#i think i've read like two of the fics in there
hi!! im really hoping you can help me find this fic. I've gone through my ao3 history at least 3 times and im so worried it's been deleted bc I can't find it and I didn't save it the first time I read it which is such a bonehead thing to do. anyways. it was a sterek fic, completed, the pack all worked at a movie theatre. Laura is definitely alive and is the manager. and I think the hale's own it? I think they're wolves? and if they are im pretty certain the sheriff knows about them [possibly??]. derek is prickly to start and stiles is crushing on him. I remember one scene there was a karen and I think Derek came to stiles' rescue? im so sorry I know this sounds all jumbled but its the best I can remember. thank yooooouuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Hi anon! @magv1 says it's this one.
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Be the Life of the Party by Mimiminaj
(1/1 I 21,651 I Explicit I Sterek)
His father’s face suddenly turned serious again.
“He is twenty four though, son. I don’t care if his smile shits rainbows and his laugh births puppies. You are his employee. It would be bad to cross those lines during your first job. Or ever.”
Stiles’ face hit the table.
“I hate my life,” he moaned.
Scott laughed cheerfully. “Don’t worry sheriff! It sounds to me like the entire cinema staff feels the same. Stiles doesn’t stand a chance with Derek!”
“Scratch that,” Stiles mumbled into the wood. “I hate you two more.”
Or – Stiles starts working at the movie theater. His boss is Derek.
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I'm being honest here, Viv more or less played herself by setting her shows in Hell because not only can she not handle these topics, but her writing style and unwillingness to commit to the bit she created only caused the problems down the line.
Not only did Helluva stray from it's dark comedy assassin premise to a weird soap opera yoai fic, but the longer these shows go on, the more the pointless the setting feels. The setting is not Hell, it's just Detroit with furries and red people and Heaven and Hell motifs thrown in.
It doesn't help Viv let's her favoritism for certain characters get in the way of the story. It's why Viv has been working backwards to try and salvage Stolitz and it's taking it's toll on the story. Stolas was originally meant to be a villain and it's obvious Viv is trying to backtrack this by shoving a fanfic tier backstory that clearly wasn't planned into the mix and changing Stolas's characterization to make him more likable on a whim rather than developing him properly. It seems Viv has a tendency of woobifying characters to a high degree and whilst Stolas is the most obvious example, Ozzie, Fizz and Lucifer can fall under this as they initially had a more antagonistic role only to be reduced to a goofy two shoes misunderstood bois. This show would've worked better on Earth because the Hell in the show is legit just Earth with an overabundance of red and furry people.
Seriously I think we have a serious problem with the writing when we're having lust demons give consent speeches. Seriously this show is for adults yet it feels like it's written for teens. I've read fanfiction with better writing than Viv's current stuff.
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The Morning After Sexy-Times with HSR/Nikke Gals of your choice?
(H:SR/GOV: NIKKE) The morning after with Bronya, Seele, Natasha, Rapi, Anis, and Neon
Mild NSF-W Implications below the cut!
Over my vacation I've been reading a lot of NIKKE fics and I am happy to write for them more
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Bronya's eyes flutter open once the lights come in through the window, feeling a familiar warmth at her side.
She smiles before cuddling closer into her S/O, not wanting to get up just yet.
(Bronya) "S/O, are you awake?"
(S/O) "...Mhm. Morning."
Bronya giggles before fondly gazing into their eyes.
(Bronya) "I must get ready soon but...I think I'll indulge myself a for at least a little longer."
(S/O) "Indulge all you want, Lady Bronya.~"
Both of them chuckle before relaxing back into the bed and enjoying the silence together.
It wasn't often the two of them could share an intimate moment like this, or like last night for that matter.
But it was times like these that Bronya wish time could stop.
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Seele yawns loudly before her hands freeze at a presence in her bed.
And promptly lowering her guard, remembering what happened.
Seele feels S/O stir awake, but she doesn't move.
Instead, she tilts her head slightly and gives a smile.
(Seele) "...Hey."
(S/O) "Sleep well?"
(Seele) "Thanks to you, pretty good."
Seele teased before shifting the blanket aside to get dressed.
