#i thought coke had less sugar
miss-floral-thief · 2 years
Mexican Pepsi is a thing apparently
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writtenbynamu · 1 year
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Myg X black reader
Tags/warnings: HAEGEUM! (Yoongi), mentions of human trafficking, talks of s/a (not by Yoongi, doesn’t actually happen), violence, degradation, rough, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), choking, daddy kink, perjury, reader is weak in the knees
Word count: 3.4k
Minors DNI
Your legs are crossed, right over left; back rigid as you try to maintain your composure. To anyone else in the room, your behaviour would have seemed normal. After all, women crossed their legs all the time out of habit or politeness. It was nothing out of the ordinary….or it wouldn’t have been if your legs had been crossed for any other reason that to quell the throb budding in your underwear.
You were better than this. You were a strong, independent woman. You were one of the two partners of Park & Min. A lawyer, a ridiculously good one at that; with one foot in the underground crime syndicate and the other on the necks of every prosecutor in Seoul. In this city, your name had to hold weight for you to survive…and yours was heavy enough to burden tongues. You made sure of it.
You had spent years getting your shit together, yet somehow, all it took was one look from him for you to fall apart.
You had first met Agust back when you were nothing but a decoy for the Itaewon dragons. The Itaewon dragons were one of the most feared gangs in Seoul, run by one of the most unassuming men you’d ever met. They sold everything from party drugs to cocaine to people. That’s where you had come in.
“Are you sure you want to do this noona?” The man before you asked as soon as the door shut. “You could get stabbed, or shot, or raped…oh my god this could end so fucking badly”
His teeth worried at his lip, the metal of his piercing hit against his teeth but he didn’t notice. He never did when he got anxious.
You tutted at him and walked over to where he stood. You looped a hand around his neck, urging him to look down at you and used your thumb to pull his bottom lip from between his teeth.
“Breathe Bun,” you said gently, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
His shoulders sagged and he dropped his head into your shoulders. He took a deep breath, shuddering a bit when he exhaled.
“ I don’t want to do this noona, I don’t want any of this. I just want to go back to art school” he said with a whine, a petulant pout on his lips. You resisted the urge to coo at him.
“I know bun, but it’s only for a little while hm? Just until your hyung gets back right?”
“Mhm hm” he mumbled, not ready to lift his head from the comfort of your warmth.
“So just let Noona do this so you can get it out the way in time to finish your project hm?”
He sighed against you and wrapped his hands tighter around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Time was going, but he needed the tactile comfort to ground him and so you let him have it for a few more minutes.
“Okay, now put your poker face on and let’s go do a drug heist Kook”
The plan was simple. You, Jungkook and the other dragons were supposed to meet up with some lackeys from D Town who had been interested enough in the “sexy foreigner” they had seen Jungkook parade around with to strike a deal with their mortal enemies. 15 kilos of pure white booger sugar for one night with you is what they offered.
It was insulting to think that they thought you had fallen for such a ruse.They knew that Seokjin wouldn’t have fallen for it, that’s why they waited until Jungkook had taken the reins. Jungkook might have been younger and less experienced, but he was no fool.
You would meet them and the specified location, demand a show of the product and then when they asked for you in return, the dragons would kill them and take the coke. It was foolproof, or at least it had been until the sky decided that it was the perfect time to burst and started to rain.
The dragons had the D town boys surrounded, guns drawn and pointed right at their heads. The sudden downpour had thrown everyone off-kilter and in the blink of an eye, you had found yourself with a knife to your throat and a gun pressed to your hip.
Jungkook yelled over the clap of thunder that rolled overhead.
Jungkook froze in his spot a glare on his face to conceal the dread he truly felt about the situation.
The man started backing away with you in tow only to freeze when he bumped into a hard chest. The smell of newports and the tiniest hint of…tangerine? Hit you both at the same time and you felt the man holding you start quivering.
“Having a bit of fun without me Jaehyuck?” came a low, deep voice; words gravely as if he hadn’t spoken all day.
“N-no Ag- n-no sir” he replied, hands trembling so much that he dropped the knife
“Really? Because it looks to me like you stole my product and tried to buy someone with it…” he spat.
The heel of his boots clicked on the paved rooftop as he circled the man holding you.
“What are my two rules Jaehyuck?” He asked, no demanded.
“N-never involve w-women and children s-sir”
“Now unless I’ve completely lost sight in my right eye and my left one has decided to start playing tricks on me… that’s a woman you’re holding…is it not?”
The man let go of you immediately, falling to his knees to plead with the man looking down at him with utter disgust.
You should have grabbed the coke and run over to Jungkook while they were both distracted, but you just couldn’t look away from your dark saviour.
You watched enthralled as he reached into the pocket of his coat, and you braced yourself for him to take out a gun of some sort; only to be confused when he pulled out a pair of red chopsticks instead.
The man seemed to recognize the utensils though, in fact, he seemed terrified of them.
“Beg for forgiveness.” Said the scarred man.
“I’m so s-sorry s-“
“Not from me you imbecile, from her”
To his credit, the man did beg for your forgiveness with so much sincerity and desperation that you almost felt sorry for him. But Scarface didn’t care. He used his chopstick on Jaehyuck in ways you had never seen before, ways you hadn’t known were possible. It should have scared you, but you had never felt more intrigued by a singular person in your entire life .
And when he was done, he held his chopsticks out so the rain could wash them off, bowed to you and offered you the coke as an apology (not that you weren’t going to take it either way) and turned to leave.
“Wait! What’s your name?” You asked, a bit winded from the adrenaline pumping through your veins
“Agust” he said “Agust D”
🥢🥢 🥢
“Agust” (as you came to know later)had been in the process of taking over the D- boys when you had your little run-in with them. He was keen on changing the way things worked in the gang, determined to make sure his rule was never questioned or contested. Killing Jaehyuck for not only undermining his authority but threatening to jeopardise the partnership he had been working to establish with the dragons through Jin was his first step in doing so.
Now, 5 years later, Agust had the largest cities in Korea, Seoul included, trembling under the weight of his thumb. He had long since created an alliance with the dragons and went on to take over when both Jin and Jungkook wanted out.
He owned almost everything and everyone. What were once periodic whispers of his name became incessant screams, loud enough that everyone knew it.
Still, very few people knew what Agust looked like. Sure they knew his name, knew who he was but he rarely showed his face in public, the threat of his existence was potent enough that he didn’t have to.
Still, in Seoul, walls could talk and they loved to gossip. And so everyone knew that “Agust D '' had a scar over his right eye and could kill people with his bare hands and a pair of chopsticks. August’s favourite part of his partial anonymity was the theories about how he got his scar. Some say he got it in an underground fight, others said he had been cut with glass in prison and the truly bold suggested that he had done it himself. They were all wrong, but they were fun to listen to.
When Agust did show his face, it was usually in a setting like you were in right now. A conference room full of lawyers being debriefed on his latest transgressions and how they would be expected to handle it, had he ever gotten caught.
The funny thing about Agust is that no matter who he bought or for how long he bought them, he never recruited a police officer or any member of the judiciary at all for that matter. He loved the rush he got from winning a trial simply because he had a good legal team; that he had you on his team. He liked knowing that he could win fair and square There was something so fascinating…so attractive about the way that you made an airtight case against the prosecution, how you played the jury like a puppet master in your… in his favour.
To this day, you had only lost once, a petty crime charge of aggravated assault for one of the boys. It should have rolled off your back because he, like almost everyone you represented, had been guilty. But there was something about the way Jisoo looked at you in that courtroom as if she knew she had won before the trial even began, as if she was better than you that fueled your thirst to be the best lawyer Seoul had ever seen, even if just out of pure spite.
There was something about the way Agust could command a room that made you feel hot all over. There was something about the way he spoke, calm, collected, controlled as if words were nothing but a nuisance to him and he had made them his bitch.
His presence filled any room no matter how big or small it was and his demeanour was enough to make even the most insolent of individuals sit with their backs straight. Fuck, he made you feel the need to sit straight.
