#i understand that the games give them that sort of dynamic at times I get it
illdothehotvoice · 25 days
Also I don't want to be rude but I feel people are missing the point of the post so here's some more thoughts I have about overprotective Mario
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idk it's also especially weird because a) Luigi is an adult grown ass man b) they are twins
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borzoilover69 · 4 months
Post-game John and Jake dynamic is really slept on. Jake meets John and hes like “ok this guy gets it” and in similiar terms Jake understands where John is coming from.
Both John and Jake share interest, signature bluntness and coping mechanisms (fucking off and TOOOTALLLY not dwelling on what makes them upset) and dont really share the concern that other members of their collective friendgroups might have with a friend of theirs just disappearing. They GET it so if they dont talk for a while who cares? Its like no time has passed at all when Jake texts John asking if he wants to watch a movie and John (who hasnt responded to anyone in two weeks) texts back “yeah sure.”
Postgame John and Jake friendship is EVERYTHING to me. John will listen to Jake rant and deliver an honest to goodness clearcut opinion, pulling him back from some of his wilder ideas and thoughts, while Jake pulls John out of the depression rut that John no doubt falls into post-game after everything catches up to him.
John NEEDS to be doing something postgame or otherwise he just dwells. Jake needs someone who will entertain some of his ideas without judgement, but the willingness to reel it in. They would bicker about movies and chat for hours about it because who else gives a fig as much about movies as these two.
John will listen to Jake rant about his friends without much fuss and give an honest input about it how he sees it in a way that doesnt make Jake feel threatened. I think thsts something Jake sort of needs, someone disconnected from his little chaotic friendgroup to talk to without feeling as significantly judged. In turn if John isnt really talking to anyone count on Jake to have the optimal timing to invite himself over for a movie night or get John to go on an outing for him or help him with something, getting him out of his shell. Even in his subtle ways lending John a platform to talk about issues he might be facing.
If theres anyone who can understand the need to isolate while you deal with your problems without judgement, its someone who does the exact same!! I see it very much as “we dont need to talk about it but i understand where youre coming from so 🤝And i think thats so awesome. Jake and John friendship postgame friendship is so real to me. See my vision boy.
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bitchesgate3 · 3 months
Disclaimer: I have not romanced Minthara nor have I fully played the Dark Urge.
One thing I've experienced whilst having Minthara in my party since Moonrise is that there feels like there are narratively TWO Mintharas. And the Durge break up makes sense for one and not the other.
This 1st Minthara: Upon rescuing Minthara, all your initial conversations are deeply emotional. And later ones at camp are so deeply insightful that her maturity and experience compared to the other companions really stands out.
She understands the plots going on and the subterfuge and conspiracy. She reflects on her experiences with the Absolute, her understanding of the Chosen 3, her gratitude about being saved by Tav, her time under Orin's thrall, and gives us glimpses into the emotions that run through all these experiences.
How does a merciless woman grapple with being shown mercy? Her specifically. Not Dror Ragzlin. Not Priestess Gut. But her - singled out - for mercy?
This Minthara feels like she makes sense of these experiences for herself, to find a life to carve out on her own - integrated with her indomitable spirit. She is a dynamic and nuanced character and makes her a must-have companion for me on ANY playthrough.
However, another Minthara exists.
Minthara is most likely intended to be Chaotic Evil. She comes across as Lawful at times, but I think she was de facto made to be compatible with any type of evil, hence she must be chaotic. As opposed to Lae'zel who with Lawful Evil and disapproves if you are dishonorable in some way.
Astarion in EA was more overtly Chaotic Evil leaning Neutral Evil, and probably more conventionally chaotic because some of what he approved of felt like evil for shits and giggles. Following his whims and entertainment.
Minthara on the other hand is certainly calculated by comparison. She understands that seeding disorder is a way to destabilize an existing power in order to obtain it for one's self. This knowledge of undermining pairs extremely well with the overarching mindflayer plot. So while she may inevitably seek more secure power for herself, her ambient dialogue options encourage chaotic evil in this way.
And that's where this 2nd Minthara character comes in. She is the only companion that consistently disapproves of every "good" aligned decision the other companions make. She encourages you to make deals with Gortash and the Emperor (THE master manipulators), and has all these big plans for world domination right out the gate that she sort of assumes you're on board with.
The most egregious thing for me is that she grants approval for the silliest evil actions in the game.
It's clear to me that being opportunistically evil, selfish, and self-serving makes sense for a character like Minthara who utilizes chaos and fear for her own goals, but I find that because she is the only character who could possibly align that way, Larian gives her EVERY possible [calculated] chaotic evil approval that comes up.
So this 2nd Minthara ends up saying the most contrived, cartoonishly evil dialogue responses that really breaks immersion because it feels as if she's only saying that because she's the only companion who can.
That being said, I don't mind this "2nd Minthara"/Chaotic Evil Minthara existing and actually being a part of her character (because clearly this is intended and part of the authors' vision), but when the 1st Minthara seems to hint at possessing divergent thought while this 2nd Minthara seems stuck in her ways, I can't merge the two entities as the same one.
I actually think the game needs to add flags similar to Gale and the Crown where the more you agree with Minthara on her disapproving of the companions defying their dominators/approving when they align with them, only then you will get the Durge break up if you defy yours.
Just adding those flags - not even adding new content - would be an easy fix and I think would help justify why these two Minthara's even exist.
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remember-digimon · 9 days
Let's talk about Tai!
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First of all, Tai does in fact show signs of terminal Shonen Protagonist, however with the depth of his character we can assume it is in remission. Good for him.
Tai is reckless and often rushes into things without thinking. To him, there is the goal and there are things in the way of his goal, so naturally he just has to bulldoze the obstacles and he's good. This is probably how he ended up as the leader of the group, aside from him being shown as a sort-of-main-character; while other characters are important, Tai is the driving force. He is action.
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(Remember that time he tried to beat up a Bakemon?? This kid has zero chill when he's on a mission I swear)
If Izzy were in charge, they would get sidetracked by the details. If Matt were in charge, they'd likely never get very far because he has to consider the feelings of the entire group. If Sora were in charge, she would be too concerned with protecting everyone.
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While Tai is basically the rocket fuel of their group, this also leads him to charging forward when other parts of the metaphorical machine aren't ready. This is why the dynamic of the whole group works so well; Tai may be hyperfocused on the end game but the others make up for the skills he lacks.
In addition to being the driving force, Tai is really good at delegating. He gives the task of figuring out the gate in Myotismon's castle to Izzy, who is objectively the best one for the job. During Our War Game, he's giving orders like a general during the fight, showing his aptitude for strategy.
Other leaders in Digimon seem to be given that title simply because they're the ones wearing the goggles, but in my opinion none of them really live up to the standard set by Tai. He may not have a deep understanding of Digimon and their world, but he has Izzy for that. He might sometimes lose himself in the end goal and forget to be empathetic to his friends, but he has Matt for that. He might be bullheaded and stubborn, but he has Mimi to be blunt and tell him what he needs to hear.
His real weakness lies in Kari; when she passes out in the desert, Tai basically falls to pieces and Izzy has to take over. When Izzy accidentally broadcasts their location, Tai flies off the handle, unprovoked, in a way that's pretty out of character for him any other time. He's haunted by the incident where Kari collapsed at the playground when they were younger, and he blames himself completely for what happened.
It's interesting to compare Tai and Matt as older brothers. Tai is very loving to Kari, and very protective, likely (at least in part) because of what happened at the playground. Matt is just as overprotective of TK, maybe even more, since he's basically rooted his entire purpose in protecting TK. Tai values Kari as a member of the team, but is still highly aware of the danger she's in. This is similar to how Matt views TK, being glad to be spending this much time with him but losing himself a little in worrying about him.
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Unlike Matt, though, Tai is never really given the chance to fully confront his fear of something happening to Kari. He finds aspirin for her, but Machinedramon attacks and separates them. She's recovered by then anyway, but that's beside the point. It would've been nice to see him come to terms with his feeling of failure to protect her at all costs, but there were huge monsters to fight so I see why they skipped it.
Overall, Tai is a wonderful protag. He's courageous and instills his teammates with the energy to keep moving forward, he always has his eye on the prize, and he knows when to step aside and let someone else handle a problem he might not be well equipped for. Other shonen protags, like Ash from Pokemon for instance, can solve their problems by believing in their friends and that's it. Tai solves problems through strategy, delegating, and most of all, teamwork.
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lunar-years · 4 months
i'm still very sad they didn't do anything at all in season 3 with the Nate & Roy dynamic they'd been building off in the background for the first two seasons, because the layers there were really fascinating.
Starting with like, Roy being the only one to vocally and actively stand up for Nate in season one. At the time I think Nate was appreciative, but I think in hindsight, (rightly or wrongly) it quickly morphs into this mindset that Roy is sort of patronizing and has long viewed him as this weak thing in need of protecting. It feels (in Nate's mind), like Roy swept in to play the savior when it convinced him, but even that was based more around his hatred of Jamie than it was about liking Nate. And we see Nate later think himself proven correct in that thinking after he kisses Keeley and confesses and Roy...barely reacts. Roy, who is furious and angry about everything and everyone every day of his life, is suddenly like "Oh it's fine" when Nate has kissed his girlfriend. Nick Mohammed's commentary that Nate actively saw that as a micro-aggression was so fascinating and makes a lot of sense.
