#i will elaborate on that if asked. and thats a threat.
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fearmeeeee · 11 months
TRANS SEBEK TRANS SEBEK (plz I wanna know more about your HCs like this and others if you haven't already made a post about them all already) Pretty plz with a Pride Flag on top? 🙏
I'm so happy you asked for my hcs aaaaa Disclaimer these r just Headcanons , don't come for me. lets go by dorm order
♠Deuce: Transmasc. The vibes. Won't elaborate. ☘️Trey: Transman. I never analyse trey but he just happens to look like half the transmen I know ok. 🐙Azul: Transmasc. Hating his body and also the aesthetic he has for his clothes. 🐬🦈Jade & Floyd: They Identify as a threat. They wear uniforms now but i think if you let them pick their clothes themselves they'd look insane. I just dont think gender would be as focused on in merm culture. 🐍Jamil: Transmasc. Again the vibes. Wearing hoodies all the time, trying to not be noticed etc etc. 👑Vil: Enby ICON. If you EVER insinuate this person cares abt the gender binary I'll teleport in your house to delete your kneecaps. 💀Idia: Transfem. A friend introduced me to this hc and it changed my brain chemistry. I think it works for many reasons, including but not limited to: avoiding going outside and being seen in an all boys school, only talking through a tablet, not wearing the school uniform but wearing ur hoodie etc. I also think that anything Idia does thats very cringe as a guy, is actually very girlboss and pathetic girlcore of her as a girl. For diasomnia I rlly dont think any of them knows what gender is. I dont think anyone in briar valley cares. 🐉Malleus: "A "gender" you say, child of man? Interesting. You can tell me more about your human customs." 🦇Lilia: ... LOOK at him. He uses 34 neopronouns and can propably change appearance at will. ⚔️Silver: Raised by the 2 guys above. What's a..gender? Can I use it as a weapon? No? Useless then. ⚡Sebek: Also doesn't know what gender is. Can I eat it? No? Tch. He still prefers looking masc, it suits him and he looks up on his gramps and malleus and silver so it fits a bit more. (insert essay abt hating how u were born, the weakness that comes with it copared to others, and then projecting that hate on others can b a trans narrative too.)(also we know he trains like crazy only to have lesser results frm other ppl, which could b read as being afab since muscle is harder to gain)(yes silver is canonically stronger)
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alastorswifee · 2 years
I know requests are closed but I need to type this out before I forget it so by all means ignore it till requests are back open. Alright, so I was wondering if you could do headcanons or a small one shot of what would happen if the rottmnt Brothers were brought into the bayverse (wether by like don fucking around or the shedder). Just hijinks, basically having kids around and then bayverse s/o has a favourite rottmnt brother(platonic) and their turtle is jealous. Leo going father mode 😭 sorry this is alot, if it doesn't spark your interest thats completely fine, love the writing!!
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The whole situation had shocked him cause he didn’t exactly think that other universes existed
Shakes his head a little when he saw how this version of him was
He was really different but I guess that’s the thing with different universes
When he saw you, his lovely lover started to favorite one of the rise boys?
He knows that you love him but he can’t help but get jealous at the attention you’re giving the other turtles
He keeps his calm tho and observes how you interact with the rise boys
To be fair, it’s almost adorable
He would listen as you excitedly tell him what you and a rise boy did
He’s glad you’re happy but he has to remind you to not get attached because they will most likely be heading home at some point
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He was baffled
The whole situation hurt his head
Wait pause…THIS is what he’s like in the other universe??
Okay that’s definitely different
He definitely needs some time to adjust but when he saw you immediately getting comfortable, he felt a bit of jealousy
He didn’t want to bring it up to you because he didn’t want to seem like he’s restricting you from doing what you want or talking to whoever you want
Observes from afar tho but if he sees any rise boy trying to flirt with you? A little threatening won’t hurt right?
The lair has been really chaotic since the rise boys arrived, it’s almost like having multiple Mikey’s
He’s when he found out that the rise version of him was the oldest and the leader?
He got so smug LMAO
Does have sit down talks with his other self and actually enjoys time with him lowkey
Now he gets why you like the rise boys
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He’s so fascinated by the whole situation, throwing so many questions at rise donnie about what happened and how it happened
He’s inspecting and running scans on all four of the boys to make sure there’s no threat or anything
This is phenomenal, an alternate universe exists!!
He talks with rise donnie a lot about inventions and just science in general
Doesn’t really have a problem with you getting along great with the rise boys
He doesn’t blame you, they’re different and so interesting
Will atleast get a little jealous when you give the rise boys more attention than him but he lets you be since the rise boys will have to go home eventually
Everything about these versions of himself and his brothers are crazy but that’s the cool thing about other universes
There’s always atleast a bit of change in each universe
He’s definitely looking into if there’s other universes with Rise donnie
P.s when he saw all the universes, he squealed like a little girl getting ice cream
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Excited as hell, there’s another him!!
Welcomed them with a bright smile and open arms, makes sure they feel at home even tho they’re kinda not
Asks his other self so many questions about their universe
Jokingly makes fun of Leo for not being the leader in the rise universe which earns him a smack on the head
Everything was all sunshine and rainbows until he saw how close you were with the rise boys, he felt a bit jealous cause only he gets cuddles and he’s d pats from his angel cakes :(
Brings it up to you and you apologize to him cause you didn’t think you made him feel jealous or less important, poor baby
You always reassure him that you’re just being kind and the rise boys are such fun to be around
You both happily play video games with the rise boys or listen to the boys elaborately tell stories of their missions and adventures
It’s so fascinating how different their universe is
Mikey and Raph low key wished their universe had cloaking brooches but oh well
He definitely got sad at the thought of the rise boys having to leave some day so for now he’ll make the most of them being around
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spearxwind · 1 year
Hi so I'm sure you've been asked this before but I was just looking at ur "hr insp" tag (hope thats okay) and I was wondering if u could share a bit more info about this hr oc of yours?? They sound. Interesting
They also remind me of my oc Mels
Oh hey!! This has not really been asked since "HR" is not a single oc, but rather a setting!
A little context: my # X insp tags are inspo for my headworlds/settings, and for ocs I use #[ocname]core instead so they are easily distinguished
The setting in question here is The Hollowridge Disaster, (that's my lore tag with all relevant posts in there, which I keep separate from my inspo tag)
The setting is basically a post apocalyptic alternate earth where hyperadvanced technology almost brought about the end of the world before being shut down and forcing humanity to recede technologically. Because of the big knowledge rift and fear this event caused, most tech knowledge was lost to time and it all became warped into occult mystical stuff because people had no idea how it worked so it was essentially like magic to them. Machines and other artificial creatures still run rampant so mankind has learned how to fight them and keep them at bay but the biggest mechanical threats are still very unknown. The story itself is heavy with a lot of symbolism of all kinds.