You tried to pay attention as he spoke, but your mind could only focus on how his plump lips wrapped around his words. How his tongue darted out at intervals to wet his lips, how his fingers twirled the chopsticks he held between them as he paced the room. You couldn't help but stare at his hands, hands that had done unspeakable horrors to scores of people, hands that had dealt unspeakable pleasures to you.
You’ve officially zoned out. You hear no words, no shuffling of paper; your brain blocks out everything that isn’t Agust or your memories of him so much so that you don’t realise that the meeting is over until the heavy double doors bang shut. Almost instantaneously, the smell of cigarettes wafts towards you and you look up to see him standing beside you.
You swallow thickly.
“How was the meeting Y/N?” he asks you, taking a long, slow drag from his cigarette.
“Good.” you lied “It was good.”
“Hm,” he hummed. “ So what do you think Dongshik’s chances are on that murder charge?”
You clear your throat. “ I have full confidence that Jimin can get the charges dropped or at the very least, get him out on bail” you reply carefully, praying you didn’t sound as unsure as you felt.
Agust chuckled before spinning you around in your chair to face him and leaning over you so that your faces were mere inches apart.
“Good try baby, but “Dongshik” is one of your paralegals, not one of the dragons. The only crime he’s committing is wearing that God-awful fake Dior cologne.”
“What's got you so distracted, hm pretty girl?” he asked, running his left index finger along your jaw.
Your breath hitched. “N-nothing, I’m just a little tired,” you replied, clenching your thighs together.
Agust narrowed his eyes at you, his mouth forming a straight line. Unamused. He takes one last drag of his cigarette before he puts it on one of the ashtrays on the long table.
He looks you up and down, gazee burning against your skin as his eyes rake over you, arms crossed against his chest.
“You know better than to insult my intelligence like that don’t you Y/N?” he asks, clearly not expecting an answer.
He grabs your chin and tilts your head up, forcing you to look at him “ You think I couldn’t see you squirming? That I couldn't see you clench those thighs for all they’re worth?”
His eyes were intense, just like everything else about him was but you fought defiantly to maintain eye contact with him.
“ I did no such thing” you retorted, much to his displeasure. He scoffed.
“You’re such a brat you know that? Such a big fucking brat.” he said shaking his head. “Stand up.”
You don't move, much to his annoyance.
He takes a deep breath and brings his right hand down to your throat, not squeezing hard enough to hurt, but applying enough pressure to get your heart racing and to know how serious he was.
“I’ll say it again once. Stand. Up.”
You obey this time, looking up at him as you rise from your seat, hand still wrapped snugly around your neck.
He releases you once you’re completely upright on your feet and sits in your chair. He taps the space on the table in front of him and you take the hint and sit.
He runs his hands up and down the length of your thighs and your legs part almost on instinct. He gets a view of your underwear, the dark red in the centre from how wet you were and hisses.
“See why you shouldn’t lie to me, baby? Because no matter what you come up with in that pretty little head of yours, your body will always tell me the truth, hm?”
He hikes your pencil skirt up to your waist and pushes your thighs further apart and your body arches towards him on instinct. He brings his head down to kiss at the sensitive skin and you barely hold back a scream when he sinks his teeth into your soft flesh. He runs his tongue over the bite and you whine. He pulls away to look up at you
“What kind of behaviour is this hm? The big bad Y/N making such a mess on this table? Aren’t you a bit embarrassed to be reacting like this hm? Dripping all over me as if I didn’t fuck you senseless just yesterday.” he says bringing a hand to your core and pulling your underwear to the side.
You roll your hips forward and resist the urge to bring your hands to cover your face because he was right. He did fuck you senseless less than 24 hours ago, but Agust was more addictive than any combination of drugs he sold. He was toxic, mean…evil if you were to consider anything he did with your moral compass…but you needed him. He might have been cruel to everyone and everything else, but he was good, so, so good to your pussy.
He pushes a finger into you, the cool metal of his ring grazing against your walls. He adds another and your eyes roll back and your head falls back. He starts pumping his fingers in and out of you, your wetness making obscene noises as you clench around his digits. The pressure builds up in your pussy embarrassingly quickly and your orgasm is so close you can practically taste it. You roll your hips forward to meet every thrust of his fingers urging him to go faster. And of course, in the most Agsust fashion ever, he slows down.
He pulls his fingers out of you, your juices running down to his palm and he meets your eyes as he licks them both. The sight is obscene and incredibly hot and it sends you surging forward to put your lips on his.
The kiss is a desperate tangle of tongues and the occasional clashing of teeth. It's wet and messy and it makes every nerve ending in your body stand on edge. Your hand makes its way around his neck and you pull away from him.
“I need you to fuck me,” you say simply. Chest heaving against the silk of your blouse, three buttons somehow missing from the expensive top.
He glares up at you and rips your hand from his neck.
“I don't take fucking orders from you” he spits as he flips you over on the table, face down and ass towards him. “But I'll give it to you just this once, and only because I want to feel you cum on my dick”.
With that, he pulls your underwear down and pushes into you in one go, ripping a scream from your throat as your walls struggle to accommodate him. He doesn’t wait for you to adjust before he starts thrusting into you. His pace is rough and punishing and you can't help the moans that escape you.
“Youre so fucking tight every. Single. Time.” he groans, punctuating his sentence with his thrusts.
He grabs onto your braids, pulling your head back so he could push his tongue into your mouth. His hips start moving impossibly faster, and you can do nothing but moan brokenly against his lips.
He brings his hand down to your clit and rubs it, and your eyes blow wide open and you scream.
“Yoongi please.” you beg.
His hips stuttered in shock.
“What the fuck did you just call me?”
Your eyes widen as you realise what had slipped out of your mouth. Agust had told you his real name years ago but you had never used it. Sure you had practised the way it felt on your tongue in secret but you had never felt brave enough to say it.
“I’m s-sorry,” you say in between moans
“Don’t apologize- fuck it sounds so good when you say it.” he moans out, picking his pace up once more “ Say it again.” he demands “ tell me who this pussy belongs to baby”
“YOONGI!” you scream, tears streaming freely down your face “ It’s all yours Yoongi please”
“That’s right. Thats fucking right” Yoongi replies. “I can feel you clenching around me, do you want to cum baby?”
“Fuck yes, Yoongi please let me cum” you begged.
Yoongi gives you one last particularly hard thrust and your entire body convulses as your orgasm washes over you.
“That’s it, baby, cum for daddy.” he guides you as he slows his thrusts down to barely their pace as you come apart around him.
His orgasm follows yours almost immediately and he spills into you, sending a combination of your juices running down your legs.
He runs his hand along your back as you go limp against him, recovering from your high and places a gentle kiss on your forehead and he pulls your underwear back up.
As rough as Yoongi is with you whenever you have sex, his gentleness after the fact always negates it.
As bad as Yoongi was for you, he simply made you feel too good.
Deep down, you knew Yoongi loved you in his own twisted way, and you loved him too. But neither of you was willing to admit that out loud. Instead, what existed between you was an unspoken agreement of ownership. You were Yoongi’s just as much as he was yours.
Of course, you saw something more with Yoongi than just fucking him, and it would b unfair to say that was all your relationship was.
Maybe you would've brought it up if you weren't so enthralled by him. If you weren’t so distracted every time he touched you.
Yoongi was everything you did not tolerate, and yet you tolerated him so well.
Yoongi was nothing but death, sex and bad vibes.
Maybe you were insane.
Or maybe you were just dickmatized.
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jazminrhode1 · 9 months
Hey! Just wanted to say 1. i love ur writing, it gives me so much comfort and happy chemicals :D and 2. could you do one with reader being besties with the triplets and if you want, just some ideas that popped in my head- chris being chaotic and shaking soda, opening it and getting in readers eye thus more chaos insuing and/or "tell me im pretty >:(" "you'e pretty fucking annoying". pls don't feel obligated to do so!! <3
You Don't Like Dr Pepper? Sturniolo Triplets x Reader One Shot
Summary: You join the triplets for a soda tasting video.
Word Count: 804 words
Author's note: I literally had no ideas for this one, I'm so sorry! I hope this is okay ❤️
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Chris was in a mood. It was 2am and you just wanted to go to bed. But, the boys were filming a video and they claimed that they needed your help.