Then you have Roy, who did see season one Nate as someone to protect, but then was also driven to his best performance on the pitch during his final season by Nate's no-bullshit speech before the Everton game. That scene is so effective because it's such a jarring departure for the entire team from how they've previously viewed Nate, and it works for Roy especially because Roy respects people who don't give in to the intimidation he's constantly goading them with and instead tells it to him straight, no words minced (this is why Roy gets along so well with people like Rebecca, Keeley, and Ted, and why the breakthrough moment with Jamie is Jamie calling him out at the gala, etc.). I think there IS a part of Roy that doesn't respect Nate in season 1, which is why he later reacts how he does to Nate's kiss with Keeley, and it's a mindset he's vindicated by when Nate turns on Ted. But that also gets all mixed up with moments like the Everton, with the evidence of Nate being such a good strategist that Roy later finds himself deeply envious of after becoming a coach himself.
During the time they are both coaching together, there's a dynamic there where they both (I think) believe the other person doesn't take them seriously, and it's rooted in a little bit of truth (on both sides!!) that's then wildly exacerbated by their own insecurities. Like, Nate is intimated by the fact that Roy is this rich famous hotshot publicly beloved, so that it feels way out of Nate's league to even be interacting with him. At the same time, he also thinks Roy is a bit of an asshole who doesn't see him as a threat because he doesn't take him seriously, and is (fairly) offended by it. Meanwhile, Roy is intimated by Nate because Nate is so clearly so intelligent, which I think is something Roy is insecure about in general, given his own education being superseded early on by football. He sees Nate as being a more adequate coach than himself because of this. But he also thinks Nate is spineless and whatever respect he had for him (fairly) dissolves completely after Nate goes to the press about Ted.
So it's like, this messy mixture where they both have something the other desperately wants but they can't see at all why the other would possibly be envious of them due to their own insecurities. They are, imo, the two most insecure people on the show in completely different ways. They hate themselves far more than they hate each other, yet they displace the weight of that feeling onto each other; Roy by treating Nate with indifference and Nate by dismissing Roy in his head as an asshole hotshot whose had a great life handed to him and doesn't even appreciate it, whereas Nate has to fight tooth and nail to find success. And it all boils down to them not understanding one another while also having a lot in common under the surface.
Anyway, I think it would be super interesting to see how their friendship or even just their relationship as coworkers develops after season 3, as they both make active attempts at overcoming their insecurities and doing better by themselves and each other.
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@little-box-of-autism I’m posting this ask as an image because I posted the draft before it was done teehe 🤭 anyway, enjoyyyy💅✨ also this is a full-sized one-shot now so if you want a bit of context — feel free to read the headcannon list for how Spider’s dynamic with one of the Sullys would look like if they were to be caught by the RDA together.
An outcast and a coward (Spider caught with Neteyam AU)
“-And then he rose out of the water like some goddamn hydra and pulled me into the pond! But then I remembered about the mask so it was fine, and then we fought with Fike and Mansk but of course I won because I mean — look at me” Spider grinned sarcastically, flexing his biceps as he told Neteyam the story of what happened while he went to fish with half of the recom squad as the younger Na'vi was given the assignment of finding twigs for the fire with another group. In his excitement, the blonde failed to notice the irritation slowly creeping into Neteyam's features.
“You had a lot of fun today, haven’t you?”
“Uh huh” Spdier nodded innocently, smiling. “Turns out Miles knows how to relax after all, and he's almost bearable to be around when he is!”
“You're calling him by his first name now?” Once again, a small red flag popped up in the form of Neteyam's slightly malicious tone, but his brother missed it all the same.
“Well yeah, can't keep on calling him sir. He's not my boss or granpa, it gets awkward.”
“Yeah, real awkward...”
Finally, the human had caught on. “...is something wrong? Was Lopez being an asshole to you again?” He asked with a hint of protectiveness.
“What? No, no....I just....I don't know..” now that Teyam was forced to face the topic thst has been bothering him head on, he felt sort of uncomfortable addressing it for a reason he didn't understand. “I know we can't get on the nerves of these pricks all the time but..aren't you getting a little too friendly with the colonel?”
Spider stopped, confused and at the insinuation. “...What are you talking about? I'm not being friends with him I'm just...well, trying to make this whole captivity thing more manageable. You said it yourself: we can't just be rude all the time, it grows old and gets on their nerves...”
“That is not what I-Spider” Neteyam leaned forward to make sure that the recoms at the camp didn't hear them, as they stood on the outskirts. “These avatars are looking for our family. They want to hunt down and kill my father. You can't play house with them just because they give us basic respect.”
“"play house"?? I'm just trying to be civil! I'm sorry if I don't feel like walking around handcuffed all day!”
“Is that what you call being "civil"? Playing games and acting all cute with a literal coloniser??” Neteyam's face morphed into a frown as he seemed to be letting out an emotion he's been holding in for a long time, and seeing it made Spider feel only more agitated at his accusations. Why did this moron have to bottle everything up until it spilled over? The blonde thought, ignoring the fact that he acted the same way.
“God, so what if I had one nice moment with-“
“Don't give me that.” Neteyam cut the boy off with an edge to his words similar to Neytiri's. “You've been doing nothing but batting your eyelashes at him for like, two weeks now.” The Na'vi spat as his buried anger bubbled to the surface. “For Eywa's sake I saw him pat you on the head yesterday and you practically melted into a puddle! Does it really feel that nice to have a murderer coddle you?” Young warrior's voice was cold as his accent thickened, a feature that appeared when he was getting furious.
It cut Spider like a knife as he felt embarrassment creep up his spine, painting his cheeks red. He was trying to play it cool as best as he could, he really did. But if Neteyam noticed, did the recoms too? Did Quartich? He thought he saw him hide a smile in that moment. God, how pathetic.
“Have you forgotten what they’re after??”
“N-no I-”
“So you have no shame then??” Neteyam raised his voice in a scolding tone, attracting the attention of some recoms in the distance, but they could still barely hear the conversation. “They’re reborn murderers. That man is responsible for destroying Hometree and you sag into his touch like a stray kitten??” Neteyam watched as Spider’s shoulders dropped with his every word, but couldn’t stop himself.
For weeks on end Teyam had been living in fear that tomorrow will be the day his father will die right in front of him, the day his family will fall appart and he couldn’t keep it in any longer, couldn’t watch Spider’s treacherous behaviour.
“Well, alright, it wasn’t really him who destroyed Hometree. That Quartich is dead and had been for years, this guy is just a clone.” Spider tried to explain himself, but realised that it was a very bad decision to make as Neteyam’s face stilled in shock.
“I-what I’m saying is-he’s still a humongous piece of shit but…but he could change. Eywa recognised him when she gave him an ikran, so he he can connect to her, he can learn, he could see. He’s not a lost cause and I just…I guess what I’m trying to say is…maybe if I try hard enough…maybe he could…y’know…switch sides? And then maybe no one will have to die?”
The silence was heavy with tension as Teyam stared into Spider’s soul.
“Are you shitting me?” He spat, and Spider could already tell this was going to end badly. Neteyam had that menacing low tone that usually expanded into yelling as he slowly opened the pandora’s box and let his emotions take hold of him. “You’re excusing him??” He pointed towards the colonel in the distance, who was coming back from the river with Fike, still in a good mood from interacting with Spider.
“Wha-NO! I would never excuse his actions, but he’s not that man!” The blonde tried desperately to defend himself. This is not what the meant.
“Did he tell you that? Are you just taking his word for it now!?” The Na’vi boy yelled and now everyone in the camp were staring at the two, but he payed them no mind. “What else did he tell you, huh? What other lies have you picked up??”
“None! Jesus Teyam I’m just trying to put things into perspective!”
“He is a genocidal maniac!! There is no perspective!!! Why are you so fucking hellbent on-oh.” The warrior stopped in the middle of his lecture, fury crossing his face. “It’s because of your blood isn’t it.”
Oh no. No no no.
“All these years of teaching you about that monster’s atrocities and yet you crawled back to him the second he showed up on our doorstep? Well aren’t you loyal to a fault.” He snarled, sarcasm oozing from his words.
Spider’s voice shook. He could never be loyal to him, what would make the Na’vi even think that? “Neteyam-”
“You were one of us and yet no matter how widely we opened our arms to you, you still chose them!?”
“I did not—”
“I’d call you a traitor but that wouldn’t be true would it? You were always on their side.” Neteyam was being paranoid at this point, but Spider didn’t know how to calm him, didn’t knew how to get through to the boy through his anger and Spider’s own terrified beating heart, but the next sentence made him freeze into a statue.
“Mother was right.” Neteyam growled. “You really are a demon, no better than him.”
The recoms have caught onto their argument, but stayed dead silent in shock of what they’ve just heard. Miles was frankly at a loss for words. What made the blue brat act so aggressively? How was the colonel suppose to react? He looked at the corporal in search of any kind of advice, but he had none and only put his hand on Quaritch’s shoulder in a sign of ‘this is their business, not ours. It’ll be a bad call to intervene.’
The blonde, meanwhile, didn’t even breathe as his heart shattered into tiny pieces. He heard the villagers at high camp whisper these words, but he never expected Neteyam to join in.
How did it even come to this? Long ago, they used to be such close friends, almost inseparable.
And now his old friend was calling him a demon.
Tears formed at the corners of the kid’s eyes as he stared back at Neteyam, trying to process the words he had heard and as they truly sank in, amongst the shame and the heartbreak, an old, long buried feeling began boiling his blood. The silence between the two was deafening.
Spider looked like he was desperately searching for something, until his mind, which was currently running in circles around the hurtful things Neteyam had said, settled on a sentence.
“ "wide open arms"? When did that happen?” His voice was suspiciously calm, so calm in fact it caught the younger boy off-guard as the snarl disappeared from his face.