She simply tossed S/O their clothes from the ground before stretching and getting dressed herself.
(Seele) "Come on, up and at 'em."
(S/O) "Easy for you to say, I felt like I was drained for everything I had-"
Seele chuckled, already standing by the door and leaning against the wall.
(Seele) "Jeez, we really need to get your endurance up."
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S/O's vision is blurred as they open, being awoken from a soft warm sensation on their forehead.
After a few seconds, they could see Natasha's face a few inches away, with a smile.
(Natasha) "Rise and shine, S/O."
Her hand gently rubbed their head, Natasha's thumb brushing the spot where she kissed them before sitting upright.
(S/O) "Morning, Nat."
With S/O finally getting up, Natasha leans onto them and inhales deeply for a moment, her chest lowering once she let a sigh of satisfaction out.
(Natasha) "You're cute when you're sleeping."
(S/O) "Only when I'm sleeping?"
Laughing at their response, Natasha kisses their shoulder.
(Natasha) "Maybe a little more when you're underneath me."
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Rapi is rather stiff (HA) in the bed. As a NIKKE, she doesn't need to breathe, but she feels content hearing her S/O.
And sensing that they're about to be awake, Rapi makes sure the first thing they see is her smile.
(Rapi) "Good morning, S/O."
And her core starts to warm up faster once S/O's hand rests underneath her cheek, letting more of her face weigh into them.
(S/O) "Hey, Rapi. What time is it?"
(Rapi) "10:24 in the morning. We do have tasks to complete today but..."
Her hands fidget for a moment before relaxing and closing her eyes.
(Rapi) "...But we can afford a little more time for us right now."
(S/O) "Sounds perfect."
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The first thing Anis wakes up to is her S/O using her boobs as a pillow.
Her eyes widened and jaw dropped, ready to scream: "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Before promptly remembering what happened last night.
Instead, Anis clicks her tongue and sighs, failing to contain a smile.
(Anis) "Psh, pervert."
Her hand rustles their hair before grabbing their shoulders and back onto the actual pillow.
She couldn't deny that it was cute though.
(S/O) "Hm...Anis?"
(Anis) "What's up?"
She flashes a toothy smile at them before rolling to her side, facing them.
(Anis) "Next time, warn me before you use me as a pillow, by the way. I was totally not expecting that."
(S/O) "...After last night?-"
(Anis) "-Listen, it's just super early in the morning right now, don't give me that!"
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Neon's head is on S/O's chest, she yawns obnoxiously before leaping back in surprise, realizing both of them were naked.
Her screaming makes S/O almost shoot up.
(S/O) "Wha-?! Are we under attack?!"
Both of them look at each other before turning a scarlet hue, clearing their throats.
(Neon) "A-AHEM! A...A good morning to you...!"
(S/O) "Ah...y-you too, Neon."
An awkward moment of silence passes before Neon's hand goes under the blanket, covering her mouth as she averted her gaze.
(Neon) "Um...w-want to cook breakfast together before we go to the firing range?"
S/O smiles at her, grabbing her glasses from the nearby desk before gently putting it around her ears.
(S/O) "Sounds lovely."
Another voice from the other side of the wall made the couple freeze up again.
(Anis's Voice) "And speaking of sounds, keep it down! Some of us were trying to sleep you know!"
(Neon) "HEY! Don't listen in on us! That's SUPER private!"
(Anis's Voice) "Then put a gag on or something!"
(Anis's Voice) "...That sounded a lot better in my head."
(Commander's Voice) "Stop shouting through the walls, just talk normally outside!"
(S/O & Neon) "S-Sorry, Commander!" "Sorry, Master!"
All three of them couldn't hear the Commander sigh on the opposite side of the wall.
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ghoulphile · 1 day
I absolutely love ur fics!! And I want to write fics of my own soon (not for fallout yet..) can u give me any advice/tips? How do u try to write down the characters as accurate as possible?
Aww thank you so much!!
That's awesome, I'm glad you're getting into writing ❤️
I'm more than happy to talk about what works for me; however, no two writers are alike so some things might resonate and some might not.
Take what does, and leave what doesn't.