“Today we’re going to see if we can tell which soda is which,” Nick started the video.
They had covered the cans in duct tape but, under the light, you could still see the colours coming through. Chris had initially thought it was a good idea but, his enthusiasm was waning.
“So we just drink it and say what we think it is?” you asked, less than interested.
“Yes,” Nick said with an eye roll, “this is what I told you Chris, no one wants to see us drink soda.”
You exchanged a look with Matt, he was trying his best not to laugh as he took a sip. “I think it’s Sprite,” Matt said. Nick was done.
“I told you before that there is no clear fucking liquid because that would defeat the fucking point. Do you ever fucking listen?” Nick screamed.
You took Matt by the shoulders and positioned him in front of you to hide yourself from Nick’s wrath. “I forgot,” Matt said as you stifled a laugh in his shoulder blade.
“I think it’s Coke,” Chris said. “I agree,” you replied.
Nick took the lead and placed the drinks by the labels on the table. He didn’t agree with half of the choices but, he wanted it to be over so, he didn’t contest.
Nick passed you one of the cans after he took as sip and said, “Tell me this isn’t Pepsi,”
You took a sip and ran to spit it out in the sink. “This is 100% Dr Pepper,” you said.
Nick’s clapped a hand over his mouth. He was being dramatic and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Do you not like Dr Pepper?” he asked.
“No,” you said - this was something he should know. Chris gasped, Matt’s mouth hung open. “How did you not know that?” you asked.
“You’re crazy,” Nick said as you rolled your eyes. “Are we going with Dr Pepper?” he asked his bothers.
Chris nodded, Matt shrugged. They were getting tired and their energy was fading.
As made your way through the drinks, convinced that they were all wrong, you prayed that the sugar would give you an ounce of energy but, it wasn’t working.
You looked over at Chris and he looked guilty. You didn’t know what he was about to pull out of his hat but, you didn’t want any part of it.
“Are we done?” you asked. Nick was looking around, you could see his temper rising. “Where the fuck is the last can?” he asked.
Chris put the can on the table and slid it over to Nick. “Final can,” he announced to the camera before he opened it. The contents shot out like a burst pipe. It was on the floor, on the ceiling, on the table, on the cabinets, on the walls and all over you.
“Chris!” Nick said. It was enough for Chris to take off running but, Nick grabbed the back of his shirt and stopped him in his tracks.
“Who gave him that?” you asked Nick and Matt. Matt was laughing, handing you a tea towel. Nick’s whacked Chris on the top of his head. “Don’t do shit like that,” he warned.
Chris couldn’t help but laugh. He was pretty fucking proud of himself until he saw Matt checking your eye.
His face dropped, “What happened?” “You got it in her eye, you dumb fucking bitch,” Matt said.
“It’s fine,” you assured Chris but, he felt guilty none the less.
“Are we done?” Nick asked. Before anyone could respond. “We’re done,” he decided.
He stalked around the table trying not to slip. “You look like shit,” Chris joked, nudging your arm.
“This is your fault,” you said, twisting the tea towel and whipping him with it. “Ouch!” he screeched.
You felt sticky and you felt gross. You just wanted to go home and get in the shower asap.
Chris stuck his tongue out jokingly and you pinched it between your fingers. “Hey,” Chris said, “let go.”
“Tell me I’m pretty,” you said jokingly, you could only picture how hideous you looked. You regretted it as soon as you said it. He was not in the mood to play nice, he was in the mood to act like a 5-year-old. His eyes widened with excitement as he took the bait.
“Pretty fucking annoying,” he said before you let go of his tongue and he burst into laughter. A cackle that was at times endearing but, at this moment, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
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moon-alight · 8 months
i like your previous update
One more request 🥺
When you unconscious during a fight
Because you overwork yourself
Hello! I hope you meant &Team otherwise this is awkward 😅 (Also, I like to overwork myself, it is my form of therapy lol 🤣)
&Team reaction to their s/o fainting during an argument
Warnings: fainting, bit of angst
Word Count: 1004
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-This guy is a hothead, alright, but he would see the signs you showed of feeling unwell or ill so he tried to be a bit less harsh
-But he did not realize you were so ill you would faint. Absolutely startled when he watched your body fall to the ground.
-Immediately by your side and trying to wake you up but is unsuccesful for the first couple minutes until you finally do
-Absolutely scolds you (with tears in his eyes) that you should take better care of yourself and how much you scared him
-Forgets whatever you two had fight over beforehand and hugs you tightly against him
-The argument was probably about you not taking enough care of yourself as he had watched you get worse and worse
-When he was trying to prove his point, you fainted and he felt his heart sink in his chest
-You would wake up on your bed with a wet cloth against your forehead and a glass of water on the nightstand with painkillers and a note
-'You are the most worrisome person in this world. Take the painkillers, drink some water, I'll be right home with food x'
-The cold was both nice and cold which did not make sense at all.
-Fuma would arrive minutes later with your favorite food so you could still talk things out while regaining energy
-My man had never called 119 (Japanese Emergency Number) as fast as he had when you fainted during your argument
-Absolutely shaking and trembling when he explained to the help-line what had happened
-You'd wake up before the ambulance arrived but Nicholas made you stay on the ground as he knew you'd still be dizzy
-Stays by your side the entire time even when the doctor is checking you for your vital signs and blood pressue
-When you seem to be just fine (maybe low blood sugar) he hands you a coke and lets the doctors leave
-Clings to you afterwards and never lets go, afraid you'd faint again.
-It was a mild argument but it was serious enough to talk about it inside the kitchen in the afternoon.
-He watched you hold onto the kitchen isle and frowned but did not say anything until he saw how weak you'd become
-Didn't let you faint and instead sat you down on a chair as he got a glass of water for you
-Would sit next to you, rubbing up and down your arm gently as he encourages you to drink a little
-You'd soon feel better but the argument was long forgotten. Ej's just glad you're okay now.
-I say this at every oportunity but Yuma is a hothead!
-Will not notice anything until you've completely blacked out
-He would stare at your unconscious body for a moment in pure shock before he scrambled to get his phone and call 119
-Explains to the emergency line what happened but begins to ramble and does not know how to stop because of the pure panic
-When the ambulance arrived and checked your signs (probably when you're awake) he just stood there and watched
-Would complain about how much you scared him afterwards and ask you to never push yourself to that point again
-Again, I wholeheartedly believe you never end up in a bad fight
-But argument happen (even if he tries his best to avoid them) and you're trying to talk things out
-You'd feel terrible suddenly and tumbled to the ground
-Jo called Ej because he had no clue what to do and the poor boy was panicking
-Ej called an ambulance for ya'll and explained to Jo that he should get you some drinks and food for when you'd wake up
-When you're checked by the doctors and have consumed a bit of the food Jo had given you, he'd stare at you with teary eyes
-"I thought I'd lost you."
-Please hold this man
-Harua (this time I didn't forget, aha!)
-Ya'lls arguments are usually easily resolved so just when you two had apologized to one another, you'd feel a wave of nausea wash over you
-He watched it happen and screamed when you hit the ground
-Tried to shake you awake to no avail which is when the panic probably started to set in
-Didn't even think to call the emergency number because he was freaking out
-When you did wake up and asked him for a glass of water this guy returned with water, chocolate, an apple and three cans of coke
-Helped you up towards the couch and hugged you as if you'd disappear if he'd let you go
-He was listening to you explaining your point of view of the argument when he noticed you'd act weird
-He called out for you but you did not respond. After a second, you fainted.
-Taki was happy it happened inside the dorms because he could call out to K who came over and calmed him down a little
-When you'd wake up, K would give you some water before he'd leave to give you some privacy.