“You said the Ometekaya had accepted me with wide open arms. When did that happen?”
“…What do you mean?”
“I’m asking you a question. When did the Omatekaya accept me? Because I don’t remember that happening.”
The kid looked up at Neteyam, tear tracks on his cheeks and eyes filled with hurt the Na’vi had never seen before. “In fact, last time I checked, I was just a stray animal, an annoying, dirty waste of space to the clan and the family.” His breathing hitched. “I spent years trying to prove myself. Never talking back, never responding to the hurtful things said behind my back, always turning the other cheek in hopes that one day I won’t be hated anymore.” New tears poured down as Spider slowly, painfully opened up.
“…Spider…” Neteyam stood shocked, starting to regret his previous words. When was the last time he saw Spider cry? It must have been at least a decade. He looked so vulnerable like this, so much smaller than he actually was as his defences got torn down.
“I tried, I really did, to make the clan proud, to make them see I could be worthy, and when they called me a stray, an intruder, a-a murderer in the making, I kept my head down. I tho-ught…” he sobbed. “I thought if I just made myself as convenient as possible. Maybe….maybe….you would finally recognise me again…”
The younger Na’vi stood lost for words as his heart skipped several beats and the memories he kept at bay for almost half a decade began washing over him in waves.
He recalled the day his mother, Neytiri, made it clear she did not want an heir to the Olo’teykan and a "potential killer" hanging out together. Neteyam tried going up against her before, but this time her words felt final. He took her side that day, when Spider cried and defied her, yelling with a broken, small voice that they would keep being brothers no matter what, because it was a vow they gave one another years prior, when they were only babies.
He never kept that promise and the two of them never had a proper conversation afterwards. Neteyam felt too guilty to confront the human boy, so he just pretended like they were mere acquaintances.
And he did so for years.
Until recently, that is.
Just this morning, that day felt like a hundred years ago but now, as Teyam relived that argument in his mind, it looked like it had only happened yesterday. Like Neteyam had only abandoned Spider 24 hours ago.
“But I see it now…that you never even wanted to. Not you, not miss Sully, not Mister Sully, and not the clan. You turned your backs when I made a good deed but pointed at me at the slightest mistake. You only saw me for my failures, my ancestry and you never cared.” The na’vi boy never thought words could hurt this badly but they did, as guilt ate away at him and he watched the blonde fall appart more and more with every sentence.
“You cut me loose, all of you! And I was alone for so long and I’m sorry that I can’t find it in myself to hate him! I tried my best to stay away, I promise I did!!” He cried “But-but…he is the first grownup to see me…he doesn’t have to care, has no reason to…but he does ANYWAY! I KNOW ITS WRONG BUT…” a small sob escaped him as he took ragged breaths “I…I guess…I just…wanted…to know what it’s like…to not be alone anymore…even if it’s not real…even if it’s just for one tiny moment…”
Through the blur of his own tears, Spider saw the entire recom group stare at them, their ears pinned down in pity and shame overwhelmed him as he cursed and ran off, disappearing in the trees. No one dared to follow him.
Neteyam just stayed there, on the other hand, looking at the spot where his brother the blonde had stood, paralysed by the immense shame weighting down on his chest.
It was all his fault. He knew him all his life, he should have noticed, he should have seen that something was wrong, that the hurtful words and constant exclusion from the community stung no matter how well Spider hid it.
He should have fixed it.
He should have been there for him.
Author’s notes: Neteyam grasping with the fact that he had neglected Spider is low-key becoming my favorite thing ✨ I don’t usually write for him but tried my best to do it in character, especially with the whole "scolding Spider although he is older" thing. ALSO IM REALLY SORRY IF THIS WAS BADLY WRITTEN I TRIED REALLY HARD I SWEAR 😭😭😭
Should I make a part 2 where they talk it out tho? 🤨
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I really love the Sonic movies and their whole found family dynamic❤️❤️❤️❤️ I've seen some great headcanons about them, and I wanted to make some of my own!
Wachowski Family Headcanons: ✨Movie Night✨
Movie night has always been a tradition at the Wachowski house. Tom and Maddie did it, and once they got Sonic it became an even more special time. Now Sonic is super excited to share all his favorite movies with his two new bros.
They have to buy a new TV since Knuckles punched Sonic through their old one when they first met. The whole family goes to the nearest bigger city since Green Hills is too small to have a good electronics store.
Knuckles has no knowledge or interest in technology so Maddie takes him window shopping at the nearby stores
Tails is so excited when they step into Best Buy. He's never seen this much tech in one place! Tom has to remind him not to take anything apart before they buy it.
Sonic immediately runs off to look at all the new video games
The salesman keeps trying to sell Tom the more expensive and "fancier" TVs. Tails is able to see through all the fancy talk, points out the actual specs, and calculates what will give them the best bang for their buck. Tom has no idea what he's talking about but buys the one Tails points to.
They finally get it home and set up. Knuckles is still confused as to what exactly a "TV" even is. It shows things that aren't really there? Is it like a some sort of window? A portal? Tails's in-depth technological explanation does not help. Sonic finally explains it as a "magic wall mural" and he's relatively satisfied.
Time to pick a movie! Sonic wants to watch "Speed" or one of the "Fast and Furious" movies for the millionth time. Knuckles wants to watch an action movie once he hears there's fighting in them. Tom and Maddie are a little worried those might be too much for Tails. Everyone agrees to watch one of the Disney movies Maddie picked up.
They pick Lilo and Stitch (partly because of the ironic parallels of adopting a funny little blue alien with a fear of water, and just getting back from Hawaii after Rachel's wedding)
Everyone curls up on the couch or on blankets on the floor. Even Ozzie comes to join in the fun. Tails and Sonic use him as a pillow.
Maddie brings in some fresh-popped popcorn (and grapes for Knuckles). Tails is a little skeptical of the new snack, but one bite of the buttery goodness and he's obsessed. He and Sonic keep stuffing handfuls in their mouths and throwing kernels at each other. Soon both the couch and the floor is covered. Knuckles tries a few bites. He says it's okay, but swears it's better with grapes.
All the boys love the movie and think it's hilarious, although some of it goes over Tails's and Knuckles's heads due to their limited understanding of Earth culture.
Sonic finds the scene where Stitch almost drowns a little triggering, although he doesn't say anything.
Knuckles's favorite character is Cobra Bubbles. Sonic's is of course Stitch. Tails relates a worrying amount to Jumba the mad scientist.
Tom and Maddie were prepared for Tails to get scared or emotional over the movie, after all, he's still really young. He ends up being fine and really enjoys it, although he points out all the inaccuracies with the spaceships and technology.
But none of them were expecting Knuckles to start choking up at Stitch's "This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good." speech. He denies crying and claims he was only sniffing because he got popcorn butter on his nose.
After the movie, everyone stays cozied up in their blankets for a while talking and eating more popcorn. Tails falls asleep and Tom and Maddie decide it's time for bed. They carry Tails up to the boys' shared room in the attic, but Sonic and Knuckles insist on climbing up themselves even though they're both so sleepy they can barely walk.
Sonic falls asleep the moment he hits the bed. Tom puts Tails in bed, and he and Maddie tuck all the boys in. Knuckles actually allows himself to be tucked in for the first time since they got there. Maddie even gives him a little kiss on the forehead. She swears she hears him mumble something about "Ohana means family" before they go downstairs and no she's not crying why would you ask
Thus marks the end of another wonderful Wachowski Family Movie Night!
Alrighty there you go! Thanks for reading!
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Star Rail mechanics for beginners
Characters have two attributes:
Their Path
Their element
Characters can equip two sorts of items:
Characters can upgrade three things:
Their level
Their upgradeable abilities (basic attack, skill, ult, talent)
Their Traces (extra skills + extra damage multipliers ability tree)
This is all you really need to keep track of.
Q: Can you dodge?
A: No. Shield up and/or use a healer. Shields are really good.
Q: Can you assassinate enemies?
A: No, but attacking them first does damage them when the fight starts.
Q: Is the turn-based combat fun?
A: I found it fun, it’s not so complex that it’s hard to understand, it’s pretty and it’s relatively dynamic. Try it out~
Further details below.
Acts both as a weapon class and an analog for a dnd class style battle role. Preservation characters have Tank like abilities and so on.
The damage type your character does, as off launch thats one of seven:
Each enemy has multiple weaknesses among these. Enemy with a weakness to an element usually resists it less and their Toughness bar gets damaged every time they’re hit by their weakness. (It’s like a second white HP bar.)
Once the Toughness bar is empty, they suffer from an element-specific effect (Frozen if you broke it with ice, Burn with fire, etc), their action is delayed, and they’re stunned for a turn.
A character can equip up to one, and their level can be upgraded. They add extra stats to any character and each have a Path assigned. Only a corresponding Path will activate the extra effect a Lightcone has.
A Hunt character with a Hunt lightcone will activate the extra effect (ex: Basic attack damage 20%), but this will not happen if the Hunt character equips a Preservation lightcone. However, the Hunt character will benefit from the extra stats in both cases. (ex: HP +300, ATK + 200, DEF + 400) .
Lightcones are primarily gained in gacha but there’s a few other ways to obtain them, like level up rewards or shops. They come in 3*, 4*, and 5*.
Identical lightcones can be fused up to four times (for a total of five levels), which increases their extra effect.
They’re equippable items that have stats and set bonuses with extra effects. Set bonuses in CBT3 were at 2 and 4 relics of the same set.