Read - a lot. Published works, fanfic, poetry, novellas, series, oneshots, longfic; read it all. Explore different genres and storylines. Find what you like about them, and what you dislike. What makes them good or bad in your opinion. Play around with what you'd do differently if it was your story. All of this will help you figure out a few things: one being what you personally like in storytelling, and two the basic structure of storytelling/what makes it compelling.
Find your voice. We all have a unique tone when telling a story, verbally or otherwise. Figuring out what your personal voice is will help you write authentically but also I can guarantee you're going to be 10,000x more happy with what you come up with.
Showing vs telling is a delicate balance. Sometimes things need to be written out plainly, and other times it works better if you add more meat to the sentence. An example would be: she's angry vs her heart rate pulsed in her temples, her fists shaking at her sides as a wave of heat rolled through her body. While they both convey the same thing, one can be more engaging to read over another.
Sometimes you have to write the boring bits - and write them plainly - to further the plot.
Most people are not a walking thesaurus, and using big fancy words like you're writing a dissertation can be very off putting. Absolutely use stronger words if you can, but you don't need to be using furfuraceous to replace scaly.
Additionally, forward momentum: one action should always lead into another which leads into another and so on.
A first draft is never pretty (if you decide to do multiple drafts) and that's okay.
If you get stuck, go back several sentences. Sometimes we write ourselves into a corner without realizing. OR add what you want in brackets and move on if you're getting hung up on certain parts. An example being something like: He was [find word for mix of angry and sad] but had to stiffen his upper lip and move about his day as if [insert phrase mentioning what happened earlier]. Worse case, put it down for a day or so and come back to it later with fresh eyes.
As mad as it makes me, and as hilarious as it is... writing in Comic Sans helps. RIP.
Saying your sentence out loud can help you figure out if something is off, and saying your dialogue out loud can help determine if it's something an actual person would say.
Taking your time and being patient is the best thing you can do for your creativity otherwise you might burn yourself out.
I find music helpful so I create playlists for every fic I write that matches the vibe I'm going for. Additionally, I have pre-writing rituals that help me get into the headspace.
Yes, cryofreeze your darlings - put them somewhere safe for later. You can use those sentences for something else, they don't need to be completely deleted.
As for keeping characters... well, in character, it depends. Watching/listening to/reading whatever media they're in and paying close attention to the words they say + how they say them + if they have any specific phrases, the way they move + their actions + how they react to things helps a lot. Personally, I keep little lists of things I've noticed that I can refer to if I need them. And sometimes, you just have to suspend your disbelief a little and determine how someone might react to the particular situation you've put the character in. When it comes to that, I tend to think back on when I've been in similar situations or have felt the way they should in that scene, and use how I've reacted as a touchstone.
Write what YOU'D want to read.
And most importantly, HAVE FUN.
I hope this helped, nonnie~!!
Happy writing, you've got this 🥰
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marthawrites · 17 hours
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Daemon Targaryen x wife reader
Word count: 1.8k+
About: The early days of your moon's blood are always the worst. During your suffering, your husband, the Rogue Prince, takes it upon himself to help ease you.
Includes: FILTHY SMUT. FILTH. Featuring established relationship (husband x wife), Daemon is sweet to his wife, menophilia (aka period kink), menstural cramps, reader is emotional, menstural blood, pussy eating, dirty talk, face/blood licking, and unprotected vaginal sex. I think that's all apologies if I missed anything!
Note: Hello lovely reader! This fic was inspired by my dragon friends ♥ Double warning: Please keep in mind the content of this fic. If you do not like it, do not read this. I've never wrote anything like this before! It was definitely out of my "comfort zone" but I had a lot of fun with it! Reader is implied to have a painful first couple days of her period. Reader is implied to "not have dragon's blood", and she's from an unspecified House. Other than that, reader is non-descript. As always, please enjoy!
Banner made by the incredible and sweet @zaldritzosrose who went above and beyond for this impromptu writing challenge!