-You were sure Taki had never hugged you as tight as he had in that moment and stroked your hair to remind himself you were okay
-You'd been complaining about a headache all day which he was reminded of when you'd faint during the argument you two had
-He knew it wasn't healthy to not eat or stay hydrated when it was so warm during the day so he wasn't very surprised when your body shut down
-Still freaked out a little but got you some coke (with lots of sugar) and an apple before sitting by your side and stroking your hair
-You'd wake up confusedly and he'd help you sit up while explaining what had happened
-He'd make you drink the coke so you'd at least have a bit of sugar in your system before he'd scold you for being so reckless
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onthewaytosomewhere · 19 days
Literally idk why but this jumped out at me and I wanna see what you do with it 😍
oh ash! thanks for this one! i got a bit distracted this morning but this was kinda fun to explore and did not turn out to be what i thought it was gonna lolz
Alex watches Henry as he pours the grenadine into the glass before adding the Coke; he is sure by now the glass will be more grenadine than Coke, but it is hard to tell with all that ice. “Whatcha doin’?” he asks, going for nonchalant. Henry looks up and has that deer-in-the-headlights look he sometimes gets when he is so into what he is doing, he doesn’t even realize Alex is there. “Um … making a cherry cola. I had a craving today and wanted to make it as my dad always used to when we were young and would have movie nights.” Alex chuckles and says, “Hate to break it to ya, but what you’re really making there is a Roy Rogers heavy on the ice. There is no cherry in grenadine; it’s usually pomegranate, sugar, and lemon juice, but that Rose’s you got there is really mostly high fructose corn syrup and food coloring. It makes a great drink, but it’s not a cherry cola. Actually my Gram, on Ma’s side, would make June and me Roy Rogers and Shirley Temples for us all the time when we’d visit. Apparently, she used to manage a bar back when Ma was young, and she used to correct June and me when we’d call it a cherry coke. Once we started making them ourselves, she used to tell us if we actually wanted a cherry Coke to use the juice in with the maraschino cherries, and of course, we bugged her until she explained the difference. I guess it stuck, which, came in handy when I wanted to impress people with my ‘bartender skills’ in high school, well, before Ma decided to run for president, then I just used them to make drinks for Nora and June when we’d sneak alcohol.” “Oh,” Henry says, staring at what he has on the counter. Alex notices the downturn of his lips and wants to fix it immediately. Alex moves around the counter and wraps his arms around Henry, “Hey, don’t let my info-dumping ruin, your good memory. It’s the memory that makes this a cherry cola, and that’s what’s important. I’m sorry, sometimes I forget that just because I have information doesn’t mean everyone needs to know it.” He moves between Henry and the counter and buries his head in Henry’s chest, “I didn’t mean to fuck up your memory. Will you please make me one too? Then we can put on a movie like you used to.” Henry pulls away and, with his finger under Alex’s chin, tilts his head up to look into his eyes. “Alex, love, I will always want to hear your memories of things as well. Nothing has been wrecked; we’ve both learned some things about each other that we didn’t know. Things that we can now share, and maybe combine and create new memories.” Alex chuckles against Henry’s chest, “I’m gonna start by teaching you the proper ice ratio. No one not working in a fast food restaurant puts that much ice in a drink.” Looking back up, he continues, “I hate to break it to you, baby, but the only reason your dad was putting that much ice in was because he wanted it to melt so y’all weren’t so hopped up on caffeine.” Henry chuckles, and Alex laughs along with him, turning around to the counter. “All right, give me another glass. There is enough ice and grenadine in the glass for two. Oh, and grab the maraschino cherries out of the fridge, too, please. I’m gonna teach you a trick June and I used to do when we first started making our own.” Alex takes over Henry’s assembly, eventually just dumping the glass and starting over when he can’t get the grenadine and ice to cooperate with his pouring attempts. He makes their drinks adding a bit of grenadine and a bit of the cherry juice, and of course less ice, and tops them with a few maraschino cherries. They take their drinks and a few snacks to the living room, and if Alex puts on an Arthur Fox James Bond movie to make it all feel a little bit more like the old days for Henry, he’s going to keep that a secret.
ficlet friday!!! i'm always taking more prompts
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candyredmusings · 1 year
Drag Race Quotes That I Think About Constantly
Random assortment of things said in RPDR 
“Whores get paid ... I was a slut.”
“Your tone seems very pointed right now.”
“Oh y’all wanted a twist, eh? Let’s get SICKENING!”
“Tiny tops ... They crack me up! It’s like watching a four year old try to push a couch on their own.”
“You don’t have any talent.”
“You should not be here.”
“Let me ask you a very fair question. What do you do successfully?”
“Girl you’re a JOKE.”
“And I’m about to punch somebody in the face.”
“There’s ALWAYS time for a cocktail!”
“I don’t have a sugar daddy. I never had a sugar daddy. If I wanted a sugar daddy, yes, I could go out and get one because I am WHAT? SICKENING! You could NEVER have a sugar daddy because you are not that kind of girl -- Baby everything I’ve had I’ve worked for and gotten myself I built myself from the ground up BITCH--”
“I don’t have a sugar daddy.”
“Baby everything I’ve had I’ve worked for and gotten myself I built myself from the ground up BITCH!”
“About five minutes ago, I looked over at [NAME] and realized they were ugly. And I’m at peace with that.”
“I didn’t mind I was just happy for the air time.”
“AAH! HAAA! I’m acting.”
“What the fuck is going on here on this day?”
“Jesus christ, white people scare me.”
“That’s a question.”
“I’m serving you an adequate dress made of materials that is on my body.”
“We all make choices ... But that was a choice.”
“Her catchphrase is ‘you’re not my real dad and you never will be.’”
“If you hate it fake it make it into something less vile.”
“The planet’s dying - thoughts and prayers.”
“I’ve had it with you go the fuck home! I’ve had it, OFFICIALLY!”
“You wanted crazy? Well you got it now.”
“It was in all the magazines at the time.”
“JESUS CHRIST, the stress is just really getting to me.”
“These are my summer diamonds ... Some are diamonds, some are not.”
“Not today, Satan. Not today.”
“Okay, public school, calm down.”
“[NAME]’s penis was so big, when I was doing a line of coke off of it I had to stop midway to catch my breath.”
“I feel sexy in anything, even a bodybag.”
“I tend to think that emotions are for ugly people.”
“You are so full of shit, the toilet’s jealous.”
“Act a fool girl. Act a fool.”
“She looks like Nancy Regan doing a magic show”
“Let me explain to you what a bitch is: Being In Total Control of Herself“
"You'll never be glamour."
“I'm pretty impressed... but not that impressed“
“Your outside is GORGEOUS, but your insides are dark and nasty. And I don’t like you.”
“Your outside is GORGEOUS, but your insides are dark and nasty.”
“You don’t love me.”
“Did you or did you not come for me today?”
“I’ve had it. You know what I’ve had? It.”
“The level of unprofessionalism ... FAR too much.”
“Y’all told her on the internet it was funny. I blame y’all.”
“No you’re done and I’m gonna tell you why you’re done.”
“I don’t know what I think about that girl ...”
“What you wanna do isn’t exactly what you’re gonna do.”
“I’m a fucking legend! Bring me a Dr. Pepper and another lover, shit!”
“I love the way you think, but that didn’t make any god damn sense.”
“Quite the scandal actually. With my cousin-in-law, really. It was in all the magazines at the time.”
“She bonked so many boys down at the boogie down bronx they named a free clinic after her.”
“You know, I’m still a petty bitch, so from that day forward I said I would never utter the name, [NAME], again.”
“I may be old, baby, but I’m WISE.”
“She’s everything I wanna be when I’m 57.”
“I would CLIMB HIM LIKE A TREE -- I would need a ladder.”
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Bruce and Batmom! just kind of having a cuddle
"Come here, sweetheart?" Bruce coaxed. You're hovering near the door of his study, not sure if you want to enter or not. Looking lost. A little in a haze. The fog of the sedative he'd given you earlier- worried more about how long you'd been awake than the nightmares- worn off just enough that you were ambulatory.
"What day is it?" you murmur, rubbing your face on the sleeve of the sweatshirt you'd stolen from his dresser.
"Almost Friday," he said, standing to cross the floor to you and pull you into his arms, "Alright, sweetheart?" he asked, searching your face.
"What did you give me?" you murmur, snuggling into his arms. He's solid and warm. Real. His cologne is comforting. His presence is comforting right now- a buffer against the dark.