They come in 2*, 3*, 4*, and 5*. The maximum level of a relic changes with its rarity. As off CBT3, none of the Relic set were rarity locked, so you’ll be able to upgrade any of them by swapping out for rarer pieces.
A character can equip up to six relics, split into two subtypes of relics: sets with 4 relics and sets with 2 relics. You don’t need to worry about this. Just know they add stats to your character and give extra bonuses when in a set. Easy.
These are NOT gacha-locked, they’re fully farmable. Farming can be automated and you can borrow a friend’s character for it too, so it’s not too tedious and also an opportunity to experiment~
Characters are leveled up with exp materials and other materials you find or fight for. User level locked due to materials becoming accessible over time.
Upgradeable Abilities
There’s four abilities you can upgrade (and one you can’t, Technique).
Upgrading an ability makes its multipliers go up, but doesn’t change how it works.
It takes material and money for each, all of which, to my knowledge, can be obtained just by playing the game normally (I think one of the rarest ones is in the free battle pass though).
These upgradable abilities are:
Basic attack
Upgrade them to make them better. That’s really all there is to it.
Regarding how they’re used:
During your turn, you may consume a skill point to use a skill, or use a basic attack and gain a skill point.
Skill points are shared by the whole team.
Attacking and getting hit gives your character energy. When energy is full, Ultimates become available. These can be used at any time, even during the enemy’s turn.
Talents activate without your input whenever their conditions are fulfilled but may have use limits.
Traces are skill trees with two sorts of bonuses you can unlock:
Stat bonuses (ex: HP +4%)
New abilities
You can upgrade Traces over time with materials and money. Each unlocked node of the Trace only needs to be bought once, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on whether you can buy a nice one.
(As a word of personal advice, unlock at least one, preferably two ways to remove debuffs from allies before chapter 2, it’ll make your life easier during a certain boss fight… March 7th and Natasha have cheap Traces that let you do so.)
For character information and cost calculation you can use this website, but beware of spoilers as it’s a database.
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juminies · 17 days
Don't know if you've ever talked on this subject or not, but what's your interpretation on Jumin's relationship with Jaehee after her good ending? Really love how mindfully you explain Jumin's feelings and actions, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter! Especially bc her route kinda leaves many people feeling like he's an antagonist of sorts 😬 But I kinda always felt like he'd respect her a lot, especially once he sees how much passion she puts into her dream? And Jaehee shows her genuine care for Jumin, too, moreso after his infamous crash. I'm kinda babbling here, but yeah! Really curious to read up on your interpretation <3
I haven't talked about this before actually—I think there's a lotttt of nuance to it and I didn't want to be haphazard with it in case it comes across as me being over lenient with corporate heirs or whatever hahah. I promise I'm not! I just love Jumin. Also sorry this took me a while to answer, I had actually just started a game the day you sent it with the intention of doing Jaehee's route so I decided I would play before responding to ensure it was fresh in my mind. I hadn't played her route in so long, and I wanted to get the Jumin outgoing calls too!
To get into how I think he would treat her after some time passes I first want to discuss their dynamic in her route a bit, because I honestly think people are unnecessarily harsh on him because of it sometimes. I personally don't feel as if they pushed him too far into an antagonistic role, but perhaps since Cheritz weren't bringing in an outsider (à la Echo Girl or Sarah Choi) to act as the driving force it seemed that way to some people? It was inevitable given the nature of Jaehee's struggles that Jumin would be viewed as the bad guy in a sense, but I feel like it's often sort of blown out of proportion due to a misunderstanding of both Jumin's intentions and his character as a whole. He is admittedly at his worst in Jaehee's route, but people tend to brush his actions during it off as completely out of line and absurd and then go on to use it to totally mischaracterise him as someone who doesn't value his employees whatsoever or is an abusive boss. In reality though, the way he acts as a superior in general as well as given the specific circumstances is very... Jumin? in that it's logical and efficient and goal-driven. Jaehee's route is such a push and pull in the sense that the two of them clash repeatedly in a scenario where neither person is willing to compromise—for what, to each of them personally, is good reason! Jaehee is a victim of a wider system, of capitalism itself, less so than of Jumin as an individual.
On one hand, Jaehee having to give up a project she was finally actually enjoying working on would be incredibly frustrating, even without having something she actively dislikes stacked on top of it. I get why she went against Jumin's wishes of doing a bad job (why would she choose now of all times to put in half of her effort when it's something she's actually having fun with?) and I get why she used Seven's cat hotel proposal. Life can be messy like that. Sometimes you have to make a decision that has a shitty outcome for someone else for your own sake or vice versa. She should be doing something that makes her happy, and had she not gotten the encouragement to find something she loves she would have continued to feel unfulfilled for god knows how long. Plus, in regard to the coffee report she is still technically doing her job and doing it well, even if going against her boss' personal wishes in doing so. She also does use her own time to revise it in the end so Jumin can have his way (and maybe a little bit so she can use her ideas for her own place) so, to me, that says she understands where he's coming from and doesn't particularly resent him. It's a complex situation for sure, and objectively Jumin does have the upper hand even if he doesn't quite realise the extent of it. I absolutely support Jaehee in her endeavours; I love her so much and she absolutely deserves better than eternal C&R bullshit.
At the same time, Jumin's perspective does make sense if you try to understand his worldview a bit more. Jaehee is the only person at C&R he feels he can genuinely rely on, and when he's already been thrown through a loop with his father prior to her disobedience it's entirely logical that he would feel as if everyone who should be working with him is suddenly against him. Jumin has been shown before to not quite have a grasp on the social standing he holds over Jaehee, for example in this chat from deep story day 2 where he doesn't understand why she can't tell him, as he told her, that she doesn't like seeing him in chatrooms.
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And I think it's genuine obliviousness as opposed to purposeful ignorance; he overlooks bigger structures at play because he legitimately values hearing the honest opinions of the people around him and expects them to have a mutual respect for him. As far as Jumin is concerned his employees should be able to come to him with honest feedback, but of course that typically isn't the case and so Jaehee can't express how she really feels to him lest she face consequences. Jumin's thought process when it comes to employment is shown to be, to put it simply, people work for money -> more work is more money -> more work is good, and it hasn't been explained to him why this isn't the case for a lot of people. Jaehee's actions register to Jumin as is simply a betrayal of his trust and respect, because he doesn't quite see the level at which he and Jaehee are on unequal footing in the first place. On top of that he is rigid in that he needs everything to be done as he expects it; he does not like sudden change and (as demonstrated in his own route) can be incredibly rattled by it if he is already otherwise stressed or overworked. Just because he stands strong for his friends does not mean he is entirely invulnerable to being overwhelmed and acting out, and while I completely agree he was on some level being selfish in regards to the cat project, at the point where Jaehee quits she has already left him with what (to Jumin) is a mess to handle essentially on his own. He is overworked too, something Jaehee admits herself, and he wanted to transfer the coffee project to another department both to make less work for the two of them and in order to not succumb to his father's lack of consideration for anyone or anything but his current partner.
Again I do not blame Jaehee for anything she did whatsoever—I think it was a good idea for her to quit and she absolutely deserves the happiness she finds in MC and their café!—but Jaehee is incredibly competent and Jumin knows that. Consequently he knows she has big boots to fill and it can't be done on a whim. I'm sure you can see why he would be incredibly frustrated. As a whole it's just a very messy situation where the two of them can't really fathom the other's perspective. Their lives and outlooks on the world are so intrinsically different at this turning point in Jaehee's life, and that's fine. Neither of them have bad intentions towards the other whatsoever.
Now to actually answer your question! Firstly I want to put out there that he says this on days nine and ten respectively:
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Then I want to add that I do not think Jumin is the type to hold a grudge. He is shown frequently to take on a sort of each to their own/whatever will be will be attitude, and though this situation is something that impacts him directly I can't imagine him taking it any more personally in the long term than he would anything else. Sure he's a little hostile in her AE, but to be completely honest with you I do not think he would have gone to visit the café at all if he was completely furious and had lost all respect for Jaehee (and/or MC) after her endeavours. Again he knows that Jaehee is highly capable, hardworking, and generally a very good person, and I can't imagine that one rocky dilemma between the two of them is something that would make him bad tempered around her forever. He still clearly held her highly and has a lot of respect for her despite their differences, and she doesn't seem to have any ill will towards him either. Ultimately, as you say, he would grow to respect her passion and would hear her out on why she took the course of action she did in the end. While Jumin may not be great at putting himself in others shoes he can identify patterns well, and it lets him draw parallels between his own experiences and other people's. Once he finds the common ground (he knows how fulfilling passion projects can be, he knows how frustrating it can be to work yourself to the bone for others' sake without any real incentive, and he values real friendship an awful amount) I think he would accept it.
I actually feel like hypothetically in the long term not working together would be good for their relationship in terms of RFA too—Jaehee was only made part of the group originally because of Jumin and it meant that all of their interactions even amongst their mutual friends were that of a work relationship. We know they both dislike being in chatrooms together and dislike hearing each other talk outside of work, which was bound to have put a strain (even if very minor) on their association with RFA as an organisation. Jaehee even says herself it's like an extension of C&R for her! Dropping the working boundary between them means less tiptoeing around each other and more openness among friends, especially for Jaehee.
As for Yoosung becoming Jumin's intern/assistant, I don't think it would carry the same tone into RFA as it did with Jaehee since they are already well associated without the business relationship prior to Yoosung being hired. Sure things might be a little weird at times, but no discomfort or frustration to the same extent. It's already shown to be kind of unserious and silly, and I honestly don't think Yoosung would last long as Jumin's assistant anyway, lol.