Despite leaving it unattended, steam continued to rise from your abandoned bath. Your fingertips were pruned, as were your toes, and your skin bloomed with heat. If you could handle the temperature for even one more minute you’d still be in the tub allowing your husband, the Rogue Prince, to add hot water from the hearth whenever it grew tepid. But, unlike your husband, you didn’t have dragon’s blood; the heat affected you easier than it did him. 
You sat in a chair in front of your vanity, now, patting your skin dry with a warmed towel. Your bath wasn’t one for cleanliness. No, not at this time. It was one for comfort. For relief. A ripe womb was both a blessing and a curse to women. 
The beginning of your moon’s blood was always the worst. It came with cramps and fatigue–neither of which faded for the first day or two. Even though you’d only been sitting for a short time, you knew there’d be a smear of red upon the chair’s protective linens once you stood.
You had been in the bath for nearly an hour. The most divine hour. Not once during that time did you suffer any cramps. Now that you were out, however? You pushed on your lower belly in an attempt to ease the pain, nostrils flaring with it.
“Can I get you anything, sweetling?” Daemon asked in a voice that was both concerned and gentle. 
Shaking your head, you answered, “no, no I don’t think so.”
“Perhaps you should get back into the tub for a bit?”
The sweetness in his tone touched your emotions, and for a moment you had to blink back tears. “The heat makes me faint after so long. I’d hate to make you deal with me passing out while I’m in this…,” you waved a hand, gesturing to yourself, “condition.”
“Come lay down then,” he said easily. He grabbed one of your robes–a lovely cotton piece with a silken sash and delicate embroidery–and walked to you. Helping you into it, he didn’t bother tying it before guiding you to your marital bed.
Smiling softly, you kissed him. “Thank you, husband.”
Daemon pushed you down with care, chasing your warm, soft lips all the while. He loomed above you while supporting himself with one arm. “My poor little wife. You must be very sore today?” He asked, fluttering kisses along your jaw. Your neck.
Goosebumps rose to the top of your skin beneath his affection. There was no doubt Daemon adored you. He had a reputation across King’s Landing, the Stepstones, Pentos, and likely many places between–people and their constant wagging tongues. But, whatever harsh words were said about him, his ambition, hot-temper, and moodiness, your saccharine charm–and occasional fiery tongue–soothed him. He cared for you. Truly. 
“Yes,” you answered. “The Gods punish me for not giving you a little dragon. Only when my womb is full and growing with your babe will these stop. And the pain of bringing your child into the world will be worth it.” Sadness clung to your words. It sent your eyelashes glittering, too, as you looked up at him.
He shushed you. “It will happen. The process of making a child is where all the fun is, anyway,” he said with the twinkle of a wink.
If you had more energy you might argue with him about it. But alas you didn’t. You simply offered a little nod. “I think I’ll rest now. Wake me for supper?”
One of his palms trailed up your side, gripping into the softness of your waist. “Who said anything about resting now?” He asked with a quirk of his fair brow. “Because surely I didn’t.”
The feel of him touching you like this immediately sent a different sort of ache in those low muscles in your belly. It was a marvel how your body always reacted to him. No matter how small or subtle, your senses always bent to him. “Daemon…,” you whispered against his mouth. “What’re you–,”
That same hand lowered from your waist and wandered between your thighs. He knew how to silence your pesky questions. “What kind of a husband would I be if I let you suffer anymore than you need to?”
“...a husband like any other?” You proclaimed half in jest and half in truth.
“And am I a husband like any of these other daft cunts?”
You giggled. “No. You’re Daemon Targaryen, brother of the King and–oh!” His fingers brushed that delicate space between your thighs and you purred. You were always so, so sensitive during your moon’s blood.
“Lay there and look pretty. Let me help in a way that I can,” he said, voice hot and gravely as he lowered to lay between your thighs.
Mortification quickly filled you with the prospect of what he was going to do. He’d never done anything like this before! Not during your cycle! “You needn’t do th–ah!” Whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as your husband’s slid over your clit. Seven Hells he meant to do it and he wasn’t going to let you say no or push him away.
While he’d never done this during your cycle before, he has pleasured you in other ways. He knew how sensitive you were during it. He kept his attention on your bud, circling and flicking over it with lazy laps.