"Half a Xanax," he said, hugging you back. "I was worried about psychosis if you didn't get some sleep."
You made a soft noise and Bruce chanced kissing your temple, "Cotton mouth? A head ache? What do you need, sweetheart?"
"Mouth feels like I was licking carpet," you murmur.
Bruce nodded and lead you to your favorite chair, the one you like to curl up in when the sun hits the stained glass, for naps or to read for a while. "I'll have Alfred bring tea- or do you want a cold drink? Coke?" He reached down and touched your cheek, you were warm- not feverish but. Falling asleep in a sweatshirt under a weighted blanket probably had you overheated.
"I don't know-"
"We'll start with a coke," he said, bending to kiss the top of your head, "You sit tight for me okay?"
" 'kay."
Once he was satisfied you were okay, or at least would stay in your spot for a while, Bruce kissed your head again and made his way to the kitchen.
Alfred watched Bruce rummaging around for a coke and some left overs, "I take it she's awake then?"
"Groggy," Bruce answered, "still not out of the woods. But. She got some sleep so I'm less worried about psychosis but- when I went to check on her she was crying. She kept- it was bugs. It's always bugs."
"Poor girl," Alfred said, feeling sick. "Why-"
"In the jungle," Bruce said hesitantly, "When she was trying to get out. After- after the forced her to have the baby and left her there to die- she was filthy. Covered in blood... It attracted a lot of bugs."
"Christ," Alfred said softly, "All this time I never thought. I thought it was just- well no. I wanted to believe it was just because they had too many legs or something."
Bruce smiled sadly and picked up the tray carefully, "It's alright," he sighed, "you know how she is."
"I do," Alfred said, cringing.
When Bruce finds you half asleep in the chair, drifting in and out of sleep, he smiled a little. Putting the tray down and pulling you carefully into his arms, laying your head against his heart. "It's just me, sweetheart," he soothed, rubbing your calf.
"I'm thirsty," you murmur.
Bruce nodded and reached over to grab the drink he brought and handed it to you, hoping the cold and the sugar would help somewhat. And he's satisfied when you take a drink, several drinks before you hand it back to him. Water would probably help but. You'd eaten very little since he got you home. You needed calories and at this point empty calories were better than nothing.
"A little," you murmur, snuggling close, sniffling.
"I just feel so hollow, Bruce. Like there's nothing left and I can't-"
"Shhh," he soothed. "Sweetheart, you just tore open some very old scars. But I'm here, okay? We'll get through this. I just need you to start eating and sleeping again, okay? Let's just start there."
"I'll try."
"Good girl," he rumbled, "That's all I need okay? You do your best and I'll take care of the rest of it."
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bluesapphir3 · 1 day
The Girl Who Kept the Polaroid Photo 
(tw: ed)
The prettiest girl said I was pretty
She took my picture on a Polaroid
I sat beside the slide in the pool
wondering if she really meant it
I’ve dyed my hair 
I’ve grown since then 
But still, I’ve never felt as if I was her
The one who took my picture 
The one who kept the Polaroid photo
We were only twelve at the time
Only twelve
At twelve I had a strong sense of who I was
and who I wasn’t
She got a camera for Christmas
The colored camera
The green camera 
The one with instant printing 
There were many things I envied
The wrapping paper 
The bow
The way she held it humbly
Held it with gratitude
The way I wished I had a reason 
A reason to justify the hatred 
The size cloths she wore 
The three pizza slices on her plate
A bowl full of ice cream
This was unthought of
Don’t even look her way
A girl like me
Only twelve
Shouldn’t look less than her
Shouldn’t weigh more
She was grateful for the camera, sure
But the stacking of the brownies 
The pouring of the sugary soda 
The sprinkles she added
The cherry on top
It was all so mindless
She never looked regretful 
She never looked grateful 
Not once
I was the only one to drink the Diet Coke
I was the one to open the 16 liter
The fizz
My body simmered in the same way
Yet I kept it in 
I bottled it back up
No one cared what soda I drink
No one paid attention 
I shouldn’t have cared 
I shouldn’t have paid attention 
But oh, the number in the corner
Nothing had controlled me in this way 
To take over my mind
To let it deem me worthy
Except for the girl with the Polaroid
She moved me quite the same
Summer came slow
Still she clicked her camera
Her green camera
The one that made me sick 
Out by the pool they all played games
They ran around in bikinis 
I tried to hide myself within the water
under the waves of the slide 
The girl with the camera smiled
The way I was sitting
The way I was held by the sun
This was something of her interest 
I was something of her interest 
She asked for a picture of me
I smiled gently
It burned through me 
If the sun held me
It lacked delicacy 
She said I was pretty
Nothing more
Nothing less
She said I was pretty 
As she flipped her honey hair
Out of her porcelain face
She said the photo would go in her room 
It would be tacked to her wall
in a collection of photos of people deemed worthy 
She clicked the camera
She shook the paper to dry 
then left
She left
She left with a smile
She left with the only evidence I had
Evidence that I was pretty 
Even if just for a moment 
I was pretty
From twelve at the time
to now twenty at a party
I drink the sugar 
I think of those seven years I was a teenager 
I think of how hiding from food
hiding from myself 
Had worn me down to flesh and bone
But I am not afraid of food
even if I still curse the numbers
I look at old photos and cry
I wasn’t what I thought I was 
I was what she had seen in the water
I was what she had seen In the sunlight
The girl with the camera 
She saw something I couldn’t 
Only twelve
How could she have known
The moment in the Polaroid picture 
Tacked to her wall
I would search for a moment like it 
For seven years time
Still I envy her
The one who lived so effortlessly 
As she clicked her green camera 
She never had to learn to be grateful 
She never had to learn to be grateful 
The sunlight
Her smile
I feel like I’m drowning
The embarrassment that burned in me
as I sat in the water at twelve
I think I’ve felt that way ever since
I fear I had felt that way
long before then
I fear I’ll feel that way 
for the rest of my life
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mythoughtsonapage · 11 months
Serial Scenes: #2
Protagonist fucking loved grocery shopping.
The cool blast of air as she walked through the sliding doors, the clang of the carts, the sight smell of dirt as she opened into the produce section. Even if she came with a strict list, she inevitably abandoned it in favor of the endless culinary opportunities.
This frequently got her in trouble with her mother, who followed a new rigid diet every month after inevitably failing the previous one. And it was always for a stupid reason:
“Ugh, did you know EVERYTHING has sugar in it?”
“God damnit, BUTTER smells good right now! I didn’t even know butter had a smell. You know, God gave us noses for a reason...”
“How could I have possibly known a cabbage-only diet would upset my stomach like this...”
“These beans have no taste! Or smell... Maybe I’m getting sick? I should stop. I shouldn’t starve myself if I’m sick. I’ll pick it up when I feel better...”
On the off chance her mom let Protagonist be the one to even do the grocery shopping - relinquishing control over something for even a second was a challenge for her - it almost always ended the same way: Protagonist jumped at the chance, promised to stick to the list of:
- chia seeds
- oat milk
- iceberg lettuce 
- grass-fed ghee
- tofurkey
- horseradish
- 2 liters of Diet Coke
then came home with 17 extra items, and her mother lost her mind. Nevermind that Protagonist was never required to follow her mother’s seasonal diets and therefore never did. And nevermind that Protagonist had to eat something. The betrayal! The sheer horror of eggs passing across the threshold! It always dissolved into a fight. “How dare you...”
But today, as the cool mist presently watering the cucumbers and zucchini fogged up the screen of her cell phone list, Protagonist was completely free to purchase whatever she wanted. She would get heirloom tomatoes, despite having beautiful ones already glimmering in the backyard. She would stock up on Haagen Dazs bars. She would put real milk in her tea. She would feel for the firmness of every single avocado.
Protagonist worshipped at the church of groceries. She had long ago memorized the contents of each and every aisle, and she’d bemoaned at last year’s Thanksgiving alongside her favorite check-out lady Shirley, when they’d moved the aisles around.
“And a major holiday around the corner, no less!”