Here's the main cast of the setting:
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(Adriel is also my main oc and my #1 fave, he's the guy you'll see the most of)
And to elaborate a bit more on the mystical lens over the setting since that might be confusing: spell circles are basically programming code lines. Anyone who is a witch or a mage is just someone who knows programming. Rogue AIs are called Daemons. Things like that. Everything has both an old world designation (what it actually is) and a new world designation (what it has been interpreted as)
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mae-i-scribble · 1 year
So since I’m still not over how good How I Attended and All Guys Mixer is I’m going to talk about one of my favorite aspects of it: how they go about immediately revealing just how Suo is invested in this flirting of hers. The cool, suave, confident person with a more withdrawn, nervous, ‘everyday’ type character is a combination thats been done to death with varying success. One of the things I require to get me invested in such a dynamic is the expansion of the suave one outside of just being “so good at everything they do and so good looking all the time.” And this manga gives it in spades from the get go.
First up: the day after the mixer when Tokiwa (the dejected guy to the far right) needed to share notes with Suo for the class. It’s such a simple thing but she positively *lights* up afterwards. It’s just a very cute moment that shows genuine investment without having to hear her say anything.  
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Next up, the little moment of jealousy that occurs right after. I’m missing the panel before this of Suo spotting the girls interrogating Tokiwa from a distance, but once again the intent is perfectly clear. Also!! While Suo is jealous she isn’t like, a jackass about it- though she is dramatic for literally putting herself in between them you aren’t fucking subtle there no matter how smooth you made it seem. But the jealousy here works for me in part not only bc of the casual way in which it is handled but also bc it’s revealing that Suo is possibly just as insecure or as worried, she just expresses it far differently. And this is from chapter 2.
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Also featuring Suo’s instant jealousy meter a few chapters later which I just find hilarious.
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Putting the rest under a readmore bc i can and will ramble so UwU
The second thing I think the manga does very well is how it handles Suo’s flirting? Suo is incredibly forward but not in a way that feels obnoxious to me? She isn’t pushy for Tokiwa to reciprocate her advances but she isn’t shy about making her feelings known either. (It also does a wonderful job showing why they both are and are not working on Tokiwa but that is another post). But take for example the point where in chapter 2, Suo is asked if she and Tokiwa are friends and this is her response.
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Like. Wow okay you’re just gonna come out here and make it as a threat I see how it is. (unfortunately Tokiwa being Tokiwa he’s just surprised she sees him as a friend at all).
Another aspect of Suo’s flirting however is that a lot of it is seemingly tied up in her appearance. When she dresses more masculine she’s far more flirty, as the charming and elegant persona is one she plays for the customers at the bar and so it’s clear that she’s able to be more forward while masc presenting rather than the few times we see her fem presenting and being a lot more subdued. However even when we can see that aspects of her flirting are influenced by her job persona, we are shown explicitly that her interest in him is obvious even to those who know her work persona. Case and point the chapter where Tokiwa is strongarmed into getting omurice at the bar.
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If Suo’s being obvious enough that even her coworkers have to comment on it then you know she’s laying it on **thick** even for her standards.
But the real kicker is seeing the cracks in that suave persona of hers. In general Suo is a very collected person, she keeps her cards close and doesn’t like appearing vulnerable to others around her, a lot of her genuine emotions are wrapped up in elaborate presentation (see above with her being flirty in general when masc presenting yet still honest). So what sells me on her interest in Tokiwa are the times where we see it break around him. First panel is right after he falls asleep in her lap and she gives him a light kiss (on the forehead i think??), and this is the first and only time we see her blush this deeply.
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Second up is after she’s clearly dejected about not being able to  see the panda exhibit, but rather than focus on herself, she’s worried that Tokiwa picked up on her disappointment and was badly affected by it.
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And then Tokiwa turns right around and proves her wrong by busting his ass to get her a gift and find a whole panda costume to do what he could to make her feel better (even after staying behind with her so that they would both miss the panda viewing). And Suo is so touched by it, you can see it in the quiet way the panel is drawn, rather than with the effects and embellishments that her more audacious maneuvers get. Also featuring another little blush from Suo.
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And lastly the most explicit piece of them all, since it puts into words what was being implied this whole time.
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Suo is *dead* serious here, and that alone is enough in turn to clue us in on how serious she is about Tokiwa. We knew that she had genuine investment in trying to woo him, this just gives us even more of that in her own words, and its absolutely wonderful. Enough to make my little aroace heart swoon and to get me more than invested in them as a couple down the line. Love these bitches.
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clanborn · 1 year
More about Alaska clans?? 👀👀
Currently trying to make little infographic posts/comics about them but progress has slowed since school started. I’ll give an overview about them for now though thats hopefully not too long winded lol.
The clans are located in a fictionalized version of the area around Seward, AK and Resurrection Bay.
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This map is a bit of an unpolished rough draft, but gives a general idea of the area. I believe the distance between the Iceclan and Oceanclan camps (via traveling around the mountains) is around 13 miles, might have to double check.
Unlike the book clans, the cats in these clans aren’t really in a battle cult and refer to themselves as “denizens” rather than “warriors”, and infighting amongst themselves is rare. The existence of separate groups mainly serves to prevent resource draining and diversify the food sources available to the cats, along with religious reasons (I’m still refining the details of their religion so I’ll probably elaborate on it in a later post). Though separate physically, the four groups essentially function as one large “clan” and coordinate resources and cats accordingly. Cats are able to change between clans with ease if they find their talents are suited elsewhere, and this usually is not a source of drama or conflict. However, though the clans do work as one unit, they do differ slightly in culture, and some clans are more accepting and flexible than others. For example, Oceanclan sees the lowest retention rate in denizens, and few cats switch to this clan, due to their specialized hunting methods and a sort of “hazing” culture for cats who seek to live there. The largest clan is Brookclan, followed closely by Stoneclan, since these clans live in less extreme environments with more opportunities for cats of differing skillsets. Iceclan is the smallest clan, but is the most tight-knit—very few cats born there choose to leave it.
The roles in these clans differ from their book counterparts. Medicine cats are simply referred to as doctors, and their sole job is to heal. Instead, leaders serve as both political and religious leaders, and are responsible for reading signs and attending half-moon meetings. Deputies perform similar duties as in the books, but are chosen differently. I’ll go over these positions later on in more detail.
Communication between the groups is important for the well-being of the clans, in order to be aware of threats and transport food and medicine, and is also important to individuals who may wish to have contact with friends and family in different clans. To facilitate this communication, there exists a Courier role. Clans will have at least two couriers (often more), usually the fastest cats in the clan with the endurance to travel long distances over rough terrain. These cats duties include reporting weather and animal sightings, delivering herbs from other clans, and transporting news and messages between various parties.