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foxgloveprincess · 3 months
For whenever you feel inspired to play with him: Feeezy + pressed together in a tight space + “Ohhh, kitty cat, you have no idea what I could do to you.” 🫠 I think I just hurt myself writing this lollll.
Sweet Jesus, Siri. Fuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkkk 🥴 This is giving A.W.A. Freezy before he took his princess.
Warnings: Dark AU, Prequel, Predatory Behavior, Housing Instability, Income Instability, Innuendo and Suggestion, Manhandling, Barely Edited. Minors do not interact (18+).
Word Count: 1,600
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing, themes, dynamics, or warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Thank you!
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The stone concrete of the park table bench grinds into your thighs. But it’s a free place to sit and spend your time. Plan your future—if you even have one. The coins spread across the table. You flip each one face up and sort them out. It’s all so bleak. 
You check the time on your watch and sigh. You’ll have to head back to Vera’s soon. She’s not your first choice for couch surfing, but she always says yes when no one else does. Staring hard at the coins, potential plans formulate. If only you could land a solid job or two, not like the one at the hotel that only calls you when they need extra hands. 
The cheery, mechanical tones of the ice cream truck chime across the playground. You glance up, the same Mr. Freezy truck that stops by every day. The same ice cream man. It’s no substance, but you get up from your seat for the soft serve, scraping every penny up from the tabletop. 
You hang to the back of the line, arms crossed over your chest and gaze cast to your feet. Shuffling along, you finally get to the front. You glance over at the menu, catch sight of his back, his hands digging around in his freezer. 
“What can I get for you?” he asks, tone harsh and impatient. 
“Good afternoon, Mr. Pronge,” you say, clear and loud—knowing the exact steps to this little game the two of you play. 
He straightens and spins quick, leaning out his window a bit to get closer to you. 
“Oh, hi.” His lips tilt in the inkling of a smile. His tone far more friendly, though still not soft. You don’t think he knows how. “Soft serve?”
“Yes, please,” you reply with a nod. 
He gets to work, eyes glancing your way every so often. “You want it dipped?” 
“Yes, please.” 
He smirks. “Been meaning to ask,” he begins, stirring the chocolate with a ladle. “What’s your opinion on stuffed animals?”
Caught off-guard by the question, you don’t reply immediately, though you keep your smile on your face. 
“I, uh, I think they’re cute, Mr. Pronge,” you finally say. 
He turns and hands over the cone. You thank him and grab a couple of napkins from the holder. 
“Cause I was thinking.” His shoulders shrug, but his eyes remain focused, intense. “I have a bunch laying around and I got no need for ‘em.” 
“Oh.” You stare at him a moment, shifting uncomfortably under his gaze, wishing you could accept. “I would love to, except I don’t really have space for anything right now. I’m sorry, Mr. Pronge.” You want to look away, ashamed of your situation, but you can’t. That wouldn’t be playing the game. 
His eye glint behind his glasses. His jaw ticks. You wonder if you’ve upset him. A glance at your ice cream cone turns your empty stomach—free food. 
You bite your lip and say, “I’m living on my friend’s couch right now. I can only keep what I can carry.” 
Tears dot your waterline, but you sniff them away. Refusing to break down in front of the generous man. He already pities you enough to give you charity. One a day, everyday. You don’t need to look any more pathetic in his eyes. 
“I understand,” he says, reaching out his window to pat you on the shoulder. An awkward gesture, but one from which you don’t shy away.
“Thank you again, Mr. Pronge.”
He hums and you take the first bite, teeth cracking chocolate. “See you tomorrow.” 
You wave and back away. Already, your ice cream starts to drip down your wrist. You lick at your skin before wiping with a napkin. Another half hour on the park bench, then you’ll head over to Vera’s. 
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The lights are so low you can barely see. Music thumps around the walls, barely intelligible. No melody, all about the beat. Sitting at a table with your water, you watch Vera, strutting around the dance floor. She flits from one partner to the next. Her smile shines bright, and it makes you wonder whether she had been telling you the truth. 
Trying to fix the borrowed outfit, you wiggle in your seat. The fabric clinging too tight to all the places you don’t want the attention. You glance around, people watching. Waiting, really, for Vera’s friend. 
The flash of glasses catches your eye. Illuminated by the lights flashing up above. You squint. It couldn’t be. The hair falling around his shoulders, the colorful collared shirt. You’d never seen him out of his uniform. It was hard to tell. If only they’d make this place a little brighter. You shake your head and take a sip from your glass of water. 
“You should be dancing,” Vera slurs. Her body slumps against you. Already intoxicated from a few drinks. She wraps her arms around your neck and presses her face too close to yours. “Come on.” She tugs at your limbs, but you stay put. 
“I thought we were meeting your friend?” 
She huffs and releases you, opting instead to cross her arms and pout. “We will.” You’re surprised she doesn’t stamp her foot with the indignation in her tone. “As long as you catch his eye.” She nods toward the VIP section and the man lounging on one of the couches, surrounded by women. “So, come on.” 
You swallow and stand. This was not the opportunity you expected, but you’d spent your last cent today. You’d have to do whatever it took not to drown. 
Following Vera to the dance floor, you take a deep breath, trying to block out all the bodies crushed together. They press and grind. You sway. Skin crawling at the perceived attention. A fish out of water. 
You hate this music. You hate these people. You hate your life. 
Your hips move from side to side, shaking off hands that grope and the press of strangers. You’re not doing this for them. 
Avoiding the VIP section, you glance around the dance floor. The figure you spotted before stalking right around the edges. You move your way closer, but he continues his path. Like a predator in the wild. He scans every body and swerves around obstacles. 
But you see him, now. The glasses, the downturn of his lips, the tilt of his shoulders. Mr. Pronge. 
You lose sight of Vera in the mass of bodies, but you keep dancing noncommittally. Anything for the chance to save yourself. You spin around, hoping to carve out some personal space. Just something to keep the others away from you. Dizzy, you notice the approaching figure. 
“What’re you doing here?” he asks. 
You meet his eye and try to smile through your shock. “Hi, Mr. Pronge.” You lift your hand in a small wave and keep your body moving. You glance over your shoulder, searching for Vera. 
“I asked a question,” he growls. 
He steps forward, you step to the side. He keeps advancing. And it’s like he’s herding you where he wants you. 
You reach the edge of the dance floor and his hand wraps around your bicep. Leading you away from the crowd and the crush. The volume drops lower and the relief it gives brings a genuine smile to your face. But it’s then you realize you’re pressed against the wall of a narrow, deserted hallway by the ice cream man. 
His brow raises, waiting for an answer. You nod and glance around the small space. Chest pressing to his. 
“My friend wanted to introduce me to someone,” you reply. Hands flexing at your sides. You wonder what you should do with them. Where you should place them. 
“He might be able to get me a job.” You keep fidgeting, more nervous by the second with him in such close proximity. The moment dragging between the two of you. 
“No one in a place like this has good intentions,” he warns, gaze burning straight through you—was that disappointment or contempt. 
Your eyes drop from his in shame. “Thank you for the advice, Mr. Pronge, you’ve always been so kind to me. I should get back.” 
You try to move away, to escape, but he keeps you pinned in place. His chest expanding with his breath, the buttons of his shirt straining. His arms raise, finding this place to bracket your body, one by your waist, the other beside your head. Swallowing the spike of panic that threatens to grow into an all-consuming wave, you meet his eyes again. 
Something dark shines back at you. In the low light, his hunger finds you its prey. You freeze. Unsure of how to proceed. Balancing on a thin line. Still needing his charity. 
“You shouldn’t quite trust me either,” he whispers, leaning into your ear, arm muscles flexing. You swallow a whimper. He inhales a millimeter away from the skin of your throat and chuckles, dark and syrupy. Your stomach drops, a mix of apprehension and appetite. “Oh, princess, you have no idea what I could do to you.” 
Your tongue swipes over your lips. More thirsty than you’ve ever been in your life. You wait, heart pounding in your ribcage. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
And that’s it. All at once, he backs away. A scream echoes in the distance, above the cacophony of the club. Your head turns in curiosity. The music cuts and you turn back to the ice cream man, only to see him slipping out a side door and disappearing into the night. 
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Thank you for sending this over, Siri! I had lots of fun! 💜
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Blackmail 2
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TW: Blackmail. Smut. Cheating. Language. 
SUMMARY: The aftermath of JJ's blackmail brings you into his arms once again...
I’ve never sent in a request, so I hope I’m doing to right. But for your march return, would you ever think about a sequel to Blackmail? I’ve been wondering what their dynamic became after the whole thing
Blackmail 2
You wish everybody knew that behind that smile wore the most devious intentions to ever exist. Words no girl, especially the girlfriend of his best friend, should ever be subjected to. All because of some video you'd made when you were too incoherent to understand your implications. And even though he wore that sadistic grin with eyes too kind to contrast as they'd cast to you as you often took him on your knees, as this was his preference in the brief time you were allowed, you denied every ounce of approval that came in being used to this new normal. No matter how satisfied you would be left as he learned your body after exploratory fingers and a skilled but wicked tongue, you wouldn't grant yourself or him the satisfaction of "getting used" to this. 
You loved Pope. You loved the life you could have with him. You loved...
"JJ..." You groaned behind tensed teeth. His hands gluttonous to your hips as he pinned you deeper into the sheets of the bed. Your eyes flashed to the hallway with the voices of your mutual friends just beyond the thin door. But no matter the girth of any wall separating you from them, nothing could contrast the noises JJ pulled from you. 