Embarrassment melted into lust as Daemon continued. You hardly knew what to think or do! Was this really happening? Your hips began to slowly grind along with him, cunt seeking further attention and friction.  
“There you are…,” he said, grinning a feral blood-stained grin up at you. His eyes sparkled with dark delight. “Don’t fight it. Let me make you feel good.”
You nearly came at the sight. Holy shit it was so wrong and so… exciting. You gasped in equal pleasure and surprise as his tongue dipped lower than before. Instead of lavishing your pearl again and again, it slid and teased your entrance. Daemon’s groan barely made it to your ears but you felt it against your core. He actually worked his tongue in and out of you. Fucking you with the warm muscle. “G-ods!” You panted, hands flying down to tangle in his hair. 
His hands moved and held firmly onto your hips, wide grip holding onto your ass and hips alike. Your soft flesh yielded to him and he fucking loved the way his fingers dented into your skin. He coaxed you along, letting you ride your bliss on his face; using him as he’s often used your mouth for pleasure.
A metallic scent hung in the air around you. Once again, embarrassment and shame filled you as your hazy mind realized that was your metallic scent. Rich, coppery, thick. Part of you knew he had to be a mess right now–your blood smeared all across his pale Targaryen features. Yet, he never stopped. He could have. Multiple times. He could have used his fingers like he’s done in the past. Or eased his aching cock into your body. But, no. He chose this. He wanted this. Your blood on his tongue, lips, face. The taste of your earthy sweet arousal and coppery lifesblood. No part of you was forbidden to him. He would fucking devour you whole before he let you think there was any part of you not worth his devotion.
Pleasure coiled so tightly in your belly you’d forgotten all about your previous pains. When your bliss peaked, you fell into a beautiful darkness that had you coming back to your body shaky and tingly. 
With uneven breaths, and a lopsided smile of release, you looked down the front of your body just in time to watch Daemon push up. Your husband was fucking magnificent. He looked insane. Crazed. The gleam of his Targaryen eyes zeroed in on you.
“You are the most irresistible creature,” he said, sitting up on his knees before pulling you up to him. 
Your relaxed muscles followed his movement. His smile was a dark, wondrous thing. Blood smeared his mouth, chin, nose. You’d never seen him like this before. You looked up at him, wordless and breathless, eyes communicating everything your mouth couldn’t.
Daemon’s hand wrapped around the front of your throat, holding and forcing your attention on him–as if your attention could be on anything else right now. “Kiss me,” he said. “Lick all your blood off my face like the good little wife you are.”
Tension thrilled throughout your entire body. Your eyes widened at his proposition. You gulped and opened your mouth to say something. But, again nothing came out.
“You heard me. Kiss me and tell me ‘thank you’ for eating your bleeding cunt.”
A sound came from you. A whine. A whimper. Something. And then your mouth was on his. You tasted yourself on him, your arousal and lifesblood, and it sparked something deep inside you. “Thank you,” you breathed against his mouth. Your kiss was all lips and tongue; a needy thing. “Thank you.”
He groaned in satisfaction. “Anything for you,” he said on the edge of humor. He still held your throat, but it was lighter now.
You licked over his lips. It felt… right. To worship him as he worshiped you. You licked up the center of his nose, then across the tip, before kissing over its bridge when it was clean. Your mouths crashed together again and he kissed you as fervently as you did him. It was debauched. Filthy. Yet… with Daemon–your husband–no limits existed.
“What do you say about making this a normal thing, hm?” He asked, releasing your throat to instead squeeze your breasts. Your nipples were already pebbled; eager as the rest of you. He rolled, and pinched, and squeezed the sensitive mounds, knowing how you enjoyed those played with, too.
You nodded wordlessly. The ache at your center roared to life again; lust demanding more. You behaved, though, and began licking over his chin. Your tongue dragged along it, the natural texture and taste of his skin sending yours prickling. He had small traces of your blood on his cheeks, too, and you lapped those away next.
“Such a good wife,” he said, proud. 
Your smile kissed him again. “I feel much better now.”
Smirking like the dragon he was, he pushed you back on the bed. He opened the ties of his breeches until his hard cock sprang free. With your thighs spilled around his waist he wasted no time in slotting between them. The head of his cock pressed against you, your wetness already coaxing him to slide into your body. “Let me in,” he growled.