Though the clans’ culture doesn’t revolve around battle and aggressive defense of territory like those in the books, they still possess their own set of flawed beliefs. Generally, these clans see survival as a game, a challenge from nature and from their gods. They feel called to prove their worth by thriving in the harshest conditions possible, even when it isn’t necessary. Death is common, and though these cats grieve for those they’ve lost, it is viewed less as a tragedy and more of an unfortunate gamble. Living is a game of chance, and some cats—inevitably—are unable to beat the odds. To live as long as possible, to take whatever hardships the stars throw next, is the ability to gaze at them in defiance and ask: “Is that all you’ve got?”
Some cats can’t handle living this way, and choose to live the risk-defying, danger-seeking life of a clan cat. Cats who leave are sent off with honor, but are unable to return as a denizen. They forfeited the game—and there are no rematches. Some clans are respectful of those who leave (such as Stoneclan), but some tend to look upon them with permanent disdain (such as Oceanclan).
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orpheusilver · 7 months
care to elaborate on the miles venom arc?
YES okay so. the thing abt the symbiote is that (like any good corruption arc) it feeds on and amplifies the worst traits of a character, which is pretty straightforward in peters case - his biggest issue is his anger, usually manifesting via retribution (eg. "i missed the part where thats my problem", hunting down uncle bens killer), so his origin story is always the great power/great responsibility thing so he learns to temper that rage. what the symbiote does, practically, is force him to unlearn that foundational character arc and regress to his worst self
since the symbiote really really loves aggression peter parker is literally its dream guy but miles is a little more complex. hes definitely susceptible to that same anger (eg. wanting to "make kingpin pay", the entire sm2 martin li arc) but not as often and nowhere near as hardcore, so the peter playbook wont work as well for him (and also it would be fucking boring. weve seen that shit like 8 times already (not saying symbiote peter is boring i just think modern iterations need to explore new aspects to avoid treading the same ground constantly (sm2 does this very fucking well (also yuri lowenthal is a great va for peter like right up there with josh keaton (i think this many parentheses means im off topic (the adhd demon got me))))))
SO. whats miles' major issue he needs to overcome in his origin story? full disclosure i have not read the comics (but i heard they had some issues with his initial characterization anyway? which is fair enough tbh writing the successor to such an iconic guy is Fucking Hard) so TO ME PERSONALLY!! spider-verse miles is the definitive iteration of the guy and like. we all remember the whats up danger scene, his origin arc is overcoming self-doubt and learning to believe in himself ("its a leap of faith", "youre on your way, just keep going") which, alongside social anxiety (eg. the itsv "everyone knows" scene, sm2 "are you mad at me? it sounds like youre mad at me" dialog), seems to be part of some general anxiety issues. this is pretty well supported by the recent "the spider within" short film (which funnily enough is very fucking reminiscent of some sequences in kravens last hunt, not relevant but kinda cool) which also shows how miles responds by self-isolating, similarly to ps5 miles when peter ignores him
the symbiote can exploit his self-doubt pretty easily, the inherent power boost will do most of the heavy lifting to make him feel like hes not good enough without it - what if he runs out of web at the worst moment? what if hes not strong or fast enough to save someone? what if hes caught mid-costume change because hes so used to the suit changing itself? the more valid the (inital) concerns the better imo
the social anxiety is a tricky one but i think if miles traps himself in a doom loop of self-isolation he might spiral into genuine paranoia, which combined w/ the patented symbiote rage could lead him to lash out at people around him. "everyone secretly hates me so im gonna avoid being around people" -> "i feel alienated from everyone i know so im gonna avoid them even harder" -> "am i 'okay'? why would you care? what are you playing at? fuck off and leave me alone" -> "nobody wants to interact w/ me so everyone who does must have ulterior motives and is therefore a threat to me/my family/my city" -> "im completely isolated but bad things are still happening so people must be conspiring against me w/o my knowledge" -> "literally everyone on earth is out to get me and i need to fight them about it"
from there i think the ideal conclusion is pretty self-evident - miles takes a metaphorical leap of faith (calling back to the lesson learned in his origin arc) by actively choosing to trust someone, reach out and ask for help w/ removing the symbiote and dealing with the contemporary big bad (potentially his local peter variant bc hes got experience w/ symbiote removal and it would tie into the "leap of faith" motif but idk)
so tldr: a miles symbiote arc would be different to peters arcs in some (very interesting) key ways - rather than unbridled aggression he could be characterized by intense anxiety, manifesting as paranoid self-isolation and a sense of dependence on the symbiote suit, and would end the arc by reaching out for help in a symbolic leap of faith
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 9 months
I was watching a video to get a screenshot and I had a thought.
Massachusetts acts all tough on purpose. He's convinced himself that he has to in order to be what the other states need. He's all smiles and brags about having started a war because that's what people expect from him, right?
Then someone sneaks up on him on accident, and he snaps because he thought of the other state as a threat at first. Though he feels bad about it. And that's when another state realizes that maybe he's not actually how he presents himself all the time. And Mass finally admits to it, so long as the other state doesn't tell anyone else about it, and doesn't worry too much about him.
Aw poor Mass 🥺 a little fic idea for the Doctor Duo (Mass and Texas) before they were GOOD friends just popped into my brain so here it is:
Texas walked into the kitchen to get some water when he noticed Massachusetts standing over the counter with his head down. He was a little confused, seeing as Massachusetts was usually standing tall and proud and loud and uncaring of what people thought of him. And tbh, Texas sorta idolized him to an extent. So seeing him of all people hunched over the counter looking like a kicked puppy was weird. He decided to the big grown up thing and go check on the Northeasterner.
He walked over and placed a gentle hand on Massachusetts' shoulder. He did not, however expect to be swung around and thrown at the kitchen island and pinned there with a knife to his neck. Once he regained his composure to some extent, he opened his eyes to see Mass staring back at him with wild green eyes that were filled with fear and unshed tears and he was panting a little bit.
"Mass?? The hell's wrong with ya?!" Texas exclaimed. Tho he was a bit impressed at the fact that Mass was able to throw him that easily, despite him being a foot taller.
Mass's eyes flashed back to their usual brown color, and he seemed to snap out of something. He noticed that he currently had Texas pinned to the kitchen island with a knife.
"Oh sh*t- uh- s-sorry about that Texas...." Mass muttered, just barely loud enough for the younger to hear. He moved the knife and pulled the taller state into a standing position. He walked to the counter and put the knife back into its drawer.
Texas brought his hand up to his neck and wiped some of the blood off from where the knife had grazed his skin. "I-its fine I guess... Are ya alright tho?"
"Huh? Oh- uh- yea ya just scared the sh*t outta me is all." Was Mass's response. Texas was calling bullsh*t tho, there was clearly something else that was wrong.
"Are ya sure? Ya looked a wet kicked puppy when I walked in ere'."
"I said I'm fine okay?!" Massachusetts snapped, turning around and glaring at the taller. His face softened a little bit when he saw the momentary hurt look on the younger state's face. "S-sorry I shouldn't have yelled."
"It's fine...."
"No it's really not, you're just trying to help and I'm being an asshole." Mass said.