Today, she would let each aisle speak to her. A giant block of feta cheese? Why not? Protagonist grabbed three bottles of freshly made salad dressing. What made them different from the shelf-stable ones on aisle 16? She didn’t care. All she felt was sick contentment as she smirked, imagining her mother gasping at the trans fat.
She turned the cart around the corner. Aisles 3 and 4: Frozen foods, pizza, ice cream. Protagonist grabbed a “rising crust” cheese and popper her gum as the she let the freezer door slam shut. A woman and her toddler looked up at the sound, the boy aggressively rolling a Hot Wheels car across the cart handle between his mom’s hands, slamming into her fingers, carelessly. Protagonist waved. The child simply stared, then went back to whooshing. “Fucker,” Protagonist mumbled as she rolled past. She thought she heard the young mom gasp.
Around the next corner. Aisles 5 and 6: Cleaning supplies, paper products, dog food. This aisle never made any sense to her. She grabbed a bottle of bleach and jumbo toilet paper. 
Around the next corner. Aisles 7 and 8: Magazines and party supplies. Then deodorant, body wash, and cheap makeup. She grabbed a stick of Dove and an eyeliner pencil. Why not? Can’t beat $3.
Around the next corner. And then the next. Cake mix, flour, baking sheets. She selected the nicest bottle of olive oil she could find. Another turn, and another. Cans of beans, packages of cookies, fresh sourdough. Her cart runneth over. 
By the time she pushed up to Shirley’s lane, Protagonist could barely swing the cart around the magazine rack. 
“Stocking up while mom’s away?”
“Exactly,” Protagonist smiled. It felt good to be seen by Shirley. The small talk began.
“How’s Georgia? Will you see each other over the break?”
“We’re having a sleepover next Tuesday.”
“Oh that’s nice!” 
Scan, beep. Scan, beep. Pause.
“I wondered if maybe you’d go to her place for Christmas- “
“Nope,” Protagonist cut Shirley off, perhaps too brightly. 
Shirley tried to shrug it off by not stopping her scanning, but her voice tightened, apologetic, “Oh sure. I’ll bet they have plenty going on, what with such a big family...”
Scan, beep. Scan, beep. Pause.
“Have you, uh... Have you heard from Janey?”
Protagonist didn’t respond, eyes far away, in the land of candy and gum. She reached across the belt and grabbed a handful of prepaid Visa gift cards, tossing them onto the receding end of her items and setting down a divider too late for it to matter. 
“$50 on each please,” she finally looked up at Shirley, who was staring at her, concerned. When she looked back down to scan the gift cards, Protagonist could see her counting them up in her head. “My, that’s a lot of money, honey.”
“For my teachers. Christmas gifts.”
“Oh, that’s so nice of you!” Shirley resumed her scanning, “Want them in the bags?”
“I’ll take ‘em,” Protagonist tossed them into her purse, then swiped the debit card and keyed in the pin while Shirley bagged each item carefully.
“Well, there ya go!” Shirley patted the side of the last bag proudly, like a mother who’d just forced her child into a large, puffy winter coat. She reached around to tear of the receipt and, as she handed it to Protagonist, found a Visa gift card being handed back to her.
“For you,” the girl said firmly. 
Shirley looked up, eyes wide, “Oh, you-”
“Merry Christmas. Thanks for everything.”
Protagonist loaded the bags back into her cart quickly and nearly jogged away before Shirley could protest the gift. She caught Shirley wipe a tear away from the corner of her eye as she greeted the next guest. Protagonist smiled to herself. 
She would miss her. 
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summertimeskinney · 1 year
lol just ranting
anyone else at the point where they are just maintaining even tho they arent even close to their ugw? bc im 130 rn and maintaining it but my ugw is at least 74/75 but im just at the point where im not always completely disgusted by my body because im looking at it more subjectively and i dont think i would look good skin and bone.. honestly i dont even know why im doing this anymore. Like i dont even remember why i started doing this in the first place. my hw was like 150-160 and the only reason i became aware of my weight was because authority figures in my life were pointing it out (according to my bmi i was only slightly overweight) I started losing weight rapidly in freshman year because i discovered proana and found a community of people who were in the same situation. and i was praised.. by everyone? i was starving, then i was binge/purging. how did i even end up like this? i mean ive never really had the best relationship with food but i was only overeating a bit. now i eat until i feel so sick that i puke or am in physical pain. i can make myself throw up on demand now? ive gone literal days without eating anything. like nothing at all besides diet soda, sugar free monster, and water. im at the point where my brain is in a constant battle between the decision to binge or starve. i'll just be minding my business than my brain will be like "if you were 80lbs it wouldn't be this way" or "you're so fat, it wouldn't even be hard to be 100lbs or less. like. what are you doing? why are you so heavy and gross?" it won't stop. and instead of starving like i used to i just binge, like all day. and i dont purge either.. i don't even know whats going on anymore. im not depressed like i used to be, but i can't get the thoughts out of my head. i guess you really are in it forever? i never really believed all the warning posts about how bad eds are and how you can never go back, or maybe i just ignored them. i cant even fathom what i really look like. i have body dysmorphia in all the ways. not only do i think that despite being 5' tall and 130 lbs i would fit into anything bigger than a small. i feel gross, but ik that when i go to the doctor she's going to say that i need to lose more weight because im 2 lbs from being in a normal bmi rage. despite my titties literally weighing almost 10lbs. but then i already have troubles fitting into clothes, most places don't carry more than a small or xs in person and almost never go over a small online. i am already an xs - small as an "overweight" person. I cant imagine how hard it would be to find clothes that actually fit me at 75 lbs soaking wet. i saw a video by jesse page today talking about how she always thought that to be a princess she had to be as delicate as possible and never take up space, but then how after gaining weight she fit her princess dresses better and relearned how to feel beautiful. i want to be a delicate little doll that you could toss around and never took up a whole seat. a pretty little doll that you had to be extra careful with because you didn't want me to break. ik its not good to feel this way but i can't change the temptation to forever be empty, live off candy and diet coke, and never eat real food again. to be more of an object than a human being. but then the logical side of my brain pipes in and is like hi, i dont care what i weigh but i want to have a strong healthy body with some good biceps. i dont know how to help myself or be normal.
im fasting n laxing tmrw bc i need a cleanse. lol bye
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squidhominid · 1 year
Cola taste test newsletter, 7/22/2022
Cola. Not a topic you’d expect from me, but I got a bug in my ear to try something different this time.
This should be seen as a supplement to my cola taste test stream today; if you haven’t seen it, you should watch it first. It’s only 35 minutes long.
It all started with the EmpLemon New Coke video essay. He mentioned that Coca-Cola reissued New Coke in 2019 as a Stranger Things promo, and I got curious.
And then it snowballed.
If you saw my stream today, you saw me try 12 different colas, and compare them. The methodology was simple: I wanted to compare varieties of cola that were at some point generally available in stores (sorry, Coke Zero Byte), and see what I thought.
The colas, in the order I ranked them, were:
Pepsi-Cola with Real Sugar
New Coke
Mexican Coke
RC Cola
Coca-Cola Starlight
Coke Zero
Coca-Cola with Coffee (Caramel)
Coca-Cola with Coffee (Mocha)
Diet Coke
Big K Diet Cola
Yes, regular Coca-Cola was dead last, aside the ones I actively disliked.
I thought I’d take this opportunity to go more in-depth on my thoughts, say things I only realized after the stream that I think deserve elaborating on.
Firstly, Pepsi-Cola with Real Sugar. I expected it to be a standout, because of the simple fact that, before the taste test I drank the entire case less the two cans I had set aside, in a single week, at one point three cans in a day. But I didn’t expect HOW well it’d do.
I also didn’t expect how badly Mexican Coke or regular Coke would do. Mexican Coke, my personal prediction for no.1, ended up in fourth, and you know how bad regular Coke did.
Another thing that surprised me was just how BAD the Coca-Cola with coffee was. Coke with coffee was by far the worst, not because it was BAD but because it just, did not fit with the flavor profile I’d want from a cola. It very much just tasted like you carbonated cold brew and dumped sugar in it. I’ll drink it, but it requires a very specific mood.