“Please,” you moaned. “Easy, though. Please.”
He already planned that. Your plea was all he needed. With a push he sunk into you, filling you wholly and completely.  With gentle power, he fucked you until all of those cramping muscles were deeply relaxed. Until you were deeply relaxed.
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider a follow, and/or reblog, and/or letting me know as it all makes me vvvery happy! ♥
See comment section for my main taglist and Daemon taglist! To be added or removed from either, please hit me up!
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dayseternal-blog · 23 hours
Hii do you know some fics where Naruto pretends to not know hinata's feeling for him
in these two, Naruto pretends to not have feelings for Hinata, it's dark!Naruto -
"Psychosis" from "NaruHina Erotica Oneshots" by @makuro767 - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. There's madness in the blood of Namikaze. If the Uchiha was cursed by Hatred, then Namikaze is cursed by Love
"Incubus" from "NaruHina Erotica Oneshots" by Makuro767 - Rated E, High School AU, One-shot. It’s not a fairytale love story. It’s not a teenage romance. She didn’t even know if this can be considered romance.
since it's dark!Naruto, it like.....doesn't matter what Hinata feels for him. So, not exactly what you're asking for.
hmmm, you might like this funny one haha, but it's sorta the opposite?, or going both ways?:
"Dense II" from "Blue and White Eyes" by kiiam - Rated T, Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Naruto had been called dense by many people. He was considered very, very dense.
I feel like there should be a better one than these?????? I'm sure that I've read one where Naruto's pretending to not know for the funsies...
oh, here's another dark!Naruto one where he pretends to not know Hinata:
“Insanity” by Sadistic One - Rated E for GRAPHIC MURDER, College AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. The smell of his cologne and slight musk was the first thing that caught Hyuga Hinata’s attention. She eventually found out that smell belonged to a young man named Uzumaki Naruto. Ever since that encounter, she couldn’t stop following him and watching his every move. She needed to know who he hanged out with, his hobbies likes and dislikes. She even transferred to his school to study him more closely. But as those months went on, she discovered Naruto was not who he portrayed to be to his peers, but a cold-blooded murderer. Is this enough to put a stop to Hinata’s obsession or will it draw her closer to her own insanity?
wait, here's another dark!Naruto that pretends to not know Hinata's feelings:
“October - Horror” by @chloelapomme - Rated T, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. When despair turns into a feeling of love so intense that obsession is the only thing that can help you protect the one you love.
okay, so 4 dark!Naruto fanfic recommendations and only 1 somewhat normally characterized fanfic. I guess Naruto pretending not to know Hinata's feelings is only something a crazy Naruto would do lol
If anyone thinks of others, please add on!!!!!
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wehangout · 1 day
✨ weekly tag wednesday ✨
Thanks @blue-disco-lights @deedala @creepkinginc and @jrooc for the tag! This one looks fun!
how did you get into the fandom? Tumblr. I was easing out of SPN and not really feeling anything else, but a few SPN mutuals had started posting Ian and Mickey stuff an IT HIT HARD
how long have you been here? 👀 according to the first fic I posted, almost 9.5 years yikes
what's the first fandom channel you found? (youtube, reddit, tumblr, insta, twitter, FB, other?) tumblr  
what's your favourite now? tumblr and discord
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? still actively in the fandom? @palepinkgoat or @the-rat-wins. I think everyone else has moved on to something else haha
which tumblerinos did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? @palepinkgoat (this is not the last time I tag her here, either) haha. There were probably a few others, but they're long gone and I don't remember them
first gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)? Four Eight by @palepinkgoat is straight up the fic that inspired me to take a pause on reading Ian and Mickey and start writing Ian and Mickey. But I wanna rec two others that still blow me away, years later. Lost in Translation and the little things give you away.
first fan art that blew your mind? I don't know which one, but it was obviously something by @steorie
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn't for you but now you low key (or high key) love? I don't think I have one? I have a list of yes and a lit of no. One time I read something on my no list because of who wrote it, and I loved it, but I've never liked another one since. Guess who wrote it, I dare you.