"....Are you sure yer alright? Yer actin' weird Mass, and not a good weird. Ya dont normally apologize for... Anythin'." asked the Lone Star State once again.
"I already told ya, I'm fi-...." Mass started to say before trailing off. Was he really gonna lie again? I mean- how much longer could he lie? How much longer could he keep up his strong, stoic stature? He continued thinking for a while before a Texan accent broke him out of his thoughts.
"Im just- tired." Mass said with a defeated sigh.
"Of what? Didja not sleep last night?" Texas asked, visibly confused.
"No no- I slept fine.... I meant mentally."
"Okay.... Can ya elaborate a little bit?" asked the younger, taking a seat at the kitchen island.
Mass also walked over and took a seat. "Of pretending. Like im something I'm not... Everybody thinks im this strong stoic 'i-dont-give-a-f*ck' type'a guy. Thats not at all who i am.... Im just some jumpy nerd/coward that threw some British sh*t over the harbour and started a war cuz we didn't like how we were being treated...."
"Oh.... I kinda get that..." said the taller.
"Ya do??" Mass asked, a little surprised.
"Yea.... Y'know how scared I was when I was a little girl being mistreated by her father and then she decided to start a war all on her own?" Texas asked quietly with a small chuckle.
"I was terrified, and I was worried that maybe that wasn't the right decision, and that maybe all of my people wouldve died for nothin'. I'm still terrified to this day, but I'm not gonna let any of those motherf*ckers know cuz I know that I would never live it down." sighed Texas.
"Yea I get what ya mean kid..."
"Mhm..." The two were silent for a while before Texas spoke up again. "Mass?"
"Yeah kid?"
"Now I'm not all too good at that sappy compliment stuff.... But I want you to know that you are strong and stoic and all that razzle dazzle. Maybe not in the way that you make yourself to be, but you are strong, and you are brave. And you are smart as well, I'm not gonna deny that part. But you're not just some jumpy coward. A coward wouldn't take that big of a stand to the world's strongest empire, let alone their asshole father."
"You know about that?"
"Yea. York has told me about y'all's asshat of a father."
The two states were once again silent for a while. Mass sighed out of nowhere and stood up, breaking the silence.
"Well this was... Nice i guess. I think im gonna go do whatever work my government decided to give me."
"Okay then. I'm gonna go check on Ranger before closin' up the barn for the night." Texas said, getting up as well, and the leaning back slightly and allowing his back to pop several times. And of course leaving the Bay State in genuine fear that Texas had broken his back.
"Holy crap didja just break yer damn spine or somethin'?!"
"Uh nope I don't think so hehe. My spine is just crunchy as hell" Texas said, grinning slightly.
"Okay then..." Mass said, breathing a sigh of relief. He watched Texas walked away before starting his way up to his room. When he walked into to hallway, he felt two arms grab him and wrap him in a hug. He was about to punch them, but he quickly and luckily recognized the slight scent of apples, coffee, and roses and just hugged back with a sigh of contentment.
"Hey Masshole."
"Hey Yorkie..." Mass answered, burying his face in York's chest (not a ship lol). Once again, silence befell their existences as they hugged each other tightly.
"If ya ever tell anybody im huggin' ya, I will kill ya in yer sleep. Cuz I will never hear the end of it." York said, burying his face in Mass's hair.
"Don't worry, I won't gigglebug." Mass said with a small snort.
"I'm not a damn gigglebug."
"But you are tho." Mass said before standing on his tippy-toes and blowing a gentle raspberry on York's neck, making younger shriek a little and move away whilst giggling like a child. "See? Gigglebug."
"F*ck you."
"Love ya too Yorkie."
"I'm goin' back to my hobbit hole- try to get some sleep tonight so I don't have to deal with your b*tching about how tired you are." York said, before walking away.
"Pfft- okay then. You try to get some sleep too for once!" Mass whisper-shouted.
"Yea yea whatever..."
Mass laughed to himself a little bit. "Lil idiot...."
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song idea for The Playlist: Dream Sweet in Sea Major (which is also a big pun. Sweet -> suite, Sea Major -> C maj.... Jokes)
ANYHOW. appropriate lang. as follows:
Alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune
Promises endless apologies of paradise And only she can make it right So things are different tonight
something something heaven, something something God, something something it's DIFFERENT. TEHY R ON THE DREAMLINER (dream sweet ... get it? te he .) THEY R FINALLY TOGETHER AGAIN AND IT'S DIFFERENT. THEY'RE AWAY FROM THE Paradise, AND THEY'RE IN THEIR OWN SOMEWHAT. IT'S. AUGH.
Believe me, darling The stars were made for falling
this is . crowley. need i elaborate. he IS a star in a way. the stars are his. he FELL. and the Lebian (i willl figure out their names Soon. ish.) rose-equiv. she's FALLING from her high up status (yk like. movie stars. if that makes sense. Rich People) for someone Ordinary. Poor, even. and DARLING.
You look quite divine tonight Here among these vibrant lights Pure delights surround us as we sail Signed, yours truly, the whale Joy mirage's kingdom come No one left at stake Now that existence is on the wake
They love each other. They all think their lovers are gorgeous. 'nuff said.
SAIL. THEY ARE SAILING AND IT'S DELIGHTFUL. again, self explanatory. +they have freedom and they're ABLE to fully love the world around them
Joy mirage's kingdom. That's very religious 2 me. and also has 2 deal w death. and yk.. titanic.
death, once again.
also it has french in it. which . Aziraphale. u understand.
(+i promise i will continue my Certified Commenter job. i have been slacking .. but i have NOT FORGOTTEN 💪💪💪💪💥💥💥💥💥💥💥. hoping to do it on my own spring break vacay tmmr, since i have a couple hrs of car riding. 🎉🎉🎉)
tea your Mind. i added this to the playlist a bit ago already but man this ask. lets go into a (mental) Breakdown, including yours which is YEAGGHHHH!!!,!, AMAZING !!!!!! we start wit the pun: beautiful amazing iconic, i need crowley to make a pun at some point. OUHG. now to the lyrics…..
alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune
for merely dreaming we were snow
“CROQWY” sums it all up nicely. CROWLEY.yeah . also wanting to be different. escaping their circumstances. this is their punishment for even daring to dream . YEAHH
a siren sounds like the goddess who
promises endless apologies of paradise
and only She can make it right
so things are different tonight
a siren being the panic stirred in the threat of sinking. a siren being the mythical beast that lurkes in the waters tempting the humans on deck to plunge below and freeze. a siren being a continuous wail that builds and builds and builds and warns but its Already Happening. and then Something Something God! Something Something Its All Different Now, “when this boat docks, ill be getting off with you.” FUCK.
