "Your arogence will be the end of you, Stark." Peggy shruged, "We'll look into it in the morning. Howard your son is home you should be spending time with him. Rebecca if I am not mistaken you have your grandchildren Kimberly and Scott waiting for you to teach them how to properly use a gun." They all left but none of them knew that this was the last time Howard, Peggy, and Rebecca would be in the same room together.
They were all invited to the funeral, even if Rebecca wasn't that close to Howard. Peggy and Rebecca sat next to Tony the whole time knowing that he needed someone to be there with him. Peggy and Rebecca were like his Aunts, they were usually at the Stark estate. Rebecca and Howard would be bickering most of the time but Rebecca was still present at the house often when Tony was a child. Everyone was telling Tony about how his father was a great man and how they were sorry that he lost his dad. However Peggy and Rebecca tod him that Howard wasn't perfect and that they were sorry he had to lose his parents but they never tried to tell him what to feel or how to think about it.
18 Years Later
Rebecca had grown old and now had great-grandchildren, but she still worked at SHIELD. She didn't work in the field anymore though, she was a therapist of sorts. One day they sat her down with a young lady with bright red hair and told Rebecca to make the girl safe to be around. They were then left alone to talk and to help this girl through whatever was going on with her."My name is Rebecca Barnes Proctor, and you are?""Natasha Romanoff.""What would you like me to call you?""...Natasha.""Well then Natasha let's get started. Why are you here?""I worked for the KGB a kind man named Clint Barton dragged me here and they told me to sit through this until I was stable enough to go into the field.""I used to be a SHIELD Agent you know, I was here when this place was first built. Now I work here, helping people like you.""...Who is that a picture of on your desk?""That was my brother, he died in the war.""I'm sorry.""It's okay he's been gone for a long time. Anyway why would people think you aren't stable?""I was a Russian Spy, they just want to make sure I'm on their side.""Do you promise not to betray us?""I wouldn't dream of it. I can't go to a prison cell, again.""Great then I will tell themyou are stable as long as you come help me watch over my great grandchildren every Thursday.""I will Mrs. Proctor.""Oh please, call me Rebecca.""Thanks Rebecca."
1 Year Later
"You seem quiet today Natasha is something wrong?""It's nothing I just got out of the Hospital that's all.""What were you there for?""A man with a metal arm shot someone through me.""So I see you've met the Winter Soldier.""The Winter who?"The Winter Soldier, he's an assassin.""Why haven't I heard of him?""He's like a ghost no one can track him and every file we have of himis erased gone. You see this scar he gave me it."Natasha looked at the scar, "Looks like it hurt." Rebecca sighed, "It did for a long time, but what's done is done. Be careful Natasha." Natasha smiled, "I always am."8 Years Later"Rebecca!" called Natasha, "I brought some company for you!" Rebecca smiled, "I'm in the kitchen." She was trying to complete the crossword when she saw Natasha. "Hello, dear I'mso glad you found time to visit me." Natasha looked at the other visitors, "Guys this is Rebecca, she's a few years younger than Steve. And Rebecca this is Sam-" Rebecca inturpterd her, "Stevie! Why haven't you visited me since you came back from the ice?" Steve looked dumbstruck, "I thought you would be dead or you wouldn't remember me." Rebecca wacked him upside the head, "That was easier to do when you where shorter but this will have to do. How dare you think me dead! And I'm not that old, this brain's still ticking!"
Bucky was behind the wall he didn't really know who this lady was and he wasn't sure she would be happy to have a murderer in her house. He noticed something on her left arm then, a scar going down it. Bucky remembered that, he did it to the young women who was trying to have dinner with her boyfriend, then he tried to kill her. Bucky stepped out of the shadows to say he was sorry for hurting her all those years ago when the women hugged him. She started saying, "Jamie, I knew you were alive! Everyone said that you were dead but I knew deep down that you were alive!" Natasha smiled, that was the first time Bucky had ever seen her smile. "As I was about to say, this is Rebecca Barnes Proctor," said Natasha. When the name was said Bucky started to remember her, he would call her Rikki. Bucky hugged her back, "Long time no see Rikki." Rebecca looked at Bucky's arm, "I know what you did and I forgive you."
1 Year Later
Rebecca died peacefully in her sleep a few months after seeing Bucky again. Evryone said that since she saw him her heart had been ready to go, knowing that he was alive. Others said that she missed her friends and loved ones. Whichever you choose to belive just remember that Rebecca Barnes lived an amazing life.
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