moment in the show (or YT vids if you're one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with gallavich? “Don’t” killed me. Absolutely broke me. I love it.
ian or mickey? Mickey!
which gallagher or milkovich are you? I mean, I'm white as fuck and way older, but I think I've got Liam's chill vibes 😂
tagging: @whaticameherefor @captainjowl @energievie @the-rat-wins @loftec
@sleepyfacetoughguy @thepupperino @jademickian @mickeym4ndy
and, obviously, @palepinkgoat lol
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dnpbeats · 3 days
what are some dnp fanfics that you would consider staple or like, iconic for the phandom. I don’t mean fanfics like the hat fic, but actual ones that have been/are popular between fans. I can only think of l’histoire francise, but there’s ought to be more
full disclosure i haven't read l'histoire française bc i'm scared to i'm worried it's gonna be google translate french 😭😭 anyway here's what comes to mind! what i remember being popular pre-2018:
If Lost, Return to Phil
So Many Stars
Come What May (major tw for this one)
Two Roads Meet
First Impressions (Perhaps I Was Wrong)
there are a few others i thought of but ig they've been deleted 😭
fics posted since 2018 that i've heard a lot of ppl talk about:
a match and a fuse
Sweet Pea (tw for this one too i'm sure, i haven't read it though so idk the extent)
Strictly Come Dancing but make it GAY
you can also check out @phanfictioncatalogue they have a tag for popular fics :)
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so has anyone checked rusty quill's youtube lately
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sad-leon · 9 months
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When your greif becomes so overpowering that you break shit, but now you're left empty and with just as much greif as you started with, if not more.
Anyways- guess who was listening to Lost One's Weeping again :D (it was me, i am so normal over that song)
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lunarharp · 3 months
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What led to this (orufrey comic, cw an uncomfortable/creepy scene)
#witch hat tag#orufrey#er.... i'm too tired to have anything to say..i worked several days on this.#wait.. didn't i say just recently here that i probably wouldn't ever depict 'what if alaira is qifrey's sort-of ex'. What's going on#i don't even remember deciding to draw this..it's all a blur..i'm not sure why i WOULD decide to draw delicate scenes in my head#that i wouldn't really want to share with anyone/discuss so why did i draw it...#some part of me really really wants to draw things that are more and more true to myself...#maybe because of my alienation with most romance/shipping/dynamics the rest of the world depicts.#orufrey really is perfectly suited to me - what i read in the text and what is in my head. well anyway#i am TIRED of drawing poses and angles and..maybe now i will actually take a break from drawing bc of the tediousness of Angles#btw it really is a 'stretch of time' . . . assuming witches graduate age 18-20#well orufrey are canonically 30-ish. they've only had agott around for presumably about TWO years (?) bc she took the test age 10#and it feels like oru moving in/unknown atelier acquisition/building (?) .. i guess that could be a year or so before agott at most#(she was the first disciple) so... ????????? What about the other 7 or so years ?!?!?!!?!?! Unemployed Brimhat Hatred era#that time is very nebulous. after qifrey went to the tower i feel like it's been implied he and oru drifted apart a little.#certainly they didn't live together at first... no way. that doesn't feel like how it is based on things oru has said about becoming Eye#idk. I'm tired now. i don't usually think of alaira as necessarily qifrey's ex and this being how things went in that 'sliver of time'.#i usually prefer the idea that they have their first kiss with each other in their 30s cause That's Just The Orufrey Lifestyle#just felt like making a more relatable alternative view of my own Cai Orufrey Canon one time. btw im a big monoshipper and it hurt a bit#let's leave it there. this is surely the most i've worked on a 'single' art - though now i realise just how much longer the fic took :')
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mikakuna · 3 months
the way people care more about jason fighting tim than like any other rogue fighting tim during his robin run is...!
"they're brothers! jason is so horrible to attack his little brother."
aside from the obvious twinkification of tim, stop pushing the family narrative on two people who did not see each other as siblings at that moment.
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loppiopio · 9 months
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just some 🥥 related sillies i've made for that fic we all know.