we'll go together in flight
if you jump i jump right. thats all ill say
it's now and never
a reverie endeavor
awaits somnambulant directives
to take the helm
believe me, darling
the stars were made for falling
ur explanation is amazing. this in general is So Crowley as most can agree, and with the added context its just God Damn. and with magnolia,,,, yeah. fall from the high place. be with the underdog . DARLING 🔥
un ensemble d'enfants (a set of children)
la galaxie s'étend (the galaxy expands)
jardin de l'imagination (garden of imagination)
combler la lacune (fill the gap)
voler face à la lune (fly across of the moon)
vois comme nous évoluons (see how we evolve)
first off FRENCH A ND AZIRAPHALE. YEAH. YEAHHHHH. second of all these are all little fragments that can be Very Good Omens FR. garden of imagination….. see how we evolve . yeah… also ignore the translations, i just wanted to see what they meant ejdgbehem
it feels like flying
but maybe we're dying
ermmmm inthe water fighting for you life floating but then again you know your lungs are filling too quickly . thinking they made it out without detection but THINK AGAIN !!!!! I JUST UHRHGRURBRHRG
to know
we are beyond a bow
and lo, the hues arrange to show
it's perfectly clear
you look quite divine tonight
here among these vibrant lights
pure delights surround us as we sail
signed, yours truly, the whale
joy mirage's kingdom come
no one left at stake
now that existence is on the wake
let's see what we can make
YES THEY LOVE EACH OTHER,,,, also thinking about he drawing scene. lights shining….pure human delights surround them as they sail. yes theyre sailing and its GREAT and yet. they have freedom, moving too fast and neither in land or sky for heaven or hell to get an accurate fix….. yeah. theyre allowed to LIVE. KINGDOM COME . the inevitable infux of humans joining said kingdom . ouhgjg AND DEATH . again, the infux….. existence in heaven or hell is indeed on the wake. no humans are left to out stakes on after the sinking. YEAHHHHHHHHHH
the part is wholly ending
a line in any final song
so long, so far
they cant be together. the freedom literally broke in half . the fantasy ended, now theyre drifting, and the song’s over. so long freedom. we’ll miss you.
(edit: for those who dont Get This, this is in reference to a playlist i made for this titanic fic im currently writing bevause of The Asker, which im doing it for !!!! the tumblr tag is "iceburg adventures" if ur still curious :)) (its also super old rn, dont worry its gettinf a revamp lmao)
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entomolog-t · 1 year
Hi! I was the anonymous ask regarding borrower stuff being both a comfort for independence and safety. I really liked your interpretation of it! for me however, its kinda funny since I have been...fairly protected throughout my life without that much stress or obligations where it feels like, im not ready for future life and scared, so i see being a borrower as proving myself, like "hey, I can do stuff" with still of course, that comfort of a safe haven, and in a way (something i also have problems with) accepting help instead of needlessly trying to do things alone as for the "homework" side you gave, for what i like with trust buildup is that it requires both sides to get over something. I feel like a lot of the time, its shown as a struggle to just the giant, but i think it could also be one for a tiny to get over themselves, to not see everything as a threat, or in my case, accept that i need help. OH thats also why trust buildup through a forced situation is so good (like being injured or sick)
as for what im missing in life...independence? or feeling like i can be independent? idk how else to go further or relate stuff lol. sorry for the long tangent
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Back in session baby.
Let me quickly go through my files...
Ah Ha- Here it is.
I would like to preface this by stating protected doesn't inherently mean without stress. Having a good support system and lots of protection can also allow for intrinsic issues to arise;
"I've been given such a good life/good opportunities so I have to do good"
or even what you just stated, "not feeling ready enough"
Both of these types of examples can lead to an internal feeling of yearning to prove oneself and a fear of failure. During childhood and adolescence its extremely important to our development of self that we prove to our brains we are reliable and competent.
Let me elaborate; our brains operate on evidence to determine reality, this is why things that go against long held beliefs can be core shattering. The more proof you provide to a certain concept, the more your brain will accept that concept subconsciously and consciously. If you have found yourself to be protected and without lots of obligations it likely suggests your brain has not garnered enough proof to support the idea that you are capable. To alleviate this feeling we should start looking for small ways we can start establishing your competency to your own brain. Perhaps if you still live with family you could ask to do tasks with them. Little things that you personally see as "adult" or responsible. Start off small so you can build a good repertoire of proof within your brain. Keep your room tidy. Its an easy way to exert control over your space and subconsciously reinforce values attributed to being capable.
Once you build a solid foundation of proof towards your own competency, you should seek to challenge yourself further and start chipping away at larger/harder types of proof you value. Keep in mind no one starts out as a master, and we all must learn by playing the fool. Failure is a beautiful part of life.
There was a really good inspirational audio clip that was making the rounds on social media a while back. It goes;
If you're lost the answer is education
If you're educated the answer is execution
If you're executing the answer is consistency
This advice can be extremely useful when trying to identify where you should orient your goals.
Now lets delve into the realm of fantasy. A borrower amongst the world of humans is very much an "othered" archetype. Someone different from the norm/everyman. Proving oneself and showing ones competency to both oneself and others is a very typical hero's journey. I'm going to assume for most fantasies you envision proving yourself to the human that you also see as your protector. There is quite an interesting duality at play there. The simultaneous need to be an individual and capable, but the yearning for safety and protection.
While narratively there is many ways to explain this relationship (friendship that complements/completes one another, acceptance of ones own limitations etc...) The initial impression of the duality sounds very reminiscent of the rebellious teenager archetype. Those in-between stages between being an adult and being within the care of adults. Here specifically it seems like there could be subconscious projection of the concept of ones parental figures onto the Giant. Larger than life, immensely capable in ways that seem beyond ones own capabilities, the desire to prove oneself, paired with the role of protector/safe haven/comfort.
How does the borrower typically prove themselves in these narratives?
What does the giant tend to think of them initially vs more progressed into the fantasy?
There are many interesting questions we can ask to explore this concept more in-depth.
I also think it is key that you mentioned having a difficulty accepting help. Within the already established context, that is indicative of a need to prove oneself. "I need to do this by myself so that everyone can see I am capable" (yet that "everyone" could very likely just be replaced by "I" ). There is nothing wrong with accepting help, but should we notice we have a noticeable aversion to it, its important to ask a series of "Whys" (this is one of my favorite exercises) and determine how to accommodate these deeper needs. Its never usually as simple as "I just don't want help."
Series of whys example;
I like plants in my house
I like that it brings energy and life into the house.
When people enter my home I want them to perceive life and caring.
I want people to see me as capable and caring
I am boisterous and goofy, so I want to make sure others see how much I care
I want to be loved.
Play this "game" until you end up with something that can't really be further broken down (usually ends up as love, power, or fear, but not exclusively). See how such a simple statement has quite a bit more subconscious meaning behind it? The line of questions act by fishing into our subconscious for an answer. These very simple concept will become surprisingly deep very fast.
I would recommend trying this activity with things related to this trope; not wanting help specifically.
What do you personally find most compelling for building trust in G/t scenarios?