Another surprising thing that I only realized after ending was the impact of gulp size. Some of my thoughts shifted when taking larger gulps, a flaw in my methodology. I want to revisit New Coke specifically, but that actually brings me to the next point: desensitization.
By the end, when I tried Coke Zero, it tasted, frankly, of nothing compared to the other drinks. This makes me wonder if I disliked the larger gulp of New Coke after ending because I was simply desensitized to the flavor of cola by that point.
Diet Coke and Big K Diet Cola, however, DEFINITELY were not victims of desensitization, having gone first, and they revealed something that was very surprising: I don’t enjoy diet cola, I only tolerate it. When I’m expecting full-sugar cola, it tastes downright TERRIBLE.
RC Cola is another one that I’m not surprised ranked as high as it did; having had it alongside the Pepsi with Real Sugar I drank in the weeks prior to the taste test, I found I was a big fan, but not as much as Mexican Coke, which is consistent with the results.
There’s nothing else really noteworthy or remarkable I want to note, except for the fact that, based on this, I guess I’m more of a fan of Pepsi than I am of Coke, which is surprising, as I’ve been a Coke drinker all my life. This raises an interesting point, imo.
I drank Coke because it was the ‘default’, and so it was what I was exposed to, and what I developed an affinity for. I feel like this is the case with some brands. Coca-Cola is the default cola. McDonald’s is the default fast food place. Starbucks is the default coffee.
A lot of people just, don’t try things because they stick to what they know, and what they know is often what is pushed as the default or the norm by society. As of 2019, McDonald’s has 21.4% market share, and Burger King…only 1.16%.
What this teaches me really, is that I need to be more open to new experiences. As long as I stick to what’s seen as the ‘norm’, I’m denying myself the chance to discover something I may like more. Generally how I already try to live my life, but this just underscores it.
I’ll likely revisit all of the colas in the near future, casually and individually, and gather my thoughts then. If interested, I will try to re-rank them based on this, but I don’t think the topic deserves that much rigor; this was for fun, after all.
The big things we’ve learned is, I do significantly prefer Mexican Coke over Coke, it turns out I’m a Pepsi drinker, and New Coke should have stuck around.
Re: desensitization, I’ll be re-running the Coke vs Mexican Coke test another day, and will tell you my results.
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chorusfm · 18 days
Liner Notes (May 25th, 2024)
This week’s newsletter has a couple of rants, one very random anecdote about drink habits, and a bunch of thoughts on music and other entertainment I enjoyed over the past week. This week’s supporter Q&A post can be found here. If you’d like this newsletter delivered to your inbox each week (it’s free and available to everyone), you can sign up here. A Few Things * Am I the only person who regularly copies the embed code for a newly created playlist from Apple Music? Every single week I write this newsletter, the last thing I do is post the playlist to the playlist category on the website and to do this I copy the embed code using the Apple Music menu option. It fails every single time. And it doesn’t fail in a normal way, like telling me it didn’t copy the embed code; oh no, that would be sane. Instead it just does nothing. So I go to the post, hit paste, and get whatever was last on my clipboard. I usually the ago back and forth five or more times! Sometimes, it’ll randomly work; often, it won’t. It’s maddening! The only consistent way I’ve found to get the embed code is to copy a link to the playlist, and then paste that into Chrome (not Safari, cause that’ll open up the playlist in the Music app), and then use the web version of Apple Music to copy the embed code. * While in a ranting mood, I’ve got to say: The new Sonos iOS app sucks. The update is less intuitive, doesn’t look good, and lacks features the old version had. One of the most common things I’d do is open the app, long-press the volume slider when music is playing, and adjust the volume of all the speakers currently playing. Now, the touch targets are smaller, and even changing the volume makes it more challenging to match up all the speakers at the same level. Thumbs way down on this one. * On a lighter note, I had a silly realization earlier this week. Throughout almost all of my life, I’ve had a drink that has defined a period in my life. I like to have something to sip on while working throughout the day, and it’s hilariously changed over time. In high school, I drank a lot of orange juice. My parents would buy multiple-gallon tubs of orange juice at a time lot. I also drank a lot of Mt. Dew and stayed up way too late with pure sugar running through my veins. College was Mt. Dew, Monster Energy Drinks, and Strawberry Quik from the student cafeteria. Then, there was a significant Vitamin Water phase. I’d buy cases of the stuff from Costco. None of this was healthy. Thinking about how much of all of this I drank on a regular basis, and my metabolism was like, “Yeah, no big deal,” is hilarious. I then had several years of Coke Zero (limiting myself to one day). A few years back, I realized I should (try to) be more thoughtful about what I was consuming, and I just switched to drinking more water instead. I started with flavored sparkling water but soon moved to filtered tap water. (The goal is 64 oz during colder months and 96 oz in the summer.) And I replaced the mid-afternoon caffeine need with Liquid Death’s Iced Tea. So, of course, and this is what got me thinking about this silly trend, I now have another drink for a period of my life. (I rotate between the basic black tea, the peach tea, and the lemonade/tea mix.) My brain is weird. In Case You Missed It * Review: New Found Glory – Catalyst * Review: Billie Eilish – Hit Me Hard And Soft * Review: Wallows – Model * Interview: AJ Perdomo of The Dangerous Summer * Pennywise & Dropkick Murphys Tour * Less Than Jake Announce’ Wake and Bake’ * Senses Fail and Saves the Day Announce Tour * Thursday Announce New Shows * Albums in Stores – May 24th, 2024 Music Thoughts * I don’t usually listen to many live albums, but I randomly ended up having three on my top-played albums of the week list this week. Blink, MxPx, and Slick Shoes are all top-notch. That Slick Shoes live record is an incredible collection spanning almost their entire history. When done well, live albums can be a lot of fun; I think… https://chorus.fm/features/articles/liner-notes-may-25th-2024/
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goldenorangedawn · 2 months
I'd been feeling pretty lonely lately, but hopefully things are turning around.
I really blew things with Kay, basically getting her to give me reasons why she doesnt want to talk to me anymore.
After the experience we were talking a lot on yahoo. I couldnt stop thinking about her, thought about her at sch* all the time. We talk very sexual and talk about different sexual positions are. She also shared some deeply personal and dark things with me. She was raped her f* year. And she tells me she feels "screwed up."
I messaged her right asking for a second date.
The next morning I get a message saying, " been doing a lot of thinking ......I dont think we get along so well in the bedroom" "I need time to figure myself out."
After that we start chatting less and less until nothing. When I asked her why we cant just be friends, she says "the conversation feels like work" meaning its awkward having a conversation with me, and she says "tbh I dont find you interesting"
I know we only had the one experience but, l started playing out these fantasies of us being a couple. I dont know why, or what I can do to stop this emotional attachment. I gotta be more detached. I do feel anxious around certain people, and awkward, I need to improve my self esteem and my personality
What else should I learn from this? Where else did I go wrong? I really feel horrible right now.
Last night I went to the kitchen with Ari. I talked to a lot of people and made friends with a couple by trying to find a spot near the dj. I found out they were friends with petunia, who I have a crush on. And she came a little later on in the evening.
Ari and i went to her friend's car to smoke out. I came back in and sort of stared at this crowd of people dancing, moving as of in slow motion with the strobe light. I turned around and there was Petunia. I ended up talking and for awhile, i felt like she was being flirty and happy to see me.
She shared her drink with me, watched my spot when I went to the restroom, smiled a lot and played with her hair and wanted to take a shot with me after the dj was done and before I had to leave. She was gorgeous.
We drifted apart a little and while I was dancing by myself I noticed her dancing by me with her back turned. I got the vibe she wanted me to pull her in to dance with her but I couldn't build up the courage. She did this several times but her friend pulled her in to dance before I could. Eventually l just left because I was getting to stuck in my head and felt embarrassed.
wish I would have gotten her number. She seemed really interested and her friends like me.
But its ok, next time I'm in that situation I'm going to tell myself to get out of my comfort zone and go for it because I'm certain she would have danced with me. Also I could have gotten her number if instead of leaving Over all though I had a great time and met a lot of people at the goth club. The music was great.