He was animalistic and passionate. Depth and force in equal measure as the bed threatened to give way beneath every brutal thrusts he'd make prior to now. But in this instance, he used only his tongue to pull such belting responses from you. You bit into your arm when he removed the pillow you'd used to try and keep quiet. Noticing this, he groaned in disapproval before pinning your hands just over the mess he made between your thighs. Your eyes met for only a moment before he noticed the desperation in your strained expression. 
"Isn't it better when you stop denying me?" He questioned as your mind flashed to the last few weeks. 
The first interaction since that fateful night had been met with full rejection. The reminder of how he could shatter the perfect illusion you'd made with Pope leading you to your knees for him in the nick of time to your boyfriend's return. The time after this would be spent in submission for the sole purpose of getting yourself within his good graces. As he lay asleep as the rest of the pogues were at work, you slipped out of bed and to his phone, finding a picture of him giving you the middle finger as his background. You glared at him as he lay awake once being made to wake by your eager steps. The small moments between them and now had become a game of cat and mouse of sorts as you had become as obsessed with the thrill as he was with the result. Of course, you'd deny this. But each and every time, your body would ultimately betray you. Losing yourself to him more and more. 
"Don't tense up on me now..." He kisses softly into your thigh, a soft and almost romantic sentiment before he returned to devour you. When your hands fought for freedom beneath his grasp, he gave a compromise by leading you to his hair. 
"Pull...As hard as you need." He explained hovering over your sex, a grin glistening with your excess. A symbol of his commitment to what your own boyfriend wouldn't entertain in even the most selfless of instances. It was this contrast that silenced the guilt against Pope. He was good but JJ was better. He was sweet but JJ was a sugar rush. And he was a good listener where JJ was devoted and attentive. 
"Harder..." He spoke behind closed teeth, sucking your clit in rapid fire pulls as you nodded into you. Your fingers were merciless to his locks, the sunkissed tresses that knew this hold well. Familiar to that if a song you knew be heart came that rush of pleasure he'd optioned for. The same that coated his lips and fingers in repetition. 
"Turn around." He spoke as you were too blissed out to notice his order. When you didn't oblige, he removed himself from the comfort made between your thighs. Shamelessly, he looked to the evidence of his talented tongue dripping down your core and onto the sheets beneath you. 
Your eyes moved to the door as the steps passing throughout The Chateau left you trembling. Although by now, you couldn't tell if that was solely from fear or pleasure. 
"Sweetheart...You've made such a mess for me..." His hands came slowly down your thighs at the beginning of your knees, inching closer and closer to that needy clit begging for more. Throbbing and summoning him. 
"I don't think there's anything we haven't done-" Your mind flashed in memory to validate this. Every position and angle thoroughly exercised in the brief and even sporadic exchanges. Yet, each one leaving you with a thorough ache of the memory of what only he could offer you. 
"But one thing..." Your eyes raised in horror as he smirked, eyes cast to your ass. 
"Okay two things...But this one is all about you, princess..." He led your fingers to your entrance, guiding you. 
"You keep denying this....And it's only hurting us both. So let me show you how good it can be..." Your eyes came closed to relish the pleasure before they shot open to the abrupt cessation made in the grip around your wrist. 
"Turn over." You fumbled as he pulled you to the headboard of the bed. His dominant hand was used to part your lips. 
"Touch right here. Small circles," His breath was hot at your ear. 
"Don't come." You repressed a moan as you heard him undress behind you. Your peripheral gaze catching the door with the thought you could leave. And yet, you were too curious to stay. To know he would be sweeter now. Helpless to compare it to Pope as that was the vast comparison. Where Pope was cool ice to soothe you, JJ was the heat that ignited within. One could easily outweigh the other, and you wanted to be consumed either way. 
"I can be sweet. Fuck you in the Twinkie after a date, putting candles in the cupholders to make it romantic and shit..." You fought a smirk to the idea. "Because it should have been me." He directed your hand faster. 
"God, you must have been so deprived before me...You're touching yourself like I didn't make you come yesterday…" He craned around your torso to watch you continue. He pulled you to an angle to which he could watch. 
"I could come just by watching you...Knowing it's because you're thinking of me..." He grinned. "But goddamn, you make it look so good...Keep going..." You obeyed, torn between rivaling and relishing as both have a reward incomparable to a release. The latter would prove more seductive however. 
"You wanna come?" You hesitated. 
"How about we..." He began to twist your nipples softly, making you groan. 
"Try this for a bit?" But the second he began to show kindness to you, a looking question took precedence. 
"Has he ever made you come?" You nodded, hoping this would be enough for JJ to understand this would never be any more than what it was. A continuous mistake. But he only used it as fuel against an apparent fire within. 
"Since I have?" He almost scolded what should have been a question as you answered in an earnest shaking of your head. Im truth, you could only manage to look Pope in the eyes long enough to say goodbye, one which always brought relief. 
"Is that because I'm better or because you don't love him anymore?" You hesitated, a question that had remained on your mind since the day that damned video was taken. But the soured expression came from your confusion. 
"Let me make it clearer for you." He was suddenly inside of you, a single jolt made against the wall of the bed as it was a tattle to this afternoon delight. 
"You love how I make you come, I know that. But you don't even have to love me..." He grunted into your ear. "But you always let me...sure, you fight it at first..." 
"The video...." To this, he pulled his phone from the pants left within reach. Withdrawing his phone, he showed you the file. A deletion you'd craved for months now allowed. And yet, you couldn’t shake the disappointment in your expression as he remained inside of you. 
"But you always need it…No more excuses, sweetheart. You can walk away right now and keep lying to yourself. Or you can stay and let me show you yet again why it should have been me..." He flexed inside of you. 
"Won't you just tell him?" He paused, removing himself from you completely as he sat on the side of the bed. 
"Like he'd believe it..." JJ scoffed. "A smart, pretty girl like you...the way you make me laugh and want you in the same sentence...thinking of all the ways I want to-" he paused. Your heart twisted as Pope has once complimented you every hour on the dot. And now you couldn't remember the last effort he'd made. But JJ did. A glance over the edge of the hottub when the pogues collected to celebrate their fuck-it lifestyle. A crush beneath any table or when crossing in any proximity. Not to mention the sensations once he got you alone.
"Just go..." You were on your feet, already halfway towards the door before feeling victory within your reach. Your hand came to the handle as his eyes fell in defeat. 
"Now we won't have to worry about any potential interruptions." His eyes flared as you moved to his knees, standing between them. 
"I don't know what this is and I'm going to hate myself for staying...but..."
"I won't let you hate yourself..." He pulled you over his lap in a straddle. 
"I'll make you come until you love that feeling more than the hate..." He teased you with his cock before looking at you,marveling at home your face twisted for him. A snarl made of your lips, parted and needy and wide eyes nearly animalistic only to fall heavy when his hand cupped your breast. 
"I'll show you why I love you " His words surprised you as you were suddenly filled with his thick shaft. 
"Why I had to blackmail you because I couldn't take it anymore."
He paused in speech, pulsing into you. 
"And why you won't ever have to fake it with me. A girl like you should never have to fake it. Now you won't have to...because you're mine-"
'"Say it again..." He begged, a pang of pain in his expression as he flexed inside of you. You weren't Able to obey immediately as he spun you onto your back, pounding into you as your submission was what it took to swell his lust into the threat of expulsion.
"I'm yours, JJ " 
Your body fell apart beneath him as you felt his warm release spurt, his body shuddering in accordance to this. Your own high shared through this as you came down at the same moment. But it was short lived.  He pulled his phone again. 
"What are you doing?" 
"I want to make a new video..." 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @pankhoeforlife @pankowperfection
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brujahinaskirt · 1 year
This is barely coherent as a meta post but I have to get it out because aaaaaah (!!!!) I love, i REALLY LOVE, how much Arthur loves Abigail.
Jack too, of course, but I don't want to lump them together for the sake of this post. I specifically love the non-romantic but deeply true love dynamic between Arthur and Abigail.
[yet another longwinded gush-essay under the cut...]
It's just so rare to see a relationship like this in media, especially games! They love each other without embitterment, without either of them secretly wanting to pursue the other, and without any tacit expectation of repayment (or hope of romantic feelings developing one day).
I don't dislike Arthur x Abigail as a ship in theory so much as I just love the nonsexual, no-debts, no-expectations unconditional family love and loyalty between them WAY more. Even Arthur's diary entry about how he regrets being too caught up on Mary to do the culturally/historically "right" thing and marry Abigail (especially now, after Jack is born/John runs off...) is, to me, transparently more about how much Arthur personally adores Abby & Jack and the hope they represent, and how much he wants to see someone do right by them, than it is about Arthur having some kind of hypothetical secret crush on Abigail.
All their interactions are so devoid of sexual desire or romantic longing! Hell, they're often annoyed with each other, the sort of teasing & snappy attitude that comes from knowing someone so well and being assured that a pissy day won't fray the relationship. I love the familiarity of that alone, but there's also just so much sweetness and genuineness in how Abigail asks Arthur if he's okay, in how she smiles when he comes to say hi to her and Jack, and in how openly she allows herself to sound really sad around him. There's so much care and selfless love in how she encourages him to pursue Mary (to follow his heart, like her) despite what the other women at camp say, and despite knowing that Arthur successfully fulfilling his dream of a life with Mary would assuredly end (or at least massively reduce) his ability to economically provide for Abigail & Jack and to be there for them physically.
aaaah!!!! There's so much obvious and unrestrained warmth and affection in how Arthur says "Hello Abigail." There's so much openly petty sulking when Abigail loses at dominoes to Arthur and equally petty bragging when she wins!! There's so much benevolent planning on her part to arrange for Arthur and Jack to spend time together just the two of them (even though Arthur makes an incredibly weak and see-throughable effort to sulk at her re: being nudged aside by John's return). And yet she takes so much care to continue incorporating Arthur into their weird wounded little family even after John's return. There's no hesitation in Arthur's frequent checking on Abigail & Jack (and making sure John isn't mistreating them) and helping her raise him (though critically, NOT as a father replacement, but as Uncle Arthur). And there's no hesitation when Abigail comforts Jack by reminding him that she and Uncle Arthur are always there for him, even if his father isn't.