I like with trust buildup is that it requires both sides to get over something. I feel like a lot of the time, its shown as a struggle to just the giant, but i think it could also be one for a tiny to get over themselves, to not see everything as a threat, or in my case, accept that i need help. OH thats also why trust buildup through a forced situation is so good (like being injured or sick)
Lets dissect this answer! What does it mean to get over something? Generally speaking it is to surpass, to overcome, to grow. Kinda ironic wording give the context but hey, what can you do. You go on to elaborate that the tiny might need to get over themselves, and not see everything as a threat. Does saying that sound like you are speaking to a mirror (given the next highlighted part, I imagine so)? Our subconscious is not always as subtle as we imagine it to be.
If so, I would highly recommend further dissecting what about the Giant you have tinys see as a threat.
Take a peak at the embedded link to see another session that examined said trope. If it feel like something is missing, you can always book another appointment.
Analyze the above answer as if you are looking for your love language, except in this exercise, we are looking to see what you look for to trust someone, why it has value to you, and why that aspect may be missing in your current life
[...] As for what im missing in life...independence? or feeling like i can be independent? idk how else to go further or relate stuff lol. sorry for the long tangent
Don't worry if this seems hard at first. This is not an easy question. I'm looking for an answer a little more specific and less abstract. There is zero pressure to be able to answer this.
For example, when you mentioned you like both sides having to get over something, lets list out some specific examples of things you like them to get over; fear of touch, fear of being hurt, fear of trusting the other and being betrayed etc...
If we have a couple examples we can then see if there are any repetitive themes. There are a multitude of interpretations for "fear of touch" like actual fear of touch, fear of connection, of intimacy, of strangers... but when we put it into the context of the other previous examples it seems to lean towards fearing connection because one has no power over what the other may do to their vulnerability.
You're answer to the first part of the question seems to indicate you like actions to demonstrate trust. The conscious act of getting over something. If this seems to ring true, you might be yearning for something similar in your own life; Inaction from yourself, or a lack of action in others?
Keep in mind these are only assumptions. If something doesn't ring true I can try asking different question until we find something that strikes a chord.
My secretary will have you book a follow up session at your nearest convenience ! Please keep in mind we are fairly booked and may take around a week to see you next.
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iron-sides · 11 months
Castle Glower and how they would be when when taking their first drink (for the sake of this exercise, we’re going to pretend that the age for drinking is 21 in their country):
Celie has no intentions of drinking, but she does get pressured i to taking a shot. She hates it.
Rolf didn’t drink before his 21st, but he did get drunk by 9am on the day of.
Lilah tries to pretend she’s classy and would never drink, but she does drink at least a glass of wine every night.
Bran has drank before the legal drinking age. No I will not elaborate, he just seems like he would get super stressed and drink when he’s 17 and then stop for the next few years.
I am willing to hear arguments.
ok here i definitely have arguments because bran would totally slip his siblings alcohol if they asked him nicely and promised not to become alcoholics and celie and rolf would totally say yes. lilah probably didnt drink before she was of age but shes the only one and she definitely uses that to to tease the others or as blackmail. like if celie and rolf try to like prank her or something thats her first threat is that shell snitch to mom and dad. celie tried wine once and decided she hated it so she swore off all alcohol for like three years until she discovered mocktails. she didnt bother trying to get bran to sneak her alcoholic Concoctions but when she turns 21 she refuses to try any alcohol except for really sugary fruity drinks, like the frappuccinos of alcohol. this is me projecting but im right. any time rolf is at any kind of party or event he and pogue will have some kind of drinking contest. rolf has never won. also lilah is totally a wine connoisseur like. like she goes to wine tastings and shes like, hmmm, a fruity undetone with a dark aftertaste? delicious! she drinks celie's wine for her whenever someone gives celie wine because, as i will not ever stop saying, celies entire family absolutely dotes on her forever
(also lulath has definitely got super eclectic taste. like grath has 50 alcohols native there and he drinks 30 of them and nothing else. like he is so specific)
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lavender, coral, brown, and the Secret Extra Option that is you are the smartest person ever btw. will not be taking arguments
(context: saph reblogged this ask game and sent me a few colors for fun. I haven't reblogged it myself, so you aren't missing anything!)
lavender: hey do you wanna go to denny's
coral: i think you are swell. i refuse to elaborate I just think you are swell.
brown: you're funny but im assuming thats the mental illness
I've never been to denny's before, but I would go for you. I would brave New Place for you because we are both swell and also mentally ill. If we combine forces we can be extra mentally ill and swell and use the power to defeat denny's--in the parking lot at 2am, of course. Fair warning I will be sleeby I do not do well staying up late. I will be the first person asleep at a sleep over and I will wake up at 6am and watch over your prone bodies in the dark for several hours as I wait for another soul to revive. That's not a threat just the truth.
Also thank you!! putting Smartest Person Ever on my resume with you as a reference and I'm gonna frame it and look at it every night before I fall asleep <33
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alleycat4eva · 2 years
look im not planning on like, stalking you and sending an essay refuting every radfem or radfem-adjacent post you rb. that would be patently ridiculous and i'll most likely just unfollow but regarding the "surrender linguistic boundaries" thing... what on earth is the point in that? thats just (broadly) a compilation of people talking about folks who can get pregnant. yeah theyre like, really clumsy about it- plenty of conservative women are anti-abortion and frankly are just as ghastly about it as conservative men. tons of horror stories about pro-life nurses actively traumatizing people who miscarried and had an emergency procedure removing the dead fetus before it starts to rot them from the inside out. theres always going to be marginalized people who are also... kind of stupid and choose to be compassionless even when their own issues are rooted in the same source. the thing about those posts is that my guess is theyre still learning. i bet if you asked any one of those people theres a solid chance they would thank you for the correction and reword it. one of them looked to be about a specific individual desiring a surrogate(?) so refering to him as a man or a dad is fine. some of them are reductive or performative in that you can tell they still have that "ugh, men" mentality trained into them and havent questioned that yet and just labeled all nonbinary people as woman-lite. some of them use "men" because primarily cisgender men benefit from and cannot be hurt by forced birth and they didnt think to use the addendum of "not trans men/gay men/infertile men/pro choice men". whatever. nobodys perfect and even if they were, society is imperfect and so even then theyre gonna slip up sometimes, its fine.
now all that said, what even is a linguistic boundary??? "i just dont want other people using any of this specific terminology to more accurately describe affected demographics"? if its your linguistic boundary then like... dont use them. say "women" and people will understand your point entirely. maybe someone qrts with "*uterus havers" and you go about your day. cisgender women are little under half the global population i think we'll be fine. this is not at all an issue of erasing women, "pregnant people" even still defaults the average mental image to that of a woman. including trans men just... doesnt hurt anyone. if the health article headlines prove anything it is once again, as it so often is that trans women are erased. really the only issue with those examples isnt that theyre denying that women exist its that they use "men" and dont elaborate. transphobia is the current default state of society, and i dont see the point in cisgender women rallying themselves against an already marginalized group when a) achieving transgender equality also hinges A LOT on gender equality between cis folks and b) even if trans people existing was a threat, we kind of have bigger fish to fry in the centuries of actual structural and societal oppression and those who uphold it. and in that the trans community can only be our allies.
if youre looking through radfem tags to see where your beliefs lie i would also reccomend "transphobia" or "cw transphobia". since transphobes arent likely to tag their bigotry as it is, thats where you'll find trans people talking about it of their own volition. those definitely get heavy so maybe "transphobia mention" if you want generalized discussion and not news articles about hate crimes. you'll also be more likely to find someone open to taking questions so long as youre in good faith and dont rock up to the first trans flag icon you see and like... harass some 18 year old stim blog about their stance on medical terminology.