#durarara#izaya orihara#shizuo heiwajima#shizaya#a cheap imitation#i made a thing#i've been holding off on posting these here for so long whoops#i'm so shy... check out my lemonade guys#i've been very motivated to make various things for this fic as a result of this book club i've been hosting for my friends#i actually made the first image (not the video) like two years ago?#back around when i first read the fic and started being annoying about it to my friends#never posted it though because the shizuo i drew was ugly!!!#and the shizuo i drew for the second image this time around is still ugly!! unfortunately :(#well anyways if it isn't clear the images are both for chapter 19 while the video is for chapters 28 to 29 and a little bit of 30 lol#also i know izaya's actual problem isn't fucking shizuo but kissing him lol but it was funnier to keep it like this#you can check out more of this deranged behaviour over at my twitter of the same name#i know not everyone wants to go there though especially with the current situation...#so i'll try to bring over the more memorable stuff to post in batches over here which i think is the stuff i did any art for#since i've made a lot of multimedia type things dedicated to particular chapters as “marketing” for my friends#but i'm not sure they'll make much sense out of context so#my plan is to compile all of everything i've made for the fic during the book club into a powerpoint that i'll try to keep for posterity#because ngl i feel i went kinda hard with certain things that maybe only two people will appreciate#but i'll do it for those two people out there#also it's a whole book club for aci!!#*i'd* want to see what some random people have been up to with a book club for this fic#be the change you want to see in the world#side note i wonder if having so many fucking tags on your own post is a bad look...#idk it's so much clutter but i have too many things to say!!#i look back at my own previous tags and i physically can't bring myself to read them ahhhh#i hope anyone's enjoying them anyways
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eight-pointed-star · 3 months
fics where someone goes to angband instead of/with maedhros
[in the brackets are the characters who are captured]
For Want of a Crown by theScrap_Witch [maglor]
The Price We Pay by theScrap_Witch [maglor]
A Perfect Pair by SunflowerSupreme [finrod and maglor]
A Songbird in Angband by AdmirableMonster (Mertiya) [maglor]
Mountains Don't Sing by MathConcepts [maedhros and fingon]
Animal Skins by Ilye [celegorm]
In Gold gefasst and Prized Jewel by Siana [maedhros and maglor]
A Fair Evil by Siana [maedhros and maglor]
A Broken Voice by Silentx13 [maglor]
Wisdom Prevails by Ardruna [nerdanel]
What If It Hadn't Been Maedhros? by ArvenaPeredhel [maglor, celegorm, caranthir, curufin, amras] (it's five different stories, not "all of them get captured together")
Aphonia and Mother Who Bore Me by ArvenaPeredhel [maglor]
Hard Choices and Silenced by waitingfover [maglor]
+ two in russian
Услышь меня, брат... by Nolofinve [feanor]
Кроме пыли и пепла by vinyawende [feanor]
this list probably isn't comprehensive, if you know more fics with a similar plot, please tell me!
if you are the author of one of the fics here and would like to be @'ed or to have your fic removed from here, please tell me! if i made a mistake in the descriptions tell me also
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Thinking about the relationship between Tuvok and Vorik, and how despite following the same set of principles, they still have wildly different personalities. And they both know this. They know they're not compatible in that way and that if not for voyager, neither of them would interact with the other at all. But they also know that they're the only two vulcans still left on this ship.
And I know Tuvok might be able to cope with that given his friendship with Janeway and how close he's gotten with Neelix and well... everyone.
But Vorik? (This is all just projection cuz sadly we don't get to know much about him BUT-) imagine that voyager was his first posting, and he's just out here with little to no experience on humans and without having been able to form proper bonds yet or to fully learn to regulate his emotions, and he's trying so very hard to integrate but he doesn't quite know how.
And how Tuvok sees him and thinks 'ah yes, a child in need of guidance' but then notices how incompatible they are and so whenever the two interact it's just this quiet understanding of biologically, culturally- we are the same, but Respectfully I Do Not Like You
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ohbo-ohno · 4 months
i made the horrendous mistake of watching the start of an old rdr2 playthrough while taking a break from writing and it was possibly the worst decision i've ever made
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