AAAAAAH!! There's so much trust and concern between them, ending with Abigail's signature choice to trust Arthur by giving him the key, essentially choosing to trust him more than she trusted John, the man she's in love with. There's so much genuine fear in Arthur's eyes and reluctance to break her heart by giving her the news of John's apparent death/capture, even though he knows he has to do it, and there's so much unspoken understanding between them when he gestures to help her off the horse--and in her acceptance, as if she knows he needs to try to comfort her physically because he can't find the words to comfort her. (And yet, he does! He instinctively knows EXACTLY what Abigail needs to hear, a surehearted confirmation that John DID love her, something that Arthur himself has long doubted and worried over, but that he clearly sees Abigail needs to get through that awful moment without collapsing. He knew her deep-set fear, that John died without ever really loving her and it it was all for nothing, and provided her with the faith she needed to keep moving.)
Though Abigail loves John, no question, she doesn't yet trust John in RDR2. But Arthur? Arthur is the one she trusts. Abigail knows Arthur will never run out on her, and Abigail welcomes Arthur in as family (again, critically, as Uncle Arthur, not as a John Replacement) in a way he badly wanted & needed to experience but likely never would.
Rockstar could so easily have made Arthur into John's bitter, crusty, desire-driven rival for Abigail's romantic attention. That was assuredly perhaps the easier/more obvious/lower-hanging-fruit writing decision. But they deliberately made the choice to avoid desire as a component of their attachment to each other, they just leaned into the family devotion. Screw you Dutch, this is the REAL faith in rdr2, and that's goddamn beautiful.
aaaah i can't get over it
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switch · 3 months
Moriarty's Inaccessible NA Translations
As I've mentioned, as of the current BiNY event, NA is in a weird state where CBC-patched voiceline servants are still either entirely untranslated or only partially-translated, and none of the translations can be played in My Room. most of these translations currently cannot be accessed in game as a result. 99% of these were already fan TL'd, but these are the official NA server TLs.
note: because they can't be played in my room, I'm not 100% which contexts or specific numbers a handful of these lines are assigned to due some seemingly wildly differing translations and some discrepancies between the original compilation + the original not having gray collar.
Battle Start 3 (Name Hidden): "Hahaha. I guess I'll work hard as the mysterious Archer."
Battle Start 4 (Name Hidden): "Mhm. Enjoy getting entangled by a spider."
Battle Start 3 (True Name): "Come now, let's fight as a hero of justice! This feels good, honestly!"
Battle Start 4 (True Name): "Now let's fight as evildoers. Well, maybe not fight. Rather, entrap our enemies."
Skill 3: "My web spins forever."
Skill 4: "This sure is fun!"
Command Card 4: "Diamond."
Command Card 5: "Club."
Command Card 6: "Spade."
NP Card 2: "I will shoot it through the heart."
NP Card 3: "It's time to dance with my magic bullets."
Attack 4 (Name Hidden): "I'm not sure about that!"
Attack 5 (Name Hidden): "Too easy!"
Attack 6 (Name Hidden): "That's a bit dim-witted!"
???: "Gotcha."
Attack ???: "Tricked, were you not?"
Attack ???: "Goodbye!"
Extra Attack 2 (Name Hidden): "I love destruction!"
Extra Attack 3 (Name Hidden): "To the end of chaos!"
Extra Attack 2 (True Name): "This is tough on an old body like mine!"
Extra Attack 3 (True Name): "I feel a little sorry for them."
Noble Phantasm 2 (Name Hidden): "Unsealing Pseudo Noble Phantasm. Fire at once, full power! Welcome to the world of chaos! Ah, how fun!"
Noble Phantasm 3 (Name Hidden): My True Name's a secret, okay? But I can tell you with certainty that you're going to die! Now crumble and fall!"
Noble Phantasm 2 (True Name): "Noble Phantasm, release! The world enfolds ruin, and our job is to knock it down! The ultimate crime has been established here! Hahaha!"
Noble Phantasm 3 (True Name): "Let me show you what the end looks like. The darkness of joy and the light of sorrow. In other words... The Dynamics of an Asteroid!"
Damage 3: "You sure overwork the elderly!"
Damage 4: "I can still go on!"
???: "I'm still standing!"
Defeat 3: "Damn... I may have... overdone it..."
???: "I can't believe it... you didn't even learn my true form..." (Not listed in the original sheet, but it's grouped with his pre-true name defeat lines)
??? (Retreat?): "Ah, it's time to retreat."
Defeat 3 (Shinjuku Clear): "I-it was surprisingly fun being...a hero of justice..."
Victory 3 (Name Hidden): "Well, I guess that's acceptable. But of course, I wasn't taking it seriously."
Victory 4 (Name Hidden): "Did you think you would give me a taste of defeat? That is a grave mistake."
Victory 3 (True Name): "Oh geez. My muscles are going to suffer tomorrow...or maybe the day after tomorrow."
Victory 4 (True Name): "Victory for Moriarty! Fuhahaha! Oh? Why are you all looking at me like that?"
My Room, Clear Shinjuku + SIN Intro: "Hello, my good Master. You seem well as usual. Well, not entirely, I suppose. But unfortunately, that sorrow is important. You mustn't let go of it, even if it feels like you're drowning. Do you understand? Ah, very good. And don't you fret. That's why we're here for you."
Gray Collar
"To the point of drowning in it."
"Come now, it's time to pay your bill!"
"That's harsh!"
"I think that's being too easy!"
"Ah, there it is!"
"What'll you have?"
"Here you go."
"Ugh...I let myself get wasted. Well then, I shall take your life as payment."
"Sheesh. Labor sure is hard on a fiftyish sort like me."
"Not yet!"
"I can't believe I got wasted first..."
"Ugh...I have to close up shop."
NOTE: I was not able to find his Card Select 4, 5, and 6 files (the ones where he says aperitif and some other things) for some reason.
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crepe-of-wrath · 3 months
is it a x f Reader or author self-projection? vol. 259450, feat. Sukuna
cw: toxic, unhealthy dynamics; dubcon elements; dacryphilia; predator/prey stuff; (so, like, Standard Sukuna Shit); mdni American College AU where Reader is a freshman at her first dorm party playing 7 Minutes in Heaven game with some classmates. Reader is very inexperienced and suffers from some dysmorphia due to high school bullying. She is certain that the boys will dread being paired with her and it will be humiliating. But, her friend Ieiri begs her to play because they need one more girl.
When her number does come up, Reader prays that she'll be paired with a guy in one of her classes, Nanami, who, of course, won't want to kiss her, but will at least preserve her dignity. Her attempt to make the bottle land on Nanami almost goes catastrophically wrong, as the mouth of the bottle passes him by and nearly lands on the most popular boy in their class, Gojo. Reader is about to spin again, as required by the rules, when someone with a very deep voice says, "What are you doing? It obviously landed on me."
Reader looks up and almost faints from panic. The voice belongs to an upperclassman who, unbeknownst to the freshmen, has been sitting and reading on a couch in the common room. His name is Sukuna, his reputation very much precedes him, and the bottle is indeed pointing right at him.
Paralyzed like the prey that she is, Reader makes no move to get away when Sukuna grabs her forearm and marches her off to the closet. In the dark, she is able to recover a little bit and she tries to tell Sukuna that he doesn't have to do this if doesn't want to and she's sorry that she's not pretty. She didn't realize he was actually behind her until he clamped a hand over her mouth... **
"Stop fucking talking. You're supposed to be doing other things with that sweet little mouth."
Frozen in fright, you hear what sounds like Sukuna sliding down the wall into a seated position. This is violently confirmed when he spins you around and pulls you down so you are straddling his lap. He draws up his knees, trapping you and giving you something to lean on. He's hiked your dress up, and one of his hands is playing with your ass. The other fists itself in your hair and forces your into a kiss, your very first kiss ever. It is rough and invasive, literally almost taking your breath away. It's suffocating when he bullies his tongue into your mouth and you're so scared, but another part of you is excited. A guy wants you! A hot guy!
Your head is swimming, but Sukuna pulls you back into the moment when he grabs your chin and the front of your neck. As he closes his grip you feel something titter through your body, which causes Sukuna to laugh, but it's the darkest laugh you've ever heard. If you were in your right mind, maybe the flight instinct would have kicked in. Maybe.
"We don't have much time left, sweetie. Hands on my shoulders. Now."
You obey. You're a good girl.
Both of his hands pull you even further into his lap. You feel a hardness--oh God!!--poking you.
And then he thrusts up. If you were experienced, you'd know it was the lightest little thrust, but it feels like another invasion of your body.
You moan. There's something sparking in you and you don't understand. Your head is swimming. His shoulders are really muscled, and it feels good to touch them. He thrusts up again. And again. Your body is trembling, and he's chuckling softly in that deep voice. You like his voice. You like his hands. Or maybe you don't? They won't let you squirm away even though there's a pressure building inside of you.