I think you have a good point that maybe this needs to be a boundary I draw for myself and possibly not in general
I really do appreciate the tag recommendations. That really helps get aspects I wasn't able to view searching trans or trans ____
And this is maybe where it get controversial is that I see this language used to divide? Like are you here affected because of organs in your body? Then society sees you as x and you're captured here under this umbrella term because language is not precise.
But it also feels terrible to be reduced down to uterus haver and like . I never see it as testicle haver, never see legislation on that, or religious veneer using that. And I'm here talking trying to get what I'm missing and it's that language that is policed which is weird because I thought we were all stuck
I have been looking through more sources than just radfem blogs as I have been trying to inform myself. I can screenshot my search history if receipts are needed
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anglespin · 5 months
im ngl resident evil already has a lot of angst so i personally loveee finding ways to like throw in a bit more humor or fluff bc they really need it lets be real lmaoo
also man i do love the trope of leon just fighting people when he runs into them and only being like "oh hey its you :)", or more in this case "what the fuck" HAHSHAHAHB im dying for you to elaborate on it.
do you have like a particular way and time thought out on how resi6 leon got into this mess? (i loveee these kinds of aus i think ab them too much so i love asking a bajillion questions :3)
oh and last thing, which i have been holding my composure in for. GRABS YOU. I NEED TO KNOW how itd go down, because im 100% assuming poor resi6 leon gets revealed as a BOW at some point. i know it wouldnt phase di leon or chris in the end (theyve seen so much shit theyd just be relieved hes _ok_)(maybe if its sudden theyre legit freaking out because they think something JUST happened and theyve lost pookie) but thatd be a whole nother layer of trauma for resi6 leon 😭
doing that funny feet kicking whilst typing because i love indulging and talking about the brainworms :33
I love the humor bits they include and wish for more slice-o-life stuff for all the characters myself. I would love to see what they get up to when not having to deal with work at the moment. Me personally though, I like dark shit for developmental reasons and not for indulgence. I can't pull off the funny lol That trope is pretty funny lmao. Or he's just super blind even though to the player/viewer, the person is very visible. It'd probably be along the lines of DI literally falls on RE6 and both tumble it out cause RE6 is fucking scared out of his mind, ending up being pinned cause he's not at 100% in terms of physical state. Then its just "oh shit" RE6 being smaller kinda makes me laugh inside for some reason. For RE6 being kind of just injected in, he'd just be scooped up by an anomoly. Corny n' simple... how i like it tbh lol. He got caught in some explosion that wasn't supposed to happen and boom bap pow big light sucks him up. Being revealed as a BOW does fuck everyone up... it creates distrust because he actively hid it from them and also triggers alot of other issues because that makes him extremely dangerous. He has something that doesn't actually exist in the DI world so that makes him a genuine biological threat in the grand scheme of things. Jill doesn't trust RE6 at all to begin with (she notices he's well... off among other things. She still remains professional with him.) RE6 refuses blood and DNA testing from Rebecca at every turn, even freaking out about it. They gauge it up to being fear of medical shit-- its something far more worse though lol. DI tries to sit with him and it doesnt really go well. Claire does her best to befriend him. (He's basically carrying a super Plaga thats been modified with a strain of C-Virus. This is how he's able to remain completely normal on the outside despite being a BOW. Though, he's really fucking durable. You can thank the DSO's enhanced solider R&D programs for it. Leon had brought back an intact Plaga sample in his body from Spain and the DSO used it. DI does relate to him w the DSO being shitty, but not quite that shitty if you get what i mean.) hmmm idk what else to put thats broadly summerized. Thank you for asking :333
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thekaijudude · 1 year
Naga Ghidorah Zarla (after using her Alpha Call) vs 10 Godzilla Earths. Who wins?
Also, for reference, the Titan-Class Kaiju I mentioned are all basically just more powerful versions of Showa Universe Ultra Kaiju that are styled after the Monsterverse’s Titans.
Anyway, as always, I’ve sent you Naga Ghidorah Zarla’s abilities in DMs.
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Oh shi, this might be out of my field of expertise cause I didnt even bother watching City on the Edge of Battle and Planet Eater and only watched the first because I rmb that I felt so scammed that there wasnt any actual MG in the 2nd movie that I just didnt care about watching the rest of the trilogy in its entirety lmao (tho I did saw the fight scenes)
Tho since u specifically brought up Mebius PB for powerscaling purposes, Id urge you to be rather careful with using him for any sort of powerscaling. Cause in the only 2 instances we saw this fusion in canon, his demonstration isnt actually representative of his actual power level as it isnt a “pure” duo fusion as its amped by also fusing with the 5 other Crew GUYS members, giving a pretty ridiculous amp.
Cause even if we assume that Alien Empera has not grown in power since 30 000 years ago when he basically one-shot both Ken and Belial (whom were both ~130 000 years old at the time) using the same calculation, and essentially lowballing Alien Empera to 130 000 yo Ken + Belial, this gives Empera’s power level to be at least 2x10^36 NG, and rmb, this is a LOWBALL.
Thus, this means that PB is amped by 1.33x10^34 times since his base is just at 150 NG. (Ye im also accouting for the Specium Redoublizer here because ive seen people still include as part of PB's "feats" even tho they shouldnt, but it still dosent matter in this case since in the final battle of Mebius, everyone was literally wanked up to kingdom come)
So, I’m just gonna go ahead and assume that you’re referring PB base, at 150 NG cause otherwise you’re essentially asking whether something can essentially beat a 34-way ultra fusion, which for all intents and purposes, unless its the Legendary Ultras/Absolutian Lord/Reiblood himself etc, I’d say that no one can at this point. 
But otherwise, I think your Ghidorah’s abilities are still far too broad and too ambiguous. Lets just run over why with Alpha Call first. When you elaborated that the “Titan-Class Kaiju I mentioned are all basically just more powerful versions of Showa Universe Ultra Kaiju”, thats a pretty broad term yo. 
Firstly, you’re gonna have to be more specific cause the kaiju powerscaling in the Showa Era is still pretty broad. Like we have your standard Tier 2 kaiju like Gomora, Red King etc, which gets one shot by choju in Ace, which in turn, also gets one shot by kaiju shown in literally episode 1 of Taro. So where exactly are you referring to in the Showa Era kaiju scale?