I went home and just hung out ari’s place talking for the rest of the night. My sleep schedule must be all messed up because i didn’t get home and get to bed until 8:15 in the morning.
I woke up the next day at 7:30. I felt out of it from too much sleep. I had a boring dinner with *M and her sugar daddy.
Later on chris pick’s me up and we meet up with jorge at flaco’s place. We hung out having some drinks and then flaco puts on a porn and we all take turns jacking off in the bathroom nearby. It was probably the gayest thing we’d ever done. Then i realized they had all been doing coke or something.
At some point in the evening chris gets up and says he’s taking us to *ch. we go and have a pitcher of beer. Same freaky *skl crowd. After that we go to denny’s where i tell chris everything about kay, and he gives me some good advice about the situation. I think. It’s basically don’t be so eager and wait for her to come to you.
So i’ll wait. But i can’t wait forever.
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taiblogcomics · 8 months
Mexi-Can't Blue-lieve I'm Trying This
Hey there, endothermic flames. Hey, it's a non-review day, that means it's a soda review! You're correct! And you're probably thinking I got my hands on this year's VooDew flavour. Well, you're dead wrong on that one. Instead, I thought I'd try something... different.
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Minute Maid Blue Raspberry
Well, first on the list is this thing catching my eye. Now, I love anything blue raspberry-flavoured. Blue is best flavour, I think we've established that. And Minute Maid is the good shit! Their lemonade is great, and if you're looking for fruit punch, you honestly can't get better than Minute Maid. So I figured this'd be worth a go~
Smell is very faint. Really can't get a whiff of much from it, and that's fine. Blue raspberry is not meant to be a pungent flavour. If it's smelling too strong, they probably did something wrong. That's a motto you can apply to a lot of things.
...It's good! It's not a soda, for one thing, so it's very smooth. It's not heavily blue-flavoured. Like, it doesn't taste like a blue Jolly Rancher made liquid or anything. If anything, it's mostly the pear juice coming through. Which is fine, because I love me a juicy pear. Pretty all right!
But that was just the warmup, so I have something to fall back on. Normally I wouldn't consider it, but for the novelty of the blog and its sheer reputation...
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Coca-Cola (Mexican)
Yeah, baby. It's the oft-mentioned Mexican Coke, the one made with real cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. In a glass bottle, no less! Turns out my grocery carries it, and so I had to try it at least once. Will the addition of real cane sugar be enough to sway me, a non-Coke drinker? Let's find out~
...How the hell do you open this thing? I'm not sure this is a twist-off.
Okay, glad I own an old-ass can opener, so I didn't have to search too hard for a bottle opener. But that's already a point off, that kind of inconvenience isn't worth a regular drink. God, I'm a regular Marty McFly, huh?
Well, it sure smells like a Coke, I guess. Your classic dark soda vibes. If you know it, you really don't need me to tell you. And if you don't, I'm surprised you found this blog, because you must be so sheltered~
...Well, you blew your one chance at getting a convert, Coke. I'm still firmly in PepsiCo's grip! That is to say, it's all right. I wouldn't make it a regular thing. Maybe it's coz I don't drink regular Coke that I can't tell a difference? But hey, worth a shot. And I always appreciate a glass bottle. Gonna keep it for display once I finish this~
So yeah! Nothing that's my new favourite, but worth a try. Seemed appropriate for taco night~
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daintyandempty · 1 year
End of day 1 update
Maybe my first day in a long time of success, without a binge… gluttony is a sin but the greatest sin is to not believe you can be saved…
Food diary -
Breakfast/lunch- 1 tub of Greek yogurt, w apple and cinnamon and brown sugar- 255 cal
Dinner - noodles w spinach and pak choy in soy sauce - 445 cals
Drinks- 2 black coffees, 2 diet cokes, 1 mint tea, lots of water
Snacks - 2 options hot chocolates and 1 biscuit - 272
Daily total - 972
Reflection- overall happy to show myself I have the willpower to restrict… I wanted more than 1 biscuit yet I only had 1, I wanted to make pizza yet I had noodles, I wanted to drizzle sesame oil but resisted…
I’ve been at home today so there’s been less strain on me but at the same time there’s been other times I’ve been home and still binged so this is def a victory. At least over boredom eating.
Improvements - don’t have the 2nd hot chocolate and save 80 cals.
I’m hoping I manage to lose weight on this diet but my only concern is the salt levels in the soy sauce might stop me from losing water weight and looking flat. I’ll stay on this yogurt/noodles meal plan for a week and if I don’t lose 2 pounds I’ll swap the noodles for some kind of protein.
Stg I love the thought of not caring about food, love the uniformity of meals, I just don’t want to let anything disrupt my plan…
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econ23econlive · 1 year
Nitro Pepsi: PepsiCo's Monopoly?
(For additional context whilst reading hover over images and click the "ALT" button located in the bottom left corner, Thanks for Reading)
If someone were to ask me "Coke or Pepsi?" my answer would be the cola in the blue aluminum can. I attribute this to how I was raised; my mother was a Pepsi enthusiast and the soda supplier for our family. She preferred Pepsi for its additional carbonation and less "sickly" aftertaste. As a child, I thought her reasoning was a little odd, as I could not differentiate between the two colas myself. However, as I grew older, I began to notice the same differences between the two, and Pepsi became my preferred cola. Or I was brainwashed by her into liking it, you be the judge.
One day, while wandering through a grocery store, I came across a new Pepsi can: Nitro Pepsi. Initially, I thought it might be a new flavor. However, after reading the information on the can, I discovered that it was a soda infused with nitrogen instead of the traditional carbon dioxide. I was pleasantly surprised by the taste and texture of this new soda.
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As I learned more about microeconomics, I began to ponder whether PepsiCo had a monopoly in the nitrogen soda market. To answer this question, I needed to understand the origins of Nitro Pepsi and the concept of a monopoly.
Nitrogen-infused beverages have been around for decades. Guinness has been adding NO2 to their stouts since the 1950s to give them their characteristic frothy head (1). Other players in the beer and coffee industries have followed suit, but Nitro Pepsi is the first soda to use this technology. Infusing nitrogen produces smaller bubbles, a creamier texture, and a frothy top. It also makes the soda taste sweeter without adding more sugar.
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PepsiCo began developing Nitro Pepsi in 2019, and it was released last year during the coronavirus pandemic. Its behavior in the market has been monopolistic in nature, with a relatively high price and limited distribution (2, 3, and 4). However, to determine whether PepsiCo has a monopoly on the nitrogen-infused soda market, we must consider established definitions of monopoly.
Monopolies arise when a firm is the sole seller of a specific good that has market demand. They can occur because the firm can outproduce any potential competition or because government intervention prevents new firms from entering the market. PepsiCo's development of Nitro Pepsi took about a year, indicating a low barrier of entry into the nitrogen soda market. Additionally, while Coca-Cola is PepsiCo's direct competitor, they have not announced plans to develop Nitro Coke. This suggests that Coke's lack of participation in the nitrogen soda market is a voluntary choice rather than an inability to match PepsiCo's production. PepsiCo doesn’t have a monopoly with Nitro Pepsi due to government intervention either, patents on the nitrogen widget Pepsi Nitro uses have been public domain and the Food and Drug Administration does not have debilitatingly stringent regulations on the use of nitrogen gas (5 & 6) . 
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Therefore, PepsiCo does not have a monopoly in the nitrogen-infused soda market due to either production capacity or government intervention. Instead, PepsiCo competes with other soda producers through monopolistic competition. In this type of competition, many firms produce differentiated products, giving them respective market power, but they are free to enter and exit the market as they choose. Nitro Pepsi is just another type of soda that PepsiCo offers, rather than a monopoly in the nitrogen soda market. I view this as a good thing however, as I have grown fond of the unique drinking experience that nitrogen-infused soda has to offer. Many other soda brands could really benefit from the qualities that nitrogen soda could provide, one that comes to mind would be root beers or cream sodas. The culinary implications that PepsiCo has started with Nitro Pepsi is rather exciting and I look forward to other soda brands following in the footsteps of Nitro Pepsi. 
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