"It hurts," you try to tell him. You can sort of make out his face in the dark. He has a nice jawline. He's also smirking at you. He doesn't care that it hurts, because he keeps on slowly thrusting.
Actually, he seems to be reveling in your agony.
"Please, Sukuna."
"Please what?"
"I don't know!" He bounces you more vigorously this time, and you cry out. There are gasps outside the door. Everyone heard! You start to sniffle, and you feel a couple of tears on your cheeks.
"Beautiful," Sukuna murmurs, wiping the tears away. You can't quite tell, but he might have even licked his finger? "All right, sweetheart, time for the grand finale."
Sukuna begins bouncing you in his lap more vigorously, and, for a second, you don't realize that he's moved your panties aside, but when he begins circling you with his thumb, well, that's when your mind breaks. It only takes a few well-placed swipes of your clit before the pressure inside of you explodes into a million little embers. It feels sooooo good. Did you just think that to yourself, or did you whisper it to Sukuna? You don't know, because your mind goes mostly blank, although you're dimly aware that, as your orgasm continues to wreck you, you are now being very, very loud.
The next thing you know, the alarm on Sukuna's phone is going off. Was that really only seven minutes? You have to stop?
He stands up, and then drags you to your feet just before he opens the door and nudges you out. Everyone in the circle is staring at you. Ieiri looks like she's going to start crying. Nanami looks like he wants to say something. Even Gojo has a serious look on his face for once.
Sukuna leans down, places a little kiss on your neck below your ear, and then whispers, "I think they'd like to see your pretty smile, little angel. Why don't you smile for your friends and tell them how much fun you just had?"
You obey. You're a good girl.
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riseofamoonycake · 1 year
Hello! Your writing is really nice. I would like to know, how you think the dynamic between Odin and someone he has taken interest in would be? Would he court them?
Ok this blew my mind so I’ll answer posting hcs regarding the question because I literally went brrrr (daddy kink anyone?)
So! Thanks for that and let’s see what happens...
Odin has an interest in the reader (gn)
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Warnings: suggestive
It is difficult to arouse Odin’s interest; or rather, understand that you have aroused it. In fact, the god is so skilled in hiding his thoughts and feelings that even those who are close to him and know him best do not know what breaths behind his perennially severe and judgmental expression, guardian of a world full of mysteries. So, for a long time you continue to live your life as you always have, passing in front of his nose without even imagining that the great lord of the Nordic pantheon is devouring you with his eyes and watches your every action, listens to your every word and does not leaves you for a moment with the mind.
In the end even Odin can’t help but snap for a moment when he is in your presence; so every time you two are close, from the stupidest reason to the most serious one, you find yourself staring at his gaze wondering if by chance you have done something bad so much he is staring at you intensely, only to discover that you have him close too many times to be a coincidence… his dark cloak that stretches continuously towards you, as if to wrap you inside it, hide you and take you away… his very strong, pulsating aura, which makes the air electric and sizzles on your skin… As time passes, these moments become more and more frequent, and his presence simply impossible to ignore.
Odin can’t explain how this sort of game started and then became an obsession, there isn’t a single and clear reason why he is interested in you: your behavior, your appearance, all contribute to burning your figure into his mind. Even with all his powers, he cannot prevent you from entering his dreams like a dancer and wandering among his secrets with the delicacy of a butterfly and the strength of the sea, and soon the god realizes he is in check: you are eating up his breath, the thought of you wakes him up at night and the bed is a bath of sweat, just remembering the sound of your laughter or the way you look at him makes him writhe in his gut. Congratulations, you don’t know it yet but you managed to make the great Odin fall into your hands.
And yes, dear reader, when he realizes his feelings, Odin starts courting you. He doesn’t do it in the classic ways, it is Odin we are talking about; but there are a lot of occasions when he has a word of praise or attention towards you, and where it becomes more and more evident that the god wants to get closer to you in some way. His tone is calm but not as firm as usual, it is kinder, and his body involuntarily leans toward you; every time he meets you he has a word of greeting and questions for you, all asked in the most polite way possible and without ever making you uncomfortable. Then, at a certain point, you start to find small gifts: flowers left among your clothes, books, splendid jewels, or simply whatever you love most. Whether you accept them or not, Odin continues to give them to you, and without ever being caught out.
The next step is up to you, when you realize what and who is involved. The thought of facing the Great Odin terrifies you regardless, but eventually you gather courage and speak clearly to him, accepting his interest or rejecting it. In both cases the god reacts calmly and politely, because he manages to govern his feelings, whether they are of happiness or frustration. If you accept his attentions, he obviously rejoices and makes it known with a broad smile (more a grin than a smile) that slowly emerges on his face and remains there for a long time, even as he takes you in his arms and gives you his first kiss ― the first in a long line that will bejewel your skin; if, on the other hand, you are not interested in him, your honesty is appreciated and Odin does not impose anything on you, letting you go freely and interrupting the courtship. In time your thought won’t hurt so much anymore, and not even the gods can expect to buy love if it isn’t there.
If you accept his attentions, be prepared: since Odin can now have you all to himself, expect a lot of surprises, from being showered with every wealth you can imagine, spoiled and pampered to the point of exhaustion, to having to deal with his family. Thor will accept you without commenting, on the other hand it’s not like him to question his father’s private life; instead, Loki will rub his hands together in glee and appear before you with the most perverted grin he has (this before being struck by a look from Odin and silenced): he has a new victim to tease with his innocent pranks and harmless torments, good luck with him!
Ah, be also prepared to disappear for days in Odin’s palace. I don’t know how long the appearance of a severe and cold old man will last once he holds your warm body in his arms or sees you climb onto his bed of your own accord…💘
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ealeczander · 2 years
Rating KinnPorsche ghost ships:
PetePorsche - 10/10
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Adorable, amazing, brilliant, showstopping, spectacular! Best friend to lovers to soulmates for the win. Really pure ship. What else is there to say? Pete and Porsche will sneak away on little dates, mostly to eat and smoke. They will be partners in crime to all sorts of crazy ideas. Pete will definitely go and open a restaurant by the beach with Porsche. Pete and Chay will be best friends. Chay will also have to be the mom of the group because the other two morons don’t know what self preservation is. Pete’s grandma will be so happy that Pete has found such strong and beautiful boyfriend, she will start sending food to feed a small army claiming Porsche and Chay need to grow even stronger.
MacauChay - 7/10
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Love them! I really do! But those little gremlins will kill each other if they date. I see why people ship them. They’re both from a broken family with only one brother to rely on. They’re both trapped in their circumstances and may find comfort and understanding in one another. They will absolutely hate each other at first, though.
ChanBig - 10/10
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Did someone said Daddy Chan? I think we all saw that scene in ep1 and we collectively went - yep, they fuck. It’s the way Chan has all the power, the way Big doesn’t want to disappoint him. My daddy issues could never. It’s their power dynamic, it’s Big refusing to look at Chan’s eyes, it’s Chan being firm but gentle. I don’t need to say anything more, there are already amazingly slutty fanfics about them.
VegasTay - 10/10
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This ship gets bonus points for the aesthetics alone, they are both gorgeously styled. I can see it happening as a one night stand. When Tay has finally had enough of Time’s bullshit, he goes to a club and sees Vegas there. Tay is ready to make some bad decisions. Vegas on the other hand has no idea what is happening, but one of Kinn’s best friends is flirting with him and he’ll be a fool to miss that opportunity. Vegas wrecks Tay’s world that night. Tay tells him he can leave marks. Vegas knows that his definition of “marks” is different from most so he controls himself. It will be so much more satisfying if Kinn’s friend does not regret this in the morning. Afterwards Tay tells the story of his shitty relationship and Vegas suggest murdering Time. Tay should have found that calm statement frightening, but he didn’t. He actually found it quite funny. Having his friend’s hot psycho cousin care more about his feelings than his actual boyfriend. Tay suggests doing that again, gathers his things and leaves. Vegas doesn’t know why he never told anybody about that night, maybe he forgot.
ArmKhun - 8/10
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I’m taking points out because of the power imbalance and I’m giving points back because of the aesthetic. Diva Khun and Bodyguard Arm! Yes, give me more. The scene of them fighting the minor family with Arm’s car-bombs which were bedazzled in gems by Khun is what sealed the deal for me. They are an amazing team. Khun is such a fun and crazy character and I would like to see him in a more serious situation. What if he gets a gun pointed at him and goes into a ptsd episode while Arm has to be the best bodyguard and protect him but also later calm him down. The crack but also angst potential is astonishing.
KenBig - 6/10
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Someone said they are the Mean Girls of KinnPorsche and it hasn’t left my mind since. Yes they are! Them just gossiping around and making everyone’s life miserable, love to see it. Don’t know if I can see them as something more serious than fuck buddies but I see the angst potential of both of them dying without knowing about what happened to the other.
ArmPorsche - 7/10
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I’m seeing this starting as one sided love because notice how Arm looks at Porsche, that boy is in loooove! He was ready to go against his boss just to help Porsche. If Kinn was actually cheating on Porsche, those two boys would be game.
KinnPete - 6/10
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Pretty sure this ship became famous after VegasPorsche left KinnPete in the dust in that alley. I can’t see this ship working, surprisingly because Kinn is a cinnamon roll when he’s in love and Pete is a psycho when he’s in love. But there is something really homoerotic about Kinn having trust issues and Pete being the only one he trust unconditionally. I can see it if the story takes a “dead dove do not eat” approach. With Porsche betraying Kinn and Kinn turning dark, and Vegas betraying Pete and Pete turning desperate.
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