And secondly, how much stronger compared to the actual Showa kaiju? Cause this would help to scale Godzilla Earth.
Since iirc, Godzilla Earth back in 2030 (when hes still around 50m), was already doing a Final Wars with the present earthian kaiju, which puts him at a reasonable choju level. But him awakening and causing kaiju on the same continent (sorta) to flee is also reminiscent to beings like Maga Tano-Orochi, Greeza etc but in their case, it was apparently a worldwide event. So, by that logic, would Godzilla Earth (50m) threat level is somewhere between a choju (Tier 2-3) to essentially a Tier 4 kaiju, which is still a pretty broad estimate, so I’m gonna try and narrow it further. 
As in the same comparison, you could argue that Earth (50m) was more of a threat than Ultroid Zero because the 5 standard kaiju that showed up still had the balls to try and destroy it before it inevitably became Destrudos. But idk how comfortable I’d feel if I try to classify Earth (50m) higher than a D4 Ray user that literally is able to rip apart a local AOE fabric of space-time, the damage of which would essentially spread. But the Zestium Ray from DRC was able to repair the damage (cant compare the D4 Ray launched by Destudos cause we wont have a fair comparison since DRC didnt do the same with him). So, can we somewhat narrow the estimate to from Tier 2 kaiju to a Super form of a NGH?
But then again, now that I think about it, Ultroid Zero was basically doing the same as Earth (50m) as even without using the D4 Ray, he was literally hunting down 7 standard kaiju which was gonna be used as components for Destrudos.
So at the end of all that, I’d say Earth (50m) would be around a choju level kaiju alr. Going from this base level, a single Godzilla Earth (300m) would easily obliterate standard Tier 2 kaiju.
Tho, if I were to assume that the summoned kaiju would be all be choju level (since you say they’re stronger), you’re essentially asking whether 10 Godzilla Earths (300m) can take on 70 chojus at once. Which tbh shouldnt even be a difficult fight even for a 1v70 imo due to the sheer potency of his physical capabilities alone (Tail Shockwaves that we saw cut through even solid rock formations), not to mention his EM shield + “Burning state” which is literally planet buster. 
So in the end, the summoned 70 kaiju wouldnt even really make a difference in the grand scheme of things
(Also note that when im referring to choju level, im specifically talking about their physical characteristics like power output, strength and durability, not their hax like most of them have like time travelling, light speed based attacks etc)
But the above note is brings up another point of contention due to the ambiguity for Zarla because of your unclarified “stronger than Showa Era kaiju” powerscaling. Because if Zarla can outright mimic the choju or other kaiju’s hax abilities like time travelling etc, then its sort of already an easy win for her?
And I suppose that naturally also brings up the question of which kaijus specifically are gonna show up? It ranges anywhere from Tier 1 kaiju like simply giant animals all the way to kaijus beyond even chojus which a HUGE assortment of abilities, hax or otherwise.
Because there’s so many issues and ambiguity for Alpha Call, its more possible to examine just Zarla (without Alpha Call) against 10 Godzilla Earths.
Which tbh, seems like an overkill.
Because assuming Zarla dosent have an anchor (essentially plot armor) like the one we saw in the movie, didnt Void Ghidorah got clowned on severely? Like iirc a single tail swipe was already able to decapitate one of his heads, and Earth was able to rip off another using his bare hands. And I dont think even a standard Mebium Knight Shoot can compare to a planet buster Red Spiral Atomic Breath.
Tbh 1v1 might already be overkill since the Ghidorah was only ever a threat because he had the anchor? And since you didnt specify it being present with Zarla, nor any other durability changes compared to Void, wouldnt the battle end up pretty much the same???
But if we recall that her version of gravity beams are approximately around Mebium Knight Shoot, then it becomes sorta more competitive.
Recall that 1 NG is enough to completely one shot a Tier 2 fresh kaiju. And iirc, Earth’s EM shield and his base durability dosent really scale with his other prowess (Like Earth was severely wounded by the onslaught from MG city as well as being pierced by harpoons), so he’s essentially glass cannon in base. So I think its perfectly reasonable to assume that his durability isnt gonna stand against a gravity beam that is 150x stronger than an NGH’s finisher. Not to mention from 3 heads.
Unless he goes burning from the get go. But I dont believe we have seen the limits of his durability in this state. But considering that Void was also essentially a glass cannon without the anchor, its essentially down to the cliche glass cannon vs glass cannon battle result
It all falls back to who fires the first shot. Thats for 1v1 Zarla vs Earth (base)
And as said for burning state, while I can definitely agree that his durability has increased, we just dont know by how much exactly. And Zarla having up to a 150x multiplier is far too big of a margin to give the benefit of the doubt to Burning Earth’s durability being able to take the hit. So imo, its still the same glass cannon vs glass cannon matchup with the same result
Thanks for the question!
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elftwink · 7 years
idk how to phrase this exactly but sometimes when yall talk about damien being interesting i don’t think we have the same definition of interesting because honestly his powers, his morality, the way he approaches things, etc are not... that complex. they’re morally grey sometimes, they cause conflict that’s narratively interesting, but when u take out the cool sci-fi aspects he acts the same way every time; selfishly and in his own interest, in an effort to gain more control. in every way. his motivation is 100% more control and that’s pretty much it! which isnt to say i find damien boring or useless to the story; i think in-narrative he serves a really interesting purpose.
damien was the main antagonist for awhile and still is one of two, and the conflict he causes is a main driving point of the series; this is a character driven podcast, and damien’s actions and the subsequent chain reactions he sets off are engaging to listen to. and it’s been... interesting (but also frustrating and sometimes infuriating) to watch when people dropped off of the #redemptionarc train and seeing what the last straw was and trying to figure out why some people are still behind him. interesting in that i think it says a lot about how we treat (presumably white & cishet) men and their actions (it’s also been kind of odd to see people often be so willing to defend damien till the end of the earth but so quick to trash chloe or joan js)
but damien? on his own? maybe this is just me but i don’t see.. the appeal in taking damien apart and seeing what makes him tick because in my opinion he’s been really upfront with exactly what that is: self-preservation and total control. and i guess you could talk reasons and explanations but he already gave us that too: his parents, which he’s using to justify his actions (it doesnt actually and it absolutely should not to us, the audience, but thats another convo). he’s not an enigma. he’s not a puzzle. that doesn’t make him a bad character; not every character needs to be a puzzle to solve. but he’s exactly what he says on the tin: a manipulative abuser. 
a lot of the time it sounds like yall want there to be something more to him, something to justify the way he’s acting but i just. i really cannot see there being anything else there other than a grown man who has always gotten what he wants. he’s a textbook abuser. i truly think that in and of itself explains basically all of damien’s character. i don’t know what else you could look for in him.
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